irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060801

00:00.19AnduinLotharspose i dont need to make ConsisTint embeddable
00:03.49KirkburnAlso, Vivendi have the money, not Blizz
00:04.04Kirkburn(a large part, at least)
00:12.18KirkburnIt's amazing how few journalists care that E3 is being downsized ... most are actually happy
00:12.40cladhaireits a good thing for them
00:12.43cladhairethey won't "miss" things now.
00:12.52cladhairethe can cover things in greater detail imo
00:12.58cladhairebut thats' just rehashing every news story
00:13.08KirkburnTis true
00:13.30KirkburnI think many few getting fed up on being told "wait for E3, when you'll spend 3 days without sleep!"
00:18.43cladhaireCide: Why oh why won't take PNG =(
00:19.31Cidehm, it won't?
00:19.36Kirovcladhaire - because jpgs can be compressed down to shit when they're uploaded?
00:19.46Kirovand pngs are always big
00:19.51CideCurrently, we allow Jpeg, Gif, Tiff, Png, Bmp, Tga, Psd image formats. We also allow batch uploads via Zip format.
00:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
00:21.08cladhaireCide: it says invalid image when i upload a png
00:21.14cladhairelet me get the message
00:21.40cladhaireInvalid image type (PNG).  Redirecting.
00:23.29Cidelet me check the code
00:23.37cladhaireCide: aaah.. is it perhaps disabled for temp uploads?
00:23.41cladhairecause it worked as a main upload
00:24.07cladhairebut temp didn't work
00:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
00:24.37Cideah, yeah
00:24.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cowheel|away (n=chatzill@
00:24.48CideI copied that from the upload page
00:26.23Cidethis idea will revolutionize wow:
00:28.48ZiconHow very ... Mario Party.
00:28.57Kirov"The alliance team has attempted a late impressionist painting with wonderfully muted emotion, the horde team however has accurately depicted Van Gogh's missing ear and thus we are giving the victory to the ho ... oh, wait, all of the horde are dead, Alliance win."
00:28.58KirkburnWell actually there's a good idea behind that
00:29.36KirkburnThe idea of making people cover as much ground as possible in order to win - i.e. you can't sit and gain honor without doing anything :)
00:30.13Kirkburn*honour :)
00:30.41KirovI'm just imagining a masterpeice of art with "WTF PWND LOL111" written over it
00:31.16CideI like his name, too... Davyhasselho
00:31.22KirkburnNO patch 2moro
00:31.41KirovIt might be kinda cool if any time you attack someone it dropped a bit of paint at that person's location, depending on how much damage you did.
00:35.42Hexarobianybody remeber warcraft2?
00:35.52Cowheel|awaybut of course!
00:36.59CogwheelI think that's the first computer game that ever kept me up all night.
00:37.17MentalPowerHexarobi: sorry about the delay, but your tga file looks like its working as intended
00:37.39MentalPowerthe shadow is alternated between full opaque and full transparent
00:37.40Hexarobishouldnt the transparant spots be transparant?
00:37.47MentalPowerthey are
00:38.15Hexarobiwhats wrong with alternating between full opaque and full transparant? the UI antialiases?
00:38.25MentalPowerpretty much
00:38.35MentalPoweryou can use 50% transparency
00:38.42Hexarobifor the shadow its not a problem
00:38.47MentalPowerthe alpha channel is 8bits like the other 3 channels
00:38.48Hexarobibut its leaving a lil white fuzz on the pieces
00:39.16Hexarobiis there a way to disable antialiasing for a texture?
00:39.27MentalPowernot that I know of
00:39.39MentalPowerother than making a texture exactly the size you want it
00:40.04MentalPowerie, if you're going to be displaying a texture at 256pixels sqare, make your texture that size
00:40.38MentalPoweroh, and you can use RLE compression, that saves a few bytes here and there
00:41.55Hexarobiah ok someone told me not to use rle
00:42.08MentalPowerI'm using it, no issues here
00:43.17Hexarobianybody used to play warcraft2?
00:43.23Hexarobiwerent there special hero units in the expansion?
00:43.30Hexarobior was that wc3?
00:43.49MentalPowerWC3 had special heroes in the normal one
00:43.54CogwheelI believe there were... I don't remember if it was just in the expansion though
00:44.03MentalPowermore were added in TFT
00:44.04Hexarobii know wc3 did, but did the wc2 expansion as well
00:44.11CogwheelI haven't played in a long time because i have the dos version which doesn't play nicely with WinXP
00:44.13MentalPowergood question
00:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:44.23Hexarobiim trying to find better pieces to represent the king
00:44.27Hexarobiand queen
00:45.47cladhairefrom wc2?
00:46.13TainElvis and Liberace?
00:46.41cladhairethere aren't any heros
00:46.42cladhaireso its tough
00:48.39CogwheelThose old WC2 graphics are simple enough you might be able to put a convincing crown on one of the other units ;P
00:51.37Hexarobiim not 16-bit artist
00:51.49Cogwheeltry 8-bit...
00:57.10TemHexarobi, methinks that the "horde" knights should be deathnights
00:57.47JoshBorkebecause obviously horde are evil? and should have evil knights? :-)
00:58.53Temmostly because they are the only mounted unit
00:59.21Temand it seems to me that the knights (who are typically represened as a horse) should be mounted
00:59.41Hexarobithe ogre is the knight counterpart tho
00:59.48Hexarobithe deathknight is the caster counterpart to the mage
00:59.57cladhaireits chess
00:59.59Hexarobibut i think the mage should be the bishop, with counterpart ogre
00:59.59cladhaireyou need horsies.
01:00.07Hexarobiand knight counterpart deathkngiht
01:00.19TemHexarobi, yeah, I was thinking the same with the mage
01:00.21cladhairedont worry so much about counterparts.. just make the units that closest match the piece
01:00.27Tem(that it should be the bishop)
01:00.32*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
01:00.35JoshBorkei like the classic pieces myself...
01:00.45Hexarobibut that leaves me with archer and grunts and hatchetthrower
01:01.03Hexarobifor king and queen
01:01.24Hexarobihmm whats ogremage look like
01:01.31Hexarobimaybe i could make the grunt bigger
01:02.29Temthere is no normal ogre is there?
01:02.45Temitsn't it just ogre mages in wc2?
01:03.04Hexarobiok then ya
01:03.12Hexarobiim gunna use ogremage as bishop
01:03.25AnduinLotharorges req mound, orgemage reqs alter of storm
01:03.33Hexarobibut does orc hatchet thrower work as queen?
01:03.34AnduinLothari think
01:03.52AnduinLotharjust like knight is stable and paladin is church
01:04.06Kirkburn"Knight/Ogre: Heavily armored and fast-moving units. Upgradable to Paladins and Ogre-Mages, which are also able to cast spells."
01:04.19KirkburnFull list of units:
01:04.27AnduinLotharthey have like a staff and a drag or something
01:04.39AnduinLotharand eyes glow
01:04.41AnduinLothari think
01:04.50AnduinLotharmore clothes
01:04.55AnduinLothardiff voices
01:04.57Hexarobishould have known wowwiki would have it
01:05.18KirkburnYou should have different sets
01:05.27KirkburnA WC2 one, a WC1 one (if possible)
01:05.34KirkburnA StarCraft one?! :P
01:06.02cladhaireWC3 is easy
01:06.05cladhairevery easy
01:06.15Hexarobiya i already made it skinnable with different tga's
01:06.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:06.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:06.34KirkburnWhat about a WoW set. I bet that's be hard ;)
01:06.36Hexarobiright now theres standard which uses the normal online chess pieces
01:06.44Hexarobiand wc2 that uses krka's pieces
01:07.07KirkburnWell, you must get the WC1 set next :D
01:07.10Hexarobihehe i was thinking if itd be possible to do a 3d version with the lil 3d representations
01:07.12Hexarobilike on mazzleui
01:07.28Hexarobihehe rip the sprites and ill make it a skin
01:12.59*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:15.24KirkburnOoh, in july 55% of the visitors to were firefox users :O It's doing well!
01:16.13KirkburnIn fact, it's higher than that, if I exclude the search robots
01:17.06KirkburnIE got 33%, Netscape 6%, Opera 5% ... the field is definately far more balanced than earlier in the year
01:20.11Cogwheelhehe... says something about people who use mods :P
01:20.12KirkburnLol, look at the first line of this :D
01:20.32CogwheelEl oh el!
01:20.57Cogwheeli took a screenshot in case anyone decides to edit it out of there. :D
01:21.46KirkburnIt's been there for the last year :P
01:22.01AnduinLotharah the good old days... no waiting
01:22.50KirkburnI was so confused when I came across him the first time
01:23.08CogwheelMan... I wish there were an elipsis character on standard keyboards... not only do I type them alot when chatting, but it would make concatenation a bit simpler too :P
01:24.58cladhaireis wrong
01:25.13cladhairehe's my lover.. and itdoesn't say that
01:25.27AnduinLotharsong leric's no?
01:26.46AnduinLotharthis color hack is super easy, why hasn't anyone done it before..
01:27.06cladhaireAnduinLothar: which color hack?
01:27.08cladhairethe channel one?
01:27.15cladhaireand what is it specifically, i only caught the tail end
01:27.40AnduinLotharjust storing chan colors by name
01:28.02cladhairenice =)
01:28.29AnduinLotharnot quite finished, but i dont antisipate much trouble
01:28.58AnduinLotharmaybe an afterInt... but i can do that simply without chronos
01:30.21AnduinLotharlike how complicated is this.. string.gfind(arg9, "(%w+)%s?(.*)")()
01:36.51MentalPowerwhats the ace channel?
01:37.11MentalPowerthanks cair
01:37.27AnduinLotharshe likes to pop outa nowhere and be useful
01:37.53AnduinLotharlike the kool-aid guy
01:37.54Cairennas infrequently as possible
01:37.57AnduinLothar"OH YEAH!"
01:38.22IrielThere's no reference to Captain Noteo in that posting
01:38.55cladhaireI liked him better
01:39.06cladhairecause placeholder was the favorite.. and i like the underdog =)
01:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
01:43.00KirkburnAnd hello to you!
01:43.16Cairennhi Kyahx
01:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn2 (
01:43.38MentalPowerhey Kyahx
01:43.40Cairennunlike the conversation in the other channel, you are absolutely fucking forbidden to say the word fuck in this channel
01:43.48KirkburnLike totally?
01:44.09zespri_workis it possible to get windows legally for free if you are not purchasing something else and they give it to you as a frre bonus?
