irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061113

00:00.11X-Termwhen i try to send messages to it i get error
00:00.55wereHamsterwhat error?
00:02.19X-Termattempt to index global 'XTermmFrame' (a nil value)
00:03.06wereHamstercheck Logs\FrameXML.log
00:04.18X-TermCouldn't find inherited node: ScrollingMessageFrame
00:04.59wereHamster.. that's a guess
00:05.12wereHamsterbut all blizzard templates have the 'template' suffix
00:06.10X-Termso change it around .. ill try both
00:07.04X-Termcouldent find again
00:07.16wereHamsteroh... well, I haven't touched any addon in the last three/four months, so my WoW knowledge is very limited :(
00:08.44X-Termneed a </ScrollingMessageFrame> at the end then
00:08.46X-Termir ?=
00:08.55X-Termor still </frame>
00:09.06zenzelezzthey have to match
00:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:10.30Amadeowhat do you guys use to swap mount speed items for you?
00:10.50zenzelezzmanual labor
00:11.00nevcairielitemrack set
00:11.16nevcairielbut not event based, screwed up on CThun :)
00:11.36zenzelezzI can't be arsed to get an epic mount, nor equipment to make my 60% go faster
00:11.46X-TermCouldn't parse XML in Interface\AddOns\Xtermm\Xtermm.xml
00:12.03X-Termwith adding the scrollingmessagefram thing at the start
00:12.07AmadeoThe only epic I have is on my Warlock
00:12.11Amadeosince i'm too poor to afford them
00:12.47hastefram or frame :D ?
00:13.42X-Termgot it now atleas now it loads :D got some foults in my lua file when i changed it tho
00:13.57X-Termsome hide()  went berserk when i changed it
00:14.32X-Termand XtermmFrame:Show() didnt like it ither ;D
00:23.58X-Termhmm nearly there i guess..... no errors but i cant see the message i send
00:32.51X-TermWerehamster or Tem .... could you help me out with this last part .... why i cant view my text messages sendt
00:33.13Temyou proably have to give the frame a location, size
00:33.13wereHamsteris the frame visible?
00:33.19Temand set the font for the frame
00:34.05X-Termexample ?
00:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:35.59Corrodiasgah! queue strikes again!
00:36.44X-Termthe frame is visable yes
00:36.57X-Termeverything looks good
00:37.16X-Termbut the message sent dosnt apear on the frame
00:37.35MentalPowerSo, my main PC is toast, and I have the choice of re-installing WinXP or using WinVista-RC1, opinions?
00:37.53Corrodias2k3 server!
00:38.13Thunder_Childisnt vista past RC1?
00:38.18Corrodiascertainly don't depend on a release candidate OS for your main pc
00:39.10MentalPoweryes it RTM, but my RC1 key won't work on RTM
00:39.38MentalPower(and RTM isin't craked yet)
00:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:42.05bljakkquit Yo!
00:42.19wereHamstereven better..
00:44.21wereHamster.. and
00:45.15SP|Sorrenthats a very short time to be at the keyboard.
00:46.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:47.59X-Termreading it :D
00:50.54ckknightEsamynn|working, ping
00:51.14Esamynn|workingckknight: pong
00:51.27ckknightEsamynn|working, any progress on your POI library?
00:52.06ckknightI'm not in any real rush.
00:52.13Esamynn|workingsome, i've been busy collecting data this week and fleshing out a basic API
00:52.15ckknightand why are you working on a sunday?
00:52.34ckknight~comfort Esamynn|working
00:52.36purlThere, there, Esamynn|working.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
00:52.36Esamynn|workingnot at work per se, just busy working on stuff
00:52.38ckknightah, okay.
00:52.59Esamynn|workingadding loot management to the raid manager I maintain for my guild
00:53.33Esamynn|working16 tells for an item on our first C'Thun kill last week convinced me it really is needed ;)
00:54.29Esamynn|workingI can give you a basic idea of the API I have so far if you like
00:54.34ckknightthat'd be cool.
00:54.46ckknightI basically want to convert Cartographer-Notes to use it when you're done
00:55.04zenzelezzyou use tells for loot distribution?
00:55.22Esamynn|workingan officer takes tells for an item and then checks who has the highest DKP
00:55.50Esamynn|workingof the people who sent in a tell wanting the item
00:55.51zenzelezznot too far from what we do, we only use raid chat :-p
00:56.30Esamynn|workingmy extension is simply going to manage the incoming tells and provide nice lists for each item
00:56.48ckknightsounds good.
00:59.00zenzelezzout of curiosity, which item was it that 16 people wanted?
01:06.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:10.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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01:13.50X-Termnn all tnx for all the help im quite tierd so ill try tomorro tnx wereHamster and Tem :D
01:17.13*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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01:48.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (n=Kronus@
01:51.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Amadeo (
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01:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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02:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Jimdinventor (
02:03.31JimdinventorGood day, folks.  I'm setting up connections here.  Is the Beta Alliance guild also "Load on Demand", as it is on Draka?
02:04.19zenzelezzread the topic =)
02:04.52JimdinventorOkay.  Got it - and thank you.  Trillian sucks for this sort of thing.
02:05.05Cairenn|afkhey Jimdinventor
02:05.22JimdinventorHello, Cairenn.
02:09.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:10.18MentalPowerturns out that my main PC wasn't fried after all, it was a simple mis-configuration
02:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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02:26.07Corrodiasgod damn Arlokk
02:26.12Corrodiasi hate this part
02:28.40Tempanther giving trouble?
02:29.37Mike-N-GoIs there an if/or statement?
02:30.03Mike-N-GoBecause I am looking for if 1 of 3 conditions are true, then it to return the same thing.
02:30.12Mike-N-GoOh, wait, I got an idea.
02:31.13MentalPowerif () then ... elseif () then .. else ... end
02:31.51Corrodiaspanther is raping us
02:31.59Mike-N-GoWhat I want tho is if  any of the 3 are true, then it to return the same thing.
02:32.05Corrodiasi am not sure what's wrong; it just doesn't go well.
02:42.22Mike-N-Go is what I am trying, I think I put something in the wrong spot
02:43.04ShadowedSo did anyone ever end up getting the keys from the 3rd batch sent?
02:43.56Mike-N-Go--if not canSendItem(bag, slot) then --Check to see if it is not soulbound; return; is the line that is in reference to this.
02:43.58EndI think that was supposed to happen this monday
02:44.23Endas in, Cairenn resent them, but nothing happens til tomorrow?
02:44.41Endit's definitely still sunday
02:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (
02:46.43AdrineAnyone know if there has been a change to Button:SetText() in TBC?
02:49.31MentalPowernot that I know of, whats the problem?
02:49.40AdrineNo visible text on buttons.
02:49.50AdrinePerforming GetText() on it and printing the output returns the expected string.
02:49.55AdrineBut there isn't any visible text.
02:49.59AdrineIn the UI element
02:50.05Corrodiasgod, we're just a mess today
02:50.35AdrineMaybe I'm inheriting from a no-longer-valid font
02:50.45MentalPowerthats what I was going to suggest
02:51.03MentalPowerthere was an XML tag that got nuked
02:51.07AdrineHm, it happens even on buttons without an inherited font specified
02:51.15MentalPower<ButtonText> I think
02:51.30AdrineI'm not using that one
02:51.37Adrine<Button name="$parentClearButton" text="SANITY_CLEAR_TEXT">
02:51.44AdrineWhere SANITY_CLEAR_TEXT is defined in localization.lua
02:52.10AdrineOh, it is using GameFontNormalSmall.
02:55.22AdrineNormalText has been changed to NormalFont
02:55.26AdrineThank you, UI.xsd.
03:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
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03:01.27InsideSo in TBC, do battlegrounds give you XP now unconditionally :<?
03:03.23Mr_Rabies2god i wish
03:03.42Mr_Rabies2i could level alts in the most fun way imaginable
03:19.19*** join/#wowi-lounge bree86 (n=ELAINE@
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03:51.01zoktargood priest raid healing mod ?
03:51.23GngskEye drops! LOL!
03:54.58zoktarthats helpfull thanx
03:55.31Gngsktried grid?
03:57.51Mike-N-GoLook at this,, this converts hex to RBG.
03:57.57zoktaroo it exsists
03:58.02zoktargonna check it
03:59.23Mike-N-GoAnd it is not lame :)
04:00.07Temyay for Java making everything baby simple
04:00.43Temer, javascript
04:02.14Mike-N-GoSame difference.
04:02.26Temnot really
04:03.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
04:07.51Thunder_Childshadowed did that go out to everyone?
04:11.27TemIf I'm not using lua, Java is my language of choice
04:11.44Temthough, I suspect that I'd really like D
04:20.22ShadowedTheZanke`: no to Mike-N-Go
04:20.32Shadoweder Thunder_Child
04:22.31zoktarGngsk does grid heal on click ? =(
04:24.18Mike-N-GoWhat, Shadowed?
04:27.33*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
04:31.51Thunder_Childif i got your response correctly......then no
04:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
04:37.28Mike-N-GoHow do I use alpah, in the chat frame's R,G, B, A?
04:40.04Temyou don't
04:46.44Mike-N-GoOh, is it not supported?
04:53.51ckknightis there any way to tell if a frame has an event registered with it?
04:54.07Mike-N-GoAny hints why I have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> in my Bindings.xml?
04:54.17ckknightthat's an xml header.
04:54.25Mike-N-GoDo I need it?
04:57.43Mike-N-GoOk, I am working on my Bindings.xml file, I could use some help.
04:58.06Mike-N-GoWhat do I put to get the title under the bindings list?
05:13.33MentalPowerckknight: nop, no way
05:13.43ckknightoh well
05:13.49ckknightI got the issue "solved" anyway
05:14.05ckknightAceComm-2.0 now doesn't break ChatFrame_OnEvent
05:14.31ckknighteither way, Ace users can now use macros in TBC properly.
05:14.53MentalPowerhow'd you manage that?
05:15.11ckknightI hook ChatFrame1-7.RegisterEvent
05:15.32ckknightand make sure it doesn't hook any of my events
05:15.40ckknightthen I make my own hidden frame that does register those events
05:15.53Shadowedwasn't slouken working on a solution?
05:16.07ckknightShadowed, it doesn't exist today, and people are complaining
05:16.18ckknightthen call ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) when those events fire, for each chatframe that should have the event registered.
05:16.44ckknightand that solves the issue, but is a massive, horrible, ugly hack
05:17.02Shadowedshould just tell them to fuck off it's beta!
05:17.43ckknightnah, I'm nicer than that, and the mod I'm working on now uses AceComm and works in TBC
05:17.59ShadowedWern't you the person who told me to tell people who asked for TitanPanel plugins to say that? :p
05:18.37ckknightyea, but those guys suck.
05:19.03ckknightthis is an internal issue between Ace2 and the WoW API
05:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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05:50.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
06:13.43Thunder_Childlol, some guy in AB is calling us noobs because "at this rate i will never get honor with Argent Dawn"
06:16.17Shadowedthat's certainly the most stupid thing i've heard pugs say in a while
06:16.28Mike-N-GoCan someone explain to me how "and" and "or" make a statement true or false?
06:16.50Mike-N-GoIs it like in english, the and with and/or?
06:17.06MentalPowerdo you know what truth tables are?
06:17.20Mike-N-GoOr math, the and needs both to be true?
06:17.21MentalPowerif not, then they explain and/or/not quite well
06:17.34Mike-N-GoOh, I will look that up.
06:17.48Thunder_ChildBolian values
06:17.53Thunder_Childor spelled something like that
06:18.06Thunder_Childyea that
06:18.10Mike-N-GoWitch is it?
06:18.34Thunder_Childboolean values is the tech term for it i belive
06:19.17Mike-N-Go, that is a lot of truth!
06:19.44Mike-N-GoOr if I find one thing that is not ture, the whole thing is not ture...
06:19.50Mike-N-GoErr, hum?
06:20.31Mike-N-Go¬ == ~=
06:20.51Insideanother noob guild wants to merge with our noob guild
06:24.10Thunder_Childah, noob squared
06:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
06:30.12ckknightMike-N-Go, ¬ => not
06:30.49ckknightthere are a few boolean operators
06:30.58ckknightnot, and, or, xor
06:31.11ckknightand also nand, nor, nxor
06:31.36MentalPowerah, nand gates, those are fun
06:31.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
06:32.07Mike-N-GoOh, just different ways of comparing multiple vars, that would be a powerful if statement.
06:37.25ckknightnand is a universal operator.
06:37.35ckknightnand can form any other boolean operator
06:43.58Kaligarsounds hot
06:46.24Thunder_Childyea, but it sounds alot better than it tastes
06:50.22Irielnor does the same trick
06:51.08gnorlishmuch fun was had reducing circuits to the minimal # of gates in digital electronics
06:51.15gnorlishappeals to the meticulous
06:51.38Iriellike hand-optimizing assembly language back when processors were simple
06:53.28Kaligarwtb unprotected targetting functions :(
06:53.56Mike-N-GoKaligar: I will sell you /tar
06:54.26Kaligarim afraid /tar dosent make icu and trackerassist work
06:55.17Kaligareithr that or revamp tracking
06:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
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07:07.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
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07:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
07:20.01Mike-N-GoDo you see anything wrong with-- elseif (( canSendItem(bag, slot) == false) or ((not recipient) or (recipient == nil))) then; ?
