irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061002

00:01.33abugI can't remember, does a frame need to be visible to receive events?
00:01.46abugI know for OnUpdates it does
00:02.13abugbut for events it doesn't right?
00:08.17JoshBorkeabug: it can be hidden to receive events
00:09.47KirkburnCheck out the WoWWiki's main page :D
00:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KrteK (
00:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (
00:18.35abugbut I'm soo lazy
00:18.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Shabador (
00:27.45Tem_Kirkburn, is that logo new?
00:27.55KirkburnMade by Mikk
00:28.06Temvery nice
00:28.20Temnow get someone to make a logo for where the orc's head is
00:28.24KirkburnHe spent aaages on it
00:29.49TemKirkburn, my vote is on 4,5 or 7
00:30.29KirkburnOoh, I hadn't seen number 11 ... I like that one :P
00:31.09Temactually, I think like #4 the best
00:31.22Tembut it dosn't fit the site as well as 5 or 7
00:31.54KirkburnWell, hopefully we'll get it to a vote soon :)
00:32.22Temthat was my next question, how/where do I vote?
00:32.52KirkburnIt's not been started yet
00:33.16RallionI definitely like 7
00:33.36TemI think I'm gonna put my vote on 5
00:39.05JoshBorkeblah, where's mikk when you need him...
00:48.19KirkburnAsleep, most likely
00:48.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:49.05*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
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01:05.13JoshBorketata for now
01:05.32Cairennlater JoshBorke
01:05.45WobinIf I SetAllPoints a frame to another frame, then move the 'other' frame, the first frame won't move, unless I reparent them together, yes?
01:06.41eternally777Were they parented originally?
01:07.25WobinI'm using the first as a 'reference' frame to snap back to if the second frame (upon moving) doesn't meet certain criteron
01:07.53eternally777I have no idea.  Please let me know what happens though :)
01:07.58Wobinwil do =)
01:18.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
01:54.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
02:00.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:10.40Cairennevening Iriel
02:14.16KirovIriel - that most recent version has a couple of minor bugs.  Don't merge it in to your version yet.
02:14.47IrielOk, I have a whole bunch of chores to do this evening so you've got some time before I'll be able to anyway
02:21.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:24.36Temhey Iriel, whatever happened to vdump?
02:24.50Temthe no-time monster eat it?
02:26.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
02:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
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03:03.03KirovIs there any way to future proof code right now for the # operator?
03:05.05clad|sleepuse table.maxn
03:05.10clad|sleeprather, write a table.max
03:08.44Kirovalso, why would gsub get mad at string.char(3)
03:10.48Kirovactually, table.max isn't useful for me because it's for string.len
03:11.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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03:18.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
03:18.59MentalPowerAnyone know of a good SVN client for Mac?
03:19.14Temwhy bother?
03:19.41Temwhy would a peice of fruit need to work on a shared project?
03:19.42MentalPowerbecause I need one to recomend to one of our new devs/
03:20.08TemI think there was one called like XSVN or something
03:20.12Temone sec I'll look it up
03:20.20MentalPowerthanks Tem
03:20.22Tem(damned fruid)
03:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
03:40.13TemMentalPower, there are two listed heree
03:40.18TemSmartSVN and RapidSVN
03:40.49MentalPower_thanks Tem
03:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
03:49.06Kirovok, so who wants the lzw lib?
03:50.04WobinKirov: Me!
03:50.32AnduinLotharis it on wowi?
03:50.40WobinAye, pop it up on wowi
03:50.41Kirovnot yet
03:50.47AnduinLotharput it on wowi so i know where to find it when i have time to look at it
03:51.05AnduinLotharok, I need a word for 'all here'
03:51.37AnduinLotharno, more like all the pieces are present and accounted for
03:51.48Wobinall y'all
03:51.53Cairennlol Wobin
03:51.58TemWobin, we don't say all yall
03:51.58AnduinLotharintact is close..
03:52.08TemKarl, are you doing a crossword?
03:52.24AnduinLotharno, i need a variable name. and i'm very picky about my variables
03:52.38Wobinmeh, there's a word I'm looking for
03:52.42Wobintip of my tongue
03:52.47AnduinLotharcomplete is better
03:52.48abugyour variables have you well trained
03:52.49Wobinkinda like intact
03:53.28THUNDER_CHILDassembeled? (cant spell)
03:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
03:54.19AnduinLotharthanks cair. i know how to use a thesorus
03:54.21abugpfft women, always asking for directions
03:55.02Wobinhehe virginal
03:55.36AnduinLotharok, now i need a good antinym meaning 'availible to be here, but aren't here yet'
03:55.59Wobinso, the opposite?
03:56.13Wobinincomplete =P
03:56.39AnduinLotharnah, incomplete doesn't convey that it could be complete giving some small change
03:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
03:57.32AnduinLotharmmm i dont think the word exists.. i need to make one up
03:57.35TemI think I'm about to call my ISP and complain
03:57.41Temthis crap has been going all day
03:57.57Temcan't even kill a boss in BWL before I get kicked
03:58.21abug~cheese Tem
03:58.25AnduinLotharok how about 'complete somewhere else'?
03:58.29abug~bonk Tem
03:58.30purlACTION bonks Tem over the head
03:58.54TemAnduinLothar, what *are* you working on?
