irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061024

00:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge TrishaTakanawa (
00:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Naurbrannon (
00:01.30NaurbrannonHi there I have a little question for you guys
00:01.46Guillotineask away :)
00:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov_ (n=Kirov@
00:01.53NaurbrannonI have an addon in beta that <onLoad> does this:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED");
00:03.21Naurbrannonand in <onEvent> call a function of mine
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00:03.29Naurbrannonin this function of mine event=="ADDON_LOADED" never happens
00:03.29Naurbrannonany clue why?
00:03.29GuillotineI think by the time your addon can call that function, its already loaded
00:04.12Guillotineif you're trying to do something at startup, just put the function in OnLoad
00:04.13Naurbrannonthat's what I supposed too but I've seen this done in many other addons :/
00:04.13Guillotineoh, I dunno. I've never used that event before *shrug*
00:04.13NaurbrannonI see
00:04.22GuillotineI thought it was for being able to tell when another addon was loaded (perhaps load on demand)
00:04.33Naurbrannonah yes probably
00:04.56Naurbrannonbut for example myAddons tell you to use:
00:05.13Naurbrannonfucntion onEvent()
00:05.14Naurbrannonif((event=="ADDON_LOADED") and (arg1 == "name"))then
00:05.46KirkburnThis is crazy - this happened to someone I (vaguely) know:
00:09.36GuillotineI dunno Naurbrannon. All the addons I've ever made have been standalone, so I'm not sure how myAddons works
00:10.21AnduinLothar"name" needs to eb the name of your addon
00:15.11TainBrilliant!  I'm making an addon called, "Name"
00:15.34Naurbrannonyeah anduinlothar it's quite obvious ^_^"
00:15.57TainAnd an addon called, "Interface" and one called, "Addons"
00:16.17zenzelezzfor some reason Kaspersky has started being weird about the automatic updates... it'll start trying to check for updates once a day, but for some reason it doesn't work. However, the attempt never stops either. If I update it manually everything works fine o_O
00:16.55TainBetter make sure you do, there was an exploit found in Kaspersky last week.
00:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:18.00zenzelezzI do regularly =)
00:19.19GuillotineKirkburn: I love those comics. Their all great
00:19.37KirkburnHell yeah :)
00:21.16Kaeltenwow thats shitty
00:21.33Naurbrannonmmm is there any event to tell me if my focus die? >.<
00:21.59NaurbrannonI can only see PLAYER_DEAD
00:22.47SP|Sorrenwould you lose your focus target like you would lose a normal target when they die?
00:22.59SP|Sorrenor does that not happen anymore in tbc?
00:23.04SP|Sorreni wish i was in beta QQ
00:23.28Naurbrannonyou can still /tarfet focus and target the corpse
00:23.34GuillotineNaurbrannon: "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH"
00:23.41Guillotinethen check the name against your target
00:23.53Naurbrannonbleah I have to compare the name of the dead with the name of my focus?
00:24.00Naurbrannonit's not reliable
00:24.09GuillotineI believe so :/ Or just check if the target has 0 health
00:24.17Naurbrannonah nice way this one
00:24.23Naurbrannonbut no
00:24.35Naurbrannonthere's already a UnitIsDead(), I needed and event
00:25.05GuillotineI think you'll just have to put if UnitIsDead('target') in an OnUpdate
00:25.17Naurbrannonnvm CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH should also do the trick
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00:25.33Naurbrannonunless he's too far away
00:26.20Guillotinethats what I said earlier. but you still won't know if its your target or something else
00:26.39NaurbrannonCHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH + unitIsDead("focus")
00:26.52ckknightif he's too far away, I doubt he stays your target/focus
00:27.00Guillotinetheres another problem with that naur
00:27.05Naurbrannonwhich one?
00:27.17Guillotineimagine the packs in MC. if one dies and it stays your target, then another dies, you'll get that your target died twice
00:28.46Naurbrannonyeah true but I just need to change the color of a frame when my target dies so it should fit, and it's less expensive than putting it in the update
00:34.14*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689 (
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00:38.27wereHamsterdark legacy comics.. that's what I was looking for :D
00:42.45zenzelezz -- cracked me up
00:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689 (i=user@ip106-228.pft.WKU.EDU)
00:54.40Naurbrannonmmm how do I write text in a frame? ^_^"
00:57.33IrielAssuming the frame is not a MessageFrame or ScrollingMessageFrame, you create an anchor a FontString inside the frame and put the text in that
00:57.33Naurbrannonthanks a lor
01:00.56IrielIf it's a MessageFrame or ScrollingMessageFrame you just add the line in there
01:01.40Naurbrannonto show a text in a button isn't
01:01.40Naurbrannonf=new FontString();
01:02.09*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
01:02.26Naurbrannon(anyone knows how to disable emoticons for irc with trillian? >.<)
01:04.06*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
01:08.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:22.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tdawg (
01:22.56TdawgAnyone available to help me with somethin?
01:23.24NaurbrannonI would if I wasn't an amateur ^_^"
01:23.32TdawgWell you might help too =P
01:23.45TdawgIm trying to make a value into an Integer
01:23.47NaurbrannonI can try
01:23.54TdawgAnd I dont know how =(
01:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:24.17Naurbrannonmmm no idea but I suppose you can easily find how in the lua manual
01:24.34TdawgI was looking but i couldn't find it, was seeing if this would be faster
01:25.30Irielmath.floor(value) is generally what you need
01:25.42Irielor math.ceil(value) if you want it to round away from zero
01:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
01:25.53Irielor math.floor(value + 0.5) for rounding
01:26.55JoshBork1would anyone care to help me work on a mod?
01:27.14Tdawgso math.ceil will give like... out of 175.7304 will give me 175?
01:27.46Tdawgoh will give me 176
01:27.52Naurbrannonmmm no I think 176
01:27.59TdawgThanks =)
01:28.07TdawgNow lets see if it works...
01:28.11ScytheBlade1Is there a function that will return the name of a buff a player has?
01:28.16ScytheBlade1I swear it doesn't exist..
01:28.37NaurbrannonI temember I have heard soemthing about such function ^^
01:28.50TdawgAre you trying to see if a particular buff is active? or a type of buff?
01:28.59ScytheBlade1Battle Shout
01:29.04Naurbrannonah easy
01:29.18TdawgIve seen that lemme find it
01:30.04NaurbrannonUnitHasBuff("unit", "buff name")
01:30.15ScytheBlade1How would I remove it?
01:30.24ScytheBlade1CancelBuff() requires a buff index
01:31.55Naurbrannonz=0;for i=1,8 do UnitDebuff("target", i);GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("target",i);if GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText()=="Corruption" then z=i;end;end;
01:32.04Naurbrannonvery old macro
01:32.25ScytheBlade1And then CancelBuff(z)
01:32.27ScytheBlade1Let me test
01:32.35Naurbrannon...and no the for isn't good as you can have more then 8 buffs
01:32.57Naurbrannonbtw the idea is that scan all buffs and read the tooltip name
01:34.02Josh_Borkethere's a mod that is called IsBuffActive
01:34.53TdawgHave you been here Scythe?
01:35.46ScytheBlade1I have
01:35.52ScytheBlade1Note that it requires a numberic buff ID
01:36.17TdawgAh right, I see the problem
01:36.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
01:36.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
01:36.59ScytheBlade1Said macro isn't working :(
01:39.24ScytheBlade1It's setting z to 0 every time
01:39.30ScytheBlade1And 0 is so not the buff I want
01:40.23zenzelezzif z is 0 then it didn't find the buff you were looking for
01:40.52ScytheBlade1Hence my confusion, I have said buff
01:41.17zenzelezzhis macro seems to be doing Debuffs, did you change it accordingly?
01:41.43zenzelezzdon't "duh" people who are trying to help
01:42.11ScytheBlade1No, that "duh" was directed at me.
01:42.17ScytheBlade1I'm the moron here, not you by any means
01:42.51Naurbrannonwell it also search for corruption not battle shout :p
01:43.01Naurbrannonit was ajust a copy paste from warlock forum ^^'
01:45.04TdawgTheres no way for a macro to start another macro is there?
01:45.19Tdawg255 characters just isn't enough =/
01:45.23Naurbrannonhehe nope :D
01:45.33Naurbrannonyou can use functions
01:45.43TdawgWhat do you mean?
01:46.04Naurbrannon*searching in forum*
01:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
01:55.21Naurbrannonoh great I've set a key in the keybindng window and now I'm no more able to use it with SetBindingClick
01:56.42NaurbrannonI wonder why I can't use the Binding.xml <_<
01:58.04TdawgCan you explain alittle more how the function thing works? If you know?
01:59.02NaurbrannonI've never tried it but in theory should be that using macro1 and macro2 you create the functions containing part of the code
01:59.23Naurbrannonand then macro 3 can use the 2 functions but being short
02:07.24Naurbrannonmmm time for me to go to sleep, nn
02:08.26Cairennnight Naurbrannon
02:14.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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02:15.56TdawgWhen using SendChatMessage, how do you get it to send a value and text?
02:16.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
02:16.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:16.15zenzelezzyou spammer you
02:16.30Tdawglol no =P Im trying to report cooldown time
02:16.36zenzelezznot you, Cairenn
02:17.07Tdawganyway, example
02:17.16Corrodiaswe're trying hakkar
02:17.24Tdawgreports just the cooldown in seconds
02:17.30Corrodiasseems to be pretty tough to keep people alive for this damn long fight
02:17.46zenzelezzspread out if you haven't already
02:17.57Corrodiasarr, we have
02:18.57Tdawgso how do I get it to say something like "115 seconds left." if the number is in a value?
02:24.10MentalPower|HWstring.format("%d seconds left.", someNumberVariable)
02:24.40*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:26.22Tdawgk thanks
02:45.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
02:53.11Corrodiaswell, we had hakkar at about 50% twice now
02:53.29Corrodiasnot that half counts for much
02:56.21GuillotineMentalPower: Wouldn't it be easier to do SendChatMessage(CD.." seconds left.", "SAY")
02:57.04MentalPower|HWI was generalizing
02:57.11Guillotineah, ok :)
03:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
03:18.59*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
03:21.32Corrodias40% at 1:35 to enrage, wiped/reset shortly after
03:22.04zenzelezzmaking progress :)
03:22.22zenzelezzeveryone except tanks have poison during drains?
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03:24.03Corrodiasbut apparently that alone isn't enough any more, and apparently we don't have the damage output to finish the job
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03:24.35Thunder_Childisnt the posion supposed to kill him?
03:24.56Temnot really
03:25.04Temthe poison nowadays is just to keep him from healing
03:25.23Corrodiasit damages him...for what, about 16k?
03:25.24Temyou only do 2-3% damage with a full raid of poison
03:25.26zenzelezzit does help in taking him down, but doesn't kill him alone
03:25.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
03:26.03Thunder_Childlast time i did it, it took off about 1/3 - 1/4 of his HP
03:26.24Corrodias2 mages, 3 hunters (one often preoccupied with handling the Sons), and one rogue didn't really cut it
03:26.38Thunder_Childwas that all the dps?
03:28.21zenzelezzI remember doing ZG once with something like 6 hunters, 4 mages, 3 rogues
03:30.27Corrodiasoh, also 2 or 3 warlocks
03:30.44Corrodiasnot something to overlook
03:31.22Corrodiasi'm sure the shamans were busy doing something else
03:31.49Corrodiashealing and mana totems, etc
03:33.10Thunder_Childoh, horde.could be worse i suppose
03:33.30Thunder_Childhmmm..didnt mean to say that
03:34.27Corrodiasthose shamans pump out serious mana regen
03:36.44Thunder_Childmmmm...mana regen
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03:43.06Corrodiaswe generally seem to think we're doing everything right, but just not -well- enough
03:47.20Thunder_Childso it's not a lack of skill, but more like a lack of items?
03:57.45*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
03:58.37Corrodiasnot sure
04:00.11Corrodiasall i mean is that we are under the impression that our strategy is fine. skill, gear, coordination, and whatever else can be getting in the way just fine.
04:00.39Osagasu[23:57] <Jillani> yea....I hate ED right now....
