irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060919

00:00.08KirochiI'm an illegal downloader, I'll come to eat your parents and to vote for the communist leader
00:00.19Kirochi*grows horns and turns to Diablo*
00:00.21KirkburnWhat, Tony Blair? :)
00:01.23KirkburnSo, er, back on topic - is there much change in 1.12.1?
00:01.45Maldiviain general, or UI wise?
00:01.52Kirochiyup, the update takes more time than usual to download
00:02.06Kirochi(or maybe my DSL sucks)
00:02.22KirkburnJust bug fixes?
00:03.55Kirochiwell, I'm off
00:04.07Kirochiit's 2:00 and I have lessons tomorrow
00:04.12KirkburnSee ya!
00:04.24Cairennlater Kirochi
00:04.34Amrogood night
00:11.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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00:16.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:16.53Temhey Iriel, you around?
00:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
00:19.12IrielI am
00:20.27KirovAnyone check out SimpleRaidTargetIcons?
00:20.56KirovOr, more specifically, if anyone has, do they have any comments
00:21.05TemIriel, can you think of a better way to do this?
00:22.28XuerianKirov, seeing s it's not on the svn, link >_>
00:22.52IrielTem: Hard to say without not knowing that the problem you're trying to solve is
00:23.08TemI'm implementing a binary tree
00:23.25Temand I need an easy way to change nodes around without them having a reference to their parent
00:23.37GuillotineKirvon: So far seems great ^_^
00:24.03XuerianNo linky? =(
00:24.15Temin c, I'd have node**
00:24.28Tembut in java, I'm looking for a clean way to emulate that
00:24.36Beladonais that the one Qdot was making?
00:24.54KirovGuillotine - do you ctrl+click or double click?
00:25.07IrielTem: Given that, it does seem to be a reasonable approach then.
00:25.21Temit feels so dirty
00:25.35IrielIt is 8-)
00:26.03IrielI have another approach you could try, one sec
00:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:32.05TemI like that Iriel
00:33.01IrielI think it embodies the goal better than the generic pointer class
00:34.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:41.24KirkburnBlimey: "Hungary's prime minister has admitted saying that his party lied to the public to win April's general election."
00:41.58KirkburnMethinks he won't be in power much longer
00:42.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Apostrofo (
00:45.00ParakI guess he was really hungary for power.
00:45.16Kirkburnbadum-tscchhh :)
00:47.29KirkburnTime for bed ... see ya'll tomorrow, when I shall be at my uni house :)
00:48.07ThraeUni house?! *hides precious extremities*
00:48.29KirkburnuniVERSITY house, fool :P
00:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
00:50.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Apostrofo (
01:02.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Apostrofo (
01:37.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:43.43GuillotineKirov: Ctrl+click
01:47.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zcube (
01:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Fructose (
01:52.28FructoseIs there any software to update WoW addons automatically (e.g. downlink from some WoW website and extract)?
01:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
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02:10.42Guillotinefructose: yes there is. one moment for link
02:11.29Guillotine supports WoWI and several other sites I believe
02:11.40Guillotinethough it won't work for all addons
02:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:30.44GuillotineClad, if you're not really asleep, I have a giant suggestion for PerfectRaid. You already have a renew symbol, but a rejuv/regrowth symbol would be EXTREMELY useful for those of us swiftmend druids
02:31.26clad|sleepit should be in there.. just probbly isn't finished
02:31.30clad|sleepbut i gree
02:33.32FructoseNice. That AddOn just deleted my entire Addon directory, including some stuff I was working on
02:33.52FructoseErr, that AddOn Manager :-)
02:33.54XuerianHow, praytell?
02:33.58ThraeAddons can't delete directories unless they're executables...
02:34.52FructoseXuerian: Auctioneer was installed. It said it wasn't. I clicked Install. It said it installed it, but nothing changed, so I figure I'd remove it then reinstall to make sure it wouldn't conflict or anything. When I removed it, the entire directory went away
02:35.39XuerianAhh =\ ... damn.
02:36.12FructoseAt least it didn't perma-delete everything... it's just in my Recycle Bin
02:36.26XuerianAlmost asked :P
02:37.18FructoseOh, wait, no it did
02:37.27FructoseThe stuff in my RB is old addons
02:37.35XuerianCrap =\
02:37.44FructoseIt even deleted Blizzard's stuff
02:39.05FructoseYeah, that pisses me off just a little
02:39.13Guillotinebtw, that was a different Guillotine that told you about that >.>
02:39.27XuerianWhat addon manager was this, exactly?
02:39.34GuillotineI actually never used it myself. I just saw it every time I uploaded an addon to WoWI
02:41.01XuerianI never could wrap myself around trusting one of those =\
02:41.11clad|sleepme neither
02:41.14clad|sleepi need source =)
02:41.33Mr_Rabies2so.. is still down for like day #4 now?
02:42.08Cairennworking absolutely fine for me
02:42.09Mr_Rabies2i'm too lazy to fully spell it out, the main wow site :x
02:42.32Mr_Rabies2it says World of Warcraft Community site and just stays loading
02:42.47CairennI was blinking at the "day #4" part
02:43.26Mr_Rabies2it was giving 503 errors for late friday, all saturday, and sunday
02:43.33Mr_Rabies2and now it's just refusing to load
02:43.37GuillotineI've only had problems with the forums
02:43.38Cairennus or eu?
02:43.51Mr_Rabies2the forums are working fine for me
02:43.52Guillotineno problems on the main site here o.O
02:43.54Cairennworking absolutely fine for me
02:44.12Cairennit was a bit slow a couple times over the last couple days, but hasn't been down at all
02:44.18Cairennthe forums have been down off and on
02:44.29Cairenn(yeah, that's new /sarcasm)
02:45.05Cairenndone the whole hard refresh, clear cache, clear cookies, etc etc etc?
02:46.03Mr_Rabies2there finally
02:46.42Mr_Rabies2possibly some kind of strange routing problem with my proxy being half enabled or something
02:46.44Mr_Rabies2i dunno
02:48.07FructoseSo anyone know of another addon updater that won't delete all my files?
02:49.33FructoseYes, very kind of you
02:49.58Kaeltenfructose, we have one in development, but its not ready yet
02:51.48FructoseWhat language?
02:53.04KaeltenI think clads working on lua
02:53.39FructoseThat's an odd choice
02:53.53Kaeltenvery :)
02:54.39FructoseI know it's for WoW and all, but is there even software to wrap it with an interpreter?
02:55.05Kaeltenoh ya
02:55.11Kaeltenlua compiles, and has a gui library
02:55.22Kaeltencompiles similar to java anyway
02:55.44FructoseI thought it was an interpreted language
02:55.52Kaeltenit is, so is java in most cases
02:55.59Kaeltenand visual basic in many
02:56.02FructoseKaelten: Java is not interpreted
02:56.15FructoseKaelten: It just uses intermediate code
02:56.31Kaeltenwhich is byte code rant hrough an interpreter/virtual machine
02:56.40ThraeBoth Lua and Java use byte-code
02:56.59Kaeltenas do the versions of VB I played with a while back
02:57.11FructoseStill odd though. An updater should be a one night project. :-)
02:57.35Kaeltenall depends on the ammount of time one has to devote and what tools are using.
02:57.49Kaeltenand how many projects one has going
02:58.09ThraeFructose: What's your version?
02:58.10FructoseWell, time would be 'one night" with Perl, Tcl, or something like that
02:58.21FructoseThrae: Of?
02:58.22Kaelten:) we'll see
02:58.35ThraeFructose: An updater...
02:58.41FructoseSimple client/server app with data extraction
02:58.57Grypheni like how people not coding it say what it should be like
02:58.58FructoseServer stores addresses of packages, client gets list from server, client downloads, extracts
02:59.09FructoseGryphen: I code for a profession, thank you
02:59.18Gryphenso make it
02:59.42FructoseAfter I finish my addon, maybe
02:59.45Kaeltenanywho guys 4:30 comes early in the morning
02:59.51Kaeltenso I'm going to say good night
03:00.00FructoseThat'll take a little while though
03:00.36FructoseTrying to get a slot to work and the example I was given (CT_MailMod) isn't clear for someone who is far from fluent in Lua
03:00.44Thraecladhaire is working on various addon projects, including upkeeping the wowace svn
03:01.08KaeltenThrae: don't you mean ressurecting?
03:01.12ThraeIf you can postpone your addon for one night, then we can see your version.
03:01.39ThraeKaelten: Bah, SVN was never meant as a mass-distribution method ;)
03:02.00KaeltenAwaynope, but it makes one hell a back end/supplimentary distro method
03:02.24KaeltenAwaynight guys
03:02.36FructoseWell, how's this... if I code it up tonight, will you guys help me with my addon?
03:02.38Xuerian'Night Kaelten
03:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Werik|Curse (
03:03.16FructoseNot code it for me or anything, but I don't want any of those RTFM when it's faster for me to just ask you :-)
03:04.05XuerianWhat did you need help with on your addon, anyhow?
03:04.14Cairennyou don't tend to get RTRM answers in this channel unless you really really deserve it
03:05.08FructoseWell, I'd like users to be able to drag an item into a slot, like an inveotory slot, as an easy way for me to get a link to that item
03:05.14FructoseThen I'll just store the link and so stuff with it
03:05.44FructoseCT_MailMod does it, it seems. I managed to get the image of a slot in my frmae before that patcher thing deleted it all...
03:05.53Fructose...but it wouldn't do anything when I actually dragged an item over.
03:07.09FructoseAnd that is handled in Lua by a Something_OnClick() command that made reference to a CT_MailModFrame.bag and CT_MailModFrame.item or something like that, and I'm not sure what that means exactly.
03:07.12KirovFructose - CT_MailMod wouldn't accept drags?
03:07.22FructoseNo, the mod would... my frame wouldn't
03:07.28ThraeWhat are you doing to do with the link?
03:07.33FructoseStoring it
03:07.48ThraeFor what?
03:08.24FructoseChange what its tooltip says and also send it to other players
03:10.01ThraeDo you want to store the link in a database? If not, you can just use the internal item cache.
03:10.26FructoseYes. I want to preserve it across sessions, if that's the right word for "between WoW boots"
03:11.13FructoseBasically, I want to keep a list of items, send that list to selected others with the same addon, and change the tool tip for each item on the list, for each player
03:11.47KirovThrae - he's dragging an item from his inventory / bags to a custom frame and logging the item for later.
03:12.15ThraeYeah, I got that much. I'm just trying to figure out how this addon is suppose to work.
03:12.20FructoseWell, I logged it after they press a button, but pretty close
03:12.22sublemonDoes anyone in here know how to hook global keypress events, ie grabing ctrl+alt+shift+PgDn.  I know its not an LUA specific question but I can't find much help.  And what I google handles one keypress at a time
03:12.39ThraeFructose: So the intention of the addon is the only register -certain- items, not every item you see?
03:12.56Thraes/- the/- to/
03:13.09Thraes/is the/is to/
03:13.21FructoseThrae: Selected items, yes. This is just one method of input. In reality, I just want a really easy way for players to add an item to the list, and I don't know of an easier way than drag and drop
03:13.31Kirovsublemon - You want to be able to press "ctrl+alt+shift+PgDn" and have it do something as if that was a keybdining?
03:13.58sublemonKirov, true, but it will be handled outside of WoW
03:14.16FructoseThrae: It would be even easier to <HotKey> + Click, but I wasn't aware of any existing addons that let you select an item that way
03:14.56FructoseThrae: I've seen /slashCommand <nameOfItem> which I was going to add as well, but that seems rather easy
03:15.00ThraeFructose: It depends on how big you want the database to be. KC_Items has the current highest level of item database compression, and with roughly 30,000 items logged, my database is around 4MB. KC_Items, and other item databases stores all items without needing any user interaction.
03:15.38FructoseThrae: On, no, not nearly that bag, I expect.
03:15.40ThraeActually, wait, my database is around 3.1MB. Didn't take into account the size of KC_Items itself.
03:16.43ThraeSo, for what purpose do you expect your addon to be used?
03:16.46FructoseI think most of the game data I need is provided by the game...
03:17.11Fructose...assuming you can link to pretty much any item without actually having it in your inventory
03:17.14Kirovsmaller than my 14meg LootLInk
03:17.20FructoseThrae: I don't want to spoil the surprise :-)
03:17.47ThraeKC_Items only stores item links and a few stats, and further compresses this information so it's like just storing the item link.
03:18.31ThraeFructose: Yeah, that's part of the local item cache, which gets cleared at the start of each session.
03:18.49FructoseWell, I have Bagnon, which stores links to items in my bank, which I can view without actually being at my bank. I didn't see any dependencies when I installed it. Would it have to use a DB of some kind?
03:19.28KirovThe WoW client's own item cache database.
03:19.40ThraeFructose: Bagnon uses a DB to store items from your Bank or other characters, yes. It can optionally use KC_Items.
03:20.01FructoseOK, I guess I'd want to use KC_Items, Lootlink, or something like that, then
03:20.02ThraeKirov: WoW caches bank item data without you looking at your bank?
03:20.50Kirovno, just item data in general
03:21.02ThraeFructose: I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm just trying to keep you from -becoming- discouraged down the road
03:21.09KirovSorry, semi-asleep
03:21.18FructoseThrae: I'm not discouraged. I know the functionality is out there.
03:21.46ThraeKirov: Right, he's talking about how Bagnon let's you view your bank data "from anywhere", this uses a DB.
03:22.43KirovFructose - here's the skinny on the way CT_MailMod works.  It hooks the Pickup functions and logs the bag / slot location to someframe.bag and someframe.slot.
03:23.07FructoseOK, I don't get the .bag, .slot thing
03:23.22FructoseI'm used to C syntax and those look like variables that I couldn't find delcared anywhere
03:23.27KirovFructose - When one of their custom buttons recieves a drag event or is clicked, it does a GetContainerItemLink(frame.bag, frame.slot)
03:23.52ThraeFructose: KC_Items is made up of multiple mix-and-match modules, so I'd say that's your best bet to start with if you want to make a module/dependency instead of working from scratch. The Auction, Bank, Database, Linker (includes local item cache searcher), GUI, etc. are all seperate modules.
03:24.02KirovIt's a way of accessing variables in a table or user data
03:24.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:25.36FructoseOK. I couldn't see the "origins" of those two anywhere. Do they have to be declared it Lua, or will it just be "non" if it hasn't been set before?
03:26.00ThraeFructose: frame.bag and frame.slot refer to the frames receiving the drag requests. Everything in the User Interface has a frame it must coorespond to. Even the main game data has a WorldFrame.
03:26.39FructoseSo let me re-download that and read it again real quick, else my memory will fail me
03:27.22FructoseOh, it already did... I meant "not", not "non"
03:28.36FructoseOK, I got lost on this line... if ( not bag or not item ) then return; end
03:29.27Kirovin c that would be
03:29.37FructoseIt seems like it's saying if you drag an item over, those would both be nil, but the CursorHasItem() would return true, so it would return
03:29.38Kirovif ( !bag || !item )
03:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge grimman (
03:30.04KirovIt's an extra line of error prevention
03:30.09grimmanLo all.
03:30.22grimmanDoes anyone know the frame name of the tower capture timer in EPL?
03:31.29FructoseWell, OK, let me simplify it and maybe you'll see why I'm confused...
03:31.51Fructoseif ( CursorHasItem() ) then local bag = CT_MailFrame.bag; if ( not bag) then return;
03:32.11FructoseCT_MailFrame.bag should be nil by default, since it hasn't been declared anywhere else that I've seen
03:32.32FructoseSo it's always going to return after that conditional. long as the CursorHasItem()
03:32.46KirovFructose - variables in Lua are global by default
03:33.15KirovCT_MailFrame is a frame (and a global variable name)
03:33.33FructoseI look at the XML and find CT_MailFrame, but no mention of bag
03:33.38KirovCT_MailFrame.bag got set in the CT_newPickupContainerItem at line 37 when someone picked something up.