01:44.31Kyahxsure, they just charge you $100 more than you should and throw in windows for "free"
01:44.34Kirkburnblimey, guv'nor, she steers a strict ship 'ere. Cripes.
01:44.50KyahxI don't think I read that all the way through
01:44.53Cairenn~bonk Kirkburn
01:45.00purlACTION bonks Kirkburn over the head
01:45.25Cairennuh oh, that'll never do, lemme fix it
01:45.28Cairenn~bonk Kirkburn
01:45.30purlACTION bonks Kirkburn over the head
01:45.30KirkburnOh, god, no!!! It's awful!! Take me back to the happy land!!
01:47.34KirkburnTo bed, where I shall fall asleep attempting to understand phase spaces. Again.
01:48.13KirkburnNight night one and all!
01:48.34Cairennlater Kirkburn
01:48.47IrielHey AnduinLothar : A thread for you to plug ConsisTint on:
01:49.15cladhaireIriel: You posted that on an alt.. seriously
01:49.41AnduinLothaririel doesn't have a 60 alt
01:49.51cladhairelol :P
01:50.03*** part/#wowi-lounge mery (
01:50.43CogwheelI have a question... Why do so many functions in addons look like function myFuncWithLotsOfArgs(table, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20) when they could just use (...)?
01:50.56norgannacause ... is slow
01:50.59AnduinLotharcause wow sux
01:51.12norgannait creates a table everytime you use ...
01:51.13Cogwheelthat's a good reason (norganna :P)
01:51.18MentalPowerand ... causes a throwaway (GC) table every time its called
01:51.30cladhaire... isn't very expensive when it comes down to it
01:51.36cladhairebut if you unpack it.. its very expensive
01:51.47norgannadepends how often it gets called
01:51.51cladhaireunpack() is cheap, and ... is pretty cheap.. unpack(...) is.. REALLY bad =)
01:52.11CogwheelWhy unpack? I just do for i,v in ipairs(arg) do...
01:52.14Kyahxindividually wrapped > bulk packageing
01:52.17cladhaireCogwheel: Thats something I adopted for AceHook when Anduin and I were both rewriting hook libraries
01:52.21cladhaireCogwheel: Not if you need to pass them again
01:52.22AnduinLotharreturn unpack(face)
01:52.26norgannait's the cumulative effect of the GC wheneve a ... gets allocated that's the problem
01:52.29cladhaireCogwheel: which is when a1,a2,a3 gets used.
01:52.34norgannaunpack isn't that bad by itself
01:52.45IrielI disagree with cladhaire 's statement
01:52.47norgannabut a1,a2,a3 is completely free
01:52.53Irielunpack is fine, unpack(...) is fine, ... is bad
01:53.20Iriel(Assuming unpack(...) is shorthand for unpack(arg))
01:53.30Hexarobishouldnt grays in my alpha channel be slightly transparent? my greys are coming out solid
01:53.44pyfeno god...loll   anyone here used luaSQL before?  could use some help if you have...Im bout to bite the curb on this one
01:53.47AnduinLothardepends on what your alpha is set to
01:53.53norgannaCogwheel: for i,v in pairs() do is bad too i think
01:53.54cladhaireIriel: Damn you =)
01:54.01Irielnorganna : Why?
01:54.05CogwheelI've used CGILua, but not luaSQL yet, pyfen
01:54.07Hexarobihow do i set my alpha?
01:54.16AnduinLotharwhat are you doing?
01:54.16norgannadoesn't it allocate a table?
01:54.19Irielnorganna : No
01:54.29cladhairenorganna: Just an iterator
01:54.38cladhaireIriel: You're correct.. I had to look back at the testing I did.
01:54.40Hexarobime? trying to make the shadow from the tower show up as a shadow
01:54.43cladhaireNot that you didn't know that =)
01:55.05Hexarobiit was a black and white checkerboard pattern to get the effect in a transparent gif
01:55.21AnduinLothargif ~= tga
01:55.29Hexarobiso im trying to make the whole area black, and apply a 50% grey over the shadow section in the alpha channel
01:55.42MentalPowerthat works
01:55.45norgannaoh, right. i remeber what the problem was:   for i,v in gfind(..) do  was the bad thing.
01:55.51AnduinLotharhave to aply 50% alpha not %50 grey
01:55.53Hexarobiit was originally a transparent gif, i converted it to tga
01:55.59Irielindeed, gfind has to create a function closure
01:56.04Irieland those aren't free
01:56.12Hexarobidont i apply 50% alpha by painting 50% grey in the alpha channel?
01:56.34AnduinLotharprovided you saved it correctly
01:56.40Hexarobi32-bit rle compressed
01:56.52AnduinLotharlink it
01:57.35Hexarobithe actual tga im using?
01:58.41Hexarobiits not zipped tho
01:58.46Hexarobijust rename it to tga
01:58.52Hexarobimy webserver doesnt allow tga
01:59.47Cairennlater Iriel
01:59.56MentalPowerthe alpha channel is pure black.white
02:00.46Cogwheelyep. WC2 was written when alpha blending had to be done completely in software
02:00.46AnduinLotharyou didn't set the alpha
02:01.02Hexarobihmm, on mine its got the main part in black, and the shadow section in grey
02:01.17AnduinLotharnot preserved in your tga then
02:01.33Hexarobiim using photoshop7, lemme try cs2
02:01.52Cogwheelgimp 4tw!
02:02.45AnduinLotharmine preserved it ffine
02:02.49AnduinLotharin photoshop
02:02.55AnduinLotharwhen i added a half alpha
02:03.46Hexarobiwhat version
02:03.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
02:04.18Hexarobiya didnt preserve when i opened in cs2
02:04.22Hexarobimaybe 7 just doesnt do it
02:05.57AnduinLotharnever used 7
02:06.20Hexarobiya cs2 worked thsx
02:11.34AnduinLotharhmmm, problem with this addon is that is changes all previously typed chat too
02:12.27AnduinLotharby #
02:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
02:41.49*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:44.47MentalPowerMikk: I have a patch for Etch-A-Sketch, it adds two helper functions for textures.
02:45.43*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
02:54.04MentalPoweroh, and i also ran the designs.lua file thru my "trim trailing spaces" filter
02:54.13MentalPowerhence why you see so many diffs
02:54.59CogwheelI was wondering...
02:55.53Gryphen<3 ultraedit trim trailing spaces on save
03:03.18Mikmaattempt to index a field 'frame' a nil value
03:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
03:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:40.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:40.15Hexarobiif i try to set a texture to a file that doesnt exist
03:40.21Hexarobidoes it fail in any way?
03:40.30IrielSame way play sound file does
03:40.38IrielAnd the texture remains unchanged
03:40.41Hexarobion SetNormalTexture()
03:41.01IrielHm, one would hope all of the set texture methods work
03:41.06Hexarobiah ok
03:41.17IrielBut if not, you can Get the Texture object, then call SetTexture on it
03:44.09Hexarobiya that worked thx
03:44.18Hexarobiok one more question
03:44.23Hexarobiwhats the best way to do a title bar?
03:44.45IrielProbably TitleRegion + Texture + FontString
03:44.50Hexarobii was thinking id seen a nice red bar somewhere but now i cant find it
03:44.54Hexarobiya thats what im trying to do
03:45.10IrielI suspect you can steal a title texture from one of the blizzard frames
03:45.34Hexarobiusing "Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Header"> atm but its kinda ugly
03:45.55Hexarobido you know of an addon that uses titleregion+texture+frontstring to make a simple titlebar?
03:46.10Hexarobimy titleregion doesnt work above the top of the frame anymore
03:50.25Hexarobiif i can get a title bar and close button working, ill have enough for a 1.0 release
03:50.48Hexarobiintime for patch day ;)
03:54.47Cidewhy not use movable="true" (:SetMovable(true)) and a transparent button that calls :StartMoving() and :StopMovingOrSizing()
03:55.33MentalPowerI thought there was no patch tommorrow
03:57.32CairennHexarobi: welcome to the world of being a mod *author* instead of just a mod *user* ... we recognize the difference between a "patch" day and regular ol maintenance
03:59.10Hexarobii thought the 1.12 was coming tomorow, is it not?
03:59.26CairennPTR's are still up ....
03:59.44Hexarobitheyd be down if it was?
03:59.51Cairennvery much so
04:01.43ShadowedPTR wont come tomorrow
04:01.48Shadowedexcept it either next week or the week after that
04:01.54norgannaHexarobi: i've been playing a heap on the test servers in pvp... the new cross realm bg's seem a bit buggy
04:01.57ShadowedThey're doing ISP maintence not patch maintence
04:02.14Shadowedexcept = expect
04:02.31norgannai'd be surprised if they released the patch tonight... more likely next week
04:02.56Hexarobiwell that means people will be browsing for new addons tomorow morning ;)
04:02.59norgannaplus that and cair said it's not this wekk
04:03.28norgannacair's always been right so far
04:04.05norgannawhat's that i hear? a little birdy?
04:04.24Hexarobiwhat if i made a normal button
04:04.51Hexarobiya i think that would work
04:11.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:11.20Esamynnevening all
04:12.17Hexarobihmm ok i made a button thats handling the window dragging alright, but how do i find a decent texture for it?
04:12.30Cairennhi Esamynn
04:12.31Hexarobii stretched it out to 350 pixels wide and it doesnt look good ;)
04:13.09CideI usually use the header one
04:13.45Hexarobi<Texture file="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Header">
04:13.48Hexarobiya that ones butt ugly
04:13.55Hexarobithe frame is very minimal
04:13.56Cidejust don't use one
04:14.02Cidemake it transparent
04:14.10Hexarobii want to have a close button
04:14.13Cideand just overlay it where you have your "wowChess" tittle
04:14.15MentalPowerwhy not just leave it texture-less
04:14.24Hexarobiin the top right corner
04:14.42Cideinherit UIPanelCloseButton?
04:14.52Hexarobibut the close button will look weird floating over nothing
04:19.13MentalPowerfriggin button highlight texture doesn't want to obey by :SetPoint() calls
04:19.27MentalPoweror any other :Foo() I do with it
04:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
04:24.50Rozrwhats the lua expression for !=     (equals anything but)
04:24.52EsamynnShadowed: because someone didn't put the arguments on the list page...
04:25.14MentalPowerWell duh!
04:25.31MentalPowerI was :SetPoint()'ing the friggin wrong object...
04:25.55Esamynndon't you hate it when you do that?
04:26.50MentalPowerI eventually found out when the other objects texture has floating in the middle of nowhere
04:27.07EsamynnI've done that before ;)
04:27.19Esamynnwell similar anyways
04:27.46Rozrone other question
04:27.50EsamynnShadowed: "Ask a silly question, get a silly answer."
