irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061103

00:00.47OsagasuYeah.  You can do it manually easily, just uncheck the little box you get next to LocalDefense when you rightclick the tab.
00:01.35Garoun|Loupanaoh, duh... sigh
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00:05.19OsagasuWell that didn't work.
00:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:06.33Osagasuy'know, Wowwiki does a lot of "You can do this if you do that" but it doesn't tell you how to do that.
00:06.55Kasowell, add details of how to do that
00:07.02Kasothat is the wonder of a wiki
00:07.13OsagasuI don't KNOW how to do that.
00:07.19OsagasuThat's the problem. ><
00:07.32Kasook, well, what is "that" that you want to do
00:07.53TainI thought the wonder of a wiki was that it's so fun to say wiki outloud.
00:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:09.52OsagasuI'm trying to tell the addon to hide the ShapeshiftBarFrame on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD. But I don't know how to tell it to tell it to hide it.
00:09.56kaidengod dont get started on that.. there's a guy at work that goes around saying wiki wiki all the fricken time
00:10.51kaidenOsagasu, make an OnEvent that is passed the events and do if event == PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD FrameName:Hide();
00:11.17Cairennhi ckknight
00:11.25OsagasuThat's what I did.
00:11.26ckknighthey Cairenn
00:11.27ckknighthey all
00:11.33JoshBorkeckknight: hola
00:11.33OsagasuBut it still isn't hiding it.
00:11.44OsagasuNo bugs or anything... It just doesn't go away.
00:11.47kaidenOsagasu, make sure you have the frame name of ShapeshiftBarFrame right
00:11.52SP|Sorrendid you register your event?
00:11.55kaideni'm not sure if that's the frame name of the shapeshift bar
00:12.30OsagasuIt is.  I know it is, because I've used it before
00:12.30kaidenyeah dont forget to register your event handler for the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event
00:12.30OsagasuOkay, what's an event handler?
00:12.48OsagasuYeah yeah, I'm stupid.
00:12.58OsagasuI'm used to Visual Basic, where all the important stuff is done for me.
00:13.00kaidenit's ok i'm still learning all of this myself it takes time :)
00:13.04KasoOsagasu: you need to do something along these lines
00:13.24SP|Sorrencan purl search wowwiki like it does wikipedia?
00:13.52KirkburnSP|Sorren, no
00:14.02SP|Sorrentoo bad :/
00:14.09Kasofunction a_function() if event=="PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then DoStuff() end end frame:SetScript("OnEvent",a_function) frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
00:14.27JoshBorkef=CreateFrame("Frame",<some name>,UIParent) f:SetScript('OnEvent', function(event) if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then <frame>:Hide() end) f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
00:14.41JoshBorkeblast my slow typing
00:14.51Kasohaha :>
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00:15.40Industrialman I really wish some ace stuff was default :(
00:15.54JoshBorkejust make your mods in ace?
00:16.03Osagasufunction SwitchBlade_OnEvent(); if(event=="PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then... (do stuff)
00:16.06OsagasuLike that?
00:16.18kaidenmy poor cat.. everytime i look at her i think of that cartoon cat with the big eyes that says i had a cookie but i eated it :(
00:16.19IndustrialMyAceAddon:RegisterEvent('EVENT', handler)
00:16.22JoshBorkeOsagasu: yes.  but you need some frame to call that function
00:16.29Industrialkaiden: lol
00:17.42kaideni have to take a picture of her.. she looks like pus n boots from shrek when he does that really sad face and pulls his hat off
00:17.58OsagasuSo It would be something like SwitchBladeFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", SwitchBladeFrame, UIParent)
00:18.04Industrialpicture or the cat is fictional!
00:18.18kaidenlol i would if i had my digital camera charged
00:18.22KirkburnNoooo fictional cat?!
00:18.23OsagasuCalled in a function?
00:18.34cladhaireis this damn level 50 hunter trinket worth it?
00:18.38JoshBorkeOsagasu: do you have an XML file with your mod?
00:18.42JoshBorkecladhaire: lol
00:18.55cladhaireJoshBorke: Why is that funny? heh
00:19.05JoshBorkeOsagasu: ok.  pastecode your code so far
00:19.14SP|Sorrencladhaire: which one are you getting?
00:19.22cladhairei have my choice.
00:19.24JoshBorkecladhaire: i can just imagine the way one would say that irl.  with an emphasis on the damn
00:19.24cladhairejust doing teh quests
00:20.11cladhaireare any of them good?  that's what I'm asking?
00:20.22SP|Sorrenthe eye is a favorite
00:20.28SP|Sorrenbut can be replaced by earthstrike
00:20.41cladhairewell i'm a ghetto alt level 52 hunter
00:20.43cladhaireso good is good =)
00:20.44SP|Sorrenthe tooth is kinda unique though, nothing else like it has come around
00:20.57SP|Sorrenbut its not that useful unless you're bm with a slower pet :P
00:20.57kaidenwhat are you guys talking about...
00:21.06kaidenoh the tooth from the hunter quest
00:21.12cladhairei'm BM with a wolf atm
00:21.16cladhairefor leveling
00:22.13Cairennquestion about RDX ... is the 5.0 version pay-for?
00:22.51Osagasu6.0 is, I think
00:23.04Osagasummm, frozen M&Ms.
00:23.11kaidenOsagasu, you are forgetting to register your frame for an event
00:23.25kaidendo SwitchBladeFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
00:23.45OsagasuAfter I make the frame, right?
00:23.45SP|Sorrenfrozen M&Ms?
00:23.51kaidenyes after you make the frame
00:24.01Osagasuyep, I froze M&Ms.  by accident, of course.
00:24.22JoshBorkeshould work
00:24.29kaidenyou also need to do SwitchBladeFrame:SetScript("OnEvent",SwitchBladeFrame_OnEvent)
00:24.48kaidenor use JoshBorke's
00:24.51Osagasuhehe, I didn't forget about SetScript
00:24.58OsagasuBut they told me to pastey what I had
00:25.03Osagasuand I hadn't written it yet
00:25.43JoshBorkei dropped teh Function from the CreateFrame line because it is not a function
00:31.13kaidenick i hear the new shield slam in protection line removes a buff from the person being slammed
00:31.46kaidenand mobs in outland can shield slam.. that's gonna suck big time
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00:33.06Kasodidnt shield slam always remove buffs
00:33.09Kasolike 50% chance
00:33.14kaidennot that i remember
00:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
00:33.19kaidenit just silenced
00:33.42Kasoshield bash silenced, slam dispelled
00:36.10JoshBorkeGello: hello!
00:36.18Gelloheya :)
00:39.49kaidenSo anyone here gotten to try a draenei shaman yet?
00:40.07TainYou know what they say, once you go Draenei you never go back
00:40.14kaidenlol tain :)
00:40.25ckknightI have, kaiden
00:40.42JoshBorkeTain: where's visor2? :P
00:41.06OsagasuThe damned thing won't bloody go away!
00:41.30JoshBorkeOsagasu: you really want to hide it?
00:41.36JoshBorkelike.  REALLY REALLY?
00:42.01OsagasuI don't want it done in a way that shouldn't work by the laws of physics. :P
00:42.18OsagasuBut it worked when it was just one line.
00:42.27Industrialframe:Hide() frame.Hide = function() end, thatl make it go awai :P
00:42.31JoshBorkei'd hook the show function and see when it is being called
00:42.47JoshBorkeframe:Hide() frame.Show = function() end ;-)
00:43.03Industrialer, yes
00:43.06kaidenhere's how you hide it.. OnUpdate ShapeshiftBarFrame:Hide();
00:44.25OsagasuOnUpdate is a bad place to do something like that. :P
00:44.32kaidennot really
00:44.49kaideneveryone here is scared of OnUpdate but the system load that one little bitty thing would put on you wouldn't even be noticeable
00:44.52JoshBorkeit's better to do the hooking :P
00:44.57kaidenindeed it is Josh
00:45.01kaidenbut when in france ;)
00:45.16JoshBorkeOnUpdate should only be used wisely :D
00:45.51OsagasuRight now it's just driving me nits.
00:45.54kaideni think i might update my Zelda UnitFrames for TBC when i get in lol
00:46.14cladhaireanyone know where the meat vendor in IF is?
00:46.23OsagasuTry the inn
00:46.48JoshBorkeOsagasu: hook the OnShow function of the frame so you know when it is being shown in relation to when your mod is loading
00:46.52OsagasuOkay, even with no addons other than switchblade loaded, it doesn't go away.,
00:47.03kaidenOsagasu, are you in game?
