irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20061001

00:00.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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00:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mystiq (
00:29.30Mystiqanyone around?
00:29.56Mystiqsaid function is defined in a .lua file
00:30.06JoshBork1thanks for the update cair :-)
00:30.19CairennJoshBork welcome :)
00:30.56JoshBork1make sure it's not defined as 'local function copyRaidName()
00:30.58Mystiqthat paste is in my .xml file (i am entirely new to wow scripting, but not programming in general)
00:31.11Mystiqfunction copyRaidNames()
00:31.15Mystiqwell let me paste it then
00:33.15Mystiqim so confused
00:33.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
00:34.31MentalPower|AFKrename it on both files to YourAddOnName_copyRaidNames()
00:34.33Cairennunfortunately, I'm no good at WoW coding, and it seems that everyone else is kinda afk, but hang around, hopefully someone will show up who has some time and will be willing to look at it for you
00:34.48Cairennooooor, MentalPower|AFK will jump in and help right now :)
00:35.13Mystiqi dont mind LUA, but the XML portion is driving me bonkers
00:35.46phyber<OnClick> function() copyRaidNames() end </OnClick> ?
00:35.57phyberI hate XML, so not sure.
00:37.16MentalPowernah, that won't help
00:37.26MentalPowerchange the name of the function
00:37.46MentalPowersome other addon could be interfering
00:39.07Mystiqsame thing, just with a different name
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00:39.31MentalPowerwhat about manually calling the function?
00:40.24JoshBork1btw, what doesn't work?
00:41.13JoshBork1i've seen the code, but which portion?
00:41.14MystiqJoshBork1, just trying to get a command button to call a function and its giving me a hard time
00:41.18MentalPowerok, did you include the file in your .toc?
00:41.29JoshBork1Mystiq: does the button show up?
00:41.40Mystiqthe lua file?
00:41.42MystiqJoshBork1, yes
00:41.45MentalPoweryes the lua file
00:41.59Mystiqah, that might do it
00:42.00JoshBork1lua file is listed in the xml
00:42.14MentalPowerah, true
00:42.29MentalPowerI never liked including files in XML
00:42.50JoshBork1put this at the top of the function: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('OnClick')
00:42.56Mystiqbut no, still doesnt work
00:43.11MentalPowertoc changes require game restart
00:43.14Mystiqi did
00:43.38IrielCheck your logs/FrameLog.txt file then
00:44.01IrielSorry FrameXML.log or FrameXML.txt
00:44.10IrielI dont recall offhand which it is, minor mind blank
00:44.43Mystiqwould an error in the .lua file cause it to not load?
00:44.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:45.12MentalPowernop, the game would spit out an error
00:45.19MentalPowerXML files on the other hand
00:45.41Mystiq9/30 20:42:11.796  Interface\AddOns\HoPoints\HoPoints.lua:24: `then' expected near `!'
00:45.53Mystiqi took a guess and thought != would be not equals
00:46.00JoshBork1should be ~=
00:47.18Cairennthat'd do it, yup
00:47.27Mystiqnow if only i could make the UI look less like a fat guy in his underwear designed it
00:47.30Cairennlua uses ~=
00:50.29Mystiqnow i have another problem, the text box i have always has focus, i cant even chat w/o clicking on a name in the chat box
00:54.05MentalPowermake it autofocus = false
00:55.26MentalPowerlater guys
00:55.28Mystiqoh nice, thanks
00:55.30paulharmanMystiq: Earth provides a nice basic template to use :)
00:55.31MentalPoweroff to have some fun
00:55.41Cairennlater MentalPower|AFK
00:56.50Mystiqi'd rather not rely on other mods or api packages, been a purest ever since i stopped using VB as my primary personal language :/
00:57.50Cairenn*envisions the usual debate starting up again*
00:57.56paulharmani thought that too till i tried to design a UI :)
00:58.05Mystiqyeah, i think i can tell what might transpire, nevermind :P
00:58.25Cairennnaw, it's not bad
00:58.46Cairennjust the whole "to use libraries/frameworks or not to use libraries/frameworks"
00:59.09Mystiqit'd be easier if there was just a drag/drop thing you could use
00:59.22paulharmanyes i've been thinking that all day :)
00:59.25Mystiqthe win32 api is a nightmare, blizzard's xml ui implementation doesnt see much more friendly
00:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
00:59.55paulharmani've just managed to get a set of tabs working after 3 hours of bashing my head against the wall
01:00.07Cairennnothing wrong with a good debate every now and then, so long as it doesn't get personal.  always the possibility of learning something, looking at something differently than you previously had ;)
01:01.20JoshBork1i want to debate
01:01.32paulharmani'm a master debater
01:01.37paulharmansorry couldn't resist :)
01:02.09Mystiqoh i jsut had a horrible thought
01:02.13Cairenn~sigh paulharman
01:02.15purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "paulharman!"
01:02.20Mystiqfelt like i was in java with these frames, bliz should provide a layout manager
01:03.24Cairenn & are a couple very handy tools for authors
01:03.47JoshBork1not wowbench! it's awful!
01:04.20Cairennpsst, you're right
01:05.03Mystiqthat bitch actually did it
01:05.05Mystiqscrew this
01:05.18Cairennwhat bitch did what?
