irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061025

00:00.20KirkburnUpdated :)
00:01.23Cairennlooks fine to me
00:02.12End"This forum is currently undergoing maintenance, please check back at a later time. "
00:02.57KirkburnDon't get that here
00:03.06KirkburnAh, US ones I do
00:03.18Cairennjust went down again, yeah
00:03.43Endthe us forums seem to be a bit flaky lately
00:04.27Guillotinethey've always been flaky
00:04.36Endwell, I've noticed more lately
00:09.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (n=Knightki@
00:12.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:12.22ckknighthey all
00:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
00:20.28Kirkburnckknight, that's *so* an auto-reponse. I can't believe it's taken me this long to notice
00:20.46Guillotineo.O I think you're right
00:21.18KirkburnI had my suspicions yesterday when I saw it three times :P
00:21.36Guillotinein multiple channels :P
00:21.40KirkburnIt's pretty advanced, though, I must say
00:21.51Kirkburn(seems to have random lead-in times)
00:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
00:22.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
00:23.55hugohi, do anyone by chance tested nanostats2 ?
00:25.19ckknightKirkburn, what's an autoresponse?
00:25.26ckknightme saying "hey all"?
00:25.30ckknightnah, I do that manually
00:25.40ckknightwhen I come online, I say it in the channels
00:25.58KirkburnEvery single time? \o/
00:26.01ckknightso that people can become aware of my presence
00:26.03ckknightmost times, Kirkburn
00:26.05ckknightat least if I remember
00:26.16KirkburnWow, I take that back then :)
00:26.20weabhe's so friendly
00:26.22JoshBork1anyone help me test my mod?
00:26.30ckknightI like to be courteous
00:26.37ckknightbut I'm also attention-driven
00:26.46ckknightso it's nice to have people greet me as I come in
00:26.52ckknighttypically Cairenn in #wowi
00:27.06KirkburnMy liege!
00:27.09ckknightmmm... lower
00:27.38Enddon't just move away
00:27.40Endrun away
00:27.52ckknightyou're just mad, End, cause you can't have me
00:29.09weabi promise to give you attention when i start playing again and want to whine about fubar this or that :P
00:29.09ckknightJoshBork1, what mod?
00:29.21ckknightFuBar's pretty stable now
00:29.32weabi'm a pro at breaking things
00:29.34JoshBork1ckknight: GuildBook
00:29.35ckknightand I'm mostly hacking Ace2
00:29.37weabjust wait
00:29.52Kirkburnckknight, I've noticed the 2.1s and the 2.2s
00:29.59TainFuBar's fine, it's those pesky plugins that cause trouble.
00:30.06ckknightand right, Tain
00:33.36ckknightI have an issue: I need to hook ChatFrame_OnEvent to stop some events from showing (such as joining the AceComm channel), but if I do that in TBC, it prevents EXECUTE_CHAT_LINE from working correctly
00:33.48ckknightanyone have a solution?
00:34.04ckknightI can't really hook ChatFrame1.AddMessage, cause it doesn't catch everything...
00:35.02Guillotineisn't that what the hooksecurefunc thing is for?
00:36.00ckknightwith hooksecurefunc, I can't prevent the original function from working.
00:36.00KirkburnI feel your pain. Uh, not that I need to test anything. But it's pain nonetheless...
00:36.03Cairennhi ckknight
00:36.07Cairennsorry, was afk just then
00:36.32Cairennand yes, it's courteous to say hello when you arrive and bye when you're leaving, I wish more people would do it
00:36.39ckknightwhat I have now is that if it sees the AceComm join, then it returns silently, otherwise runs the standard func
00:36.48KirkburnCairenn, he tried to make me ... aaah, I can't say it   /me goes and cries
00:36.49ckknightI appreciate it
00:36.52GuillotineI say bye, but I'm always afraid I'm going to interrupt a conversation if I say hello :(
00:37.10Guillotineeven with the 10 second rule
00:37.11ckknightwell, I have my whole center-of-the-universe mentality
00:37.39ckknightso the conversation didn't happen before I joined, because I wasn't observing it
00:37.45KirkburnWhen it comes to down to it ... *everything# boils down to ckknight.
00:37.51ckknightso I wouldn't really be interrupting anything
00:38.01weabbah. formalities. isn't blatant rudeness why we use the internet?
00:38.18KirkburnAh, that must be why I can never remember whole sections of my day!
00:38.38Guillotinestfu weab, be polite. jeez, wtf is with some people
00:39.09ckknightKirkburn, it's more Truman Show-esque
00:39.40KirkburnYou have a tendency to wear black?
00:39.52ckknightno, I'm wearing a white shirt and jeans
00:40.05ckknightmy shirt says "I usually date 10's, but I'll settle for two 5's"
00:41.20OsagasuI'm gettin' the Collector's Edition!
00:41.29KirkburnOsagasu, you seem to have got stuck buttons, let me unstick them for you
00:41.33Endtoo many "=D"!
00:41.38Guillotinegrats. you're paying a bunch of extra money for an in-game pet that does nothing
00:41.55weabthe art book is neat.
00:41.55Kirkburnckknight, which country's Size 10 is that?
00:41.59weabwell, the orginal wow:ce one was
00:41.59OsagasuI'm not paying for it. :P
00:42.06*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689 (
00:42.09Guillotinethen grats!
00:42.15Kirkburn(UK size 10 != US size 10 by a long shot)
00:42.15Endart books are usually only good the first time through I think though
00:42.36weabit's a coffee table kind of thing.
00:42.41KirkburnI'm getting the CE too, once I find a shop
00:42.46KirkburnFree how?
00:42.55Thunder_Childthe art book isnt for you, it's for everyone else that comes to visit
00:43.05Thunder_Childthat is if you have visitors...
00:43.06weabshow off your nerdiness
00:43.11Thunder_Childexcluding the cops
00:43.13weabto all your nerd friends
00:43.15TainTechnically speaking everyone is paying a bunch of money for a game that does nothing.  Except be a game.
00:43.31KirkburnAnd nerd girlfriends if you're lucky :P
00:43.31Guillotinethat's heracy!
00:43.48weabyou could save like a month and a half's worth of subscription fees by not getting CE! such a waste!
00:44.01KirkburnWe're paying money to access a game, no less. We own bugger all :)
00:44.12OsagasuFree as in "Birthday pressie!"
00:45.13KirkburnAargh as in "That's soooo unfair!"
00:45.35ckknightKirkburn, it's regarding the point scale of 1-10
00:45.46ckknightlike "she's a 10"
00:45.47ckknightand such
00:45.57OsagasuAND I have FFXII preordered! =D
00:46.11KirkburnI joined the "Real women have curves" group of facebook earlier, wasn't thinking that other way :)
00:46.46[floyd]Could someone point me in the right direction: Where can I find formulas for stats?
00:47.00OsagasuThott has some.
00:47.10ckknightreal women have eating disorders ;-)
00:47.12Kirkburn(social activism at work, that's me)
00:47.20ckknightotherwise they're not trying hard enough.
00:47.25OsagasuReal Woman play WoW.
00:47.55Kirkburnphew, Osagasu saved me from awkward silence :P
00:48.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
00:48.20[floyd]Thunder_Child: That looks fairly complete, thanks.
00:48.28Thunder_ChildYour Welcome
00:52.44OsagasuNo problem, Kirk.
00:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689 (
00:54.24Kirkburn(I invited my girlfriend to the 'real women have curves' group earlier. I'm hoping she doesn't take offence at it! I, er, then invited her to the "Ben and Jerry's appreciation society". I think that might not help ...
00:54.37Kirkburn(Facebook ftw)
00:56.18Cairennand I'm loving every minute of eating dis order of back ribs, too
00:57.08KirkburnShoot me. Shoot me now.
00:57.14Guillotine~shoot Kirkburn
00:57.16purlACTION shoots Kirkburn in the head with a frozen turkey cannon!
00:57.28Cairenn*licks her fingers*
00:57.29Thunder_Child~larp Cairenn
00:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
00:57.37KirkburnThat was stone cold ...
00:57.54Guillotinewhats larp?
00:58.06Thunder_Childthas me messing up i think
00:58.08KirkburnIt's when someone forgets to spellcheck :)
00:58.09CairennThunder_Child: it's larT
00:58.14hugoPrat is controlable only by slash commands right ?
00:58.19KirkburnOr Fubar
00:58.20GuillotineLoser Attitude Readjustment Tool
00:59.01Thunder_Childno, LUSER
00:59.12Cairenncome on, you can't deny it, that was excellent
00:59.27Thunder_Child~wiki luser
00:59.43KirkburnI canna do it!
01:01.29hugoi dont get Fubar at all i tried dl it with like 20modules
01:01.40hugogeting like 50erros in error frame when i login
01:01.46KirkburnFrom where?
01:01.47hugowants tons of libraries ;?
01:02.00hugofrom winaceupdater
01:02.13KirkburnYeah, make sure you do update with externals
01:02.15hugotheres no depencie mising
01:02.36hugoyes F12 is with externals
01:02.44KirkburnOh, and I'd set the option to 'delete folders before update' to on
01:02.56KirkburnI have about 20 plugins for Fubar, no problem
01:03.00hugoops clipboard, sorry
01:03.10hugoit's set on really
01:03.32KirkburnWell that's odd, and it shouldn't occur
01:03.44hugoeach the module has directory Libs
01:03.49hugoor libs
01:03.55hugosome upercase L some lowercase
01:04.10hugoand some is Libs and some "lib"
01:04.12KirkburnShouldn't make a difference on Windows
01:04.17hugomissing s
01:04.39hugoi try disable the "lib" one's
01:04.54KirkburnYeah, it should be libs
01:05.34KirkburnWhich is the 'lib' one?
01:05.48hugoi tried fubar it selft
01:05.53hugowithout any module and it's error
01:06.32KirkburnDo you have an Ace libraries folder in the AddOns directory?
01:06.35hugoFuBar_ToFu FuBar_QuestsFu these two are "lib"
01:06.48hugoand FuBar_CombatTimeFu  don't have any libs
01:06.57hugoI don't
01:07.00Kirkburn(I confirm QuestFu, works fine for me as-is though)
01:07.05hugoi need these ? ;-p
01:07.27hugocan't run fubar selft seems like conflict
01:07.30KirkburnHave you tried but Fubar on it's own *without any other addons?*
01:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Sithlian_ (
01:07.39hugocause when i activate fubar Gmail and bigwings giving me errors
01:07.48hugoyes just now
01:08.13KirkburnAnd even that errors?
01:08.41hugomethod conflicts in atempot to mixin field hook
01:08.50hugoin AceOO
01:09.16hugoand bigwings give infinite error, in acehook.lua
01:09.40hugoand gmail return infinite too
01:10.04hugoits long lines, but i can't copy it from the error frame so just wriitng in shorts :D
01:10.10TainYou just can't trust those Ace people.
01:10.12hugoi try now disable gmail and bigwing
01:10.13KirkburnHmm, loaded just Fubar and !ClearFont ... no errors for me (and I did WinAceUpdater like an hour ago)
01:10.18Thunder_Childhugo are you in beta wow?
