irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061107

00:01.36TheZankewell to be honest, i dont really know what i am doing...this si my first attepmts
00:02.06TheZankei cant find like a rule book or a varible/function list amazes me how much u gotta remember is a good place to start
00:02.38TheZankealreay read it
00:03.04TheZankei hav ethe 64pg lua manual printed.... looked into xml on w3schools, which was no help
00:03.43TheZankeits like "XML is something, yet nothing, if you make something it will do nothing towards anything" and i am
00:06.42MentalPoweromg, yet another reason I hate XML
00:07.18MentalPowerthat thing you posted
00:07.51TheZankethats what it said...
00:08.06MentalPoweranywho, I don't think the channels are available on Vars_Loaded
00:08.11TheZankeits like "ther eis no set stardard, you make things up as you go and then use them accordingly
00:08.13TheZankei was like...well the addons that i am reading seem to follow a guideline
00:10.11TheZankeokay so anyways...
00:12.32CorrodiasXML is a very, very simple idea
00:12.39TheZankewhat i am looking for is for my addon to AUTOMATICALLY when i login on my druid post in lfg 'UnitLevel("player") .. " " .. UnitClass("player") .. " looking for group."'
00:12.50Corrodiastags, opening and closing. that's pretty much it.
00:13.27TheZankesimple yet, it would help me learn
00:14.14TheZankelike i wish i could find simple uis that i could read and firgure out how htey work...not the like 5000 line ones like auctioneer
00:14.37Garoun|LoupanaInside, do you hav ethe link to that addon I wrote and gave you last night?
00:14.55Garoun|Loupanathat would probably help Zanke
00:15.01TheZankeanything would help ^^
00:15.27Corrodiaslearning about XML itself won't help you make frames in WoW
00:15.35InsideNo I don't D;
00:15.41TheZankesorry if i sound bad... but i think i will be able to catch on quick, i know c++, vb, basic, perl... etc... i run linux... this is jsu tnew to me
00:15.42InsideThere we go!
00:15.44InsideAll I did was open it
00:15.47InsideI didn't even dl that
00:15.51Garoun|Loupanathat one will help with just seeing the basic starting point
00:15.55InsideI went to Lua after c++
00:16.00Insidetook me about 2-3 weeks to "understand" it XD
00:16.20Corrodiasi don't use Lua enough to get the finer points
00:16.38Corrodiasit's really straightforward for most things
00:17.03InsideWell, what was a bitch with lua wasn't learning it for me
00:17.07Insideit was integrating it as an API into my own game
00:19.08TheZankeshould i read that whole lua handbook before even trying anything?
00:19.51Garoun|Loupanathat file I posted will show you the basic starting point for a mod
00:20.07Insideread this
00:20.16Insideit's fairly short and gives a really good idea
00:21.24zespri_work29 chapters is short?????
00:21.42zespri_workI have different concept of shortness
00:21.44InsideYou can ignore like the last chapter
00:22.00InsideI bought "C++ Programming Language" two years ago and I have never managed to finish reading that
00:22.31TheZankei have orielys programming in c++ and oriely web databas applications using php and myspl
00:22.40zespri_workwell the lua manual is difinitely shorter then this book especially if you skip c API chapters that are not needed for addon programming
00:22.48TheZankeread like 3/4s of both of them
00:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:23.58*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:24.29zespri_workbut good link anyway =)
00:25.41TheZankebut is wha ti was saying i wanted to do even possible?
00:26.51TheZankeso will every ui need a xml file no matter how simple?
00:27.23Kasowe have a function called CreateFrame() nowadays that allows us to do without xml for alot of things
00:27.31*** join/#wowi-lounge haste` (
00:29.03Garoun|LoupanaI haven't learned the CreateFrame method yet :)
00:29.25Kasobasically you need to register an event then send your message when that event is called.
00:29.40Garoun|Loupanaso my force click on chatframe1 uses the pre 1.10 method
00:30.35TheZankewould 'SendChatMessage("/4 Level " .. UnitLevel("player") .. " Druid " .. UnitName("player") .. " looking for group!");' work right being that /4 is my lfg channel?
00:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:31.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:31.33zespri_workas far as I remember you pass channel as a parameter, not inside the message itself
00:32.12TheZankewhat should i be using? ultraedit or WoW UI Designer?
00:32.23Kasonotepad !
00:32.24Garoun|Loupanayou can learn a TON by reading WowWiki
00:32.27zespri_workI use notepad
00:32.39Garoun|Loupanaespecially if you now the function but not sure how to call it
00:32.43Kaso:> nah any text editor is good, SciTE wowi edidtion is pretty nice
00:32.50Garoun|LoupanaI use Context with Astrogrep :)
00:33.13TheZankei have SciTE also
00:34.04Garoun|Loupanaif you didn't want to have to type the class Zanke you could add a variable to replace the class
00:34.21CairennTheZanke: if you are used to using SciTE then you might want to check out cladhaire's version, specific to WoW:
00:34.32Garoun|Loupanalocal myClass,_ = UnictClass("player")
00:35.26cladhaireI'll find time soon to update it for 5.1 as well, but everything still applies right now.
00:35.26Garoun|Loupanaand replace " Druid " with myClass
00:35.44Garoun|Loupanaer UnitClass :P minus the firce c
00:35.44Garoun|Loupanamisstype :)
00:35.56Garoun|LoupanaI give up, can't type again tonight lol
00:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
00:38.22Garoun|Loupanaodd, I'm surprised there isn't a GetChannelIndex("name");
00:38.56KasoGetChannelName serves that pupose
00:39.15Garoun|Loupanaah ok, I missed the note reading the api doc :x
00:39.38Kaso:> it accepts either name or index as arg and returns index and name.
00:40.32KirkburnLol, I'm installing something and the progress bar reaches the end .... then resets and starts going again saying "The installation is taking longer than expected".  Yeah, thanks.
00:40.42KirkburnIt did that 3 times :/
00:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_opera (n=Andrew@
00:45.31Thunder_ChildI *love* mana
00:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:48.20TheZankeis there a way to make ultraedit do lua hightlighting?
00:49.02GremWarsongI use UltraEdit, just do a search for a LUA wordlist on google
00:49.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_opera (n=Andrew@
00:49.51TheZankei have the LUA.txt... how do i put it in ultraedit tho?
00:50.44*** part/#wowi-lounge zespri_opera (n=Andrew@
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00:51.06TheZankebam, got it
00:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (
01:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge TheZanke` (i=TheZanke@
01:01.16Cairenn~seen devla
01:01.18purldevla <n=Devla@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 207d 47m 2s ago, saying: 'hai!'.
01:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge TheZanke` (i=TheZanke@
01:01.51Thunder_Childthat only works for saying something though?
01:02.46Cairennbecause I know he was in here just a couple days ago
01:03.02KirkburnThat's true
01:05.09Industrialso, tomorrow we get the mail right
01:05.18Kirkburnsneh, sneh, sneh
01:06.14Kirkburn(said Death of Rats)
01:06.33Cairennthat's my understanding, yes
01:08.29KirkburnHere's hoping :)
01:08.30IndustrialI will f5 all day.
01:08.35Industrialim also staying home
01:08.51TheZanke`kaso, pm
01:09.12KirkburnThey better not be sent out at the end of their working day :P
01:11.23Qshadowp[NS]its got a scheduler in it, and the alarm clock is like 2...really soft beeps you wouldn't hear it if you where more than 5ft away lol
01:11.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
01:11.40Qshadowp[NS]and whats even more frustrateing, is that i found the wav files in question. but i can't replace them because there in use
01:11.42kaidenoooh tomorrow we might get keys?!
01:11.46kaidencan't wait
01:15.05*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
01:18.57ScytheBlade1Bah, I want my key now
01:19.05ScytheBlade1Give me a reason to stop playing BF2142
01:19.07TainI want my MTV.
01:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
01:19.38ScytheBlade1The one game that crashes about 2 minutes faster than properly closing it
01:20.01TainDeal or No Deal is the best show.  They just love screwing with people.
01:20.15kaidenDo we have an exact release date for TBC yet?
01:20.32kaidendarn i need to schedule my vacation at work :P
01:23.37TainThat video is full of truths, Cairenn
01:25.35*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
01:28.53SP|Sorrenyes! my laundry timer that keeps going after reloadui is finished :O
01:28.59SP|Sorrennow to do the laundry.
01:31.33*** part/#wowi-lounge spahrep (
01:31.54Inside500 lines and uno program is still not done '_'
01:32.49GremWarsongYou and your Uno
01:37.53KirkburnCairenn, hehe, great video isn't it :P
01:38.04Cairennit's ... odd
01:38.20KirkburnWell, yes, it would be for you :P
01:38.48KirkburnSeriously, the whole positioning thing, completely true
01:39.02Cairennyeah, well, no kidding
01:39.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike (n=mjgoosse@
01:43.51Cairennokay guys, first confirmed key arrived, start checking your emails
01:44.01KirkburnF5 F5 F5 F5 F5
01:44.32KirkburnArg, I'll never get to bed now :/
01:44.50Cairenngo to bed
01:45.11KirkburnNah, I will, I'll get up early if it doesn't come soon :)
01:45.13TainBut Heroes is coming on.
01:45.40*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
01:46.46cladhaireooh i have to go make sure heroes tapes.
01:47.16Tullerwhat is this video tape you speak of? :)
01:47.44KirkburnBe this the 1800s?
01:48.14KirkburnYe Olde VCR Machinerationater
01:55.53Tainhahah music bought from MSN Music will not play on the new Microsoft Zune media player.
01:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
01:58.18purlhmm... timriker is my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
01:58.18MentalPowerI was just about to do that
01:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
02:00.07TullerSo, do we know if its a 'We're going to send all the beta keys at once' thing, or is it going to be something like x amount per week?
02:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
02:02.46KirkburnTain, MSN Music is being shut down
02:03.55CairennTuller: I was under the impression they'd be showing up tomorrow, so I'm really surprised to get a report of one showing up tonight
02:04.19KirkburnAnd no-one else has mentioned anything yet ...
02:04.19Tullermy guess is someone slipped Blizzard a twenty :)
02:04.20*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
02:05.14KirkburnI'm so excited about reading Day of the Dragon, I keep hearing about the WC books, so glad I finally bought some
02:06.45zespri_workso have you already read it? started?
02:06.53KirkburnJust starting
02:07.16zespri_worki hope that you won't be disappointed =)
02:07.55zespri_workI'm a bit cautious about this type of literature, it's almost like fan-fiction
02:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
02:08.24KirkburnI know what you mean, but it's all done with Metzen's direct involvement
02:08.43KirkburnIn fact, one of the novels I bought is by Chris :)
02:08.50zespri_workwell, not exactly, but anyway the audience is never intened to be too wide, nothing comparable to a cult sci-fi authors.
02:09.09TainMan, you should see the insanity here.  You can't sell beer or wine in supermarkets or other stores, only liquor stores here in Massachuesetts.
02:09.21zespri_workok then, report back when you are done =)_
02:09.28KirkburnThat's crazee, Tain
02:09.35KirkburnShall do, zespri
02:09.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:09.55KirkburnRandomly, like my User page images? :P
02:10.07TainThere's a vote coming up to be able to sell wine only in supermarkets.
02:10.40TainThey're running insane ads saying it'll cause kids to become drunks and the roads to be full of dead bodies
02:11.07KirkburnYou can't move for the dead bodies and drunk children here
02:11.56Guillotinehow would you check if the player is horde or alliance? just UnitFactionGroup("player")?
02:12.19KirkburnCheck to see if they keep saying 'kek'
02:12.27kaidenGuillotine, UnitRace
02:12.59KirkburnTain, in Germany you can buy alcohol at 16 iirc. They don't seem to have a problem there :/
02:13.23KirkburnCulture is an odd beast
02:15.15TainIts just this area.
02:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
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02:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shabador (
02:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
02:32.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:40.20Cairenn2nd confirmed key:
02:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
02:41.18weabone of my guildies confirmed getting her key also.
02:43.23decianyone good with macros? i need some help
02:49.09TheZanke`how would i do unitlevel("player") > ?
02:49.23TheZanke`says couldnt compare number with string
02:50.13Thunder_Childis there a command to check if the client has BC or not?
02:51.14KirkburnDoes there need to be?
02:51.50Thunder_Childif you are cheking for things that are in BC only
02:52.02Thunder_Childweould make things easier i would think
02:53.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:53.40KirkburnI'm not sure there will be anything UI-related that'll be BC-only, tbh
02:54.06cladhaireCairenn: Another confirmed key
02:54.53KirkburnThunder_Child, I'm just thinking that they may not bother removing stuff like the Jewelcrafting UI from non-BC, but who knows :O
02:55.04KirkburnAs to your actual question, I haven't a clue =)
02:55.14Thunder_Childok, thanks
02:57.08KirkburnThis is very much lol:
02:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom_ (
02:59.26Nom_Just curious if anyone has tried to make a mod which uses SOAP connections? :)
02:59.47KirkburnAren't those quite slippery?  *Badum-psshhhh*
03:00.20Thunder_ChildCairenn, you do it as well....
03:00.30KirkburnAch, damn, those were sleeping tablets
03:00.32Nom_I'm considering making a mod which can be used to view and maintain DKP points in a raid... :)
03:00.40Thunder_Childshe can use thoes as well
03:00.46Nom_SOAP is the obvious choice for client-server data exchange...
03:01.22Tullerdoes anyone know what the texture name of the ? icon is, by chance?
03:01.39KirkburnSOAP must be hard to get hold of though, I would guess ..... okay, okay, I'll stop now
03:02.16Esamynn~lart Kirkburn
03:02.29Tullerthanks :)
03:02.46Esamynnsilly purl, that move almost never works! :P
03:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
03:03.20KemayoNom_: I'm skeptical.  (But then, I don't like SOAP at the best of times. So.)
03:03.36Nom_hmm...does it work i suppose is the only question I need answered :)
03:03.49Nom_Like, it's not blocked by Blizzards' implementation
03:03.54KemayoWell, I'm sure you could do it.
03:04.27Nom_SOAP is fine as long as your server-side implementation is good :)
03:04.29KemayoIt would probably be more hassle than it's worth to implement, though.
03:04.41Nom_Probably not :)
03:04.47Nom_<--- Programmer by profession
03:05.34zespri_workguys, am I missing something, or blizzard went bonkers and has allowed communication with outside world from within an addon?
03:06.32Kemayozespri_work:  Not as far as I know.  As I understand Nom_, he/she/it wants to have one person running a "server" addon, with others using "client" addons that request data and processing from the server.
03:07.01KemayoCorrect me if I'm wrong, of course. :)
03:07.10zespri_workoh, in that sense
03:07.39zespri_workyou have to be... ehm... dedicated to implement soap in lua.
03:07.56KemayoNom_: If you want to write a SOAP library, AceComm would probably be a good reference point for interaddon communications.
03:09.56zespri_workCairenn, I wonder if they send keys one by one, manually
03:10.17Nom_Kemayo: I don't plan on writing a SOAP library..there's already some out there in LUA
03:10.18zespri_workthen 2 confirmed keys is a strange number
03:10.31Nom_ <-- for example
03:10.33Cairennthey take the list of email address and plug it into their list of keys and mass mail the results
03:10.40Nom_I'm writing a mod that will _use_ SOAP
03:10.48Cairennzespri_work: 3 confirmed at this point, and mod authors aren't the only ones getting keys
03:10.51Nom_Well, thinking about writing at least :)
03:11.03KemayoWell, I think there's no technical barriers standing in the way of using it.
03:11.15Cairennand how many people are asleep, or playing, or or or and not checking their emails right now?
03:11.26Nom_That's all I really needed to know...i'll write some kind of test script tonight to make sure it works
03:11.40Nom_Pity the PTR's aren't up, otherwise I could code through the downtime lol
03:12.14zespri_workNom_, does it make sense to use it? lua soap library is good when you want to communicate with a server or a client which already has soap implementation. if you need both client and server (as in your case) you are better off using something that is simpler and writen specifically with addon communication in mind.
03:12.23KemayoThere are a number of WoW quirks that you'd need to account for.  (You'd have to escape color codes, for instance.)
03:12.35zespri_workCairenn, who else?
03:12.41zespri_workbut mod authors?
03:12.49zespri_workor you mean in general?
03:13.14zespri_workCairenn, I'm checking my e-mail right now! =)))
03:13.35Nom_AceComm is designed for ingame communication isn't it?
03:13.40KemayoIt is, yes.
03:13.47Cairennother fan sites have been doing contests to hand out keys, they're doing the guild invites, etc, etc
03:13.48Nom_I'm talking about client -> server
03:13.52Nom_Where the server isn't the WoW server
03:14.14KemayoAh, I thought you'd have corrected me when I asked earlier if that was the case.  In that case, I think it's not possible.
03:14.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:14.44Nom_Well, SOAP is designed for use over HTTP
03:14.51Nom_So what were you thinking it was for :)
03:14.56zespri_workCairenn, ah ok. so it's a big jar of key batches coming form differnt directions to blizzard
03:14.59KemayoInteraddon communications.
03:15.03Gryphennot possible nom
03:15.16Nom_So Blizz blocks outgoing connections then?
03:15.18Cairennzespri_work: *nod*
03:15.22zespri_workNom_, people, always have strange ideas. And no, not possible
03:15.23CairennNom_: *nod*
03:15.33MentalPowerNom_: no sockets, no file IO
03:15.42Nom_D'oh :(
03:15.51Nom_That could have been so useful :~(
03:15.55Nom_Probably why noone else has done it
03:16.00zespri_workNom_, there is no API to comunicate any information outside of wow except when you closing down your client
03:16.26KemayoSome addons do client-server stuff, of course.  But they use external programs to parse the savedvariables that blizzard writes out when you close WoW or reload the UI.
03:16.41Nom_Yeah, that's nasty
03:16.45Nom_One client crash and you lose data
03:17.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:19.46Nom_That sucks a little bit i'll need to think of a new idea :(
03:19.58zespri_workthis is secure
03:20.06zespri_workthe whole point of it is security
03:20.12Inside600 lines
03:20.20zespri_workwow lua as sandboxed as it's possible
03:21.05Nom_Security dims the flame of creation :(
03:21.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
03:22.38zespri_workCairenn, do you think that everybody who has applied will get their keys eventually?
03:22.54Cairennzespri_work: I don't think they will, I know they will
03:23.20EsamynnNom_: very true, which is what happened with the 2.0 UI changes, blame the idiots who exploited it all
03:23.21zespri_workSorry, I'm being anxious =)
03:23.35Cairennyes, yes you are
03:23.41Cairennit's okay, I'm excited too
03:24.00zespri_workI have to read the UI chnages thread
03:24.13KirkburnSee you next year zespri :P
03:24.15Cairennwell, and go ahead and get it all downloaded, if you haven't already
03:24.32zespri_workdownload what?
03:24.44Cairennthe beta install
03:24.44KirkburnThe internet, silly
03:24.49Nom_Not being able to create sockets actually douses a few ideas I had
03:24.51zespri_workgood idea. where do I download?
03:24.52Thunder_Childsilly indeed....
03:25.07KirkburnThe internet, silly ?
03:25.27Thunder_Child~lart Kirkburn
03:25.28zespri_workyou are repeatig youreself =)
03:25.45Thunder_Child*sigh* waste of a good piano
03:25.51KirkburnOokay, not that address
03:26.37Kirkburn(that address redirects me to the EU beta forums :/ )
03:27.11zespri_workCairenn, where would you suggest to download from?
03:27.26zespri_workthank you
03:27.37Nom_Anyone know what's used to make the HAM bars and group things on
03:27.57Nom_I can't work out which mod it is lol
03:28.03deciwhat is that thing attacking the middle of the screen
03:28.14decithat person needs backup
03:28.17deciman down!
03:28.18Kirkburn( zespri_work, confused me as the EU version of the original link I posted goes straight to )
03:28.52Thunder_Childlooks like duf/dart
03:29.09Thunder_Childi could be wrong though
03:29.51KirkburnG'night all, hope we all get our beta keys before I get up :)
03:29.53Nom_awww Access Denied for Beta :~(
03:30.07Thunder_ChildNight Kirkburn
03:30.22Nom_I want to play a belf pally :~(
03:32.02zespri_work2GB, this is serious
03:32.17zespri_workI wonder if anyone knows the torrent link
03:32.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
03:33.14Nom_Anyone here in beta?
03:33.23MentalPowertheres quite a few torrent extractor tools
03:33.31Nom_Just reading the forums...did they realy nerf ignite? :/
03:34.43zespri_workMentalPower, I know, I'm at work and the download at home and it's awkward to find out with remote connection and stuff
03:34.43Nom_heh...this guys is complaining that warlocks "will now" out-do mages in raid damage
03:35.02Nom_T2 warlocks are on the top of out damage meters every raid
03:35.08Nom_With T3 mages barely keeping up
03:37.18zespri_workMentalPower, btw, technically speaking the downloader doesn't have to contain torrent url, just the tracker address.
03:37.53zespri_workthe only reason it does indeed contain it is that blizzard put it there =)
03:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
03:38.31MentalPowerit contains the entire .torrent file
03:38.38MentalPowerhash trees and all
03:39.11zespri_workoh I see
03:39.29zespri_workI used to contain link to torrent file some time ago
03:40.38zespri_workand Thunder_child thank you for the link
03:42.34Nom_ <-- so none know what mod(s) are creating the health bars in the middle? :(
03:43.02Thunder_Childlike i said, it's prolly custom made with dart
03:46.14JoshBork1i agree with Thunder_Child
03:46.34Nom_ah sorry
03:46.38Nom_I missed that :)
03:46.59Nom_ <--- that's the list of mods installed apparently
03:47.14Nom_I don't see Dart installed, or do you mean Discord stuff?