01:05.22Mystiqwow ui designer > all
01:05.43AnduinLotharif you're a beginner, yes it is very useful
01:07.23AnduinLotharit needs some competition imo
01:09.34AnduinLotharif i were really inspired I'd rewrite Earth tho
01:26.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
01:30.52AnduinLothari have inspiration. just not for such tedious work as rewritting an xml lib
01:31.02JoshBork1ok back
01:31.11JoshBork1you should write a synchronizer
01:31.26JoshBork1for my table
01:31.27AnduinLotharfor time you mean
01:31.43AnduinLotharsyncronizer is easy
01:31.50JoshBork1then tell me how!
01:32.00JoshBork1because i'm feeling quite dumb :-(
01:32.10AnduinLothardepends on how you want it syncronized
01:32.47JoshBorkei want it synchronized by whoever has the newest copy
01:33.04AnduinLotharnot what i mean. what format is it in?
01:33.36AnduinLotharhow is the table structured
01:34.10JoshBork1table = { ['content'] = 'stuff', ['author'] = 'author', ['timemodified'] = <time modified>, ['timeUpdate'] = <last time a child node was updated>, ['objects'] = { ['some Topic'] = { ['content'], etc } }
01:34.59JoshBork1each 'node' can have mulitple nodes beneath it
01:35.46AnduinLotharnot sure i follow
01:35.51AnduinLotharhow the nodes work
01:35.59JoshBork1it's an n-ary tree
01:37.34JoshBork1that will be synchronized between a guild
01:37.36AnduinLotharit stores histories?
01:37.54JoshBork1just modification timestamps to determine who has the newest stuff
01:38.09AnduinLotharjust store the latest one
01:38.32JoshBork1i'm trying to figure out how to synchronize it when someone signs on
01:38.41JoshBork1determining what exactly needs to be sync'd up
01:39.15AnduinLotharyou need a unique key/id and a crc of the content
01:39.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:40.03AnduinLotharjust a unique key/id and your timestamp
01:40.20JoshBork1for the key/id i'm just going to use a path to get to the content
01:40.31AnduinLotharwhich is
01:40.36JoshBork1something like: TopLevel>Instances>Garr
01:44.02AnduinLotharkey needs to be as short as possible
01:46.34Kiroviriel - ping
01:46.42IrielKirov - pong 8-)
01:47.18JoshBork1i guess i colud make the key shorter by keeping track of where in the tree i am...
01:47.43KirovIriel - get my e-mails?
01:48.10JoshBork1another question is: wolud it be advantageous to save my table as a large string then convert it back to a table when logging in?
01:48.11IrielKirov: I did - yup... I'll be checking the frame out soon - just got to finish something entirely unrelated
01:48.32IrielJoshBork1: It depends on your table contents and structure really
01:49.07AnduinLothari woudl recommend a numerical 3 digit key
01:49.12WobinDoes anyone know of a good addon similar to RogueSwap?
01:49.14AnduinLotharincrement as events are added
01:49.23WobinRS keeps... forgetting which weapons I have in which hands
01:49.32IrielI think a longer 'external' key is a MUCH better idea for the data exchange
01:49.43JoshBork1AnduinLothar: how would that work exactly?
01:49.52IrielNumerical keys are fine if there's a central key assignment authority but they break horribly with distributed systems
01:49.54AnduinLotharcreator assigns an event an id
01:50.41JoshBork1but there's no way to guarantee the key won't conflict with another person's key
01:50.57JoshBork1but i think i see what you're saying
01:53.47AnduinLothaririel's right tho. it would be a mess to mitigate conflicts if you have lots of people creating events w/o having all availible previously created ones
01:54.14AnduinLotharbut I'm invisioning a system where you have 5 officers creating the vast majority of events
01:54.42JoshBork1this will be highly distributed because anyone the guild leader allows to make a change can
01:54.55JoshBork1and until the guild leader defines permissions, ANYONE can make a change
01:54.56AnduinLotharchanging doesn't matter, only creation
01:55.09AnduinLotharchanges wouldn't increment the id
01:55.21Wobincould the unique key be a hash of the creator and time?
01:55.29AnduinLotharthat works too
01:55.37IrielAnduinLothar's suggestion is good if you have lots of stored references to the keys, each client can normalize the key down to a short integer, but lua already kinda does that with its interned strings
01:56.04Kirovme thinks they're using Iriel's line drawing code
01:56.16IrielPersonally I'd design my top level keys the way joshbork1 suggested
01:56.25Kirovthat or sending _crap_ loads of point data
01:56.49IrielWe came up with some decent point stripping and encoding algorithms when Cide was playing around with it
01:57.22JoshBork1hrm.  i think i'm going to keep track of where along the tree i am while sync'ing rather than assigning each node a unique key
01:57.26AnduinLotharnot sure what you're getting at with the strings iriel
01:57.29IrielSo let's hope they're using lines and some smarts to strip the data
01:58.05Cidelet me see if I can dig up the encode/decode stuff
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01:58.48IrielTo initiate a synchronization, something like "Sync /strategies/someinstance/bossname/tanking" is much better than "Sync 1752"
01:59.08Irielthere should be relatively few initiation requests
01:59.24Irielonce you're inside such a thing, then your point about short clean identifiers most certainly applies
02:00.05AnduinLothari guess i'm not catching what josh is trying to sync
02:00.19JoshBork1an in-game knowledgebase
02:00.27IrielHe's trying to sync arbitrary stores of in-game data
02:00.34Kirkburn|VistaIs it sad that I'm thinking up different things to say every time I delete something?
