irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060830

00:02.31TemCorrodias, yeah that's what I heard
00:03.01Corrodiasthey were reluctant to even let people move their characters across realms
00:03.26Corrodiasi find it hilarious that someone would be trying to convince people that they'd let them change sides, and only certain race/class combinations at that.
00:30.37MikkOk, I know you can spend hours pasting links to image dumps but I just have to paste this one. It cracked me up :-P
00:32.31Mikki love how it's looking up straight into the camera with its tongue still hanging down to the bottom of the jar :-P
00:32.50Corrodiashah! nicw
00:33.02Corrodiasdamn it's a bit harer to type with this medical tape pulling my fingers together
00:33.23CairennCorrodias: heh, try typing with your hand in a cast
00:33.49CairennI did that for the first few months of WoW, was fun getting the site set up and stuff that way
00:34.32KirkburnWould that have anything to do with ... ?
00:34.48Cairennindeed it would
00:35.22Cairennbroke the tiny bone right between my thumb and wrist on the Canada Day long weekend
00:35.30Cairennthat sucked SO bad
00:35.34KirkburnOw >.<
00:35.55CairennCorrodias: /comfort, I know where you're coming from =/
00:36.50MentalPowerI think I like this one better
00:37.10Cairennyou guys are using the old site
00:38.35KirkburnGoogling for Cairenn brings up the former still :(
00:38.56Cairennshould have Dolby pull that one of these days, I suppose
00:39.23KirkburnPage 5 for that one :/
00:39.29MentalPowerZOMG, Cair's shield was designed by T.King?
00:39.54Cairennthat's his interpretation of my shield, yes
00:40.09CairennI sent him the "original", that was what he made for me :)
00:40.45Cairennand that one is VERY much copyrighted ... I ever find anyone else using it and there'll be hell to pay
00:41.18Corrodiaswhat the heck are dolls?
00:41.27TainHell hath no fury like a woman copyright infringed.
00:41.35Corrodiasand what page 5 are we looking at?
00:42.10Corrodiasoh, i see the shield, ignore that question
00:42.28MentalPowerI was about to mention that your links to T.King's site use the old link, but it seems the new one is having issues too
00:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
00:42.44Cairenn"dolls" in this case are referring to pixel art
00:43.02Cairennall of my avatars are done pixel by pixel
00:43.06Corrodiasis pixel art somehow different from art displayed by pixels? >_>
00:43.41GeoDaMancer`Yes, technically.
00:43.50GeoDaMancer`Pixel art is art draw a single pixel at a time. >.>
00:44.23Warlaanyone good with reg expressions?
00:44.31GeoDaMancer`What'cha need, Warla?
00:44.37GeoDaMancer`I'm at least alright with it.
00:44.49Corrodiasactually, that sounds similar to something i did back in elementary school, "low res" art. we took graph paper and made our pics by coloring in the boxes.
00:44.49GeoDaMancer`Regex is my friend. : D
00:44.52Cairennone of these days I really should get the rest of my wow ava's done
00:44.55Warlawhen i have a string with text and 1 single number (1-9) how do i get that number
00:44.57Corrodiasit was more entertaining than it sounds.
00:45.00CairennCorrodias: indeed
00:45.08Warlashould return "7"
00:45.16GeoDaMancer`One moment.
00:45.37GeoDaMancer`I had something like that for phone numbers.
00:45.55Warlanice to filter spaces and - ?
00:46.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:46.17GeoDaMancer`[0-9] would pick up the numbers.
00:46.39GeoDaMancer`No, it was a JS thing that would only accept numbers, and automatically add in the '-'.
00:46.48Warlaahh ic
00:46.59GeoDaMancer`What language are you working with?
00:47.39Warla$str = preg_replace('[0-9]','$1',$str);
00:47.39GeoDaMancer`Oh, hells yeah. My favorite language. One moment. xD
00:47.42Warlawould that work?
00:47.48GeoDaMancer`Looks like it. xD
00:48.09GeoDaMancer`I don't remember the specifics for php's regex.
00:49.55Warlahmm mucst have picked the wrong one.. i get exactly the same string back heh
00:50.19GeoDaMancer`You sure?
00:50.42GeoDaMancer`Hrm, my reg expression might be slightly wrong. I don't remember exactly if that's correct.
00:50.52GeoDaMancer`JS's regex is different from Php's. down?
00:52.07GeoDaMancer`Seems so.
00:52.14Warlafeel cut off
00:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
00:52.23Gryphenworks for me
01:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:26.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
01:27.04KirkburnG'night everyone!
01:27.26KirkburnOh, and Leela rocks
01:27.34KirkburnThat case mod ... doesn't.
01:27.54Cairennnight Kirkburn
01:28.02TemMaldivia is a gnome
01:28.11Kirkburn(at least futurama is returning, anyway)
01:28.24KirkburnNight night :)
01:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
01:28.57EsamynnEvening all
01:29.06CairennEsamynn! check your damn PMs!
01:29.31MentalPowero.O, pissed off Cair = bad
01:29.49Esamynnsorry, I've had to drop off the world for a week and a bit
01:30.00Cairenneverything okay?
01:30.03TemI've never checked em
01:30.07Esamynnyah, I just needed a break
01:30.19Esamynnfor my sanity
01:30.27Cairennbreaks are good, so long as they aren't like arms or legs or necks or anything like that
01:30.34Mikkbreaks are very good
01:41.00EsamynnMikk: aye they are good, especially in my case where I'm going back to school in a week
01:41.14Esamynnback in a bit, rebooting
01:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
01:48.31Nightdewdoes anyone here know a totem trinket that casts some kind of totem?
01:57.05Mikkdoes the cannonball runner count?
01:57.17Mikkit's not _shaped_ like a totem but.... =)
02:00.47Gngskafaik you can't target that cannon
02:01.39MentalPoweryou can't target a totem either
02:01.48Mikksure you can
02:02.08cladhaire./target searing totem
02:02.20MentalPoweroh, that target
02:02.25Mikkcan click it too
02:02.39MentalPowerI thought you meant target the effect of the trinket/totem
02:11.21Templease tell me that the forums login server is down
02:11.30Temand not that my account password is different
02:12.05Tem*phew* I successfully logged into the game
02:12.57Tem(and then right back out so as not to get fired)
02:16.55dreyruugrhow do you cast a string to an int in lua
02:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
02:20.29Tempms, yo
02:21.10Tem(does anyone else find the plural form of "pm" confusing?)
02:21.40MentalPoweronly when its pms (which I translate to something other than PMs)
02:22.20Temaye, me too
02:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
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02:26.15*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
02:28.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
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02:45.43*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
02:46.31Nightdewis there any way to determine in what "status" a certain spell is like shapeshifing or being mounted.?
02:46.42Nightdewif you activate the spell there might be a casting time
02:46.52Nightdewbut when you deactivate its instant
02:47.02Nightdewanyway to differentiate between the two?
02:47.10Mikkscan buffs
02:47.47Nightdeware spell name and buff always the same?
02:48.37Mikkyou don't get buff names directly. you get texture names
02:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:49.05Mikkthere might be a better way to get shapeshifting/stances, but you need to scan buffs for being mounted
02:49.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:49.26Cairennhey Iriel
02:50.21IrielGetShapeshiftFormInfo ?
02:50.34GeoDaMancer`Yes, 'cause it returns if it's active.
02:58.42IrielAny rogues here know the extent of the pick pocket change from 1.12?
02:58.56GeoDaMancer`What do you mean?
02:59.05GeoDaMancer`I just know I get good stuff from it now.
02:59.11Irielsupposedly you can pick the pocket of things in combat
02:59.21Iriel(when they're in combat)
02:59.32Irielbut posts on the customer service forum imply it's more subtle than that
02:59.48GeoDaMancer`Mmm, I don't know that for certain, but I know that most of their other improvements are true now.
03:02.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:02.48*** join/#wowi-lounge effj (
03:02.54effjanyone awake?
03:04.32GeoDaMancer`I'm sleep typing.
03:04.37effjGreat. Let's say I want to save n variables in a steady interval and save those for parsing elsewhere, what would be the best "datatype" (if such thing exists) to use? I've checked some savedvariables-files and they'd get pretty messy with new stuff for each timestamp
03:04.48Irielan array
03:05.08Irieltable.insert(StoredData, string.format("%s %s", timestamp, data))
03:05.11Irielor something like that
03:05.20Irielarray of strings is the easiest to parse later
03:05.41Irieltimestamp and data can be whatever you want them to be
03:05.44effjHow is that data saved between sessions then?
03:05.56effjDon't want a huuuge savedvariables
03:06.10IrielYou'll get a huge saved variables, you just have to clean it up when you're done parsing
03:06.12Irieljust remove the file
03:06.22Iriel(Assuming you parse when the game isn't running)
03:06.57IrielThe other option is to use the chatlog and send messages to yourself on a private channel, but that's kinda kludgy
03:07.15effjYeah already read that link but had my hopes that there would be a "smart" way of storing more nonstatic data.. but oh well
03:07.40IrielSaved variables are sufficient given the context
03:08.09Irielit's clean, easy, and doesn't violate the 'no realtime i/o' rule
03:09.23effjI suppose deleting or truncating a table in-game would do the job of tidying up the file just as well as the third-party parser would, right?
03:11.04effjThat answers my questions, and I just gotta say I'm thankful and impressed of the help.. didn't think I'd get that service at this time of the day ;)
03:11.27IrielYou're MORE likely to get service this time of the day
03:11.31Irielwe're not all at work anymore
03:12.30Cairennheh, given the international makeup of this channel ... there's usually *someone* around
03:12.55norgssome of us are still at work :)
03:13.07effjAh, I'm too used to quakenet where most of us are europeans
03:13.28effjclock is 05.13 over here ;)
03:14.45IrielI think it's time for AfterCast to go to version 1.0
03:16.04Cairennlol Iriel, ya think?
03:16.24Cairenneffj, we've got NA/EU/Aussie/YouNameIt in here ;)
03:18.49Cairennhell, we've even had some ssh tunnel through the great firewall of china into here
03:19.55effjWell, guess I just got another channel to watch then
03:20.56Corrodiasgreat, E'T is screwing up again
03:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kamerik (
03:27.14MentalPowerhey yeah, what happenned to Wobin?
03:27.32MentalPower(the SSH tunnel thru china guy)
03:27.34Corrodiashey yeah, our realm blows
03:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (
03:27.41MentalPower~seen Wobin
03:27.52purlwobin is currently on #gnu-kbsd, last said: 'prbably not important :)'.
03:28.01Corrodiasretrieve character list, fucker
03:39.51Corrodiasthey were planning to restart it in about 8 hours to address some "minor issue"
03:40.01Corrodiasi daresay they've got a major issue, now
03:41.06Kamerikthey moved us to "new hardware" this morning, entire raid has been d/ced 4 times so far
03:41.18Corrodiasyep, it's completely offline, now. they may well have decided to restart it now that it fucked up.
03:43.45Corrodiaslooks like a bunch of realms are going down
03:44.12Corrodiasfrostmane, gurubashi, nazrethim... those are all in our BG group, too
03:57.49Cairennguys, do me a favour, will ya? don't ever just drop out of sight and contact completely with no word to anyone?
03:58.40NightdewOne of the things i always ask my friends as well
03:58.59NightdewYou loose people and you never find out what happened..
04:00.51Cairennwell, I'm one of those stupid people, you see
04:01.02CairennI worry about people I give a shit about
04:01.09Nightdewstrange ;)
04:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:04.51Tainbut but running away and hiding is so much easier
04:05.28Cairennonly until I hunt you down and beat the crap out of you for scaring me
04:16.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:33.01*** join/#wowi-lounge GremWarsong (
04:33.56GremWarsongDoes anyone know how to auto-accept the 'This item is bind on equip, are you sure you want to equip it' thing?
04:34.04GremWarsongwith a script or something
04:35.43GeoDaMancer`Do you have Cosmos?
04:35.53GeoDaMancer`Hrm, never mind.
04:37.36MentalPowerGremWarsong: AutoBindOnPickup
04:37.42MentalPowercosmos AddOn
04:37.59MentalPoweror just hack the StaticPopups table
04:41.55GremWarsongId prefer to avoid do you solve this with hacking the StaticPopups table?
04:42.35GremWarsongI dont want bind on pickup
04:42.41GremWarsongI want to bypass the Bind on Equip
04:43.31GremWarsongI was thinking it might have something to do with this:   EquipPendingItem(invSlot)   - Equips the currently pending Bind-on-Equip or Bind-on-Pickup item from the specified inventory slot. (Internal - do not use)
04:43.44GremWarsong(From WoW WIKI)
04:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge nezroy_ (
04:50.07MentalPowerIC, then the cosmos addon won't help you
04:50.08MentalPowerone sec
04:50.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
04:50.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
04:50.45CairennHey Bela :)
04:50.49Cairennyou're on rather late for you
04:51.09BeladonaI am actually usually in-game
04:51.14Beladonathis time of night
04:51.29Beladonabut we finished early, so here I am
04:51.54Beladonaguild priest got Alana's Embrace tonight
04:51.59Beladonavery nice drop
04:52.35Cairenngrats a_guild_priest_001
04:54.22GremWarsongevent == "EQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM" or event == "AUTOEQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM"   dont seem to trigger when you get the 'Do you want to equip this bind on equip item' window
04:54.35GremWarsongSo im even more lost now
04:55.16GremWarsongoh wait
04:56.15GremWarsongThere we go, it triggers
04:56.21GremWarsongJust need to figure out how to accept it!
04:57.10MentalPowerStaticPopupDialogs["EQUIP_BIND"].OnShow = StaticPopupDialogs["EQUIP_BIND"].OnAccept
04:57.19GremWarsongThanks =)
04:57.38MentalPowererm... wait, that won't hide it
04:57.54GremWarsongI actually figured it out I think
04:58.13GremWarsongEquipPendingItem(0) seems to equip any item in the cursor, and autoaccepts the BoE message
05:00.39Cairennnight Nightdew
05:01.14MentalPowerStaticPopupDialogs["EQUIP_BIND"].OnShow = function(slot) EquipPendingItem(slot) this:GetParent():Hide() end
05:01.34MentalPowerthen to turn it off, just do StaticPopupDialogs["EQUIP_BIND"].OnShow = nil
05:06.17Beladonaok, bed time. See ya all laters
05:11.13MentalPowerDoes anyone have any pointers on how to extract the sounds from the Interface AddOn kit?
05:13.26Cairennnot I MP, sorry
05:19.05MentalPoweror as a compromise, does anyone know where I can find the fanfare that plays at the completion of the extraction process?
05:20.38MentalPowergreat, our IRC server just died
05:22.12Cairenndatavertex? yeah, been dead for a while now
05:22.24Cairennmy auto-rejoin has given up
05:23.45Cairennand sorry I'm not being of much help, but extracting the sound files is one of the few things I *haven't* done =/
05:23.54AnduinLotharmine must be coded to keep trying... endlessly
05:24.30norgsmp - doesn't winmpq do it?
05:25.19MentalPowerhmm... good pointer norgs, chances are its an MPQ, lemme check that out
05:25.59norgsdear lord - curse has "Burning Crusade Spell Database" already
05:26.30AnduinLotharya, and items farmed from files
05:26.38MentalPowernorgs, you're about two or three days late :)
05:27.08norgshmmm - first time i been to curse for a while
05:29.11MentalPowernorgs: BINGO! thanks for the tip :)
05:29.54MentalPowerthey're .oog files
05:31.24norgswhat do you need them for?
