irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061003

00:01.33warlayou can read all from a mail
00:01.37warlaexcept the text
00:01.50warlaif you read the mail text it'll cut down timer on mail to 3 days
00:01.57Corrodiasis there any way to have a macro on an action bar show a cooldown?
00:02.02warlaso as long as you dont read the text with lua functions it leaves it alone
00:05.14KirovCorrodias - /script -- CastSpellByName("Spell Name") as the first line
00:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
00:10.50MikkZzzgrabbing an item or cash out of the mail also reset to 3, no?
00:11.13MikkZzzas in "moving it to your inventory"
00:11.15KirovTaking the item, yes
00:11.29MikkZzzwhat am i doing here. i'm supposed to be sleeping >.<
00:11.31KirovOr even attempting to
00:11.49MikkZzzpurl, whaleslap me
00:11.51purlACTION beats mikkzzz upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
00:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
00:14.53Cairennhi JoshBork
00:16.34CairennMikkZzz: sweet dreams
00:17.07JoshBork1night MikkZzz
00:17.14JoshBork1yay! i fixed my email server! woohoo!
00:17.40Cairennlater Qzot :)
00:18.09QzotNo. Chow. I'm going home to eat. :D
00:18.25CairennQzot: you'd better not be eating chow
00:18.34QzotNot yet. But soon.
00:18.56JoshBork1like the dog chow? yum
00:19.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH]2 (
00:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:20.51CairennJoshBork: my family used to have a kennel ... guess what type of dog we bred and showed?
00:22.10KirovObviously a labador
00:22.11zenzelezztrick question
00:22.25JoshBork1st. bernard was going to be my second guess
00:22.36Kirovcorgies rule
00:22.46Cairennbuncha smartasses, the lot of yas
00:22.53JoshBork1Kirov: i think so too.  but they're kinda odd looking
00:22.58JoshBork1big round body and short stubby legs
00:23.20JoshBork1the dog i grew up with was a corgie/collie mix.
00:23.22Cairenncorgies are one of the very few small dog breeds that I actually count as "dogs"
00:23.31Kirov - crappy cell phone image of my dog
00:23.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:24.02JoshBork1Cairenn: you know you love us :-D
00:24.17KirovApart from being about 10 pounds fatter, he looks the same now.
00:24.28KirovFull grown
00:24.53Cairennobviously I must, otherwise why in [insert belief of your choice here]'s name would I put up with you guys?
00:25.53AnduinLotharyou are way too pc for your own good
00:26.19Cairennyou know what? I think I'm going to develop a new acronym ... [iboych]
00:26.33JoshBork1AnduinLothar: get any new phat lewts for your paladin?
00:27.05CorrodiasKirov: so i take it there's no way to specify a cooldown on a macro for a spell when you don't want it to cast the spell?
00:27.08Cairennnaw, when saying that, I just flat out say it ;)
00:27.08IrielWouldn't it be [idoych] ?
00:27.36KirovCorrodias - /script -- CastSpellByName("Spell Name")
00:27.36Irielor for the fundamentalists [iDoych]
00:27.58KirovCorrodias - the -- is a comment, ie: the CastSpellByName doesn't get run
00:28.11Cairennah, but not all belief systems have deities
00:28.38IrielBut "Why in Judaism's name would I put up with you guys?" really doesn't work
00:28.53Cairennno, but "why in science's name" does
00:29.00IrielHow about doacsc?
00:29.10IrielDeity or alternative canonically significant character?
00:29.20Cairennstill doesn't work
00:29.25Kirovactually, "in christianity's name" works
00:30.01JoshBork1oh dear
00:30.16Iriel[your choice of spiritual or other significant noun] ?
00:30.32AnduinLotharwhy not just use a fucking curse word
00:30.49zenzelezzbecause that's lame
00:30.58CairennAnduinLothar: becuase that isn't fucking politically correct, you dumb shit
00:31.14AnduinLotharlame... so you're trying to be cool? when did pc become cool?
00:31.16Endyou guys are silly
00:31.47zenzelezzthere's a difference between trying to look cool and trying not to look lame
00:32.11zenzelezzeither way, if you're so concerned about the belief system thing, why not just use "why on earth" or some other expression?
00:32.12AnduinLotharso you onyl half care
00:32.22CairennAnduinLothar: actually, I'm not trying to be cool, I just happen to very firmly believe that everyone has a right to their belief system and I do my best to not unintentionally hurt someone
00:32.35AnduinLotharthen don't bother using that slang
00:32.41CorrodiasKirov: AH, thanks to you
00:32.59AnduinLotharand josh... i haven't gotten any good loot recently
00:33.03IrielWhat if someone doesn't believe in Earth?
00:33.16CairennAnduinLothar: besides which, it leads to amusing conversations as we try to come up with silly acronyms
00:33.18AnduinLotharfinally got myself a lei
00:33.30IrielYou got lei'd?
00:33.38Iriel*cymbal crash*
00:33.39AnduinLotharand tier 2 shoudlers got defaulted to me
00:33.45Endwhat does "believe in earth" mean anyways? that you believe it exists? or what?
00:33.52JoshBork1i am still sitting on a single piece of T2 (helm)
00:34.07KirovJoshBork1 - The easy peice to get
00:34.07zenzelezzwho says anything about believing in earth?
00:34.23JoshBork1Kirov: yea.  i'm holding out on Lok and Rejuvenating Gem in BWL
00:34.24KirovI don't believe in earth, only Azeroth.
00:34.34IrielMaybe you believe you're merely trapped within a complex neurostimulating simulation but actually are present on Colony ship ZZ/421/Alpha ?
00:34.47AnduinLothari didn't get my helm till i had my pant already
00:35.01Endtoo bad I don't believe in Azeroth, but only Argus
00:35.11KirovIriel - You're in ZZ/421/Alpha?!  zomg, I'm in 422!
00:35.35AnduinLothari was saving for a askandi
00:35.39Cairennand what about those that believe that our entire existence is actually merely the dream of some other being and as soon as they wake we will cease to exist?
00:35.43IrielKirov: I hear you guys have the best bionutriant suspension fluid in the fleet!
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00:35.50AnduinLotharbut they made me take the shoulders right before they dropped
00:36.09JoshBork1ouch, that sucks
00:36.55zenzelezzif your guild forces an item on you, you shouldn't have to pay for it o_O
00:36.56AnduinLotharand since then nothing good has dropped that I would have taken. I bid on cloak of consentrated hatred but they gave it to a rogue
00:37.08AnduinLotharit's not dkp
00:37.13Endoh, that's why I died
00:37.16EndI got ganked
00:37.28EndI thought that bloodscalp warrior was just hitting me really hard
00:37.45AnduinLotharand if i had gotten the guild first askandi i thinkt he warrior would have killed me
00:39.20AnduinLotharbut we're going after our saurtura today. hopign for a first kill
00:39.33JoshBork1good luck!
00:39.43KirovAnduinLothar - what class?
00:40.01AnduinLotharatm tho i'm in a pug zg, that my guild ninja from another guild
00:40.28AnduinLotharthe guild that was running it left after 2 hakkar wipes and a guy from my guild somehow got leader
00:41.31Endhuh, are you in the same guild you've always been in, AnduinLothar? I thought you were a lot farther raid progression wise than I am...
