irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060803

00:10.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:11.54Flyoc!seen Kirov
00:12.31Cairenn(that was a hint)
00:17.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
00:18.14Cairennwb Kirov
00:20.57FlyocKirov: I have your translations
00:21.52Kirovwant my e-mail address?
00:22.01Flyocwe can do it here
00:22.28Cairennhey now, no "doing it" here! at least, not unless I"m included
00:22.53KirovDon't make me break out "the" photo
00:25.35MentalPower|AFKoff to the movies
00:25.43MentalPower|AFKsee you guys later :)
00:25.44Cairennhave fun MentalPower|AFK :)
00:25.51MentalPower|AFKI will, thanks
00:26.21Temoh damnit!  Way to piss on my parade, Blizzard
00:26.27Cairennuh oh
00:26.32Temthey fixed the bug where I could blink past the portal in the deadmines
00:26.58Temand if you fll off the world there and did a slowfall, you would land in dev playland
00:27.03Temit looked awesome
00:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
00:34.36CairennI used to use the trick to get through the barrier in ST without having to do the whole thing :p
00:36.47MentalPower|AFKZOMG, Cairenn the exploiter
00:36.59Cairennlol, it was back during CB :p
00:37.08Cairennand I reported that it was possible :p
00:37.15Cairennwhat movie are you going to see?
00:37.23MentalPower|AFKjust giving you shit for it :P
00:37.38MentalPower|AFKWoman in the Water or something along those lines
00:37.48Cairennoh, that ... ewwwww
00:38.05Cairennnot to my taste, that's certain
00:38.08MentalPower|AFKthat bad?
00:38.22Cairennno idea, saw the preview, won't go see it
00:38.33Cairenngenre I don't enjoy is all
00:39.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:44.31Kirov - scary
00:47.02KirkburnAch, it's too pale
00:47.21KirkburnIt's almost white-on-white
00:48.53KirkburnGreat video though :D
00:52.38KirkburnEspecially how they got several internet celebs to take part :)
01:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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01:08.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:08.49KasoRE: Kirkburn's link i mean
01:09.16KirkburnSure you mean me?
01:09.24Kasono i dont :<
01:09.33Kasobut anyway
01:09.43Kasois that meant to be a parody or something..
01:11.20KirkburnDon't think so, just supposed to be fun
01:18.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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01:21.46KirkburnWow, there's so many games available through Steam now :O
01:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
01:34.19IndustrialI'm getting UP 2-36. self.First is 1, self.Last is 36, self.Limit is 12.
01:34.40IndustrialI want to have RIGHT 2-12 then 1 up and then right again etc
01:34.49Industrialwhat am I doing wrong here :s
01:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge dreamss (
01:38.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:57.15JoshBorkecan i change the color of portions of a fontstring?
01:57.20DoomGaze3~poke Rozr
01:57.21purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Rozr, pokes Rozr repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
02:03.54KirkburnNight, all!
02:04.18KirkburnI'lls bes seeings yous tomorrows
02:04.20Cairennnight Kirkburn
02:05.22JoshBorkewoohoo! you can!
02:09.11*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
02:21.10cladhaireHOLY SHIT YAY I HATE KEITH!!!!
02:22.07cladhaireanyone watch project runway?
02:22.09cladhairethought not.
02:27.56Temwhat's project runway?
02:28.42cladhairea show about fashion designers on bravo
02:28.44cladhaire== gay on gay
02:29.02cladhairebut i like mild trade-based reality TV.. like top chef, etc.
02:34.29Temwhat's Bravo?
02:34.54Temnever seen that channel before
02:35.08Temmust be one of them funny channels higher than 22
02:35.09*** join/#wowi-lounge spadool (
02:35.14spadoolhello !
02:35.38cladhairewell here
02:35.53spadooli want to create a very small addon for wow
02:36.13spadoolso in fact all i want to do .. is click the right mousebutton via a keybinding
02:37.12spadoolcan you help me with that ?
02:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
02:37.53cladhairei dont believe it can be done anymore
02:38.22cladhaireAs far as I know, teh "RightClick" function is now protected and not available to us, but I haven't tried with a keybinding.
02:38.36spadoolwhy did they do so ?
02:38.47cladhairefor a number of reasons
02:38.52cladhairegive me one second if you dont mind.
02:39.15spadoolok .. so in the old times .all you had to do was
02:39.18spadoolrightclick ?
02:39.32spadool<binding>rightclick</binding> ??
02:40.08cladhairegimme a moment =)
02:40.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:42.30cladhairespadool: No longer possible, i'm sorry =/
02:43.04spadoolhmmm ... all i need this for is auto loot
02:43.20spadoolso after i killed the monster .. i want to loot and skin it
02:43.52spadooli play with keyboard only ..
02:44.07spadoolso all i need the mouse for is loot and skin
02:44.14cladhaireyou can't do that unfortunately.
02:45.04spadoolhmmmm .. i am level 30 ... played 8 days ... and fought my way from ashenvale to the neutral auctionhouse ..
02:45.26spadooli will find a way to click the mouse with keyboard ...
02:46.04spadoolso you can not realy do much with addons any more .right ?
02:47.08spadoolokok .. :)
02:48.02cladhaireYou can do tons
02:48.07cladhairejust no automation type things
02:48.52spadoolwhat kind a stuff ?
02:51.31cladhaireto much to say in a small convo on irc
02:52.47spadoolhow do bots like glide work ?
02:53.35cladhairethey use third party programs to monitor the graphics and information (network) coming in from the server.
02:54.15cladhaireand its those sorts of programs that blizzard removed a lot of functionality that made them easier (i.e. moving without keypresses etc). among other things
02:55.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK_ (
02:56.24spadoolthank you for the info .. :)
02:56.46spadoolbye !
02:57.47*** part/#wowi-lounge spadool (
03:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna_ (
03:01.46Cairennnight clad
03:01.55clad|sleepnight cairenn!
03:02.33clad|sleepbye! =)
03:04.34KirovAnyone have a good mac guild for installing mods?
03:04.59AnduinLotharguide you mean
03:05.03AnduinLotharsame as windows
03:05.18Kirovfor someone who doesn't know how to uncompress files
03:05.51AnduinLothardouble click the zip file
03:10.37AnduinLothar:D made a mod that lets you click on channels and chat types in chat
03:10.54AnduinLotharright click for join/leave/color change/list
03:11.01AnduinLotharleft click to open editbox
03:12.18AnduinLotharheh, my 3rd incarnation of chat mods... they all do basicly the same thing with diff guis
03:18.21KirovNo one here in northern cali
03:19.30CairennIriel's in Bay area, when he's around
03:20.59Kirov4.4 earthquake here
03:21.38Kirov~40 miles north of sf
03:25.00Cairennhow long ago?