05:31.43MentalPoweran Auctioneer feature a user asked for
05:31.51MentalPowers/he wants a sound played when the scan is over
05:31.53norgsahh - finished scannin
05:32.24norgslol - our server goes down and we take over wowi channel :)
05:33.24norgsso have you got something that'll play oggs?
05:33.57Cairennand you've heard me screaming bloody blue murder too, right?
05:34.24MentalPowernorgs: yup Winamp, although I wonder if the game plays .oog files
05:34.27MentalPowerCairenn: huh?
05:34.45Cairennabout you taking over the channel ... I'm so pissed off about it, can't you tell?
05:34.53MentalPowerlol, sure :P
05:36.01CairennI don't care guys, really, the channel is quiet and after all, what is it here for? for authors to talk
05:36.03Cairennso, talk
05:36.28MentalPowerall right, all right. I'll talk! :P
05:37.11Shadoweddeath to auctioneer
05:38.29MentalPower~whaleparry Shadowed
05:38.36purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Shadowed's attacks.
05:38.55purlMentalPower: :)
05:40.30ScytheBlade1Is there an addon that will track my cooldowns in a similar fashion that natr enemy cast bars does?
05:40.54MentalPowerWOOT! WoW plays .oog's!!!
05:40.58ScytheBlade1I can never remember to pop my trinkets :(
05:41.01MentalPowerno conversion necessary!
05:41.27norgswhere did you find the file anyhow mp?
05:41.39norgsi've been trying :)
05:41.57MentalPowerthe kit or the sound inside it?
05:42.07norgsthe sound
05:42.40MentalPowerinside the Windows version of the kit
05:43.16MentalPowerusing Ladik's MPQ Editor ( <---Much better than WinMPQ IMHO
05:44.09norgsok, never mind... i'm blind... :(
05:44.28MentalPowerlater Iriel
05:45.09Cairennnight Iriel
05:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
05:46.08norgswow, thanks for that link mp!
05:46.42Guillotinejust had to stop by to let you guys know my awesome new addon idea only because I love you all so much: the addon sits at the neutral AH, sniping low cost goods being transferred across factions
05:47.14GuillotineOne of my guildys got a Glowing Brightwood for 5c on the neutral AH like that :D
05:47.48CairennI'd HATE you :p
05:47.51norgsthat's awesome Guillotine !
05:48.21GuillotineI will enforce the anger between the factions!
05:48.23Guillotineno more trading!
05:48.36Guillotinethat will be all :) gn all <3
05:48.43MentalPowernight Guillotine
05:49.01GuillotineP.S. nobody making a sniping bot on draenor. this servers mine :D
05:50.44Cairenngiven the amount of stuff I transfer back and forth .. I'd KILL him
05:53.23norgsi was always so paranoid at transferring, i'd always make sure nobody else was there, then have the other person on the phone and say exactly when i posted the auction :)
05:53.45norgshaven't done it in *ages* tho
05:54.44MentalPowernow we have linked neutral AH's
05:54.53MentalPowerso you need at least three chars
05:55.07MentalPowerone in each AH to make sure the coast is clear
05:56.00Hexarobidoes buying an item in ah require a hardware event? ;)
05:56.27MentalPowerand don't ever make something that would make blizz change that PLEASE
05:57.05Cairennsounds like Guil already has ><
05:57.30norgsheheh - but he hasn't released it, so that's cool
05:59.01MentalPowerI'm still troubled about the ReloadUI() hw event change
05:59.44MentalPowerthe only mod that used that for something borderline was Auctioneer (would reloadUI after an AH scan was dome if the user wanted to force a saving of variables)
06:02.56ScytheBlade1Who understands how Frame:GetChildren() works? The wiki page just isn't doing it for me
06:04.10MentalPowerFrame:GetChildren() returns all first level children frames (not textures or fontstrings) of the specified frame as individual returns
06:04.44ScytheBlade1So it returns the children themselves?
06:05.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
06:05.31MentalPowerthe usual use of Frame:GetChildren() is in "children = {Frame:GetChildren()}" since then you don't have to worry about not having enough variables to hold all the children
06:05.42MentalPoweryes, the references to all the children
06:05.46MentalPowerone sec
06:05.49MentalPowerrestarting FF
06:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Hatsuki (
06:09.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
06:09.43norgsw/b :)
06:09.48MentalPowerhey, long time no see
06:13.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
06:14.08MentalPowernorgs: your mixing of space based and tab based indenting is making my auto-indenter croak
06:14.34norgswhere's this?
06:14.49norgsplus i only ever use tabs
06:15.00Esamynn_Tab indenting FTW!!! =D
06:15.19norgs:set ts=4
06:15.38Cairennhey Esamynn_ :) didn't notice you sneak in
06:16.13Esamynnhmm, interesting, Iriel isn't noted as an MVP on the new forums yet
06:16.26Cairennyes he is
06:16.37Cairennhis text is (bright) green and his avatar is the dino
06:16.50Esamynnahh, he wasn't when he moved over the changes thread
06:16.54dukekuno you're a dino :(
06:17.09Esamynnbright green huh
06:17.24Esamynninteresting colour choice
06:17.35CairennEsamynn: aye, he got that posted before they carried over the mvp statuses
06:17.38Esamynnbetter than the light blue I suppose
06:17.44CairennEsamynn: *very* bright green
06:17.49Cairennhave you not seen it yet?
06:18.04Esamynnyes, I jsut looked up a green post
06:19.01MentalPowernorgs: I appologize, they're all spaces localizer/index.phps
06:19.16MentalPowerseems the tabs I was seeing were my own
06:19.41EsamynnMentalPower: when are you going to do the Gatherer localisation, or do I need to do it? ;)
06:20.31MentalPowerwell, norgs plans to do the localization and I plan to cleanup gatherer's excessive globals usage after your DB changes are done
06:20.42norgsahhh - that's the phps
06:20.46norgsphp messes with that
06:20.57norgsyou should download the tar,gz
06:21.08MentalPowerthey're not the same last time I checked
06:21.31EsamynnMentalPower: oh, I was sort of doing that already, slightly anyways in the dblcean branch, I will bet getting back to that this week after I get the new SV code in
06:21.32norgsoh, really?
06:21.47norgshmmm - ok, well let me start up a svn somewhere then
06:22.45Esamynnback in a sec, need to reboot
06:22.58norgsauctioneer/trunk/localizer mp?
06:23.08MentalPowergot it
06:23.20norgsnah - i was asking if that's a good spot
06:23.41MentalPoweryeah I was just about to respond that there's nothing there
06:23.47MentalPowerbut yeah, good spot
06:23.52ScytheBlade1Theory question - X = MinimapCluster:GetLeft(); Y = MinimapCluster:GetTop();
06:23.56norgsor should I make an auctioneer/misc/localizer
06:24.12ScytheBlade1In theory, that'll give me the top-right X,Y coords for MinimapCluster, right?
06:24.50norgsor maybe i should create a completely new localizer/trunk
06:25.00MentalPowerwell, then I'd have to move installer over there too (the misc)
06:25.11norgsdon't do that!
06:25.21MentalPoweryeah, I know I wont
06:25.29norgsi'd have to redo the build scripts and that'd take weeks to get right again!
06:26.12norgsok, so which one do you think?
06:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:26.43Cairenn*watches norgs having fits*
06:26.47norgsauctioneer/trunk/localizer, auctioneer/misc/localizer or localizer/trunk
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06:27.11Esamynnwhat did I miss?
06:27.13MentalPowerEsamynn: you missed the best bpart
06:27.19norgsi need a new spot for watcher too
06:27.29EsamynnI feel left out now :(
06:27.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:28.15MentalPowerEsamynn: PM's
06:28.24norgsheheh - misc/trunk/localizer :p
06:28.50MentalPowerhmm... now that I think of it I shoud've pastey'd it
06:28.55MentalPowernorgs: sounds good
06:29.04norgsok - cool
06:29.40MentalPowerTortoiseSVN should handle externals better I think
06:29.42Esamynnthat was a much shorter fit than I would have had ;)
06:29.59Esamynnit handles externals the same way SVN does
06:30.09norgsi don't think svn handles externals very good fullstop.
06:30.21EsamynnTortoiseSVN is just window dressing for SVN
06:30.37MentalPowerit queries the same address fifty times if there are fifty externals that reference it
06:30.43MentalPowertotal waste of bandwidth
06:31.17norgsthe only problem with it being in /misc is it won't be covered by the auctioneer trac (which is probably not a problem per-se)
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06:31.56Esamynnrebooting, again.....
06:32.01MentalPowerI don't think we need a trac for watcher or for localizer yet
06:34.36MentalPowerScytheBlade1: X, Y = MinimapCluster:GetLeft(), MinimapCluster:GetTop() will give you the X, Y screen coords of the TOPLEFT point for the MinimapCluster
06:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:36.04ScytheBlade1So from there, I could use SetPoint to restore set it to that, after I moved it, right?
06:36.09ShadowedAnyone know which MPQ file stores the AB icons for farm, mill, stables, ect?
06:36.16norgsw/b Esamynn: i've had no more conniptions since you left, so you didn't miss anything much...
06:37.31Esamynnsetting up a windows box is a pain in the buttt
06:37.32Cairennwell guys, I'm out
06:37.37Esamynnnight Cair
06:37.38MentalPowerShadowed: the interface kit extracts those
06:37.41MentalPowerI think
06:37.47MentalPowernight Cair
06:37.59Esamynnit should extract them along with the rest of the interface art
06:38.45ScytheBlade1MentalPower, GetTop should return how far it is from the top of the screen, correct?
06:38.50Shadowedhave to go through each folder and check them all
06:39.08ScytheBlade1MentalPower, For whatever reason, if I move the window up towards the top of the screen, GetTop *grows*.
06:39.16Shadowedaha there we go
06:39.30MentalPowerShadowed: Blizzard Interface Art\Minimap\POIIcons.blp
06:39.51EsamynnScytheBlade1: the coordinates are relative to the bottom left of the screen
06:40.13Shadowedthat's for another thing
06:40.14ScytheBlade1Okay, that's just plain broken and brain dead
06:40.20ScytheBlade1But thanks, heh, that explains a bit
06:40.42Shadowedwell that doesn't help
06:40.47MentalPoweryeah Blizz doesn't seem to decide where the origin is
06:41.01Shadowedhave to figure out the actual Id, can't look at the BLP to get it easly
06:41.28MentalPowerShadowed: huh? that file *does* contain the AB objective icons
06:41.30MentalPowerall of them
06:42.02ShadowedIt doesn't contain a direct, farm contested by horde = farm3.blp i mean
06:42.24MentalPowerah, in that you're right
06:42.33MentalPowerthey're all in the same blp
06:43.31Esamynnok, rebooting, again, 2nd last time I hope
06:44.05ScytheBlade1As I move the window in the upwards direction on my screen
06:44.14ScytheBlade1Both GetTop and GetBottom increase.
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06:44.51MentalPowerthey should differ by Frame:GetHeight()
06:44.57ScytheBlade1Oh, duh.
06:44.59ScytheBlade1That makes sense.
06:45.57ScytheBlade1Well kinda.
06:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:47.27ScytheBlade1Something tells me it'll take me a few days to wrap my head around how blizzard does it's UI elements.
06:47.53Esamynnit works well and is pretty consistant for the most part
06:47.59Esamynnnight sedatedChipmunk
06:48.08ScytheBlade1Consistency is one thing, and it's a good thing
06:48.28Mikkthere's a few interesting quirks where strings are involved though
06:48.30Esamynnunless its consistent stupidity
06:48.46Mikkbut at least they're documented now
06:48.49ScytheBlade1But in my mind, GetTop() should always return the number of (pixels or units) from the top-left corner of the frame
06:49.14ScytheBlade1GetBottom() would return the number of pixels or units from the top-left corner of the frame to the bottom of the screen.
06:49.21Esamynnnah, those are designed to give you absolute coordinates, they even return in the scale of the widget you call them on
06:49.22ScytheBlade1Not the bottom of the frame to the bottom of the screen.
06:49.23MentalPowerlike I said blizz has different definitions of origin
06:49.31MentalPowerin textures its the bottomleft
06:49.36MikkScytheBlade1: everything returns offset from the bottom left corner of the screen
06:49.37ScytheBlade1Yeah. It'll take a bit to get used to it.
06:49.46MikkGetTop as well as GetBottom
06:49.56ScytheBlade1Mikk, yeah, hence why it's screwing with my head
06:50.14Esamynnwell maybe your head is just screwy ;)
06:50.19MikkMy head is built for top left origin, too
06:50.35ScytheBlade1You know what? Maybe it is
06:50.42norgsmentalpower: that's done:
06:50.42ScytheBlade1But this is *Blizzard* we're talking about here ;)
06:50.44Esamynnwhich isn't really a bad thing
06:50.53MikkWell, I started programming graphics with topleft origin .. aeuhm.. 22 years ago
06:50.58EsamynnMathematical sense, my GOD, it's almost criminal
06:50.59MikkIt doesn't swing around THAT easily :-P
06:51.14krkayeah, the bottom-left stuff is annoying at first
06:51.17ScytheBlade1Nope, same here
06:51.19ScytheBlade1It sucks
06:51.28Esamynnusing a mathematical grid, instead of the screen draw origin
06:51.42ScytheBlade1I'm dragging the window UP and the GetTop/GetBottom functions are returning *larger* numbers
06:51.45norgssame as autocad, 3dsmax etc
06:51.50ScytheBlade1And I'm just wtf'ing
06:51.53norgsall use 0,0 = bottom, left
06:51.55jaxdahlno password for the root@localhost mysql acct?
06:51.58MikkThe annoying thing is that they're drawing it on top of something that's topleft origin so they're actually having to convert. Mumble :-P
06:52.42ScytheBlade1Well, I get to re-work a bunch of code tomorrow
06:52.44Esamynnjaxdahl: why bother?, you can always set one anyways
06:52.48ScytheBlade1At least I marginally understand it now
06:53.04MikkBut having said that, I've seen plenty worse graphics APIs
06:53.10MikkBlizzard's is totally ok
06:53.26krkaconverting isn't that much work you know :
06:53.27jaxdahlEsamynn, suppose a luser had access?
06:53.35norgsblizzard's actually makes more sense to designers than it does to programmers
06:53.41Esamynntoo the root account, then you have larger problems
06:53.56jaxdahlmysql root != system root
06:54.00MentalPowernorgs: gotit
06:54.09norgswhat's this for?
06:54.13Esamynnroot@localhost = system root
06:54.16norgs(the root access)?
06:54.17Mikksql insertion exploits > joo
06:54.31jaxdahlluser@localhost # mysql -u root
06:54.49Mikkdon't run mysql as root. plx =)
06:55.24norgsat me? I don't run root / no pw in mysql
06:55.27Cairenn|sleep*watches Mikk have fits*
06:55.51MikkCairenn|sleep: i've read bugtraq since 1997. i'm done with fits :-P
06:57.29norgswho is supposedly running mysql with no root password?
06:57.44Esamynnswtiching comps
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06:59.52MentalPower<jaxdahl>no password for the root@localhost mysql acct? <---Who are you talking about?
07:01.34norgsi was just wondering if he was referring to
07:01.46norgsbecause that's just a dist file.
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07:02.49norgsi would never put my dbuser/password into a publically accessible svn...
07:06.19norgsguess i killed the channel...
07:18.12Esamynnnah, it just tends to go dead sometimes, for no apparent reason
07:18.25EsamynnI've often ended up talking to myself
07:20.19Esamynnnight Tem|Sleep
07:20.29Tem|Sleepnight everyone
07:20.36MentalPowernight Tem|Sleep
07:21.50Esamynnthats always a good time to sleep
07:23.18MentalPowernorgs: I've finished my modifications to localizer, how do I see if they work?
