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00:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
00:16.53NeronixDoes a mob's max hp ever change?
00:17.36NeronixI don't recall ever seeing mobs give hp buffs to each other, but maybe there's some raid mob whose HP changes midway through battle?
00:19.59ckknightwhat's "Set the color of the text" in German?
00:20.31Rallionlol just do a web translation then have somebody correct you later
00:23.20KirkburnThis dual screen setup just gets awesomer and awesomer
00:24.55Kirkburnckknight, it might be better to translate "set text colour"
00:25.22KirkburnIn german you can probably run the text and colour words together
00:25.45Mikki fixed it
00:26.01MikkThe problem is you can't say "set", because that translates into an imperative.
00:26.15MikkYou have to use "sets"
00:26.16KirovNeronix - the spiders during the Spider boss fight in ZG
00:26.34KirovNeronix - and the copies of the first boss of AQ40
00:27.09MikkYeah but those vary so much that trying to get an "accurate" reading off of them is pointless anyway
00:27.19MikkI mean.. they really do have low HP in the beginning
00:27.22MikkAnd higher later on
00:27.34MikkI'm thinking that the estimate produced by MH3 will be about as good as it gets
00:27.41Neronix(I don't/can't raid I don't know about those)
00:27.45Meryyeah mikk... "Ändert die Textfarbe" ("Modifies the color of the text") is probably close to what you mean
00:28.09MikkMery: i went with "stellt die Farbe des Textes ein"
00:28.26NeronixSo I think it'll be safe to remove the pseudo-decaying-average code for mobs from MH3
00:28.40MikkWhy would you want to do that? o.O
00:28.45NeronixSo that a a more stable average gets built over the session
00:29.08MikkWell.. the current one is fairly stable
00:29.24Mikkwe're talking about changes in the third digit and below
00:29.26Merywell really depends on the context, i run most programs in english on my pc because translations are always sooo bad
00:29.37NeronixI got complaints that it keeps changing wildly while in Naxx
00:29.49Neronixeven after fighting the same thing for hours
00:29.51MikkIf it does, it's because mobs' health isn't the same
00:30.20MikkI'd also be interested to know what "wildly" means
00:30.40Neronix2 secs, looking in logs
00:31.12MikkI mean.. ok.. you could easily change it to be a 2000% -> 1000% jump rather than 200%->100%
00:31.18MikkThat'll make it look more stable
00:31.48MikkBut having combat log range problems will also do fun stuff to anything that isn't simply fixed
00:32.41NeronixHmm, I'll leave it as is then
00:32.52MikkTry recommending upping the combat log range
00:33.25Meryoh yeah send them to the suggestions forum :P thats always the easiest way out
00:33.42Neronix"[for MH2] It pretty much set to a number."
00:33.59Neronixis UNIT_COMBAT affected by combat log range?
00:34.12KyahxNeronix: I don't think so
00:34.25MikkYeah that's because once you've fought the same mob 100 times, MH2's algorithm will basically ignore any changes, regardless of what those changes are.
00:34.30NeronixAnd I'm sure UNIT_HEALTH isn't either
00:34.37NeronixAh, I see
00:34.59MikkYou could make it configurable tbh
00:35.22NeronixYeah, I'm gonna add a couple of options
00:35.49MikkUpper limit = 999999999999 -> emulate MH3
00:36.37NeronixOne for only having the max update on target change rather than every UNIT_HEALTH, similar to how MH2 and MI2 do it
00:37.17NeronixAnd another for having it update every X UNIT_HEALTHs
00:37.30Mikk"I don't care if the mod is lying to me, as long as it's showign a number that isn't changing all the time, it has to be good!"
00:37.34MikkThe world is full of idiots
00:37.55MikkUnofrtunately the only way to deal with them as a developer is make them happy
00:39.07*** join/#wowi-lounge InterSlayer (
00:39.43Neronixthough in theory with the former, the number would be ok if I base the initial entry on the data at the time we hit the precision level
00:50.37ckknightI'm thinking of releasing FuBar-2.0 now
00:53.02Cideis it backwards compatible to old fubar plugins?
00:53.23ckknight1.2 plugins
00:53.24ckknightnot 1.0
00:53.37ckknightgranted, there aren't many of those
00:53.44ckknightand the ones that are are mostly converted now
00:54.31Cidewhat're the new features?
00:54.35CideI guess I could check the changelog :)
00:54.44ckknightand a better development platform
00:54.49ckknightand no longer requires Ace
00:55.47Cidethat's cool, should give you a bit of a larger possible user base
00:56.47ckknightyea, the lack of dependency should be handy
00:57.03ckknightI wrote Ace2 really as a development platform for FuBar
00:57.10ckknightcoincidentally, people use it for other things, too
00:58.18cladhaireThat's really pretentious
00:58.19cladhaireand not true.
00:59.00ckknightcladhaire, who are you referring to?
00:59.49ckknighthow is it not true?
01:00.02cladhairecontrary to your belief, you did not single-handedly write Ace2.. nothing could be further from the truth.
01:00.07cladhaireand passing it off as such is pretentious, and wrong.
01:00.14ckknightI know that I didn't write all of it
01:00.22cladhaire"I wrote Ace2 really as a development platform for FuBar"
01:00.32ckknightthe parts which I wrote, I meant
01:00.36cladhairenot to mention your "announcement" of ckknight's magical buckets.
01:00.39cladhairethat's not how you present yourself.
01:00.44cladhaireand it upsets me, to say the least =)
01:00.50ckknightget over yourself.
01:00.54cladhaireexcuse me?
01:00.57cladhairei think that's my point.
01:01.30gnorlishit's already splattered
01:01.42Cidemy popcorn :(
01:01.44Hexarobiwhat are the other layers besides artwork, overlay and background?
01:01.48Hexarobii need a 4th
01:01.52Mikkthere's more
01:02.21ckknightcladhaire, thing is, you gave me the idea for buckets, but you didn't write any code for what went into AceEvent
01:02.37cladhaireckknight: "get over yourself."
01:02.48Cidehere you go
01:02.51Cidea bit of spam
01:02.51ckknightnot to demean your position, but seriously...
01:02.55CideMikk wins
01:03.03Cidein that order
01:03.06Cidebottom to top
01:03.59ckknighthad you actually written it, I don't think I'd have any trouble allowing you to take credit
01:03.59cladhairewhatever dude.
01:04.10cladhaireget over yourself =)
01:04.41cladhaireIf you have a delusion for one second that the community working with you on API, the work that Kaelten, Turan, Kergoth and myself did wasn't a SIGNIFIGANT base for you to work off of, then you're completely insane.  The fact is, you got pissed because we have jobs and can't sit home coding for 30 hours a day and that's not up to "your standards".  Have you made siginifigant contributions to Ace.. yes..
01:05.18ckknightJesus Christ, I thought you let this shit go
01:05.21cladhaireBut I can tell you via revision logs that the first thing you did when you touched a file beyond your "limit" is you changed the author credit.. among other things.  You present yourself as the God of Ace, and I think its absolutely ridiculous-- not that I want the crown in any way.
01:05.26chuckgI wrote hello world single handedly.
01:05.29cladhaireI'm done now.
01:05.35cladhairechuckg: Liar.. you copied.. i have logs.
01:05.47CideI tried to hello world
01:05.53Cidebut it had me on ignore :(
01:06.03cladhaireI'm not the one with a chip on my shoulder here.. I know full well what my contribution was, and don't pretend it was anything more than that.
01:06.18cladhairebut your presumption is insulting to the community that worked with you on the development
01:06.23ckknightcladhaire, I don't want to create divisions, which is what you seem to be doing.
01:07.52cladhaireckknight: I find that comical.
01:08.28cladhairebut enough fun in the lounge.,
01:08.41chuckgI was thinking about writing a raid mod that is perfect for raids.
01:08.47chuckgIt is one long column of players.
01:08.51cladhaireshould i transfer my druid from a non-laggy server, to one in BattleGroup3.. because its where all my other mains are.
01:08.56chuckgBut instead of showing icons, I'll use Cu and Po for symbols.
01:08.58chuckgI'll call it praid.
01:09.15cladhairechuckg: Hrm.. i have some code you may want to look at.. i was just trying to say hello, but it turned into another beast entirely
01:09.24chuckgSounds good.
01:09.47chuckgLove praid. Don't change anything, the fat adds to the flavour.
01:10.11chuckgWhich group is bg3?
01:10.42cladhaireStormrage, and i think Arthas and co.
01:11.52chuckgShould get in the one w/ executus (my new battle group)
01:11.58chuckgIt's going to rape, for lack ofa better word.
01:12.05chuckghas a bunch  of huge guilds (both horde/alliance side) in it.
01:12.34cladhairewell I'm on Kael'thas on my druid
01:12.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
01:12.44cladhairebut i kinda like the idea of being able to fight my alliance guildmates in pvp :P
01:18.59*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
01:19.56InterSlayera faded out frame is just a frame with 0 alpha, and isn't hidden, right?
01:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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01:24.38Kirovis it valid to do string.find(text, ".(+ .+)[%s$](.-))
01:24.55Kirovto denote either the end of a string or a space?
01:25.28ckknightnot to my knowledge
01:25.31ckknightdoes %b work in lua regex?
01:25.43Kirovwhat's %b?
01:26.17ckknightin standard regex, \b means the start/end of a "block"
01:26.21ckknightmeaning a word
01:26.32KirovI would guess not
01:26.44chuckgI've never heard of %b.
01:27.14cladhaire%b is something different
01:27.19cladhaire%b is bracket matching.
01:27.33cladhairethere is one that is a frontier marker between character classes
01:27.37cladhairei'd have to look it up
01:27.59chuckgYou're looking for word matching Kirov?
01:28.22chuckgTo like, split up a string into it's componenet words?
01:28.38Kirovsort of
01:29.00KirovI'm looking to get the first two words, and everything afterward
01:29.30ckknight%f, I think
01:29.45chuckgAre you splitting up a command?
01:30.20ckknightAce2 uses gfind in AceConsole to do that
01:30.24cladhaireckknight: That's what I remembered.. but I don't have anything easy to test with.
01:30.29ckknightgfind(text, "[^%s]")
01:30.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (
01:30.42KirovIt's actually backwards compatible prefix / message use
01:30.42ckknightstring.gfind(text, "[^%s]+")
01:30.44ckknightthere we go.
01:32.14Kirovfor my addon I'm planning on using prefixes in an odd way
01:32.38Kirov"modname command" as the prefix, "args..." as the message
01:34.46Kirov== is super fast, so I'm going to use that as much as I can, especially since the more () you have in a string find the slower they get
01:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
01:36.49chuckgCould just make an input box.
01:36.53chuckgLess shit to parse!
01:37.22chuckgSmall frame w/ a drop down box that has the options and an input box w/ their current or new strings and a button that says "set".
01:38.23chuckgWindow, dropdwon option names, input box.
01:39.13Kirovconsole command parsing isn't what i'm doing
01:39.26chuckgThen ignore me :)
01:39.46chuckgI had assumed you were with the whole "modname command" prefix talk.
