irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061031

00:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:10.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Shabador (
00:18.09Qshadowp[NS]computer says no.
00:18.28Qshadowp[NS]anyone know of a addon for profileing keybindings?
00:21.00Cairenncan check out this:
00:21.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:21.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:22.25Merylol cogwheel =P you'll probably live longer when you just ignore those threads
00:22.51cogwheelI need to vent... my mother and my wife are living in the same house atm...
00:23.17cogwheelI don't think it's *my* life I should be worrying about right now...
00:23.21Cairenncogwheel: heh, deep breath, count to 10 ... in as many languages as you know ...
00:23.29Shadoweder oops
00:23.41Shadowednow to figure out how to unignore cogwheel
00:24.21SP|Sorrentoo little stress makes life boring though
00:24.23Thunder_Childcog...your wife and mother live together, and you work at a winery....the answer should be obvious
00:24.26cogwheel1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010
00:24.58SP|Sorrenbinary is frightening.
00:25.02Merythat made me laugh
00:25.34cogwheelThere are 10 kinds of people in the world... those who can understand binary, and those who can't.
00:26.19Shadowedaha there we go
00:27.32GuillotineWOW. go to, scroll down to warlock where it says "debuffer" and hilight it. It says "debuffer and cool guy/girl"
00:27.48Guillotinemore proof of blizz being partial to warlocks!
00:27.56SP|Sorren*cough*it's been there since the site was established*cough*
00:28.27SP|Sorreni think GFrazier or someone played a warlock, and he also happened to be doing the website then? :O
00:28.34SP|Sorrenwhat happened to him
00:30.13Meryisn't he Nebu now? (or am I horribly messing something up in my head?)
00:30.26SP|Sorrenis he?
00:30.35clad|awaysomeone should hide the ui forums from me.
00:30.39clad|awayi keep getting more and more snippy
00:34.33SP|Sorrenboo, i want to be in beta. I wish to see if there's any way possible to save ICU :<
00:38.45Merygoogle reveals: GFraizer is Nebu on the wow website
00:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
00:41.07CairennSP|Sorren: you the author of ICU?
00:42.06SP|Sorreni currently take care of it
00:42.18SP|Sorrenwell, the last i updated it was like 6 months ago :P
00:42.22Cairennyou EU or US?
00:42.23SP|Sorrenbut its continued to work since then
00:42.47SP|Sorrenmaybe someone else has picked it up since i fell out of the game
00:44.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:44.55CairennSP|Sorren: PM
00:46.23SP|Sorrenim not registered
00:46.27SP|Sorrenone sec haha
00:46.45SP|Sorreni was wondering why you said that after i thought i'd answered :)
00:56.10dreftyou might be able to keep icu working in bgs at least
00:56.21dreftwith the assumption that everyone who isnt in your raid is an enemy
00:56.36dreftand without the targetting aspect of course
00:57.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:57.26dreftalthough i guess that isnt exactly 'working'
01:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
01:03.02SP|Sorrenits a huge nerf to tracking if it no longer works at all :(
01:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
01:03.17SP|Sorrener, targets at all
01:03.53SP|Sorrenmaybe I can just make it a clickable button where it sticks the button for 5 seconds or so so you can type /tar <name> >.>
01:04.05ckknighthey all
01:04.06SP|Sorrenbut that would be a terrible blow to the mod :/
01:05.36Kasocan someone on beta tell me the color of shamans (rgb or hex)
01:07.12cladhaireits seagreen =)
01:07.16MentalPowerwhat file is that in?
01:07.16cladhairegimme a moment.
01:10.29cladhaire(what does ICU do? link?)
01:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
01:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:12.49SP|Sorrenit makes pretty tracking buttons. works for druids too in catform :O
01:15.35Guillotinewell sorren, you can still save the part where it has a list of people though they won't be clickable. You can use the idea we came up with in here a while ago (and I think somebody implemented it) where you shrink the minimap to 1X1 and move it under the cursor. then you have a list of everyone
01:17.56dreftwont be able to target the names to get information about them though, will you?
01:18.07dreftunless you can use an alternate source for some of them, like your bg raid
01:18.08SP|Sorrenwell, the main point of the mod is the ability to use tracking to tell friend from foe
01:18.12cladhaireyou can always provide as much information as possible.
01:18.15cladhaireand you can still do that
01:18.17cladhairequite nicely
01:18.27cladhaireyou can even filter the dropdown
01:18.30cladhaireyou just cannot click on them to target or cast
01:18.40KirkburnHmm, apparently Vista has just been finalised
01:18.42SP|Sorrencurrently it works by targetting each of them and grabbing their info from the tooltip
01:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
01:19.16Guillotinethat won't work in most places now, but you can still color people on whether their in your raid
01:19.43Meryor use the scoreboard (in BG's) to get some info
01:20.23Temno reason to use the scoreboard unless you're coloring oposite faction people
01:20.30SP|Sorrenwill it work out of combat? or are there still targetting restrictions out of combat?
01:20.32Temwhich is wasted effort, imo
01:20.43Temaddons can NEVER target
01:20.47SP|Sorrennever evar?
01:21.08Qshadowp[NS]oops, the addon forgot
01:21.11Qshadowp[NS]oh noes :<
01:21.19SP|Sorrenthe point is to color the opposition from the friendlies though
01:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
01:21.23SP|Sorrenand to distinguish npcs from pcs
01:21.59Qshadowp[NS]is there any mod to change the tooltip when you mouse over players so you can see there health and mana bars?
01:22.03Qshadowp[NS]and guild :P
01:22.27Temthere's LOTS of addons that do that
01:22.36TemI recommend TinyTip
01:22.38cladhaireWay to be dramatic Tem.
01:22.41cladhaireAddons can in fact target
01:22.48Qshadowp[NS]ok ty tem :>
01:23.00SP|Sorrenjust not custom addons? O.o
01:23.01Temcladhaire, using a SecureButton doesn't count
01:23.10cladhaireyeah it does!
01:23.11Tem(and neither does signed code)
01:23.23Temalright, lemme rephrase
01:23.50TemTainted Code can __//**NEVER**//__ call the targetting functions
01:24.00cladhairehasty generalizations are bad, mkay?
01:25.09SP|Sorrentainted code :(
01:25.11SP|Sorrenthat sounds so bad
01:25.42dreftyour addons are TAINTED, sorren!
01:25.53drefthow do you like that!?
01:25.59SP|Sorrenit makes me QQirl.
01:26.16SP|Sorrenand hunger for chicken, for some reason.
01:28.23Meryg'night all
01:28.51SP|Sorrenyou don't like chicken?
01:34.41Qshadowp[NS]also...why isn't there a chat logger that logs everything? :P
01:34.50Qshadowp[NS]sucks that it'll forget after a few days
01:34.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:35.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
01:36.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:38.09Corrodiasi love shamans ;.;
01:40.05hugoyou wont after 2yrs ..
01:40.23ckknightlol, 2 years is an eternity and you know it
01:40.31ckknightat least in foresight
01:40.40ckknightin hindsight, it'll feel like it was just yesterday
01:40.59hugoi play shaman 2years
01:41.03hugoand i want something else ;x
01:41.10Corrodiasi don't -play- one
01:41.18Corrodiasi just love having them around, just for the mana totems.
01:41.42hugowhen you will play with paladin around you will like him more
01:41.56hugowith mana buff ;]
01:42.00Corrodiasnot so sure about that
01:42.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
01:42.18hugoyou hit monster you gain mana ;o
01:42.29hugoim sure bout that
01:42.54Corrodiasi.. don't melee.
01:43.19Corrodiasi also find them infuriatingly overpowered in AV, and i can't imagine they're much worse in AB
01:43.25hugothen just the mana per tick buff > totems
01:43.43hugoele shaman is so cool in pvp
01:43.51hugoin raid hes poor.. at all
01:44.34Corrodiaswell, you know, do you want a shaman or a paladin who can hold a flag on his own against 3 people?
01:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:45.02hugoi want something that can raid well..
