irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060821

00:07.21*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:11.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:11.50JoshBorkenew mod idea: forecaster
00:12.04JoshBorketells you the weather across azeroth
00:12.52Kirovhow would one do that?
00:13.02Kirovthe ui has no knowledge of the weather
00:14.43norgannai'm betting it's mathematical
00:14.58JoshBorkewhat does GetWorldDetail do?
00:15.20norgannajust like the boats, zepplins, and gy rez's - all base on world time
00:16.26norgannai reckon obj respawns are all time-based as well... just haven't worked out how yet
00:29.36JoshBorkeanyone in game where there are weather effects?
00:34.05Cairenntell you in a sec, when I land in Gadget ... will see if it's still blowing sand around
00:34.51JoshBorkei want to know the output of GetWorldDetail
00:34.59Cairennnope, flying across tanaris now, looks like the winds' stopped at the moment
00:35.39CideKirov: you there?
00:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:42.57Cidets got a bug with beta16, but apparently you have uploaded beta17
00:43.18CideSimpleTranqShot.lua:1659: attempt to compare nil with number <-- is that among the fixed stuff?
00:43.20cladhaireAnduinLothar: heyas
00:43.21KirovYeah, stupid mistake
00:43.51KirovIt's basically the only thing I did in beta17
00:44.33Nightdewwhat method can i hook to hook into profession stuff like skinning?
00:44.36CorrodiasTS, now?
00:45.28AnduinLotharsup clad
00:45.33cladhairenot much
00:46.42cladhaireraiding for once in the last month or so =)
00:46.52JoshBorkeyay cladhaire
00:46.56cladhaireanyone have a real casual horde guild who needs a druid?
00:47.07cladhaireoh.. i mean one that doesn't suck
00:47.11CideCorrodias: hm?
00:47.25Corrodiaswhat is "ts" that somebody just mentioned?
00:47.34JoshBorkea person
00:48.06Corrodiasoh. then never mind, i misunderstood the sentence.
00:48.17TemCorrodias, Cide + Ts = CT
00:48.28JoshBorkei still think TS doesn't exist :-X
00:48.41Corrodiasthat explains it
00:48.49cladhaireTs used to post a bit more in the forums, imo
00:48.57AnduinLotharjust dropping in. Was kinda looking for Maldivia
00:49.07Temlol @ clad and his "imo" stuff
00:49.11AnduinLotharhaven't seen him around recently
00:49.14cladhaireTem: I dont even realize it anymore.
00:49.16Cidewe don't post as much on the forums
00:49.19Temcladhaire, hahahaha
00:49.30cladhaireCide: You still do, I remember back in the glory days =)
00:49.42CideI used to post more than I do right now though
00:49.55cladhairei think we all did .. lol
00:49.57Cideas I usually say, when the forum was called "Interface Customization"
00:49.58cladhaireinstead we just come to irc now
00:50.36AnduinLotharI used to post important things to the main page until i realized that no one reads the main page, and any who visits the sits just goes to the forums
00:50.53AnduinLotharbut you mean the ui forum, eh
00:51.04Cideyep! :P
00:51.44Nightdewdoes anyone know how to hook into the action that you perform when right clicking?
00:51.54AnduinLotharwhich i still post to occatioanlly, but i try to avoid Cosmos affiliation, since people hate Cosmos with a passion for no good reason.  I'm half tempted to removed it from my sig
00:52.12AnduinLotharbut then what kind of leader would i be
00:52.15KirovNightdew - you can't really
00:52.18cladhairezomg ju are teh cosmos!
00:52.40AnduinLotharmeh, gotta run
00:52.42KirovNight - you online right now?
00:52.46JoshBorkebye AL
00:52.50cladhairelater karl
00:53.44NightdewKirov: dif server
00:53.47Nightdewtesting a hunter
00:53.56Nightdewfound i had a left over 18 hunter
00:54.27Nightdewdies within 3 mins too
00:54.44Nightdewwhy .. whats up?
00:54.52Kirovjust curious
00:54.52Cairenn|walkI keep *trying* to go back to the UI forum to help out like I used to, but *cry*
00:55.23KirovNightdew - what are you trying to hook?
00:55.38Nightdewthings like skinning and what not
00:55.49Nightdewit does give you a SPELLCAST_START
00:55.57Nightdewbut i'd like catch things before that
00:56.44KirovYou can parse the tooltip OnMouseDown / OnMouseUp
00:56.56KirovBut the actual right click is a protected function
00:57.32Nightdewjust weird .. or rather lame.. that they didnt channel it through one of the castspell functions
00:57.51KirovIt's intensional I think
00:57.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
00:58.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:02.27*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:33.36LegorolI think the UI forum .. hm.. degenerated a bit..
01:34.04MentalPowerwhy do you say that Legorol?
01:42.36IndustrialIs there an index of rare beasts?
01:43.47Cairenn|walkthere is on Alla's
01:44.16MentalPower<Cairenn|walk>I keep *trying* to go back to the UI forum to help out like I used to, but *cry* <--- What happenned now?
01:44.32IndustrialCairenn, thanks
01:44.43Cairennjust that it got so frigging bad, it's hard to help there without crying
01:45.19CairennIndustrial: but I'm not sure you want to use the site, after all, there's the whole OGaming "issue" :p
01:45.39IndustrialCairenn, shh I dont wanna talk about that anymore
01:45.51Cairennyeah ...
01:47.01MentalPowerhopefully the new forums will bring back some sanity
01:47.10Cidedoubt it
01:47.17Cidethe "& Macros" part tainted it forever!
01:47.23Cairenncan hope
01:47.47MentalPowerthere should be a separate macros forum
01:48.42CideKirov around?
01:49.48CideMentalPower: I doubt the amount of visitors warrants it though :(
01:51.43KirovCide - yeah
01:51.59Cidemore bugs from ts!
01:52.45Cidefirst of all, he got... CT_RASlashCmds.lua:557: Usage: SendChatMessage(text [,type] [,language] [,targetPlayer]) when he tranq'd a Qiraji Slayer (no emote, if that matters) - I'm guessing that's not a CTRA bug
01:53.18Cidealso, he said he gets a popup to save "unsaved changes" every time he closes the options menu, even though he hasn't made a single change since saving it
01:53.31Cidewith beta17
01:53.37KirovTell him to save once
01:53.45KirovIt should go away.
01:54.05KirovIf not, I'll have to look in to it.
01:54.30KirovI need to redo the entire options menu anyways.
01:55.25Kirovwhats at line 557 in the normal ctraid?
01:58.32CideoldSendChatMessage(msg, type, language, target);
02:01.26Cidejust passes it through, so I doubt it's ctra
02:01.46KirovYeah, I'm trying to figure out what is doing that
02:02.38Cidewell, it must be msg being nil
02:02.52Cideor otherwise non-sendable value
02:03.02Cidesinec the other parameters are optional
02:03.27Kirovfound it
02:03.57KirovBasically I was doing something really bad with old stranq code that I just realized I was doing recently.
02:04.05clad|sleepnight all
02:04.06KirovI was converting a table in to global variables.
02:04.24Nightdewclad|sleep: ight
02:04.43KirovI just moved everything over to stay in the table data and not do the weird global thing.
02:05.06Cidenight clad|sleep
02:06.25Temnight clad|sleep
02:06.30Cairennnight clad|sleep
02:06.35Cidenight clad|sleep
02:06.41clad|sleepnight clad|sleep
02:06.48Cidenight Cide
02:06.56Kirovmorning clad|sleep
02:07.06Cideafternoon, ChanServ
02:07.30CideI messed up the format :(
02:07.58Cideuh oh
02:08.31MentalPowernight clad|sleep
02:11.34CideKirov: is there a /script workaround for now? or when are you planning on releasing a version with that bug fixed?
02:11.46Kirovin about 20 seconds
02:12.44Cidesweet :)
02:13.12Kirovstarting up wow to make sure I didn't amke any really stupid mistakes
02:13.41Nightdewur p[rone to that too huh
02:14.50Kirovup on
02:18.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
02:25.04Kirovanother bug?
02:25.32Cidewhy the hell does UnitPowerType("raidX") return 0 for warriors/rogues sometimes, during the RRU that occurs when the player in question joins the raid?
02:30.32Legorolguys, i have a question:
02:30.41TainThe answer is banana.
02:30.45Legorollot of people that i know complain that when they log in, the chat window defaults to the last tab
02:30.47Legoroli have this too
02:30.51Legorolis this a blizz bug or an addon bug?
02:30.55Legorolit seems well-known
02:31.01CideI had that for a while
02:31.05Cidedo you use HitsMode?
02:31.17KirovI still have it
02:31.24KirovMine actually defaults to no tab
02:31.27Legorolanyways, is there a good workaround?
02:31.28CideI always thought that was what caused it.. I disabled it a while ago, it disappeared sometime after that, but not immediately
02:31.36Kirovand the "chat" button is in the wrong place.
02:31.42Legorolah yeah someone said that too
02:31.49Legoroli personally don't get that, but someone in my guild does
02:33.20Legorolso Kirov, what do you do with it
02:33.29KirovI still have it
02:35.41Cairennnight Nightdew
02:39.08KirovCide - what do you use now instead of hitsmode/
02:40.31Cidenothing :)
02:40.41CideI'm a priest so it's not very important
02:41.38Cidethough I'd probably use nurfed's combat log if I were to use a similar mod
02:43.17Cairennwould love to know what's causing the problems with chat windows ... daughter has *one* character that it always resets to brand-new, fresh-installation of game default
02:53.18Cairennnight KaeltenAway
02:53.50KaeltenAwayhave a good one.
02:54.00Cairennzomg! he speaks!
02:59.41MentalPowerLegorol: afaik, its a blizz bug fixed in 1.12
03:05.45wereHamsterargh.. stupid mistakes, one missing letter and I'm passing 'nil' to a functions instead of the variable..
03:27.51TemCairenn, the problem with the chat stuff is it was probably one of the first things written in the UI.  As a result, it's somehwat sloppy
03:28.36Tem(or perhaps the office christmas party was the night before and it was the hangover talking)
03:43.46wereHamsterwhich itemdb out there tells me which texture/icon the items have?
04:05.38*** join/#wowi-lounge nezroy_ (
04:07.16Tem|AFKdon't need an ItemDB for that
04:07.44Tem|AFKwereHamster, IDCard may be what you want
04:08.15wereHamsterdo you really think I'll install an addon just to find out what icon the major health potion has?
04:08.37Tem|AFKthen why did you ask for an itemdb addon to do it?
04:08.40Tem|AFKI'm lost...
04:08.57wereHamsteritem database like allakhazam/thottbot
04:12.09Tem|AFKyou can get it from thott, iirc
04:14.59*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:15.16Cairennhi slouken
04:16.08sloukenHey Tem. :)
04:16.17Temhad a good weekend?
04:23.17sloukenI'm off to Oblivion...
04:24.44Temfun game
04:25.01norgannaWhat's this? Is he talking about the game, or the place?
04:28.39norgannahave we had any word if 1.12 is this week?
04:28.46Cairennlast we heard
04:29.46norgannaThanks Cair - You're the *BEST*! :)
04:30.07Cairennyeah, well, it was supposed to be last week, and that didn't happen, so ....
04:30.27norgannaheheh - oops :p
04:30.54norgannabetter late than broken...
04:33.41Cairennapparently there was a "last minute show stopper" last week that prevented it from going live
04:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
04:34.22norgannaI've not been playing WoW in anticipation of this patch
04:34.48norgannaI'm so looking forward to the new BGs that I can't stand to play the old ones anymore
04:56.37wereHamster .. now also displays bars and item/trinket cooldowns..
04:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge rwsivy (
05:07.04Cairenn*shades of certain other channels*
05:07.12Cairennlog in, say hi, wait <1 min, log out
05:09.01AnduinLotharfamiliar, eh?
05:09.30Cairennas I said ... ;)
05:20.41Cairennokay guys, daughter just presented me with a puzzle that I can't remember the answer to ...
05:21.21Cairennfairy tale: pot of flowers given to girl, evil wizard
05:21.27Cairennname of fairy tale?
05:22.46MentalPowernight folks
05:22.51Cairennnight MentalPower
05:23.47MentalPower|ZZzznight Cair
05:24.00norgannanite mp
05:24.07MentalPower|ZZzznite norgs
05:24.24Kirovyou done with itemizer yet?
05:25.41MentalPower|ZZzzKirov: nop, writing the decoding functions still (at the same time as the GUI)
05:26.17Kirovwell, work faster ... and nigt
05:26.17Cairennsheesh, seems no one else knows their fairy tales either! and google is being useless
05:27.00IrielI have no idea on that fairy tale either
05:27.12norgannadoes anything else happen in this fairy-tale?
05:27.12KirovI really only know the grim tales
05:27.42Cairennoh, I'm quite sure other stuff does, but that's the only snippet that we have to work from
05:28.42norgannait's kinda like saying:  Man gets a pair of scissors, Red sports car.
05:28.43MentalPower|ZZzz50DKP to the one that answers this one: Person builds a house whose walls all face south, bear attacks house, what's the color of the bear?
05:29.12AnduinLotharnorth pole
05:29.28MentalPower|ZZzzyou get 50 DKP!
05:29.41KirovActually, that's incorrect
05:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
05:29.53KirovThe bear is black.
05:29.55CairennMercedes Lackey wrote a book "The Fairy Godmother" and throughout it are snippets from all the old classic fairy tales, and that's the sum total of that particular snippet in the book, the comment about the fairy godmother giving the girl the pot of flowers, and the evil wizard
05:30.17Cairennand we can't remember which one it's from
05:30.18KirovCairenn - never heard of that one
05:30.40AnduinLotharoh i thought you meant the wizard gave the flowers
05:30.54AnduinLotharyou never siad fairy godmother
05:32.19*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
05:37.17norgannahmmm - no luck on my googling either
05:37.31Cairennheh, don't sweat it guys, is no big deal
05:37.46Cairennjust, one of those things that kinda nags at you till you figure it out, ya know?
05:37.51AnduinLotharonyl thing i got with a fairy godmother, flowers and a girl is "The Magic Hill"
05:40.03AnduinLotharor "Lilac Fairy"
05:40.28Cairennlol, as the whole channel goes on a fairy tale hunt
05:40.55AnduinLotharyou asked
05:41.13AnduinLotharand we're obviously bored
05:44.48IrielOh, the power you wield Cair, and you dont even know it!
05:44.50Cairennheh, obviously
05:45.03Cairenngah, no!
05:46.23zenzelezznot so sure about the "don't even know it" part
05:46.25CairennI thought perhaps it was Thumbelina
05:46.37IrielI would imagine that half of the reason we're so happy to help is we KNOW you've tried finding it yourself.
05:46.39Cairennbut that's not it
05:47.25Cairennand it's not Snow White and Rose Red (not the same as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
05:47.29AnduinLotharso i see they changed the AlwaysUpFrame around again..
05:47.31KirovCairenn - you could call your daughter and bitch at her.
05:47.41Kirovtell her all your web trolls couldn't even figure i tout
05:47.59zenzelezzthat's funky... as soon as I logged onto WoW I was marked as AFK
05:48.11Cairennshe's busy laughing about the fact that I've got the entire (okay, maybe not entire, but a lot of the) channel looking
05:48.58AnduinLotharnot sure why that's funny, unless she knows the answer..
05:49.01Cairennnight Iriel
05:49.22Cairennamused by the fact you'd all be willing to help, over something so silly
05:49.29Cairennit's not like it really matters
05:49.39Cairennjust bugs me I can't remember which one it is
05:49.49AnduinLotharwhat DOES really matter?
05:50.04Cairennlife, the universe and everything?
05:50.17Cairennsorry, mind on books atm ;)
05:50.27ThraeI've been afk, too lazy to scroll up, but I will help!
05:50.47AnduinLotharthe universe is too big to worry about
05:51.10Cairennseriously though guys, don't sweat it, we'll figure it out ;)
05:51.15Cairennor we won't
05:51.20Cairenndoesn't matter
05:51.29AnduinLotharmmm iriel left
05:51.33*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
05:51.35AnduinLothari cant ask him what they did to GetWorldStateUIInfo
05:52.08AnduinLotharso.. now that the notice has been up for 2 weeks, is the wiki's page gonna be changed?
05:55.00AnduinLotharoh god... the AlwaysUpFrames are created dynamicly..
05:55.31ThraeCairenn: Did you ever get the answer to the riddle?
05:57.01AnduinLotharthe score frames, used in AB, WSG and now world pvp
05:57.02ThraeI just googled the answer if you're still looking for it.
05:57.12CairennThrae: !
05:57.14AnduinLotharyes, she is
05:57.15Cairennyou got it?
05:57.31ThraeCairenn: 1st hit from wizard "flower pot" fairy tale gives me the Wizard of Oz
05:58.16Cairennthat ... can't be it ...
05:58.17Cairenncan it?
05:58.33*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
05:58.43Cairennokay ... thanks Thrae
05:58.46ThraeFrom the book "The Magic of Oz", o the Wizard took from his black bag a tiny saw that shone like silver and said to it:
05:58.46AnduinLotharnot the movie version anyway
05:58.49Thrae"Saw, Little Saw, come show your power; Make us a board for the Magic Flower."
05:59.04ThraeWell, "The Magic of Oz" was never made into a movie, I don't think
05:59.30AnduinLotharyou said wizard of oz up
05:59.35ThraeThe 2nd hit for "wizard "flower pot" fairy tale" goes straight to excerpts from the book
05:59.49Cairennhi s|loup
05:59.53ThraeOK ok, Frank L. Baums Oz series
06:00.09ThraeI was just saying, the wizard in the riddle is the Wizard of Oz.
06:00.10CairennI skipped right over those when looking ... thanks Thrae
06:00.58ThraeEh, I had to google it. I was way off with Ashenputtle =/ I knew she sold flowers in some translations.
06:01.12ThraeBut I forgot she had magical creatures, not a Wizard.
06:01.48AnduinLotharcan i SetScript on a frame template?
06:02.49Kirovon the virtual frame itself?
06:02.52Kirovdoubt it
06:02.58ThraeAnduinLothar, from what I know, frame templates are processed as needed and don't exist anywhere as a Frame object.
06:03.00Kirovsince it doesn't exist as an object.
06:03.31AnduinLotharright, k
06:04.06AnduinLotharhave to do it in WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame_Update then
06:04.26ThraeSo it's called the "AlwaysUpFrame" and its created dynamically?
06:05.08AnduinLotharchild of WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame
06:05.13ThraeAhhh, multiple children are made dynamically.
06:05.31ThraeWell that's how you want it -- why should children be instantiated along with their parents?! That's just INCEST right there!
06:06.05AnduinLotharbecause this way i have to make a new system up. and add exceptions. i cant just hook it when the game loads or the addon loads
06:06.21ThraeWhat are you trying to do?
06:06.32AnduinLotharmoke it mobile again
06:06.46AnduinLotharsince you cant click on WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame
06:06.56AnduinLotharand the AlwaysUpFrame#'s cover it up
06:06.59AnduinLotharand have tooltips
06:07.15AnduinLotharscratch that
06:07.22ThraeSo <OnEnter> <OnLeave> doesn't fire for WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame ?
06:07.23Kirovwhat is AlwaysUpFrame
06:07.24zenzelezzwhat is "AlwaysUpFrame"? o_O
06:07.29AnduinLotharother way is 10x more complicated
06:07.52AnduinLotharread up noobs
06:08.46AnduinLotharyou fail at irc
06:09.07zenzelezzdoesn't stop me though
06:09.38ThraePssshh, I'm too lazy to scroll up all that way. There's a difference between being able to do something and doing it.
