irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060727

00:00.08KirkburnSpam incoming:
00:00.13KirkburnThere has been quite a bit of discussion on the boards lately concerning how current end-game gear will be replaced upon leveling in the Burning Crusade and we thought that many of you would appreciate some clarification. The basic idea is that players who have recently obtained level 60 will gain access to immediate upgrades from expansion quests and creatures. Our exact estimates as to when tier 3 gear will become outdated have
00:00.13Kirkburnshifted back and forth somewhat as we continue to tune the expansion, however not dramatically so. While we do anticipate players wearing full tier 3 gear to find some upgrades/sidegrades from new endgame dungeons, the big draw will be in Karazahn and higher.
00:01.31Hexarobithe scroll down part of my mousewheel is broken
00:03.16zespri_workhe contradicting himself
00:03.20KirkburnHow awful!
00:03.40KirkburnContradicting where?
00:04.53Tain"People magazine landed quite an exclusive this week with the cover story that Lance Bass, a former member of the boy band N'Sync has come out of the closet."
00:05.00Kirkburnoooh, pics of Neth and Coreiel .... now where's Tseric?
00:06.01KirkburnTain, such important news
00:06.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:08.52Bleeters'pose no one's seen anything that does an imitation of notes/API on the G15 stuff? apart from the lcdxml in the Blizzard Interface Data folder?
00:09.36Bleeterjust trying to get a list of useful sources before jumping in and trying to code stuff
00:10.41KirkburnWhat are you planning on coding? I didn't think that that part of the UI can be fiddled with
00:11.07BleeterI was hoping to change the character stats that are displayed
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00:11.33Bleeterif char = hunter | lock then display minimum pet stats
00:12.10Bleeteror throw the screen wasting, but nevertheless useful, battle stats (dps, etc.) down there
00:12.23zespri_workKirkburn, well, in the post that I linked he is saying that leveling items will be better then tire 3 and in the post the you've linked he is saying that items better then tire 3 are only found in dungeouns, i.e. they are not leveling items
00:12.53TainWe don't get any control whatsoever over what's displayed on the G15 LCD, Bleeter.
00:12.53KirkburnBleeter, afaik, it's not possible to change ... but don't quote me on that
00:13.51Bleeterok, no probs. I'd hoped it was changeable given the xml file we're given in the data dir. I did try hacking it last night, but with no results. I suspected that was just 'coz it was late (or it'd never work anyway)
00:14.05Bleeterthanks for your responses, I'll try and think of something else that'd be pointlessly useful
00:14.35Kirkburnzespri_work, tire 3? ;) I see what you mean though ... the bit I posted came second, so I'd take that as the more likely
00:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
00:15.40KirkburnNah, you can't change the inbuilt UI files, and since there's no way to access the G15 stuff in-game, it's not gonna happen :P Too easy to mess with
00:15.43wereHamsterlive WoW streaming is just hours away from being real :P only need to figure out hot to get videolan to flip the video upside down and set it up as a streaming server
00:16.08*** part/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
00:16.08KirkburnAs long as you realise you're not the first =)
00:16.34wereHamsterI'm sure I'm the first to do this on my platform :)
00:16.47KirkburnIs it made of cheese?
00:17.04norgannaif you could fiddle with the stuff displayed in the lcd it would be an easy way to get around the external communication stuff
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00:17.30norgannaeg, get wow to write what you want to the lcd screen then have a third party app read the screen
00:17.38norgannaall without breaking the tou
00:17.45Kirkburn(nethaera:, coreiel:
00:18.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
00:18.05norgannai doubt blizz will ever allow you to control what is dispayed on the screen
00:18.36KirkburnI doubt it too - too much coding for too little payback
00:18.53Bleeterunless logitech provide some protected API to stop stuff being read, I guess
00:19.06Bleeterrightio, I've definately got an appreciation of the issues involved. thx for your time.
