irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061011

00:04.49jaxdahlwill you still be able to rearrange group composition during combat?
00:04.56jaxdahlit's sometimes important for vael
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00:05.27Kirovjaxdahl - I doubt they'd break that
00:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:10.00Mr_Rabies2<Maldivia> hmm, wonder how much the ranged-weapon changes will affect rogues/warriors damage with bows...
00:10.06Mr_Rabies2what changes? :o
00:10.47Guillotine <- those changes
00:10.51KirovMr_Rabies2 - all ranged weapons in the game are being replaced with rocket launchers
00:11.22KirovIncluding thrown weapons.
00:11.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (
00:11.31KirovThey throw rocket launchers now
00:12.20Guillotineexcept crossbows. now those are cruise missils
00:12.25Guillotine*pew pew*
00:12.53Guillotineanyway, anyone know cladhaire's email? I'd rather email her the update she asked for for Praid than upload it as a patch... then I'd have to keep it updated
00:13.19Guillotine(the rejuv/regrowth addition)
00:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:22.02Ziconguillotine: cladhaire is a he. Don't worry, I read it as a girl's name each time too.
00:22.15Guillotinedoh >< I knew that
00:22.20GuillotineI'm just so used to seeing his icon
00:22.45ZiconI think I parse "cladhaire" as a variant of "claire" or something.
00:22.47GuillotineI used to call Iriel a she too (the female night elf avatar). but now with the dino, it doesn't confuse me :)
00:23.02KirkburnSomeone on the wiki asked if they could post Caverns of Time screenshots as they just "fell into it"
00:23.15Beladonauhh huh
00:23.39Beladonathat sounds like the excuse people use when they sleep with another man's wife too
00:23.53PlorkyeranWell, you do kinda just fall into it
00:23.59PlorkyeranIf you ignore all the careful jumps first
00:24.01GuillotineIts probably possible. what if a priest mind controlled them and used a teleport hack? (dunno if your position is still controlled by you when you're mind controlled...). But chances are that person is a badbad person
00:24.05PlorkyeranAnd wallwalking
00:24.13Beladonaand what would you see?
00:24.17Beladonathe inside of a cave?
00:24.29Guillotineno idea. since its not developed, I doubt its all that great
00:24.34Guillotineprobably just see the skybox
00:24.45PlorkyeranYou'd see the caverns of time
00:24.52XuerianNope, it's not just the skybox, but just ilke the old ZG insides, it'll probably change a bunch
00:24.54PlorkyeranThe models and art have been in the mpqs for a long time
00:25.16PlorkyeranYeah, probably not the final stuff, but what's there right now is pretty interesting
00:25.25XuerianSpeaking of which, you can still get feared into the old ZG XD
00:26.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:57.57Corrodiaswhat's "old ZG"?
01:00.46hugoanyone know why bartender2_pagemaster give me error "cannot find library instance for babble-spell 2.0" ?
01:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
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01:04.32Mr_Rabies2<Kirkburn> Someone on the wiki asked if they could post Caverns of Time screenshots as they just "fell into it"
01:04.49Mr_Rabies2you can just fall into it if you spend hours exploiting terrain
01:05.01Mr_Rabies2i did it the easy way back in the day
01:05.09KirkburnAnd if it's possible to fall sideways, yes
01:05.24Mr_Rabies2stealth up, moonfire spam anachronos
01:05.28Mr_Rabies2up against the door
01:05.38Mr_Rabies2die, run back, res on other side of the door
01:05.47Mr_Rabies2i did it totally by accident the first time
01:05.53Mr_Rabies2i was like Ooooh dragon
01:06.06Mr_Rabies2heeey, i can pass through this gate
01:06.23Mr_Rabies2(fyi, collision is client side with models)
01:06.34Mr_Rabies2not that i'd know anything about that <_< >_>
01:09.13PlorkyeranEverything about player position is client side
01:09.14Mr_Rabies2i haven't seen videos of people 5 capping ab before the gates drop either
01:09.27Mr_Rabies2i also haven't seen videos of people taking zeppelins on joyrides
01:09.45Guillotinelong as you havn't actually done any of that ;)
01:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
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01:50.28abug~dict slouken
01:50.55purlextra, extra, read all about it, slouken is an amazing WoW dev, or a close friend of God.
01:50.55Cairennhi Josh_Borke
01:51.13abuga herald who serves both heaven and hell
01:51.15purlit has been said that cairenn is one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
01:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
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02:19.21purlextra, extra, read all about it, cheese is stuff that grows in milk
02:20.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
02:21.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
02:22.40ckknighthey all
02:23.24Cairennhi ckknight
02:23.49Josh_Borkehi ckknight
02:26.41Josh_Borkewb Iriel ;-)
02:26.54Irielthanks, i'm leaving again tho 8-)
02:28.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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03:51.13malrethbuy my black hole vacuum cleaner!
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04:05.45QzotGrr. I keep alt-tabbing back to WoW just seconds too late to get off the zep at my stop. :P
04:05.52Corrodiaswhat's the good click-casting addon, clique?
04:09.28malrethi like clique
04:09.43malreththat means it's good
04:09.48purlmalreth is always right
04:15.17malrethwb, Cair-Cair
04:16.00malrethyou saved our forum from a pointless petition thread!
04:16.19Cairennand it was such a good post I made, too! *sniffle*
04:16.20malrethi read your post before the thread got deleted
04:16.40malrethdo you happen to know Slouken's actual name?
04:16.50CairennI do
04:17.18IrielIt's not hard to find if you read the wow UI code.
04:17.32malrethi'm still writing that 'end of the world as we know it' parody and there are a few names that I need
04:17.46malrethi can't read the ui code... i'm republican
04:22.34Osagasuit also isn't hard to find it if you use google.
04:23.24Osagasutook me all of 15 seconds to find it just now
04:24.21malrethhmm... didn't know he worked on SDL...
04:24.37Cairennworked on? Created
04:25.15malrethoh snap! he wrote Maelstrom!
04:25.35OsagasuWe've known this.
04:25.48malrethyeah... that's nice...
04:26.03OsagasuWhy do you think he got instant street cred when he started posting on the Blizz forums?
04:27.03malrethgah... i haven't played maelstrom in years!
04:28.42OsagasuYeah, but there are people who remembered the name Slouken
04:28.48Osagasuand made 4.
04:28.59Osagasuoff to bed.  g'night.
04:29.10Cairennnight Osagasu
04:45.04Cairenncogwheel: ping?
04:45.14cogwheelcaught me just in time :)
04:45.16Cairennback me up here please
04:45.28Cairennespecially considering the second twit's response
04:45.46Cairennor malreth
04:45.49Cairennor someone
04:46.39malrethhark, my maiden calls for me!
04:50.43cogwheelYou know... it would technically be possible for an addon to have a key logger with a couple caveats: the creator would have to maintain two accounts per realm in order to be able to receive the addon's spoils. Also, they would only be able to get information typed in-game so it would be very rare that they'd come across a username/password
04:51.44cogwheelanyway... gotta go now
04:51.51Cairennnight cogwheel
04:51.58cogwheelseems like the forums have died down a bit from the decursive fallout :)
04:52.10Cairennyeah, at least for now, is good :)
04:52.24malreththe smack down from the deleted thread quieted a lot of people
04:52.47Cairennit looked to me like there were a fair number of them deleted
04:54.39malrethi've been clicking on a lot of biohazard icons today
05:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
05:14.19malrethBigredbrent forgets that he's not on the hunter forum
05:14.31malrethand that the entire world is not his soapbox
05:14.37Cairennhe at it again?
05:14.50malrethyeah, they reopened the 2.0 changes thread
05:15.07malrethand he's bitching about getting more stable slots and to remove the requirement to feed pets
05:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Chickflick (
06:03.05ckknightremoving the requirement to feed pets?
06:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
06:04.29Cairennyeah, he's right off the deep end
06:04.37Cairennhe's been being ridiculous
06:04.53Cairennand hey ckknight :)
06:05.07ckknightMy request was to allow protected frame creation on PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED
06:05.12zenzelezzI'm waiting for the warrior talent that will regenerate 100% health after a hit so the healers get time to keep someone else alive too
06:05.13ckknightwhich I think is valid
06:05.28Cairennckknight: since you're around at the moment, can I get you to take a look at: please?
06:06.18Cairennthanks hun :)
06:06.38ckknightthat ain't right.
06:07.03Cairennwhich is why I pointed you at it
06:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge End (n=end@
06:07.46KirovRandom plugin locations?!  zomg!  I've been asking for that feature forevah!
06:08.52ckknightgiven matrix M of size m x n, multiplied by unknown vector X of size m, you get a known vector V of size n. X has 3 nonzero values and m - 3 zero values. What is X?
06:09.02zenzelezza letter
06:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChi1munk (
06:09.30zenzelezzI never did like when they started mixing letters and numbers in math
06:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:31.11Corrodiaswhat's Maelstrom? >_>
06:51.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:53.09ckknighthey all
06:53.34Cairennwelcome back ckknight
06:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:18.38Cairennnight guys
07:28.15*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
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08:16.46zenzelezz <-- I had that keyboard before... greatest ever... can't find it in stores anymore :-(
08:23.10|FF|Im2good4usince the new acount securitytrouble i never trush url in wow reletated placesanymore :(
08:29.18Eufedoes anyone have a link to the site with itemId list of most of the items in WoW?
08:29.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
08:30.11Elkano ?
08:30.49Eufethere isnt itemId of briliant mana oil on alakhazam :(
08:31.13Elkanothere should be... look at it's link
08:31.48Eufeyou the WoW itemId?
08:31.48Elkano -> id should be 20748
08:32.09Eufehmmm, interesting
08:32.41Elkanoiirc allakhazam uses WoW's ids, yes. that's what makes it imho better than thott
08:35.34EufeZOMG...its true...THANKS
08:36.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:40.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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10:28.20Corrodias"come on we all saw the video of the poor kid that got snuck up on by his buddies beating his meat to the dancing naked night elf." -- link plz
10:31.02Kasomeh its fake
10:34.39hugoanyone know where to get EtherealUI_Beta2 ? :)
10:36.15Kasogoogle is fun
10:36.55Corrodiashorde is fun
10:37.13Corrodiasyou get to bitch about being the ugly child stuck in Blizzard's closet
10:40.24hugoooops Kaso.. yes that i tried before i asked.. inside the zip is only jpg image :)
10:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:45.41Kasoi agologise for being jackassy then
10:50.37hugonp i apologise for trying get ui thats not out yet (just read it out) ;p
10:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
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11:29.38JoshBorkef1aSh: morning
11:30.18f1aShI'm new here and new with lua :)
11:30.27f1aShgot 1 simple question
11:30.48f1aShit is possible to get some data from web using built-in lua language in WoW ?
