irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060807

00:07.26ckknightKirkburn, cya
00:15.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
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00:19.43Mr_Rabies|awayhonk honk
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00:42.15DoomGaze3okay, so an outgoing tell has the format to [somename]:
00:43.04DoomGaze3how would I pattern that?
00:44.47Mikkeasier to hook ChatFrame_OnEvent
00:45.03Mikkand just refuse to pass CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM on
00:45.06Mikkor whatever the event name ois
00:56.34DoomGaze3I just need to filter out my mod's outgoing, and the msg doesn't pass in here
00:57.27DoomGaze3so I still need to pattern it
00:57.41MikkCHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM does pass in through ChatFrame_OnEvent
00:57.53DoomGaze3event only, I don't see the msg
00:58.04Mikkit's in arg1 as usual
00:58.44DoomGaze3there is no arg1
00:59.01Mikkarg1 is a global variable
00:59.31MikkMay i recommend by revamped version of which explains this in great detail?
01:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
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01:06.39cogwheelIf I use BLPView to save a blp as a TGA file then use that as a texture in WoW, it shouldn't crash to the desktop, right? :|
01:07.07Rallioni wouldn't expect it to, no...
01:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
01:08.31cogwheelWell... it did... strange... when i tried it again, it showed up as a white square
01:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:15.30Cairenncog, made sure transparency was maintained?
01:16.22cogwheelI just did a straight save to tga from BLPView as a test to make sure it works (it doesn't give any options).... it didn't...
01:19.01cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
01:19.03purlACTION Look... I .... use... a lot... of .... elipses...........
01:22.10KirovI hate french
01:22.16TupladI love french
01:22.25CairennI like french kissing
01:22.25cogwheelpour quoi?
01:22.31Tupladno actually, I love russian
01:22.36Tupladwhen I have to swear I always switch to russian
01:22.53AnduinLotharlol cair
01:23.02Tupladfrench kissing is good.
01:23.36KirovFor english and german I can use a single string pattern to check two different possible emotes, french I can't.
01:24.31Kirov"est pris de fr\195\169n\195\169sie !"
01:24.32Kirov"entre dans une sanglante fr\195\169n\195\169sie !"
01:24.56Hexarobije suis fromage
01:25.06Cairennlol Hexarobi
01:25.18Kirovvs "goes  in to a frenzy!" or "goes in to a killing frenzy"
01:25.57cogwheelJe suis le grand fromage!
01:26.19Cairennyou'd like to think you are
01:26.20Hexarobi*JE* suis fromage!
01:26.43Hexarobii think im gunna name by first born son Fromage
01:26.44cogwheelPeut etre, mais je suis le *GRAND FROMAGE*
01:26.48clad|mowlawnje suis le grande fromage qui mangen los petis enfants
01:26.49AnduinLothar18 slot bags make me happy... is that weird?
01:26.55clad|mowlawnthat's the only fake french i know.
01:27.05Hexarobije ne parle pas le francias
01:27.14AnduinLotharoh lookie, it's a clad
01:27.22cogwheelme neither
01:27.52cogwheelSo... are there any other BLP to TGA tools besides BLPView? I'm not having any luck...
01:29.42cogwheel- This allows you to open BLP files, which store the artwork for WoW.
01:29.43cogwheelThat's the one i'm using...
01:29.56Cairennworked fine for me, you just suck :p
01:30.08cogwheel~emulate cairenn
01:30.10purlACTION purrs
01:32.38cogwheelK. so here's what i did... I copied StackSplitFrame.lua & XML to BuyEmAll's folder. Search and replaced all the StackSplitFrame stuff to say BuyEmAllStackFrame. Logged in, it worked fine. Changed some things around to make sure it worked, and it did. Then I extracted the BLP texture for that frame as a TGA and modified BuyEmAllStackFrame to use it instead. Log into the game, try out BuyEmAll...
01:32.39cogwheel...and...    "The instruction at ... referenced memory at 0xFFFFFFFF"
01:33.30Hexarobiwhat frame cog? ill tga it and send it
01:33.53Hexarobiis there not a place to download the blizz pack already tga'd?
01:34.17TupladKirkburn: j00 there?
01:36.34cogwheelThat's really weird... the output from the BLPView that i used was upside down :|
01:37.04Hexarobii use blp2tga wich is just a drag n drop converter,then edit in photoshop
01:37.40cogwheelCairenn, maybe you should put a link to blp2tga  in that faq :P
01:39.33Cairennprovide the link in the thread and I'll add it :p
01:40.30cogwheelhrmm.... having a hard time finding one myself... google 4tl :(
01:40.50Hexarobii forget where i got it, i thought it was a wowwiki page
01:40.58Cairennactually, the blp2tga is the one I used, it used to be on CG, I've no idea if it is still there or not
01:41.24cogwheeloh.. blp2tga ... i was looking for blp2TOtga...
01:43.12*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
01:47.44AnduinLotharIsMounted 1.7 is out, finally embeddable
01:49.48Hexarobiwhat about IsSitting? =)
01:49.51AnduinLotharwoah. somone picked up alpha map.. how did i miss that..
01:50.06AnduinLotharyeah IsSitting would be nice, eh
01:50.25AnduinLotharno good way to check tho
01:51.11TainHow about, "Who's the asshole playing the piccolo?"
01:51.25AnduinLotharmah the piccolo is fun
01:51.41AnduinLothar"Who's the asshole standing int he fire?" would be better
01:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
01:52.29Cairennrofl AnduinLothar
01:52.58Abenadii have frames that have a mousedown script, but i'd prefer it to be mouseover. Do I need to make it a different type of element for that?
01:53.40Abenadithat should work TY
01:54.07Hexarobiif i define a frame in xml and name it, i should be able to do /script name:Show(); to have it show up right?
01:54.18Hexarobiany idea how another addon could break that?
01:54.34Hexarobione of my other addons is preventing my main frame from showing up at all
01:54.47Mikkoverwriting your object's name prehaps?
01:54.54Hexarobiis the name
01:59.25IrielHaving a hidden parent would do it too
01:59.32IrielOr having the frame's location offscreen
02:00.02Hexarobiits parent is UIParent
02:00.11Hexarobiand its working for most characters
02:00.14Hexarobibut this one char it isnt
02:00.55IrielLayout cache?
02:01.53Hexarobithe frame doesnt show up in layout cache at all
02:01.57Hexarobii assume since it never shows up
02:02.01AnduinLotharmmm AtlasLoot-Enhanced is cool too..
02:02.16KirovI should download that
02:02.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
02:02.53IrielWell, what does /dump WowChess:IsVisible() and /dump WowChess:IsShown() return?
02:03.24AnduinLotharit's 'find new nifty addons' day
02:03.43AnduinLotharanyone got little known favs?
02:04.17HexarobiwowChess ;)
02:04.49AnduinLotharmm ya lle i should try
02:04.56AnduinLotharbeen using telo's
02:05.01AnduinLotharbut i dont use it much
02:05.22KirovIf you thought LootLink ruined your script memory, you should witness LLe's abuse
02:05.52Hexarobiiriel, both return empty result on the char it doesnt work on
02:05.58Hexarobi[1]=1 on the char it does
02:06.55cladhaireAnduinLothar: PageOnPress
02:07.02cladhairethe first addon i wrote, at curse i think
02:07.08cladhairei'd move it over, but no one should ever see it =)
02:07.24cladhaireits a standalone port of mondinga's page-on-press in gypsy.