06:11.07KirovI'm looking at the code and I have no idea what it is
06:11.34zenzelezzhe did say it, but it's more than two page-ups on my screen
06:12.59AnduinLotharthere we go.. why I didn't make it an anchor before i have no idea
06:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge DoomGaze3 (i=DoomGaze@
06:13.26DoomGaze3what's up guys?
06:13.39KirovPlotting world domination
06:13.50DoomGaze3got time to help me with a problem?
06:13.54ThraeThe AlwaysUpFrame, DoomGaze3. The AlwaysUpFrame.
06:14.10AnduinLotharI won. The AlwaysUpFrame can go to hell
06:14.22AnduinLotharand mobile frames is 1.12 ready
06:14.49AnduinLotharwell it works anyway... no real improvements recently tho
06:15.05AnduinLotharIt needs to be rewritten but i always put it off when i look at the code
06:15.17ThraeWho wrote it in the first place?
06:15.40ThraeI've scrapped a few of my mods too.
06:15.49AnduinLotharit's so damn useful tho
06:16.01ThraeAh yes, my early days of coding. "Why the hell did I use singleton pointers EVERYWHERE?"
06:16.26ThraeA true coder makes sure his mod is efficient, even if he breaks it!
06:16.27AnduinLotharlets see, Mf was first public... 2/11/05
06:16.54DoomGaze3Here's my problem today:
06:16.55AnduinLotharone of my first addons
06:17.17DoomGaze3In a party, this only gets called once: when the player clicks loot
06:17.30DoomGaze3but in a raid, it gets called everytime you mouse over another button
06:17.51DoomGaze3So it adds my buttons over and over again until the ui crashes
06:19.03DoomGaze3right now I'm at a loss how to fix it
06:19.36ThraeDoomGaze3: Hook something else, like the OnLoad script for the frame.
06:21.19ThraeIf the function is really called something like GroupLootDropDown_Initialize or MasterLooter_GroupLootDropDown_Initialize, then that means it's most likely in FrameXML and you can view the code for it.
06:21.55DoomGaze3I'm looking at it right now...
06:22.17DoomGaze3nothing useful is coming to mind... I tried hooking onload but then it doesn't call my buttons at all...
06:23.29DoomGaze3I think I got it
06:23.45*** join/#wowi-lounge slickhen1y (i=mikehunt@gateway/tor/x-ac98cbe3dfe2c0d1)
06:24.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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08:16.39*** topic/#wowi-lounge is "... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror. Thus you would not have been informed." | Paste Code: | 1.12 next week, or so a certain someone swears
08:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge gngsk| (
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08:54.45*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
08:55.47*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> "... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror. Thus you would not have been informed." | Paste Code:
08:56.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
09:00.37ShadowedIt's fairly amusing that somebody is trying to be rude about a guilds progression being updated then removing it
09:00.53Shadowedyet he doesn't realise the history is on the wiki
09:01.41Cairenn*is duly amused*
09:01.51Shadowedit's 2 AM, doesn't take much to be amused!
09:02.06Cairennit's 5am, it takes even less
09:02.19Shadowedi don't like your tone :(
09:02.31zesprido you want me to sing you a lullyby? or however you spell it
09:02.43ShadowedCair could probably use one
09:03.14Cairenneither that or a good solid two-by-four upside the head.  that might work too
09:03.26ShadowedProbably easier to find a pan
09:03.58zesprithe pity is I don't know a single l-by in english, have to search google
09:04.18ShadowedAnyway, sleep for me. night
09:04.18Cairennthat's quite okay zespri :)
09:04.24Cairennnight Shadowed
09:04.27Shadowedgoogle probably could sing one for you too
09:04.32zenzelezzdon't think it's about the words; just the voice/tone
09:04.46Cairennzenzelezz's correct
09:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (n=tomc@
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09:09.48zesprithen something along the lines: na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-nA na-Na na-Na na!
09:13.40zespriit's not helping is it?
09:13.54Cairennnope, but appreciate the thought :)
09:14.12zespricairenn let's duel in front of ironforge, or orgrimar, that'll make you sleep better
09:20.37zespriare they going to get read of honour completely in BC?
09:20.46zespriget rid
09:22.24Cairennhaven't bothered reading up on that stuff, since I hate PvP so much
09:23.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
10:12.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> "If one man gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him. If one man fails, the whole world fails to that extent."
10:13.41*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> "If one man gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him. If one man fails, the whole world fails to that extent." Mahatma Gandhi | Paste Code:
10:20.33zenzelezzwoot, another copy/paste guild application... always shows class when they forget to use the right guild name
11:18.58Corrodiasboy did we have a weird group earlier today
11:20.40Corrodiastake 1) one "i have 2 60's and care abouy your gear this much ||" rogue, 2) one leader who doesn't know how to deal with conflict and often tells us to jump without telling us where, and mix in 3) mobs who particularly love to come after the healers during battle, with a splash of 4) a patrol coming from behind out of nowhere
11:28.20AnduinLotharexplosive group. soudns liek a blast
11:51.09CorrodiasLOL PUN :D
11:53.03Corrodiasthat rogue was deliberately being a jerk and our group leader basically told us to stop arguing without doing anything to resolve the problem, apparently unwilling to kick the rogue. i'm not sure we needed him, really, because that warrior had some nice damage output (and a fiery enchant) and the fifth was a hunter.
12:00.30Corrodiasthat reminds me... are warriors supposed to be good at holding aggro on multiple enemies such that you can heal them without the mobs coming after you?
12:01.15Corrodiasi'm not saying he did a bad job at that, but i've been noticing lately (last few groups) that i've had a problem with it and our priest certainly didn't have it easy either
12:08.17zenzelezzif possible they should, but that depends largely on what the team does
12:13.00zenzelezzI try to keep as many targets off the cloth/leather as possible, but there's only so much rage/taunt to go around
12:14.46Corrodiasi need to find ways to reduce the threat i generate while healing. i only know two things, tossing a HoT just before engagement (when the mobs don't care) and waiting for a while before healing more
12:15.41Corrodiasheheh, but with the warrior, rogue, hunter, and his pet passing around the mobs, that gets kinda tough. maybe they need to back down on the damage so they don't draw aggro and we don't have to heal as much.
12:16.09Corrodiasi think that was probably a major factor of the problem
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12:24.55Corrodiasgenerating all that threat for keeping a rogue alive may not be the hottest idea
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13:37.59JoshBorkemorning :-)
13:47.50LegorolCorrodias, if the group is working right, a reasonable warrior can easily hold 2-3 mobs on them without them going on the healers
13:48.37LegorolI tank a lot with a warrior and I don't normally have problem with them going to the healer. Maybe the occasional escaping mob, but then I taunt it back immediately.
13:48.47LegorolAdmittedly in a PuG where things are disorganised, it gets tough.
13:49.32LegorolThe basic group dynamics should be like this though: warrior tanks several mobs not under fire, an off-tank (could be a rogue) tanks one mob and the group focus fires on this one.
13:49.46LegorolThe off-tank then peals off mobs one by one from the warrior
13:50.08LegorolIt helps a lot if there is a hunter pet, because then you can use that to tank too
13:50.23zenzelezzit depends heavily on the group
13:50.37zenzelezzgood groups know what to hit, bad groups each hit a separate target
13:51.04Legorolmy opinion is that the detaild mechanics and the exact group make up is less important, discipline and communication is by far the most important
13:51.19Legorolmost reasonable plans work if people actually follow it
13:51.51Legorolone thing that helps the warrior a lot is if he doesn't have to tank the mob that is being focus fired
13:52.01Legorolthen he has plenty of rage to tank 4, even 5 mobs if good
13:52.32Legorolthat's my experience, but i play very little in PUGs, most of it is in guild groups
13:52.48Legorolso discipline and communication is obviously there
13:53.34Legoroland one more thing: it's interesting, but the healer has two opposite priorities to balance:
13:53.35zenzelezzdid a strat scarlet run with my new guild recently (being a warrior)... had tier 2+ mage and warlock nuking the whole place, now that was a challenge =D
13:54.05Legorolthe healer needs to heal in bursts in order to be able to regenerate mana in-between, but he/she also needs to heal often in little quantities to generate a steady amount of threat
13:54.23Legorolthese two needs to be balanced, and that's the healer's job to balance, i'm not saying it's easy
13:54.53Legorolzenzelezz, if mage/lock goes AoE, nothing you can do :)
13:55.19Legorolbest thing is to taunt as many mobs as often as you can, even those 6 seconds from one mob means less beating on mage
13:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
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13:55.34Legorolzenzelezz: do you play warrior a lot?
13:56.00Beladonawarriors pwn
13:56.01zenzelezzI'm not much of an alt person
13:56.06Legorolthere is one thing that i'd love: it would be nice if mages/locks could understand how threat works
13:56.17Beladonagood ones do
13:56.20Legoroli would love it if they waited with their AoE until i do a charge and demo shout
13:56.31Legoroleven that can significantly reduce the beating they take
13:56.52LegorolBeladona: sure
13:57.06Legorolunfortunately, even most reasonable mages don't understand the importance of initial aggro
13:57.09Beladonamaybe I am spoiled though. The lock and mage that I routinely play with are experienced players
13:57.29Legoroli have seen lot of good mages and locks, who are good at playing their class, but
13:57.46Beladonaoh I know
13:57.46Legorolvery few people actually know how threat and aggro-change and the 10% threshold work
13:57.56Beladonathat isn't exclusive to mages and locks though
13:58.11Legoroloh and the amount of warriors that think Taunt generates threat
13:58.15Beladonait can be hell for my warrior in a pug
13:58.16Legorol*smacks head against wall*
13:58.28BeladonaI like the idiots that freak out when they DO get aggro
13:58.35Beladonaand end up backing into more
13:58.35Legorolyeah that's really bad too
13:58.42Legorolstopp running around, please, let me get it off you!
13:58.59zenzelezzI've stopped trying to explain to PUGs that they should run *to* me, not *from* me if they want to lose aggro
13:59.15BeladonaI am tank, AND puller for just about any group I do. And it pisses me off when people don't know where the aggro lines are
13:59.41Legorolno offense to DPS warriors, but i enjoy tanking far more
13:59.46Beladonasame here
13:59.52Legoroli find it lot more of a challenge
13:59.58zenzelezzI don't mind DPS warriors, but it's not for me
14:00.02Legoroland is it just me, or OT has it hardest?
14:00.02Beladonathe core group in my guild has a special situation though
14:00.10Beladonawe have 2 warriors that are there, all the time
14:00.13LegorolMT just picks whatever targets he wants, charges in, then starts tanking
14:00.14zenzelezzOT is tricky
14:00.24Legorolas an OT i need an overview of the whole battle.. need to know whom to taunt, whom to tank,
14:00.25zenzelezzyou have to generate threat, but not too much
14:00.26Beladonathe other one recently went dps simply because having both of us prot was silly
14:00.27Legorolwatch the healers etc.
14:00.53Beladonaespecially since I am pretty good about peeling aggro off anyone, up to about 4 mobs
14:00.59zenzelezzBeladona: Fury or Arms DPS?
14:01.04Legorolyeah i tend to end up as OT in guild raids because i don't have enough experience yet to be MT
14:01.04Beladonafury, with some arms
14:01.05Legorolthat means more fun for me :)
14:01.24Beladonashe gets something like 200dps average
14:01.32Legorolyou know, the other day i explained to a bunch of people how Taunt works... and most of them were surprised :)
14:01.34Beladonaaccording to my dmg meters
14:01.39BeladonaI get somewhere around 100-150
14:01.42Legoroloh, and this is my favourite one:
14:01.44Beladonawhich is good for prot
14:01.44zenzelezzDPS generally involves both trees, but more focus on one of them =) If I were to do something I'd go 2h, just because it seems more fun than dual wield
14:02.05Legorolin pugs, mages that yell at me to Taunt the mobs first when i charge in, to generate threat, so that they stick to me an
14:02.16Legorolor any other class for that matter
14:02.27Beladonawe have tested 2h versus dual, and we both get more dps out of dual wield
14:02.34Legoroli had one situation where i got yelled abuse for refusing to do a taunt straight after charging in
14:02.40Beladonaunless you are a crit warrior
14:02.44Beladonathen 2h is better
14:02.48zenzelezzI'm not talking about doing most damage, just what seems more fun =)
14:03.04Legorolyeah i prefer 2H too
14:03.06Cidedual wield is infinitely better than 2h for maximum dps
14:03.09Legorolbecause of fun
14:03.11Beladonanothing like a 4k plus execute to make you get giggly all over
14:03.18Legoroli agree that dual weild is better for dps
14:03.38Cidebut ya, dps = average = boring!
14:03.50LegorolBeladona, why does crit warrior prefer 2H?
14:03.55Beladonatrue, but when we are taking down a boss where dps is key -- screw what is fun
14:04.00zenzelezzI enjoy seeing a 2500-2900 execute, but that's about as high as I get :)
14:04.16Beladonabecause the higher your top end dmg is, the higher your crits
14:04.26Legorolok, i don't get that part
14:04.30Beladonayou hit slower, but your top end dmg causes your crits to skyrocket
14:04.35Legorolwait a mo..
14:04.45zenzelezzweapon's maximum damage
14:04.46Legorolyour crit % is the same, so the average dmg you deal is the same
14:04.50Beladonatop end dmg is the second number on your dmg for your weapon
14:04.54Legorolyeah i understand what you meant by top end
14:04.56Beladonacrits are based off that
14:05.01Legorolehm.. no?
14:05.06Beladonanot talking about crit CHANCE
14:05.12Legorolyeah i understand
14:05.20Legorolafaik a crit works exactly the same way as a normal hit:
14:05.29Legorolit's somewhere between the bottom and top end
14:05.37Legorolsorry i mean somewhere between twice the bottom and top end
14:05.38Beladonabut a higher top end means higher crits
14:05.41Legoroljust like a normal hit
14:05.59Legorolyes the highest number you see floating up is higher, but that doesn't mean more DPS
14:05.59Beladonayou won't get those high top ends on a one hander
14:06.06Legorolbut why does that matter?
14:06.16BeladonaI wish I had numbers to show you
14:06.19Legoroli understand people are obsessed with seeing big numbers float and breaking records
14:06.20Beladonabut there are numbers to it
14:06.24Legorolwait wait
14:06.36LegorolI know that the *maximum* you can crit for is higher if you have a SH
14:06.56Legorolbut the *average* damage output is the same no matter your weapon speed
14:07.02Beladonahit chance, crit chance, and top end dmg is important for a crit warrior
14:07.13Legorolyou are stating that like a mantra, can we discuss the math of it?
14:07.13Beladonaand obviously crit chance
14:07.25Legoroli understand the role of hit/crit chance
14:07.31Legoroli don't understand the role of top end
14:07.40Legorolyour average damage output is not affected by the top end
14:07.47Beladonaand I doubt you will till you run tests on it
14:07.49Legorolonly purely by the weapon's dps
14:08.02BeladonaI never said anything about average
14:08.06Beladonabut is crit average dmg?
14:08.12JoshBorkenot to jump in mid discussion, but wouldn't a higher crit chance make the difference between the 2H top-end and the 1H top-end?
14:08.13BeladonaI disagree
14:08.24JoshBorkebigger that is
14:08.32Beladonano it just makes you crit more often
14:08.33Beladonanot harder
14:08.36LegorolBeladona: a crit works just like a normal hit
14:08.48Legoroltake your weapon's damage range, e.g. 100-200
14:08.53Legorolthen your crits will be for 200-400
14:09.14Legorolhigher top end just means you will occasionally see higher numbers float above your head
14:09.40Beladonawhich is what a crit warrior is after
14:09.42Legorolthe average damage from crits should be exactly twice the average damage from normal hits
14:09.51Beladonaif you wanted dps, you wouldn't be a crit warrior
14:09.51Legorolok, then that's the bit i don't understand
14:10.01Beladonaits the difference between sustained dps, and crits
14:10.13Legoroli am saying, why does it matter how big the number above your head is, if on average you deal the same damage?
14:10.29Legorola weapon with 300-500 damage range versus 200-600
14:10.34Legorolthey both deal same average damage
14:10.41Legorolwhy does it matter if the top end is higher?
14:10.49Legorolplease explain that part, because that's the part i don't understand
14:10.56Beladonadon't forget that a crit warrior focuses on skills that are in effect on crit
14:11.07Beladonait affects their dmg output
14:11.15Legorolagain, you are stating that as a fact
14:11.37Legorolif you are referring to stuff like deep wound,
14:11.53Legorolthe average damage you deal with deep wounds is the same for the 300-500 weapon as for the 200-600 weapon
14:12.10BeladonaI give up. I can't prove it to you, unless I can show dps trends between the specs
14:12.19Beladonaand really it isn't about dps either
14:12.29Legorolok, let's try a different approach then
14:12.33Cide1% crit is a constant +damage%.. so your damage will increase by 1 (100% increase) * critRate
14:12.42Cideon average
14:12.53Legoroldo we agree that the average damage output is independent of weapon's damage range?
14:12.55Beladonaits surge dmg
14:12.59Beladonamore or less
14:12.59Legorolor is this point contested
14:13.24Cideit results in spike damage but it increases your dps linearly over an infinite duration, right
14:13.49Beladonayour original question was why crit warrior would focus on 2h over dual wield
14:13.51BeladonaI believe
14:14.02Legorolmy question is why does a crit warrior focus on top-end
14:14.27Legoroli appreciate why you want a 2H over a dual weild
14:14.29BeladonaLegorol: Beladona, why does crit warrior prefer 2H?
14:14.36Legorolah ok
14:14.44Legoroli'm happy with the 2H part now
14:14.55Legorolbut given two 2H weapons with identical DPS,
14:14.59Legoroldoes the top-end matter?
14:15.04Legorolthat's the part i don't understand
14:15.13Beladonamy answer was that 2handers have higher top end dmg. i guess I shoulda said higher average dmg
14:15.23Legorolok, that makes more sense
14:15.33Legorolbut the two are very different things, that's why i contested your statement
14:15.43Beladonayour dps might be the same between dual and 2h, due to 2h being slower
14:16.00Beladonadepending on how much you crit, and how hard
14:16.04Legorola 2H has higher DPS on the weapon
14:16.26Legorolok that statement of mine doesn't make much sense :)
14:16.34Beladonahigher dmg range?
14:16.42Legorolwhat i mean is:
14:17.00Legorola crit warrior prefers the 2H because of the higher average damage of the weapon
14:17.05Legorolis that correct?
14:17.17Legoroltop-end has nothing to do with it, in my opinion
14:17.31BeladonaI follow this rule: for dual wield, dps is important. For single plus shield, dmg per hit is important. For 2h, its the dmg range for me
14:17.47Legorolok, consider a 2H which has 400-500 damage range, and one that has 100-600
14:17.54Legorolwhich one is the better weapon for crit warrior?
14:17.59Beladonatop end is part of the equation when looking at average dmg though. So it DOES matter
14:18.13Legorolthe average damage only depends on the average of the damage range
14:18.27Legorolhas nothing to do with the top end... a 400-500 weapon and 300-600 has same average
14:18.29Beladonayou are still gonna have hits that reach the top end
14:18.39Legorolyes, and same for bottom end
14:19.00Beladona300-500 equals 1000 max crit no?
