irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060828

00:12.30*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:12.30*** topic/#wowi-lounge is It is very important to not underestimate the power salty fingers have when negotiating with a cat. | Paste Code Here:
00:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc (
00:15.06*** join/#wowi-lounge claviola (
00:20.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies|away (
00:22.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (i=Hexarobe@
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00:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
00:27.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
00:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:57.33Hexarobihow do i do /who for a guild name?
00:58.17Mr_Rabies2/who g-Name
00:58.36cogwheelquotes are only necessary if there's a space
00:58.39Mr_Rabies2yeah " " if there's spaces
00:59.14cogwheelthese aren't the droids you're looking for
00:59.34dukekuthese aren't the eels you are looking for
01:00.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
01:00.52Mr_Rabies2these aren't the droods you're looking for
01:01.02cogwheeli was so just about to type that
01:01.11Mr_Rabies2GET OUT OF MY MIND
01:01.23dukekui was just about to type that
01:10.28Gngskget in to my car?
01:11.13Hexarobiis there anyway to see a post from the old forums now?
01:14.31cogwheelnope :(
01:15.10Endnot sure how long they plan on leaving it up though
01:19.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Pimpfo (
01:27.58Hexarobiman this is annoyin me
01:28.22Hexarobii want to read a post that google has seen in its cache, but i cant find the actual post
01:32.07MentalPowerbut alas, the post was deleted
01:46.06Hexarobiexactly =/
01:46.15Hexarobiim curious what it said
01:53.13Rallionheh wow it sucks how little I can do with my webspace until the domain registration goes through...
01:53.34Rallionbut it'll probably be done by the time I get home from work tomorrow, so whatever
01:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
01:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Corthain (
01:55.14CorthainHi again! :)
01:55.28zespri_workSo where do you read this leaked talent information that everybody is talking about on Blizz forums and mods moderating threads like mad?
01:56.04CorthainI'm pretty much done with this mod.. the only thing that I can't figure out is how to table.remove a table that is referenced by a string rather than by a number.
01:56.07CorthainHow do I do that?
01:56.47zespri_workthen you don't need to do table.remove. a[something] = nil would do
01:57.02CorthainSo that'd completely get rid of it?
01:57.11CorthainOr would the key still exist and be set to nil?
01:57.33zespri_workI beleive it's not possible to have nil as a table value
01:57.47CorthainAh yes.
01:57.50CorthainI forgot that fact.
01:57.55CorthainAwesome! Thanks!! =D
02:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
02:01.42CorthainWorked like a charm!
02:01.49CorthainThanks again, zespri!
02:05.00Hexarobiwhos yer registrar rallion?
02:05.11Hexarobigodaddy's changes seem to go live in 15 mins
02:05.15Hexarobiits eerie
02:17.59norgsall changes should go live every 15 mins
02:18.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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02:19.29norgsit's not the registrar but in fact the registry that's responsible for publishing the changes
02:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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02:43.39clad|sleepNight all
02:43.45Cairennsweet dreams clad|sleep
02:52.07MentalPowerso, I'm guessing that my 30KB/s Memory increase in WoW is the source of my Lag :|
02:53.25TemMentalPower, probably lol
02:53.38TemI've managed to get 3.5 top in raids
02:53.41Temwhich is hot
02:53.52Tembut I have an issue in BGs
02:53.58Temgetting 40+ in there
02:54.01Temdon't know the source yet
02:54.44MentalPowernow for the fun part, finding the culprit addon
02:57.47AnduinLotharI blame Cosmos
02:57.50AnduinLotharwait.. er..
02:58.01TemI blame... eeuuh
02:58.13TemI think I blame you, AL
02:58.20Temnot cosmos or Ct or anything
02:58.21Temjust you
02:58.46MentalPoweryou know, most of my AddOns are Cosmos :|
03:06.10AnduinLotharMost of Cosmos is Me
03:06.35AnduinLotharIt's Tem's fault.
03:06.36Temno no, I'm not even blaming it on an addon
03:06.41Temit's just your fault
03:07.06AnduinLotharoh right.. I stole him ram
03:11.10chuckgYay Loatheb down!
03:12.34Arrowmasterhow many wipes did you hellfire out of tonight chuck?
03:16.01TemI hate classes that have ways to avoid the repair bill
03:17.04AnduinLothari love di'ing rogues
03:17.13AnduinLotharand hunters
03:43.21Temwhy's that?
03:43.25Temthey still get to avoid the repair
03:45.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla|school (
03:55.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:22.04Cairennheh, some of you might get a kick out of this, I certainly did when I heard it last night:
04:24.49Cairennthe story behind it is that the GL inspected the MT about 3 secs before Firemaw, only to discover that the MT was wearing his shadow resist gear ... doh
04:28.53zespri_workwhich instance is shadow resist now? naxx?
04:29.09pyfenif foo = GetMasterLootCandidate(candidateIndex);   returns an do I get the name of the candidate?  ie, how do I get a string that holds the name of the person who the loot is given to?
04:30.04pyfennaxx is undead, scourge, hmm   I guess that could be shadow eh?
04:31.05zespri_workhave no idea - that's mainly why I'm asking =)
04:32.30pyfennow this isnt making any sense
04:33.20pyfencrap thats not whtI wated to do lol   hmmmm  :(    I'ma haveta read the core functions to see what Icna use
04:39.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
04:52.45Cairenncorrect me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the case that we are unable to change the colour of the minimap tracking icons?
04:56.14pyfenCairenn:  wouldnt suprise me,   blizz is quite iffy about altering minimap
04:56.18pyfendue to map hacks ect.
04:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
04:56.34pyfenAnyone know how I can get the name of the person that is given the loot in a raid when using master loot?
04:56.50pyfenI can only get the index value....and that doesnt help me...
04:57.00MentalPowerUpdated video card drivers + Overclocked Video Card = 5x increase in FPS :)
04:57.19pyfenMentalPower, what vid card?
04:57.31MentalPowernVidia GeForce FX 5200 Go
04:57.32pyfenand overclocked up what ratio?
04:57.41pyfenLOL  you serious?
04:57.51MentalPoweryes I'm serious
04:58.04pyfenso from 250mhz core and 300mhz memory    what did you up it to?
04:58.41MentalPower280Mhz Core, 361Mhz Memory
04:58.57pyfenand you went from what fps to what now?
04:59.32MentalPower4FPS -> 20FPS
04:59.53pyfenLOL you were actualy playing with 4fps?
05:00.03MentalPowerI was pulling my hairs out
05:00.07pyfenor actually, you actuallly play with 20 fps?
05:00.21MentalPower20FPS is golden for me
05:00.34pyfenlol   but did you just have the stock drivers in to get 4fps?   or was it just  6 months outdated or someting?
05:00.58MentalPowerit was like early 2006 drivers
05:01.04MentalPowererr... 2005
05:01.13pyfenlol yeah that'l do it
05:01.47MentalPowerand I upgraded to the latest and greatest 91.37
05:02.59KirovCairenn - slouken was kind enough to make the textures used for the blips replacable
05:03.10KirovIt's a little wonky though
05:03.30Kirovas it aparently takes a full file path
05:04.05Cairennthis was the thread I was reading that had me asking:
05:07.55pyfenAnyone know how I can get the name of the person that is given the loot in a raid when using master loot?   I can only seem to get the index value....which doesnt help me
05:16.19Kirovsome people need to learn to stay longer than 5 mintues
05:16.58Cairenn|sleepnight guys
05:18.43Ziconkirov: Usually a legitimate complaint, but that disconnect wasn't pyfen's fault.
05:23.10KirovZicon - could of been
05:23.38Kirov"Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)" seems to show up for some people when they manually leave.
05:24.03ZiconYes, I suppose pyfen could have cut the power to his/her computer.
05:27.08KirovOr use an Irc client that uses that as their quit message
05:28.03ZiconPossible, of course, but that would be ... incredibly stupid.
05:30.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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06:18.11MentalPowernight guys
06:32.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:39.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
08:33.07Temcan someone explain why I punch for 4 damage and crit puch for 8?
08:33.17TemI thought the crit bonus was 50%?
08:36.17Kirovbecause the crit bonus is 100?
08:41.44Corrodiaswelcome to WoW? o.o
08:50.38cmunnI like pie.
08:51.19Kirov'lo Bob
08:54.01cmunnAnyone know of a good mod that will keep your well geared tanks from leaving for guilds with better progression, leaving you in an endless cycle of Rag and Razergore, and no hope in sight of ever being able to down Vael?
08:56.24Kirovcmunn - BallNChain
08:56.31KirovI think it's a cosmos mod though
08:59.52cmunnSo... What are you working on these days, Kirov?
09:00.27KirovSTranq 2.0
09:00.38KirovTrying to avoid LLe as much as possible.
09:01.13KirovEvery time I look at that file I want to rewrite it from scratch, then I look at what MentalPower is doing with itemizer and go, "hey, it's already being done"
09:02.59cmunnWhat's LLe?
09:04.03cmunnWhy avoid it, and how does it factor into STranq?
09:04.57KirovBecause LootLink is a monstrosity
09:05.19jaxdahlhow does itemsync compare to lootlink?
09:05.36Kirovand the "enhanced" version is mostly a handful of hacks lumped on to the old dog to add functionality the original system never intended
09:05.53Corrodiasi rather like lootlink, but that's because it can remember items i don't have in my local cache :P
09:07.40KirovItemSync is a great addon for those who just want sell values and accurate browsing
09:08.32KirovThere's a lot of good in ItemSync, though I think KCItems is a superior addon that does the same thing and more.
09:08.35Kirovfor less
09:09.50Corrodiaswith 10% less water added
09:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:16.43zespriFunction TEXT is defined in BasicControls.xml as follows
09:16.43zesprifunction TEXT(text)
09:16.44zesprireturn text;
09:16.59zespridoes any one know how it's defined in a localized version?
09:17.52zesprior is it for backwards compat only?
09:18.49Kirovjust for backwards compatability I'm sure
09:18.57Kirovsince everything is translated via globalstrings.lua
09:19.35zespriok thanks
09:22.37Corrodiasanybody know how much honor you typically need for pvp ranks?
09:22.43Corrodiasis the system still competetive?
09:22.53cmunnQuestion: is World of Warcraft/Data/Patch.MPQ needed by WoW?
09:23.06Corrodiascmunn: Experiment: delete it and find out
09:23.11cmunnGood plan.
09:23.26Corrodiasdon't just rename it. delete it, and destroy your WoW discs.
09:24.21cmunnIt is indeed needed.
09:26.46Mr_Rabies2so uh
09:27.00Mr_Rabies2i was looking through my screenshots folder
09:27.15cmunnHow did that make you feel?
09:27.17Mr_Rabies2i have a screenshot taken in march 2005 of me accepting a quest
09:27.25Mr_Rabies2that is still in my quest log.
09:29.28cmunnAnybody used RDX? (
09:30.21Mr_Rabies2they mention e-checks
09:30.27Mr_Rabies2does that mean you have to PAY for it?
09:30.50cmunnAlthough version 5 is free.
09:30.56cmunnI lol'd as well.
09:31.02cmunnIt 'looks' pretty.
09:31.19Corrodiasso does porn
09:31.23Corrodiasbut i don't pay for -that-
09:31.31Mr_Rabies2isn't that like
09:31.34Mr_Rabies2against the ToS?
09:31.49Corrodiasno, unlike bioware, blizzard makes no attempt to claim ownership of addons
09:33.07Corrodiasi was playing in a battleground today, first time since january. i found that my half restoration druid does indeed have significant usefulness and can qualify for many honor kills without significantly damaging anybody
09:33.14Mr_Rabies2never thought i'd warez an addon
09:33.23Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to just because of the audacity of charging for it
09:33.28Corrodiasand in WSG druid seems to be the best class to grab the flag
09:33.39Mr_Rabies2druids are the best cappers
09:33.49Mr_Rabies2but i also go for fellow druids before any other class if they're healing
09:33.54Mr_Rabies2easier to drop than a priest
09:34.06Corrodiasand i said that to say this: i finally got to see my raid interface, with my new unitframes
09:34.22Corrodiasit took me most of the first game to figure out how to get x-perl to turn off the party frame in the raid, but it was a quick one
09:35.15Corrodiasthings were going well, 8-2, until i started running up against a premade heavy pvp group with pvp epix
09:36.04Corrodiasafter 3 consecutive losses to them, and us managing only to kill one of them once during those matches, i decided it was time to go level my mining skill for a while, instead. :P
09:36.36Mr_Rabies2i tear people up as a feral druid
09:36.49Mr_Rabies2mostly mages, druids, and holy priests
09:36.52Mr_Rabies2oh and rogue
09:37.18Corrodiasi don't have enough points in feral to be really effective that way
09:37.20Mr_Rabies2warlocks are next to impossible, warriors are possible if they're not arms/2h
09:37.35Mr_Rabies2shamans usually aren't too hard
09:37.57Corrodiasgod damn warlocks
09:38.12Corrodiasi swear, i had flashbacks to Guild Wars pvp battles with my monk vs a team with a good mesmer
09:38.14Mr_Rabies2shadow priests are impossible, hunters are a pain as a feral, but i can do well if i'm in my bear gear
09:38.40Mr_Rabies2mesmers are insanely awesome if you play them to be the biggest annoying bastard possible
09:39.02Mr_Rabies2like, debuff them so that heals hurt them massively, and monks spam heal kill their tanks and stuff :D
09:39.21Mr_Rabies2everyone seems to be a monk/war in GW though
09:39.24Mr_Rabies2or were when i played it
09:39.33Corrodiasi remember backfire, which would damage the caster, but not something to damage the person being healed
09:39.48Corrodiaswar/mo was more popular when i played
09:39.59Mr_Rabies2i haven't played it since a few months after release
09:40.08Corrodiashey, me too
09:40.23Mr_Rabies2but mesmers had a thing in which any kind of buff spell would harm whoever got healed/buffed
09:40.25Mr_Rabies2or something
09:40.29Mr_Rabies2maybe it was the caster
09:40.31Mr_Rabies2i can't remember
09:40.35Corrodiasit had an interesting pve ride. i really enjoyed that. however, i couldn't compete with the korean pvp groups and there was no more pve after the end...
