irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061010

00:00.16Shadowedi'll never submit to ace
00:00.19ckknightwe want you, Kirkburn
00:00.21ckknightwe need you.
00:00.36ckknightShadowed, but maybe submitting is the greatest feeling we can have.
00:01.03ckknightYou can either not believe in it and be crushed
00:01.06ckknightor just use it
00:01.09ckknightand be crushed
00:01.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gazmik (
00:01.53Shadowedace is the tool of the devil
00:02.03ckknighthow so?
00:02.17Shadowedspeaking of ace, have to go beat thehorde guild ace. brb :p
00:03.44Kirkburnckknight, YOU use it - is that not proof enough?
00:04.26ckknightI also wrote a significant chunk of the core Ace2 libs.
00:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:08.22Corrodias4 hunters in our ZG raid, oh noes
00:08.42Corrodiasonly 2 mages & 2 priests & 2 druids. could be interesting.
00:14.09Mikkhorde or alliance?
00:14.34KirkburnAnd 10 paladins?
00:14.56MikkPut pallies on healing. Put priests n druids on dps.
00:15.02MikkProblem solved =)
00:15.08KirkburnMages on tanking?
00:15.29MikkMages tank lots in zg anyway =)
00:16.05MikkFlamestrike, IAE, IAE, Frost nova... ohshitohshitthey'restillalive *rip*
00:18.30Mr_Rabies2whoa, Gazmik's in here? :O
00:20.25Corrodiasif you listen to our vent, we all sound like a bunch of hicks & swedes
00:22.00TainMy guild vent used to be awesome, the worse we played the more our Australian guild leader would curse everyone out.
00:22.35TainWe'd start taking bets on how many more wipes until he flipped out.
00:22.40TainAnd who's Gazmik?
00:23.22norgsGAZMIK! WHO'S GAZMIK!
00:23.36MikkHe's this way cool guy. Who the heck are you?
00:23.39Corrodiaseither my router sucks or my university's network/ISP sucks
00:23.53Cairennas in:
00:23.58Corrodiasif i have shoutcast streaming in, i get huge WoW lag, even though a speed test shows i have plenty of bandwidth
00:24.08TainHey I never expect to ever see someone say, "Tain's here?" without following it with, "Call security."
00:24.19TainYes I love that Fizzwidgy stuff.
00:24.24norgsGazmik's got what you need! That's who Gazmik is :)
00:24.28BeladonaCorrodias: it may not be connection lag
00:24.34Beladonamost ilkely DX lag
00:24.42Gazmikhehe, glad I could help!
00:25.06Mr_Rabies2Your addons saved my family from being mauled by a pack of ravenous wolves
00:25.15KirkburnHe's so Fizzy!
00:26.13TainThat sounds like it could be a sitcom
00:26.13MikkCorrodias: Define speed test. One of those thingies that only sends a couple packets, does magic math on them, and guesses what your bandwidth is?
00:26.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Bh (
00:26.23MikkThose will always be waaaaay wrong if there's traffic shapers involved
00:26.33Mikk(In either direction)
00:26.44Corrodiasone of the dslreports tests, location 2
00:28.02Corrodiasand i know from experience that there ought to be PLENTY of bandwidth for a little music & WoW
00:28.39Mr_Rabies2i always just use speakeasy's speedtest
00:28.50MikkCorrodias: You get plenty speed when downloading stuff, then?
00:29.44Kirkburnlol, Half Life 2 hates my Cteative Vista drivers (yup, I almost fell off my chair when that happened)
00:30.06Mr_Rabies2oh god
00:30.16Corrodiasyes, and when uploading
00:30.33Corrodiasi can usually play shoutcast music & wow together fine
00:30.38Corrodiassomething's having an "issue"
00:30.46Mr_Rabies2try just restarting your pc maybe
00:30.53Mr_Rabies2there was a bug a while back
00:31.01Mr_Rabies2that if your uptime was over a month on some hardware setups
00:31.11MikkSounds like it's one of two things then: You have a bit of packet loss. This will make WoW seem jumpy and will make downloads/uploads wobble up and down in speed (but may still produce so-so overall speeds)
00:31.12Mr_Rabies2AoE effects wouldn't disappear
00:31.24MikkOR your network card is shit.
00:31.29Mr_Rabies2so silithus would have hundreds of clouds where the elementals were
00:31.42Mr_Rabies2still spinning away
00:32.12MikkI've seen so many strange effects caused by network cards suddenly deciding that anything with a given bit pattern needs to be dropped on the floor.
00:32.23MikkOr mangled beyond recognition on the way out.
00:33.02Corrodiasand now the problem is over!
00:33.08Mr_Rabies2what'd you do?
00:33.09Corrodiasthe hiccup has apparently ended >_>
00:33.12Corrodiasabsolutely nothing
00:33.29MikkOf course, the most common explanation for a network connection being fine and suddenly not is a pair of ports fudging up autoneg - one runs in full duplex, one in half.
00:33.30Mr_Rabies2i blame warden
00:33.41Corrodiasprobably just somebody else in my building downloading something too fast, or a lot of people
00:33.48MikkThe fun thing with those kinds of fudgeups is that generally a single transfer in one direction will be fast
00:33.55MikkBut if you try to do many things at once, it breaks horribly
00:34.12Mr_Rabies2oh man, i had my NIC set to 100 Mbit instead of autodetect and went to a 10 Mbit network
00:34.15Mr_Rabies2bad things happened
00:34.25MikkWell, that won't work at all :-P
00:34.26TainI reactivated my City of Heroes/Villians account.
00:34.37MikkThe "funky" behavior comes from a mismatch of full vs half duplex
00:34.43MikkWhich "sort of" works
00:35.04Mr_Rabies2it drove me insane because i couldn't find out why my connection wasn't working on the network in my dorm
00:35.14Corrodiashah, amusing
00:35.16Mr_Rabies2i thought i like broke my NIC on the way there or something
00:35.22MikkIf it's your NIC to the nearest switch/router port, just unplugging the cable and plugging back in will kick up a new autoneg, which might do the right thing the next time around.
00:35.24Mr_Rabies2then i was like
00:35.35Mr_Rabies2lemme see what's in the NIC's hardware settings
00:35.41Mr_Rabies2OH, YOU SONOFABITCH
00:36.02MikkGenerally, you should never lock your NIC speed, because that disables autoneg.
00:36.28TainSee I come from a world where auto negotiate was buggy as hell in it's initial implementations.
00:36.29KirkburnWoah, Family Guy is rather more adult-oriented these days, isn't it
00:36.32MikkThe port in the other end will be able to detect the SPEED correctly (10 vs 100) but not the duplex mode. All equipment I've seen will assume half duplex in that case.
00:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=Amro@
00:36.49TainSo I'm so driven towards setting the speed myself because we used to HAVE to do that.
00:36.49MikkSo if you lock your NIC to 100Mbps/full duplex, the other port will go 100Mbps/half duplex, and life will suck.
00:37.12MikkTain: It's fine if you set it to half duplex, or if you force both ports to whatever you want, of course =)
00:37.12Corrodiasthat's sad.
00:37.22TainIt has to be set right of course.
00:37.35MikkTain: Didya use to work with early 3com gear by any chance? =)
00:37.49TainBut it used to be (and we're going back 5-7 years now) that auto would cause problems.
00:37.52abug1family guy scars children for life
00:37.56MikkTheir 100Mbps NICs were notories for failing to autoneg with 3com hubs :-P
00:38.11MikkThey'd autoneg fine with anything else. But not 3com hubs =)
00:38.58TainWe had a mix of things, it was HP desktops and they were switching NICs every few models.
00:39.14cladhaireMikk: Autoneg is nasty with cisco as well.
00:39.19Mr_Rabies2my old switch used to take like 30 secs to autoneg
00:39.33Mr_Rabies2made it a pain on startup cause mirc would beep until autoneg happened
00:39.34Mikkcladhaire: true dat.
00:39.41cladhaireOur server was stuck with a 10b half/full mismatch
00:39.45Mr_Rabies2or something did, it took forever on my old connection setup
00:39.46Mikkhaha yay
00:39.49cladhaire30% packet loss, under development load
00:40.00Mr_Rabies2i bet that's what was wrong with my dorm
00:40.14Mr_Rabies2we had a T1, but everyone only got speeds of 1-2k on EVERYTHING
00:40.14Kaso : interesting question
00:40.26Mikki never worked a lot with cisco stuff. can't say i feel like i've missed out on a lot :-P
00:40.26Mr_Rabies2and wow latency occasionally jumped up to 30,000ms and stuff
00:40.42*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
00:40.45TainHeroes is coming on. I saw the premiere last week and didn't hate it.
00:41.06Mr_Rabies2haha Kaso
00:41.22Mr_Rabies2it's like DIVIDE BY ZERO, SERVER = NO
00:41.41Beladonalast week?
00:41.53Beladonathere have been 2 episodes already
00:41.58Beladonathis is 3 I think
00:42.02Mr_Rabies2what's Heroes?
00:42.05TainWell.. uh.. I saw one episode
00:42.10cladhaireOh shit, heros is on tonight isn't it.
00:42.16Mikkat last cisco has lost enough of their market leadership that people have stopped asking me if i'm cisco certified with I'm trying to tout competiting gear on them >.<
00:42.21cladhairehope its taping
00:42.32TainI still don't have my pvr set up.
00:42.35cladhaireMikk: hehe that's hilarious
00:42.51cladhaireReplayTV was da bomb.. too bad they.. like have no money and they're dead now.
00:42.53BeladonaI am dvr'ing it, but gonna watch it too
00:43.09TainThat's what I have, clad
00:43.14Mr_Rabies2this sudden fascination with superheroes and magic in movies and series makes me sad
00:43.20Tain5x series ReplayTV.
00:43.23Mr_Rabies2after spiderman, superheroes
00:43.28Mr_Rabies2after harry potter, magic
00:43.35cladhaireTain: I have a 4x series before they disabled all the fun features =)
00:44.07TainI almost bought a 4 (it was right when the 5s came out) but I liked the stuff they added.
00:44.10TainLIke ethernet. :)
00:44.24cladhaireI had externet.
00:44.27TainBut I used to pull stuff off of it with DVArchive to DVD all the time.
00:44.28cladhairewhat model do I have? =)
00:44.29cladhaire5400 maybe
00:44.40cladhairewtf is externet.. lol
00:44.50BeladonaMr_Rabies2: why is fantasy and imagination ever a bad thing?
00:44.53cladhaireI had every single aired episode of Charmed at one point.
00:44.59Beladonait often drives innovation
00:45.01TainDeal or no Deal is on.  I hate the host.
00:45.04Mr_Rabies2it's not that fantasy and imagination are a bad thing
00:45.07Mr_Rabies2it's just the trend
00:45.20Mr_Rabies2like for a while it was vampires and apocalypse by meteor
00:45.27Mr_Rabies2and for a while, volcano movies
00:45.29abug1omg x-files reruns come on at 12:00
00:45.30Beladonathere are trends, and there are 'OMG STOP IT ALREADY"
00:45.37Beladonai.e. reality shows
00:45.50Mr_Rabies2the superhero reality show made me lol
00:45.53Mr_Rabies2with stan lee
00:46.03Beladonayeah that was just idiotic
00:46.12Mr_Rabies2the guy that one was a little more than insane
00:46.47Tainhahah that show was awesome until the end
00:46.58TainThey go rid of the fun people
00:47.28TainI kinda had a little crush on Creature
00:48.06Mr_Rabies2the crazy guy with the blue overmade suit won
00:50.05Corrodias3 mages, 3 hunters, and 4 rogues. we gots the dps.