00:47.11kaidentype /script ShapeshiftBarFrame:Hide();
00:47.16kaidenif it does not hide then that's the wrong frame name
00:47.39cladhaireno shit
00:47.39OsagasuI know it's the right frame.  but I just did it to make you happy. :P
00:47.42cladhaireif you don't get youur AV marks
00:47.44cladhairethey mail them to you!
00:47.53kaidencladhaire, yup ;)
00:48.08kaidenthat's to get around the 20 uniqueness they dont want you to lose any
00:48.54kaidenthey need to allow shammies to use swords in the xpac
00:49.10JoshBorkeonly if paladins can dual-wield shields
00:49.11cladhairekaiden: So we're allowed to stockpile them?
00:49.23OsagasuThis is making me sad.
00:49.23kaidencladhaire, yup
00:49.29zenzelezzwarriors should be allowed to dual-wield shields
00:49.39kaidenthat would be hilarious to see Josh
00:49.40zenzelezzwith half the cooldown on Shield Slam
00:49.51kaidena pally dual wielding shields bubble hearthing
00:50.07cladhaireooh i have a new wolf.
00:50.10kaidenor.. entertwining them above his head and twisting his hands
00:50.14kaidenand taking off like a helicopter
00:51.06kaideni'm so unbelievably jealous, sitting here with my roommate who got into tbc beta in blood furnace
00:51.21cladhairewhats better for a hunter... leveling with a pet, or getting a higher level one and building him up?
00:51.21kaidenhe's fighting these orcs that are hovering in mounted position way up above the floor
00:51.26OsagasuIt just isn't getting through EITHER of the functions
00:51.38OsagasuI just tested it twice, with one removed each time.
00:51.40kaidencladhaire, well they changed the way pets level so you can fight whatever is yellow to him and he'll get max xp off it
00:51.43JoshBorkeOsagasu: so your mod wasn't loading?
00:51.52kaidenso you could massacre lowbie mobs and level him up really fast
00:51.52cladhairekaiden: I mean as far as skill points go
00:51.59OsagasuIt's loading.  but it isn't getting through...
00:52.06Osagasuif(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
00:52.09Osagasuif (class == "WARRIOR" or class == "ROGUE" or class == "PALADIN") then
00:52.11cladhairei dont know enough about hunters and pets to know whats going on =)
00:52.11Osagasueither of those
00:52.13cladhaireand i'm level 52
00:52.13Cidehmm, I need to 1) sort a bunch of tables, 2) let each table know their position in the list aftewards.. what do you think is the most efficient way of doing it? looping through the table after the table.sort, or updating each entry during the table.sort?
00:52.20kaidendont worry about the class checks
00:52.26kaidenthere is no class variable unless your setting it yourself
00:52.29kaidendunno if you know that
00:52.44OsagasuIt's been set already
00:52.48Osagasulocal _, class = UnitClass("player")
00:52.55kaidenwell just ignore the class checks theya ren't that useful, hiding it either way shouldn't hurt
00:53.03JoshBorkeCide: how would they know their position during the table.sort?
00:53.22OsagasuThat is true.
00:53.35CideJoshBorke: store previous position in the tables
00:53.52Cideif ( about to return true ) then table1.position = table1.position - 1 else ... + 1 end
00:53.54JoshBorkeOsagasu: add event to function SwitchBlade_OnEvent(event)
00:54.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:54.22kaidenlol i didn't even see that josh :)
00:54.23kaidengood catch
00:54.56OsagasuWTF?  even ShapeshiftBarFrame:Hide() alone isn't working.
00:54.57JoshBorkeCide: are you indexing into the table each time you call the sort? if not.  i'd say sort then set
00:55.06cladhaireAnyone an experienced hunter and willing to answer some questions for me?
00:55.27kaidenthen that means you have the fame name wrong unless they made it protected
00:55.33CideJoshBorke: yes, it's quite hard to do a meaningful sort on tables without comparing the values :)
00:56.02kaidentry throwing true in there Frame:Hide(true) i think i remember seeing something about that needing to be passed to secure frames
00:56.14Osagasuwhen I use the same command in /script, it works.
00:56.14Cideno, that won't help
00:56.22JoshBorkeCide: well.  i still think it's better to sort then set because I don't know how the table.sort will call the function.  sort then set means you only touch each element once to set the position
00:56.26OsagasuI just copied and pasted the commend and it disappeared.
00:56.44CideJoshBorke: true
00:56.53Cideit's also less messy, so I think that's the way to go
00:57.19JoshBorkei want ze credits!
00:57.19JoshBorkej/k :D
00:57.19kaidenbtw did you guys know the ghouls at ravens hill in duskwood say doctor pepper when you crit them
00:57.49cladhaireWTB HUNTER, PST
00:58.08OsagasuWell, I give up.  thanks for all the help, but it simply isn't working.
00:58.33TainRemember Osagasu, if something hard then it probably isn't worth doing in the first place.
00:58.42Garoun|Loupanalol tain
00:58.52kaidenTain, he's new :) dont tell him that
00:58.56kaidenas everything is hard when your new
00:59.01Garoun|Loupanajust take a break for a while Osa, and come back to it later
00:59.05Garoun|Loupanayou may be surprised
00:59.30OsagasuThe problem is that the commend works in theory, but it doesn't work in the damned addon.
00:59.33JoshBorkeok bye
00:59.37kaidenOsagasu, for a relaxing time go kill ghouls in duskwood.. and sing along with them.. Dr Pepper
01:00.00TainI'd like to teach the ghouls to sing in perfect harmony
01:00.35kaidenare you going to join Toad The Wet Sprocket and have a Ghoulie Get Together?
01:00.41kaidencorny i know
01:00.57OsagasuLike I said, when I use the command in /script, it works.  when I put it in an addon it doesn't.
01:01.01*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren` (
01:01.40OsagasuI blame blizzard.
01:01.43kaidenblame kirkburn.. he breaks everything!
01:01.51KirkburnI do...
01:01.59OsagasuBut it isn't his fault, this time.
01:02.09TainShhh Smallville is on
01:02.10Cidethat's what he makes you think.
01:02.13KirkburnWhat did I miss?!
01:02.19kaidenyou broke his wow
01:02.34Kirkburn(Cide, perhaps this is a double bluff? :P)
01:02.45Kirkburn(wait, does that make it a triple buff now I said that?)
01:02.54Osagasu./script ShapeshiftBarFrame:Hide() works, but putting ShapeshiftBarFrame:Hide() in the addon doesn't.
01:03.48TainAre they allowed to blow teenages to tiny bits on network television in prime time?
01:03.51kaidenKirkburn, i'm still waiting for that in game configuration for ClearFont..
01:03.59kaidenTain, yes
01:04.23KirkburnYe-es ... about that ...
01:04.48KirkburnWell, er, quite obviously I need to play the beta first before trying
01:05.06KirkburnUm ... then wait for release, uh then add a few months after? Then start thinking about it?
01:05.12KirkburnYeah? That okay?
01:06.50Osagasu  help! T_T
01:07.28kaideni dont think you can hide the frame until it's been shown
01:07.40kaidenso... do ADDONS_LOADED
01:07.45kaideninstead of PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
01:08.35OsagasuDoesn't that run before PEW?
01:08.51kaidenPLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD means your coming into visibility, the addons dont load until your already in
01:09.02kaidenat least i dont think they do
01:09.17kaidencan anyone confirm?
01:09.32kaidenthough i would try it reguardless osa as you never know
01:11.16OsagasuAnd nope.
01:11.18Thunder_Childwhy dont they just call that article Loading Process Events, so much faster
01:11.23kaidenADDON_LOADED sorry not addons_loaded
01:11.25kaidenadded an s
01:11.30kaidendont forget to also register the event
01:12.00OsagasuI did
01:12.03OsagasuAnd it didn't work.
01:12.46kaidenthen i dont know what to tell you let me login and try it myself
01:19.04cladhaireMy laptop has left alaska
01:19.16zenzelezzso the beer is on cladhaire!
01:19.50TainHooray beer!
01:20.17OsagasuSo you can get me one of them keys in celebration?  Cause it doesn't work this thing'll be done before january.
01:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
01:23.54KirkburnYay for laptop leaving alaska-ness!
01:25.53OsagasuI'll take that as a no.
01:26.10KirkburnI like how I'm supposed to hand in a progress report tomorrow about my group's teamwork for a Uni module ... though I have not yet been assigned a group. Yay!
01:26.54KirkburnOsagasu, shout louder, and with presents :P
01:28.10OsagasuThat didn't work last time.
01:30.32kaidenHey guys does a frame fire an event when it shows?