01:45.09hugoshaman is poor
01:45.23hugoyeah the totems for meleers are good but
01:45.36hugototems suck at all
01:45.49hugothe range.. at patchwerk i hold str and wf for meleers
01:45.50Corrodiassuit yourself
01:45.58hugothen one person with L must switch us to mage group
01:46.00hugoi drop mana tide
01:46.09hugothen the perosn must put us back to meleers.. heh
01:46.12hugogg blizzard
01:46.30hugowhat a mechanism
01:46.36hugochanging groups in battle
01:46.58hugojust wrong
01:47.09Endwe switch shaman around too sometimes, but usually we don't bother
01:47.32hugoyou kill patchwerk ?
01:47.35Kasoive always wanted to write an addon that would dynamically switch groups around for auras, but doing it quickly without lag from buckets of raid_roster_updates was inpractical
01:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:47.44hugoyou bother there
01:47.59hugotheres addon like that
01:48.01Endbut we have had to switch shaman around when we've lost a significant portion of our numbers elsewhere
01:48.08hugohe setup persons to switch and just click
01:48.28Corrodiasdon't get me wrong; i'm glad our guys will be able to drive the allies nuts with paladins in the future. i just can't touch them.
01:48.36hugototems are too problematic vs paladins buffs
01:48.41hugoneeds some changes..
01:48.44Endtotems are definitely problematic
01:49.09hugoi dont like the changes
01:49.28hugoit was atleast some diff beetwen the horde and alliance
01:49.29Endtotems...are limited...the only thing going for them is the "unusual" stuff like windfury
01:49.30hugonow its all same
01:49.50Endmana tide doesn't seem all that great compared to blessing of wisdom to me
01:49.51hugonow imagine 30min battle
01:49.52SP|Sorrenhow would a pld+ele shaman duo do in arena?
01:49.56SP|Sorreni think it'd be a good team :O
01:49.57hugo60sec mana totem
01:50.05hugowitch turn on global cooldown
01:50.08hugo+another totems
01:50.23hugohow many time/mana you waste just placing them
01:50.28Endyeah, many fights our shaman our almost exclusively dropping totems :P
01:50.40hugoyeah shaman is pvp definetly
01:50.54Corrodiasi don't know what shamans can do in pvp. what is it?
01:51.15hugohighest burst dmg antimage ?
01:51.51Endshaman are very high burst damage, but they don't have damage longevity
01:51.54hugoelemental shaman play like mage.. he don't melee if it's not 1v1 caster
01:52.17Corrodiasheh, don't ask ME. i'm asking you.
01:52.21hugochainlightning 1,5sec is very effective in bg
01:52.30hugo+ interupting spells
01:52.34hugoand chain heal is best heal in game
01:52.46hugoif you talk about mana/heal
01:53.18hugoso elemental shaman with 5/5 trier 2,5 and 3/3 tier 2 spaming chain heal and chain lighting is very impresivei in bg
01:53.45hugoCorrodias i wasnt askin u that was answer
01:53.56Corrodiasthen why did you phrase it as a question? :(
01:54.06hugobut in raid pve they poor,.... only good is the chain heal witch isnt usable at every encounter..
01:54.09Corrodiasi guess it doesn't matter
01:54.16hugobut if it's boss like Thadius .. shaman can own there about healing
01:54.39hugobut its like 1 boss of 10
01:55.50Corrodiasi hear rogues have problems with lots of bosses
01:56.17Thunder_ChildSweet, Beta for Supreme Commander!
01:57.01hugoproblem for rogues is only that they must be pve speced in naxxramas and put away their imba 'hemo' stunlock builds so they're pissed :)
01:57.43hugolike overpowered.. too strong .. too good
01:58.19Corrodiashemmorhage is... +7 damage on attacks? :/
01:58.45hugoit's only attack ingame that have not normalized atack power
01:58.55hugoso the ap calculate from weapon speed u see
01:58.59Corrodiasi don't understand that part
01:59.14Corrodiasit's +7 damage, like having a Sniper Scope, isn't it?
01:59.30hugohuh ?
01:59.35hugoit and attack skill
01:59.39hugofor rogue
01:59.44hugofrom skillbook u see..
01:59.53hugoinstant atack adds 1 comb opoint
02:00.04hugoand only one ingame not normalized atack power
02:00.16Corrodiasi'm looking at a talent calculator right now, yeah.
02:00.18hugoso if u got 2.9weapon it dont calculate from 2.4 but from 2,9
02:00.23Corrodiasi still don't understand what the heck you're talking about
02:00.40Corrodiasthis normalization is not familiar to me, and i read everything in the game formulas section of wikipedia
02:00.47hugoso it's pretty dmg, and with the hemo build you stunlock him , when ks it has another +%dmg and cold blood.. dead
02:01.04hugoatack power normalization was some patches ago alrdy
02:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:01.28hugonormal attack isnt normalized.. and hemo
02:01.34hugoall other skills are normalized
02:01.40hugolike heoric strike
02:01.42hugomortal strike
02:01.46hugoer hemo not
02:01.51CorrodiasTHIS REALLY SHOULD Be added to the wiki, don't you think?
02:01.54Corrodiasnot wikipedia. wowwiki.
02:01.55hugosinister strike... well all skills attack xcept hemo ;]
02:02.06hugoit's pretty old information..
02:02.14Corrodiasbut it's not there
02:02.22hugonot my fault ;o
02:02.37hugowhat does the blacksheeps addon ?
02:02.45hugofind the black sheeps in you raid!
02:04.04Corrodiasso could you explain what the normalization means?
02:04.58hugowell i dont think if its correct but the ap bonus formula is something like atack power / 14 * bonus
02:05.15hugoso if u got 140 atack power and 2.8weapon
02:05.28hugour normal atack would get 140/14*2.8 atack power bonus
02:05.52hugobut skills are "normalized" something like dagger 1.4speed 1h 2.4speed and 2h dunno 3.4 ? i think
02:06.14hugoso for like mortal strike it would count 140/140*2.4 for one handed weapon .. any speed ( if not dagger0
02:06.18hugoyou got it ?
02:06.32hugobut im not 100% sure about the formula since im not rogue ;]
02:06.44cladhairebasically, the DPS bonus from attack power used to be AP / 14 * speed of weapon
02:07.02hugoand all skills are calculating using the normalized bonus.. except hemorage skill he use weapon atack speed bonus
02:07.03cladhairesince AP adds a straight damage modifier..
02:07.20cladhaireand daggers that were SLOW.. used to get a larger bonus to the MAX damage of the weapon
02:07.24hugobut for skills its AP / 14 * normalizedspeed
02:07.32hugo1,4dager 2,41h 3,42h
02:07.32cladhaireso they changed it so all daggers now receive the same bonus from AP
02:07.38Corrodiasnow that you mention it, it sounds a little familiar
02:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
02:07.57hugobut for atack it counts normaly
02:08.02hugoauto atack
02:08.18Corrodiasattack power is supposed to add "damage per second", then, right?
02:08.35hugoap add dmg yeah
02:08.49cladhairesearch for "the attack power" on that page
02:08.52cladhairegood explanation
02:09.11hugoso for hemo sill 2.8 2.9 weapons besty
02:09.26hugosome 2.8blue can be actually same like 2.6 epix with 10less dps
02:09.29hugowith hemo
02:09.34*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:09.36hugo10more dps i mean
02:10.12hugoah the so i was wrong the normalized bonus is 1.7dager 2.41h and 3.32h
02:11.06Corrodiasokay, this is getting confusing, 3.32h and all
02:11.07hugomaybe.. atleast on thottbot someone says so
02:11.27hugodon't care im shaman i use just auto atack
02:12.10hugoand for that i can calculate it ;p
02:12.29Corrodiasso what you're saying is that some rogues exploit this oversight by using slow swords?
02:12.38Corrodiasand hitting hemmorhage whenever possible?