00:51.32abug1throw a moonkin in the hunter group for arcane shot
00:53.28TainOh and Studio 60 tonight, that seemed kind of funny too
00:54.17Corrodiastoo bad we're too short on healers to send the other druid to moonkin, even if he has it
00:55.44Corrodiasah, he isn't
01:00.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
01:01.52*** join/#wowi-lounge flyflame (n=flyflame@
01:09.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:09.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
01:12.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Gazmik|AFK (
01:13.10KirkburnOoh, interesting article on three Vista features that didn't make the RTM -
01:13.27ShadowedVista? you microsoft whore
01:13.40KirkburnRead it :)
01:13.51Shadowedhave to win WSG first!
01:14.25KirkburnWell I recommend you read it after then! :P
01:15.07KirkburnIf only Mimesweeper had made it ...
01:15.44MikkAre they changing to the we-pwnzor-joor-harddrive-via-teh-intarweb-and-everyone-has-to-remove-all-firewalls file system yet?
01:16.56Kirkburn"Traps are now on a 30 sec cooldown, but can be used in combat (you no longer need to feign/trap). "
01:17.37KirkburnLots of other stuff too:
01:18.07Shadowedi though wowinsider got closed
01:18.43Corrodiasi have lots of reading to do, looks like
01:20.38KirkburnGot closed???
01:20.41KirkburnEr, no
01:20.55Shadowedthough the TBC alpha account they had got found and closed
01:21.24KirkburnThat's fair enough
01:21.58KirkburnSure you mean WoWInsider though? It's a blog, part of the Joystiq network
01:22.09Shadowedno i dont :p
01:22.13Shadoweder no i'm not
01:22.41KirkburnYou mean
01:24.37KirkburnAnyways, to bed! G'night!
01:26.08Corrodiasabout 10 snakes plus other mobs just jumped us out of nowhere
01:26.17Corrodiaspossibly aggrod through a wall or something
01:26.20GremWarsongomg snakes on a plane!
01:26.41GremWarsongthere are some motherfuckin snakes in our motherfuckin raid
01:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
01:44.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (i=cody@
01:55.06*** join/#wowi-lounge warla (
02:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
02:33.22AnduinLothari lvoe agroign things by casting a buff on the hunters when the raid leader is trying to sneek towards the enemy
02:34.16Shadowedwe let our hunters tank trash
02:35.01Shadowedand then yell at them when they die or lose aggro
02:35.40AnduinLothar:'( my server just got owned
02:36.23AnduinLotharwtf there's a "Blackwing Lair" server?
02:36.46ShadowedBG10, released around 4 months ago
02:36.53AnduinLotharand "Onyxia"
02:37.10ShadowedBg10, released around 4 months ag :p
02:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge vulture- (
02:42.38GremWarsongI got a 15 min warning for an emergency shutdown
02:42.45EndI didn't get any warning!
02:42.49GremWarsong2 seconds later it said, "Shutting down in 5 seconds"
02:42.55GremWarsong1 second later I got disconnected
02:43.06EndAll I got was "Emergency realm shutdown"
02:43.10Endthen I got disconnected
02:43.28Enda lot of servers just went down it looks like
02:43.28GremWarsongand the wow site is like, offline
02:48.34ShadowedMentalPower: bg10 is battlegroup 10, it's a group of servers who play eachother in cross-server battlegrounds
03:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge guest829 (
03:25.59guest829I need help using WPE, can anyone assist?
03:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:28.13malrethDie safely.
03:28.34malrethDo we have a DI?
03:28.34Cairennhey malreth :)
03:28.35malrethhi hi~~~~
03:28.45guest829does anyone know WPE tho?
03:28.46Shadowedno ss, run back guys
03:28.48guest829I need help with it
03:28.54Cairennwhat is WPE?
03:29.06guest829Its a WOW hack program using Hexadecimals
03:29.15malrethkick in 3...
03:29.20Cairennthen no, no one in here will help you, sorry
03:29.26*** part/#wowi-lounge guest829 (
03:29.35Shadowedthat made my night
03:29.42CairennI didn't have to kick, he got the clue
03:29.48malreththat was funny
03:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge frus` (
03:33.58Shadowednow to start working out how to make fubar and titan panel plugins
03:37.19CairennShadowed: sec, trying to find you a link
03:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
03:40.11ShadowedFancy, thanks cair
03:41.35*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg__ (
03:45.18QzotLater, peoples.
04:09.13Beladonawake up you code monkeys!
04:12.56Endwe are already aware of the changes
04:13.17Cairennhe just editted
04:13.20Beladonastrsplit, strjoin
04:13.29EndI did notice those
04:13.33Beladonaoh and strconcat
04:13.37ShadowedIs there a specific event thats *only* fired on first login and not on login/reloadui/zoning/exitingzone?
04:13.43Endthey are useful
04:14.45Shadowedonly ones i can find fire on login and reloadui, but not only login :/
04:14.58BeladonaPLAYER_LOGIN but that does fire during a reloadui
04:15.26Shadowedtrying to add a timer for how long you've been logged in, but I don't want it to reset on reloadui :/
04:15.31Beladonawhat about SPELLS_CHANGED
04:15.49Shadowedactually, i should look at the XP per an hour mods work
04:16.13Shadowed~cair search xp per hour
04:16.22Shadoweddoesn't work :(
04:16.48Beladonait uses timestamps I thought
04:16.59Beladonathere isn't an event that only fires once
04:16.59Shadowedmaybe, i've never checked one of them before
04:17.08Beladonawhy do you want to only do something once, but not on reloadui?
04:17.34ShadowedI am highly disappointed with your ~cair search feature, where do i submit a complaint
04:17.49Shadowedbecause it woldn't be accurate if it reset on reloadui!
04:18.13Shadowedi'll probably just end up using the one that works on login/reloadui
04:18.34Shadowedthanks :p
04:18.52Shadowedthats the same one i just found/downloaded!
04:19.09Cairennneat, huh?
04:19.17Shadowedyeah :p
04:20.01Beladona~cair, has a cooldown, and now queries the server for a valid searchid before searching. So use sparingly
04:20.13Beladonait also cannot be used while in combat
04:20.59Cairennreduced to a bot
04:22.50ShadowedThey just Initialize which is an ace function
04:23.04Shadowedwhich i bet uses variables_loaded1
04:29.11Beladonathey have to use some kind of flag to notify the addon not to update if it doesn't need it
04:29.38Beladonamost likely when they write the actual data
04:29.44Beladonathere has to be a timestamp there
04:29.50Beladonaor something similar
04:31.07Shadowedwhich apparently is called on ADDON_LOADED, so it's just as accurate as using reloadui
04:32.06Beladonaheading to bed, good luck with your research =)
04:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
04:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge vulture- (
05:01.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
05:01.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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05:17.43*** join/#wowi-lounge End_ (n=end@
05:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
05:40.17IndustrialAnyone here use gatherer?
05:40.18IndustrialWanna share your database?
05:40.19Industrial=P \o/
05:42.56Shadowednot that hard to fill out an area in a few hours
05:47.53Industrialnorgs: not like this channel is watched by blizzard (or is it?)
05:48.14Industrialand even then they know squat about me :P
05:48.20Shadowednorgs is the author of gatherer if i remember right
05:48.24IndustrialI know
05:48.34Shadowedhe doesn't like you sending databases :p
05:49.26Industrialare all the nodes the same on every server?
05:50.36Industrialgood good, *evil smirk*
05:52.39CairennIndustrial: Blizz reps are some times in here, and even if they aren't, I am
05:52.58norgsnobody really cares though
05:53.11Cairennno, nobody really cares
05:54.38Industrialbut if you do something like host a website with content on it blizzard will fcuk you up? meh :P
05:54.56norgsnot really that either
05:54.59Industrialits not even thair data - just statistics
05:55.12norgsif you host unreleased content, they get a bit upset
05:55.19Industrialyah ok
05:55.45norgsi've been waiting for them to slap down curse, but apparently they don't look like they're gonna do anything
05:56.11FISKER_Qthey can't "slap down" curse
05:56.11Cairenn|sleepnight guys
05:56.32Cairenn|sleepoh yes they could, CG has a shit load of unreleased content on the site
05:56.50FISKER_Qoh no they could as the unreleased content is not pictures and movies and such
05:57.34norgsoh yes they could, because it was all gathered via reverse engineering proprietary data files
05:57.59norgsblizzard *could* go all digital-millenium on their respective asses
05:58.33FISKER_Qwell they are only going DMCA on their asses when they host pictures then
05:58.52zenzelezzso far
05:59.21norgssending out a cease-and-desist isn't even doing that.
05:59.54norgsit's just a nice way of saying, "tut-tut... stop doing that, or we will actually slap you down"
06:05.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
06:14.55malrethmeh... today's forum trolls just weren't as insipiring as the ones from the weekend were
06:15.03malrethi'm rather dissapointed
06:15.42malrethi miss bigredbrent now... :(
06:25.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
06:43.37Corrodiastoo bad malreth left. i just put up my own post on the thread
06:43.54Corrodiasin classic troll fashion, attacking a person's words without reading any of the thread
06:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
06:57.48Corrodiassigh. i don't know enough about the mechanics of praid to make the "simulation" feature work
06:59.03zenzelezzwhat does/did that do?
06:59.29Corrodiassimulated a 20-man raid so you could set up your options
06:59.50Corrodiascladhaire has been very busy, lately, and hasn't readded some of the old features...
07:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:02.54Corrodiascan't test the other stuff very well if simulate isn't working
07:07.58FISKER_QThis is funny shit
07:08.07FISKER_QI have 3 emails, gmail, my own and my work
07:08.25FISKER_QSo my gmail had spam/worm mails from me, and i almost though i had a worm or virus
07:08.42FISKER_Qthen i go into the email and see it's the guys at work who screwed up and got infected :D
07:09.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:10.26FISKER_Qi didn't know looking through the junk e-mail filters could be so fun :P
07:18.01Corrodiasi don't see what's wrong with this thing
07:20.54Corrodiasit matches the function used by version 0.5 (the last one that seemed to have this feature active)
07:31.19Corrodiasit works back in the version just before the ace2 & trunk merge, whatever that means
07:35.27zenzelezzperhaps there was a reason it was removed at the moment then :)
07:46.41Corrodiasyes: it is going to take some major tweaking to make it work, and i don't know enough about praid to do it
07:47.09Corrodiascladhaire might have an easier time of it (he seems to think it's very easy), but he apparently has little time to work on it.
07:47.46Corrodiashe suggested i simply add a couple of lines to a certain part, but that references a function he removed, and getting that function back in doesn't entirely fix it because some other structure has changed in the meantime. it's just not something i can do myself.
07:49.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (i=cody@
07:57.59*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
08:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
08:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus_ (i=cody@
08:31.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (i=cody@
08:36.00zenzelezzbrowsing the UI & macros forums in your sleep? Cairenn's having nightmares :-o
08:36.12Cairenn|sleepCairenn couldn't sleep
08:36.37[Cu]WerikBe pro, try it again:)
08:36.43KirovCairenn doesn't sleep, ever.
