irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061020

00:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:07.11ckknighthey all
00:07.31Cairennhi ckknight
00:12.09KirkburnBo-diddly-oh, ckknight =)
00:15.04GuillotineKaso: I thought elixir of giant growth and firewater no longer stacked
00:15.19Kasoi didnt use Giant growth in that picture
00:15.33GuillotineWhat's "Grow" then?
00:15.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
00:15.44KasoSen'jin village thing
00:15.56Guillotineahhh. lucky horde...
00:16.12Kasoforgot i had my HS set there
00:18.02Kasomy plan is to stack firewater giant growth senjin buff Orange and larger and skelton, all ontop of a rediculously big mount
00:18.18Guillotinegiant growth doesn't stack with firewater any more :(
00:18.30Kasoare they both the same size increase?
00:19.08Kasowell ive got a stack of growth pots, but only 1 fiirewater, that stuff is hard to get :< so ill use the growth pots
00:23.52KirkburnPeople make some odd RP chars - one guy seems to have made a whore and a prostitute as his (with background!) :/
00:25.37KirkburnBtw, beta guys - I put up a BC beta for ClearFont yesterday :)
00:25.52KirkburnI like that map, Kaso
00:27.02Kasoyeh its nice, ive had it a while, it was an old school, textured replaced one, i converted it myselg
00:27.26KirkburnTis funky!
00:27.42KirkburnFit well with mods with minimap buttons, too
00:28.28Kasothats it
00:28.38Kasobut as i say, its an old style one
00:31.27Kirkburnzomg oooooold :)
00:32.57Kasoi like old addons :>
00:33.04Kasoim using 1700 version of Telo's SelfCast
00:35.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten__ (
00:38.35Kasoha ha i look like a Devilsaur
00:40.36KirkburnI hear Fel Reavers are the new Devilsaur
00:41.12Kasomm, that does loook mighty large
00:41.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
00:43.16Qzot~seen Cairenn
00:43.27purlcairenn is currently on #wowi-lounge (17h 5m 3s) #wowace (17h 5m 3s). Has said a total of 48 messages. Is idling for 35m 56s, last said: 'hi ckknight'.
00:43.38QzotGrr. What's the command to check someone's status. My memory leaks...
00:45.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
00:48.39Kasowell that was fun
00:51.38Guillotinehaha, thats awesome Kaso
00:57.21Mr_Rabies2woo top of healing on ony
01:00.32Mr_Rabies2with a pug :P
01:00.42Mr_Rabies2i outgeared most every one of em
01:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
01:11.17Kasoraiding in a pug sounds like my idea of hell
01:12.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:12.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
01:25.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
01:25.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
01:29.34KasoSo, anyone have an opinon on the new priest racials
01:30.53Guillotinewell, I was hoping they'd stop going with alliance=pve, horde=pvp
01:30.59cogwheelcladhaire: tooltips for PerfectRaid in 3 lines of code:  Call UnitFrame_OnEnter at the end of your OnEnter... UnitFrame_OnLeave in your OnLeave.  frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", UnitFrame_OnUpdate) when you're creating the frames :)
01:31.48ckknightKaso, link me
01:33.07KasoBE :
01:34.35ckknightTouch of Weakness was already undead
01:34.52Kasoyes, each of the new races got one of the old racials
01:35.10ckknightthat's lame
01:35.47Kasoin otherwords : Alliance gets another fear ward, and a 900 mana tide, horde get *touch of crapness* and 900ish mana to the priest
01:36.15ckknightthe consume gets rid of a buff, though :-P
01:36.18ckknightwhich is lame
01:36.29Kasorenew rank 1, consume :>
01:36.50cladhairecogwheel: Feel free to commit it if you want =)
01:36.59cladhairei'll re-zip and release :P
01:37.05ckknightah, fair enough, kaso
01:37.06cogwheelmeh... i'm too lazy to set up SVN :P
01:37.08ckknightstill lame, imho
01:37.08cladhairei dont even have that versino of PR checked out :P
01:37.38cogwheelI just downloaded the latest from wowi, myself
01:38.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
01:45.32cladhairecogwheel: would you grab a zip for me quick and test it out?
01:45.35cladhaireif it works i'll commit it
01:46.51cladhaireworks fo rme
01:47.26cladhairei can put it someone else if you need, i'm just being lazy
01:47.35cogwheelok... i got it that time
01:50.51cladhairecogwheel: Should havea  /praid tooltips
01:50.56cladhairebut its on by default imo
01:51.24cogwheelyep. it's working :)
01:52.28cladhairek, i'll commit it
01:52.34cladhaireis it worth adding an "in combat" option somwehere?
01:52.53cladhaireso the tooltip is only shown OOC?
01:53.08cladhairei.e. /praid tooltip {on,off,ooc}?
01:53.12cladhairemeh i'm lazy
01:53.14cogwheelnah... i like having the tooltip available so i can see where people are
01:53.20cogwheelif they're not nearby
01:53.56cladhaireima toss it up on wowi
01:54.07Kasowho was it who said he was going to make a addon that'd replace crit etc ratings on tooltips to show %.
02:08.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
02:19.12malrethGET IT!
