irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060904

00:01.18Warlaany LUA pros in here? ^^
00:01.24norgsbut i gotsta go
00:01.37Warlawell my question is about pets
00:01.41Cairennnorgs, pong me when you get back
00:01.41Warlawarlock and hunter pets
00:01.43jaxdahlif we were pros
00:01.48jaxdahlwe'd write bug free code
00:01.51jaxdahlall the time
00:02.03AnduinLotharpeople who get paid dont do that
00:02.10IrielBeing a professional just means you get paid to do it 8-)
00:02.12Warlahow'd you get the stats / infos about warlock hunter pets the best
00:02.17norgsi'll be going to work
00:02.19Kirovjaxdahl - No no, a pro just gets paid to blaim their bugs on others and get them to fix it for them.
00:02.25Warlais it neccessiry for the lock to summon them all
00:02.27norgsso it'll be about 1.5hrs
00:02.44Warlaor is it possible to get infos about them even when not summoned?
00:02.44IrielWarla : Yes
00:02.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:02.46Cairennnorgs: as I said ...
00:02.54KirovWarla - if the pet doesn't exist (ie: it hasn't been summoned) the game has no knowledge of it.
00:02.56norgsok :)
00:02.58Warlaso when a lock wants his pet info stored he needs to waste 3 shards? :-/
00:03.02IrielThere's no API's to get information on an unsummoned one. Hunters can get some info on stabled pets, but they need to be at a stable master
00:03.07norgscyaz all
00:03.16IrielWarla : Or do it near a FP and get your shards returned for the cost of a flight
00:03.18KirovWarla - pretty much, yeah.
00:03.23Warlayea i found the stabled ones
00:03.34Warlaso those only work when they have stable master open?
00:03.47IrielWarla : last I checked, yes
00:04.01Warlahunters seem to have it better thoigh
00:04.07Warlaohh about the stabled pets
00:04.19Warlai noticed the API functions seem limited$
00:04.29IrielYes, they're limited to what's needed to display the stable UI
00:04.32Warlai cannt get stats like str agi int e.t.c from stabled pets right?=
00:04.44IrielYou'd have to flip pets (a zero cost activity) for the other info
00:04.51Warlai c
00:04.58Warladamn pets seem to be annoying to scan
00:05.06Warlafor my profiler page :-(
00:05.16AnduinLotharyes, yes they are
00:05.21KirovWarla - my suggestion is have you mod auto scan for pet information in the background.
00:05.27IrielScan other people's pets when you see them 8-)
00:05.34IrielFor warlocks that should be enough, right?
00:05.53Warlathe manes wouldnt match ' '
00:06.05Warlaand depending on the locks gear the stats are different
00:06.15IrielYeah, but you know about the gear
00:06.19Irielthe name issue is a real one though
00:06.21Irielno way around that
00:06.32Warlacannt avoid the 3 shards watsed
00:06.58KirovWarla - I'm assuming people are just going to leave your mod on in the background, right?
00:07.01IrielAs I noted, you can use a flight path to get a shard for a pet
00:07.16Irielbut that's still a pain
00:07.20Warlakirov yea the mod suxx at the moment
00:07.24KirovWarla - hehe
00:07.35Warlait basically "just" does what it needs... extract info
00:07.44Warlai started with an GUI for it
00:07.48Warlaheres a screenshot:
00:07.50KirovWarla - I'm assuming you have a button to press that does that?
00:08.22Warlayes and no
00:08.25Warlatheres 1 button you press
00:08.35Warlathat gathers inventory bags and stats like rep skills talents
00:08.39Warlafor mailbox
00:08.44Warlayou need to go open it and close ut
00:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:08.50Warlasame for bank bags and stuff
00:08.55Warlaneeds to open bank and close it
00:09.05Kirovno button press, just auto-scan, correct?
00:09.10Kirovfor bank / mail
00:09.17Warlano 1 button press needed for general stats
00:09.18Kirovand saves that info someplace
00:09.25KirkburnBtw, this is of interest - mob encounters will be longer in future!
00:09.51Warlai also like to implement a preferenced dialog
00:10.01Warlawhere people can limit what they wanna show
00:10.06Warlaon the profiles page
00:10.20Warla <-- shows everything
00:10.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:10.46Warlapreferences dialog also should have a field where you can enter the URL to your screenshot of your toon
00:12.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:12.33Warlaheh but right now as i stated my Lua skills still suck... the mod is made basically by staring at wowwiki pages for hours
00:12.53Cairennokay, one or another of you had somehow managed to get the expansion ui files?
00:13.15Kirkburnlol, Maldivia can get them :P
00:13.22KirkburnI just asked him =)
00:13.28KirovWarla - yeah, that's how many of us started
00:13.36MaldiviaCairenn: I have for build 5610, 5665 and 5666 :)
00:13.55CairennMaldivia: any chance you could send them to me, pretty please?
00:14.03KirkburnBtw, I can host them again if you want
00:14.44MaldiviaCairenn, want DCC, URL or mail ?
00:14.56Cairennwhatever works easiest for you
00:15.43Cairennthat's the mpq extracted, correct?
00:15.57Maldiviauusing the toolkit to extract
00:16.29KirkburnCan I get a copy here too? =)
00:16.46KirkburnPwetty pwease :P
00:17.05KirkburnOoh, never tried IRC dls
00:17.11cladhaireSpirit of Redemption: When the priest dies, it looks like UntIsDead() UnitIsGhost() return nil.  Anyone played with that at all?
00:18.10zenzelezzcan't you still perform some actions while being spirit?
00:18.12Kirovcladhaire - you have to check for the buff
00:18.12KirkburnThanks Maldivia :)
00:18.51Legorolts ts, distributing Alpha files, are you now..
00:18.53cladhaireKirov: I know that.. but i'm looking for something to tell me to check fo rthe buff, other than 100% mana 100% health.
00:19.27Kirovnothing at the time, other than the buff
00:19.40KirovGetRaidRosterInfo() might show them dead
00:19.43cladhaireThrae: It is
00:20.10cladhaireThrae: I was trying to avoid scanning every time.
00:20.17cladhairefor hunters, you only scan for feign when they're dead
00:20.33Warlacladhaire what UI are you writing? :-)
00:20.45cladhaireWarla: adding SoR detection to PerfectRaid
00:21.03Kirovcladhaire - you _could_ check to see if they just died
00:21.15Warlahmm dont know perfect raid what does it do?
00:21.22KirovPriests will show as dead for a moment, then 100% health / mana
00:21.38Maldiviaand how would you know if someone just died?
00:21.54ThraeKirov: Are you sure UNIT_DEAD is called?
00:22.07KirovThrae - for a moment, yes
00:22.33KirovI'd say check to see if their health changes from 0 to 100%
00:22.38ThraeSo UNIT_DEAD is called only once, or for both time the unit dies?
00:22.39Maldiviawhich UNIT_DEAD event ?
00:22.44Maldiviawhen was that implemented?
00:22.48KirkburnHosting the BC UI files :P
00:23.11ckknightthanks, Kirkburn
00:23.26ThraeOops, I was thinking of PLAYER_DEAD, there is no UNIT_DEAD
00:23.26ckknightKirkburn, do you know if lua 5.1 is already up and running?
00:23.28KirkburnI want a downloadable version of Bela's compare engine :P
00:23.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:23.34Maldiviackknight: it's not
00:23.45ckknightokay, thanks
00:23.45ThraeKirkburn: diff
00:23.58TemI feel like a good citizen
00:24.05Maldiviackknight: from UIParent.lua, build 5666:
00:24.07Maldiviafunction BuildListString(...)
00:24.07Maldiviaif ( not arg[1] ) then
00:24.11TemI just purchased software that I normally would have pirated
00:24.19ckknightMaldivia, okay.
00:24.22KirkburnThrae, was that a correction or a suggestion?
00:24.36Maldiviackknight, or well, that tells me they are not using 5.1 :)
00:24.38TemI guess when the price is right, I'm willing to pay
00:24.54zenzelezzwhich software is this?
00:25.05ckknightone step at a time, Tem
00:25.11ckknightone step at a time.
00:25.17ckknightwe can get through this. Together.
00:25.42MaldiviaKirkburn: poke around abit, and you'll notice new API commands like: EquipItemByName, UseItemByName etc :)
00:25.54Temoh god clad
00:26.07KirkburnSounds cool
00:26.23Temyay for spamorific Praid
00:26.51MaldiviaAnd apparently, you can now save a target, and retarget it afterwards!
00:26.53cladhaireTem: ?
00:27.00TemFound nil
00:27.01ckknightMaldivia, hrm
00:27.02TemFound nil
00:27.04TemFound nil
00:27.08TemFound Poison
00:27.12TemFound nil
00:27.16zenzelezzthanks for that demonstration
00:27.17KirkburnBan the spammer! =)
00:27.39Maldiviackknight: new function SetFocus(unit), and a new unit id: "focus"
00:27.56ckknightvery neat.
00:27.59Maldiviaor it might be an assist option for raids
00:28.01Maldiviadon't know
00:28.07ckknightah, oh well
00:28.10ckknightwe'll see
00:28.53Kirkburnckknight, buy one when it comes out, eh :P
00:28.57cladhairewe'll be wiping at sartura in a minute, so I'll be able to test the SoR stuff
00:29.05ckknightKirkburn, well, yea, I will, but that's in 3 months
00:29.15Kirkburn*might* be less \o/
00:29.22Kirkburn(but probably won't)
00:29.28Kirkburn(but might be)
00:29.56KirkburnSo - any suggestions on how to do a diff on the UI files?
00:30.21ckknighthow does wdn do it?
00:30.42cladhairerun a diff, then pretty it up.
00:31.02MaldiviaKirkburn: diff -u -r olddata newdata
00:31.04cladhaireKirkburn: Commit the 1.12 files to an SVN repo.. then commit the BC files on top of it.
00:31.12cladhairethen its all magical =)
00:31.48KirkburnOookaay ... need an SVN =) And Maldivia, what's that in?
00:32.06Maldiviadiff, standard comparison commandline tool :)
00:32.33KirkburnIn XP?
00:32.42cladhaireyou can download it
00:32.46Maldiviadownload unix tools, and you have it :)
00:32.47cladhaireits a gnu utility
00:33.22Maldiviaimpossible to use windows without those tools :)
00:33.45KirkburnBah, looks too complicated for me :P
00:35.00KirkburnI'm happy to play host and let others tell me what's new =)
00:35.01zenzelezzKirkburn: or something similar might work
00:35.16zenzelezzthough that's pure speculation, as I'm too lazy to try it
00:35.39Legorolwindiff is almost useless
00:35.39KirkburnMaldivia, you're awesome
00:36.06zenzelezzLegorol: probably, but the wiki links to alternatives which might be better =D
00:36.07Legoroli must admit i use diff (although from cygwin and not from unxutils) under windows
00:36.11zenzelezzI just remembered the name
00:36.29Temcladhaire, you didn't have the border this nicely done last time I saw it
00:36.44cladhaireTem: I fixed it.
00:36.52MaldiviaKirkburn, I'll just send again
00:36.55cladhaireI was pissing my bouyfriend off because of how upset i was
00:36.58cladhairebut i got it done
00:37.09KirkburnWell here' one diff for you:
00:37.34Maldiviaforgot -u on the first, -u makes it more human-readable (to me, anyway)
00:37.40KirkburnAh, I'll reupload
00:38.20cladhaireTem: OOOH an issue for you to look at.
00:38.22KirkburnOkay is a diff for you :)
00:38.29ckknightso is the toc gonna become 20000?
