irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060917

00:13.38Cairennyay! I'm such a lucky kitty mommy.  The mighty huntress just told me alllll about how well she protects me as she brought her trophy to lay at my feet.  I'm so fortunate to be protected from the evils of the dirty sock
00:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
00:16.36Cairennhi malreth
00:16.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
00:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
00:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:33.13malrethah... seen it
00:33.31malreththat chick has... issues
00:33.37amroATI should go to hell
00:33.48XuerianYes it should.
00:33.56amrobad bad BAD linux drivers :(
00:34.05XuerianBad windows drivers too
00:34.40amroyeah, but not as bad as not having 3d because fglrx doesn't recognize a card its supposed to
00:35.00amronow i gotta boot into windows to run wow
00:36.02Tullerguessing a new ati card?
00:36.16KirkburnThis a great stop-motion film, really really good:
00:36.46Cidesaw that, it is indeed very good
00:38.14amrono, its fairly old, but its supposed to be supporte
00:38.28amromobility m9 9000
00:38.52Wobinthat video just brings back bad memories of tech support
00:40.42Kirkburn"What is the PC?" ... "This is the PC" ... "No that's a BOX" ... "Yes the BOX is a PC" ... "That's not what I asked!"
00:42.17KirkburnCide, thanks for that :)
00:43.14GeoDaMancerI'm pissed at bother ATI and Nvidia. ~_~ I have an ATI game, should run on my decktop, which has better specs than my laptop which it does run on... But one has an ATI one has an Nvidia.
00:43.16Cide"Is it front or back?" "It's inside", "that's not what I asked! is it front or back?!"
00:43.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=Amro@
00:43.42KirkburnOooh, this is fun too, in a similar way:
00:44.51Cidethat's awesome
00:46.02Wobinbetter to err on the side of pregnant for that question =)
00:46.35Thumannwhat's the function called when you get into combat?
00:46.48Thumannyour med up ability gets removed.. right? or something like that..
00:47.41TullerPLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED is the event
00:48.26Nasthrakyou'd think they'd make it "PLAYER_IN_COMBAT" or something and that goes and turns off regen too
00:48.37Thumann:) aye
00:49.17GeoDaMancerYeah, but that's what you get for thinking. : p
00:49.30Amroa lot of event names are like that
00:49.37ThumannPLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT and PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT are for *MELEE* combat only.
00:50.18GeoDaMancerBe back later.
00:50.24Amropossibly because of older functionality that was removed, and devs too lazy to do a find and replace
00:50.35NasthrakI'm leaning towards that one Amro XD
00:52.04KirkburnOh this is great:
00:52.37XuerianStop linking those, it makes my dialup hernia =O
00:52.50KirkburnIt's short and sweet :)
00:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
00:54.44Thumannwhat's wrong with this?
00:54.44Thumannif PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED() == TRUE then
00:55.10malrethuh... no
00:55.12Amrois that a function?
00:55.12CideI doubt that's a function
00:55.23Amroyou should be registering to the event
00:56.07zenzelezzPLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED and PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED are events that are fired when you leave and enter combat, respectively
00:57.28MikmaR.I.P. Lilo :(
01:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
01:13.20FlisherAFKgotta doublechekc that the bluedragon aura proc or not this event
01:13.32FlisherAFKcan we pre-patch our table funciton for 5.1?
01:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
01:17.27Thumannhmm.. any tutorials on how to create frames/interfaces with lua? (ace)
01:18.24malrethFlisher: you can start using the for k,v in pairs(t) do construct now... you can't use the # operator, however
01:18.57GeoDaMancerNo, there are no tutorials that I know of, besides the one on the WoWWiki page that's farily basic. >.> If there is one. Mainly it's picking apart the regular frame code and figuring out how to do it in the lua.
01:19.06GeoDaMancerIt takes a lot of /reloadUI xD
01:19.18ThumannGeoDaMancer: hehe.. that part i'm used to..
01:19.39[floyd]It's /script ReloadUI() </nitpick> ;)
01:19.47GeoDaMancerWhat do you need to do exactly?
01:19.51Tullerframe = CreateFrame("frameType", "frameName", frameParent[, "inheritedFrame"]) I think
01:19.59Thumanni've been creating my frames/buttons and what not.. in xml.. but i was adviced that writing more or less everything in lua was the way to go
01:20.01GeoDaMancer.. /rl for me thanks. xD
01:20.15GeoDaMancerThat's for just creating a frame, but you need to do a lot more than just that. xD
01:20.23Tullerpeople like making things in lua if they don't like making things in XML :)
01:20.40Tullerthe main benefit to lua creation is dynamic frames
01:20.48[floyd]People do things in Lua, if they dislike doing it in Lua less than they would in XML ;)
01:20.49GeoDaMancerDo any of you FF users have a problem with pages trying to load all of the pictures at once, rather than one at a time?
01:22.29GeoDaMancerIs dislike both. xD
01:22.41GeoDaMancerTeh Goe hates all things xml. xD
01:23.30KirkburnI have the most awesome and confusing fractal as my wallpaper now :P "Mushroom Samba". Crazy.
01:23.46GeoDaMancerSamba Mamba!
01:24.22GeoDaMancerYay, I need a soul bag, and an enchantment bag now.
01:24.28malrethmushroom samba is the title of a Cowboy Bebop episode
01:24.51GeoDaMancerOh yeah!
01:24.55GeoDaMancerI love that one. xD
01:25.10malrethnearly everyone's fav episode, too
01:25.12GeoDaMancerWhere Ed ends up being the hero of the whole thing... >.> And there's the black coffin guy. xD
01:25.33GeoDaMancerI liked the one with the clown guy.
01:25.37KirovThat's an awesome episode
01:25.41KirovMushroom Samba
01:26.29KirovThe clown one is cool too, it's very batman: the animated series
01:26.46KirovIt was also a test episode for the work they ended up doing for the feature
01:27.11GeoDaMancerYeah. xD I haven't seen the feature, but then I didn't want to until I finished the series. I stopped on episode 20. xD
01:27.47Kirovgaud, doing a real scroll bar for a ScrollingMessageFrame sucks
01:28.13KirovI can get close, but multi-line messages screw everything
01:28.57Flisheranyone else know a full scale profile scanning addon like rpgoCharacterProfiler?
01:30.14Kirovnot released, no
01:30.28Amrowarla's is really nice but its not ready yet
01:30.28Osagasu<Kirkburn> I have the most awesome and confusing fractal as my wallpaper now :P "Mushroom Samba". Crazy.  <--where'd you get it?
01:46.28KemayoGeoDaMancer: The feature is set before the end of the series, so you'll be fine watching it before then.
01:47.09GeoDaMancerI have the other five on my computer, I think, but I'm lazy. xD
01:53.32*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
01:54.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:54.43JoshBorkeso, here's a n00b question.  how do i keep my frame from moving during SetScale?
01:55.31GeoDaMancerSetPoint(Point, relative, realpoint, x * (Scale), y * (Scale))?
01:56.17JoshBorkehm, so i have to start checking the points now? :-(
01:56.57GeoDaMancerI have no idea.
02:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:01.15JoshBorkedo you know Kirkburn?
02:01.27GeoDaMancerNope, never met him. xD
02:01.38GeoDaMancerYou might have to repeat your question, Borkster.
02:02.56JoshBorkeso, here's a n00b question.  how do i keep my frame from moving during SetScale?
02:05.06KirovMy lazy method is using two frames
02:05.13Kirovone I don't scale, and a child frame I do
02:05.53GeoDaMancerI hope some of my Guildies get on soon, I need to bum bags off them. xD
02:06.47KirkburnWhah, whah? Who took my name in vain? :)
02:06.57JoshBorkeKirov: what do you mean?
02:07.47KirkburnOsagasu, sorry, went to shower, I'll get the link
02:08.56KirkburnMushroom Samba, the wallpaper (dual monitor):
02:09.08KirkburnJoshBorke, why'd you mention me?
02:09.46JoshBorkeKirkburn: thought you might know :-)
02:10.11KirkburnI got disconnected so I think I may have missed the important sentence :P
02:12.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:12.37JoshBorkeit's ok :-) i'm just gonna use Kirov's suggestion
02:14.43Flisheris there a KCitems, but for all stats?
02:15.20Flisheri mean str/agi, gold...
02:19.53Kasocan i do this: fred,bill=1,stuff(fred)
02:20.09Kasowhere stuff returns stuff when fred=1
02:21.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:21.25JoshBorkeonly if fred was defined before calling stuff
02:22.13JoshBorkebut yea, nothing wrong with that syntatically
02:23.11Mr_Rabies2@_@ certain addons are deciding not to load cause i hit "disable all" on one of my characters :x
02:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
02:23.17Kaso*slight confused* so i cant define the value and use it in the same = statement
02:23.28JoshBorkekaso: no
02:23.40Kasook darn, thought i could save some macro chars
02:24.03Amrouse lua functions
02:24.09GeoDaMancerShould I just play one of my other characters, or my poor neglected priest who I need to retool?
02:27.26*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer^ (
02:27.31Amroyou should level one of my chars for me
02:28.06GeoDaMancerWho, me?
02:28.53ScytheBlade1mmkay, TargetUnit("raid6") doesn't necessarily target the first person in group 2.
02:29.12ScytheBlade1That's horribly depressing, does anyone know of a way to do this? (Target first person in group X)
02:29.14Cideraid id's are not related to position
02:29.15Cideat all
02:29.35ScytheBlade1As I noticed just now
02:29.46ScytheBlade1Buffing myself instead of someone in group 2
02:30.05ScytheBlade1Do you know of a good way to get access to the position?
02:31.20Cidefunction getFirstIndex(subgroup) local _, group; for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers(), 1 do _, _, group = GetRaidRosterInfo(i); if ( group == subgroup ) then return i; end end end
02:32.02ScytheBlade1Ohh, that works nicely
02:34.09GeoDaMancerThis makes me rather sad. I just started an enchanter, and none of my other characters have green items I can give to him. xD My Blacksmith can make -bunches- but I have to level 'im two more times for it to be worth doing. xD
02:34.39*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:35.15Amroby contrast, you'd have plenty of green items if you were to level my enchanter xD
02:35.37GeoDaMancerWhat server are you on? >.>
02:38.12GeoDaMancerAnd it sucks that Alchemists can't make green items.