04:00.39Osagasu[23:58] <Osagasu> Wait for it...
04:00.39Osagasu[23:58] <Skeela`Shivver> I'm pretty s
04:00.39GuillotineCould just be your makeup
04:01.04OsagasuThere. =D
04:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:13.19Corrodiasas a druid, i feel like i'm not doing all that much to help the raid, like i've exchanged usefulness for soloing versatility.
04:13.52Corrodiascompared to another priest
04:14.32Corrodiasexcept that we had to rely on hibernate to keep the sons of hakkar in line during all that, because of the lack of mages
04:17.16GuillotinePriests and druids need to get an ability "Compassion". "Your healing spells are now usable on enemies, but rather than heal, they deal 25% damage of what they would have healed"
04:17.28Guillotinethat way we don't have to chose between being useful for healing and being able to pay our repair bills
04:18.17Corrodiaser... why would we want that? i can probably do more damage per mana by casting wraths, starfires, & moonfires if i want to do damage than using 25% of my healing
04:18.34Guillotinenot in full tier 2 and healbot gear ;)
04:19.03Corrodiasguess i have to defer on that one
04:19.26GuillotineI do about 400-500 on a starfire, about 3k on a healing touch. so I'd be doing about 7-800 damage with healing touch like that, which is reasonable
04:21.43MentalPower|HWsuggest it for the Hero Classes :)
04:22.26Guillotinebut hero classes is going to be all about specializing. and thats the exact opposite
04:22.49Corrodiasstill... i can't help but feel "why didn't i roll a mage" or "why didn't i roll a priest". my only answer is, "because i like prowl"
04:23.04Guillotinelol. I thought the same thing
04:23.08Guillotinewhich is why I rolled a priest :)
04:23.10Guillotine<3 shadow priest
04:23.24MentalPower|HWme too
04:23.26Corrodiasthe only good thing i can figure about being a druid is that there aren't a lot of other druids, so there's less competition for healing gear.
04:23.56Corrodiasand i can prowl
04:24.00Guillotinepretty much. but there isn't much competition for lots of shadow priest gear either. not many other healers want +damage and +m/5
04:24.07Guillotinemost want pure +damage
04:26.37Corrodiasi warily eye my midlevel hunter alt with the same mix of hope and disgust
04:29.02Corrodiasmages & rogues can't seem to be beaten for damage output, so what would i use a hunter for? i suppose they may not drain their mana as quickly?
04:29.47Guillotinetheir good for kiting
04:29.54Guillotinebut you don't really need that until like BWL
04:30.05Guillotineif you want pure damage output, go mage/lock/rogue
04:30.26Guillotineshadow priests by themselves can't do as much, but they increase all warlock damage too
04:31.22Thunder_Child+m/5 FTW
04:31.22Corrodiasi think i duped myself into choosing that ol' "jack of all trades" way of life
04:33.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:34.01ckknighthey all
04:34.26Cairennhi ckknight
04:39.28*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
04:41.37Corrodiasso i have a lowbie warrior alt, and my middling hunter alt. according to what i see in our raids, the guild needs more healing priests, tank warriors, and rogue rogues.
04:41.40Guillotineg2g, gn everyone :)
04:42.55Corrodiaswhich may seem odd because of how i said we didn't have enough damage for hakkar
04:43.29OsagasuTenacious D.
04:43.49Corrodiasyes, lol tenacious d.
04:44.13Corrodiasi don't see the relevance, but it is most certainly true.
04:44.46OsagasuThere's a Blue plate waist in Hellfire Ramparts called Tenacious Defender.
04:45.35Corrodiasnow that's cute
04:46.38OsagasuI'm not sure if it's a reference, but I thought it was slightly amusing nontheless
04:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689 (
04:58.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:15.38Corrodiassomeone once told me that a damage-specced warrior could outdo a rogue in damage. what do you, wnyone who's still here, think of that?
05:18.57Thunder_Child+ they have plate which imo makes them beter in mele
05:20.23Thunder_Childboth in pvp & pve, but the specing is slightly diff, burst dmg for pvp, sustained dmg for pve
05:21.32Corrodiasone guy on LFG here says that DPS-specced warriors with the right equipment have the highest dps (probably sustained) in the game
05:22.06Corrodiashe may or may not be taking into account how "eviscerate scales with attack power" now
05:22.20Thunder_Childi was refering to mele DPS i dont think they can out dps casters unless it's a very long fight
05:23.15Corrodiaswondering if i want to take my lowbie warrior alt and transform her into a dps spec (haven't spent any talent points yet, anyway)
05:23.40Thunder_Childit's a whole lot faster for lvling as well
05:24.06AenslaedThunder_Child: the problem with warrior dps, is that there is no aggro dump
05:24.16AenslaedThunder_Child: that poses problems in alot of fights
05:24.43Corrodiasthey can mitigate damage much better, but have nowhere to go if things turn ugly, is that it?
05:25.21Thunder_Childcaster DPS is higer than war DPS, so they have aggro dumping abilitys, wars/rouges have lower so if they do their job correctly they wont have to worry about it
05:25.41Aenslaeddisagree on that
05:25.54Thunder_Childwhich part?
05:26.09Aenslaedcaster dps is not higher except in specific situations like frost mages in MC
05:26.15Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz
05:26.21Corrodiasanother thing that worries me about having this warrior alt is that i have to make a whole new round of headaches for arranging stuff on my action bars
05:26.24MentalPower|ZZzznight Cairenn
05:26.34Corrodiasi just wish my action bars could react to telepathic commands to show what i want them to show and when.
05:26.45Thunder_ChildCorr, your lazy
05:26.46Aenslaedfor my guild, its all rogues and dps warriors at the top of meters, and a lone fire mage who got credit for the rolling ignites
05:27.50Aenslaedfor bosses anyways. Trash is just a question of who isn't ninja afk
05:27.57Corrodiasi use 2 addons to assist in page switching (one for druid prowling and one for hunter melee/ranged switching), and that still only helps with a single action bar. and won't work in BC.
05:28.00Thunder_Childdps wars are > than rouge dps anyday simply beace of surviveability
05:28.15Aenslaedsurvivability means nothing in pve though
05:28.23Thunder_Childyes it does
05:28.36Thunder_Childhealers cant hale rouges fast enough
05:28.43Corrodiasif they're taking damage
05:28.44Aenslaedrogues shouldn't be pulling aggro
05:28.55Thunder_Childi am talking about aoe attack from bosses
05:28.57Aenslaedthats a failure of the player not the class
05:29.06Thunder_Childand most bosses have aoe
05:29.20Aenslaedrogues have more HP than the pve fury warrior does
05:29.32Thunder_Childthe plate negates that to a huge degree
05:29.38Aenslaedsimply cause alot of the pve fury plate is geared for AP and not sta
05:29.38Thunder_Childreduceing crits as well
05:29.40Corrodiasyou're blowing my mind with these antistereotypes.
05:30.20Thunder_Childsry Corr, should we have a warning for virgins in the channel?
05:30.23Aenslaedpvp fury warriors is different however.  Choosing conquerors over things like titanic leggings
05:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
05:31.29AenslaedThunder_Child: raid buffed no consumables, a rogue will have 6k hp.  Since boss AE is magic based, armor does not play a role
05:31.35Aenslaedwell, most boss AE
05:31.49Corrodiasdifferent equipment for pvp? man..
05:31.56Thunder_Childeven if wars do have less, they take it slower making it easier for healers to do something about with the stackable hot that might make a diff
05:32.01Aenslaedactually, I can't think of a single naxx boss that has an AE melee ability
05:32.38AenslaedCorrodias: definitely.  A pvp suit should focus on sta and crit.  For pve fury it should be AP and crit.
05:32.58Thunder_Childand the build is slightly diff
05:33.55AenslaedThunder_Child: Can you name a naxx boss with an area effect melee ability that would take armor into account for mitigation?
05:34.11Thunder_Childnope, i havent done naxx
05:35.25AenslaedWell, unless swstats is wrong (35 reporting sources averaging most nights), rogues do outdps most dps warriors on more bosses.
05:35.27Thunder_Childyou know, i did a setup of equipment and none of them had AP
05:35.35Thunder_Childall was crit and stam
05:35.40Corrodiashow am i lazy for having a lot of stuff on my action bars, by the way? or did you mean something else?
05:35.45Aenslaedthis was for pve or pvp thunderchild?
05:36.01Thunder_ChildCorr, lazy cuse you wont redo your bar
05:36.12Aenslaedyou are failing to see the virtue of a pve dps
05:36.24Corrodiasit's pretty damn inconvenient to reorder shit on your action bars DURING COMBAT
05:36.34Thunder_Childwell i am thinking a crit had something diff in mind?
05:36.37Aenslaedthe whole idea is that you never pull aggro or take damage that is avoidable
05:36.50Aenslaedso the damage you take, is entirely player fault
05:36.52Thunder_Childeh corr? i thought you meant just for the new spec
05:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
05:37.21Corrodiasno, no, i'm talking about the headaches of arranging stuff on the limited action bar space with the limited choices of how to switch among pages
05:37.29Corrodiasi'm still not sure what i'm going to do about the prowl/hunter thing in BC
05:38.05Thunder_ChildAenslaed, ok yes, aggro is not a problem in pvp but like any dps class, you have to know how to time your dmg
05:38.20AenslaedCorrodias: start using custom binds on the bottom right action bar.  Keys like tab, a, d, f, g, z, x, alt.
05:38.36AenslaedThunder_Child: you dont use a sta/crit suit in pve i'm saying
05:38.42Aenslaedsta crit in pvp for sure
05:38.52Corrodiasi've got keybinds on the bottom left bar and the 2 right bars, or at least partway across them. bottom right i haven't done yet, but i've run out of key combinations
05:39.07Thunder_Childi think a crit war would work for pve
05:39.09Corrodiasi use qweasd for movement sometimes, which limits what i have left
05:39.31Aenslaedwith how richly itemized dps plate has become with AQ40, Naxx and upgraded FM/WL gear, warriors can easily make suits that suit certain pve encounters.
05:39.37Corrodiasalt for self-casting, which maybe i need to ditch
05:40.16Thunder_Childthey had better make 50 slot bags if we are going to be carying around 10 bloody sets of armor
05:40.34Aenslaedfor instance, maexxina.  Other thant he MT, the other warriors should not take a single hit of melee damage.  So they can get away with having 5k hp raid buffed and having 1600ap no bs
05:40.55Corrodiasi use the normal numbers for the primary action bar, shift+numbers for bottom left, control+numbers for left right side, and control+E,R,T,Y for the right right side
05:41.24Thunder_ChildCorrodias. do you have a working mouse?
05:41.37Corrodiasyes. i use it to point at things. i even click, sometimes.
05:41.45Thunder_Childheh, just checking
05:41.48Aenslaedand this increased dps is absolutely essential in burning down maex at the 30% enrage in less than 3 web sprays
05:42.45Aenslaedor a fight like loatheb where all classes get a 50% crit buff.  Warriors do not need any crit gear that sacrafices on AP.
05:43.30Thunder_ChildAenslaed, i am a firm beliver in stupidity & murphys law, if you do something stupid you diserve what happens.  having said that, i do not see a problem with crit in pve vs AP
05:43.55Aenslaedthere is a problem if you want to min max.
05:44.10Thunder_Childi had a set at about 40% crit average
05:44.16Thunder_Child+ hp
05:45.12AenslaedNo warrior in our guild in 5/5 conquerors and ashkandi/severance/claymore can beat one of our combat rogues with TF and GM sword 5/9 bonescythe.
05:45.20Aenslaedin terms of straight up dps
05:45.29Corrodiasi need to learn about rogues, now
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05:46.00Thunder_ChildAenslaed, are you thinking 2h or 2 1h?
05:46.05Thunder_Childi am saying crit with a 2h
05:46.22Thunder_Childspaces out the attacks for less aggro
05:47.13Aenslaedwhich has absolutely no relevance.  Unless you are saying that 2h is lower dps than dual wield in pve
05:48.05Aenslaedbecause a combat sword rogue is only spamming SS/Evis
05:49.13Thunder_Child2 qh is pvp whereas a 2h is pve..i dont know why, but that is as far as i know the standard
05:49.39Aenslaednot without a talent build and gear to back it up.
