irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060905

00:00.57Cairennprostitute? that's not a bad word :p
00:01.57Cairennnor is whore
00:02.17zespri_workso whore is a good word, then?
00:04.41Cairennit's a job description :p
00:05.08KirkburnI was going to say slut :)
00:05.51Cairennwell, I'm not sure that is a particularly "naughty" word, although it definitely isn't "nice"
00:06.16Cairennyay for perceptions and social context and ...
00:06.18KirkburnYou made me say it! :P hehe
00:07.31Cairennyes, I definitely did, I came to your house, held a gun to your head and forced you to say it
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00:09.01KirkburnI tawt a taw a Cairenn ... I did! I did!
00:12.28zespri_workKirkburn, did you like the crocodile hunter?
00:12.53KirkburnI did :(
00:14.13zespri_workI don't know, people aroung me (collegues) was making fun of his death yesterday. I find this repulsive
00:14.39KirkburnAs would I
00:15.09KirkburnI don't like it when people say "oh well, he died doing what he loved" ... yes, because I'm sure that makes it okay :/
00:16.22zespri_workand "you would expect this sooner or later anyway"
00:17.03zespri_workmeaning that he had it coming
00:19.17KirkburnStupid, isn;t it
00:19.39zespri_workyeah =(
00:19.45KirkburnOn a lighter note ... the wowwiki upgrade has broken various image links :/
00:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
00:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
00:32.27GremWarsongHey everyone
00:32.52GremWarsongOn the WoW wiki, there is a quote:  "I was able to hack a way to record out info to file on demand to the file through SetCVar() but that requires overloading an existing variable to do that" -- Pyrophreak
00:32.59GremWarsongDoes anyone know anything about that quote, or how to accomplish it?
00:32.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:33.27Iriel|WorkingYou used to be able to create your own cvars, and they used to save on demand.
00:33.33Iriel|WorkingI'm not sure if they're that flexible now.
00:33.46Iriel|WorkingYou shouldn't be able to create your own cvars
00:33.54Iriel|Workingand saving is likely deferred until logout, just like key bindings
00:34.11Iriel|WorkingWhen was the quote made?
00:34.15GremWarsongSo there's virtually no way to output any form of data to external file on demand?
00:34.19GremWarsongno, January of 2005
00:34.43KirkburnGremWarsong, can I have a link to that please>
00:34.44GremWarsongI need some tangible way to output or create any form of data
00:35.41GremWarsongDoes anyone know a way to output even the tiniest form of data that can be read outside of WoW?  Even if it's a boolean or integer
00:36.24Iriel|WorkingMaking a screenshot or reloading the UI are the last remaining ones
00:36.26Iriel|WorkingThat's it
00:36.28zespri_workDoes hunter sees the number of ammo left in and ammo pouch right on the poach icon?
00:36.42Iriel|Workingyes, or a * if it's more than will fit
00:36.46KirkburnThanks Grem. If it was on a main page, I would have got rid of it :P
00:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
00:37.15zespri_workI'm trying to find the blizz code that outputs this, can't seem to find it
00:37.41GremWarsonglol kirk
00:37.42zespri_worknot in MainMenuBarBagButtons.lua not in PaperDollFrame.lua
00:38.02zespri_workAny idea what should I look for to find it?
00:38.13GeoDaMancerOutputs what?
00:38.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
00:38.35zespri_workoutputs the number of ammo left in the ammo poach
00:38.58zespri_workonto the ammo poach icon
00:39.22TainYou can script taking a screenshot can't you?
00:40.01MentalPower_yes you can
00:40.05zespri_workthe icon themselves I beleive are described in MainMenuBarBagButtons.xml, the template based off the one that is in PaperDollFrame.xml but I can't find the code anywhere that actually displays the numbers
00:40.47zespri_workunless it's SetItemButtonCount(this, GetInventoryItemCount("player", this:GetID()));
00:40.52zespri_workwhich is unlikely
00:41.29zespri_workI'd run WoW and played around, but I can't right now. So I can figure it out somehow only by looking at the Blizz sources
00:41.30GremWarsongHey guys, do any actions ever output to logs
00:41.34GremWarsongwhat is the /Logs folder for?
00:41.39GremWarsongCan we output data somehow to them?
00:41.40Iriel|Workingof course, doing something improper with the ability to take a screenshot will get it removed quickly.
00:41.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc (
00:41.58Iriel|WorkingGremWarsong : Accept this - There IS no real time output from wow, nor will there be.
00:42.07Iriel|WorkingThe /chatlog and /combat logs
00:42.48GremWarsongchat logs and combat logs exist?
00:43.03Iriel|WorkingYou can do some one-shot things, like on-demand load an addon with bugs in its XML, I dont think FrameXML.log is buffered as much as the others.
00:43.07Iriel|WorkingYes, they exist, they're heavily buffered
00:43.47GremWarsongAh, how heavily?
00:44.01GeoDaMancerzespri: as per wowwiki -- count = GetInventoryItemCount("unit", slotId)
00:44.40GeoDaMancer>.> Hrm.
00:44.50GeoDaMancerWait, that's not much help, is it?
00:44.50zespri_workthe question is, if it has anything to do with displaying ammo count on the ammo pouch icon. What do you think the slotId would be?
00:44.57GremWarsongon-demand loading of bugs in its XML is an interesting idea Iriel
00:45.24GeoDaMancer20, would be my guess.
00:45.44zespri_workfor which of the four poaches?
00:45.58zespri_workoh cool
00:46.03cladhairejaxdahl: hrm?
00:46.13zespri_workseems that you are rigt, GeoDaMancer
00:46.16MentalPowerframeXML.log is realtime
00:46.47Iriel|WorkingExploit it, and it'll cease to be realtime soon enough, however
00:46.49Iriel|Workingbear that in mind
00:47.02GeoDaMancerNo, I don't think that I am.
00:47.06Iriel|WorkingYou'll have the wrath of the community trying to debug with a buffered log to contend with 8-)
00:48.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
00:49.07zespri_workGeoDaMancer, I think wow has inner workings to realize that this is an ammo bag and return a sane number when you call GetInventoryItemCount for an ammo bag
00:49.31zespri_workjust have to test it =)
00:50.16GeoDaMancerI'm testing it, actually. ^^;
00:51.02GeoDaMancerIt's slot 0, actually.
00:51.11zespri_workslot 0?
00:51.16zespri_workwhat do you mean slot 0?
00:51.29GeoDaMancerslotId for the ammo = 09.
00:51.38zespri_workI mean the number that is displayed on the bag
00:51.45zespri_workwhat if you have two bags?
00:51.53GeoDaMancerOooh. Oh! Oh. >.>
00:52.04GeoDaMancerxD I read what you said wrong. xD
00:52.08Iriel|Workingits based on the amount of ammo of the one you have EQUIPPED
00:52.16Iriel|Workingif you have 2 types of arrow, only the equipped one is counted
00:52.38zespri_workIriel, so if you have two bags, you will always have the same number then?
00:52.50zespri_workon both of them
00:52.52Iriel|WorkingI believe so, if you have 2 quivers/ammo ouches
00:52.54Iriel|Workingpouches, even
00:53.04GeoDaMancerCould probably write something that goes through the pouches, and computes the total.
00:53.10Cairennwell, hopefully ammo are ouches, for the enemy at least ;)
00:53.52zespri_workso do you bleleive that in case of ammo poaches GetInventoryItemCount will return the same value for slot 0 and slot 20-23 (whereever you have you pouch in)?
00:54.43GremWarsongSince XML files are loaded at startup, I dont see how a realtime XML error could even exist
00:54.46GeoDaMancerHrm, well...
00:55.02zespri_workGeoDaMancer, can you try and tell me do you get the same value for slot 0 and 20?
00:55.06GeoDaMancerI have no idea, I'd test it, but I don't use pouches.
00:55.22zespri_workok then
00:55.29GeoDaMancerLet me go pick up a cheap one, and I'll check.
00:56.00zespri_workthanks a lot
00:56.02Iriel|WorkingGremWarsong ; LoadOnDemand addons.
00:56.12Iriel|WorkingThe files are indexed at startup, they're only loaded when they're first needed
00:56.38GremWarsongI see
00:57.06GremWarsongAre there any 'load' errors?
00:57.13GremWarsongAre there -only- 'load' errors?
00:57.21GremWarsongWhat could produce an XML error?
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00:57.39Iriel|WorkingSyntax errors in XML
00:58.17GremWarsongSo loading an on-demand addon that contains a syntax error will create an error log entry in realtime?
00:59.12Kirkburn1Quick note, if anyone notices any problems with wiki pages ... tell us! :)
00:59.17Iriel|Workingyes, the first time you try loading it during that session
00:59.48GremWarsongIs there any way to get data inside that error?
00:59.54GremWarsongSo that we can customize errors a bit
01:01.13GremWarsongThere are oftentimes clever workarounds to things =)
01:01.26GeoDaMancerzespri: It returns the total number of arrows in the pouch.
01:01.45GeoDaMancerRegardless of type, or equipping.
01:02.09zespri_workThank a lot!
01:02.57GeoDaMancerzespri: That is if you check the pouch. If you check the ammoslot it returns the total number of that type of arrow.
01:05.06zespri_workwell, the main question that I had is how the UI displays this numbers on the poaches. No I have my answer - through GetInventoryItemCount!
01:05.23zespri_workThank you for confirming that for me
01:05.49GeoDaMancerYou're welcome.
01:06.06GeoDaMancerIf you need me to test other things, just ask. I'm working on my own script right now, so it's no trouble. xD
01:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc (
01:08.47zespri_workthank you for your nice offer =) I'm just investigating a bug report in one of our addons, and I guess, currently I'm done with this. There is no apparent reason for this bug to happen, and all looks good. The next step would be for me to fire up the addon in question when I get home and see if I can reproduce the bug. Currently I'm inclined to think that this is a user error, like forgetting to enable and addon =)
01:09.30GeoDaMancerWhich addon is it?
01:10.12zespri_workBetterItemCount. Don't worry about it. It's jsut a few lines of code that displays 10k instead of * when the number is more then 999
01:10.15Iriel|WorkingGremWarsong : We've been doing this for a long time now, and collectively a great many of us have verified that all of the obvious and many of the non-obvious attempts at real time output do not work.  There WERE some mechanisms for this, key bindings, cvars, to name but 2, but all the holes have been closed, or are so weak (L.O.D. errors, screenshots) as to be a non-issue.
01:10.46warla <-- is that link a little faster?
01:11.21GremWarsongIm considering using screenshots as a form of IO, so im pretty desperate for anything
01:11.24GremWarsongCan you tell me about LOD errors?
01:11.44Iriel|WorkingScreenshots have a lot of advantages, they can carry a lot of information, and they're relatively fast.
01:12.00Iriel|WorkingHaving said that, they do stall the client (albeit briefly) just like a UI reload
01:12.14GremWarsongYes, you can use a frame to overlay data in the form of pixel colors
01:12.30Iriel|WorkingAll the "LOD errors' thing gets you is knowledge a particular addon was loaded
01:12.31GremWarsongYeah, seems about 600 millisecond average for screenshot, is there a way to speed that up?
01:12.46Iriel|WorkingNo, and if you do what you're trying to do, I suspect they'll slow it down deliberately.
01:13.19Iriel|Workingand you only get to load a LOD addon once per session, so it's inherently limited unless you pre-create a zillion addons
01:13.32GremWarsongDefinitely not an option =/
01:13.40Iriel|Workingbut even then you've got problems.
01:13.53Iriel|WorkingLower your resolution to improve your SS time
01:14.00Cairennplease note, this channel is full of people that *follow blizzard's rules* and tend to get rather antsy about folks that are trying to deliberately hack around them
01:14.03GremWarsongYeah, ive got 800x600
01:14.27GremWarsongI understand that Cairenn, but while Blizzard allows us to utilize their functions, I believe that we should be able to use them in any way we can
01:14.30zespri_workWell, getting info out of WoW is not agains TOS. it's just an uphill battle
01:14.32Cairennsince those that hack around them make things miserable for everyone else
01:14.34Iriel|WorkingActually, i'm quite happy to discuss ways of hacking around them, because it helps get holes fixed.. The problem is the implication that we might not have thought of something that's really obvious.
01:14.41KirkburnGremWarsong, I would repectfully disagree
01:14.58GremWarsongIf they dont intend for them to be there, they will 'fix' them
01:15.07Iriel|WorkingWe can say, fairly categorically, that all of the things you're suggesting dont work and have been tried.
01:15.12GremWarsongSo we might as well discuss every opportunity for the tools we are provided
01:15.38KirkburnThat is like suggesting testing the law "because they don't have a law on it yet"
01:15.59KirkburnIt can result in the UI becoming more restictive for everyone else
01:16.02zespri_workGremWarsong, so why are you willing to spend your time on implementing a work arond, which is almost certainly will be "fixed" should you succeed?
01:16.25GremWarsongRemoving the ability to take screenshots seems like a rash fix
01:16.32Iriel|WorkingThey wouldn't do that
01:16.38Iriel|Workingthey'd just make it so you have to press a key
01:16.44GremWarsongI dont mind pressing a key
01:16.48zespri_workWhat Iriel said, they'd just add a delay
01:16.52GremWarsongI press a key for a screenshot anyway
01:16.54Kirkburn_Many_ others will
01:17.17KirkburnDon't be so self-absorbed to think that others won't be different to you
01:17.36Iriel|WorkingThe root question we generally ask at one point is -- why do you need real time output?
01:17.47TainMaking with the bots
01:17.48GremWarsongGenerally for data collection
01:17.56Iriel|WorkingWhy does it have to be real time then?
01:18.01Iriel|WorkingYou can't USE the data in real time
01:18.14GremWarsongBecause I dont want to have to log out everytime I want to submit said data
01:18.23Iriel|Workingso reload your UI for each submission
01:18.37GremWarsongI want the data submission to be relatively automated
01:18.37Iriel|Workingdoesn't take that long, and you dont have to do anything silly to access that
01:18.58Iriel|WorkingYou're straying awfully close to the 'things blizzard dont want you to do' line there though are you not?
01:19.06Arrowmasteryou just said you dont mind pressing a key, so bind a damn key to reload the ui
01:19.07KirkburnReal-time data could be used in 'bad' ways, and more than we could think of
01:19.08GremWarsongNot really
01:19.19GremWarsongI want to create an in-game message board that outputs the data to my webpage
01:19.27KirkburnReal-time data collection is a no-no
01:19.34GremWarsongIt could be used in bad ways im sure
01:20.11Iriel|WorkingAbout the best uses for screenshots I've seen discussed was as an emergency fallback for a DKP system.. it was to use Saved variables and chat logs for its normal update, but would screenprint after significant evetns in case of crashes or other disasters.
01:20.38KirkburnBlizzard don't want real-time data collection, we should respect that
01:20.41GremWarsongYou can store outrageous amounts of data in screenshots
01:20.58Iriel|WorkingTrue, but you'll find creating it on the WoW side trickier than you think
01:21.07Iriel|WorkingFonts and OCR tend to end up the simplest implementations
01:21.08zespri_workActually as a teoretical excersice it's getting me realy interested =)
01:21.14GremWarsongLike I said, by creating a frame that covers the screen, you can plot pixels on it that represent data
01:21.29GremWarsongAnd then create the screenshot, and have a program read the pixel row to create data
01:21.32Iriel|WorkingWe've discussed OCR, barcodes, and data glyphs before.
01:21.55GremWarsongIm very new to the modding community, so unfortunately I didnt get to hear about those methods
01:22.07Iriel|WorkingThey're all possible, but all kind of a pain
01:22.11zespri_workwhat is data glyphs?
01:22.32GremWarsongI dont see why they're a pain
01:22.33Iriel|Workingzespri: They're a 2D information encoding technique from Xerox, kinda like 2d barcodes
01:22.48GremWarsongThe biggest pain is the lag when taking a screenshot
01:22.55Iriel|WorkingWell, 'a' you have to render them, you likely dont want to create thousands of Texture objects because it'll slow down your UI quite a bit
01:22.56zespri_workIriel, do you have a link?
01:23.07Iriel|Workingthen 'b' you have to write code to parse them out of the screenshot
01:23.29Iriel|Workingthen 'c' you start wondering why SavedVariables and a 5 second reloadui is so bad
01:23.37GremWarsongIriel, can you plot pixels to a texture?
01:23.58Iriel|WorkingGremWarsong : No
01:24.13GremWarsongAh, so you have to create a new texture for each pixel
01:24.15GremWarsongI see
01:24.22zespri_workIriel, cheers, I just need to google it as a single word
01:25.06GremWarsongIriel, you could plot text to the screen with different colors, although you wouldnt be able to store nearly as much data
01:25.32Iriel|WorkingThere are tradeoffs to be had between one Texture per pixel, and a smaller numvber of Textures displaying subsets of a larger 'dictionary' image.