01:40.47KirovI'm making a mod that uses SendAddonMessage, but I want to keep it backwards compatible with the current chat channel technique.
01:41.17Kirov(so I can keep testing it on the current server, and so that users don't have to upgrade when 1.12 comes out to make sure it keeps working)
01:48.48ckknightthrough RAID or GUILD?
01:49.40ckknightand would you be making a secret channel (e.g. KirovGuild) or using the actualy /g channel?
01:56.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:58.19Kirovckknight - right now using CT_RA_AddMessage
01:58.37KirovIt's all purely temp until 1.12
01:59.51ckknighthere's what you do:
02:00.24ckknightif string.find(GetBuildVersion(), "%d%.11%.%d+") then -- use CTRA's
02:00.35ckknightelse use SendAddonMessage
02:00.59ckknightyou could make a function
02:01.04ckknightlike local SendMessage
02:01.10ckknightand then define the message in that if statement
02:01.26ckknightso that whenever you do SendMessage("Here's my message"), it'll all be peachy.
02:01.57Mikkif(SendAddonMessage) use SendAddonMessage? :-)
02:02.28MikkEr no dont do that
02:02.50MikkI should change that >.<
02:02.52ckknightyea, you should prolly not do that.
02:03.10ckknightGetBuildVersion() works as a good check
02:03.48Cidethat's not defined here
02:06.39ckknightthat's it.
02:06.40ckknightmy bad.
02:09.49KirovMikk ?
02:10.03KirovWhy are you defining SendAddonMessage?
02:10.47Corrodiasthere's no reason to make two versions in the same addon for two different patch versions'
02:11.07Corrodiaseverybody will be using 1.12 when it comes out so there's no point in having code for 1.10 in it
02:12.28Corrodiaser, 1.11
02:12.52Corrodiasunless you -really- want it to work on the test server, or have no way of updating it once 1.12 comes out for some reason
02:13.53KirovI'm just not sure when I'll update it after 1.12
02:14.00Kirovand I know CTRA _will_ be updated
02:14.15Kirovthough, granted, retaining CT_RA_AddMessage
02:14.56Corrodiasi see
02:15.19Corrodiasis it finally time for me to write the most complex function of my program? huh, is it ?
02:15.23Cidewe're abandoning ctra, didn't you hear?
02:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:15.59cladhaireCide: People still use CTRA?
02:16.09Cidea few, I think
02:16.13Hexarobiwhats ctra?
02:16.19Hexarobisome vitamin suppliment?
02:16.19ckknight_some old mod, Hexarobi
02:16.19MikkKirov: because i'm a nub. i fixed it.
02:16.25MikkCairenn / Dolby-wowi: here?
02:16.41Mikkwowi is being mean to me
02:16.46Mikkit won't let me upload a fixed version :-(
02:16.54Hexarobithats what u get for fixing things
02:16.57Mikksays i have to increase the version number
02:17.07Cairennyeah, you do
02:17.18Mikkcan you just disallow my pending update?
02:17.31Cairennyou don't want me to do that
02:17.40Mikkoh :-/
02:17.59Cairennit deletes it from the DB completely ... favorites lists, # of downloads, etc
02:18.12Cairennchange the number, I'll go in and fix it for you after
02:18.39Cairennlemme know when you've got the updated update uploaded
02:18.51Mikki have now
02:19.07Mikk"v10" instead of "10" =)
02:19.41Cairennwant it changed or no?
02:20.21Mikkthere. fixed it myself
02:20.32Mikkit helped to have an expediated push =)
02:21.10ThraeI hate it when I just release something and it has a humungeous bug I didn't test for.
02:24.33MikkYeah. And it's always that little extra tweak that you were congratulation yourself for remembmering to do before pushing it out just five minutes ago :-P
02:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
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02:27.05Kaeltenhi cair
02:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
02:52.19Corrodiasmaybe i should dive for pearls
02:52.26Corrodiasif i didn't fear and loathe the sea
02:54.35zespri_workis it a joke about ctra being abandoned?
02:57.27Corrodiasno, it's a joke about an unreasonable occupation/hobby
03:00.09Corrodiasi wonder why hardware checksum offload makes WoW traffic not work right
03:00.35cladhairenight everyone
03:00.43Corrodiasi'd hypothesize that it's due to some kind of "security measure" taken by the game or server
03:00.54MikkCorrodias: Because the NIC blows
03:00.59MikkThere's nothing more magical about it
03:01.35MikkThere's no way in hell for the server to detect if the windows TCP stack put the checksum there, or if the NIC did
03:01.38MikkIt's just 16 bits
03:01.40CorrodiasMikk: doesn't it strike you as strange that WoW is the only thing that seems to act up as a result of this blowing, though?
03:02.13MikkNot really
03:02.18Corrodiasif it got the checksum wrong, i'd think there would be some symptoms
03:02.38MikkIt's quite common for those hardware accelerators to fuck up
03:03.08MikkHeck, get a cheap enough NIC and it'll even croak on sending packets with certain patterns in them
03:03.30MikkI had one that refused to send a number of my files through. It'd just mangle the packet.
03:03.49MikkA common way to mangle the packet is to fubar the ethernet header. Remove or add two bytes.
03:03.54Corrodiasokay, i'm going to go back to programming rather than continue this
03:04.43MikkMkay. Just believe me when I say that NICs can do the most retarded things that you'd never think them capable of :-)
03:05.03Cidezespri (late answer) yes
03:06.12Corrodiasi'm sure they can... but what could the nforce4 be doing that would make WoW act funny which other applications and servers don't seem to mind?
03:06.33Corrodiasif it were calculating incorrect checksums, there would be major issues with any internet traffic
03:07.35Corrodias*should be. i don't think hosts are supposed to accept packets with back checksums.
03:08.15Mikkhas to do with bit patterns mainly
03:08.46Mikkwhat the packet data is
03:09.12Mikkhave you tried to find out which kind of checksumming offload causes it? verifying inbound checksums or creating outbound checksums?
03:09.38Mikkif it's the latter, i wouldn't be at all surprised if you're pretty trouble-free most of the time except for WoW
03:10.09Mikkif it's inbound verification offloading, there's probably going to be images and files out on the net that'll screw you over also
03:10.40Corrodiasi don't recall that it says. let me check the blizzard page about it.
03:10.49Mikkit could also be something size related i suppose... i.e. it'll handle small packets well, and full-size packets well, but it can misbehave for medium-sized packets. wow does a lot of medium-sized packets. most other apps don't.
03:11.35Corrodiasit may be both out and in, but i didn't notice any trouble except with WoW, so according to your speculation, it would be out.
03:12.03MikkI'd be surprised if Intel Pro 100 had this problem
03:12.15MikkNetgear and CNet i'll believe anything about
03:12.49MikkMarvell's chips are a bit flukey too. There's good revisions and bad ones.
03:12.53Corrodiasso you think it could be accidentally modifying data other than the checksum?
03:13.05Corrodiasand/or getting it wrong in certain cases
03:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge roXet (n=roXet@
03:13.58MikkI'm not going to guess what a certain NIC does. But I've seen: 1. Getting checksums wrong on send as well as receive.  2. Inserting or removing two bytes in the beginning of the packet on send (completely breaks everything).
03:14.06Mikk3. Refusing to send ANY packet with certain patterns in them
03:14.21Mikkjust flat-out refusing. doesn't say "bip" in the outbound leads even.
03:14.41Mikk4. Rewriting data in packets with certain patterns in them (oh god this is evil)
03:14.54Corrodiaslol to that one
03:16.03MikkOne reason for this kind of behavior can be bad ram in the NICs. They all have local transmit and receive buffers.
03:16.31MikkWell.. at least for 3 and 4
03:17.29Corrodiasi'm glad they at least figured out a way to stop the problem with some of these chipsets, anyway
03:17.31Mikk(Though this is only an educated guess, really. I just know how semi-broken RAM chips can misbehave on certain bit patterns but work well for others.)
03:18.35Corrodiasin my old computer -- well, this one -- i had two sticks of RAM go bad, the original two
03:18.40MikkBah. I just have a bunch of trusty old 3c905B nics around. New shit keeps breaking for me, I pull out the 3c905, all is fine.
03:19.01MikkNote however that you do not, repeat not, want 3c905A or C. B is teh shit :-)
03:19.03Corrodiasthey even tested okay for a few runs through a memory tester, but eventually showed errors after several passes
03:19.17MikkAnd no, they can't be bought anymore :-(
03:19.27Corrodiashah, thanks for the advice then ;P
03:20.12MikkI have a marvell in my newest box. I thought it was working well, but it kept aborting the 1.11 download at the same point all the time.
03:20.23MikkToss in my last free 3c905b, whoopie, download is ok.
03:20.24Corrodiaslet me tell you, it caused me quite a bit of stress when the first module went bac, probably 3 years ago
03:21.19Corrodiasit took a while to figure out that the RAM was the problem, and windows had quite a ride in the meantime
03:22.17Mikkugh, yes. i'm surprised we even have functioning computers on average these days. everyone's trying to cut corners to reduce COGS
03:22.22ckknighthow hard is it to add RAM to a laptop?
03:22.30Mikkdepends on the laptop >.<
03:22.38ckknightCompaq r4000
03:23.06Mikki recommend a service manual :-)
03:23.08Corrodiasi can't comment much on laptops, but it should be changeable if you can get it open and find it
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03:23.23ckknightyea, I can do that
03:23.24Mikksome laptops even have a nice little hatch that's just held in place with a single screw
03:23.27Corrodiaswhich in itself could be pretty difficult. at least, doing it in such a manner that you can get it back together again!
03:23.28Mikkothers.... euhm... not so fun
03:25.32chuckgWhat's the latest buff bar mod that uses candy(something) like timer bars?
03:25.33MikkOkay.. pop quiz... I have a big frame, and a bunch of objects inside it. They objects are all placed relative to the previous one. Now I need to size the frame according to where the last object ended....
03:25.37MikkHOW? :-P
03:26.35MikkLastChildFrame:GetBottom() -> BigFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", nil, ...) doesn't feel.. euhm.. right
03:29.05ckknightnil is the screen, right?
03:30.35Mikkand also means that i can't move the big frame by SetPointing its topleft corner anymore
03:31.04Mikkbecause the bottom of it is glued in place :-(
03:32.08Mikkthen again i could keep doing it over and over on OnUpdate i suppose >:<
03:34.05Cidecouldn't you do ClearAllPoints() right before you SetPoint the topleft corner?
03:34.49Cidenot sure if that would screw up your height or not
03:52.27MikkCide: Hmmmmm good point there
04:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
04:13.10Corrodiasit appears that my program now correctly parses items with no price listed and those with one price listed. now for those with multiple versions and therefore multiple prices. :(
04:36.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
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05:13.35*** topic/#wowi-lounge is If Elvis were alive today, he'd be scratching at the inside of his coffin.
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05:45.42ckknightwhere can I get Bliz's mpq extracter deal?
05:45.57Corrodiasi believe i have finished the first working version of my utility.
05:46.04Corrodiasi don't know the answer to your question, however.