01:10.19hugoto test
01:10.26Thunder_ChildBC beta*
01:10.28hugoThunder_Child no :| but i wanted
01:10.48hugoKirkburn try bigwings or gmail
01:10.53hugowait a sec i try turn em off, brb ;)
01:10.56Thunder_Childjust cheking, errors could have come from that
01:11.11KirkburnYeah, I'd rather not install more addons please :P
01:11.36hugook now
01:11.40hugoi got only one error :D
01:11.44KirkburnI'm pretty much certain the fault doesn't lie with Fubar then
01:11.44hugogoing better
01:12.04ckknighthugo, what's the bug?
01:12.06ckknightI'm here now
01:12.15ckknightand tend to be the author of the things you are describing
01:12.35ckknightFuBar at least
01:12.39KirkburnSo modest :)
01:12.40ckknightand Ace2 libs
01:12.46hugoAceOO2.0  library "Fubarplugin-2.0" does not exist addon prat_fubar2 prat_fubar2.lua
01:12.47hugothis is it
01:12.52hugoit's the prat addon :D
01:12.56hugoi fogot to turn it off
01:13.00ckknightyea, it's prat's fault.
01:13.09TainStupid prat.
01:13.34hugowhat do i do now ? ;o
01:13.41ckknightdance the dance of life!
01:13.41hugowhere i can get that fubarplugin
01:13.47KirkburnHope that someone fixxxors prat :)
01:13.55ckknighttell the #wowace chan.
01:14.15hugohmm i don't get it :(
01:14.24hugoit says.. library "Fubarplugin-2.0" does not exist addon prat_fubar2 prat_fubar2.lua
01:14.34hugobut i have Prat_FuBar2\libs\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua"
01:14.40hugoit's there so what's wrong ?
01:14.43KirkburnBy Jove! You're right!
01:14.48KirkburnSomeone broke prat :/
01:15.01hugosorry im just player im noob about lua...
01:15.06hugojust trying to get it work..
01:15.10Xuerianold idchat2 ftw :P
01:15.18ckknighthugo, is it in the toc?
01:15.53hugoin toc
01:15.53hugoat end
01:15.54ckknightat the very end?
01:16.09ckknightthat's bad.
01:16.15ckknightit should be before the core file.
01:16.23KirkburnPrat itself has been updated recently, whilst Prat_Fubar hasn't so much
01:16.26ckknightand before the locals
01:16.26hugoand then lib ;)
01:16.48hugoso i put it before the .lua in the toc file ?
01:17.19KirkburnTry without Prat_Fubar2 and just use the /slash options for now is my recommendation
01:17.32KirkburnPrat_Fubar hasn't been updated since the 2nd :/
01:18.15hugoim so lost at slash commands you know :-P
01:18.29KirkburnJust type /prat, and it should explain everything :)
01:19.22KirkburnXuerian, idChat is soooo old hat :P
01:19.34KirkburnSorry, I meant ...
01:19.39XuerianHaha, old, yes, but works just as well XD
01:19.42hugolol ckknight it worked, but now it says error "Fubarplugin2.0 requires tablets2.0" .....
01:19.42KirkburnXuerian, idChat is soooo old Prat :P
01:19.46Cairennanyone else see a little problem with this thread?
01:20.01hugo< shoot himselft
01:20.22Guillotinethat is SO obviously a key logger. or most likely at least
01:20.25KirkburnPrat_Fubar2 appears to be missing dependencies, as far as I can tell
01:20.33Guillotinethe guy doesn't speak english, says hes linking somewhere other than whree he is
01:20.39ckknighthugo, okay, then make sure that Tablet comes before FBP-2.0
01:20.58hugoproblem is there isnt any tablet
01:20.59KirkburnCairenn, that's just *bad*
01:21.13ckknighthugo, who's the author?
01:21.17KirkburnI can imagine if Rushster got wind of it, he'd be seething
01:21.18Guillotineplus he specifically says 'the UI is safe'. that has to be a bad sign
01:21.18Cairennwell, he says, but he links to somewhere else? gimme a break
01:21.40Cairennoh, I think Rushster will get wind of it, since I'm about to point him to it
01:21.40KirkburnSeething would probably be a mild way of putting it
01:21.48hugockknight in changelog it says krtek 3x and last time kergoth
01:22.02KirkburnGood idea Cairenn :)
01:22.05Thunder_Childprimary website is asian
01:22.11Cairennand I'm also reporting it
01:23.00KirkburnThe links don't even work
01:23.13Cairennhe's subsequently posted a second thread
01:23.22hugook added tabled manually from diff addon goin test :D
01:24.21hugoddn't worked, ok i delete it and use slash commands :D
01:24.48KirkburnThose links don't work either
01:25.17KirkburnWhat fun
01:25.34KirkburnOr perhaps ... What a failure at life
01:25.44CairennPM'd rushster, reported the post
01:26.23Cairennif the guy is genuine, then I'll feel bad
01:26.29Cairennbut it just smells wrong to me
01:27.02ckknightdoesn't feel righ
01:27.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:27.16KirkburnIt'd be nice to have a look at what's he's attempting to foist on our impressionable minds
01:27.24Thunder_Childthe rar file has nithing but an exe and a prk file
01:27.36KirkburnHmm, how come I can't dl that
01:27.48Thunder_Childi dunno, worked for me just fine
01:28.00Cairennlooks like someone else just reported the second thread by him
01:28.07GuillotineI had
01:28.12Cairennthanks Guillotine
01:28.43Guillotinehow can you tell it was reported?
01:28.57KirkburnLack of report post button
01:29.04Cairennbutton grey's out
01:29.09Guillotineahh. cool
01:29.11Kirkburnor that :P
01:29.12*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
01:29.30GeoDaMancerWow, long time no see ye peoples.
01:29.30KirkburnAnd he even had to drag two addon's names through the gutter too
01:29.48KirkburnYo, yo, yo! You Da Mancer!
01:30.02GeoDaMancerHey, Kirk.
01:30.33Cairennthree, in the first post
01:30.54Guillotine~lart Kirkburn
01:30.55GeoDaMancerAnyone who knoes anything about Cosmos and the Thottbot addons alive that I can bug? xD
01:31.12Guillotineplease rewrite that in English ><
01:31.15KirkburnFour, even!
01:31.15GuillotineI didn't understand it at all
01:31.32GeoDaMancerknows^ xD
01:31.36Guillotineoh, I see
01:31.53GuillotineAnduin would probably be best, but I'm not sure if hes afk. if he is, I'm on the cosmos team too
01:32.04KirkburnAL knows it. Clart.   (You have to be welsh to 'get' that one)
01:32.20Osagasu~lart cairenn
01:32.24hugockknight hmm seems its fubar selft, cause now when i deleted the prat_fu, i re-enabled Bigwings and Gmail and now i got the infinite errors againt, with only Fubar selft enabled bigwings and gmail gives me infinite error
01:33.04GeoDaMancerWell, I have a problem on one of my characters that when I log into him, it comes up with: table index is null on ThottbotEngine.lua, line 1.
01:33.25hugoif i disable fubar all is fine
01:33.27Guillotineare you using the newest version of cosmos?
01:33.35GeoDaMancerJust installed it again, and yes.
01:41.06ckknighthugo, what's the error?
01:42.45Guillotineis there an ascii code for a new line?
01:43.11ckknightlooking at the formulas and observed results, it seems as if WoW uses banker's rounding instead of the "normal" asymmetric rounding
01:43.34hugockknight 4 errors
01:44.11hugoattempt to index nil value, bigwings, count:infinite line537 acehook2.1.lua
01:44.29ckknightthat's the very first?
01:44.40hugoyes i write second now
01:45.03hugoAceOO-2.0 cannot explicity inherit from the same mixin twice count:20
01:45.19hugoattempt to index nil value, bigwings, count:infinite line242 acehook2.1.lua
01:45.34ckknightonly the first is important
01:45.36hugoatempt to index global 'Gmail' (a nil value)
01:45.39hugooh ok
01:45.50ckknightokay, open up the AceHook-2.1.lua file and tell me the revision number at the top
01:46.10ckknightit'll look like Revision: $Rev: 12345 $
01:46.11hugoin the Bigwings or Fubar ?
01:46.23ckknightI dunno
01:46.27ckknightmake sure they're the same
01:46.39ckknighttell me bigwigs'
01:46.43hugobigwings > Revision: $Rev: 15048 $
01:47.05hugofubar > Revision: $Rev: 14013 $
01:47.29ckknightwell, do me a favor and replace FuBar's version with BigWigs'
01:47.33hugogmail Revision: $Rev: 14013 $
01:48.01hugoyou mean copy the acehook.lua from bigwings to fubar ?
01:49.31hugocool it worked
01:49.38hugothanks for help ckknight you the man :)
01:49.43hugoall works now ;>
01:50.19ckknightyea, there were bugs in the old version
01:51.01Endso I finally broke down an installed fubar
01:51.24EndI don't like the look and feel of some things in fubur, but everything is -very- configurable
01:52.06Cairennanyone buy his answer?
01:52.20hugoyou can make it totaly transparent and turn off whatever
01:52.25hugoso it's senseless ;d
01:52.38Cairenn(re the thread I was talking about earlier, sorry for any confusion I just created)
01:53.19hugotoo bad lua is so hard ;x
01:53.20ckknightEnd, there are skins if you want.
01:53.40ckknightCairenn, link me?
01:54.01Cairenn or
01:54.07hugoi want bantender to have functions like baroptions ;x
01:54.18Endckknight: I noticed it had a "texture" option, but all that is available right now is "default"
01:54.23Endbut I will install FuTextures
01:54.30ckknightlua's easy
01:54.41ckknightEnd, yea, textures are big, so they don't ship with FuBar proper
01:54.59hugoall the addons are nice, but im too use to some old features.. so need like add tiny func to this addon, tiny func to that addon
01:55.30hugoand you know 1000peoples post request so the author not always pick your's :) so would rather doit myselft but im too confused from all the how-to :P
01:56.20Kirkburn"I have used it before,is is avaliable.I reship it from other wensite. "
01:56.30KirkburnWhat's a wensite?
01:56.38ckknightlike a website
01:56.40ckknightonly in Engrish
01:56.53ckknighthugo, nah, lua's easy. I picked it up rather quickly
01:57.00CairennI have no problem with someone whose native language isn't English
01:57.04ckknighthugo, and FuBar was my first project ;-)
01:57.14hugobut you did know some other scripting languag before didnt you :)
01:57.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=user@
01:57.23Guillotine" Your server is *painfully* slow. Maybe host these at curse or one of the other major sites?" I almost feel sorry for that person :( Their about to lose their account
01:57.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
01:57.28hugowell then gg, pretty popular one :)
01:57.31ckknighthugo, yea, lua's like my 20th language
01:57.38KirkburnHe's such a genius. He can't even tell the difference between the addon intro text and the name of the addon :/
01:57.47Guillotinemy native language is VB
01:57.53hugo:) i know only 1language and it's totally useless one.. mirc scripting.............
01:57.55ckknightCairenn, but those goobacks took our jerbs!
01:57.58CairennI *do* have a problem with someone dragging good names through the mud while trying to distribute malware
01:57.58weabGuillotine: i'm sorry
01:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=masked@
01:58.24ckknighthugo, hey, I learned mIRC scripting ... like 7 years ago
01:58.32KirkburnCairenn, at leats he seems incapable of writing the names of most of the addons he goes for
01:58.55Kirkburn(he updated this one with a list:
01:59.20hugome too, but only that, nothing else.. i learn best from examples.. but can't find good "example" addons anywhere only big complex one's and the how-to's for lua, i get lost there big time ;d
01:59.40Guillotinehugo: look at my addons. the ones except Panda are rather simple
01:59.51ckknighthugo, wowace has tutorials and Ace2 is fully documented with examples.