03:59.16AnduinLotharmy vocabulary
03:59.27abugI think he's calculating pi
03:59.28AnduinLotharbut actually it's a bank management addon
04:00.02AnduinLotharso i have sets that cna either be complete in the bank or complete in the bags or partial both places or complete both places or not complete anywhere..
04:00.34AnduinLotharand i have two variables for each side, meanign 4 variables to express all those states
04:00.50AnduinLotharand they have two names
04:01.14Wobinincomplete implies that there is a possible way to complete it
04:01.19AnduinLotharbut one variable signifies complete/incomplete and the other signifies whether it's complete in the other place
04:02.05AnduinLotharcomplete works for one.. maybe 'available' for tha other?
04:02.39AnduinLotharyeah that should work, thx
04:02.52AnduinLotharhard expressing abstract containment in english
04:03.26AnduinLothareverything in klignon involves war or battle or pain
04:03.49abugsomething wrong with that?
04:03.57AnduinLotharnot abstract enough
04:04.02Kirovping Cairenn
04:04.10Cairennpong Kirov
04:04.23Kirovlzw lib submitted
04:04.38abuglibrary addon?
04:04.44CairennKirov: your point?
04:05.36CairennKirov: ;)
04:05.42abugoo sexy
04:05.56abugdoes that use bitlib?
04:06.33Kirovwritten originally by a friend, converted over to lua by myself
04:06.39Temls works on macs, yes?
04:06.48abugis it embeddable or standalone?
04:07.14abuggood stuff
04:07.26AnduinLotharthx kirov
04:07.28Kirovin a craptastic embeddable method
04:07.45AnduinLotharget it to be chat safe and i'll love you more
04:07.49Kirovif lzw or lzw.version < version then overwrite!
04:07.54KirovAnduinLothar - it is
04:07.56Wobintis apparatnly =)
04:08.03KirovThat's what took the extra day
04:08.15Kirovlzw:compress(string, 1)
04:08.16AnduinLotharok, i'll look at it for use in PQ if mira doesn't want the job
04:08.55KirovWorks best on really really long strings.
04:10.20KirovBut it is fairly fast.
04:11.27Wobinso, say I have a chat addon that stores conversations in a table format
04:11.44Wobinhow best to use your library? Serialise them into a string then compress?
04:12.14KirovThe longer the string, the better the compression is likely to be.
04:12.36WobinI wonder if I can do cascading compressing
04:12.45Wobinso it only decompresses when it hits that string...
04:14.14Wobinat the moment, wth my addon, I pass a time period to the object which then returns conversations within that time period
04:14.33WobinI'm wondering if I can do this so that it only decompresses on demand, as such
04:15.03Wobinrather than doing the whole table and then pulling it out
04:15.23KirovOh, so keep the string compressed until you want to see it
04:15.39Wobinyeah basically =)
04:16.31KirovI'd keep a header on the string denoting the compressed / uncompressed state
04:17.31Kirovjust like have the first character be 0 for normal strings and strip it out when you display, otherwise 1.
04:17.48Kirovif string.find(string,"^1") then decompress
04:23.05abugthink it would be worth it to compress less commonly used functions in addons?
04:23.55abuglike put compressed strings directly into your addon in place of the functions and have the functions be stubs to call the decompression of the function's actual contents
04:25.05abugmaybe just for the first time the function is called
04:25.17abugcould cut down on load times maybe
04:27.46abugsort of like a winzip archive of all your functions
04:32.01abugon the negative side though it would mean your code would be obfuscated to hell
04:33.22Wobinnot really
04:33.32Wobinthe compression would be ingame... wouldn't it?
04:34.46abugmight have to run it through a non-wow lua parser then
04:34.59abugotherwise you probably wouldn't be able to use the output
04:35.07abugto copy it to your addon file
04:38.56Kirovyou can run code from a string and inject it in to the world.
04:39.38abugyeah I'm saying take the compressed strings from your function bodies and put those in place of the actual functions
04:40.13Kirovhonestly, wouldn't do much.
04:40.18abugprobably not
04:40.23Kirovprobably make it slower.
04:41.24abugwould make it harder for people to read your code though
04:41.40abugalthough it would be quite easy for them to decompress it
04:42.17Kirovnot if you include your own compression table
04:42.21Kirovand compress that
04:43.25abugI wonder if slouken would remove bitlib
04:44.09abugif people kept obfuscating their addons like that
04:44.35KirovIt's not dangerous, not really anyways.
04:44.49JoshBorkemikk in here?
04:44.56abugthink you could make a sexy proof of concept for that?
04:45.16Kirovabug - heh, no
04:45.21Cairennnight guys
04:45.25Kirovnight Cairenn
04:45.32JoshBorkenight Cairenn
04:45.35JoshBorkesweet dreams
04:45.36Temnight Cair
04:49.01abugare you luke or ben, kirov?
04:49.14Kirovabug - Ben
04:49.20abugnice to meet you Ben
04:49.36KirovLuke is my friend, aka Vorik.
04:49.50Kirovnote the similarities in names
04:50.07KirovHis is a random generated name, mine is me being lazy
04:50.21KirovHumorously, mine actually means something
04:52.03abugah you got lucky then
04:52.17KirovNot really
04:52.20KirovIt's a russian ballet
04:54.02abugand a russian city heh
04:55.15krkasounds more like a vodka brand
04:58.34KirovIriel - around?
05:06.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
05:06.17Enddoes anyone know the name of the little map that appears in battlegrounds?