03:47.57Nom_I guessed, thanks :)
03:48.14JoshBork1with the others probably being DiscordUnitFrames
03:48.57Mr_Rabies2warcry's giving out 2 keys a day for 50 days? is the beta gonna even last that long? :x
03:49.05Vallerius1 new email... and it was spam. /cry
03:49.06Thunder_Childmid jan
03:55.43GuillotineMr_Rabies2: heh. the last people are going to be in beta for like a week. maybe
03:56.20Thunder_Childwont even matter if the ptr comes out mid dec
03:56.52Guillotineblue posted somewhere (though it was about 4 months ago) that there was no public beta planned
03:57.54Insidepublic beta means creating just as many servers as they have now
03:58.04Thunder_Childthough 2.0 != BC
03:58.53GuillotineI think Thunder_Child is right. I would guess 2.0 won't have the new races/outlands
04:00.43JoshBork1no, but it will have talents and spells
04:01.08GuillotineI'm just saying beta won't be fully outdated at that time
04:01.46JoshBork1yea.  i think it'll see less ui dev'ing on it though
04:05.36Garoun|Loupanaactually the 2.0 patch won't have the spells
04:05.50Garoun|LoupanaI don't think any new spells were added until at least 61
04:06.05Garoun|Loupanaand you can't go past 60 unless you have the expansion
04:06.46Cairennwell, and frankly, why would anyone *need* to ui dev on the PTR?  not like you can't get a key :p
04:06.48Guillotineactually (currently at least) some of the AQ books are trainable at 60
04:07.05Guillotineit was a comment about warcry's contest
04:07.09Guillotinewhich isn't just for addon authors
04:07.14Guillotineand most people are dying to get one
04:07.40Guillotinespeaking of which, how many HelloWorld addons have you gotten from people just trying to get into beta? :P
04:08.02Garoun|Loupanayeah but those are all spells that are already in the game Guill
04:08.41Guillotineonly new spells will be talented spells
04:08.43Guillotinelike mangle
04:09.26Garoun|Loupanaand those will have to be in there anyway as well
04:10.12JoshBork1Garoun|Loupana: incorrect.  there are paladin spells that a new that you get sub 60
04:10.31JoshBork1s/ a / are /
04:11.22JoshBork1Righteous Defense and Spiritual Attunement :-D
04:11.26Mr_Rabies2<Guillotine> Mr_Rabies2: heh. the last people are going to be in beta for like a week. maybe
04:11.33Mr_Rabies2actually the thing's a bit odd
04:11.47JoshBork1anyway.  nn
04:11.49Garoun|Loupanaopen beta will happen but it won't be until 2-3 weeks before gold master is done
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04:12.29Mr_Rabies2the main wow site says 20 a day, so does warcry, but doesn't mention how the other 18 a day will be given out
04:12.31InsideWhat's the point in a beta then?
04:12.41InsideAfter it's gone gold..
04:12.47InsideIt's not a beta then, it's a demo :p
04:13.04Garoun|Loupanait's an MMO
04:13.15Garoun|Loupanathey do the open beta so they can patch it the day it releases if they need to
04:13.38Mr_Rabies2ehh i doubt they'll do one
04:13.55Mr_Rabies2they said a few times they're not gonna, they're just gonna keep expanding closed
04:14.07Thunder_Childmaybe they will have a party in this one as well
04:14.18Mr_Rabies2i hope so
04:14.29Mr_Rabies2a full fledged legion attack on all the capitals :D
04:14.36Mr_Rabies2including shattrath and stuff
04:14.40Garoun|Loupanawell from the looks of it,  90% will be beta before they'd do an open anyway
04:14.42Garoun|Loupanaso won't matter
04:18.12*** join/#wowi-lounge pattybot (
04:18.51pattybotis there a simple script command that can toggle the default wow ui right action bar to show/hide?
04:19.13pattybotor somehow set up a keybind to hide/show it?
04:20.38InsideI think so
04:21.45Garoun|Loupanajust need to find the frame name for the action bars
04:22.03Garoun|Loupanado you mean the one that goes up the edge of the screen
04:22.11pattybotyes on the right side
04:22.11Garoun|Loupanaor 2nd set of mainbars?
04:22.13Garoun|Loupananight clad
04:23.02Garoun|Loupanais the frame name
04:23.22pattybotso /script MultiBarRight:Hide() should work?
04:23.33pattybotok lemme go try this
04:23.41Garoun|LoupanaMultiBarLeft is if you have both Right Action bars up
04:24.02Garoun|Loupana<3 devtools ;)
04:25.39pattyboti was just about to ask that to for both right bars thans :)
04:28.34pattybotok now say i want to set this /script MultiBarLeft:Hide() into a macro that will alternate hiding and then showing the bar, so click once it show, click again it hide etc..
04:30.38pattybotor somehow make an if statement that is leftmousebutton show elseif rightmousebutton hide? something like that in a macro?
04:31.54Garoun|Loupanaif(MultiBarFrameLeft:IsVisible()) then MultiBarLeft:Hide() else MultiBarLeft:Show() end;
04:32.01Garoun|LoupanaI think that will do it
04:32.12pattybotoh your my jesus of the day
04:34.06pattybotwould i put /script in front of that in the macro?
04:34.07Garoun|Loupanaone sec, testing it
04:34.21Garoun|Loupanayou are always going to hide both or neither correct?
04:35.28pattybotactually im gonna try to hide just the right actionbar 2
04:35.28pattybotso it would be only MultiBarLeft
04:37.29Garoun|Loupanaok got it, let me post it somewhere for you
04:37.52pattybotthank you :)
04:39.11Garoun|Loupanajust copy it directly to your macro, all on one line, no breaks
04:39.20pattybotok doing it now
04:39.34Garoun|LoupanaI actually tested it first this time, so it'll work
04:40.16pattybotthank you garoun|loupana that works so perfectly :)
04:40.29Garoun|Loupananot a problem :)
04:41.16Garoun|Loupanajsut remember, that probably won't work in combat once burning crusade and patch 2.0 come out
04:41.31pattybotnp its not really meant for combat
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04:53.21ckknighthey all
04:54.39Cairennhi ckknight
04:55.53Garoun|Loupanais there a testing guild on each of the beta servers Cair?
04:56.34Cairennno, just on the one
04:56.42Cairennsince that's the one that has been around since alpha
04:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
04:56.53Cairennwhen we started, there was no choice
04:56.55Garoun|Loupanathat's the pvp server right?
04:57.30Cairennno, pve
04:57.44Garoun|Loupanacool, dunno why I thought the pvp one was first
04:58.14Cairennif it was PvP server, we couldn't have a guild on each side :p
04:58.39CairennCastSpell and TargetUnit, Alliance and Horde respectively
04:59.25Garoun|Loupanaah ok, I'll have a war on horde and druid on ally whenever i get them copied over
05:08.46Guillotinegn all :)
05:09.13Cairennnight Guillotine
05:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
05:30.02Thunder_Childsoemone go kill, they are pissing me off
05:31.34Thunder_Childworse than usual
05:31.34din`i actually went there to kill them, but the next thing i knew i was walking back out to the parking lot with a bag full of gold and levelling services
05:31.39din`dont know what happened
05:32.14Thunder_Childi do, you were swayed to the....DARK SIDE
05:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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05:44.03Corrodiasso what does the expansion have in store for us for ground mounts?
05:44.11Shadowedyou're screwed
05:45.28Corrodiashow very unlikely :o
05:45.38Shadowedi'm serious :p
05:45.41Corrodiasat least that i'm screwed in some way
05:45.42Shadowedyou probably wont get much
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05:46.48Corrodiaswhy are you using the pronoun, "you"?
05:47.41Mr_Rabies2has anyone done any extensive tank testing with a pally yet?
05:48.06Mr_Rabies2i want to know if their heals are still super low aggro or not
05:48.31Mr_Rabies2if so...that's a great way to buff up their threat, make their heals generate more aggro
05:49.16Corrodiaswhat? they get low aggro AND plate?
05:50.21Mr_Rabies2right at release when blizzard did their last minute changes to pallies
05:50.31Mr_Rabies2they made their heals be really really really low aggro
05:51.01Mr_Rabies2that remains to this day, unless they changed it in bc
05:51.03Corrodiasi keep hanging onto a shred of a hope that druids are worth something but it's getting harder and harder
05:51.18Mr_Rabies2the latest changes are very very promising
05:52.01Mr_Rabies2a decently geared feral druid can do some really good damage
05:52.18Mr_Rabies2force of nature needs a bit of work
05:52.36Mr_Rabies2other than that things are pretty good
05:53.36Mr_Rabies2be good if they combined blood frenzy and primal fury
05:53.37Corrodiassoooo. 420 stacks of runecloth to get from Revered to Exalted
05:53.49Corrodiasi.... think i'd better do some quests while they still give rep.
05:54.03Mr_Rabies2i'd wait, there's a lot to do in the bc that will probably net you some rep
05:54.10Mr_Rabies2why do you want exalted, and who with?
05:54.31Corrodiasi am levelling an alt. i'd like some mounts besides the race default available to it
05:54.37Mr_Rabies2pvp mounts :]
05:55.35Mr_Rabies2you could get an elekk or a hawkstrider for 10 measly wins of ab, av, and wsg
05:55.40Mr_Rabies2unless something changes
05:55.52Corrodiasa wha
05:56.07Mr_Rabies2dranei or bloodelf mount depending on what side you're on
05:56.08Corrodiasi need some place to read about this new stuff
05:56.11Mr_Rabies2or the broken guy's mount
05:56.14Mr_Rabies2the weird horse thing
05:56.17Corrodiasbroken guy?
05:56.25Mr_Rabies2lemme see if i can find a screenshot
05:59.10Mr_Rabies2there ya go
05:59.35Thunder_Childit's a drill with feet
05:59.36Mr_Rabies2It's obtained from a neutral faction like a Frostsaber, only they are not isolated to the Alliance or Horde.
05:59.38ShadowedWTF IS THAT
06:03.29Mr_Rabies2i've been trying not to get too interested in the beta and spoil all the surprises
06:03.39Mr_Rabies2the hype is just too much
06:04.49Corrodiasso... are these pvp mounts at all hard to get? i mean, a few wins is just a couple of days' work
06:05.04ShadowedRank 11 ones?
06:05.10Shadowedthe current honor system, or the new one?
06:05.31Shadowed30 wins in AV/AB/WSG
06:05.33Shadoweder 10
06:05.47Shadowed(or 30 loses in AV/AB/WSG), just need 30 marks of each BG
06:05.50Mr_Rabies2yep, 30 of each token
06:05.56Mr_Rabies2unless they add eos
06:06.00Mr_Rabies2but i doubt it
06:06.05Corrodiasthat would take a few days, rather than months of hard grinding as it does now..
06:06.06Mr_Rabies2since its 61-70
06:06.18Shadowed11 hardly takes months of grinding :p
06:06.26Mr_Rabies2and they only require 75 riding skill
06:06.35Mr_Rabies2depends on the server Shadowed
06:06.48ShadowedNot really. IC is pretty hard to rank up in and I did it in about a month of grinding
06:06.51Corrodiasmaybe not hardcore grinding, not for 11
06:06.52Mr_Rabies2on mine, 200k honor a week is enough until 12 to keep ranking 1 or 2 a week
06:07.05Mr_Rabies2but 200k a week is pretty much nonstop pvp because of the queue times
06:07.28ShadowedOn mine, 800,000-1,000,000 is the normal for top 3 :p
06:07.50Mr_Rabies2not sure on ours, 400k or so last i asked
06:07.50Corrodiasbut the point is that this is a very easy thing to accomplish in the new system
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06:08.22ShadowedCompared to the old system, getting rank 11 is cake
06:08.22Mr_Rabies2but youll eventually need 150 riding skill
06:08.36Mr_Rabies2to get 225 for flying mounts
06:08.39Shadowedit'll mean easy 100% speed mounts for twinks
06:08.44Shadowed<60 twinks that is
06:08.47Mr_Rabies2unless you're a druid with no plans on getting an epic one for a while :3
06:09.03Mr_Rabies2well, i'd assume they'd give us 225 flying skill
06:09.13Mr_Rabies2i'm sure flight form won't be free
06:09.14Shadowed225 is like 2,000g and 300 is 6,000g
06:09.21Shadowedflight form is free last i heard
06:10.43Mr_Rabies2or well, "free" being normal spell cost, at least
06:10.47Corrodiasi suspect settline for flight form would be like settling for travel form -- not that bad when you get it, but pretty slow 70
06:11.00Mr_Rabies2well, 6000g is gonna be a pain to get
06:11.03Shadowednot really
06:11.07Mr_Rabies2even on the updated thing
06:11.08Shadowedapparently gold is cake to get in TBc
06:11.18Mr_Rabies2especially if they don't give us 225 riding skill
06:11.24Shadowedthey don't
06:11.27Shadowed2,000g for 225 :p
06:11.43Mr_Rabies2i'd be happy with a pay form and 225, like locks and their epic mounts :P
06:12.05Corrodiaswe don't get riding skill for travel form :(
06:12.06Mr_Rabies2and pallies
06:12.17Mr_Rabies2well that's because it's slower than a mount :P
06:12.26Corrodiaspaladins need to have to spend money when they use their shields :P
06:13.42Mr_Rabies2i've got an rss feed of warcry's latest threads running :P
06:13.46Garoun|LoupanaI beleive it's dispellable now... or actually that was iceblock
06:14.03Shadowedwhats dispellable?
06:14.11Mr_Rabies2mass dispel maybe
06:14.11Garoun|LoupanaIce Block, or so I heard
06:14.14Mr_Rabies2for both
06:14.26Shadowedhaha nice
06:14.34Corrodiasi want to dispel paladin shields
06:14.40Mr_Rabies2but mass dispel is like
06:14.43Mr_Rabies2a billion mana
06:14.50Mr_Rabies2they'll be using their shields less probably
06:14.54Garoun|Loupanapaly's will be making sure they have a million buffs up
06:15.00Garoun|Loupanaso Mages don't steal it
06:15.00Mr_Rabies2since there's some offensive ability that causes forbearance
06:15.22Mr_Rabies2i'd hit blessing of sacrifice if i was a pally and was fighting a spellsteal spam mage
06:15.23Garoun|Loupanapaly version of Weakened Soul
06:15.47Mr_Rabies2i wonder what that does
06:15.52Shadowedmass dispell is like 600 mana
06:15.56Corrodiaskeeps you from being shielded
06:15.59Mr_Rabies2i thought it was like 1200
06:16.11Shadowed600 last i checked
06:16.21Mr_Rabies236% of Base Mana
06:16.26Mr_Rabies2so yeah, it differs
06:16.39Corrodiasi'd give sexual favors that let me keep a paladin from shielding from a range for even 6 seconds
06:16.40Mr_Rabies2glad they're working on dropping costs for base mana spells
06:16.42Garoun|Loupanaat least it doesn't cost druids 1800 mana to shift forms now :P
06:16.47Mr_Rabies2shapeshifting was gonna be like 1800
06:16.57Mr_Rabies2maybe they'll drop it some more
06:17.07Garoun|Loupanastill costs a ton, but I thins it's 35% now
06:17.34Mr_Rabies244% :/
06:17.49Mr_Rabies2i don't know what my base mana is at 60
06:17.58Mr_Rabies2but i have about 2400 mana buffed in my cat gear
06:18.10Shadowed2400? is that even possible
06:18.35Mr_Rabies2i think i've got +7 int from motw
06:18.54Shadowedhough base was like 2700 mana
06:19.00Garoun|Loupanaright now for me it osts 547 at 60, and 198 for utility forms
06:19.01Corrodiashe said buffed
06:19.22Garoun|Loupanaand right now I only have 2/3 in Nat Ss
06:19.26Mr_Rabies2648 unless you have nat ss
06:19.32Mr_Rabies2i've got 3 right now
06:19.33Garoun|Loupanait'll be 3/3 in BC
06:19.39Mr_Rabies2thinking about taking some out for imp shred
06:19.44Mr_Rabies2but i'll wait for 2.0
06:19.49Mr_Rabies2so i can get shredding attacks
06:20.25Mr_Rabies2does anyone know if nature's grasp really is castable in forms now?
06:20.33Garoun|LoupanaI'm bear specced
06:20.33Mr_Rabies2if so i'll get it, if not, meh
06:20.35Mr_Rabies2i'm both specd
06:20.39Garoun|Loupanalosing that 3/3 NS won't work for me
06:20.50Garoun|LoupanaI shift too much, especially if running a flag
06:21.29Mr_Rabies2pop your bwl trinket if you got it :]
06:21.35Mr_Rabies2that thing is godly for flag running
06:21.43Mr_Rabies2pop that and just spam the shapeshift key as fast as you can
06:21.52Mr_Rabies2confuses the hell out of people
06:22.00Garoun|Loupana that'll be my spec until I've had time to play around
06:22.06Mr_Rabies2i have 2947 buffed
06:22.15Corrodiaswhat is this BWL trinket?
06:22.16Mr_Rabies22764 unbuffed
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06:22.25Mr_Rabies2rune of metamorphisis
06:22.27Garoun|Loupana3759 unbuffed mana :)
06:22.39Mr_Rabies2eh, i don't want to give up damage for mana
06:22.45Garoun|Loupana4k with
06:22.47Mr_Rabies2my mana pool is fine
06:23.07Mr_Rabies2i have +14 int
06:23.10Garoun|LoupanaI'm hybrid and rarely need to use cat so
06:23.19Mr_Rabies2that's +12 from motw
06:23.22Mr_Rabies2and +2 from...
06:23.45Garoun|Loupana20% for hotw
06:23.53Garoun|Loupanaof total int
06:23.54Nom_3700 mana don't last long :P
06:24.02Nom_That's my 2 copper worth :)
06:24.05Mr_Rabies22700 lasts me long enough to die in wsg most of the time
06:24.10Garoun|Loupanamy 4k lasts plenty long hehe
06:24.13Mr_Rabies2in bear gear i've got...
06:24.51Mr_Rabies2mostly cause my tank helm atm is the cenarion helm
06:25.20Garoun|Loupanasee, I have no purples other then Don Julio's in my gear :P
06:25.22Mr_Rabies2actually that's my sole source of int in my bear gear
06:25.27Garoun|LoupanaI'm doing all that with blues )
06:25.36Mr_Rabies2i like to min/max
06:25.39Mr_Rabies2it works pretty well
06:26.04Mr_Rabies2if i'm running the flag i go into bear gear, otherwise im in cat gear/catform
06:26.14Mr_Rabies2get targeted a lot less as a sneaky purple cat
06:26.41Mr_Rabies2healer gear i've got 7904 mana self buffed
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06:27.04Mr_Rabies2very rarely am i in that in pvp
06:27.07Garoun|Loupanano purples in my healing gear either :) and still manage
06:27.11Garoun|Loupana+382 healing
06:27.16Mr_Rabies2because i only have 1800 armor and 3900 health in it
06:27.21Mr_Rabies2which is more than my cat gear :P
06:27.33Mr_Rabies2my cat gear is almost exclusively str/agi/ap/crit
06:27.54Mr_Rabies2but i don't get targeted much
06:28.05Mr_Rabies2usually in stealth if i'm alone
06:28.28Mr_Rabies2leave stealth long enough to 2 shot a drinking mage, especially in av
06:28.32Mr_Rabies2that's all i ever do in av
06:28.46Mr_Rabies2is sneak up in the back of the line and drop stragglers/drinkers
06:28.54Mr_Rabies2then run off and stealth unharmed
06:29.06Garoun|Loupanasee, I'm the opposite, I spend most of ym time in AV going bear to pull all the guards out while the rest of the team takes positions :P
06:29.23Mr_Rabies21046 ap and 28.9% crit
06:29.28Mr_Rabies2every time i go bear i get rocked
06:29.38Mr_Rabies2because a big grey bear just stands out so much
06:29.50Mr_Rabies2though i tanked 8 horde at once for 30 seconds solo
06:29.54Mr_Rabies2good times
06:30.00Mr_Rabies2they were all melee so it was cake
06:30.07Garoun|LoupanaI spent a year as a tank, so I'm pretty good at being a nuisance, which is all tanks really are
06:30.15Mr_Rabies2killed a rogue in the process with a nice chain 800 maul crit combo
06:30.16Corrodiasas for me, it was roots, faerie fire, and healing. some people think i can do alright, although my inability to kill anyone like that makes me feel unimpressive.
06:30.41Mr_Rabies2i never root in pvp except for the occasional nature's grasp and rooting flag carriers/chasers
06:31.01Mr_Rabies2just too unreliable
06:31.29Mr_Rabies2i might drop NG if it's not castable in forms
06:31.37Garoun|Loupanathe very fact that our own ability is the most common cause of it breaking is stupid :P
06:31.42Corrodiasmy favorite was rooting somebody who was trying to ride past the flag NPC's
06:32.07Corrodiasthe long casting time, unlike a mage's frost nova, is quite the pain, though
06:32.08Mr_Rabies25 more points for a spell that i rarely use due to its limitations
06:32.17Mr_Rabies2and the breaking on its own dots
06:32.44Mr_Rabies2i hope they make it like fear
06:32.53Mr_Rabies2use the same break checks as fear does once again
06:32.59Mr_Rabies2it used to, except the stupid 10 dps dot
06:33.15Mr_Rabies2then they made fear never break except on huge nukes
06:33.43Nom_Sneaky purple cat?
06:33.46Nom_Damn Alliance!
06:34.30Mr_Rabies2cows look dumb in kilts
06:34.46Mr_Rabies2and their catform is a wingless wyvern made out of triangles
06:35.03Corrodiasbeing cute isn't our thing
06:35.22Mr_Rabies2your bear form is :3
06:35.35Mr_Rabies2or }:3
06:35.44Corrodiashorns look so -right- on a bear.
06:35.57Nom_cat form is cute and cuddly
06:36.06Nom_for both :P
06:36.47Nom_although i rarely get to inspect alliance cat form druids for long...not long after i see them, they're getting a frostbolt neutering
06:37.10Corrodiasfool, all night elves are female
06:39.19Corrodiaswhich reminds me of a fun situation i had in AV. in one game i had to battle two other apparently restoration-specced or hybrid druids, at different times.  in neither case did either of us die before someone else intervened, but i did wear one down to the point that she ran away.