08:36.49Cairenn|sleepmorning [Cu]Werik
08:36.53Kirovthe |sleep is just to fool people in to thinking she's not watching
08:37.01Cairenn|sleepKirov: I try to
08:37.08Cairenn|sleep(sleep, that is)
08:38.46[Cu]WerikBf2142 time :)
08:39.09zenzelezz2142? Is that out already?
08:39.42zenzelezz1942 was brilliant, but anything past that didn't interest me
08:41.46zenzelezzalso disappointed in how TF2 won't be a "serious" game anymore... now I'm pinning my hopes on OFP2 =)
08:42.35Elkanoofp2 or aa?
08:42.53Elkanoand TF2 still looks fun
08:43.07zenzelezzfun, yes, but I wanted a serious game like it was set to be at first
08:43.23zenzelezzlooking forward to AA though
08:43.28Elkanowell, I still think aa will be better than ofp2... proof me wrong...
08:43.36[Cu]Werikwhy does the gfx matters? you will pull it down to the mud anyway
08:43.49zenzelezzwho said anything about graphics?
08:44.23zenzelezzand Elkano, this is all personal opinion, you can't prove anyone wrong :)
08:45.10Elkanowell, on he other hand I haven't seen that much from ofp2... but ofp was fun so aa will most likely be, too
08:46.06zenzelezzsomehow OFP got me really immersed... can't even begin to think of how many times I sat leaning around my monitor trying to get a better view of things
08:46.18zenzelezzI should replay it soon
08:49.03Elkanowe had been playing CTI, a mod for ofp where two teams are trying to capture a whole island for themselves before the other team does (or mor precise to simply wipe all traces of the other team). As in eg Natzral Selection or HL²:Empires one player is the commander that can playe factories and such. really fun :) but takes hours
08:50.23zenzelezzI remember some pretty neat multiplayer mods for OFP... one I really liked (can't remember the name) divided a city into grid squares, and you started on opposing ends of the town
08:50.37zenzelezzthen you had to advance one square at a time
08:50.49Elkanowith some other mods you can eg put in the German Bundeswehr and then play Ger vs Rus with CTI ^^ or US vs Iraq
08:50.50zenzelezzsomething like 10x10
08:54.40zenzelezzI think OFP is the only game I've voluntarily played without a crosshair
08:56.55Elkanowouldn't have helped you anyways ^^
08:58.09Elkanobut ofp was also nice for these "I want to havoc a company of tanks" situations... a few clicks and here we go ^^
09:00.13Corrodiasso.. what is OFP?
09:00.45ElkanoOperation Flashpoint
09:01.26CorrodiasFlashPoint, surely?
09:01.55Elkano"If you see the flash, it's too late..."
09:05.34zenzelezzno Corrodias, Flashpoint
09:05.52Corrodiasthen, OFp, right?
09:05.58Corrodiasthis acronym confuses me
09:06.10zenzelezzbut it's just how it's been all the time :)
09:06.12Corrodiasif the P is associated with the "point" in flashpoint, it seems inappropriate
09:06.16zenzelezzsome weirdos even use OPF
09:06.22zenzelezzbut they're a minority
09:10.00zenzelezzYour Healing Potion critically heals you for 1050.
09:10.26zenzelezzI didn't know potions could crit
09:25.09zenzelezzattack power doesn't affect ranged attacks in any way, does it?
09:25.23|FF|Im2good4uit does :p
09:25.46|FF|Im2good4u+atack power will also giver +.. ranged ttck power
09:26.00zenzelezzbut +ranged attack only gives for ranged?
09:26.37|FF|Im2good4uot over over +400 atttack power whne im buffed up now
09:26.49|FF|Im2good4uover my normal 400 so up to 800 atm
09:27.36zenzelezzsounds nice
09:27.37|FF|Im2good4uwell it doesnt help that much :(
09:27.49|FF|Im2good4u212 - 246 damge to 220 - 60 dmg
09:28.26|FF|Im2good4ubut im seem to crit more :P
09:28.35|FF|Im2good4uthat probely the +2%cirt bones :P
09:30.58Corrodiasi made my post. boo yah.
09:32.00Corrodias and if i've made a mistake in some of my points, please point it out. for example, i didn't scrutinize the south park ep for any mention of the horde but i certainly don't remember them.
09:32.54Corrodiasalso, the post 6 above mine amused me
09:33.48Corrodiasoh noes~
09:33.50axxoyour dead.
09:33.55axxopls don't ress
09:34.01Corrodiasmy dead, indeed.
09:34.25axxoCorrodias: Where are your capital letters and puctuation?
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09:34.37Corrodiasi left them in my other keyboard
09:35.46Corrodiasand it -still- has my rank wrong
09:38.02Corrodias"Aimed Shot now resets the Hunter's shot timer. This talent was always intended to be an "opening" shot, and not something that would be woven between shots."
09:38.08Corrodiascould you explain just what aimed shot does now?
09:38.29Corrodias*will do
09:38.49Galenciaii think it basically means you wont get off an aimed shot and a auto shot at the same time
09:39.02Galenciait'll be aimed shot -> shot cooldown(gun/bow speed) -> autoshot
09:39.27Galenciawhereas now currently you can aimed, multi and auto all at once, more or less
09:39.29Corrodiashmm. so... you're expected to use aimed shot only once, now?
09:39.49Elkanoor cope with the cooldown
09:39.57Corrodias(which never seemed that fantastic an idea to me, with the added delay and the increased aggro)
09:40.29Corrodiaswell, "threat". that's the word they use in that context.
09:42.40Corrodiaswell, time for bed. 'ni
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10:45.59FISKER_Qconsidered how threat works aimed shot can't really be considered an opening shot :P
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13:03.48[Wobin]We need a list of "You can't call X during Y"
13:04.37[Wobin]cause all this info is flying straight over my head
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13:06.13Beladonatalking about the new stuff in BC?
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13:06.34[Wobin]yeah =\
13:06.41[Wobin]I'm reading, but I'm -so- not comprehending
13:07.00Beladonagive Iriel time, he has been super busy with work and personal life. But he should have the concise list updated soon
13:07.15BeladonaI guess I could put something together too, instead of waiting for him all the time
13:07.19[Wobin]I'd like to see how many of my addons will be useless =\
13:07.36[Wobin]. o O (sob)
13:07.56BeladonaI don't think it will be that bad
13:08.07Beladonaat worst you might have to rework what some of your addons do a little
13:08.17[Wobin]for example, is it true you cannot programatically call SetTarget("unit") in combat?
13:08.51[Wobin]Well, that's half of Paintball down, I guess
13:08.56Beladonayou can however give the user a visual indicator of who they should target
13:09.23[Wobin]I'm not sure how though, as most of the targetting in paintball is to do with npcs
13:09.29[Wobin]not raid members necessarily
13:09.48[Wobin]so the mobs that may be targetted may not even be existant before combat
13:11.34[Wobin]basically what it currently does, is scan the raid's targets, and if they match the one you're after, set yours to the same, otherwise go for a mouseover target and scrape the screen for the target
13:12.32Galenciathats exactly the kind of thing they're wanting to shy away from, i think. :)
13:12.50Galenciawhat it'll have to do instead is paint a big "HI TARGET ME YOU FOOL" over the target
13:12.53Galenciaor something
13:12.55[Wobin]which you can't
13:13.03[Wobin]since you can't affect the 3d world
13:13.10Galenciano but you could have a frame
13:13.22[Wobin]doing what. though?
13:13.29Galenciawhich admittedly doesnt help if the targets have the same name
13:13.51[Wobin]So people have to look up the name of the mob, then try and find them in a mass of similar mobs?
13:14.07[Wobin]then click on them while you have multiple taurens with large rears standing in front of you? =P
13:14.23Galenciawell, i cant think of a single situation where that matter, so perhaps you can give an example :)
13:14.33[Wobin]well.. hm
13:14.44[Wobin]Not necessarily a raid, but Jandice
13:15.06Galenciawell, you're kinda "exploiting" a mecahnic of the fight there, no?
13:15.10[Wobin]or if you wanted to grab the red spiders out of the mass of other spiders in ZG
13:15.34Galenciathats not so hard to do with a /tar macro, though
13:15.42[Wobin]Not really
13:15.46[Wobin]as there are always more than one
13:15.55Galenciathen hit it twice :)
13:16.12[Wobin]does that switch?
13:16.32[Wobin]I would imagine it just retargets the same one
13:16.36Galenciai dunno, but i think it gets the one cloesst to you in auto targetting rules
13:16.45Galenciaso in theory it "should" be the one you're interested in anyway
13:16.48BeladonaI play a warrior, with no auto-targetting mobs, and OFTEN have to switch targets for aggro control. I don't find it hard
13:17.00Beladonabut then, I am good at it through practice
13:17.14Galenciai tell you what are hard to target
13:17.20Galenciathose damn eye tentacles at c'thun
13:17.29[Wobin]Well, not really, as this is more of a raid addon than a single user one
13:17.30Beladonapeople have gotten used to addons doing it for them. it is NOT impossible without them, people just don't want to exert the effort
13:17.35Beladonawhich is part of teh problem imho
13:17.43[Wobin]Beladona: true to a certain extent
13:18.04BeladonaI don't believe there is a single encounter in the game that cannot be beated with default ui
13:18.08[Wobin]but unless healing becomes easier than what it's currently racking up to be, there are going to be fewer and fewer healers doing end game content
13:18.09Beladonawould it be hard? sure
13:18.10Galenciasome of it is that, some of it is people dont find the "real" jobs of some classes all that interesting so want it as easy as possible :)
13:18.21[Wobin]And some people don't want hard.
13:18.25[Wobin]They want fun
13:18.29Beladona[Wobin] it will b easier
13:18.32[Wobin]or at least enjoyable
13:18.35Beladonaa) 25 man raids are standard
13:18.39Galenciapersonally i found healing with addons insanely boring
13:18.49Beladonab) existing 40 man raids will begin having people 60+
13:18.55Beladonawhich makes a big difference
13:19.50Galenciathe 25 man thing will help a lot
13:19.50Beladonac) encounters will be designed without healing addons and auto-targetting in mind
13:19.50Galenciamy biggest concern was lack of screen space, but with 25 people its not so bad
13:19.50[Wobin]I dunno =\ I'll try healing BC, but honestly, without addons like emergency monitors my latency just makes me react just that much slower
13:19.50Beladonathere were some announcements stating that they have come up with new ways to reduce screen clutter
13:20.00Galenciabut you can still use addons like emergency monitor
13:20.03Galenciathey will just work in a different way
13:20.18[Wobin]Whack-a-mole =
13:20.21Galenciayou still have to put some thought into it, which is good, because its you doing the work instead of the game
13:20.34[Wobin]That's what I write addons for =P
13:20.44[Wobin]If I wanted to hand sort my inventory, for example, I'd just do that =P
13:20.52Beladonaso it might take more pre-combat planning
13:20.52krkajust have one pixel per party member
13:20.59krkatwo if you want to show mana too
13:21.14Beladonai.e. drag a raid member to an emergency monitor to set it up, and have a list of your most important healing targets right there
13:21.21[Wobin]If it goes out, your raid member is dead =P
13:21.25Galencia[Wobin]: its only whack-a-mole if your raid leaders decide it should be
13:21.26Beladonathey stay that way through the entire fight
13:21.31Beladonaand flash when healing is needed
13:21.59Beladonaif your raid leader is stupid enough not to adjust to the changes, and makes you heal for everyone - they are just stupid. That causes cross healing and poor mana control
13:22.14Beladonaand yes I know in a real world example, it happens anyway
13:22.39[Wobin]In a perfect world, every healer has their own list, and they never get aggro, or interrupted =)
13:22.48[Wobin](or run out of mana)
13:22.58Beladonathe list thing can still be the case
13:23.05Beladonahealing someone outside your list is YOUR decision
13:23.34Galenciayou have to remember the raid size is reduced, so your list is smaller
13:23.47Galenciayou can have a prio list, which is BIG and SHINEY, and you can have a "others" list which is not quite so big
13:24.04Beladonaand I think I read somewhere that health will be scaled more per level than previously
13:24.04Galenciai think its going to be quite interesting to see exactly what new innovative ideas people come up with
13:24.07Galenciaalready have a few myself
13:24.11Beladonaso healing may not be as hard
13:24.16[Wobin]Beladona: so more health?
