irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060911

00:00.03TainOUtside of PVP not a big deal.
00:00.04Mikkwar stomp = more kickass
00:00.04ckknightalright, I'm gonna be an Orc, I think
00:00.06Mikkit's another stun
00:00.20TainYeah hard to beat war stomp for an ability though.
00:00.23vhaarrwar stomp rocks, and so does +hp
00:00.39Mikkof course, war stomp ceases being cool in raids but ... ohewll
00:00.41TainBut, Tauren town blows.
00:00.51Mikkas if you stay there for more than 10 levels :-P
00:00.53Mikk(all of 2 hours)
00:00.55ckknightOrc racials don't seem bad
00:01.03TainI mean Thunder Bluff.
00:01.12vhaarrckknight: they're not useful for leveling
00:01.12ckknightwhat's so bad about TB?
00:01.15TainI hate it.
00:01.22TainThat multiple level bridge nonsense.
00:01.23zenzelezzthe 5% stun resist thing is nice
00:01.26ckknightI think it's great
00:01.37GeoDaMancerI think he always falls.
00:01.38vhaarrnot many mobs stun you that you need to care about
00:01.56ckknightvhaarr, I don't really see how Tauren's are better
00:02.04vhaarrtheir abilites are always useful
00:02.08vhaarr+hp and aoe stun
00:02.21vhaarrorcs abilites are only useful in pvp
00:02.50Mikkblood fury is useful in pve too
00:02.51zenzelezznot quite, but they're not essential either
00:02.58Mikknot when you're TANKING but ...
00:03.18vhaarrwell in general, I'd much rather level a tauren warrior than an orc one
00:03.33vhaarralso because they get +herb ^^
00:03.46zenzelezzand NR
00:04.00vhaarrwhat do orcs get, SR?
00:04.07zenzelezzdon't think they get any
00:04.07vhaarrno that's UD, I guess
00:04.18Mikkorcs don't get a +resist
00:04.20TainUnderwater breathing!
00:04.30ckknightthat's it, I made a Female Tauren Warrior
00:04.41zenzelezzcool :)
00:04.47Mikkfemale tauren
00:04.50Mikkmoo ftw >.<
00:05.07TainDid you name her Milkytits or something clever and cow related as seems to be mandatory for new Taurens?
00:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (i=cody@
00:06.08Mikkfriend of mine has "Yusemi", "Yusei" alliance side... of course the cow became "Yusemoo"
00:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
00:09.45ckknightTain, Genevive
00:14.05GeoDaMancerWheee, another person who comes up with names that are... I don't know. xD
00:14.20Zicongeodamancer: How about "stupid"?
00:14.31GeoDaMancerYes, yes that works.
00:14.36GeoDaMancerI was just trying not to be mean.
00:19.37Zicongeodamancer: Wuss.
00:20.03MentalPowerbye ChanServ
00:22.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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00:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
00:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
01:01.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
01:05.27Kirkburn1Is it bad that I'm watching LazyTown?#
01:06.26Kasodepends *why* you're watching
01:07.02Kirkburn1Cause I wished I'd had that to watch as a child :)
01:13.02Kirkburn1^ LazyTown
01:13.19GeoDaMancerI'd look, but my connection sucks like a B Movie Actress in an A Movie Director's office.
01:13.38Kirkburn1High quality childrens program
01:14.09GeoDaMancerThen my comment was doubly in appropriate.
01:18.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:19.47Kirkburn1Great someone just uploaded the most digusting picture to the wiki
01:20.16Kirkburn1One that I'd hoped never to see. His name was 'Goat', which should help you work out what it was
01:20.36Mikki need to learn to stay away from the keyboard when testing stuff with IE6
01:20.42Mikkit kabooms if i even look crooked at it
01:20.45Mikk&%#ยค crap
01:22.54Kirkburn1ffs, why, why did he have to make me see that picture
01:23.18Kirkburn1The last thing I was going to do before going to bed, and know I have that on my mind
01:26.55Kirkburn1I'm freaked out, so I'm going to read a book
01:27.01Kirkburn1G'night all
01:29.01Mikknow i didn't get to show him tubgirl.jpg
01:29.39Mikki pasted that on at the work irc channel early one morning, saying "here's something nice for you to view while having breakfast"
01:29.55Mikkone guy did actually look at it while having breakfast. he threatened to throttle me when we got to work :-P
02:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|afk (n=jbcc@
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02:33.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
02:38.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:03.34Mr_Rabies my poor inventory is exploding :x
03:04.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:23.05*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
03:28.48GeoDaMancerIs there a way to LoD xml files, like only load certain ones under certain circumstances.
03:29.30GeoDaMancerHrm, could make it virtual, then set the inheritance of a new object when needed. >.>
03:49.04GeoDaMancerAnyone still alive in here?
03:49.41GeoDaMancerPerfect way to get a response. How's you two doin'?
03:49.58GeoDaMancerIs there a way to do what I asked?
03:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
03:51.21CairennI don't code for WoW :p
03:51.26GremWarsongHowdy guys
03:51.43Cairennhi GremWarsong
03:51.48GeoDaMancerWhat do you code for?
03:51.58GeoDaMancer'Lo GW.
03:52.11CairennI did some back in EQ
03:52.30GeoDaMancerAhhh, so you jus' hang about in 'ere?
03:52.35GremWarsongCan anyone tell me how much power you have in creating GUI elements in LUA?  (That you would normally define in XML)
03:52.46Cairennummm, yeah, I suppose you could say that
03:53.24GeoDaMancerWell, that, GW is exactly what I am looking at right now.
03:53.37GremWarsongConvenient question then ;-)
03:53.40GremWarsongI want to minimize my XML
03:53.55GremWarsongand still draw complicated forms
03:53.55GngskI heard you could do anything in LUA that you could in XML, aside from templates
03:54.05GeoDaMancerI don't know that I can actually help, though. I don't even know how to make new frames with it.
03:54.22GremWarsongI think there is a createframe command
03:54.37GremWarsongCreateFrame("frameType"[ ,"name"][, parent][, "inheritFrame"])   - Create a new frame of the specified type
03:54.50GeoDaMancerWell, that's great.
03:54.59GeoDaMancerLike, totally man.
03:55.03GremWarsongAnd that returns a pointer to the new frame...
03:55.07GremWarsongand then you can just store that
03:55.13GremWarsongI want to eliminate XML =)
03:55.29GeoDaMancerI wouldn't eliminate it, GW, I'd just eliminate most of it.
03:55.59GeoDaMancerIt seems to me, if you use templates it would be simpler just to keep them and referrence them in the inheritFrame portion, rather than reinventing each.
03:56.29GremWarsongI want to create templates that are shareable in-game by sending them to other players through private channels!
03:56.52GeoDaMancerI'd have no idea how to do that.
03:56.57GremWarsongIn other words, I want to be able to send a player instructions on how to draw his UI while in-game
03:57.29GremWarsongI do, I just wanted to know about LUA's limitations regarding UI placement
03:58.01GremWarsongI want players to be able to draw pictures, and then share them
03:58.10GremWarsongTheoretically, you can make a 'paint' program inside WoW
03:58.11GeoDaMancerAnything you can do in xml, you can do in lua. Soo... *Shrugs.*
03:58.36GeoDaMancerI'm sure you could.
03:58.37GremWarsongThat's such an awesome answer
03:58.41GremWarsongThe answer I was hoping for =)
03:59.54GremWarsongIs there a way to 'emulate' Bindings.xml definitions with LUA
04:00.01GremWarsongAs in, create definitions in realtime
04:00.51GeoDaMancerThat I couldn't say, but then xml normally goes.. Whoosh! Right over my head.
04:01.25Mr_Rabies2is there anything on wowwiki about the new pvp system that's gonna be in TBC? :O
04:01.38GeoDaMancerNew Pvp?
04:01.56GeoDaMancerOld pvp ass handed me, just what I need.
04:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge norgs|away (n=chatzill@
04:22.43Cairennnight guys
04:23.52zespri_workhow did illidan and kael and otheres got to outland? the dark portal was destroyed from both sides, so how?
04:25.03zespri_workIt's not an answer I'm after, and you know this.
04:25.14zespri_workOf course it's magic, everything in WoW is magic
04:26.30GremWarsongmaybe demons summoned them there or something
04:27.00GremWarsongIts been too long since I played war3
04:27.25zespri_worksame here, that"s why I'm asking =)
04:28.36zespri_workwell, the warden, (whats-her-name) followed them to outlands, and sure the same demons wouldn't summon her
04:28.49zespri_workso there must be another established way =)
04:29.56GremWarsongShe ran inside a portal that Illidan summoned
04:29.59GremWarsongI remember that
04:30.21GremWarsongEither that, or the demon lord opened the portal for Illidan
04:30.24GremWarsongand then the warden just ran inside
04:30.47GremWarsongI believe all demons have the power to move to Outland...and Illidan was part demon
04:33.19zespri_workright. It's jsut those guys who gave their lives distroying the dark portal from the outland side made a such a big deal of it. you know, scarificing themselves and stuff, and then it turns out that everybody and thier cat still can travell back and forth
04:34.15GeoDaMancerDeath and sacrifice don't always work.
04:38.05ckknight_death and taxes always do.
04:39.35ckknight_yea, since Illidan stole the power of that skull thing, he has the power to open and close portals
04:40.00Mr_Rabies2<zespri_work> how did illidan and kael and otheres got to outland? the dark portal was destroyed from both sides, so how?
04:40.11Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure illidan can open temporary portals at will to outland
04:40.22Mr_Rabies2either he or kael, if i recall
04:40.37GeoDaMancerDark Portal == Permanent. <.<
04:41.24Mr_Rabies2i know that kael and vashj, and i think illidan, went into a small circular portal one of them conjured
04:41.28ckknightright, GeoDaMancer
04:41.33Mr_Rabies2i need to replay that thing
04:41.37ckknightbut Illidan can open his own smaller ones
04:41.40ckknightand close them as well
04:41.54ckknightand seemingly, a few heroes always come through the side just before they close
04:41.58GeoDaMancerSo, that's the big difference. Dark Portal you could march an army through, Illidan's can't.
04:42.09zespri_workthe main concern with the portal that it can be used to transport armies from an other world to invade azeroth. It doesn't matter is portal permanent or temporart as long as you can transport reuired force through it
04:42.18ckknightwell, Illidan did bring all the Blood Elf refugees through it.
04:42.19Mr_Rabies2yeah, his is like a mage portal
04:42.24Mr_Rabies2small and open for only a minute or so
04:42.37Mr_Rabies2he's probably like
04:43.16ckknightguys are in my base, killing my dudes
04:43.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
04:45.49GeoDaMancerWhat are you playing?
