irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060804

00:02.49Hexarobeeanyone got an idea why that keeps setting the blend mode to add?
00:03.21Hexarobeewhen i create the button i set it as BLEND and it shows up as blend, then i do that to it and it turns to an ADD
00:03.39Hexarobeei added the code to try and force it to BLEND, does setting a highlight texture assume ADD?
00:05.03Mikkquite possibly
00:08.28AnduinLotharwell Telepathy's only 1200 lines so far..
00:08.45AnduinLothardown from Sky's 4000
00:09.34Mikkcogwheel: the info for how many of something you can buy is in the GetInfo call
00:14.11Iriel|workingcogwheel left
00:18.57cladhaireAnduinLothar: Telepathy?
00:18.57KirkburnTelepathy? Nice name
00:19.10AnduinLotharSky rewrite
00:19.12AnduinLotharfor 1.12
00:19.21Kirkburnzomg, it won't have a 'nature' name!
00:19.33cladhaireumm k
00:19.39MikkGood thing cogwheel is gone. I was wrong.
00:19.50MikkWonder what I was thinking about then ... I know it's in there somewhere...
00:20.20AnduinLothargot rid of all the ugly code
00:20.40AnduinLotharyou have no idea how much code there was to manage the channels
00:20.43MikkAh. GetMerchantItemMaxStack
00:21.00AnduinLotharmanaging a single channel is SO much easier
00:21.23AnduinLotharand no one was using the general lib channel calls so i nuked those too
00:22.24KirkburnYay for single channels!
00:22.43KirkburnYou'll get rid of the little sky icon too, I suppose
00:22.45*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
00:23.12Hexarobeeanyone know if SetHightlightTexture() accepts (texturepath, blendmode)
00:23.23Hexarobeeim getting weird results, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt
00:23.52AnduinLotharmmm, not sure yet..  Meteorologist may or may not survive, but I'll prolly preserve it's functionality somehow
00:24.12KirkburnThe dranei mount!
00:24.18AnduinLotharhaven't gotten that far yet
00:25.39KirkburnIf you have an icon for it, it'll have to be a little man with an aerial on his head and his fingers in his ears, with broadcasting 'circles' going outwards
00:26.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:26.23AnduinLotharwell if it is indeed telepathy i shouldn't have to put the info on the screen, no?
00:27.19KirkburnOooh, true
00:27.25KirkburnWe'll just know about it
00:27.45Kirkburn1.12 Life Tap change! Benefits from +spell dmg
00:30.19Iriel|workingHeh, someone posted a "That's it, I'm renewing my account" thread
00:31.01AnduinLotharMikk, are ChatThrottleLib messages garenteed in order they are queued by id?
00:32.57KirkburnDavid Hasselhoff - commercial for Pipex :D Watch!
00:33.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
00:46.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
00:46.53RallionI just spent about an hour getting my router to let me host War3 games.
00:47.14AnduinLothardota yay
00:47.38RallionI played DotA once, about a week or so after the first map was posted online.
00:48.17RallionI'm afraid to play, and suck, and have people get pissed that I suck.
00:48.42cladhairethey will
00:48.43KirkburnThis is AWESOME! Darth Vader being a a smartass:
00:48.48cladhairethey're bitches =)
00:49.06RallionThat's why I played my first ladder game in...yeeears...1v1...and got paired against a lvl10...and then managed to eke out a win, and I was actually all excited about it.
00:49.10ckknighthas anyone here had issues with FuBar-2.0 not adjusting frames correctly?
00:49.59Kirkburn2.0? Where's that??
00:50.12ckknightoh, it's on the Ace SVN
00:50.16ckknightbeen working on it for a while
00:50.54ckknightyou'll need to get old plugins to work
00:51.35KirkburnIs it near completion now? :)
00:51.46ckknightFuBar itself is
00:51.53ckknightFBP-2.0 needs some touchups
00:52.56ckknightand apparently people had issues with adjusting frames, which I think I've fixed
00:53.25Rallionreal men adjust their own frames! with /script!
00:53.54ckknightit's true
00:54.03ckknightfor other people, I made a library to do it for you :-P
00:54.48ckknightKirkburn, the main difference is that FuBar is written in Ace2, and the profile system is working "theoretically"
00:55.01KirkburnAs long as it looks "teh sexy"
00:55.18ckknightdoesn't really look any different
00:55.31ckknightit's just a better development platform
00:55.35KirkburnI'll make my own background :P
00:55.45ckknightgood stuff
00:55.50KirkburnI might make the switch soon ... I'm just not playing much atm
00:55.59*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
00:56.03ckknightif it's cool, I'd be happy to switch FuBar upstream to it ;-)
00:56.03Kirkburns/much/at all/
00:56.11ckknightme either
00:56.14ckknightdoesn't stop me :-P
00:56.35ckknightactually, I've been spending the past while working on Ace2, and specifically AceComm
00:56.42ckknightgotten it to a pretty shiny point now
00:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
01:05.21cogwheelDoes WoW load its internal UI stuff before it starts loading addons? I'm asking because I want to hook a function that is declared in an OnLoad method of a FrameXML file...
01:08.07*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:10.45KirkburnFrick, my randall & hopkirk dvd is unbalanced
01:26.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
01:29.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
01:34.28KirkburnFor anyone that likes kittens: =)
01:35.03Cairenncute pictures, but too fast
01:37.10ckknighthehe, kitty in a pop tarts box
01:38.11KirkburnIf you turn the sound off, you could watch it for hours =)
01:39.29Cairennoh lord ... I *had* the sound turned off ... it's bloody awful with it on!
01:40.57Kasospeaking of things you could watch for hours, i had this running on loop for about 40min once
01:41.08cladhaireKaso Have you heard the moredots.mp3?
01:41.12cladhaireusing that song?
01:41.17Kasoi have not
01:41.42Cairennwhy? why could you not have just said that you had? why?!
01:42.47Cairennnow Clad's gonna go and link it on here and I'll be forced to click on the link
01:42.50Cairenndamn you!
01:43.08cladhaireits awesome.
01:44.09KirkburnHaha, E3 2007:
01:45.44KirkburnWhere's me link, eh?
01:47.26ckknightwhat language is that flash in?
01:49.23Kirkburnclad's link missile seems to be stuck in traffic
01:49.31KirkburnMust be migratory birds
01:50.49Kirkburnoh, it's THAT
01:51.01cladhaireits.. awesome =)
01:51.25purlHit it like you mean it!
01:52.22Kirkburnit's great
01:52.40KirkburnAlmost as awesome as :P
01:53.05Kirkburn(that's the Darth Vader thing from earlier)
01:54.14Kasototally un-releated but i still watch portal_trailer_720p.avi every night and sit there in awe
01:54.20purlFIFTY DKP MINUS!!
01:54.26KirkburnLoituma must have done well out of the fad :)
01:54.34KirkburnKaso, I know what you mean :O
01:54.45KirkburnI absotively cannot wait for it
01:55.08Kasoi like how everyone is more excited by portal than Ep2
01:55.17*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
01:55.33KirkburnIt's amazing that prey had near identical tech back in 1998
01:55.40KirkburnYet no-one tried it
01:56.31KirkburnAnd TF2 looks damn cool. Tbh, if the three turn out well, it will be one of the best game packages ever sol
01:56.48Kasoyeh tf2 looks good too
01:56.54KirkburnThough that makes little sense, since I just qualified it with "if they turn out well"
01:56.58Kasoi liked 13 so it should be good
01:57.18KirkburnNight night!
01:57.34KirkburnWho do you think the portal guy is?
01:58.42Cairennnight clad
01:59.22Kasoto be honest im in the "Random guy" camp
02:00.45Kasoshame the real game wont have depth of field and motion bluring :<
02:02.01KirkburnIt won't?
02:02.07KirkburnWhere did you hear that?
02:02.50Kasocant remeber exactly gimme a moment, but i recal that they said it takes about 3min a frame to render the portal trailer on a normal PC with the post processing it has
02:03.26cogwheelwhen making a StaticPopupDialog, is there any reason to do "OnAccept = function(parm) DoStuff(parm) end" instead of "OnAccept = DoStuff"?
02:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
02:15.24Cairennevening Es
02:26.55EsamynnEvening sorry, got caught up in a boss fight
02:27.08Cairennno worries
02:27.54kergothcogwheel: no, theres no reason to create an additional function, unless you need to reference some locals in that context, like pass self along to a method in a table
02:27.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
02:29.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:29.34*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:33.43Cairennhi Elessdy, wb Iriel
02:39.32cogwheelFYI: I'm almost ready to release a new beta addon. BuyEmAll: Allows you to buy more than the stack size of something when you shift-click at a vendor.
02:40.24AnduinLotharhow's that work?
02:40.24Cairennit's annoying when you need to buy more than [20] or whatever
02:40.35AnduinLotharthe stack size
02:49.29cogwheel"Bags, Bank, Inventory" or "General GUI"?
02:51.53cogwheelyeah... I'll put it in the inventory one.
02:53.20Kirovcogwheel - did my idea work?
03:00.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
03:03.47cogwheelCairenn, you know why it would be taking forever to upload my addon? the image manager took the images just fine and the zip file is only 2k...
03:04.10Cairennno idea ...
03:04.27Cairennsite's responding quick enough for me ...
03:04.51cogwheelYeah... everything else about the site is working fine for me too...
03:10.21cogwheelWell, i tried it in IE too :(
03:15.06Cairennseeing if Dolby is around
03:19.01Cairenndon't suppose anyone else has any updates they could try uploading, do they? see if anyone else is having problems?
03:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
03:21.23cogwheelJust gave me the Connection Reset error
03:21.47cogwheelI had left it running since my last message.
03:21.56CairennDolby isn't responding, so he must be out or at work or *gasp* sleeping
03:23.26AnduinLotharbwlag time
03:30.48Cairenndid you try clearing your cookies & your cache for the site?
03:31.14cogwheelI tried it in IE & FF.... I never really use IE on this computer, so i don't think that's the problem...
03:40.44cogwheelwell, if anyone wants it now, i have it on my isp home page:
03:41.24DoomGaze3is there any way to get a unitID by name?
03:41.41Cairenndunno why it's acting up cogwheel, sorry =/
03:41.50cogwheelnp. I'll try again tomorrow
03:42.02cogwheelor before i go to bed :)
03:47.27norgannadoomgaze - what do you mean?
03:48.14DoomGaze3these unit functions all require a unit id
03:48.14norgannayou want to give it   "Fred" and have it return "raidpet24target" or something like that?
03:48.57DoomGaze3is there any way to do that other than iterating through all available unitIDs?
03:51.07cogwheelThough, if you're writing an addon, you could set it up to cache a list of names in your raid and what units they are
03:51.19norgannayou can do TargetByName("unit", true)
03:51.22cogwheelThen it would only have to respond to party member events
03:51.24norgannathen it will be "target"
03:51.38norgannathen you can TargetLastTarget() afterwards
03:52.12cogwheelBut you wouldn't want to do that if you expect any rogues to be using this during combat.
03:52.26norgannawhy not?
03:52.40cogwheelcombo points
03:52.51Shadowedand druids!
03:52.53norgannadidn't they fix that in like 1.4.0?
03:53.32cogwheelI'm not sure...
03:53.45IrielI think so as long as you dont attack or anything while targetting something else
03:53.58norgannawell, as long as you're not casting something at the target in the intervening period
03:54.00ShadowedIf you change targets you lose the combo points
03:54.14norgannadoesn't lose unless you cast
03:54.16IrielI thought you could change and change back quickly and be okay
03:54.21Shadowedodd, never done that for me
03:54.27Shadowedalways lost them without attacking
03:54.34norgannayou're prolly hitting the new target
03:55.24norgannait's been a while since i played my rogue... so i can't really say for sure, but i'm pretty sure they fixed that waaaay back
03:55.48DoomGaze3maybe I'm missing it: what's the function to get a unit's name?
03:56.12DoomGaze3DUH! there it is... :D
03:57.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:58.42norgannalet us know how it goes cogwheel
03:59.43DoomGaze3another question: is there a "heartbeat" event that fires every few seconds instead of every frame?
03:59.56norgannanot that i'm aware of
04:00.26norgannabest way is to hook in every frame, but only execute after a certain elapsed time interval
04:00.41norgannaor use a third party timer
04:00.56DoomGaze3I use my own timers. :D
04:01.03norgannalike ace's or cosmos' timing stuff
04:01.15IrielIf you use your own timers, then you'll need a frame with an OnUpdate handler
04:01.21norgannaor your own - but that kinda defeats the purpose :p
04:01.28Irielarg1 will be the time in seconds since the last time it ran
04:01.50cogwheelhence my UseOnSelf addon's popularity ;)
04:01.54DoomGaze3I can just use GetTime right?
04:01.55norgannathe purpose of a third party timer is there's only 1 thing hooked in to the update
04:02.20norgannafor working out when to run?
04:02.42DoomGaze3a little subtraction and it's working for my current timers
04:02.45norgannai'd use the onupdate event's elapsed time to keep track of that
04:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
04:03.16norgannasince it keeps track of miliseconds, and it's already supplied so no extra function calls
04:03.54MentalPowerGetTime() == Time since system startup in milliseconds, with sub-millisecong (floating point) presicion
04:04.09norgannaoh really?
04:04.25norgannastill an extra call
04:04.26DoomGaze3I thought it was seconds with milliseconds precision?
04:04.33norgannai think i've been using time()
04:05.05MentalPowercould be
04:05.08DoomGaze3ya, Returns the system uptime of your computer in seconds, with millisecond precision. <--- is this right?
04:05.17cogwheelnorganna, did you catch my result up there?
04:05.19MentalPowerlemme double check
04:05.53norgannacogwheel: sorry - missed it
04:06.11norgannabut the thing is you cast something while not targetting your last target
04:06.14MentalPowerah yes, seconds with millisec presicion
04:06.48norgannanasty stuff
04:07.08DoomGaze3IMHO, get time gets me a number that's easier to work with.  it's only getting called (at most) once per frame anyways
04:08.11norgannai just usually do:   total = total + elapsed  if (total < interval) then return end  total = total - interval
04:09.11cogwheelnorganna, I just tried it again... had 2 CP, changed targets, changed back quickly and CP were gone...
04:09.14norgannaat the top of the onupdate function and that keeps nice track of the time without calling an additional function every frame
04:09.42MentalPowerand yes I would still go with norgs way of using arg1
04:09.52norgannacogwheel - are you using any party frames addons?
