irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060901

00:02.10jaxdahlgot an error in perfectraid
00:04.39clad|gymthey happen
00:05.13IrielThen how can it be.. perfect?
00:05.43IrielMaybe AlmostPerfectRaid would be a better name?
00:05.52cladhaireMediocreRaid =)
00:06.14cladhaireIt all happened cause i decided that PerfectTooltip made the tooltip absolultey perfect for me.
00:06.17cladhaireand just went downhill from there =)
00:07.41IrielAh, so it's more like Perfect*Raid (* - perfection is measured only in the eyes of cladhaire, your opinion may vary but frankly he doesn't care)
00:07.49cladhaireabsolutely =)
00:08.00cladhairei never meant to make sensationalist claims =)
00:08.09cladhairebut haven't found a better name yet :P
00:08.34AnduinLotharMediocreRaid imo
00:09.07cladhaireit has a nice ring to it :P
00:09.12cladhaireand it would piss off the users sufficiently
00:10.42cladhaireso i think i've shed the weight from this weekend Cairenn
00:10.45cladhairewhich is shocking :P
00:10.46Cairennthe things I come back to
00:11.00IrielBeetRaid -- randomly it'd cover everyone's screen in purple splotches and disable their keys until the party wipes
00:11.15GeoDaMancerI was wondering, is there a way to simulate a box in the action bar, just a single one?
00:11.15Cairennrofl Iriel!
00:12.24GeoDaMancerSounds like that plug in would be jolly good fun.
00:13.23AnduinLotharDamageMeters-AL v5.1.1 submitted
00:13.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:14.09AnduinLotharthose stupid 1.12 SV changes haunt me still...
00:14.16ckknightwhat changes?
00:14.23ckknighthehe, Cairenn
00:14.36AnduinLotharthat it nils all the variables in the toc if they weren't defined in a previous session
00:14.41JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: did you hear about the conflict between your DM and FuBar_DM?
00:14.51QzotLater, guys.
00:14.55JoshBorkebye qzot
00:14.55AnduinLotharyou're late. keep up on the comments man
00:14.56Cairennlater Qzot
00:15.01Irielcya Qzot
00:15.20AnduinLotharDevla hacked together a new vers
00:15.42JoshBorkeo.O 9-1-2006?
00:15.49JoshBorkegmt time?
00:15.53KirkburnBtw, the spells and talents page has been updated (not with the other classes though, just new info)
00:16.04AnduinLotharI felt bad having two revisions ont he same day
00:16.22AnduinLotharand since i've technically slept in between them..
00:16.24KirkburnChangelog for the spells and talents changes:
00:16.35JoshBorkebecause you know, they aren't both time-stamped :P
00:17.12JoshBorkeoh man! they nerfed reck bombs!
00:17.56chuckgWhat did you change in the data structure that broke DMFu Anduin?
00:18.06AnduinLotharnerfed again?
00:18.13AnduinLotharno idea chuckg
00:18.29chuckgI'm not going to bother doing an "official" update I don't think.
00:18.32AnduinLothari changed some menus
00:18.38chuckgThat'll do it.
00:18.58JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: reck is only valid for 8 seconds
00:19.06AnduinLotharand removed a bunch of functions used for syncing
00:19.41KirkburnZomg, The paladin's consecrate spell will now be a trainable spell for paladins starting at level 20 (and the rank at level 70 will do 592 holy damage over 8 seconds).
00:19.56JoshBorkezomg! nerf paladins!
00:20.07AnduinLotharwhat are you guys looking at?
00:20.10JoshBorkemy raid leader seriously wanted paladins to consecrate in Nef stage 1
00:20.30JoshBorkewhen we had warlocks using HellFire...
00:20.48chuckgDPS is DPS if you have the mana.
00:20.53AnduinLothar:) I can get plenty of agro in stage 1 to die. i dont need more
00:20.54Kirkburn"The paladin's tier 1 protection talent, redoubt, had been changed. Previously, it would incerase the paladin's chance to block with a shield after being a victim of a critical strike. Instead, the increased block ability will have a 10% chance to proc off all melee and ranged attacks." Intriguing
00:21.07KirovAnduinLothar - I've released a single mod 5 times in a single day
00:21.08AnduinLotharis this 1.13?
00:21.14KirkburnNo, BC
00:21.20KirkburnProbably the same thing
00:21.27_ValgrindIs there an official way of detecting FuBars and moving away stuff from under them? I think I'll have to adopt Minibars2, update to Ace2 and fix that. Having them by default under the top FuBar is plain ugly.
00:21.32AnduinLotharyeah. I often find myself releaseing more thna once a day
00:21.50chuckgI think I did 4 or 5 of my first mod.
00:21.56chuckgJust kept finding stuff on my own right after I'd post it.
00:22.04chuckgThe guys at WoWI must have thought I was a spaz.
00:22.05AnduinLotharwow i cant spell..
00:22.15JoshBorke~hug Cairenn
00:22.29purlACTION hugs Cairenn
00:22.29Cairennuh oh
00:22.31purlOUCH! That hurt, joshborke!
00:22.31Cairennwhat'd I do?
00:22.31KirovRelease mod, find terrible terrible bug (like the mod doesn't load) right after you upload to all the sites
00:22.48JoshBorkeyea, people need to learn to read
00:22.51KirkburnJoshBorke, are you training purl? :P
00:22.58AnduinLotharno no you haven't lived until you've backdated a version on wowi, removed the file and submitted again with the same version #
00:23.17JoshBorke~slap perI
00:23.18purlACTION slaps perI, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
00:23.43purlHey what was that for, puri?
00:23.47pervOh, now you've changed your tune :(
00:23.49JoshBorke~whaleslap purI
00:23.52purlACTION beats purI upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
00:24.10AnduinLotharoh god..
00:24.50purlACTION hugs kirkburn
00:24.50JoshBorke~tackle Cairenn
00:24.52purlACTION tackles Cairenn to the ground.
00:25.01KirovCairenn and Al, running to a tree, F L E E I N G!
00:25.25Cairennman, you guys are *really* bored tonight, aren't you? lol
00:25.29JoshBorkebah, i need testers for my mod :(
00:25.48KirovCairenn - Movers came and packed all my stuff today
00:25.57Kirovso my work day is basically shot
00:26.02FullMooonYou rang, m'lady?
00:26.09KirovI was out for the most productive hours of the day
00:26.45JoshBorkeanyone want to help me test my mod real fast?
00:26.55JoshBorkerequires very little action on your part :-D
00:27.06KirovJoshBorke - Can I point and laugh at it?
00:27.13IrielKirov : Moving far or locally?
00:27.14JoshBorkebut of course :-)
00:27.14Cairennso, umm, what was with the random hug out of no where? not that I object to hugs, just rather curious as to why is all
00:27.18KirovJoshBorke - (how much action)?
00:27.25KirovIriel - just out of the city
00:27.34JoshBorkeKirov: install, log in, join group, tell me if you see anything
00:27.34IrielKirov: Which direction?
00:27.48KirovStill technically in SF, but like 5 feet from the Daly City line
00:27.48IrielKirov : Presumably not west, or not very far west 8-)
00:27.57KirkburnWhy would anyone need a reason to give Cairenn a hug?
00:27.57JoshBorkeCairenn: always updating our mods when we fix 5 things in a single day
00:28.14KirkburnMy reason was better :(
00:28.15Cairennit's not a hardship
00:28.26IrielKirov : not too far then.. hope it goes smoothly
00:28.36KirovMe too.
00:29.33JoshBorkeit's at times like these that i need 2 accounts :-(
00:29.47JoshBorkeoh i know!
00:30.38KirovJoshBorke - url?
00:30.51AnduinLotharhere, if you're board go spam up this thread so people will see it's 50 million ports and read it, thinking it's something interesting.
00:30.53KirovIt's one of the nice things about having a girlfriend's account info
00:31.37AnduinLotharck, you're not allowed to post
00:31.46Cairennckknight: lol, what the hell was that?
00:32.13AnduinLotharwell if he were over 12 i would say a baby..
00:32.33AnduinLotharor he finally lost motor control
00:32.48jaeger-cat on the keyboard?
00:32.50Cairennif it were my house, I'd say it were a cat on the keyboard
00:32.58jaeger-that's my excuse, hehe
00:33.08JoshBorkei'd say i fell asleep
00:33.13jaeger-sometimes it's even true
00:33.54KirkburnWell, that shut everyone up :)
00:34.02JoshBorkecan trial accounts group up?
00:34.31Kirov*resists the temptation to post "does it use Ace?  I won't use it if it doesn't use Ace3.0"
00:34.42KirkburnI wants a cat that types on my keyboard :(
00:35.08jaeger-my cat tries... just doesn't particularly succeed
00:35.15CairennI wouldn't mind a cat that actually *typed* on my keyboard
00:35.27KirkburnYeah, those look like cat sized button presses
00:35.27Cairennunfortunately, mine just stomp all over it
00:35.42KirkburnAnd try to eat the cable, no doubt?
00:35.51IrielHm a non-wow lua question -- how does one get the contents of a directory from within lua?
00:36.06IrielI looked for a bit, but couldn't find a mechanism
00:36.15Cairennand for the record, for all that everyone comments about how light cats are on their feet and stuff ... HAH!
00:36.26ScytheBlade1All right, now I'm confused. Horribly.
00:36.36ScytheBlade1I set four vars: GetLeft(), GetRight(), etc.
00:36.55KirkburnWhy can't cats stay kitten forever :_(
00:37.01jaeger-Iriel: might need lua-fs
00:37.02IrielGetTop() and GetBottom() ?
00:37.09ScytheBlade1Ran SetPoint() four times, with a ClearAllPoints() before each.
00:37.17ScytheBlade1The frame wound up on the right X coord
00:37.17IrielWhat parent did you use?
00:37.28Irielnil or UIParent?
00:37.29ScytheBlade1But it wound up dead-center on the screen concerning Y...
00:37.39ScytheBlade1SetPoint("LEFT", MMM_Left);
00:37.55JoshBorkeIriel: hehe, the only directory thing i saw about lua uses ls :-D
00:38.08IrielAnd did you set everything relative to the BOTTOM LEF corner?
00:38.33ScytheBlade1I haven't touched anything related to that, so I'd assume so
00:38.39ScytheBlade1Seeing as that is default
00:38.55Irielthe default is the point you specified
00:39.13Irielwhich can be a problem for RIGHT and TOP
00:39.27ScytheBlade1RIGHT worked perfectly
00:39.32ScytheBlade1TOP and BOTTOM didn't
00:39.39Irielalso, if you omit the parent I believe it uses the frame's actual parent
00:39.59ScytheBlade1which in this case is UIParent
00:40.09ScytheBlade1(Working with MinimapCluster, has a parent of UIParent)
00:40.10Irielbut so you can run into wierd scale issues if UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() isn't 1
00:40.51ScytheBlade1Well, my definitely isn't 1.
00:41.02ScytheBlade1(widescreen, the scale is 0.8999)
00:42.53ScytheBlade1I never thought I would need a HOWTO to move a freaking frame :P
00:42.57Iriellocal S = MinimapCluster:GetEffectiveScale(); MinimapCluster:ClearAllPoints(); MinimapCluser:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",nil,"BOTTOMLEFT",MMM_Left,MMM_Bottom);MinimapCluster:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",nil, "BOTTOMLEFT", MMM_Right, MMM_Top);
00:42.58IrielTry that
00:43.14Irieldamn, got that slightly wrong
00:43.18Iriellocal S = MinimapCluster:GetEffectiveScale();
00:45.08ScytheBlade1latter one is TOPRIGHT, nil, BOTTOMLEFT?
00:45.26IrielYes, you're setting the top right corner of the minimap cluster relative to the bottom left corner of the screen
00:45.30cladhaireMikkTV: PING
00:45.34ScytheBlade1Oh, duh
00:46.00Kirkburncladhaire, he was going off to watch Doom last time we spoke :P
00:46.14cladhaireKirkburn: hehe, yeah.. he'll get it eventually =)
00:46.28purlACTION stalks anduinlothar, chanting doom on you, doom on you!
00:46.35AnduinLotharhmmm nope
00:46.40ScytheBlade1Uh, in that case, Iriel
00:46.45AnduinLotharwhere's Grr when you need him
00:46.46GeoDaMancerAnd his Jolly Boots of Doom.
00:46.56KirkburnBet he got scared by it and has run away :P
00:47.00ScytheBlade1That at least moved it into the right corner :P
00:47.09ScytheBlade1But now it's 95% off-screen
00:47.19ScytheBlade1I can only see the bottom-right corner
00:47.31Irieloh, doh
00:47.35Irielremove the /S's
00:48.13Irielthough i'll note you actually should save GetLeft()*GetEffectiveScale() etc if you dont want things to move later if they get rescaled
00:49.01KirkburnWhat is it about people that makes them want to insult and put down everyone else all the time? Sometimes it seems like half the edits to the wiki are along those lines :/
00:49.20KirkburnEspecially on the server pages
00:49.44KirkburnApparently the Dethecus realm is a xenophobe's paradise :/
00:50.01ScytheBlade1Well, that worked perfectly
00:50.07ScytheBlade1Now to sit and ponder just what I did
00:50.39IrielHere's what I forgot
00:50.54IrielWhen you GetLeft() from a frame, you get it's screen relative position, scaled by the frame's effective scale
00:50.55KirkburnOooh, a new nVidia linux driver is out - might interest some of yous
00:51.14ScytheBlade1Iriel, all right, makes sense
00:51.17Irielso if the frame has an effecive scale of 2.0, and is at 1000,500, on screen, you'll get 500, 250 as GetLeft and GetBottom
00:51.20JoshBorkeKirkburn: what version?
00:51.32IrielWhen you put it back the set points work similarly
00:51.46Irielif the scale is the same both times, then they cancel each other out (which is why you dont need to /S)
00:51.53JoshBorke9x version will work with OpenXGL
00:52.12Irielthough be warned that if you change your ui scale, you'll no longer put that frame back in the right place
00:52.15Irielright now
00:52.39ScytheBlade1I don't suppose there's a comprehensive doc explaining everything scale related?
00:52.52ScytheBlade1The code you gave me makes sense now... I just had a few subtle things wrong
00:53.18IrielThe doc I linked is the comprehensive doc explaining everything scale related
00:53.31ScytheBlade1It only explains so much :P
00:53.35ScytheBlade1I'll re-read it though
00:53.40IrielIt does cover everything
00:53.50Irielit does bear reading a couple of times though
00:53.50ScytheBlade1All right then
00:53.55ScytheBlade1Yeah, I can tell already
00:53.57ScytheBlade1Doing so again now
00:53.59Iriel(Well, everything as long as you understand how scale and effective scale works)
00:58.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
00:58.43ckknightsorry, Cairenn
00:58.47ckknightfood poisoning
00:58.54Cairenngah! you okay?
00:58.55ckknightI kinda passed out on my keyboard
00:59.05ckknightI just got out of the bathroom
00:59.08ckknightafter throwing up for a while
00:59.20Cairennand no apologies necessary, we were just wondering what was going on, no one was upset or anything
00:59.30Cairennwell, that's the best thing for it, get it out of your system
00:59.38Cairennnow go drink lots and lots of water
00:59.52ckknightit was all a blur
01:00.00ckknightI don't remember hitting the keyboard
01:00.07ckknightI kinda woke up in the bathroom, puking
01:00.08Cairennjust focus on drinking water
01:00.21ckknightdamn Kahlua pork
01:01.23IrielNo keyboard involved though
01:01.26Cairennthat's one beverage you'll NEVER get me to drink
01:01.36Kirovkahlua pork?
01:01.44Cairenndrink something that's got a worm in the bottom of it? I don't THINK so!
01:01.56ckknightkahlua pork is a Hawaiian thing
01:02.06ckknightit's how they cook pork at a luau
01:02.23Iriel'not well enough' apparently
01:02.44ckknightmy head is spinning
01:02.48ckknightmy mom's sick, too
01:02.51Cairennckknight: water
01:02.55ckknightshe had the same thing, too
01:02.58ckknightI'm drinking, Cairenn
01:03.11Cairenndry toast or crackers
01:03.19Cairennand if it keeps up, hospital
01:03.54ckknightmy mom's a nurse
01:04.08ckknightand there's a whole bunch of nurse's aides here
01:04.12Cairennand I'm a worrier ... your point? :p
01:04.15ckknightactually, one on  duty, I think
01:05.10KirkburnIf anyone remembers the god-awful WorldofRaids website, it's been updated :O It's better, but still a bit bleugh:
01:07.02Cairennand if your mom is a nurse and you've got all those nurse's aides there, then I'm not telling you anything they aren't already saying too :p
01:07.40ckknightmy mom said to drink water and take a nap
01:07.46ckknightI'm making myself a bagel now
01:08.22KirkburnWoah, hope you feel better soon :/
01:09.07*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
01:09.09KirkburnIf it makes you feel better, I can't turn my head left atm :P
01:09.14Cairennthe fact he's already been sick is a good sign, means his body purged it, so shouldn't need to go get his stomach pumped
01:09.21GremWarsongWhat is the main cause of a Stack Overflow error in WoW?
01:09.29IrielGremWarsong : Double hooking
01:09.43CairennKirkburn: what'd YOU do?
01:09.44IrielGremWarsong : 2nd most common, changing target in a target change event
01:10.09GremWarsongHow can I prevent something like that Iriel?
01:10.13GremWarsongI have numerous target changing events
01:10.15KirkburnSlept awkwardly it seems :( It's meant that for most of today I've had to look sideways at the screen :)
01:10.17IrielGenerally by not doing it.
01:10.33AnduinLotharmy favorite was calligna  quest api function from a quest event
01:10.33GremWarsongOh, I misunderstood, haha
01:10.38CairennKirkburn: shall I mother (read nag) you too now?
01:10.39IrielBear in mind that PLAYER_TAGRET_CHANGED fires before the target-changing call comes back
01:11.08Kirkburnhehe, well tell me to go to bed, and I'll do that since I should be going anyway :P
01:11.11IrielSo you can't change target again while you're handling a PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGE, or you end up stuck forever (Technically you can do it a small number of times, but you have to have a limit)
01:11.14GremWarsongI seem to occassionally a randomly getting a stack overflow pointing to a random line in Chronos ...
01:11.41Cairennanti-inflammatories, heat pack
01:11.43GremWarsong*occasionally getting a random stack overflow
01:11.45IrielHm, I wonder if chronos has some re-entrancy issues
01:11.58Kirkburn2am, lack of :P
01:12.02GremWarsongI call Chronos a lot in my code, its the backbone
01:12.16GremWarsongBut strangely, the stack overflows are coming from seriously random Chronos lines
01:12.22GremWarsongLike, a different Chronos line each time
01:12.23CairennKirkburn: lack of what? and time has what to do with this?
01:12.27Irielwell, it'll happen when the stack depth hits a certain point
01:12.33Warlaburning crusade will fuck up WSG ^^
01:12.35GremWarsongCould it occur from lack of RAM?
01:12.38Irielso the real question is what else is on the stack when it happens
01:12.44Irielram is not a factor
01:12.46Warla3 locks each of em casts unstable affliction on the flag carrier
01:12.55Irielcalling things that call themselves is almost certainly your problme
01:12.56Warlathen you see buncho priests drop dead
01:13.11GremWarsongHmm, yeah, that's understandable
01:13.13KirkburnI'd wake up the parents if I move around too much, not a great idea =)
01:14.03GremWarsongSo if the errors are coming from random Chronos lines, could it still be problems that im creating?  Or problems with Chronos?
