irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061009

00:00.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mygore (
00:01.08Mr_Rabies2that's been patched warla, but for a good month or 2, health pots, traveler's backpacks, and DM books were worthless
00:01.35Endmana pots were more noticably affected than health pots
00:01.52Mr_Rabies2on our server both were pretty worthless
00:01.59Mr_Rabies2not like i use either
00:02.21Mr_Rabies25 combat pots and 10 pvp pots is more than i need
00:02.40EndI don't pvp enough to keep my rank :P
00:03.18Mr_Rabies2i'll prob lose 7 this week
00:05.13Corrodiasohboy! our ZG night has one warrior
00:05.27Mr_Rabies2get a drood
00:05.29Corrodiasi'm really not well suited for tanking
00:06.03Mr_Rabies2i've got terrible tanking stats on my druid
00:06.17Mr_Rabies2only like 600 AP in bear
00:06.20Corrodias5k armor, 4.4k health, unbuffed, for meee :(
00:06.25Mr_Rabies2terrible aggro holding, assuming
00:06.30EndI havd 13k armor
00:06.35Mr_Rabies2but i hold aggro fine with maul
00:06.43Mr_Rabies2cause of the talent, i suppose
00:06.55Mr_Rabies2i've got like 12k armor and 7000 health self buffed or something
00:07.06Endyeah, I have the talent
00:07.19Endmy health is only 6k self buffed unfortunately
00:07.29Mr_Rabies2i hold more steady aggro than most wars
00:07.30EndI'm not deeply feral though
00:07.36Mr_Rabies2i'm 12/34/5
00:07.38Endjust enough to get feral charge, thick hide, and feral aggression
00:08.00Mr_Rabies2get ferocity
00:08.14Mr_Rabies2i skipped feral agression and thick hide
00:08.23XuerianAm I the only 46/5 in existence? >_>
00:08.29Endit's feral instinct I have
00:08.34EndI think
00:08.49Mr_Rabies20/46/5 xue?
00:08.51Endthey all have feral in the name dammit
00:09.00XuerianYeah, Rabies
00:09.18Mr_Rabies2i'd rather have omen than thick hide and the bash talent
00:09.52EndI have ferocity, feral intinct, bash, 4/5 thick hide, and feral charge
00:09.57XuerianYea, makes sense, but I've found both of those make up for the lack of omen... I should try some other builds :P
00:10.03Endrest is in resto, since that's mostly what I do
00:10.11Mr_Rabies2woops, i'm 14/32/5
00:10.16Mr_Rabies2i was thinking about 12/34/5
00:10.20Endmy feral talents are for the "oh shit, we don't have enough warriors" times
00:10.40Mr_Rabies2i coulnt live without heart of the wild
00:10.49Mr_Rabies2i love that talent so much
00:10.49EndI miss heart of the wild
00:10.52XuerianSounds like my healing gear, "Oh shit, we don't have enough healers" times :P
00:10.58Mr_Rabies2best 3 points i ever spend
00:11.07EndI'm respeccing when the xpac comes out I think
00:11.20Endmy resto gear is starting to make my resto talents look weak anyways
00:11.21Mr_Rabies2my healing gear is "hey, this is about to get sharded, you want it?" "siiiigh, there goes the quick strike ring"
00:11.29XuerianHell, all the healers in my guild went enough feral for HotW
00:11.41Xuerianlol, That's much more accurate Rabies XD
00:12.03Mr_Rabies2but it was cool in my other guild
00:12.10Mr_Rabies2all the other druids were priests in leather
00:12.21abugnone of the healers in my guild wanted the wand off razuvious so I took it as a warlock for wand damage
00:12.28Mr_Rabies2so i got free reign on all the feral gear after warriors, hunters and rogues had their pickings at it :/
00:12.36Endsome of the druids in my guild wear more cloth than leather :X
00:12.43Endone is a chicken though :-/
00:12.43XuerianSame with my current guild =\
00:12.46XuerianCloth? Wtf?
00:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge aske`afk (
00:13.05XuerianLeather can almost match cloth in +Heal/regen ;P
00:13.07Mr_Rabies2for raiding its not a big deal, or moon chicken
00:13.19Mr_Rabies2some cloth sets have as much or more armor than leather
00:13.22Mr_Rabies2pisses me off :[
00:13.29Endlike ironweave?
00:13.31Endor whatever
00:13.34Mr_Rabies2if we could wear ironweave,  we'd be godly
00:13.36Endthe stuff in lbrs
00:13.38Mr_Rabies2there's more too
00:13.49Endit has more armor than my tier2 leather
00:14.00Mr_Rabies2that makes me sad
00:14.03Corrodiasman, my out-of-date perfectraid has a few annoying bugs. i need to update.
00:14.15Endalmost as much armor probably as my tanking leather come to think of it...
00:14.38Mr_Rabies2that's more armor than malfurion's
00:14.41Mr_Rabies2malf's is 392
00:14.55Mr_Rabies2that's the highest AC item below mail armor in the game
00:15.23XuerianHoly hell, what a jip!
00:15.45Mr_Rabies2sometimes i think there's some kind of secret conspiracy of itemization
00:16.30Mr_Rabies2"wow, this item would rock for a druid" "heheheh bob, guess what, we're making it class specific to casters only" "oh, jim, you son of a bitch, you're brilliant"
00:17.07Mr_Rabies2someone needs to make a parody of the video of the indian guy crying when someone throws litter out of their window
00:17.28Mr_Rabies2make it a crying malfurion zoomed in right after a shaman gets an end of dreams
00:18.16Mr_Rabies2 this one
00:20.02chuckgThat guy is in my guild.
00:20.16abughe rocks
00:20.16chuckgIt relies on having Soul Link and someone healing his pet.
00:20.45chuckgIt's not "true" mitigation, but he can take some swings.
00:21.03Endvery interesting
00:21.15Xuerianheh, very nice idea o_0
00:21.19abugI've been gathering defense gear, but I think I should've done ac instead
00:21.33chuckgThat's the way to go.
00:21.42Corrodiasyeah, my perfectraid needs a serious update, lol
00:22.13Corrodiastell me, does the newest version let you put a background behind it?
00:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge vultaru (
00:22.31chuckgI miss it.
00:22.35chuckgAnd there he is, abug.
00:22.38vultarulol what
00:23.07Corrodiaslol damn :( i need a background behind it
00:23.16Corrodiasguess maybe i have to make my own addon that puts up a black box...
00:23.20abugwas just linking an old pic of you
00:23.28vulture-how old
00:23.39abugbefore the new forums
00:24.00vulture-yeah that's an old shot
00:24.01decii miss Lyra
00:24.08chuckgNever say that, ever Deci.
00:24.15abugwhat's your gear now?
00:24.19vulture- <-- newer (but still not newest, got some more epixx)
00:24.21chuckgThat's akin to "I miss black plague"
00:24.58abugis the nef neck better than the medallion?
00:25.24vulture-its like +15 stam or something
00:25.26abugand is there anything better than the cloak?
00:25.28vulture-and +ac
00:25.35vulture-cryptfiend silk cloak
00:25.45vulture-except our guildmaster keeps giving it to warriors instead of me =/
00:26.13Corrodiasi need a background behind perfectraid. why does someone think it's easy to read those numbers? argh!
00:27.12chuckgThey made the deficitis larger by default.
00:27.16chuckgAnd the textures are better now, too
00:27.21abugwhich wand is that?
00:27.22chuckgBut I agree.
00:27.36Corrodiasso i'll slap a background behind it and everything will be cake
00:28.51Corrodiasi take it that when it highlights someone, they have a debuff i can cure. sweet.
00:29.02Corrodiasi'll miss decursive's click-to-cure thing all the less
00:29.46chuckgYou can remove that, I'm not fond of it.
00:30.53vulture-well, actually, I'm using a 6agi/6int wand but I've been debating using stormrage over it for +8stam
00:31.10vulture-since 12agi/.30%dodge isnt huge mitdiff for me anymore
00:31.20vulture-err, 12ac
00:32.40Mr_Rabies2this screen
00:32.45Mr_Rabies2makes me cry
00:33.29Mr_Rabies2you should get tankpoints vulture
00:35.23PlorkyeranIs the account management page not working for anyone else?
00:36.05EndMinimapCluster:SetScale(2) does strange things
00:36.35vulture-I technically have enough hp/mitigation/redirection to tank patchwerk now
00:37.02vulture-and we calculated that I could be a 3rd offtank for patch by chain summoning VW's between 2-3 HS's
00:37.39PlorkyeranOnly four hours of shard farming per kill :P
00:38.08Corrodiashmm. no, perfectraid highlights anyone with a debuff, it seems. that's less useful.
00:38.43vulture-think I'd only have to use 10-15 shards
00:38.48vulture-depends on how good our healers are
00:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
01:00.49ShadowedGone for a week, and hell breaks loose on the UI forums
01:01.53KirovShadowed - rumor has it for 2.1 Blizzard is moving the UI to visual basic
01:02.05Shadowedshould start that rumor
01:02.52Corrodiasi think with a decent raid frame, i won't miss the click-to-target stuff too much at all
01:03.31KirovThe reason? "It's visual basic... we only want the UI to do visual changes with no actual functionality.  Visual basic, as it's name says, is a basic way of dealing with visuals."
01:03.36ShadowedAnyone worked with Ace-DB before? running into a fun issue with trying to add new configuration to SCT :/
01:04.28CorrodiasSCT. i need to update my SCT, too.
01:04.43Corrodiasin a busy game i can be flooded with so many messages above my head i can't even see what i'm doing
01:05.08Shadowedswiched mine to alternating and turned the speeds to max, couldn't see anything on my fury warrior
01:06.37Corrodiasi'll try "angling down - alternating"
01:06.47Shadowedi neverliked that
01:07.24Corrodiaswhat do you use? "altnernating" is a substyle in my version
01:07.55Corrodiasyour "animation type", if they didn't revamp the options enough to get rid of that
01:08.29Shadowedbroke my SCT configuration, so i can't tell you!
01:10.42Corrodiasi think i'm happy using the normal vertical one but moving it down so it's not obstructing my view so much
01:11.06Shadowedwhy must SCT use AceDB, why can't it just use normal configuration :/
01:16.20Corrodiasi don't know that my old version uses acedb
01:16.34ShadowedSCT uses ace in 5.0
01:17.04Corrodiasinteresting. i can't /sct to open my options while i'm dead.
01:17.29Corrodiasi'm using v4.131
01:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:21.50Corrodiasi tried switching to 5 once but it was too different and i wasn't in the mood to screw with it
01:25.37GuillotineQuick question: what would the script be to find the icon used by the buff you are mousing over?
01:29.28CorrodiasNO IDEA
01:29.34Corrodiaser, capslock is push-to-talk key
01:32.50PlorkyeranProbably not a very good choice :P
01:33.16CorrodiasWHY DO YOU SAY THAT LOL.. just kidding. i held shift that time.
01:35.32PlorkyeranI just got killed by PoM Scorch
01:36.37PlorkyeranI suppose it saves some mana
01:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:49.59Guillotinewoohoo! finally got PR to show rejuv and regrowth
01:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689_ (i=user@ip106-228.pft.WKU.EDU)
02:01.49XuerianOh? o.o
02:29.33Corrodiasgod damn ridiculous lag during a boss fight!
02:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
02:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge vulture- (
02:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge askeladden (
03:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge aske`afk (
03:27.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
04:13.43*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
04:14.06Cairenn|afkmalreth: you know we'll host it and happily
04:14.14Cairenn|afkerrr, nm
04:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
04:15.34Cairenn|afkhi malreth
04:16.33malrethLady, Cairenn. How does this evening find you?
04:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
04:17.30malrethnumb? why numb?
04:18.05Cairenn|afkgot a phone call a number of hours ago that one of my best friends died of a massive heart attack last night
04:18.10Cairenn|afkand I'm ... numb
04:18.39malrethoh no...
04:18.46malrethmy condolences
04:18.57Cairenn|afkguy was like a brother to my husband, an uncle to our daughter
04:19.29malrethI recently lost my grandfather to heart disease.
04:19.45Cairenn|afkI'm very sorry to hear that :(
04:20.46malrethwell, he lived a full life.
04:21.02malrethand he was a fighter until the end
04:21.12Cairenn|afkIt's still hard to lose someone you love
04:21.29malrethyes, it is
04:21.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:22.15ckknighthey all
04:22.23Cairenn|afkor rather ... it usually is ... why am I feeling nothing?
04:22.25Cairenn|afkhi ckknight
04:23.12malrethpsychologically, it is difficult for the mind to deal with death
04:23.12*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
04:25.40malretheverytime, it's different
04:28.28ScytheBlade1What's this I'm hearing about them actually breaking decursive in the expansion?
04:29.07MiravlixYou will last longer if you learn the difference between fact and fiction
04:29.18ScytheBlade1See, that's what I told people
04:29.42ScytheBlade1Unless of course, you're talking to someone else
04:29.47malrethpurl, burning crusade
04:29.48purlextra, extra, read all about it, burning crusade is an expansion pack for the successful MMO, World of Warcraft, by Blizzard. Reportedly, it will break all addons, add Tauren priests, not allow you to target anyone, cast any spells, use any weapons, heal any friends, randomly curse you and 25 of your friends and 25 of their friends, chat, log off, use web browers, ...
04:30.05ScytheBlade1Then about six people that generally know what they're talking about
04:30.22ScytheBlade1All ganged up on me and said "they're breaking the ability to cast spells, even via hardware events"
04:30.53malreththey're overreacting
04:31.15ScytheBlade1One person, I'm going to disregard
04:31.20ScytheBlade1Three guilds means something though
04:31.44Cairenn|afkScytheBlade1: answer me this
04:32.07Cairenn|afkScytheBlade1: how many of them are addon authors that can actually read and understand all the technical details that have been and continue to be posted?
04:32.17ScytheBlade1Of them all, one
04:32.28ScytheBlade1And he's the reason I wtf'd and asked in here
04:32.35Cairenn|afkhe's over reacting
04:33.29ScytheBlade1Or just clueless concerning how it actually *works* down there
04:33.49Cairenn|afkit isn't even to beta yet, let alone to PTRs, I highly doubt that a) they are finished yet and b) all the information is actually out yet
04:36.35*** join/#wowi-lounge trollied (n=phil@pdpc/supporter/active/trollied)
04:36.40Cairenn|afkScytheBlade1: I've no doubt it'll be okay in the end
04:36.45*** join/#wowi-lounge mjc (
04:37.08ScytheBlade1Cairenn|afk, and that's what I was thinking. It was just the whole "three top-tier guilds are saying otherwise" that threw me for a loop
04:37.44malrethjust because they're in top guilds doesn't mean they can't be mistaken
04:38.09ScytheBlade1As in this case, they all are ;)
04:38.15ScytheBlade1It just threw me for a loop
04:38.41Cairenn|afkat least you came to somewhere *factual* to find out what the real deal is :)
04:38.56ScytheBlade1Yeah, this is true ;)
04:39.18ScytheBlade1Really, decursive is a for loop, for loop, CastSpell(), with a bit more thrown in to make it spicy and nice
04:41.52MiravlixWell decursive dies every patch
04:42.00MiravlixIt's a tradition now someome says that
04:42.13MiravlixJust ignore it and move on.