05:50.29Corrodiasplay -> -try-
05:50.46AenslaedCorrodias: dps warriors are terrible without the gear to support it
05:51.02Aenslaedso unless you are assured a raid spot, dps warrior is very unrewarding
05:51.19Thunder_Childor ther leader of your guild
05:51.23Corrodiasi see
05:51.29Aenslaedyou wont break that magic point of where you start making more rage than you can spend and it'll leave your warrior experience wholy unsatisfying
05:52.07Thunder_Childyou need around a 25% crit to make it take off at least
05:52.13Aenslaedrogues on the other hand, can get a pair of decent daggers, and as proven world of roguecraft, can still do the job with a L1 dagger
05:52.38Corrodiasi see.
05:52.41Aenslaedits not the crit thunder_child. Its the rage generation.  25% crit and an icebarbed spear wont make the rage.
05:52.56Corrodiasjust what is involved in making rage?
05:53.11Aenslaed20% crit and a DEoI or MoM will definitely make enough rage.
05:53.18Aenslaeddamage done to opponent in relation to your own level
05:53.29Corrodiasand is down? :(
05:54.00Aenslaedcrits can double the rage earned, but if your weapon sucks, you just wont crit for enough
05:54.09Aenslaederr, crits will*
05:54.55Aenslaeda valor warrior with an ice barbed spear (thats the casual L60 warrior), will make roughly 13 rage per attack on a cloth caster.
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05:55.02Thunder_Childcrit + flurry + something thats in BC cuse thats where i have been pulling from
05:55.23Aenslaeda conqueror warrior with a dark edge of insanity will get roughly 24 rage per attack on a clothie
05:56.07Aenslaedbut to get to that point, you'd have to have c'thun on farm status
05:56.21Aenslaedsomething a 'casual' will never get to.
05:56.23Thunder_Childwait...why do you need rage?
05:56.42Corrodiasfor... any warrior ability, isn't it?
05:56.45Aenslaedbloodthirst every time its up. whirlwind every time its up
05:57.05Aenslaedor MS, whatever spec you are
05:57.47Thunder_Childbut if you are set up as crit then you would do enough dmg w/o need the other may even make you pull agro
05:58.00AenslaedYou'd need 30 rage every 6 seconds, and another 25 every 8. Not to mention hamstrings, battle shouts, demo shouts, piercing howls, etc.
05:58.12AenslaedThunder_Child: we are talking pvp
05:58.19Thunder_Childoh...when did that happen?
05:59.54Thunder_Childall i am saying is that a crit stam can work for a crit pve warr, and the same set will work for a pvp as well but the talents will be different
06:00.19Thunder_Childcrit / no crit your choice
06:00.53Cairennnight folks
06:00.55Aenslaedand what I'm saying is that sta is a superfluous stat for a pve dps warrior
06:01.12Thunder_Child~night Cairenn|sleep
06:01.19purlhave a good night, Cairenn|sleep
06:01.26AenslaedOne which severely impedes the ability to do damage on a level comparable to a rogue using their tier sets.
06:01.42Thunder_Childseems like it's better, plate + hp = better than gouge
06:02.08Aenslaedagain, we're back at what the job of melee dps is in a raid situation
06:02.27Thunder_Childwhich is to deal large amounst of dmg
06:02.30Aenslaedmelee dps do not tank.  They are supposed to not pull aggro. They are supposed to maximize sustainable dps.
06:02.50Aenslaedso under those 3 guidelines, at which point does sta and armor play any factor
06:03.14Thunder_Childwell for aoe magix the stam does even if the armor doesnt
06:03.45AenslaedOk, name a boss that does enough aoe magic damage and is unavoidable
06:03.55Aenslaedthat will equal more than 2k damage
06:04.34Thunder_Childin one hit?
06:04.51Thunder_Childisnt any that i know of
06:05.12Thunder_Childdont know about BC yet though
06:05.16AenslaedName a boss which does an aoe 2k+ melee attack
06:05.25Aenslaedthat is unavoidable
06:05.50Aenslaed(ie, not a cleave)
06:06.04Thunder_Childi'll show you an unavoidable attck, when you show me a rough that actualy gets out of the way
06:06.17Aenslaedanyone without downs?
06:06.17Thunder_Childand i will show you someone who cant type as well
06:07.49Aenslaedan unavoidable ae melee attack does not exist.  Therefore, since you cannot name an ae magic attack or melee attack that is unavoidable to melee dps, is it safe to make the assumption that choosing to itemize melee dps gear with sta as a primary stat is pointless?
06:08.18Thunder_Childno, because even if it is unavoidable, no one ever gets out of the damn way
06:08.35Thunder_Childother than that...ok i see your point
06:08.45Aenslaedand I said, name a situation where a melee dps character is supposed to take that damage
06:08.48Thunder_Childand in that case the extra dmg from AP is better
06:09.25Thunder_Childwhat supposed to..i am talking about ppl that just dont.."oh, well the healer is going to heal me isnt he...thats what he's there for"
06:09.49AenslaedI play a healer as my main.  That is what they are there for. That is how the fights were designed.
06:10.39Thunder_Childi to have a healer as my main
06:10.52Corrodiasi wonder what race/gender on the horde looks best as a rogue...
06:11.05AenslaedCorrodias: looks best or performs best?
06:11.18Thunder_Childummm...isnt that an opinion?
06:12.14Corrodiascurrently i'm thinking about looks, but i also need to think about performance
06:12.39Aenslaedwell, the best races for rogues are undead and orc
06:12.48Aenslaedtroll just brings nothing to the table
06:13.01Aenslaedorc stun resist and undead will of the forsaken
06:13.45Corrodiasare either specifically better-suited for rogues than the other?
06:13.48Aenslaedorc rogues perform very well against other rogues and stun dependant classes.  undead rogues have an immunity to fear, charm and I think it was sleep?
06:15.00Temrogues lose to classes that can kite them
06:15.02Corrodiasi don't know all of how will of the forsaken works. is it a constant -immunity-, or an activatable thing?
06:15.21Tem2 minute cooldown ability
06:15.25Aenslaedboth depend on what you want to kill.  undead are better multipurpose. Orcs are best for killing other rogues
06:15.25Tem5 second immunity
06:15.41Aenslaedactivatable, but i call it an immunity for how strong it is vs warriors and priests
06:15.41Temwhich leads me to believe that the best rogues are gnomes
06:16.10Aenslaeddwarf rogues
06:16.19Temwhy dwarf?
06:16.31Temwhich does?
06:16.34Corrodiasi have no idea
06:16.42Aenslaedremoves poisons and reduces physical damage taken for a period of time
06:16.52Temdoesn't it snare you?
06:17.01Aenslaedbut you are a rogue. sprint
06:17.02Temno thanks
06:17.14Aenslaedany root you just vanish out of anywayas
06:17.50Temgnome rogues give me a more fun fight that orcs or undead ever will
06:17.59Tembut then I don't have a fear or a stun
06:18.38Aenslaedsubjective opinion.  Objectively, till TBC, escape artist is a superfluous ability to a class abilit
06:19.58Corrodiasanyway, now to think about appearance. male orc rogue looks a bit silly to me, but female orc vs female undead vs male undead i must make images of
06:21.22Thunder_Childdoes it relly matter?
06:21.38Corrodiasif i'm going to be staring at it for hours and hours, yeah. i'm working in the model viewer now, thanks.
06:22.42Thunder_ChildQuestion: if you have more than +%5 to hit (or %6 in BC) does the extra + to hit translate into + to crit?
06:24.25Aenslaedwell, the 5% thing is only for pvp currently.  For pve you can stack crit much higher and still see an appreciable improvement in dps.
06:24.57Aenslaedand yes, the less you miss, the more hits you will have that have the potential to crit
06:25.16Thunder_Childi was under the impression that more than a +5 is wasted since thats the cap
06:25.23Aenslaedin pvp
06:25.30Aenslaedpve its actually much higher
06:25.38Aenslaedespecially as the level of your opponent increases
06:26.33Thunder_Childhm, thanks
06:27.14Corrodias17% missing rate against a raid boss, isn't it?
06:30.52Aenslaeda L63 yes
06:31.04Aenslaedwhich I think is the highest currently in game.
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06:55.37Corrodiasargh. trying to come up with names that seem realistic within the game can be tough.
06:55.55Corrodiasfor me
06:57.08Corrodiasaha! got one. but now i must go to bed. how sad. :(
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10:17.14KirkburnSo, January 2007 release,  I see
10:20.50KirkburnAnyone? Anyone at all?
10:44.34KirkburnFine, well anyway
10:44.55KirkburnTHere will be a patch before TBC is released with lots of the new stuff :)
10:45.13IndustrialI want new sounds
10:45.21Industrialnot one sound for every fricken spider in the game
10:45.33Industrialmmorpg's *eyeroll*
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10:51.32KirkburnThis is important for healers - +heal calcs are changing -
10:54.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
11:04.26Mr_Rabies2it's like blizzard's afraid there's too many healers and they need to cut down on the numbers a bit :/
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11:14.26Industrialthey are afraid its too easy
11:14.32Industrialhence the UI nerfing
11:14.36Industrialand this
11:17.37KirkburnOr ... the game isn't playing out like the intended, so they're sorting that out?
11:17.42Industrialand can you honestly say its very hard with uber +healing gear using lower rank spells to conserve mana and haveing a clickcasting interface that evens hows you who is healing what, automatic decursing etc?
11:17.50Mr_Rabies2i think they might be playing diablo 2 and thinking they're playing wow
11:17.57Mr_Rabies2and balancing around that
11:18.06Galenciais it me, or does that sounds cool? :)
11:18.20Mr_Rabies2Even with all that stuff, indy
11:18.33Mr_Rabies2Healing is harder than anything else
11:18.37KirkburnIt sounds sad to me, Galencia :P
11:18.46GalenciaKirkburn: ignore the OP :D
11:18.57Galenciajust keep hitting the "next blue" button
11:18.58KirkburnWell you did link that!
11:19.19Galenciayeah, his thread got hijacked by eyonix :p
11:20.06KirkburnSince TBC is Jan 2007, not surprised they're getting some of it out early :)
11:20.19Galenciastill cool though :)
11:20.26Industrialwheres the next blue button
11:20.26Galenciathey delayed but threw us a bone
11:20.33Mr_Rabies2i'm very glad that they delayed it personally
11:20.40Kirkburn(alternate link -
11:20.54Galenciayeah, read it at cardplace, easier :p
11:20.54Mr_Rabies2i don't want another WoW release, i want it to be READY and not a rushed beta phase
11:21.12Galenciabut its nice they gave us a sneak peak through another patch
11:21.33Galencia(and one would asume another ptr)
11:21.35Mr_Rabies2as it stands i think most of the healers except the super hardcore ones are rerolling warlock :P
11:21.37Mr_Rabies2i know i am
11:21.53Galenciaim actually levelling (another) priest ready for tbc
11:22.19Mr_Rabies2i'm probably quitting my druid after 2 years of progression
11:22.30Industrialgo shaman
11:22.34Mr_Rabies2eh i have one
11:22.37Mr_Rabies2same shit different asshole
11:22.38Industrialgo dps
11:22.44Galenciaquitting druid is probably unwise
11:22.45Industrialgo pvp
11:22.48Industrialpwn some ass
11:22.49Galenciasounds like they get some serious love in the expansion
11:22.56Mr_Rabies2eh not yet galencia
11:23.04Galenciagearwise especially
11:23.10Mr_Rabies2compared to the other classes, we're getting very little
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11:23.13Galenciain fact, most hybrids finally got some decent itemisation
11:23.31KirkburnFirst day of TBC ... /who 1-60 azeroth ..... 3786 Draenei Shamans, 2 Draenei Paladins
11:23.37Mr_Rabies2it's a step in the right direction, but all the other classes got 2 steps in the right direction
11:23.52GalenciaMr_Rabies2: maybe, but id at least try it first :)
11:23.58Galenciaits easy to be sceptical now
11:24.01Galenciawithout seeing the tbc content
11:24.08Mr_Rabies2unless they keep the 12000+ damage ferocious bite bug
11:24.11Mr_Rabies2then i'll stay with it
11:24.27Mr_Rabies2eh, hearing from the beta guys has worn down my will to play
11:24.45KirkburnOoh, they're bulked up blood elves apparently?