04:10.00DoomGaze3I'll convert that over
04:10.37cogwheelI targeted a boar, then attacked another one. after i got some CP, i did a macro with two TargetLastTarget()s in a row...
04:10.49MentalPowersince the number is supplied to you and you don't have to query another function
04:11.48norgannacogwheel - i'm gonna log in with my rogue and try it... it could be that i'm very very wrong. it's been a long time since i've played my rogue
04:12.10norgannabut i'll have to wait till after work :)
04:12.52DoomGaze3is anyone intimately familiar with the GetMasterLootCandidate function?
04:13.18MentalPowernot me
04:13.50MentalPoweranyhow, gotta restart my PC and run spinrite, hard drive is acting wierd
04:13.58MentalPowersee you guys tommorrow
04:14.03norgannacya mp
04:14.10Cairennnight MentalPower
04:14.20cogwheelnorganna, just tried it again with a party member instead of a mob and it did the same thing. the macro was merely     /target partymember -> /script TargetLastTarget()
04:14.32norgannaDoomGaze3: nope - i'm familliar with what it's s'posed to do
04:14.34cogwheelBut at least i dinged 22 :P
04:15.10DoomGaze3I need to make damn sure a player gets an item when I call GiveMasterLoot
04:15.20DoomGaze3IE, they're in range and not a ghost, etc
04:17.02norgannacogwheel: what about  " /script TargetUnit("party1") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName("target")..": "..GetComboPoints()) TargetLastTarget() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName("target")..": "..GetComboPoints())
04:21.58cogwheelIt says "Partymember: 0"    "Great Goretusk: 2"    ... but the 2 probably comes from the fact that the macro finishes before the game/server actually removes the combo points.
04:22.14cogwheeli'm going to try to throw in an eviscerate at the end and see what happens
04:23.18norgannahmmm - just make another macro that does another  /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName("target")..": "..GetComboPoints())
04:23.31norgannaand run that after a few seconds has passed
04:23.43cogwheeltrying the eviscerate says "that requires combo points"
04:23.50cogwheelI'll do that next one
04:24.56cogwheelFYI: i have a print() function ;)
04:25.04norganname too :)
04:25.17norgannait's called  "p()"
04:25.34cogwheeli don't even know where i got it... i just tried it one day on a whim and it was there...
04:25.46norgannaand it'll print out whole tables if you pass it one
04:25.51cogwheelanyway, it reports zero when i click it immediately after using the other one.
04:26.19DoomGaze3in Lua, break exits the current control statement, correct?
04:26.20norgannawell, that sounds like proof positive that combo points are lost
04:26.29cogwheelyes, doomgaze3
04:26.49cogwheelloops, anyway.
04:26.52DoomGaze3does it exit an if?
04:27.11cogwheelthat would make "if suchandsuch then break end" impossible
04:27.28norgannait exits looping structures
04:27.40norgannawhiles, fors etc
04:36.08RallionI miss the old Starcraft RPG maps. The War3 ones just aren't as good.
04:36.50ScytheBlade1Is there any reason the good ol' "/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1); CompleteQuest(); GetQuestReward();" won't work?
04:37.33Cairenncogwheel: if you're still there, try now, should work
04:38.19Cairennaccording to Dolby, the vlan between the two servers is down for some reason right now, hence it misbehaving
04:39.29Cairennapproved and ready to go
04:41.39Dolby-wowiwowi's httpd server is rebooting - will be back in a min
04:45.57cogwheelIf only the other mod sites were as quick to respond... (or more to the point, if only wowinterface was linked to more ;) )
04:46.18Cairennyeah well, that's rather up to the authors, now isn't it?
04:52.10norgannacair: actually, it's up to the users
04:52.30norgannathey all need their bottoms smacked
04:52.43Cairennwell, where the authors go, the users follow
04:53.18norgannanope, it's been more my observation that if you don't put your stuff where the users can find it, they won't
04:53.38Cairennit's not like we're unknown :p
04:53.54norgannanot that I personally care if they can find it or not, but i guess my point is that they are lazy
04:54.04Cairennthis, I will not disagree with
04:54.21norganna(and need their bottoms smacked)
05:28.14Cairennnight Tem|Sleep
05:28.25Tem|Sleepnight Cair
05:52.06Cairennnight sedatedChipmunk
05:52.19sedatedChipmunknight Cai =D
06:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
06:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge DoomGaze3 (i=DoomGaze@
06:15.57ckknighthey DoomGaze3
06:16.04DoomGaze3whud up? :)
06:16.12Cairennevening DoomGaze3
06:16.24ckknightspelling is fun for the whole famiy, DoomGaze3
06:16.45DoomGaze3speling iz four dorrks.
06:17.08Cairennnot in this channel
06:17.31cogwheelspelling miztake
06:18.04DoomGaze3the funny thing is it didn't catch anything I said
06:18.07cogwheelnow... if only purl recognized regex's... ;)
06:18.22norgannawe iz edurkated in dis chanel
06:18.37cogwheelOh... I told it to do that... s/z/s/ means substitute s for z
06:19.32ckknightnorganna, it's "be", not "iz"
06:19.33DoomGaze3it'd be really cool if we could code purl on the fly
06:19.43Cairennyou can :p
06:19.51DoomGaze3o rly?
06:20.01DoomGaze3how so?
06:20.20norgannapurl, norganna is stoopid
06:20.23purlokay, norganna
06:20.23ckknight~pants is <reply>Omg teh pants!
06:20.25purlACTION steals is <reply>Omg teh pants!'s pants
06:20.38purli heard norganna is stoopid
06:20.49purlsomebody said cairenn was one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
06:21.02Cairenn~emulate Cairenn
06:21.03purlACTION purrs
06:21.10ckknight~emulate ckknight
06:21.11purlACTION quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:21.30cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
06:21.59Cairennyou haven't programmed anything in yet
06:22.22DoomGaze3and I do this how?
06:22.31Cairennemulate is something you *do* all the time, just your name is who you *are*
06:22.55ckknightpurl, DoomGaze3 is pants-creaming-tacular
06:22.56purlckknight: okay
06:23.06purlmethinks doomgaze3 is pants-creaming-tacular
06:23.07DoomGaze3oh god
06:23.22Cairennnight Iriel
06:23.47DoomGaze3~emulate ckknight
06:23.49purlACTION quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
06:24.07ckknight~emualte cookie monster
06:24.14ckknight~emulate cookie monster
06:24.15purlMe want cookie!
06:24.49DoomGaze3why does she quite when I emulate you?
06:25.03Cairennhehehe, doesn't actually
06:25.06*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:25.15DoomGaze3~emulate MentalPower
06:25.17purlACTION is eating pizza with chocolate milk
06:25.19Cairennbut, it's because ckknight was having a real problem with continual disconnects a while back
06:25.50Cairennevening s|loup
06:25.55ckknightI still have issues, the wireless in this house isn't the greatest
06:25.58ckknighthey Mr. Loup
06:26.09DoomGaze3how do I tell her how to emulate me?
06:26.29ckknight~emulate me
06:26.30purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
06:26.41ckknight~emulate DoomGaze3
06:26.42DoomGaze3~emulate me
06:26.44purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
06:26.53ckknightyou don't have an emulate thingy
06:27.01purlokay, Cairenn
06:27.08Cairennbah purl
06:27.09ckknight~emulate DoomGaze3
06:27.10purlACTION response
06:27.18Cairennpurl, forget emulate DoomGaze3
06:27.19purli forgot emulate doomgaze3, Cairenn
06:27.44Cairenntype in whatever you want
06:28.01DoomGaze3purl, emulate me is still confused about tables.
06:28.02purl...but emulate me is already something else...
06:28.08Cairennno, use your name
06:28.16DoomGaze3purl, emulate DoomGaze3 is still confused about tables.
06:28.17purlDoomGaze3: okay
06:28.23DoomGaze3~emulate me
06:28.24purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
06:28.30Cairennuse your name!
06:28.40DoomGaze3I did
06:28.51Cairennno, you didn't, you used "me"
06:28.52DoomGaze3~emulate DoomGaze3
06:28.53purlemulate doomgaze3 is probably still confused about tables.
06:29.27ckknightpurl, no emulate DoomGaze3 is <reply>still confused about tables.
06:29.29purlokay, ckknight
06:29.32Cairennpurl, no emulate DoomGaze3 is <action> is probably still confused about tables
06:29.34purlCairenn: okay
06:29.36ckknight~emulate DoomGaze3
06:29.38purlACTION is probably still confused about tables
06:29.39Cairennlol ckknight
06:29.44norgannahow dare DoomGaze3 use Cairenn like that
06:30.08Cairennnorgs: lol
06:30.46CairennDoomGaze3: if you want to change ~DoomGaze 3, type in "purl, no DoomGaze3 is whatever"
06:31.21norgannapurl emulate norganna is <action>hides
06:31.22purlokay, norganna
06:31.28norganna~emulate norganna
06:31.29purlACTION hides
06:31.38Cairenncogwheel: I trust you've been taking notes?
06:31.53cogwheelnah... i was helping my wife with Ol' Icebeard...
06:32.36DoomGaze3purl, emulate DoomGaze3 is <action>still chain smoking while coding.
06:32.37purl...but emulate doomgaze3 is already something else...
06:32.42norgannapurl, no norganna is the author of Auctioneer and Gatherer, but otherwise is somewhat crazy
06:32.43purlokay, norganna
06:32.43cogwheelpurl emulate cogwheel is <action>spins around on the floor going "WHOOOOOP woop woop woop woop.... WOOOOOP woop woop woop woop"
06:32.45purlokay, cogwheel
06:32.50Cairennwell, we just explained how to program purl, don't come crying to us later when you don't know how :p
06:33.07CairennDoomGaze3: you forgot the "no"
06:33.07ckknightpurl, no tryme is <action>spins the revolver, points it at ($nick|$nick|$nick|$randomnick)  and fires. (Click.|Click.|Click.|Click.|Click.|BANG!)
06:33.09purlokay, ckknight
06:33.20cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
06:33.21purlACTION spins around on the floor going "WHOOOOOP woop woop woop woop.... WOOOOOP woop woop woop woop"
06:33.27purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at ckknight  and fires. Click.
06:33.31DoomGaze3purl, no DoomGaze3 is <action>chainsmoking while coding.
06:33.33purlokay, DoomGaze3
06:33.41DoomGaze3~emulate DoomGaze3
06:33.42purlACTION is probably still confused about tables
06:33.59purlACTION chainsmoking while coding.
06:33.59DoomGaze3I suck
06:34.13cogwheel'till tomorrow...
06:34.15norgannaDoomGaze3: you gotta say emulate for emulations
06:34.19Cairennthere are two ... just your name, and emulate your name
06:34.21ckknightDoomGaze3, no argument here
06:34.43Cairennnight cog :p
06:35.00Cairennpeople log too fast to say g'night
06:35.36norgannapurl, no emulate DoomGaze3 is <action>chainsmokes while coding
06:35.38purlnorganna: okay
06:35.45norganna~emulate DoomGaze3
06:35.47purlACTION chainsmokes while coding
06:36.44DoomGaze3can you teach her other commands?
06:37.01purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at ckknight  and fires. Click.
06:37.06DoomGaze3sounds like a girly name
06:37.17ckknightShadowed, purl's obviously a girl, as she does repetitive menial tasks
06:37.21norgannamaybe if it was pearl
06:37.36ckknightjk, btw
06:37.43Shadowed~sigh men
06:37.44purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "men!"
06:38.40DoomGaze3what other tags are there?
06:38.52Cairennwhat do you want?
06:39.19norgannai just meant, if the name was "Pearl" that would be a more girly name
06:39.44ShadowedCairenn doesn't listen to any excuses, she hates all men :p
06:39.55Cairennummm, no
06:39.56DoomGaze3purl sounds like a cat's name to me
06:40.08norgannawell, i used to know an asian girl called Pearl
06:40.19Shadowedpurl sounds like some sort of geek nickname for perl
06:40.32Cairennmy "umm, no" was to Shadowed's comment
06:41.46norgannathen i hid cause of the "repetitive menial tasks" comment
06:41.58Shadowedfear the wrath of cair
06:41.58DoomGaze3what's the tag for a target person? like ~donkeypunch Mikk DoomGaze3 -> * purl donkeypunches Mikk and DoomGaze3 takes all of his money.
06:42.44Cairennyou weren't the one that made the comment about repetitive menial tasks, that was ckknight and I already smacked him for that
06:43.00ckknightI said jk
06:43.10ckknightgeez, you women are so uppity at times
06:43.18norgannawhen the bomb goes off, the shrapnel flies in all directions :p
06:43.34ckknightyou know I'm just playing
06:43.42Cairennuh huh
06:43.53CairennI could say something, but I'll be kind and not :p
06:45.15ShadowedCair kind?
06:45.49DoomGaze3purl, tv is <reply>No TV and no beer makes purl something-something.
06:45.51purl...but tv is already something else...
06:45.56purltv is, like, KILL YOUR TELEVISION!  (by watching it until it burns out)
06:46.12DoomGaze3purl, no tv is <reply>No TV and no beer makes purl something-something.
06:46.13purlokay, DoomGaze3
06:46.15purlACTION cowers away from shadowed
06:46.25Shadowedhmm, did somebody change botslap?
06:46.28purlACTION cowers away from shadowed
06:46.28Cairennpurl sucks
06:46.29purlFor $5 I'll do more than that!
06:47.02purlCairenn: aw, gee
06:47.05DoomGaze3that's hilarious
06:47.55Cairennyeah, folks tend to have fun with purl, although too much abuse of him gets annoying
06:48.18Cairennthe general rule of the channel is "don't play with the bot when there's actual conversation going on"
06:48.58ckknightif people are actually talking, just whisper purl
06:49.06Shadowedunless making fun of you is considered converstation i think we're fine!
06:49.10ckknightotherwise, it won't matter
06:49.23Cairenn~sigh Shadowed
06:49.25purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Shadowed!"
06:49.25ckknightand purl's a good conversation starter
06:49.27purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at ckknight  and fires. BANG!
06:49.45DoomGaze3I can't whisper yet, I'm too lazy to register. :P
06:50.08Cairennyou'll take the time to program the bot, but not the minute to register? geez
06:51.22Cairennhard, wasn't it?