04:28.02Rozrsay I have a string thats like "25"  how woud I force that to be an integer?
04:28.35ShadowedI mean why they decided not to update the other page listing the arguments it lists :p
04:28.49Esamynnalso, you can use strings like that in mathematical expressions and Lua will just convert it for you on the fly
04:29.02Esamynnbecause they were lazy?
04:30.58Esamynnok, so, I can't leave this alone any longer, I'm curious to get someone else's opinion on the bag scaling idea I posted on page 3 of that thread in the forums
04:42.41MentalPowerCide: you around?
04:43.09Hexarobianybody know how many actual physical servers it takes to run a single wow server?
04:43.23MentalPowercurrent guess is three
04:43.54MentalPowerOne for gameworld, another for instances and the third for backend stuff (mail, AH, loot, etc)
04:44.14MentalPowerI need to undertand the SetTexCoords transformations
04:44.45MentalPowerspecifically I need to turn a texture 180 degrees (which I've already done) and invert it on the Y-Axis
04:45.23MentalPoweroh, BTW the problem a few night ago with SetCoords was that it was turning it on 0,0 intead of 1,1
04:45.25Rozr:(  thers soemthing worngwith my sql syntax.....damn lua,  (has to do wiht quotes)   what would be wrongin this line:
04:45.40Rozrlocal ins = assert (con:execute ("REPLACE INTO eqdkp_members (member_earned) VALUES (tonumber(DKPT_SV[\"tables\"][x][y][\'current\'])-tonumber(row[\'member_spent\'])+tonumber(row[\'member_adjustment\'])"))
04:45.59Cideiriel's a much better person to ask, hehe :)
04:47.11RozrCide, yeah but what are hte chances of him being around :(
04:49.50Hexarobihow do i open a blp?
04:49.57Cideconvert it to tga
04:50.14Rozrblp2tga can be found via google
04:50.16Hexarobii can dl a  converter?
04:50.50Rozrit'll be an old command line tool, but just draw nad drop blp file onto the executable and it converts it
04:51.21Cairennand don't bother converting back, wow reads tga just fine
04:51.25MentalPowerxnview works for most BLP's
04:51.30MentalPowernice GUI too
04:52.30Rozrso nobdy can see anyting wrong wiht my syntax tehre to do with quotes?
04:53.16Esamynn' is the comment symbol in SQL
04:55.23Esamynnso you need to double delimit the backslash so that it ends up as \' in the actual string, ie \\\
04:55.32Esamynnsorry: \\\'
04:56.47Esamynnalso, why do you have Lua function calls and table references inside the SQL query?
04:58.43EsamynnMental: if you turn a texture 180 degrees and then invert it on the y-axis, wouldn't that be the same as inverting it on the x-axis to start with?
04:59.07MentalPoweractually, yeah
04:59.40Esamynnyay, a respone!
04:59.49EsamynnI was starting to wonder if I was talking to myself
05:00.00Cideyou are
05:00.43Hexarobiwhos are?
05:03.07Shadowedoops @ making an infinite loop
05:03.45Esamynnheh, I did that the other night, it had been quite a while too ;)
05:05.29Hexarobiwhy is <Texture file="Interface\AddOns\wowChess\wowChessTitleBar"> loading a green box when wowChessTitleBar.tga is in my wowChess folder, and ive rebooted wow
05:07.02CideHexarobi: is the texture of dimensions (2^x)*(2^y)?
05:07.08Cidethat is, powers of two
05:07.11ShadowedI somehow managed to get out of the blizzard forced group though
05:07.47EsamynnShadowed: I created mine by putting my break statement for the outer loop inside an inner loop by accident ;)
05:08.54EsamynnShadowed: are there still missing messages in the BGs?  I heard the herald messages and npc messages in AV were missing on the PTR
05:09.03ShadowedThey fixed that
05:09.30Esamynnany idea if the messages for when you open things are still missing?
05:09.41EsamynnI've been wondering if I should ask if that is intentional
05:10.09Shadowedno they aren't
05:10.19Shadowederr, for those? i'm notsure
05:12.08ShadowedWhy do you need that info though?
05:12.28EsamynnGatherer uses it to record nodes
05:12.53Shadowedwhy would gather want to know the location of towers?
05:13.18Esamynnno, those messages are missing everywhere for nodes, I was wondering if the two problems were related
05:13.42ShadowedHavn't payed attention or checked, only know the herald messages and such are back cause i need them for mod stuff
05:13.48Esamynnbut I didn't want to have to take the time to wait for an AV just to find out if the one problem was fixed
05:14.04Shadowedqueues are instant on AV
05:14.14Esamynnoh, I didn't know that
05:14.28ShadowedAll PTR queues are either instant or at most 5 minute wait
05:14.43Esamynnjeez, thats nice
05:14.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobee (i=Hexarobe@
05:15.10Hexarobeesorry crashed, anyone answer my question? ;)
05:15.29Hexarobeehoping someone saw a typo or something
05:15.37Cide(07:07:05) (Cide) Hexarobi: is the texture of dimensions (2^x)*(2^y)?
05:15.43Cide(07:07:10) (Cide) that is, powers of two
05:17.21Rozrokay Esamynn so whats wrong wiht this then:   local ins = assert (con:execute ("UPDATE eqdkp_members SET member_earned=newearned WHERE member_name=memname"))
05:17.37Rozrits saying unknown column memname
05:17.46RozrbutI declare memname right before that line.....
05:17.58Esamynnmemname is a Lua variable?
05:18.27EsamynnLua _IS NOT_ Perl! :P
05:18.41Rozrholds the value:   row['member_name']
05:18.48Rozrlol yes i keep having troble coping with tat
05:18.51Esamynnyou need to specifically contatinate your lua variables into your string
05:19.04Rozrah, like you would in C?
05:19.19Esamynnor Java, yes, the operator is ..
05:19.42Rozrfor a string
05:19.42Rozrand %d for an int
05:19.48Hexarobee"more like myVar="..myVar
05:19.58EsamynnRozr: yes
05:20.08Rozrnow I"m confused wtf is Hexarobee saying?
05:20.11Esamynnassuming you mean for use in format()
05:20.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
05:20.49RozrHexarobee, that doesnt make sense how would you implement that into the middle of a string?
05:20.55Esamynnformat("blah, blah, %d", 10) would produce "blah, blah, 10"
05:21.10Rozrwhy does it have to use function format()
05:21.22RozrI cant put a function inside an SQL statment you just said
05:21.34Rozryour contradicting yourself, and confusing me  *cry*
05:21.43MentalPowerZOMG... Cair left!!
05:21.45Esamynnok, hold on a sec, let me copy & paste your code, to make this clearer
05:21.48MentalPowerParty time!!
05:21.55DoomGaze3o rly?
05:22.40Hexarobeethe .. operator plugs two strings together
05:23.12Hexarobeeso you can do "this is the first part ".."and this is the second"
05:23.24Hexarobeeand thats the same as "this is the first part and this is the second"
05:23.38Hexarobeeor you can do color = "red";
05:23.51Hexarobee"my favorite color is "". isnt that neat!"
05:24.00Hexarobee"my favorite color is "..color..". isnt that neat!"
05:24.11MentalPowerthe second one yes
05:24.21EsamynnRozr: I think this is close: local ins = assert (con:execute ('UPDATE eqdkp_members SET member_earned="'..newearned.."'WHERE member_name="'..memname..'"'))
05:25.49Esamynn~lart cide
05:28.57Esamynndon't mind me, I just needed purl's help to fry Cide in private chat for being silly! ;)
05:29.25Cidesilly? no wai!
05:29.43Esamynndon't make me use ~cheeseslap!
05:29.55Cide~sigh Esamynn
05:29.57purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Esamynn!"
05:30.03purlEsamynn: :)
05:31.34Rozrlocal ins = assert (con:execute ("UPDATE eqdkp_members SET member_earned=\"..newearned..\"WHERE member_name=\"..memname..\""))       works I believe  :)  no error yet while running
05:31.46Rozrbut wil take a minute to run 300 something *  300 something loops
05:32.02Rozrand do that many SQL changes......should realy be done by now tho
05:32.08Rozrmaybe its stalling  *cry*
05:32.19Cideshouldn't take that long
05:32.25CideSQL is pretty damn fast
05:34.54Rozrnm my fault  hehe  ha da while i ~=2   but forgot the i=i+1 at end of loop  :)
05:35.50Esamynnlol, oops :)
05:35.59Esamynnyay infinite loops! :)
05:36.32Rozrall I forgot was a fork() in the loop  :)
05:37.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
05:42.59Esamynngood night all
05:49.33Rozrso close but still get one error :(   *cry*
05:52.17IndustrialDoes anyone here use RSS? I'm looking for something that doesnt send you email
05:52.38IndustrialPreferrably open source though for window - if not then freeware
06:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge s|loup (
06:13.23norgannahi id!
06:13.29norgannai use thunderbird
06:13.45norgannabut that's probably what you meant by no mail
06:14.20IndustrialI found some services that track the RSS for you but they email you the items
06:14.44norgannaso you just want a ticker for your computer, right?
06:15.19norgannathere's millions of rss tickers out there if that's what you are looking for
06:17.39norgannaliterally millions
06:17.51norgannaok, well 88 on that page
06:25.02AnduinLotharso um Cide, you know ct boss mods still announces things after rag dies
06:25.11AnduinLotharand hakkar
06:28.32Shadowedso any way to make compare only do a,b in a table and not a,b then b,a for custom sorting?
06:30.19Hexarobeedoes GetNormalTexture return the artwork layer?
06:35.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
06:41.23MentalPowerHexarobee: it returns the texture object of whatever :SetNormalTexture() was set to
06:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
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07:05.24AnduinLotharso, you guys should be proud of me. ConsisTint doesn't even have any hooks
07:06.26ShadowedBut you work on cosmos,meaning it must be evil!
07:07.12AnduinLotharspose i better wait till tomorrow to release, just in case they decide to change the toc on me
07:07.41Shadowedthey aren't, don't worry about it
07:10.26AnduinLotharyeah so.... it has all of ONE whole function definition
07:15.51Hexarobee1.0 posted
07:22.30MentalPowerout of curiosity, what is consisTint?
07:23.04Hexarobeeok im going to bed
07:23.18Hexarobeeif anybody tries out wowChess1.0 and it works, lemme know ;)
07:30.38AnduinLotharConsisTint - Channel Color Saved by Name.