02:38.23Amroim j/k. ive got characters all over the place but my main is on magtheridon
02:39.05GeoDaMancerI was going to say, if they're on Proudmoore I wouldn't be held responsible for missing items, money, or the fact that your character's dead in the middle of Ogrimar. >.>
02:39.38GeoDaMancerOr would thunderbluff be more annoying. <.<
02:39.50Amrono, tb would be better
02:40.02Amromore annoying for you to reach
02:40.13GeoDaMancerI'll rmember that. xD
02:40.35Amroi once visited all 3 horde leaders
02:40.36GeoDaMancerWhich is harder to reach IF or Darn for the Horde?
02:40.40Amroand aimed shot them each
02:40.48GeoDaMancerReally? HAHAHAH!
02:40.55GeoDaMancerThat's great!
02:40.59Amrobut i never reached sylvanas actually
02:41.06Amro*way* too many guards
02:41.08Amromore than thrall
02:41.23AmroDark Lady. UD leader
02:41.30GeoDaMancerOooh yeah.
02:41.38XuerianLong pathway with 'leet undead guards. Pain.
02:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge KrteK (
02:41.56GeoDaMancerWell, that's not quite true I had Level 4 UD 'Lock.
02:41.57AmroCairne was the easiest
02:42.06Amrothey changed it
02:42.14Amrothere weren't that many guards at release
02:42.22Amroi think htey added them in 1.4
02:42.24Amroor 1.5
02:42.46AmroCairne Bloodhoof, tauren leader
02:43.05Mr_Rabies2they need to get rid of civilians in capitals and boost faction boss hp
02:43.20GeoDaMancerBull Sciddit.
02:43.31GeoDaMancerOh, civilians. xD
02:43.32Mr_Rabies2mega fail :x
02:43.33GeoDaMancerYes, yes.
02:43.57Mr_Rabies2they need to get rid of civilians in capitals and boost faction boss honor*
02:43.59Mr_Rabies2there we go
02:44.21Amroyou  should get 5000 honor every 5% hp as a reward for surviving the lag
02:44.51Mr_Rabies2make it not give dks to killers of npcs in capitals, because of the uber guards and players they're pretty well protected against being camped
02:45.08Amrothey should remove dks completely
02:45.20Amrohow is camping an npc more hindering than camping a player?
02:45.25Amrodishonorable kills
02:45.41Amroi mean, quest npcs take all of 2 seconds to respawn
02:45.50Mr_Rabies2because players dont take 10 minutes to respawn
02:45.51Mr_Rabies2not really
02:46.03Amroyes really
02:46.05Mr_Rabies2we were farming refuge point on the ptr and it was taking them a while
02:46.32Amrowell that ugly ud guy at the hammerfall entrance respawns in 3 sec
02:46.39Amroi was like wtf i JUST downed him
02:46.41GeoDaMancerThat's 'cause people have to run. xD
02:47.06Amrosimply put, DKs are dumb. there's notthing wrong with killing quest npcs
02:47.18ThraeI'd still like a bounty system. PCs could post bounties, and NPCs could have their own bounty system. With a NPC bounty on your head, the local guards spawned have a good chance of being elite, and killing a quest giver will spawn an elite guard (let's say they're stealthed).
02:47.19Amrothere's little incentive to do so anyway
02:48.06Amroid love to be able to loot people's heads
02:48.09ThraeAmro: I know before the battlefields, the XRoads Quest NPCs were camped on some servers fairly often
02:48.21Amro<Killed by Amro> in the tooltip
02:48.32Wobinwhy does basmati rice have to taste like cardboard?
02:48.33ThraeAlso Elywnn Forest on the rare servers that had more Horde then Alliance
02:49.13Amroxroads were camped long enough for horde to show up and blast the allies away
02:49.39Amroin any case, camping PLAYERS is more of a hinder to players than camping NPCs
02:49.57Amroon pvp servers, why cant we raid an enemy town?
02:50.04Amrothat's the whole point
02:52.55GeoDaMancerAlright, for the one click/press one spell, does that count for triggering your pet to attack too?
03:09.56Mr_Rabies2ayers than camping NPCs
03:10.14Mr_Rabies2that was an odd way of copying that line
03:10.39Mr_Rabies2<Amro> on pvp servers, why cant we raid an enemy town? <--You can, you just have to be smart about it or accept the consequences.
03:10.49Amrowhat i mean is
03:10.56Amrowhy cant we slaughter everyone?
03:11.05Mr_Rabies2you can, you just have to accept the consequences
03:11.16Amrothere shouldnt be consequences
03:11.24Amrobecause they're your enemies.
03:11.29Mr_Rabies2why not? blizzard's idea of pvp isn't killing npcs all day
03:11.37Amroi dont want to kill npcs all day
03:11.47Amroi want to kill npcs if i feel like it
03:11.52Mr_Rabies2you can.
03:11.52Amroi dont want to worry about aoe
03:11.54Amroor multishot
03:12.08Mr_Rabies2then sounds like Warhammer online's the perfect game for you.
03:12.16Mr_Rabies2its idea of pvp is closer to yours
03:12.25Amroyou dont get it
03:12.50Amrobefore 1.4 thats what things were like, and that's what pvp should be like. dishonorable kills dont make sense in this game
03:13.22Cairennwhat's not to get? soldiers don't slaughter innocents
03:13.33Mr_Rabies2not since vietnam at least
03:13.44Amroif you deck out warriors with gear you're not innocent
03:14.00Amroif you stand in the middle of a battlefield and not flee you're not innocent
03:14.14Mr_Rabies2before vietnam it was SOP to carpet bomb an opposing town
03:14.20Amroif they dont want them to die they can unflag them for pvp
03:14.56Mr_Rabies2during vietnam the media coverage put a strain on the army and they were ordered to return with a full payload if their specific target was unreachable
03:15.01CairennMr_Rabies2: I said *soldiers*, not policy-makers
03:15.22Amroyeah, orcs and night elves were involved in vietname
03:15.30Mr_Rabies2they were
03:15.37Cairennthe men and women on the front line *never* want to kill civvies
03:15.43Mr_Rabies2the orcs just blended well and the night elves were shadowmelded
03:16.22Mr_Rabies2yeah, straight up grunts avoided civilians as much as possible since we moved out of the middle ages
03:16.53Mr_Rabies2well, most of the non-crazy ones
03:17.53Mr_Rabies2enough comparing a world of people turning into bears and shooting fire from their hands from the real world though
03:18.26Mr_Rabies2the reason DKs exist currently is because Blizzard wants them to exist. They saw a problem with certain areas being completely empty of people questing because it was impossible to quest there.
03:18.55Amrokilling npcs does not prevent people from questing
03:18.58Amrocamping people does.
03:19.54Amrothey should remove them completely, because they dont make sense the way things are right now
03:20.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:20.21Mr_Rabies2they should just make all guards oneshot you like UO
03:21.08Cairenn"(11:18:49 PM) Amro: killing npcs does not prevent people from questing"
03:21.12CairennI call bullshit
03:21.44Amrowell, it only hinders it barely. you dont do your quests right in front of the npcs. you go around killing mobs
03:22.03Mr_Rabies2but if the npcs are either fighting or dead, you can't turn the quests in.
03:22.12Amroyou can wait a bit
03:22.17Amroyou can do something else meanwhile
03:22.21Cairennwhen you can't get your quests, you can't turn in your quests, you can't buy supplies, you can't repair armour, you can't fly into or out of a zone, you can't ... tell me again how it doesn't impact?
03:22.50Amrosince when are guards civilians as well?
03:22.56Amrosounds like guards just sit there and watch
03:23.04Amrofor pvp servers
03:23.14Amrothats the whole point in attacking an enemy town.
03:23.47Cairennit's a big man that kills civvies, yup
03:23.54Mr_Rabies2shutting down complete use of the town, and making it a mostly worthless zone?
03:24.24Mr_Rabies2if you want, you can still raid towns and kill npcs above level 55, 5 levels below you and higher aren't DKs, as far as i can tell.
03:25.04Amrono you cant, because you might aoe a civ
03:25.11Mr_Rabies2shut down level 55+ npcs and towns people your level care to fight for
03:25.11Amroyou cant safely anyway
03:25.55OsagasuKilling NPCs doesn't prevent people from questing because at no point is there only one area that you can get quests from.
03:26.10Amroyou can go elsewhere
03:26.18Amrobut you cant go anywhere when you're getting camped
03:26.22OsagasuName one point in the game that there is not at least two zones that you can level in.
03:26.39Amroblizz says its ok to be camped, but its not okay to even kill an npcs
03:26.53Mr_Rabies2to an extent
03:27.06Amrothat doesn't make sense. either implement dishonorable kills fully or dont at all
03:27.07Mr_Rabies2if you camp someone for excessive amounts of time, you'll be asked to stop, at the least.
03:27.13Amrono you won
03:27.25OsagasuNot on PvP servers.
03:27.26ScytheBlade1I watched this happen on my brother's computer
03:27.30Amroin fact its on the website. its perfectly okay to camp someone for all eternity
03:27.36ScytheBlade1His friend was camping a lowbie area next to a cliff
03:27.40Amroon PvE servers you can unflag
03:27.45ScytheBlade1MC'ing the noobs, throwing them off a cliff
03:27.47ScytheBlade1Did this for hours
03:27.59ScytheBlade1GM bugged the guy twice, then physically appeared to the guy
03:28.07ScytheBlade1He MC'd the GM and threw him off the cliff
03:28.08OsagasuThrowing people off cliffs isn't considered good form, no.
03:28.08ScytheBlade18 hour ban
03:28.22OsagasuBut that isn't camping them.
03:28.36ScytheBlade1If is since he did this for three hours.
03:29.13OsagasuThis isn't Counterstrike.  Camping has to apply to a specific person.
03:29.17Osagasuor group of people
03:29.25OsagasuI can gamp a group of noobs, I can camp a spawn
03:29.27ScytheBlade1Group of people.
03:29.42Amropoint is, dks suck. they didnt exist pre-1.4 and the game was fine back then
03:29.44OsagasuIf those people were coming back up onto the cliff, they deverved it.
03:29.51Amrolol true
03:30.03ScytheBlade1Unless the GY was behind them, and they had to get past.
03:30.22OsagasuSpirit res ftw?
03:30.24Amrostill on a pvp server
03:30.35ScytheBlade1true @ PvP
03:30.35Amroyou should be able to do it
03:30.42Mr_Rabies2<Amro> point is, dks suck. they didnt exist pre-1.4 and the game was fine back then
03:30.49Mr_Rabies2honor kills didn't either, did they?