00:38.33Kirkburnack, grammar failure
00:38.37Kirkburnckknight, yep
00:38.40Temcladhaire, sure
00:38.43ckknightgood plan
00:38.48Temwe're doing Fankris tonight
00:38.53Temthen going back into BWL
00:39.00TemI can totally phone in BWL
00:39.10cladhaireTem: The highlight texture is LEFT anchored to the frame, the RIGHT anchored to the status text.  I need a way to horiz offset the RIGHT anchor.. and it seems I have to provide both and X and a Y offset to make it tdo anything
00:39.19JoshBorkecladhaire: what are the different colors of the texture when highlighting?
00:39.26cladhairei'm gonna just make the status text a bit bigger, and that'll resolve the issue
00:39.34Temcladhaire, you do
00:39.37cladhaireJoshBorke: Debuffs, those are the blizzard colors.
00:39.44JoshBorkeok, cool
00:39.45Tembut what's wrong with RIGHT,5,0?
00:40.18cladhaireTem: It doesn't work.
00:40.22KirkburnI'll make a page for all the BC UIs 2moro
00:40.23cladhaireTem: Doesn't move it at all
00:40.36Temthen something else is wrong
00:40.55cladhaireTem: That's what I figured =)
00:41.00Tulleroh boy, shaman color!
00:41.08IrielBear i mind that the download had a TOS attached, and being too public about these files could get you into legal hot water.
00:41.28cladhaireTem: Take a look at it, its in UpdateLayout() at the bottom
00:41.39cladhaireJust need the rounded edge to extend beyond the status text.
00:41.47cladhaireI can resolve it easily another way, but I thought I could anchor it.
00:41.52KirkburnI know, I'm not planning on spreading it - but it's useful stuff for those here
00:42.10ckknightJump() seems to be replaced with JumpOrAscendStart() and AscendStop()
00:42.15ckknightseemingly for the flying
00:42.26Temcladhaire, it's absolutely doable via anchoring
00:42.36cladhaireTem: Thats what I thought =)
00:42.57cladhaireTem: AlignRight and AlignBottom (/praid align and /praid valign) both work now.
00:43.34JoshBorkecladhaire: where in PerfectRaid to you layout the frames?
00:43.54JoshBorkenvm, i'm dumb
00:43.55cladhaireJoshBorke: UpdateLayout()
00:44.18cladhaireHaha I'm leaving it this way.. When a priest gets spirit of redemption, their bar turns purple and goes to "Imp. Dying" =)
00:44.44JoshBorkeLOL, nice
00:46.02cladhaireI couldn't think how I wanted to put it, "Spirit" is too close to "Ghost".. and "Redemption" is too paladin-y.  In my guild we call the talent imp. dying, so that works =)
00:46.23jaxdahlcladhaire, highlighting buggy if you use align right instead of align left, i think
00:46.57cladhairejaxdahl: Not in my version
00:47.02Kirkburnzomg, Maldivia just gave me the best news :D
00:47.07cladhaireIts not properly offset horizontally but its only off by 10 pixels or so
00:47.50KirkburnBut I'm not going to say it :P
00:48.10ckknightThey made Shaman's color white now?
00:48.39Kirkburn["SHAMAN"] = { r = 1.0, g = 1.0, b = 1.0 },
00:48.40Kirkburnseems so
00:48.49KirkburnLooks temporary :P
00:48.50cladhairethey haven't chosen the new color
00:49.13ckknightyea, seems temporary
00:49.14Maldiviaif(not (server == nil)) then <-- hehe :)
00:50.05KirovMaldivia - what the
00:50.42jaxdahlcladhaire, is highlight supposed to higlight the whole row?
00:50.42KirkburnTa daa! Now please don't go spreading this link ...
00:50.45MaldiviaKirov: from Blizzards /ignore slash handler :)
00:50.48Warlais there a way to find out what professions a char has?
00:50.59cladhairejaxdahl: yes
00:51.21Warlalike cooking, mining, tailoring without actually having to open em? (not the details... just knowing IF he has it or not)
00:51.54KirovWarla - scan their spell book
00:52.01Kirkburn(I can track visitor numbers, so if it starts shooting up, I'll take it down again)
00:52.01Warlathats what just came to mind
00:52.05Warlascan spellbook
00:52.17Maldiviaor scan skill lines
00:52.27Kirovor that
00:52.29Warlaskill lines?
00:52.35KirkburnDid anyone want an LFG system in WoW?
00:52.36Warlai didnt understand that part
00:52.40Kirovskills tab
00:52.45MaldiviaWarla: when you press K
00:52.56IrielLots of people wanted a LFG system as long as it worked
00:53.05Irielthere's been an extensive API for some time, it just doesn't do anything
00:53.18KirovNever understood that
00:53.32KirkburnWell, there's LFGFrame.lua in 5666
00:53.33MaldiviaIriel: well, apparently there's a LFGFrame.lua/xml in the expansion UI files
00:53.59IrielCool, maybe it's turnedo n
00:54.03KirkburnLots of mentions of the word criteria :)
00:54.05IrielHopefully it's not like TicTacToe
00:54.42Meryno its completly there and looks promising
00:54.47Maldiviayeah, why haven't they finished TicTacToe... what else to do, when you die in the beginning of a boss fight :|
00:55.02Kirkburnoooh, cosmic!
00:55.21IrielI guess that means that outland isn't forced onto the main world map?
00:55.32KirkburnBtw, there's a 'cosmic' map of Outland - whatever that means
00:55.33ckknightguess not
00:55.42Kirkburn(as well as a normal map)
00:55.48ckknightKirkburn, Cosmic is probably between Azeroth and Draenor
00:55.50Maldiviackknight: speaking of WorldMapFrame.lua, noticed the:  -- Temporary Hack (Temporary meaning 2 yrs, haha)
00:55.57KirkburnQuite possibly
00:56.13ckknightand between whatever other expansion worlds they want to put on
00:56.21ckknightMaldivia, hehe, yea
00:56.36cladhaireIriel: Can i bother you for a second on a bizarre anchoring question?
00:56.53ckknightokay, yea, if you zoom out of Azeroth/Draenor, you go to cosmic
00:56.59ckknightand cosmic is the highest zoom
00:57.18Maldiviamakes sense
00:57.37cladhaireIriel: Nvm.,  Seems if you call SetPoint with three args and only the x offset, it doesn't apply it.  Damn arg counting =)
00:57.45Mery"if ( GetCurrentMapZone() ~= WORLDMAP_WORLD_ID ) then" comparing a zone return with a continent ID lol but since WORLD_ID is 0 as well as the return of the zone in that case it works :P
00:58.08Irielcladhaire : I'd run into something like that before, so I think that's correct.
00:58.10KirkburnI deleted the image from the wiki ... outland was in the middle, quite small, with constellions around it
00:58.20cladhaireIriel: yeah, tem foudn it for me.
00:58.28IrielTem finds a lot of things
00:58.37*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
00:58.53Maldiviackknight, try looking at the item socketing UI, look at the gem type info table, and its initial data :)
00:59.12ckknightgive me a keyword I can ctrl-f for
00:59.36Maldiviait's the first couple of lines in the file
00:59.41GeoDaMancerItem Socketing?
01:00.34Kirkburnckknight, you were right! The cosmos map:
01:00.37ckknightwhat file?
01:00.56ckknightfigured, Kirkburn
01:01.08Maldiviackknight, the lua file, in the item sicketing addon
01:01.09cladhaireyou guys do know this channel is logged =(
01:01.14ckknightMaldivia, what lua file?
01:01.18ckknightoh, addon
01:01.49ckknighthrm, okay
01:02.02Kirkburncladhaire, this channel isn't playing host to BC files however
01:02.17Cairenn*this* channel isn't playing host to BC files at all
01:02.35cladhaireI'm just saying, your hostmask is here, yoru username is here, your link to your files is here.
01:02.44cladhairejust don't want anyone getting spanked who doesn't need to
01:02.44ckknightyea, WoWI should steer clear of any legally gray situations
01:03.10KirkburnI'm responsible, and if Blizz don't like what I'm doing, then I will take it down
01:03.29cladhairefair enough
01:03.54KirkburnIn the eyes of Blizzard, I doubt that new UI code will have them reaching for the lawyers :P
01:04.26KirkburnImages and videos I can understand, though
01:04.58IrielJust dont give their lawyers any reasons to hate the UI community.
01:05.05ckknighthehe, in Blizzard's FrameXML: for level, dropdownFrame in OPEN_DROPDOWNMENUS do
01:05.19ckknightthey'll have to go through those and fix em for 5.1
01:05.19IrielDont discuss, or post, or anything any possible new UI features until the build is live, or they get announced on the forum.
01:05.25ckknightmissing pairs and such
01:05.37KirkburnIriel, I think that's somewhat over the top
01:05.57Cairennyes and no Kirkburn
01:06.09ckknightcan't we yammer on in the channel, just not tell anyone else?
01:06.32Kirovthe problem is we don't know who's in the channel
01:06.37IrielWell, the channel log is public and googled
01:06.45cladhaireI can tell you one thing.. If slouken was here, e would be pissed
01:06.45Cairennkeeping stuff hypothetical is fine
01:06.46Gryphenfreenode is logged
01:06.46Hexarobiim a spy for paraguay
01:06.46Kirovif they see something, they might go running to the forums.
01:06.48cladhairehe made that much very clear
01:07.06Kirkburncladhaire, he did?
01:07.08Hexarobio crap, thats logged??
01:07.42Cairennthe whole reason purl is in this channel (contrary to the abuse he gets) is for channel logs
01:07.51purlthanks, ckknight
01:07.52KirkburnOkay, I shall refrain from posting the link again
01:07.55cladhaireKirkburn: He didn't come into the channel and say "don't do this".. but there was a conversation.
01:08.11KirkburnI'm only doing this to help you lot :P
01:08.12Hexarobis/gets his suicide pill/thought it was for the grepin'/
01:08.26ckknightdoesn't work on actions
01:09.02Cairennlook, we all know the rules guys, just don't be stupid is the point
01:09.45Kirkburnsure thing
01:10.19KirkburnOnce it's in beta, this conversation will most likely be null and void, at least
01:10.29CairennI've been letting a lot of stuff slide that I really shouldn't be, because I'm trusting you guys to not be stupid about it
01:10.32ckknightit would be rude and unnecessary to get the general wow community excited about stuff like the cosmic map and whatnot
01:10.49Kirkburn(well, except the stupidity part. That's always good to remember :P)
01:11.09ckknightwe're really just speculating anyway, and seeing what we can prepare for
01:11.12Maldiviackknight: well, posting screenshots from the alpha is against the TOS
01:11.15Cairennwhich is fine
01:11.17JoshBorkecladhaire: adding columns to praid seems so hackish :-(
01:11.22cladhaireJoshBorke: It won't be,
01:11.24ckknightMaldivia, that was kirkburn.
01:11.27cladhaireJoshBorke: I'll be working on it.
01:11.29KirkburnInterestingly, Blizzard don't seem to care about the stuff on the forums
01:11.33Cairennas I said, "hypothetical" discussions are perfectly acceptable
01:11.37cladhairei'm "in the mood"
01:11.48JoshBorkecladhaire: woohoo! let me know when you'd like me to test it
01:11.56Cairennyes, it's splitting hairs
01:11.59cladhaireKirkburn: But it may factor into the way Blizzard feels about WoWInterface.. given that this is their channel
01:12.15cladhairejaxdahl: What version?
