irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060918

00:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:07.56[floyd]Are underscores commonly used in Lua to indicate unused paramters, such as 'local Zone, _, _ = GetMapInfo();' ?
00:08.34[floyd]It's just a convention, though, right? It's not enforced by the runtime, is it?
00:08.36KirovIt's common, but not actually part of lua.
00:08.42Kirovyes, just convention
00:08.49Kirov_ can be used as a normal variable
00:08.52[floyd]Heh, alright, fast response there, thanks :)
00:15.13*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
00:17.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:18.06*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_____ (
00:33.11MentalPowerGrr... I hate Regex!
00:33.58thr<3 regex
00:33.59thrwhat do u need?
00:34.17MentalPowerwhy does string.gfind(SomeItemLink, "|Hitem:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)|h") work, but string.find(SomeItemLink, "|Hitem:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)|h") doesn't?
00:34.42thris there any difference?
00:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:48.44MentalPowerok, back
00:48.57MentalPowersorry, ISP was restarting their network
00:52.34MentalPowerthr: still there?
01:02.56[floyd]MentalPower: string.find returns indices, while string.gfind returns an iterator function.
01:03.13MentalPowerI know
01:03.23MentalPowerlemme pastey my code
01:03.31[floyd]That'd be best.
01:04.32MentalPowerif you specify noTable it borks, if you don't specify it it works just fine
01:05.24[floyd]Weird, looks identical to me.
01:05.45MentalPowerthe pattern is the same
01:06.12MentalPowerbut string.find just doesn't return anything
01:07.28[floyd]Have you tried capturing the first parameter and checking against 'nil'?
01:07.44MentalPoweryes its nil
01:07.48MentalPowerI /dumpéd it
01:09.17[floyd]That is fairly weird. The documentation indicates that it finds "the first match". Should work [tm] :)
01:10.03MentalPowerlike I said string.gfind works just fine with the same pattern
01:10.52MentalPowerhmm... I just found something wierd, is I modify string.find's pattern to not include pipes "|" it works
01:11.57[floyd]To me... being a noob if there ever was one.... it sounds like a but in the runtime. That's doesn't mean a whole lot.
01:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
01:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
01:25.26malrethDame!! Yamete!!! Yamete kudasai~~!!!
01:25.58XuerianXuer-baka no comprende ><
01:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
01:45.03malrethwell, i've heard of pissing contests...
01:50.27OsagasuHehehe... My guild leader is a little pissed at Anduin for not adding a safety to Damage Meters with the update.
01:50.58OsagasuLike giving you the option to not clear.
01:51.14OsagasuCause our bad healers and stuff are clearing it to hide their problems.
01:52.47malrethkick the healers
01:53.30malrethor if you can't get rid of them... 50 DKP MINUS!
01:53.47malrethno mercy for the weak! sweep the leg, Johnny.
01:54.05OsagasuWe don't know who the healers are.  that's the problem.
01:54.11OsagasuThey're clearing the meters.
01:54.42GryphenYa, how dare anduin overlook that
01:54.59OsagasuNormal people don't realize the work that goes into coding.
01:55.13Corrodiasin addition, they could cheat by modifying the code, anyway
01:55.55OsagasuOnce again you overestimate the power of the average person, Corr.
01:56.25Corrodiasthe average people aren't really a concern if there are malicious coders in the group
01:56.39Corrodiasif someone can cheat, it's not really effective to stop just a few of them
01:56.52OsagasuNone of our healers are technically inclined.
01:57.03XuerianThe code isn't really a concern if there are malicious people in the group.
01:57.10[floyd]Do they have boobies though?
01:58.48OsagasuThe ones we think are the bad healers don't.
01:59.03Corrodiasperhaps... he should add a feature that, when you call the clear function, it prints a message to RAID...
01:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:59.27Corrodiasi would like to say that it amazes me that these people would rather hide their incompetency than try to learn how to improve, but it really doesn't.
01:59.27Osagasuooor... add a feature that only allows a raid leader or assist to clear. :P
02:02.34OsagasuOr even better, a big popup on the raid leader's screen. :P
02:03.05Corrodiaslike unto what you get with raidassist
02:03.18Guillotineoh! clad! just had to let you know, I'm LOVING PerfectRaid + Clique
02:03.31clad|sleepGuillotine: Great =)
02:03.34Corrodiasclique, clique... that's the click-casting one, isn't it?
02:03.38clad|sleepIdentify bugs, and they shall be fixed =)
02:04.06Corrodiasi certainly appreciate PerfectRaid. i haven't participated in an instance raid, yet, but AV is so much easier when i can actually see something
02:04.28clad|sleepi do them both.. and it just helps me.. *shrug* =)
02:04.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:05.31KirkburnLol, this is the stupidest 'news' article ever regarding crop circles:
02:05.49KirkburnA select quote: "From crop circle designers and top-level researchers to the baffled farmers who usually find them, nobody really knows the origin of crop circles."
02:06.00KirkburnTry reading that line a few times ...
02:06.16clad|sleepbut what i did read.. it was... stupid.
02:06.40Corrodiaseach sentence is a paragraph. my god.
02:06.54KirkburnAmazing, isn't it :P
02:08.05Corrodiasgotta turn this off so i can put in the other hard drive... bbl
02:18.56norgsWhy purl??? Why!?
02:19.02purlaw, gee, Esamynn
02:25.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_____ (
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02:36.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ShadowEnvy (
02:37.46ShadowEnvyQuick Question: when launching a macro, WoW Tends to freeze game execution until the macro is finished running..... is there a function call, or a WoW API call that will resume game execution BEFORE the macro is complete??
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02:44.40Corrodiasand there we go, hard drives swapped
02:44.41OsagasuShadowEnvy, that is lag, not pausing.
02:44.56clad|sleepOsagasu: Or its a macro doing a lot of work =)
02:44.57ShadowEnvyI thought so too, at first.....
02:45.33ShadowEnvybut when I cast a specific spell, if the spell is successful, then it has a cooldown
02:45.49Corrodiascooldowns are not a bug
02:45.51ShadowEnvyif the spell fails, but still attempted, then there is also a cooldown
02:46.29ShadowEnvyso, I'm trying to figure out if the spell cast was successful
02:46.40ShadowEnvyeven if it fails, it still cools down
02:47.08ShadowEnvyso, I tried a loop, that gets the system time (, and then waits about a second
02:47.21ShadowEnvybut the game seems to essentially freeze while the macro runs
02:47.32clad|sleepyes, the UI is single threaded.
02:47.33ShadowEnvyso, I'm wondering, if there is a "doevents" like function
02:47.48ShadowEnvybecause even a coroutine wouldn't help.
02:47.56clad|sleepNo, there isn't.
02:48.05clad|sleepthat's why we have addons.
02:48.10Corrodiasspells aren't supposed to have full length cooldowns if you don't succeed..
02:48.10clad|sleepregister for SPELLCAST_STOP
02:48.18Corrodiasalthough global cooldown will apply
02:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:49.35clad|sleepokay, i'm going to bed.
02:49.44Cairennsweet dreams clad|sleep
02:50.02Xuerian'night Clad :P
02:50.07ShadowEnvythank you sir.
02:50.26clad|sleepNight Cairenn, Xuerian
02:51.07[floyd]Shadowed: I believe the script engine is written in a blocking manner -- execute an endless loop and the game client will hang forever.
02:51.26ShadowEnvythat's what I thought :(
02:51.35ShadowEnvyI was hoping there was a method to bypass this
02:51.40ShadowEnvyperhaps in the WoW API
02:51.46ShadowEnvyor some kind of sick recursive macro calls
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02:52.22[floyd]Not that I would know of. Only thing I could suggest is to search for "yield".
02:52.36ShadowEnvyI checked it, for coroutines
02:52.46ShadowEnvybut it only yeilds the thread INSIDE the macro
02:52.51ShadowEnvydoesn't return control to the game
02:53.03[floyd]Ugh... :/
02:53.18ShadowEnvy:S yeah
02:53.41[floyd]In that case, what I would suggest, is to write 'bug' report/feature request to blizzard.
02:53.55ShadowEnvy:( thanks guys
02:57.38Cairennthat's pretty cool Kaelten
02:58.50TemSo, Frames only get their parent's framelevel +1 on init
02:58.53Temthat sucks
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03:15.28thra kitty: (")(^_^)(")
03:15.49thr... and there was much rejoicing.
03:17.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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03:17.43IrielIf anyone's paying attention next time anyone suggests that the single threaded nature of the UI might be a 'bug' or in any way negotiable, slap them!
03:18.03malrethwhen will the violence stop, Iriel?
03:18.18IrielWhen all the stupid people are eliminated 8-)
03:19.19Corrodiasyou don't like people questioning the wisdom of a single-threaded UI, eh
03:19.26malrethhmm... time to read up on coroutines
03:19.50malrethdesign decisions are not bugs
03:19.59Corrodiasi didn't suggest it was a bug
03:23.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Rophy (
03:37.43Corrodiasthis antiperspirant has a mild, pleasant scent, but i think i may have put too much on
03:38.09OsagasuSometimes I wish the UI was multithreaded, then I remember my CPU only has one core.
03:39.07Corrodias...threads don't require multiple cores
03:39.35OsagasuA single CPU can only run one cpmmand at a time, however.
03:40.18Corrodiascorrect. however, your operating system and all processes running on it take advantage of it being able to switch among threads as it runs
03:40.37Corrodiasan advantage of a multithreaded UI is that one busy addon wouldn't freeze the whole thing.
03:41.13Esamynnstill could
03:42.20Corrodiasnot completely
03:42.45Corrodiasit can make it nearly unresponsive, as you can do to windows, but it will still gradually crawl along. in addition, you really have to screw up for that to happen.
03:43.07ckknighta multithreaded UI could be a hell of a lot more complicated
03:43.19ckknightcause you'd have to deal with locking and all sorts of stuff
03:43.26ckknightand concurrency issues
03:43.57OsagasuThe downside is... DING!  That your computer is slow for longer! :P
03:44.03IrielIndeed, the singlethreaded nature of the UI makes UI code a whole lot simpler than it would otherwise be, and reduces the chance of bugs significantly
03:44.17Corrodiasi'm not arguing against any of that
03:44.23IrielEven without coroutines, you can make long processes bearable with events or OnUpdate
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03:44.44Corrodiasi addressed the single idea of multithreaded UI not being useful because of having a single CPU core
03:45.26OsagasuEven in a bug free enviornment, I don't see it as worth it.
03:45.40OsagasuUnless your computer has multiple CPUs or multiple cores.
03:46.36IrielAs for the earlier comment -- I have nothing against questioning why the UI may be single threaded, just peopel suggesting that changing that get posted in any of the blizzard forums as a suggestion or bug.
03:47.02CorrodiasOsagasu: i just said why...
03:47.19Corrodiasbut now you've changed it a little, you say not "worth it"
03:47.21OsagasuI'm not saying you didn't.
03:47.36OsagasuNo, I was ambiguous before.
03:50.44*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
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04:24.15*** part/#wowi-lounge tehyoss (
04:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
05:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:24.56Cairennevening slouken
05:25.04sloukenHey Cairenn, how's it going?
05:25.11Cairennpretty well, yourself?
05:25.20sloukenbusy busy, working on the expansion. :)
05:25.27Cairennheh, I'll just bet
05:26.01Kirovwill WoW 3.0 get lua 5.2?
05:26.15sloukenIt'll probably get Lua 6. ;-)
05:27.13Cairennanyway, as usual, your timing is impeccable
05:27.16Cairennnight folks
05:27.16sloukenQuiet tonight...
05:27.23krkagood morning people
05:27.33sloukenmorning krka. :)
05:28.47sloukenkrka, where do you live?
05:29.04krkanot sure i want to tell a blizzard employee that ;)
05:29.13krkablizzard has ... resources
05:29.32krka(stockholm sweden)
05:31.42Esamynngood night all
05:31.44krkaslouken: want my serialization code? it handles recursive tables... though i guess saved variables rarely has that .P
05:34.21krkatime to run to the bus
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05:34.37sloukengood luck!
05:34.38krkalater peoples
05:34.44sloukenNight Esamynn
05:35.09sloukenkrka, the saved variable code handles that as well, as fr as I know.
05:35.25krkareally? hmm... was that recently added?
05:35.35krkai think i tried with wow 1.5
05:35.36sloukena few months ago, I think...
05:35.46sloukenOh yeah, definitely since then
05:35.48krkai need to get up2date :)
05:35.54slouken1.10 or thereabouts, I think
05:35.58krkathat's cool, i'll have to take a look at it
05:36.10sloukengo catch a bus! :)
05:36.20sloukenheading to bed myself...
05:36.41XuerianDamned ninja-leavers.
05:43.16Irielkrka: : handles in the sense of 'does not allow, and nils out' 8-)
05:43.57Irielkrka: (re: Saved variables and self-referential structures)
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05:58.35Kevorkianwhat is the difference in the way variables are handled in WTF\Account\<acctname>\SavedVariables and WTF\Account\<acctname>\<realmname>\<charname>?
06:03.41XuerianCharcter specific saved variables
06:04.52Kevorkianaye, I understand that.  I'm just curious the sequence of loading
06:05.15Kevorkianand how its handled.
06:05.21ckknightwell, the order doesn't matter.
06:05.37ckknightunless things have the same name...
06:06.06ckknightwhich'd be bad
06:06.18Kevorkianwell, like for instance, there's a censusplus.lua in the main saved variables and also one in the character specific directory
06:07.28Kevorkianall it has in the character specific file (for a particular character) is "CensusPlus_DoThisCharacter = false"
06:07.41Kevorkianbut the main saved variable file has all my census data
06:11.11Kevorkianare you saying that both the main census data and that one variable, are loaded at the (as far as we know) same time when I log that particular character?
06:11.50Kevorkianand if so, how does CensusPlus save variables in a character specific location vs. the main saved variable folder?
06:13.55ckknightit would save the same value in both places.
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06:15.53Kevorkianregardless of the value, how would one get it so that a variable only saves in one location or the other?
06:16.10Kevorkiansince the main census data saves only in the main saved data folder
06:16.34KevorkianI'm assuming there's a way of distinguishing data that is character specific vs. that which is global to the addon
06:16.54Esamynn|sleepChar specific variables are loaded after account wide variables
06:17.23Kevorkianfair enough, but how do you know it's a character specific vs. account wide one?
06:17.28Esamynn|sleepso if you have duplicate variables the character specific one is the one you will end up with
06:17.39Esamynn|sleepKevorkian: no way to tell programtically
06:18.17Kevorkianwhy doesn't censusplus then have the census data in the character specific directory?
06:18.28Kevorkianit only saved that one variable there
06:18.32Kevorkiannot the main data
06:18.47Kevorkianthe crux of my question is "how does it do that"?
06:19.10Esamynn|sleepdo what exactly?
