irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061104

00:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
00:02.19IndustrialSorry, the administrator has stated that you may only post one comment every 30 seconds.
00:02.24IndustrialI havent posted in like.. 4 hours
00:02.39Cairennthere was a weird glitch went on with the servers, we have no idea why
00:02.52Cairenn(5:35:21 PM) Dolby-wowi: no idea why it happen.  did it on the wowi/vgi servers and the eqi/eq2i servers
00:02.52Cairenn(5:35:29 PM) Dolby-wowi: both in different data centers
00:03.06Cairenn(5:13:22 PM) Dolby-wowi: its weird.... 11/3 2:30am jump to 11/3 3:30pm
00:03.16Cairenn(5:12:56 PM) Dolby-wowi: it will all be fixed by 2am any way
00:03.32Industrial*backs the post up*
00:06.02TainDaylight savings time start late?
00:06.28IndustrialCairenn: PC date off?
00:06.54CairennIndustrial: two different servers, two different data centers ...
00:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:08.09Industrialdaa daaa da daaa daa daaaaa *x files theme*
00:09.40Industrialyeah time really shifted
00:10.37nevcairielthat looks weird
00:10.59IndustrialI can sheeee in to jooor fjoootjoooorrr!! *crazy eye* >_O
00:11.06nevcairielwe had that last week when DST turned off :p
00:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
00:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:12.09Industrialcrap missed ab queue :P sit for another 15 mins :|\
00:12.31IndustrialMOAR boring plz blizzard
00:14.14Industrial\m/ -_- \m/
00:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:25.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:39.08Mr_Rabies2 oh god i feel bad laughing but i cant help it :[
00:39.38OsagasuWell, the worldofwar content is over.
00:40.05CairennOsagasu: ?
00:41.06ShadowedIs there an easy way to find out where an "invalid key for next" error is coming from, if you don't have any table.remove calls?
00:41.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
00:43.00CairennOsagasu: what are you talking about?
00:43.13ShadowedCairenn: Think he means the worldofwar TBC key give-away
00:44.34SaerisHypothetical: You have a loop which calls a function on every iteration. At what point does it become worthwhile to create an alias for that function on the scope immediately above the loop?
00:48.56SaerisBy "what point" I mean "what number of iterations" and by "worthwhile" I mean "lowers the processing required by the entire loop enough to warrant the creation of the local variable"
00:50.19SaerisI'm guessing the number would have to be in the thousands, at least. But I'd like to hear what other, more experienced, people think.
00:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
00:56.13ckknightSaeris, mmm... 2 iterations
00:56.24ckknightlocal variables are cheap.
00:56.36ckknightlike, really damn cheap
00:56.46SaerisOh, really? Intriguing.
00:56.57Cairennbeta patch, for those already in
00:57.14ckknightfair enough.
00:57.35SaerisAre the notes posted anywhere yet?
00:57.42Cairenn38.something Mb
00:58.52Cairennexcept it isn't current
00:58.56ckknightbtw, so you all know, I'm working on a new mod called "Cartographer", which is a map addon to the likes of AlphaMap and MetaMap. Currently, all it does is resize the map, change the alpha, and add in hidden areas (a la MozzFullWorldMap), the difference being that it does it very efficiently
01:00.18Cairennservers aren't up yet though
01:00.48*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
01:00.52Guillotineckknight: theres already an addon named cartographer, just so you know
01:00.56ckknightthere is?
01:00.58ckknightI searched for it
01:01.01ckknightcouldn't find anything
01:01.22Guillotineoh wait, thats cartographe
01:01.24Guillotineclose though ;)
01:01.36Guillotineand its an external program, not an addon I guess
01:01.42GuillotineI just knew I had heard the name
01:01.44ckknightI knew there was an external program
01:01.54ckknighteither way
01:01.58ckknightit's made to be modular
01:02.05ckknightso each module can be disabled if you don't like it
01:02.10ckknightI'm working on the MapNotes part now
01:02.26SaerisSounds pretty hot.
01:02.51ckknightit's really cheap memory and cpu-wise, too
01:03.24ckknightthat's the main point of making it
01:03.36ckknightcause both AlphaMap and MetaMap are beasts
01:03.52ckknightbut they are quite featureful, I won't hold that against them
01:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
01:14.35OsagasuCairenn, sorry, I went AFK.  What Shadowed said.
01:15.52Maldiviauhh... 2.0.1 now!
01:16.28OsagasuSo I'm back to betting, because I STILL haven't figured out how to make the damned addon work properly.
01:17.55Maldiviahmm, so TBC retail will be 2.1.0 ? :)
01:20.25MentalPowerckknight: can you make it so you can change the tint of the undiscovered zones? The blue tint on Mozz's makes me sick
01:21.05ckknightMentalPower, there's a color thing in the menu.
01:21.16ckknightyou choose exactly the color and transparency you want for the undiscovered areas.
01:21.45MentalPoweroh? I must have an old version
01:21.56ckknightmmm... that was always in there, afaik
01:22.08ckknightyou know where the menu is?
01:22.15ckknightnext to the zoom out button
01:22.20MentalPowerdidn't know there was one
01:22.33MentalPowerI'll look for it ingame
01:22.52ckknightwell, click the Cartographer button
01:22.55ckknightgo to MapUnhider
01:23.00ckknightthen click Unexplored color
01:23.18ckknightI'm gonna change the default to something less pukish
01:23.24MentalPoweroh, so your mod is already released?
01:23.32ckknightit's on the svn ;-)
01:23.47MentalPowerI'll install it
01:23.47ckknightit works
01:23.49ckknightfeel free to use it
01:40.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
01:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:48.39gnorlishnew 41 pt talent
01:49.10gnorlishin subtlety
01:49.53Maldiviablink for rogues...?
01:50.06GuillotineWobin: where did you get that screenshot?
01:50.19Guillotinethe servers aren't even up yet o.O
01:50.23[Wobin]off the wow lj comm
01:51.01[Wobin]Is it genuine?
01:51.08[Wobin]The details seem... sketchy =P
01:51.17Guillotineunless they've done some datamining in the last 40 mins
01:51.32[Wobin]seems a bit fast, eh =)
01:51.50zenzelezzthe description doesn't sound real
01:52.04[Wobin]20% is too vague
01:52.14zenzelezzlacks a key word, "damage", at the very least
01:52.41Maldiviagive me 10 sec, and I'll verify...
01:53.18zenzelezzas what, true or false?
01:53.35[Wobin]They're that ambivilant on the wording?
01:53.38Guillotinehow'd you check?
01:53.48Maldiviaextracted the spell.dbc files
01:54.09[Wobin]"Shadowstep" (1144092),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy. Your next Ambush, Backstab or Garrote ability is increased by $36563s2%. Lasts $36563d."
01:54.10zenzelezzwell, they did doa a horrible job with describing the Shield Slam change/fix in one of the latest patches on Live
01:54.49[Wobin]That's a kinda a very cool talent
01:54.55[Wobin]would save me so much effort =P
01:55.06[Wobin]damn latency =P
01:56.05[Wobin]lasts 10 seconds?
01:56.15[Wobin]oh, the boost, I guess
01:56.24Maldiviahmm, is Nurtiring Instinct talent (feral druid) new?
01:56.29[Wobin]it's a 30 yard blink =)
01:56.42Maldivianevermind, it's not
01:57.45Maldiviaimproved pummel in fury..
01:57.59Maldiviais gone
01:59.02Maldiviahmm, might be a patch or two ago :)
02:02.19KirkburnAny sign of an enGB patch?
02:02.33Garoun|LoupanaI was a sad panda when they got rid of the wield a 2h weapon in one hand :(
02:02.41Kasoso wait, theres anyother patch i need to download?
02:03.19Cairenna patch got pushed to BC Beta just a while ago today, yes
02:03.43TainNeverwinter Nights 2 has Monkey Grip. :)  Wield 2h weapons in one hand.
02:03.48MaldiviaKirkburn: need me to mirror it for you?
02:03.50Kasoim getting sick of downloading!
02:04.06KirkburnWe needs the playin', man!
02:04.09KirkburnMaldivia, please :)
02:04.12Garoun|Loupanainteresting, the scanning thing was a bit different
02:04.24MaldiviaKirkburn: ok, will take me 20mins to upload
02:04.38Kasoi might need to borrow that download also maldivia :>
02:04.53KirkburnSaves me having to turn on my 'vacuum' :)
02:04.59Maldiviawow... they're pushing the AP on the feral weapons!!
02:04.59MaldiviaIncreases attack power by 886 in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms only.
02:05.01Garoun|LoupanaI'm just trying to get all patched up so I can get started when the actual ey gets here
02:05.24KirkburnEy!  *pretends to be The Fonz*
02:05.32Garoun|Loupanakey :P
02:05.41Garoun|Loupanamy k is broken and doesn't react that well
02:06.25Maldiviaa lot of new leatherworking recipees this push
02:06.36Kasowait? so Moonkins get the extra AP too nowadays?
02:07.59GuillotineKaso: they have for a while
02:08.01Garoun|Loupana the 70 tank spec I had for my druid
02:08.17Maldiviaok, spell/dmg and healing are getting some serious increments aswell!!!
02:08.22KirkburnNew drood form: Arthur Fonzerelli
02:08.40Kasoisnt the point of that AP so they can get some scaling, moonkins use the weapon DPS why do they need it
02:08.42Kirkburn+ 30 cool, only wears leather armor
02:08.42Garoun|Loupanathat's using 10/25 numbers though
02:09.11GuillotineGaroun: Take Savage Fury instead of Meditation. If you're tanking, no point in having meditation, and you'll be using lacerate a LOT
02:09.26SaerisKaso: Because they're moonkin? ;)
02:10.13Garoun|Loupanait already has savage fury :)
02:10.26zenzelezzif druids get a Fonz form, warriors deserve a Chuck stance
02:10.29Guillotinesry, meant shredding attacks
02:10.56Garoun|Loupanahmm, what's lacerate? was that a new spell?
02:11.48Garoun|Loupanaand guessing you mean Shredding attacs instead of the 3/5 in nature's focus
02:12.06MaldiviaLacerates the enemy target, making them bleed for 155 damage over 15 sec and causing a high amount of threat. This effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target.