07:24.18AnduinLotharwhat changes?
07:24.37MentalPoweradding section titles to files generated for babylonian
07:25.14AnduinLotharin comments?
07:25.16MentalPowerjust like there are section titles for files created for localization
07:25.17norgsyou still got shell access mp?
07:25.24MentalPowerAnduinLothar: ofc
07:25.45AnduinLothar:) too bad sparkz dropped off the face of the planet again
07:25.50MentalPowernorgs: my HD died and I lost my private key
07:26.10MentalPowerlemme see if I can access it with my pw
07:26.11norgsoh, ok... did you want to generate another one and i'll put it back?
07:26.18AnduinLotharI've got a new coder tho, sick him on it after we get the new forums skinned
07:26.46Mr_Rabies2reposting this cause i'm trying to plant a bug in some addon dev heads - i wish someone would update moveanything or make something new that let you move, hide, resize, change transparency, and autohide frames :O
07:27.21MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: too many things in my plate already
07:27.29AnduinLothardo it yourself imo
07:27.53Mr_Rabies2if i knew lua i would :[
07:28.05Mr_Rabies2but sometimes planting bugs in people's heads is just as good :P
07:28.07norgslearn it
07:28.10norgsit's easy
07:28.13norgsand fun!
07:28.24Mr_Rabies2eh coding's not really my thing
07:28.34Mr_Rabies2seems too much like work
07:28.37Esamynnnorgs question about localiser, the generated files, would it be possible to generate them in a format that placed they key/value pairs inside the {} table creation statements or would that take a lot of work?
07:29.06norgsyes, it already generates in 4 different formats
07:29.10Esamynnahh ok
07:29.21norgsadding another wouldn't be a problem
07:29.40norgs(assuming the ones it already does don't suit)
07:29.40Esamynnjust that tables created that way ultimately use less memory than inserting the values after creating the table
07:30.03EsamynnI don't know, I haven't been able to explore much of localiser as I don't seem to have much access to it
07:30.57norgsyour existing dev access should work there too
07:31.12Esamynnahh hah
07:32.38MentalPowernorgs: what kind of key? SSH2-RSA or SSH2-DSA?
07:32.41Esamynnhow does one get generated files out of the existing site?
07:33.00MentalPowerclicking the .lua file links at the right of the addon
07:33.10MentalPowerafter the list of locales
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07:33.34Esamynnahh, I see
07:34.11norgsyeah, the .lua link to the riight of the row
07:36.16EsamynnI take it you need special privliges to actually add strings for localisation
07:37.16MentalPowerdev status afaik
07:37.17norgsyou can set a &lm= code at the end to alter the output format  (use one of 'babylonian', 'localize' or 'standard' to change the output format)
07:37.31norgshere, i'll add dev access for ya
07:37.44Esamynnthanks norgs :)
07:38.14EsamynnI'll leave it alone for now, just nice to be able to poke around the options
07:39.26norgsok, you have dev
07:42.01Esamynnthanks :)
07:42.26Esamynndamnit, I died to a water elemental, too busy chatting in here and poking into Localizer
07:43.05MentalPowernorgs: generated key pair
07:43.13norgsok, pm
07:48.42norgsok, all done mp
07:50.51Esamynnnorgs: its the babylonian output format that I think could be improved to use a smaller memory footprint with the same end result
07:51.43MentalPowerhow are you planning on changing it?
07:52.36Esamynnif the key/value pairs were created inside the tables, the tables would end up using only as much memory as was exactly needed instead of expanding as you inserted keys
07:52.45norgsEsamynn: sure, as long as it's still gonna work :)
07:53.07Esamynni'll take a look at the php code and see how much php I remember :)
07:54.43MentalPowerok, so there are Section: tags in the .lua, but no section names
07:55.00MentalPowerduh, typo
07:55.34AnduinLotharEsamynn> what're you trying to do with key/values?
07:56.31norgsi think instead of:   table = {}; table['key'] = 'value'; table['key2'] = 'val2';
07:57.04norgshe wants to make it: table = { key = value, key2 = value2 };
07:57.11AnduinLotharWoah. When did cide add CTRA msgs to the "Other Messages" table?
07:57.28AnduinLotharor right
07:57.58AnduinLotharthat's the way Localization does it afaik, but we don't have ours set up to use the web system yet
07:58.08AnduinLotharso it's irrelevant
07:58.24AnduinLothari think cide stole the plans to my death star
07:58.34Esamynnnorgs: Iriel's tests on the size of tables ended up showing that that way of creating tables used up only as much memory as was precisely needed isntead of increasing the table size as you insert values, leaving some junk memory allocated to the table
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07:59.11MentalPoweryeah hash indexes are allocated as powers of two (normally)
07:59.20MentalPoweror so says
07:59.29Esamynnyes, that was what Iriel's tests showed
07:59.43Esamynnexcept when creating tables with the values "embedded" in them
08:00.02norgsyeah, usually hash tables grow when they look to outgrow their currently allocated size (usually at a 0.75 factor)
08:00.15Esamynnjust call me an efficiency freek ;)
08:01.32norgshowever if it knows at build time what the size of the table will be, it can allocate the correct size
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08:02.05norgswhereas if it were to grow, theoretically it could use up to 100% more space than it needs
08:02.27Esamynnnorgs: did you read my mind? ;)
08:04.08Esamynngood night all, it's long past time I got some sleep
08:04.15norgsnite Esamynn
08:04.19MentalPowermine too
08:04.25norgsnite MentalPower
08:04.36MentalPowerand I'm done breaking/fixing localizer
08:04.42MentalPowerfor today :)
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08:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge JoerT (
08:23.07JoerTIs this the right place for wow addon information? ;p
08:23.21Mikkdefine information :-P
08:23.33JoerTXML issues?
08:23.49Mikksure, we all hate it with a passion ;)
08:24.03JoerTyay :D
08:25.10JoerTI am building a new addon, and I will need an arbitrary amount of a certain frame (a tile an a grind that could be 100x100). Do I really need to make all those frames in the XML? or can I instance them in some way using the lua?
08:25.34Mikk <- as of 1.10
08:25.52Mikkaka "yes, it's doable in lua" =)
08:26.01JoerTMary me!
08:26.09MikkNo, you want Slouken, not me :-P
08:27.00JoerTcould do I guess
08:27.06JoerTthanks alot
08:27.34JoerTcan say I wasn't really looking forward to have a million of premade frames in my XML ;p
08:27.48JoerTcause as it looked, I needed atleast 10K of them ;p
08:29.05JoerThm, there doesn't seem to be such a thing as "destroy frame"
08:29.34JoerTtho maybe setting the pointer to nil would do that.
08:41.09Mikkyou can't destroy frames, ever
08:41.39Mikkand i really don't recommend having 10k frames on-screen. your FPS will slow to a crawl.
08:41.46Mikkwhy the high count?
08:41.55Mikkor rather... what are you trying to accomplish?
08:42.41JoerTI'm trying to make tiles
08:42.47JoerTa grid so to say
08:43.06JoerTand it is important that I can manipulate the appearance of individual tiles
08:43.50JoerTnormal grids won't get 100x100 probably, but I would need to make 100x100 frames in order to "be sure" that I wouldn't have a lack of frames later.
08:44.24Mikkthat's.... eek
08:44.26JoerTbut if I use createframe, it should be much easier.
08:44.45JoerTlikely, in practice, I won't go over 30x30 tiles
08:44.58Mikkthat's still a bucketload of frames though
08:45.27JoerTye, guess you're right. But I do think I need them.
08:45.44Mikkwhich brings me to the followup: what are you trying to accomplish? =)
08:45.49JoerTchess ;)
08:45.57JoerTwith arbitrary board size ;)
08:46.14JoerT(and shape for that matter)
08:46.27Mikkactually, i don't think you need frames for each tile
08:46.39JoerTwell, the user will be building the board
08:46.54JoerTso they need control over where tiles are, and later, about what's on the tiles.
08:46.55Mikkyou could probably get away with having a checker pattern background texture and use as much of it as you need
08:47.09Mikkbut yeah you'll need one frame per movable unit, definitely
08:47.25JoerTI think I'll go try out making a frame with 2K tiles in it
08:47.29JoerTsee how my wow acts
08:47.39JoerTbefore I start the actual coding (still planning atm)
08:47.52Mikkeither way, i'd recommend having a "pool" of frames that you allocate as needed. you don't need to create them at startup.
08:48.22Mikkthat way your addon doesn't hurt ram until the player actually starts playing chess
08:50.01JoerTif I use that CreateFrame thing, I should only be creating them on demand
08:50.18JoerTand then remembering which I made, so I can move those around if I need them in different places later
08:50.36|FF|Im2good4uwow needs a LoadOnCommand insted of demand :p
08:50.56Mikk|FF|Im2good4u: i seem to remember there being a nice little stub that you can use for that
08:51.12Mikkhas "stub" somewhere in its name even i think
08:51.17|FF|Im2good4uyeh but i dont like making addoons deppents on others :p
08:51.43JoerTI like making my addons in a way other can depend on them ;)
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08:52.08JoerTif I change functions in later versions, I leave older functions for hooking by other addons
08:54.34JoerTHm. if I can't have 900 frames for my main window, this will be a pain -.-
08:54.48JoerTand I'll whine loads.
08:55.56|FF|Im2good4ulol but even if u do need 900 frames u gona need a uber pc..
08:56.27JoerTthat wasn't my intention indeed ;)
08:56.33|FF|Im2good4ubut chess only has 2*20 units and ofc a 10*10 board
08:56.59JoerTye, but the idea was to have "weird" chess ;p
08:57.10JoerTwith a 20x20 board, orso. maybe 4 players ;p
08:57.49|FF|Im2good4uoke thne u indeed got a prob
08:57.55JoerTcause old chess has gotten boring ;)
08:58.32JoerTand maybe later, I was gonna use the same principle to build Go or something
08:59.05|FF|Im2good4ujust thinknig if u look at a normal user interface i bet u get lots of frame if u count em all
08:59.19|FF|Im2good4uso 900 frames maybe it will work :p if everything is gone :p
08:59.38JoerThide everything ;p
08:59.41JoerTnice idea ;p
08:59.47JoerTGo's got a crazy board btw
08:59.51JoerTlook at this:
09:00.06|FF|Im2good4uehh seems hard..
09:00.39|FF|Im2good4uon the other side i realy wounld wana make a scriot for so many frames :(
09:00.53JoerT19x19 tiles + 19x19 pieces
09:00.59|FF|Im2good4uim stil struggelingo ver my scrollframe guild members list :P
09:01.54JoerTwell, if you use any other languages (I used php) you can make a small script to do the frames for you
09:02.18|FF|Im2good4ubut .. php in wow ? isnt pos or is it :p
09:02.58JoerTor you could do what Mikk suggested, and use the function
09:03.15JoerTno, but you could use php to generate your xml ;)
09:03.30|FF|Im2good4uyeh that posable buf if u gona create so much frames whit that function i fear a big lagg spike :P
09:03.48|FF|Im2good4uoO Cheater lol
09:04.02|FF|Im2good4ui sux at xml i now use WOW UI DESINGER \o/
09:04.02JoerTas soon as my server is back up, I'm gonna try creating 10K frames ;p
09:04.05JoerTsee what happens
09:04.12|FF|Im2good4ubut ofc
09:04.29JoerTye I just tried that UI designer, but I don't get it ;p
09:04.34|FF|Im2good4uthe wow ui desinger doesnt seppoert a scrollframe.. that why im struggeling at it :p
09:04.49|FF|Im2good4utook me like na hour to get it
09:05.01|FF|Im2good4uu need to use a clean new xml file created by ui des
09:05.13|FF|Im2good4uu cant work on existing files that are not created by it
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09:07.34|FF|Im2good4uAndalia: hi
09:07.37JoerTI know, I tried that ;p
09:07.45JoerTanyway, if you need help, yell ;p
09:07.51JoerTI did fauxScrollframes before
09:07.56JoerTthey aren't too hard.
09:08.16JoerTreal scrollframes, I've not used tho
09:08.18|FF|Im2good4uwell i had one from the tot it didnt display text bu jsut the scroll bar
09:08.33|FF|Im2good4uthat worked but the text that broke it i had global nils :(
09:08.48MikkI prefer managing my own Slider. FauxScrollFrame requires twice the amount of code compared to managing your own :-P
09:09.05|FF|Im2good4uwut do u mean mikk ?
09:09.14|FF|Im2good4uor more of how ?
09:10.25Mikkfirst out... WoWUIDes is crud
09:10.38Mikkit sort of works for modelling the first version of your dialog
09:10.41Mikkbut after that... no
09:11.10MikkHave you read ?
09:14.08|FF|Im2good4ui did but i didnt manage to keep it working
09:14.20|FF|Im2good4ui started getting errors at the part where we add text
09:18.21JoerTwhat kind of errors?
09:20.58|FF|Im2good4uattemp to call global nil :(
09:22.28JoerTyou know what it means?
09:22.45|FF|Im2good4ui sux a xml not at lua
09:22.57|FF|Im2good4uits calling a function that is not defined
09:24.16JoerThm, without seeing and knowing your code, there's not much I can say that would help I guess
09:24.37|FF|Im2good4uand whitout having my codee on this pc there isnt much i can do either :P
09:29.28JoerTheh ;)
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09:38.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
09:39.29GremWarsongAnyone know a thing or two about statusbars?
09:39.36GremWarsongI cant get it to update on the ON_UPDATE event
09:40.38JoerTwhat kind of statusbar would that be? (Excuse my ignorance)
09:41.25GremWarsongLike a progress bar that updates, like a casting bar
09:41.38GremWarsongPreferably with GetTime()
09:43.05|FF|Im2good4uspeaking about time does any1 know how to create some perodic function something that happens ~ever 5 sec..
09:43.25GremWarsongUse GetTime() =P
09:43.53|FF|Im2good4u? is that a real functtion in lua ?
09:44.00GremWarsongstore the starting time with GetTime(), and update it's status every On_Update until currenttime = start_time + 5
09:44.51|FF|Im2good4uhmm yeh but well .. wut onupdate .. i dont realy got a frame its more of a transmision code sending some crap to otheru ses every x time :p
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09:49.48JoerTsorry, crashed ;p
09:51.55zinorwhat does a dutch do when he wins the soccer championships? he switches off his playstation.
09:52.04zinorim watching a german and dutch person go at it :P
09:52.58|FF|Im2good4uthats no fun !
09:56.39zinorhey a quick comparison
09:56.42zinor or
09:56.47zinorbetter yet
09:56.51zinor or
09:57.49zinorim just talking about overall design, not things like that media box etc too :)
10:05.05Corrodiasthe image feels more like the old curse i remember from january
10:05.59zinorya, its a bit too generic the more I think about it
10:06.19Corrodiasthe site that isn't just an image has better contrast, i think
10:06.29Corrodiasit does feel "busier"
10:06.54Corrodiasreminds me of gamespot, but slightly less cluttered
10:07.03zinorbeta2 does?
10:07.09zinorthe idea is to make it feel busier tbh
10:07.16zinorwe want to show we're more than addons :)
10:08.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
10:08.48zinorhola ckknight_
10:20.09AnduinLotharnight, guys
10:20.17JoerThah, creating them frame does work like a charm :)
10:20.33JoerTalmost got my arbitrary grid up ^^
10:22.10JoerTbtw. I like the beta2 better. Bu I like the old curse gaming best ;)
10:22.16JoerTbut I'm just a retro sort of guy.
