irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061111

00:02.33Tulleryou break them?
00:06.52Maldiviacogwheel: you know... you break it, you buy it.
00:07.12cogwheelyep... i'm on a $15/mo payment plan XD
00:19.12teomyrmage class call is very bad in phase 3 *sigh*
00:19.47Maldivianot really
00:20.13Maldiviaphase 3 is so short
00:20.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:20.45cladhairewarlocks ftw then =)
00:21.10Maldiviashaman call can be worse :)
00:21.18AmadeoI don't even know what class calls are
00:21.31MaldiviaAmadeo: boss ability at Nefarian
00:21.33hasteMaldivia: warrior call is pretty evil also
00:21.33teomyrwell, we don't have to care about shamans ;)
00:21.38hastesame with priest :D
00:21.46hasteand shaman call isn't evil in phase 3
00:21.49AmadeoMaldivia: What's it do?
00:21.50teomyryes, warrior call just wiped us :(
00:22.01hasteAmadeo: it drains around 3500 mana from every shaman
00:22.11AmadeoOh, and it changes per class?
00:22.17Maldiviahaste: all the skeletons get the buffs from the totems
00:22.23hasteMaldivia: nope
00:22.29Maldiviaohh, they fixed that?
00:22.57hasteit never was like that afaik
00:23.00Maldiviawell, it was last time I tried Nef on a horde... LONG time ago though
00:23.01hastewe always go into phase 3 during shaman/warlock/hunter/druid call
00:23.15hastetotems have NEVER buffed nef or his foes
00:23.30hastethe  totems do buff each other tho'
00:23.46Maldiviahunter, rogue, paladin are the best phase 3 calls
00:24.06hasteoh, add rogue to my list :D
00:25.41Maldiviahaste: well, only played nef on a friends horde char, normally play alliance...
00:26.01Maldiviabut just looked it up on wowwiki, and according to that, nef and skeletons recieve totem buffs..
00:26.20zenzelezzhow bad warrior call is depends pretty much on how many healers you have (alive)
00:26.50ShadowedWarrior call can be pretty bad regardless of how many healers you have alive
00:27.00Maldiviaworst combo is mage call, MT getting polymorphed and then fear hits at the exact same time
00:27.28Maldiviaand then nef turns and shadow flames the raid
00:27.30nevcairielplus shadowflame
00:27.30Shadowedi'd consider warrior to be the worst really
00:27.35zenzelezzcan be, but we usually survive warrior call unless we're low on healers
00:27.46nevcairielwarrior call isnt that bad
00:28.08Shadowedif you're the typical guild who isn't in full wrath ect, it can be an issue with bad luck
00:28.12Maldiviatrue, they take 20% more damage, but that's shoulnd't be a problem
00:28.33TainMy favorite is Rogue call when he ports the Rogues right behind him.
00:28.35zenzelezztrue, it depends a bit on gear and such
00:28.46Shadowedshadowflame + crit + some other bad luck
00:28.49MaldiviaTain: you mean, the 99% of the rogue calls :)
00:29.12zenzelezzmy guild might be dropping BWL soon... focusing on Naxx until BC
00:29.27Maldiviamy current guild just started AQ40 :)
00:29.31TainNaah its only been about half the Rogue calls on my raids.
00:29.50Shadowedwe've mostly dropped BWL, which sucks because i still need a LGG
00:30.02MaldiviaTain: ohh... I've seen less than 5 rogue calls, in my times with nef, where the rogues actually ended up infront of him
00:30.06zenzelezzon a good day we do AQ40 up to and including twins, but we haven't taken C'thun (reached phase 2), but stopped trying in favor of Naxx
00:31.02XuerianRandom question.. <.<... What was the browser included with Mac OS9?
00:31.09zenzelezzwe only go BWL when we've got an unbalanced raid for AQ40/Naxx, and only since a few of us "new guys" (brought in during the summer shortage when people were away) still could use some items there
00:31.19TainOh OS9.  hah
00:31.20Xuerianthanks, Tain. :)
00:31.32TainI don't even know if that's right then.
00:31.34XuerianNo? >.>
00:31.49Xueriandoh v.v
00:32.30*** join/#wowi-lounge thezanke (i=TheZanke@
00:35.49thezankeheya kaso
00:40.05*** join/#wowi-lounge fathom (
00:42.03ScytheBlade1Could I get a ginvite to US-A? My main has arrived :)
00:52.26zenzelezzyou mean the guild on alliance, US beta server?
00:53.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:53.14ScytheBlade1You'd be correct
00:53.16decino he means he passed the citizenship test
00:53.33zenzelezzwould be easiest to try /who CastSpell and ask I think
00:53.42ScytheBlade1I did
00:53.46ScytheBlade1The only person on has no ginvite privs
00:53.47Cairennanyone can invite ... no one on?
00:53.58Cairennshould have ...
00:54.02Cairennhi Kirkburn
00:54.03KirkburnI think I can invite for EU?
00:54.07ScytheBlade1Cairenn, well, I asked, and that's what he responded with :)
00:54.11Cairennlogging in ScytheBlade1
00:54.12ScytheBlade1Outfitter guy, name of Ocha
00:54.38KirkburnAch, it's hard to tell who's EU and who isn't these days :P
00:54.43Cairennhehehe, yeah
00:54.43ScytheBlade1(Was Sbo.. stupid rename)
00:54.55Cairennlove this channel, *because* it's international :)
00:55.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
00:55.18zenzelezzKirkburn: if you'd not arrived mid-conversation it would be easy, as he was quite specific
00:55.19deciwe're one big happy dysfunctional family in my eyes
00:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
00:55.58zenzelezzwe're not dysfunctional, we just work differently from everyone else
00:56.40KirkburnWe're 'special' :)
00:57.19zenzelezz[nodrop] [unique] [special]
00:57.39decii was an agent
00:58.02deciLF FGrid
00:58.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:58.11ScytheBlade1ty Cair
00:58.12zenzelezzNCU/GSF/HOT plz
01:00.36JoshBork1ok back!
01:00.42JoshBork1woohoo for roomies!
01:00.59JoshBork1Mike-N-Go: you still here?
01:01.13purlaw, gee, Mike-N-Go
01:01.22JoshBork1what's up?
01:01.35Mike-N-GoEsamynn is assisting me.
01:01.44JoshBork1you getting things working?
01:01.58Mike-N-GoIt is working more better, but not fully :)
01:02.33JoshBork1did the code i give you work?
01:03.05Mike-N-GoIt is helping.
01:03.23JoshBork1glad to hear it :-)
01:03.25Mike-N-GoNow, it does not give errors from inside your block :D
01:03.54Mike-N-GoI still have some nil value on GetServerInfo() and UnitFaction()
01:04.31JoshBork1unit faction should work fine
01:05.12Mike-N-GoWell, it is on the same line, so I just guess.
01:05.29JoshBork1you should really tell us exactly what the error is :_)
01:06.00EsamynnMike-N-Go: if you'd post up the newest version I told you I'd take another look ;)
01:06.16Mike-N-GoMany different errors, I move something around, and then it is a different .
01:06.32Kasoit's 1:05 AM here, and im about to have my first meal of the day, I should remeber to eat more.
01:06.36Mike-N-GoEsamynn: My client locked up when you told me that.
01:07.35Mike-N-Goline 21 is not curently liked.
01:08.01Mike-N-Go"attempt to concatenate a nil value"
01:08.59EsamynnI wonder if UnitFactionGroup isn't actually available at that point....
01:09.21Esamynnwhich is strange if it isn't
01:09.38cladhaireits availabvle at P_E_W reliably from what i've seen
01:09.45cladhaireso is UnitRace("player") and you can get that info either way
01:11.05JoshBork1it's being done at PLAYER_LOGIN
01:11.25JoshBork1actualy, line 21 shouldn't be executed
01:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:12.22Esamynnoh jeez
01:12.30EsamynnI totally missed the return
01:12.47JoshBork1Mike-N-Go: return makes the flow of execution leave the function
01:12.58Mike-N-GoI added the return for no particular reason.
01:12.59Esamynnjust a sec Mike-N-Go, let me post a new version for you
01:14.19Esamynntry this one:
01:14.39Mike-N-GoIs the return right/wrong?
01:16.13Mike-N-GoNow, line 48: "attempt to concatenate a nil value"
01:17.26Esamynnoh wait, I know, just a sec
01:17.34Esamynnat least I ahve somethign to try
01:17.54JoshBork1Esamynn: i'm creating a realmFac variable to hold the string concatenation
01:18.44Mike-N-GoCategory: Mail
01:18.44Mike-N-GoFired when a mail has been successfully sent to the mailbox of the recipient, it is also called when the mailbox is opened for some reason ... bug?
01:19.26JoshBork1Cairenn: ping
01:19.37CairennJoshBork1: pong
01:19.47JoshBork1have you heard the latest key theory?
01:19.54Cairennnow what?
01:20.01JoshBork1people below #150 didn't get keys
01:20.37CideI know at least one person for which that's true, but I don't know if it's consistent
01:20.48JoshBork1i'm #5!
01:20.54Amadeotheories now :)
01:20.59JoshBork1lol Amadeo
01:21.05Garoun|LoupanaI was 110 and didn't :) so it could likely be a valid theory
01:21.32Tuller74, I still like my theory though
01:21.52Mike-N-GoCan  "SEND_MAIL_COD_CHANGED" be used to prevent mail that does not have something in the COD slot from being sent? Currently, if you have an item in the COD slot, then Keybinding+click on item then it sends the item in the COD pane to the soulbound's type recipient....
01:21.56AmadeoTuller: What's yours?
01:23.15Mike-N-GoError: Line 49 on :attempt to concatenate a nil value
01:23.59CideI propose that all keys that are not divisible by a perfect square were not sent!
01:24.27cladhairei agree!
01:24.28cladhairei was 8
01:24.29cladhairei mean
01:24.40cladhaireI was 8, 14, 23 and 19.
01:24.45cladhaireI didn't get any keys.
01:24.49Mike-N-Go~lart people_in_room
01:25.15Cairennthat theory doesn't work, btw ..
01:25.26Cairennhis ID # is 135
01:25.32cladhairewhat about #125 and lower
01:25.49Cide135/9 = 15! DAMN!
01:25.50Garoun|Loupanastill fits for me :)
01:25.53Garoun|LoupanaI was 110
01:26.20Garoun|Loupanathere was a guy on the ui forum taht was like 105, but he had also won the contest as well
01:26.20cladhairei does seem that people within that range didn't get hit
01:26.51InsideI'm 135!
01:26.57Garoun|Loupanait's all good, I took all my pent up testing energy and spent it on GoW :)
01:27.31AmadeoGaroun|Loupana: Do you have any left? I could use an Xbox 360
01:28.07Cairennone #141 got
01:28.25Josh_Borkethat's an anomoly
01:28.40Mike-N-GoError: at line 50: attempt to indext field '?' (a nil vilue)
01:28.45Garoun|Loupana:P ama
01:28.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
01:28.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
01:29.18AmadeoGaroun|Loupana: If you cover the 360, I'll get my own GoW
01:29.50Garoun|Loupananah, I kinda want a wii :) and that would blow my console budget
01:31.36din`165 and i didnt get mine either
01:32.01Amadeodin` just broke everything!
01:35.03Tullerstatistical outlier
01:36.16Mike-N-GoError: at line 48: attempt to concatenate a nil value
01:37.29Mike-N-GoThank you for trying to fix that code.
01:37.49Josh_Borketry mine:
01:37.55[Wobin]perhaps the function is being called before the player_login event?
01:38.17[Wobin]god knows how though =P
01:39.11[Wobin]or possibly the variables aren't being set properly due to an incorrect local reference from a scriptevent?
01:39.23*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
01:40.36Mike-N-GoAnyone have a theory?
01:40.49Tulleryes, you're an alien
01:41.09Mike-N-GoI have been chucking away unsuccessfully at separated-server SV.
01:41.33Mike-N-Goe =mc^2
01:42.24purlnever take malreth seriously
01:42.41Mike-N-GoAll righty then.
01:42.54purli guess mike-n-go is the n00blet that could.
01:43.30Mike-N-Go~dict n00blet
01:43.56Mike-N-Gopurl, n00blet means little.
01:44.20malrethpurl, n00blet is little
01:44.21purlmalreth: okay
01:44.27purlaw, gee, malreth
01:44.42Mike-N-Go~lart people_in_room
01:44.46Tuller8859 items in my database, but I haven't exactly been looking
01:45.01malreth~whalenuts Mike-N-Go
01:45.25Mike-N-Go~Thank you
01:45.25purlMike-N-Go: sure thing
01:45.36Mike-N-Go~lart malreth
01:46.32Mike-N-Go~dict n00blet
01:46.46Mike-N-Gopurl, we just told you???
01:47.03purlfrom memory, n00blet is little
01:47.23malrethpurl, n00blet
01:47.24purlhmm... n00blet is little
01:47.54malreththe dict command actually runs a dictionary search... you can't change the dictionary
01:48.02malreththat's what they taught us in school
01:48.29malrethpurl, n00blet is also Mike-N-Go
01:48.30purlokay, malreth
01:48.44purli guess mike-n-go is the n00blet that could.
01:48.55purl[n00blet] little.  Mike-N-Go
01:49.13Josh_Borkeok bye
01:49.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
01:49.16malrethpurl, forget n00blet
01:49.36malrethtoo old?
01:49.36Mike-N-Gopurl, n00blet is also AMD
01:49.37purlokay, Mike-N-Go
01:49.39purli guess n00blet is little.  Mike-N-Go.  AMD
01:50.06malrethpurl, no n00blet is little
01:50.08purlmalreth: okay
01:50.14malrethlater all
01:50.36purlmalreth is always right
01:51.07Mike-N-Gopurl, malreth is awkwardly strange.
01:51.08purl...but malreth is already something else...
01:51.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Pup- (
01:51.25Mike-N-Gopurl, malreth is  also awkwardly strange.
01:51.27purlMike-N-Go: okay
01:51.32purlmalreth scares me, or awkwardly strange.
01:57.55Mike-N-Gopurl, why are you not responding?
01:57.57purlMike-N-Go: what are you talking about?
01:58.13Cideyou just fail at typing ~botsnack ;)
01:58.39Mike-N-Gopurl, api is go to
01:58.40purl...but api is already something else...
01:58.49Mike-N-Gopurl, what is api?
01:58.52purlMike-N-Go: what are you talking about?
01:59.01cladhairedon't mess with purl
01:59.02ScytheBlade1Mike-N-Go, please don't do that
01:59.07cladhairepurl is a bot across lots of IRC networks,
01:59.11cladhaireyou can't redefine api
01:59.14ScytheBlade1purl spans three other bots and about 500 other channels
01:59.16cladhaireits not our personal playtoy
01:59.22[Wobin]You might want to use something more specific
01:59.25[Wobin]like wowapi
01:59.32Mike-N-GoMay I?
01:59.35cladhairepurl, wowapi is
01:59.37purl...but wowapi is already something else...
01:59.44cladhaire~literal wowapi
01:59.45purl"wowapi" is "at"
01:59.46purlsomebody said wowapi was at
01:59.48Cairennand messing with someone else's preset definition for themselves is considered extremely rude
01:59.52Mike-N-Gopurl, wowapi is also
01:59.54purlokay, Mike-N-Go
02:00.13purlit has been said that wowapi is at, or
02:00.13[Wobin]You just added the same thing
02:00.55Mike-N-GoSorry if I have acted improper, I am new to this big wrold of IRC
02:01.00Mike-N-GoAnd what a big world it is!
02:01.03zenzelezzjust stop messing with the bot :)
02:01.48ScytheBlade1Yeah, don't worry about it
02:02.01purlfrom memory, mike-n-go is the n00blet that could.
02:02.45Mike-N-GoWhile I have all your attention, can I have some assistance?
02:03.37Mike-N-GoMy 'lil addon I am working return nil to something
02:04.00Cidewhat's the error?
02:04.02Cideor bug
02:04.12Mike-N-GoMany things, different ways to each revision.... that others have tried...
02:04.15Mike-N-GoLet me get it.
02:04.24Cidecoding help 101 again ;)
02:04.25Mike-N-Gorror: at line 48: attempt to concatenate a nil value
02:04.40[Wobin]I <3 150KB/s downloads
02:04.58CideMike-N-Go: either AMDRealm or AMDFaction is nil
02:05.30Mike-N-GoI know that, how can I trigger it later in the load sequence?
02:05.57CideMike-N-Go: btw, is this expansion or live?
02:06.15Mike-N-GoInterface: 11200
02:06.29Mike-N-GoThe live version.
02:06.34CideMike-N-Go: then you need to change line 13 to: local function _onEvent() -- create the event handler function
02:06.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
02:06.51*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
02:07.01Mike-N-GoPaste over?
02:07.07Cidethen try
02:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
02:07.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:10.01ScytheBlade1Took their freaking time to do that
02:10.13Amadeowhat changed?
02:10.20ScytheBlade1Before, for lower level enchants
02:10.25ScytheBlade1You needed your lower-level rod to do them
02:10.34ScytheBlade1Now, one rod *does them all*
02:10.39Amadeonice :)
02:10.44ScytheBlade1I resorted to carrying three rods around
02:10.46Amadeoyou still need like 10 things for Engineering though!