00:19.14KirkburnRislyn won't code an option to turn off the bag scaling, so I doubt they'd do options for the G15 :)
00:19.39KirkburnI don't doubt the devs will continue to fiddle with it though
00:19.51TainIt's all about keeping information from going out of the game.
00:19.55TainPersonally I say open it up!
00:20.02TainBut.. I'm not a Blizzard developer.
00:20.15KirkburnIf you can't beat them, join 'em ...
00:20.33Bleeterthe queue info is the uber rocks. I can actually get work done whilst waiting to join AV now... def worth the purchase price of the kybd
00:20.38TainIf at first you don't succeed... well it probably isn't worth it anyway.
00:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
00:21.02KirkburnIf at first you don't succeed, don't become a skydiver.
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00:21.23BleeterIf at first you don't suck seed, reincarnate as a budgeriegar
00:21.33KirkburnTweet tweet
00:21.37*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
00:22.43KirkburnNo-one's told me what the PTRs are like ... what are the PTRs like?
00:23.13norgannaThey are pink and furry, and smell like cotton-candy...
00:23.13Mikmalike.. PTR
00:23.13Bleetermad, bad... and the queue length is insane (haven't seen it above 2 mins)
00:23.31Bleetergoing to try some of the world pvp questing foo stuff this weekend
00:23.46KirkburnThat's totally insane! I'd never wait longer than 86 seconds!
00:23.46Bleeterstill deciding if I like the forced raid group
00:24.08norgannait'll be awesome for healers
00:24.15KirkburnIs it likely we'll get 1.12 next week then?
00:24.31norgannayou'll get much more healing with the new forced raid groups
00:24.33Bleeterdoubt it... prolly another two weeks at least
00:25.00Bleeterptr's seem to be live for 4 weeks before anything gets near live, although I've heard in the past it might've been faster a few times
00:25.24Bleeterbut i'm still pretty newb, so don't listen to me :)
00:25.33norgannabecause without raid groups, it's both difficult to and no benefit for a healer to heal you
00:26.18norgannaas a priest, i think it's wonderful. it finally makes pvp healing a viable alternative
00:27.11KirkburnAlso, the BG raid group is not a 'normal' raid group iirc?
00:27.12norgannai might even respec away from shadow to a full healing build
00:27.39KirkburnSo, what's the predictions for 1.13?
00:28.01norgannaisn't it? how do you mean it's not a normal raid group?
00:29.45KirkburnIf you're already in a group, you stay in it and can continue to talk in party chat
00:30.02KirkburnIt just no longer shows up on the info screems
00:33.41Kirkburn59,000 accounts, eh ... that's a lot of bannage
00:35.56norgannawhere's this?
00:39.42cladhaireanyone had a chance to use watchdog on 1.12?
00:39.46cladhairei haven't had a chance
00:40.16Kirkburn(for norganna, that link)
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00:50.38norgannathanks Kirkburn
00:50.54norgannathey don't say anything about banning gold buyers
00:51.03norgannathat's where the problem is
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00:54.32Bleeteri suspect tracking gold buyers is a heck of a lot harder, although it'd be pretty obvious if a lvl 5 who's been playing for two weeks suddenly gets 500g from one player, there'd be practical methods around that which the seller could use
00:55.17Bleeterwhereas tracing someone's movements who's accussed of botting ould be easier
00:55.24Bleeterhmm on second thoughts, maybe not
00:55.36KirkburnGo for the drug dealer, rather than the buyers ...
00:55.55Bleetergo for the grower... shut wow down ;)
00:56.42Hexarobii read an interesting argument about the solution to gold farming being the game company selling gold themselves
00:56.54Cairennthat's what SOE does now
00:57.02Hexarobidoes it work?
00:57.08CairennI've no idea
00:57.20Hexarobihehe right, cuz nobody plays EQ2
00:57.23KirkburnYou give them money and they give you gold :P
00:57.33Hexarobii mean does it work to prevent farming =P
00:57.42KirkburnActually, it might be money for items not gold
00:57.48Cairennit's in EQ, not EQ2 (although it may be there as well)
00:58.04Hexarobiim not reactivating my EQ accnt
00:58.05KirkburnItems specifically for buyers, not drops
00:58.10Hexarobiwhats the highest lvl thesedays?