04:43.12MiravlixThe supposedly Blizzard decursive 'hate' seems to have created a lot of fanatism heat towards decursive.
04:43.28MiravlixBut it seems to me Blizzards solution was the mana cost change
04:44.02ScytheBlade1Which really did nothing ;)
04:44.14MiravlixIt did eveyrthing
04:44.26MiravlixI can run a shaman out of mana if he purges to much
04:44.38ScytheBlade1You a druid?
04:44.46MiravlixIt's not a free lunch anymore
04:44.58ScytheBlade1I have an *amazing* druid friend
04:45.07ScytheBlade1Spams rank 1 moonfire in paladins just to get them to cleanse it
04:45.22MiravlixRev on myself rank 1
04:45.37MiravlixShammy purges, re aply, shammy purges, etc.
04:45.51MiravlixShammy looks dumb as his purge button doesn't work.
04:45.53MiravlixShammy dies
04:45.55ScytheBlade1I'm a mage... 121 mana is nothing for my decurse
04:45.59ScytheBlade1Which is an actual decurse
04:46.19Miravlix200 mana for over time poison.
04:46.34Miravlix124 for remove curse
04:47.21ScytheBlade1I will say this.. I think it always should have been this high or higher
04:47.28ScytheBlade1What it was before? No skill/thought at all
04:49.39MiravlixIt was some 50 mana or so
04:49.57MiravlixYou could cast it and regen it without noticing
04:49.58ScytheBlade1I could spam that in a raid and regen mana
05:02.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
05:11.35ckknight <-- someone should make this mod
05:11.37Bhpaladin cleanse is 125 mana, rank 1 moonfire is 25, good stuff
05:19.58mjcanyone have a resto druid build they like?
05:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (n=cody@
05:22.15mjclike, this is a mana conservation build  I might try
05:41.51Corrodiasi need to start thinking about 2.0 talent builds
05:48.28Plorkyeranckknight> I'm working on that right now :P
05:48.35PlorkyeranIt's actually pretty short
05:51.56ckknightwhen're they gonna open the PTR?
05:52.20PlorkyeranProbably not until the BC beta is close to done
05:53.24ckknightis it in beta yet or still alpha?
05:53.35PlorkyeranOfficially it's still "nothing" :P
05:55.07ckknightI wonder what API function they'll provide for us to check if you have the expansion or not...
05:55.18Thunder_Child"friends and family alpha"
05:56.08Thunder_Childand it's alot of fun
05:56.24ckknightyou shouldn't give too much away
05:56.53Thunder_Childit's hardly a far as i know
05:57.12ckknightstill, talking about it violates the NDA
05:57.23PlorkyeranFrom what they've been saying, there may not be any reason the UI needs to know whether you have the expansion or not
05:57.42Thunder_ChildPlorkyeran what if the mod involves..say flying mounts
05:57.44ckknightthere does for me, if I want to add a check to TouristLib
05:57.46PlorkyeranAs the only thing buying the expansion does is raise the level cap and let you zone into the new content
05:57.52ckknightto tell you which zones you should go to
05:57.52IrielI suspect the UI wont care
05:58.05IrielBeyond knowing what YOUR max level is, perhaps, for the XP bar
05:58.13PlorkyeranThunder_Child> Then it won't do anything useful for someone without the expansion?
05:58.44Thunder_Childdepend how it's written
05:58.48Thunder_Childbut i see your point
06:04.38Thunder_Childlol, listen to this
06:04.54Thunder_Childat the top of the page is this "Welcome to the Burning Crusade Friends and Family Alpha Test"
06:05.08Thunder_Childnear the bottom is this "For purposes of example and not limitation, you agree that you will not disclose the following:
06:05.08Thunder_Child(i) The existence of a Friends and Family Alpha Test.
06:05.22Thunder_Childthis is posted on a publicly available page
06:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge moonwolf (n=moonwolf@
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07:56.54Corrodiaswell, this is interesting
07:57.22Corrodiaswowi's page for PerfectRaid lists two features that aren't actually in it, it seems. the description says that it's out of date, but i didn't expect the author to remove features :o
07:58.33Elkanowhich ones do you mean?
07:58.50Corrodiasfilter and backdrop
08:01.09Corrodiasthe changelog talks about adding them but never mentions removing them
08:02.23Elkanowell, they most likely got lost in the ace2 rewrite
08:04.06Corrodiasalso the "simulate" option, missing
08:04.14Corrodiasit kinda feels like i'm using some really old version. jesus.
08:06.20Elkanobut it looks better now... ;)
08:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
08:16.02Corrodiaswell... i'm very disappointed
08:31.09[Wobin]Thunder_Child: Rule 1 of Fight Club...
08:37.23[Wobin]What rule?
08:39.27Elkanowell, you stated it yourself... ;)
08:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:56.19[Wobin]Did I?
09:04.46Elkanoyou mentioned the name so yes you did... ;)
09:18.30Corrodiasoh that sounds fun!
09:18.49Corrodiasby the way, i experienced my first time of being in a raid in which someone ninjad something
09:19.54Corrodiasthe raid leader grabbed a relatively low value neck piece in UBRS and hearthed, then later tried to claim to his guild that he didn't do it, but several of us whispered some dude about it, and i suspect that he may have been gkicked.
09:20.23zenzelezzhehe, which item?
09:20.24Corrodiashang on while i figure out what the item is
09:23.01AnduinLotharthat's a hawt item
09:23.10AnduinLotharit's a mini ony neck
09:23.17AnduinLothari used it for a while
09:23.39Corrodiashere's a sad thing: i bought a sub (sandwich) about 17 hours ago and forgot to refrigerate or eat this second half of it
09:23.46AnduinLotharbut lol it's off the 1st boss
09:23.58Corrodiasi'm pretty sure i need to toss it :(
09:24.03AnduinLotharman.. making me hungry
09:24.25Corrodiasas much as i'd like to eat it, meat goes bad after sitting around for a while, doesn't it? or cheese. or something.
09:24.36AnduinLothar17 hours aint bad
09:24.44AnduinLotharwont taste as good
09:24.55AnduinLotharbut it wont be harmful
09:25.09AnduinLotharprolly soggy
09:26.21AnduinLotharnah you can leave meat out in the air for about a day and a half before you should to toss it, it just wont taste as good
09:26.22Corrodiaswell, time for me to sleep. i need to be rested in case my parents get me an appointment with a doctor tomorrow about this skin thing
09:26.44AnduinLotharsausage lasts longer
09:27.08AnduinLotharcheese is fine until you see mold on it
09:27.20AnduinLotharand then you can usually cut off the visible mold
09:27.51AnduinLotharlettuce you can leave out for days but it really doesn't taste good if not refrigerated
09:28.06AnduinLotharbread gets mold the fastest i think
09:28.10AnduinLotharesp soggy bread
09:28.44AnduinLotharmmm and salted meat of course lasts longer
09:29.02AnduinLotharso if your sadwitch had salt in it you should be fine :)
09:29.31AnduinLotharToday's food lesson brought to you by the letter 'M'.
09:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
09:40.03Breezedoes anybody know how to skip a for-loop in LUA? I see there's a break statement, but I'm looking for a continue, like in C
09:43.28krkano continue
09:43.40krkawrap it in an if-statement
09:53.50ckknightLua is not an acronym, don't treat it as such
09:55.46AnduinLotharanyone know if there's a way to extent how many lines you can show in an editbox? seems to max out at like 128
09:59.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:03.47abugshouldn't we be sleeping?
10:04.03AnduinLotharsleep? what's that?
10:04.22abugthat thing I gave up when starting college
10:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
10:11.33BreezeIs there a way to execute a function every x seconds with some sort of timer?
10:12.36Breezehmm sorry, I'm lazy today
10:12.50Breezefound :0
10:12.52Breeze:) *
10:17.39[Ammo]or use Metrognome, or AceEvent
10:17.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
10:26.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:44.18abugor make your own
10:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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11:11.56[Wobin]why do that when there are plenty of fine wheels already invented?
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12:51.00Merymy personal quote of the day (suggestion forum): "I thought private servers were allowed, but you have to pay extra or something? I mean aren't you all by yourself in there? It is not like you have an advantage over other players."
12:51.56Beladonasounds like that guy missed the point by about a mile
12:53.49KamQuatif i had a private server i'd roll a toon and deck him out with all tier3
12:53.56KamQuatand then go omgwtfpwn hogger
12:54.12KamQuatit took my guild like an hour to take him down with 20 people >_<
13:03.53hugoYou don't have permission to access /images/0/0e/Gothik.gif on this server. ;o
13:04.04hugocant go to .gif image directy from wowwiki ?
13:14.27Beladonathey may have hotlinking disabled
13:14.35dukekugood morning star shine
13:14.40dukekuthe earth says hello!!
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13:16.57Hexarobiyou twinkle above us
13:17.02Hexarobiwe twinkle belloowwwww
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13:44.17JoshBorkeMorning Cairenn
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14:34.12KasoFrame:SetAlpha(0) , the frame would still be IsVisible() right ?
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15:13.11Kasoon DevTools frame stack, when its over a un-named frame, it says like "table:09B938" how do you get that?
15:15.06KasoIriel's code is confusing :<
15:16.42JoshBorkeKaso: i believe it is iterating over GetElements? or something like that
15:18.30Kasohmm, see the thing is, i have a referance to a unnamed frame, and i want some way to tell it apart from the other unnamed frames in my code
15:22.30Kevorkiangive it a name?
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15:34.16Kasook, is there any other way of changing a frame's alpha which doesnt call :SetAlpha() ?
15:34.25JoshBorkeKaso: no, why?
15:35.36Kasowell, im setting this frame's alpha to 0, then when i check its alpha moments later its back at 1, and i know it hasnt been :SetAlpha()'d cos ive used metatables to hook SetAlpha()
15:37.12Kasoso, for example, my hook just spamms out Setting Frame's alpha to x whenver you run SetAlpha on it
15:37.51Kasoif i do /run GetMouseFocus():SetAlpha(0) ChatFrame3:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetAlpha()) that says 0 to CF3 and 0 from my hook, then moments later if i do ChatFrame3:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetAlpha()) it reports 1, but my hook hasnt said anything in the mean time
15:38.16JoshBorkeare you using any frame modifiers like Visor or DFM?  they hook those functinos also
15:39.12Kasoonly addons i have are devtools and luapad
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15:44.05Kasoarrg, why wont these nameplates behave themselves!
15:48.55Kasoi want to set thier alpha to 0, but they just won't
15:48.59cogwheelMan... UI & Macros is becoming more and more like General every hour that passes :(
15:49.26Cairennsucks, doesn't it?
15:49.29JoshBorkeKaso: that's hard to do because they get set back to alpha 1 on update?
15:50.08Kasowell, i assumed it was on Update, but it apparently isnt, i thought i'd be clever and fiddle with the SetAlpha function to stop them being re-set, but it isnt working
15:50.32JoshBorkeKaso: so you've seen the post by gello i'm assuming?
15:50.45Kasoyah, thats what ive based my addon on
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15:51.08Kasobut i cant just Hide() them like he has, i need them to be IsVisible() but not ... visible
15:53.26KasoAlso, re-hiding them (or whatever) on Update seems a bit hackish to me, id rather get this working with my metatable hook
15:55.19zenzelezzsounds to me like they have a strong desire to be visible
15:55.29Kasothats very true
15:55.49Kasowhat's really frustrating me is *how* they're avoiding being hidden
15:55.54Kasoit makes no sense
15:56.26JoshBorkewhat about setting the size to 1x1?
15:56.42Kasohmm, lemme see
15:58.00Kasoyah, that sorta works
15:58.24Kasoit's Fontstrings and Statusbars are messed up now but i can easy sort that
15:58.29zenzelezzargh... every day lately, around this time, my server's been getting sluggish... laggy without latency
15:58.45Cairennoff to my folks' house for thanksgiving day brunch
15:58.47cogwheelDoes anyone have any insight into how button remapping in 2.0 will work?  Will you only be able to do it on stance changes?
15:58.52zenzelezzhave fun Cairenn
15:59.15cogwheelor will things like remapping based on hostile/friendly target work?
15:59.25Beladonawe only know what you know. Based on the stuff slouken posted
15:59.42Beladonabut maybe ask there?
15:59.44cogwheelRight... but he might have said something I missed or misinterpreted...
15:59.57JoshBorkebb Cairenn|afk
16:00.07JoshBorkei think they are working on a solution for that.
16:00.08cogwheeland the thread is locked, it would appear :(
16:00.36JoshBorkehe has already stated that there will be configurations for friendly/hostile targets when clicking
16:00.37Beladonaprobably too much "whine, whine, that sucks" posts
16:00.49cogwheelmay just be broken... there's no lock symbol, but the Quote and Reply buttons are disabled
16:00.57JoshBorkeand i remember reading that you will be able to change bars in combat
16:01.17Beladonamaybe there is a page limit?
16:01.48cogwheelor a total post limit and with so many deleted already, it reached its limit on a small number of pages...
16:02.21cogwheelthough, the last post on the thread is #500
16:03.15JoshBorkei'm going to guess that button remapping will be secure while in combat.
16:03.19JoshBorkebut i dunno
16:03.54cogwheelIt can't be for warriors/druids/rogues
16:04.12BeladonaI think he means key bindings
16:04.18JoshBorkeit's an interesting shift from having lots of frames to now unit frames are going to be considered buttons and action buttons are going to stay buttons.  they definitely seem to be going more along a OO frame methodology
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16:04.51JoshBorkeyes, i think the functionality to switch while in combat will be protected but still available
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16:05.04cogwheelYep. I think with all the sweeping changes, slouken wanted to take better advantage of lua's features
16:05.19JoshBorkecan anyone explain to me the significance of the new coroutines?
16:05.32cogwheelThere was a discussion about it on the 2.0 changes thread
16:05.49JoshBorkeofficial thread?
16:05.49BeladonaI think what people don't get is - they aren't necessarily disabling all decursive type stuff. They are just setting it up so it can be controlled
16:06.06BeladonaBlizzard will be able to say what and how much of what you can do while in combat
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16:06.12Beladonaregardless of addons
16:06.33cogwheelJoshBorke: i think so... i may be remembering incorrectly
16:06.36MaldiviaBeladona: it's basically all the people, that have absolutely no idea, what the changes actually do, that's screaming and yelling
16:06.38JoshBorkeirial needs to update the top post
16:06.44BeladonaI know
16:06.57KasoSweet, JoshBorke, that works pretty well, thanks for the help
16:06.57Beladona90% of the screamers have never programmed an addon in their life
16:06.58cogwheelJoshBorke: or it may have been deleted since it was technically a suggestion which is "off topic" in that thread
16:07.21cogwheelJoshBorke: i know what happened
16:07.32cogwheelit got lost when they rolled back the forums last month :(
16:07.55Maldivia"Ohh no, I've been using this addon that Blizzard have said they would try to disable for so long now, that I can't play the game without"
16:08.10JoshBorkei found some stuff on coroutines in the lua 5.1 thread
16:08.36cogwheelhmmm... that may have been what I was thinking of...
