irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060822

00:01.09Kirkburn1Can I turn Qzot black and blue as well, pwetty pwease?
00:01.56*** join/#wowi-lounge jaxdahl (
00:05.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
00:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
00:26.18Mr_Rabies2so... 1.12 is tomorrow? :O
00:26.18Cairennappears so
00:26.18Cairennwe'll know tomorrow
00:26.18Cairennhi AnduinLothar :p
00:26.19AnduinLotharso maybe no patch, eh?
00:26.19AnduinLotharsux to be blizz
00:26.19AnduinLotharoh well, it'll give em another week to procrastinate
00:26.19AnduinLothari didn't really wanna test MapNotes anyway
00:26.19Cairenn suggests yes tomorrow
00:26.19AnduinLotharodd... 1am isn't extended..
00:26.19Cairennearlier, not later
00:26.19Cairenncheck the start time
00:26.20AnduinLothar2am rather than 3?
00:26.20Mr_Rabies2they delayed maintenance "for a patch"
00:26.20Mr_Rabies2er extended
00:26.20Mr_Rabies2so hopefully 1.12
00:26.21Cairennummm, AnduinLothar? it normally starts at 4am
00:26.21Cairennmind you, that's only 2 hrs, not 3
00:26.21AnduinLotharoh right. pvp stops at 3
00:26.21wereHamster suggests that it is 1.12
00:26.27Cairennas I say though, we'll find out tomorrow ;)
00:26.29Nightdeware hunter attacks so different from all other classes
00:26.59NightdewYou can "cast" Raptor Strike
00:26.59Nightdewwithout it throwing errors
00:27.04Nightdewwhat kind of bs is that
00:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
00:28.19KirovWhat do you mean you can cast Raptor Strike?
00:28.42NightdewYou can have raptor strike on your action bar
00:28.51Nightdewclick it
00:29.06KirovYou mean like out of range? There are warrior abilities similar to it.  It's because Raptor Strike is a "next attack" cast, not an instant cast.
00:29.07Nightdewand there wont be any error feedback
00:30.10Nightdewwell shit
00:30.27wereHamsterIsn't it like Herouc Strike?
00:31.35KirovI think there's another warrior ability too
00:33.19Nightdewdarn.. its gonne be hard to track those i bet
00:33.38wereHamsterwhy track?
00:34.16Nightdewits what my lib does
00:34.27Nightdewwhich it then uses in another addon im building
00:45.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilkbuln (
00:48.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:48.34snurreRaptor Strike is the exact same as Heroic Strike (with a 6sec cooldown) *slow*
01:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
01:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:25.30cladhaireholy shit
01:25.35cladhairePerfectRaid's custom sorting is pimp-shit :P
01:26.05cladhairepraid sort custom warrior healer mygroup odd even
01:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
01:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:50.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:36.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:37.18IrielEvening all.
02:37.41Cairennhey Iriel
02:38.19cladhaireevening Iriel
02:39.03cladhairehow are things on the west coast?
02:42.13AnduinLotharpretty unexciting
02:42.45cladhairethe weather was gorgeous today
02:42.58cladhaireand i slept really well, so I'm hoping for a good week :P
02:43.32IrielThings are pretty normal here, though traffic home was more obnoxious than usual
02:44.29IrielI'm assuming tomorrow is almost certainly patch day?
02:45.01cladhaireIt appears so
02:45.03gnorlishyou assume correctly
02:45.04Cairennposts suggest so, yes
02:45.05cladhaireNaethara posted as such
02:45.40IrielTime to see how many things I forgot to set up in my reinstall then 8-)
02:45.50Temmy crash threads were ignored
02:45.53Cidecurrent information available greatly strengthens the assumption, yes
02:45.55*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> "I started out with nothing. I have most of it left. | Paste Code:
02:46.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
02:46.18IrielTem: 8-( I read them, if that helps.
02:46.36cladhaireTem: The bugfix is "don't do that" =)
02:46.38cladhairefor now
02:46.41CideI read them, and laughed manically for a bit
02:46.48Cairennhe's been more than just a little swamped of late.  it was buried for 3 days.  and he was home sick today.
02:46.53Temcladhaire, you have no idea how many times I've seen that response
02:46.58TemCairenn, ah, that makes sense
02:49.30IrielHm, interesting, firing up wowtest, then hitting quit at teh login screen breaks my computer
02:50.11cladhaireIriel: That's no good.
02:50.18cladhaireHave anyone played wtih the new blizz raid ui dynamic frame creation?
02:50.31IrielNot really, I hope the problem doesn't persist if I actually log in
02:51.13cladhaireI'm trying to think of a creative way to register the other three clicks I need on each button in the raid pullout group without needing to hook the getframe function, but i'm not sure there's a better reason
02:57.25Kyahx|afk1.12 tomarrow?
02:57.47IrielGrr, test servers down
02:58.25Temmuch, much love for new content
02:59.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:00.11purlit has been said that taocp is the bible of computer scientists, or the art of computer programming ( )
03:00.20cladhairehave anyone read volume four?
03:00.34cladhairei'm trying to decide how best to purchase 2,3 and 4.
03:03.13IrielI have volumes 1-3, but dip into them rather than read outright
03:03.25IrielThough when 4 came out they re-did 1-3, I have the older versions
03:06.39cladhaireI have a copy of one somewhere around here
03:07.07cladhairebut i'm a collector, i dont like mismatched things in a set.. i'm kind of anal retentive at times :P
03:07.26Cairennyou? nevah!
03:07.35IrielWell, it just feels wrong to have a mismatched set.
03:07.42IrielSo I can hardly blame you
03:11.09cladhairewell i think its time to head to bed.
03:11.13cladhaireHave a good night everyone!
03:14.06MentalPowernight clad|sleep
03:15.40Cairennnight clad|sleep
03:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
03:16.46cladhaireapparently irc doesn't want me to leave
03:16.47cladhairegoodight again
03:28.46zespri_workKnuth is outdated, you better spend you time on Sedgewick instead
03:28.55IrielI have that one also
03:29.05IrielBut Knuth is a classic
03:29.06MentalPoweranyone know of a Lua profiler?
03:29.13Irieland has a lot more than just algorithms
03:30.06ThraeMentalPower: LuaProfiler, and tekSupport / DebugProfiler using Fubar. I suggest the latter.
03:30.21jaxdahlIriel, fun day tomorrow
03:30.27MentalPowerthanks Thrae
03:31.47IrielWell, without any test realms tonight it's going to be less fun than normal for me
03:36.11MentalPowerThrae: where would I find the latter, I've looked in the WoWI downloads section and can't seem to find it
03:36.27zespri_workit seems that blizz for some reason made a great deal of this patch... May be those who pvp much are mostly excited
03:37.27zespri_workaltough the Arena idea (small teams) is neat for BC
03:38.26zespri_workAnd I need all my will power now to level my 55 through to 60. I started playing a lower level alt again because the colser to 60 the more boring =)
03:41.19Corrodiashmm, isn't the downtime tonight?
03:41.22zespri_workWrom historic and general education point of view, Knuth is, no doubt about that, is good. Sedgewick, on the other hand is more practical in the modern world. I have both of them too =)
03:41.31Cairenngoes down at 2am pacific
03:59.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
04:16.06jaxdahlzespri_work, it's a whole new game at 60
04:16.31Temfirst fankriss kill
04:16.35Temlol, he's easy
04:18.24Kirovfankriss is mostly just a dps gear fight
04:18.33jaxdahlgotta get the worms down fast
04:19.52Temwe had 7 pallies
04:19.58Temso they were always stunned
04:20.03Temit worked out very well
04:20.08jaxdahlthat works
04:20.15Temonly took us 2 pulls to learn
04:20.36Tem(and some jackass hunter pulled adds on us at 20%)
04:21.06KirovTem - We got adds every attempt.
04:21.38jaxdahlthe first few times we did it, we always got adds from the hall for some reason
04:21.44jaxdahland it screwed us up
04:21.46Temif you're where you're supposed to be, you won't pull adds
04:21.48jaxdahlnow it doesn'thappen to us anymore
04:22.06purlHit it like you mean it!
04:23.12purlHit it like you mean it!
04:23.32purlYou lose fifty DKP again, because you didn't know what he f*ck to do!
04:38.30Temzomg, it's raining brood rep
04:40.36MentalPowerGNight guys
04:40.46Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz
04:42.07Temwoot, no longer hated
04:43.33zespri_workjaxdahl, yeah, the one I don't have taste for =)
04:54.52Osagasuso what all is breaking tomorrow?
04:57.54OsagasuWell I hope the patch itself doesn't break.
05:06.37Cairennnight sedatedChipmunk
05:09.32Temmake the migraine go away
05:10.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
05:10.39Cairennnight Tem|Sleep
05:36.11ScytheBlade1Wow. Someone setup an IRC channel for my battlegroup.
05:36.43ScytheBlade1Imagine all of the best trolls and epeen statements you've EVER seen, throw into an IRC channel with (mostly) proper grammar.
05:39.11Cairenntrolls + epeen != proper grammer
05:39.30ScytheBlade1It's... creepy
05:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
05:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
05:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
06:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
06:21.35s|louphey anyone knows if 1.12 will release today?
06:23.24s|loupyes it will be released today, or yes you know if it will be released? ^^
06:25.10Gngskthe second one
06:25.56Shadowedyes it'll be released today
06:26.36s|loupah ok thanks ;)
06:30.34Corrodiasis there a significant amount of addon incompatibility to be expected?
06:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
06:35.29Shadowednot likely
06:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
07:06.46jaxdahlany word on KLH TM? are they moving to the new blizz channel model?
07:10.31jaxdahli wonder how efficient it will be
07:10.41jaxdahlmy guild doesn't use KLH TM
07:11.04jaxdahlbut if some people are using it for some reason, will WoW gracefully drop it if i have no addons subscribed to the prefix it uses?
07:11.12jaxdahland not use much CPU
07:11.47jaxdahlbefore, you could pretty much not get KLH messages if you weren't in the KLH channel, but now it'll get sent to you anyway
07:12.08AnduinLotharAddon Channels ar not equal to Chat Channels
07:12.44jaxdahlthat much is obvious..
07:12.45jaxdahlwhat is your point?
07:15.09zespri_workwhat is KLH
07:15.24ShadowedKLSomething hate meter
07:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
07:26.33jaxdahlKLH threat meters
07:26.40jaxdahladdon used by chob guilds to measure threat
07:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
07:40.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:43.25*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
07:46.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
07:56.42KasoIs there a 1.12 final patch notes around in US yet?
07:58.55Shadowedhavn't checked, but wouldnt they be on EU first
08:01.24s|loupno eu will get 1 day later
08:01.56s|loupus on tuesday, eu on wednsday
08:07.26AnduinLotharso.. when's the wiki main page being changed?
08:07.33AnduinLothartoday would eb good, with the patch :)
08:13.49*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
08:13.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:17.08ShadowedMahaha is actually pretty smart
08:17.12Shadowederrr, wrong window!
08:18.08Industrialcan anyone show me a hunter build? for leveling up
08:25.30Shadowedhrm, 1.11is listed under previous patches now
08:29.39Shadowedcan't see 1.12 patches besides the PTR though
08:44.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (n=Laric@
09:01.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
09:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:12.54Industrialdo turtle pets eat alot?
09:13.09Industrialor is there no difference between pets
09:13.35Shadowedno difference
09:13.47Shadowedwhat food they eat will change, but not how much they eat
09:14.11Industrialthen my feedomatic must be borked
09:14.16Industrialitwont stop pinging
09:17.08Industrialim so loving this 5/5 improved aspect of the hawk o_O
09:24.19AnduinLotharso.. what addon measures mem usage w/o a bar liek titan or fubar?
09:26.40IndustrialAnduinLothar, most fubar addons dont need fubar to work
09:26.57Industrialthey will have a minimap icon
09:27.04Industrialfubar is just a shell anyway :P
09:29.27Industrialhm im loving this turtle pet
09:29.44Industrialat lv 15 I can take it to tank more then one mob while I just pop them one by one :P
10:00.30Corrodiasthe pets generally perform within 5% of each other, except that the turtle has his long cooldown shell shield, which doesn't help him generate aggro but will help him survive multiple mobs
10:00.43AnduinLotharservers down
10:04.09Corrodiasyou know what they say: one you go summoned succubi, you'll never go back
10:05.05wereHamsterif I have someone on the ignore list, will it also ignore his SendAddonMessage()-messages?
10:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:09.07CorrodiasAL: you're right. that's not very nice.
10:58.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
10:58.57MikkEh, great... Iriel's 1.12 API changes post already expired
11:01.21AnduinLotharhey mikk, when's the wiki page finalizing?
11:02.06zenzelezzmove the search box on the wiki up so I don't have to scroll down to see it :-o
11:02.22AnduinLotharthatd be nice..
11:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
11:10.43MikkAnduinLothar: Main page you mean? The admins are being weenies and putting it off. Latest bid is sep 1.
11:11.19MikkI can't for the life of me understand what the point is of "warning people" that there'll be a change and delaying.
11:11.46MikkMaybe if it turned into something WORSE but .. um.. that's not the case :-P
11:15.04AnduinLotharare you in Denmark, mikk?
11:15.32MikkNot to me =)
11:33.25Corrodiassomebody in LFG mentioned a trinket that he said turns you into a... what did he say.. "turns you into a tiger man". do you know what he was talking about?
11:33.57zenzelezztiger man? o_O What side was this on?
11:37.51MikkIt's a drop off of the tiger boss in ZG
11:38.22MikkHas a % chance of turning you into a tiger when fighting someone; increases attack power by quite a lot
11:38.30MikkWorks for both melee and ranged damage
11:38.57Mikk(Possibly not for magical damage but I don't know someone that's tried yet. It's not as if attack power helps magical damage a whole lot)
11:39.23MikkIt's also hella annoying because you start making the same noises as the tiger boss :-)
11:40.25zenzelezzhm, I can't seem to see this trinket on Thottbot/Allakhazam
11:40.41Corrodiasneither can i
11:41.16Corrodiasthere's a main hand fist weapon with "primal blessing" on it
11:41.59CorrodiasGRR! i'm starting to consider a wireless mouse. this cord pisses me off! >_<
11:42.30Corrodiasit's too firm! i can't put it anywhere on my desk because it will, in some position, push back on the mouse
11:43.20Corrodiasah, i may have just found a decent position after all
11:44.48Corrodiasooh, ZF change: "The respawn of the 2 Troll/1 Basilisk patrollers should now be 2 hours.". allelujah. we had those things reappear on us a few times.
11:45.11zenzelezz"Grants a small chance when ranged or melee damage is dealt to infuse the wielder with a blessing from the Primal Gods. Ranged and melee attack power increased by 300 for 12 seconds."
11:45.31zenzelezzsounds ilke he might be talking about the 2-piece set bonus for Thekal's/Arlokk's fist weapons
11:46.02Corrodiasah. allakhazam doesn't show set bonuses on tooltips, i guess. :(
11:46.33Corrodias"V key functionality has been improved in several ways." -- er, what is the V key supposed to do?