01:30.41kaidenOsagasu, remember what JoshBorke said earlier? that's what's happening
01:30.50kaidenthe addon is working it is hiding the frame but blizzards stuff is reshowing it
01:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
01:31.03kaidenso your addon has to occur after blizzard is done with it's crap
01:33.12OsagasuI thought PEW was the end of all that stuff
01:34.37*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
01:41.16SP|Sorren`these csi shows make me QQ
01:41.31SP|Sorren`they just did an IP search
01:41.36SP|Sorren`and one of the numbers was like 392
01:43.47KirkburnHey, er, silly question perhaps - the BC installer works from an absolute base install of WoW?
01:45.55nymbiaprobably not, if i had to guess.  haven't tried, though...
01:45.58nymbialemme look one sec
01:46.29KirkburnHaving said what I said, it seems to work from an original install of WoW :D
01:46.55KirkburnI decided to do a completely clean install on my desktop, worked without having to patch it :)
01:47.31nymbiawell, looks like they merged all the old patch data into common.mpq
01:47.44Kirkburn"speech-enGB.mpq" ?!?
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01:48.04KirkburnIt had localised versions of everything? Hmm, s'pose that makes sense
01:48.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
01:49.26nymbiaweird though.. there's common versions AND localized versions of the patch files
01:49.41KirkburnI see they've restructured the data files
01:50.03nymbiaoh i see, the ones with the localization tags are the segments of the patches with localized data.. they're only a few megs each
01:50.10KirkburnPerhaps to allow localised versiosn to work alongside?
01:50.33Kirkburn(i.e. not in separate installs)
01:50.44nymbiawell seems like it could have them all installed together with this structure
01:50.45KirkburnI'll stop guessing stuff now :)
01:52.23nymbiahuh.. WDB got moved to Data\xxXX\WDB
01:52.47nymbiaso yeah, looks like they're shooting for multi-language installs
01:52.55OsagasuNo luck.
01:53.09OsagasuTry again tomorrow, I guess.
01:54.33OsagasuMan this sucks.
01:55.27*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
02:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
02:06.18Garoun|Loupanahmm, does anyone know if there is an event that forces a specific chat tab to be selected?
02:06.53Kasoyou mean ChatFrames?
02:06.57Garoun|Loupanalike right now my ChatFrame3 seems to always be selected on first load
02:07.07Garoun|LoupanaI want it to be ChatFrame1
02:07.21Kasoi think theyre shown in the order they were made, so 3 will always be shown first
02:07.38Garoun|Loupanaodd, since 3 was created a long time ago
02:07.48Garoun|Loupanawell long after the default was made
02:08.03Kasoi mean, newsest to oldest
02:08.07Garoun|LoupanaI have General / Combat Log / Trade / LFG
02:08.26Garoun|LoupanaGen use to always be selected right, and then one of my addons I guess changed it
02:08.49Garoun|Loupanaonly addon I run now is Prat for chat window stuff
02:09.27Kasomine do the same thing, and i have no addon that directly fiddles with the charframes, but ofc there could be some stray hooks, but i thought that was default behavour
02:09.37Kasoattually, hmm, lemme think about that for a momento
02:09.46KirkburnHow come I hear no music on the WoW:BC login screen :(
02:09.59Thunder_Childyour speakers are off?
02:10.01zenzelezzmaybe there is none
02:10.16Thunder_Childthere is
02:10.16Garoun|Loupanaor perhaps an addon I 'was' using changed it to the way I described and when it got removed it went back to default?
02:10.57Kasowhynot just make a tiny script to call ChatFrame1Tab:Click() on pew
02:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:11.29KasoKirkburn i hope you're still seeding!
02:11.31Garoun|Loupanathanks, that's exactly the command I was looking for :)
02:11.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:12.34nymbiaactually there's different login screen music kirkburn
02:13.42KirkburnKaso, I would if I could - HDD with it on isn't on the right machine any more :P
02:13.57Kirkburnnymbia, I'm updating to the latest patch now, maybe that'll help
02:14.23Kaso15% left back down to 20kB/s
02:14.41KirkburnNone of us have keys yet anyway :P
02:14.52nymbiaand check if your music's enabled in
02:14.57nymbiasince you cant do it in game ;)
02:15.16Kasotrue, but
02:15.28Kasobut, umm
02:15.38Kirkburnhrm, don't see the option in
02:16.16nymbiaadd um
02:16.20nymbiaSET MusicVolume "1"
02:16.38nymbiawait theres another too
02:16.52Kirkburnspam me in a PM? :)
02:18.27Garoun|Loupanahmm, are the chatframes available OnLoad or should I wait for a P_E_W to force chatframe1 select?
02:18.58KirkburnAwesome music
02:20.42Kasosafer to do pew garoun
02:20.51Kasobut whynot test it out see
02:20.59Garoun|LoupanaI shall :)
02:21.17Garoun|LoupanaI'm sure it's cleaner to do it in th epew
02:22.41Garoun|Loupanabut if not I can just call it in the  Onload event
02:23.44Kasoyou can call it onload, but wether the tabbs are ordered before or after is the issue
02:23.48Kasoproberly before tbh
02:24.08Kasousually the way it works is DefaultUI -> Addons -> PEW
02:24.55Garoun|LoupanaI'll have to check it after this ubrs run
02:25.11Garoun|Loupanathe alternative of course would be do download luaslinger and make a snippit :P
02:29.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:30.38*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
02:32.59KirkburnI wants the BC music on CD :D
02:36.10nymbiaget the CE ;)
02:41.06KirkburnIf I could order it, I would ... anyone know of GB shops with pre-orders
02:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
02:49.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:49.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
02:50.28KirkburnTo bed! See y'all 2moro :)
02:50.50KirkburnMaybe sometime soon, in Outland :)
02:51.00Cairennnight Kirkburn
02:51.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:52.42Garoun|Loupananot sure if that's EU or US, I would assume EU
02:55.16Garoun|LoupanaI HATE you taste of flame quest
02:56.01Garoun|Loupanag/f goes with me to get mine finished but she picks up the quest since she's to that point...
02:56.07Garoun|Loupanashe gets loot privs to first molt
02:56.26Garoun|Loupanarandom warrior joins group that needs it... kill him again, and HE gets the molt
02:58.56zenzelezzthe molt for the quest from the dragon in the cave in Burning Steppes?
02:59.43zenzelezzI just got mine from finishing the quests from that guy in Searing Gorge
03:00.07Garoun|Loupanayeah, I've been on this part for 6+ months :/ just never finished it
03:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
03:15.38ScytheBlade1So honest question: how many addons have you denied recently?
03:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
03:16.16Cairennmore than a few
03:16.30Cairennhave had to ban a few people, too, unfortunately
03:16.36ScytheBlade1lol, for what?
03:16.58Cairennwe don't allow anyone to upload to our site other than the original author
03:17.05Cairennthere is a warning on the front page
03:17.07ScytheBlade1That'd do it
03:17.36Cairenn*normally* if someone uploads that isn't the original author, we just deny it and send them a PM telling them our policy
03:17.45Cairennbut right now people are doing it just to get keys
03:18.00Cairennso for right now, if you do it just to get a key, you get banned from the site
03:18.14ScytheBlade1Haha, suckers
03:18.21ScytheBlade1Can't say that I'm surprised
03:18.35PlorkyeranThere's enough random minor mods that it seems easy to get away with
03:19.01CairennI'm sure that'll piss some people off, but tough
03:19.06ScytheBlade1Yeah, it's not hard to whip something up that'll qualify
03:19.45Cairennit is for some people
03:19.52Cairennand we're fairly lenient
03:19.56Cairennbut geez
03:20.13zenzelezzwell, sucks to be them
03:20.29zenzelezzyou're giving keys for mod preparation... if you can't whip something up, you don't deserve one
03:21.10zenzelezzfor clarity read the last two "you"s as "they"
03:25.09TainIs there *anything* funnier than watching a cat chase a mouse cursor around a monitor screen?
03:26.05zenzelezzI once had a program that showed how to make paper airplanes... on one of the animations it showed a bird that flew off the edge of your screen, and then came back on the other
03:26.08TainAre you sure?  Because I'm laughing pretty uncontrollably right now.
03:26.22Thunder_ChildI;m sure
03:26.24zenzelezzmy cat was watching by chance, and as the bird vanished off screen, my cat went behind it, looking for it
03:26.33Tainhahah that's awesome
03:27.08TainMy cat, when it was a lot smaller, used to sit on top of my monitor and hang down and swat at the cursor.
03:27.38zenzelezzmy cat loved to lie on top of my CRTs, but didn't pay much attention to the screen usually
03:27.47TainNow he's about the size of the monitor I had then, combined with the fact that I have a LCD, and he sits on the desk in front.