02:00.47JoshBork1btw, wow's simpleHTML content is REALLY picky
02:01.13AnduinLotharcase sentitivity ftw
02:01.21JoshBork1ftl :-P
02:01.56AnduinLotharok. i was thinking he was sorting more of a linear system
02:02.31AnduinLothaririels right for trees
02:02.41AnduinLotharshould sync the branch path
02:02.49AnduinLotharwith some simplification algorithm
02:04.18AnduinLothari'm sure there's something about tree sync you can google
02:04.50JoshBork1heh, i never even thought to search
02:05.11AnduinLotharit's peer to peer tree syncing
02:06.06AnduinLotharour main problem is limitted bandwidth
02:06.13JoshBork1hehe, chunky spread
02:06.32AnduinLotharotherwise it's not dissimilar to typical peer syncing problems
02:06.41KirovIriel - this thing really needs a pause button
02:07.08IrielI created the button graphic already 8-)
02:08.17AnduinLotharhmmm in looking for that i found this:
02:09.29Kirovwhat the, they rolled back the forums by a week again
02:09.29Cide"this thing"? what'd I miss? :)
02:10.14KirovI made a super super inefficient menu for it
02:10.44KirovCide - you don't happen to have a nicely formatted list of every event in the game, do you?
02:10.53Cidehmm.. no :(
02:11.03KirovThere's way too many non-real events in the one on the wiki.
02:11.14Cidecouldn't you :RegisterAllEvents, play for a weak and save it to SV
02:11.25Cideafter a week of playing, format it and print a formatted string to SV
02:11.27KirovCide - yes, but I don't pvp
02:11.32Kirovor do quests
02:11.37Kirovor go to the ah
02:11.40Cidehave a couple of people do it :)
02:12.06zenzelezz"why is my SavedVariables folder 250MB?"
02:12.20Cideit'd just log every event once ;)
02:12.28JoshBork1"it must be CTRA!"
02:12.31zenzelezzand check the events each time?
02:13.31JoshBork1OnEVent = function() if not SavedVar[event] then SavedVar[event] = true end end
02:13.34Corr[home]i do pvp, quests, a bit of raiding, and gathering of herbs and skins. no production tradeskills, though.
02:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:14.02Cidewell really, I bet a lot of people in here could jump in for a good cause, Kirov :)
02:14.04AnduinLotharJosh you may find some of this useful:
02:14.29JoshBork1i could sneak it into a mod ;-)
02:15.21AnduinLotharthe real question is how are you going to qync. all at one or on demand?
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02:16.00AnduinLotharon demand would be fairly easy and the message could be fairly lengthy
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02:16.23AnduinLotharbut it would mean less people have up to date info
02:16.52JoshBork1i planned on making it all at once
02:17.06AnduinLotharhowever you could make edits broadcast the change
02:17.18AnduinLotharthen anyone online when a change occurs would have the up to date info
02:18.12AnduinLothari think you'll find syncing the entire database of anythign larger than 20 entries when you log in would be too much
02:18.56AnduinLotharthe more you transmit at one time the more problems you are going to run into with bandwidth and conflicts
02:19.24JoshBork1i plan on spreading it out over a time-period using a que'ing system
02:19.41jaxdahlwhat sort of data are you syncing?
02:20.12AnduinLotharn-ary wiki style tree
02:20.23JoshBork1wow, you guys catch on quick!
02:20.26jaxdahldamage meters..?
02:20.31jaxdahlguild roster infO?
02:20.48JoshBork1arbitrary information
02:21.17AnduinLothardo we have a lua text compression lib yet?
02:22.53KirovAnduinLothar - I have a lzw lib
02:23.02AnduinLotharon wowi?
02:23.07Kirovnot released
02:23.11AnduinLotharpublish it
02:23.16Kirovit's sv friendly, but not chat friendly
02:23.29AnduinLotharchat friendly isn;t too hard
02:23.45AnduinLotharprotect | \n \t
02:24.33CairennKirov: ;)
02:26.19Kirovneed to make a minor modification first
02:27.04JoshBork1g'night all
02:27.07*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
02:27.29Cairenng'night Josh :p
02:28.02Cairenn~fishslap JoshBorke
02:28.03purlACTION slaps JoshBorke up side the head with a wet fish.
02:28.38JoshBorkeanyway, really am going to sleep, nn
02:28.59Cairennsweet dreams JoshBorke :)
02:29.51Kirkburn|VistaWait ... I see no  pretty "Upload Interface" button on that link? You lied to me :*(
02:30.56zenzelezzyou must be using some sort of abomination of a browser then
02:31.22Kirkburn|VistaAh, I'm not logged in ...
02:31.30Cairennthat'll do it, yup
02:31.52zenzelezznoob ;-o
02:32.15Kirkburn|VistaI'm running out of random and pointless things to say when I delete stuff -
02:32.39Corr[home]is there any point of reputation at which you receive a discount on riding skill training?
02:32.57Kirkburn|VistaHonored, no?
02:33.14Kirkburn|VistaSame discounts as per normal should apply
02:33.59Corr[home]does that mean the fully discounted price for both discounts is 720g?
02:34.16Corr[home]i'm googling, too, but i'm not as good with google as i used to be
02:34.41Corr[home]ah, here it is. that seems to be correct.
02:35.00IrielDoes anyone remember - is debugprofilestop() in nanoseconds?
02:35.16WobinKirov: woo, when you do release it, let me know?
02:39.33Kirovbtw, does chat allow for string.char(0) to get sent?
