irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060927

00:01.39cmunnDoes anyone know the name of the Party Frame?
00:02.38cmunnOdd, it's working now.
00:04.31kaso|800g down the drain, i hope i can ride my Raptor Tommorrow
00:06.16TainI think that often.  Although usually it about the ride I spent too much money on the night before.
00:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
00:07.17jaxdahlcan't download this
00:07.28ckknighthey all
00:07.57Cairennevening ckknight
00:18.14kaso|so what's StaticPopupDialogs["ABANDON_QUEST_WITH_ITEMS"] ?
00:18.38kaso|attuually duh i can look it up in globalstrings cant i
00:19.07zenzelezzdidn't someone speak of abandoning a quest and that is deleted all the quest items for it a little earlier?
00:19.30zenzelezz*that is automatically deleted
00:19.59zenzelezz*that it o_O
00:20.02kaso|why have they added that then
00:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge KrteK (
00:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:25.28ckknightbasically, if you have a quest with items, and abandon the quest, you lose the items you picked up
00:25.30ckknightmakes sense, actually
00:28.09zenzelezzdepends whether there's a confirmation dialog/whether the standard abandon quest dialog will say that it will delete the items
00:28.46zenzelezzI'd be rather pissed if I abandoned the Seal of Ascension or Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight for example to make room for other quests, only to have to gather all the crap again
00:29.18kaso|it doesnt delete those does it? i thought it meant items the quest gave you when you took it
00:29.52zenzelezzI don't know, I only heard someone mention it briefly
00:30.43kaso|is there a quicker way to see if i'm mounted other than checking buffs?
00:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:40.19Gngskkaso|, UnitIsMounted("player")
00:41.10kaso|that exists?
00:41.27Kirovkaso| - as a mod
00:42.33KirovIt's not part of WoW's api
00:42.52PlorkyeranThe lack of a confirmation was because I've been using UberQuest for so long I forgot it was an addon
00:43.15PlorkyeranIf you're using the default combat log it'll tell you what items it'll destory
00:43.29kaso|hmm they seem to be doing tooltip scanning so i might as well do that then
00:43.42jaxdahlanyone getting ported out of naxx for strange reasons?
00:44.04PlorkyeranIf you log out in a raid instance, you'll get ported to your HS when you log in
00:44.13kaso|thats rather stupid
00:44.18PlorkyeranIncluding getting disconnected :/
00:44.30Kirovjaxdahl - I haven't been able to get in to naxx for 3 months
00:44.53kaso|wow if you get ported on DC i know some people in my guild who wont be able to raid anymore ;,
00:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
00:51.58OsagasuI don't suppose anyone knows of an addon that just removes the aura/stealth bar?  The one on my rogue is starting to drive me nuts.
00:56.52zenzelezzworthless double-sided DVDs
00:57.32AnduinLothardrag it off screen
00:58.13AnduinLotharzomg clad's linking my links... must... resist.. urge.. to screenshot
00:58.42AnduinLotharoh ok, he jsut cross linked wowi's
00:58.51AnduinLotharthat's acceptable then
00:59.54OsagasuI don't have any anchors addon on.  It breaks a number of addons that rely on frame positions that I use.
01:00.16zenzelezzI wonder how much they saved by recording on double-sided DVDs instead of using two extra DVDs >:-|
01:02.30OsagasuIn any case Anduin, that's pushing a nuke to kill an anthill.
01:02.59AnduinLothari just figured if you had an addon to reposistion it'd be easy to do
01:03.37OsagasuI don't use an addon to reposition anything. o.O
01:03.53AnduinLotharthen why are you trying to remove the shapeshift? got a replacement?
01:04.06OsagasuBecause I just want the button to go on my action bar.
01:04.21AnduinLotharwrite one :)
01:04.35OsagasuI'm looking into that now.  I just don't know what the frame is called.
01:04.55AnduinLotharunless you're a warrior
01:05.04AnduinLotharthen it's BonusActionBar
01:06.24OsagasuAll the ones that add an extra bar but rogue I'll just turn off the bottom left action bar, but with Rogue, it's only one button so it seems like a waste.
01:06.53OsagasuAnd that drives me nuts.
01:07.30Osagasu...I might be a little anal retentive and obsessive compulsive about it, yes. '>>
01:07.33AnduinLotharand the code repositions everythign above it too, whee
01:08.52OsagasuExcept for my chat windows.  Which I like where they are because any higer and they run into my Damage Meters and Lore Frame, and above that is my party frame...
01:10.05Osagasu. . .There's a hidden tic tac toe frame in framexml? o.O
01:10.57PlorkyeranThe stealth button is ShapeshiftButton1
01:13.33OsagasuIs it it's own frame?
01:14.04PlorkyeranIt's a child of ShapeshiftBar
01:14.54OsagasuSo if I called Frame:GetChildren for shapeshiftbar on my rogue, It'd return the button?
01:15.34PlorkyeranIt should
01:16.02OsagasuSo... basically, ShapeshiftBar:Hide() Is all I should need?
01:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
01:17.10OsagasuI miss the good olf days, where Visual Basic 6 was all I needed to do anything.  *sob*
01:17.20PlorkyeranShapeshiftBar:UnregisterAllEvents() before PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD should make it die fairly cleanly
01:19.07OsagasuShapeshiftButton1:Hide worked, ShapeshiftBar:Hide didn't.
01:19.40Plorkyeranerr, it's ShapeshiftBarFrame
01:19.50AnduinLotharor ShapeshiftBar.Show = function(self) end
01:20.00AnduinLotharShapeshiftBarFrame.Show = function(self) end
01:20.38OsagasuAlright, thanks.
01:28.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:32.13Osagasuan addon in a neat little package.  one line, no XML, no fuss.
01:32.39Osagasuand one slightly less disturbed Osagasu.
01:54.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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01:56.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
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02:05.55warlai need lua help
02:05.59warlacan i bug someone? ^^
02:07.52XuerianFeel free. Can't guarantee you'll actually get any help XD
02:09.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
02:27.32OsagasuI just realized you could click and drag to change the width of Fubar.
02:27.56XuerianIf only you could set it's transparency and texture per bar
02:28.12OsagasuI went through and deleted all my settings cause I accidentally dragged it one day apparently and couldn't get it to work right.
02:28.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (i=tardmrr@
02:30.20Guillotineanyone else heard that Blizz put a guild event calendar into TBC?
02:30.50Guillotine(they didn't really. I'm just trying to spread the rumor to give them the idea. post it anywhere and everywhere)
02:37.39zenzelezzfor crying out loud... out of five double-sided DVDs so far, three of the ten sides have refused to work
02:42.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:45.42PlorkyeranIf we start enough rumors about it they'll add it?
02:49.52Guillotinethats the hope
02:50.28*** join/#wowi-lounge FISKER_Q (i=blah2@
02:52.27MentalPowerHow do I comment in HTML?
02:53.07Guillotine<!-- Like this for one line -->
02:53.24Guillotinedon't remember multiple lines :/ sry. Could be the same thing
02:53.31zenzelezzit is
02:54.51MentalPowermany thanks
02:55.41Kirkburn|VistaYup, browsers should ignore anything after a <!-- until it sees a --> anywhere in the code
02:56.08Kirkburn|Vista(unless it's a conditional statement ;)
02:59.55Kirkburn|VistaCan anyone give me a link to the 1.12.1 patch notes, please :)
03:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
03:02.24Serachtquick question
03:02.33Serachtwhat mod removes the chat buttons (the ones on the side of chat frames)
03:02.55TainThere are a number of mods that can do that.
03:02.56Kirkburn|VistaThanks, even
03:03.05Serachttain anything you can recommend
03:03.11Serachtthat is not memory intensive
03:05.02GuillotineI use Cirk's Chat Manager. It's relatively less memory intensive, unobtrusive, and EXTREMELY useful if you're using any custom channels.
03:06.39Serachtlast question
03:06.42Serachtany good unit frame mods
03:06.47SerachtI want to use ag_unitframes
03:06.49Serachtbut they are in beta :s
03:07.07Serachtdon't know how complete they are I guess
03:07.08Tainaguf is very, very much usable and stable.
03:08.13Serachthmm ok
03:08.22Serachtthanks again
03:08.46Serachtoh wowinterface does not have a category for damagemeters
03:08.51Serachtis it under something else?
03:11.05KirovIs there any offical post about the returning people who disconnect to their hearth location?
03:12.31PlorkyeranNot yet
03:14.11Kirkburn|VistaWhee, 1.12.1 patch notes and mount change notes up on the wiki :) Only a few hours late :P
03:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
03:16.09Serachtcya guys
03:21.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
03:28.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
03:30.08gnorlishskitterer pack in faerlina's room = ouch
03:35.43*** join/#wowi-lounge norgs (n=chatzill@
03:37.35Kirkburn|VistaAnyone know what a 'Glide' is?
03:38.08Kirkburn|VistaIt appears to be something to do with playing money for people to help you in WoW
03:38.31PlorkyeranIt's a very good bot for wow
03:39.35Kirkburn|VistaRight, well that site is being removed then :/
03:42.22Kirkburn|VistaWow, it's incredible - this site is actually readable now :O
03:44.48Guillotinedoes anybody remember the Ace channel? or happen to know why the wowace website is returning ads?
03:45.42Cairennand the channel is #wowace, iirc
03:46.03Guillotinealright :)
03:46.44Cairennyou're welcome
03:50.08warla!!!!!!!!!! BIG UPDATE !!!!!!
03:50.08warlaI fixed the 2 of the error messages that could sometimes occur. download the newest version of the mod:
03:51.11Cairennlame Guillotine, I had that as the channel topic a while back, at least tell it right :p
03:51.45Guillotinelol. I'm not very good at jokes ><
03:52.04Cairennis okay, was just giving you a rough time ;)
03:52.10GuillotineI know :)
03:53.11Cairennsorry, shouldn't have rained on your joke, mea culpa
03:53.35Osagasu[23:37] <Kirkburn|Vista> Anyone know what a 'Glide' is?  <--- Glide is a for-pay botting program for WoW.
03:53.59OsagasuOh, Plorkyeran answered.
03:55.06Kirkburn|VistaOsagasu, thanks anyway. Removed the offending site
03:55.27Cairennnight sedatedChipmunk
03:55.33GuillotineThe question is... how do Plorkyeran and Osagasu know that?
03:56.52Cairennnight cladhaire, sweet dreams
03:56.59cladhairenight =)
03:57.03clad|sleeppsychic :P
03:57.21Cairennno, just saw you say g'night in the other channel
03:57.43clad|sleepi know
03:57.45clad|sleepjust teasing
03:57.46clad|sleepnight all
04:02.49AnduinLotharis there a good highlight texture for UIPanelButtonTemplate?
04:02.52AnduinLotharnight clad
04:03.24AnduinLothardoh nm
04:03.44Guillotinewhoops. I thought since it's a sticky, I wouldn't be bumping the oldest thread in all of WoWI history >< Sorry!
04:05.24CairennGuillotine: lol, np
04:07.16Cairennbesides which, you didn't actually "bump" it because it is, as you said, a sticky, so it was already at the top of the forum ;)
04:07.42GuillotineI meant about on the front of hte site
04:08.07Guillotinesince the front page has all the most recently posted-in threads
04:08.11Cairennwell, doesn't actually hurt anything to have folks reminded of it anyway ;)
04:08.36Cairennsome of them can certainly use the reminder
04:09.41GuillotineI was just thinking that while readon the chit-chat forum. Although I think you closed one mistakenly. looks to me like he's asking about exporting from a WoW file to a WC3 file. Though that may still be illegal, I'm not sure
04:09.49Osagasu[23:55] <Guillotine> The question is... how do Plorkyeran and Osagasu know that?  <--- Because I am god.
04:10.22Guillotinethen fix the servers
04:10.42OsagasuEven god's powers have SOME limit.  I mean, be reasonable.
04:11.15Guillotinegood point ;)
04:13.37Kirkburn|VistaYou're a bit of a crappy god , aren't you
04:17.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
04:17.50OsagasuAs to why I know qhat Glide is, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
04:18.24Guillotineits ok, I knew what it was too, I'm just teasing you ;)
04:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (n=quoin@
04:18.28norgsWe'll believe you even if you *don't* tell us :)
04:23.15OsagasuOh, I didn't hear about it from people whining about it on the forums
04:25.03OsagasuBed now, speak later.  if you wanna know, tell you tomorrow.  ciao.
04:25.09Kirkburn|Vistapurl forgot an 'f'! Slacking :/
04:25.17Cairennnight Osagasu
04:25.22Kirkburn|VistaNoo I wanna know now :(
04:34.17cogwheelspeaking of lawyers...