11:46.46Gngskunit name plates
11:47.05zenzelezzperhaps now they won't juggle around so crazily when there's many mobs :-o
11:49.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
11:49.07Corrodiashm. my only issue with name plates is when (very, very rarely) they are really huge for some reason
11:49.13Corrodiasname billboards
11:52.09zenzelezzthat sounds more like when the names mess up and get huge, not nameplates
11:52.19zenzelezznameplates being when they display a health bar as well as name
11:52.42zenzelezzat least I've never had the huge-name bug with nameplates
11:53.09Corrodiasoh, THOSE
11:53.12zenzelezz"Shield Slam: This ability will sometimes no longer remove more than one beneficial effect from the target." -- is it just me or is this sentence confusing?
11:53.22Corrodiasi haven't seen those in ages. i turned them off first thing, man.
11:53.44Corrodiasi don't even really remember what they look like.
11:54.17Corrodiassometimes no longer remove more than one? so it will sometimes remove only one? i wonder if they meant to say that it will no longer sometimes remove more than one.
11:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
12:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:01.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:02.27Maldiviahmm, anyond have an md5 for the patch file ?
12:05.27zenzelezzsounds like they gimped ZF in 1.12 o_O
12:05.53Maldiviathey did a bit
12:06.56zesprifirst number is the size
12:07.17zenzelezz"The Need Before Greed and Group Loot countdown timers will now have a 3 minute countdown when there is a bind on acquire item on the corpse. This should allow a bit more time in making a decision to roll for an item." -- nice
12:07.43wereHamsterindeed.. but who rolls on BoP items?
12:08.33Maldiviazespri: thanks, got the same now :)
12:10.45MaldiviawereHamster: you dont roll on BoP items when running 5-mans ?
12:12.08wereHamsterwe all pass and then decide..
12:12.59wereHamsterTemporary item buffs (...) will no longer persist through zoning or logging out due to technical issues. - yeah, technical issues, we all know them
12:13.11zenzelezzlike I said, PUGs... they all love to roll
12:13.43zespriwereHamster, what do you mean?
12:23.07s|loupi think he ment the lag problems while having the temporary item buffs in 1.11
12:25.49Corrodiasit may be more prevalent on PvE realms, but the "common" rule is to pass on BoP
12:26.35Corrodiasthat keeps things speedy but works like master loot for important items, but the system certainly has its flaws
12:26.37zenzelezzin my experience that depends entirely on whether or not there's a disenchanter in the team
12:27.28Corrodiasi've not yet been in a group that did not use the pass on BoP rule, and only one time have i seen someone speak against it.
12:27.28Legorolhello folks, 1.12 out?
12:27.41Corrodiashello, Legorol, please insert $25
12:27.57Legorolnothing happened...
12:28.22Corrodiasby the way, in response to that nameplates pic: omg
12:34.12Corrodiasi think it's time i go to bed. 'ni
12:35.00Corrodiasoh, sure. the alliance gets another pretty race (at least by horde standards).
12:37.38IndustrialCorrodias, hm wha?
12:37.55Corrodiasyer dranei
12:38.10Industrialgnomes and dwarves are fugly
12:38.30Corrodiasyes, but then they have the advantage of being small
12:39.03Corrodiaslet me tell you, a bear druid tank has his own problem of dealing with a huge bear ass on his screen
12:55.20Corrodiasi'm trying to give myself a crash course on warcraft history by reading things on this wiki, but it's getting more complex instead of more understandable as i go along >_> <- updated for 1.12 if anyone cares
13:00.54*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
13:01.11Corrodiaswell, i care. i have a couple of those
13:01.12MaldiviaCide: not yet, 1.12 isn't until tomorrow :)
13:01.30Cidego away, european!
13:01.32Cideoh, wait.
13:01.50MaldiviaCide: did you rewrite the "hidden channel" to use SendAddonMessagE?
13:02.08Maldiviausing CTRA as prefix ?
13:02.24Corrodiasusing "your mom" as prefix.
13:02.38zenzelezzso... will 1.12 and 1.11 CTRA cooperate?
13:03.08MentalPower|ClasOMG... FilePlanet has AuctioneerComplete for download
13:03.15CideMaldivia: yep
13:03.30zenzelezzdidn't expect so; will have to convince everyone to upgrade I guess
13:03.39Maldiviamorning Cairenn :)
13:03.45Cairennhi hi
13:03.50zenzelezzlooks like your bird was right this time
13:04.03Cairennhad to be sooner or later
13:04.07MentalPower|Univmorning Cair
13:04.15Cairennhi MP
13:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
13:05.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:06.49*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Beladona -> "I started out with nothing. I have most of it left. | Paste Code: | 1.12 patch today, downoaders - start your engines!
13:06.57*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Beladona -> "I started out with nothing. I have most of it left. | Paste Code: | 1.12 patch today, downloaders - start your engines!
13:07.38Maldiviagot the patch downloaded already, but waiting until tomorrow to patch :)
13:07.55MentalPower|UnivMaldivia: why?
13:08.05MaldiviaMP: So I can play on the EU reams today
13:08.37Maldiviabtw, anyone been on the beta forums lately?
13:09.08MentalPower|UnivI thought the enUS and enGB patches we're incompatible with each other
13:09.45MaldiviaThey are, but using the US version of the game, thus need the US patches :)
13:10.03Maldiviawell, you can connect with any localization to any server
13:10.10Corrodiaswhere can i start downloading the 1.12 patch?
13:10.11Maldiviaas long as the version number is correct
13:10.28MaldiviaCorrodias: start the game, and it'll download it for you :)
13:10.44Corrodiasyou know, i really rather dislike that method
13:10.44Cairennoooor .... ;)
13:11.13CairennI wouldn't ever give out links to mirrors
13:11.13Corrodiastheir poorly coded bittorrent client goes very slowly and gimps my internet connection
13:11.31Maldiviahmm, they already have GB version on it :)
13:16.49Maldiviaohh, the EU patches are up on the Blizzard patch servers already :)
13:18.21Beladonasooner I can get the download, the faster I can do a compare
13:18.32Beladonaalthough there was no change since the last PTR
13:18.35Beladonaor shouldn't be
13:18.42Corrodiasa real torrent that i can load into a normal client. just what i wanted!
13:21.34MentalPower|UnivI was just about to say that I have the .torrent file
13:25.34Corrodiasyour mom has the torrent file
13:25.59MentalPower|Univthat was uncalled for...
13:26.03zenzelezz[Your Mom Is The Immovable Object]
13:26.10zenzelezzsomehow that's one of the things I remember best from US-Arthas
13:34.55LegorolMaldivia: how do you download EU patch?
13:35.39Maldiviaeither from the mirror Cairenn posted, or directly from the http mirrors, the downloader uses for non p2p transfer
13:35.53*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
13:36.36TS|Skrom_ahhh another beautiful day of pretending to work while I chat on irc
13:40.19LegorolMaldivia: yeah but i mean how do you get it from Blizz servers?
13:40.41Legorolwhat i mean is, how do you know what's the URL for the EU version of the downloads?
13:40.47Legorolsince the EU downloader isn't even out yet
13:41.18Maldivia$i = 0; while (file exists) { download("$i") $i++ }
13:41.46Maldiviaand then glue the files into one in the end :)
13:42.19Legorolok but what i mean is, how do you know that's the URL for it?
13:42.31Legorolthat's what i mean all along: where does the info for the URL come from?
13:44.30Maldiviafrom previous patch downloadesr :)
13:44.34Maldiviathey follow the same pattern
13:44.49Maldiviaguessed it was the same patch revision as latest PTR
13:45.23Legorolok that makes sense
13:45.31Maldiviathe http mirrors are set up as if it was BT aswell, with chunks of 256k
13:45.37Legoroli just took a peek, the URL is amazingly in the downloader as plain text..
13:45.38Maldiviahence the /$i at the end
13:45.42Legorolyes i know that part
13:45.56Legoroli was just curious about how you got the URL, i didn't realize it's in plain text in the downloader
13:46.16Maldiviathere's a list of 6 or so mirrors in the downloader, plainly visible :)
13:46.21Legorolyeah i see it now
13:51.29CairennPatch Notes, for those that can't otherwise get to them yet:
13:52.03Cairennfrom the patcher :p
13:52.11Cairenndon't get much more offical than that
13:52.55Beladonaguess this means I need to get my update out for my addons
13:53.03Beladonaand I was happy being lazy
13:53.29BeladonaI do have one issue that maybe you guys can help me with
13:53.39BeladonaI have an honor bar, just lke my exp bar
13:53.49Beladonait shows your progress towards next rank, etc
13:54.02Beladonayour current rank, and next rank is displayed via tooltip, along with some other info
13:54.18Beladonamy issue is, the current rank isn't showing right when you don't have a rank
13:54.28BeladonaI know its a stupid  error
13:58.36TS|SkromHonor kills dimish at 10% instead of 25%!
13:59.01JoshBorkeFixed a bug that caused some non-combat pets to be referred to as Minions instead of Pets. Mini Diablo however has escaped this fate and will continue to be referred to as a Minion.
13:59.12Cairennhehe, yeah
13:59.30JoshBorkeFixed a bug where large amounts of damage could go negative. o.O
13:59.33CairennBeladona: no idea, then again when do I ever actually have a clue?
14:01.02MaldiviaJoshBorke: hehe, could be nice, getting hit by Sapphiron's Frost Breath, but instead of taking 100.000 damage, you got healed for 100.000 :9
14:01.51Maldiviaand yes, that attach is totally out of proportion
14:02.43Beladonaisn't large amounts of damage always negative?
14:02.47Beladonaunless you are doing it
14:03.20Maldiviahmm, another thing - anyone know what causes UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS to fire ?
14:03.40MaldiviaCairenn: grr
14:03.46MaldiviaI was just about to write the same thing
14:03.58CairennMaldivia: heh, too slow
14:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Warla (
14:06.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
14:06.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o ChanServ] by
14:06.49Cairenn"Life is all about ass; you're either covering it, laughing it off, kicking it, kissing it, busting it, trying to get a piece of it, behaving like one.  Or you live with one!!!"
14:10.15TS|Skromlol nice
14:11.51CideLightning Shield: Air Bubble pockets in underwater regions will no longer consume a charge from this spell.
14:11.56Cidemy #1 pet peeve: finally fixed!
14:22.41wereHamsterJoshBorke, it doesn't seem that anyone ever used my HealSync library, so I'm tempted to revert it back to a single addon that does everything, without the possibility to share the healsync data with other addons
14:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
14:31.47TS|Skromwerehamster: what does it do?
14:35.10Beladonaweird, so I guess SCVT is still going, despite blizzard integrating most of it's function
14:35.18Beladonaerr SCT not SCVT
14:38.06MaldiviaI just joined an AB game after the other faction had gathered 2000 ressources :)
14:40.57kelvieanyone have a direct download for the patch?
14:42.39kelvienevermind, found one on the forums :x
14:43.46Corrodiasillidan doesn't sound all that bad
14:45.25JoshBorkewereHamster, sounds good :-)
14:45.34JoshBorkewereHamster, you saw why i didn't like it right?
14:48.41Rallionhas anybody in here looked at the code for SCT?
14:48.54Rallionfor Blizz's floating combat text, I mean
14:49.18JoshBorkeSCT has more options and configurations that the blizzard text
14:50.04Rallioni was just wondering if SCT could just work with the stuff blizzard added and improve on it, rather than being entirely separate
14:52.22TainBlizzard's is very simple.
14:53.18Corrodiasseems there are two versions of the history with malfurion and illidan. well, whatever. i'm just here for the EPIC LOOTZ
14:55.05CideI think what they meant with "go negative" was that if you had enough people get hit by Eye of C'Thun's Eye Beam, it bugged out bigtime
14:55.14Cideanother example...
14:55.21CideEye of C'Thun's Eye Beam hits you for 1.
14:55.23CideYou die.
14:56.06*** join/#wowi-lounge RTE (
14:56.32Rallionyeah...I guess there's no real reason to work with the default Blizzard_CombatText, now that I look at it
14:56.38RTEhello folks
14:56.47Corrodias"At release, when there was no high level content it was annouced by Ordinn that "the most powerful NPC is Illidan." When asked where he was, Caydiem responded. "Illidan is shy." It is now known that he will not appear until The Burning Crusade."
14:58.15RTEGot a question for you folks
14:58.34Cairennwe may have an answer for you
14:58.36Corrodiasthink i'd better go to bed and get some sleep while i can, then continue reading tomorrow
14:58.40RallionNo way is Illidan more powerful than Arthas
14:58.43RTEdoes anyon know if you get d/c if you spam too much with new SendAddonMessage() function?
14:58.50Cairennlater Corrodias
14:58.51Maldiviayou will
14:59.00RTEdamn it
14:59.28MaldiviaRTE: there's the same flood protection on it, as SendChatMessage, DoEmote etc
14:59.28RTEdo you know what is considered "too much" in that case?
14:59.41MentalPower|Univsame as always
15:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
15:00.11MaldiviaRTE: just dont spam on it, now that the rest of the raid can't toggle if of, you're hurting everyone!
15:00.15RTEwell, I understand that is the same as for other chanels, but unfortunatelly I have no idea what it is :(
15:00.58RTEI'm just trying to add one interesting feature to guildtools
15:01.20RTEwhat I need is a client sending data in guild chanel to the server
15:01.26MentalPower|Univits a function of how much data the server recieves from your client, that is combined total of data recieved from chat, movement queries etc
15:02.00RTEI'm just trying what will be a "safe" spam in the chanel
15:02.07MentalPower|UnivI don't know the actual number
15:02.26RTEAlright, I think I'll do some testing then
15:02.41Maldiviaremember, it varies from situation to situation
15:02.47RTEProbably something like 3 254 messages a second would not be too much
15:02.58MentalPower|UnivNetStats() should give you an idea
15:03.16RTEyeah, I understand, but hopefully people will not do much while sending data to server
15:03.17Maldiviayou can stand still in a remote place, and probably send a lot of data, but in a raid, you'll probably be down to half ir 1/3rd the data
15:03.27CairennCide: you there?
15:03.39MentalPower|Univor more exactly, you should monitor NetStats() instead of chars per second
15:03.40RTEalright, thanks for the help
15:04.40RTEOh, anyone interested in beta testing guildtools 3.1? :)
15:05.17Cairenntoss it up in the beta section on the site RTE ;)
15:06.01RTEDamn, I'm soo lazy, I haven't even posted GTS on your site Cairenn
15:06.08RTEShould probably do it now :)
15:06.13Cairennyes, I've noticed :p
15:07.58Corrodiasguys, there's an addon library that send messages at a reasonable rate for you
15:08.04Corrodias*sends, and i don't remember the name.
15:08.08MentalPower|Univok, off to class for me, later folks
15:08.19Cairennlater MentalPower|Univ
15:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Bilge- (
15:10.50RTECairenn, you do not have "guild addons" category, do you?
15:11.22Cairennnope, not specifically
15:11.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:12.08RTEalriht, I'll just toss 3.0 in inventory section
15:12.16Cairennoooorrrr ...
15:12.23RTEor will "oters" be better?
15:12.45RTEdata mods?.. hmm
15:13.05Cairenngiven that a lot of it is designed for output to a website
15:13.07RTEyeah, thats better
15:13.19RTEnot alot ... all :)
15:13.34TS|Skromhrm... got an xml question
15:13.47RTEis it posible to have more then 1 file available for d/l?
15:14.07Cairennwhy wouldn't it be?
15:14.32TS|Skromgetglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText("MyText"); - this is on a slider widget... where does xml define that "Text" is the text above the slider, but "high" is the text at the right end?