02:07.30Rallionlol I remember looking at that when it first popped up
02:07.34cladhairewhich is worse vaporware than WatchDog 2.0 =)
02:08.02AnduinLotharso.. what's it do?
02:08.02RallionI've never written any addons. Sigh.
02:08.17cladhaireAnduinLothar: You bind a key (i use `) and whe you press it.. it swaps your bars out until you release it.,
02:08.22cladhaireso you get a whole new set of hotkeys
02:08.28cladhaire`+1, `+2, `+3 etc.
02:08.39cladhairei used it on my mage for emergency stuff that i didn't need often.. but wanted it easily accesisble.
02:08.48cladhairewas a but more useful when we didn't have 5 default action bars =)
02:09.02AnduinLotharif i used only otkeys that'd be useful
02:09.12cladhaireAnyone here use clique?
02:09.12AnduinLotharbut i click half the time
02:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
02:10.21Hexarobianyone know any reason why a frame would showup on one char and not another?
02:10.27AnduinLotharzomg... AtlasLoot-Enhanced works with AlphaMap.. that's hawt
02:12.25KirovAll the screenshots for Atlas Loot are using LLe
02:13.06Hexarobiiriel, i do get the plugin loaded message, but the main frame never seems to load
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02:13.15Rallioni want to start adding bank support to my addon, but I'm so so tired...i think it's console game time
02:13.19Hexarobican it unload someho
02:13.48Hexarobicuz the onload function is getting called, which is called in the frames scripts onload section
02:13.51IrielHexarobi : It can't "unload" but something could be nil-ling it
02:15.15ckknightI wrote RPS! yays!
02:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
02:21.22Hexarobiok iriel, it turns out my toggle is still working
02:21.36HexarobiIsVisible returns true or false depending on the toggle still
02:21.43Hexarobiits just not showing up on the screen
02:23.08Hexarobiwhats FrameLevel?
02:27.33IrielFrameLevel determines how the frame is ranked relatiev to other frames
02:27.42IrielLet's try some other things if you still can't see your frame
02:27.47Hexarobiya i cant
02:27.54Hexarobii tried adding it to the layout cache
02:28.11Hexarobibut reloading just changed it back to how it was, so camping, adding, logging back in now
02:28.15Irieldump :GetTop() :GetBottom() :GetWidth() :GetHeight() and :GetAlpha()
02:28.22IrielI wonder if your problem is that your textures are missing?
02:28.35IrielDo you allow use of multiple skins? Does this character have an invalid one?
02:29.41Hexarobimanually adding it to the layout seems to have worked
02:30.15Hexarobii do allow multiple skins, but the skins path is just a regular savedvariable
02:30.24Hexarobinone of my variables are character dependant
02:31.18Hexarobiafter hard-adding it to that characters layout-cache, everything works fine
02:31.36Hexarobibut why wouldnt it add to the layout cache automatically?
02:31.59Hexarobiive had some users report this bug so hoping to figure out a better fix than manually editing layoutcache ;)
02:33.01IrielWhere is the frame anchored by default?
02:33.46Hexarobithank you!
02:33.55Hexarobii acccidently deleted the default anchor
02:37.59Hexarobiis there a Frame:SetUIScale(0.95); or something?
02:39.09IrielThere's Frame:SetScale ?
03:18.10cogwheelHow do you access an anonymous texture?
03:20.10Kirovtextures = frame:GetRegions()
03:31.52Irieltextures = { frame:GetRegions() }
03:32.07Irielwithout the {}'s you only get the first one
03:32.20cogwheelyep... i only want the first one though, so it's fine :)
03:33.10DoomGaze3can anyone help me intercept outgoing tells?
03:33.46DoomGaze3I don't know why this isn't working...
03:34.30Cideseems fine to me, check the value of clID
03:34.42Cideassuming you're calling HookChatFrame somewhere
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03:35.22DoomGaze3ya... clID is a string I attach to all my mod's outgoing messages
03:35.39DoomGaze3it's "[MasterLooter]: "
03:35.56Cideyou're using that in a string.find
03:36.07Cidebut then again, that would likely only help your cause right now
03:36.17Cideactually, no
03:36.39DoomGaze3what's with the percents?
03:36.44ckknightDoomGaze3, I intercept outgoing tells with AceComm
03:36.49ckknightby prefixing them with /
03:37.01ckknightyou're free to take a look at the code
03:37.02MikkDoomGaze3: "[" is a regex control character
03:37.09Mikkyou need to escape it with "%"
03:37.17CideMikk: usually not, since it'd scan for all of them
03:37.23Cidebut in this case, it needs to be trailed by a ":"
03:37.28Cidewhich is not the case
03:37.33MikkOtherwise you're telling it to match any string containing one of the letters M, a, s, t, etc followed by ":"
03:37.44Cideand not a "]"
03:37.56Cidehence my (05:36:17) (Cide) actually, no :)
03:38.44MikkDoomGaze3: one more thing, you probably want to make sure that you match the beginning of the string
03:38.55MikkSo make it string.find(arg1, "^%[MasterLooter%]:"
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05:49.15KirovAnyone know if UNIT_AURA event still fires for the player?
05:58.22*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:11.44Mikkyow. i don't think i realized how much I've missed all these nice channels.
06:11.53MikkHe-Man and the Masters of Universe in the morning ftw :-)
06:12.40MikkKirov: Imo, we need an event collector thingy.
06:13.47MikkJust something you can have running that does :RegisterAllEvents() and does counting and sampling
06:15.35Cairennummm, how can you have missed them when you haven't been gone?
06:15.59Mikki've only had broadcast channels for the past two years
06:16.09Mikkanalog broadcast that is
06:16.11Cairennnm :p
06:16.24Mikkoh.. um.. _TV_ channels
06:16.30Cairennlol, no, really?
06:17.28Mikkgot bored a week ago so went out and bought a digital receiver even though i said i wouldn't. ohwell =)
06:32.27Cairennnight guys
06:32.39Shadowedsee you in an hour!
06:32.55Cairenn|sleephope not, no offense :)
06:33.10Shadowedsleep well :p
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08:46.24ckknighthey everybody
08:50.32*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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11:57.32s|loupdoes anyone know how you can create a list like this:
11:58.51JoshBorkelooks like a FauxScrollFrame to me
12:01.09s|louphm thought i can create a editbox where i can focus entries by line but cant find  a way to figure out what line is focused
12:01.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (n=mikalhh@
12:01.49StylpeHey, is Cairenn around?
12:02.01s|loupno is sleeping
12:24.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
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12:29.44Mikks|loup: it's possible. just no fun.
12:30.06Mikkyou have to work from cursor position updates, which are in pixels
12:30.19Mikkor close-to-pixels anyway
12:30.48Mikkand never use FauxScrollFrames. they're pointless.
12:30.57Mikkjust slap up a slider of your own and a pair of buttons and you're good to go.
12:31.21s|loupyes looks like they do it with buttons
12:31.41Mikkall the bloody juggling you need to do to get a fauxscrollframe working is twice the code you need to work a slider + buttons yourself. it's so pointless it makes me want to cry.
12:36.41JoshBorkemorning Mikk
12:36.46Mikkmorning =)
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12:49.35JoshBorkeMikk: aw, EtchASketch no longer highlights the frame when you select it? :-(
12:51.52Mikkit does
12:52.01Mikkselect with the left button
12:54.17JoshBorkeso who wants to help me figure out how to make a pretty graph?
