irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060722

00:05.54*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
00:06.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
00:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
00:13.31Mikordhello folks
00:13.39Cairennhi Mikord
00:16.45zenziofor crying out loud... need a Burning Essence from the dark coffer, so I do a run with some guildies. The Dark Keeper is in the bar; tough pull, and in the process we wipe a few times... and when we finally get back, what's in the coffer?
00:16.49zenzioone Aquamarine
00:17.08Mikkburning coffer farming is rogue work
00:17.18Cidehm - we can't play midi files with PlaySoundFile, can we?
00:17.35Mikkrogue+rogue works. rogue+druid aswell.
00:17.39Kirovgood lord, I hope not
00:18.02Mikki've found it a good practice to simply swap equal time work.
00:18.24Mikkif it takes two rogues 2 hours to get your burning essence, i go out and do stuff for them for 2x2 hours
00:18.28Mikkfarming herbs or whatever
00:18.54*** join/#wowi-lounge sedatedChipmunk (
00:19.43Mikkor running in strath pugs for righteous orbs =)
00:19.55Mikkrogues tend to go through those like underwear =P
00:24.48*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio_ (
00:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
00:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
00:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
00:58.30Cairennhi esp|Syn
01:00.59esp|Synive been wondering
01:01.32esp|Synwould it be possible to intercept whispers and make them show in a window like a msn message window?
01:01.44Mikordshouldn't be a problem esp
01:01.59esp|Synhrm ill give it a go then
01:02.05esp|Synsince i cant find anything like that
01:02.08Mikordyou can supress whispers
01:02.23Mikordso I don't see why taking what it says and redisplaying it somewhere else wouldn't be doable
01:03.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:03.55Qzotesp, I've wanted exactly that. go for it.
01:05.04Qzotesp: the other thing i've wanted is something that will suppress whispers while I'm in combat, and then will put them in my chat log after I'm out of combat. Unless they're from party-/raid-mates, of course.
01:05.35Cairennthere are a few like that already
01:05.45QzotOf course. :D
01:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:06.52Cairennlike the msn, not the other
01:07.10esp|Syni cant find one
01:07.48QzotOhhhh. So I actually have an idea that hasn't been implemented yet?? ;)
01:08.20Cairennno idea, just I've never seen one like it
01:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:10.18QzotBye, all.
01:10.26esp|Syni can do that Qzot
01:10.29esp|Synill add it in
01:10.32esp|Syntomoro when i start
01:12.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:15.34*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
01:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:27.58MikkHummmmmmm... is there some way to tell how HIGH a FontString is?
01:28.01MikkMulti-line one that is
01:30.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:32.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:49.14*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
01:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
02:11.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
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02:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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03:04.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:18.58MentalPowerwb Cairenn
03:19.05Cairennthanks :)
03:19.18MentalPowerhow was the walk?
03:19.43Cairennspeed, not length, that is
03:20.19MentalPowerah, IC
03:25.48Hexarobithirty thousand leagues under the sea!
03:38.17Cairennnot quite, but a couple kilometers in 1/2 hr
03:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
03:40.13Cairennhad to cut the length of time shorter than usual this evening, too hard for my daughter to breath out there right now
03:59.21*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
04:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
04:02.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
05:04.16MentalPowerseem everyone is partying
05:04.23MentalPowerreally quiet here tonight
05:06.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
05:07.20MentalPowerman, parsing game files is so awesome
05:10.09Renyunsince when is parsing anything else exciting?
05:10.18Corrodiasi enjoy parsing porn
05:10.24Renyunfair enough
05:26.58ShadowedI though we scared away Rislyn
05:27.08Shadowedand by "we" i mean "Iriel and Cairenn"
05:29.09Kirovthose trouble makers
05:29.21ShadowedTem probably had something to do with it too
05:48.26Shadowedah they put the BATTLEGROUND addon message type in with the latest PTR patch
05:52.24Mikkdo you think if we keep bugging them enough they give us WHISPER? =)
05:54.30ShadowedThe only reason they added BATTLEGROUND was because they would basically kill *any* ability to do communication inside battlegrounds including mods like CTRA.
05:58.04Shadowedwell, do any communication reliably that is
06:20.40KirovI don't get how it would kill CTRA?
06:22.04WobinWith a knife
06:22.16Cairennin the study
06:23.08MentalPowerby Dr. Plum
06:23.18MentalPowerProf Plum*
06:23.31EndNo, no, Mr Green!
06:23.36EndColonel Mustard
06:23.46EndScarlet whatsherface
06:23.55Enduh some white guy?
06:24.02MentalPowerwhite chick
06:24.09Endwhite chick?
