irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061110

00:01.00ckknighthey all
00:14.42Maldiviathe macro language is getting rather impressive :)
00:16.13SP|Sorrenpoo, no stances for hunter auras? :<
00:16.17SP|Sorrener aspects
00:16.41KasoJDeath.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip",nil,UIParent,"GameTooltipTemplate")
00:16.45Kasothat's valid right?
00:17.10Temyou must give it a name if you're inheriting from GameTooltipTemplate
00:17.11Maldiviathink tooltips need names to work
00:17.56Kasobut im ok refering to by JDeath.tooltip thoughout the code.
00:23.04Kasoit really confuses me how blizzard seamingly randomly switches between Zero and 1 to as the first index of tables
00:23.48[Cu]Werikprobably programmer's preference?
00:24.28Kasotrue, but when the same thing is refered too by two differnent indicies it's annoying
00:25.36TemMaldivia, they don't need names to work
00:25.53Tembut if you don't want them to have names, you have to manually add the lines via AddFontStrings
00:26.03Maldiviatem: not anymore :)
00:26.03Tems/to /to not /
00:26.11TemMaldivia, pretty sure you do
00:26.20Temotherwise you have no way to access the line aded
00:26.29Maldivia" In WoW 2.0, the game tooltip will automatically create new lines as needed.
00:26.29MaldiviaNo longer will your tooltips be truncated because they had more than 30 lines of text! :)"
00:26.57Temif you don't do it manually, you can't access the lines added
00:27.23Maldiviatooltip:GetRegions() ?
00:30.00Temwon't tell you the order of the lines
00:30.07Temnor which are left and right
00:30.18Maldiviatrue, will be a bit of a hassle :)
00:30.33ckknightTem, it doesn't create them with global names?
00:30.34Tem(you might be able to guess through some GetPoint checks, but that's way more hackish than just adding lines yourself)
00:30.48Temckknight, we don't actually know at this point
00:31.14TemI suspect that it won't
00:35.46KirkburnPatch changes!
00:36.51KirkburnEU Tempest Keep is back!
00:37.05Kasoyay! i can test my addon
00:42.00Kasowhy are all the "Spell Name" in quotes
00:42.12ScytheBlade1Expansion Account Upgrade - Success!
00:44.53kaidenyay they added the feedback button back!
00:45.55Kasoif t={"a","b","c"} does t[#t]=="c" ?
00:49.42Kasonote to kaso, install lua 5.1 on your pc
00:51.46IndustrialBlah. BLAH! Anyone watched Ninja Scroll? The end sucked.
00:54.57*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
00:56.09ckknightKaso, yes
00:56.19ckknightassert(t[#t] == "c")
00:56.40Kasoyah, i went and downloaded lua 5.1 and tested it, but thanks :>
00:56.54Kasoon another note: The blizzard feedback Addon is broked
00:57.39Industrial'#t' ?
00:57.48Industrialisnt that ruby for 'true' ?
00:58.07Kaso#t is lua 5.1 for table.getn(t)
00:58.32zespri_workI keep envying those that got the key
00:58.43Industrialzespri_work: im over it
00:58.55zespri_worktell me about it
00:58.58ckknightwhat is the deal with that? when do we get our keys?
00:59.05Industrialckknight: nevar.
00:59.19zespri_worklooks like this
00:59.22Industrialyeah about 2hrs ago i got told
00:59.33Industrialso, thats kinds fucked init?
00:59.53Industrialmaybe if we mail blizzard with our emails that we didnt get it =P
00:59.56zespri_workwhat have you got told about 2 hours ago?
01:00.08Industrialthat blizz wont send them again
01:00.15zespri_workoh that
01:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
01:01.07zespri_workthe saga of keys that didn't arrive
01:01.23zespri_workhaven't arrived even
01:01.54Industrialhaha I just found this:
01:02.03IndustrialHaikus are easy
01:02.10IndustrialBut sometimes they dont make sense
01:02.55Industrialthats my new forum sig.
01:03.13Shadowedzespri: people feel better when they are doing something about it rather then having to sit and just deal :p
01:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Dwah (
01:04.07zespri_workdoing something like in talking?
01:04.38Shadowedlike, mailing an email to blizzard asking for a key or trying to find out why they didn't get received
01:06.13*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
01:06.18zespri_workthe problem is that mailing blizzard would do more harm then benefit, so I'm not doing this
01:06.21TainPeople just have to accept that some things in life are beyond their control and they can't do anything about it but be patient.
01:06.40IndustrialLike I said; I am over it.
01:06.48zespri_workthis is a good one too
01:07.20IndustrialIll just beat the crap out of someone tomorrow at kickboxing
01:07.25Industrialand ill be fine
01:09.22ScytheBlade1Any chance I could get a US-A ginvite?
01:10.07ScytheBlade1name is Sboshaman
01:10.39Kasothere's a certain irony that the bug reporting Addon has a bug
01:10.42*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
01:11.06IndustrialWich addon?
01:11.23wereHamsterdid someone report my name?? or does blizzard use an automatic filter?
01:11.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Dwah (
01:12.11KasoIndustrial Blizzard_FeedbackUI
01:13.21MaldiviawereHamster: *cough* read you mail with the key *cough*
01:13.50CairennwereHamster: *everyone* has to change their name, you aren't alone
01:16.28wereHamsterMaldivia, I don't see anything in the email that would suggest that I need to rename my character
01:16.41ScytheBlade1wereHamster, no, but it's forced. Period, sadly
01:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
01:17.21zespri_workby the way, why?
01:17.22ckknightwhy _do_ they force a name change?
01:17.29Cairennno idea
01:18.00wereHamsterCide, if you still want to gank me.. I'm 'Doodad' now:P
01:18.01ShadowedI figured it was just a leftover mechanic from copying pre-made chars
01:24.39Cairennhi Garoun|Loupana
01:26.08kaidenboy how i wish the creator of trinity buttons irc'd.. i'd love to beg him to make a single button to remove all buttons on a bar
01:27.18Garoun|Loupanahow is everything this evening?
01:27.58Garoun|Loupanathat good eh? :P
01:29.09Shadowedactually, if this boss dies in an attempt it'll be yay
01:30.45Garoun|Loupanawell I know why Cair is having a hellacious day, any word on the lowest number to have gotten their key so far
01:30.49Garoun|Loupanaand which boss Shadow?
01:31.10Shadowed4H, then sapph then KT
01:31.27Garoun|Loupanaoooo :) I enjoyed Naxx what little I got to play there
01:32.30Garoun|Loupanaright now I'm just praying for Gears of War to get delivered tomorrow even though it's a holiday in the US :)
01:32.56Neuro_Medivhit is?
01:33.03Garoun|LoupanaVeteran's day
01:33.14Neuro_Medivhthat's the 11th
01:33.19Garoun|Loupanawell sorry, I mean gov't holiday :)
01:33.33Garoun|Loupanayes, and if a holiday falls on a sat you get the preceeding friday off
01:33.39Garoun|LoupanaMonday if it's on a sunday
01:34.45ScytheBlade1Anyone on that could give me a US-A ginvite?
01:35.09Cairennlogging in
01:35.18ScytheBlade1Ohh, I see Cog
01:35.31Cairennokay, not logging in
01:35.40wereHamsteris the portal in the blasted lands the only way to get to outlands?
01:35.49Cairennthat or summons
01:36.06Maldiviaor portal
01:36.14Cairennor portal, *nod*
01:36.14Garoun|Loupanasurprised they let you summon across the zone line
01:36.42Maldiviawhy... summons are interdimensional portals... why wouldn't it be possible?
01:36.43wereHamsteris there a second portal?
01:36.58Maldiviawere: yes, it's called: ask your local lvl 65+ mage
01:37.22Garoun|Loupanabecause it is a zone line
01:37.24wereHamsterah.. that kind of portal
01:37.30Garoun|Loupanaand I would assume it forces a load screen
01:38.00MaldiviaGaroun|Loupana: you can summon from continent to continent... that starts a loading screen aswell
01:38.11Garoun|Loupanagood point
01:38.21Garoun|LoupanaI'm so frazzled sigh
01:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
01:40.15Garoun|LoupanaI'm gonna chill over here and stare at my screen :P since my thought process certainly isn't working tonight
01:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:57.49grimman|PivaePVPYay, felreaver in Hellfire has been replaced with the proper model. ;D
01:59.52cladhaireaah. I can't bear to summon mine.
02:00.19Cairennsomeone go slap the shit out of Mouse and barwhateverthefuck for me, please?
02:01.27Kirkburnomg naughty words!
02:01.58Garoun|Loupanacover ears!
02:02.19Kirkburn... no ... wait ... damn!
02:04.24Garoun|Loupanawth is with the name Linthicum for a city....
02:10.09ckknightCairenn, hrm?
02:10.20Tullerpeople are being whiny in the thread
02:10.25Cairennnothing, just grumping
02:10.27ckknightwhich thread?
02:10.32ckknightthe non-getting-keys thread?
02:10.37Cairennthe one on the blizz forum, yeah
02:10.56ScytheBlade1I tried a bit ago
02:11.24CairennI understand the frustration, but geez
02:11.39Cairennanyway, I'm just grumping
02:11.57Garoun|Loupanaat this point people just need to drop it, it'll come eventually or not at all, life isn't always perfect :P
02:12.20Cairennall I know is they're giving me a migraine and an ulcer
02:12.48Tullerwell, at least the ulcer does not have a migrane
02:12.53Cairennand I'm *almost* to the point where I wish I *hadn't* bothered to bust my ass to set this up
02:13.03Cairennbunch of whiny ungrateful assholes
02:13.06Cairenn(not you guys)
02:13.10TainNo good deed goes unpunished.
02:13.39Garoun|Loupanathe election has clogged the pipes is all
02:13.49TainThere are some people who do appreciate everything you do.
02:13.52Cairennit's okay guys, I'm just blowing off steam
02:14.05ckknightpeople are just bitter because they were promised something amazing and didn't get it
02:14.09CairennI know there are, and I'm grateful for it
02:14.14ckknightbut at least you feed off their tears to grow stronger, Cairenn
02:14.17ckknightso it's not all bad.
02:14.33Xuerian~whalebrainduster ckknight
02:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
02:15.08XuerianBill Engvall joke >.>... The ol' fist-to-head attitude adjustment tool.
02:15.13Xuerianwell palm to head.
02:15.20XuerianIn this case whale to head.
02:18.21XuerianThat is... unless... she really does... Then... um.... carry on <.<
02:18.31ckknightbtw, Cairenn, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just trying to make you happy :-)
02:18.44CairennNot upset with you guys at all, no worries
02:18.50Cairennjust blowing off steam, like I said
02:18.57XuerianWe know =D
02:19.30Cairennbetter here where you guys are a bit more understanding than blowing up in the thread
02:19.36Garoun|Loupanawell if we intentionally were mean, we'd be banned in a heart beat :)
02:20.05Cairenntakes a lot for me to ban someone
02:20.57Garoun|Loupananot gonna test that :P
02:21.42[Cu]WerikI'm confortable with the ban button
02:22.11Cairenn[Cu]Werik is meen! *shivers and hides*
02:22.34[Cu]WerikI got slapped in the face by a blizzard employee because of an addon with malicious code
02:23.11ckknightwhat addon?
02:23.20[Cu]WerikSome retarded submitted an addon to curse with code which made him capable of running scripts remotely
02:23.28Cairennoh fun
02:23.51[Cu]WerikAnd from the middle of nowhere, I got a PM on msn from Blizzard <3
02:24.09Cairennasking you to pull it?
02:24.12Cairennor ?
02:24.20[Cu]WerikAsking me to remove it
02:24.33Cairennthat's not a slap in the face
02:24.34Garoun|Loupanasurprised they did a direct PM :)
02:24.44ckknightthat's not a slap in the face
02:24.45Garoun|Loupanabut I consider that respect hehe
02:24.48ckknightI thought someone actually hit you.
02:24.54[Cu]WerikIt's not a slap, just saying:) I was surprised as well:P
02:25.24Garoun|Loupanaonly time I've had stuff like that was beta testing Trials of Atlantis for DAOC
02:25.31[Cu]WerikIt was very doubtful:)
02:25.49Garoun|Loupanaand I kept having to talk to the dev's to tell/show them how I pulled off odd things
02:26.05Cairennif they'd been all rude and blamed you for it and started saying crappy things about your site or something, that's one thing, but saying "hey, there's this mod on your site that does X, you should pull it" ... meh
02:26.20[Cu]WerikNah, he were completely ok
02:26.26[Cu]Werikwas, sorry
02:26.29Cairennbut yeah, a PM out of the blue would definitely be a surprise
02:26.51Garoun|LoupanaI'm the type of tester that if there is a 1/2000 chance of a certain bug in a peice of code.... I'll be the 1 that hits it :/
02:27.12[Cu]WerikFirst I thought someone trying to fool me, when the window popped up that someone want to add me to his contact list with
02:27.34Shadowedjust like to point out, if you think [Cu]Werik is mean, i'd probably have my account banned on forums by now if i wasn't in a raid :p
02:27.36Garoun|Loupanaoh, I see they upped the level cap!
02:27.57[Cu]WerikDid I miss something?
02:28.05Cairenn[Cu]Werik: heh, yeah, I'll bet that was a surprise
02:28.05Temand I stopped really playing at 65
02:28.08Shadowedoh nothing, just the guy who was bitching on blizzard forums
02:28.14Temnow I don't think I'll hit 70 before beta ends
02:28.17Garoun|LoupanaBC patch today
02:28.24Cairennand Shadowed, that is what is commonly known as "teasing", you may have heard of it
02:28.27[Cu]WerikI'm not reading blizzard forums:p
02:28.30ckknightwhen I was a guild leader I totally made a guild mod that allowed me to run remote scripts on people ;-)
02:28.37[Cu]WerikThey are too much for me
02:29.01Garoun|Loupanatoo bad you can't run greasemonkey against the blizz forums :)
02:29.09Garoun|Loupanacould clean up 90% of the posts on it
02:29.30ShadowedCairenn: maybe i was too!
02:29.31[Cu]WerikYou get what you can expect from a forums with 7.5 million users
02:31.22[Cu]WerikThis 'Barbapapa'
02:31.51[Cu]WerikDoes anyone know him? He has very hungarianish name.
02:32.13ckknightsounds like "Barhopper"
02:32.16ScytheBlade1Nah, he's already on ignore
02:32.56[Cu]WerikI wouldn't be surprised at all if he turns out to be hungarian. I know 'my' people. They are like him :)
02:34.28Cairennoh thank god, another key just showed up
02:35.29Shadowedckknight: It means those without keys yet may not be screwed over yet
02:35.37[Cu]WerikThings like these come with trouble all the time Cairenn, it will solve itself:)
02:35.39Shadowedunless the guy was out all day and got the email like 6 hours asgo :p
02:35.43din`freshly received, or just someone finally checking their mail?
02:36.00Cairenntwo more
02:36.05Cairenn(9:35:05 PM) slouken: around where Tem and I scrapped the macro state system?
02:36.05Cairenn(9:35:12 PM) Iriel: Ok 8-)
02:36.17Cairennhttp://forums.worldofw(9:35:05 PM) slouken: around where Tem and I scrapped the macro state system?
02:36.23Temthat went to the wrong channel
02:37.03Shadowed~comfort Cairenn
02:37.16purlThere, there, Cairenn.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
02:37.18purlHaskell 98 intepreter. URL:
02:37.18Shadowedtem = purl
02:37.37Cairenngod it's been a long week
02:37.48Cairenn even :p
02:38.20Shadowedmaybe they're mail queue system is fucked up
02:40.57[Cu]WerikThey are big enough to make a working mail system. Probably they are just picking people depending on various factors;)
02:41.33Shadowed[Cu]Werik: it doesn't sound like it from what cair's told us
02:41.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:41.43[Cu]WerikThen I don't know
02:43.55TullerI believe both of those people are ones
02:47.18*** join/#wowi-lounge _bs (
02:47.45Shadowedno, the last one has a wowi + a worldofwar key
02:49.48[Cu]WerikAnyway, it was class. We never ever had to remove addons before
02:50.14Shadowedhow'd blizzard find out about it anyway
02:50.26[Cu]WerikWe dont even have the interface programmed for it
02:51.02[Cu]WerikI have no idea how did they figure it out
02:51.17[Cu]Werikprobably someone reported it
02:52.33[Cu]WerikBtw, it was Moneybar made by Kravis
02:52.52[Cu]WerikSo don't use it etc etc
02:54.06Tullerhurray vBagnon now looks like old Bagnon
02:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (
02:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Amadeo (
02:57.11Garoun|LoupanaIn all honesty, I thin the keys just got processed in LIFO method :)
02:57.31Garoun|LoupanaI'm at 110, so it's gonna be a while hehe
02:57.47Kasomy entire inventory is worth 245g to a vendor ^_^
02:57.56Garoun|Loupanasell it!
02:57.58ckknightqueues > stacks
02:58.37Garoun|Loupanaman, a grand total of 10 seeds on the background downloader test
02:59.23Garoun|Loupanaodd thing is, the http blizzard serve isn't taking any fo the load
02:59.26KasoGaroun|Loupana howd o you think i know
03:00.05Garoun|Loupanamoney counter, refer to my earlier post about my lack of cognitive thinking right now :P
03:00.31Kasoi transfed my char over to beta twice accidnetly
03:00.37Kasoso im trashing one of the chars
03:00.38Garoun|Loupanaoh lol
03:00.47Garoun|LoupanaI say multispec :)
03:00.56Garoun|Loupanaspec each one a different way talent wise
03:01.05Kasocba to level 2 charaters
03:01.09Kasoand respecs are 1c
03:01.13Garoun|Loupananm :x
03:01.44Garoun|Loupanaas I said earlier, I'm just gonna chill off in the corner and watch the torrent :P... tempted to buy Psyhonauts off steam
03:01.50Kasonow i have 250 more gold, and tonnes of 18slot bags :>
03:01.51Garoun|LoupanaPsychonauts even
03:02.08ShadowedKaso: Except, 18 slots are BOP :p
03:02.11Shadoweder BOE
03:02.24Garoun|LoupanaBOWaterver :)
03:02.28Kasoah well
03:02.37Garoun|Loupana#@Q$GRS god I can't even type, sigh
03:03.40Garoun|Loupanathe bright side of the evening is my g/f is cooking up Orange Chicken, should be tastey :)
03:08.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
03:08.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
03:14.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
03:15.06KirkburnGaroun|Loupana, def buy Psychonauts!