02:40.05IrielAlmost certainly not
02:40.47AnduinLotharSendChatMessage(string.char(0)) doesn't seem to do anythign
02:43.36Kirovsv allows for it
02:43.49Kirovthe lzw lib was intended for LootLink
02:44.44zenzelezz/script SendChatMessage("te"..string.char(0).."st");
02:44.47zenzelezz[...]: te
02:45.08Kirovso it's becoming a break
02:47.12cmunnCide: Is there an easy way to clear all my Player Targets at one time?
02:47.30cmunnCide: Or better have my Player Targets match my Main Tank Targets Automagically?
02:47.55Cideyes, but I don't have time to dig up the function right now
02:53.31cmunnThank, that's good enough for me <3 I can find the function.
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02:56.12Cidecmunn: it's not an actual function :)
02:56.21Cidebut there are two tables, you can just copy one to the other
02:56.24Cidealternatively, clear it
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03:09.07Kirovthe lzw lib I have isn't written by myself, I only moved it to lua, so I'm checking with the original author before releasing ... and I'm doing AQ40
03:09.11Cairenngotta love it when a GM still enjoys their job enough to be able to role play when answering a /report
03:12.40CairennI wonder though, when you've reported an entire guild, do they break into the guild chat to tell them off? talk to just the guild leader? or talk to every single one of the offending members individually?
03:13.09CrazyMYKLfor what could you report a whole guild?
03:13.11chuckgI was under the impression guild chat was off limits to the whole "limit of speech" thing.
03:13.29chuckgAs for amusing GM's,
03:14.18CairennI reported an entire guild because a very very large number of them were spamming a channel in IF for a solid 1/2 hr, making it utterly impossible to read anything else, for any other conversation to be possible
03:15.02Cairenna single individual spamming, fine, just use /ignore ... but when it's basically an entire guild doing it? /report
03:15.40zenzelezzI nearly reported a murloc in Swamp of Sorrows... it kept evade-bugging every time I got it to 20-30%... the bastard
03:15.48Cairennzenzelezz: lol
03:16.06zenzelezzthe interesting part was that it was in the open, so there was no normal reason for it to evade, like stuck in geometry
03:16.27Cairennchuckg: I wasn't reporting the guild chat, it wasn't my guild, I was just wondering how the GM will deal with it
03:16.59chuckgI didn't get the full context :)
03:17.04chuckgWas just going on assumptions!
03:17.27jaxdahlchuckg, it's not off limits
03:17.49jaxdahlone of our guildies got reported by another guildie for raid chat stuff, racial slurs
03:17.52chuckgLame. Should be able to say whatever you want.
03:17.55chuckgRaid is different.
03:18.02jaxdahlit was a guild only raid
03:18.06jaxdahlin BWL
03:18.10chuckgStill different.
03:18.12jaxdahland the guildie had a long history of infractions, got permabanned
03:18.18chuckgRaid *can* be composed of those who choose not to associate.
03:18.22chuckgGuilds "can't"
03:18.59chuckgIt's like joining #racistalk on irc and then reporting them, in my opinion.
03:18.59Cairennchuckg: I don't personally agree with your opinion, but you are entitled to it
03:19.05chuckgHaha, I suppose.
03:19.11chuckgIt's as simple as removing said member if he ofends.
03:19.18chuckgIf he doesn't, then it's an overlying guild issue.
03:19.27chuckgIf it's such, you probably shouldn't be in the guild.
03:19.49Cairennchuckg: even so, is /guildremove sufficient for what was said?
03:20.06chuckgWhat does a word mean? From a computer over the internet? In an MMO no less.
03:20.15chuckgOpinion again, but there it is.
03:20.49zenzelezzso the meaning is less just because it's an anonymous media?
03:21.05zenzelezzsure, I threatened to kill him, but remember, it's the Internet
03:21.06chuckgNope. But they're entitlted to think it, to say it, welcome to the USA.
03:21.36zenzelezzI have absolutely no interest in being in the USA, but thank you for the invitation
03:21.53chuckgIf I say "I will kill you." to a room full of 300 people in it, on IRC, who is it a threat to? I'm not talking to "anyone".
03:22.18Cairennbut they *aren't* entitled to think it or say it in WoW, it's in the legal documents they "signed" when they log in to the game
03:22.33Cairennerrr, minus think it
03:22.38Cairennthey can think it all they want
03:22.41chuckgHaha, no I really don't think so.
03:22.42Cairennthey just can't say it
03:22.51chuckgThey have no legal justification even there, I believe.
03:22.59chuckgBeyond "see ya".
03:23.11Cairennwhich is precisely the point
03:23.26Cairennbreak the rules, doesn't matter what chat venue, get tossed from the game
03:23.27chuckgWhich brings me back to "gkick" and problem resolved.
03:23.40chuckgIf he brings it to a personal level via PM's, then the complain becomes more the valid.
03:24.02chuckgBut a legally binding "contract" not to be "racist" in a game is tenuous at best.
03:24.47chuckgIf I type "stop being a ngr." it's for you to interpret what I mean. To me, it was an abbreviation as a child for "no good rascal" but recently has become something more biting.
03:24.59chuckgTake it as you will :)
03:28.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:30.38Cairennnight cladhaire, sweet dreams
03:35.18Kirkburn|VistaHmm, do I out my giant Bugs Bunny poster up at the end of my bed? Tough choice .... do I want to have the first thing I see in the morning be a giant crazed rabbit head?
03:35.28Kirkburn|Vista*Do I put
03:38.58phyberyes, the first thing you see in the day should be the worst thing.  then nothing else in the day will bother you.