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11:32.51JoshBorkef1aSh: nope
11:33.25JoshBorkef1aSh: check out this thread:
11:34.22JoshBorkehrm, that doesn't contain the info...
11:35.19JoshBorke though
11:36.37Cairenn|sleepyeah, I have to stop slacking and get the thread updated on wowi
11:36.49JoshBorkeCairenn|sleep: morning ;-)
11:38.05f1aShok thanks :)
11:39.34Maldiviaf1aSh: the wow lua is sandboxed, meaning there's no way to get information from the "outside world"
11:40.26f1aShshame :(
11:41.24f1aShmy dream is to make a simple addon to manage raids using website and a mod which can display them in a simple frame
11:42.08KasoThe usual way people do things like that is to use an exe to get from web then write you your addon's SavedVariable
11:42.22Maldiviaor have an editbox ingame, where you can copy-paste  from
11:42.22Kasobut people are rather scared of addons with exe files
11:42.55f1aShyea, want to write it only for my guild
11:43.10f1aShGEM isn't working good enough
11:43.43Kasowell it is doable, using one of the methods me or maldivia said, but nither are really perfect
11:43.46f1aShI preffer to sing on raid via website and then invite ppl in game after gathering info wron database
11:46.21Kasomm, for something like that using an Editbox to paste a data-string from your website would prob be best, like mal said
11:46.58f1aShuhm that will be a huge string imo ;)
11:48.36f1aShis there any mod like this ?
11:51.11MaldiviaI have one, hehe - but that's private dkp system for my guild :)
11:52.16MaldiviaBasically, it's just reading the text from the editbox, and doing normal string parsing on it, nothing fancy
11:54.37MaldiviaA very example of inviting people from a comma-seperated list of names:
11:55.12Maldivianames = "PersonA,PersonB,PersonC,PersonD,"; string.gsub(names, "(.-),", InviteByName)
11:56.01Kasook, why are my fontstrings saying "..."
11:56.14f1aShhmm I'm php coder but need to learn some lua then ^^
11:56.16Maldiviadidn't they just fix that bug in 1.12.1?
11:56.51Kasoi set the dimentions to 1x1 so you'd expect it, but then i set it back to normal size and its still showing ...
11:57.19Maldiviawhy are you changing the dimensions ?
11:59.13Kasoto pseudo-hide it
11:59.36Kasoi dont want to Hide() it because i wont know later if i should Show() it
12:01.04Corrodiasi want FFA battlegrounds
12:01.25Kasoyou a rogue/warrior ? :>
12:01.40Corrodiasno. obviously this is just a ploy to drain the other battlegrounds of those classes.
12:02.14Corrodiasas a druid, i'm the last guy who wants to step foot into a ffa pvp arena
12:02.32Corrodiasunless it's all underwater
12:02.55Kasocan you set a frame to 0x0 size?
12:03.07zenzelezzI'll pwn you with my Hydrocane
12:03.24Corrodiasoh, the paladin learns a trick, eh
12:03.46Corrodiasit's always a paladin
12:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Laricwork (n=laric@
12:06.28MaldiviaKaso: why not just show/hide it...
12:06.37MaldiviaKaso: show/hide is "cheaper" than resizing them
12:06.43Kasook, well, you know im working with the nameplates?
12:07.10Kasothe problem is when i go to re-show i dont know if the Raidtargeticon or level string etc should be shown or not
12:07.19Kasoand without targetting all the mobs i cant see how to find out
12:07.45Maldiviaohh... hmm... why not just hide the entire nameplate?
12:08.19Kasobecause i need to attach my fontstring to it, and when the nameplates are hidden they dont update thier location
12:08.41MaldiviaKaso: parent your fontstring to WorldFrame, and then anchor it to the nameplate instead?
12:09.38MaldiviaCorr: next time, I'd hold on to the rifle a bit better...
12:10.02Kasoi dont understand, how that's different to what im doing (atm my font string is child of UIParent then SetPoint()ed to the Nameplate
12:11.10MaldiviaKaso: ok - and why can't you just hide the nameplates then ?
12:11.47MaldiviaKaso: and if it's because the anchor doesn't work then (can't remember how anchoring to hidden frames act), you can always SetAlpha(0)?
12:11.53Kasobecause when i hide the nameplates, they dont track the player's head anymore
12:12.07Maldiviaor SetAlpha(1) - always mix them up
12:12.16Kasoalso, i tried SetAlpha, i tried very hard, but nomatter what i tried, it wouldnt go invisible
12:12.32Josh_BorkeKaso: lol.  did you ever try the SetAlpha OnUpdate?
12:12.32Kasoi had a long discussion with JoshBorke i think the other day about this
12:12.40MaldiviaAhh, I know why
12:12.49Mr_Rabies2cant even pvp at all on my level 15 mage :[
12:13.13Maldiviathey are probably drawn after OnUpdate, and they change the alpha on them, to show if you have that unit selected or not
12:13.23Maldiviaso basically, they update the alphs after you set it :|
12:13.53Kasoit was odd though, i tried to use metatable to hook the SetAlpha function to stop it re-setting the alpha, but it was never called
12:14.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
12:14.45MaldiviaKaso: it's probably called directly from the C-code
12:14.52Maldiviameaning the metatable is never used
12:15.19MaldiviaKaso: hmm, frame:Setscale(0.01)
12:15.29Maldiviathen it's nearly invisible :)
12:15.39Mr_Rabies2just got wanded to death before i could even finish a frostbolt on someone
12:15.50Mr_Rabies2seriously i hope all the twinks wake up one day with their heads on fire
12:16.04Maldiviawands are so overpowered up till around level 25 :)
12:16.54KasoOk WTF, SetAlpha() onupdate works now, im *Sure* that didnt work yesterday
12:17.56Kasoah well, that works, time to delete tonnes of unnessarry code
12:17.56MaldiviaKaso, select someone, and see if it still works :)
12:18.07Kasoyou can still click on the nameplate "area" which sorta sucks
12:18.24Kasomaybe SetAlpha Combined with SetScale
12:18.41Maldiviaor whatever that function is called
12:19.00Kasohmm, yah thatll work
12:21.44Kasowell, thats as good as its going to get i think
12:22.55KasoThe Major problem is that Raid-Icons and Fred <Fred's Guild> dont work in 20yrd range with it :<
12:23.50zenzelezzwhen/why are you hiding the nameplates?
12:25.36KasoOk, basically im making a mod so that healing done appears above player's head, it uses the nameplates, so im making it so the name-plates are always up, then makeing then invisible
12:28.02zenzelezzsounds a bit odd, but probably handy
12:28.11zenzelezznow wait a week and see Blizzard announce it as built-in in BC
12:29.17Kasowell, the addon isnt really indded for proper use, its a hacky impentation of it, but yeh my idea is to *remind* people that us healers are missing floating text :>
12:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:33.16MaldiviaKaso: you a priest?
12:35.31Maldiviawhat do you think of the "Circle of Renewal" to the "Circle of Healing" change?
12:35.48Kasoi think Circle of Renewal seemed more useful tbh
12:36.01Kasothis one is too weak for too much mana
12:36.45Kasowhat'd be most cool would be a Regrowth style combination of the two
12:38.15Maldiviayeah, I was thinking nerf, when I saw the change
12:38.38Maldivianow you basically have an isntant cast PoH
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12:40.08Maldiviabut ooking at the old renew data, you can heal more with the instant acst healing...
12:41.07Maldiviabut perhaps they found out, 3 priest having the renew, and then stacking, and then the raid would regen a lot of health every tick :)
12:41.39Kasoha yes
12:41.50KasoIm still very intregeed by the stacking hots
12:42.09Kasoi think itll be powerful almost to the point that you'll never need to cast a direct heal on a tank again
12:44.05Mr_Rabies2trying to think of a good troll name :x
12:44.11Mr_Rabies2i'm terrible at thinking up names
12:44.38Mr_Rabies2eh, no RP names :P
12:44.48zenzelezzoh, you mean character name, not forum troll
12:44.56Mr_Rabies2i could use him as one
12:45.00Mr_Rabies2since he is indeed a troll
12:45.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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12:45.27Mr_Rabies2Lankyshanks, level 1 troll mage
12:46.01Mr_Rabies2would work better for a rogue :[
12:46.54KasoWhat was the name of that "Bag Defragger"
12:48.13Kasogo it
13:01.33KasoRawr done!
13:03.18Josh_BorkeKaso: so you got it all working?
13:03.52KasoWell, as working as it can be, the limitation is that Raidtargets/Name tags dont appear ontop of peoples heads within 20yrd
13:04.28Kasoalso tbh its hogging alot more resources than it needs be atm, but im lazy to optomise
13:05.14Maldiviakaso, why not add a second fontstring (under your heal strings), can contains the name of the player?
13:05.52Kasoi think itd look a bit stupid, it wouldnt scale with range or anything
13:06.19Kasobut ill give it a go, see what it looks like
13:08.13Kasonot sure how ill work out wether it should be green/yellow/blue
13:08.35zenzelezzmake them all pink, problem solved!
13:08.39Maldiviaread the color of nameplate background ?
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13:09.23Kasoi thought the nameplate colours were differnt
13:09.43Maldiviathey are, but you can have a translation table
13:10.22Kasono i mean, i thought blue=in raid green=friendly not in raid etc etc
13:11.26Maldiviamight be, I usually only have hostile nameplates activated :)
13:12.02Kasojust checked, it seems Blue = player green = NPC
13:12.18zenzelezzdoes nameplate color differ from the "normal" name tag display colors?
13:12.54MaldiviaKaso, does the nameplate color show PvP status ?
13:12.54Corrodiasnameplates flash colors that i don't understand
13:13.03Kasonot that i can see
13:13.14Kasotheres a player here who has a green "name" but a blue "nameplate"
13:13.18Corrodiasever seen the names themselves become yellow? weird.
13:13.22zenzelezzwell, I have enough with only hostile nameplates ;)
13:13.30zenzelezzfriendly would be overkill
13:15.28Mikma <3
13:16.08Corrodiasi.. almost never have nameplates for friendly turned on, only enemies
13:18.16zenzelezzfriendly would only get in my way
13:18.16KasoIm not sure what to do with this addon, it seems too hackish to proberly release it
13:18.16zenzelezzeven hostile can be too much sometimes
13:18.16Corrodiasonly during the Tiger boss fight in ZG, so far, so i can heal pets who are offtanking when a regular tank is stunned
13:18.16Kaso(also : spot the dps classes :>)
13:18.16zenzelezzthat's easy, they're the ones flat out on the ground
13:18.57MaldiviaCorr: get a raid UI that shows pets :)
13:19.25KasoYou use pets?