04:34.33cogwheelYou know how there are ambulance chasers?
04:34.33Cairennuh oh
04:34.46cogwheelWell, it turns out there are divorce chasers too...
04:35.01cogwheellawyers are paying hairdressers for gossip
04:35.12Kirkburn|Vista"A lawyer who obtains clients by persuading accident victims to sue for damages." ... I do now :P
04:35.23cogwheeland soliciting business from women who are thinking of divorcing...
04:35.32CairennKirkburn|Vista: you've never heard that expression before? o.O
04:35.42cogwheelhe's english...
04:35.45IrielIt's not so common in the UK
04:36.24Kirkburn|VistaWe don't have such a sue-everyone US-alike climate here ... yet :P
04:36.26cogwheeli don't think they're as sue-happy as we are ;)
04:36.51Cairennthank [insert belief of your choice here] for that
04:37.18Cairennand cogwheel, who's this "we", hmmm?
04:37.28cogwheelme and iriel :P
04:37.34Cairenn<== is most assuredly NOT american, THANK you very kindly
04:37.39Cairennrofl, Iriel isn't American either
04:37.42cogwheeland kirov
04:37.54cogwheelwell, he lives in the same state i do :P
04:37.59gnorlishone of the big advertising lawyers in western new york was fined and punished big time for 1. picking up a client 2. giving them money to pay him so they could hire him and sue
04:38.04Cairennhe's a spy
04:38.05gnorlish3. profit
04:38.17Kirkburn|VistaYou don't live in america? :P
04:38.29CairennKirkburn|Vista: who?
04:38.33Kirkburn|VistaIs Canada an island? :P
04:38.56Kirkburn|Vista(I'm being pedantic, dontchaknow ;)
04:39.03IrielThe frozen lands of Canadia are actually a large glacier that's stationed north of the US
04:39.07Irielthey could float away at any moment
04:39.13CairennI live in North America, yes, but you want to tell someone from Mexico or Cuba or Brazil that they are "Americans"?
04:39.39Cairennwell, an awful lot of Canadians feel the same way :p
04:39.44Kirkburn|VistaNot unless I have a helicopter nearby
04:40.04Mr_Rabies2Soviet Canuckistan has nothing to do with the great country of Amurrka
04:40.15CairennKirkburn|Vista: fat lot of good it would do you, they'd shoot you out of the bloody sky :p
04:40.51Kirkburn|VistaNot unless I have an invisible missile defending helicopter standing by
04:40.53gnorlishyou're all terrorists
04:40.58gnorlishterrorists with bombs
04:41.12Guillotine~lart gnorlish
04:41.14Cairennlol to the entire topic
04:43.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
04:43.45Kirkburn|VistaSo anyway, my genius housemate decided 5am would be a good time to start the washing machine
04:44.06gnorlishsounds like you picked a winner
04:44.27Kirkburn|VistaBearing in mind this is a flat, and an old house, I'm not sure our neighbours below are having 'a good night's sleep'
04:45.54Guillotineg2g everyone, good night :)
04:46.09Cairennlater gul
04:46.14CairennGuillotine *
04:49.49Kirkburn|VistaWhee, and now the fansite listing is up-to-date :)
04:50.10Kirkburn|VistaCairenn, you should write an entry for WoWI :)
04:54.48Cairennooorrrrr ... someone else can
04:56.26Kirkburn|VistaI knew you'd say that
04:56.27MentalPowerdiplomatic as always
05:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge nuOHEP (
05:50.06Corrodiasmang... WoW is kinda boring when you can't play. at least, without rerolling anew.
05:52.01kergothno doubt, i want my server to come back
05:53.19Corrodiasi could be grinding herbalism right now. and if that sounds boring, try a 5 hour game of "sword of the stars" that you forfeit because it's getting -nowhere-
05:54.13Corrodiasit's a cute game, but holy crap
05:57.27Kirkburn|VistaI want the wiki to be back in the fansite program :(
05:57.30Cairennokay guys, before *anyone* else wants anything more from me tonight ... zzzZZZZzzzz
05:58.47Shadowedsleep well :p
05:58.54Cairenn|sleepthanks Shadowed
06:03.56Corrodiasi need to find something to do until they open the realm again, tomorrow
06:03.59Corrodiasmaybe i can sleep
06:17.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:20.14Corrodiasbored bored bored
06:20.28Kirkburn|VistaI know ... play around on the wiki ;)
06:21.16Corrodiasi don't know anything that hasn't already been written. i mean, i could try my hand at switching all the pages around, but i think you'd sort that out pretty quickly.
06:22.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
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06:25.45IrielSleepy time, gnight all
06:28.04Kirkburn|VistaCorrodias, despite my admin status, I've not actually 'contributed' to the wiki
06:28.34Kirkburn|VistaI've designed, I've tidied, I've sorted, but I've never actually added info apart from patch notes
06:28.48Corrodiasi could pack up all the addons i use into a 'compilation' and try to delude myself into thinking i'm so damn important that people will use it, just to feed my ego. ha
06:29.01Kirkburn|Vistag'night Iriel
06:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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06:58.47Corrodiasi think my realm is scheduled to come back up in a few minutes
06:59.00*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (n=quoin@
07:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:00.42AnduinLotharstupid gui editing
07:01.04AnduinLothartakes forever jsut waiting for it to render... it's almost as bad as rendering
07:03.09Xuerianhaha, amen
07:05.36AnduinLotharer "almost as bad as compiling"
07:13.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
07:20.37KirovIncredibuild is awesome when you have to compile stuff a lot.
07:33.02*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (n=quoin@
07:35.05Shadowedso apparently because i accidentantly declined the agreement on the forums i can't post anymore >_>
07:35.11Shadowedand i can't figure out where IE stores the damn cookies to delete i
07:35.25XuerianWhy are you using IE? For shame!
07:35.39Shadoweddon't make me slap you
07:35.50XuerianI think you mean, don't slap me, please, I'll change! =O
07:36.15Shadowedi mean "i'm smart enough to avoid security issues and don't have problems with IE" ;)
07:36.28XuerianThis not finding cookies thing
07:36.31XuerianIt's not a problem, right?
07:36.47Shadowedwont be in about 30s
07:37.20AnduinLothartimes up
07:37.36Shadowedalready fixed it
07:37.42Shadowedlike 10s after i said that!
07:38.07XuerianIE doesn't have adblocking. Or smoothscrolling. =\
07:38.20Shadowedboth which i don't care about :p
07:38.36XuerianWell... welll... WELL I DO! <Sniffle>
07:38.52Shadowedi wouldn't suggest trying to tell me why FF is better anyway, i have it installed and use it for web design :p
07:38.52XuerianYeah I'm tired =\
07:38.58Shadowedand bored? :p
07:39.04XuerianThat too =D
07:39.25XuerianG'night :P
07:43.47ckknightXuerian forgot to do </Sniffle>. always remember to close your tags.
07:44.15Xuerian|SleeeepI should've <sniffle />'d
07:48.59Kirkburn|Vista"IE doesn't have ... smoothscrolling. =\" er, yes it does
07:50.55Kirkburn|Vistalol, the wowwiki front page just hit 2 million hits ... this is a month after it was under a million. And nearly 2 years since it started. Hmmmmmmm
07:51.40Kirkburn|VistaI'm *sure* it wasn't broken at all until it Rustak upgraded the wiki, no I'm sure it wasn't :/
07:54.22Kirkburn|VistaIt says it counts 44 million page views, but given how hideously incorretc the main page hit count was, I kinda doubt it
07:57.09Kirkburn|VistaSomewhat amazingly, the wiki is almost reaching the hit counts it got during E3 now
07:59.21Corrodiassome people seem to have the prices of mounts and riding training switched around in their realms...
08:00.13Kirkburn|VistaWoah, seriously?
08:00.19Corrodiasor i missed some big mount price change...
08:00.31|FF|Im2good4uwell wowwiki ias the nr1 site of wowinfo
08:00.35Corrodias and
08:00.38AnduinLotharread the patch notes
08:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
08:00.55Corrodiasalso this, " i feel your pain i paid 640g for a mount that didnt require riding skill (the epic AV mount) and now i have to pay 720g to learn to ride it + its now cost 8g in the vendor :\"
08:01.20Corrodiasas far as i'm aware, the frostwolf does not require any riding skill to be known, or is not supposed to
08:01.29AnduinLotharwhere as i onyl have a spell mount and got riding skill 150 for free
08:01.48|FF|Im2good4uomg those prizes are redicules !
08:02.00|FF|Im2good4ui fee l like im riding my 60% mount for a long time
08:02.44CorrodiasFF: as far as i'm aware, this is not an intended price change, because i've not heard anything about it except on the bug reports forum
08:03.11AnduinLotharit's in the patch notes..
08:03.49AnduinLotharriding skill now costs a lost of $ and horses are cheep
08:03.55Corrodiasi see
08:04.31AnduinLotharthe bug is that having the AV mount didn't give you the riding skill
08:04.46Corrodiaswhy the heck would they make a change like that?
08:04.57AnduinLothargo read the forums
08:05.28ckknightwe should refer to the internet as the internet tubes from now on.
08:05.35Corrodiasalright, i'll read... the suggestions forum.
08:06.16|FF|Im2good4uwell SUX in my oppinion but it does match the orginal idea of it beeying a real achiecement to ride a mount
08:06.35Corrodiasnobody seems to like the change. i'm not seeing where you're going with this, AnduinLothar.
08:07.03AnduinLothareveryone likes the change. the only peopel that don't are the peopel that had av mounts and were effected by the bug
08:07.23AnduinLotharthe change costs the same for your first mount and lets you get multiple vasty cheeper
08:07.31Corrodiasi'll not be an asshole about it. i'll just say you're incorrect:
08:08.57AnduinLotharok.... those TWO groups of people disslike it
08:09.35Kirkburn|VistaCorrodias, read me:
08:09.39Corrodiaspeople who've bought mounts already, people who were aiming for pvp mount discounts, and people who are hit with a bug you've described (3)
08:10.05Kirkburn|VistaOh for goodness' sake, you two
08:10.13AnduinLotharpeople that bought mounts already (other than the bugged av rep ones) don't care
08:10.30AnduinLotharin fact i think they are the ones most benifiting
08:10.38AnduinLotharbecause they can buy anothe rmount for 8g
08:10.39Corrodiasyou apparently missed the multiple posts of people saying "i bought my mount a little early for 80g and now i have to pay another 72g for the riding skill"
08:10.42Kirkburn|VistaIt's a beneficial change in the long term, and yes it has less beneficial effects for those who didn't bother checking up on what was happening
08:10.54Kirkburn|VistaCorrodias, they don't
08:11.05AnduinLotharif you had the mount prepatch you should have gained the skill
08:11.08Kirkburn|VistaYou automatically get the mount skill if you have the mount
08:11.16AnduinLotharsame with epic
08:11.27Corrodiasreally? they apparently don't know that
08:11.35Kirkburn|VistaMore fool them :P
08:11.38Corrodiasi hope it kicks in when they hit level 40
08:12.35Kirkburn|VistaIt is intended that whatever level you are, if you have a mount in your inventory when the patch hit, you get the riding skill - but you can't use it, of course
08:13.07Corrodiasi've never had a mount so i can't talk about this subject from experience. all i'm working off of is the patch notes explanation that i read and threads like this one,
08:13.23Corrodiasif he isn't looking at his skills screen, i guess i didn't realize that.
08:14.14Kirkburn|VistaEither that's a real bug, or he's an idiot
08:14.48Corrodiasi'm glad they put in something to give value to those who have already spent gold on the expensive part. except the guys aiming for the pvp mount who haven't gotten there yet. tough luck on that one.
08:15.07Corrodiasbut they didn't spend anything, of course
08:15.10|FF|Im2good4uih his case he probely did nhet any riding skill
08:15.15|FF|Im2good4ubecase he never leanred it
08:15.46Kirkburn|VistaYou misunderstand, if you have *any* mount in your inventory when 1.12.1 hit, you get the skill to ride it
08:16.02Corrodiasmaybe he bought the mount on an alt. that would be some pretty bad luck.
08:16.24Kirkburn|VistaIt would ...
08:17.16|FF|Im2good4uif u already have a monuth u get the needed skill yes
08:17.32|FF|Im2good4ubut hen ever realy had it becase he probely didn leanr riding skill so he cound use it
08:17.39|FF|Im2good4uso at the patch he stated 0 probelt
08:18.26Corrodiasi am surprised that i didn't catch this pricing change. i almost always read patch notes, and nobody in the game mentioned it to me.
08:18.39|FF|Im2good4usame here
08:19.13Corrodiasmaybe i didn't expect a 0.0.1 increment to have anything but bugfixes.