02:10.51ScytheBlade1Now I only have to carry one, and I can do MORE with it
02:12.01Mike-N-Go <--- latest
02:13.24Neuro_Medivhoh dear god in heaven, they gave Shatner his own game show!
02:14.00[Wobin]Amadeo: At least with engineering, the majority of the 'tools' are easily remade
02:14.14[Wobin]Neuro_Medivh: ... I have no words =P
02:14.28chuckgWin Ben Steins Money was the best in history.
02:15.16Neuro_Medivhwho gives shatner his own tv show again?
02:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
02:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:19.19Mike-N-GoError: at line 48: attempt to index field '?' (a string value)
02:19.36Cidelike I said, try this:
02:22.53Mike-N-GoThat is
02:23.14Cideno it isn't
02:23.20Cideoh, yes it is
02:23.41Mike-N-GoCide: SEE!
02:23.50purli guess cide is the developer of the CT mods
02:24.04Mike-N-GoWow, nice job on the CT mods.
02:24.22Mike-N-GoI was using opt as the trigger key before.
02:24.25thezankewhat is the current patch for expansion?
02:24.29thezankei am tired of patching
02:25.13Mike-N-GoSo, it conflicted with your mod. I really like CT_MailMod, thank you for being part of that.
02:25.41CideMike-N-Go: are you getting stuff in your chat frame when you reload?
02:25.48Cideyou're welcome, I'm glad you like it
02:26.23Mike-N-GoArgent Dawn-Horde and my unit name show!
02:28.59Cideif you do
02:29.12Cide/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(type(MailDirectorData[AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction]))
02:29.15Cidewhat does it print?
02:29.59Cideerr, that won't work
02:30.23Cide/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(type(MailDirectorData[GetRealmName("realmName").."-"..UnitFactionGroup("player")]))
02:30.46Naurbrannonoh great I've uploaded an addOn of mine for the first time in does  it works? will I have a useful "your addons" link like in curse-gaming? ^_^"
02:30.57Mike-N-Go"string" is result
02:31.05CideMike-N-Go: what I thought, then
02:31.39CideMailDirectorData[AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction] = name;
02:31.42Cidethat sets it to a string
02:31.44Mike-N-GoThe first one is error
02:31.46Cidebut you're expecting a table
02:31.54CideMailDirectorData[AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction][itemType] <- expects a table
02:32.22GuillotineNaurbrannon: Yes, there is a "List My Interfaces" link on the left side
02:32.47CideMike-N-Go: try this:
02:33.16Mike-N-GoHow about --MailDirectorData[string(AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction)] = name;
02:33.18Cideput that in, type /script MailDirectorData[GetRealmName("realmName").."-"..UnitFactionGroup("player")] = { }
02:33.26Cideno, do what I put in
02:33.36Cideand then type the slash command I just said
02:33.40Cideand then reload ui
02:34.00Mike-N-GoI am.
02:34.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:36.08Mike-N-GoYAY, IT WORKS!
02:36.24Cidethere you go :)
02:36.25Mike-N-GoIt does not have any error code, and the mail sends.
02:36.55Cideno problem :)
02:37.00Cideif you get famous I want 25% though
02:37.31Mike-N-GoOk, if anyone sells me money you will get 25% of 25% of it :P
02:37.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
02:37.45Cidehehe :)
02:37.47Guillotinesells you money?
02:37.54Guillotinehow do you sell money?
02:38.38Guillotinebtw cide, heard a bunch of people talking about it on TBC, is there a version of CT_MailMod for TBC yet?
02:38.42ckknightforeign exchange market?
02:38.46CideGuillotine: yes
02:39.42GuillotineCide: where can that be accessed?
02:40.39Warlawho wants to see the best burning crusade level spec for mages?
02:41.07Naurbrannonseems nobody :p
02:41.18Warla <-- ownage ^^
02:41.34Guillotinethey removed the +damage affecting pulse dagger
02:41.43Mike-N-GoNow, how not to send mail if there is a bad item, ie: Soulbound
02:41.43KirkburnSo good you posted it twice? :P
02:41.47[Wobin]ah arcane dagger?
02:41.58Warlahaha ya
02:42.00Mike-N-GoBecause it sends a mail without the item then.
02:42.01Warlaits so nuts
02:42.10WarlaSTAB STAB --> 3500 hp gone
02:42.35CideMike-N-Go: I have some checks for that in CT_MailMod
02:43.02Cidecheck it out for guidelines
02:43.16Mike-N-GoMay you reference me some lines, and tell me what I would have to do if I include them in my addon.
02:43.29Naurbrannonwhat the hell is that pulse dagger? oO
02:43.37*** join/#wowi-lounge XLVII (
02:43.41XLVIII have a question
02:43.46XLVIIHow do I bind a 'spell
02:43.52XLVII'spell' to a certain key?
02:44.05XLVIIDo I have to put them onto ActionBars for it to work?
02:44.42Tullerdid I ever say "Thank you, Cairenn"?
02:44.49Cairennyou did
02:44.54Cairennand you're welcome
02:46.40Cideyou want a function similar to that one
02:47.22Mike-N-GoNice logic test.
02:47.38GuillotineNaurbrannon: Its a dagger that does arcane damage
02:47.47Mike-N-GoAnd how do I "cite" CT_MM, or do I need to?
02:47.53Guillotinethere was a bug where the arcane damage was being affected by +damage and spells
02:47.55WarlaCairenn whats with that thread? i see a lot whining what happened?
02:48.04CideMike-N-Go: first of all, you want to rename the tooltip
02:48.11Cairenna bunch of keys never came through, twice
02:48.26Cidereplace CT_MMTooltip with MailDirectorTooltip
02:48.26Mike-N-GoYah, prefix it with AMD
02:48.47Mike-N-GoOr is it better to use long names?
02:48.56Cidejust preference
02:49.08Cidebut make sure it's somewhat unique so you don't get a global name collision
02:49.36Mike-N-GoLess conflict if someone else has the same name, and this wont be displayed to an avg user of said addon.
02:50.14Cideif you're using MailDirectorTooltip as the name:
02:50.27Naurbrannonmmm may I get my submission accepted btw? ^^
02:50.27Cideand then at line 8 of your file or so, add: local t = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MailDirectorTooltip", WorldFrame, "GameTooltipTemplate"); t:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
02:51.17KirkburnThis is incredible (and you can try it yourself, as I am!)
02:51.54Mike-N-GoOk, after I prevent non-item mails to be sent, do you think there is anything else I need for my addon?
02:52.25Mike-N-GoWhat I would like to do is make the text different colors
02:52.51Mike-N-GoThat wont be to hard.
02:56.30TullerKirkburn: can you see any cases of where there's no overlap?
02:57.05KirkburnNo overlap?
02:57.30KirkburnHard to say, the pictures are taken from *all* angles all over the Pizza
02:57.34Kirkburn*Piazza! :P
02:57.44KirkburnIt's like crazy paving
02:58.15KirkburnBonus cookies for whoever can tell me where it is without looking it up :P
02:58.19Amadeommm, pizza
02:58.40[Wobin]vatican city?
02:59.36KirkburnPiazza San Marco, Venezia :)
02:59.37[Wobin]somewhere in italy?
02:59.55Kirkburn(St. Mark's square Venice)
02:59.58[Wobin]can I get a cookie anyway?
03:00.25Amadeoare these the type of apps being bundled with Vista Ultimate?
03:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
03:10.02KirkburnNo cookies for you! :P
03:10.13KirkburnNah, not in Vista Ultimate afaik
03:10.21KirkburnWe-ell ... now that you mention it
03:10.24KirkburnIt's quite possible
03:10.40AmadeoI'm good, huh?
03:13.10*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
03:13.22KirkburnMight be a free thing like the maps stuff though, who knows
03:14.16zenzelezzthe birds know
03:14.21zenzelezzthe birds always know...
03:15.48Naurbrannonhow do I get the chat links text using dev tools?
03:16.29Naurbrannonnvm found
03:16.34Kirkburnzenzelezz, that Piazza is pigeon heaven, good if you like scaring them :P
03:17.17*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
03:19.24AmadeoOk, does anyone know what the song is that this video starts out with? (Ignore the video, I was clicking random youtubes earlier and it's pretty stupid)
03:22.44[Cu]WerikThere are some seriously talented people out in the world
03:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dsfargeg (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-6ebea5ba62c11358)
03:27.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
03:40.12thezankethere an aioi for bc yet?
03:40.31Cide - does anyone else see a lot of Serk?
03:40.37ckknightthezanke, OneBag
03:40.56CairennCide: yes, he's spamming the forum
03:41.05Cidewith quite unhelpful answers, heh
03:41.11Shadowedlet me guess
03:41.13CairennI've already reported him in one thread, hopefully they'll clear him out
03:41.14Shadowedhe's whining about the changes?
03:41.24Cideactually, not really Shadowed, no :)
03:41.25Cairennno, pure spam
03:41.49CideCairenn: but it's cool to have one's name as last poster in every thread!
03:41.56Cairennoh of course!
03:42.05ShadowedHe's going for MVP, he has to beat Irel
03:42.07Cairennsilly me, I forgot that
03:42.12ckknightso much Serk
03:42.15Naurbrannonffs same items have different links in TBC depending if they were created before or after some patch :/
03:42.39Naurbrannonhave to destroy and recompose stacks to correct
03:42.54thezankeis there a site with all the BC addons?
03:43.11Shadowedi hear CG has them
03:43.34Tuller :P
03:43.49[Cu]WerikYou have good ears
03:44.06Shadowedno, i'm just a smartass :p
03:44.53[Cu]WerikI see
03:56.28ckknighthonestly, some of the stuff Serk said is funny, due to its absurdity, but I admit that he's a nuisance.
03:57.04ShadowedI found the post where he says reported for model swapping amusing
03:57.14Shadowedbut thats mostly due to the irony
04:01.18Guillotineheh, I did that once. Had the most recent post on every post on every thread on the first 2 pages :D Took me like an hour and a half to do, but Slouken said "Yay guillotine!"
04:01.20Guillotineso it was all worth it
04:01.30Cairennheh, I remember that
04:01.41Cairennbut your responses were more or less helpful
04:01.45Cairennhe's just trolling
04:01.51Guillotineyah, they all actually answered the asked question
04:02.05GuillotineI wouldn't classify " Give me a beta key." as exactly helpful
04:02.12Shadowednobody goes to the blizzard forums for answers, just to either be an asshole, a troll or to mock others!
04:02.16Cairennumm, yeah, not really
04:02.24Shadoweddepends who you're considering helpful to
04:02.50GuillotineActually, the UI Forums used to be extremely helpful
04:03.01Guillotineback when Shouryuu was our only troll
04:03.03Shadowedthey still are, i'm being sarcastic :p
04:03.03Cairennthey still can be, some times
04:03.25GuillotineI know, but now they are filled much more with posts people could find the answers to in 30 seconds if they actually looked
04:03.34Shadowedjust most people started realising that people actually help on UI & macros, so now we have every idiot who can't read trying to get help
04:03.51Cairennyou mean, like, by reading the stickies in 9 cases out of 10?
04:04.08Guillotineused to be it was only reading the stickies in 1/10
04:04.13ckknightpeople don't like stickies
04:04.19ckknightstickies are a section to skip over
04:04.42Shadowedwe should get slouken to start banning people who don't read the stickies
04:04.53Shadowedi'm pretty sure stupidity is in that agreement somewhere
04:05.10TainYou think people are bad now?  Try banning someone, even for the most legitimate of reasons.
04:07.50[Cu]WerikI'm evul
04:11.00[Cu]WerikThe thing is, forums aren't used for what they are for. At least, I think forums work like this: you ask a question, and you get X answers/solutions for your problems. But people are using forums for chit chatting and it drives me crazy
04:11.47Cairennagreed, to a point
04:12.01Cairenna "chit chat" forum for just that is fine
04:12.05Cairennbut leave the rest alone
04:12.06cladhaireforums and mailing lists are both for asynchronous communication between a community.
04:12.11cladhairebut (what cair just said)
04:12.25ShadowedI don't even mind if people want to chit chat a little in UI & Macros, but read the damn stickies.
04:12.25[Cu]WerikIf you want to chit chat, use the proper medias, like IRC or MSN or whatever you like
04:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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04:13.46CairennI admit to being as guilty of the next person in "chit chatting" in the UI forum
04:13.57Cairennsome of our best threads have been completely o/t
04:13.59TainIt's a community.
04:14.08Cairennbut yeah
04:14.08TainIt's partially what it is there for.
04:14.21[Cu]WerikIf people would use forums for chatting there wont be off topic discussion:)
04:14.36[Cu]Werikor werent
04:15.10cladhaire[Cu]Werik: Thats unrealistic.. chit chat is valid, and where lots of things come up to improve a community.. I am available 16 hours a day via forums and email, and about 2 hours a day via live communication.  In your rules, I shouldn't be able to participate in the community beyond my two hours.
04:15.32cladhairei get the point, but there's a difference
04:15.58TainI'm afraid you will have to submit your point in triplicate to the proper channels, clad.
04:16.01[Cu]WerikSometimes, 2 hours are more than 16:)
04:16.19[Cu]WerikBut I can see your point
04:16.33cladhaireif we're talking a support forum, yes.
04:16.35cladhairebut we're not.
04:16.35Cairennthe problem is, as said, asynchronous communication
04:17.21[Cu]WerikThe biggest problem is that they are open for everyone:P
04:17.26Cairenna community that is made up of people world wide means that when one person wants to talk to another, they may be on completely different time schedules, so the only way to do so is via email or forums
04:17.46cladhaireand if you use email, onlyt wo peopel are involved in the conversation, which hurts the community
04:18.03cladhaireso sorting through the noise, as frustrating as it is, is better for the community without a doubt.
04:18.27Cairenna lot of it is just a difference in outlook though
04:18.41Cairennsome people view forums as, as you say, support and nothing more
04:18.49Cairennothers view them as a ways of creating a community
04:19.16zenzelezzwhat a forum is for is entierly up to the administrator of said forum, whatever anyone else might think
04:19.21cladhaireif that role is clearly defined, the community can regulate it, unfortunately its the "Catch all" forums with no clear purpose that cause the problem.
04:19.44cladhairezenzelezz: that's great, but the administration is then required to moderate or enforce that ideal.  We dont have that, its a community run joint, with no levels of moderation
04:19.54cladhaireand to be frank, while its frustrating, the community does a damn good job
04:19.56GuillotineI think a mixture. Our OT threads are great (and often quite entertaining), but there becomes a point when its too much. When a random person comes in and posts "Hey discord author, what did u have for dinner?", its annoying.
04:20.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaligar (
04:20.12zenzelezzI'm not saying it's easy or even possible, but no-one else can lay down the law
04:20.16TainWhat did he have for dinner?
04:20.19cladhaireso don't respond
04:20.22cladhairethe thread dies
04:20.24cladhaireif he bumps it.
04:20.26cladhairewe find him and kill him
04:21.20[Cu]WerikIt's just a bad decision to put a totally technical forum inbetween 12 other forums which has nothing to do with it. Especially if it's open for everyone.
04:21.37cladhaireWho says its a technical forum?
04:21.48cladhairelets go back to the intent, which we can't decide or guess
04:21.48[Cu]Werikright :)
04:21.57cladhaireIts the UI and Macros forum
04:22.08cladhaireif it weren't for slouken it would be a cesspool of /suggest posts.
04:22.18cladhairebut he makes it clear what belongs and what doesn't.
04:22.21cladhaireand thats the best we have
04:22.22Shadowedif it wern't for slouken, nobody would post on it :p
04:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
04:22.37cladhairewe havemoderated "technical" threads, which he keeps clean (which is a tough job) and he lets the rest go
04:22.52cladhairegiven its not his job, its pretty impressive.
04:23.02Shadowedslouken's amazing in general
04:23.03[Cu]WerikThe problem is he has to moderate it:)
04:23.36cladhaireso, someone write a crawler for the forum that lets the tehcnical users rate posts, a meta forum
04:23.48cladhairethen we have all the news that's relevant, without the nouse.
04:23.53Guillotinethat would be pretty cool
04:23.55cladhaireand those brave souls can post directly in the forums
04:23.59[Cu]WerikYeah, like we are trying to do it on curse?
04:24.08cladhairei have no idea what you guys are trying to do
04:24.10[Cu]Werikmy warhammer news got downrated in 20 seconds by wow fans;)
04:24.11cladhaireits a magic black box.
04:24.17Shadowedlol [Cu]Werik
04:24.21cladhaireand no, that's not what i'm talking about.
04:24.32[Cu]WerikI can see it will have a future
04:24.35cladhairecurse isn't.. the most technical audience and I wouldn't put something like that on the frontline of a website.
04:24.43cladhaireit doesn't belong there.
04:24.48[Cu]Werik7.5 million crazy wow addict clicking minus on everything but wow stuff
04:25.07cladhaireyeah, thats why it doesn't work
04:25.10cladhairebut thats' not what i proposed.
04:25.14cladhairemake a small simple tool to fill a need
04:25.19cladhairenot one mega portal that does them all
04:25.21cladhaireBSD not Windows =)
04:25.22GuillotineI think what we need is something that hooks into the WoW forum and lets you rate it
04:25.26cladhairesubtle distinctino
04:25.32cladhaireGuillotine: simple firefox plugin
04:25.41TainIf it's a "rating" system people just rate up what someone else rated up.
04:25.44TainOr down.