06:51.30DoomGaze3I thought I had to go to a website or something
06:51.42Cairennnow when you log in, /msg nickserv identify <pw>
06:51.55Cairennunless you set your client up to do it automagically
06:53.30DoomGaze3I know nothing of mirc script
06:53.55Kirovnot mirc script
06:54.08Cairennshould be somewhere in the options :p
06:54.09KirovIt's in the server options
06:54.48ckknightI used to write mIRC scripts
06:55.06ckknightlike, back when I was 12 or so
06:55.14ckknighthrm, mIRC's been around for a while
06:56.22Cairennoh hell yes, I used it back when I was into IRC originally, and I took a major long break from it, till you jerks sucked me back into it :p
06:57.26DoomGaze3never been a big IRCer myself.
06:57.32DoomGaze3my mom was tho
06:57.44DoomGaze3she wrote quite a few popular scripts with no programming experience
06:58.57ShadowedCairenn: didn't you start the channel?
07:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:02.00Cairennhey MoonWolf
07:02.15MoonWolfgood morning Cairenn
07:02.56Cairennheh, you say good morning as I'm about to say good night ... god I love this channel
07:04.36Shadowedfirst you hated us, then you love us
07:04.59Cairenn|sleepgood, my work here for today is done, then
07:06.08Cairenn|sleepwhy? it's part of my job to confuse men, I *am* female after all
07:07.03DoomGaze3what's the function to get the name of the masterlooter?
07:07.58ckknightDoomGaze3, *shrug* refer to wowwiki
07:08.16DoomGaze3I'm looking, it's not jumping out at me
07:08.44Shadowedlook at the FrameXML for party
07:09.13ShadowedlootMethod, lootMaster = GetLootMethod();
07:09.22ShadowedlootMaster is the unitid
07:10.25s|loupunitid is only available for groupmembers and player not for raid as i know
07:10.32DoomGaze3N = #
07:10.54s|loupno i mean the function returns no unitid if the lootmaster is not in your group
07:11.06DoomGaze3that's fine.
07:11.07Shadowedthey set the master looter icon on the target frame don't they?
07:11.17s|loupdont know
07:11.20DoomGaze3no, it's on the party frame
07:11.33Shadowedbesides party frame
07:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
07:13.15s|loupNumber - (When In 'master', nil otherwise) returns 0 if player is masterLooter, 1-4 if party memeber is masterLooter (corresponding to party1-4) and nil if masterLooter is in another Party of the raid.
07:16.21s|loupis master looter always the raidleader?
07:16.35Shadowedyes and no
07:16.46Shadowed*usually* the raid leader is master looter, but you can't rely on him being it
07:17.55Shadowedanyway, sleep
07:21.07DoomGaze3I know this.  I needed to know because I'm designing my own looting system
07:21.54DoomGaze3all I need to know is if I'm master looter, iow
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07:22.16s|loupok then use GetLootMethod
07:22.47s|loupand check if masterlooterid is 0
07:23.09DoomGaze3yup. :)
07:30.27DoomGaze3what happens if I compare nil to something?
07:35.26s|loupif x == nil ?
07:35.52s|loupthats a legal compare
07:36.04DoomGaze3cool. Thanks :)
07:36.10s|loupit can be true or false but you didnt get en error
07:38.42DoomGaze3does nil compared to anything return false?
07:38.51DoomGaze3except nil, of course
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07:43.30DoomGaze3if (playerList["raid"..i] and UnitName("raid"..i) ~= nil) then <--- ide is complaining about this line, any idea why?
07:44.29s|loupwhat is playerList?
07:45.03DoomGaze3it's a keyed table
07:45.18s|loupyou can also use if (playerList["raid"..i] and UnitName("raid"..i)) then ...
07:45.53s|louphm you must check if UnitExists("raid"..i)
07:46.36DoomGaze3there's something wrong with my syntax...
07:46.37s|loupbefore using UnitName("raid"..i) maybe UnitName() will give an error when using with a wrong unitid
07:47.32s|louphm syntax should be correct cant see an real mistake
07:50.00DoomGaze3found it.  It was on a later line
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08:16.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:18.48DoomGaze3hey ck
08:18.55DoomGaze3My brain is farting
08:19.00DoomGaze3help me out for a sec?
08:19.21DoomGaze3or anyone
08:19.36DoomGaze3I'm having a total brain fart
08:45.51Cairenn|sleepstupid people piss me off
08:46.04DoomGaze3hi cair
08:46.21Cairenninsomnia sucks
08:46.49DoomGaze3if you've got a minute, could you take a look at some code for me and tell me if it makes sense?
08:46.57ckknighthey Cairenn
08:47.01CairennI don't code, at least, not for WoW
08:47.07ckknightDoomGaze3, paste
08:47.15ckknightif the stars are aligned, I'll look at it
08:49.26DoomGaze3I'm storing players keyed by unitID and by player
08:49.48DoomGaze3and I'm checking to see if the unit id's on my player table have changed and attempting to correct them
08:50.04DoomGaze3RegeneratePlayerList does that, at the bottom
08:51.46DoomGaze3btw, thanks ck
08:52.29DoomGaze3I dearly hope the stars are aligned
08:55.26ckknightew, semicolons
08:56.24DoomGaze3Ck: lulz
08:57.13ckknightDoomGaze3, line 74 is fucked up
08:57.32ckknighteither that or 24
08:57.37ckknightaside from that, good
08:58.28DoomGaze3here's the thing
08:58.38DoomGaze3look at lines 79 and 87
08:59.24DoomGaze3if, for some reason, the players change IDs, I want to update those IDs
08:59.42DoomGaze3so should it be that or :
08:59.43DoomGaze3playerList[UnitName("raid"..i)].unitID = "raid"..i;
09:03.33ckknightgotta change the id reference in playerList, right?
09:04.15DoomGaze3yeah, so both keys will change if I change one
09:04.23DoomGaze3one by name and one by ID
09:04.52DoomGaze3at least I think
09:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
09:08.51DoomGaze3this is gross ck
09:10.37DoomGaze3germs come from Germany
09:11.58DoomGaze3a tree grew out of the petri dish
09:22.40DoomGaze3these are funny
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09:35.53DoomGaze3did you look at mine?
09:39.10*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:40.21ckknightI have 1 video left
09:46.46DoomGaze3lemmie know when you want me to link it
09:46.59DoomGaze3some shit went down on Wikipedia yesterday night
09:47.32AnduinLotharso i've determined ecastingbar owns mt arcane party bars hands down
09:48.14AnduinLotharit just needs to be made to use SendAddonMessage in 1.12 so it doesn't need ctra
09:50.46AnduinLotharthis error doesn't make sense to me..
09:50.55AnduinLotharError:  attempt to call field `method' (a nil value)
09:50.55AnduinLotharFile: Interface\AddOns\Telepathy\Telepathy.lua
09:50.55AnduinLotharLine: 442
09:50.55AnduinLotharCount: 7
09:51.06AnduinLotharLine 442: if (value.method == "GLOBAL") then
09:51.25AnduinLothari thought calling would be value.method()
09:53.16DoomGaze3that doesn't make too much sense to me either
09:53.22DoomGaze3ooh! angel on in 5!
09:53.38ckknightlol, saw the link
09:54.08ckknightAnduinLothar, handler[value.method](handler) ?
09:54.21DoomGaze3click the rest of this blog entry for the aftermath. :DDD
09:54.32AnduinLotharfor addon, value in Telepathy.Listeners do
09:54.32AnduinLotharif (value and value.method == "GLOBAL") then
09:54.33AnduinLotharreturn true;
09:54.54DoomGaze3that'll supress the error, but not nescessarily the problem
09:55.03AnduinLotharError:  attempt to call a nil value
09:55.11ckknightand you should use pairs() in for loops, not a straight table
09:55.49AnduinLotharit should still work
09:56.15DoomGaze3hey ck, which do you think would be more efficeent: Using CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM to catch player joins and leaves or using the events?
09:56.23DoomGaze3note: events don't have args listed
09:57.19ckknightum, CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM is an event?
09:57.36ckknightAnduinLothar, yes, it should, but it's deprecated and icky
09:57.50DoomGaze3but they also have RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE and PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED, for example
09:57.52AnduinLotharah Telepathy.Listeners was nil
09:58.13ckknightah, you mean for party/raid changes
09:58.20AnduinLotharevents ar emore efficient definitely
09:58.26ckknightyea, use those two events
09:58.32DoomGaze3the problem with the events is
09:58.37DoomGaze3they don't give names
09:58.40DoomGaze3they just fire
09:59.15AnduinLotharwhat are you trying to do with it?
09:59.46DoomGaze3add the specific player to my list if he isn't already in it
09:59.58AnduinLotharwhen they join or when they leave?
10:00.34DoomGaze3either.  I need to track their status either way
10:00.53AnduinLotharjust update with a loop on the party or raid units
10:01.35ckknighthere's the issue:
10:01.41ckknightRAID_ROSTER_UPDATE can jumble ids
10:01.45ckknightso you have to recheck anyway
10:01.52DoomGaze3that's what I thought
10:02.02ckknightPARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED only has 4 dudes, also with possible jumbling
10:02.04zenzelezzoh, raid IDs, how we love thee
10:02.09ckknightso you can't rely on names at all
10:02.35ckknightalso, I know someone on #wowace made RosterLib to handle this all for you
10:02.41zenzelezz"<Raid leader> rolls 11 (1-20)" "I'm number 11" "No I am" "I am"
10:03.41DoomGaze3then I'd have to convert to ace wouldn't I?
10:03.57ckknightno, it's Ace2, not Ace
10:04.17ckknightso you'd just do local roster = AceLibrary("Roster-1.0") or whatever it is
10:04.37ckknightthen you'd just use roster and such
10:05.02DoomGaze3where can I get it?
10:10.01DoomGaze3I'll prolly need to fire my own events and such, eh?
10:11.17ckknightnot sure
10:11.23ckknightit should be on ace's svn
10:11.38ckknightin RosterLib probably
10:11.59ckknightthere's documentation
10:13.27ckknightuse it if you want, you can do it all manually if you prefer
10:13.48DoomGaze3I'll take a look at it and see if I can't pull any useful info out of it
10:16.43DoomGaze3I'm pretty sure you can tell I've got most of the variables taken care of already
10:17.09DoomGaze3but you're saying I can't scan for a name on a player join chat message and expect to get a result?
10:17.35DoomGaze3right now I'm looking thru all the unitIDs to find it
10:29.15Cairenn|sleeptrying again, only 6:30 am ... /sigh
10:41.32zenzelezzheh... left the computer for a bit, came back and saw my screen spamed with "You are now AFK" "You are no longer AFK"... a mob kept punching me out of AFK
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13:08.42zinordont suppose someone has any DBC files handy
13:25.46Mikkumm.. just extract some? o.O
13:27.30zinordont have wow installed :(
13:27.36zinorand dont have cds available here
13:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
13:28.52Mikki'll extract a bunch. hang on.
13:29.02zinork i just need a few for testing my parser :)
13:29.05cogwheelgood morning
13:29.11zinorafternoon :)
13:29.25Mikkgot a good .mpq candidate?
13:29.27cogwheelEurope? :)
13:29.42zinorsec Mikk, this site has some
13:30.12Mikkhehe. dbc.mpq perhaps
13:31.26zinorah sorry
13:31.28zinoror patch.mpq
13:37.59cogwheelYou know, I had no idea you could actually type amounts into the stack split box until i started working on BuyEmAll?
13:38.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
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13:55.09zinorwewt DBC parser done :)
14:04.58Mikkcogwheel: how are you doing it?
14:05.05Mikkjust hooking the buy / getmax function?
14:05.32Mikkor rewriting the buy dialog?
14:05.43Mikki suppose the latter would be friendler :-P
14:05.50cogwheelNo. I tried that at first, but it gave me "Not enough space" errors
14:06.07Mikkyeah i saw you tried just replacing the getmax function
14:06.10Mikkthat won't work :-P
14:06.31Mikkyou simply cannot buy more than the (original!) getmax function returns. the game client won't let you
14:08.18Mikkbtw.. check how buying something that you can't buy 1 at a time of works before declaring it done :-)
14:08.24Mikk(water, bread, for instance)
14:08.47cogwheelThe default UI actually uses the same Stack Split window as when you split stacks in your inventory. That window then calls back to the merchant button's .SplitStack function. I actually had to hook all 12 merchant item buttons' .stacksplit functions as well as the OpenStackSplitFrame function
14:09.00cogwheelOh, it's not done... check out my wowinterface portal ;)
14:10.27cogwheelThe way it works is by repeatedly buying full stacks and then buying whatever is left over
14:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
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14:15.01MikkThat's how other similar things work
14:15.05MikkLike AdvancedTradeSkillWindow
14:15.13zinorworks perfectly :)
14:16.19zinor<3 django
14:17.25cogwheelmikk - heh... i just got that mod last night
14:17.36cogwheelright after i finished with BuyEmAll
14:31.04MikkOne mod to buy them all, and in the inventory bind them.
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14:41.27cogwheellol @ mikk
14:41.32cogwheeloff to work...
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15:16.52Abenadianyone know a simple way to draw a line on a frame?
15:18.36MikkThere is no simple way to do it
15:18.50MikkYou can play around with textures and SetTexCoord()
15:18.52MikkNo fun though =)
15:20.02AbenadiWTB drawline function! =P
15:21.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:30.21Abenadican UI objects be created on the fly or do they all have to be there in the XML beforehand?
15:31.53Abenaditextures I mean
15:42.05cogwheelThat will let you create new interface elements. To change existing ones:
15:48.10Abenadithat's helpful, thank you
15:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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16:04.42cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
16:04.43purlACTION asks "Is there any reason to do [insert conventional method here] instead of [insert unconventional but simpler method here]?"
16:04.58cogwheelthat's better :)
16:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial` (
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16:47.41ZeroCoolcan anyone help me with UI customization?
16:48.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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16:51.21ZeroCoolcan anyone help me make my interface look alot like this guys?
16:51.48Serachtwhat are some mods that I can use to scale/move things
16:51.55Kasosmall and blury you mean ?
16:51.56SerachtI am trying to utilize discord as less as possible
16:52.14Serachtonly using DuF atm, because I do not have any other options for making unit frames according to my tastes
16:52.20Serachtfor bars I am using Bongos,
16:52.30Serachtbut I would like to move some stuff like the buff bar
16:52.37Serachtand scale it
16:53.43Serachtand I want to remove some buttons like the chat buttons to th eside heh
17:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:04.53cogwheeltry MoveAnything Redux. It lets you move, resize, and hide almost any interface element.