08:19.46|FF|Im2good4uyeh such a crusial change doesnt belong in a 0.0.1
08:20.05|FF|Im2good4umaybe bliz did it on purpose to hoope itgoes unseen
08:20.23Kirkburn|Vista|FF|Im2good4u,  you're butchering the english language again :P
08:20.45|FF|Im2good4uoops :)
08:21.25Corrodiasi didn't want to say anything, but i couldn't figure out what you meant by "he stated 0 probelt" :)
08:21.29Eufeafter 6 mounts of grinding I bought my alt an AV mount for 640 gold...LAST NIGHT on EU servers!!!!
08:21.34Kirkburn|VistaThey should ahve done more to make it known, it's true. It's was well known on the test forums, but not elsewhere
08:21.35EufeLAST NIGHT
08:21.53Eufeand today we get a patch and I'll have to pay 720 gold more???
08:22.05Eufeman I got butt fucked by blizz
08:22.05Kirkburn|Vistaoh, I give up
08:22.12Corrodiasaccording to what the others have said and what i have now finally got around to reading, no, Eufe, that's incorrect.
08:22.22Corrodiasyou will automatically obtain the riding skill, or will once the bug is fixed, anyway.
08:22.23Kirkburn|VistaYou bothered to read anything we've been talking about Eufe ?
08:22.44Eufeyes...I read...but there isnt any definet answer to my problem
08:22.49Eufeits just heresay
08:22.53Kirkburn|Vista"if you have *any* mount in your inventory when 1.12.1 hit, you get the skill to ride it"
08:22.59Kirkburn|VistaNo, it's NOT hearsay.
08:23.04Corrodiasi know people get very upset when it seems like they're going to lose a large amount of gold, because it takes time and effort (or real money to buy it) to obtain
08:23.18Kirkburn|VistaI said that quote a grand total of 6 minutes ago
08:23.54|FF|Im2good4uomg Eufe u are one of those that got screwed completely
08:23.59Eufeso I just have to chill till the next patch or the one after till blizz fix it? :P
08:24.07Kirkburn|VistaThere's nothing to fix!
08:24.09CorrodiasAnduinLothar has mentioned that there is a bug with the AV mounts not giving you the riding skill as they should
08:24.25Kirkburn|VistaBut you don't know you've been affected
08:24.44Eufewell, if its on 1 server it its on all others...or?
08:24.49Corrodiasif you are affected, yes, you have to wait for blizzard to fix it, just like hundreds of others wait for their own issues on their own realms to be fixed
08:24.50AnduinLotharlol, you didn't read the test realm patch notes before spending gobs of money?
08:24.53|FF|Im2good4ui wonder how much nether dragons are going to cost compared to the druid flight form :p
08:25.26Kirkburn|Vista|FF|Im2good4u,  well, one's an epic mount and one's not :P Bit of an unfair comparison ;)
08:25.58|FF|Im2good4uwell 150 riding skill isnt much so i think they gonig to need 300 for 5000g
08:25.59EufeCorrodias: yeah..thats what im saying...till blizz fix I had to wait 3 months for blizz to fix furor in cat form after they broke it :'(
08:26.03Kirkburn|VistaIf the AV mount thing does affect you, it _will_ be fixed
08:26.07Corrodiaspeople who think a druid flight form will make flying mounts unnecessary should see what it's like to chase after nightsabers in travel form. ._.
08:26.18Corrodiasfuror? that doesn't even sound familiar
08:26.51Kirkburn|VistaFuror, he comes and bites people who don't like his quests :P     (he's a lead quest designer)
08:27.36Eufefuror gives you 40 energy when shifting to cat form among other things
08:27.50Kirkburn|VistaEufe, I think there's a difference between a minor ability bug and a 700g cost for thousands of players
08:27.55Corrodiasah, that's one of those talents in the feral tree that i don't have. aye.
08:28.04EufeKirkburn|Vista: I hope so
08:28.19Eufenah, I'm just pissed on myself for being an idiot
08:28.21Corrodiasblizzard -does- seem to work hard to keep people reasonably happy
08:28.23Kirkburn|VistaMe too. If it exists :P
08:28.46Corrodiasafter all, if they get too upset, they might stop subscribing :o
08:28.50EufeI could have learnbed riding skill last night and buy mount today..proper epic mount for only 120gp or something like that
08:28.58Kirkburn|VistaEufe, no I can completely understand hwo annoying it must be to have just found out
08:29.14Eufearghhh, typos
08:29.27Corrodiasyou missed the boat while waiting for the train
08:30.07Eufethats what I get for only focusing on finishing my god damn addons...and not reading up on other patch nots...not related to UI changes :P
08:31.58|FF|Im2good4uyeh in your case i would also be realy pissed :(
08:32.20|FF|Im2good4uespecialy when u bought it only a few hourd to early
08:33.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:33.17Eufeidd, and I actualy was thinking about learning the riding skill just in case, but I was to lasy to go from taren mill to brill....bah...enough whining....its too late now
08:33.31Kirkburn|VistaSuch is life ... it's only gold, anyway
08:33.52|FF|Im2good4uyeh nad u can buy gold online for verry cheap prizes
08:33.55Kirkburn|Vista(sorry, this is coming from someone who barely plays atm, so I can sya things like that :)
08:33.55Eufegold is the hardest thing to get for me
08:34.05Corrodiasthat's the lives of little chinese children you're talking about
08:34.12Kirkburn|Vista|FF|Im2good4u, no, no and no   *stern look*
08:34.25|FF|Im2good4u\o/ j/k
08:34.27Eufework 8 hours a day and raids for 4-5hours with shitloads of consumables = no time to get gold
08:35.06Corrodiasit's that age-old choice: arrange a jerk squad to farm gold all day yourself, or pay someone else to do it for you
08:37.48|FF|Im2good4uyeh but in wow its illegal :p
08:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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08:57.59AnduinLotharso.. now how do i fake the game into putting an item refrence on the cursor...
08:59.05|FF|Im2good4upickupcontaineritem <- only thne speel i correct
08:59.12AnduinLotharthat's not fake
08:59.19AnduinLotharthat's pickign up a real item
08:59.26|FF|Im2good4uoO u cant puck up any item that u do not presoees
08:59.26AnduinLothari want to pick upa fake item
08:59.45AnduinLotharsure i can. i just cant do anythign with it without special code
09:00.00|FF|Im2good4uuness u render an icon near the cursor showing the itemtextture of your fake item
09:00.26AnduinLothari do technically posess it so i spose i could pickup the real one
09:00.55AnduinLotharmmm, might not have to
09:01.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:02.40Corrodiaswhoa. that's not good.
09:02.58Corrodiasmy character shows up in the forum now as being level 55 and rank 2. that was a few weeks ago, now.
09:03.23|FF|Im2good4ui had the prob just goto optinos and reselect your char
09:04.29Corrodiasthe funny part is that he shows up as 55 in the post, but as 60 on the "selected character" thing in the upper right corner. hey, didn't i delete that character long ago? >_>
09:05.15|FF|Im2good4usoon blizz is goning to hve a critucal DB error and we all gonebe reset at level 1
09:05.27Corrodiasany day now
09:07.42MoonWolfthey have backups!
09:08.36Corrodiasuntil somebody spills coffee on them all!
09:09.01Corrodiasheh, forum still has my rank wrong. :P
09:13.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:13.30Corrodiasoddly, i'm not listed on the "PvP Rankings" page on, either.
09:21.41Corrodiashah, cute
09:21.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
09:22.09Eufeomw to pharmacy
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09:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:38.48wereHamsterWhat cooldown does Preparation have?
09:47.16MeryI think 5 min (if thats the rouge reset cd's spell)
09:49.11wereHamsteryes, it's the 'reset all cooldowns' talent
09:49.40wereHamsterCold Snap has 10 minutes .. rogues are overpowered ;)
09:56.03Meryno its 10 min too
10:00.49Corrodiasan amusing item
10:14.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Aenslaed (
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11:04.00|FF|Im2good4ulol that skull is so useless
11:04.15Eufeit owns in AB
11:04.23Eufeerrr, esg
11:04.49EufeI need some sleep...
11:45.33fatbrainWho can send me the current UI.xsd?
11:45.41Corrodiasthe skull has a purpose for a flag carrier. rogue + dash + speed boost item + nifty stopwatch + skull is going to get far.
11:46.07Corrodiasunless he dies, of course
11:46.48grrdont forget speedpot ;P
11:46.50Corrodiasi'd like to take this moment to remind everyone: have your paladins spayed or neutered... or suggest that they be unable to attack anyone while bubbled!
11:46.54Corrodiasah, yes
11:47.09grrand then preperation for 2 x sprint ;d
11:47.35Corrodiasthat's how that rogue managed to zoom all the way across the damn map :)
11:47.44grrhuh? ;<
11:48.21Corrodiasa rogue on our team grabbed the flag once, and as i followed him out, he was running at what must have been nearly +60% speed for the entire trip back to our base
11:48.47Corrodiasthat was a nice cap
11:49.51Corrodiastime to sleep. 'ni
12:19.04*** part/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (n=jnwhiteh@
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12:22.35grrI still need a decent serialization routine
12:23.05grrneed to serialize nested tables and send over the AddOn channel
12:23.11grranyone that can point me into the direction of one?
12:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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12:35.17fatbrainIs there a more resize friendly button template than OptionsButtonTemplate?
12:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
12:36.36grrfatbrain just build your own
12:37.16fatbraingrr: faire enough ^^
12:38.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
12:46.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
12:47.19KasoI wonder; is anyone in-game near plaugelands?
12:49.40Kasoi just wonder if is fixed yet
12:53.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Ermot (
13:01.35JoshBorkeKaso: i gained it earlier this morning while flying out of EPL
13:02.36Kasohm? how did you gain it while flying
13:02.58Kasoi mean the Stamina buff from northpass tower
13:08.45JoshBorkei dunno.  i just got a notification from SCT that I gained and lossed the Lordearon Buff
13:09.31Kasothat'll be the +%damage buff
13:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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13:53.54*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
13:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
13:54.48GremWarsongCan anyone tell me how to format a float value to only show up to the hundredths digit?
13:55.46GremWarsong%f something
13:56.30GremWarsongahh, cool, thanks
13:56.39krkano wait... you want 100 digits? %.100f
13:57.02cogwheelkrka: you had it right the first time
13:57.03TS|Skromkrka lol
13:57.04vhaarrWhere should I report UI API bugs for EU?
13:57.11vhaarrThe Interface Customization forum?
13:57.22cogwheelhundredTHS digit, not hundredTH digit ;)
13:57.56vhaarrOr should I just PM Iriel? :)
13:58.15tiggvhaarr: then at least somebody reads it ;)
13:58.44vhaarrWell, I'm not sure if he accepts PMs just like that or not, he's away now anyway.
13:59.11cogwheelWoot! my new computer hardware is out for delivery... /drool
14:01.01malrethwhat you getting, cogwheel
14:01.29cogwheelintel E6600, 4 gigs ddr2 800, geforce 7900 gt
14:01.34cogwheelfor both me and my wife :)
14:02.00malrethwhat color is it?
14:02.16cogwheelit's just the guts... gonna put them in our current cases
14:03.05cogwheelcolor of what?
14:03.12malrethdo you like eggs?
14:03.21cogwheelnot incredibly
14:03.24TS|SkromI do not like them, sam I am
14:03.27cogwheeli like them on things....
14:03.49cogwheelmmmmmmmmmmmm Eggs Benedict....
14:11.12wereHamsterdoes anyone know the addon that displays raid statistics on a webpage? Like overall raid dps, damage in/out, healing etc, all in nice graphs. I think it was a french website where he had the examples...
14:11.14warla <-- beta test :-)
14:12.38cogwheelserver not found
14:15.19LegorolWhat's the new price of the AV faction reward mount?
14:15.34nevcairiel10g, ive been told.
14:18.47cladhaire8g, since you're exalted and likely rank 3+
14:18.52cladhairei checked yesterday
14:20.15Legorolok then they changed the meaning of the price on the website
14:20.27Legorolit used to list 720g, which already included the reputation discount,
14:20.36Legorolso in practice it was 640g with honor rank
14:20.48Legorolnow it lists 10g which, by the sound of it, includes no discount then
14:21.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
14:22.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn ( used to cost 720, but now it costs 10?
14:24.50GremWarsong10g for an epic mount?
14:25.19nevcairielif you are exalted with av
14:25.19GremWarsongare you sure? lol
14:25.37nevcairieli dont know which riding skill it requires
14:25.38GremWarsongexalted with av takes like a week
14:25.51nevcairielif it requires 150, you still need to spend the money
14:25.54nevcairielat least once
14:26.03GremWarsonghow much does that cost?