14:19.16Legorolyes, it's 1000 crit *max* but your *average* dmg from crits is 800
14:19.16Beladona300-600 = 1200 max crit
14:19.27Legorolyes, but why are you obsessed about the *max*
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14:19.33Legorolif i go out and spend an hour killing mobs,
14:19.42Beladonaand thats a bad example anyway
14:19.44Legorolthe amount of damage from crits will be equal to the average * time
14:19.49Beladonabecause weapon ranges are never that linear
14:20.01Legoroli still don't understand the significance of the *max*
14:20.14Legorolif you compare two weapons, you should be comparing the average dmg of the weapon
14:20.15Cideit's only significant in pvp, really
14:20.25Cidewhere you want as much spike damage as possible to throw off healers
14:20.26Beladonathats a big part of it yeah
14:20.29Legorolpvp? i don't know much about that, please explain Cide
14:20.35CideI play a priest
14:20.59Cideit's a ton easier to heal 1000 constant dps than 9k damage, wait 9 seconds, 9k damage, wait 9 seconds
14:21.13Legorolok that's a fair point
14:21.29Cidethough a 9 second wait is still quite trivial, but you get my point
14:21.45Legoroli understand how in PvP spike damage is important
14:21.53Legoroli can also understand how a higher top-end can produce bigger crits, and therefore confuse healer more
14:21.54Cidemax damage shouldn't affect your overall damage in any way though
14:22.00Legorolexactly my point too
14:22.27BeladonaI think we agree, we just don't understand each other
14:22.38Beladonato me crits aren't about average dmg
14:22.41Legorolwell not really, because you said you'd pick a weapon that has higher top-end
14:22.49Legorolyes, so we disagree
14:22.49BeladonaI would
14:22.56Legorolbecause to me any weapon is about average dmg
14:23.02Beladonathats where we disagree
14:23.10LegorolBeladona, let me ask this question again, which you never answered:
14:23.22Beladonaif I wwas focused on average dmg, I would go for dps spec with dual wield
14:23.23Legorolgiven two weapons, one with 400-500 damage range, and one with 100-600, which one do you pick?
14:23.34Beladonayou have MORE average dmg that way
14:23.41Legorolyou have more average damage with teh 400-500
14:23.48Legorolsince the average is 450
14:23.54Legorolthe other has average 350
14:24.01Beladonawell of course, and the 100 low end has an effect I agree
14:24.09Beladonabut then I don't go for weapons with taht much variance
14:24.15Legorolyou never said that
14:24.23Legorolyou simply said that a weapon with higher top end is better
14:24.24Beladonaits not black and white
14:24.53Legorolall i was contesting is that the statement "higher top end is better" is incorrect in my opinion, and the statement shoudl be "higher average is better"
14:25.18Legorolunless you consider the spike effect in PvP that Cide mentioned, but that's a whole different story
14:25.36Beladonawell I was considering spike effect
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14:25.48Beladonasince for me crit warriors are really more about pvp than pve
14:25.56Legorolok, then that was a misunderstanding
14:26.04LegorolPvP hasn't even entered my mind until Cide mentioned it
14:26.06Beladonapve should really be prot or dps
14:26.19Beladonabut then thats my opinion
14:26.24Legorolok, i was thinking about a crit warrior in PvE
14:26.35Legorolsince we were talking about PvE
14:26.45BeladonaI don't think I would even take a crit warrior to an instance to be honest
14:27.03Legorolok i didn't realise you had that in mind
14:27.25LegorolI thought we were comparing different warriors in a PvE environment
14:27.30Beladonacheck this out
14:27.47Beladonagood numbers on hit dmg and effects of crit chance and other factors
14:27.54Legorolit's a nice page, what am i supposed to check out on it?
14:29.15Beladonain my experience, crit warriors generate tons of rage too
14:30.19LegorolOk I think the problem here is this:
14:30.38LegorolI have a measurable quantity which I use as a measure of how good i think a particular weapon is
14:30.42Legorol(namely average damage)
14:30.56Legoroland i have a justification for it, namely that it directly determines your average damage output
14:31.03Legorolthat's the number that i use as a measure
14:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn ( we expect a patch tomorrow?
14:32.50Legorolanyway, thanks for the discussion
14:32.54Legoroli'm afraid i have to run now
14:33.12KirkburnHi (and bye?) Legorol =)
14:33.51Beladonamaybe I typify warriors too much. In my mind there are only 3 kinds
14:34.09KirkburnAlive, dead and angry?
14:34.13Beladonawith varying degrees of effectiveness between each of course
14:34.19Beladonahah, nice
14:34.27Beladonaisn't angry and alive the same thing?
14:34.44KirkburnVery probably :P
14:34.50Cideangry is the state they get into when you bitch at them for tanking instead of them, as a priest
14:35.12Beladonaa good tank doesn't get angry about that
14:35.20Beladonaor doens't have a problem in the first place
14:35.37Cidewas just a fun episode from last night
14:36.01Beladonawhile we are on that subject
14:36.04Cidewhere, after clearing all of AQ without a single wipe, we go and kill the royals and wipe twice, due to terrible tanking
14:36.04Beladonaof dps
14:36.33Cideactually we wiped to twin emps once too, but almost flawless
14:36.41Beladonayou would be surprised how many warriors don't understand what taunt really does
14:36.49Beladonamany just hit taunt, and tahts it
14:37.25JoshBorkei can't wait for BC! when my paladin can taunt!
14:37.30Beladonathey don't realize that it only makes you equal hate to the top person on the hate list, which is probably the priest
14:37.42Beladonaif you don't do anything immediately to elevate your hate, its just gonna go back to the priest
14:38.09Beladonathey are giving paladins taunt?
14:38.15JoshBorkesort of
14:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge slickhenry (i=mikehunt@gateway/tor/x-e15a99d2a89e89c6)
14:38.45JoshBorkewe'll be able to target a priest, hit our taunt, and then all the aggro on the priest transfers to the paladin (within a certain range)
14:38.51wereHamsterJoshBorke, hi
14:38.55JoshBorkewereHamster, hola :-)
14:39.30Legorolactually i don't have to go just yet, yay!
14:39.34Beladonathat pisses me off, you have no idea
14:39.42Legorolyes Beladona, about the Taunt thing, you are very right
14:39.44BeladonaI already have issues with paladins who think THEY should be the tank
14:39.44wereHamsternew coolDown version is available
14:39.45JoshBorkeBeladona, why's that?
14:40.01Legorolwhat i personally tend to do is i don't taunt until i have enough rage to be able to follow it up immediately with a sunder or revenge
14:40.01JoshBorkewereHamster, i saw :-) gonna see about installing it the next chance i play :-)
14:40.12KirkburnJoshBorke, you'll still have to get to level 70 first
14:40.19JoshBorkeKirkburn, i know :-(
14:40.36JoshBorkehow are they going to make the grind from 60-70 take so long?
14:40.44KirkburnLots and LOTS of quests
14:40.44Beladonathey better be adding things for warriors to superscede their taunt
14:40.45Cidethey're not?
14:40.47KirkburnAbd dungeons
14:40.48JoshBorkeare they going to use a different scale for XP required?
14:41.08Cidegamespot, I believe, stated that it's twice as long as 50-6
14:41.09KirkburnSame scale afaik
14:41.17LegorolBeladona: i actually have a strategy for two warriors to exploit Taunt
14:41.21Cidewhich isn't bad at all
14:41.36Legorolon a boss where you are both supposed to be tanking and competing for aggro, currently most people use a strategy whereby
14:41.40JoshBorkeBeladona, but paladins can tank :-(  if you have an equally capable warrior though, paladins are better off healing
14:41.44Legorolboth warriors spam sunder, and occasionally taunt
14:41.58LegorolMy strategy is this: let one warrior spam a bunch of sunders, other builds up rage
14:42.05wereHamsterJoshBorke, do you use svn?
14:42.09Legorolthen the 2nd one taunts, thereby capitalising on all sunders the 1st one did
14:42.13JoshBorkewereHamster, but of course :-)
14:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilkbuln (
14:42.19Legoroland then he exhausts his rage for 5 more sunders say
14:42.24JoshBorkewb Kilkbuln
14:42.25Legorolthat point the 1st warrior taunts, and so on
14:42.30Kilkbuln*sigh* :)
14:42.35CideLegorol: heh, well
14:42.49Cidethat doesn't work on any raid boss past the drakes in BWL, pretty much
14:42.50Legorolif you do it right, sounds like you should be able to generate huge amount of threat, capitalising on each other
14:42.52Beladonathats a good strategy Lego
14:42.53Legorolnever tried it mind you :)
14:43.03Beladonamight need teamspeak to coordinate it, but it would work
14:43.06Cidealmost all raid bosses are immune to taunt
14:43.10LegorolCide: i don't know any bosses in BWL since i have never been, but
14:43.17Legorolwell yeah, if they are immune to taunt, that's different
14:43.24Beladonatheoretically you would get so high on the hate list, noone could peel it off you
14:43.26Cidedoesn't work on Huhuran, Fankriss, Gluth, etc
14:43.27Legorolbut there are bosses which aren't, and you put two tanks on them
14:43.37Cideall of which need tank transitions
14:43.39LegorolCide: i don't even know who those are :)
14:43.40Beladonaor off THEM
14:43.49Kilkbuln(iirc, the expansion's areas will all be around the size of EPl)
14:43.58CideHuhuran stacks an undispellable debuff that does damage
14:44.12Legorolthere is a slight flaw in my strategy though:
14:44.12Beladonahey JoshBorke: where did you find this stuff about Paladin taunts?
14:44.17JoshBorkeKilkbuln, where do you get all your information?!
14:44.20Beladonaand is there stuff for warriors?
14:44.22CideFankriss stacks a debuff that does -10% healing taken per stack - up to 100% (can't heal)
14:44.26KilkbulnMucho fun
14:44.28Legorolusually you want two tanks because one can lose aggro, e.g. gets mindcontrolled or some such
14:44.32KilkbulnI read the bluetracker a LOT
14:44.33CideGluth has Fankriss' debuff, but also AoE fears every 20 seconds
14:44.38KilkbulnThe spell info was in the recent previews
14:44.42BeladonaI will seriously bee sending Blizz a letter if they make warriors job harder with rogue paladins around
14:44.54Legorolso in practice, the way i'd do it is to actually make both warriors start with sunders simultaneously, to make sure they both have some initial aggro
14:45.08Legoroland then start doing the alternating strategy i mentioned
14:45.16KilkbulnBloodlust and the snap aggro (Pally taunt) spells were described
14:45.31Beladonathe problem with simultaneous sunders though, is that they even out the hate list
14:45.36Beladonaand neither get very high
14:45.40KilkbulnWorking on the wowwiki certainly helps, too =)
14:46.08BeladonaI tend to make one tank do all the sunders, and then use taunt to swap aggro when it is necessary
14:46.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
14:46.32Legorolthat's almost what i said
14:46.38Beladona(has had plenty of experience with 2 warriors per group, or more per raid
14:46.54BeladonaI know, just referring to the 2 warriors sundering thing
14:46.55Legorolin my case, you'd just coordinate it a little better, to maximise the effect of Taunt
14:47.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
14:47.11Legorolas i said, you do the simultaneous sunders only at the beginning, say 3 sunders each
14:47.13Beladonawould rather see 5 sunders from one warrior before the other starts
14:47.18Kirkburn1(hello. again)
14:47.22Legorolthat can be dangerous
14:47.36Beladonanot if the main warrior is good
14:47.39Legorolif the 1st warrior gets feared/MCd etc. and the 2nd one has done no sunders, then boss goes for dps or healer
14:47.53Beladonanot if the second warrior taunts
14:48.06Beladonaie = hate list as first warrior
14:48.08Legorolok, so that's better for my plan too
14:48.24Legorolyou have a point there, there is no reason to play it safe, the 2nd warrior can just stand by with a taunt
14:48.57Beladonathere are other taunt skills applicable here too
14:49.01Cidewell, there is one flaw
14:49.15Legorolgo on
14:49.26Cidetheoretically anyway, judging by what I've read about warrior threat
14:49.48Cidetaunt only gives you the extra +10% to maintain aggro over the threshold if you are the first aggro target, as far as I know
14:50.38Beladonaactually, it only sticks the mob to you during the initial use, after that you must gain threat to hold it
14:50.53Beladonataunt alone isn't effective
14:51.14Beladonabut that should be obvious
14:51.32LegorolCide: afaik Taunt doesn't even give you that
14:51.36Cidehmm, they might have changed it
14:51.50CideRecently (1.11.x), the behaviour of Taunt has been buffed slightly. It now does three things:
14:51.52Cide1) Taunt debuff. The mob is forced to attack you for 3 seconds. Later taunts by other players override this.
14:51.52Beladonayeah it doesn't give you extra threat, it only equalizes you with the first person in the hate list
14:51.53Cide2) You are given threat equal to the mob's previous aggro target, permanently. Importantly, you won't necessarily get as much threat as the highest person on the mob's list, only as much as whoever is currently tanking it.
14:51.54Legorolall it does is elevates your threat to be equal to the person who currently has aggro
14:51.55Cide3) You gain complete aggro on the mob at the instant you taunt. Usually you would need 10% more threat to gain aggro (see section 3), but a taunt now gives you instant aggro on the mob. Of course if other people are generating significant threat on the mob, they could exceed your threat by more than 10% before the taunt debuff wears off, and will gain aggro as soon as it does. There is no limit to the amount of threat you can gain from Ta
14:52.07Cidenot according to that - but still not what I said
14:52.36CideI believe it worked the way I stated before that change, but again, I might very well be wrong
14:52.37zenzelezz"you can gain from T"
14:52.54Beladonathat doesn't sound like a buff
14:52.54Cidelast sentence in 3) should be: There is no limit to the amount of threat you can gain from Taunt.
14:53.05Kirkburn1I would never have guessed ;)
14:53.12Legoroli don't remember how it used to work, as i didn't do much with my warrior before 1.11
14:53.14Beladonamore like they reduced it's effectiveness
14:53.21Legorolhow did it work before 1.11?
14:53.28Cideyou now gain the +10% threat to keep aggro, how is that not a buff?
14:53.34Legorolyou don't
14:53.37Legorolyou don't gain it
14:53.48Legorolyou gain a threat exactly equal to the current target
14:53.55Cide+10%, according to that
14:53.56Beladonahow? because it doesn't increase your hate to the same as the top person on the hate list, which is how it should be ni my opinion
14:54.05LegorolCide: no, the +10% part of the text means something else
14:54.09CideYou gain complete aggro on the mob at the instant you taunt. Usually you would need 10% more threat to gain aggro (see section 3), but a taunt now gives you instant aggro on the mob.
14:54.21Legorolthis doesn't mean you get the +10%
14:54.28Beladonaits situational, but I can see sitauations where you might not get the same hate as the first person
14:54.28Legorolit just means the +10% rule is ignored for Taunt
14:54.34Cideread the following part
14:54.35CideOf course if other people are generating significant threat on the mob, they could exceed your threat by more than 10% before the taunt debuff wears off, and will gain aggro as soon as it does.
14:54.44Legorolthat's a different thing altogether
14:54.48Legorolit refers to this scneario:
14:54.51Cidethat basically says "they need to do ANOTHER 10% to gain aggro over you"
14:54.52Legorollet's use numbers for example
14:54.56LegorolCide: nope
14:55.00Rallionthis is why I don't have a warrior
14:55.00Beladonawell again, that means a warrior should be using other threat generation skills
14:55.03Beladonalike shield bash
14:55.05Beladonaor sunder
14:55.14LegorolCide, i will give you an example of my interpretation
14:55.22Legorollet's have Joe the tank and Bob the rogue
14:55.29zenzelezzit's not that bad Rallion; just keep tossing threat generating abilities and if you still lose aggro, shout at the rogues
14:55.31LegorolBob the rogue manages to generate 1000 threat, and thereby steals aggro
14:55.41BeladonaRallion, it is something you grow into
14:55.50Legorolnormally, in order for Joe to gain back aggro, he'd have to climb up to a total of 1100 threat (because of the 10% rule)
14:55.53Beladonawhen you are actuallly tanking, you aren't sitting there running numbers
14:56.03Beladonaits more a "feeling" that you are good at, or not in some cases =P
14:56.10Legorolhowever, if you use Taunt, what happens is that your threat gets raised to exactly 1000 *and* you gain aggro
14:56.14*** join/#wowi-lounge DoomGaze3 (i=DoomGaze@
14:56.31Legorolyou are then guaranteed to have aggro for 6 seconds
14:56.51Beladonaat which point you must generate more hate in order to keep it
14:56.53Legorolat this point, both you and Bob have exactly 1000 threat
14:56.58Cide6 seconds? are you talking about mocking blow?
14:56.59TemBeladona, no
14:57.01RallionKirkburn, I'd hot that.
14:57.01Legorolso over the next 6 seconds,
14:57.08Rallionor hit it. either way.
14:57.10Beladonahow not Tem?
14:57.24Beladonathe rogue would just outdo your threat once taunt wore off
14:57.25Legoroloops i meant 3 seconds, or however long Taunt debuff is
14:57.28Legorolforget the duration
14:57.36Beladonaunless you generated more threat to elevate you on the list
14:57.39TemBeladona, the rogue must overdo your threat by 10% in order to pulli tback
14:57.41Legorolanyway, you both start at 1000
14:57.47Legorolso now the race is on:
14:57.55Temso if no one does anything after the taunt, you keep the agro
14:57.56Beladonabut if he did it in the first place, wouldn't it make sense he would do it again?
14:58.01Beladonayou can't just taunt and then thats it
14:58.01Legorolyou need to generate enough threat so that when the taunt wears off, the rogue doesn't regain aggro
14:58.07CideLegorol: ah, you're right
14:58.13Cidemy bad
14:58.19BeladonaTem: when does everyone stop generating threat after you taunt?
14:58.21LegorolTem: that's correct
14:58.24Temno one
14:58.31Temthat's not the point I was making
14:58.32Legorolactually Tem, they could generate a little bit of threat
14:58.39Beladonahence the need to generate more threat, otherwise you get overridden
14:58.40Cidewhat I think changed though, is that you maintain aggro regardless of whether you were the intial target or not
14:58.43Legorolas long as it's less than 100, so they don't go above 1100
14:59.07Beladonathis is why most warriors fail as tanks
14:59.16Beladonathey taunt, and then don't do anything again till taunt is ready
14:59.23TemI was simply saying that if you taunt, you only need to EQUAL the rogue's Threat/sec in order to keep agro
14:59.36Beladonawhich is what I said
14:59.38Cidebefore, if Bob was the initial aggro target, it'd go back to him since Joe didn't surpass Bob's 10%
14:59.45Cidewhen taunt faded
14:59.48LegorolTem: actually,  you can get away with slightly less
14:59.54TemLegorol, yeah
14:59.57Beladonabut since I doubt you are doing his dps, you need your skills to generate hate
14:59.57Legorolbut yeah, by and large, over time, you have to equal his threat generation rate
15:00.07Legorolexactly, as Beladona says
15:00.16Temlol, this conversation is funny
15:00.16Legorolthat's why i don't taunt until i have enough rage for a sunder
15:00.22Legorolthen i taunt, and immediately sunder
15:00.26Temwe're all saying the same thing
15:00.28Beladonaif I am doing rogue dps, either I rock, or he sucks
15:00.31Temjust not understanding each other
15:00.38zenzelezzRevenge + Shield Slam spam \o/
15:00.56Beladonamy mind is blanking, but there is another skill, talent based
15:00.59LegorolTem: we are all agreeing
15:00.59Beladonanot shield slam is it?
15:01.09Legoroland also convincing Cide a bit
15:01.15zenzelezzSHield Slam is almost as high threat as revenge
15:01.17Kirkburn(it's only slightly NSFW, that link)
15:01.21Legoroli think we are also trying to figure out what Taunt *used to* do, aren't we?