01:14.03KirkburnDon't think we have any heat packs ... if it's still hurting 2moro, I'll see about getting something
01:14.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
01:14.34CairennKirkburn: so run a cloth under hot water, viola, heat pack
01:14.34IrielGremWarsong : My guess is that you call chronos functions from chronos dispatches, and then when those get dispatched (possibly immediately) you call more, etc. THat's just a guess, if you're doing target change stuff THAT could be the problem too
01:14.53KirkburnAh, mothers, they know too much useful stuff!
01:14.56JoshBorkewhy doesn't this work?
01:15.01GremWarsongI definitely dont call chronos functions from chronos dispatches, haha
01:15.03JoshBorkelocal _,_,status,spellIndex,timeRemain,spellTarget = string.find(message,"%d%d%.3f%s")
01:15.28GremWarsongBut yeah, tons of target change stuff, hmm
01:15.36JoshBorkeif message = string.format("%s%s%.3f%s",status or 0,_spellIndex or 0,time or 0,target or '-')
01:16.04GremWarsongStack overflows are nasty, very difficult to pinpoint the problem
01:16.14GremWarsongI assume the error line really has nothing to do with solving the problem
01:16.22ckknightGremWarsong, Chronos isn't the only thing that can handle timing and schedules, you know
01:16.39GremWarsongAre there any better libraries out there?
01:16.47ckknightI like to use AceEvent-2.0
01:17.01GremWarsongIm looking for something with stability and frequent updates =)
01:17.20ckknightaforementioned, Kirkburn
01:17.29ckknightGremWarsong, yea, Ace2 provides that
01:17.42GremWarsongCool, ill research it
01:17.46norgsI had to double check this was #wowi-lounge and not #cosmos-testers a few minutes back...
01:17.52KirkburnGremWarsong, you're talking to the guy who coded much of it ;P
01:18.03Kirkburn(i.e. ckknight, not me!)
01:18.16GremWarsongSexy =)
01:18.19ckknightfeel free to come hang out in #wowace
01:18.32ckknightmmm... bagel
01:18.36GremWarsongI used to tinker with WoWace, I was just afraid of all the dependencies
01:18.46wereHamsterWoW looks funny if I randomly 'disable' certain opengl functions..
01:18.51ckknightno more dependencies, grem
01:18.55Cairenneven better sign, that the bagel is tasty and staying down
01:19.06ckknightin Ace 1.x yes, but not Ace2
01:19.09GremWarsongReally?  So I only need AceEvent to manage scheduling?
01:19.12ckknightCairenn, hehe, yep
01:19.15norgsThat's always good Cairenn
01:19.23ckknightGremWarsong, well, you'd use AceLibrary, AceOO-2.0, and AceEvent-2.0
01:19.33ckknightthen use AceEvent-2.0 to handle all your scheduling
01:19.37IrielwereHamster : You'd look funny if we randomly 'removed' certain of your internal organs
01:19.41ckknightgranted, it's all embedded.
01:19.44norgsI hate it when tasty food's not tasty... kinda turns the universe on it's head
01:20.02ckknightnorgs, (I had food poisoning)
01:20.23wereHamsterIt isn't that easy to understand what WoW does..
01:20.31GremWarsongckknight, does it have nice management to prevent thinks like stack overflows? ;)
01:20.42GremWarsongOr is that at my poor coding's discretion
01:20.50ckknightit's done well
01:21.05norgsI had some kind of rinovirus a while back - nasty stuff
01:21.11KirkburnG'night one and all!
01:21.19ckknightcya, Mr. Burn
01:21.26Kirkburnckknight, hope you feel better :)
01:21.36Kirkburnsorry, Mr. Knight :P
01:21.41ckknightI feel okay, now
01:22.04KirkburnDon't tempt Lady Fate :)
01:22.10KirkburnSee ya
01:22.39GremWarsongI have to get ACE2 from SVN?
01:23.07GremWarsongCool, thanks
01:23.24ckknightI recommend
01:23.34ckknightit's actually up to date
01:23.38GremWarsongYeah I see
01:23.58CairennAnduinLothar: O.O
01:24.16AnduinLotharnot a Chapelle show fan?
01:24.25CairennI know the reference
01:24.45ckknightis Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?
01:24.46Cairennit amuses me and terrifies me, simultaneously
01:24.57Cairennthe T-shirt
01:27.28MentalPowerenjoy Cairenn
01:29.24JoshBorkeso string.find can't take in a float...
01:31.07*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
01:35.55Irielyou can use tostring on the float
01:38.11dorbakI've got a table structure as follows:  History["Somename"][{some array of text}]...."Somename"[{some array of text}] will be created at runtime and populated as time goes it possible to get the name of "somename" during runtime?
01:38.26JoshBorkei figured it out :-)
01:39.19dorbakusing the myDebug mod from Mikk, I can see the table information, and it populates, but i just can't figure out how to "get" the "SomeName" name
01:39.52dorbakI can get {some array of text} if I hardcode "Somename", but I'd rather not go that route as it won't be static
01:41.15GeoDaMancerOr an event that reads the text that comes in, seperating the first word, since it's the name of the person sending the message?
01:41.31dorbakessentially, this is for my "WhisperHistory" thingy I'm trying out...the format that I"m saving the tells is: WhisperHistory["Username"]["Message 1","Message 2",etc]
01:42.27dorbakI'm iterating through the structure, and displaying on screen (for now), but I can't figure out the part on how to go through each "Username" portion programmatically (I *can* do it, as I said, by hardcoding the Username field)
01:43.52JoshBorkexf. ann S)
01:44.12JoshBorkefor username,tbl in pairs(WhisperHistory) do
01:44.48JoshBorkebye all :_)
01:44.49*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:45.00dorbakheh, drive-by answers :)
01:48.52TemIriel, you win
01:49.22IrielTem: Well, technically slouken does  because he fixed his original and now our posts are redundant 8-)
01:49.52Irielbut we got a *laugh* out of him
01:50.12TemI'm so happy about #undef LUA_COMPAT_VARARG
01:50.20Irieland I got a "Data access error" from the forum software, and a bug, during my attempt to get my [b] right
01:50.56TemI still think I could do better forum software
01:51.06Temeven though they have improved it quite a bit
01:51.29Temmaybe I'm underestimating the challenge since I've never attempted it
01:51.51IrielI have no idea what kind of load it supports
01:51.54Irielthat may be the challenge
01:51.59norgsi think you're underestimating the sheer amount of traffic that website processes
01:52.21norgsjust fyi, that server does about 800000 posts a day
01:52.37TemI'm also sorta amazed that the firefox pre bug isn't fixed yet
01:53.30*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
01:53.40norgsi know i underestimated it when i built wowscrubber
01:53.55norgsi got slapped down big-time
01:53.59Tembut isn't most of that load taken by the sql software?
01:55.12norgshonestly, i don't think any current forum software (ie phpbb and the like) could handle the load that the wow forums do.
01:56.18IrielOk.. time to drive home
01:56.25norgscya Iriel
01:57.59cladhairezomg hi
02:05.22MentalPowernorgs: out of curiosity, how did *you* cope with the load of the WoW forums (with WoWScrubber)
02:05.31cladhaireThis is a really stupid question, or at least I feel it is.
02:05.53norgsi never had more than a couple of people using it at once
02:06.20norgsand when i did, it all went to hell
02:06.40cladhaireI'm trying to add a highlight texture to these frames.  Can anyone give me some insight on how a highlight texture works, especially with blend modes?
02:06.41norgsthen some people thought it was funny and kept doing it to me
02:11.42MentalPowerclad, the only insight I can offer is just to play with the modes to see which one works the best for your application
02:11.48cogwheelyou want alphamode="ADD"
02:11.57cogwheelbasically it adds the RGB value to the underlying texture
02:12.22cladhaireWhat I really want to do, is overlay a rounded BLACK rectangle over the text, with a white border.
02:12.29cladhairei can make that graphic.. but making it work.. isn't happening =/
02:13.41cogwheelblack as in it hides the text?
02:13.58cladhairethe text is layered over the black, so it ends up as a backdrop, which is perfect.
02:14.24cogwheelso, the background behind the text turns blacker when it's highlighted?
02:15.10cladhairebasically, we're talking a fontstring on a frame with no backdrop
02:15.22cladhaireSo everything's transparent (except text)
02:15.37cladhaireI'd like on highlight, to rounded rectangle (black) the frame (Which ends up being backdroppy for the text)
02:16.18cogwheelOh... you don't need to deal with alphamodes at all then... Just make the texture have an alpha channel (i.e. transparency)
02:16.35cladhaireso i dont want any blending?
02:16.39cladhairethat may be whats screwing me
02:16.50cogwheelit automatically blends based on the alpha value unless you tell it otherwise :)
02:18.20cogwheelthe alpha value in the texture file itself, that is
02:18.46cladhaireyeah, which i'm having trouble saving
02:18.50cogwheelHow you do that is up to your graphics program...
02:18.57cladhairei've done this before.. and its fighting me now =)
02:18.59GeoDaMancerCan you make custom texture files?
02:19.09MentalPowerGeoDaMancer: yes
02:19.13cladhaireGeoDaMancer: Unfortunately =)
02:19.18cogwheelyep. 32-bit TGA as long as the dimensions are powers of two up to 512
02:19.33MentalPower.TGA or .BLP with... bah
02:19.40GeoDaMancerLet me guess, it's difficult?
02:20.08cogwheelit can be
02:20.26GeoDaMancerFor things like borders, and the like?
02:20.38cogwheeldepends on how comfortable you are with your graphics program
02:22.28GeoDaMancerIf I still had photoshop, it'd be my bitch. xD
02:22.39cladhaireI do, and its fighting with me
02:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:24.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:26.07GeoDaMancerIs there a way to make a item drop box, like for the action bars, or the back-pack, in a frame, so that it reads it?
02:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:28.30zespri_workIs there a mod that does the same as BuffBot but is maintained?
02:28.38GeoDaMancerWhat's BuffBot?
02:29.00zespri_workAn addon. Pretty famous days before =)
02:29.08GeoDaMancerEr, what does it do, exactly?
02:29.15AnduinLotharbuffs and decurses
02:29.33AnduinLotharkinda a one-hit-wonder type thing
02:29.42*** join/#wowi-lounge azrael[sleep] (
02:29.43zespri_workI'm not care so much about decurses, because decursive works excellent
02:29.45AnduinLotharkeeps track of who needs what buffs
02:30.19AnduinLothari jsut use DivineBlessing now
02:30.28GeoDaMancerAh, it keeps track of buffs? Ahhh, I'm sort of writing something like that. xD
02:30.41zespri_workbut the buffs, is something it did very good before it got abandoned
02:30.56AnduinLotharmostly cause BuffBot was a lot of code being executed and i could notice my computer stop to scan buffs
02:31.33GeoDaMancerThe addon I've been working on keeps track of buffs, but only on a key press.
02:31.45AnduinLotharbuff bot was good. jsut needed a gui and a maintainer
02:33.25zespri_workBuffBot did the scanning because it needed to keep track of buff expiration.
02:33.31AnduinLotharand maybe a little more efficiency
02:33.31zespri_workyeah it was very good
02:34.01zespri_workI would support it myself, the only reason I don't is that for most people the main apeal is that it worked good in raids, and since I don't raid I have no consistent way to test this and support this...
02:34.47zespri_workActually I'm quite surprised that such a nice addon didn't get sombody to pick it up, and more over there is no addon that does similar stuff (that I'm aware off)
02:45.19Warla$foundHeal = preg_match('/\%\%set\:([^\%])/',$tooltip,$found);
02:45.29Warlasomethings wrong here :-/
02:45.56zespri_workit's not lua =)
02:45.56Warlai try to find something like this: "%%set:Nemesis Raiment%%"
02:46.15Warlabut the regexp i made must have a stupid mistake :-/
02:47.48zespri_workI don't know the langauge that you are using, but are you sure that you don't have to escape twice? once for the language and once for regex?
02:49.54zespri_workand I don't see the part in your regex that supposed to match what's inside the %% %%
02:51.18zespri_workhow about this:
02:52.49zespri_workwhat norgs said!
02:53.11norgswhat zespri_work said!
02:53.33Warlathx heaps :-)
02:54.07norgs(well, you said practically the same thing zespri :) )
02:54.24zespri_workbut I meant something!
02:54.32zespri_workdid you? =)
02:55.06zespri_workoh oh, or you are talking about regex?
02:55.15zespri_workthen sure! =)
03:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
03:12.58GremWarsongAnyone that can help me with a quick Ace problem?
03:13.16GremWarsongIm trying to use Ace's event scheduler, and I get the error:  bad argument #2 to 'IsEventScheduled' (string or table expected, got nil)
03:13.27GremWarsongAnd im using the code:  Ace.IsEventScheduled("SpellCast");
03:13.40GremWarsongIm giving it a string like it demands, but it says it's getting nil?
03:13.58GremWarsongAnd why is argument #2 required, documentation indicates:  :IsEventScheduled("id" or id)
03:25.58GeoDaMancerDo you have to restart WOW when you make a change to an xml file?
03:27.09zespri_workno, if you are making chanfes to an existing xml file, that was loaded when you first loaded wow afaik
03:27.40GeoDaMancerAlright, but adding new ones, you do right?
03:36.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
03:41.37zespri_work3 cheers to Cairenn
03:42.21ckknighthey lady.
03:43.48zespri_workCairenn is very scary, by nature
03:44.13zespri_workin a good way =)
03:44.56*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
03:45.20ckknightit's true.
03:46.34Cairennhow are you feeling now, ckknight?
03:47.33Cairenngood to hear
04:04.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Pzychotix (i=Pzychoti@
04:04.25Pzychotixmikk or kirkburn here?
04:10.26GeoDaMancerBesides FaraFrames, is there another xml explanation?
04:14.10cogwheel|MCthat's the best tutorial style one around
04:14.40cogwheel|MCthe rest are more referency
04:14.55GeoDaMancerI need referrence. xD
04:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge vircuser (
04:15.08vircuserhi guys
04:15.46vircuserim a BIG noob into all that comes to scripting and especialy xml and LUA
04:15.54vircuserbut i want to make some thing
04:16.00vircuserand i have problem to load it ingame
04:16.12vircuseri belive is that i dont know the corecct interface version
04:16.14vircusercan you help me
04:16.26GeoDaMancerThe parts I need help with there is missing. xD
04:16.41vircuserthanks alot let me test it
04:17.09GeoDaMancerYou don't need the correct interface version. You just have to click load out of date addons.
04:17.12cogwheel|MCwell, you have this channel to ask questions... the wiki is the most complete collection (yes it's a collection as there's nothing official) of info around
04:17.32cogwheel|MCno vircuser
04:17.38vircusergot you
04:17.45cogwheel|MCdon't change the tocs of addons
04:17.48vircuseralright may be some one can help me on privet
04:17.54cogwheel|MCor is this something you're making yourself?
04:18.01vircuserim making myself
04:18.06cogwheel|MCin which case ignore me :P
04:18.27vircusercan some one help me on privet i will explain every thing so i wont spam you all?
04:18.38GeoDaMancerNone of the tutorials, or referrences explain how to set up a title bar for your frame. xD
04:18.47vircusernot a bad
04:18.56vircuserim trying to put ingame function
04:19.05cogwheel|MCyou just make another frame with a fontstring and a border and put it onto your frame
04:19.07Cairennif it's code you need to have checked, paste it in the addy given in the channel topic
04:19.15GeoDaMancerAhhh, alright then.
04:19.27ShadowedCairenn can you accept "SSBGLibrary" when you have a chance?
04:19.40Cairennvircuser: and don't presume that everything said in the channel is directed to you, you came in in the middle of a conversation, which is what Geo is talking about
04:19.45CairennShadowed: DENIED!
04:20.00vircuseryeah i got it thanks :D
04:20.23Cairennzomgusux shadowed!
04:20.39Cairennapproved hun :)
04:20.57cogwheel|MCok... time for rags... afk
04:21.08Cairenn*bites her tongue*
04:21.15zespri_workGeoDaMAncer as an option you can take any frame with title that you like and see how it's implemented in the standard UI, or an addon
04:22.59GeoDaMancerHrm, I should do that.
04:23.03GeoDaMancerIt would be easier. xD
04:23.33GeoDaMancerWhich reminds me, is there a specific addon, or UI part I should look up to write my own action bar drop box thingy?
04:23.43vircusercan some one help me understand what pastey do?
04:23.48ckknightaction bar drop box thingy?
04:24.06ckknightvircuser, it lets you put code there temporarily for people to see
04:24.13GeoDaMancerEr, like a drop box for a skill, or an item.
04:24.30vircuserok i posted it
04:24.32vircuserand now what?
04:24.40Cairennnow you post the link here
04:24.44ckknightnow get the link and post it here
04:24.54ckknightGeoDaMancer, you want to make a dropdown menu?
04:24.55vircuserwant me to explain what it should be?
04:25.15zespri_workvircruser, and so you know, you are not registered/identified on this irc server so nowbody can receive your PMs.
04:25.32vircuserok ill go register and come back
04:25.38vircuserone sec
04:25.39GeoDaMancerNo. One of the [ ] boxes for dropping a skill into. Like a slot on the action bar, or an item.
04:25.40Cairennyou don't have to go anywhere
04:25.55vircuseri want to change nick
04:26.04vircuseras i usualy dont use this nick its not my :D
04:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Silv (
04:27.35Cairennevening Silv
04:28.01vircusercan you tell me what does that mean "Erroneous Nickname"?
04:28.59Silvevening :)
04:29.24PowerToysok now i changed nick and registered
04:30.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:30.29Cairennckknight connection being flakey again?
04:30.32CairennPowerToys: what?
04:31.02Cairennyou still haven't given us the link to your code nor explained the problem you are having
04:31.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
04:31.12PowerToysdo you want me to tell you what the code should be before i post it here?
04:31.16Warlahell yea :-) the spelldamage / healing scanner works perfect now :-)
04:31.29CairennWarla: grats
04:31.35CairennPowerToys: either way
04:31.41PowerToysits basicly simple i want to add a function
04:32.13PowerToysthe funcstion will basicly chack if a buff is costed on the target and if not will buff the target
04:32.36PowerToysthat way ill be able to make a macro that will buff all buffs i want in 1 click and wont spend mana
04:32.40PowerToysthats the idea
04:32.47PowerToyscorrect me if im wrong
04:33.21Cairenn"buff all buffs I want in 1 click" <== not possible
04:33.29cogwheel|MCyou'll have to click it once for each buff
04:34.13Cairennheh, I bet I know which thread that is, without even clicking on it
04:34.13PowerToyscant i make a macro that will put in a varible that is definated by the function different spells each time?
04:34.43cogwheel|MCyep, but it won't be one click... it'll be one buff per click
04:34.46ckknightCairenn, apparently
04:35.00Cairennckknight: did you see the thread link I posted to you?
04:35.09ckknightthe wowi one?
04:35.26zespri_workPowerToys, in addition to the link above you may want to glance though all the stickies on the forum
04:35.47zespri_workThere are lots of links in there to additional reference materials
04:36.06PowerToyscant i make a LUA code in macros?
04:36.19CairennPowerToys: you need to be very literal in this channel ... if you mean it'll cast whichever *single* buff is missing per click, that's one thing ... if you mean one click will cast *all* buffs (what you actually said), that's something else entirely and it isn't possible
04:36.46PowerToysno the macro wont cast any thing
04:36.59zespri_workPowerToys, yes you can,  like this: /script <your lua code goes here>
04:37.04PowerToysall the macro do is : x==spell a
04:37.10PowerToysthen x==spellb
04:37.18PowerToysand so on
04:37.37PowerToysand the x is a varible that in the function i try to write
04:37.39Cairennme too norgs
04:37.55Shadowedwe can't set required dep's on WoWI can we?