03:30.17Kirov20 minutes ago now
03:32.09AnduinLotharso... how would i detect global cooldown and make it stop all spell cast api calls
03:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:33.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:34.07norganna_speakest of the devil
03:34.23norganna_and hence arriveth
03:35.11norganna_KirovNo one here in northern cali
03:35.14norganna_CairennIriel's in Bay area, when he's around
03:35.16norganna_Kirov4.4 earthquake here
03:35.47norganna_(that was meant to be quoted text -- silly chatzilla)
03:35.55Cairennlol, apparently he didn't even feel it :p
03:36.16IrielIt was far enough north that this isnt' a surprise
03:48.39norganna_sounds pretty scary Iriel...
03:49.27IrielNot really if you dont feel stuff shake
03:49.35IrielWhen things shake it's a bit strange
03:49.48Cairenn4.4 isn't anything to sneeze at though
03:49.56IrielNot if you're close to it, no.
03:50.29Kirov4.4 will definatly wake you up from a nap
03:50.34norganna_i dunno - when that happens, doesn't it make you think: "Hmm - the ground is angry here... time to move to a place that doesn't have a big red line going through it"?
03:50.34Cairennum, yeah
03:50.38Kirovknock some stuff off the walls
03:50.48KirovI think the biggest I've been in was a 5.8
03:51.18Kirovwhich still isn't enough to do structural damage, but was enough to bounce me out of bed
03:51.24IrielThe most noticable one I've been here for was up that way (Santa Rosa, IIRC)
03:51.37Irielshook the 3rd floor apartment back and forth noticably for a few seconds
03:52.02IrielAnd that was still when I was living near here, that one must have been quite impressive close up
03:52.03Cairennonly ones I've ever had the fun of have all been teeny
03:52.35Cairenn(yes, we do get earthquakes here in Canada)
03:53.31Kirovearthquakes in canada are just the earth shivering because it's so bloody cold.
03:53.47Cairennenough to rock the floor beneath your feet, but that's been the worst I've experencied
03:53.56Cairennrofl Kirov
03:53.58IrielDo the polar bears all run around frantically?
03:53.59KirovI hate rolling earthquakes more
03:54.07IrielAnd do you have to rebuild your igloos afterwards?
03:54.14Cairennha ha
03:54.25Cairenndid I not mention the temps it's been here the last few days?
03:54.29IrielI've been to Canadia, I know these things to be true
03:54.41Cairennliar liar pants on fire!
03:55.00TainIt's so hot.
03:55.08IrielWell, it was snowing, at the time
03:56.14TainI've had my ac on high all night and it's still not cool enough in here.
03:56.15IrielAnd one of my flights had to turn back and land at toronto after they couldn't land
03:56.24Iriel(at the intended destination)
03:56.33IrielTain: I dont like overheat much, you have my sympathy
03:56.46CairennI love the heat, it's the damn humidity that is getting to me
03:56.56TainYeah that's what I really can't deal with.
03:57.04IrielLuckily the previous owner of the house installed a ridiculously large A/C unit
03:57.34TainWe had a brief thunderstorm earlier tonight and I had a flashback of losing power for 10 hours a couple of weeks ago.
03:57.50TainIf that happened tonight... I don't know what I would have done that didn't involve homocide.
03:58.12IrielThis year's been pretty good on the power front, I've only been out for a few seconds
03:58.24Irielthough it was very badly timed (I was in mid-spell-cast in WoW)
03:59.36TainI think if it happened again in the middle of the night I'd jump in the car and head to the casino.  Hour drive, but they're open all night and have a/c.
04:00.41TainWe had power lines down from trees blowing over so it was a good long time the power was out.  and of course I couldn't remember where the flashlights are because they're in boxes I haven't unpacked yet.
04:00.56TainSo the only light I had was candles from Yankee Candle.  But damn it smelled good in here.
04:02.23ckknightanyone know where the wowwiki page on item links is?
04:02.50ckknightI want to know the maximum number that each chunk in the link can go up to
04:03.45AnduinLotharnot documented
04:05.17norganna_my footsies are freezing at the moment
04:05.33norganna_thinking of going and getting some socks to put on them
04:07.28TainI'm thinking of going to get a bag of ice, filling a bucket, and sticking my feet in it
04:12.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:14.58Cairennevening Esamynn
04:15.04Esamynnevening Cair
04:15.08Esamynnand all :)
04:16.34MentalPowerckknight: the current highest are "2164" for the randomprops and "2721" for the enchants
04:18.02Cairennso how was the movie?
04:18.43MentalPowerit was... interesting
04:18.50MentalPowerwierd, but interesting at the same time
04:23.36IrielThose are the best movies!
04:23.58MentalPowerdepends on the person I guess
04:25.29IrielPineapple anyone? I ended up with too much
04:26.01Cairennpass, thanks anyway
04:26.05Cidepineapple is delicious
04:26.25Irielyes, yes it is
04:26.33Cairennno, no it isn't
04:27.29EsamynnIriel, you have SVN experience right?  got any insights on using a single repository for multiple projects?
04:27.57Cairennalthough it can add a nice flavour to chicken
04:28.40IrielReally the tricky part is deciding how you want to lay out your branch and tag directories
04:29.03kergothi wouldnt say its tricky.. there are any number of layouts thatll work just one, just a matter of figuring out which one you prefer :)
04:29.20IrielBah, pedantry 8-)
04:29.41ckknightMentalPower, awesome, two bytes each, then
04:29.56ckknightso maximally, item links will be 8 characters long, and minimally 4 characters long
04:30.02Irieltrunk/project1 trunk/project2 etc works nicely if you dont mind doing branches/project1-somebranch/
04:30.07ckknightdepending on whether there are :0's in it
04:30.12ckknight(according to my compression system)
04:31.08ckknightI'm assuming that the beginning number is maximally 256^3 - 1
04:31.49Esamynnhow about on deciding when to put projects togeather, thats what I really end up waffling about
04:32.26IrielIf they're in one repository  you can always re-arrange them later
04:32.51Esamynnbut you can't seperate, although I know you can merge repositories
04:33.04IrielYou can but it's fiddly
04:33.24IrielYou basically do dumps of repository subsets and import into a fresh one
04:33.46Esamynnoh, I didn't realise you could dump subsets
04:34.02IrielI'm 90%+ certain you can, one sec
04:35.43Irielsvndumpfilter allows you to drop or keep just a subset of a dump
05:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:14.18Valleriusis there a modders' guild on test at all?
