irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060818

00:00.32AnduinLotharI'm thinkign that's be great for pally
00:00.36Corrodiasthe only problem is that i can't get anyone to do the quest with me, which seems to be pretty common lately
00:00.36AnduinLotharcause i can swap in combat
00:00.44AnduinLotharand bubble the whole time
00:00.58Corrodiasback in january, you could find quest partners pretty easily, but i'm having a hell of a time getting anyone to do anything but SM and RFK
00:01.38cladhaireyeah, it was horrible finding groups
00:02.26Corrodiasi advertised my desire to group for some STV quests for a week with no answers. i finally got one of my guild's 60's to help me with it.
00:03.53AnduinLotharhmm both chains start int he badlands
00:03.55Corrodiasi find that the LFG channel is fantastic, if you use a mod like Call To Arms to parse it for lfg info
00:04.03cladhaireCTA is sweet for that
00:04.04AnduinLotharthat's what i do
00:04.09Corrodiasand then you get to chat away on it :D
00:04.22TainLFG channel depends on the server, still.
00:04.26AnduinLothari dissabled the channel joining in cta and have it jsut use lfg
00:04.33TainIt's useless on my server.
00:05.04Corrodiaswe get people talking and looking for groups, which is great, but i suspect that a lot of people ignore the channel, which could explain my difficulty in finding a party
00:05.12Corrodiasi think i'm the only person in my realm who uses CTA
00:05.41Corrodiasi've tried to convince people to use it, but so far i haven't seen any other CTA groups
00:06.12zenzelezzLFG on my server goes up and down... some hours of silence, some hours of "STFU this is LFG!!!!!!!!!!!!", some hours of real LFG
00:06.49zenzelezzand the occasional "LF19M raid hogger lololol"
00:09.35Corrodiassome of us had this great conversation -- that is, flame battle -- with a guy who was really upset about our misuse of LFG
00:09.58Corrodiashe claimed to be 31, but i estimated he was closer to 8 by the way he typed.
00:10.49cladhairewhen i'm in a dota and peopel get all "noobtacular".. i just say over and over again "I'm 13"
00:10.50Corrodiasi have to go hunt a cricket in the basement...
00:11.54zenzelezzthe animal?
00:12.19Cairenn"cricket bat"
00:12.33TainOh I thought you said you were gonna play DOTT.
00:13.00cladhaireTain: I am
00:13.09cladhairewell dota
00:13.13cladhairewhats dott?
00:13.22Tainthe greatest adventure game ever made.
00:13.28TainDay of the Tenticle
00:14.12kergothyay dott
00:21.02Corrodiasbut the cricket stopped making noise as i approached his area, even though i swear he shouldn't have been able to feel me through the concrete floor
00:22.05*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
00:24.26JoshBorkehello :-)
00:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:24.31cladhairezomg Hello!
00:27.02JoshBorkeshorts naps are no fun
00:27.13JoshBorkeit's like as soon as you're asleep you are right back awake
00:28.13Corrodiasi wonder if there's a mod that can give me a list of party members who have curses and diseases on them to be removed. is that something decursive does or did, and does it still function?
00:28.23Corrodiasand poisons
00:29.51cladhairecorkfu can tell you who has a debuff
00:29.56AnduinLotharyou can set your party frames to just show what you can dispell
00:29.57cladhairedecursive will actually cure them
00:30.03cladhaireAnduinLothar: true
00:30.19Corrodiasah, yes..
00:30.56Corrodiasi'd have to spend a moment determining what sort of debuff it is, but that's not a bad point.
00:31.21AnduinLotharuse clique to auto pick the right one
00:31.40AnduinLotharor paly a pally, it's only 1 button
00:32.04Corrodiasthanks, i'll read up on these addons after Whose Line Is It Anyway?.
00:32.32cladhairejust show when they're debuffed.. and clique:cureany() =)
00:32.32JoshBorkemmm, paladin ftw :-D
00:33.08AnduinLotharor use CastOptions and it'll autotarget party members
00:34.20*** join/#wowi-lounge InterSlayer (
00:34.49AnduinLothara million ways to do the same thing
00:35.04JoshBorkeyea! like trying all your spells until they work!
00:35.28InterSlayerHey is it normal for chat_msg_channel to fire off 7 times on an incoming channel message? :P
00:35.44cladhaireInterSlayer: you sure you're getting CHAT_MSg not AddMessage? =)
00:36.30cladhairecause imo it doesn't fire more than once per message.. but the addmessage would if you've hooked it
00:36.34cladhairewhich would make it appears 7 times
00:36.49InterSlayeri dunno i got the code from wikki, i'll look it over again with taht in mind =p thanks
00:37.26AnduinLotharonce per chat frame
00:38.24cladhaireAnduinLothar: It does fire seven times?
00:38.45Corrodiasah, there are a million ways to do the same things, but they're not all as good as each other
00:39.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
00:39.28Corrodiasi really liked asmomod's swiftmend-assisting HoT meters, but they only watched druid HoT's (not priest, as far as i'm aware) and didn't always catch the casting for some reason
00:39.42cladhaireCorrodias: I really need good spell timers
00:39.45CorrodiasHoT Watcher used text timers rather than bars, which i didn't really like
00:39.45cladhairefor my hots, and swiftmend
00:39.54Corrodiasi ended up using... what's it called...
00:40.19Corrodiashotdot or something, which lets you monitor many different -over time things
00:41.10AnduinLotharno clad, only fires once per frame
00:41.33zenzelezzhm, might be time for sleep... I thought you called the mod "hotdog"
00:41.34AnduinLotharbut if you're on a ChatFrame_OnEvent hook it's used on each frame
00:41.42Corrodiasi don't know that clicking the bars lets you target the person, but the addon does seem to work properly.
00:41.46cladhaireAnduinLothar: That's what i thought =)
00:42.17InterSlayerI only have 1 chat frame and a combat log up, wheres the other frames? :P
00:42.42Corrodiascladhaire: is that what you meant by spell timers?
00:43.31Corrodiasunfortunately, the comments suggest that it can't tell the difference between your casts and other people's casts, but HoT's of the same type won't stack anyway afaik
00:43.51cladhaireCorrodias: Yeah
00:43.59cladhairei'm kinda specific tho :P
00:47.11Corrodiasso, what is it you desire? i can't say i've seen anything better than that addon, yet
00:47.22cladhairethats really all i want
00:50.05JoshBorkewow, my OnUpdate takes 70 ms :-(
00:54.56JoshBorkei guess moving 150*3 textures will do that though
00:54.58*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=chatzill@
00:55.14JoshBorkeonce i stop doing that it's still dropping :-D
00:56.00JoshBorkei wonder if GetPoint is more expensive than SetPoint...
00:56.52JoshBorkeCorrodias: it's such a wonderful thing
00:57.21Corrodiasi'm... not sure i have enough mouse buttons, but if i do, i might easily forget what's what
00:57.43Corrodiasi commonly have 8 spells to cast on party members, not counting buffs
00:58.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
00:58.16JoshBorkeCorrodias: yes, but through in modifiers like alt and shift and you soon get quite a few options
01:01.12Corrodiasi can imagine a total of twelve, yes... but doesn't it get hard to remember all those similar key combinations for different spells? >_>
01:02.03zenzelezzno problem, just say you were lagged
01:02.33JoshBorkeit can be hard at first, but it gets much easier to remember
01:05.15cladhairerebooting.. brb
01:05.18*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:06.01JoshBorkeAceEvent20Frame is taking 65ms
01:08.12Corrodiasthat's a bad thing, isn't it?
01:09.19Corrodiaswhy is this listed as a feature, i wonder? "casting while in combat (attacking with primary weapon) without abort". whenever -i- cast a spell, it just stops attacking until the spell is finished casting and then continues.
01:09.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:10.23JoshBorkedoesn't wow do that automagically?
01:10.52Corrodiasyeah, seems kind of a strange thing to list as a feature of someone's addon. :)
01:16.59Corrodiasit seems to me that to use some of these addons i'm going to have to browse an SVN depository.
01:17.43AnduinLotharmmm, not sure if it does for wanding
01:17.46Corrodiasand if i don't get a client or manually download each file every day, i'll be left behind in updates because the authors don't necessarily mention new releases on websites...
01:17.52Corrodiaswhat is wanding?
01:18.04JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: not for wanding, no
01:18.10Temit's back
01:18.17purlRun to the centre!
01:18.29Temthe animation makes it worth it
01:19.42Corrodiasit appears that corkfu doesn't seem to have a page on wowinterface and can only be learned of by hearsay and downloaded by svn. am i mistaken?
