irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061017

00:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Clashen (i=Clash@
00:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge MikkZzz (
00:08.17*** join/#wowi-lounge mopos (
00:08.40moposGood evening. I don't know if this is the right place to ask but do you know any alternatives to hitsmode?
00:09.37Cairenncheck out simple combat log
00:09.44Cairennsec, getting link
00:10.03moposThank you sir.
00:10.10Cairennand you're welcome
00:10.54moposAlso, do you happen to know if there is an alternative to enemy castbar that will display when for example a warrior is berserkere raged or immune to fear effects? ;)
00:11.51Cairennsomeone else will have to field that one
00:13.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:14.24moposOr can tell me how I make enemy castbar tell me that :)'
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00:15.37Cairennnever used the mod so no idea, sorry
00:17.15moposI just figured it out myself thanks anyways
00:18.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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00:25.14moposCairenn, an option list should come up if you type /scl option?
00:25.35Cairennmopos: don't know, don't actually use it myself, what does the description say?
00:28.38BeladonaIf you have the latest version of sct, I believe typing in /sct actually brings up the options
00:28.46Cairennnot sct bela
00:29.16Cairennsimple combat log
00:29.17Beladonadamn you similar slash commands!
00:30.21Cairenna) does it show up under the addon button on your character select screen?
00:34.24Cairennsorry, not trying to be insulting, but the first step to debugging something is always "is it installed properly and is it enabled"
00:35.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:39.39JoshBorkewowo, that nap ROCKED
00:39.47JoshBorkeok, so, who wanst to help my n00b self?
00:39.55Cairennwelcome back Josh
00:40.34JoshBorkethanks Cairenn :-)
00:40.38JoshBorkei feel much better :-)
00:40.52Tainy r my addons not wrk?!!!??
00:41.11CairennTain: don't make me hurt you
00:42.00BeladonaTain: because addons have a built in intelligence check
00:42.16moposCairenn, Figured it out :)
00:42.21Cairennmopos: good
00:42.36mopos3am, i can go to bed now :)
00:42.39Beladonaand actually, if you think about it, that is true. They do have a built-in intelligence check
00:42.51moposwow it's only 9pm...
00:44.43KirkburnG'night all
00:44.58Cairennnight Kirkburn
00:45.03Kirkburn(wow it's only 2 am =)
00:59.13cogwheel|VaelAnyone have BWL-keyed ally priest on shadowsong?  XD
01:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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01:42.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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01:43.44Mr_Rabies2does anyone know if i can rip nurfed apart to just use its combat log? i have the beta version of the combat log from about a year ago, but it keeps stealing my chat focus if i put it in a new window, and i'm hoping the latest version won't :x
01:45.20Cairennwhy not snag hitsmode or simple combat log instead?
01:50.06Mr_Rabies2because i didnt realize they were similar, cair
01:50.09Thunder_Childdoes the extra*
01:50.14Mr_Rabies2i don't think so, thunder
01:50.51Mr_Rabies2but the hit% is only capped at 5% for a level 60, that puts you at 99% hit, versus a level 61, the cap is 6% i think
01:51.11Thunder_Childok, then +6%
01:51.31Thunder_Childafter you hit the cap does the + to hit translate into + to crit?
01:51.46Mr_Rabies2at +6% hit, you hit 99% of the time versus a level 60, assuming you're not DWing
01:51.53Mr_Rabies2as far as i know, it doesn't do anything
01:51.56CairennMr_Rabies: good reason
01:52.30ClashenThunder_Child, are you dualweilding?
01:52.51Clashenif you're not it's capped at 5% vs lvl60, 8% vs lvl63
01:53.06Mr_Rabies2well hits mode hasn't been updated in a very long time, so let's see if SCL has been
01:53.19Mr_Rabies26/2006, eh, not great, but it'll work i assume
01:53.45Mr_Rabies2some change since, i guess, 1.10 made nurfed's beta log steal chat window focus if it's in a new window
01:53.46Clashenscl works fine for me, apart from the messages that im killing myself
01:54.27Beladona"You should stop hitting yourself in the face!", "You should stop hitting yourself in the face!"
01:54.43Beladonaboy that brings back memories from childhood
01:55.59Clashenthat's sad
01:59.32Beladonacladhaire: omg
02:00.23cladhairetell me about it.
02:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
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02:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
02:09.47Mr_Rabies2what'd i miss?
02:10.01Mr_Rabies2or was that just an autocomplete error? :O
02:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|AQ40 (n=chatzill@
03:11.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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03:45.26JoshBorkenn Cairenn|sleep
03:45.33Cairenn|sleepnight guys
04:06.36Thunder_Childwow outputs messages in the center of the screen at the top, does anyone know of a mod that will let me change where the output is displayed?
04:15.09JoshBorkenn all
04:15.14*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
04:28.42Mr_Rabies2i think you can move it with moveanything
04:28.49Mr_Rabies2but it's a bit buggy
04:31.43Mr_Rabies2i'm surprised there arent any replacements for MA
04:32.28Mr_Rabies2i mean there's mobileframes, but it's not quite like moveanything
04:32.43Mr_Rabies2you can bind something, move over a frame, hit the binding, and drag/resize it
04:33.26Thunder_Childhmm..does that mean dfm would work?
04:34.13Mr_Rabies2discord frame manager or something? :O
04:34.26Mr_Rabies2ah modifier
04:34.32Mr_Rabies2that addon was waaay too advanced for me
04:34.38Thunder_Childreally...i use it
04:34.46Thunder_Childgood stuff
04:34.56Thunder_Childbut it sounds like it can do what i want
04:35.15Mr_Rabies2i can tell you the frame name i think
04:38.19Mr_Rabies2i don't see it in Moveanything and the bind isn't working
04:38.51Thunder_Childand it doesnt show with DFM's "frame finder"
04:38.54Mr_Rabies2Static Popup Frame is what It's calling it
04:39.19Thunder_Childis that the name?
04:39.53Mr_Rabies2i dunno, for certain frames it gives like a long name, like when i use the binding on a button, it does..
04:41.14Thunder_Childhmm..doesnt seem to work
04:43.14Thunder_Childwoot i just crashed wow
04:45.04*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
04:45.26cogwheelThunder_Child: that's Tem's job...
04:45.42Temnot today
04:45.55Temtoday my job is to eat yummy food from my grandmother's house
04:45.59Thunder_Childi was subing for Tem
04:45.59Temand to play wow
04:49.25*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
05:02.17Thunder_Childok, what does this mean? ScriptErrors.Show = function()
05:03.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Silph (
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05:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:16.20ckknighthey all
05:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
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05:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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06:01.13Shadowedapparently hooking ChatFrame_OnEnterPressed wasn't a good idea
06:01.43Thunder_Childdid you join todays list of ppl that crashed wow?
06:02.09Shadowedno, i just couldn't reloadui
06:02.18Shadowedhad to add it to a macro
06:02.29Shadowedi'll need a 3 letter name before i can crash WoW
06:05.28ckknightwhy do you need a 3 letter name to crash wow?
06:09.33MentalPowertem, slouken's real name and a few others that regularly crash wow have three letter names
06:09.43MentalPowerso it was deemed that you needed a three letter name to crash wow
06:10.23Thunder_Childi crashed wow today
06:10.42Thunder_Childthe only 3 letter name i have is ass
06:18.14*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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06:23.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
06:31.41Mr_Rabies2is it alphamap forcing my battle map to stay open?
06:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Aenslaed (
06:43.59Corrodias2gb of ram is like having a big house
06:44.19Corrodiasyou can put a horse in the living room without having to move the couch
06:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:48.14Mr_Rabies2why would you put a horse in the living room?