03:33.43ThraeFructose: Almost everything in Lua is a hash. SomeFrame.bag is equivilent to SomeFrame["bag"]. So if a value has not been added with the key "bag", then it will not exist. And everything that does not exist in Lua is given the value of "nil".
03:34.32FructoseYes, that's still confirming my concern, so far ;-)
03:35.12FructoseIn the XML, the scripts call CT_MailButton_OnClick(button) with any interaction (OnClick, Receive Drag, Start Drag)
03:35.45FructoseThat function starts with checking for the .bag and .item, which should be nil by default
03:35.57Fructose...assuming CursorHasItem() is always true in those three instances
03:36.39FructoseSo, if they're always nil, it'll always return
03:36.46KirovFructose - Here's the disconnect you're having.
03:38.01KirovThe player is *always* first clicking on something in his bag, which sets .bag and .slot
03:38.20KirovThat's how there's an item on the cursor for CursorHasItem() to return true for in the first place.
03:38.27Kirovhence, .bag and .slot are not nil.
03:38.53FructoseOK, sounds good, but who sets those?
03:39.26KirovLine 37 of CT_MailMod.lua
03:39.43Kirovwhich is a hook of an API function that all the Bag UI uses
03:39.57KirovAnyways, I need to get food.  I'll be back in a bit
03:43.25FructoseOK, I see the CT_oldPickupContainerItem = PickupContainerItem, which I find reasonable to believe hooks the API function. I'm still trying to find out how CT_newPickupContainerItem knows to run, but maybe I'll figure it out by the time you get back.
03:44.11FructoseOK, bingo
03:44.22FructoseOther way around, I see
03:46.30FructoseCool... so can I hack Alt + Click after all?
03:50.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:52.49FructoseIf I can do that, I may not even need a slot.
03:56.49FructoseIf I get passed an "item" in PickupContainerItem() what would be the right syntax for using ItemTextGetText()?
03:57.54FructoseMy first guess would be item:ItemTextGetText()
04:13.35FructoseOK, where PCI = PickupContaineritem, I did... hookPCI = PCI; function replacePCI(bag, item, special) hookPCI(bag, item, special); end PCI = replacePCI;
04:15.00FructoseAnd when I try to pick up an item, I get... Interface/FrameXML/ContainerFrame.lua: 580: Attempt to call global 'PickupContainerItem' (a nil value)
04:15.41FructoseWhat am I doing wrong? :-(
04:17.42XuerianYou're trying to use PickupContaineritem as a variable...? Or did I miss the proper call?
04:18.02FructoseI'm just following what CT_MailMod did
04:18.19Xuerian - it requires two arguments
04:18.20FructoseWell, err, trying to, anyway
04:19.36FructoseIf I do (bag, item) instead of (bag, item, special) I get the same error
04:20.43Xuerian the whole thing
04:21.58FructoseToo late... was already on my way :-)
04:22.15FructoseI get the message("bar");
04:22.30FructoseAnd I change it each time to make sure it's updating :-)
04:22.44FructoseErr, well, I changed it at least once
04:25.36XuerianIf you're defining the function as GR_replacePickupContainerItem, why are you calling it as GiftRegistry_replacePickupContainerItem?
04:27.33XuerianAlso, have you gotten a copy of framexml?
04:27.35FructoseBecause I decided GiftRegistry would take too long to type so many times, and only replaced three out four of them, obviously.
04:27.50FructoseErr, not that I know of
04:27.55purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here:
04:28.18XuerianThat error refers to a line in the default interface, and that's it, extracted.
04:28.29XuerianHelps to see where the wrench is ending up :)
04:29.18FructoseOK. Now, what's wrong with message(item:ItemTextGetItem());
04:29.57FructoseOh, one thing for sure...
04:30.17XuerianHow about you paste your entire LUA on pastebin so it's easier to look over? :)
04:30.21Cairenn|sleepnight guys
04:30.35Cairenn|sleep ;)
04:31.45XuerianNight Cairenn|sleep :)
04:32.22FructoseI think I got that problem, though... if I haven't declared a frame of any kind, is there one I can attach variables to?
04:32.45FructoseOh, crap, I can use local
04:33.40Xuerianer. -printable...
04:33.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Ancoron (n=bla@toaster.amadeus.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
04:34.07FructoseYeah, I already have that figured out...
04:34.12FructoseOnto the basics :-)
04:35.14FructoseHmm. Do I need more semi-colons?
04:35.57Xueriansemicolons aren't entirely necesary. :P
04:36.39XuerianitemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc = GetItemInfo(item)
04:36.56FructoseOK. Do I put a local at the front of that?
04:37.01Xuerianyeah, forgot that...
04:37.29FructoseIs that white-space friendly so I can put it across lines?
04:37.39XuerianYou can also itemName, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetItemInfo(item)
04:37.42Xuerianand should be :P
04:38.07FructoseOooh, itemLink... this is going to be easy after all
04:39.10KirovXuerian - in that case, you "should" just do itemName = GetItemInfo()
04:39.44CrazyMYKLis _ special, or did you use it just because?
04:40.26XuerianJust because it's what's used all the time, and when was the last time YOU used the variable '_' for anything? :P
04:40.40FructoseOK, well, it's kind of working... I get a window with an OK button and no string printed
04:40.41XuerianKirov. You're right. Will a cookie make things better?
04:41.13KirovCrazyMYKL - just because.
04:41.54Xuerianok, so what's "message"?
04:42.09FructoseBox with OK button and whatever you input
04:42.21XuerianI should know that, shouldn't I.
04:43.12FructoseSo does that whitespace screw it up somehow?
04:43.21FructoseNot getting the "itemName" part in message()
04:44.24Xuerianbecause it's not bag, item; it's bag, slotInSaidBag
04:44.41XuerianGetItemInfo doesn't toss a error just because it wasn't a valid item id :P
04:45.23FructoseUgg. So how do I go from bag, slotInSaidBag to item?
04:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
04:46.04FructoseDont answer!
04:46.38FructoseI was looking for Bag Functions in the API, but I found just Container/Bag Functions... so I'm at least *trying* to RTFM
04:47.13XuerianI don't code for a living. I rtfm XD
04:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:48.49FructoseSo can I change the arguments to (bag, slot) without having Lua complain about prototypes or any of that C/C++ BS?
04:48.51ckknighthey all
04:49.30XuerianHeya ckknight.
04:49.56IrielFructose: Yes, you can
04:50.02FructoseAlright, good
04:50.16IrielFructose: Lua doesn't enforce any kind of argument list, it's up to the called function to decide how it wants to handle not-provided args
04:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
04:59.06FructoseSo when you see an item linked in chat and Alt + Click it and get that window with the details, can I modify that window?
05:02.04IrielIt's possible, yes
05:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
05:02.59FructoseOK. I'm on the WoW Wiki, but not sure how to browse to find it
05:03.09IrielHow goes the nodes Tem?
05:03.25TemI got it all done between wipes on nefarian
05:03.34CrazyMYKLis it possbile to put a cooldown timer on a macro?
05:03.44IrielFructose: You'll need a combination of the widget API (Specifically GameTooltip) and some examples of method hooking, etc.
05:03.50Xuerian -
05:03.58Temand now I'm wrapping my brain around a bash script to make submitting stuff faster
05:05.29FructoseHmm. Is it wrong to call them "masks" instead of hooks?
05:05.37krkawhy not make it a lua script tem? :)
05:05.49krkacoding in bash is painful :/
05:05.50Tembecause I don't have lua on that system
05:06.01CrazyMYKLuse python, then
05:06.01TemI wonder if they'd notice me putting it there...
05:06.12Tem(or care if they did notice)
05:06.16krkaa system without lua? unthinkable!
05:06.20CrazyMYKLno GNU/Linux system is complete without Python
05:06.30Temmeh screw it, I'll just make a srlua script
05:06.34Temstandalone lua ftw!
05:07.30FructoseAnyway, so it displays a tooltip, but how do I integrate that with the Alt + Click on linked items?
05:07.38TemI should totally submit my lua version of the assignment
05:07.43Teminstead of the java version
05:08.10Temthe whole thing is like 75 lines in lua
05:08.28Temit's more than double that in java
05:09.15XuerianFructose: Look in FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua?
05:09.56IrielTem: At least you had a good use for a non-static inner class 8-)
05:10.21Temactually, that's the first time I've *ever* used a non-static inner class
05:10.35Tem(3 in fact)
05:11.07TemI was almost tempted to do it in C++ to avoid the pointer emulation
05:11.22Tembut then I remembered that I was going to have to mess with strings
05:11.36FructoseXuerian: Where do I get those?
05:11.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
05:12.07Temand in java I could just work with an <E extends Comparable<? super E>>
05:12.31Temand let compareTo do all the work
05:12.47IrielIndeed, compareTo is a delicious thing
05:13.13XuerianFructose, they should be part of the devkit I linked earlier
05:13.44purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here:
05:13.55FructoseSorry, heard you mention it, but missed the link
05:14.10FructoseAnd I get an error on that one you just sent
05:16.31Xuerian .... Has extraction methods there. I know there's  download link from blizz somewhere.
05:17.56XuerianOr, that.
05:18.41Kirov for the lazy
05:19.09CrazyMYKLfoo... i don't see a way to get spell mana costs...
05:21.43Kirovtooltip scanning
05:22.24CrazyMYKLthat's a bit overkill, is it the only way?
05:22.41CrazyMYKLyou'd think there'd be an API function for it
05:23.45KirovGranted, it'd be handy, but any time that Blizzard needs to know the actual numbers it can find that from the client internals.  The UI never needs to know it apart from displaying it in the tooltip.
05:24.27CrazyMYKLso you could automatically roll back ranks until you found a castable one, without all that UI spam
05:24.41FructoseWould it be ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow? That looks like it has to do with HTTP hyperlinks, but I can't find any other references to links or items in ChatFrame.lua, besides AFK/DC links.
05:27.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
05:28.15IrielHey clad
05:28.48XuerianFructose: FrameXML\ItemRef.lua
05:33.59FructoseOK, so can I just redefine ItemRefTooltip?
05:34.54FructoseThat seems like a bad idea to me, in case anyone else's addon also wants to modify it
05:35.27XuerianYou can still call the origional if your conditions aren't met :P
05:35.56Kirovlocal oldFunc = Func;
05:35.56Kirovfunction MyFunc(arg)
05:35.56Kirovdo stuff;
05:35.56Kirovreturn oldFunc(arg);
05:35.56KirovFunc = MyFunc
05:37.37FructoseNo, no, I mean I want to change the interface... the <GameTooltip name="ItemRefToolTip" ...>
05:37.47FructoseI want to add my own buttons and so forth
05:37.55FructoseOr are there functions to do that?
05:38.02Kirovown buttons?
05:41.03FructoseWhat's confusing about "add my own"? I'm not talking about SetOwner or anything
05:42.16Kirovright now it has the X button, you want to add others to that tooltip frame?
05:47.26FructoseCorrect me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that overwrite the exiting ItemRefToolTip frame? I want to append stuff to it.
05:48.31KirovProbably, but yes, you can append stuff to it.
05:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
05:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge DrDre (
05:50.29DrDrecant find it on wiki ;/ how you get the item:#### text link from an actual link
05:50.49FructoseKirov: So how do I append? :-)
05:51.18XuerianDrDrey, that code is both on the GetItemInfo page and in the FrameXML/ItemRef.lua file
05:51.46KirovFructose - make a frame, make the ItemRef "tooltip" it's parent
05:53.25FructoseKirov: Hmm. But then two addons would conflict if they both used that method.
05:54.20KirovOnly if you name the buttons the same.
05:54.37KirovIt's possible they'll overlap, but not many mods do this.
06:00.45FructoseOK, now I'm confused...
06:00.55Xueriancladhaire: Ping
06:01.52FructoseI was thinking I'd make my own frame, use ItemRefTooltip as parent, and then hook the SetItemRef() function to show mine instead.
06:02.20FructoseBut if that were the case, and someone else hooked the function to call theirs, oen of ours would be ignored
06:04.48FructoseNow, how about this... could I open my own frame that closed when ItemRefToolTip closed?
06:05.16IrielIf you just made a frame with ItemRefTooltip as its parent that happens automatically
06:05.38FructoseAh. I was thinking parent as in inheritance
06:05.45FructoseOr does that only work when the parent is "virtual"?
06:05.55XuerianInherit only works on virtual.
06:05.56Irielinherits does inheritance
06:05.56FructoseOh, no, nevermind... here's an inherit
06:06.07Irielparent is structure for scale/visibility
06:06.16Irieland anchors/points are structure for positioning
06:06.50Temok, I can totally solo the first pull of the (not spider, not deathknight, not spider) wing
06:06.55Tembut I need to respec to do it
06:07.05Temand I don't have enough gold to pay for the respec
06:07.55Arrowmasterabomination wing?
06:08.06zenzelezzdefinitely not spider wing it seems
06:08.40Temoops, I said spider twice
06:08.45DrDreeh that wasnt exactly what i was looking for, i need to find the itemString from the actual clickable link text
06:08.53Temand one of those spiders was supposed to be abomination
06:09.01Arrowmasterso necro wing?
06:09.01DrDreie print out the string of any item link in chat
06:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
06:09.15Temit's the wing that has the ghoul pulls at the front
06:09.25Temthe first one is a 3 pull of ghouls
06:09.34IrielG'night all
06:09.37Temthat's what I think I could solo if I respeced
06:09.40Temnight Iriel
06:09.49zenzelezzwhat class?
06:09.56Xuerian'night Iriel
06:10.02Arrowmasteroh yeah thats easyly doable
06:10.13Tembut atm I have frostbite
06:10.23Temwhich means I'll seperate my kite and kill die
06:10.37Tems/kill //
06:11.31Arrowmastersaw a video of a naked gnome mage soloing that pull
06:11.39XuerianDrDre, do you have a copy of FrameXML yet?
06:12.20XuerianActually, nevermind, one second.
06:13.11Temreally? lol
06:13.11DrDrenot yet as i havnt needed it lol
06:13.21XuerianYou need it, get a copy of it. :P
06:13.32DrDreyay i got working
06:13.52Arrowmasteri need to get fraps and make a video of me pulling patchwork with eye of kilrogg and no mobs killed
06:14.17DrDrewhat had confused me is on wowwiki the example left out itemString in the local variables
06:14.25DrDrein the actual example
06:22.24jaxdahlsomeone just told me
06:22.26jaxdahl'pvp server not rp'
06:23.24CrazyMYKLcan macros set thier own tooltips?
06:23.50DrDrethanks for help :O got it all working now, no more retarded guildies abusing AskPrice by checking BoP's
06:24.33DrDre!trunk FuBar_DamageMetersFu
06:26.02FructoseOK, hmmm... so if someone does ShowUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip) and _later_ I ShowUIPanel(MyPanel), which uses ItemRefTooltip as a parent, should that work?
06:29.14jaxdahllol, it subs AH for LOOT MARKET or SWAG EXCHANGE
06:29.48Xuerianlol. Fructose: Trial and error, it's sleepy time not thinky time :P
06:30.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:34.52FructoseXuerian: Yeah...