14:26.23nevcairiel900 iirc
14:26.31nevcairielminus discount
14:26.40GremWarsong900g to learn epic riding? damn
14:26.53nevcairielor 800, not sure
14:26.59nevcairielat least somewhere in that range
14:27.23GremWarsonginteresting news
14:31.42Kasoi got myself a raptor without being exahalted with the trolls out of this, im fairly happy
14:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
14:31.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:31.53Plorkyeran900g pre-discount
14:34.57LegorolClosed beta coming to EU Soon (TM):
14:35.05malrethmy fiancee got her kitty mount without having to be exalted with the nightelves... she's happy
14:35.16Beladonawould stand to reason the same would hold true for US
14:35.32Legorolif not Sooner (TM)
14:36.02Beladonaanyone here use Gaim Beta 2?
14:37.04LegorolGremWarsong: [all prices without any discounts] Before patch, riding skill cost you 20g, AV mount 800g.
14:37.25LegorolAfter patch, level 75 riding skill is 90g, level 150 riding skill is 900g, AV mount 10g
14:37.42LegorolBoth faction reputation and honor rank discounts apply to all these values.
14:37.58LegorolTherefore *in practice* people could buy the following at these prices:
14:38.08LegorolBefore patch: 18g for riding, 640g for AV mount
14:38.27LegorolAfter patch: lvl 75 riding: 72g, lvl 150 riding: 720g, AV mount 8g
14:38.44GremWarsongI see
14:39.26LegorolSo if you haven't had any mount or riding skill at all, the AV mount got more expensive
14:39.50LegorolIn practice most people already had a blue mount at least, so they don't have to buy the lvl 75 riding skill
14:40.11Legorolbut in many cases they still need to buy the lvl 150 riding skill, so AV mount is still more expensive
14:40.30LegorolIf you already had an epic mount before the patch, you were automatically given lvl 150 riding skill, in which case AV mount is now dirt cheap for you
14:40.45GremWarsongI see
14:41.33LegorolIn conclusion: you can't avoid having to spend of the order of 700-800g, no matter what you do.
14:41.46LegorolBefore the patch you would've spent that on an epic mount, after the patch on the riding skill
14:42.07Legorolthere is no loophole, no-one gets AV mount for *just* 10g
14:42.07GremWarsongYeah, but it gives you more freedom to get different epic mounts
14:42.45GremWarsongI knew the 10g for an epic mount thing sounded too good to be true
14:42.58Legorolit is 10g, *if* you already had an epic mount before
14:43.01GremWarsongdidnt know riding changed
14:43.02JoshBorkeLegorol: paladin ;-)
14:43.02Legorolbut then you already spent lot of money
14:43.04GremWarsongI get the idea
14:43.10LegorolJoshBorke: what?
14:43.12GremWarsongIm just saying, before I didnt know the riding price changed
14:43.24JoshBorkepaladin with their epic mount got 150 riding skill
14:43.31LegorolJoshBorke: do you know how much it costs a paladin in *practice* to get their epic mount?
14:43.40JoshBorkeLegorol: yea, it was around 500g for me
14:43.45Beladonadid Paladin's automatically get the riding skill for having their epic mount? I thought  there was talk of that not being the case
14:43.56Legorolexactly, most paladins I know have spent several hundred g on their epic mount as well
14:44.02LegorolBeladona: they did
14:44.07Legorolotherwise they wouldn't be able to ride it
14:44.11Legorolsame for locks
14:44.20JoshBorkeBeladona: yep, sure did :-)
14:44.27JoshBorkenow i can go buy a cheap epic horse and a cheap AV mount
14:44.27Beladonaunless they have friends that give them mats and such
14:44.32Beladonathen taht cost reduces
14:44.44Legorolthen they just pushed the cost over to their friends
14:44.49Legorolthere is no free lunch ;-)
14:45.09Beladonawhich is the main and only benefit of paladin / warlock quest now. Cool mount, and possible cost offset
14:45.18BeladonaIF they ave friends
14:45.25Beladonawhich we all know, locks and pallies don't
14:45.35Legorolit still comes out a bit cheaper than lvl 150 riding skill, so i think it's worth it
14:45.55Legorolpallies true, but locks have many many friends
14:46.01Legorolor at least seem to when they need a summon :D
14:46.09Beladonafair weather friends
14:46.12Beladonathats different
14:46.18JoshBorkeBeladona: :-(
14:46.35Legorolso there is at least one pali who has a friend
14:46.41Beladonahey buddy.... how is it going? long time no see? so um, yeah, can you summon someone for me?
14:46.57grranyone know any good program that i can use to record an ingame move? fraps/game cam yes but i dont think any1 of them record the mouse pointer ;(
14:47.17Legorolgrr: try switching hardware cursor off
14:47.21Legorolthen they might record the mouse
14:47.27grrsmart :)
14:47.35grrthanks for that
14:47.35Beladonaotherwise you will need a hardware based external solution that captures video
14:47.39Legoroli don't think any programs record mouse with hardware cursor on
14:47.42Beladonawhich could be nasty
14:48.29BeladonaI am so annoyed. I hate colorized nicks, but for some reason the latest gaim client doens't let you turn it off...
14:48.39BeladonaI really don't like ranbow chat
14:49.21*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Beladona -> WoW will be using Lua 5.1 for the expansion| | Paste Code Here:
14:50.14LegorolBeladona: how's that a new topic? what changed..
14:50.29Beladonaremoved the "enUS patch 1.12.1 today"
14:50.37Beladonasince it was yesterday
14:50.42Legorolah ok haven't even noticed that :)
14:51.03Legorolsee no evil, hear no evil..
14:57.10Beladonabrb, gotta reload, and hope the color nicks is gone
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15:13.50malreththat image cracks me up
15:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:15.50malrethi like the "null set"...
15:17.15Mikkhahaha yeah
15:20.05|FF|Im2good4udoes any1 know the min - max value a lua variable can handle ?
15:21.00malrethnumbers are stored as double floats
15:21.27malrethso.... technically the min max values are -inf and inf
15:21.49malrethit should be noted that you lose precision as you approach those values
15:21.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:22.42malretha more useful answer... you can store integer amounts at full precision all the way up to 2^52 if I recall correctly
15:22.52malrethor was it 2^53?
15:23.19Kasothat picture owns ;>
15:27.14*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:27.14OsagasuIn the old WoW forums, there was a...  Oh, found it.  dur, it's sticky on the NEW forums!
15:28.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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15:30.47grrwhat is the new toc ?
15:30.48grr12100 ?
15:30.58grrtoc version or what it's called.
15:31.03grrinterface version.
15:31.26JoshBorkei think ;-)
15:31.32JoshBorkei don't think they change the toc for minor updates
15:31.36malreth1.12 * 10000
15:31.38cogwheelgrr, it only changes for major updates
15:31.59cogwheelpurl, JoshBork is faster than me
15:32.01purlokay, cogwheel
15:32.17purli heard joshbork is faster than me
15:32.51malrethnew ventrilo client out for Mac OS X...
15:40.39XuerianMaccies in my guild will be happy :p
15:45.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
15:45.13malrethi love looking at a greyed out bio-hazard icon on someone's post now on the forums
15:48.50TS|Skromhow am I supposed to play my shaman if people keep coming around bugging me about work?
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15:49.34cogwheelTS|Skrom: Neural interface?
15:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
15:56.04malrethit's not even 11 am and i've read the entire internet
15:56.27nevcairielgo watch all the porn that came with the internet.
15:56.42malrethi only do that when i'm not at work
16:01.53cogwheelIf an XML defines a template and another XML defines a template with the same name, will the new one override the old one or will the old one remain?
16:02.18JoshBorkei think the last one loaded gets to stay, but i have no clue honestly
16:02.36nevcairieli would think the first one stays and an error in framexml.log appears
16:02.50nevcairieltry it :)
16:02.56cogwheelat work atm ;P
16:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
16:03.09malrethnevcairiel is correct
16:03.23malrethfrom my experience
16:03.34cogwheelThat should be alright for my purpose...
16:05.02cogwheelI'm making an embedded library called SmoothFauxScroll that gives the appearence of a regular ScrollFrame, but with the memory efficiency of a FauxScrollFrame and I want it to use XML templates. I'll just have to make sure to get it right the first time and change the name if I make any large changes.
16:08.13Merywhy don't you create your "template" as a lua function?
16:09.00cogwheelBecause I want people to be able to use it in XML files
16:09.26cogwheelI find XML to be more intuitive for static interface elements than lua, since it's organized hierarchically rather than temporally
16:11.47cogwheelPlus, my XML editor autocompletes, unlike my lua editor ;)
16:12.40JoshBorkevim ftw!
16:12.56cogwheelJoshBorke: does your vim do autocomplete for wiget methods?
16:13.12JoshBorkeerm, i dunno.  i abhor xml :-P
16:13.40cogwheeli'm talking about lua... as in, if you do frame:SetPoint(      does it give you your choices for anchor points?
16:20.12malrethlern2memorize noob
16:21.13Xuerian"TOPRIGHT" to me is as fast as hitting down down down enter space
16:21.32XuerianBut.. That was only one example I fully agree :D
16:21.50cogwheelThen there's always teh occasional brain fart...
16:22.34XuerianMRMF! mrrnglefhnn... mrrawt mwafh ma mmmmor?
16:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
16:23.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:24.55Beladonaok guys, get a room
16:25.02malrethwb, Cairenn
16:25.16Beladonaoff to lunch, bbs
16:25.18XuerianHi to you too, Beladona =P
16:25.25XuerianEnjoy XD
16:25.35XuerianAnd hai Cairenn 0.o
16:25.41Xuerian.... And MentalPower >.>
16:29.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
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16:32.34cogwheeldoes anyone know when OnScrollRangeChanged occurs?
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16:33.39JoshBorkehi Cairenn|afk
16:33.43JoshBorkebye Cairenn|afk
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16:44.26jaxdahlwhich is more appropriate:
16:46.21DrDrethey arnt related? one is about the skill ones bout enchant O.o
16:46.51MikkThe enchant one should be renamed to match other enchants
16:47.01MikkAnd there should only be one page about the riding skill
16:47.18jaxdahlthere's an enchant one?
16:47.32jaxdahli made the _Skill one redirect to Riding
16:48.12jaxdahlmake it a disambiguation page then?
16:48.30Mikkthat works
16:48.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
16:48.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:49.45zenzelezzso I had my second wisdom's tooth pulled today... now I feel about as smart as my warrior
16:50.18*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
16:54.24jaxdahlupdated stuff
17:00.43Kirkburn|VistaLooks good
17:02.47JoshBorkeBeladona: wb
17:03.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
17:04.26Qzot   o.O
17:04.32Cairennhi Qzot
17:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
17:05.07Mr_Rabies2thank god, now all the idiots going HAY WHEN MOUNT CHANGES HAPPEN IN BC HOW MUCH WILL THEY BE and stuff
17:05.13TS|Skromassuming a user is unzipping the folder correctly, what could cause an addon to not load at all?
17:05.30Mr_Rabies2it being out of date and them not checking it? :o
17:05.33QzotSyntax errors in the Lua?
17:05.37Cidethem not unzipping correctly
17:05.41Mr_Rabies2and/or missing files/syntax errors
17:05.42TS|Skromcide :D
17:05.53Cideusers say "yes, I did this, I did that" when they really didn't do shit
17:05.54QzotHard disk flailure?
17:06.00Cidethat's the most common error
17:06.02Cideask Mikk :P
17:06.12TS|SkromMr_Rabies2 it's not out of date
17:06.13Merychanging the folder name because they think it sounds better
17:06.18QzotCide: Have we had our happy pills yet this morning? :D
17:06.26TS|SkromQzot the addon loads fine for others, user has disabled all but mine
17:06.36Qzotchanging the name of the .toc file because they think it sounds better
17:06.54TS|Skromwhat about different clients?
17:07.01QzotTS: Does it show up in the list of addons at the Addon frame?
17:07.08QzotTS: That's an important split.
17:07.14jaxdahlMr_Rabies, hard to detect where your sarcasm was redirected to..
17:07.15TS|Skrombarring language issues with them not being able to understand it
17:07.16cogwheelWarla ping
17:07.31TS|Skromis an addon usable in ALL clients?
17:07.31QzotTS: And has he shut down the game and re-entered *since* unzipping.
17:07.41Mr_Rabies2directed to the people that don't know how to read forums, jaxdahl
17:07.53jaxdahlit already happened in 1.12.1
17:07.53Mr_Rabies2so many misinformed people that have no clue when or why the riding change is happening
17:07.57TS|SkromQzot good question, but he started asking for help last night
17:08.00Mr_Rabies2people think it's happening in bc
17:08.14QzotTS: So he *can* see your addon in the list of addons in the addon frame of login?
