irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060926

00:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:30.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
00:35.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (
00:41.22fatbrainAnyone using wowbench?
00:43.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:44.11KirkburnHehe, a really cool short film:
00:46.48fatbraintoo bad I dont have any sound
00:48.05fatbrainthink firefox tries to output sound on the oss device, sucks
00:54.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
00:55.31QzotSomeone seen side?
00:55.41QzotComeone ceen cide?
00:55.47QzotScomeone scene scide?
00:55.55zenzelezz~seen cide
00:56.19purlcide <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 13h 9m 44s ago, saying: 'or move it to a separate statement (i is not incremented at evaluation)'.
00:56.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:56.19QzotSorry. I love nonzenze.
00:56.43QzotOooo. Yet another lesson for the IRC n00b.
00:57.05kergothfatbrain: use aoss then
00:58.03fatbrainkergoth: made the user-agent dodgy
00:58.43IrielI'm using float in a sense that implies I have little control over how fast I get there
00:58.56IrielDue to the afforementioned traffic
00:59.29IrielDoesn't look too bad this evening tho
00:59.34Irielso there's hope for me
00:59.41QzotCide the main CTRA dev?
01:11.56*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
01:12.59KirkburnPretty much, afaik
01:16.05jaxdahlcide has his own irc channel now
01:16.54jaxdahlnvm, was thinking of someone/thing else
01:17.14jaxdahlhe is associated with CT strongly, yes
01:17.17jaxdahlbut i don't know if he's the main dev
01:17.29MentalPoweryes he's the main dev
01:17.39MentalPowerCT == Cide & Ts
01:18.56*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
01:19.08GeoDaMancerAfter a long time away, I have returned, and all may rejoice!
01:19.18zenzelezzdo we know you?
01:19.35GeoDaMancerHeheheh, what's up?
01:21.14*** join/#wowi-lounge neilmorrow (
01:22.13GeoDaMancer'Lo, neil.
01:22.43Cairennheh, hey GeoDaMancer
01:23.51GeoDaMancerHola Cairenn, anything of interest or import happen in the last few days?
01:24.03AnduinLotharso... i need a progress bar for bank/bag space... should i bother giving it a pretty border?
01:24.15GeoDaMancerWhy would you?
01:24.28AnduinLotharfor pretiness
01:24.45GeoDaMancer>.> Really? xD
01:24.55AnduinLothari like borders
01:25.05AnduinLothari just don't really feel like making my own atm
01:25.11GeoDaMancerWell, if juu want it... Oooh. xD
01:25.18AnduinLotharso... if oyu know of one used elsewhere..
01:25.27GeoDaMancerCasting bar. xD
01:25.47AnduinLotharmaybe i can adapt the tooltip border
01:25.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:25.59GeoDaMancerHeheheh... Borky!
01:26.24KirkburnMentalPower, I feel silly now. I never connected Cide + TS =  CT
01:26.43Kirkburn<-- nubcake?
01:26.54AnduinLothar^^ nubsauce
01:27.22MentalPowerlol, well as consolation, I never connected it either. I also had to be told
01:27.35MentalPowerby Cide himself non the less
01:27.36AnduinLotharALL NUBS!
01:27.44KirkburnTime to play Armadillo Run to console myself =)
01:28.11GeoDaMancerArnadillo Run?
01:28.21AnduinLotharrun from arnie?
01:29.34GeoDaMancerWhich I can. ^.^
01:29.49Kirkburnum, why?
01:30.41GeoDaMancerBecause, I'm on very good pain meds. xD I have an absessed incizor, however you spell the blasted things, and the medical type peoples gave me something for the pain, while the peni-- I can't spell it -- Kills the stuff. xD
01:31.37GeoDaMancerThank you, Cairenn, yes, that. ^^;
01:31.39zenzelezzdidn't read that sentence thoroughly at first and thought you meant a quite different peni- word o_O
01:31.44zenzelezzsentence took on a whole new meaning
01:31.56ThraeIt's generally not a good idea to stop at peni-- when trying to spell penicillin...
01:32.16zenzelezzyou dull Brit
01:32.19zenzelezza five-letter word
01:32.22ThraeKirkburn: Holistic Medicine!
01:32.33Hexarobigarlic is an antibiotic
01:32.39Thrae~dict penit
01:32.42AnduinLotharit's the first thing i blame when i'm sick... er
01:32.54ThraeKirkburn: purl says you made that up ;)
01:33.21zenzelezzKirk's just trying to make us think he doesn't have a dirty mind like everyone else
01:33.55XuerianHaha, here's a new ad: "Buying gold is stupid. Learn how to make 50g in a hour in WoW"
01:33.58KirkburnWell, I was gonna say Thrae was pretty close to two naughty words with his purl question :P
01:34.21KirkburnAnd oddly enough, both meaning the same thing ...
01:34.53KirkburnYes, they both meant a rare african tree frog
01:35.12KirkburnXuerian, who was it an ad for??
01:37.44KirkburnSo a website that just tried to install something on my PC :/
01:38.49XuerianI've no doubt :P
01:42.44warlaCairenn checkout the enchanting now :-) <--
01:48.15Cairennwarla: looking good
01:48.17XuerianVery nice
01:50.03JoshBorkewarla: very nice
01:53.39warlathx :-)
01:53.48warlaenchanting made me a lot headache heh
01:53.57warlaimho blizzard did that tradeskill rather poor
01:54.06warlathey could have sectioned it more
01:54.10warlalike the other trades
01:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
01:55.52warlaalso the craft functions on wowwiki look more like a beta version of a trade lol
01:56.42warlaspeaking of website that tries to install stuff... on my server we have a grave account hacking epidemy going on
01:56.52warlado you have same shit on your servers?
01:57.04warlaseems like a website or something activeX related
01:57.09warlathat installs keyloggers
01:58.20Cairennfolks have to learn to be careful =/
01:58.42fatbrainfolks will never learn to be careful.
01:58.45fatbrainsad but true.
02:01.06fatbrainwarla: Is that something you'r writing now?
02:02.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
02:03.51QzotAnyone besides Cide familiar with CTRA's *cough* ability to track raid members during a raid?
02:04.10GeoDaMancerNope, Q-zee.
02:04.47fatbrainQzot: what do you mean by track raid members?
02:04.50JoshBorkewhat do you mean, track?
02:04.54QzotI remember hearing someone asked how it did it, but that was before I knew my guild was having lots of problems with it.
02:04.58JoshBorkeCTRA doesn't do that, CTRaidTracker does
02:05.12QzotSorry. That's what I meant.
02:05.23QzotIs that also Cide's bailiwick?
02:05.25zenzelezzwhat does it do?
02:05.36JoshBorkeeverytime someone changes group it generates a leave/join
02:05.38QzotUm. Gets it wrong for one.
02:05.53kergothspeaking of which, why is ct_raidtracker so -monstrous- ram wise, even without any data from raids?
02:06.09QzotOur guild is using it to award dkp, and it includes people who aren't there, and misses people who are.
02:07.11fatbrainhrm, strange, have to investigate, we may experience the same problems since we'r also using it
02:08.11QzotI was with the raid the entire MC run, but it only "saw" me there for 3 bosses in the middle. That's a hefty chunk of dkp missing.
02:10.56fatbrainQzot: What version are you using?
02:12.54Qzotfatbrain: Don't know. It's not included in the addons I had the guild leader send me.
02:13.14*** join/#wowi-lounge grr (
02:13.16QzotHe usu keeps his addons pretty up-to-date, however.
02:13.19grrYou know what's scary?
02:13.37fatbrainPanda bears?
02:13.45grrWhen you realize that one of your friends are a carbon copy of Kelso in That 70's Show, i mean _exact_
02:13.49grrsame apperanace, same IQ
02:14.02fatbrainsame income?
02:14.02zenzelezzhm, never noticed the Sewer Beast rare in Stormwind before
02:14.07fatbrainif so, don't complain... moooooch!!
02:14.12Qzot...and you start wondering which character *you* match...
02:14.12grrfatbrain: ;>
02:14.25grrQzot: Well thing is he doesn't MATCH, he's a copy ;P
02:15.25grrit's scary now when I think of it
02:15.27grrrealy scary
02:15.54Qzotfatbrain: You guys use ct raid tracker?
02:16.34fatbrainQzot: yes
02:16.56QzotAnd do you use eqDKP or something to post on a web site?
02:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge sodaking (n=kv42@
02:17.51QzotHmm. I suspect if you were having problems, *someone* would have complained about missing dkp.
02:18.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:18.23sodakingis there a way to enable a newly unzipped addon without restarting wow?
02:18.33QzotMy GL says "1.25.12 modded".
02:18.52fatbrainsodaking: no, none that I know of anyway
02:19.06fatbrainsodaking: If you simply updates an addon you *could* do a /console reloadui
02:19.12sodakingcairenn r u the one who wrote a macro guide in the rogue forum?
02:19.18Qzotfatbrain: any idea what version you guys are using?
02:19.56fatbrainQzot: no, think the newest one, 1.25 bleh something
02:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
02:29.09JoshBorkewb iriel
02:29.43IrielThanks, evening.
02:31.57zenzelezzdid they remove the median price thingie on Allakhazam?
02:54.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Evansbee (n=eVolt@
03:13.05AnduinLotharsee... these poor status bars need borders:
03:13.48zenzelezzthey do look a bit vague/peculiar without them, yes
03:14.14AnduinLotharand i need a way to enter 'edit mode'.. think i should make that a checkbox? or a button that works liek a checkbox and stays highlighted..
03:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:15.06KirkburnHaha, this video is great! It's a music video about the WC3 scenario, Defense of the Ancients (DotA) ...
03:16.19KirkburnApparently it's number two in Sweden atm?
03:16.41*** join/#wowi-lounge [SpureFanClub]CP (
03:17.26Miz11Is anyone familiar with the mod Squishy by Maia?
03:17.41XuerianFor a song with three lines, it's surprisingly long
03:17.46XuerianMiz11: What about it?
03:18.04KirkburnXuerian, and I bet they've not got permission to use the Warcraft sound effects
03:18.14Miz11the Interface\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:476 error
03:18.45Miz11i just installed squishy and I really like the feature set.  Is there a fix for this?
03:18.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
03:19.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
03:19.13Miz11the wowace forum has a post that says "It's one of the new Ace2 revisions to AceComm that causes this error.  Going back to an older one fixes this."
03:19.31Miz11as the only solution. Does he mean older version of squishy or older version of acecomm?
03:20.02XuerianI'm assuming AceComm, but the easiest way to do that would be back up to a older version of squishy supposing it was the most recent acecomm build-embedding addon you have
03:20.34Miz11ok.  Do you know off hand which is the last stable build of squishy?
03:22.06XuerianWhat were we talkinga bout again?
03:23.02Miz11ok, the last squishy revision which didn't give the floatingchatframe error.
03:23.56XuerianHeh :P I'd just try backing up a few revisions here: ... try one from the 23'd or so
03:24.01*** part/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
03:25.18Miz11thanks. I'll give this a try.
03:28.55KirkburnPatch day tomorrow, it appears
03:34.00Miz11Xuerian: the problem persists through all the versions on the site you linked.
03:35.12Miz11unfortunately :/
03:37.00XuerianWhat other ace mods have you updated recently? If another one is loading acecomm the same issue will persist
03:37.21Miz11its only squishy giving the problem. I've disabled them all individually
03:37.46Miz11but i got perl unitframes, fubar, detox today
03:39.45XuerianWell, I can send you the revision I have (10'th), but unless has propogated for you I can't link a older one :P
03:40.05Miz11ah, is that why I'm getting 403s?
03:40.37XuerianYeah, we just switched servers
03:45.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
03:49.20XuerianI can DCC it to you, otherwise waiting is fun :P
03:50.44Miz11sure, send it
03:50.57Miz11but I got an unable to connect error.
03:51.12XuerianYeah, might not work... mneh, one second
03:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
03:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
04:01.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
04:31.55jaxdahl could use some fleshign out
04:35.36abugas in leaked info from F&F Alpha?
04:38.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
04:40.00PlorkyeranSeeing "Note: please do not post images from the BC alpha" right next to an alpha shot is amusing...
04:40.50abugah that one came from blizzard's page thoug
04:40.53ScytheBlade1Holy crap a Plorkyeran
04:41.29ScytheBlade1~lart Plorkyeran
04:42.07abug~eat abug
04:42.08purlACTION eats abug and falls over dead
04:42.19ScytheBlade1~eat a bug
04:42.20purlACTION eats a bug and falls over dead
04:50.56abug~greet abug
04:50.59purlACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on abug
04:51.27zenzelezz~whaleslap abug
04:51.28purlACTION beats abug upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
04:52.45abug~puke zenzelezz
04:52.59abug~bonk zenzelezz
04:53.00purlACTION bonks zenzelezz over the head
04:56.34abug~what is wowwiki
04:56.36purlI think you lost me on that one, abug
04:56.49abug~what is
04:56.52purlabug: I think you lost me on that one
04:57.38abug~wowwiki is
04:57.40purlokay, abug
04:57.47abug~what is wowwiki
04:57.49purlabug: I think you lost me on that one
04:57.54abug~wake up
04:57.55purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
04:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:58.29abug~what is wowwiki?
04:58.32purlabug: I think you lost me on that one
04:58.36abug~bad dog
04:58.37purlBad dog, bad! No cookie for you!
04:59.13abug~def wowwiki
04:59.31abug~define wowwiki
04:59.32purlUse ~dict for definitions.
04:59.37abug~dict wowwiki
04:59.53abug~define wowwiki
04:59.54purlUse ~dict for definitions.
04:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
05:00.07abug~dict wowwiki
05:01.48ckknighthey all
05:02.06Cairennhi ckknight
05:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
05:04.37abugzomg it's a cogwheel
05:04.50cogwheelzomg it's a bug?
05:05.01abugno wai!
05:05.12cogwheeljust downed razor for the first time :)
05:05.30abugwhich strategy did your raid use?
05:06.38abugthe killing or the kiting method?
05:06.38cogwheelumm... hunters kited dragons, warrs kited orcs. everyone else killed mages. then brought him to the corner and creamed him
05:07.26cogwheelwe've been getting to phase to pretty regularly for the last few weeks but never had more than half our people standing 'till tonight
05:07.53cogwheels/e to/e two/
05:07.56abugdid anyone run up and trigger the goblins early?
05:08.15abugI know I did that my first time
05:08.16cogwheelno... they made sure to announce it before we killed razor ID
05:08.43cogwheel~lart cogwheel's typing skill
05:10.45abugI am to hungry.
05:11.12abugs/e to/too
05:11.35cogwheeli am to hungry
05:12.07Mr_Rabies2seems like too much effort to remember syntax for purl than just to drag paste replace
05:12.16abugso it's s/<pattern>/<replacement>/
05:12.33Mr_Rabies2s/ /#/
05:12.50Cairenn|sleepnight folks
05:12.54Mr_Rabies2guess it only replaces the first instance :[
05:12.58abuggood night sleepyhead
05:12.59Mr_Rabies2night cair
05:13.08kergothMr_Rabies2: many, many people already know the s/// syntax from vim, perl, sed, etc
05:13.27Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna pass out myself, i'm still borderline giddy from the drood changes
05:13.27kergothgoogle for info on regular expression based substitutions
05:13.37Mr_Rabies2yeah i assumed it was from perl based on purl's name
05:13.48Mr_Rabies2didn't know about the other stuff though
05:13.49kergothpurl is named that way because its the bot from #perl
05:14.16kergothnot because its written in perl, thats coincidental ;)
05:14.16abugit's a lot different than lua's
05:14.16cogwheellook what i started
05:14.28Mr_Rabies2programming takes more effort than i'm willing to put forth :x
05:14.28abugat least, WoW lua's
05:14.33cogwheelactually, purl's substitution is VERY limited
05:14.48cogwheeli think the only thing it can do are direct substitutions on the first occurence of the pattern
05:14.55kergothlua's patterns are not regular expressions in the usual use of the term.  they're patterns, yes, but thats it
05:15.03Mr_Rabies2i can hack up other peoples' code sometimes, but that's about the extend of my coding prowess
05:15.55cogwheelgah... need to restart ff (hence chatzilla) bbl
05:16.32abug~grease cogwheel
05:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
05:18.48abug~greet Abenadi
05:18.49purlACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on Abenadi
05:18.57Abenadihi guys : /
05:19.22Abenadican anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong with this statement:
05:19.29Abenadiit keeps evaluating to nil, like it can't find the file
05:20.09abug~wowwiki settexture
05:20.26abug~you're no help
05:20.43Plorkyeranthe wowwiki entry on settexture is awful
05:21.06Abenadiyeah I couldn't get much info there, I tried to find how other people had used it when setting it as a file and they seem to use the format above
05:21.18AbenadiIt works fine when I pass it R,G,B but not when I use a file
05:21.51PlorkyeranHas the texture file existed since before you logged in?
05:22.32Abenadithat must be it. the answer is no, and when I changed to a file that did it works now
05:22.52abug+1 Plorkyeran
05:24.28abug~cookie Plorkyeran
05:24.44purlrumour has it, jerk is someone who needs something to do.
05:29.34ScytheBlade169d /played
05:29.38ScytheBlade1And I get my epic mount
05:57.34purlThis problem, like many others in the computer industry, can be solved by the application of monkeys.
06:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
06:06.47GeoDaMancerI need some non-Wow geek type help, and since this is the highest concentration of geeks I know of... I just got Cable installed, and I'm using my desktop as the connection to let others onto the internet, but my connection seems to suffer. >.> IE- Jumping from a 130 latency to a 2300 latency with only another connection open...
06:07.42GeoDaMancerIs there anyway I can kill his connection slightly, or am I doomed, doomed! Doomed to high latency until he signs off?
06:10.17abugtoo many sleeping geeks
06:10.46GeoDaMancerYes, too many. >.>
06:13.52Shadowedthey aren't geeks if they're sleeping
06:14.03GeoDaMancerGood point, good point.
06:15.33KirovGeoDaMancer - as far as you know, you just have to suffer it.