00:58.25Hexarobiya that seems lame
00:58.36Hexarobiselling items that u cant get ingame is LAME
00:58.52Kirkburnheh ... actually, there's good reason behind it
00:58.54Hexarobibut undercutting gold farmers at the source might be ok
00:59.08Hexarobiso they call sell a golden flying pig pet for $150?
00:59.21Bleeterwell there's the card trading game items, which basically is buying wow items for cash
00:59.23KirkburnIt means that you can identify buyers easily, without it impacting on in-game prices
00:59.56KirkburnOoh, on that subejct of card games
01:00.24KirkburnThe new WoW trading card game has special cards which will give people in-game rewards
01:00.33KirkburnOne is a MASSIVE ridable turtle
01:00.33Bleeteryeah, that's what I was talking about
01:00.34Hexarobiif you can get better items from cash than the best u can earn ingame, thats awful
01:00.47KirkburnSo it is Bleeter :P
01:00.56Hexarobiand if you can get better items for gold in the AH or bazaar, then theyll buy gold from gold farmers
01:00.57BleeterKirkburn: it's suggested that the mountable turtle has no speed increase... iut's just a mount ;)
01:01.21KirkburnIt's still bloody enormous! :P
01:01.52Bleeterthe way i read the announcement, though, the  ingame stuff is only in the $100 packs, or was I mistaken?
01:03.06KirkburnI didn't read it closely, I just stared at the ginormous turtle =)
01:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
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01:50.19Wobbleridable turtle
01:50.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cogwheel (n=chatzill@
01:50.58WobbleDo you have an image of this fine turtle?
01:52.59ckknighthey, what's the public opinion of Ace right now?
01:57.47CogwheelWell, with a response like that, you can bet it's not outrage... :P   Seriously, though, I considered using it for BatteryMinder, but felt that it's too simple to warrant using Ace. As far as user-space is concerned, I haven't seen much opinion either way on the WoW forums or in-game...
01:57.48BleeterWobble: yeah, lemme dig up a url
01:58.36Wobinhurrah =) Thanks Bleeter  =)
01:59.35Bleeter(i've manually typed that in, any errors, etc., just head up to the top of the site and find it yerself ;-) :P
02:03.09WobinAnd I thought the mechanostriders looked stupid
02:10.04CogwheelIs there any way to change the color of the text in an edit box?
02:16.34Cogwheelany hints? ;)
02:17.42RallionNo, I just know that there are addons that do LUA syntax coloring
02:18.09Cogwheelah yes.... i'll have to look into that...
02:18.22CogwheelI'm just trying to gray out the text in a disabled box.
02:18.52cladhaireok folks
02:18.54cladhaireheaded to bed =)
02:20.30Cairennnight clad|sleep
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02:37.27CogwheelRallion I was looking in the wrong spot... EditBoxes inherit SetTextColor from FontInstance :)
02:57.51Rallionheh, simple enough
03:04.31CogwheelWould it be wrong of me to give my own addon a five star rating? ;)
03:04.49Gngskwhat's your addon do?
03:05.02Thrae|AwayIs it wrong for a senator to vote for himself?
03:05.12CogwheelGood point...
03:06.47Corrodiasas far as i'm aware, it's legal
03:06.54Corrodiasif we're talking about the US
03:07.10CairennCogwheel: you should enable your portal, then you could get your bug reports, feature requests etc, without having to give out your email addy
03:07.30Cairennbut that's just my opinion /shrug
03:07.45CogwheelIs that in the user CP? (i made up an e-mail address for all my WoW exploits)
03:07.47Corrodiasif you're looking for some kind of moral or ethical judgement, i can't help you with that.
03:08.08Cairennfront page, left hand side, in the menu
03:08.13Cogwheelexploits as in activities... not hacks...
03:08.24Cairennsame area as upload&update, etc
03:10.20MentalPoweranyone know a decent BLP viewer?