04:46.17Mr_Rabies2i finally beat TFT campaign
04:46.21Mr_Rabies2had to cheat like a mofo though
04:46.39Mr_Rabies2whosyourdaddy iseedeadpeople warpten thereisnospoon greedisgood 9999999
04:46.43Mr_Rabies2Frozen Throne
04:46.59Mr_Rabies2i can't wait to see icecrown
04:47.14GeoDaMancerI haven't had a chance to play #3.
04:47.17Mr_Rabies2i hope we get to see it, but i really hope we can't kill some of the more awesome heroes
04:47.31Mr_Rabies2unless we're a small part of the fight
04:48.20Mr_Rabies2like, we go in to kill arthas and malfurion, tyrande, and Illidan work together to help finally kill arthas
04:48.45Mr_Rabies2and we're just kinda helping with his giant waves of undead and stuff :o
04:48.58ckknightthen Arthas defeated Illidan
04:49.06ckknightbut Illidan went crazy and thought he defeated Arthas
04:49.11ckknightand retreated to Outland
04:49.27ckknightand Arthas is now merged with Nerzhul in Northrend
04:49.36Mr_Rabies2but Malfurion and Illidan are kind of psychically connected
04:49.50Mr_Rabies2and I believe Illidan still won't hurt Malfurion or Tyrande
04:50.23Mr_Rabies2"Believe me when I say this, brother, no matter what I matter what I become, I will never harm you or Tyrande"
04:50.38ckknightMalfurion and Illidan are brothers.
04:50.50ckknightflesh-and-blood style
04:50.58ckknightand they both want to sex up Tyrande
04:51.40Mr_Rabies2no more flashbacks into scary fanfics i stumbled upon please
04:53.20Mr_Rabies2so um
04:53.23Mr_Rabies2mr ckknight
04:53.46Mr_Rabies2any more nifties about fubar other than the super secret draggable corners i didn't know existed until yesterday? :O
04:53.48ckknightit'd actually be just Mr. Knight
04:53.58GeoDaMancerHoly hell, I see why Hemorrhage build for rogues is fantastic.
04:54.08ckknightif you have a minimap button, hold alt and drag it
04:54.15ckknightit'll go whereever you want
04:54.42Mr_Rabies2nice :o
04:54.50GeoDaMancerI'm thinking of doing a rebuild for it, that's like friggin' great.
04:54.51Shadowedso has anyone seen the BC emotes yet?
04:54.57Mr_Rabies2recently swapped from titan panel and holy crap i love it
04:55.09ckknightMr_Rabies2, good times.
04:55.29ckknightapparently the acers want me to write a DPS meter thingy now
04:55.32ckknightI may do it
04:55.46ckknightit'll be called EpeenGauge if I do
04:55.56Mr_Rabies2do you know of one that hooks into combatstats?
04:57.00Mr_Rabies2i don't really bother with dps meters now, too unreliable :P
04:57.58Shadowedthat's why you sync them
04:57.59ckknightyea, I don't use em either
05:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
05:19.48Temfuck syncing
05:19.52Temextend your combat log range
05:30.27TemIriel, poke
05:33.53GeoDaMancerI <3 DPS meters.
05:34.32GeoDaMancerI was writing my own for another addon I was working on.
06:04.22Kirov_thats_ why the cursor goes in to the attack icon
06:06.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
06:06.39MiravlixMan if only I had known that...
06:07.58MiravlixHmm, actually what use is knowing that?
06:09.06Kirovthe ability to drag the edges
06:09.40Corrodiashmm. this guy had a neat trick.
06:10.30Corrodiasa group of people were up on what appears to be a walkway in the outer ring of the undercity, but i couldn't find a way up. perhaps a mage could blink across a gap, but warlocks couldn't, and certainly not warriors...
06:12.30*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
06:13.20Corrodiasnow it's going to bug me until i find the solution
06:13.32AnduinLotharOk, now that was hawt. 9 paladins and a priest wsg
06:15.46ckknightKirov, congrats, you found it!
06:16.13norgsnite Iriel
06:31.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:39.00Corrodiasperhaps they used slowfall potions and jumped from the sewer hole...
06:39.12Corrodiasdo any sort of slowfall effects stack?
06:40.15*** join/#wowi-lounge InvisibleMan (
06:41.10Shadowedno reason they should
06:42.44MiravlixIsnt it the age old wall walking bug?
06:43.01MiravlixFor instance using the telescope could get you into the air for a while
06:43.10MiravlixThey have just found yet another thing that does that
06:43.53MiravlixWe are talking exploits, so lets just drop it at that.
06:45.20KirovJust surprised I haven't seen people standing on top of the ah
06:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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07:02.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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08:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
08:16.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Halcyon (
08:17.06Mr_Rabies2i am totally in the queue for eastern kingdoms
08:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:19.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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08:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
08:43.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
08:52.32Legorolhehe, blizzard is desperate to reduce mail lag. login screen tip:
08:52.46Legorol"If you keep an empty mail box, the mail icon will let you know when you have new mail"
08:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:57.22AnduinLotharoutherwise the iton IS USELESS!
08:57.35Legorolvery true
08:57.43Legoroli want to maximise the utility of the mail icon too!
08:57.51|FF|Im2good4ui cant
08:58.06AnduinLotharrecord the mail item when last seen and make a dropdown list when you right click it
08:58.08|FF|Im2good4uanyway i jsut saw i can download laugne pacs :p
08:58.19|FF|Im2good4uso i can localise my addon :p
08:58.32Legorolonly if you are EU
08:58.39|FF|Im2good4uofc im
08:58.43AnduinLotharhe's up at 2 am
08:59.00Legorolthat's not uncommon
08:59.05Legorolin this channel anyway
08:59.06AnduinLotharim crazy
08:59.16AnduinLothari dotn count
08:59.20Legorol|FF|Im2good4u: you don't really need the language packs to localize your addon though
08:59.31|FF|Im2good4uprogrammers stay up late all the time
08:59.38Legoroloh, unless you need a locale specific string from the game
08:59.41Legorolignore me
09:00.26krkadon't you get a chat message thingy when you get new mail?
09:01.03|FF|Im2good4uyeh im gona tyransmit player data over the SendAddonMessage like subclass (holy,marskman) race and such stuff but its probely localised when i call the function :P
09:01.27|FF|Im2good4ukrka u do ! \o/ smart ass
09:01.48|FF|Im2good4uthats indeed a good idea to update the mail icon
09:01.49AnduinLotharnot if your box has stuff in it
09:01.59krkareally? hm
09:02.03AnduinLotharpretty sure
09:02.03krkamaybe it's just for outbids
09:02.03|FF|Im2good4uoO then it usx
09:02.24AnduinLotharauctions yes, mail no
09:03.25|FF|Im2good4ustoopid game
09:09.10Mr_Rabies2is there anything that shows what towers do what anywhere? :O
09:09.20Mr_Rabies2nothing showing on wowwiki for EPL
09:09.37|FF|Im2good4utowers ?
09:09.48Mr_Rabies2the epl world pvp towers
09:11.50|FF|Im2good4uah so that whose message i get in in my world defence window :p
09:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Werik (
09:14.47krkaeasy enough to make an addon that pops off all the mail and stores it locally
09:15.38AnduinLotharnot hard. just can't update it when away from the mailbox
09:15.54AnduinLotharthere's an addon ro two that let you show the mailbox
09:16.03AnduinLotharnone that use the builtin icon
09:32.15Corrodiasholy crap, getting anywhere with AB reb would take months
09:32.25AnduinLotharwsg is worse
09:32.43Corrodiaswe just won my first AB game and got a whole 100 rep (not counting token turnin)
09:33.11AnduinLotharif you don't cap the flag in wsg you don't get any rep
09:33.14Corrodiasyeah, i've played 20 WSG games, winning 12, and i'm not friendly yet. after 9 AV games, winning 3, i'm just under honored.
09:33.43AnduinLotharAv is cake to farm now. i hit exalted last week
09:34.16Corrodiasbecause each game doesn't take hours
09:34.24Elkanoin AV you get a bunch of extra honor from the farm quests
09:34.52Corrodiashonor or rep?
09:35.46AnduinLotharbut both actually
09:35.50Corrodiasspent another 5 hours in BRD, and actually finished 7 quests
09:36.04AnduinLotharav is easy to farm rep, especially for warriors and healers
09:36.28AnduinLothareasy for anyone to farm av rep
09:36.44Corrodiasah. it seems that honor is given based only on how far away from the kill
09:36.55AnduinLotharwsg is actually fastest honor if you have a good guild that runs it consistantly
09:37.32AnduinLotharhonor is based on how much damage you did to the target or healign you did to the peopel that did the damage
09:38.21AnduinLotharso if you heal the lowest health around you you get multiple hk's. because anyone you healed who got an hk gives you an hk
09:38.53Corrodiasnow here's an annoyance: Hurricane cannot stop flag caps
09:39.01Corrodiasmy one aoe attack and it's useless for that
09:39.14Corrodiasnot wsg style but av/ab style
09:39.51AnduinLotharso dps classes get the most honor based on damage while they're alive, and the warriro stays alive the longest so it's easiest for the warrior to get honor
09:40.03AnduinLotharthen healers if you heal well and heal multiple targets
09:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
09:40.51AnduinLotharif you're a good healer you can be at the bottom of the scoreboard with zero killign blows but have as many hk's as the person on the top
09:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
09:41.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Priam (
09:41.29AnduinLotharand hk's isn't directly perpotionate to honor, but it's a better estimate than killing blows
09:42.17AnduinLothartoday in wsg alone i got 13000 honor and 53 hks
09:43.12Corrodiasi love a good defensive team in AV, by the way. in 2 of the 3 games we've won, of the 9 i've played, i was on a strong defensive team that actually slowed them down. allies usually give up on beating galv after 2 or 3 tries.
09:43.48AnduinLotharyou need both to win in ym experience
09:44.13Corrodiaspeople don't seem to like to play D very much. at most we get 5 people.
09:44.30Corrodiasin one place, that is. i suppose other areas have more defenders/recappers
09:44.59AnduinLothari like to play offense till we get the last graveyard, then play d
09:45.13AnduinLotharor till we get the 2nd to last graveyard
09:45.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
09:45.35AnduinLotharcause by then the oter team is in your base and you get better honor/time
09:46.11Corrodiashm, yes.
09:46.49Corrodiasand i've seen what happens if one team holds all the GY beyond a chokepoint: game stretches out for a very long time until the other team sneaks past and caps a few
09:50.52wereHamster our vael kill last night.. reminds me of the video where the last player, a paladin with Divine Shield activated, kills vael
09:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:55.19Corrodiashm, don't have a video codec for that
10:07.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
10:08.12AnduinLotharhow does a pally with DI kill vael?
