irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060910

00:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge moird_ (
00:03.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
00:14.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
00:16.02MentalPowerGeoDaMancer: the only way to cause a stack overflow is to have an infinite loop somewhere
00:17.29GeoDaMancerI messed up, and named two of my variables to the same, and called the second one in the first one, and triggered an infinite recursion.
00:19.38KirkburnThis. Is. Incredible. This girl's voice is absolutely amazing:
00:25.30*** part/#wowi-lounge moird_ (
00:26.34NeronixAnyone got any experience with models? SetFacing doesn't seem to work for me...
00:30.04zenzelezzwhy would anyone want to listen to an 11-year-old?
00:30.36KirkburnChristina Aguilera was quite similar to that girl
00:31.36zenzelezz11-year-olds are obnoxious and annoying, and have nothing to say worth listening to :-o
00:31.37Kirkburn(and CA is an incredible singer, whether you like her songs or not)
00:31.50Kirkburnzenzelezz, haha
00:34.05zenzelezzI must agree that Christina Aguilera is a good singer, even though it's been a long time since I've liked any of her songs
00:35.20MeryIf I want to perform an action as long as the mouse is down on a button (with updating coordinates similar ts draging a slider) do I need to have a function for on mouse down + on mouse up + an OnUpdate or is there another way?
00:35.43Kirkburnzenzelezz, her new album is very good - big band and jazz type stuff
00:35.57CideMery: that's correct
00:36.00KirkburnBtw, recognise this? :P
00:36.05Merythanks :)
00:41.53KirkburnI wish I'd had LazyTown when I was young
00:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
00:46.50AnduinLotharas long as she doesn't write her own stuff and they make her look older in the videos you could forget that she's 11
00:47.06KirovI just got cable again for the first time in a year.  One of the first things I saw on ... lazy town
00:48.22KirkburnIt's awesome
00:50.25MeryMentalPower: Thanks but I already went with:
00:55.10MentalPowermeh, that works too
01:00.30Corr[home]how the heck do you post a comment on curse? :/
01:01.37Hexarobitype in the box and click the button?
01:02.04KirovYou have to be logged in
01:02.12Corr[home]ah, that explains it
01:02.35GeoDaMancerUgh, my script is getting so confusing now. xD
01:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
01:08.08MentalPowerGeoDaMancer: welcome to the club
01:11.36MiravlixI got C stack overflows all over the place
01:11.55MiravlixYou have no way of knowing why those is created
01:12.14GeoDaMancerMirv: I found out why mine was. xD
01:12.31GeoDaMancerI acccidentally created a recursive function call that formed no break.
01:15.27MentalPowerMiravlix: the only way that I know of to cause a stack overflow is to have an infinitely recursing function
01:17.21GeoDaMancerOr one that approaches infinitely.
01:17.53GeoDaMancerI've almost gotten it working, but...
01:18.11MiravlixThis triggers a C stack overflow in 14 addons
01:18.12Mr_Rabies2the ptrs are still down? gahh come on blizzard
01:18.50MentalPowerMiravlix: try using IEF with the stack trace enabled.
01:19.48MiravlixProblem is it triggers at random, so...
01:21.56KirkburnI love finding people I can classify as 'bonkers' on the wiki :P
01:22.52KirkburnMad, off their head, insane, off the rocker
01:23.38KirkburnJust a guy called Quinn' Tonstern, he's been making crazy edits since January
01:24.59KirkburnI remember when he didn't like something I did:
01:25.36KirkburnNow he's calling me a liar for saying that warlocks aren't in fact healers
01:25.56Kirkburn(no, I don't think healthstones count)
01:26.17MentalPowerthey dont
01:27.59Esamynnany linux ppl in here?
01:32.07Esamynnwill a passwd file from one installation work as is in another?
01:36.12Esamynnnm, doesn't matter, i'll just find out
01:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
01:45.09KirkburnG'night all
01:47.47Mr_Rabies2looks like i needed to clear auctioneer and lootlink cache files a bit sooner
01:48.12Mr_Rabies2i'm down to 74 MB memory usage down from ~100 with the SV files for both intact
01:53.45Corr[home]but if you clear the data, what's the point?
01:54.11Corr[home]*if you want to clear the data, what's the point of using them at all?
01:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:59.12Cairennyeah, well, you never say hi in this channel any more, so screw you :p
02:01.28Kaeltenhows it going guys?
02:02.05Kaeltenoh :P
02:02.42KaeltenI took yesterday off :)
02:02.45Kaeltenplayed video games
02:02.52Cairenngood :)
02:02.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
02:02.57Kaeltenwell that and worked 11 hours
02:03.06Kaeltenso it wasn't quite a day off, just a day off from irc/wow stuff
02:03.26Cairennbut I was referring to you crying in the other channel because no one ever says hi to you :p
02:03.55Kaeltenwell screw you too.
02:04.00Cairennoh baby
02:04.13Kaeltensorry my gal would kill us
02:04.36Cairennmeh, she can come play too! ^_-
02:08.27Shadoweddid cair just use ^_!?
02:08.33Shadoweder ^_-
02:10.09CideI'm more interested in the rest of her statement
02:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
02:11.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:11.26Mr_Rabies2<Corr[home]> *if you want to clear the data, what's the point of using them at all?
02:11.27KaeltenRouters always put up a hell of a fight when they try though
02:11.36AnduinLotharyes, yes they do
02:11.50Mr_Rabies2well auctioneer's gets outdated after several months of samples
02:11.54AnduinLotharand whatever you do, never try to set up a router as an extender
02:12.17AnduinLotharit IS possible, but only by flashing your firmware and mumbling voodoo
02:12.27AnduinLotharand I've never been able to do it
02:12.27Mr_Rabies2and lootlink just gets huge
02:12.54Kaeltenanduin maybe you have to wear a bra on your head and set up the holy sacrificial game of life
02:12.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc__ (
02:13.16Mr_Rabies2my friend is running a networking setup that's modem/router combo -> router->all computers
02:13.19GeoDaMancerToo bad it doesn't have a pruner ability.
02:13.21Mr_Rabies2and it's having so many problems :x
02:13.22AnduinLotharwhat is substantially easier is setting you 2nd router as an access point with it's own wireless name/pass and connecting it to the first router with via the LAN ports
02:13.31Mr_Rabies2i just told him to get a damn switch and be done with it
02:13.31AnduinLotharand dissabling DHCP on the 2nd one
02:13.58KirovI have two routers, one wireless, one not
02:14.20AnduinLotharwe now have 3 routers in the house
02:14.26Kirovwe use the not one as the main router and the other one as a switch / access point
02:15.02AnduinLotharbut my router apprently sux
02:15.09AnduinLotharIt overheats regularly
02:15.23AnduinLotharSO I have a fan pointed directly at it and it's on its side
02:15.53AnduinLotharand it still occationally overheats because my roomie was smart and put his computer next to it
02:16.19Mr_Rabies2that reminds me
02:16.27Mr_Rabies2my friend's router was like a toaster
02:16.35AnduinLotharand we flashed the other router and it sucked so now we have to flahs it back
02:16.37Mr_Rabies2so he cut its case open and rigged an 80mm fan in it
02:17.19AnduinLotharbut we have a house with 7 computer majors... therenever a 'good' time to dissabel the internet to flash the router
02:17.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
02:17.58AnduinLotharI go to sleep about the time my roomies wake up, so someone's alway on the internet
02:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:04.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
03:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
03:10.55jaxdahlwho here knows how to extract item levels from itemcache?
03:12.27Kirovooo ooo!  I don't!
03:12.42Kirovckknight does, but he's not here
03:16.35jaxdahlwarlock atiesh = 22630
03:17.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
03:17.51Cideyou want item level?
03:18.39jaxdahlwondering if it has the same ilevel as priest atiesh
03:18.53jaxdahland you know this how?