03:10.24MentalPoweror a converter?
03:10.32Cogwheelgoogle BLP2 viewerI think i'm gonna change the name of CastOnSelf
03:10.51Cogwheelgah... forgot to delete what i was typing
03:11.09Thrae|AwayMentalPower: There's one for Windows on
03:13.02norgannamp - did you try xnview?
03:13.15MentalPowerIdid,butithas issueswith certain BLP's
03:13.35MentalPower~lart spacebar
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03:13.58CogwheelI doubt that solved the problem, purl...
03:19.09Thrae|AwayTip: It is better to quest and die, then never to have quested at all.
03:31.21Rallionoh, yeah, a lot of the newer tips are pretty good
03:31.51MentalPoweryep, I concurr
03:31.57Corrodiasno more of that "press W to move forward" stuff, eh?
03:32.52Rallioni bet they have some kind of tip suggestion box
03:33.29RallionI'd drop in a piece of paper that said "Mrghrghgghrrlrgh!"
03:37.15MentalPowerA Priest a Paladin and Varimathras walk into a bar...
03:38.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobi (
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04:40.47Atreodoes Player_Auras_Changed return any arguments?
04:44.49MentalPowernot that I know of
04:44.53MentalPowerbut check the wiki
04:53.58Temgod damn
04:54.05Temthe loot gods hate us
04:54.22Tem're about to DE a Wrath BP
04:54.50Temthis is only like our 5th Nef kill
05:13.33TemGG ATI
05:13.56TemI with they'd fix that Searing Gorge crash issue
05:14.28Temoh well, I guess that's it for me tonight
05:14.32Temlater everyone
05:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
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06:57.44MentalPowerOMG, I just read the "Request to REMOVE API functions" post
06:57.58MentalPowersufficed to say, the guy is paranoid
07:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:17.09WobinWow, it's like... sleeplinking =)
07:17.13WobinThank you Cair =)
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07:17.27Cairenn|sleepoh, and, insomnia ftl
07:18.40WobinImarra's random caps is giving me the urge to stab their eyes out =(
07:18.43MentalPowerCair asleep links faster than I do
07:19.09MentalPowertried nyquil Cair?
07:20.17Cairenn|sleepconsidering the number of meds I take on a regular basis as it is, the last thing I want to do is take more if not absolutely critically necessary
07:20.38Cairenn|sleepinsomnia != absolutely critically necessary
07:20.55Cairenn|sleepunless it's ongoing for an extended number of nights
07:21.17Cairenn|sleepbut thanks for the suggestioin :)
07:22.00WobinYou need a tall blonde muscular swede named Sven to come give you a massage before bed.
07:22.05Wobin(on retainer)
07:22.56WobinThese are the necessary things you have to pencil into your budget, see? =)
07:32.08*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:40.00ShadowedApparnelty i've missed some stupid forum posts while i wasn't paying attention to IRC
07:40.09Shadowedexcept pretend i spelled stuff right
07:40.48Shadowedthat topic wins
07:41.10Cairenn|sleepstupid post of the week award? yeah, I agree, that wins
07:41.31Shadowedexactly, he should get a medal
07:41.50Shadowedyou're not suppose to be here an hour after you changed your name to sleep by the way :p
07:43.24Cairenn|sleeptrust me, I don't *want* to be here right now
07:43.50Shadowedfine, we hate you too!
07:44.06Cairenn|sleepI did qualify that with "right now" :p
07:44.30ShadowedIf I ignore it then i can say you didn't say it :p
07:55.13Shadowedsleep well!
08:38.33zespriwhat is a good trinket mangement addon?