10:08.23DhragaFor the one that wanted to see the vael kill linked above, just download the latest VLC at :
10:09.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
10:09.06DhragaAnudin, by prayers and a happy face, Maby Vael laughed himself to death ? :P
10:09.52AnduinLotharonly real possible way is die froma  dot, but the pally wouldn't get the killing blow
10:10.01AnduinLotharcause pallies dont have a dot
10:10.30Corrodiasbut they have a ranged stun attack
10:10.45DhragaHe didnt looked bubbled to me, maby he was bubbled and then had it time out ? but he was meleing it on the vid
10:11.05AnduinLotharif you're bubled and not DI'd you can stilla ttack
10:12.12AnduinLotharor if oyu came out of di before vael lost combat and bubbled
10:13.15DhragaLooked again, the pally dont have a bubble, hes the last one alive and meles vael to death
10:13.45AnduinLothar:) a pally got the killign blow on our first nef kill
10:14.29DhragaSooo.... you mean that sponges CAN hurt ? ;)
10:14.30AnduinLotharbut we had 3/4 of the raid alive
10:15.58AnduinLotharI figured iw as gonna be healign so i had mp5 healign gear on, but we had so many healers i ended up putting on my OEB and meleeing the whole time until i bubles and holy wrathed on the constructs, immediately gainign agro on 100 mobs and getting pwned when my bubble wore off and i couldn't do anythign with 0.3 fps
10:19.21wereHamsterDivine Shield, nor Divine Intervention
10:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
10:29.21*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
10:45.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
10:59.02*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
11:20.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
11:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
11:27.39Corrodiasthankfully, our realm's GMs don't seem to care what goes on in LFG
11:28.02Corrodiasalthough we did have an event with someone actually trying to get banned. i turned the channel off so i'm not sure how that ended.
11:30.37Kirkburnffs, a vandal guy uploaded the disgusting image to the wiki again :/
11:31.35Corrodiaspwn 'em
11:31.57KirkburnI still had to see the picture - and it's one I'd hoped never to see
11:32.05MikmaKirkburn: link or it didn't happen
11:32.08KirkburnI've infinite banned him twice now
11:32.17KirkburnMikma, you REALLY don't want a link
11:32.21Mikmai do
11:32.32Mikmapm me it or so
11:32.34KirkburnHis name was "Goat" ... sound familar?
11:32.45Mikmayeah, link me in pm :)
11:33.04Corrodiasi'm a btard. there is no image i cannot see.
11:33.11MikmaCorrodias: amen
11:33.31KirkburnNo, you can google for it if you want, but I seriously suggest you don't (it's called 'Goatsex' I think, nad really really really really don't look it up)
11:33.34Mikmai've seen so much crap on net that i'be grown out of the disgust there canbe
11:33.43MikmaKirkburn: just link me up daddy :D
11:33.47Corrodiasare we talking about the ol' goatse picture?
11:33.55Mikmaplease? _D
11:33.59KirkburnCorrodias, yes
11:34.03Cairenn|sleepewww, no
11:34.10Cairenn|sleepnot in channel, pm it if you must
11:34.13Mikmathat's why i asked it to be linked in pm
11:34.21KirkburnNot bloody likely, Cairenn|sleep :/
11:34.22CorrodiasMikma: fi you haven't seen goatse, you should hand in your internet badge
11:34.38MikmaCorrodias: goatse is teh lame
11:34.38KirkburnCorrodias, I'd managed not to see it until last night
11:35.08Kirkburnho hum
11:35.59Mikmastill waiting for the link :D
11:36.27KirkburnI don't have one to give you, it's deleted from the wiki, and I'm not going searching for one you weirdo :)
11:36.48Mikma*sad panda*
11:37.24Corrodiasgoogle should find you goatse just fine
11:37.31KirkburnCairenn|sleep, you worries me then :P
11:38.37KirkburnWhat on earth is up with the female draenei :P
11:40.11Kasohmm, that is quite odd
11:43.33*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:43.52JoshBorkeok, morning :-)
11:43.59Cairenn|sleepmorning JoshBorke
11:45.18JoshBorke<< is engaged :-D
11:45.29Cairenn|sleepwooooohooooo! congrats!
11:45.52JoshBorke=D yep yep, anyway, time for working :-(
11:46.10KirkburnThat's awesome, that is
11:46.30KirkburnHave a fun day :)
11:48.14Corrodiasyou all act like this is a -good- thing.
11:48.40KirkburnWe'll I'm not thinking "damn, I missed my chance", if that's what you're saying :P
11:48.43Cairenn|sleep<== married for 15 years, yes it's a good thing
11:48.59Cairenn|sleep(to the same person, even)
11:49.19Corrodiasnah, just making a joke about marriage.
11:49.53Mikmathose Draenei females mock gnomes alot in their jokes
11:49.54*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
11:49.59Mikmamaybe too much
11:50.21KirkburnThat's not possible! You can never mock gnomes too much
11:52.54Corrodias[away] @ sleepy
12:03.10Maldivia"Do gnomes have a vibrate settings? I'm just curious!"
12:12.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Atog_ (
12:13.41Atog_hmm.. I'm trying to decipher blizzard tradeskill UI. If I'm given a table, is there an easy way to print out its contents? I have no clue what fields there are in it.
12:20.57wereHamsterfor k,v in pairs(tbl0 do print(v.." - "..v) end
12:20.59Kasoor pairs for that matter
12:21.11wereHamsterprint(k.." - "..v)
12:33.46*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:43.59Meryan easy way is to get DevTools and do "/dump table" or in code DevTools_Dump(table)
12:48.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
13:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
13:13.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:32.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
13:43.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:47.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
14:17.32zenzelezz"WoW Gold End-of-business Giveaway"
14:17.49zenzelezzfunky in-game mail ending with "Sorry about the spam."
14:18.23Beladonathey get your name from LFG channel
14:18.44BeladonaI get tells all the time from gold farmer bots
14:19.01Beladonaand then I report em
14:19.09zenzelezzdon't think I ever speak on LFG, but I do use the trade and general
14:19.21zenzelezzI get more mail than /tell spam for some reason o_O
14:19.27Beladonadoesn't matter, if you are in the LFG channel
14:19.31Beladonathey can get your name
14:19.38zenzelezzhm, good point
14:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
14:27.13jaxdahlthey can also /who 60
14:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
14:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:56.31Industrialone 'regular' player but collects the /who thingies and puts it in a SV file and reloads the interface every 10 mins
14:56.53IndustrialA macro creates randomly named players
14:56.58Industrialruns them into town
14:57.03Industrialstarts advertising and mailing etc
14:57.17Industrialevil >:-O
15:01.04TS|SkromI think I'm in love... <3
15:01.11TS|SkromThe most amazing girl I've ever met.
15:01.17TS|SkromOnly one problem...
15:01.27zenzelezzlow-resolution picture?
15:01.30TS|SkromShe was in my damn dream last night and not for real ><
15:02.12TS|Skromstupid subconscious ><
15:02.33TS|Skromand it wasn't anyone  I knew in my dream so my mind must have just picked a random face it had seen at some point and fleshed out a personality for it ><
15:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:31.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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15:55.46*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:56.08malrethCide: you awake?
15:56.24malrethdo you play horde on blackrock?
15:56.28Cideafraid not :(
15:56.30Cidehorde doomhammer
15:56.51malrethah... ok. saw someone with your name in the x-realm BGs over the weekend on my cluster
15:57.06CideI go under the name "Swede" anyway
15:57.16malrethah. understood
15:57.28Cide(finally managed to switch my name when transfers came, thank god)
15:57.41malrethwell, i totally pwned him and i wanted to rub it in your face. :p
15:57.51Cidewhat class? :P
15:58.07malrethhe wasn't alive long enough to check.
15:58.52|FF|Im2good4udid any1 else realise uactionner uses a weird chat hyperlink system..
15:59.13|FF|Im2good4umy addon and auctioneer keep beeying bugged :(
15:59.17malrethhow do you mean?
15:59.48|FF|Im2good4uwel basicly when u clikc on a chat link auctionner wont dispaly the sub tooltip or displays the wrng item in the sub tooltip
16:00.09zenzelezzI haven't seen that problem
16:00.30malrethhaven't noticed it either... but i also don't let auctioneer run very often
16:00.39KirkburnI'm running a test via ATI's site to see if I can run Vista - it says my gfx card can't run Vista at recommended settings. Strangely enough, my card is an nVidia card ... hmm
16:00.40malrethonly on my AH mule, really
16:01.29KirkburnIt says only an X700 or better can run it, I have a 6800 which is better than an X700 afaik. Grr @ ATI
16:01.35malrethgotta change loc... agents have a track running on me... brb
16:01.47|FF|Im2good4ubasicly auctioner check the left text of the tooltip whit current item if its different then it try's to build a new one..
16:01.55zenzelezzwhat's so wrong about that Kirk?
16:02.10zenzelezzwhen nVidia can slap their stupid "The way it's meant to be played" sticker on anything
16:02.11KirkburnATI are effectively lying about my gfx card's abilities
16:02.24CideKirkburn: and you think the same wouldn't happen at ;)
16:02.40KirkburnHeh, but the difference is, nVidia haven't :P
16:02.50Cideso ATI sucks? :)
16:03.06zenzelezzanyone who expectes an objective view from a vendor deserves nothing better
16:03.11KirkburnFamiliar territory here ...
16:03.20CideI don't think he expected it, but yeah I agree otherwise
16:03.53KirkburnI didn't expect it to eb good - I looked at it cause people were commenting on the innaccuracy :P
16:04.06KirkburnIt even fails a 7300
16:04.42KirkburnOnce I'm at Un I'm going to put RC1 on my desktop to test it out :)
16:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
16:04.59IndustrialI have a 7900GT :3
16:05.12KirkburnYes, well, I hate you :O
16:05.33Industrialwell you shouldnt casue my internship money went into that
16:05.38KirkburnWhat FPS do you get in WoW on that?
16:05.44Industrialwich is less then half of my minimum wage per month
16:05.59Industrialso thats like a year of work's worth of money ;)
16:06.04KirkburnAh, V-synced
16:06.10Industrialyeah cant get it off
16:06.15Industrialturned it off on my card
16:06.23zenzelezz64 with vsync? That's an odd refresh rate
16:06.25KirkburnReally? It doesn't turn off? Weird
16:06.39Industrialdunno if wow controls vsync but its off on my nvidia settings
16:06.45Kirkburnzenzelezz, it's quite normal actually. No idea why though
16:06.45zenzelezzI don't see why everyone speaks of flashy videocards for WoW though... my 9800 runs it perfectly
16:07.02Industrialzenzelezz, I have all settings high :P
16:07.11KirkburnIndustrial, what drivers do you use?
