irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060802

00:00.11Hexarobeeim missing trog start tho
00:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
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00:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx|afk (
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00:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:33.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cogwheel (n=chatzill@
00:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
00:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
00:55.22Cideclad|dinner: that's pretty cool
00:55.51Kirovhow is that made?
00:55.51clad|dinnerCide: I've been running it for a day and a half now or so
00:56.14CideI noticed when auto complete didn't work
00:56.18Kirkburnooh, nifty
00:56.22clad|dinner specifically
00:56.41Cairennso in other words I should go back to babbling my head off?
00:56.44clad|dinnerI found it while looking at colleges
00:56.53clad|dinnerCairenn: hehe =)
00:57.14KirovDoes it work just by monitoring who we prefix our messages to?
00:57.20Cairennand here I figured everyone appreciated the fact that I've shut up
00:57.38clad|dinnerKirov: It uses heuristic algorithms on directed messages, as well as temporal messaging
00:57.42Tainhaha I'm way off in the corner
00:57.46clad|dinnerso not entirely, but it does help it =)
00:57.48clad|dinnerTain: YOu have a friend :P
00:58.00clad|dinner that's the #wowace one.
00:58.02clad|dinnerits retarded =)
00:58.04Kirovtain - messing with the linking
00:58.12KirovTain - doing it some more
00:58.22KirovTain - and again
00:58.23zespri_workCairenn, you sound as if you didn't feel valued p)
00:58.35Cairennjust messing around
00:58.36Kirovkergoth - woot woot
00:58.51Kirovkergoth - *throws a lure out to catch what he can"
01:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
01:05.57cogwheelShould I feel special that i'm in the middle?
01:06.05AnduinLotharyou talk a lot
01:06.13AnduinLotharat least recently
01:07.01Kirovthere's no line from me to al
01:07.13KirovI guess it doesn't understand my humor
01:07.33CideI wonder what relationships purl will have with people
01:07.47Cidebonking everyone
01:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
01:08.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
01:08.16Cairennwb Iriel
01:08.32KirovEveryone hide the drugs!
01:08.39CideI think my line goes to you, Kirov... but it goes straight through Shadowed :)
01:08.48CairennKirov: ?
01:08.51KirovCide - yeah, wasn't sure about that either
01:09.04KirovCairenn - Iriel's back ...
01:09.20Cairennyeah? so? It's me you need to be afraid of :p
01:09.23KirovCairenn - and he usually eats all my cookies
01:09.23IrielAre you worried I'll steal them? Or just disapprove?
01:09.24norgannaeveryone, jump 'im
01:10.32AnduinLothardrugs? where?
01:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:14.47KirovIt was only half a page ... of double spaced 24pt font
01:15.01Kirovno big loss
01:18.55zespri_workIf I were blizzard and had unlimited funding I'd still implement a system that marks a thread that enters the addon space as belonging to a certain addon. I realize that it many case this would be inaccurate, because addons hook each others and what not. But it's still better then nothing. Having that it would be possible to implement simple profiling to find out where addon thread spend most time. Again, not accurate, but better then nothing, an
01:19.07Hexarobeeits cuz of that 3hr rant between cogwheek and rozr about if's and for's
01:20.15KirkburnSounds exiciting
01:20.27KirkburnDid it get all philisophical?
01:21.24Hexarobeeor did philosophical get all it
01:25.21IrielHow is that wish significantly different from the best-effort userspace profilers available today?
01:30.23Hexarobianyone wanna play a game of chess?
01:30.36Hexarobii know people have downloaded my addon but for the life of me i cant find any of em to play against ;)
01:30.40AnduinLotharso iriel. we worked on a split fuction for Sea a while back. I realized out a few days ago that it doesn't allow for empty strings between sepperators
01:31.20IrielAnduinLothar : Are you sure that wasn't deliberate? There are two flavors of split operator in the wild and some do and some dont?
01:31.47AnduinLothari can't think of any reason why it shouldn't
01:32.12IrielIf you're using it to parse slash commands, empty strings are probably not what you want
01:32.41IrielAll you need to do is remove the + from the regexKey, I think
01:33.04IrielHm, skip that 8-)
01:33.19IrielReplace the + with a *
01:33.49AnduinLotharhmmm, well the immediate use is parsing table indexes which should never have .. in them
01:34.28AnduinLotharlemme see if Satellite uses it for parsing /com
01:35.15AnduinLothardoesn't look like it
01:35.50zespri_work>>best-effort userspace profilers
01:35.53zespri_workWhich are?
01:36.17IrielI dont rememeber their names, but there are some things out there that attempt to do memory profiling by hooking lots of normal entrypoints
01:36.29IrielThey could be adapted to do time profiling too
01:36.51zespri_workIriel, 1) do they work with WoW, 2) do they profile speed?
01:37.09zespri_workyou just answered number 2
01:37.20IrielIt's wow ones I'm thinking of
01:37.36IrielDepending on what you're trying to do their usefulness will vary between 'lots' and 'none whatsoever'
01:38.21IrielBut that's sort of where the 'first addon hit' attribution would end up as well
01:38.30zespri_workso any google keywords you can tip me on? What I'd like to get is some gauge in respect which addons consume more resources and which less
01:40.49zespri_workI never knew those exist. More over I didn't know it's possible to implement a profiler purely with lua
01:41.00AnduinLotharmmm, looks liek mcom uses it for slash commands
01:41.27AnduinLotharspose i can add an arg to specify inclusion of empty strings
01:42.38zespri_workI don't use wowinterface, Cairenn, that's why it's the last place I remeber to check when I'm looking for something =)
01:42.51zespri_workI should keep it in mind
01:44.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
01:47.12KirkburnHaha, I like paragraph 2 of Paul Thurrot's Windows Live Messenger review ( :D
01:48.24AnduinLotharthat the one that merged with yahoo?
01:49.03Kirkburnum, no
01:49.11KirkburnInteroperable, though
01:49.18AnduinLotharyeah, that
01:49.42AnduinLotharthey collaborated on a new format, no?
01:50.12KirkburnSort of
01:50.36KirkburnOne that can send between services - but it's not fully compatible though
01:50.51KirkburnAlong the lines of trillian, I think
01:51.29KirkburnBlizzard are so mean with their job opp ads ... the latest is for " a Level Designer with experience in creating 3D RTS game toolsets such as Warcraft 3"
01:51.49KirkburnSo does this mean they're working on War4? Or StarCraft 2?
01:52.19KirkburnOr what? My poor expectation-addled brain :(
01:53.03KirkburnOh, and another new job opp ... note the last word ... "The Cinematic Animator will be skilled at realistically animating the movements of humanoids, beasts and machines"
01:54.46IrielDiablo 3, the RTS?
01:54.48MentalPowerthat can apply to SC, WC and Diablo universes
01:55.05MentalPowersince all three have humanoids, beasts and machines in them
01:56.27KirkburnThey play with us so much
02:06.14zespri_workcan someone explain me (I know there is an explanation, I just happen not to know it) Why balancing shaman vs paladin is something special that needs to be done?
02:06.38zespri_workwhat kind of balance were they trying to maintain?
02:06.41Cideit wasn't necessarily done to balance them
02:07.16Cidebut to allow the designers to differentiate more between the two, without messing up raid balance and the like
02:07.23Hexarobithe people that balance classes didnt wanna have to deal with balancing a totally new class
02:07.32Cidethat's not the reason Hexarobi, no
02:08.19zespri_workIt doens't make much sense for me. Can you give an example of a change that would be ok, but is not because of the shaman and paladin
02:08.21Cidethey got locked into having the two classes have pretty much equal abilities
02:08.38zespri_workthey are not equial at all
02:08.45Cidethey had to make them more equal
02:08.49Cidelook at the implementation of tranquil air totem
02:09.03zespri_workshaman and paladin are very different: plate and mail, pally shields, shammys versatility
02:09.13zespri_workI can't see how they are sooo similar
02:09.21Cidequestion: do you raid?
02:09.59Cidethey aren't similar enough
02:10.02zespri_workI've been in MC 3 times, but didn't enjoy it
02:10.04Cidewhich creates an imbalance
02:10.29Cideand in order to balance that, every ability paladins have needs to have a counterpart for shaman (and vice versa)
02:10.35TainSalvation alone makes it an imbalance.
02:10.38zespri_workimbalance like what? I'm genuinely trying to understand.
02:10.48Cidetotems versus blessings
02:11.04TainIf totems affected raid-wide it would be different.
02:11.04Cidea shaman can buff one group with 4 buffs at most, and one class will only benefit to one, two at most
02:11.21Cidepaladins, however, can buff the whole raid for 15 minutes, and give every single player a buff that is useful to them
02:11.24zespri_workbut isn't it the same with all classes more or less. wearing mail and plate on my opinioin quite a big difference
02:11.27KirkburnIt's amazing how easily simple shapes become a real object in our minds ... a circle and a short line becomes a magnifying glass, for example
02:11.44Cidezespri: difference between mail and plate doesn't do *anything* in raids
02:11.52TainYeah it really doesn't zespri
02:12.00Cidewith 4 paladins, you have everyone in the raid with 3-4 useful buffs
02:12.16KirkburnI can't decide whether to go to bed 2nite
02:12.25Cidewithout costing mana from buffs dropping when they time out (15 minutes), and when you move (mobile buffs versus static totems)
02:12.26TainIn raids neither Shamans nore Paladins are taking melee damage (much)
02:12.30KirkburnPoll: should I go to bed tonight?
02:12.32CairennKirkburn: yes
02:12.43KirkburnBut I'm not tired :(
02:13.02Cidealmost any damage non-tanks take in raids are magic, from various aoes
02:13.13Kirkburn(I'm a difficult child =)
02:13.39Cairennwell, much as you may enjoy it, I'm not going to take you over my knee and spank you :p
02:13.42Tainzespri there really is just entirely different metagames in the game.  5 man (or less) pve, pvp and 40 man raids.   They are completely different.
02:13.59Cideand paladins completely dominate shaman in two of the three
02:14.01Kirkburnawww :(
02:14.07AnduinLotharcair, you killed his fanisty
02:14.08Cideyes, regardless of frost shock
02:14.15Kirkburncair, you killed his spell checker
02:14.35AnduinLotharmmm, spell checker for xchat? where
02:14.45KirkburnThere, there, there on the stair. Right there.
02:14.47TainI don't know about dominate, but at least have the edge.  Dominate in raids yeah.  But I at least still like Shamans a lot in 5 man groups and pvp
02:15.08TainWhereas in a 5 man group I could take or leave a Paladin.
02:15.26AnduinLotharunless you're doing a dead zone
02:15.35zespri_workok so the deal is that the balance issue is that the same encounter may be easier for one faction then for the other if the classes are not balanced right?
02:16.06TainThat is the case today, definitely.
02:16.27TainI always snickered a little at it.  But I've now done MC as both Horde and Alliance and there's no comparison in my mind.
02:17.16TainI never did BWL as Horde, but I think it's similar since I can't see anywhere Shamans would be better to have.
02:17.34AnduinLotharballence = they have to be equally whined at for neglecting or over doing one or more semi-needed things
02:18.42TainOn the other hand Horde is hugely stronger PVP side (in my opinion) even if for no other reason than it's much easier to gain pvp ranks as Horde due to almost universally shorter bg queues.
02:18.52AnduinLotharpallies get healers bitching at them for topping off and everyone else whining to keep the damn buffs up constantly
02:19.27AnduinLotharshamam at least don't have to listen to whining from anyone but their grp
02:22.21TainOf course I played a Shaman in EQ for years, the single most buffing everyone under the sun class ever to live in a game..
02:22.39AnduinLotharif a dpser gets a shaman in their party it's "yay windfury".  if they get a pally it's "yay aura".  but everyone in the raid expects pally buffs no matter how many there are
02:22.49Cideand actually
02:23.12Cidepaladin are much more useful compare to shaman in BWL than in MC
02:23.51Cidedue to aggro-sensitive fights, where salvation is extremely useful (vael, broodlord, 3 drakes to some extent)
02:23.58Cidethey have cleanse for chrom
02:24.00TainWell yeah I couldn't think of any situations I've been in BWL (still new at BWL though) that a Shaman adds a lot.