06:39.36Mr_Rabies2i love healbot druids in battlegrounds
06:39.40Mr_Rabies2drop them in about 3 seconds now
06:40.02Mr_Rabies2enough time for them to start moving cause they lost over half their health in one swing
06:40.20Mr_Rabies2hopefully faster with pounce being improved come 2.0
06:40.33Mr_Rabies2healbot druids in pvp are free hks to me
06:40.48Corrodiasi'm working on this alt because the druid is depressing me
06:40.49Mr_Rabies2drop faster than any other class generally
06:40.59Nom_When I was fire spec i used to like warming up a combusion and then popping a pryo on healbots :P
06:40.59Mr_Rabies2mages generally frost nova and blink
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06:41.06Corrodiasit's just so weak, or i don't know how to play it, although the way you describe it it's not just me
06:41.08Mr_Rabies2or freaking chill me
06:41.11Mr_Rabies2damn that chill effect
06:41.47Mr_Rabies2is gonna be my new spec come 2.0
06:41.50Nom_I've got a be the first level 70 horde pally on my realm :P
06:41.57Mr_Rabies2i may have to get omen
06:42.09Corrodiasslow heals and only mild damaging ability... so bleh
06:42.28Mr_Rabies2you tell mild to my 3300 fb crit on a mage :P
06:42.33Corrodiaswithout feral talents
06:42.39Mr_Rabies2well yeah
06:42.39Corrodiasi'm talking about my druid
06:43.15Corrodiasactually, i can play the role of wannabe rogue, because i put 20 points into feral. it's the only way i could be sane while playing that character.
06:43.24Thorarinhelloes 8)
06:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
06:43.54Nom_I see that everyone is getting a stam boost in TBC tho
06:44.04Crispixello all
06:44.04Nom_So yeah, that 3300 crit isn't going to be as deadly as it is now :~(
06:44.35Nom_3300 is the old 1000 :P
06:45.02Mr_Rabies2well i'll also have more AP
06:45.14Mr_Rabies2i saw a 4700 or something FB crit in a vid
06:45.29Corrodiasthose seem unusually high numbers
06:45.50Mr_Rabies2well i had berserking, but other than that my max is about 2800 or so
06:46.41Mr_Rabies2i think my max ravage is like 2200 or so
06:46.51Nom_Is 'Eye for an Eye' a current Pally talent?
06:47.17Mr_Rabies2the when you get critted you hurt them, right?
06:47.27Nom_Yeah, spell crits apparently
06:47.29Nom_I've never noticed it
06:47.59*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (i=blah2@
06:51.53Mr_Rabies2oh my
06:52.11Mr_Rabies2imagine the thoughts in that pally's head
06:54.18Corrodias"omg wtf nerf druids"
06:54.37Mr_Rabies2i would laugh my ass off if i got attacked by like 8 druids in travel form
06:54.45Mr_Rabies2i'd thornstank them to death
06:55.43Nom_those were alliance druids, i'm guessing?  I've never seen that texture on a horde :P
06:55.56Corrodiasthey're in travel form
06:56.11Nom_er..then what was hitting him?
06:56.20Corrodiasyou can attack in travel form
06:56.27Corrodiasi'm surprised the rogue Sinister Strike sound is just a "whoosh" like when you miss with a druid's cat form
06:56.35Corrodiastook a while to get over that
06:56.38Nom_lol but it's just auto attack?
06:57.04Mr_Rabies2seal form is too
06:57.22Mr_Rabies2i miss root-drowning people
06:57.27Nom_hahaha i've never tried to attack in anything other than cat/bear/caster on my druid
06:57.37Mr_Rabies2tree form can't melee
06:58.04Mr_Rabies2i do similar dps to this guy, a bit lower
06:58.31Mr_Rabies2sorry about the music, but i've been watching metalocalypse recently so it doesn't bother me so much
07:00.14Nom_That's some impressive dps :P
07:00.26Nom_2000+ crits on pounce (i'm guessing?)
07:00.43InsideI could make a video of me critting with gnomish deathray and killing people.
07:00.51InsideEveryone has that moment of sheer luck
07:01.05Mr_Rabies2thats ravage, nom
07:01.05Corrodiasgnomish death ray. i wonder if every one of my characters should be an engineer.
07:01.15Mr_Rabies2pounce is useless now until 2.0
07:01.27InsideIt only took me ~80 gold to powerlevel to 300 engineering.
07:01.29Nom_That couldn't be pounce
07:01.37InsideNow it's USELESS
07:01.42Nom_Yeah...i havn'e got that far yet :P
07:01.55Nom_My Druid is only 25 :~(
07:02.11Mr_Rabies2Pounce, stunning the target for 2 sec and causing 150 damage over 18 sec
07:02.22Mr_Rabies2orrrrr.... 1000-2000 damage depending on armor
07:02.25Nom_Yep, I just looked that up
07:02.33Mr_Rabies2over 18
07:02.36Mr_Rabies2what is that.
07:03.04Corrodiasit's shit
07:03.13Mr_Rabies2i know i'm saying what's the point on having such a terrible dot
07:03.20Nom_Yeah, that's pretty nice damage from ravage then :P
07:03.40Mr_Rabies2Pounce, stunning the target for 3 sec and causing 450 damage over 18 sec. Must be prowling and behind the target. Awards 1 combo point.
07:03.42Mr_Rabies2that's in bc
07:03.47Corrodiaskeeping people from stealthing is the only reason
07:03.49Mr_Rabies2and it scales with attack power
07:03.55Mr_Rabies2feral faerie fire
07:04.08Mr_Rabies2or hell even a rake
07:04.47Mr_Rabies2gonna see what it ticks for on a murloc out here in wetlands
07:04.49Mr_Rabies2on 1.12
07:05.39Mr_Rabies228 every 2
07:05.42Mr_Rabies2or 27
07:06.55Mr_Rabies2or multiple 900 hits with ravage
07:07.00Mr_Rabies2on the same mob
07:07.31Corrodiastough choice there
07:07.42Mr_Rabies210 less energy!1
07:08.15Mr_Rabies21826 crit
07:10.14Mr_Rabies21020 maul crit
07:10.39Mr_Rabies2been a while since i've played this guy cause i'm kinda at a brick wall, so the numbers are kinda surprising
07:14.35Mr_Rabies2i know these mobs are noobish but i'm lazy
07:16.59Corrodiasi'm rather annoyed that mobs' Roots work better than my own
07:19.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:20.51Mr_Rabies2like working indoors >:[
07:21.41Corrodiasand their minute-long poisons, and half-hour-long diseases
07:22.07Mr_Rabies2screw silithid pox
07:22.56Mr_Rabies2it scales with level
07:23.21Mr_Rabies2it's like 45% or something crazy with the ones in ungoro
07:23.25Corrodiaseven if my debuffs lasted that long, they'd still suck
07:23.27Mr_Rabies2i literally couldn't quest at all
07:24.49Cairennnight guys
07:25.40Mr_Rabies2night cair
07:25.59Mr_Rabies2 ...this left me speechless, someone randomly linked it on the drood forums :x
07:27.02Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty desensitized to the internet, but that just confused me
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07:29.49Corrodiasi was entertained for a moment but then it got very repetitious
07:30.29Mr_Rabies2someone was like HAY GUYS THIS IS WHERE THE BEAR DANCE IS FROM
07:31.44Thunder_Childi think that was edited
07:31.57Mr_Rabies2well yeah
07:32.41Mr_Rabies2it reminds me of the old aquaman adult swim bumps
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07:43.52Inside700 lines
07:43.54Insidealmost done :p
07:44.52Thunder_Childyou my good sir, are a freak and a scholar
07:45.12Thunder_Childso much effort for uno
07:45.20InsideI coded UNO in MUD.
07:45.23Insideer... MUF
07:45.33InsideThat's an RPN language.. love does not even begin to cover it.
07:46.11Thunder_Childthat does not invalidate my opinion though
07:46.57InsideAlmost done, I think
07:47.00InsideIt's fugly, but it works
07:51.08InsideAnyone logged in rihgt now?
07:51.16InsideNeed someone to play with :<
07:51.20InsideTo iron out the bugs.
07:53.16Corrodiaskinda wish i were playing a dwarf
07:53.28Shadowedwhy must it be so hard to find these firewall specs
07:56.13ShadowedSo, anyone happen to have any experience with a SonicWall SOHO2?
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08:39.00Corrodiasi detest a heavy vibrato voice.
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08:44.49Corrodiasi'm watching a video of a rogue during a naxx boss fight and the guy isn't even behind her for half the battle so far
08:44.59Corrodiasparries all over the place
08:47.58Corrodiasgrand widow faerlina
08:48.23Corrodiasthe rogue isn't behind the boss during much of the video
08:48.50Shadowedhe' s not a very smart ( or a lazy rogue ) rogue then
08:49.31Corrodiasarr, didn't think it was a good idea to let so many of his attacks get parried and not do anything about it
08:51.28Corrodias"Loatheb has around 5,330,000 HP" -- head asplode
08:52.07Shadowedsounds about right
08:55.40Corrodiasgood god, how do these people do it?
08:55.50Corrodias(reading the description of the fight)
08:56.14chuckgOnyxia buff, Rend Buff, ZG buff, flask and every other consummable available.
08:56.16ShadowedPretty much you load up on every world buff and damage buff available, as you get better gear you can slowly reduce the buffs.
08:56.30chuckgTwo warlocks, one with 1/2 improved HP stones, one with 2/2 HP stones for all 40 members of the raid.
08:56.41chuckg3 shadow protection potions per person, minus warlocks.
08:57.05chuckgIt's a treat when the faire is up, makes the fight a cake walk.
08:57.32Corrodiaswhy's that?
08:58.01ShadowedEh, the DM buffs don't make the fight a cake walk
08:58.06Shadowedthey certainly make it easier, but hardly a cake walk
09:01.14IndustrialThats why ill never like pve
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09:09.58Nom_PvE is good fun :)
09:10.14Industrialnom, nomuken?
09:10.21Industrialk :p
09:10.22Corrodiasi'd like to think it can be
09:10.36Corrodiasalthough not being able to kill hakkar is a bit depressing
09:10.37Shadoweddepends what you want really. If you want to hang out with 40 other people and have fun for a few hours then, or enjoy seeing/learning/beating new content then you'll like it
09:10.53Shadowedsome don't like wiping to a new boss for 4 hours a day for 4 weeks though :p
09:10.59IndustrialI really prefer PVP because of the uncertainty. You have to rely on yourself - and if you win by yourself then thats cool :P
09:11.09Nom_get a better guild if you can't kill Hakkar ^_^
09:11.11Shadowedeh, PVP gets pretty repeative after a while
09:11.12Corrodiasi think either my build or my technique is not good enough, actually. i need to read up on druid healing.
09:11.16Nom_We do all of ZG without wiping now :)
09:11.25Nom_Unless someone does something stupid of course
09:11.40ShadowedIt's fun, but no BG is just about killing so you cna usually end up predicting the entire fight fairly fast
09:11.45Nom_All healers = get massive +healing gear and rank down your heals
09:11.46IndustrialShadowed: im not 60+packed with epics yet
09:11.52Nom_That's pretty much all you do
09:11.58ShadowedI'm not either :p
09:12.03Corrodiasat the moment, i only have time for raiding 2 days a week and i'm pretty noob, so this guild is right for me
09:12.14Nom_fair enough :)
09:12.14Shadowedwell, my priest isn't. up until 2 weeks ago i was only wearing rank 10 pvp stuff, now i'm using the rank 12 stuff
09:12.20Nom_We're raiding like 5 days a week now
09:12.25Shadowedonly? :p
09:12.49Corrodiasas opposed to the 7 nights i am awake every week
09:12.52Nom_AQ20 on Monday, ZG on Wednesday, AQ20 on Thursday (if it's reset), MC on Saturday, ZG on Sunday
09:13.08Corrodiasyou one-day AQ20 and ZG, eh?
09:13.22Nom_4 - 5 hours
09:13.35Nom_AQ20 we skip Buru and the hunter most of the time
09:13.40Nom_Just hit Moam and Ossirian
09:13.43Corrodiasthe guild only spends 3.5-4 hours on it, and we'd be lucky to get down the 5 priests in one day
09:14.03Nom_Yeah, you wipe too much then, or spend too much time stuffing around :)
09:14.08Shadowedcan one day every instance except naxx within 4-5 hours really. could do naxx in 4-5 hours I suppose, but it'd be pushing it
09:14.16Nom_We start ZG at about 8PM and finish by 12:30am
09:14.34Nom_MC the record is 3hrs 24mins
09:14.37Corrodiasprobably mostly wasting time. there's a lot of sheeping for the trash pulls when i think we can usually just AoE the shit out of them.
09:14.42Nom_That's every boss downed
09:14.52Nom_sorry, 3hrs 16mins
09:14.54Shadowedit's pretty hard to AE some of the trash really
09:15.12Shadowedsince you'll either have mages drinking every pull, or you'll only get them to 50/60
09:15.15Shadoweder 50/60%
09:15.26Nom_yeah, but the pull should be starting while your mages are drinking
09:15.41Nom_So by the time they stand up the tanks have agro solid
09:15.48Nom_and they just nuke
09:15.50Corrodiasif we moved at the best pace we've had and didn't wipe on the panther or tiger bosses (we're still tweaking the whole panther thing because she has a tendency to reappear inside the group and kill people)
09:16.00Corrodiasthen we could do the 5 priests in a day
09:16.52Nom_It's mostly about tactics
09:17.12Nom_The Panther boss we just have whoever is marked kiting them around while everyone else DPS
09:17.28Nom_Then when she dissapears we FN the panthers and annihalate them with AoE
09:17.50Shadowedfrost nvoa
09:17.53Nom_Frost Nova
09:18.03Nom_We have a nova rotation so they pretty much don't move
09:18.28Corrodiasimpressive. i must consider that (although, as a peon, i don't really decide what anybody does)
09:19.06Corrodiascurrently we use a warlock in the middle using hellfire constantly to deal with panthers while the tanks hold arlokk back and the others hit her. problem is that sometimes, when she reappears, she's inside the rest of the raid and she 2-shots the healers
09:19.07SP|Sorrenanyone here have experience with candybars?
09:19.43Corrodiasit's just "ba-boom" and people are on the floor
09:20.33Nom_yeah well basically everyone should be keeping the AoE alive, and you shouldn't have more than a few panthers left when she repops
09:20.37Nom_Then you just resume kiting
09:20.45Nom_We usually get her before she vanishes the second time
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09:21.37Corrodiasgrabbing her before she kills anyone after she reappears is tough if she's already attacking them. we had more success the last time she was being tanked farther away from the group. she didn't spawn in the middle of them during that fight. we haven't gotten to fight here again since then so i don't know if it was a fluke.
09:22.29Nom_the healers should really just know how to get the heck out of dodge
09:22.56Nom_if they don't have enough hitpoints to kite her until the tank picks her up, then they probably don't have any business being there :/
09:23.31Corrodiaswhen she reappears right next to the healers, they can't escape in time
09:23.37Corrodias(they are being positioned next to the gong)
09:23.48Nom_All in one spot?
09:23.58Nom_That'll be your problem :)
09:24.06Nom_Never put all your eggs in one basket :P
09:24.34Corrodiasokay, so you have one person kiting the panthers around to keep them occupied?
09:24.47Nom_keep earthgrab totems down
09:24.52Nom_they should hardly get hit
09:25.06Corrodiaspanthers continue to come from the sides, until there are, what, 30 in the room
09:25.22Nom_or more :)
09:25.38Nom_I dunno...I can't count that many ticks from Flamestrike :)
09:26.03Corrodiasi want to learn more about this kiting technique. how is he going to avoid the panthers still coming out of the cages as he goes around? or how does he do this?
09:26.03Nom_Hellfire is a very quick way to die too...we always use ranged AoE
09:26.16Nom_The healers should keep them up
09:26.21Nom_With earthgrab you can outrun them
09:26.38Nom_Just run laps around the room keeping them in a nice pack ready for AoE :)
09:27.25Nom_Make sure you've got bossmods so it informs the person they've been marked
09:28.02Nom_I shall endeavour to make a movie of our next successful attempt
09:28.27Corrodiasdo you mind if i post this conversation on the guild's forum?
09:28.35Nom_go for it :)
09:28.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
09:30.30Corrodiasabout the tiger -- stage 1 seems to go pretty smoothly, and stage 2 isn't bad, but a lot of us get damaged by his AoE attack during stage 2. we're huddled up in a corner, presumably so he doesn't knock us way the heck back, although i've never asked just why. do you have any tips for that?
09:31.01Nom_Yeah you'll always get damaged
09:31.11Corrodiasi don't know all what is involved in tanking him, but i think they (tanks) hold him by the steps and we're (everyone else) right next to the wall in front of it
09:31.26Nom_He hits you back even at max range i believe
09:31.32Nom_I've tried to get out of range, believe me :)
09:31.39Corrodiasthat would be unpleasant
09:32.07Nom_Basically, it just comes down to the rest of the raid keeping themselves up with bandages/pots to ease the loado n the healers
09:32.14Nom_and dps him down
09:32.27Nom_Hakkar is the best fight in there lol
09:32.35Corrodiaswe usually don't have too much trouble with him, unless he goes nuts during the pull (by resisting a taunt or something) and starts running around smacking people
09:32.56Corrodiashakkar isn't going so well, so far. 39% health at 1:30 left to enrage & wipe
09:33.07Nom_You're using the Sons right?
09:33.42Corrodiasyes, i think there are issues with people not always getting poisoned, which just needs more discipline to accomplish.
09:34.28Nom_Yep, you get a big chunk of DPS on him if everyone is poisoned
09:34.47Corrodiasi'm not sure how we can squeeze out more damage. we're also working on spreading out so corrupted blood doesn't drain everybody. finally, if a Son breaks out of CC he can do some significant damage before he's back under control.
09:34.51Nom_That fight is mroe about just raw dps than anything need to do a lot of it
09:34.58Corrodiasunfortunately it's not as big as it used to be, as you're probably aware
09:35.28Nom_Yeah, you're mages just need to control that bascially
09:35.34Nom_Druid on backup with sleep doesn't hurt
09:36.01Nom_You really gotta control your tanks when they get MC'ed
09:36.10Nom_That's the hardest aspect fo the fight
09:36.17Corrodiasthat too~
09:36.52Corrodiaswe didn't have enough mages on the last try so it was just us two druids trying to keep the sons under control, and hibernate has a nasty habit of breaking unexpectedly
09:38.01Nom_in the end it's just down to dps tho
09:38.13Nom_You've got 10 minutes to kill him, which means you need as much dps as possible...
09:38.16Corrodias"not enough mages" pretty well doomed it, then
09:38.25Nom_You'd be surprised
09:38.27Corrodiasit was kind of a low dps day
09:38.30Nom_Warlocks do quite a bit
09:38.50Nom_You want 2 or 3 warlocks minimum
09:38.53Corrodiasoh, certainly. i think it was 2 warlocks, 2 mages, 3 hunters, and a rogue or two
09:39.03Corrodiassomething like that
09:39.08Nom_Full set of DPS dots, make sure CoE and CoS are up
09:39.34Nom_curse of doom too if you've got 3 locks...i beleive he doesn't clear it
09:39.49IndustrialFrame:SetScript('OnDragStart', nothing())
09:39.51Industrialwhats wrong with that?
09:40.01Industrialfunction nothing() end, btw
09:40.19IndustrialidInterface\idInterface.lua:61: Usage: <unnamed>:SetScript("type"
09:40.24Corrodiasneeds more semicolons. :d
09:40.30Industrialno thanks
09:41.55Nom_If you're not getting enough DPS out, then you need to start getting Ossirian down and get all your DPS classes some good gear
09:42.14Nom_All your mages should have the top rank spells, and the ossirian gear
09:42.19Nom_eye of moam as well if you can get it
09:42.30Nom_same with locks
09:42.53Corrodiasi take it those are AQ20 items
09:43.02Nom_If you STILL don't get enough DPS, then get your mages to go fire spec
09:43.08Corrodiasthey work on that near the end of the week, when i can't attend. how sad is that?
09:43.11Nom_If you're not getting him down then, then you're doing something really wrong :P
09:43.28Nom_Yeah, they are
09:43.53Nom_If your casters have less than +200 spell damage, you're going to really struggle
09:44.03Nom_more is better
09:44.18Corrodiashm. that sounds like a lot. my +healing is only +300 at this point and +healing comes in greater quantities
09:44.24Nom_Not really
09:44.34Nom_Without even getting any +spell damage from MC i've got +266
09:44.56Nom_Robe of the Achmage, 2 pieces of the ZG set
09:45.05Nom_umm the caster dagger from CC
09:45.13Nom_Jindo's Bag of Whammies
09:45.23Corrodiasjin'do, haven't started on him, yet
09:45.25Nom_Rest is just random spell damage blues
09:45.44Nom_You should...he's got some nice caster gear
09:45.54Nom_A really good headpiece, bag of whammies, and a staff
09:46.04Nom_and you can get to his area really easy from the entrance of ZG
09:46.11Nom_just head left through the water
09:46.34Nom_You need a mage with a lot of mana for him tho
09:46.37Corrodiasof course, if he's tougher than Hakkar as i keep hearing, we're not really ready for him.
09:46.46Corrodiaswe have a priest with a lot of mana. i don't suppose that's close enough? ;)
09:46.57Nom_Nope, you need CoC+Shatter build mage
09:47.21Nom_You have to control the damn skeleton pit, which requires frost nova + coc + ae to kill them
09:47.38Corrodiasi'm not familiar with some of these mage terms, but the mages will be
09:47.52Nom_coc = cone of cold, ae = arcane explosion
09:48.01Corrodiasand shatter?
09:48.13Nom_Shatter is a build which boosts your critical chance against frozen targets
09:48.30Nom_So basically, anyone trapped in Frost Nova has a 50% higher chance of being hit for critical damage
09:49.39Corrodiasmm, specific builds for specific things. thanks for the advice.
09:50.01Nom_Well that's my MC build, so I just stick with it for most everything at the moment
09:52.40Nom_kk well i gotta get going
09:52.41Nom_it's home time
09:52.51Nom_get a few levels on my druid before server down hopefully :P
09:53.01Corrodiassee ya
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11:06.54Laricanyone gotten any of the wowi author keys yet?