06:48.29Mr_Rabies2obviously you store horses in the closet unless you're using them
06:48.57Thunder_Childty random things for keeping me interested
07:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:08.10Corrodiascome on baby tell me what's the word up, word up
07:10.29Thunder_Childand randomness strikes again, this time in the form of Corrodias
07:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
07:13.03MentalPower|ZZzznight guys
07:13.35Thunder_Child~night MentalPower|ZZzz
07:13.44purlhave a good night, MentalPower|ZZzz
07:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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08:01.43*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
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08:36.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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08:51.01Corrodiasthis morphvox isn't totally terrible...
08:52.07Corrodiasexcept it seems to have trouble making smooth output. it crackles. maybe that's because i'm running it in a vmware virtual machine, but i kinda doubt it. still, i need to do a field test.
09:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q (i=blah2@
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10:30.09ckknightdid :GetScript("thing") change in TBC?
10:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
10:37.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
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11:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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11:59.21JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
12:00.50Cairennhi JoshBorke
12:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
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12:25.16Josh_Borkemorning...again :-)
12:26.06Cairennhi Josh_Borke
12:27.51*** part/#wowi-lounge lalla521 (
12:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
12:33.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
12:45.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
12:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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12:51.40*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
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13:19.57*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
13:20.10malrethhey hey
13:21.09malrethdoes anyone know what the fate was of the "say goodbye to your healers" thread in UI&Macros?
13:21.50Cairennhuh, looks like it just got poofed
13:21.54Cairennit was there a while ago
13:22.06malreththat's what I figured
13:22.15[Ammo]probably deleted because it was based on rumours and heresay
13:23.15malrethI haven't seen much of our big red friend, either
13:23.23malrethmaybe he really did cancel?
13:25.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
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13:39.51Kevorkiancoffee isn't helping, I'm still tired.
13:40.01Kevorkiananybody have some spare amphetamines?
13:40.32Galenciai hear sleep works
13:43.51Kevorkianas if I have time for that
13:44.35Kevorkianactually I have plenty of time for that except for the fact that my youngest son believes that 3am is play time
13:44.36Galenciayour body will make time, sooner or later ;)
13:45.05zenzelezztrue... but if it takes too long, it will make it permanent
13:45.08*** join/#wowi-lounge moonwolf (n=moonwolf@
13:45.40Kevorkiangalencia:  aye, it usually knocks on the door with a nice juicy migraine if I go too long without a decent sleep
13:46.09MaldiviaKevorkian: testing who can keep quiet the longest time is always a funny game ? :)
13:46.35moonwolfno not really
13:46.41moonwolfi keep winning.
13:46.45Kevorkianthat only works if he plays
13:46.51Maldiviaand yet you keep talking moon :)
13:46.53Kevorkianwhich he does not
13:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
14:13.34malrethwe had our first attempt against princess huhu last night
14:14.00axxokilled it?
14:14.12malrethsadly no... but got her to 13%
14:14.20zenzelezzI hate her :-|
14:14.21Kevorkianthat's a pretty good first attempt
14:14.27malrethwe don't seem to have enough NR to keep up with the damage
14:14.51malrethwe have 15 people in range with another 5 as a buffer
14:14.56axxowe had alot of trouble with it too
14:15.14zenzelezzwe have enough NR usually, but if the DPS is too slow that doesn't save us
14:15.14malrethbut once more than 5 people drop, the ranged dps fall like a dress on prom night
14:16.56zenzelezzafter the enrage healing almost only goes to assigned groups also
14:17.09malreththe fight seems doable, however. we're much more positive about huhu than we were with sartura
14:19.53Maldiviado sending in pets still work ?
14:20.11malrethit worked for us
14:20.20malrethsome of the pets even outlived the hunters
14:20.35Galenciapets dont take poison bolts
14:20.45Maldiviaohh, they fixed that?
14:20.49Galenciathey did.
14:20.59malrethoh yeah... they don't
14:21.01Galenciathey still take wryvern sting
14:21.11Maldiviaok, haven't been at princess since I rerolled :)
14:21.19Galenciaand barov peasant callers still work
14:21.25Galenciatho that smells a lot like exploit
14:21.49Maldiviait was nice with 8-10 pets taking a lot of the poison bolts...
14:22.01Galenciaim sure it was :D
14:22.06Galenciai bet it was nice when grounding totems worked too..
14:22.33Maldiviaalliance, so no idea about that :
14:22.45Galenciasame, but still
14:23.25zenzelezz<Galencia> and barov peasant callers still work <Galencia> tho that smells a lot like exploit <--- I would tend to disagree... unintentional perhaps, but not an exploit. It's up to the developers to ensure only the right entities consume the bolts/stings
14:23.59Galenciazenzelezz: using "unintentional" things for your own gain is the very *definition* of an exploit
14:24.24Galenciajust because it isnt fixed yet, doesnt make it any less of an exploit
14:24.42zenzelezzthe reason I don't consider it an exploit (unless they say so) is because the peasant caller summons creatures to help you, not just for looks like the pet cats and those
14:24.57zenzelezzby taking a bolt, they do help you
14:25.26Galenciaits back to the whole razorgore thing
14:25.36Galenciatook them months to fix it, but it was still an exploit from day 1 of people using it
14:25.39zenzelezzI don't know what that was, but my point of view is the same
14:25.47Galenciajust because its not punished, doesnt make it right
14:26.12zenzelezzif they tell us it's an exploit I'll have no trouble accepting it
14:26.17zenzelezzuntil then I don't
14:26.38zenzelezzI sold my peasant caller right after I got it anyhow
14:27.58zenzelezzI know I've heard that before somewhere
14:34.54malreth~wiki kerafyrm
14:38.00*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
14:38.46zenzelezzoh yeah, I remember that thing
14:47.18Kevorkianhe's been killed now, but it's a royal pain in the arse
14:57.10malrethhmm... guess I should buy some copper ore now for my FOTM draenei shaman jewelcrafter that i'll be rolling
14:59.01krkaalso buy some tigerseye and malachite and lesser moonstone
14:59.23malrethcan you get those from prospecting?
15:00.20malrethbecause if people are jacking up the prices for the gems, I might just purchase the ore instead which might still be cheap
15:00.51Hexarobido people still play EQ?
15:01.37malrethha! people are auctioning their pre-orders of BC:CE for $1400
15:02.48malreththey don't even have a copy of the game yet... amazing!
15:03.20malrethi should have ordered two copies
15:04.55krkayeah, can get it from prospecting
15:04.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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15:05.15krkawtf, $1400?
15:05.18krkawho's that stupid?
15:05.32malrethokeh... I'll look into the prices of jewels and ores and just buy whatever is cheaper in bulk
15:05.41malrethkrka yep... on amazon marketplace
15:05.44Galenciacant people just... preorder it themselves? o_o
15:05.50malrethamazon's sold out
15:06.41Galenciai sincerly hope noone actually goes ahead and buys one of those
15:07.15malrethi should have gotten a second copy and ebayed it for $200... cheaper than everyone else but more than enough to cover the costs of buying two copies and a case of beer
15:07.23malrethoh, and a cake
15:07.25malrethi like cake
15:08.07krkai love lamp
15:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:12.02malrethcogwheel: wow burtning crusad u buy $1400 kk
15:12.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
15:12.16cogwheelzomg like ya
15:12.28Kevorkianit's funny, the first week BC is out the servers will be totally trashed anyway
15:12.38Kevorkianmay as well just preorder and wait for it to come
15:12.45malreththat's why i'm happy that mine will arrive a week after
15:12.54malreththat's what i keep telling myself, anyway
15:13.08Kevorkianmy wife works at a target and has the early morning opening shift that day.  She's gonna snag a copy before it hits the shelves
15:14.21cogwheelWe preordered the standard and then upgraded to CE after the announcement
15:14.36Kevorkianwhat does the CE give ya again?