03:19.04CideI'm the author of ctprofiles :)
03:19.17Cideit got uploaded to our site some 15 minutes ago
03:19.59jaxdahlpriest = 22631
03:20.23Cidesame item level
03:20.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
03:30.42GeoDaMancerI see a line of cars and they're all painted black...
03:38.28Mr_Rabies2With flowers and my love both never to come back
03:43.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
03:49.01GeoDaMancerIs that the next line?
04:01.41Tem|sleepnight everyone
04:02.06Cairennnight Tem|sleep
04:10.20Mr_Rabies2<GeoDaMancer> Is that the next line?
04:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
04:21.05GeoDaMancerI wasn't sure.
04:21.34GeoDaMancerI haven't heard the actual song in something like three or four years.
04:21.34GeoDaMancerI used to be able to sing it, and type it from memory.
04:28.34GeoDaMancerProudmoore is full\n Position in Queue: 248\n Estimated time: Calculating. ~_~
04:43.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
04:53.37*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
04:56.47ShadowedAnyone remember the reduction in PPM for OH?
04:56.58GeoDaMancerPPM for OH?
04:57.37Shadowedproc per a minute in your offhand weapon when dualwielding
04:57.39AnduinLotharproc per minute for off hand
04:58.13ShadowedI know it's less then MH, but not sure by how much. Wiki doesnt say
05:01.03GeoDaMancerWhat does proc per minute mean?
05:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
05:01.18GeoDaMancer~_~ It sucks essentially being a noob. xD
05:01.28ShadowedFormula used when figuring out the proc percentage of an enchant
05:01.52ShadowedCrusader is 1 PPM, assuming you're using a weapon thats 2.6 speed then you'd do
05:02.02Shadowedweapon speed / PPM * 60 to get the proc %
05:02.55GeoDaMancerWhat does proc mean?
05:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:05.17ShadowedMeans something thats not always active and something specific has to happen, for example overpower requires the target to dodge before it becomes active, so you may say something like "waiting for overpower to proc"
05:08.30GeoDaMancerAhhh, I get it.
05:12.20kergothis there a documented list of exactly what effects are dependent upon weapon speed and which are not, somewhere?
05:12.31Shadowedkergoth: As in?
05:12.39ShadowedWhat abilities are normalized VS not?
05:13.16kergothwhat do you mean by normalized, exactly?
05:13.31ShadowedAttack power normalization
05:14.29kergothit was my understanding that there are effects whose proc rate is fixed over time, not upon # of hits / weapon speed
05:14.39kergothmaybe incorrect, but thats what i'd heard
05:15.09ThraeThere are some procs that are, and there are some that aren't.
05:15.19kergothwhich is why i was looking for a list :)
05:15.41Shadowedah weapon enchants, no list on the wiki as far as i know
05:16.11kergothseems like it would be useful information to gather
05:24.04GeoDaMancerLua doesn't have an increment thing does it?
05:24.25Shadowedhave to do foo = foo + 1;
05:24.41GeoDaMancerWhy in the hells not? I mean, seriously!
05:24.45GeoDaMancerSorry, annoyed. xD
05:28.58ckknight_GeoDaMancer, because it's not necessarily needed
05:29.10ckknight_there are patches to include += as an argument for lua
05:29.16GeoDaMancerTrue, but it's so useful.
05:29.17ckknight_and such
05:29.20GeoDaMancerAnd I'm so lazy.
05:29.27ckknight_which I think would be a good thing
05:29.40ckknight_I'm vehemently opposed to ++ or -- as operators
05:30.11GeoDaMancerSo am I, actually.
05:30.35GeoDaMancerThey confuse me. xD But I can see a use for them.
05:31.48ckknight_there is no use if += is available
05:31.57ckknight_since x += 1 is much clearer than x++
05:32.11GeoDaMancerYes, there isn't actually...
05:32.13ckknight_from a design standpoint, at least
05:33.03GeoDaMancerWell, it simplifies some things.
05:33.21GeoDaMancerLike, allowing you to do for loops in while loops without having to include an extra line of code.
05:33.36ckknightfor loops in while loops?
05:33.44ckknightI don't know what you're getting at
05:33.48ckknightfeel free to paste what you mean
05:33.59GeoDaMancerEr, while loops as for loops. xD
05:34.25ckknightoh god
05:34.33GeoDaMancerfor x=1, x > y, x + 1 do ... end while x++ != y do ... end
05:34.34ckknightyou mean x++ as an expression instead of as a statement?
05:34.45ckknightthat is horrible from a design standpoint.
05:34.59ckknightsince it makes things dreadfully unclear.
05:35.08GeoDaMancerI prefer += assignment for increments, though.
05:35.18ckknightand in your code, since x++ happens after the fact, you'd be comparing x != y, then incrementing x
05:35.21GeoDaMancerBut, I still have to go over the ++ and -- crud.
05:35.25ckknightanother icky thingy.
05:35.30GeoDaMancerYep, I know.
05:36.01GeoDaMancerIt's only bad when you're having to let someone use your coding, or you have to go back and you didn't comment very well.
05:37.16GeoDaMancertinsert(table, valueToBeInserted) right?
05:41.36GeoDaMancerI need to remember to comment my stuff. -.-
05:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:43.15GeoDaMancerWhee, welcome back, man.
05:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
06:12.45GeoDaMancerCrapples. -_-
06:17.12WobinI do prefer +=
06:17.42Wobinhm, isn't tinsert depreciated? or is table.insert depreciated?
06:17.55Wobinor is it just syntactic sugar?
06:19.39WobinI'm still looking at the amount of effort to convert MrPlow to Ace2 in regards to the localisation.. and it's causing me physical pain at the amount needed to be done =P
06:19.51WobinSo. Many. Strings.
06:20.16GeoDaMancertable.insert I believe is the depreciated one.
06:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
06:20.52Wobinother way around
06:20.57Wobintinsert is lua 4
06:21.00Wobintable.insert is 5
06:21.22GeoDaMancerAlright then.
06:21.22AnduinLotharum i thought tinsert was wow
06:21.31AnduinLotharand table.insert is lua
06:21.55AnduinLotharpretty sure wow uses the global
06:22.07GeoDaMancerBoth work.
06:22.12GeoDaMancerI mean, I've used both.
06:22.41Wobinoh naturally
06:23.26GeoDaMancer~_~ Ugh.
06:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
07:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
07:05.05GeoDaMancerAlright, if you're calling formulas recursively, and you return down the line, what happens?
07:05.32GeoDaMancerEr, functions recursively.
07:10.05AnduinLotharyou have to have an escape clause in the recursive function to return
07:11.03GeoDaMancerEh, I just return the recursive function call and it works.
07:11.48GeoDaMancerfunction works(value) if not value then return works(value) else return value end end ... With some actually meaningful stuff in there. xD
07:15.58GeoDaMancerIs there a way to get for k, v in pairs(tableList) do ... end to call in the fields of the tableList in the order they were declared?
07:19.34GeoDaMancerNever mind, I'm working a way through it. ^^;
07:25.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Iff (
07:25.59GeoDaMancerWhew! It's working now, thank the gods.
07:26.44GeoDaMancerWell, sort of. More like it isn't as broken.
07:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
07:37.25GeoDaMancerMy code right now looks like a moose's antlers..
07:37.56GeoDaMancerIt's dangerous programming in java then trying to do lua.
07:39.43Shadowedglobal cooldown is what, 1.5 seconds?
07:40.25GeoDaMancer1 sec + latency.
07:41.03GeoDaMancerWell, it's supposed to be 1 second.
07:41.10Shadowed1 sec + 200 MS = 1.2 global cooldown?
07:44.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
07:44.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
07:45.52*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
07:50.26MiravlixWhat are you working on GDM?
07:51.20GeoDaMancerA drag and drop gui for my script that emulates the action bar's cooldown and use information, and dynamically reorganizes the section of the action bar that it uses to conserve space.