16:07.16zenzelezzKirkburn: I'll take your word for it, but my monitors always used 60-70-72-75 as options
16:07.19zenzelezzIndustrial: so do I
16:07.21Industrialfirst time I ran it - not on my laptop - with this card I was like WOW i can see the otehr side of WSG
16:07.36Kirkburnzenzelezz, oh yes, it seems to choose 64 frequently despite that
16:07.39IndustrialKirkburn, lemme see
16:08.31Kirkburnzenzelezz, I've never actually found out why, but it might be some software or hardware limitations that makes it choose 64 all the time
16:09.27KirkburnIndustrial, just found out, the fix will be in 1.12.1
16:09.51Industrialwhere do I see my nvidia driver version >_>
16:10.24KirkburnDisplay Properties, Advanced
16:10.41KirkburnDIsplay Properties, Settings, Advanced, even
16:12.22TS|Skromman I'm such a maroon
16:12.29KirkburnIf you have a Dual Core CPU and have vsync on, it crashes WoW atm
16:12.39KirkburnIndustrial, "Forceware Version"
16:12.45Kirkburn84.21 you have
16:12.48Industrialoh k
16:13.16KirkburnNot too old, but there are newer ones - I'm on 91.47
16:13.26Industrialoh ill update
16:13.35KirkburnSince you have such a new card, it will probably make quite a difference
16:14.05KirkburnIndustrial, I would suggest using ones from here personally:
16:14.43IndustrialHmm I never had much interest in versions and though that everything will be allright
16:14.55Industrialbut now I have a high end system maybe I can try to get more out of it :o
16:15.07KirkburnSince you'd be going form the 80 series to 90 series it should give you quite a boost
16:15.51KirkburnI have to use that website because I have a laptop card (6800 Go) which isn't normally supported by nVidia
16:15.57Industrialwhats this enhancer?
16:16.16IndustrialI have a 5650go on my laptop
16:16.17KirkburnDon't worry about that, just get 91.47 from the drivers section
16:16.30*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney (
16:16.52KirkburnRather than clutter up here, I'm tell you some more in PMs :)
16:22.38*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:22.45BeladonaI love my 7900gt too. it pwns most games
16:22.54Beladonamy laptop isn't bad either, with a 6800go
16:23.12malrethi've got a 6800gs in my desktop... runs great
16:23.39KirkburnIt's nVidia land! :P
16:23.43Beladonaplay Elder Scroll: Oblivion. I played it with a 6800, then a 7900, and wow what a difference
16:23.54cogwheelKinda sucks though... it's AGP so I can't upgrade to Core 2 Duo without getting a new one :(
16:24.16cogwheelHeh. I use a 9800 pro at work
16:24.24malrethbah... brb
16:24.32tyroneyIt gets the job done.  It's what I get for buying a dell.
16:24.37tyroneyDid I say that out loud?
16:24.46KirkburnMy lappy is a Dell :)
16:24.53cogwheelmine too...
16:24.58cogwheelstill waiting for it to asplode
16:25.14*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:25.17KirkburnYours wasn't on the recall list?
16:25.27tyroneySomeday I'll make me a real computer.  After I buy a mini.  And maybe some duo mac book-a-majig.
16:25.45tyroneyI use a laptop (not mine) that had it's battery replaced.  Really a quick an painless process.  No fires.
16:26.03cogwheelMine wasn't in the recall so i'm not too worried
16:26.06BeladonaI bet the new AMD <- ATI buyout will introduce some AMD chips with ATI acceleration intruction sets. Adding fuel to the fire that is "ATI vs Nvidia"
16:26.16|FF|Im2good4uif u use hooking of a function .. like me then is there any way to know witch hook get called first ? when multiple addons hook it ?
16:26.17malrethi gotta go get mine replaced. my battery is on the recall list
16:26.40KirkburnI don't think it will be possible for Intel to buy nVidia, but you never know ...
16:26.47Beladonanot really FF, its whoever came first
16:27.06cogwheelI've always been an AMD fan and an nVidia fan... Now that Intel has better cpus and amd bought ati, i'm very confused
16:27.17Kirkburncogwheel, hehe
16:27.29tyroney|FF|Im2good4u: You can add some kind of extra argument that only you send, that way you can tell if someone else is calling you.  If that helps.  Otherwise it's like Beladona said
16:27.31BeladonaI have always been intel + nvidia, so I am good
16:27.51KirkburnWe're all nVidiots here :P
16:28.09|FF|Im2good4uso if addon a hooked it and then addon b, a get called first ?
16:28.17tyroneyI remember my roomie with an nvidia back in the day, with all those built in fancy effects.
16:28.26Beladona|FF|Im2good4u: be aware that hooking may be harder after the expansion
16:28.34KirkburnIndustrial better return soon otherwise I'll worry his PC has gone boom
16:28.43|FF|Im2good4urealy why ?
16:28.51Beladonathey are preventing it
16:28.56jaxdahli've been amd+nvidia for a long time
16:29.06|FF|Im2good4uthat will break like 90% of the addons..
16:29.10Kirkburn"what the dickens?"
16:29.18TS|SkromWake the dead?
16:29.41Beladonathere will lieklybe a way to do it, but technically speaking they are preventing addons from "destroying" or otherwise "trashing" default functions
16:29.51Kirkburn"Agricultural Moose Farm"?
16:30.11TS|SkromAbsent-Minded Fairy
16:30.26|FF|Im2good4uoke well a simpel way is to laod addons in there own memory space :P but then u cant hook it /o\
16:30.27cogwheelBeladona: where is info on that change?
16:30.35KirkburnWoW 2.0 gives Blizzard a good opportunity to rethink the UI
16:30.35|FF|Im2good4uno hook is no fun lol
16:30.42Beladonalooking for it now
16:30.55BeladonaI kind of support that change though
16:30.58kergothBeladona: that's not a bad idea in most cases, as long as there's a more capable API (yeah, thatll happen..)
16:31.14Beladonathink about it
16:31.47*** join/#wowi-lounge [RTE] (
16:32.00[RTE]hello folks
16:32.08BeladonaGetScript and SetScript should let you do what you need in most cases.
16:32.11malrethharro, [RTE]
16:32.18Beladonawithout hooking a default function
16:32.26JoshBorkewhat about spellcasting?
16:32.36|FF|Im2good4uwell in most cases u like only have to parse the data and not rewrite entire functions
16:32.42|FF|Im2good4ulike addmessage for example
16:32.49Beladonawell yeah, but I can see why they would want to rpevent you from hooking things that get fired in the engine
16:33.05cogwheelBeladona: I hook BuyMerchantItem when I'm testing BuyEmAll and BuyDropper so i don't actually buy anything. It would be devastating if that kind of thing were no longer possible
16:33.09JoshBorkethere's no way to get target information without hooking SpellTargetUnit etc
16:33.25JoshBorkebut I agree, aggressive hooking can be quite a bane
16:33.31kergothwonder if we could get them to include newproxy
16:33.34|FF|Im2good4ui jknow the prob of hooking
16:33.41kergothin 5.1 it becomes even more useful, since __len doesnt work on tables
16:33.47|FF|Im2good4umy addons managed to case stack overflown everywher lol :p
16:34.01JoshBorkelol, me too |FF|Im2good4u !-
16:34.11JoshBorkehooking your hooked functions is BAD
16:34.18Beladonapretty sure it is global api stuff being flagged as unhookable
16:34.25Beladonabut lemme find actual blue post on it
16:34.42cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
16:34.59purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
16:34.59|FF|Im2good4uyeh but i wasnt realy tring to i still dunno wut i did wring but instad of hooking the addmessage i decided to hook the chatframe_onevent instead and that worked :p
16:35.07purlOUCH! That hurt, cogwheel!
16:35.09kergothitd be amusing if they flagged all of that as unhookable, but forgot to disable the ability to setfenv() 0
16:35.26kergoth"nothing to see here.." *switches global environments*
16:35.35Cidedoubt that would happen
16:35.52malrethgah, i always cry when people hook chatframe_onevent
16:35.59|FF|Im2good4ubut wut if they just run every addon in its own memory space then u cant hook sh*t
16:36.10Cidemalreth: why?
16:36.10Beladonathere is a term they used
16:36.13|FF|Im2good4umalreth: why ?
16:36.15Beladonacan't remember what it is, gah
16:36.54Beladonaahh, function tainting
16:37.05zenzelezznice expression
16:37.16|FF|Im2good4uoke that sounds nice :p ofc no1 understnads it :p
16:37.20TS|Skromthat's what she called it last night anyway ^.^
16:37.33malreth|FF|Im2good4u: usually, there's a better way to go about what you're trying to do or a different function that can be hooked to achieve the same effect
16:38.13|FF|Im2good4uwell besaicly i wanted to modifiy the |H |h |h links :p but on the addmessage it kept overflowing :p
16:38.16malreth|FF|Im2good4u: plus, it gets called a lot so if your code isn't efficient, you can really bog down someone's framerate or generate a lot of garbage
16:38.19kergoththats a good term for it.
16:38.33|FF|Im2good4uofc my code is efficient :p
16:39.11malreth|FF|Im2good4u: if you get stack overflows, it means you did something wrong in your hook
16:39.33malrethusually it happens if you call the function that you hooked inside your hook
16:39.41malrethor something like that
16:40.05|FF|Im2good4uyes but u tryed to fix for a long time but it didnt help
16:40.14|FF|Im2good4uso now i got this
16:43.26|FF|Im2good4uBeladona: still cant find it ?
16:44.09Beladonanot anything that is public no
16:44.10cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
16:44.13purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
16:44.28TS|Skrom~emulate TS|Skrom
16:44.36TS|Skromit don't know me :p
16:44.36BeladonaI think the discussion right now is how to allow you to do something after a function executes, without hooking
16:44.48|FF|Im2good4uoO so u got axxes to teh secret docs :p
16:44.53malrethas long as neither ItemLinkRecolor_Moneyrize nor ItemLinkRecolor_Colorize call ChatFrameN:AddMessage() you can do all of that in an AddMessage hook... but it works just as well in an OnEvent hook too
16:44.58Beladonamy solution was to make protected functions fire an event like FUNCTION_EXECUTED or something, and pass the function name as an arg
16:45.17Beladonathat way you can register for that event, and just fire your code afterwards
16:45.30malrethBeladona: sounds like Notifications from OS X Cocoa programming api
16:46.27|FF|Im2good4umalreth: i didnt have any addmessage or any print it was pure moddifing the chat message but still it kept overflowning and i had no idea why.