02:12.20Garoun|Loupanahmm nice, will go well with mangle
02:12.38Kirkburn*** The vote is on! *** Vote for your favourite WoWWiki icon! Please :)
02:13.22Maldiviaisn't that vote old ?
02:13.28KirkburnNew one, finally :)
02:13.47Shadowedthey all seem to fancy
02:13.49KirkburnYou can vote for two out of the 13
02:13.54MeryYou need directions? Sorry, mage. Even I am lost, here. Ask again in a week or so, yes?"
02:13.59Shadowedi like 13# though
02:14.13Meryfrom a shattrath ciry guard =)
02:14.18Thunder_Childnone of them really describe who and what wowwiki is
02:15.25KirkburnThe little papers on the gnome and goblin ones are actual WoWWiki pages
02:15.36*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
02:16.09Garoun|Loupanahmm, do they not have the updated cinematic in the beta download, or do I just need to watch longer :P
02:16.20KirkburnGaroun|Loupana, won't be until release
02:16.29Garoun|Loupanaok cool, makes sense
02:17.02Thunder_Childit will be nice when games look like the cinematic does
02:17.15Garoun|Loupanajust look at crysis
02:17.26Thunder_Childisnt quite up to that standard
02:17.47Garoun|Loupanaand Bioshock will be close, in terms of AI advancement
02:19.34Garoun|Loupanawait a minute... shadowstep...
02:19.45Garoun|Loupanaoh come on blizz :( sigh
02:19.46Maldiviayep, new 41p subtlety talent
02:19.56Garoun|Loupanathey just had to steal an ability from GW
02:20.04Garoun|LoupanaI think that's even the EXACT name
02:20.05sylvanaarcode gererator, anyone use one, if so which?
02:24.04Garoun|Loupanataken basically out of half the Assasin's abilities in Guild Wars
02:24.27Garoun|LoupanaShadow Step to target foe. For 4...9 seconds, that foe moves 66% slower.
02:25.38Garoun|Loupanaoh well, hopefully they just change the name on it at least :/
02:27.18Garoun|Loupanabecause it's blatantly ripped from GW
02:27.54Garoun|LoupanaShadow Step is the name Guild Wars gave to their abilities that let the Assasin class basically warp to the target to do "something"
02:27.57zenzelezzdidn't sound so to me... similar, but not stolen
02:27.57GuillotineI was thinking the same thing earlier. Its why I was sure it was fake
02:28.22Garoun|LoupanaI mean I was about to ask why people were talking about Guild Wars earlier when I saw it in passing :)
02:28.29KirkburnIt's odd, but it's not entirely an uncommon cobination of words
02:28.40Garoun|LoupanaI havent played my GW account in 3 months and I immediately thought GW when I saw it
02:28.45zenzelezzand next you want Taunt to be renamed because some other game has used it?
02:29.22KirkburnI do think it should be renamed, but I don't think there's a need to jump to conclusions too fast
02:29.27Garoun|LoupanaI have no problems with reusing things, it just struck me as odd since it isnt' all that comon
02:29.57KirkburnEven if it's just a tiny changes like "Shadowy Steps"
02:30.19Garoun|Loupanayep, if I saw that, I never would have thought "isn't that from GW"
02:31.10Guillotinewoohoo! test server is back up!
02:31.24zenzelezzsome names aren't really very uncommon
02:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:33.01Garoun|Loupanaok, you win this one Zenze :P but I would have won if it wasn't for those pesky kids and their dog
02:33.19[Wobin]They should call it StealthBlink
02:34.12Garoun|LoupanaI don't mind admitting my fault :) especially when good facts are presented
02:34.30Guillotinedammit. Druid stealth still isn't fixed :/
02:34.39din`i thought shadowstep had been in the files for a while
02:35.20Garoun|Loupanawaht's wrong with it Guill?
02:35.22zenzelezzit could be they did take heavy inspiration from GW, I'm not arguing that, I only think the name (especially in this case) is pretty common; seeing how shadows always get associated with hiding/stealth and such
02:35.26[Wobin]what does Circle of Healing do?
02:35.54Thunder_Childheals in a cricle
02:35.58GuillotineGaroun: if you ever wore 4 pieces of the pvp set, feline swiftness slows you down while stealthed instead of speeding you up
02:36.11Garoun|Loupanadon't say that :/
02:36.26Garoun|Loupanamy druid where's 4 piece pvp set
02:36.37Garoun|Loupanabut my build doesn't have FS and probably never will
02:38.16Garoun|LoupanaI like the new login screen
02:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:38.38Kasoi was expecting a new FMV :<
02:39.06Garoun|Loupanaat release, I had mentioned that a few lines up :)
02:39.23*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
02:40.13Garoun|Loupanawelp, I'm all patched up, just have to wait for the key now
02:40.56KirkburnTest: How many times can we get the word 'key' into the channel over the next four days :P
02:41.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
02:41.37zenzelezzcan't get an accurate count, "key" is a valid word for code talk too :-o
02:42.17KasoSo, for us EU people who arent used to it, how does the whole charater coping thing work
02:42.29Wobbletrainable cloak of shadows =P
02:42.42Kasocan i borrow my friends gold so i have several thoseand then copy?
02:42.42Guillotinedammit. Hellfire Fortifications is completely borken now. they also removed /bug and /suggest
02:42.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
02:43.14KirkburnKaso, I don't see why not
02:43.59KirkburnIn fact, that's an excellent idea
02:44.20KirkburnMy housemate obviously has a good methodof recourse if I try to steal it, so he might allow me to try it :P
02:45.02Kasoi wonder if there is anything else i should get a horde of before i transfer
02:45.09Kasomaybe some flasks of sup power
02:45.39Kasonot that i'll need any of this, for sitting in orgrimar, testing addons of course!
02:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Wob (
02:46.44Kasoman my spelling sucks tonight
02:48.04Fanookspeaking of testing, is there an easier way to reload the ui than relogging? My reload macro no longer works :(
02:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
02:48.22Kaso./run ReloadUI()
02:48.43Kasoor better yet get SlashRL mod, cuts it down to /rl which owns if your doing it alot
02:49.34KirkburnHeh, nice post by Eyonix:
02:51.24Fanooki like Drokthul's response :)
02:52.28zenzelezz"4 to discuss how Paladins need to be fixed " o_O
02:53.22zenzelezzI bet changing the light bulb makes Onyxia deep-breath more
02:57.25KasoMaldivia: is upload done yet?
02:57.33Maldiviaohh yeah :)
02:58.27Kasospelt it write this time i see
02:58.54Kirkburn97.5MB :O
02:59.03Kasoright right right! learn to bloody write kaso
02:59.29Maldivianow see... I didn't comment on that!
02:59.56Kasoim loving the download speed off your site
03:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:01.35Maldiviakaso: what are you getting?
03:02.37Kirkburn438 (my max)
03:03.17MaldiviaI can download from that server with 6-7 MB/sec :)
03:03.31Kasoshowoff :>
03:03.50Kasowhat happened to that Link Intercepter on the US forums ?
03:05.14WobinDid it get intercepted? =P
03:07.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
03:10.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
03:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
03:15.33KirkburnWob, Wobble, Wobin and [Wobin]. Can I say ...
03:17.28KirkburnI fear my bed is calling me ... oh crap, and I forgot to put my phone on to charge :/ I hope no-one tried to fone me ... (yes, yes they would, thankyouverymuch)
03:17.37Cairennnight Kirkburn
03:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
03:17.52WobbleWT(Stab) intarweb connection
03:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:18.07Kirkburnhehe Wobble
03:18.15KirkburnG'night Cairenn, All!
03:18.18malrethwoohoo! i'm dying to spiders in ZG!
03:19.06Kasomalreth are you a mage?
03:20.45malrethwe don't have anyone to hold aggro so all the aoe'ers are dying on every pull
03:21.29Maldiviajust single target dps them down... much easier...
03:21.34Maldiviaor well, you dont die as a mage :)
03:21.57Kasoor why not tell your healers to heal one main mage and have him hold aggro
03:22.14Kasowith 5 healers on a mage he aint gonna die
03:23.00Maldiviaexcept when you have 10 spiders hitting on you for 400-500 damage every second
03:23.07Maldiviaand you only have around 4k health
03:23.44Kasothe mage-tank method works fine for us in ZG,BWL,AQ and naxx.
03:23.59Kasoas long as you spank heals its usually np
03:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
03:24.19Maldiviaspam-heals are necessary, yeah
03:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (
03:24.57Maldiviato be honest, wouldn't trust the healers in our ZG raids to spam heal :)
03:25.05Maldiviaso I single target dps :)
03:25.08malrethwell, we're done with the spiders
03:25.15Thunder_Childstacking hot's in BC is going to help
03:25.15malrethi lived this time
03:27.05Wobsterbunny =(
03:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
03:30.46KasoThat skill needs to be nurfed, its clearly overpowered agaisnt bunnies
03:30.58Wobinpoor widdle bunny
03:31.02Wobinpoor widdle wabbit
03:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:35.44KasoI wonder if it removes Immobilizing effects
03:36.06Maldiviashadowstep, ambush, kindney... restealth...
03:36.14Maldiviarinse repeat
03:36.41Maldiviano longer have to fear perception etc
03:39.41*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
03:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
03:41.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:42.06WobinKaso: That's what Cloak of Shadows is for
03:42.06Wobinno wait that's just for dots
03:42.07Wobinjust make a gnome rogue =P
03:42.32Maldiviadwarf rogue
03:42.49Wobindoes stoneform remove immobilizing effects?
03:42.51Kasoi guess it must remove roots, its be pretty stupid blinking across the room to appaer at behind someone your feet still incased in ice
03:43.25Wobin'lo Iriel
03:43.49WobinKaso: Nah, you'll just leave your feet behind =)
03:45.55MaldiviaKaso: well, it wouldn't be the first time a blink-spell would do that :)
03:47.04MaldiviaI skipped a few lined...
03:47.06Maldivialines .)