07:22.33IrielTypically 'not blah' is used instead of 'blah == false'
07:22.49IrielUnless you're being clever and making false and nil mean different things
07:22.59Neuro_Medivhdepends on what canSendItem returns
07:23.28IrielThus the 'typically' and 'unless' 8-)
07:23.33Neuro_MedivhLua doesn't treat 0 as false, iirc
07:23.40IrielCorrect, it doesn't
07:23.42Irielnil and false are it
07:24.20Neuro_Medivhheheh, that one coding difference from C screwed me up for hours one time
07:24.39Irielwhich doesa mean '((not recipient) or (recipient == nil))' simplies to '(not recipient)'
07:25.15IrielAnyway, must sleep, goodnight
07:25.58Neuro_Medivhwhat you want then is ' elseif (not canSendItem(bag,slot)) or (not recipient) then...
07:26.27*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
07:26.32Mike-N-GoAhh, found it, it was expecting a string, --(not string.lower(recipient))
07:26.36Irielor (not (recipient and canSendItem(bag, slot))
07:27.00Iriel(with an extra ) at the end because I can't count)
07:27.17Mike-N-GoDoes it matter if you do 'not blah' or 'blah == false'?
07:27.18Neuro_Medivhyeah, Lua can do truth tables, true
07:27.21Irielsince the 'recipient' test is cheaper than the canSendItem one
07:27.32IrielMike-N-Go: It matters if it returns nil instead of false
07:27.44IrielMike-N-Go: Which is quite common in WoW
07:27.53Neuro_Medivhnil ~= false
07:28.08Mike-N-GoIt is set to return false, or true.
07:28.15Mike-N-Gofunction canSendItem(bag, item)
07:28.36IrielThen you can safely do ==false, though I'd recommend you just do 'not canSendItem(bag, item)' for consistency with normal practice
07:28.50Irielthen if you or someone else ever makes the function return nil for false it'll still work
07:28.53IrielBut that's personal preference
07:29.00Neuro_Medivhyou want to code for the future
07:29.13Neuro_Medivhmaybe you want to make canSendItem return an actual value someday
07:29.47Mike-N-GoUmm, see it in context
07:29.49Irielnot is faster than == false, for whatever that's worth 8-)
07:30.13Neuro_Medivhsee, Iriel is a higher level programmer than I.. I'm only like lvl 20, he's lvl 55 or so
07:30.20Mike-N-GoHow do you know this, Iriel?
07:30.25Mike-N-GoI am level 4
07:30.28Neuro_MedivhI only think "does this work?"  He thinks "does this work better"
07:30.38norgscause iriel knows lua inside and out
07:30.54GremWarsongHey everyone, I have a question =)
07:30.55IrielI looked at the bytecode from luac -l -p
07:31.03Mike-N-GoHere is the kicker; why is that faster?
07:31.06GremWarsongI need to draw 100s of dots
07:31.07norgsyou don't need to know anything but if iriel says it, that's what is :)
07:31.11Neuro_Medivhdoes it matter why it's faster?
07:31.15GremWarsongWhat's the best way to draw hundreds of dots?
07:31.22GremWarsongOr hundreds of squares
07:31.23Neuro_MedivhI suspect the answer is far more technical than you or I would understand
07:31.26Mike-N-GoWith sand?
07:31.32Mike-N-GoTry me!!
07:31.43Neuro_MedivhGrem, some kind of loop?
07:31.59Mike-N-GoWell, if you have any ideas on how to make my addon better, please tell.
07:32.13IrielSee that lua has an operator 'TEST' to check false-or-nil
07:32.32IrielWheras for == it has to load the constant 'false' (LOADBOOL) and then do a compare (EQ)
07:32.40Neuro_Medivhyou're making an addon?  I thought the channel was making the addon, and you were just typing it up
07:32.51IrielGremWarsong: Assuming they're independent -- hundreds of Textures
07:33.03IrielThat's the only drawing primitive we have
07:33.09Mike-N-GoNeuro_Medivh: What a good way to put it!
07:33.09Kaligaris there something wrong with these lines
07:33.10Kaligar<Attribute name="statemap-anchor-enter" value="0:1" />
07:33.14purliriel is probably in fact correct :)
07:33.31GremWarsongCan I create textures dynamically?
07:33.36GremWarsongWith LUA
07:33.41GremWarsongWithout having to put them in the XML
07:33.49IrielYou can create the texture objects dynamically yes
07:33.59GremWarsongAwesome, that's the answer I was looking for =)
07:33.59Iriellocal T = someFrame:CreateTexture(); T:SetTexture(1,0,0) -- Red
07:34.09GremWarsongCool, thanks
07:34.24Kaligardo meeee
07:34.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:34.28IrielYou likely want to build some kind of free-list management
07:34.36IrielKaligar: I dont understand the point of your 2nd line
07:34.49GremWarsongFree list management?
07:35.04Kaligari just copied the code :P
07:35.08IrielGremWarsong: A table of textures you needed earlier but aren't using now, so you can re-use them
07:35.21Kaligarif there is no point to it it should still work though
07:35.28IrielKaligar: Hopefully not from me, but who knows 8-)
07:36.03Kaligaractually im pretty sure its based on yours
07:36.11IrielKaligar: If what you want is a state change to state 1 if you were originally in state 0 when the external 'anchor' state changes to 'enter', then it's right
07:36.24IrielKaligar: "Based on" and "Is" mine can be vastly different 8-)
07:37.13Kaligarroot:SetAttribute("statemap-anchor-enter", "0:1"); root:SetAttribute("statemap-anchor-leave",      ";");
07:37.33IrielMike-N-Go: You can shorten this: if ( not ( MailDirectorData[AMDRealmFaction] )) or ( type(MailDirectorData[AMDRealmFaction]) ~= 'table' )
07:37.40Kaligarsame thing but using xml
07:37.45Kaligaror so i assume
07:37.48IrielTo this: if (type(MailDirectorData[AMDRealmFaction]) ~= "table")
07:38.00IrielKaligar: *nod*
07:38.01Mike-N-GoWhat is the diffrence?
07:38.11Temone is a lot shorter
07:38.12Kaligari think i have everything in the right spot but its not working
07:38.18IrielMike-N-Go: Less code to screw up in the 2nd version
07:38.37IrielThough it's arguably slower if the normal state of affairs is a nil value
07:38.38Mike-N-GoThat was some debug someone told me to add.
07:38.48Mike-N-GoIriel: Nice way to put it!
07:39.16IrielMike-N-Go: It's a far more important consideration than many give it credit.
07:39.32IrielKaligar: Can you (quickly) pastey your code?
07:39.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:39.56Kaligarthough note it isnt my code :P
07:40.36IrielBut you're trying to figure out why it doesn't work, right? 8-)
07:40.45Kaligaryup lol
07:41.01Temoh god
07:41.05Templease indent that
07:41.11Kaligardont ask me why the - are there
07:41.22Kaligarit is indented
07:41.25Tembecase you copied from Internet Explorer?
07:41.25IrielBecause your cut and pasted out of IE
07:41.47Kaligarby editor isnt on this box
07:41.57Temso open it in notepad
07:42.03Temit's plain text
07:42.04Kaligarbut it is indented dont worry
07:42.14IrielNot in the pastey it's not
07:42.17Temmy eyes are starting to bleed
07:42.20Irielwe want it indented so we can read it
07:42.29IrielM-x indent region to the rescue, let me post an indented version
07:42.53Temis it smart enough to get rid of the '-''s?
07:43.02IrielNo, but M-x replace-regexp is
07:43.13ElkanoIriel, is there a chat command to reshow DevTool's event monitor frame?
07:43.16IrielI <3 emacs
07:43.30IrielElkano: Err, no, but I think it's globally reachable so you can :Show() it
07:43.37Elkanobtw: at least two of the chat events don't deactivate when you deactivate CHAT
07:43.41TemElkano, /script EventTraceVisualFrame:Show()
07:43.49Kaligarbe happy :D
07:44.06IrielMUCH better
07:44.42Kaligarthe whole popup works fine if you dont have secure items in it
07:44.55Elkanobtw: could someone do me a favour?
07:45.01Kaligarjust cant cast in combat
07:45.05Mike-N-GoI have only coded for a week or 2, I can use all the help I can get, thank you room.
07:45.54IrielElkano: I dont think you'll get any love on the first one
07:46.09IrielElkano: I believe you can do a stacktrace from the event on the 4th (or so someone here said - I haven't tested it)
07:46.13TemElkano, you can use debugstack in response to the event
07:46.19TemI have tested it
07:46.22Kaligari can see me getting yelled at for bastardising that code :D
07:46.23Temquite handy
07:46.26Elkanooh, cool
07:46.50TemElkano, I think you'll get a "The client doesn't have that information" on the first
07:46.57IrielKaligar: Your problem is these lines
07:47.05IrielKaligar:             <Attribute name="anchorchild" value="bc_AspectMenu"/>
07:47.16IrielYou can't set the attribute to the STRING bc_AspectMenu
07:47.17Temyou need a table value
07:47.35IrielYou're going to need <OnLoad>self:SetAttribute("anchorchild", bc_AspectMenu)</OnLoad>
07:47.45Iriel(though in actuality there are several SetAttribute's required)
07:48.40Neuro_MedivhBtw, Mike-N-Go, I'm gonna tell you a quote from Picasso, then I'm gonna explain the quote.  I hope it'll help you.
07:48.59Neuro_Medivhthe quote is: "Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal".
07:49.12Neuro_MedivhIt applies to code as well, but not in the way you may think
07:49.42Kaligarwhat would those be :D
07:49.43Neuro_MedivhA good artist borrows a style or pattern from someone else, but it's still that other person's style
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07:49.59Kaligarif you have time and can fix it up would be appricated
07:50.12ElkanoTem, the value is stored in the itemcache
07:50.24Neuro_MedivhA great artist takes someone else's style and makes it their own, by imprinting their own mark upon it
07:50.27Mike-N-GoHI s|loup
07:50.37TemElkano, oh? neat
07:50.55Temthen maybe you will get some love
07:51.04Temunless it's info they don't want the UI to know
07:51.13IrielKaligar: Unfortunately I dont.. look for those places that you're setting frame NAMES as attributes, with most (all?) of the state header code they have to be frame values, not their names
07:51.16IrielTem: I think it's the latter
07:51.30IrielTem: it gets asked for quite often
07:51.47Temwell, I recall them saying some time ago that they didn't want the UI to know if you were swimming or moving
07:52.05Tembut [swimming] and [moving] exist soon :)
07:52.09IrielTem: Very true
07:52.31Tem(er, am I dreaming about [moving]?)
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07:52.40Elkanobut wrt my 4th question: if the stacktrace works then \o/... we should put it into buggrabber :)
07:52.41Neuro_Medivhthere's no [moving] flag
07:52.45Neuro_Medivhthere's [mounted]
07:53.33Neuro_MedivhOh, one more anecdote for you, Mike.
07:53.38TemI think he added it and edited his post to remove it
07:53.55Kaligardoes everything look like its in the right place though?
07:54.09Neuro_MedivhThere's a story that NASA spent millions of dollars developing a pen for the Space Program that would write in zero gravity.
07:54.22Neuro_MedivhThe Russians solved the problem by using a pencil.
07:54.25TemAnd the Russians used a pencil
07:54.29Temyou beat me
07:54.32ShadowedWe in the USA don't believe in doing it simple
07:54.43Shadowedthat's for the whimps
07:55.03IrielIt's not actually true
07:55.05Irielbut it sounds funny
07:55.09Inside<Neuro_Medivh> The Russians solved the problem by using a pencil
07:55.11InsideThat's bullshit
07:55.15Neuro_MedivhIt's somewhat true...
07:55.23Neuro_Medivha company did design a zero g pen
07:55.29IrielIndeed, but it wasn't Nasa
07:55.31Insideand then sold some pens to nasa
07:55.42Neuro_Medivhbut the POINT of the story is valid
07:55.45Shadowedthat doesn't sound as funny though
07:55.56InsideNo.. it's not.
07:56.02Temyes, it is
07:56.04Neuro_MedivhYes, it is
07:56.17Neuro_MedivhSometimes we get so hung up on doing something a certain way
07:56.21InsideThe US goes the lowest bidder c_c
07:56.29Neuro_Medivhthat we ignore the simple solution
07:56.41TemSimple is good
07:56.48TemSimple has less chance of bugs
07:57.00Mike-N-GoAnd what am I soppiest to get out of your bickering?
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07:57.23Neuro_MedivhThat you need to focus on the end goal, not how you get there
07:57.24Shadowedtell them they all suck and exit the room
07:57.30GremWarsongHow do I set the image that a texture is to use?
07:57.39GremWarsongSetBackdrop is generating a nil value error
07:58.03Shadowedwhat's the error
07:58.53Neuro_MedivhTem, just curious, where did you hear that story?