07:53.22WobinGDM: It's dangerous to code in Java. =)
07:53.59Thumann_hi guys, i'm trying to figure out how to make a drop down menu.. bit it looks like people just use a frame for that? instead of a "button"
07:54.02Shadowedjava's not *that* bad
07:54.15Shadowedit has it's "why the fuck did they do it this way" moments though
07:54.39GeoDaMancerJava is the language that my CS courses use.
07:54.57Thumann_like here :
07:55.29WobinThumann_: Use DewDropLib
07:56.08Thumann_Wobin: ahh.. that looks neat
07:56.18WobinDead easy to use =)
07:56.26ShadowedLibrarys are evil!
07:56.49WobinLibraries are wonderous things
07:57.05WobinLibraries == Thank god I don't have to do that all myself
07:57.27Shadowedexcuse to do it yourself
07:59.10WobinWhy reinvent the wheel?
08:00.00MiravlixWhy wheel the reinvention?
08:00.47gnorlishyour logic intrigues me
08:01.04MiravlixOpen Source Libraries is interesting because you can join the development and effect it
08:01.32WobinWhich is why I like using libraries
08:01.38MiravlixIf someone makes a library but refuses to let others mess with it...
08:01.41Amroshadowed, i dunno how simple dewdroplib is, but some libraries are fairly complex
08:01.51MiravlixThen the library is useless
08:01.51WobinI know that if I see something I don't like (or can be done better) I know I can go change it
08:02.32Amropersonally i dislike using libraries (prefer to use my own code) but in some situations you can't help it
08:02.52GeoDaMancerIf you use function functionName(...) How do you call the args?
08:03.18Wobincall the args?
08:03.24Amrolua has variable argument lists?
08:03.33Amrooh wait
08:03.33GeoDaMancerOh! arg[1]?
08:03.35Wobinnever used it before though
08:03.39wereHamsterarg is the table holding the arguments
08:03.42Amrothat was a dumb question
08:03.47GeoDaMancerI can't look at the wiki right now. ~_~
08:04.09wereHamsterarg.n is the number of arguments, arg[1] .. arg[arg.n] hold the arguments
08:05.52Thumann_Wobin: do you know a place where i can find a "hello world" example using this library by any chance? :)
08:06.19Wobinit should be on the wiki... one sec
08:06.27Thumann_the readme file was written for someone who knew what he was doing
08:06.48GeoDaMancerHell yes!
08:07.06Thumann_oh :)  thanks
08:07.18GeoDaMancerDamn, almost.
08:08.30GeoDaMancerTher5e's a problem with my insertion.
08:08.54Thumann_so i place the example in a function.. and call the function in my xml file.. on a.. onlcick or something right?
08:09.26AmroGeoDaMancer: be more specific?
08:09.43GeoDaMancerOh, no that wasn't a question.
08:09.55Amrooh, k
08:09.56GeoDaMancerI'm writing an actionbar insertion thing. ^^;
08:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:10.13Amrowhat for?
08:10.42GeoDaMancerTo insert spells into the actionbar at a specific point when it's dropped into my gui.
08:11.46Amroim not sure i follow
08:12.28Amroanyway i gotta run
08:13.43GeoDaMancerIt's hard to explain without showing.
08:15.11Thumann_Wobin: hmm.. :( what am i doing wrong?
08:18.41WobinYou're linking it to the minimap
08:18.53Wobinyou need to replace the 'Minimap' with your frame name you're linking it to
08:19.10Thumannsorry :(
08:19.49WobinActually, you need to Register it first... lemme try and find an example
08:19.53Thumanndo i need to link it to a new 'empty' frame.. or to the frame containing the xml (the button)
08:21.21Wobinto the frame containing the button
08:22.43Thumann404 ?
08:23.26WobinThat's actually not a simple example...
08:23.34Wobinbut it's the quickest one I could think of =)
08:23.52Wobinin the CreateCB function, it registers the Dewdrop menu
08:24.06Wobinand calls the Settings function to populate it
08:24.18Wobinyou could probably consolidate a lot of that
08:25.32Thumannthat's alot of code just to make a dropdown menu
08:27.07Wobinwell, it's not a particularly simple menu
08:27.20Wobinit has colour wheels, slider bars, etc
08:29.42*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer^ (
08:32.34Thumannthanks :) i'll try it out
08:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
08:44.46Kemayo...I'm having entirely too much fun clearing newbie areas to level my unarmed skill.
08:45.06GeoDaMancerI did that with my gun. xD
08:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
08:48.02Thumanni want a tabard where it says NO! I DO NOT WANT TO HELP YOU on.. hehe
08:48.28MiravlixI want one that says, Healing is for ppl with hps.
08:48.47MiravlixI got harresed by a warrior that got totally owned by rogues
08:48.53Miravlixfor not healing his sorry ass
08:49.03Miravlixwtf can I do when he dies in 1 second
08:49.18Thumannomg l2flashheal!!11two
08:49.50MiravlixWe where fighting a Shammy and a rogue and he expect me to spend 3 seconds casting a heal...
08:50.03MiravlixThink he missed the lession about earth shock and kick
08:50.11Thumannit's okay if he can manage to stay alive for 4 seconds
08:50.13Thumannwithout healing
08:50.37MiravlixAgainst a rogue as a warrior he better stay alive and win
08:56.37Thumannattempt to index global 'DewDropLib' (a nil Value) .. so.. what have i forgotten
08:58.20MiravlixLoad the addon before your own?
09:00.23Thumannah! naturally
09:06.51Thumannhmm.. all the lines with in them fail.. self is a nil value
09:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
09:31.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:39.00LegorolIs Ace2 backwards compatible with Ace?
09:39.14Legoroli.e. if I replace Ace with Ace2, will AddOns that haven't been converted work?
09:40.16GeoDaMancerI'd have no clue.
09:43.46kergothLegorol: they're completely independent entities.
09:44.02Legorolok thanks
09:44.03kergothno common code or api between them
09:44.18kergothace is an addon, ace2 is a group of libraries that get embedded into other addons
09:44.28kergothso you wouldnt "replace Ace with Ace2"
09:44.36kergoththeres no need to have an ace2 addon at all
09:47.58Kirovan Ace2 version of Ace
09:50.04ckknightKirov, basically, backporting Ace2 features in a backwards-compatible way to an Ace 1.3 interface wasn't worth the effort
09:50.08ckknightpretty much
09:50.48ckknightand there's not too much of a point, anyway
09:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:56.26kergothits a completely different design and methodology
10:00.04ckknightthat too poses a hindrance
10:00.27ckknightespecially with AceChatCmd vs. AceConsole-2.0 and AceDB vs. AceDB-2.0 and such
10:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge [AO]Izaika (
10:04.12[AO]IzaikaHi guys, I want to customize the Guild panel to show extra information, does anyone know of an add-on that already does something like this that I could learn from?
10:11.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
10:12.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
10:15.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
10:41.17jaxdahlthis person appears to be a vandal
10:45.54Elkanoappears? he IS...
10:52.42zenzelezzbah... I seem unable to get past "Connected"
11:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
11:15.33Thumann:/ any help on making a dropdown menu? i'm fiddling around with this dewdroplib, but i can't get it to work
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11:50.27ElkanoThumann, have a look at since this can be used to feed the structure to dewdrop
11:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
11:51.33Thumanndo i need the ace library aswell?
11:51.51Thumanncreating a dropdown menu has been the hardest part yet for me :S
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12:01.55Elkanoyou'll need AceLibrary for DewDrop-2.0, yes
12:02.24Elkanobut they'll both be embedded in your addon directory when you're done
12:05.55Elkanoyou could have a look at other addons using DewDrop for dropdowns eg TinyTipOptions
12:06.13Thumanntinytipoptions.. check
12:07.07Elkanohmm... TinyTipOptions wasn't the best example I think... :/
12:07.56Elkanofor now I myself have been using DewDrop only together with FuBar so I only had to build the aceoptions data table
12:10.55Elkanofor other hints check DewDrops API page:
12:16.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Amro (n=amro@
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13:04.05[AO]IzaikaI'm interested in modifying the Guild menu to show extra information, does anyone know of an add-on that does something similar that I can read to learn how to do it?
