irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060814

00:03.00CorrodiasIN THE CLOCKWORK LOL
00:03.30Gngskspecial mode!
00:03.58Kirkburnit's for special people
00:09.22CorrodiasHoTW... damn, i don't remember what that is
00:09.33JoshBorkeHide of the Wild
00:09.41JoshBorke+42 heal back thingie
00:09.45JoshBorkecape is the word
00:10.05Corrodiasthat doesn't seem to be how Cairenn used the acronym
00:10.09Corrodiasit sounded more like a talent
00:10.31Gngskheart of the wild
00:10.33Gngskisn't it a talent?
00:10.40JoshBorkei thought it was a plant?
00:10.45Gngskincreased mana and health or something in different forms
00:10.47Corrodiasi'm loading a talent calculator
00:11.13Corrodiasshe said you absolutely need it to be viable in PvE
00:11.24AnduinLotharso what should i call a versioning lib for telepathy...  Telepathy:Versions ?
00:11.53Gngsk20% increased mana/health/strength in corresponding forms
00:11.56Corrodiasthat's an odd thing to say, considering you cannot get swiftmend if you get HotW
00:12.24JoshBorkei don't believe Cairenn has hit 60
00:12.33AnduinLotharam i allowed to put a ":" in an adodn name?
00:12.40Corrodiasit sure would kick ass for a cat/bear druid
00:12.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:12.44cladhaireAnduinLothar: I dont think so =/
00:12.58Corrodiasbut it just doesn't seem viable for a healer
00:13.37AnduinLotharmmm, os x wont let me put : ina  folde rname, heh
00:13.43JoshBorkeyou don't need swiftmend like you didn't need innervate before
00:13.54ckknightno, AnduinLothar
00:14.11ckknightdashes are good
00:14.27AnduinLotharactually... i cant put a - in a table name can i
00:14.36ckknightyou can if you believe you can!
00:14.41ckknightI know I can.
00:14.47AnduinLotharok.. so i need a good name
00:15.06AnduinLotharfor a mini lib that tracks addon versions of players in comm channels
00:15.07ckknight_G["Telepathy-Versions"] = {}
00:15.41AnduinLotharwell if it deps telepathy i can always just do Telepathy:Versions ;)
00:15.53Corrodiasmaybe i should consider avoiding swiftmend... i certainly haven't needed it so far
00:16.06AnduinLotharswiftmend is uber just for it's 15s cooldown
00:16.13KirkburnSuggest me a cool yet uncommon class/race combo ... I'm gonna level one to 5 now, I'm bored :P
00:16.23ckknightAnduinLothar, Telepathy.Versions
00:16.30AnduinLotharfemale dwarve hunter
00:16.31Corrodiasuncommon? troll warrior.
00:16.37ckknightKirkburn, Female Dwarf Rogue
00:16.38Corrodiasi think i've only ever seen one
00:16.48JoshBorkeKirkburn: gnomepaladin
00:17.06Corrodiasnoooo, alliance is jerks!
00:17.19KirkburnHmm troll warrior sounds interesting - would've done the rogue, but I only just did that :P
00:17.38ckknightCorrodias, okay...
00:17.46ckknightTauren Rogue
00:17.55Corrodiasyes, but that's not possible
00:18.08Corrodiasi need to fire up my wow model viewer and figure out what some common higher level class-related sets are. then i can see what classes look best in which roles.
00:18.11ckknightuncommon on Horde... hrm
00:18.28KirkburnYou can do that online surely Corrodias
00:18.35AnduinLotharjust go to the CensusPlus site and look it up
00:18.40Corrodiasi see undead warlocks, warriors, mages, and rogues, not so many priests.
00:18.58ckknightUD has quite a few priests
00:19.18Corrodiastauren are shamen, druids, warriors, hunters
00:19.34AnduinLothartroll shaman
00:19.44ckknightTroll Shaman are nice in PvP
00:19.57Corrodiasnice? what's their advantage?
00:19.58ckknightwith beserk, you can get the wolf off pretty damn quick
00:20.08Corrodiastroll shaman i have seen occasionally, and they look pretty nifty
00:20.20Corrodiasalthough i think taurens were just built for it
00:20.25AnduinLothartauren druid
00:20.34Corrodiasthere aren't many other choices for druid ;P
00:21.28KirkburnFemale troll warrior it is. Speedy levelling time :P
00:21.31Corrodiasorcs are common for all their available classes
00:21.43KirkburnCommon as muck :P
00:25.33Corrodiasundead warriors seem to be more common than before, possibly because it's the smallest race available and you actually have a chance of seeing what you're tanking around your own character
00:25.36Corrodiasnot like a bear :(
00:25.47JoshBorkeit is not the smallest race!
00:25.49JoshBorkegnome warrior!
00:25.50Corrodiasin any tight space, you have a huge bear ass in your screen all the time
00:25.57Corrodiassmallest available to horde, sorry
00:26.04KirkburnI might doa  gnome warrior after this
00:26.19JoshBorkewe have no gnome warriors in my guild :-(
00:26.27JoshBorkethey are all dwarfs or human
00:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
00:31.20Kirkburn1ns ghost kirkburn
00:41.54Corrodiasso i need to plan out my future classes. i wonder if trolls look better as mages or priests and how they will compare to blood elves
00:42.12Corrodiasby the way, just spent a couple of minutes in org, and there were, once again, 0 troll warriors
00:47.04Corrodiasso i really don't know HOW they look.
00:49.56JoshBorkehave you used the blizzard thing?
00:56.39Corrodiasblizzard thing?
00:56.54Corrodiasi'd love a convenient way of seeing how a character will look, if you have one
01:00.08JoshBorkeCorrodias: it only shows how they look in their respective sets (full)
01:01.33Corrodiaswell, that's better than nothing
01:03.42Corrodiascan i get a URL?
01:05.34KirkburnJust look on the official sites for the armor sets page
01:06.24Corrodiasarmor sets, armor sets..
01:07.04Corrodiaspefect, thanks
01:07.58KirkburnAlmost finished the Valley of Trials =)
01:14.49Corrodiasbelieve it or not, george isn't at home
01:15.17KirkburnI'm confused
01:15.33Corrodiasit's a line from seinfeld
01:15.51KirkburnOh right ... my name is George btw :P
01:16.20Corrodiasgeorge sings in his answering machine's greeting, to some old show tune, i believe: believe it or not, george isn't a home. please leave a message at the beep.
01:16.33Corrodiasetc etc
01:17.54KirkburnWell that explains it :P
01:18.23Corrodiasi was hoping my explanation would explain
01:18.34KirkburnStrange that
01:19.20Corrodiashey, i like that druid dreamwalker set
01:19.37Corrodiasit's a tier 3 raid set and it looks good. fancy that!
01:22.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Miravlix (
01:22.49KirkburnMira Mira on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
01:23.00MiravlixIs CreateFrame working for tooltips now?
01:23.22AnduinLotharsee IsCasting for example
01:24.10cladhairelocal tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "SomeTooltipName", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
01:24.18Corrodiasi wish they had blood elves in this armor viewer already :(
01:24.53MiravlixCodes been in my libraries for a while just uncommented
01:24.57AnduinLothartooltip:SetOwner(tooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE");
01:26.55Corrodiasfemale orc makes a decent rogue...