17:08.14jaxdahlyea when i first heard about it a few weeks ago i thought it would happen in TBC
17:08.20TS|SkromHe said he could
17:08.30TS|SkromI just posted up four pictures showing what he should expect to see
17:08.35cogwheelSo, I was on yesterday when Warla gave the URL for the beta of her wowledgebase addon... I clicked it, and got "server not found", and now i don't know what the URL was... does anyone remember?
17:08.37Mr_Rabies2well originally they said they were doing it in the future, then it was done on the ptr
17:08.45TS|SkromOne at the addons folder, one inside MY addon folder, once at the addons screen and once after character loads
17:09.01QzotCreate a *simple* "/run" command to print something to chat if some global your addon creates exists.
17:09.23TS|Skromif the addon loads it already prints out some loading messages
17:09.25MeryI dunno, but I have the feeling any changes to stuff thats already in game will come before release of TBC to minimize the possibility of extended downtimes after
17:09.29TS|SkromSkrom's Totem Timers Loaded
17:09.29QzotI.e. "/run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(tostring(MyAddonGlobal))
17:09.41TS|Skromand lists out what some variables are set at
17:10.07QzotMore information is more information, imho.
17:10.13QzotTest your assumptions.
17:10.27TS|Skromhe's not getting those messages... lemme check something
17:10.46Cideso, he didn't unzip
17:10.56TS|Skromthose messages queue off of variables loaded so they should be coming up every time
17:11.05Cairenn is the US equivalent
17:11.09TS|Skromsounding more and more like it Cide lol
17:12.23Kirkburn|VistaI love people who think they know better than anyone else:
17:13.59jaxdahlyea i saw that kirkburn
17:14.03jaxdahlyou did the right thing
17:14.23Kirkburn|VistaI mean, I even added smilies :/
17:15.10zenzelezzall this time I've been going through the Interface Options to lock/unlock the actionbars... suddenly I notice there's a key binding for it :-o
17:15.46Kirkburn|VistaThere is?!
17:15.56QzotKirkburn: Can you please correct his grammar on that page?
17:16.09zenzelezzKirkburn|Vista: "Toggle Actionbar Lock", second last in the "Action Bar Functions" group
17:16.14QzotKirkburn: The correct usage is, I believe, "nevertheless", not "never the less".
17:16.31Kirkburn|Vistazenzelezz, useful to know :)
17:16.39zenzelezzsaves me a lot of time
17:16.55QzotIt hertz my ayes to sea it spelt that weigh.
17:16.58zenzelezznothing like dragging Last Stand off the bar instead of casting it
17:18.26QzotAnyone get anything to the beta invite email address?
17:18.41Kirkburn|VistaQzot, :P
17:19.55QzotHmm. Has something changed in the last few minutes?
17:19.55Kirkburn|VistaHe asked for it ;)
17:19.55Kirkburn|VistaQzot, I responded
17:20.00Mr_Rabies2oh man
17:20.04Mr_Rabies2i can't wait for stormcrow form
17:20.14QzotOh. I needed to refresh.
17:20.46Mr_Rabies2imagine shfiting out of stormcrow, going bear, dropping onto ground enemies' heads, feral charging them, cycloning them, then flying off
17:20.47QzotIsn't "spelt" a kind of wheat? It might be a variant of "spelled", too, can't remember...
17:21.02MikkIt's wheat
17:21.20MikkPretty much favourless but good for people with allergies
17:21.45QzotKirkburn: How deliciously nasty of you.
17:22.09QzotMikk: HOW DARE YOU!
17:22.16Mr_Rabies2oh man bear missle is gonna be the greatest thing ever *salivates*
17:22.30Mr_Rabies2catching people midair on their flying mounts by feral charging them
17:22.33QzotMikk: DRUID NERF! What kind of communist are you???
17:22.48MikkNot the tree hugging blueberry-up-my-arse kind ;)
17:23.39QzotMay there be 17 tier 2 stealthed cat durids behind you right now.
17:24.18jaxdahlhey on this page
17:24.28jaxdahl'External Links' is too big a font
17:24.33jaxdahlknow how to fix that
17:24.39jaxdahlunder each class' version
17:25.20MikkMyeah I've been thinking that the elinks* templates should be redone
17:25.27MikkSome nice graphic perhaps ;)
17:26.01warlaparent="Minimap" is the minimap
17:26.08warlawhats the parent for the char info?
17:26.13warlathats in the top left corner?
17:26.19MikkPlayerFrame iirc
17:26.26MikkGet a copy of Iriel's DevTools
17:26.32MikkYou can mouse over frames and see their names and stuff
17:27.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:27.59Mr_Rabies2i've been waiting for 2 years to see the meaning of this phrase in blue text
17:28.02Mr_Rabies2"I think it has been pointed out by many players in this thread that there are quite a few new talents that are intended to improve the viability of balance and feral druids in raids.
17:28.10Kirkburn|Vistajaxdahl, I've done a little bit on it to help, but the elinks thing does need working on *cugh*Mikk*cough*
17:28.49Kirkburn|Vista(I actually played the Atiesh article even before I saw you bring it up :)
17:29.57Kirkburn|Vista"To play an article." Noun.  To print out an article , fashion it into a banjo, and join a Jazz orchestra.
17:30.29Kirkburn|Vista(and now I'm making up new ways to define 'noun'. I give up)
17:31.06CairennKirkburn|Vista, dear, has anyone mentioned to you lately that you are a rather odd individual?
17:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladon1 (n=Beladona@
17:31.53Kirkburn|VistaThe voices in my head tell me I'm perfectly normal :(
17:31.53jaxdahli'm going to namemy son Kirkburn
17:32.01jaxdahlmiddle name: Vista
17:32.06Kirkburn|VistaPoor child
17:32.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
17:33.45Mr_Rabies2oh man
17:33.47Mr_Rabies2<Kirkburn|Vista> "To play an article." Noun.  To print out an article , fashion it into a banjo, and join a Jazz orchestra.
17:34.26Kirkburn|Vista"Not suitable for outdoor performances"
17:34.55Mr_Rabies2i can't get a decent feral build with omen of clarity anymore
17:35.24Kirkburn|Vista(Actually that probably applies to me as well as the banjo =)
17:37.27Mr_Rabies2hopefully they can scale the amount of points required for some talents down a bit :[
17:37.39TS|SkromGot an answer finally. He had the german and english clients installed and was loading the german. Unsure if it's because he only unzipped into the english or if it doesn't work in the german for some reason.
17:38.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
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17:40.09QzotMr_Rabies2: You're meaning after BC?
17:40.23Mr_Rabies2i mean by the time bc hits
17:40.48Mr_Rabies2there's waaaay too many points required in each tree to get benefit out of it
17:41.03QzotHmm. I thought I was able to build a sweet tanking build.
17:41.24Mr_Rabies2it's hard to get at least semi-hybridized builds now
17:41.39Mr_Rabies2you have to really focus to get a good feral spec down, and that means losing NG, NW, and OoC
17:43.21Qzot<-- Decaffeinated. What are NG and NW?
17:44.50Mr_Rabies2nature's grasp and natural weapons
17:45.19Mr_Rabies2aka you can't get the feral-boosting talents in other trees anymore if you want to make use of the feral boosting stuff in the feral tree
17:46.38Mr_Rabies2i just hope we won't be seeing forests of druids in the back of the line in hellfire citadel or anything
17:46.46Mr_Rabies2that would make me sad
17:47.31QzotI find benefit in NW, but not NG.
17:47.43QzotWhich makes OoC expensive. I raid, don't pvp.
17:48.29Mr_Rabies2Nature's grasp is nice, but i don't use it enough because roots are the most unreliable cc ever
17:49.13QzotI'm rarely outside.
17:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
17:49.26XuerianIMO, when in a group especially where you're MT'ing, with a brutality idol, most of the other tree's talents that aren't directly feral don't help much :P
17:49.43QzotI like OoC.
17:50.18QzotAlthought I have to admit, when I'm tanking, I'm almost always full up on rage anyway.
17:50.19XuerianHeya dreyruugr :P
17:50.21KirovI always forget that Gello doesn't hang out here.
17:50.27XuerianYeah, Qzot.
17:50.27Mr_Rabies2omen of clarity helps a TON in tanking
17:50.33Mr_Rabies2i tank, dps, and heal
17:50.49QzotI don't think I'm skilled enough yet to do that.
17:50.52Mr_Rabies2primary roles for any of them because i make the group accept me in those roles :P
17:51.03XuerianMr_Rabies: It's nice in 5-mans or even 10-man's but when you're holding aggro on something that'll kill you in two hits without thinking if you shift out, anything else isn't practical
17:51.03QzotIf I'm tanking, I can't seem to pop to caster form without dying.
17:51.23Mr_Rabies2what is, Xuerian?
17:51.36XuerianHealing or DPSing
17:51.40Xuerian(I'm referring to tanking)
17:51.43Mr_Rabies2oh yeah definitely
17:51.59Mr_Rabies2when you're tanking, you're not doing anything but tanking until whatever you're tanking is dead
17:52.10Mr_Rabies2i mean i don't focus on one directly
17:52.17XuerianYeah. =P
17:52.23Mr_Rabies2too many droods do
17:52.28Mr_Rabies2and they're terrible droods
17:52.36jaxdahlwiki is choking
17:52.42Mr_Rabies2if i'm tanking something that's stunnable
17:52.59Mr_Rabies2i'll bash it, innervate the priest, and rejuv myself before shifting back in and continuing tankage
17:53.08Kirkburn|VistaHere's an interesting thing - the Burning Crusade strategy guide release date is set for November 15th
17:53.12XuerianWhich usually means you're in a 5, 10, or trash 20, it's practical
17:53.32XuerianOr offtanking, where all that is extremely useful
17:53.38Mr_Rabies2in 40 mans, no way will i leave bear midfight unless i'm tanking something temporarily
17:53.39jaxdahlkirkburn, what company?
17:53.47Mr_Rabies2that's just dumb :P
17:53.56Kirkburn|VistaBrady Games
17:54.04Kirkburn|VistaSame as th original WoW one
17:54.05Mr_Rabies2going from 12000 armor and 9000 hp to 2900 and 6000 or so
17:54.59Mr_Rabies2if i'm tanking something elemental, i'll equip resist gear and tank it in cat form a lot of the time, in 20man and below
17:55.26Mr_Rabies2like incendius, he's not worthy of my bear awesomeness
17:55.30XuerianYeah. It's more fun tanking in lower instances anyway =P
17:55.40XuerianIncendius isn't even worth feral form, Just killl him one on one, lol
17:56.03Mr_Rabies2well usually my reasoning is the faster we kill him the less healing i'll need, and if i'm in resist gear tanking i'm doing about 50 dps
17:56.12XuerianPop on your FR gear and play ring-around-the-roses with him
17:57.25XuerianOtherwise yeah, no reason bear'ing up for it :P
17:58.10Mr_Rabies2i can't do crap for dps in caster form
17:58.17Mr_Rabies2i have like +30 to spell damage total
17:58.24Xuerianyou don't need it :P
17:58.57XuerianJust keep moonfire on him and hit him with a wrath whenever you get a chance, otherwise run around half the circle, past the anvil, jump the corner, and run around again. Repeat ad-infintum
17:59.31Mr_Rabies2i just dps the hell out of him with 20 fr if i'm soloing him usually
18:00.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn_ (
18:01.14XuerianKirkburn|Vista: You know you could go /ident/recover/release/nick/ident in your on-connect script to automatically get your nick back properly
18:01.35Kirkburn|VistaI know, I just haven't set it up on this machine yet :P
18:05.50Kirovtable.maxn ?
18:05.53Kirovinteresting function
18:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
18:11.27Kirkburn|VistaWell, I think I finally got that script working :P
18:11.40XuerianSorta :P
18:14.38fatbrainIs there padding support when outputting text, with lets say XXX_FRAME:AddMessage function?
18:14.49fatbrain(I want to output text in two aligned columns)
18:14.55IrielYes and no
18:15.00fatbrainmono-spaced font == yes ?
18:15.05Irielyou can use string.format, but the font is generally proporionally spaced
18:15.11Irielif you can FIND a monospaced font then there's hope
18:15.20fatbrainNo mono-spaced font :(
18:15.26cogwheeli have one in MonoLua
18:15.32cogwheelit's been released to the public
18:15.42fatbraincogwheel: is that an addon?
18:15.59fatbrainI dont want a dependency just to get monospaced font.