06:24.10MentalPowerthe maid
06:24.13Endoh yeah
06:24.27EndI have no idea what her name is
06:24.32MentalPowerneither do I
06:24.48MentalPower~google Clue Characters
06:25.01MentalPowerhmm... no google on purl
06:25.38EndMissus Peacock
06:25.51EndMisses White
06:25.58End(that's what it says)
06:26.34Cairenngood thing you guys have day jobs :p
06:28.43MentalPowernot all of us Cairenn :|
06:28.58CairennMentalPower: too true
06:30.49MentalPowerinteresting fact
06:31.19MentalPowerIn the musical version of the game, the role of Mrs White is traditionally played by a crossdressing man.
06:36.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
06:40.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
06:45.30Corrodiasmusical version of the game?
06:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
06:56.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
06:59.10MentalPowerCorrodias: Musical, as in theater version
07:01.00MikkMuaha.... "How to implement a fully functional multi-line tooltip that does resizing, delay before show, and automatically hides when you leave the target frame in 60 lines of Lua or less."
07:01.06Mikk..."With lots of blank lines for readability" =)
07:06.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:21.25MentalPowergnight folks
07:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre- (
08:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:18.54Industriallevel 3letterclass name
08:19.08Industrialhard/easy classcolor hostile/friendly
08:19.12Industrialall I need
08:19.30Industrialoh and to follow my mouse
08:19.53MikkThat'll be TinyTip you want
08:20.06MikkThis is for UI elements, not world objects
08:20.34MikkTinyTip can show bare minimums in the cursor tooltip, and lots more in the bottomright if you like
08:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
08:26.44*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:31.08ShadowedDoubt you're still here Kirov, but. You can't use custom channels to communicate across battlegrounds, can only do that using the zone channels and /bg. So basically any sort of mod that relied on RAID, PARTY or channels for communication would break inside a battleground.
08:31.24Shadowed*RAID or PARTY addon messages
08:32.38Kirovamazingly, still here
08:33.07Shadowedbut yeah, thats pretty much any comm mod for raids/parties wouldn't work inside a battleground :p
08:35.02ShadowedTheres one easy reason why they didn't make RAID/PARTY work in battlegrounds though
08:36.29ShadowedNot sure the best way to explain it but. If you are in lets say a guild raid and you queue for a battleground and get in, you're in two raids at once. One is the forced raid of the battleground and another is the original guild raid you were in before you entered the battlefield instance. Using any raid related functions returns info for the battleground's forced group, but if you use /party or /raid you can talk to your guild raid and the people in th
08:37.00Shadowednot sure if that makes sense, pretty bad at explaining stuff :p
08:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:42.47Shadowedanyway! I must get some sleep, night.
08:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:50.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
08:50.24ThraeI wonder how hard it would be for slouken to implement something like GetAPIFunction( functioname ), which always returns the reference to the original Blizzard function, even if it's been hooked.
08:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
08:59.26MikkYou can implement it yourself
08:59.46Mikk!!!!!AddonName =)
08:59.59ThraeHaha. We know that doesn't always work ;)
09:00.09MikkNo =(
09:00.21Kirovshould work
09:00.54MikkThey could add it to framexml
09:01.08MikkJust have the first file loop the global env and look for functions and put them in an array
09:01.24MikkThen again that wastes resources
09:01.28ThraeWhat happens to the old reference in a hooked function? If it's stored in a local, is it accessible by another file?
09:01.30MikkGetAPIFunction() is prolly best =)
09:02.49ThraeI just realized that GetAPIFunction() wouldn't work for me either. I want to insert my addon's hook before any other addon, without making people edit another addon's OptionalDeps or adding LoadWith to my addon.
09:02.56MikkJust require everyone to use OLTRA to do their hooks :-)
09:03.46ThraeYou lib?
09:04.10MikkOne Lib To Rule Them All </lastweekshumor>
09:04.11KirovHey, I can't mess up too
09:04.38MikkProposed as the alternate name of Ace2 =P
09:05.22ThraeAceHook is also nice, but when you're dealing with merciless yet popular tooltip mods like MobInfo-2 (which hooks OnShow for some reason) and MonkeyQuest (weird coding), it can get messy.
09:09.15ThraeOoo, could functions be made into metadata tables which record hooks?
09:10.21MikkPossibly, but it introduces ugliness
09:10.39MikkLike doing type(functionName) not returning "function"
09:10.54MikkHm no it won't work
09:11.21MikkYou can't react to the table reference changing, only stuff inside it
09:11.31MikkYou COULD stick a metatable in _G but that's just plain evil
09:11.33MikkAnd likely slow as hell
09:12.37MikkJust fix the ugly addons?
09:13.03ThraeThere can always be more and more ugly addons, though.
09:13.05MikkBetter for everyone involved
09:13.30MikkYeah but I don't see why the well-behaved ones need to be worked on lots and lots and lots to compensate for the ones that suck
09:14.45ThraeI can hack my own code easily, with something like MobInfo-2 I'd be much inclined to rewrite the damn thing.