13:19.34Corrodiashaha... no frickin' way. that would get WAY too complex.
13:19.50Maldiviawhat you mean "way too complex"?
13:20.22Corrodiassome of them have pets, and some of them don't. i use perfectraid because i can't stand having health and mana bars all over my screen as it is, and adding pets would just make it even more of a nightmare
13:20.59Corrodiasif too much of my screen is covered, i can no longer process what's going on behind the UI
13:21.08MaldiviaCorr: a year old screenshot or so of the raid UI I use:
13:21.34Kasohaha that clock is great
13:21.57Corrodiasmine isn't nearly that compact to begin with
13:22.18Corrodiasbut i can see what you mean. i think i can imagine how to fit them on there, somewhere.
13:22.54MaldiviaKaso: was a test addon I made using the Line Draw code Iriel wrote
13:23.30MaldiviaKaso: it the zip is the "latest" version, no idea... don't use it anymore :)
13:24.56KasoIriel always uses confusing variable names :<
13:25.35Maldiviaok, it's not the latest code that's in the zip :)
13:25.39Cidenot really, but one doesn't always understand them :P
13:25.45Maldiviait's more or less the first try that's in there :9
13:26.30MaldiviaKaso, if you want a look at it, I'll upload the latest, when I get home :9
13:26.48Kasoif its not too much hassle for you
13:27.12*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
13:27.34Maldiviakaso: just remind me, otherwise I'll probably forget :9
13:29.25Maldiviahmm, my UI have changed somewhat since then... (new char aswell :)
13:30.24zenzelezzinteresting UI
13:31.35Maldiviain a good or bad way ?
13:31.52zenzelezzcouldn't tell without actually using it for a while
13:32.01zenzelezzdoesn't seem bad anyhow
13:32.32Kasoim not sure i like your buffs
13:32.48MaldiviaI know, they take up too much space
13:33.04Kasoalso /dump frame:GetPoint() :>
13:33.29Maldiviahehe, yeagh
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13:34.12MaldiviaKaso: was trying to put them last few boxes the correct places :9
13:34.43MaldiviaKaso: what you dont like about the buffs?
13:35.58Kasothe huge boarders
13:36.30Kasoboarders look pretty cool, but they just seem too thickl
13:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
13:37.06Maldiviayeah, wass thinking of removing them between the buffs, but haven't gotten around to removing the bottom-borders yet
13:37.41Maldiviabut wanted a consistant feel, by using the same borders everywhere
13:38.17Kasoid be nice if you could use the "same" boarder around the edge of the whole block, the a smaller one inbetween
13:39.49Maldiviabtw, like the small touch, with the portrait of the target being mirrored ? :)
13:40.20Kasoha, didnt notice
13:40.24Kasothats pretty cool
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13:44.16Maldiviaanyway, time to get home...
13:44.42malrethgo home
13:44.53Maldiviamalreth... ehh, ok ?
13:44.57malrethwhere is home?
13:45.49Maldiviaabout 20km from where I am right now :9
13:45.59malrethsounds european
13:46.29Maldiviayep, Denmark
13:46.47malrethwell, safe trip then
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14:18.04malrethcogwheel: there's a size limit to each post on the forums. :)
14:18.26cogwheelgood thing i used wordpad :P
14:18.59cogwheel45 44 43 42
14:21.16Mikkcountdown to meaning of life?
14:21.58zenzelezzuntil he can post/edit I'm guessing
14:23.18cogwheelzenzelezz: cookie :)
14:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
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14:35.57malrethGuess where I found a Decursive-compaint thread
14:36.07cogwheelCustomer Service?
14:36.14malrethOn General
14:36.21malrethDo you know what's happening in that thread?
14:36.23cogwheeloh yeah... there were a bunch there yesterday
14:36.45malrethThere's a rational discussion about how the OP is incorrect and that Blizz is doing the right thing
14:37.03malrethThere are about 3 posters complaining... all the rest are defending
14:37.15Plorkyerangeneral > ui board?
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14:37.24cogwheelThey should move it to the UI & Macros forum :)
14:37.29zenzelezzBlizzard rolled alts to make "they're right" posts like the rest of us do to troll? =D
14:38.04malrethmaybe you... i troll with my normal forum account. :)
14:38.47malrethoh, and the mods moved the "who's gonna quit being a healer" thread to General
14:39.11malreththat makes me happy... especially since I clickied the biohazard icon on that post
14:41.06malrethoh, that thread turned GOLDEN when it moved to the General forum
14:41.09malreth" Rerolling, no. Quitting, yes...and it has nothing to do with Decursive or any other add-on (or lack thereof). "
14:41.26malreth"I don't have a healer and I never will. I pwn healers. All you's ever do is to watch people's lifebars and click heal, how much skills is involved in that? Any half-witted person is more than capable of that."
14:41.52malreth" Thought I do understand you all wanting to quit. There are a few of us grinding up that will learn healing the new way.
14:41.52malrethI'm sure it won't be as bad as the dooms day folks will have you believe."
14:42.38malrethOh, this one's great... " I am going to quit being a healer!  ..... ..... .... (half a page of blank space) No more healthstones for j00!"
14:43.00TS|Skromso I really like the song "Hate Me" by Blue October
14:43.04TS|Skromjust thought you should know
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14:43.30Mikk"How much skill is involved in healing?!" <- I love this comment. Guy obviously has no frigging clue.
14:44.42malrethtrue that... good healing is a true skill
14:45.05zenzelezznot much you can do well without skill really
14:45.10zenzelezzperhaps some DPS
14:45.48malrethbut i'm finding it delicious from a schadenfreude (whew! i had to add that word to my spell check dictionary) point of view
14:46.26malreththe knobs who started the thread wanted to hear echos of support from their tired and lonely screaming
14:46.41malrethso they started a troll thread in an innocent forum
14:46.46malrethwe fought back
14:47.01malrethand shoved them out... and now they're getting pages upon pages of echos
14:47.06malrethbut not the ones they wanted
14:47.24malrethi wish I could bathe in their tears of misery
14:47.24cogwheeloff to work... catch you on the flip side
14:47.35MikkHrmphs. I should rip out decursive now and get used to not having it again.
14:47.36MikkGotten lazy
14:47.45malrethi did over the weekend
14:48.04malrethswitched to Clique since I already had PerfectRaid installed
14:48.23MikkWell, I never did have any healing support addons to begin with. Lucky me.
14:48.27MikkJust cheating with cleansing
14:48.30malrethIt needs work... but with some additional features, it'll be great
14:48.59malrethi posted my observations already on the wowace forums where they're discussing the next big raid addon, Grid
14:49.27malreththe big thing is perfectraid frames are waaaay too small to click on
14:49.37malrethit was a perfect example of the application of Fitts' Law
14:50.48malreththat, and PRaid offered no feedback that a spell had actually been cast... obviously since it'd never been designed for that purpose
14:50.50KamQuatmorning Mikk
14:51.13malrethso i would have to look to the left side of the screen where praid was... slowly move the cursor over the person i wanted to decurse
14:51.47malrethclick to decurse, then look back at the center of the screen to watch the casting animation to make sure i didn't click too soon (within the global cooldown of the previous spell)
14:52.27malreththen look back to the left, move the cursor over to the next person, wait for global cooldown (no indicator within sight, btw), click, look to the center, etc.
14:53.01malrethThat told me there was a real problem with that design
14:54.00PlorkyeranYou could put a button to show the GCD near praid :P
14:56.56Industrialmalreth: that also applies to the refault interface
14:57.06malrethIndustrial: yep
14:57.15Industrialwith unitframes topleft, buffs right, buttons bottom and everything thats happening in the center
14:57.19malrethso a better solution needs to be found
14:57.29Josh_Borkewhat's the discussion on?
14:58.11malrethhow to design an informative raid display that can be used to efficiently heal and decurse
14:58.31malrethand also on how the US elections are rigged
14:58.33Industrialthe problem is that its 40 people
14:58.49malrethIndustrial: yeah... it's a lot of information
14:58.55Industrialand theres too much information per person
14:59.11malrethso information science and human-computer-interaction theory need to be applied
14:59.15Industrialhp mana debuffs etc
14:59.37malrethyeah... the details are staggering
14:59.57malrethbut I really like what maia has thought up for Grid
15:00.08IndustrialI never take my eyes off center in combat
15:00.19Industrialexcept for looking around
15:00.41Industrialplayer buffs should be like target buffs
15:00.47Industrialjust under the frame
15:03.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
15:04.37KasoOpitional Additional joke: Undead women says: "Where we're going, you wont need eyes"
15:05.18malrethactually, that is a nice layout, Ind
15:06.55Josh_Borkethe sad part about grid is it requires you to ignore names of people
15:06.58TS|Skromnewsflash, she doesn't have skin either :p
15:08.20Maldiviahmm interesting: <-- "Welcome to the Public Test Realm section" :)
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15:10.01malrethJosh_Borke: well, it might be possible for a grid module to add names to the frames
15:10.42malrethbut yeah... it's kinda sad but when you think of it, names aren't necessarily critical information
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15:11.06malreththere's a bit of dehumanizing that i'm not completely comfortable with
15:11.12malrethbut you gotta do what you gotta do
15:12.06Industrialmalreth: :)
15:13.20Industrialwell you want to achieve perfection in opteration as a team, and you dont need metadata like names for that :P
15:13.38Industriallike a compiler, zomg =P
15:13.42Josh_Borkewhat's wrong with perfect raid?
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15:14.08malretha few problem... i mentioned earlier but i'll sum up
15:14.20malrethwell, i say that but i'll probably ramble
15:14.48TS|Skromlemme explain... wait, there is too much, lemme sum up
15:15.17malreththe problem is if you have to quickly acquire a target with your mouse cursor, it takes too long to do it with praid because each row is very small
15:16.17malrethThere's a law in UI design that states that the time it takes to acquire a target increases with the distance that the mouse cursor has to move and inversely with the size of the final target
15:16.49malrethin fact, the cursor will decrease in speed logarithmically with respect to the size of the final target as you approach
15:16.53zenzelezzpeople break laws
15:17.21Industrialsometimes evolution is something you dont want
15:17.34Industrialwoo ive been watching too much lain
15:18.20malrethso, if you're trying to clickcast to decurse a raid with praid and clique, you spend a lot of time moving the cursor from one unit frame to another because of the small size of the frames... even though the distance from one to another is small
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15:18.48Industrialmalreth, working on some unitframes :) \:
15:19.19malrethshe's hott... can i date her? is she single?