12:55.24Mikkhaven't you already dont it? o.O
12:55.46JoshBorkei did do it, but it didn't really work well
12:56.19JoshBorkeso now i'm trying to take all the textures i have and segment them up into data groups and then play connect the dots
12:56.40JoshBorkenot that the previous statement made any sense whatsoever
12:56.47Mikkno =)
13:00.46JoshBorkebasically, i have 150 textures that make up my graph.  i have anywhere from 10 to 150 data points i can use to fill in the graph
13:01.28JoshBorkeso, i want to make the graph smooth by interpolating between the data points
13:01.40Mikkmneh, don't. it's a lie.
13:01.54Mikkpersonally, i'd prefer having it jaggy
13:02.34JoshBorkehrmph, that's what every one else says too :-/
13:03.22Mikkquit angsting then and find a new addon to hack on =)
13:03.46JoshBorkewell, my graph is still broken :-P whatever the current health is it fills the entire graph :-D
13:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (n=mikalhh@
13:11.54JoshBorkethis is the oddest thing i've ever seen.  my segments fill in backwards
13:12.16JoshBorkeoh, i know why! math.mod ftl
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13:57.17TainDid the ability to inherit from XML templates for Lua created frames go in yet?  I haven't been paying attention.
14:00.08JoshBorkeTain: yes :-)
14:03.14JoshBorkeTain: that mean you're going to rewrite Visor+VisorButtons in Ace2? ^_^
14:03.39TainI'm not promising anything but I do feel like looking at it.
14:07.18TainOf course I have to test a basic assumption first that the "this" object will behave the same as an xml inherited frame.  I hope so!
14:10.01JoshBorkeMikk: have you tried HealthMon?
14:15.59JoshBorkeok, so if i can make a movie of my addon in motion
14:16.03JoshBorkehow would i go about making that a gif?
14:16.52TainYou have to take invidual snapshots saved as gif and then there's programs that will put each frame together into an animated gif.
14:17.26TainThe only one I ever used was pay, but had a time limited demo.  And I don't remember what it's called.
14:21.23RallionTain: 'this' does work the same.
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14:40.14JoshBorkemod conflicts ftl
15:03.28JoshBorkekrka: when are you going to work on your GRAB? :-(
15:05.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:13.37Hexarobijosh, if you have a bunch of still gifs you wanna put together as an animate gif send em to me and ill drop em in imageready and animate em for ya real quick
15:14.08JoshBorkeHexarobi: ko, i'll keep that in mind :-) thanks
15:14.13JoshBorkei'm not quite to that stage though :-)
15:14.36Hexarobihehe k, if you have imageready its really not hard
15:14.43cogwheelYou know what the worst part of working on BuyEmAll is? Forgetting to set it to debug mode and wasting a few gold on useless crap...
15:14.58Hexarobiyou just drag and drop the frames into the right order, and adjust the delay between each frame
15:15.08Hexarobihehe cog
15:15.26Hexarobii released a  version of my mod with the debugging still turned on the other day ;)
15:25.08KaeltenAwayanyone give me some feedback on thef rames?
15:25.11KaeltenAwayframes rather
15:30.14JoshBorkebye all :-)
15:30.43JoshBorkechange the 'Save / Close' to 'Save + Close'?
15:31.54JoshBorkeKaeltenAway: will the days have some information on what is happening then when you mouse-over/click?
15:33.40JoshBorkeanyway, bye all :-)
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15:50.54RallionAnybody know if the server counts an item as 'seen' if it's only in somebody's bank?
15:51.23Rallionthe only 'evidence' i have on that is that BAG_UPDATE events for bank bags fire on login
15:51.42Rallionand only for the bags you actually have, so it is looking at the bank at least a little.
15:56.14Abenadi - I don't see an anchor that will stick the top-right of my tooltip to the bottom-right of the parent, is the wiki missing it or do I need to pick another anchor?
15:59.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:04.04Abenadior Can I just use setpoint to anchor the tooltip because GameTooltip inherits the methods from Region?
16:05.46cogwheelI would assume the SetPoint method would work
16:06.34cogwheelI've been playing around with LuaSlinger a lot because it lets you test these kinds of things pretty easily. It proved invaluable while I was learning how to modify frames.
16:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
16:08.00Abenadiheh, if I could load up world of warcraft I would just test the code change directly ; )
16:12.09Maldiviahmm, is there a bug with CreateFrame in 1.11.2, where frames in that frame are created with a lower level than the backdrop?
16:13.43Maldiviathat is, when calling CreateFrame with a template to create from
16:14.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
16:15.02Temok, french people who play wow are fucking awesome
16:15.11Temraids are still called raids
16:15.30TemAnd the best quote of all
16:15.32Tem"Progression : MC,BWL, Aq20, ZG sur le farm status"
16:16.27Temoh man
16:16.33Tem"hard core" is also not translated
16:17.03Tem"On va la'voir notre hard core guilde de francophone, je vous le dit!"
16:17.54Temaww.. don't tell me the only french speaking people in this channel are afk
16:21.50MaldiviaI was just complaining about CreateFrame, and no response to that either.. :)
16:23.37TemCreateFrame is the best thing to happen to the WoW API
16:23.59Temsince Get/SetScript
16:28.45Temcogwheel, where are you from?
16:29.04Temspeak french by chance?
16:29.20cogwheelOnly a teeny bit that i vaguely remember from high school...
16:29.38Tem'sur' and 'le' should still be in your memory
16:29.54cogwheelthat's why i smiled ;)
16:30.14TemI think it's quite funny the words that just aren't translated
16:30.31Temwhere they just sorta take the english words instead
16:30.59cogwheelYeah. french and japanese are like that
16:31.01TemI think it would even more funny to listen to them talk
16:33.45Temhmm, this is something that's been annoying me quite a bit
16:34.01TemI recently installed the latest video drivers for my card from ATI
16:34.14cogwheelalready found your problem...
16:34.24Temyes, I hate ATI
16:34.29Hexarobiany computer engineers here?
16:34.33Temgetting a new card just isn't in the cards now
16:34.43TemHexarobi, that was my major until about 6 months ago
16:35.34Hexarobii need to design a 16-bit accumulator based calculator
16:35.36Temand ever since I did that, anytime I watch a video, the video is squished
16:35.51TemHexarobi, my roomate had to do that for his digital2 lab
16:35.55Hexarobii had 6 weeks to do, but now its due thurs ;)
16:36.01Hexarobisend it to me! =)
16:36.10Hexarobiya this is basically digital logic 2
16:36.25Hexarobiim a software kid, this shit sucks
16:36.27cogwheelTry going back to the old drivers... There was about a 6-month span when even the newest nVidia drivers would cut my framerate by about 2/3
16:36.44TemHexarobi, me too
16:36.50TemHexarobi, that's why I switched my major to CSC
16:37.01cogwheelHexarobi, do you have a logic simulator? I played with that kind of stuff for a while...
16:37.03Hexarobihehe ya thats my major, but they make us take these couple engineering courses
16:37.10TemI got as far as digital 2 and circuits 2
16:37.22Temthen I discovered that I **HATE** magnitism
16:37.35Temwhich in turn means I hate inductors
16:37.44Temand that I hate circuits by associate
16:37.44Hexarobiyou hate electromagnetism?