15:14.44cogwheelNether whelp :)
15:14.55malrethdvd install disk
15:15.08Kevorkiandon't have a dvd drive, so that is a moot point
15:15.11malretha cool looking box
15:15.57KevorkianI eat the boxes after installation to absorb their life force, and frankly they all taste like crappy cardboard
15:16.13malrethif i didn't get BC:CE, the tiny box would look weak next to the big WoW:CE that I have
15:17.34cogwheelWell, we had to get the standard WoW... We started playing in Jan 05 and I swear I bought the last copy in our county... Then when my wife saw the game and had to have a copy, we had to wait about a week for stores to get it in...
15:18.02cogwheelNeedless to say, the CE had long since vanished
15:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge lalla521 (
15:24.27malrethah... flavor
15:24.44*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (
15:25.06malrethoh, if only my mage could equip maces
15:27.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhaegar (n=Rhaegar-@
15:28.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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15:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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15:51.42Corrodiasso we get a new LFG thing. do we still have a global chat channel? it's the best thing to hit WoW in a while.
15:51.53Corrodiaswell, *will we have
15:51.59malrethi hope they get rid of the lfg channel
15:52.22Corrodiasbut you would never have to read it. it wouldn't affect you.
15:52.43malrethif I don't read it, then they should get rid of it.
15:52.50malrethwhat's so hard to understand?
15:53.07Merywell you don't auto-join it so I assume its gone
15:53.09Corrodiaswhere you come into it at all... because i like it, and i'm more important
15:53.46MeryI just hope the auto join option gets removed
15:53.58Corrodiasi don't care about LFG persay, but a global chat channel that everyone can agree on is a wonderful thing. it even had the added bonus of the occasional argument about whether or not it was appropriate to chat on it.
15:54.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:54.35Merybecause well my trys of the LFG system ended in: 2 warrs 2 rogues a mage
15:54.42malreththey should rename it just to General - Global then
15:54.48Corrodiasi'd love that. :)
15:54.53Meryand my only "good" group I got was by whispers
15:54.55Corrodiaswell, i have to zoom to class now. see ya
15:57.41BeladonaLFG chat channel pretty much bcame a recruitment channel in the end. But mostly because there was something like 600+ people in it on a typical night versus the Guild channel's 60 or so
15:57.58Beladonawhich begs the question why they don't come up with a better way to recruit
15:58.08cogwheelI've actually had relatively decent experiences with the LFG channel..
15:58.23Beladonait had its uses
15:58.27Beladonaand its misuses
15:58.38cogwheelAs far as recruitment goes... I think they leave a whole lot wanting about guilds in general
15:58.52Beladonabut in the end, the pure need for a way to get a group is met better with the LFG/LFM tool
15:59.04Beladonaand can't be misused like LFG channel was
15:59.23zenzelezzthe LFG channel itself isn't the problem
15:59.23Beladonayeah, the guild dynamic needs some re-engineering
15:59.32zenzelezzif people recruit selectively for their teams, it works just fine
15:59.46cogwheelI'd like to see something in the visitors center where you can look up different guilds, see who the officers are, etc.
16:00.01Beladonazenzelezz: the problem isn't the channel, correct. But that is like saying a gun isn't a problem
16:00.18Beladonapeople don't police themselves
16:00.27zenzelezzBeladona: I'm not saying it's perfect, by any means, just that it's not the sole problem :)
16:00.30Beladonaand the channel didn't have a way to police it
16:01.29BeladonaI do agree they should have a serverwide channel, but not for the purpose of LFG< or anything
16:01.35Beladonajust general
16:01.39Beladonaand people udnerstand that
16:02.24Beladonaand if it bothers someone that JoeChatter is talking about the new Air Jordans he just bought, they can leave the channel
16:03.36Beladonacandidates for guild revamping though:
16:03.52Beladonaguild banks? that act like actual build banks?
16:03.54TS|SkromI downloaded Moncai's Group finder. I don't even have the LFG channel visible.
16:04.20lalla521guilds need to be able to declare war to other guilds :P
16:04.30Beladonaand sometimes I wish the guild list was organized like Guild Wars, in whiich characters are grouped by account
16:05.22Beladonaand then there is the idea of guild instanced "halls"
16:06.04Beladonaguild run pvp matches against other guilds (i.e. declaring war, as someone just said)
16:06.32lalla521real pvp ftw ^^
16:07.10Mery12h kazzak pvp grief ftw, you could go to school and when you came back they still weren't done =P
16:07.11cogwheelI think the grouping by account thing is a privacy issue.
16:07.45lalla521Mery lol
16:08.57cogwheelvisitors center in the big towns should be a place where guilds can post recruitment offers (maybe for a fee) and should at least list all the guilds on the realm with some threshhold of people who've been online in the last certain amount of time, along with the names of their members who have invite privileges.
16:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
16:15.25Beladonacogwheel: I have gotten a lot fo recruits from advertising outside the Guild Recruitment channel
16:15.44Beladonamost people seem to be "casually" looking
16:16.37Beladonahaving a system in which players actively pursue guilds tends to exclude that sect of people
16:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
16:17.12Beladonanow I do think people should be able to get a "glimpse" of a guild before joining though
16:18.25cogwheelI have no problem with people advertising their guilds in chat, but I think for the people who are serious, a central authority would be nice. It would also be helpful to have a central location where you can contact officers of a guild, say, if one of their members is being a jackass (and the forums aren't always a viable alternative).
16:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
16:20.26cogwheel"would be nice" being the key words... :)
16:20.50KirkburnGood morning, all!
16:21.24KirkburnSleep well ;)
16:21.37Maldiviamorning? I just got home from work :)
16:22.03purlit has been said that ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
16:22.06Elkanohmm... seems like I can't even remember 3 chars :/
16:23.12KirkburnIt's like a ritual, isn't it. Someone says Good Morning. Someone else says "What, it's not morning!". And then we have our third man ugt-ing :) Every day ... and I love it!
16:23.59TS|SkromGood morning
16:24.02cogwheelAnd kirk, isn't it like 6pm where you live?
16:24.21TS|Skrom*waits for it*
16:24.37KirkburnCould be, could be
16:24.50KirkburnZomg, it's not morning! It's like 6pm where I am!
16:25.16Kirkburnhmm... seems like you can't even remember 3 chars :/
16:26.09cogwheelIt's like a ritual, isn't it. Someone says Good Morning. Someone else says "What, it's not morning!". And then we have our third man ugt-ing :) Every day ... and I love it!
16:26.11TS|SkromI used to tell chicks in high school that if they scratched behind my ear I'd purr
16:26.16TS|Skromthey did, so did I
16:26.19Kirkburnlol cogwheel :P
16:26.51KirkburnYou scratched behind their ears too? Quite an intimate school, was this?
16:27.16TS|SkromI was the love muffin ^.^
16:27.27TS|SkromActually I was that guy that ended up being friends with more girls then guys because I thought the guys in my class were all stupid jocks or stoners
16:27.30cogwheelzomg SS or it didn't happen
16:27.40cogwheelTS|Skrom: word
16:27.43KirkburnTS|Skrom, that sounds kinda familiar
16:28.32KirkburnFunky news today - the wiki just shot up from 4,000 most popular website to 3,000 today :O
16:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:29.39cogwheelby whose measurement? (not cynical... just curious)
16:30.31KirkburnShall link it :)
16:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
16:30.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
16:30.47KirkburnData after the graph
16:31.06TS|Skrom"by whose measurement" that's a rather personal question :P
16:31.53KirkburnIt must be a result of the NDA lifting and beta starting
16:32.39cogwheelI take it the huge spike around new years was from christmas presents?
16:32.56TS|Skromoh nda is up? I was wondering why allakhazam had BC pictures on front page lol
16:33.22*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
16:33.31KirkburnThe NDA is completely gone (and according to Thundgot, applies retroactively to alpha content)
16:33.55*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney|work (
16:34.03Beladonawhat I heard was anything that is CURRENTLY implemented in ebta is open to be talked about
16:34.18Beladonabut past alpha content that didn't make the cut isn't
16:34.29cogwheelBeladona: there are conflicting blue posts on the topic
16:34.45KirkburnI would think Beladona's stance sounds more likely
16:34.49BeladonaI am going to trust what I was told directly
16:34.52KirkburnBut even Blizz don't know :P
16:35.05KirkburnOoh, horses mouth, eh?