04:38.13Cairennsure you can
04:38.20Cairennput it at the top of your description
04:38.24GeoDaMancerYeah, you can.
04:38.29ShadowedLet me rephrase that
04:38.38Shadowedyou can't set it through a field, you have to add itin the desc
04:38.39Cairennis there a "field" for it? not yet, no
04:38.46Shadowedkk thanks
04:38.50Cairennthere will be
04:38.54Cairennbut it isn't there yet
04:39.10ScytheBlade1What does it take to get an addon hosted here?
04:39.16GeoDaMancerI thought there was one. 'Cause, my Auctioneer wouldn't work without stubby on.
04:39.28CairennScytheBlade1: hosted where?
04:39.36ScytheBlade1Cairenn, *points at this channel*
04:39.48ScytheBlade1I'm one of those creepy on-topic people ;)
04:39.51Cairenn*points ScytheBlade1 to the site*
04:39.57ShadowedCairenn! can you go approve SSPVP
04:40.00zespri_workcan a channel host an addon? =)
04:40.06Cairennupload it, voila, hosted
04:40.08CairennShadowed: NO
04:40.12ShadowedDO IT DAMN YOU
04:40.20ShadowedNO FU
04:40.26Cairennyou only wish
04:40.33norgsIs this international confuse people day?
04:40.40Cairennnorgs: *grin*
04:40.51zespri_work./kickban Cairenn /kickban Shadowed
04:40.59Cairennhey now!
04:41.22ScytheBlade1Cairenn is the one with the +o ;)
04:41.36zespri_workmy mistake =)
04:41.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
04:41.48Cairennhey hey Esamynn
04:42.00Cairenncome play! we're having fun confusing norgs!
04:42.04PowerToysguys can you look at this and tell me if it will work ?
04:42.07Esamynn_oh yay!
04:42.08Mr_Rabies2i'm really confused
04:42.13CairennShadowed: wondered if I really said what?
04:42.18Shadowed[40:19] <@Cairenn> you only wish
04:42.28CairennI did indeed
04:42.31Mr_Rabies2I'm watching a german country band covering "Hey Ya" by Outkast.
04:42.50ShadowedPowerToys it'll always call CastSpellbyname
04:42.59Mr_Rabies2It's like my mind is being destroyed one note at a time
04:43.26Cairennwhat'd you go and link it for?
04:43.47Cairennyou are a cruel cruel person, subjecting the rest of us to it!
04:43.48Mr_Rabies2i need more people to suffer like me
04:44.59norgsahhh... dat's better
04:46.29PowerToysshadow that what i want the name in the varible would be different each time
04:47.11PowerToysand that what the macro should do change the name in this varible
04:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (
04:47.52norgsI'm looking at the code, and i'm not sure it's even lua
04:48.18norgsparts of it look familiar...
04:48.29PowerToyswell i have no idea how to write real LUA's alll i have is the idea in my head :D
04:48.29ScytheBlade1Does PerfectTargets lag anyone else to no freaking end by chance?
04:48.33PowerToysso excuse me
04:49.19norgsok, so there's a function called Rebuff
04:49.30zespri_workPowerToys, as Shadowed said you can always do CastSpellByName(yourVariable). Make sure that yourVariable is not local. Then you can set it in macro like this: /script yourVariable="whatever"
04:49.36norgsis there also a frame called Rebuff in an XML file somewhere?
04:50.08norgsWell, that's gonna make some problems
04:50.33PowerToysif i can do this zespri then i can do a macro that going to chack if im buffed and with 1 click to rebuff me with all spells
04:50.37norgsyou'll need to rename one of them... i'd suggest calling the frame "RebuffFrame" or something
04:51.03norgsif it's a tooltip, call it "RebuffTooltip" etc
04:51.44PowerToysits wont have graphics no tooltips or any thing it will be a function that is brought to the game
04:52.12zespri_workPowerToys, no, not really =) You can try and you'll see for yourself =) there is one click per spellcast generally. so in reality only one buf per click will be cast
04:52.12norgshmm, ok then
04:52.31PowerToyswait zespri
04:52.32norgsso i'd remove the frame then
04:52.37PowerToysthe macro dont cast this is the point
04:53.08PowerToysthe function do the casting the macro only change the varibles
04:53.19PowerToysso i wont have to script the function all the time
04:53.39norgsyou know there's addons out there that already do similar things, right? i'm assuming you're doing this because you want to learn how to do it.
04:54.15PowerToysand i want to prove a point that its posible
04:54.34PowerToysthe idea is posible at least in theory :D
04:54.41norgsthat it's possible to cast several buffs in 1 click?
04:54.53norgsit's not possible
04:55.01jaeger-the client requires a hardware event to cast a spell
04:55.04norgsbecause of the global cooldown
04:55.29PowerToyscant i make a line to chack this cooldown
04:55.54Cairenn1 click, 1 action
04:56.06Cairenn(for all intents and purposes)
04:56.07PowerToysyou mean 1 click one cast?
04:56.20Shadowedaction, you can do other things then cast with that one action
04:56.56norgswhen you cast 2 buffs, the global cooldown on the first cast stops the second buff from casting. there is no way to pause or sleep in an addon or macro and every time the macro or function is called, it needs to have been invoked via a hardware event in order to be allowed to cast a spell
04:56.58PowerToyscan i make delay on actions
04:57.29CairennPowerToys: you *really* need to read the links you were given
04:57.41Cairennso much of what you are asking have been covered, in depth, in that thread
04:57.53norgsthe only exception to the 1 spell per macro rule is when the prior spells don't trigger the global cooldown (eg nature's swiftness)
04:58.22PowerToyswell we basicly speaking about priest buffs
04:58.29PowerToysinner fire
04:58.39Cairenndoesn't matter whose, the rules are the same
04:59.16Cairennwe're not trying to be mean here, we're trying to explain
04:59.25PowerToysi understand
04:59.51PowerToysim not been offended but impressed you have nervus for such a noob as me
05:00.12Cairennwell, some don't like it when you say "no, you can't do that" and get offended
05:00.25cogwheel|MCJust be glad I was in MC while all this was going on... :P
05:00.32PowerToysthen those ppl dont learn
05:00.41Cairenncogwheel|MC: hush, you're a big softie, you liar
05:01.05norgsplease feel free to experiment... i know i personally explored every aspect of the restrictions imposed by the game in order to try and understand exactly what the limitations were. i'm just trying to help you out in case you don't want to spend weeks investigating the problem
05:01.22Cairennoh, and in case you hadn't noticed, yes, I abuse the hell out of everyone in channel :P
05:01.56PowerToyswell norgs you probobly mean month's as i have no clew about scripting or program development at all
05:02.12cogwheelI think i'm nicer to people during "live" conversation than I am on the forums (with all my "RTFM"s and "See my signature"s)
05:02.35Cairenncogwheel: that isn't mean, that's "fed up"
05:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:03.07norgsok, assuming you want to build a 1-click-per-buff rebuffer, there's 2 things you need to do
05:03.13Cairennhey hey! It's the present bearing pirate!
05:03.18PowerToysis it posible to triger a macro by another macro?
05:03.21cogwheelgood evening
05:03.25norgs1: check to see if you have each buff
05:03.41norgs2: cast a buff that you don't have yet when you find it
05:03.49norgshi slouken :)
05:03.56sloukenhey norganna. :)
05:04.15Cairennyou made lots of folks very happy, again
05:04.17Shadowedhey slouken
05:04.24sloukenHey shadowd
05:04.32norgsi think i speak for everyone when i say "Thanks for Lua 5.1" :)
05:04.37Shadowedyou need to let us send you cookies one of these days!
05:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
05:04.44sloukenYou're welcome!
05:04.57ToastTheif./wave at slouken
05:05.26cogwheelmy wife just made toast...
05:05.32PowerToysnorgs if i make a script that will chack the buffed every 2 sec's lets say then it will be posible in theory again
05:05.36ToastTheifno no, toast.the-if
05:05.50norgsPowerToys: how are you going to trigger it though?
05:06.07PowerToyslike a regular addon that have button
05:06.26norgsso you're going to click it every 2 seconds with your mouse?
05:06.27ToastTheifIm having withdrawls from WoW, haven't played in like a month, figured I'd stop by to see if anyone is here
05:06.49Cairennnope, nobody here
05:06.50Shadowedwhy havn't you played in a month!
05:07.08ToastTheifI can see that Cair =P
05:07.13PowerToysisnt its posible to make timer to an addon?
05:07.21ToastTheifbecause I have no money sadly
05:07.27CairennPowerToys: have you read the link yet?
05:07.46PowerToyslol i dont mean by that
05:08.07PowerToyssome thing like on the clock tutorial over the internet
05:08.08Shadowedneed to be more specific then
05:08.12norgsPowerToys: as we've explained, if there's no hardware event (mouse click, or keystroke) then you cannot cast spells in the function or macro... the game won't let you
05:09.36PowerToysi can make it run every time i click left mouse button
05:10.00GeoDaMancerHey, slouk!
05:10.08slouken"Use the force, my lego Jedi master!"
05:10.16ToastTheifI like legos
05:10.18Shadowedyou liar
05:10.23Esamynnok hey slouken, I didn't see you, how goes it?
05:10.23norgsi believe they removed the ablity to hook into that too (not 100% sure about that though)
05:10.24Shadowedyou'll be talking in 5 minute
05:10.32Shadowednorgs yes they did
05:10.35Shadowed1.9 i believe
05:11.18Esamynn1.9 or 1.10 was the protected API, I don't remember which anymore
05:11.36Cairenncan always check the notes on the site
05:11.59cogwheelanyone know of lua binaries compiled with compat options disabled? the ones from luaforge are set vararg compat & a couple others....
05:12.03Esamynndoesn't really matter which it was
05:12.23Shadowedwhat you said earlier was much worst
05:12.27Esamynn~lart Shadowed
05:12.27Shadowedby far
05:12.37cogwheelow that's mean
05:12.38Cairennwhat? you started it :p
05:12.45Cairennoh, ow!
05:12.48Shadowedyou we're the one who had to push it over the edge!
05:12.52Cairennthat one's just plain nasty
05:13.03Shadowedhey, don't you be insulting my choice of mail browser
05:13.05Shadowedyou firefox hippies
05:13.37Cairennumm, email client != web browser (for all of us) :p
05:14.01cogwheelactually, i suppose since i use firefox to get to gmail he has a point... :\
05:16.16cogwheelI wonder how many relams have a gnome named David...
05:17.31cogwheelIf i compile lua.exe (and luac) 5.1 with all the compat options turned off, would anyone be interested in using it?
05:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
05:21.03norgsi would if it could emulate all the blizzard objects and functions :)
05:22.15norgsas it is i have my own mini wow subsystem that contains most of the wow functions that my stuff uses... it'd be an interesting project to emulate them all but
05:23.39PowerToysguys thanks for every thing i need to go now
05:23.47norgsok, bye
05:23.48Cairennlater PowerToys
05:25.33cogwheelI'm just going for the basic lua.exe... maybe WoWBench will be switched over later on down the road...
05:26.46norgscogwheel - i never knew about wowbench - thanks for that
05:26.58cogwheelhehe. np :)
05:27.10Cairennsilly norgs
05:27.20Cairennyou really need to keep up on the dev tools on the site
05:28.14norgsi just program in my own little universe .. completely unaware of what the rest of the world's doing :p
05:28.40Cairennmeh, you surface for air every so often, it's all good :)
05:29.08Esamynnisn't that the best way to do it norgs? ;)
05:29.49norgsi dunno - it gives you a unique perspective... but you often reimplement stuff other people have already done.
05:30.10krkathat's unavoidable
05:34.40cogwheelmakefiles make my head asplode... especially when trying to figure out how to build a VC project based on them...
05:38.45norgsok, this wowbench officially rox-my-sox...
05:39.05Cairennmikk did a good job on it
05:39.23norgsnow i can test my addons on the train
05:40.03norgsit's such a pain... programming blind as it were.
05:41.23cogwheelsometimes it's fun though... there's the rare occasion where you spend hours coding something, then try it out and it seems to work perfectly.... (of course, then you end up finding bug after bug, but at least it didn't give you any errors :P)
05:41.54kergothi hate those. i'd rather see the bugs than know they're lurking somewhere hiding from me
05:42.06Hexarobilog errors =(
05:44.21cogwheel~lart microsoft
05:45.31Hexarobiopinions of RDX?
05:45.58Shadowedgood example of how not to program
05:47.02Kirovcogwheel - rare?
05:47.03cogwheelwhere is it?
05:47.26cogwheelthe item my wife got for 30s?
05:50.21norgsit just doesn't make sense
05:50.39norgsdid they think they were putting it up for 50g by mistake?
05:50.58cogwheelI suppose.... maybe they just never used the AH or something...
05:51.10cogwheeltechnically, it's thanks to you though :P
05:51.33norgsit is?
05:52.29cogwheelshe wouldn't have found it otherwise...
05:52.39norgsahh - i see
05:52.51norgssorry - i was thinking from the other side
05:52.54Shadowedwhat's auctioneer usually used for norgs? :p
05:53.08cogwheelah... yeah... i can see how that happened... i kinda turned it around on ya there
05:53.13norgsdunno - i don't use it :)
05:53.26norgstakes up too much memory
05:54.05Cairennthe ultimate follow up to that would be to hear that norgs uses KCI or something, rofl
05:55.00norgsi have it set to load on demand on my auction character, and not load on my main... i just use it to auction the stuff i get whilst levelling
05:55.50norgsi find "playing" the market takes more time than it's worth for me
05:58.11cogwheelMy wife is employed part-time... she runs auctioneer about two times a day across a few different realms
05:58.23cogwheel(we both have severe alt-itis)
05:59.34Shadowedsince when do females play WoW
05:59.41jaxdahlis adding filse to the game directory in order to change herb models to chests so you can see them better legal?
05:59.43ZiconSince the beta.
05:59.53KirovShadowed - my girlfriend and I play wow together
06:00.38Cairennjaxdahl: *boggle*
06:00.38jaxdahlnot editing existing files or changing in-game mechansims
06:00.38Cairennjaxdahl: tell me you are quoting some moron on the forum, please
06:00.39cogwheelwatch the claws, cairenn...
06:00.50jaxdahl"Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.
06:00.50jaxdahlPetition: Am i allowed to use outside models in the data directory to say, recolor all the plants to a bright pink?
06:00.50jaxdahlAnswer: Doing things to your interface that do not circumvent in-game mechanics are permissible, especially if these changes to the interface are cosmetic. A tool to cast multiple spells or select multiple targets would be violating the ToS and could result in disciplinary action, up to and including account closure for repeated offenses; something to change the appearance of characters or "creep" in-game would not.
06:00.51Shadowedlol ciar
06:01.09Shadoweds why are you asking then?
06:01.27jaxdahl1 GM may say something, another may think differently
06:01.48Arrowmasteror the developers may think differently and make it impossible to do a few patches ago
06:01.49Shadowedhave you even read the ToS yet?
06:01.56cogwheeljaxdahl, 3d models ~= interface
06:02.17jaxdahlwhat do you mean by ~=
06:02.25Arrowmasterdoes not equal
06:02.26cogwheelyou can change your interface as much as you want but once you start messing with the game world, you've crossed the line
06:02.31cogwheel(lua for not equal)
06:02.45Cairennjaxdahl: it's not allowed, it's a dead horse, it's been beaten to death, resurrected, beaten to death again, drawn & quartered, hung, then burned at the stake
06:03.13cogwheelThen they took the ashes, fertilized grass with it, grew more horses from the grass and repeated the process all over again
06:04.01Cairennand unless you have an account there, that link is useless
06:04.08Cairenn<== doesn't have an account there
06:04.27cogwheel<=== has a feeling he doesn't want one...
06:04.29Hexarobiu should get one cair, it comes with a free beer coozy
06:04.33Shadowed<==== agrees
06:04.38Shadowedwith cogwheel
06:04.44jaxdahlyou can sometimes see it
06:04.51jaxdahland sometimes not
06:04.51CairennI don't drink beer
06:05.00cogwheel<===== notices the arrows keep getting longer ... O.o
06:05.02Hexarobishiner hefeviezen rules
06:06.52norgsjaxdahl: that post was responded to already on the official forums
06:07.37norgsthe answer was "The GM doesn't know what they are talking about. We will let them know that the correct response to that question is 'Yes, if you do it we will ban your account'"
06:08.24norgs(obviously I paraphrased a little)
06:12.35AnduinLotharso norgs, what're you working on now adays?
06:13.27norgswhat's everyone else doing these days?
06:13.39AnduinLotharis this a trick question?
06:13.41norgsa wow database website
06:13.50AnduinLotharah ok
06:13.56AnduinLotharyeah. i'm doign that too, damn
06:14.04AnduinLotharwho's NOT making one?
06:14.11norgsi figure, jump on the bandwagon before it gets too far from the station
06:15.22norgsmine's got a little spin on it though... slightly unique idea
06:15.33AnduinLotharwhich is..
06:15.46norgsdata customized to the player
06:15.53kergothAnduinLothar: nice job on ExtraChannels, very useful :)
06:16.18AnduinLotharthx. Got someone working on a ClassChannels that should be out soon too
06:16.27kergothsaw it, its on curse
06:16.29kergoththat kicks ass too
06:16.39kergothhas both class specific and role specific chans
06:17.10norgsit's the thing i find most annoying with the other sites... you can't just say "Hmmm, what would be a good weapon for me to go and pick up that 'Norganna' can actually use?" and stuff like that
06:17.25AnduinLotharcool norgs
06:17.30AnduinLotharI try not to steal it
06:17.33norgsor "Hey, are there any scrolls I can buy that I don't know yet?"
06:17.44AnduinLotharyeah, that'd be cool
06:17.56norgssteal it, don't steal it... means the same to me... i'm not in it for money
06:18.01AnduinLothartoo bad there's nto a universal database you can jsut make a plugin to do that for
06:18.37norgswell, a lot of the collected data will get fed back into my addons (this is my primary motivation)
06:19.03AnduinLotharah. right, makes sense
06:19.43AnduinLotharI've been trying to find a good way to do the gatherer thing and find nodes of things you picked up in the world without needing a localized list of world objects first
06:20.33norgsyeah, i've done that a little
06:20.45AnduinLotharI got code to do it localization free for tradeskills, but i dunno how to do it for misc objects
06:20.59norgsi still need a localized list of abilities but the list is only about 8 elements long
06:22.02norgsbasically I don't care about what you're mining/gathering... just what comes out of it
06:23.03norgsi concentrate on knowing what caused that loot box to pop up
06:29.19AnduinLotharhow do you tell if it's not a mob?
06:29.49norgsit's a little tricky
06:30.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
06:30.48norgsi check if the current target is dead, within interact distance and that there was a spell event x seconds ago that corresponds to the open event without any intervening spell stop or interrupt
06:31.28norgswhere x is about how long it takes for the spell to cast
06:33.17AnduinLotharaww hax. they dissabled stealthbumping
06:33.45Cairennyeah =/
06:34.52norgsstealth bumping?
06:34.56norgslike /bump
06:35.02AnduinLotharposting and deleting it
06:35.23Esamynnnorgs: you didn't know about stealth bumping? ;)
06:35.45Cairennwow, so THAT'S how folks did it? cool!
06:36.16Esamynndoesn't work on a lot of forums systems because they are based on a databse and the thread just drops back down, but it works on BLizzard's forums
06:36.24AnduinLotharused to
06:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
06:38.23norgsbut it was an innocent tune...
