irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060827

00:03.18jaxdahloh wow, look at this:
00:03.40jaxdahlthat could be SO useful
00:03.41Kirkburnor, awesome
00:03.48jaxdahlmiddle of karazhan..
00:03.50jaxdahlfull of loot
00:03.53jaxdahlneed new stuff
00:04.13KirkburnHey, yeah, totally didn't think of that
00:04.21KirkburnAnd also if you need to clear some space
00:04.36jaxdahli wonder about this:
00:04.40jaxdahlthere's a mana potion injector
00:04.42jaxdahlas well.
00:04.52KirkburnA mobile health turret?
00:05.35Serachtok thanks for your help Mikk
00:08.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:10.15jaxdahlnew ores/bars: fel iron, adamantite, eternium, felsteel, khorium, hardened adamantite
00:12.19KirkburnDid you really just adamantite?
00:12.25Kirkburns/just/just say/
00:12.59KirkburnI can just hears the cries of Wolverine going up now ...
00:14.00jaxdahlyes i said it
00:14.24KirkburnI have nothing against it though, it's cool :)
00:14.37ThraeIs there a UnitInRaidOrPet along with UnitInPartyOrPet ?
00:15.06wereHamstershould be
00:15.10jaxdahlthere's also a bunch of transmutes.. Primal ___ to ___ (air->fire, earth->water, fire->earth, water->air, shadow->water, water->shadow, mana->fire, fire->mana, life->earth, earth->life)
00:15.34ThraeAh, "UnitPlayerOrPetInParty" and "UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid"
00:17.01jaxdahljust went through all 88 pages.. lots of interesting stuff in there. some stuff related to Medivh
00:19.42ThraeDo UNIT_HEALTH events fire for (unitId .. "target"), IE "party1target", "party2target", "raid21target", etc.?
00:20.29ThraeThey shouldn't, since "target" can be appended indefinately
00:24.05IrielNo, they dont
00:24.09Irielother than "target" itself
00:24.47*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
00:24.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
00:26.53jaxdahli wonder when the ctra2 beta is starting
00:28.30Cideme too
00:30.37Corrodiasman, x-perl unitframes are pretty sexy
00:32.30jaxdahlCorrodias, how do they compare to perl classic?
00:34.12snurreaguf uber alles :p
00:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
00:35.16Shadowedeither my UPS decided to be screwy, or my ISP didn't like that 500 KB/s TBC download
00:35.20Corrodiasx-perl untiframes are a very tweaked version of perl classic
00:35.28ShadowedMentalPower did you ever manage to download it completely?
00:35.29Corrodiasi shouldn't say that, no
00:35.39Corrodiasthey're also based on Perl, which is why they're similar
00:36.27ShadowedOnce raid is over and i don't have to worry about being DC'ed i'll finish mine, was at 59%
00:36.29snurrelvl 10 of all available classes now :D
00:36.33Corrodiasthere's not a whole lot of difference between them that i could see, but i like the feel of x-perl better.
00:37.09Corrodiasyou're downloading the early alpha/beta/something version of the expansion?
00:37.15jaxdahlit looks like it's 2.00
00:37.18jaxdahlnot 1.13
00:37.39ShadowedCorrodias: yeah
00:37.49Shadowedit was posted on the blizzard site, it's 1.28 GB big
00:37.58snurre6gb installed tho :p
00:38.12Shadowedgood ol compression :p
00:38.12Corrodiasi can't identify specific features... i didn't spend a lot of time with perl classic. i recall perl classic had support for druidbar, and possibly also has an energy ticker to show you when you're going to gain energy. x-perl does both of those.
00:38.31Corrodiasi wonder about the druidbar thing, though. it often seems to get stuck. i need to compare to the real druidbar.
00:38.36jaxdahlperl classic has a frame that shows up when you're in combat
00:38.41jaxdahlthat shows hp, energy, cp
00:38.44jaxdahlbut no energy ticker
00:38.49Corrodiasthat combat frame could be handy. i don't see anything like that in x-perl.
00:39.04Corrodiasi plan to switch out for classic after a few days so i can get a feel for that one, too
00:39.15jaxdahllemme post a screenshot
00:39.19snurreseriously nerf the size of exodar and silvermoon :(
00:39.20KirkburnWow ...
00:39.20Corrodiasi've seen both
00:39.40jaxdahlwell, i want to show it anyway
00:39.42jaxdahlshows my overall UI
00:39.43CorrodiasKirkburn: ...what, smurfs?
00:40.13KirkburnI think I can see something hord-ish in the middle
00:40.35KirovAnyone know of a zCleanMinimap
00:41.13Kirkburnsnurre, what's up with exodar and silvermoon?
00:41.38snurretheyre huuuuge
00:41.40KirkburnThe plan area (of silvermoon at least) is smaller than IF
00:41.53snurrecan probably fit like 3 ironforges in each
00:42.06KirkburnAccording to the PC Gamer preview I saw today
00:42.15KirkburnHow do you know/
00:42.26snurrea little bird
00:45.19Kirkburnach png
00:45.36jaxdahlit's only 8 bits
00:45.43jaxdahlpng-8 rather
00:45.54Kirkburnnot that, but IE doesn't open them in IE
00:46.04jaxdahlwhy use IE :P
00:46.14Corrodiasjaxdahl: are those perl classic's raid frames on the right?
00:46.40Corrodiasi've only been in a raid ONCE, and i didn't get any raid frames then (default UI). i felt pretty gypped.
00:46.42jaxdahlby cladhaier
00:46.56KirkburnThat text is huuuge
00:46.58jaxdahlwho is in here now and then
00:47.20ThraePerfectRaid + Squishy is love.
00:47.22jaxdahlKirkburn, it's 1920x1200
00:47.25jaxdahlso it's not huge on my screen
00:47.29jaxdahlwhat's squishy?
00:47.31KirkburnWho's cladhaire, I've never heard of cladhaire? Some weirdo, no doubt ;)
00:48.05ThraeSquishy shows up to 10 units that require healing, and only those in-range (up to 45 yards).
00:48.16ThraeIt can also show who has aggro, and their health deficits.
00:48.18jaxdahla better emergency monitor?
00:48.36ThraeExactly, it's a pimped-out Emergency Monitor using Ace2 and fairly optimized.
00:48.49jaxdahli'll check that out
00:49.41jaxdahlcan you recognize all the addons i'm using?
00:49.49Thraejaxdahl: Squishy hasn't been released yet (don't know why), you can pick it up from
00:50.03KirkburnAt least you have a reasonable name (Jaxine) unlike half of your guild :P
00:50.22jaxdahla lot of them are alts, Kirkburn
00:50.29jaxdahland alts tend to have crazy names
00:50.32KirkburnNo excuse :(
00:50.47Shadowedit's an excuse :p
00:50.49ScytheBlade1Thrae, curious, will TinyTip have an option to display someone's server while in a BG?
00:50.52KirkburnLazy buggers =)
00:51.09Corrodiasyou also have a list of people who have curses on them. which addon is that?
00:51.12ThraeCool, now automatically rips out the TOC description, you should all check it out. Most of the files are release-ready, the authors just haven't gotten around to it.
00:51.13KirkburnI can't bring myself not to think of a good name .... bit hard after 30 chars, but I still enjoy it
00:51.17jaxdahlhmm , in a BG if you click someone and right click their portrait and click 'whisper', it doesn't add their realm. bug?
00:51.23ThraeScytheBlade1: Already does on SVN, use
00:51.27CorrodiasKirkburn: god, i've been hard pressed to come up with just a few
00:51.51ScytheBlade1Thrae, does the current SVN work?
00:52.33ThraeScytheBlade1: Yes, it just has a few very small bug fixes and the server name / "key server" option addition
00:52.36Corrodiasi ... like to wait for releases, to try to avoid larger bugs
00:52.56KirkburnEllera, Banja, Faleya, Kerri, Treya, Zangetzu, Fearen (not a warlock, no), Draesyn, Khala, Lamian, Myana, Pietr, Stala, Trajan, Warburn, Ellaya, Ryvern
00:53.11Corrodiasbut i dont think that works well for wow addons anyway, so i might as well just download the nightly build like everyone else
00:53.31ThraeCorrodias: Some authors don't like to go through the hassle of updating on the various UI sites, especially wowinterface as it requires approval.
00:54.16KirkburnIt hardly makes a difference, approval. You don't have to *do* anything
00:54.17Corrodiasit just feels so... unfinished? beta?
00:54.42ThraeFor example, PerfectRaidTargets can only be found on, even though I've been using it for 5 months now without problems. Tekkub just doesn't like to go through the hassle of making screenshots, a description, reading the site at least once a month, etc.
00:55.04ThraeTeknicolor is also a great, finished mod Tekkub hasn't released outside SVN.
00:55.06Corrodiasthus putting the burden on the players :P
00:55.06KirkburnThose were just some of my original char names, plus there are some who have since been deleted to make space on certain servers
00:55.15ScytheBlade1What does PerfectRaidTargets do?
00:55.30Corrodiasi hate trying to find out about these addons by word-of-mouth, let me tell you
00:55.39ThraePerfectRaidTargets shows the targets of party and raid members, and adds Raid Target Icons next to them if applicable.
00:55.39KirkburnTekkub sounds lazy ;)
00:55.51kergothThrae: he renamed to perfecttargets, in case you didnt notice
00:55.54kergothit kicks ass
00:55.57kergothjust need some more options
00:56.08ThraeIf a target has more then one person targetting it, it shows the count of people targeting it. If no one else but you is targeting, then it shows -
00:56.27Corrodiasokay, with this SVN system, i have three more questions. 1) can you get older versions? 2) are there actual version numbers, and 3) can you get addons from it without using a shell extention?
00:56.47IrielCorrodias : Tortoise SVN is a great windows GUI for SVN
00:56.47Kirkburn3) Without a program, not easily
00:56.57jaxdahlIriel, i concur
00:57.00Corrodiastortoise, isn't that the shell extention?
00:57.03*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
00:57.04IrielCorrodias : The repository is versioned, you can use svn log (or gui equiv) to see what they are, and then get out.
00:57.24IrielCorrodias : Oh, depends what you mean by shell extension.. It hooks itself into windows explorer.
00:57.25ScytheBlade1Corrodias, 1) yes 2) kinda 3) yes, but you probably don't want to use the CLI (unless you really are a *nix junkie)
00:57.37ScytheBlade1That's a shell extension.
00:57.38IrielCorrodias : I'm a unix person, shell means something else to me
00:57.44ThraeCorrodias: SVN access to anonymous users has been denied for What cladhaire now does is automatically zip up an addon and its external libraries upon commit. You can download the ready-made addon from without trouble. It's all ready to go, nothing else required.
00:57.57KirkburnIt means a petrol station to me :P
00:57.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
00:58.00ScytheBlade1Irony overwhelming
00:58.05Corrodiasyou're kidding me, they don't even let people in?