16:09.09GalenciaBeladona: they might not be taking 90% of it away, but they're making it a damn sight harder to get at
16:09.19Galencia(both screen-wise and keyboard-wise)
16:10.05JoshBorkeI think they've done a great job removing just the functionality they wanted: decursive automation and heal automation
16:10.29MaldiviaPersonally, I'm really happy about the changes, but what they added and what they restricted
16:10.53Galenciapersonally, im caustiously optimistic and waiting to see what clever people come up with :)
16:11.11JoshBorkei'm sad to see the automatic choosing of cleansing spell
16:11.18JoshBorkeas a paladin it's easy, but as a priest it's a pain
16:11.49cogwheelthey seem to be putting more of an emphasis on click-casting now, though, which should relieve some of that pain
16:12.39Galenciacan you for example have raid freames that turn blue when someone has a magic on them and still click cast it?
16:12.50Galenciathats not so bad then
16:13.04Galenciaprovided you set up beforehand that eg shift left click = dispell, right?
16:13.16cogwheelI think PerfectRaid is really going to be the template for future raid unit frames
16:13.57Galenciaso the whackamole whiners arent really that far off :)
16:13.59cogwheelIts design just makes so much sense with the coming changes
16:15.22Maldiviacogwheel: all the secure models added for 2.0 fits right in to my raid UI aswell :)
16:15.43Galenciawhat they're pushing for is pretty much how i used to play my priest anyway
16:16.10Galenciathe 'focus' thing they're adding seems kinda nice
16:16.10cogwheelWhich one's yours? :)    (i connect author names with mods just as effectively as names with faces... i.e. not at all)
16:16.20Galenciathey seem to be "giving" a lot as well as taking
16:16.40Galenciathe new events seem kinda weird
16:16.55Galenciathey're set out at disabling addons they dont like, yet are making enemy cast bars easier than ever
16:17.23cogwheelMaybe they don't mind that so much...
16:17.36JoshBorkeyea, i love the new changes to spellcast events
16:18.12Galenciai suppose if you think about it logically they are ok with information being presented to you, just not your ui doing something with that information for you
16:18.15JoshBorkehola Legorol
16:18.25BeladonaGalencia: exactly
16:18.39Legorolmorning JoshBorke
16:18.40Galenciabut i always thought that enemy cast bars were a bit OTT in pvp
16:19.35JoshBorkeget them to counter-spell a hearthstone?
16:21.43Galenciaare they adding click casting to the default blizzard ui/raidframes?
16:23.01BeladonaI didn't see anything about that
16:23.04Beladonabut that would be neat
16:23.11Galenciait would help a lot
16:23.14JoshBorkei would assume they are
16:23.28Galenciaalso changing the buff/debuff filters so not suck complete ass, would be nice.
16:23.31JoshBorkei'd be interested to see the configuration GUI
16:23.44Galenciaer or not
16:24.34JoshBorkeI think cladhaire did an excellent job with Clique's UI and i hope blizzard comes up with something just as good
16:24.43Kasowhen nameplates are shown the Name doesnt appear above your peoples head :<
16:24.57JoshBorkeKaso: lol
16:25.39Kasoso, i can do my addon, as long as you're not partiulally attached to people's names and guild over thier heads
16:25.51JoshBorkeWhat does your addon do?
16:26.15KasoShows healing done over the heads of the recipiants :
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16:26.29JoshBorkei'd be interested to see the worldframe receive click-casting events
16:26.44JoshBorkeKaso: that is wicked cool!
16:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
16:26.51GremDoes anyone have any official news on how the targetting functions are going to work in BC?
16:27.10JoshBorkeKaso: gimme gimme!
16:27.29Kasowell the problem is atm it requires the nameplates up
16:27.34Kasothats what ive been trying to solve today
16:28.03QzotEU forums seem to indicate that beta keys are being distributed.
16:28.06Kasoif you would like to see the current version is here:
16:28.37Kasohowever it's got a sea of unused code in there aswell, my attempts at hiding the Namplates and failing
16:29.04JoshBorkei'd have mine hide the raid bars but keep party bars shown
16:29.12Kevorkiandear lord, there's over 26 pages on the 2.0 changes, could one of you kind souls tell me what page (approx) I need to look at for the changes that affect the decursing?
16:29.30JoshBorkeKevorkian: there's a thread on wowi that has all the changes
16:29.30Galenciause the "next blizzard post" feature
16:29.34GremWarsongApparantly they will be removing or limiting "CastSpellByName"
16:29.45Kaso8ish is where all the things are
16:29.49QzotKevorkian: Prime-numbered pages after 10.
16:30.05GremWarsongWhere on wowi are the changes?
16:30.09PlorkyeranSlouken's relevant stuff starts on page 7 iirc
16:30.25cogwheelKevorkian: there's nothing that's affecting "decursing" in general... It's the Decursive mod that will be broken. Basically, addons can no longer choose targets or spells to cast
16:30.29GremWarsongIm curious on how targetting is going to work
16:30.54cogwheelMost questions are answered on the 2.0 changes thread in the UI and macros forum
16:31.12GremWarsongThanks for the link
16:31.13cogwheelAs galencia said, the "next blizzard post" feature is very handy :)
16:31.18JoshBorkeGremWarsong: you have to click them?
16:32.21GremWarsongJosh, will you be able to click the party frame to target them?
16:32.34TullerI'm kind of sad, in that ended up coding something yesterday that, whenever I click on a debuff, it'll try to remove one of that debuff's type.
16:33.08cogwheelGremWarsong: read the thread :)
16:33.09GremWarsongSo they are protecting 'TargetUnit' ?
16:34.29Kevorkianhmm, I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I like decursive as it is now.  if they want to make people get borked by debuffs/curses they should just make 'em bloody instant
16:34.48KasoThey havent said they're protecting NamePlate's:Click() function yet though :>
16:34.54IrielBrief summary: All targetting, casting, moving, and using functions are locked down and cannot be called directly from addon scripts.  The UI elements which CAN do those actions (which CAN be created by addons) cannot be created, shown, hidden or moved programatically during combat.
16:35.02cogwheelKevorkian: that's not the point. The point is to make people choose spells and targets, not to have an addon do it for you.
16:36.34Kevorkiancogwheel:  aye, I understand the philosophy, but in a 40 man raid (which granted there won't be as many of) it's freaking tough if you're on decurse duty to do it without tools to assist.  I don't necessarily disagree with the philosophy, I just think if they're going to do that they should go ahead and just make some of the Mob abilities instant on fewer targets because you're basically saying some folks won't get decursed
16:36.52Kevorkianwhy beat around the bush
16:37.14GremWarsongIriel, what about /assist?
16:37.48Irielslash commands can do all the things they always did, non /script macros still work
16:38.16GremWarsongWill we be able to get target of a target?
16:38.50GremWarsonghmm, yeah, we will
16:38.50cogwheelKevorkian: as you mentioned, there won't be any more 40-man raids. On top of that, there are strategies to make it easier. For one thing, you don't need every healer to be decursing the whole raid... Just assign certain healers to certain groups.
16:38.51QzotIriel: Presumably as long as the non-/script doesn't call an addon, like /decurse
16:38.54GremWarsongJust cant use targetting commands, I see
16:38.54Tulleryes, it is a blizzard frame after all :)
16:39.01Beladonaone of the things to think about too is shamans
16:39.16Beladonain the current state on live servers, shamans are looked at as "useless" by many
16:39.28Beladonain the new client, I am thinking they may be more useful
16:39.31IrielQzot an addon-provided slash command would be tainted, and not able to do protected functions
16:39.45QzotThat was my point, yes.
16:40.11cogwheelplus, you have to realize that most encounters (e.g. Luci) were definitely not designed with decursive in mind. You couldn't even see the health of all your raid members back then with the default UI
16:40.49PlorkyeranLucifron was apparently designed around having 8 priests in the raid
16:40.52JoshBorkei used to do all of MC without decursive.  it's not that bad and the most frustrating part was all the other people with decursive who would get to targets before me
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16:41.07PlorkyeranAnd decursive is completly unnessary on Lucifron with 8 priests
16:41.09KasoPlorkyeran lucifron was designed around people getting the hell out of range :>
16:41.43PlorkyeranWhich means it would be designed around bossmods :P
16:42.26Kevorkiancogwheel:  the net effect is a slow down on decursing.  if it is currently difficult to do, it will become more difficult.  I'm not disagreeing with you mind you but frankly we often have to take luci with 2 priests
16:42.30Kasowell, timers at least.
16:42.41GremWarsongSo, with this concept about not being able to manipulate frames during combat, does it mean all frames?
16:42.56Kevorkianso if it's designed around 8 then basically we're stuck sticking to strict class numbers
16:43.06cogwheelKevorkian: the way i see it, my guild can easily down luci with 25-30 people. All this means is that a few more people might die in a full 40-man raid.
16:43.10TullerGremWarsong: all protected frames, ie action button and unit frames
16:43.11PlorkyeranYou'll also have paladins
16:43.17GremWarsongah, I see Tuller
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16:43.53PlorkyeranWith paladins Lucifron is perfectly doable with no deaths with a "balanced" raid and no raid frames or decursive
16:43.56Tullerthey could always go back, and say rework problematic encounters
16:43.59cogwheelIt seems like an obsession to keep every man standing at the end of the fight that is the basis for hostility towards the changes.
16:44.02Kasoor perhaps luci was just designed around alliance, 10 dispellers 10 decursers in a 5 of each raid and they forgot about horde :>
16:44.03QzotOT: Was minimum instance levels added after Blizz implemented meeting stones, to prevent low-levels from griefing by queueing up?
16:44.08PlorkyeranOr they could just not care about 40-man stuff at all
16:44.22PlorkyeranNo, it was a few patches later
16:44.38QzotWhat was the motivation?
16:44.42PlorkyeranBut the meeting stones always had minimum levels, which are significantly higher than the minimum level to zone in
16:44.56Kevorkiancogwheel:  again, that's great for your guild, and great for the full 40 man raids.  it just represents a little bit of lost flexibility.  I *do* understand the motivation behind it, and like I said I don't really disagree with it, it just makes me sad that we will have to enforce strict class limits and maybe cancel raids if we don't have enough decursers
16:45.02KasoTo stop farmers being summoned onto chest spawns in high level instances i think Qzot
16:45.33Kevorkiancogwheel:  I'm raging against the universe more than anything else
16:45.37Kasoi cant remeber but i think if you sayed in an instance long enough the chests would respawn, but dont quote me on that
16:45.41Kasoit was a long time ago :>
16:46.03QzotWhat advantage to the farmers to have a level 1 there, tho?
16:46.03PlorkyeranThey never actually said why they did it, but there's a lot of minor reasons
16:46.04cogwheelI do think we'll see a decline in the numbers of *good* healers around :)
16:46.31cogwheeli'm just glad i haven't leveled my priest yet so i don't have to unlearn bad habits :P
16:46.44PlorkyeranAlso, they apparently don't want people to have a full set of the best gear for a level well before they hit that level
16:46.50Tullermeh, I just switched up my hotkeys before a heavy curse fight
16:47.31Beladonaif there is a decline in "good" healers, they weren't really good. Their addon was
16:47.35IrielMaldivia, Yes?
16:47.55MaldiviaIriel: the new secute templates, are for the addons to use (aswell as Blizzards own UI), righT?
16:48.02PlorkyeranWell, some healers who actually were good will probably quit
16:48.17IrielThat's how I interpreted the change, they're there so that we can create alternate action bars etc
16:48.34PlorkyeranIf we're lucky some healers that were bad will turn out to be decent once they can no longer get away with sucking
16:48.34QzotIriel: Is Blizzard providing a way out-of-combat to overload one action button with a variety of meanings, depending on CTRL and ALT?
16:48.38IrielI dont believe slouken would advertise them if they were for blizz use only 8-)
16:48.50cogwheelQzot: that's answered in the thread :)
16:48.52IrielQzot: Slouken implied that was the case, I think it's post 160 on the changes thread
16:49.26MaldiviaIriel: as I've heard, the secure raid group template, contains all the logic to sort by group/class etc...
16:49.37Kevorkianbeladona:  to an extent.  I'm very good at whack-a-mole, which in combination with the ability to predict where damage will occur is what makes me a good "healer".  the decurse problem just adds a level of complexity to that.  The tools like decursive simlify the job, the more complexity you add to the problem the less good of a healer I can be
16:49.58MaldiviaIriel: do you know if we can specify a template for the unit-frames to be created by, or preferebly a function (to call out own CreateFrame)
16:50.07Kevorkianall of the problems go away if you add more healers, but that's not always an option
16:50.10BeladonaI know. I understand that your job will be "harder" but no harder than playing now WITHOUT decursive
16:50.18QzotIriel/cogwheel: Sorry. The reality is is taht I'm not going to have time to wade through that horrendous thread. :P
16:50.27cogwheelQzot: you don't need to
16:50.32Beladonaand given the encounters should be scaled to suit this change, it may not be as bad as people are screaming about
16:50.32cogwheelthat's what "next blizzard post" is for
16:50.35Kevorkianbeladona:  honestly, very few healers go to 40 mans without decursive
16:50.41Beladonaoh I know
16:50.50BeladonaI run a guild, and have to deal with it all the time
16:50.50IrielQzot: I'll have consolidated it all by tomorrow sometime
16:51.18Beladonabut I can still say without a doubt, I despise decursive, knowing full well there are people that refuse to play without it, and there is no way for me to rpevent it
16:51.27Beladonawell, till the expansion anyway
16:51.38Qzotcogwheel: Ah. Cool button.
16:51.55Kaso... i wonder how much a performance hit you'd take by turning the nameplates on and off very fast :>
16:53.28Maldiviakaso: are they shown instant, or on next "onUpdate"?
16:53.46QzotHmm. I like the new action bar change stuff. But I wonder if they're going to get it right for durids, or if we'll still be borked.
16:53.50Kasowell, i was gonna try Next OnUpdate
16:53.55Kevorkianbeladona:  aye, I'm not truly worried about the expansion instances.  10 man I don't suspect I will have trouble with decursing, provided I can still get notification that the curses are up
16:53.56XuerianOkay.. This is weird....  Matching "^Your share of the loot is (.+)%.$" against text it won't match is fine, but against say "Your share of the loot is 5 Copper.", wow locks up 0_O
16:54.09Kevorkianbeladona:  it's just going to make 40 mans a lot harder for my guild
16:54.17KasoMaldivia: ive been having some problems getting the healing thing working without the nameplates shwoing you see :>
16:55.04Maldiviawell, ofcourse .)
16:56.35Kasomm, Seizurerific
16:56.39Kevorkianhmm, anybody know off the top of their heads how decursive checks for curses?  does it monitor combat text or does it check each player?