02:00.21hugowhere examples ? need :)
02:00.47hugoGuillotine i can't find you at
02:01.12Guillotineoh. ace
02:01.14Guillotineignore me
02:01.14hugowhere are you hiding
02:01.24ckknighthehe, Guillotine
02:01.48hugowell i want just learn make addons , don't matter if its ace or not, but as i see it so far the ace system help you faster your work like.. alot ?
02:02.04Guillotineeventually. but I would suggest learning the basics first
02:02.24hugowhere are some examples Guillotine ?;o
02:02.49hugockknight you said there are some examples to ace too, im so lost in wiki :D
02:03.04ckknightlemme get you a tutorial
02:03.14Guillotinehugo: have you programmed before? do you know what hooking and such is?
02:03.15hugobut it's for the use with ace system right
02:03.29hugoi know only mirc scripting
02:03.29KirkburnStupid 'expert' comment of the day: ""People use mobile phones without thinking what the consequences may be. It's just like using a toothbrush - but mobiles could be having a devastating effect on fertility."
02:03.44hugoi know like aliases, variables, if then else while etc etc ;d
02:03.58KirkburnDo *YOU* use a toothbrush without thinking what the consequences may be? Do ya? Do ya?!
02:04.07ckknightoh my god.
02:04.13ckknightmy teeth are plotting against my penis!
02:04.18hugothanks ckknight
02:04.21Guillotinethat was random
02:04.29ckknightGuillotine, response to Kaelten
02:04.40ckknightnot Kael
02:04.59GuillotineI know
02:05.07Guillotinebut where you got the 'penis' idea from, I don't know
02:05.29Kaeltenum... I'm confused
02:05.31ckknightbut mobiles could be having a devastating effect on fertility."
02:05.37ckknightsorry, Kaelten, mis-tabbed
02:05.46KirkburnHaha, the comments on that story are great :D
02:06.00Guillotinehugo: if you want to see a VERY simple addon, check out . It's useless, but great for learning the very basics :)
02:06.07Kirkburn(especially #6 and #6.1)
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02:10.18hugook thanks ;]
02:10.25AnduinLothari was poked
02:10.30ckknighthugo, I recommend the WelcomeHome tutorial
02:10.46hugoYour first Ace2 Addon
02:10.52hugoyes im reading it now thanks ]
02:10.58ckknightit's quite nice
02:12.38CairennAnduinLothar: geomancer had been having a problem with cosmos earlier
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02:13.57hugocosmos and ace should split ;p
02:14.16ckknightit already is split
02:14.26hugoi use cosmos
02:14.32ckknightstop that.
02:14.44hugoim too used to it ;d
02:14.51ckknightI like Ace
02:14.55ckknightit suits me fine
02:14.57hugoit has addons that noone have
02:15.01hugocant play without
02:15.12ckknightwhat's that?
02:15.22TainWell you can order a drink on the rocks, or neat.
02:15.23hugogood for keyboard players
02:15.25TainThose are baroptions.
02:15.43KirkburnLook at me! I use both! I must be keeerrraaazzzzeeeeee :D
02:15.50ckknightmust be.
02:15.54hugoit allow me to turn page and group pages of bar1+bar2
02:16.18KirkburnParty Quests is my 'must-have', btw
02:16.18ckknightmeh, Bartender suits me fine
02:16.19hugoso i have lie 3 bars with 24icons
02:16.24hugowhen i switch pages
02:16.30hugoinstead 6bars with 12icons
02:17.00hugoi like cosmos, and the cosmos.exe after patch day and all works, excellent
02:17.11hugoi just want some better "look" so tweaking up with ace ;)
02:17.16ckknightParty Quests is cool
02:17.26hugolike i wanted use bartender
02:17.27ckknightI don't use it, but I helped AnduinLothar bugtest it once
02:17.32ckknightvery nice, imo
02:17.33hugobut it can't do what baroptions can
02:17.44hugoPQ is cool yeah
02:17.58purlno clue, ckknight
02:18.03TainPoliceQuest?  I loved that game!
02:19.09CairennROFLMAO, stupid moron just posted his keylogger threads on wowi!
02:19.14Cairennhi, welcome to "BAN"
02:20.04ckknightstick it to him, Cairenn
02:20.06Thunder_Childwhy Cairenn, i do belive you are enjoying yourself
02:20.35Cairennwhat a moron
02:23.30hugockknight about the baroptions thing
02:23.43hugobaroptions allow me to control 72icons via keyboard bindings ;d > all
02:23.54ckknighthow so?
02:24.33hugowell as i said you got two 12icon bars split as one 24icon bar
02:24.55hugoand you got 3x these big bar, witch you can page using shift +uparrow or shift + downarrow
02:25.17hugoso when you use 6buttons on keybord, and ctrl+ shift+ you control 18icons ok
02:25.29hugowith the page switch its 54icons just by 6buttons
02:25.56hugoi control all by keyboard.. mouse just look or target ;d
02:27.12ckknighthere's how I play:
02:27.21ckknightI have about 6-12 main buttons
02:27.27ckknighteverything else is handled through click-casting
02:27.35ckknightI like it
02:27.44hugoin my poor english you have 6bars.. shift+uparrow changes bar1,2 to 3,4 and then to 5,6 and then back to 1,2 and shit down arrow does clockwise
02:27.55hugoand i really can't play without it anymore :) it's a comfort.
02:28.17hugoshaman use so much icons ;d
02:28.18ckknightwhat class?
02:28.25Guillotineg2g all. ttyl :)
02:28.32Thunder_Childlaters Guillotine
02:28.41hugocya Guillotine and happy updating ;]
02:29.14hugockknight and now here im stuck cause i can't play without baroption but missing some eyecandy stuff like from bartender
02:29.21KirkburnHah, warlocks are worst-off I assure you
02:29.55ckknighthugo, make a request to the bartender people to steal all the baroptions features :-P
02:29.56hugowell my keyboard playstyle is very advantage for any class
02:30.05hugocontrol any skill any time manually > all addons
02:30.22Kirkburn"Well done on reaching level 70, here have a 53rd unique spell!"
02:30.26hugoif you can react and have reflex its best for pvp to do manually ;]
02:30.44hugolol Kirkburn :)
02:30.59Kirkburn"Why thank you kind sir, might you be able to supply some more actionbar slots with that?"
02:31.04hugockknight i did already :P but i will be forgoten in the thread anyway  "P
02:31.08Kirkburn"No. But I can offer you some cheese?"
02:31.44hugoalso Khaos in cosmos is very nice think :)
02:31.49Kirkburn"Sorry, no Wensleydale"
02:31.58ckknightwhat's Khaos do, again?
02:32.13hugoits inteface for whole cosmos and all its addons
02:32.30hugoon left you click on addon name and on right you config it ;o in a nice scrollable window
02:32.33Kirkburn"Oh, okay. Good day to you, kind sir"     /me casts shadowbolt, death coil and about 13 different curses on Kind Sir
02:33.19hugoand each addon has also check button, that does something like in ace /aceaddon standby
02:33.44hugofor me best would be like khaos+ace lol :d
02:34.31hugobut im just a playour bugning here on your developer channel and spaming so don't read all i say :P
02:34.58Kirkburn(well *I* enjoyed my lovely non-sequitur, so mneh!)
02:35.11hugoim so bored of naxxramas ... waiting for BC. testing all addons that exist... to spend time and playin with my ui ;o
02:35.35hugoKirkburn sorry that i broken your story ;O
02:36.08hugowarlock ftw?
02:36.17hugoKirkburn are you RP?
02:36.25KirkburnI think about it often
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02:36.53KirkburnBut no, not yet
02:37.10hugoonly good for you :)
02:37.16KirkburnVery much into the lore though, been meaning to buy the books for ages now
02:38.14hugoyes lore is awensome, but personally i don't get RP servers, for me it's like - play to play- play a game inside a game.. or how to say it in english
02:38.18KirkburnAttempting to explain who the Old Gods were, then the Titans, then the naaru then Tempest Keep then the draenei then the location of Quel'thalas, then the titans again to my housemate is ... fun
02:39.25hugoand at all i want see a RP kill of loatheb.
02:40.02KirkburnI quite enjoyed playing D&D at school, but I think an RP server might be too much for me
02:40.09hugocan't imagine it.. now with all the addons and numbers flying around, timing for every your step.. 10angry persons on ventrilo yelling ;d
02:40.10KirkburnI should try it out
02:40.34KirkburnOh, don't think for a moment that RP is everywhere on RP servers :)
02:40.47hugowell it shouold be :)
02:41.20ckknightI like RP, cause people don't have shitty names
02:41.43hugoNow i step forward, my brave warrior, kneel and hear by blessings.....
02:41.47hugo"Your target is dead"
02:41.50hugo!! :D
02:42.07KirkburnYe-es, not quite =)
02:42.21hugoi just can't imagine it with the current encounter difficutly blizzard set up
02:42.33hugolet's see if the BC smaller dungeons change it
02:42.50KirkburnNot that I've experienced it, but the RP is more along the lines of how the characters act, not what they do :)
02:43.15KirkburnYup, what I just said definately wasn't a contradiction
02:43.21hugoi play 2years and each new dungeon the raiding become like flying in Apollo to moon then playing a game
02:44.22hugoserver down, can't test any more addons :(
02:44.23KirkburnYou have to make air filters out of cardboard a tube and a couple of wire?
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02:44.49KirkburnI think I should head to bed
02:44.55KirkburnGoodnight one and all!
02:44.58hugogood idea :]
02:45.05hugoand yes something like that
02:45.11hugogood night
02:45.37Cairennnight hugo
02:45.47Cairennerrr, Kirkburn
02:45.59hugoim still here :P
02:46.28KirkburnEnjoy your book Cairenn :P Night night!
02:46.29hugowhat's a book? i forgot it's existence since internet was found :(
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02:47.52ShadowedQuick question, for 1.13 will it be implementing the spell/targetting restrictions?
02:48.07Valleriusis there an event that gets fired when a party/raid unit changes target? can't find an obvious one on wowwiki
02:48.18hugoCairenn :))
02:48.30Cairennheh, read it, it's funny
02:48.34ckknightcute, however lame
02:48.36ShadowedVallerius: what are you trying to do?
02:48.59hugooh noes, what restrictions Shadowed ?
02:49.12Shadowedhugo: see UI & macros forum on blizzard site
02:49.16hugothought it will be in bc only
02:49.20ckknightShadowed, didn'theysay there wouldn't be a real 1.13?
02:49.45Valleriusshadowed: whenever a raid member changes target, i want to know who they're targetting. then i can associate the enemy flag carrier with raid13target, for example
02:49.47Shadowednot sure, I havn't really heard much except blizzards releasing a bunch of TBC content early
02:50.04ShadowedVallerius: I don't think you can, i'm not sure why you would want to do that though. Are you trying to get enemy carrier health?
02:50.16Temfrom what I understand, they're going to patch in everything except the level cap increase and the opening of the dark portal
02:50.28Temoh, and probably not the new races
02:50.30hugoShadowed can't find any 1.13 topic in that section
02:51.02Shadowedbrb PW
02:51.09Shadowedsec Vallerius!