16:47.22|FF|Im2good4uBeladona: the idea isnt bad but i can image there be a lot of FUNCTION_EXECUTD events and every addon would havetodo if arg1 == "myfunction" then
16:50.00malrethwell, i'd hope they'd do something like where you call RegisterNotification(CastSpellByName, MyFunctionToBeCalled)
16:50.17malrethif you wanted to be notified on a CastSpellByName call
16:51.17malreththat way, your frame (or whatever notification watcher mechanism they set up) is notified only on the functions that you're interested in
16:51.42malrethwith that being said, it'd be nice if we could have something more lightweight for event handling than an entire frame
16:52.27sancusui in the expansion is.. kindof... unfinished.. lol
16:52.52malrethnearly every single addon has to have a hidden anonymous frame just to receive events... there's really no need for that
16:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:57.49|FF|Im2good4umalreth: wall u can ofc recieve them on your visable frame..
16:58.07malrethwhat if i have no UI?
16:58.52malrethfor instance in Ensemble, all it does is just auto-accepts group invites from friends and guildmates... no ui needed. I have to create a hidden frame to get the party_request events
17:00.39malrethit'd be nice if I could do a RegisterEvent("PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST", MyEventWatcherObject) and the game would call MyEventWatcherObject:PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST() automatically
17:01.29malrethand even better, it would send arg1-arg9 as actual function arguments instead of having to check global variables
17:01.43|FF|Im2good4uactualy if u only want to accepnt those invites then hook away :p
17:02.00malrethbut i shouldn't have to hook. :)
17:02.08|FF|Im2good4uyeh indeed :p
17:02.21malrethan event is exactly the way this should be done from a design standpoint
17:02.40malretha software design standpoint, that is
17:03.54malrethplus, hooks are fragile. granted, someone is probably not going to go and hook the same function or method that I do and screw things up... but it could happen and that means i'm inherently relying on something that is potentially unreliable
17:04.32zenzelezzsomeone will hook the same funcion(s), but people usually don't use conflicting mods
17:04.40malreththat... and it makes baby Dijkstra cry
17:05.18Kaso <-- wow thats confusing a wiki article about wowwiki
17:05.28zenzelezzKnuth > Dijkstra
17:05.42malreth"our graph, it's path acyclic, directed be its name..."
17:06.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
17:06.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
17:07.48IrielI assume you've all seen ?
17:08.03malrethoh that... yeah. I wrote that article
17:08.29IrielI'm pretty sure you're not Steven Levy
17:08.38malreththat's a pen-name of mine
17:09.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:10.25cogwheelMalreth, i have a hard time believing you only learned that the level cap was 60 while researching that article... :O
17:10.47zenzelezzcreative freedom ;-o
17:10.49malrethhave you seen my forum avatar? I've been lv 46 for what... 5 years now?
17:12.15tyroneyHeh.  I like this quote:  "There are soldiers, bartenders, truckdrivers, lawyers and Goggle engineers"
17:13.50malreth"Engaging in this orgy of sword-swiping, spell-casting and monster-slaying" That's my favorite line
17:14.04malrethi always try to use 'orgy' in all of my articles
17:17.01jaxdahlwhy does that item not show up on ctprofiles?
17:18.21jaxdahlnot showing up in the item list for my paladin
17:18.50Cideshows up fine for me
17:18.54Cideare you level 60?
17:19.00jaxdahlwas puttting in Robe*s*
17:19.03jaxdahlrather than robe
17:20.33jaxdahlcheck out spell crit sandbox
17:20.35jaxdahlon that profile
17:22.50jaxdahlcide, would be nice if there were a spell crit % for holy spells that reflects the talent build
17:23.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
17:25.10Industrialkirky gone? :(
17:25.50jaxdahlhe was asking about you
17:26.25jaxdahl112845 <Kirkburn> Industrial better return soon otherwise I'll worry his PC has gone boom
17:26.31Industrialyeah I was poking around with nvidia drivers
17:26.34Industrialall is good
17:26.34jaxdahl1 hour ago
17:26.46Industrialthat was 1 hour ago shit :(
17:26.54Industrialwent for dinner completely forgot :X
17:26.59IndustrialI feel bad now
17:27.00TS|Skromjaxdahl *whistle* 15% crit to heals and 100% mana back on a crit
17:27.04TS|Skromtalk about longevity
17:27.17TS|Skromsorry 17%
17:27.29TS|Skromalmost 18 hehe
17:27.40Industrialhowmuch percent mana does 1 heal cost? =)
17:28.05Industrialthats like endless mana
17:28.35TS|Skromsorry... 100% of the COST of the heal back on a crit :p
17:29.28jaxdahlmore like 40% crit heals
17:29.48TS|SkromCrit with spells 12.85 + 5% from the talent?
17:29.50TS|Skromwhat did I miss?
17:29.58jaxdahlcrit with spells 37.41%
17:30.13TS|Skromoh lol
17:30.13jaxdahlare you looking at the spell crit sandbox profile?
17:30.16TS|SkromI was lookinga t the main ><
17:30.19TS|Skromnewb <--
17:30.28jaxdahl32.41 + 5 talent
17:30.34jaxdahl+2.5% or so with AI+kings
17:30.47tyroneyThat's kinda scary.  I mean, gosh.
17:31.04jaxdahli went for the best +crit and +int
17:31.07TS|Skromeven more longevity!
17:31.11jaxdahlfor example, check the robes
17:31.15jaxdahl2% crit, +15 int
17:31.28jaxdahlobviously redemption tunic is a m uch better item overall
17:31.32jaxdahl1% crit +31 int
17:31.40jaxdahlbut 16 int doesn't match 1% crit
17:31.46jaxdahlit's more like 29.5 int or so
17:32.05jaxdahland for added bonus
17:32.12jaxdahlmoonkin in your group
17:32.15jaxdahlfor 43% crit
17:32.29jaxdahlmy current paladin has 22% or so crit
17:32.34TS|Skromwhat's that?
17:32.40jaxdahlTS|Skrom, druid form
17:32.45TS|SkromI was being sarcastic
17:32.46jaxdahlthey have spec for it
17:32.51TS|SkromI rarely see 'em
17:32.59jaxdahlyea, it's mostly just alts that have it
17:33.10jaxdahlfor comedy or bringing to onyxia or whatever
17:33.54jaxdahldo you guys see any mistakes i may have made?
17:34.03jaxdahlor improvements to items to get even higher crit?
17:34.15*** join/#wowi-lounge InvisibleMan{Sle (
17:34.20jaxdahli replaced heliotrope cloak with cloak of the necropolis .. it wasn't a known drop before
17:34.31jaxdahland noted that i missed the robe of volatile power
17:39.07jaxdahlcheck my 'current spell crit' profile
17:39.17jaxdahli put in my best spell crit items from memory
17:39.28jaxdahl19.15% crit.
17:39.36jaxdahl+5% holy spells
17:39.49jaxdahlthat seems higher than what theorycraft says in game.. hmmmm
17:53.07Beladonablizz should make GuildRecruitment global
17:53.13TS|Skrombah, blizzard text search down atm ><
17:53.20Beladonabecause people use LFG for guild recruitment now
17:53.57malrethwe should start using LFG for global addon com now
17:54.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Iriel|working (
17:54.22Beladonathats one way to get them to hate you
17:55.22malrethfind a way to encode data to look like LFG requests
17:55.38TS|Skromokay dangit I can't find my answer
17:55.43*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
17:55.50TS|Skromanyone know why SCTD would NOT be showing any of my bow damage?
17:55.54Beladonanow, an addon that automatically asks or offers groups, might be cool
18:11.14jaxdahlTS|Skrom, what is it shwoing up like in your combat log?
18:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
18:22.53Cairennoffs, I hate the new "ribbon" on office 2007, I can never frigging find anything
18:25.02BeladonaI hate the whole ui. I wish they would let you turn off the "special" interface, and make it look like all my other windows
18:25.50cogwheelI thought the last word was they were scrapping the ribbon...
18:26.08Beladonathey are just reorganizing it
18:26.13Cairenn*prays fervently*
18:26.38Beladonathey should let you turn it off though
18:26.41Cairennthey need to give the option of new or old style
18:26.51Beladonaor at the least, have teh normal file, view, etc... bar above it
18:26.56Cairennfor all us dinosaurs that can't deal with change, you understand
18:27.01CairennI'd go for that!
18:27.27BeladonaI can deal with both
18:27.31Beladonabut not one or the other
18:27.50BeladonaMS is in this "we changed it, so deal with it" mood lately
18:28.08Cairennyeah, well, they can kill my lily white ....
18:28.33Beladonagive them time, they might kill it too
18:28.59CairennI am so tempted to pull 2007 back off my machine and just go back to 2003, at least it frigging worked, and made sense to boot!
18:29.03BeladonaMicrosoft Suicide Assistant 2007
18:33.21*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:36.43Cairennand the big news for today ...
18:36.51*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Congrats JoshBorke on your engagement! | WoW will be using Lua 5.1 for the expansion| |Paste Code Here:
18:38.08Beladonagratz JoshBorke!
18:39.18zenzelezzanyone spot something wrong in the picture?
18:39.58CideJoshBorke: congrats!
18:40.01Esamynngrats JoshBorke
18:40.18Cideyou just resigned your freedom, but congrats nonetheless!
18:40.41zenzelezzMikma: see where we are in Naxxramas
18:40.58KirovJoshBorke - is "letting Josh work on his mods" part of your prenuptual agreement?
18:41.29CairennKirov: rofl
18:41.42Mikmazenzelezz: yeap, are there supposed to be scarabs?
18:41.47Mikmai have no idea since haven't been there yet
18:41.48zenzelezzsomeone got disconnected during the Anub'Rekhan fight, we wiped (due to lag) so we went to clear some trash in deathknight wing instead
18:42.01zenzelezzthen he logs back in and Anub comes charging all the way to the deathknight wing
18:42.17Beladonaanyone know of a lag meter addon? Can't get my default one to work with CTmod installed, so need an addon for it =P
18:42.17MikmaJoshBorke: gz :) i myself got married 2 days ago ;)
18:42.18Beladonathat or make my own, but I am lazy
18:43.00malrethi just use performancefu, Beladona
18:43.22CairennMikma: serious?
18:43.28MikmaCairenn: really really
18:43.39Cairennwoot! congrats to you, too! :)
18:43.48Mikmathanks :)
18:43.48malrethhmm... i should make a fubar plugin called NanDemoNaiFu
18:43.56*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Congrats JoshBorke on your engagement and to Mikma on your newly-wed status! | WoW will be using Lua 5.1 for the expansion| |Paste Code Here:
18:44.16Mikmawe are a wow-couple hehe
18:44.29Mikmaand we got a inside-wow-joke card from our friends...
18:44.35Mikmaand another friend gave us 2x prepaid :D
18:44.54Beladonanot gonna ask if you played wow on your wedding night...
18:45.13Mikmawell i would have if my laptop would have been with me
18:45.15EsamynnBeladona: probably good to not ask ;)
18:45.16malrethhmmm... honeymoon wow
18:45.17Mikmabut i DID visit irc ;)
18:45.20*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
18:45.37BeladonaI meant the computer wow, not the live action fantasy
18:46.00Beladona<insert horny tauren joke here>
18:46.14malrethi remove your plate armor and break your set bonus
18:46.40Beladonathe real question is, is she a Hunter?