03:30.56Amroand the game was all the better for it
03:31.22Amropeople pvp'd because they enjoyed it, not because they wanted HKs for gear
03:31.24Mr_Rabies2so you're saying that it was fun to have only MC and shutting down Hillsbrad all day to do at 60?
03:31.44Mr_Rabies2oh and crashing the server from massive piles of bodies for making hillsbrad useless
03:31.52OsagasuYou're forgetting at least three instances.
03:32.01Amroim talking about pvp wise
03:32.13Mr_Rabies2you said shutting down zones was pvp
03:32.22Amroyes, and it didnt happen
03:32.27Mr_Rabies2yeah, it did
03:32.29Amroyou're confusing it with post 1.4
03:33.07Mr_Rabies2there was a time that people said "don't go to HIllsbrad, there's no reason to ever go there because you're going to get camped, and even inbetween camps, you can't even turn in quests"
03:33.31Amroroll on a pve server then
03:33.47Mr_Rabies2hillsbrad was a dead zone pre 1.4, even on a pve server, because the massive lag made it worthless
03:34.02Mr_Rabies2unless you wanted massive zerg pvp and dead towns
03:34.17Amroyou know what fine
03:34.23AmroDKs are awesome
03:34.36Mr_Rabies2they're not awesome, but there's easy ways around it.
03:34.44Mr_Rabies2progressively tougher guards on each kill
03:35.01CairennAmro: lose the attitude, people are allowed to have a different opinion than you, geez
03:35.05Mr_Rabies2more guards once you hit a certain point, faster spawning npcs
03:35.31Amroi just said i dont like dks, didnt want to start an argument
03:35.50Mr_Rabies2the implementation wasn't the greatest, but it accomplished many of the things they set out to do by implementing them
03:36.12Mr_Rabies2now, DKs should be disabled in towns because there's always many players and strong guards there.
03:36.36Mr_Rabies2not towns.
03:38.14Mr_Rabies2I am a tugboat.
03:40.18Mr_Rabies2i'm not ruling out disabling dks if they have other means of restoring order to towns after a while than hoping players will care enough about the lowbie towns to stop doing their own thing to save it until another raid shows up and demolishes it
03:42.27Amrorabies, im talking about pvp servers
03:43.19Amroanyway, my whole point was that they implemented dks halfway.
03:44.55Mr_Rabies2most of the zones people camped were the same on pve as pvp
03:44.55Mr_Rabies2not Hillsbrad
03:45.02Amrosolution: unflag npcs for pvp on pve servers.
03:45.14Mr_Rabies2but XR is the same on pvp and pve servers
03:45.43GeoDaMancerRight, some people in my guild, 'fore they left, would camp the XRs.
03:46.03Mr_Rabies2i enjoyed the raids on TM back in the day, but that doesn't mean i wasn't a jackass to the other players for shutting down a major quest zone for the level
03:46.45Amroah, forget it :)
03:47.25Mr_Rabies2that was on a pve server, but you'd never see a level 20 there unless they wanted to do what they could to help pvp for the hell of it
03:47.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:48.07Amrotarren mill
03:48.49GeoDaMancerI hated that place.
03:48.58GeoDaMancerIt friggin' sucks.
03:50.02Mr_Rabies2i hate leveling until about level 40 on most chars
03:50.16Mr_Rabies2first time through was fun
03:50.18GeoDaMancerThe elite Forsaken guards walk all the way up the road there. So if you're a low level running towards... What'cha call it, the... CRAP! Whatever it's called, the place above Southshore... I always got caught by them, and killed. xD
03:50.24Mr_Rabies2but the problem was, i did EVERY QUEST i could
03:50.27Mr_Rabies2even if they were grey
03:50.34Mr_Rabies2just for the story
03:50.45Mr_Rabies2and that REALLY burned me out the first time through
03:50.52GeoDaMancerAre the Forsaken in this game really evil?
03:50.57Amrothe problem was my character had level 20 gear at 40
03:51.04Mr_Rabies2not all of them are
03:51.10Mr_Rabies2the ones that follow the apothecaries are.
03:51.45Mr_Rabies2They're working on a new plague
03:51.47GeoDaMancerI know they were trying to start a New Plague.
03:52.00Mr_Rabies2to make everyone else undead
03:52.02GeoDaMancerTham thare bitches?
03:52.29GeoDaMancerSo those are the only evil ones? Can you work for them? xD
03:52.37Amroyou do quests for them
03:52.40Mr_Rabies2some of the undead see that as a good thing, because it's a way to end the prosecution against them cause they look like the things that killed people's best friends
03:53.04Amrowhat would undead tauren look like?
03:53.06Mr_Rabies2also they see a new plague as a way to give everyone eternal life
03:53.08GeoDaMancerThat's a problem I had with WoW. >.> You can't take sides, really. There's only been one place I've found...
03:53.15GeoDaMancerI have no idea, I've wondered that myself.
03:53.30GeoDaMancerI've only seen turned humans, 'cause that's who lived in the area that the plague started.
03:53.42Mr_Rabies2high elves lived in those areas too,
03:53.49Mr_Rabies2but for some reason none of them are represented in wow
03:53.54Mr_Rabies2the ghosts
03:54.08Mr_Rabies2banshees and ghosts are supposedly some forms of undead higih elves at times
03:54.12GeoDaMancerI think it's 'cause the plague didn't affect them. Human's were weaker than the high elves. xD
03:54.13Amrosylvanas is a high elf
03:54.23Mr_Rabies2yeah, but she uses a night elf model :[
03:54.30Mr_Rabies2she did in wc3 too, so i guess that's not too bad
03:54.40GeoDaMancerI did not know that.
03:54.47GeoDaMancerI serially need to get bookworm. xD
03:54.47Mr_Rabies2in wc3 she used a banshee model
03:55.00Mr_Rabies2in tft she used a modified huntress model
03:55.02WobinA Holey Cow?
03:55.02Amroin roc she wasn't important
03:55.13Mr_Rabies2yeah it was just like
03:55.17Mr_Rabies2hey arthas die
03:55.18Mr_Rabies2no u
03:55.19GeoDaMancerI need to get the Battle Chest.
03:55.32Mr_Rabies2owait no you're undead cause you were a bitch to me
03:55.42Amrokilling her was a side quest
03:55.43Mr_Rabies2sonofabitch i hate you i'm a banshee you brought me back blah blah
03:56.32Mr_Rabies2tft she's like
03:57.20Mr_Rabies2sylvanas's sister was a hero in WC1 or 2 i think
03:57.25Mr_Rabies2Alleria I think?
03:57.56Amrohas to be wc2
03:58.00Amrono elves in wc1
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03:58.22GeoDaMancerWC2, in like the third stage you get the Elven Sea Farers. <.<
03:58.48Mr_Rabies2she was part of khadgar's expeditionary force to outland
03:59.00Mr_Rabies2which means she might be allied with the humans for TBC
03:59.04Mr_Rabies2that'll be incredibly interesting
03:59.11Amroor that she got slaughtered
03:59.34Amroi dont like high elves
03:59.47Mr_Rabies2i hope she's allied with the humans still, would be awesome
04:00.23Mr_Rabies2conflict with the storyline is always cool
04:00.24GeoDaMancerIt will be nice to be able to play a horde race that doesn't look like shit. xD
04:00.47Amroblood elves are cool though
04:00.54GeoDaMancerThat's what I meant. xD
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04:01.14GeoDaMancerBlood Elves ~= "Shit" but Other Horde Races == "Shit" xD
04:01.14Amrotoo bad you we cant play the ones with illidan
04:01.17Mr_Rabies2the blood elves = emo kids
04:01.26Amrolol yup
04:01.27GeoDaMancerThat's true, which makes me angry. xD
04:01.35Amrobut they work for illidan
04:01.38Amrowhich makes them cool
04:01.51GeoDaMancerOur power is gone... We don't have this, we don't have that.. Wa wa. xD
04:02.06GeoDaMancerHow many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?
04:02.18Mr_Rabies2malfurion could kick the everliving crap out of illidan if he so wanted, but they've got a bit of a nonagression treaty, being bros and all
04:02.41Mr_Rabies2the other half of the Brothers Stormrage
04:02.49GeoDaMancerNo clue what that is. xD
04:02.55Amrosome uber druid
04:03.03Mr_Rabies2Archdruid before that bastard Fondle Staghumper took his spot
04:03.16GeoDaMancerMalfurion, Malfurion. Oooooh. Yeah, I remember hearing about him. xD
04:03.26Amrohes off dreaming somewhere
04:03.29Amroi hated the bastard
04:03.42GeoDaMancerInside the Emerald Dream.
04:03.46Mr_Rabies2he's fighting the emerald nightmare at the moment in the emerald dream ridin around on ysera
04:03.50Amrohad a calm voice. too calm considering everyone was getting slaughtered
04:04.05Amroor so he says. ;)
04:04.14Mr_Rabies2because he knew he could kick arthas's ass up until the point that he realized how far his power fully went
04:04.19GeoDaMancerMaybe he was like one of the SM peoples, you know.. They should die, and let their souls be at rest. xD
04:04.32GeoDaMancerDoes Arthas die?
04:04.42Amroprobably not
04:04.44GeoDaMancerI mean permadead.
04:04.48Mr_Rabies2he dies the moment he picks up frostmourne technically
04:05.00GeoDaMancer'Cause I remember hearing he linked with the archlich.
04:05.06Amrohe's the lich king now
04:05.11Mr_Rabies2he took frostmourne hoping that he could control its power and get rid of the legion
04:05.13Amroboth of them combined
04:05.22Amrohe was such a sissy in wc3
04:05.27Mr_Rabies2but then it was too strong and he got to be such a badass
04:05.44Amroyeah and muradin got fragged
04:05.48Mr_Rabies2cause ner'zhul gave him the peptalks and power of ownage
04:05.51Amrothat was funny
04:06.53Mr_Rabies2illidan got pretty screwed up when he fought arthas
04:07.07Amrowell, he IS blind
04:07.18Mr_Rabies2he's gone completely crazy and thinks he won the fight
04:07.22Amrobut even a blind guy shouldnt be dumb enough to land on a sword
04:07.36Mr_Rabies2and malfurion and he can talk psychically, essentially
04:07.58Mr_Rabies2and furion said that his thoughts are completely and utterly crazy at this point
04:08.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
04:08.19Amrothey kinda ruined him in wow
04:08.36Amroand hes gonna a be a raid boss in tbc
04:08.38Mr_Rabies2[To Illidan]: Shut up shut up shut up shut up i'm busy
04:08.53Mr_Rabies2i hope you can't kill him unless some of the heroes intervene
04:09.02Amroyou dont kill him
04:09.08Mr_Rabies2that's just such a bitch way to go out for one of the strongest things in the universe
04:09.39Mr_Rabies2if you can kill arthas and get frostmourne, i'm quitting the day i learn that
04:09.50Mr_Rabies2or permakill illidan and get his blades
04:09.58Amrohis blades exist ingame
04:10.04Amroas GM weapons
04:10.10Mr_Rabies2yeah, gm's can spawn them
04:10.20Amrolook em up on alla... badass stats
04:10.21Mr_Rabies2but if they do, they no longer have a job, pretty much
04:10.33Amrogms actually use them
04:10.41GeoDaMancerIs there a way to tell if your party members are in combat? >.>
04:10.53Amroyou can ask them. :)
04:11.13GeoDaMancerI deserved that answer.