09:40.44Mr_Rabies2i played in the e3 for everyone thing
09:40.48Mr_Rabies2the pvp was really fun in it
09:41.04Mr_Rabies2but the PVE in retail was horrendously boring
09:41.35Corrodiasreally? well, the world preview event pve was pretty much straight from the middle of the game.
09:42.22Mr_Rabies2i got to like
09:42.34Mr_Rabies2after the sundering or whatever and remember some ice castles and stuff
09:42.52Mr_Rabies2and after that i was like "Screw this, it's like WoW only somehow more boring to quest in"
09:43.07Corrodiasin the end, it just isn't very deep
09:45.02Mr_Rabies2it feels like you're doing the pve ONLY so you can pvp, and not for the story or anything else
09:46.36Corrodiaswell, anyway, there's one more think i heard in LFG: that you no longer need to maintain your pvp rank to use the pvp rewards once you've gotten them. is that correct?
09:47.06Corrodiaswell, not sure where i heard that, actually
09:50.29Corrodiasisn't anyone around here familiar with the pvp mechanics? ;.;
09:52.06Corrodiasso i hear it takes a hell of a lot of work to work your way up to rank 11
09:55.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:59.31Corrodias20 hours a week for a few weeks expects this guy to see rank 5. so this is a sort of long term goal, i see. :P
10:03.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
10:06.34Corrodiasas soon as i ask a question, everyone shuts up
10:08.46cmunnWhat's the question? (Doing chemistry homework)
10:13.14|FF|Im2good4uis there any1 here tyhat got osme xml skills :p
10:13.39Temwow.. these alliance are terrible at AB
10:13.43Temwe keep 5 capping them
10:13.49Tem(in a pug)
10:13.58Tem20-29 bracket
10:18.21|FF|Im2good4u <- does any1 got an idea how i can dispaly only 1 face of that big image below ?
10:19.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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10:56.19Corrodias|FF|Im2good4u: display one face in what?
10:56.41|FF|Im2good4udid u see the image ?
10:56.54|FF|Im2good4uall heads of all races / sexses
10:57.05|FF|Im2good4ui wana dispaly only 1 not all 16 :P
10:57.06Corrodiasyou can crop the image to be only one face.
10:57.21Corrodiasif that's not acceptable, you have to be more specific about what you want.
10:57.52|FF|Im2good4uwut do u mean by crop ?
10:57.57Corrodiascmunn: my question was whether or not you still need to maintain your pvp rank in order to use the pvp rank rewards
10:58.09Corrodias|FF|Im2good4u: i mean you use the "crop" tool in an image editor on it.
10:58.40|FF|Im2good4uu mean cut it up myzelf ?
10:59.10|FF|Im2good4uCorrodias: if u mean things u buy u dont need to maintian your rakn u can keep using them only u willing be able to buy them
10:59.31|FF|Im2good4ui mean u can use them but nolonger buy them
10:59.40Corrodiasi see
11:00.16Corrodiasi shall explain the crop tool: you select a rectangular area of the image and that area becomes the new version of the image; the rest is removed
11:09.44Corrodiassleepy. 'ni
11:10.31Corrodiasnot you, me!
11:19.34|FF|Im2good4ustil blizzart seems to show only 1 face at the charecter create screen sho it should be posable
11:30.52jaxdahlCorrodias, i think he is asking how to display just 1 face as a texture in-game
11:35.03cmunnWhat does "TexCoords" define?
11:36.38jaxdahl<TexCoords left="0" right="0.2" top="0" bottom="1.0"></TexCoords> ?
11:38.05cmunnI believe that's what you're looking for, |FF|Im2good4u
11:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
11:41.47|FF|Im2good4uah thanks
11:48.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:56.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
11:58.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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11:59.30KirkburnMikk, how could anyone think that is immaturely written ... it's Barrens char fer goodness sake :P
11:59.57MikkI was just thinking the same =)
12:01.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (n=laric@
12:03.42Mikkhmmm. where's legorol
12:03.49Mikkwe need an update [[Global Function List]]
12:05.41Mikk... wonder how much logic he has in that scanner anyway
12:06.07KirkburnWe need no logic, all code must come from the heart!
12:06.18KirkburnSomeone else's, preferably.
12:06.39|FF|Im2good4uis there any event that fires when a player his spent talent points update ?
12:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
12:16.12|FF|Im2good4uoke i got it
12:16.49|FF|Im2good4ujust wondering is there any frequently firing event for some sort of perodic events
12:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
12:17.13MikkOnUpdate on a frame
12:17.21Mikkfires once every screen repaint
12:17.25Mikki.e. dozens of times per second
12:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
12:36.56MoonWolfyes ?
12:37.05KasoDoes ChatJustify work with links ?
12:37.43MoonWolfno, the chatframes have a bug where they break, i can't fix that.
12:37.50MoonWolfits blizzards problem.
12:38.09Kasoah, i was wondering, just been fiddling around with frame stacks and stuff trying to work out why it aint workin :<
12:53.33JoshBorkeMikk: i'm using ChatThrottleLib in HealWatch
12:55.00Mikko =)
12:59.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
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13:02.05JoshBorkejusty FYI :-)
13:02.10JoshBorkeAND! i'm using the bulk option too :-D
13:04.16Mikkwhoa =)
13:07.00JoshBorkebut only for version requests, everything else is alert...
13:07.59Beladonawhoa! err, ok whatd I miss
13:09.13MikkJoshBorke started using ChatThrottleLib for HealWatch :-P
13:10.56BeladonaI may put something like that into TankAlert. I added sounds to it, but obviously it fires way too much when a group member gets attacked
13:11.07Beladonaso I need to throttle it
13:11.18Beladonaor just give it a good shaking -- something
13:11.33JoshBorkehasn't been tested though :-D
13:11.56Beladonasoooo test it
13:12.14MikkBeladona: for that one, you may be better off just generating fewer events
13:12.25ThraeBeladona: Does Tank Alert just search through hostile combat log events for names and known classes?
13:12.32KirkburnHello, hello, Beladona! I don't suppose you're intersted in doing a comparison on the expansion UI files?
13:12.35Beladonayes Thrae
13:12.43Kirkburn(unless someone has already asked you?)
13:12.58BeladonaKirkburn yes I would love to, but don't have access to them
13:13.01ThraeYeah VitalWatch v2 does that too.
13:13.02KirkburnI do
13:13.06KirkburnI'm hosting them :P
13:13.13Beladonaall revisions?
13:13.43Beladonabefore I do that
13:14.02Beladonado you have a copy of the NDA when you got accepted into beta?
13:14.11Beladonajust wanna make sure we aren't breaking any rules
13:14.32KirkburnThe files are free to download ... I'm suggesting that you don't put it on the main wdn site
13:14.41Beladonaand last question: howd you get into beta, and I didn't? LOL
13:14.50KirkburnI didn't, but anyone can download the alpha
13:14.59ThraeBeladona, have you looked at making a pre-emptive aggro watch, which iterates through raid and party targets?
13:15.04KirkburnFrom the official site, no less
13:15.31BeladonaThrae: I was avoiding re-writing it until I had to. This is an addon someone else created, and I modified to suit my needs
13:15.39ThraeBeladona: Ahhh
13:16.12BeladonaI also added mob_shout checks. So that when a monster shouts, it makes an alarm sound
13:16.24Beladonavery handy in places like Strat, with the Eyes
13:16.47ThraeI already have the pre-emptive part down, but it's obviously a speed hit -- I can't think of making iterating through up to 40 raid member's targets any easier.
13:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
13:19.09Merywell I think you are not allowed to give out any alpha information... then on the other hand they didn't protect their client with anything that's why everybody has it...
13:20.20Beladonaalpha isn't available to anyone yet I assume
13:20.30Beladonaother than the download
13:20.44BeladonaI hope I get into testing phase
13:20.49Mery(other than hand picked invites to it i guess)
13:20.52Beladonawill be nice for wdn
13:21.06Beladonado they have a page yet for applying?
13:21.15Merynot that i know of
13:21.23TS|SkromHeya all
13:21.43Beladonagonna have to stick my request in through backdoor channels I guess
13:22.20TS|Skrom(_o_) backdoor channels?
13:22.25Beladonaalthough I would imagine some sites like wowinterface would get a few test accounts
13:22.29KirkburnIt would be sensible for Blizzard, since they UI commuity should have help preparing for the expansion
13:22.32Beladonaor keys rather
13:22.50KirkburnYeah, I think that's quite likely
13:23.02Beladonano Skrom, not that kinda backdoor channel. Sorry if you got excited
13:23.22KirkburnOh, _that's_ what that was. Nice. :)
13:23.46Mikk8===D (_x_)
13:24.27Kirkburn*sigh* ... adults these days ...
13:24.39TS|Skromsometimes I can't help it ><
13:25.10Kirkburn"We are planning to allow all players to access the new talents, although those who do not own the expansion will of course not have the additional points gained from leveling to 70."
13:25.24Mikkaye, interesting
13:25.28KirkburnDidn't notice that ...
13:25.29Beladonabranching talents
13:25.34Beladonawhatever that is
13:25.53zenzelezztalent trees... with branches
13:25.57Kirkburn"There are no plans to restrict items based on where they are obtained, meaning that socketed or Outland-obtained items can be equipped by anyone if purchased or given. While the Jewelcrafting profession will only be available to expansion owners, the items they create will not be."
13:26.07KirkburnAnd finally: "The current Arenas being planned are all placed in Outland, and since they are also planned to require level 70 for the ranked matches, the expansion will obviously be required to participate. There is always the possibility that we will expand the Arena system to Azeroth in the future."
13:26.08zenzelezzsubcategories perhaps
13:26.40Beladonathats what I assume
13:27.02Beladonalol, interface version 20000
13:27.38BeladonaMax Talents increased from 20 to 40
13:28.56Merythe best thing is that in WorldMapFrame.lua it still says "Fix me for 1.13" :)
13:29.13Mikkthis is why you never ever let outsiders see your comments :-P
13:29.56Beladonanot a ton of stuff changed though
13:30.05Beladonagranted,this is a minor revision increase
13:30.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Axel-F (i=Axel-F@
13:30.45KirkburnOoh, about £240 for Windows Vista Ultimate :O
13:30.45Meryi wonder what SaveGuildRoaster() is for
13:31.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:31.20TS|SkromMery, that's a misspell it's actually SaveGuildToaster()
13:31.28KirkburnOff out for a short while, bbl
13:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
13:31.33TS|Skromit's so you can tell the client if you want white or wheat bread
13:31.48Beladonather eis a slash command for it you know
13:31.55Meryya i know ...
13:32.00Beladonaits /saveguildroster
13:32.04Axel-FDoes anybody know a good lua guide?
13:32.08Merybut i can't imagine what is does
13:32.20Axel-FDoes anybody know a good lua guide?
13:32.24BeladonaAxel: try the manual
13:32.41TS|Skromit makes an array: [1] white [2] wheat [3] sourdogh [4] wheat [5] none
13:33.17Axel-Fthx again
13:33.42Mery .......... i was too slow, way to slow
13:34.42Merythey didn't add a new continent to the interface art yet...
13:37.40Beladonajust tried the saveguildroster slash, it doesn't do anything currently
13:38.48Beladonaahh, UnitPopup.lua contains the Dungeon Difficulty selection
13:39.18Beladonawhich I assume means the option will be via right click on your player picture
13:40.55Beladonanew function SetDungeonDifficulty
13:41.15Beladonalooks like they have code that allows raid leaders AND assistants to do stuff with it
13:41.47ThraeInteresting, maybe they have "Hard" modes of instances for Level 70s to get new gear from old instances.
13:42.13Meryit really looks like its just the stuff they needed for expansion features - there will prolly be more improvments (LFG!! hopefully) included later during the testing
13:42.26Beladonaits only going to be new dungeons for now Thrae
13:42.37Beladonathey re still considering adding the difficulty to old dungeons
13:42.38ThraeOr it could just be a testing function.
13:43.12Beladonahonestly, I would like to see LFG moved to a special interface
13:43.17Merynah its announced
13:43.17Beladonasome kind of matchmaking system
13:43.19Beladonawith no chat
13:43.57Beladonathink about it
13:44.03Beladonathe LookingForgroup channel can still be there
13:44.10Beladonabut invisible
13:44.16Beladonaand the itnerface communicates through iut
13:44.23Meryi'd like to have it 2 rows: groups looking for more and player looking for group - with a note for what purpose
13:44.25Beladonapardon my typing
13:44.55Merythen i can just browse through the players / groups and send tells if they want to take me / join me
13:44.55Beladonaor, you flag yourself LFG, or when in a group LFM
13:45.11Meryya something like this
13:45.15Beladonaand if you have a party started, you get the LFM interface
13:45.20BeladonaEQ had it
13:45.27Beladonafor a while in fact
13:46.30Meryi dunno i never used that stupid dungeon making stones, but they just place you in a group with others right?
13:48.27ThraeThe Meeting Stones had the wrong idea from the get-go. No one wants to be placed in a random PUG. BGs it's a different story because it's a raid and you get something even for losing. In PvE, you don't really get anything for failing to beat any bosses or complete any of your quests except a paltry amount of experience (offset by the durability repairs cost) and MAYBE some items.
13:49.19ThraeWorld of Warcraft is a MMORPG. Groups should be formed by players TALKING to players, -communicating-.
13:49.38ThraeI was very surprised when I first saw Meeting Stones, saying to myself, "How did they think this was going to work?"
13:49.46Mikkindeed =)
13:50.02Merythats what i wanted to say :)
13:50.46ThraeThere is a thin line between not only genius and insanity, but genius and stupidity too -- it's certainly original and brilliant in its originality, but it's also stupid.