15:19.31malrethoh wait... that's in WoW
15:19.36malrethoh man... i gotta get out more
15:19.43Industrialcutest char in wow
15:20.51Maldiviamalreth: about the mousing... just make a raid UI, that works like the button bar in MacOS
15:20.59Josh_Borkemalreth: but you can help with that by enabling/disabling the mouse on frames that don't need attention
15:21.24malrethJosh_Borke:  well... we won't be able to do that in tBC
15:21.36Josh_Borketransparent overlay frame with mouse disabled
15:21.36malrethand the frames would still be just as small
15:21.49malrethJosh_Borke: hmm...
15:21.55Maldiviamalreth; are you use EnableMouse is a protected method?
15:22.00Josh_Borkeidea by ckknight ;-)
15:22.57malrethMaldivia: well, no... i don't know actually.
15:23.10malrethwell, anyway, the frames are still tiny
15:23.11Maldiviagrr, wish I had access to 2.0 PTR or something... think I've already found a way to bypass the new security :)
15:23.23BeladonaI doubt it. They said modifying frames in general.
15:23.35Maldiviawe can change color etc on it
15:24.13Maldiviabut as mentioned, we can just pop a frame on top of it, to fake-disable mouse
15:24.30Beladonayou can't move frames in combat
15:24.38Beladonaor hide/show
15:24.38MaldiviaYes you can... just not secure frames
15:25.40malrethfortunately, that snowflake addon from last year will still work even while in combat in tBC
15:25.55Beladonawhat the heck is that?
15:26.06Beladonaadd snowflakes to my screen?
15:26.08malrethsomething that Trentin wrote
15:26.16Maldiviaall non-secure frames works just like they do now in 1.12 (well, except that they can't cast spells etc Onclick etc)
15:26.55malrethyeah... i installed it on people's machines when they weren't looking
15:27.03Beladonathat is still super limited Maldivia
15:27.12TainWoah.  ReiserFS creater charged with murder.
15:27.16malrethand they'd be all like, "why is it snowing in the middle of Stormwind?"
15:27.31MaldiviaBeladona: but I can still block a secure button, with a non-secure button, to make the secure button unclickable, which was what was talked about
15:27.46Beladonaand how would you pop it up in front of that button?
15:27.55BeladonaSetPoint to the secure frame?
15:28.09malrethsame way you pop frames up now
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15:29.12Beladonaguess we will see for sure when they publish teh ptr
15:29.27Beladonanext may
15:30.37BeladonaI have to ask, how many times you would want to disable mouse for something like a unit frame?
15:30.47Beladonahow effective would that be except in frustrating the end-user?
15:30.58Beladonahey, I can't click him, he must not need to be clicked...
15:31.25Beladonatalk about adding more whack-a-mole functionality
15:31.35Beladonanow you get to guess which one can actually BE clicked
15:33.23TainPlay a sound file telling them
15:33.27Tain"You can click button five now."
15:33.33Beladonayeah thats fine
15:33.39BeladonaI am spwcifically talking about blocking buttons
15:33.55Beladonaand what happens when you have two addons that both decide to block the button. but at different times?
15:34.08Josh_Borkei think it's just an option that can be considered.  i personally won't be using it
15:34.12BeladonaAddonA: ok you can click the button now. But no wait, you can't becuse AddonB is sitll blocking it
15:35.04TainMore importantly... Summer Squid!
15:35.36Josh_Borkeif the functionality were used, it should be done by the addon providing the frame originally
15:35.51Beladonain which case you wouldn't need it
15:36.51malrethBeladona: the discussion wasn't about blocking any particular button for any reason... it was a tangent about "hey, could we do this?"
15:37.01Beladonayeah I know
15:37.10Beladonaits hard for anyone to say what we can do yet tho
15:37.16Beladonaits all guesswork
15:37.30malrethyep... we're working out solutions to potential problems
15:37.38malrethif it's not necessary, we'll toss it aside
15:37.47BeladonaI wonder how long they will make ptr available before it goes gold and relases
15:37.48malrethbut it's fun to think of them now
15:38.19Josh_Borkeit's fun when we're currently bored :-D
15:38.39malrethwell, if blizz wants to make a thanksgiving release, it'll have to be soon
15:38.59malreththey'll be hurting if they miss a x-mas release
15:39.07BeladonaI doubt they would do that
15:39.21*** part/#wowi-lounge jrpz (n=jrpz@
15:39.26malretha thanksgiving release is nice because it parallels the original release of the game
15:39.39Beladonaand I am taking a vacation around that time anyway
15:39.44malrethmarketing droids like that sort of thing
15:40.01[Ammo]guess europe gets it first of februari then :)
15:40.18Beladonayeah, they can go: Anniversary! Partay! Buy More! Win!!!111ONE
15:40.32malreththey're probably wacking off to the possibilities... "Oohhhhh! two years to teh dai! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!"
15:40.38nevcairiel[Ammo]: nooo, not again make us wait and look at the us :(
15:40.45Beladonaok thats an image I didn't need
15:40.55Beladonaa board meeting, with everyone's hands below the table
15:41.02[Ammo]well if they do nevc, then I'll gloat at the americans having to wait for updated addons by european authors :)
15:41.07[Ammo]and that's a lot of addons )
15:41.08malreth"Dwarf NEEDS food!"
15:41.28BeladonaJoeMarketer: anyone have that pet feeding macro?
15:41.40[Ammo]but then again, I hope we finally get an equal release
15:41.56Maldiviaok, they fixed macros :|
15:44.27Merythat totally depends on if it was a management decision (split revenues between fiscal years) or a technical decision (not too many servers untill we got some experience) or a localization decision
15:44.30Beladonadid I miss a blue post or something
15:44.36Mery(release date in EU)
15:46.08MaldiviaBeladona: well, rather the event system.
15:46.25Beladonaoh, yeah
15:46.26MaldiviaBeladona: the old way for events would be exploitable in the new secure model
15:46.34Beladonayou know, I have the compiled list of changes that Iriel never posted
15:46.45Beladonagave it to him to tweak / post, but he has been busy
15:47.21Josh_Borkepost it to wowi :-D
15:47.24MaldiviaBeladona: previously, the globals event and arg1 to arg9 were sent once, now there are set before every OnEvent instead
15:47.38KasoWoot, double Monitors!
15:47.50BeladonaI knew that
15:48.23MaldiviaBeladona: ok, when did they change it ?
15:48.36Beladonawell, it wasn't in those words, but I have it in my changes doc
15:48.59Beladonathey changed the way all the script handlers work
15:49.02Maldiviahaven't really keept track if it, but just tested in 1.12.1, and it's in there
15:49.05Merythey are going to change it (I think soulken said for speed reasons)
15:49.26Beladonascript handlers are now implicitly wrapped with a function signature depending on the actual handler
15:49.27MaldiviaMery: not talking about the locals :)
15:49.35Beladonadefault is function(self)
15:50.16BeladonaOnEvent = function(self, event, ...)
15:50.29MaldiviaBeladona: yeah, not talking about that...
15:50.34BeladonaI know
15:51.03Beladonalink me where you got this, so i can insert the wording into my doc
15:51.12Beladonathen I will post it I guess
15:51.28Beladonakinda wanted to let Iriel do it, cause its his thing, but meh
15:52.21Maldiviawell, according to Iriel, globals were only set once, just tested in 1.12.1, and they are not re-set before evrey OnEvent
15:53.26KasoMal that is correct :>
15:53.34Meryyou mean they are re-set before every OnEvent, right?
15:53.38Maldiviafigured, unless they changed it, it could be used to exploit the macro system, by changing arg1 in an OnEvent, and when it was passed to the original parser, in secure code, then the macro-command would have dynamically altered
15:54.02malrethoh... Maldivia...
15:54.54Beladonathey changed that a while ago. Those args became local
15:54.54BeladonaI thought
15:54.59Maldiviathe vars are still global
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15:55.52Josh_Borkehrm.  i'm trying to write my synchronizer but i can't figure out how to do it without copius amounts of tables
15:56.00Maldiviaand yes, I meant they are "now" re-set (not "not")
15:57.06Beladonafor some reason my doc is missing a couple things
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16:01.27MaldiviaI know, clock :)
16:02.15Kasoattually forgot about that:> i was going to say were you saying that in 1.12.1 event and argX are reset after OnEvent
16:02.43Legoroloafaik, they are reset so that one OnEvent handler can't damage another one's ability to function
16:02.58Kasoright now?
16:02.59cladhaireCan we STOP discussiong how to exploit things that noonei in this channel knows how they work?
16:03.12Legoroloexploit? oh neat, what can we exploit
16:03.13cladhaireI've posted that about 19,000 times on the forums, I really didn't think I'd have to ask here.
16:03.33KasoIm, not talking about exploting TBC, im asking about live wow, right now
16:03.44cladhaire(just reading the logs
16:03.47Legorolofill me in
16:03.52cladhaireand asking a general question
16:03.59cladhaireor rather, making a general statemeny
16:04.30KasoIm cnfused
16:04.45malrethhere are some waffles for you, cladhaire
16:04.49malreththey're tasty
16:04.58malrethbut they're made with bits of Burning Crusade rumors
16:05.18malrethso... it might leave a bitter taste in your mouth
16:05.53malrethokeh... later all
16:06.00cladhaireif someone tells you the sky is blue, and you plan your life for ablue sky.. but it turns our chartrouse, most of what you planned for is no longer applicable =)
16:06.33cogwheelespecially if it begins falling
16:06.40TainI don't even know what color chartrouse is.
16:06.50KasoOk, so I've plugged in my new monitor, now my wow has lost the abilty to go into 1280x1024 mode, why?
16:06.51cogwheel~dict chartreuse
16:07.00zenzelezzdepends what gases makes it chartreuse
16:07.06Merywell Maldivia was pointing out that argX gets dispatched for every OnEvent call _right now_ and wanted to know when they changed that...
16:07.08cogwheel~dict 2 chartreuse
16:07.10zenzelezzas long as you can still breathe it, the color is insignificant
16:07.13Legorolocogwheel: nice posts on US UI btw
16:07.23cogwheelthanks :)
16:07.30Legorolodidn't have a lot of chance to post there lately, but kudos to holding up the sky all by yourself ;-)
16:07.36cladhairea clear, light green with a yellowish tinge.