03:15.15KirkburnYou *seriously* won't be disappointed
03:15.21KirkburnIn fact, all of you, buy it!
03:15.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Grey2 (
03:15.38gnorlishi didn't finish it
03:15.41*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
03:15.42gnorlishbut it was ok
03:16.29KirkburnPhilistine! :P
03:18.09Cairennwell, someone in ace channel just got their key, and they didn't win via, so it definitely came from the wowi giveaway
03:18.40Shadowedblizzard needs new system admins? :p
03:18.45Kaligari got my key last night right after they sent them
03:19.10Shadowedhow are they sending them anyway, randomly or by id?
03:19.18Kaligarto bad i still cant figure out this stupid state stuff :P
03:19.38Shadowedoh hey it displays ID's now
03:19.41Shadowedgo go #2!
03:23.00Temoh neat
03:23.13Temthe feedback UI just got way better
03:28.05Temthey added surveys about quests you've recently done
03:29.04Kaligarany one know if you can input the secure frame stuff for popup menus into existing xml?
03:29.38Kaligaronly examples ive seen were lua frame creation
03:30.01AmadeoTem: That's awesome
03:30.27IrielKaligar: Yes, you can
03:31.04Kaligaraddchild is just the same as defining a parent right?
03:32.00Kaligarive been trying to convert the examples into xml but no luck atm
03:34.11Warlai got warned by a GM.....
03:34.26Warlawanna know for what? :-/
03:34.40Warlayou wont beleave this... i could barely beleave it myself....
03:34.41Warla <--- check this out...
03:36.32Warlathis isnt an aprils fools mail
03:36.37Warlathe GM contacted me in game
03:36.39Warlaand sent me that email
03:36.48Warlai got reported for saying "kickass"
03:36.54ShadowedI've sworn so many damn times even calling people "fucking idiots" in BG and i havnt gotten warned :(
03:36.55Warlaand actually received a warning
03:37.27Warlaohh it gets better
03:37.41Warlai made a thread on the blizzard customer support forum
03:37.51Tem*deleted* ?
03:37.53Warlaasking em to rethink that warning and revoke it
03:38.06Warlabecause using common sense noone woud warn someone saying kickass
03:38.22Warlai also asked why kickass wont be filtered by the profanity filter they have on the forums
03:38.25Shadowedbetter to call from the phone and ask
03:38.29Warlagot me a 3 hour forum ban
03:38.39Warlathat i call customer support
03:38.43WarlaUSA at its finest
03:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge fathom (
03:38.53AmadeoI doubt anything will change no matter who you call or talk to
03:38.54Warlain Europe you could forget to threat customers like that
03:39.24Warlai now sent a complaint email
03:39.28Warlato blizzard
03:39.41Warlacomplaining about that warning given to me asking to revoke it
03:39.51Warlalets see.. propably gets me a 3 hours game ban lol...
03:40.00Warlaand of course i always wrote my stuff polite
03:40.06Warlai never was insulting nor rude
03:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz__ (
03:40.33Warlai explained the situation said its a wildly accepted term for something "cool / awesome"
03:40.45Warlaand that using common sense i wouldnt have given that warning
03:41.44AmadeoI remember reading that someone was banned for trying to type "bigger" in a sentence but hit the "n" accidentally...
03:42.11Amadeothat's a tough one, it's a bad typo, but what do you do?
03:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:42.51AmadeoI wouldn't want to be in that situation
03:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
03:48.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
03:48.35ckknighthey all
03:48.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
03:49.05*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
03:55.28grimman|PivaePVPWeeeeeeeird... I got an empty character select screen somehow... I was about to log out and changed my mind, then poff, character select. o_o
03:57.38Warlahell yes
03:57.52Warlan instead b in bigger = ist too good
03:58.17Warlaand seeing the common sense of the GMs.. they wont accept the fact that the N button actually is right next to the B one
03:59.25grimman|PivaePVPMaybe they're all forced to use Dvorak to avoid such mistakes?
03:59.56grimman|PivaePVPAnd as a result it's obviously impossible for them to verify your claims.
04:00.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
04:04.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
04:07.29[Cu]WerikOn the other hand, europeans are a bunch of lazy freaking morons
04:08.17[Cu]WerikThey aren't capable of solving anything, but they are good at forwarding stuff
04:09.19[Cu]WerikWhich means, after 2 months of forwarding your mail would end up at some support guy in the usa and you would get your 3 hours ban after all
04:10.27AmadeoI don't think people should make generalizations
04:15.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
04:17.35*** join/#wowi-lounge TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
04:18.30*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
04:19.44TimRikerNor/join #norganna
04:20.33ScytheBlade1Hey, it's TimRiker!
04:21.19ScytheBlade1ibot needs regex s/// abilities :/
04:24.49MentalPowerit does
04:24.57MentalPowers/does/does have that/
04:25.07ScytheBlade1No it doesn't
04:25.12ScytheBlade1It has string replace
04:25.14ScytheBlade1Not regex
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04:27.33Kaligaryou see they blocked castbyspellname
04:27.53Kaligarand reblocked cleartarget
04:27.56grimman|PivaePVPOnly in combat. ;P
04:28.09Kaligarnah its completely blocked
04:28.18Kaligarcant use it at all
04:28.22grimman|PivaePVPNot CastSpellByName.
04:28.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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04:29.31Kaligaroh wait castspell() is blocked
04:29.53grimman|PivaePVPHm, they blocked it this patch then.
04:29.58Kaligarnot sure about byname
04:30.06grimman|PivaePVPJust logged on to try it.
04:30.16grimman|PivaePVPThat means my addon is beyond broken now... it's demolished. ;(
04:30.29ScytheBlade1wow... a level 66 green ring, +42 sta
04:30.33Kaligaryou have to use secureactionbuttontemplate now
04:30.57Kaligarwhich isnt to bad
04:33.21grimman|PivaePVPHaven't read up on how to add stuff that works to the Keybinding interface now.
04:33.43Kaligarjust if you have popup windows you need to add them to secure temps s well wghich is harder
04:33.58grimman|PivaePVPUseInventoryItem is blocked in combat too. =(
04:34.27Kaligarya they are pretty much forcing us to use secure
04:35.33Kaligarjust wish it didnt reuire so much stuffing around
04:35.47Kaligarthough it will be easier once we learn it
04:36.58TimRikerScytheBlade1: regex is problematic as perl regex allows you to do all kinds of things. it's faked so it does the minimum.
04:37.23ScytheBlade1Oh, duh. Should have thought twice about that
04:37.34TimRikernp. patches welcome. :)
04:37.38ScytheBlade1Would you be against passing it just to sed and calling it good? ;)
04:37.42ScytheBlade1Heh, I don't know perl ;)
04:37.51ScytheBlade1Otherwise I would
04:38.08Kaligaranyone know what the mainheader refers to?
04:38.17ShadowedPeople will release libraries and stuff to make it easier anyway
04:39.43TimRikerScytheBlade1: yes. try passing s/$(rm -rf \/)// to sed sometime.
04:40.26Kaligarmenuheader:SetAttribute("statemap-anchor-enter", "0:1");
04:40.29TimRikersee the small problems I have to consider? :)
04:40.32Kaligarmenu header not main
04:40.48ScytheBlade1Yeah, heh
04:41.39ScytheBlade1Forgot about variable expansion there.
04:42.00ckknightturn off variable expansion by turning $ into \$ ;-)
04:42.24TimRikerckknight: and ``?
04:42.55ckknightTimRiker, that only works in a simple case, as if it's in quotes, then $() will work but `` won't
04:42.55TimRikeretc. there are many nasties. just recursive references can eat up memory fast.
04:43.53TimRikeragreed. it used to be a regular perl regex till it got abused. now it's not.
04:43.53TimRikerstill lots of fun toys in there.
04:44.35ckknight~emulate swedish chef
04:44.36purlYorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!
04:46.09TimRiker~piglatin you will just have to find something else to play with
04:46.42TimRiker~rot13 cause there is so little to amuse in there.
04:46.42purlpnhfr gurer vf fb yvggyr gb nzhfr va gurer.
04:46.55cladhaireTimRiker: Hehe you shouldn't have shown them ~piglatin =)
04:46.57purlcladhaire: :)
04:47.06TimRiker~x en gr you can get bored so easily
04:47.40TimRiker~convert 60 miles/hour to light years / millenium
04:47.43ScytheBlade1~x en es That's going to be abused
04:48.03TimRiker~spell millenium
04:48.15TimRiker~convert 60 miles/hour to light years / millennium
04:49.24TimRiker~weather kslc
04:49.38ScytheBlade1Poor ibot goes into 99% CPU isage when it connects to that network :(
04:50.21TimRikerScytheBlade1: probably an issue with the motd. open a SF bug report and I'll look at it sometime.
04:50.36ScytheBlade1TimRiker, quite likely, thanks
04:53.12ScytheBlade1Core, right?
04:53.25ScytheBlade1Core or Main?
04:54.54ScytheBlade1TimRiker, thanks, filed :)
04:59.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
05:03.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
05:08.58grimman|PivaePVPIs there any way to bind spell cast keys like before? Via bindings.xml that is.
05:13.48ckknightgrimman|PivaePVP, in TBC?
05:14.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
05:15.52ckknightgrimman|PivaePVP, you can, but there are lua functions now.
05:18.22*** part/#wowi-lounge TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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05:25.02grimman|PivaePVPYeah, I know about those...
05:26.30grimman|PivaePVPBut it seems to me they're gonna be pretty prone to conflicts unless there's a centralized interface to bind the keys.
05:27.37ckknightmmm... there is now.
05:27.50grimman|PivaePVPWasn't that an addon too? :P
05:30.13Mike-N-GoI have always wondered this; Why is the directory called "WTF"?
05:31.06ckknightgrimman|PivaePVP, press escape, click key bindings.
05:31.13ckknightMike-N-Go, warcraft text files
05:31.14grimman|PivaePVPckknight: O RLY?
05:31.16ckknightalso, inside joke.
05:31.32purlNO WAI!
05:31.32Mike-N-GoOh, inside joke....
05:31.34grimman|PivaePVPWhat I mean is I want to add my own bindings for spells, but obviously that doesn't work anymore.
05:32.06ckknightgrimman|PivaePVP, sure it does.
05:32.32grimman|PivaePVPCastSpellByName is blocked.
05:33.04grimman|PivaePVPUseInventoryItem is also blocked, breaking my very, very simple trinket addon.
05:33.52ckknightSetKeyBinding("MySpell", "DELETE")
05:33.53ckknightor whatever.
05:34.14ckknightand those are only broken in combat.
05:34.26ShadowedWe've been given them in slash command form anyway
05:35.17grimman|PivaePVPckknight: Last patch broke CastSpell 100% :P
05:35.35Mike-N-GoWhat do I need to do to get --/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitFactionGroup("unitid"))
05:35.36Mike-N-Goto work?
05:35.36ckknightbut that's a bug.
05:35.45ckknightunless I'm mistaken
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05:36.11ckknightMike-N-Go, why doesn't it work?
05:36.22Shadowedwhat unitid are you using?
05:36.26Mike-N-GoI has error.
05:36.34Shadowedwhat's the error
05:36.40Shadowedgrimman|PivaePVP: You should be able to use /cast Trueshot Aura
05:36.41ckknightgrimman|PivaePVP, yes, and that's a bug.
05:36.42Mike-N-GoI don't know, I was just trying to test it.
05:36.51ckknightMike-N-Go, tell me your error.
05:37.07ckknightbtw, I prefer to use /print UnitFactionGroup("unitid")
05:37.09grimman|PivaePVPShadowed: That's not the point, I just did that to show what happens. Doing it from within an addon gives the Ignore/Disable dialog.
05:37.11ckknightbut you need Ace2 for that
05:37.16grimman|PivaePVPckknight: Good to hear.
05:37.26ShadowedOr you could use /dump UnitFactionGroup("unitid")
05:37.30Shadowedbut, you need devtools for that!
05:37.37Mike-N-Go[string "DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitFactionGr.."]:1: Unknown unitname: unitid
05:37.49Shadowedunitid is not a valid unitid, try player instead
05:37.53purlrumour has it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
05:37.53ckknightMike-N-Go, yes, because unitid is not an appropriate unitid
05:37.59Mike-N-GoThanks, purl
05:38.03Mike-N-GoI will get that now.
05:38.07ckknightuse player or target or party1
05:38.14ShadowedSee for a list of valid unitid's
05:38.16ckknightMike-N-Go, or just use ace ;-)
05:38.19purli guess ace is a lightweight and powerful system for building World of Warcraft addons. It is coded to keep CPU-usage, memory-usage, and GC churn in mind.  See
05:38.41Shadowedwe need less people with "C" in there name :(
05:38.52grimman|PivaePVPtheir name*
05:39.55ckknightwhat's the issue, Shadowed?
05:42.50Mike-N-GoOk, I have Dev tools
05:43.14Mike-N-GoCan you guys tell me about the 5 awesome slash commands?
05:44.12grimman|PivaePVPFunny how RegisterEvent("ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED");
05:44.36grimman|PivaePVP+ print on receiving that event == massive spam.
05:47.18ckknightgrimman|PivaePVP, what do you print?
05:47.42grimman|PivaePVPJust "action blocked", didn't take any arguments.
05:47.52grimman|PivaePVPPoint is, there's ALOT of blocking going on. :P
05:47.56grimman|PivaePVPWith very few addons.
05:48.00ckknightthere are ways to get the line number and such
05:49.00ckknightleast I remember
05:49.02ckknightnot sure
05:49.05ckknightIriel, any ideas?
05:49.13ckknightknow where to specifically check what's blocked?
05:49.27IrielHm, i'm not sure, can you print a stack trace?
05:49.30ckknightwait, grimman|PivaePVP, it does print arguments
05:49.38grimman|PivaePVPDidn't say it didn't.
05:49.39ckknightADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED => "name", "functionName"
05:49.43grimman|PivaePVPI didn't use them. :P
05:49.47ckknightah, okay.
05:50.10ckknightIriel, a stacktrace wouldn't help, since ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED would be an event in its own right anyway
05:50.28IrielYeah, but it MAY include the path from the original lua
05:50.32IrielI'm not sure how they're dispatched
05:52.05ckknightthe blocking is causing issues, specifically with ChatFrame_OnEvent for me.
05:52.34ckknightslouken says there's work being done on it, though
05:52.48Shadowedckknight: was tabbing to slap you!
05:52.55ckknightoh, lol
05:52.59Kaligareverything they are blocking seems to be still doable for the most part with secure
05:53.00ckknightjust do ckk<tab>
05:53.08ckknightnot for me, Kaligar
05:53.10ScytheBlade1even ck[tab]
05:53.17Shadowedyeah, but i'd have to press 3 days
05:53.17TemIriel, you can run a stacktrace
05:53.20Shadowedwell, two
05:53.24TemI've used it to track it down a few times
05:53.27Shadowedtwo extra*
05:53.30ckknightah, cool, Tem
05:53.54Temit's still hard to find EXACTLY what is tainted, but you at least know where to look
05:54.03Tem(and where to start prodding with issecure
05:54.05ShadowedKaligar: I think ckknight is running into issues with blocking specific chat text, IE whispers
05:54.35krkaanyone know why copying stuff to memory stick over nautilus is faster than a plain commandline cp?
05:54.40Kaligarwouldnt suprise me if bliz accidently blocked that
05:54.43ckknightyes, I block whispers that start with / as well as channel info from AceComm
05:54.46Shadowedthey did block that :p
05:54.55Shadowedslouken said he's working on a solution
05:55.22ckknightyea, Maldivia and I even gave a solution, however hackish :-P
05:56.06ckknightthe issue is that EXECUTE_CHAT_COMMAND is handled in ChatFrame_OnEvent, and since it's protected, it messes things up a bit if you try to hook ChatFrame_OnEvent
05:56.24ckknightblah, the teacher is boring
05:56.31Kaligaririel what does mean header refer to?
05:56.32ckknightteaching proof by induction
05:56.50Kaligarusing the old method
05:59.41IrielKaligar: I dont follow your question
05:59.55Kaligarmenuheader:SetAttribute("statemap-anchor-enter", "0:1");
06:00.10Kaligarwith that coverting to xml where does it go
06:01.36IrielProbably in the header frame's OnLoad
06:01.38Kaligarim assuming the anchor frame is the frame the popup is attatched too
06:02.06Kaligarhmm ok
06:02.23Kaligarpretty sure i tried that but ill have another go
06:02.56Kaligarwish i could get in contact with kugnar the mods original author
06:19.10Mike-N-GoI got it: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitFactionGroup("player"))
06:19.30Mike-N-GoI did not think that player needed to be inclosed, hum.
06:20.15Shadowedunit's are always strings, not variables
06:20.32Shadowedso "player", "raid1", "pet", "party1", ect, ect.
06:20.45ScytheBlade1Well, unless you have a variable equal to the string you want.
06:20.56Shadowedand that!
06:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
06:25.54Mike-N-GoHumm, I am having some trouble, with my AutoMailDiliverer addon.
06:26.34Mike-N-GoWhat the user does is type -/amd [itemType] [name of toon]
06:27.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
06:27.22Mike-N-GoAnd Trade Goods is separated by a space, and it wont store with how it is currently written, trade goods.
06:28.25Mike-N-GoAny ideas, anyone?
06:30.23[Cu]Werik"" ?
06:30.39Mike-N-GoWhat do you mean?
06:31.30[Cu]Werik/amd "trade goods" toon ?
06:31.38Mike-N-GoWell, I will try it.
06:31.54[Cu]WerikI don't know, but it looks logical
06:32.13Mike-N-GoThe quotes don't work.
06:32.44Mike-N-GoLet me post the code.
06:33.05[Cu]Werikoo, dont post it for me, I'm not a lua coder;P
06:33.35Shadowed[Cu]Werik: He's has some regex that's splitting the arguments using spaces. The problem is Trade Skills has a space in it, so when the code matches it's seeing "Trade" and "Skills" not "Trade Skills" and "Name of toon"
06:33.41Shadowedhe's = he
06:34.42Mike-N-GoWhat do you mean, he's = he
06:35.11Shadowedspelling correction, meant "he has" not "he's has"
06:37.13[Cu]WerikThen, make a pattern which fits for ^something<space>any number of any chars<space>something$ ?