07:59.03Temno idea
07:59.15Neuro_MedivhI had never heard it till I saw a movie called 'Primer'
07:59.16Temmost likely somewhere on the internet
07:59.20Neuro_Medivhone of the neatest movies
07:59.35Shadowedwikipedia will know
07:59.44Temwikipedia knows all
07:59.56Shadowedall hail the wikipedia
08:00.35Neuro_Medivhwikipedia is amazing stuff
08:00.48TemI wonder if wikipedia knows what the grinding sound I hear when I brake means
08:01.12IrielIt means you need to have your brakes checked.
08:01.14Shadowedask it and it shall tell you
08:01.23IrielOr, if you just DID have them checked, it means they messed up the installation of your replacement pads
08:01.38Iriel(Either that or you have ABS/Traction Control and it kicked in)
08:01.44Mike-N-GoError,  at line 61: bad argument 3! to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)
08:01.45Neuro_Medivh5000 years from now, legends will refer to the great Oracle at Wikipedia
08:01.47[Wobin]Tem: "My brakes grind when I press them down" Wiki: "Well stop doing that then."
08:02.01TemI suspect it's my brake pads, but I know nothing about cars so it's just conjecture
08:02.29Mike-N-GoHow do I skip that if it is nil?
08:02.36TemI hate it when I do that
08:02.38IrielThey're supposed to squeal for a bit when they need replacing
08:02.54Temthis isn't squeeling
08:03.00IrielThen if you wear through that bit of the pad you can end up griding metal on your rotors, and that's potentially expensive
08:03.01Temit's *grinding*
08:03.07[Wobin]STEP 3: Note that a grinding, metal-against-metal sound when braking indicates that it's too late: Your brake pads or shoes are completely worn away, and you are now ruining the rotors or drums. You should have gotten the brakes checked earlier!
08:03.17[Wobin]Damn that step 3
08:03.38Temoh that's good
08:03.54IrielAre they disc or drum breaks?
08:03.54[Wobin]The article, I hope you mean
08:03.57[Wobin]not the noise =P
08:03.57Irielbrakes, even
08:04.03Irielthough in your case both words apply, perhaps
08:04.21Temwell, that explains that
08:04.28Temhopefully I haven't done too much damage
08:05.06Neuro_MedivhWell, one way to fix it requires 20 bucks, a case of beer, and a redneck brother-in-law
08:05.25Neuro_Medivhbut it's notoriously slow
08:05.39Temwell, I fully intend to get it fixed properly
08:05.42[Wobin]You obviously need more beer
08:05.46Neuro_Medivhoh, then junk my idea
08:05.55Temonly problem is I don't know of any good mechanics in the area
08:06.05Neuro_Medivhmore beer decreases time, but increases probability of error
08:06.07Temalso, I plan on suckling from the parental teet on this one
08:06.43Temwhich also means getting my car fixed at someplace that my dad "approves"
08:06.46Temnight Iriel
08:06.52Neuro_MedivhIriel, how do I work metatables?
08:06.55IrielWell, if he's paying the bill, he can help you pick.
08:06.59IrielNeuro_Medivh: With care and attention
08:07.03Temthat's kinda the plan :)
08:07.08IrielNeuro_Medivh: Tem is a fellow metatable enthusiast
08:07.11[Wobin]Neuro_Medivh: Walking softly
08:07.16Neuro_Medivh(I'm just seeing if Iriel will stick around longer)
08:07.17IrielNeuro_Medivh: If you're lucky, Tem will teach you the dark magic
08:07.17[Wobin]Neuro_Medivh: and carrying a big stick
08:07.32TemNeuro_Medivh, Metatables are your friend
08:07.33Neuro_Medivhlol, I have no desire to jack with metatables
08:07.44Neuro_Medivhthey are some black voodoo
08:07.48[Wobin]Not that sort of friend!
08:07.52[Wobin]tch tch
08:12.05Esamynnmetatables are FUN!!!
08:12.43Mike-N-GoWhoot! I am doing something wrong;
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08:13.23Mike-N-GoI got like 75 as the return :)
08:14.12Mike-N-GoAnd like 81: attempt to concatenate a global 'recipient' (a nil value)
08:14.33SaerisDoes the new itemLevel return from GetItemInfo indicate the minimum level of the item, or the actual internal level as specified by some formula?
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08:15.19Mike-N-GoIriel, am I doing something wrong, like should recipient be local?
08:15.41EsamynnSaeris: the actual internal level afaik
08:15.52Esamynnthere was already a min level return
08:15.54Thunder_Childand here is the formulas
08:16.22SaerisOh wow, I missed that. Just woke up, heh. Thanks.
08:16.28GremWarsongIs there a way to store and later reference a texture frame I created?
08:16.51EsamynnGremWarsong: you can store it just like any other lua value
08:17.06GremWarsongSo I can throw it in an array and use it later?
08:17.08GremWarsongOr table
08:17.12Esamynnwidgets are represented by a table with a special metatable in Lua
08:17.24GremWarsongHow do I get it out of the table?
08:17.43Esamynnsame way you would get a number out....
08:17.59Esamynn~lart Thunder_Child
08:18.00GremWarsongYou said it's represented by a table though right?
08:18.11Esamynnyou can store tables as values in tables
08:18.12GremWarsongSo im storing a table inside the table, I didnt know if extra work was require to extract the table
08:18.19Esamynnhell you can use tables as keys, if you like! :P
08:18.24Thunder_Childwow, squirrels just took my nuts
08:18.42EsamynnGremWarsong: you can use functions as table keys too ;)
08:19.23GremWarsongThanks for the help =)
08:19.39Thunder_Childtable keys are also usefull for unlocking the table
08:20.15Esamynn~bzfrag Thunder_Child
08:20.18purlACTION destroys Thunder_Child with a guided missile
08:21.10GremWarsongIf im iterating through the table with a FOR statement, how do I check the 'next' entry?  (for k,v in BlipList do)
08:21.12Thunder_Child*snif* you can simply tell me you are not interested in my suggestions on what you can do with your table keys
08:21.33Thunder_Child*lordly sniff*
08:22.17Thunder_Childpersonaly i keep mine off the talbe...never know when someone will spill something on them
08:22.21GremWarsongAnd also, can you 'step' forward in a FOR in TABLE statement?
08:23.10SaerisMaybe call next(BlipList, k)
08:24.14Saerissection 5.1 of the Lua manual describes it
08:25.03SaerisOut of curiousity, what is it you're trying to do?
08:25.22GremWarsongWell, im trying to store a 3 dimensional table
08:25.32GremWarsongI need to store X, Y, and Texture in a table
08:25.39GremWarsongBecause im storing loads and loads of dots
08:25.42GremWarsongIs there a better way?
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08:28.22SaerisSo one key in the table looks like this?  { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["t"] = texture }
08:29.31GremWarsongOh, I can do it like that?
08:29.46GremWarsongOkay, assuming I stored them that way, how do I read them? =)
08:29.52GremWarsongSorry for being so dumb =(
08:32.12SaerisWell, say that key is number 14 in your table, and the table is called dots.  To read the texture you'd say   t = dots[14]["t"]   or   t = dots[14].t
08:33.12GremWarsongI see, do I have to assign a key?
08:33.28GremWarsongDo I have to assign the ["x"], ["y"], etc?
08:33.39GremWarsongOr can I just do:  {X,Y,texture}
08:34.08SaerisDoing that in Lua is equivalent to   { [1] = X,  [2] = Y,  [3] = texture }
08:34.22GremWarsongOkay, so how do I reference them when reading?
08:34.28GremWarsongdots[14].1 ?
08:34.50GremWarsongerr, dots[14][1]    that looks a lot better
08:34.55SaerisThat particular expression references the string 1, not the number. To index a number you need the brackets.  dots[14][1], yeah.
08:35.09GremWarsongThanks, that makes a lot more sense now =)
08:36.12GremWarsongIs the first entry a 0 or 1?
08:36.17SaerisIn Lua, 1.
08:36.52GremWarsongAwesome! It worked
08:42.06EsamynnLua is 1 based everywhere
08:45.03Corrodiasthat's nonsense!
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08:50.16SaerisDo editboxes have an <OnKeyDown> script?
08:51.59Saerisah, I was looking for that page, thanks
08:55.17GremWarsongHow do I resize a texture frame?
08:55.20GremWarsongLike if I want a bigger square
08:55.44Saeristexture:SetWidth and texture:SetHeight?
08:56.25GremWarsongYou make this too easy
08:59.07GremWarsongHmm, this is a tricky question ...
08:59.16GremWarsongIs there a way to dynamically add script triggers to frames?
08:59.26GremWarsongLike, I want to add tooltips to my dynamically created textures
08:59.33GremWarsongObviously they dont have definitions in XML
09:00.16GremWarsongDamn!  Everything is so 'duh'
09:00.39Meryhaha :)
09:02.55GremWarsongIm trying to stack a bunch of commands within the SetScript
09:02.59GremWarsongbut it keeps expecting a ) error
09:03.46SaerisCopy/paste the line
09:04.09GremWarsongBitBlip:SetScript("OnEnter", GameTooltip:SetOwner(BitBlip, 'ANCHOR_TOP') GameTooltip:SetText('Waypoint_1') GameTooltip:Show() );
09:04.32krkayou need a function wrapping
09:04.50krkaBitBlip:SetScript("OnEnter", function() ... end);
09:05.07GremWarsongWow, never heard of that
09:06.05GremWarsongWorked like a charm, very very sweet stuff
09:06.10krkanever heard of funtions?
09:06.24GremWarsongDidnt know you could use it in that manner
09:06.39GremWarsongUnfortunately, it's finding SetScript as a nil value
09:06.51GremWarsongSo that means textures dont extend from a frame that can call SetScript, I think
09:07.11GremWarsongThen again, Frame can call SetScript, hmm
09:08.10GremWarsongWhy would SetScript get (a nil value) error?
09:09.59krkapaste code?
09:10.46GremWarsongBitBlip = LUARadarFrame:CreateTexture();
09:10.51GremWarsongBitBlip:SetScript("OnEnter", function()  GameTooltip:SetOwner(BitBlip, 'ANCHOR_TOP') GameTooltip:SetText('Waypoint_1') GameTooltip:Show() end);
09:12.29EsamynnGremWarsong: textures do not have scripts
09:12.32Esamynnonly frames do
09:12.33SaerisI'm not sure textures have script handlers. I don't recall ever using one.
09:13.05Temthey don't
09:13.10Temonly frames have scripts
09:13.29GremWarsongYeah, but the texture is on top a frame
09:13.38GremWarsongIm sure CreateTexture creates a frame and then puts a texture on it, right?
09:13.51Esamynnyou call Frame:CreateTexture()
09:13.55GremWarsongCan I create a Frame, and then put a Texture on the frame?
09:14.03Esamynnyou would have to
09:14.07SaerisA texture is a "region" of a frame. The texture becomes part of the <Layers> portion of the frame.
09:14.10Esamynntextures have to belong to a frame
09:14.30EsamynnSaeris said it better
09:14.59GremWarsongSo im going to create a frame then
09:15.20GremWarsongSo I need tons of little frames, and then tons of little textures
09:16.03Esamynnor one frame that has a bunch of textures in it
09:16.20Esamynna single frame can support any number of textures
09:16.40Esamynnwithin reason of course...
09:16.40GremWarsongRight, but I want a tooltip for each 'texture'
09:16.52GremWarsongSo each texture has to have a frame, so that it can have an individual tooltip
09:16.56Esamynnahh yes
09:17.19Esamynnthat is the simplest way, yes ;)
09:17.34GremWarsongI can think of much more terrible ways that id not want to stray to
09:17.50GremWarsongLike checking the position of the mouse on the main frame and comparing to the position of the textures
09:18.06Esamynnthat is the other way 8)
09:18.30Esamynnyou think that's gross...
09:18.40Esamynnyou haven't seen nothing! :P
09:19.36GremWarsongDo I have to somehow set the frame to enableMouse=true before it can display mouseover tooltips?
09:20.11EsamynnI'm not sure whether a frame gets an OnEnter and OnLeave if its not mouse enabled
09:20.36GremWarsonghow would I even add an enableMouse dynamically to it?
09:20.41Temit doesn't
09:20.59GremWarsongStop making it so easy, im getting frustrated
09:21.23Esamynnthere's a widget API call for just about everything you can do in XML
09:21.30Esamynndidn't used to be, but there is now :)
09:21.51GremWarsongIts hot
09:21.56SaerisYeah, Slouken adds piles of them each patch.
09:22.05GremWarsongNo more XML editing needed
09:22.13EsamynnSaeris: no, just a giant pile of them in one patch! 8)
09:22.41Esamynnfor widget API anyways
09:24.05Esamynnbasically any "missing" widget API calls that are still out there, very likely won't ever be added
09:25.59Thunder_Childpoor poor uncared for widgets
09:26.56GremWarsongHmm, well I dont even need textures really
09:26.59GremWarsongI can just draw frames
09:27.37Thunder_Childi can draw frames to, but i dont have Photoshop instaled atm
09:27.56Esamynnset see here
09:28.24GremWarsongWell, im creating a frame, but it's not visible for some reason, even though I set the background color and did a Show()
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09:28.40Esamynnan example would be Model:GetCamera() we don't have that, and won't get it, but we do have Model:SetCamera(index)
09:29.49SaerisDid you set the anchors, Grem?