04:25.44GuillotineI know, I'd write it, but we'd need a server to host ratings on
04:25.47Shadowedwhat's Firefox?
04:25.55cladhaireGuillotine: i can provide webspace,
04:26.08cladhairei just dont like needless bitching about "woe is us.. teh forums are teh suck"
04:26.10TainIt ends up with a tiny amount of people forming mass opinions
04:26.15ShadowedTain: Well, hopfully you only give it to the people that aren't going to "hive mind" a thread
04:26.15cladhairebut then again, i'm just a 2 hour a day member of the community =)
04:26.22cladhaireTain: I'm not talking about Diff
04:26.26Neuro_Medivhpls tell me someone banned Serk
04:26.29cladhaireDigg is the devil =)
04:26.30Guillotinecladhaire: alright, I'll get started and see what I can do :) I've only written 2 extensions, so I'm not the greatest yet
04:26.36TainMight as well just tell them what to think too then, Shadowed
04:26.43cladhairethere's got to be one to model off of, TBH
04:26.45cladhairelooka t WorkSafe
04:26.46Shadowedone step at a time :p
04:26.52cladhaireit lets you flag things as NSFW
04:26.59cladhaireand warns you if you go to a bad post.
04:27.08cladhaireat worst, lets do the same with "ZOMG TROLL" posts =)
04:27.16cladhaireand we all take a blood pact to let the threads die.
04:27.23Guillotinecan even put a little rating number in the little place the blizzard icon goes
04:27.32cladhairecause TBh, if Cogwheel and Mald didn't post on the forums, they'd all die =)
04:27.42cladhairethe have a leather satchel on their hips labelled "Troll Food"
04:27.44[Cu]WerikThese things just dont work imho:)
04:27.46cladhaireI know, because I have one too
04:27.55cladhaireWerik: Well what else do you prpopse?
04:28.06cladhairebitching about it does nothing but make this channel less productive imo =)
04:28.22cladhaire<-- bored, sorry
04:28.24[Cu]WerikNothing, you just can't de anything against it other than limiting the access
04:28.35GuillotineThere is only one fail-safe solution to eliminating trolls from the forums. Eliminate the forums
04:28.59cladhairethen whats the point =)
04:29.10Guillotinewe can always make it better :)
04:29.12Cairennand the benefits to community outweigh that, so we're back where we started
04:29.15GuillotineI'm just saying it won't be completely fixed
04:29.23ShadowedMake slouken post on wowinterface!
04:29.34Cairennbeen trying to ;)
04:29.36cladhairethats why we have moderated communities like WoWI, etc. that let us control whats done.
04:29.42Shadowedtry harder!
04:29.47cladhairewhere we control thread lengths, and who can post, etc.
04:30.51[Cu]WerikThat can work. I can't see any other way to keep it purely technical. But it's hard to do it without enough 'trustworthy' people :)
04:31.30cladhairein short, there's nothing better than what we're doing.. so we're not doing that bad imo
04:31.55[Cu]WerikYou can put it that way ;)
04:34.35Neuro_Medivhyou hunters, if you attempt to /cast Call Pet and you already have a pet, what happens?
04:34.49cladhaireChuck Norris dies.
04:34.56cladhaireI believe it says "You already control a pet"
04:35.40cladhaireYou already control a summoned creature
04:35.45cladhaire(from BC in-game)
04:36.56Neuro_Medivhworking on pet macros for some peeps
04:38.16cladhairek =)
04:39.10SP|Sorren eh?
04:42.09cladhairebut legendary thread
04:42.12cladhaireNSFW NSFW
04:43.13purli heard nsfw is not safe for work/wife
04:43.38Guillotinetopic deleted
04:44.04cladhaireit was teh pron
04:44.32[Cu]WerikIt lived 3 pages, not that bad
04:44.46Cideif it was the warrior T5 thread
04:44.49Cideit was 18+ pages
04:45.06cladhaireit was one of the spinoffs.
04:45.17cladhairewas lesbian porn, as opposed to the ebony porn in the 22 page thread =)
04:45.37Cidepics or it didn't happen
04:45.39Cideoh.. nvm
04:45.53Cideso, get this
04:46.00Cidebought a new domain last night
04:46.15Cidedns updated to our server like 3 hours after that
04:46.32Cideworked just fine, and now ~5 hours ago, it redirects back to the domain registrar again
04:46.51cladhaireweird.. new registrar.. or one you're familiar with?
04:47.15Cidenew one, but it works fine for two others so I dunno
04:47.27Cidehopefully it updates again but it's weird
04:47.59cladhairewe had an issue with a domain migration where URL forwarding was active on the account, and it inserted 7 squatting ad hosts in the rotation with us.. it was ugly
04:48.33Cidehaha, nice.. :)
04:49.03Corrodiasso if i have a character with mail in his mailbox, and i delete the character and make a new one with the same name, will the mail disappear?
04:49.45Neuro_MedivhYes.  Tested.
04:49.55Corrodiasthis means i must book it to sen'jin and return the mail first. bleh.
04:50.15Cidewell, get forwarded back to the sender if it wasn't a mail that was returned in the first place
04:51.24GuillotineNo, it jsut dissapears
04:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
04:51.47Guillotineat least if the character was transferring servers, but I assume that works the same as deleting. could be wrong though
04:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
04:52.15CideGuillotine: eh, that's quite an exploit
04:52.24Guillotinehow so?
04:52.38GuillotineI suppose if you want to delete stuff
04:52.39Cide"C.O.D <expensive item> to my alt"
04:52.43cladhaireyou can't transfer a char wioth anything in the mailbox
04:52.45Cide<delete alt>
04:52.47Guillotineya, was just thinking that
04:52.52Guillotinecladhaire: since when?
04:52.57cladhairesince always
04:53.00cladhairesince the day it came out
04:53.10cladhaireyou cannot be in a guild, be guild leader, cannot be logged in and cannot have anything in the mailbox.
04:53.18cladhaireit forces you to delete them
04:53.20cladhaireor do somethign with them
04:53.36[Cu]Werikyou can be in guild
04:53.42[Cu]Werikbut you will be removed
04:53.44Guillotinewhat if the mail is on its way? my gf lost 6 mooncloth b/c they were sent to her while she was transferring
04:53.48cladhaireooh i wasn't sure about that one.
04:53.59cladhaireGuillotine: they woudln't be in your mailbox yet.
04:54.02cladhairethere's the 1 hour lag
04:54.06cladhairefor why.. i still don't know =)
04:54.11[Cu]WerikBut indeed, you cant have anything in the mailbox.
04:54.13Guillotinebut would they jsut dissapear?
04:54.23Cidewell, it does say that you can't have mail in transaction
04:54.37[Cu]WerikYou can't have mails on the way to your characters either
04:54.41Cidewhich includes the 1h delay according to them iirc
04:54.50cladhairethen Guillotine is a LIAR!
04:55.08Guillotineits true
04:55.09CideI haven't tried it so I dunno if it works correctly though :P
04:55.19Guillotinewell spend 25$ to try
04:55.26CideGOOD IDEA!
04:55.50[Cu]Werikoh dear, 1/25th of a new geforece
04:58.15Neuro_Medivhso the p3 comes out next week?
04:58.58TainThe 17th
04:59.25TainOf course if you're not camping out in front of a store right now you probably won't get one. :)
04:59.34Neuro_MedivhI have no intention of getting one
04:59.50Neuro_MedivhI have an Xbox I never play (regular xbox, not 360
05:00.03[Cu]WerikWhy would anyone buy P3? No offense, I'm just asking. I can hear 3/4 amazing games for x360 a day, nothing for p3.
05:00.12cladhairewe had people lining up 7 days ago
05:00.31MentalPower[Cu]Werik: its PS2 vs XboX, only inverted
05:00.37TainThat's because the 360 has been out for a while already.
05:00.48TainThe library builds over time.
05:01.00[Cu]WerikIs P3 better than x360?
05:01.10TainThe funny thing is I've actually bought 3 PS2 games in the last 2 months.
05:01.12[Cu]WerikTechnologically? Is it more advanced?
05:01.27TainDepends on who you ask.
05:01.38[Cu]WerikAnyone. I'm not familiar with consoles
05:01.46TainThe hardware is different so it's difficult to judge apples to apples.
05:02.07[Cu]WerikAll I know is I want to play Gears of War;P and it's on x360
05:02.17Neuro_Medivhthe games are all the same these days... just prettier looking First-Person shooters
05:02.28Neuro_MedivhI want Fallout 3 (but not by Bethesda)
05:02.40TainOf course Sony has been going out of their way in the last year or so to make themselves out to be the supreme dicks.
05:03.05[Cu]WerikThey will be obsolate compared to pc's in a year
05:03.09MentalPower[Cu]Werik: yes its more advanced (BluRay vs. DVD, CellChip vs PowerPC, etc)
05:03.16cladhaireMXC is the best TV that exists.
05:03.22TainThe hardware doesn't matter.
05:03.31TainIt's the games that are important.
05:03.33[Cu]WerikThere is Blueray for x360 imho. I saw Bill talking about it:)
05:03.35MentalPowerI *know* it doesn;t matter
05:03.52MentalPowerthe *other* format
05:03.57TainI just bought 3 games for the PS2 which has been out for 5 years now.
05:04.18Neuro_Medivhthat's the real thing.. they really are just now pushing the limits of the PS2/Xbox
05:04.38[Cu]WerikWell, there are quad core cpus for pc already
05:04.52Neuro_MedivhYeah, I game on my PC
05:05.01TainIt's never a straight comparison though.
05:05.14[Cu]WerikConsoles always start hard
05:05.17Neuro_MedivhThere are certain games that are much more fun on a console though
05:05.20[Cu]WerikBut they always fall back
05:05.41Neuro_MedivhI like Tony Hawk on xbox, but RPGs I prefer pc
05:05.44MentalPowerfunny fact, all consoles use IBM (PowerPC derivative) chips, and all PC's (yes I'm generalizing) use Intel/AMD (x86) chips
05:06.04MentalPowers/all consoles/all *new* consoles/
05:06.36MentalPowerXbox moved from Intel -> IBM, and Apple moved from IBM -> Intel
05:06.50[Cu]WerikApple did the right thing;)
05:07.00MentalPoweri agree
05:07.09ckknightXbox did the right thing.
05:07.29[Cu]WerikI don't know about xbox, I have no base for comparison
05:07.35[Cu]WerikBut Apple did well:)
05:07.39ckknightyea, I agree
05:07.44ckknightI think both moves were very smart.
05:07.48TainI actually think MS did the right thing with the Xbox.
05:08.14TainThey've positioned it to be more than just a pc in a box, which is more or less what the Xbox was.
05:08.54TainI think it was good to make the real separation.
05:09.11[Cu]WerikI'm looking forward those laptops with vista media editions which wont need to boot up the OS to play dvds:)
05:10.22Neuro_MedivhIt'll take a few months before I'll consider switching to Vista
05:10.25cladhaireor you could have a mac where booting up takes 15 seconds =), and use your media remote =)
05:10.34TainIt will be more than a few months for me.
05:10.41Neuro_MedivhI remember when my roommate switched from 98 to Window ME
05:10.49TainI won't install Vista until a game comes out that is DX10 only that I really want to play.
05:11.00[Cu]WerikAnd spend the rest 30 seconds waiting for the mediaplayer to start
05:11.16TainWindows ME was a special case of suckitude though.
05:11.21Neuro_MedivhI find it funny that Windows made XP better than they meant to
05:12.04[Cu]WerikNah, the good thing is in this media edition, lets say you have your work pc, and the family just puts in a dvd and can use it as a complete media station without starting the OS and fooling around on on the pc
05:12.37cladhaireyeah, the media center stuff is pretty neat
05:12.47[Cu]WerikYou can even lock it with password and they can still watch movies
05:12.49[Cu]Werikits cool
05:13.50[Cu]WerikSplinter Cell Double Agent supports dx10
05:14.12MentalPowersupports ~= requires
05:14.30TainI *despise* the Aero interface.
05:14.31[Cu]WerikWell, it doesnt require it, but it looks horrible
05:14.39[Cu]Werikwithout it:)
05:15.16MentalPowerah, IC
05:15.19[Cu]Werikor I don't know what couses it, but it just blows with my x800
05:15.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:15.42SP|Sorrenwhats wrong with aero, i rather liked it for the short time i goofed off with vista
05:16.24TainThe best thing the UI can do is get out of my way.
05:16.26[Cu]WerikI don't know. If you ask me Vista will be a big hit
05:16.38cladhairefor a small number of people.
05:16.42[Cu]WerikIf not at start, later
05:16.43cladhairethat's the concern i have
05:16.45TainOf course it will, people have no choice.
05:17.15TainIt will be a big hit as MS pushes it down peoples throats and discontinue support for XP.  It's really the corporate level that drives it.
05:17.34[Cu]WerikBut you can't say it's not better than XP
05:17.46TainThere are things that are much better than XP.
05:17.50[Cu]WerikWithout pushing things you would sit still for ages
05:18.08TainAnd there are things, like the pervasive DRM, that are bad for everyone.
05:18.53[Cu]WerikWe will see how it works out
05:18.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:19.02TainThen there are things in the middle.  The Aero UI will certainly appeal to many, I personally think it's a step in the wrong direction to go so graphically intensive with just the UI.
05:19.04[Cu]WerikDidn't really notice it in the RC versions
05:19.20[Cu]WerikTain, its not intensive
05:19.39TainYou don't have to wait to see how it works out, it's a foregone conclusion.  Poeple will use Vista, XP will die out.  That's just a matter of time.
05:19.47[Cu]WerikIt has basically no impact on performance
05:19.56TainThat is not true.
05:19.59[Cu]WerikANd you can turn it off
05:20.02cladhaireif your machine can support it.
05:20.07cladhairewhich invalidates the statement =)
05:20.19[Cu]WerikA geforce 6600 can run it without any problems
05:20.44XLVIIMy school, I work as an IT Technician, just bought all hp Vista-compatible machines.
05:20.49[Cu]WerikMaybe even worse cards I dont know, I had no issues at all on a 6600
05:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
05:21.04TainThere are other things that I'm willing to chalk up to personal perference as long as I can change.
05:21.08XLVIIThey run Vista, with Aero, without a hassle.
05:21.09cladhairethe average dsktop pc.. which is what we're talking about has nowhere near a 6600
05:21.24TainLike the Start - Run box being a search box by default, that drove me absolutely mad.
05:21.26MentalPowerdoesn't Aero run pretty much only on the GPU?
05:21.49[Cu]Werikit does
05:22.01[Cu]Werikwell, its a directx application
05:23.12[Cu]WerikAnd as I said, you can turn it off:)
05:24.15XLVIII can't even remember when I last used a poper 'Appearance
05:24.27[Cu]WerikActually, vista turns it on and off dynamically. I was rendering some movie and playing wow in windowed mode and I think It turned Aero off automatically
05:24.49XLVIIproper 'Appearance', I've always seemed to use Windows Classic Style
05:25.19[Cu]Werikif you run a game in windowed mode, but in full screen window, it turns aero off as well
05:26.05SP|Sorrenwhat if you have multiple monitors
05:26.23[Cu]WerikI have two
05:26.32Mike-N-GoWow, 372 messages!
05:26.34[Cu]Werikturns if off on both obviously
05:35.10cladhairenight all
05:35.40*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
05:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
05:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge iamhef (n=Hef@
05:47.51iamhefanyone alive in here? :)
05:48.29iamhefyah! we got a live one!
05:48.55iamhefi was just wondering if there was a UI dev guild formed in the BC beta?
05:49.02Shadowedsee the topic!
05:49.21iamhefoh hellfire IS the beta server
05:49.36iamhefi was thinking that was a non-beta server
05:49.40iamhefty vm!
05:49.49MentalPowerheh, np
05:50.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:50.19grimman|z0rThat'd be the day, letting beta testers in on live servers. :)¨
05:50.29KasoTempest EU > Hellfire US :>
05:50.31grimman|z0rImagine the panic in the cities when a level 70 ported in.
05:52.27iamhefwell it looks like only one person is on, alli side
05:52.41grimman|z0r/who 1-70
05:52.55iamhefno, no, i mean in CastSpell
05:53.04purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
05:54.09iamhefhas anyone been having problems with the FrameXML loader randomly rejecting files? possibly for related to the textfile format (ANSI vs UTF-8, etc)?
06:01.21Kasoanyone happen to be online on live atm?
06:01.40Mike-N-GoYou mean wow 1.12.x?
06:02.08Kasocan you test something for me?
06:02.20Mike-N-GoI am.
06:02.44Mike-N-GoWhat is it you want tested?
06:02.46Kasogive a mob a raidtarget, kill it, then target it and see what GetRaidTargetIndex("target") returns
06:03.22Mike-N-GoUmm, how do I do all that?
06:03.34Kaso1) join a party
06:03.51Mike-N-GoYou meen a raid icon?
06:04.25Mike-N-GoWhat all am I to do?
06:04.32Kasoraid icon a mob
06:04.33Kasokill it
06:04.55Kasothen target it and do /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(GetRaidTargetIndex("target"))
06:05.13*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
06:05.36Mike-N-GoOK, let me find a person.