15:15.53RTE<Cairenn>: I have image-pack, that I want to be available for download aswell, do I upload it first, then the actual addon or what?
15:16.15Cairennaddon first
15:16.25CairennI'm presuming the image pack is for use within the mod?
15:17.20Cairennif so, let me get the addon approved, then you go to it and chose "upload addon", then it becomes a very handy little link right on the main mod page
15:17.20cogwheelTS|Skrom, the XML should have a FontString named $parentText
15:18.20RTE<Cairenn>: yep, imagepack are images for the resulting html file, it is optional, but still requested by most
15:18.38wereHamsterJoshBorke, why didn't you like it?
15:18.38Cairennyou'll love the way we've got that set up, when you see it
15:19.51TS|SkromCogwheel would that be defined because of inherits="OptionsSliderTemplate"?
15:20.00Cairennmorning cogwheel
15:20.00cogwheelCairenn or dolby-wowi... I just noticed that the tooltip (title attribute) of the "Edit" button for comments says "Reply with quote"... it might just be in the Lite version...
15:20.04cogwheelmorning :)
15:20.16cogwheelMost likely, TS|Skrom
15:20.21Cairenncogwheel: thanks
15:20.35TS|SkromHow do you get a list of those types of elements, where they are, etc?
15:20.43cogwheelyou should be able to find OptionsSliderTemplate somewhere in the FrameXML folder
15:21.00TS|Skromdrat and I'm at work
15:21.07TS|Skromdon't have wow installed here lol
15:21.12Cairenndon't need it to be
15:21.39CairennRTE: 2 sec
15:22.51TS|SkromCairenn will y ou marry me?
15:23.18cogwheelWell, TS|Skrom, whenever you get near a wow installation, OptionsSliderTemplate is defined in FrameXML\OptionsFrameTemplates.xml
15:23.26CairennRTE: okay, approved, now go to the addon: and look just above the screenshots on the right
15:23.41CairennRTE: use the "upload addon-on" button to upload the image pack
15:23.46CairennTS|Skrom: *grin*
15:23.49TS|Skromlooking at it now from the link Cairenn gave.
15:23.58TS|SkromI'm such an xml newb...
15:24.14cogwheelthat link went right over my head :P
15:24.33TS|SkromI got lucky last night and kidna banged my head on my keyboard for a couple hours and made some progress on my addon
15:24.43Cairenncogwheel: silly boy, any wow ui modder should know and revere wdn
15:25.14cogwheelSee... I have WoW installed at work and at home, so I always have access to FrameXML :P
15:25.32Cairennfor other reasons as well though :p
15:25.37Cairennlike, the compares :p
15:26.17TS|SkromHey another question. Trying to do a tooltip to show the actual number on the slider (1 to 100) that you are currently dragging over. What's the best widget handler to use?
15:26.39TS|SkromI tried OnValueChanged but it shows the tooltip when the addon first loads as I set the default value
15:26.39cogwheelI suppose... BuyEmAll is my first addon that modifies the base UI in any way so i never really thought about it.
15:26.54RTE<Cairenn>: btw, what graphical editor are you using to edit Blizz icons?
15:27.22CairennRTE: PS CS2 <3
15:27.34cogwheelTS|Skrom, you could use OnEnter to show the tooltip and OnLeave to hide it.
15:27.36TS|Skromit works perfectly besides that, so is there maybe just a way to supress that initial "value changed" event?
15:27.40TS|SkromI did that.. but
15:27.54TS|Skromyou have to move the slider, then move the mouse off, then back on for the tooltip to change
15:27.59RTE"A preview image is required for this category but was not attached. "
15:28.15TS|SkromI was wanting something to update the tooltip as you move it so you know right where you are moving to before you let go of the mouse
15:28.16cogwheelThen you should do OnChange too, but check to make sure the mouse is inside before showing it
15:28.30RTECairenn, what is PS CS2?
15:28.41TS|Skromso do an onValueChange but check for a mouseover?
15:28.47RTEah :)
15:28.54cogwheelOr you could just have another text field that always displays the current value...
15:29.16CairennRTE: if you don't have an image to use and don't care to get one, use the one from here:
15:29.36TS|SkromCog: Didn't know how to do that haha
15:29.50TS|SkromCog: But I knew enough about tooltips so far that I thought I could figure that one out lol
15:30.24TS|SkromAnd like I said, it does the expected behaivior during dragging... it just pops up the tooltip for a few seconds when the addon first loads
15:30.35cogwheelIt would probably be more intuitive to have the text field though...
15:30.35TS|Skrombecause the value changes when I load the saved variable
15:30.42cogwheelit will be more natural
15:30.43TS|Skrommaybe so *shrug*
15:31.55TS|SkromI switched it back to onenter for now hehe
15:32.05TS|Skromthat was at 1:30 last night and I was tired lol
15:32.39RTETS|Skrom: I use just a text fiel I put right next to slider to display current value
15:32.45RTEit looks pritty natural
15:33.12TS|Skromcan I see an example of that xml?
15:33.12cogwheelSo, what's the deal with TicTacToeFrame?
15:33.19RTEholdon a sec
15:33.50RTEall you want is indicator of what value is slider on, correct?
15:34.06Cairenntake a look now
15:36.32RTEit is really nice indeed
15:36.44RTEI think I like it even more then c-g's
15:36.58Beladonaanyone know of any libraries for easy options gui creation?
15:36.58RTE<TS|Skrom>: check pm
15:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:37.13TS|Skromdon't have one from you
15:37.23TS|Skromdo I need to enable you or something?
15:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:38.03CairennRTE: well, it's just so damn handy, means that everything is in one tidy package, you don't have to go looking all over the place to find the various bits and pieces, it's all right there
15:38.17Cairenn"you" being the end users
15:38.39KalrothI'm demoted to a user :(
15:38.51CairennKalroth: not!
15:38.57Cairenn<3 Kalroth
15:38.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:39.01Kalrothhi :D
15:39.02Cairennltns, how the hell are ya?
15:39.26KalrothI wish I could come up with something exciting to say, but it's the same old :)
15:39.34RTEsorry for the following flood
15:39.35Cairennheh, hear that one
15:39.39RTE<Slider name="$parent_PlayerScale" inherits="OptionsSliderTemplate"  minValue="0" maxValue="1" defaultValue="0" valueStep="0.01">
15:39.39RTE<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
15:39.39RTE<AbsDimension x="10" y="-80" />
15:39.47CairennRTE: ><
15:39.49RTE<AbsDimension x="80" y="16"/>
15:40.09RTE<TS|Skrom>: wierd symbols are tabs
15:40.18cogwheel~slap RTE
15:40.19purlACTION slaps RTE, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
15:40.19RTEhandy, sorry :)
15:40.35KalrothReinstalled the 'puter during my vacation, so was missing out on a lot of my old irc servers, including this one .. wasn't until someone reminded me the other day that I remembered to setup
15:40.43CairennRTE: for future reference, if you've got more than like 2 lines of code to paste, use
15:40.48KalrothWell that and post-vacation work stress ><
15:41.08RTEyeah, thanks for reference
15:41.08Kasohas 1.12 gone live today in US then?
15:41.15RTEmy own function
15:41.18KalrothYes Kaso
15:41.30RTEall it does is rounds to 4 significant digits
15:41.34Cairennhope vacation was good, hope reinstall went well, hear ya on post-vacation work catch-up stress
15:41.42Cairennand welcome back :)
15:41.46KalrothKaso: for patch information and downloads
15:41.53Kasolovely thanks
15:42.09Cairenncan always find the patch notes on WoWI, been up for hours now
15:42.11KalrothCairenn: 3 weeks of vacation does "wonders" to my inbox :p
15:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:42.25KalrothKaso: no EU downloads yet though
15:42.42Cairennthere are if you know where to look
15:42.56CairennAlla's, if you're a premium user, otherwise
15:43.07TS|Skromyou define the $parent_PlayerScaleText in a layers section, correct?
15:43.25Kasohas there been any UI changes that've caused problems?
15:43.35KalrothNo announced changes, no
15:43.37cogwheelTS|Skrom, yes because it's a FontString.
15:43.42KalrothBut you never know. :)
15:43.48TS|Skromokay, still learning what all those different layers mean
15:44.16TS|Skromso you define it, give it a position, an ancor, etc, then in the slider OnValueChanged you update the actual text
15:44.59TS|Skromyou could do an OnLoad to populate the text before you even touch the slider but you would do that after saved variables are loaded and you would do it on the fontstring load I would guess
15:45.03RTEsince $parent_PlayerScale is a slider $parent_PlayerScaleText is defined for it automatically, but you can redefine it in layers section
15:45.34TS|Skromoh true, but I want to use PlayerScaleText for the heading to describe the slider
15:45.51TS|Skromand a seperate text field for the value
15:46.11CairennTem_: you there?
15:46.16KalrothIf he's smart then he'll stay away
15:46.19Tem_sorta, yeah
15:46.20RTEthen make a new one and locate it to the right of slider
15:46.32RTEcall it $parent_PlayerScale_Text or something
15:46.39TS|Skromright, right
15:46.40RTEor $parent_PlayerScaleTextRight
15:46.42cogwheelTem, how long do you think it'll be before you crash the new patch? ;)
15:46.50TemCairenn, why?
15:46.54TS|Skromcan call it $parent_PlayerScaleChihuahua for all it matters
15:46.54CairennKalroth: naw, this is where we all bitch about the stupid end users and their incessant whining on patch days, you know that
15:47.03Temcogwheel, eh, I don't try.  It just sorta happens.
15:47.12CairennTem: example of re-named mod, per stress relief previously discussed?
15:47.40Cairenn*forgot them again*
15:47.49Temdamn, I can't think of any either
15:48.04Cairenndecursive -> Mr. Clean?
15:48.10Temoh yeah!
15:50.20Cairennit'll go up on the blizz forum soon as they are unlocked again
15:50.40RTECide, are the patch notes for the new CT_RA ready yet?
15:50.50Cidewaiting for ts to get on
15:50.51Cairennwe'd had some damn good ones, that one was one of the weaker examples
15:51.29RTEJust a quick question then, are you using new SendAddonMessage() thing?
15:51.55RTEno more stupid "rebroadcast the chanel please"!
15:52.31cogwheelCairenn, if I put "MazzleUI->WinFS" will you be mad? :P
15:52.49Cairenncogwheel: privately? ROFLMFAO
15:52.55Cairenncogwheel: publically? ><
15:53.28RTEoh, Cide, another question, is new CT_RA backwards compatable with old communication or everyone has to get the new one?
15:53.42Gryphenno compat
15:53.45Cidenot backwards compatible, no
15:53.50Cideanyone here on EU?
15:53.53Cairenncogwheel: ...
15:54.04Cairenncogwheel: please, edit
15:54.09RTEdamn it, but I can see how it would be a pain :) hehe
15:54.18Cairennlet's not start a flame war, pretty please?
15:54.57TainOne two three four I declare a flame war
15:55.08zenzelezzI'm on EU servers
15:55.19Cideare the eu PTR's up still?
15:55.50TainOoops I'm supposed to be working.
15:56.03zenzelezzhm, don't know if it is
15:56.34Cidebasically, I need to find the name of two icons
15:58.38Insaeu ptrs down too
15:59.00CairennRTE: your nick registered?
16:01.48Cairennon the channel
16:02.08RTEI don't think so
16:03.16RTENickServ- The nickname [rte] is already registered
16:03.41RTEsomeone got my nick /cry
16:03.58cogwheeland if they log on, youll be booted :P
16:04.18Cairennlast seen 34 weeks ago
16:04.59Cairennyou can contact one of the server staff and they'll probably release it to you, given that info
16:05.11Cairennor, you can change it slightly, put it in [] or something
16:06.19_RTE_done and done
16:06.26_RTE_hehe :)
16:09.14cogwheelZOMG blizzerd is teh suk!!! "Non-combat pets are no longer affected by environmental damage."   But I loved roasting my prairie chicken in bonfires! :(
16:09.52Cairennyou are a cruel and sadistic man cogwheel
16:10.08Kasothey nurfed priests
16:10.22Kasocant reset benediction cooldown by zoning :<
16:13.29*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (
16:14.36Flyocwhat's the cooldown btw ?
16:17.20Kasoi dont care that much dont like my lollypop, but if i still used it i would be pissed
16:18.54CodayusHeh, I tried to apply mana oil a couple weeks ago, accidentaly transformed mine...
16:19.15CodayusHad to run back to zone in so I could reset it before the boss pull...was pretty embarassing.
16:19.38CodayusCan't do that any more though.  Good thing I'm upgrading to something better in a week or two, and won't have to worry.  :-)
16:20.13Beladonahow is that a nerf
16:20.21Beladonathat sounds more like fixing an exploit
16:20.29CodayusExploit is a strong word.
16:20.40Beladonamild exploit
16:20.43CodayusBut yes, it effectively did not have a cooldown on tranforming it.
16:20.53CodayusAnd now it does.  They obviously intended it to have one.
16:20.54Beladonabut nonetheless, you can't deny that it was indeed getting around game mechanics
16:21.17CodayusOn the other hand, I can't imagine why you'd WANT to transform it back and forth...except maybe inside a BG, where you can't reset the cooldown.
16:21.31Beladonawas referring more to the priest thing
16:21.32Beladonabut yeah
16:21.36CodayusSo I wouldn't even call it a a MILD exploit.  Bug fix...
16:21.44CodayusPriest thing?
16:21.53Kasoi cant even see why they have a 30min cooldown on it, seems silly
16:22.01CodayusRuight, that's what I was talking about.
16:22.07Kasobut i agree it wasn't really koasher
16:22.41Corrodiasis that "scourge invasion" event largely over? i've never heard of it.
16:22.51CodayusCorrodias: Blink and you missed it.
16:22.58Beladonathe whole temporary item buff resets on zoning is mildly annoying though
16:23.05BeladonaI wonder why they can't fix it until the expansion
16:23.06Endhmm, new patch
16:23.07Corrodiasguess so, then
16:23.09CodayusLasted a week or two...then vanished without warning, to the immense annoyance of many.
16:23.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
16:23.42EndBeladona: they said they needed to have upgraded hardware in place first
16:23.51KalrothBeladona: Because zoning includes moving your whole character and all your gear to a new server in the cluster (it can anyways) and the code to do that is a hack :)
16:24.04Endand that's one of the things they are doing by the time they release the expansion
16:24.06BeladonaI understand taht
16:24.09CodayusFrankly, I was pretty disapointed with the invasion.
16:24.14Beladonait was working before though
16:24.22CodayusBeladona: It caused too much lag, they claimed.
16:24.27Beladonaunless it involves an issue with the recent cross-server changes
16:24.28Endwell, apparently some servers have shitty hardware
16:24.57CodayusSo they hotfixed its removal, which caused a bug where applying mana oil and then zoning would remove your enchantment(!) so they had to hotfix that.  oO
16:25.06Endlol yeah
16:25.23zenzelezzthose two things were related? o_O
16:26.45CodayusApparently they added code to remove temporary enchantments on zoning...which in some cases was removing permentant ones.  It *seemed* to only be a problem with brilliant mana oil, but a blue post said it was actually any temp buff applied through the trade window.