01:27.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:27.15Corrodiasbut i think undead have that contest wrapped up
01:28.45KirkburnWhy do you not like the alliance? :)
01:29.13Corrodiaswell, besides the fact that alliance is jerks, i already play a couple of horde characters and don't want to split my resources, at least not right now
01:29.24JoshBorkei'm not a jerk!
01:29.28AnduinLothari am
01:30.33AnduinLotharwhat's the new UnitInParty('player') syntax?
01:31.31KirkburnTime for a gnome warlock
01:32.17KirkburnKerri be her name, Kerri be her game.
01:32.42KirkburnAlliance ftw
01:33.50KirkburnIt so totally it's 3am in Coldridge Valley
01:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
01:34.07KirkburnIt's liek bright sunshine
01:41.41Corrodiasi think female orc might be the best race/gender suited for warrior, actually
01:43.51JoshBorkeMC is so much fun
01:46.17JoshBorkeas in mind control :-D
01:50.07Corrodiasand now, it's time to try to relearn how to play my hunter
01:50.26Corrodiaswhile my druid recovers a little rest xp
01:51.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:57.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
01:58.08Corrodiasnow what i REALLY want is a goblin character or two.
02:01.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
02:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
03:10.32*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
03:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge GeoDaMancer (
03:34.45GeoDaMancerAlright, I know the CastSpellByName("Speel Rank #") will only work when the mouse is clicked, but can you make it so that it's a custom button that's clicked to cast the spell?
03:45.00GeoDaMancerAlright, I just wanted to make sure that it could be done.
03:59.25Cairennwhoever that person is, they are rather odd
03:59.36*** join/#wowi-lounge tvcouch (
03:59.36GeoDaMancerAll too true.
04:00.30GeoDaMancerThis is sort of a stupid question, but can a priest heal another person's pet? *Really can't remember.*
04:00.46GeoDaMancerAlright. *Wipes his brow.*
04:24.16Shadowedi hope so :p
04:24.41GeoDaMancerYes, yes you should/
04:25.04GeoDaMancerHeheheh, sorry. I don't deal with pets/minions too much. I don't like them.
04:25.17Shadowedgood answer
04:30.17GeoDaMancerI tried to play a warlock once, and wanted to strangle the little demon five minutes after getting him.
04:30.51AnduinLotharcide, you around?
04:33.44GeoDaMancerDo any of you guys work with cosmos by chance?
04:33.59GeoDaMancerHahah! That's great.
04:34.08GeoDaMancerI love when that happens, 'cause you get your answer right away.
04:37.21ShadowedOnly that AL jerk
04:37.23Shadowedhate him :(
04:38.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
04:38.48AnduinLotharlove you too shadowed
04:39.12Shadowedhate you too!
04:52.14AnduinLotharoh god that is ugly
04:52.54AnduinLotharso ugly i still dotn know what it does..
04:53.28AnduinLotharonupdate timer every 5 sec until CT_RA_Channel is true so it can send off the version # after the variable loads..
04:54.02AnduinLotharcide must have smelled the inquizition coming
04:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
05:07.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
05:29.55Shadowedoh heh
05:30.02Shadowedthats why scores we're broken
05:42.02zespri_workthere is no similar construct in lua is it: val = (condition == true) ? "yes" : "no"
05:42.08zespri_workis there?
05:42.21GeoDaMancerI don't think I've seen one.
05:42.33zespri_workyou have to use 'if' then
05:42.53AnduinLotharval = (condition == true and "yes" or "no"
05:43.12GeoDaMancerWait, yeah. -_- I don't know Lua well enough do not listen to me.
05:47.55zespri_work'and' returns its first argument if this value is false or nil; otherwise, and returns its second argument.
05:47.56zespri_work'or' returns its first argument if this value is different from nil and false; otherwise, or returns its second argument.
05:49.20zespri_workbut I wouldn't use it in code because it makes it difficult to read
05:49.43AnduinLotharnight cair
05:49.50Cairenn|sleepnight guys
05:50.40zespri_worknight cair
05:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kameril (
06:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Dsanai|Sleep (
06:38.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
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07:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:17.10*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
08:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:42.01AnduinLotharmikk, you around?
08:53.54AnduinLotharnot even int he channel, how useless
09:02.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:19.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
09:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
10:11.19MiravlixErk, nasty bug, one of my addons creates an error after logout
10:11.31MiravlixI never get to see the error. :/
10:11.57zenzelezzouch, sounds hard to debug something like that :-|
10:12.44MiravlixTip: Bring your firends to azeroth, but don't forget to take them outside azeroth as well.
10:12.55MiravlixGuess Blizzard is worried about karma
10:15.28AnduinLotharthere's a couple liek that
10:16.04MiravlixWell, I know what addons does stuff due to logout
10:16.20MiravlixIt's gotta be one of the ones overloading exit to print time
10:17.09MiravlixMy all chars played time addon still seems to work
10:44.29phyberMiravlix: use BugSack, it should save the error and you can check it out in the bugsack saved vars.
11:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
11:55.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
12:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
12:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
12:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
13:06.47*** join/#wowi-lounge End (n=end@
13:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:25.42Legorolgood afternoon folks
13:25.50LegorolSurprising news: I hit 60!
13:26.13LegorolHappened couple days ago..
13:26.20LegorolI expected fireworks but nothing happened :D
13:26.42LegorolI also went to my first raid yesterday, ZG, was absolutely awesome..
13:26.50LegorolI have a technical question about CTRA BossMods:
13:27.07Legorolon Hakkar, the timer seems to pick up only after the first time Hakkar does his life drain thingy
13:27.23LegorolIs there a way to kick-start the timer at the beginning of the fight, so that it warns about the first life drain too?
13:27.40[Ammo]Legorol: try out BigWigs
13:27.55[Ammo]it does what you want :)
13:30.58Legorolis there no way to do it within BossMods?
13:31.06Legorole.g. by calling the function from a script that initiates the timer..
13:31.27EndLegorol: you hit 60???
13:31.41Endjk gratz
13:31.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:32.54LegorolEnd: yeah i couldn't beleive it either
13:32.57Legoroli guess it was inevitable..
13:33.09Legorolno matter what i did, i couldn't stop the inflow of XP
13:34.46Endguess I need to find someone else as an example as someone who has played for a while but doesn't have a level 60 character
13:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:43.38LegorolEnd: for me the most exciting thing in the game is seeing fresh content
13:43.54s|loupomg cairenn lost the last 'n', look out and search for it
13:43.54Legorolonce i finished all instances i had no choice but to get to 60, if i wanted to see the content in the raid dungeons :)
13:44.10KirkburnI really need the expansion to get me back in WoW ... I can't put the time in for raiding
13:44.34s|loup*puh* gladly someone founds it
13:48.42Cairennheh, mistype when I changed it, thanks for noticing s|loup
13:49.38s|loupoh no problem i thought the world will stop until you found your n :D
13:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge armooo (n=jmichals@
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13:55.51Cairennso congrats on hitting 60 Lego
13:56.41KirkburnWhat's your highest atm, Cairenn?
13:57.03Cairennummm, still 52 I think
13:57.29KirkburnBtw, when the expansion is released the debuff limit will go from 16 to 40 :)
13:57.38KirkburnNot tooo far :P
13:58.05KirkburnYou only have to be 55 to start with Outland anyway
13:58.25Cairennyeah, 52
13:58.32Cairennbut I've got 2 that are 52 now
13:58.52Cairenna 46, 2 35's and a 10 :p
13:58.58Cairenn(on my main server)
13:59.01LegorolCairenn: thanks for your gratulations
13:59.11Legoroli went to my first raid in ZG yesterday, and I enjoyed it a lot!