13:24.19[Wobin]I hjope so =)
13:24.27BeladonaI don't know if that is confirmed, but I saw someone say that
13:24.34Galenciai heard that too
13:24.40Galenciaas well as lower rank heals not being usable
13:24.53Beladonathen there is the Draenei
13:25.03Beladonaand shamans!
13:25.22Beladonaor pallies in horde's sake
13:25.33Beladonathat will help things on both sides methinks
13:25.47Galenciai do wonder if they will change things like noth though, that were already designed "around" decursive
13:26.05Beladonapeople go there at 60 right?
13:26.06Galenciait might not be an issue as you level up, but it will certainlly be one if you chose to carry on at 60 :)
13:26.29[Wobin]And what about the people who -don't- buy the expansion?
13:26.30Beladonapost-expansion, people will be pushing past 60, so that stuff will be easier to someone that high level
13:26.44[Wobin]They're stuck at 60
13:27.02Beladonathey will still benefit from the other people with them that are
13:27.08[Wobin]which is why I hope they redesign the encounters
13:27.17[Wobin]That's not a very good thing though
13:27.27Galenciaother "decursive" fights arent really relavant, you can do those manually as it is now
13:27.36[Wobin]having a raid work dependant on whether half of them have spent more money on the game than others
13:28.10[Wobin]You're really saying "Go. Buy the expansion, otherwise you will die lots in raids"
13:28.59[Wobin]I'd much prefer that, once they make this change, they go back and redesign the encounters so they're not made with decursive in mind
13:29.11[Wobin](ie, how they were originally intended)
13:29.13Galenciai suppose you have to ask if anyone who doesnt buy the expansion will have much interest in naxx at all
13:29.14JoshBorkehow many encounters were made with decursive in mind?
13:29.32JoshBorkeall of naxx, but then what else?
13:29.33[Wobin]Galencia: How many -now- have interest in NAxx?
13:29.40[Wobin]Quite a lot
13:29.50[Wobin]And why not?
13:29.57[Wobin]It's game content they can access
13:30.02Galenciayeah, but they're interested in it because its end game, people like that will likely buy the expansion
13:30.12[Wobin]That's not entirely true
13:30.18[Wobin]And besides the point =P
13:30.28Galenciaperhaps not, but its 90% of people
13:30.37Galenciawhich is probably about as many as you're ever going to please :)
13:31.12JoshBorkedo we have any idea on what sort of gear will be coming out of the expansion?
13:31.14[Wobin]still don't like that.
13:31.52[Wobin]JoshBorke: Apparantly the greens in outland put NAxx gear to shame =P
13:32.02Beladonano one can be sure until it comes out, but I am willing to bet and agree that people that "hardcore" will want to have the expansion as well
13:32.05JoshBorkethat's what i've heard too
13:32.22BeladonaI mean, what more hardcore can you get than reaching 70 AND get gear that is better than Naxx
13:32.25[Wobin]Well, that's the definition of hardcore =)
13:32.34[Wobin]Woe, casual raiders =P
13:32.47JoshBorkeeven casual players will want the expansion
13:32.48Beladonalike I said before
13:33.02Beladonacasual raiders will benefit from the presence of people who are not so casual
13:33.20[Wobin]is it true that 60-70 == 1-60?
13:33.22BeladonaI can tell you from previous games, that expansion adoption is fairly high
13:33.28Beladonaand escalates as time goes on
13:33.32[Wobin]Beladona: Oh I have no doubt
13:33.33JoshBorkei heard it was more like 60-70 = 2x 50-60
13:33.55[Wobin]hehe 50-60 was the slowest grind ever for me =)
13:34.06[Wobin]noone wants rogues =P
13:34.07BeladonaI went from 55 to 60 in 2 days
13:34.17[Wobin]As a healer, I pretty much did that though
13:34.35Beladonagive it a week, maybe 2 at most
13:34.38[Wobin]"SCholo? Sure why not? Baron, oh I'm on a scholo run...we'll wait..."
13:35.03[Wobin]The only thing worse than rogues for lack of grouping is hunter =P
13:35.06[Wobin]and I've done that too
13:35.26[Wobin]LFM UBRS (Full on hunters and rogues)
13:36.32Beladonafyi, I am compiling my own concise changes list based on the blue posts
13:36.39JoshBorkeBeladona: danke :-)
13:36.54Beladonawill likely defer to Iriel's when his is out tho
13:37.05Beladonahis tends to be organized better
13:37.17[Wobin]He's working from slightly more informed ground at times =)
13:38.11Beladonaits more his understanding than anything else. He programs all the time. I program a lot, but not as much as he does
13:39.07BeladonaI can't wait for beta, I have lots of stuff to try
13:39.28[Wobin]wtb unittesting for mods =P
13:40.03[Wobin]my god, wouldn't that make api changes so much easier to handle? =P
13:40.28[Ammo]Wobin: ace has unittests :)
13:40.33[Wobin]... we do?
13:40.39[Ammo]wobin: at least it used to when it was in development
13:40.44[Ammo]check the svn
13:40.47[Wobin]yeah =)
13:40.50[Wobin]gogo assert
13:41.06[Wobin]I completely forgot about them
13:41.28[Wobin]I'd have to say, for Ace2 development, you'd almost -have- to have some level of unittesting in place
13:41.51[Wobin]AceOO scares me
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13:50.33JoshBorkewhat sort of things bela ^_^
13:51.53JoshBorkethat you're going to try in beta
13:51.55Beladonasorry was scraping blue posts, I missed the question
13:52.21JoshBorkeas far as innovative ideas to make healing not so bad
13:52.33JoshBorkewhich personally i don't think will be as bad as everyone is saying it will be
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14:01.35[Wobin]I'm hoping the end result will show it up as FUD
14:01.42[Wobin](the current furor)
14:03.19cogwheelwell, the problem is people don't understand the changes enough (all they see is ZOMG no DECURSIVE!!one) and even when they do, people are by nature resistant to change. It doesn't matter if the change is for the better (just look at politics).
14:03.53Beladonathe majority of the people screaming are people that USE addons, not make them
14:03.59Beladonaso they have no clue
14:04.15Beladonait won't be until addons start coming out with the changes that it will die down
14:04.39Galenciapeople at the moment(undestandably) can only see what is being taken away,  not what will be provided
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14:05.07[Wobin]thus fud =)
14:05.17Beladonadid everyone see the strsplit, strjoin, and strconcat functions that slouken posted last njight?
14:05.52cogwheelwhere'd he post 'em?
14:05.58cogwheelthe 2.0 changes thread is broken...
14:06.02JoshBorkei also didn't see the posts about overide
14:06.26JoshBorkeoverride keybindings
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14:06.28Beladonathe keybinds
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14:06.41BeladonaOverride Keybindings
14:06.42BeladonaSetOverrideBinding(owner, isPriority, "KEY"[, "COMMAND"])
14:06.42BeladonaSetOverrideBindingSpell(owner, isPriority, "KEY", "spellname")
14:06.42BeladonaSetOverrideBindingClick(owner, isPriority, "KEY", "buttonName"[, "mouseButton"])
14:06.58JoshBorkeare those combat protected functions?
14:07.07Beladonait doesn't say
14:07.25BeladonaI don't think so though
14:07.37Beladonachanging regular keybinds are protected, but these are overrides, which are temporary
14:07.55Beladonayou set it, then clear it to get the normal keybind back
14:07.58Galenciahow would you use those?
14:08.18Beladonaexample: you have a menu, that you open with a keybind
14:08.26Beladonawhen you open it, a submenu gets set to keybind 1
14:08.34Beladonayou press 1
14:08.42Beladonathe submenu under that has an item that is set to keybind 1
14:08.49Galenciathe beginnings of the 1-2-3-1-1 stuff someone posted earlier
14:08.50Beladonayou press it, and it clicks that item
14:09.10Beladonawhen you are all done, clearing the binds sets 1 back to your normal ActionButton1
14:09.20Beladonaor whatever you have it set to
14:09.43Beladonait makes lives easier for people with disabilities
14:09.45JoshBorkethat'll be nice
14:09.53Beladonanot to mention just plain easy for anyone
14:10.32BeladonaString Functions
14:10.32Beladona... = strsplit(delimiters, string, [, limit])
14:10.32Beladonastring = strjoin(delimiter, ...)
14:10.32Beladonastring = strconcat(...)
14:10.37Beladonathose are the ones I was talking about
14:14.33JoshBorkeis strconcat faster than <string1> .. <string2>?
14:18.08BeladonaI doubt it. strconcat uses that same functionality internally
14:18.20Beladonait is mostly usable for long strings that need to be concat
14:18.36Beladonai.e. string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6
14:19.14BeladonaI doubt the speed difference is noticeable though
14:19.31Beladonaso if you wanted to use it instead for coding "simplicity" I imagine it would be ok
14:20.22Beladonanotice that strsplit sakes "delimiters"
14:20.31Beladonameaning you can define multiple delimiters
14:20.39Beladonammmm =D
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14:43.03|FF|Im2good4u \o/ :P
14:43.44[Wobin]wtb private server =P
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14:53.26malrethaw... Cogwheel isn't here
14:53.33malreth~seen cogwheel
14:53.52purlcogwheel <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 47m 54s ago, saying: 'the 2.0 changes thread is broken...'.
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15:22.49Wobincogwheel: Malreth was looking for you
15:23.04cogwheelmalreth pong?
15:23.55malrethtoday's trolls seem to lack the enthusiasm that BigRedBrent had
15:24.07malretheven he's starting to tone down a bit
15:24.12cogwheelYeah... i think a lot of it is starting to sink in
15:24.13malrethit makes me sad
15:24.24|FF|Im2good4udah mthe new hunter talents make it hard to decide ..
15:24.38malrethi like the new hunter talents
15:24.43malrethespecially misdirection
15:24.53Shadowedi don't like it
15:24.55malrethit's gonna change how mobs get pulled
15:25.00cogwheelmalreth: maybe i'll post as an alt to stir up some more trouble?