10:27.59JoerTthe is a bit bland
10:28.44zinorya :s
10:41.03JoerTcorrodias: 50*50 10px*10px frames crashed my wow ;p
10:41.27JoerTgonna try more sensible numbers now
10:43.14JoerTgood and bad news
10:43.38JoerT19x19 (Go play field) hangs wow for 3 seconds, and then doesn't influence the framerate
10:44.13JoerTatleast, not alot
10:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
10:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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11:20.21zenzelezzhey, my realm's supposedly down for another hour for hardware upgrades :-o I guess it really had taken a beating lately
11:23.49clad|workzinor: One thing I've never liked it you don't let us choose a style.. that concept 2 looks like it would be lower bandwidth, and some of us need that.
11:23.52clad|worklike I've told NeT =)
11:52.14KirkburnThis is weird ... this is Vista, but skinned using windowblinds :P
11:55.36krkawhy is it weird?
11:56.18KirkburnIt just looks ... odd. You can hardly tell it's Vista. Whether that a good thing, I'm not sure
11:57.32krkaMS finally managed to seperate GUI from operating system? :)
11:58.08zenzelezzmanaged to separate? I doubt they ever wanted to; the interrelationship between them has been a key part of Windows
11:58.09Mikkno, they put more hooks inside the gui which is inside the operating system. joy :-P
11:58.53KirkburnAmazingly, windowblinds Vista will work with old XP-era skins
11:59.54KirkburnI'm not sure whether I'd use it at first thought - I'll probably be thinking for the first month, "glass, coooool"
11:59.57Mikkwhat the hell is silverslime up to now? o.O
12:01.01KirkburnHe's an idiot
12:01.14*** join/#wowi-lounge CSE|Deadly`afk (
12:03.00KirkburnHe wants to remove 'his' stuff from the wiki
12:03.05KirkburnMikk, can he even do that?
12:04.40Mikki'm writing a response to him
12:05.12Kalrothit stopped being his once he submitted it :)
12:05.22KirkburnExactly, Kalroth
12:06.02KirkburnI almost want it to get to the point when one of us can click 'block'
12:06.31zenzelezz"More Deep Breaths at Ony due to new forums?  "
12:07.12MikkThere. That ought to shut him up
12:08.28KirkburnI'll add my sig to that
12:08.44MikkOr, ehm, no. It likely won't. But maybe it'll put a slight dent in his mental picture of himself.
12:08.59MikkEither way it felt nice to thwap him :-P
12:10.03zenzelezz -- gief warez plx
12:12.39ZombieKBMmmm, braaaaaiiiiinnnsss!!! /me clicks on thread .... Brraaiiiinnnnnsss??? Nooo braaiiiiinnnnssss :(
12:13.15KirkburnThat's my creative way of replying :P
12:13.38MikkTo SilverSide? =)
12:13.44Mikk"noooo braaiiiiinnnnnsssss"
12:14.00KirkburnBoth :P
12:14.00MikkI lumped another insult in there btw
12:14.27Kirkburnoooh, burn
12:17.27KirkburnI truly wonder what planet he's on sometimes
12:17.34MikkWouldn't surprise me the least if silverside is the vandal
12:17.41KirkburnHe's blind too, but let's not point that out
12:17.53Kirkburn(he thinks the icons are gone)
12:18.10MikkHe's an expert. Of course they're gone. He deleted the link.
12:18.15KirkburnBtw, he's responded
12:18.25MikkIs it time for me to get pissed off again?
12:18.49KirkburnI can understand removing the link to the random selection of course, but, er, why couldn't he do that on _his_ end?
12:19.03KirkburnNaughty smoker, bad!
12:22.37MikkWhat the HELL is he smoking?
12:22.43KirkburnI seriously don't know
12:23.09Mikk"Including the layout and design of the community portal"
12:24.10MikkAnd claiming to be two different people?
12:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
12:24.59KirkburnTime for breakfast :)
12:26.01zenzelezzbah, maintenance for my realm extended another two hours
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12:43.58|FF|Im2good4uQ: would it be posable to create a fauxedscrollframe whit the lua api ?
12:46.29Cideit's a ScrollFrame with the template FauxScrollFrameTemplate (I believe it is), see documentation for CreateFrame
12:47.14|FF|Im2good4uah cool :p
12:47.37|FF|Im2good4usince ui des doesn know it it rmeoved the frame but if i create it in lua oO :p that might work i think :p
12:55.39|FF|Im2good4uhow do i put a frame into an other frame ? do i got to set it as it parent ?
12:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
13:02.37zinorclad|work, for the most part, "low bandwidth" sites are useless is a bit dif, as its a graphic intsense site, but on something like curse we try for low bandwidth by default, even if its not that way right now :P
13:03.35zinorbut on patch days for example, the website shouldnt *need* a low bandwidth version, as showing graphics/html doesnt really affect load on a server unless its poorly setup
13:04.49zinorthat window blinds screenshot, you can do the same stuff on xp currently
13:05.06Cidewe use a low bw version because the downloads system is somewhat intensive on server resources
13:05.36zinorwe have a server, for example, as most larger sites should, setup specifically for static content like images, so it doesn't come off as a real problem for us
13:05.43zinorctmod site is a bit dif though on that matter
13:05.45Cidewe do on ctprofiles too
13:05.51Cideand it's still slow with a lot of traffic
13:05.58|FF|Im2good4uwuts the difference between the "framename" and return value of API CreateFrame ? since the name of the frame is the name of variable isnt it ?
13:05.59Cidebut yeah, static stuff isn't what slows it down for the most part
13:06.21Cideand if curse made a low bw version that could actually hold its ground on patch days, that would be a very nice change, regardless of how "low bw" it is in its normal mode
13:06.35zinorcurse holds its ground on patch days since i built the caching :)
13:06.41zinorat least i dont think its died since 1.11
13:06.47zinoror 1.10 cant remember
13:06.55zinorbut anyways
13:07.05zinorthe new site is a complete overhaul, as i took over the old coders position
13:07.10zinorhis stuff was, lets just say, far from optimized :)
13:07.24Cideum, sure
13:07.26Cideit doesn't crash
13:07.29Cidebut that doesn't make it accessible
13:07.38zinorshould be fully, pretty much everythings cached
13:07.44zinorit loaded fast when i checked it from hotel last week
13:07.45Cideit's still slow as hell
13:07.48zinorwell ya
13:07.55zinoron any day its slow, but we're working on resolving that issue
13:07.57zinorits a host/server issue
13:08.04CideI meant during the patch :)
13:08.06zinorbut its no where near as bad as it was a couple months ago :)
13:08.15zinordid you check it last week on patch day?
13:08.24zinorwhen i checked the site was a bit slower but still fairly responsive
13:08.27Cideyes, it took me about 10 minutes to update 3 mods, in fact
13:08.56Cideall ui sites were slow, naturally
13:09.02zinoranyways, lots of major changes w/ the overhaul, it should improve performance a ton.. i want patch days to be just like any normal day and wont stop til they are :)
13:09.14zinorand normal days.. not being how it is right now
13:09.23zinortakes 6s to load the site from the us, its horrible
13:09.34*** join/#wowi-lounge DarkImakuni (
13:09.43zinori have a us server that responds in 100ms from here, 20ms in the states, so the way it is atm is just unacceptable
13:10.01zinorconsidering the server i use costs 1 percent of what curse's infrastructure's upkeep is
13:12.23zinorafternoon :)
13:27.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
13:27.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
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13:29.44DarkImakuniWelcome, Bela
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13:39.34Beladonaanyone here ever had an issue with CT_BottomBar in which the tooltip ceased working for the latency meter after you moved it?
13:39.56BeladonaI mean the colors show, but you don't get latency info when you mouse over it
13:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge |Lestat| (n=|Lestat|@
13:41.00DarkImakuniI don't use CT_BottomBar I'm afraid... sorry
13:41.29Cidehmm... I heard something about it but I haven't been able to reproduce it myself
13:42.23DarkImakuniWhat other mods do you use? There may be a conflict
13:44.51CSE|Deadly`afkanyone know how to load a ctra frame set in a macro?
13:55.22zenzelezzinteresting, you can't seem to ignore Gamemaster on the new forum
13:56.03zenzelezzhey, my server's downtime has been way extended today, I'm bored
13:56.10Merythat was the first thing i thnk everbody tried when they started testing the forums :P
13:56.19|FF|Im2good4u\o/ why does every1 keep using ; in his scripts :P
13:56.31DarkImakuniI don't
13:56.41zenzelezzI didn't try it actually, just noticed that the ignore icon is greyed out for him... for most (all?) blues it seems
13:58.15DarkImakuniGreetings MentalPower
13:58.58MentalPower|FF|Im2good4u: perhaps because it doesn't do any harm
13:59.29|FF|Im2good4uindeed but i personaly find it more cleaner whitout and it saves filespace
13:59.42|FF|Im2good4uwitch increaes the time it takers to laod and downlaod
14:00.09Beladonasorry, had to run afk
14:00.16DarkImakunino worries :)
14:00.27Beladonain regards to the CT_BottomBar, I have nothing else that modifies the altency meter in any way
14:01.10Beladonaand the funny thing is
14:01.10Beladonawhen you remove the addon
14:01.10Beladonaand then reinstall it, it works fine for the first run
14:01.13Beladonabut exit out and go back in, and it stops working
14:01.27DarkImakunisounds like a SavedVariables issue
14:01.33Beladonathats what I was thinking
14:02.12zenzelezz<|FF|Im2good4u> indeed but i personaly find it more cleaner whitout and it saves filespace -- oh yes, those extra 100 bytes will surely hurt your connection :)
14:02.58|FF|Im2good4unope like MentalPower said it does no harm but theoractily it might be a few milisecs faster :p
14:03.24zenzelezzif semicolons are affecting your computer's performance, you have bigger problems to worry about
14:04.09|FF|Im2good4uyeh it doesn affect but every bite is a bite lol ofc u woulnd even notice it but it is :P
14:04.56zenzelezzif you care about such issues, I expect you also run with every setting set to minimal to boost speed? :)
14:05.52Beladonaare you talking about the difference between code with and without semi-colons
14:06.03MeryI do that, but well its to keep the speed acceptable...
14:06.14Mery(run all settings at min)
14:07.02Beladonafrom someone who has coded in other languages, for some time now, I can tell you that the difference in load is so profoundly tiny, it isn't even worth mentioning. But the different in code legibility and standards adherence is so much cleaner
14:07.26Beladonaand this, from myself, who is absolutely anal about compact tiny code
14:07.42|FF|Im2good4uyeh :P i also code in c or cpp sometimes thne i HAVE to use them
14:07.47BeladonaI don't code wihtout semi-colons, period
14:07.50|FF|Im2good4ubut inm lua ts not nessecerly
14:08.18Beladonait may not be, but when I look at code, of someone elses writing or my own, and see a missing semi-colon -- I put it there
14:08.21zenzelezzthat's due to differences in the language
14:08.25Beladonabecause it just looks better to me
14:08.29Beladonaand makes more sense
14:08.52BeladonaI believe all code should be terminated
14:09.01Beladonaand secretly wish lua forced it
14:09.06zenzelezzyou might think it odd, but I think of it somewhat like with reading
14:09.19zenzelezzsemi-colon being a "stop and take a breath" in your code
14:09.38BeladonaI have a habit of putting multiple commands on the same line, separated by semi-colon
14:10.22zenzelezzif they're sort of related, I see nothing dirty about that
14:10.40zenzelezzI do it if the line doesn't become too long and the stuff itself is a "chain" of functions
14:11.35Hatsukisome languages do not have semicolon at all=)
14:11.37Beladonaand yes, I only couple multiple commands on the same line if they are related
14:11.49Beladonamy code is very visual
14:11.54BeladonaI prefer it to flow
14:12.00Beladonalike a good essay
14:12.06zenzelezzindeed :)
14:12.18zenzelezzmakes it easier to understand also; at least in my own mind
14:12.22Beladonaaye same here
14:12.32Beladonaalthough some might think my code is hard to understand
14:12.42BeladonaI have a bad habit of not commenting either
14:12.50zenzelezzno-one comments
14:13.03DarkImakuniI do... *occasionally*...
14:13.07zenzelezzuntil they sit down and struggle to remember how it works... then they comment
14:13.16Beladonathe way I see it
14:13.24Beladonaif you are gonna use my code, or modify it
14:13.28Beladonayou should take the time to learn it
14:13.32BeladonaI don't need to help you
14:14.30Beladonaits kinda like the "learn to respect a gun", before you use one
14:14.43|FF|Im2good4uif i put multiple command thne i do use a semicoloen yes
14:15.00|FF|Im2good4ubut normaly i never do that i use <enter> and terminator
14:15.02Beladonaok see now, that seems worse to me
14:15.06Beladonause them, or don't
14:15.12Beladonabut I hate people that can't make up their mind
14:15.42|FF|Im2good4uwell my mind is clear i dont use them i only use then when i like if not a then return; end
14:15.49Beladonaok, hate people might be strong
14:15.54Beladonamore like, hate code...
14:16.06|FF|Im2good4u\o/ welll i gues every1 has its own stile
14:16.25|FF|Im2good4ui hate spaces in fucntion calls like a(b, c, d)
14:16.36|FF|Im2good4ui always make it a(a,b,c)
14:16.48wereHamster'if not a then return end' is valid, even without the semicolon
14:17.03Beladonayeah we know
14:17.15Beladonabut I prefer if (not a) then return; end
14:18.50JoshBorkeyea, i'm a 'if (not a) then return end', but i can't stand 'if not a then return end', i just gotta have my parens...
14:19.42Beladonalook at it this way
14:19.52Beladonablizzard ui code isn't developed by one guy
14:20.05Beladonathink about an addon, in which you have multiple people involved
14:20.16Beladonaone guy codes one way, another guy codes a different way
14:20.38Beladonayou know how annoying it would be to look in a lua file, after it was coded by 3 different people, and see 3 different standards or code conventions?
14:20.58DarkImakuniI would hate that
14:21.18Beladonawell it does happen, in the blizz code
14:21.23Beladonathankfully not a ton
14:21.51Beladonabut typically, they tend to sue the same conventions that I do
14:21.55DarkImakuniI don't look at Blizz code much :P
14:21.57wereHamsterI thought slouken write it all ;)
14:22.16Beladonaterminated code with semi-clons, and parentheses around valuations
14:22.32wereHamster.. because slouken == Blizzard, there's nobody else working on WoW ^^
14:22.32ThraeOne would hope, them being professionals and paid to code, that they try to keep it standardized as much as possible. But it seems the foundation of the UI was never really established, it was all inline until the last second, and due to backwards compatibility they can't just adopt a standardized API and coding structure.
14:22.45Beladonawell considering I do wdn, I look at blizz code every patch
14:23.20BeladonaI am surprised actually how standard most of it is
14:23.29ThraeWe should be thankful our level of customizability exists after all. I think they were pushing for JUST XML and not Lua scripts.
14:23.50Beladonawhich leads me to believe either they have only one or two people actually changing the code, or they are all on he same page in terms of conventions
14:23.53ThraeConsidering the time constraints, yeah
14:24.00DarkImakuniI really only look at Fonts.xml after every patch... I cant stand FrizQT.ttf anymore...
14:24.32Beladonaevery now and then, something non-standard slips through
14:24.33DarkImakuniand occasionally TargetFrame.lua
14:25.05Beladonaoh did you guys notice the screwup in the ui they amde in the last patch?
14:25.13Beladonawith the automatic quest tracking?
14:26.17DarkImakuniwhat was it?