01:12.25KirkburnIn future I shall link to the thread containing it, or the website that happens to have it on the forums =)
01:12.28cladhaireif its not HEAD branches/PerfectRaid/Ace2/PerfectRaid then I can't help you =)
01:12.36cladhaireand that'll become a release version.. soon.
01:12.52Maldiviackknight: I like how saying that the alpha exists is against the eula :)
01:13.01KirkburnHypothetically, a new LFG system would be really cool, wouldn't it
01:13.09ckknightit damn would be, Kirkburn
01:13.15jaxdahlcladhaire 10000 something
01:13.22ckknightlet's dream together.
01:13.28ckknightgood times.
01:13.35KirkburnThe first rule of the alpha is that you don't talk about the alpha
01:13.43cladhairejaxdahl: trunk or branches?
01:14.09ckknightthe second rule of the alpha is that you _do not_ talk about the alpha
01:14.22KirkburnWhat alpha? I see no alpha ...
01:14.40ckknightThird rule of the alpha is if this is your first time, you have to play.
01:14.46Maldiviathey probably set alpha to transparent, that's why we dont see it! :)
01:15.00Kirkburnzomg Maldivia, you're a genius!
01:15.15Kirkburn(please, please let the beta start soon *sigh*)
01:16.08KirkburnHypothetically speaking, the alpha, if one were to exist, would look pretty damn amazing. Probably.
01:16.13ckknightinteresting, pvpType now has "sanctuary" as a possibility (along with the previous "hostile", "arena", "contested", and "friendly")
01:16.25ckknightman, I bet if it existed, it'd be so pimp
01:16.38KirkburnThat might be awesome!
01:17.10GeoDaMancerOh, sweet!
01:17.12KirkburnPity we don't know though ...
01:17.31ckknightright. I'm just guessing here.
01:17.45Kirkburnoooh, sailor
01:19.01KirkburnThe wowwiki has only got one DCMA notice so far
01:19.13KirkburnAnd that was only for 3 images
01:19.36ckknightthree images from the nonexistent alpha?
01:19.50ckknightobviously doctored, since the alpha doesn't exist.
01:20.03Kirkburn3 metaphorical images of imagined mounts
01:20.04Cairennoh come on, knowing that the alpha exists is public knowledge :p
01:20.27KirkburnAh wait ... we're not under the NDA surely
01:22.25ckknightCairenn, didn't the EULA say it didn't exist, though?
01:22.43KirkburnBut surely we're not under the NDA/EULA
01:22.51IrielKirkburn : Did you download the client?
01:23.16cladhaireKirkburn: Do you ever want the opportunity to be under teh NDA/EULA? =)
01:23.18IrielThen you're probably not, but whoever sent you any material from it, is.
01:23.22Kirkburn(not planning to either, too much temptation to ruin the BC experience)
01:23.22MaldiviaCairenn: (...) you agree that you will not disclose the following: (i) The existence of a Friends and Family Alpha Test.
01:23.29GeoDaMancerIn the action bar, what is the Range Indicator?
01:23.52KirkburnMaldivia, but surely since I know about it and not under any NDA, the knowledge must be able to run free?
01:24.15ckknightno, not true
01:24.20IrielNot really, if someone gave you coke's trade secrets and you published them, you're still liable
01:24.32Kirkburnhmm, good pont
01:24.43IrielYou're wilfully violating an agreement you're aware of too
01:24.50Irielwhich makes it doubly nasty, legally
01:25.11Maldiviaalso from the EULA You agree that you shall not, under any circumstances, (v) Create, reproduce, distribute, display or otherwise make availablescreen shots depicting the Program or any element thereof without the prior written consent of Blizzard
01:25.41KirkburnThat's screenshots, Maldivia =) But I get the point
01:26.05MaldiviaKirkburn: yeah, just a reference to the DMCA for wowwiki, aswell as your screenshot from ealier
01:27.00KirkburnOh c'mon, I just copy-pasted a link from the WWN forums, which are playing host to images of the alpha right now. Ach...
01:27.05Kirkburn~sigh Laws
01:27.12purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Laws!"
01:28.31MaldiviaPersonally, I don't see the problem with screenshots - the expansion has already been showcased on E3, and a lot of screenshots came from there
01:29.31ckknightwell, they might not want to get a screenshot of the blonde-haired Blood Elf named Fashyst, or something like that
01:29.52KirkburnMethinks Blizz would care as much as MS cared about ClearFont :P
01:30.40IrielThe problem is usually non-final content. Blizzard can publish a screenshot and properly describe what it may, or may not, say about the final product.
01:30.56IrielBut also think about the 2nd race stuff, think about the danger of a leaked screenshot before that announcement had been made.
01:31.21IrielBlizzard know what they have officially said and not said, they likely wish to retain full control over such things.
01:31.24ckknightpeople were speculating like mad about the Eredar
01:31.50IrielThat EULA applies to employees, and threatens termination, they take this stuff seriously.
01:34.03KirkburnIriel, yeah I can completely understand wanting to restrict the flow of screenies of unfinished content - damaging to a brand name and all that :/
01:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
01:44.57norgs_awayCairenn: pong
01:45.47GeoDaMancerI love Family Guy. xD
01:48.35Esamynnevening norgs
01:48.53norgsHi Esamynn!
01:51.56KirkburnGoodnight one and all!
01:53.10GeoDaMancerHahahah, that's a great quit.
01:54.16jaxdahlcladhaire, highlihgting is fixed
01:54.26jaxdahlinteract distance dimming is wonky tho
01:54.31cladhairejaxdahl: O.o?
01:54.42jaxdahleveryone but me is dimmed
01:54.43cladhairedidn't you switch back to trunk, or are you back on branches?
01:56.25cladhaireOkay, opinion question.  The following is a screenshot of PerfectRaid.  I'm highlighting myself in the raid.  That same highlight texture is used for debuff coloring (The border gets colored based on debuff).  What I do need, is a good graphical way to show a unit is selected.  Any ideas?
01:58.35jaxdahlooh,t he color coded highlighting is very nice
01:58.39jaxdahli'm seeing it in action
01:58.50jaxdahli love it
01:58.55jaxdahlnot sure aobut selection
01:58.57jaxdahli'm in game
01:59.08cladhaireyeah, i need SOMETHING for selection
02:00.26jaxdahlmaybe some sort of blink
02:00.31jaxdahlslow fade in/out
02:00.32jaxdahlor rapid
02:00.41jaxdahlinverse colors..
02:01.05IrielMagical Trevor dancing nearby
02:01.12MiravlixGet Color-Cycle on wowi
02:01.23MiravlixYou can get all kinds of color code from it
02:02.56cladhaireMiravlix: I'm not looking for color codes =/.. hrm
02:03.59GeoDaMancerAnyone here know a lot about the ActionBar stuff in the FrameXML?
02:06.39IrielDepends which bit of it
02:07.17GeoDaMancerIt has a function in it that doesn't seem to be used anywhere else. ActionButtonUp and ActionButtonDown don't seem to be called anywhere.
02:07.51GeoDaMancerAh, it's in the bindings. Hrm...
02:08.06*** join/#wowi-lounge nezroy_ (
02:10.06GeoDaMancerAhhh, alright. So that basically makes the button trigger when a key is pressed, rather that just a clink?
02:10.50GeoDaMancerCool, cool. Thank you for that. You are godly.
02:12.31GeoDaMancerWow, that cuts down on about a quarter of what I needed.
02:14.56Tulleryeah, actionbarup and down do in fact get called :)
02:15.19Tullererr button
02:16.19GeoDaMancerJust saw that. Which means I can leave that out of what I'm working on. ^_^
02:23.11GeoDaMancerIn the Action Bar, what is the Range Indicator for?
02:23.39MiravlixThe range of the action on it
02:24.01MiravlixSpells has 40 35 and other ranges melee has 5 range
02:24.42GeoDaMancerHrm, I think's the color of the text, actually. >.>
02:27.33Tullerthe little icon thing?
02:28.22Tullerits a little circle that's shown if an action is in range, and there's no keybinding for the action
02:29.48GeoDaMancerThanks, I'm trying to write a mini actionbar thingy.
02:31.15Kirovno grow up for ptargets?
02:31.33GeoDaMancergrow up?
02:32.10cladhaireKirov: there is in PR branhc, not sure about Ptargets
02:32.31TemWhere do I go once I'm neutral with the brood?
02:33.10Kirovcladhaire - there are ptargets included with praid?
02:33.11vhaarrTem: Caverns of Time in Tanaris.
02:33.19cladhaireKirov: No, not right now =(
02:33.26Temthanks vhaarr
02:33.49vhaarrTem: Maybe you have to do the quest to "Discover the Brood of Nozdormu" first, I don't remember.
02:33.56vhaarrTem: You get that in Cenarion Hold.
02:34.02TemI did that one already
02:34.12vhaarrThen you should just go there, I'm pretty sure.
02:34.31vhaarrAnd talk to Anachronos, or whatever his name is.
02:50.11Kemayocladhaire: How stable is the format on the page?  (That is to say, will my update-addons script need to be tweaked a lot in coming days?)
02:51.02JoshBorkei run mine once a day :-D
02:51.09cladhaireKemayo: Yes it will
02:52.01KemayoOkay.  Do you plan to provide some sort of lightweight / easily parsed feed of the data, or will we be stuck scraping the HTML?
02:52.17cladhaireKemayo: probbaly scraping, we're working out the details.
02:52.21vhaarrcladhaire: I was thinking, would it be possible to make a script that runs on the SVN server and checks addons for correct Ace2 library loading order in the TOC?
02:52.25KemayoOkay.  Thanks.  :)
02:52.31cladhaireReally, Ace coders need to have more stable releases and less release 19,000 times a day
02:52.45vhaarrcladhaire: A checkin != a release.
02:52.46cladhairevhaarr: No, I dont have time for something like that.
02:53.29vhaarrMy work here is done.
02:53.59cladhairelol =)
02:54.04KemayoHaving to update my addons every 4-5 minutes leaves me feeling somehow fulfilled, though...  :(
02:54.20cladhaireKemayo: hah
03:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:13.12Esamynnok, last night Maexxna sucked, tonight, It's Noth who sucks
03:13.20jaxdahlcladhaire, i am on Maexxna
03:13.30jaxdahlthink you can hack something up to highlight people who have web spray?
03:13.30cladhairejaxdahl: Hrm?
03:13.41cladhairejaxdahl: Not at the moment, no.. i'm working on other stuff.
03:13.45jaxdahlthat' sok
03:13.56Esamynnhighlight how?
03:14.01Esamynnannounce them?
03:14.45GeoDaMancerweb spray?
03:14.59EsamynnI think he means the wrap
03:16.37jaxdahlweb wrap
03:16.55jaxdahlEsamynn, so i can see who to click on the perfectraid frame in order to heal them
03:17.20Esamynnlook up La_Vendetta boss Mods
03:17.28EsamynnLa* vendetta
03:18.00Esamynni'm using them myself until I get done with the boss mod api i'm working on atm'
03:19.15jaxdahlyea la vendetta announces it
03:19.20jaxdahlbut i want to see it on my raid frames
03:19.50Esamynnoh I see
03:20.46Nightdewoh yes.. nwn2 beta here i come *cheers*
03:27.10jaxdahlLOTRO alpha 3 is starting soon
03:27.13jaxdahlas well as teh beta
03:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge frus` (
03:47.58JoshBorkewow, i just got watched 6 times at bloodlord
04:03.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
04:15.42*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
04:28.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
04:31.06GeoDaMancerHotkeys are like the keybindings, right?