03:28.24zenzelezzmy cat likes hiding behind my LCDs now, for some reason
03:31.24Garoun|Loupanalaser pointers are crack for my g/fs cat
03:31.37Garoun|Loupanathat cat will go crazy if you even reach for the pointer
03:33.21TainYeah that's the old standby.  I always have a laser pointer at hand.
03:33.34TainIn fact I saw somethign that I almost got but then worried it would just be cruel.
03:33.44TainIt was a laser pointer that attaches to the cat's collar.
03:34.33a-stray-catwas it pointed a little off to the side so the cat would never be able to get it? :O
03:34.41a-stray-catthat would be cruel.
03:38.44Garoun|Loupanayeah it would be
03:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
03:43.45TainDownloading (legally and legitimately) Neverwinter Nights 2.
03:46.39Thunder_Childwell it is out...but legally...i dunno...
03:47.07zenzelezzI saw empty pre-purchase boxes in stores, that came with a key
03:47.19zenzelezzcould be they let you download it now that it's supposed to be out
03:47.47Cairennnight KaeltenAway
03:50.16ScytheBlade1lol, is there any way to see who has my addon on their favorites list?
03:56.17Thunder_Childyou could PM everyone and ask.
03:57.09ScytheBlade1That's what I was afraid of
04:25.39TainStupid reality.
04:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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04:37.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
04:39.28Shadowed good times
04:40.20ScytheBlade1Everyone should reply with "yes"
04:40.32ckknightmmm... I want to
04:44.23Temoh god that's tempted lol
04:44.43ckknightc'mon, I think we can do it if we try hard enough
04:44.45Temthat's as good as a, "zomg, built in decursive" thread
04:46.27ckknightlol, refresh
04:46.28ShadowedWhich one of you is Buchanan ? :p
04:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
04:47.03ScytheBlade1That's pretty good
04:47.43ckknightit was pretty hard to type out
04:51.17Shadowedwho';s Amazingman ?
04:51.44ckknightnot me
04:51.48ckknightfunny, though
04:52.15ScytheBlade1Amazingman <and the SuperFriends>
04:52.21ScytheBlade1I felt SO bad for that RP server the morning after
04:52.21ckknightlol, I didn't even catch nortron.
04:52.31ckknightwhy, ScytheBlade1?
04:52.37ScytheBlade1Our server went down
04:52.51nymbiathose are always fun
04:52.52ckknightL2P, hehe
04:53.05ScytheBlade1I couldn't resist
04:53.18ScytheBlade1It took me a bit to type that out :/
04:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
04:53.41ckknightI typed it out normally, then switched things around
04:53.52ckknightKMT, anitvirus, tho
04:54.25ckknightI feel a little sorry for people who type like that normally
04:54.44ckknightbut it's the kind of sorry that'd be accompanied by a gas chamber
04:55.50ShadowedKameril ruined it
04:55.59ScytheBlade1I really couldn't resist
04:56.14ckknightlol, nymbia
04:56.49ckknightnymbia, "your"?
04:56.50ckknightfor shame
04:56.53ckknightit's "ur" and you know it.
04:57.04nymbiatrue enough
04:57.39nymbiatyping like that though.. it's not so bad compared to illidan players
04:57.43nymbialemme find a good example..
04:59.39Cairenngood lord
05:00.01ckknightthat's painful
05:00.17ckknightomg, in Writing class today, the teacher was going on about how Pidgin was a good language
05:00.27ckknight(Pidgin is a broken English used by locals of Hawaii)
05:00.29Cairennthe sad thing is that I can read that crap, after all these years of running the sites
05:00.29ckknightit's horrid.
05:00.46Shadowedlol cair
05:01.04nymbiayeah cairenn.  it kinda.. sinks in.  i'm just glad i haven't started writing it.
05:02.38ckknightlol, who's Prismatic?
05:02.54Thunder_Childfreakin space
05:03.32Thunder_Childafter the "/me"
05:04.07Cairennyou guys are bad
05:04.15Thunder_Childworse, we are bored
05:04.20Cairennthat too
05:04.23ckknightI'm in class
05:04.27ckknighta boring class, today
05:04.45ckknightwe're going over a test I did well on.
05:05.48ckknightthus the boredom
05:05.58ckknightand I can't play WoW in class, cause others can see my screen
05:06.00ckknightand it'd be rude
05:06.23Thunder_Childnever stoped the ppl in my math class
05:06.26Thunder_Child3 of them
05:06.38Thunder_Childand me with no sad
05:08.38Thunder_Childhow is it that i cant crit on a channeled spell but i can crit on vampiric embrace during a channeled spell?
05:09.29Shadowedbecause VE isn't considered a channeled spell
05:09.31nymbiacuz vampiric embrace is triggered, not channeled
05:09.35Shadowedit's two completely different things
05:10.00Thunder_Childseems iffy to me
05:10.25Shadowednot really :p
05:10.26Thunder_Childit's ok, i know the real reason is that blizz chaets
05:13.45nymbiaoh lol
05:13.52nymbiathe author of KTM
05:14.50Thunder_Childwhats he gonna call this mechanical man?
05:15.45nymbiaprobably something related to passwords
05:15.48nymbiaif i had to guess
05:15.58Thunder_Child...your no fun
05:16.02nymbiaor maybe the name is the passwords
05:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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05:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
06:00.05TemNever give up! Trust your instincts!
06:00.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
06:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:08.12Temsorry, had a Nintendo 64 moment
06:08.38Shadoweddo a barrel roll!
06:08.56Temaye, that's what went to a different channel =P
06:09.12TemUse the boost to get through!
06:10.21Temmuch <3 to sword spec procing from hamstring
06:10.28nymbiai should dust off the n64 one of these days.. but i think my controllers are about shot :(
06:10.31Tem(and critting for 1100 to kill the mage)
06:10.42a-stray-catanyone here watch FMA?
06:11.02Temyou know, I think mages are my favoite opponents on my warrior
06:11.17Temsinse my main is a mage, I know all the tricks
06:11.24TemI see it coming too
06:11.46nymbiayeah.  so few warriors know how to fight mages, but the ones that do... lets just say i better have iceblock and coldsnap up
06:11.51Temlike "Oh I know that one... I do that all the time. don't worry it work work :)"
06:12.39Temyeah, good warrios are scary as hell on my mage
06:13.02Temand in the expansion, I <3 dragon's breath so much I think I might not have iceblock anymore
06:13.12Tem(which is a terrifying pvp thought)
06:13.16nymbiahaha yeah
06:13.22a-stray-catas a mage, what do you do against hunters?
06:13.37nymbiablink in close, nova and snare, use a lot of instants
06:14.11Teminstants all the way
06:14.22Temhug the dead zone
06:14.32TemCoC is your best friend
06:14.35a-stray-cati see.
06:18.24Cairennnight guys
06:36.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:41.02nymbiahahaha " It stole my password at first, but then when I complained it actually gave me a brand new, even better password instead. I couldn't be happier."
06:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
06:54.17Shadowedthat was the best one
07:06.05a-stray-catwhere's that from?
07:06.43ckknightlol, nymbia
07:11.08ScytheBlade1Hmm.. local found, _, itemId, enchantId, suffixId, uniqueId = string.find("(Insert big item hyperlink here)", "^item:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
07:11.13ScytheBlade1That's not working :(
07:11.17ScytheBlade1found == nil :)
07:11.49ScytheBlade1Anyone have any clue why?
07:11.58ScytheBlade1That's nearly copied and pasted from the wiki
07:13.25IrielThe ^ is your problem
07:13.33Irielyou've said the item has to be at the start of the hyperlink
07:13.34Irielis it?
07:14.16ScytheBlade1Actually, no, that's in the right context
07:14.24ScytheBlade1I was just confusing item links with item hyperlinks
07:15.42IrielI'm' not sure what your
07:15.45Iriel_ is for either?
07:15.53Irielthat would swallow the itemid
07:15.58Irieloh, no, I see
07:16.06ScytheBlade1start, stop, params
07:16.09IrielI misread 'local' as a variable name
07:16.14ScytheBlade1Ah, heh
07:16.17ScytheBlade1That'd do it also
07:16.35*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
07:19.07IrielWell, sleep for me!
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08:02.18Thunder_ChildCorrodias also bathes in the blood of virgins
08:02.35Corrodiasi -really- shouldn't comment on that
08:02.50Thunder_Childyea, but some ppl just cant help themselvs
08:05.35Corrodiasso blizzard decided to make an "encyclopedia", eh
08:06.05nymbiaits got like 8 articles
08:06.41Corrodiasshould just be a link to wowwiki. i don't want to be down on their attempt, but wowwiki really has so much info...
08:07.11nymbiawell they're putting mostly lore stuff in it i think
08:07.18nymbiaso a different scope
08:07.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:08.00Corrodiasi'd say that's true, but actually wowwiki has a ton of story info, too, if you go looking for it
08:08.58nymbiathat's true, i havent.
