irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060826

00:00.17Kirovso, do you know what spellid the spell you want is?
00:00.46GeoDaMancerNot yet, but I can find that easily enough, I suppose.
00:01.09Kirovso, are you releasing this mod, or is it just for you?
00:01.19GeoDaMancerFor me, mainly.
00:02.21GeoDaMancerNight Nero.
00:02.34CorthainKirov: I did tablename[subtablename] = {}; then did /console reloadui to make it save to the savedvariables, and in the savedvariables the table is still full. Any ideas?
00:03.35KirovCorthain - what does your table look like, and what are you trying to clear?
00:03.48CorthainI'll paste the table structure.
00:03.57Corthain(to the site ;)
00:04.09CorthainDon't worry, I won't flood the chan ;)
00:04.16Kirovuse or
00:04.26CorthainI read topics too!
00:04.42Kirovmeeting, bbiab
00:05.09GeoDaMancerIt's so hard to get used to using then and end.
00:05.27GeoDaMancerI'll take a look at it, I might be able to provide some insight.
00:05.28CorthainTook me a while, that's for sure.
00:05.37CorthainAnd I keep putting in && and || lol
00:06.00GeoDaMancerOh man, that kills me!
00:06.04CorthainI want to make say... LearnTable["Viscidus"] = {} so it will be completely emptied.
00:08.59GeoDaMancertable.remove(LearnTable, "Viscidus"); LearnTable["Viscidus"] = {};
00:09.13CorthainYou can do that?
00:09.21CorthainI though .remove only worked on an index, not a key.
00:09.50GeoDaMancerCan't hurt to try.
00:11.42Corthainnumber expected, got string
00:11.44CorthainNope. =\
00:13.49Merywell LearnTable["Viscidus"] = {} makes it kind of empty (it creates a new table and sets the new reference and the old (sub)table may get collected by the garbage collection some time in future
00:14.05CorthainYes.. that's what I'm trying to do.
00:14.36CorthainBut when I reload the UI, the new file in the savedvariables folder still contains the data.. it doesn't save the empty table.
00:14.40GeoDaMancerWhat I'd suggest is testing if the old values actually come out when you use LearnTable["Viscidus"][Whatever][Whatever]
00:14.48Merywhen you reload the ui
00:14.52GeoDaMancerIf it doesn't, it means that you're saving the garbage. >.>
00:14.59Meryyour ui code get interpreted owhen read
00:15.07Merysaved variables are kind of loaded later
00:15.26Meryand are aviable after ADDON_LOADED
00:15.39CorthainBut it doesn't WRITE the empty table to the file.
00:16.18CorthainI empty the table with = {}; and then reload the UI, but when I open the file, the old data is still there.
00:16.40GeoDaMancerCorthain, when you empty the table, have you checked if it emptied correctly?
00:16.50CorthainNot yet.. that's what I'm going to do now..
00:16.55GeoDaMancerGood. xD
00:16.57CorthainI was checking by reading the file.
00:17.04CorthainBut this time I'll use a command.
00:17.35CorthainIt didn't empty it.
00:17.54GeoDaMancerAlright, that's why.
00:18.03CorthainYeah. So why didn't it empty it? =\
00:18.08GeoDaMancerOne moment. xD
00:19.09ckknightCairenn, ping
00:19.14Cairennckknight: pong
00:19.40ckknightsomeone's avatar on WoWI pisses me off
00:20.01ckknightkneeki's: he posted here:
00:20.27Cairennkeep the link handy and give to me again in a sec, please? updating video drivers atm
00:20.51Cairennrebooting, brb
00:20.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:20.57ckknightzomg, you are the lucky customer! be annoyed by my constant flashing!
00:21.04GeoDaMancerTry this. LearnTable["Viscidus"] = nil;
00:21.15Corthainhm.. k
00:21.26CorthainSet to nil then create a new with {}.. that should do it.
00:21.33GeoDaMancerOne could hope.
00:21.47Merynah that shouldn't help
00:22.17Merycan you post the whole lua file?
00:22.42CorthainAfraid I'm not allowed to.
00:22.49CorthainSecret guild mod. <.<
00:23.08Merywell then the inporant part thats not working
00:23.21CorthainOne sec.
00:24.08GeoDaMancerHey, yay! xD
00:25.27CorthainEven just setting it to nil and then reading a field out of it still worked.
00:25.33CorthainIt's nil for cryin out loud! :(
00:26.15GeoDaMancerThat's really weird.
00:26.30CorthainThat's the deleting function.
00:26.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:26.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:27.12ckknightCairenn, in the comments
00:27.12Cairennckknight: link again, pl ... lol, thanks
00:28.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [RTE] (
00:28.34Cairennmessage sent to user asking them to change it
00:28.37GeoDaMancerDare I look?
00:28.55[RTE]hey folks
00:29.01Cairennhi [RTE]
00:29.15GeoDaMancer~= the thing for does not equal?
00:29.28[RTE]does anyone know if <FontString> object has an <OnLoad>?
00:29.35Meryand LearnLoot[LearnBoss] = {}; does not work?
00:29.37ckknightdoubt it
00:29.49ckknighttime for public flagellation, Cairenn?
00:30.00GeoDaMancerI always thought it was != xD
00:30.12ckknightit is in other languages
00:30.12Cairennnot yet, only if (s)he doesn't change it after reading my PM
00:30.50[RTE]can someone help me?
00:30.51GeoDaMancerIs LearnBoss being fed into it correctly?
00:31.02[RTE]I need something that would work like this:
00:31.05CorthainYes. The print above it verifies that.
00:32.12GeoDaMancerHrm, that's odd.
00:32.30GeoDaMancerI don't know too much about Lua's tables though. xD
00:32.47Mery[RTE]: Can't you just use the OnLoad of the Frame the FontString is Emedded?
00:33.03[RTE]I could, but it does not look as nice :)
00:34.29ckknightxml ew.
00:34.33[RTE]eh, if there's no interesting ideas I gues I'll have to do that
00:34.35Corthainbrb reboot
00:34.43[RTE]thanks anyway
00:34.45Merybut since FontString does not have a SetScript I doubt you can use <Scripts> in a FontString
00:34.58[RTE]figured as much
00:35.22*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:35.40MeryCorthain: nil does work (its nil after) and ={} does not set it to an empty table?
00:36.22AnduinLotharLOL. Have you guys seen the main blizz page recently?
00:36.27AnduinLotharthe oc used to have an ashbringer
00:36.32GeoDaMancerIt wouldn't load last time I tried.
00:36.49AnduinLotharnow they've pasted a different swd on top of it
00:37.02AnduinLotharbut you can still see part of the coin from the ashbringer lol
00:37.12AnduinLotharhalf assed photoshop
00:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Corthain (
00:37.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Work (
00:37.48MeryCorthain: nil does work (its nil after) and ={} does not set it to an empty table?
00:38.41CorthainIt's not nil after because immediately after deleting I pull an entry out of the table that shouldn't be there.
00:39.27Meryare you sure you don't (re)set the table in some other part of your code?
00:39.42CorthainYes, I'm sure.
00:39.42GeoDaMancerI think the problem is that the table is still in the memory, and when you reinitialize the table it repoints it.
00:40.18[RTE]alrighty, thanks Mery
00:40.30[RTE]works fine with frame script
00:40.38[RTE]later yall, testing time :)
00:40.54CorthainQuite possible.
00:41.28Meryare you sure you delete the correct part of the table? like if LearnBoss contains special chars?
00:41.29GeoDaMancerSo, try the collectgarbage() function?
00:41.47CorthainYes, I'm sure. =\
00:41.59CorthainUnfortunately it is raid time and I have to go kill naxx stuff, so this will have to wait.
00:42.06CorthainThanks for all your help so far.. I'll be back later. :)
00:42.24GeoDaMancerI'll see if I can do anything to figure it out while I'm working, 'cause I'm going to need to learn that-- Well, shite. xD
00:42.55MeryI bet it's a problem somewhere else: if you do =nil its usually nil
00:43.30GeoDaMancerI think it's a problem of referencing. >.>
00:52.04KasoWhat's that site with the Unicode -> escape char converter thingy?
00:56.12MentalPower|AFKout to the movies for me
00:56.15MentalPower|AFKlater guys
00:58.17Kirkburnsee ya
01:02.17Cairennhave fun MentalPower|AFK
01:03.14KasoWhy is my GetLocale returning enUS
01:03.34Kaso(im in europe using english version)
01:03.36AnduinLotharArchaeologist v2.9 is up
01:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:13.40GeoDaMancerWhat does Archaeologist do, exactly?