11:24.46Industrialim letting it all be a surprise
11:24.47Mr_Rabies2mangle's easily outdone by shred, and mangle's a 41 point talent
11:25.12Mr_Rabies2yeah blood elf males look like they went to the gym, but they did that someitme in alpha i think
11:25.26Mr_Rabies2around the same time they shortened the draenei tail
11:26.01Mr_Rabies2i think the old model needed some polys tacked on to make them less blocky
11:26.06Mr_Rabies2but they went overboard with it
11:26.06Kirkburnlol, WoWInsider thinks the latest beta build is 5866 :/
11:26.18Kirkburn(comparison shots:
11:26.43Mr_Rabies2if that's the screen i think it is
11:26.46Mr_Rabies2it's not noticable
11:26.55Mr_Rabies2yeah, i mean it is
11:26.56Mr_Rabies2but not really
11:27.06Mr_Rabies2not as much as the other comparisons from different angles
11:27.13Mr_Rabies2i think that's like the blood elf myspace angle
11:28.21Industriali love comparison shots
11:30.23KirkburnSeeing as even those 'new' shots are rather old, are they still accurate?
11:30.33Mr_Rabies2that's when they changed the model
11:31.24KirkburnSimilar topic - Was the beta updated yesterday, or was it just maintenance?
11:32.21Mr_Rabies2hell if i know.... my wasn't online today :[
11:32.43Mr_Rabies2dammit i want into it so i can check more of this stuff out myself
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11:56.24Mr_Rabies2now i'm installing D2
11:56.38Mr_Rabies2because i miss the thrill of not needing healers
11:57.02IndustrialI dont like the whole potions thing in diablo 2
11:57.08Industrialin fact, I dont lik potions
11:57.23Industrialbut still d2 kicks butt
11:57.33Mr_Rabies2i never used pots on my drood
11:57.41Mr_Rabies2cause of his vine :P
11:57.53Mr_Rabies2eating all the nearby corpses = infinite health
11:57.57Mr_Rabies2pissed off a lot of necros though
11:58.26Mr_Rabies2"click faster"
11:58.58Mr_Rabies2gonna have to relevel now
11:59.00IndustrialI only played single player tho so I think I missed alot :> and no expansion
11:59.03Mr_Rabies2i'm sure my chars are long deleted
11:59.25Mr_Rabies2the expansion was pretty nice, druids and assassins were awesome
11:59.31Mr_Rabies2multiplayer was what made it awesome
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12:17.53Industrialanyone wanna play some half life1:tfc?
12:26.30Kasoi wonder if i can alter devtool's dump to work with standalone lua, i miss that :<
12:31.07Industrialwhat woudl it return then
12:31.14Industrialthats the issue, else its just lua :P
12:34.40Kasowoot, works
12:37.03Kasoloadfile ("..\dump.lua")
12:37.24Kasothat isnt working :< how do i include another file in lua
12:37.49[Ammo]you don't
12:37.55[Ammo]you set them all in the .toc
12:38.00[Ammo]or load them via script tags in a .xml
12:39.13Kasoim talking about standalone lua
12:40.28[Ammo] :)
12:40.37[Ammo]can't help you directly with that one sorry :)
12:42.36Kasoreqiure :>
12:42.39Kasothere we go, thanks
12:52.59Mr_Rabies2god i'm terrible at tfc
12:55.08Kasoi was playing tfc the other day, a website i visit went down and the error message was like "blah blha mysql problems, trying to fix it" then " Fuck it, lets play TFC : IP" so i did, and it was fun
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13:35.21malrethforum posters crying about BC is delicious
13:36.22Wobincontent patch
13:36.31WobinI wonder what they'll put in it
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13:37.01Mr_Rabies2probably certain things that won't change for release
13:37.14Mr_Rabies2like sounds from bc, textures, etc
13:38.00IndustrialMr_Rabies2: I quit
13:38.18Mr_Rabies2i'm better at hl2DM :P
13:38.45Mr_Rabies2i can aim the grav gun like a champ
13:39.08Mr_Rabies2i was fitting watermelons into a cannon i made into garrys mod that's made of pipes
13:39.11IndustrialI wait for ff
13:39.11Mr_Rabies2from across the map
13:39.29Industriali dont have hl2 :(
13:39.40Mr_Rabies2garry's mod is good stuff
13:39.43Mr_Rabies2i made a watermelon cannon
13:39.50Mr_Rabies2and was gathering the watermelons for another shot
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13:40.03Mr_Rabies2i made them not gib on damage though
13:40.05NaurbrannonHi there
13:40.28Mr_Rabies2too much of a pain to spawn new ones when they gib on damage
13:40.30Industrialoh well back no *nix
13:40.38Naurbrannonis there any way to target last target using secure frames? (and not playertarget)
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13:41.46Mr_Rabies2sorry if this doesn't answer your question because 1) i don't have the beta and 2) i don't know how to write addons, but isn't there a /targetlasttarget command now?
13:42.07Naurbrannonyes but I need a script one
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13:48.25WobinOsagasu: --^
13:49.22OsagasuI've read it.
13:49.41OsagasuDoesn't mean they aren't delaying release till next friggen year.
13:49.58Wobinwell no
13:50.09Bela|workIt will not be next year
13:50.12Wobinbut there at least will be a raggedy wilted carrot to keep you running! =)
13:50.12Galenciai think its great
13:50.23Galenciathey are taking the time they need to get it right
13:50.29Galenciaand giving us something to plau with in the mean time
13:50.37Galenciahow could you possibly complain at that?
13:50.44Wobinwtb 2.0ptr
13:50.54WobinI wanna see how badly my stuff breaks =)
13:50.58OsagasuBela: Eyonix stated in a sticky on the General forums that Burning Crusade is being delayed till January.
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13:51.11Bela|workthat doesn't make sense
13:51.15Galenciabeing able to play with the new talents before having to worry about levelling is good
13:51.19GalenciaBela|work: sense or not, its fact :)
13:51.24JoshBorkehm, so is the content patch going to be WoW 2.0 and the outlands will be enabled later?
13:51.31GalenciaJoshBorke: pretty much
13:51.39Wobinfrom the sounds of it
13:51.41GalenciaTBC will be wow 2.0 + TBC
13:51.49Galencianon tbc will be wow 2.0
13:52.14Wobinit's basically the patch they'd have applied anyway to get the non tbcs up to speed
13:52.38Galenciaits actually a good way of doing it
13:52.50Galenciaits like "heres the new stuff, play with it, and one day we'll open this place called the outlands"
13:52.59Wobinwell, since from most reports, it's not anywhere near ready for content release
13:53.16OsagasuI've heard differently, Wobin.
13:53.23Bela|workso have I
13:53.24Galenciaready is subjective
13:53.33Galenciathey could release it now if they wanted
13:53.37WobinI am, as always, a day late and replete with old news =)
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13:53.50WobinI had heard something about a level cap, at the moment?
13:53.54Bela|workI can tell you this... changes at this point are not for the release so much as a aptch on release day
13:53.57Galenciapeople assume because the level 67 cap is in place the rest isnt ready
13:54.06Naurbrannonwow they are losing all the christmas market
13:54.15OsagasuThere is a level cap.  But that doesn't mean the content isn't largely finished.
13:54.17WobinThat, is definitely true
13:54.31Wobinwell, considering they were planning to release soon, it would suggest that
13:54.40Galenciathey are just giving themselves some more time for testing, is all
13:54.41Galenciait seems
13:54.47Galenciaof course noone but blizzard themselves know the real story
13:54.54Wobinisn't that what the beta is for?
13:55.02Galenciayeah, but they want a longer beta i guess
13:55.03JoshBorkemeh, i just want the test server to go live
13:55.06Galenciathey have already made a mass of refinements
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13:55.13Galenciai guess they want to leave themsleves room to make more
13:55.13Bela|workthere are still a lot of things that need tweaking
13:55.24Bela|workon the play-testing side
13:55.53WobinOr Blizzard should offer beta keys to people like Cairenn to hand out =)
13:56.04Galenciawell there is still phase 2 of t he beta to come :)
13:56.06Wobinand we apply to them as addon coders to get a key =)
13:56.22Galenciaapparently phase 2 will be a lot more "open"
13:56.25Galenciamore of a stress test
13:57.34MeryI think phase 2 will be guilds + premades to test high-end instances
13:57.48KirkburnThey won't be losing the Xmas market - they have 7 million people going to buy BC whenever it's released :P
13:57.58Galenciathat too
13:58.40KirkburnSo should I strike references to 1.13 on the WoWWiki?
13:58.56Kirkburn(Currently we're referring to the next patch as 1.13)
13:59.07Galenciathey havent said if this patch will be 1.13 or not
13:59.15Galenciawould be kinda odd to have wow 2.0 before the expansion
13:59.23Naurbrannonthe expansion patch you mean?
13:59.42Galenciathe "expansion patch" will now come before the expansion
13:59.44Galenciainstead of on the same day
13:59.45KirkburnI think we're going to have to wait and see :/
14:00.02Galenciait *would* have been 2.0 for sure
14:00.10Galenciabut now its brought forward, they might decide to call it 1.13
14:00.21Naurbrannonwell I think people who buy the expansion will just reinstall and get all patches on cd
14:00.48Galenciayeah but the point is this patch will be some time before the expansion is released
14:00.52cogwheelNaurbrannon: that would be silly...
14:01.05cogwheelThe expansion will use a bunch of the preexisting content
14:01.19WobinThe patches had better come on that DVD =P
14:02.11Naurbrannonso let's assume I buy WoW 1 + expansion at once, should I install WoW1+do all pathces + install expansion + do expansion patches? this would be silly
14:02.29cogwheelThere's really no reason to reinstall, as the only data that changes on your computer is in the WTF & WDB directories. A reinstall and complete patch leaves your WoW directory in the same state as if you delete your WDB, WTF, & AddOns directories
14:02.45Naurbrannonevery game I played before expansion also contained pre expansion patches
14:03.00TS|Skromwhat cogwheel is saying is there would be no reason to reinstall
14:03.04TS|Skromnot that the patches wouldn't be included
14:03.06cogwheelYou can delete those patchers from your WoW folder.
14:03.37TS|Skrombtw, good morning
14:04.17cogwheelSimple answer, yes. That would be silly.
14:04.22cogwheeler not
14:04.36cogwheelsry... if you buy wow1 it wouldn't be silly
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14:04.44cogwheelbut i assume you already have it :P
14:05.06Naurbrannonyeah but there's for sure people that will buy wow 1 after patch
14:05.17malrethi think you'll have to purchase WoW 1.x because you'll need an account key
14:05.18WobinI don't see why they can't have the patches on the DVD
14:05.22Naurbrannonlike I did with other games before, and I hadn't to do 1 day of patches ^^'
14:05.27WobinBut they're bound to have 'sets'
14:05.32Wobinie Wow1+2
14:05.56Wobinand buying that, then finding out you have to download another gig of stuff, is going to be.... silly =P
14:06.08malreththat's how other mmos do it
14:06.26JoshBorkeeach major patch has a roll-up patch
14:06.40malrethwhen shrouded isles came out for daoc, you installed the SI disk, logged in, and patched before you could play
14:06.51malrethmmos have a different release strategy than other games
14:06.54WobinI would possibly agree... if the amount required for patching from the first wow1 isn't so much
14:07.00Wobinbut again.
14:07.07WobinWhy not put the patches with the exp?
14:07.09TS|Skromit really depends on the lead time between the expansion going gold and the store date...
14:07.27TS|Skromif there's too much of a lead time in between.. you could have a patch... but that's not so likely with WoW
14:07.28JoshBorkei'm sure the version on the expansion will be at least 1.12 or later
14:07.40malreththe BC disk will probably include a rollup
14:07.41TS|Skromsince they don't patch very often or at least not as often as most other mmo's
14:07.59Wobinmalreth: A fruit rollup?