03:47.51Maldiviabut I've blinked before, to get out of roots, just to find out, I was still rooted when I has blinked
03:48.11Maldiviaand its gettting too late for me to write so people can understand me
03:48.20Mr_Rabies2oh man
03:48.30Mr_Rabies2the latest patch changes for druids are pretty damn nice
03:48.56Mr_Rabies2i can't wait for the patch notes so we can see what gets changed that the beta guys may have missed
03:49.37MaldiviaMr_Rabies: what changes
03:49.49Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> Pots/bandages/consumables useable in feral forms.
03:49.49Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> Mangle gives a 30% increase to shred damage, and the bleed increase is also 30% I believe.
03:49.49Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> Procs useable in feral forms.
03:49.49Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> Shapeshift lowered to ~45% base mana.
03:49.49Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> Shredding attacks reduces shred by 18 energy.
03:49.52Mr_Rabies2so far
03:49.57Mr_Rabies2from what the beta guys have found
03:50.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
03:50.43Kasothe image or a bear bandaging itself is quite amusing to me
03:50.45Mr_Rabies2i'm all about the small nagging things about forms being fixed
03:50.57SP|Sorrenprocs in feral eh?
03:51.03Mr_Rabies2the image of a bear checking his mail is pretty funny
03:51.18[Wobin]I love the catform gathering animation
03:51.27Mr_Rabies2"this is in chinese, i can't read this" *throws out*
03:51.59[Wobin]although if the bandaging animation is the druid licking a paw and grooming, I'd be squeeing =P
03:52.13Garoun|Loupanawait... pots in form, being able to have crusader on my mace.... something's wrong here
03:52.27Mr_Rabies2well i'm sure the procs are proc per minute
03:52.39Mr_Rabies2so it's not really like a 1.0 speed is a big deal with em
03:52.45*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
03:52.55Garoun|Loupanayeah, but a proc is a proc :)
03:53.13Mr_Rabies2a small change on the surface that should have been there since release
03:53.20Mr_Rabies2in reality is a pretty nice buff if you put time into it
03:53.43cladhaireHand of Edward the Odd just got a bit more exciting for PVP/Feral =)
03:53.59Mr_Rabies2check that.
03:54.00Garoun|Loupanamace of unyielding for me :)
03:54.18Mr_Rabies2if you can hold your amazement after these changes and that
03:54.32Mr_Rabies2you're less excitable than the average bear
03:55.02Garoun|Loupanaguess I'm grinding CE rep
03:55.24Garoun|LoupanaI'm a feral tank ;) so yeah my eyes lit up
03:55.33Mr_Rabies2hundred armor
03:55.41Mr_Rabies2in bear/moonkin
03:55.48Mr_Rabies2from one mace
03:55.59Mr_Rabies2plus feral combat skill rating
03:56.06Garoun|Loupanait'll go well with at 10500-11k I have right now :P
03:56.43MaldiviaMr_Rabies: there are weaposn with out tp +960 AP
03:57.08MaldiviaMr_Rabies: make that 1125!
03:57.26Maldiviaup to
03:57.34Mr_Rabies2RAYBEEZ DEMANDS IT
03:57.59Maldiviasorry, cant
03:58.25Maldiviabut that earthwarden mace... looks realy nice
03:58.29Mr_Rabies2not in the thottbot database yet?
03:58.32Maldiviajust missing some stats :)
03:58.35Mr_Rabies2well, it's the first feral mace with decent armor on it
03:58.43Garoun|Loupanathere's a really good ring I believe out there for druids also
03:58.51Garoun|Loupanaand it's in the first zone
03:59.36malrethso... when someone gets mind controlled by a jinxed hoodoo pile... do you all try to kill them as fast as possible? because that's what we do and it's so much fun!
03:59.37Garoun|Loupanaone of the quest rewards
03:59.49Mr_Rabies2yeah pretty much malreth
04:00.04Mr_Rabies2i got cb ambushed in caster form once
04:00.05Mr_Rabies2good times
04:00.19MaldiviaMr_Rabies: nope, not in the thottbot yet, the 1125 was just added this push
04:00.22[Wobin]malreth: Totally =)
04:00.32[Wobin]I stealth near the hoodoo picker just in case =)
04:00.48Mr_Rabies2i root them generally for maximum rockage
04:01.05Mr_Rabies2make sure the locks throw up 2 or 3 curses of doom, if that's still possible
04:01.29Mr_Rabies2nothing like watching your rogue fall over and a bigass doom guard show up
04:02.18Maldiviathink the only remaining bug with curse of doom, is spell reflection
04:04.24Maldiviauhh... leatherworkers can make "drums"?
04:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
04:05.14WobbleWhat will these... drums.... do?
04:05.17Mr_Rabies2blacksmiths get these awesome axes
04:05.19Mr_Rabies2and it's like
04:05.23MaldiviaDrums of Restoration
04:05.23MaldiviaRestores 750 health and mana to nearby party members over 15 sec.
04:05.35WobbleA trinket?
04:05.40Mr_Rabies2leatherworkers, you can use this awesome mace that does 10 million dps to make noise with! HOORJ!1
04:05.40Maldiviadont know
04:06.04Maldiviadont know if it's trinket, one-time-use items, items with charges... what..
04:06.21Mr_Rabies2how long does thottbot take to update generally
04:06.28Mr_Rabies2aka start getting items from the last push?
04:06.30Mr_Rabies2a few days?
04:07.14Maldiviaohh, miners can turn primal (...) into Mote of (...) now
04:08.09Maldiviaand leatherworkers can make resistance armor kits now
04:08.48Mr_Rabies2i'm a leatherworker/enchanter at the moment
04:09.00Mr_Rabies2i don't know what i should drop for bc
04:09.13Mr_Rabies2i guess leather and pick up....jewelcrafting?
04:10.56Wobbleleather is one of the easiest to relevel at least
04:11.18Wobbleleatheworking, not so much =P
04:11.52Mr_Rabies2i make no money with leather
04:11.56Mr_Rabies2and i make a ton with enchanting
04:12.12purlmethinks devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
04:12.12Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking about dropping leather and picking something else up
04:12.27Mr_Rabies2maybe herbalism
04:12.28SP|Sorrenthere it is
04:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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04:24.08GuillotineI think I may have just adoped a cat o.O
04:24.27Guillotineno collar or tag, but shes too trusting to be a wild cat imo
04:25.43Cairennput up posters/contact the local shelter
04:25.54Cairennmay be some little kid crying over their lost kitty
04:26.24Cairennlocal veterinarians too
04:26.48Thunder_Childmocha may need a playmate
04:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
04:27.41dreyruugrAnyone know anything about :GetRect()?
04:28.15Wobinisn't that for the clickable range?
04:28.37GuillotineCairenn: I would, but I think it may just be a wandering cat. She's walked past my house the last 3 nights, tonight is just the first time I've gone to pet her
04:28.42dreyruugrit's not on wowwiki
04:28.52GuillotineI know plenty of cats that just wander outside sometimes
04:30.25Cairennand (at least around here) lots of people let their cats be outdoor cats, doesn't mean they are strays
04:32.31Mr_Rabies2awesome! :D
04:33.25Mr_Rabies2in catform
04:33.31dreyruugrthat's new?
04:33.38dreyruugr<-- not a druid
04:33.59Mr_Rabies2used to druids couldn't have any procs
04:33.59Mr_Rabies2or use any items
04:34.08Mr_Rabies2or open chests
04:34.11Mr_Rabies2or talk to npcs
04:34.15Mr_Rabies2in forms
04:34.41Mr_Rabies2i'm not sure about chests but the rest works in forms now
04:40.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:41.15ckknighthey all
04:41.26Cairennhey ckknight
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04:45.27MentalPowerdo you have a screenshot of the look?
04:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Corr[home] (
04:46.58ckknightlvl 64 draenei?
04:47.46MentalPowerthat looks like an NPC to me
04:48.37ckknightyou're righgt
04:51.23Mr_Rabies2they're placeholders atm
04:51.30Mr_Rabies2only the healer set has a graphic atm
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04:51.44Mr_Rabies2the feral and moonkin ones are dreamwalker
04:52.34MentalPowerah, IC
04:52.43Mr_Rabies2ah, they're called something malorne
04:52.57Mr_Rabies2which explains why they have even weirder antlers than cenarion or stormrage
04:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge wob (
04:54.00wobLast week, the White House said, "We never actually used the phrase stay the course." Yes, and we have always been at war with Eurasia.
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05:20.48Tullerwhee, 100 bagnon windows
05:21.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
05:21.58Mr_Rabies2dammit someone get me a beta invite kthx :x
05:22.02Mr_Rabies2i wanna try crusader out
05:22.14ShadowedMr_Rabies: go submit a mod to wowi
05:22.17MentalPowergo upload to WoWI
05:22.23Shadoweds/mod/useful mod/
05:22.40MentalPowergnight guys
05:22.42Mr_Rabies2if only i knew lua :P
05:22.59Mr_Rabies2i would make an awesome mod
05:23.35Mr_Rabies2like one that played the transformers noise on shapeshifting, and played Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Picture show when Chromaggus Time Lapses
05:26.57Shadowedwhats the heart totme?
05:27.02Shadowedi see
05:27.08Shadoweder totem*
05:28.28Silviu-anyone with finished enGB patch can help out seed for 5 mins ? :) is bad to stay for 7 h at 99% :P
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05:38.27Corr[home]"No one single [hunter] ability is a "must have" MORE than Hawk Eye."
05:38.48Corr[home]6 yards... doesn't sound like all that much, to me. am i missing something?
05:39.22Shadowedyes :p
05:40.13Shadowedsome fights you need more range to be able to do anything, and in pvp it's useful all the time
05:40.41Mr_Rabies2that bonus is amazing in pvp
05:41.12Mr_Rabies2i dont think its a MUST HAVE but its very nice
05:41.19Corr[home]i'm so terrible at converting "yards" to in-game distance. is it actually that far? :o
05:41.29Mr_Rabies2to me, lethal shots is better
05:41.38Corr[home]hurricane has a range of 30y and i have a decent idea of how far that is. one fifth of that isn't all that much.