06:19.34AnduinLotharFor anyone interested - New Cosmos Release:
06:19.36Kevorkiannot save the main census data in the character specific directory
06:20.06Kevorkianor conversely, only save character specific data in the character specific directory
06:20.29Kevorkianwhat makes the data character specific
06:20.47Esamynn|sleepthe definition in the TOC file
06:21.03Esamynn|sleepyou can define SavedVariables and SavedVariablesPerCharacter
06:21.57Kevorkiangot it, that's exactly the point I was missing :)
06:22.08Esamynn|sleepyou're welcome
06:22.40Kevorkianoh that's spiffy
06:24.47Kevorkianthat answers my next 3 questions too.  now if my son would just fall asleep I could go to bed a happy man
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06:42.18krkaIriel|Away: ah, i see
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07:11.19Temanyone around familliar with the java api?
07:11.42TemI basically need string.rep
07:13.32Kirovin java?
07:14.39|FF|Im2good4ujava api in wow ?
07:14.58XuerianYou want a equivalent of it, right?
07:15.03|FF|Im2good4uuse the lua string.rep instead :p
07:16.28Temin java
07:16.37TemI need something like lua's string.rep
07:16.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
07:16.48|FF|Im2good4ubut there is no java in WOWAPI
07:17.02|FF|Im2good4uso its imposable
07:17.09Temare you retarded?
07:17.17|FF|Im2good4uno just a bitch
07:17.22TemI'm not talking about WoW at all
07:17.30XuerianIt's sleepy time, not thinky time, Tem
07:17.38Temdamn you people
07:18.39Xuerianwhat does string.rep do, anyway >_>
07:18.56Kirovstring.rep("a",5) == "aaaaa"
07:19.11Tem=string.rep("I hate you ",10)
07:19.19TemI hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
07:19.51Kirovstring.rep("I will never spit in class again.", 100)
07:19.54DhragaHi all, a question... It there any information about any standard on the coloring of the schools of spells ? (like for ex SCT has)
07:20.23Temcommon sense?
07:20.32Xuerianfunction () for i = 1; i < arg2; i++ do string+=arg1 end end
07:20.36Xueriansomeething like that
07:20.44XuerianThen again I don't know java :P
07:20.45Temno, I gues common sense is the wrong thing
07:20.55TemXuerian, yes, it's quite trivial to implement myself
07:20.59DhragaYa sure, Shadow is purple and so on, but I have no clue what color arcane should be in for example ;)
07:21.01TemI'm just very, very lazy
07:21.27XuerianSo you've spent more time and effort first asking, then asking again, then bashing the proper question into the yocals of this channel, instead of writing your own function?
07:21.30XuerianYou sound like me XD
07:22.35Temthanks |FF|Im2good4u, I guess that means java's built-in api doesn't have it
07:22.46TemXuerian, well there is method to the madness
07:23.22Temby using string.rep in lua you avoid creating N intermediate strings for a final string of length N+1
07:24.17Tem(N+1 repetitions)
07:25.07Xuerianyeah, I was going to say something along the lines of "Like I said, now is sleepy time, not thinky time", but you kinda got the point.
07:25.16TemDhraga, a quick search yeilds nothing for me
07:25.26TemDhraga, just go with what SCT uses I guess
07:25.35MikmaWobin: told ya people will love HeyFu ;)
07:25.50|FF|Im2good4uwell that link was a quikc search for me :p first it on google :p
07:26.34Tem|FF|Im2good4u, yeah, I wasn't talking about the java stuff; I was refering to Dhraga's question
07:26.51|FF|Im2good4uk :(
07:26.58Tembut yeah, I probably should have googled.  I usually go straight to java's api docs when looking for java api
07:27.03Tem(go figure)
07:27.31|FF|Im2good4uiusaly go striat to goOgle :p
07:27.44|FF|Im2good4unot that i code jave but when i code lua / c or prl :p
07:29.47|FF|Im2good4uDhraga: do u mean the colors of the resisteces ?
07:31.38Temanyway, Xuerian, I gotta agree with you
07:31.45Tem|Sleepit's sleepy time
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07:53.37Dhraga_Back, Tem thanks for the answers. And FF yes I was talking about what color that should be associated with what spelltype.
07:54.22Dhraga_Both resistances and dmg schools should have the same color I pressume
07:57.06Kirovtem == sleep
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08:33.38MoonWolfgg dhraga
08:33.42nevcairielowned :)
08:33.52dhragaHaha... *blush*
08:35.41|FF|Im2good4uthe funny thing is that ppl mostly use thier nickserv pass for other things also :P
08:36.02Gngskno need for a keylogger here
08:36.36|FF|Im2good4udhraga: if u want those colors u should lok up the inspect ui or one on those fils i gues
08:36.44dhraga*cough* pass changed... that was err.... embaressing :P
08:37.49dhragaFF: the inspect ui ? an addon or search for ?
08:38.08|FF|Im2good4uwell its part of the norma lui
08:38.25dhragaAh... okies I'll do that, thanks =)
08:38.26|FF|Im2good4uBlizz_Inpect if i remember it correct :p
08:38.38|FF|Im2good4uits the frame u see when u inspect some1
08:38.58|FF|Im2good4uso it should get the colors from osmewhere maybe its defined
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08:41.56dhragaMmm Yes I found the color settings in SCT it was tagged to the different schhol types
08:42.50dhragaFF: SCT names the schools 0-6 but on wowkiki the schools are named from 1-7
08:44.18Arrowmasteryoull find a lot of things like that where one thing starts counting at 0 and another starts at 1
08:44.33Arrowmasterincluding blizzards own buff functions
08:50.28|FF|Im2good4uthat the prob when using lua whit c :P
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08:52.43AnduinLotharso.. 5.1 sytax for getn is #tablename right?
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08:53.27|FF|Im2good4ustoopid isnt it
08:53.35|FF|Im2good4uOMG dont turn lua into perl !
08:53.39AnduinLotharwill it work for indexed tables?
08:53.47|FF|Im2good4utry it :p
08:53.52AnduinLothar#table.key ?
08:54.01|FF|Im2good4uwhy not
08:54.18AnduinLotharwell will that be #(table).key or #(table.key)
08:54.36|FF|Im2good4uprobely just #table.key
08:55.16|FF|Im2good4ubut im basicly just guessing :p there isnt much documentation about it yet
08:59.14*** join/#wowi-lounge jaxdahl (
09:07.06dhragaLunchtime.... laters all
09:14.49*** part/#wowi-lounge xordoquy (n=xordoquy@
09:28.21|FF|Im2good4uany1 here got a question ?
09:28.52MoonWolfIf you can start talking without the shorthands and numbers I will try.
09:30.13|FF|Im2good4usorry man im a gamer :)
09:30.28nevcairielbad enough
09:30.39MoonWolfThis is a channel full of coders for an mmorpg...
09:31.21|FF|Im2good4uyes like me but those coders also need to test thier creations sometime and then they are gamers
09:40.14AnduinLotharwow forums blow up?
09:40.46Merylooks so
09:44.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
09:54.31CorrodiasAV can be so depressing
09:55.37Corrodiasrather than learn anything from the allies, most of the horde players just stick with the mob and kill things, whatever that may do to the game. it's like they think they're farming honor in WSG.
09:56.58Corrodiasi was unpleasantly surprised today to learn that mages can Blink out of a stun effect
09:59.15nevcairielmages can blink out of anything :/
09:59.24Werik\Curseexcept incapacitate effects
10:01.12Corrodiasi didn't expect that they could cast a spell while stunned, though
10:01.25Corrodiaseven my druid can't shapeshift when stunned
10:01.49nevcairielthey can blink out of that hunter ice trap as well, or?
10:01.52Corrodiasalso, if i were to solo parts of SM as a druid, which form should i use? bear seems to handle things better, but his damage should be slower
10:10.51Amrothey can iceblock out of freezing trap
10:19.34KirovIs there a version of Perfect Targets with grow up?
10:19.54Kirovwrong channel
10:20.31MikmaOh I like that baby, I put on my robe and wizardhat.
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12:41.04jaxdahlalpha image?
12:41.15jaxdahlit's from an user that has repeatedly uploaded alpha images even after being told not to
12:41.26jaxdahli cannot find this picture on the official wow site or on the outland map
12:44.48Amrowhy wasn't he banned?
12:45.14Corrodiasoh, the alpha version of the game
12:45.16jaxdahlAmro, kirkburn probably will
12:45.19Corrodiasi thought you meant it was a transparency map
12:47.25Corrodiaswow, i wouldn't have expected the "final warning" part. i would have expected a ban before that.
12:48.03jaxdahlCorrodias, this particular user has made other 'good' contributions
12:48.14jaxdahlactive wiki user, etc
12:56.05Corrodiaswhy would you even bother to login? don't wikis allow anonymous contribution?
12:56.16Amronot this one
12:56.23Amroit would be too easy for vandals
12:56.49JoshBorkeLegorol: having fun?
12:57.03CorrodiasJoshBorke: getting bored?
12:57.14Legorolit's not auto-recognizinb me
12:58.33Corrodias"PvP on Frostmane is extremely intense and fiercely competitive. Achieving the highest ranks require months of dedication, and have been accomplished almost exclusively by guilds who CP farm. Due to the population imbalance, horde queue times are virtually instant whereas alliance typically has to wait longer."
12:58.40Corrodiasand what joy, frostmane is in our battle group
12:59.21Amroachieving hwl/gm takes months of dedication on all servers
12:59.32Amroexcept the first few ones
12:59.37JoshBorkeCorrodias: yes, quite bored :-(
13:02.20Corrodiasuhhhr. time to sleep. 'ni
13:04.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:05.24JoshBorkeCide: morning
13:20.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
13:24.40JoshBorkeXuerian: morning
13:25.23XuerianHaving fun today? <.<
13:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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14:28.26jaxdahlCide, where's ctraid2? been a month :p
14:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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14:33.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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14:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
14:35.46TS|SkromAnyone know of a good tutorial for using dynamic frames?
14:40.11XuerianDynamic frames? ones created on the fly in LUA?
14:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
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14:44.37XuerianA xml file to compare to and are all you need :)
14:45.37XuerianThat, and is kindof important
14:45.52XuerianBut tutorial? No clue.
14:45.58TS|Skromahha, that's what I wasn't seeing lol
14:46.09TS|Skrommy eyes kept skipping over it ><
14:46.35Beladonasomeone needs to write a good create frame tutorial
14:46.49BeladonaI will when I have time
14:47.40Beladonaand maybe an OO tutorial as well, since OO goes well with create frame
14:52.01XuerianHeh, this is true. Easy to forget people coming in with little coding background -_-
14:52.02jaxdahlKirkburn is up i see
14:52.11TS|Skromdoes load order matter on the .toc? in other words if I have a localization file does it need to be loaded first so it's variables can be used in the other files? or does it matter?
14:52.13KirkburnShureley not!
14:52.22WobinTS|Skrom: yes
14:52.30Wobinin that it does matter
14:54.36Kirkburnjaxdahl, yes it would be useful to have the images identified
14:55.36KirkburnBanned bugmenot
14:57.09jaxdahlwell, it is likely they will just register another bugmenot user
14:57.31KirkburnThen I'll ban that one, and the charade will continue
14:57.51jaxdahldid you do an IP check to see how many different people are using it?
14:58.24KirkburnNo - don't think I have access to that info
14:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge eufemia (
15:01.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:01.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [RTE] (
15:02.08[RTE]hello folks
15:02.33OsagasuSo uhm... what's this apparent problem that Curse is saying "the only real addon development channel" has?
15:02.33[RTE]yo, Cide, you here?
15:04.20XuerianRTE, heya. Osagasu, One of the curse devs was asked to leave because he was being and had been a big disruptance. Then that post/email popped up and curse has started their own channel.
15:05.08OsagasuTypical of a raiding guild member.
15:05.18OsagasuOh wait...
15:05.38Wobinomg /dramaquit
15:05.49OsagasuI know.
15:05.56Wobin/wrists =(
15:06.54Beladonawaity what?
15:07.04BeladonaCurse started another irc channel?
15:07.26Beladonathey can't do anything without getting the idea from someone else can they?
15:07.27JoshBorkeon quakenet
15:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
15:07.50KirkburnBeladona, if I told you it was zeeg's idea, would that help you understand it? :)
15:08.01Beladonano, but it would explain a lot
15:08.05OsagasuOh, so it was zeeg that was punted?
15:08.12Beladonazeeg, or zinor
15:08.16Beladonasame thing
15:08.18OsagasuThat happened a LONG time ago.
15:08.20OsagasuDidn't i?
15:08.32Beladonahe came back as zinor
15:08.41Beladonathiking he could hide behind a new name
15:08.53Beladonabut actions speak louder than words
15:09.05Beladonaso to speak lol
15:09.45Beladonaso wait -- curse has their own dev irc channel, AND they are making their own wiki?
15:10.02Beladonatalk about penis envy
15:10.05OsagasuHe's even using two different clients.  same username though
15:10.17KirkburnHe wasn't kick either, he was just asked not to return
15:10.19OsagasuI just did a /whois on both names
15:10.46Beladonait won't be long before curse has their own wdn too
15:11.07KirkburnThat's what happens when you hire zeeg, he pisses everbody off before long
15:11.17Beladonathat is, if he can ever do what did halfway effectively
15:11.47jaxdahlKirkburn, did you get my 2 PMs?
15:12.10jaxdahli could not determine the source of the image, but it does not appear official - the upload info indicates photoshop cs2
15:12.17jaxdahl (alpha image? it's uploaded by an user that has uploaded other alphas)
15:13.24jaxdahlmany other pics here
15:13.50KirkburnAh, yes, Shandris
15:14.00KirkburnShandris has come very very close to being blocked
15:15.41TS|Skromthey say that e. coli is bad for young people and old people
15:15.56TS|Skrombut I would think that young people, especially girls would be more afraid of r. kellyoli
15:16.11Beladonawell, that came out of left field
15:16.23TS|SkromI live in left field
15:18.00*** join/#wowi-lounge warla (
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15:20.24jaxdahlKirkburn, how do i nominate images for deletion?
15:20.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
15:21.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
15:21.48jaxdahlKirkburn, how do i nominate images for deletion?
15:24.13JoshBorkeok smart people, i need assistance
15:24.16KirkburnEdit the description section
15:24.21jaxdahl{{Speedydelete}} ?
15:24.50XuerianJoshBorke, Smart people? There are smart people here?
15:25.39warlawhats smart
15:25.41warlaand whats people?
15:25.50JoshBorkeI'm creating a knowledgebase in game that will synchronized between people through guild messages.  I'm using a n-ary tree to store my data so that i can have nodes that have the same name.  i need some way to check for differences in the tree.  my first assumption would be to create a checksum
15:26.59Kirkburnwarla, I'll take it as intended that you left the apostrophe off :P
15:27.13XuerianI think it added to the effect. <Nodnod>
15:33.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (i=Hexarobe@
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15:42.07jaxdahlKirkburn, oh and most/all of those images were uploaded *before* your final warning
15:42.16jaxdahlso hopefully he will get the point
15:42.20KirkburnI know :P
15:48.39[floyd]I'm rendering icons on top of the world map. Since the count is dynamic I keep a list of icons and reuse those on demand. The problem is that I cannot seem to Hide() some of them, although Hide()'ing all of them has the desired effect. Please tell me that I'm doing something wrong here, I'm out of ideas :/
15:50.22zenzelezzfloyd, you're doing something wrong there
15:50.32[floyd]Gee, thanks :D
15:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
15:56.09IndustrialKirkburn, doot doot, pm :D
15:58.16JoshBorke[floyd]: what do you mean hiding all of them works?