01:14.18AnduinLotharUnitFrame enhancement
01:16.12GeoDaMancerI really like that thing, it makes my life easier, normally.
01:16.21AnduinLotharglad to hear it
01:18.01GeoDaMancerI'm getting sick of typing reloadUI.
01:18.26AnduinLothargrab the ReloadUI addon and type /rl
01:18.29AnduinLotharor macro it
01:19.03Tuplador if you have Ace you can do /rl aswell
01:19.58Industrialbeen in ace for more then a year
01:20.02Industrialace1 that is
01:20.03GeoDaMancerI have the reloadui. I did not know that.
01:20.09AnduinLotharbeen in cosmos since beta
01:20.11GeoDaMancerI'm so amazed. xD
01:20.21IndustrialAnduinLothar, was waiting for that
01:20.53GeoDaMancerYou're great, my fingers were getting sick.
01:21.08KirkburnWho killed Mikk? He won't answer me :*(
01:21.52GeoDaMancerI can't spell.
01:22.50KirkburnYes, hahahahaha has an extra 'a' on the end. Useless, you are L(
01:22.53GeoDaMancerfunciton does not evalute to function. xD
01:23.14GeoDaMancerNah, I Hah. With the extra 'h' sound at the end.
01:23.35Industriallike the evil one
01:23.37KirkburnOooh, very posh ;)
01:23.46KirkburnOh, yeah, or manical
01:24.18KirkburnI always wonder whether you're a little budgie when you do that smiley
01:24.32Industrialbudgie? whats a budgie?
01:24.38Industrial:> is a sarcastic smile
01:25.01KirkburnLooks like a little bird to me :> SQWAAAAAK!
01:25.06Hexarobii was tellin a noob how to get to ironforge
01:25.09Industriallike :3 but :3 is more goofey
01:25.11Hexarobiand its been so long since i played alliance
01:25.14Hexarobii called it thurgadin
01:25.27CorrodiasHexarobi wins points for not playing alliance
01:25.42KirkburnLoch Modan, and head north north north through the eastern plaguelands. It's just off the northern coast, just after you see the fatigue sign.
01:26.08Industriallol :P
01:26.31AnduinLotharanyone know the name of a mod that times your instance raids? I remember it being recently added to curse
01:28.21KirkburnOdd name for a mod, "GAH!"
01:28.49Corrodias"how long is this taking? GAH!"
01:29.07GeoDaMancerI need to learn how to work with the Sea Library. Stupid thing.
01:29.16KirkburnWhat, like this one AnduinLothar ?
01:29.31KirkburnThe one which came up when I searched for "Instance Time"
01:29.52AnduinLotharya, thx
01:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
01:29.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
01:30.04KirkburnYou must have looked reeeeallly hard ;)
01:30.38AnduinLothardidn't search 'instance'
01:31.10KirkburnGeoDaMancer, you need to learn to swim first. Can you swim? Next you need to breathe underwater. Finally, you need waterproof books.
01:31.30GeoDaMancerHar har har.
01:31.32KirkburnAnduinLothar, true, that was just a lucky guess I suppose :P
01:31.33Corrodias"Its misleading to have the description in English and the mod only in another language."
01:32.03AnduinLotharwhat, you mean not everyone speaks english?
01:32.19KirkburnNo, they speak american :)
01:32.56Corrodiasthey speak WoW -- "wat inst r u goin to?"
01:34.36Hexarobii only publish my addons in esperanto
01:34.41GeoDaMancerI think that's... Any computer user's language.
01:35.21KirkburnSo wait, I've been trying to talk to Mikk for 2 hours, and he's not even here? And it never bloody told me? >(
01:35.30AnduinLotharhe's not here
01:35.33Hexarobii was thinking of localizing, but im pretty sure no one outside the US plays chess
01:36.44GeoDaMancerWhat's Cluedo?
01:36.52Corrodiasbrit name for "clue" in america
01:37.02KirkburnWell that picture will never tell you :)
01:37.19KirkburnIt's called Clue in the US?
01:37.44AnduinLotharum no
01:37.45GeoDaMancerI would guess So.
01:37.46KirkburnOoh, wikipedia agrees
01:37.54Hexarobidue kirk
01:37.57Hexarobithat picture tells it all
01:37.59AnduinLotharclue is a board game
01:38.05Hexarobikerry, with the guitar, in the tent
01:38.11Corrodiasand cluedo isn't? i could have sworn it is.
01:38.15Hexarobironan, with the microphone, in the portaloo
01:38.26Kirkburnouch xO
01:38.30Hexarobiand shane, with the "wellies" on the "stage" infront of 10 million screaming fans
01:38.51KirkburnAnduinLothar, so's cluedo :P
01:38.55Hexarobiim gunna go around calling shoes wellies
01:39.05AnduinLotharbrain is fried
01:39.11Hexarobiyou who does not lace your wellies!
01:39.38Hexarobioh ya, well im rubber and your glue
01:39.49ckknightyour mom's glue
01:39.56Hexarobibut its still not cool to be throwing shoes at people
01:40.21KirkburnPhew, that's okay, I'm just throwing them at you ;)
01:40.33Corrodiasi really need to consider a new UI arrangement. it looks almost stock, right now. :(
01:40.49GeoDaMancerAnybody know about the Sea Library?
01:40.49KirkburnWhat kind of stock? Chicken or beef?
01:40.56KirkburnIt's wet and cold.
01:41.09GeoDaMancerSomething helpful?
01:41.11Corrodiasi like those nice, clean, bright, rectangular bars with clear numbers by them that i see in some UI's
01:41.15KirkburnWear a wetsuit
01:41.21Corrodiasnot the harder-to-read stuff i deal with
01:41.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
01:41.45KirkburnwereHamster has a nice one
01:41.49Hexarobimermaid librarians are total sluts... thats all you need to know
01:41.57KirkburnCalled serenity, in the Ace SVN apparently
01:42.30Corrodiasgreat, more svn..
01:42.42Hexarobi2 hours down there will require 8 hours of decompression
01:42.50KirkburnGeoDaMancer, checked the wiki info?
01:42.58Hexarobithe bends man... its not just a radiohead album
01:43.09Corrodiaswhere can i find a description of this Serenity?
01:43.25KirkburnThe party must continue in the decompression chamber!
01:43.45GeoDaMancerI've been looking at it, but it doesn't give much specific information. I'm trying to figure out how the Sea hook library has changed the PickupSpell(id, "book") function.
01:43.49Hexarobiwould be fun to get drunk in a decompression chamber
01:44.00Hexarobionsecond thought, maybe not
01:44.02KirkburnHe sent me screenshots .. I'll see if I can find them
01:45.31Corrodiason an unrelated note, it seems that i can't move my Atlas and Yatlas minimap buttons, and i think it's because of Fubar. o.o
01:45.36Corrodiasor partly because of
01:47.45purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
01:50.18Corrodiaswell, it's very clearn
01:50.24Corrodias*clean... but not my style
01:50.48KirkburnI haven't tried it myself yet, so I can't tell you anything more than those screenies :)
01:50.54KirkburnI personally use sinsmod
01:52.35Corrodias"SinsMod - Circular Unit Frames"?
01:53.24Corrodiasit's painful to think about trying to readjust my minimap buttons (especially if they don't want to move), but i can always make backups...
01:53.53Corrodiasthat looks pretty nice, at least the unitframes do
01:54.16Corrodiasi tried discord unitframes once, i think. the instructions on how to load a configuration were lacking.
01:55.10GeoDaMancerNow I see what Kirov was talking about.
01:55.21Corrodiasi can try that. it seems that fubar (or it combined with many other mods) is somehow interfering with the ability to move my Atlas and Yatlas buttons, is all.
01:58.21Corrodiasgotta figure out what to do with my action bars and such, too. they don't look like there's much empty space around them but they sure seem to leave me less room than with custom layouts.
02:00.21Corrodiasi also need to replace ForgottenChat (which sometimes gives me errors) for my whisper management
02:01.26*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
02:12.44GeoDaMancerHahahahah! That's funny.
02:13.12Corrodiasyeah, i'm not a fan of 1280x1024, because WoW actually stretches the image to assume you're still using a 4:3 screen ratio
02:13.26KirkburnI've never found that
02:13.53Corrodiasdid you adjust your screen to ensure that it's actually 5x4? i did my best with a ruler
02:14.59KirkburnI don't remember having to change anything :O
02:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
02:28.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
02:29.25Corrodiasdamn, there are lots of unitframe & action bar mods
02:31.15Corrodiassome day i'll get to see the raid frames :P
02:35.57GeoDaMancerWhat's the symbol for does not equal, the unary one?