05:06.42CrispixAnyone any good at math?
05:07.33KirovOoo ooo!  I'm not!
05:08.55Crispixoh my.. God
05:09.03CrispixI played WoW for 17 hours and 20 minutes today
05:09.53AnduinLotharBlizzard_BattlefieldMinimap addon
05:10.06abug+1 AnduinLothar
05:16.04AnduinLotharwhooo enless loop
05:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
05:41.31IrielKirov - I am now
05:43.03KirovIriel - the options menu is more functional now, but are we moving to a single state or 2 state options?
05:44.27IrielKirov: I think I prefer maintaining states as on/off - possibly with some logic to allow the collection state to be toggled at least in one direction (on) from the display options
05:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
05:56.12MentalPowernight all
06:00.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn__ (n=jbcc@
06:02.58*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
06:26.47Corrodiasgod, i love living on a low pop realm
06:26.57Aenslaedwhys that?
06:27.19deciprobably less comp for quest mobs!
06:27.21Corrodiasi don't have to wait 30 minutes to log in every time i change addon files or something
06:27.31decioh and that :P
06:28.02Aenslaedeh? I'm on a high pop realm and I dont have queues
06:28.56Corrodiaswhen they get high enough, people have queues to login
06:29.12Corrodiasactually, e't goes between low and high throughout the day, but at least it never hits "full"
06:41.21IrielNight all
06:42.53AnduinLotharya for global variables caused by typos
06:43.08Temyay for grep + luac -l
06:43.27Temor luac -l | grep, I should say
06:45.50AnduinLotharoi typos owning me tonight
06:46.23AnduinLotharthe code is ugly enough as it is without adding typo bugs that make it MORE difficult to debug
06:50.52AnduinLotharyay item and stack swappign algorithm complete
06:50.58AnduinLotharnow to make it more use friendly
06:52.17KirovAnduinLothar - what're you working on?
06:53.55AnduinLotharfinally got the stack swapping algorithm down. took me 3 days to write it
06:54.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
06:54.28AnduinLotharand it still has some quirks, but is good enough for a first pass
06:54.52AnduinLotharand doesn't need a timer or delay for stack compression
06:55.06AnduinLotharto i might add that later
06:55.42AnduinLotharI need to pollish up the 'Edit Mode' and add set creation/deletion. already have modification down
06:56.07AnduinLotharand maybe a chekcbox for each set to move items into the back of the bags instead of the front
06:57.22AnduinLotharthe first problem is I have the border/bg for the second collumn actually in the background texture.. so i'll have to make an overlay backdrops
06:58.25zenzelezzI'm astounded by the spam I get on Gmail... not so much the amount, but that it's only ever the same two mails, with some tiny variations in spelling
07:04.49AnduinLothardesigned to cicumvent filters no doubt
07:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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07:50.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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08:00.24|FF|Im2good4uwow updates sux becase i got to take an other 2 hour to read the new licenses :(
08:01.19Meryyou could just check the date and see that its still the same license as last time
08:03.53KirkburnWhat licenses? I see only two screens of gobbledegook ...
08:15.35Corrodiashaving trouble figuring out how to capture a tower in EPL, here. :(
08:16.02Corrodias|FF|Im2good4u: note the "last modified" date listed at the top of the documents. if they haven't been updated for this patch, you don't need to reread them.
08:30.28|FF|Im2good4uomg guys dont take it so serruis no1 ever reads those licences anyway :P
09:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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09:58.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ancoron|away (n=bla@toaster.amadeus.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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12:55.17Corrodiasi'd never even heard of the earthen ring or of the brotherhood of the light until i reached light's hope chapel.
12:57.25zenzelezzneither had I
13:09.11zenzelezzsometimes I wonder what it's like to be a roleplayer
13:09.28zenzelezz"so that rough on your back makes you more likely to dodge attacks?" "uh... yeah..."
13:19.14Corrodiasmm. woodchuck draft cider. i like.
13:34.07Corrodiaswell, i finally bought my epic riding skill on my main
13:35.15Corrodiasi made sure i had some gold left over, ending up with about 47g remaining
13:35.26Corrodiaswell, time to sleep. 'ni
13:44.13WobinAnyone know anything about Lzw compression?
13:44.21Wobin(ie, Kirov's lib)
13:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal- (
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13:53.33malrethhello, malreth
13:55.09*** join/#wowi-lounge nuOHEP (
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13:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:56.30TS|SkromMorning all
13:57.39malrethwhy hello there, Wobin.
13:59.01*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
14:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-92209896a48b75af)
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14:18.17JoshBorkehrmph, still no mikk...
14:25.40*** join/#wowi-lounge koomi (
14:26.23koomii'm looking for a tracker/logger mod that keeps track of player/npc/mob position and tracks damage, spells, etc
14:26.29koomiis something similar around?
14:26.37koomii knwo damage meter but i want to export the data
14:27.27JoshBorkekoomi: you can use something like metamap+ctmod to keep track of npc/herb position
14:27.46JoshBorkekoomi: to my knowledge, there is no mod that keeps track of both damage meter type information and position
14:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
14:28.27koomii tried to get down and dirty with lua once but found it rather scary :) is the place to start?
14:29.21zenzelezznot to learn lua
14:32.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
14:32.32koomiMoonWolf: thanks
14:33.10koomii thought i saw a ide/emulator for the wow events/api stuff
14:33.20koomianyone know where i find it?