15:58.52[floyd]JoshBorke: for i = 1, table.getn( ResourceIcons ) do ResourceIcons[i]:Hide(); end
15:59.29[floyd]Thinking of which.... maybe I should start using table.foreach, but that's not the problem right now.
15:59.50JoshBorkebut a simple ResourceIcons[5]:Hide() doesn't work?
16:00.29[floyd]Correct :/
16:01.44Kirkburn( Industrial, Beep beep, was packing for going back to Uni)
16:05.31[floyd]Just dumped some info from within the loop, and it does get run over the respective indices. I'm lost :/
16:06.11JoshBorke[floyd]: you could hook the Hide for each of your resources and print out when it gets called
16:06.48Xuerian[floyd]: How are the icons parented?
16:07.08[floyd]JoshBorke: Thanks for the tip, I'll try that later tonight I suppose. For now, I'll just hack them out of the way....
16:07.13XuerianRecursively or all to one object?
16:07.51[floyd]Xuerian: All to one object 'getglobal( "WorldMapFrame" )'
16:08.15XuerianAh =\. No idea then, JoshBorke's tip sounds good ^_^
16:08.57[floyd]For the moment, I'll just move them to position 10000000, 100000000 or whatever. I'll solve this later.
16:09.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:09.51CairennGuys ... I just read the scroll back ...
16:09.55[floyd]I know I've asked this before, but there _really_ is no API call that would destroy a dynamically created frame, is there?
16:09.57CairennCome on now, you all know better
16:10.33zenzelezzI'm confuzzled
16:10.43XuerianWhait, Cairenn? >.>
16:10.55CairennNo bashing other sites.  I've never allowed it before, what makes you think I'd condone it now?
16:11.14zenzelezzbut we thought you weren't here!
16:11.17jaxdahlwikipedia sucks
16:11.18zenzelezzI mean... lies!
16:11.23jaxdahldown with wikipedia
16:11.26XuerianAll lies!
16:11.39XuerianFilthy, dirty lies....
16:11.48KirkburnIn my defense I was bashing just one person :P But it's true, we shouldn't lower ourselves to others' leveks
16:12.03XuerianBash within a apology for a bash? ^_^
16:12.13JoshBorke[floyd]: no there isn't
16:12.18CairennKirkburn: and when have I ever allowed that, either, hmmm?
16:12.42JoshBorke[floyd]: why would you want to destroy a frame?
16:13.04KirkburnCairenn, but but ... :( ach, fair enough
16:13.05JoshBorkeCairenn: i think Kirkburn is a big poopy head
16:13.30Kirkburnmeanie  *sniffle*
16:13.56JoshBorke~bothug Kirkburn
16:14.06CairennThe rules of the channel are the same as the rules of the site, you all know them very well at this point.  Thou shalt not: Bash, Flame, Slander
16:14.13[floyd]JoshBorke: I have a C/C++ background, I tend to clean things out as soon as they are no longer needed. And had there been a way to destroy frames, I wouldn't need to Hide() them in the first place.
16:14.44CairennWhether you agree with someone or not doesn't matter, you will treat people/sites with respect and courtesy
16:14.45KirkburnJoshBorke, you have to get a _bot_ to hug me?
16:14.55JoshBorke~whalehug Kirkburn
16:14.57purlACTION Persuades a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh to hug Kirkburn
16:14.59JoshBorkesorry, meant whale ;-)
16:15.18JoshBorke[floyd]: i know what you mean :-) the best idea is to just reuse them, as I assume you are :-)
16:15.20KirkburnOh well that makes it all okay then
16:15.32JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
16:15.34purlACTION hugs Cairenn
16:15.53JoshBorkepurl, dance
16:15.55purlwell, dance is ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' elive, stayin' elive..
16:15.59KirkburnI know how to make it all better :)
16:16.05[floyd]JoshBorke: Yep :) And not only do I reuse them, I also abuse them as we speak ;)
16:16.29JoshBorkenow someone help me with my problem :-P
16:18.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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16:39.22tyroney|workI had such a long and exciting weekend, I thought I'd keep it up and use some dvorak this morning.  (phew)
16:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Skrom (
16:42.15JoshBorkecogwheel: ditto
16:42.29JoshBorkewhat made you switch initially?
16:42.42cogwheelThe first time I did it out of pure geekiness... :P
16:43.03tyroney|workI keep turning it on now and again.  Someday I'll swap keys or get me a dual marked keyboard.  Actually, I had swapped my keys back on my imac before its harddrive crashed.
16:43.09XuerianHow hard is it to switch once typing is completely muscle memory?
16:43.11cogwheelI worked for a temp agency for a while so i couldn't really go around changing every computer i used so i went back to qwerty
16:43.33cogwheelThen i started working here and accidentally went into dvorak mode and decided to keep it that way
16:43.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:43.59tyroney|workI play a few instruments, so I'm sort of used to switching "modes".  It's quite doable.
16:44.00cogwheelXuerian: once you learn the layout by memory, it takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get up to speed
16:44.18cogwheelit really depends on a lot of different things
16:44.35XuerianYou like it better, though? :P
16:44.40JoshBorkehow often you switch back to qwerty...
16:44.42cogwheeldefinitely :)
16:44.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
16:44.50JoshBorkeit's fun to leave your computer on dvorak and let someone else use it ;-)
16:45.02JoshBorkejust don't remap your keys more than once into dvorak, strange things happen
16:45.22XuerianI'll have to see if I can find a inexpensive board that's marked for it :P
16:45.35tyroney|workMore than once?
16:45.41JoshBorkeusing xmodmap
16:46.08tyroney|workah.  There's something really sublime about the layout though.  I made up my mind after the first time I tried typing my name.
16:46.15cogwheelXuerian: marking the keyboard is easy... the problem is when games don't have the option to switch keybindings or don't pay attention to windows' settings
16:47.23SkromWhich types of changes require a full game restart? Toc only? or bindings as well?
16:47.31cogwheelit's kinda funny though... if you're hand is in the wrong spot (happens a lot for me 'cause i popped out my keys and moved them around so no little blips on the home row...) your typos can actually spell words more often than not :)
16:48.01tyroney|workSkrom: anything that adds files or changes file name.  Otherwise you should be fine.
16:48.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
16:48.18Xuerianlol. That does seem like a slight problem.... Pretty much just means going through all your games and remapping them, hm?
16:48.41cogwheelor you could use the ctrl-shift combo to switch layouts just for those games
16:49.03cogwheel(assuming you're using win)
16:49.30XuerianYeah. :P. What do you use to switch layouts? Xmodmap, or is that a linux app?
16:49.47cogwheelControl panel->keyboard
16:49.47JoshBorkeTS|Skrom: a game restart is required for new files
16:49.52Kasoarg1 of addon_loaded is ## Title: from toc of the addon that has been loaded, right?
16:50.08TS|SkromThanks Tyroney and JoshBorke
16:50.18cogwheelerrr... Control Panel->region and language options
16:50.25XuerianThat's just too sensical. o_0
16:50.34tyroney|workKaso: I want to say it's the name of its folder/toc file.
16:50.57tyroney|workWait, I could be completely wrong.
16:53.09cogwheelIsAddOnLoaded("name") takes the name of the folder, so it could be that arg1 is also
16:53.19[floyd]All files listed in the .toc are loaded when the AddOn gets loaded, right? I tried cleaning up the code a bit yesterday, and moved some functions and objects to another file, and they were no longer available. Did I miss anything obvious here?
16:53.37TS|Skrommisspelled the lua file in the toc?
16:54.02[floyd]Nope, wowuides does that for me ;)
16:54.02cogwheel[floyd]: did you move functions into a file that's loaded "later" but you needed them in an "earlier" file?
16:54.05tyroney|work[floyd]: loading order?
16:54.16tyroney|workYeah, what he said.
16:54.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
16:54.28[floyd]I switched the loading order around, but maybe I had to restart the game. Let me try that...
16:55.05TS|SkromI've been trying to clean up my code a bit too ><
16:55.41TS|SkromI always do this it seems... start making something and not really understand what I'm doing... get it to work in a completely bizarre way... learn a bit more, then go back and say "what the 'f' was I thinking"
16:57.50XuerianAlways happens to me in new coding environments, TS|Skrom
16:57.56[floyd]My future self is destined to hate my past self...
16:58.04[floyd]Anyway, restarting the game did the trick.
16:58.18TS|SkromYesteday I condensed about 35 lines down to 10 and smacked myself for being so stupid lol
16:58.35XuerianI did the same thing a few minutes ago when I found unpack(
16:59.09cogwheelHave any of you ever written a rounding function using string.format?
16:59.10[floyd]Does purl speak 'sed' natively? :)
16:59.41[floyd]cogwheel: There is no other way to round to a specified number of digits other than using string.format.
16:59.52cogwheel[floyd]: very, very false
17:00.20tyroney|workI've used some multiplication and division with a bit of math.floor just for fun.
17:00.20[floyd]Well, no, there is nothing you can do with the way Lua stores floating point numbers. They are inexact by nature.
17:00.25krkaindeed, very false
17:00.50cogwheelfunction round(num, places) return math.floor(num * 10 ^ places + 0.5)/10 ^ places end
17:01.04cogwheelor something like that... it's off the top of my head, after all
17:01.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
17:02.06[floyd]cogwheel: As I said, Lua's internal representation of floating point numbers is inexact, hence your forumla will no reliably produce the desired result.
17:02.16[floyd]*not reliably
17:02.56krkaand string.format will help how?
17:03.22[floyd]In that it cuts off/rounds exactly to the decimals specified.
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17:03.29[floyd]At the expense of returning a string.
17:03.34cogwheel[floyd]: you need to read the wikipedia article on floating point numbers
17:03.37eufeheya ppl
17:03.51cogwheel[floyd]: your understanding is more flawed than Luas representation ;)
17:04.10[floyd]cogwheel: What did I not understand about floating point representation?
17:04.31eufeanyone knows any good site with new addon channel system documentation?
17:04.35cogwheelWell, for one thing, string.format would have to be subject to the same limitations as math.floor...
17:04.41IrielI think you're talking at crossed purposes
17:04.44Kevorkianeufe:  wowwiki?
17:04.57Irielif you want to DISPLAY a number with a specific number of digits, you need string.format, period.
17:05.23IrielIf you want to round it to a certain number of digits to work with it in continued math, then round will be cleaner and work just fine
17:05.35cogwheeliriel, yes... but my original question was regarding making a round function that uses string.format for its internals
17:06.15[floyd]cogwheel: It doesn't buy you a whole lot, cause when you go back from string to float, you'll have an inexact representation all over again.
17:06.31Irielcogwheel: That would be short but not very efficient 8-)
17:06.45TS|SkromQuote: "You will have to do a obj:ClearAllPoints() before using obj:SetPoint(...), if you expect the frame to actually move"
17:06.47krkaand floats can represent some numbers quite precisely
17:06.54TS|SkromThat's not true when creating the frame in LUA right?
17:07.10krkawhy wouldn't it be?
17:07.19cogwheeliriel, please see my original statement... you're taking me out of context :P
17:07.31TS|Skromif you are making a new frame it wouldn't have anyu points to clear is my thinking
17:07.50cogwheelit was in response to TS|Skrom's "I always do this it seems... start making something and not really understand what I'm doing... get it to work in a completely bizarre way... learn a bit more, then go back and say "what the 'f' was I thinking""
17:07.59krkawell yes, if you have no points, then you dont need to clear all points
17:08.31Kevorkianyou could say that clearing the points would be pointless
17:08.34Irielcogwheel: That makes much more sense then 8-) And I like your round function except that i'd put 10 ^ places in a local, or better yet, cache it in a magic table.
17:08.49cogwheeland then [floyd] said "There is no other way to round to a specified number of digits other than using string.format."
17:08.56Xuerians/Ding!/*badda-dum kshhh*/
17:09.36Kevorkiando I get a point for that one?
17:09.40[floyd]cogwheel: And that statement still holds true. If I was to rephrase that, I'd probably say that a corollary of this is, that the only exact representation of a floating point number is a string.
17:10.09XuerianKevorkian: I don't know about points, but have a cookie. /em offers Kevorkian a cookie.
17:10.18cogwheelIriel: assuming we're running on a system with an FPU, is math.pow really that much less efficient than a table access?
17:10.25Kevorkiancookies are good
17:11.30cogwheel[floyd]: yes, but what's the point if you have to perform operations on the result?
17:11.44KevorkianI don't know how lua represents FP numbers, but in most languages, FP numbers that aren't representative of binary powers of 2 are an approximation anyway
17:12.10cogwheelalso, rounding to the nearest integer is 100% accurate.
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17:12.47[floyd]cogwheel: I was making a point. I was not speculating about how useful it might be. I've just seen people poste code on forums trying to round a number to display n decimals, using math functions, and getting all confused about the result.
17:12.49IrielWell, as long as the integer fits within the mantissa part of the double precision floating point specification
17:13.37IrielKevorkian: Lua just uses double precision floating point like everyone else (Unless you compile it to use something else, and as far as we know, WoW doesn't)
17:13.47Kevorkianyou know it's just not every day you get to use the word "mantissa" in casual conversation
17:13.56[floyd]cogwheel: Rounding to the nearest integer is not at all 100% accurate. Floating point numbers are limited both in precision and range.
17:14.09cogwheelRange, yes...
17:14.20cogwheeldid it sound like i was saying every number was representable?
17:14.25Irielcogwheel: Re: Pow -- To be honest I dont know, but I would assume so 8-)
17:14.26cogwheellet's stay in context please
17:14.53[floyd]cogwheel: "rounding to the nearest integer is 100% accurate" -- I take that as a "every number is representable".
17:14.55cogwheelEvery number representable by a long integer is representable by a double with complete accuracy
17:15.53cogwheelI was purposefully ignoring overflow conditions because they are not relevant to the discussion of rounding methods
17:16.07[floyd]cogwheel: This has nothing to do with overflow.
17:16.08cogwheeland only complicate matters as tyroney|work is illustrating ;)
17:16.17Irielokay I think the horse is dead and skinless 8-)
17:16.37[floyd]cogwheel: 2^(max exp - 1) is representable. The next integer on either side is not.
17:16.52[floyd]Let's beat it!
17:17.12cogwheel[floyd]: yes. and what's it called when you perform an operation that has a result beyond those limits?
17:17.32jaxdahllong lx=<foo>; lx==(long)(double)(long) lx;
17:17.35jaxdahlis that what you are saying
17:18.00Kevorkianunrelated (to floating point numbers) question, if I'm trying to parse a table by treating it as a FIFO list, is there any particular overhead associated with grabbing the first item with a table.remove(t,1).  The lua spec says it reindexes the rest of the table when I do so, so I'm wondering if that is a thing to be avoided
17:18.05[floyd]cogwheel: The number 1 _LESS_ than the max. representable floating point number is not representable. Nothing to do with overflow, it's lack of precision.