16:56.48Kasocheck each player
16:57.09Kevorkianso that's going to break as it is now too isn't it
16:57.18Kasoit also does a range check as well, if you spam it while most of your raid are out of range it laggs :>
16:57.21Kevorkianbecause you can't target a player to check their curses
16:57.24Kasoyah its not going to work
16:57.30Kasoever again
16:57.31Beladonain my opinion 40 mans will become somewhat trivial with players reaching 60+ and aiming for the new items coming from the new instances
16:57.39MaldiviaKevorkian: you dont need to target a person to check their debuffs
16:57.52Beladonanot to mention a level 70 at those 40 mans will make things MUCH easier too
16:58.48Kevorkianassuming they don't scale them at all
16:58.56KasoMaldivia: tried having the nameplates up at all times then just making them invisible, kinda got that working (no thanks to SetAlpha though! grr) but now, beacuse the UI thinks the nameplates are up, you get no "Fred <Fred's Guild" over the head
16:59.00Kasoany ideas :>
16:59.30JoshBorkeKaso: replicate the informatio?
17:00.29KasoYou mean put my own fontstring with the infomation on it above thier heads?
17:01.20Kasoit wouldnt scale with range correctly and i'd have to itterate though targetting each unit to get the info, which would cause lag,
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17:01.40QzotIriel: Is there enough machinery now or in TBC to fully "save" and "restore" action bar settings?
17:01.53IrielQzot: No.
17:02.11QzotChanging action bars is quite a workable solution for druids, because we really want 3 sets of actions bars ganged together.
17:02.23QzotOne each for caster/cat/bear forms.
17:02.52IrielQzot: I'm hoping some of the things I see listed by the secure templates removes much of the need: * SecureActionButtonTemplate, protected, uses attribute "type", which can be one of "action", "pet", "spell", "item", "target", "focus", and "menu", and uses an optional attribute "unit"
17:03.14QzotAt least at present, I can change the current action bar, but the default UI switches me to a standard action bar for cat or bear.
17:04.46QzotHmm. Could a case be made for having enough machinery to serialize an action bar state and restore it in the future, presumably out of combat?
17:07.23Beladonahow effective would it be if it didn't work in combat? A change of stance / shapeshift, what have you would effectively fail to change the bars if you were in combat
17:08.30QzotBeladona: I want to completely swap out my caster/bear/cat stuff, say if I'm pvping, or if I'm in MC. These are broad level changes.
17:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
17:10.50IrielI would hope that blizzard give us the same kind of stance based action switching mechanism that the standard UI has.
17:10.57IrielMy durid will be unhappy otherwise
17:11.14QzotAlso true. But not what I'm asking about here.
17:11.56QzotImho, allowing in-combat switching of which action bar is set doesn't open the door too wide for abuse. Blizz' opinion may differ.
17:12.40QzotThere's a significant difference between choosing one of 6 or 8, and allowing combintorial reconfiguration.
17:12.54MiravlixMan that "UI mods and the Burning Crusade" thats bloody unclear what the hell they are doing.
17:13.18MiravlixOkay they block target functions thats simple to understand
17:13.22KasoQzot think about this, My [1] key has Heal rank 9 or whatever, if you can switch in combat, i can smartswitch that to rank 4 if the target's HP isnt that low, thats what i think they're blocking
17:13.43MiravlixBut how do they stop us from having ifs and mutiple CastSpellByName?
17:14.05IrielMiravlix, CastSpellByName is blocked
17:14.06QzotKaso: True enough.
17:14.57MiravlixHmm, thats going to make me consider canceling
17:15.03QzotKaso: But would also require that the addon have pretty major control of your addon bar layout, which those mods don't currently require.
17:16.05MiravlixBecause there is no point for me to play anymore
17:16.06BeladonaI keep hearing people talk about cancelling with they have like 20% of the full picture
17:16.06Kasothats a little, drastic isnt it?
17:16.06MiravlixI can't comepete with some 12 year olds reflexes
17:16.06Beladonaif that
17:16.06Beladonawho knows what they have up their sleeve?
17:16.06MiravlixI'm going to get totally fucked over in PvP
17:16.06cogwheelMiravlix: have you even read slouken's posts in the upcoming changes thread?
17:16.08Beladonawell, thats a totally different issue
17:16.08MiravlixNo way I can compete without all mya ddons
17:16.09cogwheelthey're adding a LOT of other functionality
17:16.23QzotLol. But it's fair to have the 12yo kid compete with your brain and programming ability? :P
17:16.38MiravlixI'm freaking 35 year old, well past my prime with reflexes and stuff
17:16.41Beladonalol Qzot!
17:16.44IrielHow do you know your opponents aren't using addons too?
17:16.52MiravlixI can't play as well as some 12 year old
17:16.54QzotRight now, that 12yo kid is getting totally fucked over in PvP.
17:17.11MiravlixNope the 12 yo is fucking you over even now
17:17.12IrielAnd we all know from southpark that you dont have to be young to be uber.
17:17.20MiravlixBut atleast I can play up to them
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17:17.35MiravlixThe gap is just getting to wide if I can't have help
17:17.48cogwheelMiravlix: but they won't have the help either...
17:17.58MiravlixThey DONT FUCKING NEED IT
17:18.03Beladonain the end, regardless of teh change, the playing field is even. The player is teh determining factor in game play effectiveness, which in my opinion is as it SHOULD be
17:18.04cogwheelbut they still use it...
17:18.10MiravlixThey are WAY WAY WAY better at button pushing than me
17:18.36cogwheelMiravlix: do you use your mouse to cast or your keyboard?
17:18.39cogwheelI found my performance nearly doubled when I switched from being a clicker...
17:18.40Beladonawhen people get wtfpwned because they can't play well enough, they either adapt, or quit
17:18.55Beladonaits sometimes sad, but its true
17:19.06MiravlixSo I quiet, because they remove my only option for adaption
17:19.36cogwheelMiravlix: I'm asking that in all seriousness. I used to be a clicker and once I switched, my DPS increased enormously
17:19.52MiravlixI've never been a clicker
17:20.08MiravlixI use the mouse for movement
17:20.29QzotChange of topic:
17:20.59QzotAs I mentioned before, EU forums indicate the beta keys have gone out there. Any word on beta keys here?
17:21.02MiravlixReflex game = I loss and I loss so bad it isn't even fun
17:21.12cogwheelQzot: i haven't gotten mine yet
17:21.44QzotThe ones in the EU fora were for friendly guilds.
17:22.08Abenadiso can someone explain some of the NEW things being offered to scripters with the expansion? because right now I'm pretty gloomy about the changes
17:22.13cogwheelQzot: there were some people in the US who were told the *would* be getting beta invites, but they hadn't actually gotten them.
17:22.28cogwheelAbenadi: please see the 2.0 upcoming changes thread :)
17:22.36Abenadii've read it
17:22.45Abenadiall i got out of it was new keybinding stuffs, as far as new additions
17:23.07cogwheeliriel's top post hasn't been updated yet
17:23.12JoshBorkeAbenadi: casting bars will become so much easier for enemy's casts
17:23.18cogwheelslouken has made MANY posts on that thread answering questions
17:23.25cogwheeland a whole other list of changes
17:23.29Qzotcogwheel: Now, he could be overstating the case, but that sounds like keys in hand.
17:23.53JoshBorkeAbenadi: also sounds like click-casting will become part of the default UI
17:25.38AbenadiThanks Josh, although that doesn't really cheer me up
17:25.44cogwheelQzot: it might be a situation like blizzcon... we got cards with codes on them to sign up for the beta but we still have to wait until they give us actual access to the beta itself
17:26.08AbenadiAs a priest, I never liked the click-casting mods and preferred keyboard = do things, mouse = move/camera
17:26.21JoshBorkehow do you target?
17:26.48AbenadiFor most trash mobs I use a targeting function
17:27.04MiravlixGood think I can't post to the forum I woud tell Blizzard to go fuck off
17:27.06AbenadiAnd for alot of bosses also
17:27.22JoshBorkewhat does the targeting function do?
17:27.40Abenaditargets the raid member in range that needs the most healing
17:27.47Abenadiso yeah i know that one's out the window for sure =(
17:28.36AbenadiBut from what I understand all /targeting is out? Like I can't click on a player's name in CTRA for example, to target them?
17:28.47JoshBorkethat's incorrect
17:28.56cogwheelAbenadi: you didn't read the thread :(
17:29.08Abenadicog, its more like I've read too many threads
17:29.18JoshBorkeyou'll still be able to do that.  you won't be able to move the player's name around programatically (ala squishy or emergency monitor)
17:29.20Abenadiand its hard to sift out what's official and not
17:29.29cogwheel"next blizzard post"
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17:31.36QzotLater, all.
17:39.37Elkano<3 cogwheel :)
17:39.54Elkanojust seen your post to the 'give'em bad press' thread
17:42.08Abenadiso in BC if i have a simple frame with an onclick that is TargetUnit("Raid1"), will that function never work, or just not in combat?
17:42.19Abenadior always?
17:42.33cogwheelAbenadi: you won't have one with an onclick that's TargetUnit("Raid1")
17:42.59cogwheelyou would use one of their specialized frame templates and set one of its attributes to "raid1"
17:44.24Kevorkianwill click casting still work after the change to the UI with the expansion?
17:44.46Elkanobtw: anyone feel free to request a vendorvalue return for GetItemInfo for me ^^ (can't post in US forums)
17:44.47JoshBorkeKevorkian: yes
17:44.47Kevorkianor would that be a call to the protected CastSpellByName?
17:45.04Elkano<-- off to firefighters...
17:46.00KevorkianJosh:  forgive my lack of general knowledge but is click casting now considered a keybinding or is there some sort of scripting that takes place?
17:47.54cogwheelthe script checks to see what mouse button you're using and what modifier keys you have down and picks the appropriate spell
17:48.09cogwheelthe changes will allow you to stor that sort of information in the frame itself
17:48.46Kevorkianso click casting in a raid window will still work to target and cast the spell specific to the click+modifier?
17:49.15cogwheelGiven the nature of some of the changes, it would appear that they'll be adding click-casting to the default UI
17:49.30Kevorkianhow bout stuff like CT raid's "tank targets".  will that still allow you to target the target in question or is that out now?
17:49.42cogwheelKevorkian: you should read the thread :P
17:49.51cogwheelslouken has specifically answered questions like thit ;)
17:50.26KevorkianI should yes, I claim being afflicted by laziness by a Catholic priest when I was a teenager
17:51.02cogwheelthe only difference with tank lists and the like is that you won't be able to adjust them while in combat
17:52.11Kevorkianso if tank A has something targetted the window won't switch targets until combat is over?
17:52.36cogwheelthat's wrong
17:52.56cogwheelthe frame is linked to raid3target, for example
17:53.01Kevorkianand incidentally I *am* currently reading the post, but it's so freaking long
17:53.24AbenadiSo, I can't automatically adjust my heal rank - can I have all of my ranks as buttons next to each other and have a script that highlights one of them according to my target's health?
17:53.24cogwheelKevorkian: as I mentioned about 3 or 4 times in the last couple hours, "next blizzard post" is very useful XD
17:53.27Beladonaor you can wait for Iriel to compile it, and you will have a better overview
17:53.35cogwheelAbenadi: yes
17:53.50Kevorkiancogwheel:  yes, yes, did I mention the catholic priest?
17:54.08Abenadi"ok", but still a waste of screen space for a healer
17:54.20Beladonathat isn't the only solution though
17:54.57Abenadiis there a 'better' one?
17:55.25cogwheelAbenadi: a lot of people are still stuck thinking in 1.12 ways
17:55.36cogwheelthere is a lot of new functionality being introduced in 2.0
17:55.50cogwheeland it's only a matter of time before authors begin to take full advantage of them
17:56.21BeladonaI think it will take some of us who understand teh changes making some addons to actually get the rest of the community on-board. So when Beta hits, lets see what happens
17:56.47Beladonalook at when the game was first developed. It took people a little time to start making advanced addons
17:56.57Beladonathey needed time to learn the system
17:57.05Beladonait won't be that bad this time, but similar
17:59.48jaxdahlwill you still be able to autoremove buffs on  yourself?
17:59.56jaxdahlsuch as a tank with salvation
18:00.05jaxdahlthere are addons that automatically remove it for you
18:00.12Kevorkianbeladona:  I used to do financial analysis software.  one of the funny things about human psychology is we're more worried about losing what we have than we are elated at what we might get
18:00.28cogwheeljaxdahl: that will depend if they make CancelBuff protected or not
18:01.28TS|Skromso hooking CastSpell and CastSpellByName are out too?
18:01.41cogwheelnot really
18:01.51cogwheelthey have a way to hook secure functions
18:01.59jaxdahlcogwheel, i'm asking because of the new hunter spell
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18:02.15jaxdahlit would be nice to have squishies be able to autoremove that buff
18:02.25jaxdahlif an hunter put it on them
18:02.27TS|Skromcogwheel elaborate when you have a moment :)
18:03.15cogwheel* Added a script function hooksecurefunc("function", hookfunc), which allows addons to hook secure functions without affecting the flow of execution. The hook function will be called after the secure function with the same arguments as the secure function. The return value of the hook function will be discarded. Note that this is the only safe way to hook functions that execute protected...
18:06.00TS|Skromah well, there goes my heal helper, but I should be able to fix the totem timers
18:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge asfd (
18:10.41asfdBeladona Cairenn|afk ChanServ Dolby-wowi Iriel KaeltenAway [Ammo] [Cu]Werik _B _bs Abenadi abug Aenslaed Ancoron|away Andalia AnduinLothar Arrowmaster asfd Asni axxo beerke bindi Bleeter Breeze chuckg Cide clad|work claviola Codayus cogwheel Corr[home] Corrodias CrazyMYKL deci dukeku Esamynn|Away Eufe FISKER_Q fox689__ frus Galencia Gngsk gnorlish Gryphen Hatsuki Hexarobi hugo Iceroth Industrial jaxdahl JoshBorke KamQuat KaoS` Kaso K
18:10.59Breezehi :p
18:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kuja (
18:11.07asfdBeladona Cairenn|afk ChanServ Dolby-wowi Iriel KaeltenAway [Ammo] [Cu]Werik _B _bs Abenadi abug Aenslaed Ancoron|away Andalia AnduinLothar Arrowmaster asfd Asni axxo beerke bindi Bleeter Breeze chuckg Cide clad|work claviola Codayus cogwheel Corr[home] Corrodias CrazyMYKL deci dukeku Esamynn|Away Eufe FISKER_Q fox689__ frus Galencia Gngsk gnorlish Gryphen Hatsuki Hexarobi hugo Iceroth Industrial jaxdahl JoshBorke KamQuat KaoS` Kaso K
18:11.09asfdWake up everyone
18:11.12asfdIts party time
18:11.20decicalm down Wyrm
18:11.27beerkecan you cut the crap asfd
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18:12.01asfdBeladona Cairenn|afk ChanServ Dolby-wowi Iriel KaeltenAway [Ammo] [Cu]Werik _B _bs Abenadi abug Aenslaed Ancoron|away Andalia AnduinLothar Arrowmaster asfd Asni axxo beerke bindi Bleeter Breeze chuckg Cide clad|work claviola Codayus cogwheel Corr[home] Corrodias CrazyMYKL deci dukeku Esamynn|Away Eufe FISKER_Q fox689__ frus Galencia Gngsk gnorlish Gryphen Hatsuki Hexarobi hugo Iceroth Industrial jaxdahl JoshBorke KamQuat KaoS` Kaso K
18:12.14cogwheelthat was interesting
18:12.19Cideholy spam
18:12.27cogwheelmaybe someone who was unhappy about the 2.0 changes?