06:06.27XuerianMike-N-Go: You might want to get devtools, too. It gives you a /dump <whatever> shortcut. =)
06:06.31purlmethinks devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
06:06.42Mike-N-GoI have these devtools
06:06.56Kasothen do /dump GetRaidTargetIndex("target") :>
06:07.05Mike-N-Go1 returns
06:07.20Kasowas it 1-8 ?
06:07.48Kaso1 is the return
06:07.53Mike-N-GoDevTools: value=GetRaidTargetIndex("target")
06:08.10Kasointeresting indeed
06:08.17Mike-N-GoI used start
06:08.29Kasothanks for that
06:08.43Kasoi didnt know that corpses keep the raidtaget index
06:08.44Mike-N-Go[1]=8 for skul
06:09.07Mike-N-GoWell, the raidtarget remains on the corpse.
06:10.26Kasothats odd, i alway though it was cleared when a mob died
06:11.50Kasoi just saw that behavour on beta and wanted to check that was same on live
06:12.00Kasothanks for the help :>
06:15.41Esamynn|raiding~lart cair
06:15.43Esamynn|raiding~lart Cairenn
06:15.48Esamynn|raiding~bzfrag Cairenn
06:16.05Mike-N-Go~lart esamynn
06:16.08Esamynn|raiding~whaleslap Cairenn
06:19.25iamhef~lart purl
06:20.08Kasoi sense Esamynn|raiding is trying to get cairenn's attention
06:20.25Cairennhe's got it
06:20.39Esamynn|raidingI was punishing her! :P
06:20.45Cairennhe's mad at me because I edited the post where I told people off
06:21.24Shadowedbad cair
06:21.25Kasoyou told people off? good on you people were giving you too much shit on the forums
06:21.28Shadowed~lart Cairenn
06:22.02iamhefare we talking about the official ui/macro forums?
06:22.03Cairennand on the two threads on wowi
06:22.05CairennI'd copied it to all three threads
06:22.11Cairennbut I took it back down
06:22.24iamhefdidn't see those...the official one went south fast tho (not referring to your post, didn't see it)
06:22.24XuerianAww :(
06:22.27Kasoout of curiousity, what;d you say?
06:22.29XuerianAnd you didn't let us see it first?
06:22.29Esamynn|raiding~bzfrag Cairenn
06:22.36iamhefall i knows is i get 2 beta keys so it worked for me... =\
06:22.37Shadowed"Fuck off you ungrateful idiots"
06:22.46[Wobin]The 'I'm ashamed of you' one?
06:22.54Guillotineiamhef: I got 2 as well
06:23.21GuillotineI would guess thats one from WoWI then one from the random peopel their giving it to
06:23.33Esamynn|raidingpurl, are you mad at me?
06:23.38iamhefdamn... nice rant ;)
06:23.55CairennI think my follow up is even better, to be honest :p
06:24.03ShadowedWhy do they have a policy to only send out the key 3 times anyway
06:24.12Cairenn2 times, they're breaking it
06:24.25Shadowedwait, they only send it out once, you got them to send it out twice and a third time?
06:24.36Cairenntrying to fix it
06:24.54Cairennwhich is why some people have gotten 2 keys, and will likely end up with a third
06:25.02Cairennthey generate new keys each time
06:25.21Cairennwhich is why they don't like doing it
06:26.07iamhefhas anyone ever brought up the fact that maybe these people just entered their e-mail address incorrectly?
06:26.20Cairennthey can check them themselves, on our site
06:26.22Shadowedi'm 100% sure my email is correct
06:26.26Cairenngo hit the button again
06:26.50iamhefaye... but that doesn't mean they *have* done so :P
06:27.02Cairennwell, that's there problem, isn't it?
06:27.10Esamynn|raidinga suspicious mind would wonder if they are purposely abusing the system.....
06:27.14Cairennbut I know that keys haven't shown up
06:27.25iamhefit is... but it might helps things along to smack em up side the head and so "go check it biznitch"
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06:27.44iamhefesa: i did wonder that myself
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06:28.10Esamynn|raidingiamhef: i'm just joking
06:28.11iamhefthough i'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt b/c if they are telling the truth that would really suck to be them
06:28.19iamhefoh lol, i wasn't :P - You have requested your password be reset. ( no i didnt ! )
06:28.26Esamynn|raidingthey had no way of knowing that they regened keys each time they did a batch
06:28.29iamhefi have a highly developed sense of paranoia tho ;)
06:29.17iamhefhmm... maybe
06:30.00iamhefso now that ppl are talking, i'll throw out my question again...
06:30.14Cairennquick everyone, hide
06:30.21iamhefhas anyone seen FrameXML randomly have problems with loading lua files?
06:30.42iamheflike i've had a few instances where FrameXML gives "Error Loading xxx" (no other clues)
06:30.58iamhefand i can completely empty the file out and it will still have errors
06:31.09Esamynn|raidingiamhef: you mean an error in the FrameXML.log file?
06:31.16iamhefaye, that one
06:31.39Esamynn|raidingwhere are you trying to load it from, a TOC or an XML file?
06:31.41KasoXML files are yucky!
06:32.06iamhefi've fixed it twice but i still don't know how... lol
06:32.30iamhefit's maaaaagiiic
06:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:38.26Kasobut Cairenn, im glad you stood up for yourself, i do understand it must be annoy for those whove missed out and i understand youre annoyed people have missed out, but you were getting entirely too much shit about all this.
06:38.45XuerianSeconded =|
06:39.05iamhefyeah i'll agree... they should not have been directing their anger at you
06:39.08ShadowedI don't really care that I didn't get a key actually
06:39.17Cairennthey haven't been
06:39.24Cairennno one has been "blaming" me
06:39.38Cairennbut the crap they've been spewing against Blizz is ridiculous
06:39.41iamhefoh well good then... perhaps i should pay more attention to these things :P
06:40.25ScytheBlade1Ohh, link? ^^
06:40.47Cairennas I said in the Blizz thread, I agree that there are problems, but there are ways of expressing your dissatisfaction that are acceptable, and ways that aren't
06:41.38Cairenn*that* is the thread that has me most upset
06:41.48iamheftrue, but blizz doesn't always have the best track records when it comes to delivery... so maybe their taking frustration from past events and lumping it in with the present
06:43.28iamhefwho here uses Ace or Ace2?
06:44.30Kasoiamhef #wowace might be of some help :>
06:44.42iamhefoh....... perhaps so :P
06:44.56ScytheBlade1Cairenn, /clap
06:47.26*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
06:47.31ScytheBlade1Hmm - where did the beta mods go?
06:48.07ScytheBlade1Awesome, ty
06:48.18Cairennmalreth: !
06:48.31Kasothe mod im writing for beta is currently causing wow to hang on pew :< not so good
06:48.33malrethI wanted to tell you, "Thanks."
06:48.42malrethFor your hard work and dedication.
06:48.52ShadowedKaso: whatcha doing
06:49.07Kasoa mod to estimate if it's "safe" to SW:Death
06:49.09Cairennmalreth: thanks hun :)
06:49.21Shadowedwhat are you doing that it's lagging on PEW? :p
06:49.53Kasonot quite sure, i guess its UNIT_STATS or SPELLS_CHANGED
06:49.53ScytheBlade1asdf, Cide isn't here :(
06:50.03ScytheBlade1Anyone know if he has a working copy of CT_MailMod for beta?
06:50.10CairennScytheBlade1: he'd be sleeping at this point
06:50.25ScytheBlade1I copied my main + my bank.. three times
06:50.32ScytheBlade1And this is a LOT of mats to mail over ;P
06:50.37KasoScytheBlade1 theres a CT mod version up on wowi's bet section that works
06:50.38Cairennthere's a CT mod in the category
06:50.49ScytheBlade1Ah, that could be it
06:50.53ScytheBlade1I just searched for MailMod
06:51.16Kasocide uploaded is as a package
06:51.26ScytheBlade1Yup, he sure did
06:51.33Cairennfound it?
06:51.36Kasobtw fyi i belive the current mastermod taints the petbar
06:51.37ScytheBlade1I sure did
06:51.44ScytheBlade1Eh, I only need MailMod
06:52.11Kasowell its all dependent
06:52.31ScytheBlade1It's an OptionalDep for MailMod
06:52.40Kasooh, well np
06:52.46ScytheBlade1Exactly :)
06:53.04Kasoits not a huge issue to me as a priest, but if youre a hunter mage or warlock it could cause probs
06:53.19ScytheBlade1But eh
06:53.24ScytheBlade1Also specced fire
06:53.34Shadowedor a shaman!
06:54.41KasoCide said hes re-writeing most of it for tbc so it should all be good
06:55.01ScytheBlade1I'll be honest: I only use CT_MailMod, and CTRA
06:55.04ScytheBlade1And MailMod works :)
06:55.27ScytheBlade1Saves SO MUCH TIME
06:56.28Neuro_Medivhnot in beta it doesn't
06:56.57ScytheBlade1... on the beta
06:57.31Neuro_Medivhtry sending 10 items out
06:57.42Neuro_Medivhmine takes a dump on me when I try it
06:57.56ScytheBlade1I sent 21+2 three times
06:57.58ScytheBlade1Works fine
07:01.12Kaso7AM :< i should go to bed
07:01.27KasoOR! i could get breakfast early!
07:09.44*** part/#wowi-lounge iamhef (n=Hef@
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07:29.03cogwheelanyone know where ally class trainers are in Outland?
07:29.28Guillotinethere are no class trainers in outland
07:29.49Guillotinego to Sartrath and use the portal to IF or Darn or wherever
07:30.00Kasothat seems to be question No.1
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07:36.46hellimodare there any wowwiki admins available right now for discussion?
07:39.09Guillotineg2g, gn all :)
07:39.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
07:39.39Guillotinehellimod: I believe many of the wowwiki admins are US, so try slightly earlier in the day
07:40.02hellimodthanks for the information
07:40.22KasoKirkburn is EU and might be around in a few hours
07:40.30Cairennnight guys
07:41.06Kasosleep is for the weak!
07:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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07:55.02ScytheBlade1Awesome, I just completly borked my rep
07:55.37ScytheBlade1Khadgar lets you choose BOTH the Aldor and the Scryers..
07:55.55ScytheBlade1Likewise, they're both bumped to neutral, instead of one hostile and one friendly
07:56.14ScytheBlade1.. talk to *a* leader, you'll lose 10 rep with the other faction, and not gain enough to pick up any faction quests :(
07:58.45Kasoarent there any mobs you can grind to get rep
07:58.55ScytheBlade1But that's a heck of a grind
08:00.46Kasoyou cant Un-socket gems?
08:00.48ScytheBlade1Either way, I /bug'd it
08:01.06Kasodidnt realse that
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08:11.51ScytheBlade1Heh, awesome.. 180 LBS
08:12.05ScytheBlade1Wait, no
08:12.18ScytheBlade1236 LBS
08:12.38ScytheBlade1And 171 Illusion Dust
08:12.43ScytheBlade1Hello enchanting power level
08:26.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=kyahx@
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08:48.05Mike-N-GoHumm, AMD does not like auctioneer.
08:48.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:48.44Mike-N-GoIs there a way to dump the error log into something I can copy with devtools?
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09:36.08nevcairielhmm, i cant make keybindings to my actionbar addon, it always ends up saying that i was just blocked from doing something bad
09:36.25nevcairielis there any hidden trick?
09:36.37nevcairiel(in TBC)
09:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
09:37.46Thunder_Childprolly, secure templates + tainting is enough to ive anyone a headache
09:38.24nevcairielive managed to get nearly everything working with my secure template actionbar now
09:38.27nevcairielonly not keybindings
09:38.56Thunder_Childbut keybindings cant change in combat if they are tainted
09:39.24Thunder_Childor soemthing like that
09:39.46nevcairieli dont want to change them, i added a Bindings.xml with some static keybindings, and call my buttondown function from there, basicly like the blizz bar does it, and i get a blocked message
09:41.22nevcairieli wonder if there is some secure binding in the templates somewhere
09:41.32Thunder_Childkinda makes you wish Iriel|Away was here doesnt it
09:42.08cncfanaticsyou can't do it like that
09:42.25nevcairielhow can i do it?
09:42.34cncfanaticsSetBindingClick on the PLAYER_LOGIN would do the thing you want, but then u'll have to manage bindings urself, they won't appear in the keybinding section from blizz
09:42.54nevcairieland, if i want them to appear there?
09:42.58cncfanaticsno idea :)
09:46.17nevcairielbasicly every addon which has some form of key-toggle needs that
09:46.23nevcairielthere must be a way :)
09:52.13cncfanaticsA keytoggle shldnt be suposed to run securestuff -.-
09:53.16nevcairielit needs to be able to call a spell
09:54.09cncfanaticsu can't use CastSpell directly
09:54.16cncfanaticsu need to use secureframes & SetBindingCLick
09:54.33nevcairielso basicly i need my own binding setup?
09:54.37nevcairielthat somewhat sucks :(
09:55.13cncfanaticsa slashcommand wld do if its not complicated :p
09:55.25cncfanaticsi'd like a GetBindingClick command from blizz though
09:55.34cncfanaticsits anoying to have to save what the binding is set to manualy
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09:55.46nevcairielyou can do GetBindingKey("CLICK "..self.frame:GetName()..":LeftButton");
09:56.00cncfanaticsyou can ? :o
09:56.07cncfanaticsoooh, great :p
09:57.23nevcairielyeah i use it to show the keybinding on my button
09:57.45nevcairielmeh, i need some simple UI for keybindings
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12:07.47teomyrhow can i find out which pet a warlock has currently summoned? voidwalker, imp etc.
12:11.17teomyraah... nvm, UnitCreatureFamily("pet")
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13:28.15IndustrialCairenn|afk: ping
13:28.23Cairenn|afkIndustrial: pong
13:28.42grimman|z0rFake afk tag... shame on you. :P
13:35.42Industrialwhats a z0r tag then
13:37.33Cairenn|afkas opposed to afkzor
13:37.53grimman|z0rWell... it's just afkz0r without the afk part. ;)
13:38.00grimman|z0rFigured I'd be clever.
13:38.14grimman|z0rCall it lurker mode if you will.
13:38.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (n=the_real@
13:45.01CorrodiasWELL time to go to bed
13:45.21grimman|z0rTen-four. Good night, commander.
14:00.17Industrialyay castingbar
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14:01.07grimman|z0rThat's... less than beautiful. :P
14:02.23Industrialleast its small clear and usable
14:03.18grimman|z0rI've been working on some unitframes of my own, I assume the cast bar is a part of yours.
14:03.37grimman|z0r"my own" would be pushing it a bit though. ;)
14:04.58Industrialno its not part of the unitframes
14:05.14grimman|z0rOh. Same style though. :)
14:05.14Industriali do anchor it to the unitframes
14:05.21Industrialcause tis the same addon
14:05.34grimman|z0rSo... it's part of it after all.
14:05.53Industrialthe addon is my whole interface
14:06.13Industrialfigured if im going to make an interface why not put it all into one and be done with all the hassle of configuring things
14:06.14grimman|z0rThat's what I mean. :)
14:07.36Industrialhow could i make ite better
14:07.45Industrialalways looking for criticism :P
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14:08.29grimman|z0rIf you're looking for a project to waste time, do something about the Blizzard World PVP timers.
14:08.48Industrialno how could i make my interface better
14:08.56Industrial< grimman|z0r> That's... less than beautiful. :P
14:09.10grimman|z0rOh well, obviously you need to do something about the minimap.
14:09.45grimman|z0rYou can square it pretty damn easy and remove the border. Instant pornification. ;D
14:10.09Industrialyeah but I dont like the buttons to still be moving around in a circle
14:10.26Industriali can move the default ones
14:11.23grimman|z0rI hide most buttons, as long as they have a slash command... only leaves a few ones that can be replicated through FuBar addons or simply moved with DFM.
14:12.19Industrialas you see im hiding most of the default buttons
14:12.23grimman|z0rsimpleMinimap makes the buttons move in a square, but they're still attached to a "track" around the minimap itself.
14:12.28Industrialjust not the tracking frame and the battleground timer
14:12.33Industriali have mousewheel zooming etc
14:12.41grimman|z0rZooming ftl. ;P
14:13.07Industrialits handy when you have tradking in a crowded area
14:13.36grimman|z0rUp until I got simpleMinimap I had "disabled" zooming and only allowed pings via right click. :)
14:14.30Industrialim playing with the idea of removing the button bar background
14:14.35Industrialand creating a new one
14:14.45Industrialthe height of the buttons, across the bottom of my screen
14:14.49Industrialbut.. everyone has that :
14:15.17grimman|z0rI don't see any background in the screen you linked.
14:15.37Industrialyes you do..
14:15.40Industrialthe button bar
14:16.02grimman|z0rWrong screen.
14:18.06grimman|z0r << My beta UI. Didn't bother with the minimap too much. Tbh I don't like it very much, but it's pretty close to a concept I made a while back.
14:18.28grimman|z0r if the link doesn't open properly... crud webhost.
14:21.07grimman|z0r << My live server UI. :)
14:22.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
14:23.05Industrialid remove the button borders and make em large like mine :P
14:24.29grimman|z0rIt grew a bit beyond how I intended it to look. ;)
14:24.59grimman|z0rThe buttons are mostly visible so I can see the cooldowns, I have all the important stuff hotkeyed.
14:25.44grimman|z0rAnd two hidden menus that can be summoned with another pair of hotkeys. ;D
14:34.49Industrialhmm k
14:35.16grimman|z0rI love my hotkeys.
14:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
14:41.11grimman|z0rYou know... I think I may make an UI that shows only abilities with cooldowns, having the rest hotkeyed.
14:42.10Industrialyou can also use a cooldown bar timer addon
14:42.17IndustrialoCD by haste  for example
14:42.20grimman|z0rGot an up to date link?
14:43.50grimman|z0rYou mean OCB?
14:43.54hasteno, he means oCD
14:44.13grimman|z0r << Lists only oCB and oRA.
14:44.22grimman|z0rAnd /wave haste.
14:44.25hastelists oCD
14:45.01hasteIt doesn't work with all actionbars tho', as I don't want to scan the spellbook everytime someone smashes a button
14:45.15hasteor a new cooldown is triggered
14:45.45grimman|z0rIs that what the other bar mods to anyway?
14:46.06hasteother cooldown mods at least
14:46.24hasteso if it doesn't work for you, either use another cooldown add on, or switch to one of the supported actionbars :)
14:46.57grimman|z0rCurrently using Bartended which I believe only modifies Blizzard stuff... that's what it feels like anyway. :)
14:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
14:49.19Industrialhmm, in tbc you cant make one button do more things right? but you can display what key to press (along with the spellname) on the screen
14:49.47Industrialwould that be nice to havE?
14:49.49Industriali dunno
14:50.13grimman|z0rDoubtful... but I dunno, I can't think if any situation where I'd need it personally.
14:51.19Industrialcould be handy with things like execute
14:52.56grimman|z0rLooks like oCD was ~what I needed. :)
14:53.47grimman|z0rOnly one thing that annoys me.
14:54.01grimman|z0rWhen I pop a trap, I get cooldown bars for all my traps.
14:55.31WobinI love the male draenei voice
14:55.58TainHe's so dreamy!
14:57.05WobinOf course, I've always had a thing for the slavic accent
14:58.26grimman|z0r << Can't listen to that too often. ;)
15:05.29hastegrimman|z0r: yeh, it will be added grouping
15:09.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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15:30.11grimman|z0rMm, smells like a bakery here.
15:30.14grimman|z0rIt's my duty to drool.
15:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
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15:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Amadeo (
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16:29.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
16:32.06thezankeis there a mod dev guild in BC?
16:33.30|Shadow|such a brilliant keyboard <3
16:33.36MikmaTempest Keep: Alliance = CastSpell, Horde = TargetUnit
16:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:35.09MentalPowerand Hellfire too (same names)
16:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
16:45.47IndustrialQuestion: How do I get this bottom bar to be under the chatframe?
16:46.58Amadeo|Shadow|: How do you like the type feel?
16:48.28Industrialnm got it
16:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
16:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
17:00.45AmadeoWindows Media Player 11 loads pretty fast, I'm surprised
17:01.51KirkburnThe 'update' that was released yesterday?
17:01.53IndustrialMedia Player Classic ftw
17:01.54MentalPoweris it out of beta?
17:02.10Industrialand foobar2000 :p
17:02.13KirkburnMentalPower, yup
17:02.30Amadeoyeah, I use all that stuff too (fb2k, etc)
17:02.35AmadeoI just like to play with software :)
17:03.37grimman|herez0rWinamp ftw. :P
17:04.00grimman|herez0rFor audio of course... MPC for video.
17:07.12MentalPowerI use Winamp for Audio, MPC for video and WMP for ripping CDs
17:07.39AmadeoExact Audio Copy for ripping CDs <3
17:07.58grimman|herez0rAmadeo:  :)
17:09.15TainEAC for ripping, VLC for video, Foobar for audio.
17:13.20AmadeoI've tried VLC a few times
17:13.25Amadeobut something always makes me go to another app
17:13.32AmadeoI forget what that something is now :P
17:14.29grimman|herez0rLast time I tried VLC it felt kinda slow and crashed once or twice too.
17:14.59Amadeoit does feel slow
17:15.17AmadeoI had some problems playing video files too
17:15.32AmadeoSomething about the audio/video wasn't synced up right so it wouldn't play the video
17:15.45AmadeoWhich is fine, but other players would play it anyway
17:16.10grimman|herez0rAnd syncing is easy in MPC. :)
17:17.04|FF|Im2good4uhmm it seems i cant see if an item can hold cocoets by looking at the tiem link i cna only see if there are sockets inside it
17:18.02grimman|herez0rcocoets << ?
17:18.52|FF|Im2good4usockets sorry :p'
17:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
17:23.57grimman|herez0r  << Kinda glad Half Life didn't end up looking like that.
17:28.19Kasoits so lifelike!
17:30.50zenzelezzdid you see the early model of Gordon, which they apparently now call "Ivan the space biker"?
17:31.52grimman|herez0rI have now...
17:32.11grimman|herez0rAnd I have only one thing to say; WTF?
17:32.29AmadeoWu's Tranquil Fist
17:33.00|FF|Im2good4uGetNumSockets() <- it doesnt take any parameter it all so i wonder how its gona know witch item to look up for sockets :x
17:34.53thezankeanyone have link to BC onebag?
17:35.08grimman|herez0rBagnon works in BC.
17:35.11grimman|herez0rSame thing basically.
17:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
17:41.18MentalPower|FF|Im2good4u: prolly the currently open socketed item (Shift+RClick)
17:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge thr (
17:45.49thrIs there any way to move a frame "behind" it's parent? so the parent graphic overlaps the child, and not the other way around?
17:48.16|FF|Im2good4uu cn set alpha to 0 :P
17:48.59Valleriusthr: you should be able to diddle the z-stacking.. this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
17:49.07Valleriusor something like that
17:49.09Merythr: only thing I can think of is manually setting :SetFrameLevel to the desired values... and someone beat me
17:49.44thrthnx, that should work.
17:50.39Kaso~seen hellimod
17:50.59purlhellimod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 10h 10m 57s ago, saying: 'thanks for the information'.
17:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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18:19.47*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:19.47*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 2.0 UI Changes | | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07
18:22.44hastegrimman|herez0r: try MPUI
18:24.33*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
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18:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
18:38.44Thunder_ChildVLC usual will open all because it uses internal codecs whereas the rest use system codecs
19:00.44*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:00.44*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 2.0 UI Changes | | Paste Code Here: | Mod Author guilds on Hellfire (US) and on Tempest Keep (EU). CastSpell (A)/TargetUnit(H) | TBC Release Date 16 Jan 07
19:02.11Thunder_Childgrimman|herez0r, that looks like a protected/encrypted fi.e
19:02.34grimman|herez0rOr just generally corrupted.
19:02.51grimman|herez0rIf you get the same crap I get that kinda concludes it.
19:03.27grimman|herez0rI just found it odd that such a large amount of the files I downloaded looked like that. Something like 50% of them it turns out.
19:04.27grimman|herez0rAh well... in the end I got to see the other 50% of the files, my codecs are up to date AND optimized for my CPU and I got to try a ton of different media players. ;D
19:04.27teomyrtry doing md5 checks if the site offers checksums
19:04.39grimman|herez0rteomyr: Fileplanet... -_-
19:05.01grimman|herez0rMD5 to them is something like a haxx0r version of MP3 or whatever.
19:05.14grimman|herez0r"Wow, yeah, MD5. Totally!"
19:05.15Thunder_Childyou right, it's coruptded + there is no sound
19:05.29Thunder_Childbut as far as the sound part goes, there was none to begin with
19:05.35grimman|herez0rI got sound.
19:06.03Thunder_Childi ran it through gspot and got no sound info
19:06.05grimman|herez0rSome stuff I could make out, but for the most part it was just beeps and stuff.
19:06.16grimman|herez0rDoesn't gspot only handle AVIs?
19:06.34Thunder_Childanything that uses a audio/video codec
19:06.45grimman|herez0rWell, I deleted the MPEG so I can neither confirm nor deny.
19:07.28grimman|herez0rThough I guess I could take the opportunity to update my 3 year old GSpot. ;P
19:07.52grimman|herez0rv2.1 - January, 2003.
19:10.51eternally777Silviu-: Check out SacredBuff
19:11.08eternally777-.- @ linux irc... mt
19:16.15teomyrbtw kaso
19:16.28teomyryou there?
19:19.06Shadowed~seen Kaso
19:19.21purlkaso is currently on #wowi-lounge, last said: '~seen hellimod'.
19:20.26Amadeoanyone have a 60 Shaman?
19:21.46hasteAmadeo: I do
19:22.14Amadeohaste: Yeah but you don't count!
19:22.27AmadeoYou only PvP twice a year!
19:22.35hastewith my shaman, I don't even touch PvP :D
19:22.48hasteI haven't logged on my shaman for the last month either so :p
19:22.49AmadeoYou know I love you though
19:23.22ShadowedAmadeo: no, but if it's a pvp question i can probably answer it!
19:23.44AmadeoI just don't know what Enhancement Shaman get for stats when leveling up
19:23.47Amadeofor PvP
19:24.00AmadeoI have Strength and Stamina now, but man, I can heal like twice and I'm out of mana :P
19:24.18Shadowedbalance it all :p
19:24.22Amadeoeww, balance
19:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:25.33Neuro_MedivhAmadeo, basically until 40 you're stuck getting rogue gear, and at 40 you wanna get all the SM chain
19:25.43Neuro_Medivhthen you're kinda screwed till 60s
19:26.14Neuro_Medivhcause all the chain from 40-60 is caster shaman or hunter oriented
19:26.38AmadeoI want agility over strength?
19:27.02Neuro_Medivhyou get no AP from agility
19:27.23AmadeoI'm still 30!
19:27.41Neuro_Medivhyou'll wanna start collecting the SM chain gear around 38
19:28.24Neuro_Medivhand if you can get it, the Ravager axe
19:28.38Amadeothat's from Herod right?
19:28.47Neuro_MedivhHerod is your friend
19:28.51Neuro_Medivhhe drops 4 items you want
19:29.03teomyryes :D
19:29.39Amadeohe's a lot of fun so far though
19:29.40Neuro_MedivhAlso, you can kill him with just shaman, at lvl 40, if you want
19:29.45Amadeoprobably more fun than most classes I've played before
19:29.53Neuro_MedivhShaman are great fun
19:29.57Amadeoif Windfury procs, I can kill a caster in almost one shot
19:29.59teomyrherod can be solo'd quite easily
19:30.01Amadeo(at 30)
19:30.15Neuro_MedivhAt 40, Teomyr?
19:30.25teomyrno xD
19:30.27Neuro_MedivhAmadeo, you have Corpsemaker right?
19:30.32Amadeono, I have...
19:30.39AmadeoBurning War Axe, lol
19:30.44AmadeoI haven't instanced yet
19:30.45teomyri solo'd him at 49 to get my leggings :D
19:31.06Neuro_Medivhahh... at 40, me and 2 shaman farmed him about 8 times
19:31.24Neuro_Medivhthe good thing is, with all his shaman drops, nothing ever got wasted
19:32.19teomyrCorpsemaker, Ravager, Executioner's Cleaver are very nice shaman weapons imo
19:32.43Neuro_Medivhbtw, Amadeo, if you're mainly in it for pvp, 30-39 is the range where shaman really excel
19:33.19AmadeoI notice that 30 was a big level
19:33.22AmadeoI got great stuff
19:33.23Neuro_Medivhyes it is
19:33.42Amadeoon another note
19:33.53AmadeoI've been using this macro on my Warlock, but it doesn't seem to retarget the enemy
19:33.58Amadeo/script if (UnitCreatureFamily("pet") == "Felhunter") then TargetUnit("player");CastPetAction(4);TargetLastEnemy();end
19:34.18ScytheBlade1Macros cannot target or cast spells anymore
19:34.25ScytheBlade1At least with /script anyways
19:34.33Amadeoeven in 1.12?
19:34.50ScytheBlade1.. oh ;)
19:35.08Neuro_MedivhI think it's targetlasttarget
19:35.41Amadeolet me try that
19:35.52Neuro_Medivhyou can still make a macro like that in 2.0, btw
19:36.20Neuro_Medivh./cast [pet:Felhunter,target=player] <Pet action 4, whatever it's called>
19:36.44teomyrneed key -_-
19:37.01ScytheBlade1heh, join the club
19:37.08Neuro_MedivhPTR Contest ftw
19:37.29teomyri finished my addon today and signed up for the giveaway :D
19:37.39teomyrhunters and warlocks might find it interesting
19:38.56AmadeoPTR contest?
19:39.19Thunder_ChildPublic test realm
19:39.37Amadeowhat contest?
19:39.52teomyrthe pvp/leveling contest
19:39.52Thunder_Childas many chars to 20...i think
19:40.42Neuro_MedivhI did the pvp contest
19:40.47teomyra lvl 19 warsong honor contest, and two leveling contest (most chars to lvl 20, first to 50)
19:41.02Neuro_Medivhthe lvl 19 contest was FUN, wish they'd do somehting like that again
19:41.10*** join/#wowi-lounge fathom (
19:41.26Neuro_Medivhthe only real problem was the shaman/pally imbalance
19:41.39Neuro_Medivhat lvl 19, in WSG, Blessing of Freedom is HUGE
19:42.27teomyrpurge :>
19:42.44Neuro_Medivhis a reaction, not an action
19:42.59Neuro_Medivhwithout frost shock to back it up, it's ineffective
19:43.21Neuro_Medivhsure, you purge the BoF, but they're still free of whatever was snaring them
19:43.41teomyrcorrect :(
19:43.53Neuro_MedivhThe standard alliance tactic was pally-rogue flag team
19:44.20Neuro_Medivhrogue grabs flag, pally BoFs, rogue sprints
19:44.25AmadeoI imagine TBC Arenas will be pointless without a Paladin in group
19:46.08Neuro_MedivhI'd still love to see a server that was dedicated to 1-19.  Maybe wipe it every month or so.
19:46.50Neuro_MedivhThe only real drawback is that at 1-19, without serious twinking, cloth classes can't compete
19:48.01Shadowed1-19 is silly for Bg's
19:48.18teomyrwhen i'm in wsg with one of my twinks, there are always a few pimped up twinks in it
19:48.19thranything sub 40-49 is silly imho since alot of the 31pt talents make up the core of some classes.
19:48.38Neuro_Medivh40-49 is IMHO one of the best brackets
19:48.53thrbut 50-59 is how it should be on 60 - balance wise.
19:49.00Shadowed20-29 is pretty fun actually
19:49.12thri'm in the 20-29 with my troll warrior now.. atleast for a day before i level on.
19:49.18Shadowedbut at least classes start to develope at 20-29
19:49.21Neuro_Medivh20-29, at least in WSG, is all about druids
19:49.26AmadeoI think 70 PvP will be fun if the PvP sets are viable enough to compete with PvE sets
19:49.42thrand it's fun ... but i still lack to much to of my skills to do anything vs. some classes as a warrior
19:49.45thr(mostly intercept ;<)
19:50.01Neuro_Medivhwhich side, horde or ally?
19:50.03thrand a mage in pvp without iceblock or blastwave... nah, not going to happen.
19:50.05thrNeuro_Medivh: horde.
19:50.26Neuro_Medivhhorde side twinking has huge advantages over ally side
19:50.31thrwell i'm not twinked
19:50.35thrbut i got good enough gear anyways
19:50.47Industrialneed helpwith this quest
19:50.55Industrialim at malfurions location
19:50.57Industrialbut he aint there
19:51.08thrmaybe he want to the store.
19:51.09Industrial(im moonglade)
19:51.12thrcheck for a yellow post it
19:51.27Industrialim serious traveled a bitch end for it :(
19:51.38nevcairielIndustrial: you need to go to darnassus, read the quest
19:51.47thr"End: Forest Wisp"
19:52.08IndustrialStart: Malfurion Stormrage
19:52.23IndustrialThis NPC can be found in Sunken Temple.
19:52.24nevcairieloh you need the start point
19:52.25thr"Travel to the continent of Teldrassil and find Malfurion's agent somewhere outside the walls of Darnassus."
19:52.36Industrialstarts inside ST
19:52.40Industrialnext quest!
19:52.45nevcairielIndustrial: you trying to do the ahnqiraj quest?
19:52.57thrIndustrial is it the 2nd or 3rd quest in the chain?
19:53.23thrif you are on the first part.
19:53.29thrthen read this: "Travel to the continent of Teldrassil and find Malfurion's agent somewhere outside the walls of Darnassus."
19:53.45thryou're not supposed to go moonglade
19:53.49nevcairielif you just completed the inital chain, you need to go to the temple to actually start the green questline
19:54.32thrman i love my battlegroup, alot more ally then horde so always "< 1 minute" wait time :)
19:54.33Industriali havent completed anything
19:54.47thrIndustrial: No, exactly. So you should go to Teldrassil, NOT moonglade. Read the quest.
19:55.00Industrialthr: i read it kthx 1 time is enough
19:55.27Industrialthe site does not say that the quest starts there. the quest text tells you you need to go there
19:55.32nevcairielthat quest is only available if you initially started the quest in silithus and handed in the head of broodlord lashlayer
19:55.33Industrialits not pre-quest
19:55.37Industrialits a quest objective
19:55.40Industriali need the quest first
19:56.00Industrialnevcairiel: thank you how do i do thaT? :P
19:56.19nevcairielgo to silithus, start the quest, goto BWL, slay the boordlord, and ninja the head
19:56.27Industrialoh, im level 54 :|
19:57.01nevcairielthat quest is part of the quest-line to open Ahn'Qiraj
19:57.14nevcairielnot worth it, anyway
19:58.11Industrialyeah i was just iterating though the quests around ST, never really pay attention to the storylines
19:58.11Industrialguess its my own fault :E
19:59.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
20:01.11Shadowed"outside the walls of darnassus", if i remember right it's talking about going to where malfurion is in darnassus and going by where the dirt digger thingy guy is
20:22.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
20:27.34Industrial21:26 1 Maiwang: lfg rfc
20:27.38Industriallmao maiwang
20:34.48thrUnitReaction("player","target") does that return hated if i target a horde player as alliance?