04:11.19GeoDaMancerI mean through the event API.
04:12.02Amrocheck the list on wowwiki
04:12.10OsagasuYou can call an event on whether your party members say yes or no. :P
04:12.10Mr_Rabies2That fight is amazingly well done for ingame, i wish they would have done it prerendered, but oh wells
04:12.44Amrothey were showing off the engine
04:12.53Amroit was really nice anyway
04:13.04Amrothe tft cinematics sucked
04:13.21Mr_Rabies2most ridiculous gametype for wc3
04:14.25WobinGeoDaMancer: Have a look at how Tekkub does it in CombatantsFu
04:14.28Mr_Rabies2i liked the tft cinematics
04:14.40Mr_Rabies2that one still send chills up my spine
04:14.52Amrothere were only two, and not much happened in them
04:15.01Amroroc's were better, and longer
04:15.06GeoDaMancerNope, I haven't didn't even know it existed. xD
04:15.45GeoDaMancerAny clue where I could get it to examine it?
04:16.36Wobinhave a look at
04:16.55GeoDaMancerThanks, Wob.
04:18.34GeoDaMancerHoly hells!
04:21.38WobinPS, that listing is somewhat out of date, but it shouldn't matter for that addon
04:23.54Osagasu[00:14] <Amro> there were only two, and not much happened in them <--on the contrary, two of the biggest turning points in the war happened in them.
04:26.18GeoDaMancerThat is rather simple enough.
04:26.31Amrothat's not what i meant. i meant action, as in the asskicking seen in roc
04:26.58Amroarchimonde blowing up, mannoroth dying, humans and orcs going to battle, etc
04:27.08GeoDaMancerWhoot, Pink Floyd. <.<
04:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge sodaking (n=kv42@
04:30.10GeoDaMancerAnd, it actually helps me with my other system. xD
04:39.21Kirovdo raid targets work in aparty?
04:39.50KirovOnly the party leader
05:01.32Cairennnight guys
05:03.14WobinNight Cair
05:20.07Corr[home]i just ran BRD with a guild group. wow. that was so much more pleasant than the PuG's i had been using.
05:22.54Wobinisn't it? =0
05:23.04WobinIt's nice to have competent people in your group =)
05:23.46kergothbrd isnt bad if you dont go at the level most people try going
05:23.51zinorthats true with anything :)
05:23.53kergoth5 man group of 60s is painless
05:24.00Wobinwell yes
05:26.25Mr_Rabies2"After the high elves defected from the Alliance, she and her Rangers were the primary guard against any would-be attackers on Silvermoon."
05:26.37Wobin~seen kirkburn
05:26.55purlkirkburn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3h 16m 44s ago, saying: 'I got disconnected so I think I may have missed the important sentence :P'.
05:27.29Mr_Rabies2when did they defect? they were still part of the alliance when they were blood elves, only Garthios and some of his thugs hated them at that point, and sylvanas was already undead :x
05:28.12Amroas far as i know they were allies in roc
05:30.15Mr_Rabies2they were in tft, and some still are in WoW
05:30.45Mr_Rabies2only Kael's crew left the alliance as far as i know
05:30.53Amroarthas implied they were allied in wc3
05:30.59Amroand this is supposed to be before kael
05:32.23AmroIn the aftermath, the high elves blamed the human’s poor leadership for the burning of their forests. King Terenas of Lordaeron reminded them that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have remained if not for the hundreds of humans that gave their lives to defend it, but nevertheless, the high elves abandoned the Alliance.
05:38.10Mr_Rabies2i guess the high elf priests and archers with the humans were just some of the ones that chose to stay
05:38.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:38.46Amrowhat archers?
05:38.52Amrothere were only priests's having a problem loading
05:46.10Mr_Rabies2ah i guess the archers were in the blood elf campaign not the human one
05:47.28Wobinwho here has a foreign wow client?
05:49.45WobinHow do foreign language clients deal with nonlocalised addons?
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05:50.49Amrothey just use them as is?
05:51.55sodakingthe spell/skill names are all in foreig language...
05:52.04sodakingit would still work??
05:52.08WobinI'm just wondering about stuff like chinese clients with a completely different fontset
05:52.48XuerianFrom various screenshots of people using the chinese client, I'd say they just use them as-is..
05:53.06Amronot all addons deal with spells and skills. im guessing they get an error when they try something like cast by name
05:53.39sodakingamro:thats what i am trying to figure out as well
06:03.05Mr_Rabies2 hohoho sephiroth
06:05.58Amrodoes ITEM_PUSH get fired when you loot something?
06:08.51Amroyes, it does. lucky me
06:14.07OsagasuGod that red hair is sexy.
06:14.11OsagasuOh well.
06:18.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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07:12.02Kirovwhen does OnUpdate happen?
07:12.14XuerianEvery frame?
07:12.21KirovI should be more specific
07:12.28Kirovwith in a single frame, where does OnUpdate happen
07:13.07Kirovdoes each frame's OnEvent and OnUpdate get called, frame by frame, or does it do all events, then OnUpdate, or is it mixed someplace.
07:13.36WobinI believe it iterates through the frames calling OnUpdate
07:13.41ckknighthey all, back
07:14.03KirovWobin - before or after OnEvents?
07:14.14WobinNo idea I'm afraid
07:14.21WobinYou'll have to ask Iriel or Bela maybe
07:18.38Amrohow do you convert a string to a numeric?
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07:48.43EsamynnKirov: see this link for the answer to your question
07:49.17Esamynnevents are processed before OnUpate scripts
07:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
07:51.16Esamynnlots of great information like that in the
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08:01.04Esamynnnight all
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08:16.56Corr[home]ah shit i thinki i hit alt tab..
08:17.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:17.03Corr[home]explorer takes ages to show the taskbar again
08:17.55Amrocorr: try using windowed + maximized
08:17.58Amroinstant tabout
08:18.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
08:18.18Amrodownside is that it uses your desktop gamma and resolution, so you cant change those
08:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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10:06.46jaxdahlany wiki people around?
10:10.29Kirovdoesn't look like it
10:12.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
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10:22.18jaxdahli added a bunch of info here
10:22.24jaxdahlbut it needs to be formatted better
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11:07.18MikmaWarla: gooooooood morning :D
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11:31.37WobinHow do I send a string to the chatwindow editbox?
11:32.45MikmaWobin: copy the code from ReURL ;)
11:34.54WobinChatFrame_OpenChat(url, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME);
11:42.46WobinMikma: Have you tried HeyFu yet?
11:43.20MikmaWobin: you updated it?
11:43.34Mikmaok will test it now
11:43.39WobinIt's now got the storage I'll stick with
11:43.55Wobinso no matter what changes I make from hereon in, the data will propogate
11:47.27Mikmaok checkout done
11:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Flisher (
11:50.25Flishercan we use the lua 5.1 "for" sentence in the current lua implemented in wow, or we got to wait expansion to fix that?
12:00.41Meryyou mean "for k, v in pairs(myTable) do"?
12:01.23Mery(and yes you can use this and the ipairs(mytable) for only the indexed part already)
12:01.49Flisherbasicaly, the only difference is we need to add pairs()?
12:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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12:26.30MikmaWobin: hey, that's a wrong iocon :DDD
12:26.48Mikmai'll extract the icons and find out the right one
12:27.13purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here:
12:34.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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12:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge yammygirlcoding (n=hoho@
12:54.13yammygirlcodingmorning all !!
12:54.47yammygirlcodinglua version is goin to change? omg !
12:54.55yammygirlcodingall addons will stop working?
12:55.13Kirovyes, and blizzards UI too
12:55.16Kirovit'll all explode
12:55.19yammygirlcodingomg!! i hate blizz!
12:55.20KirkburnNot all will be affected, and they won't break if they're updated beforehand :)
12:55.28Amrolol kirov
12:55.52Amroits a simple change to make them work, a change that most authors have already implemented
12:55.56yammygirlcodingat least lua 5.1 is easier to code? :p
12:55.57KirovJoshBorke - is there a reason why the latest version of HealWatch forces the scale to be 3x with no way to change it?
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12:56.13Industrialwhats the change, btw
12:56.46Amrocant use for k, v in table do
12:57.06Amrohas to be for k, v in pairs/ipairs(table) do
12:57.17yammygirlcodingsurvey: have u met a china farmer some day? wondered what was his trick to beat the 1k gold a day? I'm wondering here =]
12:57.40Flisherprolly wrong channel for that
12:57.48Industrialwhy is that anyway
12:57.59IndustrialI mean gogo gadget syntactic sugar and noone has to worry?
12:58.03yammygirlcodingi know, just wondering to the cooler wow guys =]
12:58.13JoshBorkeKirov: it's a bug
12:58.19JoshBorkeKirov: i think i'm gonna remove that version
12:58.33JoshBorkeKirov: didn't know anyone actually used HealWatch ;-)
12:59.05yammygirlcodinghealwatch actually heals or just shoot 'someone is healing you' ?
12:59.38KirovJoshBorke - I don't, I'm just hopeful it'll someday work
13:00.18JoshBorkeHealWatch just shows you heals
13:00.35JoshBorkeKirov: what doesn't work about it?
13:01.17Kirovwell it's 3x too big
13:01.46JoshBorkeanyway, gotta go
13:01.47*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:01.54Kirovand I ran in to a nasty bug running it on my hunter, it freaked out when I tried to to hide it and wouldn't let me click on it, then slowly more and more of my screen would refuse to accept a click.
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13:16.00Kirovckknight - do you "own" AceEvent?
13:16.21Wobinif anyone can be said to own it, it'd be ckknight
13:22.01KaeltenAwayum, no.
13:22.24KaeltenAwayAceEvent is part of the AceProject, so as project lead, I own it.