16:38.01Mikkdude, if you want to code, what are you doing in uni? :-P
16:38.03TemI hate fooling with it
16:38.23Mikkany vocational school with a decent programming course will let you do more actual coding :-P
16:38.46Hexarobii already know how to code, im going for the slip of paper that gets you more money
16:38.46Temyes, but my rents are pretty set on me getting a degree
16:38.52Temthat too
16:38.58Mikkhehe yeah
16:39.02Mikkthat's what i thought too back then
16:39.08cogwheelHeh.. that's why i'm going to law school soon...
16:39.09Mikki could take it for almost a year and then i bailed out :-P
16:39.27Mikk(but then again fancy degrees aren't quite as important in sweden i think. that matters i suppose)
16:39.28cogwheelIn california they have vocational law schools, but also have the hardest Bar in the country.
16:39.35Hexarobithe degree is more about being able to put up with bueracratic bullshit than actually knowing what yer degrees in
16:39.47Temanyway, cogwheel, my biggest gripe is that I still crash in the searing gorge and Nef's lair
16:40.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
16:40.36cogwheeltem, I play at work on an ati card... i've never been to Nef while at work, but i'll take a look at searing gorge... if i don't crash, ill let you know what driver version i'm using...
16:40.40cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
16:40.50purlACTION Look... I .... use... a lot... of .... elipses...........
16:40.50Hexarobitem, any chance your roommate still has his project files?
16:41.06TemHexarobi, I'm not at my appartment and he isn't there either
16:41.11Hexarobihehe k
16:41.18Hexarobiwell ive got until thursday
16:41.19Temhe went on a vacation until classes start up
16:41.23Hexarobiso uh, get right on that! ;)
16:41.40Hexarobii cant believe he did that to me
16:41.57Temcogwheel, it's an older card issue
16:42.13TemI've only ever crashed once in the Searing Gorge
16:42.41Tembut I usually crash several times each time we pay a visit to uncle nef
16:43.07Temit's to the point where when we figure out where each mage is going for the zerg, they just assume that I will be crashed out
16:45.34Hexarobiman, if i have to actually do this homework myself im gunna end up killing somebody
16:46.29Rallioncogwheel, for visual consistancy?
16:46.43Temoh, *cheer*
16:46.43cogwheelThat's what BLP2TGA is for :P
16:46.53Temthere's a newer version than what I have installed
16:47.18TemThis software update cannot be installed on your system
16:47.34TemPlease contact your manufacturer for driver updates
16:47.40Temdie in a fire, AIT
16:47.41Ralliondrivers are the devil.
16:49.09RallionI keep updating my 'big upgrade' shopping list on Newegg, and I keep talking about buying it, but I know I won't until I hit a game that I can't get playable on the lowest settings.
16:49.36TemI want a new system
16:49.38Temreal, real bad
16:49.44TemI've got the fever
16:49.55Temand the only prescription is more cowbell
16:49.58RallionThe only reason I got the video card I have now was because my old one didn't have Pixel Shading 2.0 or whatever and a bunch of games just wouldn't even start
16:50.05cogwheelRallion, that point came for me when I got SimCity 4
16:50.07Tems/more cowbell/a new machine/
16:50.25RallionSC 4 eats RAM for breakfast, and lunch, and dinner
16:50.59Rallionthough the single RAM-hungriest game of all time is UT2k4
16:51.07TemI have a gig
16:51.13Temand it eats all of it
16:51.23RallionWith UT2k4, once, I had a 4GB swap file and it ran out and crashed.
16:51.36Temouch lol
16:52.58Rallionthe PC ports of PS3 games are probably going to push me over the edge
16:52.58Rallionespecially since I can upgrade this for less than the cost of one...
16:53.15Rallioni just hate that I can't do little incremental upgrades at this point
16:53.56Ralliona new video card isn't going to be AGP anymore, so I need a new motherboard to use it, and so I need a new CPU to run in it, all at once. plus, I need a new power supply to run all of it.
16:54.13RallionThe only thing that works on its own is the PS, and that doesn't do anything for me.
16:55.55MaldiviaTem, about CreateFrame, how much have you worked with it, and templates?
16:56.16Temwhat kind of templates?
16:56.24TemXML templates? don't bother
16:56.25Hexarobibefore im done, youll all be wearing gold plated diapers
16:57.18MaldiviaTem, yeah - xml templates
16:57.48MaldiviaTem, yeah - it seems there's a bug with CreateFrame and xml templates
16:57.56Hexarobiwhats the bug
16:58.20Maldiviabackdrops are not "back"-drops, more like front-drops
16:58.29Maldiviathe appear on top of all sub-frames
16:59.08Hexarobibackdrops specified in a template and instanced by createframe?
16:59.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
16:59.40Maldiviahave a frame, with a backdrop, and then a few sub frames in that frame - all defined as one template
16:59.58Maldiviaif I create a frame in xml, the backdrop is back - if I create it with CreateFrame, it's a "frontdrop"
17:00.12Temrestarting to see if the driver I got from dell is less useless than the one I got from ATI
17:00.38RallionChuckle. I doubt that. Oh well.
17:02.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:10.05Hexarobiis there a way to re-anchor something from say center to bottom or top
17:10.29Rallionwhat do you mean?
17:10.43zenzelezzClearAllPoints and SetPoint or something like that?
17:10.54Rallionthat'll do whatever you want, yes
17:11.10Ralliondefinitely want to remember the ClearAllPoints part.
17:12.14Hexarobihhe k thx
17:12.42Temyay, the 'new' video drivers work
17:13.04Temnow I need to figure out a way to make this 3.5 gig video of us killing Skeram not quite so mindblowingly large
17:13.33zenzelezzI'd suggest a codec that compresses ;-p
17:13.54zenzelezzwhat are the dimensions and duration of the video?
17:15.23TemI'd like to keep it at max res it's more about showing off my UI to my guild than anything else
17:15.36Tem(btw, that's a "lol")
17:15.59zenzelezzsounds like it should be possible to compress at least a fair bit... keep a backup copy and try a few different codecs/settings
17:16.14Hexarobiwhats it in now? mpeg2?
17:16.45Hexarobimaybe try AutoGK to xvid it
17:16.47zenzelezzI'd imagine it's either that or a low-compression on-the-fly codec
17:16.50Temit's currently in whatever the default for Fraps is
17:17.03zenzelezzthink that's low- or no-compression
17:17.56Temprobably none
17:18.07Temthe less processing it has to do while I'm playing wow, the better
17:26.12StylpeHmm, Cairenn still isn't around?
17:26.44zenzelezzmight be covertly watching
17:27.13StylpeWell, I've got something important I need to ask her about
17:27.59zenzelezzshould just try a private message then... if she's here she'll probably respond
17:28.49StylpeI usually don't tryst private messages, mainly because I seldomly notice them myself
17:29.03Stylpebut I guess I can try
17:29.38zenzelezzmost IRC clients these days open a new window for them... but could still be they miss them
17:36.32Rallionyou know, an 8 minute movie at 1280x800 is never going to be exactly small.