09:30.15Esamynnand did you give it a size?
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09:31.03GremWarsongI set the height/width
09:31.06GremWarsonganchors, yeah
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09:31.20SaerisIs there any way to get the cursor position within an edit box?
09:31.46Corrodiaswell, that entire day was BALLS
09:32.47Corrodiasfirst the panther boss somehow manages to thwart us in ZG so we end up just doing 2 easy ones, then an UBRS pug fails at rend and falls apart, then the resulting LBRS run takes too long to reach the one boss i cared about and gave up at respawns
09:34.17Meryif all _your_ groups fail the reason could be .... I'm just kidding :-P
09:34.22Esamynn~comfort Corrodias
09:34.26purlThere, there, Corrodias.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
09:36.09GremWarsongOh, wait, SetBackdropColor is used to 'tint the backdrop of a frame'
09:36.13GremWarsongMy frame doesn't have a backdrop, I assume
09:36.56Esamynnno, that should work
09:36.57Temnot unless youc all SetBackdrop
09:37.11GremWarsongYep, that was the problem =)
09:37.21GremWarsongIs there a way to make it just a plain opaque backdrop?
09:37.23Temcalled* SetBackdrop
09:37.33GremWarsongThere's gotta be some file that's just a plain color
09:37.47Esamynnoh right, forgot  you needed a file
09:38.14Esamynntry "Interace\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Backgroud"
09:38.37SaerisA texture is the only way to create a solid backdrop, as far as I know. Any of the actual backdrop files are still partially transparent at 1.0 alpha.
09:38.48GremWarsongYeah I noticed
09:38.52GremWarsongThat may not be a problem though
09:39.09CorrodiasMery: i'd considered that, but it doesn't seem to be the case
09:40.26Corrodiasin the first case, i was doing just fine healing the targets to which i was assigned. in the second, a mage was tab-targetting and frostbolted nefarius. in the third, we did the Mother's Milk quest which took quite a while since nobody was bound to Kargath
09:44.39TemCorrodias, Nefarius is untargetable
09:45.22Corrodiaswell, him or rend
09:45.31Corrodiasor one of the other things crawling around up on the upper level
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09:47.05Temmust have been a spectator, because I don't believe rend is attackable either
09:47.43cryogenit will have been a spectator, and i strongly object to the excuse of tab targetting :)
09:47.47cryogenits damned hard to do that
09:48.08Temnot if you have your tab target range set really high
09:48.10Tem(like I do)
09:48.19cryogenbut youd have to be at least facing them
09:48.21cryogenwhich would be stupid
09:48.54Temno, you don't
09:49.02Temyou can set the radius to be huge as well
09:49.08cryogenwell thats equally stupid
09:49.16Temno it's not
09:49.24cryogenrunning ubrs with it set is, for sure
09:49.30Temit's a CVAR
09:49.38Temnot exactly convenient to change on the fly
09:49.45Temand I'll run UBRS however the fuck I want to
09:49.57Corrodiaswell, it was pretty stupid, in any case
09:50.10Temnow, it is pretty dumb to attack a spectator
09:50.42cryogenwell making stuff harder for yourself is still stupid
09:54.15Esamynn~lart cryogen
09:54.31Esamynnstop being mule headed
09:55.28SaerisRemember that time they broke tab targeting for a while? Such that it would only target units to your right? I made so many accidental pulls that way.
10:14.11AnduinLotharoh man.. i owned my wow by draggign the AB scoreboard off the screen
10:18.14MoonWolfcrash ?
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10:39.55AnduinLotharnah the screen just froze for liek 4 min
10:43.30grimman|afkishCrap GC perhaps? For some reason, sometimes my GCs take sick amounts of time.
10:47.41SaerisIs there any performance hit when a scrolling message frame, specifically a chat frame, has its max number of lines set to somewhere in the hundreds of thousands?
10:48.25grimman|afkishWell... logically there will be a steady increase in memory consumption as the amount of lines increase. :P
10:49.18SaerisWell, yes, but is the amount of memory used directly equal to the number of bytes of each string in the frame?
10:49.38MoonWolfone would assume.
10:50.18grimman|afkishCould be that there's more to it than just the text... but I don't know.
10:51.33SaerisWell, I guess it can't be too horrible either way.
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12:40.03|FF|Im2good4uguys how do i make a desciption tooltip pupup ? do i need to create the hole toltip or can i use some existing code ?
12:40.43nevcairielwhat do you mean?
12:46.25|FF|Im2good4uwell whne u move your mouse over a button it would say "Enables lol system:
12:47.04nevcairielif its an game action or item, you can use the functions, like Gametooltip:SetAction(id)
12:50.57s|loupyou can also use GameTooltip to show your own infos
12:51.41JoshBork1|FF|Im2good4u: check out TinyPad.  it does it very simply
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13:10.59wereHamsteris it possible to change the keybindings in-fight, for example 'E' is boudn to a healing spell rank X, when I press 'shift-q' the rank is decreased to that when I press 'E' again I cast rank X-1 ?
13:11.25wereHamsterin TBC of course..
13:17.43JoshBorkewereHamster: doubtful
13:17.44Corrodiasas far as i remember, changing keybinds cannot be done during combat, but there might be all sorts of exceptions that i'm not hip to!
13:25.35wereHamsterthen I'll do it from within the driver..
13:25.57wereHamsterqueueAction(0, "key", "Return::slash::c::a::s::t::space::h:o::l::y::space::l::i::g::h::t::Return::")
13:27.27s|loupshift-q should be a hardware event so i think it could be possible to change the rank
13:31.09JoshBorkewereHamster: so you want something that remembers its state until you decide to change it...
13:31.23JoshBorkei think you could do that with a SecureStateHeader
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13:43.55*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 2.0 UI Changes | | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07
13:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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13:56.14|FF|Im2good4uBeladona: Hello!
13:56.52|FF|Im2good4uguys i got an itemlink (itemid) does any1 have and idea how to figure out how much suckets can fit into it ?
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14:01.02Elkanocheck the socketing UI... maybe in there
14:03.21|FF|Im2good4udone that but that all seems to work somehow there isnt a single plce where there gos an itemnumber :X
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14:23.06Corrodiasi've lately had this urge to play Shadow of the Colossus again
14:26.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxlit (
14:38.39MentalPower|ZZzz|FF|Im2good4u: all item functions now take the full itemLink, check for that instead
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14:40.53Beladonabbs, setting up for a presentation
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14:49.36JoshBorkeBela|afk: good luck
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15:25.04|FF|Im2good4uhmm the new BC itemlinkstrings are quite intresting
15:25.13|FF|Im2good4uthey all seem t ohave a random number at then end :P
15:26.14JoshBorkewhat's the format?
15:26.31|FF|Im2good4ustil 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
15:26.43|FF|Im2good4uaccept net firleds
15:27.21ScytheBlade1Probably related to socketed items
15:27.57ScytheBlade1Or something
15:27.57|FF|Im2good4uitemid: enchantid: socket1id:socket2id:socket3id: probelysuffixid: probelycreaterid: randomnumber
15:28.23|FF|Im2good4ueven items whit no sockets got that number at the end
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15:28.27ScytheBlade1From what I've heard, :randomnumber is actualy :uniqueid
15:28.36|FF|Im2good4uand it differen every time
15:28.46|FF|Im2good4uhmm maybe
15:29.09|FF|Im2good4udid u also hear wut uniqueid is sepose to tell ?
15:29.37ScytheBlade1The item's unique ID number by chance?
15:30.11|FF|Im2good4uhmm posable but we already got the itemid
15:30.34|FF|Im2good4uif they gona give every1 single item its own id lso thne it would be huge
15:30.42ScytheBlade1... which isn't guaranteed to be unique
15:30.49ScytheBlade1It's a *unique* item identifier
15:31.22|FF|Im2good4uso if i trade it to some1 else the id stays the same ?
15:31.38|FF|Im2good4uhmm let me test
15:31.38ScytheBlade1From what I understand anyways
15:32.51Cide|FF|Im2good4u: not really huge, just 7-9 letters most likely
15:32.55Cidewhich isn't a lot
15:33.16grimman|afkishWhat isn't alot?
15:33.44JoshBorkeone of the numbers is a unique identifier to track where the item was generated
15:33.45Foxlit10^9 is quite a bit
15:33.49ScytheBlade1The length of the uniqueid field
15:34.05|FF|Im2good4uoke but still seems useless to me
15:34.10FoxlitPlus you could index itemid:uniqid, which gives you 10^9 of each item
15:34.45ScytheBlade1It's pretty much useless to us, too, but not to the GMs
15:35.53FoxlitWonder how it behaves with stackables
15:36.12ScytheBlade1The one thing I really do not like about the expansion
15:36.33ScytheBlade1Is the fact that as a mage, I now have two more places to teleport to, and likewise two more spells per place
15:36.57|FF|Im2good4uoke it works indeed the id stats the same but its already 10 numbers
15:37.54Foxlitmm, poses a problem, Scythe?
15:37.57malrethScytheBlade1: ugh... I'll have to redo my sprocket layout for my teleports then
15:38.06ScytheBlade1malreth, I know the feeling :(
15:38.12malrethcan't fit 10 spells on one sprocket ring
15:38.20ScytheBlade1malreth, teleport/portal to exodar/shattrath
15:38.43grimman|afkishI REALLY need to set up some decent stats for my domain... according to google I'm getting hits from!).
15:38.47|FF|Im2good4uas for the uniqueid i think it wilol slow down our addon especaily those that parse item links since there are much more digiets to go over even if its uniticeable now it might suck cpu whne u have many addons
15:39.06ScytheBlade1In all honesty, I made a macro with the Shatt Portal icon that does nothing, just as a placeholder until I get the spell :P
15:39.15ScytheBlade1|FF|Im2good4u, I doubt that it'll "suck cpu"
15:39.40Meryonly port you need though is the port to shattrath
15:40.02|FF|Im2good4ume2 but special for lua stuff it has to seatch more :p
15:40.04grimman|afkishmalreth: You're being more creepy than I imagined anything could be right now. Good job.
15:40.15Mery(well except if you have to portal a non BC player)
15:40.20malrethgrimman|afkish: you really don't know me, do you. >:D
15:40.31ScytheBlade1Mery, as true as this is, you KNOW that someone will WHINE after a raid when they want to go to IF because Shatt will lag them :P
15:40.36ScytheBlade1And you *know* that it'll happen :P
15:40.41grimman|afkishApparently not.
15:40.50malreth~emulate malreth
15:40.55purlUh... No. Malreth scares me.
15:41.11Meryyeah and I'll say to them: "oh sorry I accidently clicked the shattrath portal, I'll be more carful next time, promised"
15:41.15grimman|afkishThis is wrong on so many different levels.
15:41.40ScytheBlade1Mery, I open ports to Darn and call them IF. Meh. :)
15:42.04ScytheBlade1"IF opening here" /cast Portal: Darnassus
15:42.05Merywell its fun to portal somebody to IF if you are already in IF
15:42.31ScytheBlade1This is true
15:42.55Merythey _always_ click it
15:42.56malrethyou ever hear of those guys that have 1:1 posters of Sailor Moon on their walls... possibly even next to a hanging authentic sairaa fuku from Japan and little figurines of young girls in swimsuits all over their room?
15:42.59Merywithout reading
15:43.14malrethwell, that's not me.... yet...
15:43.23cryogenthe best thing is to say "ok making if portal at me"
15:43.26cryogenmake one to darnassus
15:43.30cryogenthen say "ok ok really making if one this time"
15:43.36cryogenand do it right over the top of the darnassus one
15:43.40cryogeni like to call it the portal lottery
15:43.47ScytheBlade1First time my former guild downed Rags
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15:43.58ScytheBlade1All the mages opened like 14 different portals on top of the other ones
15:44.25ScytheBlade1Favorite quote of the night: "I'm not touching that portal of... spinning... nothingness.."
15:44.33ScytheBlade1"You can't make me!"
15:44.48Merybut as long as shattrath doesn't have an AH, it will not be that laggy
15:44.49cryogenyou can actually end up where you want to be if you have fast reactions
15:44.59ScytheBlade1cryogen, yup
15:45.06ScytheBlade1Mery, true, thankfully
15:45.44SaerisAnyone know whether CanSendAuctionQuery operates on an exact time delay, or if it gets the time from the server instead?
15:47.30|FF|Im2good4ui wonder if an item is destroyed if its uniqeid will be reused it probely will else well be at item 10^1000 over a year :P
15:48.05Merywell like somebody said it could just be a "drop location id"
15:48.06FoxlitSaeris: here's a test: send an AH query, disable network connection. See if the button comes up before wow disconnects
15:48.28Meryso that they can more easily find out where drop rates are too high and other stuff
15:49.18|FF|Im2good4umaybe wel wutever it is its useless to me but atleast i understand it much better now :p
15:49.42FoxlitBut why send that as part of an item link?