07:30.51Shadowedthey need to add that in by default
07:31.05AnduinLotharthey need to do a lot of things
07:31.30AnduinLotharlike stop making games so i can have a life
07:35.19AnduinLotharspose that logic's slightly flawed..
07:50.10AnduinLotharhmmm, can iriel aprove mods?
07:50.17AnduinLotharor jsut mod forums
07:50.20Corrodiasuh oh, now i have to give firefox a terrible black mark for not properly supporting unicode filenames.
07:51.32AnduinLotharwell, ConsisTint will be in Cha Mods on wowi whenever it gets approved
08:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:03.45MentalPowergnight folks
08:03.56AnduinLotharnice. i'm gone too
08:11.04DoomGaze3if I have a table, it's always a reference to the table right?  Like when I return a value from a function, it's actually the table I'm getting.
08:11.16DoomGaze3*return a table
08:11.28DoomGaze3ie not a copy
08:12.32Corrodiasi don't remember the rules for LUA variables. look it up. :/
08:12.48Corrodiasdo you know the URL for the LUA reference thingy?
08:13.02CorrodiasLua, maybe. i wonder how they actually capitalize it.
08:13.24DoomGaze3ya, I'm looking at it now... the answer isn't jumping out at me tho
08:13.33DoomGaze3and besides, that thing reads like greek
08:13.55AnduinLotharit's NOT greek?
08:14.06DoomGaze3apparently Corro can read it
08:14.32Corrodiashold on
08:14.36AnduinLothari have no idea how to explain how it works
08:14.45AnduinLothartrial and error my friend
08:15.58DoomGaze3hopefully it works like returning an array in C
08:16.09DoomGaze3otherwise this is gonna generate a whole lotta errors
08:16.28Corrodiasas far as i can tell, all lua variables can be treated as pointers
08:16.58Corrodiasthat is, you don't return a table from a function but rather a reference to the table
08:18.26DoomGaze3kk, I got it. Thanks Corrodias :)
08:19.07Corrodiasdon't count on there being a way to make a copy of a table, either. it's only occasionally that, even in java or C++, you'll be able to do such a thing with a data structure.
08:19.17IndustrialHow do I get a feed of this?
08:19.23IndustrialI only saw something to put it on my own site
08:19.32Corrodiasbecause a table may contain pointers to other data, and then you have to wonder if you make copies of that data too, and it just turns into this big mess
08:30.38DoomGaze3so, for example, given a MyTable filled with 100 "foo" strings:
08:30.41Rozranyonehere used luasql before?
08:31.03DoomGaze3bad example
08:31.21DoomGaze3grr, this is rly hard to describe
08:35.21DoomGaze3tables in lua a rly confusing
08:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
08:39.17Industrialnot really
08:40.12Corrodiasi hate "rly" SO much!
08:40.52IndustrialI'd say that if you return a table as in 'return {}' it would return a new table every time
08:41.14IndustrialDolby-wowi, hey thanks, where is that link on the site? =P
08:41.33Industrialcause I couldnt find it
08:42.09DoomGaze3Industrial: I'll post an example shortly...
08:42.16Corrodiasif you return an empty table, it creates the table during the return call, and then returns a reference to it
08:42.16Dolby-wowiits Embedded, using FireFox or IE7 or any feed reader addon it should alert you of feeds
08:42.28IndustrialDolby-wowi, hmm
08:42.40IndustrialCorrodias, yes, so a new one every time
08:43.05IndustrialDolby-wowi, Ah im blind I see it now, thanks
08:43.28Dolby-wowinp :)
08:48.18IndustrialDoomGaze3, and the problem is?
08:48.25DoomGaze3It's a question
08:48.35IndustrialDoomGaze3, and you dont need the return there ^^
08:48.40IndustrialDoomGaze3, wnd the question is?
08:48.43DoomGaze3GetPlayerByName is a table of tables
08:49.06DoomGaze3so by setting player.status, does that change the value in the table
08:49.32ShadowedIs the reference passed you mean?
08:50.00ShadowedYou should be able to test it easly enough
08:50.32DoomGaze3ya, and therefore I wouldn't need to go back into the table to set it
08:51.13ShadowedCan't remember off the top of my head, but just do a DevTools_Dump to see if it changes
08:51.14Industrialtheres nothing on getplayerbyname on wowwiki :S
08:51.25ShadowedIndustrial: it's a custom function i'd imagine
08:51.27DoomGaze3that's my function
08:52.03DoomGaze3shoulda put sometable["somekey"]
08:53.20DoomGaze3it's such a pain to test stuff in wow
09:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial` (
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09:31.16DoomGaze3bah, I can't test crap now
09:37.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@unaffiliated/jens)
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09:54.38DoomGaze3does anybody actually use wowbench?
09:56.23DoomGaze3cause I'm using it and it can't even handle a simple helloworld app
09:58.28zenzelezzhow so?
09:58.56zenzelezzhaven't used it myself, but from what I've heard in here, your problem sounds highly odd
10:17.20MoonWolfDoomGaze3, i use wowbench perfectly fine.
10:17.51MoonWolfcan you show me the code of your hello world
10:24.43DoomGaze3won't load anything in fact
10:24.55DoomGaze3CT_MasterMod, Decursive, etc
10:25.06DoomGaze3error on the very first line of code
10:25.40zenzelezzsure you've set it up correctly?
10:25.51zenzelezzjust sounds weird
10:27.12DoomGaze3err, you copy the config file, lua wowbench.lua ct_raidassist
10:27.29DoomGaze3unless there's something else the readme doesn't mention
10:28.14DoomGaze3in the same folder name and everything
10:28.30zenzelezzagain, I haven't used it myself, but haven't heard of many people having trouble with it
10:28.48DoomGaze3one thing you'll learn about me: I'm always the exception
10:29.21DoomGaze3I follow the instructions, shit doesn't work
10:29.29DoomGaze3I've had to send my xbox360 back 3 times already
10:30.02zenzelezzsounds like you've got some bad luck
10:31.56DoomGaze3you still there MoonWolf?
10:32.33MoonWolfyeah back
10:32.57DoomGaze3it won't run *any* mod
10:33.05MoonWolfwhat error ?
10:33.13DoomGaze3something different every time
10:33.33MoonWolfrun it again and give me the error anyway
10:34.27DoomGaze3CT_MasterMod: ERROR: widgets.lua:193: attempt to index field `parentobj' (a nil value)
10:35.39DoomGaze3ERROR: ./wow/Interface/AddOns/helloworld/HelloWorld.lua:1: unexpected symbol near `n'
10:36.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
10:36.41DoomGaze3Mastermod doesn't have any deps, neither does my helloworld.
10:37.06MoonWolfDoomGaze3, go into api.lua and find this function -> function CreateFrame(strType, strName, oParent, strInherits)
10:38.01MoonWolfpastey it for me.
10:40.49MoonWolfmake it look like this and see if this fixes it for you
10:43.18DoomGaze3no dice
10:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge mery (
10:43.54MoonWolfI'll see if I can reproduce it later.
10:43.59DoomGaze3any other ideas?
10:44.11MoonWolfNot right now. busy with other stuff.
10:44.12zenzelezzsounds like you might have to poke Mikk
10:44.35DoomGaze3I'm using 1.12.0.a1
10:46.14DoomGaze3~poke Mikk
10:46.17purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Mikk, pokes Mikk repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
10:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
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11:08.16MikkYou solve the line 1 problem by downloading the newest from SVN
11:08.30MikkIt's your editor inserting UTF-8 lead bytes, which the Lua parser hates
11:09.11Mikk  <-- has SVN location
12:26.27MikkHTML needs a SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")...
12:42.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
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13:17.43dao_at_workah ha! I didn't find the /real/ cache dir
13:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
13:21.29TupladAnduinLothar: you're a pimp for making ConsisTint
13:21.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
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13:27.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:33.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:34.00dao_at_workI'm so excited I just made water in my pantaloons!
13:40.58Beladonaexcitedc about what
13:44.43Beladonaso, is today patch day?
13:44.49Beladonaor just long maintenance?
13:46.05Kirkburnno patch
13:46.07Meryjust long maintenance it seems
13:46.14KirkburnThey're doing some ISP upgrades
13:46.37Kirkburn"There will be an extended maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday, August 1st. We will also be required to add an additional 15 minutes to this extended schedule for required ISP maintenance. This will place us at a maintenance starting time of 2:45 AM PDT, lasting until approximately 11:00 AM PDT."
13:46.54Kirkburner, let's try that again
13:47.06Kirkburn"There will be an extended maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday, August 1st. We are extending the maintenance for a required ISP maintenance by 2 hours and 15 minutes. This will place us at a maintenance starting time of 2:45 AM PDT, lasting until approximately 11:00 AM PDT."
13:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
14:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
14:20.14RallionI suspect that the maintenance for the patch is going to be huge.
14:21.16zenzelezzoh god
14:21.36zenzelezzgold spam in /tell using every letter twice... "HHii,,ppllzz"
14:21.47Beladonathey didn't say no patch. They jsut said they are extending it for required ISP maintenance
14:21.57Beladonabut I agree it doesn't look like one
14:22.45KirkburnHaha, it's a Hello Kitty Darth Vader!
14:23.32KirkburnBela, this somewhat proves it :P
14:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
14:26.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
14:26.47Mikkhey cair
14:26.51RallionAll the patches that require significant server changes always take way longer than they expect
14:32.58Kirkburn(I remember playing NationStates at school :)
14:34.00zenzelezzwas fun until it started repeating the same events
14:34.31KirkburnI assume they've added more stuff by now :P
14:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:37.47Hexarobeehey cairenn you had the friend who was a big chess fan right?
14:38.00Cairennguildmate, yeah
14:38.25Hexarobeemake sure they check out the new version i just posted last night
14:38.32Hexarobeeits the 1.0 rls
14:39.01Hexarobeewarcraft themed now ;)
14:39.23Mikkyou move little orcs around? =)
14:39.34Mikkwhooot! =)
14:39.39MikkZun Zug!
14:39.42MikkFix sounds!
14:40.08Cairennlooking at the WC2 skin now, it's cute
14:40.15Cairenn(well, the ss of it)
14:42.55KirkburnOoh, yeah - sounds!
14:43.11KirkburnThat'd be awesome
14:43.30Kirkburn"Yes?" "Righto!"
14:43.48Hexarobeeoo dammmit
14:43.51Hexarobeewhen yer right yer right
14:44.20CairennHexarobee: have it so you can save a game and come back to it later yet?