02:51.49ShadowedTem did they give a date?
02:52.25ValleriusShadowed: I know, i can use focus... not sure if all users will want me hijacking that though
02:52.39ckknightthere won't be 1.13, it'll be 2.0.0, and then release TBC afterwards, which'll also be 2.0.0, afaik
02:53.19Tem2.0.0 is what they're burning onto the disks that you'll buy
02:53.36Temwhen you install the game and attempt to log in the first time, you'll patch to 2.0.1
02:54.15hugoThe 1.13 content was carried over BC.
02:54.19hugofrom a blue post
02:55.05hugoHowever, there will be a content patch before the expansion. It will simply not be called 1.13, which would be a continutation of content patches for WoW, pre-expansion. The content patch will be for the expansion, which will likely be dubbed 2.0.
02:55.54TainThere will be a patch before the expansion however.
02:55.56hugoso no changes until bc
02:57.23ckknightno, hugo
02:57.27ckknightyou misinterpreted
02:57.50hugothis was two blue posts
02:58.04hugoand what means misinterpreted
02:58.19hugothat i read it wrong?
02:58.35hugocause it's prety tricky post ;d
02:58.51Tain"With the delay of the game, we'll be patching prior to its release.
02:59.05ShadowedHave they given some sort of release yet on whatever the next patch with TBC content is?
02:59.45ShadowedVallerius: As far as i know, you can't set focus target through the API, I wouldn't suggest doing a carrier health stuff since in general it's not accurate and the people it will help are on the other side of the base and out of range of seeing those peopels target
03:02.13ShadowedI suppose, you could make it send the carrier health data, but that would get somewhat spammy into the channel, and again, requires at least one person thats targetting him to run it ( since it wouldnt work for auto targetting in TBC )
03:02.26ValleriusShadowed: that's exactly what i'm doing
03:02.52ValleriusShadowed: the use case i see is the dps in the enemy base burning down, and the friendly carrier judging when to hit the flagstand
03:04.13ShadowedI'm 99% sure you need to a scan OnUpdate to get there targets. But if you're trying to have the FFC scan the offence target, it wont work since he's OOR of them 90% of the time
03:05.21ckknightalright, off to class
03:05.38ValleriusShadowed: unless a friendly, BFC-using player is in range  :p
03:06.35Shadowedi was debating making something that spams raid chat when the carrier reaches % health and then says cancel if they go up :p
03:09.03Valleriusi'll have to play with it, if it's slow and clunky i'll dump the feature
03:09.54Shadowedlet me know how it goes!
03:10.22Valleriuswait till you see some of the stuff i've got lined up for TBC  :p
03:10.29Shadowedyou're in beta?
03:10.40Valleriusno, but i have a couple of friends who are
03:11.21Shadowedi'll have to steal feature sthen
03:11.23Shadowedbrb grobb!
03:13.03Shadowedk i'm dead, so anyway! I havn't seen any of the arena features yet, but i'm sure there will be some interesting stuff to do, mostly been working on moving SSPVP to modules so i can expand it for TBC easly
03:13.57hugogood night im off
03:14.13Cairennnight hugo
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03:15.11ValleriusShadowed: i'm mostly working on stuff for the outdoor zones, haven't been in arenas yet
03:15.35Valleriusstuff like being able to see every capture bar that your raid has a guy near
03:15.36Shadowedarena's maybe kind of hard to add features to tbh
03:17.10ShadowedAre you using the GetCastingInfo ( or something close to that ) function, or do they have to be using the mod?
03:28.36Valleriusthey have to be using the mod
03:31.09Shadowedwas going to try and add that in for AB, but didn't want to touch the spell casting library
03:35.07Valleriusoh, i didn't mean the capture bars like for AB nodes. I meant capture bars like at the towers in EPL
03:41.04Shadowedah those
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04:00.50EsamynnOk, I have to share this: O_o
04:04.08OsagasuIt's true.
04:07.10IrielAh, a thread for those who fail at math
04:10.09SP|Sorreni love those threads.
04:11.01TemI think it relies on the 1/3 = .3333... and 1/3 * 3 = 1
04:11.06SP|Sorrenmy favorite "proof" for why 0.99~ != 1 is that if you do 1 - 0.99~ you get 0.0~1. That's so great. I wonder who thought of that.
04:11.07Tembut that's just a guess
04:11.51SP|Sorrenx = 0.99~ , 10x = 9.99~, 9x = 9, x = 1 :O
04:12.43SP|Sorrenbut your reason is another proof i think.
04:14.22Iriel1/9 = 0.1111.. is pretty obvious too
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04:47.11krkayet another "i don't get how 0.999~ = 1" thread?
04:47.22krkathere's been like 1000s of them
04:47.31Thunder_Childi dunno, it;s fun to read
04:47.44Valleriusit's a pretty classic troll topic
04:48.38Thunder_Childand pointless
04:51.12PlorkyeranThe wikipedia article linked on that one was actually pretty interesting
04:51.56Cairennoh good, someone *finally* deleted those keylogger threads
04:52.12krkaheh, that wikipedia article is pretty cool
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04:54.22krkaFor example, one real analysis student was able to prove that 0.333… = 1/3 using a supremum definition, but then insisted that 0.999… < 1 based on her earlier understanding of long division.[17]
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06:56.40ckknighthey all
06:56.47Cairennhi ckknight
06:58.39Corrodiasi hate trying to play WoW when i'm tired
06:58.48Corrodiasi fall asleep trying to travel on foot
07:00.02ckknightah, I'll bbl, I have to work on something on my Linux partition :-P
07:07.41Corrodiasso it's kinda weird when you're almost asleep, you're running from sen'jin to razor hill, and the guy in the music is singing "this is the road to hell..."
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07:08.53Cairennnight guys
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07:23.58ckknighthey all, back
07:27.54[floyd]How was it in the land of quad-colored consoles?
07:31.28Tem~botmail for Mikk I was unable to reproduce your SetPoint timing issue on the TBC Beta Client.  Perhaps this issue has been fixed.
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12:34.21hugo~damn servers mainteance will be 36hours....... ugh
12:34.37purlACTION damns servers mainteance will be 36hours....... ugh to the bowels of bloody hell forever.
12:41.33purlit has been said that version is sarge 3.1
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12:58.39Kirkburnhey all
12:59.17KirkburnRemember that DoA 'video' I linked yesterday?
12:59.30Kirkburn(see the accompanying news article too :)
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13:29.44wereHamster"so I can only assume that the entire development phase of the game consisted of some guy pushing the "bounce" toggle up as far as it would go." :)
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14:12.50AryahaHey. =)
14:13.34TS|Skromokay so I've never seen that movie
14:13.42TS|Skromis he supposed to be like autistic or something/
14:25.13zenzelezzI find it peculiar that you can use your hearthstone while sitting
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14:41.42Maldiviahmm... uff...
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14:51.59Maldiviahmm, no more mana gain from downranking...
14:52.14JoshBorkewhy do you say that?
14:52.52JoshBorkeyea, i've seen the thread, but the impact isn't that huge
14:52.57Maldiviajust did the math, at +1000 healing, all flash heal have more or less the same healing pr mana
14:52.58JoshBorkewell, for a paladin anyway
14:53.14JoshBorkei see
14:53.19Maldiviastddev: 0.15
14:53.19JoshBorkewhat you're saying now
14:53.41Beladonait makes sense to me
14:54.17Maldiviawill make healing a lot more challanging
14:54.31Beladonait follows the same idea as crit rating though
14:55.25Beladonait isn't that big a change if you don't downrank
14:55.50Maldiviaif you dont downrank, there's no change
14:56.12Maldiviabut why not just change dmg/healing to ratings then, so say 1000 healing would be +50% at level 70
14:56.40Maldiviabut then casting time wouldn't be calculated..
14:57.15Galenciai dont see why they didnt just make lower ranks not exist
14:57.33Galenciaif they're there, people will come up with creative ways of using them..
14:57.50Beladonaseveral reasons
14:58.05Beladona1) many spells have level requirements to cast. Which means you have to be able to downrank to even cast them on someone
14:58.15Beladonawhich requires multiple ranks to exist
14:58.25Maldiviapersonally, I'd like to keep rank 1 frostbolt, to almost instant snare people in pvp :)
14:58.27Galencia.. which the game now takes care of for you
14:58.33Beladonathat could be fixed by having the spell dynamically scale based on the target's level
14:58.48Galenciathats already in wow 2.0
14:58.57krkathey should just remove ranks
14:58.59BeladonaGalencia, it only takes care of it for certain spells, on certain targets
14:59.05krkaonly one instance of each spell per player
14:59.08krkaproblem solved
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14:59.16zenzelezzme warrior, me not know ranks
14:59.29zenzelezzheal plz
14:59.31krkawe give you N spell ranks, but we only want you to use one
14:59.35BeladonaI do wish there weren't multiple ranks, but they would need to change a lot more about the spell casting system first
14:59.44Galenciawell, like what for example?
14:59.52Galenciathey changed renew and buffs, that i know of
15:00.16Beladonalike I said a second ago. You would need to not HAVE a reason to downrank in the first place. Which means spells would need to auto-scale
15:00.24Maldiviawell, it's not always desireable to cast the highest rank, it's not always the damage you're after, a lot of spells have nice additional abilities
15:01.03GalenciaMaldivia: but you have to wonder if those were intended too..
15:01.10Galenciaand whether they might disappear some time in the future
15:01.33GalenciaBeladona: i meant, give me an example of where it wouldnt currently auto scale now
15:01.39krkaafaik, spells do downrank now, if the target is too low level
15:01.47Maldiviakrka: in expansion, yes
15:01.47krkain tbc, that is
15:01.57BeladonaGalencia - the auto-rank selection isn't a true scale
15:02.04Beladonaall it does is downrank for you automatically
15:02.13Galenciayou are avoiding the question
15:02.17Beladonawhich again, reqquires multiple ranks
15:02.28Galenciathose multiple ranks could easily be hidden from you though
15:02.35Beladonahaving a single rank that scales, means no multiple ranks in the first place
15:02.42Beladonawhich means no auto-downranking
15:02.50Beladonawhich means spells would have to have variable returns based on target
15:02.53Maldiviawell, almost all spells scale
15:03.26BeladonaGalencia: it is very VERY similar in look and feel to the end user
15:03.31Galenciayou could have multiple ransk behind the scenes for all i care, you just dont have to have them in your spellbook
15:03.33Beladonabut there is a HUGE difference on the programming side
15:03.38Galenciayes i know what you're sayin
15:03.43Galenciabut that can easily be hidden
15:03.44BeladonaTHAT is what I am getting at
15:03.55Beladonasure it could, but that would be a hack
15:04.04Beladonawhy not just design it to work the right way in the first place?
15:04.11Galenciaand changing all the coefficients isnt? :)
15:04.55Galenciahehe, i get you, i really do
15:05.04Galenciabut they shoudl have had the foresight to do it rignt in the first place
15:05.12Galenciarather than punishing people now for being creative with what they were given
15:05.26hugoit looks like cause they're making smaller dungeons, with bit easier encounters, the trying to eliminate all the advantages you we been using in 40man raid
15:05.30krkablizzard has always had a reactive approach
15:05.32hugosmaller ranks too
15:05.35Maldiviawas +dmg/healing in the game at release?