11:08.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (
11:16.11din`not yet, think i was in the first batch
11:31.48Corrodiasexcuse me.
11:32.05Corrodiasis "Do Gnomes have a vibrate setting? I'm just curious." really one of the female dr..aenei.. new-alliance-race jokes?
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11:45.06thrHmm.. how do i find the swing time for my main hand weapon?
11:45.37Corrodiascan't you just look at the weapon?
11:45.50thri need it in my lua code ofc.
11:46.02Corrodiasi don't know what "ofc" means, but never mind, then
11:47.06Wobone of the silliest acronyms around
11:47.20thrYou know when I first wrote the question i thought to myself "maybe I should say that I need it in my lua code and don't need it personally - but nah, none will be so stupid to say "just look at the tooltip" "... god I was wrong.
11:47.36WobNever underestimate =)
11:48.07thrAnyways, anyone know how to get the swing time of the weapon in my maind in the addon code? :)
11:49.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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11:56.17Kasosee, i sorta wish Cair never said the keys should be coming today, now ill be refresing my email every 1min all day
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12:02.08Maldiviathe new slash commands options for /cast etc looks nice
12:05.23thrKaso: Haha ^^
12:12.45Corrodiasi wonder if there's an existing list of buffs like the zandalar one, the rend one, the felwood flowers, the winterspring turn-in for buffing items, the barrens one with blood gems, and others like them.
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12:22.05Corrodiaswowwiki has a list of "world buffs", a small subset. ah, well, i'll keep working at the list tomorrow. [away]
12:28.38WobWhat time is it over there atm? (ie 'today')
12:29.14Wobas good as any =)
12:29.43Wobhopefully it'll be in my mail when I wake up =P
12:30.31Kasowell im worryed now, Joshborke said they were sent out with maintainace, which is Tue for US, but wed for EU, so im not sure
12:30.42WobIt's odd
12:30.46WobMy friend got hers already
12:30.55Wobabout... 12 hours ago
12:31.05Wobbut whether it's from wowi or a random draw, I don't know
12:31.32JoshBork1i was just spreading what i heard :-P
12:31.47Wobrumour spreader =(
12:32.20Kasoand i'll hold you responsable if i dont get it today!
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12:33.44Nom_Are there any tools which can help you work out what's causing wow to pause for a split second regularly?
12:34.33WobYou can get some that check memory usage
12:34.37Nom_I know it's happening (mainly) when changing targets
12:34.40Nom_I've got memory usage
12:34.40Wobteksupport for one
12:34.50Nom_60MB atm
12:35.04Wobwell, more -what- frames are using up how much memory
12:35.09Wobor events being called etc
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12:36.52JoshBork1Nom_: first determine when you are being GC'd with something like FuBar_PerformanceFu
12:37.13JoshBork1Nom_: then use something tekSupport to determine which mod is eating the most resources
12:37.22thris there no built in function in lua to round int numbers? o.O
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12:37.38JoshBork1thr: no
12:38.03Nom_It's not happening during GC
12:38.05JoshBork1function round(int) return math.floor(int + 0.5) end
12:38.27JoshBork1Nom_: then you probably have some targetting function that is poorly coded
12:38.27Nom_It's almost every time i change targets
12:39.03Nom_X-Perl Unit Frames is the only thing i've updated recently :(
12:44.03Nom_ah well, server downtime
12:44.13Nom_might wipe my ui mods and just install the ones i want (again)
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13:01.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsurai (
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13:03.35Tsurailo guys, anyone got a few minutes to try and help me out with problems im having with CT_raidassist?
13:04.39MeryHmm I'm soloing deadmines on the beta server and the door to get into the goblin shredder room is a "Heavy Door - locked" and I can't even open it with a Large Seaforium Charge (reg engi 200 so its far greater than the stuff you could have at 20) is there some new trick? or just a bug (intentional block) on the testserver?
13:05.09phybergo and get the gunpowder and use that cannon?
13:05.18Kasothat door should open when the boss dies
13:05.33Kasoand Tsurai, depends if it involoves me doing work
13:05.34phyberor am I jumping ahead there? :o
13:05.50Maldiviaphyber: yeah, that's the door just before the ship
13:06.01Tsuraidepends how you define work Kaso :)
13:06.11Merygunpowder is to get into the hall with the ship
13:06.18Kasoshoot, and well see
13:08.12Meryand there is no boss in front of that door
13:08.23Kasohave you killed an ogre?
13:08.29Merythat door did open
13:08.41Kasooh, am i mixed up
13:08.42MeryI'm at the following door
13:08.55Kasothe one to get out of the shredder room?
13:08.57Mery(kinda only different sides of the same connecting tunnel
13:09.06Meryget in the shredder room
13:09.30Meryit's like ogre -> door -> tunnel -> door -> shredder room -> door
13:09.58Kasothat shouldnt be locked then
13:10.05Meryand I think it used to be a "just click it" door
13:10.20Kasoyouve kill the rest of the bosses upto that point
13:11.02Meryya (its only the one, but I aoe'ed all of the instance anyway)
13:11.47Meryima reset and see if it happens again and after that write a bug report
13:12.12Kasowtf, theres nowhere in Gagetzan to buy arrow ^_-
13:12.34teomyrKaso: try steamwheedle
13:14.42TsuraiKaso for some reason youre not hearing what im sending you privately :)
13:14.53Kasocos you're not authed on freenode
13:14.56Tsuraithink you could check out this thread
13:16.07Tsuraiits driving me metal tbh :)
13:16.10Kasoyou're on latest verision yes?
13:16.28Tsuraiand mental, yea 1.541
13:16.31Tsuraisame as rest of guild
13:17.08Kasoah, just the person you need
13:17.55Kasoi'd guess your Saved variables have accidnetly gotten a bad value for CT_RA_Squelch saved, but im sure cide can give you an exact anwser
13:18.24CideI would guess it's because of the change in how the game saves unset SV's
13:18.52Tsuraiso how would I go about fixing that? :)
13:19.19teomyr*game master talk on* Have you tried deleting your Interface, WDB and WTF folders? *game master talk off*
13:19.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
13:19.47CideTsurai: /script CT_RA_Squelch = 0; ConsoleExec("reloadui");
13:19.59Tsuraiaye all of that teomyr :)
13:22.36Tsuraiso just type that in game? dont need to alter the lua or anything?
13:23.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
13:23.28Tsuraigimme a moment! *runs off*
13:24.44Tsuraiah top notch :) think thats got it
13:25.58CideI would hope so :)
13:26.33Tsuraino more looking at AQ through an error window at last, many thanks guys
13:33.10Kasothe standard error box is pretty stupi
13:34.22Merywell probably made under the assumption: "there are no errors!"
13:34.44TsuraiI had resorted to trying to move that window and scale it down
13:34.55Tsuraialmost given up on sorting raid assist :p
13:35.22phyberyou want BugSack for a nice error window :)
13:35.30teomyrthe error window is annoying, yes. but annoying errors tend to get fixed first ;)
13:35.59Tsuraiif people know what theyre doing, unlike me :)
13:36.07Kasoif there are errors in your version of an addon that noone else you know is getting, deletings that addon's WTF file is ususally a good start that will fix alot of things (abite reset to starndard)
13:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge fathom (
13:38.27MaldiviaThat's the problem with saved variables... I often forget to test my addons, with cleared saved variables, because I often dont want to loose my own settings
13:47.31Kasoaarrg! i hate playing an non-undead charater
13:47.41Kasomakes swimming just a pain
13:47.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom__ (
13:48.25*** join/#wowi-lounge pb_eeE (
13:48.27Maldivianaah, no problem swimming... only diving that changes :)
13:48.43pb_eeEHi all ;)
13:49.16MaldiviaKaso, you normally play, what class?
13:49.30Kasousually priest
13:49.53Kasoive very lazy with alts
13:50.09Kasoive got like 135 days on my main and my highest alt is 45
13:50.15Maldiviaok... was just watching a fire mage video :)
13:50.38Maldiviamostly duels though
13:52.32Maldiviamage vs warriors is a bit evil now, with Second Wind and Spell Reflection
13:57.16phyberKaso: play a warlock, and then it isn't so bad.
13:57.46Kasoatm im sorta leveling my 45 hunter, he's easy to play while alt tabbed reading forums
13:57.58Kaso"Pet attack, Aimed, alt tab"
13:58.34pb_eeEKaso: nerf, my main is a Priest and farming is not really the same ;p
13:59.06Kasoonly thing i ever kill on my priest is wolves for steaks nowadays
13:59.39pb_eeEKaso: Ho. I usually kill the Main Tank
14:00.00Kasowell, spamming PoH on neferian *is* fun
14:00.12pb_eeEOn nef?
14:00.21KasoClass call?
14:00.34teomyryou're evil :D
14:00.57Kasoi only did it once when i got the call just as he died!
14:01.02pb_eeENever thought about it :P
14:01.17Kasoit was quite a while ago, but i guess it'd still work the same
14:01.32Kasonow LV mod blocks me heals for me, which is good, (and bad)
14:02.24Maldiviawell, it doesn't block in 2.0 :)
14:02.39Kasotrue, true, but then i doubt ill be doing neferian in 2.0
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14:04.24MaldiviaHmm, does Nef wear a Ony cloak?
14:04.27Kasoone time we got a priest call just as phase 3 happened, which was bad enough, but then i started spamming holy nova to kill some of the zerg, and was very releaved when i saw my chat log spammed with the LV block message.
14:04.38MaldiviaWarriors with Spell Reflection on Nef, could be fun otherwise :)
14:04.54Kasodoesnt spell reflection effects only reflect non-aoe
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14:05.00Kasolike the trinkets now
14:05.10Maldiviahmm... baah, no fun :)
14:05.20Kasoit'd own the caster twin however
14:06.04Kasoif you did AQ40 at level 70 you'd be stupid not to use a warrior tank on caster twin
14:06.45MaldiviaBarron Geddon is the Bomb... ups :)
14:07.05Maldiviabut ouch... Vael with BA...
14:07.12Maldiviathat got to hurt, but atleast he dies fast :)
14:07.22Kasowell do you remeber when the green dragons first came out
14:07.45Maldiviayou mean the spell reflect on the shadow spell?
14:07.50teomyrsomething about the engineering trinket, right?
14:08.48Kasomomento mori used shadow reflectors to reflect Emeriss's 100% hp DOT back
14:09.07Kaso= dead dragon
14:13.31MaldiviaI wonder why t hey fixed that :)
14:14.13Kasoalso along a similar trend, not so long ago with Hurururuhan and Sheen on zanda pots
14:16.00Maldiviaohh, never thought of that combo
14:16.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
14:16.58IndustrialNED KEY LAL
14:17.08IndustrialWEN KEY WILL MAIL?
14:17.55MaldiviaIndustrial: don't worry, it's closer to you getting the key today, than it was yesterday
14:18.18IndustrialMaldivia: my mouth is starting to foam
14:18.46Industrialno but really really, yeah
14:18.46eternally777Industrial: I feel your pain.
14:19.14Industrialbbl making some sandwiches
14:19.40Industrialegg ledace tomatoes  cheese ham :P~~~~
14:21.54KirkburnWell at least the above answetrs my first question
14:23.37eternally777Anyone good at Photoshop?  I need a texture :\
14:24.15Industrialspam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baconandspam, spam, spam and eggs
14:25.04Laricout of curiosity.. what does vendetta gives that bigwigs doesnt have?
14:26.33KirkburnIndustrial, you have, uh, gone to bed since last night, yes?
14:27.10Industrialhm? no
14:27.31KirkburnTotally no reason whatsoever :)
14:27.59Industrialoki :p
14:28.37teomyrhis lack of a beta key is showing :D
14:29.48KirkburnSo shall mine probably :P
14:29.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
14:29.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:30.30Beladona14 files waiting on wowi, someone went nutzoid last night
14:33.42KasoWhat do you attually do when you check the uploads ?
14:34.00*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
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14:35.59Beladonacheck the contents, make sure there is nothing malicious
14:36.08Beladonamake sure the author is the actual author
14:36.39Beladonasometimes people repost other people's addons. Especially like now when we have a contest for beta keys that requires you to have submitted an addon
14:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
14:37.12Beladonaoh and, make sure the addon is "approved" in terms of what blizz wants to be allowed or not
14:38.34IndustrialYou know what I think is so dumb about curse?
14:38.54IndustrialAddon X Continued Redux Emerald
14:39.27decicooldown count(continued)!
14:39.42Industrialyah i mean just release a new version
14:39.56Industrialand it will have been continued - all by itself, dun dun DUN
14:41.07deciamazing concept Industrial!
14:41.20KirkburnHe's a genius!
14:41.28decibut clearly, you're on another level of thought process
14:44.33Industrialhahah, fail!
14:49.43KirkburnArgh,  some people!
14:50.06KirkburnNotice how the writer manages to reference the WoWWiki yet somehow manage to link *not* the wowwiki
14:50.29KirkburnWhich I then pointed out in a comment which seems ot have been deleted
14:50.41KirkburnI love ignorance! :D
14:50.57Kasohaha wtf is that he linked
14:51.03Kasoive never seen that before
14:52.26KirkburnMakes me wonder why bother helping people :/
14:54.43Kirkburn"Learn how to read, goof" ... yes, your literary skills are unrivalled by truth :P
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15:00.21teomyrthere's wowwiki, and a wow-section on wikipedia, and this blog author manages to link to the smallest of the three? :D
15:01.28KirkburnMakes you wonder :P
15:02.21Kasoive been donning my tin-foil hat trying to find a link between Weblogs, Inc. and Wikia Inc, other that they use the same host i cant find anything :<
15:02.22zenzelezzso? Perhaps he just likes that one better
15:02.42zenzelezzI know I only link stuff I know, whether it's the best or not
15:02.49krkaWoW Wiki _can_ mean the worldofwarcraft wiki too
15:03.32KirkburnMight I point out that one only has 60 articles, of which 3 pages have been updated in the last couple of weeks
15:03.57KirkburnNo, I do not believe he meant to link that wiki, it would make no sense.
15:04.26krkaah, now i see what you mean
15:04.28KirkburnThis isn't about getting on over on that site, but I was trying to get the article corrected for others :)
15:07.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
15:10.16*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:10.29malrethwoohoo! we finally killed huhu last night!
15:11.05KirkburnIndustrial, I got seasons 1-5 yesterday :D
15:11.14Kirkburnmalreth, big grats!
15:11.30malrethwe then got wtfpwnt by the anubisath defenders after her
15:11.30KirkburnNow you've got the Twins to deal with, just like my housemate :P
15:11.41KirkburnYeah, so did they =)
15:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
15:12.57malrethwe killed the first one with a bit of difficulty... only meteor and warriors... the second and third ones ate our minced plague-ridden bodies repeatedly
15:13.31malrethwe kept getting that combo no matter how many times we pulled
15:13.52pb_eeEmalreth: And you are not done yet. The Twins are much more difficult ;p
15:14.29Grineyou do know that the abilities don't change anymore eight?
15:14.32malrethyeah... but we're still gearing up... it's only a matter of time. they merely delay then inevitable.
15:14.35MaldiviaI like that the trash af huhu is more difficult that all the previous bosses, well more or less :)
15:14.45pb_eeESomeone told me that the three first "guild-killers" boss were: Vaelstrasz, Ragnaros & the Twins
15:14.52malrethGrine: really? i'll have to tell people that
15:15.05Maldiviaraggy isn't a guild killer
15:15.12teomyrguild killer?
15:15.13malrethrazorgore is
15:15.25malrethgah, we struggled with him for months
15:15.34Industrialthats why europeans cant speak proper english
15:15.47Grineraxor is a bitch, so is vael, twins, ouro, C'Thun and Patch :P
15:15.58malreththen suddenly, we just blazed through him, vael, and got all the way up to chromie in a few weeks and had nef down the next
15:16.00pb_eeEYeah, I was surprised to with Ragnaros, I directly thought about Razorgore (maybe this "someone" just made a mistake p;)
15:16.28KirkburnIndustrial, shush, italian is a beautiful language :)
15:16.31teomyrmalreth: sounds familiar to my guild :D
15:16.39pb_eeEteomyr: "guild-killers", yes. A lot of guilds just disbanded because they couldn't kill those boss
15:16.55IndustrialKirkburn: but taping it over an englsh series instead of using subtitles is BAD :P
15:17.05KirkburnTru dat
15:17.17Industrialin germany, there are no english spoken things on tv
15:17.44Industrialwe dont even do that with cartoons :P
15:17.55KirkburnCartoons I can cope with, but dubbing live action stuff annoys the hell out fo me
15:18.09Grineaye kirk
15:18.20Grinesweden ftw, we don't dub anything for ppl above 5 years of age XD
15:18.31MaldiviaThe current guild I'm in spend 2 nights on Raz, 4 on Vael, 1 on Broodlord, 3 on Firemaw, 1 on Ebonroc, 1 on Flamegor, 1 on Chromaggus, and 3 on Nef
15:19.00Grinethink my guild spent like 4 months trying Raz XD
15:19.29Grineon and off, after doing some new MC bosses we were like "lets try razor again!"
15:19.47Maldiviawe didn't start on Raz until after Raggy
15:22.32Industrialmailmailmailmailmailmailmailkeykeykeykeykeymailkeymailkeymailgetgetgetgetwant... want...
15:24.17Kasowoah, using transparent PNGs in [[Image:XXX|thumb|left]] doesnt work well
15:24.40malrethKaso... did you get a solution to your regexp problem from yesterday?
15:24.42ScytheBlade1Razorgore isn't a guild killer, Vael is :P
15:25.09malrethi have a frontier pattern match thing going on in my head that might work... if you haven't already got a solution
15:25.47Kasonot entirely, iirc, lemme just check my current code, i think its still got a couple situations it doesnt work totally, i dont recall of the top of my head
15:25.51MaldiviaKirkburn: hehe, compared Special:Statistics on the two wikis?
15:26.28malrethok... lemme test this out then
15:28.20KirkburnMaldivia, \o/
15:29.20KasoKirkburn: how do you go about {speedydelete}'ing an image
15:30.12Kirkburngo to the image page, go to edit, and stick {{speedydelete}} on there :)
15:30.26Kasooh, didny know you could edit image pages
15:30.56Kirkburnit's where people are supposed to put the source link :/
15:31.31Kasook, malreth
15:31.58JoshBorke:-( no key yet :-(
15:32.14zenzelezzthe day is still young
15:32.17teomyrKirkburn: hardly anyone does. hope there won't be any lawsuits or stuff like that :/
15:32.48KirkburnNah, it's just sometimes useful :)
15:33.57Kasomalreth: thats my code, the line highlighed is the problem, basically, i want it to Gsub if the itemname (tab.item) isnt already surrounded with []
15:34.13Kasoat the moment its just replacing the whole string with the itemname
15:34.27malrethi'm using this as my test: acid = "Benediction Benediction [Benediction] [Benediction Benediction] Benediction"
15:34.52malrethand seeing if i can pick out the benediction at the beginning, middle and end without any of the ones with brackets
15:35.38MaldiviaKirkburn: WoWWiki: 18319 pages... the other: 60
15:35.44malrethpattern = "%f[%S]Benediction%f[%s]" picks out the one in the middle... but not the ones at the beginning or end
15:35.45JoshBorkemalreth: what if you grab them all then replace anything between [] with ''?
15:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
15:36.40Industrialmalreth: regex ftw, patterns ftl :(
15:37.00teomyrmaybe create a separate pattern for the first and the last and anchor them using "^" and "$"? ugly, but should work :D
15:37.13malreththat is ugly... i'm looking for elegant
15:37.16malrethi'm OCD that way
15:37.23KasoI think someone saved a WoWWiki page at the exact same time as someone else, and mine vanished into the ether
15:37.44JoshBorkeso you're looking for words separated by spaces but not betwenn brackets?
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15:38.19malrethJoshBorke: i believe that to be the case
15:38.23Kasowell no, BenedictionBendiction would in an ideal world match also
15:38.35malrethooh... just make it harder on me!
15:39.48Kasoif you look at the code, the situation is that its takeing what you "say" and finding the stripped down itemname in the speechbubble then replacing with a non-stripped down one
15:40.00MaldiviaKaso: you can't do it with only one lua regex
15:40.08Kasoaww :<
15:41.05MaldiviaKaso: the problem is, the same char can't be part of 2 different matches
15:42.21Kasohm? explain wouldyou
15:43.51malrethpattern = "%f[%a%[]Benediction%f[^%a%]]"
15:43.57Maldiviaexample: " hello world " - and you want to find words surrounded by spaces... the matches could be: " hello " and "world " or " hello" and " world ", but the center space can't be part of both
15:44.03malrethfor my acid test it works
15:44.26malrethit catches all instances of "Benediction" that neither have brackets before nor after
15:44.35malrethbut it does not catch "BenedictionBenediction"
15:44.49Kasoi understand
15:44.55Maldiviamalreth, what about the [Benediction Benediction] part?
15:45.06Maldiviaor they should be ignored?
15:45.06malrethit skips those
15:46.04Kasook, well, can you think of any other way to solve this issue:
15:46.07teomyrwhat is %f? in that pattern?
15:46.13Maldiviaa much simpler approacy would probably be to strip app [] first, like nobrackets = string.gsub(msg, "%[.-%]", "") and then parse the nobrackets string
15:46.49malrethteomyr: that is the frontier pattern. it tells the pattern matcher to look for the transition between not-in-set-to-in-set for the next set
15:47.31Kasoat the moment i have this:
15:47.34teomyraah! why isn't that in the reference manual? :S
15:47.55Kasoand the problem is if itemname is in twice, it gets double brackets around it
15:48.14malrethteomyr: it's undocumented
15:48.22Maldiviawhere does itemName come from ?
15:48.54Kasoit comes from a chat_msg_say, and im SetTexting the Speech bubbles which have the same text, but with itemlinks stripped out
15:50.00Kasovar in this case is the text from the speech bubbles
15:50.15MaldiviaKaso, well, if it's a valid item link (which is must be, to have been transfered with the message system), then you should be able to assume that it's not doubled?