06:15.45Kirovgo get yourself a router
06:15.54GeoDaMancerI have a router, but it's broked.
06:16.04GeoDaMancerNot Borked, which would make me laugh, but broked.
06:17.39Kirovbork bork bork!
06:17.50GeoDaMancerAh, if I hook it up to a router, do I still have to use my computer as the primary connection?
06:17.54GeoDaMancerBork is great. xD
06:19.03Kirovand that was a sweedish chef reference
06:19.48GeoDaMancerOh yeah. xD Sorry, my mind's half gone between pain, and the little happy men trying to chase it down. xD
06:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
06:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
06:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Eufe (
06:46.36*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
06:48.59ckknight~emulate swedish chef
06:49.05purlYorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!
06:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
06:58.36Corrodiasand our realm mercifully shuts down, after what i'd have to say is one of the most embarassing AV games i've been in.
06:59.06Kirovhmm... SetGradient is fun
06:59.59Corrodiasthe bad news about all these new abilities and spells is that i've already run out of action bar space
07:00.34krkause an action bar replacement that doesn't actually use slots
07:00.55krkayou only have 120 actionbar slots to use
07:01.01krkai.e. IsAction(slotId)
07:02.16Corrodiaswell. i could. another issue is not having enough key combinations for everything, at least beyond what i can remember past a certain point
07:03.49Endnooooes, my realm is down now
07:03.59Corrodiasokay, WHAT THE HELL? "Fills the Paladin with the spirit of justice for 30 sec, giving each melee attack a chance to stun for 2 sec. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time."
07:04.05Corrodiaslike a ranged stun wasn't enough?
07:06.06Corrodiasi hate paladins every second of the day
07:07.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
07:07.54Esamynn~comfort Corrodias
07:07.58purlThere, there, Corrodias.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
07:08.03Corrodiasi hate them with every pixel of my UI
07:09.05Esamynnand then I'll hate the Blood Knights for how they got their power
07:09.22Corrodiasi just hate blizzard for coming up with such a stupid excuse
07:09.36Esamynnactually, it fits the Blood Elves
07:09.42Esamynni'm sorry to say it, but it does
07:09.43Corrodiasanyway, i can't even get excited about the idea that it'll no longer be a question of balance, with paladins and shamans on both sides. i still hate them too much for that.
07:10.17Corrodiasyes, it absolutely does. however, what i absolutely cannot understand is why the horde would allow the blood elves to band with them. i've heard the reasons and i'm not convinced.
07:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge SH|Shabador (
07:11.31Corrodiasattacking a naaru like that is nigh on direct assistance to demons. they also are addicted to demonic magic, and would never do anything to harm their source of power. that certainly doesn't make them allies of the mortal races who do everything in their power to fight AGAINST the demons!
07:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:14.28EsamynnCorrodias: yah, that part does ring a tad bit false
07:15.03Corrodiasmaybe they can refine it a bit before going retail
07:16.44Corrodiasi had two one-on-one battles with other druids in that last AV, by the way. boy was that a sad sight.
07:17.22EsamynnI avoid battling other Druids, for role-playing reasons
07:17.31Esamynnwhenever possible of course
07:17.42Corrodiaswe just couldn't kill each other. actually, during the second encounter, i may have won except that she managed to hide from sight and i couldn't find her again.
07:17.55Esamynnif a Horde druid insists on getting in my face, he's going to dislike the result
07:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
07:18.17Esamynnor she for that matter
07:19.04Corrodiasi'm still not sure how i'm MOST useful in battlegrounds. i have this terrible feeling that i'm most useful doing suicide runs on flags just so people will follow me and actually REACH the flag
07:19.14Corrodiasbattlegrounds -> AV, not the others
07:19.44Corrodiasi far prefer to defend things
07:20.25EsamynnDruids are very good for defending, because we are like a force of nature, we just don't die easily
07:20.39Corrodiasboy, i find that amusing
07:20.49Corrodiasi'm pretty squishy, myself
07:21.17Corrodiasa mage's frostbolt crit can easily drain over half my life
07:21.46Esamynnmaybe it's because my spec is resto ;)
07:22.14Corrodiasas is mine, but restoration doesn't include immunity to spells or other attacks
07:22.30Corrodiasbut then, my gear is almost all crap
07:22.35Esamynnno, but we can sure survive a hell of a lot of punishment
07:22.59Corrodiasall i can say is that you must be playing a different kind of druid than the one i got...
07:23.17Esamynnyou mean one decked out in AQ40/BWL epics? ;)
07:23.56Corrodiasi don't think my guild even fights Hakkar, yet. i don't have that option.
07:24.28EsamynnI still wonder how I managed to get lucky enough to get into my guild, it really boggles my mind
07:24.43KirovWhat guild is that?
07:25.22EsamynnRedemption on Dragonblight, I got in on the first kill of Lucifron back in June of 05
07:25.38Esamynngreat group of people
07:25.48Corrodiasguild Fate, realm Eldre'Thalas. maybe they do take on Hakkar, actually, i just haven't attended such a session, yet. they have started working on AQ20, too.
07:26.11Corrodiasi read your line before i read his, which is why i thought you were talking to me. never mind.
07:26.31KirovEsamynn - how far are you guys?
07:27.02Esamynnlets see, we downed Grobbulus in Naxx Sunday night, just counting bosses here
07:27.24EsamynnSpider wing clear, Instructor Dead, Grob dead, Twin Emps dead
07:27.38KirovNo c'thun yet?
07:27.49EsamynnC'Thun trash cleared, haven't done much serious work on C'Thun
07:28.06KirovFun, but frustrating encounter.
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07:28.13Esamynncould nights of no serious consuable use
07:28.27KirovFrustrating because it only takes one bit of bad luck, or one idiot to wipe the raid.
07:28.41EsamynnOMGZ, LAZER
07:28.47KirovPEW PEW
07:28.51Esamynnbest C'Thun movie ever
07:29.09Esamynnyou know the one I mean ;)
07:29.23Kirovactually, no
07:29.30zenzelezzmy guild is working on Naxxramas; got Razuvious/Anub'Rekhan/Faerlina down so far, reached Patchwerk... but those double-Stoneskin Gargoyles in the last wing defeat us :-|
07:29.31Esamynnoh god
07:29.37Esamynnlet me find it, you have to see it
07:30.11zenzelezzhm, "C'thun survivor guide"?
07:30.15Esamynnzenzelezz: hehe, those double gargoyles are a pain, you HAVE to seperate them
07:30.37KirovMy old guild was the first to down Nefarian on the server, second to down C'Thun.  Then imploded on itself just after getting down Instructor.
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07:31.43KirovMy new guild just downed Nefarian, and bug family.
07:31.54Corrodiasboy, that's some luck for you, eh?
07:31.55KirovIt's a long long road back.
07:32.27KirovIt's a guild my girlfriend started up after we left our old guild.
07:33.33Esamynnimploding guild, that can't be a fun experience
07:34.27EsamynnKirov: is that not just the best?
07:34.38Esamynnthe movie i mean
07:35.40Esamynni crack up every time i watch it
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07:37.37Kirovbrings back some baaad memories
07:38.34Esamynnoh come one, don't try to tell me that doesn't crack you up :P
07:40.26Esamynnhow's this for a funny image
07:41.07zenzelezzafter I got into a guild that did 20+ raids the first time, I started turning player names off during raids. After a while I stopped turning them back on afterwards... and the game looks so much cleaner without them :-o
07:41.42Esamynnofficer places a bot directly in FRONT of that door way for the raid to repair at
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07:41.49Esamynntalk about an accident waiting to happen
07:42.18Esamynnzenzelezz: i setup an addon to toggle them on only when i'm pvp enabled
07:42.20ckknight_zenzelezz, turn them off?
07:42.28Corrodiascome to think of it... those player names probably aren't as important as i think
07:42.28zenzelezzI said I did
07:43.13Esamynni couldn't stand that many names running around
07:43.34Esamynnplus with them off, finding that one person you have targetted is *much* easier
07:43.58zenzelezzspeaking of funny images, my guild had a laugh at this situation: (in case it's not obvious, check the minimap)
07:44.25Esamynnoh and btw, no one made an oops with that repair bot, thankfully
07:44.50Esamynnzenzelezz: ROFLMAO
07:45.32zenzelezzsomeone got disconnected when we tried Anub, but the servers were so lagged the fight was impossible, so we went to clear trash to Razuvious... then he logs back in...
07:45.51Esamynnthat's just totally brilliant
07:45.56Corrodiasi don't get it
07:46.10zenzelezzthe boss got pulled out of his room and to a totally different wing
07:46.24jaxdahlzenzelezz, when did this happen?
07:46.29jaxdahlanub normally leashes..
07:46.48zenzelezzhm, two weeks ago, maybe three
07:47.03zenzelezzleashes how?
07:47.13jaxdahlhe resets if you run out his room
07:47.17jaxdahlscarabs don't reset though
07:47.32zenzelezzoh, we weren't fighting him at all
07:47.57zenzelezzbut someone who hadn't died, only got disconnected in his room, reconnected while we were in a different wing and aggroed him
07:48.07jaxdahlhe reconnected within 15 minutes?
07:48.19zenzelezzcan't remember how long it was
07:48.56zenzelezzthe servers were f'cked bad at the time, we'd have people going on and off constantly in every fight (random people, not the same ones), and huge lag spikes
07:49.16zenzelezztook them nearly two weeks to find the faulty hardware so we could raid again
07:49.43Esamynnmy server is down atm
07:49.51EsamynnNEW HARDWARE! ;)
07:49.55Esamynnbut down until tomorrow
07:49.59zenzelezzcareful about that
07:50.12zenzelezzthose two horrible weeks we had were the result of the hardware upgrade
07:51.14jaxdahlyou think that screen is small?
07:51.20Corrodiaswe were on the list to get a hardware upgrade before. we didn't.
07:51.29jaxdahl rather?
07:51.31Corrodiaswow, that 404 IS small
07:51.35jaxdahl2nd link
07:52.09Esamynnjaxdahl: your screen is so damn full it feels small :P
07:52.28Kirovjaxdahl - you're missing Damage Meters and Recap
07:52.38Corrodiasyeah, mine looks about like that... except i don't have my party frame showing while in a raid.
07:52.38jaxdahlwhy do i need damage meters?
07:52.42jaxdahlrecap is there
07:52.50Esamynnjaxdahl: are you sure your unit frames couldn't be any bigger?
07:53.02Kirovoh, damn, you have dm and recap
07:53.08jaxdahlswstats > dm
07:53.28jaxdahli've scaled it down a little since then, Esamynn
07:54.15Esamynnjaxdahl: heh, i start feeling crowded without a bigger area that i can use to "view the world" with, so to speak
07:54.57jaxdahlthe middle area is plenty big enough
07:55.26Esamynndang, no raid UI screen shots handy
07:55.47jaxdahli moved my RABuffs window to the left side
07:55.51Esamynnyah, i suppose it might be on a screen that big
07:56.03Esamynni'm on 1440x900 atm
07:56.04jaxdahlswstats is not as tall
07:56.23jaxdahlrecap is over by fubar now
07:56.36jaxdahlparty frames are about 60-75% the previous size
07:57.00jaxdahlvent/blessing buttons are to the left of holy wrath now
07:57.28Corrodiassniff sniff. those words smell of paladin.
07:57.44EsamynnCorrodias: sort of obvious from the screen shot :P
07:58.40Esamynnoh well, time to head home and find my bed
07:59.55Esamynnthat looks a lot better to me, just as a first impression
08:01.23jaxdahl2 people alive at the end of that fight, heh
08:02.03Corrodiasthat action bar layout is so much more efficient....
08:02.48zenzelezzwe just downed Faerlina for the first time last night... had a bunch of attempts, started well (~25% two times), then somehow things went sour... until what was decided to be the last attempt, then suddenly people stopped dying and we got her down =)
08:03.15Corrodiasi waste too much space on mine. and i need to assign control+numbers with all these new abilities, soon
08:03.19jaxdahlthat fight can go bad in a hurry
08:03.24Corrodiasbut what's a good, efficient way to assign raid icons? >_<
08:03.24Aenslaedhey jax, which revision of squishy is that?
08:03.34jaxdahli'm not sure
08:03.38jaxdahli haven't updated in a little bit
08:03.58Corrodiasi updated my squishy and suddenly i couldn't expand the "general" dropdown on the chat tab context menu. so i reverted.
08:04.17AenslaedThe latest versions I got were framexml erroring and the only working version I got, breaks needy list :/
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08:04.42jaxdahlmine is dated 8/31
08:04.46AenslaedCorrodias: exactly. I couldn't drop down the channels for my chat
08:04.52Corrodiasi don't know what needy list is, but you can try mine if you want. it just throws an error on load about an improper call to an update checking function, which you can comment out
08:05.02AenslaedRalak's Needy List
08:05.16Corrodiasmine appear to be dated 8/26
08:05.43Corrodiasjaxdahl's is probably a better choice
08:06.38Aenslaed Its the thing to the right of EM (bottom left)
08:07.00ckknightCorrodias, CorkFu as well.
08:07.17Aenslaedcorkfu i have, I dont like it
08:07.18Corrodiaswhat's that, again?
08:07.24Aenslaedits like needy list
08:07.38jaxdahloh hey
08:07.40Aenslaedbut its missing one feature
08:07.40Corrodiasi'm quite satisfied with squishy & decursive
08:07.40jaxdahlyou're in the same guild
08:07.46Aenslaedjaxdahl: not anymore
08:07.53Aenslaedi went to HC like 3 weeks ago
08:08.05jaxdahlyou hear julline/reyner went to force?
08:08.16ckknightAenslaed, what feature?
08:08.18Aenslaedguild is hemorraging
08:08.45Aenslaedckknight: with needy list, I can left click the buff icon to single, and right click to group buff.  corkfu doesn't give that option
08:08.56jaxdahlAenslaed, i use RABuffs
08:08.58Aenslaedcause I single buff if its just 1 guy
08:09.11Aenslaedand the innervate and battlerez buttons are amazing
08:09.12jaxdahlto watch buffs and cast 'em
08:09.25Corrodiasi think i have raidbuff or something. i have no idea what it does. i need to read up on that.
08:09.28Aenslaedthe ghost icons beside the 3 dead people are all clickable for brez
08:09.44Aenslaedand the innervate icon clickable too for innervates
08:09.56Aenslaedcorkfu doesn't have that kind of functionality
08:10.18jaxdahlClique sounds like it'd do well there though it wouldn't show icons
08:10.32jaxdahlie, right click a dead person in the CTRA frames
08:10.34jaxdahlto brez
08:10.48Aenslaedbeen wanting to switch over to ora2 for a while now
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08:11.10zenzelezzI could never play a healer class or anything like that... not my sort of stress :-o Trying to keep things from hitting other people, that's my sort of fun \o/
08:11.29Aenslaedits easier playing a healer than a warrior
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08:11.36Corrodiasi love to heal, but it's very "busy"
08:11.54Corrodiasnot at all like playing my hunter, or going solo
08:11.56zenzelezzI don't know, I like to believe I do a decent job as a tank, but I'd make a horrible healer =)
08:12.15Aenslaedhealing is all concentration but its really brainless
08:12.47Corrodiasi dunno about that... mana management is a bitch
08:12.57Corrodiasespecially when healing in a group
08:13.05Corrodiasi mean with other healers.
08:14.17Aenslaedmana management is not hard once you got the gear
08:14.34Corrodiasi've got shit
08:14.41Aenslaedthere's a gear plateau
08:15.12Corrodiasi spent 90% of the bloodlord fight out of mana, but it turns out it didn't matter at that point because one of the fantastic priests (on whom i did get to use innervate) was holding it up
08:15.19Aenslaedif i can rank 3 HT for 800hp roughly 130 casts in one mana bar when raid buffed, you can keep going for quite a while
08:15.23Corrodiasi suck at not blowing all my mana too quickly. i really have to work on that.
08:15.55Aenslaeduse low rank heals.
08:16.52Corrodiasthis is not a bad idea
08:17.30Aenslaedbut yeah. kinda irritating not having needy list.
08:18.44Corrodiasbetween decursive and perfectraid, i'm not sure i'd be missing much from a needy list except people who needed MotW or GotW refreshed. that's kind of annoying.
08:19.30Aenslaedit also displays debuffs so I dont need decursive or detox's windows open
08:19.48Aenslaedace2 version of decursive
08:20.02Aenslaedi'm giving it a test run now.  Works ok so far.
08:21.13[Ammo]detox rocks :)
08:21.44Aenslaedi'm kind of confused with the filters.  Some of the presets seem odd to me
08:21.54[Ammo]it's not really an ace2 version of decursive though, it's written from scratch
08:22.01[Ammo]but has the same functionality in the end
08:22.22[Ammo]you should be able to change the presets easily
08:23.12Aenslaedyeah.  I just installed it today.  Tested it on cthun nef heigan and jindo. Works well enough.
08:23.41Aenslaedsquishy i'm noticing alot of problems.  Its hard to top people off because it favors warriors so heavily
08:24.50AenslaedI  can definitely see problems against bosses like ouro.
08:25.11Corrodiasso far, in ZG, i made do with perfectraid's health bars...
08:25.29Corrodiasof course squishy is absolutely necessary in AV
08:26.02[Ammo]squishy favors different prio targets per healer
08:26.09Aenslaedyeah.  Its just that for fights like ouro, you want to target the low HP people and not the people who are taking alot of damage.
08:26.27[Ammo]so if you have multiple healers in range of that person it favors different targets
08:26.32[Ammo]that way overhealing is reduced
08:26.38Corrodiasi think praid will do a good job of that, with all the bars together there and showing their size... if that makes any sens
08:26.55Corrodias[Ammo]: what makes you say that?
08:27.27Aenslaedjust the plain vanilla EM is great for ouro. Filter out warriors and rogues and just top them all off
08:27.29[Ammo]because maia said so :)
08:27.52[Ammo]aenslaed: can't you filter with squishy too for that fight?