05:15.45MentalPowerLoadOnDemand on Draka
05:15.55MentalPowerthats the aAlliance guild
05:16.03Valleriusdraka's not a test server  :)
05:16.08MentalPowerRegisterForSave is the horde guild, same server
05:16.19MentalPoweron test?
05:16.31MentalPowercreate one yourself, its really not that hard :)
05:16.56Valleriusyes i know, was just wondering if there was an existing guild of like-minded individuals  :)
05:17.03Cairennnot at present
05:17.10MentalPowernot that I know of
05:17.59Valleriusokey, thanks
05:51.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
05:52.11Cairennnight Iriel
05:52.13Cairennnight all
05:52.19MentalPowernight Iriel
05:52.32MentalPowernight Cair
05:53.20ckknightg'night you two
06:15.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov ( make sure it still works
06:29.20Esamynnsigh, I keep hoping for a new PTR build
06:29.29ShadowedWhat's broken this time?
06:30.19Esamynnwell I want to see Rislyn's latest bag anchor code and I want to wait one more build before I bug slouken about some missing combat log messages
06:31.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
06:31.20Esamynnoh well
06:31.22Esamynngood night all
06:41.55*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:44.00ckknightAnduinLothar, I heard you're using Mikk's ChatThrottleLib in Sky for 1.12
06:44.06ckknightif so, good stuff
06:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:57.08AnduinLotharYeah, that's the plan. My only grip was that sending in bursts on a slow machine lags the fps. But he implimented no bursting if you're bellow 20fps so it's still faster than what I have in Sky
06:58.29AnduinLotharI hacked it into Sky for testing and am running that now, works fine for everything but PQ which lags a bit when you request multiple quests
06:58.36AnduinLotharbut doesn't disc you
06:59.19Kirovnew guild, first real 40 man raid, MC, 4 hours flat
07:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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07:23.55ShadowedVallerius: WSG hasn't had a Herald for about 3-4 patches :p
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07:41.45ValleriusShadowed: I'm old-school like that  :p
07:42.19Valleriusand that code base is from warsong commander, which is hella old
07:43.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
07:47.29ShadowedI can't even remember when Blizzard had herald's in WSG
07:48.10Shadowedthen again, I can't remember much about when WSG came out, didn't get a lot of sleep during that time!
07:49.02ValleriusI remember being all mad when they switched from the heralds, I had to update all my crap  >_<
07:49.28ShadowedI wish they'd update AV to use the correct messages
07:50.12ShadowedAnnoying having to register/check NPC yells just for AV, but using alliance/horde BG system messages for WSG/AB
07:51.54ValleriusLots of the AV ones really *are* NPC yells though, it fits more with the character of the place
07:52.32ShadowedThat's true, but WSG/AB also fit into the kind of place you'd expect herald yells.
07:52.53ShadowedI'm not saying remove them all, just move the herald ones for capturing/destroying to system messages to make it more consistent with WSG/AB
07:53.07Valleriusyeah, that would make more sense
07:53.45Shadowedmoved all of that stuff to it's own library though, so not really a hassle to deal with anymore
07:56.06Valleriusurg... to bed for me
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10:52.24ckknighthow do you tell the difference between 0 and -0?
10:53.57krkanot sure
10:54.49krkawell, except tostring of course
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11:15.02AnduinLotharoh noes, my author rating is only 4 stars on wowi, dear me. what ever will i do...
11:15.03AnduinLotharI know... I'm delete all the mods not rated with 5 stars!
11:16.40AnduinLotharer.. maybe not
11:16.41AnduinLotharmust.. sleep
11:17.27zenzelezzis this a sarcastic remark about some other author, or just sleepy rambling? o_O
11:18.31AnduinLotharmostyl sleepy rambling
11:18.53AnduinLothartho it has kind of an anti-"one hit wonder" feel doesn't it
11:22.06AnduinLotharyeah, im gonna go with sleepy ramblings and save myself the bother of pstcoanalyzing myself while deprived and likely depraved
11:30.12Industrialim my description im referring to line 37
11:33.05MikkThe WoWi star calculation is evil. It seems to round down.
11:33.12Mikk5,5,5,5,5,5,4,5,5,5,5 = you get 4 stars
11:33.35Mikk(At least that's what it seems like to me)
11:34.56Industrialratings ftl
11:35.25Industrialit just doesnt work on the internet
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12:50.49Endauthor rating seems to have nothing to do with how your AddOns are rated on wowi
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12:51.42End(actually, let's put it this doesn't match up at all for me)
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13:21.39ckknightwhat'd be the cheapest way to tell if a table is a numerically-indexed list (but doesn't have other keys)?
13:29.59krkafrom lua? probably iterating with next and looking for non-number keys
13:30.11Endincidently, I think it does number keys first
13:30.24Endwell, keys stored in the array, not hash part of the table
13:30.53wereHamstertable.getn(tbl) == (function() local c,v = 0; while v = next(tbl, v) c = c + 1 end end) .. something like this
13:30.56krkahm, true
13:31.01krkabut that doesn't really help end
13:31.21Endit does a little, just not much
13:32.02ThraeNumber keys first? That means it'd have to sort the table by keys, wouldn't it? As it's basically an array (a vector) in C.
13:32.16Endtables have two parts:
13:32.17krkafor k, v in pairs(table) do if type(k) ~= "number" then ...
13:32.20Enda normal array
13:32.22Endand a hash
13:32.25krkaof course, you should check that it's an integer too
13:32.58Endwell, not all numbers are in the array part, but I'm not sure what ckknight wants
13:33.19Endfor an empty table, foo[5445] = "blah" would store to the hash
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13:34.17ThraeAh, so non-ordered indexes cause a hash instead of a direct index. That makes sense.
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13:34.47WobbleI suggest something to the effect of if(not next(tbl, table.getn(tbl)))
13:35.02ThraeDon't need an array of size 5445 if that's the only key!