06:39.00EsamynnI know you well enough to know you aren't innocent :P
06:39.07norgswell if it was a deviously innocent little tune, maybe i could see your point
06:39.40Cairennthere are some that accused me of being the stealth bump queen
06:39.47AnduinLotharwhy would the target matter, you lose target when they die
06:39.57EsamynnCairenn: are you denying it?
06:40.18CairennI admit nothing!
06:40.33AnduinLotharspose you could do UnitExists('mouseover')
06:40.33Esamynnyou didn't deny it either
06:40.42AnduinLotharon the previous right click
06:41.15Esamynnyou can't capture right clicks anymore not clicks in the world anyways
06:41.27AnduinLotharsure you can
06:41.33Esamynnoh wait, duh, nm
06:41.54EsamynnI'm obviously tired
06:42.05norgsafaik you can't loot them without them being selected
06:42.26norgsif they aren't selected when the loot box pops up, they get selected
06:42.50Esamynnyou can't loot something without selecting it first
06:43.00norgsi'm pretty sure anyhow... i tried pretty hard to trick it
06:43.05AnduinLotharwhat if you clicked something before loot popped up?
06:43.11Esamynnat least selecting it is part of the looting process
06:43.21norgsit gets declicked and target == the dead thing again
06:43.23Esamynnloot window closes when you select something else
06:43.44zespri|homenorgs, would be nice if the upload page remebred the path in a cookie
06:44.08norgszespri - afaik can't be done
06:44.24MiravlixHmm, with the 24/7 shared BG I can make around 560K honor pr. week.
06:44.26norgsall browsers clear the file upload path every page
06:44.38AnduinLotharis there a good localization free way to detect if the loot was from a dissenchant?
06:44.47norgsyou can't prefill it and can't modify it with javascript
06:45.02zesprinorgs, it's unexpected, by I beleive you
06:45.14norgsAnduinLothar: yup - track the disenchant spell start and wait for the spell to land
06:45.33norgszespri - something to do with security
06:45.48Esamynnnot quite localisation free though
06:45.55AnduinLothardoesn't that require the dissenchant spell string be localized?
06:46.11norgsok, you got me
06:46.46AnduinLotharis the dissenchant string in the spellbook?
06:47.16Esamynnthere is a spell in your book labeled disenchant
06:47.22AnduinLotharis it the same as the one used in the event on every local?
06:47.34EsamynnI don't know
06:47.35AnduinLotharshould be
06:47.42|FF|Im2good4uthe prob is probely isnt it localised :P
06:47.45Esamynnthey are idenical on engligh version
06:47.47norgsdo spells in the book have an id that stays the same?
06:47.58AnduinLotharthat doesn't matter
06:48.06norgsoh.. had me excited there for a sec
06:48.15Esamynngod, if they did that would be sooo exciting
06:48.16AnduinLotharthat's what SeaSpellbook is for
06:48.34norgsi guess the texture is always the same though
06:48.55Esamynntrue, and thats the only spell with that texture that will ever appear in the general tab
06:49.04norgsbit of a problem if the same texture appears twice, but i've not seen that happen
06:49.49zesprinorgs, well, yes, makes sense. You don;t want a site to be able to serve you a page that when you submit it uploads your seceretfile.txt
06:49.52AnduinLotharthe spellbook is capitalized. is it capitolized fromt he event?
06:50.32Esamynnyou mean in the cast bar?
06:50.42norgszespri - hmmm - yeah, i didn't think about display:noneing the file thingy
06:51.34zesprinorgs, not nesserely that. You just can display it way down to the bottom. Most people won;t scroll
06:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
06:52.30GremWarsongHey, does anyone know a mod that shows a spell that a mob is casting against you?
06:52.47AnduinLotharnatur enemy casting bar
06:53.03GremWarsongThanks! =)
06:53.10zesprispellalert or something
06:56.13AnduinLotharhmmm i spose if the tooltip for the rightclick is different than the last UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT UnitName
06:57.01AnduinLotharare there world objects you can loot that don't have a cast?
06:57.11norgswhat are you trying to do AnduinLothar ?
06:57.21AnduinLotharcatch everything
06:57.46norgsi don't understand why you're reading tooltips but?
06:58.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
06:58.32AnduinLotharthat's what I have it currently doing to track tradeskills
06:58.41AnduinLotharbut i track mob looting with the same thing
06:58.46AnduinLotharsince it's already happening
06:59.09AnduinLotharand i need to distinguish dissenchanted loot w/o localization
06:59.48norgsok, i see now. you already have that part working and don't want to change it
07:00.28AnduinLotharwell i could change it, but only if I could get rid of the tooltip scanning and still get the info i need for other things
07:00.29norgsthe only thing is... what if some tooltip mod changes the tips?
07:00.39AnduinLotharit's a hidden tooltip
07:00.51AnduinLothari think, lemme check
07:00.58norgshow do you work out mouseover then?
07:01.06AnduinLotharah no, it's gametooltip
07:01.33AnduinLotharyes, there's a possibility that it might be changed
07:01.46AnduinLotharbut i've never seen any mod that does
07:01.59AnduinLotharchange the first line in a way that woudl break my regex
07:02.21norgswhat about tinytip? or does it use it's own tooltip?
07:02.38AnduinLothardoes it change GameTooltipTextLeft1 significantly?
07:03.08AnduinLotharmost things I've seen modify color or subsequent lines
07:03.18norgsit puts colors around the name and appends a mouseovertarget to the end
07:04.02AnduinLotharya the color should be the fontstring and not a text change
07:04.15AnduinLothareven if it is i can parse out color codes
07:04.44norgsit does it as a color code in the text
07:04.44AnduinLotharalready parsing out ranks
07:04.58norgsbut still very easy to eliminate
07:05.33AnduinLothargrr i dissenchanted and it didn't give me a msg
07:10.17norgsSo, here's a question: Is the spells for burning crusade already in the wow client? If not, how can curse already have the list of spells?
07:10.23Esamynnwhat is that jaxdahl ?
07:10.29jaxdahlEsamynn, karazhan
07:10.33AnduinLotharbet the beta client was leaked
07:10.35norgsIt annoys me every time I go to the curse site
07:10.37Esamynnoh sweet
07:10.48jaxdahlthat guy spends 16:30 running through karazahn
07:11.40Cairennnorgs, which part of it annoys you? that it was leaked or that curse has it on their site or ?
07:11.48cogwheelIf anyone is interested, I have compiled lua.exe and luac.exe for windows with the compatibility options to match slouken's announcement today:
07:12.04norgsit annoys me that i don't know how they did it - lol
07:12.15Esamynncog, how about a linux version?
07:12.28Esamynnpretty pleasE?
07:12.31cogwheelthat's too easy :P  the makefile's set up for that
07:12.53cogwheelMaybe if I ever decide to log back into Ubuntu... ;)
07:12.53jaxdahlcogwheel, curious, have you ever thought of making an interface emulator?
07:13.07cogwheeljaxdahl, yes, but someone beat me to it...
07:13.12norgsjaxdahl: :)
07:13.14jaxdahloh, one exists?
07:13.22norgsi said the same thing earlier
07:13.42AnduinLotharnow.. make an xml emulator..
07:13.45|FF|Im2good4uwowbench ?
07:13.58|FF|Im2good4uwow ui desinger ! lol
07:14.15Cairennnot the same thing at all |FF|Im2good4u
07:14.25AnduinLotharone that doesn't suck and isn't windows only
07:15.09norgsas if any coder worth their salt uses windows these days...
07:15.23|FF|Im2good4uneh your right :P
07:15.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
07:16.49norgsthe fish aren't biting...
07:18.27cogwheelungh.... ui.worldofwar's javascript is hell on Firefox
07:18.54Esamynngood night all
07:18.59Cairennnight Es
07:24.56cogwheelok... birds are starting to chirp now and i have to go to work tomorrow... err... today...
07:24.59cogwheel'night all
07:25.03cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
07:25.22purlACTION Look... I .... use... a lot... of .... elipses...........
07:25.38cogwheelthat's what i thought! was about to ~botslap ya there, purl
07:25.42Cairennnight cogwheel
07:25.45sloukenwow, wowbench is cool. :)
07:26.11Cairennwell guys, I'm out too
07:26.13Cairennnight night
07:26.16sloukennight night
07:26.35norgsnite Cairenn
07:28.33sloukennight night everyone. :)
07:29.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth_ (n=kalroth@
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07:51.29ckknightnorgs, the site seems interesting
08:09.27jaxdahlhmm. i missed slouken
08:22.13AnduinLotharmmm enchanting detection was cake with IsCasting
08:26.28AnduinLotharthis error is really familiar. anyone remember what it's from?
08:26.29AnduinLotharError:  attempt to perform arithmetic on local `money' (a nil value)
08:26.29AnduinLotharFile: Interface\FrameXML\MoneyFrame.lua
08:26.29AnduinLotharLine: 185
08:32.42AnduinLotharnm figured it out
08:34.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:45.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:53.27AnduinLotharthere we go. completely localization free disenchant tracking
08:53.34AnduinLothari win!
08:58.12AnduinLotharmmm cooookie
08:59.03AnduinLotharME WANT MORE COOKIES!
08:59.32ckknight_~emulate cookie monster
08:59.34purl"C" is for cookie, that's good enough for me. Oh....cookie,cookie,cookie starts with "C".
09:00.33AnduinLothardamn.. now i have to write documentation
09:03.24AndaliaIs there a way to disable the left border of a frame? So that it has a border on the right, top and bottom but not at the left?
09:04.40zespriwhat for?
09:05.10zesprijust aestetics?
09:06.30Andaliayes :)
09:08.45zespriI think that you can get the textures rigth. I don'r realy have any expirience doing this, but I think that this is possible. Wow seems to allow you to make you frames look like whatever you want with the textures you define. I'm sure somebody more exoirienced in this here can tell you exactly how to do this
09:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
09:10.20AndaliaSo it's not that important ^^ I mean: If there was a single function or so...but I don't need it that much
09:26.53Corrodiasdamn, there are a lot of microscopic animals
09:29.01Corrodiaslook at this ugly thing,
09:29.43norgsi swear i saw that thing in "Matrix"
09:35.09Corrodiasthousands of microscopic marine creatures
09:36.17Corrodiasand how about these things? they look pretty crazy:
09:42.15AnduinLotharyay IsCasting docs:
09:42.45AnduinLotharand v1.4
09:46.44Corrodiasthere seems to be...something wrong on wowwiki o.o
09:46.52Corrodiasthe pages are showing up as black text on dark gray backgrounds
09:47.02AnduinLotharmust be you
09:48.08Corrodiasi think it is. i think somehow it got the idea that i want to disable css when i actually don't
09:48.17Corrodiasit being my browser
09:50.32Corrodiasor not. there's something strange going on here. based on what i observe on other sites, i must conclude that -disabling- this CSS stylesheet makes it look right
09:52.00AnduinLotharso why am I still a "A Deviate Faerie Dragon" on wowi..
09:54.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (n=Kaelten@
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09:58.10Corrodiasman, my head is lumpy
09:59.28KalrothAnduinLothar: So you're saying that you're not a deviate faerie dragon?!
10:03.31Corrodiasso i took my hunter on down to mulgore and checked out the plains vision creature. however, despite it being of type beast, i couldn't cast beast lore on it. sadly, but predictably, it was also not tameable. :(
10:03.46AnduinLotharno.. just that I was kidn ahoping Imight be elevatate to a more prominant position... like "Mini Diablo"
10:04.33Corrodiasand i -so- wanted my own Plains Vision pet
10:04.56AnduinLotharlol was just looking at my MinimapMicroButtons addon... it was still toc 11000 and I've never released it
10:05.14AnduinLotharChatClick too..
10:05.23AnduinLothari should pollish those up..
10:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
10:35.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MeryOnNintendoDS (
10:45.22wereHamstercan some one reply to this thread: , the addon is  coolDown version
10:46.49Corrodiasi'm on it
10:47.03Corrodiasodd that the new icons don't actually look anything like your character any more than the old ones did
10:47.06Corrodiasi'm not sure i see the point
10:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
10:49.49Corrodiasnp. ah, what a simple interface that guy has
10:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tabyk (
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10:56.46TabykLate evening.  ^_^
10:56.52Corrodiasyou don't have a WoW account, despite being seemingly active in addon development?
10:59.43TabykI could see that happening... I do have an active account, and spent a LOT more time poking at addons then actually playing.  -_-;
11:00.23Corrodiasbut you couldn't do any testing or .. uh. yeah
11:01.26TabykYou couldn't... but as long as you knew someone who did have an active account (and was willing to alpha test for you)...
11:02.15Corrodiasand was available at all times of day and willing to do your every bidding...
11:02.22Corrodiaspossibly in exchange for sexual favors, it seems likely...
11:03.50TabykAnyone here available (and willing) to answer a couple event questions?
11:05.25Corrodiasnot unless you give -me- sexual favors :(
11:05.38Corrodiasotherwise, it's way too late and i don't actually know much about events
11:06.30TabykI think I shall wait then.
11:07.25Corrodiasargh! how do i write something in java to force my computer to read from a certain drive once every few seconds, despite disk caching? >_<
11:09.44TabykSorry, not a Java programmer...
11:19.01Corrodiasto bed! [away]
11:21.30wereHamstergaim has spell checking.. I just hit the wrong key ;)
11:21.43*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
11:29.08zespri|homeWhat is the difference between "Enhanced Tooltips" and "Show Detailed Tooltips" ?
11:34.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
11:37.07TabykGood question... haven't a clue.
11:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
12:01.36|FF|Im2good4uyeh but isnt that in The Burning Crusade
12:02.18|FF|Im2good4ulike it wont happent until januariy for US ans then juli for europe
12:03.03[Wobin]Well, true
12:03.09[Wobin]But it's going in the right direction!
12:03.16[Wobin](rather than not going at all)
12:08.39|FF|Im2good4uwell by the time it coems out its already Out OF Date :p
12:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:13.39JoshBorkemorning :-)
12:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Fias (
12:19.34[Wobin]Anyone know of a good "change weapon on unstealth" mod?
12:20.26Fiascan any one help me ? i have question how to run events
12:22.09Fiasplease help ... i just want to know how to run event GOSSIP_SHOW whithout using mouse rightcklick ...
12:23.49Fiasany one hier ?
12:28.17Corrodiaswindows has an internal cache of over 15 megabytes! argh
12:29.18Corrodiasnever mind, i'm asleep
12:36.11Corrodias-write- caching on the external drive is off. so i can have it write a tiny amount every 5 seconds. fantastic.
12:37.15zenzelezz"There has been lots of debate in the past few days over Microsoft's plan to make the startup sound in Windows Vista something that can't be specifically silenced by changing the sound settings in the control panel. Users would be able to avoid hearing it by manually turning down the speaker volume, but then they would have to turn that volume back up to hear anything else."
12:38.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
12:54.03wereHamsteris the minimap texture 320x256 pixels big?
13:03.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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13:33.55*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
13:39.16MikkIn other news, Doom the movie was everything I hoped it would be. I kept smiling the whole way through :-)
13:39.48KalrothI bet you also like MST3k movies!
13:41.01Hexarobiman wtf is up with curse, the individual file downloads are coutning, but my total downloads hasnt moved in 2 days
13:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
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13:50.15Beladonaprobably has something to do with the caching they setup on curse a while back
13:50.27Beladonathe count you see not changing is a cached count
13:57.22Hexarobifor 3 days?
13:57.40Hexarobiits been at 8004 for days
13:58.04Hexarobii remeber bein happy about breaking 8000 on like wed
14:03.18JoshBorkeclad|sleep: hook testing? O.o
14:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:05.52JoshBorkemorning Cide
14:06.09Cideerr, yeah...
14:09.27TainBest article about a game company's decision not to use copy protection I've ever read.  And very funny!
14:11.13JoshBorketldr :-P
14:11.57*** join/#wowi-lounge industrial (n=game1@
14:12.12industrialIm ın an ınternet cafe ın the hotel ın turkey
14:12.39industrialbut the keyboard ıs a lıttle stranger
14:12.49TainThis may be the best thing I've ever heard from a game developer.
14:13.14Hexarobiwho said that?
14:13.15industrialTain, cool
14:13.25industrialplease ıd software lol
14:13.41TS|SkromI'm about to die from this itching on my leg... I swear it. I fyou see me disconnect suddenly it's because I ate my pc
14:14.01industrialwhy dont you just scratch
14:14.05TainGerman game company Schadenfreude Interactive
14:14.18TS|Skromthat's what got it infected to begin with :p
14:16.05Hexarobithey comin out with any good games tain?
14:18.38TainDunno, just saw the link where they were talking about copy protection in games.
14:19.29TainBut that's just such a novel concept.  A company thinking it's their responsibility to make games that people WANT to buy.
14:20.01Hexarobiya i cant wait to pirate games that good
14:21.26Arrowmasterthis artical sounds like a complete joke
14:23.44TainIt is.  They are using humor to make a point.
14:25.41Hexarobijust attending, not competing
14:26.07Arrowmaster4 pages of humor and 1 paragraph of actually content makes me think its all made up
14:27.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk2 (
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14:28.43TainI guess you can think it's all made up.  If you want.
14:30.34Hexarobi“I liked the whale one best,” Crispin interjected. “NUCLEAR WESSELS!”
14:31.34Beladonaregardless of if it is all made up or not - the point it makes is NOT made up
14:31.46Beladonaits valid, and one I seriously agree with
14:32.59Hexarobigood story too
14:33.01TS|SkromWhat would it be if it was radioactive spiced ale served at christmas?
14:33.23Hexarobiive played Zurich Zero, but i never found that plant at the begining
14:34.14TS|SkromI crack myself up :D
14:34.42JoshBorkeHexarobi: are you still working on making wow chess into wow battle chess?
14:35.18BeladonaWe offered them coffee cake, and since it was just after  10 am, beer. I began by asking them a little bit about their business
14:35.26Beladonathat alone is hilarious
14:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Fandyllic (
14:35.49Hexarobii dunno josh, i have the graphics neccesary, but they need cleaning up and turning into seperate files
14:36.01Hexarobii really should try
14:36.08Hexarobibut im in class now
14:36.28Hexarobiso spending massive amounts of time on battlechess instead of cal2 and linear algebra prolly isnt the best idea
14:38.31TainYou know I wanted to play wow chess but what it needs is a turn timer for speed chess.
14:38.40Hexarobiit has it tain
14:38.57Hexarobiyou can challenge with minutesperplayer/bonussecondspermove
14:39.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
14:39.01TainThank you for going back in time to add my suggestion!
14:39.02Hexarobiso like /chess challenge tain 5/3
14:39.12Hexarobiis a 5 min game, with 3 seconds added per move
14:39.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Fandyllic (
14:39.37Hexarobibut, it doesnt yet offer a resign when the clock runs out.
14:39.48Hexarobii didnt want to force the game to end, incase u wanted to go ahead and finish it
14:39.50TainThat's great, I only looked at .. well possibly the first version you linked anywhere and didn't actually even try to play anyone.
14:40.07Hexarobiive been adding alot
14:40.17JoshBorkekeep up with the times tain
14:40.21JoshBorkewow chess PWNS
14:40.24TainAlthough I'm a little disappointed that ckknight didn't polish up Rock Paper Scissors.
14:40.35BeladonaI like Valve's method of copy protection
14:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
14:47.07Hexarobiok now im off to class
14:47.59[Wobin]polish up?
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15:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:16.15|FF|Im2good4uis 812 the max witch of a window ?
15:16.15|FF|Im2good4uwidth i mean
15:24.05Beladonayou mean a frame?
