irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060930

00:01.38Kirochimaybe act as a lazy peon ?
00:02.05KirochiI'd love to see his stupid face clubbed by newbies
00:03.41Kirochirofl he's gonna produce "Far Cry"
00:03.58Kirochianother VG flick ==> trash bin
00:05.46nevcairiel[Ammo] you still awake?
00:07.01Mr_Rabies2one movie that he cant go wrong with is postak
00:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge THUNDER_CHILD (
00:07.30Mr_Rabies2it's like perfect for him, no story to wreck, and mindless killing
00:08.27zenzelezzI can see the headlines
00:08.30Mr_Rabies2he boxed a forum admin from a forum i go to for the postal movie
00:08.34zenzelezz"A far cry from worthy"
00:08.49Mr_Rabies2he boxes in his freetime, so he beat the crap out of poor Lowtax :[
00:08.58zenzelezzI've never cared for Lowtax
00:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:10.27KasoUwe boll is a jackass.
00:10.33ThraeLowtax? Sounds like another Republican promise...
00:11.05Mr_Rabies2he took his nickname from a crazy politician
00:11.06Kirochiomg what if we get spielberg ? Steven Spielberg ? Y'know, DA Steven Spielberg ? hm ? What if ?
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00:11.18Mr_Rabies2if only it was cg
00:11.24zenzelezzLowtax is that Something Awful goon
00:11.39Mr_Rabies22 hours of blizzard cg and voice actors would be heaven
00:11.48Mr_Rabies2screw whatever next expansion or game they're working on
00:12.00Mr_Rabies2seeing arthas as like brad pitt or something would make me sad
00:12.06ThraeYes, I am aware of that.
00:12.29KirochiI don't remember who suggested vladimir kulich, but that guy didn't have his brain up his ass
00:12.43Kirochithe dude really looks like a death knight
00:12.49Kirochieven w/out make up
00:13.08Mr_Rabies2if they had some comedy scenes i'd enjoy it
00:13.18zenzelezzthe idea of Vin Diesel as 47 in a Hitman movie saddens me
00:13.20Mr_Rabies2like it cuts to the barrens and someone's like
00:13.24Mr_Rabies2YOUR MOM DOES
00:13.41Kirochidoes what ?
00:13.43Kirochibarren ?
00:13.50Mr_Rabies2or WHERE IS MANKRIK'S WIFE?
00:14.10Kirochiand a CHuck Norris-Saurfang scene
00:14.15Mr_Rabies2"your mom does" is a pitiful comeback to an insult that's only funny if it makes no sense :o
00:14.29Mr_Rabies2like "you suck at warcraft" "your mom does"
00:14.44zenzelezzthe thing I always found most amusing in The Barrens was the level 20- people whining about being ganked there
00:15.03Mr_Rabies2people whine about being ganked in xroads on alliance on my pve server
00:15.05Mr_Rabies2it boggles the mind
00:15.28Mr_Rabies2GUYS COME TO XR AND SAVE ME *shift clicks on name and sees a level 25 hunter*
00:15.38Kirochiwhat'd also be funny
00:15.53Kirochisome dude yelling at any time day in day out of the movie
00:16.28Mr_Rabies2or cut to tarren mill and there's like piles of bodies and deathguards everywhere
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00:18.00Kirochiand in the middle of a gigantesque battle scene all soldiers yelling leetspeek
00:18.13KirochiOMG YE BEEN PWNED
00:18.29KirochiJOO SUXOR ALLY
00:18.48zenzelezzI'd appreciate an epic pre-combat scene, where you see them all getting ready and such, and then halfway through hearing someone in the crowd shouting "INVITE ME GOD DAMNIT"
00:19.15Kirochiand other replying 'SORRY FULL RAID'
00:19.25Mr_Rabies2a running gag of a priest being like "looking for group" and 50 people swarm them asking for them to help
00:20.04Kirochi'do you want me to clean your feet with my hair ?'
00:20.14Kirochi(I just love playing my priest)
00:20.32KirochiYes, please, bow deeper
00:22.10Kirochiand ... have you thought about gnomes ?
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00:23.42zenzelezzI think gnomes should have a racial passive -threat, because you just can't feel intimidated by those tiny meat balls
00:23.46CairennKirkburn|Vista: btw, yeah, you're right ;)
00:23.54Kirochipink haired with double ponytails female gnomes ftw
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00:27.54Kirkburn|VistaCairenn ... see! SEEE! I tole ya :P
00:28.35Kirkburn|Vista*innocent whistling*
00:29.14Kirochi*innocent hammer-wielding*
00:29.36Kirkburn|Vista*innocent running-away-and-hiding-for-no-reason-whatsoever
00:30.02Kirochi*war stomping*
00:30.22TainThe Woz was on the Colbert Report last night, and it was sadly uninteresting.
00:31.05Mr_Rabies2rerunning now
00:31.59TainBut the Colbert Green Screen Challenge was pretty damn funny
00:32.28Mr_Rabies2no mr tauren hunter, your 30 damage melee swings don't really hurt
00:34.08KirochiWell, bye you guys, I'm going home
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00:35.38Mr_Rabies2ahhh finally doing av just for fun
00:39.48Mr_Rabies2oh my
00:40.02Mr_Rabies2every trogg in the cave zerged me at once
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01:13.01IndustrialI'm thinking about putting my minimap under my actionbar
01:13.33Kirkburn|VistaWhat's the addon that puts co-ords on the minimap?
01:13.37zenzelezzso empty
01:13.53IndustrialI put all my little addons in one addon
01:14.35Industrialmousewheel scrolling, removes some stuff and the loc text
01:15.41Kirkburn|VistaTa, I'll keep that handy
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01:21.07IndustrialSLASH_RELOAD1 = '/rl' SlashCmdList['RELOAD'] = ReloadUI
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01:33.52Cairennand sure enough ...
01:34.10Cairennoh, how people just make me want to scream some days
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01:51.36MentalPowerwhat is faster "if (not foo) then" or "if (foo == nil) then" (if foo is nil)
01:51.56cladhaireif not foo
01:54.05MentalPowerthats what I thought, thanks :)
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02:22.24Cairennhi Kirov
02:35.41KirovDo we have a way of adjusting a button's hitrect from script now?
02:35.46KirovOr is that still xml only
02:36.12XuerianSetHitRectInsets(left,right,top,bottom) Iirc
02:36.36XuerianNegative values work
02:36.39KaeltenAwaynight guys
02:37.18Cairennnight KaeltenAway, sweet dreams
02:42.56KirovIriel - You around?