15:01.23zenzelezzShield Bash is the weak one
15:01.27wereHamsteras far as I understand, you get as much threat as the current target, but to keep aggro even after the taunt debuff wears off, you need to generate an additional 10%
15:01.37Beladonaahh yes
15:01.38Legorolno you don't, wereHamster
15:01.42Cidenot anymore, anyway
15:01.48BeladonaI only really bother with shield bash on casters
15:02.00Legoroli think that's how it *used to* work, before 1.11
15:02.00zenzelezzof course, it's useless on anything else :)
15:02.01Cidelike I said, that's how I think it USED to work if you weren't the initial aggro target
15:02.03DoomGaze3does lua have a "continue" equivalent for loops?
15:02.09CideDoomGaze3: no
15:02.10wereHamsterso I can taunt and do nothing and still have aggro?
15:02.16Beladonaits nice for pulling casters too, if your mage doesn't counter
15:02.20zenzelezzafter the Shield Slam adjustment it's crazy threat generating
15:02.20Legorolas long as others don't do anything either, wereHamster
15:02.29Legorolof course if they keep generating threat, you will lose aggro again
15:02.56BeladonaI have TankAlert
15:03.07Beladonabut I modified it to play a siren sound when it goes off
15:03.14Beladonathat way it annoys the hell out of me till I get aggro
15:03.58LegorolI think the slightly dangerous part about Taunt is the little caveat that you only gain as much threat as the *current* target
15:04.06wereHamsterbut you still have to generate 10% more threat than the current target to make the mob attack you?
15:04.09Legorole.g. let's say apart from Bob the rogue, there's Cide the priest
15:04.27LegorolBob currently has 1000 threat, and Cide, due to rampant healing, is now up to 1090, nearing the 10% threshold
15:04.31wereHamstereg. mage has to generate 10% more than the tank to gain aggro?
15:04.39CideI'M A PRO HEALER
15:04.51Legorolanyway, if at this point you taunt, you will have 1000 threat
15:04.56CideI don't have salvation; I'm horde
15:05.07Legorolso you better hurry up and generate a bunch more, as Cide is about to cross the 10% threshold
15:05.18Cidefade! fade!!
15:05.20Legorolif you don't do anything at this point, it's very easy for Cide to get the aggro
15:05.32CideI fade every time it's up.
15:05.37Cide(and that was a joke)
15:05.43CideI hate priests that do that, for the record
15:05.45zenzelezzthen again, if you taunt and to nothing, you don't deserve aggro
15:06.00Legorolwell, sometimes it can get tricky
15:06.06Legorolfor example, let's say mob is beating priest
15:06.11Legorolyou have to taunt, otherwise priest dies
15:06.19Legorolbut you may not have enough rage to start dishing out some threat
15:06.35Temrage potion ftw
15:06.35Legorolthis can get very dangerous, if the priest keeps healing or rogues doing dps
15:06.38Cidethe priest was probably fading constantly
15:06.46Cideand such, fade was on cooldown!
15:07.09Legoroli'm not quite sure how fade affects threat exaclty,
15:07.17Legorolis it a constant amount that gets subtracted?
15:07.22Temtemporary loss, iirc
15:07.28Cideand then reapplied when it fades
15:07.34Legorolright, so it's temporary
15:07.37Legorolgood to know that
15:07.38Beladonaon the other hand though
15:07.42Cideyou don't regain threat even if you go above the threshold though
15:07.49Cideuntil you do another threat-causing action
15:07.52Beladonaif you wait for Cide to get aggro, and then taunt, you will have 1100 instead
15:07.56Legorolah right
15:08.00Beladonaunless he fades first
15:08.06Cideso it's reapplied "passively"
15:08.09zenzelezzso then you get the old threat + new threat added?
15:08.17LegorolCide: right, just like with mobs that have a temporary aggro wipe
15:08.18Cideanother thing with fade:
15:08.29Cide- if you are in melee range, the aggro threshold is 10% of the current aggro holder
15:08.31Beladonayou get elevated to the same threat at the person who the mob is on currently
15:08.39Cide- if you are outside of melee range, the aggro threshold is 30% of the current aggro holder
15:08.41Beladonawhich is typically top on the list, but not always
15:08.57Legorolhmm.. a lvl 32 guildie is asking for 5g for a respec
15:09.05Legoroli wonder why he had to respec so often in 32 levels
15:09.19BeladonaI am at the max
15:09.56Cide- if a person is faded, the aggro threshold for the priest to surpass in order to get aggro is higher than both 10% and 30% (according to fellow priests)
15:09.56LegorolCide: yeah i know that part, and it actually raises an interesting question
15:10.21Legorollet's say someone is at 20% and is at range
15:10.27Cideexact amount hasn't been discovered, but it's High As Hell (TM)
15:10.28Legorolif they now walk up to the mob, do they gain aggro?
15:10.30Legorolprobably not
15:10.35Cideprobably not
15:10.42Legorolthey'd probably have to hit him once
15:10.55CideI think the game only reevaluates aggro target when a player does an aggro-causing action
15:11.05wereHamsterso.. internally, the server has a threat list and the target who has aggro. Before 1.11? taunt only caused the mob to attack you bu you still had to do 10% more threat to not loose aggro after the debuff was over, now taunt automatically sets you as the 'target who has aggro', right?
15:11.12Cidesame deal with fade fading and going over the 10/30% threshold (you don't get aggro immediately)
15:11.15LegorolCide, that'd tie in with how "temporary aggro wipe" works
15:11.28Legorolmakes sense from simplicity of code point of view
15:11.50LegorolwereHamster: that is my understanding, yes
15:12.12wereHamsterit makes encounters like the second dragon in BWL easier.. :)
15:12.37Legorolone thing i'm not sure on: even before 1.11, did Taunt elevate your threat?
15:12.51Legoroli presume it did
15:12.58Beladonatypically though, if w arrior is having issues with having to taunt off other players all the time. He isn't doing his aprt on the hate list in the first place
15:13.15Beladonahence the 5 sunders and stuff like that
15:13.30zenzelezzcould also be the others going too all-out
15:13.36LegorolBeladona: actually, i sometimes do that on purpose
15:13.44Beladonalike a mage nuking right off the bat
15:13.50Legoroli build up rage, but deliberately let someone semi-tough (e.g. pala/pet) get aggro for a while
15:14.00Legorolit's very nice stealing all the threat that those Growls generated
15:14.02Beladonaas do I
15:14.21Legoroland then i spam 5 sunders
15:14.25Beladonaotherwise you get stuck in a situation where you have no rage, and a growl or likewise pulls aggro
15:14.42Beladonathen comes bloodrage
15:14.49Legoroland i sometimes get abused in PUGs because they have no idea why i'm acting the way i'm
15:14.57Legorolthey're like "wtf dude, you have rage, just sunder already"
15:15.09Legoroland i'm like no! i'll let it hit you for a bit
15:15.16Legorolyou can imagine the effect :)
15:15.18BeladonaI have had people comment a couple times on how big my rage bar is (thats what she said!)
15:15.22wereHamsterour last time in BWL, we had out MT tank broodlord from 100% till death, nobody could generate as much threat as he did.. Thunderfury really is a good tanking weapon
15:15.43Beladonaoh yeah it is
15:15.47Legoroloh, and there is something i just found out recently that i didn't know until now:
15:15.53Legorolin Battle stance you only generate 80% threat
15:15.59Beladonayou know what pisses me off the most though?
15:16.01Legorolquite surprising, and very good to know :)
15:16.08Beladonaand I still don't understand blizzards logic for this
15:16.11wereHamsterin def stance >100% ?
15:16.17Legoroldef stance: 130%
15:16.18Beladonashields with aoe effects, and tanks that use them
15:16.25wereHamsterberserker 100% ?
15:16.39Legorolsunder threat in battle stance: 206, in def stance: 338
15:16.49Legorolberserker also 80% if i remember right
15:16.49Beladonawhich makes sense
15:17.05Beladonaa dps warrior doesn't really want aggro
15:17.20Legorolthe bit about battle stance is curious though..
15:17.28Legoroli guess they really do want to force you in to def stance
15:17.35Legorolbut this explains why in def stance you hold aggro so much better
15:17.43Legorol130%/80% is a big difference
15:17.58BeladonaI enver knew the numbers before, but good to know
15:18.21Legorolmost threat calculations are normalized so that 1 white damage = 1 threat
15:18.23Beladonamakes good argument with warriors who think fury spec should be as good a tank as prot spec
15:18.32Rallioni have a question about warrior aggro...I saw that rage generation creates aggro, but does that just mean rage generated by abilities, or does it include regular hitting-and-being-hit rage generation?
15:18.39Legorolwell in def stance they both do the same with sunder and revenge :)
15:18.45Beladonaof course
15:18.56Beladonabut the prot gets more benefit from the defensive effects
15:19.16LegorolRallion: afaik, yes, rage generation in and of itself generates aggro
15:19.29CideI think that's only from items
15:19.37Cidethat is, "You gain X rage."
15:19.50Legorolcould be, but i vaguely remember this:
15:19.51Cideor whatever it says in the combat log
15:19.51BeladonaCode: yes, but you also get skills that generate hate better than a fury spec
15:19.54Beladonaerr Cide
15:19.59CideCode? yes sir!
15:20.00Legorole.g. if you hit someone with white damage and get rage for it, you get threat for both the dmg and the rage
15:20.06Legorolbut i can check, if you give me a minute
15:20.23Rallionit's not really important to me, I was just curious
15:20.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:20.58Legorolwell what i can do is engage a mob, and stand still without hitting it
15:21.04wereHamstereverything that appears in the combat log generates threat
15:21.33Cidealmost true
15:22.05wereHamsterwhat doesn't?
15:22.08Cidemana oil doesn't generate threat anymore, as far as I (and patch notes) know
15:22.37Cidehaha, I laughed :(
15:22.54wereHamsteror a rouge creating bandages..
15:22.54Temsad, isn't it?
15:22.59Legorolsince i have anger management, i can generate rage whilst standing still
15:23.14Legorollet's see if that creates threat
15:23.19Beladonaunless you have a shrink in your group. Then your anger management is handled by him
15:23.24Beladonaa joke
15:23.36Cidethe new, unannounced class
15:24.13Cideanyone feeling like helping me out with some code design issues after dinner?!
15:24.16Beladonaits a mixture of priest, and rogue -- priest to heal you, rogue to hand you the knife to kill yourself when healing doesn't work
15:24.18RallionSiggyFreud begins to cast Psychoanalysis.
15:24.50BeladonaCide: I can try to help
15:25.08TemSiggyFreud is afflicte by Counterspelled - Silenced.
15:25.09Cideok, bad joke - brb dinner
15:25.11RallionSiggyFreud charges Tem double.
15:25.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:25.49zenzelezzYour Counterspell crits. Target is permanently silenced.
15:26.16Tem(I'd stack spell crit for that!)
15:27.46Rallionreminds me of the Wisps.
15:27.56Rallion"You die. Permanently." "Reroll?"
15:28.12Rallioni laughed way too hard at that.
15:28.24zenzelezzyeah, heh
15:30.18RallionI remember my friend coming into work that day..."HEY! Did you see--" "It's April 1st." "--oh."
15:33.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
15:34.06KirkburnAnyone know when the Leipzig convention starts?
15:34.37KirkburnThat is, the "Leipzig Games Convention 2006"
15:35.04KirkburnBlizz have a BC booth there, so you can guarantee lots more info is incoming :)
15:35.35Kirkburn(also VALVe will be there in force with stuff on Portal and TF2, and all that jazz =)
15:35.58zenzelezzTF2... I remember pre-ordering that about six years ago
15:36.24Rallionisn't it in like a week?
15:36.27Beladonais it still on pre-order?
15:36.41zenzelezzno, the shop went bankrupt a few years ago
15:36.48DoomGaze3mmmm, portal
15:36.56BeladonaI will be getting that
15:36.58KirkburnRallion, I think you're right
15:36.58DoomGaze3an FPS puzzler, whoda thunk
15:37.10Beladonathere is no way NOT to get it
15:37.27KirkburnA whole week more :(
15:37.51DoomGaze3As if I wasn't getting HL2 ep 2 anyways.
15:37.52KirkburnIt's going to be a gooood Xmas time :D
15:38.09DoomGaze3Pretty stupid imho, they could sell those games by themselves in still make a killing
15:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (i=Hexarobe@
15:39.10Hexarobigreetings and salutations
15:39.15KirkburnIt's possible they might, of course, separate to the package
15:39.35Kirkburn(but still available as part of the normal package, I mean)
15:39.44KirkburnGreets Hexarobi :)
15:40.10Kirkburn(god that was an awful explanantion)
15:40.18Kirkburn("You die now?" /me clicks yes)
15:40.32DoomGaze3ep 1 was fun, but I can see why they'd want to sweeten the deal too
15:40.52DoomGaze3It was, after all, the REAL ending
15:41.49Cidehm, back
15:41.54*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
15:42.07Cideok, I have no idea how to do this in a good way
15:42.15Cideit's gonna be quite hard to explain
15:42.18Hexarobilet the wookie win
15:42.28TS|Skrom_I bent my wookie
15:43.20TS|SkromIs there a table guru in the house?
15:43.41Cideokay, so... right now, I have one header frame, and then a number of member frames (the header being the group title for a raid group, each member frame being a raid member in that group)
15:44.21CideI implemented that with a linked list, where each frame has .head and .tail set (except for the first and last frame, they only have one of 'em set, obviously)
15:45.49Cidesimple enough... now, I need to implement the same thing, but support an arbitrary amount of columns (so not just linear positioning of "position below the previous frame"), maintaining the same number of frames in each column while possible
15:47.02Cideand it needs to be able to easily be re-sorted, in case I want to say, have the members with the least health "up top" (meaning top of left column -> bottom of left column -> top of middle column -> bottom of middle column -> top of right column, etc [assuming 3 columns])
15:47.06cogwheelCouldn't you just make each one the child of the one "above" it? Then you'd just need to add an offset to the first frame of each column and all the others would follow...
15:47.23Cidethe re-sort part is what makes it hard
15:47.33Cideor rather, hard to make it efficient
15:48.18cogwheelIf you use parent/child relationships, that should all be handled c-side and would be more efficient than using lua linked list, wouldn't it?
15:48.46Cidehow so?
15:49.05JoshBorkeset the parent of a member frame to be another member frame
15:49.12Cideif a member is removed, and the player was in the left column, the top player in the middle column should move to the bottom of the left one, and then every member in the middle column should be shifted upwards (followed by the same thing happening in the right column)
15:49.31Cidedon't see how that would help much
15:49.59Cideand I still need to be able to traverse through the list, which isn't very easy without a linked list in the first place
15:50.04LegorolAbout the earlier question on rage generation:
15:50.16LegorolAccording to KLHThreatMeater, just standing there getting hit doesn't generate threat
15:50.37Legorolneither the rage due to getting hit, nor the the rage due to anger management
15:51.07TS|Skromnone of those rage gains cause a +1 or whatever rage to appear in the chat box, so no that wouldn't cause threat
15:51.18TS|Skromthat would only be for actual "power gain" effects
15:51.46Legorolthat is true, however, it could then again be the addon not being perfect
15:51.49cogwheelSay you have frames A->B->C. if you remove B, just change C's parent to A and then reapply the columnating code.
15:51.55Legoroli agree that there is no "you gain X rage" line in the chatlog
15:52.03Legorolbut what if it generates threat anyway, and the addon is just missing it?
15:52.13Legorolbut it's very easy to test this, if someone's up for a bit of testing
15:52.18Legorolit'd need two people
15:52.19TS|SkromI think it's the "you gain x rage" chat lines that actually infer a threat gain (5 per point of rage gained)
15:52.22LegorolLet's make use of Draka :)
15:52.25Cidecogwheel: could easily be accomplished by :ClearAllPoints and :SetPoint which I do now. I don't see how that makes things easier
15:52.30TS|Skromotherwise it'd be increadibly easy to gain threat..
15:52.49TS|Skromthe best tank would be the naked one lol
15:52.52Cidethe resorting and column switching is the annoying/hard part
15:52.52LegorolTS|Skrom: we were debating if rage gain generates threat or not
15:53.00Legorolnot if taking damage generates threat
15:53.08TS|Skromunless it triggers a "power gain" event I would say no
15:53.12cogwheelwell, I was just thinking it might be more efficient. Then again, this won't be happening every frame or anything, so performance is proably not too much of an issue...
15:53.34Cidewell, I could easily change to :SetParent if that's more efficient
15:53.35JoshBorkeCide: does each column have the same number of frames?
15:53.36TS|Skromnaked tank = more damage taken = more rage generated
15:53.43CideJoshBorke: when possible, yes
15:54.02Cidewith 3 columns and 10 people, it would be 4, 3, 3 in the columns (left, middle, right)
15:54.17LegorolTS|Skrom: yeah but die very quick too :)
15:54.18JoshBorkenot 4,4,2?
15:54.19TS|Skromif it were true that rage generated through taking damage = 5 threat per rage then naked tank > all in aggro sticky situations
15:54.22TS|Skromhehe for true
15:54.33Cideas few people in the columns as possible
15:54.36TS|SkromLegorol: That's prolly where the balance comes from.
15:54.39TS|SkromAFK, work to do ><
15:54.45Cidefills them up left to right
15:54.53JoshBorkeso you're defining by number of colums.  and do headers count?
15:54.58Cide1, 0, 0 -> 1, 1, 0 -> 1, 1, 1 -> 2, 1, 1
15:54.59JoshBorkeor are you just worrying about the members?
15:55.03Cidejust members
15:55.41RallionI am incredibly stupid.
15:55.50RallionI just want to make sure everybody knows that.
15:55.53Legoroloh, i just found a new copper vein in Dun Morogh..
15:55.56Legorolnever seen it before!
15:56.19Cidetotally unrelated: <- very cool
15:56.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:56.50JoshBorke<mem per col> = math.floor(<members>/<columns>)
15:57.07JoshBorke<mem in first col> = <mem per col> + math.mod(<members>,<columns>)
15:57.24JoshBorkethen keep a separate index so you know where you stand in that list of numbers
15:58.05CideI wonder if it's easier to keep one linked list for each column, or one total?
15:58.07JoshBorkethen step through your linked list, when you reach the magic number, start a new column
15:58.58Cideplusses with only one is that you can move to another column easily, but the downside is that you have to implement special code if the member is the first player in a column
15:59.08Cideother way around for separate lists
15:59.28Cidethough separate lists seems easier in some ways..
15:59.57RallionI was wondering why my fixes weren't working, then I realized that I was modifying the copy in WoW/Interface, and I was logged into the PTR
16:00.21JoshBorkeCide: why not mix?
16:00.35Cideheh, maybe
16:01.00cogwheelCide, if you make them children, then the only special case is where the columns change and it would be a simple matter of changing the offset in the loop
16:01.32Cidecogwheel: children are basically the same thing as separate linked lists, isn't it?
16:01.32cogwheelIt would make sorting immensly easier if you had a single list, though.
16:01.54JoshBorkeCide: i use a single linked list then modify where I attach frames (parents and attachment points)
16:01.54Cidebut it still needs :SetPoint
16:02.18JoshBorkebut then again i have a nice parent/child relationship in mine :-D
16:02.48Cidewell, I "could" use parent/child for the "separate linked lists" part
16:02.53Cidesince both accomplish pretty much the same thing
16:03.07cogwheelright, but all you would need to change in the SetPoint would be the offsets
16:03.12Cideit's pretty much function call versus table lookup
16:04.17Cidecombined with more function calls for :SetPoint, I guess
16:04.38Cidesingle linked list with parent/children sounds nice
16:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilkbuln (
16:06.31cogwheelWercome back kilkbuln
16:08.51cogwheelcide, not to throw another wrench in, but is there any advantage to using a linked list versus an integer-indexed table and using table.insert and table.remove?