00:41.45zenzelezzI have some guildie warriors that are a bit annoyed at me for some of the loot I've got... but they just weren't there when it dropped :)
00:42.00zenzelezz(I'm a relative new guy in the guild)
00:42.18AnduinLotharpally, we've got nef on farm now
00:42.25AnduinLotharbut jsut started aq40
00:43.29warla<3 AQ20
00:53.21*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
00:55.11warlacan the ToC file contain subdirs?
00:55.13warlafor lua files
00:55.23warlayes or nope?
00:56.19AnduinLotharthere's some restriction, i forgot what it was
00:56.43MentalPoweryou can't go outside of WoW.exe's home dir
00:56.51MentalPowerbut otherwise yes
00:57.01AnduinLotharmmm, there was somehting else
00:57.15MentalPowerif you remember I'd love to hear it
00:57.41AnduinLotharoh i remember. it wasn't with toc. it's with xml loading
00:57.59AnduinLotharyou can't subdir load lua files in the xml
00:58.11AnduinLotharbut you can subdir load xml files
00:58.32AnduinLotharbut if you put it all int he toc it's fine
00:59.45AnduinLotharso for embeeded loading you either have to load everything int he toc or load the xml and have it load the rest of the files. you can't load an embedded lib entirely from the parent's xml file
01:00.02AnduinLotharnot something most peopel worry about
01:00.28MentalPowerah, gotcha
01:09.35Cairennlater Iriel|Away
01:09.52warlain the enUS.lua i have the following:
01:09.52warlawordings = {}
01:09.52warlawordings["spellbook"] = "Please open your Spellbook.";
01:10.06warlawhy does the wowprofiles.lua not see that variable?
01:11.54MentalPowerhow are you accessing it?
01:12.18MentalPoweralso, is wordings a local variable to enUS.lua?
01:12.36warlahow do i make it visible for all other luas that follow?
01:12.39MentalPowerthat wou;d be your problem :)
01:12.57MentalPoweryou need to make it global
01:13.08MentalPoweror at least globally accessible
01:13.17warlahow do i do that?
01:13.23warlai only made vars local xxx =
01:13.27warlanever used a global hehe
01:13.48MentalPowerhow do the files communicate with each other?
01:14.27MentalPoweror do you just have one file?
01:14.27warlathey dont so far... all i want is have language files
01:14.27warlaso the wowprofiles.lua accesses the strings from the other ones
01:14.28MentalPoweryou need a global
01:14.53warlahow do i declare the global? global xxx = "xxx"; instead local xxx = "xxx"; ?
01:15.07MentalPowernop, just leave the local out
01:15.17MentalPowervariables in Lua are default global
01:15.21warlaahh ok
01:15.31warlawordings = {}
01:15.31warlawordings["spellbook"] = "Please open your Spellbook.";
01:15.37warlawordings is now a global?
01:16.11MentalPowerI suggest you do:
01:16.12MentalPowerWoWProfiles_Wordings = {}
01:16.14MentalPowerWoWProfiles_Wordings["spellbook"] = "Please open your Spellbook.";
01:16.19MentalPowerto avoid namespace collisions
01:20.10warlahmm that doesnt work
01:20.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:20.20warlasaid "attempted to index a global blabla (nil value)
01:20.31warlado i need to tell a function what globals to read
01:20.49warlaor should functions have automatically access to globals?
01:22.35zenzelezzwouldn't be very global otherwise
01:23.10warlaso why does my function not see the global? :-/
01:23.34warlaif (tooltipString==1) then Message = wowprofiles_wordings["spellbook"] end;
01:26.00*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
01:31.53warlaany idea why my globals dont work?
01:38.51*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
01:42.02Kirkburn|afkTem, pong!
01:42.09Temoh hey Kirkburn
01:42.21KirkburnThe original font is on the website :)
01:42.30TemWhat versino of CF though
01:42.47TemI just updated and put the right font in it, but some things look different
01:42.52Temso I just wanna revert
01:42.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
01:43.33KirkburnThe one where the numbers have different heights is 0.9
01:47.51Temthe only versions I see are v11100-1 -2 and -3
01:53.26KirkburnTem, when you say different, what do you mean?
01:53.37Temthe damage font looks different now
01:53.48KirkburnDo you use SCT?
01:54.21KirkburnOh, wait - I think someone else told me about that ... it doesn't have a shadow when it should?
01:57.14KirkburnThere are two different font packs online which have slightly different versions of the original font. The main files are just updated each time to make sure it covers any changes made by Blizz - there shouldn't be major 'design' changes between them
01:57.32Kirkburn(when I say main files, I'm talking about v11000-1, etc..)
02:21.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
02:26.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
02:27.47KaeltenAwaygnight guys
02:27.58Cairennnight KaeltenAway, sweet dreams
02:31.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
02:37.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:49.55Cairennnight clad|sleep, sweet dreams
02:53.27XuerianIs there any other way to get class requirements on a item, other than tooltip scanning?
02:55.39MentalPowernop, tooltip scanning == only way
02:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
03:00.49Corrodiashow amusing, some of my guildmates pronounce "hakkar" as "hacker"
03:01.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
03:02.54KirovXuerian - tooltip scanning isn't so bad
03:02.57Corrodiasthis is, as far as i'm aware, our first try on hakkar. we've wiped twice on the trash mob patrols, which is hilarious considering how quickly we did the rest of the place
03:03.32zenzelezzwell, those patrols are mean, especially the big one
03:03.42KirovThose large trash mob groups are really hard if you don't know what to do.
03:04.05KirovMy old guild, idiots would keep trying to tank the Blood Priets
03:04.07XuerianSleep the big ones, kill the rest XD
03:04.29XuerianAnyway, Kirov: If you've got a lib or example or advice and or suggestions, go for it :P
03:04.39Corrodiaswe have plenty of mages and druids. we just panic too easily.
03:04.48KirovXuerian - erm ... gratuity?
03:05.02XuerianReally? That's what that is? <.<
03:05.20KirovXuerian - it's a tooltip scanner lib
03:16.39MentalPowerSome of's backend is going to be updated. Transition should be seamless, but you never know.
03:17.56Cairennthanks MentalPower :)
03:18.03XuerianWell I'll be damned, it is, Kirov =O <3
03:18.27XuerianAnd what're the upgrades, MentalPower? =P
03:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge frus` (
03:18.44MentalPowerUpdating vim to 7.0
03:18.47norgsspeed improvements
03:18.54XuerianNice ^_^
03:18.58MentalPoweroh hey a norgs!
03:19.31norgsjust making it a little bit faster (hopefully)
03:19.35KirovIs the code window going to be made bigger?
03:19.45norgsi *could* do that :)
03:20.15norgsyou don't like the maximize link kirov?
03:20.29norgsor doesn't it work for you?
03:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
03:20.36Kirovnot big enough
03:20.45Kirovand requires an extra click
03:20.48norgsnot big enough!
03:20.58Kirovit's more the vertical size
03:21.04norgsok, well, i'll see what I can do
03:21.27norgsso... how big do you want this box?
03:22.10Kirovsay, 80% of my vertical screen space
03:22.33norgsok, well i'll do that
03:22.37Kirovso, twice it's current hight
03:24.08Corrodiaswiped once on hakkar, now
03:24.10norgsok, so how about that?
03:24.38Kirovbiggest is smaller than bigger
03:25.20norgsok, on the front page it is :)
03:25.26norgsit works properly inside
03:25.53norgsok, i changed it again
03:25.55Kirovyeah, that's a good size
03:26.20KirovAny chance you could make it remember that setting?