01:25.43Iriel|WorkingBut if you're going to go to that effort, just create your bit patterns as a TTF font
01:25.46Iriel|Workingand use it in game
01:26.27MentalPoweror use a barcode fint
01:26.38GremWarsongHas anyone benchmarked thousand of texture objects that are 1x dimensions?
01:26.39Iriel|WorkingBarcodes aren't very space efficient
01:26.56MentalPowerwhat about 2D barcodes?
01:27.13Iriel|WorkingThose are better, but still oriented at a somewhat lossy medium
01:27.17MentalPoweror is that the same as dataglyphs
01:27.24Iriel|WorkingBit pattern fonts would be much easier
01:27.37Iriel|WorkingDataglyphs are cool because you can embed them in other stuff
01:28.50GremWarsongDoes WoW load any resources dynamically
01:28.54GremWarsongLike graphical resources
01:29.08MentalPoweryes, textures
01:29.34MentalPowertextures, models, sounds they're all loaded dinamically
01:29.39Iriel|Workingwell, 'dynamically' is a bit of a misnomer
01:29.52MentalPoweron demand?
01:29.53Iriel|Workingthey're indexed upon client startup, and loaded on-demand the first time they're needed
01:30.09MentalPoweryeah, what iriel said
01:30.25GremWarsongit was just a random question, has nothing to do with current conversation
01:30.32GremWarsongHave there been any other discussed techniques, Iriel?
01:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
01:31.56Iriel|WorkingThat's really it, anything else obviously violates the TOS in some way (some in spirit) (Screen scraping from the video driver to extract information, extracting the network data stream, trying to look at the executable's memory, etc).
01:32.07Iriel|WorkingAll of those should get your account cancelled pretty effectivey
01:32.07Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz
01:32.23GremWarsongYeah, im not messing with any of that
01:32.40cladhaireHaha this is fun
01:32.47cladhaireanyone want to work with me on a raid simulation environment =)
01:32.50GremWarsongWhat do you mean by screen scraping?
01:33.09GremWarsongReading RGB values on the screen?
01:34.12GremWarsongBasically the same as reading from a screenshot
01:34.19GremWarsongexcept without the software screenshot
01:35.28TainMy guild already simulates raiding.  Except they think it's real.
01:36.14GeoDaMancerRaid Simulation Enviroment?
01:36.34cladhaireGeoDaMancer: Yeah, you can now setup PerfectRaid, even if you'r enot in a raid.
01:36.49GeoDaMancerAhhh. >.>
01:39.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
01:39.57Iriel|WorkingGremWarsong : yes.
01:40.12KirkburnCan everyone get to ? Cos I can't, but Mikk can ....
01:40.20GeoDaMancerIn xml, is there a Get for anything you want to set?
01:40.26Iriel|WorkingI can
01:40.42KirkburnI don't understand it!
01:40.45Iriel|WorkingGeoDaMancer ; Usually, if there are gaps that you need filled, ask about them and we may know where to get it
01:40.49Iriel|WorkingKirkburn : Flush your DNS cache
01:40.54Iriel|WorkingKirkburn : Use a real browser (8-))
01:40.59KirkburnJust did!
01:41.02KirkburnAnd I tried FF
01:41.04GeoDaMancerI need to set a custom value.
01:41.11CairennI can get to it fine
01:41.16Kirkburn(ipconfig /flushdns, Mikk told me =)
01:41.30Iriel|WorkingCould be your ISP caching upstream
01:41.41GeoDaMancerEr, one that won't interfer with any other value in the normal xml, like an ID, but not an id.
01:41.49Iriel|WorkingI dont know what the TTL was set to on the old DNS entry (assuming they did indeed change IP)
01:41.57Iriel|WorkingGeoDaMancer : Just do this.geoDaMancerThing = 12
01:42.08KirkburnIt's possible ... but it worked for the first couple of hours after the upgrade
01:42.14GeoDaMancerAnd I can pull it up again how?
01:42.23Iriel|WorkingX = this.geoDaMancerThing;
01:42.24GeoDaMancerlike this.geoDaMancerThing?
01:42.25KirkburnOnly about 30 mins ago have I stopped being able to reach it :
01:42.29GeoDaMancerAhhhh, thankee.
01:42.29Iriel|WorkingXML frames are just tables, really
01:43.59GeoDaMancerAlright then.
01:44.00*** part/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
01:44.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
01:44.14GeoDaMancerI hate key-commands.
01:50.47GeoDaMancerIs there a way to tell what sort of action is currently in the cursor?
01:56.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Neko-Zelgadis (
01:56.42*** part/#wowi-lounge MickZzz (
01:57.13GeoDaMancerAfter it's placed, is there a way?
01:57.21Temnot always
01:57.32GeoDaMancerWhich actions can't be checked?
01:58.16Temwell, it depends entirely on where you placed it
01:58.29Temif you put it down on an action bar, the it's very difficult to tell
01:58.40GeoDaMancerWhere else could I put it?
01:58.43Temif you put it down in a bag, it's 1 api away
01:59.06GeoDaMancerBut you can't put an action in a bag, item yes, but action no.
02:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
02:03.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dorbak (
02:05.04ScytheBlade1Who codes PerfectTargets again?
02:06.17ScytheBlade1He isn't here now..
02:06.23ScytheBlade1I had a feature request
02:06.32Temhe's in #wowace
02:06.50cladhairehe probably wont' add features
02:06.58cladhairehe hates perfecttargets
02:07.09cladhairei'm not kidding =)
02:07.11ScytheBlade1I just want it to switch modes
02:07.21ScytheBlade1How many mobs are targeting a player
02:08.29dorbakevening folks --- is there a way to determine if a name (passed into a function) is either in your guild, or on your friends list?  IsUnitFriend doesn't seem to do what I want it to do...thanks
02:09.36Arrowmasterscan your guildroster and friendslist and check
02:10.57ScytheBlade1yeah he wasn't happy that I mentioned it, haha
02:11.00dorbakThat's what I was looking for, but it isn't popping out in the API list in the wowwiki :)  Know the function by hand?
02:11.10dorbakpopping out at me*
02:11.25dorbak(to scan the various lists)
02:14.30dorbakactually, I guess I could get the number of friends, then individually construct my "friend list" by stepping through each one...
02:16.18Neko-Zelgadisyes, that's right
02:16.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
02:16.49Neko-Zelgadisit's like that with most WoW functions, they don't return all the results as a table
02:17.07Neko-ZelgadisKirkburn :o?
02:17.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:18.24Cairennevening ckknight
02:18.32ckknighthow's everyone doing?
02:18.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:20.11GeoDaMancerHrm. >.>
02:20.59cladhaireI'm well, thanks.
02:21.08cladhaireckknight: Your brother all married up yet?
02:23.46cladhaireWall: How are you?
02:24.04GeoDaMancerdorbak: for friendAt = 1, GetNumFriends do if string.find(GetFriendInfo(friendAt), name) return true else return false end end ?
02:24.27GeoDaMancerEr, attached a () to GetNumFriends
02:24.39warlayay.. got webspace thats better than my slow snailtop
02:25.06Neko-Zelgadis+ then
02:25.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
02:26.14cladhairewarla: if i had known, i could have set you up
02:26.15cladhaireand still can
02:27.43Neko-Zelgadismhm, does anyone know if kirkburn already knows that wowwiki is kinda screwed up since that update today?
02:28.02GeoDaMancerwarla, is this what's in your character's bag?
02:28.23CairennKirkburn1: do you know if you know that the wowwiki is kinda screwed up since that update today?
02:28.34CairennKirkburn1: oh, right, you can't even get to it, nm
02:28.45Neko-Zelgadisi assumed he is sleeping.
02:29.05Cairennsorry, was just too obvious to not take ;)
02:29.51GeoDaMancerI haven't had a problem with it, what's the screw up? xD
02:30.04Neko-Zelgadishtml-tags don't work properly anymore
02:30.13Neko-Zelgadisjust an example:
02:30.18Neko-Zelgadisit's everywhere like this
02:30.36GeoDaMancerThat isn't html, is it?
02:30.58Neko-Zelgadiswell, wiki-style html ^^;
02:31.08GeoDaMancerI mean, that looks more like a problem with parsing whatever the files are saved as.
02:31.10Neko-Zelgadisit's with all <x></x> wikitags
02:31.41GeoDaMancerAhhh, never dealt with the back part of a wiki.
02:34.51Kirkburn1I'm not asleep :P
02:35.08KirkburnI _should_ be :P
02:35.25KirkburnActually, I was just playing Need For Speed Underground 2, which is awespme, as ever :P
02:35.47Mr_Rabies2i need to figure out what's making me hardlock occasionally in wow
02:36.00KirkburnNeko-Zelgadis, not sure what the problem is?
02:36.30Neko-Zelgadisuhm, it displays the ending-tags even not supposed to do so?
02:36.38KirkburnThe only big change I know of is that linked images will display as links now instead of the image
02:37.07Kirkburn(external images, you have to put them in <imagelink> tages now)
02:37.17KirkburnNeko-Zelgadis, I still can't get to the wiki to check :(
02:37.41Neko-Zelgadismhm, how do you mean that :)?
02:37.58KirkburnThe wiki just won't load at all for me!
02:38.23Neko-Zelgadisoh, i see. i'll make a copy of an example then
02:38.30Kirkburnk :)
02:38.43dorbakGeoDaMancer: thanks for that! A bit cleaner than what I've got, but fairly similar :)
02:39.33Neko-Zelgadisas said, it's like this on the whole wiki
02:39.49KirkburnYou're talking about the </dt> and </dd>?
02:40.06KirkburnPhew, cause the page looks crazy for me :P
02:40.53KirkburnI'm not sure what those tags do tbh :P Good idea would be to drop a note on User talk:Rustak
02:41.01Neko-Zelgadisthen it's probably only normaly-looking to me because i have everything still in chache ^^;
02:41.05KirkburnHe's the guy who upgraded the wiki
02:41.46KirkburnMake sure you explain is clearly - he's not an active member :)
02:41.59Kirkburn(even if he does own it)
02:42.00GeoDaMancerWelcome, dorbak, it's similiarly easy to get the one for the guild.
02:42.15Neko-Zelgadishmm, the events-listing is rendered where oddly too
02:42.58GeoDaMancerI think it's that the upgrade didn't remove older directions.
02:43.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
02:44.30Neko-Zelgadissomehow it randomly puts these icons for unordered lists in there :)
02:44.48KirkburnIf only Mikk weren't asleep :/
02:45.00KirkburnChecked in something other than Opera?
02:45.36Neko-Zelgadiswell, IE is the same, but haven't tested that in firefox
02:46.19KirkburnWell, since I can't get to the wiki to see what it's like for me, I can't do much atm ... =(
02:46.36GeoDaMancerFF gets the same results when looking at things.
02:46.45Neko-Zelgadisthat's no problem, I just wanted to make sure that someone knowns about this ^^
02:46.48KirkburnI need to go to bed, but if it's not sorted tomorrow, I'll look again
02:46.57KirkburnThanks :)
02:47.22GeoDaMancerLeep swell, mang.
02:47.46Neko-Zelgadisgood night then :)
02:47.47KirkburnNoodgight overene!
02:47.53Cairennnight Kirkburn
02:48.08Kirkburn*overyene :P
02:48.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:53.40Mr_Rabies2a quest just did that "yellow arrow pointing in the direction of the objective" thing again
02:53.51Mr_Rabies2really with i knew what caused that
02:54.13GeoDaMancerI know! So do I!
02:57.27Mr_Rabies2oh it's doing it again
03:00.18GeoDaMancerWhat quest?
03:02.35GeoDaMancerWhat's the difference between and this:GetID()?
03:05.36GeoDaMancerShouldn't they both return the same value?
03:06.00Iriel|WorkingOne is a method that returns the C++ stored frame ID (an integer)
03:06.14warlaZOMG finally hell yes
03:06.14Iriel|WorkingThe other is referencing the 'id' value of the frame's lua table (which could be anything)
03:06.21warlaHUHURAN down
03:06.27warlafirsttime kill
03:06.44warlawas a draw.... raid died... and she died off my corruption tick lol...
03:06.47GeoDaMancerI'm trying to access information from an xml document. Is there a way to pull the id of the item without using the GetID()?
03:07.47jaxdahlgot maexxna tonight, warla
03:07.49jaxdahlabout 10 min ago
03:08.15GeoDaMancer~_~ And to think, I'm happy when I can get through with VC.
03:09.06GeoDaMancerAh. I think I get it now.
03:09.51GeoDaMancerThe slot ID of the action bar is dictated by the C++ stored frame ID, and not the actual id. >.>
03:13.07Mr_Rabies2<GeoDaMancer> What quest?
03:14.40Mr_Rabies2i passed by the chest and left the cave
03:14.48Mr_Rabies2then noticed the arrow pointing back into the cave
03:15.44GeoDaMancerThis is getting rather frustrating. xD
03:15.53Mr_Rabies2the xml thing?
03:18.20GeoDaMancerOkay, I'm firing something that displays from a onclick event in a check box. It's returning 'nil'.
03:19.12GeoDaMancerIs that right, or am I doing this wrong?
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03:19.21Tullertry this:GetID()?
03:20.31GeoDaMancerAlright, that works. But I have another value I'm trying to call in the from the xml check box, and it's not one of the prewritten Gets.
03:21.21Iriel|WorkingHang on a sec, are you trying do to <Frame ... wibble="hello"  ...> and then access wibble from code?
03:21.39Iriel|WorkingAh, you can't do that, you'd need to assign this.wibble in the OnLoad for the frame
03:22.14GeoDaMancerDoink. That would explain the problem. xD
03:22.25GeoDaMancerThank you very muchly.
03:23.22GeoDaMancerI see, I see. It doesn't actually assign the values in the xml to the table when it loads, it only accesses them using Get functions.
03:23.34GeoDaMancerThank you, thank you very much.
03:23.47Iriel|WorkingThere are C++ objects behind the scenes which the XML is allocating
03:24.03Iriel|Workingthey have pre-defined properties, for which there are get and set methods exposed to lua
03:24.16Iriel|Workingso we can reach them, however they're not IN the lua table, they're in the C++ object that's behind it
03:24.45GeoDaMancerLike protected or private variables/methods in a class.
03:24.49Iriel|WorkingTHEN, the object we use in the API is a lua table with a reference to this C++ object, and we can put whatever we want in there, with the exception of the key 0 (number 0), which is used for the C++ reference
03:25.03GeoDaMancerThere're there, but you can only use them with the right public method.
03:25.12Iriel|Workingpretty much, yes
03:25.47GeoDaMancerAlright. ^_^ Thank you.
03:25.57GeoDaMancerThat explains one of my big problems. xD
03:27.20GeoDaMancerI'm trying to write my Gui so that it conserves the space taken up in the action bar.
03:30.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Zelgadis (
03:33.47GeoDaMancerHow can you tell if the cursor has something through the API?
03:34.04GeoDaMancerNever mind.
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04:13.25zespri_workwhat laptop can run wow? and what are good laptops nowadays anyway?
04:13.36clad|sleepzespri_work: I have a $400 laptop, and it runs wow great
04:13.50Cairennnight clad|sleep, sweet dreams
04:14.13clad|sleepzespri_work: Celeron 1.5, 704MB RAM.
04:14.16clad|sleepCairenn: Night cair
04:14.45zespri_workmy budget is 2000USD, but I'm not sure what direction to look at
04:15.27Iriel|WorkingI'm a thinkpad whore, if there's an affordable option there with a reasonable video card it'll be solid, but they're probably overly pricy if you're on a budget.
04:15.43Iriel|Workingmy fiancee's dell runs wow just fine, they seem to make decent enough machines for reasonable prices.
04:17.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
04:18.25zespri_workcheers. toshibas was popular some years ago, but now thy are either to expensive or too cheap =)
04:19.15Iriel|WorkingI've had no direct experience with toshibas in the last few years, so can't rate them either way.
04:19.57TemI miss the good old days
04:20.31zespri_workIriel, what do you like about thinkpads? Style and design?
04:22.05Iriel|WorkingThey're well constructed, well designed, appropriately linux friendly, light (I like the T series) and I like the trackpoint (I dislike the trackpads)
04:22.35GeoDaMancer2000USD. I wish I had that to buy a laptop. -_-
04:23.15Iriel|WorkingThey're made by Lenovo now, but I have the first Lenovo thinkpad too (X41 - A tablet one) and they dont appear to have skimped on any of the features (though obviously you wouldn't buy a tablet if you didn't need one, not worth the extra expense)
04:23.31GeoDaMancerAcer computers are pretty good. At least mine works alright.
04:23.47Temmy roomate had an Acer laptop
04:23.54Temit gave him constant problems
04:24.05GeoDaMancerHis did?
04:24.21GeoDaMancerMine's only problem is that I used it like a desktop too much. xD
04:24.30Temmy laptop suffers from desktop-wanna-be syndrome
04:24.50GeoDaMancerSame here. Well, and the fans've broken on it after a year's hard use.