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15:53.12thrare there any mods for damage recording outside swstats, damagemeters and that other one ... that i can't remember ;P
15:55.37FoxlitThink that's about it, really
15:56.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:57.56|FF|Im2good4ui found an other intresting thing. the <made by > is nolonger in the itemlinkstring i think
15:59.01phyberCairenn|afk: whenever you're back, Neriak has sent a thing to you asking to move Denial to my account.  It's fine to do :)
16:01.34Saeris|FF|: It never was. That part is generated independently by the tooltip methods SetBagItem and SetInventoryItem, among a few others. It's not part of the linkstring.
16:02.59cryogendoesnt make sense that it would be
16:03.12cryogenlink any item from someone you inspect and the person whoc licks it wont see the Made By
16:04.10malrethit should...
16:04.33SaerisIt looks like CanSendAuctionQuery has a delay of exactly five seconds, invariant from the server's response. My measured delay is always within one hundredth of a second of the 5 second mark. The slight offset is due to using OnUpdate to calculate.
16:05.44FoxlitSo what happens if multiple queries are sent within 5 seconds of each other? Does client just prevent them from going out?
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16:06.11|FF|Im2good4uwell normaly u could always see who made an item
16:06.31MentalPowerFoxlit: afaik, yes
16:06.39MentalPowernever done any tests tho
16:06.40|FF|Im2good4u <- here it says it contains he creater among other information
16:07.12MentalPowerno, it says it contains the UniqueID, which we *think* is used for creater info
16:07.26MentalPowerbut we actually have no clue whatsoever what its used for
16:07.29malreththe UniqueID probably refers to an index in the item database on the server
16:07.48malrethif there is something unique about that particular item, it gets a uniqueid. otherwise, it's zero
16:07.51|FF|Im2good4uoke probely then
16:08.02malrethstackables aren't unique... that's why they're zero
16:08.04|FF|Im2good4uthn i still got 1 field in the link that i cant figure out :P
16:08.15MentalPoweractually in TBC almost all items have UniqueID's even stackables and stacks themselves
16:08.20malrethand also probably why expiration durations on them reset if you restack them
16:08.40|FF|Im2good4uitemid: enchantid: socket1id:socket2id:socket3id: ?: suffixid: uniqueid
16:08.50malrethi would also bet that blizzard gms can only restore items that have a unique id
16:08.55MentalPower? = SocketBonus
16:09.22|FF|Im2good4uevne full sockeditems got it at 0
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16:09.55MentalPowerdo the gem's color match the socket color?
16:10.02ScytheBlade1Don't have to
16:10.07ScytheBlade1But if you do, it applies a bonus
16:10.10MentalPowerfor the bonus, yes
16:10.12|FF|Im2good4uhmm amybe i could check that out
16:10.33MentalPowerthe bonus only appears if you match the colors, its 0 otherwhise
16:10.57|FF|Im2good4uhmm oke ill see if thats it
16:12.27MentalPowerBTW, behind the scenes, gemslots/enchant/gemslotbonus all point to the same table
16:13.02MentalPowerand randomprops are a mix of one, two or three enchants
16:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
16:32.35SaerisWait, so the item ID pattern is now 7 pieces?
16:33.57SaerisEr, 8. Anyway, are you sure they added those right in the middle, after the enchant ID? Seems odd that they wouldn't add them on the end.
16:34.53malrethitem id patterns will probably have to be rewritten anyways for TBC... doesn't really matter where they put them
16:35.33Saerismalreth: Yeah, true.
16:36.52SaerisWith the advent of GetItemInfo returning internal item level, is the default UI going to display that in addition to the minimum level? Or was that return value added solely for us developers?
16:37.13ScytheBlade1It's not currently displaying it
16:37.16malrethprobably just for addons... there's almost no reason to display it in the default UI
16:37.25ScytheBlade1I just verified it.. by mousing over an item ;)
16:37.59malrethI'm happy about the UnitIsAFK() addition
16:38.08malrethno more sending com channel messages that don't always work for raid addons
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17:05.25SaerisDoes one have to hook ChatFrame_OnEvent to properly examine and enable/disable chat logging for every message that comes through? Or is there enough time between the sending of the CHAT_MSG_* events to registered addons and the caching of the message for logging to avoid having to hook?
17:05.51MentalPoweryou can avoid the hook
17:06.11MentalPowerlogging happens after the event has been dispatched
17:11.05|FF|Im2good4uthere needs tobe soem good socketing fucntion in the ui so u can see how much sockets an item can handle and of witch color and witch colors are already in the sockets :P
17:11.24|FF|Im2good4ui checked the socketingui but ther nothing usefull at al :X
17:21.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine_ (
17:24.51ckknighthey all
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18:02.07grimman|afkish << rofl
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18:38.24Mike-N-GoCan you take a look at my code, please, I would like to know what you think about:
18:38.47Mike-N-Goline 67
18:39.23Mike-N-GoNvm, I G2G
18:39.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
18:40.27Mike-N-GoHI cide, is my latist revision.
18:41.09Cidenot sure what he expected me to do with it
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18:48.55Adrine_Pastey: SVN for the SVNless!
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18:50.39ShadowedAdrine_: Or those who don't know how to use SVN :p
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19:56.38ckknighthey all
19:56.46malrethhey, ck
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20:23.14malrethso... if I haven't gotten a beta key yet, should I be worried?
20:25.12JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
20:25.22purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
20:25.22zenzelezzbe afraid, be very afraid
20:25.22Neuro_MedivhI blame the communists... er, I mean, terrorists.  I keep forgetting it's 2006, not 1956.
20:25.42Cairennif they don't show up on their own guys, they aren't coming
20:25.59JoshBorkewhat about the possibility of registering a separate email address?
20:26.15Cairennjust not going there
20:26.20AmadeoI don't want it anymore at this point, too much hassle
20:26.28Cairennthey've sent (or are sending) them a 3rd time
20:26.34JoshBorkeah, i see
20:26.39Cairenntheir policy is twice
20:26.40ShadowedCair hasn't heard of baseball bat persuasion!
20:26.40FoxlitAre they still on the first batch?
20:26.44Cairennthat's it, we're done
20:26.55Endwell, it's odd none of that entire batch seem to have gotten them
20:27.05End(and, alas, I am in that batch)
20:27.10Shadowedit's odd that they didn't get them 3 times, but oh well :p
20:27.10Cairennnot true, a bunch from the first batch got them
20:27.20AmadeoIf I were Blizzard, I'd definately want to fix my hardware regardless of who gets keys or not
20:27.27Endhow many out of how many?
20:27.39malrethI think StopTheSpam is broken in 2.0, too...
20:27.49Neuro_MedivhCairenn, be honest.  You redirected the beta keys to yourself and sold them on Ebay, didn't you?
20:27.50CairennI don't know, because not everyone has come back to report whether they did or didn't get a key
20:27.55EndI've only heard people not getting them
20:28.05JoshBorkebecause those with keys have no reason to report anything ;-)
20:28.09Shadowedif it hooks ChatFrame_OnEvent to block them, it wont work malreth :p
20:28.12FoxlitThat'd be because people are a lot more vocal when they don't get them :)
20:28.22malrethit doesn't... but it does hook AddMessage()
20:28.24Neuro_Medivhpeople who get them are too busy downloading the client
20:28.39Shadowedckknight probably would know if it breaks from that!
20:28.52Endwell, I'm not vocal -and- I didn't get mine, so I guess it works both ways ;p
20:28.58grimman|afkishEnd: I came here as soon as I got my key. :P
20:28.59ckknighthooking AddMessage won't break it.
20:29.02Cairennprecisely, so I have the bare handful that came back to say thank you, some that are wondering why they didn't, and the rest that I haven't heard from one way or the other
20:29.03ckknightbut it's icky.
20:29.19malrethah... well, that's good then
20:29.25malrethnot the icky part, though
20:29.26ckknightCairenn, I didn't get a key :-(
20:29.26FoxlitHooking _OnEvent breaks something now?
20:29.50ckknightyes, Foxlit
20:29.50Shadowedin TBC
20:29.50Endwell, if I don't see it by the end of the day, I guess it's not coming
20:29.50malrethit taints macro execution
20:29.50ckknightEXECUTE_CHAT_LINE is the event that causes issues.
20:29.51ShadowedWhy does the name Thortok2000 sound familure
20:30.06Shadoweder minus the "2000" part
20:30.08Foxlitevil; what do we use to filter incoming chat?
20:30.22Shadowedhacks and praying?
20:30.30Neuro_Medivhcause it looks like thottbot?
20:32.40malrethTauruse is being a punk ass bitch again
20:33.06Shadowedwhat's he doing
20:33.39Neuro_MedivhHe's playing the "I'm handicapped" card
20:33.52Shadowedoooo fun
20:34.25malrethoh, that's nothing new
20:34.28MentalPowerFoxlit: wait till slouken fixes it
20:34.39MentalPowerit shoudn't be long now
20:34.56Shadowedhe's talking about his lately post of "why are they letting bot authors into TBC, two of them already work for it"
20:35.09malreth"Try not being an idiot, at least once in your meaningless, vacuous, emotionally unstable, self-righteous life."
20:35.20Shadowedis that your response? :p
20:35.40JoshBorkeheh, blizzard uses tomcat
20:36.08Mikmawhops :)
20:36.14malrethno... i just called him useless
20:36.29Shadowedoh thats what he said
20:36.39ShadowedHe's a very angry person
20:36.44FoxlitThat's what I think as well, MP. EXECUTE_CHAT_LINE is a bit of a weird event (you'd think it'd be a function or something.
20:36.45malrethhe's a troll
20:36.45grimman|afkishJoshBorke: Which explains the poor performance if anything.
20:36.47Ciderelease your anger
20:36.59Shadowedharness your rage?
20:37.03malrethhe brags about getting forum suspensions to his guild
20:38.25FoxlitThe thing is, his basic premise is false.
20:38.49ShadowedTrolls don't care if they're argument is false, stupid, worthless, overdone or silly.
20:38.49malrethyes... he's a troll
20:38.55Foxlit"I'm not buying TBC" wouldn't have any significant impact since the UI changes will probably get pushed into 1.13ish anyway
20:39.12ShadowedThat's the best part
20:39.25malrethhe's said at some point that he'll be quitting if the changes go in
20:39.34malrethat least, I'm pretty sure he has...
20:39.35Foxlit"Can I have your stuff" yet?
20:42.18Endwell, whatever his reasons, he's free to quit the game if he wants
20:42.31EndI'm not going to pay him any mind
20:43.02Thunder_Childconcidering the kind of person that says that, it's prolly a good loss
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20:43.50malrethI agree with this post here:
20:44.13malrethSOE screwed up SWG, no fault of Raph's original vision
20:45.34malrethand he's apparently had a vasectomy
20:45.49FoxlitBut since combat logic is now sandboxed, I wish we could get out of the IO sandbox -- there aren't actually many reasons for that being there.
20:47.01malrethopening the IO sandbox would provide a reliably working and blizzard supported method of allowing external applications to control WoW in a way that the Warden cannot detect.
20:47.07ShadowedIt'd take about 10 seconds, and be mostly impossible to detect if we had file IO
20:47.32ShadowedAlthough, I guess some of the current bots aren't detected by the Warden
20:47.46FoxlitI assume it'd be much easier for WoW to detect what the LUA environment within WoW is doing than what another process is doing
20:47.47JoshBorkeyou think just because combat is locked down?  all the bot has to do is spam auto-attack
20:47.58Maldiviathe hunters running in circles in deathwing gorge, shows that the warden doesn't catch'em all
20:48.49ShadowedFoxlit, the info bots need is stuff like location, do we have a target, target %, our %, ect. Pressing abilities isn't hard, and it wouldn't be that hard to make the bot auto-reconfigure your bars to have every spell it needs on it, then restore it after it's done
20:48.50malrethit just takes time. it's an arms race.
20:49.46JoshBorkehehe, nothing like grouping with a bot and setting master looter to the lowest threshold
20:49.54malrethsomeone at blizz hq probably has the job of finding publicly available bots and adding code signatures to Warden
20:50.12ShadowedGlider does a pretty good job of dodging the warden I hear
20:50.16FoxlitShadowed: you'd assume they're already able to get this out of the game.
20:50.27ShadowedThey can, but not without breaking the TOS/EULA
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20:51.20zoktaranyone know if u can hide the "group1 group2" text in sraidframes?
20:53.03FoxlitFeeding reactions back into the game should be just as against the TOS/EULA as getting the information out (if not more!)
20:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:53.23FoxlitBut then again, that'd probably be difficult to detect bearing how win32 works
20:54.28malrethugh... i don't think that chicken that I ate last night was good... :(
20:54.49KirkburnI can't log into the beta ... :/
20:55.08KirkburnIt kicks me out as soon as loading completes
20:55.09KunnisShadowed  It's a big battle because glider loads itself as a system app, and then tells wow to load as a restricted user app.  In theory a restricted user app isn't able to really mess with the OS.  But there's legit reasons why WoW my be running as a restricted user
20:55.23Kunnisso warden has to hack the OS to get around the security.