08:27.58[Ammo]just filter out rogues and warriors
08:28.27Corrodiassquishy has filters?
08:28.34|FF|Im2good4uthe prob i got whit addons in their .. well cpu / mem usage
08:28.44|FF|Im2good4uin raids (BG"s) i get cpu lagg
08:28.48Aenslaedyeah, I couldn't find where squishy had any filter options
08:29.11[Ammo]hmm I thought it had, must be mistaken
08:29.26Aenslaedit doesn't unfortunately
08:29.32[Ammo]ask maia :)
08:29.34Corrodiasin AV, i'm often losing 250KB/s to some addon, and i don't know which. at least it's not like before i disabled Conversation Manager (Converse), which was leaking over 1.2MB/s sometimes
08:29.48[Ammo]ugh, insane
08:29.58[Ammo]I don't go over 30kib/s in a full raid in combat
08:30.25Aenslaedyeah, the fubar performance meter is great.  That garbage collection option is awesome
08:30.27|FF|Im2good4uoO how can u see that ?
08:30.43AenslaedWonder if it'll help with the creeping pings on thaddius
08:30.44Corrodiasperformancefu or something
08:31.17|FF|Im2good4uhmm im gona need to try that then
08:32.10Aenslaedoverall, I'm happy with dropping titanbar for fubar.  I just need to find a gold tracker and item bonus mod equivallent
08:32.19Corrodiasi use numerous fubar plugins, including money, performance, location, snafu, uh... one for teleporting, and speed. and emotes.
08:32.30Aenslaedoh? there is a money mod?
08:32.30CorrodiasAenslaed: is moneyfu missing something you need?
08:32.43Aenslaeddidn't see it on wowace's site
08:33.27Corrodiasthe character names appear to be blacked out in the screenshots
08:33.38Corrodiasthe bottom of the list is each character with its amount
08:34.09Aenslaedwhat about an item bonus mod?
08:34.18Aenslaedthat totals up the bonuses of all your gear
08:34.20Corrodiasand i believe it works on a per-faction per-realm basis, so you don't mix your horde and ally money
08:34.40Corrodiasas for that, i am not aware of one, but i haven't looked
08:36.24[Ammo]aenslaed: itembonusesfu
08:36.30[Ammo]requires bonusscanner as a dep
08:36.32[Ammo]works fine
08:36.53Corrodiassweet, i'm gettin' me that
08:37.33Aenslaed[Ammo]: I tried using that, using the bonusscanner i had from titan panel.  Didn't work :/
08:37.57|FF|Im2good4uitemlinkrecolor is also sweet and workes fine whitout fubar
08:39.02Corrodias|FF|Im2good4u: i can't find that one
08:39.21[Ammo]aenlaed: download a new bonusscanner
08:39.29[Ammo]it's a seperate maintained addon
08:39.48Corrodiaslooks like there's a newer version, cgbonusscanner
08:40.18[Ammo]no just use the normal bonusscanner
08:40.19|FF|Im2good4u <- here :p
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08:40.40Corrodiasi mean, wowi's page says itembonusesfu works with either one, and the cg one just has some minor updates
08:41.49[Ammo]ah ok
08:43.18Aenslaedah, there we go. Item bonus working
08:43.24Aenslaed+816 healing yeah!
08:44.25|FF|Im2good4uoO ?
08:44.44|FF|Im2good4uany1 got a link to i ? i wana know wut the bones thingy does then'
08:48.09Corrodias(the first result in a google search for "itembonusesfu)
08:51.17|FF|Im2good4uhmm my first reslut was a path note list
08:52.08Aenslaedomg, i'm an idiot
08:52.26Aenslaedthe reason why needy list wasn't working, was because I deleted it when I deleted titan panel!
08:52.37Corrodiasthat could do it
08:59.07Aenslaedthere, my new ui
09:00.58Corrodiasallies in AV
09:01.06Corrodiasmakes my moonfire finger itch
09:02.10Aenslaedheh, took me a while too
09:02.29Aenslaedplayed horde for more than a year. coming up on 10 months as alliance
09:02.37Aenslaedat first, i'd be all inc alliance!
09:03.32Corrodiasi've not heard of many people switching -to- ally
09:08.29Aenslaedhorde dominated pvp on the server I was on.  Moved to a server where it was more balanced
09:10.32Corrodiasboy you should see our AV
09:10.48Corrodiasit's not necessarily that the allies are better equipped... but their frontal lobes appear to be intact. they understand the possible consequences of what they do.
09:11.44Corrodiasthey know that it's not to our advantage when we spend 15 minutes fighting on the god damn bridge
09:21.26Aenslaedchanged the combat window location heh
09:22.25Corrodiashow very clea
09:22.30Corrodias*clean. i don't have enough space.
09:22.51Corrodiasi need to make a major UI rearrangement eventually, including new actionbars
09:23.06Aenslaedonly cause i'm runing 1680x1240
09:23.37Corrodiasi can always reduce my UI scale to make a similar effect
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09:32.12GremWarsongDoes anyone know if there is a LUA command or method to stop following?
09:33.45Corrodiasfrom what i remember from reading the documentation of an automatic follower thingy... no
09:35.17GremWarsongweird, you can start following, but cant stop
09:35.48GremWarsongTheres no LUA functions that would cause you to stop following?  Even as a side effect?
09:35.57Aenslaedman, I keep getting this problem where all my other chat windows disappear
09:36.09Corrodiasnot that i'm aware
09:38.16krkathere used to be :)
09:39.12GremWarsongIll try that, good idea
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09:53.39|FF|Im2good4uAenslaed: me2 but luckely some1 here told me how to fix it
09:53.52GremWarsongDidnt work krka =/
09:53.54GremWarsongeiither didnt work
10:02.01|FF|Im2good4uGremWarsong i think they forgot aboyut that when they remvoed the movment fucntions :p
10:04.22|FF|Im2good4uguys is it posable to create a protexted lua file ? like the Blizzart_ files?
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10:14.40|FF|Im2good4uOMG! DR00D FLIGHT FORM FTW :P
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10:38.03wereHamsterhow can I lock/reserve a channel so it doesn't disappear when the last one leaves?
10:38.27Corrodiason freenode?
10:48.17|FF|Im2good4uget chanserv
10:48.28|FF|Im2good4uwpm chanserv
10:49.42Corrodiasi dpm
10:49.45Corrodiast lmpw j
10:50.10Corrodiasi mean... i don't know how freenode's services work well enough to say if the channel remains visible on a /list when there is nobody in it
10:50.34Corrodiason dalnet, it didn't, but chanserv would maintain the topic and modes when the channel was created by someone joining it again and they would be deopped if they weren't on the list
10:50.59Corrodiassince chanserv has a physical presence in channels on freenode, however, the channel may not disappear at all
10:51.25wereHamsterseems like "set #channel guard on" did the trick
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14:13.29cogwheelToday *is* tuesday, right?
14:13.30Legorolis it confirmed that patch is coming to US today?
14:13.43Legorolcogwheel: i can say with 90% certainty that it is
14:13.57cogwheeland yet i can log into the forums!?
14:14.36cogwheelyep... patch downloading now
14:14.47TS|Skromgot notes?
14:14.58TS|Skromanything interesting?
14:15.04cogwheelno... just started downloading
14:15.13cogwheelmight check curse-gaming or
14:15.24LegorolTS|Skrom: mount changes
14:15.36Legorolway mount skills work and the way you buy mounts changes
14:15.38cogwheeloh... it's REALLY small... only 3.12MB
14:16.49cladhaireLegorol: They're not documented.. not sure they're in there.
14:17.19Legorolthey've left stuff undocumented plenty of times :)
14:18.14cladhaireyeah, but not stuff they've uber announced =)
14:18.17TS|Skromcogwheel too bad that doesn't mean a fast download ><
14:18.24cladhairei personally feel it doesn't belong in a bugfix patch
14:18.29cogwheelmine's done...
14:18.44Legoroli agree cladhaire
14:18.58Legorolwell, you guys in US will see if it's in or not before us in EU do :)
14:20.11TS|Skromwe're number 1!
14:20.17Legorolno, y ou are the test dummies
14:20.23Legorolevery problem that hits on patch day hits you first
14:20.31Legorolwe get an improved version with the problem fixed ;-)
14:20.38TS|Skrom*sob sob sob*
14:22.42Merywell i'd say it's in a "bugfix" patch couse they don't want _that_ problem when they release BC
14:23.25TS|Skromwhat's the changes anyway?
14:28.06*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (n=qw@
14:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
14:53.52TS|Skrom*sigh* some stupid kid hijacked my server irc channel
14:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge [Cu]Werik (
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15:13.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
15:16.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:16.27Cairennpatch notes are on the front page of wowi now
15:19.28Elkanohmm... so nothing on the riding changes?
15:19.49Cairennnothing stated /shrug
15:19.55PlorkyeranThey never got around to putting in the patch notes, apparently
15:21.42cogwheelat least the forums work
15:21.44zenzelezz"The Quest Tracker will now properly display purchased quest items"... but did they fix the issue with not being able to track new quests yet?
15:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge TheSkrom (
15:23.50Kasofixed the flight path bug i see
15:24.16*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (i=blah2@
15:24.54`-FISKER_Q\doesn't really matter when they can't update the notes themselves
15:25.32cogwheelPlayers will no longer hear any sound when they have "Enable all Sound" turned off.
15:25.43TS|Skromsilly macs :D
15:25.58`-FISKER_Q\They should fix the alt+tab bug instead :(
15:26.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
15:26.19cogwheelthey should just let sound through period when switched to another window :(
15:26.28MikkI'd agree
15:26.41MikkMinimize = silent. Alt+tab = let through.
15:26.57cogwheelor at least make it an option for those who play at work ;)
15:27.52FISKER_Qoh yeah
15:27.57FISKER_Qthey're doing that in burning crusade btw
15:28.03cogwheelthank god:
15:28.04cogwheelFixed an issue where if the disenchant window was forced closed, a player would lose both their reagent and the item they were disenchanting.
15:28.26cogwheelI lost about 6 greater nether essences when someone opened a trade with me while disenchanting
15:28.43FISKER_Qdoesn't it auto-loot it when it's forced closed?
15:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:30.28KevorkianI believe the bug was that it didn't auto loot
15:31.01cogwheelyep... i had my healthstone trader enabled and had just d/e'ed an item. lost the item and the essence
15:31.07cogwheeli think i lost a brilliant shard that way too
15:31.22*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:42.01Corrodiasso your healthstone trader will trade -anything- you just acquired?
15:42.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
15:43.11cogwheelyou completely missed the point XD
15:43.34cogwheelthey asked me for a healthstone, and the trade window opened, forcing closed the disenchant window...
15:44.02Corrodiasoh, autolooting the DE window, yes, that amazes me every time i see it that it doesn't happen
15:44.22*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:44.50Corrodiasbut i seem to remember that i've tried closing the window with the "x" after an undesirable result, and it gave me the material anyway
15:45.05cogwheelyes, but that's not a "forced" close...
15:45.35Corrodiasi see
15:46.38cogwheelmalreth: XD
15:47.00Kevorkian~emulate malreth
15:47.02purlthat makes me sticky in the pants
15:47.34malreth~emulate me
15:47.36purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
15:47.39Corrodiastime for class. [away]
15:47.50malreth~emulate malreth
15:47.51purlthat makes me sticky in the pants
15:48.12malrethpurl, me
15:48.14purlnever take malreth seriously
15:48.23Kevorkian~emulate kevorkian
15:48.24purlI'd rather be euthanizing some youth in Asia.
15:48.25malrethsagely, even
15:51.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
15:51.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
15:51.12Cairennmorning Beladona
15:53.02zenzelezzI find it a bit disturbing when I go to the store, and just as I return and sit down in front of the computers again, a message pops up on MSN... "muahaha"
15:53.40cogwheeli'd probably find that a bit disturbing myself...
15:58.48Cairennyeah, that's a tad odd, zenzelezz
15:59.05Mr_Rabies2~emulate Mr_Rabies2
15:59.08KevorkianAlwaaaaays watching muahaha
16:01.09Kevorkian~emulate Mr_Rabies2
16:01.53KevorkianI don't appear to have the syntax down
16:02.34cogwheelKevorkian: purl, emulate Mr_Rabies2 is ...
16:03.01cogwheelif you want it to be a /me type you put <action>does sutff
16:03.22cogwheelif you want it to be just a statement, you put <reply>I don'tk know what you're talking about
16:03.33Kevorkian~emulate Mr_Rabies2
16:03.35purlBATS!  Bats.  BaTs?
16:03.54cogwheelotherwise it'll be something like "well, last i checked, emulate Mr_Rabies2 is blahblahblah"
16:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:07.38Kevorkian~harm kevorkian
16:07.39purlACTION introduces Kevorkian to the feeling of being flayed.
16:07.39malreth~emulate malreth
16:07.41purlUh... No. Malreth scares me.
16:08.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
16:10.28LegorolI need a favour from someone who has the US trial client installer
16:10.42LegorolCould you please let me know what the MD5 of the installer files are?
16:14.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
16:16.00wereHamsterhow's vista?
16:19.41Kirkburn|VistaBut it's mostly due to driver support, rather than the OS itself
16:21.13cogwheelmines not crashy :P
16:21.24cogwheelthough it has some weird video problems after quitting WoW
16:21.32cogwheel(again, driver-related, not MS's fault)
16:22.09cogwheelcairenn: Can you add a self-cast/self-use macro to the macros and scripts Way-too-FAQ?
16:22.24Kirkburn|VistaI did upgrade from 5600 to 5728, so that probably didn't help too much :P Video codecs have been my main problem now - finding compatible ones
16:22.26Cairenngive me the precise text you want and yes I'll add
16:23.30LegorolKirkburn|Vista: do you happen to have the US trial client?
16:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
16:26.36Kirkburn|VistaLegorol, not sure what you mean ...
16:26.46Legorolthe thing i was asking for yesterday
16:26.55Kirkburn|VistaThe link?
16:26.57Legoroli downloaded the WoW US trial client from fileplanet
16:27.00Legorolno, not the link, the file
16:28.38Legorolit complains during installation so i'm figuring it might be a corrupt download
16:28.45Legorolnow i'm looking for the MD5s for the setup files
16:29.03KevorkianI'm fairly certain most folks here use the non-trial version
16:29.20Legorolthe trial and non-trial are actually identical clients
16:29.39Legorolthe difference is that the "trial" client download is pre-patched to something like 1.10 or 1.11 already
16:29.40Kirkburn|VistaKevorkian, it's just so he can download WoW :)
16:30.41Legorolok i was a bit ambiguous, i guess
16:30.41Legorolwhat Blizzard calls "trial" client is a fully functional client
16:30.42Legorolthe only thing that can be "trial" is the account
16:31.08kaidenKirkburn|Vista, are you running vista (assuming by your name ;))
16:31.13Kirkburn|Vistakaiden, yup
16:31.14Kevorkiangotcha, alas, I'm at work and have no access to any version of the client
16:31.27kaidenKirkburn|Vista, is it still buggy as heck?
16:31.48Kirkburn|Vistakaiden, nope, just needs better driver and program support
16:32.07zenzelezzprogram support?
16:32.31Kirkburn|VistaSome programs don't work on Vista due to the new 'security arrangements'
16:32.48Kirkburn|VistaThings like DVD burners, anti-virus, that type of stuff
16:32.55kaideni'll wait for RC2 then
16:33.23Kirkburn|VistaThere's one month until Vista goes RTM
16:33.45Kirkburn|Vistai.e. don't be hopeful of an RC2
16:34.09kaidenwow, i've never known microsoft to not do at least 2 stages of RC's before they go RTM
16:34.18cogwheelkaiden: they kind of did...
16:34.24cogwheelthere is a new build of RC1 out there
16:34.29cogwheeli'm using it too :)
16:34.40nevcairielthere were lots of internal leaked builds
16:34.43kaidenwell i'm an msdn subscriber and the latest up is 5600 so the other one must be leaked
16:34.49cogwheelnevcairiel: it's not even leaked
16:34.49Cairenncogwheel: added
16:34.54cogwheelthey provided it on their website
16:35.07Kirkburn|Vista5728 is the latest CPP release
16:35.17nevcairieli thought it was 5600
16:35.18cogwheelkaiden: no, it's just not stuck right on the front page...
16:35.21Laricthere is a public release higher than 5600
16:35.29cogwheel5728 iirc
16:35.47Kirkburn|VistaToday will be the last download day
16:35.48kaidencogwheel, you would think that it would be under their Windows Vista section of the Operating Systems list in the Subscriber Downloads
16:36.00kaidencan someone link to it so i can grab it then
16:36.20cogwheelkaiden: /nod
16:36.27TS|SkromSomeone help if you can. I copied my castspellbyname hook and the OnMouseDown that is supposed to be calling CastSpellByName. It does 1/2 of the hooked cast but doesn't actually cast the spell
16:36.27Laricah too slow :P
16:36.45cogwheeldon't get the 64-bit version
16:36.53cogwheelwhatever you do :P
16:38.16kaideni never get 64bit of any of them... it's pointless
16:38.29kaidenand a strain on your system when it has to run 90% of the apps in 32bit emulation
16:40.13Beladonathe problem with that statement
16:40.20Beladona"don't get the 64 bit version"
16:40.33cogwheelwell, the 32-bit emulation is only in the APIs, so the code itself doesn't run impressively slower. The main problem is driver support. If you have really good drivers on a 64-bit system, you'll actually see better performance on x64 windows
16:40.36Beladonais that much of a software developer's system to switch to 64bit is based on adoption
16:40.47Beladonaif no one bothers to adopt 64bit
16:40.52Beladonawhy program for it?
16:41.00Kirkburn|VistaTrue, true
16:41.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:41.14BeladonaI mean, personally I wouldn't either, but still
16:41.17Beladonaits a catch 22
16:41.25cogwheelBeladona: I agree completely, but since vista is still in testing, even the 32-bit version still has poor driver support yet.