16:27.16CodayusWhich disagreed with my observations, but frankly, having Blizz not fully understand the bug would seem to be par for the course.  :-)
16:28.10BeladonaI think it is too sweeping to say "Blizz not fully undersand the bug" so much as that customer relations person who posted not udnerstanding it
16:28.23Beladonahe probably mis-posted it, or mis-interpreted
16:28.56Beladonathink about how easy it is for information to get mangled when passed from person to person
16:28.59zenzelezzI was surprised that horribly phrased Shield Slam sentence got through to the patch notes
16:29.06zenzelezzwithout being improved
16:29.08Beladonaespecially when a technical person tells it to a non-technical one
16:30.22Codayuszenzelezz: Heh, that was particularly bad.
16:30.29Beladonayeah thats pretty funny
16:30.35cogwheelBeladona, I work in an office with 3 employees, a vice president, and the owner. You don't have to tell me how easy it is for communication to go awry ;)
16:30.40Beladonadid anyone get clarification on that?
16:30.43CodayusA lot of their loading screen tips are pretty bad too, especially the first crop.
16:30.58Beladonait no longer removes more than one, or it sometimes removes only one?
16:31.07CodayusBeladona: I believe there was a known bug where shield slam was occasionally removing ALL debuffs.
16:31.22CodayusSo I'm 90% sure that line in the patch notes meant that it has been fixed to never remove more than one.
16:31.24zenzelezzI can see how that would hurt
16:31.36CodayusOr buffs, or whatever it does.  I dunno, I'm not a prot warrior.  :-)
16:31.39Beladonafor the person hit with it sure
16:31.42Beladonanot for me though
16:32.31BeladonaThunderclap is weaker - great
16:32.39Beladonanot that I used it that much but still
16:32.53CodayusEven less reason to hang out in battle stance...
16:33.13zenzelezzI hardly use it (since I seem to stay more in defensive and even berserker stance), but I never liked how it only affects 4 targets
16:33.18Codayus(Honestly, did warriors NEED a nerf to that particular skill?)
16:33.55Beladonahell no Codayus
16:34.04Beladonait was barely effective as is
16:34.21CodayusAnd even that's being generous.  :-)
16:34.39Codayus"Thundercalp!  Significnatly more useful than Rend!"
16:34.44Beladonaabout the only use it had for me was pissing off more than one mob at once when they were running towards the group on pull
16:34.51Beladonabut you have shouts for that anyway
16:35.13zenzelezzwhich aren't limited in number of affected enemies
16:35.19CodayusIn theory, a DPS warrior could keep it up for damage mitigation in raids (assuming your MT doesn't have TF).
16:35.34CodayusExcept I'd rather be in berserker, so...  :-)
16:35.38Beladonayeah, but typically you don't want them using it anyway
16:35.45Beladonabecause of the sheep / ssap issue
16:36.08zenzelezzanother plus for the shouts
16:36.11CodayusFine in many fights...most of MC.  Then again, it's like...who cares...
16:36.12Beladonaits very conditional, and even then extremely useless
16:36.40CodayusMost of the times you need to piss off a group of mobs, I'd rather bloodrage.
16:36.45Beladonagoes back to that whole - warriors who use shields with aoe procs on them
16:36.51Beladonamorons, the lot of them
16:36.55CodayusAs long as your on their hate list, it's awesome.
16:37.28Beladonais it the bloodrage that pisses them off, or the sudden drop in hp?
16:37.34Beladonanever figured that out
16:37.40Beladonaor increase in rage
16:37.55zenzelezzI was in BWL for the first time the other day, hit Bloodrage when I saw I entered combat when they pulled... one of the dragons, can't remember which
16:37.59zenzelezzthink it was Ebonroc
16:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge meh (
16:38.07zenzelezzhe didn't like that and came at me :-x
16:38.08Beladonahell, its probably both
16:38.11CodayusIt's the rage, actually.
16:38.17Beladonarage, and hp drop combined for hate
16:38.27Codayus1 point of rage gained = a fair bit of threat.
16:38.31wereHamsterdoes HP drop generate threat?
16:38.39CodayusHP drop...don't think so.
16:38.48Beladonayou never noticed mobs going after people with low health first?
16:39.05zenzelezzI really wish the Improved Bloodrage talent would reduce cooldown instead of increase amount of rage generated
16:39.12Codayuszenzelezz: Yeah
16:39.40Beladonadunno Zenz, I would rather have more rage per use, than more chances to lose health....
16:39.50CodayusThat's actually one of the few good things about bosses throwing the raid into combat - makes it easy for the MT to gain aggro on very long pulls.
16:40.30CodayusHunter tags it, MT blood rages, and 40 seconds later shazz shows up...or whatever...
16:41.10Beladonaone of my favorite changes: The Need Before Greed and Group Loot countdown timers will now have a 3 minute countdown when there is a bind on acquire item on the corpse. This should allow a bit more time in making a decision to roll for an item.
16:41.23TS|Skromrage generation is 5 threat per pointt
16:41.27zenzelezzI was surprised to see the guild pulling Ebonroc and Flamegor to the room right after Broodlord... always had the impression people fought them farther up
16:41.32TS|Skromso blood rage is 50 threat + 5 per second
16:42.01TS|Skromas long as you are already on the hate list that is
16:42.35zenzelezzso the 1 rage generated with Shield Specialization generates 5 threat?
16:43.16Cairenn_RTE_: you should link your portal in the thread so folks know where to post bugs
16:43.37_RTE_ah, good idea, thanks :)
16:43.38TS|Skrombasically any time you get "You gain +1 rage" in your chat you get 5 threat with it
16:44.20TS|Skromthat's why passive rage generation from being hit or hitting (not counting the threat form the damage) does not increase threat
16:44.32zenzelezzout of curiosity... what about rage potions?
16:44.46wereHamsterlike mana and hp pots
16:44.55TS|Skromagain.. if you get a chat message then yes it should give the increase
16:45.05zenzelezzbut it's only when you get a chat message?
16:45.07TS|Skromit's the mob getting pissed off that you are gainint more powa
16:45.16TS|Skromheal pots are the same as healing... amount /2
16:45.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:45.32TS|Skrommana pots I'm unsure but prolly amount or amount /2
16:46.15zenzelezznever read up on potion threat... I keep those for when I need health more than threat =D
16:46.52TS|Skromhehe yeah
16:47.01TS|Skromand just like healing spells overhealing doesn't count
16:47.12TS|Skromso you can't drink a major pot when you are down 10hp and get 350 hate
16:47.54_RTE_how do you figure all that stuff out?
16:48.09TS|Skromsome is pretty easy
16:48.12_RTE_seems like hell of a lot of testing
16:48.16TS|Skromyes, it is
16:48.28TS|Skromhence why I always say "mad props" to the KLTM guys
16:48.54TS|Skromeasy way to test: Get two characters have one do 100 point of damage. The other will pull aggro at exactly 111 damage
16:49.16TS|Skromnice and easy for damage, now to figure out the inherent threat from an effect.
16:49.25TS|SkromUse the effect (sunder armor) for example
16:49.31TS|Skromand then have the other person start hitting
16:49.44TS|Skromhe will gain aggro when his threat exceeds the person who sundered by 110%
16:50.00TS|Skromso if it takes 221 damage... you know that sunder causes 200 threat
16:50.22TS|Skromnow you can't get that close in one test, but over a couple thousand tests you can get very accurate numbers
16:51.09_RTE_thats alot of statistics
16:51.17_RTE_oh well :)
16:52.33_RTE_who wants a great idea for the mod?
16:52.55TS|Skromoh and from what they've seen the +rage stuff givcing threat is not modified by talents like defiance or defensive
16:53.14Kaso_RTE_ let's hear it then
16:53.28_RTE_alright, idea is simple and brilliant
16:53.34_RTE_just don't have time for it
16:53.48TS|Skromso you could charge in (5 threat for each point of rage generated theoretically)  pop bloodrage (another 100) and get a couple swings for alot of initial hate
16:53.50_RTE_you all know what a pain can debugging be
16:54.04_RTE_and how hard it is to get people to send debug logs
16:54.15_RTE_My idea is "DebugWizard"
16:54.27_RTE_basically an addon, standalone addon
16:54.46_RTE_that will be able to create debug message dialog for another mods
16:55.48TS|Skromoff topic: U2 the complete discography finished ;-)
16:56.00_RTE_for example you have your mod Mod1 that you need to enable debug for, what you do is call DebugWizard_Create() (DebugWizard should be a dependancy in that case) and it will create new dragable window on the screen
16:56.34_RTE_that new window will have a selectable text field (so you can copy-paste) and will be uneditable
16:57.01_RTE_DebugWizard_Create() will return an "object" which will have full controll of the said window
16:57.25_RTE_so, local debugWindow = DebugWizard_Create();
16:58.02_RTE_then you can use something like debugWindow.addMessage("Message"); and it will add the "Message" to the window
16:58.34_RTE_the "object" should also have some settings, like turn on/off timestamp etc
16:59.26_RTE_I can easely write the lua part for it, however xml part scares me :)
16:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge CSE|Deadly`afk (
16:59.50TS|SkromYour idea was so great it knocked Kaso off teh intraweb!!1!`~
16:59.59_RTE_indeed :)
17:00.17_RTE_I think he fell of the chair and knocked the power cord off :)
17:01.34_RTE_so, anyone got some time to spend on the above project?
17:02.09_RTE_or at least help me with the xml part fr it?
17:02.22Cairennsounds like you've damn near got it all written already
17:02.42_RTE_just got the bases covered
17:02.50_RTE_I'm stack on the actual window
17:02.54Cairennalso sounds like a bit of a merge of IEF and DevTools
17:03.02Cairennplus more
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17:04.28_RTE_hmm, whats IEF? never heard of it
17:04.37Tullerimproved error frame
17:07.28_RTE_does anyone have or know where to find a simple xml example of textfield block, scrollable and selectsable, but not editable?
17:08.03TS|SkromSo I've got a date tonight
17:08.10TS|Skromsurprise surprise
17:08.21_RTE_no freaking way!
17:08.30_RTE_you lie
17:08.31TS|Skromsecond date since the divorce
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17:08.55TS|Skromwith the same girl as the first date no less!
17:08.56_RTE_well, good for you
17:09.20_RTE_hehe, when's the 2nd devorce? :)
17:09.21TS|Skromis it bad that I kinda wanna cancel to work on my addon?
17:09.32TS|Skromoooo that's harsh heh
17:09.59_RTE_go on date you lazy bones
17:10.00TS|Skromgood threat research for those interested
17:10.38_RTE_take her to the movies and grab a laptop with you :) lol
17:11.04ShadowedDid anyone ever add UnitPlayerOrPetInParty and UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid to the wiki?
17:11.30TS|Skromwe went to the movies last time
17:11.34_RTE_alright guys, lunch time, be back in an hour or so
17:11.37TS|Skromi think tonight is mini-golf or soemthig
17:11.45Cairennlater _RTE_
17:11.46TS|SkromI don't know how this date thing works I went from high school to married ><
17:11.53_RTE_minigolf and laptop dont mix :)
17:12.09TS|SkromI'm bad, I keep seeing "lapdance"
17:13.12ShadowedAnyone have a good suggestion for something to save TGA's with decent quality/sive?
17:13.33Kirkburnagreed, excellent prog
17:14.03Shadowedthanks Cair
17:14.05Cairennexcellent enough I've got it in the Mod Author Resource list
17:14.21Shadowedyou give me too much credit if you think i'd search first :(
17:14.23zenzelezzis it free?
17:14.29Cairennzenzelezz: yes
17:14.51zenzelezzI remember the name, but never used it myself
17:15.01zenzelezzdon't do much graphics anyhow. What I need, XnView can do
17:15.27Shadowedyeah, just need somethhing to save mod screenshots
17:15.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
17:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dreadlyone_ (
17:20.06AnduinLotharyay itunes support
17:20.34Cairenndreadlyone: turn off the auto announce stuff, please?
17:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:21.02zenzelezzgah... my cat waits all afternoon to come inside, then as soon as we're fighting Onyxia she starts shouting for food
17:21.45dreadlyoneyes already working on this even before you said it. my apologies. haven't used my mirc client since wow was released and i stopped playing cs 0_o
17:22.11dreadlyonelol =]
17:22.23Gngskmusical channels
17:23.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:23.31CairennGngsk: indeed ;)
17:25.48Cairenn :p
17:25.58Beladonammm, the internet is your friend
17:32.37Cairennblizz forums must be getting hammered, they're sllllloooooowwwwww right now
17:32.57MoonWolfits a patch day and its extended maintantance.
17:33.01MoonWolfyeah hammering away.
17:33.13MoonWolfnext stop is the addon sites.
17:33.31Cairennyeah, it's still quiet on the sites so far
17:34.25KirovPeople sitting on general hitting refresh over and over for the next half hour
17:34.39Cairenn*waits for blizz forums to unlock so she can post her usual patch day threads*
17:34.51CodayusAnyone know a decent example of making checkboxes using CreateFrame()?  I'm missing something apparently, so a working example from an addon would be nifty...
17:35.33KirovCodayus - use an existing template?
17:36.04CodayusKirov: Hmm?
17:36.13Beladonawould you not simply do something like pointer = CreateFrame('Checkbox', "name", parent); ?
17:36.24Beladonaand optionally inherits after parent
17:37.16KirovCreateFrame("CheckBox", "MyCheckBox", parent, "UIOptionsCheckboxTemplate");
17:37.16CodayusI did that.  But I wanted it to get a checkmark when I ticked it.  Apparently that takes a call to SetCheckedTexture()
17:37.17Beladonacheckboxes usually inherit a tempalte, so you would want an inherit, pretty sure thats what Kirov was bringing up
17:38.23Mr_Rabies2i'm surprised the blizzard main page is holding up as well as it is
17:38.44Mr_Rabies2can't say the same about the forums
17:38.49Beladonabrb, need this laptop for a router config
17:39.10KirovCodayus - it's possible it's another thing CreateFrame needs to fix, but check it in 1.12
17:39.39CodayusQuestion - can I find a list of template names somewhere?
17:40.45TS|Skrom|LunchDepends on what kind of \template you want
17:40.58Kirkburn(oh, I see now)
17:41.08TS|Skrom|Lunchin your case options, so check under frame.xml > OptionsFrameTemplate.lua
17:41.13TS|Skrom|Luncher .xml
17:41.31KirkburnAmazing that for 1.12, the *PTR* has been through nearly 100 builds
17:42.18TS|Skrom|LunchCair just showed me that today and I e-love her for it
17:42.35KirkburnBeladona makes it
17:42.47TS|Skrom|Lunchbut I can't e-love him
17:42.51TS|Skrom|Lunchthat would be gross
17:43.00MentalPowerlol, nice
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17:43.17Mr_Rabies2i wish mpstark would update PetExtend :[
17:43.24Mr_Rabies2It's like smartpet, only it works :O
17:43.46Mr_Rabies2It's buggy, but when it works, it works well :o
17:43.57CodayusAhh, I see.
17:44.53CodayusYeah,  OptionsCheckButtonTemplate would probably be what I was looking for.  Didn't realize you oculd do that with CreateFrame().  :-)
17:45.06CodayusNow if the servers would just come back up, I could test it...