03:26.25MentalPowererm... norgs, highlignting seems off
03:26.38norgslua highligting?
03:27.28norgsnah - that's just bogus lua code
03:27.56norgsshould be: local BuildTranslateTable = function(targetLanguage)
03:28.32MentalPowerKirov: true
03:29.05MentalPowernorgs: err local someFuntion(foo, bar) is valid Lua
03:29.24MentalPowerno its not
03:29.45MentalPowerwas thinking of local function someFuntion(foo, bar)
03:30.20norgsahhh - the power of syntax highlighting :)
03:30.20Corrodiasthis is hilarious
03:30.27Corrodiaswe're pulling multiple sons of hakkar at once
03:30.37Corrodiashe's coming up to the casters group and crushing us all
03:30.38Corrodiasit's mayhem
03:30.52Corrodiasmages are taking a good 10 seconds to sheep the tanks
03:31.08norgshilarious in a frantic OMG we're all gonna dieeee!!! kinda way?
03:31.55norgsanyhow - upgrades completed
03:32.11norgshopefully it all still works as it should
03:32.44Corrodiashilarious in how disorganized it seems
03:33.00Corrodiaseh, we move sluggishly in response to ventrilo commands
03:33.21Kirovnorgs - why is the logo for the site now a chick's boobs with a really small bikini top?
03:33.37norgser? huh?
03:34.06norgsdamnit, you got your tabs mixed up, didn't you
03:34.34*** join/#wowi-lounge DrDre (
03:34.51Corrodiaswe explained to the mages the macro we want them to use, and 2 of the 4 of them got it wrong
03:40.38Corrodiasthey variously refer to the sons of hakkar as bats and birds, too
03:45.36Corrodiasanother problem is a lack of a third tank. i don't know what our third warrior is doing.
03:48.23Corrodiasand either he's reluctant to answer, nobody cares, or both
03:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
04:04.32Tem_Corrodias, is this your frist trip into ZG?
04:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
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04:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
04:19.59Kirovhmm... just noticed the forums got rolled back again
04:22.51Cairennugh, how far back this time?
04:22.59Kirov24th again
04:23.37CairennLast updated 2006-09-28 03:17 pacific
04:23.43CairennIriel's post
04:23.45Esamynnso much for their wonderful new server technology.....
04:23.58Esamynnforum tech I mean
04:24.10Esamynnthe server tech seems to work great
04:24.41Cairennstuff I posted today is still showing for me
04:25.28Kirovtop post I see
04:25.35Kirovyou from the 24th
04:26.07Cairennhuh, well, it's certainly showing a lot more than that for me
04:26.14Cairenntry clearing your cache & cookies?
04:27.15Cairennwelcome back Iriel
04:27.40KirovI wonder if they're silently switching servers
04:27.54CairennKirov: that's odd
04:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
04:37.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
04:40.22*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
04:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mystiq (
04:41.43Mystiqi have one frame, and in that frame there is a <Scripts>, which has <OnLoad> and there's a function in there
04:41.57Mystiqthe frame loads, but its as tohugh its ignoring my OnLoad script, the function never runs
04:42.07Cairennand good evening to you as well Mystiq ;)
04:42.29MentalPowerMystiq: any errors in the FrameXML.log file?
04:42.43Corrodiasone of my addons is keeping me from being disconnected from being afk too long, but i wonder if that's merely a side effect or if it's intentional.
04:43.00Mystiqunknown elements, OnClick and OnEscapePressed
04:43.01CairennCorrodias: o.O
04:43.27MentalPowerCorrodias: erm... thats not possible from a pure XML/Lua AddOn
04:43.34Corrodiasi come back to my game after being away for 10 minutes and i see "you are now AFK \n you are no longer AFK \n you are now AFK \n you are no longer AFK ..." etc about 10 times
04:43.44Corrodias10 minutes being just a rough guess. it's probably been longer.
04:43.57Mystiqmy UI does that too
04:44.00MentalPowerthe AFK timer is 30mins
04:44.01Cairennthere have been a couple posts on the Blizz forums about folks having similar thing
04:44.03Mystiqive begun to think its a bug in the game
04:44.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
04:44.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
04:44.12Cairenn*tries to find*
04:44.15MentalPowerplus another 30mins on the char select screen
04:44.16Corrodiashm, that's probably a better explanation, then.
04:44.40KirovCairenn - whats the ip for that you see/
04:44.52KirovI have
04:47.48*** join/#wowi-lounge koomi (
04:49.11Mystiqive reduced it to no errors, but its still ignoring OnLoad
04:49.26CairennKirov: same addy
04:50.29KirovMystiq - hmm?
04:50.58Mystiqpastey incoming
04:51.19Mystiqnone from my mod
04:51.28Mystiqoops, link here:
04:53.11MentalPowerMystiq: can you delete lines 2 and 4?
04:53.13KirovMystiq - have you checked framexml.log?
04:53.23MentalPowerjust a hunch
04:53.35Mystiqyes, there are no errors from my mod in the log
04:53.51Mystiqcant delete them, consequence of using WoW UI Designer
04:54.15MentalPowerjust delete them for now
04:54.47Mystiqi did
04:54.53Mystiq(outside wowuide)
04:55.33Mystiqdeleted a few more.
04:55.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:56.00Mystiqstill not working
04:56.03Mystiqthe mod works fine otherwise
04:56.10ckknighthey all
04:56.22ckknighthow's everyone doing today?
04:56.30Cairennevening ckknight
04:56.40Kirovckknight - I _was_ doing great.
04:56.45KirovThen you had to show up and ruin it all.
04:56.48MentalPowerMystiq: the fiie you pasted is incomplete
04:56.58ckknightKirov, oh, that's just your period talking.
04:57.12Kirov~cheeseslap ckknight
04:57.14purlACTION slaps ckknight around with a piece of texas goat cheese
04:57.27ckknight~whaleparry Kirov
04:57.29purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Kirov's attacks.
04:58.07Mystiqignore the mod title, its a work in progress :P
04:59.39AnduinLotharmeh wiki page changed again
05:00.00MentalPowerMystiq: can you call the function manually?
05:00.14Mystiqworks great
05:00.17MentalPower--/run HoPoints_Init()
05:01.53Mystiqi might have found it
05:02.08CairennCorrodias: I can't find that thread any more
05:02.48Cairennbut I do recall seeing a couple of them, some mod or another causing them to "afk, no longer afk, afk, no longer ...."
05:02.57Mystiqsearched wow ui designer forums, the lua file isnt loading before the xml, so OnLoad becomes defunct
05:08.04Mystiqhm, created another problem
05:08.07Kirovhmm... is wow ui designer setup to source the .lua from the xml, old style?
05:08.27Mystiqwowuides doesnt reference lua files from the xml, if thats what you mean
05:08.35Mystiqits just referenced in the toc
05:09.56MentalPowernight guys
05:10.23Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz, sweet dreams
05:17.39*** part/#wowi-lounge DrDre (
05:18.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
05:21.13Mystiqoh by the way, hi
05:22.08Mystiqyou guys may have to suffer my presence more often, cuz im going to be writing a couple mods for the guild lol
05:22.36Mystiqive been slacking with the 40-man point system and instead want to make those unfortunate ones that do deal with it easier
05:25.57Cairennwell, you are certainly welcome
05:57.11Cairennokay, sleep time for me, night folks
06:27.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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06:36.36KirovMorning cide
06:38.44*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
06:46.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
07:02.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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07:32.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
07:38.14Corrodiasi just read that all the WoW GM's must live in Paris.