14:26.30zenzelezzI don't know if it's related to that, but I seem to only be able to track some quests, not all, anymore
14:26.57DarkImakuniI use UberQuest so I haven't noticed =/
14:27.51Beladonawhen you complete an objective, it pops the objective into your quest watch frame
14:27.53Beladonawhich is fine
14:28.04Beladonabut when you complete multiples in a short time frame
14:28.12Beladonait pops the same quest up again
14:28.23Beladonalast night I had 5 of the same quest in my watch frame
14:28.39Beladonaand the funny thing is, it actually checks the quest off that way too
14:28.40zenzelezzI saw something like that too, before I turned off the thing
14:28.47Beladonaso you have to uncheck the quest in your quest log, 5 times
14:29.13Beladonaso I turned it off
14:29.16Beladonafor now
14:29.21zenzelezzI only saw two at a time, but that was enough for me to turn off the automated quest tracking
14:29.40zenzelezzbut I still can't seem to enable tracking on all quests that actually have trackable objectives
14:29.54BeladonaI had that stupid blackwing hatchling quest in scholo, and you complete a lot of those ina short period of time
14:30.02Beladonahence getting 5 rather quickly
14:31.14BeladonaI haven't looked at why it does that, but I bet it could be modified via addon to be fixed, until Blizz fixes it
14:31.26DarkImakunithey should add some kind of checking function to see if it's not already watched
14:32.24Beladonalike a flag -- if (not quest.isWatched) then do_the_watchframe_thing; end
14:32.59zinorBeladona, you get a chance to see if they added anything to bc alpha in terms of UI?
14:33.07Beladonayeah I did
14:33.10Beladonaand they did
14:33.20zinorah nice
14:33.22Beladonabut there is an nda, so I am not publishing it
14:33.29zinornda doesnt cover that ;)
14:33.32zinorgimme the info, ill post it
14:33.37Beladonastill, would rather be safe
14:33.53zinorya you guys are an official site, could make em mad
14:34.01zinorbut all in all, as long as you dont post images/files you're ok
14:34.08Beladonathere wasn't much new yet
14:34.18Beladonajust the jewelcrafting ui, and arena stuff
14:35.00zinori gotta go dissect the gem properties dbc yet
14:35.01ThraeYeah, I doubt they added anything spectactular, like changing to Lua 5.1.1
14:35.07Beladonaand the alpha that was downloaded, or accessed isn't the newest one either
14:35.08zinori think they pretty much work like enchants
14:35.27Beladonanot that I know or anything *whistles*
14:35.32Thraezinor: Ever play Diablo? They work pretty much like that
14:35.35zinorbut its not that old
14:36.05BeladonaI love the new JC
14:36.29zinori had posted a list of all the jewel crafting recipes but i took it down cuz it was useless the way i had it setup
14:36.30ThraeIs the topic quote from Steven Colbert?
14:36.48Beladonawe were talking in the guild last night though, and none of us plan to make a Draenei shaman
14:36.54Beladonasimply because you know everyone will
14:37.08wereHamsterBeladona, are you Alliance?
14:37.16Beladonamy main guild is yes
14:37.33ThraeHeh, don't you want to go to their starting area filled with crashed space ships?
14:37.37wereHamsterfemale draenei look nice..
14:37.50Beladonaexcept they shortened their tails, and made them skinny
14:37.56Beladonathey look like rat tails
14:38.15DarkImakuniBlood Elf > Eredar
14:38.32KirkburnSoooo wrong
14:38.39BeladonaBlood Elf = yawn, white supremist Night Elves
14:39.24zinorblood elves look like crap from screenies ive seen
14:39.28Beladonahave you seen how big the male Draenei are?
14:39.35zinorbut maybe its just after watching war you can really see how low polygons are in wow
14:39.37BeladonaI love it
14:39.41ThraeAh yes, the Blood Elves, addicted to magic.
14:40.03Beladonait might actually make me switch from my norm of making only female chars
14:40.04DarkImakunilol @ Thrae
14:40.59Ziconthrae: I want one of those. Where do I order?
14:41.14zinorlol @ site exists
14:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:41.19Beladonamale blood elves look like they should be opening beauty shops - if you get my drift
14:42.13|FF|Im2good4ufemales look much better ~!
14:42.17DarkImakuniThat's why I'm rolling a girl :P
14:42.35DarkImakuniGirls > Boys
14:43.07|FF|Im2good4ublood elves aint bad they cant help it thier leader went to the dark side
14:43.20|FF|Im2good4uthey usedtobe good high elfes
14:43.27JoerTdude FF
14:43.31JoerTI fixed the problem ;)
14:43.52JoerTI can now display 50x50 textures in 3 seconds, and have no framerate drop at all
14:43.56JoerT20x20 is instant
14:44.13zinorthats kind of slow isnt it?
14:44.19zinorfor how small they are
14:44.37JoerT50x50 as in, amount ;p
14:44.45JoerT50x50 10px*10px textures
14:44.49JoerT2.5K textures
14:45.19|FF|Im2good4uwow nice
14:45.32Beladonawhat the
14:45.37|FF|Im2good4ui still cant dispaly my scrollframe :p
14:45.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
14:45.49Beladonayou making animations or something?
14:46.11JoerTnope, just a craplot of frames ;p
14:46.24Beladonagod help us
14:46.37Beladonathis was what I meant when I said dynamic frame creation could be dangerous
14:46.59Beladonawait, a spearate frame for each texture?
14:47.00JoerTme and my frames are taking over the world!
14:47.03DarkImakuni<3 Beladona
14:47.16Beladonaok, I have to ask
14:47.23Beladonawhy not one frame with multiple textures?
14:47.38|FF|Im2good4ubecase that ruins all the fun :p
14:47.41JoerTcan I do that? and can I detect clicks on that?
14:47.56Beladonayou want to detect a click on each individual texture?
14:47.57|FF|Im2good4uu can get moue coord..
14:48.09JoerTmouse coords are cruft ;p
14:48.20Beladonait would be faster though
14:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge |Lestat| (n=|Lestat|@
14:48.34BeladonaI can't imagine the memory hit from making that many frames
14:49.17JoerTlet me check
14:49.31|Lestat|Kirkburn, the info you requested about the Trol'kalar has been updated.
14:49.38ThraeWhat are we talking about here concerning coordinates?
14:49.57JoerT1 meg it seems
14:50.01Beladonacant you do a mouseisover for the texture names?
14:50.08Kirkburn|Lestat|, nice surprise :P Thanks :)
14:50.09Beladona1meg is huge for an addon
14:50.13JoerT50x50 is a theoretical test
14:50.23JoerTtypically it'll be 19x19 tops
14:50.33Beladonais it limited?
14:50.34JoerTactually, usually 12x12 or below
14:50.38BeladonaI mean, is 50 the limit?
14:50.57JoerTcurrently 19x19 is the limit
14:51.02Beladonayou have to plan for the possibility that it would ever possibly go higher
14:51.05Kirkburn(comes from playing mainly Alliance, never came accross Trol'kalar)
14:51.14JoerTI was making chess with awkward boardsizes and shapes
14:51.22|Lestat|(It's a Horde only quest...)
14:51.36BeladonaI would look into mouse coords, or even MouseIsOver
14:51.38|FF|Im2good4ucool my newest scroolbar created the error in uipaneltamplated :p
14:52.18|Lestat|I added some thottbot links refering to the quest itself, as you asked.
14:52.18Beladonawait, isn't there already a chess addon?
14:52.22|Lestat|The rumors were marked as such
14:52.25JoerTthere would be
14:52.34JoerTbut I just make this for a bit of fun
14:52.42JoerTplus I usually don't like addons I didn't make myself ;p
14:53.09JoerTchess is the beginning, cause it's most complex of the games I plan to implement ;)
14:53.22JoerTif I can do chess, I can do four in a row
14:53.23Kirkburn|Lestat|, I've updated it a it to be more 'wiki', and removed the accuracy stub :)
14:53.30BeladonaI don't have time to make every addon I would want
14:53.37Beladonaif I did, it would eclipse Ace
14:54.03DarkImakuniI download them and hack them
14:54.08JoerTI don't make all the addons I want. I do compromise ;p
14:54.17DarkImakuniI've made some huge changes to CT_UnitFrames, for example
14:54.19Beladonasame here Dark
14:54.28Beladonabut then there is th updating
14:54.38Beladonawhich is where my comapres com in handy =P
14:54.42|Lestat|Thanks, if you need more stuff on the Trollbanes I can give you a hand. Ran a guild on TN based of their lore.
14:54.49JoerT1.12 screwed up my hax in bonusscanner :-/
14:55.01DarkImakuniI write down my changes ;)
14:55.31BeladonaI do too
14:55.34Beladonain the addon files
14:57.58DarkImakuniMaybe I should get back into UBotD... haven't updated that for _ages_
15:05.53|FF|Im2good4uany1 know how to fix this ? UIPanalTamplates.lua:245: attemp to concanate a nil value ?
15:07.06Beladonaare you developing an addon?
15:07.15Beladonaand if so, is it using a scroll frame?
15:07.58Beladonathe specific line is this:
15:08.13Beladonawhich tells me the nil value is probably the name of the frame
15:08.28Beladonaso whatever scroll frame you are making, needs to have a name
15:09.16*** part/#wowi-lounge |Lestat| (n=|Lestat|@
15:10.00|FF|Im2good4uso thats why i should have gave my dinamic frame a name :p
15:11.18|FF|Im2good4ujust a Q
15:11.50|FF|Im2good4uCreateFrame returns the "frame" but souldnt the name of that variable the the same as framename ?
15:12.22Beladonacan make it whatever you want
15:12.26Beladonaevne a local if you want
15:12.30JoshBorkeis there a SetName? i'm too lazy to look for it
15:12.42|FF|Im2good4uthere is a name field
15:12.51JoshBorkeo.O polluting the global name space with nameless frames! i like it!
15:13.26Beladonayou aren't poluuting if it doesn't have a name
15:13.49|FF|Im2good4ui was just thinking that if i name something "hi" all my function would be hi:wutsoever
15:13.57Beladonato pollute, you would need to be causing a possible conflict, but you cant if there is no name
15:14.10JoshBorkehm, what about to soil?
15:14.36Beladonahow is your code structured?
15:14.46Beladonacan you paste it on pastey?
15:14.54|FF|Im2good4uoO me?
15:15.00|FF|Im2good4uk hold on
15:15.27Beladonareason I ask is, if you are using OO, and have code in tables, and using self where you can, then you can use something I often use when creating frames
15:16.20Cairenn|sleepwell well, if it isn't DarkImakuni
15:16.31Beladonawake up Dair!
15:16.33BeladonaCair even
15:16.36JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
15:16.42DarkImakuniHiya Cairenn
15:17.28Cairennyou rather dropped off the face of the planet for a while ...
15:17.41JoshBorke|FF|Im2good4u: for FauxScrollFrame stuff, the frames have to be named because of the way the blizzard code is written
15:17.44DarkImakuniI know... major family issues
15:18.40DarkImakuniHopefully all sorted now
15:18.45Cairenngood to hear
15:19.40zenzelezzif only you'd said "friends" instead of "family", then we could have made jokes :-|
15:19.48DarkImakuniit's the curse of the addon developers... every developer I know has had some sort of disaster in his/her career
15:20.25CairennDarkImakuni: PMs
15:22.14Beladonabear in mine, the local variable 'frame' can only be used in that function, so you will need to refer to it as the frame's name in other functions
15:22.18Beladonamine = mind
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15:22.32zenzelezzI have a feeling my server's not coming up in time for raids tonight either >.<
15:23.10|FF|Im2good4uso i get frame:bla and AdvancedGuildRooster_ListFrame:bla ?
15:23.18|FF|Im2good4uoke i think i get it now..
15:23.34Beladonayes, frame:bla is only within that function, since it is local
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15:24.21Beladonabut you can, if you want do local frame = getglobal(AdvancedGuildRooster_ListFrame"); at the beginning of other functions if you want to sue frame:bla in them
15:24.55Beladonalocal frame = getglobal("AdvancedGuildRooster_ListFrame");  -- sorry previous was a mistype
15:25.58|FF|Im2good4uoke that was actauly where i was concerned about if the name isnt the same as the variable u put the return stuff in u get 2 variabled :P
15:27.24Beladonathats why you keep it local
15:27.46Beladonaonly the frame name exists in the global namespace, and not the local frame thing
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15:42.16|FF|Im2good4uBeladona: Indeed thanks :p
15:45.21|FF|Im2good4uofc for me it didnt help much isnce i jsut get a new error :p
15:46.20|FF|Im2good4u230: attempt to index local Scrollbar a nil value :(
15:46.28|FF|Im2good4ui need tp update my framexml lol
15:48.46Cairennwhere the hell is Lego these days?
15:49.06KalrothCairenn: beats me, the last toybox I got from them was crappy!
15:52.16Cairenndatavertex still done, huh?
15:53.58zenzelezz"Fleshmaster"... somehow a warrior isn't the first thing that springs to mind when I read that
15:55.56zenzelezzI didn't say what it made me think of... but I can see what it made you think of
15:57.16zenzelezzyou know I'm technically correct
15:57.22Beladona"Fleshmaster"? whats that from
15:57.32zenzelezzsome warrior I ran past in Ironforge
15:57.57Beladonathought it was the name of a new armor set or something, I was gonna be like "Hell No"
15:58.10zenzelezzit's the hunter Tier 3.5 set!
15:58.22Beladonathe Fleshmaster 3000
15:58.28JoshBorkeoh dear
15:58.56Beladonait slices, it dices, it makes grown adults giggle like school children
15:58.59KirkburnFleshmaster 3000, aka. The Emperor's New Clothes
15:59.13zenzelezzI love that cape from BRD
15:59.37zenzelezzThe Emperor's New Cape, or whatever it's called... with no visible mesh
16:00.06KirkburnThey might have to change the models though for it
16:00.57KirkburnAnatomically speaking ...
16:01.29zenzelezzyou know the children's story about the emperor's new clothes, right?
16:02.53KirkburnEr ... I did suggest it?
16:04.25zenzelezzyou expect me to read everything you say now? I'm a warrior, I don't have the spare intellect for that
16:06.56|FF|Im2good4ui need some ui help ") UIPanelTemplates.lua:230: attempt to index global ScrollBar a nil value <- any idea how i can fix this ?
16:08.34|FF|Im2good4ulocal scrollbar = getglobal(this:GetName().."ScrollBar");scrollbar:SetValue(arg1);
16:08.34Beladonalooks like local scrollbar isn't getting set, which means your scrollbar doesn't exist or doesn't have a name
16:08.57Beladonathat goes back to the same issue as before
16:09.00|FF|Im2good4uso kinda it cant find this:GetName().."ScrollBar"); .. but i duno how to fix that it should get inherted i gues..
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16:11.13Beladonayeah it should be inherited
16:12.18Beladonayour frame inherits FauxScrollFrameTemplate, which in turn inherits UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate, which has a child slider called $parentScrollBar
16:13.36Beladonaoh wait
16:14.06Beladonaline 7 and 8 of your pasted code looks wrong
16:14.18|FF|Im2good4uthat not handy..
16:15.00Beladonashould be
16:15.08Beladonaframe:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll",function() FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(16,AdvancedGuildRooster_ListFrameScrollBar_Update) end)
16:15.13BeladonaI believe
16:15.26|FF|Im2good4uhmm that worth a try .
16:15.46Beladonasimilar issue for OnShow
16:16.12Beladonaframe:SetScript("OnShow",function() AdvancedGuildRooster_ListFrameScrollBar_Update() end)
16:17.07|FF|Im2good4uYES THAT WAS IT!
16:18.18wereHamsterwhy not "frame:SetScript("OnShow", AdvancedGuildRooster_ListFrameScrollBar_Update)" ?