02:19.26Thunder_Childit's because your mal
02:20.04malreth~x sp en mal
02:20.29malrethhowdy howdy howdy everyone
02:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
02:20.37Cairennhi malreth
02:20.40Thunder_Child~emulate malreth
02:20.43purlas long as it's not anal-related, it's fine
02:26.36Cairennit's okay malreth, you're safe here, this isn't the nasty forums
02:27.02Thunder_ChildCair, i dont think he needs any more pills....
02:28.37malrethgoodness no... no more pills
02:29.21Thunder_Childhows the herbal stuff doing for you....or are we seeing examples of it?
02:43.17*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-5ac12781f8876687)
02:45.22malrethgive me a hot plate of doom and the maiden cry of the chicken raccoon and a virgin's zipper... don't forget to tip her.
02:46.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:47.21Thunder_Childah, the feces has hit the rotary blades now
02:49.36Thunder_Childwho is the "hmm?" direct to?
02:49.49Thunder_Childaka, the shit has hit the fan
02:50.13Thunder_Childin regards to mal
02:50.31CairennI know the expression, was just wondering what you were referring to was all
02:52.22malrethwb, Iriel
02:53.31Thunder_Childcant cast or mount while in a "costume"
02:53.48malrethdepends on the costume
02:54.04malrethyeah, that and the bat
02:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
02:54.23Thunder_Childi am conciderd "shapeshifted" and silenced
02:55.20malrethbut you can cast if you're a pirate or ninja
02:55.40Thunder_Childif you become both a pirate and a ninja does wow explode?
03:01.33Arrowmasterlol i just flooded half my raid offline because of damage meters
03:02.10Arrowmasterapparently even having chatthrottlelib in the new damage meters doesnt protect it from /dmsync e
03:02.35Thunder_Childtell em to get better connections
03:12.42*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
03:22.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
03:31.41*** join/#wowi-lounge FISKER_Q (i=blah2@
03:40.41*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:53.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge spahrep (
03:57.29*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
04:04.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:12.52GuillotineI think Tem broke into my house. I went afk for laundry and when I came back WoW had crashed :(
04:13.19Temyou guys not in the beta are missing the greatest bug ever
04:13.30Temwhen you target a female naga, there is some kind of model animation bug
04:13.33Temyou crash instantly
04:13.39Temit's so hillarious
04:13.43Guillotinecan't be better than in-combat instant kodo mount for paladins
04:14.10Guillotinethen again, maybe from Tem's point of view...
04:14.15Guillotine~emulate Tem
04:14.23purlDammit, that's it. I'm breaking a new [something]!
04:14.23TemI can't allow myself into zangarmarsh (the zone that has some naga casters) because I can't resist clicking on them
04:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
04:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
04:22.37cogwheel|Vaelsomebody can't fit through the door 'cause he's wearing a hallows eve costume. rl?
04:23.54cogwheel|Vaelin game
04:24.01cogwheel|Vaelat the ironforge in... he can't leave...
04:27.32Thunder_Child~slap Blizzard
04:27.34purlACTION slaps Blizzard, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
04:27.44Guillotinewhat costume is that?
04:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge InterSlayer (
04:32.19InterSlayerAnyone know how you would port "ClearTarget()" function for TBC to work with Esc? :P
04:33.01Guillotinedoesn't Esc automatically clear the target by default?
04:33.06Guillotineor is that changed in TBC?
04:33.10InterSlayerI'm trying to fix CombatStats
04:33.24InterSlayerwhich intercepts Esc, and closes itself if its open and so forth
04:33.50InterSlayerso i am just trying to fix that one line but aren't sure how =p
04:36.10Guillotinedon't think you could do that in combat anymore
04:41.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
04:42.45Guillotineg2g. gn all :)
05:14.54Cairennnight guys
05:15.58Cairenn|sleepInterSlayer: feel free to toss it up to WoWI as well, hey?
05:16.10InterSlayerit's nto my mod tho :P
05:16.15InterSlayerits ctmods area, didn't seem right lol
05:16.36InterSlayerits under the CTMod comments section in TBC though
05:21.11Thunder_Childback in 20 right?
05:21.19Cairenn|sleephope not =/
05:21.29Thunder_Childno kissing, Night
05:21.37Cairenn|sleepbe nice if I could actually sleep for a change
05:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
05:23.39Thunder_Childhmmm..doesnt work as well when he isnt around....
05:32.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
05:52.04*** part/#wowi-lounge InterSlayer (
06:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
06:37.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
06:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:00.21IrielI posted some test code for the secure state header
07:01.33Thunder_Childshowoff :)
07:01.58IrielIt's more to give people an idea of how it works (albeit currently very poorly documented examples)
07:02.12Thunder_Childi know, but i had to say SOMETHING
07:03.03Thunder_Childguess i should have said, Thanks for you hard work and effort to "show" an explanation
07:03.13Thunder_Childbut wheres the fun in that.....
07:03.30Iriel"Ooh neat" works. 8-)
07:03.46Thunder_Childi'll remebr that then...
07:08.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
07:08.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
07:12.16|FF|Im2good4uoO i just got a nice addon idea idunno if its fully legal but its nice anway :P
07:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:13.59|FF|Im2good4uWOWIRC :P
07:20.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:20.28ckknighthey all
07:36.47|FF|Im2good4uwill variables be saved i u use unload addon on some addon ?
07:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
07:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:49.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
08:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy2 (
08:24.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
08:29.22*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
08:31.29|FF|Im2good4udoes someone know where the dranie of blodelves going to spawn? since thay cant spwn in outlnd becasei ts way to high level
08:31.58ckknightI do
08:32.00ckknightI know
08:32.37Thunder_Childisland paridise!!