08:09.10Corrodiastechnically, it has it whether or not you go looking for it
08:09.16Corrodiasbut i tend to say that anyway
08:10.23krkadifference is that blizzard can add infor, wowwiki can only gather from current games
08:21.13*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
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09:27.55SP|Sorrenyou'll never be happy if you expect the general populace to be intelligent.
09:28.06SP|Sorrenwhich will include your userbase :P
09:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
09:50.21SP|Sorrenanyone awake? :P
09:50.33SP|Sorren(that wants to help me correct a paper?)
09:50.42SP|Sorrenwould you be willing to help me correct a paper? :P
09:50.57SP|Sorrenomg its short, like 700 words ;)
09:50.58ShadowedWell. I've had about 4 hours for the last week + this week. I don't think you want me correcting a paper :p
09:51.10Shadoweder 4 hours of sleep a day
09:51.21SP|Sorrenif you can understand what the hell im talking about
09:51.27SP|Sorrenit would be a marvelous success.
09:51.52SP|Sorrenwhy not more sleep though :<
09:52.13ShadowedI'm getting my priest to Field Marshal, which typically involves little sleep :p
09:52.33SP|Sorrenbefore the patch comes out eh?
09:53.17Shadowedthis was before the patch was announced, i just wanted to have the glowy shoulders!
10:02.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
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10:34.02SP|Sorrenis there a google briefcase, or something to that effect?
10:39.40SP|Sorrennvm, i found it
10:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
11:07.45Industrialalliance caster pvp gear sucks
11:07.45Industriallook i have wings wheee
11:07.48Industrialim a butterfly!
11:08.00AnduinLotharsuch a hater
11:08.11Industrialhowever, the plate gear rocks
11:08.39IndustrialAnduinLothar: been ganked one too many times now :P
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12:11.31clad|awayLaptop in is Indianapolis.. now it just has to clear customs and get its ass to Syracuse!
12:11.50clad|awaybrb shower
12:14.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
12:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
12:26.53Kaso90% done and the download falls to <9kB/s, god is taunting me
12:28.25JoshBork1beta dl?
12:28.33JoshBork1i can start my downloader up again
12:28.47JoshBork1tachyon6 = adrine?
12:28.51Kasomhmm beta
12:42.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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12:56.01*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 2.0 UI Changes | | Paste Code Here:
13:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:07.22Kasogrr, this code is running twice when it should only run once, and i cant for the life of me work out why -_-
13:17.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
13:21.35Kasoany reason ChatFrame_OnEvent would be called twice for the same whisper?
13:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (i=keefejoh@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:25.59nevcairielincoming or outgoing whisper?
13:26.05nevcairielbut yes, i noticed that as well
13:30.47Kasooh, im a dumbass
13:31.38Kasoit gets called for each frame that is registed for chat_msg_whisper
13:33.14nevcairielthat explains it
13:35.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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13:42.15JoshBorkei dislike this: and
13:42.57Kasothe curiosity is killing me, damn you lack of internet
13:43.30JoshBorkebasically the is an exact copy of the curse-gaming one
13:43.42JoshBorkebut the doesn't reference the curse-gaming one
13:44.16nevcairielmaybe its the other way around=
13:44.33JoshBorkethe curse-gaming one was released feb 2005
13:44.40nevcairieloh yeah, just saw that
13:44.43Garoun|Loupanawell they are also noted as different people was released oct 28, 2006
13:44.49Garoun|Loupanasomething is off there
13:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge DocVanGogh (
13:45.20JoshBorkei'm all for updating and improving other people's mods but not giving credit isn't cool in my mind
13:45.34DocVanGoghmornin' :)
13:45.46nevcairieleven the stupid screenshot is the same :D
13:46.01nevcairieland he copied the full desc
13:46.31*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:46.33Garoun|Loupanait may be the same person registered with a different nick
13:47.37Garoun|Loupanabut it is slightly odd that they wouldn't use the same description in both places
13:47.40nevcairielmost of the time, sadly, it isnt
13:48.21JoshBorkewhy wouldn't he link to the other website if it were the same person
13:48.30Meryoct 28th sounds much like the try to get a beta key
13:48.54Garoun|Loupanawell yeah, and I looked closer, the descriptions are exactly the same
13:49.13JoshBorkequestion will be if he has the same RegisterForSave bug ;-)
13:49.32DocVanGoghanyone know of some proof-of-concept addon that does popup menu like spell selection for a secureactionbutton?
13:49.42nevcairielhrm interesting
13:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
13:50.15nevcairielCountDoom, which is on curse by that same author "era" was submitted to WoWI using the name "pobo", which is the same name as used on
13:50.37JoshBorkeanyway.  i was just venting that i don't think that is cool
13:51.11nevcairielaltho countdoom was never updated on WoWI
13:51.13nevcairielsince 2005
13:51.43Garoun|Loupanajust checked the winmerge on the files
13:51.43nevcairielhrm, it wasnt on curse either
13:51.57Garoun|Loupanaonly difference in gram.lua was commenting out the RegisterForSave
13:52.19Garoun|Loupanainteface number in toc, and properly using #SavedVarilables:
13:52.44Garoun|Loupanathis is my favorite :)
13:52.58Garoun|LoupanaUnfortunatly, since this is version 0.1, it may be difficult to tell which buttons are which.
13:53.05Garoun|LoupanaUnfortunatly, since this is version 0.1b, it may be difficult to tell which buttons are which.
13:54.24Garoun|Loupanafor any that care: my favorite win32 grep: , and win32 doc compare:
13:54.44nevcairieli use winmerge as well :)
13:54.50JoshBorkeif you want more conspiracy theories.  look up HealCap on wowi.  HealCap was given to me by Adrine as a mod he was working on
13:55.04JoshBorkeway back when
13:59.40Garoun|Loupanawell, I guess I don't need to update autoinvite locally anymore.. AutoInvite2 looks like someone yanked the idea right out of my head :P
14:18.12*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
14:27.52Kaso99% done! woohoo
14:29.26KasoDont even joke!
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15:06.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
15:06.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
15:32.30Cairennquiet morning
15:32.39JoshBorkeCairenn: morning!
15:32.44JoshBorkequestion for you
15:33.17Cairennpossible answer
15:33.33JoshBorkeis tachyon6 == adrine?
15:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:35.59JoshBorkethe reason I ask is because i remember Adrine letting me beta test HealCap which he was writing for his guild a while back
15:36.06JoshBorke(back before he got hitched)
15:39.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
15:40.07JoshBorkemmk.  no biggy :-)
15:40.20Cairennsend a PM to them and ask ;)
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16:24.01*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:25.43OsagasuOkay, apparently, a good shag is a good cigarette in belgium and a fag is a cigarette in england... I vote for signs at customs telling people what that slang means over here.
16:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge [floyd] (
16:27.32malrethshag used to mean just carpet over here until that Austin Powers movie
16:27.57malrethi prefer the term, "get squelchy" for having dirty sex
16:28.06malrethpreferably with your socks off
16:28.19Cairennand the original meaning of faggot wasn't the last drag off a cigarette, either
16:28.40cogwheelit was a bundle of sticks, wasn't it?
16:28.48Cairennyup, a measure of fireword
16:29.20malrethvery handy measurement if you were burning a heretic
16:29.33malrethah... thank God for the church!
16:29.37OsagasuI need three fags at her base.
16:30.33OsagasuIf she's lighter than a duck, she's a witch!
16:30.58malrethbah... my fiancee must be going crazy downloading torrents or something... my ssh connection to my server back home is hella slow
16:31.55cogwheeldid you just say "hella"?
16:32.17Cairennwhat's wrong with hella?
16:32.43malrethyeah, i think it's hella cool
16:32.43cogwheelI don't know... people REALLY overused it when i was in school
16:33.01Cairennyeah, but you're a dinosaur
16:33.31JoshBorkeold fogey
16:33.45malrethholy crap! i'm like twice your age!
16:33.49malrethi'm 29!
16:33.59[floyd]Oh impetuous youth!
16:34.33Cairennlike blond, dinosaur-ism is an attitude
16:34.47malrethjust look at me!
16:35.11malrethi'm halfway to death and I still chat on IRC like when I was 19.
16:35.15cogwheelSo you mean, all that new age hippie stuff my family keeps feeding me about being an "old soul" is true?
16:35.24OsagasuAnd I thought I was old.
16:36.01KirkburnWoo, this is good news for me:
16:36.46malrethwhich part, Kirkburn?
16:36.56KirkburnThe last part, I guess :P
16:37.05KirkburnBC is only on my Vista rig atm
16:39.24malrethman... the screenshot for StopTheSpam is old...