17:18.30IrielKevorkian: You could implement your FIFO list as a circular buffer, but then inserting gets messy.
17:18.47IrielKevorkian: Or you could do it 'old school' as a doubly linked list
17:18.50Kevorkianheh, I've done circular buffers before
17:19.03cogwheel[floyd]: ok... i see where we got lost
17:19.04Kevorkianused to do comm code with oldschool limited comm buffers
17:19.08IrielKevorkian: Or for that matter you could just use integer input and output indices, and let lua handle the dirty work
17:19.14cogwheelwhat jaxdahl said
17:19.34Kevorkianiriel:  well first of all, using the table.remove is easy, I just was curious if it had significant overhead
17:19.35[floyd]cogwheel: Don't blame me -- the wikipedia entry is probably still accessible, you might want to reread it.
17:19.38IrielKevorkian, : It depends how much of an issue performance is going to be versus clarity and convenience. If your list is volatile but usually very short, table.remove will be fast
17:19.43XuerianIs there any eqivalent to $variable->{$name}[index] = "something" in lua? >_> The operations, not the values..
17:19.54Kevorkianiriel:  say less than 100 items in the table?
17:19.54cogwheel[floyd]: i wasn't...
17:20.13IrielKevorkian: It'll usually just be the equivalent of a C memmove
17:20.22Kevorkianthose are speedy
17:20.32IrielYeah, if you're in array-land then things are fast
17:20.47IrielIf your array is sparse then you can start to run into trouble
17:20.54[floyd]jaxdahl: What I'm saying is: double d1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max; double d2 = d1 - 1.0; will result in d2 being identical to d1.
17:21.05IrielKevorkian: (I'll note it's not QUITE as efficient as a memmove, but it's close enough).
17:21.08IrielKevorkian, : contains nils
17:21.20Kevorkianoh, not a worry, this is for a "stuff to be processed" queue
17:21.26cogwheel[floyd]: but what *i* was trying to say is what jaxdahl said... that's what i meant by "i see where we got lost"
17:21.36cogwheel[floyd]: we were talking about two different things
17:21.37KevorkianI'd like to set a timer loop on N seconds that grabs the first item on the queue and handles it
17:21.48Kevorkianthen resets the timer for the next item
17:21.52IrielXuerian: variable[name][index] = "something"
17:22.02IrielXuerian: Lua has no concept of a non-reference object
17:22.29Kevorkianlua always passes tables by ref does it not?
17:22.46Kevorkianthis pleases me
17:22.47Irieland functions (properly 'closures'), etc
17:23.08XuerianThanks, Iriel
17:23.09Irieland strings for that matter, but since they're immutable it makes little difference 8-)
17:25.01Kevorkianwhen I create variables, what is the default scope?  obviously declaring something "local" makes it local, but what if I'm just declaring variables willy nilly inside of a function?
17:25.14Irielglobal if not explicitly local
17:25.28Irielthough 'global' is a slightly less concrete concept in lua
17:25.39Irielsince you can set the current 'global' environment of a function
17:26.08Kevorkianyou lost me there
17:26.13Kevorkianwith that last statement
17:26.24Irielfunction bob() cheese = "cheddar"; end
17:26.39Irielrun that normally, you'll set the variable "cheese" to the value "cheddar";
17:26.50IrielNow do X = {}; setfenv(bob, X)
17:27.03Irielnow when you run bob(), it sets X.cheese to be "cheddar"
17:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:27.56malrethslouken speaks
17:28.06IrielNow, since WoW does late binding, you do have to be careful because you can easily obliterate your view of global functions though careless use of setfenv
17:28.16malrethand doth He sayeth: Thou shalt have iLevel
17:28.52malrethand He bestoweth that upon the lesser developers and lo the celebration did happen
17:29.05malrethand there was feasting on the beasts of the land
17:29.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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17:29.39IrielI like how he returns it in the middl eof the result set so everyone's code is broken 8-)
17:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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17:29.58malrethand they dined on the rabbits and the cows and the chickens and the orangutans...
17:30.15*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
17:30.20malrethIriel: heh
17:31.07malrethOMG!! aLL OF MY aDDoNS HAEV BORKENED!!! blizzard YUO SUCK!!@#
17:31.26malrethI'm returning burning crusade right now
17:31.38malrethoh, setfenv is fun!
17:32.12IrielItem level
17:32.16KirkburnOuch, the wiki has about 3980 redirects
17:32.30Beladonaawesome, they are making it visible?
17:32.58malrethi guess that makes the dkp calculator addon authors happy
17:33.05Beladonajust making it visible? or making requirements based on it?
17:33.09KirkburnThat's a turnaround
17:33.42Beladonaoh and, how will it be returned? via tooltip scanning? or will there be a way to get the iLevel?
17:33.47KevorkianI thought iLevel was some new Apple gizmo that would play WoW for ya
17:33.50malrethfrom GetItemInfo()
17:34.16malrethno, the iLevel helps you hang your pictures on the wall
17:34.16Kirkburn"Item level is now available from GetItemInfo():
17:34.16Kirkburnname, link, quality, level, requiredlevel, class, subclass, stacksize, inventorytype, icon = GetItemInfo(itemID or itemlink)"
17:34.29TS|Skrommalreth XD
17:34.38IrielNote that breaks every addon that uses more than the first 3 return values from GetItemInfo
17:34.49malrethI think the iLevel is the greatest thing ever
17:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dhraga_ (
17:35.00malrethit's going to revolutionize the way that people hang their pictures
17:35.19jaxdahlthe forums are quiet...
17:35.21jaxdahltoo quiet..
17:35.25Kevorkianoh the pictures!  and the hanging!  and the hanging of the pictures!
17:35.25jaxdahl(ie, no blue posts)
17:35.46Beladonanow if they can just make SetInventoryItem return durability, or make a separate GetDurability function, i will be happy
17:35.57malrethIt costs $59.99 and it's available starting... Today.
17:36.18malrethSo let's review.
17:36.18jaxdahlwhat does?
17:36.28jaxdahlis that canadian?
17:36.48malrethWe have iCereal. The best way to experience your breakfast in the morning.
17:36.51Kevorkianno, 666 is canadian.  everybody knows the antichrist is from ottawa
17:37.05Beladonathey are still saying 11/28 forTBC - does it look on track for that?
17:37.14cogwheelhehe... i have a prescription number 0999666
17:37.25malrethiCar. The fastest tire changer ever made.
17:37.36Cairennbeen a while since I was called the antichrist :p
17:37.44malrethand iLevel. It's going to revolutionize the way people hang photos on their walls.
17:37.50Kevorkiancairenn:  every day brings new opportunities
17:38.03malrethOh... And there's One More Thing...
17:38.45BeladonaiRC, when RC just isn't enough...
17:39.00malrethThe spirit of Steve Jobs has left me... Blessed be the Jobs.
17:41.13KevorkianI'm having some trouble understanding setfenv.  what is the point of creating a new environment?  just to avoid having your functions be globally accessible?
17:41.39IrielYou can use it to securely partition a bunch of functions into their own little bubble
17:41.42malrethKevorkian: it's good for confusing people who read your code and don't understand setfenv
17:42.14IrielWhenever a closure is created it picks up the same global environment as is active at the time it is created
17:42.36Kevorkianiriel:  understood, but is there a compelling reason to do that?
17:42.46TS|Skrom*checks clock* man do I really have enoguh time left at work today to try and tackle dynamic frames?
17:42.47IrielFor example you can do some neat things with loadstring and setfenv to securely load code without worrying about malicious scripts (Ignoring Denial of Service attacks of course)
17:42.50KevorkianI understand what it does, just not why you'd want to do it
17:43.13IrielKevorkian, : That just means you haven't run into a need for it yet, there are places it's useful.
17:43.47Kevorkianof that I'm not particularly dubious, I'm just sort of looking for a "for instance" as to why you'd use it
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17:44.55IrielSome people use it for namespaces when working inside libraries
17:45.03BeladonaI was thinking along those lines
17:45.36IrielBlizzard could use it internally to keep some API functions to themselves without exposing them to us (They dont, currently)
17:46.42KirkburnWikipedia is slow today :/
17:47.18Kevorkianintruiging but not especially useful to me at the moment
17:47.29KevorkianI shall pretend I was talking about ponies instead
17:47.58IrielIt's not something you need to use very often, for sure 8-)
17:50.22*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:50.31Kevorkiananother question, I'm used to the C/C++ style of declaring typedefs for custom types, I'm guessing that I can just throw things in a table in a certain order in Lua and it accomplishes roughly the same thing... correct?
17:50.35KirkburnAwesome, since August 12th the wowwiki has gone from Alexa rank 5,318 to 4,539 :)
17:50.39cogwheelCould it be used for OO programming? i.e. functions that only ever access member data could use setfenv so they don't have to constantly reference self...
17:51.14cogwheelor is that a bit simplistic thinking
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17:51.27malrethcogwheel: it's probably better to reference self anyways
17:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
17:57.55Kevorkiantables taste funny
17:59.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
18:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
18:04.36cogwheelthis is great:
18:04.52cogwheelI picture the same kind of people running hacks in wow...
18:09.58QzotBut then, I have similar motivations. I want to write addons that stay within Blizz' bounds, but otherwise push the very edge.
18:10.33Qzot*black cloud* As if I had time...
18:10.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:12.49OsagasuEl oh el.
18:12.58Beladonaanyone else notice two Cairenn's
18:13.08malrethComing soon: Computers with frikkin' lasers!
18:13.15yacoobthat's a backup.
18:14.17KevorkianQzot:  ever get your targetting addon working?  I'd be willing to test it for ya :)
18:15.00Kevorkianto hell with lasers, I want one with a rail gun
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18:19.20Xueriantable = { r, g, b, a = unpack(arg)} doesn't work? how am I supposed to be lazy now? >_>
18:20.03Cidetable = { r, g, b, a = arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4] }
18:20.21Cideor just table = { unpack(arg) }
18:20.43OsagasuOld news, Malreth.  They've been working on those for YEARS.
18:20.46XuerianI need it to come out in r/g/b/a, and the function is passed four numbers :P
18:20.59QzotKevorkian: Kirov put one together, which rather took the wind out of my sails. :(
18:21.02malrethOsagasu: Throw me a frikkin' bone!
18:21.42QzotKevorkian: I still haven't tested his out yet, because deep down I wanted to put my own together. Selfish, I guess, but that's the way it is.
18:21.48malrethXuerian: is it necessary to have varargs for that function?
18:22.05XuerianNo, but it saves me typing it out... once.... >_>
18:22.20malrethyeah... doesn't sound like a good reason
18:22.32Kevorkianqzot:  understandable, I hope nobody beats me to the punch on my scheduler :)
18:22.32malrethyou're gonna have to type it out anyways... might as well declare the arguments
18:22.48malrethit'll be better code regardless
18:22.57malretheasier to understand
18:23.14Kevorkianqzot:  what did kirov call his targetting mod?  I'd like to check it out
18:23.20XuerianHeh, I've just been having fun with unpack this morning is all :)
18:23.35malrethin lua 5.1, you won't even have the arg list anymore
18:24.09XuerianThey took it out in 5.1, but added it back in 5.2?
18:24.15XuerianOr is blizzard removing it? 0_o
18:25.00Kirkburn5.2 doesn't exist
18:25.10XuerianYeah. I um, was reading the wrong thing :P
18:25.24Kirkburn"The current release is Lua 5.1.1" =)
18:25.56XuerianMy mistake :P.
18:26.06malrethyou'll get the '...' expression which gives you access to the argument stack
18:26.33KirkburnIn the last month the number of users of wowwiki has jumped from 38,000 to 45,000 :O
18:26.39Kirovoh, quote from slouken
18:26.53Kirov"Wow 3.0 will be lua 6.0"
18:26.56Kevorkiankirov:  since you're awake is there a download location for that puppy?  all google finds is a pretty picture
18:27.10KirovKevorkian - wowi, curse, worldofwar
18:27.29Kirovand try Simple Raid Target Icons
18:27.40KirkburnAll I get from google is the wowi download :)
18:28.04KirkburnOh wait, yeah, the wowi piccie :P
18:28.07Kevorkianhmm, what were your search terms kirk?  I just did the "SimpleRaidTargetIcons"
18:28.24KirkburnKevorkian, yeah me too. I tried the link this time :)
18:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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18:29.20Kevorkianfound it :)  now if only I could WoW at work
18:30.00Kevorkiannot that this freaking computer can do simple math without slowing to a mind mangling snail's pace
18:30.12KirovThere's a bug in the latest version that auto selects the first Icon you mouse over, but I actually like it so I might keep it.
18:30.25KirovMaybe for just the double click method
18:30.32Xuerianmalreth: So when using ... as the arguments in a function defintion, in lua5.1, the arguments it catches will wind up in '...' instead of 'arg'?
18:30.44malrethi sneak wow while at work by socksifying the game and tunneling it through a ssh connection
18:31.01malrethXuerian: think of ... as a function
18:31.14malrethit returns the arguments that were passed to the function
18:31.25Kevorkianmalreth:  I work in an open room with my back to the main hallway.  I would be caught
18:31.45malrethKevorkian: OMG ur screwed!
18:31.51Kevorkianyes, yes I am
18:31.52XuerianEh, makes sense now :P
18:32.09Kirovcan someone help me translate this?
18:32.11Kirov"Lmao, ofc it doesn't do you see any other unitframes then the blizzard ones here"
18:32.11Kevorkianhonestly though, this is a like an 8 year old PC
18:32.20Kevorkianit can barely IRC, let alone play wow
18:32.57malrethofc is "Of Course"
18:33.02Cairenn"laughing my ass off, of course it doesn't, do you see any unit frames other than the blizzard ones here'?
18:33.39malrethi'd add an "ol' chap" in there, actually. it conveys the true intent of the original speaker.
18:33.54cogwheelfyi: in lua 5.1 you'll be able to do       t = { r, g, b, a = ... }        (just tested)
18:34.00KirovI don't speak stupid well enough in the morning
18:34.24malreth~emulate Kirov
18:34.32purlmy butt got a DMCA from blizzard.
18:35.43malrethemu server
18:36.06malrethit's true because I said it!
18:36.39malrethgotta move
18:36.40KevorkianI like emu, they taste yummy
18:37.19XuerianNice, cogwheel
18:37.28Xueriangimmie 5.1 ><
18:37.31QzotKevorkian: Ironic, because I've been peddling ideas I wanted other people to take up, but this one I was actually coding. :P
18:37.45KirovThe question I have is what's the difference between a ... and an array?
18:37.57cogwheelXuerian: it's still a bad practice since your function isn't semantically vararg...