05:46.57Cairennckknight: pick one, there's 3 different MPQ extractors there
05:47.31Cairennor just use the Blizz  UI tool:
05:47.31ckknightI want the thing that'll make Blizzard Interface Data
05:47.44Cairennyou want the second link then
05:52.37Cairennckknight: ?
05:52.48*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
05:53.03ckknightit worked
05:53.05ckknightthank you
05:53.20Cairennwas just making sure I gave you the right link
05:56.27Cairennnight guys
05:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:23.01*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|sleep -> Law of Negotiation: A negotiation shall be considered successful if all parties walk away feeling screwed.
06:27.15Cairenn|sleepOn the sixth day, God turned to the Archangel Gabriel and said, "Today, I am going to create a land called Canada.  It will be a land of outstanding natural beauty.  It shall have tall majestic mountains full of mountain goats and eagles, beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with carp and trout, forests full of elk and moose, high cliffs overlooking sandy beaches with an abundance of sea life, oceans fill
06:27.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:37.52MikkEh.. meh.. have you guys tried making a multiline editbox without putting it in a ScrollFrame?
06:37.55MikkGod it misbehaves
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07:15.15zespriI've seen multiline editbox misbehaving in many different ways, so this is no surpeise for me
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07:50.36ckknightCairenn|sleep, lol.
08:02.48kergoth"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy."
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09:19.27KarlKFISome questions to spark conversation:
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09:27.44Corrodiaswhat i want: instant gratification
09:28.04KarlKFIwelcome to the internet
09:28.23KarlKFIand welcome to your generation
09:28.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:29.07Corrodiasi rarely post in support of anything because i have nothing to say that hasn't already been said.
09:29.21Corrodiasi don't feel the value in a thousand "me too" posts
09:29.50zenzelezzexcept for on polls, I agree with that
09:30.44Corrodiasif there's a problem that hasn't been mentioned yet, i will sometimes mention it so the author is aware of the problem. also, if it has been mentioned, i may still post so that he has more information about it (if i have any more information than has been posted).
09:31.14*** join/#wowi-lounge kelvie (
09:31.17Corrodiasif other people think like me, a wonderful addon with 5 small bugs will end up with 7 bug reports and 2 praises
09:33.58ckknightAnonymity + Audience = Shitcock
09:34.18zenzelezzbetter to deserve praise and not have it than to have praise and not deserve it
09:34.52KarlKFIok, well perhaps this is a widespread problem that could use some deliberation
09:36.13KarlKFIis there a way to make it easy for people to show gratitude and more challenging to post bugs so that bug reports are more detailed and affirmation more profuse, or would that dillute them both
09:37.09KarlKFIand is there a way to allow anonimity and simplicity without the public audience that may discourage flames and 'Shitcock'?
09:37.09Corrodiasif it's difficult to post information about a bug and i don't strongly desire for it to be fixed, i won't post
09:37.27Corrodiasthat goes basically for anything... it takes something pretty important to get me to register for a forum, for example
09:37.59Corrodiasi hate when someone posts a question that i could answer, but i'd have to register to answer. i'm not going to, because i just don't care enough.
09:38.16Corrodiasi can't say much about flaming because i don't do it
09:38.58KarlKFIis there a good way to determine legitimacy, so that we can allow help from others without making ti difficult for new informed users?
09:40.32zenzelezzI think generally it's hard to get good bug reports because many users don't know what would be useful information; and even when you do know it can be hard to pinpoint the cause
09:41.04KarlKFIis there a simple way to inform the user what might be useful information without them feeling overwhelmed?
09:41.14KarlKFIsticky's obviously dont work
09:42.28KarlKFIi know specific bug trackign softwwares that work, but you still have to inform the user fairly thuroughly what to look for
09:46.22Corrodiason a vaguely related note, i discovered my first major bug in my pricecheck utility, or rather a bug in allakhazam's search feature that i had to work around. their search doesn't always return proper results if you search for an item with a suffix, but it does return all suffixes of an item if you search for the base.
09:47.47zenzelezzfunky... looks like my guild is breaking apart
09:48.40Corrodiasthat is pretty funky
09:49.05zenzelezzit's more the circumstances ;)
09:49.24zenzelezzhad a bad summer, but suddenly a big amount of the core players left yesterday
09:49.26Corrodiassomebody wore hot pants to a disco party?
09:49.34Corrodiasdoesn't get much funkier
09:50.42Corrodiasthe main purpose of my guild at this point is to give me somebody to talk to. man, it's DEAD out there around midnight on E'T
09:51.02KarlKFIone reason i like pst
09:51.06Corrodiasin january, we had a queue for the first time, but population must have seriously dwindled since then
09:51.30KarlKFIwe got east coasters and asians so it's never quiet
09:52.03Corrodiasmaybe i should pay $50 to transfer my characters over there ;)
09:52.23KarlKFIwe have guilds that start raiding at midnight
09:52.32KarlKFIand some that start at noon
09:52.41Corrodiasthat's beautiful :o
09:52.53Corrodiasi didn't play long today, but i got my program finished
09:53.58Corrodiasthe low population outside of orgrimmar is kind of creepy, really
09:54.12KarlKFIpve server?
09:54.33KarlKFIyeah the avg ration on pve is 3:1 alliance
09:54.51Corrodiasi know it's somewhere around there for E'T, indeed
09:55.02KarlKFIavg pvp is about 1.3:1
09:55.15Corrodiasit's almost pointless to try to make a sexy horde character; their feet are ugly
09:55.35Corrodiasat least, until the expansion is out
09:55.35KarlKFIpeople are fickle about feet
09:57.31Corrodiaswhen BC comes around, i wonder what portion of the blood elves will be female
09:58.22zenzelezzprobably no more than 95%
09:58.24Corrodiasfor one thing, horde players apparently aren't quite as concerned about appearance as alliance players, but for another, it's their first chance to have a humanish-looking character on that side
09:58.47Corrodiasi'm sure some people play both sides, but i don't have the time or resources for that
09:58.54zenzelezzfemale trolls were quite common when I was horde... orcs, tauren and undead were more even or male-dominated
09:59.09Corrodiasnobody likes cows. moo.
09:59.25Corrodiasi know, i've seen a few tauren females
09:59.28KarlKFIcows are often chosen as tanks
09:59.37Corrodiasbut i far prefer the tauren male
10:00.06KarlKFIalso we have a few people who have chosen female dwarves, by far the ugliest alliance choice, just for the reason that they are ugly.
10:00.11Corrodiasthey look less like a fat barn animal walking on two legs
10:00.28zenzelezzwe've had female dwarves, but mostly for fear ward
10:00.30KarlKFIhowever these tend to be alts
10:00.51KarlKFIwith a main who is more pleasing so that the player isn't stuck playing ugly
10:08.04KarlKFIso.. With the advent of paypal buttons on curse i have added my link to every addon that I have created solely or currently maintain entirely myself. That's over twenty addons since the curse update.  To date I have recieved $0 in donations
10:08.38Corrodiasmoney for addons, an interesting thought
10:08.48KarlKFIYet Cosmos Donations continues to trickle slowly.
10:09.21KarlKFIthink it's because no one wants to donate to an author but feel more comfortable contributing to a group?
10:09.40KarlKFIor is it just my addons
10:35.28Corrodiasit's just you. i've become wealthy from donations. :D and i haven't even released anything!
10:35.31Corrodiasokay, i'm joking. brb
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11:36.51Corrodiaswell, not brb, rather i am now going to bed. [away]
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14:06.19KirkburnIt's a good thing I didn't want to fly anywhere today
14:06.35KirkburnHaven't seen a plane all day, and I live near to the Stansted airport flypath
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14:21.58KirkburnHaha, Jack Thompson (crazy anti-games lawyer) has been commenting on Joystiq again - he's going to be on G4TV tonight:
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14:32.20RallionThat man has such a surprising amount of free time.
14:35.16KirkburnThis is a cute little story - playing WoW with your 7-year-old:
14:44.34KirkburnThis post is awesome :D
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15:05.46JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
15:05.57Cairennmorning guys
15:06.56Hexarobii added code to make the pieces kinda slide from old space to new space in my chess game... but now i cant help but think if i just made the sprites
15:07.04Hexarobii could have walking pieces ;)
15:07.41Cairennwalking == cool
15:07.53Hexarobiya but man thats alot of sprites
15:07.59Hexarobiand the ones i have arent colored
15:08.24Cairennthat's the problem, it's gonna be a lot of work, and will make the mod that much larger as well
15:08.36Hexarobithe size doesnt bother me, will be totally worth it
15:08.49CairennI loved battlechess ;)
15:09.04Hexarobii think i could do it with 1 file per piece, and use adjust the texcoords
15:09.09Hexarobihehe ya me too ;)
15:09.13Cairennin fact ... *goes rummaging*
15:10.15Cairennlol, yup, it's still on my computer
15:10.21Hexarobihah nice =)
15:10.33Cairenndon't imagine it works
15:10.39Hexarobii think i last had battlechess on my NES
15:10.49Hexarobioooo maybe i can get the sprites from NES battlechess ;)
15:11.11Cairennsee? there ya go ... where there's a will ...
15:13.48Hexarobiive got those for every wc2 unit, but i dont have the team-color-overlays
15:14.07Hexarobior whatever they do to colorize em
15:14.39Cairennopen up in [graphics editor of choice] and do a colour replace :p
15:14.42s|loupcan someone explain me what is ment when saiing "ought to do the trick" ?
15:14.52Cairenn"should work"
15:14.57s|loupah ok
15:15.06Cairennwelcome loup :)
15:16.07Hexarobithey arent like that unfortunatly =(
15:16.45Hexarobiits all dithered or gradiented, never solid blocks of the color
15:16.59Hexarobior like solid block of dark red, solid block of slightly lighter red
15:17.20Cairennso set a range, and it'll gradient replace :p
15:17.45Hexarobithe colors replaced are also used in the non-replacing sections
15:18.22Hexarobihmm actually
15:18.24Hexarobii wonder if they are
15:19.01Cairennso make your replacement brush small enough to only cover areas you want on each one (and, from what I see on that one shot, replacing just the red with blue or something, no they aren't)
15:20.56Hexarobiok so how do i replace a color range in photoshop?
15:22.31Hexarobifound it ;)
15:22.39Hexarobibut a bunch of sliders, gunna have to play with it to get it right
15:22.50Cairennby setting the tolerance, for one
15:23.29Cairennplay with saturation too
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15:24.06Hexarobisweet that totally worked
15:24.12Hexarobio man
15:24.13Hexarobiu suck
15:24.21Hexarobinow its just a matter of lots and lots of work ;)
15:24.29Cairennonly when my husband is really really lucky
15:25.24Cairennso ... are we a happy camper now? even with a pile of work ahead of us?
15:25.34Hexarobiindeed thx =)
15:26.02Hexarobiwarcraft themed battlechess inside wow would be frickin sweet
15:26.58Cairenn*would* be? don't you mean "will" be?
15:27.55Hexarobii want to play it, without having to write it
15:28.22Cairennawwwww, pooooor Hexarobi *puppy eyes*
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15:29.09Cairennmorning cogwheel
15:29.33Cairenncogwheel: Hexarobi hates me :(
15:29.53Hexarobiits true...