04:31.53GeoDaMancerOr, is it just the displayed number. >.>
04:42.38GeoDaMancerWow, and people say it's dead on saturdays. xD
04:48.23Kirovday before a holiday
04:48.26Kirovat least in the US
04:48.34KirovAnd yes
04:48.40Kirovhotkey == keybinding
04:49.01GeoDaMancerYeah, I noticed that. ^_^
04:49.57GeoDaMancerI hate Hooks.
04:50.29ckknighthow come?
04:50.54GeoDaMancerBecause, it broke my UI. xD I'm writing something that emulates the action bar. ^^;
04:52.19JoshBorkenight all :-)
04:52.23*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
04:55.13GeoDaMancerYay! No bad Beep.
04:55.18GeoDaMancerI dread the Beep. >.>
04:56.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
04:56.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:00.24GeoDaMancerHola, Cairenn.
05:00.32Cairennhello again
05:09.48GeoDaMancerWha's up?
05:11.11GeoDaMancerAnyone here know how to use the WoW UI Designer? >.> I can't figure out how to make it use inheritance.
05:21.09Kirovpeople see this -
05:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
05:24.27KirovThat's really sad
05:25.44GeoDaMancerYeah, it is.
05:25.46GeoDaMancerI liked him.
05:31.37*** join/#wowi-lounge grzesieq (
05:48.11GeoDaMancerThis is driving me insane.
05:54.02GeoDaMancerxml really goes over my head at times, and I'm trying to use the WoW UI designer, but it won't let me set inheritance, or I don't know how to... I've written up some templates, and I can't figure out how to get them on it. xD
05:55.48GeoDaMancerAnchors, and points. ~_~ Oi.
06:00.07KirovI never use any WYSIWYG editors for anything that I can do in text.
06:00.21KirovHTML, XML, etc.
06:01.29Cairennlol Esamynn
06:02.22GeoDaMancerWell, that's the problem, with xml, it's all greek to me. xD
06:03.20GeoDaMancerMeh, I'll be back later.
06:03.23*** part/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
06:08.41Temok, we have a dilema
06:08.58Temand I'm looking for opinions/possible solutions
06:09.11TemWe have 2 officers that are assholes
06:09.27Temall the other officers want to either kick them or leave the guild
06:09.59Temhowever, they are currently the most avtive among us
06:10.12Temkicking them would have a serious adverse affect on the guild
06:10.22gnorlishis your GM just another officer or does he sit above
06:11.10IrielAre they assholes in the 'opinionated self absorbed jackass' sense?
06:11.19IrielOr are they significantly detrimental to the guild?
06:11.19Temoh yes, Iriel, very much so
06:11.27IrielAlso, how many other officers are they?
06:11.38Temtheres about 8 of us in total
06:11.55Temthe GM is techically above, but acts as an equal
06:12.07IrielHas anyone had a 'guys, can you be less of an ass' conversation with them>
06:12.08Temhe's not around much due to work lately
06:12.21Temwe've had several "come to jesus" meetings with them
06:12.23KirovTem - We had a similar issue with my last guild.
06:12.33KirovTem - Our answer was to leave the guild and form a new one.
06:12.43Temwell, here is our fear
06:12.50KirovThe old guild imploded on itself afterwards
06:13.04Temif we kick them, we lose 4-5 core raiders who are friends with them in real life
06:13.10KirovBasically, the only thing keeping the guild together was those who left.
06:17.30Temalso, one is our MT
06:17.30Temand the other has been leading most of the raids
06:17.30Temso we criple ourselves if we kick them
06:17.31Temif we leave, a lot of people will leave with us
06:17.31Temleaving us with 2 guilds that can't field an MC raid
06:17.31IrielEsamynn : Are you Kaya?
06:17.31Temso we're at a damned if we do/ damned if we don't situation
06:18.35Temok, my bad, there's 12 of us including the 2 black sheep
06:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
06:21.43Temso, any thoughts on what we can do about this?
06:22.03IrielWhat about the rest of the guild, the non-officers, are they also not liking these 2?
06:24.05TemI think most of the guild is with us opinion-wise
06:24.42IrielCan you demote them (maybe create a new 'penalty box' rank for them) ?
06:28.59Temit's not their power as officers that's the problem
06:29.09Temtheir attitude is unacceptable
06:30.33Temeither way, the only solutions we seem to accept as good enough involve us not being in the same guild as them
06:33.29vhaarrTem: One thing is for sure, then, as long as they remain in the guild, you will be annoyed, and you don't want to be annoyed when you play a game.
06:33.35vhaarrSo there really is no option.
06:33.45vhaarrSince you (the majority) > them, gkick them.
06:33.48TemI get very little time to play wow this fall
06:34.03TemI don't want to spend what little time I have to play dealing with their bull
06:34.08vhaarrAnd then just go with the flow, whatever happens after the gkick would happen sooner or later anyway.
06:34.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:34.24vhaarrYou can't spend your time dealing with that kind of people.
06:34.43vhaarrSo, there, I solved it for you, tell them to come whine at me if they hate you for gkicking.
06:36.14ScytheBlade1Are there any high-resolution timer that we have access to in WoW?
06:36.19ScytheBlade1time() doesn't quite cut it
06:36.53Irieltho its broken on dual core machines
06:37.08Kirovis GetTime() broken as well?
06:37.16Irielnot AFAIK
06:37.18KirovI assume so since it's the same call internally afaik
06:37.48norgsgettime is system uptime in milliseconds no?
06:37.51vhaarrI don't think so.
06:37.53ScytheBlade1GetTime() should be sufficient, thanks
06:42.08vhaarrGetTime() is just a wrapper for GetTickCount().
06:42.08vhaarrthe windows API thingy
06:42.08vhaarr(on windows, that is)
06:42.08Kirovis (when it's working) debugprofile_() more accurate than GetTime()?
06:42.09Irieldebugprofile is the CPU clock, its as accurate as it comes
06:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
06:42.27Kirovunless you're on a multi-core cpu
06:44.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
06:59.19|FF|Im2good4uFunctions table.foreach and table.foreachi are deprecated. You can use a for loop with pairs or ipairs instead. - tobad i never understood pairs anyway :)
07:11.10Cairennnight guys
07:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:32.58IrielSleep time for me
07:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:38.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
07:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:40.16TemI really really really hate crashing in nef's lair
07:41.00KirovTem - you're one of the proud "few" that a driver upgrade / downgrade / sidegrade did nothing for?
07:41.24Temno driver changes have made any difference
07:41.45KirovI had similar problems
07:41.48Tem(well, some drivers have been more graceful about how they fail, but they all crash)
07:42.20TemI'd also like to know why wow chills at 25MB memory usage for about 30 seconds before shooting up to 100MB and THEN finally appearing
07:42.34KirovI finally found a way to prevent it with out having to buy a new video card ... but that's because I know someone who works at NVidia
07:43.20KirovSeems really silly that no one has come out with a fix for it.
07:43.45KirovBlizzard's stance seems to be "We fixed it already ... it's ATi's fault."
07:44.01Kirovand ATI's stance seems to be "We fixed it too, ask Blizzard"
07:46.44Temyeah, I'm stuck in the middle
07:46.46Temand it blows
07:47.20TemI'd verymuch like to be running an nVidia card, but my laptop stops me from getting a new one
07:48.00KirovYeah, I'm glad I switched over to a desktop before I got to BWL
07:48.25norgsso, i really want to know how knowing someone who works for nvidia helps with an ati card...
07:49.58Kirovnorgs - he had a couple of useless, out of date cards laying around he gave me
07:50.05Kirov6800 Ultra
07:50.24norgsahhh - right... i can see how that would help a great deal :)
07:50.33ckknightI want to buy a Mac
07:51.11norgsa mac laptop or desktop?
07:51.16ckknightlaptop probably
07:51.32norgseven after all the recent problems with them?
07:51.33ckknightthe only thing stopping me is lack of funds
07:51.40ckknightrecent problems?
07:51.45ckknightlike the battery stuff and whatnot?
07:52.00norgsand the fans karking it
07:52.02ckknightI'd wait for the Core Duos, at least, anyway
07:52.19Kamerillong night, finally got Sapphiron though, KT is interesting so far..
07:54.05TemI'll never buy a mac purely because their advertisments annoy the piss out of me
07:54.40*** join/#wowi-lounge SHTbAtS1i (
07:54.50wereHamsteris saphiron that easy?
07:55.22ckknightTem, I don't watch TV, so I haven't seen an ad from them for a few years.
07:55.43Kamerilhe's easier than 4h, but not exactly a pushover
07:55.57norgsAbout the mac lappies
07:56.12KirovThe new macs make it tempting
07:57.01ckknightnorgs, interesting info
07:57.18ckknightit'll be a while before I get one, so hopefully they'll have worked out the kinks by then
07:57.58norgsi think first generation of anything new is a bit dodgey
07:58.22ckknightlikely, I'll be waiting till Leopard comes out, then get a laptop with that
07:58.45norgsi said to my friend before he went out and got a new mac: "You usually caution me about getting first generation stuff" and he said: "But this is Apple, they usually do things right"
07:58.49ckknightsee, Windows pisses me off, and Linux is too hard to get things working on (such as WoW or graphics and such)
07:59.05ckknightI really just want OS X
07:59.18norgsdon't get me wrong, i've been using a mac for the last 2 years
07:59.28norgsOSX is beautiful
07:59.44ckknightI care more for productivity than anything :-P
07:59.47norgsbut i wouldn't touch these new laptops yet :)
07:59.53ckknightin Windows, I have absolutely no themes :-P
08:00.11ckknightwell, I want an x86 box for sure
08:00.40ckknightso that I can boot into Windows if need be.
08:00.52ckknightfor work or whatnot
08:01.28ckknightand with my upcoming college schedule, having a laptop is much easier for me than a desktop
08:11.39DCUIAny coder who have some time to look at this addon, it aint displaying the info in the tooltip anymore... MobResistances:
08:12.29|FF|Im2good4udoes it give any errors ?
08:13.24DCUIAnd it works with the checks when looking into the debug feature.... Just dont get it to the tooltip anymore
08:14.44DCUIAnd this is the only addon I found that track what resists mobs have, anyone know of any other by any chance ?
08:15.39|FF|Im2good4uwell its also the first i see that track resistences :P
08:15.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo_ (
08:16.07DCUIMmm... I would be sweet to have it running again
08:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
08:17.34KemayoAh, Verizon.  With your oh-so-wonderful DSL.
08:17.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
08:17.56DCUII guess the blizz tooltip code have changed some since 2006/02/24
08:18.03DCUIHehe Kema
08:18.53KirovI used Verizon DSL twice in my life
08:19.05KirovNever, ever again.
08:19.26KirovBoth times I moved someplace were they were the only provider, only to have cable internet show up about 3 months later
08:19.54|FF|Im2good4uDCUI: Probely or some other addon breaks it
08:20.47KirovUsing "6Mb" Comcast cable now ... clocks at 8.5 Mb using
08:21.01KemayoIt's especially bad, since I moved from having Speakeasy to having Verizon.  Goodbye intelligent tech support.
08:21.27KirovSpeakeasy is awesome
08:22.00DCUIFF: Mmmm, might be... I must test MobResistances solo when I get home (I did turn off the addons I remember alters the tooltip but might have missed one)
08:25.37Kirovfrom SBC DSL to Comcast Cable (while playing WoW on two computers and listening to high quality internet radio)
08:29.07DCUII got
08:29.21Kirovusing what?