02:42.58Cairennnight clad|sleep, sweet dreams
02:43.30KirovIriel - is your event addon code online someplace/
02:43.44clad|sleepCairenn: Night
02:43.50IrielI can send you a copy
02:44.05Irielmsg me your email address
02:44.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:44.37KirovGet it?
02:46.00KirovYou can take a _wild_ guess at what my real name is from that e-mail address, not that I don't list it on all my addons already.
02:48.03Kirovgot it
02:57.17IrielCool, it's quite rudementary from a UI perspective
02:57.27Irielbut you can drag it from its title region and at least move it out of the way
02:57.32KirovYeah, I like it.
02:57.54KirovI'll probably redo the options menu I have to match the visuals.
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03:03.46KirovI have a basic version of the options menu I made up online if you want to see it.
03:04.02Kirovatm it's uber uber inefficent memory wise.
03:04.09IrielI do, but not yet - no wow access for a bit
03:18.06Kirovleft click to toggle display, right click to toggle logging, clicking on the expandable parts will enable / disable all children, shift + click on expandable to expand / collapse, control + click to toggle both
03:18.17Kirovor you can just click on the buttons.
03:25.17XuerianNice, Kirov
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03:43.46IrielDoes it require a pre-built event list, or can it add more on the fly as they're discovered?
03:44.00KirovAt the moment it's generated completely on the fly.
03:44.11KirovWhich is why it's so stupendously inefficent.
03:44.59KirovI know I can do something to clean it up, but right now it generates 200kb worth of table data.
03:45.06Kirovie: bad!
03:45.23MentalPower:RegisterAllEvents() is ineficient to begin with
03:45.42KirovMentalPower - but it doesn't use up a quarter of a meg
03:45.48IrielIt's actually remarkably efficient
03:45.58Irielit just gives ones code a lot to do
03:46.04MentalPowerefficient is the wrong word
03:46.27MentalPowerFor Debug/Testing only
03:53.31Kirovhmm... just realized the check box really just needs to be a 3 way switch
03:53.45Kirovif it's not being logged, it's not being displayed.
03:59.43Corr[home]sigh. i can easily hit exalted with frostwolf tonight but i can't afford riding training, now. >:/
04:03.42Corr[home]and since it can take me days to find a party for a relevant instance, that means i'm not gaining money quickly either
04:04.20MentalPowerAuctioneer FTW!
04:04.59Corr[home]oh yes, that was just wonderful how it stuck me with a green dragonscale breastplate at a good value that, unfortunately, i can't sell for anything.
04:05.16Corr[home]other than perhaps vending it
04:05.21MentalPowerwell its a tool, not a bot
04:06.13Endit's a number cruncher and a database
04:06.41Endoh crap, doing chromaggus
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04:19.04Cairennevening ckknight
04:19.34Corr[home]nobody ever wants to do DM East
04:20.08Corr[home]it's all strat live, strat dead, SM, and RFC
04:21.51jaxdahlAlchemists will be able to specialize in transmutations or potions. Specializing in potions allows you a chance to create more than one potion with a single crafting click. That is just one item that might sway doubt.
04:22.29jaxdahlon lfg: We'll probably be highlighting this system on the website next week. I've been writing text for that and researching the mechanics of it this week. It's mostly finished and already in the most up-to-date builds for the expansion.
04:23.07Corr[home]"sway doubt"?
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04:23.29Corr[home]hm, i hope they don't intend to take away our ability to talk globally
04:26.02Corr[home]auctioneer tells me this schematic: arcanite dragonling is highly overpriced. DONT BELIEVE IT
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04:29.26Corr[home]oddly, i've seen a lot of people advertising for BFD, too. i don't think i even ever did that instance.
04:30.13jaxdahl'Okay, I'll let you have that. But I doubt that Professions are going to be looked onto with a whole new faith just because of Jewelcrafting. I doubt you guys will ever make a LFG system. And, yes, the hunters still need stable slots. '
04:30.35jaxdahlthen tseric replied to him
04:31.26Cairennjaxdahl: link?
04:33.16Cairennthanks :)
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04:46.13jaxdahlhow long has Paid Char Xfer been down?
04:49.11PlorkyeranIsn't it only availible 9-6 weekdays?
04:59.30Guillotineis there any easy way to tell what spell/item is on the cursor without hooking the functions for picking them up?
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05:40.58Kirov - update
05:41.33XuerianMuch nicer layout
05:41.33IrielLooks good.
05:45.24Cairenn|sleepnight guys
05:45.33Xuerian'Night. Sleep well =)
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07:14.00Kirovstring.gfind is being replace with string.gmatch, right?
07:15.02Kirovfor text in string.gmatch(msg, "%a+") do will still be valid to, right?
07:15.07Kirovno pairs() needed
07:20.44EsamynnKirov: yes
07:20.54Esamynnsame function, just a name change
07:21.11Esamynnnight all
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07:34.59AnduinLothardoes a stack become locked if I split it and drop part of it somewhere?
07:54.58KirovIriel - still around?
07:56.31Irielsorta 8-)
07:56.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:57.07KirovI'm getting confused about something.
07:57.31KirovFunctions I add to ETVIS appear to exist, but any tables I add don't?
07:57.45KirovAt least beyond the current scope.
07:58.02KirovThey're acting as if they're just locals.
07:59.34IrielIt's intended as an object template, not a single instance, but I suspect you know that
08:00.23KirovThere's no way to define a table in a template then?
08:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (n=chatzill@
08:00.51IrielThere is, but you need to be sure that's how you want it to work
08:01.01Kirovhmm... probably not.
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08:01.21IrielGenerally you create them during 'new' in the new instance
08:02.27KirovAh, I see where I'm going wrong.
08:05.02Kirovok, ugly hack
08:05.25IrielUgly hacks are ok to get stuff started
08:05.27KirovI actually missed the fact that the event frame was being created as an object instance.
08:05.54IrielThe idea was to allow multiple of them with different filters, if necessary or desired
08:09.17KirovThere needs to be a better way to generate the events list.
08:10.33IrielI figured i'd probably pre-load the normal ones
08:10.41Irieland then add newly discovered ones as they show up
08:11.14Esamynnok, night again all
08:12.50KirovOk, so the event list itself needs to exist outside of the object instances.