02:12.54hugoit aint exploit
02:13.07hugoblizard leaver hemo the only atack non-notmalized
02:13.27hugoso its good to use slow weaps with it to get more dmg
02:13.36Corrodiasokay, they "take advantage of this oversight"
02:14.09hugowell the prolyl did it to get it in line with sinister strike
02:14.12cladhaireHemo is meant to be  spammed for high damage.
02:14.14hugoif you we're using diff build
02:14.22cladhairesince hemo was only viable for helping raid DPS
02:14.31cladhairenow its a real nice PVP build.
02:14.41hugoi aint a rogue at all so cant tell u all
02:14.55cladhaireI am =)
02:14.58Corrodiashm. well, either way, i'm not heading down the subtlety tree with mine.
02:15.13hugowell its best pvp build
02:15.42hugosomething like this maybe would work good
02:15.57hugoit also good for solo pve
02:16.00hugobut not good in raid..
02:16.13Corrodiasbut clad just said that hemmorhage was used for raids
02:16.37Corrodiasit doesn't work now?
02:16.43hugomeans it was, it is no longer
02:16.51Corrodiasi know what it means. i'm asking why.
02:16.51hugodps too low..
02:16.52cladhaireit was
02:16.53cladhaireit still is
02:16.59cladhairebut that was its ONLY use before
02:17.01hugonow backstab and slice and dice
02:17.03hugo> all
02:17.16Corrodiaswhy is backstab & S&D not better for PvP, then?
02:17.17cladhaireWhat you used to do is have combat daggers on all your rogues, and then one with hemo
02:17.30hugocant stunlock
02:17.33cladhairethe hemo rogue raised the physical DPS of the entire raid
02:17.51cladhaireBS/Stunlock is fine for pvp
02:17.53cladhairebut only 1v1 pvp
02:18.10cladhairecause backstab costs 60 energy.. and its physically situational
02:18.18hugoyeah but i stunlock high warlord warrior with hemo with my blue equip alt hemo rogue ;p
02:18.30cladhaireyeah, its definitely easier =)
02:18.37cladhairejust have to change how you play a bit.
02:18.52hugocs hemo hemo ks hemo hemo blind cs coldblood evis
02:18.55cladhairehemo is only good for PVP cause you can spam it almost as fast as the global cooldown.. which means LOTS of damage.
02:18.56hugobye bye high warlord
02:19.03cladhaireits an energy management skill
02:19.05Corrodiasnow, hemmorhage doesn't stun. what are you using?
02:19.18hugoit cost less energy then ss
02:19.30hugoyou get more cp
02:19.40hugoto make stunlock
02:19.42Corrodiasso you're using Kidney Strike?
02:19.50hugono.. kidney shot
02:20.07Corrodiasthis conversation is like solving a puzzle
02:20.20Corrodiastrying to get you to answer the question i am trying to ask ;)
02:20.35hugoand if all goes wrong you got gouge to go restealth or blind or vanish.. or at all preparation to reset ALL cooldowns
02:20.39hugovery universal build
02:20.52hugoso you can use all skills 2x
02:21.00Corrodiasand blizzard actually made hemmorhage work that way intentionally?
02:21.01hugo.. and evasion and spirt i didnt counted
02:21.23cladhairewhats the question?
02:21.23hugorogue .. you just must learn to relax quickly.. if you do fail you die ;o
02:21.25cladhairehow about we start there
02:21.32hugoother classes can like do something wrong and still win
02:21.35hugolile healers
02:21.40hugorouge must be perfect ;)
02:21.44Corrodiasokay, forget that question. how about this one? why is it that they can't use this in a raid environment?
02:21.59Corrodiasor why did you say that they have to respec?
02:22.02hugoits a stunlock build
02:22.13hugoyou don't stun boss.. first its immune
02:22.17hugoand secon stun dont do dmg
02:22.18cladhaireYou have to keep in mind that hugo is referring to a specific build.
02:22.22hugoso it cant be good in raid :)
02:22.26cladhaireHemo can be used in raids, but not in a hemo/stunlock build.
02:22.34hugothat i mean
02:22.39cladhairesince you lose talent points that would enhance your raid DPS, to gain the stunlock bits you need, and grab hemo
02:22.48Corrodiasi see
02:22.56hugoyou got combat
02:22.58hugofor dps
02:22.59cladhaireHemo + mid Assasination and mid Combat is a very solid build.
02:23.21hugowith backstab and slice and dice
02:23.25hugoits impresive dps
02:23.45cladhairevery much so.. much like any build.. your crits help raise your average dps.
02:24.14hugowait for TBC shamans
02:24.20hugothen rogue will be real dps machine
02:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:38.58Qshadowp[NS]is there a command to get one macro to run another macro?
02:39.06Qshadowp[NS](250 char limit sux)
02:40.48Corrodiasdid something change in the panther boss fight in ZG just recently?
02:41.25Corrodiaswe seem to be having a ridiculously hard time at it, even though we've succeeded several times before
02:58.32AnduinLotharAnyone know a mod for easily announcing craftable items to the trade channel? I know a bunch of enchanting ones, are there any good ones for other tradeskills?
03:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
03:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:02.28malrethso tauruse
03:02.31malrethi was right
03:02.34malrethhe is a troll
03:03.00malrethand he posts images of his forum bans on his guild forum
03:03.13malrethhe does have arthritis, though
03:09.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
03:11.55Corrodiasarlokk keeps spawning within our group and killing healers
03:12.17cladhairetell your healers to stop sucking imo
03:16.06Corrodiasmaybe if we could wear plate
03:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
03:20.09cladhairemalreth: i just can't stop fighting with him
03:20.14cladhaireits bad =)
03:24.26Cairenncladhaire: stop
03:24.39cladhaire? =(
03:24.55Cairenn*wonders if it will work*
03:25.14Cairenn*doubts it*
03:25.30cladhairedo you really want me to?
03:25.32cladhairecause i will
03:25.36cladhairebut you need to mean it :P
03:25.46CairennI am not going to tell you what to do cladhaire
03:25.59cladhairedo you think i'm being mean or inappropriate?
03:26.13CairennI haven't been reading it, I'm busy with some other stuff
03:26.40cladhairei dont think i have been.. but trolls just get at me.
03:27.05malrethi got my invite to AQ40... huhu dies tonight!
03:27.25cladhairegrats malreth!
03:28.21Temmuch h8 for huhu
03:28.49Temwe've gotten her to 1% twice now
03:28.56Tembut we havent' been back in AQ in like a month
03:29.12Temwell, we've gone in to kill the bosses before her since they're on farm
03:31.01AnduinLotharwhere' prolly hitting huhu on wed. after we clear up to her tonight after bwl
03:31.35AnduinLotharbut first i need my askandi
03:31.46cladhairemmm.. ass candy
03:31.50AnduinLotharso i can heal better
03:32.28AnduinLothari heal better with a large sharp stick in my hands
03:32.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
03:33.48Garoun|Loupanacladhaire did that person make a post on wowace about some issue they found with ace and their script commands? I'm pretty sure it's another mod, but never hurts to let you know :)
03:33.48TemI got healed by a pally with an askandi in WSG today
03:33.57AnduinLothar:D tem
03:34.06Temit didn't even dent my hp
03:34.22Temthen the warlock dots that he didn't cleanse killed me
03:34.40cladhaireGaroun|Loupana: Umm.. I think you're asking the wrong guy.. but it was probably something with AceConsole or AceHook
03:34.51cladhairebut I'm trying to stay away from STD's..
03:34.54Cairennbtw, everyone has their mods up-to-date on the site, right?
03:35.15Garoun|Loupanaaround 60, was in my thread about druid form shifting
03:35.31cladhaireyou'll want to get in touch with one of the Ace guys.
03:35.51Garoun|Loupanaok, I can never keep all the ace folk straight :)
03:36.15cladhairebut i suspect ckknight fixed it already
03:36.19[floyd]STD's? As in "Sexually Transmitted Disease"?!?