13:04.49[AO]IzaikaOr any tutorial that describes how to modify existing menu screens?
13:09.25Mikkit's not horribly advanced
13:09.35Mikkthe guild menu is a UIDropDownMenu
13:09.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
13:10.17Mikkadding more options is just a matter of hooking its setup function and adding more options
13:10.31Mikk(through regular UIDropDownMenu "add item" calls)
13:28.16[AO]IzaikaThanks Mikk, I'll check that out.
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13:59.00Warlalol i need to use more pots for pvp.... checkout my mule:
14:09.37Amroi wish buff pots last in pvp
14:10.43Warlaheh ya
14:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
14:41.37Mr_Rabiesi'm so glad i'm not an alchemist
14:42.05Mr_Rabiesone 20 slot enchanting bag is about all i could hold in mats and still have room for gear
14:42.20Mr_Rabiesi've got about 5 16 slot bags dedicated purely to gear i use
14:42.26Mr_Rabiesand another 3 of gear i only use sometimes
14:44.14|FF|Im2good4ui got 2 16 slot enchating bahs but i keep them at AH :p
14:47.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
14:47.59Mr_Rabieshaving to keep up with multiple gearsets sucks :[
14:48.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:50.22Mr_Rabieshealing gear, tanking gear, dps gear, partial healing fire resist, partial dps/tanking fire resist, nature resist, spelldamage gear that i'm kinda working on
14:50.36Mr_Rabiesand stuff i can't bring myself to throw out, like wildheart, sitting in my bank :x
14:51.18|FF|Im2good4ulol those gaer stuff sux
14:51.31|FF|Im2good4ui only use 1 gear that enoghu for me :p
14:52.27Mr_Rabiessadly that's not an option for me :[
14:52.48Mr_Rabiesyou're a pretty terrible druid if you don't have multiple gearsets
14:53.21Mr_Rabiesi'm guessing you're a pure dps class though :o
14:54.17nevcairielfor raiding you dont really need multiple gearsets tho, just focus on what the guild needs ( which is mostly resto anyway )
14:55.52Mr_Rabiesyou still need it if you ever do anything but raiding
14:56.02Mr_Rabiesand if araiding's all you ever do, you need to stop playing probably
14:58.56Mikkif raiding is all you do, you probably will stop playing
14:59.18Mikkmore 5man ftw!
14:59.20Mr_Rabiesit's better to get paid to do the same thing pretty much
14:59.36Mr_Rabiesget bossed around and be half asleep and press buttons every now and then
14:59.41Mr_Rabiesbut get paid for it!
14:59.54Mikkyeah i hear you
15:00.11Mr_Rabiesi do like raiding in moderation
15:00.23Mr_Rabiesbut excessive raiding makes rabies a sad bear
15:00.42|FF|Im2good4uare chat item links like bottuns ?
15:01.16Mikkthe chat frames just react on a |h...stuff|h..stuff..|h text
15:01.24Mikkand call a callback when it is clicked
15:01.41|FF|Im2good4uonhyperlickclicked i was afriad of that
15:01.56|FF|Im2good4uso there is no way to get the on screen position of a hyperlink :p
15:01.57Mikkis that bad? i find it handy :-P
15:02.29|FF|Im2good4ui just hadd in idea to render small icon near the links :p
15:02.38Mikkouch, no, not possible
15:02.44|FF|Im2good4ubut i have no idea howe to place it
15:02.45|FF|Im2good4uyeh i see
15:02.50Mikkunless you rewrite the whole implementation in lua yourself
15:02.56Mikkbut that would likely be ... umm... less than efficient
15:03.26|FF|Im2good4umaybe if u evaualte each addmessage :p and make each charecter be a specified witch
15:03.56|FF|Im2good4ui basicly already rewrote the entire links but that is just spoofing of the !htext!h :p
15:04.23Mikknah you can track widths with FontString:GetText()
15:04.28Mikkyou don't have to guess
15:04.44Mikkor whatever the API is
15:05.29|FF|Im2good4uthis is wut i got so far
15:06.29Mikkah, useful
15:08.04|FF|Im2good4ucolors brackets to red if u cant use it and displys the level i just tohguh a litle icon would be nice :P
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15:14.54Mikknah, i'd leave it at that
15:15.04Mikkwould just get too messy with little graphics
15:15.21KirkburnMorning Mikk
15:15.23Mikkmorning kilk =)
15:15.33Mikkand, yes, Quinn is bonnkers
15:16.15Mikk"YOU'RE LYING!"
15:16.34KirkburnDid you see that note he once posted on my user page?
15:17.12|FF|Im2good4uMikk: you might be right about that :P
15:18.36MikkKirkburn: ehhhhh
15:18.39Mikkwhat the hell
15:19.04KirkburnCan't remember why ... time to find out
15:19.55Mikkweird tho... i can't find his edit in your page history
15:21.20Mikkehmm... ok, that old
15:22.02KirkburnHere we are:
15:22.18KirkburnEr, I think
15:23.13MikkGuy is bonkers
15:23.18MikkHis edit history is ... interesting
15:23.22KirkburnI totally can't work out what set him off
15:24.11KirkburnIt might have been this instead:
15:24.24KirkburnWell anyway, ice cream time :)
15:29.24*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
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15:41.44KirkburnI think Warcraft 4 is another of his RP projects that will crash and burn
15:48.17KirkburnI'm far too cynical
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16:27.16KirkburnC'mon now, who broke the wiki again?
16:28.17KirkburnHey Cairenn
16:29.05KirkburnI think it's baulking at my pragmatic approach to deletion
16:29.33Kirkburn"You're looking at me funny. Bye bye"
16:30.00KirkburnI assure you, the articles have eyes...
16:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:34.03Maldiviahmm, sometimes I'd wish there were a "read by blue" mark on threads, so you could atleast see if they have noticed it or not
16:35.08KirkburnIt would be a bad idea, really it would be
16:35.25KirkburnYou can hope for it, but if it ever appeared, the consequences would be dire
16:35.43Legorolmorning Cairenn
16:35.49Cairennhi Legorol
16:36.36MaldiviaKirkburn: well, it would avoid people bumping their threads constantly
16:36.54KirkburnIt would have precisely the opposite effect, I think
16:37.24KirkburnPeople would bump their threads until it got a 'read' mark, and then they'd complain if there was no response
16:37.43KirkburnNot to mention the uproar if an apparently 'worthy' thread never got marked
16:38.34KirkburnIn addition, you would know when people were and weren't around
16:38.40Maldiviawell, for threads like bug reports etc, it would be nice if there was a "noticed" mark, without the need to write a "we are aware of this and looking in to it"
16:38.54KirkburnAnd you'd be able to see their work habits, which would be an intrusion into their lives
16:39.37KirkburnMaldivia, that would be fair enough, but people want a reponse, not a just a mark
16:39.52KirkburnThey'd complain if they didn't get a 'proper' explanation
16:40.25Maldiviait just feels so frustrating sometimes, when you for instance write a bug report, but have no idea if anyone at Blizzard have even noticed it
16:44.34KirkburnI can say it's very likely they will have
16:45.04KirkburnThey frequently mention that the dept in charge watches that forum all the time
16:45.36KirkburnIt only takes a few seconds for them to copy the info to a bug system anyway
16:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:47.29krkagah, this is so frustrating
16:47.40krkai fail to build / link lua properly
16:48.57KirkburnTime for Act II of the Orc bonus campain :)
16:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:53.03Legorolkrka: even i managed it, on my first try
16:53.05Legoroland i'm a Linux n00b
16:53.17krkareally? cool
16:53.23krkahere's what i've done
16:53.42krkai added a function definition to lua.h and the function implementation to ldebug.c
16:53.47krkait compiles just fine
16:53.47Industrialhmm who made clearfont again?