15:24.10Beladonain wow
15:24.32Beladonano, there isn't a max I don't think
15:24.49|FF|Im2good4uah then its just ui desinger that caps it :p
15:25.15Beladonathey likely cap it so you don't mae a frame that is too large for people that play in 800x600
15:25.40|FF|Im2good4uoO dont they get rescaled ?
15:25.47Beladonaalthough you can get around that with size checks and scaling I would assume
15:26.35|FF|Im2good4ui run 1024x something and i want the screen almost across my entire screen but.. i though for lower res it would get resiszed..
15:28.57|FF|Im2good4uwell thne i have ot force pplto run in 1024 X sometihhng ;P
15:29.56|FF|Im2good4uhow do i highlight a bottun on mouse over ?
15:30.10|FF|Im2good4udo i goet the chekc the mouse script part ?
15:30.22cogwheelresolution is irrelevant
15:30.34Cideit's really hard to read what you're saying, honestly :P
15:30.38cogwheelall sizes are nomalized to a 768 pixel height
15:31.25Cideif it's not an issue of not knowing the language (English), at least try to phrase your sentences correctly so people don't have to re-read them three times
15:32.01Cide(somewhat of a pet peeve of mine, might just be me!)
15:32.33|FF|Im2good4uoke sorry i always type fase, to fase.. :p
15:33.00cogwheelget Dovorak keyboard... you can type faster *and* be more accurate :P
15:33.13cogwheelbrb... installing FF2 B2
15:33.42Cide|FF|Im2good4u: slower is 'a lot' better than 'faster but unreadable'
15:34.19|FF|Im2good4uyep. but i yeh your right im just used to my ugly typing :p
15:34.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:35.40cogwheelI'm not extremely impressed with Mozilla's attempt to make firefox more "shiny"
15:36.42DarkImakuni<3 Firefox 2 beta 2
15:38.16cogwheelI was using nightly builds for a while but gave up on them a month or two ago... i didn't even know they came out with an official beta version yet...
15:39.02DarkImakuni :)
15:39.18cogwheelwell yeah... i just installed it :P
15:39.19*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
15:39.34cogwheeljust found out about it a few mins ago...
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15:41.13cogwheelI think my favorite features are close buttons on each tab and spell check in text boxes
15:41.17Mikkfemale nelphs running should look more graceful imo
15:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:41.23Mikkthey look like they're half lumbering now
15:45.23TS|Skromman, slow day on the auction house so far :(
15:47.03cogwheelTS|Skrom, were you here when I heard my wife bought for 30s?  yes! SILVER!
15:47.35TS|Skromyep yep
15:48.45break19I believe computers should have rudimentary IQ tests as passwords
15:48.57TS|Skromwhy would auctioneer report lesser nether essence at 60g each O.o
15:49.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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15:49.14cogwheelbecause someone put them up for 99g trying to scam people
15:49.15break19if you're dumber than the box of chocolates next to your monitor, you shouldn't be allowed to use the computer
15:49.45TS|Skromcog - that makes sense... was gonna say, that seems outragious
15:49.46ZiconMmm, chocolate.
15:50.13break19scan regularly... it uses algorithms to throw out high values
15:50.20cogwheelOnce your data gets a bit more mature, it'll figure out that that's not what it's really worth
15:50.33break19but if the only values its seen ARE the high ones... then it thinks the data is ok
15:50.49TS|SkromGood deal, yeah I'm running on a fresh install so all my data is bad atm lol
15:51.03TS|Skromwell not all... but some are just whacked out
15:53.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
15:53.36KirkburnNoon-tidings to you all!
15:53.37DarkImakuniWelcome Kirkburn
15:54.39KirkburnWow, I've got some scary lag on here ... 3.3 seconds, and I can't load websites :/
15:55.53Kasoanyone knowledgable with StaticPopups?
15:56.07cogwheelI've been using them pretty consistently...
15:57.08KasoIm trying to hook over-ride the default summon one, but i cant work out how to get it the default one to show properly, it comes up with blank text
15:57.34DarkImakuniKirkburn: Clearfont.lua Line 92 should be "if (CanSetFont(GameFontDisable)) then GameFontDisable:SetFont(CLEAR_FONT, 13 * CF_SCALE) end" :)
15:57.40cogwheelwhat exactly are you trying to change about it?
15:57.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
15:58.15Kirkburn1This is stoopid ... so much lag :/
15:58.17Kasogoing to add a Auto Accept in 10 seconds type thing, and i want a button that'll cancel the new dialog and show the standard one
15:59.06DarkImakuniHey Kirk can you see my comment about a bug in ClearFont?
15:59.33cogwheelActually, I believe StaticPopups have a built-in mechanism for timers...
15:59.59cogwheelYou can just change the properties of StaticPopups["SUMMON"] or whatever it's called.... i'll look into it in a bit...
16:00.23cogwheelworking on getting BitLib into my lua 5.1 build
16:01.16Kasowell i was just doing that, but i want the ability to call the default one if the person doesnt want to, cant seem to work it out
16:02.00cogwheelWolud this be an option they set? if so, just change it back to the way it was when they change the option...
16:02.29cogwheelOr would it show the default one if they cancel the auto-accept?
16:03.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilkbuln (
16:03.17cogwheelgleetings, kilkbuln
16:04.58KilkbulnDarkImakuni, where is that CG?
16:13.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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16:13.51DarkImakuniWelcome Cairenn
16:14.00Cairennhi guys
16:16.56Cidehi there
16:18.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
16:19.26KirkburnHey Cairenn! Anyone know how ckknight is today?
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16:19.49Cairennhe was doing much better last I heard last night
16:19.52Cairennhow's the neck?
16:20.08KirkburnBit better, thanks :)
16:22.35MiravlixAww, someone tried to break kirk's neck and failed and I missed it.
16:22.50KirkburnI was too ninja for them :)
16:24.06MentalPowermorning folks
16:26.56Cairennhi MP
16:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
16:30.34MiravlixBaah, Kirk didn't break his neck and my mothers cat slipped into a car and got driven far away where it got out.
16:30.54MiravlixCouldn't you go break it just for fun to make the day a bit better?
16:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilkbuln (
16:39.31Cairennhi JoshBorke
16:40.51cogwheelshouldn't this be legal?       function foo(parm) parm or error("Usage: foo(parm)", 2) print(parm) end
16:41.33wereHamster'=' expected near 'or'
16:41.42cogwheelthat's what i get...
16:41.54MiravlixHmm, why not if parm?
16:41.57cogwheelI thought it was legal though :(
16:42.11cogwheelMiravlix, i like shortcuts :P
16:42.12MiravlixI dont really care if it's legal, it's hard to read.
16:42.23JoshBorkecogwheel: no, you have to do something with parm
16:42.24Mikkit's not legal in lua
16:42.32Mikkit's legal in php, perl...
16:42.37Mikkc =)
16:42.59JoshBorkefunction foo(parm) (parm and print(parm)) or error end
16:43.05Miravlixparm != '' or
16:43.38Thraecogwheel: Look at assert
16:43.42|FF|Im2good4ui kinda use parm = parm or error()]
16:43.49cogwheelalerady looking, thrae :)
16:43.57|FF|Im2good4ulike mytable = mytable or {}
16:44.59JoshBorke<something> or <something> can't be part of the LHS can it?
16:45.20MiravlixI hate code where I first need to put it through a beutifier to read it
16:45.27JoshBorkeunless both are functions?
16:45.51cogwheelMiravlix, you should stay very far from any forum thread where I am asked to write a macro then...
16:46.00JoshBorkeHexarobi: what are all these beta version for chess for?
16:46.27cogwheelit does matter if you're trying to fit complex logic into 255 chars though :P
16:47.07cogwheelalso, certain constructs are so ubiquitous for a given language, that it is more harmful not to learn how to understand them ;)
16:47.13MiravlixThen why are you naming your variable with 4 chars
16:47.20|FF|Im2good4uhow u code or how it can read realy depents on the coder he probelyy find its verry easy to read becase his code alwaysl ooks like that
16:47.23JoshBorkei believe it is just an example?
16:47.31cogwheelit was just a dummy test... i wasn't actually using it for anything useful...
16:47.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (n=insa@
16:47.45MiravlixHey I've made a carrier out of being lazy
16:48.02MiravlixBut being lazy here and now so it takes longer to deal with later is stupid
16:48.36cogwheelI read a great essay once on the lazy programmer... talks about how we'll spend 8 hours writing a program to automate a particular task that would have taken 6 hours to do manually (read: tediously)
16:48.40MiravlixI can spend weeks on working on getting away from doing 6 minutes work.
16:48.59TS|Skromall of my variables begin with the letter "s" that way I know they are my variables
16:49.09TS|Skromso s1, s2, s3, s4 etc!
16:49.16TS|Skrom(btw I'm just kidding)
16:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
16:50.45MiravlixI have a variable with that name
16:51.10TS|Skromcogwheel... wouldn't that just make the variable GC?
16:51.14MiravlixMy embedding system uses it.
16:51.16TS|Skrom(a lie would be false ;)
16:51.51cogwheel"this sentence is a lie" is a logical paradox... if it's true, it means its false and vise versa
16:52.10MiravlixisBetterInstanceLoaded I named my IsThisSentenceALie
16:52.20TS|Skrommy brain just 'sploded
16:53.19Cairennyou guys made the mess, clean it up yourselves :p
16:53.44TS|SkromMake sure you save any big pieces..
16:53.50MiravlixSend in the Zombies we have brain juice
16:54.54MikkBraaiinnnss *gnnghkhs* *snarl* </Doom>
16:55.29Cairennoh, hey, Mikk
16:55.47Cairennyou got a "wow, Wowbench is cool" from slouken last night
16:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
16:56.11Cairennalong with having norgs drooling over it
16:56.22Mikkheh, nice =)
16:57.25MiravlixI solved my comples macro problem quite differently, I wrote an addon so I call functions from my macro
16:58.16MiravlixNamed it MicroMacroMaker for the very same reason that 255 isn't a good limit for what can be done
16:59.49MiravlixNow I just need the automatic downloader with a website and a well developed addon to my addon system, so you can post your macro with a link to the site and ppl can click update and have the new macro work
17:01.09ThraeYou could probably add a "Save Script" function to TinyPad without too much fuss. Just watch out for the string limit...
17:02.01MiravlixThe possibilities is endless, but my time is finite, prolly never going to happend.
17:02.24MiravlixUnless I finish writing my generic installer with lua as scripting language for it.
17:03.19TS|Skromjust bought 7 aquamarines for 4 gold... good deal or no?
17:03.33Mikkask allakhazam
17:03.50TS|Skromthat'd be like asking my ex wife to add 3 numbers together...
17:03.53MiravlixErrm Allakhazam just knows how much they are worth in real life money
17:05.55zenzelezzAllakhazam shows the median in-game price, not real-life money o_O
17:06.59zenzelezzas for Aquamarines... they're so common they can hardly be worth much
17:07.04MiravlixIt was a joke...
17:07.24TS|Skromah well, I'm not out much if they don't sell
17:07.30TS|Skromand I can always give em to my blacksmith
17:08.06MiravlixThey are fairly rare, but 4 gold for a low level gem...
17:08.17TS|Skrom4 gold for 7 of them actually
17:08.45zenzelezzAquamarine aren't rare  o_O
17:08.56zenzelezzthey drop off all sorts of mobs, and often enough from mining
17:09.05Mikkthey drop very seldom tho
17:09.22MiravlixWell, I've played WoW for over a year and have yet to collect 10
17:09.38MiravlixThat I consider fairly rare.
17:09.43TS|SkromI have 11 on guldan I'll sell ya for 2g each ! :d
17:10.03MiravlixI wouldn't pay 1 silver each
17:10.30Esamynngood morning all
17:10.32zenzelezzmight just be my luck (sort of, though I don't want them) that I see them all the time
17:10.53*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney (
17:17.59tyroneychatzilla is cute.  This in only a test.  Please resume your nothing.
17:18.39Esamynn~lart tyroney
17:18.47Esamynnjust because I can ;)
17:20.40tyroneyAt least it was only a microkernel.  Those monolithic kernels hurt.
17:23.54MiravlixSo we are all sexually arroused by pain?
17:24.13MiravlixI bet there is not a single non mono kernel in here running our chat clients
17:28.49TS|Skromis there a replacment for gatherer or am I just a retard who can't figure out why it's broken?
17:29.38MiravlixYour just delusional, Gatherer is not broken.
17:29.46tyroneyI'd answer, but I stopped using it until I get another 512 of memory.
17:30.05TS|Skromit's not adding markers for new things :(
17:30.14Esamynnupgrade to the new version silly
17:30.20Esamynnthere's a blizzard bug
17:30.35TS|Skromnewest I saw on wowinterface,co\m was a patch from january?
17:30.48Cairennblizz bug
17:30.48Esamynnjust a sec
17:30.52KirkburnAye a bug broke Gatherer
17:30.54MiravlixWe all use the SVN. :p
17:31.02KirkburnIt broke Gatherer's ability to ... gather ...
17:31.17MiravlixWhats the page
17:31.54EsamynnI should really bug isolgaris about updating wowi
17:32.14Cairennnow there's a concept :p
17:32.59|FF|Im2good4uis there any simpel good way to cut strings off when they are to long to fit on your bottun other then just showing the text half off it ?
17:33.04Esamynni know, scary huh?
17:33.47MiravlixMake a field Button Text that has a size check
17:33.50TS|Skromthanks for the link, that threw me for a loop
17:34.06JoshBorke|FF|Im2good4u: not really, you could try to write an algorithm to replace the blizzard one. then you could shorten things as you need to :-)
17:34.47|FF|Im2good4ui was afraid of that then i need to stringsub it all :(
17:35.25|FF|Im2good4uwitxch gona hurt preformace on 8 * 20 bottuns in update
17:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
17:35.48JoshBorkewhy can't you just let the button be truncated?
17:36.19|FF|Im2good4uJoshBorke: the reason i cant do that is becase i dont understnad
17:36.34JoshBorkeif you set the width of your FontString to the width of the button, then the fontstring will be truncated
17:36.36JoshBorkeone sec
17:36.53|FF|Im2good4uah oke i can do that :P
17:44.06TemShadowed, !!
17:44.10Tembad Shadowed
17:44.12jaxdahlhmm. drysc: 'Once beta begins the information floodgates are more or less open, I don't believe beta participants will be restricted from what they will be able to discuss or show others.'
17:44.28Temoh really?
17:44.43TemI expected closed beta people to have to sign an NDA and stuff
17:45.03KirkburnWas there an NDA for the original beta?
17:45.11Temdon't think so
17:45.19Cairennwhich version?
17:45.28Cairennthe closed? oh yes there was
17:45.35KirkburnHmm, interesting point
17:45.54KirkburnI think since there won't be an open beta, they might not bother ...
17:46.53TemI just wish they'd tell us whos gonna be able to be in the beta
17:47.13KirkburnWell, anyone who went to the Blizzcon
17:47.20Temyeah, not me
17:47.28KirkburnOr who is on the 'friends' list
17:47.42KirkburnAnd probably a few for each fan site to give out
17:47.43Temrunning up to LA in the middle of a semester just isn't in the cards
17:48.03KirkburnFlying to america in the middle of a semester also isn't on the cards :P
17:48.34TemShadowed, *poke*
17:49.05TemCairenn, do you know if Shadowed == Shadowd?
17:49.16Tem(Shadowd on wowi)
17:50.56Cairennsorry =/
17:52.18Esamynn~lart Shadowed
17:52.47Cairennunless he used a different email addy to sign up at wowi, no, they aren't the same person
17:52.55EsamynnI love that one
17:53.32TemI can't fuss on irc
17:53.44TemI'll have to put extra effort and send a pm
17:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=Ratbert_@
17:58.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ComicSansMS (
17:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
17:58.36ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
17:58.45Cairennhullo Ratbert_CP, ComicSansMS & Qzot
17:59.34ComicSansMSlua 5.1 for burning crusade... w00t! :)
18:00.16Mikk99% of mods go kaboom
18:00.18Esamynnho hum, old news :P
18:00.27EsamynnMikk:  no kidding
18:00.35Esamynnfrom one syntax change alone
18:00.56KirkburnMime won't =)
18:01.03Kirkburnuh ... *mine
18:01.08TS|Skrombut who cares about mimes anyway
18:01.19KirkburnI can't speak for mimes :)
18:01.26Kirkburn(and mimes can't speak =)
18:01.47TS|Skromlawl sux to be mime
18:01.53Esamynnipairs is already the only way to do that one, so ppl will only be putting in pairs
18:02.22cogwheelHow on earth did I ever learn to use pairs() in the first place?
18:02.54TS|Skromreead the manual?
18:02.55cogwheelI'd never even heard of directly using a table until all this discussion of 5.1... :S
18:03.49MentalPowerthere also won't be a table.getn to speak of
18:03.50cogwheelOn a related note, I updated the WoW-like build of the Lua binaries to include bitlib just now
18:03.56MentalPowerso that will break a few more mods
18:04.55Miravlixcog: Isn't that pointless since bitlib is broken in WoW?
18:05.00JoshBorkeno table.getn?
18:05.01JoshBorkehow's that work?
18:05.05Ratbert_CPOhhh...  Need to double-check my mods for getn..,
18:05.27JoshBorkeoh, now we have to do 'for i,value in ipairs(tbl) do'?
18:05.41MiravlixMy mods is riddled with setn and getn
18:05.41cogwheelmiravlix: didn't know that... never used it myself... mikk suggested it :P
18:05.41Ratbert_CPJoshBorke: yep
18:05.47JoshBorkebut then how do we get the size of a table?
18:05.51Miravlixcog: I bitched at god about it months ago
18:05.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
18:06.02Ratbert_CPOr "for i,value in pairs(tbl) do"
18:06.10Miravlixcog: Found out when I made crc32 it was not working
18:06.12MentalPower#someString = string.len(somesString)
18:06.16JoshBorkebut pairs will return it randomly, right?
18:06.24MentalPower#someTable == table.getn(someTable)
18:06.28QzotI use the ipairs iterator a lot, but there are some cases where I've used getn. Why's it going away?
18:06.49MentalPowercause the pirate said so
18:06.51Ratbert_CPRight.  ipairs only returns the integer-indexed values (and only those without gaps)
18:06.56Miravlix5.0 to 5.1 upgrade
18:07.04TS|Skrom#define LUAI_GCPAUSE 200
18:07.04TS|Skrom#define LUAI_GCMUL 200
18:07.04TS|Skrom#undef LUA_COMPAT_GETN
18:07.08Miravlixapparently there is some 5.1 reason for getting rid of them
18:07.09TS|Skromwhat does that mean?
18:07.52TS|Skrompost by slouken, does the #undef mean it's out?
18:07.54cogwheelTS|Skrom, it means exactly what we're talking about
18:07.56Ratbert_CPipairs() is very close to something like: local ndx = 1 while tbl[ndx] do ... ndx = ndx + 1 end
18:08.11MiravlixIt means that it doesn't include the LUA_COMPAT_GETN code
18:08.13QzotThat the built-in Lua iterator, ipairs, only returns values for integer keys until it finds a nil value for some integer.
18:08.17TS|Skromgotcha ;D
18:08.25MikkAnd why they're not compiling in getn compatibility escapes me completely
18:08.31MikkI mean... it's less work to leave it in
18:08.45MiravlixBecause it means it break more addons
18:08.46Ratbert_CPThey hate you.  :)
18:08.47MentalPowerI think they want a semi-clean slate of addons for TBC
18:08.55MiravlixThey need to keep us sharp and on our toes
18:08.58MiravlixPain is gain!
18:09.04TS|Skromless is more?