16:35.20Beladonameh, more direct than a forum post
16:35.20cogwheelI think drysc said that alpha was still covered by NDA but beta isn't... then eyonix said alpha isn't anymore (it could've been the other way 'round)
16:35.50Merywas the other way 'round
16:35.51BeladonaI think there is a tads bit of interpretation involved on the forum CM side
16:36.01KirkburnHuge spike at New Years, cogwheel? Between December 2005 and Feb 2006 the wiki went from 50,000 rank to about 10,000th :P
16:37.40BeladonaI guess alexa can't successfully segregate subdomains?
16:37.47KirkburnI forget when I starting visiting the wiki, it must have been around april
16:37.54Beladonasince gives me rank for all of wowi
16:37.54KirkburnNot afaik
16:38.59KirkburnThe screenshot on it is a bit old
16:39.03BeladonaI like Google analytics better for that anyway
16:39.05Beladonayeah it is
16:39.56KirkburnBtw, general news, IE7 is release 2moro
16:40.07KirkburnWMP11 next week
16:40.42KevorkianI dislike IE
16:40.45Beladonawith any luck, it will be adopted enough that I can start using png images without hacks by march
16:40.58*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
16:41.29KirkburnI shan't tell you I have the Office 2007 beta, Vista beta, WMP11 beta, MS Antispyware beta and IE7 beta then? Oh, damn :P
16:41.44KirkburnBeladona, it will be pushed as an automatic update next month
16:41.48BeladonaI know
16:42.01Kevorkiankirkburn:  I dislike it myself.  what you do with it is your perogative
16:42.02KirkburnWhy march?
16:42.44BeladonaI usually see global browser change in a few months or so. Regardless of update format. But we will see
16:43.00KirkburnI know, Kevorkian. It surprises me how much beta stuff I have :p
16:43.28KirkburnI have FF too, if that helps :P Def upgrading to FF2 when it's final
16:44.05tyroney|workI remember running beta netscape way back in the day.  (2.0?)  But I sort of shy away from it nowadays.  I must be getting old.
16:44.11KirkburnHopefully by the year end, most XP installs will have it
16:44.18KevorkianI did my beta time, I've kicked that habit.  I usually just wait for a nice stable release
16:45.07KirkburnOh yeah, I make sure to find out whether a beta is stable before use. The IE7 ones have been pretty good on the whole
16:45.35Kirkburn(FF2 B3 is out today, I notice)
16:46.20Beladonawdn currently sees 59% Firefox
16:46.27Beladona34% IE
16:46.29malrethand greasemonkey has been updated to ff2 b3
16:46.32Beladona4% Opera
16:46.47Beladonaand some small numbers in Mozilla and Camino
16:46.53Gryphen<TS|Skrom> "by whose measurement";  I belive they get their most of their ratings by people who use their toolbar....
16:47.04KirkburnIf anyone had ANY doubt about Mikk's insanity, scroll to the bottom of his talk page:
16:47.09Beladonaspecifically in IE, it is 84% IE6, and 15% IE7
16:47.27Kirkburn15% already? Good sign
16:48.23Beladona14% with Firefox 2.0
16:48.37Beladonaand 74% of Firefox is of course
16:49.04KirkburnSimilar take-ups within both camps, intriguing
16:49.33Beladonasimilar percentages, yeah that is neat
16:49.46KirkburnQuite possibily many of them are overlaps of course
16:49.51Beladonaalthough globally FF has more
16:50.09Gryphen"Alexa's traffic rankings are based on the usage patterns of Alexa Toolbar users over a rolling 3 month period."
16:50.29Beladona91% of my windows users are on Windows XP
16:50.41Beladonathats a goo sign for the possiblity of IE7 upgrades
16:51.01Beladonaooh hey, I have browser + OS combination stats
16:51.04KirkburnYes indeedy
16:51.17KirkburnGryphen, I had wondered how they collected it
16:51.30KirkburnThat explains why it doesn't have numbers of hits
16:51.41Beladonait looks like every single IE user on my site is using Windows XP
16:51.43GryphenAnyone who uses Alexa toolbar isn't exactly high quality traffic :D
16:51.51KirkburnShush, you :P
16:52.28GryphenI'd rather have a high rating on Alexa in that regard lolz
16:52.31JoshBorkei can't seem to type more than one instance of every letter...
16:52.32BeladonaI have a whopping 15 unique Windows 2000 users
16:52.42Beladonabut they use firefox
16:52.49cogwheelI think I know who one of them is...
16:53.21cogwheel(though i can't remember his name XD )
16:53.59Beladona8 Opera 9.0.1, and 8 Opera 8.0.2 users. Both Windows XP -- coincidence? or upgraders? LOL
16:54.17BeladonaOpera 9.0.2, sorry, not 8.0.2
16:55.09Beladonawho the heck here is visiting wdn on Windows Server 2003? = 57.20% IE, 35.60% FF
16:55.47cogwheel... interesting...
16:56.07KirkburnIt reflects how cosmos is the 'first stop' UI solution
16:56.07Beladonawow, cosmos has reverse population density of myself
16:56.18Beladonawas gonna say something along those lines
16:57.11Beladonaif you guys haven't used google analytics. You shoudl try it
16:57.13KirkburnTIme to check my websites now, then :)
16:57.15Beladonaall I can say is wow
16:57.28KirkburnI keep meaning to!
16:57.29Gryphenbeen using analytics since day 1 :D
16:57.51BeladonaI love how you can select any week, and get detailed analysis of increases or decreses in statistics based on another week
16:58.37Gryphen64.35%  en-us
16:59.23KirkburnC'mon, Google, send me an email!
16:59.31Beladona1.47% of my traffic is from wowwiki
16:59.43Beladona97.47% is direct
16:59.49Beladonaget to work wowwiki!
17:00.29Beladonathey beat out everyone else though for referrals
17:00.34Gryphen1.83% for cos, 14.31% from thottbot
17:00.41KirkburnWell find somewhere else to link it!
17:00.56Beladonathere are only so many sites you can link wdn
17:01.02Beladonawell, and be on-topic anyway
17:01.21KirkburnI still get about 400 hits a day - and this is well over a month since I made any kind of website/addon update
17:01.23Grypheni wish g-anaytics had better referral tracking, im used to sitemeters
17:01.25BeladonaI get it from wowwiki, wowinterface, official forums (both us, and europe)
17:01.45Beladonathe Geo Map Overlay is fun
17:01.58KirkburnMy referrals are unsurprising, CG, Worldofwar and WoWI
17:02.06Beladonaespecially when you see people from like Vietnam visiting
17:02.08KirkburnAnd google
17:02.29BeladonaI have 2 people in Shanghai comes in in referalls behind even
17:03.14KirkburnI get google referalls from Hong Kong, Singapore ...
17:03.24KirkburnIt's such an international world :)
17:03.39Beladona36 dialup users on wdn? uhh
17:04.02KirkburnYou can tell even that?
17:04.15Beladona78% is Cable/DSL
17:04.22Beladona9.23% is Corporate
17:04.30Beladonayou bad, bad work-surfers!
17:04.47cogwheelBeladona: are you not at work right now?