13:59.17Legorolmostly because of the new place and new bosses ;-)
13:59.21Cairennthat's cool :)
13:59.23Legoroland the scenery
13:59.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
14:00.32Cairennafk a bit, back shortly
14:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
14:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge End_ (n=end@
14:44.36Cairennckknight_: you around per chance?
14:44.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
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15:21.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
15:27.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:38.33Kasoi wish there was some error message when files dont get loaded due to xml errors -_-
15:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:03.38*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:13.08JoshBorkeanything exciting going on?
16:13.28JoshBorkeKaso: yea, that would be nice, i never think to look at FrameXML.log :-/
16:18.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:38.45ckknighthey all
16:38.58Cairennhi ckknight
16:39.58ckknightwhat's up?
16:40.10JoshBorkeckknight, HI!
16:40.16JoshBorkeCairenn, Hi :-)
16:40.54zenzelezzshe only gets a lowercase i?
16:41.01Cairennbeen on all day JoshBorke
16:41.14JoshBorkeCairenn, hehe, first time all morning i've looked in the channel :-D
16:41.20JoshBorkesilly M$ and their crappy products
16:41.21ckknightCairenn, you pinged me?
16:41.29ckknightJoshBorke, you misspelled MS.
16:41.39Cairennckknight: hang on a sec
16:42.02Cairennseeing if I can get the error message again
16:42.15Cairennhere we go ...
16:43.19Cairennckknight: trying to choose a profile, get this: "Interface\AddOns\FuBar\FuBar_Panel.lua: 110: Ace00-2.0: Improper self passed to init.  You must do MyClass.super.prototype.init(self, ...)
16:44.03Cairennhit okay, and fubar disappears
16:44.08Cairennhave to reload ui
16:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
16:44.35Cairennusing 2.0 from WoWI
16:44.54ckknightyea, don't know what's causing that :-P
16:45.02ckknightcause I can't reproduce it
16:45.22JoshBorkeMikk, morning
16:45.47ckknightor at least I don't know how
16:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo]_ (
16:48.08Mikkafternoon =)
16:48.13ckknighthey Mikk
16:48.15Cairennhi Mikk
16:48.18ckknightmorning for me :-P
16:49.10Mikkand up early too  o.O
16:49.15Mikkor should i say ... late
16:49.50KirkburnI didn't get up until nearly 3pm :P
16:49.55ckknight6:50 AM is not late.
16:50.17Mikkdepends how long ago you woke up :-P
16:50.47ckknight20 minutes
16:50.53Mikkearly then ^^
16:50.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
16:51.30Mikk(The alternative being that you were still up. In which case it was late.)
16:52.02ckknightI don't drink any caffeine
16:52.19MikkGood on ya. Don't start :-P
16:52.33KirkburnMikk, your opinion please :)
16:53.47MikkMerge to main article & redirect imo
16:54.11MikkAt some later point, it'll just be a category i suppose
17:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
17:00.39Cairennhi sancus
17:00.57sancusI'm on this network for other purposes so I thought I'd show up!
17:01.45KirkburnHacking it, are you? ;)
17:05.12sancusits a php development framework
17:05.47Kirkburnlol, the 'cakeforge'
17:05.48zenzelezzand it's piece of cake to use?
17:06.04sancusdude that joke is so played out
17:06.15zenzelezzwhat do you expect with such a name?
17:06.22sancusI think thats the idea :)
17:07.12sancusIt is pretty awesome, though
17:07.54sancuswe are using it for the new firefox addons site
17:09.02KirkburnYou work on firefox?
17:09.19sancusthe web side, yeah
17:12.29Kirkburnzomg, I've joined the 2500 club!
17:12.49sancusthe what?
17:13.05Kirkburn~poke Mikk
17:13.07purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Mikk, pokes Mikk repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:17.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:47.53KirkburnAt least it took me more than 2 months to reach 2500 edits, unlike Mikk's 2 weeks :P
17:50.30KirkburnAny more news on whether the patch is stil coming 2moro?
17:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:52.37Cairennhaven't heard anything to suggest it isn't
17:53.28KirkburnI noticed they're checking to see if anyone gettings problems with dual processors and 1.12, but it seems no-one's still got them, which is good
17:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
17:53.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:53.50Kirkburn(in previous 1.12 builds, they had major problems)
17:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
17:59.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
17:59.22Cairennhey Iriel
18:00.24zenzelezzthis is scary... first time in BWL and I get invited straight to the Nefarian fight
18:01.02IrielHey all.
18:01.55Kirovzenzelezz - One of the easiest fights in BWL imho
18:02.41zenzelezzdoesn't make it any less scary :-x
18:02.44zenzelezzand I don't have the cloak
18:02.59Enduh, oh, you're gonna get owned
18:03.07KirovSo, when nefarian lands, run in to the hallways and stand on the rubble in the back.
18:03.11zenzelezzthey know it, but still wanted me to come
18:03.15Enddoes that actually work?
18:04.44Endwe haven't even gotten passed phase 1, but we've only tried with 4 or 5 warriors, 2 priests, 4 or 5 druids, and like 3 shaman so far, which doesn't sound like an optimal group
18:04.54End+ other classes
18:05.21EndI have no idea where all our priests have gone
18:06.53JoshBorkeno one wolud let them roll on damage gear
18:07.04KirovEnd - do the slow / rooting totems work on the draks?
18:08.08KirovJoshBorke - silly borke, damage gear is for warlocks.
18:08.30JoshBorkethat's ok, i get yelled at for rolling on +heal gear (paladin)
18:08.57JoshBorkei currently have the most +heal in the guild :-D
18:09.21KirovMy girlfriend wears 8/8 trans and uses rank1 gheal most of the time.
18:09.38EndKirov: somewhat
18:10.08JoshBorkemmm, trans is nice
18:10.16JoshBorkei really like the dot that you get
18:10.42Endwe start having a lot of leakage about halfway through
18:10.46Endand then we all die
18:11.17Endwe had red on one side which wasn't leaking much at all
18:11.25Endbronze was leaking a lot though
18:11.46Endwe're still very -very- new to the fight
18:12.26KirovMy current guild has gotten to Nefarian once.
18:12.58KirovSeeing new people attempt that fight was like, "oh, yeah, this was difficult once"
18:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
18:18.35Cairennnice try josh, but I'm not going to slap you, I know how much you enjoy it
18:19.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Bep (
18:19.19Bephiya :)
18:19.54BepI'm planning on starting writing a system to assist my Guild with raiding etc ..
18:20.14Bepany knows of a good tutorial of how to export a bank ?
18:20.48KirovAnyone else get hungry for italian food just now, or wonder were "Buca di" is?
18:21.01Cairennnot until you said it, Kirov
18:21.04Cairennthanks a lot! :p
18:21.36KirovI guess I'm hungry.  >.<
18:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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18:26.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
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18:33.22st00pid_us3r_000i know!
18:33.29*** part/#wowi-lounge st00pid_us3r_000 (
18:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge st00pid_us3r_000 (
18:33.37st00pid_us3r_000now you'll never know who i am!