13:35.31Endwell, and the very definition of the way lua does arrays as being up til nil
13:35.36EndI like Wobble's suggestion though
13:35.40krkayeah, wobble wins it
13:35.51Wobblewhee =)
13:36.03krkaunless the table is untrusted to begin with
13:36.13krkasomeone setting tbl.n to something odd
13:36.15Wobbleit'll only work with tables where getn is valid
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17:20.30AnduinLotharSea 1.20 if anyone's interested:
17:20.56AnduinLotharContains the 4 mini-libs so you can just drag them out and embed them
17:31.08AnduinLotharSo, I'm seriously debating scrapping Sky for 1.12 and starting over.  Any idea what I should call it?
17:31.15AnduinLotharBrainstorming: Wideband, AddonComm, Radio, Broadband, Wireless, CallBox
17:31.28ThraeAnduinLothar: AceComm :D
17:32.14AnduinLotharyeah, see there's a slight problem that I don't want ace in Cosmos since it has duplicate functionality.
17:32.30KirovAnduinLothar - That's easily fixed.
17:32.32AnduinLotharWe've always been about common dependancies
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17:32.48AnduinLotharand rewritting all our mods to use ace is not an option
17:32.56RallionI would just go with Radio, myself.
17:33.12ThraeAceComm is an embeddable library which depends on AceEvent.
17:33.26AnduinLotharthat's irrelevent Thrae
17:33.37AnduinLotharCosmos uses no embeddible libs
17:33.42AnduinLotharthey're all shared
17:34.23ThraeSo just embedd them in the main Cosmos addon.
17:34.33AnduinLotharthere is no main Cosmos addon
17:35.02AnduinLotharthere's Khaos, the main config system, but it has 4 or 5 dependancies
17:35.22AnduinLotharanyway, I'm not discussing this
17:35.26AnduinLotharlooking for a name
17:38.53KirovThen you can say your mods have Intel Inside
17:39.19CideThrae: obviously he doesn't want to use ace; no need to try to force it upon him
17:39.51AnduinLotharhmmm, that sounds familiar Cide ;)
17:39.51CideChatter? ;)
17:40.18Kirovget a lot more downloads
17:40.47ThraeCide: I wasn't forcing him. He said it wouldn't work, I disagree. That's all. If he just said "I don't want to use Ace just because", then there'd be no point arguing (though I'd still wonder why)
17:40.51Cideand yes, I've taken the same standpoint before
17:41.12AnduinLotharI already said why
17:41.15krkaway too many lib-religions here
17:41.29Cidelet's just say we're multi-cultural :P
17:41.32krkaif everyone could just get along and just use mine stuff...
17:41.41Cideyep. let's use krka's stuff
17:42.03AnduinLotharI have no problem using it in a standalone mod, but It's not going in Cosmos because it's been a long held tradition to use commmon standard so that we aren't duplicating code
17:42.11Kirovlets all just use CTRA_AddMessage and be done with it
17:43.13ThraeAnduinLothar: You said the libs would have duplicate functions and couldn't embedd properly into Khaos, I disagree.
17:43.27AnduinLothari didn't say they couldn't
17:43.39AnduinLotharI said I wouldn't
17:43.41ThraeDue to the way the Ace2 libs are split up, unlike Ace, it's not too hard to avoid code duplication, especially if you were just going to use AceComm.
17:44.02krkaace2 looks cool, especially the OO
17:44.11AnduinLotharKhaos doesn't even use chat comm, it'd be silly to embed it there
17:45.12ThraeI was talking about Khaos as the whole package, not the "Khaos" addon. Embedded libs can be put as a separate dependency.
17:45.47AnduinLotharI don't think you grasp how Cosmos works
17:46.52ThraeAn addon either has a library as a dependency, a dependency that has multiple libraries, or the library is embedded.
17:47.17AnduinLotharno no, not the technical side
17:50.33ThraeAnduinLothar: Whenever I mention Ace2 to you, I'm not trying to say "Wow wtf Ace2 rockzors Cosmos", I just think addon development should be centralized as much as possible, especially for complex issues like server communication.
17:51.01AnduinLotharstop reading me back my own bullshit
17:52.00GryphenThe Cosmos devs thought that too, but people wanted to centralize their own stuff :p
17:53.06Tainhehe well.. centralize your own stuff isn't really centralizing.
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17:54.34Gryphenpoor wording, use a tad of imagination for the real meaning
17:54.40AnduinLotharCosmos WAS the central hub. And people decided they wanted to make their own... I never head anyone vollenteer to help us rewrite and libs
17:54.42GryphenI know you can
17:55.26krkawell... sometimes the whole design of a lib is so fundamentally different from what you have in mind it's no use trying to change it
17:55.33krkaeasier to make your own
17:55.34TainNo no, no imagination.  Real meaning is good for me.
17:55.50krkamostly since people tend to be protective of their own code
17:55.52krkamyself included
17:55.58AnduinLotharkrka, why do you think I'm trying to rewrite sky..
17:56.17ThraeI use Thottbot's obsfucator on my code.
17:56.19OsagasuUh ohs, latest alpha is borked.
17:56.44Osagasucosmos alpha. *cough*
17:57.05AnduinLotharthanks osa, that bug report is VERY descriptive
17:57.25OsagasuTo be honest, I don't know what I'm looking at
17:58.30KirkburnA computer screen, one would think
17:58.31OsagasuI have 20 seperate breaks listed, Chat Time staps isn't showing up, Chatbar is missing, Khaos is cauing a number of bugs when I open the window..
17:59.06OsagasuAll of them are breaking trying to call "hook"
17:59.13OsagasuWell, most.
17:59.28AnduinLothardid you update Sea
17:59.47ThraeOsagasu: Download BugSack from wowi, it lets you capture multiple errors, so you can try tracing the errors or just paste 'em.
17:59.50AnduinLothardelete the Sea folder and redownload it
17:59.57Thrae<3 BugSack
18:00.01AnduinLotharIEF is in Cosmos
18:00.03GryphenCosmos comes with IEF
18:00.13ThraeIEF captures multiple errors?
18:00.22ThraeOK then, nevermind.
18:00.26Osagasu19 errors before I open the Khaos window, 20-something after.
18:00.34AnduinLotharyeah see, this makes me think you've never even used Cosmos thrae
18:00.51ThraeThat's not true, Cosmos was my first addon!
18:01.00RallionMine too!
18:01.05GryphenIEF has always been there, always capturing multiple errors
18:01.05OsagasuIt was mine too.  Then I stopped using it because my compy was crap.
18:01.07ThraeAbout...1.8 years ago
18:01.24OsagasuAnduin here dared me to try it again, so I did.