15:29.58Hexarobiits all true...
15:30.38cogwheelDoes it have anything to do with Chess?
15:31.14CairennI just gave him the clue on where to find the sprites
15:31.32Cairennand taught him how to do pixelized colour replacement
15:31.43Cairennso now he has a tonne more work to do
15:32.10Hexarobimaybe its not that crazy
15:32.20Cairennthen I teased him
15:32.23cogwheelSo hex, are you going to animate them?
15:32.24Cairennand now he hates me
15:32.24Hexarobiya that was the kicker
15:32.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:32.36cogwheelhi cide
15:32.48Cairennhey Cide :)
15:32.53Cidehi Cairenn :)
15:33.01Hexarobihehe, well ive got the sprites for each piece, i just need to re-color them for teams, re-size them to the right size, and then code it
15:33.16Hexarobihmm different pieces use different size grids tho
15:33.28Cairennand then yes, they'll walk, instead of just slide
15:33.46Hexarobiwell, if theyre walking theyll be killing and leaving corpses too
15:33.47Cairennyeah, so? you have to do each piece seperately
15:33.56Hexarobithats just a lil more code
15:36.13cogwheelcladhair2, do you know how to get SciTE *not* to save the byte order mark in UTF-8? I know WoW will properly support it, but it makes it hard to run it through lua.exe to check for syntax errors...
15:37.15CideI switched to TextPad.. will never go back!
15:37.18Hexarobii wish i knew a sprite artist... what a lost art
15:37.35Cairennomg! *tosses her truck in the dump*
15:37.55Cairenngas prices are going up again!
15:38.03Hexarobiif i do this much
15:38.18Cairenncan't frigging afford to fill the damn thing up now as it is, geez!
15:38.20Hexarobithats like 40% of an actual warcraft2 game inside of wow
15:38.31Cairennlol Hexarobi
15:38.55Hexarobi45mpg, on refined vegetable oil
15:39.01Hexarobi$2.80 a gallon
15:39.34Cairennmy poor ol truck
15:39.41CairennI've beat the shit out of her over the years
15:39.45Hexarobigo diesel if ya can, it rocks
15:40.45TainI had to get rid of my Grand Cherokee because of the gas prices, Cairenn. :(  And that's before it was up to the $3.00/gallon + I'm paying now
15:41.15CairennI have GOT to replace my truck, but I can't afford to
15:41.22Cairennyet I can't afford NOT to
15:41.34TainYep exactly
15:41.51TainI just went further into debt.  But it was either that or go even deeper.
15:42.28Hexarobimy sister just picked up a TDI golf for i think $4,000
15:42.46TainOf course I also see that Jeep is bringing out a diesel Grand Cherokee and I'm sorely tempted. :)
15:42.48Cairenngrar, why can I never come up with deals like that?
15:43.22TainI looked at a use Jetta diesel but it had far too many miles on it.
15:43.39Cairennhah! bet it didn't have as many as my poor old truck has
15:44.04Hexarobiya but man, those diesel engines rule
15:44.46TainMy 87 Maza 626 has 262,000 miles on it when I stoppepd driving it.
15:44.51TainAnd it was still going strong.
15:45.08Cairennmy truck is still *running* fine, but the body has gone to crap
15:45.15TainI seem to be missing a few 'd's from that sentence.
15:45.19Hexarobiwho cares how it looks, its a truck
15:45.30Cairennand the mileage is comparable to what yours was
15:45.31Hexarobiput a good thick layer of mud on it and itll look cool
15:45.47Hexarobiand an extra p or 2
15:45.57CairennHexarobi: lol, not when the back bumper is this > < close to falling off
15:46.19Cairennone of these days the cops are gonna pull me over and take it off the road, knowing my luck
15:46.23TainWell I was also doing 500 miles a week, every week.
15:46.52Cairennanyway, what are you doing talking in here Hexarobi? you've got work to do!
15:47.16Hexarobiive got a big comp org project due at 4
15:47.28Hexarobibut instead of working on it for the past 2 weeks, ive been doing wowchess ;)
15:47.41TainCan you hand that in as a project instead?
15:47.44Hexarobiwell its crazy insane, the teacher didnt teach us shit, and expects us to know tons
15:47.45cogwheelYou should turn in WoW chess and see what your prof says
15:47.46Cairennthen definitely what are you doing talking in here, and learning how to do more neat stuff?
15:48.00Hexarobibecause its too late to do it now
15:48.07Hexarobiand even if it wasnt, i mstill lost
15:48.11Cairennyou're supposed to be going to school, not learning stuff :p
15:48.33Hexarobiwell, theres 1 teacher everybody knows and likes, who teaches well and is a fair grader
15:48.43Hexarobihe had 3 classes this summer
15:48.46Hexarobiand all 3 filled
15:48.57Hexarobithe chair of the dept didnt have any of his 3 make
15:49.01Hexarobiso he took one of them from the good teacher
15:49.04Hexarobiand we all got fucked
15:49.31Hexarobii know that sounds like bullshit, but there were 25 in the class, 1 person is going to pass legitimatily
15:49.40Hexarobihe might give a 70 point curve, but i doubt it
15:50.11Hexarobithats life
15:50.19Hexarobiso ive been working on wowchess instead
15:50.30Hexarobii figure in the long run, wowchess is better for my career than that clas
15:52.42Hexarobiyes they do cair!
15:52.47Hexarobithe peons
15:52.49Hexarobiare red-shirted
15:52.51Hexarobiand red-blooded
15:53.08Hexarobithey must have some sort of overlay
15:53.54Cairennso, you'll have to use a really fine brush for those
15:55.13Hexarobithe ones near the bottom
15:55.35Cairennbah, easy enough to miss that :p
15:56.12JoshBorkeoh my...
15:56.18JoshBorkeHexarobi, do you have multi-game support?
15:56.33Hexarobinot at the same time
15:56.46Hexarobibut it auto-saves current state against each opponent
15:56.56Hexarobiso if your in the middle of a game and somone logs
15:57.00Hexarobiyou can /ch load name
15:57.03Hexarobilater on
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15:57.36Hexarobido u want to play multiple games at once?
15:57.49cogwheelhexarobi, is it possible the red of the blood uses different pallet numbers than the red of the shirts?
15:57.54Hexarobii have a helluva time finding anybody to play with and uve got 3 people at once ;)
15:58.03Hexarobigood idea cog
15:58.27cogwheela lot of my early programming was in 256 color mode
15:59.29Tainyou had color?  Luxury!
15:59.43Cairennoh god, here we go
16:00.00Hexarobihmm ya cog i think u might be right
16:06.21Hexarobihmm any idea how i can replace index colors in ps?
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16:09.19cogwheelnope... I don't do much work with graphics these days
16:11.52cogwheelCide: Can you help me out with Textpad for a moment? I just downloaded it, but am having a few problems. First, something seems to be borked about the lua.syn file. For some reason it doesn't think I closed one of my block comments. Also, it seems to have a hard time with UTF-8... I am trying to use the infinity symbol (∞). It saved in SciTE just fine, but when I open it up with textpad it...
16:11.54cogwheel...spits out an error saying it's not in Latin-1. I have set the default encoding for Lua files to UTF-8, though...
16:12.25Hexarobiits a bug in the lua.syn file
16:12.36Hexarobiit says a close block comment is ]]-- instead of ]]
16:12.51Hexarobieither add -- to the end of yer block comments or fix the syn file
16:13.04Hexarobiu want my fixed syn file?
16:13.12Hexarobiits pretty easy to fix yerself
16:13.14cogwheelI could probably fix it
16:13.22cogwheelI'm more concerned about the UTF-8 thing though...
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16:22.59Hexarobionly took 300 clicks ;)
16:23.00Cairenngood work :)
16:25.58Cairennanother suggestion for you to consider ... when you get it all coded up to walk & battle & die ... make that an *option*, so folks can choose whether they want it that way or the way you currently have it ... you *know* it's gonna be a lot more resource intensive the new way, and some may not want/be able to run it
16:26.28Hexarobii will not have my hard work simply toggled off!
16:26.39Cairennlol, don't have it toggled off
16:26.48Cairennmake it a plug-in
16:27.09Hexarobiactually i really dont think itll be that much more intense
16:27.13Cairennthat way they can choose not to download it at all! ^_^
16:27.26Hexarobiin the end, i wont even be adding new files
16:27.54Hexarobihehe fine fine!
16:28.49Hexarobican texcoords flip something too right?
16:29.07Hexarobicuz i just realised these sprites only walk up-right and down-right
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16:29.45Hexarobithats as well, correct? not to the righthand direction
16:33.54Cairennsorry, questions about actual coding in WoW == I can't help
16:35.03Cairennno false pride here, I'll admit when I don't know something, and I never figured out coding in wow, even though some have tried to help teach me
16:38.15Hexarobiwowchess is my experiment to figure out wow's addon system ;)
16:38.25Hexarobithe code really shows it too
16:38.33Hexarobithe older the code, the worse it is
16:38.56Hexarobiive already had to rewrite the oldest parts, but the basic framework is so hacked together its funny
16:39.18Hexarobiadding functions here and there as needed, with no overall design consistency
16:39.20cogwheelHexarobi, just set the left texcoord to the right side of the image and vise versa
16:40.15Hexarobiwell i want to use the modifiesrect flag to let me just show the the rect at say 120, 160, 0, 40
16:40.32Hexarobican i flip it at the same time?
16:43.48Hexarobioy and i need to square the image sheesh
16:44.46Hexarobithis might be harder than we thought cair ;)
16:45.27Cairenn*I* never said it'd be easy
16:46.51Hexarobicog, do i need to dl luaslinger along with luaslingermono?
16:47.31Hexarobi<Cairenn> sounds like a total breeze hexarobi, i'd do it if i wasnt busy washing my pet gopher
16:47.43Hexarobii thought it was weird at the time, you keeping a pet gopher and all
16:47.51Hexarobibut you said it
16:47.55Hexarobitheres the proof
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16:52.10cogwheelhexarobi yes. and for all indents and purposes is necessary for the coloring
16:52.38Hexarobiwhere do i get luaslinger? i searched curse and wowi
16:52.41cogwheelI'll add a Dependencies section
16:52.53cogwheeli think it's only on
16:53.07Cairennis one of the two
16:57.49cogwheelHeh... i looked at LuaSlingerMono's page and saw "Size: 28.83 Kb" and thought "WTF? I swear I only wrote like 20 lines of code..." Then I remembered it includes a font...
17:00.47cogwheelanyone know the hex for GameFontNormal's color off the top of your head?
17:03.50Hexarobithe yellow?
17:05.19Hexarobisampled out of photoshop, its dithered a bit, but thats close
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17:34.54JoshBorkehello :-)
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17:36.39Hexarobijosh, did u want support for multiple games at the same time?
17:36.42cogwheelPDT > joo :P
17:37.31JoshBorkeHexarobi, but of course :-D
17:40.21Kirkburn|circuitcogwheel, you could get the exact GameFontNormal colour from the fontx.xml file
17:40.36Kirkburn|circuit*fonts.xml, perhaps :)
17:41.06Kirkburn|circuitTo circuit training!