18:33.56st00pid_us3r_000sorry, i'm a little loopy
18:33.58Kirkburn1"st00pid_us3r_000 ( has left #wowi-lounge ("Leaving")"
18:34.03Kirkburn1"st00pid_us3r_000 ( has joined #wowi-lounge"
18:34.07st00pid_us3r_000i've been on the phone with MS tech support for 7 hours today
18:34.23Kirkburn1Enough to make anyone mad
18:34.39st00pid_us3r_000you know Kirkburn
18:34.46st00pid_us3r_000if you register, you can kick your other nicks?
18:34.49Corrodiaswell, sadly, one of our guild members quit WoW yesterday or this morning, apparently for good.
18:35.10st00pid_us3r_000Corrodias, we had the same thing happen just the other day :-( one of our best hunters (probably best) deleted his toon
18:35.11Corrodiason the upside, he gave two of us a bunch of stuff for being online at 5am
18:36.41Corrodiasi must ask you this, now: why do you use the word "toon"?
18:37.06JoshBorkeit's easier for me to type than char
18:37.31Cairennthat's where it comes from - you're playing "cartoon characters"
18:37.51Tupladso Josh
18:37.54Tupladwhat did they tell you ?
18:38.25CorrodiasCairenn: i was really hoping it was something a little less... saturday morning. :(
18:38.37Cairennhope away
18:38.49Cairennbut that's where it comes from
18:39.15JoshBorkewho tell me?
18:39.30JoshBorkei'm confused
18:40.43JoshBorke~nickometer Kirkburn
18:41.06JoshBorke~nickometer st00pid_us3r_000
18:45.06JoshBorke~nickometer $700p1d_|_|s3r_000
18:45.14JoshBorke~nickometer $700p1d_|_|$3|2_000
18:45.23JoshBorke~nickometer $700p1|)_|_|$3|2_000
18:45.30JoshBorkeSO CLOSE!
18:45.40JoshBorke~nickometer $700|*1|)_|_|$3|2_000
18:45.50zenzelezzdoes all of Naxxramas look/feel like Undercity?
18:46.15JoshBorkei wanted to get 99.99% at least :-(
18:47.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Bep (
18:52.26KirkburnYay, I'm not lame :P
18:52.47Cairennthat's a mat ... nm'
18:52.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
18:53.19Kirov~nickometer J0shb0rk3
18:53.20JoshBorkeknees and toes!
18:53.25KirkburnBtw, I know you can kick your other nicks ... that's what I just did before you told me
18:53.47JoshBorke~nickometer K1r0v
18:54.38ShadowedAbusing purl again are we?
18:54.47Corrodiaspurl likes abuse
18:54.53purlACTION runs and gives abuse a big bear-hug.
18:54.54purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at joshborke and fires. BANG!
18:54.58Cairennthey are, but the channel is quiet enough I'm not making a fuss about it
18:55.50Kirovabusing purl is a grand past time
18:56.23Kirovhmm... we scared off Bep
18:56.42KirovI don't think anyone answered his question
18:56.59Kirovthough, he had a long and dangerous road ahead of him
18:57.06Cairennugh, missed it completely =/
18:57.28JoshBorkehe had a question?
18:57.47Tuplad~nickometer 1337
18:57.50Kirovhe wanted to know how to export the bank.
18:58.05JoshBorkeTuplad, you rang?
18:58.15Tupladwhatchu mean ?
18:58.23JoshBorkeyou asked me a question
18:58.30JoshBorkeand i had no idea what the context was
18:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
19:02.35TupladI did ?
19:03.01Tupladst00pid_us3r_000i've been on the phone with MS tech support for 7 hours today
19:04.44JoshBorkeoh, they basically told us what we are doing is wrong
19:07.06Tupladwhat are 'we' doing ? :o
19:08.21zenzelezzI find it a bit... peculiar... when people say "LOL" on TS instead of laugh
19:08.51KirkburnIf it's not voice activated, you can't laugh sincerely
19:09.01KirkburnI suppose it's a replacement
19:09.11KirkburnI find it weird too
19:11.40JoshBorkeTuplad, using DFS (distributed file system?) to replicate about 400GB of data.
19:11.57JoshBorkebeen doing so for about 6 months now.  they posted an article saying it should be limited to 64GB about 2 months ago
19:12.15KirkburnI feel you've certainly captured the metaphorical issues at hand
19:12.41TupladJoshBorke: hmmm
19:12.41Temthat's what all the machines in this lab are saying
19:12.44KirkburnAre you approaching this from a purely philisophical standpoint, or should I apply this knowledge to the real world?
19:12.57JoshBorkeTem: fun :-D
19:13.11Temthe screen is perfectly split into a grid of GRUB GRUB
19:13.23JoshBorkewith a v at the end?
19:13.31Temthat was be screwing up
19:13.35Kirkburner, at the risk of sounding stupid ... why?
19:13.36JoshBorkewell that would have been more entertaining
19:13.39KaeltenTem: BURG?
19:13.54Temno, Grub screwed up
19:14.03JoshBorkesounds like it
19:14.16Temmy guess is we'll have to reimage these machines
19:14.29Temoh well
19:14.34Temit was kind of a small image
19:14.40Temonly took 30 minutes
19:14.47IrielTem: Hm, did they initially work and now dont?
19:14.53Temnot really sure
19:14.54IrielTem: Or is this their first attempt with this image?
19:14.56TemI didn't build the image
19:16.08IrielSee number 7
19:29.56EndI disagree, it's all about the MAGGOT MAGGOT MAGGOT MAGGOT MAGGOT MAGGOT ...
19:33.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
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19:45.12TemWall of GRUB crits you for 52125.
19:45.21TemYour items suffer a 10% durability loss.
19:45.23TemYou die.
19:45.46KirovGrub laughs at you
19:46.12TemGRUB spits on you.
19:47.33TupladHaving problems with GRUB, Tem ?
19:47.40Temmeh, not my problem
19:47.46TemI don't have to fix it
19:48.07Tembut it just made the last hour of work we just did completely pointless
20:03.33MikkKirkburn: Grats, now your're a ninny too :-)
20:03.55AnduinLotharhey mikk
20:04.00Kirkburnninnies ftw
20:04.31AnduinLothari found that CTL wasn't using first in first out for sam prefix msgs
20:05.21AnduinLotharI already worked around it but adding a message id # to my msgs, but i was kinda of annoyed
20:06.16MikkSame prefix, same destination, same priority, should be FIFO
20:06.28MikkIs any of those not true?
20:06.39AnduinLotharis that true at <20 fps
20:06.49MikkThe algorithm doesn't change
20:07.10MikkAnd I mean... I've fed it stuff at rates from 200cps to 10000cps
20:07.30AnduinLotharwell i converted PartyQuests to use Telepathy and found that sending two tables back to back the end msgs would be intertwined
20:08.05Rallioni wonder if it's my aging speakers or the damaged wire that's making them sound bad.
20:08.41AnduinLotharthe only other thing i can think is that it threaded them while looping the messages, but that doesnt make sense with what i know of how wow does lua
20:08.44Mikkcould it be a case of case mixups? CTL doesn't attempt to strlower() stuff or anything like that
20:09.10Mikkdo the end messages arrive fairly early?
20:09.23Mikkthat'd be indicative of them speeding past in their own private little flow
20:09.51IrielIs wow's message delivery always ordered?
20:10.25KirkburnIt's weird how random articles suddenly get lots of edits on one day - normally a server's page, but today it's 'Druids as Tank'
20:10.44Shadoweddelete it for lying!
20:10.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
20:11.01Tupladdruids tank just great :o
20:11.06JoshBorkei can't wait until BC!