06:35.33XuerianJust do a /script ShowUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip) or whatever to show it
06:35.42FructoseFor instance, I did ... local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); ... and later ... ItemRefTooltip:SetHyperlink(link); ... and I get the error that it's an unknown link type
06:35.58FructoseXuerian: Well, I'd have to write the XML to try it
06:36.09FructoseXuerian: And I'm in the middle of AV :-(
06:37.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric_ (
06:37.15Xuerianlol. Well, I don't know what to tell you about the links honestly, I'll just be digging through the docs for something I've never done. For now it really is bedtime though :p
06:37.58ElkanoFructose, GetContainerItemLink will return sth like |Hitem:x:x:x:x|h[item]|h so you'll have to select the item:x:x:x:x part out of it
06:38.26FructoseSo it's not a link, it's an itemString they want?
06:39.20Elkanowell, item:x:x:x:x is an item link, the other thing is a chat link to an item
06:39.53FructoseUgg. From the wiki: "item:7073:0:0:0" – Read more at itemString.
06:40.02FructoseGives me a false impression :-(
06:41.42FructoseSo it really wants the string, not the link? :-)
06:41.44Elkanowell, the problem is that sometimes both a refered to as links
06:41.58FructoseKind of dumb, but OK :-)
06:42.09Elkanolook up the functions at wowwiki. It should tell you what it wants
06:42.39Elkanoand it's not that dumb at all: why should the api need a localized name?
06:42.41Fructose"SetHyperlink( link );"
06:43.26FructoseYeah, still... confusing
06:43.31Elkanoor look at the arguments section of that page
06:43.47FructoseI don't tend to read the example if I think I know what they're looking for as the argument
06:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
06:45.28FructoseSo I thought I read someone say getting the item string out of the item link is demonstrated in the wiki... which page?
06:47.01Xuerian|SleepI think. Then again |Sleep is there for a reason... /em actually goes to sleep.
06:48.26FructoseStop making me so sleepy >:<
06:48.56Elkanohere's what I use: for itemID in string.gfind(message, "|c%x+|H(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[.-%]|h|r") do
06:50.13FructoseCool... working now...
06:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic- (
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07:36.11Corrodiasoh, man. i just saw an AV premade group in action. it was beautiful.
07:37.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
07:37.40Corrodiasi'm listening to their vent, trying to hear their next game.. i missed the last one
07:39.49Corrodiaswhat's this, now..
07:40.45MikmaGM's go mad on lvl19 honor-contest :)
07:54.45Wobin~seen mikk
07:54.57purlmikk <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3d 16h 51m 51s ago, saying: 'it's from'.
07:54.57Mikmahere's someone testing gm-skills at privateserver
07:57.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
08:08.06Mr_Rabies2<Mikma> here's someone testing gm-skills at privateserver
08:08.11Mr_Rabies2i wish i knew how to use those :[
08:16.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:17.36cmunnI like pie.
08:30.22Corrodiaswho is the maia that was involved with Squishy?
08:31.34Wobinmaia is maia
08:31.39WobinMuch like A is A
08:34.45|FF|Im2good4uhmm maybe i can ame an autoupdate system in WOW by spamming dumpstrings :p in teh secre channel :p
08:45.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
08:45.56KirochiHi guys
08:46.20KirochiI leave my computer logged but I gotta go now
08:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
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09:04.02Corrodiastypo on : "elder'thalas"
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09:04.22CorrodiasWobin: i was hoping it was someone who is here now. :(
09:07.01Corrodiasgood mang
09:09.49jaxdahli'm almost up to 250 edits
09:10.50Corrodiaswhat do you get then? an upgraded edit stick?
09:12.13Corrodiasanother issue on the Dire Maul page is that all the icon images for the quests are text rather than actual images
09:12.25Corrodias"Image:Horde_15.gif [61D] Elven Legends"
09:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
09:17.19jaxdahlknown issue
09:17.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wrk|ZZz (
09:21.16DhragaAre there a list of color names that can be used in the - GameTooltip:AddLine(orange.."  blablabla"); - command ?
09:21.42|FF|Im2good4uany color can
09:21.58|FF|Im2good4uoh u mean the color strings :p
09:22.22|FF|Im2good4ubasicly u cna define your own whit |cAARRGGBB
09:23.25Dhragahmmm... ok, and where do I find those strings  / colorpicker then ?
09:24.02|FF|Im2good4ui dunno where the color strings are defined
09:24.08CorrodiasAA is alpha, R is red, G is green, and B is blue
09:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Paziggie (
09:24.58DhragaAnd how would a AARRGGBB string with different values for RGB look like ?
09:27.09|FF|Im2good4u|cFFFF0000 is red
09:27.09DhragaCould it look like this ? GameTooltip:AddLine(" blablabla", 1 , .8, .5); ?
09:27.51|FF|Im2good4uit will be "|cFFFF0000blablabla|r"
09:28.48|FF|Im2good4uor local red = "|cFFFF0000"; thne u get red.."blablalbla"
09:29.40DhragaHeh, looks difficult... not possible to apply rgb colors with a numeric value of 0-1 ?
09:30.14|FF|Im2good4uhmm i dunno didnt addtooltip have a r g b fields ?
09:30.57DhragaJust found this page... dont know it it's old now though :
09:31.27|FF|Im2good4u[, textColor.r, textColor.g, textColor.b
09:31.53|FF|Im2good4uso u cna use thoe fierlds instead of the |c stuff
09:32.10|FF|Im2good4ulike ("blablabla",1,0,0) is red
09:33.25DhragaFor the values that is lower than 1, shuld I use 0.5 or just .5 ?
09:33.44|FF|Im2good4u0.5 i mean
09:33.55Dhragaok thanks =)
09:38.46wereHamsterDhraga '1 / 2' ?
09:39.06DhragawhereHamster yes ?
09:39.31wereHamster.. instead of '0.5'
09:40.08Dhragaso either 0.5 or 1/2 is that correct ?
09:42.26|FF|Im2good4uwereHamster: isnt 0.5 better then 1/2 since 1/2 got tobe calculated first ?
09:42.50DhragaAnd 0.5 is easier to type ;)
09:43.02|FF|Im2good4uyeh that aswel :p
09:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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10:15.07ckknight|FF|Im2good4u, 1/2 is calculated in 5.0, but not 5.1
10:15.25|FF|Im2good4uwell lwe aint at 5.1 yet !
10:15.42|FF|Im2good4uits still will take a few months
10:18.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:33.25Corrodias1/2 looks like integer math to me, which makes it -
10:33.31Corrodiaser, 0. but that's just me, and most languages.
10:48.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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12:11.44|FF|Im2good4uPatch 1.13
12:11.44|FF|Im2good4uDetails coming soon...
12:11.48|FF|Im2good4uyeeh :p
12:13.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (n=chatzill@
12:14.24eufemiahmmm, you think it will come before the expansion?
12:17.30JoshBorkeshiver me timbers!
12:17.31|FF|Im2good4ui realy do think that yes
12:17.59eufemiaI hope you are wrong :)
12:18.26eufemiaor maybe its the patch to prepare WoW for the expansion
12:19.11eufemiaI can already patch..all mods borken, all addon sites in low bandwith, server lagging, no raids, etc....the usual
12:20.59|FF|Im2good4ubut tbc will break addons laos :P
12:21.18eufemiayeah, I know
12:21.35|FF|Im2good4ubut yeh they gona be on low banndwitch lol
12:21.44|FF|Im2good4ufor osme weeks befroe ui coders fixed thier mods
12:21.58|FF|Im2good4uthats after wowwiki getas updated :p
12:23.36|FF|Im2good4usome1 should make a how to fix your addon for tbc :p
12:24.12eufemiaor at least, get us in the beta so we can fix the mods before the release :)
12:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
12:25.17|FF|Im2good4ulua 5.1 wont be a big problem but iv hear they gone ruing the hooking and that would hurt !
12:25.40eufemiahooking in what way?
12:25.54|FF|Im2good4ufunction hoooking
12:26.09eufemiane...I are they going to broke it?
12:26.42|FF|Im2good4ui dunno yert
12:26.42eufemiadisable it or change the way to do it?
12:27.15Dhragascript If HookExist() then BanPlayer(); :P :P :P
12:35.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
12:39.40DhragaA question if the function * IsAltKeyDown() * is implemented correct in this? :
12:40.56wereHamsterDhraga, remove the 'then' on line 22
12:41.15DhragaThanks =)
12:46.38DhragaLaters all
13:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge [RTE] (
13:05.53Kirochihow are you all ?
13:12.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladon1 (n=sluster@
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13:19.39Kirochihi beladona
13:19.42Kirochistill around ?
13:22.30AnduinLotharlol.. this popup add is evil:
13:22.42KirochiI don't like evil
13:23.14AnduinLothartell me that is not evil
13:25.05KirochiI won't
13:25.15Kirochinever mess with Anduin Lothar
13:26.21AnduinLotharmy javascript is broken :'
13:27.22AnduinLotharlol after so much lua i'm lookign at lists in JS and my brain hurts
13:27.38AnduinLotharliek the scoping especially
13:27.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
13:28.11AnduinLotharyou can assign a global variable to a list index when defining it.. O.o
13:30.21Kirochiis wow the only game using lua ?
13:30.33AnduinLotharnah, couple other recent games use it
13:30.44AnduinLotharwow makes the MOST use out fo it i would argue tho
13:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
13:32.06Kirochiso wow use something else too ?
13:32.17AnduinLotharxml, c++
13:34.02Kirochiof course xD
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13:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:59.30KirkburnTadaa! Morning all :)
13:59.33Xueriancladhaire: Ping
13:59.38XuerianKirkburn: Woot. morning :P
13:59.44KirkburnI'm in Bristol :)
13:59.57Xueriano.0. Nice.
14:01.53AnduinLotharlol, i like the counter on my newly resurrected blog... "Only -794 days until summer ends :'("
14:02.33AnduinLotharI've looked at it and thought about changing it so many time... but it's just so much funnier this way
14:05.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
14:05.56cogwheelEvery other day... Every other day of the week is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine yeah!   But whenever tuesday comes... But whenever tuesday comes you can find me cryin, all of the tiiiiiiiiiiiiime!
14:06.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
14:06.45JoshBorke~whaleslap cogwheel
14:06.46purlACTION beats cogwheel upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
14:06.58cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
14:06.59purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
14:07.28cogwheelwhat? you don't like the mommas and the papas?
14:07.44JoshBorkeso i decided to solve my timestamp problem i will broadcast the time() results across the channel, take the largest value, compare to the server time, and propogate the differences
14:08.19cogwheelThat should work out to within lag tolerances :)
14:11.45Kevorkianjosh:  I was thinking something similar for mine.  every new client of my app initially sends out a request for checksum, I think I'll have every other client also send out their date/time info and mudge something figuring out what time it actually is.  Of course I'll also then make fun of people who's system clock is significantly off
14:11.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Xuerian (
14:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:12.54JoshBorkeKevorkian: yea, i'm going to send out the results of time() when a player logs in along with the latest timestamp.  then everyone else will respond with their time + latest timestamp
14:14.51AnduinLotharchat isn't immediate
14:15.05AnduinLotharbut you can at least get minute accuracy hopefully
14:15.17AnduinLotharor hour if you're checking timezones
14:15.56AnduinLotharlong as you round for edge cases
14:19.12KirkburnWoot, just been talking to a PlayStation fanboi
14:19.37Kirkburn"But the PS3 will be hench, and the XBOX 360 is hardly better than a PS2"
14:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
14:20.18MaldiviaKirkburn: to be honest, I hope PS3 will flop big times :
14:20.34KirkburnI can't tell him that, he'll be sad :P
14:20.53MaldiviaKirkburn: I'm rooting for Wii :9
14:20.57KirkburnHe has 6 months to come around to sensible thinking at least =)
14:21.02JoshBorkeo.O time() isn't in lua?
14:21.07KirkburnYeah, I'm thinking of getting a Wii
14:21.08CideJoshBorke: yes it is
14:21.18MaldiviaJoshBorke: os.time in lua, time in wow-lua
14:21.23Cideyou might have to use os.time depending on what you're doing
14:21.23JoshBorkeah, thanks
14:21.28Cidedamn Maldivia! :)
14:21.43MaldiviaCide: hehe, I'm always faster than you
14:22.05KirkburnNot sure that's always something to be proud of ;)
14:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
14:22.30cogwheelTo exercise some Tuesday Morning Pedantry:       os.time is in the Lua standard libraries, while time() is available in the WoW API
14:22.44MaldiviaKirkburn: but then again, it's Cide we're talking about... who isn't ? :)
14:24.18MikkYou at uni now?
14:24.29MikkDidn't take long to get the puter set up :-P
14:24.44cogwheelwhich uni?
14:24.49KirkburnNope :) For t'internet it was just a case of pluggin in the cable :)
14:25.15MikkThen again there's not much "moving" involved for most dorms
14:25.27MikkBring clothes, bring puter. Plug puter in. You're living there :-P
14:25.53cogwheel"what about food?"     "Don't worry... there's an inn in the next town"
14:26.00MikkAnyhoo the reason Rustak was lagging around with the CSS update was that he was on a vacation. A real one. Without internet.
14:26.10MikkIndeed =)
14:26.23KirkburnWhat a bastard ;)
14:26.30JoshBorkewait, what's that?
14:26.38JoshBorkevacation without internet? o.O
14:26.40cogwheelMy wife is housesitting at her moms... they have dial-up :(
14:27.16MikkVisiting my parents was painful til I twisted their arms into getting ADSL :-P
14:27.50Mikk"Look, you'll be able to stream video from news sites! Very useful! *coughcough*"
14:27.57AnduinLotharlol mikk, that's exactly what my roomie did 1st year. I brought a ton of stuff and he brought a laundry bag or clothes and a laptop
14:28.04KirkburnIt cost me about 200 euros to get ADSL set up in Italy last year :/
14:28.21MikkUm. lol?
14:28.46AnduinLotharhe didn't even have to plug in his puter for a few hours lol
14:28.56MikkSwedish ISPs throw free modems after you, and the ones that do telephony also offer rebate plans if you sign up.
14:28.56AnduinLotharwell, to internet
14:29.15KirkburnLaptops are great :)
14:29.22KirkburnYou don't even have to worry about power cuts
14:29.26AnduinLothardamn ISPs in US try to fee all sorts of crap to you
14:29.40AnduinLotharcable modems are the worst
14:29.58AnduinLotharbut digital cable signal recievers for cable tv are almost as bad
14:30.08KirkburnMikk, I had to spend 150 euros to merely get the line activated :/ Then the router setup cost about another 50, and it all took about 3 months from start to finish ...
14:30.22MikkBackwards people
14:30.40AnduinLotharand then when you figure out 3 months later they're upping the price to the "normal" price of $30 more than you were paying..
14:30.49Kirkburn150 euros to get the phone line activated, not even anything to do with the internet. Just so that it could be used at all ...
14:31.05malrethhmm... i did something wrong... backspace no workie...
14:31.22MikkI hope we're talking terminal emulation here
14:31.24cogwheelwtf?   I'm getting my internet service from a monopoly cable company and still got a better deal than that... Free installation, first year at $30/month
14:31.26AnduinLotharthat was the one thing i like about cable.. no phone line
14:31.30MikkGetting backspace to stop working in windows takes hardcore hacking :-P
14:31.31KirkburnSeriously, if you want a country where things are done quickly, simply, cheaply ... do NOT go to italy.
14:31.46AnduinLotharwe all have cell phones anyway
14:32.03AnduinLothar7 cell phones >> 1 land line
14:32.12KirkburnI barely even touch a fixed line fone now
14:32.30AnduinLotharya and vent
14:32.36malrethah... there. works again.
14:32.44MikkActually, that... uhm... feckit whatsitsname
14:32.44KirkburnFirst year at Uni I was in student halls - had an *amazing* internet connection
14:32.45AnduinLotharphone lines are going bye bye
14:32.53MikkDial-via-Internet thingy
14:33.00MikkThe one that lets you dial real phones abroad
14:33.19MikkAnyway... it works well was what I was going to say =)
14:33.20KirkburnI think the Bristol halls are now all on 100Mbit connections
14:33.35MikkI've been using it to call my brother in england
14:33.38MikkCheap =)
14:34.12KirkburnEngland is where all the best people are anyway ...