02:24.21TainBut Salvation is just stupidly stronger to a raid than anything a Shaman can do.
02:24.44Cidein AQ, there's a lot of moving around (sartura, twin emps, c'thun, not sure about ouro, but very spread out on that fight)
02:25.42Cidein naxx, a lot of the fights you're spread out or moving (heigan, noth, faerlina, um...)
02:25.45zespri_workok thank you guys for explaining that to me
02:26.18zespri_workbut here is the question
02:26.51zespri_worksome classess will always be less useful the other in raids. why being faction only class make them care?
02:27.23Cidebecause if warlocks are useless in one fight, so what? still the same for horde and alliance
02:27.38Cideif shaman are useless but paladins not, alliance will have a much easier time killing, and thus progressing, than horde
02:28.20Cideand vice versa naturally, but that doesn't happen as often (only fight that comes to mind is viscidus, which is even optional)
02:28.47zespri_workso it's okey that warlocks progress more slowly but not okey to faction to progress more slowly? or there is no such think as personal progerssion?
02:29.04Cideum, I don't understand that argument at all
02:29.11Cidewarlocks progress as fast as others in general
02:29.35zespri_workthey just less wanted
02:29.37TainThere really isnt' personal progression.  You only progress as much as your guild progresses.
02:30.03AnduinLotharunless you change guilds often
02:30.17Cideand even then, your usefulness on a specific fight is irrelevant
02:30.31TainYeah you're just a cog.
02:30.43Cideunless it imbalances the factions on that fight...
02:31.33zespri_workok, makes sense
02:31.55Cideand even then, it's not really a big deal usually
02:32.10zespri_workthe cog part is why I don't like raiding
02:32.37Cideit's just that blizzard has continuously (doubt it's intentional) given alliance an easier time, and over the period of 3 raiding zones, it has added up
02:35.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tergiver (
02:36.49KirkburnWho says warlocks aren't wanted??
02:37.43zespri_workit's just an example =)
02:38.02TainAlways need warlocks to summon the important people who are late
02:38.24TergiverJust popped in to say 'hi'. I see a few familier 'faces' - hi!
02:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:44.29KirkburnBetter than familiar faec... *stops*
02:53.24zespri_workyou never know, Kirkburn, may be by that Tergiver meant you!
02:53.57KirkburnI came back to write that. And that.
02:54.36zespri_workI hope you got your pants back on after that spanking
02:58.48KirkburnHow freaky ... I just decided to start playing an internet game ( ... was randomly looking around - and came across my friends nation. There's thousands on nations in this game :/
03:05.51KirkburnHaha, this is great! Someone decided to use the wayback machine to look at various websites in their 1996 forms
03:10.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:10.25Hexarobiyo mental
03:10.52GngskIs it possible to play any file in the sound.mpq file or only those listed under interface\ ?
03:11.08Kirkburnooooh, Hexarobi
03:11.24Hexarobiya kirk, not mine and not complete, but very interesting ;)
03:11.40KirkburnNot so sure of the self advertising though
03:12.09KirkburnNah, but still, cool :)
03:14.02KirkburnLol - CocaCola in self-deprecating mood, '96 style:
03:16.29Kirkburnhaving said that, looking at now ... it's not much better
03:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (
03:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
03:41.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
03:42.55Cairennhey Qzot
03:44.06QzotHey, Cairenn.
03:44.17QzotNew mod up. wowi's exclusive.
03:45.43QzotWow. That was fast.
03:46.02Cairennwe try
03:46.29QzotYeah. For a mod designed to have almost no UI, zero configuration, and to do as little as possible.
03:51.40DoomGaze3any wowbench users around?
03:53.58DoomGaze3I hate having to debug the debugger
03:54.03DoomGaze3that's just wrong somehow
04:04.20IrielQzot lives!!!
04:04.56Cairennindeed he does
04:05.21DoomGaze3~poke Qzot
04:05.23purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Qzot, pokes Qzot repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
04:05.57IrielDoomGaze3: The comment had nothing to do with wowbench, though, no idea who here uses that
04:05.58DoomGaze3either of you use wowbench?
04:06.30DoomGaze3The debugger is throwing an error so now I gotta trace the call stack :/
04:11.15DoomGaze3besides all that, I thought I'd poke him anyways
04:11.38DoomGaze3~fish Iriel
04:11.39purlACTION slaps Iriel around with a large trout
04:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
04:28.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
04:30.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:30.13EsamynnEvening all
04:30.28zespri_workhi Esamynn
04:30.42zespri_worki scared him off
04:31.20DoomGaze3ur pretty scary
04:31.55DoomGaze3does lua have throw .. catch functionality?
04:32.35zespri_workno explicitly. you can use pcall to catch
04:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:33.25DoomGaze3what is this pcall?
04:33.32DoomGaze3I'm seeing it all over wow bench?
04:34.07zespri_workpcall allows you to call a function and make sure that the call won't throw
04:34.14Esamynnpcall allows you to catch any errors that a function call throws
04:34.27zespri_workyeah =)
04:34.47DoomGaze3dofile threw an exception on my xml and the msg it threw is nil
04:34.51DoomGaze3now what do I do?
04:36.10DoomGaze3Shadowed: Where what?
04:53.53DoomGaze3attempt to call global 'CreateFrame' (a nil value) <---- whaaaa?
04:54.26Esamynndid you check your spelling and capitalisation?
04:55.03ShadowedIf he copied the error as is then CreateFrame should work
04:55.52Esamynnlooks like an AddOn is mis-behaving itself
04:56.15DoomGaze3The ide is giving me this
04:56.19Shadowedthink (s)he means that an addon has a function called CreateFrame
04:56.25IrielI wonder if WoWBench doesn't define CreateFrame until later
04:56.46DoomGaze3I'm not using wow bench.  too buggy
04:56.53DoomGaze3the IDE is giving me this
04:57.02zespri_workexclamation and question mark over npc heads, is there any way access them from an addon? Like hide and show? I'm almost 100% that it's impossible, if anyone have a contradictiong opinion please share
04:57.15Esamynnzespri_work: no
04:57.31ShadowedIf something besides WoW itself is giving you the error, then it's an issue with that program, not much you can really do about it
04:59.06IrielDoomGaze3 : What is "the IDE" ?
04:59.16DoomGaze3wow ui designer
04:59.32IrielI dont believe that's been well maintained with respect to the newer API calls
04:59.38DoomGaze3a tad buggy, but it works great 99 percent of the time
05:00.22Esamynni'm a fan of just working within the game itself, only rarely do I end up with an infiniate loop ;)
05:00.50DoomGaze3string.sub(link, string.find(link, 'item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+')) <--- on a hyperlink gives me "item:1234:0:0:432163
05:01.07DoomGaze3or is my pattern defunct?
05:01.11IrielYou need ()'s
05:01.30IrielOh, sorry, ignore me there
05:01.31Esamynnno, no, he's right
05:01.34IrielI didn't notice the string.sub
05:01.43KirkburnThis is sad:
05:01.45Irielthat should work just fine
05:01.54EsamynnDoomGaze3: I perfer the gsub method myself
05:01.58Irielthough does it break if you have no item ID in the link?
05:02.26DoomGaze3do you think I should find: :item first?
05:03.21Irielor just do
05:03.31Esamynndo string.find(link, '(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)') instead, that will return the item link as the third return value
05:03.41Iriellocal _,_,item = string.find(link, '(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)')
05:03.47Irielbah Esamynn beat me
05:04.16chuckgGuess who's taking your MVP spot now?
05:04.38DoomGaze3what do the parentheses in the pattern do?
05:04.46IrielHey, nobody's taking my spot, though if it came to a vote for another one i'd say yes for Esamynn  8-)
05:04.57IrielDoomGaze3 : They identify that part as a 'capture'
05:05.16IrielThe matching string to the pattern in parentheses is returned from the find
05:05.18Irielso for example
05:05.27EsamynnIriel: i'm flattered!, really I'm blushing :)
05:06.01Irielwould return the start and end locations of the whole pattern, then the four numeric pieces (as strings) separately
05:06.21Irielso in your example above it would return something like 10, 30, "1234", "0", "0", "432163"
05:08.13DoomGaze3okay, so then I'd want it something like: _, _, id1, id2, id3, id4 = string.find(link,'item:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)')
05:09.09DoomGaze3then return "item:"..id1..":"..id2..":"..id3..":"..id4
05:09.10EsamynnDoomGaze3: yes, exactly
05:09.30IrielBut only do the pieces separately if you need to process them that way
05:09.32Esamynnwell, depends on if you need the individual numbers or not
05:09.47IrielIf you just need the link string, do it as one capture so lua doesn't have to mess around with more strings than it needs to
05:10.19DoomGaze3ok, ok, lemmie look at pattern tutorial again...
05:12.45DoomGaze3so you're saying string.find(link,'item:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)') would return first number for first id1 and last number for id4
05:13.34DoomGaze3and if I want the whole thing, string.find(link,'(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)')
05:13.40Esamynnstring.find returns the beginning of the matched string, then the end as position itegers, then it returns any captures defined in your pattern as aditional return values
05:15.06DoomGaze3so I don't even need string.sub, just _, _, strippedLink = string.find(link,'(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)')
05:15.32Irieland strippedLink will be nil if there's no match
05:15.46Iriel(whereas you get an error if you do the string.sub approach without checking for the link first)
05:16.45IrielYou can do crazy things like this too, if you ever get bored:
05:17.23DoomGaze3First ( = first return, etc?
05:17.30IrielYes, very good 8-)
05:17.59DoomGaze3okay, I think I finally got the hang of this patterns thing
05:18.00Esamynnyou have an extra ) in there
05:18.08IrielI dont think so
05:18.22DoomGaze3second %d
05:18.25Esamynnoh wait, I see it
05:18.55DoomGaze3This is seriously the best IRC channel I've ever been in
05:19.10DoomGaze399% are lame
05:19.54Cairennthere are some truly amazing people in here, very willing to give of their time and knowledge
05:19.59IrielI think it's because anyone with the patience to remain here more than an hour or so passes a certain appropriate strangeness threshold
05:20.18EsamynnIriel: well said! 8)
05:22.17Cairennya never know
05:23.06Esamynndamnit, apache, just do what I want!
05:23.27DoomGaze3Tell me if you guys would use this: MasterLooter is a mod that allows pickup raids to quickly and easily distribute loot using a fixed point bidding system.
05:24.01DoomGaze3Not only does it conduct the auction, but it also distributes loot for you and tracks points and greeds
05:24.23DoomGaze3GetDKP is planned for 2.0 :D
05:25.26DoomGaze3Best of all, it works out of the box.  Just click an item and then click Auction with MasterLooter instead of clicking a name
05:25.48Cairennnight Iriel, sweet dreams
05:25.57IrielThanks, likewise.
05:26.06DoomGaze3night, thx for all ur help :)
05:29.38DoomGaze3another test, just to make damn sure I got it
05:29.45DoomGaze3local _, _, itemID = string.find(link, 'item:(%d+):%d+:%d+:%d+');
05:29.56EsamynnDoomGaze3: yes
05:32.22DoomGaze3the single quotes denote a pattern, correct?
05:35.29Esamynnno, they denote a string
05:35.43Esamynnyou could have used " and you would get the same result
05:44.00DoomGaze3this show Dead Like Me is hilarious
05:57.59*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:00.24Esamynnnight all
06:06.59norgannaDoomGaze3: pity they canned it
06:07.50Cairennwell, time for this chickie to get some sleep, night guys
06:08.10DoomGaze3now it's on sci fi and I'm enjoying it
06:09.49norgannanite cair
06:10.24norgannaDoomGaze3: i can't understand why they cancel some of the stuff they do
06:10.58norgannai think a lot of people would watch more tv if they advertised what they were showing on tv a bit more, and cut back on the real commercials
06:11.22Flyocpeople can just read that stuff
06:11.58norgannathey seem to like to squeeze out show advertising in exchange for paid advertising, then wonder why things aren't popular right now, only to find out these things reach cult status 12 months after they are cancelled
06:12.23norgannagee, maybe if you had told people it was on....
06:20.27Cairenn|sleepkinda like Firefly
06:21.05norgannafirefly was almost cancelled before it aired but
06:21.53norgannai think with firefly there was a difference in expectation... i think the producers were expecting space vampires or something
06:22.16norganna"Joss Whedon... doesn't he do vampires?"