14:33.27koomi(sorry for bugging you guys)
14:33.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
14:34.20CairennWoWBench perhaps?
14:34.35Cairennor else WoW UI Designer:
14:35.05Cairennand not a problem, that's what the channel is about - authors helping authors (or wanna bes ;) )
14:35.58koomii'm not sure if i want to be a wannebe dev :)
14:39.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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14:46.46MoonWolfkooni, everybody starts from scratch
14:46.59JoshBorkethat's not true! my mod was given to me!
14:47.11CairennJoshBorke: hush, you aren't helping
14:47.18MoonWolfbut did you wake up knowing lua instantly some day ?
14:47.29JoshBorkei was BORN with the knowledge :-D
14:48.08JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
14:48.09purlACTION hugs Cairenn
14:49.10JoshBorkepurl kiss Cairenn
14:49.11purlACTION forces Cairenn to give Hatsuki a big kiss on the neck
14:49.34JoshBorkewho's this hatsuki guy Cairenn, eh? EH?!
14:50.06*** join/#wowi-lounge CrimsonD3m0n (
14:50.49Cairennyou're the one playing with the bot, don't look at me :p
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15:01.52koomii can i reload my mod in wowbench?
15:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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15:41.03Cairennmorning End
15:41.23Cairennhow was your weekend?
15:41.28Endit was good
15:41.58EndI really need to go to bed earlier though, this waking up thing is a bit too painful
15:42.18Cairennheh, I hear ya on that one
15:47.26zenzelezzgoing to bed isn't enough, I need to start going to sleep
15:47.46zenzelezzinstead of watching TV
15:55.56KirkburnWhee, my G15 has arrived
15:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
16:06.03koomiwhich channels does LoggingChat log? just the "main" chat window?
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16:32.44JoshBorkeNightdew: good-morning
16:46.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Vanesco (
16:46.34Vanescohi guys.. is it possible to stop all spell casts on the target selected if the target has pvp enabled?
16:46.56Vanescoi'm a priest.. and i dont want to heal/buff guys with pvp enabled
16:53.35MeryStopping a spell needs a hardware event (keypress) like casting now. I'm not sure about preventing a spell from beeing cast at all (that should be possible). However this is a wonderful suggestion to be placed in the suggestions forum.
16:54.13VanescoMery: thanks, i'll go there
16:55.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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17:10.18malrethwoot! gonzo digimation is gonna do a version of romeo and juliet
17:13.18malrethoh crap! i just realized I don't know how to read japanese!
17:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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17:32.47IndustrialHow do I access the GNS as a table again?
17:33.11malrethglobal name space?
17:33.22malrethlocal _G = getfenv(0)
17:33.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:33.39malreth_G["whatever"..i] etc
17:33.48malrethor _G.Whatever
17:33.57IndustrialI know how tables work :p
17:34.02malrethbut never sodomize(_G)
17:34.07Industrial*badoom tisch*
17:34.27malreththank you thank you. i be here all week. try the veal!
17:35.14Industrial(thats vim regex)
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17:57.12krkai just made an addon for automatically changing actionbar page, based on custom conditions... anyone want to make a gui for it? :)
17:57.16krkasince i really really suck at ti
17:57.23krkashouldn't be too much work
17:57.46lacindashowdy folks :)
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18:14.18TS|Skromoh man, I just heard the worst news ever
18:14.50TS|SkromThey are bringing back 7th heaven for another season ><
18:16.48krkaOMG NO
18:24.39Industrialkrka: PM!
18:26.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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18:34.21koomii'm stuck here (3hrs newbie): i try to use MarsMessageParser. Added MarsMessageParser to my xml (<script ..>) and register my function in OnLoad .. but i always gezt MarsMessageParser_RegisterFunction (nil value)
18:34.29koomii don't understand why it's not loaded#
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18:38.21Irielkoomi: Check Logs\FrameXML.log
18:38.35Irielkoomi: And be sure youve exited and restarted wow since you put your files in place
18:38.44malrethhow to disarm an atomic bomb:
18:38.54malrethmy favorite is step 5
18:38.59koomiIriel: i'm using wowbench
18:40.31koomioh. i think some files were not properly parsed and stuck around in cache
18:52.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
18:54.01Kirov*mrph* isn't responding
18:54.33Dolby-wowiaye its down atm. working to get to back up
18:54.43KirovDolby-wowi - work faster!
18:56.05Industrialkrka: !
18:58.00Industrialoh fs ill ask here
18:58.02Industrial20:22 <Industrial>
18:58.02Industrial20:22 <Industrial> I wann change bar pages
18:58.02Industrial20:23 <Industrial> but it wont change back
18:58.02Industrial20:23 <Industrial> also, would that work for druid?
18:58.04Industrial20:23 <Industrial> (havent got a druid to test)
18:58.22Industrialerr, I mean - I wanna change to the stealth bar*
19:00.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (
19:00.25nevcairielwhy dont you use the default bars from blizzard? that would simplify the button handling and switching
19:00.32Industriali am
19:00.35Industrialwell, the buttons
19:00.56Industrialbut I wanna place them wherever i want, etc
19:00.56nevcairielwell, dont use the bonus action buttons
19:01.01nevcairieljust change page on the actionbuttons
19:01.08Industrialhow do you mean
19:01.48nevcairielregister for UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR event
19:02.14nevcairielon that event the BonusActionBarFrame is shown and will get all button presses.