08:30.14DCUInot sure, work isp ;)
08:30.53KirovDCUI that's the closest one to you?
08:31.20KirovAnd what's with the upload being 4 times faster?
08:31.27DCUIHmmm might test Germany, (from sweden here)
08:31.47Kirovme thinks no one is uploading from you office right now
08:32.11KirovwereHamster - linux?
08:32.15|FF|Im2good4uDCUI: i dunno wuts wrong whit your addon sorry
08:32.26wereHamsterthere's flash for linux, but not for amd64
08:32.38DCUI*cough* got a bit better to germany:
08:34.34DCUIBut I agree, it looks fun when the upload is faster in the first test :P
08:35.16KirovwereHamster - doh
08:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge frus (
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08:37.51KirovwereHamster - tried using
08:38.05*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
08:39.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobee (i=Hexarobe@
08:39.22wereHamsterfound a win32 box ..
08:39.56|FF|Im2good4uyeeh net.split
08:39.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:40.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
08:41.26ckknightglad I didn't get disconnected in the netsplit.
08:43.42|FF|Im2good4uthey didnt either :p they just think we got disconnected :p
08:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:47.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:47.17*** join/#wowi-lounge DCUI ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:47.52DCUIFF: Sorry got disconnected
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08:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:48.18|FF|Im2good4uDCUI: i dunno wuts wrong whit your addon sorry
08:48.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Dhraga_ (n=chatzill@
08:48.57Dhraga_"#¤% ... :P
08:48.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
08:49.13Dhraga_FF: dcui here again :P
08:49.43|FF|Im2good4uDCUI: i dunno wuts wrong whit your addon sorry
08:49.58Dhraga_FF: you already tried it ?
08:50.21*** join/#wowi-lounge claviola (
09:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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09:23.42*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
09:23.46MiravlixWhats the top 10 honor in a week these days?
09:28.43*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
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09:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
09:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
09:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
09:54.12KirkburnOh my, Steve Irwin (the crazy australian crocodile guy) has been killed by a stingray :/
09:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge DarkImakuni (
09:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (n=Kaelten@
10:00.07*** join/#wowi-lounge DarkImakuni (
10:05.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
10:07.59KirkburnReminder to you all - the wowwiki will be down for a while today
10:08.14KirkburnRustak should be upgrading it :)
10:08.25KirkburnAnd now, I'm off out ...
10:21.31*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
10:24.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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10:34.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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10:44.26zesprihi didn't seem to be liked in oz
10:51.12Warla <-- Spellbook finished :-)
11:05.19vhaarrWarla: Does not work in Firefox.
11:05.39vhaarrAdvarsel: Expected ':' but found ';'.  Declaration dropped.
11:05.42vhaarrLinje: 0
11:05.52vhaarrAdvarsel: Expected declaration but found '5px'.  Skipped to next declaration.
11:05.55vhaarrLinje: 0
11:06.14vhaarrFeil: syntax error
11:06.17vhaarrLinje: 47, kolonne: 5
11:06.21vhaarr<br />
11:06.22vhaarrFeil: syntax error
11:06.26vhaarrLinje: 609, kolonne: 26
11:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
11:12.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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11:21.49Warlavhaarr i use firefox
11:22.01KirkburnThe spellbook looks odd in IE7
11:22.13vhaarrWarla: This is 2.0beta2.
11:22.17KirkburnStuff is shifted right by about 50px
11:22.22Warlalet me check in IE7
11:23.53Warlaohh true
11:23.55krkaomg is norwegian error messages?
11:23.56Warlai know why..
11:24.10Warlastupid IE doesnt know what padding is lol
11:24.39KirovI'm sure IE knows what padding is
11:25.05Kirovit's adding loops in to the code for no reason other than to use more CPU cycles to get people to upgrade their cpu
11:25.14KirkburnI'm surprised there's a problem in IE7 though
11:25.43KirkburnApart from that, everything else looks perfect :O
11:26.10Warlaheh thx
11:26.19Warlaneed to implement tooltips on spellbook
11:26.52Warlalol ya IE 7 is slow as hell
11:26.59KirkburnI wish the Blizz site used tooltips liek yours
11:27.29yacoob"stupid IE" is redundancy
11:27.34Warlaheh ya
11:28.06KirkburnIE7 is great, but it just hasn't had the development time FF has had recently
11:28.28Warlai'm so glad we got rig of that shit for mac
11:28.36yacoobif you're referring to the vast, hm, diversity of things you can find on web, Kirov... then 'idiot' is also redundant :))
11:28.40Warlamicrosofts decision to abandon IE for mac was a glorious da
11:29.02KirkburnI fail to see the reasoning behind that
11:29.48yacoob"Mac is a niche... hm... let's pay someone for doing stuff for that irrevelant platform"
11:29.52Warlahoiw long did IE 5.5 --> 7 took?
11:29.57Warlalike 5 years or something?
11:30.01KirkburnSurely competition on Mac is something good
11:30.02Warlathats simply too slow
11:30.29yacoobthey didn't care with win32, why would thing be different with mac?
11:30.42KirkburnOkay now we're getting into silly territory
11:31.01KirkburnIE6 to IE7 was about 5 years
11:31.06Warlalol ya
11:31.31KirovIE6 was Win98 SP2, no?
11:31.36Warlayea kinda
11:31.42KirkburnThat wasn't the developers choice, that was the executives completely misunderstanding the market
11:31.42WarlaWin98 normal was like 5.5
11:33.07KirkburnVersion 6 was released on 27 August 2001, a few weeks before Windows XP
11:33.25Kirkburn(Version 5.5 followed in July 2000, improving its print preview capabilities, CSS and HTML standards support, and developer APIs; this version was bundled with Windows Me)
11:34.28Warlai remember when apple brought out Safari for mac... so fucken hilarous faster than Intersnail Explorer
11:34.31KirovMe teh sux
11:35.01WarlaFirefox though suxx for mac slow as hell too. For PC i use firefox fastest
11:35.23KirovI saw Windows Me blue screen opening Notepad from a fresh install
11:37.07KirovMy mom was complaining about how her new computer was always having issues and she couldn't figure out why, so when my sister and I went to visit we booted up the computer, saw the Windows Me start up, turned off the computer and told her to spend the extra $100 to get XP
11:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
11:56.05Warlak spellbook works in stupid IE now
12:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
12:05.05GeoDaMancerWheeee! Hahahahahah!
12:10.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
12:11.18GeoDaMancerHola, Kirkle.
12:12.38Kirkburn1Jebus, my DVD drive won't spin up CDs :/
12:12.42DarkImakuniYo dude
12:13.30GeoDaMancerHells yeas!
12:13.47GeoDaMancerNow, if I could just figure out key bindings, I'd be set. : D
12:15.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla|school (
12:15.45Warla|schoolhowdy GeoDaMancer
12:16.14KirkburnOh, well _apparently_ DVDs aren't an issue for the drive. But CDs are ...
12:16.29GeoDaMancerHeyyas, Warla.
12:16.38KirkburnNever mind the fact it's nigh-on incapable of playing DVD films :/
12:16.38GeoDaMancerYeah, my PS2 got like that.
12:17.03GeoDaMancerIt wouldn't read CD verion discs, but'll read DVD-ROM.
12:17.15KirkburnLast time I spoke to Dell they issued me it was a software issue
12:18.10KirkburnIt sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, which doesn't sound like a software issue to me :/
12:19.00GeoDaMancerMy advice? If you trust yourself, take it apart. There's a little strip that links the crystal assembly to the rest, and that's probably dirty. Clean it, and it should work.
12:19.55KirkburnI've got a high-powered can of air
12:20.05GeoDaMancerDoesn't work.
12:20.51GeoDaMancer>.> At least not when I've done it. The dirt and dust gets caked on so thick you have to use alcohol and a q-tip to wipe it off. xD
12:21.02KirkburnIt just doesn't even spin them up
12:21.11KirkburnIt's spins up DVDs, but not CDs
12:22.01GeoDaMancerThat's because it won't spin if it doesn't read any intelligible data.
12:22.23zespriwhat is the lua function to get stack trace in WoW?
12:22.38GeoDaMancerstack trace?
12:23.06GeoDaMancerI wish I could help you, but I've got no clue what that even is. xD
12:31.10zesprifound it
12:33.29GeoDaMancerWhat was it?
12:33.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
12:33.54GeoDaMancerWelcome back, Koik.
12:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:35.04KirkburnLo, just tried uninstalling the drive. No luck :/
12:35.34KirkburnIt's a laptop drive, so I wouldn't know what to do with it :P
12:38.12*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:39.19GeoDaMancerGet a replacement?
12:43.00vhaarrAnyone know how to save the entire combat log?
12:43.14*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (
12:43.42GeoDaMancerBy catching each line, and feeding it into a file?
12:43.55vhaarrright, so WoW doesn't support it?
12:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:45.14GeoDaMancerNo idea.
12:45.19GeoDaMancerHey, Borke.
12:45.37|FF|Im2good4ui can wrtie files in wow ui
12:45.39GeoDaMancerHow many action bars does a warrior have total?
12:47.37GeoDaMancerDo you by chance know the answer to me question?
12:48.23JoshBorkenot a clue :-)
12:48.35GeoDaMancerHow about how many total bars a druid has?
12:49.07GeoDaMancerbattle counts as the first...
12:49.15JoshBorkenot a clue
12:49.23JoshBorkelol, i've played a paladin and a priest :-)
12:49.42GeoDaMancerAnd they don't have stances, right?
12:50.39JoshBorkepriests have shadowform, but i don't think that changed buttons
12:50.42GeoDaMancerAnd od pet bars count. ~_~
12:51.22JoshBorkepaladins only have 1 pet bar that holds the different auras
12:51.53GeoDaMancerI'm writing a script, and it's seeming to give me odd answers. xD
12:53.14GeoDaMancerI think I broke my action bar. xD
12:54.40GeoDaMancerI'm trying to write something that works with the action bar, sort of. Or is its own action bar, but it keeps breaking down on me. xD
13:00.45GeoDaMancerNow I get it!
13:01.31wereHamstera strange way to check if a number is pot: "if( !((temp->w & (temp->w-1))==0) )"
13:01.45GeoDaManceris pot?
13:02.00krkapower of two
13:02.04wereHamsterpower of two
13:02.06krkaand that's a pretty common way to do it
13:02.32wereHamsterwhat's wrong with "num%2 == 0" or "num&1" ?
13:02.33GeoDaMancerWhat programming language?
13:02.48krkathat only checks if it's divisible by 2?
13:03.00wereHamsteroh.. *me stupid*
13:03.04krkathe way above is true for 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
13:03.15krka0 and 1 too :P
13:04.00JoshBorkehrm, yea, what language is that?
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13:05.21krkalooks like c
13:06.49GeoDaMancerSort of looks like php too. <.<
13:08.06wereHamsterit's C
13:10.34GeoDaMancerAlright then.
13:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
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13:17.31JoshBorkemorning Cide
13:17.52GeoDaMancerShucks, doesn't work quite how I'd hoped. xD
13:17.52JoshBorkeCide: update CTRA on Wowinterface :_)
13:18.02CideI don't for minor versions
13:18.06CideI already stated that
13:18.07JoshBorkeah, i see
13:18.11JoshBorkei must have missed that, sorry :-(
13:18.24Cideno problem :)
13:30.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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13:39.17Kirkburn1Lo, Mikk
13:40.01Kirkburn1You always make me wonder if there's a telepathy channel I'm not logged into, Maldivia :P
13:40.29yacoobYeah, god added that in patch 2.007.08...