06:22.28DoomGaze3Joss? Naaaaaahhhh
06:22.40DoomGaze3That's create a Spike on his record
06:23.59DoomGaze3Fox is too mainstream for that stuff now
06:24.06norgannai think they were expecting Buffy the Space Explorer....
06:24.34DoomGaze3I think if they wouldn't have fucked with the show in the first place, it might still be on
06:24.45DoomGaze3Fox execs love to be creative tho
06:25.49DoomGaze3o well, at least we still got 24
06:25.58DoomGaze3In Jack We Trust
06:28.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
06:31.51KirkburnSome people have odd ideas about what should be capitalised :/ I keep coming across things like "Male" on the wiki
06:32.20Kirkburnlol, and ... er ... "Geniteals"
06:36.56norgannaAre they teal genitalia?
06:37.08norgannai'd go see a doctor about that
06:37.41norgannaer, genetalia i mean
06:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
06:40.20norgannawell bugger me - i got it rigth the first time...
06:40.38DoomGaze3what? Balls and vaginas?
06:41.02norgannawho's doing what now?
06:41.32DoomGaze3what? Balls or vaginas?
06:41.40Cairenn|sleepnorgs, be careful what channel you say that in, there are some that know precisely what that means and would be only too happy to oblige you :p
06:43.11norgannatrue cair
06:43.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
06:43.55Cairenn|sleepdifferent strokes for different folks, and that's just absolutely fine, but I know you are straight, so ...
06:51.09KirkburnI regret bringing it up now
06:52.20AnduinLotharcair sleep talking again?
06:52.51KirkburnSomeone should buy her a bed
06:53.09DoomGaze3or some Xanex
06:53.11AnduinLotharin front of the computer
06:57.11krkayou know what would be cool? being able to irc in your sleep. you'd spout off all sorts of nonsense
06:57.19krkaof course, no one would be able to tell the difference
06:57.24norgannaand that;d be different how?
06:59.09AnduinLotharSo.. anyone want a mod that puts your micro buttons on a minimap button dropdown or is that completely unseful
07:01.24*** join/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
07:13.54DoomGaze3how do I empty out a string keyed table?
07:17.45DoomGaze3What would happen to the table values if I assign a table a new value? Like on a full table MyTable = {}
07:17.59DoomGaze3values get garbaged?
07:18.01AnduinLotharit would erase the table
07:18.14DoomGaze3that'll work too
07:18.16AnduinLotharand replace it with a new one
07:18.24DoomGaze3beauty, that's what I want.
07:18.28AnduinLotharand the old values get garbage collected
07:18.43DoomGaze3Damn, I think I might be getting good at this!
07:18.54AnduinLotharuh oh
07:19.08DoomGaze3Watch out! I'm dangerous now, bitches!
07:19.32AnduinLothar10 yrs to become an expert in your field
07:20.07DoomGaze3what did you you mean?
07:21.14AnduinLotharit suppossedly takes 10 years of intensive training to 'master' a field
07:21.52AnduinLotharlike chess grand-master
07:22.53DoomGaze3Ever seen the success graph?
07:23.03DoomGaze3Or learning graph, rather?
07:24.40AnduinLotharmmm no
07:26.11DoomGaze3It illustrates the average person's learning curve.  It's defining feature is a sharp spike in expertise, followed by a small drop off, a steady rise, a small decline and a plateau before returning to a sharp spike
07:26.33DoomGaze3verrry interesting
07:34.31DoomGaze3how do I get a list of party members?
07:37.32norgannanite guyz
07:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
07:37.43norgannaand galz if's any
07:37.45DoomGaze3hey werehamster
07:38.08DoomGaze3do you know how to get a list of party members?
07:38.35DoomGaze3oop, nm
07:38.43DoomGaze3found it
07:39.13DoomGaze3all the party functions are listed under group by some archaic reasoning
07:42.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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07:55.44DoomGaze3if I reference a table like MyTable["Somestring"], will that give an error or will MyTable["Somestring"] equal nil?
07:56.58AnduinLotharif it's unnassigned it'll be nil
07:59.02DoomGaze3I like lua.  So great... invalid array references don't phase it if you're ready!
07:59.13Rallionbut if you were to try MyTable["Somestring"]["Otherstring"], that would give an error
08:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:00.51Rallionwhich is really pretty obvious if you think about it, but it's something that it's possible to mess up if you're tired enough or not paying attention...which usually describes me pretty well.
08:01.26KirkburnSomeone on the Cosmos team needs to go through the cosmos addons list sometime
08:01.50Kirkburn(by which I mean the cosmos category list, as that includes many of the dead versions)
08:03.34Rallionspeaking of categories, are there any non-abandoned mods to the keybindings screen to make it a little easier to navigate for people with well over a hundred addons?
08:08.20zenzelezzthat's a lot of addons :-o
08:10.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
08:10.25zenzelezzI'm sure those that have that many have their reasons... good thing is we get to choose for ourselves =)
08:11.16zenzelezzI only use Auctioneer, Atlas, CTRA and my HP/rage bar addon at the moment
08:13.51AnduinLotharBetterKeyBindings is maintained in Cosmos
08:15.37ShadowedAuctioneer, CT_, Nurfed unit frames, sct and like the other 10 addons are my own
08:18.24Shadowedor the person who has 50 PBD for 25g each!
08:21.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
08:22.29Shadowedmostly just looks like somebody trying to mess with people using Auctioneer. since theres about 10-15 ones for only 2g-6g
08:23.19zenzelezzI never rely on Auctioneer's data, nor do AH scan... I only use it to remember what price I sell stuff for o_O I'm too forgetful otherwise
08:23.30zenzelezzbut I also appreciate the Informant part of the addon
08:25.07ShadowedI'll trust the data but when some unknown item or something I know jumps 500% in price I usually look at the indiviual item to see whats going on
08:25.18zenzelezzhrm... thunder outside, and my TV isn't receiving proper signals anymore o_O Must've messed up my provider
08:26.05ShadowedIt's amusing seeing 10 rows of runecloth at 99g BO though
08:26.48zenzelezzRunecloth is actually a rather steady income for me... put it up for 1-2g, and it nearly always goes for BO
08:27.15Shadowedwhich is bad when you're a raider
08:27.30zenzelezzI don't farm much either, but you get a lot of Runecloth from some instances :)
08:28.27zenzelezzunfortunately I also suck at farming reputation... I won a roll for the Qiraji Spiked Hilt thingie for the Sickle of Unyielding Strength, but I'm only halfway to honored, and need exalted x.x
08:28.31ShadowedVallerius: how's your next version of BFC going?
08:28.56Corrodiaszenzelezz: better get back to grinding
08:29.06Shadowedwould have been faster to farm money for a quel during the DM exploit then it wuold be going to exalted
08:29.18zenzelezzI already have my QS
08:29.31zenzelezzgot it for 900 after the prices went back up
08:29.58Shadowedwhy go for Unyielding then?
08:30.39zenzelezzI've been asking myself that too... wasn't paying full attention and heard them say "warriors, paladins, hunters" (or whichever classes the item is for) "roll now"
08:30.47zenzelezzthankfully we've had many of the same item drop
08:31.19zenzelezzyesterday both Moam and Buru dropped it =)
08:31.22Shadowedcloak/ring are nice, the weapon isn't though
08:31.36zenzelezzare you mad? o_O The weapon is sweet
08:31.43Shadowedcompared to a QS?
08:32.08zenzelezzthey're not all that comparable in my opinion, the Sickle is more for DPS
08:32.18zenzelezzsure, there's better DPS weapons, but not necessarily easier to get
08:32.42Shadoweddepends what you're doing, AQ20/ZG I don't think theres better
08:32.47Shadowedfor main hand that is
08:33.11zenzelezzwell, the Sickle is One-Hand IIRC
08:33.33Shadowedif you we're going to use a QS as main hand i'd slap you :p
08:34.08zenzelezzof course I wouldn't :-p
08:34.43zenzelezzI may not be very good with DPS setups, but I'm not *that* bad :)
08:35.00Shadowednearly as bad as the warrior with 15 STR on a TF!
08:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:36.16zenzelezzit would be sort of funny to show up with a DTC or something like that with +22 int, or some other useless enchant
08:37.01ShadowedStaff of shadow flame with crusader!
08:38.10Shadowed20% into rank 4 with 244 standing on PTR
08:39.52Shadowedtime to go get my PVP trinket and make people hate me even more
08:48.16krkathe chess looks cool Hexarobi, mostly because it's my ripped graphics :P
08:52.50Industrialurl? screenshot?
08:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
08:54.24Industrialhm cool ingame chess
08:54.39IndustrialDoes a game get saved when you log out or the other person logs out?
08:55.49AnduinLotharfunny, you're not the first person to ask that
08:56.35AnduinLotharI also find it funny that so many people think it's novel... Perhaps my methods aof advertizement need improvement
08:56.36KirkburnThe answer was no then too
08:56.36IndustrialWell I'd imagine Ill play this when in BG queues and want it to last across sessions
08:56.51AnduinLotharcept there's no AI
08:57.07KirkburnBut he will be adding saving - they way he's done it, it's reasoably easy to add
08:57.18AnduinLotharbut you're right, it'd be nifty if there was a way to save games
08:57.30krkajust save the move history
08:57.42AnduinLotharor the current configuration
08:57.42krkamy chess used a simple ascii notation
08:57.46KirkburnYou need to shout louder AnduinLothar :P
08:58.13krkaA1B6\nA3B3\n et.c.
08:58.31AnduinLotharya, apparently my shameless plugs aren't sufficient to cover such a wide sellection of addons
08:59.05Industrialplugin, novel, advertizement, wide selection of addons
08:59.09Industrialdid I miss something?
08:59.26ShadowedStill like the idea of being able to play a game through the mail
09:00.42IndustrialShadowed, you cam play it through your bank account, just send someone the smallest ammount with a comment
09:01.24*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
09:01.25ShadowedI'll stick to playing through the mail
09:10.37ShadowedI slept for an hour and now i'll be up all night
09:10.58IndustrialI finally got my sleeping petterns back to normal
09:11.19Shadowedstaying up until 4 AM every night probably didn't help
09:11.38Kirkburnhah, I haven't gone to bed and it's10am
09:12.23ShadowedWhenever I feel that i'm becomming addictied to WoW, Kirkburn makes me feel better
09:12.43KirkburnHeh ... that would despite the fact I haven't played WoW for more than a month
09:12.51Shadoweddon't ruin it
09:13.00Kirkburn<-- ruiner :(
09:13.53Industrialso like srsly liek then he was all liek LOL right so liek then  i liek went like LOL too LAWL
09:14.21KirkburnNO WAI
09:14.44ShadowedI'm not up to date on your crazy lingo
09:14.59Industrialliek hah zomg pwntr LALALALAL!
09:15.30Industrial~emulate Industrial
09:15.32purland now I'm high o/
09:15.41Industrialwho did that
09:15.53Shadowed~emulate Shadowed
09:16.20Industrial~literal emulate Industrial
09:16.21purl"emulate industrial" is "<reply>(Ogm teh tpyoas! Mroe ceffein pls!|and now I'm high o/)"
09:16.53Shadowed~literal emulate Kirkburn
09:16.54purl"emulate kirkburn" is "<reply>That sounded more normal in my head ..."
09:17.04Shadowedso true
09:22.02Shadowedsince when is a moonkin not considered a beast
09:24.06Kirkburn(and since always, afaik)
09:24.17ShadowedI wish i'd known that before i hit NS to hibernate
09:25.44KirkburnWell, it's only said it on the tooltip ever since release, but nevermind :P
09:26.24KirkburnUnless you managed to avoid Ashenvale, Darkshore, the Hinterlands ...
09:26.54ShadowedHow dare you accuse me of paying attention
09:27.21Shadowedalt tabbing out with the flag was probably a bad idea though
09:31.19KirkburnDammit, what is it with people attempting to jump-start forum memes
09:31.40KirkburnToday it seems to be the turn of "It has new stats?"