18:01.47GryphenI dare you to send me $100
18:01.51TainIEF wasn't there when I tried Cosmos!
18:01.55AnduinLotharwe've had IEF since like beta...
18:02.23AnduinLotharok, well at least when they implimented addons
18:02.28ThraeThen I switched to Insomniax due to UI problems with Cosmos + Discord, then just my own collection from there.
18:02.45TainOf course my reasons for not using (I have no opinion of the technical details or functionality of Cosmos) is th esame as with any compilations.
18:02.50AnduinLotharso um, yeah, that was way before Khaos
18:03.15GryphenFrameXML days heh
18:03.18ThraeI downloaded Khaos once and poked around its code.
18:03.29AnduinLotharnot pretty code
18:03.57Osagasucode, by definition, isn't pretty.
18:04.01ThraeThen I said "screw it, I'm not going to try Ace'ing this" ;)
18:04.02TainNot true!
18:04.07AnduinLotharnah, my code's pretty to me :D
18:04.16TainMuch code is very pretty.
18:04.23TainOf course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all that.
18:04.30OsagasuOkay , AL... What the HELL did you change to make a full delete necessary?
18:04.43AnduinLotharnah, Earth needs to be rewritten before you can do much in the way of changing the way Khaos is formatted
18:04.46OsagasuThat's what I wanna know
18:04.50GryphenIt isn't
18:05.01GryphenWell,  isn't supposed to be
18:05.18OsagasuChatBar is still missing.
18:05.26AnduinLotharmmm i reformatted the whole thing :)
18:05.37AnduinLotharbut it should have updated fine..
18:06.10Kasoif in my OnEvent i set event="" or something how will the other addons who've registered that also react
18:06.23OsagasuI don't use the patcher
18:06.29OsagasuI download and extract.
18:06.42ThraeKaso: Why would you ever need to do that? That's so evil it's insane.
18:06.50OsagasuIE I download the alpha once daily off the site.
18:06.56Osagasuwell, almost.
18:07.05KirkburnWhy? :/
18:07.20ThraeKaso: Do local event = event in your OnEvent if you want to do weird crap like that.
18:07.23KirkburnYou keep a clean addon folder I hope
18:07.27OsagasuBecause I hate those things.
18:07.32Kasowell i want to stop events reacting to RAID_ROSTER so i can juggle groups around without the lag
18:07.56OsagasuI understand their use, but I LIKE personally downloading all my addons.
18:08.04AnduinLotharThrae, did you not quit wow when you updated?
18:08.08KirkburnDo you keep a clean addon folder though?
18:08.18GryphenWell if you do it manually, you need to make sure to watch for changes
18:08.36GryphenEspecially daily
18:09.32AnduinLotharso um.. did we come up witha good name?
18:09.39OsagasuProbably user error.  didn't highlight something I should have
18:09.46KirkburnAnd especially if some files need deleting between updates
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18:10.11ThraeKaso: No easy way to do that, since events are processed in the order of registration I believe.
18:10.41Kasoi'll just have to register mine first then! :>
18:11.56Hexarobeetheyre more guidelines than rules
18:11.59Rallionit's thesaurus time!
18:12.11Hexarobeewhats the addon do?
18:12.18AnduinLotharSky rewrite
18:12.51AnduinLotharGlobalComm + whisper chat + SendAddonChat management
18:13.29AnduinLothar:) [10:39] <AnduinLothar>Gossip
18:13.55Rallioni like RUmor
18:13.56AnduinLotharmm, dont want it to be confused with chatting
18:14.34OsagasuWhat do I do about Chat Bar?
18:14.35AnduinLotharRumor sounds kinda bad and not quite secretive enough
18:14.42OsagasuDelete the variables?
18:14.47Cairennthat sounds even worse
18:14.49AnduinLothardid you delete and redownload it?
18:15.04OsagasuChatbar was messing up before I updated.
18:15.10AnduinLotharhow so?
18:15.15OsagasuIts not showing up
18:15.25AnduinLothardid you drag it off screen?
18:15.44OsagasuI don't think I did.
18:15.46CideKaso: you don't want to do that
18:16.06CideKaso: CT_RaidAssist2 would not register the group changes at all, for example
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18:16.28ThraeKaso: Only way I can think of is iterating over EnumerateFrames and unregister the event from every frame you find.
18:16.38spadoolhello there .. i want to create a very simple script
18:17.13spadoolas /assist just presses the attack button every half a second as long the target exists i want to do the same with a spell of my choice .. can you help me ?
18:17.16OsagasuWell there's a sight.
18:17.36ThraeKaso: There's no way to make sure your addon registers for the event before any other addon 100%, but if you register at top (file) scope you'll probably get it 90% of the time
18:17.37OsagasuPaladin: 5/8 Judgement.  2/8 Lawbringer.  All sorts of other epics.
18:17.43Osagasuaaaand.... LIGHTFORGE BREASTPLATE!
18:18.20ThraeAlso, I'm not sure on the order of events being pushed out. It might be more arbitrary. Does anyone know what order events are pushed out?
18:18.28AnduinLothari didn't get my LF chest till after i had my LB
18:18.36ThraeI've always thought they were in the order of registration.
18:18.41AnduinLotharthat damn thing does NOT drop
18:19.12AnduinLothari'm pretty sure it's order of registration
18:19.16AnduinLotharin fact i bank on it
18:19.42AnduinLotharIsCasting's events ALWAYS process before addons that use it
18:20.10ThraeI thought I remember Iriel saying something about it, but it was probably from how to register for an event before any other addon (impossible to do 100%)
18:21.05spadoolhmmmm... its just a very small script .. /script if(UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("Claw");return; end     ???
18:21.26spadoolit wont work ( i am no programmer just need a push-roboter for my attack
18:21.35Thraespadool: /script if UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("Claw") end
18:22.18AnduinLotharhmmm... what about comm words relating to spys...
18:23.00ThraeAnduinLothar: Incognito
18:23.10AnduinLotharmmm, not comm related
18:23.24CideStream? :P
18:24.07RallionSpystream or Spywire both sound nice to me
18:24.15AnduinLotharspyware lol
18:24.30Rallionokay, forget spywire.
18:25.00spadool. /script if UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("Claw") end   just hits the enemy one time .. i need it to REPEAT
18:25.05ThraeOooo I know!
18:25.09Hexarobeewhat was the name of the crew nixon used in the watergate breakin?