14:44.56Hexarobeeif you just close it and dont reset it, i think itll keep a game going across sessiomns (untested)
14:45.07Hexarobeebut theres no actual saving and playing a new game, then reloading old game
14:45.17Hexarobeeill put that on the to do list tho
14:45.33Hexarobeeshouldnt be that hard, im already saving a turn by turn history of the board
14:46.27Hexarobeeok i gotta goto the most boring class ever =(
14:46.50Hexarobeeenjoy your relaxing irc knowing im being tortured by an uninteresting indian man with tenure
14:47.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
14:53.30Beladonaoh hey Cairenn, didn't see you come in
14:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
14:54.04Cairennhi Beladona
14:54.17CairennI'm sneaky that way
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15:24.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
15:25.52Rozranyone able to help with some LuaSQL syntax mishaps?  mosty the actual SQL syntax + variables in lua
15:26.02*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:26.17Rozrhey cogwheel
15:28.19Rozryou able to help wth SQL syntax in luasql? the way variables are used inthe syntax is different from usua
15:28.58cogwheelI haven't looked at the docs at all... Unfortunately, I'm at work atm so I can't really devote a lot of time.
15:30.42Beladonawhat exactly are you trying to do? serialize lua code into sql?
15:30.57Beladonaor take lua data and store it in a sql db
15:31.52RozrBeladona, lua data into SQL db
15:32.21Beladonagive me an example of where you are getting errors
15:32.48Rozrprint(assert (con:execute ("UPDATE eqdkp_members SET member_earned=\" ..newearned.. \" WHERE member_name=\" ..memname.. \"")))
15:32.51RozrI'm not gettng errors
15:33.02Rozrthat hsould return 1 if it changed something
15:33.06Rozrit always retruns 0
15:33.28Rozrand I KNOW that the variables are correct for what they need to be
15:34.01Beladonawhat about using string.format to get the data into your SQL string
15:34.03Rozrprint(assert (con:execute ("UPDATE eqdkp_members SET member_earned=" ..newearned.. " WHERE member_name=" ..memname.. "")))    ---->  the slashes make no difference
15:34.17dao_at_workdoes anything get inserted into the database?
15:34.17Rozr?   whats string.format?
15:34.22Rozrno nothing atal
15:34.29krkai think sql uses ' for strings
15:34.41dao_at_workdo you get any errors in your sql log? what sql server are you using?
15:34.43Rozrdao_at_work, but only because its taking the variable as ..newearned...   and not hte actual variable
15:34.51Rozrdao_at_work, its 4.1
15:34.55Beladonawell you want specific data out of your lua table I assume
15:34.59Rozrit has ot be 4.1 for what I"m doing
15:35.00dao_at_work... 4.1 what? mysql?
15:35.06Rozryes mysql
15:35.12Beladonalook at this
15:35.16RozrBeladona, yes specific data
15:35.32RozrI"ve seen taht page,  it doesnt have variables in the SQL syntax
15:35.37Beladonaspecifically the for i, p in pairs (list) do and what is after it
15:35.42dao_at_workyeah try using string.format like the example, and I think krka's right about the string delimiters.
15:36.13Rozrmy mistake  (I didnt llook at htat example, the first one,  since its postgresql
15:37.15Beladonaany way you could paste an example table you are trying to put into sql on or something?
15:38.57dao_at_workit's better to do the string.format stuff for SQL, it saves a lot of headache of string concatenation problems.
15:39.27krkaprepared statements FTW
15:40.19Beladonabrb, gotta reboot
15:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
15:52.13KirkburnDoes the Brakenwall 'tribe' exist, or are the ogres still Stonemaul ogres?
15:52.46Kirkburnnvm, got my answer :)
15:57.00Rozrwoot  :)
15:57.11RozrI think its gunna work this time *crosses fingers*
15:57.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:08.46RozrI"m uploading the file and table to megaupload hld on
16:10.38Rozrits working now,  only for some reason its only updating the 2nd database and not the first one  (its updating 40man and not 20man)  when it should be doing both,  and thats screwing all the values cuz I think its upating the 20man values into 40 also
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16:26.47Cairennmorning Iriel
16:27.30Kasomy raidinfo tab doesnt work unless i manually do /raidinfo ^_-
16:28.03zenzelezztab or button?
16:28.35Kasoumm, well i press thebutton, the tab appears but no info in it
16:28.46Kasoit doesnt populate till i show it with the slash
16:30.25zenzelezzit's hit and miss for me
16:30.37zenzelezzthe button seems to work mostly if I press it when I'm not in a crowded place
16:30.51zenzelezzbut in IF and such it seems to remain empty... don't know why
16:31.19Kasohmm well i am in org atm
16:31.34Kasonext time you see it not working try using the slash see what happens
16:31.44zenzelezzcould be completely coincidental for me, haven't done any research about it
16:33.36cogwheelrozr - I could be unaware of something, but is there a reason for the extreme nesting instead of using "and" in the conditionals?
16:35.07zenzelezzRozr left
16:35.15zenzelezzbut some people just find it more readable to nest
16:36.23cogwheelSeems like it would have a bit more overhead than just using one conditional, though (unless the Lua interpreter optimizes things like that)
16:37.36AnduinLotharmy name...
16:37.42AnduinLotharwas used
16:37.56AnduinLotharoic. apparently i'm a pimp
16:38.10AnduinLotharwhere my hoes at?
16:46.33Iriel_cogwheel : if X and Y and Z and if X then if Y then if Z compile to the exact same bytecode in lua
16:46.41Iriel_(I had to check, I wasn't sure either)
16:46.49cogwheelGood to know
16:58.48AnduinLothardo they deliberitely bring login down on maintinence so we cant post ont he forums?
16:59.26AnduinLotharoh btw - ConsisTint:
17:01.17Industrial`This woman is right.
17:04.10cogwheelAnduinLothar - in a sense, yes.... The login servers for the game and for the forums share a lot of the same hardware...
17:06.35KirkburnMy eyes, my poor eyes ...
17:10.05cogwheel@ Kirkburn - My mouse wheel... my poor mouse wheel...
17:11.48KirkburnIt's evident the site wasn't tested in IE (unless it's perfect in IE6, of course, which I can't test)
17:12.13Mikkit looks absolutely shit in IE6
17:12.19cogwheelI'm using FF
17:12.28cogwheelAnd I can complain...
17:13.09cogwheelKirkburn, you should type    s/ in IE (unless it's perfect in IE6, of course, which I can't test)//
17:13.15KirkburnWell, they do say they're working on a new design ... hope it's better than the current one - it would be a useful page to watch otherwise
17:13.42KirkburnToo late now :P
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17:14.05KirkburnThe CSS file is just incomprehensible :P
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17:15.16cogwheelIncomprehensible CSS doesn't necessarily mean bad CSS :P
17:15.41KirkburnTrue. But it's still broken CSS ;)
17:16.30Kirkburnbah hunbug
17:16.42Kirkburn(hmm, a german humbug?)
17:16.53cogwheelor mongolian...
17:17.00Kirkburnooh, true
17:17.01MikkI agree with cogwheel. I can't read Beladona's pages but they're good :-)
17:17.33MikkOf course, them being generated by an XML library that doesn't concern itself with legibility might have something to do with it :-P
17:17.51KirkburnI just find it weird how, throughout the css file, the fonts have been defined in about 50 different ways ... whilst at the same time - it takes the default browser font anyway :/
17:17.58cogwheeldoes purl's substitution accept regex? or is it just straight text?
17:18.08Mikkstraight text
17:18.17Mikki think it does indices tho
17:18.19Mikktest test test
17:18.29Mikkhm no.. my bad.
17:19.03KirkburnWas that supposed to change the 2nd test?
17:19.03Mikkweird.. could have sworn it let me do that earlier
17:19.08KirkburnMaybe purls just asleep
17:19.10Kirkburn~poke purl
17:19.12purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind purl, pokes purl repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:19.48Kirkburnlogic-bending hilarity, evidently
17:20.06cogwheelMuch like Douglas Adams
17:20.20Beladonathat page you linked is fugly
17:20.28Beladonano offense if the author is here
17:20.43KirkburnI think the author is french
17:21.19BeladonaMikk: my xml is unfotunately restricted by what my compare program outputs
17:21.29Beladonaif I had wrote the structure, it would be super clean
17:21.35Mikkaye, that's what I said :-)
17:21.39Beladonawas a necessary evil
17:21.41Mikkwell the first part anyway
17:22.17Beladonanow I CAN customize the program to use a new structure, a it has templated, but it is very annoygint o write
17:22.34BeladonaI will probably tackle that eventually
17:25.22Beladonathe other issue is, if I restructure the xml, I have to re-output all the compares to use the new structure
17:25.33Beladonabig project
17:26.09Mikki was going to say "beh, just save the diffs"
17:26.22Mikkbut then i realized that you allow diffs between all versions
17:26.26Mikkthat'll get bloaty fast :-P
17:27.17Beladonathat or build a php engine that reads the source file, applies a diff, then outputs the results in xml
17:27.37cogwheelHeck, you could even use Lua if you get CGILua :)
17:27.39BeladonaI store the source files anyway, and diffs would be smaller than the xml that is currently there
17:27.51Beladonait would probably sacrifice generation time
17:27.57Beladonabut not sure how much
17:28.01Mikkdiff -U is hellishly fast
17:28.17Mikkgnu nutters have worked a lot with their text utility speed
17:28.23Beladonaits not that
17:28.35Beladonatalking about the diff to xml output for the website
17:28.42Beladonavia php generation
17:29.08MikkI wouldn't use XML to begin with but that's probably because I don't understand XSL :-)
17:29.37Beladonawell, when the latest xpath gets standard, xsl will be super powerful
17:30.29AnduinLotharso... what's a good deal on a 750gb sata hd?
17:30.40AnduinLothar$225 ?
17:30.45KirkburnWhy can't I get my dotted links to work properly :(
17:30.58Beladonayou mean dotted underlines?
17:31.08Beladonapaste your css somewhere
17:31.12Beladonaor link me
17:31.29cogwheelmake sure you remember "LoVe? HA!"
17:32.49Mikkborder-bottom: 1px dotted
17:36.24AnduinLotharhmm 960GB out soon..
17:37.36AnduinLotharspose almost anything's better than this 80gb..
17:38.08AnduinLotharhmm a 10k drive owuld be nice..
17:38.19zenzelezznoisy though?
17:38.44Kirovgo all out, get a 15k drive
17:38.52AnduinLotharthey exist?
17:39.08Kirovusually max out around 40gigs
17:39.09MikkHard drive?