18:09.48MiravlixWell, in my old job I got paid by confessions
18:09.52MiravlixSo pain is gain!
18:10.01Esamynn~lart Miravlix
18:10.11KirkburnAwesome! Remember the Illidan model at E3? They've got a making-of here:
18:11.01QzotArg. I use "arg" a lot in certain places. As the pseudo-var for ..., of course. Sigh...
18:11.44QzotI use gfind a lot. :P
18:12.28MiravlixSucky artist
18:12.33MiravlixThe head is all wrong
18:12.39MiravlixHe is a pansty elf not a devil
18:12.49MiravlixHe has to be feminine in the face
18:13.06Esamynnwait: NO MORE GFIND!!!
18:13.10Ratbert_CPHmmm...  Lua 5.1 hates associative arrays...
18:13.18QzotWhy are table.foreach/table.foreachi deprecated? They can be used more productively in some situations than the for-in syntax.
18:13.25KirkburnMiravlix, well he has been turned into a demon, y'know
18:13.31Qzotgfind -> gmatch. Name change.
18:13.35KirkburnHe's got hooves fer goodness sake :P
18:13.47cogwheelOk everybody... take a quick glance at
18:13.54cogwheelbefore we get our panties in a bunch :P
18:14.17Qzot lists changes 5.0 -> 5.1.
18:14.36Ratbert_CPAlthough .getn hated associative arrays anyway...
18:15.41KirkburnSorry, what's that, So right. ...., yes?
18:16.03Ratbert_CPThe moral: If you're not using tables as "simple" arrays, you're on your own.  (But if you are, you can keep all sorts of handy meta-data along with your "real" data)
18:16.06cogwheelNo no no! kilkbuln... it's
18:16.12QzotYes, is the place to get information of the lua changes.
18:16.15KirkburnAre you sure? I thought it was
18:16.33cogwheelmight be a useful link to add to the channel topic :P
18:16.46TS|SkromI thought the moral of the story is to never get involved in a land war in asia?
18:16.48KirkburnCairenn is afk :/
18:16.53QzotUnless you want to read the *end* of, in which case it's slightly faster to go to and scroll back a bit.
18:17.40MiravlixSo string.gfind = string.gmatch
18:17.43Mikk~lart you
18:17.47MiravlixNot going to btoher old code
18:17.59Mikk~lua 5.1
18:18.01purlit has been said that lua 5.1 is a version that breaks quite a bit of compatibility from 5.0. See
18:18.07purlMikk: aw, gee
18:19.45MiravlixI don't see the supposed "breaks quite a bit of compatibility"
18:19.56MiravlixIt's mostly renamed stuff a search and replace will fix
18:20.15MiravlixSearch and replace on getn is a bit more complicated unless you have real regexp
18:21.21MiravlixFunction table.setn was deprecated. Function table.getn corresponds to the new length operator (#); use the operator instead of the function. (See compile-time option LUA_COMPAT_GETN in luaconf.h.)
18:21.44MiravlixSo it's still in there, a bit differently but code might work without changes
18:21.49JoshBorkeman, that sucks
18:22.41MiravlixAll we need to do is learn the new system and simply stop writing code the old way, Blizzard grinds us through that every patch already
18:23.08Miravlixand with Blizzard patch we need to fix it here and now, the 5.1 might still have our code work
18:23.56QzotGood. They didn't mung unpack.
18:24.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=Ratbert_@
18:26.29QzotHmm. Completely useless trivia...
18:27.04Qzotfor k,v in pairs(t) do   ==   for k,v in next,t do
18:28.19EsamynnI didn't know you could pass multiple items to in
18:28.30Esamynnbut yes, that makes sense if you can
18:29.08QzotThe for-in structure actually expects 3 values: an iterator function, a "state" variable, and a pre-initial value.
18:29.36Esamynnright, I knew that, I just never though of passing it anything but a set of function returns
18:29.39QzotIterator function usually just use one of state or the values, but they can use either one they want (or both).
18:30.14MentalPower  <---COMPAT section of luaconf.h in Lua 5.1
18:30.15QzotIt took me a while to get my head around, but I've got a small collection of iterator wrappers.
18:30.47QzotLike, here's an iterator, and I want the same values, but only give me the first 10 of them. Or I want all *but* the first 10 values. Etc.
18:30.58Esamynnyes, I'm using custom iterators in the new Gatherer library API
18:31.24TS|Skromhaha I've been getting some piddly discovery xp (level 53 hunter in silverpine ccc) and myh current time to level is 109 days !!
18:32.00QzotEsamynn: Thought about broadcasting nodes on the guild channel?
18:33.33Esamynnsharing of data in a limited fashion is something that is under consideration, but we don't approve of it currently
18:34.42QzotCare to explain "don't approve of it"? Not attacking, just asking.
18:35.24EsamynnGatherer was designed as a memory aid, so you are supposed to have visted each node in your database at least once
18:35.32Esamynnthat's the theory behind it anyways
18:35.51ckknightKirkburn, ping, I'm fine
18:35.57EsamynnMentalPower may be able to explain it better than I, or norgs
18:35.57zenzelezzfighting a molten giant/destroyer pair while clearing around Gehennas, suddenly I hear this huge "ding!" sound, and my screen warns me of AE curse
18:36.00KirkburnGood to hear :)
18:36.03zenzelezzthen the whole raid goes crazy
18:36.15ckknightTain, RPS was waiting for AceGUI 2.0 so that I can get a good UI to it, but that's waiting on Tem
18:37.36Esamynnwe definately do not like mods like GathererShare or the online sharing of entire databases
18:37.53QzotNot the position I would have chosen myself, but one that seems perfectly reasonable.
18:38.11Temckknight, what's RPS?
18:38.12QzotI think I'm in teh middle.
18:38.31ckknightI want like easy to make dialog boxes
18:38.40ckknightthat's about it
18:39.00QzotThere's something about guild sharing that seems like something people would do, and the trust involved means less change for abuse/pollution.
18:39.40Esamynnyes, I think guild sharing may end up being a good idea, the jury is still out though
18:40.15QzotGuild sharing also (for Gatherer) may present fewer bandwidth issues than the DB style sharing.
18:40.23*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
18:40.44Esamynnbandwidth issues?
18:40.54QzotI.e., you send out a note when you pick up something, which is not that often. Nothing like syncing two disparate databases.
18:41.28Esamynnwe won't be doing anything like that
18:41.38QzotAnd for good reason.
18:41.49Cairenn|afkQzot: *poke*
18:41.58QzotI'm assuming that's what you're talking about when you describe "online sharing of entire databases".
18:42.02Esamynnhey, aren't you "afk"
18:42.16Esamynnno, I'm talking about downloaded SV files on the internet
18:44.38TS|Skromzomg... 've not played my hunter in awhile, but I can't seem to feign trap anymore?
18:44.46MiravlixIf sharing Gatherer databaseses is bad, so is this channel, WoW forums, fan sites
18:45.12MiravlixAnd I just can't see all those things to be bad, it's part of the system.
18:45.51TS|Skrommira, it's unintended for gatherer databases to be shared. It's not unintended for the rest. Esa didn't say it was cheating, they said theydidn't approve of it
18:46.16MiravlixNo spoilers is an interesting concept, but it's not how the world works.
18:46.25TS|Skromdoesn't mean they can't dream
18:47.13TS|Skrompeople are going to share, granted, that doesn't mean the devs of gatherer should embrace that change with open arms if it's not what they had envisioned...
18:59.48JoshBorkeclad|sleep: ping
19:00.23Cairennhe's probably at work
19:00.35Temclad is at work
19:00.50Temhe gets off in 2ish hours
19:00.56Temdon't know if he'll be here though
19:04.56KirkburnTime to see if I can finally complete Psychonauts :)
19:11.41KasoWhy did they change Unknown Enitiy to Unknown
19:12.10MiravlixLets file that way under "Uknown"
19:14.37Cairennsome of you will enjoy this:
19:15.00zenzelezzwoot! Guildie just got the second binding of the windseeker :)
19:16.44Cairenngrats a_guild_member_001
19:17.12MentalPowerCair, nice. Yay for ancient obsure laws
19:17.38CairennI think that's a hoot, personally
19:18.57zenzelezzfun to see the guild rally to complete an item like we're doing right now
19:20.40tyroneyIf I lived there, I'd consider getting a nerf arrow set for the occasion.
19:21.16MiravlixIs nerf English and American?
19:21.40MiravlixI seldom find people that knows what a nerf bat is.
19:21.48Cairenn<== knows it
19:22.20TemI still don't know how nerf came to mean what it means in the gaming community
19:22.29Cairennit's actually where the whole "nerf X class" came from
19:22.41tyroneyBecause a nerf something would be less lethal than a real something?
19:22.43Tembut, how?
19:22.45MiravlixWhats foam got to do with reducing?
19:22.55Cairennthe joke was that the designers would take a nerf bat to a class
19:23.27Cairennbeating them over the head with it, putting them "in their place"
19:23.27MiravlixHmm, the nerf bat expression was used on FidoNet 13-16 years ago
19:23.42Cairennnerf's been around for a very very long time
19:24.04MiravlixI mean used in computer lingo
19:24.20Cairennas I said ...
19:24.38MiravlixThe nerf bat or foam bat is old
19:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
19:25.01Cairenngonads & strife
19:25.24Miravlixwhat the hell, the company creating the bat is Nerf
19:25.35MiravlixAnd it's Hasbro interactive
19:25.58Cairennisn't that what we just went through?
19:27.56MiravlixThe Urban and Wiki disagree, since we all know all of Wiki is malius lies...
19:29.21MiravlixWiki's link to Hasbro is broken
19:29.31Gryphenurban and wiki could have authored by the same person, so how one can be more cerdible of the other...
19:29.34Gryphenfix it
19:29.44MiravlixPay me?
19:31.53MiravlixI really thing people is letting themself get ripped off by comercial enterprises by providing free content they can make money off.
19:32.56JoshBorke*rant on* I hate when users complain about nil errors then disappear.  how am i supposed to fix the friggin bug if you don't tell me where it is?  i can just magically find it? wtf *rant off*
19:33.18MiravlixJosh: You made it, it's your falt, so fix it!
19:33.54MiravlixKnowing there is a bug, is helpfull, even if the user doesn't have the skill to help in more detail
19:34.23JoshBorkeexcept when i can't reproduce it
19:34.31JoshBorkebecause then i might as well not know about it
19:34.38MiravlixI don't agree
19:35.03MiravlixFor me knowing there is a issue in my code, means I pay attention more.
19:35.26MiravlixI tripple check that xyz function just to be sure it's right
19:35.30KirkburnYay, I've finally finished Psychonauts! :)
19:35.47JoshBorkemy problem is it's an addon i use regularly.  i haven't had any bugs in it for months now
19:35.52Beladonabusiness meetings should be outlawed
19:36.00Beladonajust spent about 4 hours in them
19:36.05MiravlixJosh: You know how to use it right
19:36.35MiravlixAnd we seldom have the capacity to use it wrong properly.
19:36.44JoshBorkeMiravlix: all i was told is: there are some nil value errors.
19:37.04MiravlixBut it still is enough that I can examine problem areas of the code.
19:37.28Gryphendoesnt if the user was reporting about an older ver
19:38.04BeladonaI wish the guy that does Group Calendar would add an option for using AddonMessages instead of a channel
19:38.10KirkburnCairenn, thanks for that Scotsman news link :P
19:38.12Beladonamakes more sense to me
19:38.21JoshBorkei wish the guy who is writing Combine would release something
19:38.25Cairennheh, I just found it too funny to not share
19:38.27MiravlixI usually know if I fixed a nill error in some version and would include that
19:38.29Shadowedwhat'd i do
19:38.38CairennKaelten_'d be at work too
19:38.58Cairennwow, talk about late!
19:39.03ShadowedI was gone :(
19:39.05Shadowedyes Beladona?
19:39.06KirkburnThere are quite a few more laws like that that have never been repealed
19:39.13Beladonanothing, thought I would add to the fun
19:39.16Cairennthe question was, are you the same person as Shadowd on wowi
19:39.24MiravlixI seldom change my code just to change it, if I write/rewrite something I put a lot of thought into it and have a good idea what I'm doing with it and possible issues.
19:39.26KirkburnAre you? ARE YOU?!? :)
19:39.35Shadowedis the registered email something from
19:39.53Beladonayou don't rememeber if that is you?
19:40.10ShadowedI usually either do Shadowd or Shadowed as a registered name
19:40.22Cairennyes, subzerofx
19:40.22Beladonamusta been a friday night when you registered 0.o
19:40.23MiravlixI hate changing code, just to say I changed it, I need to understand it first, then I write modifications.
19:40.24Shadowedworldofwar has shadowd, CG has shadowed
19:40.29Shadowedthen yes, it is me Cairenn
19:40.35CairennTem: there's your answer
19:40.41Shadowedso what'd i do Tem? :p
19:41.00TS|SkromShadowed: Do you have six fingers on your right hand?
19:41.01Temyou make a ta ble every time you fire an event
19:41.18Shadowedi'm pretty sure i did that fireevent code at like 3 AM, one sec
19:41.23Temyour event stuff is wasteful
19:41.29Temit makes it rain in my heart
19:41.30Beladonasave the ozone!
19:41.33Beladonaoh wait
19:41.39Shadowedyes, yes it is
19:41.43MiravlixBel: Precisely
19:41.45Shadowedif you have a suggestion to improve it i'm listening
19:41.56TS|Skromcut off a finger?
19:42.11JoshBorkei'll take a thumb
19:42.17TemShadowed, why, yes :)
19:42.21KirkburnShotgun ring finger
19:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Thiana (
19:42.39JoshBorkeooo, good one
19:42.50TS|SkromIf shadowed runs away from all this talk about taking his digits we could call them chicken fingers :D
19:42.52TemShadowed, just pass the args as args to the event handler
19:43.44Shadowedthen i can't be lazy
19:44.18Shadowedi'll change it in 2.1.0 though, thanks
19:44.21Beladonather eis a big difference between lazy, and half assed
19:44.54ShadowedI'm not actually sure what I was thinking when i wrote most of that. I'm pretty sure it was 2-3 AM
19:46.31tyroneyShould I ask a miscellaneous question about one of my lastest projects?
19:47.24tyroneyOk, that was a dumb question.  So I made it so any SetValue() going downward on any health bar creates a fading chunk.  What would be an elegant way to track them all so that I can kill them when I need to?  (heals, change of target, etc)
19:47.28zenzelezzwell, that's really more up to you than us
19:49.39tyroneyI've been thinking of my own table indexed by healthbar:GetName(), or just attaching healthbar.someinfo, which would seem less useful.
19:50.54JoshBorketyroney: you mean stop the fading chunk, right?
19:51.11JoshBorkelike zenzelezz said, it's really up to you
19:51.22Shadowedso i've come to the conclusion that adding a required dependency is how you get idiots to stop using your mod
19:51.25JoshBorkewithout knowing anything about your code, we wouldn't be able to say
19:51.36GeoDaMancerDoes sealthing count as a stance change?
19:51.40Shadowedthink so
19:52.47MiravlixI write my best code at 2-3 AM, nothing besides the cat to disturb me at that time.
19:53.04Cidetyroney: I'd just use the healthbar reference - not all healthbars have names
19:53.34Beladonaanyone had experience with getting durability status?
19:53.44Cidedepends on what you want, Beladona
19:53.53tyroneyHow much do you want to know?  I meta-table hooked addvalue, in that I check GetName for contents of "HealthBar", and if it is, I uncache/create a frame, set it to the proper postion, and send it to UIFrameFade. Chunks are parented to their respective healthbar, and sooner or later I'll fix my code so that when they're faded out they're properly cached for reuse.  (and they're all named by...
19:53.54tyroney...their order of creation)
19:53.59Beladonaoverall status really. Same as the durability doll
19:54.16Cideyou can access the function :SetValue calls with um... getmetatable(StatusBar).__index.SetValue
19:54.45tyroneyThe healthbars I care about all have "HealthBar" in their name.
19:55.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
19:55.03Cideare you doing an all-in-one solution?
19:55.17Cidethat is meant to affect all health bars, that is?
19:55.36CideBeladona: try ?
19:55.51tyroneyAll the ones with that in their name, which comes out to be the default partyframes, targetframe, and raid related ones as well.  (I believe)
19:56.08tyroneyIt works great so far.  Really nice to see how fast things are dying.
19:56.29Cidetyroney: well, just saying; it wouldn't work with ctra2 or any other mod that has anonymous statusbars
19:56.37Cideup to you if you want to cater to those or not
19:57.15tyroneyYeah, well, I'm all selfish and happy with the default, so that's what I bother with.  If any of my firends (who use them) ask, I'll then worry about hooking into the right part.
19:57.17CideI'd still index by reference though, should have the same result while not having to call :GetName()
19:58.38tyroneyindes what by what reference?
19:59.01Cideyou're indexing your table by healthbar:GetName(), correct?
19:59.35Cidejust index it by healthbar instead, should be faster
20:00.08tyroneyI haven't even started traking them yet, I'm trying to decide if there's some more elegant way, like waiting for an upward SetValue, then iterating through children, and not having to separately track anything.
20:00.15tyroneyHey, that might work.
20:00.29Cidewhat I'd do
20:01.17Cidehook the metatable function, and then check if you have the reference in your table. if not, check your conditions (:GetName() contains "HealthBar", etc). if either of those are true, do your thing
20:01.53Cidethat way you don't store any indices that aren't used, either
20:02.04Cideand the function will get the statusbar's refererence passed as its first argument (self)
20:03.04tyroneyI'm currently being very hands-off.  I make some chunks, toss them at UIFrameFade, which has its own global FADE_TABLE (or somesuch) and I forget about them until their finishedfunc is called.
20:03.09tyroneyI'll think about that.
20:05.51Beladonalooks like its time to go home! may the beer start flowing!
20:06.49Cairennlater Beladona
20:07.07Beladonaoh I will be back
20:07.15Beladonatoo much addon developing to do tongiht not to be
20:08.29Beladonaahh, so based on what I can see of the durability info, there is no way to get exact values of durability without scanning tooltips right?
20:09.56tyroneyThough tooltips are kind of fun.  I'll never forget my first one, it was kind of silvery.
20:10.37Beladonathat would be a good candidate for global function addition
20:11.03Beladonaor hell, make it so that GetInventoryAlertStatus returns a second value with total durability
20:11.10CairennEsamynn: you still there?
20:13.40tyroneyI just tried talking to purl, but it didn't help as much as I had hoped.  I've seen the s-slash, are there other handy things it can do for me?
20:14.40zenzelezzs-slash? ~ ?
20:15.01tyroneys/purl/that automated thing
20:15.17zenzelezzforgot the ending /
20:15.47Shadowedhmm, how long is "Long" in the AH again, <=8 hours?
20:16.20zenzelezzVery Long 8-24, Long 2-8, Medium 0.5-2, Short 0.5-0
20:16.31Shadowedkk thanks
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20:17.52KirkburnNoooo, come back niven!
20:17.58GeoDaMancerDoes the Event SPELLCAST_STOP have any arguments?
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20:23.08GeoDaMancerYeah, I just noticed that.
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20:23.18Cidegenerally, if you ask for any kind of feature regarding SPELLCAST_*, the answer is no :P
20:23.20CideEsamynn: HI!!
20:23.34Esamynnyou left channel code in CTRA1.541
20:23.41Esamynnyou criminal you! :P
20:23.48CideI did? :(
20:23.56Esamynnyou did, want a patch file?
20:24.03AnduinLotharSPELLCAST_SUCCESS does tho
20:24.10Esamynnk, I'll send it along shortly
20:24.22CideI removed the channel stuff from ctra2 like.. yesterday
20:24.22CairennEsamynn: !