05:41.47Mr_Rabies2yeah, it's amazing for kiting people
05:42.14Mr_Rabies2because only mages can attack from that far, with generally either slow or weak spells
05:42.59Mr_Rabies2you can attack from one yard further out than you can heal from on your druid, corr
05:43.10Mr_Rabies2go to max range for healing touch and take a step back
05:43.15Mr_Rabies2that's how far you can shoot from
05:44.15Corr[home]i have to attach my external drive before i can start WoW, but i guess i have to take your word for it that 6y makes all the difference
05:44.49Mr_Rabies2it's very nice when people can't attack you and you can attack them
05:45.01Mr_Rabies26 yards while slowed is a long time to get more shots in
05:45.36Mr_Rabies2i'd say lethal shots (or mortal, whichever one gives bonuses to crit damage)
05:45.40Mr_Rabies2is better
05:48.03Cairennnot to be nit-picky, but he didn't say it makes "all the difference", he said it makes "a difference"
05:48.36ShadowedLet me put it this way
05:48.52Corr[home]well, the author of the quote i mentioned certainly meant it makes all the difference, if it's must-have
05:48.54Shadowedit's a nice ability, and you'll always find it useful, I would personally take it over anything else
05:49.51CairennCrispix: boy are you ever behind on the times :p
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05:51.00Corr[home]i haven't played a hunter much. i guess i'm just really bad at the whole process of keeping things at a certain range. on the others i've played, range management is mostly just "run forward"
05:51.34CrispixCairenn hon, I've been working too much... -_-
05:51.48Cairennwell, he's in, we got him in a couple days ago
05:51.56CrispixGreat :D
05:52.32CrispixHave you been in it yet Cairenn?
05:52.44CrispixI'm thinking about making a level 1 Blood Elf Warlock....
05:52.44CairennI've been in since F&F Alpha
05:52.53ShadowedCairenn cheats
05:53.11Cairennheh, yeah, I have F&F in the gaming industry
05:53.24CrispixShadowed Cairenn can cheat all she wants.. just as long as she continues to give me that sweet loving and loving feeling she always does.
05:53.43CrispixSo my friend called me when I hit the 50% mark on the beta..
05:53.48Cairennboy, you've been having some good dreams, haven't you?
05:53.58CrispixI said 'So uh.. I'm 50% downloading something... and your going to want to kill me.'
05:54.17Crispix'What are you downloading....." 'Wow .. bc.... beta.."
05:54.33CrispixThe next thing I hear is my phone saying 'If you'd like to make a call.. please hang up and dial again.
05:54.44CrispixI hang up.. 10 secodns later my friend is on his cell phone.
05:54.56Crispix'I'm on my way over.. DONT EVEN START IT'
05:55.52CrispixSo yeah. tonight.. I create a blood elf rogue and a daranie warlock
05:56.07Crispixjuust to see what they're like
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05:57.55CrispixIts teh wobbster!
05:57.59Crispixhiya bud
05:59.31Corr[home]all that research i did on hunters and i had no idea. argh.
05:59.34CairennCrispix dear, down boy, take your valium
05:59.51CrispixWhat'd you have no idea on corr?
05:59.57CrispixValium is over-rated.
06:00.04CrispixDiazaphram is the new cool
06:00.40Corr[home]that the "+6 yards to attack range" talent is apparently incredibly useful
06:00.50Crispixits insanely helpful
06:00.56Corr[home]so what i wonder is how you're supposed to keep people that far away
06:00.59Crispixsix yards doesn't seem much.. but.. yeah...
06:01.10zenzelezzthink it depends on your playstyle
06:01.13CrispixSimple.. send in your pet, run back six yards...
06:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren` (
06:01.55Corr[home]what part of having a pet attack me keeps me from running toward you?
06:01.59Crispixdid I lose my connection again?
06:02.10CrispixCorr its ment for PVErs
06:02.27Corr[home]i understood it mostly as being for PvP from the conversation i just read. :/
06:02.28CrispixI think 10 yards is cut off for a duel anyway
06:02.30SP|Sorren`intimidation keeps people from running towards me >.>
06:03.15Corr[home]so... what's the use of being another 6 yards away from a mob who isn't attacking you?
06:03.29Corr[home]or is this for if and when you draw aggro?
06:03.38Crispixwhen you draw the agro
06:03.47CrispixI send my pet in, move back six yards.. hammer away at it
06:04.21CrispixPut it this way: The farther I am away from the thing my pet is agroing, the safer I'll be from attacks from the thing after it kills my pet (if it does)
06:05.40CrispixCairenn, I don't want to break your heart, but come the 19th of November, I may not be seen much, or say much at all..
06:05.44Crispixmore than normal.
06:05.56CairennI'll try to survive it
06:05.58CrispixI paid off my nintendo wii and zelda twilight princess today :D
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06:07.05Corr[home]i've barely touched my hunter in 8 months... maybe i just need to reconnect to really understand
06:07.26CrispixPossibly so.
06:07.37zenzelezzyou know Corr, just because someone else says they like the talent doesn't mean you're forced to take it :-p
06:07.42CrispixI haven't touched the character I'm named for on this chat, for moths too...
06:08.01CrispixI find it hard to go into Hunters after acclimating (ooh big word..) to my rogue.
06:08.30CrispixGoing from EXTREME close range.. to extreme distance, it just feels weird as heck :D
06:08.34kaidenhey guys, is there a TBC copy of the wowwiki api?
06:08.44Corr[home]you can say that, zenzelezz, but if i'm the only person who doesn't understand the usefulness of something that most other people say is great, i get a little concerned that i'm doing it "wrong"
06:08.46Shadoweddon't think so
06:08.53kaidentrying to find the function to invoke the blizzard feedback ui for my roommate
06:09.05kaidenapparently they lost their feedback buttons today due to some patch
06:09.10kaiden*patiently waits for his key* :)
06:09.13Corr[home]as if a priest didn't know what +healing was good for
06:09.29zenzelezzsod what others think
06:09.32zenzelezzyou're playing to have fun
06:10.27Corr[home]that's just not me
06:12.01CrispixNine minutes until I can make a Daranie Warlock. :O
06:12.20Crispixnine minutes isn't fast enough.
06:12.32Silviu-Crispix u still need to download the patch :>
06:12.33Shadowednine minutes until i get into this WSG game!
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06:12.52CrispixSilviu- I don't think so.. I'm dling the latest version or so it said
06:13.18Silviu-Cairenn et enGB is only one
06:13.21Silviu-356 MB
06:13.30Silviu-And all stuck at 99% :))
06:17.26CrispixI forgot I need to preheat the oven to 350 :(
06:25.04Endurk, we've been having many issues with bwl tonight...people getting disconnected, and then getting ported "because it's not their instance".  now people zoning in are in the wrong instance
06:25.25Endsome of our members could do bwl twice this week I suppose ;p
06:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
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06:28.53CrispixI'm officially upgraded to Burning Crusade.
06:29.55Silviu-gz ;)
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06:31.22Crispixit's taking an uncommonly long time to copy Common.mpq :|
06:31.39CrispixIt went from 5 to 6% :O
06:33.17CrispixI can't believe I got into the beta because my friend whos a manager hates WoW.. and plays Guild Wars..
06:35.48Cairenn~emulate Tem
06:35.50purlDammit, that's it. I'm breaking a new [something]!
06:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
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06:55.17ckknightCrispix, hehe
06:55.29SP|Sorren`question: if you update the toc, do you need to restart WoW?
06:57.37ckknightCrispix, regarding you getting a key
06:57.44Crispixoh :)
07:01.26CrispixI'm 78% done installing
07:01.29Crispixbig beta
07:05.08CairennHow long after i download a addons/interfaces to it be registrated,  have profil and its says noen registrated, have downloaded 5-6 addons the  last days, nut i dont get registrated. I dont use same passwords so i use in the game, but same username. We have several lvl 60 players now (so far 4 off them, 1 horde rest ally  on the server Khagdar)   Hope it will be registrated soon.   Best regards from Svein To
07:05.22CairennI'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean?  You have downloaded addons and you  can't figure out how to get them working in game? Take a look at our FAQ  section, it explains how to install them so that they will work.   If this isn't what you mean, could you try to explain further please.   Cairenn Administrator WoWInterface
07:05.49ScytheBlade1That's nothing short of /awesome/
07:05.52CairennThe keys are for mod AUTHORS, not mod USERS.  Sorry. Cairenn Administrator WoWInterface
07:06.04Cairennwhat shall i do for beeing a authors then?
07:06.19SP|Sorren`i hope english isn't this guy's first language ;p
07:06.23Corr[home]tell him to use drugs!
07:06.36CairennDo you write mods for WoW?  If so, upload them to WoWInterface. Cairenn Administrator WoWInterface
07:06.43CrispixOH CRAP
07:06.47Crispixits done installing :O
07:06.53Cairennheh, have fun Crispix
07:07.03Corr[home]find bugs
07:07.08Crispixnow I need to wait for my friend to get here so I can start it and see the opening with him
07:07.33Thunder_Childit's the same
07:07.48Crispixis it?
07:07.56CrispixNo extended opening or anything?
07:07.59Cairennis it any frigging wonder I get a little squirrelly by times?
07:08.03Thunder_Childthe new one wont be untill the release
07:08.12Corr[home]betas are for finding bugs, silly
07:08.21Thunder_Childand bitching
07:08.25Corr[home]silly rabbit
07:08.32Silviu-Not even a BC movie in cinematics same old movie ;(
07:08.51ScytheBlade1NOT QUITE!
07:08.53Shadowedand releasing videos of overpowered talents, getting them nerfed and getting an item named after you!
07:09.06ScytheBlade1If you know what you're doing, you can get a glimpse into the new movie
07:09.31Thunder_Childthey should of had a little video of the dev's welcomeing ppl and telling them to enjoy the beta
07:09.38ScytheBlade1Turn on Cinematic Subtitles and go watch it
07:10.16kaidenpoor Cairenn, i just read that e-mail you got :)
07:11.22Thunder_Childhopefilly they will make BC's cinematics work with a non-fullscreen game
07:11.23Cairenna day in the life
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07:12.39Thunder_ChildSuch dedication!