18:25.19Rallionspadool, you can't have more than one spell with a single buttonpress
18:25.19AnduinLotharshoePhone, lol
18:25.27TainI dunno, but naming it DeepThroat would be good too.
18:25.51Thraespadool: You mean cast more then 1 claw in a row with 1 button press?
18:25.52Hexarobeei just like the idea of robo-nixon
18:26.01AnduinLotharDeepThroat lol
18:26.14spadooldoes this apply do addons too ?
18:26.40AnduinLotharrepeating spells requires user input
18:26.59spadoolso it does not matter to use macro or a addon it wont work ..
18:27.03Thraespadool: No, addons cannot cast more then 1 spell unless the spell does not use up the global cooldown (like Cold Blood, Tiger's Fury, Presence of Mind, Nature's Swiftness, etc.)
18:27.04krkafor those who've read the Ender books: Jane
18:27.24Thraespadool: And macros have the same rescrictions as addons.
18:27.24AnduinLothari've read them and it still took me a while :P
18:27.39spadool. what about /assist it does repeat
18:27.51AnduinLotharit's hard coded
18:27.51Thraespadool: Assist is not a spell, is it?
18:27.59AnduinLotharthat too
18:28.49ThraeInEarSky :D
18:29.23AnduinLotharlol bablefish's is used liek 3x over
18:29.52spadoolcan i enhance /assist ?
18:29.58AnduinLotharnot really
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18:30.05Rallionspadool: there's no legal way to do what you want
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18:30.06Thraespadool: What do you want to do to it?
18:30.42spadooli want
18:30.43Hexarobeepeople would click a name like that
18:31.14Thrae~CrypticChat, CrypticSky, CrypticNotes
18:31.24AnduinLothari like telepathy
18:31.29RallionI think Password would be awesome, but it might confuse some people to see things like "Requires password"
18:31.40AnduinLotharya password is good too
18:31.41spadoolok .. when i attack the enemy   /assist attacks every half a second .. so i want a spell be casted repeatedly too ...
18:32.28spadoolso the addon just needs to look if i do attack .. and then repeatedly cast a spell with a certain delay
18:32.38AnduinLotharcant do that
18:32.49AnduinLotharspell required keyboard or mouse input
18:32.51Cairennwhat he said
18:32.55Rallionspadool: there's STILL no legal way to do what you want.
18:32.56Hexarobeeevery spell cast must coincide with a keypress
18:33.03spadooloh man
18:33.10spadooloh man oh man
18:33.13spadoolthank you
18:33.15krkathat's the single most asked question
18:33.23Hexarobeecuz its a silly limit
18:33.24krkai've even asked it myself :P
18:33.27spadoolgive me time to cry a bit
18:33.29krkanah, not silly
18:33.35spadoolbu hu
18:33.48spadoolok .. but thanks for your help  anyway
18:34.09Thraespadool: Check out FeralSkills if you haven't already
18:34.21spadoolferalskills ?
18:34.40spadoolbe more precise about that .. i have no clue what you are talking about
18:34.50AnduinLotharit's an addon
18:34.58Thraespadool: From your macro I can tell you have a Druid, FeralSkills addon combines different Feral actions into 4 buttons.
18:35.29ThraeIt's my only Khaos addon ;)
18:35.32Hexarobeeyou can press 1 button 3 times to cast 3 different spells
18:35.43Cairennjust go to the link :p
18:36.25spadoolhey one question .. is it possible to reach everlook with level 30 ?
18:36.26Rallioni just looked at a price tag and thought it said "OH NOES"
18:36.40ckknighthey all
18:36.44Rallionanything is POSSIBLE.
18:36.50Thraespadool: If you corpse pull, yes
18:36.58Rallionbut I don't know why you'd want to, actually
18:36.59spadoolcorpse pull means what ?
18:37.06AnduinLotharcorpse run*
18:37.17spadoolahh.. i did that .. was quite a thrill
18:37.25Thraespadool: Everytime you die and ressurect, the mobs take a little while to detect your presence. So you can keep dying and keep rezzing a little bit from where you last died.
18:37.32spadoolnow i do have access to the neutral auction house .. what a party :)
18:37.59Rallionthere's a neutral AH in Booty Bay
18:38.01Rallionand Tanaris
18:38.08Thraespadool: The Neutral Auction House is also in Booty Bay (a level 34+ zone) and Gadget in Tanaris (a level 42+ zone)
18:38.11Rallionand those are WAY easier to get to
18:38.21spadoolbut longer way
18:38.30Rallionare you horde or alliance?
18:38.30spadoolflight route !
18:38.38spadoolelfe of course
18:38.43Rallion...of course.
18:38.55AnduinLotharTelepathy is is
18:39.09AnduinLotharis it
18:39.26AnduinLotharbetter now
18:39.26Thraespadool: If you're a Druid, I suggest binding yourself to IF until Level 40, then Theramore until level 50, then back to IF
18:40.11spadoolhey all this abrevations .. ...  IF means what ?
18:40.16ThraeTeleport: Moonglade can be easily used to get those pesky zones at the top corners of Kalimdor
18:40.44spadoolso why wont the people call ironforge
18:40.47spadooland stormwind
18:40.54spadoolso everybody understands !
18:41.11spadool:) ok sorry for the spam
18:41.43AnduinLotharif wtf
18:42.02AnduinLothardamn keyboard
18:42.15Rallionwtf ftw.
18:42.18spadoolwhat is the abrevation for druid ?
18:43.41spadoolhmm the germans call him dudu
18:43.41Ralliondruids never die.
18:43.58spadoolok i play my druid for about 8 days now
18:43.59ThraeRallion: Unless they try to kill something in PvP ;)
18:44.21spadooli wonder why you can not specialize on one animal ... i never use the bear .. the cat is far better
18:44.40Thraespadool: You can with talents and gear.
18:44.54ThraeAnd Bear becomes insanely useful when you hit Level 40 and gain Dire Bear form.
18:45.00AnduinLothara pally can kill a mage with gear..
18:45.08RallionSo, I know the answer to this, but I'm asking anyway, there's no way to check if a texture is valid, right?
18:45.14AnduinLotharis the mage has none on that is
18:45.20spadoolhmm but only a bit ... if they designers would have left out the bear the druid would be far more powerfull
18:45.46AnduinLothardrood is for tank
18:46.03spadoolhmmm.. and why does a warrior fighting as an animal need strong range attack ??