16:18.35Beladonabecause he needs to pass args
16:18.41|FF|Im2good4ubecase its fauxed
16:18.56Beladonabecause its fauxed up?
16:19.00Beladonasorry, bad joke
16:20.15|FF|Im2good4ui cant code im a nub u jsut completely showed me the tuth :( i cant code an other framne anymore
16:22.44|FF|Im2good4uoke finely i cna go to the next step of the tot :p
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16:28.41|FF|Im2good4uis it posable to create dynamic "templates" :P
16:29.33Meryyou could run the lua code to create it more than once?
16:30.33|FF|Im2good4u:D ofc :p
16:31.04|FF|Im2good4ui just new to xml i dont realy know the difference for a template or normal frame
16:31.29Beladonatempalte is virtual, and doesn't actualy show up. But can be used as an inherit for other frames
16:31.52Beladonabut when creating via lua, you can simple create a function that can be used more than once, and just change the frame name based on an arg
16:32.05Beladonaor other things if you want
16:35.32|FF|Im2good4ui see thanks (the main reason im onig all by lua is becase WOW INTERFACE DESINGER wont do a "ScrollFrame")
16:48.40MeryI'm to lazy to test: If I hide a button on which the mouse is over, is OnLeave fired?
16:50.34jaxdahldoes this count as unreleased content?
16:51.12|FF|Im2good4uofc its teh secret
16:51.34Cairennwhat the hell does ofc stand for?
16:52.06Meryyou aren't allowed to show pictures you took at their stand at e3 or gc?
16:52.07zenzelezzof course
16:52.15zenzelezzit's one of those weird abbreviations
16:52.35Cairennzenzelezz: that's what I *presumed* it stood for, but you're right, it is just weird
16:52.54Cairennthen again, so is most l337 sp34k
16:53.33CairennMery: no way to prove whether the ss comes from e3/gc or whether it's leaked alpha ss's
16:53.40zenzelezzmany "poor" abbreviations/acronyms aren't necessarily leet speak =)
16:53.59Cairennzenzelezz: they're lame enough, they may as well be ;)
16:54.07zenzelezzI suppose they use "ofc" because "oc" is too ambiguous even for them
16:54.12zenzelezzCairenn: very true
16:54.14MeryCairenn: its from 13th of may
16:54.30Hexarobii assume blizz has decided to not allow cross-server tells/channels for a reason, anyone know that reason?
16:54.34zenzelezzhow do you know Mery?
16:54.43CairennMery: point
16:54.49Meryfile history of the image
16:54.57ShadowedHexarobi you can send cross server tells in BG's but not outside
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16:55.16zenzelezzon the wiki?
16:55.16Shadowedyou can't use cross-server channels, have to use BATTLEGROUND addon type to communication for addons
16:55.29zenzelezzsuppose that's harder to fake
16:55.45zenzelezzwas worried you were simply talking file modification/creation dates :)
16:55.58Hexarobiyes i mean, why dont they allow cross-server tells/channels when outside of a BG
16:56.38jaxdahlit would be nice to form a cross-server BG group before entering
16:56.38Hexarobii could see it being a hardware issue before now, and now they decided for some reason not to allow it
16:57.03zenzelezzthrough tells?
16:57.30jaxdahlanyone know if there is a way to talk to your party in a BG?
16:57.41jaxdahl/party doesn't work
16:58.23Shadowedcan't be done
17:00.42jaxdahl -- scroll down to progression. note that the rows have alternating background colors - anyone know an easy way to insert a row and not have to manually flip the colors for every row?
17:03.14krkai did a similar thing recently
17:03.26krkai chose to loop through all the rows and set classes
17:04.23Kalrothyou can do it with javascript if you want to avoid serverside scripting
17:04.26Cideuse php
17:04.29Cideor similar
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17:04.57Beladonawow ok, that sucked
17:05.32krkayeah, javascript in my case
17:05.46CideI hate javascript :(
17:05.58KalrothCide: some webservers don't have it available ;p
17:06.45krkaif you're inserting rows, you're using javascript anyway :P
17:07.02Cideunless you do it in the source
17:07.28Kalrothjaxdahl: clarify!
17:07.35krkacheck out that page
17:07.41krkathat has an example
17:07.44Cidecheck out that url..!
17:08.01krka(click on the titles of the columns to sort)
17:08.10JoshBorkekrka: i love your GRAB :-)
17:08.19krkacool JoshBorke
17:08.23JoshBorkebut your krkaUtils keeps breaking on me so i keep hacking it :-(
17:08.25Kalrothgrab butts?
17:08.27krkawant my personal version 2 that i never finished?
17:08.32krkaand probably never will
17:08.48krkado with it what you will, would be nice to see something useful come from it :)
17:08.53krkahave a new krkaUtils too
17:10.04TainHey Ultimate Online has a new official update coming!
17:10.19effjjaxdahl, I don't know if you've gotten an answer yet but if you use php there's a library called "Smarty" which does just that and much else to simplify stuff
17:11.05krkahere you go! for all you people who think you might find any thing useful here:
17:12.23krkaJoshBorke: yeah, i thought GRAB was a kinda good idea, and i would have finished it if i didn't have to code the GUI, it's sooo boring :)
17:12.37JoshBorkei would just left the GUI off then come back and finish it
17:12.49krkano GUI = no users :P
17:12.54krkabut yeah
17:12.56JoshBorkepsh, not true! i'm using it :-P
17:13.03krkait worked nice enough for me though
17:13.11JoshBorkeyea, i've got it set up on my priest
17:13.14JoshBorkeit's really nice for buffs
17:13.19krkaactually, it was a minor pain to have to edit the file outside wow and then reload for any changes
17:13.32krkathat was why i made ForAllIndentsAndPurposes in the first place, to do it in game
17:13.50KirkburnWoo, Creative have shipped me a replacement Zen Vision:M :)
17:13.50krkayeah, i used it on my priest too
17:14.05krkasurprisingly efficient for my hunter too
17:14.10krkachoosing stings and stuff
17:14.18JoshBorkehm, so maybe a simple saved variable for the settings
17:14.20JoshBorkerather than in the file
17:14.52JoshBorkehrmph, i'll think about this in my spare time and see if i can come up with a gui
17:14.58krkamy current set up (though i haven't played for many months now) is LuaSlinger for my settings :)
17:14.59JoshBorkedo you have an idea of what you want to gui to look like?
17:15.33krkayeah... basically a bunch of text-areas to enter the settings
17:16.08krkafirst a scrolllist where you you choose button, then for each button there is a list for each action (in priority order) then for each action you can setup the condition
17:16.34JoshBorkeaction being what?
17:17.42krkaa spell, an item, an inventory thingy, ety.c.
17:17.51JoshBorkeah, ok
17:17.55krkai have a sorta OO setup so that you can define own actions too
17:18.10JoshBorkeyea! in your original one, how can i check an inventory item?
17:18.40wereHamsterkrka, 'no GUI = no users' is not always true
17:18.41JoshBorkei want to have a button show up when my darnassus create morrowgrain bag is ready
17:18.46krkathere's a file called InventoryItemClass.lua in krkaButtons
17:19.10krkais that a tradeskill or something?
17:19.11JoshBorkeah, cool
17:19.16wereHamstermy coolDown addon doesn't have an UI and still has many users
17:19.18JoshBorkeit's a bag
17:19.31krkawereHamster: true, all addons don't really need UI's to set up
17:19.40krkaand i have avoided writing such addons :)
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17:20.07krkaJoshBorke: not really following, what is the action (spell or using item) that you want to do?
17:21.01JoshBorkelet's just say i want to have a butotn show my hearthstone whenever it is not on cooldown, is that possible?
17:21.20wereHamsterJoshBorke, how long is the CD of morrowgrain?
17:21.30krkathe action is a ContainerItemAction
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17:21.34JoshBorke10 minutes
17:21.41krkathe condition is kinda like: self.cooldown == 0
17:21.47krka(in the new grab atleast)
17:21.58wereHamstercoolDown could be modified to show item coolDowns other than consumables..
17:22.28krkaold grab would probably have krka_GetItemCooldown("Hearthstone") == 0 or something like that
17:22.56JoshBorkewereHamster: if i had a button i could click i could be even lazier :-D
17:24.04wereHamstertoo bad we can't hook 'move forward' etc..
17:24.56krkai think it's a good thing
17:25.09wereHamsteryou'd stop in the middle of the heigan fight to create morrowgrain.. :)
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17:26.04|FF|Im2good4u <- is this smaprt or is it better to get the FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset putside of the if ?
17:26.19|FF|Im2good4ui mean outside of the for
17:26.30|FF|Im2good4uto me it seem useless to call 1 func 5x
17:26.42Cidethat's why you use a local variable that stores the value the function returns
17:29.26|FF|Im2good4uyes but that could be done outisde of the if right :p
17:30.08|FF|Im2good4ui knot the function its easy its just return this:Offset: so it wont matter but jsut in case u getm ore difficult funcs :p
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17:32.38Beladona|FF|Im2good4u: does line change each tiem you interate? for example, should lineplusoffset be 1 + whatever, or 2+ whatever, 3+ whatever, and so on? if so it has to be inside the for statement
17:32.45Beladonainterate = iterate
17:33.08BeladonaI would recommend doing a local though, like Cide said
17:36.16MentalPowerwhat are the advantages of using fauxscrollframetemplate over your own slider+:GetValue+paintFontStringsUsingValue?
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17:38.01Cairennhey Qzot
17:40.46|FF|Im2good4uI got a CreateFrame() coulnd fins inherted node "GameFontHighlight" <- wut did i do wrong ?
17:43.03|FF|Im2good4ufstring = CreateFrame("FontString",buttonname .."_Text",frame,"GameFontHighlight") <- code :p
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17:44.44JoshBorkefont strings are created with CreateFontString called on a frame, check it out on the wiki  :-)
17:44.59|FF|Im2good4uoww k ill try that lol
17:49.08|FF|Im2good4uthat worked :p sadly i still got error on show but ill try ot fix myzelf first
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18:02.05jaxdahlhow would i use smarty with the wiki?
18:18.15|FF|Im2good4uGuys i dinamagicly created some front strings yet i see nothing :p is there smart way to see where it goes wrong ?
18:19.01Beladonapaste your code, we can assist
18:19.21KirkburnI just handed out my first ban :P
18:20.53|FF|Im2good4uoops wrong copy paste :P
18:21.00Kirkburnoh really? ;)
18:22.02jaxdahlyay kirkburn
18:32.19|FF|Im2good4uso any1 got an idea why i dont see them :[
18:35.14Beladonalooking at it
18:35.47Beladonayou have to define what layer to put it in
18:37.04Beladonaoh wait nm, misread
18:39.33|FF|Im2good4u <- thisk inda wut i was trying
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18:44.57Cideyou didn't set the font's position
18:45.19|FF|Im2good4u: Oops!
18:45.37|FF|Im2good4uhow do i se the position then ?
18:46.59|FF|Im2good4uHmm oke ill try some setP on the fstrings
18:48.53jaxdahlis Umbra in here?
18:49.14KirkburnNot as far as I know
18:50.21jaxdahlwhy change it from shcmatic to recipe?
18:51.02KirkburnNot sure, he's doing it to all the schematics
18:51.20Cideit's labeled as a schematic I'm sure
18:51.37jaxdahli'll ask on his talk page
18:51.38Cideunless it's supposed to put all tradeskill stuff in the same category
18:52.00KirkburnYeah, ask him jaxdahl :)
18:52.11|FF|Im2good4uCide: thats that was it :p i was looking at and i didnt see any points for the fstring so i didnt add it
18:53.59KirkburnHe may be doing for consistency, but the official name is indeed 'schematic'
18:54.33KirkburnAlthough it depends, Blizzard describe engineering _recipies_ as being referred to as schemtics, so it's merely semantics.
18:55.14jaxdahlk, i asked him though
18:55.17jaxdahlso we'll see what he says
18:58.50ckknight_hey all, back
19:00.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:02.53QzotAnyone know subscriber numebrs for WoW in N.A.?
19:03.26QzotAccording to was 2.5M in 1Q06, but I think that includes Europe.
19:04.12KirkburnYeah, afaik it does
19:05.17QzotHmm. I guess I could count servers, and assume same number of subscriber/server average in both places.
19:06.02Josh|ClassKirkburn: you can ban on wowwiki now? grats
19:06.07KirkburnWoW may have already hit 7 million subs
19:06.21KirkburnJosh|Class, awseomely scary, eh? :P
19:06.36QzotThey claim 7M in that report, but it includes "East" and "West".
19:07.06KirkburnIt said 6.5 to me ... what page are you looking at?
19:07.22Josh_Borkekrka: for the zip file you shared, is krkaButtons no longer used?
19:07.31QzotYou're right.
19:07.40QzotI was reading the graph on page 12 incorrectly.
19:08.10KirkburnThat's from June, so it's almost certainly ove r7 million now
19:08.51QzotI'm not sure the East numebrs compare with the West numbers, tho.
19:09.18QzotIf I had access to the subs model available in China, I'd probably have several pay-per-use accounts.
19:09.52QzotEspecially for muling purposes.
19:12.44QzotWow. Europe is much smaller.
19:13.12KirkburnWell, it's comparable to WoW US
19:13.27Qzot93 servers, vs 171 in N.A.
19:13.38KirkburnYou inlcuding all languages in that?
19:13.47QzotMaybe not.
19:14.05Kirkburnenglish, french and german, don't forget :P
19:14.15KirkburnAnd soon to add spanish :)
19:14.18QzotDoes list forums for *all* servers, or only english-speaking fora?
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19:15.13KirkburnI don't understand the question
19:15.20Meryif you have english selected only for the english servers
19:15.22KirkburnYou just linked the page with links to the four languages
19:15.25Qzots/english-speaking fora/fora for English-speaking servers/
19:15.47Kasoyou can select lanuage
19:15.58Kasobe default it lists english but you can switch to the others
19:16.23KirkburnIt goes to the forum language selection for me
19:17.02QzotHmm. Is there an obvious place to change language on the main page?
19:17.09KirkburnTop right
19:18.12Kirkburn365 servers total for US and europe combined
19:18.16QzotNo comprehensive list.
19:18.21QzotSource, and date?
19:18.43QzotThat makes them sound highly comparable. I counted 171 last week.
19:19.16KirkburnOn the main page ( look at the top left
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19:22.26ckknightDolby-wowi, ping
19:23.23|FF|Im2good4u`how m i sepsosed to use frame:SetHiglightTextColor(1,1,0.4) <-sine that is a nil (on button)
19:28.12Meryanyway it would be SetHighlightTextColor
19:28.31Merywith an additional "h"
19:28.58jaxdahli still don't like how the TOC and battlegroup infobox change the layout of the page
19:29.15jaxdahlif your window is wide enough then there are 2 [edit]s next to each other
19:29.23jaxdahlone for Community and one for Rare Crafting
19:30.32KirkburnHow about now?
19:30.46|FF|Im2good4uMery: u where right the wiki pagw had it spelled wrong :P
19:30.58KirkburnBtw, the PS3 slogan has been revealed. It's ... stupid.
19:32.15Merywell it had it one in wrong place, the tile was correct :) (i corrected it though)
19:32.27|FF|Im2good4u(Someone really managed to copy that typo in his code =P) :x !
19:32.45jaxdahlthat's even worse
19:32.46|FF|Im2good4ui was just about to edit when i was it was already done :p
19:32.50jaxdahlnow it's [edit] [edit] [edit]
19:33.02Meryhehe =P
19:33.05Kirkburnjax, what res and what browser?