07:39.27Eufedoh :P
07:39.38Eufeyou wana be GM?
07:39.50Corrodiashellz no, i'm not going to france
07:40.14Corrodiasand i deliberately funked it up with a 'z' there
07:40.25ckknightCorrodias, unless you're a red-blooded American, then you go to California
07:41.35Corrodiasthe WoW job ad page said that it is required they be in Paris, France... although i do like the sound of California
07:41.40Eufemy guild m8 almost become a gm, he passed all intervievs, but then he fucked up with 1 hotile email that he send to blizz as a officer for our guild and that email somehow come to the blizz employment office and it was gg...lamerz
07:42.08Corrodiashaha... noob
07:42.53norgs'sif be gm anyhow
07:43.11norgsit'd suck - having all that power and not being able to use it
07:43.28Corrodiasi do wonder what GM's do, for the most part. i mean, almost all of my petitions are bug reports, for which i should imagine they just make a note of it for the dev team, usually.
07:43.54norgsslack off most of the time i'd imagine
07:44.23norgsit's what i'd do if i had a cushy job
07:44.47Eufedo you know how many idiots post tickets about quest problems or suck, when its not realy a bug/problem to begin with, its just that they are stupid?
07:44.56Corrodiasi'm sure they hvae a lot of work to do. i just don't know all of what it is.
07:45.04Eufejust sorting out realy tickets from itiot ones takes full time job
07:45.41Eufeblah....need coffie...cant type straight....bbl
07:46.21Corrodiaslike a ticket that they can't ride their mounts indoors? :)
07:47.48sancusthe other half the time they spend learning the basics of the game so they are helpful.... oh wait
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07:54.11Corrodiasis there any restriction on them playing the game normally with normal accounts, i wonder?
07:54.20Kirov"I keep dying, fix it!"
07:55.28Corrodiasckknight: what did you mean by what you said? did you seriously mean that some of the employees live in California instead of France?
07:58.17CrispixI need to become the next Emeril Legaci..
07:58.28CrispixHe's got women who are so beautiful on his show.. jebus
07:58.48KirovCrispix - and all married
07:59.17CrispixJust the fact though..
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08:03.33ckknightCorrodias, yea, Irving, California
08:04.20EufeCorrodias: gm-s play normaly, I heared about few that are in guilds owning end-game content...and you can live in California if you are US GM
08:06.07sancusas far as I know you HAVE to be local to be a US GM, period.
08:06.45sancuswhich is part of the reason lots of them are so bad
08:06.50sancussame for QA
08:28.18Corrodiaswait, i don't understand that last part :o
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09:59.33Corrodiassadly, my skills amount to... well, not much
09:59.46Corrodiasemployment opportunities for me are shaping up to be "the stuff that other people don't want to do"
10:01.20Corrodias[away] @ bed
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10:19.11Mikmamassive join-part flood and no-one speaks
10:19.37Mikmaso, hairy testicles look like coconuts
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10:40.26MikmaMikkZzz: please do it i have actually seen them propably before in a document :D
10:40.53MikkZzzDamnit. That'd mean I'd actually have to go browse shock content sites to find them again >.<
10:41.10Mikmajust google "testicle coconuts"
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11:50.31koomihow do i use a global variable to save data in?
11:51.01Kasojust add ## SavedVariables: VAR_HERE to your toc
11:51.23Kasoor ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: if you dont need it to be global between all chars
11:51.36koomiKaso: if i try to add data to it (table, new index) i always get: attempt to index global "myVar" (a nil value)
11:52.08koomithe saving is done automagically?
11:52.29Eufeyeah, but you have to initialize it to {}
11:52.37Kasoits saved on reload/relog, and ^ that up there
11:53.25koomiEufe: i did that (sorry no special chars here, buggy os x terminal doesnt like my screen/irssi session)
11:54.01koomiEufe: so i init it (with {}) and use any index i like:  logIt_log["as"] = 10;
11:54.08koomithroughs an error
11:54.31Eufehmmm, strange....
11:54.57Kasoperhaps if you could link part of your code where the var is inited and used, use
11:56.42koomii shortened it quite a bit
11:56.54koomibut that's how i use the var (logIt_log)
11:57.03koomigenius with names :)
11:57.14Kasook, which events have you registered?
11:57.15koomiand line 9 throughs the error
11:57.26koomiKaso: alot of combat events
11:57.47koomiWobin: you can try but you will never guess :)
11:57.50Kasodont register them till ADDON_LOADED arg1=="your addon"
11:57.57Wobinman, it's a brainbuster =\
11:58.17koomiKaso: so i would register my events after onload?
11:58.34Eufeyeah...error in your code is that onevent might be called before your addon is actualy loaded
11:59.08koomiEufe: but i get the error even if the addon is running for quite some time
11:59.11koomiis all i got :)
11:59.49koomididn't really clean it
12:03.11Eufekoomi: I've had some strange things going on in lua before...I just do it safe from now should register ADDON_LOADED event and in the event handler if event is ADDON_LOADED check if arg1 is your addon (like Kaso wrote) and then init the var
12:03.36Eufewith...if (logIt_log==nil) logIt_log ={}
12:03.41Eufeir something like that
12:04.48koomiEufe: so i use the ADDON_LOADED event to register the other events and init my var or just to init my var?
12:05.41EufeI would init all
12:05.45Eufeor just change your code and insert  if (logIt_log==nil) logIt_log ={} before line 42 :P
12:09.38koomivariables get saved on ReloadUI() or just on logout?
12:10.51MikmaMikk: so where's my gore?
12:12.05koomiEufe, Kaso: thanks. it seems to work now
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12:18.37koomihow do i get the list of global strings used in wow?
12:19.01koomii want to use marsmessageparser
12:19.34purlWorld of Warcraft Developer Network, a website where you can see the changes made to WoW's interface files between versions and also where you can download said versions.
12:19.45Kasocheck out Globalstrings.lua on that site
12:35.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Mery (
12:37.45Eufelol? TicTacToeFrame.xml/lua
12:37.54Eufedoes this work?
12:38.06Wobinnope =)
12:38.45Elkanoit's stupid anyways since tictactoe isn't balanced
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12:47.11MikkNerf circles
12:47.22EufeX > O !!!
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12:54.43Eufedid any1 figure out how marsmessageparser works?
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13:23.04koomiEufe: works for me
13:25.54EufeI dont doubt that...I'm just curious how it handles diferent ordering of the parameters in test, franch have diferent ordering than the english etc
13:26.37koomithey do?
13:26.51koomii'm using the english version of wow on a german channel
13:27.00koominot sure how the messages are ordered in german tho
13:29.09Eufeaparently marsmessageparser should handle that automaticly...I just dont get how
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13:31.13koomiEufe: i looked in the code and decided against understanding it ^^
13:33.18koomiplayer position is always 0,0 for instances?
13:33.23koomithat's bad ..
13:37.02Kevorkianthat's probably why mapping mods don't work in instances
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13:39.34MikkEufe: Look at globalstrings.lua in french and german clients. They have numbers in the formatstrings saying which piece of data goes where.