06:37.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
06:38.05Mike-N-GoI am new to this, what would this pattern look like?
06:38.10Mike-N-GoOr start with.
06:38.15[Cu]WerikI have no idea;P
06:38.47Shadowed~lart [Cu]Werik
06:41.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
06:42.00Mike-N-GoThis, and using UnitFactionGroup() and GetCVar() in the right places for realm-faction SV, and my addon is done.
06:42.30Mike-N-GoThis is quite fun, coding addons.
06:43.14ShadowedMike-N-Go: what do you mean by realm-faction, are you trying to get realm name?
06:43.41Mike-N-GoI am trying to make sub tabs in my table using UnitFactionGroup() and GetCVar()
06:43.52Mike-N-GoKina like Auctioneer.
06:45.05Mike-N-GoAfter I figure out how to use them.
06:46.31Mike-N-GoTo bad I could not just go with people editing the hard-coded content, I would have been done a long time ago.
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07:00.17ckknighthey all
07:00.29grimman|PivaePVPYeah ok, hey.
07:00.47Cairennhi ckknight
07:01.07grimman|PivaePVP+ /wave Cairenn.
07:01.39grimman|PivaePVPI can't thank you and Blizzard enough for letting me in to the beta. Oooh, the never-ending frustrations. <3
07:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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07:08.14grimman|PivaePVPHave you guys tried the new macro stuff yet?
07:10.33Shadowed"RIP Custom UI's in TBC" was deleted :(
07:10.41grimman|PivaePVPWonder why. :P
07:10.43Shadowedguess i can't post "RIP People who make assuminations about stuff without reading. Just kidding, they havn't gone anywhere." anymore
07:10.51Cairennheh, I reported it
07:10.57ckknightgood work, Cairenn
07:11.13Cairenn"more omg uis are dead crap" was precisely what I put in the report
07:11.15ckknightI don't like chicken little types.
07:11.18Cairennand listed it as spam
07:13.20grimman|PivaePVPWonder what cruel fate Edward the Temporary in Honor Hold will meet in retail. ;)
07:17.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:18.21Nom_Anyone find a solution for the Decursive thing in TBC?
07:18.38Cairennwhat "decursive thing"?
07:18.54XuerianThere's no more button-mash decursing. It's gone. Finished. Done.
07:18.58Nom_I've heard that Decursive doesn't work (can't work the way it works now) in 2.0 ?
07:19.12Cairennthat's correct
07:19.17Nom_Right, so you can still click the list ok?
07:19.23Cairennit's dead and gone
07:19.27Nom_You just acn't macro a key?
07:19.47XuerianYou actually have to pay attention now.
07:19.55XuerianI know it stings, I feel your pain.
07:19.58grimman|PivaePVPGM forbid. *gasp*
07:20.01Xuerian~console Nom_
07:20.13purlACTION gives Nom_ the consolation moose
07:20.28Nom_I do pay attention lol
07:20.41Nom_In fact, it's PerfectRaid that tells me the raid is cursed, not decursive
07:20.55Cairenngreat, then you won't miss it :)
07:21.04grimman|PivaePVPI think the man means beyond just knowing WHEN to press the button. :P
07:21.07XuerianIf you meant click pRaid to decurse, click-casting still works
07:21.31Nom_Ah, yeah, not what i meant
07:21.36*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
07:21.41Nom_I use the live list to decurse normally (from decursive)
07:21.46Nom_So that live list won't work?
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07:21.50XuerianNope, clicking the nice sorted list is now impossible. You can stare at it all you like, though
07:22.17Nom_I'll need to find something that lets me order by raid groups then
07:22.24Xuerianpraid does that.
07:22.34Xuerian./praid sort group
07:22.49Nom_yeah, but i'll need to be able to put my group(s) at the top
07:22.57Nom_and prioritize my group(s) by class
07:23.11grimman|PivaePVPTry custom sort.
07:23.32Nom_Just mainly to make it easier so i just start decursing from the top down :)
07:23.36Nom_That's the point I was trying tom ake :)
07:23.49Nom_Area decurse will help I suppose tho
07:23.51XuerianCustom sort would do that, I suppose
07:23.56Nom_Or did they take that out again?
07:24.03grimman|PivaePVPI believe Clad said it was solution to everything in some interview. That includes famine and war!
07:24.34Nom_Things like X-Perl Unit Frames won't have any issues in 2.0 will they?
07:24.42Nom_Or Waterboy/Trade Dispense ?
07:24.47grimman|PivaePVPTrade will die.
07:25.05grimman|PivaePVPBut as long as the addon just displays stuff I believe it'll work just fine.
07:25.10ScytheBlade1Waterboy/Trade you'll have to click accept yourself
07:25.19Nom_I click accept myself already
07:25.24Nom_As long as it can put the itmes in there, that's fine
07:25.25XuerianThen you'll have no problems.
07:25.30XuerianUnitframes will be fine as well
07:25.39Nom_hmm what else do i use ... :P
07:25.55Nom_The only original UI i have is the mini-map lol
07:26.16grimman|PivaePVPThat's odd... the minimap is the most horrible part of the default UI. ;P
07:26.17Nom_I'm working under the assumption that most of FuBar will be fine
07:26.38Nom_and MetaHUD ?
07:26.42grimman|PivaePVPYeah.'s the big one ... BarTender ? :P
07:27.04grimman|PivaePVPI used it for a while... but I never liked HUD addons like that. My pet keeps dying cause I can't seem to keep track of it. ;P
07:27.23Nom_lol it shows up as a mini bar next to your grimman|PivaePVP :P
07:27.26Nom_I can't live without it now
07:27.32grimman|PivaePVPI know it does.
07:27.38Nom_Tried playing with the default UI and I just died everywhere I went
07:27.45grimman|PivaePVPI just never looked at it, never looked very urgent in my eyes.
07:28.03grimman|PivaePVPSo, as I said, my poor pet kept dying.
07:28.06XuerianBartender3 is actively in development, it'll work :P
07:28.13Nom_Excellent :)
07:28.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (
07:33.13Nom_Anyone seen any huds like MetaHUD that let you actually change the textures and stuff?
07:33.22Nom_Like if i wanted to change the appearance of it
07:34.48Nom_ahh nice
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07:34.52Nom_I've been trying to find something like that
07:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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07:45.35ckknightNom_, IceHUD
07:47.06Nom_ckknight: You're the author of FuBar?
07:49.39Elkanohe's only his evil twin
07:50.03Nom_i'm seeing a lot of familiar names :)
07:50.08Nom_FuBar rocks btw :)
07:50.14Nom_Elkano: Elk's Buff Bar right?
07:50.45Nom_Is there a new web page/rename for that?  I couldn't seem to find it when I went looking yesterday :P
07:50.50Elkanoyes, and some other stuff like ItemDB, FriendsFu, GuildFu, bags_and_merchants, FramesResized, ...
07:52.58ckknightNom_, I've done a few things
07:53.55Cairennelkano's stuff:
07:55.37[Wobin]a key!
07:55.52Elkanomaybe I should update my portal with some news stuff ;)
07:55.54[Wobin]I should have downloaded this patch ages ago =P
07:57.14Cairenn[Wobin]: YAY!
07:57.33Nom_*emails to self*
07:57.40ShadowedI guess Blizzard just doesn't know how to setup email :p
07:57.56Thunder_Childhuh, i just got one also
07:58.02Nom_Show Pictures  
07:58.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:58.10Nom_Elkano's BuffBar  Category:Outdated Mods
07:58.40grimman|afkz0rMmyes, he's working on EBB2 iirc.
07:58.50Nom_I know, it still works, but having an old TOC is annoying :P
07:58.55Elkanowell, outdated doesn't mean it isn't working ^^
07:59.11grimman|z0rOh, he's here. :P
07:59.13Elkanoand TOC updates is something I only do when forced by WoW
07:59.15grimman|z0r/wave Elkano
07:59.18Nom_That's probably why I couldn't find it the other day tho
07:59.50Elkanoanyone on US beta mind posting sth about ItemDB for TBC (-> ) in this thread?
07:59.51grimman|z0rNom_: Search.
07:59.56Shadowed[Wobin]: What # are you
08:00.13Nom_Are there any mods you know of that break BagFu ?
08:00.25Nom_I pulled the latest version down last night, and i'm still getting 0/0 :(
08:00.40ckknight[Wobin], id# for key signup
08:00.46Shadowed that number
08:02.05[Wobin]forgive my slow response. patch download is sapping my connection's will to live
08:02.06ElkanoI had been 64 ^^ 2^6 ^^
08:02.44Elkanowobin, use the time to copy your char ^^
08:03.17[Wobin]Not yet =)
08:03.30[Wobin]I'm borrowing my Raid Bank's cash to copy across =)
08:03.30Cairennnight guys
08:03.35[Wobin]night Cair
08:03.57Shadowed[Wobin] haha
08:05.22ShadowedI think my guild bank would be suspicus if i asked to borrow the gold >_>
08:06.34[Wobin]Heh, my raid bank (we're a conglomerate) is run by our guild =)
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08:07.38Shadowedso is ours, but they'd still probably wonder why i'm asking for the gold!
08:10.38[Wobin]well tell them what for =)
08:11.33Shadowedeh, I doubt gold would be that needed anyway :p
08:12.06SP|Sorrenblizzard clearly hates me :<
08:13.11ShadowedWell, it sounds like keys are still going out. So i wouldn't worry
08:13.30[Wobin]One of my friends was going to use the funds to respec constantly over and over til he got one he liked =P
08:13.38SP|Sorrenim not so worried, but that doesn't convince me that blizzard doesn't hate me ;P
08:14.40Shadowed[Wobin] respecs are only 1c on beta
08:14.44ShadowedI hope your friend has 25-30g :p
08:14.56[Wobin]I'd better tell him to save up
08:15.39SP|Sorreni thought they were only 1c on the pve server
08:15.43SP|Sorrenand full price on the pvp server
08:15.56Shadowed[Wobin] lol
08:16.12SP|Sorrenbut then again, you both may be on pve so it doesnt matter >.>
08:16.44[Wobin]well, with a few thou gold, he can respec to his hearts content =)
08:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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08:52.00Mike-N-GoIs there a way to ignore upper and lower case, just treat them the same? In a var.
08:52.16Mike-N-GoOr to force the first letter of a var to be cap and the rest lower?
08:52.16Insidevar = string.lower(var)
08:52.25InsideWrite a function for that?
08:53.26Mike-N-GoBecause in AMD, if the toons name is not in "proper" english, the right message does not display.
08:54.01Insidefunction CapitalizeWord(word) first = string.sub(word,1,1); first = string.upper(first); second = string.sub(word,2,); second = string.lower(second); return first..second; end
08:54.31Mike-N-GoIs the chunk I am dealing with.
08:55.34InsideWell, use my function or.. whatever.
08:55.39Mike-N-Go--elseif UnitName("player") == recipient then-- is skipped if not in proper format.
08:55.45Mike-N-GoOk, thank you for your code.
08:56.05InsideThat'll be $500 licensing fee.
08:56.21InsideWould you like to buy licenses in bulk? I offer bulk discounts on orders of over 1,000.
08:56.32Mike-N-GoHow about --With help of the people of #norganna and #wowi-lounge
08:56.40Mike-N-GoAdded to my addon?
08:56.48InsideI don't care, I'm kidding.
08:56.50weabyou could just do elseif string.lower(UnitName("player")) == string.lower(recipient) then
08:56.52s|louponly Inside pls ;)
08:57.11Mike-N-Go is everything.
08:57.13InsideI'm not even a member here
08:57.17InsideI only make bitter comments once in a bit.
08:57.26s|loupa member of what?
08:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
08:57.39InsideThe Lounge.
08:57.41s|loupif you are here then you are a member or not
08:58.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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08:59.12InsideApparently people are lining up for the ps3 already.
08:59.31Mike-N-GoI really like this line:  DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AMD: "..itemName.." is "..itemType..": Recipient is: "..(recipient or "None, Type \"/amd "..itemType.." [name of recipient for "..itemType.."]\""))
08:59.43InsideLooks like my code.
09:00.11Mike-N-Go~lart Inside
09:01.46Mike-N-GoHow many chars can your script do, Inside?
09:02.14Insidedo or has done?
09:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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09:03.28InsideASYLUMUNO_COMMAND stores the value that people using the mod want to use do commands into the mod.
09:03.33Insidemaybe today I want to use + and tommorow .
09:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufemia (
09:11.03grimman|z0rRawr. <3 Total Commander. Just did away with some interface cluttering and still managed to come out with more easily accessible features. ;D
09:14.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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09:35.19Thunder_Child~lart Mike-N-Go
09:35.56Mike-N-Go~lart Thunter_Child
09:36.14Thunder_Child~stab Mike-N-Go
09:36.21purlACTION runs at Mike-N-Go with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
09:37.04Mike-N-Go~eat Thunter_Child
09:37.06purlACTION eats Thunter_Child and falls over dead
09:37.24Thunder_Child~whaleslap Mike-N-Go
09:37.25purlACTION beats Mike-N-Go upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
10:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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10:23.33Mike-N-GoHow can I prevent an letter from mailing if nothing is attached to it?
10:25.39Mike-N-Go--if (not ClickSendMailItemButton() and not ERR_MAIL_BOUND_ITEM) then
10:26.48ckknight_I don't think that's right.
10:27.30Mike-N-GoIt works.
10:28.01Mike-N-GoBefore I added ERR..blah, a blank mail was sent.
10:28.05Mike-N-GoMail sent.
10:28.19Mike-N-GoApparently sending mail is an error?
10:28.28grimman|z0rWell of course.
10:29.18grimman|z0rERR_VENDOR_HATES_YOU -- hehe
10:29.33Mike-N-GoThis addon codeing is quite fun.
10:32.14Mike-N-GoAnd selling an item at auction, ehh?
10:32.16Mike-N-GoYour auction of %s sold.
10:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
10:32.58Mike-N-GoHi, Eufe.
10:38.05Mike-N-GoHow are you doing?
10:42.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
10:45.31Mike-N-GoAnd here I am doing --if (string.lower(UnitName("player")) == string.lower(recipient)); then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("You can't send mail to yourself.")
10:46.04Mike-N-GoWhen --if (ERR_MAIL_TO_SELF) then; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("You can't send mail to yourself."); end
10:46.11Mike-N-GoWorks just fine :P
10:47.34Maldiviathere shouldn't be ; before then
10:48.30phyberjust forget about ; and stop using them.  you don't need them.
10:48.51Mike-N-GoI only added them so I could do it all in one line, for your eyes.
10:48.55Maldivia"... recipient)); then ..." <-- the ; shouldn't be there
10:49.06Mike-N-GoI don't use ";" for myself, in my code.
10:49.23phyberthen don't use it when you're pasting it, because it makes your code wrong and buggy.
10:49.42phyberlike now, everyone is pointing them out, when they arn't actually in your code ;)
10:49.55phyber*where everyone = two people.
10:50.19Mike-N-GoYou missed the whole point!
10:50.30Mike-N-GoIs a good source to use.
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10:51.00Mike-N-Go--(ERR_MAIL_TO_SELF) == ((string.lower(UnitName("player")) == string.lower(recipient)))
10:51.30Maldiviayour have a pastey of your code, might help to see it in context (seeing how I stumbled in mid-conversation I think)
10:51.51Mike-N-GoOk, I will do a pastey with the most recent code.
10:51.52MaldiviaYou're still working on your addons to auto-mail items based on their type to different people, right?
10:52.46phyberMike-N-Go: also, of course that works.
10:52.51phyberthe string exists so it's 'true'
10:52.51Mike-N-GoI have the base fully working.
10:53.24Mike-N-GoIt was a find I found that was easer then the other-way I had tried first.
10:54.05Maldivialine 49: "if (ERR_MAIL_TO_SELF) then"
10:54.14Mike-N-GoI am currently trying to get rid of false positives, so empty mail is not sent.
10:54.24Maldiviait just checks if the variable ERR_MAIL_TO_SELF is not nil
10:54.33Maldiviadoesn't check if that error system message was sent
10:54.37Mike-N-GoI am new, I love "()"
10:54.44phyberMaldivia: yup, that's what I just pointed out :)
10:54.56Maldiviasame with line 44 and ERR_MAIL_BOUND_ERR
10:55.07Mike-N-GoSo, whats wrong?
10:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
10:55.37phyberyou think those ERR_ are something that they're not.
10:55.39Mike-N-GoHeh, LOL, now I can't send any mail :P
10:55.44phyberthey are just localized strings.
10:55.57phyberthey will always be 'true'
10:56.00Mike-N-GoI don't know what I am doing, so I am learning from these mistakes.
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10:56.20MaldiviaMike: also, you're checking the return value of ClickSendMailItemButton()... are you sure it has a return value?
10:56.38Mike-N-GoI don't know.
10:56.46Maldiviaand you're calling it a lot of times, you should only call it once
10:57.25Mike-N-GoThanks for the corrections, that is what I want to hear.
10:59.13Mike-N-GoAnything else you see wrong?
10:59.21Mike-N-GoHow about my indents?
11:02.45Mike-N-GoOk, here is a better one, that works.
11:03.19Mike-N-GoI was just testing earlier for it not to send messages with items not attached.
11:04.00Mike-N-GoThe Get Realm and Faction for saving vars  part
11:04.12Mike-N-GoI have not figured that out yet.
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11:04.30Mike-N-GoI want to use that to make sub-tables in my main table.
11:06.50MaldiviaThe errors you listed to ealier, it's not variables that's being set, it's values that's being send with the SYSTEM event (amount others)
11:07.23Maldiviathe variables listed on the page you linked, are just for reference, so we know how those error messages are formated
11:09.55Mike-N-GoI am interested in finding out how to check if said item is soulbound.
11:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
11:11.25phyberMike-N-Go: your realm/faction thing won't work because they are local to the function you've got them in.
11:11.39Mike-N-GoAhh, right...
11:11.59Mike-N-GoJust take off the local?
11:12.12phyberno, keep the local, that's good.  take away the function :)
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11:12.28phyberor put them inside the function they are going to be used in.
11:12.46Mike-N-GoI don't know that yet, so I just put them at the top.
11:13.22Mike-N-Go is what it should look like, then?
11:13.34phyberyup :)
11:13.47phybernow you can access those variables from any function in your addon.
11:16.15Mike-N-GoHumm, wow does not like line 11
11:16.44ShadowedFactionUnitFactionGroup is suppose to be UnitFactionGroup
11:16.51Mike-N-GoWhat did I mispell.