04:24.54Iriel|WorkingOne of my co-workers did that to himself, got some horrendous alienware monstrosity
04:26.26TemI'm living with a dell xps laptop
04:26.40GeoDaMancerI want an alienware monstrosity.
04:27.23Temit's 20 pounds of computing desktop-wanna-be-ness
04:27.29GeoDaMancerI wants.
04:27.42Iriel|WorkingJust get a desktop once it's that heavy!
04:28.05Iriel|Workingis 2k enough to afford a mac?
04:28.10Iriel|Working(laptop, that is)?
04:28.11Temwell, at the time I had to have a laptop
04:28.15Temit was required of me
04:28.28TemI couldn't afford a decent laptop AND a desktop that I could game with
04:28.38Temso I created a monster
04:32.33Corrodiasis there a currently working version of Decursive?
04:33.18TemCorrodias, iirc there's one at wowi
04:33.29Tem"decursive continued" or somesuch
04:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
04:53.08warlaanyone around?
04:53.21GeoDaMancerMe, sort of.
04:53.26warladoes anyone else have issues with the WOW forums
04:53.36warlathose shitforums seem to bring me old listings
04:53.40GeoDaMancerIt's a forum. >.>
04:53.46warlai always see the same gay threads
04:53.56Cairennwarla: excuse me?
04:54.30warlai mean i can reload
04:54.33warlai can make a new thread
04:54.37warlawhen i look at the forum list
04:54.39warlait doesnt change
04:54.44warlaits ALWAYS the same
04:54.46zespri_workI just was looking at dell XPS. May be I get one of these
04:54.53warlasometimes after 5000 reloads i see something different
04:55.07Cairennthat's nice ... but your comments could use refinement
04:55.14warlaheh k
04:57.45warlaso does anyone have same prob?
04:57.51warlaor does the blizzard forum loads fine?
04:58.09GeoDaMancerNo clue, I don't look at them. -At all-.
04:58.23GeoDaMancerForums == teh anti-christ. xD
04:58.25warlaany suggestion for forums that are better? ;-)
04:58.29Cairennthey can be less than stellar, yes, but usually a refresh clears it up ... mind you, the only forum I ever look at is the UI forum
04:58.47Cairennif you want *official* Blizz forums, that's it
04:58.52warlathe UI forum is the one i have the most problems with
04:59.02warlaLootlink for 1.12?     Kharthus  1  546  by Kirov
04:59.10warlathats the thread i see on top for the past 5 days
04:59.15warla1 reply
04:59.19Cairenntry clearing your cache
04:59.34Iriel|WorkingWarla; You are on the RIGHT forum, right?
04:59.39Iriel|Workingwarla : The new ones, not the old ones?
04:59.54warla <-- ui forum
05:00.00Iriel|Workingwarla : There's a 2.0.0 Changes - Concise list sticky thread?
05:00.17warlaya there us
05:00.32Cairennweird, it's not that messed up for me
05:00.34warlaand right below is Lootlink for 1.12?     Kharthus  1  546  by Kirov
05:00.38Iriel|WorkingI dont see a Lootlink for 1.12 thread ANYWHERE
05:00.38warlafor the past 5 days
05:00.40warlano change
05:00.49Cairennclear your cache
05:00.51warlathe threads seem to not refresh drives me nuts
05:01.02Cairenndo a hard refresh
05:01.10Cairennalt F5
05:01.11Iriel|WorkingClear your COOKIES for the site, also
05:01.16Cairennthat too
05:01.26Iriel|WorkingAnd if you're using any kind of proxy or cache, disable it for now
05:18.57GeoDaMancerYay, time to write an insertion. >.>
05:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
05:53.37DhragaMorning all
05:54.27Cairennhi Dhraga
05:54.47Cairennnight guys, sleepy time for me
05:54.52DhragaHehe nn
05:55.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
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06:02.08MikmaPerfectRaid:Simulate() ooh, pretty :D
06:05.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
06:07.20GeoDaMancerDo you actually have to exit WoW when you make changes to a .toc or can you just disconnect?
06:25.24norgs_awayactually have to quit and restart to reload toc changes
06:26.22GeoDaMancerThanks, norgs.
06:26.24norgs_awaysame thing for xml changes too ( i think ) although it seems to reload xml changes if the xml file didn't parse properly... never been able to really work that out tho
06:26.52Mikma.toc and texture -changes require wow-reboot
06:26.55GeoDaMancerNah, changes an xml file reload if you use /reloadUI or whatever it is.
06:26.59Mikmabut .xml and .lua don't
06:27.36GeoDaMancerI was just checking, 'cause I didn't want to quit if I didn't have to.
06:27.45norgs_awayyeah - i thought that too, but i've often made changes to xml and it doesn't reload
06:27.48krkaadditional files require a wow-reboot
06:28.03GeoDaMancerSweet. It's working.
06:28.52GeoDaMancerWell, mostly working. xD
06:28.53norgs_awayahhh - when you say texture changes, you mean texture changes in the xml file?
06:29.21norgs_awaythat's prolly what i've been noticing...
06:30.05GeoDaMancerIt's hard to make it so that action bar slots force right alignment. >.>
06:30.34Mikmawhat do you mean by that?
06:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain_ (
06:31.31GeoDaMancerI'm writing a script that brings a action-bar sort of thing up, and allows you to organize it for a one click action thing. Like, it'll manage your buffs, and debuffs, and which attacks get fired in what priority. Like you'll riposte when able before you'll do a sinister strike, and things of that sort.
06:32.46GeoDaMancerAnd, I'm make a Gui for it, so it's just drag and drop for arranging the actions. But, I want it so that the actions align to the right.. Like if you drop something in the left most box, but there're empty boxes between it and the right, it'll slide it to the right most empty box.
06:33.00GeoDaMancerIf that makes sense at all. xD
06:34.15GeoDaMancerI'm also making it so that it conserves action bar space. So it only takes up the amount of actions that are in the gui listing, with no spaces between them.
06:36.11GeoDaMancerIs that confusing enough?
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06:40.32GeoDaMancerBut, I need to write it more correctly. -_-
06:42.29GeoDaMancerI need to write a reordered. -_-
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07:55.59ShadowedAnyone know offhand how much AP increases/decreases damage range by 1 for warriors?
07:56.15Shadowedbeen checking wiki, but it keeps timing out :/
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08:20.24|FF|Im2good4ui never got to understand the dps increases / decreases :(
08:22.54MoonWolf14 is one dps
08:23.09MoonWolfif you would have a 2 speed weapon with 5 - 10 damage
08:23.25MoonWolfgaining 14 ap would turn it into this
08:23.46MoonWolf1(dps) * 2(weapons speed in seconds) = 2
08:24.04MoonWolf2 speed 7(5+2) - 12(10 + 2)
08:24.27MoonWolfis this clear ?
08:24.59Mikmayou're being pro. stop it!
08:25.26MoonWolfthis is easy, it gets fun when damage bonusses from talents weapons and stuff figure into it.
08:25.26Shadowednow if i owned something with 14 AP
08:25.43Shadowedworking on a sim for combat, so have to go through all thefun math
08:26.50MoonWolfI will take no more of this Mikma, *takes the trout away and puts it back in the wild*
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09:00.49vhaarrAnyone know of any problems with GetPlayerBuffTexture?
09:17.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
09:22.44GremWarsongHey everyone
09:22.50GremWarsongIm having some horrible times drawing...a texture
09:22.57GremWarsongI draw a texture that is 10x10, but it draws it 8x8
09:23.09GremWarsongI position it at 1,1, but it positions it wrong on the screen by a pixel or two, randomly
09:23.10Cairennbecause it has to be power of 2
09:23.33GremWarsongon positioning and size?
09:24.02Cairennon size, note I said it after you said dimensions but before you said positioning?
09:24.12Meryare you using a UI scale?
09:24.17GremWarsongno Mery
09:24.40Cairennwith it not being power of 2, you're lucky it's showing at all
09:24.44Mery(10x10 texture is fine, but the file you load into it has to be a power of 2)
09:25.00GremWarsongIm not loading a file
09:25.03GremWarsongIm just drawing pixels
09:25.34Merycan you post you code in ?
09:26.02Cairennhow are you "just drawing pixels"?
09:26.17GremWarsongI position textures in a row
09:26.27Meryhe probably means a texture object filled with a color
09:26.32GremWarsongright Mery
09:26.32Cairennyes, but how are you getting them into game?
09:26.41CairennI understand that
09:26.54Cairennbut he says he isn't loading a file ... it has to be a file *confused*
09:27.00GremWarsongIt doesnt have to be a file
09:27.05GremWarsongYou can take a texture and draw a background to it
09:27.10Meryhe is not loading a .tgy or .blp
09:27.13GremWarsongSo they are just colored squares
09:27.34Cairennoookay ....
09:27.46Cairennnm then, I'm just going to bed
09:28.26Mery*Error, that code is not available*
09:29.20GremWarsongThey are drawing to the screen with random dimensions (offset by 1), and random positions (offset by 1)
09:29.54Merywell SetWidth(8) and SetHeight(8) make it 8x8 ...
09:30.03GremWarsongIs that okay?
09:30.29Merynight Cairenn|sleep
09:30.56Meryya but you said you wanted the texture to be 10x10, didn't you?
09:31.05GremWarsongI dont care what size they are
09:31.06Cairenn|sleepthen set it to 16 x 16
09:31.12GremWarsongNo matter what size I make them, their size changes
09:31.15GremWarsongby a pixel or two
09:31.56Merywhat resolution are you running in?
09:32.54Meryyou should try to anchor them relative to each other instead of all relative to UIParent
09:33.09GremWarsongThat shouldnt matter
09:33.18GremWarsongI cant even get 1 to appear correctly
09:33.26GremWarsongEven 1 is never the right size or in the right spot
09:34.30GremWarsongIn other words, I cant get one exact texture to draw to the screen in the shape or location I told it too
09:34.35GremWarsongit's always a pixel or two off in some way
09:35.50Merywell the problem may be that the UI system is 1024x768 pixel, so with 800x600 resultion a 8 pixel width texture should be 6,25 pixel width
09:36.20GremWarsongWhy?  Wouldnt an 8 pixel width texture be 8 pixels?
09:36.51Meryno wait..
09:37.05Meryi guess i need some sleep too..
09:37.15Corrodiasso do i. class starts early tomorrow. 'ni!
09:37.18GremWarsongNobody knows the answer to this?
09:37.30GremWarsongNobody has ever tried to plot a texture accurately?
09:37.48Merybut in any case try setting the resolution to 1024x768
09:37.51Meryand make a ss
09:39.01GremWarsongI need it to work in any resolution
09:39.12GremWarsongResolution-specific addons seems like a nasty idea
09:41.02Merywell was it correct in 1024x768?
09:42.11GremWarsonglet me look
09:43.26GremWarsongYeah, they seem perfect in 1024x768
09:44.12GremWarsongSo lets consider that I dont care about their width and height, I just need them to all be the same size in 800x600
09:44.31GremWarsong16x16 is perfect in 1024x768
09:44.38GremWarsongSo I need to find perfect dimensions that work for 800x600
09:45.17Merywell if you then use UIScale in the video options, they will get scaled down again
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09:45.34Mery(unless you counter that)
09:46.04GremWarsongLets assume im not using UIScale
09:46.23Meryif 16x16 is fine in 1024 then why isn't it in 800x600? (I mean they should be the same "size" on your screen just with less pixels as you show less pixels)
09:46.51GremWarsongthats what I thought
09:48.20GremWarsongbut it doesnt
09:48.22GremWarsongit gets mis-shaped
09:49.00Merywhat do you mean by mis-shaped?
09:49.11GremWarsongTheir width is random off by a pixel
09:49.21GremWarsongeither a pixel short or pixel long
09:49.48Merybecause 16 pixel is 12.5 pixel in 800x600
09:50.11GremWarsongIs there a solution?
09:50.32Mery(for that im the wrong person to ask i bothered too less with such problems)
09:51.02GremWarsongThe advice kinda makes sense though =)
09:53.17Meryif you anchor them to each other there shouldn't be pixel width gaps i think
09:53.57Mery(if you get those)
09:54.19GremWarsongThe gaps are caused because of their size being messed up
09:55.01Merywell "no"
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09:55.28Merythe gaps are cause couse you don't anchor them in the logical way as you want it
09:55.44Mery"one texture next to the other with a 0 pixel spacing"
09:56.02Meryyou anchor them all individually on the screen
09:56.08Merywhich is not the same
10:00.27GremWarsongOkay, that didnt work
10:00.34GremWarsonganchoring them together, they are still different sizes
10:01.25Merybut do you have gaps?
10:01.56GremWarsongI didnt have gaps before
10:02.01GremWarsongbecause I assume they were overlapping
10:02.55Merywell i don't think you can do anthing against the slightly different size
10:03.25Merybecause of how wow adjusts the interface to look the same on all resolutions
10:03.39GremWarsongI just want it to work in 800x600 mostly
10:04.30Meryhmm try settign the height and width to 12.8 pixels
10:04.54Mery(for a hopefully 10 pixel texture in 800x600)
10:05.56GremWarsongdidnt work at all
10:06.04Meryan error?
10:06.14GremWarsongoddly spaced and randomly sized
10:06.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:06.16GremWarsongagain, by a pixel or two
10:08.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
10:09.50Merythen i dunno...
10:10.17Merywhy in 800x600 anyway? wanna fraps something?
10:18.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
10:19.22DhragaHi all
10:19.55GremWarsongWhat would be the perfect UI scale for pixel-perfect frames in an 800x600 environment?
10:20.44DhragaAny lua coder here atm by any chance ?
10:22.04DhragaI have a question... will type it together... gimmie a sec
10:29.16DhragaI'm looking fior either an existing addon that enhances the chat strings that can be use in macros (like %t etc), there is one by Satrina called ChatFrameExtender at : wich does this but it doeas a lot of other features also...
10:30.16DhragaAny lua coder here that could just rip out everything except the chat string enhancements from the ChatFrameExtender ?
10:30.58DhragaStrings in ChatFrameExtender is (I hope pasting multiple lines wont get me kicked:P) ....
10:31.12DhragaAdded string expansions (can be used in macros)
10:31.14Dhraga* %s - expands to target's sex
10:31.15Dhraga* %l - expands to target's level
10:31.17Dhraga* %r - expands to target's race
10:31.18Dhraga* %c - expands to target's class
10:31.20Dhraga* %p - expands to target's PVP rank + name ('Private Satrina')
10:31.21Dhraga* %rn - expands to your target's PVP rank as a number (0-14)
10:31.23Dhraga* %rs - expands to your target's PVP rank as a string ('Private', 'Field Marshal', etc.)
10:31.24Dhraga* %tt - expands to the target of your current target
10:31.26Dhraga* %zon - expands to your current zone (ie. Stormwind City)
10:31.27Dhraga* %loc - expands to your current location (as shown above the minimap)
10:31.29Dhraga* %pos - expands to your current location cooordinates '(20,30)'
10:31.30Dhraga* %hc, %hm, %hp - expand to your current, maximum, percentage health
10:31.32Dhraga* %mc, %mm, %mp - expand to your current, maximum, percentage mana
10:32.03DhragaYa, I know, sorry ck ;)
10:32.09ckknightuse pastey next time.
10:32.44DhragaThanks =)
10:34.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
10:35.18KirkburnI still can't reach :/
10:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
10:39.04KirkburnCan anyone find out the IP address for me?
10:40.29DhragaKirk, doe4s it work for you now ?
10:40.42Kirkburnnope, not even using the IP
10:41.21DhragaIt works fine for me, must be you ISP try rerouting yourself through a web proxy... try the Freebar at :
10:41.33DhragaAnd see if it gets you there
10:41.36KirkburnPinging it completely fails
10:42.00DhragaMmm your isp must have some problems atm reaching their net
10:42.58*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
10:43.37*** join/#wowi-lounge DarkImakuni (
10:44.16DhragaKirk, can you reach the from your pc ?
10:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
10:46.04DhragaThen in the Freebar field down to the left just paste in
10:46.19DhragaIt should allow you to reach
10:46.53Kirkburnooh, I see
10:46.58KirkburnYeah that worked
10:47.05Dhragagreat =)
10:47.14KirkburnTotally messes up the code though :P
10:47.31DhragaWeb proxies are good to use when your isp is having problems...