03:36.20cladhaireif you want to grab the latest version fromt he SVN
03:36.27cladhaire[floyd]: Yeah
03:36.43[floyd]Uhm, ok, just checking ^^
03:36.46Garoun|Loupanaoh, I don't have a beta invite yet :( otherwise I'd gladly give it a test
03:36.47cladhaireAlthough it would be nice if code wasn't so buggy that it could be posted on WoWI
03:37.27Garoun|LoupanaI need to get someone to check my Quick Look, it should work fine but I don't like posting something before it's teseted
03:38.14Garoun|Loupanagod, you'd think I haven't slept in a week with how bad my typing is
03:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
03:47.27TainDamnit I can't find my favorite oatmeal cookie recipe.
03:50.45Osagasuwhat's up with wowwiki?
03:58.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
03:58.39deciis there a / command to target your pet besides using /tar PetNameHere
04:05.12Guillotineyou there cladhaire?
04:05.40clad|awayyeah for the moment
04:05.41clad|awaywhats up
04:06.12Guillotinebug with clique. I can't drag spells off of the spell book. it attempts to bind them
04:06.15Guillotine(in TBC)
04:06.41clad|awaywhat version
04:06.52clad|awaythere's some odd error that i need to track down
04:06.58clad|awayits not consistent
04:08.33Guillotineno, it isn't. I reloaded and its fixed
04:09.04GuillotineI'll see if I can figure out how to reliably replicate it for you :/
04:11.14clad|awayin short, the buttons are only shown/hidden when the toggle button is pressed
04:11.17clad|awaywhich should be correct
04:11.32clad|awaygrep for CliqueFrame:Hide()
04:11.38clad|awayany stray hides could do it.
04:12.56clad|awayheh there arne't any stray ones.
04:13.14Guillotinehmmm. somehow I transferred over with only 10g >< oh well. Supposedly its easy to earn in outlands...
04:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
04:26.03Cairennwelcome back Iriel
04:26.05IrielHey malreth
04:26.13Irielthanks Cairenn 8-)
04:26.38malrethi friended you in the game now we can be bestest buddies forever and ever and things
04:27.20Cairennmalreth: in beta?
04:27.58malrethnot in beta...
04:28.04Cairennah, live
04:28.15Guillotinehmm. I thought they had made pounce not require behing behind the target
04:28.32Cairennbtw guys, make sure your mods are current on the site, hey?
04:29.40Garoun|Loupanamy single mod is updated Cair :P
04:29.54Cairenngood :)
04:30.04Garoun|Loupanaalmost don't think it counts as a mod since it's just a bind script :/
04:30.25Garoun|Loupanahows the insomnia btw?
04:30.42Cairenncomes and goes
04:31.09Cairennseem to get 1 decent night's sleep, then 2 or 3 of insomnia then another good night
04:31.13Garoun|Loupanareally didn't expect to hear about the switch on
04:31.18Garoun|LoupanaSun morning :P
04:31.53Garoun|LoupanaI pm'd you about Quick Look and moving it to combat mods
04:32.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
04:32.02Cairennoh, yeah
04:32.30Cairennyeah, I had just given up on the tossing and turning and come back down when your PM came in, so took care of it
04:32.48Garoun|Loupanagood, at least it gave a moment of diversion
04:32.58Cairenngo go freecell
04:33.21IrielMeh, freecell is easy
04:33.25IrielSpider Solitaire on hard
04:33.27Garoun|Loupanatimes like that I tend to roll and alt or fire up an oldy like HL:Blue Shift
04:33.32Cairennprecisely Iriel
04:33.42Garoun|Loupanacan never get enough Barney the underated security gaurd
04:34.17Cairennwhen I'm trying to get my brain numb enough that I can pass out, I play freecell or spider solitaire or minesweeper
04:34.40Garoun|LoupanaI suck at minesweeper, I always blow myself up
04:34.59Cairennlast thing I want to do when I've got insomnia is something that will require me to think about it, and wake myself up even more
04:39.23TainI'm baking cookies.
04:39.31Garoun|Loupanathat sounds really good
04:39.44Garoun|Loupanaespecially since it's 11:30pm and I haven't had dinner yet
04:44.57*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
04:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
04:58.34TainI've become such a food snob.  I was making cookies and was about to add the chocolate chips to the cookie dough and tasted one and decided it wasn't good enough chocolate.
04:58.45TainSo I went to the grocery store to buy more.
04:59.38Thunder_Childany chocolate isnt good enough
05:00.46*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
05:18.02malrethhooray for slouken!
05:18.51Cairennyeah, he locked that damn thread!
05:23.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
05:24.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
05:43.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
05:44.05*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
05:44.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
05:54.06TainI burnt my pinkee finger.
05:55.34Cairenn*kisses it better*
05:56.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
05:59.23Tain:)  Thanks
06:02.22TainI'm disappointed that I couldn't find that oatmeal cookie recipe.  I really need to find it.  It's the best oatmeal cookie recipe I've ever tasted and it was a super low-fat Weight Watcher's recipe.
06:02.45TainBut I just tried another normal one with lots of butter and sugar and whatnot and they actually aren't as tasty.
06:08.07*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
06:10.27Cairennwelcome back malreth
06:11.07Thunder_Childand goodbye hyperChipmunk
06:11.23malrethno, not goodbye just yet
06:11.32malrethmy siblings haven't hatched yet
06:11.36Thunder_Childwell, i'm sure it cant be long now
06:12.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
06:18.03Thunder_Childhey tain, i have a few otmeal recipes if you are interested
06:18.36malrethi was just thinking about oatmeal today
06:19.02Thunder_Childwell did you have any?
06:19.20malrethno... was at the store
06:19.27Thunder_Childfor shame
06:19.37malrethand me and my SO were thinking... hey, oatmeal
06:19.46malrethbut i couldn't find anything but instant
06:19.49malrethand that's no good
06:20.01Thunder_Childreally?, not even any cookies?
06:20.16malrethi was just looking for oatmean
06:20.32Thunder_Childmmm...yes, mean oats
06:20.54malrethalthough, now that i think about it, I should have checked the bulk aisle
06:21.15Thunder_Childsupermarket isnt the bets for things like that
06:21.32TainYou know the cafeteria where I used to work was horrible, absolutely terrible food.  But they'd have a big vat of oatmeal in the morning.
06:21.45Thunder_Childsome of the smaller stores still have them in the wooden tubs
06:22.00TainAnd it was good with some brown sugar and raisins.
06:22.20malreththere's a place like that not far from where i live... Sun Harvest
06:22.30malreththey have grains and stuff in big barrels
06:23.08Thunder_Childyour in texas?
06:23.23TainI really need to find the oatmeal cookie recipe I had.  It was just so good.  Used no butter, no oils.
06:23.47Thunder_Childthe one i have uses neither of thoes as well
06:23.58malrethThunder_Child: Austin, TX
06:24.13Thunder_Childyea, only place that store is
06:24.53*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
06:25.57TainI'm just slightly disappointed, there's a pot luck at work tomorrow and I wanted to lay down some, "Oh my god these are awesome!" to impress everyone.
06:29.07malrethi'll put money on Faithkills and/or Tauruse taking over the "The sky isn't falling" thread now that Slouken locked their last one.
06:29.10Thunder_Childi wonder if that was the first pastey used for a cookie recipes
06:29.59Tainhmm.. there's some similarity to what I remember ther Thunder_Child.  I don't like using milk powder though.  but hmm
06:30.23Thunder_Childso switch it for something else, but make sure to change the amount
06:30.35Cairennespecially since someone was so kind as to bump it for them ><
06:30.45TainHoly smokeys I found it
06:30.52TainI was intelligent enough to email it to myself.
06:31.05malrethdead for almost a month but someone went and searched it out, found it, and revived it
06:31.05TainA little late now since I'm done cooking for the night.
06:31.30Thunder_Childok, now this one is odd: Mrs Fields Peanut Butter Oatmeal Ranch Cookie
06:31.41Thunder_Childit has sunflower seeds
06:31.53Cairennpeanut butter oatmeal ranch?!