14:34.18MikkMe > my brother
14:34.42MikkHis my kid brother dangit :-P
14:35.06KirkburnWell, he's probably nicer than you and doesn't kick people :/
14:35.19AnduinLotharyeah so i found out lua's default table.sort sucks
14:35.29MikkNah, he just lies and weasels his ways into high-paying positions in large multinational companies :-P
14:35.43AnduinLotharerrors if you have different types of keys
14:35.50AnduinLotharer values
14:36.01AnduinLothar(1 < "string") = boom!
14:36.11cogwheelAnduinLothar: that's why you have the option to write your own comparison function
14:36.50MikkWent from exchange student to telemarketing slave to regional aftermarketing manager for Proctor & Gamble. All mouth :-P
14:36.53AnduinLothari mean come on.. how much harder is if (type(a) ~= type(b)) then return (type(a) < type(b)) else return (a < b); end
14:37.16[RTE]cyde, you here?
14:37.18TS|Skromanyone else get angels and beer?
14:37.44krkais that luas fault or your fault?
14:37.53cogwheelAnduinLothar: well, for one thing, i'm pretty sure it's implemented in C... For another, it's probably designed to be efficient in its default modes. So if it comes across a string at the first index, it will sort based on strings...
14:38.30cogwheelit would be a pretty significant performance hit for sorting integer values if it had to check for the posibilities of other types
14:38.55AnduinLotharok... but how often is sort called.. really
14:39.31cogwheeli think it's less of a "how often" and more of a "on how large a data set" ... besides, it really depends on the application...
14:39.50AnduinLotharstilly silly imo
14:40.21cogwheelnot from the point of view of someone who spent his early programming endeavors attempting to write the most processor-efficient code possible ;)
14:40.22AnduinLotharsince lua allows multiple value types in lists
14:40.22[RTE]you there?
14:40.33cogwheel[RTE]: you spelled it wrong the first time :P
14:40.33Cideyes, but slapping is hardly a good way to open a conversation :P
14:40.44Cide(16:37:16) ([RTE]) cyde, you here? <- wtg
14:40.46AnduinLotharfish face!
14:40.49[RTE]oops, sorry :)
14:41.06[RTE]I'm still half asleep
14:41.15cogwheeland it's tuesday
14:41.23[RTE]yeah ...
14:42.09[RTE]so, Cide, did you talk with Tg?
14:42.11cogwheelMan... the solution to one of my addon's problems came to me in a dream, and i couldn't even test if it works! :(
14:42.12malrethhmm... utf8 no workie in my terminal
14:42.26CideTs? ;) no, not yet
14:42.30[RTE]Ts I mean :)
14:42.44[RTE]alright, I have a working prototype
14:43.39[RTE]~seen amro
14:43.53purlamro <n=Amro@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 14h 39m 19s ago, saying: 'good night'.
14:43.53Cidefeel free to mail it to me if you want
14:44.08[RTE]I still have several things to add
14:46.52[RTE]never worked with communication chanels before that, so it was fun developing it :)
14:50.48[RTE]mmm, coffeeeeeee
14:51.15KirkburnOne great thing about being here is that I o longer need fear random router restarts! :D
14:51.26Kirkburns/ o/ no/
14:51.54[RTE]Question: is OnUpdate called only on shown frames?
14:52.17Cidevisible frames
14:52.51[RTE]good, so if I do not want it to be "updated" I can just frame:Hide() it, correct
14:53.38[RTE]sweet, thats solves this problem
14:55.32cogwheelHehe... don't you just love obfuscated C e-mail signatures?
14:57.38KirkburnI need to buy a new keyboard - anyone have any suggestions?
14:58.16krkathat's some freaky c
14:58.38[RTE]is that another one of those "hello world" things?
14:58.52cogwheelNope... it's a full Brainfuck interpreter...
14:59.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
14:59.20krkawhy dont we use bf instead of lua? it has much less overhead
14:59.34*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber (
14:59.48cogwheelbut much more "over THE head"...
15:00.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:00.23nevcairielbrainfuck is teh crazy
15:00.35[RTE]Cide, would you want gui in that addon, or just shell commands?
15:01.01Cideno gui will do
15:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:04.18malrethset recode off
15:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
15:09.41malrethhmm... can't get irssi to send utf8 text
15:09.59*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:10.05KirkburnHeehee, gorgeous backflipping hamsters! :)
15:11.44KirkburnI got a-umlaut 1/2
15:12.06malrethsame here
15:12.16malrethit should be the kanji for 'nani' in japanese
15:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:13.34malrethnow that works...
15:14.04malrethoh well... i like Colloquy better anyways
15:14.23KirkburnI got lines in boxes, but probably if it was put together it would look right
15:14.34malrethand i can tunnel the IRC connection anyway
15:14.48*** join/#wowi-lounge banditron|afk (
15:14.56malrethcould be your font, then
15:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge smokin_joe (
15:16.44KirkburnConsolas, may not be a finalised font yet (it's from the Vista and Office betas)
15:16.55XuerianWhich font?
15:17.26KirkburnI'm confused, because I'm pretty sure I just said ... :P
15:17.39XuerianNo, no, I'm just not awake.
15:17.55*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:18.33KirkburnApparently it's Consolas version 1, but I may just be missing the extra language chars
15:19.30malrethor maybe it's Microsoft Japanese
15:19.45malreththey do have that whole "embrace, extend, extinguish" mentality
15:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:23.00Xuerianlol. I use Calibri and it doesn't show japanese characters, also tried swapping to Comic Sans. Perhaps Arial or similar would show it.
15:23.45[RTE]later folks, class time
15:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
15:26.38malrethi'm using Lucida Grande
15:26.54malrethi should probably install Myriad on this computer, though
15:27.21KirkburnI even tried courier, didn't help. Oddness.
15:27.35*** join/#wowi-lounge thr (
15:28.07thrThe border that the chat frames use? the black/darkish one, is that a texture or something else because i can't find it in the interface art folders in the blizzy ui thingy?
15:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
15:28.27Legoroloany sign of 1.12.1 going live today?
15:29.03KirkburnNone that I've seen
15:29.30Mr_Rabies2|awaythe ptrs are still up
15:29.32Mr_Rabies2|awayso i doubt it
15:31.55malreththr: Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBorder
15:31.59malreththat seems to be the file
15:32.26|FF|Im2good4ui got a stoopid prob lol
15:32.47KirkburnI sense confidence in you, young Padawan
15:32.50|FF|Im2good4ui lost onwe of my 7 chat windows :(
15:32.50|FF|Im2good4uit think its off screen
15:32.51|FF|Im2good4uso i cant delete and recreate it
15:33.07|FF|Im2good4udoes someone know a way to fix it :p
15:33.24thrmalreth, well.. it's not.
15:33.37thri tried to use it as an edge file for a backdrop but it looks.. well, VERY strange
15:33.46malrethit's not a edge file
15:33.54thrhmm ok
15:33.57thrhow do I apply it?
15:34.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
15:34.13Corrodiaschat window? delete your chat-cache.txt file or restore it from a backup
15:34.15malrethFloatingChatFrame.xml uses sections of that file to texture the edges of the chat frame
15:34.33Corrodiasi think that might be it... make a copy of it first. after that, try layout-cache.txt
15:34.59malrethit does that because each edge of the chat frame is technically a button
15:35.00|FF|Im2good4uhmm where are those files if i may ask ?
15:35.00thrah ok
15:35.00malrethwell, not "technically"
15:35.03malreththey *are* buttons
15:36.57Corrodiashmm. the realm list is empty. i wonder if the maintenance period hasn't ended, yet.
15:37.24Elkanohmm... 1.12.1 today?
15:37.26*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:37.29malrethno, probably not
15:38.24Elkanogood... so more time to become 40 and learn cheap riding skills ;)
15:38.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [floyd] (
15:38.49|FF|Im2good4uhmm funny.. the chache list 10 chat windows :P
15:40.42|FF|Im2good4uyeeh fixed it whitout a delete :p i had to add a docket position
15:41.05Corrodias : "forbidden"
15:41.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:41.38[floyd]How do I find out whether I'm inside or outside? I registered for MINIMAP_UPDATE_ZOOM but what to do if the CVars minimapZoom and minimapInsideZoom are identical? Or is there anything more reliable in 1.12?
15:41.40Kirkburnoh yeah
15:41.48KirkburnCorrodias, add www.
15:41.59Osagasu. . .
15:42.08KirkburnIt's a known problem
15:42.16Corrodiasnot be me :(
15:42.46Kirkburnwell, it's known to the admins ;)
15:45.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
15:47.19KirochiSup buddies
15:48.05KirochiJust can't wait to play a Troll mage on a chocobo xD
15:48.47KirkburnWhat chocobos? I've seen no chocobo-like creatures at all! Nowhere. Not at all. Nuh-uh. ;)
15:48.59Kirochiread my post
15:49.08Kirochion the c*****ce page
15:50.12KirochiAvast ! Another piratey
15:50.30KirkburnBe they looking good, those cockatrices!
15:50.57Kirkburn((why is it my pirate speak always starts sounding like Yoda??))
15:51.11KirochiMay the mana be with you
15:51.25OsagasuBecause ye be a landlubber in digsuise!
15:51.25Kirochi(indeed the mana is the force)
15:51.52KirkburnAieee! *splash*
15:51.56KirochiShiver me timber ! Shut ye sassy land-dweller !
15:52.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
15:52.28KirkburnTick tock tick tock tick tock
15:52.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
15:52.58KirochiThis was a croco
15:53.26KirochiHi Capin ! A donde ponemos el rumbo ?
15:54.27*** join/#wowi-lounge fathom (
15:56.03KevorkianC is for cookie, that's good enough for me
15:56.45OsagasuNow then, now then, now then, what's all this .. then?
15:57.11CapnOsagasu((Change back for a sec))
15:57.43BonesawKevorkianarrr, ye scurvy dog, I'll cut 'o yer mangy arm and put a hook in 's place
15:57.53CapnOsagasuYarr!  Pretendin to be a capn, Ah made im walk da PLANK!
15:58.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
15:58.33KirkburnDammit, I should have seen that coming
15:59.43CapnOsagasuThe seas don't like ye acting like her capn, landlubber.
16:00.14BonesawKevorkianI love TLAPD
16:00.57Kiro_the_oneThe Kraken will eath thine crappy boat'n make yer barrels empty for at least' a million years
16:01.18Kiro_the_oneNo rum for Captain KIrkbum
16:02.54KirkburnNext seadog who adds 'bum' to the end of my name gets run through with a piratey sword :)
16:03.29BonesawKevorkianwhat's the penalty for adding "out"?
16:03.33TS|Skrompirates don't say "piratey" mate
16:03.51KirkburnI'm Peter Pan, so I'm excused
16:03.55KirochiD4 @ZZ8|²1gA PWNZ j00r s700pId Zw0rD !
16:04.13TS|SkromNINJA VANISH
16:04.14BonesawKevorkianouch, wrong kind of pirate
16:04.33KirochiYup, troll pirate
16:04.50KirochiBloodsail Buccaneer
16:05.06KirkburnHeyy! I could get a G15
16:05.08TS|Skrommy little newphew who has autism went trick or treating as a pirate last year
16:05.27TS|Skromhe went up to this one lady's door and she was all "oh how cute a little pirate! Where are your buccaneers?"
16:05.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
16:05.40TS|Skromnow with his autism he doesn't understand people some times... and said "huh?
16:05.41KirkburnAnyone here have a G15?
16:05.52TS|SkromShe said, "your buccaneers, where are they?"
16:06.02BonesawKevorkianon the side of my buccinhead
16:06.05KirochiI ate them :p
16:06.08TS|Skromto which he replied "My buccaneers are right here  on my buccinhead"
16:06.11TS|Skromdamn ><
16:06.57KirochiHalloween was definitely not made for pirates (=
16:07.31TS|Skromare you kidding?
16:07.45TS|Skromwhat other day do you get to pillage the neighborhood and get treated like a prince?
16:07.57Kirochievery day when you're a child
16:08.06TS|Skrombut not when you are a pirate
16:08.11TS|Skromhence why halloween is perfect for them
16:08.20Kirochichildren don't get hung
16:08.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:08.59TS|Skromreal pirates don't get hung either
16:09.09TS|Skromthey always have a daring escape plan at the last moment
16:09.18Kirochiexcept for ...
16:09.58Kirochifor everyone else than Johnny Depp
16:10.13TS|Skromthose people aren't really pirates, they are ninja's in disguise
16:10.30|FF|Im2good4uanyone know how to make the craft frame show catogory's ?
16:11.15KirochiAlLY N1nJ4h r0x0r y3r b0xez
16:12.09TS|SkromYarrrr matey, ye be goin' down ta davey joneses locker fer that remark
16:12.35Kirochiaw yeaaah *_ù
16:13.20KirochiYe mus be a really sick one to threat a poor sailor
16:13.57KirochiWhy wouldn't we be allowed to be part of a third faction ? A pirate one ?
16:14.13KirochiWith goblins and members of all the other races ?
16:14.39KirochiI'm tired to kill Night Elves just duelling them
16:14.46KirochiAnd I won't reroll Horde-side
16:15.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:16.39KirkburnI thought you wanted a troll mage on a chocobo :P
16:16.56KirochiTrolls were not meant to be with the HOrde
16:17.31KirochiThey are an entire faction
16:17.45KirkburnTrue, there are many many trolls
16:18.08Kirochieven more than orcs
16:18.10Beladonaone could argue that Orcs are an entire faction as well. But they allied with other races to create the "Horde"
16:18.42Kirochitrolls are the only arcane-wielding race which never fell to demonic magic
16:18.50TS|Skromwe call them "trolls" but really the horde trolls are only the Darkspear clan, right?
16:18.55BeladonaTrolls are a race, more than a faction. As a civilization, their "empire" crumbled before the events of warcraft3
16:18.58KirkburnTS|Skrom, indeed
16:19.18Kirochithey had 2 empires
16:19.29TS|SkromAlthough the Horde has contact with the trolls fromt he hinterlands they aren't actually members of the horde
16:19.30Kirkburn(Unlike gnomes which are both a race and factions together, I suppose)
16:19.39cogwheelGnomes 4tw!
16:19.56BeladonaGnomes, a flavor for all seasons!
16:20.04Kirochinup, there are many gnomes siding with the scourge, the dark iron and the neutral factions
16:20.14TS|Skromthat's dwarf
16:20.30Kirkburn*Most* are in the one faction though :P
16:20.31TS|Skromreally? I've never seen a dark iron gnome XD
16:20.37Kirochithe leper gnomes under mekgineer serve the dark iron
16:20.51KirkburnThey do? I never knew ...
16:20.51Beladonacan you really call that a faction?
16:20.59Beladonathat was a corruption of gnomes
16:21.10CodayusWell, there's a DI ambassador in Gnomregan, yeah?
16:21.14Kirochias for the undead ones
16:21.19CodayusWasn't sure how close the relationship was.
16:21.23TS|Skromwell there's some factions that will of course never be given an actual factio n ranking
16:21.33TS|SkromDefias Brotherhood for example is a 'faction' of human
16:21.40CodayusIf you hang out in Silithus, you can bump into all sorts of Twilight Hammer cultists too.
16:21.51Kirochithe DI helped Thermaplugg telling him where to dig to release the Troggs
16:22.41XuerianGo Blizzard: Server shutdown in [15:00]. <Disconnected>
16:22.49Kirochiok now for a quizz
16:23.06zenzelezzXuerian: time passes quickly when you're having fun
16:23.08KirochiWho can tell which faction is led by a Night Elf supported by an Orc ?