09:31.52Shadowedwhich item this time
09:33.03Shadowedoh that
09:33.08Shadowedthat's a couple weeks old
09:33.18KirkburnOh christ, I see now
09:33.51KirkburnOf all the forum fads, this is one of the most boring
09:39.12krkalevla och låt levela
09:39.34krkaoops, wrong channel
09:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial` (
09:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc (
09:42.02Kirkburnyou speaky english?
09:42.47KirkburnWhy must swedish be so incomprehensible :(
09:43.20zenzelezzit's not that bad
09:43.31zenzelezzDanish is worse
09:50.02AnduinLotharhmmm, i only produced 4 new addons and patched 10 others in the past month... slow month
09:51.01AnduinLotharoh yeah.. musta been that week of vacation with no computer
09:51.22AnduinLotharmeh, i'll have to work harder next month
09:51.31KirkburnOnly 4 ... sure you weren't dead?
09:52.02AnduinLotharoh for the week, you mean?
09:52.43AnduinLotharwell i moved like a 70 yr old for a few days after oblitterating my body water-skiing
09:53.35AnduinLotharskipping accross the water on your shoulder/neck 2 or 3 times at 40 mph kinda has that effect
09:53.59AnduinLotharkinda feels liek a sledgehammer smashing ever muscle in your body
09:54.30AnduinLotharand that's why after that bail i got up and skiied some more
09:55.20AnduinLotharfor another 10 min anyway, till i was so completely wasted i had to pry my hands away from the bar to avoid killing myself
09:56.08AnduinLotharspose that's what happens when you rent a boat with cousins and spend 10am-6pm on the water
09:57.15AnduinLotharyeah.... 6 ibprophen did nothing... shoulda gotten some asprin or stolen some morphine or somehting
09:58.13AnduinLothar"releaves minor aches and pains" jsut doesn't cut it, no matter the dosage
09:59.31paranoid_you'll notice that as the dosage increases the effect changes from "releaves minor aches and pains" to "removes life force"
10:00.01AnduinLothari dunno, ibprophen make most people i know really tired
10:00.45paranoid_at college I used to spend the morning popping caffiene pills and the afternoon popping ibuprofen to reduce the headaches that the overmuch caffiene gave me
10:00.53AnduinLotharbut some how i was still able to move and think and hurt and stay up till 2am after having like 10 in the span of 6 hours
10:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
10:01.44AnduinLotharmmm did have a little vodka and coke too, but it wasn't really enough to even make my buzzed
10:02.11AnduinLothargood thing there wasn't any heavey machinery around tho i spose
10:03.37AnduinLotharmeh cafine pills are expenssive.. just drink some dew in the morn
10:03.42Shadowedalright, time to spend 3 hours trying to go to sleep
10:03.53AnduinLotharoh yeah sleep
10:04.05AnduinLothari need some of that i spose
10:05.04*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
10:05.41MikkShadowed: Rotate the day forward ftwin
10:06.03paranoid_can't get dew round here
10:06.40MikkMix in a table spoon of sugar in a Red Bull. Works also :-)
10:06.56paranoid_well, a shop on the way to work sells 'Relentless'
10:06.58paranoid_I tend to get that
10:07.15MikkAnother one of those "power" drinks?
10:08.45MikkMeh. Coca Cola Company.
10:09.17MikkThey're trying to boycot swedish breweries into NOT producing traditional soft drinks around christmas and stuff
10:09.26MikkThey want coke to replace it all
10:09.52zenzelezzodd, they haven't tried that here
10:10.08DoomGaze3Now the WoWBench debugger is throwing errors. :/
10:10.15MikkWhere? How?
10:10.33DoomGaze3It loaded my HelloWorld, but it threw an error on parsing my xml (upon tracing callstack)
10:10.38DoomGaze3one sec, lemmie find the line again
10:10.59MikkErrr wha.. XML parser going bonkers?
10:11.02MikkThat's... fun.
10:11.19MikkYou could just send me the project if it's still doing it.
10:11.21DoomGaze3I'm not entirly sure why
10:11.30DoomGaze3where do I mail it?
10:13.07DoomGaze3Ugh, 4 megs... I hope gmail will send this
10:13.48DoomGaze3Oh, btw, tortoisesvn rox
10:13.54MikkAye it's nice :-)
10:14.08DoomGaze3local repo ftw
10:14.36MikkYup. I've got two SVNs at home. Crosswise for each box :-)
10:15.04MikkShowing my WTF folder into it and everything just for the hell of it :-P
10:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:16.00lhunathmight as well rsync that, wouldn't want to dig through conflicts for those ;p
10:17.51MikkExcept I don't get a lot of conflicts when I'm the sole commiter :-)
10:18.15MikkOh... I'm not syncing between two WoW copies
10:18.28MikkI'm just backing up lots of stuff on one computer to the other one and vice versa
10:18.39MikkGood for when the hard drive(s) croak next time
10:18.41lhunathgranted, except when like me you're trying to keep your desktop and laptop both in sync since you switch between them from time to time
10:18.51DoomGaze3it's nice to be able to revert if you royally foobar something
10:18.52MikkYeah... that's messier
10:21.06AnduinLotharmeh, no time for sleep... must ... watch .... stargate
10:21.35DoomGaze3stargate is awesome
10:21.38DoomGaze3just getting into it
10:21.46DoomGaze3I love my MCE
10:22.01DoomGaze3~poke Mikk
10:22.03purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Mikk, pokes Mikk repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
10:22.08DoomGaze3Email sent
10:27.46lhunathdoes anyone know whether/how one can extend the range of the 'target nearest enemy/friend'?
10:29.16Mikkup to 50 yards
10:29.34DoomGaze3handy, that
10:29.38DoomGaze3ct does it
10:30.26Mikkand it's .... hmm ...
10:30.47lhunathah, lovely, have been looking for a complete list of Config.WTF for quite some time now
10:31.15DoomGaze3hey mikk, opinion question: What would be the best way to track players on a greed list?
10:31.22lhunathdon't recon it would suffice to /reload to get those changes applied, would you ..
10:31.56MikkDoomGaze3: explain
10:32.16MikkIhunath: No, use SetCVar to set them
10:32.29MikkThen it's instant
10:33.04DoomGaze3there are many changing things always happening in a party.  If an auction isn't won, it distributes loot to the next person in a circular queue in a-z order
10:33.13lhunath(L, not I =) I know my name sounds weird ;x)
10:33.34DoomGaze3problem is, what if someone goes offline and then comes back
10:36.15DoomGaze3I'm mulling over a bunch of solutions right now and none of them seem to be useful
10:36.34MikkDoomGaze3: There's a couple of solutions
10:36.55Mikk1. Keep a count of how many items each member has gotten. Select the ones with the fewest wins. Sort alpha and hand out to #1
10:37.08MikkProblem: If someone joins mid instance, they get lots of loot
10:37.19Mikk2. Keep a count of how many items someone has MISSED due to being offline
10:37.40MikkProbably the better choice. You can cap it at e.g. #1 item for someone that's offline a long time.
10:37.49DoomGaze3Right now I'm pulling out first using table.remove and table.insert ing em back on
10:38.18MikkThat works. Just keep a second table with people that should have gotten loot but couldn't due to being offline.
10:38.36MikkIf there's anyone in there, just give them the next things that drop.
10:39.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
10:39.50DoomGaze3there's another issue too: what if they're online, but not in range (ie close enuff or not in instance)
10:40.02DoomGaze3right now, I'm cross checking master loot candidates
10:42.20DoomGaze3I've got 3 tables: one that serves as a master list of players, one that tracks Master Loot candidates, and another that tracks greeds and also provides a reference to the player's master list entry
10:42.43DoomGaze3Logistical Hell
10:44.46DoomGaze3Did you get that email?
10:55.11MikkI just solved it by retreiving the master loot candidate list and doing a /random roll internally in the addon :-P
10:57.11Mikkand if they're not in bloody range.... their problem :-P
10:57.53MentalPowerlhunath: /console getcvarlist're shitting me
10:58.17Mikkthere's a command for it?
10:58.25MentalPowerbut addons can't use it
10:58.43MentalPowerit goes straight to the console
10:58.46DoomGaze3did you get wowbench working?
10:58.52MentalPowerWoW.exe -console
10:59.09MentalPowerand then get into the console by using "~"
11:17.10MikkDoomGaze3: Well. I've fixed the debugger bugging. It was my UTF-8 changes that caused that problem.
11:17.17MikkNow to find what's actually erroring in your addon.
11:17.30MikkIt's something inside a CreateFrame() that going haywire.
11:18.49DoomGaze3no noes!
11:18.56DoomGaze3Mental gave me that function
11:19.17MentalPowerwhat function?
11:19.42MentalPowerit should still be in
11:20.14DoomGaze3he's looking at it now, he has my code
11:21.19MikkWell.. "ML_FakeTooltip" doesn't exist at the point where you're trying to use it as a parent...
11:21.40MikkAt least there's no such object in the global namespace
11:21.52DoomGaze3would TestTooltip work?
11:22.02Mikker wait
11:22.06Mikkthat's the name
11:22.11Mikkignore me
11:28.11MikkCIA-11wowbench: mikeclueby4 * r111 /trunk/xmlparse.lua: xmlparse.lua: CreateFrame() with parent=nil while inheriting something would cause crashes in WOWB_ParseXML_InheritObj. Fixed.
11:28.38DoomGaze3as I said, item auctions are a logistical nightmare, especially when you need to assure, with 100% certainty, that the target got the item
11:29.01DoomGaze3did you just make a commit?
11:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
11:31.08MikkNow you'll get warning spewage instead because you're trying to override stuff from the inherited object
11:31.08MikkThat's fun
11:31.19MikkIt MAY be the the warning spewage is wrong though
11:31.46MikkThere's some cases where you can't override stuff, and there's some cases where you can.
11:31.51MikkI haven't quite figured it out yet.
11:32.01MikkEither way, I don't think you should be inheriting if you're replacing everything there is anyway :-)
11:32.03DoomGaze3lemmie take a look
11:33.32DoomGaze3what would you suggest? because I'm a newb at createframe
11:33.41MikkJust don't inherit something at all
11:33.45MikkConstruct the tooltip all yourself
11:33.49MikkThere can't be much missing now
11:33.59MikkSince you're creating all the strings and stuff
11:34.51MentalPowercan I get a link to your code DoomGaze3?
11:35.02MentalPowerperhaps I can offer an alternative
11:36.02DoomGaze3i'm using the same function you gave me, with a different tooltip name: Instead of TestTooltip, ML_FakeTooltip
11:36.27MentalPowerMikk: just commit it to the Wiki
11:37.37DoomGaze3want me to pastey back the function mental?
11:42.32MentalPowertesting something, one sec
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12:02.35MentalPoweryou can change the name back to ML_TestTooltip if you want
12:02.47MentalPowerthe function had two typos and an oopsie
12:02.50MentalPowersorry about that
12:03.03MentalPowercoding from memory is not always perfect
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12:04.40DoomGaze3I shouldn't expect you to write my code for me anyways, however there isn't a whole lot of documentation out there on how to do this either :?
12:06.00MentalPowerI don't mind writing snippets of code, especially when I'm working on a similar project (like now)
12:06.13DoomGaze3That's why I asked you. :D
12:06.28MentalPowernot a problem really
12:07.00DoomGaze3still spewing forth all kinds of errors
12:07.08DoomGaze3but hopefully it'll work in game
12:08.28MentalPowerwait a sec, you're testing out of game with wowbench?
12:09.00Mikkit's spewing warnings because you're creating all the things that already exist in the object you're inheriting from
12:09.58MentalPowererm... no
12:10.05Mikksame names and all
12:10.35Mikkthat's what it looked like to me
12:10.43Mikki didn't actually read code though. i just read warnings :-)
12:10.56MentalPowerGameTooltip (the frame type) does not have $parentTextLeft1
12:11.05MentalPowerbut GameTooltipTemplate defines them
12:11.53Mikkand the CreateFrame was saying to inherit GameTooltipTemplate
12:13.05Mikkit's not creating anything else
12:13.09Mikkso why's it complaining....
12:13.26MentalPowermy point exactly
12:14.59Mikkoddly enough, I just tested doing the same thing in a single file
12:15.00Mikkno warnings
12:15.35Mikklocal x = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MyGT", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate");
12:15.37Mikkerror free
12:15.55DoomGaze3lemmie clean
12:15.58Mikkis the same lua file being pulled in several times?