18:46.21AnduinLotharfor pulling, duh
18:46.30spadoolahh .. you can use fairy fire for that
18:46.35KirkburnI'm hoping this page gets more content soon :/
18:46.48spadooli am a purist .. only use .. what realy is needed:)
18:47.28AnduinLotharMOONFIRE SPAM!
18:47.37spadoolso i reached the neutral auction house .. and was eager what the horde has to sell .. but on my server there are only about 35 items traded right now ... so i realy was disappointed ..
18:50.12spadooli like the pet thing .. like the parrots and cats
18:50.42AnduinLotharso i used ECastingBar for the first time yesterday in aq20 and was fairly impressed
18:52.50Hexarobeeany cockroaches for sale spa?
18:52.58spadoolfor how much can i sell the tiny crimson welpling ?
18:55.28AnduinLotharso... we can't get user lists on the SendAddonMessage channels...
18:55.31AnduinLotharthat sucks
18:55.41Shadowedwhy would you need to?
18:55.47AnduinLotharnm me
18:55.56ShadowedYou'd probably want to know version anyway
18:56.06AnduinLotharjust means that everyone's in it and not only people who have the lib
18:56.11*** part/#wowi-lounge spadool (
19:00.24*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
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19:20.09ThraeAnyone have a good reference for the oddities of the Combat Log events?
19:30.10Rallionhmm...time to figure out how to best add keyring buttons
19:58.30KasoThrae like this ?
20:00.26ThraeKaso: Hmmm that's extremely useful. Thanks!
20:00.39Kasothank whoever made it :>
20:01.34ThraeI thank Rophy...even though I'm making a lib from stratch that does exactly what his ParserLib does ;)
20:02.44ThraeAnduinLothar: His ParserLib is a little bit of a beast, my version uses AceEvent-2.0 and Deformat-2.0 for a heck of a lot better cache'ing and reduces the overall resource usage by 50%.
20:03.10AnduinLotharwhy not just modify his and sumbit it to him?
20:03.39ThraeBecause AceEvent and Deformat compromise 70% of what his lib does by itself.
20:04.10AnduinLotharwhy is this a problem?
20:04.15ThraeThe rest is really trivial, I'm not sure how better to optimize this lib other then using those two existing libs.
20:04.34MikkThrae: Quick intro on how you can get data out of your version?
20:04.37krkaAnduinLothar, you always keep suggestion modify and submit... that's not always reasonable
20:05.04MikkDo you just register for a bunch of damage types?
20:05.10AnduinLotharbut did you even talk to him first?
20:05.12ThraeHeh, AnduinLothar has a point, I was the one saying he should help development on AceComm instead of rewriting Sky ;)
20:05.51ThraeMikk: No, people register for the lib's own custom events through AceEvent.
20:06.20MikkErhm yeah that's what I meant
20:06.26MikkBut those events are like ... one per hit/spell?
20:06.34krkaimo, a handful if different implementations is only good
20:07.02krkasome diversity helps getting better code
20:07.04ThraeThe lib only registers for the corresponding events, each of which represent one or more patterns
20:07.12ThraeMikk: Exactly
20:07.30MikkI was just thinking that maybe there'd be a point to having a common aggregator also
20:07.34MikkNot everything wants details
20:07.48MikkNot necessarily the same lib. Could be another lib.
20:08.10ThraeMikk: Hmm, what do you mean?
20:08.40MikkWell.. there's a bunch of applications that really only want summary-type info
20:08.47MikkDamage done over a fight, for instance
20:09.14MikkHrmphs.. I had a nice list in my head the other day. Can't think of good examples right now
20:09.39Thraestring.find is pretty damn fast already, it wouldn't hurt too much to give two returns instead of 1
20:09.52ThraeMikk: That gets complicated when you have names with numbers in them
20:10.06MikkNames with numbers?
20:10.36ThraeWhen we're talking localized string.find, you don't know if the damage will be second or the name will be second
20:10.51ThraeYes, there are a few mobs with numbers in their names, as well as a group of items
20:11.13MikkI wonder if we're talking about the same thing
20:11.23Mikk(Yes, I do know the problem you're describing. I just don't see how it applies =))
20:11.41MikkYour lib does:
20:11.42ThraeYou're talking about just pulling the damage out of a msg instead of pulling out both the target and damage, right?
20:12.27ThraeHaha, laptop / small keyboard?
20:12.34MikkFat ring finger :-P
20:13.21MikkOk... I was thinking that there was several applications that really only want to know how much healing one person has done. how much healing one person has received. how much damage some person has done... etc
20:13.31MikkIf all these applications receive all the events in real time....
20:13.38MikkThere's a lot of double processing
20:13.57MikkThey all just sit around aggregating the same data
20:14.24zenzelezzdoh... Hakkar at 5%, 15 seconds from drain, and he goes into berserker rage
20:14.50MikkI was thinking that there might be benefits from having a central aggregator that multiple addons can query a lot more often
20:15.02MikkI.e. basically the data backend of recap/damagemeters
20:15.03ThraeYeah, that wouldn't be a job for a lib, that would be a job for a better version of Recap / DamageMeters / SWStats, so people don't need to have more then one of these addons.
20:15.23ThraeI don't know how it'd be applicable outside of these addons
20:15.24MikkExcept not really
20:15.24ShadowedYou don't have any reason to run DM / SWStats at the same time though
20:15.40MikkI run damagemeters and recap at the same time :-P
20:15.48MikkDM because it's real time. Recap because it has more detail.
20:16.05TainI liked Recap for my own detailed combat information.
20:16.11TainI never wanted to collect anyone elses with it.
20:16.14MikkAnyway... there's more addons that want this sort of info to
20:16.15ShadowedSWStats is real time too
20:16.20ThraeI was thinking of working on a DamageMeters / Recap replacement using the lib, or adding sync data into Recap
20:16.21MikkExcept I can't bloody remember what they are right now.
20:16.25KirovI use recap to watch other people.
20:16.29ThraeSeparating it out into LoadOnDemand modules.
20:17.06MikkWe were talking about a bunch of addons the other day that also want fight summary data
20:17.11MikkNot recap/DM type addons
20:17.31ThraeHmmm, msybe CT_RaidAssist uses it for something.
20:17.45MikkOhyeah... An addon to stat dtps/htps for raid tanks
20:18.25RallionTain: That's what i liked about Recap, too
20:18.36MikkThis lib wouldn't replace recap, DM's data backend, not really...
20:18.39TainHmmm.. maybe I'll jump in early and write an addon to manage your World of Warcraft Collectible Trading Cards collections.