00:58.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
00:58.09IrielWell, that was fun.
00:58.13jaxdahlwhen was anon access removed?
00:58.27ScytheBlade1I just updated TinyTip via SVN anon...
00:58.36ThraeCorrodias: All addons since 2pm tommorrow will be zipped up for EACH revision (each commit is a new revision). Older revisions then that, you will have to ask a developer.
00:58.39jaxdahli've been able to check stuff out this week
00:58.40IrielI was about to say, there's a fully featured command line svn tool around, i'm sure there's a windows build that doesnt' require cygwin
00:58.48KirkburnAs I was saying, Iriel :P Shell means a petrol station to me ;)
00:59.08ThraeYou need to be a developer, cladhaire might have re-opened anon access for a little while for people to make the transition
00:59.18Corrodiaswhere can i find a version history for tinytip?
00:59.27ScytheBlade1I enjoyed updating by clicking on a button :P
00:59.40ScytheBlade1I don't want to go and update crap via .zip files :(
00:59.44KirkburnI can access that fine
00:59.54ThraeCorrodias: Anything downloaded from / includes a changelog.txt which includes the revision history.
01:00.15ThraeHmmm, seems cladhaire's still tweaking it, the intention is to block off all non-developer access eventually.
01:00.33KirkburnThat'll annoy those who want to see the fubar svn
01:00.34Corrodiasso developers stop being lazy
01:01.08ScytheBlade1Uhh...? How does killing anon svn prevent laziness?
01:01.25ScytheBlade1I mean, I'm tempted to sign up with one of my microscopic mods just to get access again if that's the case :P
01:01.48ThraeSVN is a resource-hog, cladhaire runs SVN on a shared server and took up an overwhelming amount of HTTP requests during patch day, which will only continue for a while as new patches are put into place.
01:01.53Corrodiasi'm sorry, something about this really annoys me and until i figure out what it is i won't say anything further.
01:02.02ThraeEach external is a HTTP request, each single FILE is a HTTP request.
01:02.08ScytheBlade1Okay, that's legit then
01:02.09MentalPower2.5GB/day just from the SVN server
01:02.16ScytheBlade1Yeah, I know how SVN works
01:02.28ScytheBlade1If you said "server strain" that'd clarify it ;)
01:02.30KirkburnWow, how is that even possible?
01:03.06jaxdahlchangelog + zipped files would be good.
01:03.07ThraeI was surprised too, I had no idea SVN was not optimized for batch downloads. I guess it is, after all, a developer's tool, not really intended for mass consumption.
01:03.14Thraejaxdahl: And that's what we have now.
01:03.23ScytheBlade1Not generally, no, but bah! .zip files suck
01:03.56KirkburnThe Ace homepage is slightly ... out of date?
01:04.33ThraeI don't even know why it has a homepage, they just update everything in its forums ;)
01:04.52KirkburnIt only takes about 5 mins to make it up-to-date :/
01:05.08Corrodiasi like addons catalogued in a searchable manner where i can see user comments and a changelog in front of me... like curse, or WoWI. i think relying on users to get your addon from svn just feels so... 80's.
01:05.14Corrodiasearly 90's, excuse me
01:05.32MentalPowerKirkburn: are you the guy in charge of wowwiki?
01:05.36ScytheBlade1Corrodias, I prefer it.. faster, easier, far less effort ;)
01:05.48ckknightKirkburn, yes, but that's Kael's responsibility, afaik
01:05.50Corrodiasfar less effort?
01:05.52Kirkburnlol, not in charge, no ... 'heavy user' might be more accurate
01:06.03ScytheBlade1Corrodias, I right-click, select SVN, then select 'Update'
01:06.05ScytheBlade1Corrodias, done
01:06.10ThraeCorrodias: That I agree with, is not a good place to release addons from.
01:06.20ScytheBlade1Release? Crap no
01:06.25ScytheBlade1But apathy > zip files
01:06.28MentalPowerKirkburn: perhaps a better question would be, are you an admin over there?
01:06.32CorrodiasScytheBlade1: fine for addons you already have and understand... and trust not to have to talk to the developers about anything over
01:06.45IrielThrae : Is the ace svn set up with apache2 or with svnserve?
01:06.58KirkburnUm, not an admin either, not yet anyway (new admins haven't been made for a looong time, but me and Mikk are trying to get more)
01:07.02ckknightapache, I think, Iriel
01:07.03IrielThrae : Because the apache2 config is supposed to support deflate compression
01:07.27ScytheBlade1Corrodias, Releasing? No, that is stupid. And I can understand killing anon access for server stress. But I still prefer the SVN to .zip files for things like TinyTip here
01:07.32KirkburnMentalPower, why?
01:07.32ThraeIriel: You'd have to ask cladhaire specifically
01:08.07Kirkburn(there's only 1 active admin on the wiki atm :/ )
01:08.19Corrodiasi also like to have multiple versions on hand in case i want to edit something in the addon myself... well, no matter. i can live with my UI and the occasional addon that i happen to overhear people talking about i can download manually. :P
01:08.57MentalPowerKirkburn: because the new frontpage drives me nuts, it doesn't have the two links I use the most (that were there on the old homepage) Events_(API) and Widget_API
01:08.57ThraeScytheBlade1: You could make a script which downloads, extracts, and overwrites
01:09.19ScytheBlade1Thrae, or! And just a thought: I could keep on right-clicking and pressing 'Update' ;)
01:09.21ThraeCorrodias: If you ever find yourself needing an old revision, you could ask someone active in #wowace, or email cladhaire for SVN access.
01:09.23KirkburnMentalPower, just click on the Interface Cust. menu
01:10.08CorrodiasSO very 90's
01:10.26Endsvn wasn't even around in the 90's
01:10.47KirkburnMentalPower, make a comment on the discussion page so that's it's known :)
01:10.47Corrodiasno, but personally handing out files and no place to put comments or search was pretty 90's :)
01:11.09Kirkburn(me, Mikk and AnduinLothar designed the new frontpage, so we're kinda responsible)
01:11.13ScytheBlade1Corrodias, in my case, I've got IRC, right here ;)
01:11.14Corrodiasi'm curious as to how these authors get bug reports
01:11.25Endwell, svn is hardly for direct end user release
01:11.25ThraeCorrodias: flyspray
01:11.27MentalPowerKirkburn: will do
01:11.44Corrodiaswell, you seem to know what flyspray is, which is good enough i guess if your users do, too
01:12.46Corrodiasthat's like how they do it on sourceforge, except all the addons in one place, isn't it?
01:12.49ThraeCorrodias: And remember, every new revision since yesterday will be zipped, the old revisions won't be deleted.
01:12.55KirkburnThe Interface Cust. Menu is supposed to be the main page for anyone interested in the UI now (made by Mikk)
01:12.58ThraeYou can change the view to a specific addon
01:13.14Corrodiashow convenient
01:13.41ThraeI think it also syncs with wowinterface's bug portal, or at least they're working on it
01:13.52Corrodiasi bet you know what that is, too :)
01:16.11ScytheBlade1I just realized what bugs me so much about my UI
01:16.14Corrodiasi obviously can't force you to use a common release site, though it means i may not learn about your addon, but that's probably okay.
01:16.20ScytheBlade1The minimap, that's the only default UI element left
01:16.29ThraeHey, I use three release sites myself.
01:17.56Corrodiasi have my minimap & action bars to do something about, but i don't know what i want to do about them, yet.
01:18.14zinor to add to the fun
01:18.32zinorforgot to push live
01:18.39ScytheBlade1The problem with the minimap bit is 1) it's too big and 2) too many addons depend on butting their little button around it's circle
01:18.40ThraeScytheBlade1: Make it square with Squeenix, it's on wowi
01:19.02ThraeYou can scale it with Visor, also on wowi
01:19.32ScytheBlade1I want it to be square, but the top and right sides shouldn't have a border - they should be dead on the sides of the screen
01:19.49ThraeYou can hide "MinimapCluster" with Visor too.
01:20.51KirovDoes OnLoad ever get called for a created frame?
01:21.31MentalPowerKirov: yep
01:21.37MentalPoweryou just can't modify it
01:21.50IrielDo you mean 'CreateFrame' created?
01:21.53MentalPowerit gets called before CreateFrame() returns
01:22.04IrielAs long as it's from a template, it'd be called.
01:22.22Kirovjust creating a frame to get the VariablesLoaded event
01:23.00IrielWhy are you using VARIABLES_LOADED?
01:23.11Iriel99% of the time folks should be using ADDON_LOADED
01:23.11KirovBecause I'm updating an old mod
01:24.11KirkburnA naaru!
01:24.50KirovNaaru Naaru!
01:26.09MentalPowermethinks thats the Draenei racial shield
01:26.24KirkburnWell you'd be wrong :)
01:27.11snurrea naaru like that is trapped in silvermoon
01:27.20KirkburnThey were even in the last beastiary update, MentalPower :P
01:28.47KirkburnBtw, an annotated map of Outland:
01:29.49KirkburnWho keeps killing CG?
01:31.45ScytheBlade1Squeenix is nice
01:31.52ScytheBlade1Not *quite* what I'm looking for though
01:32.37kergothsimpleminimap is quite nice, multiple textures to choose from, lets you drag the minimap around, etc. just dont get the latest verion, he went borg with it
01:33.17ScytheBlade1Pretty much, what I want to do
01:33.24ScytheBlade1Is move the zone location to the bottom
01:33.42ScytheBlade1And edit the Squeenix border to remove the top and right borders completly
01:33.43jaxdahlcan someone overlay outland with eastern kingdoms or kalimdor so we have a size comparisioN?
01:33.51ScytheBlade1Then move it to the very top-right corner
01:34.59KirkburnLots of shots in this thread:
01:35.17Kirkburnjaxdahl, it's about the size of half a continent, maybe a little more
01:35.37Kirkburnsay, the whole of lordaeron
01:36.44zinorfixed again Kirkburn
01:36.47zinori think for good this time
01:36.49zinori just adding more caching :)
01:36.58zinorid remove that from wowwiki
01:37.06zinorthey'll get a dmca for it i think
01:37.31KirkburnI can't do it myself, and it will only get replaced :/
01:38.46jaxdahllooks like they may be changing some combat mechanisms.. 'ratings' instead of percentages.. "+10 parry rating"
01:43.07snurrewill probably go more towards the skill vs defense type on everything
01:50.13*** join/#wowi-lounge claviola (n=claviola@debian/developer/claviola)
01:51.00ScytheBlade1bah, what's a good blp <--> tga converter?
01:51.12ScytheBlade1It's been quite a long time since I've needed it
01:51.16Corrodiasso who the hell is noggaholics and what is that image?
01:51.30claviolaScytheBlade1: mogrify from imagemagick works for a lot of things
01:51.49ScytheBlade1claviola, seriously? It'll do blp?
