irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060729

00:00.09Hexarobeeanyone happen to have a char on kargath?
00:00.12KirkburnI haven't the faintest what my guild is like atm - probably still got 500 members though :)
00:00.20Hexarobeeim trying to debug my addon and my last friend just logged ;)
00:00.31Kirkburn(I should really log in some day)
00:01.20JoshBorkesec Hexarobee
00:02.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
00:02.25JoshBorkecoulda sworn i had toons on kargath
00:02.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:03.18cladhaireand now we're not going to mc =)
00:03.48Hexarobeehehe ok i founjd someone
00:03.49Hexarobeebut argh
00:04.02Hexarobeeim trying to use the confirm dialog
00:04.18Hexarobeeits someone challenging you to a game, accept yes/no
00:04.32JoshBorkeyou should totally make it playable through in-game mail
00:04.52Hexarobeeya that could work
00:04.58Hexarobeelet me get it working in tells first ;)
00:05.02Hexarobeeim sooo close
00:05.16Hexarobeebeen trying to get this confirm to work for an hour
00:12.29TainAs loathe as I am to post too many insidious online videos that no one ever watches, this one was pretty entertaining to me.  Filmed in-game and very well done editing.
00:18.41Hexarobeecan anyone tell me how to pass vars to a confirm box? ive tried using the one listed in the howto and i dont get it
00:19.00Hexarobeeit uses different variable names in the declaration and the call, so its confusing
00:19.13Hexarobeei thought it made sense, but i tried like it says and its killin me
00:19.27Kirovwhat are you trying to do?
00:19.40KirovPersonally I gave up and just have it reference a global.
00:20.04Hexarobeehow do u do that?
00:21.25JoshBorkeHexarobee: yes, hold on
00:22.08Hexarobeehold on think i got it
00:22.52JoshBorkewith text = 'Arg1 here: %s and arg2 here: %s'
00:24.38KirkburnTain, excellent video
00:24.47KirkburnThanks for posting it :)
00:28.37Temcladhaire,  is it like that on all the frames?
00:29.13cladhaireTem:  I think so
00:29.19Temactually clad, that looke like you haven't loaded the texture
00:29.20cladhairemay have somethign to do with truncate ever being on
00:29.24Hexarobeegrrr so close
00:29.26cladhairethats possible.
00:29.26Hexarobeegotta give up for now
00:29.28cladhairethere's a new texture?
00:29.33Temyes you noob
00:29.34cladhaireyou mean it looks better?
00:29.53Temit looks EXACTLY like the proof of concept
00:30.01cladhairei'll reload when i can
00:30.05Temno no
00:30.07Temyou have to restart
00:30.07*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:30.16Temrestart now, whooo-er
00:31.25Temit's ZG
00:31.41TemI wrote the fuckin borders in ZG
00:31.49Temand I wrote this at work
00:31.55Temyou can restart your wow once
00:32.04cladhairei haven't raided here as a healer
00:32.11Temit's easy, I promise
00:32.13cladhairelet alone as a druid that's in SHIT ass gear
00:32.19cladhaireive been as a priest
00:32.26cladhairei just lag died
00:32.30cladhairecause you made me reload
00:32.38Temcry more, noob
00:32.46Kirovdon't autorun when you /reload?
00:33.03Temoh lol.  we jumped channels
00:33.23Temstupid irc client
00:35.59cladhairehow'd that happen
00:38.59Temso, did you restart yet?
00:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
00:55.32ThraeWhat's a good Raiding Calendar addon?
00:55.57ThraeMy guild has been using Guild Event Manager 2 (GEM) and we're encountering problems with it.
00:56.45kergothmy guild's been using guildcalendar, but i dont think its too much better.  seems to get the job done though.  *shrugs*
00:57.37ThraeGroup Calendar you mean?
00:57.40kergothaye, that
01:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:05.19KirkburnG'night, one and all
01:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:23.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:26.15*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
01:37.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:50.01MikmaSVN up yet? :)
01:52.30ThraeMikk: You around?
01:52.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:04.27MentalPowerShadowed: did you figure out Stubby?
02:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
02:14.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:56.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
04:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge BrUtAlls (n=Unix@
04:15.08ShadowedMentalPower: sorry was AFK
04:15.14ShadowedYeah, I figured it out
04:16.09Shadowedand by "I" i mean "Iriel"
04:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:40.03*** topic/#wowi-lounge is World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions
04:58.51DoomGaze3heya mental
05:18.23*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:18.23*** topic/#wowi-lounge is World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions
05:22.35Industrialsay um mental are you by any chance dutchand have you played or do you play hl1:tfc ?
05:23.30DoomGaze3mmm, tfc
05:24.14DoomGaze3I remember this one time: Me and my brother got really stoned.  Then we both spawned Engies and sat in the spawn exit repairing each other for like 5 minutes
05:24.30DoomGaze3People were so pissed.  They couldn't leave the sapwn!
05:24.46ShadowedTFC was always fun
05:25.02DoomGaze3TF2 looks purdy
05:35.04Industrialtf2 can go to hell :<
05:35.14Industrialff >tf2
05:35.41Industrialff is made by people that understand the community because they are or have been part of it
05:36.06Industrialanyone up for some tfc? >:)
05:39.56DoomGaze3if I weren't coding, I'd join you
05:43.46ckknightwhat's faster/better: string.find(arg1, "^/") or string.sub(arg1, 1, 1) == "/" ?
05:44.38DoomGaze3speed isn't much of an issue unless you're calling trig functions hundreds of times a frame anyways
05:46.49ckknightgoing with find
06:13.13DoomGaze3Players can recieve loot when they're dead right?
06:13.31DoomGaze3*and not released
06:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:36.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:37.35EsamynnEvening all
06:49.36Esamynnyou know, I hate it when someone misses my point entirely
06:49.42Esamynnand doesn't even realise it
07:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
07:07.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
07:40.06ckknightwhat's the best way to tell how many 'h's are in a string? e.g. "happy holidays" would have 2
07:40.29Shadowedwhile string.find...
07:40.46Esamynnprobably string.gfind
07:41.37ckknighthrm, string.gsub("happy holidays", "h", "h") return "happy holidays", 2
07:41.51Esamynnnot gsub, gfind
07:41.53ckknightbut that probably takes up more cpu time than necessary
07:42.02ckknightgfind returns a function
07:42.30Esamynnoh, I see, gsub would probably be slightly more efficient than gfind
07:42.40EsamynnI forgot gsub returns a count
07:43.02Esamynnnot really any other way to go about it though
07:44.28ShadowedEasiest way would just be to loop through gfind pretty much
07:44.41Shadowed"for id in string.gfind( text, "h" ) do"
07:45.09Esamynnnah, I like the gsub method, only 1 function call and no loop
07:45.30ckknightand it's a C function
07:45.51Shadoweder oops
07:49.32krkawhy not just loop through all characters and see which are h?
07:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
08:12.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
08:31.32DoomGaze3maybe I'm thinking about this too hard
08:32.45DoomGaze3but if I want to insert a number into a table, how does table.insert differentiate between, say: table.insert(myTable, 5) and table.insert(myTable, "five")?
08:34.06ShadowedIt doesn't, it depends what you're trying to do
08:34.41Shadowedif you just plan on showing it as text and not doing any checking beforehand then the only difference is you'll see "5" instead of "five"
08:36.38ShadowedBut you're not going to be able to check if it's a number thats higher then 0 for example if you insert "five" instead of 5
08:38.12DoomGaze3so given the following functions...: function foo(foo) return foo end function foo(foo1, foo2) return foo1 + foo2 end
08:38.52DoomGaze3if I call foo(1) I get 1 and if I call foo(1, 1) I get 2?
08:40.20DoomGaze3gotcha. thanks.
08:41.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:43.03krkawhoa whoa... lua doesnt do that
08:43.14krkayou can only have one function called foo
08:43.53krkayou need function foo(foo1, foo2) if foo2 == nil then return foo1 else return foo1 + foo2 end end
08:44.19Shadowedit's not like java basically
08:44.38DoomGaze3so how do you define a function that takes optional values?
08:44.50Shadowedyou do what krka said
08:47.19krkaimo, examples should be simple, but correct
08:47.27krkaincorrect examples always confuse more than they help
08:47.56Shadowedwhat he said!