13:51.07ThraeSometimes even the greatest thinkers can make really stupid conclusions ;)
13:51.21MikkIt sounds like a programmers' solution to me
13:51.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
13:51.51ThraeEven Einstein tried to keep the universe as a "Steady State" model by introducing the "Cosmological Constant" because of his religious beliefs, a mistake he called the greatest in his life.
13:53.43ThraeMikk: One of my earlier programming experiences in a DirectX Game Engine had Singleton Pointers all over the place and using pointers when not really necessary because "I thought they were cool" at the time. Ah, the follies of youth.
13:54.30MikkWell, we all learn to be more pragmatic with time :-)
13:57.55JoshBorkeexcept me, i just pretend i never knew better
14:01.13TS|SkromJosh, for the freaking win
14:26.59Hexarobiheh cosmological constant
14:27.03Hexarobiwhat a moron
14:27.45Cideindeed - einstein's a moron!
14:28.17Hexarobii figured how to mathematically describe gravity and the strong and weak nuclear forces using common math, but ive decided to keep it to myself
14:28.36Hexarobithe world isnt ready for such things
14:34.54JoshBorkeyou'll tell everyone when CTRA2 comes out, right? ;-)
14:36.01jaxdahldo you need any alpha testers? Hint Hint ;)
14:37.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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15:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
15:09.40zinor` - added descriptions :D
15:10.30KirkburnSo ... much ... info!
15:10.50zinor`shouldmake it a lot easier to browse
15:11.10zinor` - esipecially for enchants! :D
15:11.57Merynice :)
15:14.37KirkburnOh, wow, the chart creation screen - high-rs video :)
15:16.00KirkburnThere's loads of styles to choose from :D
15:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:16.45zinor`lol @ nda'd content
15:16.53GngskYou don't have permission to access /Files/BCCharCreationHiR.wmv on this server.
15:17.00zinor`i heard worldofwar was paying someone w/ a blizzcon key to deconstruct the new mpqs for them
15:17.02Meryi want a barber shop in game
15:17.07KirkburnSee the google vid lower down in the thread
15:17.44Kirkburnzinor, that sounds like a vicious rumour to me
15:17.44Gngskahh, ok, I see
15:19.40TS|Skromrumor was prolly started by someone at curse or wowi :P
15:19.46TS|SkromI smell shennanigans!
15:20.00KirkburnI find it a little odd that Rushter is posting alpha stuff on the front page, but then, so is (nearly) everyone
15:21.40zinor`its not
15:21.43zinor`i just talked to the guy they're paying
15:21.53zinor`giving it to
15:22.09Merywell they still didn't take down the link to their downloader - usually such stuff is down after a few hours if leaked
15:22.17zinor`i find it odd that an official brownnosing fansite is breaking the eula and promoting people to break it ;)
15:22.25KirkburnAnd CG isn't?
15:22.28zinor`ya i found that strange Mery, they probably dont wanna email people again
15:22.31zinor`we're not a fansite Kirkburn
15:22.48KirkburnStrange definition of 'fansite' that
15:22.49zinor`we're not officially supported
15:22.51Merywell not part of the official blizzard fansite progam :)
15:22.54zinor`they're *the* official fansite
15:22.58KirkburnAh, I see
15:23.06zinor`and they're promoting the violation of blizzard's EULA
15:23.09zinor`which is very very.. funny imo
15:23.16KirkburnWell, methinks Blizz would have told Rushster to stop if they were having a problem with it
15:23.28zinor`they're not publicly anouncing this ;P
15:23.29KirkburnAs they would have told CG to stop, and any other site
15:23.51KirkburnThey're not promoting it, they're showing the results of it
15:23.59KirkburnNeither are they telling people how to do it
15:24.08zinor`they asked for our emails, im sure they're working up the stuff to tell us to stop, we already got dmca'd
15:24.14Merythey could have just posted the link in the protected forum instead of an open site
15:25.27KirkburnYou think they wouldn't have prepared emails before this started? I mean, we've had a week of leaks now, and they don't care
15:25.28zinor`i wont even go as far to post the link to the download :P
15:25.37zinor`no Kirkburn, it came up like thursday or something
15:25.38KirkburnExcept on here ;)
15:25.41zinor`or wednesday cant remember
15:25.50zinor`we didnt post stuff til this weekend on spells db, we got dmcas like thursday or fri
15:26.02KirkburnWhat exactly are dcmas?
15:26.16zinor`copyright infringement notice
15:26.25MikkDigital Millenium Copyright Act
15:26.27KirkburnSomething seems out of whack here
15:26.31Shadoweddoesn't thottbot already post spell data?
15:26.33Shadowedwithout issues?
15:26.43KirkburnYou got dcmas on thursday, but you posted the info ... afterwards?
15:26.50zinor`thottbot isnt a sponsored site either
15:26.55zinor`dmca's were for images
15:26.57zinor`they cant dmca this
15:27.15zinor`you cant copyright words, basically
15:27.23zinor`you can however, copyright work, which are images of an nda'd game
15:27.24KirkburnHmmm, sounds odd
15:27.36zinor`it gets complicated
15:27.39zinor`but this isnt violating any copyrights
15:27.43zinor`hosting an image from the nda'd game is
15:27.44KirkburnI supposed because the information isn't the _original_ info
15:27.55KirkburnWhereas a picture _is_ original
15:28.07zinor`not so black and white like that
15:28.14zinor`but basically, nearly all normal text is fine
15:28.21zinor`if its like, a book, or poem, things like that, there are special rules
15:28.25KirkburnWell yeah, I'm just simplifying it :P
15:28.51zinor`did you guys see
15:28.56zinor`let me grab the link real fast
15:29.01zinor`if this really happens
15:29.07zinor`the worlds going to change, majorly
15:29.14zinor`they're supposed to release results sept 8th i think
15:29.35KirkburnPerpetual motion, eh ...
15:31.13KirkburnI'll believe it when the panel come back to us
15:31.24KirkburnBut yes, if true, it would change the world
15:32.32zinor`it could like
15:32.33zinor`i mean
15:32.38zinor`its a GREAT thing if it really happens
15:32.41zinor`but can you imagine the chaos?
15:33.33KirkburnRather not, I'd rather imagine the utopia after it ;P
15:34.21Merywell its gonna get patented and bought by an engery company to put it in their safe
15:34.40zinor`the middle east has bad weapons
15:34.43zinor`and the middle east makes money off oil
15:34.45zinor`do you see the problem?
15:34.47KirkburnAssuming it's real, and all signs ahve always pointed to ... no :)
15:35.38zinor`some guy is telling me something about lasers
15:35.39KirkburnA more than 100% efficient machine is such an incredible claim that .. well .. it's just impossible with all accepted physics
15:35.40zinor`and hes smarter than me
15:35.43zinor`so i just have to nod my head in agreement
15:36.27cogwheelgah... why do they let us log into the game but not the forums during our billing cycle? :(
15:36.49zenzelezz"accepted physics" only means something we can understand
15:37.05KirkburnHah, liek string theory you mean? ;)
15:37.07zenzelezznature doesn't bother limiting itself to our limited knowledge
15:37.15zinor`Kirkburn, tomorrow's news... research scientist killed :P
15:37.50|FF|Im2good4ufinel i finished the tranmission code for my addon :p
15:38.00KirkburnI'm just saying, if true, it would be the most imporant even in human history
15:38.24zinor`this kind of makes me think of the paycheck movie Kirkburn
15:38.58KirkburnNever seen it :)
15:39.11KirkburnWas the protanogist unable to type as well? ;)
15:39.54zinor`nope but they made a machine to see the future
15:39.57|FF|Im2good4uguys if i may ask .. how do i make a list like the guildrooster member list ?'
15:40.01zinor`and the future is basically that machine destroying the future because people listen to it
15:40.10zinor`it says all these people get a plague, so they herd them together and create a plague
15:40.18zinor`its a great revolutikon that starts the end of the world
15:41.05KirkburnGuild rooster? Sounds a bit chickeny to me ... is there a guild hen? =)
15:41.47KirkburnWhat type of thing are you wanting to make exactly? Just a list of people?
15:42.10jaxdahlzinor, reminds me of this (asimov? clarke?) book where they invent this machine that can see anywhere in the world in realtime, then they start looking back into time with it
15:43.18jaxdahlbut it requires more energy to look further back in time
15:43.30jaxdahleventually they create fusion power or something like that
15:43.41jaxdahland build bigger power plants to look further back in time, etc
15:44.02jaxdahlpeople start movements to meet in dark places so they can't be spied on
15:44.13jaxdahlcommunicating by touch only
15:45.29|FF|Im2good4uKirkburn: i wrtoe a code that transmists addition info about build members (that works) i now willing wrie the interface
15:45.46zinor`bah Kirkburn i dont wanna id, but ya i agree
15:45.56|FF|Im2good4ui want a bigger list (wider) that shows more catogory's
15:46.34KirkburnAh, I see |FF|Im2good4u ... I'n not sure how it works, tbh
15:46.45Kirkburn(lazy zinor :P )
15:46.50zinor`ya :s
15:47.21|FF|Im2good4uah oke to bad :P
15:47.36|FF|Im2good4ui could make many button but there hjas tobe some sort of template i gues :P
15:47.41cogwheel|FF|Im2good4u, you might start here:
15:48.53cogwheelAlso you should look in FrameXML for other examples (the guild frame for instance ;)  )
15:57.02KirkburnRandom question ... what kind of window do you get when you click log off on XP? I get a dialogue window, unlike the special shutdown window (which has icons)
15:57.39KirkburnAnd it confuses me, as I've seen other people with a log off window which looks like the shutdown window
15:57.51TS|Skromdo you have windows in classic mode?
15:58.00TS|Skromtheme I mean?
15:58.09KirkburnUm, I use windowblinds :P
15:58.29KirkburnBut I think it's still like that whether I use normal XP or classic mode
15:59.02zenzelezzI think it depends on whether or not you have the "Welcome screen" enabled
15:59.17|FF|Im2good4ucogwheel: i looked at the guild frame bu its quite hard to undersntad sine there lots of "friends" and other social window code there
15:59.19KirkburnThat could make sense, I'm the only user on this laptop
16:00.44Kirkburnso it's not as if I would need the log off thingy anyway ... I should check the PC downstairs which has multiple users, see if it works on that
16:01.37KirkburnMmm, I get that
16:01.52TS|Skromthat's me with windows in classic theme
16:02.13TS|Skrommultiple users on this computer (it logs into a domain actually, but there are other system users as well)
16:02.19KirkburnI spy the original XP theme on there - watercolor
16:02.21cogwheelFriendsFrame.xml & .lua really is the best example. Basically, you just have a bunch of buttons (made up of fontstrings). As the link I sent you mentions, you have to keep track of all the data and the scrollbar yourself and change the list manually.
16:03.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:04.45|FF|Im2good4uhmm that was kinda wut i expected
16:05.04TS|Skromso I think i might finally upload my mod somewhere today.
16:05.17TS|SkromI've kept it in private use so far, but my friends are telling me I should upload it
16:05.18KirkburnHehe, great post about a Windows Vista 'preview' vid:
16:05.33cogwheelMaybe the craft or quest frames would be easier to follow since they don't have any tabs...
16:07.50cogwheelkirkburn, i love how they don't bother to actually *show* any stuff from vista...
16:08.03cogwheelhow the heck are we supposed to "see the difference"? ;)
16:08.11KirkburnAwesome dancing and jumping though, must be waht Vista is all about :P
16:08.37KirkburnI espcially like the "steal my laptop" part ;)
16:09.13KirkburnWouldn't _you_ jump about if you had Vista? :P
16:09.57cogwheel... I'd probably be spending all my "jumping" time screaming "I hate Microsoft" and jumping on the package... :P
16:10.26cogwheelspeaking of which, I got my antitrust settlement coupon the other day :)
16:10.36KirkburnI might convince myself to buy Vista Ultimate actually
16:10.53KirkburnAntitrust coupon?
16:11.23Kirkburn"This coupon is worth 3 'I don't trust Microsoft's"
16:11.46cogwheelYeah... they settled their case in the US and had to send coupons to everyone who bought their software during a certain time period. I get to send it in and claim my $32 :P
16:12.28Kirkburn"Redeem me to receive a doll which shouts "Microsoft took away my car", "Microsoft put children to death" and other assorted phrases"
16:12.50TS|Skrom"MS stole mah bike!"
16:13.03KirkburnWhat will you spend it on? Windows OneCare? ;)
16:13.23TS|Skrom32$ worth of 1$ tacos?
16:13.26cogwheelTaco bell, more likely
16:13.30cogwheelzomg lol
16:13.37TS|SkromI WIN!
16:14.06cogwheeltoo bad Mr_Rabies isn't here....
16:15.28Hexarobijack in the box gives 2 tacos for $1
16:15.48cogwheelthey also give me other...unwanted side effects...
16:15.51Hexarobii wonder how much profit they turn on those 50 cent tacos
16:16.24cogwheelAt least Taco Bell uses real cheese and "fresh" vegetables... ;)
16:20.35Hexarobibut they dont deep fry the lettuce
16:20.47Hexarobiill be damned if im gunna pay retail price for unfried lettuce
16:21.26Kirkburnsickening ... why must you fry everything?
16:24.15wereHamster"ATI is a GPU manufacture known for their Radeon lines of cards, and notoriously terrible Linux drivers. Information can be found here:" - information about the notoriously terrible Linux drivers? I doubt they mention it on their homepage ;)
16:24.39KirkburnWhat's that from?
16:25.41KirkburnAh, a linux website :P
16:26.06zinor`is the site empty?
16:26.10zinor`or does it have solitaire
16:28.40KirkburnI'm guessing Pacman clones ;P
16:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
16:37.46zinor`there Kirkburn
16:37.49zinor`no one can miss my spell db now
16:37.53zinor`i made it spam every page
16:38.05zinor`except the sites dieing
16:38.05Kirkburnweirdo =)
16:40.40KirkburnWaitasec ... one day it would be nice to be told when people are packaging my addon
16:41.21JoshBorkewait a tick!