13:40.43MaldiviaKirkburn: there is
13:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
13:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikma (
14:04.36GeoDaMancerWhat's wrong Maldivia?
14:05.04Maldiviatrying to find a bug, just to notice, that a constant that contained some values, actually was something else :|
14:06.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
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14:07.33Maldiviathought Double.MIN_VALUE was the min value, but it's the smallest positive value
14:08.02Maldiviascrewed up some Math.max comparisons for negative numbers
14:08.42Maldiviathought it was compareable to MIN_VALUE in Integer, Long etc - but no, they ofcourse had to make Double different
14:09.50GeoDaMancerI hate caps. xD
14:10.56Maldiviaso in essence, to get the smallest possible double, you have to do -Double.MAX_VALUE
14:17.32GeoDaMancerIs there a way to move items on the actionbar without using the PickupAction and PlaceAction functions?
14:19.52JoshBorkealright krka, how do i use GRAB :-P
14:20.19krkahm, i can try to find my setup code
14:22.51krkaa found it
14:22.53krkagonna paste it
14:23.28HexarobeeOn 4 September 2006, Irwin was fatally pierced in the chest by a stingray barb, while diving off Queensland's Great Barrier Reef. He had been filming a segment for his daughter Bindi's upcoming television series.
14:24.00HexarobeeRIP croc hunter
14:24.07bindidon't highlight me :D
14:24.35Hexarobeeu know that guy owned the queensland zoo?
14:25.16KirkburnSad, isn't it
14:25.40krkathat's a small example
14:25.45*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
14:26.04Mikmacladhaire: for some reason 19 of 20 has green mouseover in pr2, and only 1 has white :)
14:26.27cladhaireMikma: Were they all poisoneD?
14:26.31cladhairecause thats the only time they change
14:26.39Mikmacladhaire: yes they were
14:27.01cladhairethen that's why they were green
14:27.12Mikmayeah ok. love the work you have done so far
14:27.52JoshBorkekrka: ah, i see, thanks
14:28.45GeoDaMancerDo you think that people would sacrifice 17 of their action bar slots for a bit of attacking automation?
14:29.25krkaJoshBorke: i tried to make it easy to use from scripting
14:29.37krkabut it should also be fairly useful for implementing a gui
14:30.32JoshBorkethe action syntax is nice.  might want to embed krkaUtils so that people have access to the nice functions :-)
14:32.05krkai wrote krkaUtils before i learned about embedding
14:32.21krkafeel free to do what you want with it
14:32.25krkathat goes for anyone in here btw
14:32.55krkai like my lazy evaluation style, it proved to be efficient in game
14:33.11krka(just using events to nil variables)
14:34.20GeoDaMancerMy mind goes Whir whir whir at your script, krka.
14:34.23Lariccladhaire wich is the latest version of perfectraid.. one of the branches?
14:37.40JoshBorkeAce2 version in branches
14:38.29krkaGeoDaMancer: yeah, it's just my personal stuff, wasn't intended for educational purposes
14:38.44krkai try to write actual code properly
14:39.04GeoDaMancerI didn't think it was.
14:39.18GeoDaManceraddAction has me totally confused. It looks interesting though. xD
14:39.19krkafeel free to come up with a better name for krkaUtils :)
14:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
14:40.01GeoDaMancerkrakanUtils? >.>
14:40.18Mikmacladhaire: reloading ui while in raid makes all members of raid to be greyd out in PR without having a way to make them "work" again
14:40.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
14:41.01krkathen again, name isn't that important if it's embedded - only devs would see that name
14:41.20cladhaireMikma: Yes I know, that's an issue with proximity lib as far as I can tell.
14:41.32Mikmacladhaire: ok :)
14:41.53Mikmacladhaire: lol, entering and leaving combat =they work again :D
14:41.55cladhaireit'll magically start working at some point, thats the best I can tell you :P
14:42.04cladhaireoh, well there you go
14:42.18cladhairewonder why that is.. maybe it only starts looking when you first enter combat
14:44.17TainI picked up a new Logitech MX Revolution mouse.  It gets my stamp of approval.
14:46.02Mikmacladhaire: well the rangecheck looks simple and clean in the lua
14:56.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
14:56.56Mikmaclad|afk: well, you set the Highlight color to white at some point. then you set it to green if poisoned. but you don't set it to white again in any point
14:57.47Mikmaclad|afk: i added 'this.Highlight:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1)' to OnEnter and see what happens now
15:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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15:28.16*** join/#wowi-lounge donnie_rhodes (
15:28.40donnie_rhodeshi folks?
15:29.42donnie_rhodeslevel 21 undead warlock here. just getting into the battlegrounds system. im a little uncertain about a few things. like the honor system. and i read that you can loot enemy corpses on the battleground for money...
15:30.43[Ammo]yes you can loot for money
15:30.46KirkburnI've barely played in BGs myself, so I can't answer accurately :P
15:30.47[Ammo]but it's not money that they loose
15:30.51[Ammo]it's just 'bonus'
15:31.02KirkburnMagical money which appears when you die
15:31.18[Ammo]it's a few silver per corpse (at level 60A)
15:31.30donnie_rhodesso its proba good idea to hit the bank and clear your money in your bags before you enter a battleground, thats just weird because i died a few times and noone took any money off me
15:31.38donnie_rhodesoh ok.
15:31.53Kirkburndonnie_rhodes, the honor system will be changing completely very soon, so I wouldn't worry *too* much about how it works. BGs themselves won't change though, afaik
15:31.57[Ammo]you can't lose anything in WoW PvP
15:32.28[Ammo]unfortunately that also takes away some of the tension
15:32.40[Ammo]since there's no real drawback if you die
15:33.00donnie_rhodeswhat classes do you guys play? im just getting into the game and im not sure how to spec and equip my lock. all my friends have played a while and have lvl 60 killer chars, and i want to build a nice char to play with them
15:33.16Maldivia[Ammo]: you're rather prefer the EQ2 style, where you loose xp, gold and items ?
15:35.15[Ammo]maldivia: I have played MUDs for years
15:35.17[Ammo]pkill muds
15:35.28[Ammo]where you lose everything upon death (if your enemies loot your corpse)
15:35.30Maldiviawell, same :9
15:35.31[Ammo]I'm used to that
15:35.47Maldiviabut muds are also "hardcore"
15:35.52[Ammo]donnie: I play a warlock
15:36.09[Ammo]I'm an affliction lock, for the easy solo grind, since it's my only level 60 character
15:36.26[Ammo]I suggest reading the forums, there's lots of good threads on levelling builds, endgame builds etc
15:36.39[Ammo]but most of all, chose a style that fits you
15:36.43[Ammo]I can't be a destro lock
15:36.47Kirkburndonnie_rhodes, the best I can say is: just enjoy the game :)
15:36.53[Ammo]although the burst damage is insane, I just can't play that way
15:37.07[Ammo]same reason I can't play a mage :)
15:37.10[Ammo]it's not my thing
15:37.11KirkburnMy main char is a lock, and I didn't worry at all about builds as I was levelling, because I didn't want to ahve the worry
15:37.40[Ammo]I put points in corruption first
15:38.43KirkburnIf you want to get your char to 60 in reasonable time, don't spend your time doing PvP :p
15:38.44donnie_rhodesAmmo: Whats the ;easy solo grind'?
15:38.45[Ammo]can't live iwthout instacorruption
15:38.58KirkburnVoidwalker ftw for soloing
15:38.58[Ammo]donnie: that only works with decent gear at 60
15:39.17[Ammo]Shadowmastery / Demonic Sacrifice build
15:39.28[Ammo]sac a voidwalker, gain 160 health/4 seconds
15:39.35[Ammo]and kill kill kill
15:39.46Hexarobeedoes the onload event of a frame only get called when the frame is shown for the first time?
15:39.47[Ammo]DoT up a full camp of satyrs in felwood
15:39.49[Ammo]and wait for them to die
15:39.52Hexarobeeno cuz it gives me the loaded msg wtf
15:39.56[Ammo]Hexrobee: yes
15:40.07[Ammo]Hexrobee: and on reloadUI ofcourse
15:40.23Hexarobeeno, it gets fired without the frame shown
15:40.36Hexarobeewas thinking how someone could get one of my tables in thier savedvars as a nil
15:40.51donnie_rhodesyeah, ive jsut started using my vwalkers sacrifice. i only do it if im in trouble though and hes going to die anyways as well
15:40.53Hexarobeecuz i init it to an empty table onload, and then add and subtract from it as needed, but never nil it
15:41.49donnie_rhodesHexarobee: are you talking about applecript? forgive my ignorance. just curious.
15:42.30KirkburnThroughout my entire life from 1 to 60, I probably used sacrifice about ... hmm ... 3 times?
15:42.49KirkburnI get too attached to them
15:42.54[Ammo]donnie: other sacirice :)
15:42.56Kirkburn(I'm a hunter at heart, it seems)
15:43.03[Ammo]donnie: the VW sac you use is the one that shields you
15:43.41donnie_rhodesi see
15:44.24KirkburnLol, my other PC needs 47 MS updates. 47.
15:44.38Hexarobeeapplescript? no im talking about Lua ;)
15:44.53KirkburnLua is the language of the WoW UI
15:44.57Hexarobeethis is the wow-interface channel still right
15:44.59Hexarobee? hehe
15:45.06Hexarobeemaybe im on dalnet
15:45.26KirkburnI'm on #themoon
15:46.17Hexarobeeand im in the lounge for Way Our Weirdo's ipod lovers
15:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
15:50.31Kirkburn47 updates. I feel like I shouldn't have started updating it :P
15:50.58KirkburnI only turned it on so I could get WC3 and NSFU2 off of it :/
16:00.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
16:14.33KirkburnReminder - it seems the wiki may have gone down for the planned upgrade
16:15.10KirkburnIf anyone sees posts about it on the forums, please do reply with the above =)
16:15.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
16:16.18*** part/#wowi-lounge donnie_rhodes (
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16:28.01Kirkburn1Yay, wowwiki is now being updated :D Check the message on the main page :)
16:28.57Kirkburn1Ack, power switch time!
16:32.02Kirkburn1Phew, made it
16:32.31Kirkburn1(and it appears I'm typing this in the wrong window, so please disregard my last comment :P )
16:33.14subbawti'm glad you made it bro
16:34.02Kirkburn1There's never enough plugs around ...
16:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial` (
16:36.55Kirkburn1For using ISOs what program is best?
16:37.13Kirkburn1I've been using Alcohol, but it's taken a disliking to me :/
16:39.23wereHamsterdemon tools
16:39.23wereHamsterdaemon tools
16:41.58Kirkburn1It is freeware? I've always wondered
16:42.24wereHamsterfreeware, yes
16:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
16:59.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:01.34KirkburnY'know, I think paying for WoW should give us access to Blizzard's back catalogue as a bonus ...
17:02.16KirkburnBut then, that'll never happen ...
17:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
17:14.31Esamynnquestion, has anyone else noticed that AddOns you disable for all characters remain enabled for new characters?
17:16.01KirkburnWait, actually ... are you sure?
17:16.15Esamynni'm just checking
17:16.17KirkburnI tried a new char today and it seemed to keep the settings
17:16.26KirkburnOn a new server however, it wiped them
17:17.20Esamynnon a new server huh, no, I don't think that applies, just a sec
17:17.50Esamynnhmm, maybe it does
17:17.59Esamynnor maybe....