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13:23.14KaeltenAwaythe ace project is fairly open source, but its still a controlled project, and that control is me. :)
13:23.37KaeltenAwayKirov: does that help answer the question?
13:25.46KirovKaeltenAway - ok, so I'm doing something a little odd.  I'm hooking UnitHealth to return a different value for hunters who are FD (estimating their current health).  I don't want the regen calculations to be called every time UnitHealth is called, but I can't do it at UNIT_HEALTH either because of frame event order issues.
13:26.23KaeltenAwayhrm, I havn't dealt much with UnitHealth
13:26.24KirovInstead I cache the regen value for a frame then clear it using an OnUpdate (which then gets nilled)
13:26.37KaeltenAwaytried making a post in our forums?
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13:26.56KirovI'm mainly doing a dummy check here.
13:27.15KirovWould a "next update" be a valid thing to add to AceEvent, or should I use Metrognome with a 0 timer
13:28.15Kirova 0 timer seems like a waste
13:28.17KaeltenAwaynot sure, have you looked at the bucketed events?
13:28.39KaeltenAwayI would help more but I gotta run out to go to work
13:28.41Kirovnot sure what you mean by that
13:29.01KaeltenAwaycheck the wowace channel, or the wowace forums though, I'm sure someone will give a hand and if not I'll check tonight when I get home
13:29.12Kirov*reads the wiki
13:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:42.05KirkburnBtw, someone from Ace may want to update this page:
13:42.50Wobinpublic beta etc etc
13:42.53Wobinwell it kinda is
13:45.07KirkburnIt might be best if it mainly linked to the Ace wiki rather than attempting to host Ace info on the wowwiki
13:45.40Kirkburn(so it doesn't need updating as much)
13:49.43WobinI thought we weren't allowed to do that
13:49.56WobinWhich is why we went that path
13:50.42KirkburnWell, I'm not saying just have a link saying 'go here', but that it would be better if the individual addon info was linked elsewhere
13:52.58Wobinhm, have a chat to either ck, or Tekkub/hyperchip
13:57.55Kirkburn(actually I take that back, the stuff is already Ace2, the info just needs updating)
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14:29.48[floyd]Can I have module local data declared in SavedVariables?
14:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
14:33.19clad|drinking[floyd]: Not entirely sure what you mean
14:34.15FlisherI think he mean local tata
14:34.25Flisherand tata is a saved variable
14:34.29[floyd]clad|drinking: If you declare something like "local MyList = {};" at global scope, can you specify it in the SaveVariables statement of the .toc?
14:34.47clad|drinking[floyd]: No, it needs to be in the global environment
14:34.59[floyd]Thought so, thanks for confirmation.
14:35.02clad|drinkingYou can make a local binding to it, i.e. make it in the SavedVariable, and then do something like this:
14:35.31clad|drinkingif not MySavedVariable then MySavedVariable = {} end
14:35.31clad|drinkinglocal opt = MySavedVariable
14:36.03[floyd]Great, thanks a lot!
14:36.05cladhairewhat is SVNBot?
14:37.23nevcairielit zips addons from the svn
14:37.45Flisherwich SVN?
14:38.16nevcairieli think its Thraes creation
14:38.49[floyd]There's SetMapToCurrentZone() -- is there something similar to set the map to any arbitrary zone?
14:38.59XuerianUsed to be ThraeBot. Zips SVN files and caches them, so people in the IRC channel can request them and only pull off svn once
14:39.27cladhairek.. he mentioned something, but didn't mention it was an irc bot... SVNBot sent me a PM
14:39.33FlisherI'm used to explorer SVN extension
14:39.44cladhaireFlisher: Well, get used to not using it.
14:40.07FlisherI'm not in the ace community soo I guess I'm ok
14:40.12wereHamsteris SVN finally closed for he pulic?
14:40.13XuerianLet's see...
14:40.20Xuerian!root Sprocket
14:40.35Wobinhehe SVNBOT seems undiscriminating in his privmsgs
14:40.39XuerianNo luv for me svnbot? >_<
14:40.52nevcairielits !trunk
14:41.05Xuerian!trunk Sprocket
14:41.07Flisherare all acegui stuff integrated in 1 interface, or all addons got their own gui?
14:41.07SVNBotYou can already find the latest revision of Sprocket at
14:41.19cladhairewereHamster: It will be
14:42.19Flishercause I already have a gui panel, soo I guess i don't need AceGui unless it's a centralized gui for multiple addons.
14:42.27cladhaireWell the SVNBot is perfect for what we're trying to do
14:42.36cladhaireFlisher: AceGUI is a library for creating GUI's, that's all
14:42.46cladhaire!branches PerfectRaid
14:43.29nevcairielnot sure if branches works :)
14:43.38XuerianThey do, I think...
14:43.44Flisherany AceThing for a centralized addons management like Khaos?
14:43.45XuerianHe added them last night
14:43.59SVNBotThe latest revision of PerfectRaid is now zipped up at
14:44.24nevcairielah :)
14:45.11cladhaireUmm... what branch of PerfectRaid?
14:45.18cladhairethere are three I think
14:45.23cladhaireeew.. thats wasteful :P
14:45.44cladhaireSVNBot seems to trigger on some weird things..keeps sending me tells
14:45.54nevcairielyea its a bit bugged
14:51.55nevcairielsomeone got bored.
14:52.02nevcairielwho spents so much time doing that?
14:53.28cladhaireits funny
14:58.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thumann_ (
14:58.35Cidecladhaire: that's awesome
15:00.09cladhaireCide: I laughed, quite a bit :P
15:03.04cladhaireand its so true :P
15:04.02Cideyep :)
15:18.33[floyd]Weird... I have 2 files, myaddon.lua and utils.lua. And I can't seem to access any functions declared in utils.lua from myaddon.lua. Anything I missed?
15:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
15:19.50[floyd]Also, none of the objects in utils.lua are saved. I'm lost :/
15:20.31krkawhat's wrong with this?
15:20.48krkadesEnv.f = desFun setfenv(f, desEnv) local ret = f()
15:20.54krkalua: [string "return f(2,{1,2,4,x=f(1,{x=f(1)}),[f(2)]=f(..."]:1: attempt to call global 'f' (a nil value)
15:21.52wereHamstersetfenv(1, desEnv) ?
15:22.05krkai thought setfenv worked on functions too
15:22.49krkai may have been misleading
15:22.52krkathis is what i meant
15:23.08krkadesEnv.f = desFun setfenv(someFunction, desEnv) local ret = someFunction()
15:23.37wereHamsterbut at the time you call setfenv(f, desEnv)  'f' isn't defined
15:23.52krkayes it is
15:24.02krkai'll show the complete code
15:24.51krkaline 26 is where it crashes
15:29.15wereHamsteris 'desEnv.f' ever called?
15:30.37wereHamsterah, I see
15:31.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
15:31.59krkai don't get why it's not working
15:33.00wereHamsterdoesn't it crash on line 30?
15:33.34krkayou may be right
15:33.38krka<-- stupid
15:34.00wereHamsterwhy do you call 'f' twice?
15:34.03krkamy serializer works :)
15:34.08krkaline 30 is now return ret
15:34.50wereHamsterand what does desFunc do?
15:35.02krkaisn't it obvious? :)
15:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Thumann (
15:35.23krkait creates a table, keeps it in memory and returns it
15:35.37krka_or_, it looks up a table from memory and returns it
15:35.39krkabased on the index
15:35.57krkathis way, i can serialize/deserialize cyclic table structures
15:37.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Thumann__ (
15:39.54Wobin!trunk FuBar_HeyFu
15:39.55SVNBotThe latest revision of FuBar_HeyFu is now zipped up at
15:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
15:58.14cladhaireHow much is the commission hit on the neutral auctino house?
15:58.54cladhaireshit.. its 15%
15:59.50Merymakes eBay look cheap lol
16:00.17cladhaireI need to unload my [Hand of Edward the Odd].. but there's no horde on my server
16:00.39cladhaireso its either that, or I transfer some money from alliance to horde so I can buy my AV mount before the crazy change =(
16:02.01[floyd]Crazy change?
16:03.00Meryis there any word yet on how current epic mounts are handled?
16:03.24cladhaireyeah, that's whay i want to buy mine.
16:03.31cladhaireif you have an epic mount,you get the 150 skill for free.
16:03.33zenzelezzyou keep it and you'll have the skill required to use it
16:03.46cladhairethe AV mount costs less, and I have the factoin, I just need to get the cash together to buy it.
16:07.57XuerianIs there any way to tell if the loot frame is from a mob or from fishing/enhanting/container?
16:08.35[floyd]Xuerian: You can track states prior to that, SPELLCAST_XXX is probably what you want.
16:25.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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16:55.07MikmaWarla: yo, you here?
17:03.40*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
17:16.38Mikmaanyone has idea how to handle macro-texts on buttons?
17:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge sneed (
17:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:20.46*** part/#wowi-lounge sneed (
17:22.44zinorIt seems I've been an annoyance here (not that I can see how) and Curse Gaming staff aren't wanted in a UI channel specifically because it's Cairenn's playground. Good luck guys.
17:22.48*** part/#wowi-lounge zinor (
17:23.21Industrialbye zeeg
17:23.34Industrial(just kidding)
17:25.31krkaanyone want to test my serializer?
17:28.00ckknightIndustrial, he's not zeeg.
17:28.21Kirkburnckknight, he is
17:28.44ckknightdo you have proof?
17:29.04KirkburnNo I can't link you to anywhere, but it is him
17:29.25ckknighthe's a developer on the curse team...
17:31.50Cidehe is indeed the same
17:32.21ckknighthow do you know?
17:33.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:33.22Cidea bird told me
17:34.16IrielHe's sent out mail with his real name on it
17:34.23IrielSo he's hardly tried to keep it a secret
17:34.59Cide(15:22:18) (zinor) in case you're wondering, and before you start getting curious as to why all my sites link there, and as its slipped several times and we really don't care anymore, I'm aka zeeg :)
17:35.09KirkburnAnnoying, eh, ckknight :/
17:35.30ckknightthat cheeky bastard.
17:35.42CideI don't really care as long as he keeps his stupid opinions to himself
17:35.53KirkburnHe's at least been behaving a bit better recently
17:35.54Cidehe hasn't really been annoying in here since he changed name, as far as I know
17:37.15Cideoh well.
17:37.18Kirkburn<Risen> are doing well atm - now they've got the world's first Corrupted Ashbringer \o/
17:37.31Cidethey're assholes unfortunately
17:37.47zenzelezzKirkburn: they also got the first Atiesh (completed), didn't they?