12:16.08Mikklike.. once from toc and once from <Script file> in xml?
12:17.15Mikkyep it is
12:17.22Mikkonce from the xml file, once from the toc
12:17.40DoomGaze3so all I need is the xml?
12:17.43DoomGaze3or the toc?
12:17.44Mikkeither one
12:17.46Mikkboth will work
12:17.46MentalPoweror the toc
12:17.48Mikkjust not at the same time =)
12:18.27Mikkyep, runs warning free when that one's gone
12:19.13MikkDoomGaze3: Try lua wowbench.lua -q MasterLooter
12:19.21MikkUses "FrameXML-lite.toc" and loads ~3 times faster
12:19.28DoomGaze3luac.exe: ./wow/Interface/AddOns/MasterLooter/MasterLooter.lua:1: unexpected symbol near `n'
12:19.33MikkYeah. Ignore that one.
12:19.40MikkThe lua compiler can't compile UTF-8 files
12:19.45MikkI'll fix it somehow
12:19.53MikkProbably by not attempting to compile addons with UTF-8 in them at all
12:19.56Corrodiasjust what is utf-9, anyway?
12:19.58Corrodiaser, -8
12:20.04MentalPowerits unicode
12:20.12Corrodiasthen why do people not call it unicode? o.o
12:20.14MikkUTF-8 is mix between ASCII and unicode
12:20.19MentalPowerand that means that I can't use WoWBench for Itemizer
12:20.25MikkYou can now MentalPower
12:20.27MikkI fixed it
12:20.33Corrodiaswhat ever did people invent utf-8 for if we had unicode? or did it come before unicode?
12:20.41MikkCorrodias: Ok.. let me start from the top
12:20.50MentalPowerItemizer's files are all UTF-8 encoded
12:21.03MikkUnicode is a standard that defines lots of character codes.. thousands
12:21.08MikkThis obviously cannot fit in a single byte
12:21.18MikkThese unicode values can be written out in lots of ways
12:21.26MikkUTF-16 simply uses two bytes to represent each character
12:21.30MikkUTF-32 uses four bytes
12:21.37Corrodiasunicode is, as far as i was aware, entirely a two byte system
12:21.41Corrodiasi may well be mistaken
12:21.42MikkThat's UTF-16
12:21.45MikkIt's just another encoding
12:21.59MikkUTF-16 is pointless btw since there's codepoints that are larger than 65535
12:22.10MikkUTF-8 is a rather clever encoding
12:22.21MikkIf you're just using codepoints 0--127, it looks like an ASCII file
12:22.29zenzelezzUnicode can be 8, 16, 32 bits
12:22.30Corrodiasit seems to me that windows uses utf-16 >_>
12:22.42MikkCorrodias: Windows has UTF-16 APIs, yes
12:22.48MikkBut you can equally use UTF-8 if you want to
12:22.54MikkInternally that is
12:23.02MikkYou have to convert to UTF-16 to actually display stuff on screen
12:23.06Corrodiasi mean, registry exports typically show spaces between each letter in notepad because it's using two bytes per each.
12:23.16Mikkyes. windows likes utf-16 encoding
12:23.25Mikkbut Unicode is just the list of codepoints
12:23.28MentalPowerrather wastefull IMHO
12:23.32MikkLike I'm saying, there's three different encodings
12:23.37MikkUTF-8 being the best one imo
12:23.46MentalPowerIMO too :)
12:23.49Corrodiasi suppose that doesn't necessarily mean it wouldn't put three spaces between if you had some of the high-numbered characters in there somewhere
12:23.49MikkSince all the regular libraries work on UTF-8 encoded stuff
12:24.16MikkUTF-16 can't represent >65535 those at all
12:24.32MikkIt's kind of pointless
12:24.41MikkSo the only realistic alternatives are UTF-8 and UTF-32
12:24.48MikkAnd UTF-32 is so bloody wasteful it makes me cry
12:24.50MikkWhich leaves UTF-8
12:24.57krkaUTF-17 FTW
12:25.01Corrodiaswhat i've seen in mIRC indicates that UTF-8 just assigns an "escape byte" that uses the next byte to decide the actual character. or maybe a set of escape bytes.
12:25.09MikkSomething like that, yes
12:25.31MikkActually, the first byte has a length indicator in a few bits, and then the first few bits of the actual codepoint
12:25.33MikkIt's rather compact
12:25.35Corrodiasthat's why i've started to see odd things in people's text, lately, involving an A with a circle above it
12:25.38zenzelezzthought it was more of a follow-up bit on the first byte
12:25.50zenzelezzsort of "hey, you're not done with me"
12:25.52MikkThe common denominator is that ALL UTF-8 encoded characters over 127 have the high bit set
12:26.00DoomGaze3lol, mikk! this program HATES me
12:26.16DoomGaze3I try to invite one of the dummie toons
12:26.24MikkUgh don't do that
12:26.29MikkJust edit config.lua
12:26.36MikkIt has a _PARTY struct
12:26.42MikkI haven't even touched inviting
12:27.28DoomGaze3CPP monkeys say struct. :DDD
12:27.45zenzelezznot necessarily
12:27.53MikkI'm not a CPP monkey. I'm a C/asm monkey :-P
12:28.19MentalPowerCorrodias: you mean that "ñ" displays as two characters?
12:28.31MentalPowerlol, use Chatzilla
12:28.32Corrodiasi'm using an apparently outdated version of mIRC
12:28.41zenzelezzit does when your client isn't set to interpret the character encoding
12:28.42MentalPowerits free, fast and opesource
12:28.45DoomGaze3Classes are much different then structs.  Although, lexically, lua can emulate classes
12:28.46Mikkwhat's that display like?
12:28.49Corrodiaszenzelezz: or doesn't understand it
12:28.58zenzelezzthat too
12:29.01CorrodiasMikk: å
12:29.22Corrodiaswhether or not you see -that- as i do is not something i can determine from here.
12:29.24zenzelezzalthough I think my X-Chat used to display a small square with four numbers in it (the code) when it couldn't display it, rather than just two characters
12:29.54MentalPowerok that is an a with circle above it
12:30.05Corrodiasplus a "yen" symbol after it
12:30.06MentalPowerpreciously whatever you typed showed up as a space char
12:30.21MikkMaybe I should just stick with UTF-8
12:30.49MentalPowerCorrodias: seriously upgrade to something a bit more... compliant
12:30.56MikkOpera's IRC is kinda fun that way. Supports 30+ encodings
12:31.11MentalPowerwhat were you using before?
12:31.36Corrodiasi will, eventually
12:32.07Mikk8859-15 being western european + euro symbol iirc
12:32.18Corrodiasthere's a user-friendly name
12:32.41MikkISO names have never been user friendly :-P
12:33.03MikkThey're designed by bloody engineers. What do you expect? :-P
12:33.08MentalPoweryeah, ISO names are... wierd
12:33.33MentalPowerISO-9000, ISO-9001, ISO-9002 <---QUality control specs
12:33.49MikkAnd -14000 is quality control + environment
12:33.54Corrodiaswhen if they ran out of eight thousands? they'd have to put character encodings in the 10000's or something
12:34.22MikkCorrodias: Luckily they're basically not extending that shit anymore. It's unicode ftw now :-)
12:34.58Corrodiasi want a bumper sticker that says, "i cum for unicode". and a car.
12:35.17Mikk"and a car"
12:35.27MentalPoweryeah, that was the best part
12:35.32Mikkmm =)
12:36.47Corrodiasit's really the part i care more about.
12:42.04Corrodiassilly cheapass projectors. like i would really be satisfied with a resolution of 800x600
12:45.17Corrodias1280x720, now that's more like it. "more" like it. still not near it, though.
12:47.10Corrodiasoh, eww... "Replacement bulbs are $999. The 400-watt bulb is rated at 2500 hours. There is no brightness adjustment to extend the bulb's life."
12:51.19Corrodiaslens not included? this is getting too involved for me
13:04.22MentalPoweris there a list of possible values for :SetDrawLayer somewhere?
13:04.32MentalPowerI can't seem to find one on the Wiki
13:09.35MentalPowernm, found it
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13:33.26zenzelezzlooks nice; but what is Itemizer?
13:33.43MentalPowerIts my LootLink replacement
13:34.29Mikmathat looks like Ludwig -
13:36.43MentalPowerI'm sorry, but where do you see the similarity?
13:37.32Mikmaand propably both do the same job
13:40.48MentalPowerthe only similarity is the same similarity between all itemDB addons, they all allow for re-linking of items
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13:50.21Corrodiasi love how it starts playing when it's still only about 20% as buffered as it needs to be
13:50.24Corrodiasgo youtube
13:51.50zenzelezzI always pause the things until the whole thing is loaded
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16:06.19cogwheeldo local variables defined in a for block go out of scope after the end of the loop?
16:06.58cogwheele.g for i=1,2 do local t = "hi" end print(t)
16:07.11Elkanoiirc yes. even the loops variable i will be gone
16:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
16:23.40cogwheelIs it legal to put "return" in a chunk that's not actually inside a function? e.g. /script if true then return else end
16:27.37wereHamsterdid you try "/script if true then return else end" in-game?
16:28.15Abenadianyone know how +healing affects Prayer of Healing? Is it (3/3.5) divided by 3 because its AOE?
16:29.02Hexarobianyone know of an addon that auto-deletes grey items from mobs so you can skin em?
16:29.50AbenadiHex, don't think its possible to do that. Interacting with the loot window requires clicking
16:31.22wereHamsterare you sure it requires a hardware event?
16:32.50Hexarobiwhat about deleting grey items from ivnentory
16:32.55MikkThat doesn't require an event
16:33.02MikkSo yeah it's entirely possible to shiftloot and then delete shit
16:33.09wereHamsterbut does looting require one?
16:33.13Mikkfairly sure it does
16:33.43MikkCould test it I suppose....
16:33.59Hexarobibtw mikk, thanks for the warcraft2 sounds idea, it totally rocks with them added
16:34.03Mikkkewl =)
16:34.33Hexarobizugg zugg
16:34.46MikkAnyway, opening a loot window definitely requires an event... but i'm testing looting now..
16:34.49MikkJust for the hell of it.
16:35.20MikkCome to think of it... this is a pointless exercise
16:35.28MikkThe only way to get anything out of a loot window is to loot it
16:35.29cogwheelwereHamster: i'm at work atm, so i didn't get the chance... :P  I was just checking to make sure a macro I wrote for someone else would work
16:35.37MikkSo you really do have to loot the shit and then delete it
16:36.15Hexarobisomeone must have written it already
16:37.35krkabtw Hexarobi, you're mostly like commiting copyright violations by including the war2 graphics
16:37.43Abenadilooting requires more than a hardware event, it requires clicking in the loot pane. Its simply not scriptable.
16:38.33krkacogwheel:you can never be outside a function
16:38.47cogwheelthat's what I figured.
16:38.49MikkYeah.. there isn't even an API to loot a single item
16:39.01MikkUnless for master loot
16:39.30Hexarobiim hoping they like it enough to look the other way ;)
16:39.34Hexarobiif they ever see it
16:40.08MikkPlus it plays inside one of their own apps :-P
16:40.15Hexarobiill sell it to em and they can release it as an ingame warcraft 2 chess set item ;)
16:40.45MikkQuestion is if it doesn't fall under their "ok to use for fan stuff" clause
16:41.35MikkAs far as I know, blizz aren't in the business of being assholes about stuff like this.
16:41.45MikkUnlike some other companies I could mention
16:44.28Hexarobiblizz seems cool about that stuff, theyd take it as the homage it was intended to be
16:45.01MikkwereHamster: I'
16:45.06KirkburnAh, futurama has such a wonderful ending
16:45.12MikkwereHamster: I'm pretty sure people have written "junk crap in my inv" addons
16:45.13Endstrictly speaking, blizzard could take action, but I don't think that's something they'd want to do
16:45.46MikkEspecially given their "ok to use for fan stuff" clause
16:45.54Endwell, for a "fansite"
16:46.02Endthey do have a license for that
16:46.15Mikkis it esplicitly for _sites_ though?