17:18.51Esamynnsee some addons still got disabled, so maybe its the accountwide AddOns.txt file that I still have lurking
17:20.53Esamynnyep, that's what it was
17:24.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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17:27.09EsamynnKirkburn: yes, what you said seems to be right, except that some of the addons still get disabled on a new character on a new server
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17:28.33Cairennmorning Iriel
17:29.25|FF|Im2good4uis there a way to get a reference to the table its parent table like a = { b = { d = function(e) return e+a.c end }, c = 5 } |||| a.b.d(1) to return 6 ??
17:29.56Mikktables don't really have a parent -> child relationship
17:30.14Mikkyou can have dozens of variables pointing at the same "child" table
17:30.22Mikkso you have to put in a "parent" pointer yourself
17:31.32|FF|Im2good4uso i can do a = { b = { a , d = func() end, }, c=5 } so i get a refence back to a inside table b ?
17:31.33EsamynnIriel: have you seen the behaviour where addon on/off settings don't carry over correctly to new characters on a new server?
17:32.01Hexarobeeor a = { b = { parent=a , d = func() end, }, c=5 }
17:32.01krka|FF|Im2good4u: not like that no
17:32.32krkaa = { b = { d = func() end }, c = 5 } a.b.parent = a
17:32.36krkathat would work
17:32.41IrielEsamynn : Is that just an outcome of the addon settings essentially being per character, even though they;'re managed as a global set?
17:33.06|FF|Im2good4uah oke
17:33.07Esamynnit shouldn't be, new characters on a server you already have a character on get the settings correctly
17:44.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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17:58.10|FF|Im2good4uMetaTables are fun they can prefent your addon from spamming a lot of attemp to call global nil errors :p
18:01.37Shadowedoh nice
18:01.40Shadowedwe get use by name?
18:12.36Kirkburn1Hmm, why can't I get WC3 to go higher than 1152x864 :(
18:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u_ (
18:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:29.44yacoobsome docs would be nice :)
18:34.08*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
18:35.49|FF|Im2good4uyacoob: docs about wut ?
18:36.56[FF]Im2good4ulol wuts that if i may ask ?
18:37.09yacoobAction bar addon.
18:37.48yacoobI see there's a place for custom scripts, and that could be The Place, but I need some examples, hm.
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18:44.26Tulleryeah, I need to do more stuff about that :)
18:46.32yacoobTuller: aha! :D
18:46.49yacoobTuller: a quick question then, can bongos provide me with things I want? Namely:
18:47.15yacoob19:38 < yacoob> free button placement, doing things on stance/shapeshift/avilability of action
18:47.34yacoob...and friendliness of target
18:48.02yacoob(desperatelly trying to ditch DAB :)
18:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
18:49.22Tullerif you want single buttons, you can either do that by 120 bars, or make a bar have one button
18:49.45Temgreetings, Tuller
18:49.53Temhow long have you been in the lounge
18:50.11Tullernot much todayish
18:50.31yacoobyup, this part I discovered.
18:50.38TemI haven't seen you in here before
18:50.46yacoobhowever, the switching looks pretty cryptic :)
18:50.49Temjust wondering if it was maybe your first visit
18:51.19Tullerto the extent that I don't talk alot, yes
18:51.50*** join/#wowi-lounge The-Real (i=the_real@
18:52.25TemTuller, aaah.  Well, Welcome
18:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge The-Real (
18:52.40Temewwww it's a gnome
18:52.54Tullerstance switching - the first actionbar does it automatically, extending it to multiple actionbars requires scripting.  I should have an example of it in my scripting thread on wowinterface's forums
18:52.55TemMaldivia, why'd you have to play a gross gnome?
18:53.00CairennTuller: hi :)
18:53.13MaldiviaCairenn: well, I'm here - and my other client is here aswell still
18:53.22MaldiviaTem: you liked my human avatar better ?
18:53.35Temdidn't see the human one
18:53.43TemI didn't notice avatars at all in the old forums
18:53.45yacoobTuller: grand, I'll look at it.
18:53.50Temthe new ones sort thrust them at me
18:54.04Mikmaand to here too, if anyone is interested:
18:54.25Temanother gnome
18:54.28Temyou people are gross
18:54.47TemMikma, so, what is that you're working on?
18:55.04MikmaTem: the Bar1 layout, maia's Mockup :)
18:55.17Temhaven't seen it
18:55.27Mikmaoh ok, there you go then :)
18:55.28Temthe last 14 days sorta kicked my ass
18:55.45Temthankfully I've got today off
18:58.29yacoobTuller: ha! I think I'll do what I need!
18:58.49Tullerhurray :)
19:00.08yacooband I'll weed therefore last discord mod out!
19:01.10KasoCan you switch from enUS to enGB without any fiddling or whatcha need to do
19:01.12yacoobgreat, wowwiki is down.
19:01.32IrielYeah, it's down for maintainence and upgrade
19:01.34Cairennyup, was announced last week, will be down for part of the day for soft & hard ware updates
19:01.36Temyacoob, yeah, as I understand it, it's getting an upgrade atm
19:01.51Temand half the lounge beats me to the punch
19:02.07Cairennnot that folks around here pay attention to things like that or anything ;)
19:02.15yacoobOr just google, hm.
19:02.21Temtypical of Iriel to read my thoughts, but Cairenn too?
19:02.48Cairennjust because I don't normally comment on your thoughts, Tem, doesn't mean I don't read them ;)
19:02.55yacoobTuller: one important thing: is there any addon firing on action becoming available? I want bars to switch on 'auto-shoot' action becoming in-range for hunter...?
19:03.29IrielYou have to poll the range check with OnUpdate
19:03.42yacoobah, this is not good :/
19:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
19:04.03Tulleryeah that's one of the things I need to write a plugin for
19:04.39yacoob*does sweet puppy eyes*
19:05.15Tullerthere's also a mod to do it somewhere, I think
19:05.30yacoobremember the name?
19:06.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
19:08.09yacoobhm, I can basically steal the code from redrange...
19:08.32clad|afkLegorol: zomg i go to england on thursday.
19:09.00Legorolthat's great cladhaire, it's the trip you mentioned, right?
19:09.16cladhaireLegorol: Yeah, hoping to rub noses for funding, and meet some people =)
19:10.55cladhaireLegorol: This is a stupid questino, but a banquet in Canterbury Cathedral is a "wear a suit" event, right?
19:11.53Legorolyes i'd think so
19:12.09cladhairethat was my thought =)
19:12.16Legorolbesides, showing up in a suit won't make you look like an idiot, even if it's informal
19:12.21Legorolwhereas the other way around..
19:12.30cladhairevery true :P
19:12.33cladhairethat was really my plan
19:12.36Mikkaye. with a suit you can take off the jacket and the tie and roll up your shirt sleeves, worst case
19:12.47Legorolwouldn't go for the dinner jacket though ;-)
19:13.21cladhairehehe i dont even own a dinner jacket
19:18.10TullerRange Switch looks like the right mod
19:20.30yacoobTuller: thanks
19:20.59yacoobone more thing, the mouse_is_over is still not there?
19:21.17yacoobor perhaps it could be emulated?
19:22.04TullerI have to hardcode that one, I think
19:22.23Tullersince I have to mess around with OnEnter
19:24.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
19:24.30yacoobhm, I'm missing something.
19:24.53yacoobwhy cannot I find 'OnUpdate' and such on ?
19:25.42Mikma"WoWWiki is temporarily unavailable." :)
19:26.27yacoobfine, make it:
19:26.36IrielBecause it's a frame handler, not an event
19:26.38KirkburnThe wiki is being upgraded :)
19:27.01Mikkyou want
19:27.37yacoobplease bear in mind that I'm not familiar with wow's events, and I'm groping at it only in context of bongos :)
19:28.38TullerYou can only do event stuff with Bongos right now
19:29.17yacoobAh... I was hoping of stealing the code from range switch and adapt it for bongos.
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19:30.02yacoobso, as for me, two things missing: range checking and mouseover.
19:30.02IrielChances are you could use OnUpdate code, and then fake a call to the Bongos event handler whenever there's a state transition
19:30.14Tulleryeah that would be what I'm going to do :)
19:30.47yacoobIriel: chances are, me doing this without deeper knowledge of what I'm doing will result in overflows, dead loops and overall borkage :D
19:31.01yacoobTuller: don't you feel like coding some plugins then? Hmmm? :D
19:31.12KirkburnWow, the action key spel thing is awesome
19:33.16TullerI'm planning on either writing something to add the hunter range events, a hunter plugin, or both.  And what action key spell thing?
19:35.03KirkburnOh my ... Watch this and see your jaw drop (it's about the Net Neutrality thing) ...
19:35.23TullerI saw that one on tv
19:35.31KirkburnI'm shocked
19:36.31KirkburnYou know what's more annoying ... it's one country deciding how the entire world's internet goes forward
19:37.35IrielI think it's more the corporations than the country
19:37.43IrielBut only one country really has the legal clout to stop them
19:37.59yacoobTuller: ...tonight, by any chance? :)
19:38.35KirkburnIriel, yeah that's what I was meaning
19:39.25KirkburnI didn't mean it as anything against americans, just the frustration that me and millions of others will have to put up with whatever is done
19:39.42Mikkas if americans can control what appears on the net in e.g. sweden ...
19:39.59KirkburnNo, but much of the backbone is there :/
19:40.14Mikkcontrary to public belief, not the entire internet is routed through the US
19:40.52Mikkthey're not even sitting on the root DNS servers anymore
19:41.21Mikk(and even if they did, all they could do is turn access on and off for entire top domains, e.g. ".se")
19:41.29KirkburnI still don't like it :)
19:41.39Mikkwell, no, neither do i
19:44.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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19:56.38ScytheBlade1I removed ALL of my addons, and did a bit of command line WoW scripting
19:56.57ScytheBlade1TOPRIGHT of UIParent or nil is nothing close to the physical TOPRIGHT of my screen
19:57.05ScytheBlade1Same goes for TOPLEFT, BOTTOMRIGHT, and BOTTOMLEFT
19:57.21Hexarobeeif the cable company made an ad saying its bad for me, im all for it!
19:57.34IrielWhich frame did you use to test with?
19:57.54ScytheBlade1Just did SetMovable(1) and StartMoving()
19:58.38Temmake your own frame
19:58.46Temminimapcluster is probably decieving you
19:58.58Tem(that or your UIParent is resized)
20:01.27IrielOkay, do this before you do much else
20:01.54IrielTry /script T=MinimapCluster:CreateTexture(); T:SetTexture(0.6,0,0);T:SetAlpha(0.5);T:SetAllPoints(MinimapCluster)
20:02.13Temthat works too
20:03.00IrielWhen I do /dump M:GetTop() * M:GetEffectiveScale() I get the expected result
20:03.02Irielditto with GetRight
20:03.09IrielM is an alias for MinimapCluster because I'm lazy
20:03.41IrielSame if I do that test with UIParent instead of MinimapCluster
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20:42.32yacoobTuller: ping.
20:42.50yacoobTuller: is switching on bar1 hardcoded?
20:42.58yacoobI turned it off, yet it switches on stealth.
20:43.06Tulleryes and no
20:43.39yacoobI'm all ears.
20:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
20:44.21Tulleryou should be able to disable it via making a script that just has the action return; on the event UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR for bar1
20:44.43TullerI really need to make it transparent
20:44.53yacoobthat will do. But don't you think it's a bit illogical, to have it turned OFF in config and still working? :D
20:45.09Tullerits not actually turned off, you turned off paging :)
20:45.16Tullerthat's the shift + number thing
20:45.27yacoobwhat's context tab then for?