15:05.45hugoi think blizzard trying make wow more "game" again :)
15:05.52hugothat's all the changes about
15:06.01Galenciayeah, the chances are you probably arent going to "need" to downrank with the way things will be
15:06.04Galenciabut still
15:07.08MaldiviaPersonally, I'm hoping the new 25-man raids will be more spread out healing, then 10 healers healing the same target
15:07.35Maldiviain other words, avoid the insane damage outburst from crit-streaks on the tank
15:07.51Galenciawell, higher hp values should somewhat make that a reality
15:07.58Galenciaand stacking hots
15:08.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
15:08.09hugoi actually want encounters like where shaman will sometime tank mobs
15:08.13hugothen warriors only
15:08.17hugomore action in raid]
15:08.24Galenciathink its more likely to be a paladin doing that than a shaman
15:08.27hugoand eliminate instakills ^^
15:08.29MaldiviaI think they are going for it, so hybrids are actually hybrids
15:08.44Galenciashaman are more dps oriented hybrids
15:09.06hugoit was just example
15:09.09Maldiviapaladins: healing-tank, shamans: damage-healing, druids: tank-healign
15:09.22hugohunters > reroll
15:09.27krkahunters = melee dps
15:09.35Maldiviahunters are just overpowered with their 41p talents
15:09.36hugoaka gothic ? ;]
15:10.04hugoas i said here yestarday.. kiling loathen is like flying in apollo on moon
15:10.14hugofar away from enjoyable game.. so hope for BC gets better ;d
15:10.34Maldiviaalthough, I must admit I really like the new aggro ability, hunters got... "damn, that mage is winning the dps fight, ok lets just give him 10k more aggro!!"
15:10.35Galenciainteresting times ahead, for sure
15:10.50zenzelezzI don't quite like the setting of Naxxramas, but I find the boss fights more fun than most other boss fights
15:11.06hugoonly problem i see is alot guilds will fall
15:11.14hugobroke into two pieces and so
15:11.24Beladonain retrospect, you can't blame Blizz for not "doing it this way from the get-go"
15:11.24hugodisband inc
15:11.31BeladonaI mean this was their first MMO for one thng
15:11.33GalenciaBeladona: you can and you cant
15:11.45Galenciaits easy to do from this chair, that's for sure
15:11.50Beladonaand they ARE doing a damn good job about re-balancing
15:11.57hugowell none change is easy in such a popular game
15:11.58Galenciathey are trying..
15:12.02Beladonawithout totally overhauling the system, which would take forever
15:12.05hugoalways someome will dislike it ;]
15:12.28Maldiviawell, you'll always have a problem with inflation of stats, when new instances are released, since you everyone wants bigger and better items
15:12.41Beladonalook at EQ
15:12.46Beladonatalk about reactive changes
15:12.47hugobut this problem will be a bit big
15:12.57Beladonagot overbuffing?
15:12.58hugoin few months you replace 2years equip
15:13.25Maldiviahugo, sure - and then you can spend a year replacing that gear in the new raid instances
15:13.27Beladonathere isn't an MMO I have seen yet that "got it right" from the start
15:13.35hugoyeah ;>
15:13.35Beladonathere are always changes that have to be made
15:13.52Maldiviahugo: and then a new expansion... level 80, go go rinse repeas
15:14.01zenzelezzthey got it right from the start... it's just what came after that made it not work without adapting it
15:14.02Beladonaso far, I think Blizz is heading in the right direction in mitigating the "inflation" most MMO experience in stats, content, etc...
15:14.08GalenciaBeladona: yeah, but i mean somethings are just basic :p
15:14.18Galencia(like, say, client teleport hacks.. cmon..)
15:14.58Maldiviayeah, I agree on that... the server needs to validate more requests than it does at the moment
15:15.07Maldiviasuch as teleportation hacks and speed hacks
15:15.14Galenciathat was a very basic design desicion
15:15.17Galenciawhich they got totally wrong
15:15.21Galencianot much they can do about i tnow..
15:15.39*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:15.46Maldiviathey can validate on the server, if the person with it's current buffs are capable of moving that distance...
15:16.33krkashould be easy
15:16.40krkatakes more processing though
15:16.46Galenciawell, its not that simple
15:16.52Galenciathere are implications of doing such things
15:16.56krkacould apply monitoring on just reported players
15:17.09Galenciathe problem is with the way it was designed
15:18.20Beladonathere are a LOT of variables in that too though
15:18.30Maldiviawell, movement is always tricky...
15:18.37Beladonaadding more and more server-validated events means a lot of impact in general
15:18.45Beladonato ALL players
15:18.48krkajust use 200% or something to compare with
15:19.06krkayou only validate reported players
15:19.12Beladonamy guess is they had actually evaluated that, and erred on the side of better performance
15:19.22Beladonain the hopes they could combat it normaly
15:19.44zenzelezzat least WoW doesn't have a runspeed skill that can be different for every single character, like Anarchy Online
15:20.47wereHamster"No, we're not kidding and no you don't eat it" :p
15:21.50GalenciaBeladona: yeah but i mean.. some of the early wow versions, the teleport hack for them was amazingly basic and simlpe
15:21.59Galenciaalmost as if no validation or check got done at all
15:22.53Galenciathis is a long time ago, mind
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15:47.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagarr (n=iansheri@
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15:51.18Dagarrso this room is exciting and pack full of conversation! Woo Hoo!
15:51.47cogwheelMost of the time :)
15:51.55cogwheelit's still a bit early though :P
15:52.47Dagarrit's almost noon here so that means even out west it's 10am
15:52.48zenzelezzI never understand people who think IRC should be a spamfest
15:52.48Cairenn|afkdon't lie to him cogwheel, 90+ people hang out in here for the blessed silence
15:53.18TS|Skrom_cogwheel it's always early he just joined :P
15:53.29[Ammo]at least it's silent here, and you don't get questions concerning externals and svn the whole bloody day :)
15:53.29Dagarrzenzelezz: I'm not looking for a spamfest :P
15:53.40[Ammo]like on #wowace :p
15:54.05zenzelezzDagarr: was just a general observation that I was reminded of when you entered ;)
15:54.24purl[ugt] Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
15:54.25zenzelezzwas thinking more of those "<join> hi <two seconds pass> <leaves>
15:54.48[Ammo]think those people do the same thing in pubs?
15:54.54Dagarrouch yeah the external thing is a pain. While convenient it does open the door to stupidity. :)
15:54.58[Ammo]open the door, step in, say hi, get a stunned silence, leave
15:55.10[Ammo]since no-one greets everyone in pubs nowadays :)
15:55.17purlIt's like a ritual, isn't it. Someone says Good Morning. Someone else says "What, it's not morning!". And then we have our third man ugt-ing :) Every day ... and I love it!
15:55.59zenzelezzpurl, you attention whore
15:56.14Galencia[Ammo]: well, thats a little harsh.. you dont make it easy for yourselves sometimes. :p
15:56.30[Ammo]hey, it's only the truth
15:56.45[Ammo]and it's not like we're not willing to explain it :)
15:56.58[Ammo]it's just that every day there's a ton of people not comprehending it
15:57.10Galenciathe problem is lackof decent documentation
15:57.21Galenciawhich i will fix sometime, instead of just complaining about it
15:57.25Dagarrwell it's been a while since I have done IRC this much
15:57.49Galenciaat least then you'll be able to beat people over the head with a url instead of repeating yourself :)
15:57.50DagarrI blame Cairenn
15:58.44Cairenn|afkwhat I do now?
15:58.55TS|Skrom_that's a loaded question
15:59.15TS|Skrom_I'm kinda nervous today...
16:00.14TS|Skrom_my boss has been looking at me funny. I think it's because I'm always tired (I play WoW, duh) I am always out of money (I'm paying $800 a month on a mortgage that's supposed to be partially paid for by rental revenue that hasn't come in yet) and I have these weird marks on my inner arm right at the elbow. Some kind of skin infection or something I don't know..
16:00.21TS|Skrom_but I think she thinks I'm on drugs ><
16:02.23cogwheelCairenn|afk doesn't seem to be acting very afk...
16:03.29cogwheelTS|Skrom_: hehe. I had my wisdom teeth out a while back and had a huge bruise on my elbow where they missed the vein for the anesthetic...
16:03.39Mery"Cairenn|afk is away: Sleeping ... or at least trying to ..."
16:05.19zenzelezzCairenn never sleeps, she just silently idles
16:11.36KirkburnFinally - Rushster has got rid of the annoying number in front of every download on ui.worldofwar
16:11.54zenzelezzabout time
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16:14.27DagarrCairenn: I blame you for getting me back into IRC. I had been a few years.
16:14.44Dagarrbeen gone that is*
16:14.49CairennDagarr: hey, they sucked me back in, I'm just spreading the pain around to others ;)
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16:15.21Cairennlast time I IRC'd I was using dalnet O.O
16:15.37cogwheelI had never really used IRC until wowi-lounge...
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16:16.04Cairennaddicting, isn't it?
16:16.19cogwheelunderstatement, isn't it?
16:16.25DagarrI used to have bot wars with a buddy of mine back in the day.
16:16.32CairennDagarr: lol
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16:19.13KirkburnThis channel was my first ever experience of IRC ... what an eye-opener it has been :P
16:19.34Mr_Rabies2i've been on irc since, probably early 2001 or so
16:19.48Dagarroo your a young one then
16:20.11zenzelezzI can hardly remember not being on IRC :-o
16:22.10JoshBorkei'm just here for Cairenn
16:22.20JoshBorkekeep hoping i'll get lucky
16:22.54JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
16:22.56purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn!
16:23.22Cairennhah, that one's new
16:26.21*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
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16:29.42cogwheelWTB stable connection for Xavalia
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16:30.36KirkburnAargh, ffs, some people are such whiners
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16:31.11KirkburnI just had another guy 'leave' the wiki because he disagrees over whether spoiler tags are useful
16:31.17CairennKirkburn: what now?
16:31.43KirkburnOne of the most pointless discussions I've had in a while:
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16:32.16KirkburnFollowing that, he posted:
16:32.48KirkburnI just fail to see why people feel the wowwiki should be anything like wikipedia
16:33.18Kirkburnzomg, they have the same word in the name, we must add bureaucracy! More! No, more than that!
16:33.56KirkburnI mean, he wanted me to define the word "extreme spoiler" :/
16:34.41zenzelezzKirkburn: they both have "wiki" in the name, people don't think further than that
16:35.54cogwheelAnyone know if FF 2 RC3 is what they ultimately released? I have that, and it tells me there are no updates available...
16:36.53nevcairielyes it is
16:36.59nevcairielbuild 20061010
16:37.58Cairennhey Kirkburn?
16:38.03KirkburnYo Cairenn
16:38.21Cairennyou have a clearfont for BC yet?
16:38.42KirkburnAye, that's a point
16:38.45TS|Skromwhat a moron
16:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Swemetal (
16:39.21KirkburnI do, it's v11200-2 which I uploaded yesterday. It's essentially identical to the BC beta file
16:39.23Cairennif you do, or if you have one that you think is ready but need de-bugging, you should get it uploaded to the BC category at wowi
16:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
16:39.48Cairennwant it copied in then?