17:06.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
17:08.46Serachthow is it in terms of memory usage
17:12.09cogwheelit's pretty minimalistic... even arcane by some standards.
17:12.41Kirovcogwheel - does your buythemall addon base the max you can buy on how much bag space you have?
17:13.14cogwheelNot yet...
17:14.14cogwheelI should have that worked out tonight or tomorrow depending on guild meeting and husbandly duties...
17:18.19Serachtthanks cogwheel
17:18.26SerachtI will check it out
17:18.36cogwheelhope it works out for ya
17:18.53Serachtkinda foound something I like though so might just stick to it -- Satrina Buff Frame
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17:28.28CairennThe updated FAQs have been stickied, feel free to check them over, offer additions, etc (per usual)
17:29.08*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions | Please check over the updated FAQs on the Blizz forum, offer additions, etc
17:29.35*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions | Please check over the updated Mod and Macro FAQs on the Blizz UI orum, offer additions, etc
17:29.41*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions | Please check over the updated Mod and Macro FAQs on the Blizz UI forum, offer additions, etc
17:29.52Cairennsorry for the spam
17:32.21cogwheel<3 the new FAQs.... Now... if only we can get people to USE THEM!!!one
17:32.53Cairennyeah, like that's gonna happen
17:33.16Cairennapparently :p
17:34.07cogwheelOh look! A Walgreens!
17:34.27KirkburnI want to know what an 'orum' is :(
17:34.40Cairennbite me, Kirkburn :p
17:35.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
17:35.08KirkburnI didn't realise you were into that :O
17:35.24CairennI'm into all kinds of things that you aren't aware of :p
17:35.47KirkburnThen I shan't ask ... if only to preserve what little sanity I have left :)
17:35.54zenzelezztoo little info Cairenn
17:35.57cogwheellol  "Why?!?! Why, Damnit, Why?! Argh! Blizzard SUCKS! They ALWAYS break my stuff!"
17:35.58Cairenntoo late, may as well ask
17:36.05Cairennzenzelezz: ;)
17:38.02CairennSlouken is busy de-stickying a bunch of the other stuff
17:38.12Cairennnow that I've got the updated ones up
17:41.51cogwheelCairenn, i believe Clad made an updated version of WoW SciTE Lua... he calls it WoW Interface SciTE or something like that...
17:42.18cogwheelerr... SciTE-WoWInterface
17:42.31Cairennyeah, he did, thanks
17:46.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
17:47.51CairennFeel free to add stuff at the bottom for me to incorporate.  Just make it complete, okay?  And indicate which section it should be incorporated.
17:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
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18:02.35KirkburnI tried playing Warcraft a while ago ... the control system is excruciating :/
18:05.17zenzelezzWC1 is tedious... WC2 <3
18:05.21cogwheelPoll: how often do members of your guild ask you to write them a macro/addon?
18:05.58Kirkburn(it's also stupidly large,
18:06.37Kirkburndammit, why does the enter button have to be next to the delete button :/
18:06.58KirkburnI suppose it's cause they couldn't use mp3s back then
18:07.06Kirkburncogwheel, I never get asked :P
18:08.07cogwheelHeh. Ever since I posted a sheep macro (that I take no credit for) that whispers every party/raid member to change targets, it seems like every time I log on someone has one for me...
18:14.49Cairenncogwheel: got it, thanks
18:15.33cogwheelcairenn "Macros are a series of commands designed to be executed in series"  might sound better like "Macros are a *list* of commands..."  ....
18:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge roXet (i=HydraIRC@
18:22.50Cairenngot that change too now cogwheel, thanks
18:23.00Cairennplease to delete the posts :)
18:23.18cogwheelheh. k. I've got some others on the way too ;)
18:23.26Cairennthat's cool
18:25.10Cairennanything in this thread that should be merged into the Macro & Script FAQ that isn't already there?
18:28.19*** join/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
18:30.35Abenadito get seconds on the server do you have to just watch for when the minute changes?
18:31.15cogwheeldoes time() return server time or computer time?
18:31.36Cairenncogwheel: got the one about /script
18:31.55Abenadigettime() is client uptime (millisecond precision) and getgametime() is server hours and minutes
18:32.09cogwheelbut what about time()?
18:32.16Abenadii'm not familiar
18:32.27cogwheelI know it works, i just haven't bothered to check whether it's server time or computer time...
18:33.20Elkanoisn't time() GMT?
18:33.47Abenadiwiki says Note that time() works from the local clock, so it is not synchronized among clients.
18:34.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
18:35.25cogwheelyou could find the difference between time() and getgametime() at the moment getgametime() changes minutes and then use time() +/- difference in your later calculations...
18:35.41Abenadiyeah that's what i thought
18:46.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:49.54Cairennhey JoshBorke
18:50.04JoshBorkewow, and here i thought you all were dead :-D
18:50.19JoshBorkehow's today going?
18:50.23cogwheelnah... we had a priest with a SS
18:53.37Shadowedwho died to close to the boss
18:58.52Cairennanyone who has a couple:  anything in this thread that should be merged into the Macro & Script FAQ that isn't already there?
18:59.39CairennMacro & Script FAQ =
19:00.33Cairennactually, nm, he went ahead and took out the thumbtack anyway
19:00.34Cairennso he must feel it's covered
19:00.34Cairennwell, that cleaned up the stickies nicely
19:00.46Shadowedwas wondering when we'd get an updated one
19:00.49Cairenngot him to get rid of the old "trojan virus warning" one as well.  damn thing was a year old
19:00.54MikkAbenadi: Actually, use GetTime() difference rather than time() difference
19:01.17MikkIt'll be a lot more accurate since you won't get the seconds flipping into 60 quite so often like you will with time()
19:01.43Cairennbut yeah, both and do need to be gone through to make sure we aren't losing anything that should remain :)
19:01.44MikkActually I have a code snippet that'll do this
19:02.32ShadowedTheres a post with how to register slash commands in the original one
19:03.17ShadowedBesides that none of them look really important or helpful
19:03.27Cairennand where should I add it in the new thread?
19:03.34Cairenninteracting with the world?
19:03.37cogwheellol... kirkburn, i just logged in on my lunch break and i'm already getting asked how to do something...
19:03.48ShadowedGeneral probably
19:06.03Cidehmm, has anyone here played much with RelDimension?
19:06.12Shadowedyou need a "Help! i'm an idiot and can't search" section
19:06.36Cairennadded the section Shadowed, thanks
19:07.39ShadowedPretty much the rest of the script FAQ thread is rehashing the first page info
19:07.53Shadowedand i'm not bored enough to read through 20 pages of macro FAQs, but it's probably the same :p
19:08.12CairennI took a brief run through the macro one and it seemed pretty well covered
19:08.24Cairennbtw - Slouken says thanks :)
19:08.35Cairennhe appreciates the cleaned up stickies and the updated info, too
19:09.22CairennI just post it, it's the community (you guys) that have done all the work
19:09.29ThraeArrr a pirate needs a ship-shape forum.
19:10.11Shadowed"you dont want Chronos Thats low FPS warped up in a Nice little bundel" AL is going to have fun with that
19:10.47ThraeAt least it doesn't say "Use Timex / Metrognome instead!"
19:10.49Cairennah, okay, just so long as it isn't in either of the FAQs :p
19:11.16Thrae(Made by Ace Developers) ;)
19:11.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Borik (
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19:12.31Shadowedannnnnd he's wrong
19:12.39Cairennokay, need opinions from you guys ..., Section 2 - "Extremely Popular AddOns" ... I'm actually inclined to remove all the descriptions, since they are subjective opinion - thoughts?
19:13.46Cairennanyone else?
19:13.59roXetI would have to agree also =)
19:14.28Borikaye, descriptions are just opinions
19:14.47BorikAt least, those in the thread appear to be mainly opinion
19:14.55Cairennwell, that's how I felt too, but again, it's a community project, so ...
19:14.57Shadowedcould replace it with a small description about what the addon does, but hopfully people aren't lazy enough to not click on the link to find out
19:15.00cogwheelI bet some non-commital, un-biased descriptions could be written...
19:15.15Shadowednot really, you can't have an un-biased view for a UI for example
19:15.22BorikLimit it to what it 'does', rather then what it 'should do'
19:15.39Cairennthis is a good one, actually: "
19:15.39CairennEnchantrix displays on the item tooltip an estimate on the results of an item disenchant"
19:15.50Shadowedthats what they should all have
19:16.00Borikwheras "This is a very complete UI, which I would recommend to anyone who doesn't feel too comfy with add-ons" is kinda useless
19:16.05Borik(from Cosmos)
19:16.17cogwheelAuctioneer: scans the auction house for prices of items and aims to help you with your pricing strategy.
19:16.21AnduinLotharEach addon should have it's own mini-description if it's on curse
19:16.35AnduinLotharcompilation may of may not
19:16.40ShadowedThe curse one is too short, I never was able to find something short enough to be useful
19:16.47roXetAuctioneer: lets you make lol tons of teh monies
19:16.51BorikBy the way, can anyone help me out with a problem of mine, it's killing my eyesight :)
19:16.58cogwheelheh, roxet
19:17.15Shadowed"Oh noes, somebody put a grey item for 5000g and auctioneer said i made profit, what do i do!"
19:18.16ShadowedBorik: what's the problem?
19:18.19cogwheellooks like i'm going to have to completely recreate MerchantItemButton_OnClick
19:18.38Shadowedwhat are you trying to do cogwheel, stack buying?
19:18.55CairennShadowed: lol, precisely
19:19.03BorikShadowed: The issue is this.  I'm writing a DKP addon.  Due to the nature of DKP, it has to be redundant, and stuff. That is to say, if you crash, you can't have lost any data
19:19.14ShadowedCairenn: to what? auctioneer? :p
19:19.23CairennShadowed: no, to Cogwheel
19:19.27JoshBorkeborik: you can't save data real time, you have to reload UI
19:19.29kergoth`zzzcogwheel: nice, i saw that addon yesterday.  very cool :)
19:19.29ShadowedBorik: Nothing you can do except /console reloadui
19:19.41cogwheelborik, the only option is to do .... what JoshBorke said.
19:20.00BorikI just don't know if that's any better then running in windowed and inputting the data into a seperate C++ app that I wrote
19:20.07Shadowedcogwheel: what are you trying to do again, make it so it buys X amount when an item comesin stacks?
19:20.16JoshBorkeborik: then do that.
19:20.29ShadowedBorik: I wouldn't really worry about it *that* much, have another officer or two also logging data or /console reloadui every hour
19:20.29JoshBorkeborik: are you that concerned about crashes?
19:20.31cogwheelshadowed yeah. that's what I'm doing at the moment.
19:20.32BorikWell, I already am, but I'm just mumbling, typing as I think, so to speak
19:20.47BorikHell yeah I'm concerned about crashes..  My machine locks up all the time :|
19:21.04Boriknot to mention random disconnects in blackwing lair
19:21.26Shadoweddata will be saved on disconnects ( i believe ) but not crashes, alt + f4ing out, ect
19:21.37ShadowedIf your machine locks up all the time you shouldn't be the one logging DKP, better to have an officer who doesn't do it
19:21.41cogwheelborik, you could use the addon communication features of 1.12 to synchronize the data among your raid members... it would be a LOT more work, but also a lot more stable if some people crash
19:21.58Borikcogwheel: good idea, I might look into that
19:22.13cogwheelthe downsides are that others would need to have the addon installed and there's always the potential for spoofing...
19:22.29BorikShadowed: Well, trick is, I wrote the system, I coded the addons, wrote the C++ app, and all in my own fashion, it confuses most other people
19:22.35JoshBorkewoohoo! exhalted AV!
19:22.40Borikahh, congratz
19:22.43BorikAV == lame
19:22.56Shadoweda raid guild is probably going to have the GL + 2-3 maybe 4-5 officers cogwheel
19:23.10cogwheelyeah... that's a good point
19:23.34AnduinLothari finally got revered with cc
19:23.52BorikDamn you Blizzard.  Isolating your scripting engine so, and making life hard for me. :(
19:23.53JoshBorkegrats anduin
19:24.05AnduinLothartook ages since out guild doesn't do aq40 and only pugs aq20 on off days
19:24.25Shadowedcogwheel: it looks like you maybe able to get away with only replicating the lower half ( when it's not a left click ) instead of the entire thing
19:24.42cogwheelYeah, but there's no way to hook half a function :P
19:24.43Shadowedtell your guild that it's good learning for naxx :p
19:24.44Cairennanyone have the link to Norg's scrubber handy?
19:24.46Shadowedsure there is
19:25.06cogwheelshadowed gotcha
19:25.23BorikAssuming that I use the reloading-UI-method, I would be messing around with saved variables and such?
19:25.40Cairennyou guys read his update?
19:25.45cogwheelshadowed, i think i know now... pass control to it after I do my thing if i need to
19:25.49ShadowedBorik: all it does is save the variable
19:25.58MikkCairenn: no?
19:26.12BorikWell, forgive my ignorance of WoW's API, but that really means nothing to me :)
19:26.16Cairenn"WoW forum scrubber UPDATE: This service is being decommissioned. I'm afraid that it's just interfering with my other projects too much everytime someone thinks it'd be funny to crash my site. I know I could spend a whole heap of time and effort to stopping them, but unfortunatly this just isn't feasible for me at this time.
19:26.16CairennI'm leaving the forum cache feature online, since it doesn't take muchprocessing power, and all the data will remain cached (such as thethread cache etc). When I have some time to put back into this projectagain, all the data will still be here. Note: If you have mad skillzand hand-craft the url's yourself, you can view any threads from theofficial forums as long as you know the forum name and the post id.
19:26.16CairennI regret to having to do this, but my Auctioneer and Gatherer addons must come first."
19:26.49Shadowedcogwheel: quick/hack example but
19:27.08AnduinLotharwow... cures still hasn't approved ConsisTint..
19:27.17Shadoweddid they reject it or something?
19:27.22cogwheelYeah, that's what i was thinking...
19:27.30AnduinLotharno, just being REALLY slow
19:27.53Cairennthat was 3 days ago ...
19:27.55Shadowedcogwheel: maybe you could do something like hook BuyMerchantItem to get around it?