18:46.45Beladonaand did she tame you?
18:47.13Beladonamy wife would be a good hunter..
18:47.49CideMikma: congrats!
18:47.55MikmaCide: thanks :)
18:48.20malrethmy fiancee would be too.. she'd feign death to avoid encounters at night...
18:49.46malrethI'd be all, "hey honey?" and she'd fall to the floor. I'd impulsively reset back to the couch in front of the TV
18:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
18:50.15Industrialghe ghe
18:50.20IndustrialI have so much fps in half life 1 now
18:50.27Industrialmy client is actually playing in slow motion
18:50.31malrethHL1? noob
18:50.40Industrialwhen peoepl spectate me first person they say I have slowmo hax
18:50.50IndustrialI play hl1:TFC
18:51.01Industriallik 7.5 years now
18:51.24malrethi don't care... they're all MURDER simulators. all of those games
18:51.54malrethit's desensitized you to violence. you are a trained KILLING machine
18:52.05Cairennwow's no better
18:52.22IndustrialI use rockets to propel myself
18:52.25Industrialnot to kill others
18:52.45Industrialand grenades too
18:52.52malrethwow is the bane of society since it teaches children to hate religion and to love bill clinton
18:53.13IndustrialI dont think theres anything wrong with that
18:53.16zenzelezzand which former president should it teach them to love? Nixon?
18:53.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:53.25IndustrialKirkburn, !
18:53.31KirkburnIndustrial, !
18:53.31IndustrialKirkburn, all is good
18:53.54IndustrialI heard you were worried and im sorry, I left for dinner and I forgot all about it
18:54.17Kirkburnno problemo :P Working well?
18:54.44IndustrialActually what im now using is the NVIDIA one. The 7zipped exes from that site are corrupt - at least thats what it says
18:54.53KirkburnAh fair enough
18:54.59Industrialpwetty poo :(
18:55.03Industrialbut still
18:55.12IndustrialI get so much fps in hl1 that im playing in slow motion
18:55.17Industrialno kidding people spectated me and agreed
18:55.32Industrialaround 300-400 btw
18:55.35IndustrialI unloakced it
18:55.45KirkburnWow .. just wow
18:56.01Industrialdeveloper 1;fps_max 999;
18:56.06zenzelezzyou don't actually get that many I believe
18:56.14IndustrialI know
18:56.23Industrialbut you get huge timing advantages
18:56.29zenzelezzbut still has to be a lot to get that number reported
18:56.29Industrialespecially because hl1:tfc is very fast paced
18:56.39KirkburnAnything above 70 is imperceptible, but still :)
18:56.53Industrialyeah =P
18:57.28IndustrialAnyone here have a hl1 steam account?
18:57.40Industrialall vs me lets get it on >:)
18:57.47Kirkburn(I'm saying 70 as an average so not even laggy bits would be noticeable, since we can't tell anything better than about 30 in RL. Pointless aside /over)
18:58.00KirkburnI have Steam ... but not got HL1 installed atm :/
18:58.03Industrial30? I thought 100..
18:58.19IndustrialKirkburn, Team Fortress Classic is like 200MB in size
18:58.35KirkburnTV uses about 24 and that's pretty smooth :P
18:58.51KirkburnI'll check the size Industrial =)
18:59.34TS|Skrom<malreth> my fiancee would be too.. she'd feign death to avoid encounters at night...
18:59.34TS|Skrom<malreth> :(
18:59.34TS|Skrom<malreth> I'd be all, "hey honey?" and she'd fall to the floor. I'd impulsively reset back to the couch in front of the TV
18:59.38Kirkburn566 MB actually :)
18:59.50TS|SkromI couldn't let that one get away
19:00.09KirkburnHehe, nice
19:00.26malrethsomeone will eventually write a book about everything i've ever said in an irc channel
19:00.38TS|Skromthat was bloody brilliant
19:00.49TS|SkromI felt myself saying "damn my ex-wife was a hunter too!"
19:00.51KirkburnIndustrial, awesomer would be CS:S or HL2:DM
19:01.12IndustrialIm bad at precision aiming (cs) and donw have a hl2 account
19:01.22Industrialim fine with a rocket launcher :>
19:01.51malrethi'm highly googlable, too
19:02.20IndustrialTheres an american DJ named Tom Wieland
19:02.31Beladonaread that
19:02.42Beladonaall the info you need on human eye recognition of fps
19:02.53Industrial"No wonder because Tom Wieland has gained the reputation of an expert for this region and especially Hungary where he goes several times a year both to play and to chase rare records."
19:04.38Beladonaa perfect example of the fps issue is a game called Star Wars Battlefront. It uses movie slight blurring effects, which actually hides a lot of jaggies and fps slowdowns, because your eye doesn't pick up the stutter at all. its an extremely effective technique
19:04.53KirkburnBeladona, thanks for that link
19:05.01Beladonathats why computer games tend to show fps changes so much, due to sharpness
19:05.20KirkburnMy comment was far too general
19:05.59TS|Skromwhat part of "lots of ketchup" mysteriously sounds like "four packets of ketchup" to the drive thru lady?
19:06.04IndustrialBeladona, Ive noticed going down from 100 to 75 FPS it would get choppy
19:06.06Industrialin hl1
19:06.09Industrialis that possible?
19:06.26KirkburnIt surprises me ...
19:06.39KirkburnChoppy how?
19:07.18Ziconts|skrom: One, two, many, lots...
19:07.21BeladonaIndustrial, you aren't seeing choppy
19:07.22Industrialless fluid...
19:07.25Beladonayou are seeing a frame shift
19:07.30Beladonathere is a difference
19:07.37TS|SkromZicon curses foiled again
19:08.08Zicon(in other words, said lady is probably a troll.)
19:08.19TS|SkromI'd believe it
19:08.45KirkburnThis is an awesome optical illusion site:
19:11.45malrethmy friend is having an anti-erotica contest on her LJ... she wants people to send in the worst written erotica they can think of. not gross or depraved or ungrammatical... just bad writing.
19:11.52TS|Skromcurses rating system... simple average of all the ratings given?
19:11.57malrethin the rules for the contest, she wrote "enter as many times as you like"
19:12.03malrethi loled
19:12.47Ziconkirkburn: I want to paint the rotating snake on my bathroom wall.
19:13.26Beladonahere is a perfect example
19:13.29BeladonaThe next time you are in the cinema do the following: Look up     to the ceiling while the movie is playing. Especially during bright/white     scenes you will clearly notice that the movie flickers.
19:14.02Beladonathe sides of your vision are more sensitive to brightness and flickering
19:15.58KirkburnOoh, I'd better try that out
19:16.12KirkburnCheck this illusion out:
19:16.26KirkburnSee if you can make it switch directions in your mind
19:16.28malrethi have trouble watching DLPs because of the color flickering
19:17.49Kirkburn(if you have flickering problems with that illusion press up or down to change the background)
19:18.01Kirkburnmalreth, sounds like you need better DLPs :P
19:18.30Beladonait depends on the angle too
19:18.43Beladonamay ened to reposition the tv slightly
19:18.53cogwheelmalreth: they make 3-chip DLPs as well as single-chip ones with faster color wheels (mine spins at 3x speed plus has red, green, blue, yellow and white for better color & brightness)
19:19.07malrethhmm... interesting
19:19.30Beladonawas just looking at one last night from Samsung. can't remember the model
19:19.34malrethwell, i have a direct-view tv at home anyways... it's old and cheap and i like it just fine
19:19.46Beladonano flicker that I can tell, and sharpest, best color repro of any DLP I have seen
19:21.45cogwheelmalreth: yeah, but it's not 93 inches diagonal :P
19:21.49TS|SkromKirkburn -- I hate you
19:22.02TS|SkromYou shouldn't have linked that site. There goes my afternoon.
19:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
19:22.52cogwheelThe EYES!!! They're following me!!!!!! /cower
19:25.11cogwheelThe first time I saw this effect in discover magazine, it turned my stomach:
19:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
19:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge KevICG (
19:43.31KevICGif I may ask, I'm a bit noobish on the whole addon creation thingy, is somebody here willing to take a few minutes to answer some basic questions on messaging?
19:44.43malrethGreetings, citizen. What's your boggle?
19:45.18zenzelezzwhat he means is ask in the channel and you'll have a better chance of getting an answer
19:45.40JoshBorkei thought he was talking about a game called boggle...
19:45.43JoshBorkeway to dash my hopes :-(
19:45.44KevICGI'm just curious, I'm working on a design for an addon that can have some potential deadlock conditions, I'm wondering how well messaging works as people zone and do various other activities which consume lots of processing
19:46.00JoshBorkeevents are que'ed while zoning
19:46.22KevICGso you never lose them completely :) wee, one fear conquered
19:46.23JoshBorkewell, not really.  the best bet is to disable while zoning and re-enable after zoning
19:46.37JoshBorkeyou'll still get tells while zoning
19:46.47JoshBorkebut i don't think you can send them until you finish zoning
19:47.00KevICGfair enough, this isn't something that needs to occur in realtime
19:47.31KevICGjust trying to figure out some syncronization issues and various instances of my addon becoming out of date
19:47.48JoshBorkewhat are you doing?  if i may be curious
19:48.06KevICGworking on something that does some scheduling of events.  Like GEM but without all the spam
19:49.13KevICGI've got a system that can easily validate snapshots of the events scheduled, but my problem is how I go about updating when folks may be zoning, crashing etc while I'm trying to syncronize
19:49.25JoshBorkecool :-)
19:50.06KevICGheh, not cool yet, just working on a rough draft of it
19:50.48JoshBorkeit's an interesting problem :-)  there's an Ace addon called Combine being written by Kaelten, you should check it out.
19:50.59KevICGI shall
19:51.07JoshBorkeone sec
19:51.09Maldiviahmm, priest spells and tanlents are up
19:51.22KevICGwewt, about time
19:51.33JoshBorkeSW: Death seems interesting
19:51.39JoshBorkeand i'm super stoaked about the new holy spells
19:52.16JoshBorkePrayer of Mending
19:52.50CideSW: Death seems really crappy, but PoM seems nice
19:53.26MaldiviaReactive Shield talent (disc 30) is very interesting
19:53.35Kirkburn1zomg, death is crappy?