08:49.20DoomGaze3all well and good, but I still don't understand this table.insert function. function definition is like this: table.insert(table, [pos,] value)
08:50.34Shadowedyou could switch it somewhat easly
08:50.46Shadowedif the third argument was nil then use the second argument as value
08:51.06Esamynn~lart Shadowed
08:51.10Esamynnno abusing the bot!
08:51.18Shadowed~slap Esamynn
08:51.20purlACTION slaps Esamynn, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
08:51.29Esamynn~cheeseslap Shadowed
08:51.31purlACTION slaps Shadowed around with a wheel of gouda
08:51.35purlEsamynn: aw, gee
08:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
09:01.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:07.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
09:09.08Shadowedafter 5 minutes of not responding to something in IRC you're not allowed to respond!
09:09.13Shadowedanyway, sleep for me
09:09.21DoomGaze3lies. Sleep well. :)
09:11.35kergothShadowed: ..
09:11.38kergoth~fishslap Shadowed
09:11.40purlACTION slaps Shadowed up side the head with a wet fish.
09:11.42kergoth~whaleslap Shadowed
09:11.43purlACTION beats Shadowed upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
09:11.45kergoth~herring Shadowed
09:11.46purlACTION whacks Shadowed on the side of the head with a large red herring named alfred
09:15.25MoonWolf~whalecounterattack kergoth
09:15.27purlACTION responds by unleashing a flurry of blows with a indescribably enormous killer whale named Nathaniel upon kergoth.
09:18.21purlaw, gee, Esamynn
09:18.47Esamynnnight all
09:26.50DoomGaze3who names their herring?
09:28.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
09:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
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11:15.42*** join/#wowi-lounge pyfen (n=Rozr@unaffiliated/fenderx)
12:01.07*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=andrew@
12:01.19zespriwhy do I have that terrible fps?
12:03.02Corrodiasbecause frames per second is a plural phrase, so your use of poor grammar has doomed you.
12:04.36zesprimy poor use fo grammar stems from the fact that I'm not a native speaker of english langauge
12:05.55CorrodiasDOOMED, I SAY!
12:06.23zesprithat was helpful )
12:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
12:13.21zespriaccording to benchmarks my videocard and cpu should give about 40-50 fps on the settings that I'm using, I have <10
12:13.33zesprino addons
12:15.21krkawhat about memory and harddrive speed?
12:17.53zespriI have intel P4 3GHz, 1GB memory, video is nvidia 6600GT with 128 memory
12:18.22zesprihardrive is nothing special, I don;t beleive that there are extra slow harddrives out there
12:19.11zespribasically my memory total ussage when I run WoW is under 1GB, so there shoudl be no swapping and such. and fps is bad even when I stend still
12:20.41zespriwhen I try to lower resolution it doesn't help at all. fps stays at the same level of 9-11
12:22.30zesprimemory is two equal 512 chips with freq 200 mhz
12:25.10krkawow data might be fragmentet?
12:25.24krkaother processes hogging power / memory
12:25.41zesprii'm running defragmenter on a sceduler - every night
12:25.49zesprikill everything beo
12:25.55zespribefore I start wow
12:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
12:50.41*** join/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
13:18.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:50.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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14:17.09*** join/#wowi-lounge leila (
14:17.11leilahi all
14:29.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:39.43*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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15:23.21JoshBorkemorning cladhaire
15:23.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:26.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery2 (
15:43.34TainSo I'm looking through RDX, the raid assist type addon that Conquest uses internally.
15:43.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
15:44.18TainAs soon as I started looking I wanted to cry at the global namespace pollution.  So many global vars in the "helper function" library that it depends on.
15:44.38MoonWolfConquest ?
15:44.51TainThey're a big guild.
15:44.59MoonWolfsome people don't even understand the concept namespace tain, how can you expect them to keep it clean
15:45.37TainI'm spoiled by learning.
15:45.59MoonWolfignorance is bliss
15:46.03MoonWolfit truely is
15:46.34TainSometimes I long for bliss.
15:48.04TainGood morning Cairenn :)
15:48.47CairennNow let's not get carried away here, shall we?  Morning? Yes.  Good?  That requires more investigation.
15:49.01TainI am ever the optimist.