15:25.16malrethcogwheel: it wouldn't be the same
15:25.34malrethanyways, back to hunters
15:25.44malrethi like the idea of a 2 or 3 hunter rotation on a pull
15:26.11malrethone pops Misdirection on the MT, Aimed shot, etc, etc... second one repeats
15:26.35malrethby the time it gets to the group, the MT has a ton of aggro already built up before he even starts sundering
15:27.16Shadowedeh, unless blizzard dramatically changes the encounters you'll still have theMT pulling boss the majority of the time, and for trash it doesn't really matter
15:27.28malrethAnd imagine the fun of having hunters run in to pop snake traps now that they can be dropped mid-combat
15:27.45JoshBorkewhat exactly do the snakes do?
15:27.58malrethJoshBorke: they do what snakes do... bite things
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15:29.13malrethShadowed: it does matter. if dps can begin right away on trash mobs, it shaves 10 sec from every trash encounter.
15:29.25malrethand not all bosses are tank pulls
15:29.50malrethin any case, additional threat generation for MTs is a good thing
15:30.43ShadowedMC, like every other fight. BWL, drakes, chromaggus. AQ40, sartura, trio, prophet. Naxx, 4H
15:31.48malrethI guess our org does things differently from yours
15:31.59Shadowedpaladin aggro's him first
15:32.02zenzelezzour MT just charges him with everyone on his heels
15:32.02malrethsartura is a hunter pull for us
15:32.03Shadowedoh, and instructor
15:32.22Shadowedthe fights I listed were the ones that a hunter pulls :p
15:32.28malrethoh... ok
15:32.31zenzelezzfor instructor we have a mage pull, iceblock, and a rogue Evasion-tank him until the first MC is ready
15:32.45Shadowedinstructor, paladin pulls, warrior SW's
15:33.23malrethanyways, strats can change... well they'll have to change. So many new abilities are coming out that it'd be foolish to not integrate them somehow
15:34.21zenzelezzI haven't bothered paying attention to any of the new stuff details yet, isn't it all past 60?
15:34.56zenzelezz(the *new* things that is, not the modifications)
15:35.20Shadowedit's an interesting ability, but I doubt it'll be that game changing, but it's impossible to tell until we know more
15:38.53zenzelezzyou'd best hope you don't anger a hunter
15:39.18Shadowedi'm a warrior, i'd be tanking the mob regardless if they want me to or not :p
15:39.18malrethhehe... yeah
15:39.19zenzelezzimagine him casting it on a rogue or something like that =)
15:48.30cogwheelI think misdirection should be usable in PvP >:D     Someone going up to a black lotus? Sick a drake on 'em!
15:48.45cogwheelthat was supposed to be an evil grin not angry (if you're using chatzilla)
15:49.44Shadowedactually, thats an interesting idea
15:49.52ShadowedI bet they restrict it to party/raid
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15:50.46OsagasuI think it should too, Cog
15:50.52Osagasubut yeah
15:50.54Osagasuonly in raid
15:51.01Osagasusays so on the tooltip now
15:51.37Shadowedthat was fast
15:51.54OsagasuI noticed they changed it to raid only last night before I went to bed
15:52.02OsagasuI think the talent tree is still borked though
15:52.13Osagasuanyone else notice the broken survival talent?
15:53.44OsagasuTier 8 talent
15:55.20OsagasuI wonder
15:55.38OsagasuIf Rapid Killing would increase the damage done by that hunter BWL trinket as well
15:56.25Shadowedwhats wrong with resourcefulness
15:57.00OsagasuHave you taken all 3 points in it?
15:57.19Galenciaits not raid only
15:57.24Galenciait says it is, but it works in a party too
15:57.33Shadowedundefined? that just means it's BETTER then 6% reduction
15:57.46Galenciago read the us hunter forums
15:57.50Galenciaall this stuff is answered there
15:58.03OsagasuGalencia, Parties are parts of raids.
15:58.12Shadowedand yet hunters can lock down casters easly already
15:58.34GalenciaOsagasu: one is a superset of the other, you cant have a raid in a party.  The clarification matters
16:00.43OsagasuBut when I said it, it was assumed by the rest of the people in here that "raid" inclided party, because I was acknowledging that it was only party/raid.
16:00.54Osagasuso you saying that it was also party was redundant.
16:01.03Shadowedalthough it's funny how the troll hunters name is Jamaican in there screenshots
16:01.12OsagasuI noticed that too
16:01.54Osagasuoff to school.
16:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:09.15cogwheelSo malreth, when's my macbook coming?
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16:11.22cogwheeldecursive has invaded the general forum
16:11.40cogwheelexpect some incoming thread transfers...
16:13.39zenzelezzDecursive or its users?
16:14.09malrethgah, the whining threads need to be move from UI/macro to general
16:14.11cogwheelCriminey... I've usually been pretty supportive of blizzard, but they REALLY missed a bunch of stuff in the 1.12.1 patch notes... Destroying quest items when you abandon quests, the mount changes, removing rested XP from 60s
16:14.40cogwheelzenzelezz: the whiney people who are crying about having to think while healing
16:15.21malrethSijil makes me smile
16:17.23Shadowedzenzelezz decursive isn't bad if you want to be lazy :p
16:18.21zenzelezzShadowed: I said nothing about the quality or lack thereof in Decursive, I only asked if it was its developers or users
16:19.15Shadowedi'd hope devlopers are smart enough to not take it to the general forums!
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16:23.16zenzelezzslept well?
16:28.00cogwheelDid you have nightmares about the 2.0 changes?
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16:28.38Cairennbut I've been having nightmares about the users screaming in the forums :p
16:28.41zenzelezzdoes it matter much how quick/slow a pet's attack speed is? :-o
16:28.53Shadowedfaster attack speed makes casters cry in pvp
16:29.10zenzelezzand for PvE?
16:29.21Shadowedyour pet will be dead 99% of the time
16:29.44zenzelezzI'm mostly thinking of the time he's alive though
16:29.45malrethslower cat attacks make for better first strikes from prowl
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16:39.39PlorkyeranFaster is better for everything but prowl
16:39.49PlorkyeranBut the prowl damage bonus is pretty trivial
16:40.15malrethyeah... but sometimes that's all you'll get from your pet. :)
16:40.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:41.04malreth*roar* *bite* Ow! /slap Was that a mosquito bite? What was that?
16:43.30Cairennhave you guys seen this from last night?
16:44.28malrethyeah... already read that
16:45.18Cairennsurprised there hasn't been more response to it
16:45.39malrethIriel's response is pretty good.
16:45.49Cairennerrr, surprised there hasn't been *any* response to it, I mean
16:45.54Cairennto Iriel's post
16:46.05malrethoh... that
16:46.14cogwheelAnd Maireleon (sp?) is working on that speach recognition program...
16:46.35malrethbecause responding to it would mean that someone recognizes that things aren't all bleak and that doesn't correspond with their agenda
16:46.47Cairennmalreth: heh
16:47.11malrethi love bluetracker... just noticed this tidbit
16:47.17malrethi never thought about that
16:49.32zenzelezzwonder if it's worth it to camp BS for Deathmaw, level one of the SFK wolves, or just keep this 2.0 wolf. I probably suck as a hunter anyway, so I doubt it matters =D
16:49.58malrethmy fiancee just got a 2.0 kitty the other day
16:50.06malrethshe likes collecting unusual pets
16:50.19malrethwe found one that is translucent
16:50.31zenzelezzwell, I just got this one for the model... I like how it looks
16:51.04malrethshe'll have the see-through cat for PvP and her sewer beast albino croc for raids.
16:51.56Cairennmalreth: hehehe, I've had that one for a while now
16:52.06jehuudid your fiancee use to collect on dead animals in alchohol bottles, before wow?
16:52.25malretheveryone loves the sewer beast... it's developed a personality on its own
16:52.35malrethjehuu: O_o
16:53.09malrethshe feeds it lobster stew during raids and has an addon that emotes that out to everyone
16:53.24malretheveryone gets all, "she feeds that thing better than I get fed!"
16:53.35jehuulol ;D
16:53.51malrethand then she'll eyes of the beast control it to chase gnomes around
16:54.07malrethand then jump on them
16:54.25jehuui was just curious as to why one would collect odd pets in wow
16:54.42malrethto look unique
16:54.44Cairennjehuu: because it's fun?
16:54.58malretheveryone always brings their cat to the Core... and no one really remembers them
16:55.01cogwheeli carry 6 on me with my lock
16:55.18cogwheelbut that's just overcompensation 'cause my murky is on my warrior and i can't go raiding with him :(
16:55.19malrethEVERYONE in our raid org knows about Magg, the fearless white crocolisk
16:55.50malrethpeople cheer for him when he survives a pet pull of a boss
16:56.16malrethpriests heal him because they love him so much
16:56.20jehuuhehe, the mascot? ;)
16:56.29malrethdarn near!
16:56.34jehuudoes he ever die?
16:56.47malrethyeah... every time pulling Sulfuron
16:56.50PlorkyeranOur petpuller has to get a new pet every few raids because he never feeds it :P
16:57.10malrethbut he usually survives lava pack pulls
16:57.35malrethshe maxxed out his FR just to hunt dragons and for Molten Core
16:57.58jehuuomg, the pop pyro nuke from lava packs >_<
16:58.17malrethyep... he'll often survive the initial volley
16:58.48malrethi'll usually put Dampen Magic on the pets to help tone down the dots just a bit
17:00.06jehuuhehe, but you have so many ppl getting mitigated healing from dampen magic and only 1 magical attack beeing done :P
17:00.33jehuuwill he be up for golemag soon?
17:01.27cogwheelCan someone please knock some sense into this guy?
17:01.41jehuui mean, have he tanked him yet? :P
17:03.17malrethwe have MC and BWL on farm status
17:03.59malrethi seem to remember him surviving getting stomped on by Golemag
17:04.00zenzelezzI guess he'd have some trouble keeping aggro :-o
17:04.34malrethactually, yes... the Golemag pull is one where the healers actually heal the little guy
17:05.47malrethcogwheel: as for Baxs, i'd post something but I don't know enough to be able to say something with absolute confidence
17:06.18malrethreason dictates that since BC will be distributed on several CDs, that blizzard isn't going to have all beta testers download that new content
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17:06.52malrethand I also don't know where you got your information from, either
17:07.45PlorkyeranDidn't slouken say it was the WoW 2.0.0 PTR?
17:07.56PlorkyeranAs compared to the BC PTR?
17:08.03malrethOoh... i can't do logic. I was raised Catholic
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17:11.48RoyalIndustrial, how are those idUnitBars coming along ^^?
17:12.56Beladonathats what they said in a thread
17:13.00Beladonalemme get the link
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17:22.15jehuuim wondering, DAB has as an option "self cast spell if there is no target or invalid target" will any kind of macro(?) like that be disabled in 2.0.0? seems to be its a logic function :P
17:22.29Shadowedselfcast is built into 2.0.0
17:22.42malrethself cast is built in now
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17:22.57zenzelezzI hope it will wor with hostile spells too =D
17:23.02zenzelezz"Invalid target? Sheep yourself!"
17:23.24malrethself cast doesn't make sense for offensive spells like that
17:23.25Abenadii noticed you can change the self-cast modifier key... in 2.0 will it auto-self-cast beneficial spells with no target?
17:23.48zenzelezzmalreth: of course not, but it would be entertaining :)
17:23.50malrethAbenadi: try self cast now with the current WoW client
17:24.14jehuui would just hate to use alt or control to heal my self :p
17:24.37Abenadii'm not sure what you mean malreth. is there a current option for self-cast? i use alt.