16:41.38zenzelezz64-bit isn't "desktop ready" yet, still mostly special-application
16:42.04Beladonadesktop ready is probably a bad description
16:42.04zenzelezzwhich is funny, seeing how long they've touted their 64-bit CPUs
16:42.12zenzelezzyes, it is
16:42.20BeladonaI guess
16:42.21zenzelezzbut right now I couldn't think of a better one
16:42.51Beladonait sucks
16:43.00Beladonausers won't go 64 bit until ther eis a good reason
16:43.08zenzelezzthe expression I used or the situation?
16:43.11Beladonaor until computers are sold that way by default
16:43.26Beladonaand developers won't program for it, until it is mainstream
16:43.36TS|Skromhehe microsoft should bribe blizzard into making wow 64bit only. zomg 6 million vista sales
16:43.46Laricwhen hddvd is coming it will force the issue as microsoft wont allow hddvd on 32 bit windows
16:43.57Beladona64bit wow -- hmmm
16:44.10IrielWow doesn't even run right on dual core
16:44.21cogwheelBeladona: I have a feeling the 4MB barrier will start presenting problems in a couple years which will force the change to 64-bit
16:44.25IrielI dont see Blizzard feeling the technology pressure here, their game runs just fine on one 32 bit processor
16:44.33zenzelezz4MB barrier?
16:44.34cogwheels/MB/GB RAM /
16:44.34Laricruns very nicely on my core2duo though :P
16:44.49BeladonaI can maybe agree with that
16:44.50cladhaireLaric: But it only ones one core.. the other cor ejust picks up the rest of the slack =)
16:44.54TS|SkromIriel it wasn't technology pressure I was susggesting, it was $$ pressure :D
16:45.00Beladonaregular users are on what? about 1gb minimum now?
16:45.04IrielPlus your FPS is locked in at 64 max
16:45.06Beladonawith most of us going 2gb plus?
16:45.12Lariccladhaire the nice thing is my windows runs nicely on the other core :P
16:45.15Beladonavista will make that go up
16:45.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
16:45.26cladhaireLaric: Absolutely =
16:45.29malreththe 64 fps cap is a pain
16:45.40cogwheelmy current computer has 3gb and my new one that's on a UPS truck somewhere right now has 4 :)
16:45.48Beladonait keeps things stable Malreth
16:45.51Cairennhi Qzot
16:45.57IrielNow, personally I have a 60Hz LCD so the 64 FPS cap is only academic
16:45.58LaricIriel that isnt on intel right? as I am getting 120+ fps on my core2duo
16:46.16TS|Skromwhen do you have to use Frame:EnableMouse() and when don't you? right now I Don't have it and it receives <OnMouseDown> fine, as long as I have the control key held and left click
16:46.18zenzelezzenlighten me about the 64 FPS cap... is that hard-coded into WoW or something?
16:46.30IrielThat's on AMD, but I believe intel may have the same issue though I dont know.
16:46.39QzotHmm. Mount cost changes didn't make the patch?
16:46.48Beladonait didn't?
16:46.51Beladonayou sure?
16:46.55Laric64fps limit is only on amd x2's
16:46.56malrethQzot: they made the patch... just not the patch notes
16:46.59QzotIt's not in the patch notes.
16:47.01Cairenndidn't make the notes
16:47.18QzotThat seems kinda ... lame?
16:47.19Laricand the patch isnt in there.. still locked to 64fps on amd
16:47.28Legorolso, is 1.12.1 live in US?
16:47.32Legoroland are the mount changes in?
16:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:47.44QzotLegorol: Just downloaded it. Servers not up yet.
16:48.11kaidenSo recently i bought a Core 2 Duo, top of the line (didn't get the xtreme one as the one i got overclocks faster than the xtreme one can) and i notice in windows that every once in a while when i right click or start a program it just takes a crazy amount of time to process
16:48.19CairennLegorol: yes, it's live, we don't know for *sure* since servers are still down
16:48.20kaidenmys ystem partially freezes while it's working
16:48.25kaidenanyone ever seen that happen?
16:48.28Beladonathat is weird
16:48.35Beladonawas it in beta patch notes?
16:48.40Beladonaerr ptr
16:48.57Beladonamaybe an *oops* by the patch notes writer
16:49.00Cairennwas only ever in "unannounced changes" posts by various blues
16:49.14Legorolthere is a sticky about it by Hortus
16:49.17Cairennand then verified by various other blues
16:49.30Legorolit's *possible* they decided they need more time on it, and there'll be a 1.12.2 or some such
16:49.30kaidenwhat mount changes?
16:49.32QzotIs this a goof, or an intentional semi-stealth patch?
16:49.33Cairennbut has never been in any actual "patch notes", only threads
16:49.39BeladonaI doubt it Lego
16:49.43Legorolbut i think i'd probably in 1.12.1
16:49.45Beladonathe build version is the same as the last ptr
16:49.59Legorolthat's surprising, the mount skills on PTR were bugged
16:50.05Legorolyou couldn't train the new skills
16:50.08Qzotkaiden: They are changing mounts so that riding skill is 90% of cost, and mounts are 10%.
16:50.11Legoroli hope that's not the case when they push it :)
16:50.19Qzotkaiden: And deleting all existing mounts from the game.
16:50.28Beladonawait what?
16:50.29kaidenQzot, nice try :P
16:50.36kaideneven blizzard isn't that stupid
16:50.53Legorolit's possible that on PTR the problem was only because the characters all had old-style skills
16:50.54Qzotkaiden: Well, the 1st part was true. Needed some counterbalance.
16:51.00Legoroland on live it won't be an issue as all chars get converted
16:51.30Legorolbut we don't know that, all i know is that mounts in the bags on PTR said Requires: UNKNOWN (75)
16:51.32Beladonaguess I need to put the compare up
16:51.36Legoroland that lvl 60s couldn't train the new skills
16:51.39kaidenDoes riding skill allow you to ride any factions mount?
16:51.41kaideni can't remember
16:51.50kaidenor do you have to train the riding skill from that faction as well
16:51.51Legorolkaiden: not currently, but will do if the mount changes happen
16:51.53QzotIt will now.
16:52.00kaidenoh well see that's cool then
16:52.07QzotBut mounts still list exactly which races can ride.
16:52.15LegorolBefore patch: specific riding skill for each race, cheap, need exalted, BoE mounts, expensive, need exalted
16:52.17kaidenthey need to make exalted easier to obtain for other races factions
16:52.20QzotAnd you won't be able to purchase cross-race mounts until exalted.
16:52.23QzotAnd they're BoP now.
16:52.38LegorolAfter patch: universal riding skill with two levels, expensive, can get it from any trainer, BoP mounts, expensive, need exalted
16:52.39Kirkburn|VistaOnly a day or so ago, Hortus was mentioning how it was going to be in 1.12.1, so I doubt it's not
16:52.54Beladonariding another races faction mount is a "fluff" thing. i don't see any reason to make it "easier"
16:53.05Beladonayou want to do it, work for it
16:53.12zenzelezzI find it hard to believe they did the mount change and somehow left it out of the patch notes
16:53.13kaidenyes but it's way too hard currently
16:53.15Kirkburn|VistaYou still have to be Exalted
16:53.19Qzotkaiden: The purpose of this change, as I understadn it, is to make acquisition of a second mount *to which you've already earned the right to ride* cheap.
16:53.19kaideni mean 420 stacks of runecloth.. come on
16:53.21cogwheelCairenn: how do you like my new forum sig? ;)
16:53.25kaidenthat's hard enough in itself
16:53.32Beladonait is?
16:53.40Qzotkaiden: Meh.
16:53.40Cairenncogwheel: rofl
16:53.41Legorolkaiden: it's hard, but it's not something that improves your in-game abilities
16:53.45Legorolit's a purely cosmetic thing
16:53.49Legoroltherefore it doesn't matter how hard it is
16:53.52BeladonaI end up with something like 3 stacks per night
16:54.07Legorolif it was something that actually added some new skill to your character, i agree it should be more accessible
16:54.08kaideni can't complain as i'm a packrat extraordinaire
16:54.13Legorolas it is, it's just a collection of pretty pixels
16:54.18kaideni have hundreds upon hundreds of runecloth stacks
16:54.19Qzotkaiden: The existence of the runecloth repeatable cheapened my achievement to get a tiger for my human mage, pre-runecloth. Runecloth is for sissies.
16:54.22kaidenbut for other people it's tough :)
16:55.19QzotHowever, I have to admit that in preparation for this patch, I bought my 50 Orc hunter a raptor.
16:55.27kaideni'm glad they are doing this though, epic mounts were way too expensive
16:55.40Qzotkaiden: Doesn't change the cost of the first mount.
16:55.42Legorolthey still will be
16:55.51Legorolit will still be 1000g to get your first epic mount
16:55.53Qzotkaiden: Only helps if you want a 2nd, or want to change colors.
16:55.54MoonWolfbuying your first mount will still be expensive
16:55.58kaidenoh :( sheesh
16:56.01MoonWolfonly the ones after that.
16:56.01kaidenthat's lame
16:56.09LegorolBefore patch: riding skill: 0g, epic mount: 1000g
16:56.10MoonWolfare a lot cheaper.
16:56.20LegorolAfter patch: riding skill, level 150: 900g, epic mount: 100g
16:56.23QzotLegorol: Actually 100g, 900g.
16:56.35Legorolehm.. afaik you don't need new riding skill
16:56.38QzotHmm. Maybe you're right.
16:56.45cogwheelEver since I found Auctioneer, getting a first mount even on a brand new realm hasn't been an issue for me ;)
16:56.46MoonWolfif you have your epic mount you need nothing new
16:56.46LegorolQzot, pre-patch there is only one riding skill per race
16:56.48MoonWolfif you do not.
16:56.50Legorolwhich costs 80g
16:56.57MoonWolfyou need to buy a new rank of the riding skill.
16:56.59QzotLegorol: I stand corrected.
16:57.00Legorolwhich you would've gotten already for your lvl 40 mount
16:57.07QzotLegorol: Actually, I sit corrected.
16:57.09kaidenthat's gonna suck butt since i have so many 60's
16:57.15kaidenand quite a few of them that i want to get epic mounts
16:57.28kaidenI'm so happy, i finally got my mage his mantle last night from scholo! :)
16:57.28Legorolwell, nothing changed for those chars
16:57.34zenzelezzI'm staying with my 60% with these changes
16:57.34Legorolthey still need exalted, and 1000g
16:57.35TS|Skromwhen do you have to use Frame:EnableMouse() and when don't you? right now I Don't have it and it receives <OnMouseDown> fine, as long as I have the control key held and left click
16:57.44kaidennow i gotta get the robes which i hear are really easy to get
16:57.58LegorolTS|Skrom: depends on which <OnXxx> handlers are present in the XML of the frame
16:58.11TS|Skrom<OnMouseDown> for one
16:58.13Legorolif you have any mouse-related ones, e.g. OnMouseDown, OnClick etc., then mouse is enabled automatically
16:58.15QzotTS|Skrom: Someone asked that question just 10 minutes ago. Scroll up, and you're sure to find an answer to it.
16:58.30MoonWolfalso riding skills are no longer racial bound
16:58.33TS|Skrom*I* asked the question 10 minutes ago and never saw an answer :D
16:58.52cladhaireanyone have a patch mirror, and can someone else confirm the MD5 for me? =)
16:59.17LegorolTS|Skrom: it should receive OnMouseDown even without Ctrl too
16:59.20jaxdahli have a mirror
16:59.27cogwheelit's only 3MB
16:59.32Qzot~seen cide
16:59.50purlcide is currently on #wowi-lounge (2h 57m 29s), last said: 'or move it to a separate statement (i is not incremented at evaluation)'.
16:59.50TS|SkromLegorol hrm... it doesn't seem to be though
16:59.50jaxdahllet me make a md5 for you
16:59.57cladhairecogwheel: At training, no torrent available =)
16:59.57TS|Skrom -- check the comments at the bottem
17:00.00QzotOh. You *are* here.
17:00.56kaidenso quick question, if i have an epic mount currently and i get exalted with say darnassus (i'm a gnome) does that mean i automatically get the 100g total price
17:01.02cogwheelTS|Skrom: output the name variable right before the call to CastSpellByName...
17:01.03kaidenor do i have to pay 900g for the first one of that faction?
17:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Univ (
17:01.18cogwheelTS|Skrom: it might not be set properly
17:01.19MoonWolfbecause you buy the mount for a 100g
17:01.22TS|Skromif you look at the hook, I did that very thing :( print(name)
17:01.22MoonWolfno skill needed.
17:01.23jaxdahl911FE3C55A246BC1AE34D42A18E428CA *WoW-
17:01.25kaideni'm gonna go get me a kitty cat then
17:01.30TS|Skromit shows the exact name I'd expect
17:01.30MoonWolfbecause the skill is the same across faction now.
17:01.38cladhairejaxdahl: thanks much =)
17:01.44jaxdahlcladhaire, you can also double check with the downloader
17:01.59Legorolkaiden: if you already have an epic, you will receive the lvl 150 riding skill when the patch hits
17:02.01Kirkburn|VistaBasically the change is - it's still as hard to get your first mount, but subsequent ones of the same level are much much easier
17:02.23kaideni wonder if they lowered the price of the epic ram in av
17:02.23QzotCide: My guild is apparently running a "modded" version of ct raid tracker. "1.25.12 (modded)". When I diff it against the latest version from wowi, diff can't even align reasonable chunks. The modded version is *not* track raid members correctly. I'm wondering what you know about this mod, and what kind of advice you might give.
17:02.23cogwheelTS|Skrom: you shouldn't be using a global named name like that
17:02.23Legorolkaiden: so if you get exaclted with Darnassus, you wil only need to pay 100g for a mount
17:02.24kaidenif they lowered it to 100g i'm sure tons of people will buy it
17:02.24jaxdahlyea it's 10g for the av ram
17:02.29Qzots/version is/version does
17:02.34kaidenjax... no shit?
17:02.36cogwheelTS|Skrom: it's not unique enough and you may have some other addon overwriting it
17:02.36kaidensorry for the language
17:02.37Legorolkaiden: you still need the exalted
17:02.42kaideni have the exalted
17:02.45CideQzot: that's barely even the same mod, so I have no idea
17:02.54QzotCide: Exactly.
17:02.57Legorolkaiden: do you already have at least one epic mount?
17:03.01TS|SkromcogwheelI thought that when you get the variable from a function header (function myfunction(name, onself) that it was local to taht function?
17:03.02cogwheelTS|Skrom: besides, you should be putting the print next to the cast
17:03.07Legorolkaiden: if so, you'll be able to buy it straight away for 100g after the patch
17:03.11CideI don't have any advice as I have no idea what has changed
17:03.14cmunnQzot, Are y'all using the modded version for EQDKP?
17:03.22QzotCide: I was shooting in the dark, wondering if it was a branch that you were already familiar with. Sounds like not.
17:03.24Legorolactually, the real cost will be 90g since you are exalted, and 80g if  you are at least Sergeant
17:03.30Qzotcmunn: Yeah.
17:03.31Cidenope :/
17:03.32cogwheelTS|Skrom:  sure, but you're not passing it to TotemTimer_OnMouseDown()
17:03.46QzotStupid way to mod it, imho.
17:04.03Legorolgogo IRC!
17:04.08TS|Skromoh... I see where you are saying.. I had local in there last night, I swear :D
17:04.10kaideni'm going to laugh at my roommate
17:04.16jaxdahlchecksum is here too:
17:04.16QzotIf you want something for EQDKP, it would have made more sense to write an external lua script to scrape the saved variables and write the xml.
17:04.17kaidenhe bought 2 av epic mounts last night
17:04.19kaidenfor 720g each
17:04.23jaxdahlchecks out with my checksum as well
17:04.29cladhairejaxdahl: Thanks =)
17:04.31cogwheelTS|Skrom: anyway, that's where your print should be, 'cause that's where it tries to cast the spell
17:04.44kaidenLegorol, yes i have an epic mount on my rogue
17:04.49kaidena epic chicken
17:04.58kaidenand i've always wanted a ram instead
17:04.58TS|Skromcogwheel What I'm saying is though, when I CTRL-Rightclick on the frame it restarts the timer (TotemTimer_CheckExistingTimer()) and prints the name
17:05.00TS|Skrombut doesn't cast
17:05.07cmunnQzot, Yes, and no... There's a lot of advantages to the modded version which aren't present in the official version
17:05.08Qzotcmunn: Do you know anything about the modded version, and why it doesn't correctly track raid participants?
17:05.19cogwheelTS|Skrom: i understand that
17:05.50Legorolwow, all blue stickies regarding the mount changes on PTR forum got deleted
17:06.04Qzotcmunn: Even still, there are usually ways to have even the live code which changes behavior reside in a separate file ... easier to track with the base version.
17:06.28zenzelezzmaybe they changed their minds?
17:06.37QzotCide: You didn't know even about the existence of this branch?
17:06.44CideI do
17:06.59Cidebut like I said, it's been modded so much that we can't even support it
17:06.59QzotAh, k.
17:07.13QzotI certainly understand that. Esp after looking at the diff. :P
17:07.15cmunnQzot, What kind of raid participant issues are you having?
17:07.20jaxdahlLegorol, here you go:
17:07.30Cidewe're going to relase a new, reworked version of CT_RaidTracker sometime
17:07.43jaxdahlthat's cool, cide.
17:07.43QzotUm. Members listed as present who had left. Members who were there for the entire raid not be listed for several bosses.
17:07.58QzotCide: I know.
17:08.35QzotCide: I'm working with my guild leaders to see if we should ask to be in the beta test.
17:08.35jaxdahlCide, will it be able to indicate people who were out of zone at the time of a boss defeat?
17:09.04Qzotcmunn: Is there anyone supporting the modded version?
17:09.28Cidejaxdahl: hopefully :) I don't have any details at all right now though
17:09.36cmunnI'm currently using the 1.25.13 modded version, and I have minimal issue with that, but I do my raids per boss (End after loot, and start a new raid)
17:09.58TS|SkromDoes MouseDown count as a hardware event as far as abilities are concerned? should I be using a button and its OnClick?