16:53.54krkabut when i try to link it to my program, it fails
16:54.04Industrialah yes you
16:54.34krkahelp me lego!
16:54.45krkathis is the last part of my grand project :)
16:55.17krkaalmost complete, just need one more function, and that function wasn't implemented in standard lua (but it was only 4 more lines to add it
16:55.54IndustrialKirkburn, _ doesnt show right
16:56.19KirkburnI know
16:56.27KirkburnJust use the original font :)
16:56.55Industrialhow what who? I just installed it..
16:56.55KirkburnSilly open source fonts, they can't even get underscores right :P
16:57.02jaxdahlwiki down again?
16:57.08IndustrialIm not using a custom font :p
16:57.09Kirkburnjaxdahl, v slow for me
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16:57.16KirkburnIndustrial, check the website
16:57.30KirkburnYou can get the 'proper' ClearFont font as a package from there
16:57.46jaxdahlkirkburn, vandal:
16:58.35Kirkburnjaxdahl, how so?
16:58.38krkai think the linker tries /usr/lib/liblua.a instead of my liblua.a
16:58.41ShadowedIs wiki slow or is it me?
16:58.47jaxdahlit's slow
16:59.25KirkburnWhat's the guy been doing jaxdahl ?
17:00.22Meryhow do I create a <ButtonText> (a font string attached to a button that changes the font based on NormalFont, DisabledFont, ...)?
17:00.35Meryin lua*
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17:04.12Merynvm, forgot to set the font...
17:04.22jaxdahlKirkburn, non-sensical changes to the strategy on vaelastraz
17:04.37jaxdahland 'random' edit to the atiesh page about who got it first
17:05.16jaxdahlsuch as suggesting that the person with burning adrenaline go into the center of the raid to nuke heal
17:05.42zenzelezzKirkburn, stop downloading porn using WoWwiki's connection
17:06.33Kasohaha i came here to complain about wiki too :<
17:07.38KirkburnBut, but ...
17:08.23Shadowedlazy admins!
17:08.47KirkburnYes, I should pedal faster
17:09.05KirkburnBut y'know, I'm lazy and what-not
17:09.33KirkburnActually my current evil plan (For when the wiki speeds up), is to remove a much of SilverSide's dead stuff as possible :P
17:09.52Shadowedi'll have to ban you for vandilism!
17:10.45KirkburnI'll have to ban you for giggles for suggesting banning me :P
17:11.33Shadowedthat'd be abusing the idea of the wiki
17:11.54Cidehey, he's an admin.
17:12.08Cideadmins are there to ban you!
17:12.27Shadowedand trade favors for power
17:13.48Shadowedwho knows how much rage an ability costs if it's dodged, missed or parried!
17:14.01KirkburnBut abusing our power is what we do!
17:14.43*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:15.06zenzelezzwish I knew... my rage fluctuates too fast to notice
17:15.07Cairennbah, you can't call yourself a true admin until you've abused your power at least once to ban someone for no good reason :p
17:15.58Shadowedyeah zenzelezz I heard it was 1/3 of the rage cost, but i can't find anything to verify it :/
17:16.03Shadowedhard for me to test being DW
17:16.25Cairennno, the only people I've ever banned in here have been for good reason
17:16.32CairennI was talking about message boards :p
17:16.34IndustrialI have an addon that only does this: for me. Somehoe the CastingBarFrame wont move or moves back to the default position.
17:17.00KirkburnAnd I meant I was going to ban a random person on the wiki from the list here :P
17:17.24IndustrialAnyone had this?
17:17.56Shadowedgoing to have to figure it out the old fashion way
17:19.07Temwow.. I'm all sore from yesterday
17:19.24ThraeInnuendo alert!
17:20.04Temugh, you people
17:20.05KirkburnYou were involved? \o/
17:20.09Shadowedprison is bad, mmkay
17:20.22Temyesterday was game day, yo
17:20.42Thrae*booming voice from inside armour* You may now commence the mockery.
17:22.31krkadon't you just love it when you're totally retarded?
17:22.39krkai spent hours debugging this:
17:23.17krkalua_pushinteger(master, gethookcountremaining(slave));
17:23.17Temoh, the thing you asked about in #lua?
17:23.20Kirkburnjaxdahl, managed to check the edits, banning him now.
17:23.26krkawhen i had defined lua_gethookcountremaining
17:23.35jaxdahlthanks Kirkburn
17:23.37KirkburnHmm, page not loaded. I may or may not have banned him :/
17:23.49krkathe compiler should figure out which function i meant, even if i misspelled it
17:24.23Cideyeah, wtb smart programs
17:26.24ThraeSo this elderly couple comes into a computer shop and asks if they're computer's done yet. The tech says explains the CD-ROM door handle and plastic slot cover were damaged with age and need to be removed. Tech: "Well it seems your handle and slot look like they haven't been used in decades, they'll need to be replaced." Elderly Man: "Don't tell me something I don't know! Now, what about the computer?"
17:26.55Kasothat has to be the worst joke ive heard in ages :<
17:28.14ThraeRodney Dangerfield marathon.
17:30.09krkanow i just need a name for my lua jailor
17:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
17:32.44Cidekrka: what're you doing?
17:33.49krkaa lua jail
17:34.26Cairennsandbox, with a sand and pebbles and a red castle and a beachball and
17:34.32krkabasically an environment where i can run lua programs and limit their memory usage, the number of instructions they can use and what functions they can access
17:34.47ThraeYou're trying to emulate WoW's jail?
17:34.57krkaalso their interaction with other lua programs
17:35.03krkano, this is not wow related at all
17:35.18krkai am going to use it for making ai-competitions
17:35.34TemAI written in lua?
17:35.38ThraeSo you're making artificial intelligence for use on illegal WoW servers?!
17:35.54krkathat's exactly right, you're really observant
17:39.20Shadowed55 rage, shield slam parried, 51 rage remaining
17:39.27ThraeI once tried to code a jail, but the lawyer module kept throwing so many exceptions I had to demolish it!
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17:41.26Shadowedbut then missing hamstring doesn't change rage
17:42.26ThraeMaybe they want some Warrior skills to be more strategic then others?
17:43.17ThraeThe power of Shield Slam in PvP pales in comparison to Hamstring
17:43.24Shadowedthink i'm doing the rage monitoring wrong
17:43.39ThraeThen again, what is a Warrior doing with a Shield in PvP unless they're fighting another Warrior...
17:43.55Cidecarrying the flag :)
17:44.12Shadowedbeating your rogues in DPS :p
17:44.13Shadowed12 rage, Hamstring blocked, shield spec procs and i have 10 rage left, now 11.
17:44.24Shadowedwonder if it's half the rage cost floored
17:44.26ThraeHaha, I still see Warrior flag runners still not using their shields
17:44.47ThraeI bet they are full Fury or Fury/Arms and don't carry one ;)
17:45.48Shadowed65 rage -> hamstring dodged -> 63 rage now!
17:46.24Shadowedi've ran out of mobs
17:48.00ThraeOne-Hand Axe of Uber DPS | Damage: 270-365 Swing: 3s | One-Hand Axe DPS: 140 | +40 Stamina | +40 Strength | Equip: +243 Attack Power | Equip: Make Rogues cry
17:49.12zenzelezzZG with two priests, one druid, two paladins, six hunters, six warriors, three rogues... fun \o/
17:49.48Shadowedit's not that bad, most of our rogues are daggers so they don't care about the DW weapons
17:50.11ThraeI'm talking about the Rogues on the other end of that Axe ;)
17:50.31ShadowedDW and health don't go together ;)
17:50.36Shadowedi'm squisher then a rogue in full DW gear
17:50.53TainI'm dagger just from necessity of what weapons have dropped.
17:51.03ThraeHey, it has +40 Stamina, and you don't need to taunt in PvP
17:51.17TainOf course I don't PVP.