15:50.52Kasohm? the problem is my code is somehow doubleing it when im settexting
15:51.12Maldiviaor you mean if someone says something like: WST [Runecloth]x120 - 1.2g pr [Runecloth] stack ?
15:51.35Kaso <-- code
15:52.04Kasoyes, if you say the same itemlink twice in a message all the brackets double up
15:54.45malrethKaso: is my pattern not sufficient? should I go back to sleep now?
15:55.03Kasoumm,sec lemme tets
15:55.36Kaso"%f[%a%[]"..item.."%f[^%a%]]" yes?
15:55.59MaldiviaKaso: iterate over it twice? First replace the items one by one, with a unique identifier, and limit it to one replacement
15:56.11MaldiviaKaso: and then replace those unique identifiers by the real item name afterwards?
15:56.40malrethwoo... just tested it with items that have spaces in the name.. it still works
15:57.25thrIf anyone care to comment: :)
15:57.33Kasomm, works great except when you link items back-to-back
15:58.19malrethlike i said, BenedictionBenediction is hard
15:58.41malrethi mean, how would you ever segment that out
15:58.55Maldiviaby doing it over multiple iterations
15:58.56malrethwithout possibly breaking other words that have middlecaps
15:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:59.16malrethif only Maldivia were here to give us the answer
15:59.20malrethoh well
15:59.23thrAnyone know any nice websites where they have free photos+
15:59.24Kasohaha :>
15:59.33KasoGIS! thr
15:59.42Kasolemme look at doing that then maldivia
15:59.46thrbasicly I need a photo or a drawn image of a hamster that I can use however I want
16:00.00thrKaso: GIS! ? o.O
16:00.07KasoGoolge image search
16:00.19malrethuh... never say "hamster that i can use however i want" in a sentence ever again
16:00.32malrethand not all images on GIS are public domain
16:00.35TS|Skrom_*thr is now known as RichardGere
16:00.43thrKaso: Ok, but... those are probably not free of use ?
16:00.50Maldiviathr: flickr - there are a lot of free images there :)
16:00.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Grine (
16:00.51thrI wanna use it in my addon, need a hamster-texture
16:01.02malrethdare i ask... why?
16:01.13thrWell obviously you dare to ask
16:01.15thrbut i wont answer
16:01.46TS|Skrom_he's preparing a mage mod for the new Polymorph: Hamster spell
16:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:03.22Maldiviathr: -- all those images there, should be on under the CC license
16:03.29thrwhich means I can do what?
16:03.48thrah the creative commons
16:03.55MaldiviaYou are free:
16:04.16throk, nice
16:04.31Maldiviamight be some further restrictions on some of the images
16:05.56malrethDraenei children!!!
16:06.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:06.18Maldiviamalreth: hehe, nice
16:06.32malrethshe has two ugly human pets
16:07.55KirkburnThe draenei children are so cute
16:09.37thromg how lucky am i
16:09.44thrmy ex. gf had a photo of her little brothers hamster ;D
16:10.07malrethGood morning, Cairenn-dono.
16:10.19Kasothat sentance is intriguing in somany ways
16:10.35Maldiviamorning Cairenn  :)
16:10.58thrKaso: ^^
16:11.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:12.48thrhmm, if i wanna use a custom texture in wow
16:12.53thrdoes it have to be in any special format?
16:13.04Maldiviapower of 2 resolution
16:13.04malrethor blp... but tga is easier
16:13.05Cairennand power of 2
16:13.17malreth32 bpp
16:13.26Maldivia32bpp isn't necessary
16:13.27thrpower of 2 res? o:O
16:13.37Kaso16x16 32x32 etc
16:13.42Maldiviafor width/hight
16:13.43malrethoh? then 8 bit per channel optional alpha
16:14.01malrethKaso: 32x64 would also be acceptable
16:14.16Kasoreally? i could of swarn they had to be square
16:14.27Kasohm, my memeory sucks
16:15.27Maldiviathen garbage collect
16:15.41Kasoisnt that what blinking is?
16:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
16:26.39cogwheelWTB forum access... :(
16:27.07SB1-WorkSomething tells me this is a large room full of WoW addicts, constantly checking their e-mail all morning long
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16:28.20MaldiviaScytheBlade: and you're one of them ?
16:28.48SB1-WorkMaldivia, ssshhhh... though I'm not technically checking it, I'm grepping through a half-gig of e-mail for "beta.worldofwarcraft"
16:30.43Kasogah, i hate infinite while loops
16:31.30IndustrialI have matches holding my eyes open
16:31.31Industrialwaiting for the mal
16:31.31cogwheelstack overflow > infinite loops ;)
16:31.34malrethoh... not me
16:33.01cogwheel"ARGH!" at not being able to give this guy a clue...
16:35.32KirkburnYAY KEY!
16:35.37KirkburnKEY KEY KEY!
16:36.04Kaso<3 you cair!
16:36.06KirkburnI love that bing bong sound
16:36.18CairennKaso: just got yours?
16:36.25KirkburnMuch <3 for the Cairenn :D
16:36.43Xuerian~console Industrial
16:36.49purlACTION gives Industrial the consolation moose
16:36.49KirkburnIt'll come :)
16:36.49SB1-WorkONE NEW E-MAIL
16:36.51cogwheel"In other news, gmail has crashed due to hundreds of hyped up World of Warcraft addicts clicking 'check mail' at the same time, essentially constituting a Denial of Service attack."
16:36.55SB1-Work<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>try our men-strong-health meds and enjoy your new life</FONT></DIV>
16:36.55CairennKirkburn: go post in my "free keys for authors" with a YAY Key!
16:37.00SB1-WorkThat's so *NOT* what I'm looking for.
16:37.15Kasowant the EU post bumping?
16:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge slugslinger (
16:37.24Cairennyeah, that's the one I'm referring to
16:37.28SB1-WorkWrong window
16:37.29Cairennno one can post on US atm
16:37.38Kasoi understand now
16:37.38Cairennjust got another confirmed in Ace channel
16:38.18KasoSo, is there any EU realm that devs are going to or am i picking one randomly
16:38.23Maldivia"Expansion Account Upgrade - Success!"
16:38.37SB1-WorkCould anyone give me the e-mail subject line?
16:38.40CairennMaldivia: yay!
16:38.47Kaso"Blizzard Entertainment- Burning Crusade Key!"
16:38.52MaldiviaBlizzard Entertainment- Burning Crusade Key!
16:38.56FiskerIt would be cool if blizzard would start doing something for rogues
16:38.56IndustrialMaldivia: grats
16:39.02Fisker"Blizzard Entertainment- Burning Crusade Key!"
16:39.19Fisker <-that one you want bumped?
16:39.20KasoMaldivia which realm are you going onto?
16:39.22SB1-WorkBah, I lack mine...
16:39.32Cairennyes please
16:39.37Industriallets all go to the same realm
16:39.38Cairennjust confirm you've gotten your key
16:39.41Industrialand start a guild
16:39.47SB1-WorkThey already have, Industrial
16:39.49SB1-WorkThe PvE one
16:39.54SB1-WorkBoth horde and alliance
16:40.00Industrialhorde, ofcource :P
16:40.03KirkburnAnd here?
16:40.09Fiskerheh i got no key :)
16:40.09Industrialcan you play horde AND alliance on pve servers?
16:40.14MaldiviaKaso: I'll probably copy my aliance char to the pvp server
16:40.17Fiskeror i got one but not from you guys :D
16:40.17IndustrialFisker: yet!
16:40.19SB1-WorkYou can
16:40.22Fiskeri'll just let Kirkburn do the hard work
16:40.26SB1-WorkYou can
16:40.31Fiskerthen i won't get permabanned for breaking the rules
16:40.31SB1-WorkBah, wrong window again
16:40.32Kasoaww, your a dirty gnome arent you, forgot that
16:40.33|FF|Im2good4uyeeh i got my BC beta key !!
16:40.42|FF|Im2good4uany1 wana buy ? 100 euro
16:40.53SB1-WorkWhoo, another e-mail!
16:40.56Fiskerwow boards are serious business imo
16:41.09Fisker"OMG no ASCII, you get permabanned KEKE"
16:41.09SB1-WorkReturn-Path: <>
16:41.09MaldiviaKaso: are you horde or alliance?
16:41.11SB1-WorkMORE SPAM!
16:41.17FiskerOmmra's sig = pure ascii :/
16:41.27MaldiviaKaso: my main char is alliance
16:41.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:41.46Kirkburnlol, the upgrade page used my old password :/
16:41.48Fiskerso who's alliance on EU-Bloodmyst?
16:42.16CairennSB1-Work: Industrial is EU, not US
16:42.18Fisker(Don't transfer tempest keep, it's pretty unstable :P)
16:42.23IndustrialCairenn: incorrect
16:42.25SB1-WorkCairenn, ah, that'd do it
16:42.28IndustrialCairenn: :D
16:42.33SB1-WorkOr ... not
16:42.35IndustrialCairenn: I am playing US now
16:42.37Cairennoh, right, I forgot, you got a US accunt
16:42.42CairennHellfire is the realm
16:43.03Industrialok I need to get my mind off of it - ill go have dinner
16:43.05KasoI need to get some cash on my main before i copy
16:43.08Industrialbrb in 5 mins
16:43.19SB1-Workrouter new # ls
16:43.20SB1-Workrouter new # ls
16:44.41thrHm is it possible to fade a texture ingame?
16:44.46thrLike change it's alpha dynamiclu?
16:44.49Cairennso *is* anyone signed in on the US forums still?
16:44.56throh found itr
16:45.02eternally777thr: yeah.
16:45.21Kirkburnlol SECOND key :P
16:45.35SB1-WorkKirkburn, share the wealth? I still don't have mine ;)
16:45.45cogwheelKirkburn: you won one from ui.worldofwar right?
16:45.53SB1-WorkBut apparently they're still sending them out, so eh
16:45.56SB1-WorkI shall be patient
16:46.00SB1-Work... or die trying.
16:47.42Maldiviahmm, which realms on EU servers, are the UI guilds on?
16:48.01Cairennthere aren't on EU yet
16:48.03Cairennmake them!
16:48.16Industrialdo people actually PLAY in the UI guillds? or are there only testcharone's ?
16:48.25CairennIndustrial: they're playing
16:48.26Kasoyour main realm doesnt effect where you can transfer too do they?
16:48.28KirkburnMy housemate is a very lucky bugger :P
16:48.34IndustrialKirkburn: zomg :P
16:48.49KasoAlso Second question: can i copy my char over twice?
16:48.54IndustrialI havent got mine :(
16:49.03SB1-WorkCairenn, do you still have the list you sent in? For the first batch?
16:49.11Maldiviakaso: yes you can
16:49.11CairennSB1-Work: of course
16:49.17Cairennanother confirmed in ace channel
16:49.20IndustrialCairenn: ?
16:49.35SB1-WorkCairenn, mine searching for my e-mail in that list? Just search for this nick and it *should* be brought up
16:49.53KasoMaldivia shall we "pick" a realm for the EU people then?
16:49.56CairennIndustrial: your name is there
16:50.03Cideye, well. no... was removed from the list due to a special request by blizzard
16:50.05KirkburnKaso, sounds like a good idea
16:50.12MaldiviaKaso: should be a PvE realm then?
16:50.28Kasoyah makes sense for it to be pve,
16:50.33CairennMaldivia: if you want to be able to have one on each side, it has to be
16:50.37KasoTempest Keep? sounds cool name
16:50.49Cairennso pick one, announce it in the various threads and make it the defacto for authors
16:51.09MaldiviaTempest Keep is the English PvE - so TK it is
16:51.35|FF|Im2good4uim one of the lucky ui coders that got a key :P
16:51.48SB1-WorkErm, *pokes
16:51.48CairennSB1-Work: what's your nick on the site?
16:52.06SB1-WorkForgot ;P
16:52.11Cairennwell duh
16:52.14Cairennthank you :p
16:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
16:52.24Cairennyes you are there
16:52.32malrethmy little gmail icon remains gray and lonely in my menubar...
16:52.46SB1-WorkCairenn, mind pasting me the e-mail I provided?
16:52.50malrethit needs the warming glow of a beta key to make it happy deep inside
16:52.55SB1-WorkNow that I think about it, I'm not sure which one I specified :P
16:53.04|FF|Im2good4uguys if i copy a char does that means the old charecter stays ?
16:53.12Cide|FF|Im2good4u: yes... :P
16:53.14Maldiviayes, that's the idea of a Copy
16:53.16KasoSucces! : Kaso from Genjuros (PvP) to Tempest Keep (PvE)
16:53.36|FF|Im2good4uoke :P becase i not wana loose my charecter due the beta test :P
16:53.48KasoShall we use the US guild names also, CastSpell and TargetUnit wasnt it?
16:54.13Maldivialet find something cooler :)
16:54.20Cairennthose ARE cool
16:54.33Cairennthey were approved by slouken, after he finished laughing his ass off
16:54.49malrethCastSpellByName was too long?
16:54.55CairennAlliance: CastSpell
16:54.55CairennHorde: TargetUnit
16:55.00|FF|Im2good4uRegisterForSave :p
16:55.08MaldiviaKaso: Horde name: HasKey !! :)
16:55.13SB1-Work... stupid work
16:56.40SarozBlizzard Entertainment- Burning Crusade Key!
16:57.00KasoEU people :
16:57.06Cairennokay, I gotta go, back later all
16:57.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
16:57.47*** join/#wowi-lounge slugslinger (
16:58.03Cairenn|afkanother just confirmed in ace channel
16:58.24|FF|Im2good4ume2 Saroz :p
16:59.48SarozNow which server?
16:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Xorro (
16:59.52KirkburnTempest Keep ftw, I'm going to try sorting out cables so I can have this on at the same time as my Beta rug :)
17:00.01Kasook, so someone stole my name !
17:00.02Kirkburn(Tempest Keep for EU people)
17:00.16Kasoare ypou US or EU?
17:00.19Xorroso, on the subject of beta invites.
17:00.37GrineKaso, is Tempest Keep PvE or PvP?
17:00.43Xorroanyone from day 2 get their invite yet?
17:00.53Kasobut,only come totempest keep if you're EU
17:00.56Grinemeh@PvE :P
17:00.57Sarozye Kaso
17:01.03SarozEU pve
17:01.07GrineI'm on the PvPEU already ;)
17:01.18Kasothats really wierd
17:01.31Kasoive got equipment on that i'd never wear in this set, and ive got like tonnes of buffs
17:02.23Sarozwut, only 23 hours to go
17:03.40Warlaany lua 5.1 experts here?
17:03.55Xorroi'm hardly an expert, but I'll help if I can.
17:04.01Warla <-- i dont find the error here for burning crusade.. keeps telling me same error :-/
17:04.04Warlaand i have no clue which it could be
17:04.14Warlahas to do something with the new #
17:04.17Warlai'm sure
17:04.46malrethwhat's the error and line no.?
17:05.18Xorroyea, that would help a bit
17:05.21Warla1263: attempt to index global 'arg' (a nil value)
17:05.29Kaso1c respecs <3
17:05.35Warlathis error happens every time i open the spellbook
17:05.36SarozWTB mirror for TBC download :(
17:05.41malrethoookay... which line is that in the pastey?
17:05.43Warla= the function i pasted on pastey
17:05.44Cideyou need to convert that to the line numbers in the paste
17:05.52Warlano idea which like :-/
17:05.55Warlathats my prob
17:06.07Warlawhich line ..
17:06.17Cideum, open up the file in your favorite editor and use "go to line"?
17:06.29KirkburnWordpad :P
17:06.34Warlaworks in notepad?
17:06.35Warlak sec
17:06.39Cideworks in notepad, yes
17:06.49KirkburnIt does? Oooh
17:06.51malrethnotepad has a "go to line"? wow...
17:06.54KirkburnI was just being silly
17:07.23Warlaword pad
17:07.27Warlawheres that go to line? lol
17:07.36Cidectrl+g most likely
17:07.37XorroI wonder if gmail will kick me off for refreshing so often.....
17:07.47KirkburnHmm, nah, not in Wordpad of Notepad :(
17:07.52Warlanah ctrl-g doesnt work
17:07.57Cideuse notepad then
17:08.13malrethWarla, what do you use to edit your lua files then?
17:08.29Warlaline 1263 is
17:08.45Warlalocal split=floor(arg.n/2);
17:08.45malrethWarla: normally, that is. What is your normal programming editor?
17:08.47Warlaohh i c
17:08.47thrHmm ok what is wrong if u just get a green square instead of my texture?
17:08.56Warlaits not in the function i thought it is
17:09.02Cidethere you go :P
17:09.12Warlaarg.n i can just replace with #arg right?
17:09.15malreththr: it means you either have a bad texture file or you didn't reference the path correctly
17:09.20Cideno, Warla
17:09.23malrethWarla: there is no arg anymore
17:09.24Warlalet me post the function quickly
17:09.24thrmalreth: hmm ok
17:09.27Cidearg.n is replaced by select('#', ...)
17:09.46Cidearg[something] is replaced by select(something, ...)
17:10.02Cideunpack(arg) is replaced by ...
17:10.19Xorroyea, that's your problem
17:10.28Industrialno key yet
17:10.38Warlaso "arg.n" --> "select('#', ...)"
17:10.48Xorrono key yet either, Industrial
17:10.52Xorrodon't worry, have faith.
17:10.57IndustrialI think it should be done sending 500 emails by now Cairenn|afk :P
17:11.11Maldiviahmm, rockbiter now lasts 30m...
17:11.29Xorrois that a good woah, or a bad woah?
17:11.38KasoSo, im at the guildmaster, what Horde guild name shall i pick?
17:11.39Warlaahh... man those changes still confusing for me lol.. hope i get the hang on it soon
17:11.59malrethWarla: what editor do you normally use to program in?
17:12.03XorroRock 'em, Sock 'em Robots
17:12.06Xorromake it so.
17:12.40MaldiviaKaso, guess we'll just reuse the CastSpell and TargetUnit?
17:12.47Kasowhich was which?
17:13.03malrethi recommend getting an actual programming editor
17:13.09XorroScite is nice
17:13.31Warlawhich lua editor can you suggest?
17:13.43zenzelezzKaso: <Cairenn> Alliance: CastSpell  <Cairenn> Horde: TargetUnit
17:13.54malrethI just started using this one yesterday and i'm pretty happy with it... simple to use:
17:14.00XorroSciTE is my editor of choice.
17:14.11Kasoill run around finding some noobies to sign then kick em
17:14.17throk well i dont know who said the had to be square, but you were right.
17:14.26thrI tried to use a 128x256 texture it would not let me ;(
17:14.32thrso changed it to 256x256 and it worked.
17:15.01malreththr: seriously, it doesn't have to be a square... several of the blizzard provided textures are non-square dimensions
17:15.06Warlak sweet it halfway works now
17:15.11Warlabut heres a nice one:
17:15.18thrmalreth: hm ok, i maybe something was wrong with the original file then
17:15.44malrethalso, status bar textures are rectangles
17:15.45WarlaInterface/frameXML/PaperDollFrame.lua:487 attempt to call method "GetName" (a nil value)
17:16.05Xorrowhere are you using the GetName function in your addon?
17:16.19Cidethat's either a vanilla ui error (somewhat unlikely), or you modified something
17:16.31Cides/you/you or somebody else/
17:16.46malrethinstall !BugGrabber and BugSack
17:16.49Warlathats the funny thing... nowhere
17:16.52malrethit'll give you better error messages
17:16.57malrethand a stack trace
17:17.02Warlai dont use GetName neither in the XML nor Lua file
17:17.04malrethit could be some other addon causing that error
17:17.13Warlai only have my addon
17:17.16Warlano others
17:17.22Warlaits fresh BC install
17:17.23Xorrostrange then.
17:17.25Warlawith my addon
17:17.37malreththen the stack trace will give you the line number of which file in your addon is really causing the error
17:17.51Warla ?
17:18.08malrethyep... get the latest verision of !BugGrabber and BugSack
17:18.12malrethoh wait..
17:18.16malrethyou're on TBC
17:18.26malreththose may not work then
17:18.26Warlahmm i can narrow it down
17:18.32XorroI sure wish I had my invite so I could help you
17:18.37Xorrobut I don't, so I can't :(
17:18.39Warlaits when i click the button "Start Character Scan" sec...
17:20.23Warla <-- can be any of those functions i call inside
17:20.41Warlai have an idea
17:20.47Warlamost likely the honor functions
17:20.57Warlaarent they deprecated anyway now that the honor system changed?
17:21.00Xorrotry commenting whatever you think and reloading
17:21.11Warlai'll comment the gethonor one...
17:22.01Warlayea its one of them... i'll uncomment them 1 by 1 so i know which :-)
17:22.03malrethwell, you *might* be able to just install !BugGrabber from the wowace file repo... it should just output a stack trace into the main chat frame
17:22.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
17:22.16malrethstack traces make this kind of debugging really easy
17:22.22malrethwell... easier
17:22.27malrethmaybe not really easy
17:22.31malrethbut better
17:23.13Xorrothis wait is killing me.
17:23.16Xorroi'm gonna go eat.
17:23.20Xorrocheck you guys later
17:25.39Maldiviauhh... like the "enemy cast bar" on nameplates :)
17:26.04malrethi saw screenshots of those...
17:26.12Maldiviaand is the circle-animation, when you start an attack new?
17:27.10Industrialno key yet
17:27.22Kaso <3 glad to see one of the biggest priest bugs is fixed
17:28.04Fiskerthat was fixed ??? years ago?
17:28.15Kasoyears ago?
17:28.31Kasoi mean that the shadowform faded when you mounted
17:28.36Kasonot that you coudnt mount
17:28.57Cideyes, that's a BC bug fix
17:29.24Fiskerpretty sure i saw people with that shadow glow still as priests with shadowform
17:29.35Fiskeralthough it wasn't nearly as intensive as that one
17:29.50Cideexactly, that was the bug
17:30.09malrethtoo bad!
17:30.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Adrine (n=Adrine@
17:30.13malrethyou get none!
17:30.24Fiskerreroll all other classes for awesomeness
17:30.33Fiskerfor boredom and uselessness roll rogue
17:30.44Ciderogues are fine, l2p!!