19:02.26Industrialyeah but what if it hides
19:02.34nevcairielso you hide that frame again, and the buttons go to the default actionbar again
19:02.39nevcairielnow simply change page of the default bar
19:03.12IndustrialUPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR happens when it shows right? but what when it hides?
19:03.34nevcairieli hate it when it eats my indents
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19:05.08Industrialok that paste isnt making sense
19:05.12Temis WoWI down?
19:05.15nevcairielits not ? :D
19:05.17krkanot sure why you asked me in the first place
19:05.23TemI just accidently deleted everything in my addons directory...
19:05.28TemI need WoWI up
19:05.41Industrialkrka: cause you just said you made an addon that did actionbar page flipping
19:05.41TemI have... a bit that I need to redownload...
19:05.48krkathere's my addon btw
19:05.51krkaif anyone wants to test it
19:05.58krkaand/or make a gui :)
19:06.16krkaonly 300 lines of code, with lots of it being settings and stuff, so should be easy to digest
19:06.20TemNo, seriously, is WoWI down?
19:06.32Temdo we know why?
19:06.38Industrialbug Dolby-wowi
19:07.14Beladonaor don't since he is currently working on it
19:11.07IndustrialUPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR doesnt tell me what form im in, stealthed or not etc - so i dont know if i have to hide or show the BonusActionBar buttons.
19:11.39Industrialat least, arg1-9 are nil :|
19:12.26Industrialoh, nm
19:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Leprkn (
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19:21.41koomiif i fire an event in wowbench like "fire UNIT_COMBAT player WOUND CRITICAL 20 0" the generated message to parse with MarsMessageParser depends on who hit what?
19:23.06Industrialgot it working :-)
19:25.49IrielMany of the 'update' events are simply notification that you need to go find out what happened
19:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney|work (
19:33.53Leprknquestion: anyone have a "quick and dirty" answer to how you read and write data into the savedvariables folder?
19:34.45Dolby-wowiwowi is back up, sorry for the trouble all
19:40.26tyroney|workLeprkn: read when wow isn't running, write when the ui is unloaded and data is flushed out to the disk.
19:41.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shrike| (
19:41.05tyroney|worki.e. reload ui is the only time the files will be touched.
19:42.04Temhey, Iriel, what ever happened to vdump?
19:42.14Temdid the free-time monster eat it?
19:42.27LeprknThanks tyroney, where
19:43.19Leprknwhere's a good online resource to goto for examples on how a mod reads the info from these vars then updating when you exit the game?
19:44.52Beladonait works the same way as a reguar variable, the difference is that you specify that variable as a savedvar in yout toc
19:45.49Shrike|has anyone used EarthTable much? having problems getting it to work and the error from WoW is thoroughly useless
19:47.56tyroney|workHaven't used it.  What's the error?
19:49.08Shrike|'attempt to call a nil value' :)
19:49.17Shrike|no line, no file etc
19:49.33MentalPowertried IEF with the "STACK ON" command>
19:49.56Shrike|no, not sure what you mean
19:50.14MentalPowerDo you have ImprovedErrorFrame?
19:50.33MentalPowerif not, install it, if so do "/ief STACK ON"
19:50.35Shrike|i don't think so :)
19:50.39Shrike|i'll try
19:50.39MentalPowerand look at the stack dump
19:50.40CideShrike|: that's usually when next() errors (that is, for k, v in <table> do or for k, v in pairs(<table>) do)
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19:52.33Shrike|yes i think the EarthTable can't find my table, i'll see what improvederrorframe says
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19:55.41|FF|Im2good4uDolby-wowi: Hallo!
19:55.58Dolby-wowihi yas
19:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:12.49Kirov*shakes fist at iriel's 55 seconds
20:13.10KirovDoes anyone have any experience using SetGradient?
20:13.42KirovI'm assuming it's working the same way as SetColor and effecting the vertex colors only.
20:14.15JoshBorkeMikk: !!!
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20:14.34IrielKirov: Are you trying to figure out if you can mix an image and a gradient?
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20:15.13JoshBorkeoh yea
20:15.15JoshBorkeMikk: ping
20:15.55KirovIriel - no, I'm trying to figure out if some odd hitching I was seeing is being caused by it or not.
20:16.59KirovI was messing with them to spice up ETVIS windows a little, but I started experiencing insane hitches whenever I dragged one of the windows over another (when it was forcing itself to be toplevel)
20:32.30warlahehe i hod the bag bag :-) --->
20:32.37warlado you find the bags now? ;-)
20:34.53Irielassert(Luke:GetParent() == self)
20:40.12MikkI need to get my laptop up and running again. I don't tab to this window often enough :<
20:40.26koomiyay. me mod runs
20:40.37koomiwell... not much of a mod really but it does run
20:40.53JoshBorkethat's what is important :-)
20:41.19koomior the insight that concenation and other stuff work slightly different than in other programming languages :)
20:41.33JoshBorkejust slightly :-)
20:41.38MikkJoshBorke: Don't forget memory consumption rates of 300KB/s+. They're also very important.
20:42.56koomijust wondering: how much data can i stuff into a global var before wow complains?
20:43.14Kirovkoomi - what kind of var?