17:37.50Cidelike, real assholes
17:37.53Cidezenzelezz: yes
17:38.09CideI used to play on their server (but on horde side; they're alliance)
17:38.44Cideand if there was a PvP exploit of any kind they used it, if a world boss was up they trained mobs, ran in naked on kazzak, etc etc
17:39.26ckknightyea, they can be assholes. I got them to change their whole website paradigm. Curse v3 is gonna look pretty cool
17:39.40CideI meant risen :)
17:40.17ckknightI was talking about the curse guys
17:40.27ckknightwhich apparently includes zeeg
17:40.41krkaIriel: want to look at my serializer?
17:40.54krkait's pretty cool, handles recursive tables and stuff
17:41.01ckknightkrka, lemme see
17:42.22Irielkrka: sure
17:43.03krkathe good thing is that the deserializer is (almost) a plain loadstring operation
17:43.16krkai.e. it serializes to a regular lua string
17:54.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
17:58.50ckknight[Cu]Werik, what's the issue?
17:59.00[Cu]WerikIssue? Nothing
17:59.29[Cu]WerikI'm just watching:P
18:00.18ckknightthen why the poking?
18:01.41[Cu]Werikfor the generalization:)
18:02.40ckknightI was talking about the curse devs
18:02.52ckknightsuch as the guys who admin and create the website
18:03.04[Cu]Weriklike me;P
18:03.41ckknightif you don't want the generalization, then tame the others.
18:04.12Kasohas anyone noticed odd behavour with CancelPlayerBuff() and Tooltip:SetUnitBuff
18:05.51IrielOdd how?
18:06.13Kasomost of the time when cancling i need to use SetUnitBuff's index - 1 but sometimes it cancels the wrong buff
18:06.29IrielThat's because it's CancelPLAYERBuff and SetUNITBuff
18:06.35IrielMaybe you should try SetPLAYERBuff instead
18:06.47IrielPlayer buffs have different indexes than unit buffs (even if unit is player)
18:06.52ckknightyea, Iriel's got it right.
18:07.31Cideconsistent behavior = win! :)
18:07.48ThraeIt's just a zero-index vs a 1-index I believe
18:07.55Cidedoesn't make it very consistent
18:08.07Kasoyou know i never saw SetPlayerBuff before
18:08.09Kasohow odd
18:08.11Kasowell, thanks
18:08.47ThraeUsing CancelPlayerBuff along with UnitBuff has always worked once I subtracted 1 from the index
18:09.33Kasoit works for me most of the time too, but my guildie has complained about loosing buffs witha script i wrote
18:10.26IrielThrae: That's not safe
18:10.37IrielThrae: Some player buffs dont show up as UnitBuffs
18:10.46IrielThrae: But I can't remember which ones, offhand
18:10.59ThraeIriel: Oh? I didn't know that. Are you referring to weapon buffs?
18:11.30IrielNo, weapon buffs are different, it's some of the user state buffs if I recall correctly
18:12.47Kasoauras perhaps ?
18:16.08Irielkrka - Now the challenge is to make it a pure loadstring result
18:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
18:25.19ckknight_Outlook Express?
18:25.39CideI like thunderbird :(
18:27.51zenzelezzThunderbird <3
18:28.10Kasoi dont remeber the last time i recived a POP email
18:30.19ThraeIrssi + split windows + wjoin = good
18:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:31.20Xuerianhydrairc+channelmonitor+split windows+join commands -fucktarded quit messages = good. Extra channel windows/frames still suck :p
18:34.29XuerianKay, I've been staring at this for a day now, any idea why it doesn't work?
18:35.18Xuerians/work/show up/
18:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:43.57Tulleryou forgot a semicolon in the setscript part
18:44.38EsamynnTuller: doesn't matter semi-colons are just windowdressing in lua
18:45.08IrielIts likely because he forgot to \\ all the \
18:45.32Tullerthat too
18:45.45XuerianExplain the \\'ing of the \'s? >.>
18:45.55Tuller\ is an escape character
18:46.08Tullerex \n is a new line
18:46.51XuerianCan't see something right under meh nose! >< hehe thanks Tuller and Iriel.
18:47.03Elessdythus, you can't put just \ in a string. it would treat it like an escape character
18:47.38XuerianYeah, I know. Just never crossed my mind when I CP'd from the XML :)
18:47.58Elessdyoh wow, i FINALLY remembered the password i used for our guilds' alliance schedule web site
18:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
19:06.58krkaIriel: that's actually not too impossible - just include the function definition that i use with the string
19:08.50IrielWhy is the function necessary?
19:11.45*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
19:14.43krkait's needed to handle recursive tables
19:15.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
19:15.34krkai could do without, but then i'd have to make a much more complex serializer, and do it like this instead: "a={}b={}a[1]=b b[1]=a return a"
19:16.21Irielwell, you could make that a={[1]={}} a[1][1]= a; return a; but yeah
19:17.29krkayeah, but in any case, it gets difficult trying to find the optimal way of doing it
19:18.32krkaanyone else got mail from curse-gaming btw?
19:19.46IrielYeah. o
19:19.58IrielI'm going to hold off on commenting on the value (or not) of a second wow dev IRC channel
19:20.26krkai actually proposed a generic #wow-lua / #wow-dev that is completely site-independent
19:20.38krkanot really needed atm though
19:20.52Cairennthis is site independent, always has been, always will be
19:21.02ckknightthat's why the wowi is in the name?
19:21.02Cidethe name isn't quite so, though :)
19:21.11krkawell, it's "wowi" and "lounge" :P
19:21.40Cairennthere's your curse gaming addon manager right there, I have no problem with folks from the other sites in here
19:21.53ckknightyea, but he's a goat in the presence of sheep.
19:21.57CairennI asked that *zeeg* leave, because I was tired of his disruptions
19:21.58krkayeah i know cair
19:22.08[Cu]WerikI didn't send any mails
19:22.09krkano offense meant
19:22.29Cairennnone taken
19:22.56Cairennjust setting the record straight, from zeeg's little parting shot and the mis-information he chose to present on the news post
19:23.04krkai hang out in #lua too, and from time to time, wow-devs come there to ask for kinda wow-specific questions
19:23.08krkai usually refer them back here
19:23.37IrielYou didn't see the CG email saying that "we" (Curse gaming) were kicked out of the "only Addon Development" (I think he forgot to add "IRC channel" to the end). ?
19:24.01Cairennno, I didn't get the email
19:24.06ckknightIriel, the news article was changed, so you know
19:24.12Cairennas I said, lovely mis-information - they weren't kicked out
19:24.27IrielAs far as I've been able to see every CG person I know of has shown up here at least once, and been welcome with the exception of one, who was a jackass, and wasn't affiliated with curse at the time
19:24.30Cairenn*zeeg* was asked to leave, not curse
19:26.31krkaevery computer generated person? i thought you ALL were computer generated
19:26.55krkairc is such a sophisticated AI simulator
19:27.38wereHamsterwhy do they think they were kicked out?
19:28.05Cairennthey don't
19:28.07IrielI imagine that zeeg sent that email
19:28.14Cairennzeeg is trying to cause drama
19:28.19KirkburnYou mean zinor? ;)
19:28.34Irieland it's just the latest in his long line of attempts to gain world domination
19:28.42Cairennzinor, zeeg, david cramer, whatever name you'd like to call him by
19:28.48Cairenn[Cu]Werik: you tell them
19:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:29.01Cairenn[Cu]Werik: you were there for the conversation between NeT and myself
19:29.17[Cu]WerikWell what should I say. I'm working on calming people down on both side but every 15 minutes something happenes and ruins everything
19:29.37krkawhat are going to do tonight zeeg? - same thing as every night pinky, try to take over the world
19:31.14Cideright now I'm in both channels, but the other one doesn't seem very lua oriented at all right now :P (granted this one isn't at all times, so I'll give it some time)
19:31.14CairennHey, I'm calm.  You don't see me screaming or posting anything on WoWI or on CG or in your channel.  Folks in here asked what the deal was, I'm setting the record straight.  CG wasn't kicked from the channel.  I asked NeT to keep zeeg out because I am tired of his disruptions.  And golly gee, look at that, his parting shot? another disruption
19:31.25Iriel[Cu]Werik:  Don't worry - we dont hold it against your site.
19:31.33[Cu]WerikSome members of CG has issues with people here. But this should stay in private tbh, me personally from CG dont want to loose any good Addon authors because of this crap
19:31.36Cidein any case, I'd rather not be in two channels =/
19:32.06CairennI don't have a problem with the CG site, never did.  Silver and I talked a fair bit.  She was good people.
19:32.31krkaanother girl on the internet??? you must be kidding!
19:32.47Cidewhat? there is only room for one
19:32.50Cairennyou didn't know that? yeah, SilverShadow was rl female too :)
19:32.54Cairennshe was a sweetie
19:33.06CideI hope you get this settled, Cairenn, or else we're all going down!
19:33.12CairennI'm sorry to see her leave CG, they've lost a good person
19:33.17KirkburnDid she move to another game, or just withdraw?
19:33.45CairennI don't know what's happened that has her not there any more ... [Cu]Werik?
19:34.06[Cu]WerikWith Silvershadow?
19:34.34[Cu]WerikIt was her choice. She has RL issues
19:35.01KirkburnAh, fair enough. Anyways, back on topic, I don't see the value or having more dev channels
19:35.17Cairenn[Cu]Werik: hope all works out for her
19:35.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
19:35.22KirkburnJust like I don't see the point in having more UI sites, it spreads everyone too thinly
19:35.36ckknightyea, it would be nice if we had one UI site
19:35.40ckknightand I would be king.
19:35.45ckknightKirkburn, you can be the prince.
19:36.08KirkburnAwe, geee, I'll get my assassin dagger ready
19:36.10wereHamsterand who's the queen?
19:36.17Kirkburnwait, did I say that out loud?
19:36.18ckknightwhy, you, wereHamster!
19:36.53KirkburnAye, wereHamster, I could sense the longing in his voice
19:38.12krkaoooh... exciting! i wonder who will win
19:38.43[Cu]WerikThe more sites the better. Competition makes people progress
19:39.09KirkburnExcept that all of the new ones have failed
19:39.23ckknight[Cu]Werik, it also makes it hard for me to put my addons on multiple sites.
19:39.56KirkburnCpmetition between 3 is sustainable, but any more is a chore for the user, the addon maker and those who own the sites
19:40.09ckknight1 is a chore for me.