16:46.22Endbut that only applies to specific WoW art :P
16:46.25Endyeah I think so
16:46.26Mikkthen again, this is going up on fan sites :-P
16:46.43MikkI wouldn't worry about it
16:46.51Endit says you can "display"
16:47.10MikkNot like they're going to come chasing after you with a horde of lawyers first thing if they don't like it. Especially seeing as how you're making $0.00 out of it.
16:47.16Endof course, that doesn't apply to warcraft II artwork, but I agree, there shouldn't be any problem with you using it
16:47.26MikkIf they don't like it they're just going to tell you to stop in legalese and nothing more to it.
16:48.15MikkAs a matter of fact, they couldn't even get anything out of going to a court of law other than a cease and desist order unless they could show losses.
16:48.20krkaif you're really paranoid, don't give me credit for it though
16:48.26krkain case blizzard is angry with me
16:48.38KirkburnC'mon .. they won't care
16:48.44MikkThey won't
16:48.52dao_at_workjust say it was all Mikk's idea.
16:48.53MikkJust saying it's completely safe even if they did
16:49.05dao_at_workHe pressured you into it!
16:49.10Endit is definitely Mikk's idea
16:49.14KirkburnThere's a point where legality becomes pointless to discuss
16:49.15Endit's all his fault
16:49.20dao_at_workMasterminded the whole thing.
16:49.29MikkI thought we agreed it was Kirkburn's fault last night!
16:49.32MikkOr was that something else...
16:49.50MikkOhwait that was something on the wiki
16:50.20KirkburnI'm nearing 2500 edits :P
16:51.29KirkburnThey've announced the EU battlegroups!
16:52.19KirkburnOne of them has a grand total of two servers
16:52.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
16:52.52MoonWolfbig improvement there!
16:56.36KirkburnMy server is in battlegroup one, it's so old :P
16:57.19Rallionpshh, I had my first chracter on my server less than an hour after the servers went live
16:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
16:59.32KirkburnYa boo to you
16:59.47KirkburnAnyone know what time the EU servers went live?
17:00.03KirkburnI started at about 4pm
17:01.30Rallionno idea
17:01.38KirkburnWell that's no good!
17:02.24RallionYou're all the way across this crazy-big ocean, I can't be bothered to care about you people. You people with your...ugh...culture.
17:03.48MikkwereHamster: Just trigger on CHAT_MSG_LOOT. It has item links in it.ö
17:04.04MikkAs you receive gray items, you can just scan for them in the inventory and junk them.
17:05.06Abenadiif an addon needs to communicate with only one person in a raid, is it better to whisper or use sendaddonmessage(... "raid")?
17:05.18MikkI say whisper
17:05.25MikkBlizzard don't agree
17:05.36Mikk"AddOn Whisper communication is not encouraged."
17:05.53cogwheelUnitIsDead vs. UnitIsCorpse .... any advice? (to be used on a mob)
17:06.11KasoDont show blizzard the TexasHoldem mod, Mikk :>
17:06.38MikkDuh. My loot handler mod uses ONLY whisper commns
17:06.45zenzelezzhm, don't some mobs "feign", like those Reanimated Corpses in Scholomance?
17:06.49MikkFlood fill data sync across the raid leaders
17:06.56zenzelezzkill them, they "die", then resurrect and you kill them for real
17:07.08ThraeWhisper communication can't be squelched, unlike channels. And auto-ignore features may ignore whispers without proper throttling.
17:07.13Kasowhen they "die" dont they just hold on 1hp
17:07.32MikkThrae: without proper throttling?
17:07.44Mikkhow can something you want to ignore ever be throttled?
17:07.58MikkI mean.. it's kind of up to the sender  o.O
17:08.06ThraeMikk: Auto-ignore, hence it'll ignore too many whispers sent in X amount of time.
17:08.21MikkSomething like that might ignore whatever that's sending too often
17:08.25MikkRegardless of channel
17:08.44MikkIt's for my guild. I tell them to not be idiots.
17:08.46MikkProblem solved.
17:09.13ThraeI don't doubt you can code it well Mikk, the problem lies when a whisper communication mod is -not- coded well.
17:09.25KirkburnTelling people not to be be idiots always works well :P
17:09.28ThraeBut it's mostly Blizzard just being anal.
17:09.56Kirkburn*I* doubt that Mikk can code it well ;)
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17:14.21KirkburnHmm, what DVD to watch next: a) Star Wars IV  b) Aladdin  c) Shaun of the Dead
17:15.21KirkburnIt wasn't rhetorical
17:16.50KirkburnYou have selected b)
17:17.03zenzelezzno I haven't
17:18.22KirkburnBad dubbing?
17:18.28RallionIf I were you, I would select A.
17:18.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
17:18.50RallionHowever, I am not you, and being ME my selected would be V for Vendetta.
17:19.09Kirkburn(apparently, crime is "a feature of the South African landscape" according to the BBC. You better watch out for those trees, y'know)
17:19.27RallionThat tree stole my wallet!
17:19.28KirkburnI've yet to see that
17:19.43RallionOh, I enjoy it a great deal
17:20.07Cidehmm, doing: "this,movey = nil" instead of "this.movey = nil" is a bad idea
17:21.23TemTOO SOON
17:21.29Kirkburnweoooooooowwwww, look, Aladdin's got THX which means nothing at all *oooooh*
17:21.55Kirkburnsorry, boss
17:23.04Cide(microscopic fireball hits executus and he dies instantly)
17:23.09Enduh oh
17:23.15KirkburnArrraaaaaabian niiiighhttts, like Aaaarrrabiaannnnn daaaaaays!
17:23.28CideAnd now for you, insects.. Face the wrath of Ragnaros
17:23.28Endwho let Rag out?
17:23.30Cideor something like that
17:23.35CideI forgot that exact quote
17:24.20Cidenah, I failed on that one
17:24.21Cide# DIE, INSECT!
17:24.31Rallionhehe Aladdin does have some excellent music, doesn't it?
17:24.57KirovThe original words to the opening song of aladdin were "Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face. It's barbaric, but hey it's home.", which made it in to the original soundtrack release, but for the home movie version (both vhs and later dvd) they changed it to "Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense, it's barbaric, but hey it's home."
17:24.57KirkburnExcellent music ... and robin williams, which puts it over the top :P
17:25.31KirovIt's still voiced by Robin Williams, but it sounds like he forgot how to do the voice, and it's a different volume, so it just kind of pops in there and sounds wrong.
17:25.46RallionAt least they didn't replace it with a horrible line that doesn't fit.
17:25.53GngskI still have the original soundtrack on casette tape
17:27.00Kasoi still think ragnaros is the coolest moment in all of wow
17:27.16KirkburnYou're right, it is different!
17:27.22Kasothough from seeing videos of frostwyrm lair that might be pretty amazing
17:27.23Temyay for rag quites
17:28.21Cideyay for cool timers
17:28.28Temcool timers?
17:28.41Cidebeen working on some cool timers!
17:28.49Endseeing rag for the first time was definitely awesome
17:28.55TemEnd, indeed
17:29.04KirovCide - boss timers?
17:29.45Kasocool how?
17:29.58Cidethey look very smooth
17:30.04Cidefade in, smooth movement and stuff
17:30.21Kirkburnyay for cool timers!
17:30.36KirkburnI've never seen Rag neither. Nor. Niet.
17:30.47Ciderag's cool
17:30.52Cidefirst time anyway
17:30.56zenzelezzI love Ragnaros... bosses with an attitude are awesome
17:31.10zenzelezzNefarian seems fun too, but my guild's yet to take down Razorgore
17:31.33EndI've only gotten -to- Nef so far
17:31.35Cidenefarian's a more fun fight than ragnaros, but the "oh shit" moment was better for ragnaros
17:31.46KirkburnKel'thuzad's a bit of a dood too, ain't he :P
17:31.51RallionThe roughest locations I've been to are LBRS and Strat
17:31.53KirovRagnaros has the best opening
17:31.59Cidebest fight in the game right now is either noth or heigan, I'd say
17:32.07zenzelezzI just love the taunts and stuff
17:32.19RallionOh, man, I've been playing War3 campaigns again, and I think I need to seek out what Kel'Thuzad looks like in WoW
17:32.28zenzelezz"By fire be purged!" still kills me too often
17:32.39EndKel'Thuzad looks fairly similarly afaik
17:32.54Cidepretty similar to how araj / ras look
17:33.09KirovI haven't made it to Noth
17:33.24Rallionthere are actually a lot of things that look better in War3 than in WoW
17:33.28EndI think Kel'Thuzad might have a slightly different skin, but his model is probably the same
17:33.28zenzelezzthey're all liches, aren't they? Would make sense that they look alike
17:33.28Cidethat fight is simply awesome
17:33.31zenzelezzalso the end-boss in RFD
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17:33.42Endyeah it would make sense
17:33.59KirovOnly seen Anub'Rekhan and Instructor Resuvious from Naxx.  I quit the guild I was in and we're basically starting from scratch, so we're doing MC this week for the first time.
17:34.09RallionMy guild has 6 people in it.
17:34.12KirovHalf the guild in T2 8/8, the other half in blues and greens.
17:34.48MikkThat's going to cause friction
17:34.50MikkA lot
17:34.57Endyeah probably
17:35.04Cidefriction is a myth!
17:35.27MikkAnyway.. i need to get some actual coding done and it ain't happening while I'm idling in IRC so...
17:35.32Endmy guild is mostly T1/T2 with some blue+few epics, and we have friction
17:35.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
17:36.18Enderm I mean  mostly T1/T2 people and then some -other- are blue people
17:36.28KirovWell, my old guild, the 5 main hunters from it left when I did and joined the same guild, so they were left guildless.  Then they and another guild (who most of my old guild hates, and they hate us) merged in to one ... at which point all of their hunters quit too.
17:36.37KirovSo, they're still fucked.
17:36.43KirovThey have 1 hunter.
17:36.53KirovDown from 12 or so
17:37.57Endhmm, my guild is probably one of the oldest on my server
17:38.55TemAgreed, the "Oh Shit!" moment for Rag is awesome
17:39.32KirovEnd how old?
17:40.07Temmine too, I think
17:40.20Temwe formed up in the begining of december 04
17:40.24KirovEnd - my old guild was one of the first to down Rag on my server, first to kill Nefarian, first to kill 3 out of 4 of the green dragons, and the only one to finish the AQ opening quest chain.
17:40.56KirovAnd then we entered AQ40 and half the main raiding team quit the game out of boredom
17:41.00Temwe didn't start raiding until a year in though
17:41.02Endwell, no original guild on my server retains the same name since start
17:41.28Temthere are only 2 guilds that I know of that retains the orignal name
17:41.32Temmine and one other
17:41.45Endactually, I can think of a couple on alliance side
17:41.49Endnone on horde side
17:42.26Endmy guild "started" out as underground knights, but the guild leader stopped playing so it pretty much reformed
17:42.42Endwe didn't start raiding til about 10 months ago though
17:43.15Endmost horde guilds (my faction) have reformed several times in the last year, if not more
17:43.44Endone guild has mostly retained the same name, but has gone through about 6 or 7 name changes in the last year
17:43.52Enderm, same members I mean
17:44.34KirovOne of the oldest horde guilds on my server still exists, but they changed names once, then split in to two guilds, then merged again under a new name.
17:45.28KirovTheir GM keeps quitting the game then coming back.
17:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
18:05.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
18:06.20Abenadiif a hunter uses PetAttack(), and then himself selects another creature with the same name and level, can I check if they're different using UnitIsUnit("playertarget","playerpettarget")?
18:06.38Abenadior do pets not have targets persay?
18:06.40cogwheel"pettarget" should work
18:06.51cogwheeland plain target
18:06.56Abenadioh yeah, sorry
18:06.59Kirovplayertarget works
18:07.10Kirovbut I believe it queries the server
18:07.15Kirovwhich is bad
18:07.39AbenadiMy main question was can the petattack feature be used to distinguish mobs
18:07.42krkayou dont have to write "player" before "target" you know
18:07.48AbenadiI KNOW
18:07.49Abenadithanks : )
18:07.56Abenadimissing the point!!!
18:08.06cogwheelOnce you call PetAttack() your pet is on his own
18:08.09krkathat's what i do best
18:08.19TupladCore.lua:9: bad argument #1 to `upper' (string expected, got nil)
18:08.19AnotherRandomAssYou know you can use just "target" right?