17:37.11StylpeSay, zenzelezz, could you send me a pm, so I can see how easy it is to notice? I'm using Opera's IRC for the first time
17:37.32Stylpeor anyone can send me a message
17:38.14Rallionprobably 300MB at the very minimum, though that's managable
17:38.45Rallionyou could message yourself :P
17:49.06*** join/#wowi-lounge c0ol (
17:50.32Temholy crap
17:50.35Temit's Stylpe
17:50.46Temhaven't seen you around in ages
17:51.21StylpeI know, I haven't had an internet connection since I moved two months ago
17:51.41Stylpeand I still don't, I'm at my mom's place right now
17:52.06TemTo the guys who were telling me what to do about my stupidly large movie, what video editing/compressing software do you suggest?
17:52.22StylpeGlad to see someone remembered me =P
17:52.30SmoothIm trying to figure out how to enumerate all the players in my raid within X range of me, is using CheckInteractDistance along with TargetUnit the best way to achieve this?
17:52.33TemStylpe, how do you live without internet?
17:52.41TainLiving without internet isn't life.
17:53.00StylpeI had a large cache of gamecube games I'd downloaded before I moved
17:53.11Stylpeand I got a Qoob chip
17:53.12TemSmooth, what kind of situation are you in?
17:53.28Stylperegarding what?
17:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:53.51SmoothIm trying to decide the "best" target for my Divine Intervention spell, so I was going to loop the raid members to find out which ones were possible canidates(in range)
17:53.53StylpeOh, you were talking to Smoothy
17:53.57Smooththen sort them by class and pick one
17:54.45Hexarobiwhy would wowChessBoard:SetPoint("BOTTOM"); give me a usage error?
17:55.06Temsmooth, doesn't DI give you a glowy hand?
17:55.20SmoothIt does
17:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:58.48Temthen you can use SpellCanTargetUnit
17:58.52Temto determine range
17:59.01TemLoS might be an issue
17:59.36KirovLoS can only be determined from the error message
17:59.55TainWoah I missed that note, Roges will be able to pickpocket something in combat as long as they're stealthed
18:01.49TemTo the guys who were telling me what to do about my stupidly large movie, what video editing/compressing software do you suggest?
18:02.28SmoothThanks Tem, I assume I will just clear my target then cast the DI spell and use that function to determine the best target then use SpellTargetUnit to cast and then just target my old target again for seemlessness.
18:02.39SmoothTem: divx is pretty much the standard
18:02.59SmoothAlthough some people prefer others, for maximum compatability I'd probaby go with divx
18:03.04Temyeah, but for editing?
18:03.15TemI need software to stick it in that format
18:03.22Temand I need software to edit it
18:03.28Temnone of which have I ever done before
18:03.32Kirovnothing really good
18:03.36Kirovfree at least
18:03.44Temfree is good
18:03.46SmoothOh for editing, if your computer is good and you don't mind bloat and you're not on a mac, adobe premier is the best
18:03.50KirovThere's Microsoft's Movie Encoder, but it's shite
18:04.01Temadobe * doesn't sound free =P
18:04.25SmoothDepends on how lose your intelectual property morals are :)
18:04.53Temwrt to Adobe, pretty loose
18:04.57KirovAdobe Premier is pretty much the defacto standard for most places, that or Video Toaster or Flame
18:05.00KirovNone of which are free
18:05.03Kirovat all
18:05.12Hexarobihehe video toaster
18:05.14Temadobe kicked my puppy
18:05.19Temso I don't owe them anything
18:05.19Abenadiis there a way to know how much memory your addon is taking up?
18:05.26KirovPeople still use Video Toaster, heh
18:05.33KirovAbenadi - not really, no
18:05.39Hexarobigarth wears a video toaster tshirt in waynes world 1
18:05.48SmoothAbenadi: just a guess, load no addons, profile WoW
18:05.52SmoothLoad your addon only
18:05.55Smoothprofile WoW
18:05.57Smoothsubtract ;)
18:06.22Hexarobidana carveys cousin was on the amiga design team or something
18:07.14KirovThere were Linux and Win32 versions of Video Toaster that came out after Amiga's death
18:07.44TainTem you could actually try Windows Movie Maker.
18:08.00Kirovick ick ick
18:08.00Temsee the first word there?
18:08.06Temno thanks
18:08.07Kirovick ick ick
18:08.15TemI guess if I'm desperate...
18:08.15KirovI've tried to use that before
18:08.24KirovSuch shit
18:08.32SmoothWMM isn't that bad, its just not meant for anything more than appending clips
18:08.36TainIt's one of the few free video editing tools out there.
18:08.45SmoothIf you want any kind of compositing, dont use it :)
18:08.47TainFree if you already own Windows, of course.
18:09.15TainBut you can look through here to see if you find anything, although most of it is Premiere, or Uleaed.
18:09.15Temyeah, I guess I'm going the adobe premier way then
18:09.32SmoothPremier has a 30 day free trial
18:09.37Temoh that's nice
18:09.43SmoothFully featured iirc
18:09.45Temis anything disabled in it?
18:10.43SmoothLol I'm pretty sure adobe is aware that photoshop is probably the most pirated program ever
18:10.56Temthey have to know
18:11.02Temhey, my copy is lega
18:11.07TemI got it from work
18:11.13Temgo go student worker liscences
18:11.19KirovAnyone here use Caligari's Truespace?
18:11.23SmoothI think their stance is that as far as individuals go, they don't care that much. Its businesses they will bust
18:12.24KirovCaligari released a patch for their then most current version of the software, but it required you had a license key to install it.
18:12.43TainI used it a few years ago Kirov but not anytime recently.
18:12.53KirovThey released it with out the need for the key because there were so many pirated versions of their software.
18:13.28KirovBasically a statement of "We realize not everyone can afford our software, so here's the patch for free, enjoy."
18:15.59cogwheelHoly cow.... Have any of you ever spent like three hours completely recoding something, log into the game, fix one minor error and it works perfectly?!
18:16.04Rallionthat's pretty cool.
18:16.13RallionOh, cogwheel, yes. Yes, I have.
18:16.45RallionWell, not in WoW, but in a class project with less than two hours before it was due.
18:16.47kergothcogwheel: that always worries me.  it usually means some horrible, horrible bug is lurking hidden :)
18:17.10cogwheelyep, kergoth... i'm waiting now for the unhandled exceptions to start flowing in...
18:17.44Tem~exception cogwheel
18:17.46purlACTION throws a NullPointerException at cogwheel.
18:18.01purlkergoth: :)
18:18.11RallionNullPointerException is the worst.
18:18.20Temadobe premier 2.0 is 500MB
18:18.31purlSpace. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.
18:19.21Tem~emulate stewie
18:19.23purlYes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that.
18:19.30kergothhehe. i love that one
18:19.54SmoothHas anyone attempted to implement unit testing in a WoW mod?
18:20.07Kirovunit testing?
18:20.30kergothSmooth: i've unit tested my wow ui code, but outside of wow.
18:20.47RallionI don't really think unit testing within WoW would be all that great.
18:21.11kergothi agree, but unit testing the code in a lua interpreter is invaluable
18:21.13Smoothkergoth: Was it hard to setup the environmet for that?
18:21.16cogwheelI do unit testing in WoW with LuaSlinger... it's not automated or anything, but it works
18:21.34Rallionyeah, I do some degree of manual unit testing
18:21.37SmoothThats cool, I'll have to look into that
18:22.11Rallionsadly, my addon just won't work at all outside of WoW
18:22.33Rallionand probably never will
18:22.51kergothRallion: have you looked at wowbench?
18:23.09Rallionthe addon is entirely based on items.
18:23.14Rallioninv items, I mean
18:23.34cogwheelyou're doing an eng-like mod, right?