10:47.46DhragaHmmm.... Lemme think if I can remeber any other web proxie
10:48.20KirkburnHope it sorts itself soon :/
10:51.53DhragaKirk, try and paste in wowiki's adress in the starting url box
10:52.36KirkburnThat worked a lot better :P
10:53.18DhragaMost welcome
10:53.55DhragaIf this things happens again bookmark this page : it lists the most on the web proxies out there
10:54.10Kirkburnthanks :)
10:56.13DhragaBtw, was there any coder out there that had time to just rip out the chat strings enhancements from the ChatFrameExtender ? *biig puppy smile* :
11:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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11:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge warla (
11:38.56warlaFirefox somehow displays pages more clever than IE
11:39.11warlahidden stuff firefox wont load right away so its faster
11:39.21warlawhile crappy IE loads everything even the hidden stuff
11:41.46warla <-- compare loading speed in snailplorer 7 and firefox
11:47.24DarkImakuniFirefox ftw
11:49.31ckknightOpera ftw :-P
11:51.06Kirkburn1Snailsplorer ftw \o/
11:52.48ckknighttaxes ftl
11:55.22DarkImakunickknight ftw :P
11:55.46DarkImakuni<3 FuBar
11:57.35ckknightgood stuff
12:00.05Kirkburn1indeed it is :)
12:01.51DarkImakuniI've used it from day one, back when it was called BossPanel
12:02.38Kirkburn1Yeah, I kinda wish I'd changed from Titan earlier
12:08.42ckknightI doubt from day one...
12:08.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:08.53ckknightthough maybe
12:08.53Kirkburn1I got my Zen Vision:M back today :D
12:08.58ckknightit would've been back in February.
12:09.08Kirkburn1ckknight, he's obviously stalking you :P
12:09.13ckknightit's undergone like 2 rewrites now
12:09.17Kirkburn1And stealing code from your computers :)
12:09.25ckknightDarkImakuni, I've done other, grander things than FuBar.
12:09.42Kirkburn1Giant ice palaces?
12:09.56Kirkburn1Created an articificial lake?
12:10.17DarkImakunisurvived the horrors of high school?
12:10.17Kirkburn1Blew up the planet between Mars and Jupiter?
12:10.32DarkImakunirofl @ Kirkburn
12:10.39Kirkburn1DarkImakuni, now, let's not be too over the top here :)
12:11.02Kirkburn1_No-one_ survives high school
12:11.05ckknightHigh School wasn't bad for me.
12:11.12ckknightI went to a special school, though
12:11.16ckknightwith short buses and all.
12:11.22ckknightfor some ungodly reason.
12:11.43Kaeltenanyone know how to force mediawiki to make all the users see one skin
12:11.45Kirkburn1ckknight, so you're a spawn of the devil?
12:11.52Kirkburn1Cos that would be quite ungodly
12:11.53DarkImakunimy high school was hell... 12 years of total crap
12:12.16Kirkburn1Kaelten, delete all the other options?
12:12.18ckknightsorry, Kirkburn, I don't follow the Judeo-Christian belief system.
12:12.40KaeltenKirkburn1: tried that, now its just causing errors for everyone else
12:12.41Kirkburn1God isn't exclusively owned by the, y'know :P
12:12.58Kirkburn1Kaelten, ack. No idea then :/
12:13.08ckknightI think the devil is, though.
12:13.21Kirkburn1I think you are, too
12:13.35Kirkburn1I'm off swimming
12:29.54ckknighthey guy.
12:30.10zinor`i think we're nearing beta test of the django site :)
12:30.45ThraeWhat is a "Django" anyway? All I know of it is the Capcom video game "Django the Solar Boy".
12:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:31.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
12:32.17ckknight_similar, Thrae, except it's actually a web development framework
12:32.48ThraeNo no, I mean where does the word "Django" come from? Is it a common name in Djangoese or something?
12:32.56ckknight_Django Reinhart
12:33.27zinor`"Python on a plane" for what it provides Python developers, one observer said.
12:33.30zinor`haha, snakes on a plane :P
12:35.54wereHamsterThrae, Django was a italian westen movie
12:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
12:36.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
12:38.39ckknight_the framework is named after Django Reinhart
12:41.43zinor`brb installing net card
12:42.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
12:46.06wereHamsteroh.. didn't know that.. is he one of the developers?
12:47.18ckknightno, he's a musician
12:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
12:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
12:56.46warladoes anyone have opera installed?
12:57.28warla <-- could you check if that works somehow? but i dont make much hope.. opera always hates the stuff i make.. especially javascript lol
12:59.22Mikmawarla: afaik, works perfectly!
12:59.55Mikmawarla: recipes are shown 2x else perfect =)
13:01.14warlano javascript errors?
13:01.18warlathat would surprise me
13:01.27warlaopera ALWAYS hates whatever i code
13:01.35Mikmai'll try anothertime soon
13:01.42Mikmaeating at the same tiome
13:02.04warlaheh k :-)
13:04.58Mikmaok now
13:21.11*** join/#wowi-lounge xordoquy (n=xordoquy@
13:23.09xordoquycan someone help me understand how PartyMemberBuffTooltip is linked to a PartyMemberFrame ?
13:23.55xordoquyI can't get how the buff icons are positioned relating to the group members frame
13:26.36xordoquyoh, forget, I finally just found
13:37.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:38.49Kirkburn_Still_ no response from for me :/
13:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
13:41.41KirkburnSpanish players! You have a website!
13:41.55KirkburnOle!  (yes, I have no accent key)
13:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga (
13:43.49DarkImakuniOlé :P
13:44.00KirkburnThank you =)
13:44.14DarkImakuniAlt 130 = é
13:47.13Flyocor you can have a french keyboard
13:47.44xordoquyKirkburn: works here
13:47.58Kirkburnxordoquy, it's something up with my ISP, it seems
13:48.02Laricwonder if someone will shoot me for filing all these flyspray reports based on framexml.log :P
13:48.06KirkburnI can't even ping it
13:48.25Laricoops wrong channel :P
13:48.27KirkburnI've yet to find another website I can't reach though
13:51.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:52.15JoshBorkeexcept wowwiki?
13:52.41KirkburnI can reach it using a proxy website thingy though
13:53.03KirkburnRather annoying, given I'd quite like to admin it :P
13:56.28DarkImakuniKirkie: works for me
13:57.07KirkburnI can't ping the server, neither can the PC downstairs :/
13:57.12xordoquyit works but it seems he can not reach it ^^
13:57.19JoshBorkeKirkburn: you do a traceroute yet?
13:57.31KirkburnWhat would I type for that?
13:57.41ckknight_getting a SQL error with wowwiki
13:57.54ckknight_MySQL returned error "1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction (localhost)".
13:58.16KirkburnNotify Rustak on his talk page if you find bugs :)
13:58.26KirkburnHe's planning on looking at stuff again anyway
13:58.40ckknight_getting it on the Draenei page
13:58.46ckknight_weird thing is, it doesn't happen on other pages
14:00.06JoshBorkeKirkburn: in windows, i believe it's tracert
14:00.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
14:01.08Kirkburn1Running a tracert
14:01.19Kirkburn1I can't get past
14:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (n=Silvana@
14:02.59Kirkburn1Everything just times out
14:03.57xordoquycan you connect internet ? :p
14:04.32Kirkburn1I've browsed lots of sites since the wowwiki stopped responding, had no failures :/ Ho hum, time for lunch
14:15.34MaldiviaI hate the new forums, for it inability to "save" the form text, like the old forums, when pressing back
14:16.00*** join/#wowi-lounge [RTE] (
14:16.05[RTE]morning folks
14:17.17DarkImakuniafternoon RTE
14:20.10xordoquydoes someone use wowbench ?
14:25.35ckknight_Maldivia, works for me with Opera
14:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
14:41.53Legoroloxordoquy: sort of, i used it before
14:43.33ThraeAnyone know any UI issues for 1.12? I'm planning on making an addon called "FixMe" which incorporates fixes for the Blizzard UI.
14:44.55ThraeFor 1.12 all I have so far is one -- the Battlefield Minimap will auto-hide itself on some occasions even if you've shown it last BG session. There are some other "Fix" addons which still apply to 1.12 that I'll absorb.
14:48.07xordoquyLegorolo: is it worthy ?
14:48.18Legorolodepends on what you use it for, but i'd say very much so
14:48.35Legorolofor what it was designed for, it works very well
14:48.48xordoquysince I'm running linux on my work computer, I don't have much choice ;)
14:49.06Legorolojust remember it's not supposed to be a complete implementation of the client ;-)
14:49.08xordoquyanyway, it's not worthy for UI placement
14:49.24Legorolosince it's not graphical, that's pretty much a given..
14:49.45Legoroloa client emulator
14:49.59Legorolowhich will load and run your addons, and has some of the API emulated
14:50.00xordoquyLegorolo: I can still give the conditional UI activation anyway
14:50.20Legorolobtw, is it just me or is wowi not loading for anyone else either?
14:50.28ThraeI know what wowbench is, just making sure that's what you were talking about ;)
14:50.33ThraeYeah, wowi is down it seems =/
14:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (i=Hexarobe@
14:52.24Legorolotrue Thrae, we could've been talking about the *other* wowbench..
14:53.15ThraeLegorolo: I didn't scroll up far enough ;)
15:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:15.23Kirkburn|lunchxordoquy, Mikk is the guy behind wowbench - he's strangely absent today though ...
15:18.57Corrodiasdecursive can display "magic" type effects... is there a class that can cure those?
15:19.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:19.41Corrodiasyour question mark indicates uncertainty
15:19.54KirkburnYour assumption would be correct :P
15:20.12KirkburnI think they have that ability anyway
15:21.20[RTE]I know warlock's felhunter can dispell em
15:22.24KirkburnAbolish Magic:
15:22.41KirkburnIs that a priest spell?
15:23.02KirkburnAlso, Cleanse does the same for Paladins
15:23.33Corrodiasthat appears to be a boss spell
15:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:25.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
15:25.13Kirkburn1Corrodias, got disconnected
15:25.22Kirkburn1I meant Dispel Magic is the priest spell:
15:25.59Kirkburn1Also shamans can do it with purge
15:26.23Kirkburn1So basically, paladins priests and shamans
15:29.12OsagasuDid you all see the D&T Kel'Thuzad teaser?
15:33.05Corrodiashow interesting, people talk about "TitanBar". i thought it was Titan Panel.
15:33.21Kirkburn1s/people/stupid people/ :)
15:33.40OsagasuDoes it really matter?
15:34.13Corrodiaswell, i guess if getting the name of an addon completely wrong doesn't matter, then no. or maybe there's another addon that actually is named titanbar.
15:34.18Kirkburn1It's the principle of the thing! :)
15:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
15:34.26OsagasuIt isn't completely wrong.
15:34.29Corrodiasin any case, i ought to leave for class now, because it's a bit of a walk and i don't know where the room is, yet.
15:34.33Osagasuand you knew what they were talking about.
15:34.48Corrodiasi only knew what they were talking about because i asked someone in the game what they were talking about
15:35.07xordoquymaybe somewhat offtopic, but what class your guys are playing ?
15:35.14OsagasuSomeone needs a thesarus.
15:35.18xordoquy(UI developer put appart ;)
15:35.35OsagasuI'm playing a mage.
15:35.41Corrodiasdruid + hunter. time to go, see ya!
15:36.01OsagasuSo, I joined a raiding guild.
15:36.40OsagasuI under-estimated why they complained so much about repair costs.  Vael blows. :<
15:38.12xordoquyI'm playing a paladin, but I have hard time finding out an UI that matches my requirements
15:38.37OsagasuD&T wiped against Kel'thuzad...  in five seconds.  That's surprising.
15:39.44Kirkburn1This was with it working - I know KT despawned before
15:39.52Kirkburn1^ that was a question :P
15:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:43.37OsagasuMaybe a little bit longer.  He did some sort of AoE shadow Spell, I can only assume Death & Decay, and it killed everyone but one person (who proceeded to run around the area for 30 seconds or so).
15:44.25Kirkburn1(yay for NFSU2, my Toyota Corolla is awesome :P)
15:52.37OsagasuIt was 15 seconds, give or take a few, between when they started the enounter and wiped.
15:52.54xordoquyany video around ^_^ ?
15:53.34OsagasuThey're the most advanced raiding guild in the game.  you think they don't have a website? :P
15:54.23xordoquyI'm pretty new to WoW
15:54.34xordoquy4 weeks of game yet
15:54.58xordoquyI still have a lot to discover
15:57.03*** join/#wowi-lounge hghjk (
16:00.57*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (n=Silvana@
16:02.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:03.04TS|Skromthat was an awesome video haha
16:03.13TS|SkromAOE.... dead dead dead dead dead
16:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
16:09.18JoshBorkelol, yea, that part was great
16:10.33JoshBorkexordoquy: what requirements do you have to play your paladin?
16:11.12xordoquywell, not to play, but to ease ;)
16:11.42xordoquylike having the healing buttons near the teammates figures
16:11.58JoshBorkexordoquy: check out Clique
16:12.10JoshBorkeyou can just click on their frames and it'll cast spells on them
16:12.12xordoquyoften in PvP it's a bit too fast for me with the raw interface
16:12.35xordoquyplus the pain to focus someone else to heal and try to refocus an enemi after
16:12.47JoshBorkexordoquy: check out clique, you should like it
16:12.51xordoquylemme see
16:12.52JoshBorkeanyway, lunch time
16:13.01wereHamsterwhy are the EU forums down all day?
16:13.07xordoquyI played with GroupButtons but it lost 2 times the configuration :(
16:13.16xordoquywereHamster: are they ?
16:13.29LegorolowereHamster: up all they, i'd been posting
16:14.42wereHamsterstrange.. now it works..
16:14.54wereHamsterbut I wasn't able to get to the forums the whole day..
16:16.14*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
16:19.09xordoquycurse gaming and ui.mod does not know about clique
16:21.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
16:24.24*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
16:34.37TS|SkromOh noes! call the batfone, wowinterface seems to be down!
16:35.34IndustrialWooooo first day of school. Stoned.
16:39.39cogwheelTS|Skrom, it's intermittent... If you hit refresh a few times it'll eventually come up...
16:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
16:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
16:40.03TS|SkromWell that's good to know
16:40.11TS|Skrombecause if wowinterface is down then the terrorists win
16:40.14cogwheelBut yes, the batphone definitely needs calling.
16:44.43*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney (
16:46.07tyroneyWoo, all sorts of cool new changes coming.  I think the exp will be the first time I actually need to change any of my mods.  So exciting!
17:01.04TS|SkromLet's say I have an assosiative array PlayerList={["Player1"] = 40, ["Player2"] = 85, ["Player3"] = 60} and I sort it based on the key. Would PlayerList[2] be 60?
17:01.23cogwheeldoesn't work that way
17:01.31cogwheelyou can only sort integer-indexed tables
17:01.36Legoroloif you sort it based on the key,
17:01.39TS|Skromokay, so I need an index
17:01.45Legoroloyou are sorting it by Player1, Player2 etc. part
17:01.51Legorolodid you mean to say sort it by value?
17:01.55TS|SkromI meant value, yes
17:02.40cogwheelyou'd still need an integer-indexed table. There is no sorting for other indices because it's implemented as a hash
17:03.21Legoroloif you mean to sort by value, then yes, you need an indexing table
17:03.34TS|Skroma table.insert uses the next integer index, correct?
17:03.41Legoroloso you can do:
17:04.03LegoroloindexTable = {}; for i,v in PlayerList do table.insert(indexTable,v) end
17:04.24cogwheelbad legorolo
17:04.25Legoroloand then to access elements:
17:04.47cogwheelfor k,v in pairs(PlayerList) do table.insert(indexTable, v) end
17:04.54TS|Skromunderstand now I keep forgetting the rules for the different table types so it helps to be refreshed every now and then lol
17:05.04Legorolothere are no different table types
17:05.07Legoroloonly one type of table
17:05.28cogwheelonly one type of table, but lua treats integer indexes differently than other types
17:05.29TS|Skromer... different types of arrays? then?
17:05.39TS|Skromsimple vs associative?
17:05.52Legorolofrom the user's point of view, there is only *one* type of table
17:06.02Legoroloit's only how internally Lua handles them that there are differences
17:06.08cogwheeltable.sort on a table with non-integer types *does not work*
17:06.18Legorolocogwheel: that doesn't make it a different type of table
17:06.26TS|Skromcog, hehe thanks I should write that on my monitor
17:06.31Legorolotable.sort, as a function, is defined to work on the part of the table that has integer keys
17:07.05cogwheelbut that's what i meant by "lua treats integer indexes differently than other types" since table.sort is a part of the language.
17:07.16Legorolotable.sort is a function
17:07.22Legorolowhich happens to be supplied standard
17:07.33Legoroloit is not part of the definition of the language, if it wasn't there, we could write it
17:07.38TS|SkromI could still explicity define a key,value pair though, right? so for example, I'm indexing a raid group.. 40 members, if I wanted to add the "player" unit as a seperate index I could do [41]="player"?
17:08.22TS|SkromI could do a [2001] = "player" as long as I keep it an integer?
17:08.23LegoroloLua, from the language definition point of view, does not treat integer indexes differently than other types
17:08.38Legoroloit is most *implementations* of Lua that do, internally
17:08.47Legoroloand some of the standard functions
17:09.12cogwheelRight, but that's what we were talking about... a particular implementation of lua and one of the standard functions...