15:49.04krkait's an epxression cair
15:49.39Cairennexpression ;)
15:51.09Mikmahmmmm, coffee
15:51.18Mikmathanks for the idea :)
15:51.25TainI went to Dunkin Donuts drive through this morning.
15:51.42Cairennso in other words you still need a real coffee yet?
15:51.45TainThey managed to screw up bagel sandwich and large hot coffee.
15:52.34TainI'm not one for coffee the consistency and strength of motor oil.
15:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge hyperChipmunk (
15:53.13TainBesides, Dunkin Donuts is *the* chain in this area.  There's one on every corner, it's what people in New England grew up with.
15:54.06TainOn the other hand I do usually just make my own at home with a French Press coffee maker.
16:07.51cladhaireDD coffee is like crack here.
16:07.55cladhairepeople love it.
16:08.00cladhairelike tain said, they grew up with it =)
16:13.35TainOh damn my new laptop shipped out yesterday.
16:13.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
16:16.12krkagah, why does irssi map Mikma, Tain and Cairenn to the same color
16:16.56Rallionto make you angry
16:17.04Cairenncladhaire: yes, but you live close enough to know what *good* coffee is, and it ain't DD's
16:17.43Mikmawe are so super
16:17.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
16:18.51RallionI used to work in a crappy cafe and talking to the customers I found that the majority preferred the nearby DD to the nearby Starbucks. Eventually I realized that the ones that preferred Starbucks were just less likely to come in to Borders Books for coffee.
16:19.15CairennI'm not talking about Starbucks
16:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Renyun (
16:27.43cladhaireCairenn: Sadly I'm not a coffee drinker, so I'm not familiar with whats good =)
16:38.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (
16:45.15EsamynnMorning all
16:48.01RallionI knew you weren't talking about Starbucks. I just felt like sharing.
16:52.21RallionI hate coffee myself, I went to starbucks the othr day with a couple friends and got a hot chocolate, but I couldn't even drink it inside because of the coffee smell
17:32.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:35.07krkai love it when you figure out a good way to approach a problem :)
17:35.40JoshBorkeme too :-)
17:35.50JoshBorkefigure out your memory problem?
17:35.58krkayeah, theoretically
17:36.06krkai theoretically know enough to build my sandbox now
17:36.32krkai am starting with the other end though - implementing a simple lua game engine and a simple dummy strategy
17:36.58krkafrom there i can obviously figure out how the c-side should be done
17:39.05krkain theory
18:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
18:27.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
18:29.25MikkHum. Is it possible to recategorize already-existing addons on wowi?
18:29.39MikkI.e. Beta Version Interface -> Whatever it should be when it's out of beta
18:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:29.52MikkBeen looking for a button to poke but not finding it
18:33.13KirkburnNow that's an odd comment to hear - what's the topic, Mikk?
18:33.33Mikk20:29MikkHum. Is it possible to recategorize already-existing addons on wowi?
18:33.33MikkMikkI.e. Beta Version Interface -> Whatever it should be when it's out of beta
18:33.59MikkI'm also looking for the "Gifv Admin Status" on wowwiki but not having much luck there either
18:34.26KirkburnCairenn can do it easily, afaik
18:40.11JoshBorkeMikk: send a PM to Cairenn
19:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
19:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
19:53.09ckknightdoes loadstring/string.dump work properly in WoW?
19:53.36KirkburnPeople say the oddest things, complaining that "Outland is a continent, not a world!", as if outland isn't the remains of a planet or anything ...
19:54.26RallionOutland is a large section of a terrain file with corresponding server code to populate with objects.
19:55.13cladhairei dont think so ckknight
19:55.28KirkburnI changed it so it now says both continent and world, since both work :)
19:55.40Kirkburn(er, I'm talking abotu the wiki, natch)
19:56.06RallionIt's really not worth any kind of argument, it really is both.
19:56.28Rallionit just depends on the context.
19:57.07Rallionheh, don't Azeroth and Kalimdor have different 'world servers'?
19:57.41cladhaireckknight: /dump loadstring(string.dump(function() return math.random(100) end))() doesn't work, it can't load the string in.
19:58.05cladhairebut it works fine with plaintext func defs.