18:08.24Tupladafter joining raid :\
18:08.54cogwheelI see what you're saying...
18:08.55Tupladwrong chat har har
18:08.58krkabut yeah... pets do have their own targetrs
18:09.07krkaand UnitIsUnit will work
18:09.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
18:09.10cogwheelYes. the server gives specific identities to every mob.
18:09.12Temper se
18:09.28cogwheelYou just don't have access to them unless you can reference them by Unit Ids
18:09.45KirovOr use a third party program that reads the client's memory
18:09.54cogwheel~slap kirov
18:09.55purlACTION slaps kirov, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
18:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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18:19.37AbenadiIs the chat message the only way to identify who has the flag in WSG?
18:19.48Abenadiscripting-wise i mean
18:22.27wereHamsterwatching for "Player has picked up the flag" ?
18:22.50Abenadiyeah, i'm just wondering for when I come into a BG and someone already has the flag
18:22.56Meryuhm for your own team you could check whos in the same position as the flag but watching the events it prolly better...
18:22.57Abenadiso I don't get the message
18:23.49*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChi1munk (
18:23.50Abenadiand i mean for the other team
18:30.01Meryi don't think so
19:07.47ShadowedAbenadi: Watching CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE and CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE are the only way to get the flag carriers, if you're already in a game you can only get friendly carrier from comparing all the teammates positions with the flag ( as mikk said ), and if it's the enemy carrier you can't do anything about it
19:08.04Shadowed*if you join a game mid way in
19:09.45Abenadiright, thanks
19:11.18Shadowedif the server is lagging then sometimes the map isn't updated after a couple of seconds for the friendly carrier, so i wouldn't suggest relying on only that for getting it
19:21.05zenzelezzthree bosses so far in ZG, every one has dropped Band of Servitude
19:30.44Kirkburnah, Shaun of the Dead is so awesome
19:36.15Kasoindeed it is indeed it is
19:37.31Hexarobiwatched it last night ;)
19:39.14Kasook, random question but proberly someone can anwser it, howcome thottbott has various crafting recipes on it for items that dont exist, eg holy protection potion etc, are they attually spells havested from ingame or are they from somewhere
19:42.26cogwheelPeople probably go into their saved variables and mess around with the thottbot data
19:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:46.18AnduinLotharnah, the spell data is harvested from wdb files
19:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
19:47.09AnduinLotharso there are spells that are in the game and availible via console commands, but unaccessable by normal players
19:48.02AnduinLotharblizz designed holy prot from day 1 but decided not to impliment it
19:48.55KirovThere's stuff in the API for holy resistence
19:49.08KirovBut it appears to just share the same return as arcane
19:50.00ThraeProb. realized there's not enough Holy damage-dealing spells that aren't only vs Undead to require a separate Holy resistance
19:50.01Kirov - farmed from in-game btw
19:50.27AnduinLotharwell, all paladin spell damage is holy
19:50.28Kirovwhich I haven't updated for this patch
19:50.36Kirovpaladin, priest
19:50.44KirovPriest does shadow and holy
19:50.48AnduinLotharwhich is one of the only reason paladins are viable in melee
19:51.00AnduinLotharbecause their spells can't be resisted
19:51.06KirovThey can
19:51.12ThraeWho would ever gear vs Paladins?
19:51.15ShadowedI though they can still be resisted by level check, but you can't stack resists?
19:51.15AnduinLotharwell, there's a general resistance
19:51.26Kirovholy spell resistances still obey the level difference
19:51.49Shadowedthe wiki is slow
19:51.52AnduinLotharthere's no partial resistance is what i meant
19:52.08AnduinLotharyou can all out block any spell
19:52.15AnduinLotharsame % chance
19:53.12AnduinLotharbut since pallies don't have multiple spell types if you had holy gear you would be immune to all of their non-white damage
19:53.30AnduinLotharwhere as any other class with spell damage could jsut pick a diff type of magic
19:53.43Kirovshadowed - that ItemString page is around 500kb
19:53.50ShadowedThat'd probbly do it
19:54.27Shadowedof Twain
19:55.10AnduinLothargod, curse takes forever to approve addons
19:55.44KirovShadowed - yeah, no idea what it's there for.
19:55.46Shadowedthey don't have people sitting there hitting refresh all day like Cairenn!
19:55.52KirovSome legacy thing
19:56.11AnduinLotharya, but they should at least have them emailed to the admins or something
19:56.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
19:56.24AnduinLotharit's not like they get hundreds of submits a day
19:56.44Shadowedprobably Mikk's fault
19:56.48AnduinLotharor auto-accept from 'prefered' authors...
19:57.02AnduinLotharyou'd think they'd trust me by now.
19:57.25AnduinLotharprolly just not coded into their software
19:57.32Mikk~whaleambush Shadowed
19:57.33purlACTION ambushes Shadowed with Giovanni, a whale that's a bit too big to be a dagger
19:57.58AnduinLotharwow... this addon dropdown menu has GOT to go..
19:58.20AnduinLothartakes up 3/4 the height of my screen fully maximized
19:58.50AnduinLotharand it's not alphabetized :'(
19:59.14ShadowedI wonder how hard it would be to "remove" forced BG groups and make it use the original ones
19:59.15AnduinLotharhmmm... i think it's time to automate myself..
20:00.01AnduinLothardolby-wowi: any news on that http input submit for wowi updates?
20:00.24AnduinLotharor cladbot/clad|work was working on it, no?
20:01.47KirovApart from one of the programers, I think silver is the only curse admin that comes to this channel.
20:02.06Kirovand the programer only came once as far as I can remember.
20:02.08Cairennnet is in here by times
20:02.13CairennZinor is still here
20:02.18Kirov~seen net
20:02.31purlnet <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 96d 7h 25m 54s ago, saying: 'i speak a bit of everything .P i have been all around in the europe for some months'.
20:02.32Shadowed~seen Zinor
20:02.34purlzinor is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 46m 48s), last said: 'that coilfang instance sounds good'.
20:02.48Shadowed~seen net/curse
20:02.51purli haven't seen 'net/curse', Shadowed
20:02.55Shadowedbad bot
20:03.00Mikk~seen netcurse
20:03.02purlnetcurse <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 18d 16h 55m 25s ago, saying: 'i think i can do this lego .p'.
20:03.23Shadowedhe didn't listen to lego, that's why he hasn't been back in two weeks
20:03.41Kirovwho ever listens to lego?
20:04.01AnduinLothari do, smart guy
20:04.01ShadowedI think the fact that he hasn't been back in 18 days is proof that listening to him is a good idea
20:04.46Mikkif you cba to look, #3 is the one to vote for :-P
20:05.06AnduinLotharare there any interesting latency bar mods?
20:05.18AnduinLotharall i've seen is an old minimap one
20:05.26MikkThe latency meter is bleh anyway
20:05.42MikkBe better to measure latency yourself
20:05.56MikkLike... how long does it take for a spell to start casting after you tell it to start
20:06.00AnduinLotharyeah, are there any interesting ways to display it or stats over time?
20:06.02ShadowedI don't really like #3
20:06.03KirovMikk - actually, I was curious how one goes about that
20:06.34MikkMyeah.. I was starting to think about that too
20:06.35AnduinLotharwhat might be interesting is a bar graph over time the overlays the minimap and can be toggled..
20:06.54Shadowedbut then again
20:07.00Shadowed1 and 2 are worst
20:07.01Kirovspecifically attempting to more accurately sync combat events across multiple clients
20:07.08MikkShadowed: keeping the current one is a valid option too =)
20:07.18AnduinLothar#3 is crap on widescreen
20:07.27Mikkhow so?
20:07.33AnduinLotharit's centered
20:07.40Kirovit's tiny
20:07.42AnduinLotharwith like 4in blank space on each side
20:07.49Kirov#1 is almost too big
20:07.50ShadowedThe color scheme seems kind of odd
20:08.18KirovShadowed - especially considering the rather consistant lack of color in the rest of the site
20:08.41AnduinLothari'm looking at it and it all looks super spread out on my resolution
20:08.55AnduinLothartons of whitespace
20:09.07ShadowedI'd vote but then i'd have to do actual math to figure out the timezone in EDT
20:09.38AnduinLotharthat's the timestamped signature, no?
20:09.54ShadowedThat'd require me to know what the timestamp signature is
20:10.06AnduinLothar-- i thought
20:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:10.30MikkShadowed: ~~~~
20:10.42AnduinLotharah, tildas
20:10.45MikkIt says how to do it in a bunch of places :-P
20:10.53AnduinLotharno where in your face tho
20:11.08AnduinLotharshould say it on every discussion edit page imo
20:11.17Mikkit says very much in your face in the votes
20:11.20Mikkjust click edit and see
20:11.32Shadowedhow dare you accuse me of paying attention
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20:11.50AnduinLotharanyway. i like the text formatting of #3, just not the layout
20:12.24Mikkit's easy to remove the max-width statement
20:12.26Shadowedagreed with AL, the color scheme is odd considering the wiki doesn't have much color in general
20:12.39AnduinLotharlike the only good thing it has going in layout is that you can make the window 5in wide and still read it
20:12.49Mikkbut making it flow to max width looks shit since there's so little text
20:13.13AnduinLotharright, can we make more collumns?
20:13.22AnduinLotharor collumns or collumns
20:13.54Mikkhow wide is your screen?
20:14.01AnduinLothar20" wide
20:14.02Mikki'm at 1280 and it looks good to me o.O
20:14.14AnduinLothar1680 i htink
20:15.10Mikkmaking a lot more columns kind of breaks down in lower resultions ya know
20:15.10AnduinLothargranted i dont usually strethc pages that wide
20:15.27Shadowedi'm at 1600x1200 and I don't think it looks that bad at maximum width, just don't like the color scheme
20:15.28EndI don't like 3 because I have to scroll down to get to the API link :P
20:15.38AnduinLotharya end same
20:15.48Shadowedgo vote then!
20:16.00AnduinLotharnah, i'm trying to think of improvement
20:16.20AnduinLothari prefer the current for accessability
20:16.23Endwell, I don't like 1, and 2 is pretty meh
20:16.25GryphenBoo Cosmos libs ganked
20:16.39AnduinLotharmikk's been trying to do that for ages
20:16.58cogwheel2 looked nice until i got past the first box... all the other boxes below it gave me a headache
20:17.04Gryphenno one click access
20:17.14ShadowedI'd probably remove the "welcome to wiki" and such info since it's explained at the bottom anyway, and use less colors.
20:17.35Shadowedwould use #3 then
20:21.20Mikkwell.. it's not like i'm trying to twist anyone's arm.. vote for something if you like it, or don't vote at all if you could care less :-P
20:22.14GryphenI vote for whatever gives the first project on the wiki top billing ;p
20:23.58Hexarobimove what is wiki? below the links is an excellent idea
20:24.29Shadowednot the what is wiki the "welcome to the wiki" at the top of the mage
20:28.55Shadowedanyway, AFK!
20:32.19MikkI don't see what's wrong with having "welcome" at the top. Putting "welcome" below a wall of text is kinda silly imo :-P
20:32.25MikkBut that's just my opinion =)
20:32.42Hexarobiya, i like the welcome at the top, then the links, then the what is wiki
20:33.15TainI vote no welcome at all.
20:36.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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20:45.32Hexarobiis there a way to force a reload of certain addons?
20:46.02Hexarobilike if im continually working on one, but i dont wanna disable everything but it because im in bg que
20:46.12Kirovcan't be done localy to a single addon
20:46.28Hexarobithey should code that in ;)
20:46.49AbenadiHow do I break out early from a "for index,value in pairs(table) do" loop?
20:47.03Abenadican I use "break"?
20:47.37cogwheelthat's what break is for
20:47.41cogwheelno pun intended ;)
20:48.22AbenadiI wasn't sure if you could use break in a for loop, i knew you could use it in a while loop
20:51.09Kasoif you're learning lua abenadi its good to have lua standalone installed on your computer then you quicky test stuff like that out
20:51.15cogwheeltechnically it has nothing to do with the "for".... it's merely the do...end pair. (you can actually put do...end without for or while if you wanted)
20:53.16cogwheelat least that's what the manual seems to say ...