01:52.19clavioladunno, but it's very handy to convert WoW screenshots from .tga to .png en masse :-)
01:52.35claviolaScytheBlade1: if you dcc me a .blp file I'll tell you
01:52.39ScytheBlade1That much I know
01:52.50ScytheBlade1claviola, I have imagemagick.. I'm typing this on a linux box ;)
01:53.01claviolawell, give it a shot
01:53.12claviolawhat does 'file' say?
01:53.37ScytheBlade1gimme a sec
01:55.14ScytheBlade1Border.blp: data
01:55.36claviolayikes :-P
01:55.41ScytheBlade1and imagemagick is clueless
01:55.43claviolayeah, I don't think it supports them
01:55.47ScytheBlade1mogrify: no decode delegate for this image format `Border.blp'.
01:55.50ScytheBlade1It wouldn't
01:56.41IrielThere are few BLP tools
01:56.52Irielapparently there's a java one out there that can convert to/from BLP
01:57.00IrielI've yet to try it
01:57.02claviolawikipedia says there's windows and mac tools
01:57.09ScytheBlade1I tried that java one
01:57.12claviolayou could probably run the windows one under wine
01:57.12ScytheBlade1It didn't even start
01:57.41claviolaScytheBlade1: by the way, do you run WoW under linux?
01:57.48ScytheBlade1claviola, I have in the past, but I don't currently
01:57.52claviolaI am planning on finally switching
01:57.57claviolabut I wonder if I can just move my wow folder
01:58.02ScytheBlade1yeah, you can
01:58.05claviolaor if I have to go through the tedious process of reinstalling
01:58.11ScytheBlade1Most any blizzard game does not care for registry keys
01:58.18claviolahey, awesome
01:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:59.46GuillotineI know this is probably a stupid question, but... is string.toInt correct? I can't find any documentation on it in the lua manual
01:59.51Guillotineor on wowwiki
02:00.13Guillotineahh. thank you ^_^
02:00.14MentalPowercide is a faster typer
02:00.19Cideyou sure messed that one up :)
02:00.26KirkburnMore accurate one, too ;)
02:00.43Guillotinestring.tonumber or just tonumber?
02:00.52Guillotinealright :)
02:01.07ScytheBlade1Correction: all blizzard games do not care for reg keys
02:01.47KirkburnThat's why all the test client does is copy the files?
02:01.57KirkburnIt doesn't need to do anything else
02:02.13ScytheBlade1You can go ahead and delete everything that it does put in the registry, then start WoW
02:02.18ScytheBlade1And it'll start just as before
02:02.29claviolahey, that's pretty neat.
02:02.39ScytheBlade1You can do that with any blizzard game at all
02:03.57KirkburnLook at the dates in this screenshot :P
02:05.14KirkburnI'd quite like his pay-method
02:05.35Guillotinehow would someone do that/
02:05.51Kirkburn25 year game cards? I think I've heard of them
02:05.58KirkburnDon't employees get them?
02:06.48*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
02:06.59KirkburnAnduinLothar, did you get a 25 year game card?
02:08.06claviolaI just wish they'd release a damned linux client
02:08.16claviolaI read that there was one during early beta
02:08.28ScytheBlade1I have a copy of it
02:08.55claviolaneat! can you send me?
02:09.02ScytheBlade1It segfaults upon launch
02:09.08claviolayeah, just to check it out
02:09.24ScytheBlade1Go find a version of the alpha, it's still around
02:09.29ScytheBlade1It was left in the MPQs
02:09.57claviolacompressed inside the MPQs? that's odd
02:10.02ScytheBlade1Why is that odd?
02:10.10ScytheBlade1You clearly never modded a blizzard game before ;)
02:10.11claviolawell, the binaries themselves?
02:10.20claviolano, that I haven't
02:10.21ScytheBlade1and all of the needed libs
02:10.35claviolaI have played with MPQs before, but just to check out models.
02:10.37KirkburnWell, the mpqs are just bunches of files anyway
02:10.57claviolaI doubt I'll be able to find a copy of alpha WoW, either way
02:10.57AnduinLothar300 month
02:11.09KirkburnLong enough, then :P
02:11.43KirkburnBut you have two accounts anyway, iirc?
02:11.58AnduinLotharall blizzard employies get 3 25 yr cards
02:12.09Kirkburn3? Goddamnit
02:12.33KirkburnI need to find an employee ...
02:14.08ScytheBlade1How can I move a frame around? I need to change where the minimap is positioned
02:14.22AnduinLotharMobileFrames is your friend
02:14.31ScytheBlade1From the API
02:14.37ScytheBlade1Not another addon ;)
02:14.39KirkburnMF rocks
02:14.49KirkburnBtw, is there a reason why I can't hide the pet bar background?
02:15.01AnduinLotharmmm, that's BarOptions
02:15.09AnduinLotharwhich currently doesn't have a maintainer
02:15.22KirkburnI know that's not MF ... darn
02:15.34ScytheBlade1I'm looking for the LUA stuff to move frames around ;)
02:15.42ScytheBlade1Not an addon to do it for me
02:15.43KirkburnIt's the one thing that annoys me currently
02:15.44AnduinLotharthen look in the MF code, duh
02:15.56AnduinLotharor try the wiki
02:16.00AnduinLotharthere's a tutorial
02:16.11KirkburnG'night everyone :D
02:16.31Kirkburn(and try out Lego Star Wars I/II, it's awesome)
02:25.13ScytheBlade1Good crap @ MF, 86kb of LUA just to move a frame around
02:25.16ScytheBlade1That's a lot of reading
02:27.01AnduinLotharit's not exactly clean code either
02:27.06AnduinLotharwas one of my first addons
02:27.22ScytheBlade1I'm not finding this tutorial on the wiki either
02:27.27ScytheBlade1I can see placing stuff, creating it
02:27.31ScytheBlade1But not moving it
02:27.42AnduinLotharor something liek that
02:31.19Mr_Rabies2anyone having a hard time logging into the forums? :o
02:32.25MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: no issues here
02:32.28MentalPowerjust logged in fine
02:32.38Mr_Rabies2it keeps giving me a login error
02:33.29*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
02:35.46claviolaFuBar_tcgTradeskills is saying it can't find an instance of Abacus-2.0.  Should I just grab !!!Libraries to be done with this problem?
02:35.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Silv (
02:37.00claviolaoops, wrong channel
02:37.38ScytheBlade1Ha, progress
02:38.04ScytheBlade1/script MinimapCluster:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "UIParent", "TOPRIGHT", 18, 22);
02:43.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:44.27Mr_Rabies2I still can't login to the forums after clearing the  cache and my cookies
02:45.42Mr_Rabies2in IE either
02:45.51Mr_Rabies2i think blizzard broke something
03:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
03:16.31Kirovthis poker mod is horrendously written
03:17.08MentalPower|ZZzznight guys
04:15.48jaxdahlhey zinor?
04:19.30Mr_Rabies2i wanna login to the forums :[
04:28.50KirovHow can you see if you're in a battleground?
04:30.22Mr_Rabies2check the zone title on the minimap? :P
04:30.38Kirovno other way?
04:37.57KirovI don't care which battleground, just if I'm in a battleground
04:40.06ScytheBlade1Okay, dumb stupid question
04:40.35ScytheBlade1If I define a SavedVariable, how do I init it upon first addon usage, and likewise, how do I init it on subsequent addon use?
04:40.42ScytheBlade1..... never mind
04:40.48ScytheBlade1Forgot the bit about local vars :P
04:46.13jaxdahlhmm.. i'm going through my addons and keeping them up to date.. i have this one called Informant, but i am only seeing it in compilations on wowinterface, and no hit for it on curse-gaming
04:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
04:48.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
04:49.33jaxdahli'm trying to streamline my addons. finding better ones and replacing old ones. anyone have any recommendations to replace these: IX BibToolbars, IX COre, IX IconMover, IX ItemSync SHell ?
05:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:06.53jaxdahlIX = InsomniaX
05:07.01jaxdahla compilation I got way back when
05:07.10jaxdahlbut now I've learned which addons I like and don't like
05:07.14jaxdahland am compiling my addons
05:08.57jaxdahlAQ Auto Mount, AVBars, Bagnon, BuyEmAll, CThun Warner, CT_ Mailmod/RA/RT, Decursive cont'd, eCastingBar, Enhanced Tooltip, EquipCompare, Gatherer, GETDKP Plus, ImprovedErrorFrame, ItemRack, La Vendetta, MobHealth3, Mobinfo-2, Perl Classic UFs, RABuffs, Recap, SCT, SpellAlertSCT, SW_Stats, Quickloot, TheoryCraft, TipBuddy, Yatlas, Fubar2, PerfectRaid
05:12.03Corrodiasi need to update to fubar2 now that i have my minimap issues sorted out
05:24.18ScytheBlade1Ha, my addon is done
05:24.30ScytheBlade1A square minimap that doesn't suck
05:25.11Hexarobianybody here have a mac? my addons not working on macs aparantly but i dont see why
05:25.18jaxdahlSCT isn't working for me .. damage i do isn't showing up, some other stuff is though.. i reset the options to default, but it still isn't showing damage i deal, any ideas?
05:26.19KirovSCT doesn't show your damage
05:26.22Kirovnever has
05:26.31KirovSCTD does
05:26.44jaxdahli've never had sctd..
05:26.57jaxdahlbefore i updated to 5.0, it was showing damage
05:27.36KirovThrough a custom version?
05:27.46jaxdahlmaybe, i am not sure
05:28.54jaxdahlinstalling sctd
05:29.14jaxdahlmaybe it was the default blizzard damage i was seeing before?
05:48.59*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:11.22CairennCair wasn't in channel tonight because she was off hanging with Cladhaire and Satrina and their guild for the evening
06:11.46AnduinLotharfun with the boys, eh?
06:12.10Cairenngood food, good company, good wow talk, good geek talk
06:12.10AnduinLotharwhat, and no on einvited me!?
06:12.24Cairennhey, you want to fly to Ottawa, sure
06:12.35AnduinLotharhmmm. you have a point
06:13.08Mr_Rabies2|awayoops caps :x
06:13.38Mr_Rabies2<Kirov> SCT doesn't show your damage
06:13.41AnduinLotharI decided I needed more geek toys and apparel, so I'm doing some online shopping. Anyone have any nifty suggestions?
06:13.46Mr_Rabies2you can make it change the font and stuff for your damage
06:14.03Mr_Rabies2well, there's the obvious
06:14.09AnduinLotharalready there
06:14.17Mr_Rabies2then there's
06:14.20AnduinLotharanyone know a place that has more t's?