17:05.07KirkburnClearFont - 52% Mozilla, 33% IE
17:05.41KirkburnLol, my hit from trying out my site on my mobile shows! "WAP Mobile, 0.02%"
17:06.38KirkburnI should sort out my BC beta for ClearFont later
17:13.02KirkburnInteresting post about the length of BC dungeons - Apparently most are about 1hr-1:30
17:13.16BeladonaI like them
17:13.44Beladonathey did a good job of making them just long enough, without making you go "OMGCANCELMYSCHEDULEFORTHENEXT8HOURS"
17:13.51KevorkianI like short
17:13.54Meryyeah they are just the right length
17:14.03Kevorkianif you have a lot of time you can do 2 or 3, if not you can just do 1
17:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
17:14.24Beladonathey also did a good job of doing multi-tier dungeons
17:14.30zenzelezzhm... looks like I'll have time to reinstall VC++ and stuff tomorrow
17:14.41zenzelezzmy server will be having a 36-hour maintenance :-|
17:14.46Beladonalike several wings
17:16.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:16.56KirkburnSounds excellent, Beladona
17:17.19JoshBorkei can't wait
17:18.27lalla521and what about end game raids
17:18.40lalla521i dont think they will be 1-1.30 h runs
17:19.25KirkburnOoh, escape artist is now instant cast? Happy gnomes!
17:19.44KirkburnKharazan is maaaasssive, apparently
17:20.00JoshBorkeyea, it should be coming out soon, shouldn't it?
17:20.21JoshBorkefor testing
17:20.29Beladonaoh, yeah I hope so
17:21.49KirkburnIs this wallpaper not AWESOME?
17:22.46cogwheeltoo low rez
17:25.13Kirkburncomplainer :/
17:25.38TS|SkromI like it, it's funny yet topical.
17:25.42TS|SkromIt has a beat, I could dance to it
17:26.23nevcairielits a weird rezz, 1280x768
17:26.42*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:26.46KirkburnWell, this laptop has 1440x900 :P
17:27.07TS|SkromI'm running at 1280x800 not far off
17:27.22TS|Skromcenter it on a black background and you'd never notice
17:27.54ElkanoKirkburn: ( /me runs... )
17:28.14TS|Skromthat ones going in the archive
17:29.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladon1 (n=Beladona@
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17:30.47KirkburnCripes, the laptop battery thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger
17:31.15KirkburnToshiba, Dell, Lenovo, Apple and now Sony are recalling them
17:31.30Kirkburn(I wondered when Sony would get around to recalling their own batteries)
17:31.42BeladonaSony is just getting it from all directions lately
17:34.30cogwheelKirkburn: afaik, sony made all those batteries...
17:34.38KirkburnIndeed they did
17:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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17:41.28KirkburnGod, it's absolutely crazy on the wiki now, so many pages being updated
17:42.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
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17:52.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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17:56.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran[Away] (
18:04.24Gryphendowntime boredom lol
18:08.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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18:10.48malrethwhew! forums are stupid slow. it must be tuesday.
18:14.25tyroney|workSo, how about that sky today?
18:14.43Beladonaare there any fairly in-depth screenshots yet for BC?
18:14.52Shadowedshould be
18:14.56Beladonatrying to tell a friend about some of it, and can't find a good place
18:15.04Shadowedworldofraids maybe?
18:15.20ShadowedSomebody posted frap's of TBC areas in the WoW general forums i believe too
18:15.22*** join/#wowi-lounge deci (
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18:21.28ShadowedBeladona: he may find some of those fraps interesting
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18:23.23Gryphenbunch at
18:24.24ShadowedIt's not blizzard if at least one new dungeon doesn't have a 2 headed dog
18:24.58Shadowedwhich is why nobody likes AQ40, because it doesn't have a 2 headed dog
18:25.11nevcairieli like aq40 actually
18:25.16nevcairielkilling the thun is fun
18:25.38ShadowedAQ40 is only fun for sundering the MT when he gets MCed on emp trash
18:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge spahrep (
18:35.57Kasoanyone seen the Trivia addon?
18:37.32Kasowriting a script to auto-respond with a random time interval is fun :>
18:38.03ShadowedAll realms will be down for extended maintenance until approximately 12:30 PM PST.  :(
18:39.00nevcairielonly? mine is down till 5 pm .. 5pm thursday .. well will go down this nite.
18:39.14Shadowedupdating hardware?
18:39.25tyroney|workI think there should be a Go addon.  So that I can continue to pretend that I play the game.
18:39.43nevcairielwe had our real hardware upgrade already, dunno what they do now
18:40.30zenzelezzI'm very scared about tomorrow's 36-hour downtime
18:40.45zenzelezzlast time the had extended downtime on my realm we could hardly raid for two weeks afterwards
18:40.57nevcairieloh :(
18:41.12nevcairielwell we get that 36h as well, so i fear with you
18:41.15zenzelezzthey upgraded the hardware then, and apparently some router was faulty
18:42.01Meryanybody know what happens if I jump off hellfire peninsula? gotta spirit rez?
18:42.21Shadowedone way to find out!
18:42.34nevcairielyeah find out and tell us :)
18:44.16Plorkyeran[Away]Beta seems like a good time to find out :P
18:44.27Mery"Discovered: Twisting Nether" and dead... lol
18:44.42Gryphenaccount deactivates
18:45.06KirkburnI love that
18:45.25Shadowedso did you have to spirit res!
18:45.28Merybut I didn't get xp for that so it wasn't worth it
18:45.35KirkburnI'm guessing there's no air in Warcraft space then :P
18:45.35Shadowedsubmit a bug
18:45.40Merywell I dunno if I had to because I didn't bother to run back
18:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Antmound (
18:45.44GryphenIt's like he just disappeared into fat air.
18:46.15Beladonathe state of things to come:
18:46.18MikkWarcraft's first involuntary astronaut ftw? =)
18:46.32BeladonaBF2142 has in-game ads, and apparently, they update those ads using "spyware" lol
18:46.51KirkburnBeladona, I should mention, some of that has been debunked
18:47.02Beladonahow so?
18:47.03KirkburnI saw it earlier ... I'll see if I can find it
18:47.15Meryingame ads seems to be the big market of the future..
18:47.17Kevorkianbeladona:  look at the slashdot article about it and view the comments at level 5 for more info
18:47.24Shadowed"Dispels magic in a 15 yard radius, removing 1 harmful spell from each friendly target and 1 beneficial spell from each enemy target. Affects a maximum of 5 friendly targets and 5 enemy targets. This dispel is potent enough to remove Magic effects that are normally undispellable. "
18:47.52Mikksoul link
18:47.54Mikkof course :-P
18:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shabador (
18:49.14Shadowedsounds like they're trying to give you a reason to use mass dispel
18:51.33KirkburnBeladona, I'm having no luck :/
18:51.47KirkburnAh, Kevorkian pointed it out
18:52.03Beladonayeah I found it. But there is no hard evidence to support or deny it either
18:52.07KirkburnAlso, Paladin bubbles
18:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
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18:59.46Beladonahell no?
19:00.37Beladonathe IRS and their grubby little fingers can keep their hands off my wow gold
19:01.02KirkburnIt doesn't bear thinking about
19:01.32tyroney|workpaladin bubbles - in the whine,  make me happy, make me feel fine...
19:02.02Beladonacogwheel: did I mis something?
19:02.14KirkburnIt was alreadty mentioned apparently
19:02.26Beladonameh, so what
19:02.39KirkburnNer, ner, we didn't know =)
19:03.06KirkburnTaxes on virtual money :/
19:03.39cogwheelTaxes on money :S
19:03.39Kirkburn(well, *really* virtual, unlike ... er ... less virtual finance money)
19:03.55KirkburnTaxes >.>  <.<
19:04.33Beladonasee now
19:04.49Beladonaif a game allows virtual money to be converted into real-world money
19:04.58Beladonathat by law is supposed to be reported as a form of income
19:05.09Beladonain essence, that should solve itself
19:05.11cogwheelIt is when they cash out
19:05.42cogwheelthey want to start taxing people on the in-game money itself...
19:05.42Beladonaso the problem becomes NOT that it isn't being taxed
19:05.42ckknightbut what if you invest real money into buying wow gold? write it off as a business expense?