16:41.54|FF|Im2good4u <- shold bem oved ot incomplte :P
16:42.49*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
16:43.06zinor`is curse loading slower than normal?
16:43.08zinor`i think its just our connection
16:43.18CideI have no idea what you just said, |FF|Im2good4u
16:43.39Kirkburn"should be moved to incomplete"
16:43.40|FF|Im2good4ushould be moved to incomplete
16:43.44Cidethank you
16:45.51TS|SkromI'm #1!
16:46.21Merywhats missing in it |FF|Im2good4u?
16:46.52TS|SkromMine shows up first on my screen ><
16:47.00KirkburnWhat is it, TS|Skrom ?
16:47.15TS|Skromread the description :p
16:47.47KirkburnAh, probably need a server refresh for me to see it
16:48.32Kirkburn1.7.1 is the first release? You've been busy :)
16:48.37|FF|Im2good4uMery i got spammed whit errors but now i didnt error i jsut dont thee the window at al :p bu the does reacet to my mouse :P
16:49.22|FF|Im2good4uoh wow it does work now its jsut outside of my screen window lol
16:49.34TS|Skromlol yeah I've been working on it just for my friends for awhile
16:49.44TS|Skrom1.0 -> 1.1 was a complete rewrite
16:49.49TS|Skromand then I went from there
16:50.11Merywell I have build my first scrollframe using that tutorial and didn't ran into errors... (well not that i remeber)
16:50.24TS|Skromwhen I'm pretty happy with the way it went with this version I'm gonna bump it up to 2.0 and call it done
16:50.40|FF|Im2good4umy prob is that i use ui desinger :p
16:51.31cogwheelzinor` Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No space left on device in /usr/home/www/ on line 1489
16:51.33cogwheelFailed to create: /mnt/ramdisk/cache/profile-125560
16:52.08ThraeOuch! That's an error you never want to see from your web server!
16:52.12TS|Skromadded 3 screenshots just now
16:53.00KirkburnAnyone heard of otravi CastingBar?
16:53.18ThraeI've been using it for a long time, Kirkburn.
16:53.25cogwheelonly in that XP Bar None has an otravi texture option ;)
16:53.26KirkburnWhat's it like, and where can I find it?
16:54.06KirkburnWhat does it look like?
16:54.41ThraeA spiffier version of the normal casting bar, and has delay estimate for each time you are hit while casting
16:54.58KirkburnHow does it compare to eCastingBar, do you know?
16:55.43ThraeKirkburn: Looks similiar to eCastingBar and doesn't do anything insane like iterating over all 120 action buttons to try and determine a spell's rank.
16:56.12KirkburnAh, a bit easier on the old computer's noggin, eh?
16:56.24ThraeMuch easier, haste has optimized it well.
16:56.45KirkburnAce 2?
16:57.01KirkburnEven better
16:57.08KirkburnI'll try it out :)
16:57.22cogwheelno it's not...
16:57.23ThraeReally, I don't know what else one would want out of their casting bar except -- Spell Name, time to cast (in numerical ms), and delay estimate
16:57.29ThraeIt's not Ace2?
16:57.35ThraeOh right, it was developed before Ace2
16:57.38cogwheelerr... not the one from the forum link
16:57.50Kirkburnoh :(
16:57.59ThraeYeah it uses Ace 1.3
16:58.16KirkburnBah, I've got 1.3 installed for FuBar anyway
16:59.09KirkburnIs there something like Discord for Ace?
16:59.33Cairenn|sleep*which* discord? unit frames, action bars?
16:59.45cogwheelmorning, cairenn :)
16:59.47KirkburnAh, that's a good point :P Mornin'
17:00.04KirkburnIt's probably a very noobish question anyway ... unit frames
17:00.09Cairennlol, been awake for quite some time now, just forgot to change my nick
17:00.19ThraeKirkburn: If you know even a little lua, you can easily get away with using Visor+VisorButtons for a Discord Frame Modifier / Discord Action Bar / Discord Art substitute.
17:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla|school (
17:00.41KirkburnI remember Visor ... the name choosing bit anyway
17:00.56TS|Skromwuwu I have 1 download already :p
17:01.12KirkburnBet it was you 'testing' it ;)
17:01.25TS|Skromnope! promise!
17:01.26ThraeThere is no Ace version of Discord Unit Frames because we don't find it necessary. Instead, there are many different Ace versions of Unit Frames. You pick the one you want and customize it as much as you can. There is no 1 Ace Unit Frames that is as customizable as Discord Unit Frames.
17:01.51Cide(totally unrelated)
17:02.03Cairennawwww, poor roo!
17:02.27KirkburnI found a bunch of those clips recently ... /me looks them
17:03.25KirkburnIt was on here, anyway:
17:06.47TS|Skromib curse is there anyway to select which screen shot is shown on the default?
17:08.22KirkburnI'm a little confused by the numbering system of some addons on the Ace SVN ... mostly how everything seems to be in the 9000s, yet the versions on wowi sometimes have different stuff
17:09.06cogwheelthose are probably the revision numbers. each time someone uploads a change, that number increments
17:09.35KirkburnAnd the revisions apply to _everything_ on Ace
17:09.53KirkburnIt somewhat explains why FuBar leapt up in version numbers
17:10.12ThraeKirkburn: That's the revision based on the number of total commits to the SVN, consider that like a "minor revision". Just look at World of Warcraft. It is version 1.12, but we all know there have been many different revisions just on 1.12 before it was released, yet it is still called 1.12. This is because 1.12 is the "major revision", or "release revision".
17:10.38ThraeKirkburn: FuBar went to 2.0 because it had massive API changes and now uses Ace2.0.
17:10.47KirkburnNo, no, not that
17:10.49CairennCide: you there hon? if you are
17:10.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
17:11.32QzotHow goes it this morning, Cairenn?
17:11.35KirkburnI meant that the revisions number apply across all of the svn, not for each addon individually?
17:11.43TS|Skrom6 downloads now! couldn't be all me! lol
17:11.43JoshBorkeKirkburn, currect
17:11.54CairennQzot: not bad, you?
17:12.12QzotDoing just fine.
17:12.19Cairenngood to hear
17:12.28KirkburnThat's for the link to there btw, it reminded me to check for Ace 2 versions of the FuBar plugins
17:12.46QzotIs it true, that when Quebec was considering secession,...
17:13.06Qzot...that the Newfies were excited about the possibility of shortening their drive time to Toronto?
17:13.58ThraeKirkburn: Yeah the author has the option to make it only apply to their addon, but most just take the HEAD revision. That way it's easy to look for the revisions in commit log. If everyone includes a changelog.txt (which is now the standard for the Ace SVN), then you will know how many revisions were done.
17:14.46KirkburnSoo ... this is a bit odd ... the GuildFu addon is apprently actually BagSlots ...
17:15.12KirkburnThat sounds like a mistake ...
17:15.29ThraeFuBar2.0 version of GuildFu is on too
17:15.29KirkburnThrae, yeah, it looks good :)
17:15.39KirkburnThat's what I'm looking at Thrae ...
17:15.44KirkburnAnd I'm getting BagSlots
17:15.50ThraeOh? Then it's clad's script screwing up
17:16.07KirkburnThe changelog is correct, but the addon ain't
17:16.34Cairennhey phyber?
17:16.42KirkburnLol, and the BagSlots addon is correct, but _also_ has the guildfu addon
17:16.59zenzelezzffs, stupid Silvermoon
17:17.26ThraeKirkburn: I just uploaded a new revision with no change, try that
17:17.36Kirkburnthe guild fu addon toc, I mean
17:17.42KirkburnShall check
17:18.05KirkburnThat's better :)
17:18.25Kirkburn(it also came up with the wrong info on the svn list, but that's now sorted too)
17:20.50KirkburnYay for lots of FuBar addons :)
17:25.23Cairennhi Beladona
17:26.56MentalPowerhey Beladona
17:27.28MentalPowerany chance of getting the BurningCrusade interface files into WDN?
17:28.27ThraeNot unless Blizzard gives their explicit or at least implicit OK, I'd say.
17:28.28BeladonaI honestly have to say no
17:28.44BeladonaI am not too comfortable with relasing content that is protected by NDA
17:28.55Beladonaregardless of how easy it was to obtain
17:29.16CairennI hadn't said anything about the request you guys were making over the weekend until I had a chance to talk to Bela, but come on guys, you know we have to walk the line
17:29.18BeladonaI did run a compare though
17:29.21Cairennthat'd be crossing it
17:29.32KirkburnOkies, that's fair enough
17:29.35BeladonaI just don't want to piss off the wrong people
17:29.56KirkburnI'll still keep them up for download, but don't go giving out the address :)
17:30.20ThraeWell, considering the client has been unofficially released to umpty-million interface sites, Blizzard may just say "the hell with it" for the Interface files at least, it does no harm there
17:30.41KirkburnOnce we're into the 'public' beta, will you be okay with it then?
17:30.48ThraeThe talents and new spells and new mobs and new items and such people are pulling out of the client's database are another story.
17:31.13QzotAny word on the timing of beta?
17:31.21KirkburnHow many interface sites do you think there are Thrae? ;)
17:31.32ThraeKirkburn: Obviously, umpty-million!
17:31.41KirkburnQzot, no, not yet
17:31.42BeladonaKirkburn, public beta's usually coincide with nda lifting
17:31.43Beladonaso yeah
17:32.07KirkburnI'm guessing very very soon
17:32.12QzotAre we going to form a modders' guild for beta?
17:32.15ThraeQzot: The timing will be 1/sec.
17:32.23Beladonathey are likely to have a closed beta first though
17:32.25KirkburnIf it's a playable alpha, I'm guessing this is mainly for them to get it set up properly
17:32.37KirkburnBeladona, they're alreayd having the closed one ;)
17:32.48Beladonathats alpha
17:32.52Beladonabig difference
17:32.57KirkburnYes, but it's just a name really
17:33.02QzotSo, uh, for those who went to BlizzCon and have a beta ticket, is that 'closed' or 'public' beta?
17:33.12Cairennwe've no idea
17:33.33QzotOkay. If Cairenn is clueless, I'm prepared to stay ignorant as well. :D
17:33.38KirkburnWell, depends how you define it ... are defining closed as one under an NDA?
17:34.00ThraeLegally there's nothing wrong with looking at the interface files as Blizzard provides a tool to extract them, hence it's not "hacking". And there's no legal problem with grabbing the client as Blizzard really provided no protection. It's just Blizzard might be pissed, which is why WoWI is right in their stance.
17:34.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
17:34.45KirkburnIt's weird, isn't it ... that they didn't bother to protect the download in _any_ way
17:34.56ThraeQzot: Normally, a "closed beta" means that only a select number of people can play, this is to route out major design issues, while a "public beta" is a stress test with open enrollment. Both may or may not have a NDA.
17:35.23KirkburnTherefore the beta must be closed, since it's invite only
17:35.30QzotWow. (Different topic.) We're looking at the PlayOn data for "people" who play a lot...
17:35.52ThraeUsually the "alpha" stage is internal, it doesn't necessarily mean the game is unplayable.
17:36.03QzotThe top "people" playing are spending about 148 hours a week online. Out of 168 possible.
17:36.20KirkburnAnd the rest is downtime?
17:36.33QzotYou can guess how many hours are for maintenance.
17:36.45ThraeQzot: That's nothing. Take a look at Korean MMORPGs. They have people that play 200 hours a week!
17:37.01QzotThat's ... um ... impressive.
17:37.05*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
17:37.08TS|Skrom24*7=168.... O.o
17:37.22ThraeSeriously, some Korean players in those MMORPGs are insane.
17:37.44TS|Skromthey'd have to be to think ther are 200 hours in a week ;)
17:37.50QzotOne other tidbit: The average WoW player averages 2.3 zones per hour of play.
17:38.08Qzot24/7 players average 3 hours in one zone.
17:38.25ThraeThat PlayOn data may not be accurate due to account sharing, but there is -real proof- that there are Koreans who play like 100+ hours per week on their MMORPGs.
17:38.56TS|Skromdon't think anyone doubted that, crazy mo-fos
17:39.04Kirkburn"may not be accurate due to account sharing" ... shurely not! :P
17:39.11TS|SkromI mean they have people dieing in net cafe's over there O.o
17:39.13QzotWe make virtue of necessity, and only study characters, since we can't know about players or accounts.
17:39.13ThraeThere was one Korean couple who lost their child since they would spend weeks at online gaming centers, and guess what they were playing...World of Warcraft.
17:39.37KirkburnBan these sick games!
17:39.46TS|Skromtotally /me looks up jack thompson's number
17:40.13Hexarobiis that the good or the bad korea?
17:40.14QzotI'm sure the problems are similar here, except that people can rent their own apartments and neglect their children in the privacy of their own homes.
17:40.21*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
17:40.23ThraeTS|Skrom: 1-555-IMANASS
17:40.57ThraeHexarobi: About 10% of North Korea has electricity, you be the judge.
17:41.18QzotFor those of you who have beta passes, have you already activated/registered/tied them to an account?
17:41.46cogwheelI have
17:41.46Kirkburn"Ban this sick filth!" .. one of the most headlines in the UK. It was about GTA iirc ...
17:41.54Kirkburns/most/most famous/
17:41.55ThraeKirkburn: So much for Libertarianism
17:42.18cogwheelHa!  Libertarianism in Europe??
17:42.27KirkburnIt was the front page of the Daily Mail. Anyone who lives in the UK knows what the Daily Mail is like ...
17:43.11KirkburnThe Daily Mail wants to bring back capital punishments, wants to stop immigration, etc, etc ...