18:38.04Kirov(sequental table)
18:38.19cogwheel~bonk kirov
18:38.20purlACTION bonks kirov over the head
18:38.24XuerianThis is true, but would it impact performance or just look a little congested? :P
18:38.39jaxdahlstill no blue posts in general.. it's almost noon pacific.. hmm
18:38.45cogwheelXuerian: i'm not going to answer on the grounds it may encourage you to code badly
18:39.21XuerianI code for fun, and finding shortcuts is fun for me. If I'm trying to be serious, I'm doing it the proper way :P
18:39.49cogwheelkirov:   the current 'arg' is equivalent to the 5.1 code:   local arg = {...}
18:39.52kergothKirov: ... isnt an array, its like a direct means of accessing the stack of the function.  no table operations will work on it
18:40.27cogwheeloh, fyi: the link in the topic of this channel has been there for weeks :P
18:40.48Kirovkergoth - I'm thinking more 5.2 spec
18:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:41.01Kirovwhere ... can be assigned to a variable
18:41.12malrethwhaddid i miss?
18:41.12ckknightthat'd be a bit complicated
18:41.20kergothi havent kept up with the lua lists
18:41.42XuerianYeah, cogwheel. I've been looking at , linked in #wowace, completely unconcious of the date on the front page and the fact it's not the latest :P... I'm looking at the proper one now.
18:41.43ckknightbecause tuples don't really fit into lua right now, it seems, everything'd seem to change with em
18:41.46kergothdid rici finally convince people to support proper non-mutable tuples, of which ... is one, or is it just support for named ...?
18:41.57ckknighte.g. local a = b,c would become a tuple maybe
18:41.59ckknightI dunno
18:42.01KirovSomeone brought it up here about the time 5.1 was announced.
18:42.22KirovForget who
18:42.49ckknightmaybe they could make an actual tuple type, like a table, ah, but I don't know
18:44.27kergothKirov: so where did you read about this '5.2 spec'?
18:44.33cogwheelckknight: local a = b,c  would completely defeat the purpose of 'throwaway' values
18:45.17kergothyou'd just need a new type with a new means of defining it.  perhaps [1,2]
18:45.44Kirovkergoth - never actually saw it myself
18:45.45cogwheelsounds a bit silly to me...
18:46.19kergoththere are numerous uses for a proper non-mutable tuple type.
18:47.56ckknightyea, it'd be really handy to do this:
18:48.10ckknightlocal myTuple = [someFunc()]
18:48.13ckknight-- do something
18:48.22ckknightreturn [myTuple]
18:48.25ckknightor what have you
18:48.50ckknightbasically what we have now with tables, only it could be much more efficient
18:49.16cogwheelhow much more efficient could it really be? I mean, it seems like something the interpreter itself could accomplish without a change in the language
18:49.45cogwheelassuming no changes to the table are made from its creation to the end of the scope, treat it as a tuple...
18:53.18XuerianJust wanted to, you know, announce that... >_> <_< ... <Climbs in cardboard box again, peers out>
18:53.46Kirov.... ok
18:54.01cogwheelXuerian: sometimes it's better to look *inside* the box though... :P
18:54.06Cairennspit it out boy, no one will bite you
18:54.41XuerianAll this spitting, biting, and inside stuff. How can coding be so perverted? :P
18:54.51cogwheeli would consider    function(r, g, b, a) ....... end       more inside the box than      function(...) ......... end      when it takes certain specific parameters...
18:56.01XuerianWhat I meant was the problem was I had the overall assumption I had to have the values indexed by myself, instead of just using positions and not bothering with keys, when I could forget them and make everything shorter. Functions didn't need them, storage didn't need them, so I was converting to and from :P
18:57.23XuerianAnd, cogwheel, I'd use that, if someone wasn't being particular about 'arg'... >_>
18:58.55cogwheelXuerian: why not just use the arg table directly?
18:59.33Xueriansomething along the lines of "Xuerian: i'm not going to answer on the grounds it may encourage you to code badly" >_>
18:59.54ckknightarg table is expensive
19:00.19cogwheelckknight: we've already established that he's using arg regardless of our best efforts :P
19:00.22XuerianActually, I'm not o_o
19:00.30XuerianI'm using unpack, yes... but no arg ^_^
19:00.31cogwheeloh... we got you then?
19:00.43KirovXuerian - what are you unpacking if not a table?
19:00.52cogwheelXuerian: it doesn't work that way... if you do function(...), you're creating the arg table
19:00.58XuerianKirov: I'm working with color options in AceOptions table.
19:01.36XuerianI unpack the DB value when I use it in the addon, or in the get = function. the set = function is function(r, g, b, a) and sets the var to = {r, g, b, a}.
19:01.42XuerianNo arg :P
19:01.43XuerianNo ...
19:02.08XuerianSo yes I'm unpacking a table, but not the arg table. :)
19:02.23cogwheelwell that makes me feel a bit better.
19:02.57XuerianNow to figure out what else I'm doing completely wrong XD
19:03.14TS|SkromKevorkian WHAT are you trying to kill yourself??? (pun intended)
19:04.52malrethit's funny reading wow addon posts in Lua forums
19:05.00XuerianAlso: Thank you for the help cogwheel, ckknight, Cairenn, malreth, Kirov, Kirkburn|afk...  etc.
19:05.16malreth"what's the equivalent to the wow saved variables file in lua?"
19:05.33malrethXuerian: aw shucks.
19:05.37ckknightmalreth, lol. use io
19:05.52malrethckknight: yep
19:06.01cogwheelI had my wisdom teeth pulled last week and can't eat anything crunchy. :(
19:06.27XuerianDoh =(. How long till you can? /em gnaws on returned tidbit of chocolatey goodness.
19:06.43cogwheelprolly another week :(
19:07.16Xuerianthat actually sounds pretty good... o_0
19:07.42Kirkburn|afk*hmm, maybe I meant 'yummy'*
19:08.04XuerianCookies? You can have another if you want XD /proffers more cookies
19:08.07Kevorkianhmm, I was back to crunch after 4-5 days, but then I also had good drugs
19:08.09purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
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19:11.33KirkburnThis is quite useful - a mouseover comparison of the various Vista UIs (Aero Glass, Aero Basic, etc):
19:12.40Amronovell needs to finish xgl. soon.
19:13.00Amroopengl driven x server
19:13.12Xuerian|CrunchyYXGL + Compiz = Areo.
19:13.20Xuerian|CrunchyYWell, more or less (HUSH YOU)
19:13.29Amrofor *nix
19:15.10KirkburnWell, there's less than 40 days to RTM for Vista :/
19:20.00Werik\Curseugh, that standard ui is ugly
19:20.37KirkburnVista Basic? Yeah, extremely
19:20.55tyroney|workI still run old-school rainy day scheme.
19:21.08Werik\CurseI'm using vista since beta2 every day, never met with that style thank god:)
19:21.31KirkburnI'm off to Uni tomorrow, gonna install RC1 when there
19:21.54Xuerian|CrunchyYIt didn't agree so much with my computer when I tried beta1... Haven't had the gall to try downloading it agian on 56k :P
19:22.04Kirkburnlol, you're a madman
19:22.19Xuerian|CrunchyYI take that as a compliment daily ^_^
19:22.22Werik\CurseThat is some strong internet connection
19:22.30Kevorkian*again* on 56k!?
19:22.42tyroney|workI remember WoW at 56k.  Those were the days.
19:22.44Kevorkianyou must be a very patient man
19:23.07Xuerian|CrunchyYWell, even though I've downloaded about 10gb in the last couple years, I downloded vista at work, which I can no longer do, thus "again, [this time] on 56k"
19:23.24Kevorkianmake friends with folks with broadband and CD/DVD burners
19:23.33KirkburnHow come you can't go broadband yet?
19:24.16Xuerian|CrunchyYI live outside the range of broadband and cable (Actually, inbetween two, just out of range of both), and there's a mountain between me and the wireless tower, with no microcells that I can target up yet
19:25.37Xuerian|CrunchyYAs for friends, Kevorkian..... Error in line 1, expecting table, got nil: Xuerian.friends
19:26.22Kevorkianmeh, same boat more or less.  the inevitable outcome of moving roughly 1400 miles from all my childhood friends and then being somewhat of a homebody
19:27.56Xuerian|CrunchyYheh. Fun, innit... Anyway, like my nick said a half hour... hour? ago.... afkness. ^_^
19:28.12cogwheelIriel: preliminary completely unscientific testing leads me to conclude that rounding based on pow is about 1-2% faster than using a cache of powers of 10 :)
19:28.59malrethIriel says funny things, sometimes.
19:34.44malrethis it normal to feel a tingling sensation in my fingers and a dull ache in my wrist and arm when using the computer?
19:35.07Kevorkiancarpel tunnel syndrome
19:35.11Kevorkianget an ergonomic
19:35.15Kevorkiandid wonders for me
19:35.27malrethbut it can't be carpel tunnel... i go to church every week!
19:35.37Kevorkianof course now I can't type on a regular keyboard
19:35.42Kevorkianbut its a small price
19:36.12Kevorkianseriously though, get a $12 split logitech keyboard from pricewatch
19:36.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
19:36.28Kevorkianthey're cheap and you'll wonder how you ever lived without one
19:36.38malrethsomeone needs to tell Kevorkian to not take me seriously... ever.
19:36.41cogwheelswitch to dvorak
19:37.47Kevorkianmalreth:  no worries, I sorta reckoned you were joking but what the heck.  it's conceivable that there are coders out there that don't know what carpel tunnel is
19:38.06malrethcan i get that from pre-marital sex?
19:39.08Kevorkiandepends, if (partner == nil) then yes, it's conceivable that that sort of sex could cause repetitive motion injuries... in one hand at least
19:40.24malrethwhat if my partner is a man? also, i am a man.
19:40.41Kevorkiangive me a min, trying to think of a snappy comeback and yet not so much succeeding
19:40.41Kirkburn1careful cogwheel, you'll go cross-eyed :)
19:41.05cogwheelKirkburn1: i was gonna, but it looked like i was laughing... >.<
19:41.06malrethKevorkian: I have that power over people... the ability to muddle with minds
19:41.42Kirkburn1I'm wondering if malreth is saying he's in love with himself?
19:41.49Kevorkianwell, I sort of come pre-muddled.  My youngest child believes that sleep is something best enjoyed in 2 hour intervals
19:42.12KirkburnKevorkian, yeah, 18 year olds are like that ... :P
19:42.47Kevorkiankirk:  meh, 18 year olds sleep like the dead, this one is 5 and is too big to allow to be awake without some supervision
19:43.27Kevorkianheck, when I was 18 I could sleep till noon and still manage to fit in a nap on a slow day
19:44.00cogwheelActually, studies have shown that frequent short sleep periods make you more productive during your waking time and also make you require less total sleep
19:44.19KirkburnHeh, I'm 21 and have to agree. Also, night time is for using the computer, not sleeping.
19:45.18Kevorkianif (parent.children > 0) then always_tired = true
19:46.04zenzelezzjust SetParent them when you need a break
19:46.17Kevorkianif only that truly worked
19:47.36Kevorkianerror: sleep interrupted -- child process triggered interrupt in sleep
19:47.58Kevorkianset brain = mush
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19:50.09Kevorkiancan't even do that really, he's mentally retarded, he doesn't understand what he's doing that makes mom and dad so irritable.  he just knows that he's awake and happy and wants to play
19:52.38Kevorkianif I use Chronos.schedule to trigger an event, do I need to worry about the event going off if the addon is somehow unloaded?
19:53.00IrielYou can't unload an addon
19:53.07IrielThat question doesn't make sense?
19:53.14Kevorkianwell that's good to know :)
19:53.29JoshBorkeyou can't unload without reloading anyway, right?
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19:53.53Irielthat's still not unloading, that's reloading without something that was there before
19:54.37Kevorkianwhat if I schedule something, and the UI is reloaded, does that leave the originally scheduled event up or does the reload wipe all that good stuff away?
19:54.39JoshBorkedo unreferenced frames get GC'd?
19:55.17IrielI could say 'how would you know'
19:55.25IrielSince by definition you could never reach them to find out 8-)
19:55.29JoshBorkeindeed :-)
19:55.36Irielbut all frames are reachable
19:55.43Irielso there's no such thing as an 'unreferenced' frame
19:55.57IrielEnumerateFrames FTW
19:56.12KirkburnHaven't we already had the 'unloading an addon' conversation?
19:56.30IrielSoup, Crackers, etc
19:56.33JoshBorkeok, so here's a question that wasn't answered earlier :-P what's the best way to keep a tree synchronized between multiple people?
19:57.03IrielJoshBorke, : Only have one of them hold it, everyone else queries/manipulates their copy
19:57.27IrielJoshBorke, : Beyond that, there's a whole lot of approaches, and I dont believe there's a single optimal approach
19:57.38IrielJoshBorke, : It depends on the tree, and volatility, etc
19:59.03Beladonausing the one to many approach requires that the one be optimally available at any time, which is near impossible in wow
19:59.18Beladonahence the un-optimally many to many approach most use
20:00.08AmroJoshBorke: Can the data stored in it get updated from everyone?
20:00.44JoshBorkeAmro: basically yes
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20:01.50Amrowhenever someone changes their copy they broadcast the changes. as for someone just logging in, guess they could grab it from anyone
20:02.04BeladonaI wish I could have a bot that was in my guild, online, at all times. Then I could use it for data storage for events and such
20:02.37IrielBeladona, : It's called "Dont store important information like that in-game" 8-)
20:03.18Kevorkianbeladona:  oh god, to have a bot would make life so easy
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20:04.09IrielYou do have the guild MOTD as a shared storage spot, but it doesn't hold much information
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20:04.43KevorkianI'm doing it by viral propagation and I actually have managed to fudge a way to get/put web data using uniuploader (outside of the game so as not to violate the terms of use)
20:04.45cogwheelalso officer and player notes
20:04.57Kevorkianso the web acts as a sort of data repository
20:05.08Kevorkianso long as I can get a few folks in the guild to pull data from uni
20:05.19BeladonaIriel, I export the data out currently. But there are times when I create raid events, and no one is online to get them. This results in no one seeing them until I log on again
20:05.24Kevorkianthe rest of the folks then get it by viral propagation
20:06.19Kevorkianif I was smarter I'd write a viral database library, but I'm not that smart
20:06.31IrielYou could even create some dummy characters for the guild and use their notes to store data
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20:06.51JoshBorkeUsing a tree approach, modifying a leaf object would force an update of the base checksum
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20:06.58Beladonathe guild bank currently stores the group calendar config data for our guild
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20:07.04JoshBorkewhich seems really really expensive as things get larger
20:12.34AmroJoshBorke: why would you need to checksum?
20:12.57Amroyou can assume your copy is outdated on login, and reload it
20:13.05Amrofor updates, broadcast them as they happen
20:13.13Amroor you could use a number to keep track of updates
20:13.28Amroeach update increment it. if your number is lower reload
20:13.43Irielchecksums help if you can logically partition the tree into equally volatile sections, and can expect many not to have changed
20:14.26JoshBorkeAmro: what if one user makes a change and logs out while being the only one on.  then another user logs in and has a change in a different branch.  should i really dump the entire tree on login?
20:14.49Amrooops, my approach assumed there was always someone on
20:16.11Amrowhat kind of data are you trying to store?
20:16.24JoshBorkea in-game knowledgebase
20:16.51Amrofor a guild?