17:09.34Legoroloyour statement that i contradicted was that the Lua language treats integer indices differently
17:09.40Legoroloall i did was say that statement is false
17:09.51krkaLegorolo is right, stop arguing
17:10.00Legorolohi krka, ltns
17:10.09Legoroloanyway, on to you, TS|Skrom
17:10.16Legoroloi am not sure exactly what you are trying to do
17:10.22cogwheelI appreciate your pedantry... lord knows i do that too. I just wanted to put it in terms that TS|Skrom would get without confusing him further
17:10.23krkafour letter acronyms rock
17:10.52Legorolowhat's flar
17:11.05Legorolocogwheel: ok, i understand you tried not to confuse TS|Skrom
17:11.22Legorolosimplifying things is good, but you could still try to do it in such a way that you don't make false statements
17:11.40TS|Skromheh thanks for looking out for me guys :P
17:11.52Legorolooh btw my example on sorting by value is wrong :)
17:12.06TS|SkromI'm not a total newb programmer just newb to lua, and I often say the wrong words myself (key,value mixup earlier as an example)
17:12.21tyroneySo...  are arg1 etc disappearing?
17:12.22Legorolook so you have a table, with one element for each player, i take it
17:12.27TS|SkromI'll pastey it in a few minutes so you can check it for me :D
17:12.31Legorolotyroney: nope
17:12.41Legorolowhy do you think they would?
17:12.56Cide-arg# are global
17:13.06Cide-I think you're mistaking arg# for "arg"
17:13.09tyroneyI kept reading about vararg stuff, and wondering if the arg#s were a wow thing, or an api thing.
17:13.10LegoroloargX have nothign to do with the Lua language, it's a Blizzard only thing
17:13.21tyroneyThank you.
17:13.32Legoroloas Cide said, the vararg stuff will change if Lua 5.1 appears
17:13.34krkaas is "this"
17:13.39krkaand "event"
17:13.52Legoroloespecially "this" and "argX" can be confusing for new modders
17:13.57krkait was for me
17:13.58Legoroloseems very much like it's part of the language
17:14.08krkaespecially this, coming from java atleast
17:14.18Legoroloalso, similar one is "self"
17:14.32tyroneyuh oh.  this?  I think I used this once or twice somewhere.  Bah,  I'll just wait for something to break on the test realm when I have a chance to visit it.
17:14.56Legorolothe variable "this" is, contrary to what you'd think at first sight, is nothing special
17:15.03Legorolounlike other languages you might be used to
17:15.03tyroneyHmm.  My latest (meta table hooked) thing uses quite a bit of this and self, if I recall.
17:15.10cogwheeltyroney, don't worry... they were just using "this" as another example of possible confusion for Lua newbs
17:15.11Legorolohowever, WoW uses the variable "this" for special purposes
17:15.22Legoroloah right
17:15.26Legoroloi see no need to explain :)
17:15.28tyroneyAh.  Man, all sorts of great news today.
17:15.51TS|Skrom  -- no fair laughing at my amateur code. There may be better ways to do something I just don't know them yet :p
17:15.54LegoroloTS|Skrom: so you have a table with all the players and some associated values,
17:15.57Legoroloand you want to sort it?
17:15.57tyroneyI guess being able to read so many programming languages, and almost write them, has paid off to some degree.
17:16.00Legoroloah, pastebin, goodie
17:16.16LegoroloTS|Skrom: don't worry, no laughing at other people tends to happen here
17:16.20Legorolowe were all newbs once
17:16.26krkaexcept iriel
17:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
17:16.41TS|Skromthat's the table I'm making, and I pretty much know how to sort it (have a similar table/function setup elsewhere i had forgotton about haha)
17:18.10Legorolokrka: i tell you a secret, i think Iriel might have been a newb too once
17:18.15Legorolobut that's only rumour
17:18.28krkai dont believe it
17:18.33LegoroloTS|Skrom: ok i see you got finalTargetList
17:18.45Legoroloi take it you want to sort it then
17:18.58Legorololooks like the code is correct, in terms of how you are setting up finalTargetList
17:19.14Legoroloto sort it, you will need to use table.sort(finalTargetList, yourComparisonFunction)
17:19.23TS|Skromyeah... was gonna use something like: local function listSort(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end
17:19.45Legorololooks good to me
17:19.45krkalooks good
17:19.52Legoroloand to krka too!
17:19.57Legorolothat's two people telling you it's good
17:20.01krkathe code overall looks good, except for lack of locals and too many table constructions
17:20.07Legoroloso there is high confidence (in statistical sense) that it'll work
17:20.22TS|Skromkrka I have a problem with that :(
17:20.25krkanot just any two people either! practically two lua demigods
17:20.40Legoroloyay! i got called a Lua demigod!
17:20.54JoshBorkeLegorol is a lua demigod
17:20.55Legorolowait, did you just call yourself a demigod too?
17:20.59krkaof course
17:21.01Legorolo~lart krka
17:21.13Legoroloyou are right of course
17:21.22JoshBorkeoh dear
17:21.26TS|Skromone of these days I'll go through and 'local' variables that need to be... I always forget when I'm coding though
17:21.26Legorolobut labelling oneself shamelessly like that is naughty!
17:21.37krkai *never* claimed that i wasn't shameless
17:21.39Legorolothat's liable to introduce bugs TS|Skrom
17:21.48krkain fact i've proven the opposite many times
17:21.52Legoroloit's a good idea to get into the practice of using locals in the first place
17:22.03krkaimo, local should be the default state in lua
17:22.04TS|Skromhehe it took me about 3 weeks of coding before I thought... you know I really should rename my functions to include my addon name...
17:22.16krkashould be a global keyword instead
17:22.30Legorolokrka: i used to be a person who boasts a lot, but now i'm flawless
17:22.56TS|Skromhaving a lot of tables isn't bad if you nil them out at the end of the function though right?
17:23.06Legoroloit is bad
17:23.13Legoroloniling them out doesn't make a difference
17:23.18krkawell, every time you create a garbage you create potential garbage
17:23.25TS|Skromi thought that made them subject to garbage collection
17:23.30krkawhich fills up memory and thus cause garbage collection more often
17:23.34LegoroloTS|Skrom: nope
17:23.42krkain lua 5.0 garbage collection is kinda slow
17:23.45krka5.1 is better though
17:23.45Abenadithey are subject to garbage collection when there is no reference available to them, i believe
17:23.52Legorolowhat makes something subject to garbage collections is if they are not referenced at all any more
17:24.03Legorolook so in your case
17:24.05krka(or by a weak table)
17:24.08krkabut that's overcourse
17:24.09Legoroloif you have a global variable that is a table,
17:24.16krkais overcourse a word in english btw? we use it in swedish
17:24.24Legoroloniling it out will subject everyting that was *inside* the table to garbage collection
17:24.30Legorolokrka: i don't think so
17:24.30krkathe same goes for function closures btw :)
17:24.38krkameh, i figured :/
17:24.42Legorolook example:
17:24.52Cide-I understood, krka ;)
17:25.03krkafigured you would
17:25.04LegorolomyTable = { {1, "a"}, {2, "b"} }; myTable = nil
17:25.09krkaknow of a good translation?
17:25.16Cide-nope :/
17:25.24Legorolothis will make the two small tables inside myTable garbage collected eventually
17:25.33LegorolomyTable itself (since it's a global variable) will stay around
17:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:26.05Legoroloand before krka jumps in, yes, i'm aware of the fact that technically you also cause the table that myTable was reffering to be garbage collected too
17:26.06JoshBorkehola kirov
17:26.11krkawhat are you talking about Legorolo?
17:26.20krkamyTable = nil will remove that global variable
17:26.20Kirovhola bork bork bork
17:26.29Cidehi hi Kirov bonk
17:26.37Legorolook yeah bonk me
17:26.40JoshBorkethe whole Legorolo is kinda weird, could you go back to Legorol^? :-D
17:26.52krkaand yes, i can do that
17:26.53Legorolowait wait, i agree with you
17:26.56Legoroloso can i have it back?
17:26.58TS|Skromi've been doing InRangeList = nil for awhile now... but you say I need to do more?
17:27.07krkaok, but on probation status over 6 weeks
17:27.12LegoroloTS|Skrom: the problem usually is not with whether you nil stuff or not
17:27.22Legoroloin the vast majority of cases you don't need to explicitly nil stuff
17:27.27Cideyou want to make sure you don't "create" garbage
17:27.27krkaTS|Skrom: there are some strategies you can do instead
17:27.32krkai like to reuse tables
17:27.34Legorolothe thing that causes problems for the garbage collection is creating new tables
17:27.48krkathen again, with lua 5.1 i am not sure garbage will be such a big issue
17:27.49Cidestore unused tables in a weak table!
17:28.09JoshBorkewtf is this weak table stuff :-P
17:28.21krkai have even went so far as to implement a proper memory manager :/
17:28.24krka<-- crazy
17:28.28Cidebasically you can reference it without having lua regard it as a reference when it's deciding whether to collect it as garbage or not
17:28.33LegoroloTS|Skrom: the whole point about having a garbage collector is so that you don't need to worry too much about "destroying" objects, so you don't need to do explicit niling and stuff
17:28.48TS|Skrommaking them local is often good enough?
17:28.49Cidekrka: that is crazy
17:28.58CideTS|Skrom: making tables local doesn't do anything
17:28.59krkatable objects can never be local
17:29.02Legorolomaking them local makes no difference to garbage creation
17:29.03krkaonly variables can be local
17:29.20Legorolodamn, Cide beat me
17:29.23krkahaving local variables is good for two reasons
17:29.28krka1) they're faster to access than global
17:29.39krka2) they don't interfere with global namespace
17:29.41Legorolook, time to explain to TS|Skrom the difference between variable and the table that the variable references ;-)
17:29.54krkaTS|Skrom: have you programmed in any other language?
17:30.03Cide(and that same thing goes for functions)
17:30.03TS|Skromphp mainly
17:30.08TS|Skromand basic haha
17:30.14Legorolobasic rules!!
17:30.15krkahm, that won't help much :)
17:30.23krkayup Cide
17:30.25TS|Skromno... I keep forgetting to put "then" on my if's
17:30.28krkaphp has references, right?
17:30.38krkabasically, lua has reference types and primitive types
17:30.43Cideyou can reference with &
17:30.45krkaprimites are numbers, booleans and nil
17:30.52krkareference types are functions, strings, tables, et.c.
17:31.07Legorolokrka, before you go further,
17:31.09Legoroloi have an idea
17:31.14krkai wasn't going any further
17:31.16Legoroloi think this might be the best way to explain it:
17:31.20krkathat's as far as i can explain :P
17:31.23Legoroloconsider that I write this piece of code
17:31.30LegorolotableA = { 1, 2, 3}
17:31.35LegorolotableB = tableA
17:31.46krkaand you _would_ write that piece of code!
17:32.11Legorolothe point here is that tableA's contents doesn't get *copied* to tableB at this point
17:32.22Legoroloinstead, both tableA and tableB will refer to the same object
17:32.30Cide(that gave me a headache when I first learned about it)
17:32.30Legoroloif you modify one, the other gets modified too
17:32.41Legoroloso what can we conclude from this:
17:32.58Legorolothat a variable such as tableA and the actual table that it's referring to are not exactly the same thing
17:33.07Legoroloseveral variables can all refer to physically the same table
17:33.18Legoroloif that makes sense..
17:33.23krkai like to keep atleast 3 variables point to the same table
17:33.27krkajust to be safe
17:33.32krkakind of like a RAID setup
17:33.33Legorololol, thanks for the random interruption ;-)
17:33.34Cidein case you nil two of them out by mistake
17:33.42Legoroloit was funny though
17:33.57TS|Skromer.. okay I understand that part.. and I remember reading it in the lua manual
17:33.58krkai am bored :/
17:34.14TS|Skroma,b = b,a will switch the variables
17:34.42Legorolook but the important point about it is this:
17:35.01LegorolotableA in the example above is therefore called a *reference* variable
17:35.15Legoroloit is only referring to the table, it is NOT the table itself
17:35.23Legorololet's take the example further:
17:35.35Legoroloi now do: tableA = { 3, 2, 1 }
17:35.45Legoroloat this point, tableA will now start referring to the new table i just created
17:35.52Legoroloand tableB will still refer to the old one
17:36.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
17:36.46Legoroloso a variable is just something that let's you get access to the table, the table itself is a separate thing from the variable
17:36.59TS|SkromI see
17:37.00Legoroloseveral variables can therefore refer to the same table, or even no variables
17:37.09Legoroloif i do:
17:37.11LegorolotableA = nil
17:37.14LegorolotableB = nil
17:37.20TS|SkromI think that's part of my problem, in php it doesn't quite work like that with tables...
17:37.23Legoroloall that happens is that these variables no longer refer to the table
17:37.26krkaphp sucks :/
17:37.35krkavery non-intuitive, imo
17:37.36Legorolothe two tables that were created still live somewhere in memory
17:37.38krkalua is consistent
17:37.40TS|Skromkrka - yes
17:37.45Legoroloyou just have no way of getting to them any more
17:37.46JoshBorkeuntil garbage collection
17:37.52JoshBorkethen they go poof?
17:37.52Legoroloand this is where garbage collection comes in, exactly
17:38.05JoshBorkegc just removes all objects that are no longer reference
17:38.12krkawe have no way to test if it actually goes poof since we can't access it
17:38.15Legorologarbage collector's function is exactly this: find those tables (and other stuff) that you can no longer access by any means
17:38.19Legoroloand destroy them
17:38.20TS|Skromso how do you avoid using tables when you have to have arrayed data to work with?
17:38.28JoshBorkereuse the same table
17:38.41JoshBorkeif you never need to have more than 1 function accessing the table
17:38.47krkahere's a method of clearing a table
17:38.47Cideit also checks islands, I believe
17:38.51krkanot that it's not recursive
17:38.54TS|Skromokay that I understand, but what if I'm populating data from one table into another, leaving out certain key,value pairs?
17:39.02krkafor k, v in in pairs(table) do table[k] = nil end
17:39.06JoshBorkeooo, that's impressive
17:39.15krkai write ONE line and still get it wrong
17:39.16krkai suck
17:39.23Legorolowhat's wrong with that one krka?
17:39.30JoshBorkekrka: good thing you're not working on GRAB anymore :-P
17:39.35JoshBorkedouble in
17:39.50krkaalso, the ", v" is unnecessary
17:40.03Cidepretty sure it will error because the iterator is nil
17:40.04Legoroloit is unnecessary, but doesn't create garbage
17:40.53Legoroloah, double in
17:40.53CideI did a pretty ugly way
17:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:40.53krkaCide: islands?
17:40.53Cidelocal oldKey; for k in pairs(tbl) do if ( oldKey ) then tbl[oldKey] = nil; end oldKey = k; end if ( oldKey ) then tbl[oldKey] = nil; end
17:40.54krkais that another word for cycles?
17:40.54Cidenot sure if there's a better one
17:41.04TS|Skromlooking back at my pastey again - - I pull key,value pairs from InRangeList and filter using UnitIsDeadOrGhost only those I want to consider as targets and place them into FinalTargetList which I will sort later
17:41.16Cidekrka: local a = { }; local b = { tbl = a }; a.tbl = b
17:41.22krkapretty sure mine works too Cide
17:41.28TS|SkromI can't think of any way (and it's my newbness I'm sure) to get that down to one table
17:41.34Cidekrka: I seem to remember that it errors that way
17:41.36TS|Skromor to reuse the same one
17:41.42Cidemaybe I just suck(ed)
17:41.54Cideif so, demote me to noob
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17:42.07krkatested mine, it works
17:42.38krkaanother generic good thing is to try to reduce the number of tables you use
17:42.54krkaavoid nested structures. in many cases you can get away with a constant number of tables
17:44.18JoshBorkeTS|Skrom: instead of nesting the tables, why not have a separate table that is value indexed. sec, i'll see if i can write something up
17:44.27Cidegood: local num_apples = { num_apples1, num_apples2 }; local num_oranges = { num_oranges1, num_oranges2 };
17:44.28Cidebad: local num = { { num_apples1, num_oranges1 }, { num_apples2, num_oranges2 }, ... }
17:44.44Legorolook i'm off, i'll leave TS|Skrom in the hands of the not-so-demi-anymore-gods
17:44.56TS|SkromI'm screwed :p
17:45.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorolo (
17:45.14krkaCide: makes a good example
17:45.42KirovI have a great one STranq, table1={table2={table3={onevariable}}};
17:45.42krkarici in #lua made this
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17:45.42Kirovand that's all that's ever in it
17:45.42krkabad: points = { {x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, ... }
17:45.48krkagood: xpoints = { x1, x2, ... }
17:45.54krkasame thing really
17:46.05TS|Skromisn't that using two tables instead of one?