11:17.09Shadowedremove the "Faction" at the start, so "UnitFactionGroup"
11:17.16Mike-N-GoGot it.
11:18.02Mike-N-GoI got--DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction) to print!
11:18.29ShadowedMaldivia: Doesn't GetRealmName() work better then getting it through GetCVar
11:18.52Maldiviathey both work
11:19.03Maldiviaalthough GetRealmName() is the "correct" way
11:20.54Mike-N-GoHumm, I have something in the COD pane, and then click on conjured water, the something got mailed to the consumable guy...
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11:21.39Mike-N-GoSo, does it matter witch one I use?
11:22.22Shadoweddoesn't matter, just GetRealmName() is considered the "correct" way
11:22.39Mike-N-GoI need a way to check if items are mailable or not, and then be removed from the COd pane so this does not happen.
11:23.01ShadowedI don't think you can check if they can be  mailed or not, IE conjurable. only soulbound ones
11:23.13Shadowedwithout hard coding or doing tooltip scanning of the item that is
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11:27.26Mike-N-GoSure, do you know a method to do that?
11:27.28Maldiviaalternatively, you split the functionality up; set the item when picked up, wait a bit for an eventual error message, check if the item in the mail, is the correct one, and then send
11:28.45Mike-N-GoWhat are the chars you need to put ' \ ' infront?
11:29.11*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
11:29.22Mike-N-GoI know \"
11:30.31|FF|Im2good4uoh wel
11:31.13|FF|Im2good4uthere is \n for a new lie but in WOW that is |n
11:31.43Shadowed|FF|Im2good4u: He means when do you need to escape stuff using \
11:32.30Mike-N-GoAnd I mean when you want to avoid syntax, and you just want to display that char to the screen.
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11:33.26ShadowedIt's late and i'm half asleep, but I believe you only need to escape quotes
11:33.41Mike-N-GoOK, thanks.
11:34.08|FF|Im2good4uyeh basicly and probely \% if u are using some lua regex string
11:34.17Mike-N-GoWhat I have so far:
11:34.34Shadowed|FF|Im2good4u: In regex you use % to escape stuff, not slashes
11:37.51Mike-N-GoWell, I am going to sleep, soon.
11:37.57Mike-N-GoThank you all for your help.
11:38.38thrhow can i detect if the current unit i'm targeting is hostile or not?
11:38.56|FF|Im2good4uwut do i need todo to make my addons load on BC ? just updated the TOC ?
11:39.12thrShadowed: hmm ok,
11:39.22Shadowedcould also use depending what you're trying to do
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12:03.41[Liquidor]Any PHP coders here?
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12:06.35ShadowedBeen a little bit since i've done alot of coding with it, but whats up?
12:08.08[Liquidor]It's okay, I'm talking about it in #wowace now :)
12:16.29thris PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event
12:16.30thrdoes it lag?
12:17.13thrI mean, when I change target and the event fires the UI does not seem to notice
12:17.20thri.e. it needs some type of reply from the server ? etc.
12:17.36thrand this code exucuting right after using the unit-id "target" is... buggy?
12:20.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
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12:31.41MaldiviaPLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED is fired from the client, does not need any reply from the server
12:32.08MaldiviaWhen TargetUnit (or similar target functions) is called, the event is fired
12:32.30MaldiviaIt's actually fired DURING the TargetUnit call
12:33.08s|louphave you checked if you get the event ?
12:38.12JoshBork1PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED is fired during the target unit call?
12:38.13MaldiviaJoshBork1: unless they changed it recently, then yes
12:38.15JoshBork1but that won't be the case for UNIT_TARGET_CHANGED
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12:39.37Maldiviaso basically, the code path is something like: mycode... TargetUnit... OnEvent handers... TargetUnit returns... mycode continues...
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13:12.35wereHamsterI like teh lvl 1 priest with his T5 set
13:13.26deciif you notice in the top right, they're from a private server
13:13.41Mikmai do hope they are real
13:13.45Mikmathe T5 warlock is leet
13:14.05deciwell, the sets were just datamined, so im sure its real
13:14.52Maldiviawell, blizzard uses a distinct naming pattern for their tier sets :)
13:15.52wereHamsterthe warrior set looks good, too
13:17.07Mikmai like the warlock most
13:17.27Mikmathe powerrangerpaladin is funny
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13:22.12Mikmamissing a helmet? :P
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13:22.35teomyrdoes anyone know how much threat fear generates?
13:23.04s|loupi think the helmet is the collar
13:23.12s|louplike at T4 Set
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13:25.54Mikmaoh right
13:25.56JoshBorkeyea, the paladin is fugly
13:25.58Mikmawoof woof mage woof!
13:26.15JoshBorkeshut up :-P
13:26.20JoshBorkei think the t4 looks good though
13:26.33MikmaJoshBorke: make me! :D
13:27.19JoshBorkei wonder if the lock skulls spin
13:29.19JoshBorkeworst bugfix ever
13:31.34Maldivianot a bug fix, it's an ability change I'd say...
13:34.51wereHamsteryay.. I just got the belkin nostromo speedpad n52 :))
13:53.48[Wobin]I liked using that
13:53.57[Wobin]made exploring easier
13:55.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:02.49IndustrialCairenn|afk: I got an idea
14:03.05IndustrialIs it possible to enlist the peopl that didnt get their keys mailed again in another batch?
14:03.13Industriallike.. so i can sign up again?
14:03.36Industrialthat is - the people you know/are here/trust? :P
14:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:06.07|FF|Im2good4u\o/ i think i got kicked out of the bata :P
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14:07.28JoshBorkemorning cladhaire
14:07.35JoshBorkeare you busy?
14:07.40cladhairei'm in and out, whats up
14:07.52JoshBorkeam i currently in the rotation for svn?
14:08.18cladhaireare you 2 or 7?
14:08.24cladhairethen no
14:08.35JoshBorkeok good.  because i've noticed i just can't seem to stay in sync
14:09.36JoshBorkejust making sure :-) perhaps you might give me some pointers on making my own zip script for my own personal svn server? ^_^
14:10.11ElkanoClad, I'm having a 'bug' with Clique on TBC: I have renew assigned to ctrl-left and PW:Shield to ctrl-right. But ctrl-right also casts renew. If I remove the renw assignment then PW:Shield casts...
14:10.46cladhairehrm, can you send me that portion of your SV file in email?
14:10.56cladhairei can then test it on my priest with the same setup, and verifuy that nothign odd is happening.
14:11.21cladhaireJoshBorke: I'd suggest never going anywhere newar automatic zip scripts.. have a script of your own that does exactly what you want it to... and call it when you need to.
14:11.33JoshBorkehehe, ok
14:13.38Elkanowhat was your mail address? (the sv seems to be fine btw; PW:Shield is set to button 2
14:14.35Elkanoah, found it
14:15.19cladhaireElkano: what are the modifiers for PW:Shield?
14:18.18|Shadow|anyone know the /command to show the help request screen?
14:18.22Elkanomail's out
14:19.47Cide/script ShowUIPanel(HelpFrame)
14:19.52CideI think
14:20.12Maldiviaahh, that help screen
14:20.35IndustrialHow do I get the castingbar colors?
14:20.39|Shadow|yup thats the one :P
14:21.07Maldiviadepends which you want
14:21.30|Shadow|the one he said :P
14:21.36|Shadow|Cides command does it :)
14:21.38Industrialuh, Cide, HelpFrame:Show() ?
14:22.27cladhaireElkano: I actually have my Clique set up exactly like that, oddly enough =)
14:22.32MaldiviaIndustrial: showing frames directly, that are managed by the UIPanel list, can fuck it up, so you can't close them again
14:22.34|Shadow|account tradeing is against the rules right?
14:22.45CideIndustrial: nope, sorry. what Maldivia said
14:23.14IndustrialMaldivia: jeez :| thats.. not .. nice..
14:23.20cladhairehrm, and i can reproduce it.. odd =)
14:24.05cladhairewait no, i'm on a mac.
14:24.06Elkanohmm... bug in clique or in TBC? /dump PlayerFrame ?
14:24.06cladhaireno right click
14:25.24cladhaireI lied, I can't reproduce it, so i'd like to load your SV
14:25.27Elkanowell, I loled... ;)
14:25.41MaldiviaElkano: what happens with /dump ?
14:26.23Elkanowell, you need Iriel's DevTools t use that command but it dumps data to the console
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14:27.59cladhaireif you reload you can reproduce it?
14:29.06Elkanolol, bug in blizzards feedback savedvar ^^
14:30.01Maldiviano, bug in the code that stores savec variables
14:30.23cladhaireElkano: I can't reproduce it using your SV>. you sure you're not on a mac?
14:30.43Elkanois there an API to get the set attributes?
14:31.01*** part/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (
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14:31.32cladhaireagain, can you reproduce it if you reload?
14:32.09|FF|Im2good4uguys does any1 know how im gona fix this fuction in tbc..
14:32.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
14:32.26Elkanook, they are set correctly but still it fails
14:32.28cladhaireI can't fix functinos unless you never type any1 again
14:32.29|FF|Im2good4uSelect = function(num,...) return arg[num] end
14:33.27cladhairewhat do you mean fix it?
14:33.27Elkanosimply don't use it? Select is build in now
14:33.28|FF|Im2good4uand dont be so mean to me plz i laso got feelings
14:33.29cladhaireits built in
14:33.39|FF|Im2good4uoke thanks :P
14:33.40cladhaireuse select(num, tuple)
14:33.47wereHamster|FF|Im2good4u, what's with Select("#", ...) ?
14:34.18Elkanook, cladhaire, seems to be a wow bug
14:34.20|FF|Im2good4ui didnt know it was build it i used my own select on old wow :P
14:34.25cladhaireElkano: How so?
14:34.32cladhaireAnd again, have you reloaded? =)
14:35.13Elkano/reload ,yes
14:35.41Elkanobtw: why do you set bag, slot and item attribute for spell?
14:35.41cladhairei'm not sure.
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14:36.23Elkanohmm... k ^^
14:37.12cladhairetry not loading clique, and setting the attributes manually
14:37.22Mikmahmm, does clique work in TBC? :P
14:37.31cladhaireUmm.. since Alpha, nub =)
14:37.43Elkanowell, I'm almost sure it isn't a clique bug now, but I'll try
14:37.52Mikmawell why can't i see the icon on spellbook? :(
14:38.00cladhaireelkano: PlayerFrame:SetAttribute("Ctrl-type1", "spell") PlayerFrame:SetAttribute("Ctrl-spell1", "Renew")
14:38.08cladhaireand then do the same with Ctrl-type2 for PWS
14:38.12decithat patch yesterday really messed me up, i kept getting #132 errors until i removed all addons/savedvariables, dunno what was wrong with them
14:38.28cladhaireMikma What version are you using
14:38.31cladhaireonly the TBC version works
14:38.34cladhairelike every other addon =)
14:38.44cladhaireWHERE IS Wobin!!!>!!>!?!?!?!
14:40.10Mikmacladhaire: the tbc version ain't on svn?
14:40.14Elkanocladhaire, confirmed... Blizzard bug ^^
14:40.19cladhairemy stuff won't be on the ace svn anymore.
14:40.22|FF|Im2good4uis there a way to see if my addon id loaded on TBC or normal WOW ?
14:40.22cladhaireElkano: odd
14:40.37Elkanoor wrong syntax
14:41.26cladhairereload, and try ctrl instead of Ctrl
14:41.29cladhairejust to check
14:41.34cladhaireand mamke sure type or spell is lowercase
14:41.45cladhairethats so very odd.
14:41.51cladhaireMikma: You can get the latest release off WoWI
14:41.56cladhaireas always =)
14:42.05Mikmacladhaire: aye gotta do it now
14:42.32Mikmacladhaire: OOH, the sexness! can't wait :D
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14:43.20cladhaireits not that sexy
14:43.23cladhairei'm working on the secks.
14:43.29cladhaireand i need to add a unit argument to the custom scripts.
14:43.34cladhaireso you can have alt-right click always cast on you
14:44.39Mikmabut you pimped the UI
14:44.58cladhaireits not pimped enough
14:45.42Industrial<@cladhaire> my stuff won't be on the ace svn anymore.
14:45.45Industrialmine neither btw
14:47.09cladhaireyeah, cause =)
14:47.19cladhairei've found that i prefer to have my stuff on my own SVN
14:47.24|FF|Im2good4uhmm somehow Select wont work :P
14:47.39Maldiviatry select then (lowercase s)
14:48.16Industrialim trying wowi again
14:48.17|FF|Im2good4uhmm yerh that better :P
14:48.24Industrialwith idInterface
14:48.42cladhairewowi is teh win
14:48.55Mikmayou're just saying that because you like wowi!
14:49.06|FF|Im2good4ui like it aswel
14:51.18cladhaireMikma: I say that because wowi doesn't crash, it survives patch day, it is fast, and most importantly, none of my users have ever had virus issues or concerns.  (not to mention the portals)
14:52.52Mikmacladhaire: and you like it!
14:52.59cladhairewhere is wobin
14:53.01cladhairehe sent me cookies.
14:53.04cladhairehe rocks.
14:53.29[Wobin]I'm glad they finally made it =P
14:53.35cladhaireyeah, they came two days ago
14:53.45cladhairebeen trying to reach you to thank ya =)
14:53.45Industriallol really?
14:53.47[Wobin]Next time I'm sending from within the US =)
14:54.00cladhairehehe, are you from the US or Australia?
14:54.04[Wobin]Australia =)
14:54.15cladhairewel I didn't expect, but appreciate  =)
14:54.45[Wobin]nodnod, just a thankyou for the work you've done =)
14:55.39cladhaireso.. my school got back to me
14:55.51cladhaireand we're writing a proposal to fund me as a 3 year research assistant for getting my PhD!!!!!!!!
14:56.39[Wobin]woohoo! Cash! =)
14:56.42cladhaireim so excited!!
14:56.44cladhairelots of cast =)
14:56.45JoshBorkegrats cladhaire!
14:56.51cladhairebut more importantly.. i can go to school
14:56.54cladhaireif they approve the proposal!
14:56.56[Wobin]Dr Clad =)
14:57.00JoshBorkewhat's your proposal? ^_^
14:57.09|FF|Im2good4ulol oke sockets are al send in the itemlink :o
14:57.13cladhairei'll be studying learning environment for functional programming in computer science education
14:57.17|FF|Im2good4uit had like 8 numbers now
14:57.31JoshBorkedid anyone else hear that go over my head?
14:57.41cladhaire~wiki functional programming
14:58.04cladhaireexplains NOTHING
14:58.36cladhairewow runs soooooo well on this laptop
14:58.37cladhaireits sick
14:58.49JoshBorkethatmakes me want a new puter
14:58.58cladhairetake out a personal loan for 3k
14:59.00cladhaireits the cool thing to do
14:59.11[Wobin]I quite enjoyed learning about functional programming at uni
14:59.36cladhaire[Wobin]: Is there anything you would have changes, or would have made it easier for you (specifically with regards to IDE, etc)
14:59.39cladhairethat's what my focus is on
15:00.13[Wobin]hm, we learnt Miranda I think it was
15:00.23[Wobin]and there was no ide as such
15:00.58[Wobin]the trick was, making the mental shift across to thinking functionally instead of procedurally
15:01.24cladhairethats why they tend to use haskell and scheme.. you can't forget where you are =)
15:01.38JoshBorkeoh god, not scheme
15:01.42[Wobin]During the lab tests, it always took me a good 10 minutes or so to get in the right frame of mind =P
15:01.50[Wobin]after which I had no problems
15:01.55cladhairei want to push for lua instead of scheme, but i wont be able to =)
15:03.12cladhairewhat in the hell are you supposed to do against dual warlocks with fel guads?
15:03.25cladhairei dont see how that's a winnable fight O.o
15:03.55cladhaire<-- priest
15:04.21JoshBorkerun for your life?
15:04.26JoshBorkeor just cry?
15:04.29[Wobin]Them == Paper, You == rock
15:05.13JoshBorkeMC one and attack the other with the MC1d one?
15:05.25JoshBorkeoh wait, you don't get their spells
15:05.31[Wobin]hehe that sounds like our tactics for ZG we often discuss
15:05.48[Wobin]"Lets enslave that imp and take it across the instance to tank Hakkar...."
15:06.00cladhairereally tho, that's just not right.
15:06.15JoshBorkeimagine being a paladin?
15:06.30cladhairefear fear, felguard intercept, cleave
15:06.33cladhairebullshit imo
15:07.11Maldiviathe felguard alone have brought a mage til 1/3 health, by the time the mage is finished killing an afk warlock...
15:07.23[Wobin]hehe what would be cool is if while MC'd you could release the felguard
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15:08.00Maldiviaand cast a soulstone on yourself aswell
15:08.12cladhaireno really.. its sick.
15:08.14cladhairei can't deal with this
15:08.29[Wobin]anyway, night all =)
15:09.12JoshBorkewow, nerf locks
15:10.48JoshBorkeyea, felguards are crazy uber
15:13.10cladhaireits death coil too
15:13.13cladhairetoo many options =)
15:13.22cladhairewe beat em once
15:13.28cladhairethe lock focused on me, and the rogue got a CS off.
15:14.05|FF|Im2good4uguys or girls is there a way to see if my addon is run under BC or normal WOW so i can keep it backward compatibel ?
15:15.00Maldiviaor check for the presence of a know BC only feature
15:15.12grimman|z0rBut there's no need... regular WoW will use the same UI code as BC, no?
15:15.38|FF|Im2good4uwell atm not unless they gona update normal wow to 5.1 aswel :P
15:15.40Maldiviawell, think he's refering to 1.12.x and 2.0.x campatability
15:16.08grimman|z0rI mean at BC release. :)
15:16.15|FF|Im2good4ui hope so
15:16.22Maldivianext live patch will contain lua 5.1 and all the new BC ui
15:16.30|FF|Im2good4uare u sure ?
15:16.41|FF|Im2good4uoke thne i wont bother adding checkups :p
15:16.46cladhairebut i wouldn't suspect it anytime soon
15:16.55grimman|z0rIt's logical since the talent stuff etc will be rolled out as well.