19:58.31ckknightyea, I get an error saying invalid control char near near `char(27)'
19:59.09ckknightwell, I guess that means I can't serialize/deserialize functions
19:59.49KirkburnRallion, hehe, they do =) Complicated further by the fact you just called one of the continents Azeroth
20:00.43Merythats the official "file path to the continent map" name of it :P
20:01.09KirkburnAzeroth is either the world, or the area around Stormwind :) Before the other areas of the world were introduced, it would have been fair to describe the Eastern Kingdoms as 'Azeroth' as well, since that was the world - but it's no longer used by Blizz
20:01.09cladhaireKirkburn: You can't be sure there ARE continents on Draenor.  It could be one single land mass.
20:01.40Kirkburncladhaire, we know it's broken up with 'island' chunks though
20:01.40cladhaireok.. so the quartermaster who gives the BWL attunement item isn't respawning.
20:01.52cladhaireKirkburn: Aye.. its all semantics anyway =)
20:01.57Kirkburnheh, yeah
20:02.10Meryreport to a gm, they usually fix it.
20:02.10KirkburnGood poitn though, the map of Draenor has never shown the entire planet
20:02.34ckknightyea, I always thought of it Pangaea-style, though
20:02.37KirkburnIt has only ever shown one side of one of the continents (good foresight by Blizz there, I reckon)
20:03.22KirkburnI've never thought of the idea that Draenor could have been more than that area
20:03.45cladhaireDraenor is a "World"
20:03.52cladhairei dont think its been stated as a planet.
20:04.01KirkburnNow your being picky
20:04.01cladhairejust keep that in mind.. given that this is a magical world and everything =)
20:04.14MikkOf course not. These backward nubs don't know what planets are =)
20:04.34KirkburnBy the way, there's a massive moon next to Outland, i've noticed
20:04.43cladhaireThe BWL attunement guy is still the quartermaster by the orb.. right?
20:04.51KirkburnHe's been moved
20:04.59cladhaireto where?
20:05.10KirkburnA different place in the corridor, afaik
20:05.10Shadowedfirst left when going to the orb
20:05.20Shadowedhe's right down the ramp
20:05.34cladhairenot soloable anymore?
20:05.40Shadoweddepends on your class
20:05.47KirkburnNot as easy as before, I think
20:05.49cladhairewell i can solo HIM
20:05.54cladhairebut he has 3 right next to him
20:06.00Shadowedwhich is why it depends on your class :p
20:06.14ShadowedIf theres a bunch of people that are waiting to go to BWL you maybe able to kite the mobs to them and they help kill
20:06.31KirkburnYou're attuning BWL before you've been in MC? :O
20:06.52Shadowedthat wouldn't be really suprising
20:06.58KirkburnI get the feeling you're passing the time ...
20:07.15KirkburnWell, true - but it was only yesterday clad got attuned to MC
20:07.33Shadoweda guilds more likely to do BWL over MC now and days
20:07.34KirkburnOr this morning. Or something
20:07.34cladhairei'm waiting for my ubrs run to form
20:07.39cladhaireso i can work on ubrs run #2 of the ony key
20:07.40Shadoweddepending on the guild of course
20:07.46cladhaireit was last night
20:07.48cladhairesolo =)
20:07.56Shadowedbut most are going to be doing BWL/AQ40 and possibly nax over MC :p
20:07.59cladhairethanks to your help
20:08.07cladhairebut guilds cannot skip to BWL without doing MC.
20:08.12cladhairethat's just entirely impossible.
20:08.19KirkburnSo, yeah - think we'll be able to visit this moon of Outland's one day?
20:08.30ShadowedI never said that guilds could skip MC.
20:08.34cladhairedepends on if the damn blood elves keep sabotaging our dimensional ships
20:08.39KirkburnOr maybe even one of Azeroth's two moons...
20:08.41cladhaireShadowed: I know, I jwas just commenting.
20:09.11KirkburnI wonder how much of 'the universe', Blizz have mapped out
20:09.13ShadowedYou could probably pull off BWL without going into MC if people put more work into it and farmed blue/epics
20:09.25ShadowedVael would be hard though
20:09.26cladhaireyou wouldn't have the DPS for vael
20:09.32cladhaireeven with full consumables.
20:09.39cladhaireits tuned too tightly
20:09.54ShadowedThere are guilds thaat are able to make progress through dungeons on the new servers fairly quickly.