16:09.30Rallionis there a way to stack trace in WoW?
16:10.04Cidecogwheel: I used a linked list because I can always get a frame
16:10.11Cideget a frame's neighbours given a frame
16:10.58cogwheelhehe... kirkburn understood... :P
16:11.07Cidegetting rid of the British!
16:11.23Cidehaha, I mostly did that because he's here ;)
16:12.14RallionI'm getting an error in some code that shouldn't even be running
16:12.43cogwheelcompile-time or run-time?
16:13.49Rallionand it happens when I buy a bank slot, so it's a pain the the ass to test
16:14.01Cidehehe, ouch
16:14.17DoomGaze3Heh, my mod is crashing WoW. Like, completely.
16:14.17Cidewhen I implemented our confirmation box for bank slots, I was pretty scared
16:14.30RallionI use the blizzard confirmation box
16:14.33Cideseeing as I didn't want to spend 100 gold for something I wouldn't use
16:14.42CideRallion: they added it after we added ours
16:14.49Cidelike, 2-3 patches after
16:14.58Rallionbut then I have to detect the purchase and update, which works fine, and this error doesn't even break anything, that code doesn't need to be running
16:15.10cogwheelheh... I know your pain, rallion... you have no idea how much gold i wasted while testing buyemall without remembering to turn it on debug mode
16:15.23Rallionhere I really have no choice
16:15.30Rallioni have to spend the money
16:15.56Rallionso I made a PTR char
16:17.14Rallionooh interesting...i was kinda wrong about when it happens.
16:17.41wereHamsterwhy do the game developers always try to make it hard to hook functions even if we all know that they can't make it impossible
16:18.31Rallionthat was extremely unexpected.
16:18.40Rallionbut it explains some things.
16:18.41Cidetry hooking MoveForwardStart and tell me it isn't impossible
16:18.47Rallionwait, no. I'm an idiot.
16:18.50Cideunless that's what you're testing!
16:19.02Cideand/or found a workaround for
16:19.04wereHamsterI'am talking about C functions in external libraries..
16:20.02Cidehow am I supposed to know that? :P
16:20.20wereHamsterand in my case it's quake3 but SDL isn't any better..
16:20.59Cidewhat about private functions in classes?
16:21.18Cideyou're talking C, nevermind me
16:22.04Cidebut.. nevermind
16:23.56RallionWooooo!! It works!
16:24.20*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
16:24.30RallionIt ALL works! Ecstatic.
16:25.41LegorolKilkbuln and I just tested threat from passive rage generation:
16:25.43Legorolthere is none
16:25.51wereHamsterI'm trying to hook opengl functions... an no, it's not a hack but a perfectly legal application
16:25.51Legorolthe rage you get from anger management does not generate threat
16:26.23Kilkbuln(never seen Anger Management, is it *that* bad a film? =)
16:27.06wereHamsterLegorol, do you 'get' rage from anger management or do you just don't loose rage?
16:27.32Legorolyou actually get rage if you are in combat
16:27.39Legorolpeople are debating whether it's a bug or not
16:28.00wereHamsterfrom anger management?
16:28.10Legorolget into combat, you get 1 rage per tick
16:28.18Legorolif you just stand there, with no mobs hitting you
16:28.19JoshBorkeCide: so you have a solution?
16:28.37CideJoshBorke: not sure yet, about to start coding, so we'll see soon!
16:28.42Legorolthe best theory i read on why this happens is this:
16:28.48Cidethe resorting part still bothers me
16:28.49wereHamsterhas the talent been changed on PTR? I only see 'rage takes longer to decay'
16:29.18KirkburnTesting rage generation with a level 2 warlock and a level 60 warrior (right?) is fun :P
16:29.38LegorolThere is a natural rate of rage decay. When you are out of combat, this is the only thing that happens. When you are in-combat, there is a natural rate of rage generation.
16:29.54LegorolWIthout anger management, the rage generation rate and rage decay rate, when in combat, matches up perfectly
16:29.59Legorolso that you neither gain nor lose rage
16:30.20Legorolif you have anger management, the rage decay is slower, but the rage generation stays the same
16:30.24Legorolso the end result: you get rage
16:30.49LegorolwereHamster: this is under 1.11
16:30.53Legoroland the tooltip doesn't mention it
16:31.02Legoroli'm of the opinion that it's not intended
16:32.07cogwheelcide, that's why i was thinking of the integer-indexed table instead of a linked list... table.sort() 4tw!
16:32.07wereHamsterthanks for the clarification
16:33.12JoshBorkeCide, yea, like cogwheel says, integer-indexed table with a wrap-around index
16:33.22wereHamsterwhat not intended... the rage generation in combat?
16:33.24Cidetable.sort seems unnecessary though
16:34.05Cideif I store health in the frame as an index, I can just iterate up/down (depending on whether the player lost or gained health) and move one frame
16:34.59cogwheelyou could combine the two...
16:35.12cogwheeluse tables as the elements with previous/next fields
16:35.36Cidedon't really see much of a gain from that though
16:35.37cogwheelthen sorting would be simple *and* iterating would be simple
16:36.29cogwheelit just makes implementing the sort a lot easier...
16:37.01Cidehow so?
16:37.27cogwheelbecause you can use table.sort and pick from various comparison functions depending on what attribute the list should be sorted by...
16:37.34cogwheel(sorry for the dangling preposition :P)
16:37.36Cidetable.sort for every health change is likely slower than a single loop
16:38.23Cidewell, all the attributes can be accessed with[attribute]
16:38.38cogwheelhmm... i think i see what you're saying... you basically just want to swap the two frames when necessary...
16:38.56Cideyes, if possible
16:39.12wereHamsterLegorol, the taunt buff, did that happen in 1.11 or will it be in 1.12?
16:39.14cogwheelI wasn't clear on when/how you'd be doing the sorting...
16:40.05cogwheelAre you actually switching the frames themselves around or just the data in them?
16:40.09Rallionwhat would be a the best way to have my frame replace the bag frames? replace the default bag OnShow with one that shows my frame, and then hides the default bag again? or is there a better way?
16:40.35Cidecogwheel: each member gets one frame assigned to him
16:40.46Cideuntil the member leaves the raid
16:41.03Cideso if you switch two players, their frames change places, not the data in them
16:41.16*** join/#wowi-lounge pyfen (n=Rozr@unaffiliated/fenderx)
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16:45.08JoshBorkeCide: are you making your roster information global?
16:50.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:50.52cogwheelCide, how many different sorting options will there be? Each heading could store its own comparison function and then you could just swap frames in a given direction until you get to where you're supposed to be.
16:51.30Cidethinking class, index, mana & health right now (asc or desc)
16:51.52cogwheelindex being the raid#?
16:52.29JoshBorkeCide: you should totally make it hookable :-D
16:52.33CidesortIndex being just that: "class", "index", "mana" or "health"
16:52.38Cidethe sort function? :P
16:52.55JoshBorkeso say, an addon could track DPS to different raid members and they could be bumped to the top of the list
16:53.45Cidefor healers, to keep the people who are contributing the most alive? :)
16:54.21CideI kinda want to make sort functions local for faster access though :(
16:54.32Cideshouldn't get called all that often, I suppose
16:54.56JoshBorkewhat about a table?  new functions could register into the table
16:55.04JoshBorkewhile your default sorts colud be local functions
16:55.10cogwheelCide, maybe sorting by class/index should be separated logically from sorting by mana/health since they are essentially statick until the groups change
16:55.43CideI'll just add something like :UpdateFramePosition
16:55.59Cideand then call that whenever what the user cares about changes
16:56.20cogwheelthat would be in the header, then?
16:56.38cogwheelyou wouldn't be able to arbitrarily call that on one of the member frames.
16:56.44Cidewhy not?
16:57.43cogwheelbecause sorting the entire list (as in the case of index/class) would need knowledge of all the other members in the list
16:57.45Cidethough, I wasn't planning on having that as a member function for the frames or headers
16:58.05Cidebut then again
16:58.18cogwheelif you have an Update() on each frame for health/mana events
16:58.19Cideit doesn't need to sort the whole list
16:58.40cogwheelthen you could easily swap them around without calling an Update function each frame
16:59.19cogwheelthe index/class/name sorts would need to sort the whole list though.
16:59.26Cideonly once
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16:59.37Cidewhen they join the raid
16:59.55Cideso you'd start at the first or last frame, and just iterate through it until it finds its position
17:00.00cogwheelwell, really when anyone joins the raid or groups get swapped around
17:00.14Cidewell, for index it'd update if the index changes
17:00.23Cidesame with health & mana
17:00.30Cidewhen health/mana changes (duh)
17:02.53KirkburnWoop, Blood elves now have a correctly named wiki article :P
17:04.15*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (n=aaaa@
17:05.43JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
17:08.19Kirkburnhey Cair
17:08.47wereHamsteris there already an addon that automatically passes on items from naxx?
17:11.23wereHamsterI mean those quest items that from almost each trashmob
17:11.32TS|Skromwhew, back finally
17:12.11TS|SkromHave a question for the table guru's around here if someone  has time.
17:12.36Legorolok that's it, i'm so making this addon: there's a good friend of mine whom i often group with, and he routinely forgets to turn off Aspect of the N00b
17:12.55Legorolso i decided i'll make him an addon that puts a big red warning with audio if he enters combat with the Aspect on
17:14.23CideTS|Skrom: just ask and someone will answer if he/she knows and has time
17:14.59TS|SkromI'm kinda embarassed.. because the reason I'm having trouble is most likely because I'm an LUA n00b :(
17:15.17Cairenneveryone was, at one point or another
17:16.02TS|SkromBut here's what I'm doing: I'm scanning the spellbook for a certain type of spell (heal for example) and printing the results to the chat box in the form of Name (Rank) L# to U# where L# is the min amount listed on the tooltip and U# is the max amount listed on the tooltip
17:16.21TS|SkromI'd like to put this info into a sortable indexed table
17:16.28TS|Skrombut I don't know how...
17:16.41TS|Skromwould need to be a matrix and I'm familar with matrices in general
17:16.56TS|Skrombut not the actual commands for sorting on a key or using a table in that form
17:17.31Cidewhat do you want to sort by?
17:17.55TS|SkromWell to take my example further..
17:18.12TS|SkromPaladin's have two heal spells, in the spellbook Flash of Light comes before Holy light alpha
17:18.15Cidein any case, I'm guessing you want an integer indiced table where each entry is a spell with the data that belongs to it
17:18.23TS|Skromso when I iterate through the book to pull the individual data it reads
17:18.32TS|Skromflash 1,2,3 then holy light 1-7 (for my 47 pally)
17:18.41wereHamsterLegorol, what's Aspect of the N00b?
17:18.44TS|SkromI want to sort byt he min amount healed
17:19.08TS|Skromwhich would put the list essentially in the order of HL1, HL2, FL1, HL3, FL2, HL4, FL3, HL5-7
17:19.26LegorolwereHamster: Aspect of the Pack
17:19.26Cideokay, the easiest way would be...
17:19.29TS|Skromand I don't know if this would ever happen
17:19.35TS|Skrombut I'm worried that at some point for some class
17:19.39Cideyou have a table, each entry is a table with the data you need
17:19.47Cideso, you do, for example
17:19.48TS|Skromthe max heal on one spell would "switch places" with the max heal of another if the ranges overlap
17:19.53CidemySpellTable = { };
17:19.58Cideand then in your loop that prints to chat
17:20.30Cideyou insert a new table into that table: table.insert(mySpellTable, { spellName, minimumHeal, maximumHeal })
17:20.49Cidethat will put it at the end of the mySpellTable
17:21.46Cideso you will always end up with indices from 1 to n (you can retrieve "n" using table.getn(mySpellTable) if you would need it)
17:22.05Cide(unrelated, you can also set a custom "n" using table.setn(mySpellTable, number))
17:22.06TS|Skromokay I follow you up to that point
17:22.20Cideso when you have your mySpellTable filled with data, you need to sort it...
17:22.43Cideyou want to create a local function that you can pass into table.sort
17:23.15Cide(since it's not a "simple" table, you have to create your own sort function)
17:23.27Cidethe function will take two arguments, each being the value of two entries that lua wants you to compare and return which one to move "up" towards index 1
17:23.39TS|SkromSo I wasn't going crazy when I just couldn't get table.sort to work lol
17:24.00Cideso you'll end up with two tables as the arguments passed, since all entries are tables
17:24.09Cideso your sort function could be...
17:24.20Cidelocal function sortFunction(a, b) return a[2] < b[2]; end
17:24.31Cidesince index #2 in the table is the minimum amount healed
17:24.45Cideand then call table.sort: table.sort(mySpellTable, sortFunction);
17:25.26Cideand mySpellTable will be sorted by minimum amount healed (ascending order - mySpellTable[1] will hold the spell with the lowest minimum heal)
17:25.38zinor - might not be work safe, but its not bad, but that's just.. going to far
17:26.07TS|SkromCide, I follow what you mean, but i don't see in the function above wher eyou actually told them to compare and change places
17:26.13TS|Skromcould you go over that function for me?
17:26.51CideTS|Skrom: if you return a value that evaluates to true (so any value except nil or false), the first argument (in our case, "a") will be shifted towards the top (index #1) of the table
17:26.53TS|Skrommaybe it's an extension of table.sort that I'm not getting
17:27.18TS|Skromokay, and it shifts the entire set not just the min healed?
17:27.31Cideit shifts the entire record, which is the whole table
17:27.32TS|Skromthe entire row, not just the [2]
17:27.40TS|SkromI see now
17:27.51TS|Skromthat's why you encapsulate it in a table
17:28.03TS|Skromeach record I mean
17:28.07Cidelua basically calls sortFunction({ "Flash of Light 1", 273, 300 }, { "Holy Light 5", 1000, 1300 })
17:28.20TS|Skrombut only compares the second cell of each table
17:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kilkbuln (
17:28.31Cide(except it uses the reference instead of creating a new table, but you get the point)
17:28.35TS|SkromI could sort the max heal by calling a[3] < b[3]
17:28.45TS|Skromokay that makes alot more sense then
17:28.51Cideor, descending order: a[3] > a[3]
17:28.59TS|Skromsee I knew it was just a matter of me not understanding table.sort lol
17:29.10TS|Skromand I gathered from inference that you do the work on CT?
17:29.18TS|SkromMy props
17:29.24TS|Skromer many props
17:29.50TS|SkromI love the profile site too
17:30.22Cidecool, glad you like it :)
17:30.24cogwheelare buffs always numbered 1-16 and debuffs 17+?
17:30.31cogwheel(on the player)
17:31.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:32.13JoshBorkeCT SUCKS!
17:32.26JoshBorkeCide: did you ever implement the in-game profiles for CT-Profiles?
17:35.40Cidenot yet, no
17:35.57Cidecogwheel: don't think so
17:36.42CideWeakened Soul had #3 when I had 2 buffs and 1 debuff, just tested
17:37.12Cideseems to be in order of gain
17:37.27cogwheelmakes sense
17:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
17:45.17ShadowedCide: What do you guys program ctmod/ctprofile in anyway?
17:45.45Cidethe sites?
17:46.09Cidephp/mysql mainly.. with some javascript (UGH...)
17:46.18Cidewell, a LOT of javascript for ctprofiles
17:46.57TS|Skromi h8 on javascript ><
17:47.07TS|Skrom<3 php though
17:47.22cogwheelI programmed my website's signup page in Lua :P
17:50.37TS|SkromFYI the elf on can OVERPOWER my attempts at EVASION and EXPOSE my ARMOR any day of the week
17:51.06TS|Skromsorry, that kinda slipped out
17:51.09ShadowedRun TS run
17:51.34ShadowedObviously the armor is faked anyway, as it covers up more then the in-game one does
17:52.03Beladonahold on. I am gonna create an addon devoted specifically to smacking TS|Skrom
17:52.19TS|Skromawww :sadpanda:
17:52.36Shadowedyou could just use the ~sigh command!
17:53.16TS|Skrombela, you'd have to catch me first /flee
17:53.31Cide~slap TS|Skrom
17:53.32purlACTION slaps TS|Skrom, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
17:53.46TS|Skrom~CastSpellByName(Aspect of the Run Away);
17:55.18ShadowedIs he always like this Cide?
17:56.00TS|SkromCide: No he's generally a very kind and caring person who would never harm a fly and respects women.
17:56.23KilkbulnAnd now I just realised who you are :P *That* TS :)
17:56.45Cidehe's not the guy who works on ctmod with me
17:56.48Cideas far as I know, anyway
17:57.00KilkbulnI just thought Cide had made up an alter ego to make it look like there was more than one person working on CT :P
17:57.03ShadowedCouldn't figure out if he was or not :(
17:57.03TS|SkromI'm not worthy /bow I'm not worthy /bow
17:57.11Kilkbulnoh lol
17:57.34KilkbulnWell there goes that theory
17:57.39TS|SkromTS is mah guild name on my server ;-)
17:57.52BeladonaTS has a guild named after him?
17:58.05TS|Skromwe are big fans
17:58.07Shadowedmy guild has two fan guilds
17:58.13TS|Skromno it stands for "The Saxons"
17:58.23BeladonaI bet you paint his face on your chest, and have drunken brawls every friday
17:58.24TS|Skromwe applied for "The Sexy Ones" but we had a typo :(
17:58.39KilkbulnQuite a major typo, it seems
17:58.45TS|Skromyeah :(
17:58.49KilkbulnYou seem to have missed out all the letters
17:58.59BeladonaI had a problem making a guild once
17:59.04TS|Skromapparently the GM for our server is blind *shrug*
17:59.07TS|Skromwhat are you going to do
17:59.18Beladonatill I realized there is some stupid bug that prevents you from registering your charter, unless it is in your backpack
17:59.32Beladonanot any other bag
17:59.41Kilkbulntis true
17:59.42TS|Skromfunny story, my ex-wife had that same problem
17:59.48TS|Skrom... wait you aren't her are you?
17:59.58TS|Skromnah, she's too dumb to work irc
18:00.00Beladonathey never fixed that, and I wonder if they ever will
18:00.28KilkbulnBeladona isn't a bella donna :P
18:00.39KilkbulnWhatever he may lead you to believe =)
18:00.44TS|SkromWell that's quite misleading
18:00.52TS|SkromIgnore that a/s/l pm I sent you thn
18:01.12Kilkbuln13/unknown/mars, I bet ;)
18:01.43Kilkbulnah, no, that's mine. I always get that wrong ...
18:02.31KilkbulnSo, er, 1.12 tomorrow? :)
18:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
18:02.48Cide/dump CT_RaidAssist2.memberData.Swede.frame:GetPoint(1) -> BOOM
18:02.58Shadowedwell, cair took the title out, so not sure
18:03.09KilkbulnThe swedes, they always ruin everything =)
18:03.16Cidethat would be me :P
18:07.23KilkbulnAmazing website: see websites as a colour blind person might!
18:09.07Cidehey, gets a new color scheme with that website
18:09.09Cidelooks pretty cool!
18:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:10.01KilkbulnI was just checking my agriturismi website with it - I get a lovely pink scheme with tritanopia
18:15.30Cidewhat's the lua equivalent of.. <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="BOTTOM"/>
18:16.35cogwheelframe:SetPoint("TOP", frame:GetParent(), "BOTTOM")
18:17.00Cidethen I'd have to re-set that every time it changes parent
18:31.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
18:34.19Rallionkirkburn, that's pretty cool
18:35.01Cairennthank you
18:35.32KirkburnOne day the router will stop crashing :P
18:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
18:35.46IndustrialQuestion: If I nil a table will the contents will be garbage collected?