09:03.45Mr_Rabies2trinketmenu. nuff said
09:04.20Mr_Rabies2it even autoqueues trinkets if you want, not so much like itemrack in that you can set it to autoqueue on a million events, but it does a good job
09:04.54kergothi love that trinketmenu can keep the menu displayed at all times, not just on mouseover like itemrack
09:04.57Mr_Rabies2like, if your ToEP is on cooldown, it can swap to your ZHC until the ToEP cools down
09:05.21Mr_Rabies2and if they're both cooled down, to another trinket, even
09:05.29Mr_Rabies2er, not cooled
09:06.30Mr_Rabies2yeah :P
09:40.02Priamif i have a frame named "myFrame". this is equal to myFrame ?
09:40.23Priam"this" is equal to myFrame object?
09:41.27kergoththat depends on context.  where?
09:41.50Priamon the <onloaldW event of this frame
09:50.00*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
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12:53.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:02.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:09.56KasoThe "You receive item: []x3 thing is bugged for tubers and NDB
13:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
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14:01.35Industrialshould be *3
14:05.44wereHamsterlive video stream from silithus: 8-)
14:10.33Beladonaanyone know of an existing addon that utilizes sticky frames? or the ability to stock one frame to another when it is within a certain range of the other frame?
14:10.41Beladonastock = stick
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14:13.54Ziconbeladona: The bars in Bongos stick together.
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14:40.16Priamwhat is the function to display a red error message (at the middle top of the screen). Thank's
14:42.45wereHamsterUIErrorsFrame:AddMessage() ?
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14:52.39Priamok thank's
15:02.34Priamanother file than GlobalStrings contain localizated strings?
15:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
15:20.11cogwheel:(   why is it that i can log into the game but not the forums when they're billing my account...
15:23.37Cairenndunno why they've got it set up that way, but a) it's always been that way and b) it sucks
15:24.01cogwheela) /sigh... yeah... b) QFT
15:25.14Cairennanother advantage to this channel ... if you've got something you really need posted while in billing purgatory, you can ask someone here to post it on your behalf
15:25.39Cairennalso great for posting to the other forums (US vs EU)
15:25.49cogwheelI wouldn't feel comfortable asking someone to bump my "New Addon" thread :o)
15:26.41cogwheelBesides, Deadlykris could use a day without me shortening her (his?) macros... lol
15:31.09RallionI hate the forums so much. So much.
15:32.11cogwheelThe beta forums look nice... i just hope they can handle the load once they go live.
15:32.21cogwheelI also hope the fix the [pre] double line bug
15:32.33CairennI got rather burned out by them, that's why I haven't been around so much.  Taking a break from them, hoping it gets to the point that I'll be able to stand going back to them.
15:32.52cogwheels/e the/e they
15:33.14cogwheeldid i miss something or is purl dead again?
15:33.18Cairennyou need a closing / if you want purl to actually do the substitution
15:33.20RallionI'm just talking about hatred from a technical standpoint, the content is a whole separate hatred
15:33.46cogwheelis there a manual for purl anywhere? :)
15:33.52Cairennnot really
15:34.48MoonWolfit only work on your last message, and i don't think substitute command count.
15:35.09Rallionthat was weird how it made 'harry'
15:35.21Hexarobihehe, the last think i had said was "haha"
15:35.35Rallionhaha oh
15:35.37Cairennyou are also expected to spell the word that you wish to replace the same way you spelled it the first time ;)
15:35.40Rallioni need to go back to sleep
15:35.48Hexarobis/hehe, the last think i had said was "haha"/duh/
15:36.04Rallioni got about two hours, then I had to drive my sister to work
15:36.22Hexarobidoes it do other perl commands?
15:36.30Rallionand now I'm trying to do the 'stay up with the help of the magic caffeine' thing but I should really just lie down
15:37.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
15:37.17Rallionas far as I can tell, 'normal' amounts of caffeine don't even do anything for me anymore anyway, except stave off headaches
15:38.14cogwheelhehe... I recently went cold turkey off caffeine after drinking 3-4 mountain dews a day... I took some pills for the headaches, and realized they had caffeine... :S
15:39.37Hexarobitesting blah
15:39.58Rallion3-4 a day...heh...I used to drink 12 or so
15:40.04Rallionmaybe more like 8
15:41.57Rallionactually for a long time I kept typing +me
15:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:00.47Mr_Rabies2i use /me in wow, so all the same :P
16:01.10Mr_Rabies2you could do /e /me $$1- in your Aliases D:
16:07.03*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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16:53.24Kirkburnoooh thunder
16:55.31KirkburnWhat fun
16:55.44KirkburnI do love the smell of a good thunderstorm
16:55.56cogwheelI don't get those very much where i live...