16:24.01Kirochi(multiracial factions are lots of fun)
16:24.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:24.15CodayusNot sure if you'd want to draw a distinction between "distinct" factions like the different Troll tribes, and more ad hoc factions like Twilights Hammer though...
16:25.08KirkburnFactions are groups of people with a hierarchy and leader, whereas troll tribes do not all come under one leader
16:25.16TS|SkromKirochi one of the pirate ones?
16:25.28Kirochiwell, members of different npc factions never attack themselves and league against you when you fight members of both
16:25.31CodayusActually, shouldn't any single tribe have a single leader?
16:25.43zenzelezzthat's up to the tribe
16:25.45KirochiTS|Skrom Nay
16:25.51zenzelezzthere are leaderless tribes in the world
16:26.13KirkburnCodayus, I meant in terms of like Sand troll, Jungle trolls, rather than, say, Revantusk
16:26.33KirkburnPerhaps I shouldn't have said 'tribes' :P
16:26.39CodayusThat's more like...hmm.
16:26.55CodayusHuman kingdoms?
16:27.12KirkburnYeah, a suppose a bit like that
16:27.13zenzelezznations would probably be a better word
16:27.26KirochiNation of Arathor
16:27.32CodayusOr a little bit like the Thrall's Horde vs Blackhands...whatever its called.
16:27.32TS|Skromwhen you say supported by an orc do you mean like...s econd in command?
16:27.32KirochiLeader ...
16:27.43Kirochiskrom ==> yep
16:27.57TS|Skrombecause the forsaken is led by a night elf (an undead one, but still) and supported by an orc (thrall) lol
16:28.07Kirochishe's a high elf
16:28.11TS|Skromoh that's right
16:28.13KirkburnYup, high elf
16:28.13KirochiI mean an hostile faction
16:28.16CodayusI'm not sure it counts if your dead...
16:28.22KirkburnI thought she was a NE until recently :/
16:28.44Kirochiactually, the model used for sylvanas is a night elf one
16:28.44CodayusSpeaking of which, how come you never seem to run into undead orcs?
16:28.45TS|Skromand I just finished playing the attack on silvermoon level of WC3 too ><
16:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
16:28.45Kirochibut blizz is lazy -_~
16:28.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Shyva (
16:29.03zenzelezzundead tauren would be funky
16:29.06KirkburnCodayus, they weren't in the right places
16:29.13Kirkburn(same goes for tauren)
16:29.21KirochiThere were skeletal orcs in the maelstrom isles
16:29.36CodayusHmm, there are undead trolls...
16:29.44Kirochiyes, but not due to the scourge
16:30.00Kirochiactually yes
16:30.06KirkburnTauren are form one area of Kalimdor, vrtually untouched by the Scourge
16:30.17TS|Skromthe plague is pretty much contained to the plaguelands for the moment, an area populated almost wholey by elf and human
16:30.24Kirochibut only ice trolls were turned to undea dby the plague
16:30.35KirkburnOrcs were in a similar sort of position, whereas trolls would have encountered the scourge
16:30.58TS|SkromThrall got the majority of the orcs out before the plague started
16:31.02zenzelezzshort way from Hinterlands to WPL at least
16:31.03KirkburnZul'aman is troll and in Quel'thalas :P
16:31.18Kirochithere's a tauren faction who seems very friendly towards the forsaken
16:32.16Kirochiwhat does "grim" mean in english ?
16:32.37zenzelezzit was a grim fate
16:32.59KirkburnGrim means 'bad', generally
16:33.07malrethforbidding or uninviting
16:33.20Kirochiso there are evil tauren
16:33.23Kirkburnforboding, perhaps? :)
16:33.34Kirochi(yes, I remember smite)
16:33.46KirochiMr. Smite rofl
16:33.48KirkburnHe with the giant hammer
16:33.56BonesawKevorkianall tauren are evil. that whole "living in harmony with nature" is just a front.  They're after revenge for all those steak dinners
16:34.00Kirochiwhat an ironical name for such a lame boss
16:34.35Kirochiand the scourge's creating a new plague
16:34.42zenzelezzI think my favorite boss name has to be Ragnaros
16:34.45Kirochisimilar to the kreutzfeld jacob
16:34.59Kirochito kill all the tauren
16:35.53KirochiPandaren+Dwarves+Trolls FTW !
16:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney|work (
16:36.26tyroney|workGee, why ever would the froums be busy?
16:36.43cogwheelTuesday, tuesday.... Can't trust that day
16:36.50malrethok... my web traffic is now all tunneled through an encrypted SOCKS proxy, IRC is tunneled over SSH, and WoW has been socksified and encrypted and tunneled
16:37.12malrethnow all my network traffic makes me look super suspicious
16:37.36malrethbut at least i'm secured
16:38.03malrethaye, ye are
16:38.17*** part/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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16:38.52malrethi'm determined to make it to Rank 11 before the expansion
16:40.14Kirkburnmalreth, what are you now?
16:40.29malrethafter today's maintainance, i should be rank 6 finally
16:40.56malrethif not, i'll be something like 99% through rank 5... that'd piss me off, though
16:41.01*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazierMYKL (i=Mike@gateway/tor/x-1530ebf95423dd37)
16:41.27Kirochii'm determined to make it to level 11 before the expansion
16:43.02malrethThat way when I class-lead in a raid, everyone can call me Commander
16:43.49CrazierMYKL11 is like 2-3 days, if you're goofing off
16:44.12malrethhey, leveling can be hard
16:44.21malrethmalreth has been 46 for 4 years now
16:44.29Kirochino, it's not that hard, but I just got to buy another prepaid card oO
16:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladon1 (n=sluster@
16:45.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
16:45.18Kirochiand my level 25 dwarf priest has maybe eaten his own pants, seeing how I let him without any stuff nor items
16:46.33Kirochi<BonesawKevorkian> kinky
16:46.38Kirochiwhat does "kinky mean ?
16:46.48Kevorkiansexually twisted
16:47.28Kevorkianyou were talking about pandarens + dwarves + trolls
16:48.03Kevorkianmy natural inclination was to assume you meant that as a interracial menage a trois
16:48.16Kirochiok g2g now
16:48.29XuerianHave fun Kirochi :p
16:48.32malrethpurl, kinky
16:48.34purlfrom memory, kinky is something that would typically include a cat-o-nine tails and maybe a llama, whip cream, and a picture of David Hasslehoff
16:48.38Kevorkianwatch out for the trolls, they bite
16:48.50malrethyeah, that's kinky
16:49.21Kevorkianpurl, antidisestablishmentarianism
16:49.23purli guess antidisestablishmentarianism is a very long word.
16:49.52koppleit's Hasselhoff, heathens
16:50.08Kevorkiandon't hassle the hoff!
16:52.10Kevorkianthere is a pig-latin like variant called ofenglofish, where you insert "of" before every vowel sound.  In ofenglofish, david hasselhoff becomes dofavofid hofassofelhofoff
16:53.56Kevorkiantry fiery bananas foster in ofenglofish
16:54.19Kevorkianfofierofy bofanofanofas fofostofer
16:54.48XuerianHas to be something to hear spoken properly :P
16:55.07XuerianOr well, watch... just watch that spit fly
16:55.11Kevorkianmy wife can do it, or at least she claims she can, all I hear is a bunch of weird noises
16:56.24Kevorkianactually, just lofol
16:57.24Kevorkianworks best with words with lots of vowel sounds, like syzygy or abracadabra
16:57.43tyroney|worksomeone should add that to
17:00.33KirkburnChrist, there's a coup going on in Thailand :/
17:00.57Kevorkianwho's couping who?
17:01.10KirkburnThe military, it seems
17:01.33KirkburnI could have just linked, the news story is big enough :P
17:02.06cogwheelYeah well... I live in the county where John Mark Karr is being tried for child porn... :P
17:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
17:02.50Cairennso the world is trying to blow up today? riots in Hungary, coup attempt in Thailand?
17:03.41tyroney|workDon't forget server maintenance.
17:03.52Kirkburn... aaand we're back
17:05.01Kevorkianthe john karr stuff was such a hoax.  and the thing that amazed me is that they actually had to get him here before they figured out it was a hoax
17:05.40Kevorkianit was a relative that did it, otherwise the parents wouldn't have blocked all attempts at a meaningful investigation
17:06.35Kirkburnoh, the Jon Benet guy?
17:07.24cogwheelYep... he was a substitute teacher in the town where my last job was
17:07.24|FF|Im2good4uis there a good way to chance the bottunos of a dropdown menu depending on the selection of an other dropdown menu :p
17:07.36Kevorkianthere ain't never been a good way to do that
17:07.44Kevorkianin any GUI environment
17:08.19tyroney|workif you squish the size of the ones you don't need, and have them all anchored in a chain, does that do the trick?
17:09.36|FF|Im2good4uwell not realy becase i got to many buttons lol so i need to create a sub menu of the main drop down menu :p
17:10.02tyroney|workIn one dropdown?  Maybe you want a scrolling list box instead.
17:10.38|FF|Im2good4uhmm not a bad idea lol :p
17:10.39Kevorkianthe only way I ever managed to do that was if you had a fairly limited set of options on the first dropdown, I'd hide and show various other dropdowns based on the first selection.  I don't know how easy that is to do in wow/lua
17:11.28Kevorkianaye, I'd say go with another UI design, the mutating dropdowns are usually messy code
17:11.33KirkburnSo, anyone around now own a G15?
17:13.16cogwheelYou know... i've never dealt with blizzard support before and i really thought all the bitchy people on the forums were just that... Now i know better :(
17:13.35XuerianWhat'd you try to do?
17:13.45Grypheni have a g15 but havent really used the lcd in a while
17:13.48|FF|Im2good4uwhee i was baslicly aiming at was.. cant i just change the bottun in the init function of the 2nd dropdown whit some if's checknig the selection of the first ?
17:14.16cogwheelI used my beta access code after blizzcon last year but changed e-mail addresses since then... i was just letting them know so they don't send my ZOMG you can play BC now notice to the wrong address... Here was their reply:
17:14.23cogwheelUnfortunately, I don't have any information I can discuss with you regarding alpha or beta testing for any Blizzard products.
17:14.40KirkburnGryphen, do you think it's worth buying?
17:14.46cogwheeldidn't give me another department to contact or anything...
17:14.48XuerianDamn o_0
17:16.04Gryphennot really for me
17:16.30Gryphenit is nifty, but i havent really dug into it a whole lot
17:16.33Kevorkiancogwheel:  man, they just Pwned you.  that's a "L0lz w3 |)0nT c4r3 L0Z3r"
17:16.47cogwheelYeah no kidding...
17:16.55tyroney|workSounds like a canned response to me.  I'd keep trying.
17:17.06cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
17:17.09purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
17:17.24Xueriancogwheel: Try something like "I don't want YOU to tell ME anything, I want YOU to know MY address changed. KTHANKX".  >_>
17:17.41cogwheelXuerian: i did... in so many words...
17:17.54XuerianWell, good luck on the CS forum =\
17:20.06cogwheelI think the luck i need is getting to the CS forum in the first place...
17:20.58Kevorkianpatch day
17:21.21Kevorkiannot the best time to access the forums, unlike... well actually very similar to any other day
17:22.21cogwheelhmph.... even guildportal's down
17:22.39cogwheeli feel sorry for guilds from other mmos...
17:23.44cogwheel'cause they can't log into guildportal on tuesday thanks to the World of Warcraft DOS attacks...  i mean maintenance day woes...
17:24.20zenzelezzwhy would they want to anyway if they're from other MMOs?
17:24.43cogwheeltalking about here...
17:24.51Gryphenugh guildportal
17:24.57zenzelezzno clue what that is
17:25.06cogwheelit's a guild website hosting site
17:25.20Kevorkianfor any MMO
17:25.24Kevorkiannot just for WoW
17:25.31Kevorkianbeen around for ages
17:25.57Gryphengenerally your ugly myspace like guilds
17:25.58zenzelezzI don't see how that relates to WoW's downtime... are they sharing the pipe or something?
17:26.20cogwheelno... everyone from wow who can't get onto wow forums swarms their guildportal pages instead...
17:26.35cogwheelso guildportal dies for everyone, including those who don't play wow
17:26.45Kevorkianthe wow players form an even more effective DOS attack system than slashdot
17:27.22zenzelezzmight just be me being ignorant, but I can't remember seeing any guild on my server advertise guildportal(.com) stuff
17:27.59cogwheela lot of the time they might have their own domain name that redirects to GP
17:28.46|FF|Im2good4uContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick <- i tryed hooknig thatbut it doesnt work :(
17:33.40|FF|Im2good4uah fixed it :p
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17:45.07|FF|Im2good4ucan some1 help me find out why my dropdown menu doesnt show at all :P
17:45.43JoshBorkeyou're too good for it
17:48.32cogwheelNow, i don't have any experience with dropdowns, so i'm kinda pulling this out of thin air... but Line 32 makes me curious... why would all the UIDropDownMenu functions have the dropdown as the first argument except SetWidth()?
17:49.58|FF|Im2good4uyeh surprises me 2 how wow can ever know witch drown down mwnu im trying to edit lol
17:50.07|FF|Im2good4ubut it realy doesnt take he frame as parameter
17:50.26cogwheelwell, you are passing it as the second argument...
17:50.51JoshBorkedo you ever show the UIDropDownMenu?
17:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:51.05cogwheelhe never hides it...
17:51.09cogwheelit should be shown by default
17:52.15|FF|Im2good4ui laso calll the show
17:52.26|FF|Im2good4umaybe i scewed up the anch0rs ?
17:52.40cogwheelnah... looks fine to me
17:52.44JoshBorkewhat line do you call the show?
17:52.54cmunnHow often does Vael use his AoE Fire attack?
17:52.54TS|Skrom~emulate ts|skrom
17:52.57purlcan someone tell me how I can...
17:52.57JoshBorkenot that i know ANYTHING about dropdown menus :-D
17:53.04cogwheelthough you can shorten it to SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -100, -20) iirc
17:53.08TS|SkromWho's ready for today's question!
17:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
17:53.19JoshBorkei am
17:53.30TS|SkromI want to make a minimap button (just because!)
17:53.46JoshBorkelook at another mod that does it :-P
17:53.50TS|SkromI assume you create the frame.. give it an uptexture, a down texture and an onclick with whatever you want it to do
17:53.54TS|Skromand anchor it to the minimap?
17:53.57TS|Skromis it that easy?
17:54.02JoshBorkesounds about right
17:54.14AnduinLothardon't cody ctmod or i kill ju. worse minimap button construction evar!
17:54.32Cidejust to annoy you Andalia
17:54.35TS|Skromwhat's a good one I could look like?
17:54.41AnduinLothari see people copy that code all over and it makes me weap
17:55.04|FF|Im2good4uthose i use ot show() it
17:55.07AnduinLothari have to keep addign exceptions to MobileMinimapButtons for badly authored xml
17:55.15|FF|Im2good4uthe interfce should be its parent
17:55.19KirovCT_Raidassist's minimap button has a hidden frame with enablemouse="true" on it that blocks any buttons on the right side of the minimap.
17:55.42cogwheelTS|Skrom: you could use
17:55.50AnduinLotharif you want good buttons go check out IEF. that's some haxored uber button there
17:56.05CideKirov: heh, I didn't know that
17:56.13JoshBorke|FF|Im2good4u: and that opens the UIDropDownMenu? (btw, not on the pastey)
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17:56.23AnduinLothareven has alpha flahing overlay AND alpha mouseover AND text overlay
17:56.34|FF|Im2good4uJoshBroke i hope so :p
17:56.35cogwheelcide: yep... i had to resort to moveanything to move it out of the way
17:56.46AnduinLotharAND has rotating code by dragging, built in!