18:12.34Abenadithat's what we really need as a 41-pt holy talent
18:12.39Abenadiholy spam
18:14.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
18:15.17tyroney|workMan, I wanna play with my mods in the new API.
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18:15.32cogwheeltyroney|work: QFT
18:17.08cogwheelAn addon that automatically sets your focus when you begin to cast polymorph :D
18:17.28cogwheelthough I suppose you'd just make a macro...
18:17.40tyroney|workMmm... focus...
18:18.35cogwheelIt *is* kinda sad that you can't randomize pig/sheep/turtle
18:18.39TS|Skromwht does /focus do?
18:18.55TS|Skromsorry :(
18:19.01cogwheelTS|Skrom: remember this?
18:19.03TS|Skromdidn't see it in the other threads, but I guess I'm blind
18:19.41cogwheelyour focus becomes a known unit
18:19.43tyroney|workHow about a mod that sets focus, and if it's already set, pops back to it before casting the sheep?
18:19.48cogwheellike raid1 or party3target
18:20.18tyroney|workSuddenly we can uniquely identify some arbitrary single mob!
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18:20.49cogwheelyep. but i doubt you could access, say,  party2focus
18:22.02cogwheelIt'll make it much easier as a lock in the Garr fight
18:22.08cogwheeli'll actually be able to help with DPS :)
18:23.10cogwheelthough I don't know how much of Garr i'll be seeing once BC comes :P
18:23.12tyroney|workI'm excited to dust off my priest and finish leveling him.
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18:34.25cogwheelI love my wife... here's an IM i just got from home: Fing POS Undead Lock in full Nemesis gear went PvP in the hinterlands where I was collecting Ghost Mushrooms and I accidently clicked on him :S
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18:42.20TS|Skrombwahaha my boss just called me into her office in a panic
18:42.30TS|Skromshe's on the phone with the payroll tech support and get this:
18:42.44TS|Skromaccidently clicked on her yahoo toolbar and didn't know how to get back to her payroll program
18:42.51TS|Skromher mind must have blanked there lol
18:55.23cogwheelMan I wish I had $350 when I went to a star trek convention back in '91 (i was 10 at the time :P)
18:55.38cogwheelthat would've gotten me a tricorder that's worth almost $5000 today...
19:02.00Abenadidoes anyone have a link to the info about downranked spells not getting the same spelldamage benefit?
19:02.18PlorkyeranNo official post on it yet
19:03.03Abenadioh... is the unofficial info from a reputable source?
19:04.01PlorkyeranNo, just lots of non-reputable sources
19:04.30Abenadiwell here's to hoping they're all wrong
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19:04.41tyroney|workSometimes, I almost want to try starting some rumor about something like that.
19:04.50PlorkyeranI really hope they aren't
19:05.00PlorkyeranHaving Heal2 be my primary heal is stupid enough now
19:05.49Abenadihow does it help you if they're true...
19:06.54PlorkyeranIt means that they're making an effort to have things not be retarded
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19:07.45Abenadibtw looks like shadow reach got ninja buffed to a 2pt talent
19:08.01PlorkyeranAnd I'm not worried about being nerfed, as content will be balanced around whatever my healing power happens to be
19:08.39AbenadiI don't really see it that way
19:09.03Abenadihow +healing affects downranking will cause some classes to be more effective than others at small heals
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19:09.49Abenadiif I can't get the full benefit of +heal on my heal4 or w/e, then I might as well let paladins do all the spot healing and I'll spam spike coverage
19:09.53PlorkyeranIt'll mainly hurt druids, and I don't really care about druids :P
19:09.59Thunder_ChildDru = HoT healer, Pri = Burst healer
19:10.34Thunder_Childand i dunno about shammys
19:11.21PlorkyeranWhy would you want to be a spot healer, espeically with no EMs?
19:11.44Abenadibecause sometimes that's all there is...
19:12.16PlorkyeranThen you have too many healers, or badly assigned healing
19:12.39PlorkyeranAnd one of the changes in TBC is that the hybrids will be spending less time healing
19:13.19Abenadiummm no it does not mean we have too many healers or badly assigned healing
19:13.42AbenadiUnless you change your raid members after every boss / trash mob
19:14.00PlorkyeranPeople can switch between healing and dps...
19:14.04Abenadiand I'd like to see your blue link on the hybrid issue
19:14.25PlorkyeranUh, have you looked at any of the class changes?
19:20.16*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
19:22.28GremWarsongDoes anyone know if there's a way to hook to a UI event that triggers when you find an herb/ore on the minimap via the 'Find Mineral/Herb' skill?
19:22.39GremWarsongI basically want a message to appear if there is ore or herb in range
19:22.53Abenadinot that i know of
19:22.55cogwheelNot possible
19:23.10cogwheelthe minimap is rendered outside of the UI system
19:23.18GremWarsongReally?  hmm =/
19:23.41cogwheelIt has intimate ties with the UI, but it's basically handled separately by the game
19:23.45PlorkyeranYou can make the minimap extremely small, move it under the mouse cursor, parse the tooltip, then move it back
19:23.46GremWarsongIs there any way to check if an ore or herb is near?
19:23.56PlorkyeranBut it doesn't work very well
19:24.02GremWarsongPlork, interesting ;-)
19:24.25GremWarsongYeah, not exactly what I was looking for, but definitely in the right direction
19:24.32PlorkyeranThe flickering is extremly noticable
19:24.41PlorkyeranAt least with Rowne's implementation
19:28.06tyroney|workOne might be able to move just the frame (or whatever it is) that holds the dots.
19:28.15dreyruugrPlorkyeran: He should just make another minimap frame
19:28.40tyroney|workdreyruugr: have you tried doing that?  Last time I did, I think bad things happened.
19:28.53dreyruugrI did it once a few weeks ago, it seemed to work ok
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19:29.41GremWarsongHow can you write a minimap without getting object coordinates
19:30.37tyroney|workI think he means just instancing a redundant minimap.
19:30.47Mr_Rabies2my battle map is the entire world map.
19:31.56PlorkyeranYeah, that's what it displays when there isn't a local map..
19:32.03dreyruugrI do, as opposed to futzing around with Blizzards
19:34.50GremWarsongIm talking about the tiny minimap in the corner
19:35.38GremWarsongI wonder if there is a cool way to draw map notes to the minimap
19:35.44GremWarsongLike in the zone map
19:35.58GremWarsongmap notes on zone map appearing on minimap, is there anything out there like that?
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19:37.29ckknighthey all
19:39.57Cairenn|afkhi ckknight
19:40.06ckknightyou're not afk.
19:40.24Cairenn|afkI was, and am about to be again, so didn't bother changing it
19:40.34Cairenn|afkThanksgiving up here today
19:41.40cogwheellucky you...
19:41.45cogwheelwe just have silly columbus day
19:42.32Cairenn|afknot much of a celebration around this house today
19:45.41cogwheel'least you don't have to go to work :P
19:46.00Cairenn|afkcogwheel: if I'm at my computer, I'm at work
19:46.45Cairenn|afkand trust me, I'd rather have to "go to work" than what has happened
19:48.10ckknightcogwheel, Discoverers' Day now.
19:48.19ckknightwe can no longer worship Columbus today
19:48.23ckknightthe Native Americans will get upset
19:48.25jaxdahlblue post archive isn't working at this point
19:48.25Cairenn|afkanyway, off again, back later
19:48.33krkatake care
19:48.52krkano pun intended this time
19:49.09cogwheelMeh... I think Cinco de Mayo gets more play in my area than "columbus day" anyway...
19:49.15Cairenn|afkthanks krka =`(
19:52.47TS|Skromhow many rep to get from revered to exalted?
19:53.08TS|Skromfrom revered to exalted
19:53.14TS|Skromnot from neutral...
19:53.22TS|Skromholy crap
19:53.30Kasowelcome to world of repgrind
19:53.48Kasowhatcha after?
19:53.57axxoexalted ad/zandalar/ch/if/brood ftw
19:54.00TS|Skromjust asking in general, my bro is working on his warsong
19:55.09Kaso<-- two other faction mounts, exhalted with every instance's rep (inc cc and AD)
19:55.14Kasoyay for grinding!
19:55.36Abenadii only get exalted with the factions that matter =P
19:55.42Abenadiprimarily, zg
19:56.17axxotimbermaw defender ftw
19:56.24Abenadisomeone in our guild got that
19:56.29axxoin mine too
19:56.30Abenadiand in its premier appearance
19:56.32cogwheelYay! quality discussion and suggestions for 2.0! who'd've thunk?
19:56.34Abenadiit just stood there and did nothing
19:56.42axxoneed to be below 20%
19:56.48axxoor something
19:57.03Abenadiisn't it supposed to cast pew pew lightning if it isn't healing?
20:07.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:07.57cogwheellogin server down? there hasn't been a single post on UI & Macros for 5 whole minutes!
20:09.34TS|Skrommy coworker just asked my opinion on what game boy she should get her five year old
20:09.52TS|SkromI told her try a bookl
20:09.57KirovTS|Skrom - hehe
20:09.58TS|Skromshe said "we have books"
20:10.11KirovTS|Skrom - "try e-book"
20:10.13TS|SkromI said, get her "war and peace" if she gets through that by NEXT christmas then we can talk about a gameboy
20:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
20:10.34cogwheelShe should really wait a few more years before getting a game boy
20:10.44TS|Skromno kidding
20:10.46cogwheelI remember how hard Super Mario Brothers was when i was 7
20:11.02cogwheelthen i bought the GBC version a couple years ago and breezed through it in one sitting...
20:11.04TS|Skromthe kids already got electrical doodads up the waz
20:11.08Merylol same but mostly due to the fact that you couldn't save
20:11.08TS|Skromshe doesn't NEED a game boy
20:12.09Meryand today well today it's more a like suicide run: either make it fast or not at all
20:13.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
20:23.00KirkburnIriel, the Concise 2.0 Changes post has reached the post limit
20:23.23Kirkburn(someone tried to continue it here:
20:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
20:26.21Corrodiasnot concise enough
20:30.14IndustrialMaking unitframes :P
20:30.43*** join/#wowi-lounge fox689_ (
20:32.12Corrodiaswhoa, sudden influx of member applications to our guild
20:32.20Industrialtext will go on the left, buffs on the right and debuffs right of that
20:33.37Corrodiaslooks like a group of ~5 buddies want to join
20:34.12Corrodiaslet's see, the first image has loaded
20:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:35.39malrethwha? huh? I've never won anything before! WoW1
20:35.51Corrodiasi see some default unitframes there. am i to ignore those?
20:36.08IndustrialCorrodias: yes...
20:36.16IndustrialCorrodias: the bars on top of my actionbar :P
20:36.16Corrodiasi can only assume that what you're trying to show me is the little bars in the middle
20:36.26GremWarsongthose arent really unit frames
20:36.50Industrialthey are health/mana bars
20:37.05Industrialclickable, though - so technically unitframes
20:37.14GremWarsongMy girlfriend wants someone to make a 'girly interface'
20:37.24GremWarsongflowers around the unit frames
20:37.34GremWarsongand everything pink and hello kitty
20:37.39krkawasn't there a super girly theme before that got taunted?
20:37.43krkafrom some disney movie or something
20:37.49GremWarsongDunno, I havent found any
20:38.00GremWarsonggirlfriend would love it though im sure
20:38.04malrethgirly interface?
20:38.15GremWarsongYeah, id make one if I had time
20:38.32cogwheelthey really need to get coreiel over to the UI & Macros forum to lay some smack down on the trolls
20:38.47malrethoh yeah!
20:39.02GremWarsongYeah, she wants a very pink and happy interface
20:39.26GremWarsongwith a neon pink xp bar and so forth
20:39.27malrethgo-girly interface would be pink and happy and it'd have lesbians
20:40.51abugmmm lesbians
20:40.54GremWarsongI think a girly interface would be hugely popular
20:41.02GremWarsongAnd bring more female attention to WoW
20:41.59Corrodiasor just play on stereotypes about females and pink
20:42.23GremWarsongkrka, that's awesome
20:42.27GremWarsongMy girlfriend would worship you
20:42.30GremWarsongWhere can I get that?
20:42.30Corrodiasgood -god-
20:42.32KirovCorrodias - there's a female programer here at work who's windows scheme is all pink
20:42.49GremWarsongThat's exactly what I was talking about krka =)
20:42.56krkai googled for "world of warcraft" ui lilo stitch
20:43.05GremWarsongshe loves lilo and stitch
20:43.11GremWarsongshe would shit with happiness
20:43.37malrethnot an image i needed...
20:43.47abugsome of us enjoy it
20:43.59malreth~whaleslap abug
20:44.00purlACTION beats abug upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:44.03krkai dont know where to find the actual ui
20:44.04abugright cogwheel?
20:44.24malreththe lilo ui was probably a mockup
20:44.34malrethor one person's custom discord art job
20:44.42GremWarsongIts definitely a mockup
20:45.00cogwheelabug hmm?
20:45.03fox689_~whaleslap a_kitten
20:45.05purlACTION beats a_kitten upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:45.11cogwheelGremWarsong: easily doable with DART
20:45.24GremWarsongWhat's DART do?
20:45.47purlA man who developed a popular package of addons that offers unrivalled customizability at the cost of memory -
20:45.50malrethDART is Discord Art
20:46.17GremWarsongthat looks awesome
20:46.35GremWarsongin-game script editor? lol
20:46.55XuerianIt is a terrible and yet terribly awesome mod, most of us will admit ;P
20:47.14GremWarsongIt looks...excessive
20:47.22GremWarsongIs it poorly programmed?  Or just excessive?
20:47.32malrethit really is the only thing that does what it does... much the same way that an enema is the only thing that does what it does
20:47.57malrethit's excessive
20:48.01XuerianYes, it's excessive, that's mostly the issue
20:48.39GremWarsongIt looks a bit dangerous too
20:48.40krkain game script editor? what?
20:49.13cogwheelI prefer LuaSlinger+MonoLua+ForAllIndentsAndPurposes for script editing in-game
20:49.37GremWarsongYeah, im sure there are more qualified in-game script editors
20:49.49GremWarsongBut the fact that a mod that's not entirely about a script editor
20:49.56GremWarsonghas a script editor
20:50.06XuerianIt's rather used, though
20:50.19GremWarsongI can see why it would go along with it nicely
20:51.39krkaall my grand plans included a script editor
20:51.42krkabut i'm too lazy :P
20:52.29GremWarsongcogwheel, that would be huge overhead...
20:52.39GremWarsongHUGE fucking overhead
20:52.42malrethcogwheel: awesome idea!
20:52.46Kirovlets see
20:52.52GremWarsongThat will so never happen
20:52.56cogwheelThey would only have to do it in batches
20:53.08cogwheelOnce a week... it might take a month or two before everyone has pictures
20:53.10Kirov7 million * ~100kb = a lot!