19:27.57Cairennthat's nuts AnduinLothar
19:28.21AnduinLothareither that or they have an author addon limit of 33
19:28.21cogwheelHmmm... that might actually work, too
19:29.36ShadowedImarra is going to become realllly annoying it appears
19:30.26Cairenn"going to become"? he hit that point with me last night when he told me to stop posting the updated FAQs
19:30.37Cairennyou should have seen the arguement I got into with him
19:30.42Shadowedwas it on IRC?
19:30.48cogwheelshadowed, I think I want to hook MerchantItemButton_OnClick anyway, 'cause that's where the "canAfford" is calculated. I don't like redundancy (except where reliability is concerned)
19:30.49MikkHalf the problem with norganna's scrubber is that it takes so damn long to search in it that you think you misclicked, so you click again... and again... whoopie, triple server load
19:31.00Cairennno, in the middle of the damn threads as I was trying to post them
19:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:31.23CairennIt finally took me telling him to go take it up with Slouken if he didn't like it
19:31.24Shadowedhmm, is it still up?
19:31.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
19:31.33Cairennno, he deleted them all, finally
19:31.44Shadowedmaybe you can get slouken to ban him
19:31.59IrielDid I miss some drama?
19:32.06ShadowedTalking about Imarra being annoying
19:32.08Iriel(Not that i'd be complaining if I did)
19:32.18Cairennnothing serious Iriel
19:32.21Cairennand hi :)
19:32.30Shadowedcogwheel: Less code reusing if you only have to replicate the canAfford rather then most/half of the onClick function
19:33.11IrielThe new stickies are cool
19:33.12cogwheelshadowed: it's a toss-up for me between code *use* and code *execution* ...
19:33.23Cairennbut I can tell you, at 6am when I haven't been able to sleep all night and I'm in the middle of trying to get the updated threads up *without* some jackass posting shit in the middle of them ... I wasn't any too amused to find some jackass posting shit in the middle of them
19:33.25AnduinLotharya cairenn, good job on the stickies
19:33.30Shadowedask Iriel, he knows all
19:33.31BorikAnyone here who can set me on the track to figuring out this whole saving variables business?
19:33.49Cairennthanks also to Mikk, he helped me get them sorted out, over on the Wiki
19:34.44cogwheelBorik, all you have to do to have saved variables is mention them in your TOC. When you use them, they automatically get saved on logout or UI reload
19:34.47ShadowedHe looks like somebody whos trying to make a name for himself by being helpful basically
19:35.21Borikcogwheel: I hate to be dense, but it would be totally *awesome* if you had an example of basic usage.
19:35.47Shadowedthink the wiki has an example
19:35.50BorikSince although I grasp the concept, of course, that in and of itself is insufficient.  And of course I feel like I stepped off at the wrong bus stop anytime I find myself useing LUA :|
19:36.04MikkI should also mention that you can edit .. Cairenn now has nifty autoconversion scripts to forum markup :-)
19:36.05Shadowedaha, here we go
19:36.17BorikThanks, I'll have a look
19:37.25BorikAppreciate the help
19:38.22Shadowed@$%2 finally
19:38.29ShadowedDK's being removed in TBC test to see how well it works
19:38.34Borikomg, really?
19:39.07Borikgogogo Tarren Mill slaughter :P
19:39.23cogwheelanyone have an easily-accessible code snippet for finding available inventory space?
19:39.38ShadowedCheck Itemrack
19:41.34cogwheelThanks, AL
19:50.35ShadowedCide: no idea when search is coming back to ctprofiles it ake it?
19:53.27BorikGah.  Why am I wasting a friday night hacking functionality into a DKP addon?
19:53.36ShadowedThe same reason we're all on IRC
19:53.53BorikThe same reason that answers the questions of life?
19:54.39BorikBTW, if I reload the UI, will it save the variables, and then reload them all?
19:56.06cogwheelShadowed: it looks like I *do* have to hook OnClick after all... The default function returns before anything else happens if the max stack size is <= 1, and makes a call to BuyMerchantItem with only an item parameter, no "amount"...
19:56.14CairennMikk: I think I've copied back to the Wiki all the changes that were made on the Blizz forum
19:56.23Cairennoh, shoot, no I didn't, hang on
19:59.02cogwheelShadowed, not only that, but I have to capture both right- and left-clicks to duplicate WoW's functionality.
19:59.11Cairennokay, now I have
20:01.03Cairennand on that note, out for a few minutes, back shortly
20:01.49MikkRighto.. going about eu forums work then...
20:02.05KirkburnTime to install one of the greatest games of recent years :)
20:02.14IrielWhich one is that?
20:02.15Cairenn|afkare you sure you want to maintain there, as well as all the work you do on the wiki?
20:02.27KirkburnPsychonauts :D
20:03.02MikkCairenn|afk: not really :-P
20:03.25KirkburnIf you haven't played or bought Psychonauts, you are *really* missing out
20:03.38IrielWhat platforms does it exist on?
20:03.58KirkburnPC and I think PS2 and XBox
20:04.44KirkburnWritten by Tim Shafer - guy behind some of Lucasarts' greatest advernture games
20:06.22Shadowedcogwheel: Sounds fun
20:07.18cogwheelWell, at least I won't have to hook OpenStackSplitFrame anymore... that'll make it easier when I start adding buttons and info to it.
20:08.03cogwheelThough it does mean I'll have to keep a close eye on MerchantFrame.lua & MerchantFrame.xml on
20:09.53Shadowedanyway, afk
20:25.57Cairenn|afkerrr, forums
20:26.17cogwheel~poke kirkburn
20:26.18purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind kirkburn, pokes kirkburn repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
20:27.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dao_at_work (
20:28.04cogwheelWhen a frame calls its event handlers, does it call them by name or by reference? i.e. If I make a brand new MerchantItemButton_OnClick, will it be called correctly?
20:28.35Elessdydid blizzard fix the mess they made with the LFG channel, yet?
20:28.42cogwheelCairenn was poking various EU folks, so i decided to pok you :P
20:29.03KirkburnI don't think i'd be on the forums enough :/
20:29.11cogwheels/pok /poke /
20:29.28Kirkburn3/5 CDs done for Psychonauts now ...
20:29.58Mikkcogwheel: It depends on how the script handler is set
20:29.59KirkburnI miss Shouryuu :(
20:30.12Mikkcogwheel: If it's an <OnFoo> SomeFunc(); </OnFoo> in XML, it'll be by name
20:30.27Mikkbut if it's SetScript("OnFoo", SomeFunc), it's a hard reference
20:30.31gnorlishkirk i'm d/ling the dvd version upon your word
20:30.52KirkburnYou won't be disappointed
20:31.01Mikkcogwheel: The fool-proof way is to :GetScript(), remember that ref, and then SetScript() your function. Call the old ref in the end.
20:31.13Kirkburn(I didn't know there *was* a DVD version ... I imported this straight from the publishers in the US)
20:31.16cogwheelk. so <OnClick>
20:31.17MikkFrameXML is all XML handlers though so they'll all be by name
20:31.19cogwheel</OnClick> is safe...
20:31.47Kirkburn(I got an invoice with a big smiley face and "thanks" written in silver pen :D
20:32.04cogwheelI have to completely replace the function 'cause I have to hook a few different paths... So i don't have to worry about calling the old one.
20:33.20MikkJust rewrite the merchant window completely tbfh :-P
20:33.31MikkGive us a nice scrollable/filterable listing
20:33.34cogwheelThat'll be in the next version :)
20:33.45KirkburnTbfh - is that an extreeeem type of honesty? :)
20:33.56Mikk"To be fully honest" .... sorta :-)
20:34.08cogwheelpurl, wtf tbfh?
20:34.17cogwheelpurl, wtf tbfh
20:34.24Mikknub bot
20:34.36Mikkpurl, tbfh is "To Be Fully Honest"
20:34.38purlMikk: okay
20:34.38cogwheelpurl tbfh is To Be Fully Honest
20:34.40purl...but tbfh is already something else...
20:34.46Kirkburn~whaleslap purl
20:34.47purlACTION beats purl upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:34.55Mikkexcept that won't help for the wtf func
20:35.08cogwheelpurl wtf tbfh
20:35.28purli guess tbfh is "To Be Fully Honest"
20:35.32Corrodiasso... did blizzard fix the mess they made with the LFG channel? >_>
20:35.35MikkDesc: Interface to the BSD wtf command
20:35.48MikkCorrodias: hm? latest bid is that you don't auto-join the LFG channel
20:35.56MikkNo changes other than that as far as I know
20:36.01Corrodiasapparently not, then
20:36.28Mikkpurl, wtf tbqph
20:36.42Mikkpurl, tbqph is "To Be Quite Perfectly Honest"
20:36.44purlMikk: okay
20:36.53IrielI'm not sure the P is necessary there is it/
20:37.08IrielQ and P seem to be somewhat mututally exclusive
20:37.25KirkburnVery british :P
20:37.39KirkburnDoes he call you all 'chums' as well?
20:38.01CairennI've heard it said that way before, and it doesn't make sense to me, either
20:38.01MikkNo, and we got him to stop saying that he went to get "Tea" 10 minutes into each raid :-P
20:38.16MikkWas pissing people off that didn't understand that "Tea" == "Dinner"
20:38.47KirkburnBut tea does equal dinner!
20:38.54JoshBorkeoh yea, Mikk, while you're here, i wanted to ask you about the mod you wanted, where it shows DPS and HPS on a target
20:39.08MikkDTPS and HTPS
20:39.18JoshBorkewhat is the T for again?
20:39.20MikkI.e. something you'd slap as a meter on a maintank frame
20:39.24JoshBorkeok, yea
20:39.32JoshBorkethat's what i've whipped up
20:39.40KirkburnSounds like a troll mod
20:39.49MikkI think the entire channel clicked that
20:39.52MikkThe image refuses to load :-P
20:39.52Kirkburn"It's Health, mon!"
20:40.00Corrodiasi know i did
20:40.13Cairennworks for me
20:40.18Corrodiasahh! page 3 is women!
20:40.35Corrodiasdo they come with your mod?
20:40.37JoshBorkewhere can i post it?
20:40.59Cairennthey're pretty
20:41.24MikkAye, it loaded in the end =)
20:41.32MikkOnly took forever for me cause of everyone else beating me to the click :_P
20:41.40BorikCan someone here who digs this LUA junk, whip me up a quick line?  I need to take a string (example:  18953 Borik 1500) and seperate it into 3 different variables.
20:41.44Corrodiasi fear i may have to start playing WoW again pretty soon, for realz :|
20:41.52MikkRight.. that's almost what I wanted... except that's too much detail to read.
20:41.55MikkI just want nice bars :-)
20:42.20MikkHorizontal ones. positioned on top of eachother so you can tell very quickly which one is bigger
20:42.32Corrodiasthey can't both be above the other one
20:42.36MikkBah =)
20:42.52JoshBorkelocal _,_,num1,str,num2 = string.find('18953 Borik 1500','(%d+) (.-) (%d+)')
20:42.53JoshBorkei think
20:42.56Corrodiasokay, time for me to go to work. later :)
20:42.57KirkburnStack 'em high :)
20:43.12Cairennlater Kirkburn
20:43.20Mikkthat was corrodias :-P
20:43.32KirkburnNot me, silly
20:43.43Borikthanks Josh, I'll try that out.
20:43.48Shadowed that is one crazy UI
20:43.52Cairennlater Corrodias :p
20:44.01JoshBorkeholy mother of pearl
20:44.15KirkburnMy exclamation also includede 'mother'
20:44.33KirovShadowed - seems overly done
20:44.42Shadowedugly was what i was thinking
20:44.48Shadowedtoo complicated
20:44.50Kirovthat too
20:44.52KirkburnSo much wasted space
20:45.02ShadowedIt's a fun idea, but way to much wasted space and it's too complicated
20:45.15KirkburnSo much useless detail ... *ergonomics unit overloading!*
20:46.10cogwheelOk... i anticipate I'm about to hit a roadblock with BuyEmAll.... How do I check whether an item can be placed in a bag? (i.e. checking herbs against herb bags, etc.) Essentially what I want is a function called FreeBagSlots(itemLink) that determines how many open bag slots you have that the item can go in....
20:46.22ShadowedI don't think you can
20:46.25JoshBorkeMikk: hopefully i can get your silly statusbars done soon
20:46.29MikkWheeeee! =)
20:46.41RallionI'm pretty sure you can't, cog
20:46.48Mikkcogwheel: Why bother? Just let it error.
20:47.04MikkIf you like, you can wait for confirmation / error between each buy.
20:47.06MikkAnd stop on the first error.
20:47.08MikkBut that'll be slower.
20:47.12cogwheelHmm... hadn't thought of that.
20:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
20:47.26JoshBorkewould the length of the status bars just be the difference of the largest value to the current value?  IE, HTPS is larger ATM so it is 1 and the DTPS is some fraction of 1?
20:47.30cogwheelI guess it would give an error whether they went to buy them all or not.
20:48.06MikkJoshBorke: Good question... I've been pondering that one myself
20:48.25MikkI _THINK_ it should be a shared max among all units being measured
20:48.40Cidestatusbars don't like :SetValue(0/0)
20:48.42JoshBorkeor should it be the maximum of either value over the last whatever time being monitored?
20:48.44MikkAnd I also think that there should be some sort of minimum minimum value
20:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
20:49.34KirkburnCide, I don't think *anything* likes dividing by zero
20:49.43MikkSomething like... lvl x 10 minimum graph ceiling
20:49.56Mikki.e. 600 htps / dtps for a lvl 60
20:50.14Mikkso that it doesn't just slam up in the ceiling on 1 dtps
20:50.25KirkburnWhy not use the chars health as max?
20:50.30JoshBorkeyea, i was just gonna say that
20:50.33MikkJoshBorke: Your idea might work too, thought you might want some sort of decaying average
20:50.35JoshBorkemake each value a percentage of the health
20:50.45MikkThat works :-)
20:50.58JoshBorkethat way when the DTPS reaches 75%, you know nothing good can come of it
20:51.33MikkExcept they'll be pretty small
20:51.46MikkPerhaps cap it at like ... 25% health?
20:52.08MikkThat's 2500 dtps on an epixd tank
20:52.30MikkCould be configurable I suppose...
20:52.34MikkBut % of max health is good
20:52.48MikkAdapts nicely
20:54.05JoshBorkei'd say 50% of the targets maximum health
20:54.32MikkUgh... what boss dishes out 5000 dps?