20:19.02Amrohow do you plan on updating data?
20:19.21JoshBorkethrough a gui in game
20:19.30Amroeven if you use checksums, you can't tell which one needs to update (assuming 2 users), or if both need some info from each other
20:19.37Amroi meant programmatically
20:22.13Kevorkianif the item you have checksum on has data delineating things like timestamp then it's pretty easy actually
20:22.34Kevorkianthe important thing is determining that there's a difference without actually sending all the data
20:22.53JoshBorkeUser A has checksum 5 on the top level, user B has checksum 4 on the top level.  user A says he has checksum 3 and 2 on the leafs of the top level
20:23.01JoshBorkeuser b states he has checksum 3 and 1 on the leafs
20:23.19JoshBorkeuser a and user b both know that they have different checksums on the second level, compare timestamps, and reconcile
20:23.53Amroi was about to suggest that, thinking you were checksumming at top only
20:24.07JoshBorkeit'll be a recursive checksum, which is what worries me
20:24.10Amrodumb me, that's kinda obvious
20:24.26Kevorkianrecursive how?
20:25.18JoshBorkeif i only checksum the data of each node, i won't get a checksum on the child-nodes
20:25.43JoshBorkeoh! but if i do a checksum of the data at a node, and then a checksum on the names of the children of a node i can cut down on the number of calculations
20:27.43JoshBorkethanks guys :-)
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20:33.09JoshBorkeanyone got a simple table copy they can spout off the top of their head?
20:33.33QzotBiab. Gotta reboot.
20:37.07malrethlater all
20:39.11Kevorkianbela, what scheduling addon is it that you are working on?
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20:45.42KirkburnOoh, the blood elf model has been updated
20:45.50Kirkburn(so I hear)
20:46.38TS|SkromQuote: Frame - The frame object that will be used as the created Frame's parent (cannot be a string!)
20:46.45TS|Skromcannot be a string?
20:47.04TS|Skromwhat if I'm creating a frame who's parent is created?
20:47.07Kevorkianyour cat pet would play with it, and then it would get all snagged
20:47.07BeladonaKevorkian: working on? as in using?
20:47.21Kevorkianbeladona:  using/working on shrug
20:47.28Beladonanot working on one really
20:47.34Beladonabut I use Group Calendar
20:47.40Kevorkiankirkburn:  does it still look like an anime pansy?
20:47.47JoshBorkeTS|Skrom: what do you mean you're creating a frame who's parent is created?
20:48.41BeladonaTS|Skrom: what that is saying is that when you reference the frame, it must be an object, not a string
20:49.06TS|Skromwhat if I don't know the actual name of the parent until just before i create this frame?
20:49.19Beladonathen you will want to find out
20:49.52Beladonaexplain why you wouldn't know the parent?
20:50.07Kevorkianhow can you create a frame if you don't know who it belongs to?
20:50.07cogwheelTS|Skrom, you don't need the *name* of the frame... in fact, that's exactly what "can't be a string" means
20:50.46TS|SkromI'm creating a subframe who's parent I just created using the player's class as part of the name
20:51.01TS|Skromwhich I realize now is uneeded
20:51.02cogwheelso you use that one you just created as the frame...
20:51.05TS|Skrombut for the sake of argument
20:51.30Beladonaif you are creating that frame, you have to have something like: local newFrame = CreateFrame....
20:51.42TS|SkromI have that
20:51.51Beladonajust use that same local
20:51.53Beladonaas the parent
20:51.56TS|Skromso the parent for the subframe would be newFrame
20:51.56Beladonato reference it
20:52.05cogwheelTS|Skrom: you're using the same name... just use different names
20:52.11TS|Skromnow I understand :) thanks
20:52.18Kirkburn(the newer BE models look more Lord of the Rings-ish, I'd say)
20:52.29TS|Skromalways trying to learn as I go lol
20:52.37TS|Skromxml was a sharp enough learning curve for me hehe
20:52.44BeladonaI was hoping to b able to make fun of them
20:52.56JoshBorkeoh blasted, i have to have a recursive checksum
20:53.14JoshBorkeerm, a checksum that incorporates the data of all the subsequent nodes
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20:54.43Kevorkianif you calculate the node checksum at creation time you don't have to recalculate them to get the parent checksum
20:55.23Kevorkianeach node will know it's own checksum
20:55.44Kevorkianunless you're moving entire branches about, then you do have to do some nastiness
20:57.22JoshBorkeso are you saying to do a checksum of the checksums?
20:58.03Kevorkianyou can even separate it out sorta, have a "self checksum" a "checksum of all my children" and a "combined checksum"  so long as you always compute the checksum using the same method it should always agree on identical data
20:58.08Kevorkianwhy not
20:58.10Amro`awayJoshBorke: will different people be changing the same nodes?
20:58.18JoshBorkeAmro`away: probably
20:58.26JoshBorkemmm, good idea
20:58.32Amrowithin a short timespan?
20:59.06JoshBorkei dunno, you're thinking just keep timestamps?
20:59.21JoshBorkelatest revision of the latest child
20:59.27JoshBorkelatest timestamp rather
21:00.12Kevorkianif you keep timestamp to millisecond should be sufficiently unique
21:00.37JoshBorkei can deal with conflicts to 1 second
21:00.44JoshBorkeso time() would probably be unique enough
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21:00.50JoshBorkeand would eliminate the need for calculating checksums
21:01.52Kevorkianya, true, checksums are more of a deal for my addon since I actually have to merge changes between two different versions.  if you just delete older versions then you're likely fine just doing timestamp
21:03.24Amroer just timestamps is no good
21:03.32Amrosay user a is fully up to date, and logs out
21:03.52Kevorkianalthough without the multi-tiered checksum you lose the ability to check in a single number whether 2 versions are different
21:03.55Amrooh wait nevermind
21:04.03Kevorkianunless you propagate the timestamp up
21:04.12kergothanyone know if the rogue sword specialization talent is a proc-per-minute, or a straight proc-per-hit?
21:04.19Kevorkianie. leaf changes, parent branch gets new timestamp
21:05.16jaxdahlwhat data are you talking about?
21:05.29Kevorkianthe checksum is nice because if you keep it up to date properly you can tell changes at any level of the tree even if all the other node levels are the same
21:05.38Kevorkiana tree data structure
21:06.02JoshBorkepropogate the timestamp up
21:07.04Kevorkianie. brance level 5 leaf 1 changes, it will change the checksums for levels 1-4 as well, but to compare different trees all you have to know at any level is the checksum for that level
21:07.40Kevorkianbut you could do the same with a timestamp, so long as you propagate it up
21:08.45Amrobut you still have to iterate through a lot of nodes
21:09.22Amrohow about remembering n changes, and if player a knows the changes since player b's latest timestamp, update that way
21:09.50Kevorkianwhat happens if somebody doesn't log in for a month?
21:10.17Amrowhat i mentioned above was something additional to avoid iteration if possible
21:10.29Amrothere could be too many changes in 1 week, who knows
21:10.51cogwheeltime() is machine-specific...
21:11.06TS|Skromdoes the inherits tag on CreateFrame require " " or no " "
21:11.07zenzelezztrying to learn the Eye of C'thun fight is rather interesting
21:11.09Kevorkianactually you don't have to iterate through many nodes.  level 1 check checksums, if mismatch get list of children, compare checksums of children
21:11.10Amroyou guys are not using servertime?
21:11.23cogwheelserver time is only accurate to one minute
21:11.55Kevorkianoh that's nasty.  I'm glad I don't care
21:12.15Kevorkianbut might bork josh (no pun intended... well maybe a little)
21:12.26JoshBorketime doesn't return time since epoch?
21:12.40cogwheelif that's how your computer does it, then yes...
21:13.05Amrowhatever it does, if its not servertime its gonna depend on local time
21:13.20cogwheelNot only that, but what if someone's clock is off?
21:13.32Amroexactly, local time is not reliable
21:13.49JoshBorkeyou're killing me
21:13.52KevorkianI use Nettime, sync'd to the atomic clocks within a few MS!
21:15.17Industrialtee hee
21:15.31cogwheelCan i have my wrench back now, josh?
21:16.04JoshBorkei can do it to the minute too
21:16.12Amroyou could add version numbers
21:16.23Xuerian|CrunchyYCross client data sync is the current topic, no?
21:16.29Kevorkianversion numbers get icky
21:16.48Amrouse timestampts to resolve conflicts?
21:17.07Amroit wont matter if its just to the minute, conflicts wont happen there
21:17.08JoshBorkeblah, i need to encode date information into the timestamp too
21:17.44Kevorkianerr +y
21:17.53JoshBorkeGetGameTime() returns hour and minute
21:18.28TS|Skromsomeone just treded me 3 large glowing shards for 3 lesser magic essence
21:18.33Xuerian|CrunchyYFunny, same subject as has been on my mind for a half hour... What is going to put the synching to use?
21:19.12TS|Skromer.. not 3 for 3... 4 for 3
21:19.34cogwheelsomeone gave me 8 large brilliants for 4 small radiants once...
21:20.53JoshBorkeXuerian|CrunchyY: a mod i'm going to be writing
21:21.16Kevorkianjosh:  ack, no date functions!
21:21.46Kevorkianwho's bright idea was it to have getgametime not return the freaking date
21:22.20Kevorkianeven I need to get the date
21:24.21Kevorkianis there a global for the system time?
21:24.41JoshBorkeGetTime() returns the system uptime
21:24.53JoshBorkecogwheel: do you know of systems that don't have time() return the time since epoch?
21:25.06Kevorkiandoesn't help unless you know when the server was last booted
21:26.40Kevorkianoh and gettime apparently only returns the time since your own computer was booted
21:26.46Kevorkiannot the server
21:26.54MentalPowerJoshBorke: Afaik, all WoW cleints return time() as seconds since Jan 1st 1970
21:27.14Amrowhich still depends on their computer's time
21:28.02JoshBorkewell, if someone can't keep their computer up to date, there's nothing i can do about it
21:28.04cogwheelactually, it doesn't matter...
21:28.23cogwheelyou can use date() to return your timestamp
21:28.33cogwheelit's still based on local time
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21:28.54cogwheelbut it will always give you the correct result regardless of epochs and all that...
21:29.38Kevorkianassuming your computer has the correct date
21:30.25cogwheelright... but i mentioned that and he still asked so...
21:30.43JoshBorkethere's no way in WoW to determine the date accurately
21:31.04JoshBorkeCide: ping
21:32.02Amroeven if you determine the date, its not necessarily the server's date because you could be on early wednesday when the server is 11:30 on tuesday
21:33.23Amrohow about using version numbers and asking the user to resolve conflicts?
21:35.23Amroif different people dont edit the same node seperately within a short timespan, conflicts will be rare
21:35.59JoshBorkeblah.  i need to think on this more
21:36.14Beladonabbiab, gotta go home
21:36.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Kevorkian (
21:36.35Amroexactly what will you be storing? an example
21:36.56KirkburnDamn people who quit when you're typing something long at them *glares at the rapidly receding image of Beladona*
21:37.12JoshBorkeBoss strategies for all the bosses in MC
21:37.36Amrothat shouldnt update too often
21:37.45Amroor by too many different people
21:37.55Amroversions will be fine i think
21:42.58TS|Skromzomg! I just made a dynamic frame with a child checkbox :D
21:43.05TS|SkromI am teh win!
21:43.14JoshBorkeTS|Skrom: grats :-)
21:44.13Cairenngrats TS|Skrom :)
21:45.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
21:45.54TS|Skromwhy the tears wheels?
21:46.08JoshBorkeclad|sleep: ping
21:46.15cogwheelBecause you could just make a template in XML and then you'd only need one CreateFrame per ability...
21:46.24cladhaireJoshBorke: pong
21:46.30TS|Skromoh.. but I do have a template :D
21:46.48TS|Skromthe thing is... I only want some buttons to show if you meet certain prerequisites
21:47.05TS|Skromactually... take that back, only want some frames CREATED if you meet them...
21:47.10TS|Skromjust hiding them leaves blank spots
21:47.28Amroand eats memory
21:47.35JoshBorkeyummy yummy
21:47.44cogwheelmemory > cookies
21:47.46QzotThere is [Enchant Weapon - Agility], [Enchant Weapon - Strength], and [Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility]. Is there an [Enchant 2H Weapon - Strength]?
21:47.59XuerianTrue, but sad =(
21:48.28cogwheelQzot: not according to thottbot
21:48.29AmroQzot: check thottbot or alla
21:48.38TS|Skromheh good point, never even thought of the memory impact having those extra ones would cause. ftw without even knowing it
21:48.48QzotI have. Nothing. But people tell me it exists. So I check with experts... :D
21:49.05Amroscreenshots or it doesnt exist :D
21:49.21QzotAmro: That's what I'm beginning to think.
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21:51.33KirkburnSee! The awesome country of Khurkbhurn! Gawp! At the amazing-ness of it all :)
21:53.08QzotGah. 25 Str > 25 Agi for a tanking durid. Or at least much harder to come by. But 25 Agi it will have to be.
21:53.31Shadowedtoo bad they don't make 25 STR :p
21:53.42Elkanoclad, is there a way to obtain forgoten svn passwords for
21:54.01QzotYah: But 25 Agi > 15 Str, so ...
21:54.51kergothdangit, why doesnt sword spec seem to be procing nearly as often as it should
21:55.24CideJoshBorke: pong?
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21:55.39JoshBorkeCide: how do you keep track of players joining/leaving raids in CTRaidTracker?
21:55.54Cidecan't remember offhand
21:56.01JoshBorkeis it all just local time stuff though?
21:56.07Cidepretty much
21:56.57kergothshowing like 2-2.5% chance on hit for sword spec when the talent says it should be 5%... even if the procwatch addon is screwing up and showing misses as hits or something, i dont miss 50% of the time..
21:57.12cogwheelcide, can you make her go away?
21:58.38cladhaireAlt-F4 has been known to restore the locatino of the res monitor!
21:59.26QzotAnyone know if an Iron Counterweight affects a bare durid?
22:00.49QzotLocatino? Morticia! That's Italian!
22:05.15cogwheelhave any of you read "The Rogue With One Sword?"
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22:07.11cogwheelIt has to be the most legendary "stupid stuff you did as a newb" thread i've ever seen...
22:07.42KirkburnI have heard of it
22:07.54KirkburnWan't it somewhere like Tanaris?
22:08.20Kirkburn"Server is busy, please try again" ... what a huggable message
22:09.47Kirkburnemulate cogwheel
22:09.58cogwheelforgot the ~ :P
22:09.59Kirkburn~emulate cogwheel
22:10.01purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
22:10.28KirkburnYeah, I just did it in a private message to purl to see what it was first, and you don't need the ~ with PMs :/
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22:14.16KirkburnAha, got the rogue with one sword thread - level 47 and no dual wield :/
22:14.49cogwheelthe whole thread is filled with such gems :) i've been reading in for the last couple hours :D
22:15.08cladhaireServer busy
22:15.36KirkburnToo long to post here :/
22:15.41ShadowedI never can understand how warriors dont train zerk or battle
22:15.47Shadowedfirst thing i did as soon as i hit 10 and 30
22:15.59KirkburnShadowed, ah, but you *knew* about them :)
22:16.06Shadowedno i didn't :p
22:16.17Shadowedi found out about them through questing
22:16.19cogwheelI always did every quest i could get my hands on, so i never missed them
22:16.32KirkburnShadowed, fair enough :P
22:16.35Amrodont you start out with battle stance?