16:56.20KirkburnDeath Valley??
16:56.23cogwheelCalifornia has boring weather. And the earthquakes are few and far between
16:56.41cogwheeldispite media messages to the contrary
16:56.42KirkburnWell, er, I don't get many earthquakes here either
16:57.02KirkburnWe do get the highest density of tornadoes though
16:57.35KirkburnIf there's one good thing about a thunderstorm, it means I don't have to water the garden again :)
16:57.44cogwheelHeh... Ever since I was about 6 and there was a tornado in sonoma county (nothing major) I've had nightmares about tornados
16:58.56CairennpotatoEs :p
16:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
16:59.46Kirkburn1Power cut :)
16:59.54Kirkburn1(I'm in the UK btw)
17:00.37Kirkburn1I should probably D/C for a while until it goes
17:01.01KirovKirkburn - you guys need to go get more french to pedal those bikes in the power plants
17:01.27Kirkburn1Oooh, big thunder, sheet lightning, everything :D
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17:13.03Triadiankirk where ya at ? im central and aint here yet but getting dark
17:20.39Beladonaanyone have experience, or know how to add another tab to the interface optiions?
17:20.46Beladonaor can we even
17:23.36Triadianno idea but its been updated in 1.12 - so might wanna look at it
17:24.23Beladonayeah saw that
17:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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18:20.38KirovCide - did TS get the non-broken version of STranq?
18:37.17Cidehe said there were more errors on load
18:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
18:48.09Rallionwhy couldn't blizzard have just made the keyring work like any other bag?
18:48.40ShadowedBecause simple isn't allowed!
18:50.40Iriel|workingI suspect it's implemented very differently behind the scenes, and perhaps they didn't want to confuse any existing bag addons
18:52.08Rallionthere's that, but I don't see why it would HAVE to be all that different behind the scenes
18:52.56Rallionit's not as if it inctroduced new types of behavior
18:54.04ShadowedWell, if they added it as a new bag it would probably break any sort of bag scanning
18:54.40Rallionokay, what I really should have said is "why couldn't blizzard have just made the keyring work like the backpack"
19:02.49Beladonahas anyone integrated it into an all in one bag solution yet?
19:03.02Beladonamaybe as a row of slots that are slightly seprate from the rest
19:03.03TemBilling purgatory sux
19:05.28Beladonawoot, I managed to add a tab to the interface options panel
19:05.45Temnow make it less ugly
19:06.01Beladonawhich one? the new one on test?
19:06.04Temthe new one assaults my eyes
19:06.11Temyeah, the PTR version
19:06.15Beladonait is kinda big, but I like it better than the old
19:06.29Temsomeone thought it would be a good idea to use a parchment background
19:06.40BeladonaI would be itnerested in converting it into a format similar to the CT mod options window though. But with check buttons and stuff like it has now
19:07.03TemI was never a big fan of the spellbook style options windows
19:07.21Beladonathats what I mean. Same window, but not smell slots
19:07.37Beladonacheck buttons and stuff, like the current options panel uses
19:07.38Kirovsmell slots, lol
19:07.49Tembut I would prefer that over the current way
19:08.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
19:18.42cogwheelBeladonna: re: all in one bag solution: EngBags updated has keyring support...
19:21.56Rallionas far as I know, it's the only one that doesn't just open the default keyring
19:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Abenadi (
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19:35.54Rallionyou know what's fun? looking through the WoW icon set for something that suits your purposes is fun!
19:36.03Industrialanyone here use 7zip?