18:16.00cogwheeli can get you a link to the font itself though...
18:16.14cogwheelfatbrain: yes... open my addon, and take the font out of it ;)
18:16.15fatbrainstill, too bad it breaks users normal game font
18:24.03Mr_Rabies2man rolling around with a wsg team is fun as hell
18:24.11KirovAnyone else having problems logging to the forums?
18:24.43Mr_Rabies2yep kir
18:25.58Mr_Rabies2Invalid account name or password
18:26.11Mr_Rabies2happened to me once before
18:26.24Mr_Rabies2took a few days and was working fine again
18:26.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
18:29.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
18:33.39jaxdahlis the wiki not working properly?
18:34.18*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:35.28Kirkburn|VistaPhew, I thought it was me
18:36.33Gelloyeah wiki down for me too. and can't log into ui forum
18:36.40jaxdahlhmm. it was linked on the wow forums
18:36.45jaxdahlthat may be contributing to it
18:38.11cogwheelwe've been WoW dotted....
18:38.18Kirkburn|VistaPalehoof ftw
18:40.57Kirkburn|VistaOooh, I didn't know this - forum threads are auto-locked at 500 posts
18:41.38FISKER_Qi remember when we betatested the forums and tried that
18:42.15malrethah, the anti- /signed thread code
18:42.31jaxdahlKirkburn|Vista, yep and can be unlocked
18:42.53Kirkburn|Vistajaxdahl, that's good
18:43.00malrethack... my account renewal date must have been today... i can't log into the forums... bleh
18:43.14Gelloi can't either malreth. and my renewal is in december
18:43.33KirovMine's in october ... and wtf?  Gello
18:43.45malrethooh... the world is ending then
18:43.47Gellooops cover blown!
18:43.49malrethit's the endtimes
18:44.14KirovIn the good news, is finally back
18:44.14malreththose Jehovah Witnesses that came by my apartment WERE right after all!
18:44.38QzotAnyone see the blue moon last night?
18:45.06KirovQzot - I'm lucky to see the other side of the street most nights in the area I live in.  So no.
18:45.40malrethok... yeah... i'm up for repayment in feb 07...
18:47.22malrethi so wanted to flame that "problem aiming at target" guy... oh well.
18:47.46QzotWay cool.
18:48.25nevcairielhaha, trends is cool
18:48.48Kirkburn|VistaQzot ..... WOW
18:48.57QzotYeah. Wow.
18:49.04malrethlook at all them Austin, TX people!
18:49.29QzotMore like Snorway.
18:49.48QzotThey've got lions and tigers, only in Kenya.
18:49.54Kirkburn|VistaAlthough this is probably more representative -
18:50.06Gelloi'm going to kenya
18:50.12Gellocan you believe it
18:50.42QzotWhere the giraffes are, and the zebra?
18:50.43Hexarobii wonder why curse's hits are so spikey
18:50.59QzotI bet they line up with patch releases.
18:51.02Hexarobiahh ya
18:51.09Kirovooo, on the forums
18:52.32Gellothen afterwards
18:52.33Kirkburn|VistaUm, soooo, Jack Thompson has gone crazy again. (
18:53.10Kirkburn|VistaSee, we brits produce the best cartoonists :P
18:54.12Kirkburn|Vista(having said that, I'v just started watching Family Guy :D )
18:56.12jaxdahli'm contributing to austin
18:56.24jaxdahlcool. where are you at?
18:56.30jaxdahli'm up by parmer and metric
18:56.36malrethi'm on the UT Campus
18:56.39Hexarobidenton, but i searched for my plugin on curse when i was visiting my sis in austin ;)
18:56.55krkacool, i'm on 12th, just outside the center you know
18:57.06malrethjaxdahl: you at work?
18:57.09Hexarobiwas down there for ACL
18:57.26Hexarobiflaming lips rocked ass
18:57.53malrethpurl, emulate Hexarobi is <reply>flaming lips rocked ass
18:57.54purlokay, malreth
18:58.01malrethgrats, Hex
18:58.12Merylol google trends is funny to play with, is every peak a patch day?
18:58.22jaxdahlyes i am at work
18:58.46KirovMery - I'd guess so
18:58.58malrethMery: I count 12 spikes... interesting
18:59.02Hexarobiwhat does that mean? ;)
18:59.34Kirovthat looks like a yes
18:59.48Meryyeah thats definatly a yes
19:00.50Qzotnorris cancer,zomg
19:01.10Kirov - proof that wow > porn
19:01.25zenzelezzthey can coexist
19:01.49QzotSorry, dude...
19:02.50Kirkburn|VistaXmas is evidently a 'popular time'
19:03.58Kirkburn|VistaI'm a bit worried about Cairo, India and Turkey though, them seem to be worryingly high up
19:05.19Meryworld cup > sex at least when it's on tv:
19:06.33jaxdahllook how e3 blows it away
19:07.30QzotHoliday spikes, without referring to the name of the holiday:
19:07.49QzotSubtitle: What we associated with certain holidays.
19:09.19Cidealmost beat patch 1.10 :)
19:10.20jaxdahlhmm. looks like 1.3->1.4 didn't break ctmod
19:10.34QzotI have created a ... monster.
19:11.07jaxdahlcan you see what game this is?
19:11.51jaxdahli know what game it is :)
19:12.06jaxdahladd <game name> patch after a comma
19:12.09jaxdahlto see if your guess is right
19:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
19:15.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
19:15.58grrdoes table.sort in lua sort only indexed tables?
19:16.25Cideinteger indiced tables
19:16.33grrok and you can't sort anything else?
19:16.44Cidenot with table.sort
19:16.50grrok so i gotta do it by hand then
19:17.05grrnot even: table.sort(table, mycmpfunc) works?
19:17.09grrfor other tables?
19:17.26Gelloif table is numerically indexed it'll work
19:17.30grror well string indexed tables, fuck so tired ;<
19:17.44grrok but otherwise it wont so i gotta write my own sort routine?
19:17.58Cideif you have anything but integer indices, it doesn't know what index is the first one, and thus not how it should sort
19:18.25Cideand it'd have to change all of them to integer indices anyway to be able to guarantee an order
19:18.31Gelloyou may find it faster to create a numerically-indexed table and then table.sort
19:18.35Cideso if you want that, just change your table to use integer indices and you're fine
19:18.50grrhmm ok
19:18.51Gellolots of mods that pull hash table data to a FauxScrollFrameTemplate do that
19:19.18cladhaireHello Gello!
19:19.20Gellomake sure to reuse the same table when you populate it to avoid garbage creation. table.setn(myTable,0), etc
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19:21.04Gellothe newest SCT includes cooldowns?
19:26.21IrielThe only 'ordered thing' that lua has is an integer indexed table, unless you want to roll your own linked lists
19:28.14malrethmove faster!
19:30.14Kirkburn|VistaHaha, the latest weeble creation is great :)
19:30.47cogwheelThe rest of my work day is now devoted to wishing I were home... my new computer hardware came today...
19:30.56Kirkburn|Vistaoooh, cool
19:32.28XuerianOoo, what did you get?
19:33.32cogwheelintel E6600, 4gb ram, geforce 7900gt   (one each for me and my wife)
19:34.03warlaquick question
19:34.12warlain game when i type /played i see the time played
19:34.23warlais it possible to trigger that /played from within lua code?
19:34.41warlawhats the function called? any clue?
19:34.47Shadowedcheck wiki :p
19:34.53cogwheeloooh... warla, i'm glad you're back... I was never able to get to wowledgebase's beta test last night... could you link the url again? (last night it said server down)
19:35.02warlasure sec
19:35.12warlabut let me upload newest version of the mod first
19:35.12cogwheeltyvm :)
19:35.18warlait became kickass :-)
19:35.25warlalotsa bugs fixes
19:35.26Gellowiki wicked slow for me atm and not at my windows pc so not sure :( for slash commands you can check the framexml\chatframe.lua to see the function they call
19:35.31malrethyou call whatever function it is and you catch the event that will come sometime later, warla
19:35.43malrethi think it's RequestTimePlayed()
19:35.50warlaahh ok let me check
19:36.30warlauhh wowwiki somewhat ... slow?`
19:36.38cogwheelit got wowdotted earlier
19:36.46cogwheelpalehoof posted about it in General
19:36.47Shadowedyeah it's RequestTimePlayed();
19:36.47XuerianNice, cogwheel :P
19:37.37warlak let me check my mod 1 more time and i'll send ya link to it :-)
19:37.44cogwheelok :)
19:37.49AnduinLotharwhat got wowdotted, the mount page?
19:38.00jaxdahljust the main page
19:38.11AnduinLotharblue post it or soemthing?
19:38.15cogwheelXuerian: not quite top of the line, but damn close enough i'm not gonna complain ;)
19:38.22jaxdahlMVP post
19:38.34Xueriancogwheel: I'd say damn close =P.
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19:41.24cogwheelWay to double-post, Iriel :P
19:42.23cogwheelgotta love buggy forums...
19:42.28IrielStupid forum!
19:42.31IrielFixed, thanks 8-)
19:42.34warlaheres the link:
19:42.44warlatell me when you downloaded and installed the mod :-)
19:42.47Gelloi don't think there'll be a PTR :( general forum says closed beta hasn't started (thread may be old however), and places like ebworld posted a 11/28 ship date this week
19:43.13cogwheelhere's a cookie
19:43.27Mikmawarla: Firefox can't find the server at :(
19:43.40DrDremine either
19:43.43cogwheelMikma: i had that problem last night
19:43.51cogwheeldid you change hosts, warla?
19:44.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
19:44.43DrDremessing with colors on hydrairc >_>
19:45.41warlacogwheel nope why?
19:46.08cogwheelwhen you linked it last night, i got "server not found". it's working now, but Mikma & DrDre both said they're having problems show a weird dns reply too
19:46.25AnduinLotharmmm who wrote BuyUmAll?
19:46.25warlayea was dopwn couple hours
19:46.31cogwheelAnduinLothar: i did...
19:46.39Mikmahmm i don't remember linking it :P
19:46.45warlaMikma resolves to
19:46.50warlaget newest version :-)
19:46.57AnduinLotharthought so. did you make your own StackSplitFrame?
19:47.13DrDrethat sites DNS is screwed up
19:47.14Mikmawarla: prettymuch useless since my server is down :)
19:47.14AnduinLotharcool. i'm yoinking your code
19:47.24warla <-- Mikma
19:47.39Mikmawarla: Firefox can't find the server at
19:47.50cogwheelAnduinLothar: permission granted
19:47.57DrDremikma: its not firefox's problem, its the sites problem
19:47.58warlaohh and since my mod is still in beta version (late beta now ;-) ) it'll spam a ton crap in the chat messages...
19:48.15MikmaDrDre: pff, i copypasted it from firefox.. d'oh
19:48.16warlai couldnt access the site yetsterday for couple hours
19:48.19warlaseems to work now
19:48.32AnduinLotharwell not exactly yoinking, i have to rewrite most of it
19:48.38AnduinLotharbut you get the idea
19:48.49cogwheelwhacha making?
19:48.51AnduinLotharneed a modified one that allows for '1ll' as an option
19:49.19warla <-- direct link from my laptop if you cannt access the other page
19:51.17Kirkburn|VistaI spy Windowblinds
19:51.52Kirkburn|VistaDogmaX4, in fact
19:52.28|FF|Im2good4uwuts the 1.12.1 TOC version ?
19:52.34Kirkburn|VistaNo change
19:52.45|FF|Im2good4uah oke :p
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19:53.16cogwheelso... .warla...
19:53.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Gello (
19:53.23cogwheelwhat do i do to get it to scan my char?
19:53.49Mikmapress the button
19:53.52warlasee on your character info
19:53.57warlathe button
19:54.00warlalooks like a owl
19:54.05warlaclick that one
19:54.09cogwheeloh... yeah... ok :)
19:54.20warlayou can even move that button around
19:54.57warlathen a window should pop open that tells you what to do ^^
19:55.21cogwheelyep... got it :)
19:55.41cogwheel(great... now the raid leader will know i'm only up to 145 first aid... lol)
19:55.59cogwheelwoah nelly...
19:56.14cogwheelleatherworking caused some problems
19:56.34cogwheelit did a HUGE number of rescans, froze the screen, and finally stopped... server lag maybe?