18:36.22IndustrialHow do you mean eventually?
18:36.24KirovAnd assuming it isn't being referenced someplace.
18:36.28TS|Skromas long as nothing else references it
18:36.32Industrialah ok
18:36.42TS|Skromit won't be GC'd til the GC threshold is met
18:36.48TS|Skromthat's what "eventually" means
18:37.37IndustrialI just have some tables I need for my addon that ill construct and nil out when I enable and disable the addon
18:38.52CideI seriously can't find an equivalent of <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="BOTTOM"/> unless I'm doing something wrong
18:39.13KirovIndustrial - if you want to completely destroy a table with out waiting for it to be gced, you can iterate through it and nil out all the values.
18:39.21CideI tried :SetPoint("TOP", nil, "BOTTOM") :SetParent(parent) but the frame isn't even showing up
18:39.23IndustrialKirov, yeah I was thinking about that
18:39.31Rallionyou know...if eating Taco Bell kills me, at least I'll die happy.
18:39.49TS|SkromWhat's the big deal about waiting for a GC Industrial?
18:39.54wereHamster:SetPoint("TOP", nil, ...) doesn't make sense
18:40.10TS|SkromYou are still doing your part as a dev to make sure you aren't wasting mem
18:40.10IndustrialTS|Skrom, its not, i just want it to be gced
18:40.18CidewereHamster: why not?
18:40.26TS|Skromread about weak tables and make sure you aren't leaving a reference
18:40.35TS|Skromthat's all ya gotta do :)
18:40.42cogwheelCide, the XML parser provides the parent argument to SetPoint (or its internal equivalent) based on the document tree
18:40.45KirovSetPoint is evil, I've noticed.  using nil as the reference seems to cuase it to faul.
18:40.45Industrialyeap read it
18:40.47wereHamsteryou position it relative to no frame, how is WoW supposed to know where to position the frame?
18:41.13IndustrialwereHamster, doesnt it take UIParent?
18:41.29cogwheelindustrial, yes, but you have to tell it to use UIParent
18:41.35cogwheelnil doesn't work
18:41.55Cideactually, nil is supposed to work
18:41.58KirovCide - GetPoint("TOP") then plug the second return in
18:42.06KirovCide - supposed to, but doesn't.
18:42.17CideThe name of the frame to attach the obj to - an actual frame variable can also be used (can be "UIParent"), or nil to anchor relative to the whole screen.
18:42.17CideDefaults to the parent of obj when not specified, or the screen (not UIParent) when obj does not have a parent
18:42.24Cidewell that kinda sucks
18:42.28cogwheelhmm... bug report time?
18:42.43CideI'll just keep doing what I currently am
18:42.51wereHamsterCode, why don't you ant to specify  the relative frame?
18:43.05KirovCode? heh
18:43.14Cidesecond misspelling of my name today!
18:43.14cogwheelit was my bad...
18:43.31KirovwereHamster - less code, presumably faster
18:43.33wereHamsterTanking adds in naxx and chatting in IRC at the same time kinda is hard
18:44.05Cidewhat Kirov (damn you, tab completion) said
18:44.47BeladonaI wonder if the guy who made GroupCalendar has plans to use the new Addon Message system
18:45.29KirovI'm fairly curious how many addons are going to switch over to it.
18:45.50Rallionhey, so what are people's complaints with the Blizz Floating Combat Text? i tried it out and it seemed pretty good to me, but I didn't really test too extensively
18:46.21Rallioni KNOW I saw people saying they didn't like it, but I didn't see why
18:46.27Rallionor don't remember
18:47.27wereHamsterKirov, my addons will use it..  ;)
18:47.38Cideso will mine!
18:48.23KirovMine already do!
18:48.32BeladonaRallion I think it works as well, if not slightly better than SCT did
18:48.40KirovI even register my frames for the event in 1.11!
18:49.02ShadowedI don't really like the floating combat text at all
18:49.04KirovwereHamster - I'm personally thinking more about the people who aren't in this channel
18:49.16Shadowedalot of the text they use for the events isn't really short and simple
18:49.16KirovThere's also the problem of DamageMeters ... in that the author quit wow
18:49.23ShadowedUse SWStats
18:49.45Beladonano one picked up DamageMeters yet?
18:49.58KirovBeladona - not that I've seen.
18:50.01KirovNot yet at least.
18:50.18Beladonawonder if I should or not
18:50.29Beladonareason i say is, I already modified it pretty deeply
18:50.41Kirovlike what?
18:51.14RallionI don't like SWStats, it's not as good as DM or Recap for looking at in-depth self stats
18:51.23Beladonamostly looks, and functionality. And I began adding some other stats to it like xp over time and stuff. But I recently started messing with dps synchronization using the addon message stuff in 1.12
18:51.56RallionSWStats IS a good addon, but it's not what everybody's looking for
18:52.07Cideit spams the shit out of the channel
18:52.28Rallioni know nothing of that, heh
18:52.31BeladonaDamage Meters does everything it does, the way I want it to. I just tweaked mine to do more
18:54.11KirovSWStats / ThreatMeter ... both mods that spam to no end.
18:54.35BeladonaI absolutely hates ThreatMeter
18:55.51KirovFor debugging CTRA or mods that use that channel I have it setup to cull all the threatmeter spam so I can see the other stuff.
18:56.31KirovI'm impressed that someone managed to do it, and that it's decently accurate, but I really don't like it.
18:56.41ShadowedI just hate KLTM because of the idea
18:57.10Beladonaa) it requires all participants to have it. Which pretty much negates most of it's usefullness
18:57.46Rallionthat's pretty much unavoidable though
18:57.59Beladonab) do we really want to dummy down threat management? when people should be learning it without relying on a meter?
18:58.07Beladonaoh I know that Rallion
18:58.11Rallioni know you know :)
18:58.12KirovCTRA is the only addon I require people to have, and even then if they used CTRASpy or oRA I'd be just as happy.
18:58.17Beladonapretty sure Blizz wanted it that way in fact
18:58.51Rallionthreat management certainly seems to be one of the core 'skil' aspects of the game
18:59.01Beladonawe require Group Calendar as well. But thats just because I am too lazy to repeat myself all the time regarding what we are doing "tonight"
18:59.32KirovWe just use our forums for that
18:59.57Beladonathe problem with that is, you have lots of people who play, and never bother with a website
19:00.08Cidethat depends on someone else being on that can give you the latest data, right?
19:00.14IndustrialBeladona, make it their problem
19:00.15wereHamsterBeladona, why don't you use the GMOTD?
19:00.15Beladonaat least with this, its in-game, and they have no excuse
19:00.34Beladonabecause we run multiple raids a night, and that would get old changing it all the time
19:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:01.01TS|SkromCide, can I ask you something else?
19:01.06BeladonaCide: yes, although we typicaly always have people on
19:01.11TS|Skromand it may be that I'm just not thinking it through all the way...
19:01.37wereHamsterwe sometimes also run multimple raids, but "18:30 naxx, 14:00 ZG, 32:00 AQ40" fits into the GMOTD..
19:01.38TS|Skromin our talk earlier... what happens if spell1 is 105 spell 2 is 205 and spell3 is 155?
19:01.56TS|Skrom105 < 205 = #1
19:02.01BeladonawereHamster: there are other aspects I like though, for isntance signups
19:02.06TS|Skrom155<205... does 155 become #1?
19:02.51IndustrialKirov, ???
19:03.06KirovIndustrial - TS as in CTmod non-Cide
19:03.12BeladonaIndustrial: I believe he refers to the existence of TS of CTMod
19:03.37CideSkrom: it compares them all to each other
19:03.41CairennCide + TS == CT
19:04.02Skromso when it says "it moves the index toward 1" it only moves it one spot then recompares?
19:04.02CideSkrom: so you end up with the correct order in the end
19:04.25KirovI thought CT stood for Cow Tunnel
19:04.28Skromso I just call table.sort(mySpellData, mySortFunction) once after the table is built
19:04.29Cidesomething like that
19:04.35CideSkrom: correct
19:05.07Skromfor some reason I was thinking i'd have to call it repeatedly ><
19:05.13CideKirov: Carpal Tunnel :)
19:05.31SkromI need to get out more, meet a nice girl somewhere, get remarried and stop trying to learn all this coding stuff lol
19:05.54Skromspecially since I'm getting ready to start back at college for a programming degree ><
19:06.07KirovSkrom - what are you going to use to impress her if not your impressive addon skills?
19:06.09SkromI quit the first time to get married to that bitch, I mean my ex wife
19:06.21SkromKirov: Good point
19:06.34Skromkirov: I HAVE A LEVEL 60 !!!! OH EM GEE
19:06.39CideTS managed to get free cable TV because the maintenance guy that came by plays WoW
19:06.57SkromActually I don't have a level 60 ><
19:06.59KirovSkrom - "What's that baby?  You need an addon to help you decurse?  Well, I have this addon called "Decursive" ... yeah, I wrote it all myself."
19:07.01Skromman I'm screwed
19:07.24SkromShe wouldn't need to decurse after being with me, I use protection
19:07.42KirovCide - hehe
19:07.56CideI had an argument a week ago with a friend of a friend - apparently the authors of CTMod are all american
19:07.59CideI laughed
19:08.11Skromhe didn't know?
19:08.29Skromsome friend of a friend
19:08.35CideI'm pretty sure everyone assumes we're both american
19:08.59Skromhey, can you send me some of that good cheese for my birthday?
19:09.10KirovCide - I assume you both speak english ...
19:09.23Skromoh wait, swede ~= swiss...
19:09.26Kirovbut then, i've typed to both of you
19:09.37CideKirov: hopefully we do!
19:09.49Skromwhat are  you Cide GMT+1?
19:10.11Skromso it's... 9:00 pm there
19:10.18Skromwell yeah
19:10.19Cideget your facts straight!
19:10.30Rallioni wonder if all my typing is keeping my jammed finger from healing all the way...because it's been a while...
19:11.51RallionRemember: All that so-called 'hand-eye coordination' from playing video games does not always translate well to trying to catch a football.
19:11.54SkromI was working at my house on saturday and dropped a 40lb (18.14kg for you non americans) metal grate on my foot
19:12.10Skromhurts like crap
19:12.20Skromand I just accidently slammed it on the leg of my desk ><
19:12.41Skromexcuse me while I go cry like a pansie
19:12.50Rallionwas it a grate size / shoe coverage type combination that made it hurt more than, say, just a solid metal plate would?
19:13.06Skromyeah... pretty thin shoes
19:13.24Rallionthat sounds painful
19:13.28Skromit hit about halfway between ankle and where the toes start
19:13.37Rallionbig ouchies there
19:13.49Ralliontendons and such
19:13.55Skromright across the top too so it affected multiple bones/areas
19:14.08Rallionthat'll definitely hurt for a while
19:14.44SkromI have a big problem with hurting myself when I'm working though.. ><
19:14.49SkromI'm not clumsy it just seems that way
19:15.01Skromstepping on nails, banging my arms on stuff, etc
19:15.14RallionI seem to be accumulating some pretty persistant injuries...this finger's been a week and a half, and it looks fine but the joints still hurt a lot...then about THREE WEEKS ago I slammed/scraped my leg right below the knee on a low shelf, still hurts like hell to touch it
19:15.30Rallionthree weeks! I'm starting to get a little worried
19:15.38Skromheh, I hear ya
19:15.46RallionI just AM clumsy
19:15.50Skromfor some reason in the last 9 months I've been bruising easily on my arms
19:16.01Skromlike hits that would never leave a mark before cause these gigantic painful welts
19:16.05Rallionfour out of five times I go into my computer I come out bleeding
19:16.23Skromgot so bad I actually asked my doctor about it and he took some blood lol, havn't heard back on that one yet
19:16.23Rallionwelts? like, swollen?
19:16.32Skromyep, swolen purple bruises
19:17.08Rallionmy girlfriend's like that, i suggested she limit herself to a narrowe selection of painkillers
19:17.21ShadowedAnyone remember if Paladins can cure poisons?
19:17.26Rallionyeah they can
19:17.33Cideeverything but curses
19:17.33Rallionall but curses, i think
19:17.35KirovShadowed - everything but curses
19:17.38CideI WIN?
19:17.41Kirovdamn, me slow
19:17.51Cidenow to try to get some coding done... damn you all!
19:17.51Rallionmy first 60 was a paladin, I should have been much more confident in that answer
19:18.12Rallionthe nice thing about that though is that it's just one spell, no thinking required
19:18.30ShadowedCide you were slow by about 7 seconds
19:18.47Cidemy answer was infinitely more precise than Rallion's initial answer!
19:18.59RallionI wish I had 2mbps up...
19:19.10Rallionpshhh, it was maybe 3x more precise
19:19.12ShadowedHis answer answered the question, so technically you just added a bunch of random stuff to yours!
19:19.20Rallionor 4x
19:19.23Skromsounds like an addon
19:19.30SkromIt works, then  you added a bunch of stuff
19:19.48RallionI get about 35KBps up, it sucks.
19:19.52Skromthat's like the very definition of ctmod
19:20.11RallionI can easily hit about 4mbit down though
19:20.44Rallion(it's fun to randomly switch between bytes and bits, like I just did there.)
19:20.44SkromI've got duo t1's here
19:22.10Hexarobithe lil cafeteria area in my schools engineering building is called Bits & Bites
19:22.41RallionIf I need to send a 25MB file to one of my friends, it's faster to put it on a thumb drive and run it over, but I can get a 1GB file downloaded in a couple hours.
19:22.50Ralliondamn artificial limiting...
19:23.28RallionHex, I'm not sure whether or not I think they should have spelled it "Bytes"
19:24.03SkromDefinately Bites
19:24.11Skromthat way you know it's a net cafe and not a tech shop
19:24.21Skromyou can in fact get a ham n cheese while you surf
19:25.36SkromThe song "Please don't let me be misunderstood" would be such a great song to go on a pvp video if it just didn't have words
19:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:25.47Skromer that song... from the Kill Bill soundtrack
19:27.46Hexarobithats the name of it
19:27.53Hexarobibut it deosnt get good until like 6 mins into it
19:27.59Hexarobiwhen the 70s guitar starts
19:30.59SkromI just tested my net connection at 2327 / 176
19:31.22SkromI like it the whole way through myself, nice mix of styles
19:31.30Skromit's got a nice funk feel to it
19:32.41Hexarobiits only funky for like 45 seconds after 6 mins, imo
19:32.54Hexarobithe part he used in kill bill is the good part
19:33.12Hexarobii forget what makes it funky, but its one instrument that only shows up for that part of the song
19:33.48Skromthe whole guitar with horns thing is what throws me off
19:33.58Hexarobinp: Santa Esmeralda - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood "Kill Bill Vol. 1 Soundtrack"
19:33.59Skrommakes me think of a disco without being uncool
19:34.20Skromit definately fit that movie no doubt
19:34.56Hexarobitarantino understands the importance of music
19:35.00Rallionthat he does
19:35.44RallionThe music makes the part where he tortures the cop my favorite part of Resivoir Dogs
19:36.05Skromsick bastard :p
19:36.35Skromhrm... I wonder if I should go get lunch before it gets too late in the day
19:36.59RallionI have a habit of thinking, "I'll get food later" and then I hit a point where I can hardly walk
19:37.10Rallionso I'd suggest you do
19:38.00Skromhehe I have those days
19:38.10SkromI'm a network admin so it's always I'll wait a little bit longer...
19:38.22Skromthen all o fthe sudden I get some kind of crisis and whoops, there goes the afternoon
19:38.49SkromI'm the only one in our IT department too so it's not like I had hand it off to anyone
19:39.06MikkAdvise from someone who's been there: Unless it's a REAL crisis, go get your damn lunch. Ending up in involuntary recovery from sysadmining sucks.
19:39.31MikkNo lol about it >.<
19:39.47SkromI've had two weeks in a row now where I've had a 29 hour day (8:00 am to 12 noon the next day)
19:39.50Skromtrying to avoid that this week
19:40.04MikkYou're 20something, right?
19:40.29MikkKeeping up that way can work throughout the 20s, but you're wearing yourself down.
19:40.47MentalPowerthe forums are down
19:41.06MikkI used to be the nutter doing 100-hour weeks. It was lots of fun to brag about it.
19:41.51MikkEnding up not being able to work for a year, with medication to bring stress levels down and keep my stomach in one piece ..... basically not being able to use your brain the way you're used to .... not so fun.
19:42.02SkromI'm hoping to be out of this stage soon of long weeks
19:42.16Skrompart of the longness is work #1 the other part is 10-20 hours a week on my house
19:42.34Skrombut I'm going back to school soon too...
19:43.01Skromah well, everyone always says "*sigh* to be 18 again"
19:43.13SkromI get to be 18 with the body of a 25 year old heh
19:43.22Skromcruel fate >< lol
19:44.13MikkWell.. I'll tell you this: If you ever start having problems sleeping: Hit the breaks. Fast. Not next month or even next week. Fast. You're a few months max away from taking a very deep dive.
19:44.38SkromOh I already have trouble sleeping, but that's from the anti depressants ;)
19:45.02MikkSlow down
19:45.26Skromheh, well you don't know the whole situation
19:45.45MikkProbably not. But you don't know what you're getting yourself into, either.
19:46.05SkromI'm on the pills because of my wife leaving me. I work long hours sometimes because it beats going back to my parents house to sleep in the basement, but overall I'm doing okay, I got some good friends who I hang out with and a great family who supports me
19:46.42SkromI mean obviously I'm not working too hard today if I'm just sitting on irc lol
19:46.57Skrommy biggest problem atm is trying to figure out why my email isn't being received to my hotmail account
19:47.10Mikki can answer that one for you
19:47.13Mikkyou need to switch to gmail =)
19:47.18Skromif I can't get that to work I won't be able to fidget with my addon when I get home unless I can memorize my entire conversation with cide earlier
19:47.32Skromoh snap, why didn't I think of that? I could just send it to my gmail account ><
19:47.36Cairenndepends on when you get home ...
19:47.39SkromI use hotmail because I forget to check gmail lol
19:47.59Skromand msn messenger tells me when I have new messages :p
19:48.46Skromoh how cool lol
19:48.47Cairennso if you don't work on it until "tomorrow", the conversation will show up by then
19:50.16Skromokay gmail received it just fine, must be a hotmail problem
19:50.41Skromwonder if it's down overall... sucks because I was expecting an email today from a friend and that's the only address she has for me ><
19:51.40zenzelezzone less friend to worry about!
19:53.23*** join/#wowi-lounge joyjey (
19:54.04joyjeyIs it possible to set clipping on a texture? f.eks: I only wanna see a little part of the texture
19:54.24Hexarobierr set
19:54.35joyjeyah ok, cheers :))
19:56.33Skromwuwu second call on my apartment..
19:56.42Skromthis guy didn't want to actually see it though ><
19:56.58Skromadn the first just wanted to know if it was a 2 bedroom (it's not)
19:57.14Skromone of these days I'll get a renter
20:02.01KirkburnOooh, look at this:
20:02.18KirkburnIt's the sign-up page for the BC beta :P
20:02.33Kirkburn(or alpha, as it seems)
20:02.55JoshBorkewhen do they want to release BC?
20:03.21KirkburnThe second page says you needed an account as of August 14th ... I'm guessing very very soon
20:03.27KirkburnThe beta, anyway
20:03.35KirkburnThe release date is 'Q4 2006'
20:05.09Kirkburn(which means oct-dec 2006, not the fiscal year)
20:06.59zenzelezzwhen is the discal Q4?