08:32.43Thunder_Childwell if i could spell
08:32.52ckknightwell, the Draenei are on island paradise
08:33.00ckknightthe Blood Elves aren't, really
08:33.10ckknightwell, actually, they do need to go across a bridge...
08:33.19ckknightso maybe you could say they start on an island
08:33.54|FF|Im2good4ubut that not in outland ?
08:34.26ckknightno, Draenei start on an island off of Kalimdor
08:34.36ckknightand Blood Elves start in northeast Eastern Kingdoms
08:34.39Thunder_Childonly thing in outland is 60+
08:47.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dreft (
09:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
09:12.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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09:51.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:03.49AnduinLotharneed a little feedback
10:04.24AnduinLotharif you have two colluns, each a contexually identical list of sets
10:04.53AnduinLotharand you click on the right collumn to move the set to the bangs and left collumn to move to the bank
10:05.12AnduinLotharwhat would the expected highlighting be?
10:05.46|FF|Im2good4udunno its hard to read your profesional english words ąP
10:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
10:06.13AnduinLothar! just had an idea
10:06.30AnduinLotharthem being independantly scrollable is confusing
10:06.43AnduinLotharI should have them act like a single scroll frame
10:15.05|FF|Im2good4uyeh wel.
10:19.20*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
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10:41.42*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-8ccfd3157c289cae)
10:59.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
11:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:30.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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12:40.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
12:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
12:46.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
12:46.11|FF|Im2good4uhi Beladona
12:46.31|FF|Im2good4udo u think its alowed to send data to wow tru the saved variables =
12:48.58Merysaved variables only saves on logout / reloadui
12:49.23|FF|Im2good4uyes so i just got to reload the ui every minute
12:49.24Merythere is no (allowed) way to get data in/out in realtime (by design)
12:49.43Meryreloadui needs a hardware event (keypress)
12:50.23|FF|Im2good4uthat sux its way to protected ąP
12:51.05Meryit wasn't 2 years ago, but they closed eveything now I think.
12:51.22|FF|Im2good4ubut isnt it evne posable buy having 2 addons A and B B is small and simpel and has 1 saved variable while A unloads - loads B every minute ?
12:51.39Meryyou cannot unload an addon
12:51.47|FF|Im2good4unot =
12:53.34|FF|Im2good4uhmm i see i can only disable an addon DisableAddOn
12:53.59|FF|Im2good4uwell here goes the idea of the greatest addon ever .......
12:57.20|FF|Im2good4uthen i will never have wow irc
12:57.22Merybecause nobody ever had ideas like that before =P
12:57.44|FF|Im2good4uofc not i was the first
12:57.50Meryand that is (there was a post somewhere) also by design as Blizzard wants to have full control over the chat happening in their game
12:57.55|FF|Im2good4ui as gona be halla populair whit that addon
12:58.03|FF|Im2good4umy paypal would be streamnig whit money
12:58.32zenzelezzuntil you got sued
13:00.25|FF|Im2good4ubasicly i want gona make a chat server ąP it was for perosnal usage for the irc u are on to tlak to nd recieve chats from ąP
13:01.07|FF|Im2good4ui got a few other nice addnos in the make i need to finih them some day
13:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
13:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
13:29.25Beladonayou were gonna chanrge people for this?
13:32.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
13:32.48*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
13:48.30Mery - I dunno, but I really laughed in real life after seeing their new "emergency monitor" ...
13:49.48krkalol, that's funny
13:49.58Josh_BorkeMery: well, their new emergency monitor is far superior to skein
13:50.32Merywell I have seen the "part 2" and I dunno more as you can't read the forums without registering
13:50.59Merybut even the idea to fill the screen with lines of different color and every unit twice is somewhat funny
13:53.51Galenciathats horrid.
13:54.00Galenciaraid ui mods fill up the screen terribly as it is
13:54.24XuerianThe skein thing is horrible, but the sort bar one isn't actually TOO bad.
13:56.40Galenciawean yourself off of "emergency monitors" instead
13:56.48Galenciaplay the game, not bars
13:57.09Galenciaor that
13:57.27XuerianGalencia: The biggest use of emons I make is Squishy's aggro monitoring, otherwise, my game is still bars....
13:57.30XuerianVarious color bars.
13:57.36XuerianVarious shape bars... Bars left, bars right...
13:57.48XuerianIt's called being a healer :)
13:58.38NeeblerWell with 25 in a raid now. you wont need an emergency monitor if you have a healer in each group
13:59.27Josh_Borkewhack-a-mole is fun :-D
13:59.59XuerianNeebler: That's if your group heals on a per-group basis.
14:00.13XuerianBut I still agree one won't be needed :P.. (So long as PRaid gets aggro indicators...)
14:00.13Josh_Borkeso much fun that i rolled a paladin first then a priest second...
14:01.15GalenciaXuerian: if aggro shifts around so much, perhaps you need a better raid. :)
14:01.30Galenciaaguf raid frames and clique always suited me pretty fine
14:01.50XuerianGalencia: Or perhaps I'm not always playing in a left, left, left right left, instance ;)
14:01.52Galenciahealing with emergency monitors is the dullest thing in the whole wide world ever
14:02.15GalenciaXuerian: such as?