17:42.07cogwheelYou know, I was under the impression that those weren't defined in an XML... "Details on existing fonts are hard to find. Here are some fonts that might exist:" from
17:42.43Kirkburn|circuit*might*? That's odd wording
17:42.54cogwheel"uh" is right...
17:43.31Kirkburn|circuitI'll have a look later, but I'm pretty sure the colours are defined in the xml
17:44.18cogwheelthey are... I'm looking at it now...
17:44.20Kirkburn|circuitNORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffffd200";
17:44.22cogwheelI was just boggling...
17:45.32JoshBorkeok, who's REALLY good with SVN?
17:45.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:46.32KirkburnI'm not really here, I just keep getting disconnected
17:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Xaayne (
17:54.40XaayneQuick question. Does any one know what attempt to index global `Frame' (a nil value) mean ?
17:55.13Cideyou tried to do something to "Frame" (a variable), but it's undefined
17:55.32ThraeXaayne: It means you're trying to do something like Frame:Show(), where the variable Frame hasn't been set properly.
17:55.57KirovFrame:Show(), or
17:56.04Kirovor similar
17:57.53XaayneFrame:Show(); is frame supposed to be the name of the frame ?or does it attribute it to the object its being called from within ?
17:58.28JoshBorkeCide spoke...
17:59.36XaayneWOOT got it to work
17:59.44KirovXaayne - From that error message, all we know is a variable called "Frame" doesn't exist
18:00.06Hexarobijosh, i meant playing two games simultaneously? or would storing games be enough?
18:00.13Endthis machine needs to get the dell wiped from it
18:00.18Endstupid dell popups
18:00.51Xaayneyeah. the problem was i was trying to show something that didn't exist. i didn't realize that Frame:Show(); needed Frame to be the name of the frame it would showing. I thought it would reference the object it was in.
18:01.03KirovXaayne - this:Show()
18:01.22Kirovor self:Show()
18:01.27Kirovdepending on the situation
18:01.34Kirovusually this
18:02.13cogwheel|workingWill this work:              for x, y, z in string.gfind("(.)(.)(.)") do ...
18:02.25Xaaynegothca thnx kirov.
18:02.57Kirovcogwheel|working - asuming you want to parse a string 3 characters at a time, yes
18:02.58cogwheel|working(that's just an example... i would obviously make the pattern more constraining...  err... for x, y, z in string.gfind("xyz""(.)(.)(.)") do ...
18:03.53JoshBorkeHexarobi: playing 2 games simultaneous would be nice, but could I just save/load as I go along?
18:04.03JoshBorkecogwheel|working, yes
18:05.56Kirovfor x,y,z in string.gfind("3x&!?.b", "(.)(.)(.)") do would get x=3, y=x, z=&, then x=! y=? z=. then fail
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18:08.19CideJoshBorke: I spoke? :)
18:09.00Hexarobijosh, atm each move saves the state of the game under the name of the opponent
18:09.18KirovIt's not actually Cide, it's Cide's secretary being dictated to.
18:09.26Hexarobiif the opponent is still online and youve reset, his move wont register to you
18:09.38Hexarobiand your games will become unsynced and break
18:09.59Cidemore like Gello spoke, right?
18:10.04Hexarobiim thinking the only way to fix it is by sending an ack tell after every recieve command
18:11.23Hexarobithe real solution is to make everything a variable of the frame, and make the frame virtual and instance it on a challenge
18:11.30Hexarobibut thats alot of changes
18:14.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
18:18.58JoshBorkeHexarobi, i'll look into it :-)
18:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (
18:20.39Kirovclad went bald?
18:20.39cladafternoon.. anyoen in here use a non-english client?
18:20.48cogwheel|workingHey clad... do you know if there's a way to make SciTE leave off the UTF-8 BOM?
18:21.15cladcogwheel|working: file -> encoding is all i know.
18:21.19cladthere may be an option somewhere.
18:21.44cladDoes UnitDebuff() return localised types, or english types (Magic, Poison, Etc)
18:24.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
18:24.54MentalPowerAnd, We're back!
18:25.20Kirovclad - the UnitDebuff() return value colors are hardcoded in the .lua with english types.
18:25.37Kirovwhich would mean they're not localized
18:25.42cladthat's good to know
18:25.51claddo you knwo the return value color array offhand?
18:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (
18:26.18cladgot d/c if you responded.
18:26.24cladgot d/c if you responded.. hi
18:26.31cladwow that was weird.
18:27.09cladwhere's that defined?
18:27.20Kirovtop of BuffFrame.lua
18:27.42cladthanks friend =)
18:27.46cladthat makes my job really easy
18:27.50Kirovit's there in both live and ptr
18:27.58cladtho they should really be MAGIC instead of Magic, to be consistent.. but whatevs =)
18:28.21Kirovthey may have intended to localize it at some point.
18:28.28Kirovthen decided against
18:29.25cladk.. gotta run
18:29.27cladthanks for the help
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18:37.02Abenadiis gametooltip a special case where SetPoint isn't supposed to work, thus SetOwner(frame, anchor)?
18:37.16KirovSetPoint works
18:37.38Abenadibecause this:SetOwner(CombatMonitor_frame1, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT"); works, this:ClearAllPoints(); this:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CombatMonitor_frame1, "BOTTOMRIGHT"); doesn't
18:37.38Abenadiat least for me
18:37.38KirovGameTooltips are weird
18:37.46XaayneWhen you are creating any object do u have to declare a virtual template first and then inherit that into the object you want to display?
18:37.49KirovThere's a lot that happens to them behind the scenes.
18:38.23KirovXaayne - virtual templates are optional.  They only exist to make repeated objects easier.
18:38.59Xaayneok so if i want to add say a button to a frame how would i start that definition ?
18:39.32AbenadiXaayne: try going through these tutorials
18:39.34Abenadithey helped me
18:40.00Xaayneyeah thats what im running through atm
18:40.20Abenadithere's a button on frame12
19:03.25JoshBorkework stinks
19:03.44cogwheelWorking with Access stinks more
19:08.56Xaayneis the UIPanelButtonTemplate depreciated or something?
19:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
19:14.43cogwheelNo... I just used it today...
19:15.19Xaaynei just can't seem to get a button to display. probably something really simple i'm doing wrong
19:15.56Cairennoh! hey! It's a MentalPower!
19:17.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:17.37Kasoanyone know what % speed moving backwards is?
19:17.53cogwheelxaayne: here's my XML code:
19:17.57cogwheel<Button name="BuyEmAllMaxButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate">
19:17.58cogwheel<Size x="70" y="24"/>
19:18.02cogwheel<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="BuyEmAllCancelButton" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
19:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
19:18.29Thrae please!
19:18.33KirkburnSo that would be spam then :P
19:18.46Cairennuse pastey
19:19.06ThraeCairenn: I suggest putting it in the topic :)
19:20.09KirkburnEven better
19:20.28ThraeThen who uses Cosmos devs?
19:20.49Cairennnorgs just set up a couple different ones is all
19:20.53KirkburnAck, what destroyed bmy lovely Windowblinds :(
19:20.56ThraeAh, gotcha.
19:20.57Cairenndoesn't matter, use whatever you want
19:21.35Thraetopic Law of Negotiation: A negotiation shall be considered successful if all parties walk away feeling screwed. | Paste Code:
19:22.09Xaayneok this is what i was trying to do.
19:22.19ThraeAwww, the topic is locked.
19:23.12ThraeCairenn: You should add it to the topic so everyone uses the same one. It's easier to find old posts that way.
19:23.52*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Law of Negotiation: A negotiation shall be considered successful if all parties walk away feeling screwed. | Paste Code:
19:24.00Cairennthere, happy now yes?
19:24.17ThraeMy jubilation exceeds all normal faculties!
19:24.35ckknighthehe, faculties.
19:25.05ckknight(those are your testicles, right?)
19:25.10KirkburnYou make it sounds like a naughty word ...
19:25.23KirkburnSure you were :)
19:32.09JoshBorkeok, bye all :-)
19:32.10*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
19:41.29cogwheelSo... my hunter has a raptor named hammer. I use a petattack macro that has a chance to say "It's Hammertime!" (RAP ...tor... get it?)      Should I be shot?
19:41.55Cairennyes, yes you should be
19:42.40MentalPower_I don't get it, but I don't think I want to either
19:43.19cogwheelMC Hammer.... he was a rapper popular in the late 80s and early 90s...
19:43.32cogwheelHis pants were the inspiration for Alladin's...
19:44.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:44.37MentalPowerah IC, interesting
19:51.39paranoid_am I allowed to link to a wow related program here?
19:51.50paranoid_just something I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on
19:53.47cogwheelWhat's it do?
19:54.12paranoid_so far all it does is list out of date addons
19:54.17paranoid_without firing up wow
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19:54.42paranoid_hopefully for the future, force updates by changing toc and also try and search for updated versions of addons
19:55.21paranoid_cogwheel: indeed, that's why I'm not in a rush to implement that :)
19:55.30cogwheelThere's no reason to do that, you know...
19:55.40cogwheelThat's what "Load out of date AddOns" is for...
19:56.09paranoid_but it might be handy on the offhand - if no one wants it though I wont bother putting it in
19:56.25paranoid_that's partly why I've put up such a pre-release version - to get some input and ideas
19:56.57cogwheelYou might post it in the betas forum of that way no one thinks it's ready for actual use ;)
19:57.20paranoid_is it relevent there? I mean it's not actually an interface addon ?
19:57.32cogwheelNeither is WoW UI Designer :P
19:57.52paranoid_well, I'll register and 'spam
19:57.57paranoid_well, I'll register and 'spam' then
19:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
19:58.34KirovInstead of updating the toc, just have it stick in the "load out of date" option
19:59.06paranoid_Kirov: I'm not sure how possible that is, also, it's just a tickbox lol :)
20:00.06cogwheelLoad out of date is in
20:01.23EndI think it runs or whatever when a patch comes out, which causes the check box to get unchecked and forces the eula/tos to get reshow
20:02.24End(RunOnce is part of the game data in the mpqs I think though)
20:03.04Kirkburn|shwrI wish they'd stop putting it in minor patches
20:03.22paranoid_interesting... I might well add that if there is call for it
20:03.30paranoid_if anyone is interested
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20:04.00Cairennparanoid_: don't link to offsite downloads, please? upload to our site so we can check it over
20:04.12paranoid_Cairenn: oh, ok no problem.
20:04.58Cairennif it's an .exe, include your source code in the zip so we can verify it, we'll remove the source before we approve it for download
20:05.06Cairennplease and thanks :)
20:05.13cogwheelCairenn, I remembered to turn off the debugging mode this time :P
20:05.42Cairenncogwheel: plan ;)
20:05.54paranoid_Cairenn: does it have to be a zip, or is a rar ok?
20:06.14Cairennwe *prefer* zip, since basically everyone has that and not everyone has rar
20:06.22paranoid_ok, I'll zip \o/
20:07.17Industrialcom/net whatever :>
20:08.00Cairennas in, that's a plan ;)
20:08.04Rallion7-zip is nice.