06:14.25AnduinLotharah jinx
06:14.27AnduinLotharforgot the name
06:15.28Mr_Rabies2somehow KISS made its way onto my pandora station
06:15.56Mr_Rabies2it went from Blind Guardian, Dio, Dream Evil, Iced Earth, etc to KISS
06:18.25AnduinLotharIf I didn't already have half a dozen sweatshirts...
06:18.27zespriEvery time I acomplish a quest objective the ques watch for this quest shows up - really annioying - is that something new in 1.12 or and addon playing up
06:18.54Temyes, it's a new feature that's on by default
06:19.01Temturn it off via the interface options menu
06:19.33AnduinLotharoo, they have it in t-shirtness
06:20.14AnduinLotharanyone have a suggestion on a good mousepad? The one glued to my desk is deteriorating..
06:21.32Mr_Rabies2i use a ratzpadz GS, AL
06:21.34Mr_Rabies2i love it
06:21.46Mr_Rabies2but it's basically a big cutting board
06:22.13AnduinLotharheh. I have a friend that makes glass lazer engraved mousepads... spose i could get one of his
06:23.05Mr_Rabies2the problem with those is scratches :X
06:23.28AnduinLotharpossibly. I think they get coated in something, i'll have to ask him
06:23.48Mr_Rabies2ratzpad is a textured plastic of sorts, and you can wash it off with soapy water every now and then if it gets too much friction
06:23.53jaxdahli have one of those boomerang type of pads
06:24.19jaxdahlit's many, many years old
06:24.27jaxdahleverglide i think
06:24.43AnduinLotharI was looking at one of these, but it's fairly expensive:
06:25.26AnduinLotharthat looks small..
06:25.30jaxdahlstill has retained its texture over the years
06:25.35jaxdahlAnduinLothar, that's a big mouse
06:25.49AnduinLothari know i've used those
06:26.03jaxdahlit's plenty of room
06:26.53jaxdahli got it in 1997
06:26.57Mr_Rabies2yeah i had to buy a new ratpadz after 3-4 years of use
06:26.57jaxdahlso it's 9 years old
06:27.05Mr_Rabies2but i mean, they're like ten bucks
06:27.22Mr_Rabies2about the same structure wise as an everglide, apparently
06:27.24AnduinLothar  That really should say lvl 60, I'd gewt one.
06:28.08jaxdahlone time i took my mom's pizza board to a lan party
06:28.14jaxdahlabout 16"x18"
06:28.16jaxdahlshe got mad
06:28.23jaxdahlabout half an inch thick
06:28.25jaxdahland quite heavy
06:28.29jaxdahlgot a few stares at the party
06:38.07*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (n=GeoDaMan@
06:38.37GeoDaMancer'Lo everyone.
06:40.00Shadowedwhat's the command to make someone go afk besides /afk
06:40.10GeoDaMancerNo clue.
06:46.18GeoDaMancerIs there anyway to know if a 'Kick' attack hit, and suceeded in blocking a spell?
06:56.08Mr_Rabies2gahh i still can't login the official forms
06:56.13Mr_Rabies2this makes me sad
06:56.17GeoDaMancerI've never tried.
06:58.15*** join/#wowi-lounge slickhenry (i=mikehunt@gateway/tor/x-c39ca101857a411c)
07:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
07:05.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
07:07.24Shadowedso did anyone finish downloading the TBC client's lua?
07:18.02Shadowedk the TBC installer looks really cool
07:22.09Shadowedand really damn slow
07:35.18Shadowedi wonder what "CombatFeedback" is
07:40.14Mr_Rabies2is there an addon that lets you track the salt shaker/mooncloth/transmute cooldowns?
07:40.43Mr_Rabies2like, cross-character?
07:41.54Mr_Rabies2aha found a titan panel one
07:52.09ckknightboo Titan
07:52.27Shadoweddon't use anything
07:53.47ckknightalternatively, there's a FuBar plugin
07:54.50ckknightboo your mom.
07:54.57ckknighthehe, beat that.
07:55.12Shadowedhow's that!
07:56.38Shadowedno responce, i win by default :D
08:02.46ckknightyou make baby Jesus cry.
08:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:04.39jaxdahlis there an addon to swap dag/swords when you are stealthed?
08:04.59jaxdahlnvm.. itemrack should be able to do that, right?
08:07.45IrielNight all.
08:08.21Cairennnight iriel
08:13.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:56.22chuckgCan someone touch candybars for me please?
09:02.11GngskI think he means so it gets a zip on the /files/ ?
09:05.13chuckgIt's not in the !!!!Libraries zip.
09:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kanzie (
09:14.02KanzieHey guys! I have a mod that triggers an event, however it seemes not to work. How can I just initiate a "say" on my toon from the event-function to see that it triggers correctly?
09:15.44Gngskbut, that can get spammy for those who are around you, using DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hi.") is probably a better idea.
09:16.59ShadowedSendChatMessage defaults to say when type is nil?
09:17.30chuckgIs anyone aware of a way to do an array within the AceLocal function definition?
09:17.37chuckgA typical value: ["MENU_CLEAR"] = "Clear",
09:18.24chuckgIs it possible to do: ["ARRAY_OF_DATA"] = { [1] = "value", [2] = "value" }
09:18.35chuckgThen access it somehow?
09:23.40ThraeTable["ARRAY_OF_DATA"][1], etc.
09:24.36wereHamster{ [1] = "value", [2] = "value" } is the same as { "value", "value" }
09:28.39chuckgYea I know.
09:28.47chuckgJust an example!
09:31.07Kanziebut the thing is, I want my mod to perform a say later on, so I figured, learning how to accomplish this now is nice
09:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
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10:14.03Kanziedoes anyone know how to perform a "say" using LUA
10:15.12ThraeSendChatMessage(msg, "SAY")
10:27.47AnduinLothar:) I got DM working with Telepathy
10:28.08AnduinLotharnow to give it some useful features..
10:29.33AnduinLotharSo I'm looking into auto syncing and looking for suggestions on how to impliment it
10:29.48AnduinLotharthe obvious thing would be when you go out of combat
10:30.04AnduinLotharbut you may go out of combat while someone else is still in combat..
10:31.09AnduinLotharmaybe... only transmit once every fe minites if you're out of combat and no one has done or taken damage in x amount of time..
10:35.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
10:48.50AnduinLotharIs there an easy way to tell if your party members are in combat?
10:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
10:52.20GngskAnduinLothar, UnitAffectingCombat?
10:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (n=GeoDaMan@
10:53.27AnduinLotharturns out DM already has a complex code written to determine if the party is in combat
10:54.25GeoDaMancerI thought it was rather simple to check, or would be.
10:54.47GeoDaMancerWell, time consuming to check, but simple for the most part.
10:54.50AnduinLotharfor the player yes. The party is a lil more complicated
10:55.07Gngskloop 1,4 UnitAffectingCombat("partyI") ?
10:55.16ThraeUnitAffectingCombat doesn't work with party members?
10:55.25Gngskit does.
10:56.13GeoDaMancerAnd, if you don't use that, isn't there an event for checking the suspension of regular regens? I don't remember if that only applies to players though.
10:56.20GeoDaMancerTo -the- player.
10:58.21GeoDaMancerI'm still sort of new to all of the events, so I don't know. xD
11:03.07AnduinLotharso.. how often should it sync... once every 5 min?
11:04.50Gngskonce every 5 minutes doesn't sound like a good interval
11:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:08.29AnduinLotharwhy not?
11:09.23GeoDaMancerWhen should what sync?
11:09.59GeoDaMancerNot quite sure what that is. xD Or why it should sync.
11:10.35AnduinLotharrecords damage stats, but you can onyl record what you're in range of, since combat messages have a range like emotes
11:10.39Gngskwell, I can tell you for sure that swstats syncs more often than every 5 minutes
11:11.02AnduinLotharswstats syncs too often from what I hear
11:11.13GeoDaMancerOooh, I get it now. I didn't know that.
11:12.43GeoDaMancerBut I have a question. How, exactly, would it sync up, I mean, if it's comparing damage values, and things of the like, right?
11:13.14GeoDaMancerSorry, this is just of great interest to me. Heh.
11:14.10GeoDaMancerSounds like my sort of answer. I meant, does it keep track of every hit, and then compare those to make certain that none were missed, or something?
11:14.24AnduinLotharsimpler than than
11:14.48GeoDaMancerJust gets the total of the character's hit from them, and compares?
11:14.56GeoDaMancerOr, whatever the stat happens to be?
11:15.33GeoDaMancerThen, if possible I'd do it when the person enters interact range, if that's possible?
11:15.56GeoDaMancerOr, emote range, unless that's too difficult compared to the gains?
11:16.40AnduinLotharwell atm it jsut syncs on command
11:16.57GeoDaMancerYeah, and leave it to people like me to forget to sync it. xD
11:17.18AnduinLotharright, so i was attempting to automate it
11:19.30GeoDaMancerYeah, I understand that now. Is there a way to only trigger something when a person comes back into interact range, or something? Perhaps trigger the sync at the end of each combat since DM already has it.
11:25.09GeoDaMancerLua has the modulus operator, right?
11:25.20zenzelezzmath.mod I think
11:25.46GeoDaMancer>.> I thought it'd be % like other languages. But I don't know for certain.
11:26.56zenzelezz/script message(10 % 4);
11:27.11zenzelezzblah blah "near '%'"
11:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
11:27.54zenzelezzso you have to type a few more characters, big deal :)
11:29.33GeoDaMancerSo it's math.mod(x,y)?
11:29.50zenzelezzbelieve so
11:30.22GeoDaMancerYe-up, thanks.
11:32.35zenzelezzmake it work first
11:32.38zenzelezzthen make it work well
11:33.38GeoDaMancerTrue, true. Which is half the reason I need to rewrite it. I am -horrible- at keeping things nice and neat and readable, so I have to go back and go "Wtf!?" for a while before I remember what it was.
11:35.44GeoDaMancerI've looked at things I wrote two years ago, and it gets even worse.
11:45.59*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (i=qw@
11:59.17GeoDaMancerAlright, getting drunk for the Stamina Bonus is not smart.
12:00.53GeoDaMancerFunny, but not smart.
12:31.48GeoDaMancerIf you're dividing your script into multiple parts, or files, is there anything special you have to do to link the files to eachother?
12:32.57KanzieIs there any way to make the toon automatically "say" something when he kills a MOB?
12:33.51Kanziecan I trap an event like that?
12:36.41GeoDaMancerCHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS and when that fires have it check if UnitIsDead("target")
12:37.25Kanzienice, and if it is then ChatMessage("");
12:38.10zenzelezz -- looks like you could look at CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH
12:38.37GeoDaMancerThat might be better. xD
12:39.02GeoDaMancerI was just doing a quick scan of the list... Hey zen, maybe you could answer my question. *Points upwards.*
12:39.57zenzelezzI have no clue what you mean by linking them together. If it's related it sounds like you could just keep it in the same file in the first place
12:41.23GeoDaMancerEr, let me rephrase. I'm dividing the script into parts, just to make it easier on me to debug for now. Like file1.lua, file2.lua and file3.lua, and the directory is /file1/. Besides putting the file2.lua nad file3.lua in the .toc is there anything else I have to do?