15:17.01MaldiviaI'm guessing the patch will be mid-december
15:17.13|FF|Im2good4uwel it will prob before BC release :p
15:17.27grimman|z0rNot probably, definitely. According to Blizz anyway. ;)
15:18.17grimman|z0rOn an unrelated note, wonder when the hell the Optimus keyboard is gonna be released. >_<
15:18.35grimman|z0rI've already had to repair my current keyboard twice... it's that worn.
15:19.34Maldiviagrimman: 16 months ago... or well, it was supposed to be then
15:19.50zenzelezzDNF syndrome
15:20.08grimman|z0r13 months to be precise, Maldivia.
15:20.24grimman|z0rRelease date: 14.07.2005
15:20.34cladhairerogue + shadowmeld priest is a nice combo =)
15:20.37grimman|z0rI'm starting to get a little bit impatient. :)
15:21.15grimman|z0rcladhaire: Imba shadowmeld. ;)
15:21.19grimman|z0rBut I <3 it.
15:22.18grimman|z0rI think maybe I should try my rogue on the test servers... I've only tried my hunter so far.
15:22.22grimman|z0rAnd omfg.
15:22.32grimman|z0rThe revamped Arcane Shot is insane.
15:24.53grimman|z0rIf I crit I can dish something like 5.5k dmg in three casts (3 sec aimed + arcane + multi). Not counting white damage or pet damage. It's lovely. ^^
15:25.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (n=kyahx@
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15:25.53|FF|Im2good4uyeh hunt@rd ftw now :P
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15:26.16axxoif i crit i do 3k dmg in  1.5sec
15:26.17grimman|z0rWith crits and pet damage I push 350 dps with ONE spell, no white damage.
15:26.19|FF|Im2good4udoes any1 know some socket funtions ?
15:27.20grimman|z0r|FF|Im2good4u: Checked the SocketUI code?
15:27.44|FF|Im2good4u*-_-* oops
15:28.10grimman|z0rBlizzard_ItemSocketingUI would be the correct folder name.
15:29.18|FF|Im2good4uyeh i wonder how they getthose files iscne its seposed tobe encryted :P
15:29.37grimman|z0rNot encrypted...
15:29.51grimman|z0rThe files you see in the Interface\AddOns folder are just the signatures I think.
15:30.12grimman|z0rThe code is located in the MPQ files and Blizzard provides an addonkit to extract them.
15:31.06|FF|Im2good4uwell iv used the addon kit but it never gave me those files .. af far as i remmber
15:31.45grimman|z0rThey extract to "Burning Crusade Closed Beta\Blizzard Interface Data (enGB)\" in my case.
15:31.50JoshBorkewow, i just found out I was the 5th person to sign up for a beta key
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15:32.02grimman|z0rWow. I was 160th and I got in too. :D
15:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-91faaec0aba82bc7)
15:32.12JoshBorkehaven't gotte in yet :-P
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15:32.37grimman|z0rBroken I.W.I.N. button for you.
15:32.39|FF|Im2good4uhow can u see witch # u are ?
15:33.31grimman|z0rIs anyone working on a replacement for Blizzards World PVP Objective Progress Bars (...)?
15:33.55|FF|Im2good4uU ?
15:33.57wereHamstercan I give names to my 'screen' sessions? to be able to do 'screen -r irssi
15:34.07JoshBorkei don't think so
15:34.39wereHamstercoz I don't like screen -r `pidof irssi`
15:34.39JoshBorkeyou just have to remember which one it was
15:34.50JoshBorkehow many screen sessions do you have?
15:34.59|FF|Im2good4udahm i cant vieuw the forum becase i got no ui's up ..
15:35.12wereHamstertwo.. buttorrent and irssi
15:35.24JoshBorkeif you just do screen -r it'll list the pids
15:35.43JoshBorkeif both are attached or deattached
15:35.51krkawereHamster: i am also annoyed by that!
15:35.53JoshBorkeif one is attached then it resumes the detached one
15:36.00JoshBorkei just keep them in the same screen sessions :-P
15:36.20krkahmm... with ctrl-z / bg / fg ?
15:36.23JoshBorkef@h on screen 0, irssi screen 1, everything else falls in
15:36.24wereHamsterscreen -ls also shows the active sessions...
15:37.00|FF|Im2good4uJoshBorke: can u see witch # Silvanas was ?
15:37.03JoshBorkectrl-a ctrl-c creates new screen windows
15:37.13JoshBorke|FF|Im2good4u: no, it's based on who you're logged in as
15:37.19krkaoh.. inside the same screen session?
15:37.29MaldiviawereHamster: screen -S irssi irssi
15:37.34wereHamsterand how do you switch between them?
15:37.55JoshBorkeooo, nicely done Maldivia
15:38.14JoshBorkectrl-a ctrl-n switches screen windows
15:38.32|FF|Im2good4ualt tab ofc :p (windows FTW!)
15:38.45JoshBorkewereHamster: see Maldivia's response
15:39.07Kyahx|FF|Im2good4u: Windows is definently not FTW :P
15:39.12MaldiviawereHamster: screen -S name command    later: screen -r name
15:39.33|FF|Im2good4ubetter not start that discusson again :p
15:39.36wereHamsterbrb.. thanks
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15:40.15MaldiviawereHamster: or just have several consoles in the same screen (^A-C to create a new, ^A-[0 to 9] to change between them)
15:40.30JoshBorkethat's what i do
15:40.55Maldiviawhat I usually do aswell
15:41.21JoshBorkei hate when i hit ctrl+s
15:41.44Maldiviactrl-q then :)
15:41.52wereHamsterwhat's ctrl+s?
15:42.19wereHamsterothing happened..
15:42.43Maldiviaxoff = all output is stopped
15:42.56Maldiviasoftware flow control
15:43.11Maldiviawont send, until xon is send (ctrl-q)
15:43.58MaldiviaJosh: and yeah, hate it aswell, habbit when editing files in UI editors to quick-save :)
15:44.09MaldiviaJosh: but is really annoying in consoles :)
15:44.44JoshBorkei had no idea what happened the first time i did it
15:44.51JoshBorkei just pressed random keys until i undid it
15:44.54wereHamster'XOFF ignored, mumble mumble'
15:45.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (n=kyahx@
15:45.17krkayeah, ctrl-s is annoying
15:45.28krkamostly useful when you get a huge dump of error messages
15:45.37Maldiviascroll lock :)
15:46.53JoshBorkelol wereHamster
15:46.59JoshBorkeoh, wereHamster!
15:47.15JoshBorkewereHamster: tell me what you think:
15:47.40krkathanks, this is really useful
15:47.48krkactrl-a n / ctrl-a[0-9]
15:47.57krkaand ctrl-a c
15:48.00JoshBorkemmm, behold the power of screen!
15:48.06krkai love screen
15:48.07krkai love lamp
15:48.08JoshBorkectrl-a ctrl-p goes backwards
15:48.22JoshBorkejust try not to get nested screen sessions, they are a pain
15:48.31krkaand ctrl-n / ctrl-p in irssi toggles channel
15:48.43krkactrl-a ctrl-a ctrl-n then? :)
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15:49.43wereHamsterhow do I know how many 'screens' a screen session has?
15:49.47JoshBorkekrka: just ctrl-a ctrl-n
15:50.07JoshBorkectr-a "
15:50.45wereHamsterctrl+a w
15:51.02JoshBorkethat too
15:51.17JoshBorketry ctrl-a S
15:51.39decii killed cladhaire
15:51.47wereHamsterothing happened
15:51.51deciin that 3v3 just now
15:51.58cladhaireit was 2v2
15:52.00decieven though it was 2v2
15:52.10cladhairewere you the shaman or priest?
15:52.16cladhairefecking 64 shaman
15:52.26cladhaireBE or Hellfire?
15:52.42cladhairei can get on my druid and we can group
15:52.44decidid you see my amazing pet!?
15:53.00JoshBorkemake sure it's cap S
15:53.07decibrb a sec
15:53.43Industrialthe rake has 1.2 speed tho
15:54.07cladhairei want deathmaw
15:54.29cladhairedeci, what your name
15:54.31JoshBorkesplit screens are cool
15:54.39JoshBorketo unsplit though, ctrl-a ctrl-q
15:55.03zenzelezzcladhaire: thought that one hunter site said they normalized all pets to 2.0 in BC?
15:55.12cladhairedid they?
15:55.31Industrialoh question: can I level a pet without getting xp?
15:55.35zenzelezzlike he says, he doesn't know if it's intended or will remain so
15:55.51zenzelezzIndustrial: ever seen level 60 pets?
15:56.05zenzelezzthey can't gain XP while the same level as you
15:56.07IndustrialI need a level 10 pet to go to 19 without me getting exp
15:56.20zenzelezzoh, that way without getting XP
15:56.25zenzelezznow that's a different challenge
15:56.26krkai meant if you had screens inside screens, would you use ctrl-a ctrl-a ctrl-n to switch inside the inner screen?
15:56.48Industrialafaik screen+screen doesnt play nice ?
15:57.22Industrialzenzelezz: yeah cause im already level 13 and i havent got all my WC gear yet
15:57.28Industrialer, VC
15:57.30Industrialcleared WC
15:57.57JoshBorkeIndustrial: screen+screen=painful
15:58.14Industrialjust need 2 damn drops frm VC but they are both 15% drom the same boss :(
15:58.16deciIM BACK
15:58.20deciBunneh is my name
15:58.44cladhaireyou're already in group
15:58.57deciill invite you, name
15:59.00cladhaireboo says i
16:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
16:01.04JoshBorke[Liquidor]: lol, grats!
16:01.35krkawrong channel?
16:02.10[Liquidor]Thanks :)
16:02.58JoshBorkemeh, whatever :-P
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16:03.14JoshBorkeno harm no foul
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16:06.02[Liquidor]Since you wrote it here I belive everyone else wants to know what we're talking about so here's the picture telling most of it:
16:06.09cladhairedeci: this is too easy, even if we're not getting full teams
16:06.28deciyea rofl
16:09.28cladhaireso how is Eye of the Storm?
16:09.29cladhairei can't get in yet
16:09.53decimeh, its ok, not too good, but its new
16:10.03cladhairewhats the concept?
16:11.23decitheres 4 towers that capture like the EPL towers
16:11.32decitheres a flag in the middle that can be capped for extra points
16:11.36decifirst to 2k wins
16:11.48cladhairehow long do games typically run?
16:12.08decisame as ab/wsg
16:12.14deci~20 mins for a pug
16:12.18cladhairewell WSG takes forever
16:12.25cladhairedamna lliance
16:12.38deciwell some people have this gay strat for eye of the storm which is
16:12.40cladhaireunless im' on my druid.. then we stomp =)
16:12.51decicap two towers, get the flag and turtle with the flag till 1925
16:12.55decithen cap the flag and win
16:13.08cladhairethe flag needs to go back after 2 minutes
16:13.12cladhairethats standard CTF rules
16:13.47deciyea i agree
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16:17.42cladhairethis is a kickass team =)
16:17.46KasoUsing SW:Death to snipe killing blows is harder than i though it'd be
16:17.52JoshBorkenerf horde imo
16:24.45MaldiviaKaso: hmm, what happens if you SW:D a warlock, with nether protection up ?
16:25.12Maldiviaor a warrior with spell reflection
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16:26.12Kasoi guess you'd take double damage
16:26.18Kasohavent tried
16:26.23Kasowhat level is SPell Reflection
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16:27.09Maldiviatalent, I think
16:27.45Maldiviahmm, nope - lebel 64
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16:28.13cryogenwhat if you have a shadow reflector equipped..
16:28.13Maldiviafreenode... soon to be node-free for a few minutes... :)
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16:28.54cryogenor sheen of zanza
16:28.56Maldiviacryogen: so... reflectiong the damage back to... yourself?
16:29.17cryogenMaldivia: hmm. :)
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16:33.04Maldiviacladhaire: stop flexing!
16:33.04cladhairezomg why
16:33.13Maldivialook what's happens when you do!
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16:34.27haste1720.03| [freenode] - and thank you for using freenode!
16:34.31hasteI suck at pasting :(
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16:36.41cladhairethats funny, so do i =)
16:36.42JoshBorkeLegorol: wb
16:36.42Maldiviawe're in agreement ?
16:41.25Mikmai wonder...
16:41.31Mikmawhy am i hearing weird tick-sounds
16:42.13KasoMaldivia which was that warlock thing yo mentioed before
16:42.34MaldiviaNeather Protection... the tier 7 talent
16:43.42Maldiviatier 6
16:43.51Maldiviain destruction
16:44.10Maldiviaohh, nevermind - it's not a reflection, it's just an immunity...
16:44.24Kasoill find a 64 warrior
16:44.25Maldiviabut still interesting, if the target is immune to shadow damage, do the priest take damage?
16:45.19Kaso1 damage
16:45.25Kasowell on evading mobs you take 1 damage
16:45.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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17:13.04MaldiviaUHH... Alchemist's Stone is back in BC!
17:13.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@
17:18.22MikmaMaldivia: SS or it didn't happen
17:18.57Maldiviadidn't I just link it in guild chat on the beta server?
17:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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17:19.43MikmaMaldivia: i'm sure your on hordeside or so
17:19.59Maldiviahmm, then I linked in say instead :)
17:20.10Maldiviaand no, alliance TK server
17:20.39MikmaMaldivia: what guild? :D
17:20.53MaldiviaI'm guild master of CastSpell :)
17:21.13Mikmammmmmeh you're not in atm
17:21.39MaldiviaMikma: yeah, that's the old Alchemist's Stone, which they took out in patch 1.3 or 1.4
17:22.02MaldiviaMikma: there, found the new one on thott:
17:22.22Mikmayou're kidding
17:22.37nevcairielfel lotus, is that like the new black lotus?
17:22.38Mikmathat's like most imba i have seen
17:22.57nevcairiellol, great trinket
17:23.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:23.59MaldiviaI must say, I love the new drums
17:24.10Mikmawhat drums? :)
17:24.34Maldiviathe leatherworking drums
17:24.41Mikmaand btw
17:24.55nevcairieli saw the recipe for the drums on the vendor
17:24.56Mikmawhat was the thing with the leatherworking "feet relaxers" or so?
17:24.57nevcairiellooks great
17:25.03Maldiviaitems with charges, that creates a party buff for a period of time when used
17:25.25nevcairielhow many different are there? i only found drums of war
17:25.27MikmaMaldivia: remember the pattern someone pasted?
17:25.37KasoMaldivia you take no damage from immune mobs on SW:D
17:25.45MaldiviaKaso: Ok
17:25.51MaldiviaMikma: for which item ?
17:26.00Kasojust in case you were still cuious
17:26.05MikmaMaldivia: the leatherworking feet relaxers or something like that
17:26.19MaldiviaMikma: yeah... seen them... no idea what they do
17:26.34MikmaMaldivia: remember the name?
17:26.49nevcairieldid anyone figure out what happens if i reload ui in combat, can my addons position the frames before a lockdown?
17:27.08MaldiviaComfortable Insoles
17:27.18Maldivianev: they can
17:27.43Maldivianev: there will be an REGEN_DISABLED event when you reload, if you're in combat - up till then ,you can customize frames
17:28.58Maldivianev: or well, atleast that's what I've been told, haven't tried it myself
17:29.13nevcairielyeah will try that once my addon actually works :)
17:29.20Mikmathis is still funny
17:29.45nevcairielhah nice
17:29.50Kasoits free?
17:30.26Kasopvp things
17:31.44Mikmasomeone said that in next patch you can buy pvp-stuff with honormarks or so
17:32.51grimman|z0rCan't you already?
17:33.37Mikmai don't know.
17:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
17:48.14Mikmai really don't like that the gryphons make sounds in tbc
17:48.28MikmaIriel: is it possible to reuse the blizzard buttons in tbc?
17:48.50IrielHow do you mean 'reuse' ?
17:49.20nevcairielmove them, change their skin, make them change action dependant on a SecureStateDriverTemplate
17:49.36Mikmawell was going to ssay something else but nevcairiel beat me
17:50.10nevcairielwe failed at using the already existing buttons for a statedriver setup
17:50.53Mikmaand we cried
17:50.57Mikmaoh man how much we cried
17:50.58nevcairielno, you cried :)
17:51.13Mikmawell true that
17:51.42IrielYou should be able to do a fair bit with them, I think there are some rough edges but I believe they'll be addressed.
17:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Amadeo (
17:56.43Mikmaoh how i wish :P
18:01.43Irielthe standard action button template should now (or soon) be happy in a state driven configuration if you set its ID up correctly.
18:01.56IrielI believe there are some quirks related to visibility
18:02.50MikmaIriel: have you ever heard of Bartender2? :)
18:03.05JoshBorkeIriel: the xml doesn't inherit(sp?) from the Secure templates
18:05.51JoshBorkeIriel: for the ActionButtons i should say
18:08.40Temno it doesn't
18:09.00Tembut if you set the ID to 0, it uses GetModifiedAttribute for action
18:09.16nevcairielhmm, maybe thats why it never worked
18:15.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
18:16.06MikmaWhat other profession goes with Jewelcrafting?
18:16.37Insidemining, probably.
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18:23.54grimman|z0r << Ugh.
18:24.19grimman|z0rCan anyone guess what NPC? Filename-guess only == bonus point.
18:31.42AdrineHaris Pilton!
18:32.24teomyrdoes anyone know of a simple way of determining whether a hunter/warlock's pet is in melee range of a hostile unit? :D
18:32.26Mikmaanyone knows how can i get to exodar as non-draenei?
18:32.50nevcairieluse the boat from auberdine
18:32.52nevcairieland walk
18:33.00Grineor the portal from shattrath (sp?)
18:33.05nevcairielor that
18:33.11grimman|z0rAdrine: Naw... can't recall her name offhand, but you're definitely wrong. ;)
18:33.13nevcairieli used the portal
18:33.17nevcairielexodar rocks
18:33.37Mikmashattrath? :D
18:33.50nevcairielhavent you been to shattrath city yet?
18:33.52nevcairielin outlands?
18:33.56nevcairielbest place ever :)
18:33.59AdrineWell, it was a guess anyway.
18:34.04AdrineShattrath gives me the creeps.
18:34.13nevcairieldont go to lower city
18:34.18AdrineSomething....really sinister-feeling about it.
18:34.19nevcairielall other places are great imho
18:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
18:34.27AdrineLiek the shiny candy coating is just a biiiiit too thin.
18:34.47Laricfrom honor hold to fly to shattrah.. where do I have to find the connecting flight between them?