08:13.21IrielI would imagine so, yes
08:13.31Irielpossibly the event collector should be shared for now also
08:14.52Kirovso, atm on :Add I have an if check to add events to DevTools_Events
08:15.32Kirovif (not DevTools_Events[ie]) then DevTools_Events[ie] = true; end
08:16.32KirovThat "should" work, though it means keeping the default list of events in the SV.
08:17.12Kirovnow, to compile said list
08:18.35Kirov mmm
08:19.55IrielI would grep for RegisterEvent in the source, then look at the event lists in ChatFrame.lua
08:21.03KirovThat's an exceptionally incomplete list though.
08:22.15IrielI'm not so sure, it's a pretty good list to get started with
08:22.44Kirovthat wiki page is all of them, minus a couple that've been added since 1.10 or when ever that list was created
08:22.47Irielif by 'that' you mean the one from source scanning, not the disassembly one.
08:25.05FISKER_Qcan't you get a list of events without using disassembly?
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08:38.34IrielYOu can get a list of the ones you've seen
08:38.44Irielbut not necessarily all the ones that might be possible
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08:43.13cephlot of aren't even events :\
08:44.17Kirovceph - true, but many of them are.
08:46.06cephyeah, would be pretty accurate is they removed the ones that are in that one globalization file
08:46.31cephif they*
08:51.41KirovIriel - You're using :Add to add the OnUpdate information ... which means I'm adding OnUpdate to my events list.  >.<
08:52.00IrielWell, I suspect it should be there in case someone doesn't want to see it
08:52.31KirovTrue, but probably not as part of the event list.
08:52.46KirovI can special case that someplace in the options.
08:54.38IrielI suggest putting your event list builder in the OnEvent handler, rather than inside :Add
08:54.49KirovYep, did just that.
08:56.07KirovAnother minor issue caused by the fact your event watcher starts watching events from the time it's created ... SVs haven't been loaded yet.
08:56.44IrielThat's fine, it wont catch enough to fill up
08:56.53Irielit should just capture everything until SV's are in
08:57.16Kirovwhich _should_ all be known events
08:57.54IrielIf not, you can always just scan the loop on ADDON_LOADED
09:01.01Kirovoh, btw, want me to add a faux scroll frame to the event list while I'm "here"
09:01.24IrielI was going to do that a bit differently, so only if you're really bored 8-)
09:01.37Irielthe renderer is a bit rudimentary at the moment
09:02.12KirovI'll skip it
09:02.32IrielOk 8-)
09:06.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
09:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
09:09.51KirochiI just made this banner
09:10.08Kirochihow is it ?
09:11.40Kirovthe alignment of the WoW logo looks off
09:13.16Kirochiyou want it higher or lower than the text ?
09:13.34KirovIriel - ok, I think I have the options frame done.  And it should work per-object instance
09:13.55Irielexcellent! I look forward to playing around with it tomorrow!
09:14.41KirovIt doesn't interact with the actual event frame yet
09:15.03*** join/#wowi-lounge axxo (n=axxo@gentoo/developer/axxo)
09:15.12KirovNot sure how to do the log vs display split
09:15.33Irielmaybe a toggle between modes
09:15.42IrielAnd you can't display what you're not logging
09:16.39KirovYep, which is why the options now have 3 settings.
09:16.55Kirovcheck (display and logging), grey check (logging, no display) and unchecked (not logging)
09:17.22Irielmaybe click toggles display, shift click toggles logging
09:17.26Irielor somesuch
09:17.41Irielif you're already using modifiers for something else, just put a 'logging/display' checkbox
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09:18.55Kirov - current revision
09:19.14KirovAdded a ? to the main frame to open the options
09:19.39KirovThe option frame should be unique to each instance.
09:28.53Kirove-mailed the current version to you.  bed time for me.
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12:03.56Nihoasuche ein addon für judgement of wisdom/light (bartimer)
12:08.04MikmaNihoa: lederhosen
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12:17.35ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
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14:26.31axxoany good gatherer addons?
14:26.43Cairenngatherer, ct map mod
14:27.35axxothose aren't good
14:27.39axxodon't work half the time
14:27.47Cairennwell, that's a matter of personal opinion, isn't it?
14:27.54axxoit is, know any bad ones?
14:27.56Cairennwhat do you mean "don't work half the time"?
14:28.10Cairennnot marking new locations?
14:28.19Cairennthat's a BLIZZARD bug
14:28.25Cairennknown one, in fact
14:28.34Cairennit's fixed for the expansion
14:28.39axxopf :\
14:28.41Cairennso, say again how those aren't good mods?
14:29.00Cairennand for the record, the latest gatherer has a work around for it
14:30.09nevcairielgatherer sometimes fails to record fish-schools, but beside that, its good.
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14:43.44Nightdewis there anyway to find out the immunities of a creature?
14:43.54Nightdewwithout simply casting a spell and failing
14:48.52Hatsukiiirc ct mapmod doesnt collect those locations unless you have detect herb/vein on
15:00.26axxoand if i don't want to use ct mapmod?
15:02.22Cairennthen don't use it
15:02.30Hatsukiwell, you could do like I do. Learn spawns by heart.
15:04.19PlorkyeranI never really found that Gatherer actually helped much
15:04.29PlorkyeranBesides the first trip or two to a zone
15:12.52axxowoo, i made it work again
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15:45.46krka_w00t, my brothers ubuntu computer managed to play wow with regular wine now
15:46.19krka_vertices are fubar with d3d though, and opengl only works if you disable double buffering :P
15:46.23krka_other than that it's good
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16:34.12[hZ]Cubensishey, anyone here who can answer a quick question of mine?
16:34.48Cairenncan try
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16:35.20[hZ]Cubensisok, i'll explain briefly what i'm trying to achieve. I have 5 template frames layed out horizontally, each one Anchored to it's predesecor
16:35.25[hZ]Cubensis[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]
16:35.43[hZ]Cubensisi want to be able to scale any frame to 3-4 times it's size (to enlarge, say, 2 - with 2 anchored in it's bottomright corner)
16:35.59[hZ]Cubensiswhen i use SetScale(2.0) - it appear to change it's positioning, and the positioning of elements hung off it
16:36.06[hZ]Cubensisis there any way to directly access the Size?