21:00.51Kirkburn1C'mon please vote for my baby! =)
21:01.19Kirkburn1The baby you are looking for is number 3
21:01.33Kirkburn1It's "cute"
21:01.39KirovCan I vote for option 4?
21:01.44Kirkburn1And it'll grow up and solve world hunger
21:01.46MikkIf you design it first :-P
21:02.28KirovIt's just an empty page that says "WOW ZOMG WIKI" and a graphic of an arrow pointing to the side bar
21:02.41Kirkburn1The baby you are looking for is number 3
21:03.27Kirkburn1Wait, shouldn't it be "WOW ZOMG WOW WIKI"
21:04.09Kirkburn1With a big picture of Mr. Orly
21:04.35Kirkburn1On the topic of the sidebar, I don't understand why the 'vote' is still there
21:05.39MikkBecause I need to be made an admin so I can remove it :-P
21:06.10Kirkburn1I really would vote for you as an admin, y'know
21:06.36Hexarobime too
21:12.40KirkburnThe baby you are looking for is number 3
21:13.02GryphenI vote current
21:13.51Kirkburn(I'm open to suggestions)
21:14.06Gryphenreasons above :p
21:14.11zenzelezzneat, Amplify Magic for Ragnaros fight o_O
21:14.28Gryphen<3 advertising
21:15.38MikkGryphen wants the Cosmos link on the main page :-P
21:16.15KirkburnJust noticed :P
21:16.25KirkburnI thought it was
21:16.28KirkburnIt shuld be
21:17.05KirkburnAdding it back now
21:18.27KirkburnWould it be reasonable to add the blue tracker under useful links to balance it out?
21:18.41Kirkburn(Cosmos adds one to the left, leaving a space on the right)
21:19.18MikkSounds very useful
21:19.26MikkToo few know about it
21:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
21:20.09AnduinLotharput norg's forum scrubber on there too
21:20.15Grypheni always forget about it
21:20.20Grypheni always you thotts
21:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
21:22.01KirkburnLink to norgs scrubber?
21:22.21KirkburnAdded Cosmos:
21:24.16Kirovwe need this on the front page of WowWiki
21:24.38AnduinLotharace is a bunch of girl, eh?
21:25.13Kirovyes, but hawt girls
21:25.15Mikk... and that's why the front page is protected :-P
21:25.53ShadowedCosmos would probably win from sheer size
21:26.25KirovI wanted to find a picture of subzero vs. scorpion from MK3, but couldn't find it
21:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobee (i=Hexarobe@
21:27.27Kirovmk3 had the best vs. screen
21:27.35Rallion|AwayI wouldn't mess with Chun-Li
21:27.50Hexarobeei crashed and come back to mk vs street fighter?
21:28.09KirkburnUpdated the useful links:
21:29.26AnduinLothari'm working on a #4
21:29.48AnduinLotharwhat's the link to the Addon cat?
21:29.51Kirov roar
21:31.09KirkburnAlso, I just fixed max-width to work on IE7 :D
21:31.21KirkburnMikk, it only works for divs, so it seems
21:32.29MikkIE sux
21:32.33Mikk80em not 50em?
21:32.37GryphenFF sux
21:32.39KirkburnAnduinLothar complained
21:32.46Kirkburn50em was pushing it rather
21:32.51MikkNow I'm complaining. It looks retarted with all that space
21:32.59Hexarobeehtml sucks
21:33.19KirkburnYou can't please everyone :)
21:33.25Kirovyes you can
21:33.34Hexarobeelet apple do it
21:33.40Shadowedit's called "telling everyone who disagrees to shut up and deal"
21:33.40MikkAL shouldn't run his bloody browser full screen wide on his 1680 pixel wide screen. end of story :-P
21:33.45Kirovkill those who don't like it, and the remaining people will be "everyone"
21:33.59GryphenI dont see any problem in IE with the version before your latest edit Kirkburn
21:34.12KirkburnThe max-width didn't work
21:34.23ShadowedI always run my browser at full screen, don't really like all the empty space in it
21:34.25AnduinLotharis there a page for non-addon develement tools?
21:35.15KirkburnHow do you mean?
21:35.38MikkDo you want the width like it was or like it's now? (wider)
21:35.39AnduinLotharlike blp2 converters and the xml creator app
21:35.49Grypheni liked it as it was before in IE7
21:35.49Mikki think its in there AL
21:35.57AnduinLotharfind a link for me
21:36.23GryphenIt may not have been what it was supposed to be, but i liked the look.
21:36.32AnduinLotharand why'd the widget link get nuked from the front page candidates?
21:36.32Mikk  "Development Tools" box
21:36.47MikkBecause of the nice interface customization menu that's actually useful now
21:36.52Mikkthe one you're not looking at :-P
21:37.23KirkburnGryphen, the difference should only be that in IE7 it'll now limit the width rather than looking stupidly large on a widescreen monitor
21:40.53Mikkon a side note.. the lower half doesn't do that still :-P
21:43.40KirkburnThe div encloses the entire table
21:44.04AnduinLothar2 tables
21:44.28KirkburnThe other table still had a max-width defined
21:44.45Kirkburn(Okay the div enclosed both tables ;)
21:44.54KirkburnAnd I notice you've reduced it to 60em  now :/
21:45.46KirkburnIt might be fine at 1280, but it starting to look odd at 1440
21:45.50AnduinLothar80 imo
21:45.54MikkEverything looks shit about 1280
21:46.14MikkEither there'll be lots of space, or the lines will be too long to read
21:46.17AnduinLotharnm 60 is good for your vers
21:46.25AnduinLothari added a collomn to mine and am using 80
21:48.01Mikkadd it to the vote then =)
21:48.12AnduinLotharstill thinking
21:48.30AnduinLotharnot sure i like the two font sizes on the top line
21:48.49AnduinLotharbut i think 'welcome' is silly
21:49.01KirkburnYou have to remember that not everyone has a large monitor AnduinLothar
21:49.16KirkburnWe have to be able to support those at 1024
21:49.25AnduinLotharya, it's a little bunched up if i only use half my screen
21:49.45KirkburnDon't let it stop you testing stuff though :D
21:50.04AnduinLothardoesn't look too bad on 1024 imo
21:50.21KirkburnAnd 800x600
21:50.38AnduinLotharnah, i dont support 800
21:50.55AnduinLotharif you have a pda use a pda format
21:51.08AnduinLotharotherwise even 10" laptops have 1024
21:51.19KirkburnI know the welcome bit seems odd for frequent visitors, but there's always new people coming to the wiki, so they need something to welcome them
21:51.27AnduinLothari dissagree
21:51.51AnduinLotharyou dont put welcome in a header to a technical paper
21:52.00AnduinLotharand you dont put a welcome on a toc
21:52.06Mikkit's a front page
21:52.06KirkburnThis is a website though, not a technical paper :/
21:52.11AnduinLotharwhy should you put one on a website
21:52.12Mikkwe can move the toc to another page if you like
21:52.33AnduinLotharand increase page traffic needlessly? no thanks
21:52.37Mikkprecisely :-P
21:52.42Mikkah bah
21:52.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
21:53.09Gryphenlooked ok on my 24" widescreen :)
21:55.30KirkburnI'm really enjoying coding my websites :D Just converted a pure tables website of mine to pure divs, without it changing design at all =)
22:08.41KirkburnLol, I know I read the eredar page saying 'no female eredar have been seen' many many times, but never realised how obviously wrong it was :/
22:09.15Kirovyeah, no playable female eredar have been seen, but the NPCs were all over the place at E3
22:17.25AnduinLotharwhat's the main page bg color?
22:17.36AnduinLothar303030 is too dark
22:19.44KirkburnThe site's backgrounds are 333333
22:19.48AnduinLothar333333 it is
22:28.16*** part/#wowi-lounge lhunath (
22:31.17AnduinLothargah... none of the dark blue colors display correctly
22:31.40zespri_workwhat are you doing, Anduin?
22:31.55AnduinLotharworking on
22:34.41AnduinLotharthere, changed the header
22:38.15zespri_workBtw, Andu, do we have sane template for cosmos addon desc? I was going to add a page for DurabilityStatus
22:40.06AnduinLothar or
22:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
22:53.45AnduinLotharok, i added mine, you can vote for it now
22:55.38AnduinLotharok, that's enough website putzing for one day for me
23:01.19ShadowedI only see Old, 1, 2, 3
23:01.54ShadowedIE cache is being annoying
23:02.10clad|workAnduinLothar: What was I working on?
23:03.14AnduinLotharmmm, i'm not positive it was you clad, but i remember someone askign dolby to allow for remote addon publishing and someone was workign on a script to upload them from you computer
23:04.56cladhaireAnduinLothar: Ah no, that wasn't me =)
23:05.03cladhaireI think ckknight looked at it
23:05.05cladhairebut don't quote me on it =)
23:06.26AnduinLotharwhat don't you like about it?
23:06.42ShadowedIt doesn't match the wiki at all
23:07.06AnduinLotharthe wiki's completely uncolored
23:07.15AnduinLotharcolor takes time
23:07.25ShadowedHaving every page uncolored and then only one colored looks odd in general
23:07.32AnduinLotharmost pages dont need to be visually appealing
23:07.58AnduinLotharwell, the main page WAS uncolored, that was the standard set
23:08.14AnduinLotharif you want to color things you have to make a prominent example
23:09.00ShadowedIf you want to start coloring things then you should probably discuss how you're going to do it, and not just update one page
23:09.05AnduinLotharneeds to bee a wiki shortcut for those header bars
23:11.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
23:11.54Serachtif I have a question about a mod where would I ask it?
23:12.05Serachtit says not to ask in replies about the mod
23:12.44ckknighthey all, back
23:14.52KirkburnY'know I hadn't realised that it's only 2 months until Vista is supposed to be finished
23:15.19AnduinLotharwhere's gello...
23:15.24AnduinLothar~seen gello
23:15.43purlgello <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 15d 7h 46m 5s ago, saying: 'DressUpModel:SetUnit takes eons on 1.12. If any of you have a mod that uses models I'd make sure you use PlayerModel instead.'.
23:15.51Hexarobeesera, i think the idea is every mod gets a thread in the forums for asking questions
23:15.54KirkburnShadowed, it's the main page - it's not as if all of wikipedia's pages look like their front page
23:16.05ckknightKirkburn, you really think Vista will come in 2 months?
23:16.08ckknightI don't
23:16.20ckknightand I see Vista as a good thing
23:17.33KirkburnInteresting article on it:
23:20.37KirkburnA rather humourous article :P
23:21.02cogwheelhehe.... "And then there are the online pundits, many of whom are barely old enough to legally buy alcohol. These guys are classic. Let's just say that a lack of experience and a strongly worded opinion don't result in the most coherent of arguments and leave it at that."
23:22.01SerachtHexarobee alright
23:22.07Serachtkirk problem with clearfont lol
23:22.29KirkburnHello to you too :)
23:22.49Kirkburnsorry ... seracht dood, hi, lolz
23:22.52SerachtI tried changing the font (by changing font in the /fonts folder) but clearfont overrides it to its normal font
23:23.04Serachtso I deleted clear font :(
23:23.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Mery (
23:24.17SerachtI downloaded clearfont (the newest ones) and it has 2 folders, one that is in addons and one in the main WoW folder (this is the /Fonts folder)
23:24.30SerachtI tried to change fonts, (to calibiri) so I changed it in the fonts folder
23:24.43Serachtbut when I load the UI, clearfont switches it over to the clearfont font you have
23:25.15KirkburnYou have to replace all the font files
23:25.51Kirkburn(going back to Vista ... I hope that for the next version, Vienna, they'll just say it'll be done when it's done)
23:26.43KirkburnThe WoW/Fonts folder does the basic work, the AddOn...\Fonts folder does all the different styles
23:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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23:27.58Seracht:) thanks
23:29.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
23:29.59TupladWhat's the difference between this:RegisterEvent and self:RegisterEvent ?
23:30.14cladhaireTuplad: this: does it on the frame, self: uses AceEvent.
23:33.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
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23:34.21KirkburnLet us celebrate random british weirdness:
23:37.01*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:38.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
23:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge SilvioGarona (

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