14:02.23XuerianAQ20. ZG.
14:02.25Galenciaive healed in every instance there is, without emergency monitor
14:02.31XuerianGalencia: Please pay attention
14:02.35XuerianI'm not arguing emons :)
14:02.43XuerianOnly that little red tick that's actually a embed :p
14:03.18XuerianErk, sorry though, that was really snide, didn't mean that offensively ._.
14:03.19Galenciayou shoudl try aguf_banzai ;)
14:03.45XuerianGalencia: If I used aguf for raids, I would. ;P
14:04.13Galenciano but seriously, the hp drop alone is more than enough to get a response out of me
14:04.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
14:04.30Josh_BorkeMikk: morning
14:04.46XuerianYep, but with a attack speed of about 3, you can get a heal going that will land right when the first hits do, if you see aggro
14:05.10Galenciathey can also drink a healing or invuln pot :D
14:05.22XuerianYes, they can, or I could heal them for free ;)
14:05.23Galenciaand besides, PW:S is instant :p
14:05.28XuerianAnd I'm not a druid.
14:05.34XuerianPriest. Or awake.
14:05.35Galenciasucks to be you :)
14:05.45XuerianNot really. I can actually kill stuff ;)
14:05.46Galenciareroll real healer class!
14:05.57XuerianHaha, I don't -want- to be a actually healer class.
14:06.16Mikkmorning josh
14:06.16XuerianI enjoy letting the priests take the brunt of the work ;)
14:07.16XuerianAnd the paladins ;P
14:07.24Galenciarespec swiftmend! :p
14:07.29XuerianFuck no. :p
14:07.57XuerianAmen :P
14:07.58MikkI'm out-tanking and out-dpsing everyone =)
14:07.59Galenciawell if you care that much about healing someone instead of them dying, you should spec for it, rather than letting your ui take away the work :)
14:08.05Galenciaand if you dont care that much, well, dont care :D
14:08.51XuerianGalencia: You overestimate me. I don't care for them so much as I don't want the blame for not healing them. So I want to do it right, and having 300-500ms latency makes it hard for me. I jump for every advantage I can ;)
14:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
14:09.57Galenciawell caring about not getting whined at counts as caring ^^
14:10.19XuerianFine. I care. But the rest applies.
14:10.57Galenciaperhaps you should get less slacking priests
14:11.00Galenciaor, blame them when peopel die
14:11.07Galencia"he can heal you instantly, i cant!"
14:11.30XuerianThey aren't slacking priests, and I don't blame other people for my shortcomings ;P
14:11.51axxowe do.
14:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:12.36Galenciawell perhaps the raid leader(s) isnt making full use of the healing classes as they could
14:12.44Galenciawow that sentance was broken in so many ways
14:12.59WobinAt least in my case, everyone in our raid has horrific latency
14:13.03XuerianGalencia: I get your point, but my raid is fine.
14:13.15WobinWell, horrific by american standards
14:13.18Galenciaand i get yours
14:13.20XuerianAs a feral druid who cannot effectively feral in raids, I'm expected to heal
14:13.23Galenciabut you may have to adapt
14:13.26Galenciacome tbc
14:13.27XuerianSo I'm counted as a healer.
14:13.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:13.54XuerianI know we'll have to adapt :P
14:14.30XuerianWobin: I probably run with the same latency as yours. Oceanic, meet dialup.
14:14.56XuerianHehe, I remember
14:15.02WobinThat's our group's logo
14:15.27Xuerianlol, that's me in every 40-man where more than 1/4 the people move around :P
14:30.56*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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14:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:03.06malrethgood thing i have 300 enchanting
15:06.25axxotime to buy all enchanting comps you can find in AH
15:06.32axxoprices are gonna sky roket
15:07.40malrethi keep a stash of mats on my enchanter
15:08.06axxoi sold all mine
15:08.07Galenciamaybe enchanters will actually start to be able to make money..
15:08.10axxoepic dragon here i come
15:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:08.45Galenciahaving said that, enchanting isnt exactly hard to skill
15:08.49Galenciaif you still wanna d/e, just level it up
15:08.59axxothere are just to many enchanters
15:09.18Galenciait just stops people making level 5 alts just to de things
15:09.23*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:09.29Galenciawhich is a Good Thing, because thats abusing the 2 profession slots
15:09.41axxoits just blizzard having their head up something
15:10.21axxounless they allow disenchanting through trade
15:10.33nevcairielthat wouldnt change anything
15:10.43axxoalot of ppl will drop a gather one every once and a while to de bop things
15:10.48Galenciawell you cant disenchant bops now anyway with an enchanting alt
15:10.56Galenciaso that doesnt change anything
15:11.07axxoalot of ppl will drop mining/herbing for d/e
15:11.14Galenciayes, and they'll have to level it up
15:11.17axxoonce every blue moon
15:11.18Galenciatheres nothing bad in that
15:11.26axxoyou can't do that anymore in the new system.