02:36.37Corrodiasunary? that can't exist, can it?
02:36.44Corrodiasyou can't not equal nothing
02:37.12GeoDaMancerWell, it equates to not true.
02:37.19KirkburnIn lua I think it's ~=
02:37.49GeoDaMancerThat's the binary one, isn't it? I'm looking for... if (!Right) then it's wrong! end Sort of thing. <.<
02:37.55Kirkburn(which to most normal people looks like approx. equals, but that's coders for ya)
02:37.57Corrodiasoh! yes
02:38.08Kamerilthere is none in lua, afaik
02:38.12Corrodiascould be ~
02:38.14Kameriluse not right
02:38.22Corrodiascould be "not"
02:38.29GeoDaMancerI'm really starting to dislike lua.
02:38.37Kamerilif not right then
02:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
02:51.35Corrodiasman, i was wrong: the unified LFG channel rocks as a realmwide chat channel, with actual LFG data filtering well into CTA
02:53.31Hexarobican you send text-only emails cross servers?
02:53.52GeoDaMancerNo, I don't think so.
02:54.29Hexarobithat would have been a good joke on the tv show Reboot, for the lil pirate dudes... arg1 arg2 arg3!
02:54.36Hexarobiok, maybe not so good
02:54.50GeoDaMancerI miss that show so much.
02:54.57Hexarobiya, was great
02:55.13Hexarobiaparantly theres a movie that takes place after the final episode
02:55.19GeoDaMancerI'm having troubles with that IsSpellPassive(id, "Book"), it keeps telling me I'm using an invalid id number when it worked with something else.
02:55.28GeoDaMancerThere is?
02:55.39Hexarobii added it to my netflix que, well see
02:55.57Hexarobibut it takes place after the big finale opera, which is the funniest thing ever
02:56.10GeoDaMancerAnd Engineer a system's crash...
02:56.59Hexarobido u mean the season 2 ending?
02:57.06Hexarobithere was a 3rd season only on cartoon network
02:57.18Hexarobiand the movie is after the 3rd season
02:57.36Hexarobiin the 3rd season, enzo gets caught in a game with andrea and they both get aged into adults
02:57.56Hexarobiand like bob is a super guardian or something
02:58.04Hexarobiits been awhile, but it was nuts
02:58.08GeoDaMancerNo, that's part of the Opera.
02:58.16Hexarobithats before the opera
02:58.40Hexarobithe opera is in the final episode, where they recap the whole series with lil ball and cube dudes in masks
02:58.57GeoDaMancerNo, that's in the opera, as in words in it.
02:59.19Hexarobii dont remeber the words
02:59.25GeoDaMancerI remember that part. xD
03:01.25GeoDaMancerThis is angering me. xD
03:08.57Hexarobianyone know why the onCancel event is being fired for my yes/no dialog box twice?
03:13.17GeoDaMancerNope, sorry.
03:13.50GeoDaMancerAnyone know how I managed to mess up Divine Blessing? xD
03:18.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:26.02Kaeltengnight guys
03:31.10Cairennnight KaeltenAway
03:36.32Corrodiaswow, there are a lot of LFG channel addons
03:42.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:42.54Corrodiasmore than i expected, anyway. looks like three, maybe four redundant ones just on the first few pages of curse's chat addons.
03:44.09GeoDaMancerI've never liked curse.
03:46.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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03:49.13GeoDaMancerKirov: Just tested an ActionBar rewriter, and ran into no problems, save my own mistakes. With the whole Cosmos thing running.
03:49.42GeoDaMancerSo, it shouldn't be that much of a problem. xD
03:49.48Kirovthere's an easy way to clear your cursor btw
03:50.07GeoDaMancerWhat's that?
03:50.27GeoDaMancerAnd, I didn't have to worry about that, but that's 'cause I don't have anything picked up. xD
03:51.20GeoDaMancerBlah, I need more sleep. xD
03:53.40*** join/#wowi-lounge K-tron (
03:54.13KirovIf there's something already in the action slot you'll end up with something there
03:54.35Cairennhey hey K-tron
03:55.16KirovGeoDaMancer - PickupSpell(0,"spell")
03:55.41Corrodiasfor this addon to give you 10 action bars, doesn't it have to make some of its own?
03:55.49Kirov0 will give you an error
03:57.32KirovCorrodias - make it's own?
03:58.07KirovCorrodias - By default the game has 120 slots, though the UI only makes use of 6 of them by default, with 3 extra for warriors.
03:59.00Corrodias3 extra... oh, so it probably displays the stance/shape-specific bars all the time?
04:01.42Corrodiasi'm not even sure what i'm looking for an addon to do for me, in the context of action bars.. but that sure isn't it
04:08.14GeoDaMancerAnd don't forget the one for Rogues.
04:10.22Kirovrogues use bar 7 for stealth
04:10.34Kirovwarriors use bars 2-9
04:10.38Corrodiasand druids -should- get a bar for prowl mode while in cat form
04:10.50Kirovdruids use bars 1-7 and 9
04:11.04Corrodiasbut we don't. so we make do with an addon that switches to bar 2 at that time
04:16.06KirovThere are addons that will switch your main bar to bar 8 when you go in to prown
04:18.11Corrodiasbar 8, you say? i must find these. the only one i have now switches to bar 2 (which could otherwise be used)
04:20.08Corrodiaseven Prowler here only appears to give you 1-7 as options for the prowl bar
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04:22.15CorrodiasKirov: please locate one, i can't
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04:27.33Corrodiasthat IS prowler, and it only allows your second bar to be 1-7
04:28.09Kiroveasy to change
04:28.10Corrodiasalthough maybe i can modify it to go to 8. i wonder why he stopped at 7.
04:29.16Kirovmodifying it should be easy
04:34.38Kirovopen up Prowler.xml, find the two "Sliders" that go from min 1, max 7 and change the max to 10
04:55.07*** part/#wowi-lounge K-tron (
05:14.22MentalPower|ZZzznight folks
05:14.28Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz
05:14.31MentalPower|ZZzzmovie was awesome (Pirates 2)
05:20.47birostickPsssh Snakes on a Plane was awsome
05:20.54birostickPirates has nothing on snakes on a plane
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05:49.04*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
05:51.23Cairenngonads and strife
05:52.53Cairennand since you're no doubt wondering wtf I'm talking about:
06:01.13GeoDaMancerI like the word Whee, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
06:01.19GeoDaMancerAnd makes other people want to stab me. xD
06:01.34Corrodiasi've actually seen that before :o
06:01.44Mr_Rabies2i completely knew gonads and strife by heart probably 5 years ago
06:01.48Mr_Rabies2and that makes me sad
06:24.35*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:25.26GeoDaMancerIs there anyway to know whether you're being attacked by multiple enemies?
06:27.59GeoDaMancerAny clue how?
06:28.49sloukenPull your camera out and watch the screen.
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06:29.48GeoDaMancerWell, that is certainly an answer, but not of the sort I had wanted. But, I suppose GIGO is at work, I meant through the UI events.
06:30.25sloukenYou can watch combat log events and watch for multiple names on monster attacks
06:30.36sloukennight night!
06:34.28KirovGeoDaMancer - you know who that was, yes?
06:35.23KirovThat's the guy who wrote Blizzard's UI engine
06:35.29GeoDaMancerBut then, I'm half asleep, so it doesn't matter either. Really?
06:37.01Cairennor more to the point, since the new forum is still so non-existant:
06:38.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
06:38.42GeoDaMancerWelcome back, and Wow.
06:45.04Corrodiasit's weird, but i'm certain that fubar is in some way partly responsible for moving my atlas/yatlas buttons and keeping me from moving them
06:45.17CairennGeoDaMancer: gigo indeed, lol
06:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
06:46.26GeoDaMancerGigo is great. xD
06:49.33AnduinLotharSWEET! Jindo's Evil Eye!
06:50.13AnduinLotharlol, we downed him with 15. it only took 5 tries
06:52.46AnduinLotharHardest boss in Zul'Gurub, 20 man instance
06:52.46GeoDaMancerNo clue what that is. xD
06:52.52GeoDaMancerAhhhh, thanks. xD
06:53.01GeoDaMancerMy highest character is 44.