20:35.11thror is it just for player vs. mob ?
20:37.06Neuro_Medivhplayer vs factioned mob
20:37.15Neuro_Medivhsome mobs are hostile without being factioned
20:38.09thrye but.
20:38.13thrit does not work player vs player ?
20:40.30Neuro_MedivhNo idea
20:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
20:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnchatzi@
20:58.22Industrialthr: UnitReaction()
20:58.26Industrialthr: UnitReaction(sUnit)
21:08.02*** join/#wowi-lounge TMK (
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21:10.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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21:28.24Guillotinewow, thats awesome
21:28.40Industrialcladhaire: SPAMMER
21:28.50Industrialspammmm spammedyspam
21:29.14ScytheBlade1What was awesome?
21:29.22Guillotinethat website
21:29.29ScytheBlade1lol, yeah
21:29.39purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
21:29.43Esamynnthat Stats page is just great! :)
21:30.03Guillotinehaha. "cladhaire talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 3 times! "
21:30.17Guillotine"Xuerian has quite a potty mouth. 1.0% words were foul language.
21:30.17GuillotineCairenn also makes sailors blush, 0.4% of the time."
21:30.38Esamynn~bzfrag cladhaire
21:30.39purlACTION kills cladhaire with a shot from his BZTank
21:31.08Mikma~lart cladhaire
21:31.23Esamynn~whaleslap Mikma
21:31.24purlACTION beats Mikma upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
21:31.43teomyrthat stat page has logged all conversations in this channel oO
21:31.56Esamynnteomyr: yah, purl does that
21:32.05ScytheBlade1That's what that bot is for
21:32.06Guillotinepurl = big brother
21:32.09purlEsamynn: :)
21:32.43teomyryes, i knew who purl is, but i didn't know that everything we say is stored
21:32.54ScytheBlade1purl does that and much, much more.
21:32.56teomyrgotta be careful what i say :D
21:32.57Esamynnthere is a full log too
21:33.25EsamynnFull Logs:
21:34.04teomyrthat's what i mean
21:34.29Esamynnteomyr: why, you got something to hide? :P
21:34.34Neuro_MedivhSo anyone played Gears of War?  Any good?
21:34.45Esamynnnot I
21:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge loonatik (
21:34.46MeryI think if you start your line with a space (or something) it won't show up in the log
21:34.57Guillotineya, thats what it says
21:35.12Esamynnthat's interesting
21:35.42Esamynnoh yes, I never noticed that part of the ~log response before
21:40.55loonatikis it possible to run a macro from my script
21:41.41Neuro_Medivhcurrently yes, in 2.0 no
21:41.47loonatikwhich is BC right?
21:42.10loonatikthats fine for now, im on the wiki site, what would I look for to learn how to do that
21:42.12Neuro_Medivhbut it'll be added to the live game before BC, iirc
21:42.33Neuro_Medivhyour macro needs to be on the actionbar somewhere
21:42.55Neuro_MedivhI recommend 109-120, those are the least used
21:44.03loonatikwhy are they removing it
21:45.03Neuro_Medivhtoo many people using smart macros to play the game
21:45.16Neuro_Medivhpress one button, the macro decides everything for them
21:45.31loonatikwhats wrong with that? =)
21:45.41Neuro_MedivhThey don't want it
21:45.52Neuro_Medivhmakes programming encounters very hard
21:46.25Neuro_MedivhFor example, what point giving a boss an AE curse, if they know in 2 seconds 6 decursers will spam their decursive hotkey and clean everyone
21:47.32Neuro_Medivhit's like, why not let people play in god mode?
21:47.39loonatikso they think making you have to do it manually makes the game more fun?
21:47.39Neuro_Medivhcause they'll get bored
21:47.51Neuro_Medivhit does, in the long run
21:48.08loonatikthats teh same mentality that levels are content
21:48.22Neuro_MedivhNo, you're looking at the problem incorrectly is all
21:48.36Neuro_MedivhAutomation is never a proper solution
21:48.44Neuro_Medivhthe proper solution is to make it more fun to do manually
21:49.21loonatikdoesnt sound like they are too worried about that
21:49.48Neuro_Medivhmany of their design decisions are based on the existance of addons like decursive
21:50.04Neuro_Medivhthey hit EVERYONE, because it's the only way to overcome decursive
21:50.06Esamynnloonatik: they far perfer what people are calling wack-a-mole, to complete automation with button spamming
21:50.27Endwhat's the point of aoe curses anyways?  that's hardly fun, with a smart button or not...
21:50.36Neuro_MedivhThat's the point
21:50.46Endand btw
21:50.54Neuro_Medivhwith automation, you have to either remove the automation, or overload it
21:51.05Neuro_Medivhthey tried overloading, and it's boring
21:51.08Endafaik, bosses in MC had aoe curses before decursive existed
21:51.09loonatiki just dont see why they care
21:51.15loonatikif someone wants to use a script to do it
21:51.20loonatiklet em
21:51.25loonatikif someone thinks its more fun to not use a script
21:51.26Neuro_MedivhPeople have been scripting since beta
21:51.27loonatikthats fine too
21:51.50Neuro_Medivhso should they add a God Mode?
21:52.01Neuro_Medivhtype /godmode and you can't die to mobs
21:52.01loonatikhow can you compare decursive to god mode?
21:52.15Neuro_MedivhBecause they do the same thing
21:52.21loonatikno, you can still die
21:52.21Neuro_MedivhI'm simply pushing it to the extreme limit
21:52.24loonatikwithout descursive
21:52.29MikmaCairenn: can we have the new FrameXML + others in :)
21:52.31loonatikyea, REALLY extreme
21:52.36loonatikbeyond being relevant
21:52.36AmadeoI think Decursive is fine now that they have stuff like Unstable Affliction
21:52.38Neuro_MedivhThat's how you check things
21:52.43EndMikma: that's beladona's thing
21:52.50EsamynnMikma: it's not Cairenn who does that, it Beladona
21:52.52Cairennwhat End said
21:52.55Neuro_MedivhYour argument doesn't hold up at the extreme ends
21:53.04Neuro_Medivhbecause otherwise, god mode should be allowed
21:53.11Merynot so far off, you skip the developed content because you are more powerful than intended
21:53.17Neuro_Medivhif YOU wanna play in non-god mode, that's fine
21:53.18MikmaCairenn: well you can handle it? you're tha BOFH/Admin etc :D
21:53.27loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  then no conversation can ever be talked about
21:53.32loonatikbecause im sure you can come up with some extreme
21:53.33loonatikthat would make it pointless
21:53.34CairennMikma: nope, Bela handles that exclusively
21:53.40Neuro_MedivhNo, you have to look at your argument
21:53.48MikmaCairenn: i meant, "can you give him an order to do it"
21:53.49Neuro_Medivhyours was that personal fun trumps other concerns
21:53.51loonatikNeuro_Medivh: maybe YOU dont like decursive
21:53.57Cairennno, but I can *request* it
21:54.01MikmaCairenn: i bet you talk with him more often than i do :D
21:54.03Neuro_MedivhGive me a reason why Godmode isn't good
21:54.07loonatikbut you cant compare decursive to god mode
21:54.09Neuro_Medivhsure I can
21:54.20MikmaCairenn: be a boss! order it ;)
21:54.22Neuro_MedivhGive me a compelling reason why godmode shouldn't be allowed as a personal choice
21:54.27loonatikNeuro_Medivh: then by the same way of thinking you shouldnt be able to heal
21:54.28CairennMikma: not my style
21:54.30loonatikbecause healing helps you not die
21:54.35loonatikso healers are like god mode
21:54.43Merybut everybody can heal (with the standart ui)
21:54.45loonatikthats how ridiculous your argument is
21:54.55Neuro_MedivhNo, my argument is that there is a line
21:54.56MikmaCairenn: well, purr at him/her/something ;)
21:55.09Kaligaralot of encounters where maded with decursive in mind
21:55.12loonatikand why does decursive step over some line
21:55.16Kaligarlook at chromag
21:55.21Merybecause the spell says your target
21:55.37Neuro_MedivhKaligar, I agree, and it's a poor design
21:55.38Meryand that implies the spell is designed to have you chose your target
21:55.43Kaligarthey pretty much killed hunter traking with the changes
21:55.53Neuro_Medivhloonatik, the designers decided where the line was
21:56.08loonatikgood for them
21:56.13Kaligarnow all we have is a blip for when a certain unit is on the sreen and no info about it at all
21:56.17Neuro_Medivhand the line was combat variables vs static variables
21:56.19loonatikthey need to quit meddling, thats what kills most mmogs
21:56.30Neuro_Medivhso who decides where the line is then?
21:56.36Neuro_Medivhand no, it's not
21:56.37Kaligari can see the need to get rid of decursive though
21:56.43Neuro_Medivhwhen the designers give up is when mmogs die
21:56.57Kaligarits stupid having to work bosses around it
21:56.59loonatikNeuro_Medivh: just because the designers think decursive is bad doesnt mean i cant disagree and talk about it
21:57.26Esamynnloonatik: no one is saying you can't but many people here agree with the designers in thiss
21:57.30Neuro_Medivhtrue.  I'm simply saying that your argument in favor of decursive (that it's more fun than not having it) is flawed
21:57.42Kaligarmy biggest peev is we have to learn all this secure crap :P
21:57.48Neuro_Medivhbecause taking that argument to it's logical conclusion allows anything that people consider "fun" like Godmode
21:57.49loonatikNeuro_Medivh: ive played almost every mmog and the single thing that destroys them is the devs changing things constantly
21:57.53EsamynnKaligar: would you perfer we didn't have it?
21:58.09Kaligarid prefer better documentation
21:58.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:58.13loonatikNeuro_Medivh: so what is your side then? the devs said so, so its valid? heh
21:58.15Neuro_MedivhAgain, I disagree.  Constant maintaining is what keeps a game fresh
21:58.30EsamynnKaligar: that will come, give it time
21:58.38Teomyri have mixed feelings about the removal of detox/decursive
21:58.41Neuro_MedivhMy side is, I understand where they are coming from.  As long as they design the encounters with these new limits in mind, I'm fine
21:58.43Merywell teh devs didn't changed their minds on that, it was clear since 2 years that they don't like spell automatation
21:58.55Teomyrthings may be a bit more difficult now, but with the UI changes in mind, the devs might choose to create encounters that don't need that much decursing
21:59.19loonatikNeuro_Medivh: tell me that when you have leveled up a creature handler and they totally break the class, then you level up a swordsman and they totally break that class, or you gear up for pvp then they kill it
21:59.26ScytheBlade1Or they might *not*, and you'll just have to be able to... move your mouse... 30 pixels... every 1.5 seconds...
21:59.26Endwell, it's been mentioned that fear will be less used
21:59.31loonatikthey constantly do it
21:59.33loonatikand it makes the games worse
21:59.40EsamynnKaligar: also, if you have questions, you can always ask here
21:59.51EndI could see it being the same with other things like curses/etc
21:59.54loonatikive played AC, AC2, AO, AA, DNL, DDO, EVE, E&B, EQ, EQ2, Horizons, JG, Lineage, Neocron, Planeshift, PS, PE, Shadowbane, SWG, MXO, UO, WOW, WWIIOL .. and the biggest problem is the devs breaking things because they are trying to balance
22:00.06Neuro_MedivhI have 6 60s in this game, in 4 different classes, and I played nearly every combo in UO, and nearly every class in EQ
22:00.16Kaligarmy main problem is applying attirbute to the correct frames in the xml :P
22:00.20loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  if you have played UO then you know exactly what I mean
22:00.21loonatikby meddling
22:00.25loonatikthey destroyed UO
22:00.42Kaligaruo wasnt meddled with it was completely changed
22:00.42Neuro_MedivhUO is still going strong actually
22:00.51AmadeoYou guys play early EQ, pre-expansion?
22:00.55Neuro_MedivhI did
22:01.04loonatikNeuro_Medivh: uhm, how many millions of subscribers does UO have?
22:01.10loonatikhave you even played it lately btw? i have it sucks
22:01.11Neuro_Medivhit never had more than 100k
22:01.12ScytheBlade1loonatik, one question for you: should a paladin be able to spam one button in a 40v40 battleground, and without thinking, cleanse every single person near them, irregardless of what it is?
22:01.19loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  exactly
22:01.21ScytheBlade1I was against the decursive change, until I thought about th at.
22:01.36Neuro_MedivhUO is outdated is all
22:01.43Neuro_MedivhI used to play Civ 1 ALL the time
22:01.43Kaligarthe reason wow is so successful is because of the rts's
22:01.51ScytheBlade1No one should be able to mindlessly spam *one* button and without thinking, fix 40 people's problems
22:01.52loonatikNeuro_Medivh: they destroyed UO with trammel and many other changes
22:01.53Neuro_Medivhnow, I don't, cause it's obsolete
22:02.04Kaligaruo was ridign on 90-95 games
22:02.13Neuro_MedivhPeople don't leave games because the game broke
22:02.22Neuro_Medivhthey leave because something better comes along
22:02.23loonatikuh yea they do
22:02.28Neuro_Medivhthat's all
22:02.34loonatikthey also leave because of that, but back when they did most of the changes
22:02.36loonatiknothing else was out
22:02.37loonatikuntil eq
22:02.43Neuro_MedivhEQ came out before trammel did
22:02.46AmadeoWoW is successful for more than its history, it's a very accessable and easy game with very little penalty for dying or "losing" in general
22:02.55Neuro_MedivhTrammel came out over a year later
22:03.36AmadeoEQ may not have been the hardest MMOG ever, but anyone who's ever lost a levels in death or been on a 10 hour corpse run knows that WoW is pretty accessable :)
22:03.39Neuro_Medivhand the increased subscriber base of WoW over EQ and UO is indicative of a massive culture change rather than better game design
22:03.42loonatikNeuro_Medivh: no it didnt
22:03.50Neuro_MedivhTrammel came out in Summer 2000
22:03.56Neuro_MedivhEQ came out in March 1999
22:04.13Neuro_MedivhSiege Perilous came out in Summer 1999
22:04.16loonatiki played eq in beta through launch, i was pissed off at uo because of trammel by then
22:04.41AmadeoWoW is more like the consolized MMORPG, imo, but not so much that computer users don't want to play it :P
22:04.48loonatikUltima Online: Renaissance (April 3, 2000) The world was doubled in size, as there were literally two copies of it. The worlds were called Felucca and Trammel, after the two moons in Ultima's Britannia world. The Trammel world did not allow player killing, while the Felucca world did. Felucca also adopted a darker, more foreboding look.
22:05.08Neuro_MedivhMay 2000
22:05.17Neuro_Medivhis when it went live
22:05.32loonatikthey still destroyed the game through the changes they made
22:05.47Neuro_MedivhThe subscriber base really hasn't lost too much actually
22:05.53AmadeoI thought the game was pretty messed up to begin with, from what I've heard (I never played)
22:05.53loonatikand they constantly changed things that broke templates/professions/ways to make money
22:06.06loonatikAmadeo:  UO was awesome
22:06.06Neuro_Medivhthe thing is, without change, people get bored
22:06.14Amadeoloonatik: I'm speaking of hacks and stuff
22:06.15loonatikstill the best mmog imo
22:06.19loonatikAmadeo:  ah
22:06.23Neuro_Medivhlol, lemme guess, you loved being a PK
22:06.36loonatiki was blue mostly
22:06.39loonatikand i pked the reds
22:06.40Kaligaruo sux
22:06.44Neuro_MedivhSiege Perilous was the best UO server
22:06.46loonatikwe had a tower right outside yew moongate
22:06.51loonatiknon stop canrage
22:06.51Neuro_Medivhbut UO was flawed from the beginning
22:06.54AmadeoI couldn't afford a computer when UO was out :P
22:06.59Amadeoer, when it was popular
22:07.00loonatikmy ass UO rocked
22:07.06KirkburnSee this link:
22:07.11InsideWhat to do, what to do.. play TBC, Write my uno mod, work on my c++ program >_o
22:07.12KirkburnNotice how UO isn't dead :P
22:07.18loonatiknow all you got is care bare central with shit like wow
22:07.23loonatikcookie cutter mmogs
22:07.42loonatikthat appeal to as many people as possible and dont offer any innovation
22:07.56loonatikand actually think levels are content
22:08.04Kaligaruo may as well be dead, look at how hard the have to keep changing stuff just to keep people playing
22:08.10ScytheBlade1loonatik, to each their own.