17:43.57KirkburnOf all the UK newspapers it is the one that angers me the most, and _nearly every_ newspaper angers me
17:44.45KirkburnOooh, there was a thing in the paper today about stealing 'magic swords and invisible cloaks' in MMOs - will have to have a read about that :P
17:46.01QzotFor those of you who have beta passes, have you already activated/registered/tied them to an account?
17:46.08CairennI have
17:46.26QzotAll 3?
17:46.40Cairennmeh, entered the card when I got home
17:46.59Cairennhow tightly that binds it to my account ... we'll see when it all comes out
17:47.04QzotI did that for my murloc, and abandoned that server a week later. :(
17:47.12CairennQzot: me too :(
17:47.28Cairenncan't believe they didn't make murky account instead of character
17:47.59Beladonaguess they didn't want you to have lots of them, one per character
17:48.01QzotYup. Or let you transfer it as one of your limited recoveries or something.
17:50.09QzotWow. The average *character* is played 8 hours per week.
17:50.22QzotSlightly more on RP and PvP servers.
17:52.20KirkburnDamn, I'm left with just 3 Ace 1.3 addons ... otravi CastingBar, AmmoFu and DurabilityFu :(
17:52.55KirkburnAnyone know if i'm likely to find any updates for the last two? They're not listed on the Ace svn
17:53.51Kirkburn~poke ckknight
17:53.54purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind ckknight, pokes ckknight repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:56.18Beladonathe average character is 8 hours per week?
17:56.24Beladonadamn, I think I have 4 times that
17:56.28Beladonaor more
17:56.36Rallionmy domain is set up.
17:56.44KirkburnCool, what did you get?
17:56.48krkasomeone set you up the domain?
17:56.58KirkburnSomeone set you up the bomb?
17:57.00Rallionlol no, just
17:57.08Kirkburndamn, too slow
17:57.16RallionI have nothing in particular to put there
17:57.28Rallionbut I'll probably enjoy it a great deal
17:57.30KirkburnIt's always useful to have, though
17:58.12Rallionif even only as an easy place to put files to access elsewhere
17:58.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
17:58.18KirkburnI've bought more than 10 domains recently
17:58.40Rallionwell I got the domain + hosting
17:59.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:59.55KirkburnCurrently it seems to be an ad site :/
18:00.31KirkburnRelated categories "Pride Rally" ... "Rally Car" ... and then ...... "Iraq War Casualties"
18:00.31krkafinding good hosting is almost always the biggest problem
18:02.03Rallionyes, kirkburn...that's what they put up there by default
18:02.17Rallionmaybe I can find one of those old-school "Under construction" animations
18:02.24Rallionhaven't seen one of those in years
18:03.58Cairenn :p
18:04.38Rallion <-- yes.
18:05.06Kirov - ...
18:05.45CairennRallion: this one is good:
18:06.24Cairennhah, want an animated one?
18:06.40krkaurgh... under construction gifs...
18:06.44krkathat is sooooo 90's
18:08.39cogwheelJust put a black background with the white text: "Nothing to see here..."
18:08.41Rallionthat wall one just killed all my unborn children
18:09.03krkastop spamming cair or i'll have to kick you :(
18:09.23KirovCairenn - that one doesn't look like he's digging ... that one just looks really really wrong
18:09.30krkahmm... wrong channel, i am powerless here :(
18:09.37cogwheelThe fact that I was thinking the same thing disturbs me, kirov
18:09.56krkaweird... i was just thinking it looked really hot but couldn't figure out why
18:09.58cogwheelMaybe it's the shape of his ... shovel
18:10.40krkawe've all heard this line: "is that a shovel in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"
18:11.10KirovAh yes, it was just yesterday when I didn't hear that line ever.
18:11.14zenzelezzaaargh, BWL server for Silvermoon is horrible tonight
18:11.30TS|SkromI hear it all the time ^.^
18:11.58TS|Skromfor those of you who didn't get that subtle humor I was implying that I have a monster johnson
18:12.34Beladonamonster, as in it scares everyone away?
18:12.49TS|SkromTorch and pitchforks even :(
18:13.02Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
18:13.21Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
18:13.31MentalPoweryes, its an auto-responder
18:13.38KirovTS|Skrom - I'm not sure what having a monster named johnson has anything to do with the conversation.
18:13.40Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
18:13.52phyberCairenn: hi, you were looking for me?
18:13.54TS|Skromwhat is that, some kind of gay cyber chat auto responder?
18:14.25TS|Skromtee hee rawr
18:14.47KirovTS|Skrom - I'd say he sounds scared, not happy.
18:15.13TS|Skromerm.. yes I see your point...
18:17.04KirovAlso mispelling simple words like a feind
18:17.24Rallionugh FTP access is messed up.
18:17.48krkayou have a shell account i hope?
18:17.53krkaon a bsd/linux server?
18:18.40Rallionit's BSD, but I don't have a shell acct
18:18.51Cairennsince you've taken over the mod
18:18.58Rallionit's weird, it's not responding to LIST
18:19.22Rallioni guess it could be a problem on my end, maybe, sorta, not really
18:19.42phyberCairenn: ahh, ok.  Should be simple enough :)
18:19.58Cairennmuch luv!
18:20.12Rallionit works out of passive mode, actually
18:20.18Kirovzomg h4x0r!
18:20.36jaxdahlam i late?
18:20.53Rallioni used to know exactly what that means, because I had to write a P2P client that used FTP for inter-client communication.
18:20.57MentalPowerdamn, was just about to link that
18:21.05RallionOh. now I remember.
18:21.57Rallionwell, if pasv doesn't work, I'm pretty sure that's the server's problem.
18:22.58krkawhoa... just got a comment on GRAB... and i haven't updated it in ages
18:23.00Ralliondoes anybody know? which side initiates connections in passive/active FTP sessions?
18:23.31krkaJoshBorke: you actually use GRAB? O_o that's cool i guess :)
18:25.36Kirovanyone know if I nil out a table as I iterate over it with k, v in ipairs if it'll get unhappy?
18:26.15Kirovfor k, v in ipairs(tableName) do
18:26.15Kirov-- stuff
18:26.15KirovtableName[k] = nil;
18:26.41RallionI'm pretty sure it only evaluates ipairs once
18:26.49Rallionso it should be fine
18:27.03Kirovanyone care to test?
18:27.17Kirovbefore I make possibly mod breaking changes with out the ability to test it myself
18:27.53krkashould work fine
18:27.53MentalPowerKirov: it works fine
18:28.02MentalPowerI have a function that nils out tables for reuse
18:28.12krkaipairs basically just counts up from 1
18:28.17krkauntil it finds a nil
18:30.57KirovMentalPower - how's itemizer
18:32.15MentalPowerstill working on my decoding functions, I hit a snag with my string splitting function choking on UTF-8 chars that I use, but thats fixed now (thanks to
18:32.27Cairennfor those of you that missed it last night: Background, guild pulling Firemaw, Guild Leader for whatever reason decides to inspect the Main Tank and  discovers that the MT is in full resist gear.  *Shadow* resist, that is.  So, GL  and some of the others in the guild made this up to help the MT in future:
18:32.37phyberCairenn: got it working :)  should be a new version available shortly.
18:32.48Cairennphyber: YUMMY! *kiss*
18:33.03Cairennget it uploaded to WoWI :)
18:33.34Kirkburnjaxdahl, thanks for the link!
18:33.43KirovCairenn - lol
18:33.47MentalPowerphyber: are you in charge of FuBar - NetStatsFu?
18:34.01KirovCairenn - I saw that yesterday but didn't listen to it
18:34.12TS|Skromwow shamans getting dual wield O.o
18:34.15Kirovcogwheel - medic!
18:34.19MentalPowerCairenn: OMG, can't... speak... having... a... laughing... fit
18:34.26cogwheelkirov, you did not just say that...
18:34.37cogwheelI am actually writing out a description of Medic...
18:34.56cogwheelwhich is what prompted me to say that in the first place...
18:36.06phyberCairenn: will do, just cleaning it up a bit :)
18:36.12KirovI just keep thinking of the Starcraft Medic voice
18:36.37MentalPowerYou want another physical?
18:36.38KirovTo quote a blizzard employee, "Yes, the woman who voices that _is_ as hot as she sounds."
18:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
18:37.33KirkburnAwesome!! Begins a ritual that creates a Soulwell. Raid members can click the Soulwell to acquire a Master Healthstone.
18:37.47Kirkburn(Ritual of Souls, that was)
18:38.05*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLEX (
18:38.21Eraphine|LabAny suggestions for a unit frames here?
18:38.35TS|SkromI like perl
18:38.40Eraphine|LabPerl Classic?
18:38.41TS|Skromor is it pearl?
18:38.48TS|SkromNymbia is what I use
18:38.53Eraphine|LabAh ha.
18:38.58KirkburnAwesome that my main is a lock :D
18:39.17TS|SkromI always go for minimalist approach and nymbia fit the bill for me
18:39.28TS|SkromSoulwell looks neat
18:39.31cogwheelMy original main is a warrior, but the guild we raid with has too many warriors as-is
18:39.55KirkburnRallion, I like your updated homepage ;P
18:45.24Rallionlol I just fixed it
18:45.41RallionI couldn't remember how to do certain things in CSS so I was playing
18:45.46KirkburnAll you did was move it :P
18:45.51Rallionhehe yes.
18:46.00*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> II must remember to put on my fire resistance gear before fighting Firemaw| Paste Code Here:
18:46.12*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> I must remember to put on my fire resistance gear before fighting Firemaw| Paste Code Here:
18:46.19KirkburnRallion, since it's not width:100%, it's on one side of the screen - right?
18:46.47Kirkburn(it's on the left side, I'm checking that was intended)
18:47.11Rallioni was actually trying to get it centered, it looks like I meant it to in FF
18:47.14RallionI see.
18:47.19KirkburnIt you want it in the middle, you'd want margin-left:auto
18:47.23KirkburnAnd margin-right:auto
18:47.37Kirkburn(and no width)
18:47.49Rallionnow it looks right.
18:47.56KirkburnOr that ;)
18:48.53Kirkburnphyber, I see the new MoneyFu :P
18:49.40phybernew TopScoreFu will be there soon.
18:50.01phyberit's working, but I'm just lazy at asking Cairenn to move it over to me :p
18:50.16KirkburnI'm just using the Ace SVN myself
18:50.47KirkburnSo I'm guessing I'm already using the updated one :P
18:51.12Rallionactually, margin-left/right and no width doesn't work, because I have the positioning set to absolute
18:51.30KirkburnWell don't?
18:52.14KirkburnI see a mistake in the SVN code :P
18:52.28Kirkburn"No Desiption Given"
18:52.50Kirkburnclad|sleep, wrote it?
18:54.22Cairennphyber: you took over as well?
18:54.37Cairennso why didn't you give me the link at the same time?
18:55.20phyberCairenn: I wasn't finished with it at the time. :)
18:55.46phyberbut I am now and it works nicely.
18:56.14KirkburnSilly phyber :P
18:56.25Cairennwell, ownership transfer in the works
18:57.09phyberI might have RestFu too, just have to check with Thiana.
18:58.26KirkburnCairenn, you know that construction pic link you put earlier ... noticed what the 8th one is?
18:58.54KirkburnIt gets _everywhere_ =)
19:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kanzie (
19:00.50KirkburnGreat, another wiki vandal
19:01.01KanzieMy mod wont load, where should I start to bugtrack?
19:01.43KanzieI have a onload statement where I call a function in the lua
19:01.43MentalPoweris it installed correctly?
19:02.07MentalPowerdoes the game recognize the AddOn?
19:02.20KanzieIn the addon-menu yes, but not when I reloadui
19:02.23MentalPoweralso, can you post your XML file? (
19:03.12KirovKanzie - have you checked your FrameXML.log?
19:03.52Rallionholy crap, BC has WAY more talents than I expected
19:05.54KirovKanzie - instead of SendChatMessage(text, type) try DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text)
19:06.06MentalPowerwas just about to say that
19:06.13KanzieWhat is the difference?!
19:06.36cogwheelsendchatmessage has to communicate with the server
19:06.38MentalPowerSendChatMessage tells everyone around you that you jsut loaded your addon
19:06.49MentalPower:AddMessage() on the other hand only tells you
19:06.50KirovKanzie - SendChatMessage is doing a "say", which might happen before your chat log is even setup to accept those events.
19:06.57KirkburnThis is madness:
19:07.30Kirkburn(he appears to the same vandal we're getting every night)
19:07.34Kirkburn*to be
19:07.48cogwheelwhy does "Kirkburn 12:47" look like a bible passage to me?
19:07.57Kirkburnhey, I wrote it ;)
19:08.03ThraeGod this pre-empetive (raid target) check for aggro code is ugly. Good thing it's not the only aggro option.
19:08.09Cairennso get an admin to ip ban him, not like it's any big issue to deal with, sheesh :p
19:08.25KirkburnWe have one admin and he's not around all the time :/
19:08.42Cairennwell, there's your first mistake :p
19:08.46KirkburnLast time the guy ran rampant for _three_ hours
19:08.59Kirovthe one admin who refuses to make others admin?
19:09.18Cairennand there's your second problem
19:09.49KirovEven though, if I understand it correctly, he doesn't play wow anymore, and is rarely online.
19:10.03cogwheelthird porblem?
19:10.14KirkburnFandyllic plays a lot
19:10.17|FF|Im2good4uDahm no shit WoW Ui Disinger doesnt sepport ScollingFrame... ..Cry
19:10.31KirkburnHe's got four chars in the 50s :P
19:10.38KirovKirkburn - that's it?
19:10.48KirovKirkburn - my gf has 5 60s
19:11.01Kirovall with mc or bwl gear
19:11.02KirkburnI was generalising when I said one admin ... one _active_ admin :)
19:11.05cogwheelI have 2 60s as of last friday
19:11.39Kirovsomeone needs to make Cairenn a wowwiki admin
19:11.40KirkburnWhat excitement, he's playing with my user pages now
19:11.51Kirovbecause she doesn't have enough to do yet, and she never sleeps
19:11.55CairennKirov: fuck no
19:11.56KirkburnI am seriously pushing for more admins, this is getting silly
19:12.36KirovWhat scares me is this guy is able to find stuff on the wiki better than I can
19:12.58Cairennphyber: when uploading new plugins for FuBar, don't upload them to the category directly
19:13.05Cairenngo to fubar itself and use "upload addon"
19:13.08Kanzieok...didnt help me uot does not report anything
19:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
19:13.29KirovKanzie - did you check FrameXML.log yet?