13:39.42KevorkianI wonder why they decided to make mapping non-functional for instances
13:40.10malrethit's not that they decided to make mapping non-functional when in an instance
13:40.16MikkTo make them more of a chellenge? :-)
13:40.19malrethWoW API functions exist for a purpose
13:40.31Kevorkianmikk:  sure... *cough* atlas *cough*
13:40.46malrethsince there are no in-game maps for the instances, there's no reason to provide map position information to the client
13:40.46MikkYeah but with atlas you at least need to be able to read a map and predict where you're headed.
13:41.01MikkYou don't get a blinky dot :-P
13:41.34malrethwith the WoW API, function follows form
13:41.37Kevorkian*shrug*, sorta not that hard to read a map unless you're an idiot (of which granted there are plenty of)
13:41.49Kevorkianmikk:  heh, don't be agitatin' the dots
13:42.28Kevorkianmalreth:  understood, but the decision was made not to provide maps of the instances as well.  which seems a bit silly
13:43.21malrethone could say that one goal in an instance is to 'delve the dungeon' so to speak
13:43.33malrethyou don't provide maps to explorer-types... they make their own maps
13:43.42Kevorkianthat would be.. interesting, if the maps ever changed
13:45.57Kevorkianin any case, my issues with instances and maps has little to do with the maps themselves, those are easy to remember.  It's the fact that I cannot use the map to check on the status of the members of the party/raid.
13:46.20MikkOooooh hey now there's an idea
13:46.45MikkExtended readycheck that automagically checks distances
13:47.02malrethi use perfect raid for that
13:47.08MikkOh, it does that?
13:47.15malrethit grays out raid members if they're >30yds
13:47.19KevorkianI didn't think you could get a distance to target
13:47.23MikkThat you can
13:47.34MikkNot an accurate reading but.... yeah =)
13:47.35malrethyou can get the interact distances to friendly targets
13:49.15Kevorkianya, I've seen that one
13:49.47malrethbtw, you should visit
13:51.02EufeMikk: you know where can I get french, german and spain copy of Globalstrings?
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13:57.38koomihow can i implement something like a timer function if i got no visible frames?
13:57.53koomithe onupdate event doesnt seem to work
13:58.11Eufemake a  dumy frame off screen or just make it transparent
13:58.27koomiEufe: how would i do that?
13:58.44koomioh wait - i guess i just look it up myself :)
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14:26.40koomi why do i get index errors with this?
14:27.29Gellot.damage.unit is first a string, then attempts to be a table
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14:28.33TS|Skroma string with delusions of grandeur :D
14:28.57koomii thought lua would be open to my grand asperations - string wise
14:29.34Gellomaybe you want "unit" to be "player" ?
14:30.04Gellot["damage"] = {} t["damage"]["player"] = {} t["damage"]["player"]["x"]=etc
14:31.51Gelloheya cairenn
14:31.58Cairennhey Gello :)
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14:35.46koomiwhat type of var is returned by GetPlayerPosition? is it a table?
14:36.24Thraekoomi: There are two returns, x and y
14:36.39koomiThrae: how would i store away two return values?
14:36.51TS|Skromlocal x,y = GetPlayerPosition()
14:36.52koomi(scary concept of two return values btw)
14:36.52Thraekoomi: Lua functions can return more then one value. local x,y; x,y = GetPlayerPosition()
14:38.13[Ammo]if x and y are zero that means you're in an instance btw :)
14:38.19[Ammo]or a very good chance of it
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14:50.50koomican lua override functions?
14:50.50koomilike f(x) and f(x,y) would both work?
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14:51.50JoshBorkebut you can do function f(x,y) if not y then end
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14:52.18warlai'm sooo pissed
14:52.21Cidekoomi: what JoshBorke said; all arguments are optional
14:52.23warlamy damn computer died :-(
14:52.42warlafriggin stuff went so hot the parts on the mainboard melted off lol
14:52.54warlathe tin melted and some parts fell off the mainboard
14:53.10koomithanks JoshBorke, Cide
14:53.20warlaall capacitors round.... like tiny balls
14:53.39JoshBorkeoh dear...
14:53.42koomi(can't find it in the api) how to return the current players name?
14:54.29koomi[Ammo]: that was too easy :)
14:54.46Cairennwarla: not good
14:55.29[Ammo]warla: ouch...
14:56.21Mikmapeople don't realize but paladins are rather good in instances
14:56.38Mikmawith the right spec and right blessings they do rock
14:56.40[Ammo]wrong channel mikma :p
14:56.53Cairennwarla: no offense, but how can you computer have gotten that hot without there have been some previous warning signs that there was a problem brewing?
14:56.55Mikmano no i was just thinking
14:57.01[Ammo]ah ok
14:58.42koomican i use something like targetplayer to figure out where the unit is that is targetting the player?
14:59.37JoshBorkekoomi: the lua API knows little to nothing about the 3d world (ie where people are)
15:00.27JoshBorkeyou could do something like when you mouse-over a unit that is targetting you a big red circle pops up where your cursor was
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15:13.24Cairennmay be of interest
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15:17.14Cairennmorning MP
15:18.04JoshBorkeMentalPower|Univ: morning
15:19.25Hexarobiwhooot theyre installing verizon fios on my street!
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15:25.46koomiCairenn: very nice mod
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15:35.48koomiso there is no easy way to figure which units are around a player?
15:38.47malrethkoomi: friendly or enemy?
15:40.10koomiraid or party members should be easy i guess
15:40.56malrethkoomi: only if you have them targeted
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15:41.08JoshBorkekoomi: you can't determine exactly where they are.  You can use CheckInteractDistance() to figure out a rough idea of how far they are from the player
15:42.18malreththe forums are surprisingly responsive today
15:42.54koomiJoshBorke: hmm. if i get melee damage it means the unit must be close to me (or in melee range)
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15:43.12koomiJoshBorke: so i should be able to figure the radius via the type of damage, right?
15:43.18malrethkoomi: that is a reasonably safe assumption
15:43.26JoshBorkekoomi: yes, you can also watch the combatlog to determine distances, but that can be affected by variables that can be reset by other mods
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15:43.38nevcairielonly with magic damage,the mage could be standing ontop of you as well.
15:43.57koominevcairiel: ah. but then we do not like mages, do we? *duck*
15:44.26MoonWolfkoomi, or a hunter is shooting you.
15:44.37koomiMoonWolf: damn those hunters :)
15:44.45koomiok. so this approach will most definitly not work
15:44.56koomibut then hunters need a minimum range to shoot ...
15:45.12nevcairielcheckinteractdistance is not that bad approach, but only works on your target or party/raid
15:46.02nevcairielworks on enemys as well, but only if you target them, or _anyone_ in raid/party targets them.
15:47.02malrethwhat were you trying to do, koomi?
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15:47.27koomimalreth: combat logging
15:47.36malreththat's it?
15:47.39koomibut with position ^^
15:47.43koomimalreth: sure.
15:48.14koomithat's not enough? i'm feeling pretty challenged by the lua api - first mod :)
15:48.56malrethdon't think what you're trying to do is feasible, really. not in all cases
15:49.25JoshBorkekoomi: there is no way to know if someone is behind/infront/to the side of you
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16:12.25Gelloservers appear to be coming up early
16:17.14nevcairielearly is not a word blizzard knows
16:19.28*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
16:20.53TS|SkromAhhhh a clean windows install, is there anything better?