20:11.10JoshBorkepaladins get a snap-taunt!
20:11.23KirkburnAbsolutely no discussion about it, just lots of edits on that one page :P
20:11.23Shadowedask a druid to tank naxx, they'll die fairly quickly :p
20:12.02TupladShadowed: I refured to roll restoration because I forget to heal anyway, so I was allowed to tank in ZG, when that went well, I was allowed to tank in MC
20:12.32AnduinLothari dunno mikk, i just stumbled accross it, i didn't do conclusive testing ti was like 4am
20:12.35Tupladseen druids tanking in BWL and in AQ40
20:12.54ShadowedDruids can tank fine in pretty much anything pre-twin emps in AQ40, but after that it's fairly hard
20:13.06TemI like having a druid tank one of the 5 defenders in the 5 pull defenders
20:13.23Temit's great when you kill theirs first without getting them out of LoS
20:13.25Shadowedfairly hard and/or impossible
20:13.25MikkAnduinLothar: because if you take a look at the despooling code, you'll see how all it ever does is tremove() at position 1 from the flows. the only way stuff could end up reordered is if it's, in fact, not in the same flow
20:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:13.45KirkburnHeh, linked by one of the Blizz employees (DatTH):
20:13.57AnduinLothari know, but it also just ssends it if a variable is set and i didn't look to see when it unset
20:14.44KirkburnYou lose!
20:14.56Tupladwell, kek
20:15.06Tuplada druid with 13/31/7 :\
20:15.30Tupladthe 2 pts in resto are a waste :\
20:16.34TupladShadowed: his whole video is ganking afkers, ganking 10vs1 or someone that's mounted and just runs away - fun pvp vid ;<
20:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge beNson (
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20:44.37KirovThe roguecraft videos are about the only pvp videos I actually watch
20:45.11zenzelezzWorld of Roguecraft?
20:45.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
20:46.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:46.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:48.19zenzelezzyeah, those are actually a bit fun
20:48.42KirovNothing like watching a naked rogue with the lvl 1 dagger kill an epiced out lvl 60
20:51.20ShadowedYou do realise that the only reason he can do that is become of eviscerates mechanic?
20:51.44Kirovand he's a prep rogue
20:51.48IrielAnyone here tried WoW with an nVidia SLI configuration?
20:52.57Shadowedand his opponents are terrible
20:54.03KirovIriel - I now someone who runs it in SLI
20:54.17IrielKirov: Do you know if (a) it was easy to get working and (b) is fast?
20:54.25KirovLet me ask
20:55.00Kirovhe's a hardware tester / pr guy for NVidia
20:55.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
20:56.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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21:00.04KirovIriel - he says yes to both, but it's not worth it.
21:00.26Kirova single 7800 gtx is more power than WoW needs
21:00.37cogwheelDepends on your resolution :P
21:01.37cogwheel1920x1200 isn't too friendly
21:03.26KirovIriel - what res are you running?
21:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Bep (
21:10.11Cairennwb Bep
21:10.17Bephiya :)
21:10.24Bepgreat a pastebin xD
21:10.28Cairenntry asking now, I think folks missed your question the first time round
21:10.44Beplemme input my code and aks my question ;)
21:11.17Bepany1 here familiar with MarseMessage  if(event == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN") then
21:11.22Bepups :(
21:11.29KirkburnWell, I know what my next wiki-job will be ... changing all references to the Blood Elves to blood elves
21:11.37Bepany1 here familiar with marsemessageparser ?
21:11.47Bepsorry pressed ctrl+v ...
21:11.57KirovI am
21:12.26KirovMy suggestion, stay far far away from MarsMessageParser.
21:12.58IrielKirov : 1920 x 1200
21:13.07KirovIt's an amazing bit of code, but unless you feel like hurting yourself I'd stay away from trying to use it or understand it unless you've done a lot of lua
21:13.19KirkburnI thought Mars was already pretty far away
21:13.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
21:13.34Bepow :(
21:13.35Cairenn~bonk Kirkburn
21:13.36purlACTION bonks Kirkburn over the head
21:13.36KirovAnd already understand WoW's event system
21:13.49KirkburnI aim to please :)
21:13.50Bepi found a page on wow-wiki suggesting that i use it :S
21:14.00Bepwell anyway here's my code :
21:14.10Bepcould sum1 check if it's right ..
21:14.25Bepor give advise on a better way to handle events ;)
21:14.39Cairenngah, no n00bsp34k!
21:16.22Bepkirov : so marsemessageparser is outdated and difficult ?
21:16.56KirovBep - actually, the point of mar's functions are that they don't get outdated.
21:17.19Bepso should i use it for my trial add-on or not ?
21:17.40Bepaccording to wowwiki it saves u a lot of coding ..
21:17.49KirovThis is true
21:17.56KirkburnI need an program that just searches the wiki for badly capitalised names and sorts them all out :(
21:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
21:17.58Bepguess i'm gonna use it then :)
21:18.24KirkburnBlood Elves, Draenei, High Elves, Rogues, Bananas, enough to make my head 'splode
21:18.53Bephas sum1 checked my paste, and can confirm it's the right use for MarsMessageParser ?
21:19.09Kirkburn'sum1' must die :)
21:19.30Bepkirk is a bot
21:19.41Cairennpurl is a bot
21:20.02Bepwritten in perl i guess ;)
21:20.41Bepbut can someone please look to my code and tell me if i use it correct
21:20.51Bepthis is my first dive into wow add-ons
21:21.19Cairenngive it time, folks are busy
21:21.29Cairennwith their own stuff
21:21.34Bepi understand
21:21.43Cairenna lot of the folks in the channel are actually at work right now
21:22.02Bepow wait it's a worldwide channel ..
21:22.05KirkburnCrazy americans
21:22.06Cairennthat it is
21:22.10KirkburnToo many of 'em
21:22.13Cairennthat they are
21:22.13Bepguess i played to much europe wow
21:23.00Bepcan a add-on export a xml file with data in it ?
21:23.04KirkburnYou can never have too much WoW Europe :P
21:23.08KirovBep - no
21:23.13KirkburnNot an ig-game one, no
21:23.35Bepso where does MarsMessageParser leave the code then ?
21:23.37KirkburnOnly one that converts a saved variables lua file out of the game
21:23.58Bepgood enough
21:24.17Kirkburn(which is how the database websites get their stuff)
21:24.29Kirkburn(well, the reputable ones anyway)
21:24.43Bepi do know php and some other web languages
21:24.50Cairennhrm, what to have for dinner ...
21:24.52Bepnothing fancy like perl ;)
21:25.08KirovBep - Btw, what's the problem you're seeing specifically?
21:25.14KirkburnWith umbilical cord
21:25.28CairennKirkburn: I honour my Scottish ancestry, but not THAT much :p
21:25.35KirkburnThere's nothing like eating entrails =)
21:25.40Bepwell i want my add-on to export the data he has collected to a file which i can write a php parser for :|
21:25.58KirovCairenn - beer and plaid skirts?
21:26.23CairennScotch and kilts ... worn regimental
21:26.39Bephmmm, i'll go and look wowwiki for some info about output
21:26.47zenzelezzand a few Sean Connery posters in the closet
21:27.16Cairennpoured over the chest, of course
21:27.40KirkburnLots of blue paint in that closet as well, I bet :P
21:28.11KirkburnMy, what an innocent little tune!