18:23.42RallionI'm so slow.
18:23.55RallionI work on it very little.
18:24.04RallionI probably watch this chat more than I work on it.
18:24.14kergothwell, you dont need a real UI to test.  simulate the user moving items around in the bags and such.  wowbench, if it doesnt already, will get into the wdb data one day, i'd hope
18:24.22purlfrom memory, irc is Internet Relay Chat or a massive time sink
18:24.33Rallionit doesn't yet, byt that would be awesome.
18:24.36purlkergoth: aw, gee
18:24.50cogwheelI had to close IRC and log off teamspeak once just to get BuyEmAll 1.5 uploaded to the various sites or i would've been up all night
18:24.57SmoothConsidering wowbench is a community project... *hint* *hint* :)
18:25.03Rallionlol, no.
18:25.32kergothi was about to implement some more api stuff for wowbench, now that i have svn access, but .. then i got distracted
18:25.36kergothnot that it takes much
18:26.20SmoothOh dear, I believe I need to actually do some real work today :(
18:26.31RallionNo! The horror!
18:26.54purlyay! i mean.. boo.
18:28.29Rallionpurl is a mystery to me.
18:28.37Rallionan enigma.
18:28.59purlhmm... perl is at or at, or a knitting stitch, or the Pathologically Eclectic rubbish Lister, or that other "P" language
18:29.03Stylpe~emulate me
18:29.05purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
18:29.32StylpeI've been away for too long
18:29.33kergothsomeone overrode the automatic replacement of 'me' by creating an actual 'emulate me' factoid
18:29.38kergothnow you have to
18:29.38CairennStylpe: you have to use your own name :p
18:29.39Stylpehow about
18:29.40kergoth~emulate Stylpe
18:29.41purlChuuuuu! ^_^
18:29.46purlSomehow I forgot all the nice things there is to say about Stylpe =/
18:29.52kergoth~emulate kergoth
18:29.54purlACTION hacks on OZ, OE, bitbake, and other projects.
18:29.54Stylpeah yeah
18:29.59kergothaw, that wasnt the one i wanted
18:30.10kergoth~emulate kergoth
18:30.12purlACTION hacks on OZ, OE, bitbake, and other projects.
18:30.30purlA simple console perl script that plays a coordinate-based tictactoe game. URL:
18:30.47Abenadiis there a builtin function to see if a keyed table is empty or do I have to do a quick loop through the first member?
18:31.23kergothfunction istableempty(t) return next(t) == nil end
18:31.31kergothno, getn will fail for non numerically indexed
18:31.57Abenadithanks kergoth
18:32.35cogwheelhence my question mark :)
18:32.46kergothif you're wondering what next is, read the section of PIL / the lua manual on the generic for and custom iterators
18:34.00Abenadidoes that mean I can just say if next(table) then to check if its empty?
18:34.19cogwheelif not next(table)
18:35.28kergothdont use if not next(table)
18:36.03kergoththeres a corner case, if the first element it returns has an index of the boolean value false, which is valid, thatll think its empty even when it isnt
18:36.12kergothunlikely, true, but even so
18:36.26kergothhence the direct comparison to nil in the function above
18:37.33Abenadiso i can use if next(table)==nil ?
18:37.47Abenadiworks for me
18:56.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
18:59.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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19:10.17Kirovhmm... wdn is fubared
19:10.51Cairenncomes up fine for me
19:13.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:40.25Kirov - borked
19:43.20Maldiviathis might be the cause:
19:43.20Maldivia<b>Warning</b>:  fopen(pages/01205561/lcompare.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/wowinter/public_html/wdn/engine/classes.php</b> on line <b>54</b><br />
19:51.20Hexarobiis there a way to move a window say 20 pixels upward? im trying to do a SetPoint("TOPLEFT", GetLEft(), (GetTop - 20)
19:51.39Hexarobibut the gettop returns distance from the bottom of the screen to the top of the window, which is totally unhelpful
19:52.02Hexarobiand if i try to use UIParent:GetHeight() it returns an unscaled 768
19:52.32KirovHexarobi - so, scale it
19:53.05Hexarobithe top is scaled, the ui parent isnt
19:53.22Hexarobii think i see what u mena
19:53.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
19:53.30cogwheelOr you could use GetPoint to grab the current values, add 20 to the y and then use SetPoint to put it all back together again
19:54.18Hexarobiya ill try that cog
19:54.22Hexarobididnt know gwtpoint
19:54.49Kirovhmm, good idea
19:55.42cogwheelI figured that out last night while working on BuyEmAll... then scrapped it and decided to make my own XML for the split frame.
19:57.21AbenadiDoes chat_msg_combat_friendly_death have the restricted combat log event range?
19:57.53ShadowedIf you want to find out when a raid or party member dies you'll have to watch UNIT_HEALTH
19:57.54Cairennanyone else having problems logging in?
19:57.55cogwheelKirov, I uploaded a new version a little while ago. The left and right buttons now move by the preset stack size like we talked about the other day. I also added to the readme file to clarify a few things.
19:58.07ShadowedCairenn: forums or in-game?
19:58.08AbenadiThanks Shadowed
19:58.23ShadowedI was able to login to Icecrown about a minute ago
19:58.37Cairenndaughter trying to log in, soon as she enters her pw she *immediately* gets "disconnected from server"
19:58.45Kirovcogwheel - woot
19:58.54Shadowedprobably want to check net connection
19:58.58cogwheelcairenn works fine for me...
19:59.00Cairennnet is fine
19:59.16ShadowedI suggest posting on the forums blaming blizzard while ignoring all other facts
19:59.59Kirov - lol
20:00.37ShadowedHow old is that?
20:00.45Shadowedthat's got to be at least 2-3 years old
20:00.59AbenadiWill unit_health report properly for a feigned hunter?
20:01.07Abenadii mean unithealth(unit)
20:01.13KirovIt retuns 0
20:01.15Shadowedyou have to do a buff check
20:01.24Kirovhence why I wrote SimpleFeignHealth
20:01.47AbenadiI'd rather just use raidrosterupdate and skip it if they're not in a raid
20:01.55ShadowedYou have to wait for UNIT_AURA to check there buffs
20:01.57Abenadii mean raidrosterinfo
20:01.59Abenadior w/e
20:03.57KirovGetRaidRosterInfo returns if they're really alive or dead, but only if they're visible.
20:04.29Shadowedassuming you don't want to use this in naxx, that should be good enough
20:04.43Kirovbtw, as of 1.11.2 it appears that UNIT_AURA doesn't fire for the player, either "player" or their raid unit id
20:04.55AbenadiI noticed that
20:05.05Shadowedhas wiki been updated with that yet?
20:05.08AbenadiI mean that there's no argument with it
20:05.29KirovAbenadi - it still fires, just doesn't have any args?
20:05.36ShadowedJust "player" and "raidx" for that player right?
20:05.47Shadowedi'll go check on test, sec
20:06.10AbenadiI don't believe it has any args I have an archived saved variables I can check
20:06.36Shadowedstill fires on test
20:06.43ShadowedUNIT_AURA, arg1 = player when casting rejuv on myself
20:07.01ShadowedYeah, it's working fine for me on PTR
20:07.41KirovAre you in a raid?
20:07.53KirovMight be an in-raid-only thing
20:07.58Shadowedare either of you on the PVE PTR server?
20:08.13Shadowedis anyone?