06:32.04Thunder_Childyes, but not as the dressing
06:32.09Cairennoh thank god
06:32.17Thunder_Childheh, it's a style
06:32.28Cairennthat's what I thought you meant, and I was cringing
06:32.41malrethmmm... raaaaanch
06:33.05Thunder_Childwow i remember  theese: Little Debbie® Oatmeal Creme Pies
06:33.29Thunder_Childseems to be a crap load of effort to make them though
06:35.24malrethTauruse has a habit of posting half naked 16 year old pictures on his guild's forums
06:36.00Thunder_Childhow do you know they are 16?
06:37.03TainOk this is it.  It really is the best oatmeal cookie I've tasted.
06:37.30TainAnd it's really low-fat.
06:37.55TainThe frosting is optional, I did it sometimes.  Sometimes added butterscotch chips instead of frosting
06:39.35TainI did cranberries instead of raisins too since I prefer that tangy taste.
06:43.48Thunder_Childthis sounds like it would hurt in the morning
06:43.48Thunder_ChildThe Terminator
06:43.48Thunder_Child3/4 ounce vodka
06:43.48Thunder_Child3/4 ounce white rum
06:43.49Thunder_Child3/4 ounce gin
06:43.51Thunder_Child3/4 ounce Grand Marnier
06:43.53Thunder_Child3/4 ounce Kahlua liqueur
06:43.55Thunder_Child2 ounces sweet and sour mix
06:43.57Thunder_Child1 ounce cranberry juice
06:43.59Thunder_Childsplash of beer
06:44.11TainI was with it until the splash of beer.
06:44.45Thunder_ChildPlaent Hollywood recipies
06:44.55Thunder_Childalso comes with:
06:44.55Thunder_ChildCool Running
06:44.55Thunder_Child3/4 ounce Captain Morgan spiced rum
06:44.55Thunder_Child3/4 ounce Malibu rum
06:44.55Thunder_Child3/4 ounce Bacardi Limon
06:44.57Thunder_Child2 ounces (1/4 cup) pineapple juice
06:44.59Thunder_Child1 ounce cranberry juice
06:45.01Thunder_Child1 ounce orange juice
06:45.03Thunder_Childsplash of grenadine
06:45.05Thunder_Childsplash of Rose's lime juice
06:45.07Thunder_Childsplash of Bacardi 151 rum
06:47.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
06:48.39Tain"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
06:51.28Thunder_Childthey are distinguished by intent
07:06.44ScytheBlade1Hmm, question to anyone that would know
07:06.49ScytheBlade1SetOverrideBindingItem(owner, isPriority, "KEY", "itemname")
07:07.01ScytheBlade1What's the functional difference between that and SetBindingItem()?
07:08.35Arrowmasterits an overridebinding, which i think from what ive heard is intended to give the functionality to set bindings to menu items that only work when the menu is active, and go back to their old function when the menu isnt active
07:10.11ScytheBlade1Ah, that actually does make sense then
07:41.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:42.02ckknighthey all
07:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:01.20CorrodiasInitiative, or Improved Ambush?
08:01.40Corrodiasyou don't have to try to answer that, i'm just thinking aloud. sort of.
08:02.00Mikkimp ambush is pvp utility
08:02.08Mikkpick accordingly
08:04.08Corrodiasi've seen rogues open with Cheap Shot in pvp
08:04.28Corrodiasdoesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea, i know
08:05.04*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (i=blah2@
08:06.48Temcheapshot isn't a bad idea to open with in pvp if you're not attacking an orc or a mage
08:22.48Corrodiasi take it Deadliness increases your "base" attack power rather than your "modified" attack power?
08:23.29*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
08:26.04TemI'd guess modified
08:27.39Tem(the example for that being the hunter talent Lightning Reflexes which gives a bonus to total agility (and not only to base agil)
08:29.26Corrodias"Hemo/Prep/Premed is sooooo gear independant it isn't even funny" -- what are "prep" and "premed" here?
08:40.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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08:56.18Corrodiaswonder if i would like Vigor...
08:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
09:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
09:01.34GremWarsongDoes anyone know any scripting techniques that can roughly estimate the amount of mobs engaging you?
09:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker (i=blah2@
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09:25.28Shrike|workGremWarsong, theres a bunch of events: CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_*
09:27.10Shrike|worki think you might need to get the unit id's of each mob though in case theres more than one with the same name, not sure how you'd get that
09:28.17Shrike|workUNIT_COMBAT event looks useful :)
09:31.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker (i=blah2@
09:35.12ShadowedCan't be done basically
09:35.32Shadowedthe closet you could get is monitoring combat logs for how many people are attacking you, but that wont work if they have the same time
09:35.33Shadoweder same name
09:38.35Shrike|worki guess it depends when the UNIT_COMBAT event is fired
09:38.50Shrike|workor if it's fired for mobs
09:39.40Shrike|workUNIT_COMBAT Fired when an npc or player participates in combat
09:39.46Shrike|workseems to be the thing :)
09:44.50GremWarsongseems impossible =/
09:45.12GremWarsongMaybe determination as to how many times your character is getting hit in a given moment
09:45.29GremWarsongbut some mobs attack really fast
09:45.39Shrike|workwhy do you say it's impossible?
09:46.00GremWarsongbecause, mobs of the same name, like Shadowed said, would be difficult to track
09:46.12Shrike|workregister the UNIT_COMBAT event in your addon, it gives you the unit id's
09:46.18Shrike|workthey are unique
09:47.18GremWarsongHow do you get the unit id?
09:47.29Corrodias: arg1     the UnitID of the entity"
09:47.32Shrike|workregister the event
09:47.48GremWarsongohh, I see
09:47.50GremWarsongVery very sweet
09:48.10Shrike|worki don't know if it's fired when you get attached, you'll have to see :)
09:48.13Shrike|workattacked even
09:48.34GremWarsongInteresting nonetheless, im sure that can be used somehow
09:48.36GremWarsongThanks for the tip
09:49.23Shrike|workyou'd have to maintain a list in your addon too, rather than just ++ a count each time the event is fired
09:49.58GremWarsongAlong with whether they are still engaged or not, etc
09:50.04Shrike|worki'd be willing to bet this is how the targeting works
09:50.14Shrike|workand target's target etc
10:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
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11:55.46Kasohowcome i dont seem to be able to surpress error messages, nither error() message() or _ERRORMESSAGE() seems to have any effect
11:58.08Shrike|workwhy not just fix the error? :)
11:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge winkiller (
12:00.04Kaso:> not quite what im trying to do
12:02.40zenzelezzhrm, both main tanks MIA today... guess we'll only do Onyxia/20-man :-|
12:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
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13:01.33Mikmahi warla!
13:02.05Warlahowdy :-)
13:02.13zenzelezzreally slow, but nice looking
13:02.22Warlaheh ya its on my laptop
13:02.33Mikmawell the mainpage hasn't even loaded yet
13:02.34Warlai'd wish i had a beta key.. then i could prepare my website for BC
13:02.36Mikmai only see white
13:02.51Warlawill load soon... my modem is blinking like crazy
13:02.58Warlaso theres stuff going out heh
13:03.25Merybecause I also clicked on it =P (well aborted now will check later)
13:04.07Warlacheckout my reputation tab :-)
13:05.29Warlasigh i really need to get some webspace.. my other webspace is fucked as hell.. 2 terrabyte traffic and webspace limit overdrawn already :-/
13:05.30WarlaISP not happy
13:09.03MikmaWarla: gimme your cash
13:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker (i=blah2@
13:10.32Warlai need that for flying mounts in BC
13:10.45Warlachecked my Reputation tab=? ^^
13:13.01Warlai was soo pissed this week i didnt hit brood exalted
13:13.05Warlawell.. looks like this week
13:29.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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13:56.06axxoWarla: you are scary.
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14:29.17cogwheelut oh...