19:13.30KanzieBut with the sendchatmessage replaced with:  DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Trapped unitIsunit() AND unitIsDead()","SAY");
19:14.08KirovKanzie - no "Say"
19:14.20KirovDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Trapped unitIsunit() AND unitIsDead()");
19:14.54Rallionshouldn't make a difference, though
19:15.12JoshBorkecan you say before PEW?
19:15.49KirovJoshBorke - the chatframe can get messages before PEW, no?
19:16.15JoshBorkethere's a difference between AddMessage and SendChatMessage, no?
19:16.41MentalPowerAddMEssage is completely internal
19:16.54JoshBorkeso I'm just saying, can you 'say' something before you've entered the world?
19:16.54MentalPowerSendChatMessage has to communicate with the server
19:17.19MentalPowerpossibly, haven't tested that
19:17.24phyberCairenn: ok.
19:17.31KanzieJust give me the proper way to signal, IM is for debugging purpose
19:17.58Cairennphyber: thanks for the updated moneyfu :)
19:18.11MentalPowerChatFrame1:AddMessage("Hello World!")
19:18.15ckknighthooray for phyber, for lightening my load
19:18.27RallionI'm looking at the BC spells and stuff now, and some of this is really good
19:18.30MentalPoweror DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hello World!")
19:18.32ThraeKanzie: PLAYER_ALIVE and PLAYER_UNGHOST are the two events called when the player is dead then alive.
19:19.10Kanzieyes...not what Im checking for though
19:19.26JoshBorkesee if that works
19:19.27Kanziefirst I need it to just load properly, then check if MOB dies when player attacks
19:19.34Kanzieif so, then fire event
19:20.20KirovKanzie - you want to find out if the mob you're targeting died?
19:20.30phyberCairenn: np :)
19:20.35phyberand ckknight too.
19:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
19:21.43KanzieKirov: Eventually yes, roight now, just load my mod!
19:23.02KirovKanzie - just so you know, it's actually not possible for the script to know if the particular mob you were targeting was the one that died.
19:23.10KirovUnless you killed it.
19:23.22KirovAnd even then
19:23.38KirovYou can "guess", but never know for sure
19:24.10Kanzieok... but that is good enough... I want to fire an emote when I kill a MOB
19:24.46KirovKanzie - did you try the version JoshBorke posted?
19:25.01Kanzie <- this one?
19:25.11Kanzieyep... no difference...nothing happenes
19:27.26Rallionyou sure you're looking at the right chat window?
19:27.32Rallionand do you have any other addons installed?
19:27.39KanzieYes... plenty
19:27.49Ralliontry disabling them
19:27.56Kirov - try that
19:28.21Rallioni thought my addon was broken when I didn't see the startup messages, because I had StopTheSpam enabled
19:28.38jaxdahlhere's an idea for an addon. when i die, i'd like to see how much HP (and/or armor?) i would've needed to have in order to survive remaining ticks on debuffs and/or the killing blow that killed me
19:29.59Kanzietried it
19:30.10KanzieI basically repasted the code in my lua-file, the did reloadui
19:30.20Kanzieand all mods check in, but not this one
19:30.59KanzieI have Scrolling Combat Text, but I hardly think that has anything to do with it...
19:31.08KanzieIm gonna copy code from a working mod and see if it works
19:33.56Kanziemeh...something fishy is wrong here...
19:34.23TS|Skromif you are like me, you forgot to save your lua in between reloads
19:34.46KanzieThink we have it here...
19:34.47Kanzie8/28 21:33:05.265  Loading add-on taunt
19:34.47Kanzie8/28 21:33:05.265  ** Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\taunt\taunt.toc
19:34.47Kanzie8/28 21:33:05.265  Couldn't parse XML in Interface\AddOns\taunt\taunt.xml
19:38.59QzotIs there a way to access the old fora?
19:39.31cogwheelEnd posted the ip address the other day... i don't remember though.
19:40.28QzotFrom the "Has-it-been-done?" dept: Is there an existing POI addon?
19:40.49jaxdahl^^ old forums
19:43.13Kanzieits all good now
19:43.19Kanziea </frame> was missing
19:44.57QzotAnyone know of a point-of-interest addon, that alerts you to (*cough*) points of interest when you get close to them?
19:45.35TS|Skromstuff like that?
19:46.02Qzot"You are near a hilltop dedicated to a Blizzard artist who died during the game's creation."
19:47.20Qzot"You are near a hidden vendor, the only one to sell the pattern for Herbalist Gloves." etc.
19:47.45cogwheelthat would be an incredibly massive undertaking
19:47.57TS|Skromand pretty dang cool
19:48.17QzotI'm rather assuming you'd start small, credit people who make suggestions, and grow it bigger and bigger over time.
19:49.07QzotCredit people who make suggestions = motivate people to grow the DB. :P
19:53.57*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
19:57.04TS|SkromPriest question for those in the know.
19:57.08Corrodiasso i had this dream that the expansion was just around the corner
19:57.21TS|SkromWhen you are shielded your inner fire charges do not get used (confirmed seconds ago by myself)
19:57.34TS|SkromQuestion: Does the inner fire armor count toward how much you didn't get hit for?
19:57.49TS|Skromeven though the charges don't get used?
19:57.56MentalPowerI believe so
19:58.07Kanzieok... so how do I trap the event of me killing a mob?
19:58.10Corrodiasi guess i have absolutely no idea what inner fire is
19:58.20TS|Skromadds armor
19:58.28TS|Skrombut has 20 charges, every time you get hit charges go down by 1
19:58.34KanzieCan I do I check that "player("target").health == 0"; or something
19:58.35TS|Skromwhen hits 0, buff dispels itself
19:58.40Corrodiasyou say charges do not get used when you are shielded. if you're getting hit, that's incorrect.
19:59.00Corrodiasi don't see how something can count for what you did -not- get hit for, whatever that is supposed to mean
19:59.01TS|Skromwell I'm not technically getting hit since it's being absorbed
19:59.11TS|Skromwell here's what I'm wondering....
19:59.22TS|Skromwithout innerfire I get hit for 8 each hit. with.. I get hit for 6
19:59.26Corrodiasoh, shielded! i get it
19:59.43TS|Skromif I have inner fire up and get shielded (power word shield) is each hit taking 6 off of my absorb or 8?
19:59.49Corrodiasi see
20:00.04TS|Skromif it's taking 6... then shouldning my charges be going away?
20:00.06Corrodiasman, do i feel stupid for that one
20:00.16TS|SkromI'm getting the benefit without the drawbacks lol
20:00.36KirkburnSo, er, yeah ... some kids just decided to pull down the wall in the garages next door to us
20:00.38TS|Skromkinda cool though, good way to increase the benefit of inner fire
20:00.38Kasoblizzard said that it should be working like that so its good good
20:01.02KirkburnAnd I've just been looking at the damage with the local police
20:01.27TS|Skromheh so I found out today that my ex wife is back to playing Wow again
20:01.36Corrodiasgank her
20:01.46JoshBorkelol, thought the same thing
20:01.55TS|SkromI have a character on the server she plays on, thinking about sending her all my gold from the toon with this note attached: here’s your gold, this should be familiar, you took so much else from me – matt
20:01.59zenzelezzshe took half your gold and equipment?
20:02.06KirkburnFor some odd reason the vandals decided to leave a pushchair there, so the police are gonna look at it for fingerprints. Such excitement :P
20:02.23TS|Skromand then deleteing that character and making a horde to gank the shit out of her
20:02.35TS|Skromshe is freaking asstastic at wow
20:02.53CorrodiasTS|Skrom: i'd rather send her a CoD for that amount with the same note, just in case she goes for it
20:02.54TS|Skromit would be like beating a mute, blind quadra
20:03.12TS|Skromcan you send cod on purely coin based mails?
20:03.19Corrodiasi doubt it
20:03.20KanzieIs it the right way to go about it to trap event UNIT_HEALTH and then check if unit is mob and if healt == 0 or UNIT_DEAD then if true call a function to perform what I want to do!?
20:04.23TS|Skromparse combat for "such and such dies" and then watch for an xp gain event
20:04.30Corrodiasthe proper way is to check the health of every frickin' unit that you can detect in every frame. YEAH
20:04.31TS|Skromif you get both, then the party just killed somethign
20:04.52CorrodiasTS|Skrom: do gray enemies give xp?
20:04.59TS|Skromgood point
20:05.12KanzieIs there any better way to see if the player just killed a mob?
20:05.27TS|Skromwhat are you trying to do overall kanzie?
20:05.49TS|Skrommy boss needs to go home so I can play my priest
20:05.51Corrodiasblizzard doesn't give us much of any tools that let addons do things that some superhuman working at the speed of infinity couldn't do for himself with the default client.
20:06.03KanzieWhen I kill a mob I want my toon to yell something
20:06.27Corrodiashe should throw a pie in someone's face and then have an anvil fall on his head. that'll make the kiddies titter.
20:06.41TS|Skromhehehehe you said tit
20:06.52TS|Skromsorry :(
20:07.20Kanziemust be possible to code
20:08.08Corrodiasthink about it: how do -you- know when you kill an enemy? then there's probably a very similar way to do it in lua.
20:08.39Corrodiasjust because the one you're targetting falls over? not necessarily. someone else may have landed the killing blow, or you may be casting an AoE.
20:08.56zenzelezzwoot... lag spike wipes us at Flamegor, person with soulstone LDs, so rogues+druids stealth back... druid dies on the way, and the rogue finally resurrects a priest with the jumper cables \o/
20:09.44Corrodiasand then it may be practically impossible to separate different creatures with the same name. i see a lot of obstacles for this addon of yours.
20:10.21Kanzieok..but in the first incarnation of this mod I really dont care about details...if it dies in battle near me, it is ok to trigger my functino
20:10.33zenzelezzthere's a chat message that says when you deal a killing blow
20:10.54Kanziemaybe I should trap that then...? Clever
20:11.30Kanzieif X "is slayen by " .. player <- Like this?
20:11.31TS|SkromYou have slain %t
20:11.54TS|SkromI just killed a bat on my priest and that's what came up
20:12.13TS|Skromthere's no A an or the unless that was a part of the mob name
20:12.27TS|Skromin my case it was You have slain Greater Duskbat!
20:12.27zenzelezz -- "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH"
20:12.29Kanzieso I can scan for that statement... (and probably variations of it but still)
20:12.46Corrodiasthere we go
20:13.52TS|SkromKanzie, you owe zenzelezz some pie
20:17.21Cairennphyber: TopScoreFu is yours now
20:19.41KanzieAnywhere I can read up on how to trap a statement like that and work with it?
20:21.22TS|Skromregister your frame for that event then do an onEvent
20:21.30TS|Skromcheck the wowwiki on "how to make an addon"
20:24.03phyberCairenn: thanks :)
20:24.22TS|Skromhehe boss walked up while I was turning in a quest
20:24.34TS|Skromglad I have the laptop facing away from the aisle
20:25.16TS|Skrom -- Kanzie , here's what you were looking for I think
20:30.01KanzieWhat should I look for in event... I do this:REGISTER for CHAT... in onEvent() I have: if ( event == "" ) then
20:30.49KanzieDo I check for the actual chat-text or do I check if it is set, or just what I registred in onLoad?
20:30.56TS|Skromwell... since you want to watch for the CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH
20:31.13TS|Skromyou... this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH");
20:31.25TS|Skromthen OnEvent -- myFunction
20:33.15TS|Skromfrom the description of that event I believe you are looking for that event to return "You have slain XX"
20:33.24TS|Skromdo what you want from there
20:34.21MentalPoweryou might want to verify the arg1 and arg2 of that event
20:34.59MentalPowerit may have changed to use string.format
20:35.00KirkburnHmm, new character time again ;P
20:39.29KanzieWell...thats the thing... in OnEvent, I have to trigger on the return argument right?
20:43.39Kanziehow do I set a target for my whisper, or a party-say
20:43.48KanzieSendChatMessage(event, "WHISPER");
20:43.49TS|SkromOnEvent just means "when an event I am registered for fires do this"
20:44.13Kanzieso basically I just in OnEvent, if that is the only event register
20:44.16KanzieI launch the code
20:44.22TS|Skromso put <OnEvent>MyFunction</OnEvent"
20:44.37TS|Skromif you have more then one event you are listening for then make MyFunction an event handler
20:44.46TS|Skromif event == event1 do this, else do this
20:45.34Kanzieso how do I do a SendChatMessage(event, "SAY"); to only a channel?
20:45.35TS|Skromin your case if you are only listening for one event you can make MyFunction the meat and potatoes of your addon and just call directly every time that event fires
20:47.09Kanzie"channel" can be "party" ?
20:47.18TS|Skromor SAY
20:47.25KanzieSAY makes a global say...
20:47.38TS|SkromSendChatMessage("I AM VICTORIOUS","SAY") will put it in local right around you
20:47.41KanzieAnd this method seems to trigger on every kill the party makes, not just the individual player
20:48.05jaxdahlhas anyone ever thought about making an interface emulator?
20:48.51Kanzieyes...but they will kill me min the towns if I keep spitting out debug-text, so I was hoping for a way to only pester the party Im in
20:49.10jaxdahlwell, you should be able to echo to your console
20:49.44jaxdahlso the only person you bother is yourself
20:49.45TS|Skromyeah, instead of SendChatMessage("message") do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("message") until you get the kinks out
20:50.49KirovKanzie - to find out if you killed it you need to parse the message that comes with the death event.