16:39.58KirkburnI is confuzzled
16:40.16Kirkburn(this is the normal one:
16:40.18Cairennduh nm then I just missed it
16:40.19Beladonawhy not upload a dummy file, and link them in your description to the actual download?
16:40.24Cairennignore me
16:40.30Beladonathat way download and history stays in one place?
16:40.55CairennBeladona: the BC cat will get wiped when it goes live :p
16:40.59Beladonabut thats just for people who have a version that works in both
16:41.05BeladonaI know
16:41.38XavaliaCairenn, hmm no idea what the heck was up with teh conenction
16:41.47Xavaliathis irc client is running on a server
16:41.52CairennXavalia: hehe, not a problem hun :)
16:41.57KirkburnThe two files are pretty much identical, so I don't think it really matters :) This was people are assured I have a BC version :P
16:42.03Kirkburn*this way
16:42.17Cairenn*nod* that's the idea :)
16:42.43Cairennsame goes for everyone in the channel - if you've got one you think is ready, or one you need debugged, get 'er up there
16:43.23Cairennfolks are missing their mods
16:44.01XavaliaCairenn, I will restart the server.. no clue what is going on
16:46.29*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney|work (
16:51.10SwemetalDoes anyone here got time to help me alittle with my AddOn? The problem is about templates and seperate XML-files.
16:52.56cogwheelJust ask :)
16:53.11cogwheelit's what the channel's for
16:54.46phyberCairenn: is WoWI having issues at the moment?  I'm having trouble updating my mods.  Having to hit "Update File" a few times before it goes.
16:55.09Cairennphyber: not seeming to from my end
16:55.10SwemetalThanks. Well today i desided to try to write an AddOn, and I found the XML part to be hard, or for me -un-understandable. I want to create a frame wich inherits options and such from a template I got in another XML-file.
16:55.17CairennI've been approving as fast as you get them uploaded
16:55.47SwemetalAnd it doesnt seem to work for me, how do I link these two files, or make one of them include the other one?
16:56.28phyberCairenn: strange.  I've had the issue in Firefox and Opera so far.  I'll try IE, see what that does.
16:56.45CairennI'm using FF here and not seeing any problems
16:56.46cogwheelSwemetal: check out for a nice tutorial on frames. As far as inheriting, if you're inheriting something from the default UI, they're just available. If its something of your own, you need to put both XML files in the .toc in the correct order
16:57.01Cairennmay just be a hic-up somewhere between you and the site
16:57.26Swemetalcogwheel: Thanks, I will read that!
16:57.57tyroney|workLast night I played on a machine that might have been insecure, so just now I changed my password, and right after, worldofwarcraft went down.
16:58.18JoshBorkeYOU CRASHED WORLDOFWARCRAFT! ZOMG!!!111oneoneone
16:58.52wereHamster"Having to hit "Update File" a few times before  it goes.
16:58.59wereHamster^^^ really bad idea
16:59.05tyroney|workIt was funny, I went to update contact info just to check it, and it must have died right then, because my country came out as albania, and the list stopped around "p",
16:59.18zenzelezzI'm looking forward to when the Hallow's End is over... so I can raid without getting turned into bats and skeletons all the time
16:59.21phyberwereHamster: why is it a bad idea?  I have to hit it again after I get "your connection to the site was reset" :p
16:59.56Cairennphyber: you might want to post in our site help forum (bottom of the list of forums), just in case there is something funky going on
17:00.04tyroney|workzenzelezz: surely there must be an auto-unbuff mod for things like that and priests who keep getting thorned.
17:00.08wereHamsterI once 'corrupted' my addon - I think it even deleted the addon or somtthing like that
17:00.22Cairennphyber: Dolby will look at it, see if there's anything wonky going on at our end
17:00.26zenzelezztyroney|work: it's not annoying enough to bother with that
17:00.35zenzelezzbut I know there are such mods... like killsalvation
17:09.29KirkburnHeh, someone's already got this : :)
17:10.36zenzelezzlol... raid chat "32 on TS"... so the leader says, on TS, "and get on teamspeak"
17:12.29Mr_Rabies2i love when raid/guild leaders do that
17:12.32Mr_Rabies2it's all too common
17:15.18zenzelezzHarbinger of Doom dropped from second pull tonight
17:15.22zenzelezzTS: 20x"WOW"
17:16.30JoshBorkeoooo, i want a turtle!
17:17.02PlorkyeranAre turtles usable indoors?
17:28.21Fiskerhehe Kirkburn
17:28.26Fiskerfitting accountname too
17:28.47Fiskeraccountname = guildname
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18:10.32hugoKirkburn that turtle is fake aint it
18:10.46hugofrom BC ?
18:10.48KirkburnIt's a reward from the new card game
18:11.03KirkburnRare cards have codes on them you can enter to get vanity items
18:11.15hugocard game ? ;o
18:11.17zenzelezzis it a 60% or 100%?
18:11.17KirkburnThe turtle mount is just one
18:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhez (
18:11.27hugowhat card game do you mean
18:11.27KirkburnUsable at *any* level
18:11.39KirkburnCheck the official website
18:11.50hugoyou mean sime real life card game
18:11.52KirkburnIt's shortened to WoW:TCG
18:11.56hugoor inside wow card game
18:12.01Rhezis there a mod library for chat parsing?  on the fly parsing*
18:12.02KirkburnLike Magic: The Gathering
18:12.35Kirkburn(that was yup to "real life card game"
18:13.21hugoKirkburn i would say that's a cool management strategy ^^
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18:13.26hugoanother good money income ;]
18:13.50hugowhat are the other rewards btw
18:13.55KirkburnWell, it's not made by Blizzard, but they likely to get *some* money from it
18:14.06KirkburnCheck-eh le website-eh :)
18:14.07cogwheelRhez: not really. Lua's pattern matching capabilities are about as powerful as it gets. Anything else would be pretty limiting.
18:14.11hugoyeah *some* for nothning is always best ;]
18:14.21hugoeu or us ?
18:14.58Rhezcogwheel, I seem to be having alot of trouble parsing the chat tho :(
18:15.12Rhezdo you know of any simple working examples?   that are very simple and to the point
18:16.08manciniLUA regex support is daunting
18:16.14tyroney|workRhez: If you're talking about regular expressions, it doesn't get terribly simple.  They're just annoying like that.
18:16.22Rhezeuwwwww  @ regex
18:16.30mancinithat is to say incomplete , yes
18:16.32Kirkburnhugo, EU and US :)
18:16.33cogwheellua uses a simple type of regex
18:16.33RhezI'm not talkng regex
18:16.41RhezI dont have trouble wit that
18:16.46cogwheelrhez, what exactly do you want it to do?
18:16.52hugoReward #3: A reusable trinket that changes your in-game appearance to an ogre
18:16.58RhezI get errors in my debug log :   unhandled event
18:17.07Rhezfor the chat msg
18:17.34manciniLua regexps don't have groups. The quantifiers apply either to the preceding symbol or the preceding builtin character class. (Lua does have capture groups, for use with backreferences, but they do not serve as quantifier domains.) Lua lacks the range quantifiers (e.g. {2,4} = "from two through four inclusive") found in any POSIX regexp package. It does not permit characters to be specified using the usual octal and hex escapes, and it does
18:19.04Rhezcogwheel:  I want to be able to call a function when a specific line is displayed in the chat bo
18:19.13JoshBorkeyou can do that
18:19.16RhezI have the line properly
18:19.20MeryThe turtle mount is 0% its as fast as running
18:19.30Rhezcuz I took the regex part from another  mod
18:19.36weabwell, duh. it's a turtle for christ's sake
18:19.40Rhezbut I cant get it to work properly
18:19.55RhezI jstwant a simple example ofit in use :(     so I can see what I am doing wrong
18:19.56SwemetalIve read now, and I get it to work if I got all XML code in the same XML file, but with seperate files it wont work! Ive tryed with <Include file="..."> and to include the files in the TOC-file. Anyone knows what the problem might be?
18:20.27JoshBorkeSwemetal: what errors do you get? did you check FrameXML.log?
18:20.27weabRhez: what's a specific example of what you want to match
18:20.32MerySwemetal: you can check Logs/FrameXML.log and see if it printed an error there
18:20.40cogwheelOne of the howtos i linked shows you how to parse event messages. If it doesn't help, you may want to stick your code on so we can take a look.
18:21.20cogwheelalong with the exact error message you're getting
18:23.27SwemetalI got no errors, hmm can you link to that HOWTO again?
18:24.26KirkburnHey, when did Battlegroups get names?
18:24.27Rhezweab:  I just explained it,    specific messagein chat,  wether itbe a tell,  or someone looting a corpse, or combat message,   and then be able to dowhat I wish with each event that I tell itto look for
18:25.25Swemetal ?:)
18:26.10JoshBorkeRhez: you can't really do that easily
18:26.27Rhezjosh:   and why not?   a milion other mods do it
18:26.30JoshBorkeRhez: i would recommend downloading DevTools from wowinterface and using that to find out the events for all those actions (they are all different)
18:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
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18:27.20Rhezjosh, I do have it,  but it seems to have issues, it got memory leaks or something
18:27.22JoshBorkeyou basically have to determine what events are triggered when someone sends you a tell or someone is looting a corpse etc then parse the arg1 value
18:27.29weabwhat's the end goal of this parsing
18:27.40JoshBorkewhat sort of issues?
18:27.50weabuse the specific events as JoshBorke says if at all possible
18:28.16SwemetalOk, even with that error handling code I wont get any error, the window just wont show up when I got the actual window in one XML file and the template in another.
18:28.36*** join/#wowi-lounge frus` (
18:29.05Rhezunhandled exceptions
18:29.12Rhez@ wowuides
18:29.40JoshBorkeSwemetal: you need to make sure the template is included BEFORE the other file.  you also need to make sure your mod is actually being loaded
18:30.57SwemetalHeres my code:
18:31.11*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo654 (
18:31.17Swemetalok, I will change order of the XML files in the toc file and try.
18:31.35JoshBorkeyou need to have template.xml first
18:32.07SwemetalI have that now, it wont work.
18:32.25SwemetalMaybe I need to restart WoW, im using the ReloadUI() function now.
18:33.14JoshBorkeare the files in a 'test' folder?
18:34.45JoshBorkei guess Rhez didn't want any more help...
18:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:35.30ckknighthey all
18:35.50SwemetalJoshBorke: yes, all files are in the same folder
18:35.58Swemetaland the mod loads, i can use my slash commands
18:50.44*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
18:50.54GremWarsongCan anyone recommend a good party DPS/heal meter?
18:51.03GremWarsongactually, just DPS
18:53.59Mr_Rabies2i just use damagemeters now
18:54.38BeladonaI prefer
18:56.45GremWarsongCool, thanks =)
19:14.12Kasoyou know whats fun; following a 59 paladin and constantly dispelling him as he grinds
19:17.44zenzelezzone thing I hate about LCDs is that they're so much harder to whack than CRTs
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19:38.41kaidendarn cladhaire's asleep :(
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19:42.44purl1.13 is dead, Dave. Dave, 1.13 is dead. Dead, Dave. 1.13, Dead. Dave, it's dead. 1.13 is dead, Dave.
19:43.20Thunder_Childis someone having trouble with patches?
19:44.36Thunder_Childneeds to be followed with "and if you dont stop dave, your going to be dead as well"
19:45.12KamQuatwhy the comment about 1.13?