20:55.45grimman|afkishKirkburn: Did that once for me yesterday.
20:55.46KunnisI bet Bliz wants to hit up glider more then anything.
20:55.49grimman|afkishBut I got in on the second try.
20:55.58grimman|afkishAsk Tem to lift the curse. :P
20:56.02KirkburnAh, the server is down
20:56.05JoshBorkeKirkburn: did you try logging in a toon in a different location?
20:56.10Shadowedthat'd make it a bit hard I guess :p
20:56.29Osagasuhmm.. preview of EotS
20:56.39KirkburnOutland at least, no chars on the other continent servers
20:56.56OsagasuIt's uhm...
20:56.57grimman|afkishCreate one?
20:57.05Osagasua mix between AV, AB, and WSG? oO
20:57.40grimman|afkishJust not in BE/DR starting areas, since they're part of the outland map.
20:57.42MentalPowerOutland, and the Draenei/BE starting areas are all one "continent"
20:58.28Kirkburn(yes I know =)
20:58.46KirkburnI could make a gnome just to test it, but I'm not *that* bored :P
20:58.55grimman|afkishOf course you're not.
20:58.58grimman|afkishNow log off that orc.
21:03.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirochi (
21:03.11Kirochihi there
21:03.47Kirochican someone tell me where I can download a more recent (and, obviously, if possible, the most recent one) version of wowmodelviewer ?
21:03.47Meryhi Kirochi
21:05.00KirochiArgh ! Kickbum the Tauren !
21:05.41KirkburnTauren? You insult me! :O
21:06.04KirkburnLooking at the CG modelviewer page, it appears it doesn't exist
21:06.15KirochiSo don't you dare "Moo" me
21:06.21Kirochitoo bad
21:06.28Kirochiso which one's the most recent ?
21:06.57KirkburnThe last comment on it appears to suggest it won't work with the beta at all
21:07.08MentalPowerYou know, that project is GPL'ed, but they haven't released sourcecode for it for quite a few versions now
21:07.25Kirkburn"The BC viewer only worked with alpha versions. Once it went into beta the way models were stored was changed..."
21:07.45Kirkburnomg, shoot them
21:07.49KirochiI have downloaded the beta on my computer, but I just got some problems to get my friend's beta account again ...
21:08.02KirkburnI wondered what had happened
21:08.18Kirochi<3 datamining
21:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
21:09.06Kirochino wowmodelviewer 4 the last WoW version ?
21:09.11KirochiI mean, playable by everyone ?
21:09.31KirkburnFor 1.12 it should probably work
21:09.37Kirochiokkk thx
21:09.45Kirochimine lasts from 1.10
21:10.05Kirochifreaky to see they already had all the 1.11 new NPCs in there
21:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
21:10.46JoshBorkeHOLY SHIT!
21:10.48JoshBorkeI GOT MY KEY!
21:10.57ShadowedJoshBorke: #?
21:11.09KirochiYour home key ?
21:11.18Gryphengot mine too
21:11.24Shadowedwhat ID # were you!
21:11.26KirochiYour keyboard caps lock key ?
21:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:11.40Shadowedoh rly?
21:11.43JoshBorkeya rly
21:12.14Gryphenerr #38
21:12.45KirkburnOh Outland, why won't you return to me!
21:13.01a-stray-cati await my key. it seems there is hope left :O
21:13.06OsagasuBecause I don't have a beta account. :P
21:13.08nevcairielmy key application didnt show an id, but i got my key, weird stuff
21:13.24ShadowedIt doesn't you have to go back to the page you submitted your email for to get the ID #
21:13.31a-stray-catit just arrived
21:13.48a-stray-cattime to bump the thread with enough <3s for a small country.
21:14.58ShadowedDo you kill people and loot there gold/items yet?
21:15.01Amadeoholy shit
21:15.11JoshBorkeCairenn: looks like 3rd time's the charm
21:15.19KirochiAnd I even get to live like a Forsaken
21:15.25AmadeoI got my key, this was unexpected :P
21:15.55Teomyrzomg, need key
21:16.04KirochiGet a key, noob !
21:16.37Teomyr*hopes they're still in the process of sending out the key mails*
21:16.46KirochiHm looks like /getkey doesn't work
21:16.59*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
21:17.27KirkburnPing Cairenn Cairenn Cairenn Cairenn :P
21:17.36a-stray-cat<3 Cairenn
21:17.56KirochiCairenn Bloodypoof
21:18.20zespri_workanyhoo. I've got the key
21:18.35KirkburnArgh, give me back Tempest Keep, dammit!
21:18.49a-stray-catnow i am faced with a choice, do i go to the remainder of my classes for today, or go home and play beta?
21:19.08Teomyrkeys are starting to arrive... so no sleep for me today until mine has arrived!
21:19.18zespri_workJust a few minutes ago. I actually alredy gave up. But it's tuesday and what do you know...
21:19.30zespri_workCairenn, thank you =)
21:20.40Neuro_Medivha-stray-cat: first thing you should do is register your key and copy your characters
21:20.53Neuro_Medivhso that by the time you finish downloading the 2 gigs, it'll be copied over
21:20.59JoshBorkeyea, character copy takes an hour
21:21.01Cairennyay guys, SO glad they are showing up, finally
21:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
21:21.10JoshBorkewe <3 you Cairenn
21:21.13KirkburnThat's one slooooooooooooow email system :P
21:21.15Cairennwas on the phone when you guys started celebrating
21:21.24Neuro_Medivhactually, every new batch of keys, it seems to take like 5-6 hours
21:22.00Shadowedsomebody needs to offer to look at blizzards email system :P
21:22.07zespri_workThe bad thing is I already removed my Beta install because I though the key would never come
21:22.37Teomyrpoor zespri
21:23.16KirkburnLol, The Simpsons movie trailer!!
21:26.13Cairennafk, have to go vote
21:26.21JoshBorkehave fun!
21:26.32zespri_workwhat are we voting for today?
21:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren` (
21:33.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:34.34ckknighthey all
21:36.39KirkburnGive me an 'O'! Give me a 'U! Give me a "TLAND"! Ffs, give me Outland :P
21:36.46*** join/#wowi-lounge DrDre (
21:38.57a-stray-catit is becoming painfully clear that i will not be able to finish my download by my next class QQ
21:39.12JoshBorkea-stray-cat: lol, you should have downloaded it sooner :-P
21:39.21JoshBorkei know that as soon as i get home i'm going to be able to log in :-P
21:39.24Shadowedgot mine done in about 20 minutes....and got kicked offline for an hour because of it :p
21:39.29a-stray-cati know
21:39.33a-stray-catbut i was lazy
21:39.42a-stray-catim downloading one of the patches atm ;o
21:39.53ckknightI got my key!
21:39.59a-stray-catisn't it grand?
21:40.05a-stray-catkeys are arriving :3
21:40.06Shadowedwell, now you can't be lazy because you cant take class off, so you have to do more work in the end!
21:40.17Shadowedso what # were you ckknight? :p
21:40.42a-stray-catits not as if i'd be able to play anyway
21:40.47a-stray-catas im on my laptop in the library
21:40.53a-stray-catleeching their connect to dl the patch faster haha
21:44.33ShadowedCairenn|afk i love you
21:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Neuro_Medivh (
21:45.41ckknightgonna post saying I got mine
21:47.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
21:49.07Neuro_Medivhomg, I got my beta key!
21:49.15Neuro_Medivhback in October, of course
21:49.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
21:49.52Shadoweder Neuro_Medivh
21:51.44JoshBorkeIndustrial: you get your key?
21:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
21:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy2 (
21:52.14IndustrialWelcome to the beta test of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade!
21:52.18IndustrialWelcome to the beta test of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade!
21:52.20IndustrialWelcome to the beta test of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade!
21:52.21JoshBorkeok, we got it ;-)
21:52.26zenzelezzfor the love of god stop spamming
21:52.45zenzelezzyour excitement would be equally understandable with just one line of text
21:52.47MaldiviaWelcome to my automatic triggered ignore list...
21:52.52[Liquidor]Can you level above 60 without buying TBC? (This question is asked duo to confusions about this in diff. channels)
21:52.59Maldivia[Liquidor]: no
21:53.19CideIndustrial: what id#?
21:53.38ShadowedCide: i got mine and i'm #2
21:53.47Shadowedlike, 5 minutes ago
21:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
21:54.05Maldivia[Liquidor]: In order to gain level > 60, train jevelcrafting or any other skill > 300, enter outlands, enter the BE/draenei start area, roll a BE or Draenei etc, you have to have TBC
21:54.48Shadowedoh cool
21:54.50Shadowedmy character's already there
21:54.53Shadowedmalreth: check your email
21:55.01IndustrialCide: they sent the emails again today cause a bunch of ppl didnt get them
21:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
21:55.40malrethi checked... nothing yet
21:55.55Teomyris *everyone* supposed to get one or does blizzard choose randomly who gets one?
21:56.19Shadowedodd malreth
21:56.25JoshBorkeeveryone but cide that is
21:56.29CideIndustrial: I asked what id # you were :)
21:56.40JoshBorkespeaking of Cide, have you released your pie-chart drawing code?
21:56.49JoshBorke#5 right here baby! got mine too!
21:56.59CideI have one, but a friend of mine who's helping me test stuff doesn't yet
21:57.03malrethI'm #1 on the list...
21:57.05CideJoshBorke: no, it's way ugly right now
21:57.16malrethchecking spam folder...
21:57.39Shadowedshould get yours soon, since i'm #2 :/
21:58.06ckknightI'm #41 and got mine
21:58.19IndustrialCide: 148
21:58.26Shadowedtime to start updating stuff
21:58.44IndustrialTime to start ... a warlock.. or a paladin... tough choices
21:58.48Maldiviahmm, do /focus have macro-conditions attached to it ?
21:58.52Industrialor a draenei...
21:59.06ShadowedTOC is 20000?
21:59.32ckknightIndustrial, BE pally is fun
22:00.14Industrialckknight: is it different then human pally?
22:00.29Industrialill take it
22:00.33Industrialhow pimper
22:00.34ckknightto the extreme.
22:00.44ckknightthe quests are cooler as well
22:00.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
22:01.00Industrialoh and _ofcource_ ill make a chick
22:01.04ckknightinstead of like "oh, heal this guy to get this spell", it's like "go kill this guy to get this spell"
22:01.18ckknightbe sure to check out all the /silly's and /flirt's
22:01.24Industrialuhhu :P
22:02.00Industrialanyone know the game Frets on Fire?
22:02.40Industrialits really fun
22:02.43Shadowedwhat was the link to the TBC Devtools again?
22:02.54Industrialplayed it almost all day today - and im gunna bring it to school tomorrow heh
22:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
22:03.40*** join/#wowi-lounge bljakk (
22:04.50JoshBorkehola Mike-N-Go
22:05.35Mike-N-GoOn, is line 67 redundant?
22:05.54purlmethinks devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
22:08.06Mike-N-GoAnd how does that apply to my code, or does it, malreth?
22:08.27malrethShadowed asked for the link to devtools
22:08.28Shadowedwheee for errors!
22:08.37IndustrialI just realised.. How does horde paladin gear look :S
22:08.40Shadowedthe current devtools works for TBC I assume thenmalr?
22:08.46Shadoweder then malreth
22:08.50Industriallike rank14 gear
22:08.53malrethhmm... figured that page would have a link...
22:09.07TeomyrMike-N-Go: i think it's redundant
22:09.23*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:09.30malrethpurl, devtools is also found at for the beta
22:09.32purlokay, malreth
22:09.32Shadowedat that, anyone remember the page AnduinLothar did to do some of the basic updates quickly?
22:09.38malrethpurl, devtools
22:09.40purlrumour has it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?, or found at for the beta
22:09.54TeomyrMike-N-Go: wait, i'll post a followup
22:09.57a-stray-catMike-N-Go: 64 will never be executed
22:10.10malrethehh... i guess that works
22:10.43bljakkvery strange statement in that code
22:10.47Mike-N-GoHow about like 60, I am trying to input that, how do I do that correctly?
22:10.52a-stray-catand 67 is redundant ;p
22:11.02ShadowedAnduinLothar: thanks
22:11.33Mike-N-GoErr, I am looking at my local copy, that is different then the one online..
22:11.57Mike-N-Go is the one I have been looking on.
22:11.58a-stray-catnew pasty then imo
22:12.00a-stray-catomg im late for class
22:12.09JoshBorkelater a-stray-cat
22:12.51JoshBorkeok, i'm going home
22:12.52JoshBorkebye all
22:12.53bljakk60 is buggy here
22:12.58Industrialcya josh
22:13.19bljakkit should have been "local" instead of "loacl", you didnt escape quotations signs at begin
22:13.35IndustrialShadowed: oCB
22:13.55bljakkor even added dots, no idea what have you been trying to do
22:14.05Industrialmore dots!