17:30.48malrethi thought rogues were twitchy?
17:30.49Cidesaid the priest
17:31.01AdrineI am so very paranoid that gmail is going to eat a key email. Especially since people are saying they're getting them. :D
17:31.11Industrialtwitchy? whats that?
17:31.34Fiskerwell if haven't regged with that email it could become a problem
17:31.44Industriali have
17:32.54Xorro|FOOOOOODAdrine: I know what you mean
17:33.21Xorrostill waiting for my key :(
17:35.04Warlamy junkmail filter had my beta key tossed
17:35.09Warlapwned by junkmailfilter
17:35.39Xorroluckily, gmail won't delete anything without your permission
17:35.47Kasonow, i wonder what's the best technique, enable all my addons and hope the resultant chaos turns into something useable, or enable them one by one and try to fix errors
17:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
17:38.11zenzelezzso those of you in the beta, some guildies of mine keep saying you can buy the rank of spells granted by the books in AQ from trainers... any truth in that?
17:38.25Xorroso has anyone else from the first batch *NOT* received their key yet?
17:38.27*** join/#wowi-lounge pattybot (
17:38.33Xorroand zenzelezz, that is true from what I've heard
17:38.40Adrinezenzelezz: Yeah, at 61, apparently.
17:38.42eternally777Xorro: I haven't
17:38.50Adrine(So says a good friend of mine, not in beta personally)
17:38.53Adrine(yet! :D)
17:39.27XorroI think i'm gonna have a heart attack when I read "Gmail - Inbox (1)"
17:39.36malrethi signed up as soon as Cairenn announced the giveaway was opened here on the channel... i still have no key
17:39.45AdrineI've been having similar heart attacks since Friday, Xorro :)
17:40.29Xorroyea, malreth, I signed up pretty early (not that early though).
17:40.30AdrineI think I app'd right after the first batch was sent in, so I guess we'll see.
17:40.38eternally777Xorro: I got an e-mail, but it was just notifying me that someone responded to a thread on my guild forums >.<
17:41.04Xorroyea, someone keeps signing my facebook wall and it's killing me.
17:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
17:43.43Warlais there an application that extracts the images from Burning Crusade?
17:43.51Warlalike the old extractor from blizzard
17:43.58Warlaso i get all the new icons and stuff
17:44.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
17:44.24malrethi think there's a new UI extractor from Blizzard that works with TBC
17:44.50XorroWhat is the Paladin class color?  I know shaman are Pink, what are Plaadins?
17:44.58AdrinePaladins are pink, too
17:45.04Xorroso how's that gonna work?
17:45.07AdrineI think shaman are getting a new color?
17:45.07cryogenshamans changed, not paladins
17:45.15cryogenshamans is a kind of "teal"
17:45.23malreth"Why do I gotta be Mr. Pink?"
17:45.31Cide0, 0.86, 0.73
17:45.37Xorroaww, that means chatmod is gonna be all funky
17:45.47Warlamalreth is that on a special URL?
17:45.48Cidethat's what you get for not using RAID_CLASS_COLORS ;)
17:46.07Xorroin his code, it says it doesn't work all the time.
17:46.11Xorronot sure how much truth there is to that.
17:46.12malrethWarla: i forget... it's probably somewhere on the UI&Macros forum
17:46.41Cide00DBBA in hex, I believe
17:50.50Temmalreth, I <3 that movie
17:51.38malrethTem: :D
17:52.05Industrialno key yet
17:53.48Warlai checked the UI forums cannt find the damn wow image extractor from blizzard
17:55.06Temit's linked in the changes thread
17:55.09Tem(for BC)
17:55.19Warlaohh not on the beta forums then
17:55.37Temand the old version is probably linked the Mod Author Resources thread
17:55.50deciIndustrial key got mailed to me
17:56.02deciselling it now, highest bidder, only accepting Roasted Quail
17:58.15KasoTargetUnit Hordeside Tempest Keep EU formed!
17:58.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
18:03.11AdrineWarla, there's a generic command line MPQ extractor running around out there somewhere
18:04.29Warlai got it
18:04.34Warlait extracted the BC stuff :-)
18:04.43Warlauhh did tables + for loops change too?
18:05.04Warlafor index,theSkill in Tradeskillsbase do <-- = not right anymore
18:05.11Temfor k,v in table has been deprecated since 5.0
18:05.28Warlawhats the work around?
18:05.30Tem(deprecated in favor of for k,v in pairs(table) do)
18:05.33AdrineIt's for k,v in pairs(table), yes?
18:05.45Temin 5.1, the ability to do for k,v in table was removed
18:05.54Warlaso all i need to do is wrap the tablename in pairs()
18:06.08Warlathx :-)
18:06.30Adrinewtb [Key email], PST
18:06.36AdrineI really shouldn't be this impatient. :)
18:07.45Temmine took a month from when I knew it was coming
18:07.46Cidegiven that burning crusade is awesome, I understand you >(
18:07.53TemI jumped at every email for 2 weeks
18:07.56Cideerr :)
18:08.07AdrineI've had the chance to tool around on a friend's account, and it just completely saps my desire to play vanilla WoW
18:08.15AdrineBecause it's all so...pretty. And new. And waaaaaant.
18:08.52AdrineI'm all paranoid that I got skipped over, or I misread something, or I mis-typed my email, or don't know what. :D
18:09.20Cideyour submission was cancelled due to lack of interest
18:09.36AdrineMany tears!
18:09.43Cideuh oh! just kidding!
18:10.08CideI hate it when I spend hours debugging only to find that it was a single one-liner I had overlooked
18:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
18:10.48AdrineThose are my favorites. Heh.
18:11.03Grinenothing like working for 2 hours on a bug in c++ only to find you missed a ;
18:12.09AdrineI'd think that a missed semicolon would be fairly easy to find
18:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge alakhnor (
18:12.44Grinewell yeah :P
18:12.54Grineunless your seriously tired
18:13.09CideI'd hope so, unless the compiler is from 1991
18:13.37Cide"An error occured, aborting."
18:13.57Adrine"your source doesn't work, please try again"
18:14.03IndustrialI took the whole day off
18:14.05Industrialand didnt sleep
18:14.09Industrialcheckimg my email
18:14.14Industrialits 7:14 pm
18:14.38cryogenah compilers, yes
18:14.40AdrineI'm just hoping that Blizzard got hung up doing the server upgrades
18:14.41cryogenthey can be fun
18:14.46AdrineAnd that they'll be sending out more emails shortly!
18:14.55cryogenthere's a REALLY weird compiler error you can trigger with our source at work
18:15.02cryogenand its really not obvious what the problem is
18:15.31cryogensomething like "x something got, expected -20001231"
18:15.52Industrialdamn you MoonWolf
18:16.04Industrialik wil ooooook :(
18:16.20MoonWolfff geduld
18:16.23MoonWolfkomt wel
18:16.27MoonWolfhoop ik.
18:16.41Cideis that dutch?
18:17.42zenzelezzI browsed the compiler errors for VC++ once while bored, some pretty funny ones there
18:17.47Cidecrazy language
18:17.49zenzelezz"more than 16000 errors in file, aborting"
18:18.09MoonWolfits only aborting at 16000 errors ?
18:18.24zenzelezzif it doesn't encounter any *critical* errors before that, apparently
18:18.56MoonWolfdo they really think an program can run with more then a 100 non critical errors ?
18:19.05zenzelezzdoubt it
18:20.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
18:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike (n=mjgoosse@
18:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (
18:30.11cladSo would anyone be horribly broken if i stabbed myself in the face, with a hammer?
18:30.25ShadowedSo, what did the idiots do this time
18:30.31MoonWolfid miss you.
18:30.45Grineyou would be clad
18:31.13cladan entire MONTH after the discussion in that thread stops.. Nihm shows up and starts it up again with "Blizzard is trying real hard not to let Decursive and SMH work in the expansion"
18:31.16cladNO SHIT SHERLOCK
18:31.38ShadowedSee, this is why I want the ability to ban peoples in-game accounts
18:31.48ShadowedI could reduce server lag AND get rid of idiots at the same time
18:32.37cladOk, i'm done for now.  I'm just frustrated.  Nimh did real impressive work on SMH, but cmon.. Blizzard has been quite clear about what they do and do not want.
18:33.07*** join/#wowi-lounge jaxdahl (
18:33.22jaxdahlcogwheel, looks like 'for all intents and purposes' is incorrect
18:33.42cladShadowed: Simply Magical Healer
18:33.48cladi.e. spam a button, keep the raid alive.
18:34.15jaxdahlthat is the first interface change i've heard of that is going live for BC and not 2.0
18:34.25MoonWolfi made a bad post
18:34.32jaxdahlso that is why i asked slouken about that
18:34.45cogwheelI think the live patch is in feature freeze at this point
18:34.58cogwheelnot sure though...
18:35.06cladlol MoonWolf.. I think we're bad moderators =)
18:35.23jaxdahli think slouken refers to BC as 2.0.1, but i'm not sure
18:35.23MoonWolfno, we are very outspoken moderators
18:35.23AdrinePff, people need to be slapped down occassionally
18:35.43cogwheelI heard that 2.0.1 will be the first one "live" sees... The beta is currently at 2.0.1
18:35.43MoonWolfand i am getting sick of all the people who think that we are supposed to some kind of polar opposit of blizzard on this point.
18:35.52SB1-Work~lart clad
18:35.55MoonWolfnext thread about this gets a few locks.
18:36.04jaxdahlcogwheel, the pubbies will have a field day with the version numbering semantics
18:36.21SB1-Work~lart clad
18:37.14cladokay.. i gotta head back to work.. but i needed to vent there for a minute.
18:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
18:37.43cladMoonwolf: can you try sending me a message on googletalk.. i need to see if my client is still borked.
18:37.58MoonWolflet me get online.
18:38.30SB1-Work~lart clad
18:38.35SB1-WorkJust for good measure
18:38.46MoonWolfanything clad ?
18:39.03cladno, i dont even see you online.. but i can talk to beladona just fine..
18:39.16MoonWolflet me try the actual non email client.
18:41.03MoonWolfanything ?
18:41.36MoonWolfclad ?
18:42.27cladyou just be hitting one of my other clients.. that's weird.
18:42.31cladi stil ldont see you on my buddy list.
18:42.44MoonWolfI blame mircrosoft.
18:42.53cladk k
18:42.56cladi'll play with it later
18:44.12KasoThe wording of the SpellUI seems bad
18:44.20Kasooh wait
18:44.23Kasonm im stupid
18:44.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
18:45.22AdrineI wish I had numbers on who app'd/when/who has received/who has not/ratios and all that.
18:45.44AdrineMy inbox is far too not-populated.
18:46.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:47.37ckknighthey all
18:48.12AdrineHeya, ckknight
18:50.44MikeCan anyone help me with this code, I don't know why it is not working:
18:51.37MikeI don't know why the recipient is not filling in.
18:52.11AdrineDoes recipient get sent to the chat frame properly?
18:52.39MikeI like that for debugging, sending to chat frame.
18:52.47AdrineI'd guess that itemType is neither a "Recipe" or "Consumable" then.
18:53.04MikeThis is my first addon I am making, so I don't really know what I am doing.
18:53.05JoshBorke/wave Adrine
18:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
18:54.40MikeHere is what prints when I option click a drink at the mail frame:
18:54.49MikeTrigger is true
18:55.29AdrineOh, duh. Your if blocks are wrong.
18:55.40MikeDo I need to use else?
18:55.42AdrineYou can't have one-line ifs in Lua - you have to terminate them with end's
18:56.16MikeCan you post a line of code like that please?
18:56.20AdrineSetting a local variable inside an if block will result in an invalid variable once you're out of the block
18:56.21AdrineSure, one sec
18:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:58.50AdrineSomething like that should work better.
18:59.18AdrineThe way your had it set up, the mail would only be sent if itemType were both Recipe and Consumable.
19:00.29MikeI have coded some BASIC a few years ago, so this stuff is a bit familiar.
19:00.37MikeBut not enough, I suppose.
19:00.58MikeHow could it be both, lol
19:01.08AdrineIt can't :)
19:01.11Warlahmm does anyone know a good blp-->png converter?
19:01.13AdrineBut that's what your logic was expecting
19:01.20Warlait seems the one i use cannt handle BC icons too well
19:01.29AdrineDoes BC use a different BLP format?
19:01.38KirkburnAny blood elves on EU Twisting Nether?
19:01.42Warladunno it seems so
19:01.46Warlaall icons are stripey
19:01.50JoshBorkei hate you all with your stupidh keys-
19:02.37MikeGood way for you to get one!
19:02.40KasoKirkburn what are you doing on Twisting nether!
19:02.48Adrine - I've used that one with success before, Warla, though not with BC files.
19:03.14KirkburnUh Tempest Keep then :P
19:03.27AdrineDamn you, Tanya Tuttle. My email inbox does not want your home refinancing offers!
19:03.47Kasoim feeling loanly here, come on EU people!
19:05.46MikeThanks, I will try this.
19:06.07MikeNow the item does not attack..
19:06.14MikeOh well.
19:07.46ckknightKirkburn, I have a lvl 20 BE pally on Tempest Keep
19:08.12KirkburnI'm called Alaana
19:08.32AdrineSo I'm working on a testing suite for one of our internal XML-RPC engines, and after I make a source change, I keep tabbing back to my console and hitting "/rl<enter>" out of habit.
19:08.58Adrine"'/rl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." - yes, thank you, Windows.
19:09.07KirkburnKaso, what you playing as atm?
19:09.13Industrialtey yek on
19:09.17KasoHorde, kazoo
19:09.28ckknighthehe, Adrine
19:09.31Industrialtey yek on!
19:11.37SB1-WorkSo, I'm checking the mailbox on the *SERVER*, and suddenly, I have a new e-mail!
19:12.00SB1-WorkYou certainly understand what is the main quality of a man in relationships. You'll be dazzled to last for hours and hours with your new stronger, longer bed tool. Check up here:
19:12.00SB1-WorkUnlike other products, this one gives you permanent gains in size - and loads of pleasure!
19:12.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:12.33SB1-WorkThat's so not what I'm looking for.
19:12.55SB1-WorkAwesome, there's yet another piece of spam
19:13.08SB1-WorkWipe Out HighCardBalances
19:13.08SB1-WorkDon'tHesitate 1 314 414 4001
19:13.22SB1-WorkFive points to anyone who calls that number!
19:13.23SB1-Workafk food
19:15.14KirkburnEveryone on EU beta ... Tempest Keep, Horde, Guild: TargetUnit ... Join, dammit!
19:17.20ElkanoTempest Keep is PvE, isn't it?
19:17.47Elkanook, I think I'll start a lvl 1 BE there ^^
19:17.48Kasothe Alliance guild CastSpell is being worked on by maldivia atm
19:17.49Industrial#   # ##### #   #
19:17.53Industrial#  #  #     #   #
19:17.56Industrial###   ##### #####
19:17.59Industrial#  #  #         #
19:18.02Industrial#   # ##### #####
19:18.23Industrialnothing still
19:18.34JoshBorkeme neither :-(
19:19.12Industrialhm anyone know any free games that are small? "casual games" or scrolling shooters?
19:19.20Industrial(not GridWars ive played that to death now)
19:19.52Warlaanyone knows how to convert those wow icons to tga?`
19:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Werik`Curse (
19:20.00KirkburnKaso, cool
19:20.01Warlamost new icons seem sliced
19:23.01Industrial"sid required"
19:23.18Thunder_Childthats od
19:23.31Industrialhm now it works
19:23.54IndustrialYou must be a registered member to download this file.
19:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:25.29Thunder_Childmaybe you can find it somewhere else
19:25.55Warlanoone knows how to convert the new BC icons to tga? :-/
19:26.55ckknight_what new icons?
19:27.35Warlathe burning crusade ones
19:27.46Warlaall blp2tga converters i tried mess them up
19:27.50MaldiviaI have them in png formar, if that helps?
19:28.00Warlayea i have them in png as well
19:28.04Warlabut i need them in Tga
19:28.16Warlaand all my converters seem to screw them up
19:28.30AdrineIf you have them in png, can't you just throw them into GIMP and convert them that way?
19:28.42Warlai dont have gimp
19:28.45Warlatest this
19:28.58AdrineGimp is free, FWIW :)
19:29.11AdrineThere are lots of png->tga converters out there, non-WoW-related
19:29.13Warlacan you check if gimp opens Ability_Hunter_SnakeTrap.blp correctly?
19:29.21AdrineGimp won't read BLPs
19:29.25WarlaAdrine i tested all 10 from curse gaming
19:29.28Warlathey all fuck up
19:29.43Adrine[12:24] Warla: yea i have them in png as well
19:29.56AdrineI assumed you meant you had them in PNG working right
19:30.03AdrineOr do you mean they're in PNG but mangled?
19:30.10Maldiviawhy you need them in tga format?
19:33.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla|school (
19:33.29Warla|schoolAbility_Hunter_SnakeTrap.blp <-- thats an extracted BC icon.... if you want i can pass that too ya i need an app that correctly converts them
19:39.56cogwheel~lart the designer of cogwheel's work's database
19:46.39SB1-WorkSomeone paste me they subject line again? It's scrolled off my screen
19:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
19:48.06*** part/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
19:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge SB1-Work (n=kylesb@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
19:49.17KasoI got a DefaultUI error in the beta, but the code that caused it is the same as in ive, whats up with that
19:50.19Maldiviawhen you get it ?
19:51.24KasoStaticPopup 1070 (line 830 on live)
19:51.48Maldiviawhat triggers it?
19:52.00Kasoi was removing people from the guilds
19:52.16XorroAdrine, get your key yet?
19:52.31Kasoclearly in the lag or something GuildFrame.selectedName was nil but it still allowed me to click remove so the string.format errored
19:54.05krkawhat realm do EU people use in TBC beta?
19:54.19MaldiviaTempest Keep
19:54.37thrthose of you who were wondering what I wanted the hamster picture for
19:54.54thrthe thing in the middle ;P
19:55.14thr(no it's not a picture of me with a printed picture of a hamster in my ass... i promise)
19:55.23Beladonanow make it look like it is rubbing its nose, or eating something, and you got yourself something special
19:55.26malrethoh no...
19:55.35Kirkburnawww, thr
19:55.36malrethwell, at least it's not a paper clip
19:56.01thrI actually got it all to work, fading in/out, automatic scrolling, etc. etc.
19:56.05thrvery tidy and nice tbh :)
19:56.16thrany addon can add messages to her, and she displays them.
19:56.26AdrineXorro: Afraid not :(
19:56.30Beladonawhy not simply BuffHamster?
19:56.30malrethyou should make a custom backdrop image that looks like a speech bubble
19:56.43thrNo, Molly is it's name.. Buff the hamster is an old thing i never deleted ;P
19:56.59thrmalreth: ye i know, but me + graphics = nono, i got my ex. gf who's an graphic-artist-something to do the hamster for me
19:57.12krkathanks, tempest keep it is!
19:57.15Beladonalots of people here can do it
19:57.23thrand that hamster actually is her little brothers hamster irl ;p
19:57.39malrethbackdrop slices are just pixel pushing.... easy
19:57.47Beladonahmm, maybe a custom edgefile, with a static graphic for the pointy thing
19:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:58.11thrye, but for now I'll have her like that got a few more thing i have to hammer out before it's done
19:58.14Beladonathat way you can color it any color
19:58.21malrethBeladona: no, you can put the pointy thing in the edgefile itself as part of the corner... you just have to set the tilesize and that padding thing correctly
19:58.29Beladonawell yeah
19:58.37malrethit'll simplify things
19:58.37thrand then I'm off to code the whole addon for watching debuffs, etc.
19:58.38Beladonathere is a problem with that though
19:59.07malrethcorners don't get scaled and the edges get tiled... it should work
19:59.21Beladonathe background can't fill the ponty thing if it is part of the edgefile
19:59.31Beladonawell, it can't as a static image either
19:59.33Beladonabut anyway
19:59.58Beladonaalthough if the edge is black, you could tint it
19:59.58thrwell, for now I'm happy with this... if someone wanna do a chat-bubble-thingy for me go ahead but i wont, atleast not now ^^
20:00.00BeladonaI guess
20:00.18Beladonaalready working on it lol
20:00.50thrlol ;D
20:01.22thrWith that name, blame yourself ;P
20:01.30Beladonamy chars are female
20:01.35Beladonaso I went with it
20:02.26ShadowedBeladona just tries to get free stuff in-game!
20:02.28thrye my char is female also, 'cept my troll male.. but i guess he could cross-dress.
20:02.37thrShadowed: that works so good tho, it's sad.
20:03.20Beladonaactually no, i could care less about free stuff
20:03.27BeladonaI just like looking at boobs all day
20:03.42thrmanboobs to? ;p
20:03.51SB1-WorkI have a friend who got his key YESTERDAY
20:03.56Merybut people are much more forgiving if you screw up with a female char lol
20:04.01Shadoweddid he get it from the wowinterface send-in-thing?
20:04.04SB1-WorkAnd he was in the third batch!
20:04.12Shadowedkill him
20:04.14malrethMery: not if that female char has a manvoice on vent...
20:04.18Beladonathey may be phasing it in
20:04.19SB1-WorkSeconded, I just might
20:04.30Merymalreth: don't talk on vent =P
20:04.38Shadowedcan't stand vent anyway
20:04.56thrmalreth: hehe, one of my best ingame mates is like 55yr old male but plays a female human mage.. talk about surprise i got when I spoke to him on vent for the 1st time ;P
20:04.59zenzelezz<Mery> but people are much more forgiving if you screw up with a female char lol <--- only as long as you actually seem like a female
20:05.07malrethShadowed: then how do you sing before a boss for good luck and success?
20:05.08zenzelezzwhich is tough over voice chat
20:05.12Shadowedwe don't :p
20:05.21Shadowedmy guild doesn't use vent for raids
20:05.41thryou raid what? ubrs tops then? ;<
20:05.44malrethvent is vital for us. if we don't sing a song before a boss, we'll wipe for sure
20:05.56thrnaxxramas without vent would, no... just don't go there.