20:54.52Cidepatchwerk is probably close
20:54.54Cideif not more
20:55.13MikkAnyway.. I'd say "configurable" tbh :-)
20:55.14Cidenot single target, though
20:55.15KirkburnWhat if it's not a epic'd tank?
20:55.31KirkburnThe bar would fill up incredibly quickly
20:55.33Cidearound 5k dps, on 4 targets
20:55.43Cidevaelastrasz outputs quite a nice chunk of dps too
20:55.53MikkCide: This addon is only concerned with single target damage
20:56.03MikkWe're measuring the damage taken on e.g. one maintank
20:56.22Cidewell, the main offtank for patchwerk takes around 4k dps I'd say
20:56.26Cideif you do it the way we do it
20:56.40Cideabout 7-8k damage hit every 2-4 sec
20:56.47Shadowedthat sounds right
20:57.04MikkAnd I know the guild is going there
20:57.07ShadowedYou guys aren't using greater stoneshield potions I take it then?
20:57.29ShadowedI usually only get hit for 7-8k on the rare case, typically around 6k just barely 7k
20:57.51MikkJoshBorke: How frequently are you updating that thing?
20:57.52Shadowedonly a 700 armor difference
20:58.30Mikkupdate frequency for the value i mean
20:58.34Cideand whenever imp loh's upp, the difference is even greater :P
20:58.46Shadowedwe never use imp loh :p
20:58.57Cidebut yeah, we use greater stoneshields all the time
20:59.10Cidemight be a bit lower than 7-8k on our main offtank though
20:59.16Cidemaybe 6.5 to 7.5
20:59.41Mikkman.. you really want to be crit free against those buggers
20:59.49Cidehateful strike can't crit :)
20:59.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dao_at_work (
20:59.54Mikklucky :-P
20:59.56ShadowedI'm looking at a dumb of hateful spam and it's pretty much around 6k-7k on all our offtanks
21:00.02JoshBorkeMikk: right now you can change it between every 0.1, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1 second to updat
21:00.03Cidehe has pretty bad spike dps on the main tank, though
21:00.13Cidepretty sure he thrashes
21:00.13MikkJoshBorke: Any averaging going on?
21:00.47BorikWish me luck, I hate starting up WoW after coding for an hour without testing :D
21:00.47JoshBorkeMikk: yeah, it's a flat average across the last: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 seconds
21:00.49MikkJoshBorke: Otherwise I'm a bit worried about fluttering so much it's hard to tell what's actually going on
21:00.51MikkAhhhh ok
21:00.59Shadowedcan't remember, i think he may do a small trash but not often. usually i'm an OT not the MT.
21:01.11JoshBorkeDewDrop ftw
21:01.48MikkBorik: :-)
21:01.48MikkYou'll at least get a proper XML+Lua syntax test out of it even if there's APIs missing
21:01.50JoshBorkeMikK: that satisfactory?
21:01.54Borikgirlymen do things the easy way :D
21:01.59BorikI prefer to crash wow
21:02.12MikkJoshBorke: More than satisfactory. Kicks ass :-)
21:02.21JoshBorkeMikk: i'll have 2 statusbars, copied from PerfectRaid :-D
21:02.22Shadowedyou're going to have to shortten your name to "Bor" if you wish to crash wow
21:02.43Borikyou can crash wow without actually killing it ;)  Endless error loops, anyone?
21:02.46CideBorik, great sanity check is to get a program that supports parsing luac output to see if it parsed correctly
21:03.28JoshBorkeBorik: shoot me
21:03.35BorikWell, if I felt I was going to put any sort of time or effort into this whole addon coding business, I probably would get one.  But as it is, I'm just hacking things together, with a bit of whatever-works
21:03.58BorikThen once it actually works perfectly, I'll rewrite it from the ground up, in a proper fashion
21:04.10Cidehaha, alright
21:04.22MikkBorik: That's what they all say! =)
21:04.31AnduinLotharit's addictive
21:04.35Borikthe key word there being 'perfectly' ;)
21:04.45Borikthere's always another feature..
21:04.54JoshBorkeMikk: HEY! I did that!
21:05.05JoshBorkeMikk: look at GreaterBuff, then look at RaidBuffs :-P
21:05.22AnduinLotharAnyway, Got Telepathy coded up and beta testable if anyone wants a swing at it
21:05.27JoshBorkei grew programatically a lot between the 2 :-D
21:05.32JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: Telepathy?
21:05.39*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:05.42AnduinLothar1.12 chat comm
21:05.52Cairenntoss it up on WoWI's beta section AnduinLothar?
21:05.52JoshBorkeall these competing libraries
21:06.05MikkJoshBorke: Telepathy = Sky-NG
21:06.25JoshBorkeyes, yes, too many libraries :-P
21:06.36JoshBorkewhat texture should i use?
21:06.57MikkSolid color texture ftw? =)
21:07.14Borik|brba curse upon all hobbits
21:07.24JoshBorkehm, oh yea
21:07.31Borik|brbwhat was the designer smoking when he mandated that a 'then' follow an if statement?
21:07.45Borik|brbgod's below, that's awful.  It doesn't add anything, just another random keyword you have to remember toadd
21:08.00Shadowedit's not really *that* bad to remember
21:08.17MikkBorik|brb: no you don't. i've tried. now i'm writing "then" in C >.<
21:08.25Borik|brbI love C++ :D
21:08.33Kirkburn(yay, I have a Scandinavian Liberal Paradise!
21:08.37Borik|brbIt's orgasmic, going from this LUA beast to a proper language
21:08.52Borik|brb*back to a
21:08.56Mikk<- C programmer for 15 years. Lua programmer for like half a year. It ruins you rapidly :-(
21:08.56zenzelezzcareful Borik, you'll awaken Iriel
21:09.15Shadowedwas worst going from php -> java -> luai
21:09.17Borik|brbMikk, keep in mind that half my DKP system is a seperate C++ app, so I switch off working on them ;D
21:09.28Mikk#define then
21:09.37Borik|brbit's a mindbender, tabbing between LUA and C++
21:09.51Cidestick to lua
21:09.53Cideproblem solved!
21:10.04Borik|brbtrial run #2, stay tuned for details.
21:10.17Mikkactually i'm starting to come around to scripting language usefulness for non-speed-critical stuff
21:10.26Mikkit's usually a damn sight faster to develop
21:11.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:11.21Borik|brbWell, I'm writing my own compiled scripting language to plug into my engine WIP, but it's slow going :D
21:11.31Borik|brbBTW, more 'then' issues.  Damn you LUA.
21:11.31Mikkjust use lua
21:11.40Borik|brbnah, can't stand this devil language
21:11.41Mikklua is made to be embedded ya kjnow =)
21:11.51Borik|brbI'd rather write 100 languages of my own then spend a couple more hours
21:11.58Mikkchange the syntax then
21:12.28Borik|brbgogo ASM :D
21:12.28Mikk"then" -> "{", "do" -> "{"
21:12.29Mikk"end" -> "}"
21:12.52AnduinLothar:( test server's hutting down
21:13.03KirkburnYay, huts!
21:13.09MikkAnduinLothar: fwiw, wowbench implements SendAddOnMessage these days
21:13.13Borik|brbtrial #3, incoming
21:13.23Shadowedshutting down or restarting AnduinLothar?
21:13.38AnduinLothar[SERVER] Shutdown in 11:00
21:13.47Mikk(btw who was having problems with utf-8 Lua files in wowbench? they'll work fine now)
21:14.00Kirkburn"PTR's will coming down at aproximately 12:30pm on Friday 8/4/06. I don't have an ETA on the downtime quite yet but check this post out for updates."
21:14.01Mikk(if you get the latest version from SVN anyway)
21:14.08Shadowednew patch then
21:14.15Shadowedmaybe getting a release this friday!
21:14.17KirkburnMost likely
21:14.17Shadowederr tuesday
21:14.32JoshBorkei just hit exhalted
21:14.51MikkON TEST?
21:15.20MikkOhwait.. char copy
21:15.21zenzelezzargh... both Allakhazam and Thottbot taking forever to load
21:15.21JoshBorkelol, no, with AV
21:15.22ShadowedON TEST?
21:15.51JoshBorkeon live, and it'll be much easier with 1.12
21:16.05JoshBorkeMikk: HealthMon is on AceSVN if you want to play around with it any
21:16.19Mikkkoool =)
21:16.39JoshBorkeno statusbars
21:16.44JoshBorkeand i pretty much broke it trying to add them in
21:17.30Abenadiquestion on LUA tables - can I have a table with random numbered indexes i.e. tab[734987]="string1" tab[43524]="string2", and if so will ipairs(tab) iterate through them in index order?
21:17.35Borik|brbchrist in a cocktail
21:19.19Borik|brbNote to self:  LUA is of the devil.
21:19.20gnorlishdoes one of you guys have a couple mins to help me figure out why i'm having library instance issues with freshly updated addons
21:19.43JoshBorkeok bye
21:19.44*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:20.20KirkburnMikk, was there a reason why you nailed me to the channel, or may I leave at any time?
21:22.47Cairennevening clad
21:23.34MikkKirkburn: nah no real reason. just like having you around :-)
21:24.01cladhaireevening Cair
21:24.40KirkburnUh, thanks?
21:24.56gnorlishit's to pry the nail off
21:24.58gnorlishuse it
21:26.44ckknightAbenadi, you can have randomly indexed values, ipairs will _not_ iterate through them
21:26.48ckknightit only goes 1 to n
21:26.54ckknightuntil it hits nil
21:28.22Borik|brbtrial #4
21:28.33CairennShadowed: now what?
21:28.41Cairennor do I even want to ask?
21:29.09Shadowed just generall annoyingness :p
21:30.29KirkburnThat's an interesting approach to capitalisation he has
21:30.32Borik|Testingtrial #5
21:30.53KirkburnSorry, That's an Interesting Approach to Capitalisation he Has :)
21:31.45ShadowedIt's VeRy annOying wheN pEople decide to Randomly capitilise Letters
21:32.25AnduinLothargah... how am i spose to play with my telepathy if the server's down :'(
21:32.37KirkburnHe *want's* to be useful, but he's just not (e.g.
21:33.02ShadowedShould i point out how annoying that is?
21:33.08KirkburnWhereas I *want* to spell 'wants' correctly, but I just can't
21:35.10KirkburnNrganna's srubber is being decommisioned?
21:35.18Kirkburnwhoa, missing letter time
21:35.26MikkAnduinLothar: You load it up in WoWBench
21:35.35MikkAnduinLothar: Has SendAddonMessage(), can log in multiple toons...
21:35.48CairennKirkburn: yeah =/
21:36.12KirkburnChanges, changes :/
21:36.20AnduinLotharyeah, then i have the simulate the events
21:36.23Cairennthank the jerks of the world
21:36.41Borik|TestingHmm, quick question
21:36.41MikkSimulate which events?
21:36.42AnduinLotharand have no gui
21:36.59Borik|Testinghow the hell do I 'initialize' a subtable of a table?
21:37.15Mikkassign {} to it?
21:37.22Borik|TestingWell, I did, that's the thing
21:37.41Borik|Testingif (not DARaid_Data.classes) then if (not DARaid_Data.classes) then
21:37.49Borik|Testingwrong copy there :D
21:37.54Borik|TestingI'll get the right one, sec
21:37.59Borik|Testingif (not DARaid_Data.classes) then
21:37.59Borik|TestingDARaid_Data.classes = { };
21:38.08MikkAnduinLothar: You can also give an input .txt file that gets executed on the wowbench commandline before you can start typing yourself. Is pretty easy to login two toons and have them do some stuff repeatedly.
21:39.12KirkburnAch, people changing 'draenei' to 'Draenei' again ... Mikk (and others), what's your opinion on this?
21:39.33AnduinLotharand send messages between them?
21:39.40KirkburnI put a discussion point on the talk page at the top ... thing is, draenei is the official spelling :/
21:39.52MikkAnduinLothar: yes, SendChatMessage() and SendAddOnMessage() passes stuff between sessions
21:39.54MikkJust like in-game
21:39.54Borik|TestingCan anyone see what I'm doing wrong in my above snipper?
21:40.08ckknightKirkburn, lowercase?
21:40.11MikkIt doesn't do subscribable chat channels for SendChatMessage though
21:40.17MikkI.e. you can't JoinChannel()
21:40.25AnduinLotharwhy not?
21:40.26KirkburnJust like we don't capitalise 'human'
21:40.34MikkCause noone's implemented it?
21:40.35ckknightwe do in WoW
21:40.49KirkburnBlizzard did, once, but they seem to have changed their mind
21:40.51ckknightlike we capitalize "American" or "Swede"
21:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
21:41.00Mikkckknight: blizzard's lore now uses lower case for race names mostly
21:41.04KirkburnAll the references to naaru, draenei, etc are now in lowercase
21:41.20KirkburnWe need official word!
21:41.35QzotThe answer is 423
21:41.42Borik|Testinganyone got a lovely answer to my query, or shall I return to trial and error?
21:41.52Cairennhey Qzot
21:41.58MikkBorik|Testing: that looks 100% right
21:42.07Mikkwell.. with an "end" after it obviously
21:42.10Borik|TestingWell, it may look right, but it's still coughing up errors
21:42.17QzotHey, Cairenn. How's everything?
21:42.26Cairenneverything is
21:42.33MikkDoes DARaid_Data exist when you're doing that?
21:42.46Borik|Testingit's created earlier, so yes, it should
21:42.54Borik|Testingbut it's worth noting, the error isn't there
21:43.14Borik|TestingI get the error at this place:
21:43.15Borik|Testingname, rank, subgroup, level, class, filename, zone, online, isDead = GetRaidRosterInfo(num);
21:43.15Borik|TestingDARaid_Data.classes[name] = class;
21:43.20Mikk(This is where WoWBench is very nice btw... when something breaks, you get to poke around in global and local variables and see what everything actually looks like when stuff goes kaboom)
21:43.37MikkCould be that name is nil?
21:43.50Borik|TestingI don't think that's very likely
21:43.57Borik|Testingand by that I mean, no.
21:43.58MikkDepends on what your loop looks like =)
21:44.02Borik|TestingI'm in a raid, for sure.
21:44.06Shadoweddebug debug debug!