20:45.53yacoobI thought that paging means 'could this bar have >1 page' and context means 'does this bar autoswitch?'
20:46.36Corrodiaszenzelezz: the reason i would expect the "number of action bars" variable to return 10 is because there are 10 action bars available
20:47.09Corrodiasmany addon authors seem to be unaware of this, however
20:47.11Tullercontext is for switching if the target is friendly/enemy
20:47.16yacoob(and I disabled it that way you described, good)
20:47.20yacoobTuller: ahh, OK.
20:47.49Corrodiaswhat addon are you guys talking about?
20:48.02yacoobThe DAB killer
20:49.09Corrodiasah, yes... i am not convinced that i can have a better button layout than i have now with the default, so i've not gotten an addon for it, yet
20:49.28KirovCorrodias - well, depending on if it uses blizzard's bar code, there could be only 6 bars, or 10 if not
20:49.54KirovCorrodias - well, I guess 7 bars with the default UI.
20:50.22Kirovok, so 8 available bars using Blizzard's code, 10 if not
20:50.42Corrodiasnot 9?
20:51.09Corrodias"WoWWiki is temporarily down for some hardware and software upgrades." is the result of my attempt to gain further information
20:51.20KirovRogues use 1-7, Druids use 1-7+9, Warriors use 2-9
20:51.31TullerI'm pretty sure there's 60 buttons total
20:51.39Corrodiasso it seems that 9 is available using default code
20:51.43Corrodias*should be
20:51.56KirovCorrdias - Only as a warrior or druid
20:52.07Corrodiaswhy do you say that warriors don't use bar 1? i thought everyone uses 1-6
20:52.18KirovWarriors' default bar 1 is actually bar 7.  Warriors never see bar 1
20:52.32Corrodiasinteresting. i wonder why that is.
20:52.38KirovWarriors have one bar for each major stance, and they're always in a stance.
20:52.39yacoobTuller: another gotcha: I choose 10x12 layout, and shortened one bar to 6 buttons
20:52.54Corrodiasi believe i modified rangehelp to switch to bar 7 on my hunter when within melee range. it works.
20:53.05yacoobTuller: will paging on that switch to next bar, or next (invisible) 6 buttons of the same bar?
20:53.21Corrodiasi should see if it lets me switch to any bar, but then that would just prove that it's probably using its own method of doing so
20:53.48KirovCorrodias - by altering the bar return, that switch can go to any of the 10 bars.
20:53.59KirovI think you can even set it to 11, just nothing will show up.
20:54.01Tullershould be the next 6
20:54.04Kirovmight error though
20:54.42*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
20:55.35yacoobTuller: righto.
20:55.53IrielCorrodias : It (wowwiki) is down so they can update to the latest version of mediawiki and upgrade the processor on the host, IIRC.
20:56.44Kirovby altering the return of GetBonusBarOffset(), you can make the main bar do anthing
20:57.52Corrodiasi want it to dance~
20:58.22Tullerif you go past 120 buttons, you'll get funky results
20:59.21Corrodiasmy action bar just turned into a NE and it's killing me, arggh
21:00.36[FF]Im2good4uNE male ?
21:00.48yacoobGaaa. And how about 10buttons wide bar, trimmed to 6, will it page to 4 buttons from this bar + 2 from next? :)
21:01.25Tullera 6 button bar will go to the next 6 buttons, a 5 the next five, etc
21:01.36Tullerat least, that's how it should work
21:01.49yacoobMhm, so it's basically all about buttons. Allrighyt.
21:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge frus` (
21:02.38yacoobso there are no DAB-like floaters as it is, only bars trimmed to one button?
21:03.45yacoobThis is a minor nuissance, but it won't hinder usability.
21:03.54Maldiviauhh... priest taletns...
21:03.54yacoobOnly the setup will be a bit weird, but hehe :)
21:04.40Kirovwhat's that function to update the bar display?
21:04.55yacoobTuller: my setup is like this: one 10button bar, switchable upon various things (depends on class), one constant 10button, one 6button bar, switchable, 2bar button constant, and trinketmenu to fill it up
21:05.13yacoob - a picture says more than words
21:05.46yacoobtop-to bottom: autobar, first bar, second, third+fourth+trinketmenu
21:06.22yacoobplus a little bar showing on mouseover for macros (well... would have to live without hiding it), plus stealth floater to show cooldown.
21:06.23Corrodiasonly 35 visible buttons... argh
21:06.32yacoobCorrodias: ?
21:06.40Maldiviabaah, *sob*
21:06.46Corrodiasi look at the image, and i see 35 buttons.
21:06.52yacoobtoo many?
21:07.02Corrodiastoo few, i'd think, but meh
21:07.19yacoobTuller: and I think I'll be able to recreate that in Bongos, for my rogue, warlock, and priest. Hunter will need to get some loving :)
21:07.27Corrodiasi probably waste a bunch of space on mine, but i like to group similar actions together
21:11.05Tullerworking on hunter paging stuff
21:11.24yacoobgoood :) *cheers*
21:11.45yacoob...and what is *really* interesting right now, that I don't see keybindings for buttons1 to 10...? :D
21:12.18CorrodiasWOW FASCINATING
21:12.37yacooballright, shutting myself up :P
21:17.13KirovIriel - you're working today?
21:17.18Kasois it possible to turn the enUS to enGB so you can use it with a EU account
21:18.01Corrodiasi'd need a complete installation of an enGB version to figure out the differences
21:18.20Kirovcolor vs. colour?
21:18.34Kirov(didn't realize Blizzard had a enGB version)
21:18.35Corrodiasdifferences in the files
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21:19.03KirovMentalPower - itemizer done?
21:19.12MentalPowerhaha, no
21:19.14MentalPowerclose tho
21:20.46MentalPowerI've been busy with Auctioneer (I jump projects a lot so I don't en up hating one or the other)
21:22.05Kirovwhat's being done to auctioneer?
21:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:22.43MentalPowersome minor features people have been asking for
21:23.39Maldiviais it just me, or is the sorting on the forums bugged?
21:25.18Maldiviaohh, lol
21:25.24KirovMentalPower - also, did you make Itemizer intentionally ugly?  >.<
21:25.34Maldiviais defaults to "latest reply" in ascending order :)
21:25.44MentalPowerhehe, you're not the first that complains about the UI
21:26.09MentalPowermy current plans are to finish the currently loking one and then design one closer to the WoW theme
21:26.11krkafunction deepSet(t, v, k1, k2, ...) if k2 == nil then t[k1] = v return end if t[k1] == nil then t[k1] = {} end return deepSet(t[k1], v, k2, ...) end
21:26.14krkajust for fun
21:26.32krkadamn, wrong channel
21:27.01KirovMentalPower - so, scare away all the potential users early, eh/
21:27.27MentalPowerwell, they will prolly both ship at release
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21:49.54cladhaireI can't believe we're already at 11000 commits.
21:49.55cladhairethat's sick.
21:50.14JoshBorkeat my work, we'v got something like 18k commits
21:51.45cladhaireyeah.. but a work environment and the bullshit we do are drastically diffferent =)
21:54.34Cideoff to bed, night everyone
21:55.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:56.14KirkburnYou seem to be going through nearly 200 commits a day
21:56.26KirkburnIt's great to see how active it is :)
22:00.27cladhaireits 6pm.  I can farm some more crypt fiend parts.. and then zip Clique and finish up some stuff with PR
22:01.10cladhairethen go to bed
22:02.07KirkburnAt 4am
22:02.36cladhaireneg, have work tomorrow
22:02.49cladhaireand have to get stuff done, since i go to the UK on thursday
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22:23.46Kirkburncladhaire, where in the UK?
22:24.23cladhaireCanterbury, University of Kent
22:24.32cladhaireI get into Heathrow 10:30am Friday
22:25.15yacoobRight, I'll ask here too. Is there a way to catch end of a cooldown of a specific action?
22:25.37yacoob(apart from blindly hooking ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN)
22:25.44KirkburnAh, not too near me then ... I'm north of london
22:26.07cladhaireI'd like to make it up to Coventry, but I won't have time.
22:27.39Kasoyacoob OnUpdate checks
22:27.54yacoobKaso: no way to do it passie? :/
22:28.04yacoobpassive, I mean?
22:28.12Kasodunno i cant think of any event of the top of my head
22:28.58Kasodamn wiki being down!
22:29.31yacoobKaso: :)
22:30.02Kasoim sorry?
22:31.29yacoobit's a list of events from wowwiki, taken out of google cache. I've been through it and I found only ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN. Perhaps you'd have any suggestion? :D
22:31.41Gryphenwiki is up for me :o
22:32.14KasoPraise the lord!
22:33.06yacoobmmm, good.
22:35.13Kasoyah it seems that actionbar or onupdate are the only ways
22:36.40yacoobcrappy way, I still need this action location on actionbar
22:39.55yacoobheh, GetSpellCooldown is also unreliable, because spells shift in spellbook
22:39.59*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
22:40.01yacoobwho thought up this cranky API? :D
22:40.19Kasoyacoob you can just watch the spellbook changed event
22:40.39Tem|AFKspells don't change that much
22:40.43Tem|AFKso it's not a huge deal
22:41.13yacoobthe thing is I'd like it to be as much failsafe as it could be, with minimum lines of code
22:41.25Temright right
22:41.27yacoobto ensure there are few things that could break on patch
22:41.38yacoobit's only a bongos condition... 8)
22:43.47yacoobha! getshapeshiftformcooldown :)
22:43.55yacoob(it just happens for the action to be stealth)
22:45.14jaxdahlcladhaire, in your latest commit you say you added initial support for showing your selected target
22:45.37jaxdahlif it was implemented, i'm not seeing it show up
22:47.05*** part/#wowi-lounge wereMouse|sleep (
22:47.55KirkburnThe wowiki is back!
22:48.06Gryphen[15:32:28] <Gryphen> wiki is up for me :o
22:50.18yacoobhaha, the function isn't Working As Intended [tm]
22:50.22yacoob*bangs head on wall*
22:52.09AnduinLotharMikk: ping
22:55.20Kasoit returns the time the cooldown started, not the time left on the cooldown
22:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:56.03Kasoit'll be 0 if no cooldown then GetTime() - {amount of time since you used spell} if there is a cooldown
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22:56.22Kasoand man thats a crappy wiki page, i should fix that
22:58.30yacoobAhem. Just made wow crash.
22:58.49yacoobAnd of course I didn't make reloadui, so all bongos settings lost :E
23:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:04.49KirkburnThe wiki is damn speedy now for intensive pages:)
23:14.23Tullerso ranged event:  melee, ranged, unusable
23:14.30Tulleram I missing anything?
23:15.39yacoobI think it's OK.
23:21.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
23:25.34*** join/#wowi-lounge [ven] (
23:30.16Corrodiascan someone post a bug report post on for me?
23:33.34CairennCorrodias: huh?
23:45.17Corrodiaswhen there's too much text in the buffer, it only shows a small amount of it and ends with "..."
23:45.37*** part/#wowi-lounge silver1499 (
23:45.45KirkburnYes, but why can't you do it?
23:46.02Corrodiasbecause i don't like registering for things that i only ever make one or two posts on :/
23:48.29KirovCorrodias - That's a known wow issues
23:48.30Kirover, issue
23:48.47KirovThey reduced the max length of font strings considerably in this last patch
23:49.13Corrodiashmm. i guess i'll just reduce the number of lines visible even farther
23:56.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:56.54KirkburnEgad, the wiki is up and down like a  << naughty word \o/ >>'s knickers

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