19:40.22KirkburnYeah, I can believe that for you
19:40.23[Cu]WerikThat's true, on the other side you have more mirrors for you addons, and a larger playerbase
19:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Fructose (
19:40.31ckknightif it were easy to support multiple sites, I totally would.
19:40.31Kirkburn(by which I didn't mean you're lazy!)
19:40.37ckknightbut it's not, so I consolidated with wowi
19:41.05KirkburnAny, my personal view is that's quite an unprofessional e-mail
19:41.35FructoseI'm just starting my first WoW Addon... is there a way to load a previously unloaded addon from within the game?
19:41.36wereHamsterlet the user download addons from svn.. all those who don't understand how to use svn are too stupid to use my addons
19:41.57XuerianIt seems like something that would grate against Admins, but it would make it easier if there were Redirect class addons, where a author could post a redirect to the addon page of his or her choice, so users could use their favorite site to search and browse the addons hosted there, and authors wouldn't have to update any but the one they liked :P
19:42.10ckknightFructose, you can't unload addons, so the point is moot
19:42.24Cairennunprofessional and completely incorrect, if it reads the same as the news post did
19:42.30Fructoseckknight: Please re-read. I never suggested you could unload one.
19:42.54wereHamster"to load a previously unloaded addon" ?
19:43.06XuerianFructose, look up Master Control Panel, it allows you to enable/disable mods ingame, but you can only enable Disabled mods, not completely new ones
19:43.06Fructoseckknight: Unloaded... as in, never has been loaded before
19:43.34ckknightthat's not the meaning of unloaded
19:43.40ckknightthe answer is yes
19:43.45ckknightsee LoadOnDemand addons.
19:44.36Fructoseckknight: Well, I'll try to be less ambiguous, but given that "unloading" one is impossible, I didn't anything anyoen would interpret it that way. :-)
19:44.51ckknightI did
19:45.51Fructoseckknight: The only thing I'm finding are AddOns that are LoadOnDemand enabled
19:46.50Fructoseckknight: I'm trying to do development, so I have no addon yet. I want to write the beginnings of one and try it out without having to restart the game every 5 minutes.
19:47.13Xuerian*/console reloadui
19:47.23FructoseDoesn't work for loading one initially.
19:47.41Cideit will work once it has been loaded on startup
19:47.44wereHamsterunless you change the toc file reloadui works just fine
19:47.55FructoseCide: OK
19:48.09ckknightFructose, /rl
19:48.16XuerianReloadui completely reloads all addons that existed in the addon folder AND were enabled when wow started up and logged in respectively
19:48.18ckknightwait, if you don't have ace, that's no good
19:48.39KirkburnNo, no, we must write more methods of reloading the ui!
19:48.51CideSLASH_RL1 = "/rl" SlashCmdList["RL"] = ConsoleExec("reloadui")
19:49.06CideSlashCmdList["RL"] = function() ConsoleExec("reloadui") end
19:49.23Cideput that in your addon and you will gain access to /rl without any dependencies
19:49.29ckknightSlashCmdList["RL"] = function() ReloadUI() end
19:49.39Cideequivalent, more like it :)
19:49.40krkabtw, when i said exciting i was talking about the election in sweden
19:49.51KirkburnI have a cooler method: 1. Log out. 2. Log in.
19:50.00Cidekrka: you think the moderates will win?
19:50.29krkai really dont know atm, according to tv4, s+v+mp is in the lead
19:50.54krkai still think the alliance might win over the horde though
19:51.05KirkburnWhat, are the political parties in Sweden: The Moderates, The Extremeists, The Apathetics, The Couchpotatoes, The Pedantics?
19:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Xuerian (
19:51.28ckknightand the Pirate Party
19:51.37Cideand F!
19:51.39krkaand The Feminazis
19:51.45Cidewhat krka said :)
19:51.46krkaaka F!
19:51.58Kemayo...Ashbringer unlocks Scarlet Monestary scenes.  That's pretty awesome.
19:52.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MickZzz (
19:52.42krkahere are our parties: the conservatives, the christian democrates, the liberals, the center party, the social democrates, the left party, the green party
19:52.54krkacurrently in parliament, that is
19:53.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
19:53.17krkathe nazis, the pirate party and fi are probably the three closest outside of parliament
19:54.19KirkburnWhat's that last one?
19:54.44Kirkburn(glad to see the greens in there)
19:55.32krkathe last one is the feminist party
19:56.09krkaall parties are crappy in their own way
19:56.15krkayou have to choose the least crappy
19:57.01KirkburnThat's politics unfortunately
19:57.05ckknightI want a masculist party :-P
19:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
19:57.41KirkburnYou would, wouldn't you =)
19:57.41krkai almost had the urge to vote for the pirate party
19:58.07wereHamsterand who did you vote for?
19:58.15krkanot telling!
19:58.31krkaof course, but which nazi party!
19:58.41KirkburnAh, the conservatives?
19:58.41krkaThe Soup Nazis
19:59.20Cidegreat idea spawned by F!: "man tax" (all men have to pay taxes because they are, in fact, men)
19:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
19:59.49Cidewhat do you say, Cairenn?!
20:00.07Kirkburnlol, "f!" comes up with an interesting result in google
20:00.49wereHamsterdoes ut2004 really have seven CDs?
20:00.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=skaarj_h@
20:01.54IrielI bought it on DVD so dont know
20:02.49wereHamsterI need ut2004, to check why my software doesn't work with it :(
20:03.17Kirkburnkrka, some of those points are crazy :/
20:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
20:04.58wereHamsterwell.. it doesn't work for someone and I'm trying to find out why..
20:05.08Kirkburn(don't wish to sound anti-feminist, but I know I wouldn't feel safe walking the streets alone either)
20:05.57krkamost swedes things Fi are lunatics :P
20:06.26Mikmakrka: neat :)
20:06.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:07.27krkai really get annoyed by "tradition" voters. i think it's our duty to be unfaithful to parties
20:07.53KirkburnInteresting how F! are sexist in their own manifesto
20:08.28krkano shit :)
20:09.36krkatime to watch some more whalewake
20:09.56KirkburnWow, the Social Democrat party "has been in power for all but 10 of the past 89 years"
20:10.23Cidehow does that make sense anyway? :P
20:10.32Cideit's 4 year periods
20:10.51Cideunless they weren't in power for the first two years being counted...
20:10.53KirkburnThe elections are completely regularly spaced though, surely?
20:11.14KirkburnSame date each time?
20:11.23Cideno idea, but does that really matter?
20:11.50KirkburnHmm, World War 2 might have disrupted it?
20:11.58Cideheh, maybe
20:12.25CideI think all parties shared power during that time though
20:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:13.25KirkburnI'm off to watch Spooks, bbl
20:13.30MaldiviaIriel, will DevTools go 1.0 release when expansion comes ?:)
20:18.28IrielMaldivia: Possibly 8-)
20:19.16MaldiviaIriel: in which case, you might want to change DevTools_InitUserdataCache, to rawget(u, 0), instead of u[0]
20:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:20.49Maldiviait has an annoying affect if you have tables with an __index function that reports errors if it doesn't exist :)
20:21.11IrielI fixed that already in SVN
20:21.49IrielKaelten mailed me about it a bit ago
20:21.52Maldiviastumpled over it yesterday, when I was trying out an addon that used AceLocale 2.1, which calls error from __index
20:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla|school (
20:25.01Maldiviabut to be honest, I don't think calling error from a metatable function is a good idea, can cause a lot of problems
20:26.48Mikmadreyruugr: *sob* i got a error
20:26.57dreyruugrwhat error?
20:29.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Ekko (
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20:39.30FructoseIf I kill WoW and then re-start it in the middle of the game, will it add new addons? I used that method to try and get FaraFrames going, but /ff doesn't work in the game.
20:40.00Esamynnsay again?
20:41.40FructoseIf I kill WoW and then re-start it in the middle of the game, will it add new addons? I used that method to try and get FaraFrames going, but /ff doesn't work in the game.
20:41.50FructoseSorry, couldn't resist
20:42.08Guillotineyou have to completely close the program
20:42.09Esamynn~lart Fructose
20:42.16Guillotinebut then, yes, it should load new addons
20:42.23CideFructose: new addons are loaded when wow is launched, regardless of previous state
20:42.28FructoseOK. I think I figured it out... I shouldn't be renaming the dir
20:48.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:50.09KemayoWhat's a good levelling/PvE spec for Warlocks?
20:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
20:52.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (
20:54.58Guillotine__Last night I lost the roll for ZHC by 3 >< On my 59 shadow priest. Do you know how much that would have rocked in the 50-59 BGs?
20:55.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sneed (
21:01.23Amrothat sucks guillotine
21:03.28zenzelezzI lost the roll for tiger mount by 2
21:03.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shyva (
21:15.14warlaheh zenzelezz
21:15.18warlai was more lucky there
21:15.23warlarolled a 99 on mine
21:16.10warlai love mounts....
21:16.13warlai collect e,
21:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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21:28.32TemI want the raptor mount more than anything
21:30.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:32.44JoshBorkewhy's that tem?
21:32.46JoshBorkeKirov: you there?
21:36.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=Amro@
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22:10.50MentalPowerWhat program do you guys use to convert standard .lua files into readable VM instructions?
22:11.23Amrothe one that comes with lua
22:11.52MentalPowerI tried LuaC and all it gives me back is a binary file
22:12.08Amroisn't that what you want?
22:12.41krkaluac -l
22:12.47krkaif you want it readable
22:15.22MentalPowerah, many thanks
22:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:18.10FructoseWhich widgets are used as "slots", like those in your inventory?
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22:22.45FructoseI want to have a slot so people can drag an item into it. Am I wrong in guessing that it would be a widget?
22:24.21[floyd]A "widget" can mean anything.
22:26.05Fructose[floyd]: And you're tell me this why?
22:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MmR (
22:27.32Cairennhi Kaelten
22:27.45Kaeltenhiya :)
22:28.44wereHamsterFructose, you can't 'create' a slot where users can drag items to, you'll have to use one of the existing slots (trade window is a possibility)
22:29.53[floyd]Fructose: "widget" is a generic term that has little intrinsic meaning to it.
22:30.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:31.48Fructose[floyd]: Yes? So? I would assume people here know that I'm referring to widgets as defined by the WoW API. Am I wrong?
22:32.41[floyd]That I cannot answer.
22:33.00Fructose[floyd]: I'm just wondering why you brought it up.