15:11.33nevcairielevery raider changes to d/e once a year to diss the "old" epics, well guess we have to sell them now
15:11.56Galenciathats abusnig the system and its a good thing its being stopped :)
15:12.00nevcairieldepends how many you collected tho, maybe leveling de is more effective for 100 nexus
15:12.11Galencianow you'll have to level both professions, as it should be
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15:12.20Galenciait woul dbe like dropping tailoring every 3 days when you want to make a mooncloth
15:12.37axxono its not
15:12.39nevcairielbasicly i like the change, its finally giving the enchanters a new chance
15:12.43Galenciaor dropping switching between alchemy when you want to transmute
15:12.45Galenciasure it is
15:13.04Mery<- was crazy enough to lvl tailoring for the fire resist gloves... (and friendly tb rep with solo farming runs in BRD)
15:13.34MeryI guess the high end raider will level enchanting
15:13.38axxoi went to 300 tailor in a day and dropped it the next day
15:13.41Meryto d/e his old gear
15:14.10zenzelezzI don't bother with that
15:14.39malrethThe Ashbringer...
15:14.42Meryzenzelezz: only depends on the price of the crystals =P
15:15.15zenzelezzI don't care what the price is, I just don't bother with (dis)enchanting
15:15.24axxod/e comps from lvl 45-50 are allready insanely expensive, because nobody is that level
15:15.30malrethfor all we know, nexus crystals will grow from trees in the Outlands
15:15.42axxothey are going to triple even more with this change
15:15.59axxomalreth: yes, but there will a new 'nexus'
15:16.02Galenciadont like it? reroll enchanting :)
15:16.12Merywell level 45 to 50 may be solo farmable with level 70
15:16.22axxothats not the point.
15:16.23Galenciaguess what people who dont like paying for leather do? they roll skinning!
15:16.35Galenciaguess what peopel who dont like paying for flowers do...
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15:16.52malrethno... they get their fiancee to roll skinning and give them leather for free!
15:17.38malrethThe Ashbringer...
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16:45.19tyroney|workok, is there a quick fix already for the broken alt-cast in 2.0?  (used to work only with bindings, currently works only with clicks)
17:01.14Beladonano fix for alt-cast yet. It seems to be an issue with the function itself as implemented within the engine, and not something that can be fixed in lua
17:01.32Beladonathey are already working on a fix for it tho
17:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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17:05.09tyroney|workHas anyone played with the updown secure template?  I'm hoping to get it working on a binding.  (not a click)  Honestly, I haven't sat down to learn secure anything yet.  Maybe I should just do some of that first.
17:08.16IrielI wrote it, does that count?
17:11.12IrielWhat are you trying to do with it?
17:12.11Hexarobiconquer the globe
17:16.01wereHamsterdoes anyone know a mpq tool that works under linux?
17:16.28IrielI've failed so far to find one that actually works 8-(
17:18.21wereHamster'Ladik's MPQ Editor' works fine under wine..
17:20.17IrielFor those of us without wine the lack of a proper mpq library for linux is a pain point 8-(
17:20.58PlorkyeranWell, there's a library, just no program that uses it
17:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:21.24wereHamsterI once found a mpq-tool for linux, but it didn't work with the WoW files
17:21.39malrethpossibly nsfw...
17:22.07PlorkyeranIf you know C++ you could probably write a quick CLI thing with StormLib fairly quickly
17:22.14Kirkburnlol :
17:22.19tyroney|workiriel: my ol' flip the action bar while holding a key trick.  Though I'm not convinced I can pull that off yet.
17:22.33Tullerthat should work, at least I think
17:22.38tyroney|workSo, what's the name of the big things that sneak up and kill people in the outlands?
17:22.42tyroney|workOr just a screenshot
17:23.20Irieltyroney|work: That's what I created the UpDown template to do - so it should work just fine
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17:23.30KirkburnFel Reaver
17:23.43malrethgorram reavers
17:24.27Kirkburnmalreth, I like your earlier link :P
17:24.28Tullerthe only thing I have a feeling is broken is ranged based paging
17:25.15malrethmy friend sent me that link
17:25.18malreththat pic, rather
17:25.24malrethit's from an actual book
17:25.54malreththe dialog on the left page is funny. she says that line in english and her friend/sister? says "WRONG!!!!"
17:25.56Xuerianlol, malreth.
17:26.16tyroney|workSo will I need to make a button, bind a key to it, and then set the onmouseup and onmousedown to the functions of my choice?  Or set them straight to ChangeActionbarPage(#)?
17:27.51IrielHm, changing /the/ actionbar page is a bit trickier, now that it's off in its own special place.
17:28.12Iriel(versus changing an AddOn's actionbar page equivalent)
17:30.25malrethpurl, reavers is <reply>Eating people alive? Where's that get fun?
17:30.27purlokay, malreth
17:31.22Cairennlike purl doesn't already have enough useless crap programmed in, now we're going to start adding firefly references?
17:31.27malretheverytime we pull lava packs in MC, all the firefly quotes come out
17:31.44XuerianEVERYTHING can use more firefly references :)
17:33.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral|2 (
17:33.13KirkburnWhat's Firefly? :)
17:34.09malreth~wiki Firefly TV Series
17:34.12Cairennmalreth: we've noticed that you duck
17:37.32Cairennspeaking of quacks, I think your doctor (or whoever put you on these "herbs") must be one
17:40.26malrethhey, it wakes me up in the morning and keeps me from passing out when i get home from work...
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17:41.36purlEating people alive? Where's that get fun?
17:41.53purlEating people alive? Where's that get fun?
17:42.05malrethoh wel
17:45.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
17:46.22Ratbert_CPAnyone here know a good way to tell if a given weapon is usable by the player?  Specifically, if they have the appropriate weapon skill.