19:33.24GuillotineQuestion: Blizz has converted the blizz UI files into .pub. Can I still look at/edit the API features of it the same way I used to? (e.g. just using the old .lua file)
19:33.30jaxdahli don't use it fullscreen
19:33.43jaxdahlsomewhere between 1000 and 1200 pixels wide
19:33.58|FF|Im2good4uu forgot the [,a] :p
19:34.01KirkburnLooks like a bug in FF
19:34.25KirkburnOr something it takes too seriously
19:34.32KirkburnEither way, it's fine in IE7
19:35.58|FF|Im2good4uomg did any1 ever heard of GuildAds addon ?
19:36.25MeryGuillotine: What do you want to change?
19:36.48Cidewell, there are a few thousand addons, so unless it's made by someone in here or rather well-known, chances are no :) I haven't, in any case
19:36.55GuillotineMery: Just wondering if I can still change the search type on the AH
19:37.17Guillotinewith widget functions or if theres some new other function
19:37.21|FF|Im2good4uyeh probely :p
19:37.45|FF|Im2good4uits jsut that all my frinst sting button got names after the communication channel it uses ..
19:37.56|FF|Im2good4uall "GuildAdsTheClan"
19:38.24Josh_BorkeRARGH! stupid pam
19:38.24|FF|Im2good4udunno how that can happent but GuildAds probely does somthnig verry weird :p
19:38.32Guillotinemaybe thats the channel Guild Calendar or whatever uses?
19:38.45Josh_Borkespeaking of guild calendar! combine!
19:38.50MentalPowerGuillotine: you can use the Interface AddOn Kit (From Blizz) to extract the .lua and .xml files, however you can no longer override them
19:39.11MentalPowerso if you're going to change something it has to be programatically done in Lua
19:39.20Guillotinealright, thats what I planned to do anyway :)
19:39.29|FF|Im2good4u? realy? i got asked if i wanted oto overite yes or no ?
19:39.49QzotHmm. Okay. I can't remember the command to send a PM in IRC. Brain's dead...
19:40.06jaxdahlor /query if you're using mirc to open a query window
19:40.17QzotLike a send a /msg nickserv every login. As I said, brain's gone.
19:40.29MentalPoweror /notice for sending a PM without opening an additional window
19:40.40jaxdahlif you're using mirc, you can change your Peform settings i think
19:40.49QzotMy client doesn't even understand additional windows. :P
19:41.03QzotI doubt my client understand it's original window, for that matter.
19:41.21Guillotinehmm. I didn't know notepad could be used as an IRC client :P
19:41.31jaxdahlirc is multiplayer notepad
19:41.36Qzot*sigh* I'm having to connect to IRC via a Solaris box, for extra firewall protection. [TM]
19:41.37Guillotinebash ftw?
19:41.48jaxdahlbitchx? /win new
19:42.03GuillotineTHATS why I can't send you viruses Qzot... dang
19:43.22GuillotineAnother question: In the function QueryAuctionItems("name", "minLevel", "maxLevel", invTypeIndex, classIndex, subclassIndex, page, isUsable, qualityIndex) - what form is qualityIndex in? the number form where 0=poor, 1=common, ect? Or text form?
19:44.08MentalPowerindex = number
19:44.17Guillotinealright. I guessed as much but wasn't sure
19:45.06QzotIt's more than the subscription itself.
19:46.08|FF|Im2good4uGetNumGuildMembers(true) <- 0 :(
19:46.52Josh_Borke|FF|Im2good4u: if you're in a guild, make sure you check the guild tab first :-)
19:47.18|FF|Im2good4uah dahm i was just tring to parse it for my addon :(
19:47.35Guillotineyou need to have your addon open the guild panel for one moment to populate that info
19:48.24QzotIf *half* of subscribers *never* buy any gold, then you haveto double that average for the players who do.
19:49.04jaxdahli think you can /q in bitchx anyway
19:52.52Cairennand datavertex is back
19:57.36MentalPowerrestarting FF, one sec
20:00.00Nightdewcan anyone think of a way to figure out if a certain spell or action will actually cancel an effect?
20:00.04Nightdewlike shapeshift
20:00.10Nightdewand mounted
20:00.26KirkburnHey, hey! I got my thread stickied!
20:01.09Gngskwell done
20:01.58KirkburnS'pose I shoudl edit it now :P
20:02.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
20:04.23KasoNightdew: for shapeshifts doesnt the icon of the spell change
20:05.17Cidegod. damnit.
20:05.26Guillotinewhats wrong Cide?
20:05.33CideI already ranted about it
20:05.40Cideblizzard broke raid_roster_update in 1.12, again
20:06.44ThraeI was wondering why GetRaidRosterInfo doesn't return Realm?
20:07.21Cideno idea
20:07.33Cidebut RRU doesn't fire when reloading/logging in in a raid
20:07.45Cideso now I have to rely on manually firing it a few seconds in
20:07.48Cidegod. damnit.
20:08.41ThraeYou can't rely on GetRaidRosterInfo on PEW?
20:09.58ThraeHmm, I thought the server was safe to query on PEW.
20:10.26Cidea bunch of raid stuff is not available (or not returning correct/complete results) before first RRU
20:10.36ThraeAh, nice.
20:10.50Cideno :(
20:11.41ThraeYeah, I remember looking at RosterLib developed by maia which caches raid information and provides proper iterator functions, and wondering why it sometimes uses an OnUpdate script...that's probably why.
20:13.08Josh_BorkeThrae: yep
20:14.35Cideit worked fine in 1.11
20:14.43Cidewas broken in every patch before that
20:14.46Cideand now, again, in 1.12
20:14.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
20:16.15Esamynngood afternoon all
20:16.45Cairennhi Esamynn
20:16.52Cidehi Esamynn
20:20.39MentalPowerCide: iriel responded
20:21.40Cidewhat the hell did I link to
20:22.31CairennCide: I was wondering that myself ;)
20:22.40Josh_Borkelol, yea
20:22.52Cidehaha, oh well
20:23.10MentalPowerI thought it was intentional, poster being a priest and you saying "prays for an answer"
20:24.53Cide <- what I meant to link to :P
20:25.20CideI wonder if Iriel is lurking around in here
20:25.27Cideor if he's a forum lurker only!
20:25.31Esamynnyou never know
20:26.32Beladonaoptimizing code = fun (that was a joke)
20:26.48KasoWasn't there a shorter way to do getglobal("fred") like _G()["fred"] or something like that, my memory fails
20:27.05|FF|Im2good4uCide: did u make CTmod ?
20:27.10Cide|FF|Im2good4u: yes
20:27.13ThraeKaso: local _G = getfenv(0) _G["fred"]
20:27.17|FF|Im2good4uWoW nice Job
20:27.18MentalPowershorter, no. supposedly faster yes
20:27.33Thrae_G is shorter then getglobal :D
20:27.34Beladonawhy would one getglobal("fred")? I mean, if fred is global, couldn't you just use fred?
20:27.37MentalPowerlocal _G = getfenv(0) _G.fred
20:27.47KasoI'm trying to fit it into a macro :< so defining locals is not what i'd want to do
20:27.50MentalPowernot if you only do it once
20:28.02MentalPoweryou can globalize it
20:28.16CideKaso: yay for shortening macros!
20:28.25MentalPowerin stock lua _G is already defined, but Blizz disabled that in WoW
20:28.55Kaso:> GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() is causing me a problem :<
20:29.24ThraeBeladona: I like it for consistency and tiny tiny tiny speed improvement in some cases
20:29.34ThraeKaso: What are you trying to do with this macro?
20:30.04ThraeBeladona: And I like optimizing code more then making actual functional addons, hence why I don't program for a living ;)
20:30.16Kasojust set a different /emote for summoning and dismissing a mount
20:30.23Guillotinelol... comment on like 473 of the old BlizzAH frame: "--Lie about our buyout price" o.0 makes more sence when you read the code though. if the last bid + min increment > buyout, it raises the buyout
20:30.28Kasoguess i could use UnitBuff rather than tooltips
20:31.02ThraeI think there was a new event you could parse for gaining and losing buffs...COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE, right?
20:31.39Kasofor me?
20:32.04ThraeKaso: Look at ThraeFuncs on WoWI for an example of a buff parser pre-1.12, you will probably have to make it a separate addon
20:32.20Kasoaddons are for noobs, im doing macros!
20:32.30ThraeThraeFuncs is just a collection of functions to call from macros
20:32.48ThraeHeh, buff parsing is not something that can be condensed down into 250 characters
20:32.54Kasoyah but installling an addon defetes the point of using a macro imo
20:33.04ThraeNo it doesn't
20:33.13ThraeThraeFuncs doesn't register any events, it doesn't create any frames
20:33.23ThraeIt's just functions to call from macros, period
20:33.28Kasoi might as well just write a miniaddon to do the job if im going to install someone elses addon though
20:33.56ThraeIt's intended to use more then 1 of the functions provided in ThraeFuncs in your macros
20:34.34ThraeWell, that's what I'm saying you'll have to do
20:34.48ThraeParsing buffs can't fit in a macro
20:34.58Kasowe'll see about that! i'll get it to 255 if it kills me
20:35.27NightdewKaso: it does change
20:35.36Nightdewbut you dont always have an action button to check
20:36.07Kasothen you'd just have to keep a table of all the spells that behave like that
20:36.21Nightdewnot just spells is the problem
20:36.28Nightdewmounts as well
20:37.16Kasokeep a table of them too then!
20:38.06ThraeUnitBuff returns the texture path of the buff icon, which doesn't necessarily tell you which buff you have as some buffs share textures.
20:39.10Kasotrue, but its Dreadsteed so i dont think that buff is used very often, its not optimal but needs must
20:40.25Kasoalso, why the hell doesnt CancelPlayerBuff use the same index as UnitBuff :<
20:40.52ThraeKaso: It does use the same index
20:41.08KasoI've always needed to use i-1 to get it workin ^_-
20:41.44ThraeKaso: My macros in ThraeFuncs work using the index from UnitBuff and CancelUnitBuff together, so you're doing something wrong somewhere.
20:41.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
20:42.21ThraeFor instance, my Hibernate+Entangling Roots function will cancel Thorns on yourself before casting Hibernate. Works perfectly.
20:43.05krkaJosh_Borke: yeah, krkaButtons is the old one, i think
20:43.18krkaJosh_Borke: might be newer than the one on wowi though
20:44.52Josh_Borkekrka: ko, thanks :-)
20:45.18krkaglad i have a user, sorta :P
20:46.33Josh_Borke:-P  it's really nice for my priest because there are 5 buffs that he can buff
20:46.40Josh_Borkeso i have one button that just dumps those 5 :-D
20:49.02Kasoi'm not trying to sound rude, but im totally not seeing what you're saying about CancelPlayerBuff
20:49.16GuillotineI'm getting quite a strange error from  "Attempt to call a nil value". no info other than that
20:49.26Kasoi just tested it then, canceling i removes i+1 on my screen
20:49.52Kasoline 8
20:50.04Guillotineum. whats wrong with it?
20:50.56ThraeKaso, I'm not going to argue with you if you don't actually test my code.
20:51.08Kasook, lemme take a lookie
20:51.09ThraeI know my code works, I used it just last night.
20:52.59ThraeAh wait nevermind, you'd have to get the code off SVN.
20:53.32ThraeI haven't updated the version on wowi yet.
20:54.12ckknightDolby-wowi, ping
20:56.05Kirkburnlol at the gentoo channel now :P
20:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge UdontKnow (i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow)
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21:07.10QzotAnyone know where I might find stats for # of WoW servers over time?
21:17.52Esamynnout for a bit, later all
21:18.06Cairennlater Esamynn
21:22.25purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at josh_borke and fires. BANG!
21:26.08Cidehmm, does anyone know?
21:26.19Cideerr, I forgot to state the question.
21:26.35Cidedoes anyone know if there's a "resize" cursor?
21:27.17Guillotinecan anyone spot whats wrong with ? SnipeBot_Load() isn't being called
21:28.22Josh_Borkedid you check FrameXML.log?
21:28.57Guillotineumm... whats that?
21:29.03GuillotineCide: not that I know of
21:29.40Josh_BorkeGuillotine: FrameXML.log is a file that generates all the errors when parsing XML files during loadup, should be in WoW/Logs
21:31.33Guillotinety, I'll look through it :)
21:32.08Guillotinegreaaat. another stupid error... this: instead of this.
21:32.43Josh_Borkeo.O what line?
21:33.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
21:33.46zenzelezzstrictly speaking FrameXML.log reports your errors, it doesn't generate them =D
21:33.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
21:34.21Josh_Borkeindeed :-)
21:34.21Guillotinethe last line of the OnLoad, but apparently it made it not work o.O
21:35.12Guillotineone last question :) gives an error that TimeSinceLastUpdate is a nil. I copied this section just about directly from the HowTo section on wowwiki. whats wrong ><
21:35.50Josh_BorkeTimeSinceLastUpdate has to be set to something before you can do something with it
21:35.55Josh_Borkea little bug in the HowTo :-D
21:36.29Guillotinebut I did that and it still bugged ><
21:36.40Guillotineohhhh. I know the problem. OnLoad wasn't loading then...
21:36.55Guillotine*sigh* its amazing how many problems a simple typo can make
21:37.19zenzelezzit's the avalance effect
21:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (
21:48.36Guillotinehmmm. is outdated? It isn't doing anything for me
21:49.34Josh_Borkewhat's the format for a custom table sort?
21:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Silv (
21:53.02Guillotineanyone happen to know the command to select a certain dropdown option? thers no dropdown info on the Widget API section of WoWWiki
21:54.22subbawtbah the only way to check for buffs is to check for the buff icon? ;\
21:54.40Guillotineunfortunately :/
21:54.52Guillotineor tooltip scanning
21:56.15subbawtah that sounds better
21:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
21:56.51subbawtthat way i can check for both GHeal Renew and Renew
21:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
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22:03.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
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22:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
22:19.28Mr_Rabiesdoes anyone have the latest beta of discord groupbuttons? their site is down :[
22:20.25Mr_Rabiesguess i could wait a few days hoping their bandwidth resets at the first of the month :o
22:21.56KirovLazeroth needs to just let wowi host him.
22:22.09KirkburnLol, someone put on the wowwiki SHARK page. Yes, SHARK ..... "These are canned be tamed by Hunters."
22:22.51KirkburnKirov, Lozareth is too prideful for that unfortunately, Kirov :(
22:23.18Mr_Rabieshe needs to buy more bandwith then :P
22:23.39KirovKirkburn - Yeah, I saw his whole long "I have no money, but I refuse to let others pay for my server post because I'm can't accept help from others" post
22:23.51KirovMr_Rabies - the problem is he's broke.
22:24.03KirkburnActually, I never saw that post,but it was certainly the impression I got
22:24.10Mr_Rabiesthen he needs to stop being so prideful :P
22:24.33Mr_Rabiesfree bandwidth is free bandwith imo
22:24.45KirovI believe he's made the comment that he's unable to pay his water bill, but he's still paying for his server and bandwidth.
22:24.52KirovWhat's more is there are even free hosts out there.
22:25.03Kirovnon-wowi ones
22:25.21Kirkburn(dear god, that guy who edited the Blood elf page ... I'm having to revert most of his edits)
22:31.00KirkburnHopefully Lozareth will see sense one day
22:33.01Mr_Rabies2give me an example of the terribleness of the BE page :O
22:33.13Mr_Rabies2i checked just now and it didn't seem too far off
22:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
22:36.14KirkburnConfused - you checked his edits?