17:46.08Cideya, though I guess yours is more applicable in reality :)
17:46.17KirovTS|Skrom - it's using 3 tables instead of 2
17:46.26tyroneykriov:  I think something in my brain just exploded.  Or died.
17:46.30TS|SkromI thought the idea was less is more?
17:46.44CideTS|Skrom: the bad example uses 3 tables, the good one uses two
17:47.33Cideand the bad example will use 101 tables if you have 50 entries, whereas the good one still will only use 2
17:47.34Kirovtyroney - In my defence it used to hold a lot of info, but I moved them all out in to their own tables, just that last one variable I keep forgetting to move out.
17:47.34TS|Skromohhh... see that's me being stupid and thinking of the variable itself as the table...
17:48.33TS|Skromokay so in my example I have InRangeList = values
17:48.42tyroneykirov: not questioning validdity.  I just don't want to think about what something that nested means.  (at least not at this time.  maybe later)
17:48.53TS|Skromonly one table, but I also have FinalTargetList = {{name,pct},{name,pct}}
17:49.04JoshBorkequestion: do integer indexed tables have to be continuous to be sorted?
17:49.14TS|Skrombut.. but... cide that'
17:49.24TS|Skromthat's how you taught me to sort like that lol
17:49.34TS|Skromremember my myspells table awhile back?
17:50.00TS|Skromso the "bad" example above is okay sometimes?
17:50.07Cideit's not so much "good" as it is "easy"
17:50.44CideKirov: what you want is: function nest() return { nest() }; end table1=nest()
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17:58.49TS|Skrom.okay now the servers need to come up so I can test lol
17:59.00Cairenn|sleepmine's up
17:59.30TS|Skromyeah I just checked, mine is too haha
18:26.32Shadoweddamn you php
18:32.46cogwheelAnd i was about to tell someone how to do something...
18:33.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
18:35.17Abenadiwill myarray["mykey"] = nil remove the mykey pair from myarray or just set its value to nil?
18:36.00JoshBorkeremoves it
18:36.06Abenadik thanks
18:37.00cogwheelAbenadi, don't think of nil so much as a value... think of it as the absence of a value.             a = nil        is equivalent to never mentioning a at all.
18:37.19cogwheelor resetting it to the state where it had never been mentioned
18:37.30Abenadii was just wondering whether or not it would come up in a for loop of myarray's key pairs
18:38.01MikmaWarla: yohoo? :)
18:41.05cogwheelheh... it actually says "Server is busy, please try again" instead of "???wow.web.forums.error500.message???"
18:41.19cogwheeli guess the error message server isn't as busy now... lol
18:43.39KemayoOr maybe I'm just too obsessed with popularity.  :)
18:45.13cogwheelKemayo, equally annoying are low ratings because they find no use for your addon as opposed to actual flaws in its design. I'd much rather have a few people who really like (and highly rate) my addon than a bunch of people give it one star for the simple fact that they don't need its functionality...
18:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge zylex (
18:50.48KemayoExactly!  Rate me down because I'm crap, not because you don't use addons like mine.
18:51.28[RTE]what addon are you talking about?
18:52.00zylexHello, could anyone assist me with an addon problem?
18:52.12JoshBorkewe can try
18:52.13[RTE]probably ...
18:52.24zylexAnyone used abestimadedfinalscore ad?
18:52.38zylexStopped working after 1.12
18:52.49zylexno clue why ;/
18:53.04[RTE]"load out of date addons" checkmark on?
18:53.05zylexi launches and commands works but the "frame" or what to say dosent show
18:53.50[RTE]any error messages?
18:53.58zylexnope :S
18:54.28zylexit evens says "blabla addon loaded etc"
18:55.14[RTE]can you link it?
18:55.26zylextheres no download spots
18:55.32zylexi could zip it and dcc it or something
18:55.41Shadowedhrm, anyone know what the formula for increasing melee weapon range is? Using ( AP / 14 ) / Weapon speed but that doesn't seem to do anything :/
18:55.52Cairennyou're using an addon that has no where to download it from? then how did you get it?
18:56.04zylexwell its a private addon
18:56.15zylexa guy made it on a realm i used to play on
18:56.25zylexthink it exist in some addonspack aswell
18:56.30Kemayo[RTE]: I was whining about AuldLangSyne on WoWI.
18:56.43ShadowedWhat's the command line zylex
18:56.55KemayoI just got an error while updating an addon on WoWI:
18:57.00KemayoWarning: Missing argument 1 for savefile() in /classes/file/Work_File.php on line 302
18:57.16KemayoDidn't seem to cause any problems, though.
18:57.40Shadowed private eh?
18:57.42TS|Skromwarning =! error
18:58.03zylexwell thats a modded version¨
18:58.14zylexii think
18:58.24zylexused to be private atleast
18:58.35ShadowedThere are a lot of addons that use it a couple of them that are 1.12 compatible. I suggest you search around
18:58.42KemayoWell, yes, but not a good sign nonetheless.
18:59.06TS|Skromno.. kemayo, warnings are okay most of the time
18:59.23ShadowedIn this case, if he's passing a filename to savefile() it means it'll error
18:59.31zylexShadowed: none got a working verion of abest
19:00.03TS|Skromwarnings don't mean something's broken, just means something is unexpected
19:00.23KemayoThey're generally a sign that you're doing something in a non-optimal manner.  Thus, they should be brought to the attention of people who're running the app.
19:00.35[RTE]<Kemayo>: well, it doesn't seem to do much more then CT_PlayerNotes, at least not from description, so why would people like it?
19:00.38ShadowedIf he's passing a filename to savefile() and savefile expects a file, you're not giving it a file.
19:00.41TS|Skromagreed, but as you say.. it worked
19:00.57zylexcan anyone take a look at and maybe solve the problem for me?
19:01.13zylexive tried alot of things, but im not so good at lua
19:01.34TS|Skromwait, is this something YOU are working on giving the error?
19:01.57Kemayo[RTE]: Hey, it does a lot more than CT_PlayerNotes.  If you'd complained that it doesn't do much more than FriendsFacts, that would be fair.  But that's still a bad reason to rate something down.
19:02.11KemayoTS|Skrom: Nope.
19:02.25TS|Skromoh my mistake :d
19:02.39TS|Skromin that case, burn the witches who leave warnings in their code
19:03.21[RTE]zylex: try repositioning ABEstimatedFinalScore_Frame frame and see if that works
19:04.16zylexin the xml file or what?
19:04.50[RTE]Kemayo: I did not say that :), it's not a good reson at all, but still people want to see "good mods" not rewrites of something they already use and love :(
19:04.57[RTE]zylex: at macro first
19:05.09zylexcould you pm me an example?
19:05.20zylexi actually tried that but never got it to work
19:06.50Shadowedblargh @ melee formula's
19:08.06[RTE]zylex: /script ABEstimatedFinalScore_Frame:ClearAllPoints(); ABEstimatedFinalScore_Frame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "TOP", -60, -150);
19:08.41zylexthanks, ill try it
19:09.37zylexdosent work
19:09.54zylexbut when i do reloadui i see the addon for 1 sec then wow gets minimized and the addon vanishes
19:10.25[RTE]try /script ABEstimatedFinalScore_Frame:Show()
19:10.41tyroneyThe other day I was polishing off a mod, and I discovered a typo'd variable.  (I think it was "item")  I was expecting to have a reference to a texture of mine, but with the typo, I wound up with a reference to a fontstring (? ) ...
19:11.54tyroneyThe fontstring in question belonged to itemrack, and I looked into its code, and I trust gello, so I assume there's something somewhere in the base ui that left that thing referenced.  (for me to grab it)
19:12.17tyroneyIs it worth trying to hunt it down to report to whoever actaully left it out in the wild?  Is it even possible?
19:12.35zylexok i can se the frame now
19:12.42zylexnot sure it works yet tho
19:13.01TS|Skromdo variables you are saving need to be global?
19:13.18Shadowedhrm, this makes no sense
19:14.49tyroneyshadowed: melee formulas?  Are you talking about reverse engineered min-maxing information?
19:14.50zylexok the frame disappears when someone captures a flag
19:14.51cogwheelTS|Skrom, local variables only exist in the block where they're declared... I'll let you figure out the answer from that :P
19:14.55Shadowed( ( 1124 / 14 ) * 2.6 ) + 119 = 327.9 and ( ( 1124 / 14 ) * 2.6 ) + 221 = 429.7
19:15.00zylexalso it dosent show the score nor the timeleft
19:15.03Shadowedcharacter sheet shows 327 - 430
19:15.43TS|Skromhehe just making sure cog, I was trying to make my addon more environmentally friendly and didn't wanna screw something up inadvertantly
19:15.48[RTE]zylex: I bet it has something to do with disapearing minimap bug lots of people experience
19:15.50Shadowedtyroney yeah, i should have the correct formula, but it's wrong from the character sheet from what i said above
19:15.57Kemayo[RTE]: You make a good point.  I clarified the description to give people a better idea of the differences between the mods.
19:16.18cogwheel"environmentally friendly"   hehe :)
19:16.29tyroneyIsn't the sheet just rounded?  Or am I completely missing something?
19:16.51ShadowedIf it's rounded then 327.9 becomes 379 and 429.7 becomes 430 in which case it's still wrong
19:16.52zylexIs it possible to fix that bug?
19:16.57TS|Skromoh man... I've developed an itch on my chest and arms prolly a mild allergic reaction to these antibiotics I'm on...
19:17.08tyroneyMaybe it's biased to nice round numbers.  Ok, maybe not.
19:17.16TS|Skromand I've been rubbing my chest so much to relieve the itch that I've literally given myself bruises
19:17.22ShadowedCide: you here by any chance?
19:17.38tyroneyts|skrom: cut that out.  If it's that bad, give your doc or pharm a call.
19:17.41TS|Skromnotice I didn't say "scratching" learned that lesson before
19:18.06TS|Skromtyroney I did.. and for some reason they said they couldn't give me anything else..
19:18.24TS|Skromsince it wasn't " that bad" I would just have to deal and sleep in a cooler room to relieve the itching
19:18.32Shadowedtyroney: CTProfile does rounding it looks like, when i do the math it matches up with that data. But not my in-game character sheet :/
19:18.38TS|Skromdoesn't help when I'm at work and can't take my shirt off and sit in front of a fan ><
19:19.12TS|SkromI'm allergic to pennicillan so what they gave me is about all I can take
19:19.24TS|Skromlike highly allergic to penn... more then just a slight itch hehe
19:19.45[RTE]Kemayo: better, but you need some "catch" to your addon, ad something like ability to display player note in the tooltip on mouseover or something
19:20.23[RTE]then people will be using your addon, not originals, give them something they think they can use, not neceserelly useful, but "cool"
19:20.57[RTE]TS|Skrom: sucks to be you
19:21.21[RTE]TS|Skrom: go natural, herbs and all :)
19:21.27ShadowedCTProfile matches the character seet
19:21.39ShadowedI almost wonder if they floor the minimum range, and ceil the maximum range
19:21.47zylex[RTE]: i think the problem is when something in Arathi Basin happens it does something that closes addon
19:22.08zylexif score updates it gets hidden, also if flag statuses change
19:22.28[RTE]zylex: check the events, they may have been changed, more importantly the arguments of the events
19:22.41Shadowedtyroney: I think blizzard (for some reason) doesn't round it, but for the minimum range they floor() it, and for the maximum they ceil() it. Not sure why, but thats what its looking like
19:23.07zylexim not really sure what to look for
19:23.07[RTE]Shadowed: it actually makes sens
19:23.11tyroneyshadowed: sounds sane enough.
19:24.04Shadowed( 24 / 14 ) * 1.3 = 2.3, which means 35 + 2.3 = 37 which matches the character sheet, and 73 + 2.3 which would mean 76, but the char sheat says 75
19:24.08Shadowedafter switching to priest
19:24.57zylexwhat exactly does this means? -->
19:24.58zylexif (event == "UPDATE_WORLD_STATES") then
19:24.58zylex-- void atm
19:24.58[RTE]zylex: well, take a look at the events addon has registered and go on wowwiki and see if there were any changes done to them in 1.12, I'm pritty sure there were, then see if those changes will impact OnEvent function of addon in any way
19:26.23TS|Skromwhy if 35+2.3 is 37 would 73+2.3 = 76?
19:26.24[RTE]anyone here wants to help me with localizations for GTS?
19:26.46TS|Skrom5 + 2 = 7... 3 + 2 = 5
19:27.00ShadowedTS|Skrom: Because I think they may floor the minimum damage and 35 is the minimum, and ceil the maximum, 73 being max
19:27.06tyroney[RET]: Just how do you define help?  I might volunteer if I can learn something without losing too much of my mind.
19:27.10Shadowedfloor( 35 + 2.3 ) and ceil( 73 + 2.3 )
19:27.17Hexarobirounding down to the nearest integer for one, rounding up for the other
19:27.31TS|Skromwait... did you say it backwards? is it coming out 76 when you expect 75?
19:27.37[RTE]By help I mean writting localization in German, French, Chinese or Corean
19:27.43Shadowedit's a lot of conflicting data
19:28.05[RTE]There's not much to translate though, just 2-3 pages worth of text.
19:28.05ShadowedI know the formula is right, AP / 14 * weapon speed + max range = new max range
19:28.26ShadowedThe problem is that i'm +/- 1 off due to rounding, can't make it match up with the in-game sheet :/
19:28.54TS|Skromwouldn't it be floor(newMax + .5)
19:29.03[RTE]aperantly not
19:29.17TS|Skromcog taught me that one ^.^
19:29.23Shadowedif you did ceil( newMax + 0.5 ) then i'd be off
19:29.30[RTE]look, it makes sns to floor the min value and cil the max value
19:29.35Shadowedactually, hrm sec
19:30.05[RTE]because if you do that you get the minimum containing interval
19:30.29[RTE]given that the limits must be integers, not real
19:30.44ShadowedIf you do floor( newMax + 0.5 ) then the maximum is correct. If you do floor( newMin + 0.5 ) then it's off by one
19:30.48TS|Skromunless the game engine doesn't round using ceil
19:31.10ShadowedI'm pretty sure it stores and gets the info server side, so i'd imagine that the server has round() support
19:32.22Shadowedthis is so very annoying
19:32.35TS|Skromfloor the min and +.5 floor the max?
19:32.50Shadowedi'm already doing that
19:33.22Shadowedi'm in PHP though, so i can just call round();
19:34.06cogwheelfloor(num + 0.5) is exactly the same as round(num)
19:34.09cogwheelI promise
19:35.16TS|Skromer... you are doing addon work in php?
19:35.26TS|Skrom*foom* cleanup on aisle five again
19:36.20ShadowedIt's not an in-game addon, but i'm working with the in-game formula's
19:37.40TS|Skromtoday I get to learn about checkboxes :D
19:37.55CideShadowed: back
19:38.16ShadowedCide: Did you do the formula's for CTProfile?
19:38.24Shadowedfor calculating melee damage range
19:38.30CideShadowed: yes
19:38.48Cideand yes, floor() minimum, ceil() maximum
19:39.10ShadowedDo priests have a different calculation by any chance then?
19:39.52Cidelet me load up the code
19:41.16Shadowed( 24 / 14 ) * 1.3 + 73 = 75.2 if i ceil that, it's 76 but char sheet says 75 for max. I'm guessing priests use a different calculation, but want to make sure
19:41.35TS|Skromis there a version of "radio" buttons in wow?
19:41.40Cidefloor($ammoDps*$speed+$damageModifier*($damage + $power/14*$speed + $damageAddition))
19:41.49TS|Skromas in, default behavior of only one per group selected at any given time?
19:42.05TS|Skromor is that done with checkboxes, "onclick -> clear other boxes"
19:42.18ShadowedDo you have the calc's for offhand damage when DWing?
19:42.40[RTE]TS|Skrom: with checkboxes
19:42.44TS|Skromahh thanks
19:42.45Cideum, not sure - we're two developers
19:42.53Shadowedit's fine, will go work it out
19:42.58Cidethough I don't think that affects the damage ranges
19:43.00Shadowedanswers the question that was bugging me though, thanks
19:43.19ShadowedWell, you take a 50% reduction, wasn't sure if they applied it before or after calculating the range
19:43.33Cideit's not added at all, I believe
19:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
19:44.13Cideto the char sheet
19:44.13Shadowedalright, thanks
19:45.43Mikmaclad|work: you here?
19:51.42Esamynn_sorry for the spam, setting up nicknames for my laptop
19:54.07zylex[RTE]: i got big troubles finding that error :)
19:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla|school (
19:54.57[RTE]zylex: well, can't help you more, I'm at work, so no testing for me
19:55.01TS|SkromI hate writing crystal reports
19:55.16TS|Skromespecially when no one tells you what any of the database fields mean and you just have to guess
19:55.32TS|SkromOh gee this looks like fun, I'll pull this one over and hope for the best ><
19:56.38[RTE]sounds fun
19:56.51[RTE]delete * from database;
19:57.05TS|SkromI'd get murdered by a large angry mob
19:57.20[RTE]but the report will be done :) lol
19:57.39[RTE]better yet:
19:57.54zylexanyone else that got some spare time to help me get this addon to work?