16:07.45cogwheelyeah... ignore purl for now
16:07.47Josh_Borkefor my data synchronization, would it be better to pass around a lot of strings and parse them or pass around a lot of tables and use compost to clean them up?
16:07.54TainSounds kinda ... pea soupish
16:08.12cogwheelThink halfway between lemon & lime
16:08.20cogwheelbut slightly desaturated
16:08.25Legorolowhat's this about arg1 and OnEvent?
16:08.37TainWouldn't that be limon?
16:09.03cladhaireTain: limon tastes sooo good
16:09.39TainEspecially squeezed over fresh roasted liger.
16:12.09Maldiviaclad: If the event system had worked as previously, it would have been an exploit option, in which case it would be a good thing to get out in the open now, so it could be fixed now before release
16:13.20KasoMery im pretty sure it isnt the case, I wrote my addon that fucks with events alters event and argX to stop other frames seeing the event, and i only just wrote it, just gonna check it still works but it pretty well should do
16:13.25Maldiviaclad: and because it was a design choice, there is no point in refering to it as a bug
16:17.03Kasohmm, it seems the current behavour is that arg1 is re-set but even is not
16:17.22Kaso(sorry if ive missed some of the conv, my montiors keep fucking up and i have to re-start :<
16:19.56cladhairemy point is we have no idea whats changed
16:20.11Kasoanyway, changing topics
16:20.20Kasowhy cant i set wow to 1280x1024 mode
16:21.36CideI have it in 1280x1024
16:21.44CideI assume your monitor supports that resolution
16:22.13Kasoive just plugged in a second identical montor, i now have extra widescreen resolutions, but i cant do Fullscreen windowed on one of the monitors
16:24.31cogwheelkaso, check out the UI & Macros forum
16:24.42cogwheelsearch for posts by Rte and you'll find a dual monitor howto
16:25.04cogwheelor just ignore me 'cause i think i misread your statement
16:25.24cogwheelyou have to set the one you want in full screen to be the primary monitor i think
16:26.03Maldiviaclad: actually, we di
16:27.51TainKaso: If your video card has two connectors try switching and rebooting.  I had issues in the past like that where it wouldn't recognize my monitor correctly on one of them.
16:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
16:29.49Legoroloin answer to the argX discussion, this is how it works now:
16:30.17Legorolowhen the whole secure code/protected functions/tainting was introduced, around patch 1.9 or 1.10 (cna't remember), that already stopped any potential exploits by fiddling with argX
16:30.49Beladonathank you
16:30.50Legoroloas far as i know, it was then further improved on, by saving/restoring argX before each dispatch to the various different OnEvents
16:30.59BeladonaI didn't have the specifics, but I was pretty sure that hole was plugged
16:31.22Maldiviapreviously, it was like: "setGlobals() foreach eventListener do callOnEven() end"  now it's "foreach eventListener do setGlobals() callOnEvent() end"
16:31.25Legoroloi am not sure what patch that happened in, if it happened at all
16:31.40LegoroloMaldivia: that's my understanding too
16:31.46Legorolobut even under the previous system, you couldn't abuse it
16:31.53Maldiviayes you could
16:31.56Legorolobecause of the taint protection
16:32.03Legoroloat best you could break your UI
16:32.21Legorolothe change to the dispatcher is more a protection against stupidity rather than a security measure
16:32.21cladhairea tainted value taints any functinos it touches.. which would break everything.
16:32.26Maldiviawell, previously, there wasn't anything secure to break, so wasn't really necesarily
16:32.45Legorolomy memory is that introducing the tainting and changing the dispatcher happened in two different patches
16:32.51Legoroloi could be wrong, and they could've happened at the same time
16:33.00Legorolobut i thin kthere was a brief period in-between
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16:33.38BeladonaI think the point is, it wasn't something that needed to be plugged for 2.0
16:33.44Legorolothe bottom line is: whatever the form of the dispatcher, tainting stops you from abusing argX
16:33.49Beladonait worked already, with the other stuff becoming secure
16:34.02MaldiviaBeladona: correct, I just didn't know they had already fixed it :)
16:34.22Maldiviahence my research into it
16:34.30Legoroloi still don't understand what needs to be "fixed"
16:34.56Maldivianothing, since the event dispatch has already been fixed (resetting vars before every call)
16:35.16Legorolothat's not the crucial change, the crucial change is the tainting scheme
16:35.21Legorolothat's what really stops you from abusig argX
16:35.34Josh_Borkestupid linux!
16:36.19MaldiviaLego, don't know how the tainting scheme is implemented, through it was only on code-paths, not on individual vars
16:37.11Legoroloit's on everything
16:37.20Legoroloany value that an AddOn changes taints it
16:37.33Legoroloand subsequently any code that touches it carries on executing tainted
16:37.52Legoroloso if an AddOn changed arg1, then the OnEvent dispatcher that follows would be executing tainted
16:38.00Beladonaand if a secure function is called from that code, it breaks
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16:38.19MaldiviaOK... well, looking forward to PTR, so we can really test everything out :)
16:38.49Maldiviabrb - reboot
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16:43.17Kasocogwheel: you said to look in the UI & Macros forum, which thread, i cant find anything
16:43.37cogwheeland then i said ignore me 'cause i misread your question XD
16:44.10cogwheelBut here's the post I was referring to:
16:44.36Kasoyah, i dont want my wow spanned over them both
16:45.01Maldiviahowdy Iriel
16:45.06cogwheelI do know that you have to set up the one you want WoW on to be your primary monitor
16:45.23cogwheelOther than that i've never had any problems with full-screen windowed mode
16:45.59Legorolocogwheel: you will be in beta, right?
16:46.10cogwheelunless they lost my BlizzCon signup ;)
16:46.27Josh_BorkeIriel: morning
16:46.29Legoroloi should be in too due to honor contest
16:46.34Legoroloshould be enlightening
16:49.13*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-a42f0ec74ab2fb8e)
17:03.33Josh_Borketable.remove removes the object at the end of the list, correct?
17:04.01Josh_Borkewhich means table.insert/table.remove is good for FILO operations, yes?
17:05.07cogwheelYou mean like a stack?
17:05.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:05.39cogwheelSure, but it might be more efficient to keep an index to the top of the stack yourself...
17:05.58cogwheel(don't quote me on that)
17:07.15LegoroloJosh_Borke: table.insert/remove is LILO
17:07.31Legoroloehm i mean
17:07.32Legorolonvm me :D
17:07.38Legoroloyou are right
17:07.40Josh_Borkedon't confuse me!
17:07.42Legoroloi am talking nonsense
17:07.44Legorolosorry :)
17:08.05Josh_Borkei'm having a hard enough time with the algorithm and you're just making it worse :-P
17:08.11Legoroloreally sorry
17:11.11TS|Skromthe one thing I hate about playing at work is being free hk's for people ><
17:14.21TS|SkromI'm on a notebook with the crappy mouse and no good hotkey setups
17:14.24TS|Skromplus I have to afk alot
17:14.37TS|Skromwhat was I thinking going to Ganklethorn Vale?
17:14.59cogwheelmy wife and I loved roaming around there with our pair of hunters...
17:16.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
17:16.26TS|Skromgonna corpse camp this mofo like 6 times
17:19.06KasoSo it appears my graphics drives only allow me to set my monitors like one large widescreen monitor, rather than two indivual ones, so i cant set 1280x1024 mode -_-
17:20.19Kasoit says there should be a mode, for Dualview, but i cant see/select it
17:21.22cogwheelwhat brand?
17:21.55cogwheelgo to the advanced options
17:22.11cogwheeland then i think there's a DualView "tab" on the left
17:22.24cogwheelit should be set to the one that's not clone or horizontal span
17:22.50cogwheel(going off memory from my home computer... the one here is ATI)
17:24.19Beladonait might be called something like nView
17:24.28BeladonanView Display Settings
17:24.29Kaso"nView Display mode: Single, Clone, Horizontal Span, Verticle Span"
17:24.34Kasoit referances Dualview in the text, but doesnt give me an opition for it
17:25.38Beladonait doesn't have dualview?
17:25.38cogwheelthat's weird
17:25.38Kasoum updating drives atm
17:25.38cogwheelgood idea
17:25.38Osagasutry the nVidia support site.
17:25.39Beladonahow many vid cards?
17:25.39Kasojust one
17:25.39Beladonawhat driver version
17:25.40Beladonaoh and what card
17:25.43Beladona(yeah I know, I am demanding)
17:25.43Kaso91.37 atm, updating to 91.47 as we speak
17:25.43Kasoand the card is some 6600GT iirc
17:26.25Kasoanything more you need to know, or shall i restart for my driver update :>
17:26.25TS|Skromhehe I seduced him and killed his pet just because I'm mean like that
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17:27.51Beladonarestart, hopefully the setting shows up
17:27.51Kaso*also my old montior keeps flickering and going off, its scaring me ;<
17:28.16cogwheelsounds like a bad connection maybe
17:28.41Kasomm, ill try putting my old VGA cable onto it, its got a DVI on atm
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17:45.59Kasomm, that fixed it
17:48.57cogwheelWell, looks like the forums climaxed yesterday
17:49.10cogwheelEveryone seems to be hungover from the battle :)
17:49.22cogwheel~dict climax
17:50.05cogwheelmeh... good enough... not going to bother trying any of the other 12 definitions :\
17:50.34Kaso~dict 4 climax
17:51.26Kasolies, dirty lies
17:56.42Kasonoone comments on my addon :<
17:58.02cogwheelOoooh... i just had a really good idea
17:58.07MikmaKaso: oh wow. i gotta test that one
17:58.30cogwheelWrite an addon that implements all the upcoming 2.0 slash commands so people can start experimenting with new macros
17:58.39Kasomm, interesting
17:58.43cogwheelthe only ones that will not be possible so far are the /focus ones
17:58.49Kasosounds a cool idea
18:02.04Kasocogwheel: you could do a pseudo focus, checking raid and raid's target, and ive you're feeling really cool, itterate over the nameplates to try find the person with the correct name, but its nowhere near perfect
18:02.30*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
18:02.33Kasothen hook all the Unit functions and add "focus", but, prob not worth doing all that
18:02.40cogwheelI'm thinking more from the mage perspective...     /focus target           /target focus /cast Polymorph /targetlasttarget
18:03.02cogwheelthat's currently impossible
18:03.21Kasoits partially doable with raid-targets + nameplates, but in a limited, hacky fasion
18:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:04.22GremWarsongDoes anyone know a technique to find the current amount of time played in a game session?
18:04.39cogwheelin lua?
18:04.45cogwheelor in general?