06:53.48Corrodiasaha, it was the combination of mobileminimapbuttons (but very probably an old version) and fubar that was doing it
06:54.12Corrodiasi'd expect you to know the instances by now, though, or at least some of them :o
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07:09.50Cairennckknight you'll be happy to know that the guy is changing his avatar
07:10.17Cairennhe's just deleted it for now
07:15.58Cairennlol AnduinLothar: "no, no one can tell you" or "no, it doesn't" ?
07:16.36Cairenndon't you just love when someone asks two questions in one statement and the answer to both is "no", so they've no idea which question you're actually answering
07:46.30GeoDaMancerIs there a way to find out how much a spell costs without having to input it manually?
07:46.44GeoDaMancerAck, stupid thing! I didn't know peopoe were speking. xD
07:47.11GeoDaMancerI know some of the instances, but none of the higher ones. Though, I've been to Onyxia. xD
07:49.48GeoDaMancerNever mind.
07:53.21Corrodiasuh... how do you USE sinsmod? maybe if i screw around with the options...
07:54.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Neronix`sleep (
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08:07.58Gngskheh, Sinsmod!
08:08.02GngskSinvin is my guild's raid leader
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08:42.32zenzelezzI wish Nexus Crystals weren't so expensive... or at least that you didn't need so many for the cloak enchants :-|
08:44.24zespriCairenn, in this case no it doesn't, but the person wasn't there to hear the answer anyway.
08:44.32*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:44.51CairennI knew, I was mocking them
08:46.35ckknight_Pluto: Neptune's Canada
08:47.43KirovPluto puts an icicle logo on everything?
08:49.50zenzelezzI think he means that the rest of the solar system regards Pluto as wiser and more respected than Neptune
08:50.34ckknight_anyone see the movie Canadian Bacon?
08:55.23CorrodiasGngsk: he appears to use a mod that makes it so he can't see the buffs on himself... but maybe he has another mod for that :P
08:56.21KirovDid Pluto get it's independance by asking nicely?
08:58.08zenzelezzI think they just froze it out
08:59.42jaxdahlthreads have post limits now?
08:59.48jaxdahlthat's pretty lame
08:59.48GngskCorrodias, default blizz buff/debuff frame?
08:59.51Cairennyes ><
08:59.58jaxdahl300 posts in the class forums
09:00.03jaxdahl500 for general?
09:05.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
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09:19.31zespridid cat form always increase speed by 30%???
09:21.48GeoDaMancerI think so.
09:22.48GeoDaMancerBut then I've never played a Druid. xD
09:23.55zesprioh it's a talent. never mind
09:30.45GeoDaMancerCan you access the DPS meters that are in the Cosmos addon, I'm not sure what part of it has them though.
09:52.28GeoDaMancerHey do you guys know if UnitBuff has to have certain names in a specific format?
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10:26.17AnduinLotharangry childen
10:34.09Corrodiasthere. i've decided, for now, on the x-perl unitframes
10:35.09CorrodiasGngsk: maybe. i don't know enough about how discord's stuff works.
10:42.19GngskCorrodias, I didn't like those frames either anway :P
10:43.23Corrodiasthe discord config he uses, or x-perl?
10:51.10Corrodiasi found the text was a little too small, and with no background it could be hard to see
10:52.11Corrodiasthat's the important part: being able to quickly gather information from your bars, and clear text is the first step
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11:03.41Corrodiasthe only thing i wish i could do with the x-perl unitframes is use a different texture for the bars -- that is, solid color instead of any texture
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11:19.49Corrodiasbut yeah, i'm liking the x-perl set. it's not as configurable as the perl classic set, but it's got nice features, anyway. i'm really not sure which i prefer, though.
11:21.06Corrodiasi'm going to use the x-perl set for a while, though, and see how it goes. i can't wait to see what it's like with a full party, so i can properly place my HoT bar addon and stuff
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12:24.45MikkFandyllic just invented the 5000club for me :-P
12:25.07MikkOh, not just for me
12:25.16MikkTwo others too :-P
12:26.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
12:27.47zenzelezzpoor Kirk, he still has a way to go for that, doesn't he?
12:28.33MikkAye, just dinged 2500 :-P
12:28.43MikkHey kirkburn =)
12:28.50KirkburnYo yo
12:29.05MikkYeah that's what I thought too =)
12:29.13KirkburnFandyllic said he'd do that
12:29.17KirkburnI didn't believe him :/
12:29.46KirkburnDammit, now I'm alone!
12:29.57TupladIs Devla around ?
12:37.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
12:38.12KirkburnMikk, grats on 5,000  btw :P
12:38.37KirkburnAnd it's wonderful to see the new WoWWiki main page, finally :)
12:41.53Gngskyea, it's slick
12:41.57Gngskwhat's 5,000 though?
12:42.01KirkburnI'm only just over 2800 atm :P I need bots to do my work for me
12:42.08Kirkburn5,000 edits :)
12:42.08Gngskoh, the club
12:42.22GngskI see
12:43.42KirkburnMikk's slightly run out of things to do though atm ... we need to find him something to busy himself with =P
12:44.00GngskWhat about those icons?
12:44.47KirkburnWhat about what icons?
13:00.15phyberMailFu is doing weird things.
13:00.21phyberit counts new mail twice.
13:00.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
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13:43.42zinor` :)
13:44.48KirkburnWhere's the BC pics, eh? :)
13:45.08zinor`nothing to really take pics of
13:45.12zinor`blame net :P
13:45.19zinor`just a bunch of people playing bc was all
13:45.33zinor`oh wait
13:45.36zinor`theres a pic of the bc stand
13:45.56KirkburnI see it
13:46.02zinor`but that was press day
13:46.07zinor`the rest of it it was FILLED with people
13:46.10zinor`waiting in a huge line
13:46.15zinor`at least a few hundred people in line the entire time
13:46.46zinor`warhammer had about 50 in line at all times, maybe more
13:46.51MikkKirkburn: Oh, if I had the permission to hit the delete button, I'd have plenty of things to do :-P
13:47.39KirkburnHeh, I made a plea to Rustak for more admins on his talk page. And yes, I would be suggesting you if I had the chance :)
13:48.26Mikk(then again... most of those pages were nominated by me, so I still wouldn't be allowed to delete them ... *sigh*)
13:48.50KirkburnYou'd be an admin, you could do what you wanted :P
13:49.10KirkburnThe terminated and speedydeleted list is getting maaassive
13:50.04MikkPolicy says that an admin speedytagging pages can't carry out the deletion himself
13:50.47MikkBtw, your link farm needs [[:Category:Things to do]] :-9
13:54.15KirkburnYou were saying? :P
13:55.44KirkburnChrist, the double redirects page is a bit long
13:55.51Mikki'm fixing some now
13:56.00Mikkthe plurality for lists policy proposal just came through
13:56.10Mikk(fixing by moving stuff back)
13:56.19Mikkwell.. you're welcome to fix the mobing.
13:56.19Kirkburnokies :)
13:56.26Mikki'm fiddling policy texts
13:56.51KirkburnI'll do the more random pages then
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14:20.11MikkInteresting list of double redirects
14:25.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:35.14Kirkburnhmm to you too :)
15:35.59KaoS`Hey.. how is ie 7.0 doing? :)
15:36.32KirkburnIt's happier with the forum list now, I see
15:38.33KaoS`well that is good
15:38.44KirkburnIndeedy :P
15:39.46KaoS`you using Vista too?
15:39.50KaoS`RC1 looks like its coming soon huh?
15:40.25KirkburnNot using it yet, but I do want to try it out :)
15:41.39KirkburnI think RC1 is just over a week away :)
15:42.05KirkburnHave tried testing it?
15:43.46KaoS`well they rleased a "pre-rc1" to msdn testers
15:44.46KirkburnI think sept 5th-ish is the planned peoper release
15:45.14KaoS`ehh maybe I will install RC1
15:45.16KaoS`to see if its any good
15:45.20KirkburnI should be getting a copy of beta 2 through the door at some point
15:45.37KirkburnWell, from what I've heard of 5536, it's pretty fast and stable now
15:46.31KaoS`microsoft .. Fast
15:46.32KaoS`and stable..
15:46.35KaoS`ok.. :)
15:47.07KaoS`Fast & stable
15:47.14KaoS`and microsoft
15:47.22KaoS`what is this world coming to
15:47.51KirkburnUtopia? :P
15:47.54MikkEverything is relative
15:48.01Mikk"Fast" and "Stable" compared to ... what? =)
15:48.02KirkburnYou're not my relative!