19:45.43KamQuatlast i heard they were or were not considering a new content release before 2007's BC release
19:46.03kaidenthey will be releasing tons of new content before BC according to their posts
19:46.13kaidenall the new talents up until 31 point will be coming out etc
19:46.13Thunder_Childit's confused, but the gist of it (i think) is that they will release 2.0 during the holidays
19:46.24Kirkburn2.0 != TBC
19:46.39Kirkburn2.0 = upgrade to the way WoW works
19:47.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
19:47.45Thunder_Childyes, 2.0 holidays, BC jan.  But they also said that they were not going to release pre BC content..
19:47.58Thunder_Childthey lie....
19:48.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
19:51.35Cideis Kirkburn alive?
19:51.49KirkburnNah, someone killed me?
19:52.05Thunder_ChildKirk, you dont know if soemone killed you?
19:52.13KirkburnWell, it's hard to tell
19:52.27Thunder_Childhow so?
19:52.33Cideyou're decent/awesome at CSS I believe? :)
19:52.45KirkburnI'm decent :P
19:53.18cogwheelHurry, everyone, and extol the virtues of lua to the slashdot n00bs!!!
19:53.52cogwheelBite back at comments like "Just what the world needs, another 'toy' programming language, a solution in search of a problem. Toss this aside next to the java books. A cute theoretical analysis, but more or less useless in the real world."
19:55.16kaidenbah fileserver2 is acting up
19:55.25kaidencairenn! beat it up!
19:57.32GremWarsongDoes anyone know how id change the tooltip for mouseovering gold in a mob's inventory?
19:57.58GremWarsongactually, not tooltip, but I want to change the appearance of the money description in mob inventory
19:58.12GremWarsongor possibly add a tooltip over the money in the mob's inventory
19:58.24MentalPowerwhat exactly do you want to do?
19:58.33GremWarsongadd a tooltip for money in a mob's inventory
19:58.49GremWarsongor change the "5 silver 24 copper" display
19:59.31GremWarsongIs there a way to read item names from a mob's lootbox?
20:00.43GremWarsong" lootQuantity
20:01.04GremWarsongand coin doesn't have 'tooltips' either I dont least nothing pops up when you mouseover it
20:01.39krkaw00t, lua on slashdot
20:01.50MentalPowerkrka: linky!
20:02.26GremWarsongOhhhh, GetLootSlotInfo returns loot name
20:02.37GremWarsongI just have to parse out the money somehow
20:03.48cogwheelThunder_Child: scroll up a bit...
20:04.03Thunder_Childi know but Mental asked for it
20:05.40cogwheelfyi: if anyone reads the comments, i'm vashfish
20:06.02Merylol I just spent 3 min searching in my inventory for the quest key, just to then find out they put it in the keyring automatically ;-)
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20:39.59kaidendoes anyone know if they added the pop bars like they said they would in TBC
20:40.23kaidenlet me rephrase, the key modifiers that can pop up extra buttons to be able to cast in combat
20:40.29kaideni remember them saying they were going to add that ability
20:41.10kaidento where like if we hit 4 it would pop up a bar then we could hit 4 again to cast #4 on that bar
20:42.25MentalPowerI think thats being implemented, but I'm not sure
20:45.52cogwheelkaiden: (specifically the SecureAnchorButtonTemplate in SecureTemplates.xml)
20:49.01cogwheelNot sure if it's in its final version yet, but it's there :)
20:58.17SwemetalHmm, this is what I've done:, if anyone got time please look at it and tell me why I cant use the template in template.xmp for my window in test.xml.
21:00.18cogwheelLooks ok to me... check your FrameXML.log to see if there were any typos...
21:00.55cogwheelalso, try out (in the channel topic). It lets you do XML & lua syntax highlighting
21:01.25JoshBorkeSwemetal: did you make sure that your addon was being loaded at all?
21:01.36JoshBorkeSwemetal: ie, does the Standard_Dialog frame exist?
21:01.50JoshBorkeor the test_Frame exists?
21:06.39kaidencogwheel, has anyone made a mod to make use of that stuff?
21:07.27cogwheelNot that I know of. It's still a very new system and may have some changes in store. I think the next beta patch will have a more final version.
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21:09.35kaideni just wish blizzard would themselves make use of it
21:09.37kaidenand build it into the game
21:13.33kaidenthey did do something nice when they made it auto upgrade your bars with new ranks of the spells you get
21:15.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:16.02GremWarsongIs there a way to change the appearance of the trade window?
21:16.27kaidenwhat do you mean?
21:16.37GremWarsongLike, change the way it's organized
21:16.42GremWarsongthe position of the trade boxes, or buttons
21:16.42kaidenyes you can make it larger
21:16.52GremWarsongBesides resizing it =)
21:17.06kaidenyou can resituate everything in the window if you rebuild it
21:17.15kaidenlook at oSkin's code, they reposition buttons etc
21:17.22GremWarsongah, cool
21:17.43kaidenwell then again that all depends on if it's protected or not i think
21:25.03*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
21:26.34Mr_Rabies2 = lollers
21:26.50kaidensite not found
21:27.01gnorlishFUCK YOU, SUNGRASS
21:27.01kaidenn/m stupid firefox
21:27.34Mr_Rabies2he changed all the herb models to an untextured fish
21:27.44Mr_Rabies2that swims in place
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21:29.09Mery"yay my saber can swim"... 30 seconds later *dismount sound* /cry it was only lag
21:30.02cogwheelYeah... that's one downside to upgrading to an insanely fast computer with an insanely fast internet connection.
21:30.18cogwheelNo more dismount lag
21:30.39Merywell I'm sure this one had to do with the server
21:30.53Merythere were all other kinds of server side lag before
21:31.19cogwheelYeah... it's mostly server, but other stuff still plays a role.
21:31.31cogwheelI did have a quite obvious change when i upgraded.
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21:40.37Endfubar goes blank on ui reload
21:41.09Endoh that's interesting, everything is getting disabled
21:41.26End(as if it isn't loading settings?)
21:41.45End(nvm, I can't even enable anything)
21:41.55End(there is definitely something broken here)
21:43.55End(your face)
21:44.12Thunder_Childthats been going on for a while end...thats why i switched back to titan
21:46.08Mr_Rabies2yeah, fubar does strange things on reloads and alt z's
21:46.14Mr_Rabies2once it put every plugin on its own bar
21:46.17Mr_Rabies2took up like 95
21:46.23Mr_Rabies2% of my screen
21:46.48Mr_Rabies2wasn't too big of a deal to just put em back, and it was hilarious
21:54.07Endit loses settings on one char, but not the other
21:54.10Endon reload
21:57.31EndI think I know why
21:57.45Enda few of the fu plugins weren't enabled on this char
21:57.54Endthat's my theory at least
22:04.37KirkburnWow, Steam really is building up a collection of big name titles now :O
22:05.26*** join/#wowi-lounge vhaarr (
22:05.58zenzelezzdoesn't matter what titles it has, I still hate it from the bottom of my heart
22:06.01vhaarrIt seems TargetByName has been removed in TBC, but Iriels 2.0.0 changes post does not mention it, what gives?
22:06.39Kirkburnzenzelezz, eh?
22:07.01zenzelezzSteam is just an annoying piece of software that gets in the way
22:07.18KasoIts just been protected vhaarr see :
22:07.22weab-TargetByName(name.."-"..server, 1);
22:07.23weab+TargetUnit(name.."-"..server, 1);
22:07.48Kirkburnzenzelezz, I would disagree with you, but let's not argue about it :P
22:08.04Thunder_Childnot argue, discuss
22:08.17Kirkburnahahahahahaha .... good one :)
22:08.29vhaarrKaso, weab: Aha.
22:09.05vhaarrSo I can't use that method anyway.
22:09.28Industrialsteam is the devil
22:09.32Industrialactually valve is
22:09.58Thunder_Childpeople say that about blizzard.....
22:10.00KasoI'll love valve for every more if portal is as good as the trailer makes it seem
22:10.01zenzelezzbah, why does Firefox 2 add a Go button that I can't seem to get rid of
22:10.08zenzelezzeven IE lets you remove that one...
22:10.17IndustrialI hate them for making team fortress 2 as a sell stunt and not giving a crap about the tfc community - wich mod they havent updated for 4 years and wich still has 8 year old bugs
22:10.39Thunder_Childi like it for multiplayer games, but not for single
22:10.46zenzelezzTFC is free, you can't demand updates for that
22:10.51weabsearch for gobutton
22:10.51Industrialyes i can
22:10.55Industrialvalve bought it
22:11.13Industrialyou need half life 1 for it, wich you must buy
22:11.14zenzelezzweab: found it, but it's still stupid not to have a setting for it in the config (or even the Customize window)
22:11.15Industrialso im their client
22:11.19KirkburnNot entirely 'bought'
22:11.24Kasomarketing stunt though ?
22:11.31Industrialyes, tf2 sucks ass
22:11.44Industrialthey wont even lsiten to what any clanplayers say
22:11.52weabzenzelezz: shrug, i agree, but you *can* get rid of it. i'm annoyed there's no way to remove the search button
22:11.53Industrialyou know the people that play the most?
22:11.54Kasoi cant say ive played it but it looks pretty cool from the trailers ive seen
22:12.01zenzelezzKirkburn: the Reality engine was bought by Epic
22:12.16Kirkburnlol, I was meaning the, uh, real sort of reality
22:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
22:12.30Industrialmade by community people for the community
22:12.36Industrialentirely free, will be updated, etc
22:12.48ckknighthey all
22:12.56Industrialthey are coding IN bunnyhopping ;)
22:12.56Cairenn|afkhi ckknight
22:13.05KirkburnYou know what? I'm glad Valve don't listen to the clanplayers. They aren't the majority.
22:13.24Industrialtheres only clanplayers left in tfc
22:13.25Guillotinehey ck :)
22:13.40weabbunnyhopping was fun, but it's lame.
22:13.44KirkburnCiao ckknight
22:13.47Industrialits not, its a skill
22:14.00Industrialand part of tfc
22:14.04ckknightdoesn't "Ciao" mean "Goodbye"?
22:14.10Industrialyes ck
22:14.10Thunder_Childi could never get bhoping down
22:14.17IndustrialI dont walk in tfc
22:14.45Industrialyou cant play a match without bunnyhopping
22:15.00Thunder_Childyes you can
22:15.02weabit's an exploit and it's lame.
22:15.05Industrialor everyone goes soldier and its down to who had the most firepowr at a certain spot on the map
22:15.11KirkburnAhem ... TFC: "It was ported to Half-Life by the developers of the Team Fortress mod for Quake in collaboration with Valve Software."
22:15.21weabit shouldn't exist any more than rocketjumping
22:15.25KirkburnValve helped make TFC in the first place
22:15.33zenzelezzsince Valve employed the TF creators, yes
22:15.39Kasosorry whats wrong with rocketjumping ?
22:15.49weabsame thing that's wrong with bunnyhopping
22:15.52zenzelezzwhich was not a bad idea, since they needed people who knew the Quake engine at the time
22:16.00KirkburnTFC came out *after* Valve got involved
22:16.05Industrialweab: you obviously have never tried going beyond picking HWguy and mowing your own team down
22:16.24Industrialwich is what the majority of the players fo
22:16.33weabIndustrial: yeah, go right to the "you're a newb" arguement.