19:58.12TS|Skromand the stupid thing is... this report I'm doing is so we can send all our customer data to ... a supplier... who doesn't have any noncompete clause who will give us a 2% discount when we buy from them if we give all this data up including, who they are, what they buy and how often
19:58.16[RTE]rename all the fields you do not know :)
19:58.25zylexworked flawless until patch 1.12...
19:59.05TS|Skromhow many customers do we have to lose due to the supplier selling directly before that 2% gets eaten up?
19:59.08TS|Skromanswer: not many
19:59.41TS|Skrombut I'm just the computer jockey not the accountant or the salesman, so they don't ask me
20:00.08[RTE]yeah, so back to work, typing monkey :)
20:00.33[RTE]it is their decision to make and their money to risk
20:01.15[RTE]if only I had money to start my own company ...
20:01.26[RTE].. I would'ev already retired :) lol
20:01.40TS|Skromone of these days... one of these days
20:01.48TS|SkromI'm getting ready to start back to college
20:02.02TS|Skromgonna get me a programming degree and get out of this hardware/software support rut I'm in
20:02.25[RTE]yeah, one more year of uiversity for me and I'm done :)
20:02.58[RTE]I don't see much of an improvement in the future for me though :(
20:03.13[RTE]unless I find some rich bastard I can leach off :) hehe
20:03.21TS|Skromyou sound like my ex wife
20:03.25[RTE]by rich bastard I mean client
20:03.56[RTE]I knew I should have been a wonan :)
20:04.39TS|Skromso now I've got the base report written, I'm just waiting on the vendor to email me with the requirements that we have to send to them so I can make his job of stealing our customers even easier
20:05.00TS|Skrombecause not only do I have to send him my data I have to put it in a special order so it's easier to steal, I mean read
20:05.07[RTE]brb, tea time
20:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:05.28TS|Skromyo kirk
20:08.50Shadowedfinally, got the calcs working
20:12.50TS|Skromwhat was the difference shadowed?
20:17.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:21.25|FF|Im2good4uQ: when i have items that increase magical damge from spells/effect does that also effect my hunter shots ?
20:24.25IndustrialHow do I delete a MediaWiki page?
20:24.58|FF|Im2good4uIndustrial: u dont u need admin rightts for it
20:25.17Industrialeven if im the one that made it?
20:25.22Industrialits my own page :<
20:25.47|FF|Im2good4uwell its like that on an other wiki i know
20:26.01|FF|Im2good4usince oages are edited by anyone they dont realy got a rela ownder
20:26.02Industrialk cause im not seeing a del button
20:26.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
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20:29.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
20:33.51JoshBorkeno, you can't delete a page
20:36.21KirkburnOnly sysops (admins) can delte *any* pages
20:36.37KirkburnAnd I still can't reach the wiki ...
20:36.51Industrialthis is for the wowace wiki in case you are wondering :P
20:37.02KirkburnStill, same rules :P
20:37.11JoshBorkeKirkburn: see if your traceroute goes through the same router that you get stuck on for the wiki
20:37.51KirkburnI can get to the Ace wiki fine
20:37.59ShadowedTS|Skrom: What do you mean difference?
20:38.02[RTE]TS|Skrom: people are lazy and they want someone todo their job for them, so I'm not surprised :)
20:38.05KirkburnThe traceroute stops in Canada for me
20:38.28JoshBorkewhere does it stop again?
20:38.58[RTE]traceroute never stops in canada
20:39.04Shadowedcalc was just
20:39.08TS|SkromShadowed: what made it work now? did you find something?
20:39.12Shadowedceil( ( $weapon['max'] + ( $this->attackpower / 14 * $weapon['speed'] ) ) * $dw_penalty )
20:39.15JoshBorkeinteresting.  looks like you're being dropped there.  i go through there also and it works
20:39.17Shadowedfloor( ( $weapon['min'] + ( $this->attackpower / 14 * $weapon['speed'] ) ) * $dw_penalty )
20:39.19TS|SkromRTE: I must have missed something... what are you talking about lol
20:39.25Shadowedfirst one is maximum/min for OH when DWing
20:39.32KirkburnJoshBorke, after that point, I get request timed out.
20:39.53[RTE]TS|Skrom: seems like connection is being blocked or doews not go through some gate or whatever
20:40.06KirkburnWhat if my IP were banned somehow? Might that have that effect?
20:40.12Shadowedfirst calc is for offhand, bottom one is the calc for MH
20:40.19JoshBorkeyea, i was going to see if there is a way to see banned IPs on the wiki
20:40.25Kirkburnnot afaik
20:40.27TS|Skromwhat connection?
20:40.40TS|SkromI don't remember talking bout any connection lol
20:40.56KirkburnHe meant me :P
20:41.04TS|Skromoh hehe
20:41.16JoshBorkeKirkburn: i'd check with other sysops on the wiki
20:41.26TS|Skrommy addon won't load. I'm guessing it's an xml error somewhere but I'm not getting any error codes. is there a log file somewhere I could look at?
20:41.33[RTE]TS|Skrom: I was talking about the last fraze you told me before I went for tea
20:41.39KirkburnI'm going to try restarting the router and d/c-ing, see if I can change IP
20:41.54TS|Skromohhhh RTE gotcha :D
20:41.54JoshBorkefinally! i can see my writing!
20:42.00[RTE]TS|Skrom: try openning xml file with IE/FF first
20:42.05TS|Skromyeah my mind blanked on that one
20:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
20:44.33TS|SkromI hate xml
20:44.59TS|Skromit hates me too so it's okay
20:45.32tyroneyAnd besides opening in a browser, remember to check the logs.
20:46.23TS|Skromer... I think I need some help...
20:46.30TS|SkromI've got five checkboxes lined up horizontally
20:46.42TS|Skromwhen I hover my mouse over #4 it highlights and clicks #2... what gives?
20:47.00TS|Skromtoo close maybe?
20:47.09tyroneyI should make myself a checklist of:  [things a ui widget needs to be displayed] and [things to do/check when getting something working].  It would save me a few hours a month.
20:47.30tyroneyDo checkboxes have some built-in text that's overlapping in weird ways?
20:47.58TS|Skromthey do have a text component off to the left...
20:48.00JoshBorkein WoW? yes, if you use the default WoW checkbox, it has a FontString attached to it
20:48.03TS|Skromhow can I check that?
20:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
20:48.16JoshBorkewb Kirkburn
20:48.16TS|Skromor limit it?
20:48.19Kirkburn1Guess what happened :P
20:48.23JoshBorkesorry Kirkburn, same IP :-P
20:49.18Kirkburn1Hmm, either way, I'm back in the wiki!
20:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
20:50.10Kirkburn1morning zespri :)
20:50.39Kirkburn1And yes indeed, JoshBorke - I must have been very very unlucky with my previous connection :P
20:51.00TS|Skrombah, I :SetWidth(1) on my text boxes as a test and it still does it hehe, must not be because of the fontstrong
20:52.40Cidetime for the biggest part of ctprofiles to be rewritten
20:53.03JoshBorkein game profiles!
20:53.08JoshBorkeCide: so CTRA2 is done? :-D
20:53.29Shadowedwhat are you guys rewriting
20:53.43Cidewe're optimizing it, and as such I'm rewriting the stats calculator
20:54.13Shadowedgoing from LUA -> PHP after not doing PHP for a few months is hard
20:54.35Cidewell, I do both on a daily basis so it's not that bad
20:54.51cogwheelI just do my web programming in Lua... problem solved
20:55.01ShadowedBeen doing LUA mostly, havn't had much time to do PVP.
20:55.02Shadoweder PHP
20:55.09krkaphp is crap
20:55.13krkaof course it sucks to go back to it
20:55.33ShadowedBy sucks to go back to it, I mean not used to the syntax ;)
20:56.21TS|SkromI'm the reverse shadowed, I keep forgetting my thens :D
20:56.56wereHamsterCide, what for does CTRA2 need a stats calculator?
20:57.00zespri_workwhy don't the do 1.12.1? they have nothing to patch?
20:57.05Cidectprofiles does
20:57.10kergothkepler looks nice, i need to try that
20:57.15tyroneyTS_Skrom: you set your fontstring width to 0, or the built-in fontstring child of the checkbox?
20:57.21wereHamstera, so you'll integrate ctprofiles into CTRA2?
20:57.27TS|Skromthe fontstring that I was currently working with
20:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge frus` (
20:57.34Shadowed[53:13] <Cide> we're optimizing it, and as such I'm rewriting the stats calculator
20:57.49TS|SkromI assumed it was tree based... defined at the this: level overrides anything set from the template?
20:58.06CidewereHamster: no... I haven't even mentioned ctra2 until JoshBorke asked :)
20:58.28wereHamsterI didn't read the whole backlog.. :-X
20:59.13tyroneyHonestly, I don't know exactly.  Woiuld it be a pain to temporarily re-arrange them vertically, or something, to see if the same mis-click still happens?
21:00.58tyroneyTS|Skrom: by the way, feel free to paste something somewhere.  I sort of enjoy the xml side, even if it gets a little longwinded and tedious.
21:02.34TS|SkromI just rearranged vertically and there's no problem
21:02.45TS|Skromit seems the click box extends beyond the visible range
21:03.04TS|Skromat least unless you tell it not to be, which is what i don't know how to do
21:03.12TS|Skrommaybe you have to set the widge of the box?
21:04.18TS|Skromwidge = width O.o
21:04.28TS|Skromthat's them vertically
21:07.41tyroneyWait, in the UI options xml, I noticed something...
21:08.09[RTE]well, later folks, I'm headed hoome
21:08.31clad|workWell this is fucking inconvenient.
21:08.42cladhairesorry, effing inconvenient
21:09.32Cairenncladhaire: watch your fucking mouth!
21:09.45cladhaireCairenn: i dont like NSFW'ing.. since I've irc'd from work
21:10.00tyroneyTS|Skrom: the <HitRectInsets> in the OptionsCheckButtonTemplate  might have something to do with it.
21:10.02Tain_I'm fucking home.
21:10.14tyroney<AbsInset left="0" right="-100" top="0" bottom="0"/>
21:10.14cladhairei hate you all
21:10.26Cairennawww, we hate you too :)
21:10.27TainAnd I found a fucking apartment 5 miles from work.
21:10.33TainBut I fucking hate moving.
21:10.36Cairenngrats Tain
21:10.42Cairennbut you can stop now, lol
21:11.01TainThat last one wasn't added extraneously.
21:11.18cladhaireI'm pissed because some fucktard got my debit card number, and used it to charge a grand of shit at western union.  So now my account is closed, and I don't have a god damned debit card to take with me to the UK.
21:11.31TainI'm going to be paying movers a bunch of money to move all my stuff.
21:11.42TainThat's horrible clad. :(
21:11.47Cairenncladhaire: not good! :(((
21:11.54cladhairefucking tell me about it.
21:11.57TainI'll pay you cash to come move my stuff though.
21:12.22cladhaireI was planning on taking about 100 pounds to the UK with me, and using ATM's there to replenish any of that cash, so I don't get screwed on exchange rates.
21:13.43TainThat's what I did going to Canada the last time I flew in.  They gave me a hard time saying I was suspicious because I didn't have enough cash on me to spend a week in canada.
21:14.11cladhaireNot to mention that the UK doesn't trust credit cards, they prefer debit cards with all of their PIN goodness
21:15.01zespri_workI haven't used cash in years...
21:15.37TainThey get pissed when you try to swipe your card down a stripper's ass.
21:15.51[Ammo]cladhaire: I think you forgot to commit the actual plugin for clique, but only adjusted the .xml
21:15.57cladhaire[Ammo]: meh
21:16.08cladhairezespri_work: Yeah, but you get shit for exhange rates when going cash for cash, so the goal is to have SOME cash, but turn the same amount in, so you don't lose any money.
21:16.40zespri_workbut, yeah, I'm travaling oversees soon to, so haven't decided should I get a wad of cash with me or get chareged 5 bucks per transaction + unfair exchnge rates
21:17.16cladhairezespri_work: Thats why credit cards are beautiful =)
21:17.22cladhaireI'll make due, I'm just.. annoyed.
21:17.25[Ammo]cladhaire :)
21:17.35cladhaireI know for a fact that taxi I need to take both ways, I'll need at least 100 pounds for that.
21:18.25zespri_workThey charge a lot for cash advances on credit cards
21:18.49TS|Skrommurloc noises ftw ><
21:18.52zespri_workAnd the country I'm going to is not civilized enough so you could pay with a credit card everywhere =)(
21:18.58cladhairezespri_work: Aaah, see that's the problem
21:19.03cladhaireKirkburn1: PING
21:19.18cladhaireKirkburn1: Is there any chance I could bother you for a moment when you have a chance?
21:20.01TS|Skrom -- someone please tell me why my font strong won't show :(
21:21.27TS|SkromI had that at first and it wouldn't show then :(
21:21.43TS|Skromtrying again now to triple check
21:21.52cogwheelWell, this:GetName().."CheckButtonDesc" is completely wrong since this script is for the FontString itself...
21:23.01TS|Skromtrue, I meant to have $parent there I think
21:23.05cogwheelwait a minute... fontstrings don't even have scripts
21:23.19TS|Skromoh for crying out loud ><
21:23.23tyroneyding ding ding!
21:23.37TS|Skromthanks... <-- dumbass
21:23.51tyroneyI love making mistakes like that.  Well, evey now and then.  Not too often.
21:25.27cogwheelXSD-recognizing XML editor 4tw!
21:26.40tyroneyps:  cogwheel - what do you use along those lines?  I might as well upgrade from notepad sooner or later.
21:26.44TS|SkromSetNonSpaceWrap : how is this used?
21:27.01TS|SkromI use programmer's notepad
21:27.19Cidetextpad is awesome
21:27.42Kirkburn1Ping cladhaire
21:27.42cogwheelI haven't tried using textpad 'cause I had a very bad first impression when it completely choked on UTF-8 that it didn't recognize
21:27.53cladhaireKirkburn: Any chance I could get you to figure out how much a taxi is goign to cost me?
21:27.59KirkburnWhere to where?
21:28.04cogwheelI personally use VS 2005 but that's because i happen to have it and it works...
21:28.05cladhaireKirkburn: I need to get fro Heathrow to the University of Kent
21:28.16KirkburnTwo secs, see what I can do :)
21:28.24Hexarobiheh, university of kent
21:28.29cladhaireHexarobi: Why heh?
21:28.37Hexarobii find england funny
21:28.45Hexarobimonty python
21:28.52cogwheelhex, you're not alone :P
21:29.00cogwheelSpotted Dick
21:29.28Hexarobibollocks is bad, dogs bollocks is very good
21:29.52cogwheelkirkburn, what do you think of us over here? ;)
21:30.05Hexarobii dont trust a society that would burn Guy Fawkes in effigy
21:30.17cogwheelwith all our missing letters (like color, program, etc..)
21:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
21:32.12Kirkburn1How unfortunate that I got disconnected just then :P Last msg received: "i dont trust a society that would burn Guy Fawkes in effigy"
21:32.34Kirkburn1cogwheel, no-one eats Spotted Dick :)
21:32.52cladhaireKirkburn1: haha
21:32.59TainI'm a fan of entertainment that's come from England.
21:33.04TainDefinitely not the food however.
21:33.11Kirkburn1I <3 Brit comedy :)
21:33.32Kirkburn1The 'national dishes' aren't actually. We eat normal food, I promise
21:33.42cogwheelI had steak and kidney pie while i was there... I probably would've liked it if it weren't for the urine taste ... O.o
21:33.56TS|Skromwell just learned something new about xml
21:34.04TS|Skromwell, not new, but something I didn't kow
21:34.08Kirkburn1cogwheel, I just have steak pie, no kidney for me :/
21:34.14Kirkburn1So, cladhaire I have advice!
21:34.22cladhaireKirkburn1: zomg k =)
21:34.35Kirkburn1For a taxi from heathrow to the Uni of Kent, it would cost about £125
21:34.41Kirkburn1However, there is a much cheaper option
21:34.43cladhairei'll take the tube and the train =)
21:34.44cogwheelI also had a veggie burger at McDonalds before they offered them here ;)
21:35.07Kirkburn1Yeah, that. Or get a bus to Gatwick, and a taxi from there
21:35.20cladhaireany idea how much that would run me?
21:35.21TainMcDonalds got into trouble with those veggie burgers since they were cooking them on the same grill as the meat and pissing people off.
21:35.42Kirkburn1Train is a *much* better choice though.
21:35.57Tainclad you should hitchhike.
21:36.04Kirkburn1For gatwick to the Uni, it would probably reduce to taxi to £50 or so
21:36.14cogwheelI had to bus from Hearthrow to Oxford... I think i would've much preferred a train...