09:15.17KirovMobInfo-2 always struck me as being particularly cobbled together
09:15.55ThraeActually I've been tossing around the idea of writing my own MobInfo-2 mod to go along with TinyTip, except mine would work with a compressed database and store mob positions (allowing me to get rid of MetaMap's WoWKB)
09:16.26Mikkcompressed? o.O
09:16.43KirovI have an LZW lib for wow
09:17.06MikkThat's going to backfire mercilessly
09:17.11MikkAt least with the current SV bugs
09:17.14ThraeYeah, just simple string compression, maybe bitlib later on. The MobInfo-2 DB right now is just as bad as WoWKB, totally uncompressed.
09:17.37KirovMikk - worked pretty well in 1.10
09:17.39Kirovbut yeah
09:17.46KirovNot sure I want to subject 1.11.2 to it
09:17.47Mikk1.11 is teh sux for big SV content
09:17.48ThraeWhat do you mean? Plenty of mods have implemented decent compression algorithmns, like KC_Items.
09:18.11KirovKC_Items doesn't really compress anything, does it?
09:18.27MikkDepends on what you compress. Individual strings... sure. But if you do the thing that's going to get the most gain - rewrite everything to a single string representation and then compress that - it'll hurt.
09:18.38ThraeYes, it uses a highly compressed DB, as it also stores item stats along with generated links.
09:19.05KirovThrae - that's not really along the same lines though.
09:19.22MikkThen again, such a string wouldn't be scannable at all
09:19.29KirovThat can be done with gsubs, and maybe a little number -> ascii conversion
09:19.43Kirover, number -> char conversion
09:20.38ThraeKirov: You should take a look at KC_Item's SVDB sometime, it's very not human readable. Kaelten would better explain how his DB works, I'm probably misrepresenting it.
09:21.11KirovThrae - You should see my internal LLe db
09:21.15ThraeWoo 5am nets me "very not"
09:21.24KirovCompresses all item stats down to a 26 character line
09:21.49Kirovincluding sell price, armor, etc
09:22.12ThraeHow's the load time?
09:22.49KirovFor my internal version?  A lot better than normal LootLink
09:22.57KirovThe problem comes in the LZW lib
09:23.30KirovBloats pretty fast
09:23.42KirovAnd full-string searches end up really slow.
09:25.03Mikkcreate a hash for searching
09:25.49ThraeMy ideas for compression sound silly compared to yours.
09:26.50KirovBasically strings end up being about 3/4ths to half the size of the original
09:26.56ThraeI wish smart people would come together and make a compression lib focused on optimizing very large WoW SV databases.
09:27.15KirovBut since I hold on to the compressed data, and then cache the uncompressed data after I've searched it, it gets ugly
09:27.31MikkUses lots of ram you mean?
09:28.13KirovNot to mention it's a bit hacky as it's still appending off of the original LootLink database format
09:28.28ThraeThat would be the opposite of what I'm trying to do, reduce memory usage.
09:28.47MikkAssume you work off of three-letter pairs
09:28.51KirovI was trying to reduce load times and item searches / sorting
09:28.51Mikkerr... tuples
09:29.14Kirovfor the LZW stuff?
09:29.20MikkAnd create a hash for in which items those tuples exist
09:29.47KirovI didn't actually write teh LZW lib, a friend of mine wrote it and I ported it to lua
09:30.04MikkI assume your table is 1 entry per item, yes?
09:30.19KirovYou've never looked at LootLink stuff.  =)
09:30.37MikkI've looked at the regular lootlink db
09:30.47KirovMy method would of eventually cram it all down to a single string, yes
09:30.53Kirovper entry
09:31.06Kirovsimilar to ItemSync
09:31.23KirovBut longer strings since I was still keeping the full tooltip text
09:31.39Kirovjust compressed
09:32.10Mikkdamnit i suck at large scale search algorithms
09:32.35MikkShort version: I'm thinking there has to be some way for you to make a "lookup table" for a given search phrase
09:32.58MikkWhich means you can reduce the number of lines that you need to unpack by lots
09:33.03KirovI started looking at keeping all the unique text in a database, but that ended up huge, so I started looking at alternate methods of seaching for unique text and querying Blizzard's own database from within WoW using SetHyperlink() hacks
09:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:33.36KirovWhich ended up with me creating the huge ItemString page on wow wiki
09:33.57Kirovthat's all generated from with-in wow, not reading their db files
09:35.13MikkSo you re-generate that table on load or something?
09:36.04KirovI do for the mod I wrote to spit out all the data, but eventually, no
09:36.30KirovWhen I need to look it up, I'd just reparse it and cache it
09:37.10KirovI can just apply the enchant and secondary item bonuses to a hearthstone and parse the resulting tooltip to find out what each is.
09:37.30KirovFor the saved data, I then only need to save the remaining unique information of the base item.