18:34.59nevcairielthats kinda complicated
18:35.06nevcairieli dont remember the name
18:35.15nevcairielbut it was in that purple-ish land
18:35.26nevcairielwhich i discoverd by accident :D
18:35.30grimman|z0rLaric: There's an FP south east of the Shattrath FP. Same zone.
18:35.35grimman|z0rThat one connects HH to Shatt.
18:35.37Mikmanevcairiel: propably not since i dojn't know about it :D
18:35.46nevcairieloh i didnt find that FP
18:35.56AdrineAllerian Stronghold for Alliance, I believe
18:36.05nevcairielanyway, bbl
18:36.06grimman|z0rAh yes, that's the name.
18:36.17grimman|z0rThat's, coincidentally, where my sound clip came from.
18:36.40Laricgrimman|z0r thanks
18:36.45grimman|z0rnp np
18:42.27IndustrialI like that one better
18:43.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
18:43.09grimman|z0rI don't know...
18:43.12grimman|z0rDoesn't sound as fake.
18:46.58ckknight_hey all
18:47.39Amadeosup ck
18:51.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Amadeo (
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19:06.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
19:07.19Mike-N-GoHello, units.
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19:08.28ckknightno, Mike-N-Go
19:08.30ckknightjust no
19:09.09Mike-N-GoWhats wrong about calling you "units"?
19:09.50Shadowedckknight has morals or something, he's crazy ignore him
19:10.08Mike-N-Go~ckknight ckknight
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19:38.46Mike-N-GoWhat does error with '<eof>' meane
19:40.09Osagasuend of file?  It means that a command was executed and needed something more, but instead, all it found was the end of the file.
19:41.46Mike-N-GoHumm, can you tell me what I may be doing wrong, I am trying to work with tables.
19:42.41Cideneed to give the full error message
19:43.06Cide(that is, rule #1 to getting coding help)
19:43.24Osagasuyep.  Get Improved Error frames if you need it
19:43.48Mike-N-GoI am just moving things arround.
19:44.19Cidewell, we can't help if you don't give the error message most of the time
19:44.19KyahxBugSack > Improved Error Frame
19:44.41Mike-N-GoAnd, for several things, it has conflicts when GetContainerItem() is called...
19:44.48cladhairei prefer ief.. since its a pop up window, and i can manniuplate it easier than my chat frame
19:44.54cladhairebut thats neither here nor there.
19:45.35Cide(unrelated: *cry*)
19:47.45*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:48.30cladhairego to wowinterface
19:48.33cladhaireit'll take you two seconds
19:48.36cladhaireyou can do it, i have faith =)
19:49.35MoonWolfwhy would an ace version of ct_shieldmod explode in size ?
19:49.39cladhaireyou can even click on cide's link, hover over seach and have it typed and ready before you get back here to read this!!
19:49.43cladhaireMoonwolf: because its a tiny mod.
19:49.46cladhaireand ace2 is not so tiny.
19:50.40cladhaireand by tiny i mean 280 lines of code.
19:50.46cladhairegive or take
19:51.01Kasoi love ShieldMod so much <3
19:51.28Cideheh, I like it because it's actually quite accurate after a while
19:51.47Kasoyou still need to add +heal to it cide!
19:51.49Mike-N-GoWell, I cant find IEF on wowinterface, so I guess I will use BugSack :)
19:52.01cladhaireimproved error frame
19:52.04CideKaso: I likely will in expansion
19:52.20Kasoremeber its ( base +heal ) * talents :>
19:52.23Cidesince we get a function that returns it
19:52.37cladhaireace it while you're at it =)
19:53.13Kasoor i should say, ( base + (heal*0.1) ) * talents
19:53.29Cidecladhaire: that would reduce its memory usage by at least 150%!
19:53.51CideI doubt I will though
19:53.52cladhaireMike, that's for you
19:54.41Mike-N-GoWell, I am not in the BETA yet....
19:55.00Mike-N-GoI hope to get there after I submit my 'lil addon.
19:55.14malrethi'm still waiting for a key
19:55.26malrethand apparently, i was the first to sign up at wowi
19:56.01KyahxDidn't they take the signup down?
19:56.07Kasothe current ImpErrorFrame for tbc is bugged, it taints the Tradeskill crafting
19:56.37Mike-N-GoCan one use vars in table names?
19:56.46cladhaireBest Buy's Black Friday Sale ad:
19:56.53Kyahxmalreth: I have a feeling they missed the first 150 or so somehow
19:57.05cladhaireMike-N-Go: You really should read this:
19:57.33Mike-N-GoI already have it open,
19:58.19Mike-N-GoI am just not comprehending it that well.
19:58.27cladhairewhats your specific question
19:58.31malrethgive it time.. it'll sink in
19:58.37Neuro_Medivhclad, circuit city has some good ones too
19:59.00cladhaire"Can one use vars in table names" isn't a very clear question
19:59.18Neuro_Medivhhas all the best ones
19:59.22Mike-N-GoI must be doing somting wrong,
19:59.55cladhaireokay, where's the issue/error?
20:00.10Mike-N-GoI am trying to create a sub-table inside of another one, and have it called "realm-faction"
20:00.47Mike-N-GoFrom GetRealmName() and UnitFactionGroup() outputted to vars
20:01.05cladhaireTbl[GetRealmName().."-"..UnitFactionGroup()] = {}
20:01.42Mike-N-GoOh, so I don't need to output to vars?
20:01.53malrethany string expression will do
20:02.09Cideany value except nil will do actually
20:02.23cladhaireyou can save it to an intermediary variable, but its not necessary
20:02.30cladhaireprobably prudent if you'll be using it more than once
20:02.38malrethyou could do realm=GetRealmName(); faction=UnitFactionGroup(); mytable[realm.."-"..faction] = {}
20:03.11Mike-N-GoWell, it would reference realm-faction each time it is ran.
20:03.32malrethmike, what would?
20:03.56Mike-N-GoI am trying to keep the different variables that are used fro different servers segregated.
20:04.18malrethyeah... i don't see what the problem is, though?
20:04.20Mike-N-GoLine 36
20:05.04Mike-N-GoWell, doing the functions each time would be less efficient then saving them to vars?
20:05.23malrethnot really...
20:05.28Mike-N-GoOr is this not the case.
20:05.34malrethit depends
20:05.58[Liquidor]Check out my new drawing :)
20:06.29malrethi can think of different situations where either would be better
20:06.51Mike-N-GoWhat I mean by "Can one use vars in table names" is, can you name a table what directly from the var.
20:07.31cladhaireTbl[someVar] = {}
20:08.04malrethif someVar is "fred" then you'll have Tbl.fred which refers to an empty table
20:08.12Mike-N-GoSorry if these are nubi questions, this is the first project in lua I have done before.
20:08.35Mike-N-GoAnd I don't really know any other languages.
20:09.23malrethjust remember the long hand form for tables. myTable["keyName"] == myTable.keyName
20:10.10malreththe part between the []'s can be anything. you can key off of anything, really. some things make more sense than other things, obviously
20:10.32Mike-N-GoShould --MailDirectorData[GetRealmName().."-"..UnitFactionGroup()] = {}
20:11.31malrethso would: local key = GetRealmName().."-"..UnitFactionGroup(); MailDirectorData[key] = {}
20:11.58Mike-N-GoWhat would the call be for that, to reference it later?
20:12.45Insidewhat beta server are all you cool dev kids on and OH FUCK another 300 meg match
20:12.45malrethif you needed key later... yeah... but there's probably a better way
20:13.10KyahxInside: read the MOTD
20:13.20Kyahxor channel topic or whatever you call It
20:13.24malrethlocal subTable = {} ; MailDirectorData[GetRealmName().."-"..UnitFactionGroup()] = subTable
20:13.40malrethnow just reference subTable directly and it's even faster
20:13.55malreththat'll twist your noodle a bit until you understand it
20:14.18Mike-N-GoWell... wow says"Interface\AddOns\AutoMailDeliverer\AutoMailDirector.lua: 12: attempt to concatenate local 'AMDFaction' (a nil value)"
20:14.47Mike-N-GoWhat is a concatenate, lol.
20:14.49InsideMeans AMDFaction is a nil/non existant value
20:14.53malrethyou can't concatenate nils...
20:14.57Insideput together.
20:15.03malreth~dict concatenate
20:15.07Inside"This is " + " a concatenation!"
20:15.23InsideThat was useless
20:15.27malreththe .. is the concatenate operator in lua
20:15.27Mike-N-Golink (things) together in a chain or series
20:15.28Shadowedit's .. not + for string concatenation :p
20:15.48malrethso... "foo".."bar" == "foobar"
20:16.05InsideI know.
20:16.07Cidewhat you want is string.format("%s%s", "This is ", "a concatenation!") !
20:16.20InsideBut + makes a stronger visual impression.
20:16.22malreth~whalestab Cyde
20:16.24purlACTION stabs Cyde with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
20:16.25malreth~whalestab Cide
20:16.27purlACTION stabs Cide with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
20:16.31malrethi almost missed!
20:16.31Mike-N-GoI don't see why that would not be working --/run local AMDRealm = GetRealmName("realmName"); local AMDFaction = UnitFactionGroup("player"); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction);
20:16.45Cidemalreth: 50% dodge ftw!
20:16.59JoshBorkesadly, i cannot  find the link to IEF
20:17.08JoshBorkeuntil i type it in as one word
20:17.54malrethMike-N-Go: if you're trying to get the realm name and faction at addon load time, you may find that they aren't set yet
20:17.55Mike-N-GoOh, how can that be delayed?
20:18.04malreththose functions won't return valid results until after the PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD event
20:18.08Shadowedmalreth: Are you sure? They should have fixed that
20:18.08malrethand now
20:18.16malrethoh... lemme check
20:19.13malrethok... GetRealmName is always valid...
20:19.23Shadowedfaction should be too
20:19.33malrethbut we knew that because the error reffered to the faction being nil
20:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaligar (
20:20.00ShadowedYou should be able to get any sort of info regarding your character at addonloaded/pew, name, class, level, ect
20:20.17Shadowedhahah mikma
20:20.26Kaligarsigh this secure frame stuff sux ><
20:20.41Mike-N-GoHow do you tell it to wait onload for PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD_EVENT
20:20.43malreththat still makes mention of PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
20:21.21Kaligarthat would be in onevent?
20:21.40malrethMike-N-Go: you make a frame, register it for the PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD event, write an OnEvent handler, and catch the event there
20:22.20Mike-N-GoWow, I have little-to-none idea how to do that.
20:23.09Cidesounds like you're in over your head to be honest :) you should start with something simpler
20:23.22malrethyou'll figure it out, tiger!
20:23.50Kaligar<OnEvent> name_OnEvent(event) </OnEvent>
20:23.59Cidelocal frame = CreateFrame("Frame"); frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD"); frame:SetScript("OnEvent", doStuff);
20:24.10Kaligaror use the new lua poo :P
20:24.20Cidefunction doStuff() if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD" ) then [[ do stuff here ]] end end
20:24.39CideKaligar: of course :)
20:26.07Kaligaryou make ctmod ya?
20:27.06Kaligarpersonalliy im trying to just use existing xml
20:27.06Mikmaanyone has any idea where can i get the Mana Wyrmling
20:27.07Kaligarand setting attributes in that
20:27.09CideKaligar: yep, I do
20:27.10cladhaireno, what does it do?
20:27.16cladhairei saw it, and i want one!!
20:27.25Kaligarhow long you think til your bar mods are done :P
20:27.43CideKaligar: oh, I dunno. hopefully before the expansion goes live ;)
20:28.01InsideSo are almost all mods broken now?
20:28.02Kaligardont the new changes go in next patch
20:28.11cladhaireCide needs to learn how to Ace mods first, imo.
20:28.12CideKaligar: yeah, that's what I meant
20:28.12InsideThat is, written for WoW but broken in BC?
20:28.14malrethhey Cide...
20:28.16Kaligarlike in 3 weeks or something
20:28.30Cidecladhaire: I hear it halves++ memory footprint automatically, is it true?
20:28.42cladhaireCide: only if you used the advanced features.
20:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge thr (
20:28.55cladhaireit only gets you 25% memory usage on the first try
20:29.08thrHeya - I have a problem with the PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event.
20:29.33thrI'm detecting when the target change because I wan't do add the pvp ranking of the players to thier frame.
20:29.40malrethChicken Thigh!
20:29.40thrBut for.. some reason, it seems to lagg.
20:29.42Cidecladhaire: ahh, good enough I guess!
20:30.01cladhaireeither way, it can code better than you can.. so you should just give in imo
20:30.02Kaligarthis popup mouse over stuff is not owrking lol
20:30.38malrethi once wrote a symbolic algebra solver in Scheme that did math better than I could
20:31.26CideI was thinking about doing something like that malreth
20:31.27malrethI guess with loadstring, it IS possible to write a lua script that can program better than you could...
20:31.33Cidewould be a fun pet project!
20:32.03CideI was also thinking about making a program to convert your thoughts into code
20:32.06CideI'd be rich!
20:32.08Kaligardont spose anyone here knows kugnar
20:32.11thrAnyone have any idea why the PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED seem to lag? Does it need a response from the server or something? Because the code i execute instantly on the PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event... is buggy.
20:32.12Cide"make me a program to ..."
20:32.20Kaligarthe guy that wrote bc_tracking etc
20:33.03malrethgrr... my project is gonna have to get put on hold until I hear back from this one server admin... boo!
20:33.28malrethguess i'll go play with Vista some more then...
20:34.59*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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20:37.48Kaligarwhat does menuheader refer to?
20:38.07Kaligarits in the securestateheader.lua file
20:40.12Iriel|Workingthr: It shouldn't lag at all, it doesn't for me when I test stuff.
20:41.29malrethBACK TO WORK, wart!
20:41.49Iriel|WorkingKaligar, It'd be an instance of the SecureHeaderTemplate -- why not look at some of my examples in the wowi beta section?
20:42.13Kaligari did :P
20:42.15malrethLess talk, more cooking supplies and equipment!
20:42.31Kaligarive been trying to get it to work in the old xml
20:43.50Kaligarfrom the looks of what you have there is a frame that just sits there which is root then the actual button frame that has the popup on it
20:43.54Neuro_MedivhI think I am being unneccessarily cruel to myself by looking at adds for PS3 games, knowing I won't buy a PS3
20:44.12Mike-N-GoLet me run this by you, would --while ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERED_WORLD" ) then [blah]; do what I want it to, in my lua code?
20:44.20Kaligarhowever when i apply that to the xml stuff it just isnt working
20:44.27malrethMike-N-Go: no...
20:44.36malreththat'll lock up your game... probably forever
20:44.56Neuro_MedivhMike, what do you want it to do?
20:44.58malrethtry it... Alt-F4 will quit out
20:45.08Kaligartrying to update the bc_track and aspect mods
20:45.10Mike-N-GoI am on mac, I can force quit.
20:45.16malrethah... even better
20:45.45malreth~karma ++ Mike-N-Go
20:45.45purl++ mike-n-go has neutral karma
20:46.06Mike-N-GoNeuro_Madivh: I am working on
20:46.49Mike-N-GoMalreth: You are mac also!
20:47.00malrethi'm everything and nothing
20:47.35Mike-N-GoNeuro_Madivh: And currently dynamic tables.
20:47.39cladhairedoes anyone have a good latex typeset for C++... it looks like poo normally
20:47.46malrethi run everything and support everything... so I really do have to know them all
20:48.37thrGah, this drives me nuts ;(
20:49.27thrand no, it's not the steering wheel in my crotch driving me nuts ;< anyways... WHY won't SetVertexColor() work on the targetoftarget-frame if I do it withing the PLAYER_CHANGED_TARGET event?
20:50.24malrethCan you get SetVertexColor() to work at any other time, say from the chat line or in a macro?
20:50.49thrif i put it in the OnUpdate() function (very stupid yes, but i'm testing what works here)
20:50.50Shadowedthr: Are you sure that you're not recieving the event before TargetFrame and it's overwriting yours?
20:51.01thrI am sure the event executes
20:51.05thrand i'm sure my fucntion executes
20:51.09thrbut it wont change the vertex-color.
20:51.15cladhaire\def\Cplusplus{{\rm C\raise.5ex\hbox{\tiny ++}}}
20:51.18thrI can show you the code if you want to
20:51.35Adrinethr: Maybe something else is setting the vertex color later
20:51.47ShadowedNo, I mean it's possible that you're getting the event first, *then* blizzards target frame gets it, so blizzards overwrites it
20:52.00AdrineSo it's color A, you do your stuff to change it to color B, something later changes it back to color A
20:52.04Mike-N-GoWhoot! I got my client to lock up :P
20:52.12throh, yes... smart thinking there :)
20:52.16thri'll have to.. do something about it then
20:52.29ShadowedTry hooking TargetFrame_Update and execute your code after if it matches what you want
20:52.38Mike-N-GoJust had to try it.
20:53.16*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
20:53.18Mike-N-GoThanks JoshBorke
20:53.28JoshBorkehopefully that explains a little bit
20:53.32malrethhe's like a little baby Tem... locking up and crashing WoW all the time
20:53.47Iriel|Working*sniff* brings a tear to my eye, a new one into the fold.
20:54.14Mike-N-GoThat is a nice way to add comments, on the same line.
20:54.42Mike-N-Go~lart room
20:55.45Mike-N-GoJoshBorke: Is line 7-18 all you changed?
20:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
20:56.00JoshBorkeum, i don't remember
20:56.26purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now...
20:56.26Mike-N-GoOh, ok, thank you for your help.
20:56.47JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: so basically i created a frame that registered for the event you want
20:56.47Tem|AFKThe lamp that sits next to my computer, if you must know.
20:56.56malrethi wonder who the mother is... probably Tain, the little slut
20:57.02Mike-N-GoWhy are you excising your seniority over my nubiness :(
20:57.15JoshBorkeI made the AMDRealm and AMDFaction locals on the file level so that I could fill them inside the event handler
20:57.53purltain is probably a 1 man hooker factory
20:58.26purlmalreth scares me
20:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:59.00JoshBorkeme too purl, me too
20:59.08purlit has been said that joshborke is Yes, I'm even more stupid then Thrae.
20:59.55purl[mike-n-go] the n00blet that could.
21:00.10InsideOkay, quick question, a) where can I read up on the XML tags available and b) what's the best resource for all things beta programming?
21:00.23JoshBorkeInside: what do you mean on XML tags available?
21:00.33cladhaireUi.xsd has the entire XML schema
21:00.35InsideFor defining frames.