22:15.28bljakktry to avoid those "if not recipient == nil", "if ( recipient ~= nil )" is better readable
22:16.19ckknight`if (not recipient) == nil` is the first one.
22:16.24ckknightso you know.
22:16.35ShadowedIndustrial: OCB? don't see anything by that name
22:16.41ckknightalso, checking vs. nil is more expensive than a not
22:16.42Mike-N-GoWhat is the difference?
22:16.43Industrialif not recipient then
22:16.44EndCairenn|afk: I have great news!
22:16.50ckknightso `if recipient then` is better.
22:16.53Shadowedah that'd explain it
22:16.54EndCairenn|afk: in fact, thank you very muchly!
22:16.55ckknightor `if not recipient then`
22:18.21Industrialso what us server are we playing on?
22:18.21EndExpansion Account Upgrade - Success!
22:18.30bljakkckknight: explain me the difference between "not variable" and "variable == nil"?
22:18.59Neuro_Medivhnot variable will trigger on variable == nil and variable == false
22:19.04ckknightbljakk, `if not variable then` essentially translations to `if variable == false or variable == nil then`, but it's much faster.
22:19.09Industrialbljakk: if a var is nil it returns false so you can test it with not/or/and
22:19.20bljakkfaster, explain me faster
22:19.27ckknightthere are two false values in lua: `false` and `nil`
22:19.30Neuro_Medivhtakes less time
22:19.31Endaww crud, I got an update to get :(
22:19.33ckknighteverything else is a true value
22:19.38IndustrialEnd: heh :>
22:19.42bljakknono, explain me comparing in lua
22:19.54bljakkit uses c as described in manual
22:20.06Cideis it faster? I would have thought that it would be optimized to the same
22:20.19bljakkc, on the other hand uses simple assembler operation which doesnt care if you compare it to "not" which compares is against 0
22:20.32bljakkso, explain me faster please
22:20.45Industriallol :p
22:20.46bljakki want to know, how is comparing memory to one part or another part faster
22:20.49Endumm, so which realm should I copy on to?
22:21.06IndustrialShadowed: horde?
22:21.07Shadowedanyone on the Hellsfire US by the way that can invite on Alliance?
22:21.10Shadowedno Alliance
22:21.13Neuro_Medivhhellfire for pve, blade's for pvp
22:21.23EndI don't have an alliance char, soo hmmm
22:21.32Industrialpvp! much hordies playing on pvp?
22:21.33malrethin my opinion, it's not so much about faster or slower, it's about readability and logic
22:21.52KirkburnRaaaaaaagh! Me wants Outland!
22:21.54AnduinLotharreadability ftw
22:21.56bljakkmalreth: it can not be faster or slower, both operations compare only memory
22:21.57Endpff, I'll copy my druid onto pvp, and create an alt for pve ui guild
22:22.29malrethbljakk: i'll refer you to the "it's not so much about faster or slower" part of my previous statement
22:22.36Industrialbljakk: I didnt mention speed in the first place. you were talking about readability
22:23.37ShadowedThe T3 quest is breaking Feedback.lua
22:23.44ShadowedBlizzard_FeedbackUI.lua that is
22:24.11cogwheelit's a bug in the current beta build
22:24.16Industrialim gunna play without addons for the first time in 1.5 years
22:24.35ckknightIndustrial, but why?
22:24.38cogwheelWhy do that when wowinterface has an entire section of BC addons?
22:24.45EndI'm gonna be porting any of my addons first ;p
22:24.51Industrialckknight: ill end up spending too much time on my interface like usual. I wanna explore
22:25.01ckknightah, I understand.
22:25.09wereHamster - top is 'not a', bottom is 'a == nil or a == false'
22:25.25Endbah, another update
22:25.58Cidemy friend just got her key too
22:26.04IndustrialCide: \o/
22:26.12Cideany luck malreth?
22:26.13Beladonanight all
22:26.19Industrialnn Beladona
22:26.21Endwhen Cairenn becomes unafk, I'll -really- need to thank her :P
22:26.44Mike-N-GoWhat do you think about line 14, I am trying to input RGB for chat text, what am I doing wrong?
22:26.49malrethCide: none yet... although my co-worker just sent me a video from YouTube... hmm..
22:28.05Shadowedso Cide, I take it CTMods doesn't have a TBC version up yet? :p
22:28.13malrethMike-N-Go: line 14 of
22:28.24Cidewe have the expansion alpha pre-release, Shadowed
22:28.26malrethyeah, that's not how the concat operator works
22:28.43ShadowedCide: hrm where, i didn't see it on the site :)
22:28.57Shadowedah, was checking ctmods :p
22:29.05Cidedon't want millions of users to download semi-working versions
22:29.05Mike-N-GoAs in --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName("player")..AMDChat)
22:29.17malreththat'll print "Silver Hand-Alliance, 204, 0, 51, 0"
22:29.21Shadowedfair enough
22:29.42Mike-N-GoYes, how do I get 204, 0, 51, and 0 as vars?
22:29.47Shadowedlast do you hide the annoy event window for devtools? :p
22:29.53Endah wtf
22:29.58Endcopied my char over
22:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
22:30.12End"my name has been in voilation of naming rules"
22:30.13malreththat's not the same as DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AMDRealmFaction, 204, 0, 51, 0)
22:30.24EndI wonder if it is some else has that name already...
22:30.29Mike-N-GoHow do I set up the var, then?
22:30.33malrethone way...
22:30.38Thunder_ChildEnd, they make everyone do it
22:30.56Kirkburnckknight, you're sooooo predicatable
22:30.56malrethlocal AMDChat = {r = 204, g = 0, b=51, a = 0}
22:31.06Kirkburnpredictable, too :)
22:31.14Mike-N-GoAhh, a table, thanks.
22:31.27EndI just renamed my char from sedge to sedgeboots
22:31.28malreththen DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AMDRealmFaction, AMDChat.r, AMDChat.g, AMDChat.b, AMDChat.a)
22:31.30ckknightyes, I am
22:31.37malretheven better is
22:32.02Mike-N-GoNow, it is errors that it is a table.
22:32.19Mike-N-GoAMDChat (a table value)
22:32.23malrethlocal chatMsgColor = { r = 204, g = 0, b = 51 }
22:32.33bljakkMike-N-Go: Read it carefully
22:32.34malrethMike-N-Go: you didn't do what I told you
22:32.58Mike-N-GoWhat did you say, text is going by so fast...
22:33.06Industrialnoes 2 updates
22:33.06malrethyou can't just make the one change to that one local variable
22:33.43malrethyou're gonna have to go through all of your code and fix it all... all references to AMDChat
22:33.43bljakk<malreth> then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AMDRealmFaction, AMDChat.r, AMDChat.g, AMDChat.b, AMDChat.a)
22:33.43malrethyou'll have to reference directly all of the contents of the table
22:33.45Mike-N-GoChange it to "chatMsgColor" ?
22:34.19malrethi'll be frank with you
22:34.25malrethyou've got a lot going on in your code
22:34.35malrethyour variable names are ...
22:34.40Mike-N-GoSorry, this is my first addon.
22:34.55malrethgood news, peeps
22:35.03bljakkyou gotta go? ;)
22:35.05Industrialmalreth: eh?
22:35.08malrethok... back to constructive criticism
22:35.10Endoh god, I need to really change my key bindings
22:35.15Mike-N-GoAhh, I see it, k
22:35.19malrethhelping the community comes first
22:35.42malrethok... i'll spare the speech about choosing variable names
22:35.46Thunder_Child"in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane. it's malreth's ego"
22:35.56malrethyou can fix your code style AFTER you get a hang of the language
22:36.04IndustrialA third update, End ..
22:36.05bljakkwell malreth, variable name usage is kinda really personal ;)
22:36.28malrethbut it's good practice
22:36.43Enddid they give another bag in the xpac?
22:36.45malrethbut that's like 1 dan advice to a 21 kyu player
22:36.47Endbag slot for bank
22:37.10Endon live, my next bag costs 100g
22:37.13Endhere, it is 25g
22:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:37.22malrethso... Mike-N-Go, have you read the Programming in Lua book?
22:37.37MaldiviaEnd: and on live, my next respec costs 50g, on beta it costs 1c...
22:37.41bljakkhowsoever, you're right about many things, if i were him i would write function "function AMDChatMessage(msg) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMEssage(msg, x, x, x, x) end"
22:38.00Thunder_Childsup Guillotine
22:38.05malrethlemme pull up some chapters for you to review...
22:38.07Mike-N-GoIt works :)
22:38.19MentalPower:AddMessage() does *not* have an alpha option
22:38.22Endoh, I should probablt spec
22:38.30MentalPoweronly R, G, B, Id
22:38.33Industrialit has an id argument
22:39.01Mike-N-GoMentalPower: Isn't it just ignored?
22:39.19malrethoh yeah!
22:39.22malrethMentalPower is right
22:39.30malreththe last argument isn't alpha
22:39.42malrethand unless you have a very very very good reason, it should be nil
22:40.09malrethwhich is to say, you can leave it unspecified
22:40.15Shadowedoh cool
22:40.23ShadowedBloodthirst now shows the actual damage instead of saying it's a % of your AP
22:40.44malrethDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("doobie doobie doo", 255, 0, 0) for a red message
22:41.10IndustrialHowmany more updates do i need to do
22:41.13Industrial5 already
22:41.45Industrialwhats the last patch number?
22:41.50Thunder_Childshouldnt be to many more
22:41.57MentalPower5 is teh number I have
22:42.33Mike-N-GoIs what I used for an example.
22:42.52Industrialthen this is the last one
22:43.05bljakkMike-N-Go: No, you didn't
22:43.25bljakkit clerly states DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Testing", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 123);
22:43.39malrethuck... that 123 shouldn't be there
22:43.44bljakkwhere it has 5 arguments
22:43.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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22:43.53malrethi should create a wowwiki account just to fix that
22:43.56bljakkmalreth: lets ignore 123 for a moment
22:44.00IndustrialWheres the US horde guild on?
22:44.01bljakkill fix it
22:44.07Mike-N-GoI tried '123' at a prior time.
22:44.27Mike-N-GoAnyways... I g2g
22:44.42malrethsorry if i was being short with you earlier
22:44.42Mike-N-GoThat you all for your help :)
22:44.48bljakkmalreth: wasn't last argument scrolling speed in scrolling frame?
22:45.00malrethi could explain why, but you all probably don't want to know
22:45.03bljakklike it was fade time in error frame?
22:45.16Mike-N-Gomalreth: I would not be suppressed with how many questions I have asked.
22:45.47malrethbljakk: MessageFrame:AddMessage("text", red, green, blue, alpha, holdTime)
22:46.09malrethwhich is different from the ScrollingMessageFrame:AddMessage() method
22:46.34IndustrialOn what server is the TBC US horde guild?
22:46.36malrethit caught me unexpected the first time I looked that method up which is *why* i should remember it
22:46.44MentalPowerIndustrial: look at the topic
22:47.16bljakkbah, someone already edited it
22:48.55bljakki think mike couldn't take the critics ;)
22:49.56MentalPowerif he coudn't take the critics, he woud've left a looooooong time ago
22:50.16malrethok... i've got work to do
22:50.42Teomyrbtw... any hunter willing to help me with my mod? :D
22:50.45Teomyrjust one simple question
22:50.53bljakkspeak :D
22:51.13Teomyrwhich combat log message does Feign Death produce?
22:51.37bljakkbut most likely, none
22:52.50Kaligarwhat is your mod trying to do
22:53.08bljakkNo message
22:53.11Teomyrit's a threat meter for hunters/warlocks and their pets
22:53.11bljakkits a buff gain
22:53.20Maldiviathere is a combat message for it
22:53.27Teomyrbljakk: does it say "You gain Feign Death" or something like that?
22:53.28Maldiviabut also UNIT_AURA and if UnitBuff(arg1, "Feigh Death") then ...
22:53.31bljakki received no message
22:53.53Kaligarya there is no msg for feign
22:54.08bljakkas i said, you gain buff, ie. aura
22:54.23bljakkfor localisation purpose, better use global SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH_GEN
22:54.32Teomyraaah, another handler for one simple spell :(
22:54.47bljakkinstead of "Feign death"
22:55.06Kaligarbest way to do it is detect when someone dies
22:55.22Kaligarand reset threat to 0
22:56.12Teomyri'll try it. thanks for the feedback :D
22:57.44Teomyrcan't test it myself yet, unfortunately. five more levels to go
22:58.26Kaligari just live with the fact im going to out ago my pet :P
22:58.52Maldiviahmm, the buff id / buff name parameter changes goes in next patch?
22:59.09nevcairielsuppose so
23:01.04Maldiviawee, conditions on /focus :)
23:01.43Maldiviauhh... GetItemSpell... that's looking rather interesting!
23:02.50Kaligarwowwiki dead for anyone else/
23:03.20Maldiviaworks finbe here
23:03.25Guillotineup for me
23:07.16Warladoes anyone have any idea how to access those new different info pages in Buring Crusade?