19:36.14Rallioni do
19:36.24krkai have used it at work for compressing jar files
19:36.29Industrialnever mind
19:36.54cogwheel_i do
19:40.47Rallionyeah...I want to find icons that make sense to designate ench/herb/soul bags
19:40.53Rallionsoul bag should just be a shard
19:41.24Rallionfor herb I guess I could just make it peacebloom, and for ench just dust
19:41.39Rallionno...essence. greater essence. prettier.
19:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
19:53.50cogwheelBah... the day Slouken adds a feature I requested, i can't log into the forums 'cause of the billing cycle...
19:55.00Kirovwant me to post for you?
19:55.10cogwheelif you like :)
19:55.23cogwheelI was just gonna say /cheer
19:59.21cogwheelhehe... thanks :)
20:00.01RallionI think I'm going to include a 'normal' mode in my EngBags clone, where it just looks like Onebag or Bagnon
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20:15.05KirkburnGotta love power cuts
20:15.39cogwheel... I live in California... I *know* power problems...
20:16.02cogwheelWe elected the terminator because of them :S
20:16.36KirkburnWas quite a nice thunderstorm though :)
20:16.59KirkburnThe grass in the garden has pretty much completely died due to the drought here :/
20:18.29RallionI'd actually use a standalone program designed to ease the process or rearranging functions within or between files.
20:19.34RallionI want a good thunderstorm...
20:20.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
20:20.35Rallionwell, it's 93 degrees, but no thunderstorm.
20:21.00Rallionscattered thunderstorms all around but I don't expect to see any
20:22.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
20:38.40cogwheelprint(1 and "hi" or "bye") print(0 and "hi" or "bye") should print "hibye" right?
20:42.14Kirov0 and 1 both evaluate to true in lua
20:42.28Kirovnil and false are the only ones that evaluate to false
20:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
20:48.02KirovYou know what would of been awesome?  If you could put in as many delimiters as you wanted for the SendAddonMessage and it'd automatically split them up and return them each.
20:50.15ShadowedI'm just happy we got it and that we have an easy to use prefix to figure out which addon sent it :p
20:51.00KirovI'm going to abuse that prefix
20:51.11Shadowedhow are you going to do that?
20:51.26Kirovsend my message in the prefix, and the prefix in the message
20:51.31Kirover, no
20:52.13Kirov"MyMod" "General Stuff"
20:52.13Kirov"MyModSpecial" "More Spammy Stuff"
20:52.54KirovWith unique prefixes for each of the spammy events.
20:53.09ShadowedYou should just make it use CTRA's prefix
20:53.30Shadowedand then "accidently" use some of the same commands it does
20:54.02Kirov"CTRA" "MS "..getsum(tabledata[2])
20:54.37Shadowedthen figure out a way to blame Cide
20:55.02KirovNah, I'll just blaim Cosmos, people might actually believe me then.
20:56.15Kirov"No no, Cosmos has a new mod called Cosmos Timed Raid Agro that's super spammy, they're using "MS" to denote mortal strike
20:58.50Shadowedso mean :p
20:59.51cogwheelMy wife would believe you...
20:59.58cogwheelshe's a cosmos user and very gullible :P
21:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc (
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21:43.35Abenadiso, quick question - will this result in a runtime error: var=nil; if var and var>0 then dosomething() end
21:44.33cogwheelassuming dosomething exists...
21:44.56Abenadijust wondering if it would skip evaluating the if statement after "1 strike"
21:45.18Kirovif there aren't any "or"s, yes
21:45.29cogwheelyep. it does something else neat... it evaluates to the values of the operands to and instead of true or false.
21:45.46cogwheela and b or c    returns b if a and b are true or c otherwise
21:45.58cogwheellike a ? b : c from C
21:46.30AbenadiI only kind of understand that
21:46.39Abenadii'll stick to if (a) elseif (b) else c end
21:47.13cogwheelIt's useful for fitting things in the 255 char limit of macros :)
21:47.28Abenadithat's true : )
21:48.43cogwheelthink of it this way...    For the expression (a and b), once a is determined to be false, b doesn't matter, so a is returned. If a is true, then only b matters, so it returns b...