01:20.16AnduinLotharlol tem
01:20.41JoshBorkeCorrodias: you are correct, only on SVN i believe.
01:22.01Corrodiasthere's something i don't like about a system like this, and i'm not sure what it is. it may be that it makes me do more work to get it.
01:22.06AnduinLotharlol @ tail swipe
01:22.24Tem1 over infinity is the best part
01:26.31Corrodiasand i have to get another program if i don't want to get a headache every time i need to update something...
01:27.40Corrodiasby the way, what ever happened to CVS?
01:28.17ThraeSVN all the way.
01:28.47JoshBorkeit's all about the IBC rootbeer
01:29.37Corrodiasthis page i read says that CVS doesn't support directories. christ, no wonder they threw it out in favor of a new system.
01:37.09MentalPowerwhat are externals in SVN?
01:37.56AnduinLotharsvn:Externals are like folder synlinks
01:38.06AnduinLotharexcept they requery the server
01:38.17AnduinLotharso you can access multiple servers from one
01:38.49JoshBorkeRARGH! something is eating all my stuff
01:39.18Corrodiassomething for the developers to concern themselves with
01:39.35MentalPowerso if I have files that are all the same (in different folders) I can use externals to link them all, so if I edit one I edit them all?
01:39.43Corrodiasand i say that because i have no idea what AL just said.
01:39.57ThraeExternals for WoW Addon projects are mostly for embedded libraries, makes it easier to grab the latest minor version.
01:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge sTw`Insa (
01:59.34Corrodiaswhy do people make "princess runs"?
02:00.09norgannafor lootz?
02:01.27Corrodiasbah, i'm sure you're right. i have a hard time evaluating equipment from a non-druid perspective.
02:06.05JoshBorkedon't you hate when things mysteriously bug out?
02:06.21JoshBorkeCorrodias: princess has one of the best neck pieces pre-raiding
02:06.22JoshBorkestat wise
02:07.44Cairennnight clad|sleep, sweet dreams
02:08.17JoshBorkenight clad|sleep
02:08.26JoshBorkehrmph, i hate when your mod has bugs and you can't find them
02:10.05TemI hate it when your mod has bugs and you can't reproduce them
02:10.08TemI hate that the most
02:10.27JoshBorkei have no idea how to reproduce the bug
02:10.38JoshBorkei have an idea of where it's coming from, but can't figure it out in the code
02:13.58clad|sleepnight JoshBorke, Cairenn
02:17.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:33.52Corrodiascorkfu has gotten off with me on the wrong foot by throwing an error immediately upon loading >_>
02:34.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
02:34.17Corrodiasneck, neck, neck... Gemshard Heart Necklace; +10 stamina, +10 intellect, +6 spirit
02:41.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:46.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
02:52.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:56.05ckknight_Cairenn, you're quick ;-)
02:56.13CairennI try to be
03:05.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (i=Hexarobe@
03:06.41Hexarobianybody know why several addons overwrite the math.randomseed() function with a static value? is it just a bad programming mistake? or something special in lua i dont know about?
03:09.45ckknightwhich addons do that?
03:11.11*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
03:11.44Hexarobii forget i already fixed them and now i cant search and find em
03:11.58Hexarobithere were at least 2 of em
03:12.00Hexarobiif not 3
03:12.05Hexarobiand ive had a bug report about it
03:12.17Hexarobicuz when they overwrite the function, it causes an error when i call it
03:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge pyfen (n=Rozr@unaffiliated/fenderx)
03:45.52pyfenif I"m trying to write a small hook for GiveMasterLoot()   would I be doing it right if I did this:        local function GiveMasterLootTemp = getglobal("GiveMasterLoot");  function GiveMasterLoot(lootIndex, candidateIndex)    myFrame_Show();  GiveMasterLootTemp(lootIndex, candidateIndex); end                  am I close?  or way off?
03:49.17ckknightalright, cya all later, everyone
03:49.38Cairennlater ckknight
03:54.48Cairennpyfen: I think everyone is kinda afk right now
03:57.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:59.14Kaeltengnight guys
04:00.41JoshBorkeWOOHOOO! NEF DOWN!
04:02.25JoshBorkefirst time :_D
04:05.26pyfenCairenn, yeah seems like it
04:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
04:50.27MentalPower|ZZzzgnight folks
04:50.32JoshBorkenight all
04:50.32*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
04:50.42norgannanit mp
04:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge End (n=end@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:57.17Flyocdo you have "wait" or "sleep" in lua ?
04:57.34Flyocpause ?
04:57.45Flyochow do you pause a script ?
04:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
04:57.54ShadowedOnUpdate timer
05:00.07Cairennnight Tem|Sleep
05:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:02.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
05:02.48Cairennhey Iriel :)
05:05.29pyfenWOOT I actually did the hook right :)
05:05.44Cairenngrats :)
05:06.07IrielAlmost got my replacement windows machine set up again
05:06.10ThraeNow you just need to gut, fillet, and serve with a side of parsley.
05:06.49ThraeIriel: Your replacement died, or your main died, then your replacement died?
05:07.28Cairenngood to hear
05:07.44pyfenI'm making a full out real time editing DKP guild system, manually edit dkp, auto-assign dkp during raids, loot database on what dropped when and who got it and for how much dkp,  ect ect,
05:07.49IrielWell, I had a drive failure about 2 weeks ago, after replacing the drive I discovered that the whole system was in fact flaky (largely the motherboard)
05:07.57IrielSo I replaced pretty much all of it
05:08.08Cairennhence our missing him
05:08.19pyfenand now i just hooked GiveMasterLoot to ask how much DKP the item si worth and deduct that from the person your giving the item to before its given to him
05:08.24ThraeIriel: Ouch. Busted caps?
05:08.25IrielWow is scarily smooth on the new system though
05:08.46IrielThrae : Some kind of hijinks in power management, there's charring on the power daughterboard
05:08.49pyfenIriel, get rid of windows and it'll stay that way
05:09.08ThraeWait wait, power daughtboard? What kind of system is this?
05:09.11IrielWindows behaves itself for me mostly.
05:09.17IrielThrae : Some funky Gigabyte motherboard
05:09.37IrielThrae : It's been replaced with an Asus since it;s my 3rd consecutive gigabyte mobo failure
05:09.40ThraeOK, well, the name "Gigabyte" isn't exactly the Ritz of motherboards.
05:10.03ThraeYeah, I've replaced MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY gigabyte boards in my day. Almost as many as ECS.
05:10.19Irielindeed, but they WERE well reviewed before I bought them, but I guess they're just good for a couple of months and its downhill from there
05:10.21ThraeThey are right above ECS in my opinion.
05:10.33IrielI was disturbed to read that gigabyte and asus have merged
05:10.45IrielI only hope it improves giga, rather than worsening asus
05:11.00Shadowedwhen did they merge?
05:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
05:11.05pyfenthat could be good....that would mean Asus bought out gigabit.....maybe better management will produce better products
05:11.05ThraeWell, ASUS needs a good place to make low-end boards, they've always made medium-to-high-end boards. Just like how HP ate up Compaq.
05:11.21pyfenI love how HP ate up compaq
05:11.28ThraeOf course, low-end boards shouldn't be crap, but Gigabyte is NOT built for gaming.
05:11.43pyfenI've got hp quality lappy here,  with HP quality customer support,   but for the price of a compaq
05:12.00pyfenneither is compaq but my laptop here runs wow great
05:12.07IrielLast week or so as far as I can tell
05:12.23ThraeI like Dell for gaming laptops and IBM for business laptops. Of course IBM is a huge-ass PAIN to fix.
05:12.28IrielIt's officially a 'joint venture' but many folks feel it's a merger
05:12.32IrielI love my thinkpads
05:13.02IrielAnyway, 60fps in wow is, for me, a new experience
05:13.09Irielit feels wrong
05:13.37ThraeOne thing I do hate about Dell laptops is that they got rid of their mid-range gaming laptops. It's XPS or nothin'. They probably just realized the small percentage who are frugal enough to buy, say, the 600m and KNOW what they are buying pale in comparison to those that buy it by accident and then later learn what they got.
05:13.55ThraeSo they eliminated the 600m.
05:14.24IrielI know a couple of folks with 600m's - they seemed quite popular for a bit
05:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
05:14.59ThraePentium-M processor with 32-64MB on-board video memory (not shared) for ~$1200. Rockin'.