03:45.04zenzelezzI wake up to my Homer Simpson poster :-o "If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing"
03:56.13*** join/#wowi-lounge IBB (
03:56.33IBBhay guys i got a question
03:56.57Cairennhi, ask
04:03.03CairennIBB: hello?
04:04.04Cidehe's gasping for air since I posted that link
04:04.41Kirkburn|VistaCide, that's great :D
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04:09.58Kirkburn|VistaTo bed! G'night all
04:10.05Cairennnight Kirkburn|Vista, sweet dreams
04:10.15Kirkburn|VistaThanks :) You too!
04:30.03zenzelezzI could strangle whoever made the Deep Sea Salvage quest
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04:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
04:37.50Warlajust snagged cape of trinity <3
04:37.54Warlabest lock cape in game :-)
04:38.09Warlaheh thx
04:38.15Warlawas our first Trio Kill
04:38.37zenzelezznice :)
04:38.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sneakyc (
04:39.40Warlabut the cape looks ugly as hell :-(
04:39.58zenzelezzusually do
04:40.29zenzelezzI really like my Sandstorm Cloak, but it looks too short
04:41.17zenzelezzon the other hand, I came across some rare mob by coincidence while questing in Arathi Highlands today, got a Dark Hooded Cape
04:41.55zenzelezzcould've made some nice money on it, but kept it instead =)
04:45.10IBBsorry went back into wow
04:45.14IBBi got this addon
04:45.34IBBthat has the Ctrl key has to be held down to work
04:45.44IBBand i want to bind it to the Shift key
04:46.21IBBso do i just change
04:46.37IBBto IsShiftKeyDown() ?
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05:56.11Kirov|c isn't stripped from addon messages, right?
05:58.13Cairenn|sleepnight guys
06:01.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:16.23Industrialnn Cairenn|sleep
06:17.10Industrialzenzelezz: theres hooded capes in wow?
06:17.18Industrialwow needs dyes
06:17.25Industrialand like, expensive ones
06:17.28Industrialgo go alchemy
06:17.46Industrialits a whole new market for noobies and rich ppl to spend crap on
06:17.57zenzelezzIndustrial: look it up, it's just a name :-|
06:18.20Industrialboo :P
06:18.49zenzelezzbut the cape has good stats, and looks nice
06:20.01Industrialhm nice
06:23.26KirovOk, I have the lzw lib ready, but it's not "safe" to send over chat.
06:24.02AnduinLotharwhat's stil not safe?
06:24.25Kirovany of it
06:25.06Industrialwhats safe
06:25.08AnduinLotharwhat kinda compression % do you get with it?
06:25.09Industrialnothing is safe
06:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-1ba2a8befe113519)
06:25.41Kirovfor longer strings
06:25.48Kirov(like around 200 characters)
06:26.22AnduinLothargood stuff. i may look into making it chat safe so i can use it for PartyQuests
06:26.57KirovPipes, \n and \t aren't safe, correct?
06:27.02Kirov\r send fine?
06:27.10AnduinLothari believe so
06:27.24Kirovnothing else, at least for addon chat
06:27.57Industrialcant you send that as something else?
06:28.11AnduinLotharthat's all Telepathy protects, but i haven't tried sending bytecode
06:28.28KirovIndustrial - yes, but since this is a compression lib, all the other characters might be used
06:37.47ckknightKirov, I wrote up a list of things that are bad
06:38.32Kirovckknight - url?
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06:41.38Kirov%t doesn't do anything over addon, so that's fine
06:41.43Kirovthough whisper ... hmm
06:44.02ckknight_AceComm-2.0 does compression through memoization
06:44.21ckknight_it turns a known string into a smaller, memoized string, and then turns it back on the other side
06:44.32ckknight_only works when both parties have the same memoization list
06:45.08Kirovthis lzw lib can do something similar for better compression
06:45.47ckknight_zenzelezz, it makes a hash of the string
06:45.53ckknight_3-byte hash, sends it across
06:46.57ckknight_works well
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07:51.58KirochiOh Hello Kate monster
07:51.58Kirovkate monster?
07:51.59KirochiOh come on, don't you know that song ?
07:51.59Kirochiand there's also a WoW version
07:51.59Kirovooo, that one
07:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:00.20cmunnIs there an easy way to copy a table?
08:00.57cmunnI have two tables of players, and when I say "Table1 = Table2" then if I modify one, it modifies the other.
08:01.02cmunnA very newbie mistake I'm sure.
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08:35.47KirochiARR !
08:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-778deab7a07d1244)
08:57.17KirochiShiver me timbers ! The boat be empty. Scurvy epidemia ?
09:06.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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09:43.34krka_interesting challenge of the day, make a bogosort implementation that's stable
09:54.07cmunnkrka_, simply expand your is_sorted(array) method to upon a comparison of two elements with equal value, check the original array to see if they are in the correct order.  It would require a bit more memory (to store the original array) and a bit more time, but with the bogosort, who cares about time?
09:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-a3c08c031bde8b82)
09:57.45krka_hm, that would work
09:58.40krka_wouldn't take more time, complexity wise
09:58.52krka_just transform elements from X to (X, index)
09:59.04cmunnI'm not doing your homework am I?
09:59.10krka_nope :)
09:59.17krka_i just get random ideas at times :/
10:01.18cmunnI have a challenge, how can I get an extra ten people to show up for MC, so we don't have to run it with 30 people and take 5hrs?  Also, why do we let this game consume so much of our lives?