19:05.42Beladonathat it isn't being reported
19:05.44Beladonawhich isn't the game's fault
19:05.46Beladonawell, maybe it is
19:06.00Beladonathey should probably be reporting it too
19:06.10Merywell aren't you technically not even allowed to buy and sell gold?
19:06.29cogwheelin WoW, yes
19:06.32cogwheelbut not in SL
19:07.16BeladonaI think they are courting disaster if they think they can do that
19:07.19KirkburnRemember we're paying for access to WoW, we don't 'own' anything
19:07.45cogwheelIn fact, Linden Labs (the people who run SL) operates their own currency exchange
19:07.46Beladonathe only thing they should be allowed to touch is any virtual content that can be or is converted from or to real goods
19:08.04KirkburnBeladona, indeed
19:08.16cogwheelBeladona: that's the thing about SL... Linden Labs gives you complete ownership over anything you create in-game
19:08.21Corrodiasfor my vote, only "is", and even then i'm not so sure i'm behind it.
19:08.31Beladonaand in that case, they aren't touching the virtual goods, they are touching the real goods that were magically "generated"
19:09.00cogwheelI don't think "they" should be "touching" in the first place... but then again, I'm a libertarian :P
19:09.07Corrodiasthat's not to say i wouldn't be amused if the US government started collecting 10% of all the gold drops
19:09.31Beladonaand you know how that would get taken care of?
19:09.54Merywell in that case blizzard can up all gold drops by 10% - and as they couldn't sell it legally they are stuck with digital digits of no worth
19:10.00Corrodias"The rapid emergence of virtual economies has outstripped current tax law in many areas, but there are some clear-cut guidelines that already apply. For example, people who cash out of virtual economies by converting their assets into real-world currencies are required to report their incomes to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or the tax authority where they live in the real world."
19:10.03Corrodiasso there's no problem
19:10.05BeladonaMMORPG subscription prices would reflect the "tribute" they have to pay for gold drop rates
19:10.22Beladonawhich is on top of teh taxes those companies already pay
19:11.02BeladonaCorrodias: I agree with that
19:11.20Meryits one of those things that generates alot of publicity as alot of people would be affected - so thats why people love to talk about such things
19:11.21BeladonaI don't understand where the question was in the first place, but apparently SOMEONE thinks that isn't enough
19:12.05Corrodiasi'm not sure "legalists" think that way
19:12.20Corrodiasit could be more like, "we tax things of value. those game items have value. therefore, we have to tax them."
19:12.50Beladonatahts entirely relative though
19:12.50*** part/#wowi-lounge lalla-eat (
19:12.53Corrodiasmaybe it's just an essential part of their universe that things have to be done because they just are done
19:12.55Beladonamy kidney has value
19:12.59Beladonashould they tax it?
19:13.30Thunder_Childonly if you sell it
19:13.32Beladonaeveryone has to pee, should they tax us for it?
19:14.17BeladonaI could see it if virtual economy had a direct impact on quality of living in the real world
19:14.25Corrodiasthis new LFG interface thing sounds spiffy, but do you guys know if there will still be a default global chat channel, so everyone can agree on one?
19:14.40Beladonai.e. selling gold, or converting game money to US money
19:15.07Beladonaas far as I know, there isn't one currently in beta
19:15.17Beladonaso unless that changes, then no
19:15.46Corrodiasthat makes me a sad panda
19:15.58Beladonadepends on what you used it for
19:16.04Shadowedcan you enter multiple instances in the LFG interface, or can you only have one group for an instance at a time
19:16.12Meryimo you cannot "convert" gold in real life money - you can only "pay" someone for the service of farming gold - at least technically
19:16.15ShadowedBeladona: discussing chuck norris
19:16.42KirkburnHow I used the LFG channel, Part 1, By Kirkburn of Dragonblight EU: I turned it off.
19:17.16Shadowedit's not so bad on Icecrown US anymore, but i'm only inside it if i'm looking for an actual group
19:17.30KirkburnComing Soon! Part 2, where our protagonist meticulously avoids every turning the LFG channel back on again.
19:18.22Corrodiasi, on the other hand, love talking to people. i hope a standard custom chat channel emerges. i'll push for "Global" if nobody else is pushing another, well-named one.
19:18.40Beladona"Serverwide" makes most sense to me
19:18.41KirkburnLook Out For! Part 3, in which our hero enjoys a LFG-free life full of happiness and love.
19:18.59Beladonaand less likely to get confused
19:19.04Corrodiasnot bad. or realmwide.
19:19.19KirkburnI onlt really have it off because it spams my chat screen
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19:19.31ShadowedCorrodias you're crazy
19:19.41ShadowedI just hate everyone, it's easier
19:20.20Corrodiasi'm one of the uncouth masses. i loves my chat.
19:20.44Shadowedone day of pvping will change that
19:20.56Corrodiasi've spent a few days at it. i don't know what you mean by that.
19:21.16Shadowedcrazy people
19:22.25BeladonaI deal with stupid people every day. I don't tend to want to do it when I get home
19:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:27.23Thunder_ChildWARNING: The LFG channel is for LFG's and nothing else, all people talking about NON LFG related things will be shot
19:27.49Corrodiasblah blah
19:28.20Thunder_Childwell a global chat channel would be fine if it was seperate, i would rather not have to filter out all of the crap ppl say to find a group
19:28.37Corrodiasi agree
19:28.54Corrodiasand sure, it's easy for us to make chat channels... but it's not so easy to get everyone to agree
19:28.59Kaso , i dont know where thats from in TBC, but i really want it
19:29.09Corrodiasif you've seen AV from the horde side, you know what it's like to try to get people to agree on anything
19:29.16Thunder_Childhave they put in a way to cancel the LFG? there wasnt one the last time i checked
19:30.00Thunder_Childlol, treese in pvp
19:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
19:32.39Corrodiasi want to be a tree!
19:33.23Beladonathat might be an herbalism buff
19:33.36Beladonasome herbs will randomly give you buffs now as you pick them
19:33.59Thunder_Childoh, so the person is on drugs and seeing them sels as a tree...makes sense now
19:34.13Corrodiasthat would make sense if you -eat- the herbs
19:34.21Beladonapersonally I think some should give you debuffs too
19:34.25Beladonato add more "depth"
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19:34.43Corrodiasto picking flowers? >_>
19:34.54Thunder_Childwhy, nothing bad happens to you when you mine...or skin
19:35.42Corrodiascertainly not, at least above-ground mining
19:36.20Thunder_Childso why should you get reamed for picking flowers
19:37.38Corrodiasworst i can think of is that you get stung be a bee or hit a thorn
19:38.04Corrodias"bee sting" debuff, -1 max HP for 5 minutes
19:39.50KirkburnKaso, Azuremyust Isle, I think
19:39.59malrethdoo dee doo... just spent $24,000 dollars
19:40.06Josh_Borkecncdid you get your answer?
19:40.25Thunder_Childhope it was on a computer mal
19:40.41malrethThunder_Child: nope... it was on WOW GOLD LOW PRICES!!!
19:40.59Thunder_Child24,000...doesnt sound so low to me
19:42.45malrethbought 19 computers
19:42.51malrethand 19 monitors
19:42.53KirkburnSpells and Talents update! Yes! Another! Really!
19:42.56Josh_Borkecan i have one?
19:43.04malrethall mine
19:43.16Thunder_Childthat makes only about 12,500 per comp
19:43.29Shadowedrogues have been renamed to "lolurdead" though
19:43.33malreththat's better, Thunder_Child
19:43.40Thunder_Childwhich means crap for gaming
19:43.46malreththey're not gaming computers
19:43.55Thunder_Childthen they are not worth it
19:44.14malreththey're for students to use everyday to look at facebook
19:44.42malreth~google facebook
19:45.13malrethstupid purl
19:45.20Thunder_Child...howabout i just go goole facebook then
19:45.23Kevorkian~emulate malreth
19:45.27purli have yet to find any olsen twin porn...
19:45.37malrethdid I say that?