22:16.34KirkburnI still don't understand the problem ... TF2 is an update to TFC
22:16.43Kirkburnzomg, you have to pay for it
22:16.47weabi played tfc for years
22:16.57weabi knew how to bunnyhop and rocketjump
22:17.00zenzelezzI miss the TF2 they were making back in 2000
22:17.01weabi know what i'm talking about
22:17.26Industrialweab: there cant be team fortress without bunnyhopping
22:17.35zenzelezzIndustrial: from what you've said that sounds *nothing* like the TF2 Valve were making in 2000
22:17.37Industrialits been part of the game ever singe quaakeworld team fortress
22:17.39weabyou're just clinging to nostalgia.
22:17.42Industrialzenzelezz: I know
22:17.48zenzelezzat the time TF2 was set to be a realistic war game, which was what I wanted
22:17.54weabit doesn't mean it's good for gameplay or that it should exist
22:17.57Industrialzenzelezz: bf2 :P
22:17.57KirkburnNothing like TFC then
22:18.22Industrialweab: im clinging to what has made my games of tfc FUN for the last 8 years
22:18.22zenzelezzIndustrial: not realistic, still too arcadeish. BF1942 was fun though
22:18.46KirkburnAhem ... why are we assuming bhopping isn't in TF2?
22:19.03KirkburnBhopping is even in HL2
22:19.03Industrialyoull have to code it in
22:19.05Thunder_Childah Kirk, now i understand yout laughter after my comment.
22:19.09Industrialthats not bhopping
22:19.15KirkburnYes it is
22:19.22Industrialyou cant tur right :|
22:19.25KirkburnHave you seen the speeds they can acheive?
22:19.33Industrial(maybe I havent tried hard enough)
22:20.17Industrialbut in tfc you spin around an imaginary axis when you turn in the air, you can turn like uh, 3/4 a circle before landing
22:20.29Industrialits the shit for not getting hit :>
22:20.51KirkburnAnyway, this is a silly conversation. We have one person not liking Valve for not releasing a game in the style they wanted, and another about how it'll play when no-one has tried yet :P
22:20.57weabit's ridiculous.
22:21.31KirkburnIndustrial, oh yeah, I remember that
22:21.52KirkburnAt least rocket-jumping is still in >.<
22:23.09Industrialthats tfc
22:23.17Industrial(rizzo one of the best players of tfc :P)
22:28.11chuckgI have no idea what the fuck is going on in that video.
22:28.25chuckgJust see him flying at 9 million miles an hour.
22:28.25Industrialflag captures
22:28.33Industrialred thingy is a flag :P
22:28.40chuckgOh  I get that.
22:28.44chuckgBut it's like no one can shoot anyone else.
22:28.49chuckgAs fast as he's moving.
22:29.01Industrialhes really good
22:29.16Industrialbut yeah thats what offense does in matches
22:29.33Industrialfly around pushing the flag on though the map to the base entrance by throwing it
22:29.43cladhaireI kind of want to stab faithkills
22:29.46cladhairei mean not really
22:30.08Endstabby stabby?
22:31.26Industrialthat one might show you more clearly
22:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:35.50KirkburnHave you seen the speed at which scouts move in TF2? That plus bhopping = you lose :P
22:38.00hugoteam fortress _
22:38.30hugoyeah waiting for it ;]
22:39.13Industrialwell im extremely biased and grudgy about it so i wont give any more comments.
22:40.03hugowhat ;o
22:40.05Industrialcladhaire: whats 'twitch' ? :|
22:40.18Thunder_Childlike an FPS
22:40.31cladhaireitts his effing pet word
22:40.41cladhairejust means you have to react quickly to something thats happening.
22:40.41Thunder_Childwhere the faster you can click the better you are
22:40.46Thunder_Childit's called twitch gaming
22:41.03IndustrialOh well then ive got some new for him
22:41.08Industrialwelcome to Live(tm)
22:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689 (
22:42.02IndustrialI mean comon, you are either better because you are more skilled or better because you are smarter
22:42.16Industrialmmorpgs require both, but in the end it comes down to skill
22:42.24hugo"If I cannot play with my mom and gf anymore I doubt I will stick with WoW myself"
22:42.33hugowhat a post ;o
22:42.43cladhaireits reasonable.
22:42.47cladhairebut he's just trolling rig htnow.
22:42.58hugoyeah his friends play wow
22:42.59hugohis gf
22:43.01hugohis mom
22:43.06cladhaireand more importantly, he has no idea what the game mechanicks are like in beta.
22:43.22cladhairedecursing a 40 man raid is hard.. decursing a 25 man raid, where there aren't a ton of mass debuffs.. not that bad.
22:47.14KasoThis is amusing; On danish news they had an article about how theyre going might start blocking sites with warez etc, they showed this guy who used, here's a couple pictures from the news article:,
22:48.01Industrialat second
22:48.46IndustrialI dont understand why there should even be such a fuss about having to click more and it being painful because you are disabled.
22:49.16cladhaireTWITCH TWITCH TWITCH!
22:49.21IndustrialYou play an online game to bea it, you beat it be being good
22:49.31Industrialby being*
22:49.53Industrialyou can not ever claim to be 'special
22:50.06Industrialbecause if you cant handle it you shoudnt play
22:50.15Industrialdont see someone in a wheelchair doign a rodeo
22:50.39Industrialhow is that different with online games?
22:50.51Thunder_Childclad, relax and take your downers
22:51.11weabit's different in a lot of ways
22:51.27weabbut you're ranting so enjoy yourself
22:51.56Industrialcause noone talks back
22:52.38zenzelezzif the game itself, alone, does not let you play, you can't whine when addons stop working
22:54.00Industriali have nothing to add :P
22:54.16Industrialzenzelezz: post it :>
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23:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=Kirkburn@
23:04.53ckknightlol, Kaso
23:05.20ckknightteen-blowjob-fuck-03.wmv ftw.
23:06.25Thunder_Childnice ck
23:06.43Thunder_Childreal nice....
23:07.20*** join/#wowi-lounge _trollied_ (n=phil@
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23:11.33InterSlayerAnyone have a link to that program someone made that convers all your table iterators? :P
23:11.48*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-22c227a77b9e94f6)
23:12.36cladhaireInterSlayer: AnduinLothar has one on WoWi I believe.
23:13.13InterSlayeraha thanks
23:13.25InterSlayertry try tinkering with titanpanel
23:13.27InterSlayerer gonna try
23:15.04InterSlayerbew its per file
23:15.38InterSlayeryea yea lol
23:15.39cladhairerun it on multiple files
23:16.28ckknightew, InterSlayer
23:16.43ckknight(I'm the author of FuBar)
23:17.07InterSlayerYou got called out in that mod that traces taints.
23:17.30ckknightwhat mod is this?
23:17.40InterSlayertaint mapper
23:17.46InterSlayerthen he uses your mod as an example to map taints haha
23:17.47ckknightI only know that AceComm-2.0 taints the command line
23:18.23IrielI call bullshit on: Because profiling the whole global scope recursively in one run will crash WoW, it is done in steps.
23:18.37cladhaireIriel: I was just reading that =)
23:18.41IrielIf you crash wow you're being careless
23:19.14cladhaireTaint Mapper is just a fun name
23:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:20.12Mr_Rabies2they should call it blight or something
23:20.12Mr_Rabies2i mean, come on, taint
23:20.22InterSlayeri would have gone with Unclean.
23:20.23cladhaireGryphen: No, that's an executable.
23:20.30Irieltaint is a 'standard' term for it
23:20.32ckknightnote: the taint is the area between the anus and the scrotum.
23:20.32cladhaireunless I have source.. i woudln't even link that here.
23:20.58GryphenYeah, there are lots of executables on the internet
23:21.04GryphenFunny things
23:21.05InterSlayerI'll risk it!
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23:25.49ckknighttaint is fine with me
23:28.02GuillotineIf you don't want to use an executable, Anduin's lua script is up on WoWI. Now if I could just figure out how to run a lua script...
23:28.19cladhairelua script.lua args
23:28.42cladhaireif you need a standalone interpreter, you can grab them here:
23:28.47cladhairebut that's just another exectutable.
23:28.52cladhairebut that one's from me =)
23:29.02InterSlayeri declare shenanagins.
23:29.34GuillotineCladhaire: is that 5.1 or 5.0?
23:30.08cladhairesince it was asked, that's 5.1 with the same compat switches as Blizzard.
23:30.19cladhaireit also has strsplit and strjoin written in c and compiled directly in
23:32.30InterSlayerhooray CastingBarFlash is a nil value
23:32.35GuillotineI get stdin:1: '=' expected near 'updateLua_5o1' for anduin's script :( I don't think I'm doing it correctly
23:32.49cladhaireGuillotine: gimme a sec, i'll take a look
23:33.54cladhaireusing my .exe and updateLUa5.1.lua from the wowi zip, it works fine for me.
23:34.04cladhairelooks like you typed the filename wrong.
23:34.16GuillotineI changed it
23:34.19cladhairelua.exe updateLua_5.1.lua
23:34.25Guillotineahh, lua.exe
23:34.34cladhaireshouldn't make a difference.
23:34.39Guillotineno, still does it
23:34.47cladhairewhats the error message?
23:35.00Guillotinestdin:1: '=' expected near 'updateLua_5o1'
23:35.08cladhairethat's not even getting ot the script.
23:35.16cladhairejust type lua
23:35.17KirkburnWoah ... to all intents and purposes, I have just hit 200,000 ClearFont downloads :O
23:35.22cladhairesee if you get the 5.1.1 prompt.
23:35.40Guillotineit just says ">>"
23:35.47cladhairewhats the header say
23:35.52cladhairethe stuff it prints right when you type it.
23:36.11Guillotinemaybe I did this wrong... I double clicked on lua.exe. should I be doing this from command prompt?
23:36.18cladhaireshould show: Lua 5.1.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2006, PUC-Rio
23:36.32Guillotineya, shows that
23:36.44cladhaireyes you should.
23:36.59cladhairesorry, i thought i specifed that
23:39.32Guillotinethere we go :) ty much
23:40.26cladhaireI just don't think about it.. i do a lot of shell scripting in lua at work
23:45.31Kasoive been working with the lua standalone alot recently, i missed Devtools Dumo so much i edited it to work in standalone :>
23:46.11cladhairethats a fun idea.
23:47.00Kasothere was only a handful wow api references.
23:47.57cladhaireit'd be fun to write in C
23:48.03cladhairei like the lua c api
23:53.49ckknightah, hell, beta went offline. and I was gonna check things :-(
23:54.36InterSlayeryeah :(
23:56.05cladhaireckknight: patch
23:56.21InterSlayeroh my
23:56.22InterSlayerthey patched?
23:56.25ckknightyea, I'm fixing my libraries' taints.
23:56.41cladhaireInterSlayer: I think its a beta patch.. since it was a shutdown not a restart
23:56.44ckknightI don't like being the example for Tiant Mapper
23:57.18InterSlayersomeone fix titanbar imos! :P
23:57.52ckknightnot it.
23:58.11ckknightman, I haven't used Titan since like, February
23:59.23InterSlayerdid you have to do anything with the CastingBarFlash frame?
23:59.44ckknightnot to my knowledge...
23:59.57InterSlayerthats where i got stuck on titanbar :|
23:59.59ckknightit should just be attached.

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