17:11.12cmunnQzot, I'm not entirely sure.  I get most of my information from the CT_RaidTracker Plugin for EQdkp forum at
17:11.14kaidenCide, i heard your new CTRaidAssist was going to be the most configurable raid system out for wow
17:11.19kaidenCide, any merit to those rumors?
17:11.20LegorolTS|Skrom: it's a hardware event, yes
17:11.39Cidekaiden: we'll see? :)
17:11.45TS|SkromLegorol How certain?
17:11.45kaidenCide, oh come on ;)
17:11.48kaidengive us more than that lol
17:12.03kaidenoh btw Cide, in CTRA how do you show the virtual raid panels?
17:12.05kaideni've always wondered that
17:12.30cmunnHardcoded member info
17:12.36LegorolTS|Skrom: not too certain, and it just reminded me of something
17:12.54LegorolTS|Skrom: in fact it may very well be that MouseDown isn't a hardware event, only OnClick
17:13.01Cidekaiden: hehe, a big hack :)
17:13.03cmunnIt's really hacked.  (But certainly works)
17:13.07LegorolTS|Skrom: you'd need to check
17:13.32TS|Skromwowwiki is silent on Frame:OnMouseDown :(
17:13.45malrethLegorol: OnMouseDown is not a hardware event. OnClick is
17:13.56TS|Skrommalreth ! how certain?
17:14.01malrethvery certain
17:14.13Legorolgo with malreth ;-)
17:14.21malrethpurl, me
17:14.23purlmalreth is always right
17:14.30TS|Skromthat woudl explain my problem, thanks to cogwheel fo
17:14.35malrethpurl, botsnack
17:14.35purlmalreth: thanks
17:14.39TS|Skromfor making me see that as a possibility :D
17:14.47TS|Skromand thanks malreth for  your certainty :D
17:15.01Cidekaiden: it's going to be very versatile, hopefully
17:15.42kaidenCide, i hope so, i use perfectraid currently due to the sheer size requirements of the ctra frames can't wait for a customizable one that i can make all pretty and goofy lookin
17:15.53QzotVersatility is way overrated.
17:16.14Cideyep; if ctra didn't have any options it'd be even more popular :)
17:16.32kaidenok nice.. vista rc1 5728 done downloading :) now the question is.. do i risk installing it
17:16.42kaidenor should i just install it on my second computer to save myself the headache if it goes wrong
17:17.39cogwheelkaiden: you considering upgrading 5600?
17:17.52kaidencogwheel, i dont run 5600
17:17.57kaideni run plain old xp
17:18.08cogwheelif you have a separate partition, it should be fine to install it along side xp
17:18.14cogwheelmine hasn't had any troubles
17:18.15TS|Skromnow to wait for servers to come up to test ^.^
17:18.25kaideni'll throw in another hd into this machine i guesss
17:20.31cmunnWhat's the name of the frame that's the background for the party info stuffs?  I've got a raid mod that doesn't hide it properly?
17:21.18kaidencmunn, there's an option in INterface Options that allows you to auto hide it in a raid
17:24.12cmunnMy raid mod screws that up, so I want to do it manually
17:26.10KevorkianI've actually had the default interface fail to hid the party interface fully
17:26.17Kevorkiansometimes it leaves the buffs up
17:26.34TS|SkromKirkburn|Vista O.o
17:27.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
17:28.34Kirkburn|VistaWhee, no more Arial, Tahoma, MS Serif and MS Sans Serif :D Anyone using Vista, you may be interested in
17:28.52cogwheelI like tahoma :(
17:29.02Kirkburn|VistaSegoe UI is better =)
17:29.06cogwheelit has serifs on the I's to make them distinguishable from Ls
17:29.11malrethMyriad Pro is my new favorite font
17:29.40Kirkburn|VistaOne nice change is that Google no longer uses Arial :)
17:30.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
17:30.45zenzelezzI hate MS for Comic Sans
17:31.31cogwheelzenzelezz: Comic Sans has its place. The problem isn't the font, it's the people who use it...
17:31.48cogwheelzenzelezz: fonts don't kill people... people kill people XD
17:31.54zenzelezzI know
17:32.07zenzelezzbut it's absolutely everywhere... most of where it shouldn't be
17:33.41cogwheelJust be glad people don't still use <blink> much on websites ...
17:34.26zenzelezzdoesn't matter, I disallow the tag anyway
17:34.28Kevorkianoh god, my eyes
17:36.22DrDrefinally done, server up monitor checks every 5s and will play a sound when its up, change hyjal to your realm
17:36.35Kirkburn|VistaHaha! WoWWiki is now all in Segoe UI :D
17:36.56zenzelezzlooks the same as always to me
17:37.13Kirkburn|VistaWhat have I just been talking about zenzelezz :P
17:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:37.21zenzelezzno clue
17:37.53Kirkburn|VistaThat blog post links a Vista registry edit to change all system fonts to Segoe UI, and that inclides the IE fonts :)
17:38.09zenzelezzI disregard anything about Vista
17:38.16zenzelezzand IE for that matter
17:38.24Kirkburn|VistaDrDre, that's a great idea :)
17:38.33Kirkburn|VistaProbably effects Firefox too
17:38.37Cairennhi JoshBorke
17:38.58Kirkburn|VistaBuongiorno, JoshBorke
17:39.09wereHamsterKirkburn|Vista, from the blog you linked: They were both quite helpful and suffered through countless reboots with me ... does vista require a reboot if you change the fonts?
17:39.28Kirkburn|VistaAfter applying the regedit, yup
17:39.43cogwheelit's only 'cause of the registry change
17:39.52cogwheelit doesn't directly have anything to do with the fonts
17:40.17wereHamsterIt's like back in the days of win95 :(
17:40.21Kirkburn|VistaBasically, it does something along the lines of redirecting all the font requests, kinda like ClearFont, I suppose
17:40.39cogwheelwereHamster: you're overgeneralizing
17:41.32wereHamsterTBH I don't know about the other parts of Vista, but changing fonts seems to be something simple that it shouldn't need a reboot
17:41.36Kirkburn|VistaThere are somethings that are just silly to apply in real-time, I wouldn't want a program checking every couple of seconds to see what font it should use
17:41.43cogwheelwereHamster: this isn't about changing fonts
17:42.01cogwheelit's about redirecting font access for all programs running in windows
17:43.57TS|Skroma few servers are up
17:44.20TS|Skromwhoa about 20 up now lol
17:45.03cogwheel:( mine won't be up 'till tomorrow
17:45.15TS|Skromsux :(
17:45.27TS|Skrommy secondary won't be
17:45.34wereHamsterok then.. in that case I'd say a logout/login should be enough to reset the fonts
17:45.49cogwheelwereHamster: the fonts are requried before the login screen though
17:46.28cogwheelI agree that a FULL reboot shouldn't be necessary, but they'd basically have to unload everything and reload it anyway
17:49.18Kirkburn|VistaYeah, just a windows reboot, rather than a power off reboot would be nice
17:49.21cogwheelI still can't believe that it's tuesday, there's a patch, numerous servers will be down until tomorrow, and yet...
17:49.27cogwheelwe can still access the forums :D
17:51.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
17:52.21DrDreKirkburn|Vista> your server just come up? :P
17:52.26cogwheelHonestly, they shouldn't have encouraged the direct use of fonts to begin with
17:52.42Kirkburn|VistaI'm in the EU, so doesn't affect me anyway ;)
17:52.43DrDrei noticed sessions dont work properly with AJAX and it keeps playing sound every refresh, its meant to only play it once
17:52.56Kirkburn|VistaSo, er, an EU version could be cool?
17:53.09DrDregiveme url to eu's realmstatus page
17:53.16DrDreand ill make a woweustatus.php
17:53.48jaxdahlconfirmed - mount changes are in
17:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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17:53.53Kirkburn|VistaOh that?
17:54.46DrDremy script parses the realmstatus.xml
17:55.07DrDreEU's is different
17:56.01DrDreeh sorry i dont feel like going thru the work to do EU >< they dont use xml file on EU's its straight out dynamic html cod
17:56.31TS|Skromhaha I just made someones day
17:56.37DrDreif you know php kirk i can give you the script if you want to make it work on EU's :P
17:57.05GryphenMal'Ganis Mal%27Ganis doesnt work :)
17:57.28DrDreodd, i coded in ' support and tested with 1 server
17:57.29TS|SkromI had a level 21 hunter on lethon... decided I didn't want him anymore, all the people I knew on there have quit.  so I log in, sell all my junk (to a total of 2g 81s) and give it to the first non twink I saw (a warrior with a +shadow damage sword... yeah he got that from a drop, not the AH)
17:58.44DrDreeek my bad i see the mistake
17:58.46DrDreone sec ill fix
17:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
17:59.31DrDretry Mal'Ganis now
18:00.05DrDreblizz replaces ' to the &43242; code in the xml file is why it took lil extra work
18:03.42Kasospirit bond? ^_- are you a farmer?
18:04.30jaxdahlthat's not my screenshot
18:04.38Kasoah k
18:05.29DrDre10s login time...
18:05.31DrDrewow lol
18:05.34DrDretakes me 30-40
18:06.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
18:07.05PlorkyeranAt level 43 BM spec is great
18:07.14kaidenbtw they made the mount change
18:09.30Kirkburn|VistaHmm, interesting side-effect of that Vista thing I talked about earlier - I can no longer use Arial or Tahoma. They do not exist on this PC =P
18:10.17kaidenoff to buy my new epic mount yay
18:10.28Kirkburn|Vistanice :D
18:11.35grranyone know where i can find a "chat buble" texture in the ingame textures?
18:11.53grrLike the one you get when you have a person you can talk to, i know that's a pointer or something but still is there any texture like that anywhere?
18:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|Vista (
18:16.03grrfound one! ;D
18:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Shyva (
18:18.12kaiden[Stormpike Battle Charger] ZOMGORD I love you blizzard!
18:18.18kaidenand it was only 8g!
18:19.14PlorkyeranI should go buy one of those
18:19.16cladhairesonofabitch =(
18:19.19cladhairei dont have 150 riding skill
18:19.23cladhaireso i can't buy my wolf =(
18:19.48Mikmajaxdahl: WLOF?!? :D
18:20.22cladhairewhere do horde go to buy riding skill?
18:20.24cladhairethat i can't afford!
18:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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18:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
18:31.21LegorolHas everyone received their mount skills as expected?
18:31.50cogwheelcan ranged weapons be swapped in combat?
18:32.13cladhaireLegorol: Yes, sadly
18:32.36Beladonawhy sadly?
18:32.37malrethcladhaire: sad? why sad?
18:32.46cladhairecause i dont have 150/150
18:32.49cladhaireand the AV mount is taunting me.
18:32.51cladhaireonly costing 9g
18:33.18Legoroldidn't you have an epic mount?
18:33.19cladhaireand i can't buy it cause i dont have the skill *cry*
18:33.22cladhaireno i didn't.
18:33.27Beladoname neither
18:33.29cladhairei was trying to get th emoney together to buy my AV mount
18:33.37cladhairei have a [Hand of Edward the Odd] but I just can't sell it.
18:33.40Legorolwell now you can spend it on the 150 riding skill ;-)
18:33.41Shadowedgot the skill fine
18:33.42Beladonasomething about anyhting over 300g burning a hole in my pocket
18:33.45cogwheeli'm still farming for my lock epic
18:34.07DrDreif you didnt have an epic mount, AV actually cost more than it did before now
18:34.12DrDrewhen you factor in riding skill
18:35.13PlorkyeranOnly about 100g more
18:35.18DrDreits still SLIGHY cheaper than a faction mount
18:35.20kaidenAnyone here play a frost mage?
18:35.29kaideni'm trying to figure out how to spec my mage for pve
18:35.30DrDrebout 70g more
18:35.36DrDre640 was price with full discounts
18:35.41DrDrenow its 720+8
18:35.51kaidenuhm the charger from av was 720g
18:35.58kaidenat least for me and i have full faction in av
18:35.59DrDrei got for 640
18:36.05PlorkyeranWere you rank 3+?
18:36.10DrDrei was yes
18:36.13kaidenweird, as i have 2199 and rank 5
18:36.16kaidenand it was 720g
18:36.22kaidenerm 21999 rep
18:36.53jaxdahlAV ram is 800 base
18:37.07jaxdahlrank/rep will take it to 640
18:37.10jaxdahlbut it's cheaper now
18:37.15jaxdahl10g base, 8g after disc
18:37.18PlorkyeranThe stupid rank 11 horse is making me want to rank back up to commander
18:37.25PlorkyeranNow that I could actually ride it without piles of runecloth
18:37.38DrDreya but u still gotta pay the riding skill fee jaxdahl
18:37.45DrDreso it costs more to get if its your first mount now
18:38.25jaxdahl720+8=728g cheapest very fast mount
18:38.42kaidenit costs 720g to buy Riding Skill now?
18:38.45kaidenthat's horrible
18:38.46DrDreuse to be able to get for 640g is what i meant
18:38.47jaxdahl900g base
18:38.53jaxdahl810/720 after discount
18:38.54DrDreits still a great change
18:38.56DrDreim glad they did it
18:39.07DrDrenoone should be bitching
18:39.10DrDreit only helped us
18:39.26PlorkyeranUnless you were saving up for an AV mount as your first epic mount :P
18:39.28DrDrethe only negative side for it is a lil more for Av mount which doesnt hurt barely anything
18:40.30Beladonaif you think about it, you ahve to get the riding skill anyway
18:40.35Beladonaregardless of what mount you get
18:40.43kaidenSo no 60 mages here?
18:40.48ShadowedYou can now buy cross-faction mounts for 9g at rank 11
18:40.52Shadowedit's awesome
18:41.11cladhairescrew you all
18:41.14cladhairei dont have time to grind again
18:41.19DrDrei wonder whats going to happen with pvp mounts when tbc comes out
18:41.19BeladonaI feel your pain cladhaire
18:41.19cladhaireits 720 for 150 riding skill =(
18:41.24cladhairethat's more than the av mount used to cost
18:41.25PlorkyeranBut now there might be other night elves stupid enough to ride rams :/
18:41.29Shadowedyour fault for not having an epic mount!
18:41.30BeladonaI don't have it either, and I don't feel like farming
18:41.42PlorkyeranAnd I'll no longer be a retarded little unique snowflake
18:41.59Beladonawith this change though -- if you get the epic horse drop from Rivendare, you still have to pay to ride it
18:42.03Beladonathats a downside
18:43.03*** join/#wowi-lounge leech_ (
18:43.45Kevorkianonly if you can't already ride epic mounts
18:44.18Beladonathe point still holds true
18:44.22Beladonadoes it not?
18:44.45Plorkyeranwinterspring tiger got a lot cheaper for non-night elves
18:45.01PlorkyeranNo more having to grind revered with them and exalted with darnassus to actually ride it
18:45.13Meryits exalted with them
18:45.42Hatsukiand getting exalted with darna is very easy compared to winterspring trainers
18:45.53Merythe pharse "only the most revered" is misleading in his text
18:46.14PlorkyeranYeah, but it costs a significant amount of money, and the stuff you have to grind don't have that great of drops
18:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:46.59Meryuhm i did it during june last yeat and well even then I could easily cover the cost of the mount and darnassus rep with the money i got
18:47.04Kirkburn|VistaHey, can anyone get to this page?
18:47.07FISKER_Qhas anyone with more than 1 epic mount tried the new patch yet?
18:47.18PlorkyeranWhat's to try about it?
18:47.22cogwheelKirkburn|Vista: yes
18:47.26FISKER_Qyeah Kirkburn|Vista
18:47.31Kirkburn|VistaI can't :/
18:47.31DrDrei just bought my 2nd epic mount
18:47.45FISKER_QPlorkyeran i just want my fate sealed
18:47.52HatsukiI've 6 epic mounts :o
18:48.05FISKER_Qi got 3 epic mounts and i was hoping to get atleast 2 refunded :P
18:48.10PlorkyeranNo refunds
18:48.24FISKER_QBlizard is a cheap date
18:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge leech___ (
18:48.35Beladonacompares are up on wdn
18:48.45PlorkyeranIt'd be nice if you could sell back your non-pvp mount when you hit rank 11, though...
18:49.10jaxdahlhey.. can you go here: and tell me the cast timer on flight form as it appears NOW? thanks
18:49.27Plorkyeran3 seconds
18:49.28Hatsukiyes, and it would be nice to be able to sell back lvl40 mount when you get lvl60 mount
18:49.32Plorkyeransame as it's been
18:49.34Hatsukibut not gonna happen
18:50.12AenslaedDoes anyone know how to fix the bug where all your chat windows but general disappear?
18:50.48cogwheelABANDON_QUEST_CONFIRM_WITH_ITEMS = "Abandon \"%s\", destroying %s?";
18:50.54jaxdahlit says instant cast now
18:51.02cogwheeldoes this mean abandoning quests will destroy the items that went along with them now?
18:51.12PlorkyeranThat's what it looks like
18:51.36ShadowedThat wouldn't make sense, it would screw up stuff like the BL buff quests
18:51.36PlorkyeranThere's a new dialog for it in staticpopup, too
18:51.36PlorkyeranBL buff items aren't quest items
18:51.39PlorkyeranAt least, they weren't
18:51.40leech___Is there anyway function to determine if a unit is a player or npc?
18:51.42BeladonaAenslaed: wow folder/WTF/Account/YOURUSERNAME/YOur Server/Character name/chat-cache.txt
18:51.45Beladonadelete that
18:51.51Beladonawill reset your chat settings though
18:52.06Kirkburn|Vistajaxdahl, yup, instant
18:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:52.23ckknighthey all
18:52.29leech___howdy ck
18:52.41AenslaedBeladona: ok.  As long as it all stops disappearing
18:52.47PlorkyeranI guess it's a nice change if you're actually abandoning the quest
18:53.04AenslaedBeladona: strange thing is it happens to both of my characters
18:53.05PlorkyeranAnd only a problem if you're trying to work around the quest log limit
18:53.17Beladonayou sure it isn't an addon doing it?