20:09.12cogwheelIf I wanted to do this: would I be able to do it programattically or will i have to hard-code a list of bags and items that would be able to go in them?
20:09.15Shadowedbah, nobody is on the PVE PTR?
20:09.21KirovActually haven't been able to update to the PTR
20:09.28ShadowedUS PVE PTR that is
20:09.30KirovI just get an error when I try to patch
20:09.45ShadowedSays i'm no the owner or admin of the portal cogwheel
20:09.46AbenadiI take that back, doublechecked my file on UNIT_AURA does send a unit id in arg1 on the current production build
20:09.50Kirovcog - that's the admin link
20:10.20Shadowed~bonk Abenadi
20:10.21purlACTION bonks Abenadi over the head
20:10.32KirovAbenadi - in a raid?
20:11.06KirovI've been noticing lately that in-raid that one of my mods have not been receiving any player aura changes where it did pre 1.11.2
20:11.10AbenadiI think it fired every time, but i'll look at it again a bit more thoroughly here
20:11.38Rallionhmm. as far as I can see, removing a bag from your bag bar does NOT cause any event to fire.
20:12.16ShadowedThat'd be an odd change for Blizzard to make anyway, as it would basically break a bunch of raid frames
20:12.23AbenadiI doublechecked
20:12.26Abenadiit works every time
20:12.37Shadowed~bonk Abenadi
20:12.38purlACTION bonks Abenadi over the head
20:13.06AbenadiI had some old data where I did registerallevents and recorded all the args for a full zg run, and I found an event for unit_aura where arg1 is the player and its mid-raid
20:13.22Rallionoh. it fires CURSOR_UPDATE.
20:13.24Rallionthat sucks.
20:13.30Abenadihe started it! --->points at kirov
20:15.14KirovI'm going to make a dev mod to watch events.
20:15.28Shadowedwould be nice for something that lets you search combat events
20:15.35AbenadiThat's why I made mine
20:15.49Shadowedhave a quickly put together one that does registerallevents then searches arg1 for something specific if the event starts with CHAT_MSG
20:16.30Rallionokay. that's annoying.
20:16.51KirovMaybe I'll go steal Mars's localization code and add something to list seen patterns
20:17.50AbenadiI had put together my event watcher to catch all the combat events, but then I found another mod that had a few that I'd missed, had them all nicely organized with the parsing patterns as well  =o
20:18.35KirovI'd probably make mine watch for unknown events
20:19.02Kirovbreak everything up in to categories
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20:19.16Shadowedoriginally I had mine using a list, but I found it easier to use registerall since i can use it for more then combat events
20:19.29KirovAll CHAT_ events, all CHAT_MSG_ events, all CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ events
20:19.54Abenadigive me a good name for my current mod-in-development. It graphs the combat log over time, and you can mouseover points to display the events in a tooltip.
20:20.16cogwheel... CombatChart?
20:20.29Abenadiright now its Combat Monitor but that sounds so ... generic
20:20.33Kirovcogwheel - btw, it might be possible to use the various GetItemInfo returns to determine if something can go in special bags
20:20.40RallionI really wish the event system was more specific.
20:20.57RallionNot with chat messages, but with other things, where you really have no idea what just happened
20:21.34Abenadiboring but functional : (
20:21.42Kirovcogwheel -
20:21.49RallionFor example, if you pick up an item, that item icon turns grey, but in order to do that the game has to go through and update the saturation value for every single visible icon
20:22.27Rallions/visible icon/visible item button
20:22.35cogwheelhmmm.... projectile would be pretty easy then... it would be the herbalism stuff that will be the problem.
20:22.41Rallionmeh @ my keyboard skills
20:22.50Kirovcogwheel - yeah
20:22.52Abenadiand actually there is already a mod on curse called combatgraph so that's out
20:23.02KirovSoul Shard bag is easy since that's consistant
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20:23.28Rallionherbalism is trickiest
20:24.03cogwheelEngineering will be too if they ever implement it.
20:24.07Rallionyou could ALMOST do it by checking the item texture path
20:24.15Rallionoh, engineering would definitely be hardest.
20:24.19Kirovactually, no
20:24.23KirovThere's already a return for that
20:24.28KirovTrade Goods - Parts
20:24.38Rallionreally? i had no idea
20:24.54cogwheelI guess i just need to compile a list of herbs then... the rest should be "easy"...
20:25.59Kirovcan someone do a /dump GetItemInfo(3818)
20:26.00AbenadiMaybe I'll name my mod "Graphic Violence" =D
20:26.08KirovAbenadi - lol, nice
20:26.16cogwheelthat's perfect
20:26.18KirovGraphical Violence
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20:31.41Abenadiso what will raidrosterinfo return for isDead if the target is not visible?
20:32.05KirovWhat ever the last seen state was.
20:32.52KirovI do a UnitIsDead() check, then a GetRaidRosterInfo() check
20:33.14KirovNot as efficient, but more consistant
20:33.53cogwheelanyone know where i can find localized herb names? :P
20:33.53KirovI'm sure there's a mod for that
20:34.05KirovDoes Periodic Table have that?
20:34.45Kirovwhat's with the new download icon on WoW?
20:36.19Kirovor Mendeleev
20:36.46AbenadiLawl is this true? on wowwiki:If you feign death in WSG, enemies can take your insignia!! This will kill, you! All non-hunters remember this, and all hunters avoid feign death like the plague!
20:37.08Kirovheh, haven't tried
20:37.13Abenadiif so that's hilarious
20:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:44.51Cairennhi Kirk
20:44.57KirkburnI found this 'lovely' link :) If you are averse to creepy crawlies, you may want to stop after the first few pics:
20:45.11Cairennbtw, you guys might want to chime in on this thread:
20:45.42KirkburnBing bong, I want to chime!
20:46.14KirkburnVia the medium of someone else, hopefully =)
20:46.16Cairennand for the EU crowd that can't chime in there, you can chime in here if you want:
20:46.28KirkburnOOh, let's do that then
20:46.47Cairennnow come on, you know I take care of you guys :p
20:47.37Cairennlol, just saw it, cute
20:48.04Kirovbooty day > birthday
20:48.05KirkburnTell him to shake his booty :)
20:48.23cogwheelhehe... we both said something about pirates
20:48.27KirovKirkburn - well, there's a connotation there that he should tell his wife about...
20:49.21Cairennummm, cogwheel? that's rather scary!
20:49.27cogwheelkirov, BTW: i'm planning to have a "Fill" button for ammo that will automatically fill up your quiver/ammo pouch
20:49.30KirovPink pirate maps
20:49.48KirovCogwheel nice
20:50.27cogwheelI found that after someone linked to
20:51.11KirkburnSo THAT'S where it's from
20:51.59RallionI hate it ( HATE IT ) when functions return out-of-date values. makes things complicated.
20:58.16Kirov wow version
20:59.33Cairennbetter one, for Slouken
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21:00.43cogwheelfeel free to 1-up me in that thread ;)
21:01.30KirovI'll pass as well
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21:01.50Cairennwill let you edit :)
21:02.14cogwheelI'm still blaming it on you, kirov
21:05.29Abenadicogwheel: can't you make your ammo 'fill' button do it automatically without pressing a button?
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21:06.05cogwheelI could make that an option...
21:06.21Abenadican't think of a reason i wouldn't want to refill automatically
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21:06.28Cairennrofl @ Iriel's response
21:06.46cogwheelkirov, my wife said the female dancer in the WoW version should've been a gnome with pink hair...