20:24.28Cidefinally, no more channels
20:24.37Esamynnyay Slouken! =D
20:24.39GeoDaMancerHrm, alright.
20:25.01Esamynnyes Cairenn ?
20:25.07CairennEsamynn:  wtf?
20:25.44EsamynnNo clue
20:26.28EsamynnI don't deal with posting Gatherer on hosting sites, in short "I just work here"
20:26.29Cairennyou're telling me you're trying to get hold of whatshisname to get him to update on the site, someone else is telling me he's been trying to get the mod transferred to his name, and I've yet to hear from anyone :p
20:26.54GeoDaMancerDude, that's cool. Thanks for that information, Anduin.
20:26.56EsamynnI didn't know he had been trying to update it there
20:27.02EsamynnI was just going to ask him about it
20:27.17Cairennyeah, well, I didn't know either, since I've never heard from him :p
20:27.30Esamynnlol, I'll talk to him and tell him to contact you
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20:28.07Cairennshall I avoid the obvious post then? "Well, he obviously hasn't been trying too hard, since he's never bothered to contact anyone"
20:28.18Esamynnup to you ;)
20:28.29EsamynnI don't recognize the poser
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20:30.34CairennI wasn't *quite* so snotty ... "All it takes is a couple PMs.  Given that I've never heard from him ..."
20:31.47GeoDaMancerAnduin: with the IsCasting, do I just handle SPELLCAST_SUCCESS as a regular event afterwords for handling it?
20:32.00MentalPowerCairenn: who is the upload under
20:32.11ckknightwhy the hell doesn't wow's forums remember me?
20:32.14ckknightI hate logging in
20:32.15MentalPowerif its islorgris, then it should be the same lead dev
20:32.24MentalPowerckknight: FF FTW!
20:32.32MentalPowerok, then its not the riht person
20:32.57Cairennthere have been a couple "patches" by Islorgris, but he's never actually bothered to contact us asking for us to transfer ownership
20:33.41MentalPowerbut lets not talk about the why
20:33.53Cairennseriously, you guys know how hard it is ... "Hi, I'm taking over X mod, Y person can verify" "Okay, done"
20:34.38MentalPoweryeah, i know how easy it is (has done it before)
20:35.33AnduinLotharGeoDaMancer> if you have IsCasting, yes you can just register with that function and then pretend SPELLCAST_SUCCESS is a real event
20:35.34Cairennbut if no one contacts us, then I don't want someone saying "I've been trying to get it under my control for so long, blah blah blah" ... gimme a break
20:36.04MentalPowerespecially if its a third party
20:36.16MentalPowerbrotherhobbes is not part of our team either
20:36.34ckknightuploaded some stuff, Cairenn
20:36.35GeoDaMancerScore. Thank you, Anduin.
20:36.37AnduinLotharpain in the ass at curse
20:37.06CairennI'll go ahead and get the process started anyway :p
20:38.53Cairennckknight: approved
20:39.41MentalPowerCairenn: for what its worth, I'm sorry about any headaches/drama caused by Islorgris of Gatherer
20:39.55Cairennmeh, no drama
20:40.28Cairennjust that one particular comment bugged me, because I haven't heard anything from him, so to have someone saying that they've been trying ... /shrug
20:40.44Cairenntaint any thang
20:41.48MentalPowersigh, Islorgris: "I'm stopping updates for this, until the moderators clean up the thing so I can have ownership of my own addon (asked for this several month ago, didn't even get an answer by PM)."
20:41.55EsamynnI can understand that sentiment, although I doubt that poster really know what he is talking about
20:42.20Cairennwell, I'd love to know who the fuck he sent it to, cause it sure as hell wasn't me or Dolby
20:42.21Esamynnlart islorgris
20:42.24Esamynn~lart islorgris
20:42.25MentalPower(thats on the Gatherer AddOn comments section)
20:44.45tyroneyIs there some magical way of managing multiple projects (mods) that will encourage me to unbundle all of mine and submit them to whatever ui site so that they're more accessible and useful to the world?
20:46.03Esamynntyroney: well there is WoWI's author portal system
20:47.02tyroneySo have a portal with a central point for all the info/typing, then have really bare individual addons?
20:47.50MentalPowerCairenn: I just posted a thread on our internal forums about the situation, hoping that Islorgris clarifies his position. I hope to hear from him in about a day or so.
20:48.06CairennMentalPower: the ownership will be transfered shortly
20:48.25MentalPowerI'll edit the thread accordingly then, thanks again Cair
20:49.43Cairennabout, not to
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20:50.23cogwheelis that like laughing "at" not "with"?
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20:51.14Dolby-wowitransferred ;)
20:51.26Cairennthanks Dolby
20:51.30CairennMentalPower: there, done
20:51.51Cairennas I said, I've no idea who he sent the PM to ...
20:51.52MentalPowerthanks guys, and again sorry about the headache
20:52.04Cairennmeh, not a biggie
20:52.54*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
20:53.06QzotOooo. Nice. string.byte gets a facelift for 5.1
20:55.40Qzotstring.match == string.find without the optional "plain" parm?
20:55.52ckknightQzot, what about string.byte?
20:55.57MentalPoweryeah consitency with string.gmatch
20:56.23Qzotckknight: You can get the internal codes of a substring, rather than just one char.
20:56.32ckknightah, cool.
20:56.45MentalPowerif you so wish
20:57.48MentalPowerits provided in a new function string.char()
20:57.56MentalPowerthe old string.byte is still there
20:58.04QzotGah. I wish table.concat would (at least optionally) do a tostring for you.
20:58.28QzotMentalPower: ???
20:58.39Cideoh, I read that table.foreach/foreachi are gone
20:58.51MentalPowererm... scratch that
20:58.58MentalPower~lart me
20:59.10Cideas far as I know (unless the functionality has changed), foreachi/foreachi don't have the same behavior as pairs/ipairs
20:59.14GeoDaMancerYes, cide. They're replaced with for k,v in pairs(table) do ... end
20:59.20QzotCide: Lua5.1 depracates them. Does WoW.BC scrap them??
20:59.27cogwheelCairenn, can you add to the channel topic? :P
20:59.39GeoDaMancerIt does work like, or better than the foreach, because you can force a break out, if needed.
20:59.41QzotCrap! There are cases where the function syntax is much better.
20:59.59*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> WoW will be using Lua 5.1 for the expansion| |Paste Code Here:
21:00.03MentalPowerafaik, yes they are not present anymore
21:00.05Cidewell, you can't remove elements during a loop, as far as I know
21:00.09Cidein any good way
21:00.11QzotThat's a loss.
21:00.13MentalPoweryes you can
21:00.18CideMentalPower: show me how please
21:00.29Cidethat wasn't sarcasm, btw
21:00.29cogwheelSlouken said he's disabling all the compatability options FYI
21:00.34MentalPowerfor k,v in pairs(someTable) do someTable[k] = nil end
21:00.51CideMentalPower: using ipairs
21:01.01Cideand maintaining 1 to n
21:01.02MentalPowerfor k,v in ipairs(someTable) do someTable[k] = nil end
21:01.12ckknightah, not quite, MentalPower
21:01.14TabykCan I bother someone with a couple of questions?  I have a IF-THEN statement that refuses to ever compute as true.
21:01.19ckknightbetter to just use pairs
21:01.25ckknightyou can't manipulate n, though
21:01.30ckknightwithout using table.remove or what have you
21:01.31Cidelet me see...
21:01.37Cidethe problem I have
21:01.50CideI call table.remove(someTable, k)
21:01.50ckknightbut if you clear a table, the n resets to 0
21:01.56cogwheeltabyk, go ahead and post the line... if it's a few lines long, stick it on
21:01.57GeoDaMancerTabyk, what is it checking?
21:02.01ckknightthe only issue with recycling tables is with internal nils
21:02.02Cidewhich reorders the list
21:02.06ckknightif you are using a list
21:02.21GeoDaMancerYeah, and what MP said.
21:02.23Cideand then it tries to access k+1, but if it was the last record, what was k+1 before is now k
21:02.29Cidesince the list was reordered
21:02.49ckknightapparently `t[#t + 1] = true` and `t[#t] = nil` are supposed to be kosher, now
21:03.24CideI need to do it using table.remove using a certain criteria, which is what I couldn't succeed with
21:03.34Cideso someTable[k] = nil doesn't work
21:03.56GeoDaMancerWhat's the Criteria? I mean, couldn't you form an if around it?
21:04.04Cidetry this
21:04.22Cidefor k, v in ipairs(someTable) do if ( math.mod(k, 2) == 0 ) then table.remove(someTable, k); end end
21:04.25Cideand tell me if it works
21:04.26*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
21:04.36GremWarsongHey, does anyone know a way to set a frame on top the mouse cursor?
21:04.55GremWarsongAssuming I know the coordinates of the mouse cursor
21:05.01cogwheeluse a repeat...until or do...while instead of for and keep track of your own counter
21:05.15cogwheelthat way you can selectively increment it
21:05.34ckknightcogwheel, lua doesn't have do...while
21:05.38ckknightjust repeat...until
21:05.43cogwheel~bonk cogwheel
21:05.46purlACTION bonks cogwheel over the head
21:05.55GeoDaMancerWhat does afaik mean?
21:06.00ckknightas far as I know
21:06.00Kirkburnas far as I know
21:06.08GeoDaMancerOoooh. That explains it. xD
21:06.08cogwheelpurl, wtf afaik
21:06.25Cidelocal x, y = GetCursorPosition(); local scale = UIParent:GetScale(); x, y = x / scale, y / scale; frame:ClearAllPoints(); frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, x, y);
21:06.28Cideor something like that
21:06.40GremWarsongThanks Cide =)
21:06.44GremWarsongThat looks good
21:06.54CideI probably fucked up the setpoint, but you can experiment a bit
21:07.18GremWarsongIt makes sense
21:07.49Cidecogwheel: that doesn't replicate table.foreach/i's behavior though (without more work, anyway!)
21:08.20CideI'm pretty sure it worked fine with table.foreach when I tried.. I may be wrong though
21:08.41cogwheellocal i = 1 while i <= #someTable do if mod(someTable[i], 2) == 0 then table.remove(someTable, i) else i = i + 1 end end
21:09.30Cidesee? a lot more work :)
21:09.41Cidethough yeah, that's a fairly simple solution I guess
21:10.13Cidebut if it DOES work with table.foreach right now, I don't see the reason to remove it
21:10.57GremWarsongCide, this isnt working, its not even appearing on the screen =/
21:11.56GremWarsongIs it possible to do that On_Update?
21:11.59GremWarsongOr is that a bad idea
21:12.06GremWarsongI basically want a frame to follow the mouse pointer On_Update
21:12.08CideGremWarsong: try SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "TOPLEFT", x, y-UIParent:GetTop())
21:12.38KirkburnHmm, I'm getting quests repeated on the Quest Watch frame :/
21:13.01TabykI saw that happen once too, Kirkburn.  Was strange...
21:13.09TS|Skromturn off the automatic quest tracking from the interface options
21:13.13Cidehappens if it tracks the same objective twice in rapid succession
21:13.20GeoDaMancerThat happened to me.
21:13.24GeoDaMancerLike... Everyday.
21:13.33KirkburnOf course! Thanks :)
21:13.41GeoDaMancerEverytime I got a quest, it would pull up, like six of the other quests, and say I just accepted them.
21:13.49GeoDaMancerOr, when I abandoned a quest, it would do that same.
21:13.57GremWarsongCide, thats working a lot better, although the frame is a bit too far southeast of the mouse cursor
21:14.25KirkburnGeoDaMancer, try TS|Skrom's idea :)
21:15.08GeoDaMancerIt stopped doing it, after the update. But, I just ignored the problems anyway, chalking it up to the fact that I have a crappy connection, and it was probably just triggering bad referrences.
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21:19.14cogwheel..................................  "Is there a simple /command I can make that will autoattack a target? So I don't have to right click, misclick the target and then lose all my combo points? "
21:21.06GeoDaMancercog? You don't loose combo-points if you click between targets, do you?
21:21.29MentalPoweryes you do
21:21.31cogwheelyes you do...but that's irrelevant... it's not my question
21:21.41MentalPowerany change to your rarget clears combo points
21:21.53TabykMight someone know why the following If-Then statement never comes out as true?
21:21.58GeoDaMancerOh, crap. That explains it. xD
21:21.59cogwheelthis person's being a complete idiot... they probably took their "attack" ability off their action bar and don't know how to use it now
21:22.37GeoDaMancerOoooh. You were quoting someone. xD
21:23.08MentalPowerTabyk: if HanajiSpellID[id] > 0 then  <---that one?
21:23.16JoshBorkebye all :-)
21:23.27*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:23.32TS|Skromtell them to set the interface option to not deselect the target when they click on the world and remind them that "T" by default toggles autoattack
21:23.35TabykThe second one, MentalPower... the triple check
21:23.52TabykSorry, should have said that.  -_-
21:24.17MentalPowerTabyk: parenthesis
21:24.34cogwheelwhat class is this for? some of those functions don't report as you'd expect under certain circumstances
21:24.38cogwheelmentalpower, no
21:24.53TabykI tried adding parenthesis, but it made no difference
21:24.54GeoDaMancerTabyk: Are you checking if a spell is castable?
21:25.02cogwheelparentheses are not necessary in if statements
21:25.06TabykGeo: Yes, I am.
21:25.42TS|Skrom -- this is what's wrong with people these days
21:26.01TabykI added in a reporting check just before the triple If-Then to make sure the data was being generated (to be compaired against) and it is.
21:26.35MentalPowercogwheel: they are for some cases
21:26.41Mery./script AttackTarget()
21:26.54Merybut i know problem was already solved...
21:27.01GeoDaMancerTabyk: Is the HanajiSpellID[id] a number, or a name?
21:27.04cogwheelmentalpower, only if you have to compete with operator precedence.... the only operators in that if expression were "==" and "and"
21:27.21TabykGeoDaMancer: It is a button ID number.
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21:28.00GeoDaMancerI have one that will test, the exact things you're using, but it requires the spell's name.
21:28.05KirkburnWoo 40 mins to get from level 1 to 5
21:29.00GeoDaMancerAre you actually targetting an enemy when you type it?
21:29.18TabykI have the spell names (to match up with the button IDs) in a seperate list:  HanajiSpellList[id]
21:29.31GeoDaMancerAlright. One moment.
21:30.28GeoDaMancerNever mind, it uses slotid.
21:30.41cogwheeltabyk, i haven't fixed any of your logic, but here's a somewhat clearer and easier to write way to do that function:
21:30.42QzotTabyk: Split the problem in half.
21:30.51GeoDaMancer Type this.
21:31.00GeoDaMancerGods, I want to cut my fingers off.
21:31.40cogwheelme too...
21:31.41KirkburnShotgun ring finger
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21:33.47Hexarobiur moms an extraneous local variable
21:33.50Tabykme hasn't even seen 'ipairs' before...  o_o
21:34.06GeoDaManceripairs is indexed pairs, it goes through each item in a table.
21:34.39KirkburnWhee this is the fastest I've ever left a newbie zone
21:34.43cogwheelneither have many people as has become apparent since the 5.1 announcement
21:35.07GeoDaMancerOnly reason I know, is 'cause someone steered me away from the foreach, to it.
21:35.29GeoDaMancerTabyk: Any of our suggestions helping?
21:38.13QzotTabyk: This is a better easier on our eyes:
21:38.13TabykTried the "local tmp = isUsable == 1 and isRange == 1 and startCool == 0" method and it never outputs anything to the chat frame, nor shows the spell frame.
21:38.15cogwheelthen the problem must be with your first if
21:38.28QzotAlmost certainly.
21:38.42TabykCan't be, because I've taken it out at this point.
21:39.00cogwheeltry DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME instead of ChatFrame1
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21:39.39Qzotcogwheel: Meh.
21:40.08Qzotcogwheel: I seriously doubt that this is his problem.
21:40.15TS|SkromMS has been secretly trying to get you to kill yourself!!
21:40.54QzotTabyk: and see if you get both the messages before and after the 1st if check.
21:41.01GeoDaMancerTabyk, try to display the values of the three variables you're testing, to see if they're even coming up.
21:41.24cogwheelqzot, but it should be displaying something in the chat frame regardless of what the result of those spell checks are
21:41.29TabykMade the change to the default chat frame, and it is still outputting nothing.  I can confirm that the function IS being called (I have an output to the chat frame every time it gets called, as seen in the screenshot I put up)
21:42.12Qzotcogwheel: Not if the (spellID > 0) == false.
21:42.17TabykGeoDaMancer: I had thought of that, and can confirm that the three local variables are being generated
21:42.27cogwheelqzot, he said he removed that if :P
21:42.56Qzotcogwheel: Sorry. I must have missed that.
21:43.03GeoDaMancerTabyk: Try isUsable == true
21:43.30GeoDaMancerNever mind.
21:43.34TabykEverything appears to be working fine until that very specific triple If-Then... and I know that the data matching the conditions is being created, so it should test true.  It's puzzling the heck out of me.
21:44.05QzotTry isUsable and inRange and startCool == 0.
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21:44.44TabykThat won't work, Qzot... I need isUsable == 1, inRange == 1, and startCool == 0
21:45.00GeoDaMancerTabyk, try the function I pastied.
21:45.16GeoDaMancertestAction(slotId) I -know- it works.
21:45.22TabykOkay, be back in a moment.  ^_^
21:46.16QzotTabyk: I'm not certain you need isUsable==1. You need it to be non-nil, and wowwiki is not always 100% correct.
21:46.44cogwheelqzot, i made that simplification in my first pastey post
21:47.02QzotWhat's the current pastey, then?
21:47.13cogwheelI'm working on a new one atm
21:49.40TabykStill not working, GeoDaMancer.  :(
21:50.31GeoDaMancerAnd you're sure values are being generated?
21:50.47QzotTabyk... please pastey your current code.
21:51.18GeoDaMancerIt seems to me his problem is that the ActionBar slot is empty. Otherwise, it should be pulling some sort of iformation.
21:51.55GeoDaMancerUnless he wasn't targetting an attackable enemy when he tried it.
21:52.59TabykThe action bar slot is full, and I was targetting an attackable creature.
21:53.05cogwheelAssuming I didn't make any typos:
21:53.13QzotGeoDaMancer: I must not being seeing the same code you're looking it. I see no reference to an action bar in this code.
21:53.36TabykHere is the entire AddOn... please excuse the brute-force code, I was planning on cleaning it up later
21:53.42GeoDaMancerSpellId, and then IsUsableAction() both need a slot in the action-bar.
21:55.02TabykLike I said, I will be cleaning it up later.  ^_^
21:55.03Qzotcogwheel: should have tostring()s around the variables that might return nil.
21:55.18Qzots/variables/function calls/
21:55.38cogwheelhence my disclaimer ;)
21:55.40cogwheel>Assuming I didn't make any typos:
21:56.15cogwheelfixed it in place
21:57.01QzotTabyk: Use the (updated) pastey cogwheel sent.
21:57.43QzotIf you see *nothing*, then the problem is that you have not set up HanajiSpellID properly.
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22:00.06QzotIt's pronounced "quzot", anyways.
22:00.21TabykOkay, tried cogwheel latest entry (568) and still nothing.
22:00.24cogwheelI pronounce it kyoo-zot
22:00.44Qzot*Nothing* nothing?
22:00.45KirkburnI pronounce it Qzot
22:00.53QzotNo messages whatsoever??
22:00.57cogwheeltabyk, that's pretty conclusive evidence that HanajiSpellID isn't being generated properly.