10:02.02zenzelezzI find it funny how people think that it's wrong to spend much time on a computer game
10:02.02cmunnAnd most importantly, why did I raid for 10hrs today and why haven't I fallen asleep yet?
10:02.21zenzelezzeverything we do is fill our lives with some sort of activity, so what if it's a game? It's still all about enjoyment
10:02.50Mystiqcmunn, my guild has to run MC as a pug
10:02.57Mystiqsince we cant generate any interest in the place anymore
10:03.24zenzelezzyou do higher instances now?
10:03.27cmunnWe're stuck at Vael, in both my guilds
10:03.31Mystiqstarting naxx tomorrow
10:03.56Mystiqim after mods to help make point-keeping less of a headache
10:04.14Mystiqi think i can reduce one of our point systems down to a grand total of 30 seconds of upkeep once i finish this other mod
10:05.15Mystiqim a code whore, we have 2 point systems, one for 40-mans, one for "offnight raids" in which the public is welcome
10:05.29Mystiqthe offnight system used to be done by hand, but now:
10:06.14cmunnhave you used eqdkp before?
10:06.28Mystiqit makes baby jesus cry
10:06.28zenzelezzI have no clue how my guild's raid leaders do their stuff... we use a separate DKP for each instance O_o
10:06.51Mystiqzenzelezz, your guild leaders are mad
10:07.08zenzelezznot sure I'd call them mad, but I find it a weird idea
10:08.16Mystiqdkp systems should be unobstrusive as possible, else its just too much damn work
10:09.19Mystiqbut ive learned how to bend PHP to my will to make it all better
10:09.25cmunnI use the CT_RaidTracker mod with eqdkp and I find it very quick and almost effortless once you get used to it.  Our EQDKP site is updated after every boss kill.  It takes me about 30sec to post the raid after the loot is distributed.
10:09.46Mystiqeqdkp assumes you're using the right system
10:10.07Mystiqour dkp system gives you certain dkp per hour, ive no real idea what eqdkp wants
10:10.18cmunneqdkp doesn't actually assume anything <3  It just allows you to add and subtract points
10:10.53Mystiqtakes me 30 minutes of processing a raid before i can enter it into eqdkp
10:11.22Mystiqbut this same mod i intend to write will prolly reduce that to a few mins
10:11.34cmunnHrm, good stuff
10:11.43cmunnWell, it's time I fall asleep.
10:11.55Mystiqi dont touch the 40-man point system, i manage the offnight system single handedly
10:12.20Mystiqi gotta get up at 2 for our MC raid lol
10:13.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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12:10.38Crispixello everyone
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12:15.15JoshBorkemorning krka
12:15.48krkafed up with my broken debian, installing ubuntu!
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12:24.23krkaformatted my root partition and installing ubuntu now... no turning back now!
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12:30.35krkathanks, now rebooted with ubuntu :)
12:44.47Kaeltengmorning :)
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13:43.31Canislupuswhat mods do a a lot of OnBagUpdate calls?
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13:43.55ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
13:44.30Canislupushi SanSerif
13:45.51ComicSansMScomicsans indeed has no serifs...
13:46.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
13:47.47zenzelezzhm, I don't like when something sells 10 minutes after I put it on the AH... always wonder if I've just made a blunder then
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15:27.07FISKER_Qi don't like when auctioneer puts 25 twilight texts up for 25s bo :/
15:27.17FISKER_Qwasn't even sold right away
15:28.04Kirkburn|Vistarofl, South Park is having a World of Warcraft episode!
15:31.00paulharmanheh really?
15:31.10Kirkburn|VistaCheck the front page :)
15:32.34paulharmannice :)
15:45.26RallionHeh, I realize that it's definitely a pretty big media thing, but it's awesome that they put it up there.
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16:08.50JoshBorkewhat is HotCandy?
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16:23.39Kirkburn|VistaJoshBorke, that was one of the more ... interesting ... MTs :P
16:26.33Cairenninteresting read:
16:29.03JoshBorkestill working on this whole one window thing
16:29.08CairennI know what that was, it was the same mt as your first one
16:29.46Cairenngod, I couldn't stand having everything in a single window, I'm waaaaay too busy for that
16:29.47Crispixyay! I'm a new rank !
16:29.57CrispixI'm now an Aku'mai servant. o.O
16:30.06Tullerhurray for tabs :)
16:30.15CairennTuller: *nod*!!!
16:30.28JoshBorkeif i can just remember to look at where i'm typing i'll be good
16:30.28Crispixanyone wanna see something funny?
16:31.42Crispixlook up "Aku'mai servant." in google.
16:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
16:31.48Crispixgoogle image search
16:32.00Cairennspeaking of funny, you guys know that napster has a new nasptergirl video out?
16:32.10JoshBorkeis she nekkid?
16:32.15JoshBorkeo.O slouken is here?
16:32.21sloukenHi Josh. :)
16:32.26CairennJoshBorke: why the surprise? not the first time
16:32.32sloukenCairenn, do tell?
16:32.47JoshBorkeCairenn: because he's hardly ever in here when i am :-) and hardly ever just idling, so long as i can remember
16:33.10JoshBorkeinstalling updates is a PITA
16:34.32sloukenlol, nice
16:34.33JoshBorkeas i was saying...
16:34.36JoshBorkeCairenn: is she nekkid?
16:34.46Cairennit's a stripper ...
16:34.51sloukenshe's not nekkid
16:34.55sloukenbut it's cute. :)
16:35.25sloukenthey don't mention it's illegal though. :)
16:35.28sloukenI wonder why?