19:45.47Thunder_Childstupid trailing /
19:45.59malrethit's like myspace
19:46.04malrethbut just for college brats
19:46.15Kirkburn<-- like him
19:46.17Thunder_Childthats so sad
19:46.18Kevorkiana "social networking" site for hooking up with hawt folks
19:46.34Kirkburn<-- like him
19:46.38malrethand by 'hooking up' he means 'have sex with'
19:46.53Kevorkianhopefully using securehook functions
19:47.07malreththey're anything but secure
19:47.11Kirkburn<-- like ... uh ... wait ...
19:47.21malreththey're usually not even protected
19:47.32Josh_Borkesince when was reckoning proc'd off ANY attack?
19:47.54Thunder_Childah, so any resulting action is tainted?
19:48.09malrethusually in the face
19:48.34malrethwhy'd it get so quiet?
19:48.45Thunder_Childgee, wonder
19:49.30KirkburnWhy'd they have to go and make me want to visit on maintenance day :/
19:50.16Kevorkiannot even protected?  what are college kids dumber than they used to be?
19:50.29Thunder_Childyou tell us?
19:51.23Thunder_Childcan someone tell me what this would do? ScriptErrors.Show = function()
19:52.22Josh_BorkeThunder_Child: it would create a function called ScriptErrors.Show
19:53.06Thunder_Childand if that was all that was in a lua file...
19:53.41Kevorkiancats and dogs, living together!  mass hysteria!
19:58.49Corrodiasokay, this "AV voice changer" just blows. morphvox was much more believable.
19:59.24Kevorkianbecause about a bajillion other folks need it most now too
19:59.59*** join/#wowi-lounge IBNx393 (
20:00.46Josh_Borkewow, no wonder FB sucks
20:01.39malrethshe digs noobs... who knew?
20:01.52malrethguess you're too uber for her
20:10.44Corrodiasmorphvox has a problem with crackling on sudden volume changes, like if i say "HEY", when i run it in vmware. i need to test it on a computer in one of the labs, or something.
20:12.54cogwheelcladhaire: for some reason, i'm still running an oldish version of PR... do the new ones show a tooltip when you mouse over raid members?
20:13.12malrethi used that morphvox software thing... i set it to the female filter and accidentally turned myself on
20:14.44cladhairecogwheel: No, no tooltips.. haven't had time to add it
20:17.17cogwheelK. It should be simple enough for me to hack it in :)  a simple GameTooltip:SetUnit should be sufficient for my purposes
20:17.59*** join/#wowi-lounge spahrep (
20:18.47KirkburnDoes anyone know how Titan Panel does fonts?
20:18.58KirkburnI'm trying to see what controls them for it
20:20.08KirkburnThe Daily Mail is not a paper I enjoy reading :/
20:20.36KirkburnThere are few things that make me more angry, in fact
20:20.50malrethjust lookit the picture, man
20:21.00malrethchick's got a huuuuuuge...
20:21.04KirkburnI've seen the article already :P
20:22.07Corrodiasi gotta watch Grease one of these days
20:22.22Corrodiasmalreth: amusing
20:23.28cladhairemy laptop is faster than my desktop machine at work.. i paid $400 for it.
20:23.46Corrodiasbut i do know the particular settings to give myself a fine female voice if i so choose. the crackling is unforgivable, though. can't approve of the software if that doesn't clear up outside of vmware
20:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhaegar^ (
20:25.57Corrodias[away] @ class
20:26.45Esamynnis the wiki down?
20:27.02Esamynnoh, nm, there it goes, just being really slow
20:35.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:42.55KirkburnI need font suggestions for ClearFont v20000-1 :) Anyone know any good ones?
20:43.40cogwheelNone off the top of my head that are legal to use :P
20:44.40Josh_Borkei like Comic Sans MS ;-)
20:44.53Tullercalibri :P
20:48.44`-FISKER_Qscrew legality!
20:49.28`-FISKER_Qperhaps it would be possible to seperate some fonts from eachother
20:49.58cogwheelKirkburn, you could make it so that users can copy fonts out of their font folder and use whatever they want...
20:50.48Kirkburncogwheel, that's always been my aim :)
20:51.37KirkburnJosh_Borke, I curse for even suggesting that
20:51.50Kirkburn*curse you :)
20:52.24Josh_Borkejust making sure you're paying attention
20:52.50KirkburnTuller, when Vista/Office 2007 is released, I'll probably stick it back in
20:53.09KirkburnI've found some nice new ones on DaFont, gonna test them later
20:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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20:58.46McScottI have a question about the 10-day trial.
20:59.36McScottIf you start one, is there anything to stop you from getting another one after it expires with a different email address?  Does it add some type of registry key so that you can't participate in more than one trial on a single computer?
20:59.47Cairennno idea
21:00.04McScottAnyone else have any idea?
21:00.34`-FISKER_QShouldn't be possible for them to do
21:00.45cogwheelI highly doubt they check IP addresses or anything
21:00.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
21:01.09McScottI 've had that happen before though.
21:01.20McScottLike with trial software.
21:01.38`-FISKER_Qyeah but that's software
21:01.44`-FISKER_Qthe trial is just a webpage
21:01.56McScottYou're probably right.
21:02.06McScottI bet it's unique to the key they give you.
21:02.12McScottThat's cool then.
21:02.17cogwheelExactly. And it's all handled on their servers
21:02.27McScottWell, going to start my trial now.
21:02.31cogwheelEventually, you'll get tired of rolling alts over and over :)
21:02.44McScottWish me luck and pray that I don't get too addicted!
21:02.47cogwheel'cause you can only get them to level 20 in the trial :)
21:02.56Josh_BorkeGood luck McScott  :-)
21:03.06cogwheelMcScott: why would we pray for that? You will be assimilated.
21:03.53McScottI think I can keep myself from getting too sucked in.
21:04.08McScottHowever, all I have heard were warnings. :-)
21:11.36Qshadowp[NS]lf addon to send all rep gains to chat window :>
21:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
21:30.15McScottWhat realm do most people play on?
21:30.33cogwheel"um"     QFT
21:30.36zenzelezzwith the number of servers, you can't really say
21:30.46cogwheelit's not worth fretting over
21:30.58cogwheelyour biggest decision will be what *type* of server.
21:31.01Shadowedfigure out what server type you want to play on (PVE, PVP, RP, RPVP ) and then just choose
21:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
21:31.43McScottWhat are those?
21:32.50McScottI mean, what does PVE, PVP, RP, etc. stand for?
21:33.02McScottPVP looks like Player vs. Player.
21:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
21:33.22Cairennthat would be correct
21:33.24zenzelezzPvP is player versus player, PvE is player versus environment (or mobs, as some other MMOs say)
21:33.33zenzelezzRP is roleplay
21:34.01McScottCan you switch realms at any time?
21:34.12zenzelezzdepends what you mean
21:34.24Merywell only under certain rules and only if you pay 25$ per character
21:34.43TainAnd only every six months.
21:34.44McScottCan you move a character to a different realm is what I mean.
21:34.51Meryand most importantly you cannot change from PvE to PvP
21:34.52zenzelezzsometimes, for a fee
21:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:35.05McScottPVP is the best right?
21:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:35.15Kirkburn(it must sound to simple for the uninitiated =)
21:35.15zenzelezzthere is no "best"
21:35.17zenzelezzit's all up to what you prefer
21:35.18Merydepends on what you like
21:35.24cogwheelMcScott, whenever starts working again you should really do some more research
21:35.24McScottIt allows you to eventually fight other people.
21:35.35cogwheelI made the wrong choice when I first started out
21:35.41zenzelezzPvP means there are zones where you can be attacked by the enemy faction, PvE means you're safe unless you get PvP flagged
21:35.52cogwheelThere's a whole page that explains the difference between the realm types
21:36.07McScottCan you link me to that?