14:08.33JoshBorkei expect a brand new player to WoW with the expansion will install TBC (which should include WoW) and a minor patch (possible)
14:08.35Naurbrannon....isn't the BC TOC 20000 ?
14:08.44malrethbasically, you should (probably) be able to delete your current wow install, install from the BC disk, and log in, get whatever content patch was released in the betas, and play
14:08.55malrethJoshBorke: correct
14:09.16Wobinwell, that's if a key comes with tbc
14:09.28malreththat's how shrouded isles, trials of atlantis, and that... other expansion pack for daoc did it
14:09.37malrethgah, what was that last one called?
14:09.48WobinMR Fufu's Grand Day Out?
14:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
14:21.50Mikkand regualar players also need some of the expansion data
14:21.58Mikkotherwise they wouldn't be able to e.g. inspect players with gear from outland
14:22.04Mr_Rabies2ooh a screen showing they use 3dsmax 8
14:22.15zenzelezzhow disappointing
14:22.20zenzelezzreal men use Maya ;-p
14:24.08Naurbrannonreal men uses both :p
14:25.24zenzelezzno, indecisive men use both >:)
14:26.04Naurbrannonactually I only can use maya a bit (really a bit) but I suppose both have some advantage over the other
14:27.54KirkburnMikk, not only inspect ... but *see* :)
14:29.00MikkComing from AutoCAD / 3DSMax the editing interface hurts my brain though.
14:29.02KirkburnThe only assets that can be kept to the BC client is Outland and BE/Draenei specific stuff. Everything else has to go in the non-BC client
14:29.18MikkCan't other people go to BE/Draenei areas tho?
14:29.36MikkExpansionless people you mean?
14:29.37KirkburnWell, not afaik
14:29.47Naurbrannonoh....that's why the areas are instanced
14:29.49OsagasuNo, they can't.
14:29.50KirkburnThe areas are on the Outland server
14:29.57Naurbrannonah ncie
14:30.01Kirkburn(hence lack of flight paths)
14:30.33OsagasuI'm wondering how the Blood Elves will get out of their starting areas.
14:30.46KirkburnThere's a giant portal outside Undercity
14:30.47Naurbrannonto UC
14:30.55Naurbrannonand another portal to EPL
14:31.08Mr_Rabies2they are, infact the best magic users
14:31.16OsagasuSo there's a portal near the Monastery?
14:31.18Mr_Rabies2so that makes sense :O
14:31.37Naurbrannonmonastery? oO
14:31.46Naurbrannonno no
14:31.51Naurbrannonto lordaeron
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14:33.46OsagasuI know there's the instance portals in northern EPL, but where's the one in Tirisfal?
14:33.50Naurbrannonbtw they probably have had some serious reason to delay it, I have  friend GM and he also knew it was on November
14:34.00Naurbrannoninside lordaeron
14:34.06Naurbrannonthe city above undercity
14:34.19OsagasuSo the second portal is straight to silvermoon?
14:34.47Naurbrannonsilvermoon mage quarter <---> undercity entrance
14:35.02Naurbrannonsouth ghostland <------> north EPL
14:35.04malrethfor all we know, Vivendi looked at their numbers for this quarter, saw that they met their goals, and set the release for BC to Jan 07 to make sure that quarter meets their goals too
14:35.12KirkburnWow, this is *still* going!
14:35.19OsagasuI lolled
14:35.23XuerianDidn't vivendi publish t3?
14:36.45Kirkburnlol, I love Palehoof
14:37.02OsagasuYeah, Palehoof rocks almost as much as the CMs and Slouken.
14:37.38KirkburnNo one rocks more than slouken
14:38.02KirkburnAlthough Tseric sometimes comes close :P
14:38.43OsagasuI don't wanna go to class. :<
14:39.17OsagasuAnd the damn PvP rankings need to update!
14:39.33OsagasuI got 100k honor on my 53 Shammy last week. I wanna see his new rank. :<
14:40.21Naurbrannonarg, how the hell seure states works, is there a simple tutorial somewhere? I'm now understanding anything from that StateActionTest >.<
14:40.49OsagasuThere's a post on the forums? :P
14:40.51malrethnow? or not?
14:41.07Naurbrannonwhich forums? wowinterface?
14:41.53OsagasuWell, there's a hunnk of example code by Iriel, and I'm fairly certain he comments the hell out of his code.
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14:42.34Naurbrannonis that StateActionTest, very few comments and helluva lot of code
14:43.15Mery"A better documented and cleaner version of the above will appear later, so for now it's probably only for the brave or the bored 8-) " he warned you =P
14:43.53Naurbrannonwell I downloaded from a link so I missed that warning ^^'
14:50.37TS|Skromokay... this is weird
14:51.14TS|SkromI'm connected to my server via RDP. I can login fine the first time, but if I leave it sit, it locks itself (this is fine), however my password has an "l" in it.
14:51.26TS|Skromafter the computer locks itself my "l" key does not work
14:51.37TS|Skromin the RDP window... it works on my main desktop no problem
14:51.41malrethoh, you're right. that's wierd
14:52.25TS|Skromooops figured it out lol
14:52.39TS|Skrommy windows key was bugging out and stuck in the down position...
14:53.01TS|Skromdidn't seem to effect desktop but wasn't allowing the "L" to type on the RDP
14:56.49OsagasuAnyone know who Indus on the main forums is?
14:57.00OsagasuIs he in here?
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14:58.21zenzelezzis the wiki slow for anyone else?
15:03.21Naurbrannonmeh what can I say is that the expansion changes made it a lot harder for a casual addon developer >.<
15:03.53Wobinthere's just a series of limitations you'll have to take into account
15:04.09Wobinthat we don't know precisely what of, nor is it easy to test =P
15:05.20Naurbrannonyeah but above all it break the flow of the code that one can imagine ^_^"
15:07.18NaurbrannonI have some code in my mind that would be simple: if (condition) then anction1 else action2 end, this is no more possible to do but it's just setting parameters = I'm not given to see the program flow
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15:08.41WobinYou can't due to the inabilty to do certain stuff in combat?
15:08.52Wobinor otherwise?
15:09.05Naurbrannon(assuming that "action1" and "action2" invloves targeting and casting)
15:09.29Wobinyes =)
15:11.50NaurbrannonI'm not totally clueless and have some knowlege of "high level" languages and things like states...but now I have to think much more and I don't like it :p
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15:19.39CairennI presume everyone has heard the news by now
15:19.50CairennBurning Crusade pushed back to 2007
15:20.35Naurbrannonmeybe they saw that I was in alpha and still lvl 61 and decided to give me some more time :p
15:21.32Mr_Rabies2i forgot how much sucked
15:21.39Mr_Rabies2ping 1141!
15:22.04Naurbrannon...<preClick> only catch mouse left button oO
15:23.03TS|Skromut oh, the locusts are coming, someone declared that they were in alpha!
15:23.03TS|Skromrun for it!
15:23.20TS|SkromI jest
15:24.04zenzelezzwhatever you did to the wiki, fix it :-p Really slow now
15:24.16KirkburnHey, it annoys me too
15:24.18Naurbrannonwell since NDA was removed I see no problem in sayin someone was in alpha
15:24.19TS|Skromlike broken slow :p
15:24.39KirkburnI have no idea what affects it, it seems random
15:24.52TS|SkromNaurbrannon like I said, I was speaking in jest. There was like a days long conversation here a few weeks ago about what kind of questions could be asked/answered by people not in/in the alpha
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15:24.59TS|Skromand what was goign too far and such :D
15:25.01TS|Skromwas a fun convo
15:25.27Naurbrannonah kk missed that conversation :)
15:25.36Naurbrannonbtw afaik everything can be asked
15:26.18KirkburnI have seen at least two CMs say that alpha content is included in the NDA lifting :)
15:26.20TS|Skromheh, news article on curse about ryzom ring
15:26.28TS|Skromsounds like fun, cept ryzom sucked monkey nuts
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15:27.02KirkburnRegarding the wiki, it's probably outside influences causing it
15:27.19TS|Skromthat's what I tell my boss every time his computer is slow too!
15:28.07TS|SkromIt's gremlins from the moon causing solar flares disrupting the neural kinetics of your positronic matrix and disaligning your flux capacitor for the coffe maker's extreme sports rodeo
15:28.24TS|Skromand about that time I devolve into fits of giggles so intense i have to take the rest of the day off claiming parkinson's
15:28.36TS|Skromamazingly I'm okay by the next day
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15:30.15KirkburnRiiiiight, running a tracert on the wiki diconnects me
15:30.57TS|Skromthe server knew you were trying to mine data on a patch day
15:31.40KirkburnIt's doesn't get past my own router
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15:35.36KirkburnWoWWiki is back
15:37.23cogwheelfor now
15:37.29cogwheelit *is* tuesday, after all
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15:54.36KirkburnI just saw an awesome idea for the Fel Reavers
15:54.39Kirkburn"They should add one or two to every zone and have them path around to known Farm spots, should take care of the Bot problem pretty quick :-)
15:54.54Naurbrannonwould be awesome
15:55.22CairennBeladona: you have to link it over here, too, that's absolutely wild
15:57.11Beladonaholy guacamole batman:
16:01.58Cairennisn't that funky?
16:05.30KirkburnJust as a general warning ... if anyone has a laptop, check whether you need the battery replacing. Gateway/eMachines are now recalling, in addition to Apple, Dell, Fujitsu, HP/Compaq, Lenovo, Sony, Sharp and Toshiba
16:09.47Beladonawe had a LOT of returns for laptop batteries here at work. Thankfully we buy all of our laptops with extra batteries, and the extra ones weren't affected, so we could just switch to them, and then use the new ones we got in through RMA as our spares
16:15.55cogwheelWhere is everyone getting this 1.13 idea from? The announcement post mentions nothing about an intervening patch...
16:18.32FISKER_QEyonix made another post stating that there would be a new content patch around christmas
16:18.43FISKER_Qwhich would add basic expansion functionality to WoW
16:18.51FISKER_Qalthough it'll probably be called 2.0.0
16:19.12XuerianThey're going to patch to 2.0 before release?
16:19.22XuerianWould make sense.
16:20.00cogwheelOk... so it *is* everyone just assuming it'll be a different patch than they were planning to make anyway...
16:21.09FISKER_QWell there will be a new patch adding the new talents up to 70, the new pvp system and more
16:21.10Hatsukithere's gonna be changes to wow, more than just expansion. arena thing for one. I'd assume this 1.13 brings lot of those changes
16:21.18FISKER_Qbut what it will be called and what it will else contained i do not know
16:21.36cogwheelWhy would they call it 1.13 though? They've already said the next one will be 2.0...
16:21.50Hatsukibecause it's pre-expansion?
16:21.56XuerianNo matter what they call it, so long as it's 5.1 and 2.0 base
16:22.01Hatsukiand doesnt require to have expansion
16:22.17FISKER_Qthe base WoW client will be 2.x.x as well
16:22.22XuerianHatsuki: 2.0/2xxxx toc isn't necessarily the expansion, only the version number
16:22.22FISKER_Qthey will be using the same client
16:22.37FISKER_Qthe only difference with WoW and WoW:TBC will be the content
16:22.44FISKER_Qaka expansion.mpq
16:23.21FISKER_Qhe doesn't explicitly state it's going to be called 1.13
16:23.30FISKER_Qhe only refers to it as the "Next content patch"
16:23.32XuerianWell, whatever it's called so long as it uses lua 5.1 & the new api =|
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16:24.02Beladonado we know the new api will be put in that patch?