12:51.42*** part/#wowi-lounge ilifin (
13:01.28*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:22.41GeoDaMancerPoke poke?
13:31.30GeoDaMancerDo you know much about scriptin'?
13:32.13wereHamsterjust ask..
13:33.22GeoDaMancerWell, I'm trying to divide my addon into seperate files, so that I can organize it better, but have no clue how to do that.
13:34.01GeoDaMancerSo, my question is, how does one seperate a single .lua file into seperate and still get them all to load.
13:34.22wereHamsterunless you declare something 'loca', it's global and accessible from all other files and even other addons
13:34.54wereHamsterjust add all your lua files to the toc
13:35.11GeoDaMancerWoW didn't load them even when I did that.
13:35.51wereHamsteryou need to restart wow if you change the toc
13:36.06GeoDaMancerHrm, have to try that again. xD
13:37.05GeoDaMancerI didn't know you actually had to restart WoW.
13:37.21wereHamsterand now you know ;)
13:37.39GeoDaMancerAnd knowing is Half the Battle. G.I. Joe!
13:41.08*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
13:43.41TainFun potpourri at
13:43.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
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13:53.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:57.05Hexarobioy, search doesnt work on the new forums?
13:57.41Mery2well if it doesn't it looks better while not doing it...
13:58.35zenzelezzsearch worked on the old forums?
14:02.05TainWell, you could enter something to search for, and click the search button, and it wouldn't give you an error.
14:02.16TainThat was a form of working, sort of.
14:02.29Meryno, but if it is still broken, they made it at least looking better while beeing useless
14:02.41TainOf course if you determine working to be returning results that you searched for...
14:02.44zenzelezzthe search results list was the ugliest thing I'd seen... I often wished it had thrown an error instead
14:03.14*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
14:06.00Merynte has somebody uploaded the Interface files from the alpha somewhere (because then i could skip the download of the whole patch)?
14:14.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
14:14.54Hexarobiis there a forum to post english strings to have them translated?
14:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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15:07.06GeoDaMancerHrm, this is sort of messed up.
15:07.44GeoDaMancerNever mind. xD
15:07.50GeoDaMancerI hav a brain fart, so to speak.
15:08.13KirkburnWell, er, the BE hairstyles are ... interesting
15:08.28KirkburnEr, yeah
15:09.00KirkburnThey seem to have invented highlights at least
15:09.03KirkburnAnd hair gel
15:09.48KirkburnBtw, there's are *excellent* collections of screenshots on the forums
15:10.02KirkburnThe expansion looks absolutely incredible
15:10.34GeoDaMancerHe almost looks like link. o.O
15:10.44Hexarobiso theyre add Saiyains in the new expansion?
15:10.54GeoDaMancerThat's what I was thinking when I first looked at it. xD
15:10.55KirkburnThe forums:
15:11.28GeoDaMancerI'd look, but I'm playing with WoW and attempting to view a page while doing that had lead to my unexplained death multiple times.
15:12.01KirkburnHowever, I must say, it's great that they're experimenting
15:14.35GeoDaMancerThere are abilities that lower casting time for a period, correct?
15:19.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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15:38.07RallionMy account has been inactive since Thursday, and I kind of want to reactivate it, but I don't want to pay if I don't REALLY want to reactivate it.
15:38.50Rallionplus I have no money and everything's going on a credit card for the next two weeks, which will be totally fine but it makes me nervous anyway.
15:40.38Rallioneh, screw it...I haven
15:40.50Rallionhaven't even gotten the patch, might as well do that at least.
15:42.17GeoDaMancerIt's a small patch, comparitively.
15:43.34Rallionapparently I DID get it anyway and just forgot
15:44.21GeoDaMancerIt's been out since monday. Or before monday.
15:44.27GeoDaMancerEr, Tuesday.
15:44.44RallionI didn't think I'd gotten it though
15:44.53RallionOh...yeah, now I remember.
15:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
15:49.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
16:01.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Atog (
16:02.20Atoghello all.
16:03.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
16:03.32AtogAnyone else had trouble with CTRA and Ossirian?
16:03.58zenzelezzwhat sort of trouble?
16:04.13Atogwell, aside from the addon not detecting anything if you're too far from Ossi
16:04.33AtogCtraid seems to trigger from Ossi getting the "x weakness" debuff
16:04.42Atoglike arcane weakness, etc
16:05.15Atogit detects that, it sends a "supreme mode in 40" warning to everyone
16:05.26Atogunfortunately, our hunters had full dragonstalker.
16:05.40Atogit gives a bonus where you can get "expose weakness"
16:06.04Atogso CTRA happily detects that and says "he's now vulnerable to expose" since it think we used a pylon
16:06.25Atogresetting the timer, and causing everyone to wipe.
16:06.54zenzelezzsounds like you should poke Cide about that
16:07.05Atogoh, ok
16:07.19Cidedon't use ds8 on him!
16:07.25Atogthat'll work :)
16:08.16AtogI modified it (also fixed the warnings a bit, so they're coordinated instead of people yelling "supreme in 5" when you just used a pylon)
16:08.25Atogbut I was kind of hoping for an official fix
16:09.12Atogoh, btw, is it just me or do lua escape sequences not work in wow? I was trying to parse a string for [, but I can't get that to work at all
16:10.10Atogis that wow-specific?
16:10.16wereHamsterlua specific
16:12.42krkanah, it's mostly string function specific :)
16:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
16:30.22MiravlixAah man, 5 minutes you don't script and your brain dead
16:30.45MiravlixIs there a macro to target last target or is it script only?
16:32.31cogwheelSpaceballs the targetting function
16:32.58MiravlixHumm. /target Miravlix /cast Swiftmend /script TargetLastTarget() does not work. :
16:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge gi2k15 (i=gi2k15@
16:34.09cogwheelWhy would you need it to? /script CastSpellByName("Swiftmend", 1) would do what you want (assuming "Swiftmend" is exactly how the spell is spelled....)
16:34.35MiravlixOh yeah I still live in pre target cspbn
16:35.10MiravlixThey change the API so much I can't keep up with it
16:35.28GeoDaMancer.. /run TargetUnit("player") CastSpellByName("Swiftmend", 1) TargetLastEnemy();
16:35.58cogwheelthe whole point of ", 1" is to cast on yourself
16:36.05MiravlixDoesn't work
16:36.14GeoDaMancerI was looking at the wrong cast. xD
16:36.22cogwheelmiravlix: that means you spelled the spell wrong then
16:36.51cogwheelshift-click the spell from your spellbook while you have the macro open (and then remove the rank)
16:36.56Miravlixcog: I've been codeing since beta, I might not be up to speed on patch 1.10 1.11 and 1.12 but I can code
16:37.44cogwheelis all you need. If it doesn't work then you may have some old addon improperly hooking CSBN...
16:38.18MiravlixOr in this case I forgot how Swiftmend works since it's also new. :p
16:38.35MiravlixIt fails unless I have regrowth/rejuv running
16:38.53cogwheelAhh... that would do it ;)
16:39.57GeoDaMancerYou need a full fledged script for that. xD
16:40.37GeoDaMancerWhat's the code for commenting out something?
16:40.45cogwheelfor one line
16:40.52cogwheel--[[ ......  ]] for a block
16:41.13gi2k15Is there an API event for every time I target an unit?
16:41.15MiravlixProblem is I'm short on shortcuts
16:41.30wereHamstergi2k15, an event
16:42.05gi2k15Yeah, I want to execute a piece of code everytime I target an unit
16:42.47MiravlixYeah so I can't use Alt-Hotkey
16:43.21MiravlixTo get swifmend to self cast
16:43.59MiravlixSo I now have Shift-S Swiftmend on target and Shift-E Swiftmend on self.
16:46.38zenzelezzquick, hide the evidence
16:48.43wereHamstergood morning Cairenn
16:53.29GeoDaMancerTables in Lua start at 1, don't they?
16:53.36GeoDaMancerIndex, I mean, not 0?
16:54.23cogwheelby default yes
16:54.40GeoDaMancerWell... That sucks. xD
16:56.05wereHamsterwhat does 'MASTER_LOOT_THREHOLD' mean?
16:56.41GeoDaMancerI think that has to do with the looting type. Like, set to Good, Rare, and all that.
16:57.15zenzelezzI think it means what color items can be looted without ML
16:57.22zenzelezzbut that's speculation on my part
16:57.34wereHamsterisn't it missing a 'S' ?
16:57.44wereHamsterlike in THRESHOLD?
16:57.55GeoDaMancerWe're talking about Blizzard here. >.>
16:58.14GeoDaMancerWhich reminds me, does anyone know if they finished the Ravenholdt quest series yet?
17:00.19GeoDaMancerThis is fun. xD
17:05.20cogwheelDoes :SetText() trigger the OnChange event?
17:05.38GeoDaMancerNo clue.
17:06.37krkatables doesn't by themselves start at any particular index
17:06.57cogwheelif they're integer indexed they do...
17:07.18krkaonly some of the functions in lua start at some particular indices
17:07.28GeoDaMancerThey start on 1.
17:07.40cogwheel{ "apple", "banana", "carrot" }   ==  { [1] = "apple", [2] = "banana", [3] = "carrot"}
17:07.59GeoDaMancerThis = {1,2,3,4} is 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4.
17:08.04GeoDaMancerWhich sucks at times. xD
17:08.05krkatrue, the constructor also starts at 1
17:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
17:10.31wereHamsterGeoDaMancer, why does it 'suck' ?
17:16.25zenzelezzit should obviously start at 42
17:17.33GeoDaMancerOh, because I'm writing a script that keeps track of mana cost, casting time, and cool downs of spells/skills.. And to do that I was running through the talent trees to check for the ranking of certain ones, that lower times, and the like. And I have a a Table[Class][Skill] = {["Mana"] = {x,x,x,x}, ["Cast"] = {x,x,x,x}, ["Cool"] = {x,x,x,x}}.
17:18.14GeoDaMancerNow, it would have been nice to take the rank directly, and use the array up there... Like.. Table["Warrior"]["Herioc Strike"]["Mana"][0]
17:18.35GeoDaMancerAt rank zero, and get the right number, but the arrays start on index 1. So I just had to make a minor rewrite which is annoying. xD
17:19.07cogwheelYou can manually make the table start at 0...
17:19.11GeoDaMancerEr, a minor change. And have to remember that in other places. Stupid screwy landuage.
17:19.23cogwheel{ [0] = "apples", "oranges", "cream cheese" }
17:19.29krkat = { [0] = first, second, third }
17:19.33krkawhat he said
17:19.45GeoDaMancerYes... But I have a list of 6 of those, with three [0] = each, and I am -very- lazy.