05:15.35ThraeWait, make that ~$1000 back before it was discontinued. I got mine 4 years ago so it was $1200, mid-range price back then.
05:16.06ThraeI also noticed Dell stopped allowing you to get like 256MB of RAM. That sucks, they overcharge on their RAM by 300%.
05:16.09pyfenyou guys here bout lithium-ion batteries being deemed a safety hazard the past week?
05:16.23pyfenEUWWWWW     dell can go to hell and back again as far as I'm concerned
05:16.44pyfenwarranty void if you open the case,   and they bolt the case on with stripped screws/bolts
05:16.49Thraepyfen: Dell doesn't make their own batteries
05:16.55pyfenI dindt say dell did
05:17.04pyfeni noticed someone commenting on liking dells
05:17.15Thraepyfen: Uhh, you have no idea what you're talking about
05:17.31Thrae"Bolts the cases on with stripped screws", what the hell?
05:17.33pyfenthrae: my previous comment was on the news,  lithium ion batteries are catching on fire
05:17.53pyfenThrae:  friend of mine has a Dimention 5000c
05:18.18pyfenthe screws on the back are round with no center in them, so they cant be unscrewed
05:18.23ThraeYeah, a few select models that use that particular battery type. It happens every now and then with Dell's suppliers screwing them over, they're getting recalled and replaced like crazy.
05:18.40pyfenand his warranty says that it voids if the case is tampered wtih
05:18.40Thraepyfen: Either he's not looking in the right place, or he's lying.
05:19.10pyfenI'm not talking about dells Thrae, the batteries were not just dell...HP, acer,  many others, was on the news 2 nights ago
05:19.20pyfenThrae: i read his warranty myself
05:19.26ThraeRight, -I- am just talking about Dell's reaction
05:19.44pyfennot ot mention your warranty voids if you install non-windows OS (thats directly on the ToS on their website)
05:19.45ThraeNo, voiding the warrenty is a common practice. Even whiteboxers do it.
05:20.06ThraeHardware warrenty doesn't void, just your software warrenty.
05:20.44pyfenI'm just saying, half of the price of dell computers are the 3+ year warranty,  I dunno in my experience I have not liked dells, but everyone has their own experiences :)
05:20.59pyfenI more or less dont like the fact that they have a partnership with intel
05:21.02ThraeWell, I work for Dell.
05:21.05pyfenand I"m stubborn
05:21.37pyfenthats great, dell is a good job,  I'm not putting down Dell in general, I'm putting down the experiences I've had wit htem inthe past
05:21.48ThraeOr, more specifically, I work for a third-party IT group that the largest OEM warrenty contract with Dell.
05:21.57ThraeI also work on other machines, like IBM, Sony, etc.
05:22.04ThraeOnly doing hardware warrenty support.
05:22.15IrielThrae : Hm, you dont do Newegg's warranty service perchance do you?
05:22.47ThraeIriel: You can buy warrenty direct from Newegg?
05:22.54pyfenIriel, I'd imagine it wouldbe on their website :)  unless you are talking about something more specific
05:23.10ThraeI mean, if you're talking about the 1-year manufacturer warrenty, then yes, I would handle that...
05:23.16pyfenI thought they only had shipping insurance / warranty  or 30 day money back guarantee ors omething
05:23.26Thrae1 year / 30-day / 15-days
05:23.51pyfenThrae:  do any apple warranties
05:23.52IrielThey use a 3rd party for extended service contracts on machines you buy form them
05:23.57Irielfrom, even
05:24.03Thraepyfen: The company does, but I'm not certified on Apple.
05:24.05IrielI forget the name of the company that does it
05:24.16ThraeIriel: I work for Qualxserv.
05:24.24pyfenThrae, k nm then you prolly woudnt know what I was wondering then :)
05:24.32IrielThat doesn't ring a bell, but who knows if they just OEM the actual service
05:24.41IrielI suspect they do since they cover TV's as well as laptops
05:25.02IrielHopefully my tablet wont fail and I wont have to find out
05:25.08ThraeQualxserv covers TVs, printers, anything with the brand-name of their client and whom the client wants them to support.
05:25.54ThraeI do a lot of Sony TV updates. There was a small firmware problem with some Sony TVs where it would shut off and never turn back on after 6 months, people would need to do a power cycle. Sony sends us out free of charge to update the firmware.
05:26.11pyfenThrae ahh correct me if I"m wrong then, somewhere like futureshop or bestbuy would work with a company like yours, instead of handling their warranties themselves?
05:26.33pyfenor instead of dealing with all the diff manufacturors, they would deal with just you
05:26.45Thraepyfen: No, I do on-site support only.
05:27.05ThraeThere are different levels of warrenties, the lowest ones are not on-site.
05:27.31pyfenah ok
05:27.49ThraeWhat Best Buy, CompUSA, etc. do is that they poke at it, try to determine the general problem, then send it to the manufacturer's depot. If the computer is generic or whitebox, then they send it to their own depot.
05:28.26ThraeSo you basically spend $40-$100 on something you could do over the phone yourself, without having to get talked into buying crap you don't need.
05:29.10ThraeWith Dells, the very basic 1-year warrenty you get free of charge does include on-site support, for that year.
05:29.44IrielDell always seemed to have enlightened support contracts
05:29.56IrielThey've shipped me replacement parts overnight on more than one occasion
05:30.18Irielno bullshit about fixing problems, they concentrate on making things work again
05:30.22ThraeWell, it depends on who you get. They do outsource a lot to India, but they've been shrinking that department recently.
05:30.40ThraeIndia support is -mostly- drones.
05:30.56IrielI havent tried them in the last few years though, I started building my own desktops, and only use thinkpad laptops at present
05:31.13AnduinLotharthinkpads are good stuff
05:31.14ThraeYeah, it was only in the last few years when they started outsourcing a LOT.
05:31.28ThraeCan't beat IBM support. They have 10000 rules for us technicians to follow.
05:31.54AnduinLotharIMB and Apple own the laptop market imo
05:32.16AnduinLothardesktops are a bit more spread out
05:32.23IrielTheir service manuals being freely downloadable makes servicing ones own for 'replacement' type activities pretty damn easy too
05:32.25AnduinLotharand vary from year to year
05:32.31Irielthough dell were always good at that too
05:32.41IrielI'm not entirely thrilled with ibm's desktops
05:32.44ThraeHmmm that's a good question AnduinLothar. I'm actually not sure of that.
05:32.48Irielwe use them at work and they're 'iffy' to say the best
05:33.18Irielthough some of the older workstations we have are years old and going strong
05:33.22ThraeDo business laptops really corner the market on laptop usage? If so, then yeah, IBM all the way for PC laptops.
05:33.27IrielI suspect it may depend on whether the company 'buys cheap' or not.
05:42.46MiravlixDell had to recall 4.5 million laptops, so I guess someone else is selling a few
05:43.25MiravlixBut I've no idea what the laptop market volume is, so that could be 90% or 1%
05:43.57ThraeThey'd overnight a replacement.
05:44.17ThraeMost of the true recall is from stores, which then need to restock the old fashioned way.
05:44.48ThraeHmm indeed.
05:44.51MiravlixI'm just talking about the volume numbers, not the actual recall
05:45.01ThraeAh, gotcha.
05:45.11ThraeYeah, and the 4.5 million was JUST select models.
05:45.29ThraeJust certain Dimension laptop models.
05:48.45MiravlixThe  recall made me unplug my own laptop. :)
05:48.58MiravlixI have an aged IBM ThinkPad 765D that gets hot.
05:53.26IrielThey all get hot, the question is whether they explode 8-)
06:02.37MiravlixExplosions is cool.
06:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:03.26IrielI hate games with registry entries
06:03.35IrielEspecially those that dont ship on DVD
06:06.52Iriel"Please insert disk 5"
06:06.56Cairennhey s|loup
06:07.12s|louphm old DOS game?
06:07.56s|loupbut DOS games didn't create registry entries
06:08.32IrielJust re-installing recent windows games
06:09.21ThraeIriel: Did you say you're building a replacement or a backup?
06:09.57s|louphm maybe you can create a dvd with all datas of the disks so you need them no more
06:10.03ThraeI highly recommend buying a copy of Norton Ghost if you have $30 to spend. Excellent backup and recovery tool.
06:10.23Cairenn<3 Ghost
06:10.48ThraeIriel: With your new harddrive, did you make sure to give ~15-30GB for Windows XP and the rest as a data partition?