07:13.09Thunder_Childand lack of....errmmm....nvm
07:13.52Cairennthat was in reference to you guys talking about the cimematics
07:14.36kaidenWell SP|Sorren` his name is Sven so i doubt english is his first language.. not even second or third or fourth it read like ;)
07:14.38Thunder_Childwell i didnt think you were refering to the e-mail
07:15.07kaidenso cairenn when will i be registrated? :p
07:15.26Cairennaye, I wasn't complaining in the slightest about his grammer, it's very obvious that english isn't his first language
07:15.27kaidenfor use in the mods to the TBC wow yes?
07:15.35Cairennjust the content
07:15.46kaidenwell i for one thought his e-mail was cute
07:16.51ckknightCairenn, I downloaded like 3 mods yesterday, why am I not in TBC yet?
07:17.29CairennI mean, in a way I feel bad
07:17.35Cairennhe obviously didn't understand
07:17.41Cairennbut still
07:17.47Cairenn*bangs her head on her desk*
07:20.10ScytheBlade1Well... that IS what you get for stating "FREE BETA KEYS HERE"
07:21.04Cairennthe first three words in the title of the post on the front page of the site:  "Massive Mod Author"
07:21.56Thunder_Childsounds like some author has a hucge mod
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07:28.28Thunder_Childi cant wait untill they bring fiber to the door so i dont have to wait for an hour to DL 2gb of stuff
07:31.47ckknightand I'll have a jet pack that I'll fly to work on
07:31.52ckknightit'll be awesome, Thunder_Child
07:32.21Thunder_Childthey are alreay laying it, just not my's the other one
07:37.22Thunder_Childand if you dont belive me
07:38.19Thunder_Childi think i would take the 15Mbps/2 Mbps for $44.95 it's close to what i am paying now for 6
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07:40.47Cairenn|afknight guys
07:40.57Thunder_ChildNight Cairenn|afk
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09:02.18SP|Sorren`blizzar doesnt have any seeds?
09:02.51SP|Sorren`i guess not, or you wouldn't be asking right? :<
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09:04.18Silviu-All are at 99%
09:04.30Silviu-From last night
09:04.34SP|Sorren`wow, that sucks :/
09:04.43SP|Sorren`i'd help, but im US :<
09:04.50Silviu-np :)
09:05.09Silviu-And i can`t seem to find to download on any page the patch eighter
09:05.45SP|Sorren`you try posting on the forums?
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09:06.12Silviu-wowace forums or bliz
09:06.51SP|Sorren`both ;P
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09:57.59*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 2.0 UI Changes | | Paste Code Here:
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10:11.19[Wobin]wow. power implosion at the livejournal datacenter =P
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11:20.07SP|Sorren`how will i live without constantly checking livejournal!? oh noes!
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11:41.22[Wobin]Incidentally, does anyone use AIOI?
11:41.42SP|Sorren`i dumped it for a similar mod a while back that also did the bank
11:49.15[Wobin]Apparantly it does do bank now
11:49.26[Wobin]not that I'd recommend it =P since it doesn't appear to play well with MrPlow
12:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
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12:35.05HelgeHanHello! May I asked a totally noobish question here?
12:35.29ArxAs long as I can give a totally noobish answer =)
12:36.00HelgeHanHow can I say something to the varios chat channels in lua script code?
12:37.22ArxNot a clue, looks like most folks are idling
12:37.58HelgeHanOkay, glad I got a reaction! :)
12:38.27ArxI'm more of a noob at lua than thou, I came here looking for a link to a decent tutorial.
12:39.06HelgeHanYes, a link to a good ref manual would answer my question for me. has a list of 90% of the lua functions
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12:42.17HelgeHanhi ... I am back... probs with my client.
12:42.53HelgeHanWell thanks ... I knew about wowwiki, but your hint made me look for the big API-page again... and I found it! Thanks!
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12:52.11Corr[home]wowwiki states this about the Forsaken: "Their spirits and memories were somehow returned to their undead bodies.". as i recall, that is incorrect; that is, the memories were not returned
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12:57.29HelgeHanaren't some quests dealing with events from the (undead) questgivers former live?
12:59.15Corr[home]now that you mention it, yes, i can think of a few specific such quests.
13:00.13Corr[home]someone said they didn't remember, but it would be strange for those questgivers to be so.. -interested- in old grudges if they just read about it in a diary or something
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13:03.10Corr[home]guess that person was mistaken. the article later specifically says again that they retain memories
13:03.22Corr[home]*that person being the one who said they don't
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13:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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13:59.48KirkburnSo I hear Fel Reavers have been replaced with bears :P
14:06.40cladhairelol Kirkburn
14:07.27cladhaireomw to tame a new pet
14:07.36cladhairemy first rare pet that wasn't level 12!
14:08.14cladhaireerr that isn't.
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14:09.14Merywhich one you gonna get? (not that I'd know it anyway but there is still thottbot =P)
14:09.45KirkburnAww, I thought you might try for a Bear Reaver
14:09.55cladhaire1.2 attack lol
14:10.47Meryoh I once helped a friend checking for it... lol
14:11.03MeryI never saw it though
14:33.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:35.06cladhaireand its not spawned =/
14:35.34zenzelezzI've been trying to get that on my hunter, only saw it once but I was too late
14:35.51zenzelezzand naturally he spawns in a heavily farmed location, at least on my server
14:35.58cladhairei'm going to see how painful leveling a Slavering Worg is.
14:37.33zenzelezzdon't know why, but recently a few of our hunters seem to have acquired wolf pets and bring them to raids
14:38.12cladhaireFurious Howl
14:38.16cladhairehelps the rogues/hunters
14:38.46zenzelezzyeah, just don't know why they didn't use them before though :)
14:44.57cladhaireDidn't they change it so you could level a pet usign somethign that is green to THEM not to you?
14:57.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
15:03.18cncfanaticscant u just lvl ur pet on 60 mobs tho ?
15:03.46zenzelezzlow level mobs die faster
15:05.31cladhairei can't have a level 19 pet tank a level 50 mob =)
15:06.29Maldiviaheh, curse of tongue bug... cute
15:06.50zenzelezzwhat's the bug?
15:07.01Maldiviait decreases casting time by 60%, instead of increases :)
15:07.29Maldiviaso due grinding... duel, cast CoT on eachother, and enjoin 1sec shadowbolts
15:08.11Ziconcladhaire: No, they changed it so the pet receives exp according to its level rather than yours. You still have to kill mobs that are green or higher to you.
15:09.26cladhaireso he'll get shitons of experience from level 60 mobs?
15:09.47ZiconThat's the idea, yes.
15:10.31cladhairebah i already abandoned him, cause i'm soloing and couldn't do much
15:11.13zenzelezzdo what others do, find a bot and tag "his" mobs
15:12.43KirkburnQuick note: Vote vote vote!!
15:17.02Kasoi liked it when i was just Times New Roman text :<
15:17.38KirkburnYeah well ... gneh!
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15:40.53Mr_Rabies2YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG
15:48.14Mr_Rabies2gotta love the UI haters
15:49.41KirkburnSomeone should point him towards WoWI and ask him why Blizzard gave them invites to give out ...
15:49.46Garoun|Loupanawhen in doubt, blame the ui, they always say... not I though :P
15:50.31Mr_Rabies2never understood the hate for addons
15:51.00Garoun|Loupanapeople always detest something they don't understand
15:51.03Mr_Rabies2i'm an addon addict, but i still can play better than the average player without them
15:51.08Garoun|Loupanait's a natural thing
15:51.12KirkburnSoem people are very 'conservative' in their playstyles, and don't want to try something new, or feel it may 'ruin; the experience
15:51.19cladhairemy laptop is taking the scenic route throgh FREAKING new jersey!
15:51.25Mr_Rabies2i mean, i was wrecking people all over the ptr on a class i played for a total of 10 minutes with none of my addons
15:51.31Kirkburnlol cladhaire
15:51.58Garoun|Loupanahmm which ace library is Quixote?
15:52.05KirkburnMostyl it's people who haven't tried addons, or had a 'bad' experience with one trying to spread their ignorant views
15:52.20KirkburnIt's part of QuestsFu
15:52.28KirkburnSeomthing to do with Quest stuff
15:52.37Kirkburn*Some :/
15:52.37Garoun|Loupanaevidently it's in bigwings now also
15:52.46Garoun|Loupanacause it's kicking out all sorts of errors
15:53.07Mr_Rabies2god i would kill a man and wear his skin as a coat for a beta invite :x
15:53.08Garoun|Loupanalooks like Deformat-2.0 is the issue though
15:53.17Mr_Rabies2i want to test the new druid changes >:[
15:53.32Kirkburn*new* new changes, or just the new changes?
15:54.19KirkburnTree of Life? :)
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15:54.54Garoun|Loupanamy focus will be on feral but only because I don't really have the gear to test the other 2 properly
15:55.53Mr_Rabies2well i'd test everything kirk
15:55.59Mr_Rabies2i've got good gear for everything but nuking
15:56.28Mr_Rabies2i'd focus on feral though because i'll most likely be feral when 2.0 hits
15:56.34Mr_Rabies2continue to be feral
15:57.13KirkburnOnly feral people can gave rabies :P
15:57.18Kirkburn*have :/
15:57.42zenzelezzI've had rabies several times while fighting various mobs
15:57.43Mr_Rabies2i made a druid char in diablo 2 named mr_rabies because i forgot rabies was a werewolf spell
15:57.48Mr_Rabies2but i'm a werebear :x
15:58.09Mr_Rabies2everyone's like "lol rabies rocks doesn't it?" "actually...i'm wearbear :x"
15:58.24Kirkburnoops :P
15:58.49Mr_Rabies2i hope 2.0 hits the ptr soon
16:01.07Mr_Rabies2i want to find bugs, and my natural unluckiness helps me find them :D
16:01.17Mr_Rabies2too bad i wouldn't be able to report them :|
16:04.01Mr_Rabies2running through org and i get
16:04.12Mr_Rabies2[Blag] whispers: rfc
16:04.16Mr_Rabies2i'm level 30 :x
16:04.33zenzelezzso? I'm 60 but get invited to Deadmines
16:04.52Mr_Rabies2well that's all that i got was the word rfc
16:04.56Mr_Rabies2ignored him :]
16:05.11Kasowhat class do you play?