21:36.09KirkburnI'm a PvE person - I like the 'safety', I guess
21:36.13Merywell I played pve during strsstest and open beta, and well i didn't liked it at all that hordes could dance in front of me
21:36.16cogwheelLuckily, you can have up to 50 characters (10 per realm)
21:36.35Meryso I'll take the hit of getting killed all the time because I'm horrible in PvP
21:36.36KirkburnMcScott, on, check the links on the left, lots of info there
21:36.49KirkburnThe game manual has lots of stuff, too, of course :)
21:37.55KirkburnHallow's End tomorrow!
21:38.20zenzelezz36-hour downtime tomorrow
21:38.30Meryoh no that filled up all my bags last year =/
21:40.16Kirkburn"Apple Computer has filed for a trademark on the term iPhone"
21:41.04Kirkburn"Because sticking an 'i' in front of a word is amazingly innovative"
21:41.24Kirkburn(ok, so the second bit was me :P )
21:41.50KirkburnMmm, iChocolate
21:41.52Cairennwell, Potillan is in full swing today
21:42.09cogwheelhe must have a shorter route to the blizzard servers than i do :P
21:42.49Cairennyeah, the forums are being flakey
21:43.07Cairennbeta forums are fine though *confused*
21:43.57cogwheeldifferent hardware, less people trying to access it
21:44.17KirkburnMore slouken posts on the 2.0 changes thread
21:45.31KirkburnHaha, this is appropraite given what I said about Apple :P
21:46.20McScottNormal realm looks pretty good.
21:48.55KirkburnYou can have characters on loads of realms, so you can always change :)
21:50.37McScottI'm probably going to dedicate my energy to one character to get to level 60.
21:51.13TainReally the best thing you can do is find a group of people you enjoy playing with.  That's what makes the game fun.
21:51.40koomiMcScott: didn't you just start your trail an hour ago?
21:52.01McScottI haven't even started.
21:52.15McScottI'm waiting to find out what realm the people I know are on.
21:52.34koomican't you create more than one char with the trial?
21:55.12McScottI have no idea.
21:56.47zenzelezzhm, apparently a guild on my server got Kel'Thuzad to 48% on their second day of trying or something
22:02.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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22:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (
22:07.22subbawtbah wowwiki is slow
22:07.41cogwheeland the forums.
22:07.46cogwheelit's always like that on Tuesdays
22:08.00subbawtwowwiki isn't hosted by blizzard is it?
22:08.29cogwheelNo, but tuesday has the same effect on website traffic... No game = people looking to occupy their time with game-related websites...
22:08.39cogwheeleven which isn't WoW-specific isn't immune
22:09.41Thunder_Childwell it's only down for parts of the world
22:10.16subbawti'm trying to write a macro that power infuses my target, and sends them a message, but only if it isn't on cooldown
22:10.18Beladonadoesn't matter. Those parts make up a large population of overall wow players
22:10.35subbawtand usually i could do it pretty easily, i would just have to consult wowwiki a lot ;(
22:11.05Thunder_Childi wond what the breakdown of the 7 mill playing is
22:11.44subbawtgoogle cache ftw
22:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
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22:18.23cladhair1Mikk: PING
22:26.36lalla521hm... i wonder how many allys are going to reroll shaman in tbc >_>
22:27.20Cairennoh, you guys are gonna love these ... will help a lot I'm sure:
22:27.22CairennMACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN: sent when a macro tries use actions that are always forbidden (movement, targeting, etc.). The first argument is the name of the protected function that was called.
22:27.22CairennADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN: sent when an addon tries use actions thatare always forbidden (movement, targeting, etc.). The first argument isthe name of the addon that was last involved in the execution path, andthe second argument is the protected function that was called.
22:27.22CairennMACRO_ACTION_BLOCKED: sent when a macro tries use actions that areblocked in combat or require interactive input (spell casting, trading,etc.). The first argument is the name of the protected function thatwas called.
22:27.23CairennADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED: sent when an addon tries use actions thatare blocked in combat or require interactive input (spell casting,trading, etc.). The first argument is the name of the addon that waslast involved in the execution path, and the second argument is theprotected function that was called.
22:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
22:29.35subbawtif i want to write a function that can be called from a macro what do i have to do?
22:37.03Kamerilas long as the function is global you can do /script FunctionName()
22:37.32subbawti added the function to the LUA file and did /console reloadui and it doesn't work
22:37.58Kamerilare you certain that lua file is getting loaded?
22:38.22subbawti think i just had bad syntax in the code
22:38.44subbawtit was converted from a macro, so it didn't have any semicolons
22:39.58ckknightCairenn, nice
22:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:43.18lalla521hm nice additions
22:43.32lalla521but let me ask a n00b question
22:43.58lalla521will hooks also be affected to some kind of "secure" function?
22:46.00ckknightyes, lalla521
22:46.07ckknightyou can use securehook(), though
22:46.41lalla521hm.. and where can i read new hooks and securehook docs?
22:46.56ckknightaround page 8 of the 2.0.0 changes list
22:47.31subbawtis there seriously an event for when a spell cooldown starts but not when it stops?
22:47.31lalla521k thx :)
22:49.55wereHamstersubbawt, yep
22:51.19wereHamsterwhy do you need an event if a CD ends?
22:52.02subbawtto notify me that the cooldown is up?
23:01.19wereHamsterJosh_Borke, did you see sloukens post about spellcast events?
23:01.40cladhairewereHamster: *moan*
23:03.21KirkburnWoo, I think I just found a new and hopefully not broken default font for me :F
23:05.01Xavaliadoes the API provided by blizz set the ItemLink as an type? (such as string or integer)
23:05.11zenzelezzcheers were
23:05.32KirovitemLink is a string
23:06.09Xavaliameh true >.<
23:06.23Xavaliaok lets see how i gonna check for an item link gonna do :P
23:13.00Xavaliaok that was easy rofl :P
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23:29.18KirkburnWoah! Really interesting article here :
23:37.41Kirkburn"Silvermoon City features two auction houses, two banks, two inns, and eleven mailboxes"
23:38.37Thunder_Childthey have started putting more in in standard plases as well
23:38.58tyroney|workShouldn't that article have some kind of crediting or source or something?
23:39.20zenzelezzthink people will discover them, or they will be like that almost-unused mailbox in the military ward in Ironforge?
23:40.08Kirkburnzenzelezz, yer what!?
23:40.26KirkburnI know the Tinkertown one
23:41.10zenzelezzdon't remember exactly where it is, but it's in that area someplace :-p Usually don't venture in that direction, only to flight master or bank/AH
23:41.34Kirkburn"Undercity and Silvermoon City will be linked by a portal located just outside the city walls of the Forsaken capital"
23:42.20zenzelezzdo mages get a portal spell for Silvermoon?
23:42.20tyroney|workThose with less ram probably know more obscure mailbox locations.
23:43.44Thunder_Childlol tyroney|work
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23:50.08Kirkburnlol, I had no idea ... you had such awesome Paint skillz
23:50.29KasoIm trying to decode that picture
23:50.42zenzelezzand I thought my arrows said it all
23:50.59Thunder_Childthe military war mailbox
23:51.19zenzelezzcamera is facing west in Ironforge
23:51.32zenzelezzit's right by that inn where the stupid innkeeper won't let you set your hearthstone
23:51.54zenzelezzor there just was no innkeeper...
23:52.06Xavalia<Kaso> Im trying to decode that picture <-- same..
23:52.48zenzelezzdoesn't matter, you're not missing anything :-p
23:53.37zenzelezzI'd make a better one, but I'm too lazy to log back in
23:55.38KirkburnYes, I've never understood why they limited it to one hearth location per city
23:55.54KirkburnDidn't they think about the extreme load they would produce? :/
23:55.55Xavaliathe one in orgimmar is nice at the center of everything
23:56.01Xavaliaexcept the BG that is >.<
23:58.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
23:59.13Thunder_Childif done correctly having it in one place is easier to manage

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