06:12.21ThraeHarddrives nowadays are actually less expensive then a DVD. You can buy a removable IDE / SATA bay starting at $10, just pop 'em in, Ghost + Compress, and you're done
06:12.52ThraeOf course, it's only less expensive if you have over 100GB you want to backup, or want incremental backups.
06:15.39Mr_Rabies2you seem to know a lot about drives
06:15.55Mr_Rabies2is there a good tool for recovering MFTs?
06:16.22Mr_Rabies2the MFT in my external drive got screwed while i was defragmenting and power flickered
06:16.41ThraeMr_Rabies2: Most of the best recovery tools for Windows are retail.
06:17.08ThraeIf you can spend $30, I suggest you do.
06:17.13Mr_Rabies2not too much of an issue, getdataback managed to get most of everything, if not everything
06:17.24KirovIt doesn't help that WinXP's degrag tool was originally written for FAT32 for Win95
06:17.29Kirovand hasn't really been updated
06:17.30Mr_Rabies2but i'd like to be able to repair the MFT now that i have everything backed up
06:17.38Mr_Rabies2i was using a third party defragmenter
06:17.47MiravlixThe *problem* with those tools is that you need them once in your life and that makes them darn pricy
06:17.48Mr_Rabies2in offline mode
06:17.59ThraeNTFS partitions don't really need much defragging, maybe every 6 months even with heavy use
06:18.10Mr_Rabies2it was defragmenting the system area of the drive (for some reason i decided this was a good idea)
06:18.12MiravlixMine needs daily defrag
06:18.19ThraeMiravlix: $30 is "darn pricey" for the recovery of invaluable data?
06:18.20Mr_Rabies2the drive was 93% fragmented, thrae
06:18.29MiravlixIt's a myth that NTFS doesn't need defrag.
06:18.56Mr_Rabies2well, part of the reason is that a lot of XP systems defrag in the background by default
06:19.02Mr_Rabies2for some reason that was disabled on my laptop
06:19.09Mr_Rabies2and both of the drives were heavily fragmented
06:19.13ThraeI didn't say NTFS doesn't need defrag, it just doesn't need defrag nearly as much as FAT32, and errors that come about from no defrag (like partition corruption) are far less likely to occur.
06:19.20MiravlixEvery wow Patch a few days of addon updates, etc.
06:19.40MiravlixIt's the same as FAT32, it has nothing build in to prevent fragmentation
06:19.54Mr_Rabies2yeah most of the reason you defrag in xp is for performance, not errors
06:20.04Mr_Rabies2er yeah
06:20.06ThraeOdd, I have my system run a defrag every month and that's enough for me. At the time, they're usually 1-5% fragmented.
06:20.24MiravlixThats very odd
06:20.30Mr_Rabies2yours might be defragging while the system's idle, thrae
06:20.31MiravlixYou must have almost static data
06:20.32ThraeAnd this is also my DVD Burner system.
06:20.43ThraeAnd my main development machine, too.
06:20.45Mr_Rabies2a lot of systems do by default
06:20.58MiravlixI forgot to get my defrag running after a windows wipe
06:21.10MiravlixIn 15 days I had 50-90% fragmentation
06:21.14ThraeWell, I also do a lot of tweaks to it.
06:21.32ThraeYou're all talking about the default defragger, right?
06:22.12ThraeAnyway, back to the original question
06:22.20MiravlixA freash system install is offcourse worse case for creating insane fragmentation
06:22.28ThraeMr_Rabies2: Take a look at the apps included with the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows
06:22.32MiravlixBut even in normal use it's pretty bad in days
06:22.50Mr_Rabies2i found a program called testdisk that will repair the MFT, but so far that looks like it's gonna take a week or so of solid scanning till i can
06:23.06MiravlixI've split up my system in 3 partitions, so when I download something it's to one disk and it stores it on another, in an attempt to reduce fragmentation
06:23.12Mr_Rabies2i got the data backed up, so if worse comes to worst, i can have almost all of it
06:23.20ThraeYeah, you should have at least 2 partitions.
06:23.36Mr_Rabies2i've got one partition per drive and it hasn't been an issue
06:23.48Mr_Rabies2in hindsight, my boot drive could have used 2
06:23.54Mr_Rabies2one for windows, one for storage
06:24.22ThraeNot if you have 30GB Raptor like me, heh
06:24.22Mr_Rabies2but otherwise, not really necessary
06:24.30Thrae1 drive for system, apps and paging, 1 drive for data is even better then lots of partitions.
06:24.40Mr_Rabies280 gb partition, 200 gb partition, 320 gb partition
06:25.06Thrae80GB is overkill for a system partition
06:25.10Miravlixpartitions is bad for performance if you aren't real geeky and now how to deide things
06:25.33MiravlixIt's a lot better with multiple disks than partitions
06:25.42Mr_Rabies2my system partition is partially storage too
06:25.45MiravlixA lot easier to get things right atleast
06:25.52Mr_Rabies2it was the drive that originally came with the system when i got it
06:26.04Mr_Rabies2now i've gotten a 200 gb PATA and a 320 GB SATAII
06:26.49Mr_Rabies2however, storing files on an external drive was a dumb decision
06:27.03Mr_Rabies2but i was too poor to afford extra space and i had used my 280 prior
06:27.06ThraeI lied about fragmentation. It's a little over half-way through the month and I'm up to 18% fragmentation on my system drive.
06:27.19Mr_Rabies2anything over 10% = a defrag for me
06:27.29ThraeThat's what Windows thinks too ;)
06:27.53ThraeIt's hard to set a good time for a defrag on the system drive, because the computer must restart.
06:28.13MiravlixI have a third party defragger that runs every time my screen blanker kicks in
06:28.22Mr_Rabies2so i was about 5-6 days into a scan on the corrupted MFT drive and i come back to my laptop and it's bluescreeened
06:28.32Mr_Rabies2restarting from scratch :/
06:28.34ThraeMiravlix: You can do that on the system drive?
06:29.06MiravlixIt doesn't work on the ntuser file and some other locked stuff
06:29.16Mr_Rabies2you can set it up to command line defrag on the system drive as a scheduled task if you want
06:29.22ThraeSo it's not a total defrag
06:29.38MiravlixIt's pretty close though
06:29.43Mr_Rabies2i'm never doing an offline defrag again
06:29.49Miravlixand it keeps the MFT big enough so it doesn't fragment
06:29.55Mr_Rabies2thats part of why my MFT got hosed
06:30.12Mr_Rabies2power failure during an offline defrag = bad
06:30.40MiravlixIf I expand the software I have, the program has a boot time defrag option to clean up directories
06:31.19ThraeI love FreeMeter
06:31.35MiravlixJust going to cost you in performance
06:31.48MiravlixMost of those just remove the IE cache
06:32.12Mr_Rabies2my friend had "compress old files" enabled in disk cleanup
06:32.17ThraeFreeMeter doesn't delete, move, or compress files. It's just an analysis tool.
06:32.20Mr_Rabies2i wanted to punch him in the teeth
06:32.36ThraeHence the "Meter". And the "Free" comes from it's freeware.
06:32.40MiravlixHow does it decide whats old?
06:32.59Mr_Rabies2access date which is usually inaccurate
06:33.03ThraeI've been relying on its "Show Folder Usage" for a long time.
06:33.25Mr_Rabies2another good program for that is treesize, thrae
06:33.34MiravlixI turned off atime on my Linux systems
06:33.44Mr_Rabies2gives you graphs and hard numbers on all your folder sizes and stuff
06:33.51ThraeYeah I know about treesize, but I like the systray meters FreeMeter gives.
06:34.23ThraeMemory, Disk Usage, Disk Access, CPU, Page File, Pages, etc.
06:34.48MiravlixI'm thinking of shelling out the big bucks to get a NFS Windows solution and move all data to a Linux NFS server
06:35.12MiravlixWith Gigabit net connection
06:35.30ThraeWoW takes up 8GB. Ouch.
06:35.41MiravlixThe disk access might just be faster than what Windows can do natively
06:36.45ThraeMiravlix: Not really, afaik
06:36.55ThraeAnyway, Windows NFS support sucks. Maybe AFS.
06:37.16MiravlixNFS is double the speed of SMB on 100 network
06:37.58Mr_Rabies2<Thrae> WoW takes up 8GB. Ouch.
06:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge slickhenry (i=mikehunt@gateway/tor/x-4e33e7664ba56481)
06:38.09Mr_Rabies2my Steam folder takes up 20 GB or so
06:38.14MiravlixYou have WoW and WoW Beta?