16:24.13FISKER_Qnot yet
16:24.17Beladonathey spoke of mainly content changes, not api
16:24.22Beladonalike the honor system
16:24.25FISKER_Qbut i doubt slouken will downgrade his code for a 2 week release or so
16:24.38Beladonait wouldn't be that hard
16:24.57XuerianThere's no reason for them not to upgrade to it, really
16:24.58FISKER_QHard isn't the word
16:24.59Beladonajust a branch of life, with certain features merged in
16:25.04FISKER_Qnessecary is the word you need
16:25.13XuerianIt'd give them a chance while there's a lull in players, to test the new client under heavy stress
16:25.25BeladonaI think the point here FISKER_Q, is that you, nor anyone else knows
16:25.40Beladonaassuming it will include the api is meaningless
16:25.44FISKER_Qnever said i did
16:26.03Hatsukialso I'd assume that they want to keep something for players for holidays. afterall q4 was target and they missed it
16:26.10Beladonanot to mention that such a change sitll requires a LOT of addon developer testing and adoption
16:26.19Hatsukimany if not most expected it for xmas
16:27.06Kirkburn(don't trust the wiki for patch names etc, that 1.13 thing was just a best-guess from a contributer. I wish he hadn't made that templatE)
16:27.39Xuerianlol Kirkburn
16:29.28Xuerian~console Kirkburn
16:29.30purlACTION gives Kirkburn the consolation moose
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16:31.16KirkburnI've updated it to show the 'unknown-ness'
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16:33.31tyroney|workGee, for some reason the forums are down...
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16:39.21cogwheelonly kinda :)
16:43.02tyroney|workSo to amuse myself, I'm going to try ChatZilla 0.9.75 2006-09-08 01:00
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16:47.21cogwheelthat's what i'm using
17:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (
17:17.02FISKER_Qa blue says this on EU
17:17.05FISKER_Q(bad spelling too wee)
17:17.06FISKER_QThe patch 1.13 was discarted, there is no point expecting it.
17:17.06FISKER_QThe 1.13 content was carried over BC.
17:19.36Hatsukicant find that post :o
17:20.15Hatsukitest realm forum :o
17:33.21KirkburnI've updated the text again on the wiki
17:33.28KirkburnSo yes, 2.0 will be the next patch
17:35.57weabwouldn't be so sure on that
17:36.25weabsince the blues like to contradict one another
17:37.22AstrylSorry, logged in, then had to go afk a few.
17:37.26Cairennhah! there we go! *purr*
17:37.40AstrylI Rawr alot more than Kwak, lately, though.
17:37.52Cairennthat's fine, I still *purr*
17:38.16zenzelezzI vary from 2 (rarely) to 5 :-|
17:38.27AstrylIn this last week, we've downed, for the first time, Broodlord, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, and got Chromag to 16%.
17:39.11AstrylAnd the week before that was first kills on Razor and Vael.
17:39.14cogwheelweab, that just says "a patch"... i think the discussion is on whether it's going to be the 2.0 changes or if they're doing something different for 1.13
17:39.53AstrylYah, I think that Shaanti is just uninformed.
17:40.29KirkburnEyonix never says 1.13 at any time :)
17:41.19KirkburnKnowing the question helps!
17:41.21weabhe does say content patch
17:41.29MeryI wouldn't be suprised if the patch details (including naming) are not finished yet
17:41.49KirkburnWhy exactly should we distrust an EU blue?
17:42.00KirkburnIs it just because they're not from the US?
17:42.01AstrylIt's an EU QA person.
17:42.08AstrylNot a CM or Dev.
17:42.17KirkburnCMs know as much as QA
17:42.24weabyeah. this is definitely a us vs euro thing
17:42.24cogwheelI'd trust QA over a dev...
17:42.31weabi'm saying not to trust either of them.
17:42.31KirkburnActually, what cogwheel said
17:42.59AstrylAnyway! Question time.
17:43.09AstrylBuffs and debuffs on unit frames...
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17:43.13Kirkburn(if we trusted either of them, the answer still wouldn't say 1.13 :P)
17:43.16Astryl...Is each buff/debuf a frame?
17:44.14Astryl(I'm guessing yes, but figured I'd start with the easy ones) :)
17:44.23weabi've got a question too. what's up with the wowi news rss feed
17:44.29weabit's broken
17:44.50cogwheelAstryl: yes, but i think there is a parent frame that they're all attached to (not sure if they're attached directly to the unit fram)
17:45.01Cairennweab: post in the site bug forum, bottom of the page
17:45.17weabCairenn: can do.
17:46.07AstrylOK... Are those frames instantiated at load time, and just shown/hidden as needed?
17:46.18AstrylOr does it dynamically create and destroy frames?
17:46.30Meryyou cannot destroy frames
17:46.56cogwheelAstryl: most of the default UI doesn't do dynamic frame creation since it was around before dynamic creation existed. Take a look at the FrameXML folder that the UI extractor makes
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17:47.19cogwheelthat too
17:47.22AstrylAye... OKie...
17:47.33AstrylHow's the performance of frame creation?
17:48.04BeladonaI haven't seen hard numbers on it, but I don't think ther eis much of an overhead
17:51.54AstrylSo if I wanted to display a few frames for each buff on each unit, I could conceivably keep a collection of frames for each unit, and create/add a new frame to the collection whenever I need more than I've already got, and that wouldn't cause performance problems?
17:52.44cogwheelThat's about right
17:53.34AstrylHow about layering (without transparency if that matters) of frames?
17:54.10AstrylAny performance problem with layering 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, or more frames on top of each other?
17:54.19cogwheelFrames are rendered to a large extent by the graphics card
17:54.33cogwheelYou basically set up the data structures with Lua, and the game engine does the rest
17:54.42AstrylDoes that mean no? :)
17:54.51cogwheelIt's a qualified no :)
17:54.56AstrylHehe, k.
17:55.19AstrylSooo... I think that's all of my graphical questions...
17:55.28KirkburnDiablo 3 nigh-on confirmed :D
18:00.18weabi don't really see how that's huge news
18:00.40AstrylOne other graphical question.
18:01.16AstrylDon't recall the method off hand, but StatusBar:SetStatusBarColor() or something...
18:02.01AstrylHow bad would it be to set that, for a hundred status bars, every frame?
18:03.09cogwheelWould you really need to do it every frame?
18:03.28cogwheelI don't know if it'll be too noticeable, but still...
18:03.32AstrylWell, probably not every frame, but every like fifth of a second or so.
18:03.52AstrylEnough to make a fade from one color to another seem smooth.
18:05.27cogwheelAs long as you're not doing *too* many calculations it should be OK. If you were creating tables, and other garbage it would be a problem.
18:05.36AstrylNo, certainly not.
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18:07.03AstrylJust like one line of SetColor((EndTime-GetTime())*.2,1,1) or something.
18:07.05hugo654anyone know if OUF has some config menu or commands ?
18:08.18AstrylOK, soooo... There's an aura on another unit. Can I tell the duration?
18:10.22nevcairielyou cannot in 1.12, not sure about 2.0, but i doubt it
18:11.21Astryl'nevcairiel'? That an amalgamation of Nevca and Iriel?
18:11.37AstrylOr coincidental name?
18:11.59nevcairieli had that name before i ever known iriel
18:11.59nevcairielso no
18:11.59AstrylAh. Hi! :)
18:12.01nevcairielpurly coincidental
18:12.08AstrylI bet that comes up alot.
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18:12.47nevcairielnot once, yet
18:13.01AstrylWell, anyway.
18:14.21AstrylThere's a HoT on someone. You know who cast it. How would you go about telling how much it heals for, per tick?
18:14.31Astryl(Rejuvination, for example)
18:14.37nevcairielparse the combat log
18:15.30TemYou cannot tell in 2.0 either
18:15.38Temthe reason is that the client doesn't have that info
18:15.54AstrylAnd what if there are two Rejuvs on the target?
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18:16.50nevcairielit should heal twice in the combat log, every tic of the rejus its own event
18:16.54nevcairielbut not sure
18:17.01nevcairielsince i dont have beta, and in live you can only have one
18:17.58AstrylAnyone know if any of the primary HoTs have talents or set bonuses or anything that increase their duration?
18:18.15nevcairielreju has a bonus
18:18.23nevcairiel8 piece druid t2
18:18.27nevcairiel+ one tic
18:18.33nevcairielso plus 3 sec
18:18.33AstrylAh, right...
18:18.48nevcairielno talents afaik
18:19.29AstrylAnd there's no way to tell if they've got that bonus without inspecting them...
18:19.59TemThe rejuv talent increases it's crit rate, iirc
18:20.24nevcairielnah, thats regrowth
18:20.25Astrylrejuv talent is +15% healed. It's regrowth's talent that does +50% crit.
18:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
18:22.41AstrylOK, soooooo...
18:23.05AstrylI think I'll just have to assume that nobody has the 8piece t2 bonus.
18:24.20AstrylAnyone know how the unit spellcasting events relate to receiving the buffs from them?
18:24.40Astrylas in, order they happen, and any lag between them?
18:24.54Astryl(And do the unit spellcasting events even happen for instants?)
18:26.48Kasofor instant spellcasts you get "SPELLCAST_STOP" event
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18:27.33IrielI think astryl is referring to 2.0, where there IS no SPELLCAST_STOP event
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18:27.44Kasoteach me not to read the convsation
18:28.22ckknighthey all
18:28.26Corrodiasi think you have mastered that already
18:28.51Kasos/that'll teach/teach
18:29.01AstrylAye, I mean UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP for party/raid members.
18:29.29Kasogrr, how do you do that purl thing again
18:30.07zenzelezztrailing /
18:30.15AstrylThere we go.
18:30.17Kasoah :>
18:30.35Kasos/that'll teach/teach/
18:30.50AstrylOnly works on the last thing you said, I think.
18:31.32AstrylOK, so...
18:31.41AstrylBottom line is this...
18:32.00AstrylI'll have an array of statusbar frames for each unit frame...
18:32.24AstrylThey will be stacked underneath the healthbar, and will be used in descending order. When there isn't enough, I'll create/add new ones.
18:33.11AstrylWhen a HoT buff is applied to the unit, I'll figure out who cast it, based on UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP.
18:34.16AstrylI'll then watch the combat log, to see how much it ticks for, and store that spell/caster/tickvalue.
18:35.23tyroney|workAstryl: Just so you know, you're crazy.
18:35.27AstrylUsing the database of spell/caster/values, I'll be able to guess the tick value of each HoT, as it is cast.
18:35.32AstrylOh, hey Tyroney! :)
18:35.34tyroney|workDid you see that note about frame fading?
18:35.51AstrylYep... I'm quite worried though that it would be nasty with all the frames being on top of each other.
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18:36.16tyroney|workProbably.  Two thoughts:
18:36.20Astryl50 frames, all fading transparent, stacked on top of each other sounds nasty.
18:37.12tyroney|workthe ui uses the fade for any flashing object.  (buffs, highlights, all that stuff)  and my fading chunks haven't been a problem yet, though I haven't run a raid with them.
18:38.26AstrylSo then once I know how much each tick of each HoT on the unit will be for, and when each tik will happen, I can setup a frame for the health that the unit will have after that tick happens, with a darker color the longer duration away that tick will be.
18:38.27tyroney|workand do you really need per-tick information?  I mean, that's just so many extra objects...
18:39.19tyroney|workOh, are you working on only the next tick being desplayed?
18:39.20AstrylWell I've already got it without the per-tick info, and it makes me want more, especially since druids are going to become so hot-dependant in BC.
18:39.26AstrylNo, all ticks.
18:39.58tyroney|workAnd are yo moving them as health changes?
18:40.31Corrodiasour guild members have an average of 2.42 characters in the guild per account
18:40.39Astryl(This is all theorydevving at the moment, haven't started at all)
18:40.52tyroney|workAnd what's overlapping?  It would seem to me you could keep a table of ticks as they /should/ happen, and display your chunks accordingly
18:41.47tyroney|work(I spent one or two weeks just thinking about my fading chunks)
18:42.01Naurbrannon lol
18:43.50AstrylSo are you saying that the statusbar for each chunk should just have a value of 100%, and be at the appropriate position and width to look right?
18:44.31Corrodiashow amusing. i can't login to the european forums.
18:44.32AstrylI was thinking they'd all have the same left edge position, and I'd just change the value with each one, so that each one is completely overlapping the one below it.
18:44.55AstrylThat could definitely work, and would make the fading easier...
18:45.43Corrodiashokay, time to try to update my unitframes addon (which is one pain in the ass)
18:46.18Corrodiasisn't a shammy some kind of cloth?