20:06.03AdrineWe do Naxx without Vent, FWIW.
20:06.08Shadowedthr: My guilds on KT, he'll be dead this week. we don't use vent
20:06.08Merywell in a guild everybody knows if you are male or female anyway - I was more talking about pickup groups
20:06.15AdrineWe've never used Vent for raiding. It's just...too distracting, generally.
20:06.17zenzelezzwe don't use Ventrilo either, we use TeamSpeak :-p
20:06.29Shadowedyou don't need voice comm to go through naxx, no fight requires it
20:06.30zenzelezzdepends what kind of chat you allow on it
20:06.42thrShadowed: well I'm just seeing it from raidleader point of views(was RL for a longotime myself)... writing everything in chat... /cry
20:06.52malreththr: macros
20:06.57AdrineMacros ftw.
20:07.04ShadowedI find it to be better, since if people are AFK or it's a confusing fight, being able to re-read what was said is helpful
20:07.09malrethand for the most part, addons can automate a lot of the pre-raid and encounter briefings
20:07.22Shadowedusually a member of the same class as a recruit will explain all the fights
20:07.25thrye true, still i would not raid without vt ever - but that's just me
20:07.37malrethbut vent is good for the unexpected
20:07.39AdrineWe have class leaders whose job it is to ensure that their class members know what to do in a fight, so we have strategy stuff split 8 ways, too.
20:07.48AdrineDoesn't generally take much time.
20:08.06malrethlike, MageSoAndSo got smeared... someone cover whelping on the east side!
20:08.08InsideThe thing about ventrilo and stuff, is you just mute all the fuckers.
20:08.12InsideOnly the raid leader can speak :P
20:08.21Shadowedeh, you don't even need vent for that malreth
20:08.36malrethno... you dont *NEED* vent for that
20:08.38malrethi know that
20:08.51thrbut it's _alot_ quicker then writing it out
20:08.53malrethbut it's helpful, from an HCI point of view
20:08.56Adrinehelp whelps left
20:09.08AdrineAs long as people are alert, lacking Vent doesn't really hurt.
20:09.16thrAdrine: There's your first problem
20:09.20ShadowedI did razor -> nef with a guild that uses TS, then did start of naxx -> KT without it. It's not a big difference except you can't listen to music on one, and instead of people talking in class channels it's on voice comm
20:09.20AdrineHeh, indeed.
20:09.20thrYou assume peole can think for themself.
20:09.20malrethyou've got so much going on visually on the screen that you start to reach saturation for information intake
20:09.36Merywell we just used to whisper the mage that was supposed to take over, its fun "hey take over whelps I died" - "you did fine, I died too long befor you and watched you"
20:10.01AdrineFor the most part, with the exception of a few fights, the moron-gaps can be covered by those that are on their toes.
20:10.02ShadowedIf people can't think for themselfs, you'll have issues going through naxx
20:10.03threvery1 here playes mage or what? ;>
20:10.13AdrineRogue main, war/priest alts
20:10.13ShadowedWarrior/Priest/Rogue and a paladin soon
20:10.16Shadowedwar main
20:10.22thrShadowed: well i stopped raiding now and changed both class, race, faction and server ;P
20:10.39malrethso either you a) remove visual information, b) reduce the need for visual information (practice makes perfect), or c) add information through other sensory channels (aural)
20:10.39Shadowedso did i :p
20:10.47thrbut I made sure to get in the same battlegroup as my old server so I can kick them in BGs ;P
20:10.49ShadowedRazor -> nef was done on a Rogue, naxx was done on a Warrior
20:11.33Shadowedvoice comm is nice, but in the end not sucking makes up for not having it
20:11.39thrShadowed: ok, well I did mc/ony on shaman, the rest on a mage/paladin combined up nax.
20:11.44malrethShadowed: that would be choice b) above
20:12.00Adrinemalreth: For me at least, it's as simple as distinct colors for my officers'/class channels
20:12.13malrethreduce the tasks that you must do to secondary tasks... then you can focus on other things
20:12.14AdrineMost "chat" goes on in raid, strategy/help calls/whatever goes out in officers' or class channels.
20:12.25malrethit's like driving a stick-shift...
20:12.28AdrineSo if I see bright blue pop up, I know something's happening in the rogue channel.
20:13.03thrmeh now you distracted me from my coding again ;< silly IRC! ;P
20:13.07malrethafter enough practice, you no longer have to think about shifting... it just happens. you use your left over concentration to focus on other things like that pedestrian or the traffic at the intersection, etc
20:13.11AdrineI dunno. I think it's just something you get used to.
20:13.29AdrineWe have extraordinarily few problems handling fights, both ordinary and extraordinary.
20:13.46AdrineI think it's just because we've been raiding forever and a half without it, and have adapted appropriately.
20:14.08malrethboth ways are just as valid... with vent or without vent
20:14.13*** join/#wowi-lounge |Shadow| (n=Shadow@
20:14.14thrbtw any good way to "fade" out/in frames? right now i use a variable on the frame that puts it in fade in/out mode and then just increase/decrease the alpha of it but 0.01 per update.
20:14.26thror are there any magical ways to do it?
20:14.27AdrineAlso, guild consensus is that if we did use Vent for raids, it would consist 95% of our female MT/raid leader yelling "DONGS", as often happens when Vent is used for social purposes :P
20:14.41Adrinethr: Scale the amount by arg1 to OnUpdate
20:14.42|Shadow|thr theres a example in the wow addon toolkit
20:14.43JoshBorkethr: not really
20:14.43AdrineThat's the frame time
20:14.44malrethAdrine: well, that's what discipline is for
20:15.08AdrineDammitall, Casual Male XL, I don't want your stupid emails.
20:15.11thrAdrine: well, that's what I do now but i just dont use arg1 since i want a controlled fade in/out.
20:15.24malrethwe chat socially during raids but we're also all adults in our mid-twenties-thirties
20:15.28AdrineProblem is, thr, that'll vary the rate based on your framerate
20:15.33AdrineYou probably want a time-based fade, yes?
20:15.36JoshBorkei wish my guild was that way
20:15.41thrAdrine: mm, okey true.
20:15.49malrethso, there's not so much yelling of "PENIS" or stuff like that
20:15.52AdrineWe're a mid-20s guild, too. Our MT just has a...playful side :P
20:16.06Adrinethr: use arg1 * (amount to fade per second)
20:16.27AdrineSo if you want a 1-second fade, then fade by arg1. If you want a half second fade, then fade by (arg1 * 2), etc.
20:16.27JoshBorkearg1/1000*(amount to fade per second)
20:16.41AdrineMental shortcut >_>
20:17.05thrbut wouldn't that give a rather "twitchy" fade?
20:17.11InsideAllright, back to finishing UNO ~_~
20:17.14AdrineNot at all - it'll give a smooth fade
20:17.17Insidethr: Not really.
20:17.22Adrinearg1 is the time since the last frame
20:17.22thrhmm ok, i'll try it
20:17.27thrye that I know
20:17.28InsideIt'll be a frame independent fade.
20:17.37AdrineThe smoothest fades will be time-based, not frame-based
20:17.38throk i'll play around then
20:17.41Insideframe rate*
20:18.13Insideif you decrease opacity but 0.01 each update.. sometimes it'll take half a second (if you're facing a wall) or two seconds (if in iroforge)
20:18.18AdrineBecause, say I hit IF and my framerate drops to 15 FPS. I'm only fading 0.15 alpha/sec under your solution, so it'll take me 6.66 seconds to do a full fade, compared to outside IF, where I get 70 FPS and it takes only 1.4 sec.
20:19.14AdrineYou know, ruby and lua are similar enough to really get me into trouble.
20:19.28InsideInstead of "end" I keep typing "then" asdfasdfasdf RPN languages.
20:19.29AdrineI write ruby code all day at work, then write lua code all night at home.
20:19.51JoshBorkeyou should just write a lua->ruby converter (or vice-versa) and be done with it
20:20.04throk so something like this then
20:20.06AdrineI wish I could just write WoW mods in ruby
20:20.10AdrineBecause that would be awesomesauce.
20:20.13JoshBorkethr: ew! no!
20:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
20:20.34InsideYeah, use um... what's it called.. uh... *rolls around* that one converter thingie >_<
20:20.41JoshBorkethr: don't do a frame:GetAlpha() inside an OnUpdate
20:20.58AdrineJust store a local with the current alpha value
20:21.05JoshBorkethr: do frame.alpha = frame.alpha-(last/1000*Molly.FadeAmount)
20:21.18*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
20:21.19thrah, smart.
20:21.42malrethwell, you'd be surprised how focused even playful people will become when the tires hit the road
20:21.43malrethwe'll crack jokes while we buff or clear trash, and then all shut up as the briefing happens, and we know to keep the channel clear during an encounter
20:21.43malrethand everyone's encouraged to voice concerns regarding inappropriate chatter. basically, everyone just behaves
20:21.43AdrineThough you'll need to init frame.alpha
20:21.43SP|Sorrenanyone here know about candybars?
20:21.52thrAdrine: ye
20:21.52Insideyou snort em >_>
20:21.53JoshBorkehm, if you only are dealing with one frame then it'd be better to do the variable as a local
20:21.59JoshBorkeSP|Sorren: try #wowace
20:22.08malrethwell, i just spent the last 5 minutes talking to myself
20:22.34JoshBorkewb malreth
20:23.05JoshBorkeAdrine: did you see my Borked_Monitor mod? ^_^
20:23.11malrethoh... my client autoreposted everything i said when i was in disconnect limbo
20:23.14AdrineNo, I haven't yet. Link me?
20:24.19JoshBorkeyes.  it was suggested to me and i liked the stupidity of it :-)
20:24.19malrethdid anyone other than me see the line where i said, "everyone just behaves" at the end?
20:24.19InsideThat's hawt.
20:24.25SB1-WorkOhhh, new macro changes = hawt
20:24.26JoshBorkemalreth: i saw it
20:24.33malrethyeah... i figured
20:24.50malrethhmm... one more reason why I like this program
20:24.50AdrineWhoa, that's pretty cool.
20:26.51ckknighthey all
20:26.53krkathanks Kaso!
20:27.06Kasono problems
20:27.16JoshBorkenot more keys out!
20:27.30krkai'll probably apply with Waroak soon too, that's my only level 60
20:27.33krkait just needs to get copied first
20:27.40krkatoo slow
20:28.43malrethmy gmail indicator remains gray, cold, and alone... won't someone please warm it with a hot, throbbing beta key?
20:29.47*** join/#wowi-lounge nootzzy (n=aoiut@
20:29.53InsideI'll be key! You be my keyhole!
20:29.56SP|Sorrenmy gmail indicator is getting spammed. :<
20:30.20Xorromy gmail is lonely
20:30.26Xorroand key-less
20:30.42SP|Sorrenbetter than spammed and keyless, imo ;p
20:30.44teomyrguess what... mine too :/
20:31.31thrdoes a negative alpha turn the frame visible again?
20:31.49nootzzyhi guys, anyone know the developer of clearfont?
20:32.44KirkburnNot I, said the developer of ClearFont :)
20:32.44nootzzygot a question for his sweet mod
20:32.44InsideI think that a negative alpha is clamped to zero
20:32.45thrIndustrial: hmm
20:32.46thrInside: hmm, not so sure
20:33.00InsideI'm Inside, god damnit
20:33.00thrbecause if the alpha turns to zero it gets visible again
20:33.05thrbut if i do: if(frame.Alpha < 0) then frame.Alpha = 0 end
20:33.06JoshBorkethr: don't set it below 0
20:33.06threverything works
20:33.14InsideWell, as far as I know, alpha is clamped between [0,1]
20:33.21JoshBorkeit's not
20:33.27InsideNot in WoW, but in like... other implementations
20:33.28thrJoshBorke: what happens if i turn it under 0 ?
20:33.36JoshBorkedunno, but why would you want to?
20:33.37Kirkburnnootzzy, how may I help?
20:33.37Kasoit goes into another dimentio
20:33.51JoshBorkeCairenn: wb
20:33.52nootzzyoh, first off, thx for the great mod, things r so much easier o the eyes
20:33.55thrJoshBorke: hehe well it seems to turn visible again . you said "dont set it below 0" so i thought maybe u knew what happend
20:34.07KirkburnThanks =)
20:34.15AdrineIt might be setting it to math.abs(value), clamped to 0..1
20:34.21JoshBorkepurl grab Cairenn
20:34.22Xorroaww, crap.  Where did Cairenn go?
20:34.37nootzzyi was wondering, however, if there's any way to not change the chatwindow font from the current settings, or to have it set as something diffrent?
20:35.11Xorrofound you!
20:35.17purlYou roll a 5
20:35.20ckknightsorry, JoshBorke
20:35.28ckknightyou didn't get the saving throw
20:35.44KirkburnAs a different font? It might be possible
20:35.57purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at joshborke and fires. Click.
20:36.20Kirkburnnootzzy, the ChatFontNormal line may control it
20:36.57nootzzyk, I'll try it out now
20:38.50IndustrialK K K K E Y
20:38.59Kirkburn( Chat font size is controlled by the in-game chat settings)
20:39.06KirkburnIndustrial, is that a yay?!
20:39.24IndustrialShadowed: fyi
20:39.30IndustrialI have played 50+ webgames
20:39.43Industrialplayed wow until the realms came down
20:39.44Shadowedor, sleeping pills in Industrial case
20:39.47Industriallistened to music
20:39.52Industrialread 3 chapterfs of a book
20:39.58ShadowedIndustrial you can farm herbs for me
20:40.10InsideOkay, lua question -- I can't do ipairs on a well.. a table that doesn't have numerical keys?
20:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
20:41.30ckknightno, Inside
20:41.30Kasonot if you expect it to work
20:41.34ckknightthat would make no sense.
20:41.45InsideI suppose I have to use table.foreach then >_>
20:41.50Insideor use next.. eh
20:41.50ckknightno you don't
20:41.53ckknightuse pairs
20:42.11ckknightdid you even read the manual/pil?
20:42.16InsideIt's been a long long while
20:42.36Inside+ memory retention of a gold fish = ooph
20:42.51ckknightthat's a myth. gold fish have decent memory.
20:42.54cogwheelyou shouldn't use table.foreach at all. It's been deprecated for a long time.
20:43.45Insideckknight: Really? I thought they had a memory span of like 30 seconds c_c.. cogwheel: Weird, I never knew that, I've read through the manual completely quite a few times and I don't recall seeing that.
20:43.55Shadowedsomebody needs to watch MythBusters
20:44.02InsideI don't have cable :<
20:44.24nootzzykirkburn, jus tried commenting out the    if (CanSetFont(ChatFontNormal)) then ChatFontNormal:SetFont(CLEAR_FONT, 14 * CF_SCALE); end
20:44.26InsideI see, it's in 5.1 that table.foreach is deprecated
20:44.26Shadowedsomebody needs to google!
20:44.38nootzzybut it didn't work
20:45.31cogwheelInside: PIL (programming in lua) is a better beginning guide for Lua. The manual tells you everything the language is capable of, but PIL teaches you what you "should" be doing...
20:45.44InsideYeah, I've read that too :P
20:45.49InsideThe first edition, at least.
20:46.47ckknightInside, they have long-term memory.
20:47.03ckknightreason the myth came up is because people felt bad about them just being in a bowl.
20:47.59Kirkburnnootzzy, I think the chat frames are a kind of special case - I've never really tried doing anything with them :/
20:48.23*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
20:48.25Kirkburnnootzzy, what exactly are you wanting to do?
20:48.34nootzzyah ic, that's kool
20:48.55*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
20:49.31nootzzyoh, i would like just like the mod to not change the chat window fonts
20:49.49nootzzythat's all ^^
20:50.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:50.33KirkburnYou want the normal WoW font there?
20:51.25nootzzyyeah, cuz when I change the font size for Perspective Sans, it's too fuzzy at size 10
20:51.40nootzzybut I can read the normal one
20:51.52KirkburnAh, you'll have to remove the Fonts folder from the main WoW folder
20:52.01KirkburnThat should do it
20:52.24Kirkburn(along with commenting out that line)
20:52.27nootzzy@.@ crap, all this time I was reading ur well documented .lua, I figured it had something to do with that lol
20:52.28Cairennneed to reboot, brb
20:52.42KirkburnIt's not something I really thought about
20:52.50nootzzyk, lemme try it out
20:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
20:56.47nootzzygah, still no go
20:57.16nootzzyhehe, it's ok no big deal really
20:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
20:57.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
20:57.23nootzzyI think I'll get used to it^^
20:57.41nootzzybut everything else is perfect, thx a lot man
20:58.51Xorrohey Cairenn, did you weed through the entries for mods which don't really do anything?
20:59.08Cairennto some degree, yes
20:59.24ShadowedSo how many of the entries didn't really do anything? :p
20:59.24zespri_workXorro, did you submit a mod that didn't do anything? =)
20:59.26SB1-Workmalreth, ask Cairenn.. she'll verify for you, like she did me
20:59.29Xorrono, my mod does stuff
20:59.34SB1-WorkNote that I still don't have a key.. :P
20:59.36Xorrojust not incredibly useful to some people
20:59.58Xorromy mod plays "You Got Mail" whenever you have mail waiting.
21:00.39malrethcan't watch a movie... i'm at work, watching the labs. do. nothing.
21:00.39Xorroand I've got some other mods which have not yet been uploaded yet because I'm lazy
21:00.39SB1-WorkShadowed, note my nick ;)
21:00.39malrethi'm out of projects to do... so i'm in fireman mode
21:00.39Insidemalreth: You're at a lab, make met!
21:00.43Xorrodoo, doo, doooo doooo katamari damaciiiiii
21:00.54Xorrothat song is gonna be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, thanks a lot.
21:01.14zespri_workCairren, the begginig of that clip about toilet yesterday... I didn't catch what was that about talking to a man about a horse and dropping off kids at the pool? is it some kind of cultural reference? or what was that about?
21:01.40malrethzespri: no one knows what you're talking about!
21:01.47Cairennwhy ask me? I'm female.  I sure as heck don't use references like that
21:01.56InsideGirls, on my internet? Lies.
21:02.01zespri_workCairenn does
21:02.18AnduinLotharzomg a zespri!
21:02.26Shadowedrare spawn, kill it
21:02.56zespri_workhello, how are you?
21:03.07Thunder_Childhe is disturbed
21:03.10AnduinLothargood good.
21:03.21Xorrookay, screw this, i'm going to watch Braveheart, and I hope to God my key is in the mail when I get back.
21:03.28AnduinLotharand it's 86 degrees in november!
21:03.29malrethdarn... this one ALSO doesn't have a liver... i'll never collect enough for westfall stew
21:03.34InsideI guess I'm not getting a key since I never had a mod on wowinterface
21:03.38InsideOh well
21:03.51InsideWriting this mini mod inspired me to go get my other game finished.
21:04.03ckknight <-- should be interesting to people who find MetaMap/AlphaMap too heavy
21:04.03teomyrmalreth: i always wonder how these beasts are supposed to survive
21:04.05InsideAnd also how to make the lua api in my game work >_o
21:04.26teomyrmalreth: without their livers, hearts, brains...
21:04.41AnduinLotharif it has ace in it it's meant for non-heaviness, isn't it?
21:04.41Thunder_Childnice ckknight
21:04.53ckknightAnduinLothar, I did a lot of optimizations.
21:05.00AnduinLotharuh huh
21:05.13ckknightstep one: don't be an ass says "go to hell"
21:05.40Thunder_Childor there abouts
21:05.40ckknightexample, for the MapUnhider, I save data in an integer instead of a string.
21:05.48malrethtwo, rather
21:05.50ckknighta really heavy string, too
21:06.01ckknightthat's really the only step I have.
21:06.07ckknightat least for AL doesnt work
21:06.29thrHmm, what's the math to fade between to differnt colors?
21:06.31ckknightlemme fix.
21:06.34AnduinLotharmight worry about the log in your eye first
21:06.37malrethlink worked for me...
21:06.49AdrineCairenn, I'm so sorry to pester as so many others did, but did I pass the bar with Sanity? It's a real mod, and I wrote it and stuff! And I'm paranoid and stuff. :)
21:07.06Cairennhas it been approved? if yes, then there's your answer
21:07.16thrsay I wanna fade from r="1.0" g="0.2" and b="0.2" to r="0.2", g="1.0", b="0.2" ? well, I know the math to just do it between those to. But if I need to be able to change the colors? What's the math for that ;(
21:07.33AdrineWell, I meant "Did I go onto the key list" and such :)
21:07.35Thunder_Childmalreth, the second link, not the first one
21:07.46Thunder_Childthe one for svn
21:08.04ckknightAnduinLothar, how are you not an ass in this situation?
21:08.08Adrinethr: What do you mean?
21:08.09malrethoh... the link on the page itself
21:08.11AnduinLotharthr, go find a lib called ColorCycle
21:08.23Thunder_Childyea, hmm..maybe i should have been more clear..
21:08.24AdrineOh, that works too. And is probably easier than what I was going to suggest.
21:08.35ckknightlink fixed.
21:08.36AnduinLothari didn't say i wasn't
21:08.51AnduinLotharbut it's easy to spot the flaws you posess
21:08.52Thunder_Childty ckknight
21:08.54thrAdrine: well i'm trying to find the math on how to fade between to r/g/b colors.
21:08.58thrbased on a percentage.
21:09.10ckknightAnduinLothar, flaws in my code?
21:09.18thrhmm i got it i th ink
21:09.22AdrineProtip: You probably want to fade through an intermediary color, but look for the lib than AnduinLothar references.
21:09.28AnduinLothar... no. it's a smart ass way of saying you're an ass too.
21:09.51ckknightAnduinLothar, yea, but my code is better
21:10.01ckknightwhatever, I don't want to argue.
21:10.05AdrineFading red -> green, for example, gives you a nasty brown color in the middle where you probably want yellow :)
21:10.22malreththr: basically, you multiply each color component by a weight and then add them together
21:10.22ckknightand I don't like it when you poke fun at my code
21:10.33ckknightespecially when you don't back up your claims
21:11.30Industrialckknight: you sux
21:12.06Thunder_Childno crying on the channel
21:12.30SB1-WorkBAH, more SPAM
21:12.30KasoCide around?