17:39.23AnduinLotharya 960GB is in development
17:39.28AnduinLotharnot publicly avail
17:39.36MikkDoesn't matter. It's nuts :-P
17:39.56MikkOf course, I was saying much the same back when the 1 gig drives were first rumoured :-P
17:40.08Kirovhell, they have a 10TB drive in development
17:40.12Kirov(yes, 10)
17:40.24AnduinLotharhmm 74gb 10k drive or 36gb 15k
17:40.27Mikk.... 3 1/4" form factor?
17:40.35Mikk3 1/2" even
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17:40.38KirovMikk - 1 1/2 I think
17:40.49MikkYou're shitting me
17:40.51Beladonahard drives are overdue for a technlogy change
17:41.02BeladonaI am still interested in bio-storage
17:41.16AnduinLotharwell perpendicular stacking is just this year
17:41.19Mikk10TB in a matchbox size hard drive?
17:41.19KirovMikk - these are like 10+ years off, but people have figured out how to do it theoretically
17:41.25MikkDamnit =)
17:41.48Beladonayeah but perpendicular recording feels too much like a bandaid to an ailing technology
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17:42.08KirovBeladona - we're a while off from having magnetic hds getting replaced still.
17:42.14Beladonaoh I know
17:42.33AnduinLotharyeah but when a 960gb costs $750 they'll need something a lot more cost effective to be competitive, not just bigger
17:42.34KirovThey're trying to make NAND Flash drives replace them, but it's not going to happen.
17:43.13Beladonathey need something as fast as system memory, without the volatility
17:43.14cogwheelMy first computer had less HD space than my current one has RAM.... And that was only 6 years ago :O
17:43.24KirovBeladona - aye, it exists.
17:43.31AnduinLotharsomeone's workign on hybrid drives
17:43.32KirovAnd is being manufactured right now.
17:43.33MikkDude, my first computer had less HD space than my PHONE has RAM
17:43.38MikkMy first PC that is
17:43.46MikkMy first computer didn't have a hard drive :-P
17:43.50Beladonawithout using a secondary power source to retain data?
17:43.57zenzelezzmy videocard has 16 times as much memory as our first computer had, 11 years ago
17:44.19KirovMRAM is non-violate, solid state memory as fast, or faster than current DDR ram.
17:44.34KirovThey've also got the beginnings of QRAM working
17:44.40KirovBut that's way way off
17:45.06AnduinLothari dunno i feel bad getting a 10k 80gb for the same price as a 750gb 7.2k...
17:45.09KirovMRAM exists, it just doesn't have much R&D behind it yet since most companies are happy with NAND Flash
17:45.51AnduinLotharmy slow as shit computer doesn't deserve a 15k
17:46.25AnduinLotharoh wow, i got logged into the forums... how did that  happen
17:46.29Kirovzenzelezz - my videocard has 2000 times as much memory as my first computer
17:46.54Beladonathats funny
17:47.02zenzelezzof course they can have much more than what I said, but I just didn't start with computers until 95
17:47.06Beladonathe paid char transfers tell you it may take 5 days to complete
17:47.13Beladonaa friend of mine did it last night, and it took 1 hour
17:47.19Beladonanot even that I don't think
17:47.23zenzelezzbetter safe than sorry
17:47.37cogwheelMy wife did the same. She didn't even have to be logged out for the 20 mins they told her.
17:47.41zenzelezz"yeah, we said it'd take two hours, and sure, it's been three days... but be patient!" ;)
17:47.49KirovBeladona - An odd experience that happened recently.  Two guys server transfered in to my guild from the same server.
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17:47.55Beladonanope, you log out to do the transfer request, and after that you are good to go
17:48.04KirovBeladona - For the guy who started his transfer first, it took 4 days
17:48.19Beladonathats weird
17:48.20KirovBeladona - for the guy who did his transfer second, about a day after the first guy did, it took 1 hour
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17:48.28BeladonaI bet those situations involve review
17:49.08AnduinLotharoh good, i'm the only one that can post... quick, i need to fill up the first page will entirely my posts
17:49.58Iriel_I can post too
17:50.00Iriel_so watch out
17:50.07AnduinLotharpost war!
17:50.51JoshBorkezomg where are the servers?!
17:51.54CideAnduinLothar: I must say I love ConsisTint already (clever name, too, Iriel ;) .. I can't believe the default UI doesn't do that already
17:52.25AnduinLotharI can't believe it only has 1 function and it took me > a year to get around to doing it
17:52.47Cidehaha well, that doesn't make it any worse!
17:52.52TainWhat's it do?
17:53.00Cidestores chat colors by name instead of channel number
17:53.25kergothah nice.  one of those simple and obvious things then :)
17:53.27TainOh I see
17:53.27AnduinLotharyay, praise from cide, i'm moving up in the world
17:53.30kergothsilly blizzard
17:53.34kergoth~lart blizzard
17:53.50RozrBeladona,      <-----  can you have a look at this?
17:53.50AnduinLotharnow i just need to make the ace peopl elike me... hmmm
17:53.53TainWhat's good out there for keeping your channels in the same number order each time?
17:54.00Abenadiso ummm I have an associative table within an indexed table within an associative table, i.e. table1["abc"]=table2; table2[4]=table3; table3["def"]=var; What is the correct way to reference var? i.e. or?
17:54.02kergothi'm using cirk's chatmanager myself[4].def
17:54.19kergothAbenadi: you cant do .4.  that syntax only works for string indices
17:54.20AnduinLotharI wrote a Channel Reorder
17:54.36RozrBeladona, its not updating the first db  ("20man")  and putting the 20man and 40man values into the 2nd db  ("40man")
17:54.38Abenadithanks Cide/kergoth
17:54.39Cideor, alternatively, table1["def"][4]["def"]
17:54.45RozrBeladona, I cant figur eout what I"m doing wrong
17:54.46AnduinLotharbut it uses Sky... I should make an addon that only does reordering
17:54.46Cidewhich might be more clear in this case
17:54.58Kiroval - Make sky support ace ... use TRUE and FALSE
17:55.06kergothTRUE and FALSE are dead.
17:55.18cogwheelthe casting bar is CastingBarFrame, right?
17:55.26AnduinLotharyours is!
17:55.30Kirovkergoth - so are most of the extreme cosmos haters from ace.  :P
17:55.40TainBesides you need more than TRUE and FALSE.  You also need REALLYFALSE
17:55.48kergothKirov: thank goodness. i hate evangelism with a passion
17:55.50Cidewhat about ALMOSTFALSE/ALMOSTTRUE?
17:55.57kergothTain: hahah, thats so
17:56.04AnduinLotharwait, so what woul dhappen if i put ace in Cosmos... would EVERYONE start hating me? or would it be liek a giant orgy of love?
17:56.23KirovWoot, "Ace - Adding fuzzy logic where none should be"
17:56.25TainAce and Cosmos, dogs living with cats, it would be anarchy
17:56.26Cidewould then NaN == SOMEWHATINBETWEEN?
17:56.52kergothi love you, thedailywtf
17:57.10Tainhaha yeah i saw that one this morning.
17:57.25kergoth"Maybe they didn't like <A> tags. I don't blame them; personally, I can't stand the <STRONG> tag. Look at it ... just sitting there ... all "oooh, look at me, I'm STRONG, I'm the STRONG tag." Pfft .. pretentious little -- err, sorry."
17:57.30Tainhaha yah
17:57.55AnduinLotharkergoth, you win at role playing
17:58.13TainOh and I really loved:
17:58.14kergothwhat role am i playing, i wonder
17:58.55TainStore all your images in a sql server and just pull them with queries when someone loads the page.  Brilliant!
18:00.08MikkThey're allowing raw queries?!?!!
18:00.11MikkWhat idiots
18:00.14kergothno doubt
18:00.49AnduinLotharzomg. leetometer addon..
18:02.02AnduinLotharthat's the first USEFUL target frame dragon border mod i've ever seen
18:02.56JoshBorkewoot, servers up
18:02.57AnduinLotharsets target frame border based on pvp rank
18:03.04AnduinLotharnormal, silver and gold
18:03.30AnduinLothargood, then i can avoid all the gold people..
18:03.54Cidewhat's interesting is that a lot of people would have a standard border, while still being able to one shot almost any cloth wearer
18:04.06AnduinLotharpve gear, yeah
18:04.11kergoth11:09 < ChipX86> "make install -not war"
18:04.12kergoth11:09 < ChipX86> that is such a lame sig
18:04.27Cidets does that, for example, but we rarely ever pvp so we're both rank ~4
18:04.50AnduinLotharya, i'm rank 4, but i only have mc/zg/aq20 gear mostly
18:05.02Cideclever idea in general though
18:05.25AnduinLothari thought so. I always thought the player dragon border was a stuipd idea
18:05.32AnduinLotharbut this one actually has some use
18:05.45KirovI was a private up until recently
18:05.53KirovBut I pwn high warlords
18:06.07Kirov(as long as they're not warriors)
18:06.18AnduinLothari've been rank 4 for ages, takes forever to deteriorate even tho i haven't pvpd in like a month
18:06.34CideI pvp'd to rank 4.5 like 4 months ago
18:06.39CideI hit rank 1 about two weeks ago
18:06.52Cideand now I'm rank 4 again after 3 nights of pvp (after raids, so ~6h total)
18:07.06AnduinLothari wanted to get to rank 5 just because.. but my motivation is severely lacking
18:07.10Cidehaha, even I have more than that (exactly 4500)
18:07.13Kirovit was 400 or so until I did a 2-3 AV runs
18:07.26AnduinLotharAV is overpowered cp now
18:12.39JoshBorkebye all
18:12.53Mikkseeya josh
18:12.55*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
18:20.02cogwheeldid the forum login servers go down again? (i'm in, otherwise i'd check :P)
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18:58.38Iriel_Given the lack of posting, I can only imagine so
18:59.46ShadowedI'm logged in
19:00.01Shadoweds/logged in/was able to log in/
19:00.11Shadowedsomething like that
19:04.39*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (i=qw@
19:05.11cogwheelLooks like it's back up
19:08.16DoomGaze3~poke Mikk
19:08.17purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Mikk, pokes Mikk repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
19:09.41Hexarobeehey iriel, can you move my addon from beta to a released section
19:10.01Hexarobeeim not really sure an appropriate section, its a chess game
19:10.40Hexarobeei think i had it in misc before and cair moved it to beta for me
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19:32.19Hexarobeewhatchew wamma kill?
19:32.38Hexarobeezugg zugg
19:33.25cogwheelLeave me alone! I don't wanna do this!