17:51.41Shadowedcombat/daggers > combat/swords for DPS
17:51.45Shadowedexcept for our crazy servo arm rogue
17:56.10KirkburnWoo, I just got excellent news :)
17:56.24KirkburnOne of my sisters is getting married!
17:58.32Cairenngrats to her :)
17:59.51KirkburnHe fiance proposed to her using a puzzle which spelled out the question :D
18:00.05TainWell combat/daggers on boss fights, on almost everything else swords has the edge.
18:00.10KirkburnVery ;)
18:00.56TainDamn that just made me question my entire dating life as I realized (probably for the first time) that I don't know if I could count on anyone I dated to solve a puzzle.
18:01.47KirkburnBeauty minus the brains?
18:01.57TainBeauty... uh... yeah.
18:02.33TainActually that's not really true and is mean to say, there have been some that weren't really puzzle solving types.
18:02.49ThraeThere are a lot of beautiful people in this world. There are a lot of stupid people in this world. It's no surprise there are a lot of stupid and beautiful people in this world, but one does not necessarily go with the other ;)
18:03.07TainBut I dated a girl who had a BS in Math Sciences.  She was very intelligent.  Except she never figured out exactly how to turn a degree in Math into a career.
18:03.28TainThe last time I saw her was about ten years after we dated and she was still working at a bookstore.
18:03.40TainWhich is great if she enjoys that!  I'd never fault someone for working somewhere they liked.
18:04.05TainI just know she had told me she didn't want to work at the book store and it was just until she graduated.
18:04.36ThraeI don't know what you could do with a BS in Math except small business Accounting, Auditing, maybe a Lab Assistant, and of course, a teacher.
18:04.56KirkburnMy sister's new fiance is a maths teacher
18:05.26TainYeah there's a few jobs that are specific to it, people who calculate interest rates and stuff have to have math degrees in addition to others.
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18:06.39ThraeI would think people with -only- a Bachelor's Degree in Math except teachers are rare...if you took the interest enough to get a Bachelor's, you're probably more interested in it academically then career-wise.
18:08.15TainYeah my take on it was always that it's something someone does because they're really interested in learning it, not with thoughts towards your career.
18:08.49ThraeArt History Majors ;)
18:09.43ShadowedTain: If you're raiding, boss fights is everything
18:09.58Shadowedyou don't really care if you can do better as swords on trash :p
18:12.13TainThat's *mostly* true, Shadowed.
18:12.27TainBut there are times that daggers are a liability.
18:12.34TainFor example Phase 1 Nef.
18:12.51TainDagger Rogues never get to ramp up their damage, whereas sword rogues are steady throughout
18:13.37TainThings that bounce around a lot are also hell for dagger rogues who have to constantly reposition for backstabs.
18:13.47Shadowedwhen BWL was still new and everyone was in MC/blues, all of our rogues were daggers with one mace rogue, we were able to do him just fine
18:13.52Shadowedwas never an issue of not enough DPS
18:14.08TainIt's situational.
18:14.31TainFor example we had dps problems early on in BWL on blue because of the melee slow
18:14.57Shadowedvael was a pita, but that was back when you only had an hour a night
18:15.18ThraeRogueL"I'm winning on DPS! I'm winning on DPS!" RL: "Damn you, get rid of DM and start using KLM!" Rogue: "OK." ...later... Rogue: "I'm winning on threat! I'm winning on threat!"
18:15.32TainVael is one of the most fun fights to me.
18:15.44Shadowedi don't like vael, since i always die
18:15.45Shadoweddamn bomb
18:16.05TainI've still never gotten the Geddon bomb and I'm feeling neglected.
18:16.08Shadowedalthough, tanking + bomb = fun
18:16.17Shadowedespically when i get it and he dies, i can hide in the corpse
18:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:16.44TainBlowing up half the raid is a great way to top the damage meters too
18:16.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
18:16.57JoshBorkelol tain
18:17.56cmunnThat being said... It sure would be nice if damage meters had a "damage vs. raid" meter
18:18.16ShadowedSWStats does i thin
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18:24.24vhaarrSup with
18:24.35Shadowedkirk killed it
18:25.09vhaarrAnd searching for stuff on Thottbot gives me a internal server error.
18:29.41vhaarr Service Temporarily Unavailable
18:29.48vhaarrAll WoW stuff is down today.
18:29.55Shadowedworks fine for me
18:30.05vhaarrrefreshed x5 now, nothing.
18:30.26vhaarrI'm looking for information on "Frost Trap Aura", which is a magic style debuff applied from the hunter trap.
18:30.40vhaarrPreviously it could be dispelled and was reapplied after 2 seconds if you remained in the aura, but now it can't be dispelled.
18:30.48vhaarrRegardless, it is still marked as Magic.
18:31.21vhaarrSo I'm wondering if it is supposed to be this way or if it is a bug.
18:31.45ShadowedNo idea
18:31.49Shadowedprobably intended
18:31.58vhaarrProbably, yeah.
18:35.23MentalPowerhmm... I don't suppose any of you have EU WoW CDs that they could upload somewhere?
18:35.52Elkanowhy do you need them? simply download the demo
18:35.53wereHamsterI have the CDs, but no place to upload them to...
18:36.00MentalPowerI want to try out the new Spanish version of the game, but I need EU CDs to install the language pack
18:36.30MentalPowerI've been trying to download the demo, but its freezing molasses slow
18:37.50ElkanoI think the english client was also hosted somewhere
18:38.46MentalPowerif you find it, lemme know
18:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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18:56.12JoshBorkeok bye
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19:20.22Shadowedwiki's back
19:28.36Kirkburnzomg whee
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19:51.39GeoDaMancerI hate xml, whoa-whoa-whoa... >.>
19:51.58cmunnxml loves you, anyways...
19:52.43GeoDaMancerI don't know why but when I try to add a button to the xml I'm using it does nozzing.
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19:52.53cmunnIs this button named "TheGoggles"?
19:54.37GeoDaMancerYes, and as ironic as it is, the Frame's Powerplant.. And the button's supposed to call AcidWall or something like that.
19:54.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
19:56.03GeoDaMancerAnyway, for some reason it's acting like there's an error in the button call, but I'm fairly certain it's in the correct place, and everything in it is correct.
19:59.52GeoDaMancerI found the problem!
20:00.57GeoDaMancer<AbsDeimension x="4" y="4"> Is wrong. xD
20:01.31Tuller<Size x="4" y="4"/> ?
20:02.22GeoDaMancerNah, I just forgot the / in the statement.
20:02.33GeoDaMancerI opened it, but never closed it.
20:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:04.41GeoDaMancer^_^ I is a happy Geo now.
20:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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20:26.22|FF|Im2good4uthey need to fix thottbot !!
20:26.35|FF|Im2good4ui need to know where to buy the thornium headded arrows :p
20:26.46zenzelezzcheck Allakhazam then
20:26.48Mikkyou make thorium bullets and hand it in to an npc
20:26.56Mikkhe gives you arrows back
20:27.03|FF|Im2good4uah oke
20:27.04Mikkfor alliance, there's one in the ironforge inn
20:27.07Mikkdunno where they are for horde
20:27.22|FF|Im2good4uim allience sadly i cant craft thornuim bullets thoghu :p
20:27.23zenzelezzwonder if he's walking around near where you sign up for BGs for Horde
20:27.46GeoDaMancerAhhh.. Why can't you?
20:28.09GeoDaMancerOh, never mind. >.>
20:30.40KirkburnFavour needed - can anyone access the page linked from this page?
20:31.11KirkburnThe Help:... page?
20:31.45KasoNo text at this page
20:32.08KirkburnSo it's obviously not the correct one, eh? :P
20:32.22GeoDaMancerWhat Kaso said.