16:36.22[hZ]Cubensisi know Frame:SetPoint( ), but there seems to be no Frame:SetSize( 40, 50 ) sort of thing
16:38.55[hZ]Cubensis[finished the monologue btw :p]
16:39.21XuerianSetWidth & SetHeight
16:39.28Tullerframe:GetWidth(), frame:GetHeight(), I do wish there was a frame:SetSize(width, height), because I'm lazy
16:40.12[hZ]Cubensis(1 hr spent looking into that..)
16:40.21[hZ]Cubensis>_< who the hell doesn't provide SetSize >_< is your friend
16:40.31Xuerian(I think that's the lnk)
16:40.32[hZ]Cubensisaye, searched that inside out
16:40.40[hZ]Cubensiskept searching for the keyword "Size" though
16:41.00XuerianDon't search it, look at the widget you want to access ;P
16:41.45[hZ]Cubensiswow, now when i look, i see it straight away =D
16:41.46XuerianIn this case Region, since Frame inherits Region and Regions are raw containers
16:42.08XuerianHehe, I've stared at that page for my share of hours too
16:51.40*** join/#wowi-lounge hz_Cube (
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16:54.08[hZ]Cubensisok, another quick question which someone may know =)
16:54.20[hZ]Cubensisis there an event (frame) for mouse moving out of a zone?
16:54.28[hZ]Cubensisyou have (in buttons), OnClick, OnMouseDown etc
16:54.36[hZ]Cubensisis there a OnBlur
16:54.42[hZ]Cubensisor OnMouseLeave etc?
16:55.05[hZ]Cubensis(I know blizz have access to it, as they must use it to enable/disable the HIGHLIGHT artwork layer)
16:56.26[hZ]Cubensis<3 you =)
16:56.29Meryand OnMouseEnter
16:56.41Meryand OnLeave
16:56.50Merywithout that mouse
16:56.55[hZ]Cubensisrgr =) trying now
17:02.56*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
17:03.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Crispix (
17:03.38CrispixGreetings everyone :D
17:04.09CrispixPerhaps has anyone seen Cairenn today or is she still not awake/around for the morning?
17:04.50Crispixello Luv. I got invited into the Mazz beta testing :)
17:05.30CrispixI'm still awaiting your/mazzes/dobbs okay to enter the forum, I thought I might tell you. :)
17:06.57CairennMazzle approves, no one else, sorry
17:07.22CrispixLovely, I wonder when they'll be awake. :\
17:07.41CrispixJust finished reading the rules of the installs, and the beta testing instructions
17:08.08CairennCrispix: save it for when you get into the beta forum
17:08.21CrispixSave what?
17:08.29Cairenncommentary about it :p
17:16.32Cairennnot trying to be rude, but Mazzle isn't in this channel, never has been, and discussion of a closed beta mod in a public channel is less than a stellar plan
17:16.35[hZ]Cubensishaving something wierd happening
17:16.45[hZ]Cubensisin a Button OnClick handler, i have some code (which works fine)
17:16.49[hZ]Cubensiswhen i guard the code with
17:17.03[hZ]Cubensisit fails, and won't load the XML
17:17.27[hZ]Cubensisam i missing something stupidly obvious here ?
17:17.35[hZ]Cubensiscut out, works, paste back in, fails
17:17.36Crispixmm.. okay Cairenn, I just was wondering if you did approvals for the forums, thats all.. but because you don't I shan't bother you, I fully plan to talk about the actual UI in the UI's intended spot when / if I get approved.
17:20.15[hZ]Cubensiswow, i'm just smashing my head against a wall atm, trying to figure this out
17:20.28[hZ]Cubensisi simply fail to see, how enclosing some code in a logic statement, can break the XML
17:20.40[hZ]Cubensisthat's the final code atm
17:20.55[hZ]Cubensisif i remove the if and end lines, works perfectly
17:21.03[hZ]Cubensisif i leave the if and end lines in, fails to load addon
17:21.31[hZ]Cubensis(oh, there is a ..)
17:21.34Tuller< is the start of a tag
17:21.36[hZ]Cubensisat the top of the OnClick handler
17:21.42[hZ]Cubensisomfg.. lol @ Tuller
17:21.45[hZ]Cubensis=) thanks
17:21.47Mikmaanyone here uses zhCH or koKR with wow?
17:21.54[hZ]Cubensisso, err, not >= works?
17:22.34Cidethe xml parser reads it as an xml tag and errors
17:22.48Tuller[hZ]Cubensis: I'd call a function.
17:22.57[hZ]Cubensisack, i think it's looking like that =( k, thanks all
17:23.43Cideyou want to put most of your lua code into functions (and lua files!) anyway, for maintainability
17:24.19CrispixI hate..hate.. hate having to rename stuff in my wtf folder and my server names and stuff. :/
17:25.12[hZ]Cubensisperfect Tuller, thx
17:25.45[hZ]Cubensis(atm btw, the addon is 400 KB of code.. it's not small, and comprises around 30 .lua files
17:25.56[hZ]Cubensisi was somewhat hoping that i could contain this snippet in the XML, as it's far neater there
17:26.55Cidewell, you could hardcode every single value that is less than 50!
17:27.13Cideif ( buttonheight == 49 or buttonheight == 48 or buttonheight == 47 or buttonheight == 46 or ... ) then ;)
17:27.35[hZ]Cubensisproblem is, the height isn't an integer ;)
17:27.43[hZ]Cubensisthe actual height reports as 44.999999999999
17:27.56[hZ]Cubensisso i can't match to 45, which would be my ideal solutions, and i can't be arsed to math.ceil it
17:28.00[hZ]Cubensisjust in case O_o
17:28.10Cidemath.floor(buttonheight+0.5) is your friend!
17:28.52Cidethough, a function is the most elegant solution anyway, I'd say
17:34.31Crispix^^; wow.. that PhotecUI can really butcher up your wow o._O
17:37.50Crispix <-- take a look at that UI guys
17:38.23*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
17:38.50IndustrialCrispix: not very uncommon?
17:39.08CrispixI don't have any idea what they're running other than Scrolling Combat Tex
17:39.16Industrialace stuff
17:39.20CrispixAnd SCT gets on my nerves like mad.
17:39.40Industrialfubar on top, PerfectRaid frames on the right
17:39.46Industrialprolly otravi_CastingBar
17:39.49CrispixYeah, I could see the fubar too.
17:39.56kergotha lot of those addons are pretty nice individually, but that ui doesnt really fit together well
17:40.02Industrialthats about it..
17:40.11Crispixkergoth made me go blech
17:41.13CrispixI need a UI... while I wait
17:41.30Industrialwait for?