17:47.28Neeblers/testin/purl is a dumb bot/
17:47.34Neeblerhardy har har
17:48.06Neebler~emulate iriel
17:48.07purlI have 2 part-time gnomes, perl, and java, which do some of the heavy lifting, but they require constant supervision.
17:49.19malreth~emulate purl
17:49.21purlACTION has left #wowi-lounge (Enough is enough!)
17:49.38zenzelezzman... ever since my guild started doing Naxxramas, everyone has a macro saying "/me thinks %t is a slack-jawed daffodil."... and they're in heavy use
17:50.17Neebler~8ball Will I use the default UI for longer than a day after the expansion comes out?
17:50.23Neeblergood to know
17:50.57malrethcorrect. the servers will crash on release day and you won't be able to log in... therefore, you will not be using the default UI
17:51.26Neeblercrash from 500,000+ people rolling bloodelves
17:51.42malreththey sexy
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17:52.25malrethprepare yourself for weeks of nekkid elves dancing on mailboxes in Orgrimmar
17:53.28Neeblerlink please!
17:53.40malrethRatbert_CP: is the weapon in the character's inventory or what?
17:54.01malrethyou might be able to scan the tooltip for the red text that indicates what skill is needed
17:54.05Ratbert_CPmalreth: Yes, but in theory, any weapon for which I have a link
17:54.18malrethwell, tooltip scanning is one way
17:54.32XuerianRatbert_CP: Scan the tooltip. And this IS a UI help chatroom, but sometimes, we just choose to ignore you. :)
17:54.43malrethonly you, though...
17:54.44Ratbert_CPI was also thinking of creating a mapping from weapon skill to weapon subclass
17:54.49malrethAnd that Thunder_Child guy
17:55.08Ratbert_CPWell, I'm used to being ignored.  I have a 3 year old who found the TV...
17:55.19malrethit'll make him autistic
17:55.52Ratbert_CPIf by "autistic" you mean "spastic and over-energized", it's already happened... :)
17:56.24malrethdoes he spend time with friends? does he ever go out?
17:56.24Ratbert_CPOf course, that could also be a by-product of dealing with an 8 moth old sister who has moved in on his attention allotment...
17:56.44Ratbert_CPmalreth: By that definition, *I'm* autistic...
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17:57.04malrethyou should see a doctor then
17:57.19malrethanyways, i think tooltip scanning will be the easiest solution
17:57.27ckknighthey all
17:57.38Ratbert_CPI have.  Besides excersizing and eating smarter, they were willing to give me Wellbutrin for my ADD...
17:58.10Ratbert_CPProbably so...  I'll have to look into how to get the color of that text...
18:00.02malreththere will be a color code for read before the text... c|FFFF0000 or something like that
18:00.34Ratbert_CPAnd it *should* be the first line, right text, right?
18:01.07malrethdunno off the top of my head... sorry.
18:04.26malrethgah... it's friday before I go on a 5 day weekend for vacation... and I'm really reluctant to make any changes to the servers or labs that might break something
18:12.45Kirkburnhehehe HE
18:12.57malrethtrivia note: did you know there is a green skinned tiger texture in the game's mpqs... the texture is titled "cringer"
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18:18.56malrethyeah, here's the green-skinned tiger:
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19:00.43malrethworld of warcraft? taht game blew... u culdnt macro urself to greatness
19:02.29Thunder_Childif the future of games is about macroing....i say i dont want that future and nuke the plaent now
19:03.22malrethI, personally, don't want to live in a world where children can spell "greatness" but can't even spell "you".
19:03.24BeladonaI knew a guy in an old guild that had that mentality
19:03.44Beladonato become uber, he would afk macro every single day
19:03.56Thunder_Childunless you becomes officialy changed yo u
19:03.59malrethwhat, in the BGs?
19:04.08Beladonaand still does as far as I know
19:04.10malrethi hate those people
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19:19.23tyroney|workanyone: good (free) lan party games?  Maybe up to 16 people.
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19:20.02tyroney|workI have: quake, scorch 3d, zap, armagetron, bzflag, xblast, xpilot, freeciv
19:20.47tyroney|workSadly some of the attendees don't play WoW, or we could just all jump on our lan part guild.
19:21.00zenzelezzGTA can be pretty fun
19:25.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
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19:29.41malrethall hail our new forum troll, Faithkills!
19:30.11malrethhe's fanatically fallacious!
19:33.51Cideat least he can spell properly most of the time :)
19:34.04malrethhmm... true dat
19:34.20malreththese forum trolls...
19:34.31malreththey don't really show up here in the channel, do they?
19:35.05malrethi mean... sometimes, someone will wonder in here complaining about such and such
19:35.17malrethand we'll beat them into sanity
19:35.18Thunder_Childor if they do, they come in under an assumed name
19:35.32Thunder_Childand keep their trap shut
19:35.36malrethbut they eventually understand... and stop arguing
19:35.58malrethwell... maybe they understand
19:36.05malrethat the very least, they stop arguing
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19:45.21malrethooh... let the theorycrafting begin:
19:47.02malreth2210 critical rating will give you 100% chance to crit at lv 70
19:47.08malrethshould be doable.
19:48.19malrethwell, assuming zero resilience on your target
19:51.15Thunder_Childand is it even possable to get 2210 crit rating?
19:51.33Thunder_Childi doubt it
19:51.34malrethi don't know... but imma gunna find out!