18:47.06OsagasuWorked my ass off last week to get lots of Honor, and I didn't even get officer. ><
18:48.41Corrodiaswhy is my WTF folder 85mb? :o
18:49.10Corrodiasah, only 33mb. i have several backups of my savedvariables.
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18:58.57tyroney|workit might be too much work, but sa table with an entry that's a reference time for starting, and then each tick would have an occurrance time relative to that with a value for how much that tick should be.  Then you run through the table tick by tick, and draw a box for each one.  The issue would be keepin ghtem sorted by time.
19:00.22tyroney|workAstryl: though the overlap would have a certain nice effect to it.
19:00.58tyroney|workMaybe have a ceiling o fhow many ticks are actually worried about?  At some point, you have a relatively solid bar of green, and any more chunks are just redundant.
19:03.07Naurbrannonsooo am I right to say that nobody still know how SecureStanceStateDriverTemplate works?
19:03.46cogwheelNaurbrannon: i sorta do...
19:03.50tyroney|workNope, some people are getting the hang of it.  I decided I would really learn this week.  And it isn't that bad when you start to play with it.  Grab the examples and mess with it.
19:03.55cogwheelthough it's changing a bit in an upcoming patch
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19:04.26tyroney|workI'm sorta holding off on getting too involved due to the fact that nothing's finished yet.
19:04.43cogwheelonly very slightly though
19:04.52NaurbrannonI just need to know how to use it to change a button action
19:05.07cogwheelthat's pretty simple:
19:05.33tyroney|workcogwheel: So the underlying stuff is pretty much solid now?  That's nice to hear.  Means things should start working soon.
19:05.59cogwheelfirst, make a SecureStanceStateDriver and call :SetAttribute("statemap-stance", "$input")
19:06.06Temit's still funny that the only person who 100% understands it is Iriel
19:06.27cogwheelWhat this does is say "whenever I change stance, the state driver should enter the state that is the same as the stance number"
19:06.45tyroney|workSpent some time chatting with him to find out how it works, and it's pretty darn neato.
19:06.53cogwheelthe stance number is the same as the index for the ShapeshiftForm APIs
19:08.10ckknightomg, how do I hook ChatFrame_OnEvent in TBC? I want to prevent some whispers from being shown
19:08.17ckknightproblem is, it's a secure function
19:08.24ckknightand things like /assist break if I hook it normally
19:08.58Temdon't hook CF_OE
19:09.03Temhook ChatFrame.AddMessage
19:11.04Naurbrannonand....what "$input"stands for? oO
19:11.42Naurbrannonand above all how do I ser an action basing to a state?
19:11.51cogwheelNaurbrannon: working on it...
19:12.08cogwheelthe $input is what i meant by "the state same as the stance number"
19:12.36ckknightTem, icky, but okay
19:12.51cogwheelotherwise you would tell it specific states to enter given the stance
19:13.55cogwheelNaurbrannon: next you create a button inheriting SecureActionButtonTemplate
19:14.39cogwheeland set its "statebutton" attribute to something like "1:S1;2:S2;3:S3;4:S4"
19:15.23cogwheelwhat this does is create virtual mouse buttons depending on your stance
19:16.02cogwheelso if you click the action button in stance 1, the action button thinks you used the "S1" button on your mouse instead of "LeftButton"
19:16.36cogwheelNow you add the action attributes themselves:
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19:17.28cogwheel"*action-S1" -> "1",     "*action-S2" -> "13" for instance...
19:17.54cogwheelthis means, when i click the button in stance 1, do UseAction(1)
19:18.09cogwheelin stance 2 (because of the statebutton attribute) it will do UseAction(13)
19:19.01cogwheelThat's all there is as far as the behavior goes
19:19.27cogwheelit's up to you to work out how to display the button with the different abilities and what-not.
19:22.56cogwheelcheck out Iriel's example here: It uses a lot of programmatic creation of frames and their attributes, but given what I've told you so far, it may help you understand a bit better
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19:25.28cogwheelNote also that you must use <PreClick> or <PostClick> if you want to do any processing for clicks. Otherwise, you'll taint the action button and it won't be able to do its job in combat.
19:26.14tyroney|workI rerolled my rogue for the.. 5th?  time last week.  This time it's an angry gnome, who will someday regularly use explosives.
19:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
19:28.24tyroney|workI don't think I'll ever make it to 60 on my druid to run through the dark portal.  But I suppose testing other things is just as important.
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19:32.32Kirkburn2 months ... 2 months and no one told me I'd put the .toc as v11200-1
19:33.22Naurbrannonjust 1 "*action-S1" -> "1" you mean SetAttribute("*action-S1", "1")?
19:33.23Temperhaps no one noticed?
19:34.15cogwheelNaurbrannon: yep
19:34.40KirkburnThat it always needed 'load out of date'? I s'pose it's normal to have on, now :P
19:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
19:35.59MikkNo kidding
19:36.58cogwheelTo clarify a bit, attributes are built as "prefix-name-suffix" where prefix is/are the modifier key(s), name is the name... go figure... and suffix is the mouse button. For "real" mouse buttons, the suffix is 1 for LeftButton, 2 for RightButton, 3 for MiddleButton, 4 & 5 for Button4 & Button5 and they don't have dashes.
19:38.10cogwheelThe prefix & suffix can be *s. Here are some examples:    "alt-ctrl-shift-action1"    "*action*"     "alt-action-SomeVirtualButton"
19:38.39KirkburnWho here can approve WoWI addons - Cairenn looks to be afk :)
19:38.52cogwheelI think Beladona can...
19:39.09cogwheel(could be wrong though)
19:39.20Naurbrannonyeah cogwheel I just need to know the names :/
19:39.20BeladonaI can
19:40.29BeladonaKirkburn: Approved
19:40.42KirkburnThankies :)
19:41.11KirkburnZomg, aeus has a new pic :)
19:41.17Naurbrannonmmm what's the addons approval? oO
19:41.47cogwheelKirkburn, I may be missing something, but why is the ClearFont graphic on your website blurry?
19:41.57cogwheelNaurbrannon: uploads to
19:42.01KirkburnGaussian blut ftw moderates addons as they are submitted, to verify there are no malicious content or content that is not allowed by Blizzard
19:42.13Naurbrannonah kk I didn't tought it required approvation
19:42.57Kirkburnomg, omg, I never realised :P
19:43.10cogwheelbit o' british humor there? :)
19:43.33Kirkburn(Beladona - is it possible to rename old versions? I accidently caused v11200-1 to called v11200-2 before I updated!)
19:43.37KirkburnShurely not
19:43.47Beladonajust edit it
19:44.20Corrodiasthis one orc female hair style is just silly. it looks great from any side except straight on the front or back.
19:44.21KirkburnNo can do
19:44.27Corrodiasbut it looks terrible from those two directions
19:44.30KirkburnDelete, yes, edit, no
19:44.45KirkburnI'm talking about an archived version
19:44.47Beladonahang on
19:44.58Beladonaoh no you can't edit archives
19:45.02KirkburnNotice how ClearFont now has two v11200-2s :P
19:45.14Beladonacan you change the latest one to 3?
19:45.41KirkburnI'd rather not. It's not a huge problem if you can't :)
19:46.01Beladonathat would be an interesting suggestion though
19:46.01Kirkburn(i'd have to update the other sites again and explain what happened to v11200-2!)
19:46.08cogwheelkirk, reupload 11211-1 with the correct version. then delete 11211-2 & 11211-2
19:46.15cogwheelerr something like that.
19:46.22Beladonayeah that makes the most sense
19:46.33cogwheelBasically, just reupload them both and delete the original uploads
19:47.04KirkburnMaybe :) I'm quite lazy ...
19:47.08Beladonawell, I don't know how useful it is to upload a new version of -1, but definitely delete the acrhived version of -2
19:47.25Beladonathat way there is no confusion
19:47.53KirkburnBah, I'll get rid of all the archives, they take up valuable space =)
19:48.21TemI still need to find the version I want out of those archives
19:48.32Naurbrannonoh btw about that Iriel's example: "Error:  CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "SecureStateDriverTemplate"" lol
19:48.40KirkburnIt's on other sites if you must
19:48.50KirkburnYou shouldn't need old versions anyway
19:49.09TemNaurbrannon, that's because SEcureStateDriverTemplate doesn't exist yt
19:49.17Temnext beta update
19:49.41KirkburnTem, I think you told me before, but why was it you use an old version?
19:49.42Temwell, it *does* exist
19:49.58Naurbrannonmeh I'm in hurry of updating my addons, I'm 2/3 now
19:49.59TemKirkburn, some fonts look different than what I spent a very long time using
19:50.09Temand I'm one of those folks that dislikes all change
19:50.18Temok, not ALL change
19:50.24Tembut you know...
19:50.27KirkburnYou can get them here:
19:50.33Temah, good
19:50.50KirkburnI don't use the version I upload either :P
19:51.59TemI got CF when you first released it and didn't update until recently
19:52.13Temwhen I accidently deleted all my addons
19:53.22Kirkburnoopth :P
19:53.41KirkburnWot a newb
19:54.53Temyeah well...
19:55.18TemI wrote a script that was supposed to just clear out directories that were checkouts from svn
19:55.24BeladonaI keep all of the past versions of my addons on svn, but there have been 1 or 2 instances where I scrubbed my svn and rebuilt it. The archives on wowi were extremely useful for that
19:55.32Beladonaso I heistate to suggest deleting your archives
19:55.47Temand it worked when I tested it...
19:56.03Tembut when I ran it on my interface directory, it deleted everything
19:57.19Mr_Rabies2blarg i cant tjoml of them now, but what are those addons that look like the nurfed combat log again? i know of two, but i cant think of their names
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20:09.33Thunder_Childhah, they pushed the release date to jan
20:09.59Thunder_Childgood bye holiday release
20:11.19ckknight_I know :-(
20:11.40ckknightnow we have 3 months to deal with things
20:11.41Mr_Rabies2it's a decent thing to throw at the people saying
20:11.46Thunder_Childwell the good news, is that it allows for more time to catch the bugs
20:11.54ckknightyea, but I want WoW 2.0 now
20:12.05ckknightI don't care about TBC, postpone that until January :-P
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20:12.06Mr_Rabies2well they said the content patch was coming out before that
20:12.23ckknightcontent patch?
20:12.30Mr_Rabies2the 2.0/1.13 one
20:12.43Mr_Rabies2whatever they decide to number it
20:13.07cogwheelckknight: it's there... on the forums
20:13.10Mr_Rabies2i think
20:13.38Hatsukiit wont be
20:13.46Kirkburn"The content patch is not 1.13. There will not be a 1.13, as the EU CM stated.
20:14.06Kirkburn"However, there will be a content patch before the expansion. It will simply not be called 1.13, which would be a continutation of content patches for WoW, pre-expansion. The content patch will be for the expansion, which will likely be dubbed 2.0."
20:14.49Mr_Rabies2he said "will occupy your holidays"
20:14.55Thunder_Childso the content patch WONT come out before the expansion?....there seems to be some confusion here
20:14.58Mr_Rabies2so i expect late november-mid december then
20:15.21Hatsukiit'll take at least 2 weeks gold->retail
20:15.43Mr_Rabies2well eyonix said the content patch will be there to occupy your holidays
20:15.55ckknightoccupy holidays = arena PvP?
20:16.09Mr_Rabies2they decided instead of releasing them at the same time, doing the content patch before expansion
20:16.19Hatsukiso, if expansion is ready let's say 20th december, they could give it as patch then but box wont be in stores before 2007
20:16.20Mr_Rabies2i dunno if arena pvp will be in it or be exp only
20:16.22KirkburnDoubt it, since arenas are Outland only, no?
20:16.42Mr_Rabies2i think the battlemaster is in all capitals
20:16.42Hatsukiarena is like bg
20:16.54KirkburnNo it isn't :/
20:17.05Hatsukiwell, sorta.