22:08.25loonatikScytheBlade1: most people dont even know whats possible with games like UO
22:08.31loonatikand dont know any better
22:08.38loonatikmost people werent playing mmogs before WoW
22:08.39AmadeoKirkburn: Imagine if they scaled the graph to include World of Warcraft, and how tall it would have to be :P
22:08.40Kaligarthey design it so people can run it on low end machines aka 5 years old and who has that anymore
22:08.50Neuro_MedivhUO wasn't that amazing to be honest
22:08.59Neuro_Medivhit was innovative though
22:09.04Neuro_Medivhand that counts for a lot
22:09.09Kaligaruo was fun while there was just one facet
22:09.11Neuro_Medivhsurprisingly, EQ wasn't very innovative
22:09.13KirkburnAmadeo, heh
22:09.19loonatikthey did Kirkburn
22:09.22AmadeoPeople love their first MMOG, that's just how it'll always be...well, assuming the game was good enough to play
22:09.23Neuro_Medivhit simply adapted DIKUmud to a graphical environment =)
22:09.26loonatikKaligar:  yup
22:09.31loonatikthey killed it with trammel and many other changes
22:09.33AmadeoKirkburn: hahah
22:09.36Kirkburnloonatik, I think he meant keeping it at the same scale :)
22:10.20loonatikeq blew because all you did was level
22:10.21Amadeoloonatik: That's like a million people off, too!
22:10.33Neuro_MedivhAlso keep in mind that the number of people online with high speed connections today is orders of magnitude more than in 97
22:10.45AmadeoPre-SoE EQ was my favorite MMORPG, and part of that is because it was my first
22:10.56loonatikwe are probably gonna have crap wow clone mmogs for another 5-10 years
22:11.00Neuro_MedivhEQ took me a while to really get into
22:11.04loonatikwont see another good mmog for at least 5 maybe 10 years
22:11.05AmadeoIt did for me also
22:11.20AmadeoSome games have great ideas, like Vanguard
22:11.29loonatikor dark and light
22:11.31AmadeoBut Blizzard is the Microsoft of MMOG now
22:11.34loonatikbut all the ones with good ideas are run by cheap companies
22:11.37Neuro_MedivhBlizzard is smart
22:11.48Neuro_Medivhthey don't try and pioneer some weird new concept game
22:11.58AmadeoTBC comes out in January, nobody's going to play Vanguard
22:12.02Neuro_Medivhthey take a burgeoning genre and polish it
22:12.14Neuro_MedivhDune 2000 was groundbreaking, but flawed
22:12.20AmadeoYeah...if you look at WoW, it's bits from MMOGs of past
22:12.28Neuro_MedivhBlizzard took that new genre, and polished up into Warcraft I
22:13.08Neuro_MedivhDiablo, believe it or not, is based on games like Angband and Talengard
22:13.37Neuro_MedivhAngband = triumph of content over technology
22:13.41AmadeoSpeaking of Diablo, I heard Hellgate: London is finished :P
22:14.03Neuro_MedivhI wish Blizzard would have done Fallout 3
22:14.08Neuro_Medivhinstead of Bethesda
22:15.06loonatiki just want a mmog with more depth, there was SOOOOOOOOOOO much you could do, ways to make money, types of ways to play that game
22:15.13loonatikin uo
22:15.32AmadeoShadowbane tried that, didn't do to well for various reasons...I think the next MMORPG trying it is Vanguard
22:15.42loonatikshadowbane was unplayable buggy crap
22:15.53loonatikmade by a company without resources to do it right
22:15.56loonatikjust like neocron
22:16.00loonatikjust like dark and light
22:16.08AmadeoI played most of those games for less than a month
22:16.10AmadeoHated em
22:16.13loonatikso theres no way to know if shadowbane would have been good =)
22:16.28InsideHonestly, in 6 months or so I want to start working on a 2D MMO
22:16.33InsideWith content over prettiness ;)
22:16.33AmadeoShadowbane would have been good if it came out back when it was supposed to
22:16.41Neuro_Medivhthere's a problem with the Shadowbane paradigm though
22:16.42loonatikInside:  you and thousands of other people =)
22:16.50InsideYeah, but I'm gonna be realistic about it.
22:17.01Neuro_Medivhpersistant-state competative games don't last
22:17.03loonatikInside: creating a mmog without a ton of bank isnt realisitic
22:17.12InsideThat's why I said it's gonna be 2D.
22:17.15loonatikive been apart of several indie groups trying
22:17.23loonatikand none of them came close
22:17.24Inside2D using existing graphic engines.
22:17.28loonatikbiggest one was planeshift
22:17.32loonatikand its still a piece of crap
22:17.44InsideI didn't say it was gonna be good :P
22:17.46loonatikit takes money and a lot of it
22:17.51InsideMoney? For what?
22:17.57Neuro_MedivhAny game like Shadowbane where you capture territory and physically affect the world in a pvp manner can't sustain itself
22:18.02loonatikInside:  resources
22:18.07InsideAside from bandwidth, a small group project shouldn't take much.
22:18.09loonatikNeuro_Medivh: bullshit
22:18.12loonatikUO Factions rocked
22:18.18loonatikthey didnt take it far enough
22:18.30loonatikyou should have been able to control the town more
22:18.33loonatikand make money off of it
22:18.37loonatikmore economy stuff
22:18.51Neuro_MedivhYou can't do it.
22:18.55Neuro_MedivhPeople lose interest
22:18.55loonatiksure you can
22:19.01loonatikthen they get taken out
22:19.02Neuro_Medivhit's counter-intuitive
22:19.05InsideYou just make the world big enough.
22:19.06loonatikand the next group with interest will run it
22:19.12loonatikno way
22:19.20loonatikit would rule
22:19.27InsideYou make the system simple enough for everoyne to use and abues.
22:19.27loonatikand give people things to do
22:19.28Neuro_MedivhLoonatik, lemme ask you this: Do you enjoy any sports?  Football, baseball, basketball?
22:19.29loonatikthan grind for gear
22:19.37Neuro_Medivhwhich is your favorite?
22:19.51InsideI envision an MMO.. a massive world that's generated :)
22:20.02InsideA dungeon can only be cleared once (but it'll slowly regenerate itself)
22:20.06Neuro_MedivhOk, imagine if hockey rankings and scores carried over from season to season
22:20.24InsideYou make everything consumable.
22:20.33InsideThat weapon? Once its durability is down to 0.. you get a new one!
22:20.44Neuro_MedivhEventually, you hit a few teams with massive game leads
22:20.52Neuro_Medivhand no one ever watches the other teams
22:21.04Neuro_Medivhcause they never reach the playoffs
22:21.07Kaligarwho cares about scores best reason to watch hockey is because they beat the crap out of each other :P
22:21.08InsideIt'd be like hocket teams having to spend their scores and rankings to buy new gear
22:21.16loonatiki disagree but i see your analogy
22:21.20TeomyrInside: lol
22:21.23loonatikbecause it would only take another group of people who want to do it
22:21.26loonatikand take it over
22:21.32loonatikand like you said people lost interest
22:21.36loonatikpeople can be betrayed
22:21.44Neuro_Medivhmy entire point is, eventually in a persistant state world, one team becomes dominant
22:21.49Neuro_Medivhand you need to reset
22:21.50InsideYeah, the most important part is that peopel feel consequences... in game.
22:21.51loonatikyou never can stay on top
22:21.56Neuro_Medivhsure you can
22:22.12loonatikive seen it in SWG with player run towns
22:22.13InsideLike if someone steals? They lose karma/whatever so get crappier procs..
22:22.15loonatikyou can move into a town
22:22.16loonatikand take it over
22:22.19InsideSame with PKs and so on.
22:22.22Neuro_MedivhOnce you obtain a dominant position, it's hard to knock you off, and you attract people who want to win
22:22.30loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  and so is life
22:22.33loonatikbut there is always a bigger stick
22:22.37Neuro_Medivhgame isn't life
22:22.41loonatiksure it is
22:22.45Neuro_MedivhNo, it's not
22:22.48loonatikwe are talking about a virtual reality
22:22.49loonatikso yea it is
22:22.53InsideThe thing is, you create enough points of interest to control that no one group can control it all.
22:23.00Neuro_MedivhBad bad analogy.  Life isn't fair.
22:23.03loonatikwe are talking about the game relaity being effeted by people
22:23.03Neuro_MedivhGames should be
22:23.04Teomyrgame shouldn't be life
22:23.06loonatikand people are real
22:23.11loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  lol
22:23.13InsideSo one team has a tyranical control over an area? Well, go elsewhere.
22:23.16loonatikthen you get a care bear world
22:23.18loonatikwho wants that?
22:23.24loonatiki sure as HELL dont
22:23.25Neuro_MedivhInside, and what happens when everywhere is controlled?
22:23.34loonatikNeuro_Medivh: then people take over other places
22:23.39loonatikpeople lose interest
22:23.48loonatikDnL had a similar system and it worked great
22:23.55loonatikif you could loook past the bugs and sheer lack of support
22:23.58loonatikdark and light
22:24.02loonatikyou could take over barony's
22:24.03Neuro_Medivhno idea what that is
22:24.10InsideNeebler: You just create more places to be controlled ;)
22:24.13loonatikand if you controlled enough you could control the kingdom ect
22:24.20InsideThat's my problem with MMOs, Elwynn is Elwynn, it has a set size.
22:24.23loonatiklook at EVE
22:24.25loonatikperfect example
22:24.27loonatikthat game is awesome
22:24.29loonatikpeople LOVE it
22:24.30InsideEve is fucking huge.
22:24.37loonatikthats a great example
22:24.38Neuro_Medivhmy entire point is that without a reset button, people lose interest in a persistant state competative world... Hell, just look at all the "new server" people to see that
22:24.42loonatikno way
22:24.48loonatikwith a reset button i lose interest
22:24.50InsideNeuro_Medivh: Not a reset, just a GM event ;)
22:24.52loonatikFPS's are fun
22:24.56InsideOops, flood? Looks like all your holdings are gone n_n
22:24.57loonatikbut if I could actually accomplish something
22:25.04loonatikby fighting in a FPS
22:25.08loonatikid be so much more interseted
22:25.08Neuro_MedivhWhen I say Reset Button, I mean like an end of season type thing
22:25.22InsideThe thing with "new" servers is that people don't like it when there are people who are better off than them.
22:25.24loonatiknot having an objective
22:25.26loonatikor something you can build
22:25.27InsideWhich is silly stupid.
22:25.27loonatikis boring
22:25.36Neuro_Medivhand then everything resets to ground zero, and people try and "win" again
22:25.38loonatiki think using all my time to get faggoty purple gear
22:25.42loonatikso i can walk around and think im bad ass
22:25.43loonatikis lame
22:25.52loonatikid rather be able to take over ironforge
22:25.53Neuro_MedivhWoW isn't set up for the type of system I'm refering to
22:25.54loonatikor build a city
22:25.55InsideNeuro_Medivh: Hmm, ancient MO-BBSes had that sort of reset thing.
22:26.01loonatikNeuro_Medivh: it could be
22:26.07Neuro_MedivhBetter to start fresh.
22:26.19loonatiki liked UO because you could literally control a territory
22:26.20loonatikwith force
22:26.22Neuro_MedivhMy point is, for a game like Shadowbane to truly work, you need time limits
22:26.28loonatikwe totally owned the yew moongate
22:26.32loonatikif anyone came there they would die
22:26.33Neuro_Medivhthey tried the open ended FPS thing with Planetside
22:26.39loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  and planetside rocked
22:26.47Neuro_MedivhYes, until you got tired
22:26.53loonatiklike you do with most FPS
22:26.54Neuro_Medivhand realized nothing really MATTERED
22:26.56loonatikthere wasent enough content
22:26.57loonatikor things to build
22:27.02loonatik[it had your "Reset button" in it
22:27.15Neuro_MedivhNo, it had self-designed limits
22:27.25Neuro_Medivhit was impossible to take over the world in Planetside
22:27.35loonatikwhich is a good thing
22:27.37Neuro_Medivhi.e. it was hardcoded into the game
22:27.42Neuro_Medivhnot really
22:27.46Neuro_Medivhit meant you couldn't ever win
22:27.47loonatikno, you could take over all continents
22:27.49loonatikif you could
22:27.56loonatikwhats wrong with that?
22:28.04Neuro_Medivhthe game wouldn't allow that much of a player imbalance
22:28.06loonatikyou couldnt take over their home base
22:28.20loonatikwell, your lack of ability due to not enough forces is one thing
22:28.23loonatikyou COULD do it
22:28.25Neuro_MedivhCompetative based games need a win-lose paradigm
22:28.33loonatiki dont agree
22:28.46Neuro_Medivhyou think paladin vs paladin is exciting?
22:28.48loonatikit doesnt have to be that linear
22:28.52Neuro_Medivhwhere neither side can win?
22:29.02loonatiki think there is more than one big win
22:29.05loonatikor one big loss
22:29.14Kaligarwere there new functionjn for pet feeding?
22:29.22Neuro_Medivhthen why do people get bored of 20+ hour AVs?
22:29.31Neuro_Medivhyes, /cast Feed Pet
22:29.36loonatikbecause you dont end up owning the area
22:29.40loonatikand can do more with it
22:29.42MentalPower--/cast Feed pet; /use Some Random Food
22:29.44loonatiktheres not enough depth to it
22:29.47Kaligarhow do you select the item?
22:29.55loonatikif it was like you could take over a city in wow
22:29.55MentalPowerwith the /use command
22:29.56loonatikand own it
22:29.58loonatikand make money off it
22:29.59Neuro_MedivhNo, people get bored of 20 hour AVs because nothing is being accomplished
22:29.59loonatiksetup shops
22:30.00loonatikdo MORE
22:30.04MentalPowernote that its two lines not one
22:30.04loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  right
22:30.12loonatikbut not accomplishing ANYTHING
22:30.22loonatikbut not accomplishing something, and not winning the entire map
22:30.26loonatikare two different things
22:30.32Neuro_MedivhOk, loonatik, what happens in AV when Alliance wins, controls the whole map...  then what?
22:30.41loonatikNeuro_Medivh: if AV was a city?
22:30.43loonatikgive them more to do with it
22:30.47loonatiksetup shops, make money off it
22:30.50loonatikown it as a guild
22:30.54Neuro_MedivhOk, and then?
22:30.55loonatikgive you bonuses for owning it
22:31.05Neuro_MedivhThen you're not playing a pvp game
22:31.10Neuro_Medivhyou're playing SimLife
22:31.11loonatiksure you are
22:31.16loonatiksimlife youc ant pvp for areas
22:31.24loonatikif you could id probably be more interested
22:31.40Neuro_MedivhOk, but once you control the area, THEN WHAT
22:31.43Neuro_Medivhthe game is over
22:31.47Neuro_Medivhbut you're still there
22:31.50loonatikjust like when you have all your epic gear
22:31.53loonatikthe game isnt over either
22:31.55Neuro_Medivhthere's no more horde coming after you
22:31.56loonatikthe point is
22:31.57loonatikgive content
22:31.59loonatikgive more things to do
22:32.04loonatikthats how you make a mmog good
22:32.07loonatiknot more gear to grind
22:32.08loonatikor rep
22:32.09loonatikor levels
22:32.14Neuro_MedivhContent costs money
22:32.24loonatikyea and they are making it hand over fist
22:32.26Neuro_Medivhyou willing to shell out 40 bucks a months?
22:32.29loonatikincluding raising how much they made
22:32.34loonatikuh no
22:32.35Neuro_MedivhNo, money on a scale you can't imagine
22:32.36loonatiki pay $17]
22:32.40loonatikwhich is a BUTTTTTTTT load
22:32.40loonatiktot hem
22:32.43loonatikthey make so much money
22:32.45loonatikits not even funny
22:32.46Neuro_Medivh17 a month pays for servers and bandwidth
22:32.58loonatikit pays for WELLL past that
22:33.04loonatik1 a month pays for servers
22:33.07loonatikand bandwidth
22:33.23Neuro_MedivhIt's paying for development of the next expansion
22:33.23loonatikthey are banking out
22:33.24loonatikso dont give me that
22:33.33loonatikdont give me levels
22:33.40loonatikdont give me more faggot purple gear
22:33.42loonatikgive me things to do
22:33.48loonatikgive me an economy
22:33.53loonatikgive me player housing
22:33.58Neuro_Medivhso you'd be fine if nothing in BC dropped loot?
22:33.58loonatikgive me things to collect ways to make money
22:34.10Neuro_Medivhbut what good is money?
22:34.17loonatikgive me things to buy
22:34.19Neuro_Medivhmoney is not intrinsically valuable
22:34.21loonatikgive me thigns to do
22:34.29loonatikit should be
22:34.31Neuro_Medivhyou have to have something to buy before it's worth a damn
22:34.35Neuro_Medivhit's not
22:34.38Neuro_Medivhnot even in real life
22:34.40loonatikit SHOULD be
22:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
22:34.45loonatiklol moneys not valuable in real life?
22:34.48Neuro_Medivhthat's just economics
22:34.49loonatikmoney makes the world go round
22:34.50Neuro_MedivhNot intrinsically
22:34.57Neuro_MedivhMONEY IS PAPER DUDE
22:35.01Neuro_Medivhthat's it
22:35.11Neuro_Medivhit's what money REPRESENTS
22:35.17loonatikso whats your point
22:35.20loonatikhow does what your saying matter
22:35.22loonatikin what im saying
22:35.22Neuro_Medivhif money didn't buy anything, it'd be worthless
22:35.41Neuro_Medivhthat's why you saying "Let me make money" is meaningless until you define what money is good for in a game
22:35.52loonatikNeuro_Medivh: there are thigns to buy in this game
22:35.53loonatikbut yes
22:35.55loonatikwhat you are saying is true
22:35.59loonatikthey need to give us more shit to buy
22:36.02loonatika better eocnomy
22:36.04loonatikmore things to do
22:36.06loonatikmore items
22:36.10loonatikmore crap to obtain
22:36.16Neuro_Medivhyou just said
22:36.22loonatiknot purple gear you get from sucking off a 40 man group for months on end
22:36.23Neuro_Medivh"don't give me no more faggot purples"
22:36.31loonatiki want more than gear
22:36.42Neuro_Medivhthat's all purples
22:36.49loonatika purple house?