19:34.53Hexarobeeif i make the sounds part of the skin, then i really have to have only 1 sound per piece
19:35.01Hexarobeepick up and put down per piece that is
19:35.12Hexarobeebut i kinda hate to do that with wc2
19:47.19MikkDoomGaze3: whutwha?
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19:48.47cogwheelUmm.... does IsAutoRepeatAction not do what its wiki entry says? From what I see, you should be able to do /script if not IsAutoRepeatAction(1) then UseAction(1) end      assuming slot 1 has your attack button....
19:49.56DoomGaze3I got it mikk
19:50.07DoomGaze3just getting used to tortoise - I like it
19:50.22DoomGaze3btw, new version works great!
19:50.39Mikkcogwheel: hmm... looks like it doesn't return 1 for autoattack
19:50.44Mikkmaybe only for shooting
19:50.50cogwheelYeah... that's kind of annoying...
19:54.42cogwheelK... looks like it needs to be IsCurrentAction for attack and IsAutoRepeatAction for autoshot...
19:55.13cogwheelPerhaps this is because the autorepeat takes into account cooldown, weapon speed, etc. whereas attack is merely a state you're in.
19:57.21AnduinLothar:) got wow on the projector :)
19:57.41AnduinLotharit sux, lol
19:57.48cogwheelHehe... My wife watched me go through Strath the other night on our projector.
19:59.07AnduinLothari like getting into av and winning 5 min later hto
20:01.00IrielThe challenge with most projectors (and large screen displays) is resolution and distance
20:01.31AnduinLotharya 1280 on a wall is hard to read
20:01.59IrielUnless you adjust fonts and suchlike away from the arms-length settings they're normally at
20:02.23AnduinLotharhad to rescale wow and move everything
20:05.06AnduinLotharand the skylights in this room are horid for this
20:12.11Hexarobeeif i do a:
20:12.11Hexarobeefor n=numSounds,1,-1 do
20:12.18Hexarobeeis n a global variable?
20:12.32Mikklocal to the loop
20:12.38Hexarobeeok good
20:12.48Hexarobeethats part of the for loop?
20:13.01Mikkyou can't even access it directly after the loop
20:13.05Mikkwhich is somewhat annoying sometimes
20:13.17cogwheelI forget if I already read this in the lua manual, but is there a reason you have to surround an anonymous table with parentheses in order to index it? E.g. CastSpellByName(({"Aspect of the Hawk","Aspect of the Monkey"})[CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE])
20:14.31Mikkother than the fact that not doing it is a syntax error? =)
20:14.54AnduinLotharand why would you index an anon table..
20:14.59cogwheelEspecially since you can call functions with tables and leave off the parentheses
20:15.07cogwheelAnduinLothar: 255 chars max...
20:15.47AnduinLotharoh right
20:16.04Mikkpft. macros.  who uses those :-P
20:16.31Mikkgranted... i use macros to call the lua scripts >.<
20:16.48cogwheelUsing syntactic sugar to shorten macros is actually one of my favorite pastimes...
20:17.09Mikkhaha okay
20:17.16Mikksome do sudoko, others.... ;-)
20:18.31cogwheelYeah... I never could get into Sudoku...... hmm... however... *begins coding sudoku addon*
20:18.48Mikkit'd be a hit :-P
20:18.58cogwheelHmm... maybe I will then ;)
20:19.25cogwheelI bet i'd get on more than the 21 favorites lists my UseOnSelf addon has :P
20:20.03cogwheelTrouble is, it's single player... I think texas holdem and chess are neat because they are multiplayer.
20:25.03Merywell sometimes you don't want others to know that you are not focusing on playing your class
20:26.03Mikk"meh... i'm tired of repair bills from overaggroing. i'll just automelee and click around in my sudoku instead..."
20:26.37AnduinLotharlast night i spammed Blessing of Sacrifice for an entire MC raid
20:26.49Mikkerr? =)
20:27.03AnduinLothartoo many healers and too many dps, i had nothing to do
20:27.12AnduinLotharand all the pally blessings were covered
20:27.36Merywell for my mage i'd make it: "assist / cast frostbolt" for every click on sudoku
20:27.39AnduinLotharso i spammed sacrifice, prolly redirected more damage that way than most of the healers
20:28.12KirkburnIntriguing - Tseric says there's yet more controversial news to come about the expansion soon
20:28.40AnduinLotharprolly getting rid of the shaman class
20:28.57Meryturn all shamans into paladin?
20:32.16Mikkyow! new stargates!
20:32.54KirkburnI guess the info will be to do with the new spells
20:35.04MentalPowerMikk: did you take a look at the .patch file I linked?
20:37.11MikkPMs > open channel if you really want me to read something
20:37.39MentalPowerI'll keep that in mind for the future
20:37.44Mikkso... what file? =)
20:38.22MentalPowerit adds two texture trasformation helpers to the GUI stub
20:38.41MentalPoweroh, and I ran the file thru my "remove trailing spaces" flter
20:38.52MentalPowerhence why there are so many diffs in that file
20:39.55Mikkmm :-P
20:40.12Mikk183+       for k, v in ipairs(args) do
20:40.18Mikk181-       for k=1,getn(args) do
20:40.59Hexarobeeman that function rules!
20:41.05MentalPowerit looks cleaner
20:41.39Hexarobeei wrote a func that searchs the skin's sounds folder for piece_up5, if its found then it remebers that piece has 5 sounds, if not it tries piece_up4, and so on
20:41.54Hexarobeeand then after it finds the number of sounds for that piece, it picks randomly
20:42.27Hexarobeeso now i just have to drop the sound effects into the folder
20:44.16MikkMentalPower: Hrmpphhhss... I distinctly remember picking that variation for a reason
20:44.25MikkExcept I distinctly cannot remember why the hell i did right now
20:44.28Mikkgogo code documentation >.<
20:44.31dreamssanyone knows if itemrack would allow me to autochange weapon when my target is a warrior and changes stance to def?
20:44.37dreamssor has anyone tried it
20:44.40Mikkit can
20:44.52Mikkyou just need to code quite a bit of lua in the event handler
20:45.24MentalPowerMikk: lol
20:46.00IrielMikk: Is the value not used?
20:46.10MentalPowerit is
20:46.24IrielMikk: Are entries added to the list during iteration that shouldn't affect the loop termination?
20:46.26MikkThere was something about passing nil in args
20:46.56MikkThose are function arguments that are being processed. Some that can be nil.
20:46.58IrielMikk: Are the tables not properly 'managed' as arrays and thus getn is 'wrong' ?
20:47.07IrielAh, that'd be reason enough then
20:47.25MikkThough I'm not seeing where I'm fixing up n
20:47.31MikkSo it'd still screw up i think
20:47.34IrielDoes it use ... ?
20:47.59MikkAh, no, now i remember
20:48.26MikkI'm building the tables myself for god's sake. It's part of the EtchASketch design definition
20:48.34Mikkpurl, smack me
20:48.36purlACTION smacks mikk upside the head.
20:49.20MikkWhen you add a method, the arguments are simply indexed by integer
20:49.36MikkThat stub doesn't know about argument names or anything. It just has a function name and a bunch of arguments
20:49.48MikkIf an argument in the middle of the list is nil,
20:49.51Mikkipairs() iteration will abort
20:50.16MentalPowerok, true that is
20:50.40MentalPowerpurl, bonk me
20:50.43purlACTION bonks mentalpower over the head
20:51.43Mikkok so.. back to the topic at hand
20:51.45Mikkwhat does that wrapper do? =)
20:52.00Mikk(gah, phone.. bbsoon)
20:56.48cogwheelpurl, help me
20:57.07cogwheelpurl, help
20:59.12MentalPowerok, the wrapper is in order to make texture transformations (rotations, translations, shearing, etc) easier
20:59.28MentalPoweryou supply a transformations matrix and it does the rest
20:59.40cogwheel(testing purl... be patient)
20:59.47cogwheelNine is a number
20:59.47MentalPowerI'm currently using the "RotateTexture" method right now
20:59.52cogwheelpurl, what is nine?
20:59.54purlI think you lost me on that one, cogwheel
21:00.04Mikkcogwheel: purl works via PM too
21:00.05MentalPowercogwheel: you can do that via PM's to purl
21:00.10cogwheelhow does one pm?
21:00.17Mikkjust leave out the "purl, "
21:05.01MikkOkay... I'm still not entirely sure that that belongs in the generator stub.
21:05.16MikkPlease convince me :-)
21:05.54MikkTwo reasons why not:
21:06.03Mikk1. You can always do it in OnLoad (yep, it does fire!)
21:06.30Mikk2. I intend to implement a very full texture manager in the actual GUI app.. make selection, SetTexCoord()ing etc easier
21:06.30Shadowedwould it be bad to reformat some of the event entries on the wiki to something more consistent for an arg format?
21:06.50MikkShadowed: Why in the name of $deity would it be BAD? =P
21:07.15ShadowedIt can never hurt to check :p
21:07.28ShadowedAnd I can blame you if it turns out to be wrong
21:07.53MikkThat's alright. I'll just blame Schmidt or Kirkburn or something
21:08.29Shadowedlets go with Kirkburn
21:08.33MikkAye, let's
21:09.12Shadowedoh hi
21:09.44ShadowedHe sounds rabid
21:09.46Shadowedwe should put him down
21:09.55MikkAnother thing about textures though... I'm not at all sure I'm handling textures the right way at the moment
21:09.59KirkburnYou always do anyway :(
21:10.00ShadowedAnyone seen or used CHARACTER_LIST_UPDATE before?
21:10.12ShadowedI don't see it used in any LUA/XML file and no description on wiki
21:10.24MentalPowerWell, the reason I included it in the stub is because I believe that they will be much used (at least the RotateTexture one), just like the SetFooTextureEx ones that are already there
21:12.13MentalPowerShadowed: nop, I haven't seen it fired (I've seen 220 events and a total of 240835 event fired)
21:12.29MikkShadowed: wouldn't surprise me if it's a gluexml thing
21:12.33Mikki.e. useless to us
21:12.53Shadowedoh didn't think about that
21:13.14MikkI don't think it should be in the main event list either way :-P
21:13.25ShadowedWell, may as well confirm it to make sure :p
21:13.53Shadowedand yeah, it's fired on the character select screen in GlueXML
21:19.29MikkMentalPower: Don't get me wrong... I think those are way useful functions for a designer.
21:20.04MikkI'm just not convinced the stub is the right place to put it in the long run.