23:07.39Warlalike "Base Stats" "Melee" "Ranged" "Spell" "Defenses" ?
23:07.43Warlaon the character info pane?
23:08.14Thunder_Childyou click the dropdown box....
23:09.07Warlayea i mean in Lua :-)
23:09.10Warlato read out the stats
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23:09.30MentalPowercheck the paperdollframe.lua file
23:09.44cladhaireread the 2.0 changes, msot if it is detailed there
23:10.04Warlak thx
23:10.33Foxlitbljakk: is SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH_GEN actually declared by blizzard, or are you suggesting a placeholder constant? :)
23:10.56bljakkFoxlit: is in GlobalStrings.lua
23:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
23:11.39MaldiviaIt's NOT in the GlobalStrings file
23:11.51bljakkit IS in the file
23:11.59bljakkSPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH_GEN = "Feign death";
23:12.17Maldiviawhich version?
23:12.23Maldiviait's not in my 1.12.1 or 2.0.2
23:12.32bljakkI just extracted latest one from interface.mpq
23:12.56FoxlitHah, saves me autodetecting spellnames from textures in the future.
23:13.26Maldiviaand by interface.mpq, you mean patch or patch-2, right?
23:14.29cladhairei'm so confused.
23:14.42MentalPowerits not in my globalstrings.lua file
23:14.44FoxlitIt doesn't appear to be in the live version atm, message( SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH_GEN) gives nil
23:16.23MaldiviaOk, It is in the 1.0.0 version of GlobalStrings.lua
23:16.30Maldiviabut that file is 2 years old
23:16.47Maldivia(the files in the interface.mpq archive)
23:17.01bljakkok, might be that i have opened the wrong file, should delete that one
23:17.05bljakkbut lemme check one more thing
23:17.08CideSPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH_GEN ) nil in the current beta build
23:17.30Maldiviabljakk: use the official tool to extract the interface files, that way you're sure you dont have stale files
23:18.11bljakkseems i had old copy of globalstrings.lua, it was also 1 1/2 years old, sorry my fault
23:18.22bljakkdamn, gonna del that crap right now
23:18.31MaldiviaOhh, I can make a "lazy mans, autoselect dead player to ress" macro now :)
23:18.45Kaligarnot really
23:18.50Thunder_Childmal where is the official tool?
23:19.01FoxlitIt's silly, though. With so many API functions supporting spell names now, they still require explicit localization
23:19.10cladhaireIts linked int he 2.0 changes thread
23:19.11MaldiviaThunder_Child: for 1.12.x:
23:19.13malrethoh... nm
23:19.39MaldiviaThunder_Child: for 2.0.x (beta only):
23:19.54purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: -- Beta:
23:19.54MaldiviaKaligar: was that to me?
23:20.54Kaligaryup mal
23:21.11MaldiviaKaligar: and why do you say I can't, when I just told you otherwise ?:)
23:21.16Kaligaryou can only target preset stuuff afaik
23:21.37Maldiviawill focus the first dead player in my party
23:21.55Maldiviathen I can just /cast [target=focus] Resurrection
23:22.51cladhairewhy can't you just cast it on them directly?, and not do the focus?
23:22.57Kaligartargetting in general is screw but if you can do that then cool :D
23:23.14Maldiviaclad: because I was so pleased that we got /focus conditions, that I forgot :)
23:23.22Kaligari doubt that sort of thing can be applied during combat though ya?
23:23.35cladhairei feel like that's not intended.
23:23.36FoxlitYou can't res people during combat, np
23:23.42MaldiviaKaligar: works fine during combat
23:23.45cladhairecause you can do most of a raid in a 25 man raid
23:24.01Kaligarim talking about applying it to other things
23:24.17Maldiviacladhaire: well, checking of someone is dead to ress them, isn't something that can really be exploited
23:24.17FoxlitI'm assuming that's where [dead] part would limit your uses.
23:24.27cladhaireno, its true
23:24.36cladhaireand i suppose it fits in with the specific exemptions
23:24.43cladhaireits just auto-tastic :P
23:25.56Kaligaralso maybe try for i, 1, 5 do instead of doing a line for each number
23:26.39ckknightfor i = 1, 5
23:26.56Kaligaryeah that :P
23:27.49cladhaireyou can't script it
23:27.53cladhaireso that won't work
23:28.03MentalPoweryou can, out of combat
23:28.21cladhaireyou sure about that?  you can't target out of combat using TargetUnit() afaik.
23:28.26malrethwhen you do a character copy, everything in your bank gets copied, too... right?
23:28.32Cideyou can't
23:28.33MentalPoweror can you...
23:28.34cladhaireunless somethign has changed in the past day or two
23:28.36Thunder_Childyes mal
23:28.40cladhairethey were all removed to be consistent
23:28.42Thunder_Childso load up then copy
23:28.43CideFocusUnit is blocked both in and out of combat
23:28.44malrethok... thanks
23:28.45MentalPowernop, you can't
23:28.51cladhairethey can only be done by slash commands, and buttons
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23:29.11cladhairewhich means its a mad rush to the paladin buff addon
23:29.38MentalPowerthe pally buff addon can still be done tho
23:30.04MentalPowerkeybinding override to your button, and your code changes the unit attribute in the preclick
23:30.13MentalPower(OOC OFC)
23:30.25cladhairei just mean it won't be a simple code change, or no code change like it was before =0
23:31.10Kaligaryou could use the secureactionbutton
23:31.17Foxlitmm, similar situation for SpellTargetUnit?
23:31.32Kaligarit has targetting functions
23:31.39cladhaireyou can no longer programtically cast spell, target units, use items in /scripts
23:31.45cladhairei.e. addons cannot access them directly
23:31.48cladhairelast i knew
23:32.10ckknightcladhaire, isn't that a bug, though?
23:32.19cladhaireno, i think its intentional, as stated.
23:32.25cladhairemacros, and templates
23:32.33cladhaireI could be wronog, but i don't think I am.
23:32.35ckknightthat sucks
23:32.42ckknightI think OOC spells should still be fine
23:32.48ckknightrequiring hardware events, of course
23:32.55cladhaireI'd have to check
23:33.07cladhairei know that's why they were removed IN COMBAT
23:33.16cladhairebut i dont think the api can make that distinction
23:33.21ckknightyes, I agree with it being removed in combat
23:33.23zenzelezzso no more auto-buffing either?
23:33.40cogwheelI think they changed it back for consistency... OOC mods will use the same paradigm as IC mods.
23:33.41MentalPowerauto-buffing will work out of combat
23:33.44ckknightcladhaire, I don't see why not. InCombatLockdown()
23:33.56cladhaireI know..
23:33.59zenzelezzthen I misunderstood what cladhaire just said, but nevermind
23:33.59cladhairethat's why i'm trying to check.
23:34.02cladhairei could be off my rocker =)
23:34.02MentalPoweryes, but for consistency they changed it
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23:35.23cladhaireMentalPower is mental =)
23:35.30cladhairewell not really
23:36.23cladhairetargeting ,and spell casting functions are not usable, at any time.  You need to use templates.
23:37.25Guillotineyou can rather easily do it otherwise though. Just edit a macro then run that macro. since you can edit macros out of combat still
23:37.41Guillotinethough its probably easier to use templates
23:37.45cladhaireno, /script doesn't work
23:37.46cladhairethats't eh point.
23:37.52cladhaireyou can't ever call TargetUnit() for example.
23:38.00cladhaireor castSpell() or CastSpellByName()
23:38.01GuillotineI know, I'm saying for things like auto buffers
23:38.09cladhaireyeah, i think the template is easier there
23:38.12cladhaireits a simple loop =)
23:38.34FoxlitThe theoretical objection is that if you run the macro from tainted code, you taint it?
23:39.02cladhaireI dont think you can run a macro from userspace anymore.
23:39.12FoxlitSo even if you made /target Foxlit /cast Mark of the Wild /target someonelse, it'd break on running.
23:39.15cladhaireI'd suspect the same restrictions exist there.
23:39.54MikkYou can't
23:40.03MikkYou can loadstring it and execute it like any lua
23:40.08MikkBut then it's lua
23:40.15MikkErr nm me there that's not a macro
23:40.27cladhairebut you can't call RunMacro() i believe.. or UseAction()
23:40.48cladhairenot from userspace.. but you can from a template.
23:40.48ckknightthe only way to really do a macro with lua is that you have to be in a protected state to do so anyway
23:40.51ckknightso it's a moot point.
23:41.03MikkWell, you could conceivably use an action that doesn't do anything protected
23:41.11MikkLike say something
23:41.12cladhaireMikk: Correct
23:41.15MikkBut that's a bit pointless also =)
23:41.25cladhairedepends.. i can announce loot rules like whoa =)
23:42.13FoxlitSo having a target and a spellname, the easiest way to cast that would be?
23:42.39cladhaireif they're dynamic, a SecureActionButton
23:42.45cladhaireand only outside of combat.
23:43.36Thunder_Childbut targeting can still happen in combat if it's static?
23:43.54cladhaireyes, /target party2 will always work
23:43.55MikkYes, you can have a button that e.g. cleanses your tank
23:44.00cladhaireTargetUnit("party2") will never work
23:44.29Mikkas long as there's no hunter pet named monkeynuts
23:44.54cladhaireyeah, eff hunter pets man
23:44.59Thunder_Childthats "/" based, what about GUI based?
23:45.16MikkYou can set up actions for the button
23:45.20MikkWhat to target, what to cast...
23:45.34cladhaireSetAttribute("unit", "party2") SetAttribute("type", "target")
23:45.37FoxlitWhen someone clicks it, or before?
23:45.45MikkYou can
23:45.49MikkYou can't do squat in combat
23:45.55MikkSo, really, forget about smart heal buttons, decursive, etc
23:46.01MikkBlizzard don't want it, and they really did clamp down now
23:46.04FoxlitCombat isn't too interesting; it's buffing outside it
23:46.11cladhaire~8ball  Will heroes be good tonight?
23:46.30MikkSmart buffing outside combat should be doable yeah
23:46.44cladhairedoable via templates or making/rewriting a macro
23:46.44MikkThank god
23:46.48Thunder_Childhave they restricted changing strata lvl's in combat?
23:46.53cladhairetemplates are magnitudes easier =)
23:47.14MikkThunder_Child: If they haven't, assume that they will
23:48.17MikkReally, trying to get around this is borderline TOS violation -- their intent is pretty damn clear now -- and will, if nothing else, just get patched in a short time.
23:48.58cladhairethe intent is so clear, I'm confident in representing it.. and i dont like to talk about someone else's thoughts and ideas =)
23:49.13cladhaire~8ball Will i secure funding for my project at Kent?
23:49.16purlI'm sure of it.
23:49.32Mikk~8ball Should I go get some sleep now?
23:49.59Foxlit~8ball Should Mikk go get some sleep?
23:50.09MikkThere we go
23:50.10MikkGnite =)
23:50.13cladhairehahah night
23:50.22Thunder_Child~8ball does purl make things up?
23:50.24purlI'm not sure.
23:52.39Thunder_Childwhile intent is all well and good, untill they come out with some kind of statement stating their ideas, what you have is just abunch of assumptions
23:52.50cladhairethat's just plain not true.
23:53.09cladhaireAsk me a question, and I can probably link you to a post that states the answer.
23:53.42Thunder_Childwhats blizzards reasons for the UI changes?
23:54.25Foxlit"Essentially, we don't want UI mods to make combat-sensitive decisions for players and as such, we've made some changes that block functionality that we feel is counter to the spirit of these philosophies. As such, AddOns and macros can't make decisions on who to target or what spells to cast. "
23:55.14Foxlit(Tyren in
23:55.44cladhairenot to mention all of slouken's posts.
23:55.58cladhaireand they've been very clear and very up front about it
23:56.13cladhairewhether we like it or not is an entirely different discussion
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23:57.03Thunder_Childseems kinda suprising to be honest, before it gave the option on wether you wanted thoes kinds of mods or not.  Now it's forcing you
23:57.21Cairenn|afksomeone pinged me while I was afk?
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23:57.41cladhaireIt has nothign to do with choice, it has to do with the fact that they don't want the game played that way
23:57.57Thunder_Childmy understanding is that the game is for people to enjoy, and if they enjoyed doing it that way why would blizz feel the need to stop that
23:58.16cladhaireThey don'r want you to enjoy the game on private servers, so they do what they can to stop you
23:58.24cladhaireThey don't want you to do any number of things.. so they restrict it
23:58.25cogwheelthey don't want to design content only to have it trivialized by addons
23:58.26cladhairethis is no different
23:58.29cladhaireyou play their game
23:58.34cladhairethey strive to make it fun
23:58.43cladhairethey think its fun without these things, and its in line with how they want the game played
23:58.47cladhaireagain, like it or not, those are the reasons.
23:58.58Thunder_Childthey strive to make it fun according the their views of fun
23:59.14cladhairethey have 6 million subscribers.. apparently some of them agree
23:59.20cladhairei'm trying not to QQ btw.
23:59.59cladhaireI'm not trying to debate the validity of their reasons.. but their design intent is very clear right now, and we've been restricted down

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