06:38.18Mr_Rabies2and i uninstalled about half the games i own that i no longer play
06:38.36ThraeI have WoW and WoW Test right now, Test takes up 2GB
06:38.39Mr_Rabies2fyi your screenshots folder is probably huge like mine if you have been playing for over a year
06:38.52Mr_Rabies2convert those over with convertshots.exe
06:38.55MiravlixYeah, there WoW beta implementation is great
06:39.10Miravlixit gets half+ of it's data from the live client
06:39.22Mr_Rabies2my screenshots folder was almost 3 gb last time i checked
06:39.36Mr_Rabies2i was like ...whoa lets fix that
06:39.39ThraeI use my Linux box to convert screenshots
06:39.52Mr_Rabies2i just click convertshots.exe and hit start
06:40.05Mr_Rabies2done in about 30 seconds or so
06:40.18Mr_Rabies2same quality to me, and a lot smaller
06:41.05MiravlixPicas hmm, or whatever that Google program is called has converted me. It takes care of all pics
06:42.29Mr_Rabies2i just use windows picture and fax viewer to view pics
06:42.39Mr_Rabies2and photoshop to edit them
06:43.09Mr_Rabies2PaFV is nice cause it works with my mouse's back and forward buttons
06:43.21Mr_Rabies2i haven't used picasa since beta
06:43.26Mr_Rabies2but for some reason i really hated it in beta
06:44.14MiravlixI just burned a picture CD, it even puts a copy of itself that autostarts when you insert the CD
06:44.55Mr_Rabies2i am a banana
06:45.18MiravlixBut I just take digital pictures with my cam and have little reason to do any advanced editing
06:45.38MiravlixJust need to adjust some color/brightness and perhaps cut the view.
06:46.00MiravlixAnd not to forget adjust the size from the cams 1600xsomething to something reasinable
06:47.20MiravlixFor anything beyond that, it gets thrown at Gimp
06:47.20Mr_Rabies2my cam takes excessively large pics too
06:47.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:47.36Mr_Rabies2like 2148xsomething
06:49.35IrielI have a 2GB card in my camera, for obvious reasons
06:49.47Mr_Rabies2i've got like a 128 i think
06:49.53Mr_Rabies2that's about 130 pics
06:50.31IrielI get about 800 JPEGs, far less if it's TIFF or RAW
06:50.34Iriel(well, NEF, not RAW)
06:50.39Mr_Rabies2be nice if they made cameras with female usb ports
06:50.52Mr_Rabies2so you could save to flash drives and stuff
06:51.02IrielThey'd need host controllers too
06:51.06MiravlixBluetooth cam.
06:51.09IrielExtra $$, most people are too cheap
06:51.37MiravlixI'm tired of wires. NO MORE CABLES!
06:51.37Mr_Rabies2in the long run i bet it'd be cheaper than proprietary cards
06:52.05IrielI just remove the memory card, plug it into the USB adapter it came with, suck everything off, and put the card back
06:52.14Irielno use using my camera as a slow $5000 CF card reader
06:52.22KirovRegistering the same event on a frame multiple times doesn't do anything, right?
06:52.35Mr_Rabies2i just pop the card into my printer's card reader
06:52.41Mr_Rabies2and save it that way
06:52.41MiravlixKirov: Thats safe to do.
07:05.59Cairennnight Iriel, sweet dreams
07:08.06IrielThanks, same to you (if you ever sleep anymore)
07:08.16Cairenngoing shortly
07:08.26krkagoing to sleep? but i just woke up!
07:08.38Cairennpain too bad to sleep easily
07:10.10Irielbah, where's my /
07:11.15*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:15.22KirovIf I have a local table and I assign it to a global, does it copy the table or still reference it?
07:20.45s|louphm i would say reference
07:21.21krkaactually, tables are not local or global
07:21.25krkavariables are local and global
07:21.42krkavariables just point to tables
07:21.49krka(or references)
07:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Axel-F (i=Axel-F@
07:32.52Axel-FDoes enyone in here know how to make addons profetionaly?
07:33.46Axel-FI think this is a rong chanel right?
07:33.46KirovCairenn - since you're not asleep, I'll leave you to this one.
07:34.21KirovThis is a channel for making Addons for World of Warcraft.
07:34.28KirovIs that what you're looking for?
07:35.44MiravlixThis room pretty much contain all the combined AddOn development knowglede that the community has.
07:36.15MiravlixNow I can't guarentee we want to share it or has time to share it though. :)
07:36.44ThraeNah, #wowace is good for advanced development knowledge, unless Iriel is awake.
07:37.24Axel-FIm a reel noob in add-on making, can enyone give me some pointers?
07:37.40CairennAxel-F: start here:
07:37.45MiravlixDo you have the Development kit?
07:38.01Axel-Fges no
07:38.03MiravlixIt contains a nice tutorial written by Blizzard
07:38.23CairennThrae: this channel is good for advanced dev knowledge too, whether Iriel is awake or not :p
07:38.51Axel-FIs it downloaded from blizard?
07:38.54ThraeCairenn: Yeah, but to say this is the crux of all Addon development knowledge...
07:39.03MiravlixCairenn linked all URL's you need to get started
07:39.09KirovI would classify wowace as a good place for advanced lua knowledge as it pertains to wow
07:39.18MiravlixThrae: It is when I'm awake. :p
07:39.51Axel-FOk i have that tutorial not much help for me
07:39.55MiravlixSeriusly, what does the Ace people know we don't know among eveyrone here?
07:39.56ThraeMiravlix: Oh yeah, aren't you the developer of MetaMap? Hehe.
07:40.24MiravlixI'm a Cosmos Dev these days, designing libraries mostly
07:40.34Cairennlet's not start please guys?
07:40.35ThraeI find the gurus in #wowace are around more then the gurus in #wowi-lounge, at least for my vampiric schedule.
07:40.57ThraeBut for someone just starting out, #wowace is not a good place to go unless you want to use Ace.
07:41.12MiravlixOkay, but I think it's bit unfair to everyone here to say Iriel is the only one with knowglede. :p
07:41.15ThraeWhich you should. In my opinion.
07:41.31Axel-FCairenn do you know that in the BLP2 tools download has a troyan in it?
07:41.39krkaunfair but accurate :P
07:41.45ThraeMiravlix: I didn't say that, I just consider him the top guru.
07:41.55CairennAxel-F: since when?
07:42.23MiravlixHe is due to his forum post a valuable information gatherer
07:42.31Axel-Fi downloaded it go a troyan
07:42.54Axel-Fgot me self a trojan horse
07:42.54MiravlixBut there is several people here that I think contributes a lot to the advancement of UI programming.
07:43.09ThraeAxel-F: Some virus scanners mistakenly mark files as trojans when they're really not.
07:43.55Axel-Frealy than why did it dealite all my history, cookies, temporary...?
07:44.06MiravlixMost if us here contributes to the information that ends up in Iriels post
07:44.16MiravlixWithout us Iriel wouldn't look half as good as he does. :)
07:44.18ThraeMiravlix: Well, you're from the Cosmos community. The Ace and Cosmos community stay pretty separate and make strides on their own. Who has made the most advancements, I won't say.
07:44.40Kirovand on that note
07:46.26MiravlixCosmos has little or no reason to support any seperation, but Ace tend to be pretty vocal and unfriendly to our efforts. We would mutch prefair Ace/Cosmos as a combined group.
07:46.27KirovStranq is messy
07:47.03KirovI have local variables that are prefixed with stranq_ and global variables that aren't
07:47.07Kirovbad me
07:48.22kergothMiravlix: i'd say that any conclusions you'd drawn about the ace community from the past are essentially worthless when applied to the community that exists today.  the attitudes, members, and aptitude is quite different than it was.
07:48.58ThraeMiravlix: There are major devs on both sides of the issue that don't want to get along. I'd rather the two communities develop intertwined projects, but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. There's too much bad blood from the past, despite both sides's best efforts to eliminate it.
07:48.59kergothi think its time to open communications from a clean slate.
07:50.43Cairennwe went through that the other night, didn't we?
07:50.57Kirov... ok, maybe not
07:51.12ThraeCT is yet another community that should work together with projects, and not just theory
07:51.36KirovI wouldn't really refer to CT as a community
07:51.45KirovA community implies many people.
07:52.12ThraeI wasn't really counting the people that develop addons which use Cosmos or Ace libs.
07:52.18KirovAnd Cide doesn't have a multiple personality disorder as far as I know.