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22:16.37Kirkburncogwheel, I'm much the same
22:16.39cogwheelThough i didn't realize sunder armor could be applied more than once 'till about 40-ish...
22:16.47Shadoweddefence and berserker are both given out by your trainers
22:16.54Shadowedit's hard to miss them
22:16.55Amro[23:15] <Shadowed> I never can understand how warriors dont train zerk or battle
22:16.55KirkburnI was obsessive with my warlock in trying to do every quest
22:16.58Amroconfused me fora sec
22:17.23KirkburnMeant I did lots of greens - and that was before the reputation changes, so my level 40 palaidn has almos equalled him already :(
22:17.45Kirkburnpalaidn - a demonic paladin :P
22:18.39KirkburnWe have a 5th world kill of Kel'Thuzad, finally. Forte on EU Kazzak
22:18.45Shadowedlink website?
22:22.27zenzelezzonly one horde, but four alliance :-o
22:22.53Shadowedwhen you consider the faction imbalance, not really suprising
22:24.22zenzelezzis the imbalance a global thing? I thought it was only on some servers
22:24.40Shadowedmostly on PVE
22:24.59snurrewtb paladins :(
22:25.32Corrodiasi'd prefer paladins to just disappear~
22:25.33zenzelezznew BoK plz
22:26.03KirkburnJust wait for the expansion ;)
22:26.08JoshBorkeok bye all
22:26.08*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:26.17Corrodiaswell, then they'll just be pissing off people on both sides
22:26.43Amrohow so? i know people will be pissed but not the majority
22:26.44snurrefunny how worlds 2nd ashbringer went to a paladin..
22:26.50snurrelike.. gg
22:26.50Amroand it is a balance fix
22:26.54CorrodiasAmro: have you ever tried to kill one of those bastards?
22:27.29Amrolol yeah, but that wont make both sides pissed because they'll just tell pallies to fight pallies and stay out of the main battle xD
22:27.35Corrodiasthey can defend a flag in AV against two opponents, and if you have a rogue with him, just forget it, you'll never take it back
22:27.48Shadowedsnurre: where?
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22:28.54Corrodiasat least mages' shields you can break through
22:31.04Amropallies suck (relatively) in wsg
22:31.15Shadoweda good paladin is amazing in WSG
22:31.26Amrorelatively is the key word
22:31.28Corrodiasi hear there was once a game against a team consisting mainly of paladins
22:31.36Corrodiasholy crap
22:31.46malrethThe paladins won 4-0
22:31.51malreththat's how good they can be
22:32.00Shadowednot really Amro
22:32.08Shadowedif they suck, they'll suck regardless
22:32.14TS|Skromwow that's kinda weird
22:32.21Amroregardless of?
22:32.39Shadowedpaladins offer the best utility in WSG
22:32.52Amroand alliance is so organized they take advantage of it
22:32.53TS|SkromI have a table that I've given keys for the keys are 1,6,8,20... when it does for k,v in pairs(table) it does them 1,20,8,6... why would that be?
22:33.10ShadowedIn which case the issue is alliance not paladins ;)
22:33.12Amroim not saying that paladins themselves suck, in most pugs their contribution isnt that great
22:33.37Shadowedin most pugs, nobody can really contribute though so thats not a fair judgement to make
22:33.54CorrodiasPuGs make my brain hurt
22:34.01Kirkburn1Asking 'regardless of?' is a hard question to answer by the way - it's often used as an idiom on its own, meaning 'regardless of anything and everything'. Thus ends our english lesson for today :)
22:34.18cogwheelTS|Skrom: RTFM :P     seriously, though, tables are stored as hashes. The only reason ipairs works is because it starts at one and works its way up to some nil that it comes to...
22:34.29Shadowed~Kirkburn define utility
22:34.36Shadowedit wont work :(
22:34.41cogwheel(very simplified explanation... please don't bother with pedantry)
22:35.13TS|Skromahh right, keep forgetting that just because I give a hash a certain way it doesn't necessarily stay that way
22:35.56TS|Skromit wasn't a big deal because what I was still doing doesn't matter, just thought I'd ask for curiousity sake and because I looked at it and said "whoa" like i usually do
22:36.36Corrodiasi still haven't determined how my druid is most effective in AV
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22:39.50KirkburnLo Kirochi
22:40.15KirkburnYou're not here to complain about Shatiana are you? ;)
22:41.10KirochiWell ...
22:41.21KirochiI won't say her screenshots aren't useful
22:41.29Kirochibut we've already told her a million times
22:42.33KirkburnTis true, tis true. I'll sort that one out now, especially since the model has been updated again since
22:42.54zenzelezzwhat model?
22:43.03KirkburnMale blood elves
22:43.38Kirochinot only male
22:44.12KirkburnAh, but even since that screenshot, I mean
22:44.31KirkburnAnyways, deleting that now :)
22:44.58KirochiThese pictures are simply not meant to be there
22:45.30KirkburnIndeed. If you come across them, mark them {{speedydelete}} - I check the list quite frequently
22:45.35KirochiWell, Blizz is playing a strange game, allowing players to take pictures but forbidding us to submit them there
22:45.52Amroyou can take screenshots anyway with other applications
22:45.53KirkburnWell, they've not exactly allowed it, it always happens
22:46.09KirochiFrom now on we have to do everything that's in our power to stop it, we're taking big risks
22:46.12KirkburnOnce the closed beta begins, it shouldn't be a problem however
22:46.23Kirochibut at least this means Blizzard knows us
22:46.29Kirochiand regularly chek us
22:46.36IrielYou should revoke the submission privs of people who flaunt the rules until they acknowledge they're idiots
22:46.42KirkburnAfaik, Rustak hasn't received any more DMCAs so far
22:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (i=rumors@gateway/tor/x-f301fc4358122a4a)
22:47.34KirkburnI've blocked one or two people, and severly scolded others :)
22:48.10ckknightI have made a new addon
22:48.11Amroi wonder why they feel the urge to post these pictures
22:48.24KirochiShatiana is being one painful idiot
22:48.28KirkburnAmro, excitement :)
22:48.34ckknight<CIA-11> Hider - initial import.
22:48.34ckknight<CIA-11> Fills your screen with an image on a keypress.
22:48.34ckknight<CIA-11> Good for in libraries, workplace, etc. when you don't want people to know you're WoWing it up.
22:48.39Kirochiyeah, look at this
22:48.49KirkburnKirochi, I reckon Shandris has been challenging that title :P
22:48.53ckknight(I'm in the library)
22:49.18KirkburnLol, I didn't notice that
22:49.29KirochiHUm ... What has Shandris done so far, except bitching about the Maiev picture ?
22:50.39KirkburnOh, uploaded loaaads of alpha screenshots
22:50.47KirkburnThey've all gone now, though ;)
22:50.47CrazyMYKLis assignment in an if valid lua?
22:50.52Kirochi:p Didn't know that
22:50.54IrielCrazyMYKL, : No
22:51.11IrielCrazyMYKL, : Assuming you mean if (x = blah()) then ....... end
22:51.13CrazyMYKLah, that's what's b0rking
22:51.43KirkburnKirochi, you work on wikiwow as well, do you not?
22:51.54Kirochihumm ... yeah, sometimes
22:52.01KirochiI find empty links
22:52.30CrazyMYKLfunctions return nil if no return value is specified, correct?
22:52.45ckknightthey return nothing
22:52.47Kirochiit's rather difficult to switch languages
22:52.49ckknightwhich is less than nil
22:52.51KirkburnIt's nice to see people working on more than one :) Have you seen the interwiki link template?
22:52.59CrazyMYKLis nothing false?
22:53.14ckknightI'll give you an example:
22:53.15Irielnil and false are logical false
22:53.18Irieleverything else is true
22:53.25Kirochiwhen I've been speaking english for four hours I'm hardly able to translate Shakespeare dans le texte
22:53.36Kirochiyes, good job
22:53.43CrazyMYKLso nothing is true? how delightfully discordian!
22:54.09Kirochitoo bad it's not as simple as on wikiwow to add a language tag
22:54.13ckknightfunction retNothing() return end; function retNil() return nil end; function check(...) return arg.n end; assert(check(retNothing()) == 0); assert(check(retNil()) == 1)
22:54.32Kirochi[[en:name]] is just easier
22:54.32ckknightthat's what it is.
22:54.56Amrowhenever i translate something into french i realize just how much vocabulary ive forgotten
22:54.58KirochiIs it up to Rustak to add this template ?
22:55.01KirkburnKirochi, yeah. That's the problem with having an admin who isn't always around. The server is 'hidden' where he can't easily visit
22:55.02ckknightnothing is false, since local x = retNothing(); assert(x == nil)
22:55.15ckknightvalue-false, I mean
22:55.32ckknightCrazyMYKL, lua can return multiple values from a function
22:55.54CrazyMYKLyes, i read that much
22:56.05Irielassigning nothing to something turns it into nil tho
22:56.06KirkburnSo yeah, it's not quite as easy as wikiwow. I really want the wikis working together though :)
22:56.31ckknightright, Iriel
22:57.00Kirochidid the two wikis start at the same time ? Or were they linked way later ?
22:57.04CrazyMYKLand globals have AddOn scope or file scope?
22:57.39Kirkburnwowwiki and wikiwow? I think they started around the same time
22:57.48cogwheelCrazyMYKL: .... globals....
22:57.50ckknightCrazyMYKL, global scope.
22:58.19CrazyMYKLall addons use the same namespace?
22:58.32cogwheelthere are no namespaces in lua
22:58.33IrielThough, as we discussed earlier, global is negotiable in lua.
22:58.37QzotGotta go. Catch you all later.
22:58.47cogwheelnow Iriel, don't go confusing the poor chap ;)
22:58.50Kirochifine, so why is the French one so late that we'll have to work enture nights to make it almost half as accurate as wowwiki ?
22:59.03ckknightIriel, you mean if you setfenv?
22:59.04KirkburnThere are more english players :P
22:59.05Kirochientire* dammit
22:59.10Irielckknight: yes
22:59.25Kirochirofl, therefore more players interested in submitting
22:59.33Amrotranslating to french is a bitch
22:59.38CrazyMYKLbut i could accidentally stomp all over a variable used by CT_RA or something if i use globals all willy-nilly? scary
22:59.44KirkburnActually, just looking it up - wowwiki started nov 2004, wikiwow was may 2005
22:59.56Kirochimost of my friends don't give a crap and would just pay a look at wowwiki to get information
23:00.03cogwheelCrazyMYKL: that's how function hooking works
23:00.44KirkburnThe french and german wikis are really good looking - and wowwiki still doesn't even have a logo!
23:00.49CrazyMYKLyeah, i see it now, thanks
23:01.02KirkburnMikk is working on one, so I'm hoping we can get a vote up soon :/
23:01.08Kirochiwhy ? fand has done some great job about that
23:01.10ckknightCrazyMYKL, global pollution is typically a bad thing.
23:01.10Amrothe french one is using a white bg
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23:01.16ckknightit's better to try to use locals
23:01.26Amrowowwiki is more wow-y
23:01.35ckknightproper term is wowesque
23:01.47KirkburnHaven't got a logo because all the previous votes fell through
23:01.52Kirochiaw, did I tell you I was asked to become a Wikiwow admin ? ^^
23:01.56CrazyMYKLyeah, i figured as much
23:02.00CrazyMYKLespecially a global named "bag"
23:02.29IrielMost people learn early why generic global names are bad 8-)
23:02.29Kirochicurse me and my stupid mind
23:02.33KirochiI refused
23:02.59ckknightwhat's worse is overwriting the global time
23:03.17Kirochihey guys what's your geekish talk all about ?
23:03.40KirkburnThe interface of WoW :)
23:03.56CrazyMYKLare unitialized variables nil, or nothing?
23:04.13Amrohow can you have an uninitialized var?
23:04.24CrazyMYKLin either case, they're logically false?
23:04.31cogwheelAmro: local var
23:04.36KirkburnKirochi, I want to get a link to the french wiki on the front page soon, I'll see what I can do.
23:04.38CrazyMYKLlocal foo?
23:04.38Kirochiumm ... so they're hacking wow ?
23:04.49Kirkburnlol, no
23:05.35KirochiA link ?
23:05.39Kirochiwhat do you mean ?
23:05.50KirkburnTalking about creating addons for WoW
23:06.03Kirochiaw, I understand
23:06.08KirkburnThings like: :)
23:06.19Kirochiyou an addon dev, am I right ?
23:06.36KirkburnI suppose so :P
23:07.06KirkburnNot an advanced one, though
23:07.33CrazyMYKLdoes calling "reloadUI" from within WoW reparse all the lua files?
23:07.55XuerianAll that existed when wow was loaded
23:08.01CrazyMYKLoh wow
23:08.09CrazyMYKLi've been /camping for no reason
23:08.10Amrouse it to test your changes without logging out
23:08.23Kirochiand what's ClearFont about ?
23:08.51KirkburnIt changes the fonts, makes it look like this:
23:08.58Corrodias/camping? what's that?
23:09.19CrazyMYKL/camp logs out your toon
23:09.29KirkburnAn evil pasttime, popular with snipers ;)
23:09.33Kirochigreat ! did you implement Ringbearer ?
23:09.36Corrodias"the kirkbum network"?
23:09.48Kirochilmao Kirkbum
23:09.59Kirkburndamn yous!
23:10.04Corrodiasmethinks this font doesn't differentiate well between "m" and "rn"
23:10.39Corrodiasone reason i like lucida console so much is that each letter is obviously distinguishable
23:10.42KirkburnI always see Kirkbum and Kickburn typoed :)
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23:10.57CrazyMYKLmonospace fonts ftw
23:11.16Kirochi"burne" is a very vulgar word in French
23:11.21Kirochilike "bollock"
23:11.35Kirkburn... and there was me about to look it up on google
23:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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23:12.15KirkburnWelcome back Beladona
23:13.01CrazyMYKLwhat's the string concateation operator?
23:13.03KirochiYou speak Spanish ?
23:13.17Beladonanot fluently no
23:13.22CrazyMYKLsince apparently '+' isn't overloaded
23:13.30cogwheelCrazyMYKL: i hate to say it but RTFM
23:13.33KirkburnHe has a name that almost means 'beautiful lady', however :P
23:13.58KirochiYeah but in really bad spelled Italian then
23:14.04Beladonaor porn star, depending on who you talk to
23:14.05ckknightCrazyMYKL, ..