21:06.59Kirovcogwheel - I couldn't agree more
21:07.26KirovBut, I'm just the messenger, I take no responsibility for the actual production of that film
21:07.38cogwheelabenadi, I think a low-level hunter on a brand new server with not much money would want control over how much they spend.... /shrug
21:08.37KirovHow about making it so when you click on ammo it pops up the split frame with the max amount already filled in?
21:08.43Rallionif anybody was wondering what I was angry about, GetContainerNumSlots still returns the number of slots in a bag immediately after you take it out of the slot
21:09.58cogwheelThat would be a good compromise. Eventually I do plan to add a few settings.
21:09.59KirovRallion - hmm?
21:10.14cogwheel"I hate it ( HATE IT ) when functions return out-of-date values. makes things complicated."
21:10.16KirovRallion - until Bag_Update has fired, you can't make any assumptions.
21:10.33KirovMoving things in bags / action bar requlres server events
21:11.24RallionKirov -- moving a bag out of a bag NEVER fires bag_update
21:11.28Rallionhence the issue.
21:12.04KirovCan't you check if there's a bag there?
21:12.04Abenadiso - I've noticed that UnitIsEnemy doesn't seem to "work" for when your buddy is mind controlled. Is that what UnitIsCharmed is for?
21:12.20RallionYes, it's what I'm doing, but it's less seamless
21:12.21KirovAbenadi - UnitIsFriend
21:12.51KirovUnitIsFriend and UnitIsEnemy seem like they're the same function, but aren't
21:12.54Abenadiso UnitIsFriend will return false when a raid member is MC'd? because I recall that UnitIsEnemy returns false in that situation?
21:12.56Rallionit works now though, so, no more problems.
21:12.56KirovSlouken explained it a while back
21:13.05cogwheelUnitCanAttack & UnitCanAssist are the ones I use
21:13.22Kirovhmm, nice
21:14.47Rallionthe reason I prefer to use GetContainerNumSlots is that it works for the backpack and bank without me having to put in special cases.
21:25.39AnduinLothar:D the new Mac Pro desktops are dual proccessor- dual core 3 GHz Xeon 5100
21:28.27cogwheelWow... 16 gigs of ram for only an extra $5700....
21:29.00AnduinLotharlol, never buy apple ram everyone knows that
21:29.39AnduinLotharbuy the minimum and ebay the rest
21:30.15AnduinLotharnot that you need 16 gigs unless you also have the super expensive quadro graphics card
21:31.16KirovJust get a rack of these babies
21:31.30AnduinLotharlol, the poster slogans: "Mac OS X Leopard, Introducing Vista 2.0"  and "Mac OS X Leopard, Hasta la Vista, Vista"
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21:34.37cogwheel"this" is a global variable, right? I don't have to keep passing it around between functions as long as the event is still being processed?
21:35.00DoomGaze3can I use conditional expressions in for declarations?
21:35.19KirovDoom - example?
21:35.25DoomGaze3like: for i = 1, table.getn(greedList) and 5 do
21:35.27AnduinLotharhuh.. the Mac Pro looks almost identical to the G5 enclosure except it has another cd drive.. that's a little dissapointing
21:35.40KirovDoomGaze - yes
21:35.56AnduinLothari mean i have a G5, so i liked the case, was jut hoping for something new
21:36.03KirovDoomGaze - though in a for loop like that you have to be careful.
21:36.24Kirovgetn(t) and 5 == 5 I believe.
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21:36.32DoomGaze3would it be safer to include this instead: if (i >= 5) then break end
21:36.59Kirovthe for iterator does that check once at the start
21:37.23KirovI'd do min(table.getn(greedList),5)
21:37.34zenzelezzfunky... Moam killed by the last person alive, a hunter
21:37.34DoomGaze3min? linky.
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21:37.49KirovDoom - what exactly are you attempting to do?
21:38.15DoomGaze3Specifically, I'm trying to print the next five people on my greedlist
21:38.42DoomGaze3if there aren't 5 people, it needs to only print who's there
21:39.19DoomGaze3local msg = "The next few greeds go to (in order): ";
21:39.19DoomGaze3for i = 1, table.getn(greedList) do
21:39.19DoomGaze3if (greedList[i] and lootIndex[greedList[i]]) then
21:39.20DoomGaze3msg = msg..greedList[i].." ";
21:39.20DoomGaze3if (i >= 5) then break end
21:39.24DoomGaze3TellMessage(msg, arg2);
21:39.47Kirovyeah, use min() then
21:40.08Kirovmin(50000,4) = 4
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21:40.47Kirovmax(4,5000) = 5000 for reference
21:41.01DoomGaze3handy, that
21:41.44DoomGaze3Cool! My help system is complete.
21:49.26DoomGaze3I got a tell hook set up so peeps can use my help system without me knowing it
22:09.55ckknighthey all
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22:21.14cogwheelitem types and subtypes aren't localized, right?
22:22.13SmoothOT question: If I purchased the korean version of the game, would I be unable to select USA realm servers?
22:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (
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22:27.03AbenadiSay I am creating frames with CreateFrame and I want one to show up in front of the other if they overlap, do I do that through framestrata or?
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22:27.35AnduinLotharyes, or alwaysontop
22:28.42AnduinLotharNew IsCasting out for anyone that's interested. I added an emulated SPELLCAST_SUCCESS event
22:53.51KirkburnSo, has anyone played Psychonauts since my recommendation?
22:54.41KirkburnI'm off to see if I can beat the 'milkman' levels :)
22:58.19gnorlishdoes this mean you found a good download?
23:07.00AnduinLotharok.. you know what's hawt... Time Machine... it's like automated SVN for your harddrive
23:09.25cogwheelKirov, are you around?
23:10.14cogwheelMy hunter doesn't have enough money to test the newest BuyEmAll... lol
23:10.24cogwheelcan i send you a lua file to check for me?
23:10.44KirovCan I do it in 2 hours?
23:10.52KirovAt work atm
23:11.00cogwheelHeh.. me too :P
23:11.21cogwheelI'll let you know later tonight if i still need help
23:16.40Kirkburn|milkyI hate boss fights :/
23:16.58Kirkburn|milkygnorlish, I imported the game from the US about a year ago :)
23:18.25AnduinLotharwhat do you need cog, i need to buy a few hundred symbol of kings for a raid
23:18.59Kirovcogwheel - if yu want you can send me the file and I'll look over it
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23:19.47cogwheelI forgot about my other hunter... i think I've got it working
23:20.52cogwheelIt actually seems to be working beautifully :) I have no idea if the enchanting/herbalism stuff is though because all my herb/enchanters use regular bags atm
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23:22.00Kirovwhat enchanting supplies can you buy that go in to the bag?
23:23.01cogwheelSome vendors sell enchanting essences/dusts/shards in limited quantities (enchanting suppliers and various random ones). Same goes for herbs
23:23.14cogwheelThe main issue there is whether the available slots calculate correctly
23:23.33Kirovand you check for ammo vs arrows, right?
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23:29.22KirovAnother feature on the prompt
23:29.28KirovShow how much $$ it's going to be
23:30.36cogwheelYep. that'll be next
23:30.44cogwheelomw home now
23:49.19KasoPLW fires before reloadUI does it not?
23:49.32Kirovshould, yes

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