16:39.39malrethBattlegrounds have arrived!
16:40.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
16:40.41malrethWSG described as fast-paced... yep.. fast-paced losses for alliance pugs
16:41.26malrethepic domination in AV? I which I could be epically dominated... -_-
16:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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16:56.20KirkburnHas everyone heard about what happened to the guild Overrated?
16:56.42Cairennthe one that got DDoS'd?
16:56.47KirkburnOne of the best horde guilds in the US ... 80% of the members got banned yesterday
16:56.54Cairennoh really?!
16:57.00OsagasuWeren't they the ones that wall-walked to c'thun?
16:57.01malrethsounds exciting
16:57.02KirkburnYup, they hacked AQ
16:57.09KirkburnOsagasu, indeed :O
16:57.50Cairennand they got caught and banned
16:57.58OsagasuNever did get that addon to work
16:58.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (n=Knightki@
16:58.09[floyd]And.... what about the 20% that were apparently smarter than the rest?
16:58.13[floyd]How did they survive?
16:58.18KirkburnThey just weren't there at the time, I think
16:58.28KirkburnThey we're probably watched on a raid
16:58.44KirkburnOf course, the rest may have since been banned :P
16:59.49OsagasuIf I were in the guild and known they were wallhacking, I would have /gquit on the spot
17:00.45[floyd]It appears the Horde is less picky about rules and all ;)
17:01.05KirkburnOsagasu, totally agreed. And I would have probably shopped then on the spot, too
17:01.34OsagasuI also would have opened a GM ticket.
17:02.22OsagasuActually, now that I think about it, I would have opened the ticket to the GM without leaving the guild.  Wouldn't want to take the change that they would stop too early for the GM to catch em
17:02.24Kirkburn*shopped theM :)
17:02.42KirkburnOsagasu, ah, good point
17:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
17:04.42malrethgah, that's just funny
17:04.53malreth*poof* there goes a guild
17:05.08malrethit makes me happy in a place that's in my pants
17:05.14KirkburnJust seenva video of the method, it's a massive hack :/
17:05.47Kirkburn(and would be blatantly obvious to Warden)
17:05.51|FF|Im2good4udoes any1 know those names of those loot/roll windows that pupup ?
17:05.58cncfanaticswhat would ? -.- just joined the chan :p
17:06.16Kirkburn :)
17:09.44KirkburnI notice Blizz is purposely *not* deleting any of the 'you got owned, Overrated' :) Damn right!
17:09.45cncfanaticsare those guys totaly stupid ?
17:09.51Kirkburn*uh, threads
17:10.19Kirkburncncfanatics, on the balance of things, I would say ..... yes. Yes they are.
17:10.33Merydid they sue 3rd party software to do so?
17:10.41Cairenngod that's funny
17:10.46malrethwho was it who said, "Never trust the client. The client is in the hands of the enemy."
17:11.00malrethi think it was Koster
17:11.01Merywow, they are in fact totally stupid first news topic
17:13.18JoshBorkebah! why do people put mods that in beta status in release categories :-(
17:14.03KirkburnOh btw, they updated the BC spells pages with Talent and Minion spells
17:15.37`-FISKER_QOh, Hi i upgraded your ram
17:16.46`-FISKER_Qi don't see the big fuss about the post-twins trash though
17:17.01CairennI'm still sitting here laughing ... god that serves them right
17:17.46Cairennlater malreth
17:17.46`-FISKER_Qi'm just wondering how the found out htough
17:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren` (
17:17.47nevcairielat first i thought if the post really was real
17:17.47malrethno... that guild... *poof*!
17:17.47nevcairielbut its good to see that blizz actually does that :)
17:18.08cncfanaticsmy oppinion about blizz goes up, for the first time since I bought WoW
17:18.12zenzelezzFisker: could be an honest member reporting them
17:18.15|FF|Im2good4uwuts the dahm name of the roll window that pops up when u 1loot ?
17:18.15zenzelezzGMs having a peek
17:18.51`-FISKER_Qah of course zenzelezz :)
17:18.59`-FISKER_Qjust wouldn't figure anyone would do that
17:19.38malreththat lv 70 mage is picking on those poor defenseless piggy things!
17:20.21malrethwhile they're frost novaed, she'll probably walk over and pick off their legs and arms... how cruel
17:22.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
17:23.54`-FISKER_Q <-that guy sucks
17:24.20`-FISKER_QFull bonescythe (the healing dagger(??), and perditions blade) yet he only manages to hit for 225 and 161 :D
17:25.15OsagasuI thought mutilate was weapon damage.
17:25.32`-FISKER_Qit is
17:26.00`-FISKER_QMy guess is that some blizzard guy went in and got the talent
17:26.10`-FISKER_Qleveled himself to 60 or 70
17:26.16`-FISKER_Qthen equipped himself with some gear
17:26.21malrethlook at the dedication in that rogue's eyes!
17:26.26malrethor... what used to be his eyes
17:26.28`-FISKER_QThing is that he probably has 0 weapon skill at that point :P
17:35.01*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:35.01*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 2.0 UI Changes | | Paste Code Here:
17:36.45malrethpurl, welcome back!
17:36.46purlHowdy, back!!
17:37.02malrethoh, purl... still as witty as ever!
17:37.19malreth~kiss purl
17:37.21purlACTION forces purl to give jimzy a big kiss on the lips
17:44.35*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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17:54.20Kirkburnpurl is teasing us :(
17:54.51nevcairielpurl, kiss
17:54.53purlACTION *smooch*
17:55.14nevcairieli didnt actually expect it to respond
17:55.31purlaw, gee, Kaso
17:55.36malrethpurl is well constructed
17:55.54malrethif I had an infobot, i'd name it Key
17:57.48KirkburnThen you'd give it to me? I want a key ... :(
17:59.38Kasohow'd you get the TBC login music, i remeber you asking about that eariler
17:59.50zenzelezzI never understand why people link "uber" weapons or items in the trade channel, or in /shouts, when they spot somenoe with them...
17:59.52KirkburnI patched to the latest version
18:00.00zenzelezzusually it's low-level players, but even 60s seem to do it now
18:00.12malreth~wiki key the metal idol
18:00.31malrethKey is well constructed.
18:01.28Kasosomeone should write a wowwiki bot
18:01.46Kasoso we can like do ~SendChatMessage and itll tell us the arguments and returns
18:01.55Kasoorsomething along those lines
18:01.58zenzelezzI think that might have gotten spammed a lot more than purl
18:12.56*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
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18:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (
18:44.44Kasois it ace2 that's sending LOOT_OPENED addon messages?
18:45.03ShadowedMaybe, I was wondering what was doing it
18:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Meekus (n=chatzill@
18:45.45Kasoindeed, i was rather confused, i dont have any addons that speicfically do loot
18:45.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
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18:51.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Meekus (n=chatzill@
18:52.34nevcairieli think AceEvent sends it
18:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
18:54.17nevcairielyou have to much freetime
18:54.29nevcairielor tooooo even
18:54.51SP|Sorren`thats pretty crazy.
18:55.03MentalPowerLOOT_OPENED is a game event
18:55.52Warlaheh :-)
18:56.03MentalPowerWarla: wow, very nice!
18:57.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
18:58.12KasoMentalPower the default UI doesnt send it to SendAddonMessage though
19:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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19:03.00JoshBorkewb purl
19:04.25CairennWarla: holy crap
19:04.36JoshBorkeit is mighty impressive
19:05.57weabI'm afraid all I can think of looking at that is... "what a waste of time" :(
19:06.16JoshBorkewell, i commend you
19:06.30weabalbeit an impressive waste of time :p
19:07.04sylvanaaryou talking about one of my mods again?
19:07.49JoshBorkesylvanaar: never
19:07.58weabonly if you modded warla's rep pane
19:09.19sylvanaaryou should all be thinking of interview modules that I can add - since you are so bored lol
19:10.03Cairennsylvanaar: ?
19:10.12JoshBorkeor testing my mod for me :-P
19:10.39sylvanaarim teasing obviously
19:12.01weabi am curious though how warla has neutral with bloodsail buccaneers and revered with booty bay. that seems impossible
19:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
19:32.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
19:33.29JoshBorke~seen Mikk
19:33.46purlmikk <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 21h 37m 31s ago, saying: 'why isn't my startup screen saying anything about that then'.
19:36.45Gnarfozweab: there are mobs that raise/lower the rep of one of Bloodsail/BB but don't lower/raise the other
19:37.27weabI figured, just can't think of them.
19:37.39Gnarfozdon't know the exact names, either ;)
19:37.41JoshBorkenot many
19:37.48Gnarfozbut, zandalar tribe @ exalted?