20:10.05ShadowedAnd some have done it with around a month of farming MC?
20:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
20:14.15cladhaireyeah i can't do this
20:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dreamss (
20:19.02RallionThere's still an established continent that's completely absent from the game
20:19.50RallionArgh, why does the National Weather Service always refuse to let me watch Good Eats?
20:20.17JoshBorkewhy couldn't a guild skip MC by doing ZG?
20:20.59JoshBorkeand now AQ20, there's more than enough gear to make BWL that much easier
20:21.31JoshBorkedon't see why someone couldn't clear ZG/AQ20/Ony for 2 weeks and then start on BWL
20:24.16cladhairebecause you get so much more loot in MC than you do anywhere else.
20:24.32cladhaireyou gear a few people up in AQ20 or ZG.. you gear lots of people up in MC
20:27.19JoshBorkebut you can run ZG/AQ20 twice as often
20:27.27JoshBorkeeffectively 4 runs for each week of MC
20:28.10Cidewhat are you going to do after ZG/AQ20?
20:28.19CideBWL? you still need 40 people to do that, so why not do MC in the first place?
20:28.44Cideand if you pick up 20 'new' people after gearing up the guild in ZG/AQ20, then they'll be undergeared
20:29.00JoshBorkei'm assuming you already have 40 and split the gulid in 2 groups of 20
20:29.17JoshBorkewhat timer is ony on?
20:29.20Cideyou'll be screwed in BWL then
20:29.21Cide5 days
20:29.23cladhaireyour priests need their tier 1 bonus
20:29.25cladhairefor one =)
20:29.35Cide3pc prophecy isn't that good
20:29.45cladhaireno, 5pc
20:29.49cladhairei think
20:29.59cladhairei meant 3pc.
20:30.03cladhairei like it =)
20:30.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
20:30.05Cide-.1 sec on FH
20:30.09CideI almost never use FH anymore
20:30.20cladhairebut guilds who are breaking into BWL from AQ/ZG will =)
20:30.44cladhaireyes its possible.. it just don't seem worthwhile to me
20:31.08JoshBorkequick question: i have a 1x1 texture i want to move up and down in a frame.  i'm assuming i have to use SetPoint()?
20:31.16JoshBorkei agree, totalyl not worth it :-D
20:31.33Cide1x1 texture will probably not even be visible
20:31.52Cide2x2 would probably be better.. in any case, SetPoint's the way to go
20:32.00krkai doubt you have a 1x1 texture. that's impossible!
20:32.10JoshBorkeyes, you're right
20:32.15Cide2^0? ;)
20:32.15cladhairethese three idiots (two mages, rogue) think we can do the four dragons for ony key with two mages a  rogue and a druid.
20:32.19JoshBorkei'm just using SetHeight(1) and SetWidth(1)
20:32.38krkaodd numbers aren't powers of two! pmg noobs
20:32.57Cideis 2^0 not considered a power of two?
20:33.04Cidekind of a trick question, but really, is it?
20:33.26JoshBorkeanyway, how can i get the SetPoint of another texture?
20:34.18krkathe question is if 0.5 is a power of two?
20:34.31krkaor better yet... is 0 a power of two?
20:35.29JoshBorkeno what?
20:36.12MikkJoshBorke: texture:GetPoint(n) no worky?
20:36.40JoshBorkeah, i didn't know about GetPoint :-)
20:37.16MikkWhy do you need the point though?
20:37.27MikkJust SetPoint with the other texture as relative obj?
20:38.20JoshBorkei'm creating a line on a graph and to shift the line i planned on using SetPoint to set the point of the current texture to that of the next texture and then set the last texture to whatever the current value is
20:39.47krkaooh... drawing a graph? are you using iriels line rotating stuff?
20:39.55krkashould be perfect for graphs
20:40.01JoshBorkenot a pie graph
20:40.20krkano, i meant a regular math graph
20:40.27krkay=f(x) kinda
20:40.42JoshBorkeexplain how i would do that?