15:48.17MikkYou have no idea if I knew your momma before you were born?
15:48.21KirkburnA drunk elephant
15:48.33KaoS`Win95c ?
15:48.38KaoS`or maybe.. d.. :)
15:49.52KirkburnI still go with the elephant :)
15:50.15KaoS`well elephants are very stable
15:50.20KaoS`just not very fast.. :)
15:50.33KaoS`ohhh but a drunk elephant
15:51.04KirkburnYes, don't forget the drunkeness
15:51.48KaoS`one day I will get a new pc...
15:52.14MaldiviaKirkburn: just had a weird problem with frame levels, but found the culprit :)
15:52.19MaldiviaKirkburn: hence the hmm
15:52.49Kirkburnaha, I see. Always nice to fix stuff :)
15:53.02KirkburnI'm off for a while ... taraa
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16:31.41GremWarsongIs it okay to have same file names and function names across different mods?
16:31.41GremWarsongBecause im getting some random strange error when I have 2 specific mods loaded at the same time
16:43.53cogwheelOnly if you declare the functions local to the particular file
16:44.40cogwheelWhich really isn't a bad idea if you don't need access to them in the global namespace
16:45.12cogwheelAnother thing you can do is take an object-oriented approach. Your addon would then be an object and you would call your functions using self:FunctionName()
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18:10.43Shadowed"Le drapeau de (l'|la )%s a \195\169t\195\169 ramass\195\169 par ([^!]+) !" are you suppose to use front or backslashes for localization stuff?
18:15.02Meryyou can also use utf-8 encoded files, but its more failsave to encode the bytes in utf-8 format with \
18:17.32ShadowedI'm probably missing something but. Why would "(l'|la )%s" fail but "l'%s" not?
18:17.48Meryoh i dunno about that
18:19.11Mery"(l'|la )%s" seems to mean use l' in male cases and la in female cases
18:19.37ShadowedIt's for WSG flag pickup parsing, it's "l'Alliance" and "la Horde" in french
18:19.47Meryahh :)
18:20.02Merywhat does fail?
18:20.16ShadowedOnce you replace it with either just "l'" or "la " it will work, but it wont work for both factions.
18:30.45Meryi can't get (a|b) to work at all and can't find anything like this in the patterns tutorial... maybe its not supported by string.find?
18:31.28Shadowedmaybe, i just replaced it with "l..?" which did it
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18:37.06Hexarobitheres no monospaced font type right?
18:37.51cogwheelNope. but there's a free one that looks pretty nice
18:38.10Hexarobihmm its not that big of a deal, just wanted prettyier alignment
18:38.15Hexarobiadding a movelog to wowchess
18:38.43cogwheelThe font I use is in LuaSlingerMono
18:38.58Hexarobinot sure i wanna bother embedding a font
18:39.07Hexarobiit doesnt look bad now, just not perfect
18:41.37Merywell embedding a font is as simple as a texture? :)
18:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:49.28KirkburnWhat a difference, 50 ABs, 50 WSGs, 20 AVs, and a 10 min queue ... I'm impressed :)
18:50.00KirkburnNow I just need the expansion to give me something to *do*
18:57.52Meryyou think they plan to release before holidays?
19:25.41nezroyMery: Lua's native regex cannot do alternations (like a|b), so no it's not supported by string.find
19:25.55Shadowedthat'd explain it
19:35.07Corrodiasdoes the alliance still have to queue?
19:35.22Hexarobianyone know how to adjust a fontobject's size?
19:45.54KirkburnHexarobi, in what way?
19:47.18KirkburnMery, I do think they want to launch before Xmas, yeah :P
19:47.35KirkburnWhether it's possible is a different matter, of course
19:49.27Merythat's exactly what i wanted to imply with "plan to" :D
19:52.47Hexarobii saw the SetTextHeight but says it just stretches the rendered font
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19:53.31Hexarobiit seems to hint at another way, that works better, but cant change on the fly
19:53.39Hexarobiand i dont need to change it on the fly
19:54.07Hexarobido i just use <size>
19:55.25Hexarobithat didnt work ;)
19:59.59KirkburnBack again
20:00.08KirkburnYou don't want to use settextheight
20:00.19KirkburnThe font size is included in the setfont thingy
20:00.52KirkburnSet Text Height is why combat text critical hits look so crappy
20:01.03KirkburnThe totally messes with the anti-aliasing of the fonts
20:01.48ShadowedCide didn't realise you were in BG10
20:01.55KirkburnRemember that patch where loads of people's text got messed up (might have been 1.9, it got fixed in 1.x.1) ... same kind of issue I think
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20:10.32ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
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20:48.34ComicSansMShi there
20:55.50Cairenn|afkokay guys, out for the evening to go hang with Clad and Satrina and crew, have a good one
20:55.59KirkburnHave fun!
20:56.19Cairenn|afkintend to :)
20:56.25Kirkburnhehe :P
20:57.26zenzelezzwe'll behave
20:57.54KirkburnLike hel- I mean, yes, yes, of course
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21:32.14Sidinais there someone who can help me with a makro ^^?
21:32.50wereHamsteromg RDX has a 'force logout' that logs out selected players
21:33.00wereHamsterthat's too much imho
21:33.06ShadowedwereHamster link a file
21:33.09Cidedid you buy it? :P
21:33.10Shadowedlink the file that is
21:33.23ShadowedCide i wouldn't be suprised if theres already downloads of the paid version out
21:33.33wereHamsterOur raid leader posted a link to a versio
21:33.56Cidesend it! I promise I won't use it... :)
21:34.00wereHamsterand it's horribly written..
21:34.14Shadowedwtb link!
21:34.17wereHamsterI think a basic version is free
21:34.24ShadowedI saw the leaked version, but i want to see what's so special about the paid one
21:34.41wereHamsterI don't know if it's the paid version
21:34.49Shadowedless talk, more link :p
21:34.58Arrowmasterlast time i tried RDX5 i couldnt get any of the frames to move around
21:35.37CidewereHamster: he abuses functions I believe
21:35.47Cide"create a function that returns a function!"
21:35.57Cideand every time that piece of code is called, it creates another function
21:36.35wereHamsterEmphasis on functional generation - instead of providing static content like an array or table, the developer provides a function that generates the array or table in realtime.
21:36.41wereHamsterquote from their hoempage
21:36.49Shadowedcan you link the RDX site?
21:37.01Cideso you get a new table/function every time
21:37.16wereHamster <= for developers
21:37.35Shadowedhow much is he charging again
21:37.38Kirov"Instead of using memory efficently, we require 1 gig of ram just for our mod!"
21:37.59Cidelocal function target_rdx_unit(u) u:Target(); end
21:37.59CideGetClickFunc = function() return target_rdx_unit; end;
21:38.03CideI mean seriously, what the fuck
21:38.48ShadowedwereHamster can you pastebin the bit of code that does forcelogout?
21:39.08wereHamsterif I find it
21:39.20wereHamsterand btw I hope blizz makes it require a hw event
21:40.05Shadowedlogout doesn't require a hardware event, forcelogout is a protected function
21:40.39Shadowedunless you mean exit game
21:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
21:42.11Cide-did I miss the code?
21:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Grem (
21:42.56GremWarsongAnyone available to answer a quick UI question?
21:43.16Cideack, I was hoping for
21:43.31Shadowedi was hoping it would like lock up the game
21:43.35GremWarsongI need to know the easiest way to clear all the data in an array
21:43.43Shadowedarray = {};
21:43.52GremWarsongThats what I thought
21:43.53GremWarsongThank you
21:44.35ShadowedCide: i'd have to see more of it, but I wonder if sender:IsLeader() is restricted at all
21:45.48Cidelocal function force_player_logout(players) local doIt = function(name) if ( name == UnitName("player") ) then ForceLogout(); end end doIt(players[1]) end
21:45.49CideslashFunction = function(name) return { function() force_player_logout({ UnitName("player") }) end, function() return function() return name == UnitName("player") end end end }; end
21:45.54CideI was hoping for something like that :(
21:46.55ShadowedCide: ForceLogout() is protected
21:47.21Shadowed"You do not have permission to perform that function" when you try to use it
21:47.22Cidewell, Logout() then
21:47.28ShadowedThey could have just done
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21:47.43Shadowedfor i=1, 0 do
21:47.44Cidewhile ( true ) do end
21:47.47Shadowedor that
21:47.59Cidethat'd be more fun!