19:53.37Maldiviaand improved divine spirit
19:53.53Kirkburn1There was me thinking "woo, Death"
19:53.55Cidevery crappy damage/mana ratio
19:54.04Cideand it deals damage to you if it doesn't die
19:54.08Maldiviahmm. improved shadow weaving - interesting
19:54.20Cideif the target*
19:54.59Maldiviamending is such an EQ reactive healing rip off :)
19:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
19:56.25JoshBorkeyea, shadow doesn't seem to get much
19:56.30JoshBorkeand Mass Dispel just seems lame
19:57.26KevICGjosh:  the combine looks interesting, but seems about as advanced as we are at the moment.  They're still talking sync channels though, we're planning on running MD5 checksums on individual events and a master checksum on the event list, syncing will be a simple matter of checking the checksums against the list.
19:58.45JoshBorkei'd say try to work with him and see if you can come up with anything.  i know he's been really busy with the ace stuff lately so he hasn't worked on it much
19:58.53JoshBorkewhy not a simpler crc checksum?
19:59.15KevICGit's not out of the question
19:59.24JoshBorkejust cuts down on data and processing time
19:59.36KevICGtrue, although checksums aren't difficult to compute
19:59.41KevICGeither way :)
19:59.45JoshBorketrue :-)
20:00.31JoshBorkehm, so will you have timestamps or something inside the data format to determine who has the most accurate information?
20:01.19KevICGheh, well things get... interesting.. (in the Chinese curse meaning) there.  accuracy is impossible, we'll just have to have some rules for who gets bumped when
20:01.44KevICGbut yes, timestamps
20:02.13KevICGthe lack of data store kills the ability to be truly accurate
20:04.27KevICGI guess the central idea is that after somebody logs in, they syncronize if needed (which with checksums of some variety will be relatively simple) and then everybody online is at the same state until somebody else logs in or somebody modifies an event.
20:05.31JoshBorkeare you going to tie the information changes to the guild authority?  ie someone who is an 'initiate' can't go changing things but the GM can?
20:05.58KevICGdefault options will be of that variety, GL will be able to grant permission to various ranks
20:06.19KevICGwe'd like it to be nicely configurable
20:07.16KevICGthe part that's killing me mentally, is that when you want to sync events, you have to put a temporary lock on folks trying to sync.  I'm just wondering how I'm going to work the timeouts for cases when somebody starts a sync, then crashes.
20:11.09JoshBorkebut shouldn't more than one person be able to sync?
20:11.20KevICGsure, just not at the same time :)
20:11.43JoshBorkeas long as the events are distinct they could, couldn't they?
20:12.05KevICGthey could, but there's no guarantee that they would be distinct events
20:12.12Kirkburn1Wow, I'm sitting here slack-jawed at the BC races dances
20:12.17Kirkburn1They're amazing!
20:12.24KevICGthere's a very real possibility they may be both on the same event
20:12.51KevICGMy webmonkey is going to drool on phpRaid, I don't think he knew that existed
20:13.00JoshBorkeKevICG: as long as only one person talks and announces what event they are broadcasting and when they are don
20:14.39yacoobKirkburn1: noooo!
20:14.43yacoobKirkburn1: it's all wrong!!!
20:14.51yacoobKirkburn1: the male draenei dance is NOT this song!
20:15.14KirkburnYeah, he obviously didn't know which song it came from :(
20:15.15yacoobit's THIS one!
20:15.22yacoob(warning, brain-damaging content inside)
20:15.39KirkburnTunak Tunak Tun ftw
20:15.55KevICGjosh:  thinking about it, bear with me, too little sleep, not enough caffeine
20:16.07yacoobexactly :D
20:16.22JoshBorkeKevICG: np, i'm not very good at this stuff :-) just trying to help you out :-)
20:17.14KevICGno worries, you bring up a valid point, I'm trying to determine if my method had any innate advantage
20:17.35KevICGavoiding locking states is a good thing
20:19.56KevICGactually I think your idea is the better one.  I'd go to great lengths to avoid trying to lock updates
20:21.36KevICGanother question on a vaguely related theme.  Do you know if anybody has a substitute/modification for uniuploader that will upload and download saved variable data during the login/logoff process?
20:22.54ShadowedThat'd be impossible without having some sort of 3rd party programming check, which i believe is against one of those big legal thingys
20:23.12KevICGI don't want to modify it during gameplay
20:23.34KevICGjust prior to login and after closing out wow
20:24.43ShadowedNot sure how far the modifying stuff extends, someone else would have to confirm. But I don't think checking when the client is opened/close is allowed
20:25.20malrethit's fine
20:25.49KevICGI'm more thinking like the way Uni does it.  It checks for updates prior to starting wow, starts wow, when it closes it can optionally update roster data
20:26.23KevICGI'm just looking for something a little more configurable
20:26.34KevICGand I'd rather not have to learn C#
20:28.10KevICGideally we want to load the data from our server, update the saved variable data with any web scheduled/modified events, and when the person logs out, upload the data back to the server so we can sync it with our online schedule
20:28.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
20:30.25malretheh, just write it in perl. that's cross platform.
20:31.10cogwheelor you can write it in Lua :P there are libraries out there for network communication, SQL access, etc...
20:31.13KevICGnot a bad plan, we do have some mac users that are somewhat annoyed by uni
20:32.12malrethmac users love it when you remember that they exist
20:32.29Mikmawho exist?
20:32.39malrethexactly! mac users are trash.
20:32.51KevICGmeh, I'm platform agnostic
20:35.10KevICGanyway, does anybody know of a substitute for uniuploader, platform independent or not?
20:39.36TS|Skromwhat's a mac
20:40.40zenzelezzrain coat, isn't it?
20:41.09Shadowedexpensive paper weight
20:41.24Mikmasomething you look and cry yourself to sleep after
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20:44.11malrethok... so tell me if i have this right
20:44.28malrethpriests and mages both get summonable pets in TBC
20:44.42malrethpriests get their three shades as a trainable skill
20:44.46cogwheeli thought it was shaman and mages....
20:44.53jaxdahlpriest talents are up??
20:44.56malrethmages have to spend 41 points
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20:45.48malrethmy only hope... is that after spending 41 points, my elemental pet won't get banished right away
20:46.21JoshBorkeno, they'll put the warlock curse on it that blows up when the thing dies
20:46.30JoshBorkebecause no one thinks to check pets for debuffs ;-)
20:47.03cogwheelhmm... at 8 seconds with 5 min cooldown, i don't know if i'd really call shades of darkness a "pet"....
20:47.28cogwheelit looks like it would have the same effect on combat as a DOT
20:47.43malretha DoT with travel time? :)
20:47.48JoshBorkeyea, but variable attacks means it disrupts casting time
20:49.00cogwheelmalreth: i don't really think so... it says "to attakc the enemy target" which is very different than "to fight for the caster"
20:49.11cogwheelit doesn't sound like you can summon them and they'll follow you around...
20:49.30malrethhmm... true
20:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
20:58.08CodayusI'll be honest...very underwhelmed by the priest info.
20:58.35CodayusI was hoping for much more.  :-/
21:00.22tyroneyI've just stopped hoping for anything, and take whatever they throw at me.  When they killed mind soothe and soothe animal it was just too much for me.
21:00.35KevICGya, disc talent tree and prayer of mending are the only ones that make me feel loved
21:01.50CodayusImp Divine Spirit is....interesting.
21:02.50CodayusBut really, what I wanted was some talents or spells that helped me heal, but did so in a way OTHER than "your heals do 1% more" or something.
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21:04.09KevICGprayer of mending ain't bad, it's good for first pull in a fight
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21:05.37CodayusBut all the new healing gimmicks are....bleh.  A heal that heals me too?  meh. Or a  longer range PoH that still only works on my party...
21:05.53CodayusMending....yeah, I guess.
21:06.24CodayusBut I'm totally not seeing the point of the new 41 point talents.
21:06.49cogwheelI think part of the problem is that they did such a good job with the last priest overhaul that the changes aren't as spectacular as they are for other classes
21:06.49CodayusOr a clearcasting smite talent thingie in holy?  ....eah.
21:06.58Codayusthat's true...  :-)
21:07.39CodayusI did think lightwell could stand being fixed.  or holy could get a 41 point talent that was compelling...
21:08.16Codayusthe bottom half of the holy tree is still silly gimmicks and boring but marginally useful filler. :-/
21:08.16cogwheelplus it's all still subject to change considering it's only in alpha atm
21:08.27Codayustrue.  :-)
21:09.03KevICGbetter be in beta by now
21:09.17cogwheelnope... if it was in beta i'd be playing it right now
21:09.26cogwheelas would anyone else who went to BlizzCon ;)
21:09.47cogwheelor .... bought the beta access code on eBay... lol
21:20.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
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21:25.28*** part/#wowi-lounge KevICG (
21:27.24ckknightwe'll just put a happy little bush there.
21:28.30*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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21:28.56JoshBorkei made the topic?
21:29.06JoshBorkeMikma: grats :-D
21:29.07QzotCairenn is chuckling at the bush placement.
21:29.22Cairennyou've been getting lots of congrats, too
21:30.06KirovJosh - You just got engaged and you're cursing already?
21:30.33JoshBorkeha! you think i stopped cursing just to get engaged? my proposal was: will you f'cking marry me?
21:31.00JoshBorkei'm just kidding :-D
21:31.03KirovJoshBorke - you forgot to preface it with "Bitch"
21:31.09MikmaJoshBorke: yeah, you made the topic :D
21:31.36KirovPersonally, I think it's a lie about Mikma though
21:31.45Mikmaorly? :)
21:31.50KirovYeah, you're still here.
21:32.03MikmaKirov: no money for honeymoon = i'm here, sorry :)
21:32.09KirovMikma - doh
21:32.15JoshBorkeyea, i gotta save up for honeymoon
21:32.30Mikmawell we still had a weddingnight at hotel, that's a plus
21:32.47KirovA friend of mine didn't have his honeymoon for 6 years
21:33.07Qzotcogwheel: I think with the la di da grats on the marriage and engagement, they couldn't kerry on with the bush discussion.
21:33.13Mikmawell i don't see the idea of that anyway, it's just a waste of money
21:33.37MikmaCairenn: heh
21:33.51KirovCairenn - do you still have kids living at home?
21:33.53QzotHmm. We had a honeymoon.
21:33.58QzotAnd a nice one.
21:34.05QzotAnd it was *cheap*. :D
21:34.05Cairenndaughter, 18
21:34.23KirovCairenn - so, she'll be out in a year or two, at which point it'll feel like a honeymoon.
21:34.40StylpeHey, Cairenn, how's the family these days? =)
21:34.51Cairenndoing well, same 'ol same 'ol
21:35.00cogwheelyour daughter play wow?
21:35.11cogwheelGood girl ;)
21:35.12Cairennas does hubby and both my parents
21:35.25zenzelezzhow else would they be able to communicate?
21:35.29sancusindoctrinated family
21:35.49cogwheelmy wife plays... we don't have kids though and our parents are ... less than technologically inclined...