17:20.05cogwheelprogrammer laziness is no excuse :P
17:20.14cogwheelthat's how bad software gets written
17:20.14GeoDaMancerYes it is, just not a good one. xD
17:20.20krkamake your own constructor?
17:20.35GeoDaMancerMeh, I don't need to worry about it. Just incermenting the rank by one does the same thing.
17:21.12krkafunction makeTableZeroIndexed(...) for k, v in ipairs(arg) do arg[k - 1] = v arg[k] = nil end return arg end
17:22.07wereHamsterdoesn't ranks start at '1'?
17:22.15KirkburnThis is madness ...;jsessionid=32DA4C09BEB07855088A6F20EBB8C4DE?topicId=11211166&sid=1
17:22.21GeoDaMancerNo, Rank starts at 0, when you have no points in it.
17:22.42GeoDaMancerI'm taking about Talent Rankings, not Skill rankings. xD
17:26.43Kirkburn(seriously, do read that story I linked ... it's incredible and true)
17:35.49GeoDaMancerThe clip on my ipod is messed up, if I don't make sure it's closed, I might drop it like that. xD
17:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
17:37.25KirkburnBtw, notice the name of this screenshot ...
17:38.28KirkburnPerhaps is there :)
17:39.09GeoDaMancerThanks, man, I needed a laugh.
17:39.31MiravlixWhat does the new (*) in ppls name mean?
17:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
17:40.57KirkburnWhere've you seen that, Miravlix ?
17:41.06MiravlixAlterec Valley
17:41.21KirkburnHow does it appear exactly?
17:41.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
17:41.29MiravlixName (*)
17:41.47KirkburnMany or few? If it's few, maybe it shows who's from your server?
17:41.51MentalPower|AFKI' guessing they're from another server
17:43.59Rozrhow would I find out if a specific person is currently in my raid?
17:44.31GeoDaMancerLike specific Name?
17:44.49MentalPowerI think theres a new IsPlayerOrPetInRaid() or something
17:45.01GeoDaMancerI think that's for Raid1 and things like that.
17:45.31MentalPowerhonestly I dunno
17:47.50GeoDaMancerlocal at = 1; do if (string.find(UnitName("Raid", lookName) then return true else at = at + 1 end while (IsPlayerOrPetInRaid("Raid"
17:47.57GeoDaMancerOr something like that.
17:48.35GeoDaMancerThere is a do { ... } while (expression) right?
17:48.58GeoDaMancer>.> Well, that doesn't matter so much, but that should work. xD
17:49.07GeoDaMancerOr, something like that.
17:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
17:50.38GeoDaMancerHello, War.
17:58.27dukekuhi Warla
17:58.35dukekumy swedish holmes
17:58.42dukekus/swedish/swiss whatever
18:01.41MiravlixAlterec Valley post 1.12 both sides quickly run to the general and the first one to dps him down wins
18:02.07krkaGeoDaMancer: try: while 1 do ... if not expression then break end end
18:03.44GeoDaMancerOr just make it a function, and have it return true once it hits the right point, or return false if it never does.
18:03.55MiravlixI also think it's slightly unfriendly of blizzard to take all the RP realms and put them together with all the loosers
18:04.52krkawhat has blizz done now?
18:06.09Miravlixfor some reason having 10 Alterec Valley wasn't enough for Blizzard, they had to make it 40
18:06.20MiravlixSo RP realms is lumbed together with all the others
18:07.05MiravlixWe went on a RP realm to avoid those loosers and now we get them back with BG's *sighs*
18:11.19KirkburnMiravlix, the number of BGs surely depends on the number of players, not any defined number
18:11.43zenzelezzI'm curious though, do you stick to RPing in the BGs?
18:11.51ShadowedMentalPower: you ever manage to download the TBC?
18:11.58KirkburnI do see what you mean about the RP problem though
18:12.08KirkburnShadowed, I meant to ask you the same :P
18:12.16ShadowedI did
18:12.21Shadowedi don't have any place to host the LUA files though
18:12.32GeoDaMancerDo you know if CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_DAMAGE is fired when an opponent not tageting you starts to cast?
18:12.41ShadowedIt looks like they redid everything
18:12.45KirkburnWe need Beladona to do a 'secret' comparison
18:13.11ShadowedWell, you wont see much changed. It looks like they recoded most of it
18:13.27KirkburnWe really need a comparison then
18:13.41KirkburnShadowed, definately talk to Beladona about it
18:14.00Shadowedactually, it's only 1.02 MB. If somebody wants i can email you it
18:14.06KirkburnIf it's changed that much, we're going to need all the warning we get
18:14.18KirkburnI can host it if you want
18:14.45KirkburnI'm just about to eat, but I can put it up when I get back (not long)
18:15.15KirkburnPMed my email
18:15.39Shadowedwill send the zip in a second
18:16.00GeoDaMancerHey, Kirk, is there anyway to tell if the enemy that set off a Combat Log message is the same one you're targeting?
18:16.25KirkburnNot a clue, GeoDaMancer
18:16.38GeoDaMancerWheee, jus' call me Geo, i's my name I mean.
18:16.45Kirkburntab completion ftw
18:16.47ShadowedKirkburn sent
18:16.54KirkburnOkay ... be back soon!
18:17.51ShadowedTheres definintantly a lot of files and code missing
18:26.31MiravlixIs there any rules I missed with the new forum, since I can't post in general?
18:36.33Meryshadowed: how did you open patch.mpq?
18:37.06ShadowedWinMPQ thing
18:37.17Shadowedyou can install the actual client, so you get interface.mpq
18:37.19Merybecause winmpq says not an mpq file for me, which is either a corrupted file or it because of the 2.5 gb size
18:38.13ShadowedThe torrent downloads an installer, you install the client and then extract the mpq's
18:38.55Merywell i installed to BC F&F witht he installer, tehn i get a datafolder with the usual mpq's in it
18:39.13Meryok i can open interface.mpq but not patch.mpq
18:39.14Shadowedyeah, i extracted interface.mpq
18:39.29Meryand i'm sure there are more files in patch.mpq
18:39.38Meryas i saw them in the installation mpq's
18:39.47Shadowedi can't open patch.mpq either, errors out instantly
18:40.09Meryanybody got a binary of mpqtool ?
18:41.39Meryor how do i compile a .csproj file?
18:43.09MiravlixThe forum upgrade... requires new urls
18:43.45MiravlixI'm just using my old URLs
18:45.26Endthat annoys me too
18:45.33Endthey should put redirects in :-/
18:47.29MiravlixAnyone else find it strange we use plain text passwords that everyone can intercept and steal on the web site and it's our account password too
18:48.11MiravlixOn the positive side it's less than 5% that post on forums. :p
18:48.27KirkburnHullo, hullo, I'm back. I'll host the files now
18:48.29GeoDaMancerI don't!
18:49.16KirkburnShadowed, you use very 'dark' names don't you :P
18:49.43Miravlixto hell with Blizzar
18:49.55MiravlixI can't change the URL to https to protect my password anymore
18:50.16MiravlixIt wont log me in unless I transmit my account password as plain text over the net
18:50.22MiravlixHow freaking stupid can they get!
18:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
18:50.45Nightdewdoes anyone know if a SPELLCAST_DELAYED can be thrown without a previous SPELLCAST_START ..?
18:50.47KirkburnBut I thought the website had an authentication certificate
18:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:51.42MiravlixEnter the account name and corresponding password from your World of Warcraft account. This is not your characters name; it's the name and password that you use to log into multiplayer portion of the game. Please use our  World of Warcraft forums.
18:51.47ShadowedKirkburn: It just was a random nickname from a long time ago :p
18:51.50Kirkburn   <-- the expansion UI files for you all!
18:51.58Shadowedit wasn't really 'dark' just got shortened and ended up keeping it :p
18:52.54KirkburnWoah, it's totally different
18:52.56KasoKirkburn <3
18:53.09KirkburnAnd I mean *totally*
18:53.32Shadowedwell, theres still old code
18:53.39MiravlixWell, my https trick might still work to protect my password, but I can't seem to login at all.
18:53.51Shadowedbut a lot of files are either missing or entire blocks of code are gone
18:53.52KirkburnBut where's all the xml?
18:54.02KirkburnWhere's the fonts.xml files :(
18:54.38KirkburnLooks good though, sensible
18:55.13KirkburnShadowed, what have you found out so far? :)
18:55.28Merywell thats totally incomplete ...
18:56.46KirkburnHave you tried installing and running the extractor prog Shadowed ?
18:57.14Kirkburn(the official Blizz one .. or is that what you did?)
18:57.39Merywell the official one
18:57.43Meryextracts the files
18:57.47Merybut not the new ones
18:58.05Merylike i got a updated FrameXML.toc
18:58.17ShadowedKirkburn i used WinMPQ
18:58.17Merybut Arena.xml (mentioned in there) was missing
18:58.30ShadowedNothing interesting found so far really
18:58.35KirkburnGah, we need updated MPQ thingies
18:58.55Meryi think the mpqtool is already updated (not sure though)
18:58.59Merybut i can't compile it
18:59.04Meryand can't find a binary
19:00.07KirkburnThe most imporant stuff is in that zip at leat :)
19:00.53zenzelezzLife is meaningless. It is in death that we are truly tested.
19:01.15Kirkburn(If anyone gets updated file versions I will gladly host them, just poke me)
19:01.29GeoDaMancerLife is not meaningless, there is an answer.
19:01.44Merywell i'll try to gather everything from the installation tomes now
19:01.53zenzelezzGeo: tell that to Highlord Mograine
19:02.22GeoDaMancerWho in the what where when?
19:02.47Rallionugh, Guitar Hero is consuming my life.
19:03.01zenzelezzGeoDaMancer: deathknight wing of Naxxramas
19:03.16Meryoh BLAH
19:03.25Meryhow do i malke purl bonk me?
19:03.37Meryor whatever?
19:03.38MentalPower~bonk me
19:03.39purlACTION bonks mentalpower over the head
19:03.44GeoDaMancerNever been to Nax. xD Alright then.
19:03.53*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
19:04.17KirkburnIt humours me how 'bonk' can have an alternate meaning over here
19:04.17Rallionso if I just reactivated my account around four hours ago, how long do you think it'll be until I can log in to the forums?
19:04.22Rallionsometime tomorrow?
19:04.50KirkburnI say keep checking
19:05.26MeryI got the complete INterface files i guess... just had to start the interface extract tool "AFTER" renaming the folders, because just like wow it seems to read the "filestructure" on startup
19:05.52KirkburnPack 'em up and mail 'em :)
19:06.07Mery:) to where?
19:06.25KirkburnThere :P
19:06.52RallionI kinda want to get a domain and some hosting...the thing stopping me is that I don't know what domain to register.