20:40.48JoshBorkei'm not so smart :-)
20:41.06krkai probably just dont understand what you want done
20:41.07krkanever mind me
20:41.16JoshBorkei'm redoing this mod:
20:41.39JoshBorkeand combining it with this mod: and copying
20:41.49JoshBorkeand combining it with this mod:
20:42.07JoshBorkeso do you think Iriel's code would help me? :-)
20:42.58krkahmm.. if you want the area under the graph filled, like in the pics, then probably no
20:43.06krkaif you just want to draw the line, then yes
20:43.15JoshBorkei just want to draw the DPS/HPS line
20:43.29krkathen yeah
20:43.52JoshBorkelearn me! learn me!
20:43.55krkabasically, his line thingy makes you draw a straight line between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
20:44.25krkahave to find it
20:51.35Kirkburn<Rallion> There's still an established continent that's completely absent from the game <-- I guess you're referring to Northrend?
20:52.27KirkburnThere's a lot more than that missing =) Southern continents/islands too
20:53.00KirkburnThe in-game map doesn't show many of the lone islands, too
20:54.30krkadamn it, cant find it
20:55.01krkajust because i said that... :)
20:56.34JoshBorkewouldn't it be easier for me to do what i planned on doing?
20:58.14krkaup to you :)
20:58.51krkathis is basically just good if you have fewer datapoints than visible pixels
20:59.09krkaso you can have a line that goes nicely between
20:59.39JoshBorkeah, i've got WAY more data points than visible pixels :-D
21:00.12krkai see
21:09.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:10.49Cidea graph like that for a tank's hp while doing patchwerk would be fun to see
21:12.33JoshBorkeooo, pretty
21:12.48JoshBorkethat's exactly why i'm doing it cide
21:12.55JoshBorkeit'll also show HPS/DPS =D
21:14.47OsagasuA graph like that would be Top, bottom, top, bottom
21:14.57OsagasuPoor tanks getting smacked around by patchwerk
21:15.19JoshBorkeit'll record the entire last fight
21:15.26JoshBorkeso you can scroll back through and see
21:15.31Cidewhat I tried to explain withh my beautiful "||_||_|_|||__|_|_|||__"
21:15.47MikmaCide: :D that's true would be really nice to see
21:17.37JoshBorkei just watched as my line went across the screen
21:18.21Osagasu"Dear aunt.  Lets set so double the killer delete select all"
21:18.26OsagasuAnd with that, AFK.
21:19.00JoshBorkebye all
21:19.00*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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21:33.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
21:33.54Hexarobeefinally found my bug!
21:34.06Hexarobeethink im rdy to post the first beta of my mod
21:37.57Shadoweddamn people
21:42.12RallionAnybody able to recommend a simple, easy to use, and simple source control program for windows?
21:47.52*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
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22:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
22:20.44Meryhmm my cursor works in software but not hardware cursor mode, so my question is: is there one and if then which program creates uncompressed blp's?
22:24.56End-afkyes, but I forget where
22:25.13EndI had to find one as well, but unfortunately, I dunno what I did with the program
22:25.27Endand it took a while to find -and- get working properly
22:28.13Hexarobeeis there a lua function to copy a table?
22:28.18Hexarobeeor do i have to loop thru each element?
22:29.45Mikkyou have to loop
22:29.51Mikkand recurse if you want a deep copy
22:30.10Mikkand duplicate references correctly if you're using table references as indices
22:31.01Hexarobeeya just found tcopy
22:31.32Hexarobeeno im just copying straight hashes so the tcopy will work fine
22:35.57EndGameTooltip:SetHuperLink() is randomly failing
22:40.03End(actually, it's probably just updating slowly, but it's information the client knows already...)
22:43.20Endok..I'm confused
22:44.00EndI'm noticing a pattern...the first time after load it seems to work immediately, after that, it isn't immediate
23:37.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
23:45.29MentalPowerany pointers on what settings I need to set photoshop to so that WoW can read my .tga files?
23:54.30MikkMentalPower: images need to be a  multiple of 8 pixels
23:54.32Mikkhigh and wide
23:54.39Mikkas far as i know, that's the only requirement
23:54.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
23:56.25Cidea power of 2, I thought
23:56.48Cidewell, he left!
23:57.44MentalPowerpower of 2
23:58.01MentalPowertried 104 and it didn't work, tried 128 and it did
23:58.14MentalPowernow I just need to get the transparency working
23:58.20MentalPowerany tips there?

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