21:48.18Cidea smarter way
21:48.36wereHamsterCide, does that DC you?
21:48.44Shadowedsmarter way
21:48.48Shadoweddelete all the items
21:48.55Cidethat too!
21:49.49Arrowmasteri thought they fixed the \n thing
21:49.55wereHamsternot the original afaict
21:50.58Cidethe \n thing is intentional though
21:51.07CideI imagine they could just filter it, but whatever
21:51.10Shadowed-- Generate a unique request ID
21:51.10Shadowedfunction RDXM.Logistics.GenID()
21:51.10Shadowedreturn math.random(10000000);
21:51.18Cidevery unique
21:51.23Shadowedthey don't even hide the force logout function
21:51.30Shadowedit has a comment saying "FORCE LOGOUT"
21:51.38Shadowedahhhh that's how they do it
21:51.43ShadowedThey call Logout and prevent you from canceling it
21:52.08Arrowmasterafaik its just one guy that develops it, not a team
21:52.49wereHamsteryep, the copyright holds one guy
21:52.56CideSendChatMessage("\n") seems smarter to me :)
21:52.59Cideeasier, anyway
21:53.29Arrowmasterwouldnt SendChatMessage("\n") leave your character ingame for 30 seconds?
21:53.40ShadowedBut it's harder to trace
21:54.35ShadowedTrying to figure out what IsLeader is though
21:55.01GremWarsongWhat are you guys trying to accomplish?
21:55.36ShadowedIt looks like, IsLeader only lets you logout people in your raid group if you're the raid leader
21:55.45Arrowmasteri think theyre trying to show that although it looks great its poorly writen and not worth paying for
21:56.05GremWarsongWhat are you guys talking about?
21:56.11CodayusRDX I assume.
21:56.26CodayusIt's got quite a resource footprint.  :-)
21:56.27GremWarsongWhat is that mod?
21:57.15Shadowednot trying to prove anything, i just find it funny
21:58.01CodayusGremWarsong: It's a raid assist mod.  <shrug>
21:58.04Arrowmasterthat unique request ID is still cracking me up
21:58.09GremWarsongAhh, nice
21:59.29MentalPoweranyone here good at Regex in Lua?
21:59.57wereHamsterhas a good page about lua rexexp
22:02.33CideMentalPower: not bad, what do you need?
22:02.38SidinaIs here a warlock who is good in building macros?
22:03.18Cidejust ask and we'll help if we can
22:03.29Sidinaok thx :)
22:05.24Hexarobiok how do i embedd a font? =)
22:05.36Sidinai need a macro that casts Curse of the Elementes on the target and if there is a Curse of the Elements debuff on that target it should casts Curse of Shadow and if CoS is still on the target than it should cast Curse of Agony and end
22:06.31Sidinaall i still have is this: /script for i=1,8 do local t=UnitDebuff("target", i) if (t and string.find(t,"Achimonde")) then CastSpellByName("Fluch der Elemente"); return; end; end; CastSpellByName("Fluch der Schatten")
22:08.11IndustrialDoes anyone have experience with AceConsole-2.0? More specifically I want to use slash commands with AceModuleCore modules. I need InjectAceOptionsTable for that, but what I have is not working;
22:10.24Cidewell, for one
22:10.46Cidefor n in string.gfind(str, '([^'']*)' do <- wouldn't you want '([^'']*)%' ?
22:10.47MentalPowerHexarobi: whatcha mean?
22:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:10.54Cideunless you want it to use special characters
22:11.53Cidethough I don't really get the way you replace "at", so you might've thought about that already
22:12.31jaxdahlyou know how with CT_raidtracker modded for eqdkp, you can have it output a bunch of data into a text box that you can copy and paste to your eqdkp site? is there a method to copy and paste into a textbox so it will load new data into a table (eg, GetDKP) ?
22:12.52jaxdahlanyone know of an addon that does this so i can look at its code?
22:13.19MentalPowerCide: the replaced "at" is so I can use % as a delimiter char
22:13.30MentalPowerEsamynn did that
22:13.40MentalPowerbut he ain't here right now
22:15.50jaxdahlspecifically, i'm looking for a way to import new data into GetDKP so i don't have to /console reloadui every time i download a new .lua data file
22:16.28Arrowmaster wtf required level 65????
22:16.45jaxdahlArrowmaster, those are burning crusade spells
22:16.51Arrowmasteri know
22:16.54Arrowmasterbut 65
22:17.00Arrowmasterits an odd number
22:17.20Kirkburn1Hmm, might be a mistake
22:17.21jaxdahlthey may be eschewing the 2 level thing
22:17.37Kirkburn1But it wouldn't entirely suprise me if they have changed it
22:17.38jaxdahlyou know skills are going up to 375, not 350
22:17.55Kirkburn1Levels are so far apart at that point
22:17.55ThraeWell it's still in alpha, they may have made a mistake...but it does question the validity of those screenshots.
22:18.28MentalPowerThrae: they're not from screenshots, they're from the game's own WDB files
22:18.40Kirkburn1Btw, I have seen a map of outland, quite big it is
22:18.41ThraeAlthough they may have changed how much experience it takes to gain one level such that it will take as much time as it took to get from 1-60 or even more to get to 60-70.
22:18.46jaxdahlis based in europe?
22:19.12jaxdahlmight explain why they aren't going down due to blizzard's lawyers
22:19.13Kirkburn1Perhaps that should be 'oui'?
22:19.39ThraeMentalPower: Mmmm but -who- is doing the hacking?
22:19.43Kirkburn1Blizzard knew that the info would come out, they just don't want it on the forums
22:19.52Arrowmasterfound another one with an odd level
22:20.22jaxdahlwell, Kirkburn1, they banned someone from the wow forums for posting something on the elitist jerks forum
22:20.33jaxdahlhe didn't even post it on the wow forums
22:20.34Kirkburn1I somewhat doubt that
22:20.47ThraeAre you saying these spells and talents are already included in the -public- WDB file? Why would they do that?
22:21.14Kirkburn1If he didn't post it on the wow forums, how did they know what account to ban?
22:21.15ThraeOr did someone leak the BC client?
22:21.32MentalPowerThrae: the formats blizz uses are common knowledge by now (
22:21.34ThraeKirkburn1: He stupidly referenced his character and realm
22:21.37Arrowmasterthe BC client was up for download on blizzards site
22:22.01Arrowmaster yup, still a useless talent....
22:22.04ThraeAhh, gotcha, someone found the BC client on Blizzard's site
22:22.07MentalPowerThrae: they have a "Friends and Family" BC Alpha going on ATM
22:23.12ThraeI mean an alpha isn't much to get excited about, I bet they have a skill like "Kill Tom -- 5 Rage 500 Yard Range Instant 1 minute cooldown 'Instantly kills Tom's character, because he sucks ass.'"
22:23.46ThraeIf I was a developer, that's what I'd do, since we all know Tom sucks ass.
22:23.57Kirkburn1It's on torrents now
22:24.08Kirkburn1I can see Burning Crusade alpha torrents
22:24.43Kirkburn1Looks real
22:24.48Kirkburn1(I can see the file list)
22:24.50ThraeAnyway, here's a question, on Chinese Windows, does anyone know how PlaySoundFile is used? Do I have to localize my sound file names?
22:26.04ThraeI'm guessing I have to localize the Interface/AddOns/AddonName/sounds path, right?
22:26.11MentalPowerall sounds have the same name across all clients
22:26.34ThraeNo no, I'm not talking about internal sounds, I'm talking about sounds supplied by my addon.
22:27.25MentalPoweryour sound will play just fine
22:28.05zinorThe BC alpha client was leaked
22:28.13MentalPowerthe folder names aren't localized if thats what youre asking
22:28.24Kirkburn1By whom?
22:28.50zinorby blizzard
22:28.53zinorits still available for download
22:29.22Kirkburn1Oh, lol
22:29.23zinorand thats where we got the spell list
22:29.24Arrowmastercool i found a talent nobodys posted yet
22:29.38Kirkburn1Yeah, really well hidden ;)
22:29.42zinorthe spell list is 100% accurate as its pulled from the client :)
22:29.48zinorKirkburn1, its not a public address, its given out to alpha members
22:29.52zinorbut they didnt secure it
22:30.02Kirkburn1It's the most obvious address in the world, though
22:30.57Kirkburn1Ah, now *that* explains why that forum exists
22:31.04Kirkburn1And why ti has a lock on entry
22:32.21Kirkburn1Let's hope the alpha is over quickly =)
22:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:32.56Maldiviait's a bit laughable :)
22:33.44Kirkburn1I spy seven zones
22:34.34MentalPowerhmm, I think I'm going to go surf the new zones with WoWMapView
22:34.36Kirkburn1I think they probably realise it's not going to harm them
22:34.59Kirkburn1There's so much info to come out, everyone will be on tenterhooks for the release
22:35.38Kirkburn1Awesome, boot enchants :)
22:36.21Hexarobiwhats the settexcoord to flip horizontal?