18:54.18Beladonadoes it remove items you collect FOR the quest?
18:54.21AenslaedBeladona: I dont think so. Fubar, Perl, Itemrack, CT raid, SCT, Enemycastbars
18:54.33Beladonaor just items you got as part of the quest
18:55.06leech___cogwheel: Thanks. That function doesn't seem very useful for what I am doing. I have the unit's in game name but nots its UnitID
18:55.40cogwheelleech___: look at unitID on wowwiki
18:55.48cogwheelthey are limited on purpose
18:56.19malrethfirefox 2 rc1 is out
18:56.22cogwheelTargetting them is about the only way to "create" a unitID, and that's not always possible to do
18:56.32Beladonamy server is one of the ones down until midnight PDT
18:56.47cogwheelBeladona: you just noticed? XD
18:56.56Beladonaum, well, work does that to ya
18:57.01PlorkyeranHmm, it seems to either not be enabled or destroying items given by the quest
18:57.17PlorkyeranI just abandoned a quest that I had items for and it didn't do anything to them
18:57.20leech___cogwheel: That is what I am afraid of. I wrote a simple mod that lets you know if you got the killing blow. But targeting is not always involved.
18:57.25Beladonagood thing I already recorded my friends list
18:57.37cogwheelPlorkyeran: maybe it'll change in the next patch and they're just preparing the UI for it...
18:58.19Plorkyeranerr, wait
18:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
18:58.26Beladonait could still be items that you get when starting the quest
18:58.29PlorkyeranI think it actually deleted the items without using the new prompt
18:58.36Beladonai.e. an item you click
18:58.44Beladonaor something to that effect
18:58.51PlorkyeranYeah, it did
18:58.57Beladonaooh really?
18:59.14PlorkyeranThey're no longer in my bag, at least
18:59.20Beladonathats not cool
18:59.27cogwheelUndocumented change, AND it doesn't work right?
19:00.50Kirkburn|VistaSounds like something isn't connected somewhere along the line
19:01.12malrethUndocumented changes can work however they want to
19:01.18Beladonathey added it in StaticPopup.lua
19:01.22malrethworking as intended
19:01.47cogwheelmalreth: they added code to show a confirmation
19:02.02cogwheelmalreth: but it doesn't show up according to Plorkyeran's test
19:02.03PlorkyeranYep, definatly deleting without confirming
19:02.06malrethno... they added a new string to the lua file...
19:02.26Beladonathey did
19:02.27malrethi still stand by my assertation that the undocumented feature is working as intended. :)
19:02.42DrDre[26p 2:56pm] <malreth> firefox 2 rc1 is out
19:02.54Mikmaok, just in case someone likes industrial (music-style)
19:03.12DrDrei did check for updates and no updates found
19:03.14Kirkburn|VistaHeh, who on earth would like Industrial :P He smells
19:03.29Beladonabased on that code, one would assume GetAbandonQuestItems is returning nil regardless of there being items
19:03.36Beladonaif it is indeed not prompting
19:03.38DrDrewhoa thats a freaky song im listening to
19:03.40GryphenRC usually dont come down by auto update
19:03.52MikmaDrDre: my link? :)
19:04.02*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
19:04.04DrDretrance song
19:04.17Mikmawell try my link
19:04.17DrDrei got shoutcast up if u wanna hear lol
19:04.35Mikmaoh well, sure, pm me the address
19:04.36Kirkburn|VistaI need opinions! I'm updating the Main Page design for the wiki - what do you think of
19:04.38Beladonathat is also a new function that needs to be documented in the wiki
19:05.00TS|SkromKirkburn|Vista win
19:05.03PlorkyeranNo, it's returning the correct value
19:05.14Gryphendont like the graphic
19:05.23Gryphenpugly ugly
19:05.35Kirkburn|VistaI shoudl have mentioned the graphic is just a test
19:05.44Kirkburn|VistaIt's the table design I'm doing :P
19:05.55cogwheelbrb... installing FF2
19:05.58PlorkyeranI wonder if it's only returning the correct value after the dialog has been displayed
19:06.19Beladonayou do get the abandon quest dialog right?
19:06.27Beladonabut nothing about items being removed?
19:06.39Beladonait only shows one or the other, not both
19:06.55Gryphennot bad otherwise kirk
19:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
19:07.41cogwheelOh good... they cleaned up the interface a bit... (the default theme under XP wasn't very well-done in Beta 2)
19:08.06Gryphenboo to FF
19:08.07Kirkburn|VistaGryphen, thanks :) The logo is actually part of some tests Mikk is trying
19:08.23cogwheelGryphen: O.o?
19:08.30Grypheni that on the prop icon updates
19:08.36GryphenIE ftw
19:08.37Gryphendie FF
19:08.48Kirkburn|Vistahehe, controversial!
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19:09.29BeladonaI don't know
19:09.35BeladonaI kinda think the graphic works
19:09.38malreth~whaleslap Gryphen
19:09.40purlACTION beats Gryphen upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
19:09.40Beladonaneeds some tweaks, but works
19:10.02Kirkburn|VistaCheck the proposed icon page for more that Mikk is working on :)
19:10.14Beladonacan anyone submit work?
19:10.18BeladonaI made one, but didn't submit it
19:10.29Grypheni dont care for it, the font is super ugly imho
19:10.34Kirkburn|VistaBeladona, of course!
19:10.43BeladonaI agree Gryphen
19:11.34GryphenI still like Icon 1
19:11.34Kirkburn|VistaI should mention that it isn't a font, Mikk created it from scratch
19:11.54GryphenIt looks like scratch >:D
19:14.51Shadowedsoooo, how hard would it be to takeover a macro on an action bar if it has a specific slash command inside?
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19:16.45Beladonatry re-phrasing that question, I am not sure what you mean
19:17.30kergothbah, wowbench loads the .toc & .lua for the addons in the order specified on the cmdline, but it doesn't seem to load the saved vars and fire ADDON_LOADED in that order, but in an arbitrary one
19:17.58Shadowedif you were to say, add a slash command like /useitem Heavy Runecloth bandage, if i was to make that into a macro and add it to the action bar. How would you add the amount of heavy runecloth bandages to the macro icon
19:18.16Shadowedbasically to mimic if you were to drag heavy runecloth bandages onto the actionbar itself
19:20.55QzotHehe. I feel wickedly successful.
19:22.04cogwheelQzot: ?
19:23.15cogwheelShadowed: You would have to watch for inventory update events and then call :SetText on any action bar with that macro... That would involve keeping a cache of which macros have those commands and which action buttons have which macros
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19:23.30cogwheels/action bar/action button/
19:23.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
19:24.02Shadowedonly way to really do it is scanning the content of the buttons then?
19:24.41Legoroli beleive the difficult part would be detecting *what* action does a button point to
19:24.50Legorolthere is no way to ask: "hey, Mr. action button 12, what is your action?"
19:25.00Legorolso you won't know which macro has been dropped in there
19:25.25Legorolyou have to use different logic: you have to intercept things *as* a macro is dropped into an action bar
19:25.34cogwheelyeah... that would probably take tooltip scanning
19:25.53Shadowedyou couldn't check it with tooltip scanning, could only find out if it's a macro or not
19:25.54cogwheelor... i wonder how Learn2Spell works...
19:26.01cogwheelShadowed: true
19:26.14Legoroldoesn't the tooltip for an action button that has a macro contain the name of the macro?
19:26.38Shadowedif you have the same name/icon it'll break though
19:26.39Legorolso except in the case where user names two macros the same, you can tell
19:26.47Legorolyes exactly
19:26.56Legorolbut there is not much you can do about that if you just simply look at the action buttons
19:27.29Shadowedwas hoping there was a cleaner way to do it, but guess thats how i'll have to do it ;/
19:36.22Legorolone thing you could do:
19:36.22Legorolhook into PickupMacro to detect when user starts dragging a macro icon, and hook into PlaceAction
19:36.23Legorolthe only tricky part is to notice if something else happens between the two
19:36.23Shadowedless chance of someone using the same icon/text over somebody changing it between two computers though
19:36.24Legoroli'd say if someone uses same icon AND name, unlucky for them
19:36.24Shadowedoh well, will have to go with that. thanks
19:36.24cogwheelyou'd also want to hook ClearCursor() in case the user doesn't actually place the macro
19:36.30cogwheelAlso, this won't work for any macros that already exist on the bar, so you'll have to use saved variables
19:36.31Legorolyeah so overall it's better to scan action tooltips for macros
19:36.31Shadowedyou shouldn't need to hook clearcursor and such
19:36.32ShadowedPretty sure the API lets us get the macro text/icon/command?
19:36.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:36.33Shadowedhanv't worked with the macro API yet though
19:36.34ShadowedAlthough, scanning all action bars on ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED would be more annoying then registering pickup/clear/drop
19:36.35Shadoweder ignore that, forgot that it passes the ID of what changed
19:40.29fatbrainwarla: Reason I asked (yesterday) is that we'r working on something similar.
19:41.22AenslaedDoes anyone know how to fix the bug where all your chat windows but general disappear?
19:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge piehole- (
19:44.52zenzelezzthink it's a known problem
19:46.50cogwheelone they haven't fixed for about 3 patches (major and minor)
19:47.21Aenslaedah, ok
19:47.23Aenslaedso its not just me.
19:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
19:47.47Aenslaedknow of any mods I can use to temporarily fix the problem?
19:50.56Cairvery top of the thread
19:51.50Aenslaedah, ok.
19:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge eternally777 (
19:52.23Aenslaedso if i had the general window, combat window and one other window, I'd just do /script ChatFrame2:Show() /script Chatframe3:Show(); ?
19:52.41Cairfirst try turning off "auto join guild channel"
19:52.56Cairthen if it still happens, then yeah
19:52.57Aenslaedits off :)
19:53.42AenslaedCair: thanks for the help
19:58.30cogwheelif i do something like:     foo(Table:Function)       will it create the proper closure and pass it to the function?
19:59.40krkacogwheel: you can't do something like that
19:59.42krkait's invalid syntax
19:59.55krka':' can only be used for defining functions and calling functions
20:00.20kergothyou're probably thinking of foo(function() Table:Function() end) or so
20:00.53cogwheelkergoth: i know that i can do it that way... i was just hoping for a shortcut :)
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20:01.34kergothif you're going to create a closure, create a closure
20:01.37cogwheellooks cleaner
20:01.50kergothi'd rather see whats actually happening, not try to hide it behind syntactic sugar
20:02.20cogwheelkergoth: sounds like you do       t["hello"]     instead of      t.hello      ;)
20:03.40kergotht.hello doesnt hide anything.  '.' is still an index operator.  : is not a closure constructor.
20:03.47kergothcome back with a good example, mmk thanks
20:04.20QzotOuch. 30g just to put my auctions up.
20:04.58kergothouch indeed
20:05.03kergothmust be some good stuff
20:05.12QzotSpent myself down to 14s. :(
20:05.18QzotYeah. I collect epics. :P
20:05.44Qzot...and store them on the AH.
20:05.53cladhairewant to sell my [Hand of Edward the Odd] for meh?
20:06.22QzotSure. If you can get it to me.
20:07.25cladhaireits on stormrage.. i need to xfer it to alliance side.. it'd have a better chance of selling over there.
20:07.49JoshBorkeyou have a 60 on both sides on the same server?
20:09.57warlai fount that hammer like 1.5 years ago
20:10.00warlain EPL
20:10.04warlai use it on my druid
20:10.07warlaits rather fun mace
20:10.16warladid you know you can instantcast pick herbs when it procs?
20:10.21warlain combat herbing FTW
20:10.31warlaalso instantcast heartstone works
20:10.37warlai fled many fights like that
20:10.56cladhaireJoshBorke: yes i do
20:11.01cladhaireJoshBorke: almost 4 60's on that server
20:11.04warlawhack - whack - heartstone
20:12.52cladhaireand it should proc in feral form now, no?
20:13.36kergoth .. this todo is growing fast :\
20:14.14QzotEdward procs in feral????
20:14.35cladhaireQzot: I dunno, didn't they make procs happen in feral recently?
20:14.36warlai'm not fereal
20:14.50warla <-- my drood
20:14.55Kirovferal warlock!
20:15.03warlain burning crusade i'll be a tree
20:15.07cladhairegimme ur addon, and i'll upload mine =)
20:15.10warlaall i need todo is have a lot spirit and look pretty
20:15.20cladhairemy druid is ghetto.. but works well
20:15.31warla <-- heres the addon
20:15.37warlabut its still very buggy lol
20:15.56warlaif you get error messages.. just click reload and try again usually fixes probs lol
20:16.32KirovWhen ever resto druids try and roll on +crit +attack power stuff for their "feral set" I always say "ok, I'll just roll on that +nature gear for my sting set"
20:16.51warlai always have disputes with our Warriors
20:16.57warlabecause i bid dkp on tank stuff
20:17.03Beladonaas a druid?
20:17.07warlaas a warlock
20:17.14cladhaireKirov: All balance druids should be shot.
20:17.25Kirovcladhaire hehe
20:17.29Beladonajust to be a dork?
20:17.35warla <-- my warlock.... look into bags / bank for my tank gear
20:17.38warlastuff like
20:17.43warla- heavy dark iron ring
20:17.50warla- medallion of steadfast might
20:17.53Beladonayou and I would have fun with each other
20:17.58warla- bloodlords defender
20:18.09warlai got it all ^^
20:18.21warlai tanked quite a few MC bosses in my tank gear
20:18.30BeladonaMyrmidon's Signet?
20:18.39warla6800 armor raid buffed, 19% dodge, 10% physical absorb from MD and soullink
20:18.45warlaya myrmidon i have too
20:18.50cladhairemy rogue has [Medallion of Steadfast Might]
20:18.54Beladonaregardless, I would never let a warlock in my raid do that
20:19.04warlado what?
20:19.06warlatank a boss
20:19.08warlaor take loot?
20:19.12Beladonatake tank gear from a tank
20:19.12XuerianI admire the raid that has enough faith in their members to do that
20:19.23warlahey i tanked them successfully :-)
20:19.32Beladonabut then, I am a tank
20:19.33warlalucifron hits me for 450 normal hits
20:19.34Beladonaso I am biased
20:19.35warla900 crits
20:19.41warlamakes me a nice sub-par tank
20:19.48Beladonathats not the point though warla
20:19.53warlaand aggro wise noone beats a lock ^^
20:20.02Beladonaits great that you CAN
20:20.35Beladonabut if I saw a warlock win some of that stuff over a warrior, I would be putting a hit out
20:20.46warlaif i have more dkp i deserve it more ^^
20:36.29malrethour raid org has loot priority lists.
20:36.30warlabeside i'll use that gear to farm
20:36.30XuerianWarriors are territorial :P
20:36.30warlafarm = more stuff for guild
20:36.30warlawe luckily have no retarded priority list
20:36.30warlawe use common sense
20:36.30malrethwarla: there's no 'I' in 'team'
20:36.30malrethnothing retarded about priority lists
20:36.30warlai'd never dare grabbing useful tank gear from MTs
20:36.31warlabut thats it
20:36.31warlaas soon as the MTs are geared i have no trouble bidding dkp on gear i want
20:36.31BeladonaI don't think its right to take an item that would be used as a primary item from the class that can use it
20:36.31Beladonaregardless of what you LIKE to do
20:36.31Beladonaand yes, we use loot priority lists too
20:36.31BeladonaSK for the win
20:36.31warlawell beladona lets do a quick comparison
20:36.31warlaheavy dark iron ring
20:36.31warlawhen does a tank use that
20:36.32warlawhen they raid... specifically... tank
20:36.32warlawhen does a warlock use heavy dark iron ring?
20:36.32warlaoutside raids when they farm stuff
20:36.32warlaso i definitely use that item more hours than a tank would :-)
20:36.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
20:36.35malrethfrom the perspective of the raid organization, loot distribution should benefit the raid... not the individual
20:36.35warlait does benefit the raid more than the tank would
20:36.35warlai go and farm mats for raiding :-)
20:36.35warlaa ton mats
20:36.35warlamore than any warr ever could farm ;-(
20:36.35malreththat's an indirect benefit if even that
20:36.36warlachecking :-)
20:36.36warlathats the druid?
20:36.36Xuerianmalreth: When was the last time you saw healers go without stacks of top mana pots?
20:36.36malrethi could say that my mage could benefit from any class-specific BoE tier set pieces since I can AH them for money that could be used for flasks, etc
20:36.37malrethit benefits the raid, yes
20:36.38warlaif your the GM sure.. you can AH them for pots thats what guild masters do
20:36.38warlaif your not the GM why would they pass it to you ;-)
20:36.38malrethbut there's also the direct benefit from gearing up your members first
20:36.38warlasince they can AH them themself
20:36.38cladhaireWhoa.. do I really only have 2 quests in my questbook?
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20:36.39XuerianWarla: What instance is your guild in, and which are on farm status?
20:36.39malrethpriority lists take that idea and put it down as a set of rules
20:36.39warlaMC on farm (well barely doing it anymore)
20:36.39warlaBWL on farm
20:36.40warlaAQ40 up to huhu (twin emps not down yet)
20:36.41warlaNaxx (Anub Rhekan)
20:36.41XuerianSo.... If a guild has MC on farm status...
20:36.41XuerianWhat tank is going to give half a shit about a dark iron ring :)
20:36.41warlaactually MC more or less abandoned
20:36.42malrethXuerian: correct
20:36.42XuerianA druid would, or in this case, a tanking lock would...