20:18.44MikkIt's just a temporary data aggregator that saves some double work
20:18.59ShadowedYou still have the hardest part of the whole thing
20:19.02Shadowedgetting people to use it
20:19.03MikkLike... fire an event once in a while that it's about to flush its table
20:19.17MikkWe're talking like once every 1s/2s or something
20:19.25Mikk3s perhaps
20:19.47TainOF course if you're collecting combat stats be sure you're increasing your log collection range
20:20.12MikkShadowed: *sigh* yeah... pardon me for dreaming :-P
20:20.53ThraeBest way to get people to use it is to make a PoC version of Recap w/ sync capabilities.
20:23.14ThraeHmmm I had this as a table lookup in this function, but since the function won't be used very often I think 40 elseif's are better then a static table.
20:24.33Rallionis that really any smaller?
20:25.11ThraeIt's a 40-element table with 20% of its elements as tables vs 40 elseifs
20:25.18ThraeAnd the table is only used by this one function.
20:25.52RallionI wish there was an easy way to check the memory footprint of tables or functions
20:25.53ThraeJust a RegisterEvent / UnregisterEvent function, which shouldn't be called --too-- often.
20:27.18ThraeActually wait, someone might do something stupid.
20:28.15Rallionheh when I'm writing functions as parts of standalone apps, I try to assume that even I'm going to use them wrong.
20:32.25CideThrae: CTRA using what for what?
20:32.48ThraeCide: Total Healing, HPS, Total Damage, DPS
20:33.12CideCTRA doesn't use that (or calculate it), no
20:34.08ThraeMikk was saying that addons other then Recap and DamageMeters-type addons might use those figures, but I can't think of any.
20:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
22:07.42Iriel|workingRallion : The memory footprint of both is fairly well understood
22:16.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
22:21.56Kirkburngrrr, FF is annoying me
22:22.09AnduinLotharrewriting Sky is so much more fun than i expected...
22:22.22KirovAnduinLothar - you're a sick, sick man
22:22.24AnduinLotharI love deleting hundred on lines of code at a time
22:22.56Kirovusing "fun" in reference to a wow custom channel library ... just wrong
22:23.01AnduinLothari'm like hmmm.. I remember rewriting that JoinChannelByName hook like 6 times ... BAWEETED
22:23.29AnduinLothar2000 lines of code gone so far
22:23.48AnduinLotharand i got rid of that crappy table registration
22:23.59AnduinLotharand the mailboxes
22:24.03AnduinLotharand the hostesses
22:24.04cogwheelkirkburn, what's it doing to you this time?
22:25.19KirkburnIt looks perfect in IE, but not FF :/
22:26.02AnduinLotharya, camino eats it
22:26.23AnduinLotharhost mapping.. BYE BYE!
22:26.44KirkburnWhy get rid of hostesses L(
22:26.45AnduinLotharde-abstracting things from 5 channels to just 1 makes ALL the difference
22:27.16AnduinLotharheckk i can do
22:27.17AnduinLotharar9 == "GlobalComm"
22:27.22AnduinLotharinstead of
22:27.29AnduinLotharlocal channelIdentifier, specifier = SkyChannelManager.convertToChannelIdentifier(arg9);
22:28.09AnduinLotharand those channel identifiers make me want to kill babies
22:28.12AnduinLotharBYE BYE!
22:28.58Kirkburncogwheel, I just don't understand it :/
22:29.46cogwheelno.. i do now...
22:30.06AnduinLotharlot of useful code in here tho...
22:30.16AnduinLotharlegacy folder for ju
22:30.19cogwheeli think...
22:31.35cogwheelFloats contained in divs are supposed to overflow out of the divs they're contained in.
22:32.04cogwheelYour .section divs are floating outside the #mainbox
22:33.03cogwheelTo test this, after your very last div inside #mainbox, put <p style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</p>
22:34.28KirkburnYour a genius
22:34.55KirkburnIt still has weird diaply issues, but less of them
22:34.57cogwheelI just had to deal with all this stuff for my work's website...
22:36.02cogwheelkirkburn check out
22:37.41KirkburnWhy can't it just be sensible :/
22:44.50Abenadidoes GetTime() query the server every time its called?
22:45.03Mikkit has nothing to do with server time
22:45.16MikkGetTime() is time since your game client started
22:45.56Iriel|workingI suspect Abenadi meant GetGameTime
22:46.04Iriel|workingand I doubt very much it queries the server every time
22:46.13KirkburnYay, it now works in Firefox :D Thanks cogwheel!
22:46.23cogwheelnp :)
22:46.35MikkIt can't really query the server, since that would mean a rather substantial delay.
22:46.39MikkLike 0.3 secs+
22:46.41KirkburnNow to try and make a scroll always appear
22:46.56Abenadithanks, I actually misunderstood wowwiki's explanation of gettime()
22:47.11Abenadiit says the system's uptime, and that made me think server, but that was my mistake
22:47.25AbenadiIriel gives me too much credit =P
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22:52.16KirkburnYay, now i've got an easy fix to make the scrollbar always appear =)
22:52.57cogwheelI hate websites that have a scrollbar when there's nothing to scroll to
22:53.30KirkburnIt's a lot better than a website that constantly shifts left and right :/
22:54.04*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:55.16KirkburnPersonally, I prefer IE's style of greying it out when not needed
22:56.12Iriel|workingIsn't that a waste of screen real-estate tho?
22:56.23Iriel|workingEspecially for folks working in portrait aspect ratios
22:58.32KirkburnIt's only about 16 pixels, not a huge amount
22:59.16KirkburnI mean, I realise that it's wasted space, but I find it very disconcerting to have a centered website suddenly shift positions when moving between pages
23:08.19cogwheelDoes anyone know if you can use more than the stack size for the quantity to BuyMerchantItem? I can't test at the moment but I want to know if i'll work for
23:15.42Kirovcogwheel - I've actually played with that some
23:16.05KirovIt causes a weird "Your bags are full" error when you try to get multiples of a stackable item.
23:16.21cogwheelHmmm....  oh well
23:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
23:16.59KirovAt least stackable items already sold in stacks
23:17.32Kirovthe Buy functions don't require a hardware event, so I was thinking of writing something small that just did multiple buy calls.
23:17.38Kirovinstead of trying to do one
23:19.06cogwheelThat might work...
23:27.39cogwheelI think i'll play around with it some more tonight...
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23:56.52KirkburnWow, another Starcraft patch ... 1.14

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.