17:56.48TS|Skromthanks cog, but I'd like to learn it first before using a library :D
17:57.08|FF|Im2good4u <-full code
17:57.16KirochiNow I know why "Kinky-Winky" was just more than an one-letter deformation
17:58.21cogwheel|FF|Im2good4u: you might want to throw in a |r at the end of your version string...
17:58.41|FF|Im2good4uyerh but i might aswel remove it lso :p
17:58.46|FF|Im2good4uits useless
17:59.11cogwheelheh... that works ;)
18:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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18:04.20cogwheelNow why couldn't he have just said that from the beginning: "Until any Betas for any of the titles are announced, there will be no way to assist you in this matter. Once such an announcement is made, the Billing Department may be able to assist you in this matter."
18:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
18:05.19cogwheelstill seems kinda silly though...
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18:22.21malrethCairenn! YAR!
18:23.47Cairennahoy matey!
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18:27.09cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
18:27.10purlACTION keel-hauls the forums. Yarrrrr!
18:29.57CrazierMYKLis it possible to give a macro a cooldown?
18:30.36cogwheelCrazierMYKL: put    /cast --Spell Name    at the beginning
18:31.01cogwheelor    /script --CastSpellByName("Spell Name")
18:31.10CrazierMYKLit's an item cooldown
18:31.51Kevorkianif wowwiki was responding, I'd paste you an answer crazi
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18:32.25CrazierMYKLthe AddOn is for using the right Mana Gem, so  i need to hook that cooldown on those
18:34.08Kevorkiancrazi:  I'm somewhat new at this so take with a grain of salt
18:34.13Kevorkianthe short answer is no
18:34.19Kevorkianyou can't with a macro
18:35.00Kevorkianif you have a script and the script knows when you used the mana gem, then you can schedule a function to run after a given timeout
18:35.01*** part/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
18:35.13CrazierMYKLwhat about in the AddOn itself, then?
18:35.42Kevorkianlook at the Chronos library, it has many scheduling abilities
18:35.45CrazierMYKLi want the cooldown timer on the icon on the actionbar
18:35.52CrazierMYKLso CT can hook it, and all that
18:36.04CrazierMYKLand i want to avoid heavy dependancies
18:36.19Kevorkianchronos isn't that heavy
18:36.46cogwheelyou can get the cooldown left on an item in your addon's OnUpdate handler
18:37.34cogwheeland then do whatever you want with that number
18:38.36KirkburnWow, now *this* is a sandstorm, none of the WoW rubbish :)
18:39.13CrazierMYKLi want the cooldown display on the actionbar button, like with most things
18:39.21cogwheelsee? that's the kind of thing i was expecting in tanaris...
18:39.28CrazierMYKLthere's no way to hook into that?
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18:40.55cogwheelI imagine it's possible but it would be a *lot* of work... your addon would have to go through all the macros finding calls to its function, then go through all the action buttons to find what buttons it's on... then you'd have to actually do the cooldown display manually afaik
18:40.59tyroney|workA guy I used to work with emailed back some pictures of one of those.  Man.
18:41.31TS|SkromI'm missing something here...
18:41.45TS|Skromminimap buttons are only round because their texture is?
18:42.00cogwheelall frames are rectangular
18:42.26CrazierMYKLcog, that's a bitch
18:42.45Kirovexample cast of this ... mouse over the bottom left corner of the minimap and try to click.
18:43.33cogwheelwrong slashes ;)
18:43.45Kevorkianthus answering the question, when is a square not a square :)
18:44.15Kevorkianin case anybody actually was thinking of a question that even remotely resembled that one
18:44.25Kevorkianwhich is doubtful, but heck, who knows
18:44.48Kevorkianhoist the mizzenmast ye mangy dogs!
18:44.55KirkburnAn interesting point on BBC news today - if the Pope is infallible, how come he's apologised about his comments?
18:45.14Kevorkianpapal infallibility was abandoned
18:45.18XuerianBecause of the catch, he's not ALWAYS invalliability...
18:45.33cogwheelhe did end up apologizing?
18:45.44KirkburnPretty much
18:45.50Kevorkianhim and mel gibson
18:45.56Kevorkianand about as believable
18:46.01cogwheelI remember he said he was "sorry for the violent reaction"....
18:46.15tyroney|workWhat cog said
18:46.17cogwheeli guess it must've happened since i listened to the news this morning...
18:46.20KirkburnThis is the article:
18:48.19cogwheelOnly skimmed, but the article doesn't even seem to say what he said ... ;)
18:49.03KirkburnNah, it's a just 'magazine' article
18:49.37KirkburnOff to Sainsbury's
18:49.43cogwheelBut still, regretting the reaction to what he said and apologizing for what he said are very different, and that's why people are still so mad at him
18:52.24TS|Skromcan you do relative paths on textures? as in ./Images/myimage.tga
18:52.43TS|Skromor do you ahve to do interface\addons\myaddon\images
19:02.08Kevorkiando they even let you go under the addons folder?
19:02.32TS|Skromyou HAVE to have your images in the addon folder I thought...
19:02.52TS|Skrombut anyway I answered my own question hehe yes you do have to give the whole path... or at least use a relative marker I don't know.
19:06.35tyroney|workno relative.
19:06.58tyroney|workI assume the graphics-majig that does loading doesn't know or care if it's loading a tex for a speicfic addon.
19:07.08Kasook, this is an odd question but hey, i remeber a while ago someone said that it would be possible too hook a function on *every* frame using metatables, for example, hooking all Frame's :Show() , or am i dreaming?
19:07.47tyroney|workI do it for my fading healthbar chunks.
19:08.16tyroney|workBasically you get a meta-table for something, and I believe since the UI uses one meta-table, you can then change it and effect the whole world.
19:08.41Kasois there somewhere i can look at your code?
19:09.30tyroney|workMy regular download,   or I can go pastebin it if you just want the relevant stuff.
19:09.57KasoI'll have a mooch around, anywhere specific to look for metatables stuff?
19:11.04tyroney|workcutsom_fadingHits.lua , line 61 to the end.
19:11.34Kasothank you
19:12.02tyroney|workBe careful, there's magic in that code.  I try not to think too hard about it.
19:17.31Kasowow that is pretty scary
19:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
19:24.28JoshBorketyroney|work: how do you get to the waterfall by SW?
19:26.44cogwheeli don't think you can since 1.10
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19:27.02cogwheelluckily the airport is still accessible though :D
19:28.45Kasoi've never been to the airport, all those alliance scare me away
19:28.49Mr_Rabies2man i always used the waterfall by SW as a shortcut into Westfall :[
19:29.14XuerianI think they're talking about the one north of northshire 0_o
19:29.38cogwheelyeah... the one on the  flight to IF
19:29.47tyroney|workYou don't any more.
19:29.51Mr_Rabies2not the one with attackable defias
19:30.19Mr_Rabies2everything they've closed off i've seen before, so no big deal
19:30.43Mr_Rabies2even some stuff that's not reachable ingame like old hillsbrad
19:32.27cogwheelit's international talk like a pirate day!  YARRR!!!
19:32.39ckknightit is?
19:33.09Mr_Rabies2druid talents need to come out :[[
19:33.27Mr_Rabies2so i know whether or not to stop playing when bc comes out
19:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (n=cmunn@
19:37.32cogwheelI could give you some of my alt-itis then it wouldn't matter ;)
19:38.34cogwheelcome to my house and you'll be double infected... my wife has an even worse case than i do...
19:40.37TS|Skromoh man I've got that bad too
19:40.54TS|SkromI've never had a 60.. I've got a hunter at 53 and I just can't seem to play him...
19:41.06cogwheelmy wife got her first 60 about a month ago.... we've been playing virtually every day since jan 05
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19:42.42ShadowedWe don't have any method of rounding to a decimal place if we want to display something like 31.3 do we?
19:43.01cogwheelfor display purposes, use string.format
19:43.22cogwheeljust add 0.05 to the number so that it will round properly...
19:43.54Shadowedyeah, just wasn't sure how we do the decimal place for showing
19:43.58Shadowedwhich makes no sense, but whatever!
19:44.12cogwheelotherwise, 3.19 will show as 3.1
19:44.14KirochiARRRR !
19:45.00Kirkburntyroney|work, just noticing you mention Newman's Landing on your site - I think it is a reference to 'No man's land'
19:45.16tyroney|workKirkburn: That makes sense.
19:45.18Kevorkianmakes perfect sense, string.format truncates, so to compensate for it's obvious inadequacies we add half of whatever the last decimal place is
19:45.30malrethhmm... adding 0.05 won't work for negative numbers...
19:45.41KirkburnTotally random though - I'd love if they added somethig to do there :)
19:45.47cogwheelwon't it?
19:45.56cogwheeldoesn't -3.5 round to -3?
19:46.08Kevorkiantry it with -3.6
19:46.12malreth-1.0+0.5=0.5 truncates to 0
19:47.26tyroney|workis there a math.sgn or something you could multiply the .5 by to make it handy?
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19:49.01Kevorkianwhat's the command to turn a string into a number again?
19:49.06cogwheelyou could use abs....    function math.sign(num) return num == 0 and 0 or num/abs(num) end
19:49.16cogwheeli think...
19:49.50malrethor, if you know that the string is a number, just use it as such
19:49.59malreth"4"+"2" == 6
19:50.03Kevorkianand what's the string.format form to print x number of decimal places
19:50.10cogwheelbut you can't do comparisons between strings and numbers
19:50.32cogwheel"4" ~= 4
19:50.44KirochiWow, great deduction brother obvious
19:52.02cogwheelwhat i mean is that you have to be careful in conditional statements...     if numVar == stringVar then dostuff() end    will never call dostuff()
19:52.28cogwheeleven though "4" + 4 == 8
19:53.09cogwheelKevorkian: kind of referency, but:
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19:53.56KirkburnY'know I've just read a veyr interesting point
19:54.14KirkburnThe locations of the Old Gods make a star shape
19:54.33cogwheelKevorkian: actually, this one has better examples:
19:54.50Kevorkiandoes lua allow you to build a format string and then use that format string as the format mask?  Like make a string "%%0."..num_decimals.."f" and then use that as the mask for a string.format?
19:54.55tyroney|workKirkburn: pics?
19:55.04cogwheela string's a string
19:55.18cogwheelhowever the string comes into being is irrelevant
19:55.20malrethKevorkian: sure
19:55.21KirkburnOne is dead and in the NW Kalimdor, one is C'thun and SW Kalimdor, one is around the central Maelstrom (Naga), one may be under Tirisfal Glades (NE) .... which leaves the 5th in the South East
19:56.11Kirochiunder the dark portal
19:56.12cogwheelKirkburn: isn't that a square with a dot in the middle?
19:56.23KirkburnI can be a star if I want :(
19:56.37malrethKevorkian: local width = 2; text = string.format("%."..width.."f", 12.3456)
19:56.56KirkburnKirochi, yeah, or around Karazhan?
19:57.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
19:57.32Kirochiboth are related to medivh
19:57.37cogwheelKevorkian: though, it's better not to think of it as some specific feature of Lua or the format function... it's just a side effect of the concatenation operator...
19:57.52KirkburnIndeed ... interesting thoughts, eh :)
19:57.55Kirochisurprisingly this is the earliest Azeroth zone known
19:58.04Kirochiand still it has secrets to uncover
19:58.47DhragaQuestion, a friend of mine is having some trouble with the outdoot pvp frames AlwaysUp1 and AlwaysUp2.... he isnt in any pvp but the frames always shoes in plaugelands and sillithus... anyone got any ideas ?
19:59.11cogwheelThat's by design
19:59.18cogwheelIt's to let everyone know the current situation
19:59.51Kevorkianare exponents in Lua just the standard ^ symbol?
19:59.54DhragaOh, so it's supposed to be that way ? Cause he dont have it on his other lvl 60 toon... is it hooked to rank ?
19:59.59cogwheelyep, Kevorkian
20:00.15cogwheelit shouldn't be... he probably has some addon hiding it on his other toon
20:00.31Dhragaok, thanks for the info
20:00.44cogwheelunless he has no rank at all in which case i have no idea 'cause all my toons that go to those zones are privates...
20:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
20:01.30Dhragaok thanks again
20:01.59cogwheelyw :)
20:03.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Blindo (
20:03.22Dhragacogwheel : yepp the toon that doesnt see it isnt ranked at all.... thanks again
20:03.45KevorkianI believe this function should round consistently
20:04.41cogwheelKevorkian: a few errors... i'll repost
20:04.47Kevorkianty kindly
20:04.54Kevorkianmy lua is still infantile
20:05.17cogwheelactually the logic itself is a bit off...
20:05.48cogwheeli'll comment my changes to explain :)
20:05.55Kevorkianwell my logic is rusty, I haven't programmed professionally in about 6 years.  trying to revive dormant neural pathways
20:06.07Kevorkians'no worries
20:06.32cogwheeli know the feeling... i went to C++ after programming in VBA for a year and felt like a complete moron...
20:06.49cogwheels/t t/t back t/
20:06.53tyroney|workI thought the world pvp objectives were tied to one of the defense channels.
20:09.24tyroney|work~emulate tyroney
20:09.26purlACTION mourns the forums.
20:10.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (n=dukeku@
20:11.55cogwheelKevorkian: just noticed something... you're returning the number as a number... if you want it for display purposes you should leave it as a string... for rounding numbers to be used in further calculation, there's a much better way...
20:12.08malrethapparently, string.format doesn't just truncate... it actually rounds to +/-inf
20:12.23malrethwait... lemme check thaht in 5.0
20:13.20malrethack! i somehow overwrote my lua 5.0 interpreter binaries with the 5.1 ones
20:13.22cogwheelthe first one on the page malreth links is what i was going for...
20:13.27malrethwhen did I do that?
20:14.23malrethwell, the first one is probably slightly faster than the string.format version
20:16.56cogwheelstring formatting is quite expensive compared to math functions
20:18.22malrethfunction calls in general are expensive in lua
20:18.36malrethmuch more so than operator functions
20:19.07Kevorkianmalreth:  the 2 line example at the top would be better served with a 4 line one, he doesn't check for negative numbers
20:20.11Kevorkianotherwise the 2 liner one is spiffy
20:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:20.44cogwheelKevorkian: mal left ;)  but still, that's the method i was going to tell you
20:20.48cogwheeloh he's back now
20:20.51malrethno he didn't
20:21.04malrethone thing i have to hand to apple
20:21.22cogwheela core?
20:21.24malreththey have some magical method of suspending network connections even when the laptop goes to sleep
20:21.34Kevorkianheh, was just saying that the page you posted the top example is spiffy but he needs to check if it's a negative number (and do -.5 instead if it is)
20:21.36malrethssh connections just pop right back to life instantly
20:21.55malrethKevorkian: it works properly for negative numbers
20:21.58malrethi just tested
20:22.05malrethit rounds to +/-inf
20:22.21malrethso -1.235 rounds to -1.24
20:22.24Kirov+/- infinity?
20:22.51malrethit's an important distiction
20:23.11*** join/#wowi-lounge eufemia (
20:23.14malrethsince you have to define exactly how you are rounding when you're taking into account positive and negative numbers
20:23.56Kevorkianit doesn't work, try rounding -0.56 to 1 decimal place
20:24.19Kirochiare you there ?
20:24.29KirkburnNo, I'm here
20:24.29malrethi get -0.6
20:24.38Kirochiall right
20:24.50Kirochidid you see the last post on the cockatrice talk page ?