22:36.58Neuro_MedivhOk, what does housing do?
22:36.59loonatikgive us siege weapons
22:37.00KarlKFIwhat's the default combat log range?
22:37.07loonatikgive us the ability to setup a shop in town
22:37.10ScytheBlade150 yards
22:37.13ScytheBlade1(by default)
22:37.19loonatikgive us things to do
22:37.20Neuro_MedivhSo, you want UO
22:37.26Neuro_MedivhWhy not play UO?
22:37.27loonatikuo was sweet
22:37.30loonatikbecause its dated
22:37.43Neuro_MedivhThe concept is still there
22:37.48Neuro_Medivhand if you don't like trammel
22:37.52Neuro_Medivhplay on the REAL server
22:38.01loonatikUO is the only game you could play where you can chop wood off a tree, carve that wood into kindling so you can start a fire to cook a cat you killed with a dog you tamed
22:38.03InsideI want a game, a massive game ;)
22:38.10InsideAnd a fast way to traverse it.
22:38.23loonatikNeuro_Medivh: if uo had todays graphics id probably still be there
22:38.31Insideloonatik: WoW has all but that tree chopping >_>
22:38.35Neuro_MedivhIt does, they've upgraded the graphic engine like 3 times
22:38.36loonatiki also dont like the care bear shit they have done with the game
22:38.39InsideUO is coming out with upgraded graphics.
22:38.53Neuro_Medivhloonatik, then play on the Siege Perilous server
22:38.54loonatikNeuro_Medivh: have you played it? lol
22:38.55loonatiki have
22:38.56loonatikthe 3d engine sucked
22:38.57Neuro_Medivhthat's teh REAL server
22:38.58loonatikit was unplayable
22:39.16loonatikand they have ruined the game for the most part
22:39.23loonatikits gear based now
22:39.31Neuro_MedivhIt was gear based before
22:39.45Neuro_Medivhthe upper limit on gear was just easy to reach
22:39.56Neuro_Medivhfull plate and a halberd
22:39.58loonatikyou didnt need 30 billion dollars worth of gear
22:39.59loonatikto go fight
22:40.02loonatikif you lost your gear
22:40.05loonatikit wasent THAT BAD
22:40.12loonatiknow everything is insuranced
22:40.17loonatikyou gotta have 30 billion dollars worth of gear
22:40.19loonatikor you cant compete
22:40.30loonatiki used to spend all week and make bags full of EVERYTHING i needed to pvp
22:40.34loonatikid make up 50-100 bags
22:40.37loonatikthen id pvp all weekend
22:40.42loonatikand if i died id grab a new bag
22:40.44loonatikand run back out there
22:40.46loonatikit was SO much fun
22:41.09loonatikyou could grind a char out with a good template in a matter of weeks
22:41.10Neuro_MedivhBut you can't sustain that
22:41.11loonatikand then PLAY the game
22:41.15Neuro_Medivhpeople get bored
22:41.15loonatiksustain what?
22:41.19loonatikhehe no
22:41.22loonatikthere was so much to do man
22:41.26Neuro_Medivhthat type of open ended no-resolution gameplay
22:41.29loonatiki could go tame dragons, go play factions
22:41.34loonatikpvp the yew moongate
22:41.36loonatikraid a town
22:41.41loonatikgo stealing from people
22:41.42loonatikrobbing houses
22:41.51loonatikgo hang out on buccaners den
22:41.54Neuro_Medivhi.e. you could be a dick =)
22:41.56loonatikgo raid
22:42.01loonatiki helped people
22:42.03loonatiki was blue
22:42.05loonatikand went after eds
22:42.08loonatikthe dicks
22:42.11loonatikthe kids
22:42.16loonatikif someone was getting ganked
22:42.17Neuro_Medivhrobbing houses = helping people? =)
22:42.17loonatikwe woudl go help
22:42.27loonatikNeuro_Medivh: depends on who you rob ;)
22:42.38loonatikmy point is
22:42.41loonatikthere was so much to do
22:42.46loonatikyou could go around and collect rare items
22:42.49loonatikwhich you could sell for mad money
22:42.53*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
22:42.55loonatikthere were the arenas
22:42.58loonatikjoining guilds
22:43.00loonatikfighting guilds
22:43.08loonatikcrafting was huge
22:43.12loonatiknot like the joke shit in wow
22:43.21Neuro_Medivhyes, I agree with you there
22:43.29loonatikall im saying is i wnat more content
22:43.41loonatikand it sucks because we wont see a non wow clone for awhile
22:44.01Neuro_MedivhAnd I can concede the point, but a TON of what you want is unworkable due to the graphic design
22:44.16Neuro_Medivhmost features that make UO what it is stem from it's isometric design
22:44.23loonatiklike getting away
22:44.31loonatika total newb COULD run away
22:44.34loonatikin wow its impossible
22:44.51Neuro_Medivheven the housing and crafting
22:44.58loonatikeh, they could do that man
22:45.04loonatiklook at tall the buildings in major cities
22:45.06loonatikat all*
22:45.07Neuro_Medivhthe graphic system
22:45.19InsideMay I point out second life?
22:45.20loonatikeven eq2 has player housing
22:45.22Neuro_Medivhis not as condusive to it as you might think
22:45.24loonatikbe it isntanced
22:45.26loonatikits still there
22:45.27InsideIt's a virtual persistant world :)
22:45.35InsideIt only lacks the "RPG"-ish element.
22:45.44loonatikwow cant deal with large pvp
22:45.45InsidePeople can build their own crap, modify their avatars.
22:45.47loonatikthats what i dont like
22:45.49InsideAttach penises..
22:45.52InsideOr multiple vaginas.
22:46.00loonatiki want siege weapons and taking over towns and large crazy fights
22:46.04InsideCreate custome animation/skeleton systems
22:46.05loonatikyou get 100 people in wow together
22:46.07loonatikand its lag city
22:46.19Neuro_MedivhMy contention is still that a persistant-state PVP world eventually reaches a static equilibrium at which paying customers lose interest
22:46.26InsideThe thing s..
22:46.33InsideYou don't make persistant PVP the main point.
22:46.37Insidemake it a possible point.
22:47.06InsideHave NPC controlled cities and have player controlled cities.
22:47.06loonatiki just disagree
22:47.06InsideWell, not NPC controlled cities, GM controlled cities.
22:47.06Neuro_Medivhwell, that's the debate in question
22:47.06loonatiklike did you play AC?
22:47.06loonatikasherons call
22:47.06Neuro_MedivhI tried
22:47.10loonatikso you know the monoarchy system right?
22:47.12Neuro_Medivhit was like EQ, without as much content
22:47.17loonatikwhere you could sware allegence to peopole
22:47.18Neuro_Medivhso I stuck with EQ
22:47.21loonatikwho swore allegence to others
22:47.27Neuro_Medivhthe fealty system
22:47.31Neuro_Medivhinteresting concept
22:47.34loonatikthere were massive changes in control
22:47.35loonatikall the time
22:47.41loonatikpeople would decide to go on their own
22:47.42loonatikand like
22:47.44Neuro_Medivhthat's not what I'm refering to though
22:47.47loonatikok lets say controlling a town in WOW
22:47.52loonatikit needs to be difficult
22:47.56loonatikyou need to have a ALOOOTOT of people
22:47.56loonatikto do it
22:47.59loonatikalot of resources
22:48.08loonatikwhich means people would have to work together
22:48.10InsideThe thing about any persistant control town..
22:48.16Insideis that you'll need to create NPCs to do mundane things.
22:48.19loonatikand when that happens thers always going to be shifts in power
22:48.29loonatiklike dont make it where you create a town and then its yours and youc annot be taken out
22:48.31Neuro_Medivhyou realize that BC has a town that you can control, right?
22:48.38InsideOH WOWZ ONE TOWN
22:48.43loonatikand thats what i want
22:48.44Neuro_Medivhhey, it's a start =)
22:48.53InsideYou need to have the feudal type of system ;)
22:48.57Neuro_MedivhI'm not saying the concept isn't viable
22:49.09Insideprolitareat NPCs who will do almost anything without problem :P
22:49.13Neuro_MedivhI'm simply saying that it's not LONG TERM viable
22:49.19InsideSure it is.
22:49.24loonatikbut what your saying is
22:49.28loonatika big guild is going to be able to control this town
22:49.30loonatikand never let it go
22:49.38InsideIt's viable, just gonna take an ass load of programming.
22:49.48Neuro_MedivhInside, I mean it's not viable from a gameplay standpoint
22:50.10Neuro_Medivheventually, a few teams gain a lead that cannot be removed naturally
22:50.21Neuro_Medivhand that discourages new players
22:50.43Neuro_MedivhIn a non-competative system, it's not nearly as bad
22:50.55Neuro_Medivhbut look at WoW.  Top guilds almost always stay on top
22:50.57InsideYou just programmatically create checks and balances on them.
22:51.04Neuro_Medivhthen you get Planetside
22:51.09InsideThey're top because they don't ever ever stand a chance to lose anything.
22:51.14Neuro_Medivhwhere the game prevents any kind of static solution
22:51.20InsideThat T3 gear is yours to keep -- forever.
22:51.31InsideAlso, there's nothing really to compete with in WoW.
22:51.36InsideSure, you got PVP and BGs and so on
22:51.37*** join/#wowi-lounge loonatik (
22:51.39Neuro_MedivhI know, that's why it works
22:51.42loonatiksorry got dropped
22:51.45InsideThat's why it sucks and is static.
22:51.53Neuro_Medivhit still works
22:51.57InsideYeah, it works.
22:52.00InsideNobody is contesting that.
22:52.08InsideWe're just saying we want a more dynamic world :P
22:52.12loonatikall im saying is, as long as you make it difficult enough where one guild simply cannot do it, where it takes teamwork there will be shifts in power/people lose interest
22:52.19loonatikand as long as you give people a way to participate
22:52.22loonatikeven at smaller levels
22:52.24loonatiklike owning a shop
22:52.25loonatikin the town
22:52.28loonatikor something smaller
22:52.33loonatikit would be hella fun
22:52.42InsideThe biggest thing that players want to do is feel like they're participating.
22:52.45Neuro_MedivhBut a persistant state world, where you could control towns and such, you reach a point where new players don't wanna join anymore cause they don't feel competative
22:52.59InsideGo play Blockland -- that's the funnest game ever! You get some non-lego branded bricks and can make anything out of em.
22:53.10InsideWhy is Garry's mod one of the most popular HL2 mods? Cause you can build shit out of it.
22:53.27loonatikNeuro_Medivh: i just dont think that even in a persistant world people will gain the upper hand and be able to hold it indenfitely
22:53.36Neuro_MedivhOne team?  Maybe not
22:53.36InsideLook at EVE
22:53.43loonatikyea eve is ag ood example
22:53.47loonatikthey do it in eve
22:53.54loonatikthat game is fun as hell
22:53.57InsideThe thing is, you create enough world for any ammount of teams to have their piece of ground :P
22:54.06loonatikyou can only go so big though
22:54.14Neuro_MedivhInside, then you lose the competative nature
22:54.16loonatikwell, in wow the graphics
22:54.21loonatikyou couldnt have endless area
22:54.25loonatikor the install would be too big
22:54.25InsideWhy not?
22:54.35InsideYou create 5-10 different trees
22:54.36loonatikyou suggested generated
22:54.38loonatikgeneration sucks
22:54.40Insideand have a massive forest.
22:54.41loonatiklook at swg
22:54.43loonatikthe world blew
22:54.44Neuro_MedivhActually, WoW does have endless area.  Instances.
22:54.46loonatikwow looks so much better
22:54.50loonatikNeuro_Medivh:  yea but instances suck
22:54.52InsideThat's one thing.
22:54.54loonatikthats one way
22:54.57InsideJust cause one team did it ba.
22:55.07Neuro_Medivhthat's what you're suggesting.  Every team gets their own piece of land.
22:55.09InsideThere's a massive terrain generator -- it's not a game, just a generator, and it was awesome.
22:55.16loonatikInside: all im saying is you have to hand tailor the land
22:55.19loonatikfor it to look good
22:55.28InsideYou just create a decent generator.
22:55.32InsideI'm not saying it's easy..
22:55.41InsideBut the majority of real life terrain looks like shit anyways.
22:55.43loonatikbut the ways you could generate land you cant have some of the effects
22:55.50InsideLike what?
22:56.02InsideAllow players a way to terraform the terrain just a tiny bit :P
22:56.03loonatikim trying to think of a place in wow
22:56.06Neuro_MedivhInside, in that case, there's no real competition.  There is no lack of resources, you just go generate some more terrain
22:56.25Neuro_MedivhAlso, it illustrates the key difference between real life and games
22:56.32Neuro_Medivhin real life, conflict is a byproduct
22:56.44InsideThat's the thing, really..
22:56.46Neuro_Medivhthe point of war is to take something, or win some objective
22:56.47loonatiki also think that you wouldnt want it so big
22:56.53InsideNot all players want conflict!
22:56.54loonatiki dunno
22:56.55*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
22:56.57InsideSome players just want to build crap :)
22:56.57Neuro_Medivhthe point of a game is the conflict itself
22:57.24loonatikso you would want people to have to fight for a spot of land
22:57.24loonatikyou could do that by giving certian land more value
22:57.24loonatikresource wise
22:57.24loonatikmoney wise
22:57.24loonatikkinda like in UO the houses near towns
22:57.27ScytheBlade1wow, that'd be gay
22:57.28InsideThe kind of an MMO I want is that players can create their own conflict. Me vs. nature. Me vs. NPCs. Me vs. Other players.
22:57.29loonatikwere worth a lotof money
22:57.30ScytheBlade1WoW landgrab!!!
22:57.38InsideThat'd be awesome xP
22:57.41loonatikScytheBlade1: it woudl rock
22:57.52ScytheBlade1loonatik, no it wouldn't.
22:57.53loonatiki used to buy/sell real estate in UO
22:57.56loonatikyes it would
22:57.57ScytheBlade1And likewise, that's *all* opinion
22:58.00Neuro_MedivhInside, right, the 2x2 rubrik
22:58.11loonatiki used to buy/sell real estate in UO, i made so much money doing it
22:58.15loonatikit was a blast
22:58.20ScytheBlade1If I wanted to buy and sell land
22:58.23loonatikand people who had houses near towns
22:58.24ScytheBlade1I'd play Sim City
22:58.26loonatikreally really made good money
22:58.30loonatikScytheBlade1:  thats fine
22:58.31InsideA player/team should be able to say "build a palisade here, build a shop there, and spend 30G on hiring 5 level 50 guards to patrol the city"
22:58.32loonatikyou dont have too
22:58.34Neuro_MedivhActive vs Interactive, Environment vs Players
22:58.36loonatikScytheBlade1: it shouldnt be manditory
22:58.37loonatikbut for me
22:58.38loonatikid like too
22:58.45loonatikand if i coudl buy land and setup a shop you could use
22:58.48loonatikthat would benifit us both
22:58.54InsideYeah ;)
22:58.58loonatikwhat if i could setup a shop near a dungeon you liked
22:59.00loonatikand sell things
22:59.04loonatikto help you
22:59.10InsideThat's what I did in FFXI c_c
22:59.16loonatikid have fun in doing so, and you would benifit
22:59.27InsideYou could have bazaars -- I parked myself at fishing docks to sell fishing gear, outside of dungeons to sell food.
22:59.43InsideOutside the cloth craft guild to sell cloth parts..
22:59.57loonatikthats what we need
23:00.11loonatikok ima go back to scripting =P
23:00.17loonatikgood conversation guys
23:00.27InsideWanna finish this 3D multi-player marble madness thing.
23:00.32InsideThird rewrite a go go >_<
23:01.51thrwhy do people have to twink
23:01.58InsideWhy not?
23:02.03thrare they so shit at pvp they have to use lvl60 enchants to be able to kill someone?
23:02.03InsideGot money, got time, want to be excellent.
23:02.16InsideI'm working on my lvl 19 rogue right now ;p
23:02.20thrpoint is
23:02.22thrit's still stupid ;(
23:02.26thrdetstroys low lvl BGs
23:02.33InsideThey should have a twink division.
23:02.45InsideOr have a gear vs. enemy sort of thing.
23:02.48Neuro_Medivhbtw, classic Multiplayer archetype article:
23:03.08Insidewhere honor granted is modified through a total worth modifier.
23:03.31thrit's not like that now, a good idea maybe
23:03.38thrbut it's still so annoying
23:06.15thrWhen the only reason you loose to someone is because he's twinked
23:06.20thrThat's, gah.. to much
23:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
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23:41.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
23:43.59MaldiviaUhh... UnitIsAFK!
23:59.55Maldiviaanother function, that's been on the Most Wanted list :)

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