21:36.23JoshBorkei'm trying to get my fiancee to play.  perhaps next year she'll start (when she's done in school)
21:36.23Mikmawe are a wow-couple too hehe
21:36.23KirovMy dad could probably play WoW, but I doubt it'd last very long.
21:36.24zenzelezzwin/win situation!
21:36.27Cairennzenzelezz: given that my husband has lived 10+ hrs away for the last 5 years ... you wouldn't believe the truth in that statement
21:36.29KirovMy mom ... not a chance.
21:36.42KirovMy grandmother is at times more technically inclided than my mother.
21:37.14cogwheelI'm actually going to have to cut back soon :(
21:37.25KirovMy girlfriend and I however ... our apartment's master bedroom is our computer room for wow.
21:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:56.24cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
21:56.26purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
21:59.39cogwheelkirov, my buttons can do the hokey pokey and I use flexbar :P
22:00.01JoshBorkeboooo, not flexbar!
22:00.34jaxdahlis there a fast way to add a new item to the wiki based on info from thott or allakhazam?
22:02.17Kirovcogwheel - hehe
22:03.35tyroneyHmm.  I think I want to make a mouseover critter hitter.
22:04.32Qzottyroney: Can you say that again in English?
22:05.21tyroneyHit a button, or maybe a keybinding, and some visual indicator shows up.  (like a button with a skull on it)  The next critter you mouseover is summarily fireblasted, or PetAttacked, or similar.
22:05.28JoshBorketyroney: can't
22:05.40JoshBorkeneed a hardware event to cast a spell
22:05.45tyroneyOh yeah, I guess that's true.
22:05.51tyroneyWell, it was a nice daydream.
22:06.13tyroneyOk, a mouseover, fullscreen button critter hitter.
22:06.31tyroneyIt can be hard to target prairie dogs.
22:06.37QzotTargeting counts as a hardware event, tho.
22:06.52QzotThat is, clicking with the mouse.
22:07.56cogwheelWould TargetNearestFriend() target prairie dogs?
22:08.00tyroneySo a mouseover target won't happen?
22:08.15JoshBorkeUPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT is fired whenever the mouse-over unit changes
22:08.24QzotWhat's your issue with prairie dogs?
22:08.37Cairennhe must be a rancher
22:08.38tyroneyThey're hard to target.  Toads too.
22:08.47tyroneyI can usually hit a squirrel on the first try, though.
22:08.51QzotAh. That's solvable.
22:09.26QzotEasy to make something that auto-targets when you mouse over "hard-to-target" items, like prairie dogs.
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22:10.09QzotHeh. Easy enough you might be able to fit it in a simple macro.
22:10.15tyroneyRight.  That's why I was thinking I'd do that.
22:10.18tyroneyJust how simple?
22:11.14QzotCreate a frame, set on OnUpdate script for the frame which checks UnitName('mouseover'), and if so, does a TargetWhateverTheAPINameIsReallyCalled('mouseover')
22:12.00QzotYeah. That one.
22:12.08tyroneybut every update?  That sounds so... un-elegant.
22:12.36tyroneyI suppose if I were activating it it wouldn't be too painful for my sensibilities.
22:12.39QzotIf you have space in the macro, don't call TargetUnit if UnitExists('target'), so you avoid rapid-fire target.
22:13.06tyroneyGood thought.
22:13.16tyroneyAnd there's always room in a macro.  Well, almost.
22:13.30Kirovwhy wouldn't you just go off of UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT?
22:13.53tyroneyYeah!  What he said!
22:13.56QzotPerfectly reasonable option.
22:14.08QzotBut might take more space, mebbe?
22:14.11KirovBy reasonable you mean not dumb!
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22:15.36tyroneyHmm...  I think I'll make a skull.  Click it, and it lights up.  Mouseover a critter, and the eyes glow red.  Click it while glowing, and BLAM!
22:15.53QzotLet's just say ... I see enough flakiness with WoW events, that too often I just trigger stuff off OnUpdate and try to prune brutally how much code gets run in the standard case. Bad habit, but there are reasons.
22:18.53KirovProblem is of course the names.
22:19.48KirovAnd you probably want to add some sort of key modifier like if IsShiftKeyDown() and IsAltKeyDown() and AutoTargets[UnitName(m) or ""] then
22:20.10KirovOf course, this might be easier
22:20.23cogwheeldoes AttackTarget() take an event?
22:20.51cogwheels/take an/require a hardware/
22:21.30tyroneyand a UnitCanAttack("player","mouseover") to let the name list be a little more generic.
22:22.34Kirovyou'd have to see if the target is yellow first too
22:22.37tyroneywait, so you'd have to hover over something?
22:22.40Kirovthough, I can see that being bad
22:22.56QzotKirov: TargetByName sucks when there are possible  corpses about.
22:22.59jaxdahlis it desirable to have all epics from naxxramas added to the wiki?
22:23.20jaxdahlmaul of the redeemed crusader, death's bargain aren't on the wiki for example
22:23.25tyroneyOh, and a UnitCreatureType("mouseover")=="critter" while we're at it.
22:24.07QzotHmm. This is giving me an idea.
22:24.26QzotAs a tanking durid, it would be nice to auto-target critters when in bear form and out of combat.
22:24.45Qzotcogwheel: Please speak English. I hate using the murloc translator.
22:25.00cogwheelMan... i wish i could go all murloc on the forums right now...
22:25.29Qzot*sigh* I wish I could get my baby murloc moved from one toon to another.
22:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
22:26.13cogwheeljaxdahl: the wow forums.  Constant "server is busy" messages that eat posts... I really think it was better when they just let the login server die.
22:29.36jaxdahli think they failed to optimize for what would happen as the database got bigger and bigger
22:29.40Qzotcogwheel: oh, gawd.
22:29.45jaxdahlthey should've done an import of the old forums and tested withthose
22:30.28Qzotcogwheel: Not to mention throwing the baby out with the both: There were times I was in a generous mood and would go through the UI forum handing out answers. Can't now.
22:32.18jaxdahlfrigging ThePlanet
22:32.25jaxdahlthey had a lightning strike 2 1/2 hours ago
22:32.29jaxdahland my server is still down
22:32.33tyroneyMwa ha ha!  I managed to post a reply!
22:33.09tyroneyclick the subject and use return to preview, then click in the post body, tab twice, and return to post.
22:35.12tyroneyha.  that's what I get for accidentally disabling images from the forums.
22:38.43*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:39.55KirovI need to make an appointment for that
22:39.59Kirovnot really looking forward to it
22:40.11QzotHow many being taken out?
22:40.56cogwheelall of 'em
22:41.23cogwheelone of my lower ones is erupted but impacted... i have this large gap between it and my molar which is starting to decay
22:41.34QzotYou're losing the +1 int buff for each slot?
22:42.12QzotOuch. Sorry I was making a joke about it. Sounds painful.
22:42.41cogwheelHeh... i should be pretty well drugged up for the next couple days.... probably no wow though (let alone addon development)
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22:47.53tyroneyBah.  There's no death penalty.
22:48.52cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
22:48.55purlACTION shakes 42 sperm whales at the forums. >:(
22:52.05JoshBorkebye all
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23:33.21TS|SkromGreetings and Hallucinations
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23:38.49KirovIt's amazing how slow the wow forums are
23:40.02QzotI'm sure they'll speed up over time, as the database gets fuller.
23:41.28QzotUm. It's called "sarcasm". Some consider a kind of word play.
23:42.53KirkburnLowest form of wit :P
23:42.59Gryphensarcasm in text is a bit ambiguous
23:43.00*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:43.03KirkburnAmazingly popular with the British :P
23:43.13QzotGryphen: Very.
23:44.43QzotGryphen: Moreover, research shows that people think their own sarcasm is clear, and receivers think it's clear, even when both sender and receiver are guessing incorrectly (whether sarcasm or no) much of the time. (*pertains to email, but I'm assuming it applies to IRC, etc.)
23:44.54Industrialcan anyone fill this in to 60?
23:45.12QzotKirkburn: The British just rose a notch in my estimation.
23:45.46QzotIndustrial: Yes.
23:45.53Industrialplease do
23:45.59Industrialand post the link..
23:46.18QzotJust click on bunches of things. You'll hit 60 eventually.
23:47.22Qzotpvp or raiding?
23:47.43Industrialraiding sucks
23:47.54QzotI'm not the one to ask then.
23:47.57Industrialunless theres good items I can use in pvp
23:48.16QzotI hate pvp. Not so much because it sucks, but because I suck.
23:48.17KirkburnAwesome, I just got a Vista RC1 key even though they're not supposed to be available yet :D
23:48.27IndustrialQzot, thats fun
23:48.31Industrialcause then you are learning
23:48.34IndustrialI wanna suck
23:48.53Industrialno j/k I suck too ;P
23:48.53QzotI don't like learning by having my face smashed in repeatedly.
23:48.58KirkburnIt's not often you hear people proclaiming that they want to suck.
23:49.03QzotBrings back too many memories of junior high.
23:49.07IndustrialI do that 3 times a week at kickboxing class
23:49.23KirkburnThe appropriate response does depend on what they want to suck, I suppose
23:49.43IndustrialI want to suck AT kirk, AT.
23:49.58IndustrialAnd no, not towards.
23:50.08zenzelezzsuck at Kirk? This is getting close to icky
23:50.16KirkburnA lolly
23:50.26Industrialyou guys are mean :(
23:50.29Qzot"Ack"? Is that a hairball I hear? O.O
23:50.30Industrialyou suck!
23:50.44KirkburnWho was it that downloaded Vista RC1 recently? If you/they don't have a key I can get them one now!
23:50.47zenzelezzthis is the intarweb, you knew it was coming :)
23:51.05KirkburnIndustrial, the cutest little kitten sucking a lolly
23:52.19IndustrialChick with Pussy.jpg
23:52.59Industrialsfw Cairenn :p
23:53.18QzotIndustrial: does Spirit of Redemption allow one cast, or multiple casts within the 10 secs?
23:53.21Kirkburneww, eww, ewww! ;)
23:53.37Kirovmultiple afaik
23:53.45zenzelezzIndustrial: now that's one hairy pussy
23:54.11KirkburnCute chick though
23:54.13IndustrialI dont know I suck
23:54.33Industrialbut im sure
23:54.45Industrial(now read that wrong :p)
23:54.49KirkburnAha, Legorol, MentalPower /poke
23:55.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
23:58.10MentalPowerQzot: as many heling spell as you can in 10secs
23:58.14MentalPowerKirkburn: huh?
23:58.29KirkburnDo you need a key for Vista RC1?
23:58.38*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
23:58.45KirkburnI have one now :)
23:58.45MentalPowerI have my Beta2 Key, will htat work?
23:59.11KirkburnIt's all good then :)
23:59.26KirkburnI might see about trying it 2moro

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