20:43.28koomiKirov: combat stats
20:43.37koomiKirov: table :)
20:43.50koomiarray or whatever lua calls it :)
20:44.09Kirovif it's a table, you can stuff as much crap in it you want.
20:44.24krkauntil you run out of memory
20:44.36Mikkscript memory, that is
20:44.39Mikkdefault 48MB or whateveritis
20:44.49koomibut 48mb of raw data is alot
20:44.59KirovMy LootLink Database, for example, is around 12 megs.
20:45.05Mikkkoomi: for all addons, including code
20:45.10koomis lootlink?
20:45.18JoshBorkeMikk: indeed!
20:45.37Kirovkoomi - what is lootlink?
20:45.37koomito be honest: i don't even play wow that much - just wanted to see how mod writing works
20:45.59koomiKirov: ja. new laptop here and i keep hitting return in the middle of a sentence
20:46.01Kirovkoomi - it's an addon that keeps track of every item the player has ever see.
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20:46.19koomiand uploads it?
20:46.21Kirovkeeps information about the name, and the entire tooltip text
20:46.39Kirovno, just stores it localy in .lua
20:46.50jaxdahlitemsync is an alternative to lootlink
20:46.57jaxdahlalthough it doesn't always seem to pick up new items
20:47.06Elkanowhat about ItemDB? ;)
20:47.21JoshBorkeor KCI!
20:48.14LeprknI love lamp....
20:48.44krkai love carpet
20:49.26KirovMikk - you have a cabbage on your desk?
20:50.01Mikkno, i feel like one
20:51.21Mikkowell. I finished the graphic I wanted to do today ( ). Might as well go read until I fall asleep. That strikes me as sufficiently advanced for now :-P
20:52.04KirovI like the rogue
20:52.45Kirovneeds a hunter getting mauled by his pet
20:53.19KirovOr holding a gun backwards
20:53.42Mikkmeh. gifv more screen space :-P
20:55.04MikkI'll keep that idea in mind though. There's more images to be drawn ;)
21:08.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
21:10.34JoshBorkeok bye all
21:10.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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21:51.38TemKirkburn|afk, poke
21:52.33QzotDon't think anyone's here. Everybody's trying to log into the beta.
21:53.11QzotWow. People know me too well. No one takse the bait...
21:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Braennan (
21:54.17IrielI think too many of us have Blizzcon keys and would know about it if it existed
21:54.39QzotI was banking on that.
21:55.02QzotAnd a general paranoid fear that "maybe something went wrong with *my* registration".
21:56.04TemQzot, I'm very glad that I had looked away during your farce
21:56.32QzotGet that little zing of adrenalin?
21:57.02TemAnyone know what the last version of ClearFont was that included the real font?
21:57.18TemI dislike the new one
21:57.45QzotGrump. I got a megadose of it over the weekend. Two Baron runs. Looking for one thing: [Idol of Brutality], equippable only by druids.
21:58.13QzotOn the 10th run it drops, and a hunter needs the thing, and wins the roll against me.
21:58.54Temand that is why I don't do PUGs
22:00.15KirovMost hunters give our class a bad name.
22:00.39nevcairielthat are those hunters which will never get above mc equip :)
22:01.47Cidewell the hunters that people complain about ARE the ones with >bwl gear :)
22:01.53KirovIt used to be they'd never get better than teir0 gear
22:03.22nevcairielall the hunters in our guild behave.
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22:03.50LeprknI've played with some really stupid hunters before
22:04.06Leprknbeing a hunter myself, makes me want to hang my head in shame...
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22:04.46axxowe had a hunter pull out his lvl 54 monkey in the suppression room to level it
22:04.49axxoguess what happened
22:04.49QzotI complained loudly to teh guild leader of the hunter involved. He claims she is a non-farming Chinese speaker who has always been good, and in the coures of investigating decided she was either lying about farming (and therefore unable to control access to her toon), or whatever. But I simply couldn't believe my eyes.
22:05.14KirovHad a hunter recently who at lvl 60 with 3/8 giantstalker didn't know how to use tranq shot.
22:05.40Kirovaxxo - ew
22:06.13QzotHmm. Well, I have a 58 lock and a 60 mage that I leveled on an RP server. There's no doubt in my mind that I never really knew how to drive either class.
22:06.33QzotWhere is the "suppression room"?
22:06.53nevcairielsometimes referred to as the "depression room"
22:07.02QzotAh. I set foot in BWL for the first time last night. We were practicing wiping in the 1st room.
22:07.27axxothink 250mobs that rush at the aggro range of a 54 pet monkey
22:07.55KirovI just have a problem with someone who constantly insists they know what they're doing, but is last on the damage meter of the hunters, being beaten by hunters in blues and greens and he has 3/8 gs and the epic quest bow ... and doesn't know how to use Tranquilizing shot.
22:08.06QzotHunter pets level at their own agro range, and not that of their master? Ouch.
22:08.16KirovQzot - aye
22:08.31KirovThough their aggro range is reduced slightly that of a normal player.
22:08.42QzotHmm. Did I mention I have a 50 hunter as well? Obviously don't know much about her, eithre.
22:08.54Leprknsome people take the "Autoshot-afk" a little too seriously.
22:09.03QzotSo ... putting her on passive and taking her into MC would not be a great way to level her, huh?
22:09.10KirovLeprkn - aye
22:09.22KirovQzot - it's a great way of getting your pet dead
22:09.25Arrowmasteri didnt think hunter pets had aggro ranges like that? ive seen lvl 24ish pets in MC not aggro a thing
22:09.34QzotErr. I meant to say she has a level 20 pet that I want to level up to 50.