20:53.10abugI think he means just like a number representing the already preformed icon for every possibility
20:53.12GremWarsongIt would even cause more latency when viewing the forums
20:53.16Corrodiasthose who predicted our guild alliance would fall apart: thou art the prophet
20:53.27GremWarsongBecause you'd have to download each avatar for eac player you viewed the posts of
20:53.56cogwheelI don't like being a "but they do it over here" type of guy but...
20:54.04KirovI was just thinking the other day, "man, if only the 10 second load times on the bliz forum could be slower, that'd be great!"
20:54.05cogwheelEve does it ;)
20:54.10abugeve is tiny
20:54.20Kirovcogwheel - They have 5 players, they can afford it
20:54.23cogwheel1/70th the size
20:54.48GremWarsongWell, Eve also generates 1/70th the income
20:55.21GremWarsongThe problem is that WoW avatar faces are not distinct and different
20:55.26abugdamn those laws of nature, why can't we break them and make server current break the speed of light
20:55.27GremWarsongWhereas there are a million different Eve face possibilies
20:55.31cogwheelIt would be doable... it would just take a couple of those new seagate HDs
20:55.38cogwheeland a couple extra servers
20:56.33cogwheelAnd if they only did it for toons that have made posts on the forums...
20:56.38cogwheeland you don't get an avatar until after you post at least once...
20:56.45cogwheelit really wouldn't be that massive.
20:56.46Kirovactually, hmm
20:56.48*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
20:56.51Kirovit's about 30 gigs
20:57.03Kirov7 mil * 4kb
20:57.12GremWarsongmore than 4kb probably
20:57.18malreth7 mil * 50 chars *4 kb
20:57.36KirovGremWarsong - that's how big the current forum avatars are
20:57.39GremWarsong50 chars?
20:57.41Kirovthey're .gifs
20:57.43malrethmight as well plan for the max number of chars per account
20:57.59Kirovso, 900 gigs
20:58.00Kasoyou wouldnt even been that though, theres only a finite combination of models + head chest and shoulder gear
20:58.12GremWarsongIt would be pointless
20:58.13Kirovmath bad
20:58.16GremWarsongthere just arent enough face combinations
20:58.24GremWarsongTo make a player even remotely distinct
20:58.24cogwheelbut you wouldn't need to do everyone.
20:58.29Kirov1.5 tb
20:58.30cogwheelonly people who post in the forums
20:58.38cogwheeland only the chars that those people use to post with
20:58.42malrethand kaso speaks the truth
20:59.05GremWarsongYeah, many combinations could be reused
20:59.41malrethstart with player #1, generate hash function based on race, gender, face, details, armor, etc., generate portrait if hash doesn't exist yet, store, go to player #2, repeat
20:59.58GremWarsongThey would do better just to generate every combination
21:00.01GremWarsongand then store them
21:00.13malrethGremWarsong: *points to the hash function bit*
21:00.13GremWarsongand index them accordingly
21:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
21:00.17malrethyep yep
21:00.27malreththat's usin' the noodle
21:00.38GremWarsongYeah, I thought you meant do that after a player posts the first time
21:00.45GremWarsongShould all be pre-generated
21:00.56GremWarsongEve cant do that because of the billion facial options
21:00.57GremWarsongWoW could
21:01.01Kirovlets guestimate ... 6 skin colors, 6 hair styles, 6 skin colors, 6 face types, 6 facial features, 2000 sholders, 2000 chests, 2000 head peices
21:01.06Shadowedkrka you happen to be here?
21:01.10GremWarsong2000, yeah right
21:01.12GremWarsongTry 100
21:01.16purlC-style arbitrary precision calculator. URL:
21:01.26Shadowed~seen krka
21:01.44purlkrka is currently on #wowi-lounge (1d 1h 19m 59s) #wowace (1d 1h 19m 59s). Has said a total of 32 messages. Is idling for 10m 2s, last said: 'but i'm too lazy :P'.
21:01.44malreth~calc 6*6*6*6*6*100*100*100
21:01.46KirovGremWarsong - fair enough
21:02.12GremWarsongIt wouldnt be an expensive feature after our thorough analysis
21:02.13cogwheelwell over 7 billion
21:02.15Kasoyou broke purl !
21:02.21cogwheelit would be cheaper to render them individually
21:02.58malreth~math 6*6*6*6*6*100*100*100
21:03.45krkayeah i am kinda hear
21:03.58cogwheelmissed a couple 0s there, kirov
21:03.58GremWarsongWho cares about forum avatars anyway
21:04.05cogwheelI do :P
21:04.10Kasoha, yeh this is a odd conversation
21:04.13cogwheelit makes it easier to see who's responding to whom
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21:04.18GremWarsongcharacter face appearance means nothing
21:04.20GremWarsongI guess
21:04.21Shadowedkrka: You happen to have some info on how to calibrate a map for MapLibrary? can't get the info i need accurately without a mod
21:04.29Kasoi think the conclusion is its alot more work that its worth :>
21:04.35cogwheelwhen you have three different gnome warriors in the same thread, it would be a lot easier to follow the conversation
21:04.35krkathe theory is simple
21:04.47GremWarsongJust look at their name
21:04.48krkastand in two different places
21:04.59krkacheck the coordinates in all available maps
21:05.00KirovGremWarsong - that requires knowing how to read though!
21:05.13krkause simple algebra to deduce scale factors and offsets
21:05.38Kirovkrka - by simple you mean "150 lines of calc"
21:05.56cogwheelOur brains are wired from birth to recognize faces. It makes the connection orders of magnitude faster to see a different face than to try to read names at every instance of the same face
21:05.56Abenadiif that happened, some people would change their gear every time they logged off so their avatar would have the appearance they preferred
21:06.07cogwheelAbenadi: it would only update during the maintenance
21:06.43GremWarsongMost people choose the same faces
21:06.53Shadowedkrka: alright thanks, will have to try to get these battleground maps calibrated then
21:06.53GremWarsongwe arent wired to recognize epic shoulder pieces
21:06.56Abenadiwell there's one thing that would be cool about that feature for sure...
21:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazierMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-30f94e15ec2bcfb4)
21:07.06Abenadihalloween masks in Oct/Nov
21:07.26cogwheelGremWarsong: even a different color of shirt between two avatars next to each other would make the difference between them highly visible
21:07.32GremWarsongonly if you wore it right before server down probably
21:07.34cogwheel(except for color blind people of course ;) )
21:07.36GremWarsongyeah cog
21:08.15krkaShadowed: maplibrary doesn't really apply to battlegrounds
21:08.17krkano reference points
21:08.24GremWarsongI hate the Bliz forums, otherwise id probably be more passionate to the idea
21:08.33AbenadiActually I would probably have a halloween mask character that I only logged on during the event so my avatar could always be wearing a halloween amsk
21:09.03Shadowedkrka: they all have maps though, or wil it not work still?
21:09.05Shadowedwil = will
21:09.55Corrodiasblizzard forums: flamefest '06
21:10.04GremWarsongYeah, they are pain
21:10.06malrethit's sad when it seems that the UI forum seems less constructive than the General forum... :(
21:10.18Corrodiasblizzard web site: Service Temporarily Unavailable
21:10.22cogwheelEspecially with people like Tauruse trolling around
21:10.31malrethi'm having more fun reading general about 17year old girls with cancer
21:10.32krkamaplibrarys main purpose is to translate coordinates between different maps
21:10.40Corrodiasand you guys starting rumors about Visual Basic in 2.1 :)
21:10.45krkain battlegrounds, you only have coordinates on one map, the battleground map
21:11.12krkamaplibrary uses this information to avoid switching map unnecessarily
21:11.40Rallionwoooooooooooo! that is all.
21:11.49GremWarsonggood contribution Rallion
21:11.53krkaif the player has chosen to view the world map, but some addon needs to know the players coordinates in the current map, it doesn't need to change map view, it can just calculate it from the world map
21:11.59krkapretty much
21:12.49ShadowedWell, that's going to make figuring out kill bonus a bit hard :/
21:12.49krkaalso useful in AutoTravel to make seamless transitions over zone boundaries
21:12.50krkawhich was the original purpose
21:12.50GremWarsongautotravel? whats that?
21:12.50Corrodiasclad|work is at work :(
21:12.52RallionAutoTravel isa dead giant.
21:13.01Shadowedit was a mod that would let you travel in game without having to do it yourself
21:13.03GremWarsongThats what I thought you were talking about
21:13.08JoshBorkeautotravel was a stroke of genius
21:13.13Shadowedyou'd set waypoints and it would auto-run you to locations
21:13.21Rallionit was awesome, and i totally understand why they killed it, but god, it was awesome.
21:13.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhez (
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21:13.32Corrodiasi never got to experience autotravel
21:13.38Kasoit was very nice
21:13.39GremWarsongI never used it, but ive read about it
21:13.39Corrodiasi think i'm better off, because i don't miss it as much
21:13.48Shadowedit was a fun addon
21:14.02Kasowhen it was around i was like 35 so had no mount, i loved it
21:14.07cogwheelMy wife started using it about 2 or 3 days before the nerf XD
21:14.19RallionI had incredibly detailed waypoint sets for all the cities, with points of interest marked, so if I wanted to run to the nearest alchemy trainer in the world, I could type /goto Trainer:Alchemy, and I'd run there.
21:14.41RallionI was actually working on a program to allow you to modify your waypoints out of WoW
21:14.49Rallionstarted that about a week before hte nerf
21:15.01KirovRallion - that'd actually still be really useful
21:15.04Rallionhonestly, that was the biggest program was made useless
21:15.12Rallionin what context?
21:15.16Abenadithey must have found out what you were doing and you were directly responsible for the nerf
21:15.25Shadowedit was to prevent botting too
21:15.28Rallionoh, yeah
21:15.34Rallionthat would be nice.
21:16.08Rallionyeah, with my setup, you could be at Light's Hope and type /goto Trainer:Priest and it would take you to IF...
21:16.29Rallionthat's why I say I understood the nerf.
21:16.36Rallionthat was pretty ridiculous.
21:17.03tyroney|workRallion: corpse runs?
21:17.22KirovRallion - yeah, I'll say.  There's an alchemy trainer in Undercity!
21:17.58Rallionit could USUALLY do those, but most of the waypoints were along roads and sometimes the run to the nearest WP was blocked...though even then the addon would do little turns if you got stuck to try to get around obstacles
21:18.19Rallionbut the later versions allowed you to mark certain waypoints as horde/alliance only!
21:19.08Rallioni think the later versions would actually initiate the corpse run AUTOMATICALLY, and if you were in the middle of an autorun when the death occured if would resume it
21:19.16krkayeah, i implemented that very close to the nerf
21:19.32krkacorpse runs were pretty much perfected near the end
21:19.41Rallionit was insane, my friend. insane.
21:19.48krkawould work best if you had a read nearby your death
21:19.49GremWarsongGetting your mod nerfed is the most frustrating thing ever
21:19.52GremWarsongIts like wasting so much time
21:19.56krkaotherwise it ran straight for the closest road first
21:20.16krkanah, it's the highest form of praise :)
21:20.34Rallionoh yeah, it would run to the ROAD, not the waypoint, wouldn't it?
21:20.42Rallioni liked that.
21:21.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
21:21.42krkait's all good, i probably had more fun writing it than anyone else did using it
21:23.27Rallionpfft, i hardly got to have ANY fun writing my program :P
21:23.38malrethTauruse is funny!
21:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:24.01jaxdahlwill whispercast work anymore outside of combat?
21:24.06RallionI spent four days perfecting a zoomable image panel control, then, poof.
21:24.36malrethout of combat, yes
21:25.19KirovI don't think it will.  I think they said addons can't target or cast at all, not just in combat.
21:25.32Kasomm, i was going to say that.
21:26.17malrethno, but you can change keybindings and what action buttons will do what out of combat (otherwise, blizz really *would* be ruining the game)
21:26.35Abenadihow does it ruin the game out of combat and not in combat?
21:26.37malrethit would require rewriting whispercast, but I bet it could be done
21:27.01malreth~burning crusade
21:27.09purl[burning crusade] an expansion pack for the successful MMO, World of Warcraft, by Blizzard. Reportedly, it will break all addons, add Tauren priests, not allow you to target anyone, cast any spells, use any weapons, heal any friends, randomly curse you and 25 of your friends and 25 of their friends, chat, log off, use web browers, or kill things.
21:27.19Rallionthe only functionality my UI loses is my giant Overpower/Riposte/etc. button that are only visible when usable
21:27.51Kasowho wrote that ?
21:27.59Kaso(purl thing)
21:28.02Corrodiashe is everything inSIDE of you that you wish you could be
21:28.09malrethi did
21:28.21Kasoits good :>
21:29.04*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
21:29.41Corrodiasthe only thing the expansion will break of mine in terms of the new lockdown is the ability to click on my Squishy and SpellTimer frames to target people and my shift+q decursive key, which i can easily adjust to
21:30.23KirovRallion - I think you can still do that actually.
21:30.24Rallionyeah, my giant button isn't a big deal
21:30.38KirovRallion - they don't say anything about protecting changing the alpha
21:30.57Rallioni'm guessing they'll limit that
21:30.57Kirovas long as it's 3 buttons
21:31.14Rallionbut even at 10% opacity when off...
21:31.20Corrodiasyou just can't actually "hide" it
21:31.23Rallionand we CAN still have things only show in combat in general
21:31.30Corrodiasyou can click it even when it's transparent
21:32.08cogwheelHopefully they'll remember to protect SetStrata ;)
21:32.25Rallioni would be fine with large buttons that are invisible or almost invisible when invalid, as long as they hide out of combat
21:32.26KirovI mean, even if they didn't let you change the opacity of a button, you could just make the button itself invisible and put the icon texture over it and change the alpha of that.
21:32.42Corrodiasyou guuuuuys, you're gonna ruin it ;)
21:32.50Rallionkirov, clever.
21:32.50malrethbwah ha ha!
21:33.24KasoI wonder if The NamePlates:Click() will be protected :>
21:33.53RallionI really think I'd like to do away with the giant button anyway, and do it in a cooler way
21:34.17Rallionlike assigning an easy-to-reach hotkey, and tinting the whole screen when it's usable
21:34.56KirovRallion - make your entire screen green.
21:35.06Kirovgreen does wonder for your eyesight
21:35.26Kirovwhich is why my desktop is bright orange, I hate my eyes
21:35.32Rallioni know that humans see more variation in green shades
21:36.54Rallionwhich is why 16-bit RGB values are 5-6-5
21:37.54KirovRallion - and why digital cable video compression appears to use 2 bits for red
21:38.17malrethKirov: that's a little different
21:38.50Kirovkirov - true, that's because some cable exec said, "I hate red, tell the engineers to make red suck."
21:39.48Hexarobianyone have an opinion on temporal video decompression?
21:40.22malrethwell, the other components in yuv contain...
21:40.53Hexarobilinear algebra sucks
21:41.19CrazierMYKLboolean algebra sucks moar
21:41.47Mikknot possible
21:42.08Rallionall algebra is a-okay
21:42.20CrazierMYKLlinear is at least non-trivial
21:42.57Hexarobikmaps own boolean algebra
21:43.31CrazierMYKLmaps are lose, just solve algebraically
21:43.37CrazierMYKLso much easier
21:44.01Hexarobii like maps
21:44.07Hexarobidemorgan was a jerk
21:44.18RallionYOU'RE a jerk!