07:52.20Cairennjust had Dolby check the BLP2Viewer, it's clean
07:52.30KirovCairenn - He's gone already
07:52.41CairennI know, just telling you guys
07:52.42KirovCairenn - I checked it too, he probably already has a virus on his computer
07:52.45*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
07:54.30Dolby-wowi....or I have seen anti-virus apps have false positives. Had that happen to the eq2map updater exe once
07:55.00ThraeI mentioned that to him when he first said it, so at least he got that ;)
07:57.55ThraeHmmm, can one do a Title search on WoWI?
07:58.32ThraeI see full-text (Description), File Name, and User Name.
07:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
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08:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cHZqoEBwF (
08:25.07cHZqoEBwFMorning all
08:25.38Cairennhello Dhraga
08:26.10DhragaHiya :) Pretty quiet today It seemes like
08:26.39Cairennwell, depending on where you are it's still early/late
08:27.06DhragaHaha true (10:30 in the morning in Sweden atm) ;)
08:27.41Cairenn4:27 am where I am
08:27.52Cairenn1:27 on west coast North America
08:27.59Shadowed1:17 is not considered late
08:28.23ShadowedI prefer to think of it as the best time for wow
08:28.40DhragaDepends when you start work in the morning also ;)
08:29.27Dhraga<- Slaps self For only sleeping 3.5 hours last night
08:29.39Cairennwell, I haven't been asleep yet
08:30.12ShadowedEither farm gold, or go to sleep. it's a hard choice
08:31.13DhragaBtw, short addon (or macro) question... Is there any addon except Satrinas Chat addon that adds the %r %s %o %l enhancements to macro functions ?
08:31.47DhragaFarm gold can be fun at start but darn booring in the long run :/
08:32.11Shadowedit's also only motivating to farm gold when i don't need it
08:32.13Shadowedit's annoying :(
08:32.29DhragaLooking for macro enhancements to call race, sex, level into macros
08:32.38DhragaWith %r etc
08:33.20DhragaShadowed, where do you usually farm then ? (I used to farm DM West, but currently farming BRD)
08:33.50ShadowedGood question, one which i hadn't figured out yet!
08:34.36DhragaLord Incendious and me are like old friends.... terribly bored with eachothers though :P
08:34.58ShadowedNot that valuable to farm anymore thought due to ace of elementals being mostly worthless
08:35.13Shadowedwas fairly fun working out how to stealth run to him on a warrior without using the evade spot thought
08:35.51DhragaMmm...true but still get some Essence of fire, shards and other junk, and each kill takes about 4-5 mins from entering the instance to dead boss
08:36.54DhragaBut terribly booring in the long run :9
08:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:37.28ShadowedI find AH playing to be easier then farming in the end
08:37.52DhragaYou mean buy cheap / sell expensive ?
08:38.03Shadowedpretty much
08:38.25DhragaHmmm... */slaps self again* havent thought about it lol
08:38.28Shadowedor buying in bulk and selling the singles
08:38.59DhragaHehe... Lord Incendious will miss me i reckon ;)
08:39.35DhragaBtw Shadowed, Ace of Elementals still goes for about 100-150g
08:39.43Dhragaon A-N
08:39.59Shadowedthey are only going for around 40-60g on IC
08:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
08:40.31DhragaI loved when Libram of Focus was expensive, made quite a lot of them ;)
08:40.52Shadowedthe whole DM exploit was nice for money making
08:41.38DhragaBtw, in what patch did they change so instance bosses breaks combat if getting to far away
08:41.51ShadowedThink I ended up with roughly 150 stacks of major healing ( which i used it all in around 2.5 months of pvping ), 50 major mana, 300 LBS and probably 10 librams
08:41.58ShadowedYou mean leashing?
08:42.27DhragaWe'll not possible to kite the Scholo bosses around the room anymore
08:42.43ShadowedRaid bosses started getting leashing in BWL. Scholo/strat/ect probably got them in the 1.10 patch
08:43.10DhragaNo more soloing hard bosses then :P
08:43.55Dhraga*hard hitting bosses that is*
08:46.23Dhraga<-- bored atm, anyone got any fun links or something ?
08:53.19Dhraga(Trying again) *Macro question* Anyone got a link to how you can get race, level, sex, class, of a target into an chat string ?
08:54.41DhragaAh nm.. found it =)
08:55.43Dhraga if anyone needs (but I guess its only me ;) )
09:03.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Aris (
09:04.58Arisis there a way to cycle targets?  I'm looking for an api function that will let me do the equivalent of tab orctrl+tab
09:05.47Arisanyone here?
09:08.38zenzelezzthe place usually starts waking up soon
09:09.35Arisah, im going to be soon :)
09:12.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Aris (
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11:24.02clad|workMorning all
11:24.04clad|workhave a good day!
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11:49.28krkaooh... idea to easily export data from WoW... just have an external program check the latest screenshot. and have the UI take screenshots all the time :)
11:49.32krkanot very efficient though
12:04.16krkahmm... if i filled the screen with a single color, and saved as png it would be pretty small in size
12:04.25krkaand then remove that before the user sees it
12:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (n=chatzill@
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12:21.42Greywind*yawns* mornin whoever is actually here :)
12:22.08AnduinLotharim not
12:25.28MiravlixAnyone know how WoW runs on a screen with 1680x1050 resolution (widescreen)
12:29.15GreywindI wish i knew >.<
12:30.35Greywindim quite sure it would depend on your video card
12:30.47MiravlixNvidia 7900 GTX.
12:30.54Greywindoh i have that card
12:31.00Greywindwill work fine
12:31.04Greywindi think
12:32.10Greywindi run wow at 1600x1200 with everything on high and i get 60+ fps even when raiding so im thinking you are good
12:32.47Greywindof course it also depends on your amount of ram also, WoW is a ram hungry beast
12:33.47MiravlixAMD Dualcore 4800+ 2 GB Dual Channel RAM and the Nvidia Card, running on a CRT 19" with Nvidia 7900 GFX, so that works fine
12:34.02MiravlixBut a Widescreen LCD thats weird dimension
12:34.27Greywind0.o i doubt you will have a problem, you will just have more screen space, wow seems to scale really well
12:34.55Greywindi run it on a widescreen imac at work and everything seems fine
12:34.57MiravlixWell, I loss 150 in hight, but gain 80 in width
12:35.55MiravlixIn Desktop mode, wow should handle the weird format fine.
12:36.12MiravlixI'm just wondering about running full screen games.
12:37.11MiravlixDon't they just suppor standard sizes like 800x600 1024x768 1600x12xx
12:38.19zenzelezzdon't what, the monitor or the game?
12:38.28MiravlixThe games
12:38.32Greywindno widescreen support was added in beta
12:38.44Greywindits been there since dec of 04
12:38.50zenzelezzgames usually just query the videocard, which in turn consults the monitor I believe
12:38.59zenzelezzalthough some games are stupidly coded and just hard-code
12:39.00MiravlixLCD's basically has 1 mode they are good at and for this one it's 1680x1050 or something like that.
12:39.46MiravlixSo if I play some full screen game, I wonder if it will support the widescreen format
12:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:40.08zenzelezzmost decent FPS-like games do
12:40.24MiravlixHehe, FPS make me sick so I never play those. :)
12:40.53zenzelezzwell, I count WoW as an FPS-like :) It's not an RTS at least =D
12:41.12Greywindwow seems to work fine at that res acording to
12:41.15zenzelezzdon't know what it is about RTS games, but I have more resolution problems with them than other games
12:41.28MiravlixThere is other games than FPS and RTS
12:41.33MiravlixThere is WoW... :)
12:41.51MiravlixHmm, now if I only could remember what they are called.
12:42.01zenzelezzI said FPS-like :) And I'm only talking about the rendering mode, not the gameplay
12:42.19krkaWoW is usually more third person than first person though
12:42.25MiravlixReal time strategy, First Person Shooter.
12:42.53zenzelezzFPS and 3PS are the same rendering mode pretty much
12:42.54MiravlixBut WoW/MMORPGS is very far from FPS.
12:43.11zenzelezzhow many times do I have to tell you I'm not talking about the gameplay
12:43.13krkaaren't most RTS also 3D these days?
12:43.33zenzelezzto some degree
12:45.21krka.. a 3rd degree maybe?
12:47.16MiravlixI don't see all that big a graphics difference between the categories these days, so I'm not following what you mean with WoW being FPS graphics like.
12:47.23MiravlixSo a Skoda is Ferrari like?