21:00.47ckknighthey all
21:00.49InsideNot what's available in LUA, what's avaialble in beta.
21:00.53Mike-N-Go5.1 is TBC
21:01.07cladhaireInside: get XMLSpy and UI.xsd, its the best way to go
21:01.07JoshBorkeis the list of all that changes in 2.0
21:02.48JoshBorke:-( old maths.  why does math not seem like it should have a plural to me?
21:02.56InsideOkay, thanks.
21:04.17Tem|AFKfor when I actually do XML, XMLSpy is the win
21:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
21:07.49Mike-N-GoJoshBorke: is there anything else I need to do, other then put that code over my current code for that?
21:08.07JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: it should work
21:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:08.37Mike-N-GoBecause it still says that the vars for the print out are nil.
21:08.55JoshBorkeoh, hm
21:09.15JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: what are you trying to do with the faction/name info?
21:09.33Mike-N-GoUse it for a table name.
21:09.41Mike-N-GoFor saved vars
21:09.51Mike-N-Gosub-table, rather.
21:10.10JoshBorkeIndustrial: what number were you?
21:10.24JoshBorkefor the wowi sign-up
21:10.32Industrialer, I had a number?
21:10.36IndustrialI was in the first batch
21:10.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:10.56JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: you can make SavedVariables saved per character
21:11.06Industrialmaybe i should include that
21:11.10Industrialin the email
21:11.13Industrialas a quote
21:11.36Mike-N-GoI could, but I was wanting to have it accessible to all chars on the same server.
21:11.50JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: when you call GetRealmName('realmName'), get rid of the 'realmName' so it should be: GetRealmName()
21:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
21:13.08ckknightMike-N-Go, I'm still gonna recommend using AceDB-2.0 to you, it handles character-specific data and such.
21:13.22ckknightmy id# was 46 :-(
21:13.31malrethi'm #1
21:13.40ckknightmalreth, did you get your key?
21:13.44Mike-N-GoI don't like the impression I got from the Ace room here, they did:
21:13.49purlckknight is, like, awesome
21:13.53Shadowedmalreth: You're the one who beat me to #1 :(
21:13.54JoshBorkemalreth: you beat me!
21:13.56Shadowedi got #2
21:14.00JoshBorkei got #4!
21:14.05JoshBorkenow who's number 3?
21:14.11Shadowedcair would know!
21:14.18JoshBorkewait, no, i'm 5!
21:14.19ckknightMike-N-Go, hrm?
21:14.29InsideID number?
21:14.31InsideI'm #455
21:14.33Mike-N-GoNever Mind.
21:14.34XuerianMike-N-Go: Don't rate the rest of them based on me.
21:14.43XuerianMike-N-Go: I'm a obnoxious ass.
21:14.51malrethhe speaks the truth!
21:14.52JoshBorkeemphasis on ass?
21:15.06purlsomebody said ace was a lightweight and powerful system for building World of Warcraft addons. It is coded to keep CPU-usage, memory-usage, and GC churn in mind.  See
21:15.06Shadowedckknight is a slacker
21:15.08XuerianYeah, I've got a emphasized ass, too, happy? :P
21:15.25InsideWhat's the currente beta patch id...
21:15.30JoshBorke<3 Xuerian
21:15.48ckknightShadowed, :-[
21:16.17XuerianMike-N-Go: Ace really is a good framework. I'm not a dev of it, they're as-- err, nice people in their own right ;P... I'm just a lowly irc troll.
21:16.38Xuerianeep x.x
21:16.47ckknightmmm... omelet
21:16.51malrethI call it Xuerian cordon bleu
21:17.16ckknightyum yum eat em up
21:19.04IndustrialMike-N-Go: and while were at it im the forum troll that eats stupid questions
21:19.38Industrialhmm any dutch people online?
21:19.52malrethMe! Wait... No. Not me.
21:19.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
21:20.16Industrialmalreth: did you have to check your shoes firsT?
21:20.37malrethwooden shoes... CHECK!
21:20.46XuerianClogs, infidel!
21:21.07Mike-N-GoIs there a way to pause in lua?
21:21.14cladhaireshort answer, no.
21:21.17malrethoh, NO WAI!!!
21:21.31malreth* NEW IsFlying()
21:21.31malreth* NEW IsMounted()
21:21.31malrethAdded corresponding macro conditionals: [swimming] [flying] [mounted]
21:21.50SP|Sorrenyou can have while loops
21:22.05SP|Sorrenif you really want to pause, you can abuse OnUpdate
21:22.10malrethMike-N-Go: no pausing unless you want to freeze your game
21:22.12cladhairewhy do you need to wait>
21:22.33SP|Sorrenyou can't pause to issue any action though
21:22.35Cidecladhaire: lies!! function sleep(seconds) local GetTime, endTime = GetTime, GeTime()+seconds; while ( true) do if ( GetTime() < endTime ) then break; end end end
21:22.49cladhairethat's why i said short answer =)
21:23.02Cidelong answer: use OnUpdate to schedule a function call
21:23.07Cidelong(er) answer*
21:23.08cladhaireyou can also yield your coroutine.. but lets no go there.
21:23.14Industrialhahaha read the chat
21:23.18cladhairelonger answer: you have to have a good reason to ever need to "wait:
21:23.25IndustrialI think an "owned bitch" is in place here
21:23.25JoshBorkeoh that's right!
21:23.28Mike-N-GoWell, I am trying to figure out how to wait for the Player to enter world, so then I can get non-nil GetRealmName() and nitFactionGroup()
21:23.41JoshBorkeMike-N-Go: what i posted should work
21:23.42CideMike-N-Go: that's what events are for
21:23.49malrethMike-N-Go: create a frame, wait for an event
21:23.50grimman|z0rmalreth: Yikes... that's a buttload of conditionals added in addition to the ones you mentioned.
21:23.58cladhaireIndustrial: lol
21:24.22cladhaireYou don't want to wait then, like they're saying.. you need to register for an event, and then respond to it.
21:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
21:27.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Naurbrannon (
21:27.30Naurbrannonvery noob queston: what's wrong in ?
21:27.52Naurbrannonit sais it can'tindex local variable bdData :/
21:28.08ShadowedAre you sure that bgData is an array?\
21:28.12JoshBorkedoes the frame have a BackDrop?
21:28.53Naurbrannonwell GetBackdrop should return a table
21:29.05malrethunless it doesn't
21:29.20cladhaireno it doesn't
21:29.23Naurbrannonfrom WoWwiki: Frame:GetBackdrop() - Creates and returns a backdrop table suitable for use in SetBackdrop - New in 1.11.
21:29.24cladhaireGetBackdrop() returns the backdrop item
21:29.50cladhairei dont mind being wrong when its neat like that =)
21:29.58AdrineWhen in doubt...DevTools_Dump(bdData) :)
21:30.01JoshBorkeNaurbrannon: are you sure the frame has a backdrop?
21:30.17Naurbrannonno it doesn't, I was trying to create one
21:30.33ckknightMike-N-Go, AceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0"):ScheduleEvent(function() DoSomethingHere() end, timeWaiting)
21:30.39cladhaireyou can't return whats not there
21:30.44JoshBorkeif it doesn't have one then i would assume it would return nil
21:30.46Naurbrannonmmm seems like I have to download that devTools ^_^"
21:30.54SP|Sorrenit creates a table
21:30.56JoshBorkesince it'd be a waste of space/time to create an empty table
21:30.57SP|Sorrenwith the backdrop information
21:31.02purlrumour has it, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
21:31.02Naurbrannon...but it say "create"
21:31.03SP|Sorrenif theres no backdrop, tehres no table to create
21:31.07TainWhat?  Isn't DevTools included with the WoW client yet?
21:31.12TainGet that into the next patch.
21:31.20JoshBorke~literal devtools
21:31.22purl"devtools" is "Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at"
21:31.30malrethit would make sense for it to return nil if there is no backdrop
21:31.30Naurbrannonis it 2.0 ready?
21:31.31AdrineDevTools is too useful to not be using :P
21:31.36JoshBorkeno purl, devtools is  is "Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at"
21:31.38Naurbrannonnever used it
21:31.47JoshBorkeno purl, devtools is  is "Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
21:31.48Shadowedburn him!
21:31.54Adrineyou have two "is", JoshBorke
21:31.58Adrinedevtools is is
21:32.01NaurbrannonI'm not a fan on tools, I use vim to code ^_^"
21:32.02JoshBorkehence the dangit :_P
21:32.11JoshBorkeno purl, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
21:32.17TainOnly tools don't use DevTools.
21:32.31JoshBorkeNaurbrannon: i use vim too :-P
21:32.45JoshBorkei hate that console vim doesn't have the nice dropdown gvim does when using tab completion :_(
21:32.48AdrineDevTools is a WoW addon, not a text editor or something
21:32.48TainNOt being a vim user I couldn't tell if Naurbrannon was making a joke or not.
21:33.06AdrineOh, heh. That kinda went over my head :D
21:33.06TainI don't get vim humor. :/
21:33.22Adrine<--- Ultraedit user
21:33.32purlsomebody said devtools was Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
21:33.44SP|Sorrenthey really should add it to the default client :<
21:33.45Naurbrannonbtw yes Frame:GetBackdrop()  return nil, wowwiki description need to be changed
21:33.50SP|Sorrenor put it in the addon pack
21:33.56cladhaireit return nil if you dont have a backdrop, right?
21:34.01cladhairethat makes sense.. O.o
21:34.11JoshBorkethat would be my assumption
21:34.12cladhairegive it a backdrop, and then call it.. the wiki should be right.
21:34.14SP|Sorrenlike i said earlier, if you dont have a backdrop
21:34.16SP|Sorrenthere is no table to create
21:34.24cladhaireits full circle 10 minutes later
21:34.30cladhaireits not going to give you an empty table.
21:34.40ShadowedIt returns a table if it has a backdrop, I just checked.
21:34.49cladhairezomg hax.
21:34.54Cideit workz!
21:35.17ShadowedI know you guys know you smartasses :p
21:35.38Naurbrannonmmm and to show a backdrop what do I have to do? I tried but nothing happens :/
21:36.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=kyahx@
21:36.46SP|Sorrenin script
21:36.49SP|Sorrenyou need to escape \
21:37.12cladhairealways use the examples given to you =)
21:37.19Naurbrannonworks, I knew it was some idiot reason
21:37.22cladhaireuse that example to make it work.. then get it where you need it to.
21:38.03InsideWhat side is everyone on Hellfire?
21:38.26TainSome people go both ways.
21:38.28InsideWhat guilds?
21:38.38cladhaireTargetUnit and CastSpell
21:39.24TainBut what guilds?
21:40.43Mikma<@cladhaire> TargetUnit and CastSpell
21:40.44Kirkburn|afkYou said what everyone was thinking :P
21:40.45InsideWhat side are people who are in here on in the beta?
21:40.55Kirkburn|afkBoth, dagnamit!
21:40.55cladhaire.. both
21:40.58cladhaiream i speaking greek?
21:41.04InsideOkay, I get it.
21:41.08Thunder_Childno one ever seems to be on castspell
21:41.11zenzelezzgive him a break, he's probably a warrior
21:41.22InsideI'm a paladin! Repeated hits to the head, sorry.
21:41.34zenzelezzbad excuse, you have intellect
21:41.37TainYes yes I know how to play the game, target someone and cast spells, but what are the guilds?
21:41.39zenzelezzwarriors are stuck with 30
21:42.04zenzelezzsomeone tell Tain that jokes deteriorate at an astonishing rate when overdone
21:42.10Naurbrannon...28 here ^_^"
21:42.20Thunder_Child~slap tain
21:42.21purlACTION slaps tain, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
21:42.26*** part/#wowi-lounge grimman|z0r (
21:42.55TainJokes stop being funny when I stop laughing.
21:43.35*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman|z0r (
21:43.46thris there any event that fires
21:43.49thrwhen you gain mana/rage/energy ?
21:43.51grimman|z0rWell... nice to know alt+F4 still works. >_<
21:43.55Thunder_Child~gag Tain
21:43.56purlACTION takes away the voice of Tain and, as an additional precaution, sews Tain's mouth shut permanently...
21:44.29thrah, thnx.
21:45.07TainI'm in ur units hacking your mana
21:45.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:45.20thrTain: gotta love the cat-picutres?
21:45.27JoshBorke~whip Tain
21:45.28purlACTION takes Tain outside to be thoroughly whipped by joshborke
21:45.28JoshBorkeback to Visor2
21:45.37JoshBorkeand be sure to include buttons :-P
21:45.39TainI'm eating dinner.
21:45.41TainNo buttons.
21:45.46Thunder_Childsup Guillotine
21:45.49threxcutes and lies! ;P
21:45.54TainThis secure action button stuff bugs me.
21:45.54Guillotineheya :)
21:46.07JoshBorkeget some fly-swatters
21:46.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
21:50.50cladhaireanyone have a non US client, and can verify the returns of UnitFactionGroup("player")?
21:50.59cladhairei.e. which one is actually the english one
21:51.43ShadowedI'm pretty sure the second one is the non-localized one, doesn't the wiki say?
21:51.56cladhaireit says the first is the english, the seond is the local version
21:51.57cladhairewhich makes no sense.
21:52.08JoshBorkecladhaire: can't you tell based on output?
21:52.13Shadowedwhys that
21:52.15cladhaireno, I'm enUS
21:52.15JoshBorkeshouldn't the non-localized be all caps?
21:52.23cladhaire"Horde", "Horde"
21:52.26cladhairesame as race
21:52.26ShadowedJoshBorke: It returns Alliance for the first and second
21:52.31cladhaire"Orc", "Orc"
21:52.32JoshBorkestupid blizzard
21:52.52cladhairesomeone here HAS to have a non EN client =)
21:53.02InsideThere's nobody from TargetUnit on right now, eh?
21:53.11ShadowedCheck blizzards code?
21:53.20cladhaireactually there are two of us online
21:53.50cladhairewell one.
21:53.50cladhaireand a friend
21:54.45JoshBorkecladhaire: ooo, wanna do me a favor on beta real fast?
21:54.58Shadowedcladhaire: It looks like the first one maybe it
21:55.14cladhaireShadowed: thanks =)
21:55.17JoshBorkecladhaire: confirm that UnitCastingInfo('player') returns nil when not casting
21:55.31cladhairethe wiki is right
21:55.32cladhaireno need to update
21:56.02Shadowedah, so it is!
21:56.11cladhaireJoshBorke: it does in fact return nil
21:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:56.52cladhairethis db system is neat, i enjoy it
21:56.59JoshBorkecladhaire: eh?
21:58.34Naurbrannonmmm how can I know if some item is dragged and dropped from inventory/spellbook to my frame?
21:58.34cladhairei love the char select music
21:58.47JoshBorkecladhaire: what db system?
21:59.08cladhaireone i'm working on.
21:59.21JoshBorkeoh, ok
22:00.14TainThat's not a database, it's just a bunch of text files!
22:00.26cladhaireno, for clique and perfectraid
22:00.38malrethwhat color database is it?
22:01.01malreththat's killer!
22:07.28Thunder_Childhey ckad, the clique button gets hidden if you get another tab, will reloading the UI move it down?
22:07.52JoshBorkeso i'm curious
22:07.54cladhairereloading would
22:08.03JoshBorkethe frame updates are run in threads, but WoW itself isn't threaded
22:08.06JoshBorkewhat's up with that?
22:08.18cladhaireOpenGL multithreading
22:08.24cladhaireIs anyone willing to look at something for me?
22:08.49malrethdepends... are you a woman and is it under your shirt?
22:09.15Thunder_Childmal, EVERYONE has belly buttons
22:09.23Thunder_Childit's not just women, really
22:09.55cladhairedon't pay so much attention to the content.. unless you want to do that whole editing thing.. just asking about general style, etc.
22:10.35JoshBorkecladhaire: what ever happened to that bot you wrote to track IRC connections between nicks?
22:10.48malrethit's more than one page in length... got tired... didn't read it, clad
22:11.07cladhaireJoshBorke: I didn't write it, i was just running it
22:11.15Thunder_Childclad is that made in the reume search style?
22:11.16JoshBorkemalreth: i believe that's: tldr
22:11.16cladhairemalreth: its not a resume.. so its probably good that its more than one page.
22:11.21cladhaireThunder_Child: no.
22:11.32cladhaireits not a resume folks =)
22:11.39Thunder_Childthen what is it?
22:11.49cladhaireCurriculum Vitae
22:11.59malrethboring... latin is boring!
22:12.09Thunder_Childlatin is leet
22:12.20Tainatinlay is eetlay
22:12.46JoshBorkebye all
22:12.57Thunder_Childlaters josh
22:13.08cladhairewow you all are so helpful
22:13.27TainI'm in the zone.
22:13.35Thunder_Childwhat it looks nice, but the fact that everyone thought it was a resume mean something to you?
22:13.47cladhaireno.. because a CV and a resume are directlyr elated.
22:14.01cladhaireonly a CV is meant to be verbose and describe everything you've done, rather than be a single-page marketing sheet.
22:14.14cladhairei.e. you lie on a resume, your CV says what you've done.
22:15.29malrethclad lies on his resumes!! he said it!
22:15.47TainIts the only way to get hired in America.
22:15.54cladhairethis is truth
22:16.12TainAlso lying on your resume doesn't mean you can't do what it says.
22:16.34cladhairethis is also true
22:16.43cladhaireprint "Hello World"
22:16.48cladhairethere i can now claim that i know Lua!
22:16.48Thunder_Childi have never lied on a resume
22:16.54cladhaireand like 4 other languages.
22:16.57Thunder_Childbut that may be why i dont have a job
22:17.01cladhaireThunder_Child: neither have I, but *shrug*
22:17.19cladhaireeither way, you people suck
22:17.42InsideServer restart.
22:17.54Thunder_Childyea, and that makes us want to help you SOOO much
22:18.04cladhairei can't help it if you suck
22:18.09cladhairethat's not my doing
22:18.14Thunder_Childyes it is
22:18.26TainI got a job for your mom.
22:18.33cladhairehrm, one might consider you delusional as well
22:19.56*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
22:19.58Thunder_ChildDelusional or not, it's still your fault
22:20.03InsideAnyway, can I delete the um... installers?
22:23.30Kaligarheh the 4 dragon quest screws up the bliz feedback
22:23.35Naurbrannonmmm does devTools work with 2.0.0?