22:09.44LeprknI'm MC Raid Leader/Puller for my guild and still out DPS the other hunters
22:09.47KirovArrowmaster - as soon as they enter combat they have an aggro range
22:09.51Leprknonly up to 4/8 GS
22:10.09KirovArrowmaster - if they're on passive and not attacked they don't have an aggro range.
22:10.33KirovLeprkn - I'm usually #2 as the raid's main puller.
22:10.45QzotSo, we have a bunch of competant-sounding hunters here. What is a reasonably friendly way to level a 20 cat I want for end game use?
22:10.55Kirovby about 10,000 or so by the end of MC, but I'm going against a NE hunter with huhuran's bow
22:11.03KirovCan't really win that battle.
22:11.09Leprknbrd runs :-P
22:11.12axxoyou don't use pets for endgame
22:11.20axxoexcept for suicide pulls
22:11.54QzotPets aren't used in Strat/Scholo/BRS?
22:11.56LeprknI decided I wanted to have The Rake as a pet so I ran over and tamed him, got him from 10 - 30 in 2 jailbreak runs.
22:12.00axxothats not endgame
22:12.02QzotPets aren't used for PvP?
22:12.09Qzotaxxo: Fair enough.
22:12.09Leprknthat's not "endgame"
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22:12.31QzotOkay, okay. But for a 50 hunter / 20 pet, how do I level the pet?
22:12.47QzotWon't BRD-mates want me to have a real pet?
22:12.53KirovQzot - go kill stuff around your level in a non-raid situation
22:13.10axxoor give up on the stupid idea
22:13.17KirovThey level quick
22:13.39zenzelezzmy 41 hunter recently went from a 2.80 bow to a 2.10 one, now it feels like I'm burning arrows way faster :-|
22:13.42QzotSo, assuming the pet level 3x what I do (is that right), I'll need to spend 1/3 as much time as it took me to get from 20-50?
22:14.15Kirov - ah the joy of the information age.  People in my office were noticing an odd smell through the building ... this is a couple blocks away
22:15.33QzotKirov: Had no idea you were SF. Should get together some time.
22:15.56KirovQzot - me and about 5 other people in this channel.
22:16.11QzotI only know one other. I'm south bay.
22:16.30KirovIriel for sure.  Fairly sure there were others.
22:16.32LeprknI'm in napa, that count?
22:16.53QzotNo. In Napa, you've already crossed the red-blue divide.
22:17.02QzotYou're basically in another country.
22:17.05Leprkndammit /wrists
22:17.57Leprknjust moved up here from concord, damned raises...
22:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH]2 (
22:57.30QzotYou can usually decline a raise ... depends on the company.
23:00.32purlRemember, emo kids, it's down the street, not across the road!
23:01.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:03.29Leprknwell I couldn't pass this one up, it was 10k/yr more. I've got a 4month old to feed :-)
23:06.27XuerianBlah, what's the lighest way to round a float partially, IE 5.13334451 to 5.13? math.floor((n+0.05)*100)/100?
23:06.39IrielFor display, or calculation?
23:07.26Irielyour math.floor, then, though i'd personally write it as math.floor((n * 100) + 0.5) / 100;
23:07.37Irielonly because it's less prone to error if you change the multiplier
23:07.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Leprkn (
23:07.52XuerianOk. Much thanks ^_~
23:08.15CorrodiasQzot: levelling a pet is just painful, no matter what you do. the only way he levels up to catch up to you is if you fight hundreds of green-level mobs
23:08.25IrielEven these days?
23:08.29Corrodiashe doesn't need to be involved in the fight, but he won't be much help, either
23:08.35IrielIt used to be horrific beyond belief, but they improved it a whole lot
23:08.49Corrodiaslevelling pets? well, it was pretty painful last month when i tried it
23:09.23warlaanyone here that has experience in localising an addon? so its texted for like english and german?
23:09.25IrielMaybe you just didn't have the truly painful experience to contrast against 8-)
23:10.32XuerianWarla: Actually translating it, or making it translatable?
23:13.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
23:14.49QzotHmm. Maybe level in 5-man instances is the way to go, then. Leveling solo when you can't use the pet to hold agro is a real pain.
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23:20.49warlai am native german speaking so i can translate the stuff
23:20.59warlai need to know how to prepare the addon to accept multiple language files
23:22.12XuerianEasy answer: Use AceLocale, then setup the strings table... then use (for example) L["windowTitle"] for the appropriate translation. Other answer: I have none, but of course it's possible :P
23:22.41Qzotwarla: Yeah, use AceLocale.
23:23.06Qzotwarla: Any addon that's ever done localization has used AceLocale. It's not possible otherwise. :P
23:23.11warlawhats AceLocale?
23:23.16Cideyeah, Qzot is right.
23:23.46AnduinLotharace propaganda at it's best
23:24.15AnduinLotharThere are a multitude of ways to do localization w/ or w/o libs
23:24.24Cidelocal locale = GetLocale(); if ( locale == "enUS" or locale == "enGB" ) then YourStringTable = { ["windowTitle"] = "Hi there" } elseif ( locale == "deDE" ) then YourStringTable = { ["windowTitle"] = "Hi there in German" } end
23:24.25warlai'd prefer no lib ^^
23:24.41warlais there a way to have them in separate lua files
23:24.48warlaand load te right one at the language?