19:54.38zenzelezzI read that the new system was to *prevent* people from reaching 100% and the like
19:54.54zenzelezzso I'm almost certain you can't, except perhaps temporarily by abilities
19:55.26Thunder_Childwell as far as i know no one could get 100% crit before anyways
20:09.01malrethit'd be nice if as soon as you canceled your account, blizzard removed your forum posting privs
20:09.34malrethno more "i'm gonna hold my breath 'til i pass out" posts
20:15.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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20:26.36malrethwb, Cairenn
20:27.25ckknighthey all
20:27.32malrethhey, ckknight
20:29.08malrethi have concluded that this ckknight is a false ckknight
20:30.47Cairennmust be, has stayed connected for too long
20:31.50ckknightI have to leave in like 8 minutes
20:31.59ckknightclass at :45
20:32.49Thunder_Child*sniff* you never have any more time for us ckknight__
20:33.19ckknightdo something worthwhile, like test AceHook-2.1
20:33.23ckknightthen I might find time
20:34.12Thunder_Childtes it in what manner?
20:36.29ckknightwrite something
20:36.31ckknighttry to break
20:37.40ckknightif you're in the beta, use the TBC branch
20:37.44ckknightotherwise use the trunk
20:39.23ckknightwell, off to Theory of Computation
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21:07.28Josh_Borkebye all
21:08.06Cairennlater Josh_Borke
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22:05.41JoshBorkeanyone want to help me test my mod? ^{^
22:06.00Guillotinelink it :)
22:06.29AnduinLotharlol, 'of the falcon'
22:06.35AnduinLothar4 agil, 4 intel
22:06.47JoshBorkepaladin loot!
22:06.52Cairennnot useless to hunters
22:06.53AnduinLotharyeah basicly
22:07.00Cairenn"of the falcon" is my preferred
22:07.01AnduinLotharah ok
22:07.04AnduinLotharhunter loot
22:07.15GuillotineI've seen 'of the falcon' cloth. THAT is useless
22:07.29AnduinLothari have a lvl 22 falcon ring on beta if you want :P
22:07.49Guillotinesure! but I need entry into beta first :(
22:07.51JoshBorkeone sec
22:08.04AnduinLothar Questions? Comments?
22:09.01Guillotinewow, looks awesome anduin
22:09.17Guillotinewhat does it do? o.O
22:09.31AnduinLotharit's a lib. it's doesn't DO anything
22:09.46AnduinLotharit's for use in things like ItemRack/Wardrobe mainly
22:09.51AnduinLotharbut there are other uses
22:10.04GuillotineI was asking josh ;)
22:10.09AnduinLotharI'll put up BankManager in a min
22:10.10Guillotineyours is pretty self-explanatory
22:10.21AnduinLotharthat's cause i wrote docs!
22:10.24JoshBorkeit's an in game information store
22:10.38AnduinLotharheh did you get that finished josh?
22:10.41Guillotinedoes testing it mean that I have to join a guild?
22:10.56Guillotineshouldn't be too hard. priest ftw
22:11.03JoshBorkeon draka?
22:11.07JoshBorkethere's a mod guild there
22:11.17Guillotineya, I'm in it
22:11.21Guillotinebut I'm doing UBRS right now ;)
22:11.27Guillotineor do you need more than one person on to use it?
22:11.35JoshBorkenope, just me and one other person
22:11.38JoshBorkei need to be in a guild with them
22:11.42Guillotineah, ok
22:11.42JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: still working on it :-)
22:11.48GuillotineI'll ditch UBRS then
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22:11.53Guillotinealliance or horde?
22:11.53JoshBorkeno, it's ok
22:11.58JoshBorkego to UBRS
22:12.04Guillotine(its an excuse to leave. we have no tank o.O
22:12.28Guillotinedraka alliance or horde?
22:12.34JoshBorkeup to you :-)
22:12.41Guillotineeither one :)
22:12.42AenslaedIs it possible to change the sound of the fishing splash?
22:13.47Guillotine<- Getfenv
22:20.00JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: i'm a slow modder
22:20.10JoshBorkebut i'm trying to iron out the kinks in the sync protocal
22:20.22AnduinLotharnot suprizing, not easy stuff
22:23.19AnduinLotharwow, that's actaully useful... JC lvl 120 you can make a head with 6mp5 and 6 int for lvl 26
22:27.11Guillotinewow, 6mp5 at level 26?
22:27.21Guillotinetwinking is going to reach a whole new level
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22:35.15JoshBorkeGuillotine: thanks so much
22:35.26Guillotinenp :)
22:35.34Guillotinecan't wait for it to be finished :D
22:36.11JoshBorkefixed the local repo problem :-D surprised no one has mentioned it :-P
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22:45.27JoshBorkedanke :-)
22:45.56AnduinLotharbleh screenshots
22:46.04AnduinLotharalmost as painful as ducs
22:47.50AnduinLotharon the other hand, check out this phatty gun:
22:49.02AnduinLotharwith all those teeth in the middle of his mouth, how does he not bite his tongue?
22:49.56JoshBorkeomg, that makes me hate them all :-(
22:50.13AnduinLothar'them' ?
22:50.24JoshBorkeyou included!
22:50.25Beladonawas that the other night with us?