21:12.37Industrialnet, even
21:13.00Kasothe ct_shieldmod youve got uploaded to wowi is still on a <20000 toc
21:13.16IndustrialCairenn: Think theres something wrong? 10PM no mail
21:13.18Cideit wasn't supposed to be in the pack, heh
21:13.40CairennIndustrial: I'm not blizz, they'll send out the keys when they send out the keys
21:13.53Industrialbut everybody already got them :|
21:14.01Cairennno, not everyone already got them
21:14.04ShadowedIndustrial: it's only 1 PM :p
21:14.05zespri_workpoor Cairenn =)
21:14.30nevcairieli got my key, poor indy
21:14.48Shadowedrun nevcairiel
21:15.30zespri_workI've downloaded 2% of the beta and I still don't have the key! =)
21:15.49SB1-Workzespri_work, I have a fully-patched copy of the beta and no key. :(
21:16.01AnduinLotharwhen did i poke fun at his code..
21:16.06zespri_workI'm going to complain to UNO p)
21:16.43zespri_workyou guys antogonizing each other on regular basis, everybody already got used to it =)
21:16.59zespri_workpoking or no poking
21:17.09AnduinLothari don't mind if he calls me an ass, i wont deny it
21:17.18AnduinLotharbut insulting my code is low
21:17.52AnduinLotharespecially wehn we have entirely different reasons and motivations and goals when we code
21:18.16*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:18.31IndustrialI'm eager to hear about your motivation AnduinLothar, if your code makes ckknight judge it like that
21:18.33AnduinLotharwe'd probably make a good code review team if we didn't hate each other
21:18.44zespri_workhow different goals can be? Not in the case of you two, but in general, when coding addons for wow?
21:18.55InsideCOmplain to UNO?
21:18.58Cairennand *I* will remind *everyone* that .personal. attacks are not allowed in this channel
21:18.58zespri_workWhy ppl do this? I guess because it's fun, isn't it?
21:19.04malrethif you choose to roll your own
21:19.09ShadowedCairenn eats babies
21:19.17IndustrialInside: whats uno?
21:19.17InsideBabies eat Cairenn oh shi-
21:19.25IndustrialShadowed: you higlighted me yesterday about uno
21:19.28InsideOh my god. You poor poor deprived child. Get on Aggram and we can play uno.
21:19.39AnduinLotharwell like purposes. He codes to have everything be as efficient and optimized as possible. where as i much prefer being able to read the code
21:19.39Thunder_Childsomeone who does not know uno??
21:19.41InsideYou have not lived till you've played UNO!!11
21:19.45Industriallink me
21:20.01Inside~wiki uno
21:20.06Inside~wikipedia uno
21:20.09Thunder_ChildIndustrial is an alien
21:20.12InsideOh, here we go.
21:20.36Industrialits a card game..
21:20.40AnduinLotharand I like comign up with new ideas that haven't been done before, rather than rewritting something to be smaller or more customized.
21:20.44Inside_THE_ card game.
21:22.01ckknightAnduinLothar, how is my code unreadable?
21:22.17AnduinLothardid I specificly say it was unreadable?
21:22.26ckknight<AnduinLothar> well like purposes. He codes to have everything be as efficient and optimized as possible. where as i much prefer being able to read the code
21:22.33KirkburnWarburn: you name has been found to be in violation of the naming rules
21:22.35AnduinLotharyeah, we hall that aluding to
21:22.39ckknightyou alluded to it
21:22.52ckknightKirkburn, what rules?
21:23.09KirkburnI seriously have no idea what's going on, I haven't even logged that char in!
21:23.23AnduinLotharyou always have to change your char name
21:23.26AnduinLotharfor beta
21:23.28CairennKirkburn: they do that to everyone
21:23.36KirkburnCan I choose the same?
21:23.45Cairennnope, you'll have to modify it
21:23.52Inside if you want to try out UNO >_>
21:24.03KirkburnHey, why not .... zomg ... Kirkburn!
21:24.19ckknightKirkburn, change it to Kirkburn?
21:24.31KirkburnCrazy talk :P
21:24.32Shadowedwhy don't they let you choose the same one?
21:24.46ckknightShadowed, pigeonholing
21:24.51SB1-WorkKirkburn, give me your other key? :(
21:25.43axxouno is a great game
21:25.54KirkburnWhat other key, I have no other key, you'll have to ask my housemate, what housemate? I have no housemate?
21:26.10Insidebooted from server for spamming.. damnit.
21:26.17SB1-WorkIt was worth a try!
21:26.21Kasoi love you for your updateLua script :>
21:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius_work (
21:26.27AnduinLotharyou're welcome
21:26.43AnduinLothardon't let ck see it, the code is sloppy
21:27.03ckknightdown with sloppy code
21:27.14AnduinLothardown with productivity
21:27.27Industrialindeed, cause its not a job
21:27.29SB1-Work... that's a huge can of worms right there
21:28.28AnduinLotharit's a simple script that'll be in use for a few months and then retire. it didn't deserve more than the few minutes it took to code
21:29.37IndustrialThunder_Child: I dont take DCC's
21:30.11JoshBorkeah, ok, so i caught up
21:30.24IndustrialJoshBorke: ?
21:30.50JoshBorkestepped away, wanted to read all the arguing
21:31.00Kasoi just went to copy over SlashRL addon to beta, it's toc is 1300, i think thats the oldest addon im using
21:31.27SB1-WorkIndustrial, they're using MS's SMTP servers
21:31.28AdrineIndustrial: 1 email per connection? A long while :)
21:31.34AdrineBut hopefully they're batchin...ah.
21:31.44SB1-WorkA _very long time_
21:31.53AdrineProbably crashed halfway through.
21:31.57AdrineRight before it got to mine.
21:32.04SB1-WorkRead: MS-SMTP
21:32.07SB1-Work*not* Exchange
21:32.47AdrinePoor Cairenn :)
21:33.12*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
21:33.22kaidenSo anyone received their e-mails yet today?
21:33.39KasoAL: apparently your script doesnt catch for key,val in {"this","is","a","table"} do
21:33.49Kasokaiden alot of people got keys today
21:34.01JoshBorkewell now, who would do that kaso?
21:34.13Kasothe guy who wrote enginventory of course!
21:34.32kaidenhrmph, didn't get an e-mail wonder if i was declined
21:34.40AnduinLotharkaso: it should
21:34.40Industrialim still waiting
21:34.44JoshBorkethr: do you still need code to transition colors?
21:34.49AnduinLotharit'd just wrap it with pairs()
21:34.58ShadowedI don't think you can get declined :p
21:35.04Kasohmm, it didnt, not a huge problem, odd though
21:35.13AnduinLotharunless the table has a " do" in it..
21:36.17Kasofor key,value in { "HeadSlot",<anti-spam snip>,"RangedSlot" } do
21:37.01Industrialscript, handle/
21:37.10AnduinLothartext2 = string.gsub(text1, "for (.-) in [ ]-(.-)[ ]- do", "for %1 in pairs(%2) do", 1)
21:37.33AnduinLotharshould catch that
21:38.07Kasohmm, lemme run it over it again
21:39.35Kasonope didnt catch it.
21:41.13nootzzykirkburn, finally! I got it lol...
21:42.06ckknightAnduinLothar, why [ ]-?
21:42.09ckknightwhy not %s-?
21:42.16ckknightor just " -"?
21:42.34AnduinLotharcause that's what i pulled out of my ass when i wrote it
21:42.58ckknightalso, that catches ligitimate for loops, so you'll turn `for k in pairs(t) do` into for k in pairs(pairs(t)) do`
21:43.00AnduinLothar%s- is prolly better, but i dunno why you would use tabs
21:43.11AnduinLotharno, it's caught later
21:43.12ckknight%s covers newlines and other such
21:43.34AnduinLotharpairs(pairs( is removed int he following line
21:43.46ckknightthat is icky.
21:43.52AnduinLothari told you
21:43.57AnduinLotharactually it's not removed
21:44.00MentalPowerits not meant to be pretty, its meant to work
21:44.17AnduinLotharit jsut flags a boolean to not use the replacement
21:44.30ckknightwhat you want is "for (.-) in%s+([^%)%s]-)%s+do" => "for %1 in pairs(%2) do"
21:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
21:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:45.08AnduinLotharbut that still doesn't solve kaso's issue
21:45.38Kasoi wouldnt call it an issue :> ived fixed it manually
21:45.54AnduinLothardid it ignore the line completely?
21:46.19AnduinLotharwas it using tabs instead of spaces?
21:46.40Kasoi belive so
21:46.58AnduinLothari mean as the sepperaters
21:47.14AnduinLotharnot indents
21:48.06AnduinLotharcause i just ran it through that statement command line and it works
21:48.17Kasoline 778
21:48.52nootzzykirkburn, if u're there here's what I did: your initial pointer to the ChatFontNormal line was right. I just added another local variable that pointed to an Arial Narrow.ttf I downloaded and changed the parameter.
21:49.38AnduinLotharit's a multiline. that's why it breaks
21:49.58AnduinLotharyeah. my regex doesn't allow line breaks. i'll look at ck's
21:50.21AnduinLothari'd have to rewrite it all
21:50.29AnduinLotharcause atm it onyl does line by line
21:50.47AnduinLotharfor line in file:lines() do
21:51.46AnduinLotharbut honestly, it's poorly coded to beginwith imo
21:52.23AnduinLotharif you're gonna be looping the same table multiple times you should abstract it to save on memory churn
21:52.49AnduinLotharat least for wow anyway
22:01.37Kirkburnnootzzy, that makes sense :)
22:01.49KirkburnNice work
22:03.49Mr_Rabies2from what i've heard, beta invites aren't being flagged as spam on gmail
22:05.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
22:07.11Grineno they aint
22:08.57Beladonabbl, going home
22:09.25Insideorganize functions by alphabetical order.. or just let them clog the screen
22:10.34*** join/#wowi-lounge mjgoossen (n=mjgoosse@
22:10.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
22:11.12mjgoossenHow is ≠ (unequal to) coded in lua?
22:11.29Kirkburn!= iirc?
22:11.51zespri_work~= maybe
22:11.54nevcairiel~= it is
22:12.07AdrineMan, I'm not even getting spam in my gmail inbox.
22:12.10Insidefail desu
22:12.14AdrineI just want bold (1)'s right now!
22:12.15Kirkburn<-- loserrrrr
22:12.19InsideI have 800 spam messages in my inbox '_'
22:12.37zespri_workyeah, lately I get decreased amount of spam in gmail
22:12.51zespri_workdoes this mean that they now kill legitemate mails with beta keys?
22:13.14XorroBlizzard actually disguises beta invites as male enhancement pills
22:13.20AdrineI was just about to ask that
22:13.21Xorrogood luck digging through all those spam messages
22:13.49AdrineI was thinking "I'll bet Blizzard is sending out beta keys with a subject of 'enlarge y0ur p3n1s now!'"
22:13.54ShadowedThe fact that you're checking your email every minute may have to do with the decrease in spam :p
22:14.41AdrineThe funny part is that they wouldn't be lying, either, since being in the beta would make my e-wang larger!
22:15.20Shadoweduntil you realise that about 500 other people got the key the same way!
22:16.02KirkburnArgh, I forgot to respec
22:17.02Cairennbatch #4 of names just went
22:18.19Xorroso Cairenn, are these keys sent out 5 days after the names are sent in? Or will the invites always be done on Tuesdays?
22:18.49Cairenn*to my knowledge* the keys get sent on Tuesdays, although I know a few at least got them as early as last night
22:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
22:20.08Xorroso batches 4 - x will be given their invites next week?
22:20.33InsideLet's submit my uno bot :p
22:20.55KirkburnYay Felguard!
22:20.55Cairennit's only 2:20 out west, so it *may* be possible that the batch I just sent in could get them tonight, but more likely next week
22:21.45Xorro|Moviecool.  Thanks for the info
22:21.51Xorro|Movieand thanks so much for this opportunity
22:22.09Xorro|MovieI'd hate it if my mods weren't 2.0 compliant.
22:22.35Cairennyou're welcome
22:23.02mjgoossenIf you are willing to help me with some code, I have not coded lua before:
22:24.19mjgoossenWhat is not working is: 1) The item is not being placed in the COD slot 2) The recipient is not being filled in.
22:24.39Vallerius_workShadowed: I've never been as annoyed by spam as I have been today... /cry
22:25.32Werik`CurseI can't live without spam
22:25.38mjgoossenIf you look at line 21, I  think the prevents mail from sending if there is no recipient or item attached, right?
22:25.43Werik`CurseThey are organic part of my life
22:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike (n=mjgoosse@
22:26.22mjgoossenI seem to be 2 people here... hello self, Mike.
22:27.00AdrineMike, you're still not terminating your if blocks in the right places
22:27.26AdrineIt's not like C where you can have single-line implicitly-terminated "if" statements
22:27.50*** part/#wowi-lounge mjgoossen (n=mjgoosse@
22:28.52Cairenn450 authors at this point ... nice
22:29.12Adrine is the proper indenting for the code you pasted up there - that might clarify why it's working as it is
22:29.31AdrineCairenn: 450 authors for what? The key program?
22:29.42AdrineWow, very nice.
22:30.59MikeThe sending of the mail fails.
22:32.56Werik`Cursewhat's the difference between the two versions btw?
22:32.57AdrineWhere's it failing? Like 22?
22:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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22:35.15JoshBork1quick! hide!
22:38.31AdrineI look far less like a construction paper cutout than South Park would have you believe!
22:39.36ShadowedVallerius_work: haha
22:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:43.21Cairennanother EU just got a key, over in Ace channel
22:43.32SB1-WorkAnd I still don't have mine :(
22:43.35Cidedamn europeans.. oh wait
22:43.42Cairennlol Cide
22:43.48nevcairieliam EU and have my key as well already :)
22:44.13Guillotinemake sure to check your spam folder. it seems to go in there alot
22:44.30Silviu-In yahoo i got in inbox, not bulk
22:49.25Mery - wow
22:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:55.18MikeHow do I print to the default chat frame what value ClickSendMailItemButton() is?
22:55.26MikeI have tried DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(ClickSendMailItemButton())
22:55.34Insidenow here comes the critical part of the whole uh.. "calling uno" in the uno game >_>
22:55.40AdrineWell, that's a function
22:55.47AdrineIf it doesn't have a return value, then nothing will print
22:55.59MikeOr see if it is true or false?
22:56.34MikeBecause I am trying to trouble shoot why my code is not working.
22:56.43AdrineWell, if it doesn't return anything, the result will just be nil which evaluates to false
22:56.52JoshBork1or tostring(value)
22:57.24TainBut that won't work on the function.
22:57.28TainOr it won't give you what you want.
22:58.08MikeThat is just debugging info, I am trying to debug my code.
22:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge pattybot (
23:00.02MikeEach time I try to run my code it costs 30 copper...
23:00.28AdrineWell, you're sending mails then, I'd say
23:01.05MikeWhat I am trying to get now is the variable recipient to go to SendMail)
23:01.10AdrineYour code is saying "If the recipient is nil, then send the mail", which doesn't seem right.
23:01.32AdrineMaybe you mean "if recipient then SendMail() end" ?
23:01.35MikeOh, I need ~=
23:02.03MikeI have          if ((ClickSendMailItemButton() ~= nil) or (recipient == nil)) then
23:02.20Mr_Rabies2 anyone have any clue what zone this is? :O it looks like hinterlands to me but i'm not sure
23:02.22MikeThat line is to prevent sending mail that does not have items in it.
23:02.52zenzelezzMr_Rabies: reminds me of just south of Chillwind camp
23:03.00zenzelezzthat alliance post in WPL
23:03.04Mr_Rabies2yeah, i'm gonna check em both out
23:03.12ShadowedMr_Rabies what zenzelezz said
23:03.28Mr_Rabies2i think it's one or the other, definitely
23:04.48AdrineYou can just say "if ClickSendMailItemButton() or recipient"
23:04.56AdrineThat just tests to see if it's not nil/false
23:05.08MikeIsn't that the same thing as   if ((ClickSendMailItemButton() ~= nil) or (recipient == nil)) then
23:05.17AdrineYes, it's just shorter and more concise.
23:05.18AdrineI think that ClickSendMailItemButton() doesn't have a return value, so it will always be nil, so that will always fail
23:06.31MikeOK, I just had that so I might save some money...
23:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
23:07.01*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
23:07.08Mery" I got an Ardent Custodian once. After attempting to sell it for three or four days I was looking to see if any more were up for sale, and in my infinite wisdom, bid on another one." - Drysc
23:07.49SB1-WorkStill no key!
23:07.55Mr_Rabies2i usually sell other people's stuff for them if i accidentally bid on something
23:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
23:09.35zenzelezzI see a lot of price scams on my server these days
23:09.42zenzelezz1 Elemental Fire for 75g and stuff
23:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
23:10.38Mr_Rabies2so is opherah windfury still a shaman trainer's name for the draenei?
23:10.39MikeWHOOT, I DID IT!
23:11.54MikeNow I just need to put in the other itemtypes
23:13.25Mr_Rabies2well i'm officially in like 6 different beta contests
23:13.30Mr_Rabies2hopefully i'll get a key
23:13.49JoshBork1Mike: no you dhon't
23:13.52CideMike: no, one "end" after your whole if statement is fine
23:14.07MikeWhat is wrong, JoshBork1?
23:14.23JoshBork1what Cide said
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23:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
23:18.16AdrineSo, since Cenarion Circle is down till tomorrow, someone recommend a server for me to roll on so I can work on Sanity.
23:18.38SB1-WorkProbably one of the "Recommended" realms
23:18.39Meryone that says "low"
23:18.57AdrinePff, that's so boring though! :)
23:19.01JoshBork2Adrine: draka (the OFFICIAL) dev guilds are there :-D
23:19.30AdrineIf I get a beta key in the next...45 minutes, I'll just go dev on the beta servers!
23:19.49MikeNow, how do I use saved vars so other users of this don't need to change everything in the addon, and also make different server preferences?
23:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
23:21.15JoshBork2Mike: have you been to
23:21.32SB1-WorkMike: 1) don't declare the variable local, 2) ## SavedVariables: VariableName1, VariableName2 (in the .toc)
23:21.36MikeI use that, yes.
23:21.44SB1-WorkAlso, ## SavedVariablesByCharacter iirc
23:22.27MikeThis is my first addon to write, so I don't know how to do everything, and rather then search wow wiki for ever, I just ask for what I need here.
23:22.42SB1-WorkWell, I'd recommend searching the wiki in all honesty
23:23.03SB1-WorkSearching for "saved variables" pulls up
23:23.10SB1-Work... eww
23:23.21SB1-WorkEither way, searching for saved variables pulls up the HOWTO first off.
23:23.21Shadowedthats a bit long
23:23.39Insidewhat the fuck
23:24.20SB1-WorkI typed in "saved variables" into the search box, hit search, and pasted the site it sent me to :P
23:24.21JoshBork2let's just go with that
23:24.32SB1-WorkI just didn't realize that it would include all of their embedded HTML..
23:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
23:28.40Thunder_Childdoes anyone know how to access the red *error* text on the screen?
23:31.23Thunder_Childnot the frame...the text for when you are out of mana stuff
23:31.31Thunder_Childor out of range
23:32.07Xorrosigh, no key yet
23:32.51Cairenneveryone that has said they have their key so far has a) be EU and b) was on the last list, so obviously they are processing them in reverse order, not to mention the fact that I'm not the only one submitting names, there are other fansites out there that are holding contests and giving out keys that way
23:32.59Cairennwhen I got my key, it was late in the evening my time, like 10 in the evening
23:33.28XorroI will now shut up.
23:33.51Cairennno shutting up necessary, just pointing it out
23:34.13MikeHow do I end an "elseif" and have it do what is next?
23:35.04TainPeople are generally very helpful here Mike, but some things are basic language questions that you really should read up on.
23:35.37Tullerif then elseif then else end
23:35.53TainOf course many people are more helpful than I am.  :)
23:36.37TullerI'm a fan of, too
23:37.05MikeSorry for my noob questions.
23:37.30Thunder_Childwell we were all noobs once
23:37.39Tain also has wonderful resources in addition.  Not that asking questions is wrong.
23:37.51Thunder_Childand some of us still are *cough* *cough*
23:38.01Kasodamn your too fast
23:38.32MikeI want to read lua 5.0, right?
23:38.36TainAlso the best thing anyone can do is read through Programming in Lua (PiL)
23:38.41Maldiviahmm, any alliance on Tempest Keep EU?
23:38.55TainThe expansion will be Lua 5.1, the current is Lua 5.0
23:39.38MikeWhat are "if" statements called, in the table of contents?
23:40.03Werik`CurseControl Structures?
23:40.08Maldiviaif-then-else statements?
23:42.57zenzelezzoops, wrong part of the site
23:43.15zenzelezzshouldn't be googling while playing Oblivion o_O
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23:47.49MikeOk, I figured it out, this is the code that works with my toon names.
23:48.21MikeThanks room, and especially MentalPower for your help.
23:48.44Adrine"elseif itemType == "Weppon" then" - you probably want to fix the spelling there :)
23:49.12MikeNow, to figure out how to get this to work with CT_MailMod.
23:49.40MikeThey both call IsAltKeyDown()
23:50.05MikeAnd Shift and Ctrl are taken by system functions.
23:50.54MikeAre those the only Is[blak]KeyDown()s
23:51.23MikeI would have to use a key binding then.
23:52.39MikeOr how about something on the trigger: if not MailFrame:IsShown()
23:52.45Shadowed[32:16] <@Cairenn> everyone that has said they have their key so far has a) be EU and b) was on the last list, so obviously they are processing them in reverse order, not to mention the fact that I'm not the only one submitting names, there are other fansites out there that are holding contests and giving out keys that way
23:52.46Shadowed[32:24] <@Cairenn> when I got my key, it was late in the evening my time, like 10 in the evening
23:52.49Mikeif not CTMailFrame:IsShown()
23:52.56MikeOr what ever the name is.

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