17:45.58TS|Skrom|Lunchfrom what I gather( and I don't know much xml) you can set alot of defaults through inheritance
17:46.22TS|Skrom|Lunchcould prolly even define your own defaults in your xml then allow  your other frames to inherit from it perhaps
17:46.38TS|Skrom|Lunchsomeone correct me if I'm wrong
17:48.57Shadowedcan't figure out a good way to release this mod
17:49.20Cairennyou put it up on a site, that's usually the best way
17:49.44Shadowed3 required libraries, 4 optional mods. 2 of them are stuff that'd work well alone. Don't want to make people have to download everything seperately, but also want some of the optional ones to be seperately downloaded
17:50.22Cairennjust list em exactly as you said in your description
17:50.36Cairennrequired dependency: <link>
17:50.47Cairennrequired dependency: <link>
17:50.54Cairennoptional: <link>
17:51.02Cairennat the TOP
17:51.21ShadowedHrm, making them download and keep track of 4-6 different things sucks though
17:51.48joyjeyOr do it like me, make an imba mod, that hogs memory and force garbage collection every 2 seconds
17:51.50Cairennwell, if they're smart little cookies, they add them to their favorites list, then they are notified when they are updated
17:52.05joyjeytrue story!
17:52.12ShadowedCairenn do you really expect me to believ e people are smart? :p
17:52.22CairennShadowed: heh
17:52.52Shadowedi'll probably just have to go with that though
17:53.02Kirovwhat would be a good place on the wiki to put the GetFacing() function?
17:54.35MentalPowerI thought the GetFacing() function was disabled a long time ago
17:55.13Shadowedit was, like 1.7
17:55.52KirovGetFacing() returns the player's current facing in the world.
17:56.25Shadowedon 1.11?
17:56.28KirovI wrote a function a couple months ago that gets it.
17:56.45MentalPoweroh from the Minimap arrow?
17:56.55Shadowedhrm, what's the bold code in the wiki besides <b>?
17:57.04Kirkburnthis: '''
17:57.12Kirkburnstick it on either side of a word
17:57.17Kirkburntwo is italics
17:57.28Kirkburn5 (''''') is bold italic
17:57.51joyjeyok, I know its lame, but I cant help it.. whats 7 ?
17:57.52KirkburnYou can combine them in all sorts of wonderful ways :P
17:58.33KirkburnIt would unitalicise it I think
17:58.36KirovMentalPower - yes
17:59.14sancusKirkburn: What's the point of cutting the ClearFont font out of the most recently released version when it's still in the all the previous, also-hosted versions? :P
17:59.18Kirkburn''+'''+'' .... the italic parts would be cancelled out ... time to test
17:59.32KirkburnBecause Mr. Complainer won't notice that
17:59.50sancusmust be pretty damn dumb, then!
17:59.55ScytheBlade1"Currently Active Users: 1756 (172 members and 1584 guests)
17:59.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
17:59.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
18:00.04KirkburnHaven't heard anything from him since :P
18:00.23Cairennhe noticed it in your beta version on wowi, which is why I pulled it, too
18:00.56Kirkburn(actually, 7 x ' makes produces slightly odd stuff)
18:00.59Beladonadid I miss something juicy?
18:01.21KirkburnTrue ... didn't need the beta anyway :P
18:01.38KirkburnWhich is a point ... I still haven't looked at replacement fonts
18:01.47KirkburnBeladona, no :P
18:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
18:02.20KirkburnJust the History Bus coming round for tea =)
18:02.52Beladonais it the "special" bus?
18:03.25Cairennoh, he was "special" alright ... so special I wanted to reach through the monitor and smack him :p
18:04.07Beladonatalking about captain tattletale and his daddy, Bill?
18:04.32Cairennthat'd be the guy
18:04.45sancusI would've just rehosted the mod myself and ignored him.
18:04.57Beladonamaybe its a bad time to mention what font is used on my minimap mod
18:05.08KirkburnOh yes?
18:05.09sancusHe really has no case at all if he's not a representative of Microsoft, so...
18:05.20KirkburnHe wasn't from MS, but he was annoying
18:05.55sancusSo, if the UI sites don't want to touch it, that's fine! Like I said, I would've just rehosted it myself(the font, not the mod), and told him to go suck on an egg.
18:06.06KirkburnI didn't do it to protect myself, it was mostly for the host website owners
18:06.07Beladonahalf of those fonts are just copies of existing fonts, with slight changes, before they become copyrighted
18:06.21KirkburnI may just do that, tbh
18:06.34AnduinLotharmaintinence extended till 1 yay
18:06.36KirkburnIn fact, why the hell not
18:06.48Beladonaprovide font packs
18:06.53Beladonaself hosted
18:07.02CodayusMaintance extended two hours...what a surprise...
18:07.07sancusIt's theoretically possible that he could contact microsoft and they could ask you to remove it, but in that case, you just comply /shrug, there's no risk at all.
18:07.16sancusI doubt he will be able to get in touch with anybody who gives a shit, though :P
18:07.23KirkburnMe too :P
18:07.37Beladonamy minimap uses Copperplate Gothic Bold -- (c) MS -- should I remove it?
18:07.43Cairenna link to that in your file description would probably be completely missed *whistles innocently*
18:07.48KirkburnDeath to Beladona ! ;)
18:07.54Kirov~seen Mikk
18:08.17purlmikk is currently on #wowi-lounge (7h 10m 10s) #wowace (7h 10m 10s). Has said a total of 14 messages. Is idling for 6h 28m 16s, last said: 'Well yeah but there's supposedly also a total limit per account'.
18:08.18Beladonayou know what
18:08.24BeladonaI have an idea for a lucrative business venture Kirkburn
18:08.24Beladonayou want in?
18:08.36Beladonapitchfork salesman -- after all the riots we get in the wow ui arena
18:10.16Beladonamy problem is, all the non-copyrighted fonts are too annoying and outrageous to want to use
18:10.25Beladonaso I am left making my own
18:10.34Beladonawhich I might do
18:11.43Beladonahmmm, release of open source fonts for addon developers to freely distribute and use
18:14.48Beladonabrbm gotta bring the net link down here at work, be about 10 minutes =P
18:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:16.48KirkburnI've found 5 nice new fonts, now to attempt to test them :)
18:20.23ScytheBlade1All right, who can I whine to concerning the website?
18:20.56KalrothScytheBlade1: No, there will not be more nudies.
18:21.14ScytheBlade1Kalroth, then how about this: if I click the arrow, and search addons for "Gatherer"
18:21.24ScytheBlade1Kalroth, any chance that the addon I want could actually come up on the first page?
18:22.15KalrothFair enough :)
18:22.46ScytheBlade1Kalroth, search the addons for Ace and Gatherer. In both occurances, the actual addon that I want is on the second *page*. Not second listing, but second page
18:24.59ScytheBlade1There you are
18:30.29Kirkburnwhiner :)
18:30.29ScytheBlade1Lazy too. I just copied+pasted this into the post.
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18:30.32KirkburnDisable all addons isn't fixed until 1.12, no?
18:30.50_RTE_if you mean per character bug
18:31.02Mr_Rabies2some realms are up
18:31.02Mr_Rabies2but only like 8
18:31.02Mr_Rabies27 :/
18:31.02_RTE_lots of realms had a hardware update aswell as patch
18:31.06CodayusIncluding mine though.
18:31.07Mr_Rabies2my main did
18:31.07_RTE_mine too :)
18:31.07_RTE_about time Arthas got some new h/w
18:31.08Mr_Rabies2but that's *supposed* to be done at the same time as the simply patched realms
18:31.14Mr_Rabies2since they started the upgrade process at 11 pm pst
18:31.14_RTE_key word is *supposed*? :)
18:31.22_RTE_you should know better by now
18:31.27_RTE_it was 12 major patches and how many times have they brought servers back in time?
18:33.10_RTE_probably just the first 2 or 3
18:33.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
18:33.12CodayusHmm, CT_Viewport doesn't work anymore?
18:33.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
18:34.39_RTE_I refuse to beleive that
18:35.25_RTE_~seen iriel
18:35.41purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 15h 3m 54s ago, saying: 'Well, without any test realms tonight it's going to be less fun than normal for me'.
18:36.14TS|Skrom|LunchIriel is another fake girl?
18:36.23TS|Skrom|LunchYou people need to learn to play your gender
18:36.24_RTE_he never claimed to be a girl
18:36.35TS|Skrom|Lunchyeah yeah yeah, avatar and all that
18:36.37TS|Skrom|Lunchblah blah
18:37.03TS|Skrom|Lunchthe list of potential stalk victims is getting shorter by the minute ><
18:37.15_RTE_well, it is much more pleasing to look at the ass of the char of oposite gender hours streight :)
18:37.23Beladonaholy bloddy hell
18:37.40_RTE_bloddy hell holy?
18:37.42AnduinLothari agree
18:37.44Beladonalike 5 servers come up, so I log into one to test, and there are literally about 500 people in the newbie area
18:37.58Beladonaat least
18:38.00Beladonaif not more
18:38.12TS|Skrom|Lunchwheeee fileplanet is almost done downloading
18:38.15_RTE_at least theres no queue ... or is there?
18:38.18Beladonaguess I shouldn't be, but mid-day?
18:38.19KirkburnWoop, I have found my replacement font, I think :)
18:38.41TS|Skrom|Lunchlogging in over a vnc is going to suck but at least I'll get the download finished
18:39.08CodayusHeh, my server has a queue of 12.
18:39.18CairennKirkburn: grats
18:39.19_RTE_thats why you have someone at home to start d/l while you at work :)
18:39.40Beladonaits a bunch of tards too
18:39.44KirkburnNow to see hwo to set it all up
18:39.47Beladonathey are spamming chat
18:39.52BeladonaI can't ignore fast enough
18:39.57KirovCodayus - I logged in once to a queue of 1, and had to wait for a minute.
18:40.15Beladonaoh and those new servers?
18:40.21Beladonaalready have a 500 person queue
18:40.33Shadowedwell, only 7 things are up. everyone wants to get on
18:40.43Mr_Rabies2cause everyone's swarming them cause there's nowhere else to go :P
18:40.59Beladonathats why I don't think Blizz should bring up a few at a time
18:41.09Beladonathey should get them all up, but have access shut off
18:41.18Beladonathen switch them to green at once
18:41.54TS|Skrom|Luncharby's sucks they always fill the cup with too much ice ><
18:42.28_RTE_They should bring em up just like they do, all they need is to disable char creation for that time
18:42.51ShadowedI require servers :(
18:44.28CideCodayus: CT_Viewport is working fine here...
18:44.37_RTE_thank god
18:44.41CodayusI seem to be having more general problems.
18:44.51CodayusStuff isn't always updating.
18:44.59_RTE_"load out of date addons" checkmark?
18:45.01CodayusFullscreen windowed mode may be the issue.  :-/
18:45.28TS|SkromRTE I sincerely hope no mod author goes through patch day without wowtoc
18:45.41CodayusBriefly the "black" areas in ct viewport were kinda strobing.
18:45.52CodayusThat's gone away though.  <shrug>
18:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
18:46.36_RTE_Cide, are you planing to place black squares ontop of the non-rendered areas in CT_Viewport?
18:46.53TS|Skrommake em turqoise
18:48.09Mr_Rabies2same 7 realms :[
18:48.26Mr_Rabies2oh, and what does CT_Viewport do? :O
18:48.26Cairennwowtoc indeed! gonna get yourself kicked from channel you keep talking about crap like that!
18:49.32_RTE_<Mr_Rabies2>: this is exactelly the reson to get a job :)
18:50.06_RTE_personally, I could care less how many servers are online now :)
18:50.15Mr_Rabies2i want to be the server first for ferocious bite rank 5
18:50.25Mr_Rabies2i was one of the first for idol of ferocity
18:50.36Mr_Rabies2same with brutality
18:50.39Mr_Rabies2but first is my goal here
18:50.41Gngskyou know where it drops?
18:50.49Mr_Rabies2the beast
18:50.56Gngskwhat about evisc?
18:51.06_RTE_and I want to be first to ... to ... lifetap to death?
18:51.11Mr_Rabies2the assassins i think gngsk
18:51.41cogwheelTS|Skrom: WoWTOC is not only unnecessary (since there's a "load out of date addons" checkbox) but it's also a bad practice in general.
18:51.45_RTE_yeah, assasins in brm, it's said in patch notes
18:52.41TS|SkromWhy is it bad practice? Some addons I use will never see another update in their life. Sure it's unnecessary, however my brother in law is a techno weenie and spends about 4 days after every patch wondering why half of his mods don't work because he always forgets to recheck the box
18:52.53TS|Skromso I made him a macro he runs which runs wowtoc before it runs wow.exe
18:53.51_RTE__/slap indeed
18:53.53cogwheelSo what happens when one of his addons actually stops working because of changes and he doesn't know which ones are out of date?
18:53.54Cideif people want to update their .toc files then I don't see why that's a problem, but oh well
18:54.08Cideit used to be a problem when there was no checkbox for load outdated addons
18:54.32TS|SkromHe calls me and says "such and such" stopped working. And I say (because I thoroughly check all addons each patch) it's this: go here to download a new version
18:54.39Cide_RTE_: CT_Viewport already puts a black area over those regions, so.. yeah
18:54.46_RTE_btw, does anyone know a way to prevent checkbox from getting unchecked every patch?
18:55.01CideMr_Rabies2: CT_Viewport modifies the game's viewport, like /viewport did in EQ if you ever played that
18:55.01AnduinLotharkill the right people
18:55.05_RTE_Cide: hmm, I mustev have an old version then
18:55.09TS|Skromdon't think you can. Can't be an addon since addons can't do anything prior to the load screen
18:55.13Mr_Rabies2i never played EQ :[
18:55.25Mr_Rabies2are there any screens of what it can do, cide?
18:55.29wereHamster_RTE_, make WTF\ read-only
18:55.37cogwheelThe second comment on Curse's wowtoc page says it pretty well
18:55.42Cideit resizes the rendered game view, in case you don't want your interface to block the game view
18:55.53_RTE_wereHamster: interesting idea :)
18:56.09wereHamsterchmod -w ^^
18:56.17Mr_Rabies2ohhh, okay cide
18:56.29Cide <- the frame
18:56.29Mr_Rabies2so you can have the interface outside the 3d world
18:56.33Cidedoesn't show it "in action"
18:56.34_RTE_nah, right-click, read-only, apply :)
18:57.02Mr_Rabies2not bad
18:57.07Cairenncogwheel: actually, I think the very first one is even more apt
18:57.10Mr_Rabies2not my cup of tea, but i see why people could like it
18:57.14cogwheelI just noticed that
18:57.53_RTE_here's an example of use of CT_Viewport:
18:57.59Arrowmastercreate an empty file named WTF\ and make it readonly
18:58.32Mr_Rabies2do you use a theater screen as a monitor, holy crap RTE
18:58.40_RTE_2 screens
18:59.05Mr_Rabies2ohhh, you can mvoe that stuff other to other screens?
18:59.15KasoViewport seriously doesnt like it if you use <0.64 UI scale :>
18:59.38_RTE_2screen FAQ
18:59.47CideI use .64 ui scale with viewport just fine
18:59.52TS|Skromnever thought about it taht way Cair, and that's a good point.
18:59.53Cidetoo late, Cairenn!