14:29.27cogwheelwha'd i do?+
14:29.31malrethyou got repoooooooOOOOoooOOOOOOOrted
14:29.51cogwheeloh noes... /cry
14:29.51malrethby someone who is retardeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeeeed
14:30.25malrethyou broke a rule
14:31.22malrethTauruse has been banned from the WoW forums at least 2 previous times
14:32.59*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
14:33.18cogwheelwell forum's under maintenance now, so i'm not to concerned :P
14:33.31malrethhe seems to not be making up that he has arthritis, he has a wife and children
14:34.05malrethand has a habit of finding half-naked 16-year olds who post their pictures on photobucket
14:34.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
14:34.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
14:34.26malrethwb, Cairenn
14:35.10JoshBork1Cairenn: wb :)
14:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
15:00.37Cairennso, how are folks today?
15:01.00JoshBork1i got stitches last night!
15:01.09Cairennack! what did you do to yourself?
15:01.42JoshBork1cut my right index finger while preparing dinner
15:01.53JoshBork1so now it is immobilized for a few days
15:02.03JoshBork1it's weird trying to type without it
15:03.29*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
15:03.40Cairennheh, yeah, I'll bet
15:03.54Cairennhope it didn't require many stitches?
15:04.42malrethdull knife?
15:04.46Cairennthat's a lot, on a finger
15:04.52JoshBork1which is how many hours i was there
15:05.00JoshBork1it was about an inch long
15:05.39Cairennthat'll teach you not to play with knives :p
15:05.52malrethi cut my thumb the other day
15:06.01malrethi didn't pinch the knife correctly
15:06.14malrethand i nicked myself on the heel of the blade
15:06.20malreththat knife is stupidly sharp
15:07.55JoshBork1nice :)
15:08.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
15:09.07krkanice, finally downed stitches!
15:09.39krkai had to have high level help for it
15:09.59malrethhey, we were just talking about stitches
15:11.37Cairennyou guys should thank me, I'm being kind and not telling you about the only time I've ever had stitches
15:12.03malrethhow old were you at the time?
15:12.19JoshBork1what happened?
15:12.34malrethnot that!
15:13.06JoshBork1tell me you chopped an appendage completely off!
15:13.21CairennI suppose in a way you could say that
15:14.09malrethi knew it!
15:14.15malrethCairenn used to be a guy!
15:14.21Cairennrofl, no
15:14.29TS|Skromlol I was just about to say Cairenn used to be known as Carl?
15:14.48Cairenn96 stitches though
15:14.57JoshBork1wow! nice!
15:15.06JoshBork1what'd you cut off and why? :P
15:15.16CairennI "cut off" my daughter ...
15:15.19TS|Skromcut 'er 'ead clean off she did
15:15.29zenzelezzI was just about to ask "cesarian"
15:15.40Cairennjust tore
15:16.27JoshBork1you were drugged right?
15:16.29zenzelezzif I'd ever had any stitches I might have had a better idea how much 5 or even 96 actually is
15:16.32zenzelezznot just a number
15:16.59JoshBork1damn finger offset
15:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
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15:17.29JoshBork1wow, that must have hurt TONS
15:17.42CairennI don't know, I was in too much pain, and too frantic over here
15:17.47malreththat's pretty young for you, though
15:18.14JoshBork1off to work
15:18.19JoshBork1ciao for now
15:18.21Cairennthe labour went *very* fast so they had no time to dope me, and she was in trouble, so that was all I was thinking about
15:18.23Cairennlater JoshBork
15:19.57Cairennanyway, I'll stop teasing you guys now
15:20.20krkai am not getting it, and i am kinda glad i dont
15:22.35zenzelezzseconded krka
15:22.40malrethlemme go find some pictures, krka...
15:23.26zenzelezzmalreth: you imagine people would actually view them when they're expressing their happiness about their ignorance?
15:23.57malrethyes... i think they would
15:24.06malrethif i told them it was a picture of a unicorn
15:24.10malretheveryone loves unicorns
15:24.16malrethand rainbows
15:24.17Cairennlet's not and say we didn't, okay?
15:24.18zenzelezzrule #1-3 of IRC, never trust links
15:25.03malrethhas nothing to do with child birth or blood or stitches or pain
15:25.41malrethi love terra nova articles
15:26.12zenzelezzgood for you
15:27.58malrethit does involve pigeons and epic loot, however
15:40.21cogwheeloff to work
15:41.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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16:36.08Qshadowp[NS]imageshack is down
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16:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
16:41.56Nomad_WandererGot a non wow, but coding related question...
16:42.33Nomad_WandererCan someone recommend a free multi-file diff/compare tool?
16:42.48krkawhat JoshBorke said
16:42.49Nomad_WandererI have a 2 sets of files I would like to difference/compare.
16:42.55krkadiff works
16:43.04Nomad_WandererI'm on windows
16:43.09krkaget cygwin
16:43.15JoshBorkeso is vimdiff
16:43.28krkadiff -r will compare recursively
16:43.30Corrodiasthrough arcane trickery, you can make linux programs run, which doesn't enhance their usability at all
16:43.41Corrodias*some simple linux utilities
16:44.09JoshBorkeclass time bye
16:44.12Nomad_WandererI would like it to do the set, at once.. with VIMdiff can I do that, or do I have to load each file into vim to do the diff?
16:47.26Qshadowp[NS]can anyone tell me what this tooltip mod is?
16:48.15Gngskprolly not because putfile scaled down the image
16:48.26Qshadowp[NS]no i found it in a film
16:48.33Qshadowp[NS]and for some reason when i tried to screenshot the film
16:48.38Qshadowp[NS]it just come up black
16:48.42Qshadowp[NS]so i had to open it in windows movie maker
16:48.46Qshadowp[NS]that scaled it down :P
16:48.52Corrodiasactually, it wasn't pure black.
16:49.01Nomad_WandererIT's too small to see it ;(
16:49.25Corrodiasit was a specific color that your video card replaces with the overlay image, or something
16:49.26Qshadowp[NS]ill try and sort out the screenshot
16:49.28Gngskscreenshot's black because video is just overlay
16:49.46Corrodiasyou can also get around it by opening the video in two different players at the same time, because only one can use the overlay
16:50.18Qshadowp[NS]just gonna try it in vlc media player
16:50.24Qshadowp[NS]vlc is teh win when it comes to video stuff.
16:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
16:53.16Qshadowp[NS]nah still comes up black :(
16:54.27CideNomad_Wanderer: BeyondCompare2 is great
16:54.38Qshadowp[NS]well its a tooltip that looks like Perl UnitFrames basically
16:54.54Qshadowp[NS]shows target of target, targets guild, targets class, mana, health
16:54.56Nomad_WandererThanks.. I just downloaded Winmerge... That's GPL, is BeyondCompare2 GPL?
16:55.09Qshadowp[NS]i tried tinytip but its a bugged as hell and i don't like it :
16:55.31Nomad_WandererWow BC2 is hot.
16:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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16:56.21Nomad_WandererAnd $30 doesn't sound too bad for the feature set.. You're using this Cide?
16:56.59Cidehas worked fine so far for merging release and PTR files for my mods
16:57.33Xavaliadoes anyone know the raid unit frames that is used most of the time with oRA?
16:57.56Nomad_Wanderersortof what I need to do as well.. I'm dl'ing it now. .Thanks for recommendation
16:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
17:01.36[Cu]WerikGuys, does any of you have german TBC client?
17:03.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
17:04.46Maldiviaanyone online/available who has played/worked with the SecureRaidGroupHeader templates?
17:04.51Xavaliakinda sucks oRA2 does not come with a raid unit frame.. which mods can be used for a small overview?
17:05.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer_ (
17:07.32XuerianXavalia: oRA2 isn't for raidframes. It's a raid management/interaction mod, just what it's supposed to be. Perfectraid or aUF are unitframes.
17:09.03XavaliaXuerian, yeah I know.. am used to much to ctra I guess :P ok thanx I will look into that.. tested X-Perl raid frame but not compatable with oRA2
17:10.03XuerianPerfectRaid is pretty much the prime companion to oRA, but aUF and sRF are common favorites. XRaidStatus is good if you don't actually need the unitframes, just whatever collective health/mana/status bars you want.