16:25.38cmunnMy server is up :)
16:27.24Kevorkianif the servers are up early that just means they're getting ready to wait until this evening to take them down again in the middle of everybody's raids
16:28.19cmunnTS|Skrom, Yes, a clean OSX install.
16:28.29Kevorkian"oh so sorry, there was an emergency patch to fix a problem with the pixels not aligning on some of the fish textures, I hope you didn't have nef at 3%"
16:34.47zenzelezzhm, which hero does the horde honor in this harvest festival?
16:35.03KamarisMikk: ping
16:35.04cmunnBoo Horde.
16:36.01TS|SkromKeep it up cmunn, you're asking for a beating :P
16:36.32cmunnFor Alune!
16:36.40Mikmacmunn: *kiss*
16:37.07TS|Skromhrm... I can't recall where I got my video and sound drivers for this machine ><
16:37.47cmunnHello, Mikma.
16:37.56Mikmacmunn: nice touch on the OSX :)
16:38.32cmunnI'm sorry, TS|Skrom, if we like quality.
16:39.33cmunnMy WoW has built in iTunes controls. ^_^
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16:41.23Mikmacmunn: same, same.. :)
16:56.24Kevorkianwhat's the max screen resolution you can run wow in
16:56.46cogwheelprobably depends on your video drivers
16:56.58Kevorkianassuming I have very good drivers
16:57.07Kevorkianwhat's the max supported resolution?
16:57.12cogwheelI doubt there is one...
16:57.33cogwheelwith as many different resolutions as there are, it would be silly to impose an arbitrary maximum.
16:57.55Kevorkianmost software does however have a max supported resolution
16:58.09Kevorkianfor fullscreen stuff anyway
16:58.15cogwheelWoW gets its resolutions from windows
16:58.24cogwheel(or MacOS as the case may be)
16:58.42cogwheelWindows limits its resolutions to the max of your monitor
16:59.51cogwheelI've run it in 1920x1280, and i've also run it at 2560x1024
17:00.05Kevorkianfair 'nuff
17:00.17Kevorkianhave to see what my monitor at home is maxed at
17:00.34cogwheelCRT or LCD?
17:00.39Kevorkiancrt alas
17:00.55cogwheelWell, you're not going to gain much of an advantage beyond a certain point
17:01.14KevorkianI'm not interested in running it that high, I just need the high rez for screen caps
17:01.51Kevorkianmaking bumper stickers, and to make something that doesn't look hideously ugly you need at least 300 DPI
17:01.57cogwheelHeh... One time I turned up all the video options at 1920x1280 at work to take a screenshot.... i got about 1/3 fps XD
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17:03.18Kevorkianif need be I can find a guildie with better hardware to take the caps I need but it would be easier to take them myself
17:10.13MikkKamaris: pong
17:22.15MentalPower|UnivI hate physics!
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17:25.52Kevorkiannot to worry, physics probably hates you right back
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17:29.30warlathis mind sound stupid... but my comp died today so i build a new one together.... i put in 2 Harddrives (master + slave) and when i installed Win XP it formatted one of the 2 harddrives it showed.. so win xp is installed and now i need to know how i can format the second harddrive
17:29.57warlasince its new i dont see it on the workspace
17:30.27cogwheelControl panel->Administrative tools->Computer Management
17:30.53cogwheelthen choos the Disk Management item on the left
17:31.23warlasnap my winxp is in german.. how does the symbol look like from "Administrative tools"
17:32.00warlaohh found it
17:32.34warlaAhh yea
17:32.37warlathere it is
17:32.41warlathe unformatted HD
17:32.44warlathanks a ton :-)
17:32.48cogwheelnp :)
17:32.58warlalast time i did format a HD was like 5 years ago
17:33.03warlawith a dos tool callled FDisk
17:33.55Mikkon a sidenote, this was a LOT easier to find in NT4
17:34.04warlaheh i bet
17:34.06MikkWin2k moved it several clicks away for no good reason (imo)
17:34.14warlaif you wouldnt have told me where that is i'd still be searching
17:34.31warlablizzards downloader makes me cry
17:34.47warlawhy do they use a frigign torrent :-/
17:34.53warla465 mb from a torrent = /wrist
17:36.22Xuerianjust download it directly? :P
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17:38.42Kirkburn|VistaMornin' Mikk
17:38.58Kirkburn|VistaI'd recommend the wirebrain site
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17:42.44JoshBorkewow, this is gonna do a while...
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17:59.28KamarisMikk: sweet jesus, i just checked my status window and i have a huge spamfest of "private messages blocked from non-regged users" notices
17:59.39KamarisMikk: give me a min and i'll paste it back to you
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18:00.44KamQuatblood hell
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18:15.54TemKirkburn|Vista, you around?
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18:53.50Kirkburn|VistaTem, yes
18:54.09TemKirkburn|Vista, I figured out what looks off in this version of CF
18:54.26TemGameFontNormalSmall is a different font
18:54.48Kirkburn|VistaIt is?
18:55.24Kirkburn|VistaBold instead of normal?
19:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:08.26Temnot sure lemee see what it really is
19:08.40Temyeah, it's bold now
19:08.54Temwich I dislike
19:09.03Temwhat was it before?
19:09.25TemAlso, I'm not used to the text in UIErrors being italic
19:09.29Temthat's new too
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19:27.15|FF|Im2good4uwuts the command ot cast a speel in a macro ?
19:27.28Kasoor just /cast
19:27.45Kasosecond one needs a line of its own however
19:29.09|FF|Im2good4ukaso how do i add the leve of the speel again ?
19:29.19|FF|Im2good4uRaptor Strike 6 ?
19:29.45JoshBorkeParse the tooltip/action item/spellbook when it is clicked
19:29.47KasoCastSpellByName("Spell(Rank 5)")
19:29.58JoshBorkeoh, woops, read that wrong...
19:32.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
19:32.13Kirkburn|VistaTem, just edit the code =)
19:32.29Temtoo lazy
19:32.41TemI want it to look like it did yesterday before I erased my addons directory
19:32.57Kirkburn|VistaIt takes about 30 seconds, c'mon :(
19:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
19:36.04Kevorkianjosh:  did you get your KB addon working?
19:36.56JoshBorkebeen too busy to work on the synchronisation part
19:37.06JoshBorkei released the standalone version though
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19:48.06Thiana~seen Mikk
19:48.22purlmikk is currently on #wowi-lounge (23h 54m 15s) #wowace (23h 54m 15s). Has said a total of 41 messages. Is idling for 2h 9m 49s, last said: ''.
19:52.01FISKER_Q~seen mikord
19:52.06purlmikord <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 11d 15h 37m 58s ago, saying: 'Gotta hit the sack. Night guys'.
19:53.12TS|SkromKirkburn|Vista I love and all... but why does the french and german one get such a nice looking picture on it's main page and we get the little orc?
19:54.11Kirkburn|VistaBureaucracy, mainly
19:55.30TS|Skromjust checking :D
19:55.56Kirkburn|VistaSoon it shall come to pass ... hopefully :)
20:02.18TS|SkromNone here... going to have to go forage, bbl.
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20:17.03Kirkburn|VistaSkrom|Lunch, stay away from my juniper bush!
20:18.00TS|Skrommmmm juniper /droooool
20:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge JFitz (
20:21.47ThraeFor a second there, I thought you were talking about that Disney cartoon, "Juniper Lee", about a 12-year old...
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20:29.26JoshBorkeok back!