21:28.37Bepok i found it
21:28.40Cairennand actually, I wouldn't waste good scotch that way
21:28.53Cairennnow, not-so-good scotch, perhaps ;)
21:29.16Bepbut does the MarsMessageParser make that file automatically or do i have to do it in the function it starts ?
21:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
21:32.05Cairennevening zespri
21:32.15KirovBep - not entirely sure, actually.
21:32.32KirovHonestly though, I'd learn how to do it with out Mars before using it.
21:32.40Bepowk ..
21:32.42KirovJust so you understand why.
21:33.00zesprimorning Cairenn
21:33.02Bepbut i cann't find a decent tutorial about it :S
21:33.37KirovBep - you're trying to parse honor messages, right?
21:34.18Kirov = wpw
21:34.20Kirover, wow
21:34.34Kirovnot in the world of warcraft wow, but in the that's amazing wow
21:34.58Bepy i am trying to get the hang of parsing events
21:35.17Bepand found this page about honor on wowwiki
21:36.24Bepi basically want a add-on which makes a file in which every kill is written by name rank honor
21:37.00Bepi'll use the first example with string.find
21:38.05KirovThe Mars parser takes the existing string that the event uses and makes a string pattern for use in a string.find from it.
21:38.21KirovBasically "free" localization
21:39.06Bepso please explain the following about this :
21:39.47Bepon line 3 it says start, end, etc ..
21:39.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
21:40.23Bepdoes it say from start to end every (.+) is the following variable ?
21:40.46Bepunderstand what i mean
21:42.51Kirovstring.find("Foo bar", "(.+) bar") returns 1,3,"Foo"
21:43.15KirovFor every ( ) you have, it'll return another string value.
21:46.12KirkburnDammit, we're so close to the beta ... so close. Not that I'll be able to play of course ... but ... so close :/
21:47.32Bepkirox : tnx !!
21:47.52Kirkburnheh, better 8-)
21:50.35Kirkburn"New realms that are not a part of the Paid Character Transfer system due to not reaching their 3 month anniversary as of yet will instead be considered for the system on reaching their 6 month anniversary."
21:51.27KirkburnIt works!
21:53.24Bephmmm k :) this should work ....
21:53.40Beponly need to find out how to register the event, but that will be easy ;)
21:53.59Bepbut do i start the function here or in the lua ?
21:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
21:56.25Cairennevening cladhaire
21:57.39JoshBorkei don't think you need to have an OnEvent, do you?
21:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Swimming_Bird (
21:57.57JoshBorkeor does MarsMessageParser not handle that?
21:58.21BepJoshBorke : i was just told not to use MarsMessageParser ;)
21:58.30JoshBorkenvm, i'll just my head out of it :-D
21:58.31JoshBorkeoh, ok
21:58.45JoshBorkethen the event you need is: COMBATLOG_HONORGAIN i bet :-D
21:59.00JoshBorkeand you can just stick that in the XML: this:RegisterEvent('COMBATLOG_HONORGAIN')
21:59.02JoshBorkei think...
21:59.23Bepyes, because it's used in the tutorial on Wow-Wiki :)
21:59.34JoshBorkein the OnLoad section
22:00.58Bepaint the event : "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN"
22:01.15Shadowedyeah it is
22:03.01BepHonorToText_Parser(killed, rank, honor); is adressed with (ar1, ar2, ar3) ?
22:04.33JoshBorkewell, no
22:04.48JoshBorkeinside HonorToText_Parser, they will be available as killed, rank, and honor
22:05.35Bepso i don't need to restate which arguments are used ?
22:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge SBird (
22:05.50Bepit just takes over the arguments ?
22:06.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
22:06.03JoshBorkeyou have to use arg1...arg9 because blizzard passes them as global variables
22:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
22:06.59KirkburnIf only
22:07.17KirkburnThe disconnects aren't even long enough for me to notice when I'm browsing the net :/
22:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov_ (
22:07.30JoshBorkeKirkburn, i know how you feel :-(
22:08.23Kirov_Bep -
22:08.34KirkburnFortunately they seemed to have settled into about once every 2hrs
22:08.56*** join/#wowi-lounge GryphonTHZ (n=gryphon@
22:09.10JoshBorkewhen did wowi start hosting CTMod?
22:10.22Enda while ago
22:11.25purlbye bye
22:11.25Endhow while agoish I dunno, but it's been a while a while sort of a while
22:11.30JoshBorkeok, cool
22:11.30JoshBorkejust noticed it today
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22:11.37KirkburnWhy must the japanese inflict so much pain on their men :/
22:12.32Cide-nice one purl
22:12.36Cide-you lag!
22:12.44KirkburnCairenn woudl probabyl enjoy watching that link :P
22:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
22:13.36Cairennthat's just rude!
22:13.46JoshBorkeit's hilarious
22:14.01JoshBorkemainly cause the first guy was the only one to succeed
22:14.46KirkburnIt's just so ... evil!
22:14.54JoshBorkeand the second guy looked so surprised
22:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:16.42JoshBorkebye all :-)
22:16.42*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Zicon (
22:25.42zespri_workI wonder if they gave up on the background downloader
22:26.15cogwheelI was wondering that myself, this morning....
22:26.21KirkburnThere's no static elements to download for 1.12
22:26.29KirkburnFor 1.11 it was Naxx in the download
22:26.32zespri_workand if the patch is tomorrow, then they difinitely gave up because the BG didn't kick in
22:26.36Flyoccan you load an addon from the game ?
22:26.37KirkburnThere's no equivalent for 1.12
22:26.49Flyocaddon you installed while the game was running
22:27.12Kirov_Flyoc - Only files that existed when the game started can be loaded
22:27.19Taincogwheel the next time someone asks why you didn't give them credit for something say, "Because you're a whiny attention whore, shut the fuck up bitch."
22:27.20KirkburnIf there was a dungeon in 1.12, they would have used the downloader for the assets
22:27.45TainYou can quote me directly if you like.
22:28.20cogwheelI think I was intending to originally but forgot, TBH
22:28.33Bepso this is what i have : .. but wow doesn't recognise it :S
22:28.33zespri_workKirkburn, are you sure? What is the big difference?
22:28.57KirkburnThe rest fo the patch will change a lto during the testing
22:29.03KirkburnSecond try:
22:29.12KirkburnThe rest of the patch would change during the PTR testing
22:29.23zespri_workKirkburn, the lst patch the where two or three pieces available for BG and they beame available not at the same time. I doubt that they were adding assets during PTR
22:29.26KirkburnThe art wouldn't change, so that could go out immediately
22:29.43cogwheelBTW: tain, what do you think of the new layout? (or have you tried it yet?)
22:30.03Bepcan someone please look to my paste ?
22:30.12KirkburnThat's my point - for 1.11 the dungeon art could all go out in the BG downloader, but they can't do the same for 1.12
22:30.19Kirkburn(since there isn't any)
22:30.32TainI haven't tried it yet
22:31.23Kirov_Bep - AddMessage is a function only usable on ScrollingTextFrame types
22:32.00IrielMessageframe and ScrollingMessageFrame, actually
22:32.07Irielbut the arguments are different between the two
22:32.35Kirov_Bep - also, You're doing HonorToText_Parser(killed, rank, honor), but the function definition doesn't have any arguments.
22:33.06Bepi asked that before and the answer was he takes them over automatically :|
22:33.27Kirov_arg1, arg2, etc. are global variables that are set on events as a method of passing information from the client to lua
22:33.52Bepso i give names like : input1, input2, input3 ?