21:36.45Kirkburn1But the trains are reliable
21:36.54cladhaireKirkburn1: Which path would you reccomend?
21:37.18cladhaireif you don't mind me exploiting our friendship =)
21:38.12Kirkburn1(It's fortunate that my mum helps with a taxi company)
21:38.21Kirkburn1For the train advice?
21:38.52Kirkburn1London (Charing Cross or Waterloo East) to Canterbury West
21:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
21:39.18Kirkburn1Mainly because Canterbury West is closer to the campus
21:39.34cladhaireOkay, and it should be reasonably obvious how to get to Charing Cross from Heathrow?
21:40.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
21:40.40Kirkburn1Looking at a tube map now
21:41.20Kirkburn1Map of the tube:
21:41.43Kirkburn1(tfl = transport for london, excellent site for anyone wanting to travel around london)
21:41.43cladhaireoooh handy
21:41.45cladhairei'll print that out
21:41.53Kirkburn1Good idea :)
21:42.11Kirkburn1Charing Cross looks easiest to get to
21:42.21cladhairefair enough =)
21:42.39cladhaireKirkburn1: Now if I could just figure out my damn money, I'd be close to set =)
21:43.03Kirkburn1Picadilly Line to Piccadill Circus, then one stop on the Bakerloo line :)
21:43.41TS|Skromhrmpf. I can't seem to get my text to wrap and I can't google an answer for "New line in XML"
21:43.47TS|Skromsomeone hep me prz
21:43.53Kirkburn1Our money is eeeasy :P
21:43.59cladhaireNo, you misunderstand
21:44.13cladhaireI had some fraud on my debit card today, so that account is closed and I won't be able to get a new card in time.
21:44.17Kirkburn1Thought I might have :P
21:44.44cladhaireI was going to come over, exchange say $150 at the airport so I had some cash, spend only what i need to in cash, and replenish what i do spend at an ATM (using credit for everything else)
21:45.01cladhairethat way when I get back to the airport, I get the same exchange rate back on the money I changed.. and I save some money
21:45.16Kirkburn1Sounds okay to me
21:45.21cladhairebut that's no longer an option
21:45.26cladhaireso i'm gonna get screwed on any money i change =0
21:45.31Kirkburn1The train journey will probably be around ... hmm ... £30-40
21:45.55cladhaireyeah, i was expecting about $100 each way to and from kent, which blows.. but i can deal
21:46.34tyroneyTS|Skrom: warpping is presentation, and technically thus wouldn't be a part of xml.  (xml is for organization of data)  I think you want to search for the newline or carriage return character.  (not really any relation to xml)
21:46.47Kirkburn1cladhaire, train prices you can find here:
21:46.57cladhaireKirkburn1: Thanks
21:47.24cladhaireI really appreciate it =)
21:47.32cladhaireIf you can meet me for lunch on Monday, I'll buy you a beer :P
21:47.49Kirkburn1When do you arrive?
21:47.57cladhaire10.30am thursday
21:48.15Kirkburn1So you didn't leave the organsising tooo late then :P
21:48.24cladhairewell i knew what i was going to do
21:48.36cladhairebut the trying to avoid cash thing changed things..
21:48.43KirkburnAh yeah
21:48.52TS|Skromhrm... so I should avoid setting my label text inside the xml, register for an event of some kind and set my text inside the LUA that way I can use the newline?
21:48.55KirkburnTrains ftw
21:48.56cladhaireat least you guys take credit.. even if you prefer debit.
21:49.07KirkburnNot really true tbh
21:49.30KirkburnI'd say it's swinging towards credit cards atm, which isn't a good thing
21:49.31cladhairemy bf said everyone looked at him really weird when he gave it to them :P
21:49.51KirkburnGave a credit to whom?
21:49.59Kirkburn^ card
21:50.02cladhaireit was at some store, or restaurant.
21:50.30KirkburnWeird! Nah, many people pay with credit cards now
21:50.46cladhairewell thats goodto know
21:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
21:51.32Kasomaybe if he paid for some tiny amount with a credit card he'd get a funny look though.
21:51.36KirkburnWe're not as strange as we may sound! Promise!
21:52.06KirkburnI didn't say I was representative of normal brits :P
21:52.14cladhairevery true :P
21:52.51TS|Skromwell I guess I'll leave that text location stuff for later... I can always fix the looks after I get the meat done hehe
21:53.16Industrialhow do I color text in MediaWiki?
21:53.26Industrial(wowwiki is mediawiki right?)
21:53.31KirkburnSame way you would in html?
21:53.40cladhairealright well i'm off to shower and make dinner
21:53.53KirkburnBon appetit
21:54.07cladhaireKirkburn: Thank you for your help, hopefully I can leave you alone for a bit, but no promises =)
21:54.20KirkburnHeh, any questions, just ask :)
21:54.31Industrial<span style="color:#f00;">RED</span> ?
21:54.39KirkburnIndustrial, coding in mediawiki is just like coding for a normal website
21:55.05KirkburnMain differences is the extra codes you can use on top :)
21:55.25KirkburnYeah, your example was fine :)
21:55.46Kirkburn(though I hate when people reduce hex colours to 3 chars =)
21:56.40KirkburnBack to NFSU2 :)  (I wrote NSFW at first :/ )
21:56.42Cidered is cool in 3 char hex though
21:56.56KirkburnI can cope with f00 :)
21:56.57Cideno R though :(
21:59.32IndustrialKirkburn, yeah dunno why they put that in css
22:00.04Industrial yay colors :P
22:00.26KirkburnLooks good
22:00.39KirkburnPut the actual codes in afterwards at least :)
22:01.11Industrialhmm oki
22:01.14KirkburnActually, scratch that, see no need for it :P
22:01.31KirkburnDidn't realise what the page was actually for :)
22:01.53*** join/#wowi-lounge CSE|Deadly (
22:02.35KirkburnEven worse is when people define colours using "red" or "grey" in CSS ... it can totally break in some browsers :/
22:03.12Industrialoh yeah
22:04.07jaxdahlput in a note
22:04.12jaxdahlthat shaman color willc hange in BC
22:04.16jaxdahland it is unknown what it will be
22:04.31jaxdahlKirkburn|racing, maybe you found out in the files you had?
22:05.28Kirkburn|racingwhite, atm
22:05.42IndustrialKirkburn|racing, what are you racing
22:05.51Kirkburn|racingToyota Corolla, souped up :P
22:06.05Kirkburn|racing145mph and rising :)
22:07.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
22:08.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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22:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
22:13.28Esamynn_msg nickserv identify 21383
22:13.42Esamynn_good thing i didn' finish that
22:13.45Esamynn_good thing i didn' finish that;p
22:14.21Industrial-NickServ- Password Incorrect
22:14.22subbawt/ns ghost Esamynn 21383
22:19.55Esamynn_anyone know what I can do if I accidentally screwed up a nickserv password and don't know what it is anymore?
22:20.56Kirkburn|racingContact a freenode admin
22:21.08wereHamsterbrute-force attack?
22:21.20Kirkburn|racingCheck the website, there's stuff on there I remember
22:21.44Esamynn_Kirkburn|racing: thanks
22:22.39cladhaireHOW ON EARTH was my bash quote rejected.
22:22.59cladhaireMentalPower: cananyone suggest any perl tutorials?
22:22.59cladhaireMikk: 1. bust out your modem. 2. dial something with a steady stream of output. 3. change your terminal speed to whatever the modem ISN'T using at the moment. 4. save the resulting terminal session output as "" and execute it.
22:23.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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22:24.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Marmatt92 (
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22:26.18Marmatt92What does everybody this is the best UI for priests? I've been trying to find one but ot alot of them are very good.
22:26.47KirovUIs are a very personal thing.
22:26.49jaxdahlwhy doesn't the game join channels until you land if you login while you're in flight?
22:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn__ (
22:27.10KirovThe "perfect" setup for one person may be hated by someone else.
22:27.12Marmatt92i just want opinions
22:27.40cogwheelIt's like saying: "Hi, I'm a 23 year old male. What's the best car i should buy?!
22:27.48cogwheelthat ! was supposed to be a "
22:28.14Kirovcogwheel - Yes, but everyone knows the answer to that.
22:28.21Kirovcogwheel - the cheapest pos you can find.
22:28.42cogwheelWell, since addons are free, i've got plenty of options :P
22:28.48Marmatt92how about a compilation?
22:28.52cogwheels/e a/e most a/
22:29.49KirovMarmatt92 - compilations tend to just be a quick stepping stone to find a lot of addons you don't like.
22:29.50cogwheelYou might have better luck in the priest forum (at least if the forums were working, that is...)
22:30.06cogwheelThere would be a lot more focused knowledge there
22:30.40KirovIt also depends heavily on how you want to play your priest
22:30.44cogwheelhrm... looks like the hamster fell off its wheel again :\
22:31.12Kirovcogwheel - feeding time, he's head down in his food dish packing his cheeks
22:31.48TS|Skromhehe "plan the work, work the plan" as my pappy always says
22:32.09TS|Skromfeels good to have a plan for what you want to change on your addon before you start to code... work through that plan... and actually see it come off well
22:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn__ (
22:36.52Kirkburn|racingjaxdahl, because channels are set at the end of flights
22:37.13Kirkburn|racingIf you login whilst in mid-air, you aren't 'in' any area
22:37.34Kirkburn|racingThat's my thinking anyway
22:38.44Esamynn_there we go, i figured out my typo :)
22:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn__ (
22:49.51Hatsukinihilum has now wiped twice at 1% kel'thuzad ;)
22:50.51Corrodiasi take it that's him having 1% health left?
22:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
22:51.02Corrodiasmust be pretty frustrating. does he do something special when that low?
22:51.32Hatsukithey're offering 5kg for anyone who can get them rend buff=)
22:51.52Corrodiaskilog's? :o
22:52.08Hatsukifull flasked zanza'd etc raid
22:52.14Corrodias5 kilograms of fine crack cocaine
22:52.30Meryrend buff?
22:52.34Corrodiasi have absolutely no idea what that means, Hatsuki.
22:52.54cogwheelThat's an interesting coincidence... i'm actually reading right now... :P
22:52.56Hatsukiwhen you return rend's head, thrall gives "rend-buff"
22:53.08wereHamsterCorrodias, k = thousand, g = gold
22:53.09Corrodiaswhere is rend from, anyway?
22:53.12Meryhorde only?
22:53.17Hatsukihorde quest
22:53.22CorrodiaswereHamster: i mean flask, zanza, etc.
22:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:53.25Mery(that's why I don't know)
22:53.38Merywhat does the buff do?
22:53.40Hatsukistacks with dragonslayer buff
22:53.46wereHamsterflask gives 2k HP or spelldmg or mana and meybe there are other flasks..
22:53.50Hatsuki+500hp, 300ap and stuff
22:53.57Meryhmm nice
22:54.11wereHamsterand flasks don't disappear when you die
22:54.18Merybut i guess every single hode already did the quest LOL :P
22:54.20wereHamster2 hours each
22:54.24Corrodiasit's a nice little buff, lasts for one hour, and i don't know if the rend buff persists through death
22:54.33Hatsukidoesnt persist
22:54.57Hatsukiwell, they've 2hrs before maintenance
22:55.21Corrodiaswho've done what?
22:55.37Corrodiasthe buff has persisted through death just before a maintenance shutdown?
22:55.55Hatsukimaintenance starts in 2hrs
22:55.55Corrodiasyou didn't have a verb in your sentence
22:56.08Kirkburnhe did
22:56.09Hatsukiwhich means instance reset
22:56.12Corrodiasoh, "they have 2 hours", i get it
22:56.23Corrodiasmaintenance starts in 2 hours? is this euro, or am i out of the loop?
22:56.38wereHamsternihilum is an EU guild
22:59.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
23:08.37QzotAnyone in channel?
23:08.56QzotBlast. I had a question.
23:09.05QzotCan you let me know if someone logs on?
23:09.12TS|SkromI was just joking
23:09.16TS|Skromthere were a ton around earlier
23:09.17QzotOh. :D
23:09.33TS|SkromI'm outta here though, adios
23:09.50QzotI can't seem to guess the names of the API functions to put icons over the heads of mobs.
23:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
23:11.22Qzotty. Exactly what I was looking for.
23:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge The-Real (i=the_real@
23:20.09Maldivia_any 60 shamans here ?
23:20.39zespri_work55 shaman won't count?
23:21.30Maldivia_hmm, if you can tell me how much health your stoneclaw totem(rank 5) have at level 55?
23:22.16KasoDoesnt thottbot say that?
23:22.44Maldivia_I'm not interested in what thottbot says, I'm interested in what the ingame tooltip says
23:23.05Maldivia_thottbot doesn't take level into consideration
23:23.13zespri_workMhm, if I was able to run WoW at work I would tell you =)
23:23.16Kasoah, true
23:23.59Maldivia_zespri: if you should take a guess, would it be 390 or 411 ?
23:24.25Maldivia_or (585 / 617 if you have talents)
23:24.45zespri_workno idea, sorry
23:24.50Maldivia_heh, ok
23:26.37*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
23:39.44Maldivia_hmm, any 60 druids then, who can tell me how much AP they get from cat form (according to tooltip)
23:41.32ThraeCat Form receives 2 AP from Strength and 1 AP from Agility. With the Heart of the Wild, this becomes 2.4 from Strength. With the talent directly preceeding HoTW, this increases to 150%.
23:42.10Maldivia_I know... not what I mean
23:42.34Maldivia_The cat form "spell" reads something like: Shapeshift into cat form, increasing melee attack power by xxx plus Agility. Also protects the caster from....
23:42.49Maldivia_it's the xxx I'm interested in
23:43.13Maldivia_... ok, that could be misinterpreted
23:44.02Thraepurl, Maldivia is 19:55 < Maldivia_> it's the xxx I'm interested in
23:44.06purlokay, Thrae
23:44.50Kirkburn1And who can blame him ...
23:45.11ThraeYeah, everyone loves Vin Disel!
23:45.31Kirkburn1My love for Vin Diesel is strangely absent
23:48.38Maldivia_do we really dont have any druids or shammys in this channel, that's currently playing aswell :|
23:48.39KirovVin Diesel was the voice of The Iron Giant
23:48.53cladhaireI'm a druid
23:48.57cladhairewhats the question?
23:49.18Maldivia_cat form, what does the tooltip read, how much AP you get from it
23:50.13cladhaire120 plus Agility
23:50.21Maldivia_ok, thank you :)
23:51.31TainPerfectRaid.lua:445: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value)
23:52.17ThraeTain: What's on line 445?
23:52.24ThraeMight be a UnitName call
23:52.40TainYeah that's it
23:53.02ThraeChange it to (UnitName)
23:53.13TainThat's the one clad
23:53.17cladhaireThrae: Thanks for the reminder, i'll go take a look at those.
23:53.52TainChange who to what not?
23:55.02ThraeHmmm that looks more like either self.CLASSES[class] was bad, or UnitName(id) was bad. With Cross BGs, the server syncing problems are getting worse, you can't rely on the text from anything never being nil.
23:55.11Maldivia_Thrae: not neccesary, only 1st return value is used in that scenario
23:55.26cladhaireit means the class wasn't available.
23:55.28cladhairewhich keeps sucking.
23:55.33ThraeMaldivia_: I was just making a guess there
23:55.47cladhairei'll put something inf or it, thanks tain
23:55.55TainI'm not even in a bg, just normal raid
23:56.01Maldivia_hmm, I've never had problem with class not available... but I find it funny when I see rogues and warriors running around with mana in BGs :)
23:56.18cladhairei'll default to warrior
23:56.28cladhaireMaldivia_: Its not available all the time when a raid shuffles around.
23:56.33cladhaireMaldivia_: Really frustrating.
23:56.50Thraecladhaire: What is self.CLASSES[class]? It looks like it should return the colour, does it also return the localized class text?
23:56.51TainI don't even want to be in this raid.
23:56.52Maldivia_cladhaire: hmm, weird - never have problems with it in my raid addon
23:57.18cladhaireThrae: No, it just returns the color
23:58.20ThraeI usually do (ClassColors[class] or "FFFFFF") in that situation, but some people say I'm lazy
23:58.40cladhairewell it needs to be handled in some way
23:58.46ThraeEven if it's only a 1% chance of the server giving bad info, I want to avoid my mod from throwing an error
23:59.01cladhairewell yes, but its not that simple.
23:59.04Maldivia_Thrae: you'll still get the nil error
23:59.05cladhairei agree however on the principle.
23:59.06TainNothing ever is.
23:59.28Maldivia_Thrae: you'd have to do ClassColors[class or "PRIEST"], or similar
23:59.47cladhaireThrae: ClassCOlors[class] won't work because class is nil, and you can't index a table with a nil key
23:59.51cladhaireis what Maldivia_ is saying.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.