20:34.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
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21:02.06AnduinLotharquestion... is there a way to tell what kind of bag something is? like if it only hold enchanting supplies and what not? Or is size the only indication on the lua side?
21:03.10TS|Skromis there a Tooltip:SetBag() that you could pull the name from?
21:04.07cogwheelAnduinLothar: take a look at BuyEmAll code :)
21:05.00cogwheelSpecifically the very last function called FreeBagSpace
21:05.04AnduinLothari can pull name easy enough
21:05.17AnduinLotharor tooltip scan
21:05.21AnduinLotharor get id
21:06.23AnduinLotharIs Fubar hosted anywhere other than wowi?
21:07.31AnduinLotharah sweet, thx cog. Container type will work well. I take it that string is unlocalized
21:08.43warlai swear i saw your name somewhere
21:08.48warladid you make any addon?
21:08.57AnduinLotharWTB wowi links that are just<AddonName>
21:10.55AnduinLotharjust a few
21:10.57Kirkburn|Vistawarla, he's also a major character in WC ;) /me waves at the famous guy. "Hello famous guy"
21:11.10axxogz me, shadowbolted myself to death
21:11.33Kirkburn|VistaGenerally it's a good idea ot target someone else when attacking :P
21:11.39axxoi was!
21:11.44axxobut it reflected :\
21:11.44AnduinLotharAQ40 mobs
21:11.50AnduinLotharReflect Shadow
21:12.49AnduinLothari love watching warlocks die from their own curse of doom
21:12.49Kirkburn|VistaWas watching my hosuemate attempt AQ40 earlier ... damn hard, it is
21:12.49cogwheelHeh... doesn't your name violate the naming policy? ;)
21:12.49Kirkburn|VistaThey've not got past Skeram yet, but there were only 30 of them anyway
21:12.50Kirkburn|Vistacogwheel, don't remind him!
21:12.52AnduinLotharnot when I chose it. there was no naming policy. they made me change it about 4 months ago tho
21:13.12Kirkburn|VistaWas it really that long ago? Wow ...
21:13.23AnduinLotharbeginning of summer
21:13.29AnduinLotharjune i think
21:13.46cogwheelthat doesn't seem very long ago to me :P considering i'd been playing for a year and a half before then...
21:14.34Kirkburn|VistaI spy WinAceUpdater :O Whee
21:14.44AnduinLotharnow my pally main is Wraithhammer in game. But changing my name on 40+ addons and well established online identity didn't sound like fun.
21:15.07Kirkburn|VistaI think two names is enough already :P
21:15.07cogwheelno kidding
21:15.22AnduinLotharso i post from a lvl 1 alt named Anduinlothar that no one's reported
21:16.23AnduinLotharKarlKFI has been my SN and online identity since my days of Starcraft and Diablo modding
21:17.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran[Away] (n=Knightki@
21:44.08AnduinLotharJust posted the latest Wardrobe which contained the Fubar Plugin if anyone's interested
21:46.20JoshBorkeo.O you...FuBar...o.O
21:46.23JoshBorkei still use itemrack :-D
21:46.36lacindasme too, love itemrack
21:46.51XuerianItemrack <3 ^_^
21:47.15XuerianNothing against the other equiment, management mods, but :P
21:47.43lacindasyeah, same ;P
21:47.58lacindasits all personal preference, some people love one hate another, etc etc
21:48.12lacindasdiversity is good ;)
21:49.43Kiroval sullied his hands with Ace?
21:49.52KirovThis is a bright new day
21:51.00JoshBorkeKirov: indeed!
21:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
21:52.52KirovNow I'm just waiting for an Ace2 Cosmos and AceGUI Khaos
21:52.53Xuerianlol Kirov, heya Qzot.
21:53.14CideKirov: AceMos2?
21:53.37TS|SkromI believe the sentiment you are seeking is "choo choo get on board"
21:53.42QzotAce2 IE Virus Installer
21:54.05Xuerian"CT_AceMos2". Just visualize it as a patchwork golem.
21:54.24TS|Skromdoes it rampage every 7 minutes?
21:54.41KirovIf Rowne was still around I could see him making an Ace virus that installed a keylogger if it saw the user had Cosmos installed as well.
21:54.42XuerianDepends on the phase of the moon.
21:55.13QzotFR rings. Worth getting one for Rag and BWL if my FR is 154?
21:55.15Kirov(note, Ace, as Rowne was very much against an embedable Ace)
21:55.26axxoQzot: get the mc quest one, thats it
21:55.35QzotTidal loop?
21:55.39axxoand even then, don't use it :p
21:55.39KirovQzot - My FR is 80 something.
21:55.51KirovI clear MC and BWL weekly
21:56.04KirovUnless you're an MT, it doesn't matter much
21:56.05QzotYou probably have better average gear than my guild.
21:56.07axxofr is only important when learning the encounters
21:56.11axxoafter that you dont really need it
21:56.14KirovQzot - 8/8 ds ...
21:56.29QzotYeah. And the rest of your guild to boot.
21:56.29Kirov6k hp when buffed
21:56.39QzotWe're typically 4/8 tier 1.
21:56.49KirovQzot - the rest of my guild is still trying to get geared up from blues.
21:57.17CideQzot: what class?
21:57.19KirovI broke off of a large raiding guild as it was imploding and helped start a new guild.
21:57.44QzotDruid. After MC is put on farm status, I'm hoping to be MT or OT.
21:57.50CideI've never needed more than ~100 FR as a priest, though I can get ~200 if I really need
21:57.55Cideas a tank you want 315
21:58.10Cidemainly for firemaw in BWL
21:58.21Cideand vael obviously
21:58.28QzotTall order. There are 3 crafted leather pieces I can get, but they're not going to bring me to 315.
21:58.40QzotI doubt I'll be tanking BWL any time soon.
21:58.58Cidewe've rogues with 315, so it's definitely possible
21:59.18QzotYeah, it is. But it requires some MC drops as well as crafted pieces.
21:59.34QzotMolten helm, Lava belt, some boots, too.
21:59.48QzotBut then you need the Salamander Scale pants, or some such.
22:00.15AnduinLotharActually I didn't write the ace ;)
22:00.22AnduinLotharNemes and I collaborated
22:00.33AnduinLotharhe's the orig WardrobeFu author
22:00.42Corrodiasthe druid buff's +27 fire resist is pretty pale in comparison to the 315 you want
22:00.47AnduinLotharso now it's updated and contained
22:00.59Esamynnok, this post made me giggle just a little:;jsessionid=356DC6A22709E549908EAE092B3AFD3F?topicId=30047696&sid=1
22:01.06Mr_Rabies2+20 untalented, corridas, which makes about 0 difference in the long run
22:01.58Mr_Rabies2i tried to link the tome of turtlemorph from alphaloot and got d/ced :x
22:02.29AnduinLotharand for the record I don't use Fubar and only use Titan when Debugging Wardrobe, since it already had Titan support when I took it over
22:03.14AnduinLotharhowever I am a slave to the user. And I take code donations
22:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
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22:21.53Mr_Rabies2grarrgh if only there was an addon that did this work for me :[
22:22.34Mr_Rabies2i'm rolling through atlasloot to see how much of an improvement certain items from instances are, and all this math is driving me batty, trying to add up the AP
22:25.31JoshBork1yea, someone needs to make a mod that will let you build 'test' outfits using information that is cached on your machine
22:29.11Mr_Rabies2well, theorycraft kinda has one
22:29.33Mr_Rabies2but it's a pain to do it through atlasloot and stuff, easier just to add it up in your head
22:37.26QzotHmm. What about an addon to slowly leak all your cached links across the guild addon channel?