17:41.50CrispixIndustrial I'm one of 28 people Mazz has invited to join their closed beta test of their mod.
17:41.58Crispixwell.. new 28 ..
17:42.31Tullerso, there's no way to reference a table within itself without calling it direclty by name, is there?
17:42.42Crispixmy problem is, I'm now playing a Rogue class, and I haven't gotten a clue what I'm looking for in a UI now .. *Hasn't ever played a rogue..8
17:43.41kergothi ditched my raid frames on my rogue, no need to see health bars fore verybody, just use XRS for overall raid status
17:43.46Crispix ..WoW.. :o
17:43.57kergoth is mine on my rogue
17:44.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
17:44.07CrispixTake a look at the energy / health bars.. :o
17:44.31Crispixkergoth what do your combo points look like?
17:44.52kergothi'll take an sshot
17:45.07CrispixThats one of my biggest problems
17:45.25CrispixCombo points on UI's always look like they fell out of a dumpster and got hit by a run away mac truck
17:45.27IndustrialCrispix: mazz?
17:45.38Industrialthats mine atm
17:45.40Industrialwork in progress
17:45.47kergothcombo points are the main reason i dropped normal unitframes in favor of a HUD, there just wasnt  enough combo point visibility
17:46.29CrispixI can't see your combo points
17:46.39IndustrialCrispix: totally not my thing :|
17:46.51Industrialkergoth: see my screenshot
17:47.09XuerianIf you want frames with visible combo points, use Perl Classic. Not the best, not ace, but it has a great combo-points-behind-the-name bar display
17:47.13kergothIndustrial: now -thats- minimal
17:48.20IndustrialIll have to hack out the buttons on the minimap tho
17:48.43Industrialand add the actionbar page next ot the buttons
17:48.57Industrial(but dunno what that frame name is)
17:49.59kergothCrispix: just went and attacked the first mob i saw.  the combo points are next to the healthbars on the hud there
17:50.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Canislupus (
17:50.27CrispixThe yellow things are your combo points?
17:50.33Crispixoh wait
17:50.36Crispixthe blue dots
17:50.48CrispixThats.. really interesting o.O
17:50.49Canislupuswassup wow interface gods?
17:50.49Industrialand the scrolling text
17:50.57CrispixI hate SCT
17:51.03CrispixI have no idea why, but I do
17:51.14XuerianIndustrial: Nice, now you need to mod the default unitframe texture :p
17:51.21Xuerian& minimap ring.
17:51.37IndustrialXuerian: all I want is the N on it to be gone
17:51.37CrispixI really love your practically invisible map though
17:51.57IndustrialXuerian: and im still thinking about unitframes but thats a big job
17:52.04XuerianNot really
17:52.10IndustrialIs anyone here into 'twinking' ?
17:52.14XuerianYou could just desaturate them and draw something on there
17:52.16kergothsimpleminimap has an option to change the alpha when you're outdoors. i keep it very visible indoors and mostly invisible outdoors, works pretty well
17:52.19Industrialmaking unitframes? yes thats a big job
17:52.36Canislupusanyone know a good add-in that measures the memory usage of other add ins
17:52.41XuerianI mean skinning the blizzard ones :p
17:52.50Canislupustweeking, or twinking?
17:53.50CanislupusI am using 120 meg of interface memory in game, is that a lot?
17:55.04IndustrialCanislupus: I use 12
17:55.12Kirkburn|VistaIn fact, I cannot imagine how one can reach 120
17:55.18XuerianI use 25 while fully raiding kitted! C'MON o_0
17:55.19kergothmine's up to around 29-33 at login
17:55.26Canislupuswell something is eating it away
17:55.35Canislupusand i dont know whay
17:55.36IndustrialCanislupus: first things first, dump all discord things
17:55.38Kirkburn|VistaI reached 60 in the heady days of un-optimised addons (all 120 of them)
17:55.44Industrialand flexbar
17:55.56Canislupusdiscord is a memory hog?
17:56.02kergothhe's got a point, discord stuff is pretty heavy, though its definately feature rich
17:56.09Kirkburn|VistaStep back guys ... 120 isn't bad *if it's not affecting the performance of the PC*
17:56.18Industrialpost a list of addons
17:56.24Canislupusgot a good efficient replacement/
17:56.34Industrialnone that configurable
17:56.42Canislupusok... incoming list (gimme a few min)
17:57.05Canislupuswait.. whats the clipboard website?
17:58.35Canislupusyeah my discord stuff took me months to get the way i have it now
17:59.58Industrialis anyone here into twinking
18:00.11IndustrialI wanna make some templates for classes ad certain levels
18:00.22Industrialthought it would be nice for on the wiki
18:00.43Kirkburn|VistaCanislupus, despite what the guys are saying here ... :) ... if it's not affecting the performance of WoW, don't worry about 120 being a lot
18:00.56Canislupusprepare to be blown away by the list
18:01.20Canislupusthanks i appreciate the advice
18:01.27Kirkburn|VistaI can only imagine 120 being due to something with a database like Gatherer - but blown up massively
18:01.42Kirkburn|Vistabrb shopping
18:01.45Canislupusmy gargage collections are quite rough though
18:02.35Canislupuswait... somethings wrong... thats the wrong list
18:03.02Canislupusi got rid of Titan bar
18:03.29Industrialwell here goes, id dump all discord ct and titan things
18:03.44Industrialand only use auctioneer on your AH char
18:03.53Canislupusi cant be without ctraid tho
18:04.15IndustrialIm not into raiding but um.. oRa
18:04.42IndustrialQuickLoot -> FruityLoots
18:04.52Canislupusi do love the convenience of my mods
18:05.19Canislupussomethings really eatin up the memory tho
18:05.23IndustrialSo noone here wants to help me make a twink profile?
18:05.34IndustrialCanislupus: do you have a really large auctioneer database?
18:06.59CideIndustrial: ct stuff isn't memory heavy, try again
18:07.11IndustrialCide: =P
18:07.29Canislupusi am trying to go all Ace2
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18:11.42Canislupusi have mobinfo2, itemsync and gatherer,and auctioneer
18:12.31lacindasthose are all pretty database heavy addons
18:12.32Cidethose are likely 50-80% of your memory usage right there
18:12.40lacindaswhat cide said lol
18:12.51Canislupusany way to reduce them without losing that convenience?