17:24.47malrethcheck interface options
17:24.55malreththere's a checkbox for it now
17:25.05malreththey added it in 1.12
17:25.07Abenadiok, and the functionality is the same in 2.0 then?
17:25.23malrethwe don't know... presumably it's the same
17:25.30jehuuoh lol, its already in ^^
17:26.20jehuubut i will very much miss the 1 button heal macros :(
17:27.44jehuuon cthun its impossible to target anything but the stupid eye, so you have to target others via raid windows to heal.. without that macro
17:28.16Kirovjehuu - I hate the big ass glow
17:28.18Shadowed/target <name> still works fyi
17:28.55KirovIt's one of the things I both love and hate about WoW.
17:29.09KirovWhen you see some big spell effect, you can click it and select the caster.
17:29.32jehuuim not gona type /target <name> kirov to target some one, there just isnt the time for it at that encounter -.-
17:29.36KirovBut, for some units (warlock like big blue) it makes they freakin' impossible to click.
17:29.58jehuuuse tab to target on cthun :p
17:30.12Kirovjehuu - the eye stalks
17:30.26Kirovoften I can still hit them (as a hunter) but can't tab to them.
17:30.39cogwheelwoah... where did everyone go? it's been like a whole minute and there are no new posts on UI & macros...
17:30.46Shadowedit'll take me like 4-5s to realise i'm not attacking the right one from tab
17:31.10Cairennservers back up maybe?
17:31.14Kirovcogwheel - Are you seing the last post as being "Addon Idea Bags to Macros"
17:31.21jehuuits the eye stalks you tabtarget Kirov, the giant eye is targeted where ever you click with your mouse
17:31.34cogwheeloh... it just changed
17:33.21jehuubut anyways, healing in TBC will be as enjoyable as cleaning your floor with a toothbrush
17:33.56Shadowedthe people it effects the most are the ones who relied on macros to do the job
17:34.12Cairennjehuu: you don't know that for sure, all the info isn't out yet, they are still working on it, as has been stated time and again
17:35.05KirovI'll be happy when they ditch lua in favor of visual basic.  It's going to rule!
17:35.25Kirov"goto"s here I come!
17:35.52zenzelezzFor i = 1 TO 10
17:36.04zenzelezzthe memories...
17:39.25jehuuCairenn they will kill all auto-targeting and casting macros, afaik ^^
17:40.53cogwheelpeople make me cry :(
17:41.57JoshBorkejehuu: they are making it a UI not AI paradigm.  it's not the end of the world...
17:42.27Beladonaas someone stated, it only really hurts people who got used to their addons doing it for them
17:42.39BeladonaI would suggest learning to do without now
17:42.44Beladonawhile you aren't forced
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17:45.04jehuuits the end of ez.mode-healing is it not? i dont mind paying attention to who i heal on new encounters but when youre doing MC with a nax guild, you dont care if you overheal or not, this macro made it alot easier to DPS and heal at the same time... now they force us to use like 50 bindings if you wana be able to dps heal and decurse, end of enjoyment if you ask me :P
17:45.25cogwheeljehuu: think outside the box
17:45.34cogwheel(that's not just a meaningless catch phrase)
17:45.54cogwheelYou are assuming decursive and a bunch of macros are the only ways to decurse
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17:46.12cogwheelThat is just plain wrong. Please take some time to look over the "upcoming changes" thread
17:47.27jehuukk give me an hour or two to find that thread -.-
17:47.42cogwheelumm... try the sticky post on the top of the UI & Macros forum?
17:47.47Xuerianjehuu: Take a moment, go to the link in the topic, and read all the blue posts (read post, hit next post. read post, hit next post), it explains the changes, and while emons and decursive are out of click-casting functionality, and smart macros are mostly gone, there's more information, different methods, and new ideas
17:48.15krkai for one welcome our new self-acting players
17:48.41malrethjehuu: there are no forum mods here and I don't fear being kicked... don't make me unleash my fury upon you
17:48.49krkadamn it
17:48.52krkai forgot the overlord part
17:48.55krkai fail it :(
17:49.05krkait was the most important part too
17:49.36XuerianI won't miss emons so much as Sprocket =(
17:50.13XuerianIt didn't automate things, just made using actions and items more intuitive =|
17:50.19malrethyeah... well perhaps Sprocket can make use of the secure menu templates
17:50.45XuerianHopefully =)
17:51.15zenzelezzif Sprocket vanishes, I may just stop playing anything except my warrior, where things fits in a limited number of actionbars
17:52.40zenzelezzthat's really the only big concern I have about the changes
17:53.38Cairennjehuu: just as a heads up, this is a channel full of UI devs, we don't subscribe to the mass hysteria based on partial information going on in the forums and we tend not to have patience with those that do
17:53.49ShadowedWORLDSGOING TO WENd
17:53.54XuerianRead: <Guns cocking>
17:54.12AbenadiI subscribe to all forms of hysteria
17:54.12jehuuim not, just making conversation Cairenn? :>
17:54.46Beladonano worries. We will just make sure to say "we told you so" when it comes out ok?
17:54.47malreththen make conversation... if I want whining i'll call up one of my customers here
17:54.56Cairennas I said, just a friendly warning
17:55.22malreth"wah wah wah... people can't log in..."
17:55.24Cairennwe're all up to about - here with the whining on the forums, this is our sanctuary
17:55.29cogwheelmalreth: or just open a browser window to the UI & macros forum
17:55.30malreth"you're wasting our money"
17:56.23JoshBorkekrka: we require more vespene gas
17:56.36tyroney|workI wonder how outrageous high-tier armor will look a year or so from now,.
17:57.00tyroney|workI mean, we've already got shoulder-trees, and other exciting stuff like that.
17:57.42JoshBorkemost people disagree with me, but i like the tier4 paladin armor
17:57.58krkaJoshBorke: errr. what?
17:58.01JoshBorkemainly because it's the closest thing to a shiny silver set
17:58.21JoshBorkekrka: your overlord comment reminded me of starcraft...
17:58.29XuerianSperm more overlords? >.>
17:58.36tyroney|workI'm kind of hoping for some kind of EVA unit super-armored robocop on hyper-dimensional steroids.
17:58.49XuerianHahaha, that would rock tyroney|work XD
17:58.51JoshBorketyroney|work: you seen some of the other class sets?
17:58.56tyroney|workNot really.
17:59.11tyroney|workI just see what runs by me in town.
18:02.42Cairenngod I can't wait until this all gets sorted out and the UI forum goes back to normal
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18:04.57zenzelezzyou could make somewhat of a parody movie using R.E.M.'s "It's the end of the world" about this
18:15.46Cairenncogwheel: posted the link
18:16.00cogwheelty :)
18:20.42Shadoweder oops
18:23.08malrethgah... end of the world as we know it is a hard song!
18:25.50malrethbe back later
18:35.35cogwheelwait... when did they start having a timer for editing your own post?
18:37.30Cairennwith the new forums
18:38.39cogwheelno ... I've always been able to go back and edit without the timer
18:38.45cogwheelit's new posts that had the timer
18:38.55cogwheeland new threads that had the 10 per hour limit
18:39.08Cairennhmm dunno then
18:47.44IrielI've always had the 1 minute timer on edits
18:47.52IrielIt depends how fast you notice your mistake I guess
18:49.24CairennI am pretty sure I have too
18:51.09Merywell I'd have bet my money on cogwheels side
18:51.34cogwheelMe too... I could've sworn i've realized a mistake the instant I clicked post and have been able to edit it no problem
18:51.49Meryas I never preview
18:52.17cogwheelYeah... I only preview if i'm doing formatting (lists, pre & such)
18:52.45MeryI know I got the timer short after the new forums lunched, but not latly
18:53.55cogwheelThey did just do some maintenance downtime on the forums yesterday... maybe they changed it?
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18:56.31Meryno I don't get the timer right now
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18:57.18cogwheelvery strange
18:57.59zenzelezzthey just nerfed you cog =D
18:58.11Meryfor edit, for new posts I get it
18:58.25cogwheelzenzelezz: i wouldn't blame them XD
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19:30.15Corrodiasyour mom
19:30.35Cairennis a very nice lady
19:35.07tyroney|workfor the record, I believe editing is free, but resets the timer for posts.
19:43.08Galenciamy first try at raiding without detox/decursive
19:43.12Galenciait didnt go so good. :D
19:44.29Corrodiasi have not used decursive for very long and, hearing these changes, i'm trying to go back to doing it manually, with decursive's frame merely as a suggestion of who to hit
19:44.42Corrodiasat least perfectraid makes cursed and poisoned people easily visible
19:44.54Galenciai'll learn soon enough
19:45.11Galenciawas just a bit of a shock to the system to have it gone all of a sudden, good idea that i got rid of it early :)
19:45.18Corrodiasi had to put my depoison and decurse back on my action bars, ahh
19:46.49Galenciai went down the click casting route
19:47.56Corrodiasi'd like to consider that
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19:48.19Corrodiasi've run out of action bar slots that i can hit with my left hand, and i still need to add stuff from the expansion
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20:37.24Maldiviahmm, wonder how much the ranged-weapon changes will affect rogues/warriors damage with bows...
20:37.46Shadowedinstead of 500 crit, it'll be 700 :p
20:38.34MaldiviaI already think rogues are doing too much damage with their bows... :|
20:38.51Shadowedit hardly matters :p
20:39.10ShadowedWith the STA changes it wont be as quick fights, and a lot of classes are getting anti-kite or damage reduc ablities
20:39.40zenzelezzsta changes?
20:39.41Shadowedeven if bows and stuff start critting for 1,000 at 70, weapons will still be hitting even harder
20:39.51Maldiviazenzelezz: level 65 warlocks are running aorund with 7k health :)
20:39.53ShadowedSTA will cost a lot less in itemizaiton
20:40.00ShadowedI believe they cut the cost in half?
20:40.17Maldiviazenzelezz: and that's in green/blue gear
20:40.44zenzelezzthat doesn't explain what the changes are
20:41.01Shadowedyes it does :p
20:41.13Shadowedthey're cutting the cost in half, they can put more STA on items without having to take away from DPS stats
20:41.20Maldiviabasically, there's a lot more stamina on gear than previously
20:41.20Shadowed(not sure the exact amount, may not be half)
20:41.37tyroney|workSo greater heal might get used once or twice?
20:41.39zenzelezzso what about tanks, we'll see 12k?
20:41.42Maldiviaprobably also means, healers will have to use near-max rank heals again :)
20:41.45Shadowedmore then that
20:41.51Shadowedblizzard doesn't want the 2-3 shot fights, they want longer ones
20:41.53PlorkyeranTanks can already get close to 12k without timers....
20:42.12zenzelezztimers? o_O
20:42.22PlorkyeranLast Stand/Lifegiving gem
20:42.43Shadowedour MT is at like 13k health during loatheb
20:42.43PlorkyeranThere's a warrior in my battlegroup with 8k hp unbuffed
20:42.49Shadowedwithout stand/gem
20:43.00PlorkyeranHe's a lot of fun in AV :P
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21:01.41Mery"Encounters Tweeked because of UI change?" - Why can't they ask/discuss that in the R&D forum =(
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21:23.27JoshBorkeIriel: ping
21:23.46JoshBorkewell, really, anyone who is familiar with layers and what not
21:24.06JoshBorketexture layers
21:24.16Kirovwhat about them?