19:56.42zenzelezzhow come you only have 145 first aid? Leveling it is dirt easy, and hardly expensive
19:57.35warlatry to click reload
19:57.38warlaand start over
19:57.45warlait shuldnt cause any probs on tradeskills
19:57.54warlaunless server is really borked
19:58.04AnduinLotharoh btw cog i'm lookign at your code: <Texture file="Interface\AddOns\BuyEmAll\StackFrame.tga">
19:58.12AnduinLotharyou dont need the ".tga"
19:58.18cogwheelzenzelezz: this char was my "together" char with my wife... we're a mage/lock pair, and she always did the first aid for us
19:58.48cogwheelwarla: our server just got its hardware upgrade yesterday, so it may just have been slow loading my data since it was my first login since monday
19:58.48AnduinLotharif you dont add the suffix it'll use blp, then tga
19:58.54zenzelezzfair enough I guess. I could never live without first aid though =)
19:59.21warlacogwheel propably
19:59.31warladid the reload button + retry work?
19:59.49cogwheelit actually ended up working eventually
20:00.18AnduinLotharcogwheel, how is your StackFrame diff than the blizz one?
20:00.49warlanice :-)
20:00.59warlaand how ya like the mod/upload thingy? :-)
20:01.23cogwheelAnduinLothar: mostly just that it has a couple extra buttons. I also used a different texture for most of the frame except the box because they kinda borked it when they added the box
20:01.36cogwheelwarla: worked great :)
20:01.38AnduinLotharhow so?
20:01.53cogwheelopen them up in an image program and compare side by side :)
20:02.00AnduinLothardoing that now
20:02.11cogwheelit's subtle, but i'm picky
20:02.25cogwheelalso, it allows the window to grow if i ever add buttons.
20:02.27zenzelezzI find it amusing when we wait 20 minutes to retry Huhuran so the tanks' Shield Wall is back... then the main tank dies 3 seconds after she arrives
20:02.31AnduinLotharyours is a tad taller and has a wide alpha on the right
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20:03.02AnduinLotharspose they both have the alpha
20:03.29AnduinLotharall i see is hight then
20:03.54cogwheellike i said, it's subtle... ;)
20:04.17cogwheelit's mostly around the border, some strange pixelation
20:04.36Kirovzenzelezz - sounds about right
20:04.36AnduinLothardo i need to zoom in 4x?
20:04.49Kirovzenzelezz - wait for 20 minutes, pull, all the priests are afk
20:04.58cogwheelyou souldn't... i can see it at 1x
20:05.20AnduinLothari zoomed in 4x and i still dont see anythign
20:05.22zenzelezzKirov: well, the sad part is they managed to press "Ready" on the ready check
20:06.51KasoWhat the fuck, a post by a CM on EU forums saying they'd refund those who got screwed with the mounts, now the post has been deleted and appariently the CM has edited a player's subsiquent post
20:07.06JoshBorkeKaso: US GM said they wouldn't
20:07.17cogwheelAnduinLothar: You're comparing UI-MoneyFrame.blp and UI-MoneyFrame2.blp?
20:07.23zenzelezzmounts got screwed?
20:07.23JoshBorkeso rather than please the wowbase by following the EU GM, they decide to go back and undo what the EU GM said...
20:07.33warlahow do i click a button from within lua? wowprofiles_IconFrame <-- button var.. is there a wowprofiles_IconFrame:Click() or something?
20:07.34cogwheelif you use BLPViewer, you can switch back and forth between them
20:07.39JoshBorkezenzelezz: if you purchased your epic mount before hitting 60, you get screwed
20:08.12zenzelezzso you end up paying twice as much to be able to use it then? 900 for mount, 900 for skill?
20:08.26Kasothat is the stupidest decsion ever, even worse that they tried cover it up
20:08.50zenzelezzI didn't even see mention of the mount changes in the patch notes on my patcher
20:09.15Kasothey werent there, which added to the problem
20:09.47cogwheelwarla, if your site sees the same char from the same realm, will it update the data or create a new one?
20:13.00warlaso the id stays
20:13.33AnduinLotharcogwheel> i was comparing UI-MoneyFrame.blp with yours.
20:14.32cogwheelAnduinLothar: heh... you're using an old version
20:14.42cogwheelreally old...
20:14.43AnduinLotharold version of what?
20:14.59AnduinLotharyeah probably
20:16.21cogwheelI changed the way it was rendered in v1.11.1
20:16.40cogwheelit's up to 2.2 now
20:16.43AnduinLotharalrighty then
20:17.09cogwheelthe new one is more reusable because the frame can be made any size you want and still look right
20:17.19AnduinLotharah ok
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20:18.33AnduinLothardid you ace it?
20:19.14cogwheelin 2.0, yes
20:19.34cogwheelbut the frame hasn't changed much since 1.11
20:25.39BeladonaI don't get it
20:25.46cogwheelgnome druid?
20:26.02Beladonaface paint?
20:26.25nevcairielfrom the weapon its a priest
20:27.01Beladonalooks like a gnome, with the skin color and pace paint of an NE
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20:46.21Hexarobianyone know how to zoom yer camera in without a mousewheel on a mac?
20:46.42JoshBorkeuse windows?
20:46.56AnduinLotharshould be default
20:47.04AnduinLotharw/o a mousewheel
20:47.07zenzelezzisn't there a keybinding?
20:47.13AnduinLotharyou'll ahve to set the keybinding
20:47.21AnduinLotharor buy a new mouse
20:47.50Hexarobino default keybinding? k
20:47.54AnduinLothar+/- is a good option
20:48.18MentalPower_page up/down?
20:48.19AnduinLotharpageup/down is default to the zoom stops
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20:59.31Kirkburn|VistaThw wowwiki is back btw
21:00.25abuggood stuff
21:05.13Kirkburn|VistaHere's how I passed the time whilst it was down -
21:10.31Kasohas anyone seen any Tradeskill changes this patch? my addon is now causing Client lockups on TRADESKILL_UPDATE
21:12.46Kaso is the code
21:18.08QzotHexarobi: I think there's a camera view change API call. You could call it directly.
21:18.57GryphenI always have gotten lockups from tradeskill scanning in chracterprofiler after patches. I can open 2 trades in a session, the 3rd hangs, but usually recovers after a while.
21:19.48cogwheel|awayi had the same experience about an hour ago...
21:19.51GryphenAfter they have all been scanned after a patch, i can open and close em all day without issue.
21:20.03cogwheel|awayi got warla's beta character scanner, and it froze up on the thrid trade window i opened
21:21.22Gryphennick change heh
21:22.10QzotMentalPower: Was that you who responded to ?
21:23.47QzotMentalPower: ping
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21:26.38Cidehmh, can hunters use throwing weapons?
21:26.55ckknighthey all
21:27.08KirovCide -yes
21:27.16KirovThough I don't know of a single hunter who does
21:27.32JoshBorkeheh, watch a hunter aimed shot with a throwing weapon
21:30.08KasoFor some reason TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE is calling like a million times when i open a window, is that cos the server just came up and i just logged on
21:36.06Kasomy new mount, i call him Bouncy:
21:37.34nevcairielyou cheat :)
21:41.20nevcairieli want a raptor
21:41.25nevcairieltoo bad i am nightelf.
21:41.40Kirovnevcairiel - there's always zg
21:41.49nevcairielnever seen that thing drop
21:41.53nevcairieltiger twice
21:41.57nevcairielno raptor yet
21:42.01KirovI haven't ever seen any mount drop
21:42.21Kasome nither
21:42.35KirovI was exaulted before I ever saw the Hakari main hand or Fang of the Faceless drop.
21:42.41KirovWhich were the two things I wanted
21:42.56Kasoive still never seen Zinroth or whatever its called
21:43.10nevcairieldestroyer of worlds?
21:43.26nevcairielthat 2h, isnt it?
21:43.30KirovThat's all I ever see
21:43.38zenzelezzyes nev
21:44.09nevcairielthat drops quite often
21:44.16nevcairielfor us, anyway
21:44.51zenzelezzall I see is the neck
21:45.02nevcairielheh, even i have that, being a druid
21:45.09nevcairielresto druid :P
21:45.37EsamynnTREE FORM!!! =D
21:46.16nevcairieland the gloves are quite common
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22:02.35jaxdahli have a list of all the mounts you can get in the game
22:02.44jaxdahland the riding skill they require
22:03.40MiravlixAny supprises?
22:03.50MiravlixDrop = 75, AV 150
22:03.57MiravlixPvP Rank 75
22:04.47jaxdahlwintersaber mount requires 75
22:05.06MiravlixI include that one as drop, even if it's handled differently
22:05.11jaxdahlwinterspring rather
22:05.33QzotAnyone ever seen a statistically valid test to determine whether loot drops in an instance are correlated with the party/raid leader at time of entrance?
22:05.45jaxdahlqzot, no
22:06.03jaxdahlshould i make a page: List_of_Mounts
22:06.15MiravlixWithout the code to blizzards random generator I don't think you can break it with statestics
22:06.21jaxdahlit will list every mount, who can ride them, cost, location to get it, riding skill required
22:06.24QzotMy guild believes it's related to raid leader, but I think it's just superstition.
22:07.22QzotMiravlix: It would require a fair bit of data, but there are statistical tests one can perform to determine the likelihood that any skew is random, or is systematic.
22:07.47jaxdahlmy theory is this - if you take the set of all drops, it will appear random
22:07.49MiravlixYeah if there random generator is broken you can detect that
22:08.13jaxdahlbut if you modulate it based on something you might find a streak
22:08.13nevcairielQzot: we started giving the L to some random raid member just for fun, and it feels like the drops changed. but not doing it long enough for stats.
22:08.15MiravlixProblem is it's used so much your in trouble getting a data sample
22:08.36MiravlixJust using raid leaders time of entry isn't going to work to get a sampling of the random generator
22:09.08QzotMiravlix: ??
22:09.25MiravlixThe random number generator is used by a million things in WoW
22:09.38MiravlixYou don't have one single queue dedicated to boss loot
22:10.18QzotMy guild has a specific superstition: They believe loot is determined by whoever the raid leader is when the first person enters the instance. This specific theory is easy enough to test simply be recording who that person is, and listing the loot drops throughout the instance.
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22:10.50Qzotdetermined == used somehow as the random number seed.
22:11.09nevcairielQzot: we nailed it to the time you get assigned to the instance, so basicly first boss or in naxx first frozen rune looted.
22:11.12JoshBorkeord random number generators could just suck :-)
22:11.27QzotPersonally, I think this superstition is a bunch of hooey, but would like to have data to support my claim.
22:11.29MiravlixWhy would Blizzard waist CPU on generating loot at dungoen creation
22:11.36MiravlixInstead of waiting until boss drops
22:12.07Qzotnevcairiel: Slightly different superstition, also testable with nearly the same data.
22:12.12MiravlixFor big places the creation spike would be costly
22:12.42QzotMiravlix: Agreed. But such speculation will not quell rumours.
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22:13.11zenzelezz"Onyxia DBs more!!"
22:13.19nevcairielif i was blizzard, i would simply use the c++ random numbergenerator. why even care about making the loot dependant on anything. blue's stated in the forums that the loot is totally random.
22:13.41MiravlixIf they used the C++ generator
22:13.54QzotMiravlix: Furthermore, it is possible (no, I don't believe it, either, but we are speculating) that although the server does not actually *compute* the drops, they are essentially determined at that time by the creation of a random number seed which is then used for subsequent boss kills.
22:13.55MiravlixWe would have programs to generate loot drop lists
22:13.55zenzelezzI think the reason people come up with these theories is because then they have someone or something to blame when "their loot" doesn't drop
22:14.08jaxdahlone superstition i also have is that bosses killed at nearly the same time in different instances are very likely to see the same loot
22:14.09MiravlixThe C random function is EXTREAMLY simple
22:14.19MiravlixI know Blizzard use a more advanced system
22:14.28jaxdahlor if you kill it the same time at the same night each week, you're likely to see the same loot
22:14.30MiravlixIt's pretty much a corner stone of WoW
22:15.10QzotWhen it comes to pseudo-random numbers, "more advanced" ~= better. In fact, tried-and-true > your own.
22:15.16zenzelezzI have to agree with Mira, why bother making something depend on such weird stuff?
22:15.40Miravlixyeah, but C's random function is crap
22:15.44MiravlixIt wouldn't work for WoW
22:15.56JoshBorkebye all
22:15.57*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:16.04MiravlixWe could predict things if it was used
22:16.10Qzotzenzelezz: I agree with you and Miravlix, but that doesn't prove that they're *not*. The attempt is called "proof by lack of counter-example", and is not normally considered valid.
22:16.26zenzelezzthink they use something like the Mersienne twister or that sort of thing perhaps?
22:16.45zenzelezzhowever you spell it
22:16.45MiravlixI can't give ppeople a 10 year Computer Designer education in 3 lines
22:17.06MiravlixBut trust me what I say is fact if you had the knowglede to understand it.
22:17.45MiravlixMost of these rumors is simply lack of knowglede of how computers work.