21:20.11MentalPowerok, np
21:20.39MikkThough I'm a bit stumped as to how I'd store rotation data in the config while actually doing a regular SetTexCoord() call live
21:20.50MikkNeed some inspiration :-P
21:22.00MikkAh, nm. Got it.
21:23.26ShadowedAnyone available on a US server that I can get to test some channel events?
21:23.33Shadowedjust need you to join/leave a channel a couple of times
21:24.20Merywhat server?
21:24.52ShadowedDoesn't matter, i'm on icecrown at the moment though
21:25.14Meryk coming
21:25.45ShadowedI'm on "Shadowd"
21:25.46Meryhorde ro alliance?
21:29.15ShadowedCHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_JOIN and CHANNEL_LEAVE really do have arg1 left blank
21:35.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cmunn (n=cmunn@
21:43.21cogwheeldoes dismounting activate the global cooldown?
21:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Gibybo (n=Gibybo@VDSL-130-13-44-172.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
21:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Rozr (
21:55.47KirkburnHello! And :( Just 8 more episodes of futurama to go
22:01.59RozrI know mostof you have never used luasql before, but I think its my lua syntax's that are causing my problem
22:02.15Rozrcould you possibly have a look at a pastebin of my script?
22:02.43ShadowedTurns out updating the C event's is incredibly boring
22:02.56Rozrits calling the same row twiceina row,  over and over,   like row1, row1, row2, row2, row3, row3, row4, row4
22:03.29AbenadiCan a load-on-demand addon also be 'unloaded' during play?
22:03.38cogwheelgive us a link and i'll look, rozr
22:04.01ShadowedThe only way to unload a LOD addon is to ReloadUI or relog
22:04.11Abenadiok thanks Shadowed
22:06.26cogwheelNotice that the original post he was quoting no longer exists....
22:07.05Kirovthe CMs seem to be using their ability to look at peoples' account information more often.
22:07.15Kirovor, more specifically, calling out the fact that they can.
22:07.34cogwheelEyonix is the gateway CM....
22:07.54cogwheelOnce he does something controversial, the rest start to join in the fun.
22:08.32cogwheelThey're gonna have a blast with the new forums, moving posts around, editing other peoples' posts, etc...
22:09.01Shadowedblizzard is trying to make me use FF
22:09.30KirovCairenn - IE7 doesn't like the new site
22:09.35Cairennhow are they .. ah
22:09.45ShadowedYou can't use post history and the forums in general look ugly in IE7
22:09.57Shadowedwell, you can use post history but it's somewhat broken
22:10.02Hexarobeehey cair can you move my wowChess addon from beta interfaces to released
22:10.05Rozrcogwheel, is that an "I have no idea"  or an "I wont look at it when thers 8 spaced tabs"
22:10.16Cairennsoon as you tell me which category you want it in
22:10.34cogwheelrozr, it's an "I copied it into lua and am trying to wrap my brains around it atm..." :P
22:10.43Hexarobeehehe, ok, i think i had it in misc before, can you think of any better category for minigames?
22:10.46Rozrlol hod on
22:10.47Rozrhold on*
22:10.54cogwheelafk fer a sec
22:11.29Hexarobeeman whoever told me to add the wc2 sounds, man it makes it sooo much more fun
22:11.59KirovHexarobee - Have you ever played Battlechess?
22:12.02Cairennmoved the thread to released as well
22:12.07Hexarobeethanks cair
22:12.17KirovBattlechess rules
22:12.18Hexarobeei was thinking about trying to impliment sprite animation
22:12.22Cairennit was fun
22:12.22Hexarobeewith the wc2 pieces
22:12.24Rozrcogwheel,       --->      here is lua file, and the lua array file that it uses
22:12.31Hexarobeeto have them walk and fight like battlechess
22:12.33Rozrcogwheel, its runable with it
22:13.13Rozrcogwheel, and I have it printing out the name of the member row its sending the updates to, and a +  or  -  before the name it outputs showing which if statement its following
22:13.19Hexarobeeif i had all the sprites...
22:13.27Rozryou'll undersatnd when you run it
22:15.37ShadowedCide you there by any chance?
22:15.59Meryhexa, you could bug blizzard to release their tools to create 3d animations and have <Model>'s on your chessfield
22:16.23ShadowedOn UNIT_HEALTH, if a hunter feign's you can't really do a buff check for feign death I take it?
22:16.27Shadowedthe debuff hasn't shown up yet?
22:16.54KirovShadowed - you can do a buff check, but it hasn't always shown up yet, no.
22:17.01Cidewhat Kirov said
22:17.02KirovSometimes, due to lag, it has
22:17.11ShadowedYou have to do a UNIT_AURA check basically?
22:17.50KirovIf you want to know if a hunter is FDed, you need to do an aura check, and then do a UnitIsDead() chekc
22:18.01KirovA hunter can have the buff and not actually fd
22:18.05cogwheelrozr, check out It's much easier to deal with than megaupload
22:18.36KirovYou can FD, get the buff, get the timer, and be standing there in combat.
22:18.47Kirovrather annoying actually.
22:18.49cogwheelFYI, it just got really busy at work so i'm gonna have to not look at it right now.
22:19.11ShadowedWhen you say "then do a UnitIsDead() check" you mean in the UNIT_AURA event I assume, you don't have to do something silly like an OnUpdate timer?
22:19.46KirovShadowed - by the time of the UNIT_AURA event, they'll either be flagged as dead or not.
22:19.56Shadowedkk thanks
22:20.08Kirovyou just can't rely on the UNIT_HEALTH event
22:20.35Shadowedyeah, i was using that originally
22:20.58KirovOddly, it goes UNIT_HEALTH - player dead, UNIT_AURA - fd buff, *get back up*, UNIT_AURA - fd buff removed, UNIT_HEALTH - player not dead
22:22.46Rozrcogwheel, no its not,  not when one of the files you need is 80kb of text
22:23.12KirovShadowed - btw, if you're doing this check in-raid, GetRaidRosterInfo's isDead return shows a hunter as being alive even if they're FDed if they're in visual range.
22:24.06ShadowedI can't really rely on visual range during naxx
22:24.27Rozrthere a no bs link
22:26.39cogwheelrozr, i'm working on something small... it'll take me a sec
22:29.36*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
22:39.32cogwheelrozr, I'm not sure if this is what's actually breaking your code, but you might try the change I illustrate here:
22:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri_work (n=andrews@
22:49.30Rozrthx I"m looking at it now
22:50.25Rozrthats not a problem whatsoever
22:50.37RozrI dont care if it doenst "look" a s nice
22:50.44Rozrmy code has no issue with its if statements
22:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
22:51.00cogwheelIt's not the If statements I was worried about... it's the For statements...
22:51.37RozrI'm sorry tehrs no probem with my for statements.............if ther was it wouldnt be printing out the proper responses
22:51.56cogwheelBut it *is* doing each row twice, you said...
22:52.03cogwheelI thought that might be a problem.
22:54.20Rozrcogwheel:  cut out all of my if statemets,  and just have while row  do   print(row['member_name']  row = cur:fetch (row, "a"); end
22:54.31Rozrstil prints each name twice
22:54.37Rozrthat is not the problem
22:55.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gibybo (n=Gibybo@VDSL-130-13-44-172.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
22:56.04Rozro waitthat odd
22:56.06Rozrbefore it was
22:56.08Rozrnow its not doing htat
22:56.17RozrI'll try your for statement thing
22:56.24Rozrbut wont that alter the rest of my code?
22:56.28Rozrlike completely
22:56.52RozrI have verything based on the SV_DKPT[x][y]['nick']  format
22:56.58cogwheelYou don't really *have* to alter the rest of your code...
22:57.23cogwheelthe only thing you are interested in are x and y.
22:57.26KirkburnThe Scary Door! =)
22:58.52cogwheelIf you wanted, you could change any reference to "DKPT_SV[x][y]['nick']" to simply value.nick
22:58.58cogwheelbut it's not necessary
22:59.37cogwheelDKPT[x][y] would just become value
22:59.39Hexarobeetheres something in the road up ahead... its a door!
23:00.01Hexarobeeive combined the most evil parts of all the animals to create the most evil animal of all
23:00.39Rozryourway stil does it
23:01.35cogwheelWell, without spending more of my boss's time researching luaSQL, i don't think I can be much help right now :P
23:01.47Rozrits not a luasql proble
23:01.53Rozrwe just resolved that fact
23:02.08KirkburnHexarobee, =) I wonder what animal that is :P
23:02.14Rozrbefore the for statements it only lists each row once
23:02.18Rozrafter for statements it does them twice
23:02.20cogwheelWait, rozr,
23:02.42cogwheelis it doing the two rows twice in a row?
23:03.41Rozrthats the first bit of the output in console
23:04.24Rozrignore hte  + and - thats for my own debugging of something else
23:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
23:11.38KirkburnGreat article - worst 90s video games adverts :D
23:13.43KirkburnOr to give it its proper name "The Bestest Worser Ads"
23:14.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
23:14.43KirkburnAll from 1994, those ads
23:16.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:19.16Shadowedsomebodys already complained about how a CM posted account info
23:19.31cogwheelrozr, take out all the "if"s but leave in the "for"s and see if it still happens. print(string.format("x = %d, y = %d, [x][y]['nick'] = %s", x, y, DKPT_SV["tables"][x][y]['nick']))
23:20.07Shadowedthe "first" right after then his responce is great
23:20.38Kirkburn(although, having said that, I saw that thread a couple of days ago :P )
23:20.49Rozr   hahahahahahah  top one
23:21.20KirkburnEyonix took an opportunity to do the same today:
23:21.38KirkburnRozr, freaky, eh :O
23:23.37Rozrcogwheel, yes it still does it withouthte if statemetns
23:26.27cogwheelSo you diif it does it without the ifs, and it doesn't do it without the for's, then it's a problem with the for's. So your test now looks like this?
23:26.45cogwheels/you di//
23:29.07cogwheelHave to go home now... (thank goodness... work's rough today). I'll be on later though
23:29.09Rozrcogwheel, no I cahgned it bac
23:29.18Rozrbut it was like that yes
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23:38.10Cairennlater Iriel
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23:52.03Rallionman, I need to find time to work on my addon, it'll take another month to get to 1.0 at this rate...but then again it was a particularly beautiful day...
23:57.40Hexarobeeanybody wanna play a game of chess? =)
23:58.08Rozrdo I win anything after I beat you?
23:58.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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23:58.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
23:58.42Hexarobeea dishonorable kill
23:59.56Hexarobeei just added wc2 sound effects, you know u wanna hear zugg zugg

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.