22:34.06Kirov_Anything you want.
22:34.25Kirov_function HonorToText_Parser(killed, rank, honor)
22:34.27Kirov_perfectly valid
22:35.06Kirov_I would also suggest adding "local" in front of the start, end, killed, rank, honor
22:35.11Kirov_(with out the quotes)
22:35.38Kirov_Anyone else prefer pastecode to pastey?
22:36.03Beplocal: u mean right ?
22:36.26Bepas in which frame or as in a extra value ?
22:37.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
22:37.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
22:37.30Cidepastecode > pastey in my opinion, yep
22:38.03Bepow wait, it's where he must look ?
22:38.37Bepcould someone please edit my pastey so that it works ?
22:38.43Bepi can work from there ;)
22:46.43KasoIs there really that much difference between the pasting sites?
22:47.16Tainpastey kicks puppies and steals candy from babies.
22:47.40CairennI've got pastey linked because it was made by norganna specifically for wow authors
22:48.10Kasoi must say i like Pastey's syntax colouring
22:48.11Bepwhat command is used to output text in the frame ?
22:48.21Bepjust give the name and i'll go figure it out :)
22:50.10Kirov_the usual method is DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage
22:53.31Cideit should use javascript for coloring lines though
22:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:53.39Cidethat's my biggest gripe :P
22:53.55Cairennso suggest it to norgs next time he's in channel
22:53.58AnduinLotharcide> how does ctra handle transmitting version number?
22:54.10Cairennhe's usually pretty amenable, you know htat
22:54.17Cideyup, I will if I remember
22:54.29CideAnduinLothar: um, CT_RA_AddMessage("V " .. CT_RA_Version); !
22:54.35Kirov_~seen norganna
22:54.41purlnorganna <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 9d 15h 24m 23s ago, saying: 'Looking for whoever I loaned my guild on Proudmoore to... Character name's "Guildmojo".'.
22:54.48AnduinLotharright, but i mean i couldn't figure out when it was sent
22:54.57Cidewhen someone requests a status update
22:55.13Cidewhich is usually.. when 1) joining a new channel 2) coming back from LD 3) joining raid
22:55.19Cideor 4) manual status update
22:55.40Bepit gives an error on lua:2: guess that means line 2 .. it says name expected near end :O
22:56.04Kirov_Yes, that does mean line 2
22:56.11Kirov_What file is the error?
22:56.36Cidedamnit... tracking instant cast is so annoying.. want to buy new event!
22:56.46Kirov_Cide - lol
22:57.20Kirov_Bep - pastecode / pastey it
22:58.14Bepfunction HonorToText_Parser(msg)
22:58.14Beplocal start, end, killed, rank, honor = string.find(msg, "(.+) dies, honorable kill Rank: (.+) %(Estimated Honor Points: (.+)%)");
22:58.51ThraeBep: Take a look at ParserLib, I believe it can parse those messages.
22:59.23Bepit supposed to give the data in the varial as text in the frame : HonorToText_core
22:59.23Kirov_Thrae - he's still learning lua
22:59.25ThraeThe more addons using ParserLib, the better. There are all kinds of problems with CHAT_MSG parsing, ugh. Horrible, horrible problems.
22:59.35ThraeAhh, sorry to confuse then.
22:59.38Bepi was using Mars ;)
23:00.10Cidelet's make it a standard!
23:00.22Bepi'll start using it soon ;)
23:00.34Bepbut first i want this little add-on to run xD
23:01.05Bepi'll go and look into ParserLib in the meantime
23:03.23BepThrae : where do i find info about ParserLib ?
23:04.02ThraeBep: why,
23:08.03ckknightBep, take a look at GloryLib if you want PvP data handling.
23:08.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (
23:08.20Cideso many libs! *head asplode*
23:08.21ckknightit keeps track of all sorts of PvP/BG related stuff
23:08.34ckknightand it's highly accurate
23:10.01KyahxCide: I'm sure you've been asked this 100 times, but will CTRA be ready for tomarrow (1.12)?
23:10.24Cidewho knows!
23:10.29cogwheelbut will be?
23:10.29cogwheellol will get a decent amount of hits
23:10.55Kyahxmeh, I couldn't care about that, I'm worried about my raid crying becuase they can't live without CTRA zomg
23:10.58Cidewe've had a beta out for a while, I haven't heard about any bugs
23:11.02Cairennand cide will, of course, make sure it's up on WoWI by then too :p
23:11.09zenzelezzargh, damnit! One of the sides on this DVD refuses to work
23:11.24zenzelezzso I can either skip four episodes, or stop watching
23:11.31Cideor both
23:11.38DsanaiSend it back to NetFlix  ;)
23:11.47Cidehave you tried using toothpaste? :)
23:12.20Bepckknight : thanks it's exactly what i'm looking for at the moment :)
23:12.21zenzelezzit doesn't give any read errors or anything, just no DVD player will play it
23:12.23zenzelezzother side works fine
23:12.25Cideworks wonders on cd's that don't want to be read
23:12.28DsanaiI use motorcycle windshield cleaner -- it's made for plastics.
23:12.29Cidetry it
23:12.33ckknightBep, use Glory-2.0, not 1.0
23:12.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:12.43ckknightit has less bugs and whatnot.
23:12.51Cideput a decent amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush and apply it on that side
23:12.51ckknightand makes changes for 1.12
23:12.56Cairennspeaking of someone with an inside track to norgs ...
23:12.59Cairennhi MentalPower
23:13.05Cideand then flush it with water and clean it
23:13.13Cideseriously, it works pretty often
23:13.32MentalPowerhey Cair
23:13.51zenzelezzthanks for the tip Cide, might just give it a go
23:14.27Bephmmm i can only find GloryLib 1 :S
23:15.04ckknightBep, it's on SVN currently
23:15.21BepSVN ?
23:15.27AnduinLotharcide> 'coming back from LD' ?
23:15.31purli heard subversion is version control software. see it aims to be a better CVS than CVS.
23:15.45AnduinLotharwhat'd ld?
23:16.00CideLD meaning linkdead (being offline)
23:16.06Cidegetting disconnected
23:17.07AnduinLotharthat's pretty much how i did it then
23:18.15CairennBep: specifically in this case
23:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
23:20.26*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
23:20.36Bepckknight : may i ask you some questions in private window ?
23:21.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:23.35KirkburnOooh, OOOOH ... really?! Well that's shocking. Whatever would his mother say? That too? Wow ...
23:23.38Bephmm guess that GloryLib is for later :)
23:23.59Bepat the moment i'm confused about this sentence :
23:24.10Beplocal start, end, killed, rank, honor = string.find(msg, "(.+) dies, honorable kill Rank: (.+) %(Estimated Honor Points: (.+)%)");
23:24.17Bepit needs a name near end ..
23:24.27ckknightBep, note: that fails on non-enUS clients.
23:25.02Bephow should it been done for euUK ?
23:25.21ckknightenGB should be fine.
23:26.01Shadowed5 minutes before raid invites
23:26.03MentalPowerenGB == enUS for most things
23:26.04Shadowedserver shutdown 15:00 minutes
23:26.18KirkburnThey don't change the spelling :(
23:26.39KirkburnBlooming americans making us put up with an 'Honor' system :/
23:26.51Cairennyeah =/
23:26.56KirkburnWe're fighting for something we don't even believe in!