22:01.11cogwheeleither that or something is messing with your chat frames...
22:01.55QzotOr that the snippet of code under consideration is never being called.
22:02.42cogwheelI assume you're calling HanajiMageryUpdate in the XML file?
22:03.49Tabykcogwheel... there is not XML file.
22:03.58cogwheel[insert guy with head in hands here]
22:04.01TabykThis was done purely in LUA
22:04.15GeoDaMancerWhere are you calling the function?
22:04.23cogwheeloic now
22:04.27cogwheelline 123
22:04.51QzotTry to use print to see just where the breakdown is.
22:07.48cogwheeltabyk, one change you can make is to store your frames in a table... that way you don't have to mess around with getglobal... it would just be HanajiSpellFrames[8]:Show/Hide
22:10.14MentalPowerwho's Deadlykris on the WoW forums
22:10.24MentalPowerhas the MVP tag, but I dunno who it is
22:13.00Cidesaw that too - probably new MVP
22:13.09Cideor an old MVP with a new name
22:14.24Tabyk  |  Added three outputs to the chat windows... one to confirm that all spells are found (ID's are created), one to confirm that the update function is being called, and one that displays the spell name (from table), id (from table), isUsable, inRange, and startCool data.  It's ALL showing up as I expect it to.
22:16.05GeoDaMancerHrm. Alright then...
22:16.30TabykIt just simply stops at the If-Then statement.  I even manually :Show() one of the frames, selected a target, dropped it, and selected it again (out of range) and the frame was still showing.  It isn't hiding or showing frames.
22:17.04TabykIt's like that one piece of code is just being ignored... even the ELSE part.
22:18.08jaxdahli don't know what lua convention is like but i like doing if (<clause>) then
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22:20.24GeoDaMancerAre you sure it's being ignored? Put something that displays two different items in the if then else end clauses.
22:20.42TabykTried that, nothing shows up.
22:21.08GeoDaMancerVery odd.
22:21.19TabykExactly my point!  ^_^
22:21.52GeoDaMancerIf I knew more about xml stuff, I'd help, but xml just goes... WHoosh. over my head.
22:22.26cogwheelone suggestion:
22:22.40cogwheelwon't fix your problem, but should make your addon easier to maintain
22:22.44TabykSame here... which is why all of my little AddOns I make don't use it, at all.  I do all of the frame creation, attributes, et cetera via LUA
22:23.01jaxdahlTabyk, put something else in the for loop
22:23.08jaxdahlor even at the top of the function
22:23.10jaxdahloutside the loop
22:23.16jaxdahldoes the function get called at all?
22:23.18cogwheeljaxdahl missed the boat
22:23.36GeoDaMancerThe loop is being called, as is the function. It's the if then else end that isn't getting called for some reason.
22:24.18jaxdahlnot overridign it anywhere else?
22:24.44TabykI can't see where... the code is pretty simple in it's current form.  ^_^;
22:25.16QzotTabyk: prints out the expected message on line 28??
22:26.02TabykYes, it did, with all relevant data.
22:27.01QzotI wish you were also printing out the id, but it's probably okay.
22:27.14TabykIt is...
22:27.42jaxdahli think he means 'id' itself
22:27.59QzotThat's what I meant. A number 1,16. The loop index.
22:28.08TabykOh... I can do that too.  Just a moment.
22:28.23QzotI have one idea.
22:29.03QzotAs well as adding "id" to your print statement, put an extra print statement below the if-else-end.
22:29.26QzotI'm trying to test whether the code is blowing up and aborting silently when you do Show()/Hide().
22:29.52cogwheelMaybe put one *inside* the if conditions...
22:30.04QzotPlease don't.
22:30.05cogwheelit's possible the frames are being shown properly but are incorrectly anchored or something
22:30.33cogwheelmanually show them then to make sure they work?
22:30.39QzotJust let's see if it's actually making it to the other side of that loop. Which is one reason I was wishing id was being printed.
22:30.49QzotAnother good idea.
22:31.14dreyruugrIs that your whole addon?
22:31.38TabykYes, that is it Dreyruugr
22:31.55TabykAnd I think I found the problem... and I have only myself to blame.  >_<
22:32.10jaxdahlcan you blame slouken?
22:32.23QzotWell, don't keep us in suspense...
22:32.36TabykNope... can't blame Slouken
22:32.43dreyruugrAnd what's the issue with it?
22:34.32JoshBorkekrka: ping
22:34.47TabykIt isn't getting spell button IDs after all, when the game first launches... it's trying to pull the data too soon (I haven't put in a "run on variables loaded" yet).  Since I can't Alt-Tab into/out of the game (it locks my laptop).
22:35.13TabykHowever, after initially starting the game, if I ReloadUI() it works fine (the background variables are already loaded)
22:35.30jaxdahlhmm, where do i obtain Squishy? i want to try it out
22:35.50cogwheelwell, at least you have some good code cleanup tips :P
22:36.11jaxdahlany other gems in there that i may not have tried?
22:36.15jaxdahl( i play a paladin )
22:36.18TabykVery true.  I always try to cleanup later... my first pass is always a "will it even work" setup
22:36.30JoshBorkejaxdahl: have you heard of RaidBuffs? ^_^ (self plug)
22:36.36cogwheelyeah... you should've seen my first couple versions of buyemall ;P
22:36.51jaxdahlJoshBorke, i use RABuffs
22:36.57jaxdahlwhat does your thing do?
22:37.33JoshBorkeooo, RABuffs, let me check it out
22:37.59jaxdahlit's a very good piece of work
22:38.07jaxdahllots of little details
22:38.28JoshBorkewow, i'm not gonna lie, that's cool
22:38.28jaxdahl (rather)
22:38.38jaxdahllemme find the right url
22:39.35jaxdahlgrey color means they are not 'here' (out of sight or out of zone)
22:39.58Cideyou should use a GUI :)
22:40.08cogwheelcide, 2nd link :P
22:40.12jaxdahlkings.png = reporting
22:40.17JoshBorkethat's really nice
22:40.20cogwheel(well... 5th i suppose)
22:40.24jaxdahlso i can report to the other paladins what is missing
22:40.24Cideyou think I have time to look at TWO urls?
22:40.30JoshBorkelol Cide
22:40.37JoshBorkejaxdahl: i stand pwned by that mod :-P
22:40.38jaxdahlor report to the raid that AI is missing on people
22:40.53JoshBorkejaxdahl: just in case though:
22:40.56jaxdahland if other people are using the mod, i can get a 3 minute warning on buffs expiring
22:41.06jaxdahlor see how much time is left when i mouse over
22:41.06JoshBorkeit just makes buffing as a paladin easier
22:41.23jaxdahlJoshBorke, another good mod i've seen but not used is PallyPower
22:41.41jaxdahltailored for paladins and managing blessings (can see what the other paladins have specced)
22:41.46jaxdahland what aq20 books they have
22:42.05jaxdahlcan also see how many symbols they have
22:42.07JoshBorkeyea, mine doesn't do all that, nor will it ever :_D
22:42.36jaxdahlgoing to try out squishy now
22:43.48Cideseed of corruption = most overpowered spell in wow
22:44.13JoshBorkeisn't it AWESOME?
22:44.15TabykOkay, weird... I registered the VARIABLES_LOADED event and call on my setup function (to assign IDs) when it fires, not before... and I STILL need to do a ReloadUI() for it to work.
22:44.21JoshBorkejaxdahl: another one I wrote is called HealWatch
22:44.45GeoDaMancerI was having a problem like this..
22:45.33CideJoshBorke: did you read tseric's clarification?
22:45.52TabykI'll try that, cogwheel.  My thanks.
22:45.53JoshBorkeCide: huh? link?
22:46.05Cidethe 1044 damage is from any source
22:46.23Cideso if you cast it and the target takes 1044 damage (any source), it will go off
22:46.34Cidewhich does an aoe for ~1k-ish
22:46.52Cidewhich counts towards the 1044 damage on other nearby people who have seed of corruption on them... (2 sec cast, 0 cooldown)
22:46.58Cideyou do the math
22:47.04JoshBorkeHOLY SHIT!
22:47.34TabykShould probably put in ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED too
22:47.54jaxdahl'The damage from the explosion will count toward the 1044 damage of another target, should one be nearby. Think about that for a bit. '
22:47.54JoshBorkeand i thought the paladin judgement was uber
22:48.27jaxdahldoes it ahve a cast time?
22:48.38JoshBorkeyea, 2secs, 0 cooldown
22:48.45jaxdahland i assume +dmg counts?
22:48.56Cidemost likely
22:49.02Cidebut seriously
22:49.04Cidethat's overpowered
22:49.09JoshBorke1 warlock with the t9 destruction stuns a group
22:49.20JoshBorke2 other warlocks cast a couple seeds
22:49.23Cidehell, it's good in pvp too
22:49.23JoshBorkethere goes the group
22:49.33GeoDaMancerSo, cast it on multiple enemies, then... Set one off.. Or do an AOE affect, and you get a chain of 'spolisions?
22:49.39Cidepull 5 mobs, 10 sec later they all take 5k damage each
22:49.47CideGeoDaMancer: yep
22:50.05TabykThat did it.  *insert much cheering here*
22:50.09GeoDaMancerThat is wrong. I love it. But wrong.
22:50.20GeoDaMancerTabyk, were you trying to make a gui for your casting thing?
22:50.42jaxdahlmana coast again?
22:51.35TabykThe original idea was just pop-ups to tell me that I can cast certain direct-target spells (enough mana, in range, no cooldown, et cetera)... for my benefit only.  I think I'm going to make them clickable though to actually cast the spell.
22:51.39Cide882 Mana30 yd range
22:51.40Ciderank 1
22:51.48Cidewhich is the only rank
22:52.13Cidelot of shit you can do
22:52.22Cidejust imagine
22:52.29jaxdahlwhat is the damage coefficient?
22:52.35Cidenot known
22:52.37Cidedots get 100%
22:52.41Cideno idea about the aoe
22:52.56Cideseed of corruption on player X, seed of corruption on priest, unstable affliction on player X
22:53.02jaxdahlwill +dmg also affect the amount of damage the target needs to take in order to explode?
22:53.09Cidepriest dispels unstable affliction to get rid of seed of corruption
22:53.25Cidetriggers unstable affliction which deals ~1.5k damage to priest, followed by the aoe from seed of corruption
22:54.14jaxdahloh man, imagine this
22:54.30jaxdahlyou are fighting an anubisath defender
22:54.40jaxdahland it reflects shadow damage to you (ie, SoCo)
22:54.50jaxdahlthen does a thunderclap or meteor
22:55.01jaxdahland hits you for 1044
22:55.07jaxdahlboom, everyone around you hit for 1044
22:56.05TabykOh, my QWERTY setup?  I used FlexBar for that.  If I hold down the ALT key they all remap instead a second set.  Gives me 36 buttons (plus the 6 movement keys) without having to move my hand around a lot.  Still getting used to it though.  -_-
22:56.31Tabyker... instead = into
22:56.52cogwheelYeah i use 4 rows of 6 buttons mostly... though I use dvorak so it's ',.pyf instead of qwerty :P
22:57.03cogwheelthen all my movement's withmy mouse
22:57.09cogwheels/hm/h m/
22:57.44jaxdahlbtw the explosion damage is 1110 to 1290 Shadow damage
22:58.53jaxdahli wonder how much aggro the warlock would get, lol
22:59.16TabykI'm still not used to using the mouse for moving... changing facing, yes, actually moving forward/backward, no.  Been using the keyboard for the two years that I've been on-again/off-again playing, and am just now trying to change.
22:59.44cogwheelset your middle button to toggle autorun and turn off camera follow. it makes a HUGE difference
23:00.26Mikkmouse for MOVING? why'd you want to do that? o.O
23:00.28GeoDaMancerUgh, I have to work on my addon, so that I can actually play my rogue tonight. xD
23:01.13Mikkother than holding down both mouse buttons to move forward while your left hand is busy wiht whatever :-P
23:02.10GeoDaMancerI just use the arrow keys. xD
23:03.07TabykThat is what I am used to as well, Geo.  ^_^
23:03.35cogwheelmikk, you'd be surprised... I have so much more control especially with turning around to track lava surgers for instance
23:03.51TabykBut I would like to start trying PvP combat (and not die), as well as better reaction times for my first attempts at end-game.
23:04.32GeoDaMancerYeah. I suck at PVP.
23:04.42GeoDaMancerMy main's a rogue, and he was beaten by a mage 10 levels below him.
23:05.29GeoDaMancerI hate AoE Spells.
23:05.46GeoDaMancerAnd I'd forgotten to stock up on Flash Powder. xD
23:05.56QzotAoE should be completely done away with.
23:06.03QzotExcept for druid AoE spells.
23:06.06QzotThose are okay.
23:06.25Shadowedbecause they suck?
23:06.32Shadowedthe druid AE that is
23:06.50QzotWell, it certainly hasn't seem overpowered to me.
23:07.01QzotAt least, they aren't overpowered when *I* use them.
23:09.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
23:09.20GeoDaMancerAoE wouldn't be so bad, but stealthing doesn't make you totally invisible.
23:10.23Temwell here's the problem with AoE spells wrt to rogue stealth
23:10.34Tem(this may not be true in 1.12, but was true in 1.11)
23:10.53Temgetting a 100% resist on an aoe spell while you are stealthed would still break stealth
23:11.12Temthat is bogus
23:11.23TemI'm a mage, and I think that's bogus
23:11.30GeoDaMancerBut, they can also just use the instant cast ice spell, and throw you out of stealth before you can get close. xD
23:11.34Tempoor rogues must be crazy pissed when it happens
23:11.43Temwe have to see you for that
23:11.58GeoDaMancerNot unless you just randomly hit it. xD
23:12.11TemI've gotten pretty good at guessing though
23:12.21TemI hear that whoosh and I hit nova
23:12.30GeoDaMancerThat whoosh fucks up us.
23:12.41GeoDaMancerEr, pardon that. It just makes me very angry. xD
23:12.46Temthen I find a nice squishy rogue trapped in a 70% crit zone
23:13.00Temwith only a 5 minute cooldown to save himself
23:13.42Tem70% crit lets me 2 shot poorly geared rogues
23:13.56Temmuch <3 for rogues will less than 4k hp
23:14.02QzotCute read on romances that started in-game:
23:14.21GeoDaMancerThen, most mage spells can be casted just before they enter the range for thrown weapons.
23:14.25cladhairehi =)
23:14.55JoshBorkei was only kidding about the script, i hope you realize :-)
23:15.02cladhairei do =)
23:15.06cladhairebut no no one can have it :P
23:15.13cladhairethe amount of os.execute() and io.popen( )is sick =)
23:15.43TemGeoDaMancer, actually, I find it more annoying when the mage stay *just* inside my bow range
23:15.55Temin the ranged dead zone
23:16.08Tem(on my rogue, that is )
23:16.39Tem(on my mage though, I laugh it up while the rogue can't do shit except burn a reagent and a 5 minute cooldown to avoid certain death)
23:16.41GeoDaMancerYeah. Ranged attacks all have the same distance. -_- The mage who killed me hit me with the freeze spell, then took three steps back, out of physical range, and I couldn't touch 'em.
23:17.02GeoDaMancerI hate mages. ^_^
23:17.42Temdon't worry, in the TBC you'll just garrote and laugh while the mage can only burn a 5 minute cooldown to save himself
23:17.46JoshBorkecladhaire: i wondered :_)
23:17.53Tem(well, 4 minute cooldown in my case)
23:17.59GeoDaMancerWell, that assumes I can get BC.
23:17.59Tem(much love for Ice Flows)
23:18.04GeoDaMancerI don't like garrote. xD
23:18.14Temnot even when it silences me for 3 seconds?
23:18.25GeoDaMancerIt will!?
23:18.30GeoDaMancerWell, I have kick to do that. xD
23:18.42cladhairethey blink out of cheap shot.
23:18.47cladhairegarotte ftw against a mage in bc
23:18.49Temunless you silence from stealth, you won't get a kick off
23:18.49GeoDaMancerCheap-shot, then kick kick kick.
23:19.15GeoDaMancerBlink cancels stuns!?
23:19.15Temoh, and if I see you first, you're still screwed
23:19.23cladhairewhat mages have you played against =)
23:19.28Temindeed lol
23:19.37Temblink lets you out of STUNS
23:19.44cladhairenot gouge tho =)
23:19.47GeoDaMancerThat is messed up.
23:19.52cladhairethat gets me a good 1600 damage =)
23:20.23Temwhich doesn't include charms, disorients and other things that look like a stun
23:20.32cladhairemmm sexy gouge, backstab
23:20.38Temmmm, iceblock
23:20.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
23:21.01TemI **love** seeing a rogue blow 60 energy on my iceblock
23:21.11cladhairehahahathats a stupid rogue =)
23:21.18Temno, it's good timing
23:21.25Temyou know how it is
23:21.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:21.36cladhairernah, always the rogue's fault.
23:21.37Temyou hit gouge then you run behind and SPAM backstab
23:21.39cladhairetrust me :P
23:21.43cladhairei dont spam
23:21.55Temwaiting for the energy
23:22.04QzotOh, god.
23:22.08Temdamn, I wish I had transfered my mage to your realm
23:22.13TemI'd love to duel you
23:22.13cladhairei wait out the gouge
23:22.17cladhairedont worry about energy =)
23:22.29Temeh, I haven't used my rogue in pvp much
23:22.40Temonly in pve where the mob turns right back around
23:23.00cladhairei xferd my druid over
23:23.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:23.11cladhairestill have to sell my hand of edward the odd
23:23.22TemI wish I had a pally
23:23.29TemI'd want to steal that from you
23:23.40cladhairei prefer money =)
23:23.45cladhaireneed my epix mount for my drood
23:24.06Qzotcladhaire: tauren or night elf?
23:24.30Qzot*sigh* I wish Tauren could ride raptors.
23:24.47GeoDaMancerThey can't? xD
23:24.55QzotMy Tauren is stuck riding a sucky wolf.
23:25.09GeoDaMancerI thought Tauren road Kodos.
23:25.30QzotRich Tauren can ride wolves, but not raptors or undead mounts.
23:25.48GeoDaMancerToo fat?
23:25.57QzotWatch it, buster!
23:26.01cladhaireyay for AV epic mount =)
23:26.16QzotAnother "fat" comment, and I'll sit on you.
23:26.45GeoDaMancerOh now, I don't want to live the rest of my life as a pancake. Given, with a Tauren around, it would probably be a short life. xD
23:27.20cladhaireyay for chain killing dunemaul ogres for 600 xp each
23:27.59QzotDepends. We have sucky AoE, remember?
23:28.05TemI think raptors and the undead mounts look the best
23:28.12QzotTem: Agreed.
23:28.26GeoDaMancerWhat are Undead Mounts?
23:28.29QzotI wantwantwantwant a raptor for my Tauren.
23:28.39QzotThey are, um, mounts.
23:28.40Temthe reason I still go on ZG runs is partially that raptor mount
23:28.45QzotAnd they're undead.
23:28.49TemGeoDaMancer, skeletal horses
23:28.54GeoDaMancerOh, cool.
23:30.17GeoDaMancerEr, I meant something else Q.
23:31.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
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23:35.13JoshBorkejust so you know, smite is scared of the captain in Beadmines
23:35.17JoshBorkeer, deadmines
23:35.18JoshBorkehe runs away
23:36.33Nightdewwhat is the best way to check wether or not you are actually swinging your weapon?
23:41.57QzotDrizzle, drazzle, drozzle, drone, time for this one to go home...
23:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
23:57.24*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney (

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