19:07.19KirkburnWebsites and hosting is cheap as chips
19:07.25Rallionyeah is definitely fine, but I feel like I could get something I'd like better. but then, it would probably just end up seeming idiotic.
19:09.17dukekuRallion: you can always try to register the shortest name you can get
19:09.31KirkburnRallion, I use 1&1, and I just have lots of addresses with one root directory
19:09.37dukekuthat's what i did &
19:09.45dukekumy favorite being oool :~(
19:09.49Kirkburne.g. and use one folder on the server
19:10.10Rallionyeah, I could do that, kirk, and then it wouldn't matter so much
19:10.16dukekuthat's what i do
19:10.22dukekui have those domains plus a few more
19:10.29Rallioni've never actually paid for hosting before, heh
19:10.40KirkburnIt's incredibly easy :)
19:10.47RallionI've relied on the kindness of others and on crappy, crappy, crappy free places.
19:10.52KirkburnI use 1&1 myself
19:10.58RallionOnce, many years ago, I had a Tripod site., look around and i'm sure you'll find a coupon code to remove the $50 setup fee
19:11.14dukekucomes with a free domain to start, not to mention totally awesome transfer/disk limits
19:12.17Rallion1TB is impressive
19:12.42KirkburnUI toc ... 20000 :D
19:13.00Kirkburn   <-- the expansion UI files for you all! UPDATED! :D
19:13.44Rallioni think i like better, though, a little cheaper, but only half the transfer, maybe a few other missing things that I don't care about...
19:14.36KirkburnOh yeah, they said it was a totally new UI :)
19:14.36Rallionany base UI improvements in there besides things needed for new game features?
19:15.02KirkburnQuite possibly ... I want Beladona to run a comparison :)
19:15.54GeoDaMancerClearCursor() xD
19:16.45Merywell i can't see a new continent
19:17.26Meryand zones are minimap like as in the wow beta as of now (not those hand drawn style)
19:17.56KirkburnYeah, probably because it could change before release
19:18.42KirkburnArenaFrame is new of course
19:20.04MiravlixHmm, I sure hope they aren't going to make a special edition or something
19:20.19KirkburnPVPFrame is also new
19:20.23MiravlixThese 'fake' pre-orders is hard to deal with
19:20.25MentalPowerMery: they said that the zone maps are the same as the generated ones (minimap) for now, they send them over to the art department once the zone has been finalized
19:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:20.49Meryworldmapframe.lua still hase the funny "FIX ME FOR 1.13" in it
19:21.08Cideuh oh
19:21.12Meryconsidering bc is 2.0 its even better now
19:21.53KirkburnArenaFrame, PVPFrame, and Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI are the new stuff
19:22.14Rallionany idea what PVPFrame actually is?
19:22.29GeoDaMancerWhat's ArenaFrame?
19:22.41KirkburnPVP Team stuff
19:22.53KirkburnArenaFrame would probably be the arena gui
19:23.02Mery:) obvioulsy
19:23.14GeoDaMancerThere's an Arena? Or going to be one?
19:23.15Meryarena system is the 2v2 3v3 5v5 ladder system thats suppsed to come
19:23.20Rallionprobably contains the UI for setting up your roster and such
19:23.29MiravlixWith Burninc Crasude you get Mini Guilds For PvP
19:23.36Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to dl the bc client and use wowmodel/mapview on it :x
19:23.38Ralliongood way of looking at it.
19:23.41Miravlixthough is that PvP Team or Arena Frame?
19:23.43Ralliondo it!
19:24.02KirkburnArenaFrame is like the BG joining stuff
19:24.07Rallionyeah, okay
19:24.12Rallionmakes sense
19:24.19KirkburnPVPFrame is the actual UI for teams
19:24.21GeoDaMancerAs sad as it is, I've never been to a BG. xD
19:24.47MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: thats what I'm DL'ing it for :)
19:24.57Mr_Rabies2how big is it?
19:25.03Kirkburn1.4 or something like that
19:25.06*** join/#wowi-lounge |FF|Im2good4u (i=2good@
19:25.15Mr_Rabies2pretty freaking huge
19:25.26Meryand uses 6 gig (makes a complete own copy) on the hd
19:25.29Mr_Rabies2is it standalone, or do you have to have WoW installed for the beta?
19:25.41MentalPowerwow installed (I think)
19:25.44Rallionif they do it the way they should, installing BC over a fully patched WoW install should actually make the install smaller.
19:26.29Merywell i think BC contains all patches from a vanilla wow :)
19:26.49Rallionthose patch changes take up about 2GB now
19:27.05Rallionmostly in one file.
19:27.08Rallionwhich I hate.
19:29.15RallionI just hope installing BC eliminates the old data
19:29.25|FF|Im2good4u <- wow does that thing realy work ?
19:30.23Cairenn|FF|Im2good4u: yes
19:30.38|FF|Im2good4umy biggest prob is xml \o/ so im gona give it a try :p
19:32.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:33.57Meryhmm extracting interface art missed some files (from expansionLoc.mpq) but there are no xml/lua files in either expansion.mpq nor expanionLoc.mpq so the zip might be complete but i wouldn't bet on it...
19:34.04KirkburnI had a look at the UI designer recently - it's very good, I just had compatability problems with my computer (might be because I skin windows)
19:34.41|FF|Im2good4ui use stylexp :(
19:34.59KirkburnI use Windowblinds cause it's awesomer than stylexp ;)
19:35.14Ralliondamn straight
19:35.28Rallioni use nothing, though. I use XP, classic style
19:36.02KirkburnI can't see the attraction of grey
19:36.48RallionI do have a color scheme set up, but it's slate, which is like 95% grey, 5% blue.
19:37.16KirkburnHeathen! :)
19:37.40|FF|Im2good4unein i errors on load :(
19:37.49|FF|Im2good4ui need .net frameworks
19:37.59KirkburnIt does say that :P
19:37.59Rallionusing something like Windowblinds just makes me want to set up an entire alternate shell, which is just not something that ever turns out well.
19:38.38KirkburnI bought the entire Object Desktop package for $50 ... one of the best purchases I've made, I reckon
19:38.43Ralliona like without .NET is a life not worth living
19:38.49Rallionyeah, OD is nice
19:38.59Rallionand it's a company I don't mind giving my money to
19:40.13MiravlixI've just seen the worst PvP movie ever
19:40.19RallionI've gotten WB and OD via torrents before, but I will never again steal from Stardock
19:40.51|FF|Im2good4uiv seen other programns needing .net but wut does .net frameworks actauly do ?
19:40.57MiravlixAlterec Valey fight there was 10 horde or so and 10 alliance and the alliance just ran around doing nothing and the horde didn't kill a single one of them
19:41.04KirkburnI did once too, Rallion, but I've seen the error of my ways. The guys absolutely deserve every penny
19:41.08MiravlixErk, wrong A place
19:41.14MiravlixWhats the other one
19:41.24KirkburnArathi Basin :P
19:41.42MiravlixThey won 2000/0
19:42.12MiravlixThe new queue need to rate
19:42.28MiravlixGive team a overall rating based on there ranks
19:42.45Miravlixand individuals has the rating based directly on there rank
19:43.00KirkburnRanks are being scrapped for BC :P
19:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:43.11MiravlixThats dumb
19:43.24MiravlixKeep the ranks but make them pointless except for BG matchups
19:43.27KirkburnIt won't be a stupid grind
19:43.35MiravlixSo the BG algoritithm use them to rate us
19:43.46MiravlixSo we go agains people of equal skill
19:43.47KirkburnI'm sure they have something set up
19:43.56MiravlixMe fighting noobs is hardly fun
19:44.12KirkburnThere's obviously the gear matching, but I hope there's skill matching too
19:44.20Miravlixme fighting rank 2.5 gear is not fun either rank 10+
19:44.36MiravlixI'm a middle rank person so fighting others middle rank is the most fun
19:44.53RallionWar3-style matching would be good, but even that frequently gives you very very unfair matches
19:45.19RallionI made an account and my first game was against a rank 10
19:45.23MiravlixIf there is 10 noobs in queue and 10 Rank 1x team then match them up
19:45.38Rallioni won, which was hilarious
19:45.38MiravlixBut try to get rank 1-5 teams to play against 1-5 ppl
19:46.24MiravlixThere is still queues, so ranking wouldn't be that hard.
19:47.26Rallioni think they want queue times to be incredibly short, though
19:47.34KirkburnLol, even on a sunday, there's two updates to Object Desktop apps :D
19:47.42MiravlixThey wont be longer most of the time though
19:47.51RallionI will have Stardock's babies.
19:48.19|FF|Im2good4uWoW lol
19:48.24|FF|Im2good4uit does work
19:48.25KirkburnThey're hard at work on the Vista apps, I wonder how soon we'll start seeing betas of them
19:48.39Kirkburn|FF|Im2good4u, good to hear :)
19:48.54|FF|Im2good4uand my latest addon already coems up whit 2 error \o/
19:49.11KirkburnAt least it shows it's doing something ;)
19:49.25|FF|Im2good4uwel it are wrong errors
19:49.32|FF|Im2good4ubut its beta
19:50.12|FF|Im2good4uUnitName() and UnitRace() both nil values
19:50.21|FF|Im2good4uit even has a coool lua editor :P'
19:57.19Rallionwow...I decided to look at the UI Designer again, and I don't think I gave it enough of a chance when I looked at it before...
19:57.27|FF|Im2good4udoes any1 nkow how to render the .xml ?
19:57.40|FF|Im2good4uits awsome i m o
20:01.11|FF|Im2good4uit seems verry good i just ned to find out how to add stuff :P
20:01.56|FF|Im2good4uah that why there is a totural :p
20:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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20:18.18Rallionwoo my new web space is on a BSD server
20:23.19ckknightDolby-wowi, ping
20:26.08|FF|Im2good4ujesus it must have been hard to code WoW ui Disinger :p
20:27.54Cideblizzard broke RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE in 1.12 again I think
20:28.15ckknightI know they fucked with it to not run at the beginning...
20:29.00CideI don't think it runs on reload/login if you're in a raid
20:29.09MentalPowerCide: again?
20:29.25MentalPowerthat has to be the most broken/fixed event in WoW
20:29.39Cideit was broken in 1.10, "fixed" to *always* run (regardless of whether the player was in a raid or not) in 1.11, seemingly broken in 1.12
20:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
20:31.13AnduinLotharhows it broken this time?
20:31.37AnduinLotharjust reload/login ?
20:32.49Cidebut it's not being run
20:35.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:35.59KirkburnWoo for really nice updates :D My XP skin is sexier than ever
20:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
20:39.35MentalPowerKirkburn: my pet pieve with skins for XP is that they're all processor hungry
20:40.03Rallionthat is an issue, yes.
20:40.10Rallionthat's why I use classis
20:40.16Rallionwith all effects off.