20:51.18KirovThere's a death event that says a mob died, and just before it a death event saying who killed it if it was someone in your group or yourself
20:52.05KanzieKirov: Is that not the one Im using: this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH");
20:52.13KanzieIt seems to trigger in doubles if I use a pet
20:54.40KirovKanzie - what's the arg1?
20:55.03Kanziechecking now actually =)
20:55.51Kanzieis it event(arg1) or arg1?
20:56.01Kirovarg1 by itself
20:56.17Beladonaok, wasn't there an IsChecked function for check boxes? or maybe I forgot what the function is supposed to be
20:56.31JoshBorkeBeladona, yes there is
20:56.42KanzieAh... it seems to trigger twice... first for You have slain... and then for MOB dies
20:56.49KanzieIll just filter there then =)
20:56.55KanzieSWEEET! Almost there
20:57.32jaxdahlit's not very easy to mirror the talent/skills pages
20:57.43KirovKanzie - do you have the UI source files someplace?
20:57.50JoshBorkeBeladona: GetChecked() returns 1 if the button is checked
20:57.57Kirovnil otherwise
20:58.41KirovKanzie -  exceptional useful site
20:58.49Kirov - specifically
20:59.35Kirovlook for SELFKILLOTHER
20:59.46Kirovthat's the string that gets shown when you kill something
21:01.24Kirovlocal slaintext = "^"..string.gsub(SELFKILLOTHER, "%%s", ".+").."$";
21:01.24Kirovif ( string.find(arg1, slaintext) ) then
21:01.24Kirov-- You killed something
21:01.33Kanzieand SELFKILLOTHER is a constant that I can trap how?
21:01.51KirovSELFKILLOTHER is a localized string
21:02.09Kirovfor use in a string.format() function
21:02.54Kirovlocal slaintext = ... stuff converts that string in to a string pattern for using a string.find() function
21:03.21KanzieSWEET! This is good
21:03.49KirovIf you want to get the name of the mob change ".+" to "(.+)"
21:04.18ThraeKanzie: Deformat will convert the pattern to a string.find pattern and return the results of the string.find. Look for the library on wowinterface.
21:04.55Beladonaokies, heading out, be back later
21:05.00JoshBorkebye bela
21:05.19KirovThrae - maybe I'm weird, but I prefer not using libs until I understand what they're doing
21:05.27KanzieHow do I isolate and store the name of the mob you mean?
21:05.28Corrodiasyou're weird.
21:05.50Kirovgood to nkow
21:06.26Corrodiasi don't mind if you are redundant with your code. just try not to be inefficient with your A) rate of memory usage increase and B) the processing, so it's fast and doesn't cause a lot of GC
21:07.00Corrodiasbase memory usage doesn't really concern me, unless you get ridiculous with it (over 100mb)
21:07.35KirovKanzie -
21:07.41ThraeKirov: If he's using the global string, then he's better off using Deformat. Using a gsub to convert string.format to string.find patterns isn't easy, and Deformat is also locale-free.
21:08.53ThraeI offered an easier alternative for someone who just wants to make an addon rather then understand every detail in Lua about their code.
21:09.02KirovThrae - if he's doing it for a single global string, which has a single string var ... who cares?
21:09.27KanzieBut I want to understand...Kirovs example is brilliant, yours was really good too! It works now, but I really want the mob-name as well... that was a great idea
21:10.24KirovKanzie - local start,end,mobname = string.find("some text vs Evil Badguy!", "^some text vs (.+)!$")
21:11.07KirovKanzie - Anything between the ()'s are a part of the string you want the function to return
21:11.13Kanzieyeah... the regexp is more generic and nicer, though harder to read
21:11.39Mr_Rabies2<cogwheel> too bad Mr_Rabies isn't here....
21:11.52Kirov"." by itself is any character, ".+" means as many of any character as possible.
21:12.02Mr_Rabies2i dunno if you're actually here or not cog, but if so, what do you need?
21:12.19cogwheelWe just had some mind reading going on earlier today :P
21:12.20KirovMr_Rabies2 - but Mr_Rabies isn't here, you're his evil twin!
21:12.28Mr_Rabies2DUN DUN DUNNNNN
21:13.02Mr_RabiesI'm the real Mr_Rabies, shoot him!
21:13.18Mr_Rabies2No, I'm the real Mr_Rabies, shoot him!
21:13.25Mr_Rabies2I've seen too many movies :[
21:13.33zenzelezzthis one's easy
21:13.36cogwheelWill the real Mr_Rabies please stand up?
21:13.45Mr_Rabiesit also makes me feel schizophrenic
21:13.54KirovNo you're not
21:13.57KirovYes you are!
21:13.59KirovAm not
21:14.01KirovAm too!
21:14.53Kanzieneed some more ass. with the mobname
21:15.10Corrodiasso it seems to me that it's going to take weeks of constant pvp fighting to gain a rank over 5
21:15.27KirovKanzie - what's the problem you'r ehaving?
21:15.36Mr_Rabies2depends on your server
21:15.39TS|Skromthat's a problem
21:15.55KirovTS|Skrom - if it's a succubus, it'd at least be fun for a bit
21:16.11Kanziehold on...trying a bit on my own first, before annoying you
21:17.16CorrodiasMr_Rabies2: don't give me that. :)
21:17.28Mr_Rabies2what server/ruleset are you on?
21:17.37Corrodiason most realms i assume it will all match up within a few weeks difference
21:17.52CorrodiasEldre'Thalas, Normal, BG group 1
21:18.03Mr_Rabies2Normal won't take nearly as much pvp to get rank in most cases
21:18.30Mr_Rabies2just pvp as much as you enjoy it and don't worry about rank
21:18.54Mr_Rabies2that will fly until about rank 6 or 7 or so then you've gotta play a bit out of the comfort zone
21:19.21Corrodiasfrostmane is a pvp realm in our group with a particular bunch of alliance players with pvp epics who like to enter 50-59 WSG as a group
21:19.25Mr_Rabies2and once you hit 10 it turns more into a grind, and 13 and 14, well... let's not go there :P
21:19.28Corrodiasrather discouraging
21:19.32Mr_Rabies2your rank is only server-side
21:19.39Mr_Rabies2not group-wise
21:19.53Mr_Rabies2so if no one else from your server pvps you can rank really fast
21:20.12JoshBorkeoh dear
21:20.29Mr_Rabies2is uh
21:20.34Mr_Rabies2is that a female
21:20.46Mr_Rabies2[Giggity Giggity]
21:21.37Kanzieok... help me out here =) I want to extract the mobname as well.. how do I need to write the regexp to include that?
21:21.45Mr_Rabies2either that or a really skinny nerd
21:21.56JoshBorkeor both!
21:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
21:23.01Kanziehow do I get the value of %s in SELFKILLOTHER
21:23.46KirovKanzie - "%s" is replaced by a string (the name of the mob) when it's displayed
21:24.07KirovKanzie - read up about how to make string.find return a value
21:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:53.27*** topic/#wowi-lounge is I must remember to put on my fire resistance gear before fighting Firemaw| Paste Code Here:
21:53.28Kirov"Did you extract it in to your wow/interface/addons folder?"
21:53.35Kirov"I put it on my desktop, that doesn't work?"
21:53.56Hexarobithe mac users i know tend to know alot more about their computers than windows users
21:54.08KirovHexarobi - you're lucky then
21:54.25JoshBorkemorning cladhaire
21:54.26KirovI had one guy trying to figure out how to open .tga files because he figured since he couldn't open them, wow couldn't either
21:54.34Kirovand that's why his mod wasn't working
21:55.00KirovFor some reason he'd extracted _just_ the .tga files to his desktop
21:55.13Kirovthe .zip he'd put in the addons folder
21:55.33cladhaireugt JoshBorke!
21:55.49JoshBorkecladhaire: back from vacation?
21:55.56cladhaireif you can call it that
21:56.03cladhairei dont consider weekends away vacation really =)
21:56.09cladhairebut I had a great time, and yes i'm back now.
21:56.17cladhaireCairenn: Lol @ topic =)
21:56.35cladhairehe linked it on the guild forums if you'd like a link
21:56.55cladhairelistened to it a few times today while at work.. made me smile =)
21:58.00Cairennhe gave me the link already :)
21:58.23CairennI've handed it out in here already, as well as sent it to my household mailing list
21:59.08Hexarobiur house has a mailing list?
21:59.22JoshBorkeyou mean your's doesn't? o.O
21:59.43CairennSociety for Creative Anachronism :p
22:00.09Cairennmedieval recreation society
22:00.34KanzieIs there anything special with the command that generates the chat-bubble above the head?
22:00.59KirovKanzie - special?
22:01.17KanzieSendChatMessage("Hello World", "PARTY"); is correct right?
22:01.40KirovKanzie - for sending a message to the party? yes
22:03.18KanzieCan I in the OnLoad define an array with words and then in the onEvent randomize a pointer to the array?
22:03.33Kanzie(shouldnt be a problem right?)
22:04.01Mikkjust give it a nice unique global name like YourAddOnName_MyArray
22:04.35JoshBorke(Or put it into a table ;-))
22:04.36Hexarobiyou can define the scope as local inside your addons lua file, but outside of any function
22:06.24KirovKanzie - Lua's "arrays" are "tables"
22:06.34KanzieHow do I make a global array like $myArray = ["eenie","miney","three"]
22:06.51Hexarobiby default, any variable name used becomes global
22:06.53KirovKanzie - they can be either an array or a hash table
22:07.05Hexarobiif you put the word local infront of it, then it defines its scope
22:07.15Kanziethis is supposed to be three arrays, each filled with words
22:07.23Hexarobiso if you do local myTable = { "blah", "blah", "blah" };
22:07.23KirovKanzie - myArray = {"eenie", "miney", "three" };
22:07.35Hexarobiinside of a function, it will only work for that execution of that function
22:07.57Hexarobiif you do local mytTable = etc.. at the very top of you lua file, it will be local to your addon
22:08.00Kanzieyes... but If I want to call it from the onEvent then it cant be local can it? I dont want to declare the array on each trigered event since the content is static
22:08.13Hexarobiyou prolly want it local to your addon
22:08.27Hexarobiso you can name it something like wordTable and not worry about conflicting with other addons
22:08.42Hexarobiif you make it global you need to name it myAddon_wordTable
22:08.55Kanzielocal then =)
22:09.26Kanzieand I call with
22:09.48KanziewordTable{i}; ?
22:10.05KirkburnHmm, how can I get my level 42 to 60 is super quick time ...
22:10.41KirkburnI mean, what's the best areas :P
22:11.13Hexarobiand in Lua, table index's start with 1, not 0
22:11.38Hexarobibut thats if you use the table like an array, you can also use strings as indexs instead of numbers
22:11.53Hexarobiso you can have wordTable["color"] = "red";
22:12.30Kanziehow do I randomize
22:13.42Hexarobiooo getn returns length? i never knew that
22:14.16KirovHexarobi - only for consecutive integer based tables
22:14.30Hexarobiah, not hashes?
22:14.34Kirovnot hashes
22:14.42KirkburnI have one aim in WoW atm, and that's to get my near-abandoned pally to 60 before the expansion :P
22:14.51Kirovhashes you can do setn(tableName) and getn() will work
22:14.59zenzelezzhow come Kirk?
22:15.24KirkburnJust so I have some choice for playing in Outland :P
22:15.42zenzelezzI don't think I follow your logic
22:15.53KirkburnI only have one 60, a warlock
22:15.54JoshBorkeis your paladin the highest char?
22:15.59Hexarobinew content will be for max-level players
22:16.11KirkburnShe's 42 atm ... since Hellfire Peninsula starts at 55 though, maybe I only need to get her there
22:16.11KanzieSendChatMessage(tauntList[math.random(1,getn(tauntList))], "YELL");
22:16.13JoshBorkelies! what about the starter areas?
22:16.23Kanziemmmm... wont work
22:16.37KirkburnOh, I'm starting a third main char for BC, a female draenei warrior =)
22:16.37Hexarobidoesnt sendchatmessage take more args than that?
22:16.37zenzelezzoh, you mean so you have more than one char that can go there?
22:16.38Kanziecan I debug it somehow
22:16.47Kirkburnzenzelezz, exactimondo ;)
22:17.04HexarobiSendChatMessage("cm challengedenied", "WHISPER", nil, challenger);
22:17.14Hexarobiwhats the nil?
22:17.21KirkburnIt will feel very annoying having the expansion, but having to play her through to 55 before I can use it, so I'm doing it now :)
22:17.40wereHamsterby passing 'nil' (nothing) you tell WoW to use the deault language
22:17.42Hexarobiman i hate grinding
22:17.56KanzieI have to randomize and store in a var, then say the var
22:18.07Corrodiasit seems i get experience for turning in WSG tokens. therefore, that's a better grinding method, if my team wins a lot.
22:18.16Hexarobino you shouldnt have to, they should do the same thing either way kanz
22:18.23Hexarobibut it might make it easier to read
22:18.31KirovKanzie -
22:21.49*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:26.26zespri_workmorning people
22:26.34Cairennhi zespri
22:26.53zespri_workwhat's up? =)
22:28.07JoshBorkeblah! someone learn me iptables :-(
22:29.33MentalPowerCair, finish my AddOn for me :P
22:29.42Cairennsomething *fun* to do
22:30.03Cairennsomething she is *capable* of doing
22:31.13zenzelezzI think I killed a part of our raid today at Vaelastrasz :-o
22:31.39JoshBorkeok, bye all :-)
22:31.42*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:32.31zenzelezzdid what I was told in the warrior channel, but decided to try Recklessness while doing Executes... so when the current MT died, he turned to me :-x Took me a second or two to notice and turn him around
22:32.52Kirovzenzelezz - bad man
22:33.04zenzelezzhey, you have to learn somehow!