18:13.19Cidesince the convenience = data, and data = memory, not really
18:13.40TullerCide: can you check on CT_Mail, I have reason to believe that it does stuff whenever you do anything to your inventory :)
18:13.52Canislupuslol... yeah guess i will go to newegg and order a couple of 1gig sticks
18:14.03Cideyou could try alternatives that either store less data or in another format, but I've never used such addons so I can't name any
18:14.19CideTuller: could you be a bit more specific? that hardly helps
18:14.25Canislupusi would love some alternatives that run under Ace
18:14.35Cideokay, here's the deal
18:14.38Cideace does not make tables smaller
18:14.45Canislupusso true
18:15.07Canislupusbut it does streamline code correct?
18:15.14Canislupuswell... sorta
18:15.19kergothace does not, no
18:15.48kergothsome of the developers that also happen to use ace, happen to focus on efficiency.   one does not come from the other
18:15.51PlorkyeranIt mostly just encourages better design
18:16.05kergoththere are numerous addons which are efficient and do not use ace, and there are addons that use ace and arent all that efficient
18:16.45PlorkyeranJust using ace can occasionally help things if it has a library that does something you're doing, but better
18:17.06Canislupusand doesnt it reduce OnEvent calls?
18:17.15PlorkyeranNot by itself
18:17.24Cideit reduces the amount of calls to frames that register OnEvent
18:17.53Cidebut all it does is reinvent the wheel by applying an event dispatcher over an already existing one (the game's)
18:18.14Cideand yes, it does implement a few things such as custom events, but that's irrelevant when it comes to OnEvent calls, as in this case
18:18.38Canislupusbtw i love ctmod, cide
18:18.48kergothhaving to create a frame just to get at the blizzard event dispatcher is lame
18:18.56Cidekergoth: I agree
18:19.08Canislupusany plans to go further with ctraid tracker?
18:19.29Cidebut in most cases it's not that bad, since most addons that need it also need a frame, which can handle it anyway
18:20.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
18:24.11ComicSansMSquestion: if i do something like, it will create a new string each time the ..-operator is executed in the for-loop?
18:24.40kergothComicSansMS: yes
18:24.49Cideit will create a new string object if the new string isn't found
18:25.23Canislupusmy auctioneer database is 8mb in my wtf folder
18:25.27Canislupusis that big?
18:25.49Kirkburn|VistaOne day we should all name ourselves things like TimesNewRoman, Georgia, TwCenMS to weird ComicSansMS out :P
18:26.00Cideyes, that's quite big
18:26.07Cidedisable it and check your memory usage difference
18:26.07axxonot really
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18:26.12ComicSansMSkirkburn :P
18:26.19Cideaxxo: yes, that's quite big
18:26.40axxobut its normal for auctioneer db to grow that big
18:26.53ComicSansMSthis problem is really getting me. i managed to write a more memory efficient version of the function, but it doesn't seem to be very elegant...
18:27.02Canislupusi wanna be WingDings
18:27.38ComicSansMSany ideas?
18:27.52Cideaxxo: relatively speaking it might not be that big *for an auctioneer database*, but does by no means make it a small chunk of memory
18:28.19CideComicSansMS: how often are you running this?
18:28.33Cideand how different are the strings you're running it on?
18:28.39Cideand how long are they?
18:28.44Cide(well, tables)
18:29.04ComicSansMSdifferent. string lenghtes vary between a 5 and over 3000 chars
18:29.13Cideand how often is it run?
18:29.32ComicSansMSnot that often. it's not really time critical or anything
18:29.50Cideon user's initiative?
18:30.00Cidethen don't bother about the small chunk of memory the strings take up
18:31.02Canislupusso i would assume an 8MB database=8MB interface memory, is that correct?
18:31.08CideCanislupus: no
18:31.28Cidefirst of all, the code is compiled, which makes it smaller
18:31.50Canislupusok... cause that seemed like a small part of my 120 MB memory usage
18:31.52Cideand then when it's executed, lua constructs a bunch of tables
18:32.03ComicSansMSi mainly worried about the big strings. for a 3000 char string i would have to build around 4500000 temp strings.
18:32.10Cidewhere each entry is quite big
18:32.34Canislupusi just have a sinking feeling somethiing is building a table and filling it with looped garbage
18:33.15CideComicSansMS: I don't see how you get that number
18:33.20Canislupusmy increasing rate in game now without auctioneer is 23.2 KiB/s
18:33.39ComicSansMSsry, i meant i would have to allocat strings for 4500000 characters in different strings ^^
18:34.27Cidefor 3k characters you'd end up with at most ~6k strings I'd say, and that is assuming that they don't already exist, which they very well might
18:36.23CanislupusCide, i started at 80MB... now i am at 90
18:36.30Canislupuswithout auctioneer...
18:36.40CideCanislupus: then do a binary search
18:36.58Canislupusi think i be......  huh?  (<----that guys a noob)
18:37.22ComicSansMSfor a string of length n i'd have to do (n-1) concatenations. but when incrementally building the string like in the first function i'd have to save a total of (n*(n+1))/2 characters. which seems a lot
18:37.43Cidedisable half of your addons, check. any better? enable half of the addons you disabled. still good? enable half of the still remaining disabled addons
18:38.01CanislupusOH... ok  yeah got it now
18:38.13Canislupusthanks for toleraing me 8-)
18:38.18Cideswitch halves if it gets worse
18:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
18:42.38TullerCide: mailmod uses around 6kb whenever I move an item in my inventory from one slot to another.  I was hoping it could use a little less :)
18:42.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
18:42.59Cidehm, interesting
18:44.47CideI'll take a look sometime
18:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge fatbrain (
18:48.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
18:48.33Serachthey is the only combat log mod out there Nurfed combat log?
18:48.49Canislupusnot even close
18:49.14Canislupusi use "simple combat log" i think its called
18:52.45lacindasi use scl as well, its nice, theres quite a few others as well
18:52.53Serachtah ok
18:53.04SerachtI can get it from WoWI right?
18:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
18:53.38lacindasi believe so
18:54.07lacindasand there ya go ;)
18:55.53Serachtall that's left is SWstats + unitframes
18:56.04Serachtis wowace's svn working now?
18:56.36lacindastheres a mirror of the .zip's yes
18:56.51*** join/#wowi-lounge paulharman (
18:57.14Serachtlacindas so where do I get ag_unitframes then?