20:24.57malreth> =math.round(-0.56, 1)
20:25.35TS|Skromthis is why I don't do graphics for a living... I can't even make a tga file with correct transparency ><
20:25.46KirkburnI don't mind a couple of links on talk pages, just as long as the picture isn't shown
20:25.49malrethTS|Skrom: YUO FAIL IT!
20:26.14Kirochinoteworthy to mention
20:26.22Kirochithe link doesn't even work ;)
20:26.27Kirkburnoh lol
20:26.29Kevorkianah the floor is called prior to the division
20:26.36Kevorkianthat's what was throwing me off
20:26.46KirkburnSomeone keeps killing the wiki, I'm sure of it
20:27.10zenzelezzit all started after Kirk became an admin
20:27.11Kevorkianthey stab it with their steely knives but they just can't kill the beast
20:27.44Kirochishandris=shatiana ?
20:27.45KirkburnOh wait, yeah, I should stop doing the DDOS attacks shouldn't I, now I'm admin :P
20:28.07KirkburnI'd like to hope they're different people
20:28.14Kirochiorkk=shatiana ?
20:28.35KirkburnI'm sure there's more than one person uploading images y'know :P
20:28.49Kirochi"Anyways, we can't stop people from creating sigs based on ours in the first place :/ "
20:29.00KirochiWhat do you mean ?
20:29.34KirkburnPeople can easily make a sig like [[User:Kirkburn|Kirkburn]]
20:29.58Kirochiis it a reference to what I've done ?
20:30.23KirkburnHeh, er, well I did see that before I wrote it ;)
20:30.43Kirochiwill you erase this sig ?
20:31.04KirochiI just made it to test if I was able to do something like it
20:31.27KirkburnYeah, that's fine :P Just don't use it again, pwease =)
20:31.40KirkburnAt least, not with the dotted underline thing
20:32.06KirkburnPutting (talk) next to them is very useful, I reckon
20:32.45KirochiThe dotted underline was added to sting your eyes ^-^
20:39.27Kirochiok bye
20:39.33cogwheelgah... i was boggled about the rounding thing 'till i realize the math.floor is where the negative number magic is...
20:39.36XuerianBye bye :P
20:39.51cogwheelmath.floor(-0.5) == -1
20:42.24Kevorkianya, that's what I said
20:42.44Kevorkian(04:26:29 PM) Kevorkian: ah the floor is called prior to the division (04:26:36 PM) Kevorkian: that's what was throwing me off
20:42.46cogwheelyeah... i went afk for a sec ;)
20:42.47malreththat's an example of rounding to -inf
20:43.09TS|Skrom.....I suck at this graphics crap
20:43.11cogwheelmalreth: i'm still not following you on the whole rounding to infinity thing...
20:43.34malrethwhen you round a number, you actually have to define what that means
20:44.28malrethyou can round to +inf, -inf, +/-inf, or to zero
20:44.38malrethwell, i think i'm skipping a few details
20:44.48malrethbut the idea is there
20:45.17cogwheel..... i thought we were rounding to the nearest integer... i'm really not getting what you're trying to say
20:45.33cogwheelwell, nearest decimal place anyway
20:45.44malrethyeah, i think that's the detail i'm missing
20:45.57malrethwell, anyways, math.floor is an example of rounding to -inf
20:46.03malrethmath.ceil goes to +inf
20:46.29malrethsome people would think that math.floor is equivalent to just truncating the decimals
20:46.32cogwheeli consider them going to the nearest integer less-than or equal to (for floor) or greater than or equal to (for ceil)
20:46.37malrethbut that's not true in the case of negative numbers
20:46.45cogwheeli don't see where "infinity" comes in...
20:47.15malrethmaybe i should say "towards" instead of "to"?
20:48.30cogwheelI think that would have helped keep me from thinking too hard about it, yes... ;)
20:49.03cogwheeloooh... round-to-even looks fun...
20:49.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Iff (
20:49.29cogwheel1.5 -> 2, 2.5 -> 2,  3.5 -> 3, 4.5 -> 4 ...
20:49.29malreththere's all sorts of rounding algorithms
20:50.47malrethstochastic rounding is even more fun
20:51.08malreth1.5 -> 2... 1.5->oh, let's say 1 this time
20:51.48KirkburnEveryone learns in school that 0.5 -> 1 :)
20:52.15KirkburnNotice I'm not saying school is correct :P
20:52.16cogwheelWTF? some people called here at work to do a survey regarding "Women listening to local radio"....   I told them to put us on their do not call list... The guy was pleasant enough about it. Then, literally less than a minute later, someone else calls from the same company to do the same survey...
20:52.34cogwheelKirkburn: don't worry... i would never expect that sort of blasphemy from you ;)
20:52.36IrielI've been having real problems with survey companies calling after I tell them not to
20:53.12cogwheelIt's how they get around the national do not call registry.
20:53.13KirovIriel is getting surveyly
20:53.14malrethand Iriel, too
20:53.16tyroney|workcogwheel: They probably use either no or bad autodialing software.
20:53.18cogwheelthey're not "selling" anything
20:53.38malrethif you can't get rid of them... make their life miserable
20:53.52malrethjust follow the script to fun and profit
20:53.57malreths/profit/more fun/
20:55.14Beladonaso um
20:55.17Beladonathat link you sent
20:55.25Beladonaupon clicking it, came with popups
20:55.41cogwheelit's fine... learn2firefox :P
20:55.43Beladonagotta love talking about countering telemarketers, while advertising with popups
20:55.55malrethblame the provider
20:55.56tyroney|workYeah.  I love how they have this long, detailed script desinged to keep you from hanging up, and when you're finally able to get a word in to tell them goodbye, they seem unhappy that you didn't say so sooner.
20:55.57cogwheelstill, i do love a bit of irony in the afternoon
20:56.06malrethxs4all probably puts them there
20:56.08Beladonathat was with firefox cogwheel
20:56.09TS|Skromif that's the case I have some shirts that need pressed
20:56.09Beladonabut thanks
20:56.23cogwheelhmm... mine blocked it... strange
20:56.26malrethmine too
20:56.28cogwheelyou using 2b2?
20:56.34Beladonathis is my counterscript
20:56.37malrethdidn't even know there were popups
20:56.43Beladonawhen a telemarketer calls, I let them talk
20:56.46Beladonaand I breathe heavy
20:56.49BeladonaI mean REALLY HEAVY
20:56.54Beladonalike I am having an orgasm
20:56.58Beladonathey usualy hang up
20:56.59malrethare you a girl?
20:57.09KevorkianI just hang up.  there's no point in talking to those folks
20:57.10Beladonahence the hanging up
20:57.15malrethdarn... i had a mental image going on there
20:57.20*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
20:57.39cogwheelJoshBorke should've logged in 5 minutes ago ;)
20:57.40BeladonaI tend to get creative
20:57.50BeladonaI had Jehovah witness come to my door once
20:58.00BeladonaI picked up a cat, and a knife, one in each hand, and opened the door
20:58.04KirovWhen I get calls from people trying to sell stuff, or doing "surveys" or "we have some helpful unformation" I usually just say, "No" and if they continue I don't know because I've already hung up.
20:58.12Beladonasaid "You are just in time! I was about to fix dinner!"
20:58.13malrethmy friend used to work as a telemarketer
20:58.14KirovThe worst ones are the ones that call back.
20:58.22krkameh, i dont like wasting my own time
20:58.28cogwheelHeh... we had mormons come to our apartment a lot... The church apparently rents a permanent appartment that the missionaries live in...
20:58.43cogwheelI put up a "Darwin loves you" sticker on the door and they never came back...
20:58.48Beladonayeah um, never go to a mormon church
20:58.56Beladonathey hunt you down forever
20:59.12BeladonaI have moved 3 times since then, and they always find me
20:59.13malrethproblem is the 'heavy breathing' would get classified as 'obnoxious' and you'd automatically be placed on a different list to be called at a different time
20:59.15cogwheelBeladona: It's true... my wife is an ex-mormon... they are still harrassing her after 7 years
20:59.37Beladonabut what do you expect from the leaders in geneology
20:59.45Beladonathey can find ANYONE
20:59.59krkayou can't spell mormon without moron
21:00.16cogwheelgod.. her father (who she's disowned) is still obsessed with geneology... of her mom's side of the family...
21:00.30tyroney|workI hate business sales people.  Every once in awhile some vendor will get in their heads that they want a cheap non-profit as a customer, and they'll keep trying to sell me something, even though I'm not really the person who'd have the authority to OK it.
21:00.35Beladonacogwheel - tell her to ask them for a written letter to eb removed from their records
21:00.37Beladonathats what I had to do
21:00.51zenzelezzyarr... Eye of C'thun to 1%, getting close
21:01.11cogwheelHmm... i think we did that... it's less the church that's going after her than it is all her family members who still go...
21:01.22Beladonathats different
21:01.51cogwheelThey're seriously nuts....  When they heard we were getting married, they ambushed her at work with pamphlets and bibles and stuff to try to get us to have the wedding at the temple
21:02.15Beladonathey gave me this crap about "you will be as if you had never been a member, blah blah, revoke your status as a priest, blah blah. I was like yeah thanks, Signed!
21:02.55cogwheelWe ended up having a civil ceremony at the courthouse with my mom as witness (so we didn't have to pay an extra $60) and threw a pot luck at my grandma's house...
21:02.55Kirovzenzelezz - Eye of C'Thun is the easy part.
21:03.02cogwheelnow *that's* the way to get married
21:03.43Kevorkianmy wife's parents gave us 10 grand (a decent amount at the time) and told us we could have a cheap wedding or elope and do something fun with the money.  we eloped
21:04.27cogwheelthat was nice of them :)
21:04.28BeladonaI had the normal wedding
21:04.37zenzelezzKirov: of course, but you can't jump straight to part 2 :)
21:04.37Beladonachurch, flowers, cake, all that
21:04.45Kevorkianmy wife's parents are supremely cool.
21:04.48zenzelezznow if only a few people would listen to what the raid is saying...
21:05.15Kevorkianstop DPS?!  what the heck, I'm just gonna nuke till I pull aggro and die!
21:05.24malrethinterview with a programmer who uses a monte carlo method as the basis of a go playing program:,71804-0.html?tw=rss.index
21:06.49malrethah... it can only play 9x9 go... that's a big limitation
21:06.52Beladonahomeward! be back later!
21:07.07cogwheelyeah... when i saw those numbers i was a little skeptical
21:07.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
21:07.19Kasodoes RegisterAllEvents call RegisterEvent ?
21:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazierMYKL (i=Mike@gateway/tor/x-fe277fbad48d3efa)
21:07.45KirovKaso doubtful
21:07.49Kevorkianmalreth:  nothing new
21:07.51cogwheeli was thinking something like deep blue but then they said four processor opteron machine and thought O.o
21:07.53TS|Skromdoes anyone have a list of all textures with maybe graphics to go along with em?
21:08.04TS|Skromfor those of us coding at work :D
21:08.20malrethKevorkian: the programmer puts a slight twist to the standard monte carlo method
21:08.29purlACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: Better not tell you now
21:08.40cogwheelTS|Skrom: just stick interface.mpq and wowblpviewer on a CD and bring it to work ;)
21:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:08.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:09.02TS|Skromgood call
21:09.17TS|Skromhow big? I can slip em on my flash drive
21:09.38malreththe interview gives the details
21:09.45cogwheel68 MB for interface.mpq
21:09.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
21:09.55XuerianDon't you just hate it when you tab back in from editing a mod, just to catch yourself with 10hp left, and just in time to watch the killing blow land?
21:10.34MikkZzzYes :-P
21:10.52Kasoit doesnt :< damnit
21:10.52ckknighthey all
21:11.11KirovI did that once aparently a druid had been smacking on me for about 5 minutes and had only just gotten be down
21:11.15cogwheelTS|Skrom: hmm... now that i think about it, some stuff might be in patch.mpq.... you might be better off using the AddOn kit at home and zipping up Blizzard Interface Art yourself (you'd still need BLPViewer to look at the files)
21:11.19KirovThen he spit on me
21:11.19XuerianHeya ckknight :P
21:11.28XuerianHaha Kirov XD
21:12.12thrcan you do
21:12.18thrparent="$parent" in a virtual frame?
21:12.22malrethhmm... Crazy Stone still seems to lose to GnuGo...
21:13.19XuerianThr: Why would you need to do that? o_0
21:13.23thrforget it ;P
21:13.25thr< stupid
21:13.57Xuerianlol <3
21:14.40tyroney|workisn't there some runScript() function?
21:14.42malrethgah! it plays on the 2-1 point... it plays into atari
21:15.07Xuerianloadstring & assert
21:15.17krkai believe there is also a RunScript
21:15.25malrethok... gonna go home
21:15.33malrethlater all
21:15.35XuerianHave fun, malreth :P
21:15.43tyroney|workI was thinking it would be entertaining to make a macro that executes arg1.  Just to see what happens.
21:15.59tyroney|workActually it would be boring, but I still want to try.
21:17.07krkaseems kinda pointless but sure :)
21:18.17JoshBorkewait, what did i miss?
21:18.24purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
21:19.11JoshBorkedamn, no logs from today
21:19.33JoshBorkecogwheel: ping
21:24.21Kasoframes' order they recive events in is in the order they registered them in? or just in some arbitary order
21:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:33.31cogwheelJoshBorke: pong
21:34.11cogwheeldon't you hate it when your boss has a big yellow exclamation mark over his head?
21:36.05Merybuy him this:
21:39.21cogwheelHe'd have to switch to this one every other monday:
21:41.47cogwheelJoshBorke: Just Beladona describing his anti-telemarketer strategy... :P
21:42.25Cairennwhy do I think it wouldn't work for me?
21:43.25cogwheelCairenn, if you did that, they'd probably pay *you*....
21:45.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
21:58.01Cairennhello? you want to sell me an automatic orange-juice squeezer? mmmmm And it comes with an attachment to julienne fries? oh god!  If I order today I get a free year's subscription to Homemaker's Weekly? yes, oh yes!  Do I want to hear more? yes yes yes oh god
22:00.41cogwheelLOL... i actually ordered a food dehydrater and it came with an orange juicer and food slicer (which can do french fries)
22:00.43Gryphenmmm orange fries
22:03.50*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:05.17TS|Skromwheee I have a working minimap button which can be drug, be hidden from the options menu and has a tooltip! now if only I could make a decent butten texture to save my life ><
22:05.31Kasohe, drug
22:05.58TS|Skromyeah drug :P
22:06.25TS|SkromI'm a network admin and part time programmer, I don't speak english. My sentances all end with () or ;
22:08.57TS|Skromyeah yeah yeah :p
22:13.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:19.29Kasois the order frames get events determinable?
22:19.31zenzelezzEU forums seem messed up
22:19.38zenzelezzThe requested resource (/) is not available.
22:20.00Cairennus have been down all day too
22:22.28cogwheelkaso, i suspect not, but they *might* happen in the order tha EnumerateFrames() presents them...
22:22.40cladhaireCairenn: I ordered the "Magic Bullet" =)
22:22.53cladhaireBack a while ago.. I even got TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!
22:23.07cogwheelmy mother in law got one of those :)
22:23.14Kasothat sentance confused me for a second
22:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:23.52IrielFrames appear to get events in the order they registered for them
22:24.04KirkburnOh, it's a kitchen appliance
22:24.19Irielbut i've not done extensive testing to verify that
22:25.03Kasothat'd mean i could never recive an event before the default UI
22:25.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
22:25.51cogwheelKaso: you could go through all of FrameXML, look for event registration, unregister them all after your addon loads and then reregister them... :O
22:26.24Kasosounds like atlot of work
22:26.32Kasoi doubt itll cause me problems anyway
22:26.49tyroney|workI've heard those magic bullets are awesom.