22:36.32Kirkburn(UndeadPreacher is the guy)
22:37.32KirkburnNow I've got a guy making stupid guild articles. Isn't adminship fun =P
22:39.29Josh_Borkebye all
22:39.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
22:40.32Cairennlol Kirkburn, welcome to my world
22:40.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
22:41.40GuillotineWhich description for my new addon should I use?: Do you enjoy making money off of other people's misery? Does ruining someone else's day make your day just that much better? Do you take pleasure from another's dispair? If you answered yes to those questions, this addon is for you! Many people transfer items between factions through the neutral AH. They put up the item for an extremely low...
22:41.41Guillotine...price and quickly switch characters to buy it. Because people hardly ever use the neutral AH, those transfers are usually safe... until now! SnipeBot continually scans the neutral AH and buys out any items that are there for an unusually low price.
22:42.15KirkburnCalling it a 'bot' is a baaad idea
22:42.34KirkburnIt will onyl attract criticism
22:42.39Guillotineor maybe a lore version: There is great animosity between the alliance and the horde. Some players are being traitorous and transferring items between them! Its time to take matters into your own hands! Confiscate any items being transferred between auction houses extremely easily!
22:42.54Guillotineits ok Kirkburn, I don't plan on actually releasing this addon :) I'm keeping it for myself
22:42.57Guillotineand friends
22:43.03KirkburnThe second version :P
22:43.09KirkburnOr maybe even both :)
22:43.32KirkburnThe "lore" version followed by the "real" version ;)
22:44.00Meryanyway don't name it bot if you give it out to anybody, the word "bot" allone can cause pages of drama on the server forums...
22:44.11GuillotineI may actually release this eventually just to prove my point that buying something off the AH should require a key press
22:44.22Guillotinelike I've been saying forever
22:44.45GuillotineI know I'm not the only one with an addon like this
22:45.13KirkburnIt doesn't require a key press? :O
22:45.45KirkburnThat's crazy
22:45.59Guillotinethat's what I've been saying :) Slouken said it was fine for the moment though
22:46.36GuillotineUsed to be able to have an addon actually buy stuff, run to the mailbox, pick it up, and run back to relist it higher all without pressing a keyu
22:48.59AnduinLotharcan you talk in battleground chat if you leave the group?
22:50.35AnduinLotharha. blizz typo in ChatFrame_OpenChat
22:51.16*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (
22:52.54clad|worklol cair
22:55.22Cairennit's really well done
22:55.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dorbak (
22:56.31dorbakhi all
22:56.44Cairennhi dorbak
22:57.10dorbakthis a place where I can ask questions about WoW UI modding programming questions?
22:57.16dorbak(relative newb still ;)
22:57.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
22:58.57Bleeterhello folks. is there a way to tell a chat channel to not log via LoggingChat? I could quite happily live without some stuff (pre-1.12 addon chan's spam from, eg, GEM)
22:59.30Cairenn(sorry for the interruption)
22:59.43cladhairewe call it "Fuck it, Five Blades!"
22:59.46cladhairethat's the name of the razor.
23:00.20*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> "Fuck Everything, We're Doing Five Blades" | Paste Code Here:
23:00.26dorbakheh, ok :)  Here's my question:  I'm writting a mod which currently has two frames --- both inherited from a template.  Each frame has some buttons to be used to display text...I can get text to display on the buttons on "FrameA", but now, if I press one of the buttons in FrameA I want additional information to display on the button in FrameB
23:01.06GngskWhat part of this don't you understand? If two blades is good, and three blades is better, obviously five blades would make us the best fucking razor that ever existed.
23:01.39dorbakI got the FrameA portion working (including the noticing the button OnClick event), however, I can't figure out how to write the new text to the other FrameB...(trying to get the error message)
23:02.42dorbakError: Interface\AddOns\myMod\myMod.lua:36: attempt to index a nil value
23:03.11dorbakCurrently, Line 36 reads: getglobal("myModB_ButtonName_Text"):SetText("Hello");
23:03.14*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (n=GeoMance@
23:04.17cladhaireIt means myModB_ButtonName_Text doesn't exist.
23:04.41cladhairei'd play with that a bit, and use devtools and /dump to make sure it exists =)
23:04.53purlwell, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
23:05.05Cairennso, you guys ready to cry tears of joy?
23:05.10cladhaireumm.. yes!
23:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
23:05.21Cairennhow's about Lua 5.1?
23:05.43kergothfuck yes
23:05.50kergothincremental garbage collection for the win
23:06.11cladhaireso i assume he's enabling COMPAT_GETN then?
23:06.36dorbak@clad: Thanks I"ll check that out --- I'm fairly certain it exists but who knows :P  But syntacically (sp?) speaking, what is the proper naming convention to address a button on a seperate frame than where the current code is being executed?  Similar to what I have written above? (That's the part I'm confused about)
23:06.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
23:06.52kergothi'd assume so, and the compat option for 'arg'
23:07.02Kirkburn1That was random ... got a disconnect exactly on midnight
23:07.24Kirkburn1And then didn't get the connection back for about 6 mins ... damn ISP
23:08.25*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> WoW will be using Lua 5.1 for the expansion| Paste Code Here:
23:08.48Kirkburn1Well, it doesn't affect me, but still ZOMG for everyone else
23:09.31cladhairejust a few questoins, i think i got them all
23:10.47Kirkburn1Awesome that Blizz is so dedicated to do this stuff
23:10.53Gngskwhat version of lua does wow currently use?
23:11.06Kirkburn1Damn yous!
23:11.36Shadowedso what's the advantage of requiring ipairs again
23:11.40Shadowedbesides annoyance?
23:11.50cladhairecause its proper
23:11.55cladhairefor takes a functino, not a table.
23:12.05Shadowedsooo it's proper, butttt no real advantages?
23:12.20cladhaireimproper code is a disadvantage.
23:12.54subbawthow do i get a player's unit id
23:13.04cladhairethat's a loaded question =)
23:13.06Shadoweddisadvantage as in, performence. not disadvantage as in it's proper
23:13.08subbawtoh noz
23:13.19GeoDaMancerPlayer's Unit id?
23:13.28cladhaireShadowed: It doesn't change anything except the semantics and syntax of the for constuct
23:13.35cladhaireShadowed: No speed difference, nothing
23:13.52cladhaireits gone, because it never should have been there.
23:13.55Shadowedi see
23:14.11cladhairenot doing it this way was deprecated in 5.0.2, if you read pil
23:14.15cladhaireso now its gone =)
23:14.31Shadowedyeah i know it was removed, just annoying
23:14.46kergothyeah, paying attention to what's deprecated helps
23:14.51kergoththen it isnt such a surprise
23:15.07Kirkburn1No, _you're_ deprecated!
23:15.09ShadowedI knew it was being deprecated already
23:15.19Shadowednot really a suprise
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23:15.28kergoththen why have you been using deprecated constructs?
23:15.56*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
23:15.58cladhairei'm guilty of them here and there.. lol =)
23:15.59ShadowedBecause i still prefer to see "for id, row in foo do" instead of "for id, row in ipairs( foo ) do"
23:16.15cladhaireso don't put spaces in between the parens =)
23:16.39Shadowedit's the ipair's part i mean :p
23:16.52subbawti'm working on a simple mod that parses some events, one of them return's arg1 as the "UnitID" of the Entity
23:17.00subbawti want to see if the entity is a specific player
23:17.07cladhairewell it pains me to not see the function =)
23:17.21cladhairesubbawt: you can UnitIsUnit(unit, unit)
23:18.01dorbak@clad:  Thank you very much on the devtool hint --- turned out the Button wasn't defined properly was missing a <Frames></Frames> section :P  Thanks again!
23:18.15cladhairedorbak: DevTools is our god.
23:20.08subbawti guess this is case sensitive
23:20.25cladhairesubbawt: Not sure what you mean
23:20.34subbawteh this isn't working
23:20.42cladhaireokay, so you have a unit id.
23:20.49cladhaireyou want to find out if its the same unit as something else.
23:20.51cladhairewhat is that something else.
23:21.01subbawtall i have is a player name
23:21.10subbawti want to know if there's a way to get something from the player name
23:21.15subbawtthat is comparable to a unitid
23:21.19cladhaireonly manually
23:21.42cladhairei.e. scanning all raid/party members to find if any of them have that name.
23:21.51subbawti suppose that will work
23:21.54cladhairepets can be named the same as players, so that throws things off too
23:22.19subbawtwell this isn't a mod that's going to be released or anything
23:22.23subbawtso if it's a little buggy, i don't care
23:23.51cladhairesubbawt: This should be close enough:
23:23.58cladhaireOr you can easily alter it to suit your needs
23:26.28subbawtare UnitId's constants?
23:26.57GeoDaMancerMostly so.
23:26.57GeoDaMancerUnless there's a change to your party, or raid.
23:28.31cladhairethat's why it caches, and updates if needed
23:32.39AnduinLotharwhat function would I use to check if I'm in a battleground?
23:33.10cladhairegood question
23:33.27GngskMinimap Zone Text?
23:33.55AnduinLotharw/o having to localize?
23:34.07cladhairesee if anyone in the battleground has a second return value =)
23:34.46Meryif the map is set to current zone, GetCurrentMapContinent() is -1
23:35.03AnduinLotharisnt that true of instances?
23:35.16Meryno then its 0
23:35.22Merybecause it shows the world
23:35.43Ratbert_CPAceHooks-2.0 is hosed for me...
23:36.02Ratbert_CPWon't call the new handler, complains about the function not being hooked when unhooking...
23:36.13Ratbert_CP:HookReport() fails...
23:36.53Ratbert_CPYou and ckknight are the authors of record in the source... :)
23:37.12AnduinLotharGetBattlefieldPosition(1) maybe?
23:37.36cladhairewell it sounds like its not hooked.
23:37.45cladhairei have nothing to do with HookReport() being broked.
23:39.06Merywell that would only work is at least one player is not in your group
23:39.10cladhaireyou can /dump self.hooks to get more information
23:39.16Meryif at least
23:39.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
23:39.58QzotNo open beta for BC?
23:40.07Ratbert_CPBut :IsHooked() reports true...  If I call self.hooks.UseContainerItem.orig() it fails appropriately...
23:40.13AnduinLotharhmm GetBattlefieldStatus
23:40.25Ratbert_CPHmmm?  What is this /dump of which you speak?
23:40.31purlfrom memory, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
23:41.17Ratbert_CPCool...  BBIAB
23:41.43Bleeterok, I'm *not* saying this, because I'd get sued, but Cedega/ATI have apparently put a bunch of work into their next round of ATI drivers. Nothing's been said specifically about better  WoW support yet, but might be worth keeping an eye on ;)
23:42.38MeryGetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime() or is that not instant?
23:43.26AnduinLotharfairly instant
23:44.23Ratbert_CPcladhaire: Looks right.
23:44.40cladhaireRatbert_CP: And the .orig() call fails?  with what message?
23:44.44cladhaireand what does IsHooked say
23:45.30Temcan some folks do me favor?
23:45.30Ratbert_CPIt says true
23:45.47cladhaireRatbert_CP: then maybe there's something wrong with the .orig() call.. what function are you hooking?
23:45.57TemGo to the official wow ui forums
23:46.00AnduinLotharno tem, you break wow
23:46.06Temand tell me what it says for "forumId="
23:46.13cladhaireand what error does it say when you call it?
23:46.17Ratbert_CPWhich worked fine under Ace1.x
23:46.25CairennQzot: what makes you say that?
23:46.41Ratbert_CPNone.  No error.  It just never calls the handler.
23:46.47CairennQzot: ah
23:47.01QzotHehe. I was just typing that in when you asked.
23:47.01TemI was hoping I could identify which forum it was in just based on the address
23:47.25Bleeteroh, and r200 chipsets are to be desupported ;)
23:47.30cladhaireRatbert_CP: If you put a print message in your handler, and then call UseContainerItem(), it never shows up?
23:47.34Ratbert_CPIt unhooks fine...
23:48.24Ratbert_CPcladhaire: That's correct..  Reloading to be sure...
23:48.44Ratbert_CPNo output from the handler
23:49.26cladhairethat's... odd to say the least
23:49.33Ratbert_CPlet me reinstate the hook/unhook on MERCHANT_SHOW/MERCHANT_CLOSED
23:49.57cladhaireso do this, local old = UseContainerItem; UseContainerItem = function() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Test") old() end
23:50.06cladhairenot that i dont know that will work or anything =)
23:51.48QzotHear ye! Hear ye! YAITQWHTTI!
23:51.49Ratbert_CPOK, now it complains about unhooking the function
23:52.03Ratbert_CPI hook on MERCHANT_SHOW and unhook on MERCHANT_CLOSED
23:52.18MentalPowerunhooking is in many cases a bad idea
23:52.32QzotUnhooking is almost always a bad idea.
23:52.32MentalPowercause it breaks addons that hooked after you
23:52.43cladhairethose acehook is designed to make it be safe
23:52.48cladhaireMentalPower: Not true with AceHook
23:52.51Qzot...unless done through a central facility.
23:52.58cladhaireor SeaHook
23:53.04cladhaireits not the centrality that does it
23:53.06cladhaireits safe hooks.
23:53.20MentalPoweryeah, I was thinking manual hooks
23:53.36Ratbert_CPself:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT_SHOW", function() self:Hook("UseContainerItem", "BagBoy2_UseContainerItem") self:SellItems() end)
23:53.36Ratbert_CPself:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT_CLOSED", function() self:Unhook("UseContainerItem") end)
23:54.04Ratbert_CPIt complains that the function isn';t hooked when I close the merchant frame.
23:54.10Ratbert_CPAnd the handler is never called.
23:54.10QzotMaybe I don't understand what you mean by "safe hooks". I'm talking about a central facility that installs a permanent hook, but gives clients the appearance of unhooking, which can safely be undone.
23:54.50cladhaireUnhook if possible, deactivate otherwise.
23:55.13Ratbert_CPBut when I used your snippet of code, it generated "Test" fine (although nothing else)
23:55.22Ratbert_CPAnd the handler was still never called.
23:55.30QzotI think I belong to the other religion.
23:55.49Ratbert_CPNow, I should mention that I have a function BagBoy2:BagBoy2_UseContainerItem(bag, slot)
23:55.55cladhaireQzot: Huh?
23:56.01QzotThe code has to be able to deactivate *without* unhooking in the general case. Therefore, it is simplest to always deactivate, but leave the hook in place.
23:56.08cladhaireNo, that's not true
23:56.15cladhaireyou incur an entire functinon calls overhead.
23:56.26*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
23:56.26cladhaireits absolutely trivial to check if you can safely unhook
23:56.30QzotI said simplest. I didn't say most efficient.
23:56.39QzotImho, efficiency is highly overrated.
23:56.53cladhaireHow is it difficult to check the global symbol versus your own?
23:56.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:57.21QzotThat's not the real issue, imho. The real issue is that the general case probably remains undertested.
23:57.44QzotAnd if it is flawed, that flaw only present in certain environments.
23:58.05cladhaireI honestly don't know what you'r etrying to say, and I'm attempting to.
23:58.10cladhaireCan you rephrase for me, what we're even talking about
23:58.18cladhairepretty please
23:58.38QzotI argue that shorter, simpler code is often preferred over code which is marginally more efficient.
23:59.01Ratbert_CPAlright.  I have to go home anyway...
23:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:59.36cladhaireQzot: Depends on the margin, but I wouldn't disagree.
23:59.40cladhairebut that's not what we're talking about here.
23:59.46QzotUnhooking may save a procedure call in the chain of authority pattern, but you have to have the code which deactivates the still-hooked fuction anyway. So I argue for always rely on it, since you have to have it. And never unhooking.

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