20:36.42warladark iron ring is still kickass even compared to BWL / AQ40 gear
20:36.42warlaideally you'd want:
20:36.42warlaheavy dark iron + Twin emps ring
20:36.43warlaan alternative is the Tank ring from Nef... but that one i do not like much
20:36.43malrethHeavy Dark Iron Ring: Warrior > Druid/Paladin > Everyone (that's my raid org's priority for that item)
20:36.44warlathey heal ^^
20:36.44warlai think even a lock benefits more than a pally from that hehe
20:36.44malrethwarlocks DPS and don't tank
20:36.45warlawe dps... then tank.. because we pulled aggro ^^
20:36.45malrethif you were in our raid org, you'd petition to your CL to have warlocks moved up in priority for that item
20:36.45warlaon a side note... most locks give a fuck about that item
20:36.45malrethif your CL thought the same, he/she'd pass it up to our governance board and it'd get voted on
20:36.45warlaits indeed only usefull for like 2-3 locks per realm
20:36.46warlathat enjoy testing their class to all limits
20:36.46XuerianGovernance board? 0_o
20:36.46malrethXuerian: when I say Raiding Organization... i mean it
20:36.46warlaon my realm i often get asked by PuGs to tank various instances...
20:36.46warlaLBRS / UBRS / Scholo / Strat
20:36.46malrethwe're a conglomeration of several guilds on our server
20:36.46warlai tanked em all
20:36.47XuerianWell, malreth, I respect your guild's organization but I could never play in it
20:36.47malrethit's not my guild
20:36.47dukekuwarla \o/
20:36.47Xuerians/your guild/the guild you have been discussing/
20:36.47malrethXuerian: i'm curious... why?
20:36.47dukekuwarla: are you still on dmaw or did you transfer?
20:36.48warlastill on dmaw
20:36.49dukekueveryone left =(
20:36.49warlaunity dead
20:36.49XuerianBecause I play for fun, and being told what, when, how, why to do and not do, is not what fulfills that desire for me. It's completely personal preference, but if I wanted to join the millitary I'd follow my cousins :)
20:36.49dukekuhaha really?
20:36.49warlaso many guild fell apart
20:36.50dukekuso i can say unity disbanded with all serious now
20:36.50warlabasically the 2 top guilds that absorbed most are
20:36.50Xuerian(To a point it's good, without organization any raid falls apart, but i mean to extremes.)
20:36.50dukekuwhats still left?
20:36.50warlablitzkrieg and prom
20:36.50warlathose are top 2
20:36.50dukekuis sov still around?
20:36.50warlathen some less hardcore ones like moonshade / alextrasza dragonriders
20:36.50malrethXuerian: Silver Hand Raiders Alliance (SHRa) actually has as it's chief virtue of being as flexible as possible
20:36.50warlaya sov still there but always strugling
20:36.51dukekulol alexstrasza dragon riders
20:36.51kaidenSo i wonder how guilds will function after the expansion with no more new 40 man content, like my guild it's hard to ever find anyone on unless it's an mc/bwl night
20:36.51malrethXuerian: we don't dictate playstyles or specs or talent builds
20:36.51dukekuwarla: probably because all of their good players left or quit @@
20:36.51warlalol ya
20:36.51warlathats my point
20:36.52dukekuim surprised they havent disbanded
20:36.53warlaand moonshade recruited 1-2 sov members they told me the GM is a fuck an a lunatic
20:36.53malrethand while there is a loot priority, it still allows alternative talent builds to obtain the equipment they desire
20:36.53warlagkicks people weekly
20:36.54warladoesnt really help the morale ^^
20:36.55dukekuyea dude
20:36.57Xuerianmalreth: I define flexible with raids that rely on trust and morale (For example, running on ffa loot in naxx) and teamwork, and talking about things in the open, than going up ranks for items :P
20:36.58dukekuevery sov gm past gareth kinda went nutso
20:36.58dukekuthey were ok for a few weeks and boom its like someone shot some crazy into their veins
20:36.59warlagareth was nutso as well.. but not THAT nutso
20:37.00XuerianSorry. Pet peeve of mine :P
20:37.00dukekui quit the game after i was threatened to be kicked because i was sarcastic in gchat a lot
20:37.00dukekugareth was nuts but not the EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET ME RAGRHGH nuts
20:37.00warlaCrym wasnt too bad either
20:37.00dukekunah he was the worst imo
20:37.00malrethXuerian: We actually could go FFA loot on a raid... each individual is vetted by their member guild (or on their own honor if they're not with a member guild) and is implicitly trusted
20:37.00dukekuat least from my pov
20:37.00dukekutotal jerk
20:37.01warlaproblem with Dmaw are that most people are assholes nowadays
20:37.01dukekuand most left =_
20:37.12malrethXuerian: all members of SHRa have a say in the organization through their representatives (Class Leaders or Advisary Board members)
20:37.12warlaits not about having fun anymore and raid / play
20:37.12warlaits more who griefs the most
20:37.12warlawhos the bigges asshole e.t.c
20:37.13dukekulosing people like grievous
20:37.13dukekuthose are signs man
20:37.13warlareal sad...
20:37.13dukekunot that grievous was the shining beacon of dragonmaw
20:37.13dukekubut he was so stupid and crazy that it kinda spiced up the place
20:37.13malrethbut yeah, SHRa trusts all of our members implictly
20:37.13warlahes the example why kids shouldnt do drugs...
20:37.14Xuerianhaha, a lil late purl :P
20:37.14dukekuwarla: he sells hardwood floors, i think its the fumes from the wood finish
20:37.20warlayea i guessed as much.. i knew hes smoking stuff i propably cannt even afford
20:37.36dukekuhaha yeah his dad owns some gigantic company
20:37.42dukekui doubt hes in any sort of financial trouble irl
20:38.13malrethXuerian: not like i'm trying to sell you on our org... but I am very enthusiastic about what we've created
20:38.14XuerianAnyway, malreth: Why I said it was personal is I can't stand strict organization. I don't see anything truly wrong with it. Thus I could never personally play in a guild like that myself.
20:38.14dukekui have a feeling all of the 2nd day servers like dmaw were kinda doomed
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20:38.20malrethXuerian: rememeber... it's not a guild
20:38.26dukekuall of the servers made on release day still seem to be doing fine but the ones made the day after are kinda busted
20:38.30Xuerianmalreth: I know, but you know what I'm talking about.
20:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
20:38.34dukekumaybe i'm crazy though i dunno
20:38.52Xuerianmalreth: guild is the easiest thing to say. I'm in a raiding alliance in my own guild.
20:38.57warlai miss the old days
20:39.02warlawhere not many 60s were around
20:39.05warlapeople knew each other
20:39.13warlaand were actually helpful and kind to each other
20:39.26warlanot like now where everyone is a bitch... guild dramas all day long and crap
20:39.30malrethAh... How are things run there, Xuerian?
20:39.46dukekui remember begging your crazy ass for engineering info
20:40.11warlaheh ya
20:40.19warlaat the moment i'm master engineer
20:40.24warlaall schematics in the game :-)
20:40.39warlaalso master cook ;-) all recipes including horde only ones
20:40.48warlajust tailor i'm not :-/
20:40.52warla1 stupid pattern missing
20:40.59XuerianZero-sum DKP on all raids (separate for each guild's 20-man's, 40's unified), anyone can bid on anything unless there's general uproar or it's completely useless, and hierarchy is pretty much whoever's leading the raid that day, the people who are vets (by time and experience not by set rank) and such
20:41.12warla <-- go to tailoring and scroll down the list to the end
20:41.17warlaand you'll see which one i miss lol
20:41.31Kirkburn|VistaHow is that possible? Some sites already ahve the EU 1.12.1 patches
20:41.50Gryphenopen the downloader?
20:42.03dukekuwereHamster: one sec
20:42.09Gryphenhttp sources from bliz?
20:42.12malrethah... we also use 0-sum with separate DBs for each 40-man raid (Ony and MC are combined, however)...
20:42.52warlathats WAY OLD
20:43.00dukekuyeah you were like lvl 46
20:43.03warlalol ya
20:43.05malrethi'm lv 46
20:43.11warlagood old times ^^
20:43.28dukekuwarla: i got all of the cooking recipies that didnt require rep before i quit
20:43.38XuerianHm, I'm actually not sure if each 40 is separate for us, I only go to MC due to dialup and crappy computer. We're clearing BWL and getting through aq40 now though. It's the general feeling of being a group of friends getting together to have fun and kill shit that I like =)
20:43.40dukekui always wanted to get one of the kodo leather bag patterns though
20:43.42dukekubut i never did =(
20:43.49warlaheh thats horde only as well :-)
20:43.59dukekunot when i wanted it!
20:44.03dukekuit wasnt soulbound
20:44.04malrethXuerian: yep... that's the real joy of raiding.
20:44.12dukekuso people could sell it on the horde side for leatherworkers
20:44.25dukekua few quest rewards were like that until they made them all bnop
20:44.31warlaits soulbound now?
20:44.33dukekulike flash bundles and marbles
20:44.34warlaomg :-/
20:44.35dukekumight be
20:44.43dukekulets see
20:45.13XuerianHeh, agreed malreth :P
20:45.24dukekuconvince some horde to get it for you, lvl 10 quest
20:45.27malrethXuerian: is your raid alliance mostly friends and friends of friends?
20:45.33dukekuonly leatherworking bag pattern around
20:45.43XuerianIt's two guilds, and we're all more or less friends
20:46.04malrethyeah... we started off that way but grew to become a server-wide thing...
20:46.10XuerianNot RL, but through the game, we have a lot of people that have been on the same chars on the same server since release day
20:46.13wereHamsterdukeku, why one sec?
20:46.19malrethwe're not as big as Leftovers on Silver Hand... they're huge
20:46.46malrethwe wanted the idea behind Leftovers (another multi-guild raid org) but with a smaller casual environment
20:46.47dukekuwereHamster: fucked up a tab complete, sorry =(
20:47.32XuerianWell it sounds good, I think the military reminicence of the ranks is what threw me off.... =P
20:47.41malrethno ranks in the org...
20:47.49malrethbut we need people to make decisions
20:48.12malrethwell, i guess that is a rank
20:48.41malrethbut yeah, a structure is necessary to have a defined mechanism for decision making
20:48.57XuerianWith a organization that size, I fully agree :)
20:49.12malrethmost people don't care... they just want to kill Nef every week
20:49.18malrethand have fun while trying
20:50.24malrethbut we have very little loot drama now under this structure, and we continue to progress through the raid dungeons
20:50.36malrethwe finally killed Sartura last night... that was a blast
20:51.07warlaso many people are afraid using my profiler stuff at the moment "ZOMG KEYLOGGER HE STEALZ MY ACCOUNZ"
20:51.20malrethwarla: groupthink
20:51.25grrwarla no wonder realy with the amount of stuff like that is floating around.
20:51.30grrnot saying it is a kyelogger, etc.
20:51.39grrbut blizzard even warns about it ont he loginscreen ffs ;<
20:51.40warlalol how could it be...
20:51.43warlaits a friggin mod
20:51.48grrwarla: yes but people are stupid.
20:51.49warlano executeable
20:52.34warlai bet half the people that got hacked were stupid and shared their account info with someone
20:52.55warlathe other half is stupid and uses IE with actcrapX enabled
20:52.57Xuerianmalreth: Haha, grats =)
20:53.35Grypheni <3 activex
20:53.36warlamalreth satura is cool :-) fankriss is free lewtz... once satura is down fag-kriss dies soon after
20:53.48malrethapparently we've found that we have greater luck cracking a boss by singing before the encounter
20:53.49warlaGryphen the keylogg guys love ActiveX too
20:53.58grrwarla: imho sartura is easier then fankriss ;P
20:54.03warlanot really
20:54.07grrwell imho he is
20:54.08malrethwell, we'll find out now
20:54.09Gryphenanti-ie love it too
20:54.16XuerianSinging? lol, well, that does sound a little more like AoE
20:54.25warlaif you want a nice trick for satura that makes the fight heaps easier....
20:54.30warlahave a lock summon a doomguard
20:54.32malrethwarla: do tell
20:54.36warlaand keep sakura crippled
20:54.51warla40% attack speed reduction and 45% movement speed reduction
20:56.01warla= she gets HEAPS easy
20:56.02warlashes not immune to cripple :-)
20:56.02warladoomy can cripple her
20:56.02malrethi'll be sure to mention it
20:56.02malrethdoomguards... don't those guys go rampant?
20:56.02warlaafter couple mins ya
20:56.02warlabut who cares
20:56.02warlajust reenslave
20:56.03warlaand when he gets a burden kill
20:56.03warladoomy sucks
20:56.03warlaif your in AQ4 your gear is superior
20:56.03malrethok then
20:56.03warladoesnt make him a threat to anyone
20:56.29warlawhen the lock doesnt want doomy anymore just kill him and summon an inp to shoot at her
20:56.54malrethwe finally worked out a pulling strategy that works for us... we were able to kill all the adds really quickly with only 6 deaths last night... Sartura was cake at that point
20:56.57warlaalso you need to have a lock that made the doomguard quest
20:57.02warlaso you can summon them at will
20:57.23warlamalreth the doomy you use for exactly that time.. to get down adds
20:57.28Kirovsummon them at will?
20:57.29warlasakura moves slower and hits fewer
20:57.36warlaritual of doom
20:57.40warlakill a guildie for a doomy
20:57.48warlaso when everyone buffed up and ready to go
20:57.52warlayou summon doomy
20:57.54warlait kills a party member
20:58.02warlayou rez him rebuff him and go
20:58.05warlayou cannt waste time
20:58.11warlamax you have him enslaved is 5 mins
20:58.26warlathen you reenslave him 2-3 times til you kill him
20:58.36Kirkburn|VistaYou like short sentences, don't you? :P
20:58.38warlabut thats enough time to get adds down and make sakura heaps easy that time
20:58.42warlalol ya
20:58.52warla<-- not native english speaking ;-)
20:59.10Kirovwarla - do you need to heal the doomguard?
20:59.26warlayou turn off rain of  fire auto cast
20:59.31warlaput him on passive
20:59.36warlathen you can click on sakura
20:59.40warlaclick on the spell cripple
20:59.52warlanow doomguard starts running towards her
20:59.57warlawhen hes in range casts cripple
21:00.04warlaand returns back to you automatically
21:00.21warlabut you need to put him passive and turn off autocast of rain of fire after each enslave
21:00.26warlaelse he goes after sakura melee range
21:00.35warlawe both known what she does to him then ^^
21:00.52warlacripple has like 30 yards
21:01.04warlaso when he only runs in range to cast and returns it works seet as hell
21:05.54malreththis strat... does it work better if a gnome is sacrificed to summon the demon?
21:06.52Cideall strats work better when dead gnomes are involved
21:07.25malrethok... gotta go. later all
21:07.56fatbrainThis is driving me mad, ## Title: |cXXXXXX Addon-name|r v1.0           any ideas to why that makes my addon not to be listed in the addon-window?
21:07.57warlamalreth... doomy doesnt like gnomes
21:08.03warlahe always takes a NE priest
21:08.05warlai swear
21:08.07fatbrainIf I write crap before the |cXXXXX then it works.
21:08.11warlalast 4 weeks he took the same priest
21:08.21Mikmafatbrain: 2 spaces?
21:08.23Cidefatbrain: sounds like a parser error
21:08.25fatbrainI usually dont put color-stuff in the Title, because I think it's ugly
21:08.34fatbrainMikma: tried two-spaces already, didn't change anything.
21:08.38fatbrain(if you meant at the start)
21:08.39Cidetab? :)
21:08.45fatbraintab.... eww
21:08.48fatbrainYou think so?
21:08.54Cideassuming it gets printed
21:08.55fatbrainwell, I'm almost up to try anything
21:09.11Mikmafatbrain: i mean, try removing the other spacem like: ## Title: |cXXXXXXAddon-name|r v1.0
21:09.11Legorolso, those of you in-game already
21:09.14fatbrainCide: elaborate-.
21:09.15Legorolwhat's the new price of AV mount?
21:09.25Cidefatbrain: try tab and see if it gets printed or not
21:09.26fatbrainMikma: I'll try that
21:09.44fatbrainproblem is I detest tabs, my editor doesnt even allow me to input tab-char.
21:09.57Cidetry \124cXXXX... also
21:10.03Cidenot that I think it'll work, but it's worth a shot
21:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
21:10.18Cidethat is, ## Title: \124cXXXXXXAddon-name\124r v1.0
21:10.48fatbrainCide: Yes, that sounds like a *better* approach.
21:12.29fatbrainlet me try some tweaks, bbiab.
21:13.03LegorolWhat's the new price of epic riding skill, is it 900g without discounts?
21:14.53fatbrainLegorol: You mean the epic mount?
21:14.58fatbrainIt's 1000g without any discount.
21:15.02Legorolno, not the mount
21:15.08Legorolthe post-patch riding skill level 150
21:16.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
21:16.30fatbrainI just bought my epic mount, didn't need no crazy eipic mount skill
21:17.08Legoroldid you see the changes the patch made to mounts ;-)
21:17.11KirochiI'm sorry to bother you but I have a huge issue with WoWwiki
21:17.19KirochiKirk ? R y there ?
21:17.24fatbrainbah, this title thing is driving me crazy
21:17.35nevcairielin the patchnotes nothing was mentioned about the mount changes, can anyone confirm that it got in ?
21:17.44fatbrainLegorol: no, I just read that they were gonna change the icon to reflect epic / superior.
21:18.23Cideping Kirkburn|Vista
21:19.16fatbrainBah, it's broken
21:19.36fatbrain <- doesn't work
21:19.38Cidepost a minimal addon demonstrating the bug on the ui forums
21:19.47fatbrainif someone feel the urge to try to prove/disprove me, then please do so.
21:19.57Cideor, if you're not playing in the US, have someone do it for you
21:20.08Kirochicide ? are you talking to me ?
21:20.34JoshBorkewhat's the issue again?
21:21.10JoshBorkeyou can't make the colors work on your addon title?
21:21.14Mikmaso what about people with Epic-mount already. do they have to buy the 150+ riding-skill?
21:21.23fatbrainMikma: no
21:21.40Mikmaphew, good :)
21:21.43Cidethe change is transparent for everyone who has a mount already
21:22.09Mikmahow much are the new epic-mount prices?
21:22.11fatbrainhrm, the 1.13 patch?
21:22.23fatbrainor is that 1.12? cause I read that whole document without .... notecing this change.
21:23.30kergoth colors arent quite right yet, but getting there
21:23.35kergoth(left window)
21:23.45JoshBorkewhat is that?