21:44.26Hexarobiyoure a towel!
21:44.36Corrodiasdon't forget to bring a Rallion
21:44.44malrethlater all
21:45.32Rallion"He ripped out his skull and beat him to death with it."
21:46.11CrazierMYKLYour search - "He ripped out his skull and beat him to death with it." - did not match any documents.
21:46.18CrazierMYKLwhat're you quoting?
21:47.05CrazierMYKLnot you, rallion
21:47.54Rallionit wasa guess
21:49.55RallionRed vs Blue, Season 1, Episode9
21:51.07Rallionhere wo go: "Tex walked up to him, pulled Jimmy's skull right out of his head and beat him to death with it."
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22:00.14ckknighthey all
22:06.54Cairennhi ckknight
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22:07.48Cairennhi Qzot
22:08.07cogwheeland the forums bite the dust :(
22:08.19cogwheelnow what am i supposed to do with the rest of my work day?
22:08.20Cairenncogwheel: normally, I'd agree with you
22:08.33QzotI didn't do it, cogwheel.
22:08.33Cairenncogwheel: right now? thank goodness :p
22:14.53IndustrialHow can I see whose in a wow chat channel?
22:15.30Shadowedcan't remember the function call
22:15.41Shadowedcan't remember the function call
22:15.55Shadowedso uh, does anoyneknow how to change mIRC to show text on the left side instead of the right when typing it in?
22:16.12cogwheelwhere # is the channel number
22:16.39Industrialjust me in gatherershare :(
22:16.45Abenadiso - I am foreseeing emergency monitor being replaced now by 25 raid-bars, 5 of which are highlighted. So instead of clicking on an emergency bar, you are watching your bars for the ones that light up.
22:16.51AbenadiDoes that seem about right?
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22:17.14Shadowedwell, that kind of fixes it
22:17.37cogwheelAbenadi, you can still have an emergency monitor that shows you who is in need of healing
22:17.48AbenadiBut then you have to hunt for their frame
22:17.52Abenadimight as well light up their frame
22:18.02cogwheelWhat might be neat is actually having a line go from their name in the EM to their raid frame >:D
22:18.12cogwheelthat was supposed to be an evil grin
22:18.22AbenadiI'm just trying to consider what is going to be the new standard for spot healing
22:19.01cogwheelAbenadi, or imagine a bright red tab that appears next to their raid unit
22:19.07AbenadiAnd for those of us that like to auto-rank, instead we will have a bar with 5 spells and our mod will highlight the one it suggests we cast.
22:19.08cogwheelthat way there's really no hunting involved
22:19.30cogwheelyeah... that one's gonna be kindof a bummer
22:20.05CrazierMYKLthey're nerfing auto-spell rank?
22:20.21Abenadiwell there's no castspellbyname...
22:20.33cogwheelCrazierMYKL: please read the thread
22:20.35Abenadiand buttons that cast spells will have their spell locked during combat
22:20.39Abenadiif I understand correctly
22:20.39CrazierMYKLi thought protecting the click-in-world functions was bad, but geez
22:20.58Kirovone thing to note though, if you're casting a buff, it automatically chooses the correct level.
22:21.14Abenadithat will be a nice, should've been in the base UI a long time ago
22:22.43Abenadithese changes make me wish i was a dps class... the clicking requirement is nerfish to healing classes but I like the sound of focus for dps classes.
22:22.49Beladonadon't forget about the "highest-rank" feature of some spells. Obviously heals and stuff like that don't do that, but buffs will auto-rank themselves down if the rank is too high
22:22.50CrazierMYKLah, i missed the topic, sorry
22:23.23cogwheelHeh... i have to remind myself sometimes that not everyone reads the forums
22:23.40cogwheeland now that they're down, I deserve a
22:23.44cogwheel~slap cogwheel
22:23.46purlACTION slaps cogwheel, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
22:23.47abugreading the forums too long makes you go crazy like cogwheel
22:23.51Hexarobii think any attempt to shake 42 sperm whales would result in mostly a vibration... which fails to convey your point
22:23.52CrazierMYKLi think that ruins my mod QQ
22:24.11CrazierMYKLwait, it uses items in combat, and only casts spells out of it
22:24.14cogwheelIt's better than shaking my fists...
22:24.55jaxdahlanyone have experience with other MMORPG expansions and how the release dates coincide with when the make the servers go live with new expansion stuff?
22:25.22CrazierMYKLwait, they can't cast spells AT ALL?
22:25.24jaxdahli am going to make my amazon TBC:CE order ship on the slow, free shipping
22:25.37jaxdahlCrazierMYKL, they can, but with no conditionals
22:25.53jaxdahlie, no 'smart buttons'
22:25.54cogwheelThey'll probably patch it on or very shortly before the release date
22:25.57MikkOnly macros
22:26.00abugthe servers go down, they update for hours the day before, the expansion hits store shelves, we all go yay
22:26.05CrazierMYKLthis almost completely ruins the game
22:26.14Mikkno. but it ruins lots of addons.
22:26.20cogwheelthere will also be a PTR phase so we'll be able to test new addons
22:26.35CrazierMYKLunless i could find a keyboard with more buck-bits
22:26.46jaxdahli have 2 accounts though so i'll probably pick one up at a local store as well
22:26.49cogwheelCrazierMYKL: once the forums come back up, please take some time to parouse the 2.0 upcoming changes thread before panicking ;)
22:27.00CrazierMYKLi already have nearly every button mapped
22:27.36CrazierMYKLand unmovably action bars?
22:27.45CrazierMYKLthe default ui for all?
22:28.01MikkYou can move action bars and stuff just fine afaik. Just not during combat.
22:28.02abugwarlocks don't panic, we go yay no more decursive
22:28.14CrazierMYKLall this just because someone at blizz didn't like lazyTank
22:28.30Hexarobiusually the boxes will ship out to stores a couple days before the release, and some people will have it installed 2 or 3 days before it goes live, but it wont do any good until the servers are updated, which is just like a normal patch day
22:28.30Mikkhardly lazytank
22:28.33Mikkmore like decursive
22:28.33Hexarobiat least thats how it was on EQ
22:28.43cogwheelCrazierMYKL: please don't assum such things
22:29.02Abenadiok i have an idea, since the new changes prohibit doing proactive range checking for heals, have a hunter stay feigned death for the whole fight and send range information to clients via chat channels!
22:29.10cogwheelI REALLY urge you to hold off comment until you've read slouken's answers to questions on the 2.0 changes thread
22:29.24cogwheelThere are a lot of misunderstandings going around
22:29.31abugslouk is looking into range checking for heals
22:30.23Mikkon an unrelated note.... the attack skill show when wielding a fishing pole equals your fishing skill.
22:30.28Mikkdoes this mean fun stuff for druids?
22:30.28QzotI hope this acts as an impetus to slough off some older mods, and maybe have a fresh start at clean implementations.
22:30.36Mikki.e. skill fishing like hell and land crushing blows on everything?
22:31.23Abenadilol nice thought
22:32.11*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
22:32.44QzotThis is not the first time I've heard the fishing skill discussion. My memory is blank, but I suspect this got fixed somewhere.
22:32.59QzotIt would be really bad for 29 WSG.
22:33.25Merykrka: Your mod mad the grinding for the winterspring saber bearable, so thank you!
22:33.56abug~greet gnor
22:33.57purlACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on gnor
22:35.23Beladonaewww, cold oatmeal
22:35.36Beladonaalmost as bad as soggy pizza
22:43.39QzotAnd what's wrong with soggy pizza?
22:44.19CorrodiasQzot: it's always nice to think "finally, we can force the authors of all existing addons to revamp and improve their addons"... but you really can't force them
22:44.35QzotForce them, no.
22:44.41Corrodiasif they lose interest in rewriting them, they just won't
22:44.52QzotGet them to ponder their past sins? Most definitely. Hehe.
22:45.01Corrodiasand the community's "copyright mentality" will keep the addons dead
22:45.36Corrodiasat least some of them. perhaps not those of authors that are still around and plan to hand them off to someone else.
22:46.09QzotIf there's not enough interest in maintaining an addon, euthanasia seems like a reasonable choice, imho.
22:51.42*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazierMYKL_ (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-0a4ef9eaad4004d5)
22:52.59CrazierMYKL_nerfing decursive is even worse! srsly
22:53.20CrazierMYKL_addOns like decursive are what makes WoW uber
22:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
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22:55.30GremWarsongDecursive arguably is destructive to WoW
22:55.43GremWarsongIt removes certain degrees of 'skill'
22:56.00deciyou can close your eyes and push your decursive key and beat pve encounters
22:56.04decithat hardly makes it better
22:56.33cogwheelCrazierMYKL: blizzard has said numerous times that they don't like decursive and would disable it if they find a way to do it without breaking functionality that they don't mind
22:56.45cogwheelApparently, they've found their way ;)
22:56.53AbenadiThe only fight design I can think of where cleansing would actually be enjoyable, is a fight that already circumvents decursive
22:57.00Abenadii.e. grobbulus
22:57.12Abenadithe changes won't make it 'fun' to decurse
22:57.16Corrodiasgrr. i'm definitely adding my request that we be able to turn our flights around
22:57.36Merywell in some situations actually cleansing may not be meant to be enjoyable if the whole raid is "dumb" enough to even get the debuff
22:57.55Corrodiasadding my voice to the popular request, i mean
22:58.21GremWarsongmost boss fights arent exactly 'fun'
22:58.25GremWarsongthey are designed with stress in mind
22:58.28Abenadiif blizzard was so against decursive idk why they designed noth the way they did.
22:58.34GremWarsongDecursive was just a different aspect of stress than healing
22:58.35deciso now, instead of mashing a key, you'll have to *gasp* pay attention to whats going on and actually target people and remove debuffs
22:58.39deciUNHEARD OF
22:58.42Abenadithat fight says 'players must have decursive and use it' or they fail
22:58.58GremWarsongRather than, "players must have skill and use it' or they fail
22:59.04cogwheelAbenadi: they don't design encounters for decursive
22:59.12GremWarsonga skilled player can decurse just as fast as decursive can
22:59.20cogwheelevery instance is doable without any addons
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22:59.30Meryno fight can't be done without decurse, 1.5 sec is a long time to get your next target
22:59.36GremWarsongand by skilled I mean, those with excellent hand-eye coordination
22:59.42Meryyou just need to actually do somthing
22:59.51GremWarsongIt simply requires more 'attention'
22:59.55GremWarsongIn all honesty
23:00.08Abenadibecause decursive will instantly detect when your potential target no longer needs cleansing
23:00.24Abenadiwhereas the 1.5 seconds you allow to reach your next target is completely wiped if someone else cleanses him
23:00.33Merywell then make an order
23:00.44Abenadiwhich goes to pieces if someone in the order dies
23:00.49cogwheelor assign a single mage to a single group (or groups)
23:01.07cogwheelthen as your decurse targets die, start dpsing more
23:01.22Abenadisorry cog i meant that as a response to your issue
23:01.24CrazierMYKL_i prefer to be able to raid in the background if i have to
23:01.27Abenadiie the mage decursing dies
23:01.27GremWarsongThis is one of those topics where neither sides win
23:01.55Meryif a mage did all his targets he goes to group + 1
23:02.01GremWarsongIt was simply a 'feature' that removed complexity from the game
23:02.08GremWarsongSome people appreciate complexity, and some people appreciate simplicity
23:02.10CrazierMYKL_right, useless complexity
23:02.22GremWarsongEverything can be considered useless complexity
23:02.22CrazierMYKL_youre supposed to fight the MOBS, not the UI
23:02.28cogwheelCrazierMYKL: what about PvP?
23:02.39Shadowedare we argueing decursive VS no decursive?
23:02.46GremWarsongA silly topic, Shadowed
23:02.47cogwheelShadowed: pretty much
23:02.56CrazierMYKL_i rolled a mage partially FOR decursive
23:02.57Shadoweddecursive needs to stay
23:03.09cogwheeldecursive was the main reason they made the changes
23:03.13Shadowedbecause in PVP i can run priests OOM by spamming rank 1 SW:P on them and they just mash the decursive button
23:03.26AbenadiI've done that : )
23:03.56Abenadispam rank 1 i mean, not mash decursive : )
23:04.09CrazierMYKL_if they want to nerf it in PvP, fine
23:04.31ShadowedDecursive is a crutch,end of story.
23:04.39CrazierMYKL_it's a happy crutch
23:05.07GremWarsongIf people had their way, every aspect of WoW would be a crutch
23:05.11cogwheelDecursive makes certain encounters negligible
23:05.14GremWarsongThey would make crutches for everything
23:05.15CrazierMYKL_and i will be angry if it is taken out of existence
23:05.20GremWarsongMany people prefer the game to play for them
23:05.21CrazierMYKL_big deal
23:05.25abugheh nice asian farmer talent: "Rapid Killing"
23:05.29CrazierMYKL_then let them
23:05.34cogwheelCrazierMYKL_: it's a done deal...
23:05.40Shadowedalright lets rephrase this
23:05.47CrazierMYKL_you're paying $15/mo for fun
23:06.02cogwheelso don't play a class you don't find fun...
23:06.03CrazierMYKL_if decursive makes the game more fun, so be it
23:06.22ShadowedI pay 15$/mo, and it would be fun if i had 10,000 gold
23:06.35Meryya and I know alot of people that quit (or quit pvp'ing although they like it) because of decursive addons, target priest addons, and so on
23:06.38ShadowedThat doesn't mean i can get 10,000 gold just because i pay 15$ a month
23:06.49QzotThe value of a gold piece in my pocket, is directly dependent on the absence of one in yours.
23:07.09GremWarsongQzot, a brilliant statement =)
23:07.13CrazierMYKL_every time something makes my life easier, it's nerfed
23:07.21CrazierMYKL_my "do a 180" macro, dead in 1.10
23:07.32ShadowedCrazierMYKL you aren't going to change your mind, and you aren't doing to change ours ;)
23:07.41Shadowedeasier to agree to disagree
23:07.43CrazierMYKL_i think RWT should be allowed, personally
23:08.16ShadowedHas anyone made Fubar/titan plugins before?
23:08.33Shadowedand yes, I know fubar is better then titan. but it was requested  :p
23:08.45Corrodiasif people had their way, they'd just hit one button repeatedly to play. people make addons that almost do that for them anyway.
23:08.55Corrodiasthey can't quite do it because they don't have movement functions
23:08.59cogwheelCrazierMYKL_: look at it from the devs' perspective... They spend countless hours tweaking and tuning raid encounters to be challenging but doable. Then someone comes along and writes a UI mod that essentially takes the thought out of the fight. How would you feel about all your hard work?