18:57.31CairennI believe
18:57.33Serachtsite is going so slow :(
18:57.47paulharmanany idea how i can get item details from an item currently held by the cursor?
18:58.25paulharmanbeen looking through the auction house code but no luck
18:58.41THUNDER_CHILDheld or held over?
18:59.19THUNDER_CHILDnope not a clue
18:59.22paulharmani am trying to reproduce what happens when you drop an item into the auction 'slot' in the auction house
19:00.05THUNDER_CHILDbut your no longer holding it at that time
19:00.24ComicSansMSi just made some quick tests with the conversion functions from above. on a 3400 char string the first allocates 914 kb of memory, while the second only uses 57kb
19:00.30paulharmanyeah i was kinda hoping that it could be done with an OnMouseDown event
19:00.36CideComicSansMS: and in speed?
19:01.01Cidethough that's a quite nice change
19:01.34ComicSansMSit is... i didn't test speed, but as mentioned, it's not really time critical and none of them seemed to be overly slow
19:01.44Kirovpaulharman - what exactly are you trying to do/
19:01.49CideComicSansMS: try this
19:02.28Cidefunction ASCII2String(t) return string.char(unpack(t)); end
19:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
19:02.57ComicSansMSi'll try that, sec
19:02.58paulharmani want to be able to drop an item onto a button and read the data about the item (for example grab the texture name and show it on the button)
19:03.46paulharmanall i can find on wowwiki is CursorHasItem()...there doesn't seem to be GetCursorItem() or something similar :)
19:04.36Kirovpaulharman - there's no way to know what is actually on a cursor after it's been picked up.  You have to hook the various pick up item functions and keep track of what the cursor is holding at the time it's being picked up.
19:04.52Cide(read: PITA)
19:05.18THUNDER_CHILDwouldnt it be easier to simply pass your curser over what you want to pick up the data?
19:05.27paulharmanyeah that makes sense
19:05.34THUNDER_CHILDnamely a basterdies version of DFM's frame finder
19:05.50THUNDER_CHILD<-- cant spell worth shit
19:06.44ComicSansMS"stack overflow table too big to unpack" ^^
19:06.55Cidehaha, okay
19:07.23ComicSansMSnice idea, though, i didn't even think of that
19:08.34Serachtquick question
19:08.45Serachtlatest version of ag_UnitFrames = 12395?
19:09.11CideI believe you'd be better of consulsting various sites for that information
19:09.20Cides/of /off /
19:09.57Cairennif you got it from the ace download then it's probably the most recent
19:10.19Cairennbut Cide's right, only way to know for sure is to check the site
19:10.35Cairenn&/or try to catch the author around and ask directly ;)
19:11.12Kirovpaulharman - - check out the SimpleActionSets_Hooks.lua
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19:14.13lacindas12395 yes
19:15.31paulharmanthanks Kirov
19:16.47Cairennyou guys really have made this channel everything I hoped it would be when I started it :)
19:17.53Cairennand I don't think people say "thank you" enough for everything you guys do
19:18.10KirovCairenn must be having a good day
19:18.25Cairennno more or less so than any other random day
19:18.36Cairennjust it should be said sometimes
19:18.43Cairenn*should* be said more often than it is
19:19.01Serachtthanks lacindas
19:21.02Serachtoh, and what damage meters can you recommend?
19:21.08lacindasnone :)
19:21.12SerachtI am leaning towards SWStats but un sure
19:21.18Seracht:( I just want to use it as I am leveling my warrior
19:21.21lacindasdepends, you want full group or personal stats?
19:21.31Serachtum full group will be nice
19:21.40Serachtits basically to stop warriors in groups from 'dps tanking'
19:21.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
19:22.03CideCairenn: it's okay, just make sure the monthly checks roll in punctually
19:22.12CairennCide: ;)
19:22.15lacindassw_stats is the best group dmg meters imho, personally, i use KombatStats for my personal stuff
19:22.48lacindasim curious to see how the new version of sw preforms tho, the old one was a bit of a resource hog on raids
19:23.34Serachtmmmm ok
19:23.35Serachtcool thanks
19:23.46SerachtI think I got all the mods I need
19:24.01lacindasnp, happy to help :)
19:24.07Serachtag_unitframes, bongos, ecastingbar, cirk's chat manager, simple combat log
19:24.11Serachtsee anything I am missing?
19:24.22lacindascheck that, ag_uf is now at 12408 ;)
19:24.38lacindasdrop ecb and get otravi's
19:24.47SerachtI just downloaded it
19:24.49Serachtand it was 12935
19:25.00lacindasyah new commit about 30secs ago ;)
19:25.29Serachtnot on wowI I think, just did a search
19:25.37lacindasits on the ace svn
19:25.45Serachtoh ok
19:26.01lacindasactually, 1 sec
19:26.13Serachtis it automatically updated on the
19:26.31SerachtI do not really wnat to install SVN, trying to keep the computer as format fresh as possible
19:27.04lacindasany time a new commit is done to a mod, the .zip on that page is updated
19:27.12lacindasso you dont need svn anymore
19:27.13Serachtok cool, got ag and otravi
19:27.18lacindasjust that link
19:27.48lacindasild recommand checkin out the prat chat modules as well (not sure what you do with or use cirk's for)
19:27.48Serachtthank you
19:28.20SerachtI only need to remove the buttons
19:28.21Serachtthats all
19:28.47lacindasoh, get Prat_buttons then, thats all it does
19:29.06lacindastho you might want prat_scroll also ;)
19:29.17Serachtis prat WoWAce2 as well?
19:29.31lacindasprat is ace2 yes
19:29.52lacindasyou'll need the "Prat" core, then any modules yould like
19:30.28Serachtok cool
19:31.45Serachtanything else? heh
19:32.54lacindashr, such as? category etc
19:33.13SerachtAny other mandatory mods I guess :s
19:33.19SerachtI dont think I need anything else
19:33.27Serachtstill leveling, so no use for perfect raid etc
19:33.30lacindaslol define mandatory (i have like 200+ addons lol)
19:33.55Serachtwell my mandatory is normally: Bongos
19:33.58Serachtthats it really
19:34.02SerachtECB for nice casting bar
19:34.05Cairennand I have <50 that I use (on a regular basis)
19:34.19Serachthow much memory do you ugys use normally
19:34.21Serachton the addons only
19:34.29Cideaddons only? ~10-15mb
19:34.32lacindasyeah i think of my gosh-knows-how-many, i only use a few constantly
19:34.52Seracht10-15 with 50 addons?