17:10.30XavaliaI will look them all up
17:10.41Xavaliapretty much has be clean and able to quickly change settings
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17:10.51Xavaliabased on whether I go dps or heal for example
17:11.33XuerianBoth pRaid and aUF are highlighy configurable, if you're just dps'ing, XRS would suffice
17:11.39Nomad_Wanderer__Yikes.. what just happened to the NE ?
17:11.54Nomad_Wanderer__The getting horrible tracerts anywhere in the NE :(
17:12.10XavaliaXuerian, both kinda depending.. if I am dps'ing only want the first group visible and when healing I want to see all for example.. I look into it
17:13.25XavaliaXuerian, what are the full names? can only find perfectraid
17:13.35XuerianPerfectRaid and XRS/Xraidstatus
17:13.51Xavaliaand 'aUF' ?
17:13.57Xuerianauf is either auf, ag_uf, or ag_UnitFrames
17:14.28Xavaliaah last one found it
17:14.33Xavaliagot xrs already
17:17.58*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:18.42malrethTauruse is something else... I figured it'd take him until noon to start trolling again
17:19.27cogwheelNah... I bet he'll go through months of post history to dig up old threads if they keep getting locked...
17:19.27malrethcentral time, that is... i guess it's noon right now over on the east coast
17:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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17:25.57wereHamstercool.. whispers are transmitted in plaintext..
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17:28.28Qshadowp[NS]Does anyone know of a good tooltip mod that shows hp\mana\guild\name\rank ?
17:30.26Qshadowp[NS]yea looks good ty :>
17:37.21cogwheelmalreth: think this'll help my karma any? ;)
17:38.21malrethjust now reading that one
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17:55.40cogwheelis PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED fired at login?
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17:59.49Mr_Rabies2i think curse gaming just read my mind
18:00.25Mr_Rabies2because i was going to download an addon and it was the random addon chosen
18:00.39Mr_Rabies2in the addon insider D:
18:01.00zenzelezzwell, your mind is like an open book...
18:01.39Mr_Rabies2for some reason i'm singing that phrase
18:01.51Maldiviacogwheel: not to my knowledge, but the disabled is fired, if you're in combat when you enter the game
18:01.53Mr_Rabies2what is that from, other than just being a phrase
18:02.04Maldiviacogwheel: as far as I know, the frames are not secure-locked on logon
18:02.28Qshadowp[NS]is there any way to move the world map?
18:02.35Xavaliagreat.. perfect raid is crashing >.<
18:02.36Qshadowp[NS]i only want to move it once and then i want it to stay where i put it :P
18:02.52Mr_Rabies2move it? doesn't it fill the full screen?
18:03.24Qshadowp[NS]Mr_Rabies im useing 2 screens to play wow
18:03.31Qshadowp[NS]and its stuck in the middle, extremly irritateing.
18:03.38Mr_Rabies2you could get alphamap and move that :O
18:03.46Qshadowp[NS]oO i have alphamap allready
18:03.49Qshadowp[NS]didn't know it did that
18:04.07Mr_Rabies2yeah you can drag it but it's a bit hard to find the drag point
18:04.50Mr_Rabies2i dont even use the worldmap anymore because alphamap rocks it
18:05.18Qshadowp[NS]i use alpha map as it is
18:05.24Qshadowp[NS]its kinda like a double size mini map
18:05.29Qshadowp[NS]on my secondary screen :P
18:05.35Qshadowp[NS]but i still need the full screen world map
18:05.58Qshadowp[NS]i tried to find a command to change the alphamap position but i couldn't find one :(
18:06.04Qshadowp[NS]or else i would just make a macro to make alphamap full screen
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18:07.01Xavaliadoes anyone know of Perfectraid is alligned with oRA 1? with oRA2 is gives an error..
18:11.16TemPerfectRaid has **nothing** to do with ORA 1 or 2
18:13.16Xavaliawell is there a way to reset it or something?
18:13.25Xavaliakeep popping up an error >.<
18:15.21Qshadowp[NS]is there any way to move Alphamaps overlay with a macro?
18:18.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
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18:47.36ckknightHappy Halloween everyone
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19:11.18Qshadowp[NS]happy halloween :D
19:11.29JoshBorkehappy halloween
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19:17.46JoshBorkeanyone good with making textures for mods?
19:19.55Cidevery limited
19:20.19JoshBorkehrm.  i'm looking for someone to make some for my mod...
19:20.42Cideah, I don't think I can help you :) too much to do, too little time!
19:20.43JoshBorkeMikk: *scorpion* over here!
19:21.15Mikkhumwa? =)
19:21.23JoshBorketextures in wow? ^_^
19:21.38Mikki make those
19:21.46JoshBorkewanna make some for me? ^_^
19:22.23JoshBorkei'm currently using textures from tinypad in GuildBook but I need more
19:23.45Cidedo it yourself :)
19:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
19:23.52Qshadowp[NS]noes :<
19:24.28[floyd]Heh, I'm just using WoW textures and run them through some random photoshop filters ^^
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19:38.02malrethour university is now setting up 802.1x wireless access
19:38.07cogwheel:)   Mac-o-lantern:
19:38.08malrethwhich is a big deal
19:38.32malrethsince we have over several million valid user ids in our system
19:38.42Warla checkout my reputation tab ^^
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19:39.59malreththe fan in the nose is a nice touch, cogwheel
19:40.30cogwheelnot mine, sad to say :P just found it
19:40.45malrethpff... i know it's not you
19:41.41malreththe el-wire apple logo is pretty snazzy, too
19:41.54malreththat stuff is fun to play with
19:42.07malrethi used some one year to make a glowing halo
19:42.20cogwheelI've never seen it before, myself...
19:42.36malrethin the dark, you couldn't see the wire that held it up and it really looked like it was hovering over my head
19:48.52KirkburnWarla, that's a lot of exalted
19:49.22KirkburnArgh, bloody trick or treaters :P Just had to move our bikes from the entrance corridor to the flat lest they 'dissappear'
19:50.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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20:10.59malrethi've been uncharacteristically productive today
20:14.51Maldiviathe secure raid header, it creates a frame for you, with the template you specify, and then calls an optional function to set it up, correct?
20:15.26Irielyes, there's one step between those two which allows you to set atttributes on the frame(s) even if they're protected.
20:16.10Maldiviawhat if my function creates more frames from secure templates, that are children of the frame the header template code created for me, can I set attributes on that aswell?
20:16.32Irielit's inherited through the parent-child relatonship
20:17.15Maldiviabut I have to specfy the parent in the CreateFrame call, right?
20:17.26IrielYou would, yes
20:17.36Maldiviaframe=CreateFrame(...) frame:SetParent(blah) would not work, I presume
20:17.39Irielotherwise you wont inherit the ability to make changes
20:17.44Maldiviayeah exactly :)
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20:17.52MaldiviaOK, thanks :)
20:18.00Iriel(All of this being an 'in combat' scenario)
20:18.06Maldiviayeah :)
20:18.07Irielout of combat you can do whatever you want, of course
20:18.58Maldiviawas just thinking, otherwise you couldn't use the state header template with the raid header template, since you wouldn't be able to set attributes on the children you would add :)
20:19.07Maldiviawasn't sure the attribute-right was inherited
20:20.19Maldiviabtw, how can we do "unit exists" state changes, for unit not being watched by SecureUnitWatchFrame ?
20:20.46IrielYou make it watched 8-)
20:21.48Maldiviayeah ok, the onupdate with catch it anyway, it's just wont force update on the event
20:21.56Maldivianevermind :)
20:22.45Maldiviaa lot of new stuff to read through... and not being in the beta, makes it at times harder, since you can't test it :|
20:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge balasarius (
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20:28.37`-FISKER_Q\btw Iriel
20:28.52`-FISKER_Q\Looks like Slouken changed the way loot treshhold is assigned in TBC :)
20:29.31IrielIs it bounded now?