12:48.13krkadepends on the color
12:48.28zenzelezzif you'd just said that right away I wouldn't have bothered trying to explain it since we just disagree :-)
12:52.47MiravlixWish it had some Video IN, so I could use it for the Tuner card/Playing movies
12:56.31MiravlixHmm, I guess I could record directly to some streaming software and connect to the stream from the Windows machine
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14:01.50Greywindgrr i hate lua sometimes *sigh* anyone wanna help me with my problem?
14:10.16Industrialuh cant you just ask tekkub in #wowace to fix it? :P
14:27.05Greywindcould but i wanna do it myself :P I'm annoying like that sometimes
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17:18.12abooanyone seens kirkburn?
17:19.04Cairenn~seen kirkburn
17:19.31purlkirkburn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 16h 21m 58s ago, saying: 'bye!'.
17:19.39abooaw :/
17:19.43Cairenn~seen kilkbuln
17:19.49purlkilkbuln <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 18h 39m 6s ago, saying: 'I put 'font' instead of 'font-family' for no good reason'.
17:19.50Cairenn(since he was being silly)
17:19.59Cairennso yeah, he's mia
17:21.18CairennMissing In Action
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17:24.19Cairennhe'll show up sooner or later
17:26.48pyfenCairenn:  I saw your name tagged to uhh Morpheus is it?   a ui mod package that looked quite wel done
17:32.46Cairennhow is my name "tagged" to it?
17:33.30Cairenn(just trying to figure out what you mean, not trying to be annoying)
17:33.32pyfennow its not there maybe I saw it somwhere else
17:34.03pyfeno i know I"m sorry I havent slept,  I saw your name on the forum somewhere,  and was sone appologizing to yo and somoeone else about other ppl in previous posts being assholes
17:34.04Cairennonly way I'm "tagged" with Mazzle is in that we're hosting the closed beta and whatnot
17:34.12Cairennahhhhh, that
17:34.26pyfencoudl have swore it was with mazzle was other person they wer apologizing to
17:34.32pyfenclosed beta for which?
17:35.31Cairennfor the mod
17:35.45Cairennand he was apologizing to both of us for the crap we've had to put up with on the thread
17:36.25Cairennbecause I have to deal with it, too, since I run the site
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17:44.22KasoAnyone know about Open office's Spreadsheetting program
17:47.06pyfenI know that ther is one
17:47.12pyfenwhat do you need to know bout it?
17:47.30pyfenit'd be identical to MS excel I'd imagine
17:49.52KasoI cant seem to get my custom function to work in my spreadsheet
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18:27.04Kirov - crazy
18:31.43CairennMentalPower: if you have a moment?
18:36.07*** join/#wowi-lounge aboo (
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18:44.42Hexarobinice name
18:44.43ComicSansMSgreetings everyone!
18:44.51InterSlayerMy favorite font!
18:45.04ComicSansMS*bow* ^^
18:45.08Cairennhi ComicSansMS
18:45.51ComicSansMShaven't been here in a while...
18:46.25Hexarobicair is case sensative
18:47.05KirovAren't most women?
18:47.06Cairenncair uses tab complete ;)
18:49.51aboowhere aaaare you
18:50.31Hexarobiis there some reason some addons set math.randomseed to a numeric value
18:50.47Hexarobiinstead of using the function math.randomseed(seednumber)
18:51.05Hexarobiis it just a programming mistake that doesnt cause an error?
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18:55.24Mr_Rabies2nothing like single handedly driving up the price of kingsblood and heavy leather to double overnight
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18:56.03MentalPowerCairenn: sure, lemme write something up
18:56.05Mr_Rabies2i've gotten about 90% of neutral for thorium brotherhood in a day or two
18:56.09CairennMentalPower: thanks
18:56.28Cairennjust figured you'd at least have an idea, which is more than I could offer
19:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
19:07.44QzotHello, boys and girs.
19:17.01Mr_Rabies2We got snakes on this plane man
19:17.21Mr_Rabies2s/snakes/gerbils s/plane/rolllercoaster
19:17.48Mr_Rabies2s/snakes/gerbils/ s/plane/rolllercoaster/
19:17.52Mr_Rabies2okay nevermind :P
19:18.20QzotWe've got gerbils on this rollercoaster.
19:18.43Mr_Rabies2i have no idea how to work purl or if it requires some type of access or what
19:19.35Mr_Rabies2so i was trying trial and error :O
19:20.00Hexarobiyou cant do two things at once, and when you tried, it reset your last-message
19:20.04Mr_Rabies2blarg i always mess that up heh
19:20.17Hexarobis/do two things at once/dance the funky chicken with barbra bush/
19:20.22Mr_Rabies2i always forget the last slash
19:20.24Hexarobiyour forgettin the closing /
19:20.33Qzots/gerbils/the ability to use purl if you have a final slash/
19:21.06*** part/#wowi-lounge InterSlayer (
19:21.09Mr_Rabies2i am a tree
19:21.22Mr_Rabies2s/tree/banana boat/
19:22.45Cairennhey, it's a Qzot!
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20:19.18zenzelezzwoot! Guild first Anub'Rekhan kill \o/
20:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:45.09*** topic/#wowi-lounge is "... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror. Thus you would not have been informed." | Paste Code: | 1.12 next week, or so a certain someone swears
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21:22.48RallionI <3 Disgaea
21:32.15Cideso um
21:32.40Cidewhat's the difference between "RAID" and "BATTLEGROUP" as far as addon messages go?
21:32.49Cideprovided that you actually are in a battleground
21:33.20Asniyour raid can consist of people outside a battleground
21:33.26AnduinLotharBATTLEGROUND goes to anyone in the bg, if they're in the raid or not
21:33.42AnduinLotharand only in your bg
21:33.49Shadowedforced BG groups aren't exactly considered a raid
21:33.51Cidewell, everyone gets put into a raid when you join a battleground, even if you previously were in one
21:33.55Shadowednot exactly
21:34.01Cidewhen I tested it I did
21:34.09ShadowedYou can still talk in /raid and /party with the people in your original raid group and the people in the battleground one can't see it.
21:34.22ShadowedSo if you use RAID or PARTY it'll go to that group instead of the battleground one.
21:34.39Cidebut you can't see those people using "raidX".. heh, okay
21:34.41AnduinLothardoesn't it restore your old grp when you leave?
21:34.44Cideno clue
21:34.48Cidedidn't leave
21:34.51Shadowedyeah it does
21:35.16Asniyour group doesn't get destroyed i guess
21:35.18AnduinLotharyeah, you never actually leave the grp, just half the ui swaps to a new grp..
21:35.22AnduinLotharit's ha
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21:35.28ShadowedThe entire battleground group is done very oddly. If you queue as a group it's like a half raid, all the raidX unit's return the BG group, but talking sends it into the original
21:35.52Asnishould have included bg# then:P
21:36.10AnduinLotharoh, you mean for the grp
21:36.16AnduinLotharno the grp is raid#
21:36.17Shadowedthat'd require a lot of redoing of blizzards code and would break pretty much every raid addon :p
21:36.37Shadowedredoing = updating
21:38.15ShadowedSo yeah, have fun dealing with the BG groups cide :p
21:38.24CideI don't plan on
21:38.28Cidethat's way messy
21:39.07Shadowedwe didn't have BATTLEGROUND for comm messages before, i'm happy we at least got it
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21:48.41zenzelezzis there really no way out of Naxxramas except hearthstone, portal or spirit resurrection?
21:49.04Shadowedif you run into the instance zone in outside of a group you ressurect outside of the instance
21:49.28zenzelezzbut there's no exit from inside?