23:14.17ckknight"alpha" .. "bravo" == "alphabravo"
23:14.20KirkburnI spent the last year in italy :/
23:14.21KirochiPerche Bella donna si scrive cosi
23:14.25CrazyMYKLthank you, ckknight
23:14.36Beladonaactually, its an amalgation of two words of similar spelling, and not meant to be correct spelling of either
23:14.44cogwheelconcatenation even has its own section ;)
23:14.45Corrodias"kirk" .. "burn" == "kirkbum"
23:14.47CrazyMYKLi skimmed the manual, i guess it didn't sink in
23:14.56KirkburnOn that topic, a shop opened near me called 'Bellisima' a few days ago. It's unforunate that it's actually spelt 'BellisSima', really.
23:15.05cogwheelyeah, but it's a great place to throw CTRL-F around :)
23:15.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Wrk|ZZz (
23:15.17KirkburnHey, mine means 'church by a stream' :)
23:15.36Kasosomeone help me with StaticPopup_Show("CONFIRM_SUMMON") please :<
23:15.38KirochiKirk=church ?
23:15.56Kirochijust thought it was a christian name
23:15.57BeladonaI go to kirk every sunday
23:16.08Beladonahe says, warp speed mr sulu
23:16.15zenzelezzin which language is it "kirk"? German?
23:16.36KirochiBeladona, is it a Goblin speaking ?
23:17.12KirkburnUm, scottish, that kind of area
23:17.14Beladonaon that topic, what races would the crew of the original star trek be?
23:17.22BeladonaSpock = NE?
23:17.36ckknightyou're just saying that cause of the ears
23:17.43KirochiNo way, he's white skinned
23:17.55BeladonaScotty = gnome, or dwarf, depending on which angle you went for
23:17.58Kirochiblood-elf or else nothing
23:18.10KirochiSpock looks like Krasus
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23:18.12Beladonaactually, I said NE for the mentality as well
23:18.19BeladonaBE are too passionate to be vulcan
23:18.26ckknightWorf would be an orc or something, I'd say.
23:18.43Kirochi*hides behind a sofa*
23:18.47KirkburnWell, we've not mentioned James T Kirk, who on earth could he be?
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23:18.50Kirochi*is afraid of geeks*
23:19.01Beladonayeah, right
23:19.02cogwheelgeordi = gnome
23:19.06cogwheelquark = goblin
23:19.07Kirochino way
23:19.08ckknightCaptain Kirk'd be Human, I'd say
23:19.11Beladonadidn't you get the memo?
23:19.18KirkburnIt's unfortunate you help out on a game-related website then, isn't it, Kirochi :P
23:19.18Beladonageeks rule the world
23:19.25Kirochithere's already a dwarf named jhordy lapforge in wow
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23:19.37cogwheelhe should've been a gnome
23:19.42KirkburnIsn't there also Spork and Scooty?
23:19.59Beladonakirk is a human paladin, with that ego
23:20.59Kirochiinfact lapforge is a gnomish goblin
23:20.59cogwheelAnyone know where mankrik's wife is?
23:21.05cogwheelj/k :P
23:21.14Kirochignome cat but goblin-referenced
23:21.16KirkburnWhere's Picard, eh?
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23:21.28Kirochihe's french so he rox
23:21.37Kirochiso he's a draenei
23:21.56KirochiSpace Knight with space shuttles
23:22.06Corrodiasdragonblight, sounds like a pvp realm
23:22.19KirkburnKirochi, he's a gnome is Jhordy
23:22.21Beladonaor a bad groinal itch
23:22.23Corrodiasin reference to kirkbum again
23:22.51KirkburnIt's PvE
23:23.01KirkburnIt's in Northrend, where dragons go to die
23:23.44Kirochigroin ? what's groin ?
23:23.59Kirkburnuhhh, errr, .... someone else tell him
23:24.10Kirochicrotch ?
23:24.10warla <-- omg checkout that screenshot
23:24.22XuerianI think it's about time you had 'the talk' with Kirochi, Kirkburn.
23:24.52Kirochiwhy ?
23:25.06Kirochiam I missing some philosophic stuff ?
23:25.24Beladonaits a coastal engineering structure designed to prevent beach erosian
23:25.28Beladonaok that was a joke
23:25.36KirkburnEver heard of the song "Let's talk about sex, baby"?
23:25.46KirkburnBeladona, a good one at that!
23:25.46Corrodiaswarla: that isn't a screenshot
23:25.55Kirochilet's talk about you and meeee
23:26.08KirkburnCorrodias, click the arrow
23:26.41Corrodiasthat's a big one-hand sword
23:26.56Beladonanever seen that before?
23:26.56KirkburnIndeed, Kirochi ... the subject of that song is what Xuerian meant :)
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23:27.15Kirochimy ... lost between pervs & geeks
23:27.19Beladonabesides, there are one handers bigger than that
23:27.38Corrodiasnope, not seen it
23:27.56KirkburnLook, a massive groyne! ;)
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23:28.19Beladonayou should see a Thunderfury on someone
23:28.26Beladonatalk about a big one-hander
23:28.33KirkburnTo a beach lifeguard: "My, what a massive groyne you have!"
23:29.00zenzelezzThunderfury is quite noticable, indeed
23:29.12zenzelezzand if you somehow miss the size, there's the trail after the person running
23:29.12KirkburnNot ott at all!
23:29.23KirkburnActually, I went through Straholme with someone who had a thunderfury
23:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
23:29.38zenzelezzI'd so love to get one some day :-/
23:29.42KirkburnYou couldn't see anything because of all the swirling smoke
23:29.44zenzelezzbut my guild doesn't do MC much anymore
23:29.49Beladonayou and about 7 million other people
23:29.57MaldiviaCairenn ?
23:29.58zenzelezzthat, and I'm like MT10
23:30.08Corrodiaswhat does mt10 mean?
23:30.09KirkburnUnforunately, this guy was my friend brother ... and both of them deleted their accounts a few days later :(
23:30.12CairennMaldivia: hmm?
23:30.14Beladonaim the gm of my guild, so I am MT1
23:30.15zenzelezzmain-tank number 10
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23:30.24zenzelezzie. there's a bunch of people before me in line if the parts drop
23:30.28Corrodiasi see
23:30.45Kirochihas anyone of you ever seen the conjured legendary weapon ?
23:30.51Kirochithe soulraper
23:31.01MaldiviaCairenn: your FAQ sticky on the US interface forums - perhaps add an entry about model swapping being illegal, and reference ?
23:31.05Kirochior such
23:31.25CairennMaldivia: it's already there
23:31.31KirkburnWhee, wowwiki gets first info place for andonisus :D
23:31.42MaldiviaCairenn: hmm, I need to look closer then..
23:31.58CairennMaldivia: #2 of the top 5 way too frequently, top of the thread :p
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23:32.50Corrodiasthe old way of doing it is no longer possible, which strongly indicates to me that they don't want you to do it, even if there have been vague and conflicting responses from GM's in the past
23:33.04MaldiviaCairenn: ok, found it - looked in the other FAQ threads, hehe :)
23:33.21Beladonawhat the
23:33.36Beladonasearched on thottbot, and got this for Andronisus
23:33.38MaldiviaCairenn: but the reference could be a nice addition :
23:33.38BeladonaSorry boss, couldn't find anything.  I even looked in the shed, where yous keeps the bodies.
23:33.39KirkburnCairenn, I see you have no 4 and 5
23:33.46Kirkburn(there's a 4 and 5 on
23:33.56CairennKirkburn: those are in the macro thread
23:34.02KirkburnAh, I see :)
23:34.06CairennI need to update the wiki
23:34.26KirkburnMikk has been doing a little on it
23:34.37CorrodiasBeladona: they use cute messages for things not found
23:34.55Corrodiasi've seen that kind of thing for 404 messages on some sites, too
23:34.56KirkburnBy which I mean "Mikk has been adding giant yellow question marks to it" :)
23:35.27KirkburnSexy question marks, though
23:35.46MaldiviaBeladona: hehe
23:36.17MaldiviaBeladona: and it's called Andonisus - no "r" :)
23:36.32Kirochichicks dig pink exclamation marks
23:37.01Kirochibig ones
23:37.42KirkburnCairenn, your input please regarding Kirochi's comment? ;)
23:38.15Cairennmy daughter laughed too
23:39.33Cairennshe waves back
23:39.49KirkburnBet she feels silly, I just pretended ;)
23:39.52XuerianKirochi, what was that about perverts?
23:40.07zenzelezzcareful Kirk, you don't want mother aggro
23:40.15KirkburnAhoy there, Averinn is back:
23:40.27CairennKirochi: (Lyrebyrd speaking) Pink exclamation marks nothing. Yellow question marks all the way!
23:41.10KirkburnActually, out of embrassment, I just waved properly :P
23:41.10Cairennyes, she's a wow addict too :p
23:41.10KirkburnAnd ... yes ... I do believe I feel silly now
23:41.33XuerianLyrebyrd, pink exclimation marks don't have near so many fun permutations though!
23:41.49MaldiviaI like purple better
23:41.52KirkburnOne must spread the joy of WoW to all of one's family :) Cairenn is particularly sucessful in that respect...
23:42.03Corrodiassquishy can identify when something is targetting you. i wonder if i want an addon to give a list of things that are targetting you...
23:42.09Kirochipurchase a wow cap with a yellow ! and another one with a penis
23:42.17XuerianSpread? Since when does wow have to be "Spread". It's viral. It INFECTS.
23:42.21Kirochiyou'll just see how effective it is
23:42.29IrielCorrodias, : You can do that as long as you can enumerate the things that MIGHT be targetting you.;
23:43.02CairennI am not commenting on Maldivia's liking purple "exclamation marks" (wink wink) better
23:43.14Corrodiasi don't understand, but i'm not good enough with the api yet to try something like that anyway
23:43.18KirkburnI think he should see a doctor
23:43.33KirkburnThe only vaccination against WoW is destruction of all computer equipment
23:43.40MaldiviaCairenn: I'm legally excused... it's 1.43am here
23:43.48Kirochino, the only one is euthanasia
23:43.56IrielCorrodias, : What i'm saying is, the problem isn't determining if a specific something is targetting you, it's coming up with the list of somethings to test
23:43.57KirochiMaldivia where are you from ?
23:44.03XuerianI'm afraid Kirochi wins this one
23:44.10Maldivia45 more MB to download, nad I'm going to bed
23:44.16Xuerianteehee. nads.
23:44.25XuerianYes, that's the first thing that ran through my mind.
23:44.32XuerianNo, not "And".
23:45.02Cairennand you guys accuse *me* of having a dirty mind?
23:45.08Kirochiyes we do
23:45.12Kirochicause we are shameless
23:45.20KirkburnTodays childish humour rating: 3050.
23:45.27MaldiviaCairenn: as I said, it's 1.45am here... my brain's in the gutter right now!
23:45.30Kirochithat's how you can dare almsot half the things we do
23:45.31CorrodiasIriel: well, i guess i wouldn't know how that works. cladhaire did something with squishy that identifies when you or someone else is targetted, at least.
23:45.45CairennMaldivia: this is new and different ... how?
23:45.46Corrodiasdoesn't indicate by what
23:45.51MaldiviaCairenn: HEY!
23:45.56Kirkburnoooh, burn
23:46.18GuillotineAre the old WoW forums still available?
23:46.18Kirochihey maldivia, it's the same time out there in Paris and I'm still working properly, despite my horrendous english
23:46.28KirkburnDo you know what day it is tomorrow?
23:46.44MaldiviaKirkburn: wednesday
23:46.51KirkburnAlso, :D
23:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
23:47.07Maldivianope, that's today :)
23:47.07Kirochihey, are there any wow-related webcomics ?
23:47.19KirkburnYarr, me hearties, be it already time for me to begin!
23:47.43Corrodiasi'm a tiny little pirate, so anything i say is said like a pirate.
23:47.59KirochiAvast ! Haven't ye ever played puzzle pirates ?
23:48.01GuillotineKirochi: is the best imho :)
23:48.14KirochiShiver me timbers ! Tis' the bestest of all seven seas !
23:48.19KirkburnArrr, load the Canon, wench, and collate me copies!
23:48.27XuerianYes, Kirochi, someone will say it before me but it's on gamespy... It starrs a dwarf warrior, nelf hunter, human male priest with a anarchy sign on his chest, a scriptkiddy gnome rogue who hasn't been seen for months, a mage in netherwind.... and DAMNIT i still cannot remember the name
23:48.29Corrodiasi do wonder why pirates are so romanticized
23:48.33Corrodiasthey were hardly pleasant people
23:49.09KirkburnWeird, isn't it
23:49.20Maldiviaye whoreson bilge rat! ye call me unpleasent!
23:49.32KirkburnI suppose because it's no longer a real threat (to us)
23:49.34cladhaireCorrodias: I did something with squishy?  Squishy is maia =)
23:49.40GuillotineXuerian: that sounds like darklegacy to me ;)
23:49.58KirochiBillions of blue blistering barnacles ! Shut down ye pie hole or I'll make ye eat my mast without vaseline !
23:50.18Kirkburn"Billions of blue blistering barnacles" <--- but that's Captain Haddock!
23:50.23KirkburnHe be no pirate!
23:50.44KirochiHaddock pwns
23:50.46Corrodiasi apologize for my mistake. i could have sworn it was you.
23:50.57Amrohaddock ftw
23:51.02Amronever runs out of insults :D
23:51.25KirkburnTwo-timing Tartar Twisters!
23:51.54Kirochiyup ;p
23:51.59Kirochibut he speaks french
23:52.08Amro1940s french
23:52.13KirkburnNot in my Tintin books he don't :P
23:52.15KirochiBachi-bouzouks ! Mille millions de mille sabords !
23:52.58Kirkburn(the first is translated into english as "Bashi-bazouks!", amazingly)
23:53.11KirkburnIt's all belgian to me
23:53.50Amrocoke en stock had the most insults in a row
23:54.09Kirochio_O I didn' know that
23:54.24Amrowhen he kicks the slave trader from the ship
23:54.35KirkburnYeah, thought it was that scene
23:54.36Kirochithou art truly the greatesth geeques
23:54.39KirkburnHe gets a microphone :)
23:54.42Amrothen when he's out of earshot to hear the insults he grabs a loudspeaker
23:54.50Kirkburnum, yeah, loudspeaker :P
23:55.36KirochiWell, anyone got another topic ?
23:55.46KirochiEven the programmers didn't find any answer
23:56.21Kirochito our nonsense
23:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
23:56.57KirkburnDisconnected :/
23:57.02KirkburnI've got the Titan book open in front of me now :P
23:57.09Kirochiomg this is sweet
23:57.31KirkburnI count 23 insults
23:57.39KirkburnEr, Tintin :P
23:57.45Amrolemme get mine
23:58.26IrielI have no problem with off-topic conversations but this is bordering on spam
23:58.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
23:58.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
23:58.31Kirochijust downloaded the manual of monsters ;)
23:58.32KirkburnWe're europeans, c'mon, you know what europeans are like ;)
23:58.40KirochiThat's how I get all the lore
23:58.40IrielI AM one, so yes.
23:59.09KirkburnBrits ftw
23:59.22KirkburnNaughty Kirochi *slaps wrists*
23:59.23Kirochiand french FTL
23:59.26Kirochiwe suck
23:59.32KirkburnNow ... where did you get it from?
23:59.34KirochiOuchies !

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