22:50.31Beladonathat was a nice rifle
22:50.48AnduinLotharnot a bad ss actually. boss dead and cool loot
22:50.55BeladonaI love that boss too
22:51.01AnduinLotharhe's cute now
22:51.03JoshBorkeAL, what pants are those?
22:51.26AnduinLotharum, was i wearing the flametrash from mc to tank?
22:51.44AnduinLotharmmm, maybe i got diff ones
22:51.55BeladonaI so need to get working on an ActionBar replacement / mover, but I wanna play too
22:52.02AnduinLotharnah it's flametrash
22:52.12AnduinLotharbut those boots are from HFC
22:52.32JoshBorkeok, who else wants to help me? ^_^
22:52.37AnduinLotharI have MobileFrame mostly working
22:53.45AnduinLotharlol, i cant screenshot when a frame has keyboard enabled
22:54.15Thunder_Childhelp you how josh?
22:54.34JoshBorkehm, nvm.  i don't really have time now :-(
22:54.49Thunder_Childgeez...just leave ppl hangin like that...
22:55.02JoshBorkeit would be just to log in and tell me when things bug
22:55.12JoshBorkebut i have bugs i don't recognize
22:55.14Thunder_Childok, when you have time
22:57.28JoshBorkethanks though :-)
22:59.32AnduinLotharBankManager Sumbitted
23:00.53JoshBorkebye all :-)
23:01.02Cairennlater Josh
23:01.16JoshBorkeCairenn: thanks for the quick update again :-)
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23:01.54JoshBorkewb Guillotine
23:01.59Guillotinety :)
23:02.13Kasobest error message on a website ever imo :
23:02.30AnduinLotharso, who wants to annotate my BankManger ss's like the Wardrobe ones?
23:03.32Thunder_Childnice Kaso
23:06.02GuillotineAnduin: I'll do it. I'm bored at the moment :/
23:07.00AnduinLothartho you prolly can't actually test it to figure it out
23:07.40AnduinLotharmight be able to whip up a non-bc one..
23:08.28Guillotineawww, its BC only?
23:08.55AnduinLotharatm. tho it shouldn't be too hard to convert back, just you you
23:09.01AnduinLotharjust for you*
23:09.21Guillotineit really looks like an awesome addon
23:10.56Guillotineyou don't need to convert it. I just looked at it and it looks like I can just change it myself. not that big an addon
23:11.46AnduinLotharmmm, WearMe might error
23:13.12AnduinLotharand you'll have to change all the GetItemInfo calls to return 1 less arg
23:13.36Guillotineshouldn't be that hard with a couple searches for GetItemInfo
23:15.53GuillotineitemLevel is the only thing being added in TBC, right?
23:15.59Guillotinein GetItemInfo I mean
23:16.59Guillotineand theres nothing about secure anything in there...
23:17.29AnduinLotharoh actually
23:17.44AnduinLothardid i include SeaHooks embedded in WearMe?
23:18.19AnduinLotharnope, oops
23:18.32Guillotineyou commented all of them out except for about 8
23:20.11Guillotine1822, 1823, 1849, 1850, 1876, 1877, 1895, 1896
23:20.21Guillotinethough every other one is Unhook
23:20.51Guillotinethose are the lines in WearMe where you are using SeaHooks
23:21.14AnduinLotharthat's on purpose
23:21.19GuillotineI know
23:21.38GuillotineI assume the Sea you're using is updated for TBC?
23:21.55XuerianHm....Wonder what Lineage 2 is like.
23:22.05AnduinLotharyou can use 1.12 SeaHooks it's backwards compat for the most part
23:22.06Guillotineso I can just manually hook it all instead of using the sea hooks
23:22.14Guillotineah, ok
23:22.15Thunder_Childit's like Lineage 1?
23:22.46XuerianThunder_Child: Let me rephrase that. "Wonder what Lineage 2 is like, since I've never played Lineage 1 or 2."
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23:23.52GuillotineCairenn: Typo at You said "NWE" instead of "NEW" on the part about IsUsableItem :P
23:26.01AnduinLotharok i fixed wearme and BM to have SeaHooks embedded
23:26.02Cairennfixed on wowi, but the error is actually on Iriel's post on the blizz forum, since I just copy & paste
23:28.08Thunder_Childsee Xuerian, it's so much beeter to be mopre precise
23:28.28XuerianThunder_Child: Excellent example.
23:28.36AnduinLotharGonna go eat. if you get it working Guillotine I might put it up for 1.12
23:28.56AnduinLotharuse is you dont hear from me
23:29.02Thunder_Child~lart Xuerian
23:29.24AnduinLotharYou missed him and hit cair!
23:30.04Xuerian~curse Thunder_Child
23:30.15purlMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, Thunder_Child !
23:30.37Xuerian~literal curse
23:30.38purl"curse" is "<reply> see swearing"
23:30.48IrielCairenn|afk: I'll fix that next time I do an update of the thread from hell
23:33.02ckknight~literal CMD: curse (.*?)
23:33.03purl"cmd: curse (.*?)" is "($1): <reply> May (the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions|you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator), $1 !"
23:34.22Thunder_Childi think purl needs better curses
23:35.08Guillotinethen add them
23:35.46Thunder_Childneed to think of them first
23:36.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
23:49.29GuillotineI'm getting an error with Sea o.O "Interface\Addons\Sea\SeaHooks\sea.util.lua:191:Unexpected symbol near '#'"

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