18:04.49GremWarsongin lua
18:04.50GremWarsongwith a script
18:05.02GremWarsongI assume by getting time when logged in, and subtracting it from current time?
18:05.30MikmaKaso: should your addon work somehow? :)
18:05.44GremWarsongNot what im looking for
18:05.47Kasoit should work out of the box
18:05.53cogwheelGremWarsong: gotcha
18:06.02Kasoheal someone within 20yrd and you should see it work
18:06.02MikmaKaso: well, it doesn't for some reason
18:06.08cogwheelyeah, you should store the time on login
18:06.36Kasocan you see the "Fred <Fred's Guild> for people close to you?
18:06.48GremWarsongBtw, what effects the order of what mod gets loaded first?
18:07.09KasoGremWarsong: in windows its done by alphabetacal order of the addons directory
18:07.25malrethmore accurately, they're loaded in directory order
18:07.33Kasoso aaa is loaded before abb and !aaa is loaded before both of them
18:07.35malrethwhich *tends* to be alphabetic
18:07.43cogwheeland even more accurately, if an addon has dependencies it'll be loaded after the dependencies
18:07.50malrethbut it's really in whatever order the OS decides to list them in
18:08.08MikmaKaso: i had to disable MSBT to see the texts
18:08.12Kasocogwheel: ever tried making two inter-depenent addons :>
18:08.28purli heard msbt is Mikord's Scrolling Battle Text, a possible SCT replacement, found at
18:08.30malrethKaso: WoW has some method to break circular dependencies
18:09.03Kasoi cant see how that'd interact with my addon ^_-
18:09.31MikmaKaso: newsflash, it does :D
18:09.55Kasotrue, are you Mikord?
18:10.26Mikma~seen mikord
18:10.39purlmikord <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 19d 13h 56m 31s ago, saying: 'Gotta hit the sack. Night guys'.
18:10.39cogwheelInteresting... "All of the unit identifiers are reserved names"
18:11.02Kasosleeping for a long time.
18:11.46ckknightcogwheel, what do you mean?
18:12.26MikmaKaso: can the textsize be changed?
18:12.42Kasoin the code, line 20
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18:13.32malreth"I hope your name isn't target." man, that cracks me up
18:13.46MikmaKaso: well that's a feature request then :D
18:15.03Kasoyah, i prob should have made it slightly more customisable, and interactive
18:15.59Mikmabut seems like a good addon :)
18:16.09Mikmai like it even more than the normal MSBT messages
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18:17.21Kasothey real kicker is that is fucks with the nametag and raidicons
18:17.36KasoI can dix the raidicons but nametag is hard
18:17.57PlorkyeranPettarget is a legal player name :P
18:18.17PlorkyeranSo not quite all
18:19.28Kasopettarget isnt a valid unitid is it, woudlnt it be playerpettarget ?
18:19.49MikmaKaso: how it fucks with them then?
18:19.52cogwheelkaso nope
18:20.03cogwheelpet is a valid unit
18:20.04Kasooh, did not know that
18:20.16KasoMikma: you'll notice that noone in 20yrds has either
18:20.22cogwheelPlorkyeran: maybe you should post that ;)
18:20.41MikmaKaso: heh that's kinda "neat" actually
18:20.49malrethpost it as Pettarget
18:20.59Mikmai hate seeing em both. unless it's hostile
18:21.09PlorkyeranTrying to, but it may not show up
18:21.13Kasowell it shouldnt effect raidtargets
18:21.18Kaso*hostile targets
18:21.34Mikmagood. i really hate seeing a huge raidicon infront of me all the time
18:21.37PlorkyeranI think they only update characters you can post on every tuesday
18:21.39cogwheellooks like he may be wrong:
18:21.40KasoIm going to fix the Raidicons though, when we raid certain people always have icons, its useful.
18:21.44Mikmaor the stupid bars since they are not needed ;)
18:21.56Kasocogwheel perhaps he means, "Come TBC"
18:22.02Kasoie those people will have to change
18:22.05cogwheeland then they'll all have to change?
18:22.09cogwheelthat makes sense
18:22.20MikmaKaso: have you had a look at the hidebluenametags in wowi?
18:22.23malrethwhich explains his line... "Hope your name isn't target."
18:22.39malrethisn't... and not wasn't
18:22.41cogwheelI think the "are" threw me off
18:22.42PlorkyeranMost of the unitids are blocked, though
18:22.49Kasothats what ive based my addon on Mikma
18:22.54cogwheelPlorkyeran: that's 'cause they have numbers in them
18:22.57MikmaKaso: neat hehe
18:23.05PlorkyeranUnless there's people on every low pop server with stupid names like "Playertarget" and "targettarget"
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18:23.34Kasoim using very similar code to his for enumerating the nameplates
18:23.41Kasoi reall should add that credit in
18:23.42Mikmawhops wrong channel ;)
18:28.30KasoMikma that MSBT is annoying me now
18:28.43MikmaKaso: how come? :)
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18:28.48malrethlemme guess... MSBT parents frame to the WorldFrame
18:29.15Kasonot that i can see
18:29.17malreths/e t/es t/
18:29.27Kasothat's why im so confused, theres no reason i can see
18:29.46malrethdoes it create frames with a nil parent?
18:30.06Kasobugger me, it does
18:30.21malrethwell there's yer problem
18:30.27Kasodoes worldframe grab parentless frames?
18:30.43Kasothe bugger
18:30.47malrethat least, i believe so
18:31.16KasoMikma try adding parent="UIParent" to line3 of the XML file, before > ofc
18:31.37MikmaKaso: after we wipe on vael
18:31.56Kaso:< i hope my addon didnt cause that
18:32.05malrethNO! Don't wipe of Vael!
18:32.08Mikmahaven't even started yet
18:32.21Mikmabut we always wipe on vael for like 2-3 times
18:32.21Kasoooh i see
18:32.27malrethif you do, Nefarian will be unstoppable!
18:33.03Kasowait, malreth, that cant be the problem, my enumerate ignores named frames, and the MSBT frame has a name
18:33.22malrethaaaah... good thinking, there, Kaso
18:34.00Kasobah this is frustrating, ive gotta go out, but i want to get to the bottm of this problem -_-
18:34.03Kasoah well, laters.
18:34.09malrethgot an idea for you
18:34.20Kasoshoot, quickly
18:34.23malrethmodify your copy of msbt to some how identify its frames
18:34.32malrethlike add a member variable to its frames
18:34.41malrethframe.marker = "I'm with MSBT!"T
18:34.50Kasoi see, yeh
18:34.55Kasoill try that out later
18:34.59Kasothankss, seya
18:35.20malrethGodspeed, Kaso
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18:40.54GremWarsongI know ive asked this before, but how do you make a floating value only return the first 2 decimals (hundredths?)
18:42.28malreth> =string.format("%.2f", 123.456)
18:43.06malrethnotice the rounding
18:43.30GremWarsongah, thanks
18:43.33cogwheelGremWarsong: is this for display only or are you going to be performing further math on the value?
18:43.39GremWarsongJust display =)
18:43.53cogwheelI won't say any more then :)
18:44.04malreth:) i know what you were gonna say
18:44.38malreththat's because i'm a jedi
18:45.04GremWarsongIt would require jedi powers to understand why math calculations could be disrupted with the formatting
18:45.26cogwheelGremWarsong: actually it's more of a performance concern than anything
18:45.36Mikmawe wiped :)
18:45.37cogwheelstring.format is very expensive compared to other methods of rounding
18:45.54Mikmaour dps warrior overaggroed vael and got him turned to raid -> framebreath
18:46.09cogwheelbut since you're spitting it out to be displayed anyway, it would have to string.format the number either way
18:46.09malrethMikma: time to kick him from your guild
18:46.28Mikmamalreth: muahahaha. he propably will get kicked later
18:46.30zenzelezzI was smart enough to pop Recklessness on Vael once
18:47.23malrethone time, i got so caught up on casting AM, popping FW, and hitting FB whenever I could that I totally forgot to notice all the little pop ups saying that I had BA...
18:47.28malrethI wiped out half the raid
18:48.09malrethwe almost had him down but that finished us off
18:48.28malrethit would have been our first one-shot on Vael :)
18:48.48cogwheelWe got him down to 5% for the first time the other night
18:49.12cogwheelWe should be able to smash him tonight assuming we have the attendance
18:49.28malrethOnce you get into the rhythm, the fight actually becomes really easy... having lots of T2 gear also helps, of course
18:49.45malrethhe dies faster so the chance of all your healers getting BA drops
18:50.02MikmaKaso: parent="UIParen" didn't help
18:50.12malreth~seen Kaso
18:50.26purlkaso is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 4m 47s). Has said a total of 59 messages. Is idling for 15m 27s, last said: 'thankss, seya'.
18:51.15malrethI had a wicked idea yesterday driving home from work
18:51.21malrethit's where i get all of my greatest ideas
18:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
18:51.41malrethlet's assume that we get multi-stage keybindings and action button and targeting menus with WoW 2.0
18:52.03Mikmawell funny
18:52.04Mikmanow it works
18:52.32malrethimagine a typing game addon... it generates words based on which keys are bound to which action and menu and submenu item
18:53.18malrethso, "target member 1 of group 5 cast Greater Heal" turns into typing the letters "K A R"
18:54.00malreththen you write your addon and call it "Mavis Beacon Raiding Tutor"
18:54.22PlorkyeranOr you could hook a ddr pad up to your computer
18:54.37PlorkyeranAnd use big flashing arrows to indicate which button the mod wants you to push
18:54.46MikmaKaso: well now it started to work for some reason. dunno why
18:55.10cogwheel'nuff said
18:55.26malrethanyways, the typing addon would flash up words and it's up to you to type them in to target, cast spells, etc.
18:56.12malreththere was a game for the dreamcast that never really made it out over here in the States
18:56.12cogwheelmalreth: are you Zernin?
18:56.31cogwheelthat link i just posted said essentially the same thing...
18:56.33malrethcalled "Typing of the Dead" It was the House of the Dead game but instead of using a gun, you used a keyboard
18:56.48PlorkyeranThat game was great
18:56.59malrethno, i'm not Zernin. I'm malreth.
18:57.00PlorkyeranI learned how to type on dvorak with that
18:57.26malreththat was such a fun game
18:57.27cogwheelmalreth: some people post on alts... i was just checking...