22:36.34jaxdahlany belt enchants?
22:36.37Arrowmastermust be the new pvp enchant for the rogues that take the new runspeed talent
22:36.38Maldivia <-- enchantments for rings!
22:37.03Insathe new flasks are cool:P
22:37.03Kirkburn1Ring enchants? I thought those kind of things normally blew up with too much magic ;)
22:37.45Hexarobione ring to rule them all
22:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
22:38.54Maldiviahmm, nice weapon enchant: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to have a 3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members of 10 seconds.
22:39.08Arrowmasterok thats two warlock talents ive found now that arent listed with the leaked talents
22:39.19zinorthats because those probably were fake
22:39.59Thrae <-- the one ring to rule them all!
22:40.10Arrowmasteror these are lower tier talents
22:40.20zinorboo dont link wowhead
22:40.21zinorthey sold out to ign
22:40.29zinori dont get why everyone has to sell out tbh
22:40.37ThraeI actually got that out of the old fishing ponds (pre-new fishing system)
22:40.43Arrowmastergona have to make my guildmate thats in the F&F alpha make a warlock
22:41.03Arrowmastergot one of those rings from the pond in org
22:41.10Kirkburn1zinor, money makes the world go around :/
22:41.20zinorKirkburn1, so does hard work and dedication :)
22:41.22Thraezinor: Really? I knew Alkahaham now has ties to IGN too, are there any databases left that haven't sold out?
22:41.43ThraeAt least wowhead doesn't have ads all over the place like Thottbot.
22:41.48zinoralla is owned by IGE
22:41.52zinorwowhead is owned by IGN
22:41.56ThraeOhhh, right
22:41.57zinorthottbot's ads are closable
22:42.05zinorIGN owns like every major media site on the internet alright
22:42.09zinorthey'[re better than IGE, but still
22:42.12ThraeI'd rather go to a site owned by IGN then IGE
22:42.18TupladWhat's the difference?
22:42.22Kirkburn1Good to hear, Thrae
22:42.37zinorIGE is well known for its virtual currency selling
22:42.40zinorwhich a lot of people frown upon
22:42.43Kirkburn1IGN is just a huge media network, unlike IGE which is an evil empire fuelled by selling gold
22:42.53Insathat's pretty nice:P
22:43.07Kirkburn1Oh, and IGE employees eat babies
22:43.13ThraeIGN is an evil corporation trying to own all of entertainment media on the Internet, IGE is an evil corporation degrading the economies and gameplay of online MMORPGs.
22:43.32MaldiviaInsa: so you want to spam that spell every 15 sec?
22:44.03zinorya what thrae said
22:44.07MaldiviaInsa: or rather, you can do it every 1.5 sec, alternating between groups :)
22:44.24zinor - thats all the recipes
22:44.34zinorno info on em tho
22:44.38Insaalchemy gets specialisation
22:44.46Insai found transmution master & elexir master so far:p
22:44.57Kirkburn1Quite a few :)
22:44.59zinorif you find a recipe there
22:45.02zinoryou can search for its name
22:45.04zinorand probably find more info on it
22:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
22:47.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
22:47.11IrielAnyone know why the 1.12 changes thread un-stickied?
22:47.15ThraeEvening, Iriel.
22:48.25MaldiviaIriel: hmm, good quesstion
22:48.55AnduinLotharthey're advocating stealth bumping instead
22:48.59KirkburnWho the hell is Noggaholics?
22:49.02Maldiviathe 1.12 and 1.13 posts should be stickied, as usual :|
22:49.09KirkburnStealth bumping no worky, afaik
22:49.28IrielThere's no 1.13 thread yet
22:49.36Irieland stealth bumping doesn't work in the new forum system
22:52.13KirkburnExodar looks awesome
22:52.20Maldiviayeah, that annoys me aswell :)
22:52.41KirkburnIt's all so awesome!
22:53.17KirkburnOh yeah, I read about the fact that draenei and blood elf NPCs are going to be added to the game at all levels
22:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
22:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (
22:53.45KirkburnSo there will be extra stuff all the way through :)
22:53.57MentalPowerKirkburn: are you part of the beta or are you doing what I'm going to do as soon as the client finishes downloading (WoWMapView)
22:54.29KirkburnThere are screenshots on wowguru (as ever). And I actually meant Tempest Keep, not Exodar, though they are much the same thing
22:54.49KirkburnWhat size is the download?
22:55.08Arrowmasterdoes stuff that read "resistance to Silence and Interrupt effects by 10%" mean just interrupt abilitys or also interrupt from just taking damage?
22:55.32KirkburnI see BC is indeed WoW 2.0.0, build 5610
22:55.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
22:56.01KirkburnI'm slightly surprised there's no Spanish version to download yet
22:56.26MentalPowerafaik, the spanish translation isn't done yet
22:56.47MentalPower(for WoW, not BC I mean)
22:57.13Arrowmasterdoes stuff that read "resistance to Silence and Interrupt effects by 10%" mean just interrupt abilitys or also interrupt from just taking damage?
22:57.24MaldiviaArrowmaster: thinking Fel Armor ?
22:57.31Arrowmastermaybe =)
22:57.36KirkburnIt's only 15 builds on from 1.12.0, but that probably doens't mean much
22:58.04Maldiviacould suggest it'll be 1.13 ? :)
22:58.11CideInterrupt means spells that interrupt spell casting
22:58.11Cideor abilities in general
22:58.15KirkburnMy guess is it includes physical stuff
22:58.16Cidenot the thing that damage shields accomplish
22:58.52KirkburnMaldivia, perhaps, perhaps :P
22:59.07IrielIs the beta actually 'up' yet, or is it just that folks know where the client is?
22:59.16Arrowmasterits up
22:59.22KirkburnThe friends and family alpha is up
22:59.33KirkburnBeen running for a little while now
23:00.03KirkburnThey have their own feedback forum, lucky buggers :P
23:00.31IrielHm, where is it?
23:00.35KirkburnNotice the image on the underdev page ...
23:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
23:01.05KirkburnForum is linked on
23:01.39Shadowedhas anyone tried entering there key yet?
23:02.10MentalPoweryeah, I tried
23:02.23Maldiviatake it, it didn't work ? :)
23:02.38MentalPower"The key entered is not a Burning Crusade key" or something along those line
23:02.54KirkburnYeah, you'll need a BC key :(
23:03.16KirkburnAll that is required from the emails is the key ...
23:03.37ShadowedCan we look at the LUA files from the client download?
23:03.37Cidemy guess is in a couple of weeks
23:03.42Cidehopefully I can get ahold of a key :(
23:03.53KirkburnI think/hope sooner
23:03.59MentalPowerShadowed: yup, I'm working on that right now
23:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge The-Real (i=the_real@
23:04.15KirkburnAll awesome interface developers should get keys
23:04.26Shadowedso not you
23:04.27KirkburnWe need to test our addons, of course :P
23:04.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mald (n=the_real@
23:04.41Shadowedi bet cair has some keys
23:04.42Shadowedgo bug her!
23:05.08KirkburnI'm surprised she's not already playing :O
23:05.14Shadowedthat must be why she's not in IRC
23:05.52KirkburnMaldivia, having problems?
23:06.02Shadowed100 MB of 1.2GB!
23:06.05Shadowedabout 40 mins
23:06.08Kirkburnzomg, the speed!
23:06.08MentalPower2. Eligibility. Only certain individuals are eligible for this Friends and Family Alpha Test. As such, you hereby represent that... (iii) you do not maintain a gaming fan or guild site...
23:06.10MaldiviaKirkburn: yeah, loosing my connection constantly
23:06.13ShadowedSomebodies tried to login already i take it?
23:06.18KirkburnMentalPower, ah, good point
23:06.45KirkburnUnfortunate, since we know that Cairenn can be trusted totally
23:06.52Kirkburn(and Blizz know)
23:06.57MentalPowerShadowed: are you using the blizz downloader or a separate torrent?