16:05.21Mr_Rabies2this char is
16:05.46KasoSee, as a priest, the pink spam just becomes background noise, you barely even read it
16:05.55Mr_Rabies2yeah about the same on my druid
16:06.07ZiconNo kidding.
16:06.18Mr_Rabies2i don't get as many now as i used to
16:06.22ZiconGoing from hunter to priest made for a strange experience. :p
16:06.38Mr_Rabies2mostly because the server's too old for pugs
16:06.48Mr_Rabies2it was part of the second set of servers released
16:06.56Mr_Rabies2when the first set were overloaded to unplayability
16:09.37Mr_Rabies2oh god i'm replaying this episode of ren and stimpy
16:09.39Mr_Rabies2in my mind
16:09.47Mr_Rabies2as it plays on the tv D:
16:09.56Mr_Rabies2i haven't seen it in probably 10 years or so
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17:06.21Qshadowp[NS]lmao when i joined battlegrounds i had 1289KiB/s increaseing rate :D
17:08.03Qshadowp[NS]yea :P
17:08.52Garoun|Loupanawith 1.12, CTRA crashed me everytime I joined a BG :/
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17:25.50Garoun|Loupanamorn cair
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18:16.12thris it possible to "colorize" a texture?
18:16.25thrto change it's color from say blue to green?
18:25.30KasoTexture:SetVertexColor() ?
18:25.51Hexarobiyou could always edit the texture directly
18:34.04CairennI've had it
18:34.15Thiras2say what?
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18:34.58Thiras2looks like someone already has my name on this irc network
18:35.10thrIs there any way to distinguish (spelling?) two npcs with the same name from eachother?
18:35.29thrI mean you can fight three "Defias Looter" at the same time, is there ANY way to tell them appart ?
18:35.56nevcairielif they are exactly the same, no
18:36.02Thiras2no afraid thats not possible
18:37.13nevcairieloh my, some people on the forums really are ..
18:38.17Thunder_Childgee Cairenn, you seem almost exasperated....
18:39.17Rogalli fail to see how his playstyle gets ruined by the 2.0 changes
18:39.24Cairennit doesn't
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18:39.29Cairennthey are talking out of their asses
18:39.38Cairennthey haven't a fucking clue what they are talking about?
18:39.38Rogallthey want decursive you mean
18:39.47Cairennerrr, no ? on the end of that
18:40.57Thunder_Childthough i do notice that none fo the ppl that piosted a response is a priest
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18:46.51CairennI edited it to add more
18:47.16zenzelezzthey probably are priests, they just can't post as their priests because then people would know they were poor priests
18:49.10Valleriusas a priest with entirely too much time /played, i'm not worried in the slightest about the changes
18:49.21Thunder_Childnither am i
18:49.38Merythe problem is nobody ever tried to lets say "decurse" without an addon
18:50.58Valleriusi used decursive once, a long time ago, before promptly deleting it. it can't prioritize targets as well as someone with a functioning brain, and is just plain lazy
18:51.03Garoun|LoupanaI did
18:51.08Garoun|Loupanait's a nightmare without decursive
18:51.38Thunder_Childthere is a replacement for it, it's simply more bulky
18:53.09Rogallno decursive on noth is hell
18:53.17Rogallthen again we wont be killing noth in bc
18:54.30Thunder_Childpeople keep forgeting that there is timers in BC as well, if you cant do any other instances, you will go through the older ones
18:56.06ValleriusRogall: is it really that bad? just assign each decurser their own group or two, and have at it. you can target the next decurse target before the cooldown is up
18:57.17Vallerius(i don't know, i've never played in a decursing role on that fight)
18:57.19Rogallthe thing about that is
18:57.25Rogallthe curse kills the raid after what, 5 seconds
18:57.27Rogallif it goes out
18:57.28sylvanaarVallerius: Noth or GWF without decursive = no
18:57.42Rogallnow if someone falls asleep, gets a lagspike, gets disconnected, dog bites that someone in the leg
18:57.44Rogallyou name it
18:57.49Rogallthen youre dead
18:57.58Rogallwhat sylvanaar said :x
18:57.58cryogen18:53 < Rogall> then again we wont be killing noth in bc
18:58.03Rogallwill you?
18:58.06cryogenthe decursive removal goes in long before bc
18:58.10cryogenits in the next content patch
18:58.13Rogallyes, i knwo
18:58.14cryogenwhich is Soon(tm)
18:58.21sylvanaaroh no, my guy is uut of range...can someone get him
18:58.22Rogallwell, people will have to manage
18:58.43Rogallbut until BC hits doing noth for example will be tough
18:59.02cryogennot undoable
18:59.21sylvanaarnot worth doing
18:59.27cryogenthen dont
18:59.29cryogennoone forces you
18:59.56sylvanaarim not going to...=)
19:01.41Shadowedsylvanaar: Noth is easy without decursive if people are paying attention
19:02.21ShadowedChromaggus without decursive would be hard, Noth is easy
19:02.36cryogenare you kidding? (or horde)
19:02.36sylvanaaranyone who says something is easy if people are paying attention is an idealist
19:03.21sylvanaarlol k
19:03.24Shadowedsylvanaar: My guilds on KT and he should be dead this week. I'm not just "some guy who's never been into naxx before", i've played a priest, i've talked to people who use decursive and those who havn't. You have a ton of mods that give timers for when the curse is coming up to give you time to be ready to spam it
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19:05.14sylvanaaryou played a priest when? what class are you now?
19:06.34Valleriuswell, we can find out for sure tonight. my guild is going into naxx with all decursive/ezheal-type mods off, to prepare for patch/xpack. i'll let you know how it goes
19:08.01Shadoweddon't get me started on the ezheal mods :p
19:09.56Valleriusso on a lighter note, how about that new focus feature?  :D
19:10.40Shadowedlooks fine, will have to play around with it
19:10.44Shadoweder fine = fun
19:11.22sylvanaarits the same thing as having someone else keep whatever it is targeted
19:12.20ShadowedWhich requires you to assume that somebody else will do something all the time...which is a bad method to program on. It lets you do some nice things like sheep mods
19:13.53sylvanaari agree, but its the same nonetheless
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19:14.43sylvanaarif you can see other people's focuses -- that would be interesting
19:14.52Valleriusi wonder if there will be an API for setting focus (out of combat, of course)
19:15.03Shadowedthere isn't last i heard
19:15.21Valleriusboo. i had plans for that  : /
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19:16.05Shadowedsylvanaar: It's completely different
19:16.37sylvanaarShadowed: how
19:17.11Shadowedsylvanaar: One is 100% reliable, the other is guessing and hoping. It also lets you uniquely identify mobs
19:18.23sylvanaarShadowed: all i said was that the effect was the same as having someone keep it targeted.
19:29.53KasoHowcome my OnEvent is getting an even before a blizzard frame is :<
19:32.42Kasoits frustrating
19:33.01Shadowedthey always do
19:34.43Shadowedpretty sure we've always gotten events before the blizzard frames do
19:37.46Industrialnah, just kidding
19:37.50Industrialke ke ke
19:40.40thrShadowed: What lets you uniquely identify mobs? ;>
19:40.50thrYou said:  "...  It also lets you uniquely identify mobs .."
19:40.56thrwhere, what, how, when? ;>
19:42.03Shadowedone sec
19:44.05ShadowedMy understanding of focus is that you can set a mob ( or player? ) and you'll get specific events related to that mob. So, for example you could have a macro that sets your target to focus and sheeps them, then monitors that mob using the focus events, so you don't have issues with mobs using the same name and such
19:44.51thrcan you focus multiple mobs?
19:44.52thror just one?
19:45.05Meryjust one
19:45.28Garoun|Loupanathat'll help progression probably keep track of a boss and what it does
19:47.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
19:47.52thrif(UnitName("target") ~= nil) is good enough to check if the player has a target, ye?
19:50.07Industrialif UnitName('target') then
19:54.00Tullerif UnitExists('target')
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19:57.11Shadowedor that!
19:59.20thrHmm, i'm working on a mod that colors the border around a debuff slot for dots if you have a dot of that type on the mob.
19:59.50thrWill this work in TBC? I mean, have they restricted the "editing" of the player/target frames during combat?
20:00.15Garoun|Loupanadunno who I was talking to about forcing ChatFrame1 to be selected on load in WoW, the OnLoad forced click didn't work but PEW worked fine
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20:03.14ShadowedThey restricted the editing of the frames, not sure if that applies to debuffs or not though
20:04.59Mr_Rabies2still no patch notes for beta?
20:06.02sylvanaarthr: it applies to clickable unit frames in combat, they cant have thier targets changed programatically or thier visibility, nor can they be moved. but you can change their colors and whatnot for debuffs
20:06.40thrsylvanaar: ok thanks, so i can use te SetDestaurated() on the debuff-borders then? :)
20:07.27sylvanaarthr: you can still move them yourself of course with the mouse - for specific details check out the blizzard SecureUnitFrame code
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20:09.09thrsylvanaar: ok, well i'm only intersted if i can change the color, etc. so thanks for the informative answer :)
20:16.14thrWarlocks have to be the class with the most dot-debuffs, right?
20:16.32thrhow many can the apply at the same time? 2 ? Agony+Corruption ?
20:16.44Endmore than that I think
20:17.03thrhmm what it's called.. Immolate also
20:17.05Endimmolate I think'
20:17.10throk so 3
20:19.47Armooothere is also Siphon Life
20:20.00thrbut that's channeled
20:20.06PlorkyeranDrain Life is channeled
20:20.12thrSiphon Life
20:20.14PlorkyeranSiphon Life is a bad dot
20:20.18Endsiphon life is..yea
20:21.18Endif you have warlocks bitching about bad dots on a target, but then you see siphon life...well...warlocks probably need to sort out their own stuff first ;p
20:21.21Rogallit heals you too
20:21.24Rogallaint THAT bac
20:21.37PlorkyeranIt's better than serpent sting
20:21.38cladhaire*ahem* My laptop has left New Jersey.. and STILL wont be here until monday i hate my life.