20:32.25KirkburnI can't get to the one that's actually linked to delete it
20:32.37MikkI think the problem is encoding
20:32.48MikkYou need to view the page with the correct encoding to get the link to work
20:32.56MikkSo pasting the link here is too late -- it's already wrong
20:33.06KirkburnThat's why I didn't
20:37.10KirkburnIt's annoying me
20:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
20:52.49GeoDaMancerAHhhh! I hate xml.
20:52.57GeoDaMancerAnd my monitor!
20:56.30Merywhy don't you do y our frame stuff all in lua then? ;)
21:02.13|FF|Im2good4uor use wow ui desinger
21:05.30Corrodiasboy, i have a weird error, now
21:05.50Corrodiasmousing over "system messages" in a chat window's tab's context menu throws an error originating from the blizzard UI files
21:06.36CorrodiasInterface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:183: Usage: DropDownList2Button2:SetText("text")
21:09.35GeoDaMancerBecause I don't understand how the lua thing works either, and the ui designer can't do what I need.
21:13.55Corrodiasboth of my problems  are caused by one of my addons starting with 'p'
21:15.49Corrodiassadly, it appears to be PerfectRaid...
21:17.12Tem|FoodCorrodias, that's quite impossible
21:17.41Tem|FoodI can assure you that PerfectRaid doesn't touch the ChatFrames
21:17.58Corrodiasi may have an older version, 0.5.1 rather than 0.5.2. i'll update to check. plus, it may be interacting with another addon after "p"
21:21.06Kamarisdoes anyone know how badly the multiline editbox lags on pasting in a lot of lines?
21:21.08Corrodiasjust updating it didn't fix it. the other problem is that upon loading the UI, i get: Interface\AddOns\FuBar-compat-1.2\CompostLib\CompostLib.lua:53: attempt to compare nil with number
21:21.23Corrodiasand praid isn't a fubar plugin, i know
21:21.47Corrodiasbut disabling that makes the problem go away, as well as the other one. now checking against post-'p' addon interactions...
21:22.33GeoDaMancerI think my graphics card is having an aneurism. ~_~
21:23.08Corrodiascompost lib error goes away if i disable my "s" addons... chat frame error is still there
21:23.19AnduinLotharshove asprin in the cd drive
21:23.57GeoDaMancerI wish that'd help. The monitor is not receiving the red component right now. ~_~
21:24.07Corrodiasre-enabling Squishy returns the compostlib error
21:26.26Corrodiasis there a way to see more than the -last- error thrown?
21:28.12Corrodiaseven if perfectraid is the only addon enabled, i still get the bliz UI error
21:40.24AnduinLothargive oyur monitor the red pill
21:40.37AnduinLotharStack Track
21:40.58AnduinLotharImprovedErrorFrame in Cosmos alpha should have stack track, there's also some other addons
21:41.44*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
21:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (
21:48.16cladJust wanted to stop in and say hi
21:48.24KirkburnHow goes it?
21:48.39cladI head home tomorrow morning, and hopefully I can avoid work from sucking me into my own personal black hole for a week :P
21:51.10cladjust wanted to stop in.. gonna go make some phone calls and head to bed
21:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
21:56.37Corrodiasoddly, perfectraid also appears to be responsible for Squishy throwing the compostlib error on load :|
21:56.51Corrodiaspartly responsible, i'll say
22:03.57Tem|FoodCorrodias, I'm 99% sure you're blaming PRaid for stuff that is not it's fault
22:04.54Tem|Foodhere's something odd...  calling frame:GetPoint("TOPLEFT") works
22:05.19Tem|FoodSlouken didn't tell us about that
22:07.34Corrodiaslook, i'm sorry, but even having praid as the only addon active gives me an error when mousing over that menu item, even on a new character. i can give you IEF's stack trace.
22:07.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
22:08.29Tem|Foodbut first, 2 questions
22:08.39Tem|Food1: where did you get it
22:08.53Corrodiasjust now, updated to 0.5.2
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22:21.10Kirkburn1I love this, it's like doing WoW quests, but in Warcraft 3 :)
22:22.52AnduinLotharorc campain?
22:23.03AnduinLotharya i love that one
22:23.22Kirkburn1Loads of little side dungeons to go into and kill stuff in
22:23.35AnduinLotharrpg in an rts environment
22:24.16AnduinLotharno having to mess with the camra :)
22:28.46*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
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22:33.45GeoDaMancerYay! Red!
22:35.40*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:38.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
22:39.13GeoDaMancerIt's disturbing not to the red leave your monitor.
22:39.13GeoDaMancerAny picture of people ends up looking like a corpse. xD
22:39.31Legorol|dinneris there an experienced Prot warrior around?
22:39.49Legoroli'm 1 point away from my ideal talent build:
22:39.50Corrodiasi lost my Blue wire connection, once. everything was yellow.
22:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge doktoreas (
22:40.20Legoroli'd love to have 5 in Anticipation, where could i take it form
22:40.20doktoreashi to all!
22:40.29Legorolalso, general comments..
22:40.51doktoreasnever tought i could found a wow channel in freenode
22:41.19ckknightdoktoreas, there's a few.
22:41.35doktoreasi thought only linux on freenode ;)
22:43.23GeoDaMancerI think I'd prefer that, Corr.
22:43.46AnduinLotharit's "WoW for Coders" so freenode makes sense
22:45.32doktoreasnow i understand
22:46.14doktoreaswhat you think it's the lighter interface for wow?
22:46.38AnduinLothartry again
22:47.01Corrodiaswe didn't understand that
22:47.15doktoreasthe one the uses less resources
22:47.32AnduinLothardepends on what you do want
22:47.44AnduinLotharif you want no resources just play in alt-z
22:48.28AnduinLotharlots of addons claim to use few resources tho, take your pick
22:48.33doktoreasalt z and tcraid ;)
22:48.38AnduinLotharsome people are fanatical about it
22:48.58Corrodiasi, on the other hand, gladly let my addons have the ~80mb they currently use
22:49.18Corrodiaswell, 74-93
22:54.19*** join/#wowi-lounge moird_ (
22:57.48doktoreasdo you know about perl classic?
22:58.47LegorolIs it just me or are the 1.12.1 PTRs down?
23:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:07.16ckknightso what race do people recommend for a Pally? Dwarf or Human?
23:07.49GeoDaMancerNnn For the light. >.>
23:07.59Meryfemale dwarf for looks
23:08.27Kasohuman for spirit bonus!
23:08.40Meryhuman for diplomacy
23:08.57GeoDaMancerDisplomacy can mess you up though.
23:08.58zenzelezzThe Human Spirit pwns for warriors!
23:09.05ckknightGeoDaMancer, how so?
23:10.08GeoDaMancerWell, only in one circumstance. When dealing with the Faire, you get tickets less easily, since the increase lowers the amount of Rep raising quests you can turn in.
23:11.43Corrodiasshit, i think my realm just died
23:12.05Kasoa minor inconvenance for the major boost Diplomacy is
23:12.19GeoDaMancerThat's true.
23:12.24GeoDaMancerAll but one of my characters is human.
23:12.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
23:12.51GeoDaMancerIn xml, can you put buttons into layers?
23:14.13Meryno buttons belong into <Frames>
23:17.00Tullerbut you can mess with framelevel for a given button
23:17.44GeoDaMancerCan you do it in p-- Never mind.
23:30.32Tem|FoodDiplomacy is the best racial in the game
23:30.44Tem|FoodI spend less time grinding for the same rep as everyone else
23:33.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:39.23vhaarrckknight: Human is best as Paladin - you have what Dwarves get already; poison cleaning.
23:39.49vhaarrand paladins can't use guns.
23:40.27vhaarrwrong channel, I guess.
23:40.34vhaarrah, no
23:40.42zenzelezznope, right channel
23:42.05TainI still take Humans for any meleer for the weapon skill bonus, and Diplomacy.
23:42.07GeoDaMancerGood job, mang.