21:44.32Borik|Testingthe exact error is
21:44.57Borik|Testing"attempt to index field `classes' (a nil value)"
21:45.15MikkThen one of two things are happening:
21:45.23Shadoweddid you make sure to do DARaid_Data.classes = {}; ?
21:45.24Mikk1. Your init code isn't being called like you think it is
21:45.33Mikk2. You're nil:ing out .classes somewhere
21:45.40MikkOr, heck,
21:45.53Mikk3. You've managed to put a "local" before DARAID_Data somewhere
21:46.34Kirkburn|Psycho4. You attempting to code on a banana shaped like a computer
21:46.36Mikktostring(DARaid_Data) will tell you the memory location of the table; you'll be able to tell if you've actually got hold of the same table that you're initializing earlier
21:46.45Borik|Testinggood point Kirk
21:46.48Borik|TestingI'll check that one
21:47.03Kirkburn|PsychoTry eating it, you'll know for sure that way
21:47.10MikkAttach 110V leads to it. If it goes "pop" and smells good, it was a banana.
21:47.12Borik|Testingtastes kinda metallic :|
21:47.14MikkIf it smells bleh it was a computer
21:47.19Kirkburn|PsychoMust be unripe
21:47.26Borik|Testingpicked the fucker too soon then :/
21:49.53Borik|TestingThis is vexing to the extreme.
21:51.31Borik|TestingIt should be being initialized, since it's done in the same function as the DARaid_Data table, and that one works.
21:51.32Cairennbut is it vexing to the moderate?
21:51.50Mikki doubt it'd be vexing to the lazy
21:51.55Borik|Testingprobably not
21:51.55Mikkthey tend to not care a lot
21:52.03Borik|Testingthe lazy would just shove my crappy code under the table, and go on with life
21:52.38Mikkisn't that what this channel is all about? :-)
21:52.58Cairennwell of course it is
21:53.05Shadowedbeing lazy or making fun of people?
21:53.06MikkAnduinLothar: Aye, I know. It's just this briton that migrated to Japan that's gotten me hooked on using "un" :-P
21:53.23Mikkprecisely ;)
21:53.33MikkShadowed: both, obviously.
21:53.54Borik|Testingahh, but inthinkable doesn't work ;)
21:54.04Kirkburn|Psychoaaaaah, Psychonauts won't work :(
21:54.31QzotExistence proofs.
21:54.37Borik|Testingbad karma
21:54.54QzotDoes a mod exist that lets people trade macros?
21:55.01gnorlishkirk, i have a torrent for the dvd that you could d/l and mount
21:55.07gnorlishunless you want to wait until i finish
21:55.11gnorlishand see if it works
21:55.16KirovQzot - guild chat?
21:55.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dao_at_work (
21:55.30QzotDoes a mod exist that allows creation of on-the-fly aliases, for new /commands?
21:55.47QzotGuild chat doesn't make it easy to cut and paste.
21:55.54QzotLuaSlinger, tnx.
21:56.34QzotDoes a mod exist that creates extra /-commands for function-based raid chat screening?
21:57.25Mikkif nothing else, there's sure to be something GUI based
21:57.26Borik|Testingnow I'm seriously vexed.
21:57.33Qzot(I.e., so "/druid mumble" become "/raid [Druid] mumbel", and people who aren't droods can screen out those messages.)
21:57.53CideI just do...
21:58.13AnduinLotharyou would have to have it send whispers
21:58.23AnduinLotharor to a hidden chan
21:58.28QzotAnduinLothar: Why is that?
21:58.31Mikkwait for 1.12 and use SendAddOnMessage with the "druid" prefix or something =)
21:58.38Cide/script SendChatMessage("Moo", "RAID", "Taurahe")
21:58.41QzotMikk: If I write one, yes.
21:58.43Shadowedwhats wrong with class channels?
21:58.48QzotCide: hehe
21:58.55MikkShadowed: there's not enough channels as usual :-P
21:58.58AnduinLotharya, we use class channels
21:59.05QzotShadowed: Class channels work. Kinda.
21:59.18Shadowedtrying to use a special raid filter would be more anonying in the end really
21:59.37AnduinLotharya. I can write one in 1.12
21:59.41QzotShadowed: Can you explain why you think that?
21:59.42AnduinLotharsend in raid
22:00.06Mikktakes like zero effort to code in too
22:00.08QzotAnduinLother: I was thinking of writing one, but you guys often know of existing implementations of my hare-brained ideas.
22:00.08AnduinLotharmake fake channels that way
22:00.09ShadowedFor one. you can't make it show in different chat windows like a normal channel, and you can't color it either.
22:00.19QzotMikk: Yes. My kind of mod, exactly.
22:00.33AnduinLotharsure you can
22:00.40Mikkdamn... that'd really really rock to be honest
22:00.41QzotShadowed: I don't think that's true.
22:00.41AnduinLotharuse Satellite to simulate chat types
22:00.59Borik|Testingwhat the hell
22:01.00ShadowedIn the end you're trying to replicate a channel instead of just using a channel in the first place
22:01.05Mikkjust send out channel types as they're created
22:01.07Borik|TestingDARaid_Data.classes = { };
22:01.07Borik|TestingDARaid_Data.started = { };
22:01.12Borik|Testingclasses works, but started does not
22:01.16Mikklet people enable/disable as they like
22:01.17Borik|Testingnow I'm stumped
22:01.25Mikkthat would sooooo rock
22:01.34AnduinLotharthen have satellite generate fake chat events based on CHAT_MSG_ADDON msgs
22:01.45QzotMikk: I'm thinking of doing the obvious defaults, but letting people tweak as desired.
22:01.47ShadowedFrom the sound of it it's a raid mod, meaning everyone basically has to use it ;)
22:02.01AnduinLotharyes, but you wont need the mod to hide the msgs
22:02.05AnduinLotharjust to see them
22:02.12AnduinLotharand send them
22:02.17QzotAlso, "/c mumble" would send to your own class, but "/druid" would send to druids, no matter what your class is. So raid leaders can...
22:02.30AnduinLothardont need that
22:02.39ShadowedThe problem I have with it is never hiding or showing the messages. It's the fact that you're trying to replicate a channel when 98% of the raid guilds do it using a normal channel without issue.
22:02.40AnduinLotharyou can have slash commands for each channel
22:02.40Cidesetmetatable(DARaid_Data, { __index = function(t, key) if ( key == "started" ) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Tried to set started: " .. debugstack(2, 2, 0)) end return rawget(t, key) end })
22:02.50QzotShadowed: True. But using the hidden channel has implications good and bad.
22:02.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
22:03.11AnduinLotharwell the idea is basicly that you can make your own fake channels
22:03.16MikkI think it rocks. We always run out of channels in our raids =)
22:03.17CideBorik|Testing: call that right after you set .started = { } :P
22:03.25Borik|TestingCide: And what exactly is that piece of schicanery supposed to do?
22:03.30*** join/#wowi-lounge joyjey (
22:03.32Borik|Testingok, will do
22:03.33AnduinLotharthey'll just be raid-only
22:03.38Cidealerts you when something tries to set that key
22:03.40QzotShadowed: Yes. But some of us have an issue, because we're required to add 3 extra channels which we don't have because of other non-required mods we use. :P
22:03.52CideI failed
22:04.03Shadowedyou'll have more channels to use in 1.12 anyway.
22:04.11MikkEspecially the raid leaders that want to be in lots of channels
22:04.15QzotShadowed: I hadn't heard taht. Cool.
22:04.19MikkShadowed: o.O
22:04.22Mikkhow many?
22:04.26joyjeyis it possible to "loop" all the textures one have made with frame:CreateTexture(); for a frame?
22:04.30Shadowedhe said "we don't have because of the other non-required mods"
22:04.38Shadowedthose mods will be able to use sendaddonmessage
22:04.55CideI'm stupid. disregard that Borik|Testing
22:05.11Mikkjoyjey: yes
22:05.12Borik|Testingtoo late for that, already tested it, doesn't seem to do anything :)
22:05.19CideI mixed it up
22:06.02Mikkjoyjey: - Frame:GetNumRegions, Frame:GetRegions()
22:06.09MikkWill return fontstrings AND textures
22:06.25Mikkobj:GetObjectType()=="Texture" ftw
22:06.25joyjeyah sweet, thx
22:06.40joyjeylots and lots of <3
22:06.59Kirkburn|PsychoHrm, time to try reinstalling my gfx card drivers
22:07.47QzotNext question: Is there a good list somewhere of buffs/debuffs and the associated textures? On wowwiki or elsewhere?
22:08.20AnduinLotharck made a lib i think
22:08.35Mikkbut a lib would be better because that's likely out of date
22:08.55AnduinLotharecastingbar should have them too
22:11.54QzotThere'd be a significant shift from AddOns to macros if the base API provide the reverse lookup, or provide a IsBuffActive('unit') call. :(
22:12.06Borik|Testingguys, do you have any idea why initializing one of the subtables would work, but the other wouldn't?
22:12.26QzotBorik: URL for the code?
22:12.34Borik|Testinguhm, it's not uploaded right now
22:12.50Borik|TestingI only upload things that WORK ;)
22:13.14QzotShadowed: Who's making the request?
22:13.14Borik|Testingbut the code in question is this:
22:13.21MikkBorik|Testing: paste it at already
22:13.25Borik|Testingah, I'll do that
22:14.04QzotShadowed: And what are the names of people making the request, do they have much gold, and are they on my server? I can code it up for them. :D
22:14.07IrielIs your table a saved variable?
22:14.25IrielYou've probably got a saved version without the subtable
22:14.34Irielso you initialize the complex one, then the saved one is loaded, and overwrites it
22:14.40Borik|Testinghow would I go about fixing that?
22:14.42Irielsaved variables load the whole table, removing the old one
22:14.45ShadowedQzot: Oh requested it
22:14.53MikkBorik|Testing: Fix stuff up on VARIABLES_LOADED
22:14.56IrielDo initialization after the variables are loaded
22:15.01QzotShadowed: Do you have much gold?
22:15.01IrielAnd dont use VARIABLES_LOADED, ever
22:15.04Irieluse ADDON_LOADED
22:15.27Borik|Testingok, now I'm totally mixed up.
22:15.27IrielVARIABLES_LOADED is a bad habit people need to break themselves of
22:15.28MikkWell... using ADDON_LOADED is good for if you ever want to make it LoD, that's true
22:15.30ShadowedAre they removing VARIABLES_LOADED or something?
22:15.44IrielNo, it's the LoD reason I make a fuss about it
22:15.52QzotIriel: I use VARS_LOADED. Learn me why to change.
22:15.56IrielThere's no reason NOT to use ADDON_LOADED other than total laziness
22:16.05MikkQzot: because that's not an event that exists? =)
22:16.14IrielAddOns can load at startup, or at any point later on if they hjappen to be made Load on Demand
22:16.15QzotIriel: Um. Ignorance will do just fine for me, thank you very much.
22:16.29Borik|TestingSo, if I may be so bold (ignorant?)..  How exactly would I go about 'making the table after ADDON_LOADED'?
22:16.30IrielVARIABLES_LOADED fires after the startup process is done
22:16.43Irielbut it never fires again, so a LoadOnDemand addon will likely never see it
22:16.53IrielADDON_LOADED fires immediately after each addon's variables are loaded
22:16.57QzotIriel: Ouch.
22:17.01AnduinLotharum, but variable aren't loaded till VARIABLES_LOADED unless it's loaded after VARIABLES_LOADED...
22:17.11IrielAnduinLothar : Correct
22:17.22IrielBut again, ADDON_LOADED has no weakness, VARIABLES_LOADED has several
22:17.37Irielso there's no reason to NOT use ADDON_LOADED, and several to avoid using VARIABLES_LOADED
22:17.45AnduinLotharum for ADDON_LOADED before VARIABLES_LOADED the variable aren't loaded tho..
22:17.47QzotBorik: My approach is...
22:17.50IrielYes they are
22:17.53MikkThey are
22:17.55AnduinLotharsince when?
22:17.58IrielSince always
22:18.00IrielIt's NEVER
22:18.02Borik|Testingso basically, I plug an <OnEvent> thing into my XML, and have that trigger a function?
22:18.14IrielIt's NEVER been any other way, when ADDON_LOADED got added, it functioned correctly
22:18.17MikkBorik|Testing: And :RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") also
22:18.29Borik|TestingAnd where exactly would I put that, Mikk?
22:18.30Qzotfunction myClass:ADDON_LOADED()
22:18.34IrielBorik|Testing : Yes, you check if (event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "YourAddOnName") then --[[ Stuff ]] end
22:18.39AnduinLotharwell that wasn't made very clear when it was implimented then, least not to me
22:19.08AnduinLotharmakes my life simpler tho
22:20.04MikkBorik|Testing: <- read =)
22:20.04Borik|TestingQzot, where exactly would I put that?  (Keep in mind I have no classes)
22:20.42MikkA good place to call :RegisterEvent() is in an _OnLoad() event
22:20.48MikkBut you can do it it inline too
22:20.53QzotIgnore the class code, then. You need to catch the ADDON_LOADED event, and do the var init there.
22:20.54MikkAs long as the XML has actually loaded first
22:20.59Borik|TestingI'll mess around with that   (cross yer fingers)
22:26.04Borik|TestingI have one arguement being passed to the event handler function, but how would I know that the ADDON_LOADED is being trigged after my specific addon is loaded?
22:26.19IrielYou check arg1
22:26.25Irielif it's your addon's name, then it's your addon that loaded
22:26.34Irielif you want to be super paranoid you can unregister the ADDON_LOADED event then
22:26.46IrielIt's NOT safe to assume the first ADDON_LOADED you see after your code runs is yours, however
22:26.50Irielyou MUST check arg1
22:26.54Borik|Testingso arg1 is inherantly available to the event handling function?
22:27.24Borik|Testingok, thanks.
22:27.34Iriellike event, and this, arg1 - arg9 are globals that wow manages before dispatching code
22:27.54AnduinLotharhmmm, so should i put addon versioning in Telepathy or another mini lib?
22:27.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
22:29.11Borik|Testinghmm, once more.
22:33.00IrielHm, on the new FAQs, personally I feel any howto on trinket use should use the slot names and not the ID's
22:36.23Cidehmm. Iriel: if I have two identical tables t1 & t2 (not the same reference), will next(t1, key) == next(t2, key) for any given key?
22:36.46CideI'm assuming no, just want to be sure
22:37.24Kirovare the tables referencing tables or variables.