21:24.33JoshBorkei'm helping maia with grid and i suggested he use textures to create the border effects
21:24.51JoshBorkemy question is how can we guarantee that one texture is shown on top of another texture?
21:25.06JoshBorkei'm assuming it would require the use of frameStrata
21:25.27Kirovregions don't have strata
21:25.59JoshBorkethen perhaps drawlayer?
21:26.00KirovWith in a layer, you cannot guarantee a texture will be on top.
21:26.12Kirovbetween layers, they're guarenteed
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21:26.40KirovBackground, Border, Artwork, Overlay, Highlight I believe are the 5
21:26.44Kirovfrom back to front
21:26.55KirovHighlight is a special layer that _only_ shows on mouse over
21:27.33KirovIf you need more layers than that, and you need guarenteed draw order, you have to add child frames to manage those textures
21:29.30JoshBorkeKirov: so i could achieve 8 layers by have 2 frames with 4 draw layers and each frame at different frame stratas?
21:29.59JoshBorkeand of course i don't know the correct terminology :-D
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21:31.15JoshBorkemorning Beladona
21:31.18JoshBorkemorning Cide
21:31.26Cidemorning JoshBorke :)
21:31.30Merydifferent FrameLevels (but then again I don't know exactly how stratas work)
21:32.02purlrumour has it, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
21:36.45JoshBorkethere should definitely be places where the environment can knock you off of a ledge
21:37.13JoshBorkewhat's an easy way to add a 1px black border to a frame?
21:40.00Kirovnot really
21:40.06Kirovcertainly not reliably
21:41.03JoshBorkeso a backdrop wouldn't work then?
21:42.59Kirovit would, but you can't reliably get exactly 1 pixel
21:43.11KirovWhich is why everything in wow is kind of a fuzzy 3-4 pixel
21:44.59JoshBorkeSo really the best bet would be to create a texture 1px larger?
21:45.30Beladonaor a frame with a black background, and a texture not black 1px smaller?
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21:46.45capitano666Hi people
21:47.19capitano666mmm is there anyone?
21:47.42JoshBorkeyea.  mmk.  textures would be better for displaying just color though, right?
21:47.42JoshBorkeand maybe i've been dc'd?
21:48.02JoshBorkeyes, there are people
21:48.21capitano666yay :)
21:49.13capitano666I was wondering if anyone culded help me to understand a few things about the expansion changes
21:49.34JoshBorkewe can try, make sure you've read it all first :-
21:49.43capitano666yeah I did
21:50.30capitano666I want a frame that when I click on it it cast the spell X on the "party4" player
21:50.40capitano666this should still be possible
21:50.42JoshBorketotally doable in wow 2.0
21:50.52capitano666because both spell and target are fixed
21:50.52cogwheelas long as the spell and party member are determined before combat begins
21:51.02capitano666but how without che cast and target functions? ^_^"
21:51.16JoshBorkeit's part of the blizzard API at that point
21:51.22cogwheelthat functionality will be built into the frame type
21:51.32capitano666should I use inherits="SecureUnitButtonTemplate" in the button?
21:52.19cogwheelEither that or SecureActionButtonTemplate
21:52.33cogwheelwe don't really know yet 'cause they haven't given us too many specifics on the templates
21:52.43capitano666ok....but now where do I write with spell and which target? ^_^"
21:52.55cogwheelthat's part of what we don't know
21:53.16cogwheelIt'll probably be something like button:SetTarget("raid1") for instance
21:53.21capitano666ah ok good to know it's not my fault :p
21:55.02capitano666oh and of course the focus can only be changed OOC I assume
21:55.21cogwheelprobably not, actually
21:55.44cogwheelthough addons probably won't be able to change it
21:55.59cogwheeli.e. you could have a macro   /focus target
21:56.02cogwheeland use it in combat
21:56.08capitano666mmm ok sorry that's what I ment
21:57.40Beladonathere will also be a keybind you can set for it
21:57.42capitano666thanks for the explaination...but now I'm wondering:
21:57.56Beladonai.e. target someone, hit your focus keybind, done, they are your new focus
21:58.21capitano666what are the templates attributes for if you expect a Button:SetFocus()?
21:58.43cogwheeli was just speculating
21:58.54cogwheelit's possible we'll have to access them through the new SetAttribute method
21:58.56capitano666ah ok because
21:58.58capitano666"* SecureActionButtonTemplate, protected, uses attribute "type", which can be one of "action", "pet", "spell", "item", "target", "focus", and "menu", and uses an optional attribute "unit" "
21:59.07capitano666I expected I had to use some of them
22:00.30cogwheelthey may make a SetType method, but it would essentially just be a shortcut to SetAttribute
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22:00.59cogwheelBut since they haven't really elaborated on any of this yet, you should take everything i say with a grain of salt :)
22:03.51Mr_Rabies2where's the blizzard talent changes thread? i can't find it anywhere :[
22:04.20cogwheelit's down atm
22:04.29cogwheeloh thread...
22:04.36cogwheelthinking "site" for some reason
22:05.29IndustrialRophy: nothing yet
22:05.42Industrialhm left
22:08.14Maldiviaam I the only one gettting frustrated about all the mis-information people are spreading on the forums ?
22:08.26Maldiviaabout the 2.0 UI API changes
22:08.34cogwheelWell, I suppose we all saw it coming:
22:10.57Maldiviaunfortunately, yes :|
22:11.27GryphenWhy care?
22:11.29Mr_Rabies2they do bring up a point that they should make dispelling and healing at the same time easier to manage for humans
22:12.33MaldiviaIt's called: organisation
22:12.47Maldiviasome handle healing, some handle removing debuffs
22:13.17Maldiviaif everyone tries to handle both, it'll just be chaotic, and a waste of mana in the end
22:13.51Meryalso its save to assume that they scale the level of difficulty so that it's mass market compatible
22:14.00Endhow's it a waste of mana?
22:15.01Maldiviabecause, if people stop healing to dispell, the tanks health will drop too much, and then everone will stop dispelling to try to heal the tank, meaning 10 4k+ heals will land at the same time
22:15.07Endah good point
22:15.09jaxdahlwill aqmount work anymore? it intelligently selected which mount to use in AQ40
22:15.20Mr_Rabies2hopefully they'll redesign fights to not NEED mass dispelling
22:15.25Endabolish poison, abolish disease will apply even if there are no disease or poison
22:15.39Mr_Rabies2yeah, abolish spells do
22:15.51EndI'm not about to put cure poison on my bar though, as I don't have the -room- for it
22:16.13cogwheeljaxdahl: yes. According to a post by slouken, spell casting will be allowed outside of combat
22:16.31Mr_Rabies2yeah, i don't know where i'm gonna get all these extra buttons :/
22:16.31MaldiviaRabies; that's the no 1 reason, the designers requested this change -- from what's been told, they were tired of having to come up with boss battles that counteres Decursive type addons
22:16.41Endso buffing addons will still work?
22:16.55Corrodiasin order for a frame to be able to choose what spell to cast out of combat, but cast it during combat, we have to be able to USE CastSpellByName
22:16.58cogwheelend: yes
22:17.00TainIf'n you're against forum petitions sign here
22:17.00End(provided you aren't trying to buff in combat that is...)
22:17.09Corrodiashowever, i proposed that perhaps the variables we use in it are locked as read-only during combat
22:17.42jaxdahlcogwheel, will targetting+spellcasting work outside of combat?
22:17.54cogwheeljaxdahl: check that link ;)
22:17.55MaldiviaCorr: in combat, we can't use CastSpellByName, these are called by the secure code attached to the templates
22:18.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe|Home (
22:18.17MaldiviaCorr: and we choose the spells that are cast, using the SetAttribute function on that button, out-of-combat
22:18.23EndI think the designers should worry more about making fun and worthwhile encounters ;p mass curse fights never seemed fun to me
22:18.33Corrodiaswell that would be fine
22:18.57Eufe|Homeheya...can some1 give me link to the itemId list? I misplaced my bookmark :(
22:19.16cogwheelEufe|Home: are you looking for Periodic Table?
22:19.18MaldiviaCorr: for example, to assign left click which control is hold down, to cast Flash Heal on unit "raid12" you do:
22:19.20jaxdahlwill i be able to have perfectraid style frames set up where i can click a player once to target them, then if they are targetted, clicking again will cleanse them?
22:19.44jaxdahl(while in combat)
22:19.47cogwheeljaxdahl: you should be able to do that in one click
22:19.49Maldiviaframe:SetAttribute("ctrl-unit1", "raid12") frame:SetAttribute("ctrl-type1", "spell") frame:SetAttribute("ctrl-spell1", "Flash Heal")
22:19.52Corrodiaswell, rather, you mean "cast flash heal on unit <what i'm moused over>", right?
22:19.57Eufe|Homecogwheel: I need itemId of the Blessed mana oil
22:19.58EndI haven't been paying a lot of the possibility of raid ids changing still a concern?
22:20.14jaxdahl1 click = even better
22:20.21MaldiviaCorr: if you want "what my mouse is over", you use the unit "mouseover" :)
22:20.36cogwheelEufe|Home: hmm... not sure... sorry :(
22:20.59cogwheeljaxdahl: it's called click-casting and is something that's been talked about for the last few days on the forums :P
22:21.15Corrodiasnow here's something that popped up into my mind: i have a "main tanks' targets" display, which shows my main tanks, their health, and their targets. i can click on the targets display to target the tanks' targets. will this still be doable, i wonder?
22:21.18jaxdahlstill need something for range-checking
22:21.27MaldiviaCorr: yes it wil
22:21.32Corrodiasbecause that target display will keep changing
22:21.36jaxdahltarget and target-target will still work
22:21.40Mr_Rabies2i'm still not happy at all about my addons being nerfed, but i'm not acting like it's the end of the world, because i'm sure some smart minds will be able to circumvent it
22:21.41Endcan't you use raidblahtarget?
22:21.48MaldiviaCorr: the units dont change, since it's alwats raid12target and raid12targettarget
22:21.59MaldiviaCorr: if raid12 is your MT, that is
22:22.11Endanyways, you won't be able to change main tanks though in combat
22:22.19Corrodiasthey -are- going to lock the clients' "raid#" definitions during combat, right?
22:22.29EndI hope so
22:22.29MaldiviaI certainly hope so
22:22.34Corrodiasraid12 will stay raid12 throughout the fight. it better. :)
22:22.38Corrodias*had better
22:22.42Endotherwise, that's going to be bad
22:23.09Corrodiasall you'd have to do to wipe the raid on a boss is leave the group :)
22:23.11Maldiviawell, currently raid units stay the same, unless someone joins/leaves the raid
22:23.52Endbut that's still a problem
22:24.54cogwheelI was originally thinking they could make the units be updateable on RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE but that could be exploitable by having someone outside the raid be invited/kicked whenever they wanted to make some change during combat...
22:25.16capitano666leaving chan, see you later
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22:25.18Endyou were pinged quite a while ago I think Iriel
22:26.43Maldiviacogwheel: yeah, was thinking the same. An alternative would be, if we could specify names instead of units, and then the names would auto-translate to the correct unit, if that person was in your group/raid
22:27.27Corrodiaswhatever they do, they won't leave us with everything breaking if someone joins during a battle
22:27.40Corrodiaswell. probably not.