21:24.03fatbrainto me the workbench dont work
21:24.07fatbrainerm, wowbench.
21:24.13fatbrainmostly due to the fact that I'm usingn 5.1
21:24.17fatbrainu fix! :P
21:24.21kergothits me adding parsing of wow color formats into escape codes to display color in terminals
21:24.25kergothto wowbench
21:24.30JoshBorkekergoth: very nice :-)
21:25.14fatbrainkergoth: does the cvs-wowbench conform to the changes in 5,.1?
21:25.31fatbrainerm, do you work with developign wowbench?
21:25.34kergothit supports 5.0.  wow is 5.0.
21:25.40fatbrainbc will be 5.1 iirc
21:25.42kergothyour own damn fault for using something that isnt supported yet
21:25.47kergothyes, it will. when it is, then you can whine
21:26.02fatbrainbah, I like to whine
21:26.12kergothi dont maintain wowbench, just adding some bits to it
21:26.32fatbrainI'll run my wowbench through 5.0
21:27.15fatbrainYes, I have 5.0 installed too, I would just liked it to work with 5.1 :P
21:27.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:28.24Kirkburn|Vistaping Cide
21:29.13CideKirochi wanted something but doesn't know how to ping!
21:30.03cogwheeland Cide apparently doesn't know how to tab-complete :P
21:30.08Kirkburn|Vistaping Kirochi ? :P
21:30.13Legorolso, ehm, can anyone in US confirm the new prices for lvl 75 and 150 riding skills?
21:30.22Legoroland whether they are affected by reputation and honor discounts?
21:30.33Mr_Rabies2the skill itself?
21:30.43Mr_Rabies281g for regular i think
21:30.55Cidecogwheel: nope, Kirochi did indeed want something
21:31.00Mr_Rabies2can't really tell because i've already got it
21:31.03LegorolMr_Rabies: which discounts does that include?
21:31.06Legorolrep, or honor, or both
21:31.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
21:31.15AnduinLotharon the plus side i have 150 riding skill now and i never paid for it :D
21:31.28cogwheelO.o  .... strange that Kirkburn|Vista had just pinged you when you said that...
21:31.30Mr_Rabies2basically, from what i've seen, for non pvp/other bizzare mounts
21:31.33Mr_Rabies2just flip the prices
21:31.47AnduinLotharnow i need to finish my kitty grind
21:31.47Legorolit was 20+80 for lvl 40 before
21:31.50cogwheeli got it...
21:31.53Mr_Rabies2in the long run, you're saving money if you buy multiple mounts
21:31.54cogwheelscrollbar 4tw!
21:31.56AnduinLotharsinc ei can actually afford one now
21:32.08Kirkburn|VistaI'm wondering what's Kirochi wiki problem is now ...
21:32.13cogwheelKirkburn|Vista: didn't say "pong" so i got confused :P
21:32.26Kirkburn|Vistapong cogwheel :P
21:32.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
21:32.36Cideyeah, Kirkburn|Vista fails too :P
21:33.06cogwheelKirkburn|Vista: PlasmaPong
21:33.59Kirkburn|VistaDoesn't run under Vista :/
21:34.29cogwheelit shouldn't
21:34.36kaso|So 1.12.1 is live on US now right?
21:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge SlackerJer (
21:34.53cogwheelit was written for DOS with rather hardware-specific graphics and input
21:35.09Kirkburn|VistaUseful that I just searched for Plasma Pong and found a newer version =)
21:35.17cogwheelI wrote the original one
21:35.20kaso|Do Epic Mounts have reputation requirements on them?
21:35.30cogwheelthe fluid dynamic one is a cheap knock-off :P
21:35.39AnduinLotharcan I inherit a BUtton template on a CheckButton ?
21:35.43Kirkburn|Vistacogwheel, aww, can I see a screenshot of yours?
21:35.46cogwheel(actually, they did a bang-up job, imo, so i'm not gonna gripe that they took the name)
21:36.31cogwheelKirkburn|Vista: hmmm.... I might be able to dig one up...
21:36.46cogwheelI may have to make a win98 vm to take one though :P
21:37.01KirochiCan't see the the main page on wowwiki
21:37.04Kirkburn|VistaHello Kirochi
21:37.23Kirkburn|VistaWhat happens?
21:37.34Kirkburn|Vista(works fine for me)
21:37.56*** join/#wowi-lounge b1f30_w0rk (
21:37.56Kirochican I give you a screenshot of what it looks like on my pc ?
21:38.19Gryphenlooks ok to me on ie7 and ff
21:39.55Kirkburn|Vista(So much for that, Plasma Pong doesn't work on Vista either)
21:40.37Kirkburn|VistaYes, a screenshot might help :)
21:41.33Kirochihow ?
21:41.41Kirochido you have MSN ?
21:41.52Kirochiaw, ok
21:44.47JoshBorkebye all
21:44.47*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:45.49KirovKirochi - isn't that what it's supposed to look like?
21:46.01KirochixD No, not really
21:46.28KirovI mean, random <a href code on a page always gives it that little extra touch of polish
21:46.32Kirochiuppa case P
21:46.52Kirovor possibly Polish
21:46.54KirochiI hate polish, for some reason I better hide
21:48.42Kirkburn|VistaThe code is right on my end
21:48.58Kirkburn|VistaHave you forced a reload? Ctrl+F5
21:49.00nevcairielpage looks good here too
21:49.12Kirochiyep, and I almost broke my keyboard
21:49.27Kirochiit's been like that for three days now
21:49.33nevcairielwhich browser?
21:50.05nevcairielIE6 ?
21:50.15Kirkburn|VistaThe source code is ending at that point for you, thus making the rets of the page disappear as well
21:50.16Kirochi... Dunno ... should I ?
21:50.32Kirkburn|VistaShouldn't make a difference
21:51.01Kirkburn|VistaYou could try emptying your Temporary Internet Files?
21:51.10nevcairielnow that you mention it, it looks like the data burst was interrupted.
21:52.05Kirochi=> KIrk How do I do that ?
21:52.15Corrodiassigh. downtime.
21:52.27AnduinLotharThis is a mite bit prettier than the previous version, no?
21:52.43KirochiI found
21:53.03KirochiIt works again
21:53.20b1f30_w0rkhey all. i'm looking for some tips on how to better set up your actionbars/hotkeys. any nifty url's out there for something like that?
21:56.22KirochiI'm wondering what's Kirochi wiki problem is now ...
21:56.41KirochiDoes it mean I often get problems w/ WoWwiki ?
21:59.24b1f30_w0rkdreyruugr: very interesting... looks like NWN
22:01.07zenzelezzdreyruugr: awesome mod =)
22:02.16Corrodias... oh snap
22:02.44Corrodiascould i set it up to show me a list of raid icons that i can assign to targets when i click on them with the middle mouse button?
22:02.52Corrodiasand/or the target frame
22:03.12zenzelezzthink it comes with a menu like that
22:03.51Corrodiasshh, you
22:04.13Corrodiasi sigh at the inefficiency of not using keybinds for it, but i am running out of keys!
22:04.21KirochiOk I'm off
22:05.06zenzelezzseems like you've had a few revisions lately drey
22:05.15b1f30_w0rko_O -->'s_Pro_PvP_UI.html
22:05.33dreyruugrzenzelezz: I update frequently
22:06.10zenzelezznothing wrong about it =) I just end up wondering if I'm missing out if I don't update when that happens :-p
22:06.14Corrodiashe's got only 3 of the action bars displayed. how do people put up with that?
22:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
22:06.44dreyruugrzenzelezz: it's usually minor changes and bugfixes... the major features are complete at this point
22:06.50ckknighthey all
22:06.56dreyruugrheya ckknight
22:07.03Cairennhi ckknight
22:08.49Corrodiasi really, -really- need to rearrange my action bars, before i have to beat somebody out of frustration
22:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:10.15Corrodiasthe default mainmenubar is just wasting too much space with its art!
22:13.19Cairennjust a heads up to any of you running websites
22:13.27Cairennbe on the lookout for posts that say "your a funny guy" or threads saying "commercials these days are dumb", they'll have smilies at the end of their posts
22:13.56Cairennthe fact that they are hiding the link in a smily kinda says it all, doesn't it?
22:15.21Industrialhow can they, do they use their own smiley images?
22:15.28IndustrialI mean the server softwre converts them
22:15.42Industrialfrom ':)' to smiley
22:15.50Cairennit's a breeze to make a smilie a link
22:15.57Cairennsame way you make any image a link
22:16.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
22:16.01Industrialoh ic
22:20.19LegorolIs anyone in the US able to confirm for me the new cost of the level 75 and level 150 riding skills?
22:20.37LegorolI have heard before it's 90g and 900g respectively, but have had no confirmation
22:20.50cladhairei can give you honored.
22:20.55cladhaireit was 720 at revered
22:21.03Legorolare you a sergeant or higher?
22:21.17cladhairei was rank 4
22:21.26Legorol720 with your own race?
22:21.44Legorolok, that's consistent with 900
22:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge vhaarr (
22:22.46Arrowmaster720g = 900g - 10% for honored - 10% for rank3
22:22.47vhaarrAnyone know what's up with MessageFrame:AddMessages' holdTime argument? It seems to be completely ignored.
22:23.00vhaarrSetting it to 1 or 30 doesn't change the hold time at all.
22:23.09vhaarrIriel: Is it bugged?
22:23.42Kirovvhaarr - what kind of message frame?
22:23.59Kirovnot a ScrollMessageFrame?
22:24.40Kirovjust making sure
22:24.45vhaarrTry it yourself with UIErrorsFrame: /script UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Test", 1, 0, 0, 1, 2)
22:25.41KirovIt never fades out?
22:26.01vhaarrAfter approx. 7 seconds it does.
22:26.17vhaarrNo matter what you put in the holdTime argument.
22:26.22KirovSomething might be setting SetFadeDuration.
22:26.29KirovI believe that overrides all current messages
22:27.22vhaarrSeems to me that's how long it should use for fading from 1 to 0 alpha.
22:28.06KirovIt should wait for 2 seconds, then fade for three
22:28.18vhaarrIt waits for 7.
22:28.21KirovI can't test it myself.
22:28.29Kirovno wow at work atm
22:28.41vhaarrWell the holdTime argument has no impact on the hold time here.
22:28.52vhaarrCould anyone else test?
22:28.54Mikkfatbrain: I'll see what I can do about getting wowbench to run under 5.1, too
22:28.59vhaarrJust paste those 2 commands in WoW.
22:29.04MikkI need to get FrameXML to work under it too, though :/
22:29.10kergothMikk: hey, i had questions... let me see if i can remember what they were
22:29.26fatbrainMikk: nice.
22:29.34fatbrainerrm :/
22:29.58Mikk(And, no, I'm not going to distribute BC alpha FrameXML...)
22:30.06Mikk(Though I suppose I could snarf a version and make it work myself)
22:30.15Mikk(And tell others that they can do the same if they have legal access to it ;))
22:30.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:30.28MikkYeah that works
22:30.45kergothMikk: opinon on to start with... another one is item info.. are you planning on parsing wdb directly, or at least supporting a dump of ludwig's data from in game?
22:33.01fatbrainkergoth: What's ludwig's data?
22:33.10kergothludwig is an in game itemcache browser
22:33.19fatbrainlike telos lootlink?
22:33.32Industrialdoes it have a dressup frame?
22:33.35Kirovfatbrain - like Elkano's ItemDB
22:33.38kergothno, lootlink maintains its own item info database
22:33.43fatbrainKirov: havn't used any of them.
22:33.52fatbrainso, ludwig is from the wdbs?
22:33.55Kirkburn|Vistalol, you *have* to watch this - Stargate Atlantis and World of Warcraft!
22:34.00IndustrialI like ItemDB because i NEED the dressup frame
22:34.03kergothfatbrain: instead of maintaining a database, itemdb and ludwig access the .. exactly, they get at the item info the client has cached
22:34.30fatbraincan you merge wdb's? or is there a checksum of some sort in the headers?
22:34.50IndustrialMikma: could you repost the Youtube vid urls? :<
22:35.10fatbrainI wrote a parser program for parsing wdb's but I only use that to get stuff in my web-db, would be nice to have a cache with all the items.
22:35.46Industriallol Kirkburn|Vista !
22:36.23kergothMikk: also thinking about adding a 'editscript' command to wowbench which spawns the text editor on a temporary file and then does a loadfile() on its contents, or even having a pool of temporary files whose contents arent lost until you exit wowbench, to function like a tinypad tool, wouldnt have to restart wowbench every time you make a change
22:36.25Industrialfatbrain: you should ask at or something
22:36.40Industrialfatbrain: they have a webdb :)
22:37.13fatbrainIndustrial: I bet they got that db-data from wdb's or some other wow-db-site.
22:37.44Industrialfatbrain: thats why
22:37.53Industrials/thats why/my point/
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22:48.48Mikkkergoth: pardon, RL interfered. I'll be back in ~5 more minutes.
22:53.33cogwheelanyone know if blizzcon beta invites have been sent yet?
22:53.47Cairenncogwheel: I haven't received mine yet
22:54.24Mikkkergoth: loading scripts inside wowbench is easy
22:54.25cogwheelok... i saw the thread on the general forum about raiding guilds getting invites (and some MVPs too...) so i got a little anxious ;)
22:54.29Mikkjust dofile("blaha.txt")
22:54.39Mikkstandard lua ftw =)
22:54.56Mikkthough i suppose it deserves to be documented somewhere
22:55.38kergothah, it does a loadstring on the commandline contents? i thought it was parsed manually
22:55.44kergothhence fixing /script
22:56.44MikkReloadUI() is pointless btw
22:57.08MikkWoW flushes the Lua parser state and loads everything from scratch when you do that
22:57.15Mikk== exit wowbench and restart
22:57.34MikkI tried a hack where I kept stuff in RAM so I could reset to it "quickly"
22:57.47Kirkburn|VistaNot that cogwheel is here now, I think what they've been told is that they're _going_ to get keys, but haven't yet
22:57.48MikkTurns out the "reset" took as much time as loading everything from scratch
22:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
22:58.03MikkPLUS the time it takes to to make that backup
22:58.22kergothit wouldnt be hard to implement. just use a seperate global environment for the wow stuff instead of using the same one as wowbench
22:58.23Kirkburn|VistaDammity. Hello cogwheel - I just said: "I think what they've been told is that they're _going_ to get keys, but haven't yet"
22:58.30kergoththen a reset is just letting that get gc'd and populating a new one
22:58.35IrielI'm on the Blizzard Friends List and have not received a beta invite yet, I suspect the post was discussing who they WILL be sending to, not who they HAVE sent them to.
22:58.35kergothbut i agree, it really isnt necessary
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22:59.07MikkI like your ideas about handling dependencies and stuff. Just make it optional.
22:59.33kergothi dont want to remove the ability to explicitly load one addon, just make some other things more convenient
23:00.09kergoththe biggest one i want to see right now is readline support. then we get commandline history even across executions of wowbench, and the ability to navigate the commandline with the arrows and stuff
23:00.34MikkOho, it doesn't do that now in unix?
23:00.39MikkIt does all that in windows already
23:00.54MikkMust be a Lua binary thing
23:01.06Hatsukihmm, first server with two KT kills? or is there some us server?
23:01.25kergoththe lua binary does, wowbench doesnt
23:02.11kergothalso, the case thing is driving me bonkers, i wish there was an easy way to fix it
23:02.19MikkWhich case thing?
23:02.37kergothlinux being case sensitive means wow .toc filenames not matching the case of the actual filenames is an error, but it isnt in wow since thats windows or windows emulation
23:03.08MikkWell.. it may be possible to solve that in wowbench
23:03.10kergothits a pain to fix since lua doesnt provide mechanisms to list files in a dir in the stock libs, need lposix or something
23:03.28MikkPrecisely. lposix or lfs or whatever it's called.
23:03.38MikkQuite a bit of coding with splitting paths and shit but certainly doable.
23:03.40IrielIt doesn't have those features built in for sure, which is annoying, to say the least.
23:04.11MikkNo kidding. One would think that there'd be enough people that'd want a file system lib in the standard distro.
23:04.12Qzot"Those that have registered using their Blizzcon code should be good to go for when beta invites are sent. Those that haven't registered yet have until October 28th before their cards expire." <-- I guess it's time to register my card.
23:04.13kergothits expected that it doesnt, given how anal they are about compatibility, but definately annoying.  miss having those features from python and ruby
23:04.42Mikkblah blah compatibility. present posix compatible interfaces. all sane systems have them.
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23:05.01kergothlua is used in some non-posix environments, specifically some embedded os's
23:05.19Mikkyeah and also on systems without file systems
23:05.25Mikkso we should yank out file reading and writing too
23:05.41kergothi could shove lua into an SOC with custom firmware and have it behave
23:06.00Mikki'm not suggesting it be implemented in the core binary. that'd be idiotic.
23:06.10Mikki'm just saying that the standard distribution should include a sane fs lib.
23:06.25Mikkstat / dir support
23:06.33Mikkscrew permissions and stuff lke that
23:06.41kergothkinda goes against lua's philosophy though.  doing a lot with little, leaving it to us to implement an object model and shit
23:07.44MikkAnyway.. your todo thingy
23:07.47MikkPut it on the wiki =)
23:07.56kergothgood idea, wikis are perfect for that sort of thing
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23:15.19Mikkwhee =)
23:15.29MikkYou've if()ed that as unix only, right?
23:15.37MikkDoesn't work very well under winbloze :-/
23:15.39jaxdahlcan someone tell me how to check my rest XP via a /script command real quick? thanks
23:16.07Mikkkergoth: [x] Button.Click  <-- what's this?
23:16.21MikkOh, the actual API.
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23:18.32kergothyea, simple, just moved bits out of the click command handler into a utility function and called that
23:22.31NightdewIs there any place that lists when servers came online and how full they are
23:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:25.59cogwheelOh my.... Wii in US before japan? (maybe old news but i'm still surprised)
23:26.11cogwheeland just in time for my birthday ;)
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