21:49.26cogwheelfor (a or b), once a is true, b doesn't matter. if a is false, then b is all that matters.
21:50.05cogwheelfalse1 and true1 or true2 -> false1 or true2 -> true2
21:50.46cogwheel(everything besides nil and false are considered true)
21:52.15cogwheelThis is one of the reasons I fell in love with Lua :)
22:11.28Mikk"get lost fucktard"
22:11.42Mikkdamn. took a while. i'm not 1337 enough =P
22:15.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
22:17.36Kirkburn1Anyone know whether this belongs on the wiki?
22:19.00Mikkyeah i'd say so
22:20.06Mikkthere's a bunch of other articles on people that have made a name for themselves in Category:Community
22:21.02Kirkburn1I'm intrigued by the 'Lord of China.' title :P
22:22.38Kirkburn1Scary :P
22:23.00Kirkburn1Anyone know what tigerclaw's job is exactly?
22:23.29Mikkaaaaargh! my cpu!
22:24.08Kirkburn1It doesn't seem to have affected your ability to post, so I guess it's not on fire ...
22:25.33ShadowedAdding my realm to the watch list on wiki was probably a bad idea
22:28.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Flyoc_ (
22:31.55cogwheelDo any of you feel like this:  (it's someone's avatar in my guild's forums...)
22:33.30cogwheels/u f/u ever f/
22:37.11cogwheelpurl, status?
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23:00.34Kirkburn1Lovely animated page :)
23:01.19Iriel|workingGod damn it
23:01.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
23:01.43Kirkburn1Nice, cogwheel :P
23:02.09Iriel|workingThey disabled the wow forums to test the beta ones, but there's no UI forum there
23:02.18Kirkburn1Ooh, that
23:02.26ShadowedBlizzard is going to face the wrath of Iriel?\
23:03.30cogwheeldang... still can't log into the beta ones either...
23:11.44Kirkburn1The beta forums are still somewhat broken on IE7
23:12.01Kirkburn1(I like how it now has themes though)
23:12.06cogwheel[pre] looks better than firefox still, though...
23:12.44Iriel|working[pre] editing works
23:12.56cogwheelyeah, but it shows up with extra lines in between in firefox
23:13.30Kirkburn1Iriel, it's only one day without the UI forum :P However do you cope on holiday? ;)
23:13.46cogwheelor when your account is being billed?
23:14.05Iriel|workingI have the 6 month subscription plan, so deal with that infrequently
23:14.10KirkburnSame here
23:14.14Iriel|workingIt's just annoying because I hit a forum link right as they turned it off
23:14.17cogwheelHmm... maybe i should try that :)
23:15.39Iriel|workingOddly enough the time they say we get our forums back is midnight LAST NIGHT
23:18.01cladhaireIriel|working: I'm logged in on the old forums
23:18.02*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:18.12cladhairejust logged in, or is the issue something different?
23:18.45cogwheelit's read-only according to the post.
23:19.06Iriel|workingcladhaire : You can't post
23:19.21cladhairei see now =)
23:19.28cladhaireit was going slow, so I hadn't gotten there yet =)
23:20.40KirkburnDammit, post histories is still broken
23:23.09Kirkburn:( I don't want to have to switch to FF every time I use the forums
23:23.41Iriel|workingJust use FF all the time, problem solved
23:24.13KirkburnI like IE7 more 88-)
23:31.49ShadowedIt would be nice if they actually made stuff compatabile with more browsers though :p
23:32.17ShadowedHaving be slower/uglier because it's IE seems kind of odd since it's an actual company
23:33.14KirovI think the issue is more it would be nice if IE was compatible with more web sites.
23:33.45KirovDon't blaim Firefox for actually doing what the web page tells it to.
23:35.10ShadowedI never blamed FF for it. But Blizzard isn't exactly a hobby site, you'd hope they would at least try to have something that is usual or looks decent for the populare browsers.
23:35.12Shadowedbah he left!
23:47.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (

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