19:35.00SerachtI was using 12 with chat manager, bongos and ECB
19:35.17Cide10-15 with ~25 addons maybe
19:35.45Serachtthe stats bar in bongos that lists memory or osmething that is just addons right?
19:36.11lacindasi believe so, i dont use that one, i use the fubar plugin
19:36.13Tullergcinfo() /1000
19:36.40lacindasbtw <3 bongos Tuller ;)
19:37.21lacindasthe new scripting stuff is sweet, i havent even started playing with it, so many ideas lol
19:38.13Tullernow only if normal people could use it :)
19:38.41lacindasoh, im normal lol
19:38.59lacindasmy attempt at an addon last night spit 100+ errors rofl
19:39.22lacindas1st part worked like a charm, part 2, WoW exploded lol
19:41.57Serachtyes <3 bongos
19:42.51lacindaslol nev, wanna check the code see if you can figure out what i nuked? haha
19:44.58Tullerthe worst thing I've ever done is 132'd wow with old sticky code
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19:46.56lacindashehe i thought i crashed it last night, just immense lag from all the errors lol
19:47.01ComicSansMSi never heard that term, where does it come from?
19:47.15Tullerits one of the error codes that wow has when it crashes
19:47.25Tullermight be 142
19:47.45ComicSansMSah, i see..
19:49.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
19:54.14TullerI think its frame:GetPoint(num) that caused it
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20:27.46CrispixCan someone help me for a sec?
20:27.55Guillotinewe can try :)
20:28.05CrispixWhat plug in is that?
20:28.20Industrialplugin of what
20:28.30Crispixerr addon
20:28.30Guillotinecould be one of many things
20:28.32decicritline is the crit addon isnt it?
20:28.37Guillotinesome sort of high score thing
20:28.43Guillotinecould be crit line
20:28.43Industrialtheres a crit fubar addon too
20:28.49Guillotineya, I use the fubar one
20:29.46Kirovzomg! 55!
20:30.04lacindascritline, topscoreFu, uhm, any other ones?
20:30.37CrispixLooks like its fubar topscore
20:30.47CrispixThanks :D
20:31.04CrispixNow I need to figure out what addon is making my rogue combo points look like Cartoon 'Pow Biff' marks
20:31.33lacindasoh i saw that one on curse, its got crit in the title but i dont recall the full name
20:32.15lacindas ?
20:32.31CrispixI'll take a pic of it :)
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20:44.00Crispix_  Kirov.. you wouldn't know what addon that is .. would you?
20:44.03Crispix_The combo counter?
20:44.36KirovI've seen it before, but I don't know where
20:53.20Crispix_I can't figure out what addon this is and I've gone through the list
20:53.34lacindasheh i just searched WoWI, curse and worldofwar and none of them have anything like that
20:56.17IndustrialIts not really needed anyway
20:57.22jaxdahlFYI, don't try to use the paid character transfer service right now.. it's breaking on the payment step and people are getting $1 charges every time they try
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20:59.06lacindaslol Id
21:02.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
21:08.00PlorkyeranIsn't that Bartender2 with the circle layout?
21:15.54Hexarobeeany java coders here? trying to draw some lines using swing but i cant remeber how, all the stuff im finding is for awt not swing
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21:19.13Kirovno Iriel, eh?
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21:28.03jaxdahl^^ news from slouken
21:28.08jaxdahlon SPELLEVENT_*
21:28.15jaxdahland self-cast stuff
21:29.14nevcairielslouken is mean with all his teasers.
21:29.19nevcairielbut, good news
21:38.03Industriali just made a unitframe
21:38.18lacindasscreenshots! ;P
21:38.19Industrialwithout a bar, only a frame that gets set to the height percent
21:38.26Industrialbut its vertical
21:38.27decilike the one in your photoshopped pic?
21:38.34Industrialbeginning of that
21:38.37decinice :)
21:41.00Industrialvery crude and it uses an OnUpdate now
21:41.11Industrialbut at least ot works
21:41.19Industrial(zomg look at the chat bottomleft)
21:41.45decinice :P
21:41.54deciim right under 20mb
21:43.09lacindasnice layout deci
21:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:15.11Kirochikranal fiss
22:15.30Kirochifr **** kiss
22:17.30Tullerstupid thing, why dont we put cooldown count on buff icons?
22:22.25Industrialwe do
22:22.29Industrialits called !OmniCC
22:22.57Tullerno player buffs, and yes I know that they have text below them :)
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22:30.09RozrAnyone know of a mod for a raid/party leader that displays which raid/party member is able to loot a corpse  (obvously on group loot)
22:32.38MentalPowerRozr: that info is not available to the UI
22:32.49Rozryou sure?
22:32.57MentalPoweryou can guesstimate, but it will be iffy
22:33.05Rozrwhat do you mean by guesstimate?
22:33.21zenzelezzguess + estimate... guesstimate
22:33.46RozrI realie that
22:34.02Rozrbut Im not sure how he was intending that to be used n this case
22:34.23MentalPowerGroup Loot is round robin, you if you figure out the order you can predict who's up for looting
22:34.43MentalPowerbut if people don't loot in order then your guesses will be off
22:34.59MentalPower(very common that people loot off-order)
22:37.41Rozrwhy is there an option for round robin if its the same as group loot?
22:39.16nevcairielround robin is for all items
22:39.21nevcairielgroup loot you roll for certain items
22:42.06Rozrokay  hm that might work
22:42.25Rozrand you obviously mean by doing this I'd haveta parse the chatlog?
22:42.41Rozror is there an easier way to know who loots from a corpse
22:42.44Rozrerr looted*
22:42.49zenzelezzso "Round Robin" is group loot without rolls for items of <loot theshold>+?
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23:48.58nevcairielIs there anyway to detect the so-called passive buffs ? like a set bonus, or enchants ?
23:53.14zenzelezzI thought "passive" buffs were stuff like the Argent Dawn commision thing
23:54.02nevcairielno idea what to really call it, thats why i explained :D
23:54.16nevcairielthott somehow lists them in their db
23:54.23nevcairielso somehow you can get to them
23:54.57zenzelezzwell, my knowledge of such things is utterly scarce, so I'm not really the person to listen to :)
23:57.41*** join/#wowi-lounge KrteK (
23:57.42nevcairielguess i have to scan the worn items if we have a set bonus there :/
23:58.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.