23:24.59warlalike having a deDE.lua and a enUS.lua
23:25.04warlaand load them at startup
23:25.09XuerianLoad it dynamically? No... Use the right one DEFINED in the lua file? sure
23:25.13Cideyou'd just have it execute all files, and have each file contain an if statement, checking if it's the appopriate file to parse
23:25.20AnduinLotharyou can easily make multiple files but you cant only have the right one load
23:25.26Cideerr, execute
23:25.39AnduinLotharencase the file in an if statement
23:25.44warlaso hmm
23:25.46QzotTho I suspect it's easier for translators if there is a single file to edit.
23:25.48warlai could to this:
23:25.53warlahave 3 language files
23:25.57warlaand load all 3
23:26.00warlawhich will be executed
23:26.18warlabut each one is encapsulated with a if (getlocale()="xxx") then
23:26.25Xuerianlocal locale = GetLocale(); if ( locale == "enUS" or locale == "enGB" ) then AddonStringTable = englishStringTable) then end (Where englishStringTable is defined in english.lua)
23:26.28AnduinLotharexcept 1
23:26.33AnduinLotharwhich will eb default
23:26.45warlaso basically
23:26.49Cidewarla: that's what I said :)
23:26.49warlathe enUS wont have a check
23:26.57AnduinLotharthat's what i do
23:26.58warlaand the other ones would simply override the language strings
23:27.14warlanow all i need to know is
23:27.20warlaHOW do i add multiple files to my mod
23:27.22warlai have just 1
23:27.40warlawowprofiles.lua that i put in the toc
23:27.53AnduinLotharyou can add them to the toc too
23:28.00AnduinLothareach on their own line
23:28.01Xuerianadd them on a new line :P
23:28.08warlaohh that works
23:28.11AnduinLotharload them before your lua prolly
23:28.17warladoes wow load em in the order i add the lines?
23:28.32warlaso first like = loaded first?
23:28.35warlathen next line
23:28.37AnduinLotharfor file names I tend to use localization.en.lua - -
23:28.37Cideyes.. :)
23:28.43warlaso i'd have 4 lines looking like this:
23:28.53zenzelezznah, it reads them all and then executes them in random order =D
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23:29.14AnduinLotharshush zenze
23:29.30warlazenzelezz even if that sounds like a joke... it actually wouldnt surprise me seeing the lousy coding job blizz did :-/
23:30.08AnduinLotharoh did you want them to consult you before hand?
23:30.17Cideblizzard did a fine job with coding the UI
23:30.23zenzelezzwould take more coding to execute them randomly than in order they appear in the file
23:30.24warlalots is missing :-/
23:30.37Cidein your opinion, maybe
23:30.40zenzelezzit's not missing
23:30.53AnduinLothardeliberately absent more likely
23:31.03zenzelezzthere could have been more, but the stock UI didn't need it
23:31.05Cidein any case, bedtime for me. night
23:33.04warlamail functions i cannot get the item ID of an attached item
23:33.09warla= very annoying
23:33.20warlai get the texture, the tooltip, the name everything
23:33.22warlajust not the id
23:34.01MentalPowerI know
23:34.08MentalPowerI'll pastey my hack code
23:35.43MentalPowerit works for most items
23:35.57MentalPowerit fails for items with randomProps and for items that share names
23:36.16zenzelezzrandomProps = of the..?
23:43.44Qzotwarla: If I wanted to localize something, of course I wouldn't use what anyone else has done.
23:44.07Qzotwarla: So I'd write some simple framework like
23:44.27QzotAnd put it in one Lua file.
23:46.53KirovI have a more advanced one that will get the item id even for same-name items.
23:47.03Kirovincluding suffixids
23:47.11Kirovbut it's not terribly fast.
23:47.16QzotI still can't log into the beta.
23:49.16CairennQzot: o.O
23:49.21CairennQzot: you got your beta invite?
23:49.30QzotNo. That's why I can't log in. :(
23:49.37zenzelezzthink he's still trying to fool people
23:49.40zenzelezzlike earlier
23:49.53QzotIndeed. In a rasty mood today.
23:50.35QzotKirov: How does it work?
23:51.34KirovQzot - tooltip parsing
23:51.45QzotKirov: Can it do it without shifting the time-to-read from 30 to 3 days?
23:52.12KirovIt generates a noticable hitch for sure.
23:52.33QzotI don't understand "notieable hitch"? Delay?
23:53.06KirovQzot - when you open your mailbox, the screen appears to freeze up for about few miliseconds longer than usual.
23:53.12Kirovso, yes, it causes a noticable delay.
23:53.56QzotI'm less concerned with that than shortening the amount of time I have until I have to retrieve something out of my mail.
23:54.11KirovIt'd be possibly to cache all the tooltips in the mail and do them one every update instead of all at once.
23:54.21*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
23:54.40QzotHmm. Can you also get count this way?
23:55.22KirovI thought you could get that already
23:55.38QzotWait. Tooltips? I thought you couldn't get tooltips without selecting the item. And selecting/reading the item definitely drops you to a 3-day time limit.
23:55.59AnduinLothartooltips are availible
23:56.15Kirov - doesn't incur the 3 day penalty either
23:57.26QzotWow. But the default UI doesn't show the count. Bad, bad.

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