22:33.15[floyd]I'm anal about terminology, that's all ;)
22:33.25Fructose[floyd]: And I don't see how I used it wrong, that's all.
22:33.50[floyd]You cannot use a meaningless term wrong, now can you ;)
22:34.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:34.38FructosewereHamster: OK, well, that's a pain. So Auctioneer uses the slot provided by the normal auction interface? There's no way to get a slot just to make an easy way to get the link of an item?
22:34.55Fructose[floyd]: So, again, I'm not sure why you brought it up.
22:35.04WobinOk... so...
22:35.08AnduinLotharsure, you can make slots
22:35.21AnduinLotharcheck out DivineBlessing
22:35.28Wobin"Dear Authors,
22:35.28WobinFor a long time now Curse has been the resource for Addon downloads, and for fresh authors to learn the ropes of developing. The problem is, there has never been a community-centered location within Curse for the new devs to get the knowledge they seek. Well, recently, with some issues with another website, we were kicked out of the only real Addon development. So our answer? We'll start promoting our own."
22:35.33WobinWhat's this?
22:35.39Wobinkicked out?
22:35.42Wobinwho what?
22:35.45Cairennthey weren't
22:36.36WobinWas there some... interpreted conflict?
22:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:37.56FructoseAnduinLothar: Is it really complicated or something? I haven't read the code of enough addons to be able to immediately filter out all the stuff that isn't relevant to slots.
22:38.07CairennThere was no interpreted conflict.  I asked NeT to ask zeeg to stop coming in the channel.  Werik, who recently timed out, is the cg addon manager, he's still in the channel (when he isn't timed out).
22:38.26wereHamsterFructose, you either can hook inventory functions or 'hijack' one of the existing slots.
22:38.35WerikI timed back btw:p
22:38.44wereHamsterand since I hate hooking I went with the later
22:38.45ThraeSo curse is backing up zeeg? Wait wha?
22:39.02Cairennzeeg decided to inform the world via news and email that we kicked the entire site out of the channel, which is incorrect
22:39.12WobinI may be somewhat out of line here, but it seems somewhat indicative of... immaturity
22:39.14Cairenncg hasn't felt the need to correct that /shrug
22:39.29WobinBut then again, not overly surprised
22:39.30[floyd]Wobin :D
22:40.01Wobinanyway, gotta head to work =)
22:40.09Cairennlater Wobin, have a good one
22:40.19WobinIn any case, I wish them all the best with their channel =)
22:40.39Wobinsince we're 'Real development' here =)
22:40.55ThraeReal IRC'rs are in at least 5 channels anyway!
22:40.59Werik\CurseZeeg has its own ways.
22:41.08ThraeAcross 10 different networks!
22:41.24WobinThrae: oh old time hard core, eh? =)
22:41.24ThraeThey're so hardcore, they're in channels that don't even exist.
22:41.34Cairennyet you feel no need to offer a public correct of the public mis-information /shrug
22:42.27Cairennand my apologies Werik\Curse, I hadn't notice you re-joining the channel, was watching a movie
22:42.39FructoseSo where in Divine Blessing (or anywhere else) should I look for an example to hook inventory functions or hijack a slot?
22:43.00Werik\CurseI wont apologise for something I didn't make. I have no reason to do so. I can't help if if people are turning their private issues into campaigns against each other
22:43.18ThraeFructose: Bagnon or OneBag are also good examples, as they hook the inventory slots.
22:43.39Werik\CurseI am neutral and as long as I manage the addons section of CG it will try to keep it as neutral as possible.
22:43.44CairennI wasn't asking you personally.  I was asking that CG retract the statement, publically, since it is incorrect and was made, publically.
22:44.28Cairennbut I'm also not going to make a big deal of it.  I know the truth.  Others will make their own decisions.  Nothing I say will change that.
22:45.27Werik\CurseYou know CG wont retract it.
22:45.46AnduinLotharmmm PMs plz
22:45.56Werik\Curseyea, true. sorry
22:45.58CairennThat's their choice.  They want to let mis-information stand, they are welcome to.
22:53.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:53.15FructoseIs inventory function hooking done entirely in Lua, or is there some use of the XML file? I'm looking at the XML file for Bagnon and it's not really helping me figure out how to use a slot myself
22:53.39KirovFructose - what are you trying to do?
22:53.49Tulleryes, what are you trying to do?
22:55.17wereHamster(00:35:56) Fructose: I want to have a slot so people can drag an item into it. Am I wrong in guessing that it would be a widget?
22:56.16KirovBagnon, afiak, is just visual organization of existing locations.
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22:56.30KirovCheck out QuickMountEquip or CT_MailMod for better examples.
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22:56.50JoshBorkeKirov: scaling should work in HealWatch
22:56.53JoshBorkeclad|work: ping
22:56.56KirovJoshBorke - hehe
22:57.21[floyd]Fructose: Everything you can do in XML you can also do in Lua. Hope this doesn't add to the confusion.
22:58.54wereHamsterJoshBorke, I'll probably need to implement scaling in HealSync, too :-/
22:59.08FructoseKirov: Which one would be easier to read? :-)
22:59.41KirovFructose, not sure.  I remember QuickMountEquip was painful, so let me make sure CT_MailMod is less so before I recomend it
22:59.58Tullerwell its going to be in the lua.  my xml should only have function calls.  but I think the specific events you need to get are whenever you pickup an item, and then whenever you click/receive drag on your slot.
23:00.18AmroFructose: most addons have the bulk of their actual code in lua, and widgets in xml
23:01.20FructoseAmro: Yeah, but I need some sort of widget before the Lua will do anything :-)
23:01.29KirovFructose - CT_MailMod is much easier to read
23:01.35KirovAll the stuf you want is right at the top.
23:01.58FructoseKirov: In the XML or Lua file?
23:02.16Kirovlua, mostly
23:04.43KirovYou'll never completely escape xml unless you build everything with CreateFrame
23:05.02ThraeCreateFrame is so much fun! I find it easier.
23:06.02KirovOne really fun thing about CreateFrame, and particularly the fact that you'll be using SetScript instead of defining function calls from xml... the functions you add to your frame are scoped to that script.
23:06.08[floyd]Fructose: From personal experience (being very new myself): If you understand Lua, then XML is self-explanatory. And very little used as far as I can see. Anything dynamic needs to be Lua anyway.
23:06.17KirovMeaning locals you define in your script are accessable from a frame.
23:06.59Tulleryou can do that anyway via function calls
23:07.46KirovTuller - true, but the overhead is less because it's not a function from a frame calling a function.
23:08.04KirovIt's just a frame calling it's function
23:08.46KirovThe one major holdup keeping everything from being in an XML is that > and < inside an xml file (like if ( mynum > 5 ) then ) will cause the xml parser to freak out and fail to load.
23:11.16Tulleryou run into a problem with hooking if you call a function directly if it might be hooked, or at least I think so.
23:11.55KirovTuller - hmm?
23:12.51Tullerlets see if I can write it up.
23:13.27JoshBorkequestion: what's the best way to keep a largish table synchronized between 2 clients?
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23:13.35FructoseIs there any reason not to write the Lua inside the XML file?
23:13.46CideFructose: MCV :)
23:13.46Tullerit looks ugly, and the < issue
23:13.48JoshBorkea table that is structured like a tree i should say
23:13.50[floyd]JoshBorke: Timestamps I'd say.
23:14.13KirovFructose - apart from calling another function, not really.
23:14.17CideFructose: separating front end and back end helps maintenance tremendously
23:15.05KirovJoshBorke - erm ... use Telepathy?
23:15.07JoshBorkeFructose: put everything in a single lua file ;-)
23:16.29JoshBorkeKirov: but only portions of the table may be out of date
23:16.46[floyd]JoshBorke: Keep timestamps with nodes.
23:18.36Kirovis CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFFS still used for friendly priest healing?
23:18.41KirovOr is that fixed?
23:18.43JoshBorkehrm, i'm thinking i have to create a checksum on the head node and then checksums on all the subsequent nodes
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23:20.42JoshBorkea checksum of the individual checksums should be faster though, correct?
23:20.56[floyd]JoshBorke: A 'checksum' could be the miniumum of all timestamps of all children.
23:22.22JoshBorkethe children could be changed individually
23:22.27Tuller should show the hooking issue
23:22.29MaldiviaKirov: not fixed yet I think
23:22.34MaldiviaKirov: it's on the todo list apparently
23:23.37[floyd]JoshBorke: If a child is updated indepently you'll just need to walk up the tree and (potentially) update nodes.
23:24.57JoshBorkei don't think that will work because i could have 2 children and the newer one is the one that is updated
23:25.27Mr_Rabies2graah how long has been down? 2+ days now?
23:25.39KirovTuller - so, you're saying it's protect to prevent people from hooking my damn addon?
23:25.58Mr_Rabies2you'd think making billions a month AND having doubleclick ads on the frontpage would be enough for better uptime than they have on that resource hog of a site
23:26.40[floyd]JoshBorke: I'm just speculating, since I don't have enough insight into your problem domain yet. And I'm fairly drunk as well, so you might as well discard my babblings altogether ;)
23:28.04TullerKirov - What I'm saying is that there was a bug in Bagnon that took me a while to find that ended up being that :)
23:28.31wereHamsterTuller, don't hook functions but scripts ;)
23:28.54JoshBorkehow do i get the date in WoW?
23:29.06KirovwereHamster - would yeild the same result in the example he gave
23:29.33KirovJoshBorke - the actual date, or a constant for comparion
23:29.56JoshBorkeconstant for comparison
23:30.59Kirovtime() with no arguments returns a number that's the number of second since epoch
23:31.51Kirovyou can format it in to something useful using date("%m/%d/%Y", timeReturn)
23:32.24[floyd]Wouldn't that be
23:33.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:33.01Tullerthe current time in wow is seconds = GetTime()
23:33.19Kirov[floyd] - WoW has simplified mappings for a lot of os / math / table functions
23:33.20Thrae[floyd]: Normally, except WoW's Lua engine exists in a jail which restricts os to just certain functions, like time and date.
23:33.41KirovTuller - that's client local uptime
23:33.47Kirovbad for syncing across clients
23:34.05[floyd]Thanks for the background, Kirov and Thrae.
23:34.26wereHamster'io' was completely removed from WoW's lua
23:35.00[floyd]Wth good reason, too.
23:35.18sublemonWhat about the C API?
23:36.24[floyd]a WoW C API?
23:36.30[floyd]That'd..... so rock :)
23:38.23sublemonindeed, I'm burnt I need to step away from the computer for a while
23:39.48*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (

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