22:24.41Thunder_Childthe BC devtools do
22:24.58Naurbrannonoh...where can I find them?
22:28.36*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
22:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie ( there any way to have infos about an item which is being dragged?
22:32.21Kirkburn|afkBye bye server :(
22:34.22Naurbrannonpeople on tempert keep ue? ^^
22:34.43ckknightNaurbrannon, you too?
22:35.30ckknightNaurbrannon, horde or ally?
22:35.45ckknightthere are guilds on those servers for UI peoples.
22:35.57Kirkburn|afkOooh: "Blizzard will also be providing you with the option to background download a significant portion of the expansion content in advance of release"
22:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:36.33ckknightyou know what I want? to be able to not have to go to the store to have the expansion
22:36.41Kirkburn|afkThis entire post is interesting:;jsessionid=20E53657C248A3F908EC36499381F064?topicId=1252926&sid=1
22:36.42ckknightdon't see why I can't just download it :-P
22:36.53cladhaireyou can
22:36.53Kirkburn|afkblooming jsessionif!
22:36.55cladhaireyou need the key
22:37.23Kirkburn|afkBtw, they haven't said a definite no to buying online yet, have they?
22:37.30ckknightyea, and get the key online
22:37.39cladhairekeys online are trojan-able
22:37.41ckknightKirkburn|afk, not to my knowledge
22:37.47ckknightcladhaire, howso?
22:37.51Kirkburn|afkThere's still hope :)
22:37.57cladhaireyou would have to type it into a webpage
22:38.03cladhairejust another thing for the baddies to capture
22:38.07cladhairetho i'm sure they have other reasons =)
22:38.08Kirkburn|afkTempest Keep is back
22:38.17Naurbrannonah nice
22:38.45cladhairei just mean its possible for a greasemonkey script or some ie junk to intercept the key, and rewrite it so you get an "invalid" key.. and they get your real key
22:38.53cladhairedepending onhow they do it =)
22:39.04Adrinecladhaire...that's possible even if you buy TBC in a store.
22:39.19AdrineYou have to enter your key online to upgrade the account anyhow, right?
22:39.21cladhaireby phishing
22:40.02AdrineYou wouldn't even need to sell a key if you did it online.
22:40.16AdrineLog into account management. Click here to pay $50 and upgrade your account.
22:40.24cladhairethat would be nice
22:40.31cladhairemaybe for the next expansion =)
22:40.40ckknightwhy not this expansion?
22:40.41cladhaireit'd make things easier
22:40.52cladhaireckknight: cause as far as we know, they're not
22:40.53AdrineWhat's their reason for not selling them online?
22:40.57cladhairei dontr know
22:41.01AdrineI mean, it would save them oodles in packaging costs
22:41.04cladhairei'm not blizzard, i'm just giving opinions =)
22:41.17cladhaireand they'd lose out in marketing and event stuff that they have now.
22:41.18AdrineI guess maybe presence in stores? I dunno.
22:41.32AdrineThey could just start selling keys online 1 week after launch or something
22:41.41cladhaireooh that'd be sneaky
22:41.46AdrineSo you still get all the rabid fans filling up your marketing stuff.
22:41.59cladhairenot that i'd wait
22:42.09cladhaireif seems silly to have been playing since alpha, and then not have the game when it comes out =)
22:42.09AdrineMe neither, but that's beside the point! :D
22:42.23ckknightyea, I don't know why they don't release it both in stores and online
22:42.24cladhairei agree, they could certainly do it
22:42.30cladhaireusing the same system they have now.
22:42.31AdrineI've got my two copies of the CE ordered, and the wife and I are installing the second we can
22:42.32ckknightin stores, you get a book and pamphlet and a pet or something.
22:42.45Shadowedonly if you buy CE
22:43.04Shadowedit's like 2-3 card packs, dvd, book, other crap, more crap, mousepad ( people still use those? ), other stuff
22:43.11AdrineThey could charge $70 for a CE key online and people would pay it even without all the extra stuff.
22:43.30AdrineShadowed: I use a mousepad, but that's because I have an optical mouse on a clear glass table 8)
22:43.55AdrineBecause, let's be honest. People are paying $70 for the pet.
22:44.20ckknightjust charge the same amount, I say. Frankly, it'd be worth it for a lot of people to not have to go to the store
22:44.20Shadowedthats why i did it!
22:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
22:44.33ShadowedI just ordered mine from amazon, so should get it the same day
22:44.36cladhairehehe i'll sell my pet.
22:44.40NaurbrannonI want the making of dvd
22:44.49Shadowedcan i have your pet Naurbrannon!
22:45.08Shadowedwhy does amazon still have TBc listed as december 1 delivery
22:45.26ShadowedShipping estimate: November 30, 2006
22:45.26ShadowedDelivery estimate: December 1, 2006 (More about estimates)
22:45.29Thunder_Childthey sent out an email saying it was going to be jan
22:45.38AdrineKeyword being "estimate"
22:45.41Thunder_Childto everyone who preordered
22:45.54Shadowedwell, blizzard said jan :p
22:46.02IndustrialI added pet happiness, cute!
22:48.16Naurbrannon"closestGnome" addon lol
22:49.36Naurbrannonit's in Industrial's screenshot
22:49.40Insidehow much is the non CE edition?
22:50.35AdrinePeople bought the non-CE? :P
22:50.43AdrineI dunno, $50?
22:50.57cladhairenow closest =)
22:50.59Adrine$40 on EB.
22:51.14Industrialgoooo lag
22:51.18AdrineHonestly, strategy guides for WoW confuse me.
22:51.27AdrineAre they written for the "Thottwhat?" crowd?
22:51.52AdrineSeems like an odd market.
22:52.04AdrineThough with an audience as large as WoW's, not a horrible marketing decision.
22:52.29AdrineThough I will probably be thinking very un-nice things about the clerk at EB when I go to pick up my pre-orders and he tries to sell be a guide.
22:52.32Industrialwhat guides
22:53.02InsideAdrine: PS: Those clerks _HAVE_ To offer you sell guides other crap.
22:53.16InsideAt gamestop, if a clerk doesn't sell enough service plans/etc per month, they get canned.
22:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:53.36AdrineThat's terrible.
22:53.45ShadowedI want to be suprised about that, but i'm not
22:53.49AdrineSame, Shadowed
22:54.09InsideYou think that kid talking that mom into buying unneeded dongle X is doing it because he likes the merits behind it :P?
22:54.31InsideI have to say that gamestop is smart about it.
22:54.39InsideThere's almost a never ending supply of people willing to work there.
22:54.45AdrineHeh, indeed.
22:55.02AdrineNo-experience high school nerds who need a first job?
22:55.17AdrineI mean, that's like nerd mecca at first glance.
22:55.29AdrineThough my friends who have worked at game stores say it's an utterly soul-sucking experience.
22:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
22:56.23InsideSo I don't understand this -- if someone is in combat in 2.0, you cant' change the UI at all?
22:56.54AdrineAs I understand it, you can't programmatically change it.
22:57.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
22:57.04AdrineYou can apparently still drag things around with the mouse and the like.
22:57.07InsideOr .. is it frame elements that only do combat related things?
22:57.09AdrineDon't quote me on that though.
22:58.24AdrineBasically anything that can cast a spell or target a unit gets locked from programmatic modification.
22:58.41InsideSo they want to get people to not modify the UI...
22:58.44InsideTo make it easy..
22:58.44Mike-N-Gook... I can't figure out my realm and table thing, to saved vars per char it is.
22:58.45AdrineNot programmatically.
22:59.01InsideSo.. create a billion buttons and then have a secondary UI with arrows pointing at the button you should push next :)
22:59.06JoshBork1Mike-N-Go: it's still not working?
22:59.11Naurbrannonyou can actually do everything you did before.....when out of combat :p
22:59.13AdrineIdea being that they don't want scripts deciding who to target or what spells to cast.
22:59.21InsideA bit more work (clicking/etc) instead of just pusing one button, but still brainless.
22:59.21AdrineInside: They've said that's fine :)
22:59.35Mike-N-GoIt always thinks that the vars for realm and faction are nil.
22:59.46JoshBork1let me check it out
22:59.54JoshBork1post a link to your exact code
22:59.58AdrineMike-N-Go: You could do it on VARIABLES_LOADED
23:00.07AdrineThe realm and faction should be available then.
23:00.22ckknightyou can modify the UI in combat
23:00.24ckknightjust not secure frames.
23:00.55Mike-N-GoWell, I have my version without the stuff you did, let me get the one before I nurfed your stuff :D
23:01.19AdrineI've had this thought for a while, but I haven't tested it yet.
23:01.27Mike-N-GoEven doing--AMDRealm = "Argent Dawn"
23:01.27Mike-N-GoAMDFaction = "Horde"
23:01.41AdrineWill setting the contents of the ChatFrameEditBox to "/target (some dynamic unit name)" work? Seems like a potential hoe.
23:01.53Mike-N-GoIt returns nil, when I try to print to the default chat frame.
23:02.15ckknightAdrine, you could, but you can't press enter programmatically in combat
23:02.42AdrineHuh, ok.
23:04.17Mike-N-GoOk, I did undo like 50 times, that is it.
23:05.16Mike-N-GoWait, I just overwrote it, I did not go back far enough.
23:05.34AdrineChatFrameEditBox:SetText("/target " .. GetLowestHealthRaidMember()); ChatEdit_SendText(ChatFrameEditBox, false) - did they lock something down there to keep that from working?
23:05.59AdrineHuh, cool.
23:06.21cladhairebut feel free to try and break it
23:06.26AdrineI will! :)
23:07.03JoshBork1oh geebus Mi
23:07.09JoshBork1where is it erroring? around line 24?
23:07.57Mike-N-Go27, with the version I posted, did I do the table references correct?
23:08.00AdrineIf you could bind Enter to a spell, you could conceivably spam-heal the lowest health raid member by just mashing Enter
23:08.06AdrineJust takes two keypresses per cast, rather than 1.
23:08.27Mike-N-GoOr, you can just put it in a macro.
23:08.48cladhaireyou can't put anything in a macro that targets the lowest health raid member
23:09.08cladhaireor really any way thats dynamic.
23:09.14JoshBork1Mike-N-Go: try
23:09.19Mike-N-GoOh, I have seen it done for current macros, I don't know 2.x tho.
23:09.20TainCan you target a specific member?
23:09.35TainTarget, get health, bubblesort!
23:09.48cladhaireand if that member sucks at the game, they'll be the lowest
23:09.49cladhaireno sorting
23:10.00Naurbrannonmeh why are some events fired twice? <_<
23:10.19cladhaireNaurbrannon: because they are considered "important", like UNIT_HEALTH when arg1 is "player"
23:10.23Mike-N-GoNo errors on load!
23:10.26JoshBork1cladhaire: "and if that member sucks at the game, they'll be the lowest" isn't true.  they could be a rogue
23:10.37TainBut no one heals Rogues so that's moot.
23:10.38cladhaireJoshBork1: Well I didn't define the level of suck =)
23:10.54zenzelezzthey could also be the tank, and your healers suck
23:11.02Mike-N-GoAnd there is nothing at all.
23:11.03JoshBork1or a warlock doing his job!
23:11.45TainJust target all 40 raid members one at a time, get their health, if one person's health is less than the next person then they're obviously in more need!
23:12.06Mike-N-GoJoshBork1: There is not any hint in wow that the addon even loaded now.
23:12.09cladhaireyou can't target them programatically
23:12.12cladhairein any way =)
23:12.23cladhaireyou have to click on them, or /target them
23:12.29TainWell that's what I meant by my last question.
23:12.34JoshBork1Mike-N-Go: yuo didn't get the AutoMailDirector loaded message?
23:12.36JoshBork1i just did
23:12.36cladhairewhich one?
23:12.49Tain<Tain> Can you target a specific member?
23:12.54cladhaireyou didn't ask if you could do it programatically =)_
23:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
23:13.13Mike-N-GoJoshBork1: Nope.
23:13.14cladhairecause /target raid14 targets raid14 specifically =)
23:13.28JoshBork1o.O it just worked for me
23:13.39JoshBork1using that exact code
23:13.51TainSo the person who is raid14 changes?
23:14.04AdrineBind to execute that, enter, heal bind.
23:14.10AdrineUnless I'm missing something.
23:14.21Kirkburn|afkOh so *that's* how you get to Undercity
23:14.22JoshBork1can't change keybindings in combat, can you?
23:14.25AdrineYou don't have to
23:14.30cladhaireyou can't programatically hit enter in th editbox.
23:14.33cladhairelike i said.
23:14.37AdrineI'm not talking about programmatically hitting enter
23:14.44TainSo you can't target anything programatically?
23:14.48AdrineButton to populate the ChatFrameEditBox text, then <enter>, then your heal key.
23:14.50cladhaireno you can't.
23:14.56cladhaireAdrine: interesting, but i suspect it won't work.
23:14.58AdrineThree button presses per heal, but it seems like that would work.
23:14.59cladhaireits baseless.
23:15.01XuerianIt doesn't work.
23:15.02cladhairebut i suspect =)
23:15.02AdrineI'll try to test it out tonight.
23:15.15cladhairei'm testing it now.
23:16.16JoshBork1well, if it is possible, expect it to be fixed :-P
23:16.23AdrineWell, that's why I bring it up :)
23:16.39AdrineI have full confidence that anything that enables people to heal and watch TV at the same time will be discovered rather quickly.
23:16.49AdrineAnd then abused until closed.
23:17.15AdrineYou could use the same method to choose a spell to cast, theoretically
23:17.19Mike-N-GoJoshBork1: Thank you for helping, I just don't know why this is not working.
23:17.40cladhairedoesn't work
23:17.42Adrine1 button to execute a macro to populate the EditBox with "/cast <some spell name determined programmatically>", <enter>
23:17.55AdrineI wonder why.
23:18.16cladhairewhen i run the macro, it does nothing
23:18.35AdrineHuh, I wonder if Slouken looks for "/target" and "/cast" specifically.
23:18.44AdrineDo things like "/" .. "tar" .. "get" work?
23:19.17cladhaireit wouldn't matter.. it gets concat'd together
23:19.34MaldiviaAdrine: no you can't
23:19.39AdrineChatFrameEditBox:SetText("/"); ChatFrameEditBox:SetText(ChatFrameEditBox:GetText() + "target");ChatFrameEditBox:SetText("/"); ChatFrameEditBox:SetText(ChatFrameEditBox:GetText() + SomeUnitName());
23:19.46AdrineReplace + with ..
23:19.52cladhairethey don't work =)
23:19.59MaldiviaAdrine: changing the editbox text taints the contents, meaning the code will refuse to run
23:20.12AdrineOh, sweet.
23:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
23:21.07AdrineI guess that only hardware-driven editbox changes remain untained then?
23:21.24AdrineExcellent. And clever!
23:21.36MaldiviaThat's the whole idea about tainting
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23:22.58AdrineYou can't affect the copy buffer programatically, can you?
23:23.23*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
23:23.36ckknightso will it be possible to switch action bars when the target comes in and out of Autoshot range?
23:23.57cladhaireif they click a button or press a macro
23:24.00cladhairebut no, states won't be able to respond to it.
23:24.17AdrineHeh, that'll make it almost like stance-dancing
23:24.26cladhairethe designers don't want that ability
23:24.30ckknightthat steals so many of my action buttons away from me.
23:24.33cladhairefrom slouken's posts
23:24.51Garoun|LoupanaGears of war is <3 :)
23:24.59AdrineYou could mock up pseudo-stance bar and bind keys to it, so a button press would swap to another "stance" and change your action bars, right?
23:25.13AdrineThat'd actually be kinda nifty.
23:25.20cladhaireand its probably better that way
23:25.27cladhairelots of huinters (me) don't want auto changing :P
23:25.35ckknightbut some do.
23:25.59cladhairebut the designers don't want it
23:26.01cladhaireso *shrug*
23:26.11Naurbrannondoesn't change bar but there's code about states
23:26.26AdrineWell, it wouldn't be dealing with actual states
23:26.49AdrineIt'd be an emulation of war/druid/rogue stances designed to let you switch between multiple action bar setups.
23:27.04AdrineDifference being that your pseudostance doesn't affect your usable abilities
23:27.17Mike-N-GoJoshBork1: I had a tab behind some file names in the .toc...
23:27.29cladhaireshould i go get KFC?
23:28.13Mike-N-GoIs --local recipient = MailDirectorData[AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction[itemType]]
23:28.14Mike-N-GoIn the right syntax
23:28.30Thunder_ChildGrease in a buket.....
23:30.00Mike-N-GoHow about--MailDirectorData[AMDRealm.."-"..AMDFaction] = name;
23:30.01AdrineOuch. Bad, bad PR people. >_<
23:30.01Mike-N-Gothis is line 79 and line 46.
23:30.18AdrineCompany newsletter just went out: "Corporate America is in dyer need of a process to reduce undesirable turnover. "
23:31.16Kirkburn|afkGoing cycling, be back later :)
23:32.02clad|foodKirkburn|afk: Cycling at 11pm?
23:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Amadeo (
23:33.54AdrineOn a Friday afternoon, too.
23:34.03AdrineSomeone is coming in to a full inbox on Monday.
23:44.27Maldiviaok... what does /mountspecial
23:46.53NaurbrannonFrame:CreateFontString(["name"[,"layer"[,"inheritsFrom"]]]) What is layer?
23:47.24InsideGG SL
23:47.36Naurbrannonthe difference?
23:47.47ckknightthere's a list on wowwiki somewhere
23:48.09Naurbrannonok found
23:49.10*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
23:52.46InsideCan I delete a) the BC installer b) the 400 megs of BC patches c) 600 megs of regular wow patches <_<
23:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:53.16nevcairielwe wont stop you
23:53.52InsideYeah... but..
23:54.13InsideAre those files used for anything at all?  You never knwo how retarded some setup is.
23:54.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
23:54.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
23:54.32Thunder_Childi have delted them all
23:54.50nevcairielhey Cairenn
23:55.05Thunder_ChildHave you been flooding to much lately Cairenn?
23:55.26Thunder_Childget longer pants
23:55.43InsideGet shorter pants so they dont get wet in shallow water
23:56.28Thunder_Childshe is already flooding
23:56.37Thunder_Childso longer pants are in order
23:57.08AdrineInside: Burn them to a DVD first if you're afraid of losing 'em :)
23:58.24GuillotineI was flooding like that for a while. Switching to X-Chat seemed to fix it for me

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