20:07.07KirkburnA bit later, I think
20:08.24ShadowedKirkburn: your link made IE7 cry
20:08.43KirkburnWell just accept the certificate then :P
20:08.50Shadowedstill made it cry :p
20:09.00KirkburnThundgot has said it's not a spoof or anything :)
20:09.09KirkburnPink tears of warniness :P
20:09.09ShadowedI don't believe you!
20:09.30Kirkburnwell, er ... then!
20:09.45Shadowedbah, 18 and above
20:10.05KirkburnIt's how he signed up for the alpha it seems
20:10.44Skrom|mmmtacosgone now
20:10.56Skrom|mmmtacos isn't coming up, file not found
20:11.11KirkburnYou're right :O
20:11.20KirkburnThey acted fast :P
20:11.45Rallionwhen the hell are they going to switch over to the new forums?
20:11.54ShadowedI wonder what happens if i enter my US key
20:11.54Rallionmaybe with the patch tomorrow?
20:11.58KirkburnProbably this week
20:12.39KirkburnNext week is another games convention, so they may do it to conincide with that of course
20:13.19Skrom|mmmtacosokay I usually ignore chuck norris jokes...
20:13.22Skrom|mmmtacosbut this is cracking me up
20:13.23Kirkburn(I would love it if that was when they announced the beta as well, of coure)
20:13.56Cairennwell, I got the page the first time, but since it's EU, I closed it ... and now it won't come up again
20:13.58Cairenntimes out
20:14.11Cidethey zapped it!
20:14.16KirkburnSeems it's been taken down already
20:14.29Cairennsomeone f'd up
20:14.33Cairennputting it up
20:14.56Rallionisn't PAX next week, too"
20:15.06KirkburnNot sure, could be
20:15.25Rallionooh it's actually in 4 days
20:15.33Kirkburn25th-27th, PAX
20:16.12Rallioni wonder if they'll have any of their exhibitors do any 'unveiling' type stuff, or just more playable demos
20:16.27KirkburnLeipzig games convention, 23rd-27th
20:16.38Rallioncrazy weekend
20:16.57Kirkburnyu-huh :)
20:17.02RallionI'd assume that most/all 'announcement' type deals would be made at Leipzig, then
20:17.16KirkburnThe booths are looking pretty good already
20:17.41Rallionwow, PAX has a damn nice list of sponsors
20:18.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
20:18.58RallionI just can't wait until they start having east-coast PAX
20:19.00RallionI wanna go.
20:19.14RallionI want to get into the Omegathon and get my ass kicked.
20:19.23Rallionbecause I SUCK.
20:19.45Skrom|mmmtacosthat's a good reason to get it kicked
20:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
20:21.16Rallionheh the guy who headed the creation of DirectX runs WildTangent now.
20:21.56SkromKnow what the guy who led the push for DX10 to only be on vista heads now?
20:22.20Skromthe pike in my front yard ><
20:22.47Skromsorry techy joke... >.>
20:23.00Skromtechy = techie
20:24.15Skromoh crap I forgot, I need to order two printers and a jetdirect so I can go to a branch office next week ><
20:24.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
20:24.42RallionSkrom: I laughed.
20:27.24Skrommy server's irc is dead
20:27.33cogwheelSkrom, wach this:
20:28.30Skromwhat am I seeing?
20:28.31cogwheelmakes it easy to correct yourself :)  at least when he's behaving...
20:28.56cogwheels means substitute. It will change ch to tch in the example i gave
20:29.35Skromoh, neat
20:30.08zenzelezzmissed a /
20:30.08cogwheelneed a / on the end ;P
20:30.13Skromoh indeed
20:30.29Skroms/deed/ need/
20:31.30Skromokay I'm done playing
20:32.23SkromI couldn't help myself ><
20:32.47Skromso I recently moved my company over to a new main server box. Beaut of a system
20:33.14Skromand I'm cleaning the old data off the other one and I told it to start deleting this morning at about 10... it's still not even 1/4 done... should have just formatted, it'd have been faster.
20:34.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Silv (
20:48.17Rallionthe crappy thing about my USB headphones is that they don't include a MIDI device, so unless I use something like Quicktime they just don't play MIDI
20:48.51Rallionso any and all midi comes out of my main speakers
20:49.08Rallionluckily I pretty much only deal with MIDI when it comes to ringtones
21:04.13JoshBorkebye all :-)
21:04.14*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:04.42Skromis it too much to ask to have a legit full download of the complete works of U2 readily available on p2p?
21:05.46Industrial1. Can't be legit 2. U2? 3. U2?
21:05.51cogwheelIf the RIAA has anything to say about it then, yes... :P   Legit or otherwise, the record companies lose.
21:06.22Skromlegit as in I think I'd downloading U2 and getting U2 not like donkey porn or something
21:06.49SkromBut I'll be sure to send any of the failures your way if you want ;)
21:06.49Industrialwell then you aren't using the right means
21:07.11SkromI use e-donkey and it's generally very good
21:07.22Skrombut I had "complete best of 1980-1990 queued up
21:07.25Industrialjust get the client - its fine - and seach on their website - its fine - and youll be  - fine - :P
21:07.28Skromand it ended up being... something else
21:08.51SkromIndustrial, how old are you?
21:09.17Skromthat explains your questions #2 and #3
21:10.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
21:10.18Skromoooo they might be giants complete discografia
21:10.25Skromteh win
21:11.08Skromtry as I might I can't seem to find the theme to the letter people
21:11.44Skromoops looks like I'm going to exceed my disk quota...
21:11.51Skromoh well guess it's good I'm the admin ;)
21:12.29IndustrialI have 32gb racked up as we speak :o
21:12.37Industrialall anime \o/
21:12.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
21:13.27Cairennhi Qzot
21:13.49QzotHow goes 'things'?
21:17.39Cairennthey go
21:18.05QzotYes, yay.
21:18.21QzotBlizzard acknowlegdes that items were lost in last Friday's crash.
21:19.26Shadoweds/episode/STUFF HAPPENED!/
21:20.37QzotWith the concomitant hope that said items will be restored in Tuesday morning's maintenance.
21:20.47QzotAhhhh. My fortune restored.
21:21.23QzotHey, we're talking 3-5000g, while my cash holdings were about 7s on one toon, and 10g on the other.
21:21.51QzotLol, I won't even have enough cash to repost a single item, let alone all of them.
21:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:24.10JoshBorkewereHamster: ping
21:25.00QzotJoshBorke: pong
21:25.26JoshBorke...wereHamster == Qzot? o.O
21:26.50QzotJoshBorke: No. Qzot == random neurons firing in brain.
21:29.00joyjeyis there a nice site with wow xml api? (except wowwiki, moslty got the functions, not XML "defenitions")
21:29.19joyjeykk oO
21:29.31JoshBorkedownload the development kit from blizzard and it sholud have the UI.xsd
21:29.38joyjeyah ok, thx
21:29.39JoshBorkeanother option is fara frames
21:29.47JoshBorkeone sec
21:29.49joyjeyfara frames?
21:30.58JoshBorkeif you go all the way to the end
21:31.22JoshBorkeah, here's the link:
21:31.48cogwheelwhat's wrong with ? (not saying you shouldn't look at fara, but this appears to be what you're looking for and it's on the wiki...)
21:32.32joyjeythe object:function() is nice, but I'm looking for the <frame something=""> docs
21:32.49cogwheelyou didn't click on my link, did you?
21:32.58joyjeyops oO
21:33.21joyjeyJoshBorke: thx mate :)
21:33.28Kirkburnlol, it's as if somepeople just go out of their way to get themselves banned from the wowwiki
21:33.30joyjeyand same goes for cogwheel :)
21:33.51KirkburnOne long-time user decided he should insult my on *my own* talk page
21:34.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:35.26JoshBorkeKirkburn: oooo! can i do that? ^_^
21:35.36KirkburnHis exact words: "Kirkban ----------------> nn (This is me showing you my butt, you gay jerk)" signed Quinn' Tonstern . Pure genius. It's as if it came from a opera writer ...
21:36.01KirkburnPlus some other stuff, of course
21:36.01JoshBorkeyou have some odd followers Kirkburn
21:36.18KirkburnThe guy is a madman :/
21:36.42KirkburnHe's almost been banned before - he seems permanently hyperactive and drunk
21:38.17QzotAre the wow fora borked for anyone else?
21:38.54Cairennyeah, hate to suffer alone, right?
21:39.04QzotI'm just paranoid enough to wonder whether Blizzard would ban IP addresses. :D
21:40.44QzotHaving my posts deleted probably upped my susceptibility.
21:40.48ShadowedThey have no reason to IP ban you when they can ban the account :p
21:42.05QzotBanning the account can't prevent one from *reading*.
21:42.05QzotAnd, as I said, I'm just paranoid enough to *wonder*, not believe.
21:42.25SkromI've seen quite a few be banned at the server/character level
21:42.35Skromthey can still post, just not with any character from a particular server
21:43.01QzotI just had my posts deleted -- very, *very* polite posts, I might add.
21:43.47Shadowedabout what
21:44.54QzotAbout items missing after Friday night's crash of Battlegroup 5.
21:45.23QzotIn-game GMs directed us to forums, which had no post, etc. I asked for Blizzard to start an official thread providing info.
21:46.33Corrodiasholy crap, you guys had quite a discussion about threat generation
21:46.56Corrodiasi had no idea about that 10% margin requirement
21:46.58*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:47.36Corrodiasi don't play a warrior, yet, but it's good to know anyway. is there any way to know how much threat we have, with numbers, other than using that threatmeter mod, which looks like everybody in the party must have it?
21:47.39Kirovwhere's that conversation?
21:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
21:48.15ShadowedCorrodias: no
21:48.19Shadoweddon't need threat mods
21:48.30QzotI don't have access to the convo, but is K?? ThreatMeter the mod under discussion?
21:49.24KirkburnQuick off-topic aside here: I've been working some more on - can anyone suggest any more design/layout improvements or any bugs left?
21:49.33CorrodiasShadowed: please explain
21:50.16Kirkburn(i've even got it to the point where the html references no images whatsoever, it's all in the CSS :P)
21:50.22ShadowedAs in, you don't need them. And theres other issues if you rely on them
21:50.23Kasommm latin
21:50.36Skromother then the fact you are based in EU I can't thin of anything wrong with it
21:50.37KirkburnWell, fake latin =)
21:50.59cogwheelthere's a slight problem with the drop shadow/right border at the very top-right corner of the orange box
21:51.00Kirkburnheh, the EU rocks
21:51.01Corrodiasi know that each mob has an indivitual threat list, which makes it a silly idea except perhaps against bosses
21:51.07Corrodiasor against the offtank's target
21:51.10cogwheelAlso, I think the orange box looked better as a solid color
21:52.02KirkburnIt never was solid ... although I did tweak the colours to make it look less like sh*t on my other monitor recently =)
21:52.20Kirkburn(mmm, brown-orangey mush)
21:52.36KirkburnNot sure about the shadow problem
21:52.46cogwheelI think the hovers at the top should be <A> tags even if they just link to #. It seems more intuitive for the cursor to change when to the hand when you hover over them.
21:52.58CideKirov: that conversation is waaaaaaaaaay up
21:52.59KirkburnWhat browser is that?
21:53.16cogwheeli'll SS it for you in a sec
21:53.24KirkburnThat's a point, it's supposed to change to a pointer
21:53.31Cideare you doing cursor: hand ?
21:53.58KirkburnI had it as cursor:pointer
21:54.14cogwheelIt feels unnatural for it not to change...
21:54.15Cidecursor: hand is the IE idea I believe
21:54.18KirkburnThe top row aren't clickable links
21:54.28cogwheelI know, but still...
21:54.57KirkburnI mean, they're not even links *at all* =)
21:54.59cogwheelI figured out the orange box problem... it turns out FF is moving it up underneath the header
21:55.57KirkburnLooks fine for me, but screenshots always help =)
21:56.06cogwheelworkin on it :P
21:56.37cogwheelit works fine in Opera... surprisingly it seems ie7 got this correct over FF :P
21:56.41KirkburnI converted nearly everything over to gifs earlier, just about halved the size :P
21:57.10QzotShadowed: Are you going to say more about threat mods? I'm interested in listening.
21:57.57Kirkburn(the site likely won't be going live until IE7 is released, so I'm not worrying *too* much about IE6 atm)
21:59.48cogwheelhmm... that didn't work
22:00.07Kirkburnapparently not :P
22:00.35KirkburnUm, you need to do a cache refresh
22:00.35cogwheelyou know what...
22:00.43cogwheelI just was gonna say that
22:00.57cogwheelTBH, I kinda like it better the old way ;)
22:01.25KirkburnReason I made the change is it makes it easier for me to insert and remove in future
22:01.50KirkburnAnd also so I can put it in mroe places
22:01.59ShadowedQzot: Not much more to say
22:02.34KirkburnI'm not completely happy with it - I'm thinking of changing it to look like it is popping out from under the side
22:02.45QzotShadowed: Other than, "no need, and they cause problems"?
22:03.10ShadowedI never said they cause problems, but if you as a DPS class or a warrior need to rely on them to do your job then you have other issues.
22:04.14QzotThat would require some explanation to convince me.
22:04.39ShadowedLets say you can get 40 people in your raid
22:04.42Shadoweder ignore that
22:04.51cogwheelkirkburn, the only thing I'd suggest at this point is making the topleft radius the same as the bottomleft on that orange box ;)
22:04.55QzotA real mage min-maxer, for example, might wish to learn tho shave *just* under the tank. Feedback seems helpful, at least for a prima facie argument.
22:04.58ShadowedPart of the whole challenge in encounters is your threat
22:05.00SkromShadowed is of the opinion that intuition > precision which in some cases is true, and some cases not
22:05.29KirkburnShall do, cogwheel
22:05.37ShadowedNo, i'm in the opinion that using something that can give you a fairly accurate threat # ( in non de-aggro encounters ) is silly. If Blizzard wanted us to have access to that information they would have given it
22:05.50Skromthey did
22:05.59ShadowedNo they didn't
22:06.01Skromin the effect that they allowed people to determine the numbers
22:06.04Skromuse their brains and so on
22:06.41SkromI wholeheartedly agree that threatmeters are a crutch
22:06.51Skromthat if you CAN'T play without them then you shouldn't be at that level
22:06.58ShadowedThe way that people got the information was either using spell data from stuff like thottbot, they *never* give you specific threat values.
22:07.03Skrombut if your group is a well oiled machine I think that a threat meter can give you a great edge
22:07.08*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:07.17SkromNo shadowed, they got it by mostly doing threat tests
22:07.21Skromand using their old noggin'
22:07.28ShadowedWhich isn't Blizzard provided.
22:07.44Skromhowever blizzard probided the tools to report said data
22:07.58ShadowedHrm, I actually think they may have something that prevents against it
22:08.00Skromin their api, someone with the genius to see that 2+2 really does = 4 decided to do so
22:08.02QzotSo ... you think that players should not construct and test mental models of how the game works?
22:08.16ShadowedNo, I think that players should not be using something like a Threat mod.
22:08.33SkromI think it's a quality of a great game that certain individuals would spend hours testing and coding something as intricate as a threat meter
22:08.45SkromI applaud them for it, pure genius imo
22:09.08ShadowedKnowing the threat values is interesting at times, that's not what I said I had an issue with. It's the people who rely on a mod that removes half of the challenge
22:09.22Skromif it were possible to force people to learn how to raid without it before they could use it then I would fully support that
22:09.27Shadowed( threat values being the specific values of an ability, not the total threat on a mod )
22:09.28SkromI agree with you there shadowed
22:09.36Shadowedmod = mob
22:09.45QzotShadowed: Is it acceptable for multiple guilds to discuss tactics for instance mobs? If so, how is this conceptually different from building mathematical models of how the game mechanics work?
22:09.55Skroma very good point shadowed
22:10.12Skromand if I recall that very point was brought up in the thread dedicated t othis discussion on the forum
22:10.25ShadowedI didn't say that there was issues with people *gathering* the data. I said theres issues with people that *use* the data in order to remove half of the challenge of an encounter or there class.
22:11.00Skromto me it means that blizzard needs to rethink some of their encounters
22:11.03QzotAh. I don't believe I've seen the kinds of uses you're describing, then, although my own guild does use such a mod.
22:11.16Shadoweduse = KLTM
22:11.34Skromthey can't rely on the "beat down one mob, keep it on the tank" style of gaming
22:11.45ShadowedActually, they havn't used that style since MC
22:11.46Skromthat EQ had for it's first 5 years
22:12.07Skromit's that style with a twist
22:12.18Skromkeep it on the tank, hit it hard but by golly do it all before 7 minutes hits
22:12.35ShadowedPatchwerk is a lot more then just beat down one mob and keep it on the tank
22:12.40Corrodiasso you're saying... what, that it's unfair for a mage to reduce the challenge he faces?
22:12.57ShadowedWhat's a mage's job?
22:13.04QzotMages are overpowered, anyway. Why should we care about them?
22:13.19Corrodiasas far as i'm aware, the mage's primary role is dealing damage, especially AoE damage
22:13.23SkromOkay Shadowed, splain what else patchwerk is then? I mean really. Don't get hit unless you are the tank... kill it before 7 minutes
22:13.44Skromoh and avoid that cheap-ass uppercut he does
22:13.50ShadowedYou can reduce every fight to that. Using that as an example wont change anything
22:14.00Skromno, you really can't reduce it to that
22:14.01Cidepatchwerk is all about healing
22:14.03Skromtwin emps is a great example
22:14.10Corrodiaswhat is patchwerk? o.o
22:14.13ShadowedCide summed it up
22:14.15Cideliterally everything that is hard about patchwerk is keeping the tanks alive
22:14.42ShadowedI'm one of the offtanks in my guild for Patchwerk. There is *nothing* I can do except hope that they keep me up.
22:14.45Skromthe only reason patches was \brought up was because Shadowed said "nothing since mc" is keep the tank alive
22:15.00Cidein MC
22:15.02ShadowedNo, nothing since MC is just keep the tank alive.
22:15.07Skromit's still just a straight drop him before he drops you
22:15.09Cideyou had a mob with an ability or two
22:15.13Skromsorry I said tank, I meant tanks
22:15.16Cideno scripts or anything
22:15.23Skromit's still just one mob, focus fired, no adds
22:15.23Cidethe mobs just cast it when the cooldown was up
22:15.27Cideuntil domo and ragnaros
22:15.34Corrodiaswhat does this have to do with addons?
22:15.51Cideyou actually have to figure out the mechanics of hateful strike, which is what differs it from MC fights
22:16.00SkromCorro: I said having things like KLTM available forces blizz to rethink some of their encounters
22:16.02Cidebut then again, it's still pretty simple
22:16.12Skromeverything can't just be "take it out before it does the same to you" anymore
22:16.22Cidewhat has that to do with threat?
22:16.27Corrodiasthat sounds like a good thing... i like interesting fights
22:16.29Cideno fight in the game has been threat sensitive sinec BWL
22:16.59Cideand then it was more of a "common theme" amongst the drakes
22:17.15SkromWell I just keep thinking back to most of the EQ fights. There was very little variety until Luclin.
22:17.19Shadoweddon't even need a mod, most of it an be done with common sense
22:17.31Cidewe never used a mod for those fights and it was still trivial
22:17.32SkromDon't overaggro, keep the tank (or tanks) up and you win
22:17.45ShadowedWait a few sunders, slowly start to increase your damage until you're going all out
22:17.54CorrodiasShadowed: there's no point in being upset about somebody having a different opinion about whether or not they want to use something
22:18.04Corrodiasthere's no point in being upset at people who like SUV's just because you don't want one
22:18.07Skromis shadowed upset?