16:35.55JoshBorkethat's cute :-)
16:36.14sloukenSee you guys later!
16:36.18*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
16:36.23JoshBorkesee! that's what i'm talking about!
16:36.30Cairennrofl, there goes the pirate
16:40.02Cairennwell, you do have to admit, it is rather quiet and dull in here at the moment, strippers not withstanding
16:40.17JoshBorkeso Cairenn, what are you going to do with TBC comes out?
16:40.25Cairennplay it?
16:40.33JoshBorkegonna start a new character?
16:40.46Cairennoh most likely, sooner or later
16:40.57Cairennnot necessarily in that first week or so though ;)
16:41.09JoshBorkei'm thinking of going with a BE paladin, to match my Human paladin :-)
16:41.17JoshBorkebut first i'm gonna get my priest to 70 i think
16:41.36JoshBorkei need to figure out a way i can get my fiancee to play
16:41.53JoshBorkewithout shelling out big bucks on a new computer...
16:52.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vathral (
16:53.32JoshBorkeah ha! missed nothing i see...
16:54.16JoshBorkejust you nodding :-)
16:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix_ (
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17:05.32Cairenn*points at the number of screenshots in the public forum*
17:05.49Crispix_well.. I should be a it more clear
17:05.57Crispix_I wanna post my UI on the official WoW forums
17:06.20Cairennas you say, might want to make your post a bit more clear :)
17:06.50Crispix_There.. fixed
17:07.31Crispix_post is fixed .. even more.
17:08.32CairennI don't know that the last part was necessary, but hey
17:09.00JoshBorkeo.O what'd i miss?
17:09.12Crispix_A lot.. as usual :p
17:09.16Cairennnothing you can see anyway Josh, so don't sweat it
17:09.34Crispix_but but...
17:09.39Crispix_I wanted to see Josh sweat.
17:09.54CairennI was just teasing Crispix about his post in the hidden mazzle beta forum, so he decided to tease back
17:11.48JoshBorkethat's what i was suspecting
17:11.57JoshBorkehe was one of those people that got invited to the beta
17:12.32CairennJoshBorke: aye, he did
17:12.32JoshBorkebut, but, i'm talking to cairenn...
17:12.44Crispix_This is a good point Josh.
17:12.46CairennJoshBorke: did you hear something just now?
17:12.57JoshBorkejust crickets
17:13.08Cairennis that what it was? okay then
17:13.28Crispix_sorry.. getting too into my rogue
17:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:13.35Cairennwell, no more beta for you boyo
17:14.01Cairennsince a) I can easily enough remove your access from the forum and b) if I'm dead, no more forum to begin with :p
17:14.35Cairennactually, that's not true, the site would continue on just fine without me
17:14.43Crispix_no it wouldn't
17:14.48JoshBorkethat's not true at all Cairenn
17:14.58Crispix_we all love you too much... at least.. I know I speak for myself.. *innocent grin and blush.*
17:15.05JoshBorkeit would fall to pieces with all the un-updated mods
17:15.28CairennI'm not the only admin nor the only moderator on the site guys :p
17:15.40Crispix_only the most active mod..
17:16.00Crispix_I just wish groups forums would coem up on the forum list
17:16.11JoshBorke*whisper* don't tell anyone else this, but you're the best Cairenn *whisper*
17:16.33Crispix_Cairenn is the only mod w/boobs. Therefore She wins by default Josh.
17:17.40Crispix_Cairenn you know that the invite into mazz's ui was the one thing that drew me back into the site?
17:17.44Cairennya know, I'm not sure that's such a glowing recommendation ... the only thing I have going for me is my boobs?
17:18.00Crispix_I'd been lurking for a while.. lol
17:18.13CideCairenn: well, you can cook I hope.........
17:18.30JoshBorkeand clean!
17:18.34CairennCide: *picks up the yellow pages and the phone*
17:18.50CideI quote from a hilarious post on the general forums
17:18.58Cide"ook, I just need someone to cook me my dinner, bring me my beer and mend my undies. if you can't do all three of those things, you are not a are worthless"
17:19.47Cide;) it was a quite stupid topic though
17:34.17JoshBorkeblah, that sucks.  divine shield can be dispelled in the expansion :-(
17:39.12PlorkyeranThey reverted that
17:40.03JoshBorkethey did? that's good
17:40.22PlorkyeranAbout a day after they announced it
17:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
17:42.39Cairennhey MoonWolf
17:42.48MoonWolfhello Cairenn
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18:10.22Cairennmorning hyperChipmunk
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18:13.30Cairennmorning Esamynn
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18:23.01Cairennmorning |ff
18:23.08Cairenn|FF|Im2good4u *
18:23.20|FF|Im2good4uactualy is evening here :P
18:23.27|FF|Im2good4ubut marning Cairenn
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18:30.35krkacurrent interface number?
18:31.30CairennI do believe
18:32.05Cairennyup, 11200
18:34.43krkasomeone remind me, is SavedVariables loaded and available before any lua code is run?
18:35.56krkaah, i see
18:36.06krkai need to check for both of those?
18:36.11Cideno, either
18:36.23krkahmm... but if my addon is loaded after variables_loaded?
18:36.23Cidearg1 == "YourAddonName" for ADDON_LOADED
18:36.30Cideuse ADDON_LOADED )
18:36.38Cideand check arg1
18:37.01krkayeah, i'll use that one
18:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:41.20cmunnNothing starts the day out right like listening to a tired Raid Leader whine to a poor Onyxia raid.