23:42.42zenzelezzI took human because I didn't want to be pink, the size of a football, or... well, a dwarf
23:42.48zenzelezzthey're just too small for warriors
23:44.35TainI don't like dwarf warriors becuase it is harder to spot a tank at a glance
23:44.52TainI also don't like Tauren warriors because it's harder to spot anything else besides them.
23:45.21Corrodiasyeah. that's true.
23:45.28Corrodiasalso why i don't like bear form
23:45.52TainI solve that by just disliking druids in general.
23:46.42ckknightI don't know what to play :'(
23:46.52zenzelezzI agree about the hard-to-spot part, but I think tauren and orc both look warrior-like by nature
23:46.57zenzelezzbig, mean stuff
23:48.10ckknightI don't know what class, race, or faction I want to play on
23:48.30zenzelezzabandoned your existing characters?
23:48.41TainI always thought there should be class-war servers.
23:48.42ckknightwhat existing characters?
23:48.45TainScrew horde verses alliance.
23:48.54TainIt should be druids verses shamans verses rogues
23:49.14Mikknoooo, druid pvp!
23:49.41TainAlthough a mass druid team would be really pretty formidable.
23:49.51Mikki mean druid vs druid
23:49.51ckknightsomeone tell me what to play.
23:50.14Mikkwhat have you played so far?
23:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:50.22Mikkwhat have you played so far?
23:50.39ckknight_basically everything, a little
23:50.49zenzelezzwhat sort of stuff do you like to do?
23:50.51ckknight_typically been a priest of sorts
23:50.59ckknight_I like not dying
23:51.03Mikkpaladin then :-P
23:51.22ckknight_not sure I want to do a pally, though :-P
23:51.26Corrodiasi'd rather suggest the horde because we are cool
23:51.27TainPaladin, the class that lives by attrition.
23:51.29Corrodiasand alliance is jerks
23:51.32ckknight_I'm typically a Horde
23:51.37ckknight_and yes, Alliance are jerks
23:51.37zenzelezzhunters can often feign, but that's not a guarantee
23:51.50ckknight_let me rephrase it, then
23:51.53ckknight_I like having fun.
23:51.55Corrodiashunter, that's an entertaining one
23:52.03Corrodiasbut what you find to be fun makes a difference
23:52.09vhaarrckknight: warlocks are fun
23:52.11Mikkaye :-P
23:52.17Mikki liked warlocks before 60
23:52.23Corrodiasdruids get a bit of healing, a bit of the energy-dps thing, and can do tanking, too
23:52.28Mikkthey just turn into a portable gun turret in raids though :-(
23:52.29Corrodiasif you want variety
23:52.31ckknightah, I played locks too much already :-P
23:52.32zenzelezzI find playing a warrior fun, but that does involve dying now and then
23:52.34ckknightI think I may do a hunter
23:52.45ckknightor a warrior
23:52.50Mikkdruids get the most fun now i think
23:52.57Mikkcan do pretty much everything
23:52.59TainI like Hunters because you have a lot of options.
23:53.14GeoDaMancerI like'a'to stab. : D
23:53.15TainWarriors don't have a lot of options.
23:53.38Mikkthey have one more than warlocks, mages and warriors :-P
23:53.41vhaarrdruids are crap to level
23:53.45vhaarrnot fun at all
23:53.53Mikkvhaarr: that was before the druid love patch, right?
23:53.54TainWhen I was playing a warrior (only got to 32 I think) you pretty much didn't have a lot of variety in what you were doing.
23:53.55vhaarrwarriors are not fun to level
23:53.57ckknightyea, I do want to have fun leveling
23:53.58vhaarrMikk: no
23:54.05vhaarrwarlock and rogue is fun leveling
23:54.06Mikkwarriors level fast as hell
23:54.11vhaarrno they die alot
23:54.11Mikkgogo fury build
23:54.26Mikkrogue speed levelling
23:54.27vhaarrand you are so dependent on lucky weapon drops that it's not funny
23:54.30TainProblem with warriors levelling (to me) is you're completely gear dependant.
23:54.35zenzelezzwarriors get a choice between DPS and tanking; although most people assume you're all tanks
23:54.41TainBattles are almost decided before you start whether ot not you can win.
23:54.42Mikkfury warrs aren't as dependent on weapon drops
23:54.49Mikkmuch of their dps is AP based
23:54.59vhaarrwe're talking about leveling here
23:55.14zenzelezz<Tain> Problem with warriors levelling (to me) is you're completely gear dependant. <--- depends what you mean
23:55.14Mikkstill true
23:55.25Mikkif you want to level a warrior, go fury
23:55.25ckknightMikk, should I play a warrior?
23:55.31zenzelezzI did 1-60 using almost exclusively drops, except the weapon; as 2h arms
23:55.42zenzelezzsince I just wanted to hit 60 again before working on gear
23:55.48GeoDaMancerIt means that it sucks if you can't get good drops.
23:55.55Mikkckknight: well.. a fury warrior is like a rogue except without stealth and stuns
23:56.01Mikkgrinds fast as hell
23:56.05Mikkbut not very many fun options
23:56.07Mikkrogues are fun imo
23:56.09vhaarrI have a 60 priest, rogue, warlock and warrior and the warlock was definetely most fun to level
23:56.11ckknightI don't like rogues
23:56.11GeoDaMancerMy level 18 warrior gets ass-handed when taking on mages three-four levels lower 'cause of lack of good gear.
23:56.16GeoDaMancerYES! Rogues are great.
23:56.18TainYeah but Rogues have so many more options when something goes wrong in a fight.
23:56.19ckknightjust my own stigma, though
23:56.26Mikki've levelled a warlock, paladin and rogue
23:56.31GeoDaMancerNinja Vanish. xD
23:56.39Mikkthe warlock was lots of fun levelling imo. lots of options.
23:56.42ckknightwhat'd be a good race for a Warrior?
23:56.45Mikkpaladin was a right pain
23:56.49TainThe thing I didn't like about levelling a warrior was there didn't feel to be as much strategy involved as with some other classes.
23:56.57Mikkckknight: orc, tauren, night elf
23:57.03zenzelezzckknight: as horde or alliance?
23:57.04ckknighttaurens are big
23:57.06TainYou were either stronger than your opponent or you weren't and could only shift things a little.
23:57.11ckknightI kinda lean toward Horde
23:57.20zenzelezzorc or tauren might be best
23:57.21vhaarrtauren then, +hp is nice
23:57.30vhaarrdepends if your end goal is pvp or pve
23:57.34ckknightI think I may go Orc
23:57.54zenzelezzI liked my orc warrior
23:58.05ckknighthow come no one plays Troll Warrior?
23:58.10vhaarrsome do
23:58.17ckknightBerserk seems like it's usable
23:58.21zenzelezznot many worthwhile troll racials I think
23:58.22GeoDaMancerYep, Tain, I agree there. What I do when fighting with my Warrior is so... Scripted... That I made it literal.
23:58.48ckknightare Undead poor Warriors or what's the deal with that?
23:58.56TainBecause Trolls are the worst sounding and acting race, that quasi-Jamacain crap bugs the hell out of me.
23:59.05Mikkundeads have no racials that are attractive to warriors
23:59.11GeoDaMancerI think they would be, but then I don't see how they could be rogues either.
23:59.12vhaarrundeads have Will of the Forsaken, which is a pvp utility
23:59.13Mikkfear immune? any warrior can do that
23:59.22ckknightMikk, they can?
23:59.26GeoDaMancerI mean, it's hard to be stealthy when you stink like.. Rotting flesh.
23:59.27Mikkgogo zerker stance
23:59.28zenzelezzberserker rage
23:59.29vhaarryes, berserk stance
23:59.36zenzelezz30 second cooldown
23:59.44vhaarrbut WoTF gives you another one
23:59.50vhaarrwhich is nice for pvp
23:59.53Mikkaye but zerker stance covers most of it
23:59.58TainThat's the whole thing, for pvp it's good to have multiple.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.