20:08.09cogwheelgotcha is nice mainly because XP can handle it without any extra software at all
20:09.26Rallionand that's good, seeing as people come to the forums in confusion when their addon talks about costing money, when it's really their unregistered WinRAR...
20:10.04paranoid_cogwheel: done - it's a C# project btw
20:10.43Rallionc# rules.
20:11.01paranoid_glad someone else agrees
20:11.44Rallionit actually sucks that it rules so much, since in most cases it pretty much locks the program to Windows, Mono aside
20:11.47Cairennparanoid_: Dolby is checking it now, you should have a link momentarily
20:11.58paranoid_Cairenn: wow, fast, thanks :)
20:12.05paranoid_tell him not to laugh too hard at my source code :)
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20:12.36Cairennyou just told him yourself
20:12.54paranoid_I'm running irssi, typing /names is far too much effort :)
20:13.05Cairennmoved your thread to the beta section instead of pre-beta
20:13.10paranoid_fair enough
20:14.51Cairennbah, Dolby the n00b! he forgot to update .net on all his machines, that's why the delay
20:14.51paranoid_trying to pull the interface version from code is a pain :( not sure how  I'm going to do it
20:15.11paranoid_or myfault for using the absolute bleeding edge version of .net :]
20:15.41paranoid_<profanity> I'd better add to that post that it requires that
20:15.47Xaayne2k5 is pretty good software though
20:15.58Xaaynewrote my capstone in it.
20:16.07paranoid_2K5 is the best IDE I've ever used.
20:16.14paranoid_I wrote my final university project in it
20:17.04Xaayneaye. its funny you'd think wow ui programming would be easy to pick up compared to some of the stuff in .net but nope lol
20:17.33paranoid_Xaayne: ever played with System.Drawing ? ;)
20:18.03Xaaynea long while ago. don't remember much if any of it now.
20:18.13paranoid_to the best of my knowledge, to get the interface version I'm going to have to unpack an mpq file
20:18.27paranoid_which does not sound like a lot of fun
20:19.08Xaayneman i wish i could get this stuipid button to show up lol
20:19.15paranoid_hoping to be able to wrap a dll to do it, if not I'm going to have to write all the required routines :<
20:19.35RallionI think that compared to alternatives, everything about .NET is pretty easy to pick up
20:19.55paranoid_except System.Drawing
20:20.03Xaayneyeha prolly. but i learned to code in c / c++
20:20.21paranoid_I learned in...
20:20.30RallionI learned C / C++ first, then learned Java, so with C# the only problem was keeping my syntax straight
20:20.31paranoid_I'm not even going to say it, it's embarassing.
20:20.41Rallionwas it VB?
20:20.55paranoid_well, actually, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, C#
20:21.00paranoid_I hated java
20:21.14Xaaynejava has its niceties
20:21.33Xaayneonce u get used to them that is
20:21.37paranoid_unfortunately none of them are in swing...
20:21.52RallionI think of C# as an improved Java, with much much worse portability
20:22.07paranoid_I'm porting a program to Mac OS X without any major issues.... :P
20:22.21paranoid_some swine wrote the thing in Delphi though :/
20:22.57RallionAs I understand it, and this could be wrong, the only serious issue with C# portability is the GUI stuff, right?
20:23.04paranoid_Rallion: yeah
20:23.20paranoid_Rallion: although Windows.Forms is pretty usable in a lot ofinstance accross platforms these days
20:23.24Xaayneand the framework
20:23.40paranoid_and if you stick your entire gui on gtk, there is no issue
20:23.49paranoid_Xaayne: mono on the whole works fine
20:23.54Xaaynethats true
20:23.57paranoid_Cairenn: ty
20:24.08Xaaynemono is aight but still has a few issues
20:24.10paranoid_Xaayne: my job involves working with it ;)
20:24.17Xaaynegood deal
20:24.50paranoid_well, I'm subcontracted
20:24.54paranoid_so not for much longer
20:24.56Cairennparanoid_: any time you update, please include source code as per this time.  we'll always delete it before we approve.
20:25.08Xaaynehey any one mind takin a peak at this piece of code and explaining to me why my button won't load?
20:25.36Rallionfor me, it usually means a typo in my XML.
20:25.55paranoid_Cairenn: ok, not a problem.
20:26.08paranoid_Cairenn: thanks for approving it so quick :)
20:26.10Cairennactually, nm, Dolby is saying it's okay
20:26.19paranoid_oh, wow, I've gained trust haha.
20:26.34cogwheelYeah... Cairenn, are you telepathically linked to or something?
20:26.54Xaayne heres the code i have currently.
20:27.01cogwheelby the time i hit refresh, you've usually approved it :P
20:27.26Abenadiis there something I can use to look at the .blp files in my extracted wow files?
20:27.56cogwheelYou can even use it to look directly inside the MPQs without extracting them
20:28.18AbenadiI google that and only get chinese-esque - have a link?
20:28.37RallionXaayne, close that first <Texture>.
20:28.40Kirkburncogwheel, just looking at the wiki - thanks for sorting the fonts list
20:28.41cogwheelirfan can open blps?!
20:28.42Cairennerrr, nm, wrong thingy
20:28.43AbenadiI have irfanview, will that open them? do i need to update?
20:28.46Abenadi: )
20:29.03RallionI was wrong on that.
20:29.06RallionI can't read!
20:29.13Abenadithank you
20:29.14Kirkburncogwheel, did you use the 1.11 or 1.12 list? There's one more in 1.12
20:29.15Xaayne; ) sall good rallion
20:29.39cogwheelI used 1.11. However, it was entirely trivial to write the parser.
20:31.18Cairennparanoid_: give it a little while and you can then enable your portal if you wish to.  great way to get bug reports, feature requests, etc
20:31.36paranoid_Cairenn: cool, saves me setting up all that stuff on my webserver
20:31.59Cairenngood example of one
20:32.02paranoid_spent an entire day setting up my mail on it, only to get spammed instantly
20:32.26Cairenncog's is pretty good too, looking at it:
20:33.29RallionYeah, portals are nice. Mine sucks because I have ONE thing on there and I don't even maintain it anymore. Even though I think it needs it...or, really, it needs a major rewrite, and I dread the thought of doing that...
20:33.39paranoid_hopefully my guild will give me some ideas too
20:33.39RallionI'll fix that though.
20:34.51paranoid_I assume most people wait till they have at least one level 60 before they start writing addons and the like
20:35.11paranoid_hehe good, don't feel so bad then :)
20:35.20paranoid_the lack of a decent out of game addon manager really irked me
20:35.29Xaayneso Rallion did u see anything wrong with that ?
20:35.32paranoid_Thrae: me too, now I have a level 36
20:35.45Cairenna lot of the coders in this channel *still* don't have a 60, self included
20:35.58paranoid_I'm spoiled by my debian installs and their apt-get'ability
20:36.03cogwheelHeh... paranoid_ I just remembered that I posted in your thread on the WoW UI forum :)
20:36.04Cideheh, wow
20:36.12Cideafter almost two years :)
20:36.17ThraeOnly 1.5 years to Level 52!
20:36.19paranoid_cogwheel: I only just put it there :o
20:36.29CairennCide: longer than that for me ;)
20:36.43RallionXaayne, yeah, just spotted it, you have it anchored to the wrong thing
20:36.44paranoid_cogwheel: yeah at the start of this convo :P
20:36.46CairennI've been playing since CB and I've *never* had a 60
20:37.18paranoid_cogwheel: err, I don't see your post ?
20:37.21cogwheelparanoid_ i must be thinking of someone else
20:37.23ThraeCairenn stopped at twink 20-29 with her Shaman! :D
20:37.31paranoid_cogwheel: hehe :)
20:37.33cogwheelthey asked if there was a good addon manager
20:37.36Cairenndon't have a shammy :p
20:37.54Cairennhunters & mages
20:37.57paranoid_I know a couple of interface addons have their own
20:37.59RallionI want to make an ally Shammy, but I'll need to delete one of my four banks to do it...
20:38.03paranoid_but I don't use any of them
20:38.42paranoid_I think I'm going to have to setup some kind of database on my server and encourage authors to add a link to their addons there...
20:38.51paranoid_but I can't see that going down too well
20:38.51Xaaynethanks rallion
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20:39.07paranoid_"So I've got to maintain this too? uhh no."
20:39.19Thraeparanoid_: What about "UI Central" program from
20:39.28ThraeIt's currently beta, but mostly works.
20:39.40paranoid_Thrae: humm, I'll check it out
20:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
20:40.07ThraeOf course, I'd like to see a REAL "UI Central" that has access to WoWInterface and Curse-Gaming's database too.
20:40.28paranoid_Thrae: that's kind of what I'm aiming for...
20:41.07RallionIt's doable. Annoying, but doable...
20:41.18paranoid_that's precicely what I thought.
20:41.24paranoid_I'll need to open source it though
20:41.40paranoid_because if anyone changes their website, my code will likely break
20:42.37CairennWoWI has tried to get the others to work with us ...
20:43.31paranoid_well, if WoWI want's to give me an xml based interface to it's database.... ;)
20:44.08Cairennyou need to talk to Dolby
20:44.23paranoid_Dolby-wowi: I'd like an xml based interface to your database :P
20:44.34Cairennnot quite what I meant ;)
20:44.40cogwheelkirkburn:      That's what I used for the font list in its entirety...
20:44.51paranoid_I should mention I'm feeling exceptionally lazy today
20:44.57cogwheeler... kirkburn1 i guess...
20:45.56KirkburnOooh simple
20:46.08KirkburnMe, I would just copy and paste them all =)
20:46.55zenzelezzargh! Outrolled by 2 on a /random for the tiger mount
20:47.02Kirkburnmy router is on its back to try and aid ventilation - yes, it was designed that badly - but it's still not helping :/
20:47.25cogwheelput it on its side maybe?
20:47.34Abenaditape it to a fan
20:47.36cogwheelwith a fan blowing on it :P
20:48.02Abenadiinside your freezer
20:48.26KirkburnIf I did that, I'll probably find its my ISP's fault :P
20:48.45Abenaditape them to your freezer then
20:48.45KirkburnI'd like to put them in a freezer, but it'd have to be a *large* one
20:49.03KirkburnGreat minds think alike :)
20:49.08Abenadi: )
20:49.19Abenadiours too
20:53.26RallionI built my friend's computer badly enough that he has to keep it open with a big fan blowing on the video card :(
20:53.58cogwheelI had to take the left side of my case off so i could get enough airflow.
20:54.07Rallionhe just needs another case fan, and he needs to not keep it in a tiny cubby because if he does that there's nothing I can do
20:54.17EndI used to have a really bad case where I had to knock pieces out so it overheated so much
20:54.24Endit got a lot better when I got a better case
20:54.34Enderm, because, not so :P
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20:54.42Rallionyeah he opted for a really crappy case...I did warn him
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20:56.06Xaaynewow's frames are nestable arn't they ?