20:40.51Mr_Rabies2mine's not processor hungry at all :O
20:40.59Mr_Rabies2it uses less than the default theme from what i've seen
20:41.12Mr_Rabies2but yeah i turn off most of the animated effects
20:41.24Mr_Rabies2cause i don't like menus taking 3 seconds to pop up
20:42.40KirkburnOooh, windowblinds is faster than the default skinning engine
20:43.10KirkburnWhen using windowblinds to display the default XP skin (remade for wb, of course), it's actually faster
20:43.24Mr_Rabies2i use a hacked uxtheme.dll
20:43.28Mr_Rabies2and black mesa 2 theme
20:44.55KirkburnI'm using Eminence atm, just found it had been updated - it's absolutely gorgeous :)
20:46.04Mr_Rabies2not bad
20:46.45KirkburnHmm, I've lost 2.5 gig of HDD space in the last day, wonder where it's gone
20:47.21Mr_Rabies2there's black mesa 2
20:47.28KirkburnI'm trying to find out how much memory windowblinds is taking, but I can't find it on the task manager :/
20:47.31Mr_Rabies2probably to pagefile/cache of some sort
20:47.43KirkburnI restarted though
20:47.52KirkburnNice design
20:49.03Ralliongotta love the scene from Crash up in the corner
20:49.34Rallionooh, and Miranda IM...there's one program that takes way more effort than I care to put in.
20:49.57KirkburnI've yet to see Crash, keep meaning to
20:52.42Mr_Rabies2trying to get this freaking proxy software to work
20:54.11CairennMr_Rabies: could you possibly do something about your quit messages, they're rather risque
20:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
20:54.30Meryhmm - does it really look fitting to the name?
20:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
20:55.29KirkburnEr, yeah, I was going to mention those quit messages earlier. Weird stuff.
20:55.33KirkburnMery, what's that from?
20:56.59KirkburnAh, hehe
21:00.05wereHamsterdoes anyone have the link to the legendary mount fix for 1.12
21:00.34Meryanother way to say: Hey look, I'm in the alpha?
21:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
21:02.16|FF|Im2good4uthat wow ui desinger is realy nice :p
21:02.20|FF|Im2good4ubye for today guys
21:02.25KirkburnSee ya
21:02.49KirkburnMery, yeah that does look a bit suspicious :P
21:03.45KasoKirkburn thats mine!
21:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
21:11.14Kasomy mount fix is famous?
21:12.01KirkburnI saw the word legendary originally and thought "what could this be?"
21:12.11KirkburnThen I saw the update earlier today
21:13.53Kasoits nice to be noticed :>
21:14.19KirkburnIt always brings a smile to my face seeing ClearFont being used on mod author's screenshots :)
21:16.35TainI was getting all ready to yell about ClearFont breaking OmniCC until I spent thirty seconds looking into it.
21:16.56Kirkburnheh, what was the problem?
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21:17.14Kirkburn(I saw a comment on wowi about it, and then another saying they'd fixed it)
21:17.21TainI guess OmniCC stored the path to fonts in the ClearFont folder
21:17.35KirkburnWeird, how did it manage that?
21:17.45TainIt was coded to I guess.  For whatever reason.
21:18.06TainDeleting the OmniCC savevars fixes it, or there's a manual command in Omnin to do it also
21:18.54KirkburnWell, as long as I don't have to do anything ;)
21:21.50Cairennokay, what the hell is TLDR?
21:22.02Kasotoo long didnt read
21:22.15CairennI've managed to figure out just about every other stupid acronym people come up with ... ahh
21:22.24Cairennthat one had me stumped, thanks :)
21:22.34Mikkidiot acronym
21:22.41Mikkrespond with TSIT
21:22.47MikkToo Short, Ignored It
21:22.48Cairenntell me there isn't a stupid one?
21:23.07CairennIBTL? FTW? FTL? they're all just dumb
21:23.31MikkYep. HTH, HAND.
21:23.58Mikk(though that's more usenet and less mmorpg)
21:24.28MentalPowerThose I can't figure out
21:24.30MikkHope This Helps, Have A Nice Day
21:24.37MentalPowerespecially without a context
21:24.42CairennIn Before (the) Lock
21:25.08Mikk"HTH, HAND" is most commonly appended after a particularily unhelpful answer, like "Sorry, that's not possible to begin with."
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21:25.40MentalPowerMikk: I got the modified hashing algorithm, I won't be locked into one for a few weeks from now at least
21:25.58Mikkdid you check the wowwiki page?
21:26.04MentalPowerI also managed to simplify the texture rotation code
21:26.05MikkI'm finally done tweaking it :-P
21:26.21Mikk and if you care to read :-P
21:26.34MikkThat took me bloody three full days. It's all your fault :-P
21:27.33MikkBut this time I actually thought stuff through properly, so I'm pretty confident I'm done tweaking it =)
21:28.25MikkAnalysing the Java hash was... "interesting"... Especially
21:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
21:32.07KirkburnTo new arrivals - you can download the expansion UI files here:
21:34.31Rallionbah, I'm not gonna be able to log into the forums until tomorrow. which is fine, I have no compelling reason to log in.
21:39.27jaxdahlanything interesting in the new UI?
21:42.36MentalPowerMikk: finished reading it, I especially like the "The Lua memory churn becomes somewhat ugly here, consuming several hundred megabytes. Even attempting A-Z with the same length brings a machine with 1GB RAM to its knees." comment
21:43.16MentalPowerKirkburn: we need to get Beladona to put those up on WDN
21:43.18Kirkburnjaxdahl, three new additions mainly
21:43.30KirkburnIndeed we do, we need Beladona first, though :P
21:44.13KirkburnPVPFrame (team PvP UI), ArenaFrame (similar to the BG join stuff), Jewelcrafting UI (er, speaks for itself)
21:46.03ThraeThis StringHash is faster then Lua's internal hash implementation even for long strings?
21:46.19jaxdahlyea.. no reason to overhaul the UI
21:47.05KirkburnSome parts have been recoded apparently, but it's hard to tell how much without a side by side comparison
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21:51.24MikkThrae: "Lua's internal hash"? Which one is that?
21:51.37MikkThe one used to index members of tables? Hell no
21:52.02MentalPowerif only that one were available to us
21:52.18MikkI'm comparing it to a Lua implementation of the Java String.hashCode (aka "31") hash
21:52.55AnduinLotharSatellite v1.5 committed
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21:54.40MentalPowerMikk: I found a typo in your function
21:54.49MentalPower(counter*8161, 4294967279) +  -- 2^32 - 17: Prime!  (counter*8065 is at most a 48-bit number
21:54.55Mikkgah =)
21:55.05MentalPowerwhich one is it?
21:55.07ckknight_Dolby-wowi, ping
21:55.43MikkMentalPower: the comment is wrong
21:55.46Mikki've fixed it
22:01.21Corrodiasyeah, black mesa isn't a bad one
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22:13.17MentalPowerMikk: question "string.byte(text,i+1) or (len-i+256))" why isin't the "len-i" part "len-i+1"
22:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
22:21.25Mikkwhy would it need to be?
22:21.46Mikki just want a unique number there that makes the output be different for different lengths
22:21.54Mikkpretty standard hash padding
22:23.05MentalPowerallrighty then
22:23.37Mikkin a C implementation, I would have had to skip the +256 and it would still have worked, but it felt so much better to do it, so I did =)
22:26.45Mikkbuggerbuggerbugger.... i'm forgetting something....
22:26.53Mikki just know i am
22:27.38Mikkupped wowbench version number.. tagged in svn... uploaded to and distributed.  wrote news.  uploaded to wowi.  fixed release notes on wowwiki ....
22:28.01Cideremoving the debug code :P
22:28.10Mikkalways =)
22:28.17CideI always do that :(
22:28.33Mikki had a debug breakpoint hardcoded into SendChatMessage() two versions ago =)
22:33.23KirkburnYou and your 4chan, eh
22:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Neronix (
22:42.57MikkHAH! Now I remember. I forgot to update
22:49.41Shadowedgot a few api's that need to be implemented i see :p
22:52.10Mikkonly if someone tries to use them :-P
22:52.40MikkI implement APIs when I need them. I'm not preemptively trying to do all of it. And I hope noone else is :-P
22:53.21Shadowedsure :p
22:55.51KasoWheres the /whisper function i cant find it :<
22:58.07Rallionand now, instead of working on any of my several current projects, I must try to five-star 6 more songs in Guitar Hero...\
22:58.16MentalPower"mplement a very bloaty item scanner to run on a select couple of items in-game and get all tooltip info / everything else that comes out of APIs, and save to a table to use in WoWBench for item testing purposes. Using an existing ItemDB probably won't provide enough info. --Mikk 05:59, 31 July 2006 (EDT)" <---What exactly are you looking for here, and how many items are we talking about?
22:58.44MentalPowercause I have a "almost" fully written ItemDB AddOn that records everything it can find about an item
22:59.36MikkI dunno... how many items would be useful to have in WoWBench today?
22:59.53MikkI'm thinking on the scale 10 - 100
23:00.06MikkI mean... it's not as if it's emulating weapon procs, char stats....
23:00.17MentalPowerand here I was thinking 7000ish (the number of items in my itemcache)
23:01.07Mikkthat sounds interesting though... "everything it can find out"
23:01.16Mikkthat includes full tooltips and stuff then, i take it
23:01.45Mikkor do you parse them into something more compressable?
23:02.01MentalPowerwell, currently (looking at my code) it scans the entire tooltip and parses it compressing its contents somewhat (fully decompressible tho)
23:02.16MentalPowerthe only thing I don't currently store (and that can be easily fixed) is stack size
23:03.20CideMikk: just parse the itemcache :)
23:03.33MentalPoweror do that
23:03.57Cidethough, you don't get spell info easily...
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23:06.47Mikkahwell... i don't care enough to fiddle with that right now. i have too much else on my plate.
23:06.58Mikkthanks for mentioning it though MentalPower. i'll keep it in mind =)
23:07.31MentalPowerlike I said, mine is prety much written, just tell me what data you want and how
23:09.27Mikkthankee much. =)
23:09.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
23:20.55ScytheBlade1Quick question..
23:21.39ScytheBlade1MinimapZoneTextButton:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonDown", "LeftButtonDown"); MinimapZoneTextButton:SetScript("OnClick", MMM_OnClick);
23:22.01ScytheBlade1In MMM_OnClick, why isn't arg1 being populated with "RightButtonDown" or "LeftButtonDown"?
23:23.51ScytheBlade1... never mind
23:24.07ScytheBlade1I should just be looking for "RightButton", not "RightButtonDown"
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23:43.25Endodd, the issue people mentioned with dual core processors and the debugprofile functions?
23:43.32EndI just got it with a non-dual core processor
23:43.59Endmy code took 5, 13, 4 and then 12189250 ms to run

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