20:29.38`-FISKER_Q\i don't know
20:29.58Aens|Superiorityanyone had any experience setting up ndkp here?
20:29.58`-FISKER_Q\but atleast a number cannot be used to set treshold
20:30.05*** part/#wowi-lounge balasarius (
20:30.18PlorkyeranBeing able to set it to 0 was fun
20:30.50`-FISKER_Q\yeah :D
20:30.56`-FISKER_Q\people got mad
20:31.11`-FISKER_Q\dunno if you can set it below or over standard treshhold works anymore though
20:31.26Corrodiashay you guyz
20:31.33PlorkyeranUseful for guilds that used ML in MC, too
20:31.36MaldiviaPlorkyeran: you've always been able to set it to 0
20:31.52Plorkyeran<>`-FISKER_Q\<> but atleast a number cannot be used to set treshold
20:32.20MaldiviaSetting it to -1 was fun :)
20:35.39MaldiviaIriel: if I call editbox:SetText(...), will that taint the editbox?
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20:36.28PlorkyeranIf it doesn't, it's probably a bug
20:36.41Irielyes, it will
20:36.56IrielThat is to say, it taints the text IN the edit box
20:37.49MaldiviaOk, was just looking at the security bug someone posted on the forums, and looked through the code, and noticed the securecall("MacroFrame_SaveMacro") call
20:38.39IrielThat wont help you, securecall doesn't clear taint
20:38.46MaldiviaI know
20:38.50Irielit just stops taint on the 'far side' from spreading upstream
20:39.56malrethwe should continue the use of the phrase, "clean its own taint"
20:40.25Maldiviaor just, clean up after tain... ohh wait, that's something else... :)
20:40.41krkano, that's the same thing
20:41.43TS|Skromexcept one requires pennicillan
20:43.35malreth~wiki taint (slang)
20:45.50malrethpurl has a dirty mouth!
20:47.21Corrodiaslewd and obscene. that means people just don't like to hear the word. oh noes!
20:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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21:08.05ckknighthey all
21:10.04malretha limerick buried deep in the Mac OS
21:10.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
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21:16.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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21:20.41malrethdid you know... there is a livejournal community dedicated to slashing the two guys from the new mac commercials
21:22.22Guillotinelol. inteeeresting...
21:22.24malrethTITLE: Trimming Down
21:22.24malrethRATING: PG-13/R (depends on how dirty you think flash drive insertion is)
21:22.24malrethPAIRING: Mac/PC
21:22.25malrethSUMMARY: PC's trying to get in shape. Mac doesn't think he needs to change at all.
21:23.17malrethANYTHING can be a fetish on the Interwebs
21:31.21malrethfun with rollercoaster tycoon:
21:33.50Guillotinehaha, thats great malreth
21:35.36Industrial666 crit :P
21:35.56Guillotinespooky :P
21:39.01cogwheeli seem to hit for 666 as my warlock a lot
21:39.28ckknightyou seem to hit at 666 because you watch for that number.
21:39.35ckknighthumans seek patterns
21:39.45ckknightyou won't realize the non-666 numbers as easily
21:39.47cogwheelyeah, i know :)
21:39.56cogwheelI have to tell my wife things like that a lot
21:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:40.06malrethmore link flooding
21:41.39Cidedamn pdf files
21:41.49Guillotinewow, and it took a research group to figure that stuff out?
21:41.50axxomy lock hits for ~1100 alot
21:41.57axxoif i tweak my spell dmg it'll be 666
21:44.08cogwheelawww.... :( I want a binary calendar
21:45.18malrethlater all
21:45.20Thunder_Childhowabout a binary watich?
21:45.26Guillotinehaha worldofwar's irc server finally crashed from all the people
21:45.32Guillotinethey have one of those at
21:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
21:59.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:59.35KirkburnAwesome, they have 4 of the Warcraft books on Amazon for £7.23
22:00.01fathomKirkburn, link?
22:00.02zenzelezztotal or a piece?
22:08.32KirkburnCaptain Kirkburn to the rescue!
22:13.32cladhairei'm disappointed.
22:13.34cladhairethat was far from spam
22:13.45cladhairei was really excited about spam
22:14.00KirkburnIt's hard to tell with addresses that go way way past your entry box :P
22:15.05KirkburnIt'll be the first Warcraft book I'll have got :)
22:15.32cladhaireI haven't bought any
22:15.39cladhaireKirkburn: ooh.. work on my CV for me!
22:15.46cladhaireand my applications
22:16.16KirkburnSince when did I become your bitch? :)
22:16.42Thunder_ChildKirk, do you really want an answer to that?
22:16.49KirkburnHmm, good point
22:17.17Thunder_Childi mean dont get me wrong, i have one
22:17.49KirkburnI'll do it, as long as I can use my 'artistic license' :P
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22:19.05KirkburnHey, who stole cladhaire? :(
22:20.05Thunder_Childhe is sulking.....something about loseing his "bitch:....i dunno what he means
22:24.47cladhaireKirkburn: Hehe any embellishment would be good at this point.. its a blank sheet of paper =)
22:25.15cladhairealthough "fanatical nazi supporter and architect of the armenian genocide" might hurt my case
22:25.50cladhairewhat i really need is for my laptop to leave Shanghai
22:26.08KirkburnPossibly, possibly, depends whether you're applying to join the SS, of course
22:26.54KirkburnWhy is it in Shanghai?
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22:27.59cladhairebecause that's where apple's environmentally corrupt sweatshop workers are assembling it.
22:28.32KirkburnOooh, true.
22:28.37Thunder_Childand yet your still buying one
22:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
22:32.09Maldiviadamn, Leeroy has his own card in the wow deck:
22:32.31Guillotinelol, ya. I saw that
22:32.57Guillotinewonder if he gets royalties
22:33.22Thunder_Childnot only that, he is epic
22:33.33Thunder_Childsad sad day
22:34.05Thunder_Childbesides, the quote at the bottom should be "i have chicken"
22:34.50OsagasuYou forgot 'least
22:35.11Thunder_Childok then
22:36.17Osagasu" 'least I have chicken."
22:36.40GuillotineI thought it was " 'least I got chicken"
22:36.59OsagasuMight be
22:37.34Thunder_Childi didnt memorize it that well
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22:48.16Corrodiasso i heard that it's easier to find decent swords for a rogue levelling than it is to find daggers
22:55.14Maldiviahmm, 15man MC... yeah, why not
22:55.48Meryhmm yeah 3 warriors at the warrior trainer, all with a legendary weapon
22:56.24AnduinLotharbeta is soo imba, all i see is hand of rag, thunder fury and askandi
22:57.05AnduinLotharoccational severance
22:58.50Meryno dwarfs...
22:59.02AnduinLotharno fear
22:59.31AnduinLotharafter magmadar you dont need dwarves
23:00.30Meryyou don't really need em for mag with that gear and a timer...
23:00.42Maldiviado the stance dance...
23:01.15SP|Sorrenhorde dont have dwarves, why would you need dwarves?
23:01.46AnduinLotharbesides oyu have pallies with salvation, let him get feared
23:05.03CairennOMG! Have you guys seen today's GUComic?
23:05.59zenzelezzlove that site, his humor matches mine
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23:40.33Qshadowp[NS]anyone here that knows about a mod called Tipbuddy?
23:40.52Kasowell... i use it.
23:41.01Qshadowp[NS]when i mouse over people in my party
23:41.08Qshadowp[NS]the tooltip cycles round my entire party
23:41.39Kasothats very odd
23:42.18Qshadowp[NS]yea :<
23:42.32Qshadowp[NS]i'll get a film of it and youtube it, gimme a sec
23:42.43Kasoi cant even work out why it'd be coded like that
23:46.41cogwheelDing 50 pages of forum post history XD
23:47.17Qshadowp[NS]gz xD
23:47.26Maldiviahehe... I'm only on around 20 I think
23:47.41Maldiviaor well, below I think

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