18:57.43malrethi'm too lazy to change my sig between alts
18:57.48PlorkyeranI'm hoping that having the crutch of EMs and Decursive removed will help inspire someone to create raid frames that don't suck
18:57.50cogwheel'cause I read that at the exact same time as you were telling us and thought it was a very strange coincidence
18:58.30malrethPlorkyeran: yeah... i'm eager to see how Grid turns out
18:58.51PlorkyeranEverything right now is pretty terrible, but people switched to not really using raid frames instead of making good raid frames
18:59.12MaldiviaKaso ?
18:59.14malrethas an information display, PerfectRaid is pretty nice
18:59.18malrethkaso's gone
18:59.31PlorkyeranNice for information display, but not that great for healing
18:59.37malrethbitch owed me money so i had to hit him
19:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge FISKER_Q (i=blah2@
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19:20.27cogwheelTHE END IS NEAR!!!
19:20.31cogwheelZOMG SAVE US ALL
19:21.10cogwheelKaoS`: see who just came back from AFK ;)
19:22.00malrethtime to start derailing threads
19:23.20malrethi'm quitting sudoku... who's with me?
19:24.15KirkburnOh noes! Not another "I'm quitting Sudoku!" post?? What's it this time? Not enough time to get the right numbers? End-game too hard for you?
19:24.45malreththe lame restrictions are KILLING me
19:24.58KirkburnI mean, I know the multiplayer experience is pretty shoddy, but I've heard they're planning on adding it 'soon'
19:25.13malreththey're forcing me to keep a hundred erasers with me just to finish one puzzle
19:25.42KirkburnThat's shocking! And how long has this been going on for??
19:25.55malrethit's stupid that they can't come up with a better way to make the game cahllenging except by just taking away the givens
19:26.01malreththat's GHEY!
19:26.49KirkburnIt's SOOOO obvious the game is aimed at the Intelligensia
19:27.25KirkburnCan't they account for those with single figure IQs? I mean srsly!
19:27.56krkait's just too random, each puzzle is too different
19:28.14krkahow are we supposed to learn the raid encounters?
19:28.38krkai tell group 1 to put 4s in the top right corner, but in some of the sudokus, that won't work at all!
19:28.49krkawe need a mod to calculate it for us
19:28.51KasoMaldivia: what'd you want?
19:29.04malrethi'm canceling my subscription to the Times
19:29.19MaldiviaKaso: uploaded the line clock
19:29.27Kasolinkie please :>
19:29.32malrethit's seems they change things up every week... I'm tired of being nurfed like that
19:30.13krkausing Iriels line drawing?
19:30.25XuerianOhh, is that a analog style clock?
19:30.31Kasothanks maldivia
19:31.00MaldiviaKaso: hope it still works :)
19:31.11MaldiviaKaso: there should be some /clock commands to set size etc :)
19:31.31KasoI'll take a look later, im supposed to be afk atm :>
19:32.03MaldiviaXuerian: <-- it's the clock seen at the bottom
19:33.52Meryomg I picked up "Texas Hold'Em DS" for my Nintendo DS and really the development studio should have given them 50$ to try any internet poker room they so did a miserable job displaying the current game situation (i.e. no dealer button, don't even show how much everybody bet, just the current pot size) - sad when people never played the game they are programming - eBay here I come.
19:36.21XuerianMaldivia: Where's your worldframe at =(
19:38.36XuerianSo much space covered by frames x.x... anyway, minor hernia over, I like the clock. Thought of making one to overlay the minimap :P
19:39.22Maldiviawell, that UI is from january, or so - it's changed somewhat since then :)
19:39.27Maldiviacheck ui2006.jpg instead :)
19:42.26malreth"Noez! Think of all the female night elf hunters who'd have to change their names!"
19:42.34malrethi am a comic genius!
19:42.53malrethwokka wokka wokka!
19:49.23cogwheelC'mon guys... there's a huge wall of Cogwheel on the UI & Macros forum... Pick it up!
19:49.37malrethi'm tryin!
19:49.55malrethIt's carpal tunnel! Oh, it's bad!
19:50.02malrethI can't go on!
19:50.54malrethgah, you beat me on Siona's post by a few minutes
19:51.00malrethmine was wittier, though
19:51.24malrethand uses the new /target unitid syntax
19:58.36PlorkyeranIs it just me, or is Frai arguing that WoW shouldn't require skill?
19:58.55axxoit shouldn't  & doesn't
19:59.24PlorkyeranWhat's the point of playing then?
19:59.44PlorkyeranShould it just display "You win" on the screen after you spend an hour staring at it?
20:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
20:10.13malrethshe completely turned Tauruse
20:10.47malrethshe is like a Jesus... or Bob Barker!
20:12.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
20:16.04cogwheelI envision something that pops up a rather large red circle in the middle of the screen. This circle would shrink as it moves towards a unit frame that needs decursing and then surround that frame with its redness. That way you can pay attention to the game while you're not decursing :) (of course the animation would only happen one at a time so if the whole raid gets cursed you only see the...
20:16.05cogwheel...ball move to one unit but everyone gets highlighted)
20:17.30tyroney|workSometimes I wonder if people would be happier hooking up on vent, and watching some raid on youtube fullscreen while they talk about it.
20:18.28malrethok, now put Eyes of the Beast on your hotbar
20:18.40malrethcast Arcane Brilliance to increase our intelligence
20:18.52malrethhow much agility is on your cloak of the tiger?
20:19.27tyroney|workWas it just me, or was there a tinge of guild wars in some of that dialogue?
20:19.36malrethwhat's Guild Wars?
20:19.38cogwheeltyroney|work: my wife watched me do strat once on our projector :)
20:19.53*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
20:20.48tyroney|workActually I know this girl who wants me to get a copy of factions.  My poor wallet.
20:22.04tyroney|workIt was funny.  She was all, like, "yeah, the first one was hard, I never finished and I didn't really like it.  I've beat the second one like 8 times now.  You should get the second one."  I just quietly laughed to myself.
20:22.21Rallionpfft, I'm going to spend about $500 on games this november. it's crazy.
20:23.14tyroney|workI'm so glad I loaned my cube to my game happy friends.  A family with multiple gaming young people.  So now I just go hang out at their place on weekends, and play all their games.
20:24.54Rallionwell...come november, I have to buy a Wii ($250) plus another controller set ($60) and Zelda ($50), and even before that, Guitar Hero 2 ($70)
20:24.55tyroney|workNow I can't wait to get my wiimote.  And leave it at their house, of course.
20:25.50tyroney|workAt least it's all for a good cause.  Seems like a better investment than a widescreen and a keg every so often.
20:26.02RallionYeah. Probably.
20:26.13RallionAnd hell, I'm spending more than that on a trip this weekend
20:26.22Rallionso I guess I can't really complain
20:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
20:27.58IrielOf course, if you buy factions then you have to think about nightfall
20:27.59ckknighthey all
20:29.09tyroney|workI'll probably just get one and try it out, and be done with it.  I mean, I even played everquest ii for a little while. (before the life was sucked out of me by blandness)
20:29.51RallionI played Guild Wars during the E3 open beta thing they did
20:29.54Rallionthat's all
20:29.59RallionI didn't like it...
20:33.56Irielthe nice thing with guild wars is there's no monthly fee so you can dip in
20:35.39tyroney|workMy friend just noticed the $20 retail on wow, and we were both talking about how much fun it would be to do some dual boxing.  Except when the monthly fees kick in.
20:38.23tyroney|workAh.  my druid finally has 300 alch.  Now to get those last 3.2 levels
20:41.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
20:41.46KirochiIs KIrkburn in there ?
20:42.35malreth~seen Kirkburn
20:42.49purlkirkburn is currently on #wowi-lounge (4h 47m 18s). Has said a total of 6 messages. Is idling for 1h 13m 1s, last said: ':P'.
20:53.19*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
20:55.26wereHamsterI thought CastSpellByName() was going to be disabled in TBC during combat but slouken said "AddOns and macros will still be able to cast spells ... so spellcasting will still be possible." - did I miss anything?
20:55.48IrielYou can /cast spells
20:56.01malrethyou missed the part where you understand the actual changes
20:56.03IrielYou cannot CastSpellByName spells in combat
20:56.17wereHamsterbut not from within addons, lua-files, right?
20:56.51wereHamstermalreth, I never claimed that I understood the changes
20:57.23malrethi'm just picking on you
20:57.36malrethbecause were-hamsters are something that i truly fear
20:57.55malrethone minute... aw, cute little hamster
20:58.02malrethnext... OMG! It turned into a man!
20:58.05wereHamsterstop it !
20:58.17zenzelezzguild's fourth Faerlina kill, still no sign of the Remorse... but the Embrace has dropped every single time x.x
20:59.13malrethin any case, from what I understand (and Iriel will correct me if I don't), is addons will be able to cast spells using frames that are instantiated from secure action button templates
20:59.48malrethbut those buttons are limited in that they cannot change what spell they will cast once combat is initiated
21:00.10zenzelezzcan they decide whether or not to cast?
21:00.36malrethzenzelezz: they won't cast if you don't click on them
21:00.52zenzelezzright now my Taunt button won't cast unless someone else has aggro on the target
21:01.14malreththen in tBC, that'll change
21:01.27malrethyou'll look at your target's target and if it's not you, you won't click on the taunt button
21:01.38zenzelezzthought so
21:02.20wereHamsterI imagine most UIs will have all sorts of flashes and green/red indicators to show the user when to cast a spell and when not..
21:02.29malrethwell, it depends on if we get secure action buttons that cast a different spell based on if the unit is friendly or not
21:03.23malrethwereHamster: yeah... it'll be a regular pokemon epileptic attack. i hope you have meds.
21:04.11wereHamsterWill the keibinding UI be changed to accomodate for the direct key-spell bindngs?
21:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney|work (
21:04.41malrethooh... good question
21:04.50malrethno one knows
21:04.58malrethwell, i'm sure someone knows
21:05.06malrethbut they can't say anything
21:05.24tyroney|workAw, I missed a good question?
21:05.41malrethwereHamster: Will the keibinding UI be changed to accomodate for the direct key-spell bindngs?
21:06.10malrethif not, then someone will write a nifty addon that will
21:06.24malrethsince keybindings can be set programmatically outside of combat
21:07.46wereHamsteryeah, but it would be a shame if I had to install a third-party addon to use this feature
21:08.19malrethoh, i know what i would do
21:08.30malrethhave a window with an image of a keyboard on it
21:08.41malreththen you'd drag spells from your spell book onto the keys
21:09.01malrethand they'd then display the icon corresponding to that spell
21:09.14malretharen't I awesome!?
21:09.17wereHamsterI mean.. most if not all of teh API functions have a use in the standard UI, and if the designers don't see a new function useful for teh standard UI they don't let slouken implement it..