20:22.06zenzelezzyou wouldn't be so annoyed about it if you didn't keep tracking it
20:22.10zenzelezz"Oh, it's here =)"
20:22.12cladhairenot true
20:24.29Maldiviathe: as afar as I know, it's only the movement, anchoring and show/hide that's locked - changin color, alpha, backdrop, saturation etc is still possible in combat
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20:36.09MaldiviaIt's hard to make a name in BGs, and hard to find worth opponents in world pvp
20:36.41Shadowedoooo another hate tell
20:37.00ShadowedMaldivia: It's pretty easy, just insult all the pugs for stupidity, repeat for a year and you'll be the most hated person on the server/bg group :p
20:37.30Shadowedfor example! heres the last hate tell I got
20:37.31ShadowedAnd people like you will continue to be the reason that alliance loses more then it wins. You have NO idea what you are talking about. You aren't even man enough to stand up and fight...make comments and run. Log from AV, put people on ignore, etc.
20:39.20Maldiviai usually just give witty remarks in the BG channel
20:39.36Maldiviawhen people scream at people, trying to tell everyone what to do
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20:39.57Maldiviafor some reason, having a complete stranger yell at everyone, have the complete opposite effect on me
20:40.13ShadowedI love it, it makes the grind a lot more amusing
20:41.01Maldiviawhen they start yelling i BG, I start HK farming, instead of trying to win :)
20:41.29ShadowedI gave up trying to win a long time ago in AV :p
20:41.44Maldiviawell, 9 out of 10 AVs I'm in, we win :)
20:41.53Shadowedare you horde? :p
20:42.06Shadowedwow, what server?
20:42.13Maldiviabut I've been reputation farming lately, so trying to ninja loot all corpses
20:42.16MaldiviaDragonmaw EU
20:42.40Shadowedoh thats why
20:42.49ShadowedNightfall has terrible AV's!
20:42.51Maldiviaif I'm doing defense, I'm getting around 500 alliance rep pr run
20:44.07Maldiviahelp lowers my runecloth costs for faction :)
20:45.16Maldivia500 alliance rep = 30 runecloth stacks :)
20:45.59thrAlliance on Stormscale EU
20:46.07thrwinns alot of AVs also ;P
20:47.07thrMaldivia: Btw in TBC is it allowed to have the TargetFrame as parent to new frames ?
20:47.22Maldiviawhy wouldn't it be
20:47.38thrWell, I don't know but just thought I'd ask in just in case ;(
20:48.03Maldiviachildren frames inherit the same restrictions as their parents
20:48.38thrbut say that I set the TargetFrame as a parent to one of my frames am I allowed to change the texture of it in mid combat?(my frame, not the target frame)
20:48.50cladhaireyou can always change textures
20:48.56cladhaireno restrictions ever
20:48.56Maldiviayou're also allowed to change textures on the target frame
20:49.14thrthanks :)
20:49.27MaldiviaThe restricted functions in combat are: Show(), Hide(), SetPoint(), SetParent()
20:49.33thrbut I wont be able to hide it ? ;/
20:49.35Maldiviaand similar
20:49.37cladhaireand SetAttribute()
20:50.00MaldiviaClearAllPoints(), SetAllPoints() aswell
20:50.07Maldiviaprobably more that I can't think of right now
20:50.12thrHmm, ok ... that poses some probelm if i'm not allowed to hide my frame
20:50.27cladhairewell those are the basis of the restrictions.
20:50.29cladhairewhat are you trying to do?
20:50.36cladhaireand we'll tell you if its possible
20:50.48thrI'm just showing a small frame next to the target frame which shows the current dots you have on the target that are ticking.
20:51.06thrit parses the combat log for "blabla suffers X damage from your dotspellname"
20:51.20thrand displays that spells texture in a small window next to the target frame
20:51.22cladhairewell if they're not secure frames
20:51.23Maldiviaa child frame, that's not set as secure, I think you can show/hide it at all time...
20:51.25cladhairei.e. yo ucan't click on them
20:51.28cladhaireyou can hide and show whwnever you want
20:51.42throk, but what makes it secure then?
20:51.44thrif it's clicke-able?
20:51.45cladhaireyou do
20:51.55cladhaireif it needs to do secure actions
20:51.55Maldiviawhen you inhit from Secure[...]Template
20:52.01cladhairei.e. targeting, casting spells, doing an actino
20:52.15thrah ok, nah it only needs to change it textures and hide/show itself
20:52.21cladhairethen you're all set
20:52.24thrthanks :)
20:52.39thrbtw, where on the wiki can i read more detailed info about the TBC changes?
20:52.44cladhaireyou can't really
20:52.49thrhmm okey ;>
20:52.49cladhairethey're still changing all the time
20:52.51Maldiviaread the concise thread on the UI forums
20:52.53cladhaireread the 2.0 thread on the forums.
20:52.58Maldiviathat's the best source currently
20:52.58throk, thanks :)
20:53.04thr<3 this channel
20:53.17Maldiviaalso - and check the FrameXML\Secure* files
20:53.27thrlol my 60 mage just got killed by a lvl11 bird in westfall (afk) ;(
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21:11.00Merywhat is an easy to use free 3d rendering program? (I basically just want to make a really simple arrow)
21:12.08cryogenmilkshape 3d?
21:14.09zenzelezzMilkshape is a modeler, not a renderer... but it does sound like he's looking to create an arrow, so it might work
21:14.32KasoMery: you can get a Free trial of 3D Studio Max, on there site
21:15.07Kasothier even
21:16.44*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
21:20.45SP|Sorrenany hunters here in beta?
21:21.46*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
21:24.42cladhairei am
21:24.47cladhairenot level 60, but 52 =)
21:27.20SP|Sorren...i forgot what i was going to ask
21:27.23SP|Sorrenjust a sec.
21:27.31SP|Sorrendoes aimed shot have a natural cast bar now?
21:27.35cladhairenot sure
21:27.37cladhairedont have it.
21:27.38SP|Sorrenand did they really normalize pet speeds?
21:27.39SP|Sorrenah :<
21:28.31cladhairenot sure.. sorry =(
21:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-60459f3f37787178)
21:29.54SP|Sorrenoh well, thanks anyway :)
21:30.09cladhairehehe sorry
21:36.43Cairenn~lart Qshadowp[NS]
21:37.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:37.29Guillotinehiya :)
21:37.35Cairennhey Guillotine
21:38.12Guillotineis there a TBC version of Iriel's Devtools yet? or does anyone know of a substitute? I'm having a problem with item links
21:38.51Cairennthere is, but I don't know that he has released it for public consumption yet
21:38.57CairennI'll ask him about it when he's around
21:48.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:52.01MaldiviaGuillotine: the current version should work, if you update the interface version to 20000
21:52.19GuillotineMaldivia: really? thanks :)
21:52.38MaldiviaGuillotine: and item links have 4 extra fields now (I think it's 4)
21:52.55Guillotinethat would be why I'm having trouble ;) /dump is how I usually look at item links
21:53.16MaldiviaI think they are for sockets and temp buff, not 100% sure though
21:59.46Guillotinehmm. whats that last one. it seems like a long list of random numbers. 1512673407 for Ursol's Claw
21:59.53Guillotineand theres no sockets on that o.O
22:00.36Maldiviaprobably the identifier, like on the old links
22:01.23MaldiviaI don't know if anyone ever figured out what it contains, but I think it's for internal use, don't really know why it's in the links
22:02.32Maldiviaperhaps a serial/tracking number so GMs can easier track items?
22:02.46Guillotinecould be
22:02.54Guillotinelinks work if I just put 0 there though
22:02.56Shadowedget another claw and do a dump?
22:03.23Maldiviayeah, the "serial number" is not important when generating tooltips / linking it
22:03.35Maldiviathey usually are attached to a specific item
22:04.16Guillotinewoohoo! getlink updated for TBC :D
22:04.17MaldiviaI think only quest items and green+ items have it
22:04.30Maldiviaand getlink is?
22:05.19Guillotinebest item link addon imo. uses NO saved variables for the items
22:06.04Maldiviaahh, just searches the item cache (with GetItemInfo) ?
22:07.04MaldiviaGuillotine: remembered to up the max search number?
22:07.22Maldiviaand why even bother generating the links, since they are returned directly from GetItemInfo now
22:07.45Guillotinethey are?
22:07.53Maldiviasecond return from GetItemInfo is not the full item link, with color, name etc
22:08.43Guillotinewhy you're right
22:09.09Maldiviais now*
22:09.23Maldiviawhy do I always mix up not and now :)
22:09.48Maldiviawhat you upped the max number to ?
22:09.52KirkburnBecause you have hilariously fat fingers?
22:10.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cpt|Kirk (
22:10.18Cpt|KirkWhat does it mean if I login and see a new starup screen when my character is at 19?
22:11.01GuillotineMaldivia: ya, the max is upped as well. Up to 5000 from 2500
22:11.13MaldiviaGuillotine: 50000 I'm guessing...
22:11.14Guillotinewill take longer to scan, but I'm not sure how far we go now
22:11.26Cpt|KirkI login and it is a new character screen?
22:11.30Guillotineyes, thats what I meant ;)
22:11.46KirkburnMay be set to the wrong server?
22:12.00Cpt|Kirkhow do i find out what server it should be set on?
22:12.22zenzelezz"Change Realm" button, look for the server that has a number after the name
22:12.31Kirkburnzenzelezz beat me :P
22:12.49KirkburnButton at top-right of char screen
22:13.46MaldiviaGuillotine: well, I've seen item ids up to around 31000 so far
22:14.08Guillotineya. I may have to up it even further, but I figure 50000 is safe for now
22:14.25Guillotineand thanks for the info about GetItemInfo returning item links. only gets rid of about 1 line of code, but makes it more accurate :)
22:14.35Maldiviayou should be good for atleast 6 months with 50000 :)
22:15.03Cpt|Kirkthe server i used to be on is not on the list? ALONSUS.
22:15.04Maldiviaif not more :)
22:15.16cladhaireoooh i get aimed shot in 3 levels!
22:15.29Cpt|KirkWhat does this mean?
22:15.52Merymaybe your server is offline? (maintanance of any sort)
22:16.23Cpt|Kirkhow to find that out?
22:16.44Industrialyay ppl are liking it
22:16.46Industrialim surprised
22:17.19KirkburnCpt|Kirk, EU realm, no?