19:00.03TS|SkromI think in my brother's case though the merits outweight the disadvantages
19:00.13TS|Skromespecially since he can just run wowtoc and wait for me to tell him what to fix
19:00.29CairennTS|Skrom: *only* because he has you to tell him what to fix
19:00.32TS|Skromif I didn't help him he'd prolly quit wow altogether lol
19:00.39CideI'm glad it works with dual monitors though, was kinda tricky to make it support all resolutions and stuff
19:00.42Mr_Rabies2oh god i hate georgia summers
19:00.52TS|Skromyeah what you posted is very true for people on their own and I see that not
19:00.52Oreeok, so I'm half (or 1'third) deacent at Lua, thought taking the responsebility for making bossmods with RDX for the guild was a good oppertunity to learn som LUA (and scripting in general). Boy was I wrong, the drama.. the drama :))
19:00.54Mr_Rabies2it's so hot and humid and random thunderstorms and aaagghrhrhhghgh
19:00.54TS|Skromer now
19:00.55KasoCide i use 0.55 and the draggy box thing goes crazy on me
19:01.54Cidehehe, yeah it does
19:01.55TS|Skromi'm queue 619 on forgotten coast ....
19:02.00Cairennso, now you understand why saying that wowtoc is all that will get you smacked in this channel
19:02.13TS|Skromlol yeah I do
19:02.24JoshBorkewowtoc is all
19:02.39JoshBorkeMr_Rabies2, you're in Georgia too?
19:02.46Cairennnice try JoshBorke, but I know how much you'd enjoy it
19:02.56TS|Skrombesides Cairenn is all anyway
19:03.02CideKaso: you should see the hack to make it do that though
19:03.04TS|Skromwowtoc doesn't hold a candle
19:03.05JoshBorke~hug Cairenn
19:03.07purlACTION hugs Cairenn
19:03.11JoshBorkeMr_Rabies2, nice storm last night, eh?
19:03.16Mr_Rabies2at least i'm in northern GA, though
19:03.17CideI guess I shouldn't have used :StartSizing
19:03.23Mr_Rabies2southern, ohgodi'dbedead
19:05.34TS|Skromman... wow over vnc is painful ><
19:05.36Mr_Rabies2come back llane i miss you :[
19:05.40Kirkburn1Woop four font packs sorted :)
19:05.41Mr_Rabies2yeah, yeah it is skrom
19:05.47Mr_Rabies2especially over the internet
19:05.51TS|Skromand I'm still on the connect queue
19:06.02TS|Skromactually I'm technically on wow over vnc over rdp
19:06.13Mr_Rabies2i patched over vnc via the internet from my dorm
19:06.16Mr_Rabies2not fun
19:06.31TS|SkromI connected to my server which has 4 gigs ram and 2 processors just so the java vnc client would run better
19:06.58MentalPowerServers are comming online!!!
19:07.00AnduinLotharwho the hell thought it would eb a good idea to bring up only 7 servers..
19:07.05MentalPower7 so far
19:07.17Mr_Rabies27's a lucky number zomgomzomzomg
19:07.27Mr_Rabies27 have been up for almost an hour, MentalPower
19:08.08Mr_Rabies2its cool :P
19:08.22Mr_Rabies2not everyone is as addicted as to sit at the realm selection screen for hours
19:09.36_RTE_Alright, who can help me make a complex thingy in xml?
19:09.42Shadowedwru ctprofiles :(
19:10.58_RTE_I need an analog of chat window, but with selectable text
19:11.38_RTE_Cairenn, you have extra spacebars? :)
19:12.25CairennI've got entire extra keyboards ;)
19:12.37_RTE_that does not count ;P
19:12.46Cairennheh, sure it does
19:13.16Cairennsee? it counts
19:13.27zenzelezzwhat does he need two spacebars for?
19:13.33_RTE_now you have one less extra keyboard :)
19:13.37Cairennhe seems to have lost his
19:13.47zenzelezzbut you already gave him one
19:14.04_RTE_that if he loses it :)
19:14.30Cairennah, I see what you mean now ... I was just showing _RTE_ how it works ;)
19:14.54Mr_Rabies2sorry about the scripted spam there cairenn
19:15.12Cairennhehehe, just teasing ya Mr_Rabies, no worries
19:15.13Mr_Rabies2it's mostly for the other irc networks i'm on in which random slap fights occur :x
19:15.53Mr_Rabies2oh wait
19:15.57Mr_Rabies2the server blocked them
19:16.07Mr_Rabies2Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )
19:16.27Mr_Rabies2when someone emotes to me it /notices them annoying text :O
19:19.37Kirkburn1Busy day on the wiki, I see
19:19.46Mr_Rabies2i think my house might be built over a fiery pit to hell that opens once every thousand years
19:19.52Mr_Rabies2cause holy crap i'm dying here
19:19.52Hexarobithatd be a good nerd-rock song
19:19.58Hexarobia love song to wikipedia
19:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:23.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
19:23.35IrielIt's unusually calm in the jungle today
19:23.36Cairennhey hey Iriel
19:23.39Cairennhappy patch day
19:23.45Cairennlol, forums aren't up yet
19:23.46_RTE_heya Iriel
19:23.54_RTE_^ indeed
19:24.10IrielIndeed, i'm sick but it's probably useful since I have time to update addons.
19:24.16IrielHm, i'm logged into them just fine
19:24.19IrielLucky me I guess
19:24.29zenzelezzI must say I like playing on EU servers way better than on US servers... now the weekly downtime isn't in the middle of the day for me
19:25.39_RTE_oh, Iriel, maybe you could help me
19:26.02_RTE_I rememeber you had something close to what I want in one of your addons (I think)
19:26.13IrielWhat would that be?
19:26.13CairennDevTools :p
19:26.58_RTE_I need a chat-like window (ie scrollable 100+ lines), not editable by user and with ability to select text
19:27.06BeladonaIriel, I could use your help with something very simple
19:27.26CairennIriel: /sympathy on being sick
19:27.48IrielHm.. I have no idea if SimpleHTML is selectable, but that's all I could think it could be
19:28.01IrielOr possibly just ScrollingMessageFrame like actual chat
19:28.09Mr_Rabies2is there any kind of updated ETA on the rest of the realms? :[
19:28.11IrielBeladona : What do you need?
19:28.13zenzelezzdon't editboxes have a read-only flag?
19:28.15IrielCairenn : Thanks.
19:28.42TS|Skromis this valid:                          getglobal(this:GetName().."SliderValueText"):SetText(getglobal(this:GetName()):GetValue()*100).."%";
19:28.44BeladonaIriel: rank progression as returned by UnitPVPRank goes like this no? 0 (no rank), 5, 4, 3, 2, 1?
19:28.48Irielzenzelezz : I dont think so.
19:28.57zenzelezzhow odd :-o Ought to have
19:29.17IrielBeladona : I actually have no idea! One of the downsides of largely playing on a non-PVP server.
19:29.23IrielLet me see if the code makes it obvious
19:29.24_RTE_TS|Skrom : yes
19:29.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
19:29.52TS|SkromI'm getting "Attempt to call a nil value"
19:30.02Beladonasee, I have this status bar, that displays via tooltip your current rank. Which works perfectly. But to get the next rank I was offsetting by +1, which does work as long as you have a rank
19:30.10Mr_Rabies2server's UP
19:30.14Cairennbleh, still can't log in to forums
19:30.14_RTE_where exactelly?
19:30.17Beladonabut if you don't have one, it always comes up as Pariah
19:30.22Beladonawhich is obviously wrong
19:30.29IrielTS|Skrom : Why are you not just doing 'this:GetValue()' in the second clause?
19:30.35TS|Skromthat particular exchange happens OnValueChanged for a slider
19:30.48TS|Skromhappens on load (when the saved variable gets set) and also whenever you drag the slider
19:30.52IrielTS|Skrom : And are you sure that your text is called "WhateverSliderSliderValueText" ?
19:30.58_RTE_ah .."%" should be inside the bracket
19:31.04Mr_Rabies2used to when you decayed below scout or private, you'd get pariah i think
19:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:31.40Mr_Rabies2maybe you still get it, but its hidden?
19:32.09IrielLet me see what GetPVPRankInfo says
19:32.15TS|SkromIriel, no I am not entirely sure.... I made a <Layer level="ARTWORK">
19:32.24TS|Skrominside the <slider>
19:32.39_RTE_TS|Skrom : wrong
19:32.40TS|Skromand my slider is named  <Slider name="$parentSliderOverheal"
19:32.56TS|Skromkk I figured hehe
19:33.00IrielThat should be right then. If your <Layer> is inside a <Layers>
19:33.21TS|Skromhow does parent get set?
19:34.08_RTE_When I tried that it did not work for me
19:34.11_RTE_try this:
19:35.20_RTE_<frames><frame><slider name="abc">...</slider></frame></frames><layers><layer><fontstring name="abcSliderValueText">...
19:35.26_RTE_works great for me
19:35.32IrielThat's wrong RTE
19:35.37Iriel<slider is a frame
19:35.39Irielso you'd want
19:36.06Irielwith correct caps, obviously
19:36.15CodayusIs there a way to use lua to change video options?
19:36.15Iriel$parent is set by the parser, to the appropriate parent name
19:36.17_RTE_yeah, you're right
19:36.27_RTE_nor <frame></frame> in mine
19:36.28IrielCodayus : Yes, that's how the UI options are implemented
19:36.34TS|Skromwhat's that site to post code with?
19:36.49CodayusThat's what I thought.
19:36.55IrielBeladona : Ranks below 5 are the 'negative honor' ones
19:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
19:37.06IrielBeladona : 5 is scout, 1 is pariah (the worst)
19:37.14IrielThe 'good' ranks increase from 5
19:37.37Beladonabut no rank is always 0
19:38.04Beladonaso that means I am going to have to get the faction, and then set the base rank depending on their faction
19:38.08Irielconsider '0' undefined.
19:38.15cogwheelCodayus: look at and also look up SetCVar, GetCVar, and RestartGx
19:38.15Beladonathey couldn't just make it easy
19:38.56IrielInterface/FrameXML/OptionsFrame.lua has all the video stuff in
19:39.41CodayusOh, thanks.  I was using SetCVar, but it wasn't working, so I assumed that wasn't the right way.  RestartGx() was the step I was missing.
19:43.20IrielBeladona : You could just use GetPVPRankInfo(5, faction)
19:44.59IrielIn fact, you dont have to hard code 5
19:45.15TS|Skromfigured it out
19:45.48TS|Skromgetglobal(this:GetName().."SliderValueText"):SetText(getglobal(this:GetName()):GetValue()*100).."%";   - was in fact, not valid
19:45.58Irielthe 2nd return from GetPVPRankInfo counts down from 5 to 1 then from 1 back up to N
19:45.58TS|SkromI needed to move the ) after 100 to after the final "
19:46.05Irielso you can just find the point at which it starts counting up again
19:46.26IrielTS|Skrom : RTE spotted that a while back, but that doesn't necessarily explain the exact error you had.
19:50.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
19:50.12Industrialhmm I remember having seen an addon that lets you move frames that are registered with it in some 'moving' mode wich just paces a frame over them and anchors the frame you want to move to that oh never mind ill make it myself
19:50.18TS|Skromahh I missed where he pointed that out
19:50.23TS|SkromI changed it and it works now like expected
19:51.04AnduinLotharMobileFrames or MoveAnything?
19:51.19_RTE_<Industrial> : MoveAnything? DiscordFrameMover?>
19:51.20Industrialthanks ill look
19:51.24Industrialbut certainly not moveanything
19:51.30Industrialand no discord either
19:52.25Industrialmmmm nope Ill make one myself
19:53.06IrielOh, look at that, "Show Own Name" is now an option
19:53.10IrielHow long's that been there?
19:53.17Cairennit is?
19:53.33Cairennso it is!
19:53.42IrielNew in 1.12 - handy
19:53.53TS|Skromis there some way to force a number in xml to be an int?
19:54.02AnduinLotharyay autoself cast
19:54.03Industrialtheres no int, only number
19:54.10TS|Skromwhat I thought
19:54.17TS|Skromor at least what I thought I had read haha
19:54.44_RTE_That is exactelly why I had CF_round function in code I showed you :)
19:55.12TS|SkromI couldn't just call math.ceil(V) over it huh?
19:55.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
19:55.37_RTE_you could
19:56.56cogwheelnot in the XML
19:57.16Mr_Rabies2now if only they had "show own healthbar" when you hit v
19:57.23TS|SkromWell for crying out loud.
19:57.28TS|SkromI thought I had tried math.ceil before...
19:57.36TS|Skromjust added it and it worked perfectly
19:57.48cogwheelin an XML property or in Lua code?
19:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge meh (
19:59.47cogwheelyour original question was "is there some way to force a number in xml to be an int?"
19:59.48_RTE_you just need to know what he's doing to understand him
19:59.48_RTE_he's trying to show status of the slider
19:59.48TS|Skromoh sorry in lua
20:01.59TS|Skromwell kinda, it's IN the xml file but I'm calling math.ceil(getglobal(this):Getvalue()*100) or some variation that actually runs lol
20:02.11cogwheeldo you want it to round or truncate? a simple truncate is math.floor(num). rounding is math.floor(num+0.5)
20:02.38cogwheelthe problem with using ceil is that it will always round up (e.g. ceil(1.0000001) == 2)
20:02.43AnduinLotharlol extended till 4pm
20:03.10Cairennfair few up now though
20:03.15Cairennstill not all, but some
20:03.48Beladonacool, got the faction/rank thing working, thanks Iriel
20:03.48AnduinLotharan alt of mine is up so i have a lvl 5 for testing, but no main for pvp pwnage
20:04.00TS|Skromtruncate is sufficient
20:04.17TS|Skromahh didn't know that about ceil, will switch to floor then
20:05.19TS|Skromwell.. that explains why I was getting 101 last night haha!
20:05.24_RTE_well, floor(1.99999999)=1
20:06.08AnduinLothar:) finally made ChatBar's reorder work w/o Sky
20:06.43chuckgI'm still waiting for blizzard to allow us to leave trade and channels of a city type while NOT in a city.
20:06.51chuckgHate when trade takes over my /1 /2
20:08.00_RTE_anywho, time for the afternoon tea
20:08.16Cairennlater _RTE_
20:08.37_RTE_tea > working hehe :)
20:09.09AnduinLotharnever fails to amuse me that I get tells asking why i'm naked..
20:09.27AnduinLotharsince all my test chars have never worn anythign but a weapon
20:09.39TS|SkromWell maybe it's just the way I'm doing things that needs improving. I'm running a slider... min 0 max 1 step .01 but it's not doing hard stops every .01 so I'm getting numbers like .24000000765
20:10.01TS|Skromwhen I display that on the tooltip I'm taking the math.ceil(value * 100)
20:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:10.06Mr_Rabies2hahaha 75 wsgs in our battlegroup
20:10.07Mr_Rabies2i love it
20:10.09TS|Skromto get rid of the extras
20:10.29TS|Skromam I doing something wrong that's causing the extra decimal digits?
20:11.06cogwheellooks like approximation error to me. You should do some reading up on floating point arithmetic :)
20:11.18AnduinLotharhawt rabies
20:11.37TS|Skromhrm.. but I'm not declaring anything except what the slider is telling me
20:11.51TS|Skromslider = 0 to 1 step by .01
20:12.22TS|SkromI guess that "step by .01" is just "as close as it gets to .01?"
20:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
20:13.01TS|SkromI mean it's no big deal I've worked around it
20:13.14TS|Skrombut I was just trying to figure out if I was doing something wrong and causing it to happen lol
20:13.19cogwheelyou missed the point, TS|Skrom... computers represent floating point numbers in binary but we think in decimal... think of it this way: 1/3 in decimal is 0.333333333333333... repeating... however, in base 3 it's 0.1... The computer can't represent decimals with perfect accuracy
20:13.47TS|SkromI like to have clean code where possible, it's why I'm rewriting this in the first place hehe
20:13.53TS|Skromthanks for the link, I'll be sure to read up on that
20:14.01Hexarobiya floating point numbers suck, you can go from binary to floating point, but going from floating point to binary sucks balls
20:14.56Hexarobino one in the class got it right
20:15.11cogwheelhow'd the calculator project go?
20:15.54Hexarobiheh, i didnt turn it in
20:16.00Hexarobistill pulled a C in the class
20:16.08Hexarobihe had to give a 70 point curve
20:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
20:17.40Cairennhi Grumpey
20:18.52Shadowedyou can no longer get the server type of people in cross server bg's
20:20.25Oreeawevwe type ?
20:20.30Oreeeh, server type?
20:20.58ShadowedPVE, PVP, RP, RP-PVP
20:21.45OreeSo pooled servers are mixed server types?
20:22.14sancuswhy does it matter what server type they are
20:23.56Cairennman, Es better not give me grief tonight about the lack of stress thread on blizz forums, been trying to log in all day
20:26.30IrielWhee, and wow takes out my system AGAIN.. It's really odd, I can play just fine but shortly after logging out, down it goes
20:29.59AnduinLotharlolc cair
20:30.10AnduinLothardamned if you don't, eh?
20:30.29Irielwell, if nobody can log in, there's not goingv to be any visible stress
20:31.29zenzelezzstoop and be stepped on, stand tall and be shot at
20:31.54CairennI think I'll survive it ;)
20:33.54Mr_Rabies2no mobs on kalimdor
20:33.58Mr_Rabies2and AQ's shut
20:33.59ShadowedSo battlegroups are already broken
20:36.49Warlamyserver isnt even up....
20:38.18*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
20:41.03KirovHalf the servers are down.
20:41.09AnduinLotharNow.. to begin the hell that is updating all the sites with my 46 updated addons
20:41.11KirovThose that are up are dirt slow
20:41.44KirovSomeone needs to make a damned update program for this kind of thing.
20:42.13AnduinLotharneed to get Cosmos v3 workign so i don't have to
20:42.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
20:42.37AnduinLotharv3's gonna have individual downlaods
20:45.21JoshBorkesorry what?
20:45.29OsagasuSo what is Alphamap and why isn't it actually in the alpha branch? :P
20:46.05Cairennis alphamap
20:46.18Gryphenit will be in 15 minutes
20:52.11_RTE_so, are the servers up yet?
20:52.24Cairenna handful
20:52.29_RTE_same 7?
20:52.42Shadowedno, like 30
20:52.43Cairennno, been more than 7 for a while now, but most still down
20:52.50_RTE_I c
20:53.26OsagasuBoth of my servers are up. 8)
20:53.51OsagasuJealous, dearie? :P
20:53.58Cairennyou betcha
20:54.03ShadowedIriel: For druid forums if you're in Cheetah you have to click Cheetah to leave it, then you have to click the other form. So if you're in cheetah and want to move to cat you have to click cheetah, then cat
20:54.15Shadowedthe person probably wants something so that they can click cat and it cancels any active form, then cat again and it casts it
20:55.05OsagasuTime to see what the patch broke for me.
20:55.25OsagasuAnd I hope that's what they want, cause that's the closest they're gonna get
20:56.51_RTE_woot it's almoust 5pm
20:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Silv (
21:00.59_RTE_well, later everyone
21:01.07_RTE_happy patch day
21:01.14Silvsad oRA day:(
21:01.14Cairennlater _
21:01.28_RTE_time to go home and face immenent doom
21:01.33ShadowedWhat happened to ORA?
21:01.37Cairenn~doom song
21:01.43purl"Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom ...."
21:02.15AnduinLotharyay grr
21:02.23Silvnothing it just wont be 1.12 compat using the addon communication system which breaks compatibility with the new CTRA which makes for unhappy guild
21:02.54AnduinLothardid ecastingbar get updated?
21:03.13chuckgFix mobile frames.
21:03.16Silvwhich makes me out of guild raid compliance if i dont run something compatible with durability / item / resist checks etc
21:03.18ShadowedWhy would it break compbat with CTRA?
21:03.21Shadowedjust use the same prefix
21:03.33AnduinLotharchuckg, it's already fixed
21:03.39chuckgThe alwaysup thing?
21:03.49chuckgLink me latest? I forget where I got it originally.
21:03.55chuckgI need to remove the tooltip when I drag though.
21:03.56chuckgThat bugs me.
21:04.15AnduinLotharit's only inthe cosmos alpha atm
21:05.15chuckgThe one listed here?
21:05.43TS|Skromanyone know anythiung about outlook?
21:06.03TS|SkromSpecifically how to set your contacts folder as your default address book over the global address list
21:06.04Beladonaminimap and statusbars updated -- now with more chocalatey goodness
21:06.08Cairennit's a DB program
21:06.16Cairennmmmm, chocolate!
21:06.48Beladonaworking on a config ui for it, but for now its all slash commands
21:07.05Beladonaand finally got the honor bar working =P
21:07.28Beladonatime to go home, seeya all laters
21:13.18Cairennoh, he just made a liar of us all!
21:13.22AnduinLotharlogin server ate it
21:13.34Legorolhi guys
21:13.39Legorolhow are the new cross-realm BGs fairing?
21:13.41AnduinLotharwow, it's a legorol
21:13.42CairennAnduinLothar: GUESS what just got updated on WoWI?
21:13.55AnduinLotharum.. atlas?
21:13.59Cairennrofl, yes
21:14.14chuckgNo more seahooks huh Anduin?
21:14.16AnduinLotharthat's ok. i don't liek it anyway
21:14.18chuckgNice =D
21:14.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
21:14.29chuckgIn mobileframes.
21:14.43AnduinLotharthe version in Cosmos has deps. it's not standalone
21:15.11AnduinLothari fuckign wrote SeaHooks, stop whining.
21:15.24chuckgI know you did.
21:15.32chuckgJust thought you removed the library altogether.
21:15.32AnduinLothari will kill you all
21:15.41chuckgI don't care which library it is, I don't like using them =D
21:15.53Legorollibraries are good for you!
21:15.56Legorolstop blaming them
21:16.00AnduinLotharindescriminante ignorance. yay
21:16.13AnduinLotharha, i broke my server
21:16.15cladhaireha ha!  My Clique plugin was smarter than me =)
21:16.21AnduinLotharit's the only one that went down
21:16.36TS|Skromstay away from mine ><
21:17.00TS|Skromwait, what do I care I'm going out tonight lol
21:17.01MentalPowerchuckg: I guess you don't use Auctionner either
21:17.22TS|Skrombye all
21:17.22chuckgIf I toss in SeaHooks\SeaHooks.lua, that should be fine right Anduin?
21:17.27chuckg(in the toc)
21:19.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (
21:21.29ThraeLet me ask you this! Do you support our Alliance troops, or are you an Undead wearing human skin?! We all know the Orcs were most gracious that we liberated them from their Orc Warlords and gave education about how wonderful our Alliance is. Anyone who wants us to stop invading the Orc lands is obviously wants the Burning Legion or Scourge to win.
21:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
21:23.08CairennEsamynn: I *just* got logged in, finally, I'm about to put the stress thread up, don't fuss at me!
21:23.17Cairennoh, and "hi, how are ya?"
21:23.47purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at Industrial and fires. Click.
21:24.25Endnone of my normal realms are up :(
21:24.38Endhowever, for addon work, I generally only need a level 1 char anyways!
21:24.54JoshBorkebye all :-)
21:24.54*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:25.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
21:26.10Esamynnno worries Cair, I haven't been paying any attention to patch day yet anyways ;)
21:26.27Cairennyeah, but I just couldn't resist ;)
21:26.28AnduinLothari was doing somehting..
21:27.05chuckgFinishing mobileframe standalone?
21:27.23AnduinLotharnah, going alphabeticly.. was doign APB
21:27.46MentalPowerchuckg: why doný you just hack the TOC and make it standalone yourself?
21:27.55chuckgCan't just do that.
21:27.59chuckgUnfortunately, I  tried that.
21:28.04Gryphenjust drop in addons\seahooks
21:28.14MentalPowerthen you didn't try hard enough
21:28.21chuckgIt requires actual Sea.
21:28.32AnduinLothari should test these standalone before i submit them eh..
21:29.12EsamynnAnduinLothar: nah, testing them standalone would make too much sense......
21:29.40AnduinLotharwell if i only had to do 2 addons i may..
21:30.20AnduinLotharbut considering i have like a million addons to do and i've doen the conversion from dependant to standalone liek 50 million times i'm fairly confidant it'll work
21:30.34AnduinLotharbut i'm prone to doing stupid things occationally
21:31.37ThraeWe all do that, AnduinLothar. The people want quick updates, but quick updates could result in bad bugs being left in.
21:31.44ShadowedCairenn: SSPVP should be working fine for 1.12
21:32.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:32.29Guillotinepatch day
21:32.42EsamynnJeez, it's like a party in here, 79 ppl
21:32.53Guillotineits suprisingly good in download speed and addon stability this time
21:33.09CairennEsamynn: thread is up
21:33.27Guillotineso anybody happen to know the names of the two new serverse made ysterday? mine is down :(
21:34.11AnduinLotharArcanePartyBars v4.0 out
21:35.04Guillotineinteresting... is working, but the root site isn't
21:35.04Thraecladhaire: Does Clique have mana conservation?
21:35.17cladhaireand never will
21:37.26AnduinLotharmm Archaeologist next
21:38.01Guillotinecladhaire: thank you. I hate mana conservation addons :/ I don't find them to work near as well as doing it manually
21:38.28cladhaireThrae: Any particular reason for asking?
21:38.38AnduinLotharmeh, Archaeologist has no real changes
21:39.37Thraecladhaire: I wanted to get rid of AceHeal for Clique, but I still want mana conservation. I'll just pull the functions out of AceHeal if needed.
21:40.17cladhaireThrae: *shrug* you can easily write them yourself in clique's editor
21:42.12cladhaireI hope my WatchDog users know how to read
21:42.37ThraeTrue...well, I'd rather write a good mana conservation addon that can take into account +healing and that can interact with Clique, because I can. For all the trouble of writing one for my own use, it seems I could go a little bit farther and make it useful for more people.
21:43.03ThraeHeh, it's SVN. Let them figure it out.
21:46.21cladhaireno, not that
21:46.26cladhairethe fact that i removed all click-casting form it
21:47.38*** join/#wowi-lounge gutano (
21:49.20AnduinLotharlol, i DID do something stupid and standalone didn't work
21:49.25gutanoanyone have a recomendation for a blp viewer? I tried the BLP2 Viewer (which later I noticed posts about a trojan horse below... thanks curse).. but in spite of the ?trojan horse? it didn't work for me
21:49.32AnduinLothari win
21:51.37MentalPowergutano: XnView works for most BLP's
21:52.24gutanoMentalPower: thanks I'll give that a try
21:52.48Cairenngutano: ... yet again, it didn't have a trojan, numerous people in channel have checked it
21:53.19Cairennit may not have worked, but it didn't have a trojan - two seperate issues
21:53.35gutanoCairenn: good, I don't run virus scans because i'm a neat freak and I don't download too much unknown, and I re-install atleast every few months
21:54.06Cairennnot running a virus scan, however, is still silly
21:54.40gutanoCairenn:  well... considering I use windows for warcraft... and somewhat recently warcraft modding... I'm not too concerned about it
21:54.48Thraegutano: I suggest at least an online virus scan using about once a month, better once every week or two weeks.
21:55.08gutanoie... that's all I use it for
21:55.10ThraeI mean, at least once a month. Come on. It takes like 30 minutes.
21:55.48ThraeMore like 15 minutes if your HDD isn't that bgi.
21:55.48gutano? warcraft start delivering viruses ?
21:56.03gutanoother than blp viewers =D
21:56.31Cairennwell, the idea that you can't get viruses on platforms other than windows is just plain silly too
21:57.10AnduinLothar<-- lazy
21:57.12Cairennbut hey, it's your machine
21:57.14gutanoCairenn: I'm not too worried about it, my tendencies are fairly safe (I do not rely on the OS for my security, but my habbits)
21:57.30Cairennwe're just making suggestions
21:57.38gutanolast time I installed norton I had to re-install to get it off =/ so it caused more trouble than it saved
21:57.44ThraeA good habit is to do an online virus scan at least once a month.
21:58.11ThraeEven if you almost never use the computer, or "watch what you do". is used by professionals (myself included) and even does a Spyware scan.
21:58.55gutanoif I wanted a lecture I'd a asked yer mom =P
21:59.09Cairennexcuse me, no reason whatsoever to get rude
21:59.44ThraeI'm only thinking of your poor computer. To me, a computer is like a dog. I'm going to call the Society Against Cruelty To Computers ;)
21:59.48gutanowasn't talkin to you Cairenn... and I hope I didn't take that too far, heh
22:00.25ThraeEver see "Reboot"? Think of those poor sprites!
22:00.35EsamynnThrae: lol
22:00.37gutanoscsi is stuck behind the firewall!
22:00.47Kirkburn(anyone who installs Norton deserves everything they get :)
22:00.53ThraeYou're letting Megabyte run rampant! Bob is still at the Mainframe!
22:01.12gutanoram the gigabytes!! (not from reboot)
22:03.07Esamynnso what is the most recent word on maintenence?
22:03.17Cairennsome are up, others are down
22:03.39Cairennand apparently login is borked
22:03.49Cairennso, yeah, you know, snafu
22:03.53AnduinLotharzomg standalone AssistMe
22:04.12EsamynnI have a dream, that dream is a problem free patch day
22:04.14AnduinLotharhmmm last updated in february 2005...
22:06.09Esamynnwait a second, they aren't going to migrate posts from the old forums to the new.....sigh
22:06.22Cairennthey aren't?
22:06.35AnduinLotharnew forums?
22:07.04IndustrialIs there an easiest fast and/or best way of knowing if a unit has certain buffs?
22:07.44LegorolCairenn: they aren't, they've been asking people to archive their posts
22:08.16Cairennwell, luckily I've got the FAQs archived
22:08.34Cairennplus being on the wiki
22:08.41Cairennand on WoWI
22:08.59zenzelezzyou mentioned Wiki before WoWI :-o
22:09.04zenzelezzI'm shocked, young lady
22:09.28Cairennplus I've got most of the "upcoming"
22:09.35Cairennand some of the "actual api"
22:10.14Cairennthose ones being on WoWI, easy enough to copy them back over, if appropriate
22:12.24Cairennalthough that last line is somewhat worrisome
22:13.01Cairenn"we are going to start taking a more conservative approach to which threads we will allow to be stickied in the various forums."
22:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
22:13.40QzotOh. My. Crowded today.
22:13.46Cairennpatch day
22:13.54QzotMakes sense.
22:13.56zenzelezzwell, considering the number of stickies on some forums, I'm not surprised
22:14.17Cairennjust so long as the FAQs remain stickied in the UI forum, I dun care :p
22:14.20QzotPatch day makse sense. I don't follow 'stickies'.