22:38.22Kirovthen it should work
22:38.29IrielThere's no guarantee
22:38.31Cidewith associative indices?
22:38.51MikkI feel I need to rewrite the Events page
22:38.53Irielif they were created identically, then I believe you can be relatively sure it'll work out that way
22:39.06IrielMikk: One page per event, please, for the love of all that is holy
22:39.15IrielMikk: Or at the very least, one per prefix letter
22:39.24KirovCide - it's an indexed array or hash?
22:39.33MikkOh, I just meant the "Events" page itself
22:39.38MikkBut yeah reindexing that sh*t would be nice
22:39.51Cideit 'should' be the same, but since it can be reordered...
22:39.55MikkAnd yanking all the events out of the page names
22:40.06Cideyes please
22:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion_ (
22:40.08MikkThat sounds like a nice project. Thanks.
22:40.10IrielIt all depends on whether the tables were created the same way
22:40.12CideI get a headache looking at links to that page
22:40.25KirovI just go to all events and search the page
22:40.41Kirovctrl + f ftw!
22:40.51IrielCide: Are you trying to implement a comparison of tables?
22:41.09Cideyeah, I was about to ask - does someone have a function for that written up already? I'd assume there is one around *somewhere*
22:41.20IrielDeep compare? or simple compare?
22:41.33KirovI have one written
22:41.40Kirovbut it might be too special case, let me check
22:41.42IrielHm, would it have to handle self-referential tables?
22:41.44MikkPaste it on
22:41.49CideIriel: probably not
22:42.00IrielWould it have to not get stuck FOREVER if it did? 8-)
22:42.18cladhairelol =)
22:42.22Cideif I end up with infinite recursion I'll blame it on user error
22:42.58Kirovthe one I have is special case
22:43.52BorikThanks a lot for the help guys, seems I've got the major issues ironed out now :)
22:43.54IrielI'll try and throw one together
22:44.26Rallionwow, I stayed ghosted for almost ten minutes there
22:45.01cladhaireCairenn: What now? =(
22:45.15Cairennsame as usual "who owns the code"
22:45.41Cairennyou'd think they'd have been told enough times by now
22:46.42Kirovcan lua handle table == string?
22:46.48Kirov(would that return false)
22:46.50Irielit says false, so yes
22:46.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
22:47.04Iriellua's == requires the type to match
22:47.23Iriel(Metatables notwithstanding)
22:47.25Kirovas long as it doesn't error
22:48.15MikkCairenn: No, I heard everything on the intarweb is free!
22:48.35QzotMikk: What was being asked about tables?
22:49.03KirovThat should work as a deep compare
22:49.27IrielI'd redo it a bit Kirov
22:49.36Irielput the == true part before the type compare for tables
22:50.11QzotKirov: I think I can generate a failure.
22:50.17Kiroviriel - why?
22:50.34IrielI'd assume most entries are NOT tables
22:50.43Irielso there's no sense wasting a call to type when you dont need it
22:50.57Kirovhmm, good point
22:51.10QzotKirov: Looks to me that tableCmp({}, {}) returns nil.
22:51.42MikkYa know..... it's somewhat tempting to make single pages for all the events
22:51.47MikkSince you'd be able to categorize them that way
22:51.51IrielPlus that does far too many function calls
22:51.51QzotAnd if t1==t2, and there *are* tables, no point doing the deep compare.
22:51.59MikkThough it'd be bloody impossible to pull them all into one page after that
22:52.18AnduinLotharwell mikk, if there were page sumamries that showed up in category lists..
22:52.26RalliontableCmp({}, {}) would return true...
22:52.26KirovMikk - what am I looking for?
22:52.36IrielThat returns true if t2 has more entries than t1 as well
22:52.44MikkPlx write =)
22:52.46QzotKirov: Also, unfortunately, you have to do the comparison both ways, i.e., you have to iterate the keys of both tables.
22:52.47KirovtableCmp( {}, {} ) would definatly return true
22:52.47Cideyeah, it needs to check both tables
22:52.52Irieli.e. if t1 has a,b,c as keys and t2 has a,b,c,d
22:53.07Rallionooh there's a problem, yeah
22:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
22:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
22:53.16MikkHey lego
22:53.20AnduinLotharwhy look, it's a lego
22:53.21Mikkand moonwolf ;)L
22:53.24QzotKirov: Can you tell me which line number returns true for tableCmp({}, {})? I'm missing it.
22:53.25IrielI've got a slightly different solution on the go
22:53.27Irieljust let me finish it
22:53.31RallionQzot, the last one.
22:53.38LegorolHm, i'm in a bit of a bind, wondering if any EU players can help me out here
22:53.54LegorolWhat was the date when Kor'Gall was moved to a new location, causing a whole slew of realms to be offline for 48 hours?
22:53.56QzotRallion,Kirov: Gack. Need to scroll. :P
22:54.16purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
22:54.17Cairennhey hey, it's a Lego!
22:54.28Legorolyay, put little pieces of me together to get a big bright toy
22:54.31Mikk... I suppose I _COULD_ make a little script that pulls stuff out of the event pages and uses some sort of tag to copy them into "category" pages
22:54.33MikkThat'd be nice
22:54.45Cairennhey Lego? feel like taking on and maintaining a project?
22:55.31Cairenn , and all need to be posted and maintained on the EU forums ...
22:55.48CairennI can't post over there, or I'd deal with it
22:56.03Cidewhat about
22:56.39Kirovthat'd work
22:57.18Kirovthough you still need a return true at the end
22:57.23Kirovto catch empty tables
22:57.35Rallionand, actually, identical tables.
22:57.44KirovI was about to say, any tables
22:57.54Cideah, ya
22:58.06Rallionprobably not going to get much faster than that though
22:59.34Cideshould be fast enough
22:59.37Rallionoh and if the 'both tables' check fails you need to return false.
22:59.42IrielStill far too many function calls
23:00.46Rallionor at least make sure the return true is within that if block
23:00.52Cidereturn false?
23:01.03QzotIriel: have too many fuction calls for your tastes?
23:01.30Irielstop calling equivalent for non-tables
23:01.42QzotThat's easy to tweak.
23:02.00IrielAnd do the nil scan first
23:02.08IrielYou have to do it anyway, may as well fail fast
23:02.13QzotWhat 'nil-scan'?
23:02.18Kirovt2 scan
23:02.39QzotYou can do that both ways, if you really care.
23:03.02QzotBut then it's cleary an optimization trade-off. Not a clear win in all cases.
23:03.29IrielThat's less cut and dried than the dont-call-yourself-for-non-tables one
23:03.30AnduinLotharPARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE is called when?
23:03.39AnduinLotharwhen a player reconnects after being disc?
23:04.11ShadowedFired when a specific party member is still connected
23:04.20AnduinLotharyeah, that means nothing
23:04.43ShadowedLooks like blizzard used to use it
23:05.33BorikUhm guys, one quick question
23:05.42BorikI've got a window, in my addon,with an edit box in it
23:05.55Borikwhenever the window is enabled, focus switches to the edit box, which I don't wnat
23:05.59Borikhow can that be avoided?
23:06.11Borikgood idea
23:08.40BorikUhm, ok, one last thing I guess.
23:09.10Borikhold that thought
23:10.20BorikHow would I make a window so it can be exited with the escape key?
23:10.55KirovBorik - tinsert(UISpecialFrames, yourframename);
23:11.03Kirovsomething like that
23:11.06QzotIriel: Same number of calls, in a manner of speaking. But you might like it better...
23:11.16Legorolgod bless!
23:11.35cogwheelIs there any way to get the stack size of an item? GetMerchantItemMaxStack() returns 1 for items that are sold in preset stacks...
23:11.41KirovBorik - tinsert(UISpecialFrames, youFrame:GetName());
23:11.52cogwheelalternatively, do all items sold in preset stacks stack to 20?
23:11.57CideIriel: thanks
23:12.03Borikthanks Kirov
23:12.05Kirovcogwheel - yes, and no
23:12.09Cidethank you too, Kirov & Qzot
23:12.34KirovCide - bah
23:13.06KirovQzot - we're attempting to check identical, non-same reference tables.
23:13.24KirovQzot - which yours doesn't handle, and a simple == would suffice
23:13.59Kirovopps, read it wrong
23:14.13IrielQzot: Ewwww
23:14.18Cideyours creates two tables every time, though
23:14.18LegorolCairenn: i'll have a look at those threads shortly
23:14.20IrielQzot: You create garbage! You litterer!
23:14.25Irielbad Qzot
23:14.43Cidethink of the nature!
23:15.03QzotOkay. What's your gripe this time?
23:15.14Cide{t1}, {t2}
23:15.43Cideboth of those have to be garbage collected
23:15.56QzotYou want the loop inverted for efficiency. That only occurs at the top level. Stop griping.
23:16.07KirovI just lost a chunk of code I spent the last 2 hours on  :(
23:16.19CideQzot: that's a major gripe actually
23:16.25IrielQzot: I think you missed a pair of ()'s too
23:16.37Cideand I can imagine that creating a table isn't instant
23:16.39QzotIrial: Probably. Where?
23:16.47QzotPrecedence on ands and ors?
23:16.48Irielafter tha and
23:17.50QzotIriel: Yup. I always *want* same precedence for and and or, l-to-r, but Lua keeps failing to deliver.
23:18.31ckknightdon't mix ands and ors
23:18.34ckknightuse parentheses
23:19.07Qzotck: Agreed. I like APL's precedence rules. Easier to remember.
23:19.10ckknightmakes things clear to both the user and to the lua interpreter
23:20.21Qzotreturn equivalentTables({t1},{t2}), I wrote it that way partly for shock-and-awe, but also because it's the tidier way to do it until a clear performance issue is demonstrated.
23:20.39Qzots/return/As far as return/
23:21.11Cidethe clear performance issue is demonstrated automatically if you call it often
23:21.11IrielGarbage collection is a clear performance issues
23:21.43cogwheelno regex for joo :(
23:26.04cogwheelspeaking of patterns... I'm an item link newb... will this do what i want? local _,_,itemString = string.find(GetMerchantItemLink(this:GetID()), "^.-|H(.*)|h.*$")
23:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:28.04Cideyou can just do "|H(.*)|h"
23:28.55Cide"|H(.-)|h" should be faster
23:29.10Legorolwow, what happened to US UI forum
23:29.13Rallionoh jesus...I just loaded the launcher and there I see "World of Warcraft Invades MySpace" and I almost threw up all over my keyboard
23:29.15Legorolseems like the stickies just went poof!
23:29.33cogwheellegorol, cairenn just wrote a bunch of new FAQs
23:30.19ShadowedCairenn also just asked you to maintain them!
23:30.31RallionThey're great FAQs with incredible NoOneWillReadMe(TM) technology built right in
23:31.42Shadowedsomebody needs to make a bot that scans thread for keywords and auto responds with read the FAQ
23:31.42Legorolok i will copy them over the EU UI
23:31.50Legorolhopefully someone will come by to sticky them at some poinot
23:31.53Cairennthanks Lego
23:32.02Legoroloccasionally poke me if it needs updating
23:32.09Legoroli'd prefer if it wasn't weekly though ;-)
23:32.22CairennI'd do it myself if I could post on the EU forums
23:33.07LegorolCairenn: sure
23:33.19Legorolbtw, any chance you could copy/paste the original text with BML codes?
23:33.29Legorolso that i don't have to go and manually make things bold
23:33.35Legorolput it on pastebin or something
23:34.14QzotCairenn: They look nice.
23:35.18LegorolCairenn: they look very nice
23:35.25Legoroli will start creating placeholder posts :)
23:36.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:36.50Rallionooh, yes, very pretty
23:37.01QzotCairenn: Think you could convince Slouken to sticky 5 post, one for each way-too-frequently asked question?
23:37.44BorikCya guys, thanks for all the help.
23:37.45QzotIf people saw their question in the title, think they might actually read it? Maybe not...
23:38.01Cairennprobably not
23:40.00QzotCould we request a special icon that forum moderators can add, which proudly state, "The flaming idiot who posted this did not read the FAQ".
23:40.03Legorolbtw, the "Addendum on chaining spells" is incorrect
23:40.15Legorolyou can chain any spells, with pause in-between, if you are willing to lock up your game for the duration
23:40.26Legorolhowever, i admit that describing that would confuse people
23:40.33Legorolso i'll look the other way ;-)
23:44.39Ralliond'oh...I know the answer, but just confirm it to upset me. There's no way to make a SIDEWAYS version of a button, is there?
23:44.54Rallionat least without modifying the texture out-of-game
23:45.43Rallionwe're specifically talking about a copy of the keyring button, in case you're curious
23:46.06AnduinLothardo you get log off messages of party members?
23:46.42AnduinLotharjust friends/guild right?
23:46.42QzotCairenn: Correction on the switch-back-to-caster chaining verbiage. It *is* possible, as long as the spell is available in feral form as well.
23:47.03Cairennso post the correction :p
23:48.19Cairennbetter yet, make the corrections here:
23:48.45MeryRaillion: Do you want to rotate a texture?
23:49.57Cairennditto what you were bitching about, Lego :p
23:50.45Shadowedyou can technically wait to cast a spell :p
23:52.01LegorolCairenn: i don't beleive it's in the general public's interest to know how to chain non-instant spells, i was merely teasing ;-)
23:52.42Shadowedyou can act insulted but i can't?
23:53.13Legorolhm, i just realised the post i made 4 days after the servers launching in EU is still stickied on the EU UI forum
23:53.23Legorolthat's got to be some kind of record...
23:54.04Legorolthat post is soooo outdated
23:54.39Cidelock the game up how, Legorol?
23:54.52Cide/script CastSpellByName("Flash Heal") i = GetTime()+8; while ( GetTime() < i ) do end CastSpellByName("Renew")
23:54.54Cideonly casts flash heal
23:55.04Legorolput a SpellStopCasting in
23:55.10Legorolafter the timer but before the Renew
23:55.27Cidehaha, interesting
23:55.41Legorolhave you not seen the relevant thread where this method is discussed?
23:55.43Legorollet me dig it up
23:56.12Legorolexcept it seems to have scrolled off the forums now
23:56.25Legorolwhat's that site called, that norganna made, which archives the forums?
23:56.40CideShadowed fails at irc linking!
23:56.48Shadowedi'm just lazy
23:58.16Legorolok got it:
23:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cepheid (
23:59.57ShadowedI'll use that method to make a macro that kills people for me

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.