19:37.49JoshBorkeand it isn't worth it
19:37.53JoshBorkethat's easy
19:37.57Gnarfozmust have been done before the bug fix
19:38.19Gnarfoznot zandalar
19:38.50JoshBorkewhat is shen'dralar again?
19:39.10ShadowedDM faction
19:39.11ShadowedDM book
19:39.15JoshBorkeas a gnome no less
19:39.16Gnarfozhigh elves in dm
19:39.25JoshBorkeyea, that's hard to do
19:39.28JoshBorkelots and lots of librams
19:39.40Gnarfozactually not possible at all anymore, if i'm not misinformed?
19:39.55`-FISKER_Qshouldn't be nope
19:40.04Gnarfozdamn g2g, food :>
19:40.23`-FISKER_QYou don't start of as neutral with ravenholdt right?
19:40.40`-FISKER_Qcause he shouldn't be able to gain any faction there
19:41.32Gnarfozhe could be a rogue
19:41.49`-FISKER_Qhe's a warlock
19:41.52Gnarfozthere are some low-level rogue quests to be done at ravenholdt that give some 400ish rep
19:42.04Gnarfozoh you're right
19:42.10Gnarfozyou gain master demonologist
19:42.14Gnarfozshould've seen that :>
19:42.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
19:43.00Gnarfozoh damn, food's getting cold :> bbl
19:44.14*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
19:44.22`-FISKER_Qalso read that the only way to gain exalted with one of the goblin faction is doing spillover rep
19:44.30`-FISKER_Qi.e. you in the end can only gain exalted with ratchet
19:47.19OsagasuProbably designed that way
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20:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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20:58.01JoshBorkewoohoo, seconds on my timestamp!
21:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
21:08.46KirkburnYou needed to do one of the upside spanish '?' then :P
21:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
21:16.07Fanookupside-down is overrated. these days it's all about the downside up
21:18.18weabi prefer inside out
21:26.26KirkburnSomeone in the beta, I need an estimate on how the size compares to Azeroth - someone on the wiki insists it's about a 1/5 the size of a continent, which I cannot believe.
21:27.15Gnarfozblizzard said something about 1/2 the size of a continent
21:28.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
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21:40.07Kasoclad|away really away?
21:43.24*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
21:46.14TemCan Shaman's not learn 2h swords?
21:47.29TemI could swear I saw a shaman beat on my mage with a Destroyer of worlds
21:47.37Kasothey cannont have swords
21:47.38SP|Sorren`they can't use swords ;o
21:47.56SP|Sorren`maybe it was a hunter in shaman gear ;p
21:48.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MasterYoda (i=mnichols@nat/digium/x-b3d8403a5f43b057)
21:48.26MasterYodahow can I remove the shadow from my FontString?
21:48.30TemI just found a really awesome 2hander
21:48.38Temand can't use it
21:48.40JoshBorkeTem: roll a paladin :-D
21:48.48Temhave one
21:49.02Tembut I like the shaman more
21:49.37MasterYodaI am inheriting from MasterFont and it has a shadow, is there anyway to remove that shadow?
21:49.37MaldiviaMasterYoda: fontstring:SetShadowOffset(0, 0)
21:50.02MasterYodaor I could do that with a <Shadow> tag right?
21:50.59MasterYodaok thanks guys
22:02.37JoshBorkecladhaire: wb
22:05.36cladhairety =)
22:12.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
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22:14.26MasterYodaok setting the shadow offsets to 0 didn't work, it just puts the shadow right under the text
22:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
22:15.31TemI hate Miravlix
22:15.35Temhate hate hate hate hate him
22:16.10zenzelezzwhat now?
22:16.23Shadowedtem just is a hateful person
22:16.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:19.59MaldiviaTem, played with your mage in BC yet?
22:20.09Temquite a bit
22:20.36Maldiviayou need to find a game designer, and push some exciting changes for the mage class in :)
22:20.40*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
22:21.04Temthey wouldn't listen or care
22:21.27Maldiviawell, I just know Leah has TOO much influence on the warlock class :|
22:21.59TemBC warlocks are !@#%ing rediculous
22:22.02TemI have 6k hp
22:22.07Maldiviathe tester, who are responsible for around 70% of all the warlock changes
22:22.23Temtheir dots alone can kill me before I come out of fear
22:23.01Guillotineindeed. nerf locks
22:23.16MaldiviaTheir dps isn't as high as mages...
22:23.46Temsweeping nerfs to mage dps alone with much lower threat reduction means we can't out dps them anymore
22:24.26MaldiviaI was looking at frostbolt rank 11 vs rank 12...
22:24.29Maldiviawho's stupid enough to use rank 12 ?
22:24.38TemI think a blizzard designer is having a joke at our expense
22:24.57Maldivia10 more mana for.... 7 more damage...
22:25.06MaldiviaShadowed: my old guild master :)
22:25.07Tem7 more now?
22:25.10Temthat's an improvement
22:25.20Temit use to be 0 damage
22:25.23MaldiviaTem: it scales with level, caps at 65 I think
22:25.59Temmy mage is 65
22:26.01TemI'll log and see
22:26.03TainI read they're killing rolling ignites too.
22:26.09Guillotinewow. thats just sad. even the druid resto tree isn't that sad o.O
22:26.11Temrolling ignites are a bug
22:26.16Guillotinethough I'm loving the feral tree
22:26.19MaldiviaTem: didn
22:26.26TemI never expected them to stay
22:26.32MaldiviaTem: didn't they just reimplemented it, but in a gimped way?
22:26.40ShadowedTem: How long did it take you to get to 65 by the wya?
22:26.45Temnot long at all
22:26.50TainThere was a blue post on the official forums at one point saying they were not an exploit at least.
22:26.51Shadowedlike, weeks?
22:27.15MaldiviaShadowed: xp gain from moster kills are raised in the expansion
22:27.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Qshadowp[NS] (n=Shadow@
22:27.28TainSpeaking of exploit, hello no clip cheat to head straight to c'thun!
22:27.45MaldiviaTain: hehe... hello mass mass to guild :)
22:27.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:28.00Temrank 11: 527-268
22:28.00Qshadowp[NS]im trying to write my first addon and suprise suprise it doesn't work (obvious thing that really)
22:28.02ShadowedMaldivia yeah i know, just wasnt sure how fast it was still
22:28.13MaldiviaTem: I just read on the forums, that rolling ignites is back, but in a gimped way, so it's always 40% dmg now, and not resetting every time
22:28.13Temrank 12: 531-572
22:28.21Qshadowp[NS]im wondering which file identifies the addon to show in the addons list
22:28.22TemMaldivia, that's not rolling ignites
22:28.26Qshadowp[NS]because my addon doesn't show there
22:28.32MaldiviaTem: yeah, I know
22:28.49MaldiviaTem: which totally gimps fire mage dps in raids :|
22:28.57Tempretty much yeah
22:29.47MaldiviaTem: FB11: 515-555 @ 60 (527-568 @ 64), FB12: 522-562 @ 62 (534-575 @ 66)
22:30.14Temhmm, it does change
22:30.20Maldivia+3.2 pr level
22:30.57MaldiviaAlmost all healing and damage spells change with level
22:31.22MaldiviaOhh, is the tooltip error on rank 12 still in ?
22:31.37Maldiviawhere it list "to" instead of "by"
22:32.31TemMaldivia, the tooltip does still read 'to'
22:32.45Maldiviahmm, ok
22:33.35Temit just really pisses me off that to be competitive in pvp at all, I have to be boring frost spec
22:34.23Shadowedi can't talk much about TBC since i havn't tried it yet. But frost is typically worthless in PVP
22:34.34Shadowedexcept for using IB/cold snap to piss people off
22:34.55Maldiviafrost is really nice vs melee classes
22:35.00Qshadowp[NS]is there any place i can go for help with writeing addons?
22:35.05Qshadowp[NS]since nobody seems to want to help me here :(
22:35.08cncfanaticsu don't need frost to beat melee classes
22:35.16Shadowedit makes it a hell of a lot easier
22:35.18cladhaireQshadowp[NS]: Whats your question?
22:35.24Qshadowp[NS]i asked earlier :P
22:35.31Qshadowp[NS]im following the guide at "how to write a clock"
22:35.42Qshadowp[NS]and i can't get it to work, pretty sure i did it all correctly :(
22:35.42cncfanaticsthe .toc file must have the same name as the addon's folder
22:35.59cncfanaticsso the Addon folder wld have a valid Addon.toc file
22:36.08Qshadowp[NS]i see
22:36.17cncfanaticsif the toc file is there then ur addon will show up in the list
22:36.18Qshadowp[NS]well in my .toc the title is "## Title: Clock from Hell"
22:36.28cncfanaticswhats the filename of ur toc file ?