22:17.26cladhairehaha you munchkin trolled
22:17.37SP|Sorrensince when could holy fire crit for 1902?
22:17.41Industrialcladhaire: :-)
22:17.41Cpt|Kirkit is down
22:18.21KirkburnI don't see it on my in-game realsm list
22:20.04Maldiviaposted 30min ago, about a few servers (amoung those alonsus) being unavailable
22:30.55CairennHexarobi: ping?
22:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
22:34.22thrHmm ok in TBC will i be able to hide the default debuff slots as I want?
22:34.30thr"* The parent of a protected frame is implicitly protected also, as are any frames which it is anchored to. "
22:34.39thrBut it doesn't say anything about children of the protected frame
22:34.49Merychildren are not protected
22:34.59throkey, good.
22:35.02Mery(except they are secure)
22:35.10Meryor have a secure anchored to them
22:35.28thrbasicly what i wanna do is a debuff filter
22:35.38thrthat only shows the debuffs that are interesting for the particular class
22:36.01thrsay as a mage i dont wanna see rend, sw:p, etc.
22:36.13thrbut i want to see the curse of elements/shadowm, ignite, scorch debuffs, etc.
22:36.18thrwould this be possible in TBC?
22:37.03Meryas long as there is no casting / targetting involved
22:37.09Meryyou can pretty much do anything
22:40.45SP|Sorrenfor some reason im perpetually flagged for pvp
22:40.52SP|Sorrenno matter how long i idle in town
22:41.11*** part/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
22:41.37zenzelezz/pvp ?
22:56.07thrcan i overload
22:56.11thrblizzards standard funcions?
22:56.16SP|Sorreneh, since when do you have to turn it off?
22:56.25cladhaireSP|Sorren: Since like 1.3
22:56.35cladhairethr: overload isn't the right term, but yes.. you can redefine them
22:56.36SP|Sorrenits been a long time.
22:56.52SP|Sorreni thought it just faded after a while :/
22:57.04cladhairenah, hasn't been that way since forever
22:57.12thrcladhaire: hooking then
22:57.12cladhaire(PVP wasn't introduced until 1.4 or so, imo)
22:57.21thrcladhaire: but will i be able to do so in TBC also?
22:57.29cladhairethr: Yes, you can hook the majority of functions, in some manner
22:57.33cladhairedepends on the function
22:57.38cladhairethe answer is yes.. with caveats
22:57.43thri wanna hook the TargetDebuffButton_Update
22:58.03cladhaireto do what?
22:58.12thrto filter what debuffs are shown
22:58.25thrI don't wanna see rend, hunters mark, etc. if i'm playing a mage.
22:58.27thrfor example
22:58.29cladhaireyou can't.
22:58.31cladhairenot in TBC
22:58.41cladhaireyes you shoudl be able to
22:58.45cladhairei was smoking crack.
22:58.53thryou were?
22:58.54cladhaireyou'll have to do it in a post-hook
22:58.57cladhaireafter the original has run
22:59.06thrhmm ok, how does that look?
22:59.15cladhairein TBC or now.. cause you can't do it the same in both
23:00.09thri have no idea on how to do a post-hook ;<
23:00.26cladhairewell in TBC its simple.
23:00.32cladhairecurrently, you have to do it manually
23:00.57throk, so...
23:01.09thrhow is it done? i can't find anything abot post-hooks on the wiki
23:01.09cladhairewhich are you coding for.. that's what i asked.
23:01.33thrwell, I'm coding for the current one - but I wanna make sure I can do it in TBC also since I don't wanna develop an addon that is used for 1½-2months
23:01.44cladhairewell you can't have both without juggling code
23:01.51*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS- (n=[KaoS]`
23:01.53cladhaireor writing your own hooksecurefunc
23:02.05cladhairedo you want to use a library or do it manually?
23:02.13cladhaireif you never unhook then manual is easy
23:02.21thrnope never unhook.
23:02.24cladhairelocal oldFunction = SomeGlobalFunction_ThatYouWantToHook
23:03.15cladhairefunction SomeGlobalFunction_ThatYouWantToHook(have, the, same, params, here) -- do your stuff here return the, same, returns, here end
23:03.23cladhairedoing it that way, you can write your own function to do what you want
23:03.33cladhaireor you can call the old functin and pass it the params if you need to.
23:03.47cladhaireyou literally just store the function, then make a new one, calling the old one if you want to.
23:03.49throk, that I'm aware off but you said post-hook ?
23:03.57thrIsn't that a pre-hook? ;<
23:04.08cladhairein TBC you can only do it in a hook that operates afterwards, in this case securehookfunc
23:04.19thrah okej
23:04.35thrbut I will be able to do it in TBC none the less, good.
23:04.35cladhairethat's not a pre-hook, thats an overwrite hook if anything else =)
23:04.45cladhairein this SPECIFIC case, you shoudl be able to
23:04.53thrah well ok, but it could be a pre-hook by running the old function inside itself.
23:05.03cladhaireor a post
23:05.07thr;< ye.
23:05.08cladhairedepends on when you call the original
23:05.10thrah well , gotcha.
23:05.17thrhow does it look in TBC then?
23:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
23:05.30cladhaireread hooksecurefunc() in the changes thread
23:05.40throkey thn
23:05.54SP|Sorrenis there a way to tell if a table is empty?
23:06.03cladhaireif not next(tbl) then
23:06.10thrthat was easy :)
23:06.43thrvry easy ;>
23:06.57cladhairebut you have to be careful not to taint anythign.. if its secure
23:07.22thrwell what I wanna do it filter what debufs are shown and what are not
23:07.25Maldiviacan always implement hooksecurefunc for your self, or check if it already exists first
23:07.33cladhaireMaldivia: *nod*
23:07.38cladhairethats what i suggested/said
23:07.40thrif I'm playing a mage I wanna see all my own debuffs + sunder armors + the warlock curses maybe.
23:07.47Maldiviaclad: ups, sorry - missed that :)
23:08.06thrI don't care about the warlocks dots, or the rends on the target, etc.
23:08.17thrand since they are upping the debuff limit to 40
23:08.26thrfinding that scorch debuff among 40 other slots
23:08.31thrwill be less then ideal.
23:09.10cladhairethat's like four lines of code to just filter to the ones you can cast
23:09.18cladhaireto add the others in gets more difficult.
23:09.42Maldiviahmm, a hooksecurefunc could look something like this for WoW 1.x:
23:09.48Maldiviaunless I've made a mistake somewhere
23:10.29thrcladhaire: ye well the logic itself is no problem, just wanted to make sure i can do it in TBC also ;<z
23:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:12.21Maldiviahmm, should probably change it to if not hooksecurefunc then ... instead, since hooksecurefunc = hooksecurefunc will probably taint it
23:12.48cladhairethat'd probably be bad.
23:13.01Maldiviayeah, just figured :)
23:13.39thrhey it works ;d
23:20.48Kasoooh dragons!
23:22.32thraye, there be dragons here!
23:22.52thrHow do i find out if the player has put point sin a specific talent?
23:22.53Maldivia... and dungeons?
23:23.03KasoDragons of the green varitiy
23:23.04thrMaldivia: No, just dragons!
23:23.56thrMaldivia: ye, but none of those functiosn check if i currently HAVE the talent ? ,<
23:24.25thr"currentRank" in the GetTalentInfo()
23:29.23thrcladhaire: You are sure I will be able to change what debuffs are displayed in TBC the way we talked about with hooks?
23:29.38thrBecause I realy don't want to go thru the pain of writing up this addon with lists f what debuffs for what classes, etc.
23:29.56thrIf it will be useless in two months
23:30.11thror three, whenever TBC comes out
23:30.11cladhairei can't see why you wouldn't be able to
23:31.44thrcladhaire: btw you said it would be easy to filter out the ones your own class can cast
23:31.47thrhow would that be done?
23:32.13Shadowedsearch your spell book i'd imagine
23:32.30cladhaireUnitBuff("unit", index[, showCastable])
23:32.49thrbut i'm after debuffs, not buffs.
23:32.51Shadowedisn't he doing debuffs not buffs
23:33.45cladhairegood point.
23:33.48throk i guess I could scan the spellbook when you login and save that as a table.
23:33.56cladhaireand every time the spellbook updates
23:34.13Maldiviawell, the problem is that the spell book and the debuffs doesn't all have the same names
23:34.19thrno but the same texture
23:34.29thrwhich should be good enough
23:35.01thror? ;>
23:37.05thrshould be enough i think
23:37.43throk last problem
23:37.51thrtake the spell Vampiric Embrace
23:38.01thris it possible to detect if I have cast it on the mob?
23:38.16thrthat sucks.
23:38.20thri thought it wouldn't be
23:38.26Maldiviaexcept check the combat log
23:38.45thrbut doesn't it show up like "RandomMob is afflicted by Vampiric Embrace"
23:38.48threven if it's not me?
23:38.49Shadowedit does
23:39.04thrwhich makes it 1. pointless, 2. impossible to check for it
23:39.04Maldiviabut no way of knowing if it's still on, if multiple priests have cast it on, and the person/mob removes one of them
23:39.39nymbiayou can scan debuffs
23:39.57thrnymbia: ye, that I know but I can't check if it's MY Vamp. Embrace can i?
23:40.24Shadowedas Maldivia said, you could scan combat log for any heals you do from VE
23:40.32throh, true.
23:41.13Maldiviayou can guesstimate it, by checking combat spam and known debuff timers
23:41.35thrye, same as I do with shadow word pain now
23:41.37ShadowedI guess we can't hook stuff like UseAction in TBC even from securehook?
23:41.49MaldiviaShadowed: you can post-hook it with secure hooks
23:41.53nymbiayeah you can
23:42.11ShadowedCould also do it through that I suppose for checking if it's yours
23:42.33nymbiause securehook() and it calls it after hooked function finishes with the same args
23:42.54Shadowedwasn't sure if they put restrictions on what you couldn't hook
23:43.13Maldiviayou can even hook movement commands now, with hooksecurefunc
23:46.09Maldiviasince all hooks are post-hooks, and you can't alter the actual call or the return values, there aren't really any point in setting restrictions
23:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (

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