21:49.54zenzelezzhow annoying :-|
21:49.58ShadowedEasiest way  is to die in the slime in abom wing, or strip and die if you want to avoid hearthing, portalling or ressurection sickness
21:55.32Sarozjust die, leave raid and try and portal in
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22:54.20Warlaanyone good at wow mod XML ? :-/ i'm kinda need help/tips on a problem
22:55.26Warlai prepared my mod pretty much for what it should do.. but with the display its kinda hmm... not like i want it :-)
22:55.38Cairenntry explaining, then if anyone can help and are at keys, they will
22:56.01Warlaright now i'm working on a UI mod that extracts data from wow and displays it to my website
22:56.10Warlaso far most of the stuff i need i can export
22:56.39Warlaalso the website for the profile is done and with the exception of a few data i still need to export most is done:
22:57.00Warlaheres an export of my warlock for example (on my laptop computer thats why the link is slow)
22:57.11Warlaso far the mod is only text based in wow
22:57.16cladhairethat's one way to put it =)
22:57.29Warlawhen i type /wowprofile it collects most data.. then you need to open all tradeskills and the bank
22:57.38Warlain order to have the data collected
22:57.46Warlabut i kinda like to add a GUI to the mod
22:57.53Warlai started doing it and i have a screenshot:
22:58.09Warlathats what i have so far
22:58.29Warlabasically the title of the window (draggeable.. so you can ove it around)
22:58.32Warlaand the button
22:58.51Warlawhich does nothing else than call /wowprofiles function which i typed with text command from before
22:59.02Warlabelow that scan info button
22:59.05Warlai now want a list
22:59.09Warlathat looks like
22:59.15WarlaBank Bags --- Not Scanned
22:59.20WarlaInventory -- Scanned
22:59.28WarlaProfessions --- Not Scanned
22:59.35Warlaand stuff not scanned yet in red
22:59.39Warlaand scanned stuff in greem
22:59.47cladhairethen you just need a series of fontstrings
22:59.47Warlaso the user knows exactly what to do next
23:00.01Warlaand those fucken fontstrings alsways center in the middle
23:00.04Warlaof that gay window hehe
23:00.11Warlai could make 2 fontstroings
23:00.16Warlaone is left aligned
23:00.18Warlaand one right
23:00.22cladhairethe fontstrings do exactly what you tell them to =)
23:00.41Warlayea but aparently i have still trouble understanding the positioning on em
23:00.57cladhairewell what you want to do, is take the FIRST one.
23:01.00Warlaif you want i can send you the XML file which defines the window you see on the screenshot
23:01.05cladhaireanchor the LEFT point of it to the LEFT point of the frame
23:01.24Warlasecond one is anchored to the right point of the frame
23:01.24cladhairethen take a second one, anchor the LEFT of it to the RIGHT of the first string
23:01.31cladhaireor that.
23:01.36cladhaireset the justificatino on them
23:01.40cladhairewhat issue are you having with them?
23:01.45Warlabut for some reason the crappy string stay in the middle vertical aligned
23:01.54cladhaireon top of each other?
23:02.05Warlawanna see the XML? ^^
23:02.09cladhaireput the xml at
23:04.31Warlaheh ohh and the buttons
23:04.37Warlai must have made a mistake there as well
23:04.43Warlalets say i open the mailbox
23:04.47cladhaireyou don't anchor the fontstrings
23:04.49Warlaand i start moving the mod window
23:05.05Warlathe buttons appear OVER the mailbox window while the rest is behind
23:05.11cladhairelets start with first things first
23:05.15cladhaireyou dont anchor the fontstrings
23:05.45Warlado i put the anchor between the <fontstring>  </fontstring>?
23:05.53Warlaor is it after the </fontstring>
23:06.02cladhaireyep, using the same method you use for TestStatusBar
23:06.41cladhaire<Anchors><anchor point=blahablahblah></anchor></anchors>
23:07.27Warlaahh ya
23:07.42Warlait put them both in the top left corner
23:07.49Warlaand with the offset i can now adjust them
23:07.54cladhaireyeah, like i said .. hehe they do exactly what you tell them to
23:07.59cladhairewell like i said
23:08.04cladhaireanchor the LEFT to LEFT, and RIGHT to RIGHT
23:08.06cladhaireand use off set there
23:08.07Warlabut lets say hmm i need 20 lines... thats a awful lot of XML code right?
23:08.11cladhaire(for the FIRST set)
23:08.21cladhaireit is, but you can make it shorter by using templates
23:08.29cladhairenot too much shorter tho
23:09.32Warlawhat ya mean with templates?
23:09.44cladhaireyour profiler is one of the most extensive and impressive i've seen
23:10.02cladhaireWarla: essentially you make a frame, and add virtual="true" to the frame.  Then you can instantiate frames like that
23:10.13Warlathe php/mysql side i can do pretty well
23:10.16cladhairethere's.. way too many examples to point out =)
23:10.20Warlabut with lua and xml i suck donkey balls lol
23:10.31Warlafriggin mod i wrote must be worst code out there hehe
23:10.31cladhairedo it all in lua dynamically =)
23:11.00Warlabest parts of my profiler is the tradeskill and quest section
23:11.03Warlacheck that our :-)
23:11.06Warlaso wow look&feel
23:11.08cladhairehere's an example of templates:
23:11.11cladhairei have
23:11.12cladhairei love it =)
23:11.14cladhaireis what i'm saying
23:11.25cladhaireWatchDog_DebuffTemplate defines a bunch of frames and stuff underneath it.
23:11.43cladhairelater on in the code, I then can use inherits="WatchDog_DebuffTemplate" to inherit from that frame
23:11.43Warlathe tradeskills first fucked me up.. because i had it all in 1 page at first. thats 400 kb strings sent over
23:11.49Warlai now made em load on demand
23:12.01Warlaso the data sent per profile is minimal
23:12.14Warlaaround 80k for warla (one of the biggest possible ones)
23:12.24Warlaother chars get 16-30kb
23:12.28cladhaireyeah its nice
23:12.34cladhairevery much so
23:12.53cladhairetemplates won't save you much code here, but it will save you some
23:13.06cladhairecause then you can just take the first oen.. anchor it.. then anchoring is really easy after that
23:13.19Warlathose templates are then stored in lua files?
23:13.47Warlaor do you just define one as name and make that inherit on the others
23:13.53Warlaahh i think i understand
23:14.56cladhairethey'r ehandy for stuff like this
23:15.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Insa (
23:15.29cladhairelike i said, then you just anchor every subsequent fontstring at TOPLEFT to BOTTOMLEFT of the frame prior.
23:16.04Warlai see how you mean it
23:16.12Warlaand then within the lua file
23:16.19Warlai can access those strings
23:16.28Warlaand change text - color accordingly
23:16.35cladhaireyep =)
23:16.36IndustrialWoolen Bag 1g on ah
23:16.40Industrialthis economy is sick
23:16.43cladhaireIndustrial: ... what server.
23:16.52IndustrialKazzak EU
23:16.55WarlaIndustrial horde or ebayliance?
23:17.00cladhairethats insane
23:17.16Warlawe pay 1g20 per stack of wool
23:17.40Warladragonmaw is so bad
23:17.44Warlawe have so many ebay farmrs
23:18.00Warla= every ass on alliance side buys ebay gold else there woulndt be that many farmers
23:19.03ShadowedEh, it could always just be one person bought a lot or some accounts got banned and they need to make more
23:20.35Warlacladhaire and the prob with the buttons
23:20.40Warlawhat did i do wrong there?
23:20.45Warlathey float above all
23:20.56Warlathey dont seem to be same level as the window hehe
23:21.27cladhairewell describe what happens?
23:21.53Warlaimmagine a sandwich
23:22.04Warlabottom of the bread is my window
23:22.13Warlawith the texts and the frames and stuff
23:22.21Warlathen you open for example the mailbox
23:22.35Warlathe mailbox is now the ham in the sandwich
23:22.45Warlawhile all my buttons are the top bread of the sandwhich
23:22.52Warlabut they should be at the bottom bread
23:23.10Warlaso basically when i move my window over to the mail window
23:23.24Warlathe text and frame and everything goes BEHIND the window
23:23.31Warlawhile the buttons still hover over em
23:23.45Warlai can make a screeny if you need to see ^^
23:25.25cladhaireyour buttons needs to be children of the frame
23:25.29Industriallol, bread? x_X
23:25.33cladhairesee how you have Anchors and Scripts
23:25.35cladhaireyou need <Frames>
23:25.42cladhaireand then put those button definitions in the <Frames> tag
23:25.46cladhairethen close it with </Frames>
23:26.22cladhairebread made me hungry
23:30.10cladhairethen they're children, and should be chill =)
23:31.22cladhaireooh the screenshot is sexy
23:31.58cladhaireyou have a good eye for design
23:34.04Warlacheck this out:
23:34.23Warlaworked :-))))
23:37.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
23:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
23:40.14Industrialwats that
23:40.48Industrialthe screenshot
23:42.17Industrialholy crap table galore
23:43.12Industrialbet you could position that with css easily
23:43.20cladhaireposition what?
23:43.33Industrialeverything thats been done with html tables in that page
23:43.55Industrialjust position it all absolute and mix and match on the x/y's
23:48.54Industrialnice profile btw
23:48.58Rallionoh, yeah, that thing is like what CSS was made for
23:49.12Rallionwell, not really. but it would work really well.
23:51.31Industrialdunno how hard it is but those items from the AQ quest in that profile look really nice

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