21:09.30malrethslouken answers to no man
21:09.38wereHamsterargh.. 'teh' :-/
21:09.49Maldiviamalreth: and then write an optimus keyboard layout, that reads the keybinding file, and puts the right icons on the keys :)
21:09.59wereHamstermalreth, great idea :)
21:10.02malrethand if he were here, he'd slice your head off with nary a thought for saying something like that
21:11.11malrethlegend says that slouken has a heart that is as black as evil and that he breathes blood
21:11.18tyroney|workheh.  Received: from Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:23:04  "GameStop and EB Games will begin accepting limited pre-orders for the PlayStation 3 console on Tuesday, October 10, on a first come, first served basis"
21:11.42Maldiviapsh... who would want a PS3 anyway...
21:11.54tyroney|workI'm just so impressed by their timing.
21:13.38cogwheelI'm most excited about the Wii
21:13.56cogwheelIt should be coming out just in time for my B-day too :)
21:14.32tyroney|workI just wish I had started working on my artistic skill 5 years earlier, then I might've been inclined/able to apply for a ui dev position down there.
21:20.42KirkburnDammit, why did Kirochi leave so quickly :/
21:22.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:22.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
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21:35.18wereHamsterRaidsymbolizer, does anyone know the addon?
21:36.03wereHamstersome time ago I saw someone in this channel talking about writing such an addon.. I imagine it's him
21:36.31AbenadiI wrote one that seems similar, called quicktargeticons
21:36.45Abenadibut mine doesn't let you define a hotkey its just ctrl-click to assign icons in order
21:36.57Abenadior shift-click to assign icons to everyone's targets
21:38.19wereHamsterI think his idea is that the leader presses the hotkey and swipes with the mouse over the mobs and each mob egts a raid icon
21:45.06Abenadithat seems like a nice implementation
21:46.20AbenadiI think with the new unit target change event in BC you could do some more interesting things
21:46.46wereHamsterunit target change?
21:46.46Abenadilike each of our warriors has an icon that is always their target, I could write an addon that would always assign that icon to their target if it didn't already have one
21:46.55AbenadiI thought i saw that werehamster...
21:47.29Abenadilike right now can't we only get an event when our own target changes or our target's target?
21:48.47AbenadiUNIT_TARGET is sent when a unit's target changes. -- that's what I read on the changes linked in this channel's topic
21:51.31Rallioni think we can get events when other units targets change, otherwise targetoftarget frames wouldn't work
21:52.09AbenadiI've never tried, I just read that in the 2.0 change notes so I assumed there was a limit to the units for which we could currently get this event
21:52.13Esamynnnot currently, currently ToT frames use OnUpdate scripts
21:52.22Rallionah...that sucks.
21:52.33*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:52.36Beladonayou wil get those events for your target, your targets target, and your focus I believe
21:53.09Industrialcan i do UnitHealth('targettarget') ?
21:53.18Abenadiso in WoW 2.0 Unit_Target will not fire for raid1, etc?
21:53.32EsamynnI believe it will actually
21:53.59Esamynnsay targettarget changes, you'll get unit_target with art1 == "target" iirc
21:54.26Esamynnor if raid1target changes, youll get UNIT_TARGET with arg1 = "raid1"
21:54.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:55.00Abenadithat was what I thought it was saying
21:55.04Beladonasounds right
21:55.44ckknighthey all
21:56.03Beladonawe dont' want any
21:57.17Abenadiin the current build there is no Unit_target anyway, only player_target_change, and raid_target_change (which has no args and i don't know what it does)
21:57.28Abenadiraid_target_update i mean
21:57.47Abenadioh that's an icon change event
21:59.15Esamynnyes, UNIT_TARGET is completely new in the BC
22:00.03Esamynnlater all
22:01.05Abenadii wonder if unit_target will fire for random enemy units, like raid10target... probably not
22:01.43Abenadibut that would be awesome if it did
22:04.45IrielI believe it's intended to
22:05.00Irieloh, no, not for enemies
22:05.12Irielit would fire for raid10
22:05.22IrielIt fires for 'primary' units, not derived ones
22:05.36ckknightit'd also fire for focus
22:05.41ckknightso if you set focus to raid10target
22:05.43ckknightyou'd get it.
22:06.47AbenadiI would really like focus... IF we could still target in script logic
22:07.07cogwheelAbenadi: there are still lots of uses for focus
22:07.11AbenadiI guess there's still some nitfty things to do with it
22:07.17cogwheelmage does /focus target at the beginning of fight
22:07.32cogwheelthen has     /target focus    /cast Polymorph    /targetlasttarget
22:07.59Abenadiyeah, I was hoping I could use it to auto-scan a list of all the unique targetables
22:08.20Abenadimaybe i can still do that actually
22:08.23IrielYou can't programatically change target or focus
22:08.39Abenadioh, in that case i guess i can't!  ;(
22:12.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
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22:18.24ckknight~cookie cogwheel
22:18.58ckknightanybody understand that?
22:19.03cogwheelthat was a tasty cookie...
22:19.20*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHams1er (
22:20.38ckknightomg, can anyone else log into the wow forums?
22:20.43ckknightI can't, for some ungodly reason
22:20.52cogwheelis it your billing day?
22:21.02Abenadiis it a day that ends in 'y'?
22:21.04ckknightno error message, nothing
22:21.17ckknightno, cogwheel, I just added a new card a week ago
22:21.28Merytry to delete your interface folder (I know that's old...)
22:21.40cogwheeli've been logged in all day so i'm not sure
22:21.50MeryI just logged in, working fine
22:22.09ckknightI want to post a new topic
22:22.30Thunder_Childlol Abenadi, thies are the worst
22:31.17cogwheelHehe:  "If I had £1 for every intelligent comment posted in general discussion, I'd be hideously in debt"
22:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
22:38.59AbenadiYou know what would be nice? If you could pay X$ a month to "add a family member" to your account, basically letting you play two characters from your account at the same time without having to juggle them between accounts
22:39.52ckknightthat would be nice.
22:39.53Abenadieven if it was the same as the regular subscription price I'd prefer that
22:40.39Industrialgo go gadget bots
22:40.50Industrialyou dont want that
22:41.07Industrialin daoc everyone bought a second account and got healing and buffbots
22:42.04Industrialwich basically screwed the whole game up
22:42.08AbenadiYou can already do that, this would just allow people to play their characters without messing with transfer stuff
22:42.12Industrialthen there were 3 more expansions packs :P
22:56.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
23:02.11Meryhmm is it known that I can "abuse" movepad to use its movement functions if you call :Click() from a hardware event?
23:04.02cogwheelI thought calling it's Click handler taints the code...
23:05.46Merywell doing /script MovePadLeft:Click() in the chatbox works, as a macro I dunno yet need to disable ct_raid I guess
23:06.36cogwheelYou should probably get someone to tell Slouken about that...
23:07.00cogwheeland don't tell too many people about it either :\
23:07.09Merywell my intention was to post in the movepad thread that resizing and repositioning works
23:07.15PlorkyeranI wonder if we could convince slouken to let us use all of the protected functions from the protected buttons
23:07.32Merywell something like that is what i wanted to ask... lol
23:07.34PlorkyeranSo that we could just implement movepad like things with normal addons
23:07.53cogwheelPlorkyeran: think about that a little harder...
23:07.56Meryand wanted to back up my point in posting what is possible with movepad
23:08.09Corrodiasso... what is movepad?
23:08.19Merya signed addon by slouken himself
23:08.20cogwheelThey made those functions secure for the sole purpose of making it so we CAN'T use them in addons
23:08.36Merywell with the new model of secure frames
23:08.43Corrodiasyou've described a small part of it, but you haven't described much about the addon
23:08.52PlorkyeranYes, because they were used in undesirable ways, which aren't possible with the secure frames
23:09.05cogwheelthis has nothing to do with secure frames...
23:09.13Corrodiasoh, so he's put it up there, i see
23:09.14cogwheelit's something slouken made as an accessibility feature
23:09.30MeryI like wanted to be able to assign those functions to a secure frame that can only be created and SetPointed during startup
23:10.00PlorkyeranThe handlers would have to be fixed on login as well, or keyminder makes it all pointless
23:10.15Merylol how many addons hook the macro execution?
23:10.34PlorkyeranBut if they're locked at login, we'd have access to the protected functions, while not able to do the things they don't like with them
23:11.20Meryok why does MetaMap need to hook macro execution?
23:11.38PlorkyeranTo hook map showing stuff in a stupid way?
23:13.04Meryhmm I dunno which hook it actually is (one of my addons did it too - LOL) probably some chat stuff
23:13.16Merybut after disabling all those addons
23:13.27Mery./script MovePadLeft:Click() works fine in a macro
23:13.56Mery(if you got no addon tainting the code)
23:14.07PlorkyeranHmm, I wonder if that means macros are protected, and it's just addons causing random problems...
23:14.13Corrodiasit's fucking cold in this room. i need to talk to my RA again.
23:14.41Meryno its because the protected function is signed and doesn't get tainted when I call :Click()
23:16.39Meryanyway somebody can tell the people with the better connections ;) I gotta go to bed
23:16.49Merycan somebody*
23:18.03Corrodiaskinda sounds like something you don't want to post on the public forum, but the WoW forums don't have private messages
23:20.01Merygood night everyone
23:20.49PlorkyeranThe real question is if it's worth the effort to make autotravel use it for the time before it gets fixed :P
23:25.28KirkburnNew screens :)
23:31.50Corrodiasslouken has finally answered the ol' question: "You can't change the action bar in combat other than by clicking a secure button to do so or using /changeactionbar or /swapactionbar "
23:32.03Corrodiashow.. miffing. i hope they finally fix the whole "druids don't get a prowl bar" thing.
23:32.27Irielthe problem with prowl is it isn't a stance change
23:32.28Irielit's a buff
23:32.57Corrodiasbut cat form itself is a buff...
23:33.26JoshBorkestealth is a buff rather than a stance change.  don't rogues get to change their combat bar? or is that not a feature?
23:33.57Corrodiasrogue stealth appears to be a stance change, while druid prowl is merely a silly little buff >_<
23:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
23:38.45Corrodiasit seems that the forum avatars are scaled by level, too
23:39.39Shadowed<=59 it's an unepic one, at 60 it's an epic one
23:40.05Corrodiasjust two? damn. that still sucks.
23:41.12Corrodiasi wanted to say something NICE but they just don't make it easy
23:59.38IrielCorrodias: Cat form may ALSO be a buff, but it's a shapeshift change per the background API and event model
23:59.41IrielProwl is not
23:59.43IrielRogue stealth is

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