23:27.58ckknightwe stole your u's.
23:28.11Cairennand threw them in the trash!
23:28.21Cairennbloody yanks
23:28.44ckknightum, hippie.
23:29.16KirkburnUm, no patch
23:29.21KirkburnIt seems
23:29.33ShadowedCair lied to us
23:29.41ckknightdamn, Cairenn
23:29.44CideI don't get why everyone links to when the posts are recent :P
23:29.51ckknightyour little bird needs to be roasted ;-)
23:29.52KirkburnCOs it's easier to read?
23:30.00KirkburnAnd quicker? :)
23:30.10KirkburnSo yeah, no patch
23:30.15ckknightoh well.
23:30.34CairennI shall scold him severely
23:31.06KirkburnHe should come and apologise in person =)
23:31.27Cairennpresumptions guys :p
23:31.36Cairennyou only *think* you know who I'm talking about
23:31.37Shadowedyour logic isn't welcome
23:31.50ShadowedI could think of a few responces
23:32.07KirkburnI thought about who it could have been, but then that would be too easy, wouldn't it
23:32.19Cidemy server r down!
23:32.34Shadowedemeregancy DB maintence 5 minutes before raid
23:33.34Shadowedthey need to go post the ETA
23:33.58Shadowedgeneral forums already has 5 topics complaining in under 5 minutes!
23:34.20KirkburnUm, I think that's the nature of an emergency
23:34.31Shadowedthe emergency is DB maintence
23:34.32KirkburnEsp. since they aren't anywhere near each other
23:34.49Shadowedgothik needs to die :(
23:35.06KirkburnWell the DB will still be on-site, I guess
23:35.14Shadowed1 hour is the ETA downtime
23:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:35.48KirkburnSuch is life
23:35.51JoshBorkehi :)
23:36.13Shadowedmaintenance right before raid = sad me
23:36.18KirkburnI at least have other things to do. Like sleep :P
23:36.32Shadowedespecially since we have to do ZG if the servers dont come up soon enough :p
23:36.52KirkburnWouldn't that be awful :O ;)
23:37.03Shadowedfull ZG runs are awful!
23:41.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
23:41.37Shadowedthat was fast
23:41.41Shadowedservers back up already
23:41.48cladhair1it still looking like tomorrow for 1.12?
23:41.58Shadowedcair lied to us :(
23:42.16cladhair1now the magic question are the ptr's still up?
23:42.41cladhair1cause if the other click-cast authors don't update.. i can take over the clique-casting world!
23:42.45cladhair1at lkeast for BRF =)
23:42.47Kirkburn1But ther'll be maintenance on them
23:43.39JoshBorkethere are other click-cast authors? o.O
23:43.47cladhairethats fine
23:43.49cladhaireJoshBorke: yeah.. there's a few
23:44.19cladhairei just hope lozareth doesn't finish his
23:44.28cladhairei can only imagine what features i'd have to cope with
23:44.29JoshBorkenone as good as clique :-D
23:45.04JoshBorkei'm still having issues with dispel'ing magic on friendlies :-/
23:45.08snurreclique + squishy FTW
23:45.27Kirkburn1Btw, if you want to know the relative populations of areas of WoW:
23:45.32cladhaireJoshBorke: why? whats it doing?
23:45.40Bephow do i load that glory ?
23:45.53Bepas a script in the start of the XML or another way ?
23:46.14JoshBorkecladhaire: it appears when a unit has magic debuff and i try Clique:CureAny(Clique.unit) it says 'there is nothing to dispel' as if it's dispel'ing the target rather than the friendly unit i clicked on
23:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:48.04cladhaireJoshBorke: Is it a friendly target, AND clique target?
23:48.16cladhairecause thats a sticky case imo
23:48.39cladhaireand the logic in cureany may not be able to handle it properly.. hrm
23:49.15Bephmm glory is ace dependant ... do i load it as a usual lua or another way ?
23:49.16JoshBorkemy current target is an enemy, and my clique target is friendly :-)
23:49.24MentalPoweroh, hey cladhaire! :)
23:49.57cladhaireMentalPower: heyas =)
23:50.11cladhaireJoshBorke: Hrm.. i wish there was a good way to test it =(
23:50.16cladhairecan you think of any scenarios
23:50.24cladhaireany mobs that regularly do a magic debuff
23:50.29JoshBorkecladhaire: SM library
23:50.37cladhairehow far into the library?
23:50.44cladhaireand do you have a PVE character?
23:50.45JoshBorkefirst hallway
23:50.50JoshBorkeno :-/
23:50.56cladhairei dont have a priest on PTR either =(
23:51.02JoshBorkeoh i do!
23:51.15cladhaireif you do
23:51.15JoshBorkei got the first priest/druid on the PTR but never logged on...
23:51.18cladhairethen MAYBE we can test
23:51.36JoshBorkewhatever you need from me :-)
23:51.46ckknight_cladhaire, what're you testing?
23:51.54cladhaireckknight_: clique with dispel magic voodoo.
23:52.00ckknight_ah, okay
23:52.25cladhaireSo what I really need, is someone who is willing to do some basic unit testing for me with Clique on a somewhat regular basis.
23:52.49cladhaireI.e. have a seperate WTF/Interface directory, and download the more popular unit frames, and make sure the basic functionality of CLique still exists.
23:53.14cladhaireMost of my time right now is taken up with testing new versions of Sage, or XPerl, etc. so I dont get much time to focus on PerfectRaid or talk to ag about WatchDog
23:53.21cladhaireso if you know anyone who is interested please let me know.
23:53.32cladhaire<3 wowi =)
23:54.43Bepcladhaire : read personal screen ;)
23:54.45JoshBorkehrm, i don't know if i can test it on the test server...
23:54.56Bepi'm willing to test it xD
23:55.18Bepon european english server ...
23:55.38cladhaireBep: I didn't get your PM.. are you registered/identified?
23:55.40cladhaireJoshBorke: Why not?
23:55.52JoshBorkehaving trouble downloading one of the patches
23:55.56Bepi'm new here :)
23:56.03cladhaireBep: hehe /msg nickserv help
23:56.16JoshBorkeoh nvm, it works now :-D
23:56.21Bepwell if u are willing to give me some pointers about add-on scripting ...
23:56.32Bepi can help u test ur add-ons in the future :)
23:56.39cladhaireJoshBorke: Cool, let me know if you have a priest, i've got a rogue and druid one on each side
23:56.44cladhairewe can meet up for some secks
23:56.47Bepi have a priest lvl 60 ^^
23:57.01cladhaireWe need two people to test this part =/
23:57.11Bepare u on a european server ?
23:57.26cladhairenope, us
23:58.08JoshBorkeso many updates...
23:58.31AnduinLotharwhat do you need?
23:58.41cladhaireAnduinLothar: We need to do some debugging with dispel magic
23:58.53bieZtcladhaire : do u get my private message now ?
23:59.00AnduinLotharneed the 2nd person to be active?
23:59.01cladhairemaking sure my cureany method works when you have a hostile targeted and you try to cure a friendly
23:59.14MentalPower  <---Nice
23:59.16cladhaireAnduinLothar: well it needs to be a priest, since mine is not there. and the priest needs to be active
23:59.27AnduinLothari have a pally, will that work?
23:59.43Kirkburn1wow, even
23:59.54cladhaireit should, but do you have clique installed? =)
23:59.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gandraw (

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