22:18.18SkromI thought we were just discussing :)
22:18.23Shadowedwhat Skrom said
22:18.42SkromI still think things like KLTM are crutches that should be earned and not assumed
22:18.58Shadowedwell, you can never really learn to raid. You just get encounters on farm status
22:19.36Shadoweder let me rephrase that. Raiding isn't really something that you just hit a point where you're a master and nothing will change, new encounters have something new to deal with or a trick to figure out.
22:19.40Skromwell sort of disagree there
22:19.56Corrodiasso can you state, in a complete sentence, what it is that you don't like about people using KLTM?
22:19.59Skromyou can learn how to "raid" but not necessarily know "an encounter"
22:20.05Skromme or shadowed?
22:20.15Corrodiasboth, if it applies to both of you
22:20.27SkromI love the idea
22:20.41SkromI think it's bloody brilliant
22:20.50AnduinLothari dont like when people use it as an excuse for why they agroed
22:20.53Skromit's the type of number crunching I absolutely love and pour over
22:21.13ShadowedThreat (as Cide said) is not a huge issue, even during BWL. If you need 40 people in your raid to beat an encounter, you have other issues that should be addressed.
22:21.18Skrombut I don't like the fact that some people can't play without it. I feel that anyone who can't needs to group more and learn their class
22:21.28ShadowedCommon sense works better then using a mod to do it
22:22.11Skromit's the old Learn to Play line come back to haunt us
22:22.11Kasoyou can say that about alot of things, yet we still have all us here writing mods to do stuff common sense can do
22:22.11Corrodiasso Skrom doesn't like when people -depend- on it because it means they probably don't understand their class as well as they could and it hurts their performance.
22:22.31CorrodiasShadowed doesn't like when people use it because he thinks they can do better without it.
22:22.42SkromNot just hurts their performance, can lead to hurting other peoples enjoyment of the game. If one person wipes that might be that last time that a person like me who doesn't get to play much can attend a raid for a week
22:22.56Skromif he wipes because he doesn't know how to manage aggro aside from a mod.. well that's pretty crappy
22:22.57ShadowedNo, I don't like it for the same reasons Skrom does basically.
22:22.57CorrodiasSkrom: indeed, i agree that a partymate doing poorly is a negative point.
22:23.00AnduinLothari dont liek it because it makes experienced players stop paying attention
22:23.35ShadowedTrue. but there's a point where you go from helping somebody but wont make them lazy and start doing poorly to doing a lot of the job for them
22:23.37Shadowed( at Kaso )
22:23.41Corrodiasspeaking of paying attention: i don't know how some of you do it. there are so many things to keep track of during complex fights! :o
22:23.46Skromif I was leading a guild I would have a two part aproach to using KLTM. Mandatory OFF while we learn an encounter, and then optional on when we have it on farm
22:23.55Skromcorro: mods help with that :)
22:23.59AnduinLotharlast time i did aq20 we had an experienced dps pally pulla gro off osserian and die and then blame it on threatmeters not being accurate
22:24.59Skrommad props though to KLTM's authors like I said before. That's just a fine piece of work imo
22:25.16Corrodiasas a healing druid, i've got my health and manage bars, everyone else's health and mana bars, or at least a priest's mana bar (innervate), my cooldowns, my bars indicating when my HoT's run out, and all the action on the screen including who has aggro and where adds may be coming from.
22:25.38Corrodiasmanage -> mana
22:25.41Shadowedjust something you get used to after a while
22:25.43AnduinLotharyeah, it's nice. there's no way i woulda done it, i hate maintaining number crunching and premade database mods
22:26.32Corrodiasi have quite a tough time of it, let me tell you
22:26.42Corrodiasi probably have a much smaller attention range than most people, though
22:27.19QzotShadowed: Fwiw, I think the term "Common Sense" is a crutch. It is used to describe a body of skills, knowledge, or expectation that a person or group has that they expect others to have, but can't articulate.
22:27.39Skromheh ohsnap
22:27.53Corrodiasit's true
22:27.59ShadowedWhen I say common sense, I mean that if you're raiding, you should either be *learning* how to manage your threat and over time it becomes something that you don't really have to think about and just do.
22:28.17AnduinLotharthat's learned skill not common sense
22:28.31TainCommon sense is a learned skill.
22:28.36Skromhow about we replace common sense with "second nature"
22:28.39QzotAgreed about learning. Imho, feedback tools can be a great way to speed that process, or even refine it.
22:29.08Skromsince eventually good raiders will be able to manage threat without really thinking about it most of the time
22:29.31QzotRelying on KLTM, however, is more like keep the French dictionary handy while reading Asterix. You're not there, yet.
22:29.44SkromI'm a hunter... Aimed, Auto, Multi, Auto, Aimed, Auto, Multi, Auto Feign!
22:29.58CodayusIf you use KLTM so you don't have to think, it's a problem.
22:30.04Skromsecond nature but not at first
22:30.20TainIf you KLTM you're going to be a liability to a raid, it's a problem.
22:30.25AnduinLothari use a few mods so i dont have to think. KLTM isn't one of them
22:30.28CodayusIf you use KLTM to help you reach a stage where you don't have to use KLTM *or* think because its second nature...that's fine.
22:30.39TainGod no.
22:30.48TainYou can use KLTM *after* you know what you're doing.
22:30.53Corrodiasas long as i can heal without getting aggro off the tank, i'll do what it takes to get there.
22:30.55TainUsing it to learn is going to teach you the wrong things since it's flawed.
22:31.08Skromwhy do you say it's flawed?
22:31.14ShadowedThreat is easy to learn. It's not hard, it doesn't take much to learn it just requires a little bit of paying attention
22:31.16Skromit's data is pretty accurate from what I've seen
22:31.19TainBecause it gives inaccurate results?
22:31.28SkromI've not encountered that
22:31.29Corrodiasor rather off the tank, rogue, hunter, and his pet, SINCE THEY CAN'T SEEM TO KEEP THEM FOCUSED ON ONE PC
22:31.44ShadowedWait a little bit before opening up, don't land a huge heal on the warrior when he hasn't even hit the mob yet, ect
22:31.48TainSure it's accurate sometimes.  Probably even most of the time.
22:31.51CodayusI kinda disagree with you Tain, and I've heard from several guilds that it was useful to help them learn Vael...once they learned the fight, they stopped using it, and were further along that they otherwise would be.
22:32.11CodayusThen again, my guild doesn't use it at  No personal experience.
22:32.13TainBut it only takes one time, and yes I have used it, a bunch of my guild tried using it for a while.
22:32.16Corrodiasi think we had poor organization in that party
22:32.33Corrodiasit also seems i can toss a HoT just before the warrior engages the enemy and they don't notice me :)
22:32.37TainI am not against people using it if they think it helps.  But don't use it as a learning tool when it's going to be wrong sometimes.
22:32.53TainOr I should say don't use it as a substitute for learning.
22:32.54Skromfrom what I've seen it's only wrong if you don't have everyone included
22:32.56TainThat's really what I mean.
22:32.57Skromwhich is expected
22:32.58CodayusTain: Well, using intuitin/instinct will be wrong a lot too...
22:33.22TainAgreed Codayus.  So don't rely on those either
22:33.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
22:33.26Shadowednot really
22:33.32CodayusSubstitute for learning?  Bad.  Aid to learning?  Good...  <shrug>
22:34.10Corrodiasthe best way to do it is just by guessing. trust me. go try it. ;D
22:34.11ShadowedIt'll be wrong, but the difference is you know that "Alright, waiting X seconds didn't work. I'll need to use something else, or wait longer" where as you wont have a way of knowing how accurate something like KLTM is
22:34.13TainMy whole issue with it is it's not always accurate.  As long as someone keeps that in mind and temper its results with their own observations it's fine.
22:34.13CodayusBut like I said, I haven't actually used KLTM, so if I'd ignore me.  :-)
22:34.32QzotHmm. I think (1) the encounter is the *real* learning opportunity, but (2) modeling threat can be a useful tool for identifying/exploiting suboptimal threat generation, either too much threat (and agro), or too little threat (and lost healing/dps opportunity).
22:34.48ShadowedYou could be 1# on KLTM but you're acutally 10#, or you could be 3# but you're really 1# and close to drawing aggro
22:34.59TainI just play where if I know something is flawed I'd rather rely on my own inherant flaws than someone elses.
22:35.15CodayusOur first 3-4 tries on Vael we had tanks gaining aggro in totally the wrong order.  As a healer, it was always a lovely surprise who would gain aggro.  Even an INACCURATE threat meter might have been nice.
22:35.15TainThat way I have no one to blame.
22:35.51QzotA poor workman blames his tools. That's not a point I'd argue with either Tain or Shadowed.
22:35.55CodayusAround try 6-8 the tanks got it together, the rotation went smoothly, and we downed Vael.  So...I dunno.  Seemed like KLTM could have been useful, but...meh.
22:36.03TainThe whole thing is if it's happening 3-4 times then people aren't learning.
22:36.37SkromQzot: Agree
22:36.52CodayusTain: Disagreed.  We were learning.  "Hey, Tank C, you stole aggro from Tank B!  Tank B, execute more...Tank C, tone it down."  <wipe>  "Okay, that was a little TOO much executing..."
22:36.56TainNow I can't speak of tank aggro.  But I play a Rogue so almost every fight I have is aggro management.
22:37.04QzotOur guild is having a similar discussion about DamageMeter's overhealing stats. More long-term feedback than we're discussing re KLTM. But it shows that a few of our healers seem to be managing their mana much better than others.
22:37.23CodayusVael is kind of a new experience for tanks I think...seems that way to us anyhow.  We're nubs though, so I dunno.  :-)
22:37.36TainDamageMeters (or SW_Stats, or anything else) cann be a good tool because it's based on hard numbers.
22:37.36ShadowedCan't remember how they do overhealing checks in DM. But I'd imagine those are going to be fairly inaccurate
22:37.52QzotCodayus: I don't even know where Vael *is*, so you can't call yourself a noob. :D
22:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (
22:38.29CodayusKLTM has a *lot* of hard numbers in it too.  There's no debate over how much threat a sunder generates.  The soft numbers are how much wing buffet and knockbacks decrease theeat...
22:38.29TainBut you run into problems because syncing doesn't always work right.  Although we have separate groups now running SW_Stats and DamageMeters and they've given almost exactly identical results lately.
22:38.29CodayusQzot: Ah, he.
22:38.29Codayusheh, even
22:38.53ShadowedKLTM may have hard numbers, but those numbers are infulenced by a lot of specific data which doesn't make them hard numbers.
22:39.16Qzot"Specific data" makes numbers less "hard"? o.O
22:39.17Skromhave you looked at the methods they used to gather the data though?
22:39.20ShadowedSalv, 70% threat trinket from AQ40, 35% (30%?) threat trinket from thaddius, defiance, aggro decreasing talents, ect
22:39.43Skrompretty specific tests
22:39.47Codayus...not seeing your point Shadowed.
22:39.51Skromalot of really good work put into it
22:40.02ShadowedLets say sunder causes 500 aggro
22:40.12CodayusThe effect of the defiance talents is well known, and its taken into account by KLTM>
22:40.41ShadowedWhich is why unless you can have 40 people running it, it's going to become inaccurate
22:40.42QzotI think his argument is (with which I disagree): Number derived directly from the game's API or from parsing the combat text is to be more trusted than those obtained from empirical tests.
22:40.57CodayusShadowed: Uh...right.  I don'tthink anyone is debating that.
22:41.17Skromyeah... everyone has to be in... there's no getting accureate results without full cooperation
22:41.18ShadowedTrying to check for BG queues. But the point being, you may know it causes 500. But you have new effects, talents, ect that can throw it off.
22:41.33Skromand once those are tested they can be included
22:41.38Skromthat's why the mod stays in development
22:41.44Codayus...yes, but RIGHT now, if a tank installs KLTM, the threat numbers for his sunder will be absolutely exact.
22:41.56Skromhis numbers
22:42.28CodayusBecause the effect of sunder right now is known very very well, as is defiance, as is defensive stance...
22:42.38CodayusNext patch, that may all change.  :-)
22:43.07QzotNote, btw, Blizz could change *exactly* that. It would be easy for them to delink, ever so slightly, threat from damage done or healing done, by something analogous to crits, but which remains hidden to the players.
22:43.40CodayusWell, they're changing the math behind threat reduction in 1.12 aren't they?
22:43.48CodayusSo that'll be a big spanner in the works.
22:43.56Shadowedthey're changing the math behind haste and aggro reduction, not threat numbers ( unless something changed )
22:44.01Skromthreat reduction scales multiplicativly now
22:44.41CodayusWhich is probably for the best...  :-)
22:44.55Skromyeah... a big nerf to alot of people
22:45.00Skrombut definately important
22:45.09ShadowedI wanted to get 100% haste :(
22:45.10Skrompeople were getting 100% threat reduction...
22:45.14QzotIt would be trivial, for example, simply to multiply ever addition to the hate list a random percentage 0-100%, so that mobs would notice some actions -- randomly -- more than others. The overall average would stay the same, but it would make it nigh impossible to know exactly.
22:45.18Corrodiasi don't understand any of this, but hopefully will once i start my warrior, in the future.
22:45.27Corrodiasgotta go, see you later
22:45.58Cairennlater Corrodias
22:47.13QzotSo, um, what instance is Patchwork in?
22:47.55QzotSuffice it to say, I'm still enjoying my Cenarion drops. :D
22:49.43Skromlater all, time to head home from work. Only 1:15 late this time
22:49.50Skrommeeting my parents for dinner, yum!
22:49.54Cairennlater Skrom
22:50.49Rallionanybody here know anything about the Tokyo Game Show? as in, will there be one, and when?
23:01.44Rallionhm, sept 24-26
23:02.20Rallionwhich would seem like the most likely place for Nintendo to release Wii details, but it's so late...
23:06.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
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23:12.45Cairennrofl @ today's QC!
23:14.51Cairenntoday's just completely rocks!
23:15.07Cairennand it's great reading the forum and discovering that literacy isn't actually dead
23:15.22Cairenn(the thread regarding today's)
23:15.35Kasosucks that i had to wikipedia to understand that ;<
23:15.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Asni (
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23:16.00zinori didn't fully understand it either, but im not an english buff
23:16.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
23:16.24Kirkburn1Nice comic, Cairenn :)
23:16.54cogwheelno more Kilkbuln?
23:20.26kergothCairenn: hahah, i like that one
23:20.45Cairennyeah, pretty awesome one today, I'm pleased
23:20.50cladhaireCairenn: hehehe
23:22.10cladhaireso.. i forgot to equip my FR gear for Firemaw.
23:24.06Kasojust hide, noone will notice
23:24.09Kasounless youre a tank
23:24.14cladhairealready dead =)
23:24.15cladhairerogue :P
23:24.46cogwheelIt's ok... I went to MC with a grand total of 10 FR unbuffed....
23:25.03cladhaireyou dont need fr for mc =)
23:28.03ThraeI just tried to /msg someone on IRC using /w =(
23:28.10Kirkburn1cogwheel, I've switched kilkbuln to my third name now :P
23:28.22Kirkburn1He appeared too often :P
23:30.00Nightdewcladhaire: never figured you a rogue really
23:30.37cogwheelis there a % code like %t but for the player's name?
23:31.07Kasoiirc %t is the only one in the default ui
23:31.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
23:32.39Kirkburn1%s, no?
23:32.54Kirkburn1Or that something else?
23:32.57Kirkburn1I forget
23:33.07Shadowed%s wont do nothing
23:33.27Kirkburn1My other guess would be %p
23:41.17cladhaireNightdew: I'm a rogue, priest, druid.
23:41.19cladhairerogue in beta and first char
23:41.27cladhairesorry for the delayed response.
23:43.34Kirkburn1How is everyone so relaxed on patch eve' :P
23:44.24Cairennbecause I've so many other things I am completely stressed over, patch is nothing
23:44.35Kasodidnt even know it was patch time already
23:44.54Kirkburn1Patch schmatch :P
23:45.34QzotAre they proceeding with the patch?
23:45.42Cairennwe'll find out tomorrow :p
23:45.53QzotI thought little birdies had informed you.
23:46.09Cairennthey did
23:46.10Kirkburn1Nethaera has annouced it btw ;)
23:46.15Cairennbut they were wrong last week
23:46.36Cairennso I'm not holding my breath
23:46.42QzotI'll be shocked if they patch in light of the weekend's fiasco.
23:46.43Kirkburn1Did the little birdie get their due pain and suffering? ;P
23:46.50Cairennfrom what I'm hearing, another big problem showed up over the weekend
23:47.02CairennKirkburn1: no, they didn't, they'd have enjoyed it too much
23:47.14Kirkburn1I saw the various blog posts about the US downtime, looked bad :/
23:47.15TainThe patch doesn't really have anything to do with what happened to the live servers over the weekend.
23:47.23QzotTranslation: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
23:47.33Kirkburn1Hopefully once all the upgrades are in place :)
23:47.45Cairennthe problem I'm talking about occurred on the PTR, not the mess on the live servers
23:47.49QzotTain: Not from what I've heard. But my sources are not reliable here.
23:48.18Tainthe PTR problems were different.  I was talking about live.
23:48.28QzotI was talking about live, as well.
23:48.31Kirkburn1What were the PTR problems them?
23:48.59QzotBut I've heard (again, unreliably), that this weekend's problems were related to hardware changes needed to support cross-realm battlegrounds.
23:49.05TainI know there were some crazy buff bugs.  People getting 400k HP and 100% damage reduction, and whatnot
23:49.16Nightdewhow many macro icons does one have normally?
23:49.48Nightdewi only have 20
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23:49.59Kirkburn1aha, Tain I see the posts about it
23:50.01QzotIcon? Or slots?
23:50.04Kirkburn1The 'stat stacking' bug
23:50.11Nightdewicons .. when you create a new macro
23:50.17QzotURL, Kirkburn1?
23:50.23Kirkburn1The related post and the fix they implemented:
23:50.35Kirkburn1It resulted from trying to fix another bug
23:50.50TainThere was a video of 7 people running through Naxx with absurd stats.
23:51.03TainHitting bosses for 20k normal melee non-crit hits.
23:51.18cladhairethey killed kel'thuzad
23:51.18Cairenngiven that, it's possible it may not go live tomorrow
23:51.25Cairennbut it was supposed to
23:51.49Kirkburn1Neth's post was at 4PM:
23:51.52Cairennsoooo ... we'll find out tomorrow ;)
23:51.56IndustrialTain, url?
23:51.57Kirkburn1But indeed
23:52.07Kirkburn1Tomorrow shall be the day of finding outness
23:52.25cladhairei'm not ready for it to go live.
23:54.12QzotI'm willing to bet against, and be surprised.
23:55.03QzotThey're telling folks that lost items that those will be restored in tonight's update. Imho, that seems iffy to try to do simultaneously with a patch. Possible, but iffy.
23:55.42Qzots/update/maintenance period/
23:56.23Kirkburn1stop being pedantic, that's my job ;)
23:58.37QzotBut you're right: Nethaera's post is there in black and white: "The additional time will allow for the application of a patch."
23:59.02Qzots/black and white/black and blue/
23:59.16Qzots/black and white/blue and black, actually/
23:59.40QzotWell, maybe more like cyan and black, really.
23:59.40Kirkburn1You beat me :(
23:59.53CairennKirkburn1: you wish

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