22:27.41cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
22:27.42purlACTION keel-hauls the forums. Yarrrrr!
22:27.48cladhairetyroney|work: I enjoy it :P
22:27.55cladhaireI don't make the 10 minute meals, but its handy
22:28.05IrielWhy would you need to receive an event before the base UI?
22:28.18Iriel(Note some parts of the UI load on demand, so you can register before it does there)
22:28.21tyroney|workIf I had one, I'd probably be drinking frozen strawberry shakes every day.  So I probably won't be getting one.
22:29.48Kasoi want to prevent the UI seeing when i swap raid groups around alot i dont lag.
22:30.01cogwheelHeh... we might have gotten a magic bullet if a $200 blender weren't one of the first gifts i bought my wife ;)
22:30.14cogwheel(she loves smoothies and iced coffe drinks)
22:31.00cladhairepsh.. who needs a blender =)
22:31.49cogwheeloh and then after she turned 21 *coughs* mixers became a hit too
22:34.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Meatwad (
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22:34.52Meatwadhello ladies
22:35.53Cairennas the only lady present ... hi
22:36.41CapnOsagasuWhich just shows the huge difference between guy geeks and girl geeks in numbers.
22:36.43cogwheelI think we had a token female in each programming class i was in
22:36.56CapnOsagasuLeave me alone, I've been talking like a pirate all damn day, I'm tired of it.
22:38.03CapnOsagasucogwheel, we have had one lady in all my geek classes.
22:38.11CapnOsagasuand I literally mean one.  Same girl.
22:38.45Tem_I've reached the point in my csc classes where the male to female ratio can no longer be expressed in real numbers
22:38.56cogwheelyeah... i think mine might've been the same one...
22:39.10Meatwad::sigh::  female geeks
22:39.13cogwheellol... i didn't mean the same as yours but that's funny so i'll stick with it
22:39.54cogwheelActually, my guild seems to have the highest female player to female character of any guild on our server...
22:40.13TS|SkromWhat's worse then a lack of female geeks is females who pretend to be
22:40.13cogwheels/r o/r ratio o/
22:40.31TS|Skromso  you get married and then everything is great and then she's like YOU CAN'T RAID TONIGHT WE HAVE TO GO OUT WITH MY PARENTS
22:40.35TS|Skromand you are like NOOOOO
22:40.42TS|Skromand she's like YESSSS RAWR I HATE YOU
22:40.49cogwheelTS|Skrom: i guess i'm lucky then ;)
22:41.04Tem_I submit that anyone who says the word "rawr" is, in fact, a real geek.
22:41.09TS|Skrommy next wife has to have dead parents before I marry her
22:41.19TS|SkromI'm not picky about if they're dead when we meet, I know a guy
22:41.22Meatwadmy lady talks about engagment....i cower in fear
22:41.22Cairennmeh, I just got my parents hooked on the game too
22:41.23CapnOsagasuI know it is for mine.  all but two of our healers (That's three classes, take one shadow priest and a retnoob pally) are women.  One of our tanks is, and a few of our mages are.
22:41.25cogwheels/d p/d rich p/
22:42.06TS|SkromI'll take poor as long as they don't interfere
22:42.29CapnOsagasuSo, about... 10%?  of my guild is female.
22:42.38cogwheelshe doesn't read /. though, so....
22:42.42CapnOsagasuMAYBE 15%
22:42.52Tem_Every single one of the women in my guild is a healer
22:42.56cogwheelour GL is female, as are most of the officers
22:42.57Tem_no pallies
22:43.01Tem_only druids and priests
22:43.03Meatwadyes, but are they hot?
22:43.32Tem_(well, one guy's wife is a mage, but she never really plays)
22:43.34CairennTem_: Lyre plays a rogue and my main is hunter
22:43.53CapnOsagasuWhat scares me is the amount of couples in my guild.
22:43.56Tem_Lyre == mini Cair?
22:44.14Meatwadi have a midget in my desk drawer...
22:44.27cogwheelCapnOsagasu: we had alts in a guild that was made up of 5 or 6 couples, and their children...
22:44.29CapnOsagasuYou're an uncooked, giant meatball.  be quiet.
22:45.02CairennLyre = my daughter, yes, but most definitely not a mini-Cair
22:45.11Cairennshe's pretty
22:45.19cogwheelzomg screenshots!
22:45.19Meatwad*begins to cry*
22:45.27cogwheelor it isn't true :P
22:45.39Cairennthey've been posted before
22:45.45Esamynn~comfort Meatwad
22:45.47purlThere, there, Meatwad.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:45.54Cairennpeople can attest to her prettiness
22:46.00TemCairenn, of your daughter? I've seen pictures of you, but not her (I think)
22:46.02CapnOsagasuI've seen them.
22:46.11CapnOsagasuShe's almost as pretty as Cair.  Almost. :P
22:46.20Temhmm, was she perhaps in a group photo or something?
22:46.31Temwtf? someone is knocking on my door
22:46.33Cairenngood luck
22:46.45cogwheelhmm... actually a lot of WoW ui related stuff...
22:46.54CapnOsagasuNo need to check google images, I'm pretty sure the Blizzcon pics are still up on WoWi
22:47.02Meatwadtem:  answer it with your wang out, and ask if they're hookers
22:47.17cogwheeland some guy licking a gray 'fro wearing lady's umm...
22:47.18zenzelezzcheck if you remember the URL :-o
22:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:48.28CapnOsagasuAll of those little pixel dolls of your are on google images.
22:48.35CapnOsagasuBut no pics of you, Cair.
22:48.37Temeh it was my roomate
22:48.40Temhe locked himself out
22:48.49CairennTem: heh
22:49.02CairennCapnOsagasu: heh, no kidding :p
22:49.27CapnOsagasube yarr be.
22:50.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
22:51.51TemWhite and Nerdy:
22:51.52Esamynnhmm, I find myself torn between two choices, read a paper for my class in 40 minutes, or code.......
22:52.04CairennEsamynn: class
22:52.23Temthe answer is always code
22:52.54EsamynnCairenn: *response deleted*
22:53.01Esamynn~lart Tem
22:53.06cogwheeli'm looking forward and yet dreading going back to school
22:53.11Meatwadis there a channel with chicks?
22:53.18cogwheelluckily i don't have to deal with G.E.
22:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike_ (i=Mike@gateway/tor/x-b4e56cdaa634c49f)
22:53.32TemGE is the bane of my existance
22:53.48MeatwadGenderal Education?
22:54.14cogwheelMeatwad: yep
22:55.20Meatwadi am an english major.....
22:55.26Esamynnwell, if I give my sense of responsibility, Cairenn and Tem each a vote, class wins 2-1 ;)
22:55.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Health (
22:56.01Healthcladhaire, you there? :)
22:56.11TemMeatwad, that's an odd major for someone who is in this channel
22:56.16cladhairewhen you make my client beep i am
22:56.29Meatwadtem:  i have no idea where i am
22:56.48TemI own a shirt that says "I have no idea what's going on."
22:56.57Kirovyou're in #wowi-lounge on
22:56.59cogwheelI'm going to law school soon ;)
22:56.59Healthyay! I saw RaidSimulation.lua in PerfectRaid and was wondering if it was useful to play around with if you want to tweak settings? /script RaidSimulation:Start() didn't seem to do the magic.
22:57.02Esamynnsounds about right for you Tem
22:57.25TemHealth, PerfectRaid:Simulate()
22:57.34Meatwadwhat is wowi?
22:57.36Temshould have read the logs, Health
22:57.54TemMeatwad, are you high, dumb, or playing one of the above?
22:58.06HealthTem: Stupid me! I don't even haev logs :P
22:58.11Temsvn log
22:58.12HealthIf you don't mean svn logs
22:58.18HealthAh, read a bit didn't find it
22:58.20KirovTem - I think he's a ball of processed mammal parts
22:58.30HealthThank you.
22:59.17Meatwadaw crap, wow = world of war...not world of women
22:59.19CairennMeatwad: this is a channel for folks that right user interface modifications for the MMORPG World of Warcraft to hang out in
22:59.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Meatwad (
22:59.45zenzelezzguess he was looking for women on a lounge
23:00.00Kirovzenzelezz - he found Cair, that doesn't count?
23:00.30WobinWorld of Women =P
23:00.43KirovMaybe I should of changed my kick to sixteenfemaleyes
23:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-66a0e191aca9f3dd)
23:01.03WobinNow, I just read that as 'Sixteen Female Eyes' =P
23:01.13Esamynn|reading~lart Kirov
23:01.19CairennEsamynn|reading: school
23:01.23CairennEsamynn|reading: not channel
23:01.38Esamynn|readingCairenn: yes mom :P
23:01.54FifteenFemaleYesARE TEERE NE CUT GYS HEREE?
23:02.12Wobinthat's a bit personal =P
23:02.19WobinEspecially for a first question =P
23:02.48KirovWobin - obviously never spent much time on "more public" chat channels
23:03.08Kirov"CUT" == cute
23:03.18WobinWell that makes more sense
23:03.20cogwheelwobin: lost you for a sec 'till your jewish comment...
23:03.33cogwheelwhich is really surprising since my grandmother is Marilyn Milos
23:03.40cogwheel(google that name... you'll understand)
23:03.48cogwheelshe even has a wikipedia entry
23:04.17WobinWell, it's a silly thing
23:04.24WobinUnless for religious reasons
23:04.43WobinCause there always have been silly things done in the name of religion
23:04.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike__ (i=Mike@gateway/tor/x-f20a657c0b713d11)
23:05.32Wobinwow. That's wonderfully socially correct....
23:06.03KirovI hear some religions force their members to tie themselves up and pack tightly in to dimly lit, smoke filled rooms while being yelled at.
23:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge [floyd] (
23:07.18Xueriancladhaire: Ping! ^_^
23:08.13cladhaireXuerian: Hello
23:08.36XuerianHai ^_^. Pm >_>
23:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge nekoh (
23:09.30KirkburnHow random, this video only works on one of my screens
23:09.41cogwheelgive it a sec...
23:09.51cogwheelmight take a bit for your video drivers to get a clue
23:10.02WobinKirkburn: Check for overlay
23:10.18KirkburnIt normally takes it only about a sec for that, this is full-on no movement (sound is fine)
23:10.48HealthTem, is group numbers on by default now?
23:10.48cogwheelmove the window halfway between the two and see if one half looks fine...
23:10.58TemHealth, dunno
23:11.03KirkburnLeft side moves :P
23:11.54cogwheelyeah... it's an acceleration problem... the drivers usually only want to do accel on the primary monitor, though if you start the video on the secondary one, it will be able to switch back and forth easily...
23:11.59KirkburnBut only in MPC, if I use WMP, it's fine ...
23:12.25cogwheelhmmm... don't know about MPC... WMP probably has more intimate dealings with the drivers since it's an MS program...
23:12.50Kirkburnnvm, this is the only video I've had the problem with
23:13.12KirkburnThe Vista task manager is really really good :)
23:13.31Kirkburn(the video shows Vista)
23:14.02cladhairesoup and a sandwich, or baked ziti?
23:15.38KirkburnUm ... it shows individual program network, CPU and RAM usage :)
23:17.06cogwheelKirkburn: link?
23:17.35KirkburnFrom the Stardock guys, video link is after the screenshots
23:18.31Wobinstardock =P
23:19.41KirkburnObject Desktop is awesome =)
23:21.04XuerianKirkburn:  Why aren't you using process explorer already? :)
23:21.26KirkburnErr, never heard of it - go, browse, download, be enlightened.
23:22.26KirkburnI'll have to take a look
23:22.54Healthcladhaire: Sorry for stupid questions.. but.. you removed the show group number stuff in latest perfectraid?
23:23.35XuerianIt's home to tons of nifty free (not ad supported) utlities for windows adminning. ProcExp trumps any taskmanager. It shows EVERYTHING about running processes, displays in a tree, allows handle and module browsing, even monitoring individual thread resource usage per process
23:24.24cogwheelAnd it was recently bought by microsoft, wasn't it?
23:24.47XuerianNot afaik o_0
23:25.13cladhaireHealth: Yes I did, not sure how i want to put it back
23:25.31cogwheel(first google search result on    microsoft buys sysinternals)
23:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney|work (
23:25.40XuerianAh >_>
23:25.42EsamynnCairenn: yes mom :P
23:25.44XuerianWell, they're still damn good tools
23:26.00XuerianIf Vista impliments the full power of procexp in it's taskmanager, well, that's great
23:26.11KirkburnDoesn't bother me that they have :)
23:26.16Esamynni hit my arrow keys by accident
23:26.35Esamynnlater all
23:26.37KirkburnIt's like one of those moments when you call the teacher 'mum'
23:26.49KirkburnSee ya Esamynn
23:26.55Esamynnhah, scroll up Kirkburn, i had good reason to earlier ;)
23:26.57XuerianCya Esamynn :P
23:27.13Cairennlater Esamynn
23:27.39Kirkburnlol, how did i miss that conversation
23:28.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
23:28.29HealthOkay.. It's nice if you get assigned a few groups to heal for example..
23:29.05JoshBorkeanyone know the texture for the friendslist?
23:30.34MaldiviaJoshBorke: background, or ?
23:32.08JoshBorkeyea, background
23:32.43Maldiviathose 4
23:34.46Kasoam i not allowed to do ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: frame.subframe ?
23:35.35Kasoso i have to save var the whole table?
23:36.24Irielyou can't save var frames, either
23:36.24Temsaved variables must be string-keyed global variables
23:36.24KirkburnHey, I haven't seen TheiverOfToast recently, he gone on holiday?
23:36.35Kasomy typing sucks for some reason today :<
23:36.58MaldiviaTem: would give you an error, stating that it's restricted to Blizzard only
23:37.20Maldiviaor well, most likely
23:37.25zenzelezzit did
23:37.27zenzelezzjust tried
23:37.40TemMaldivia, not if called from signed code
23:37.53Temnot that we can,
23:37.54Temjust wondering
23:38.53MaldiviaMost likely: it would try to save a variable named "table:BAADC0DE", or it would give an error box stating that it takes a string as parameter
23:40.59cladhairedid you think about typing badcode, or is it just habit from days past? =)
23:41.45Maldiviathink it's just a habit
23:41.50cladhairefair enough =)
23:42.00Maldiviait came natural :)
23:42.51Maldiviait's such a nice pointer reference - makes finding uninitialized pointers easy to spot :)
23:43.35cladhaireindeed =)
23:45.48cladhairesomeone just tried to explain to me how we're supposed to be using SomeModCustomClick functions for click-casting..
23:45.59cladhaireIt was entirely new information!  I feel motivated and informed!
23:48.04JoshBorkelol cladhaire
23:48.24KirkburnHaha, how would you answer this prompt?
23:48.25JoshBorkeMaldivia: blah, how do i use that information to make my frame look like the questlog? :-(
23:48.45JoshBorkes/questlog/friends frame/
23:48.49Kirkburn(shellrevealed is a new blog from the Vista UI guys)
23:49.08MaldiviaJoshBorke: create 4 textures: topleft is 256x256, topright is: 128x256, bottomleft is: 256x128, bottomright is: 128x128
23:49.49JoshBorkemmk, thanks
23:50.47MaldiviaJoshBorke: the bottom textures should be 256 in height aswell
23:51.20tyroney|workor have their texture coords set carefully.
23:57.56Kasohow bad is using RegisterAllEvents
23:58.34IrielIt's for DEVELOPMENT ONLY
23:58.52Irielrealistically, it depends where you are.
23:59.25IrielFor normal addons, if you dont know what events you need, you probably shouldn't be writing addons 8-)
23:59.38Kasohmm, the problem is i need to register my events before anyone else, but i dont know at that point what to register cos my saved vars arent loaded yet

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.