20:17.07Mr_Rabies2really? i saw a screen of a goblin on the exodar i thought
20:17.17KirkburnOnly in that it's PvP-based :)
20:17.24Mr_Rabies2with <Arena Battlemaster>
20:17.29Mr_Rabies2oh, you were responding to Hatsuki
20:17.30HatsukiKirkburn: and instanced
20:17.41KirkburnYeah, but Exodar isn't going to be in this patch, is it? :P
20:17.49Mr_Rabies2it'll probably be there
20:17.52Mr_Rabies2you just can't get to it
20:18.14Mr_Rabies2the capitals are "instanced" like the deeprun tram aren't they?
20:18.25KirkburnThey're on the Outland server
20:18.40Mr_Rabies2so they can block off the non-exp guys
20:18.55Mr_Rabies2then the arena battlemaster might only be in those 2 capitals then
20:19.07KirkburnThe stuff that will likely be in this patch - talent updates, honor updates, probably the combat upgrades
20:19.10Mr_Rabies2dunno, not in beta yet
20:19.20KirkburnAnd, possibly, a fair amount of assets
20:19.25Mr_Rabies2probably art files and stuff
20:19.37Mr_Rabies2stuff that isn't likely to change
20:19.52KirkburnAnd only stuff that people without BC are likely to see
20:20.16Mr_Rabies2eh, they'll eventually have to add in most everything to the base game
20:20.30Mr_Rabies2to prevent any kind of weirdness between them too
20:20.34Mr_Rabies2to prevent any kind of weirdness between the two*
20:20.47KirkburnWell yeah, armour/weapons mainly
20:21.09Mr_Rabies2there's already a small chunk of outland in the deadmines instance in live
20:21.22Hatsukihmm, appears I was wrong. arena is lvl70 only :|
20:21.48Mr_Rabies2really? i've seen vids of people doing it in beta
20:21.57Hatsukiit's lvl67 now
20:22.06Mr_Rabies2they haven't even opened eye of the storm in beta yet, they need to get around to that
20:22.07HatsukiCorrect, we've temporarily enabled the registered team battles for level 67 players since that is the current level cap.
20:22.10HatsukiOnce the cap is raised to 70, you will only be able to participate in registered team battles once you're level 70.
20:22.19Mr_Rabies2what about the pug arena?
20:22.33Mr_Rabies2the one that's not for tokens or anything
20:22.42Hatsukithere's pretty much all relevant info
20:23.00Hatsukithat is known currently
20:23.15Mr_Rabies2they really need to open eye of the storm in beta so people can get around to testing that
20:23.25Mr_Rabies2and i wonder if they're ever gonna release azshara crater
20:23.32Hatsukiwhat's eye of the storm?
20:23.37Mr_Rabies2it's been in the data files since wsg came out :|
20:23.42Mr_Rabies2eye of the storm is the new bg
20:23.44Mr_Rabies2in netherstorm
20:23.53Hatsukiaszhara has been abandoned
20:24.02Hatsukias it would have been AV v2
20:24.41Hatsukiand blizz realized it doesnt work.
20:25.18KirkburnWell, it may appear in the future of course =)
20:25.30Hatsukimost likely it'll appear
20:25.44KirkburnI can imagine why they stopped on it though, 3 was already enough
20:25.55Hatsukitbh, I'd like to have 10+
20:26.01Meryalso they don't wanted 2 BG with similar objectives
20:26.18Hatsukibut before crossrealm bgs, there wasnt enough people for even 3
20:26.41Mery(well not if your server wasn't lagging prime time ;P )
20:27.32HatsukiAV v2 would be nice, I like it but after having played 3 chars to exalted, I'm bit bored
20:30.44Mr_Rabies2Bea Arthur.
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20:37.35Merylol at the second last post by Tseric:
20:37.38KirkburnCheck if it pleases you. Part of the latest post applies to a fair few people here! :D
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20:39.20nevcairielif 2.0.0 will come this year?
20:40.21KirkburnWhy do you say no?
20:40.41nevcairieli only mean the patch, not the real expansion, altho i am a bit confused by the blueposts
20:40.45MeryI think not even all at Blizzard know what the exact plan is...
20:41.05Kirkburn2.0 does not mean the expansion, the expansion is *on top of* 2.0
20:41.23Kirkburn2.0 is all the changes going into the gameplay and UI of WoW
20:41.41KirkburnThe expansion can be described merely as: level 70 + Outland
20:41.52Kirkburn(okay, and BE/Draenei)
20:42.02Merywell I think they really want to have something to do for us during holidays
20:42.19KirkburnYeah, it'll be the longest time without patch otherwise
20:42.46Hatsukievil blizz, giving no excuse to skip christmas;)
20:42.58KirkburnIf it comes out a reasonable time before the expansion, it'll give people some time to adjust to the new UI ruleset
20:43.57Merywell _if_ they just patch to 2.0 the only new thing would be the honor changes + talents
20:44.16nevcairielwell plus UI
20:44.38Meryfrom a normal players standpoint
20:47.17Mr_Rabies2i still cant find the addons that act like nurfed combatlog :[
20:47.26KirkburnThe breaking of addons will be quite major to many players, y'know :P
20:47.52KirkburnIt may have the gameplay changes too - e.g. combat ratings system
20:48.12Mr_Rabies2like that :O
20:48.14KirkburnWho knows, it might even have LFG
20:48.25Meryoh probably will, but I still think that there is nothing "unknown" to try the changes at
20:48.28KirkburnAnd maybe the Knowledgebase
20:49.44Mr_Rabies2that doesn't have the bug that NCL does, does it?
20:49.51Mr_Rabies2in which it steals window focus on login?
20:50.05Mr_Rabies2cause that was annoying
20:50.12Mr_Rabies2i always had to click the general tab on login
20:50.22Gryphenhmm, i use an addon to fix that tho
20:51.09Mr_Rabies2what addon? a selfmade one?
20:51.41Gryphensets the first tab as focus
20:52.02Mr_Rabies2did you write it for yourself?
20:52.08Mr_Rabies2cause i can't find it
20:52.21Mr_Rabies2just checked wowi, curse and
20:52.34Grypheni dont use ace addons, but it looks like its there now
20:52.57Gryphenthought it was on wowi
20:53.15Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, you might also try
20:53.37Gryphen-updated sounds promising
20:53.41Mr_Rabies2hitsmode looks like a pain to setup
20:53.48Thunder_Childno setop
20:54.02Thunder_Childat least not for me
20:54.23Mr_Rabies2i mean, i like for ncl i can jsut do /ncl watch me 2
20:54.32Mr_Rabies2and it'll put anything that happens to me in chatwindow 2
20:54.58Mr_Rabies2might have to be You, i don't remember, been forever since i messed with it
20:55.18Mr_Rabies2i'll try em both out though
21:04.18Beladonabbl, going home
21:07.15IndustrialWhere is the flight path in ungoro?
21:07.23Industrialnwse? center?
21:07.36PlorkyeranYou don't want it :P
21:07.44PlorkyeranIt makes the Gadgetzan -> CH flight longer
21:08.11TainIt's in Marshall's Refuge.  Just to the right of the cave if you're facing the cave, up a hill.
21:08.15KirkburnSurely it doesn't work like that??
21:08.24Industrialbet i get more revenue from loot then it will cost me in the time I kill mobs thaere that i'd have tor un there
21:08.29PlorkyeranIt's really stupid
21:09.05Industrialis it Marshal's Refuge?
21:09.08TainIt's not stupid, it makes doing stuff in Un'Goro worthwhile.
21:09.21TainIt's in Marshall's Refuge.  Just to the right of the cave if you're facing the cave, up a hill.
21:13.38zenzelezz<Plorkyeran> It makes the Gadgetzan -> CH flight longer <-- my flight path still goes directly from Gadgetzan to CH
21:13.38zenzelezzeven though I know Marshall's Refuge flight path
21:14.31TainI haven't flown it for so long I didn't remember, but even if it did go through UnGoro it would still be worth it.
21:14.33cogwheelI think it depends where you start from
21:14.46Kirkburnargh, I type too fast for my own good ... \o/
21:14.54zenzelezzthe only way my bird goes to Un'goro is if I tell it to
21:15.01cogwheelIf you fly from Theramore to CH, it'll go through marshal's, but flying directly from gadget it doesn't.
21:15.05cogwheel(at least for me)
21:15.06KirkburnActually, I don't recall it going via Marshal's Refuge either :P
21:15.09zenzelezzcogwheel: not for me
21:15.21zenzelezzI go straight from Gadgetzan to CH no matter where I come from
21:15.23cogwheelvery strange...
21:15.39PlorkyeranAlliance or Horde?
21:15.54Kirkburn(alliance here too)
21:18.56TainI'd like to see HOrde fly from Theramore. :)
21:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
21:32.49Mr_Rabies2kept knight for 3 weeks of no pvp
21:33.10Mr_Rabies2i should really get the 4 pieces of the pvp gear
21:33.21Mr_Rabies2for the run speed increase
21:33.49Mr_Rabies2but i'm so lazy
21:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Chickflick (
21:39.37Industrialok feck it im going full pvp for rep
21:39.37Industriallevel 52
21:59.44cogwheelwb, cladhaire
22:01.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:15.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
22:15.12*** part/#wowi-lounge MikkZzz (
22:17.17cogwheelwb, Cairenn
22:17.39Cairennthanks cogwheel
22:24.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
22:26.45Kasommm, croissants
22:27.02MeryUhm I just saw a tv report about Second Life and it looks horrible boring, did I miss something?
22:27.40TainSecond Life isn't really a game so much as an online environment.
22:28.20Meryok so I missed nothing =P
22:28.27cogwheelThe content is created by the "residents" not by the company.
22:28.49Meryand then sold for (ingame / real life) money...
22:29.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Univ (
22:38.58MeryI got a table consiting of subtables and want to sort it by a value in the subtables, I gotta do it manually right?
22:42.22MentalPoweris the primary table integer indexed?
22:42.45*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
22:43.02MentalPowerthen you can use table.sort() with a compare function
22:43.21Meryhmm k gotta look it up =) thanks
22:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:50.54Merywow that was easy :)
22:52.41MentalPowerI personally like multi-conditional sorts :)
23:09.04cogwheelWTB working forums
23:12.18cogwheelWTB someone to type something so I don't think my internet connection is going down again :(
23:13.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
23:14.59KirkburnHehe, Tseric is responsible for all +healing related matters!
23:15.12KirkburnCommence your flaming? :P
23:16.28cogwheelI love his signatures.
23:16.30GryphenYou are dumb Kirkburn
23:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
23:27.18Guillotinethe wowwiki post is showing 2 of the same avatars
23:27.33Guillotinethere we go, it fixed
23:35.07KirkburnI feel it important we make sure is as 'accurate' as possible :P
23:35.11Guillotineyou scared the living hell out of me :( somehow my computer's sound got all the way turned up and when you said my name... BUZZZZ
23:36.41Kirkburn(I should mention, of all the CMs, Aeus is the most addon-positive one out there - bar slouken - he frequently talks about what ones he uses and helps others with theirs.)
23:36.53Kirkburn(So you must all love and cherish him!)
23:39.11Guillotinehmm. anybody know how to install lua on a computer? I downloaded it and it has all the .c and .h files, but I don't have C on this computer :/
23:39.54*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
23:41.31cladhaireGuillotine: luabinaries
23:41.32cladhaireon luaforge
23:41.42Guillotinety much ^_^
23:41.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
23:42.57cladhairethats my compiled versino, compiled exactly as the WoW lua is compiled in BC.
23:43.00cladhaireincluding strsplit and strjoin
23:43.21TemEnd, <3
23:43.56Endyes cladhaire?
23:44.05EndTem: :)
23:44.33cladhaireall the cool kids are pulling their maps now =)
23:44.45EndI tried overlaying the world map stuff over the minimap textures, but it doesn't look as cool
23:44.56Endso I hid the minimap textures for that screeny
23:44.57TainI've been pulling my map for years.
23:45.46TainHey clad weren't you going to let expire so I could steal it?
23:47.26TemEnd, so, do you have a version of that sexyness available for download?
23:47.41Endnot yet
23:48.01Endwell, technically, you could grab it off of my svn server, but the world map code acts a little odd right now >_<
23:48.09Tem(also, does anyone else feel themselves get stupider every time they see an amp'd commercial?)
23:49.38TainI just had 5,6,7,8,9,10,J in Hold'em.

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