22:33.23zenzelezzif I'd just left out Recklessness I wouldn't have had any trouble I think
22:33.51zenzelezzbut it was a wipe anyway, the current main tank and the next-to-be decided to stand on top of each other when the tank blew up
22:34.07Hexarobicair, have been looking for a hand carved chess set, do you have any experience whitlin'?
22:35.17Cideit's more fun to wipe the raid...
22:35.25Cideby stepping out into c'thun's line of sight
22:35.27Cairennbuncha comedians ... don't give up your day jobs guys :p
22:36.17AnduinLotharoh nice, they made the tallent changes public
22:36.58zenzelezztalent changes?
22:37.08AnduinLotharblizz home page
22:37.13Kasono priests!
22:37.25KirovCide - you have an odd sense of fun
22:37.46CideKirov: gotta take out my frustrations in some way.. I'm a priest!
22:37.56Merywhat does it mean when my svn tells me "that .xml file has inconsistant newlines"?
22:38.00AnduinLothari dont see the leaked 'spritual attunement' on the pally trees
22:38.11CideMery: probably mixed "\r\n" and "\n"
22:38.21MentalPowerMery: it means that some lines are \n\r and some are something else \n or \r
22:38.24KasoCide: you're number 1 on CTProfiles arent you?
22:38.29Cidethat is, "windows style"-newlines and "linux style"-newlines
22:38.32CideKaso: yup
22:38.34KirkburnI've so totally forgotten how to play
22:38.52Meryhmm easy way to find it? (probably copyed them in from older files...)?
22:38.55ShadowedSmede = TS?
22:39.44Cide(lamest names ever...) :)
22:40.18Shadowedyou're on DH
22:40.21Shadowedyou need to pvp more
22:41.35CideI never pvp :)
22:41.45zenzelezzyou have 329 intellect more than my warrior
22:41.47Cidejust enough to keep rank 4
22:42.04Cidezenzelezz: warriors are smart!
22:42.36Shadowedi've seen your guild in WSG though
22:42.38AnduinLotharheh, I was doing that 'just enough to keep rank 4' till this week
22:42.54CideShadowed: yeah, some pvp more than others
22:42.55AnduinLotharsomehow managed to get 125k honor..
22:43.09Cideanyway, time for me to go to bed
22:43.12Cidenight everyone
22:45.41Cairennnight Cide
22:51.20Merynight all
22:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dreyruugr (n=chatzill@
22:52.54KirkburnLol, I've put on the Top ScoreFu, and nearly every hit I make I get "new xxx record!"
22:52.54zenzelezzyay for The Pretender on DVD \o/
22:54.33KirkburnSure it's not actually a CD and pretending?
22:54.59zenzelezzyou must not have seen the series
22:55.23AnduinLotharoo where?
22:55.36AnduinLotharThe Pretender ended so abruptly..
22:56.04zenzelezzmy brother bought all... what was it, four? seasons on DVD recently... think it was from Amazon
22:57.16AnduinLotharscore, i love the top /. news article
22:58.00zenzelezzheh, nice
22:58.57KirkburnGod I'm stupid ... I didn't turn my pally's aura on!
23:00.22AnduinLotharshould turn itself on, eh?
23:00.32AnduinLothartoo bad they dissabled ActionQueue
23:01.26KirkburnIt was just sitting there, inactive :/ 631 armour going to waste!
23:02.22AnduinLotharso now I'm introuble. I have ossi's head, but I just got Jindo's evil eye and I have medalian of steadfast might and ony tooth pendant
23:02.33AnduinLotharso which do I pick..
23:02.35KirkburnMy paladin is now controlled by a grand total of 4 buttons
23:02.40zenzelezztough call :-o
23:03.09zenzelezzKirkburn: what are the two other than bubble and hearthstone?
23:03.34AnduinLotharI also have the blue Jeklik's pendant from zg for mp5 and spell damage..
23:03.51KirkburnOne does all my seal/judgement stuff, one does the healing, one does the blessing and one does the hammer of justice :P
23:03.57KirkburnI don't use the bubble much
23:03.59AnduinLotharif the ossi neck had mp5 and spell damage i would so go for it.. but it's split
23:04.40KirkburnCoooool ... I just got a golden pearl :D
23:05.00*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
23:05.17AnduinLotharSteadfast Might is almost flat out better than the ossi one. cept the ossi one has 10 more stam
23:06.12AnduinLotharthe spell damage and stats might be useful for my magadin pvp set..
23:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
23:12.12Rallionkirkburn, what about hammer of wrath? I love hammer of wrath.
23:13.39KirkburnI'm level 42 ... when do you get that?
23:13.45Rallionsoon I think
23:13.51Rallion44 maybe
23:14.42KirkburnWhat is it exactly?
23:15.12RallionI remember the first time I got a golden pearl. killed two nagas, got two clams, opened the first one, black pearl. second one, golden pearl. killed another, got another clam, got another golden pearl. and now, maybe thousands of naga kills later, i haven't seen another.
23:15.20Rallionit's like a weaker version of execute
23:15.34Rallionusable on targets below 20% health, ranged instant nuke
23:15.40Mr_Rabies2holy damage
23:15.43Mr_Rabies2it's not instant
23:15.47Mr_Rabies21.5 sec i think
23:15.52Kirkburnwow, you lucky bastard, so many pearls :(
23:15.55Rallionthat seems long
23:16.13Rallionyou win
23:16.14Mr_Rabies21 sec
23:16.35Rallion1 sec almost might as well be instant for anything but a healing spell
23:16.47Cairenntedium: wrapping a skein of wool into a ball.  tedium +: wrapping a skein of wook into a ball with two cats "assisting"
23:16.58Rallionwell I was right about the level
23:17.08Mr_Rabies2crits for double
23:17.17Mr_Rabies2like melee damage
23:17.20Mr_Rabies2but it's holy damage
23:17.25Kirkburnaww, but cats need to play 'with' you :)
23:17.27Rallion500 damage is more than I thought, too
23:17.32Mr_Rabies2so it's not mitigated or able to increase resistances to
23:17.40KirkburnSounds awesome
23:17.50Rallion500 damage at rank 3, that is
23:17.56KirkburnWell, it comes under the seal/judgement button fortunately =)
23:18.03Rallionyeah, I guess it does
23:18.05Mr_Rabies2crits for ~1200 at 60 with no damage gear
23:18.12Rallion6 second cooldown
23:18.55Mr_Rabies2that's self buffed
23:19.05KirkburnOh yeah, I totally forgot, my paladin's aze is shite
23:19.18Rallion...axe? ugh
23:19.36KirkburnI have money to buy something good ... recommend me something :)
23:19.44Mr_Rabies2at level 42?
23:19.45RallionI have the crappiest looking two-hander in the game on my 60 pally
23:19.49Mr_Rabies2do you have a ravager?
23:19.51Rallionphantom blade?
23:20.07KirkburnI have a Cresent of Forlorn Spirits
23:20.09Mr_Rabies2what axe do you have, rallion?
23:20.23Mr_Rabies2looking that up
23:20.36Rallionnot axe, hammer
23:20.47Rallionyou can see a picture of its tininess there
23:20.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:21.01Rallionpeople are always like, wtf, why don't you have a shield?
23:21.25KirkburnIn fact, I should respec too
23:21.38Mr_Rabies2i've got that hammer on my druid, rall
23:21.41Rallionooh yeah
23:21.44KirkburnI need all advice I can get :)
23:21.47Rallionthat's good stuff
23:21.50RallionI used to have it :)
23:21.59Mr_Rabies2i mean the grand crusader one
23:22.08Mr_Rabies2mograine's might was being suggested to kirk
23:22.11KirkburnI want an awesome PvE paladin ... what should I do?
23:22.29Rallionin what sense?
23:22.36MentalPowerat least you don't want an awesome PvP paladin
23:22.40Mr_Rabies2you'll probably want 2 sets of gear
23:22.53Rallionif you want to kill mobs efficiently, then kill yourself. if you want to be able to solo elites, just keep being a paladin
23:22.57Mr_Rabies2one that's pure melee and one that's got some nice int in it too
23:23.36KirkburnWhat's a Dwarven Charge like?
23:24.10zenzelezza normal charge, only shorter
23:24.11Mr_Rabies2oh yeah, Kirk
23:24.17Mr_Rabies2for a 1 hander
23:24.47Rallionthat's not right.
23:24.49Mr_Rabies2get that + mograine's might/ravager depending on the kind of fight you are
23:25.05Mr_Rabies2did copy image location
23:25.08Mr_Rabies2not copy link location :P
23:25.37Mr_Rabies2for a one hander, get divine shield, yeah @_@
23:25.55RallionI NEVER play my pally anymore
23:26.11RallionI have a 60 priest, and when I want to play a 60, I go to him
23:26.18Mr_Rabies2i played one to level 6
23:26.23Mr_Rabies2got boring fast
23:26.34Rallionas an example of a reason, unlike my Paladin, I can use the Priest to solo SM
23:26.35Mr_Rabies2cause i realized it was like playing a druid pre 1.8 without plate
23:26.42Mr_Rabies2er, with mail, rather
23:26.58Mr_Rabies2well, the reason pallies aren't great at
23:27.04Mr_Rabies2SM is because the other pally npcs
23:27.12Mr_Rabies2they get mana back so fast they can outheal you
23:27.34Rallionbut my priest does WAY more damage, and has silence
23:27.36Mr_Rabies2i can barely manage to do that on my druid
23:27.43Rallion...and better gear, actually
23:27.49Rallionmuch better gear
23:27.53Mr_Rabies2because our only spell interrupt is 8 yards or further away
23:27.57Rallionnothing epic, but my pally is mostly in green
23:28.11Mr_Rabies2and that's if you're spec'd in it
23:28.34Mr_Rabies2that's why priests > druids in most pvp situations, especially shadow
23:28.43Rallionshadow priests are just fun.
23:28.53Mr_Rabies2and in duels, i don't duel any kind of priest anymore because they 1) know i'm there and 2) i have no way to stop them from healing
23:28.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
23:29.17Rallionif my priest gets the jump on somebody in PVP, they're just dead
23:29.19KirkburnSooo, I should get a mace, htm
23:29.21Mr_Rabies2in real pvp if i don't see a priest in shadowform, hes mine generally
23:29.28Mr_Rabies2get whatever you want
23:29.40Mr_Rabies2but hand of righteousness is really freakin nice
23:29.44Mr_Rabies2look at the damage on it
23:29.48Rallioni tend to prefer maces, but they don't have any inherent advantage
23:29.51Mr_Rabies2almost as much as ravager and it's a 2 hander
23:29.56KirkburnFor humans they do
23:30.17KirkburnIt is awesome, but I'll have to run instances to get it
23:30.34Rallionjust one.
23:30.37Rallionover and over.
23:30.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
23:30.51Rallionbut it's a good instance to do that with, IMO
23:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
23:31.09Mr_Rabies2|awaySM's a fun instance
23:31.14Mr_Rabies2|awayespecially with a good group
23:31.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
23:31.21Rallioni've done it SOOO many times
23:31.28Mr_Rabies2|away<Kirkburn> It is awesome, but I'll have to run instances to get it
23:31.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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23:31.45Mr_Rabies2|awayrunning instances with semi reliable drops > spending tons of cash on world drops that aren't better by any means
23:32.13Rallioni got a Myrmidion's Signet and gave it to a friend for 2g
23:32.17KirkburnI know, I know, but they take so long :(
23:32.34Rallionyou can get through a wing of SM real quick
23:32.44Mr_Rabies2|awaycath takes a while
23:32.50Mr_Rabies2|awaybut armory is fast
23:32.58Rallionyeah cath can be annoying
23:33.11Mr_Rabies2|awaymograine's might and the hand of righteousness drop from cath
23:33.13Rallionbecause for most of it, he's RIGHT THERE.
23:33.18Rallionright there!
23:33.25Rallionbut if you attack him, you'll die.
23:33.32Mr_Rabies2|awayand Ravager drops from armory
23:33.39KirkburnStraight answers? We have no straight answers here ... =)
23:34.13Mr_Rabies2|awayno such thing as a straight answer when it comes to gear
23:34.19Mr_Rabies2|awaycause it's all subjective
23:34.43KirkburnStill ... aaah
23:34.51KirkburnWhat kind of build is good for PvE though?
23:35.05Mr_Rabies2|awaylemme take a look
23:35.34Mr_Rabies2|awayi haven't played one reliably, but i've been grouped with them and played one enough to know what does what
23:36.56Mr_Rabies2|awaydo you want to kill stuff faster or live longer?
23:37.12KirkburnFaster kills
23:37.40KirkburnI have a reliable healing engine which should help with staying alive
23:38.50KirkburnTime to check the AH for anything good (and cheao :)
23:38.56Kirkburn*cheap, even
23:40.24Warla|schoolchecked out new spells/talents?
23:40.32Warla|schoolwarlocks will rule WSG supreme
23:40.42Mr_Rabies2the druid ones that were leaked better be fake
23:40.43Warla|school3 affliction locks casting that new dot on the flag runner
23:40.49Warla|schooland suddenly all priests drop dead ^^
23:41.03Mr_Rabies2check that one out kirk
23:41.07Warla|schoolno more dispelling flag runner ^^
23:41.10Mr_Rabies2try em on the ptr
23:41.28Mr_Rabies2when it comes out
23:41.31KirkburnThanks Mr_Rabies :P
23:41.40Mr_Rabies2so you're wasting money that doesn't really effect your character
23:41.52Mr_Rabies2try out as many as you can afford
23:41.58Mr_Rabies2on the ptr when it comes out
23:42.27KirkburnCurrently I'm mostly in protection, which probably doens't help :/
23:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (n=cody@
23:47.27KirkburnMr_Rabies what about, 15g buyout?
23:47.46Kirkburn(or Mr_Rabies2?)
23:47.56Kirkburn(one of you anyway)
23:51.34Kirkburnnvm that, I just got for 12g :D
23:53.23zenzelezznice :)
23:53.46KirkburnMassive upgrade to what I had before, but it does mean I need to skill up for it
23:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@

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