21:00.45Rallioni would say yes, but I'm not sure I know how you mean
21:02.20cogwheel<Frame> ..... <Frames><Frame>.....</Frame>....</Frame>
21:02.57Rallionlol...good luck with that subsitution
21:03.15cogwheel~bonk me
21:03.16purlACTION bonks cogwheel over the head
21:04.04Xaaynelol just basically wanted to put a frame with in a  frame that took up half of the parent frame. and had a different bg color to make sure it worked
21:04.16Xaayneim just messing around with basic stuff so i can get the feel for it
21:04.23Rallionthat's a good idea.
21:04.50Rallionit's incredible to me how fast I went from totally confused to fairly confident doing that
21:05.27Xaaynewell so far i have 1 frame with a button that closes it and a separte button that closes both the frame and it self and they are all dragable
21:05.50Xaaynesilly yes i know but i gotta try to start somewhere.
21:06.16Cairennas good a start as anything
21:06.21Cairennand not silly at all
21:06.23ckknightAnduinLothar, heads up for Telepathy: sending %T through the stream makes it fuck up
21:06.56Endhmm, %t substitution is done C side?
21:07.14Enddid not know that
21:07.31ckknightI'm doing a lot of stress testing for AceComm
21:07.42Endbut I've never done -any- addon communication between addons either :P
21:07.44Xaaynemy goal right now is to get competent enough to great my own UnitFrames. as I haven't be able to find anythat i really like.
21:07.55Xaayne*create even
21:08.14ckknightwell, the goal of AceComm is to be able to send through absolutely any message whatsoever, no matter the type, content, length, etc.
21:10.08RallionNot even Discord, Xaayne?
21:10.38Rallionthough it would probably be easier on your system to create something more static rather than using Discord..
21:10.41Cideckknight: what about functions? :)
21:10.45Xaaynediscord seems overly complex to me. and while it does tend to be pretty nice its just not the kinda of interface i like to deal with.
21:11.27Rallionunderstandable...I was trying to teach a friend to use DAB on tuesday, because he wanted 'the most customizable one!'
21:11.29Endyou could do some functions
21:11.34Rallionhe's learning, but slowly
21:11.41Endobviously not C functions, and not functions with upvals
21:11.57Xaaynei dunno the customizability is really cool but i'd just rather have exactly what i want rather than a shit load of options i don't need.
21:12.09Endit'd be possibly to -write- it to do functions I would imagine
21:12.16EndI have no idea if AceComm actually supports it :P
21:12.39Cidetotally need to sendMessage(CT_RaidAssist2) then
21:13.02Cidewhich would still fail given what you said, sadly
21:13.13Enduserdata wouldn't work either :P
21:16.07ckknightCide, functions?
21:16.16ckknightCide, oh, that and userdata I can't send through
21:16.19ckknighteverything else I can
21:16.25Cideslack! ;)
21:17.32End(I have no idea why we even get string.dump, I can't think of any place where it actually is used)
21:18.31cogwheelrallion, try teaching him Flexbar... ;)
21:19.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
21:22.22XaayneQuestion. What do the <Frames> </Frames> actually dictate ?
21:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
21:22.45cogwheelThat's just where you put any child frames.
21:23.02ThraeXaayne: Children, who inherit the aspects of the parent frame.
21:23.19ThraeXaayne: IE, a child will not show if its parent is hidden.
21:23.27Xaayneso could child objects not of the same type as the parent be put out side of the frames tags
21:24.09ThraeXaayne: Any type of frame can be put in <Frames> </Frames>.
21:24.45ThraeXaayne: All that does is show the parent<->child relationship. Same as using the parent="FrameName" in the frame object declaration.
21:25.03Xaayneok that makes sense.
21:25.04cogwheelthe only tags allowed directly within <Frame></Frame> are Backdrop, Frames, HitRectInsets, Layers, and ResizeBounds according to UI.xsd
21:25.30Thraecogwheel: <Frames>, not <Frame>
21:25.40cogwheelno... <Frame>
21:25.51ThraeWe're talking about <Frames>
21:25.55cogwheelHe was asking if you can put child object outside of the <Frames> tag
21:26.06cogwheel">so could child objects not of the same type as the parent be put out side of the frames tags"
21:26.11Xaaynelike a button or a slide bar
21:26.17ThraeYes, you can, but you shouldn't
21:26.18Rallionthe damn S makes too much of a difference in meaning
21:26.19Endcogwheel: you are missing the LayoutFrameType stuff
21:26.30End(I think)
21:26.54cogwheelend, that stuf goes outside <Frame>
21:26.59Xaayneok so i should just put all my child OBJECTS ie child frames buttons ect. within the frames tag inside of a particular frame
21:27.08ThraeYou could make a child object outside of <Frames> using parent="FrameName" in your child's declaration.
21:27.11cogwheelWe're talking about  inside <Frame> but outside <Frames>
21:27.46Rallionomgz I am cunfuzzled!
21:27.55End<Anchors> and <Size> goes inside of <Frame>
21:27.55Thraes/outside of <Frames>/outside of <Frames> and <Frame>/
21:27.57Rallionthat would have been good.
21:28.29Xaayneaye got that
21:28.44ThraeI find Blizzard's frame XML wording very confusing, I like using Lua instead since 1.10.
21:28.46Xaaynebut for clarities sake its best to keep all child objects within the <FRAMES> tag's
21:28.55ThraeXaayne: Probably, yeah.
21:28.56cogwheelBut you can't put anything besides what I listed above inside <Frame> but outside <Frames>
21:29.13Thraecogwheel: Right, he got that.
21:29.27cogwheelthrae, but i don't know if *I* did... lol
21:29.59Endcogwheel: but you didn't list them all!
21:30.07Endyou missed <Anchors> and <Size>!
21:30.10ThraeActually I think the <Frames> tag was added for inheritance's sake, since you can't inherit child frames declared outside of the parent's XML.
21:30.42ThraeVirtual frames, not inheritance
21:30.56cogwheelend, that's 'cause the file i was testing with already had those tags.... oops
21:31.01Thraes/inheritance's/Virtual Frame Template's/
21:31.21Xaaynewell arn't virtual frames there for you to inherit ?
21:31.21ThraeAnyway, this is neither here nor there.
21:31.30Hexarobii need icons, like buff icons, that represent check, and my turn
21:31.40Hexarobianybody know anything that would work well?
21:31.42Xaayneso u can have a template such that u can reuse it through out ur code.
21:31.56ThraeHexarobi: Get a BLP viewer?
21:31.57EndXaayne: what Thrae means is virtual frames need to be self contained
21:32.12Hexarobiwell i can look at all the macro icons
21:32.16ThraeXaayne: Which is why it's a good idea to declare your children in <Frames>
21:32.17Endyou can't go off and have parent="blah" where "blah" is a virtual frame and expect it to work
21:32.27ThraeSo you get used to the concept in XML.
21:32.31Hexarobiim thinking i need something outside of wow but that still looks wowish
21:32.44cogwheelhexarobi, get WoWBLPViewer... it lets you look at ALL the icons in WoW, not just the macro ones.
21:33.13Hexarobiknow where to dl it?
21:33.14ThraeHexarobi: Use that dev's head as the "Check!" icon ;)
21:33.35cogwheelthe modder faq in the ui & macro's forum has a link
21:33.48cogwheelit's listed as wow blp tools or something like that
21:33.58RallionI have to come up with something to use as a button to represent the actual BANK, the 24 base slots
21:34.15Hexarobilink ;)
21:34.27Rallioni think it's on curse
21:34.36ThraeYeah, the BLP Viewer is on Curse
21:35.13ThraeSomeone should get in touch with the author and put it on, unless it's against the TOS.
21:35.57ThraeThe creation of such a program is against the TOS, but not actually using it, so it's a grey area.
21:36.27ThraeUnless the program was made using double-blind reverse engineering, which I doubt ;)
21:36.40cogwheelWhere did curse's CSS go? :S
21:37.02cogwheelthere it is...
21:37.39Thrae <-- for people with interest in American politics
21:37.41Hexarobiok so where do i find the icons?
21:37.46NeronixHow does Beast Lore work? I don't have access to a hunter, but someone requested that MH3 get data from it
21:38.12cogwheelLoad->MPQ        WoW\Data\Interface.mpq
21:38.33ThraeNeronix: BeastLore shows what skills the beast can learn.
21:38.43RallionThrae, I doubt it's against the _WoW_ TOS, MPQ format was figured out many years before WoW existed even as a project.
21:38.47Hexarobitells if its an animal or not
21:39.00ThraeIt puts the information in the tooltip.
21:39.09ThraeI don't see how this is relevant to MobHealth3...
21:39.59Kasoits shows its exact hp also ?
21:40.12ThraeRallion: Hmm, who created MPQ format? I thought it was Blizzard.
21:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
21:40.15NeronixJust looked up WowHead and it says it shows HP too
21:40.24RallionThey did, but WoW's not the first game to use it by a longshot
21:40.27ThraeAhhh, that's probably it Neronix.
21:40.37Kasoiirc when best lore is on a target UnitHealth returns an exact value
21:40.43cogwheelkirkburn you still around?
21:41.02ThraeRallion: I think the ToS covers _that_ grey area.
21:41.19NeronixDoes it show up as a debuff on the target?
21:41.31Kirkburndesigning websites as per usual :)
21:41.36ThraeRallion: That's like saying Emulated WoW servers were OK because Blizzard borrowed code from
21:41.44Rallion*shrug* the WoW one just isn't applicable, though I'm sure the StarCraft one is, or maybe even War2...
21:41.52Endmpq was first used in diablo I think
21:41.58Rallionoh right
21:42.02cogwheelthink you could ask on the EU forums for a french translation of for me?
21:42.02Endalthough the format has probably been extended since then
21:42.08NeronixMPQ is named after the guy who made it iirc
21:42.17NeronixA former blizzard employee
21:42.19Rallionhis name was MoPaQ?
21:42.28RallionHmm, coulda been.
21:42.35NeronixMo was short for something I think
21:42.38Neronixor MoPa
21:42.45ThraeMoses Paul Quintessental
21:42.46EndMike O'Brien
21:42.54Endor that what wikipedia sez
21:42.58cogwheelkirkburn, if you get a response and i'm not on, could you post it to my wowi portal?
21:42.59EndMike O'Brien PAQ
21:43.07cogwheelor just link the thread to me ;)
21:43.19KirkburnShall try :)
21:43.22XaayneIf I have a font string on the Parent frame on the artwork layer, and i load a child frame within the parent such that it takes up the upper half of the parent frame should the child frame cover up the font string ?
21:43.31Rallionyep, Diablo Credits, Senior Programming, Mike O'Brien
21:43.43RallionI have these things on hand.
21:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
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21:45.44EndI vaguely remembering Warcraft II (or maybe it was Warcraft...) had .WAR files or something alone thosg lines...
21:46.07Rallionoh, yeah, that's what it was
21:46.26Rallionheh...Diable, SC, and War2 were actually my first three 'modern' computer games
21:46.35Endhow the hell did I get the e and g switched in "alone thosg"? o_O
21:46.41RallionThe first ones that came on CDs, I guess
21:47.01Endthe first Warcraft came on CD too
21:47.12Rallionwell, I meant the first PC CDs that I ever got
21:47.16RallionI got them all on the same day
21:47.19Rallionit was a big deal
21:47.38RallionI was like 12 or something
21:48.15Rallionlol whoa SC had a patch a week ago
21:48.16Kirkburnwheel with cog,
21:48.20AbenadiIs there an "OnExit / OnLeave" script option for frames like there is an OnEnter one?