23:09.10Shadowedfyi this is hardly unannounced
23:09.16CrazierMYKL_so let them
23:09.16CrazierMYKL_i wouldn't want to do that
23:09.19Shadowedthey said I believe 7-8+ months ago that they were trying to disable decursive
23:09.20Merynever did a titan, but fubar (with fubar-plugin2.0) doesn't look hard at all (just looked at some code never actually did one)
23:09.37cogwheelCrazierMYKL_: I have a feeling you didn't really put yourself in their shoes ;)
23:09.44QzotCorrodias: If people had their way, they'd pay $2 to magically turn level 2, $3 to magically turn into level 3. Then they don't need to mash *any* buttons, just access their paypal accounts.
23:09.45Shadowedpersonally, I use it in PVP. I can't *stand* it
23:09.45CrazierMYKL_did he have FUN doing the encounter?
23:09.51CrazierMYKL_if so, mission accomplished
23:10.01ShadowedFun for you doesn't mean fun for the majority
23:10.25Rallionsome people think it's fun to click madly all over the screen. I do.
23:10.34Shadowedblizzard is a company, if you have 10,000 customers, 9,000 don't want something and 1,000 do. you're going to listen to the 9,000 more often then not
23:10.41CrazierMYKL_in 5mans, not as great a loss
23:10.48CrazierMYKL_2 keys instead of one
23:10.59CrazierMYKL_but in raids,
23:11.01abugwhat's so great about titan / fubar? never did understand the fad
23:11.10Shadowedi didn't either
23:11.26Meryalso there are 2 ways to justify epic (as in rare): 1) skill 2) time invested - and people think about most raid instances its only time invested and not about skill
23:11.47CrazierMYKL_ask a random mage, priest, pally, &c. from any guild in naxx if they want decursive gone
23:12.14CrazierMYKL_ask your supercasual gamer if they know what it is
23:12.23Rallionthe only reason they want it in is because the naxx encounters were designed with decursive in mind.
23:12.24Beladonayou guys are STILL on that?
23:12.29Rallionsome people are.
23:12.39CrazierMYKL_and they're amazing encounters
23:12.56Rallionthey could be just as amazing if there was no decursive to design around
23:12.57ShadowedRallion naxx isn't that heavy on decursive actually
23:13.04BeladonaI don't think it will be that hard post-expansion
23:13.07Rallionwell, that's true
23:13.37ShadowedNoth, Heigan, Maex have remove-able abilities if i remember right
23:13.39Beladonathere are so many factors to consider
23:13.41Beladonanew spells
23:13.44Beladonanew talents
23:13.46Beladonalevel 70
23:13.51CrazierMYKL_decursive saves button presses, and i don't see that as unbalancing
23:13.52Shadowedmass dispell for one
23:13.59Shadowedthats way to simpilified
23:14.09ShadowedWAY to simpilified
23:14.12Beladonathey all factor into the "difficulty" that everyone seems to think will be overwhelming
23:14.49Shadowedpeople don't seem to realise that we havn't had any decursive heavy fights since BWL chromaggus
23:15.04abugnoth is decursive heavy
23:15.04CrazierMYKL_hit `, vs hit f4 then ctrl-4
23:15.22Shadowednot as decursive heavy as chromaggus
23:15.27Rallionthere are other ways to do it.
23:15.33Rallionclick-casting is excellent
23:15.35CrazierMYKL_blizzard is with the keyboard manufacturers
23:15.44ShadowedSO ANYWAY
23:15.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (n=Kaelten@
23:15.52Shadowedace is terrible
23:15.56CrazierMYKL_they don't let you auto-repeat spells, and now this
23:16.19cogwheellook what you did, Shadowed
23:16.23CrazierMYKL_it's the KEYBOAD CABAL!
23:16.41RallionI don't like Ace because it confuses the hell out of me.
23:16.54Shadowedlibraries are the devil
23:17.01RallionI look at an Ace addon to see how it works, and I'm just all, "Wha? Habba?"
23:17.04Meryspeaking of keyboards: I want this one but it will prolly be way to expensive for me - lol
23:17.14RallionI WANT IT.
23:17.19CrazierMYKL_keboard wear is a big deal on a laptop, though
23:17.29RallionIf the keyboard is crappy.
23:17.40CrazierMYKL_even if it isn't
23:17.47CrazierMYKL_it's not replacable easily
23:17.56cogwheelI want blizzard to make a wow plugin for that keyboard
23:18.00RallionI've never seen a good keyboard that ever died from sheer use
23:18.05cogwheelso it will show actual spell icons on the screen
23:18.09CrazierMYKL_letters rub off
23:18.18CrazierMYKL_springs lose springyness
23:18.37RallionI've seen an excellent keyboard die while swimming in a pool of water. On my desk. Last week.
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23:18.41ShadowedCrazierMYKL give it a rest please
23:18.48Shadowedthis is silly
23:19.17CrazierMYKL_if you think i'm totally serious, yhbt. yhl. hand.
23:19.30RallionNow I have a more expensive keyboard! And a better mouse! But if you get the mouse between the keyboard and the receiver, it gets a little flaky.
23:19.43Shadowedi've gone through like 4 keyboards in the last year
23:19.51Shadowedthey stopped making it too, which makes me sad :(
23:19.52CrazierMYKL_losing decursive is a pain, but my melodrama is strictly for my own amusement
23:20.24Shadowedit turns out keyboards don't survive soda spills very well
23:20.29Shadowedwho'd of thunk!
23:20.38cogwheelShadowed: only when they're plugged in
23:20.58cogwheeljust unplug it asap and rinse it out in the sink
23:20.59Qzotcogwheel: Or still wet when they are eventually plugged in.
23:21.01RallionActually, no. Soda is bad all the time.
23:21.15RallionIt doesn't all evaporate away.
23:21.25cogwheelseriously, you can clean a VCR out with a garden hose as long as you make sure it's completely dry when you plug it back in
23:21.53CrazierMYKL_soda has more lingering stuff than hose water
23:21.55cogwheelI actually have a spare keyboard in case I have to do that
23:21.59Shadowedi don't think the keyboard would have survived being hosed out
23:22.00GremWarsongIve cleaned a video card before with water
23:22.04ShadowedI had a spare keyboard
23:22.08GremWarsongand it worked afterwards
23:22.09Shadoweduntil i spilled soda on that too!
23:22.24GremWarsongI put a video card in my dishwasher
23:22.25cogwheelso you rinse it out, get all the soda out, and make sure it dries completely
23:22.26GremWarsongto clean it spare keyboard finally went out, right after I fried my good one.
23:22.36cogwheelmost keyboards can have their keys popped out too
23:22.39Shadowedwas a logitech duo I believe, the thenextone they make is crap
23:22.45RallionThey keyboard itself is fine, the PS/2 plug, not so much.
23:23.01Shadowedthe plug was fine onmine, the keys were sticky tough
23:23.14Shadowed(spelling is going to be terrible, on a laptop and i'm terrible at typing on those keyboards)
23:23.48Rallionthe important thing, though, is that this keyboard matches my monitor and case color scheme.
23:24.21RallionWhen I realized that there was a model of the one I chose that fit that description, I was excited. Seriously.
23:24.48Shadowedwhat keyboard do you use?
23:25.00RallionNow, a Microsoft Laser Desktop 6000
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23:25.30Rallionthe wireless isn't as good as the old logitech, but the software is far better
23:25.43Shadowednever liked themicrosoft keyboards
23:25.52Shadowedlogitech was always good hardware, crap software :/
23:26.17RallionMicrosoft actually makes good...uh...well, everything but OSes.
23:26.51Shadowedi don't have to deal with the logitech software thatmuch, and the hardware is worth it
23:26.57*** join/#wowi-lounge abug1 (
23:27.13RallionAt first I didn't like that this keyboard's keys feel a good bit like a laptop, but then I thought about how much I hate switching over to laptops, which I do pretty often
23:27.22Rallionand now I can do it much more easily
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23:30.10cogwheeloff to MC. later all
23:33.07Shadowedckknight: for Glory why don't you just use UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS and GetBattlefieldWinner()instead of having to search both NPC yells and bg neutral stuff?
23:34.46ckknightI didn't write that section, refer your question to either Elkano or hyperChipmunk
23:35.09MikkShadowed . o { Ok, that explains everything. }
23:36.05MikkIt's one of those thought bubbles damnit!
23:36.47ckknightMikk, you ever study Theory of Computation?
23:37.13MikkProbably not but I can't say for sure since I don't really know what term it translates into around here =)
23:37.13ckknightI am now
23:37.42ckknightwell, I'm working on Deterministic Finite State Automata, Context-free Grammars, etc.
23:37.43MikkOneliner summary?
23:38.13MikkNo, I've never studied it. But I've done plenty of work where it applies :-P
23:38.37Mikk(Stateful inspection firewall, couple of language parsers...)
23:39.10ckknightit's kinda interesting
23:39.16ckknightpretty complicated, mind you
23:39.24ckknightit's supposed to be a graduate class...
23:40.15MikkI might try to dig up some books on it.
23:40.19GremWarsongcan anyone recommend a 'one-bag' inventory mod?
23:40.41GremWarsongFine =P
23:40.45ckknightit's nice
23:40.46Corrodiascladhaire, are you present, now?
23:41.05GremWarsongI was using bagnon
23:41.52MikkI think it'd have been in my curriculum if I'd stayed in Uni but ... beh ... We've hired enough uni graduates that I know that formal training means f* all to programmer skill now :-P
23:42.43IndustrialAnyone seen the anime The Twelve Kingdoms?
23:43.26cladhaireCorrodias: define "present"?
23:43.39IndustrialI downloaded Noir and Trigun and both deleted it after having seen 3 episodes, and seen one of this series and I wanna see it all heh
23:43.53Mikkcladhaire: hehe
23:43.56Industrialmeh time for bed nn
23:44.21cladhaireteh tubes r clogged
23:45.11MikkHe's the guy that built teh intarweb, right?
23:45.15MikkHe said so.
23:45.35GremWarsonghow exactly did he phrase it?
23:45.40GremWarsongim curious on that whole thing
23:45.46GremWarsongI missed that
23:46.03GremWarsongenlighten me
23:46.13MikkI forget. Something along the lines of hinting that the Internet wouldn't have been the commercial success that it was without him or some sh*t.
23:46.35GremWarsongWhat did he do for the internet?
23:47.13QzotAl Gore changed the CPU in the internet.
23:47.16MikkIn a March 1999 interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gore said, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."
23:47.36GremWarsongWhat does that mean though?
23:47.37ckknightit was regarding funding
23:47.37cladhaireCorrodias: Whats up?
23:47.39GremWarsongWhat did he to?
23:47.43cladhaireYOu can't ping me then disappear
23:47.45GremWarsongDid he fund the internet? lol
23:47.59cladhaireGremWarsong: GoreTubes imo
23:48.00MikkAccording to Vincent Cerf, a senior vice president with MCI Worldcom who's been called the Father of the Internet, "The Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the Vice President in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator."
23:48.05MikkOkay, I'll stop laughing.
23:48.10RallionHe was the main proponent of some legislation
23:48.11MikkIf Vint said that, it's true.
23:48.16Corrodiascladhaire: just wondering if you can answer a question here about perfectraid
23:48.22Corrodiassorry abou tthis delay but i'm very distracted
23:48.33cladhairetho i can't guarantee you'll like the answer =)
23:48.37GremWarsongThats sweet
23:48.40GremWarsongI like the internet
23:48.42GremWarsongIm glad they made it
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23:48.52ckknightyea, so Gore was important to the internet, sorta.
23:48.55Corrodiasi read in the description and in the changelog that praid is supposed to have 3 options that i can't seem to use: backdrop, filter, and simulate. what's up with that?
23:49.20cladhairethose are the old version
23:49.26cladhairethey don't exist ikn the rewrite
23:49.30Rallion"A second development occurred around this time, namely, then-Senator Al Gore, a strong and knowledgeable proponent of the Internet, promoted legislation that resulted in President George Bush signing the High Performance Computing and Communication act of 1991. This Act allocated $600 million for high performance computing and for the creation of the National Research and Education Network [13-14]. The NREN brought together indu
23:49.34cladhairebut the code to add/change them is trivial if you want to hardcode it.
23:49.41cladhaireor veen if you want to write the options
23:49.47Corrodiasalright. which version is this, that i may examine it?
23:49.51cladhairei've been... severely.. .time-lacking
23:49.51MikkRofl. "There are more high school students in Texas who can read and speak better than the governor than in any other state!"
23:49.58cladhairethat may have been 0.3.1 roughly, on wowi.
23:50.07cladhairejust let you set backdrops on the frames and the overall frame
23:50.25Rallionnot sure that's true, Iread that one year during bush's governorship the high school drop-out rate was like 40%
23:50.34KirkburnHmm, me no reachy
23:50.39MikkRallion: Re-read the sentence =)
23:50.47cladhaireKirkburn: Loads just fine for meh
23:50.48Corrodiasi'll greatly appreciate being able to have the backdrop and filter
23:51.01cladhaireCorrodias: The code is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY simple to re-add it hardcoded =)
23:51.20Mikk"...better than the governor" =)
23:51.21Kirkburn okay, no
23:51.22Corrodiasi'm very simple
23:51.31RallionMikk, I read it, but what I'm saying is that I don't even have THAT much faith in Texas schools.
23:51.32KirkburnI think the redirect may be broken?
23:51.36MikkRallion: haha
23:51.45Mikk is a 404 for me
23:51.50ckknightI don't get it, Mikk
23:52.13cladhaireCorrodias: In PerfectRaid, in PerfectRaid:UpdateLayout(), do self.master:SetBackDrop() and f:SetBackDrop() in the for loop, using the wiki as reference
23:52.21cladhaireor you can steal the code from the old versino, to do the same thing, kinda.
23:52.33cladhaireMikk: Thats a redirection error
23:52.35cladhairei'll fixem
23:52.43Mikkerr 404 is a page not found, clad :-P
23:52.56cladhaireyeah, but its a rewrite issue
23:52.57cladhairetrust me =)
23:53.00cladhairehttp lies.
23:53.22MikkNo, I believe that HTTP is telling the truth about your mod.rewrite skillz ;-)
23:53.38cladhaireneg, url.rewrite =(
23:54.05ShadowedIs that like the cheap mod.rewrite knockoff that costs 50% less, but is 100% harder to use
23:54.13cladhaireactually easier :P
23:54.26RallionMovableType's dynamic page generation works by replacing the default 404 page with one that looks at the URL and generates the page that it indicates
23:54.37Corrodiasthanks a bunch, cladhaire. i'd try to do it now, being able to ask you if i run into a block, but i am starting ZG right now
23:54.49Rallionso sometimes HTTP does lie.
23:54.49Corrodiasfrom what you've said, i should be able to manage
23:55.40cladhaireMikk: Should be behaving better now :P
23:55.55MikkYup. Worky.
23:56.53KirkburnCooldown Count has just gone Ace?
23:56.56cladhairetekkub wanted some wonky rewrites.
23:57.23ckknightgoing Ace?
23:57.28ShadowedAce is the cool thing to go1
23:57.29ckknightthat's like going gay, right?
23:57.42ckknightI kid.
23:57.43Shadowedfirst it was all warriors going DW Fury, now it's moving your mods to ACe
23:59.34KirkburnSoo, Cosmos and Ace are now going to fight over it when I update, aren't they :/
23:59.53Kirkburn"No, I want it!" "No, me, me!"

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