22:17.58MiravlixThey apply HUMAN logic to programming and that just doesn't work
22:18.04QzotHowever, and I'll say it again, it should be theoretically possible to collect enough data to demonstrate, conclusively, that instance loot drops are uncorrelated with any suspected phenomena.
22:18.34MiravlixThats the 15 year education
22:18.40MiravlixI only got the 6 year one. :p
22:19.06QzotNo, 6 years is enough. But you need the sadistics one, not the computer science once.
22:20.17MiravlixTo me what your saying is what I read about in SciFi probability books
22:20.20nevcairielAnd you possibly need all instance drops from the beginning of wow to get real accurate statistics.
22:20.36MiravlixIt's not something thats part of todays posible science
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22:20.52MiravlixLike Roulette prediction due to it being slightly old
22:21.01Miravlixand therefor uneven
22:21.32MiravlixAnd with the roulette you have 100% of the data
22:21.51jaxdahlRaid1a: 1
22:21.51jaxdahlRaid1b:  2
22:21.51jaxdahlRaid1c:   3
22:21.51jaxdahlRaid2a:   3
22:21.52jaxdahlRaid2b:  2
22:21.52jaxdahlRaid2c: 1
22:22.10MiravlixWith WoW you would have 0.0003% of the numbers generated and your using that to find if raid leader effects loot.
22:22.11jaxdahl1 2 3 are tiems
22:22.26jaxdahlraid group a sees item 1 and 3 in raid 1 & 2
22:22.31Mery2regarding roll hacks bu oh well: "WoW currently uses the IBAA pseudo-random number generation algorithm. We have a library of generators and can switch at any time if the need were to arise."
22:22.35jaxdahlraid group c sees item 3 and 1 in raid 1 and 2
22:22.52jaxdahlraid group b sees item 2 twice and goes 'wtf we got item 2, where is item 1 and 3? blizz sucks'
22:22.57jaxdahlbut overall, the item distribution is even
22:23.27zenzelezznice find Mery
22:23.39Mery2also :
22:24.56Mery2(but well they _might_ be lying or just not knowing what the programmer did ;P )
22:25.07QzotMiravlix: For reasons I don't even pretend to understand, people who make their living with sadistics tell me that magic things happen when you get about 1500 data points. In our case, it seems that a Thottbotty type collecting of raid drops could produce 1500 data points in relatively short order. But then, where's the strong motivation to develop an infrastructure to destroy a pet superstition?
22:25.49jaxdahlyes it's 1500
22:25.55QzotMery2: Pseudo-randomness, like crytography, is amazingly easy to screw up.
22:25.58jaxdahlfor +/- 3% error i believe
22:26.16jaxdahlit's the number that pollsters use to sample voters, etc
22:26.23jaxdahlusually 1500 or 3000
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22:26.29jaxdahlit has to do with standard deviation
22:26.34Mery2Qzot: oh I know :)
22:26.51jaxdahlbut there are other things that can skew that when you look at pseudorandomness
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22:28.07QzotMery2: I just read a paper by Rivest on a new voting scheme. And I may end up with egg on my face, but it appeared to me that he had disregarded a trivial attack on his scheme.
22:28.23Mery2I also know of a friend who was like "If that group of tree mobs, consist of 2 warriors and 1 caster then there will be a libram of focus drop in DM west" he said it always worked for his guild
22:29.17QzotYeah. My guild has another one about not letting Sulfuron touch a certain wall, or he drops crap loot.
22:29.35MiravlixAbstract A sequence of new pseudorandom number generators are developed: IA, IBAA, and ISAAC. No efficient method is known for deducing their internal states. ISAAC requires an amortized 18.75 instructions to produce a 32-bit value. There are no cycles in ISAAC shorter than 240 values. The expected cycle length is 28295 values. Tests show that scaled-down versions of IBAA are unbiased for their entire cycle length. No proofs of security are given.
22:30.36jaxdahlwhy don't they use an hardware rng?
22:30.57jaxdahli think i read a few years ago that intel was going to include a temperature diode on motherboards for use with RNGs
22:31.11jaxdahli don't know where that went
22:31.20jaxdahlwould be suitable to increase entropy
22:31.23QzotMiravlix: Understood. Point?
22:31.45MiravlixSelf explaining, I think
22:31.54MiravlixYour looking for Bias
22:31.56jaxdahli also read a nice paper a few months ago about the RNG used in linux and where it gets its entropy from
22:32.02MiravlixIBAA was coded to not have one
22:32.18QzotSo, we agree that unbiased algorithms exist.
22:32.20MiravlixIt's a well documented and known random number generation system with public C code
22:32.31QzotCan you prove that Blizzard uses one, and uses it correctly?
22:32.41MiravlixPeople wastly smarter than the combined inteligence of all WoW players put together has checked it
22:32.50nevcairielwell, that bluepost said that they use IBAA
22:32.54MiravlixAnd it still isn't enough to convince ppl it's okay.
22:32.59jaxdahldo you recall the Wi flag?
22:33.08QzotAh. That's the piece of data I was missing, nevcairiel.
22:34.08QzotBlue stating that they use IBAA does (further) deprecate the suspicion in my mind. I agree that it's unlikely to convince large swaths of players.
22:36.42jaxdahlMikk, are you here?
22:39.14jaxdahlwould it be possible to hash images to find duplicate images and prevent duplicate images from being uploaded?
22:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:40.56jaxdahlKirkburn|Vista, yea, i think that horn of sargeras stuff should be deleted
22:41.03jaxdahli haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere
22:41.23jaxdahland the user that uploaded the info says it was datamined
22:41.48jaxdahlcan someone do an ilevel calculation real quick? :p
22:45.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (n=chatzill@
22:50.00zenzelezzdoes it matter whether a hunter uses a fast or slow bow?
22:50.23JoshBorkei think so
22:50.32JoshBorkei think hunters want a 3.0 speed bow?
22:50.48zenzelezzso slow rather than fast, for big hits?
22:51.20KirovIt's normalized now
22:51.33KirovIt used to be we wanted slow, not it doesn't matter as much.
22:51.36JoshBorkei honestly don't know anything about hunters :-)
22:51.39Kirovslow is still better though
22:51.42Kirovsaves ammo
22:51.51zenzelezzthat's a good point
22:52.17cogwheelHunters want wands... what are you talking about?
22:52.29JoshBorkei heard they like to melee
22:53.06warlawhere do i put the new version number so my mod wont be out of date?
22:53.08MikkHunters want slow bows for PvP because of the insane aimed shot impacts they can get
22:53.27KirovLike I just said, hunters are nomalized
22:53.27MikkPvE? Doesn't really matter... some argue that faster bows are better
22:53.45Mikk(Simply because they don't get insane crits and eat aggro as much)
22:53.54Mikk(Then again huntards have feign. Nerf huntards.)
22:53.56KirovA 30 dps, 5.0 speed weapon hits for the same aimed shot as a 30 dps, 1.5 speed weapon
22:54.17MikkErm no I think you've misunderstood "normalized"
22:54.28warla## Interface: 10900 <-- this line needs to be changed right?
22:54.34MikkBefore the "nerf", you got a double bonus for having a slow weapon
22:54.43cogwheelwarla: 11200
22:54.43Mikk1. You have a high damage range
22:54.47Mikk2. It was multiplied with the speed
22:54.50Mikk= INSANE numbers
22:54.54JoshBorkewarla: yep
22:54.56MikkNow you "only" have the high damage range
22:55.07MikkSo there's still a difference. It's just not as exponential.
22:55.15KirovMikk - which doesn't necessarily require a slow weapon
22:55.26MikkIt does
22:55.53MikkA 50 dps weapon with a speed of 1.0 will hit for 50 on average
22:56.00MikkA 50 dps weapon with a speed of 3.0 will hit for 150 on average.
22:56.05MikkThis matters not for autoshot.
22:56.11MikkBut it matters for instant attacks.
22:56.21KirovAimed shot is not an instant attack
22:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
22:56.42MikkOk, I suck a bit at hunter skills.
22:56.45QzotMost definitely *not*.
22:57.03Mikks/aimed shot/all attacks using the weapon damage range in its math/
22:57.04QzotI hate the lack of animation when I doing aimed attack. :P
22:57.19MikkI'm just saying "instant" because that's what it is for warriors and rogues
22:57.20cogwheelAre there any?
22:57.34MikkMost do
22:57.44cogwheelI thought all the things like stings, arcane shot, etc. use a damage number all their own...
22:57.59Mery2good night all
22:58.08Mikkcogwheel: Base damage PLUS a damage of their own, usually
22:58.18jaxdahli direct you to this page:
22:58.23jaxdahlcheck the image and discussion
22:58.29jaxdahland user discussion
22:58.51jaxdahlAzagoth is the user
22:59.40MikkThis looks a bit bullshit yes
22:59.43Mikk+100%crit and +100%hit
22:59.59MikkAt the very least it looks like something not intended for release :-P
23:00.04jaxdahlnot percent
23:00.09jaxdahlremember they're changing stuff in TBC
23:00.11jaxdahlit's raiting
23:00.40Mikki totally missed out on that
23:00.54jaxdahl14 rating is about 1%crit at level 60 i believe
23:01.29MikkAh, so it's on par with attack power
23:01.37jaxdahlhe says he's going to remove it now
23:02.05cogwheelmikk, unless i'm missing something, none of the instant attacks cause weapon damage except multi-shot... I know none of the stings do, nor do arcane shot, concussive shot, distracting shot, (aimed shot isn't instant as we've discussed)...
23:02.12Plorkyeran28 rating is 1% at 70 iirc
23:02.36PlorkyeranAimed and Multi both scale with weapon damage and have fixed cast times
23:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (n=chatzill@
23:03.09jaxdahli think you should go ahead and delete the pages, especially the image, Mikk
23:03.15PlorkyeranThe actual instant part doesn't matter, it's the weapon speed effecting damage but not cast time that matters
23:03.24cogwheelOh... there's scatter shot ... but it does 50% weapon damage...
23:04.01jaxdahlhe's blanked the page now
23:04.27QzotI hate the lack of animation when I doing aimed attack. :P
23:04.44*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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23:06.28Mr_Rabies2is it physically possible to code an addon that will click the flag doodad super fast?
23:06.42Mr_Rabies2cause there was a guild we were fighting that were clicking before it was visible
23:06.44QzotFlag doodad?
23:06.56PlorkyeranYou can click where it'll appear and it'll register
23:07.03PlorkyeranEven if it hasn't appeared yet
23:07.03Mr_Rabies2they would return it LITERALLY as soon as they dropped
23:07.08Mr_Rabies2no delay whatsoever
23:07.19AnduinLotharfast reflexes
23:07.29Mr_Rabies2it was faster than any i've ever seen
23:07.33QzotNot even one nanosecond delay? Wow.
23:07.47Mr_Rabies2it was undetectable as a delay at least
23:07.50AnduinLotharonly possible hack would require an external program
23:07.56Mr_Rabies2it was like it played both sounds at the exact same time
23:08.12PlorkyeranAnyone who's spent any significant amount of time in WSG should have ping be thier limiting factor on flag returning
23:08.14QzotSomeone could be spamming the pickup?
23:08.31PlorkyeranSo you may have just been playing a team with lower ping than you were used to
23:08.48Mr_Rabies2like, everyone in the guild was doing this
23:09.06Mr_Rabies2unless they were like lanned to the realm itself, i don't see this happening
23:09.07AnduinLotharpractice makes perfect, it is nto liekly they were cheating
23:09.41Mr_Rabies2because the delay in reflexes plus lag should be a noticable edlay
23:09.50PlorkyeranThere's no delay from reflexes
23:09.58PlorkyeranYou should be clicking where it'll appear before it does
23:10.29Mr_Rabies2it was faster than i've EVER seen
23:11.14Mr_Rabies2i wouldnt put it past some of these pvp guilds to cheat
23:11.51PlorkyeranI would, because risking banning on accounts that you're playing 12+ hours a day for months is incredibly stupid
23:12.23*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:12.41Mr_Rabies2eh i've seen plenty of them terrain exploit with warlords+
23:12.54Mr_Rabies2planter, log in midfield
23:13.08Mr_Rabies2no honor in bgs at all
23:13.37Plorkyeranterrain exploits don't get you banned
23:13.45PlorkyeranThey generally don't even get you suspended
23:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
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23:19.15jaxdahlwhy do they make it so you have to click the flag?
23:19.22jaxdahli'd rather you run through it to pickup/return
23:19.37jaxdahllike any other good CTF game
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23:47.58Kirkburn|Vistajaxdahl, I've deleted it just to be on the safe side
23:48.14Kirkburn|VistaMikk, ping!
23:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (

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