21:48.43esp|SynGuys, is there any mod that adds the recipe info, when training it from the vendor?
21:48.50EndOnLeave I think?
21:48.51ShadowedAnyone remember the link for blue tracker?
21:49.01RallionYeah, OnLeave
21:49.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
21:49.12Shadowedyeah that, tahnks
21:49.28cogwheelTy burning captiain of the enterprise...
21:49.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
21:51.32RallionHmm, I can't find any bugs in my addon...I must be missing something...
21:51.59cogwheeloooh ooh gimme gimme :P
21:52.17RallionWhat? It's not DONE, it's just that what IS done is WORKING.
21:53.03RallionHeh, I still have one minor-but-vital addition, another very important addition, and then the most important feature of all to put in
21:53.28Rallionbank bag bar, options GUI, and...the item categorization that is the entire point of the thing.
21:54.20Rallionthough I have a lot of that planned out on friends get annoyed by it but when they get boring I'll take out a little notebook and a pen...
21:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
21:55.58esp|SynGuys, is there any mod that adds the recipe info, when training it from the vendor?
21:56.47Rallionit's a little silly that that isn't in the game as it is.
21:56.56esp|Synand annoying as hell
21:57.18Rallionyou have the recipe info if it's from an actual recipe item, you should have it from the trainer too
21:57.33Rallionthough you don't get the info on enchanting formulas, either, IIRC
21:57.40ThraeDoes anyone know if LoadWith from the TOC loads the addon(s) before or after the TOC's addon is loaded?
21:57.52Elkanoiirc after
21:58.22ThraeGood, so it's the opposite of OptionalDep.
21:58.44esp|Syni just wana know what items are required before i train an recipe :/
21:58.53esp|Synwithout having to alt tab
21:59.10Rallionyeah...a lot of recipes aren't even worth paying for
21:59.16Elkanoactually, it IS after ^^ using it in FramesResized with LoD
22:00.20esp|SynSo no one knows of a mod that does this?
22:00.41Rallionnone that I'm aware would require a database
22:00.55esp|Synsee id do it myself
22:01.17esp|Synbut im not experienced enough to work out how to work out when it should be displayed
22:01.35Rallionhmm, yeah
22:02.23Xaaynetalk to you later guys thnx for the help
22:04.59esp|Synill give it a go
22:05.10esp|Syngives me summat to do while im on a break from wow
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22:08.00cogwheelesp|Syn I don't know what your system is like but if you run in windowed mod (you can still be full-screen) it makes alt-tabbing a whole lot quicker
22:11.51Rallionyeah, that's what I do, it's excellent, I wish more games had such a mode
22:12.46RallionThe 'problem' with it is that it forces your screen res to the game res, but that's also exactly the reason that it's so good...
22:12.50esp|Syni can run windowed, but it would be nicer to have it there ingame just however over the icon, then tabbing and searching thottbot
22:15.36Rallionadding a 'purchase bag slot' button sucks, because even though it's fairly simple you can't easily test it.
22:15.42Rallioni'm not spending the gold.
22:15.52Rallionthough there ARE test servers...
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22:20.13Gryphenheya addon doesn't work too well with EnhTooltip...
22:24.58RallionI have an option to show tooltips even on empty bag slots, just showing one line like "Bag: 1 Slot: 3"
22:25.32Kirkburn1New info! :D
22:26.03Kirkburn1Ooooh, with nifty time-lapse photography :)
22:26.12esp|Synthis mod would take me weeks to write
22:26.13esp|Synso sod it
22:26.19Rallionand if I quickly move the mouse from a full slot to an empty slot, the little tooltip shows up, but pushed out of place and resized according to whatever EnhTooltip had been showing for the previous item
22:26.30Kirkburn1Stare at some pretty pictures instead
22:26.30RallionKirkburn, none of that is really new :P
22:26.55Kirkburn1Sucks be to you, but you're right :P
22:27.23RallionEnhTooltip actually hides the frame AFTER GameTooltip hides, that's the problem. I could add something to force it to hide, I suppose, but I wish I didn't have to mess with other addons' frames :(
22:28.04Kirkburn1*One* of the pictures is new
22:28.11Kirkburn1It shows Medivh in evil mode, it seems
22:28.15Rallionoh, yes
22:28.45RallionIIRC...the plan is to have Horde and Alliance cooperate in at least some of those, right?
22:28.51Rallionlike the Hyjal battle
22:29.01Kirkburn1Afaik, yeah :)
22:29.13RallionWe'll see how that works out.
22:29.24RallionThere's a CRAZY amount of hatred there
22:29.42Kirkburn1It'll be fun to see how it works
22:30.12Kirkburn1I guess it would all be PvP-enabled :O
22:30.23Rallionlol that wouldn't work well
22:30.57Kirkburn1If they allowed inter-faction talk, it could be possible
22:31.08RallionI wonder if they're going to work like BGs, or as some extension of how regular instances/raids work
22:31.59Rallionthat's definitely the thing I want info on more than anything else
22:33.02AbenadiCan I set alpha precision to say 0.45?
22:33.10Abenadior is it only in tenths?
22:35.12JoshBorkecan you tell between 0.45 and 0.46?
22:35.28Abenadino but I can between 0.45 and 0.5
22:36.12Rallionuhh...I think you can put in whatever
22:37.06Abenadimaybe there is a better way to do it, basically I am 'fading out' a tooltip, and going in tenths still seems slightly choppy
22:38.14cogwheelit would end up being rendered to the nearest 256th
22:38.30cogwheelyou can make them whatever you want between 0 and 1 though.
22:39.30cogwheelso the smoothest you could get would be increasing by 0.00390625
22:39.47Rallionum, is your tooltip based on GameTooltip?
22:40.09Abenadiyes rallion
22:40.35RallionI'm pretty sure it has a FadeOut()
22:41.01Abenadi<-- noob to all things UI
22:41.34Rallionwell, I know it does, because the very first change I ever made to anything UI related was to change tooltip:FadeOut() to tooltip:Hide() in Quest-I-On
22:42.28RallionI don't know if there's any way to change the fade length or anything, though, wowwiki has nothing on it
22:42.43Abenadiyeah just noticed
22:42.53Abenadiguess i will see if it works for me, thanks
22:45.58RallionSciTE needs a way to rearrange tabs.
22:46.24Rallionand a keybinding to toggle all folding
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22:48.27Kirkburn1Important news concerning temp. item buffs:
22:49.14Kirkburn1The zone change persist fix getting reverted until all the host sites are updated
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22:56.28TemI think they just lost kalimdor again
23:00.33ShadowedHow would you place an item into the trade box? Can't seem to find the function on the wiki
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23:09.47Abenadican I have mouse enabled on a child frame when the parent isn't?
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23:24.41ckknightEnd, technically, you could just send the text of the function across, then RunScript() on it
23:24.50ckknightbut that has a plethora of security issues
23:30.42Rallionif anybody comes across a video of Jack Thompson on G4, send me a link.
23:31.04Kirkburn1Ooh, yeah I want to see that
23:31.22Rallionapparently it happened already, I can't be bothered to keep track of these things
23:31.26Rallionand apparently it was good.
23:31.32Kirkburn1Good how?
23:32.16RallionAdam Sessler was actually good at interviewing him
23:32.34Rallionit's difficult because if you argue with him he resorts to namecalling
23:32.49Kirkburn1I notice you're a Joystiq reader :)
23:33.16Kirkburn1It's crazy that he actually posts on there
23:33.32Rallionusually when you see that, 'he resorts to namecalling,' it's something of an exxageration(sp?) but I've heard audio of interviews with him, and that's really what he does, it's actually kind of shocking
23:33.35Rallionheh yeah
23:33.40Rallioni like joystiq
23:33.46Kirkburn1Me too :)
23:34.05Kirkburn1Oh yeah, he called all game players "numbskulls" before your comment
23:34.09Rallionhehe yeah
23:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:35.08KirkburnBack again :)
23:35.30KirkburnI see the comment mentioning the fact it's already gone out, hope we get something soon :)
23:36.08Kirkburn"Why? Because you have no facts to support your mental masturbatory activity, and I have the facts and the science to prove it is harmful." - jack thompson, today
23:36.26KirkburnApparently games are mental masturbation :/
23:36.31Rallionhehehe he once said that the industry has "trained a nation of Manchurian Children"
23:36.47RallionYeah, and bragging about how many timed you've appeared on TV isn't.
23:38.31KirkburnHe should be forced to actually play a game one day
23:38.53Abenadiis there something like "this:" for a frame's parent?
23:39.39Abenadiso I could do like this:GetParent():StartMoving()?
23:39.44Kirkburn(having said that, there's an odd contradiction here - the UK has a mandatory and legally binding ratings system, which is what much of the legislation in the US is trying to form. We have no problem with it in the UK)
23:39.55Abenadik thanks
23:40.11RallionI honestly think the ESRB does a great job
23:40.22Rallionbut that's really a matter of opinion, I suppose
23:40.27ckknighthooray for mental masturbation
23:40.51KirkburnIf he can separate the issue of "is it harmful" and "should I sell Grand Theft Auto to kids", then a proper debate might be possible
23:41.10Rallionhe doesn't really attempt proper debate
23:41.22KirkburnBut he and others just lump it all together and say it's all bad :(
23:41.36Rallionhe does cite SOME facts, I guess, but mostly it's all just BS that he has apparently conjured out of thin air
23:42.20KirkburnThere are studies that vaguely suggest the link, but nothing anywhere near strong enough for any kind of legislation
23:42.52Kirkburn(which is why the laws keep getting thrown out)
23:43.16KirkburnAh but anyway, here's hoping for a good interview to watch :)
23:43.42Rallionif he was just talking about massively biased studies, I'd get that, it's politics, such things are common, but I don't even see the most biased studies suggesting the kinds of links he talks about
23:43.44Rallionah, well.
23:44.04KirkburnThat's old though
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23:44.59Rallionooh ooh I might be getting it
23:45.13Rallionan mp4 is being downloaded
23:45.39Rallionnope wrong thing
23:45.46Rallionprobably the same thing you just linked
23:45.57KirkburnRallion, you should probably mention to the latest poster that it actually was jack
23:46.02Kirkburn(on Joystiq)
23:46.12Kirkburn(I can't be bothered with signing up :)
23:46.59Rallionlol you don't have to sign up, but you do have to click a link in an email they send you to confirm comments
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23:47.10KirkburnYes. I'm that lazy :)
23:47.13Rallionbut yeah, I fully believe that that's actually him
23:47.42KirkburnThey confirmed it the last time he posted, afaik
23:48.06Rallioni'm really too lazy to respond, too
23:48.13Rallionsomebody else might. eventually.
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23:49.58KirkburnHahaha!  (has swearing)
23:53.18KirkburnDammit, wish you could edit comments. Bah, posted on Joystiq :)
23:56.04Rallioni think your intended meaning is clear

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