18:49.44zenzelezzmore dots
18:58.49*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
19:00.56ckknighthey all
19:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
19:10.43amrohey ckknight
19:22.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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20:07.35KirkburnFPS games need auto-run buttons :(
20:09.34Tullerand it needs to be the key r?
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20:46.11zenzelezztalk about nice BWL for me... I feel like a ninja today
20:47.40zenzelezzWrath shoulders, Elementium Threaded Cloak, Draconic Avenger
20:48.47AnduinLothari'm hoping another asscandy drops for me
20:50.05KirkburnMr friend's brother accidentely ninja'd Broodlord Lashslayers head last time :P
20:51.12KirkburnFortunately, no-one *really* wanted it, but he was pretty embarrassed :P
20:52.24nevcairielwe had lots of people "ninja" it .. because they thought it was for everyone, or something like that all the time
20:52.38Aenslaedwhats the macro command to deselect your target
20:53.01zenzelezznevcairiel: the tooltip saying "consequently only ONE may loot the head" didn't tip them off? :)
20:53.37nevcairielthey cannot read, or think, or be reasonable
20:53.58zenzelezzthat does sound like most raids
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21:44.17abuganyone understand varargs in lua 5.1?
21:51.16Cairennyay for big honking hunks of meat
21:51.44Cairennbeef in peppercorn sauce
21:51.51abugohhhh, that kind of meat
21:51.51Cairennyou know, food?
21:52.29abugmy head was in the gutter
21:54.11CairennI noticed
21:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
21:57.05Tullerso you mean function(...)?
21:57.51abugyeah that extra thing you can add to the end of the parameter list
21:58.21abugdoes that mean you reference ... as a list inside the function to get the extra arguments?
21:58.37abugseems kinda weird
21:58.41krkait is
21:58.42Tullerarg[1], arg[2], arg[3], etc?
21:58.56krkalocal a1, a2, a3 = ... works
21:59.02krkaand arg = {...} works
21:59.11krkaalso we have a cool new function:
21:59.20krkaselect("#", ...) -> number of params
21:59.43krkaselect(4, ...) -> everything in ... from the 4th and forward
22:00.10krkaif ... = 5, 7, 9, 13, 51, then select(4, ...) is 13, 51
22:00.23abugoh cool
22:00.48krkastill kinda hackish, but atleast better than in 5.0 with extra table created
22:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
22:10.55Cairennhi JoshBorke
22:11.13JoshBorkeanything exciting happen?
22:11.41Cairennwell, I talked about my supper and abug threw his mind in the gutter
22:12.02Cairennthat count?
22:13.10abugIt was a glorious 5 seconds
22:13.16JoshBorkemmm, anything involving you counts Cairenn  ;-)
22:13.18Cairenn(in other words, no)
22:13.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:14.00Cairennjust remember the old proverb: "be careful what you wish for, you may just get it"
22:14.35Cairennranks right up there with "may you live in interesting times"
22:15.28abugwe did talk about two new things coming in the expansion though
22:16.18JoshBorkemeh, i'll see 'em when the expansion comes :-D
22:16.36Cairennabug: we did?
22:16.46abugwell not you, but some of us
22:17.06Cairennsomething publicly announced, I trust ...
22:17.15abugyeah about lua 5.1
22:18.10abugselect(#, ...) and ...
22:18.35Tuller... exists now, it just becomes sexier
22:18.46abugoh it does?
22:19.19Cairenn*nod* it does
22:20.42abugmm good stuff, I should read that document more
22:21.33JoshBorkeclad|away: i'd be willing to set up a svn mirror if i got some hand-holding
22:21.41JoshBorke*sigh* clad got it anyway
22:23.13JoshBorkestill getting used to irssi
22:23.31JoshBorkeif you still need more svn mirrors
22:38.40cmunnYay! Guild first.  Vael is down!
22:40.00AnduinLotharfirey death
22:41.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
22:42.39nevcairielvael is a real bitch. he still manages to wipe us now and then.
22:47.24JoshBorkecmunn: grats!
22:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge warla (
22:48.59warlaquick question
22:49.14warlatable.insert(tradeskillsbase, "Verhüttung"); <-- why does that ü not work?
22:49.37nevcairieldid you save your file in utf8?
22:49.45warlawhen i pring out in chat whats in the string it sais Verhtung
22:49.45Thraewarla: Try escapping the u
22:50.01warlahow do i escape the ü?
22:50.03MentalPowermake sure your file is UTF-8 encoded
22:50.18nevcairielyou either need to save the file in utf8, or escape it, escaping is the better way tho.
22:50.23warladoes wordpad or notepad accept saving in UTF8?
22:50.29MentalPowerI beg to differ
22:50.31warlahow do you escape it?
22:50.38MentalPowerescaping uses more space
22:50.51MentalPowerand WoW fully supports UTF-8
22:50.53nevcairielspace *shrug*
22:51.13nevcairielbut its editor-save
22:51.21ThraeMentalPower: It only uses up space in the file, not in bytecode
22:51.40MentalPowerI know, space in the file, and its also harder to human-read
22:52.37ThraeJust put at the top of the file so people know where to go to translate
22:52.40warlaworks perfectly with \195\188
22:52.46nevcairielsure it does :)
22:52.53warlathanks a ton
22:53.03warlai'm trying to translate my addon + webpage for german
22:53.10warlaso it works with english and german uploads
22:53.23warlagerman has a crapload ü ö ä and stuff hehe
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