22:37.39QzotIs there a way you could do that safely?
22:37.50KirovItemDB does that
22:38.09Kirovnot across guild, but a hidden global
22:38.29QzotHow hidden?
22:38.32JoshBork1bye all
22:38.35*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
22:39.04KirovQzot - old-ctra style last I looked
22:39.16MentalPowerKirov: how do you do link validation with a global channel?
22:39.21KirovYou'd have to look yourself or ask Elkano next time he's here.
22:39.37QzotEww. I really try to avoid addons that take an extra channel. And I thought those channels didn't permit links?
22:39.45QzotAh. Clarification:
22:39.46KirovThey don't
22:40.07QzotI'm trying to send real links, so that everyone's cache is brought up-to-date.
22:40.40QzotWell, I'm not trying. Not going to take the time to implement here. Just thinking out loud.
22:40.58MentalPowerItemizer is going to do that, but only for Guild/Raid
22:41.12KirovMentalPower - and that'll be done when?
22:41.13QzotI think Guild/Raid is an excellent choice.
22:41.15MentalPowerI'm not going to bother doing it in global, too much hassle
22:41.51MentalPowerKirov: soon (tm)
22:42.15KirovIs that Blizzard soon, Valve soon, or 3D Realms soon?
22:42.46MentalPowerhmm... I only know Blizzard soon, how do Valve and 3dRealms define it?
22:43.58TainDuke Nuke'm Forever!
22:44.01zenzelezz3DRealms also don't know soon
22:45.00zenzelezzI dislike the way Valve changed TF2
22:45.45Kirkburn|VistaTF was always cartoony
22:45.49KirovValve soon is around a year, 3D Realms soon is somewhere between forever and never.
22:45.59Kirkburn|VistaAren't there enough army games around already?
22:46.07zenzelezzKirk: no - not the way it was being made back in 2000
22:46.11zenzelezzthen it was a serious type game
22:46.17Kirkburn|VistaThat's why I said TF, not TF2 :P
22:46.40zenzelezzno-one said anything about normal TF :-o
22:46.46Kirkburn|VistaI did ;)
22:47.26Kirkburn|Vistazenzelezz, but there's already hundreds of realistic army-style games around, can you really take another?
22:47.45zenzelezzyes, because most of them suck
22:47.50KirovThe original TF looked awesome when they first released screenshots.
22:47.58MentalPowerKirov: then its blizzard soon :)
22:47.59zenzelezzTF2 was looking promising back then(tm)
22:48.09KirovMentalPower - ~3 months
22:48.37MentalPowermaybe faster than that, depends on where I stop adding features
22:48.46Cairenncan I kill the blizz ui forum
22:48.51Cairennpretty please?
22:49.17Kirkburn|VistaWhich implement would you like to use?
22:49.23Kirkburn|VistaI can offer you cheeesewire?
22:49.38zenzelezzsomeone being an asshat on the UI forum again?
22:49.39Cairenn*sobs at the stupidity*
22:49.45MentalPowerCairenn: why?
22:49.48Kirkburn|VistaThere's a great offer on Uzis today
22:49.49QzotCairenn: Would that not be redundant?
22:49.58QzotCairenn: I think Blizzard beat you to it.
22:50.36QzotCairenn: Except that you would be more merciful, and give it a *quick*, obvious death, rather than leave it in a brain-dead, vegetative state.
22:51.07Qzot(Is my irrascibility showing? :P )
22:51.10CairennLike, seriously, I'd so love to go completely off on some of those people some days
22:51.32CairennHi, you're a complete and utter MORON, grow a BRAIN
22:51.48Esamynn~comfort Cairenn
22:51.49purlThere, there, Cairenn.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:51.57QzotImagine the planning meeting for the current forums...
22:52.13Qzot"Lots of new features. Who cares if you can access them."
22:52.49CairennQzot: it isn't the actual forums themselves (although they can be frustrating enough) but more so a lot of the complete and utter idiotic posts
22:53.11QzotAh. I'm irritated by the underlying mechanics, and not being able to view the posts.
22:53.23Cairennthe last three posts (not counting mine) of that thread just ... argh
22:53.34Cairennthe last one is simply unbelievable
22:53.48Cairennhow the hell do you "bump" a stickied thread? *boggle*
22:54.14Qzot"We know that people often come to the forums, frustrated by some issue in the game. With judicious use of web technology, we can so frustrate them, that by the time they give up, they are no longer frustrated at the *game*.
22:54.32Esamynnthe bump is just sad
22:54.50Cairennif you mean pathetic, you're right
22:55.27Cairennoh how I wish I had moderation abilities on the forum
22:55.38Esamynnor at least on that particular thread ;)
22:55.42Cairennat the very least, on my sticky threads
22:56.19QzotMeh. Everything in moderation, eh?
22:56.43CairennQzot: apparently not on the Blizz forums ... idiocy abounds
22:56.52Cairennlater Esamynn|Away
22:56.55IndustrialWhat was the addon that remembers AH sale prizes for you again?
22:57.08QzotBeanCounter, I think.
22:57.10CairennKCI? Auctioneer?
22:58.42Esamynndon't mind the random disconnects, wireless is being flakey
22:58.43Industrialno, one that saves your actuon prize settings for items
22:58.49Industrialso you wont have to refill the form every time
22:58.55Industrialif you are mass auctioning
22:59.00Industrial(eg 500 linen cloth :P)
22:59.06CairennIgore's Mass auction
22:59.15Industrialta :)
23:00.13CairennWas that the one you were thinking of?
23:01.23zenzelezzAuctioneer remembers my prices for me at least
23:02.02CairennAuctioneer & KCI both remember for me as well, last I checked them, but when he said "mass auctioning" I thought perhaps he was thinking of Igor's
23:02.31CairennIndustrial: so?
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23:04.29IndustrialCairenn: yes, thanks :)
23:04.39CairennIndustrial: cool, you're welcome
23:04.52CairennIndustrial: hope it still works, no idea though, hasn't been updated in a while
23:10.41MentalPowerCairenn: thanks for reminding me to update Auctioneer on WoWI
23:10.58CairennMentalPower: heh, np :p
23:12.02Esamynn~lart MentalPower
23:12.31QzotMentalPower: Are you gonna be the one implementing the Auctioneer search predicate hooks?
23:12.55MentalPowerif not me vindicator, but most probably me
23:20.20Esamynnlater all, off to class for me
23:22.06QzotMentalPower: Any chance of you building it as a patch to the existing version, and letting me try to play with it? I could even contribute back some standard filters that might be useful.
23:27.39cmunndefine lart?
23:27.52cmunn~define lart
23:27.56purlUse ~dict for definitions.
23:28.02cmunn~dict lart
23:29.18cmunn~lart purl
23:29.27cmunnHeh, figured that would happen.
23:33.30MikkBad dictionary entry
23:34.09MikkA LART is a personal thing. Some prefers a trusty two-by-four, others more direct means. Whatever works for you.
23:46.37MentalPowerQzot: We're currently trying to stabilize the trunk (since we just changed the database format). Once thats done I can add the remaining features.
23:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:58.46MentalPowerOk, which version is fastest?
23:58.54MentalPowerthe first one or the second?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.