22:36.31Qshadowp[NS]and the folder is called hellClock
22:36.40cncfanaticsshld work :/
22:36.46cncfanaticsdid u restart wow completely ?
22:36.48cladhairehave you exited wow entirely:
22:36.51Qshadowp[NS]yes, twice
22:37.02cladhaireCan you SS the folder/file structure for us?
22:37.06cladhaireand it?
22:38.15cncfanaticsanyone here uses wowbench ?
22:38.42cncfanaticsit seems to lack the GetAddOnMetadata function
22:38.58cladhairecncfanatics: You can write it.. many API functinos aren't defined yet in wowbench
22:39.02cladhairethat's why its a community project =)
22:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
22:39.40cncfanaticsthe thing is, I have no clue how to write it :)
22:40.18cladhaireso put it in the hacks folder.. and make it return static values for you
22:40.29Qshadowp[NS]screenshot of my .toc file, and my file structure
22:40.51cladhairedid you check logs/FrameXML.log
22:40.57MaldiviaQshadowp[NS]: checked that you've enabled "load out of date addons"
22:41.06Qshadowp[NS]Maldivia i have that ticked
22:41.10MaldiviaQshadowp[NS]: the current interface version is: 11200
22:41.12Qshadowp[NS]its not even showing in the list of addons
22:41.26Qshadowp[NS]ok changed that
22:41.40cladhaireCheck your FrameXML.log
22:41.42cladhairesee what it says
22:41.43Qshadowp[NS]im looking at that log cladhaire
22:41.47Qshadowp[NS]it says alot of stuff
22:41.51Maldiviaand wow is installed in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\  ?
22:41.55Qshadowp[NS]Maldivia yes
22:42.00Maldiviaok, just checking :)
22:42.19Qshadowp[NS]cladhaire in the FrameXML.log
22:42.22Qshadowp[NS]there is maybe 2000 lines
22:42.30cladhairethats a bad thing
22:42.33cladhairefind your section
22:42.38Qshadowp[NS]well i do have quite a few addons
22:42.39cladhaireor pastey it.
22:42.50Qshadowp[NS]i searched for hellclock, no results.
22:42.51cladhairesearch for hellclock
22:42.56cladhairethen its not getting to it at all.
22:42.57Maldiviawell, if hellClock doesn't even show up on the addon list, then there wont be an entry in FrameXML
22:43.07Qshadowp[NS]yea it doesn't show up in the addon list
22:43.10cladhaireaye, was just an off chance =)
22:43.41Maldiviacan't see why it wouldn't be there though... the folder and toc file are correct
22:43.47Qshadowp[NS]i'll try removeing all my other addons
22:43.54Qshadowp[NS]see if that helps :P
22:44.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
22:44.25Maldiviaohh, and remember, you addon will show as "Clock from Hell" on your list
22:44.35Maldivia(it's the Title entry that's the name on the addon list)
22:44.38Qshadowp[NS]and that'll be why i can't find it
22:44.42Qshadowp[NS]because im looking for hellclock
22:45.16Qshadowp[NS]yup its there, clock from hell
22:45.19Qshadowp[NS]thanks :)
22:45.20Maldiviaif it's there, then you can start looking through the FrameXML.log file
22:45.39Maldiviastart by opening hellClock.xml in Firefox (or Internet Explorer)
22:46.00Maldiviabrowsers are excelent for finding simple errors in xml files :)
22:46.04Qshadowp[NS]yea :P
22:46.10Qshadowp[NS]firefox > explorer
22:46.19Qshadowp[NS]theres no errors in the xml i think :P
22:46.24Qshadowp[NS]because i followed the instructions :D
22:46.32Qshadowp[NS]the only problem was that i was looking for hellclock instead of clock from hell
22:46.43Qshadowp[NS]and i have a long list of addons :P
22:46.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Thiras2 (
22:46.51Maldiviawell, writing Ui one place and UI another place, is a problem - and can be hard to find :)
22:47.04Qshadowp[NS]yea :)
22:47.12Qshadowp[NS]oh well ... on to the next step ;)
22:47.27Maldiviathe open FrameXML.log, search for hellClock and see if there are any entries
22:48.07Qshadowp[NS]loading addon hellclock, loading table of contents, loading the xml, zomg a error i think i see
22:48.29Qshadowp[NS]Interface\AddOns\hellClock\hellClock.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
22:50.44Maldiviathen ther's a problem in your lua file...
22:50.48Maldiviatry pastey'ing it
22:51.03Qshadowp[NS]well i added a backdrop
22:51.14Qshadowp[NS]i'll see if it actually works through the errors first, probably not with my luck thugh lol
22:54.19Qshadowp[NS]nope, doesn't work
22:54.21Qshadowp[NS]figures :D
22:55.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
22:55.26Cairennhi Ktron
22:55.44MaldiviaQshadowp[NS]: lua files are for lua code... not xml
22:56.07Qshadowp[NS]wrong part of the instructions in the wrong file i guess
22:56.30Maldiviayeah :)
22:56.38Qshadowp[NS]is it the backdrop that should be in the xml?
22:56.41Qshadowp[NS]or the frame
22:56.46Maldiviaeverything :)
22:56.50Qshadowp[NS]the guide isn't very discriptive :(
22:57.21Maldiviaalso, the backdrop should be inside the <Frame> </Frame>
22:57.49Qshadowp[NS]i did that
22:57.59Qshadowp[NS]and the <Frame> stuff should be in the lua, right?
22:58.26Maldiviaall what you pasted should be in the xml file
22:58.50Qshadowp[NS]so basically that entire guide was how to make a square box lol
22:58.53Qshadowp[NS]so much for a clock
22:59.14Qshadowp[NS]thats so stupid lol
22:59.37Maldiviatried downloading the Addon Kit, there's a tutorial in that
22:59.48Qshadowp[NS]wheres that? :)
23:00.06cladhairebest reponse to a forum post EVER:
23:00.12*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
23:00.27MaldiviaQshadowp[NS]: there's a link in this thread
23:00.46Qshadowp[NS]ty Maldivia :)
23:00.49Qshadowp[NS]lol cladhaire :P
23:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge thr (
23:11.28thrhmm, i searched the wiki for information on how to display colored text but oculdn't find any.. guess I'm a bit to tired but could any1 give a hint on where to search?
23:11.39thrI only want to color parts of a text message, not all of it.
23:11.52thrso AddMessage("text", r,g,b,id) wont work
23:12.18MaldiviaAddMessage("|cffrrggbbText with color|r Text without color");
23:12.37Maldiviareplace rrggbb with the color
23:13.22thrhm... shouldnt it be three rrrgggbbb ?
23:13.27thror is it hex?
23:13.31Maldiviait's hex
23:13.34thr<3 thnx
23:13.39Maldiviait's actually aarrggbb
23:14.19Maldiviaas in alpha, red, green, blue
23:15.58thrnot totaly lost :) thnx for the help solved my problem
23:16.40Kasoalso one thing thr, if you're testing from the command line you have to use \124 instead of |
23:16.56thrKaso: ye, i remember something like that - thanks for the heads up
23:17.09thrMaybe someone could help me with another question: where do I find the xml for the bagbars in the framexml ?
23:17.32thrwell the bar with the 5 bags on
23:18.19MaldiviaMainMenuBarBagButtons.xml would be a good guess
23:18.45thr<3 :)
23:18.52Maldiviawell, just a guess from the file name
23:19.46thrye it was there i was looking for "BagBar...something.xml" since ActionBar.xml was there
23:19.54thrwas a bit blind i guess :) thnx tho
23:25.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
23:29.34ckknighthey all
23:29.39Cairennhi ckknight
23:30.15Industrialwhy are the horde such pantsies in av
23:30.18Industrialnoone listens
23:30.28Industrialthey all unmount at the first moving thinfg with a red name
23:30.48Cairennno t, imo
23:31.09Industrialwhen thay should be running (up) to spgy
23:31.29cogwheelno s, imo
23:31.42Cairennyes s, imo
23:33.50cogwheelI don't know... those tauren skin panties my 'lock wears sure are comfortable
23:37.22zenzelezz1% wipe on Nefarian =D
23:37.37zenzelezznot a bad attempt with 31 people
23:39.03zenzelezzmight've made it if we hadn't gotten a warrior call just as the tank died
23:45.11*** join/#wowi-lounge beNson (
23:56.17Cairennnext batch of names (93) just submitted
23:57.56Industrialsooo, is there any word on when blizz will email the first batch? :e
23:58.07Industrialprolly monday...
23:58.11Cairennwithin the next week
23:58.44TainFebruary, definitely February.
23:59.11cogwheelYep. and BC won't be released until July

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