22:14.32Cairennconversation you missed beginning of
22:14.42zenzelezzjust naughty stuff Q
22:14.43Temdear Fileplanet, I love you
22:14.55zenzelezzoh god, Tem has gone mad
22:15.03Tempatch downloader running all day: 2% complete
22:15.11Tempatch dowloaded from fileplanet <1 minute
22:15.27QzotYou don't start you download *early* in the morning?
22:15.32zenzelezztime in queue on FilePlanet: 3 hours
22:16.02QzotI theorize that not many WoW players are awake at 7am. :D
22:16.08Temzenzelezz, that's what having a friend who has a FP account is for
22:16.43zenzelezzI imagine right now half my guild is busy shouting insults in guild chat at Blizzard because of the pre-maintenance backup lag
22:16.47Temoh damn lol
22:16.54Temmy hdd is too full to complete the patch
22:17.19zenzelezznaughty movies?
22:17.29Temwow movites
22:17.37TemI couldn't play all weekend
22:17.40zenzelezzthose are expendable
22:17.40Legorolwrong priorities, Tem
22:17.46Legorolwow movies > naughty movies
22:17.51QzotBattlegroup 5, Tem?
22:18.00zenzelezznaughty wow movies!
22:18.00TemQzot, not sure
22:18.11Temso I downloaded all the wow mage pvp movies I could ge my hands on
22:18.15purlPorn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
22:18.19QzotWas your server listed on the Breaking News page? If so, BG5.
22:18.32Legorolisn't that the command for the link to the WoW Pron video?
22:19.03Legorolah that's the one
22:19.07Cairenn~for porn
22:19.15Temoh lol I still have the 3.5 gig video of us killing skeram
22:19.37zenzelezzI hope that's uncompressed, or you guys took a while
22:20.06TemQzot, I wanna say I'm in BG7
22:20.12TemQzot, I'll check now if I can
22:20.42zenzelezzbit annoyed that our MT captured our first Anub'Rekhan kill... all you see for most of the movie is him, the boss and occasionally the hunter giving him speed aura
22:21.41TemI got all excited about it, but sadly my computer just can't handle a raid and fraps at the same time
22:22.15zenzelezzI was quite surprised to hear he was capturing while tanking o_O But it worked, so who cares =)
22:22.45Temanyone have a link to the Battlegroup list?
22:22.46gutanohrrrmmm... I've looked twice, and I can't find a set of class icons in the Blizzard Interface Art.... am I missing it? or is this somewhere else? is (unsurprizingly) real slow
22:23.10Cairenngutano: snag 'em from my site
22:23.11Temgutano, look in the glues
22:23.33Cairennor that
22:23.33Temthe extracter may not extract that
22:23.36gutanoTem: ahhh, a subdir, thanks =D
22:23.44Tembut that's what WinMPQ is for
22:23.59Cairennthe extractor gets them
22:25.42MentalPowergutano: Blizzard Interface Art\Glues\CharacterCreate\UI-CharacterCreate-Classes.blp
22:26.08gutanoMentalPower: yeah Tem pointed them out, thanks though =D
22:26.09Legorolguys, any feedback on how cross-realm BG is working out in US?
22:26.20cladhaireseems to be going well on the servers that are up
22:26.24gutanohrrrm... it's been up for.... 20 mins ?
22:26.24cladhairethe BG i PVP on is still down
22:26.32cladhaire94 WSG in BG3
22:26.40Temcladhaire, that's hot
22:26.50cladhairei bet BG10 is doing well too
22:26.54cladhaireor whatever my other one is.
22:27.14gutanolowbies rejoice!! you may get to play BG's before 51/60
22:27.16cladhairegoing to IF to queue
22:27.22Temwhy does it take wow so damn long to load?
22:27.29zenzelezzdull patch
22:28.01zenzelezzhrm, who stole the "sheet" from my sentence
22:28.32Temwhy is my server still down?
22:28.42Guillotinemine too :(
22:28.46TemI have like an hour to play before I have to go back for mor rehearsals :(
22:28.47Guillotinebut they jsut started a restart of all serverse
22:28.50Kirovmine three
22:29.01TemI wanted to get a taste of cross-realm
22:29.02Guillotineso I would guess all servers will be up in several minutes
22:29.17Guillotinenobody on draka :(
22:29.25Temdraka is up though
22:29.33Temit actually assigned me to it when I tried to log in
22:29.58Guillotineme as well
22:31.21Legorolcladhaire: is that 94 WSG over all levels, or just for 60s?
22:31.27Legoroleither way it's impressive..
22:31.28cladhaire112 now.
22:31.35Legoroli guess everyone's trying it :)
22:31.37zenzelezzwill be fun to see if the EU servers are back and running smoothly when I wake up tomorrow
22:32.01Legorolzenzelezz: looooooong maintenance
22:32.05Legoroldoesn't finish till 16pm
22:32.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
22:32.24QzotHmm. I'm just catching up.
22:32.28zenzelezzwe'll see
22:32.34QzotWhat seem to have been the rough spots today?
22:32.50Guillotinewhoops. sry ><
22:33.02zenzelezzlowercast R in Bloodrage
22:33.03Guillotinebut ya, that will let you charge in combat if you spam it o.0
22:33.13Guillotinenot on the texture
22:33.19zenzelezzon ability though
22:33.28Guillotinewhoops. you're right
22:33.38Guillotinethough I don't think CastSpellByName is case sensitive. is it?
22:33.49zenzelezzhopefully not
22:34.09QzotI don't think you need to 'local' i, if it's in a for loop, do you?
22:34.38CorrodiasTem: what you said about the blizzard downloader is so completely true
22:34.58Corrodiasand -holy balls-, 808 seeds and 1100 peers on the patch torrent
22:35.19Guillotineqzot: not my code ;)
22:35.24zenzelezzGuillotine: another thing, are you sure that would work? Charge requires you to be out-of-combat, but Bloodrage puts you into combat
22:35.36Guillotineand it takes you out of combat if you cancel the buff prematurely
22:35.38Guillotinethats the bug
22:35.40QzotBut you've taken responsibility for it by pasting it here. :D
22:35.42Guillotineit shouldn't take you out of combat
22:35.54GuillotineQzot: I'm just saying it works, not that its the most efficient
22:35.58zenzelezzbut you cast Charge before you cancel the buff
22:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:36.27Guillotinedon't ask me. I just found it on the bug forums :P
22:36.48zenzelezzguess I'm mistaken then
22:36.59cladhaireanyone here a rogue?
22:37.06GuillotineI have a 39 rogue...
22:37.15cladhairei'm looking at 18/28/5.. any thoughts?
22:38.44Corrodiasgo 0/0/51
22:38.50cladhaireaaah shit.
22:38.53cladhairei just spec 5/5 dodge
22:38.57Corrodiasi know nothing about rogues, but that sounds cool.
22:38.57KirovAnyone know if beladona is going to release an updated damage meters?
22:39.24TainGonna be going 15/31/5 myslef
22:39.31CorrodiasKirov: just to use the new sendaddonmessage, or does it actually not work?
22:39.37TainWhat's the extra 3 in Assassination?
22:40.30TainI really do like Ruthlessness.
22:40.36cladhaireyep =)
22:40.41TainBut I struggle too much with losing Combat
22:40.47cladhairewhat do you lose
22:41.09TainI don't know!  I don't have it in front of me. hha
22:41.14cladhairewowhead it.
22:41.16TainDo you have a build to link?
22:41.30cladhairewhats better for a combat dagger rogue
22:41.34cladhairethe 2 in imp SS
22:41.37cladhaireor putting those in ip S&D
22:41.39cladhairefor raids
22:41.40Cidegood night
22:41.52Cidegoing to bed - hopefully I'm not waking up to 1500 bugs!
22:41.53KirkburnG'night Cide
22:42.03Kirkburnheh, here's hoping
22:42.05Kirovcorrodias - it works for me fine, even with out the update afaik
22:42.07Kirovnight Cide
22:42.08TainI wasn't always but I am a believer in imp SnD now.
22:42.35TainEspecially as a dagger rogue where you're relying on a slower CP buildup with Backstabs than Sinister Strikes
22:42.37KirovCorrodias - I just don't want to add another mod to have to update constantly.
22:42.52KirovCorrodias - I'm moving this week, so I don't have time to fix anything if it breaks.
22:42.56AnduinLotharnight cide
22:43.11TainIf you're going dagger i wouldn't get Imp Evis
22:43.13KirkburnCripes updating a simple thing takes a while :O
22:43.40TainSnD as a finisher will do more damage on any extended fight than Evis
22:43.48KirkburnI'm still doing stuff for the next ClearFont release :/
22:44.02chuckgHave a new font?
22:44.13cladhaireTain: But i used evisc when i get ahead on CP
22:44.16cladhairei dont use it instaed of S&D
22:44.25AnduinLotharcome on kirk, i've already updated all of Cosmos and posted 5 or 6 updated on curse and wowi, what's taking you so long ;)
22:44.27cladhairelemme look tho
22:44.41TainRight, but since you're not using evis as a primary you don't gain as much advantage to having talent points int
22:44.51AnduinLotharyou probably slept last night, didn't you..
22:44.51TainI'd put points in Murder instead
22:45.05cladhaire+2% damage?
22:45.13cladhaireworthless imo
22:45.19Tain2% damage adds up more overtime with SnD
22:45.48TainBut it's not a big deal to have Murder at all.
22:45.54cladhairewell i only have one point to lose
22:46.08cladhaireso you're syaing this?
22:46.59Temding 2
22:47.02cladhairei wouldn't even bother with blade flurry if i didn't need it for weapon exp
22:47.04cladhaireTem: grats! zomg
22:47.30TainYou know I scrapped blade flurry for the last month and I miss it.
22:47.35TainI'm picking it back up.
22:47.42cladhairewell wep exp is worth it.
22:48.03TainI didn't think it was going to be great for raids, and it's not *great* but there's definitely times I miss it.
22:48.12cladhairewant to see what i really spec'd?
22:49.54AnduinLotharMobileFrames v3.4:
22:50.29kergothsomeone mind exporting the wow uninstall crap from the registry for me?  the patcher is freaking out at the end due to it not being there
22:50.34TainI actually changed what I was thinking about about 10 times today alone.  I'm thinking of this now.
22:52.24TainThen again why am I taking Aggression there.  Ug.
22:53.21TainSorry kergoth I don't have the registry entries for it, I copied my install files over from another system.  No actual install process.
22:53.55kergoththats what i did. did you patch successfully? :\
22:54.06Tainyeah I had no problem
22:54.44kergotherr, i lost my bookmarks when i built the new box and reloaded the os.. now i dont know what the rogue build was that i'd decided on
22:54.56kergothi know, i'll check irc logs, i know i pasted it at some point
22:55.53KirkburnAnduinLothar, you're just too much of a man for me to rival :P
22:56.51kergoth , thats the one i was thinking about
22:57.53TainDefinitely PVP huh :)
22:59.42IrielI also have a (twice) copied WoW install
23:00.00Irielno problems here either (running the launcher out of the wow installer directory)
23:00.32KasoIf you mail an amount of gold and silver and copper, on the pop-up warning it doesnt list the copper.
23:01.04kergothRegistry error loading key 'World of Warcraft\UninstallPath'
23:01.06kergothFile not Found
23:01.11kergothNOTE: No Uninstall Data
23:01.14kergothResult: patch Failed
23:01.26ThraePoor Linux user.
23:01.27Kasonot right now
23:02.46Cairennuhn, 'World of Warcraft\UninstallPath' ?
23:03.02Cairenn*sees no such critter in her folder*
23:03.03kergothregistry path
23:03.06kergothnot filesystem path
23:03.31Thraekergoth uses Linux.
23:03.47Cairennyar, I know
23:05.58Thraekergoth: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft\UninstallPath <-- if you can use Wine to trick the patcher to believe this registry key exists
23:06.23ThraeI bet Wine has some psuedo-registry you can use. The key was just never added for some reason.
23:06.29TainThat key doesn't existon my system and it works fine.
23:06.42TainOf course it's Windows.
23:07.06ThraeTain: Are you looking in USERS or MACHINE?
23:07.16ThraeIt doesn't exist in USERS, it does exist in MACHINE.
23:07.23ThraeHmmm, it exists on mine...
23:07.56Thraekergoth: Anyway, mine is set to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft\Uninstall.exe
23:08.02TainNope!  I only have InstallPath
23:08.14ThraeTain: Weird.
23:08.17Cairennsame for me
23:08.24Cairenn(same as Thrae's)
23:08.25cladhairehrm, they might have disabled Xserver BG's on this battlegroup
23:08.26kergothThrae: thanks, i'll try setting that
23:08.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
23:09.27*** part/#wowi-lounge grumpey (
23:15.55cladhaire40 AB up
23:16.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
23:19.13Esamynnwhat sort of queue times are you getting cladhaire, and which faction are you?
23:20.01cladhairei'm horde
23:20.04cladhaireless than a minute
23:20.11cladhairehaven't tested the server i'm transferring to tho
23:20.43TainWhere are you transferring to?
23:31.55AnduinLotharlol i crashed my server again
23:32.01AnduinLothardiff server too
23:32.04AnduinLotharthis time on my main
23:32.47AnduinLothar"You are now elegable to enter Warsong Gultch 56."
23:33.31IrielHm, anyone else notice a change to the return values of UnitAttackBothHands and UnitDefense ?
23:34.10AnduinLotharEasyRaid borked in bg's
23:34.21Irielspecifically it's returning 0 for all NPC's and as far as I can tell, did not used to
23:35.40AnduinLotharthey finaly fixed UnitDefense?
23:36.10IrielI'm not sure if it's "fixed' per se, what was broken ?
23:36.26Warla<3 patch
23:36.29Warla1214 mana for 849 hp LIFE TAP
23:36.40Warla<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
23:36.47Kasodidnt it allow you to get levels of masked npcs
23:37.02IrielAhhh.. that would explain some things.
23:37.10Irieli.e. why it's returning 0 for NPC's now
23:40.23IrielThe vertical sync checkbox appears to be backwards too
23:40.32Irielthough I'm not sure that's new in 1.12
23:40.45KirkburnHow can a checkbox be backwards?
23:40.56KirkburnThe tick is backwards? :)
23:41.17KirkburnOr on=ff and off=on?
23:41.19IrielWhen unchecked, vsync is enabled
23:41.22Irieland checked, it's disabled
23:41.46IrielCould be a strange SLI thing though, who knows
23:42.01Irielif I face the floor I get 64 FPS with it checked, 60 FPS with it unchecked
23:42.10KirkburnThe bug report forum stickies have been updated for 1.12:
23:44.24IrielWow, they broke rather more than I would have anticipated
23:46.01chuckgTher esomething going on w/ time formatting?
23:46.09chuckgFubar performance and my buffs all have %d.
23:49.39Corrodiaschuckg: lol, that's gotta be fun
23:49.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
23:50.04chuckgIt's interesting the number of things that do change and the number of things that are documented.
23:50.07chuckgThere's quite a divergence.
23:50.50AnduinLotharserver crashed again
23:51.57Corrodiastime to see if my addons work
23:54.58*** join/#wowi-lounge slickhenry (i=mikehunt@gateway/tor/x-52c59deac7acc2ae)

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