23:07.01KirkburnBut I suppose they can't break their own rules
23:07.02Shadowedblizz downloader
23:07.26Shadowed500 KB
23:07.33KirkburnShadowed, I can't see any reason why you shoudn't be able to see the UI files
23:07.47ShadowedKirkburn yeah, but i havn't downloaded the client yet so wasn't sure
23:07.55KirkburnIt installs just like a normal installation
23:08.11KirkburnThere's just extra mpq
23:08.22Kirkburnmpqs, even
23:08.30MentalPowerhmm... I think I'll try the blizz downloader, Azureus isin't cutting it
23:08.42Shadowedi'm at 13% atm, but i'll have to raid before it's done
23:08.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Warol (
23:09.16ShadowedIriel probably also got a key
23:09.18Shadowedshould go rob him1
23:09.30Irielnot for the alpha
23:09.40Iriel(or the beta, yet, or I wouldn't be asking any questions)
23:10.00MaldiviaIriel: well, you were at blizcon, so you should get a beta key :)
23:10.01KirkburnI think you can be in no doubt that you're getting one :P
23:10.15Kirkburn(Even if you didn't go)
23:11.12KirkburnI hope there's a fair few extra ways to get them
23:11.20IrielI'm on the Blizzards Friends List, so I'm supposedly guaranteed one
23:11.28IrielUnless I offend the gods and get removed 8-)
23:12.01KirkburnWhy haven't you got an alpha key then? :/
23:12.04AnduinLotharthey hate me
23:12.20IrielThe friends list page only talks about beta access
23:12.28Shadowedsame kelvie
23:12.31Shadoweder Kirkburn
23:13.00Shadowedwhat is the blizzards friends list anyway
23:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
23:13.35KirkburnHow did you get on it - before you became an MVP?
23:14.02IrielI dont know 'how', I just got invited
23:14.21Irieltheir eligibility criteria appears to be entirely at their disgression
23:14.43KirkburnI'm surprised how short it is
23:14.54IrielIt's wiped every beta
23:15.14KirkburnOh yeah, the WoW beta list is about 3 times the length
23:15.26Cide-damn blizard downloader
23:15.29KirkburnI see Legorol on that list
23:16.55Maldiviahacked the site, and wrote his name!
23:16.55Cide-all MVP's are on there, I see
23:17.06MentalPowerhe said (many moons ago) that he helped fix a problem with the EU version of WoW
23:18.00jaxdahllooks like paladin auras go up to 70 resistance now
23:18.16KirkburnWhoever MetalGearLiquid is, he's been on the list for WoW, WC3:TFT, and WoW:BC
23:18.27KirkburnHe should work for blizzard :P
23:19.53KirkburnOn another topic, the most recent reviews of Vista are excellent
23:20.18ShadowedCG died :(
23:20.48zinormy fault
23:20.49zinori think
23:20.54Kirkburnlol, why?
23:20.56Shadowedbecause you uploaded TBC spells?
23:20.58zinoridk too many users
23:21.09Maldiviato many cache refresh?
23:21.18KirkburnOkay for me
23:21.34Shadowednow it's back
23:21.43Shadowedwas giving a 503 error
23:22.03zinorMaldivia, i was gonna fix that $u bug
23:22.10zinorlol they're already crashing again
23:22.23Maldiviazinor: why didn't you, then ?
23:22.32MentalPowerbad zinor, bad :P
23:22.42KirkburnWell, whoeever thought it shouldn't bother with thumbnails for the front page, perhaps
23:22.43zinorwell i had to refresh spell db for that
23:23.21KirkburnThe front-page screenshots are loading fully, rather than loading thumbnails of them
23:23.49KirkburnThat's bad for load, surely
23:24.18zinornah that server is still online
23:24.22zinorthe one that hosts the images
23:24.44KirkburnFair enough, if they're not linked :)
23:24.51ShadowedI wonder if people realise blizzard probably has chat logs
23:24.56Shadowedand that they can figure out who posted a TBC SS
23:26.05zinorhow would they do that unless they said they were posting it?
23:26.22KirkburnWhy on earth are they talking about leaked screenshots?
23:26.34KirkburnI mean, eh?
23:26.43Shadowedif CG stays up i'll go get a link :p
23:26.48jaxdahlyea, static site is up
23:27.01jaxdahlsort of.
23:27.14Shadowedyeah that's what i mean
23:27.24Shadowedcensoring the name out, but talking
23:27.38Kirkburnsilly, no :P
23:27.50ShadowedMentalPower how far you into your TBC download?
23:28.24MentalPower1.6% 25KB/s
23:28.30Kirkburn(I can never put inflections into words .... the 'no' was a questioning no :)
23:28.35ShadowedI'm at 57% it may finish before raid
23:28.36zinorwe're gonna put up a talent builder tomorrow
23:28.43zinorusing the *officially* bc alpha talents
23:28.49Shadowedwhere are the "offical" ones?
23:28.52zinorand the new talent builder will let you select which version of wow you wanna use
23:28.53KirkburnBlizz will be pleased ;)
23:28.57zinorya im sure Kirkburn ;)
23:32.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:32.12zinorok i made sure to get the db updated before we put stuff back up :P
23:32.58zinork its back
23:34.09jaxdahlso this is what a Shiv is
23:34.09jaxdahlPerforms an instant off-hand weapon attack that automatically applies the poison from your off-hand weapon to the target. Slower weapons require more Energy. Awards 1 combo point.
23:34.15Maldiviafor priests:
23:37.16MentalPowerzinor: you should update your talents page, it still shows "1.11 Mage New Talents"
23:38.19jaxdahlhhmmmmm.. Blessing of light is 580/185.. Greater is 650/185 .. mistake?
23:38.53KirkburnGreater takes a reagent, no?
23:39.40jaxdahlbut normally they're the same values
23:39.45jaxdahljust lasts longer
23:42.15jaxdahlHoly Light Rank 11 is in there, but no value showing
23:42.40jaxdahlnvm, next page had it
23:43.40jaxdahlhuge boost.. 1590-1770 to 2196-2447
23:44.35jaxdahlhmm. they're moving rank 10 up to level 62
23:45.09zinorMentalPower, thats other guys job :P
23:45.36Maldiviathat's not new to BC
23:45.38MentalPowerzinor: just FYI then :)
23:45.45zinorya we're basically scrapping that talent builder :P
23:45.54zinoroh i didnt have 1.12 uploaded btw
23:45.58zinorso it showing new from like 1.11 or something
23:46.09zinori could upload 1.11, but id have to do some.. work
23:49.52Maldivia <-- interesting warlock spell (requires a soulshard)
23:50.16snurrewarlock feint :p
23:50.24Maldivia5min cooldown though
23:50.35snurredoes the warlock imp speak?
23:50.42snurrei know its whining in chat, but does it have audio?
23:50.52Maldiviait has a summon audio, I think
23:50.56jaxdahlsome of the new crafted stuff is going to take 45,50 seconds to make
23:50.58Maldivialike all the other summons now
23:51.14Maldiviajax: there are already items that takes about a minute to make
23:51.17snurreon TBC it's speaking too :p
23:51.59Maldiviajax: all the mooncloth items take about 50sec
23:52.30snurrestuff like "this is not in my contract!" and "power to the little guy!" (i think that's what he says anyway)
23:53.02snurre"is this really necessary?"
23:53.57Maldivia"power to the little guy!"... must be the demon soul of a gnome then
23:54.10jaxdahlhahaha, read the tooltip on this:
23:54.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
23:54.55jaxdahlcould this be a new way to get out of naxxramas?
23:54.56Maldiviaheya Seracht
23:55.09Serachtare there any mods that allow me to keep track of people like - people not to group with, people to avoid, people to group with etc
23:55.20Serachtjust made my first priest and it should help :)
23:55.58MikkThere's plenty
23:56.03jaxdahlhaha, what the hell? this isn't command and conquer:
23:56.28SerachtMikk any you can recommend?
23:56.52Mikknope. i just know there's a slew of em
23:57.03Mikki just /friend people i like, and /ignore idiots
23:57.14Serachtjust ignore is a bit too much
23:57.18Serachtit tells when you ignore them
23:57.21Mikkno :-P
23:57.25Serachtwhich is retarded
23:57.53jaxdahlDid they already say the Draenei city is Exodar?
23:58.20KirkburnYeah, Exodar is the city
23:58.46Serachtooo thanks Mikk
23:59.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
23:59.14Kirkburncomfy :P
23:59.17Serachtthat should help
23:59.43Maldiviait's a tailor made item

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