22:30.15Maldiviacogwheel: for instance, a unit like "[cogwheel]target", would auto translate to "raid23target", if you were in the raid (and had id 23)
22:30.41cogwheelthat wolud be very nice :)
22:30.51IrielThe 'secure raid header' templates will hopefully address both rearranging and growing/shrinking raids.
22:31.23PlorkyeranPerhaps it'll autochange the registered unit when the raid changes
22:31.31MaldiviaIriel: yeah, but what about tank list, with target and targettarget ?:)
22:31.42cogwheelPlorkyeran: that would seem prudent
22:31.52IrielI suppose that depends on how you determine who the tanks are.
22:32.01Meryhow come you are so worried about inviting / leaving during combat? - it really nearly never happened in my groups
22:32.15IrielI can imagine solutions that would work, and solutions that would require things we've had taken away.
22:32.20cogwheelMery: it's just one of those things :)
22:32.26PlorkyeranBecause wiping because someone left the group would be really, really stupid
22:32.31CorrodiasMery: because it -can- happen
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22:32.55Corrodiasyou don't leave holes in your code just because you don't think someone's going to try it :) that's why Internet Explorer is always being patched >_>
22:33.37PlorkyeranYou do a lot of the time
22:33.48Corrodiasi never do. if i think of it.
22:33.53Abenadiso, /target 'name' will still work in BC, right?
22:33.58PlorkyeranMore important to work on fixes holes you know people will abuse than holes you think people won't abuse
22:34.05MaldiviaAbenadi: yes
22:34.22PlorkyeranAnd nearly any large product will have bugs in the first category
22:34.28Corrodiasthat's NOT an excuse.
22:34.34Abenadiwould it theoretically be possible then to circumvent the no-logic targeting by using EditMacro(...) to change the target
22:34.39KirkburnDid you know? Tigons are real creatures:
22:34.50cogwheelAbenadi: not in combat
22:34.57Abenadiis editmacro protected or?
22:35.03cogwheelAs mentioned explicitly in the stickies, yes
22:35.07Corrodiasi can't imagine it wouldn't be
22:35.17cogwheelno need to imagine...
22:35.17PlorkyeranSoftware that's never released is completly useless, while buggy and insecure software is merely sometimes useless
22:35.18AbenadiOK i did a quick search on the wowinterface thread and didn't come up with a hit
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22:35.35Abenadiso hey at least I TRIED kind of, cog
22:35.44MaldiviaAbenadi: use the "next blizard post" in the concise list :)
22:36.28KirkburnAbout that ebay link - I find it amazing that by typing a 'disclaimer' the guy thinks he's somehow protected from a lawsuit :/
22:37.15AbenadiI read in the blue posts that macros will still be able to do multiple /casts in a row (useful for /cast revenge /cast sunder etc). Will the scripted buttons be able to have more than one spell attached as well?
22:37.26PlorkyeranWhy would he be in danger of a lawsuit? All they do is ban sold accounts and /laugh at the buyer
22:37.28Corrodiasi wonder if he can be sued for a EULA or ToS violation
22:37.32Corrodiasbut the account is in danger
22:37.43PlorkyeranThe disclaimer does do nothing, though
22:37.55KirkburnYeah that was more my point :P
22:37.56cogwheelAbenadi: they'll be able to have macros on them that can do multiple /casts
22:38.06Abenadiah makes sense
22:38.17Kirkburn"By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment..."
22:38.20cogwheelbut they won't be able to run scripts with any CastSpell.... functions in combat
22:38.26PlorkyeranIt's not like there's very many 7/9 crypthunter trolls in the game to check :P
22:38.31KirkburnSpecifically "or viewing" ... er, riight
22:38.32cogwheelKirkburn: lol
22:38.35PlorkyeranErr, cryptstalker
22:38.52cogwheelWarning: Readers of this sign will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
22:39.10PlorkyeranWell, that is true
22:39.12XuerianKirkburn: Judging by most any corp site today the rest of the claims would be supported though ;)
22:39.33PlorkyeranThey'll be prosecuted to the not all extent the law allows :P
22:39.41Xuerian"By continuing past this page you agree too....."
22:40.07KirkburnXuerian, big difference between a confirmation and a lack of confirmation, though :)
22:40.28PlorkyeranEven the ones with confirmation have been found worthless
22:40.29XuerianTrue, that's why I only said the rest of the claims :P
22:40.58PlorkyeranThe warez sites with those disclaimers have still been successfully sued
22:41.04KirkburnI see the tactic appears to be to imply that he's selling the character, but saying the opposite in the disclaimer
22:41.22XuerianHe's advertising a property of the account he is infact selling.
22:41.28KirkburnOf course. You can't disclaim something illegal
22:41.34XuerianProperty not literal, of course
22:41.45Kirkburn"By agreeing to go past this line, I am allowed to shoot you" :)
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22:43.11PlorkyeranEven if it's disclaiming something legal, they don't work due to that you can't prove that they actually agreed to it, and that they didn't just end up at the later page
22:43.37KirkburnOoh, for 2.0 you can't reload the UI in combat?
22:43.47KirkburnPlorkyeran, indeed
22:43.52MaldiviaKirkburn: you can
22:43.55cogwheelPlorkyeran: there are ways around that, though
22:44.01Maldiviaif I read the latest correctly...
22:44.20Kirkburn"Trading and reloading the UI: allowed if interactive" ... what does 'interactive' mean in this case?
22:44.22PlorkyeranEULAs are non-binding, and it's actually possible to force agreement to install the software with them
22:44.41Maldiviahardware event, I'd thiunk
22:44.43MeryKirkburn: I'd assume hardware event
22:45.00KirkburnAh, makes sense - he was talking about addons (which I forgot to think about)
22:47.09IrielYes, interactive means "hardware event"
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23:02.25Maldiviacogwheel: you were in search for pain and suffering
23:02.33cogwheel~dict masochist
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23:05.38abug1~dict frigid
23:05.46CairennI want our forum back
23:06.14Maldivialet's take over the General forums, since general seems to have invaded ours...
23:06.25IrielHey guys, I want to be able to target any one of the 30 mobs in a room with a single keypress... apparently healers are the only class that have to target selected units out of a group.
23:06.52Cairennnaw, I'll just stick with my refugee over at WoWI
23:06.55CairennIriel: rofl
23:07.02IrielI didn't realize until now that, by using my mouse to target, i've been playing my class all wrong.
23:07.39abug1healing one's pet sure is hard
23:07.40Cairennoops, me thinks they've managed to even push Iriel to his patience's limit ... and that takes work
23:08.01Cairennabug1: don't push it
23:08.04IrielI dont heal, I attack.
23:08.20Irielbut the 'selection' problem is not really thatmuch different
23:08.27TainI've heard of this, "Heal" thing
23:08.40TainI play a rogue though, I don't think I've ever gotten one.
23:08.47IrielIf anything these changes put healers in greater demand with better appreciation for good ones
23:09.01Corrodiassome of these people are insane. they think they have to bind keys to heal -every single person- in their 40-man raids. 40 keybinds per spell.
23:09.04Corrodiasthey honestly believe this.
23:09.31TainYeah Iriel but there's also the effect of losing healers because the mediocre ones could get by with automated help.
23:09.50Irielsupply/demand, those who want to play the big instances and dont mind healing will step up
23:09.51TainI'm not suggesting that's a bad thing, but healing is at a premium as it is most of the time.
23:09.53Corrodiasi'd rather have mediocre help that works than a few gifted healers overworked to burnout, myself
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23:10.32MeryI think that is why Blizzard now refuses to give out patch notes before the PTR goes live... sadly someone leaked that info wich might have lead to givign it out so much ahead of BC release
23:11.13Corrodiasi guess i don't follow this closely enough to comment on that
23:11.17Irielif your guild is burinng out healers, maybe they need more healers in a raid or need to strategize healing more effectively?
23:11.48IrielIf I didn't know better i'd assume that all healers fully automate their life and just spend their time hitting one of 4 or 5 buttons through a raid until it's over
23:11.54Irieloccasoinally moving to stay in or out of range
23:11.56TainIt's that that simple though.  There aren't as many people who want to play healers as other classes.
23:12.10abugsounds like playing a dps class
23:12.35Maldivia3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,next target,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 -- go go frost mage...
23:13.16TainI'm not really trying to argue that too much automation is good.  But I do think the consequences will actually be less healers overall, rather than people just threatening to quit like every other change.
23:13.16CorrodiasIriel: some of them do just hit one button over and over
23:13.28MeryWhen we first killed Onyxia we had healing partners to split whom to heal and when to heal ( to allow mana regeneration ), all easily possible with nobody crying about too much work
23:13.28IrielWhy even play at that point?
23:13.52CorrodiasMery: that's a fantastic way of doing it.
23:14.11TainWell really most classes on 40 man raids do just hit a couple of buttons over and over again.
23:14.15BeladonaI don't think it will be that bad, and as Iriel pointed out, the negative impacts of the change affect everyone. Not just healers. I do a lot of target swapping
23:14.29Beladonabut I do it with my mouse
23:14.42TainAnd see I would use a mouse less if I could.
23:15.27TainI'm not going to complain about it though, it is what it is and I'm not silly enough to think the way I play the game matters to the overall health of the game.
23:15.53IrielReally though, a well formulated raid could allow a healer a handufl of direct bindings to the main recipients of healing, and longer binding sequences for the rest (or just click for the rest)
23:16.10IrielIf ONE healer has to manage the health of 39 other people then something's just broken
23:16.58TainNo, it's usually more like 4-5 healers all having to keep one main tank up, plus the rest of their groups.
23:16.59Corrodiasdamn straight
23:17.16Corrodiasorganization is key in raids. hitting one button over and over doesn't cut it.
23:17.26Beladonawhich is a balance issue that WILL be considered
23:17.33PlorkyeranThe problem is there's a lot of guilds where they don't bother to assign healers
23:17.47PlorkyeranAnd tell them to all just keep the raid alive
23:17.53abugthere are cases though where you'd want someone healing the whole raid, like a tree of life druid in the expansion
23:18.01PlorkyeranWhich very quickly results in people looking for ways to automate it :P
23:18.05TainIn the mean time I'm in the City of Villains costume creation screen right now.  Well and for the last hour.
23:18.27Corrodiasin ZG, our healers communicate on a separate channel, and are assigned specific targets
23:18.38MaldiviaTain: can't decide which color spandex you should wear?
23:18.40PlorkyeranI spent longer making my character in CoH than playing it
23:18.50PlorkyeranAbout twice as long
23:18.51TainIt's a game in and of itself, Plorkyeran.
23:18.54Corrodiasand people are encouraged to bandage themselves if they have the chance
23:19.03PlorkyeranI also spent longer installing it than playing
23:19.16Maldiviacorr: agree
23:19.18TainAlthough I've now gotten my costume, now to find a name that gets through.
23:20.02MaldiviaTain: Taintless Steel?
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23:21.09Corrodiashot carl
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23:42.29MeryTauruse should go back to the general forum.
23:44.55Meryanyway good night
23:58.35Corrodiaswow, freenode is pretty forgiving on connection timeouts
23:58.42Corrodiasi just rebooted my router and it didn't disconnect me

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