09:37.57ThraeUgh. I need a rest from coding for a little while.
09:38.13MikkRL is -------> that way
09:38.16KirovI've mostly abandond all that work for LLe
09:38.52Thrae|AwayCoding IS my RL, at least I'm trained on it >.<
09:39.00Mikkoops =)
09:40.04wereHamsteris it possible to download videos in AVI format from youtube?
09:41.01KirovYou can get plugins that will let you download their format, and then there are converters back to avi
09:41.26wereHamsterI'm feeling discriminated :(
09:43.30Kirovbtw, anyone know what Texture:SetTexCoordModifiesRect does?
09:48.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:54.36Mikkcan't say i do
09:56.57KirovWell, sleep time for me
09:57.33KirovI'll probably poke at it sometime too, it's not listed at all on Iriel's 1.11 list, but who ever added it to the wiki commented it as being added in 1.11
11:35.36*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
11:56.39esp|Synwhich of the mods allows for you to put a bar around a target in the center of the screen?
12:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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12:14.49Mikkesp|Syn: Bar around the target?
12:15.28MikkArcHUD puts circular hp/mana/etc bars in the center of the screen
12:15.57MikkI'm not aware of any kind of mod that can put stuff around targets, or next to, or anything. The UI can't tell where mobs are on-screen.
12:18.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
12:19.49esp|Syni didnt mean literally
12:19.57esp|Syni meant, like the mana/hp thing
12:20.00esp|Synbut buttons instead
12:20.25Mikkah, action buttons?
12:23.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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12:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
12:54.33esp|Syndiscord site is almost dead
13:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (
13:16.53Mikmagood :)
13:21.40*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
13:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge _Valgrind (
13:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
13:27.34Meryman blizzard has many typos or unchanged names in their filenames to the world map data....
13:28.02esp|Synoo yay
13:28.04esp|Syni crashed wow
13:35.29Industriallo cairenn
13:36.59esp|Synand again :/
13:37.17esp|Syni think dabs is shit
13:41.23esp|Synis fubar any good?
13:43.07Cairennwell, 893 people have it on their favorites list on WoWI. you decide
13:43.07Kaeltengood morning everyone
13:43.22Cairennmorning yes.  good we're unsure of
13:43.23Corrodiasconsidering what, 6 million people play, now, 90% of them use UI mods, and 1% of those bother to keep a favorites list...
13:44.24Mikkesp|Syn: Umm. fubar and dab isn't exactly in the same category of addons?
13:44.29Corrodias(actually, no, it's probably much, much lower than 1%, but i'm just trying to illustrate how you need some context of how many favorite lists the "popular" mods are on)
13:44.32Cairennnot even close
13:45.11Cairennand my point is that the only person that can decide whether a mod is "any good" or not is the person asking the question :p
13:45.19KaeltenNot to mention the number of people that can end up using a mod via different compliations that never even go to the addons page
13:45.49Mikkmm.. probably the majority
13:46.58esp|Syni want something along the lines of
13:47.37Corrodiaswidescreen whores!
13:48.37Mikmathat's one horrible ui
13:48.50esp|Syni liked it :(
13:49.06Mikmawhat about it? :)
13:49.10zenzelezzwho cares what others think as long as you enjoy it esp?
13:49.16zenzelezznot like they're going to be watching your monitor
13:49.18Corrodiassigh... the only good options (that isn't already refurbished and has any sort of warranty for replacement upon failure) for widescreen monitors seem to be LCD ones. :(
13:49.30esp|Syni dont know how to make something like that
13:51.08Corrodiaswith one hand on the mouse and the other in your pants
13:53.14*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
13:53.35Corrodiasi swear that's how AL does it
13:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
14:01.39Cairennesp|Syn: I'm pretty sure that's a downloadable set up, you can probably find it on the Discord site
14:01.52esp|Synit is a downloadable one
14:02.08esp|Synbut i want somethng "like" it. cos i have alot of custom stuff. i just dont know how to do that kinda thing
14:02.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:04.14Cairenncan you not just add your custom stuff on top of that?
14:05.38esp|SynNope because that requires a stupidly high resolution
14:05.51esp|Synand i cant even read the chat :(
14:07.02Corrodiasyou know, that can be a bonus.
14:07.18Cairennwell, baring the graphics, it shouldn't be too hard to set up something *close*
14:07.26Cairennheh, too true Corrodias
14:07.26wereHamsterI'd like to create a castingbar that displays either the casttime or the global cooldown, depending on which is active. How can I detect when the player casts a spell without casttime that trigger the global cooldown?
14:09.17Cairennfind a set of unit bars you like, ditto hot bars, find something that'll move the minimap for you, toss  FuBar, Bhaldie Bar, Titan Panel or Infobar across the top and off you go
14:13.44esp|Synhow do i split the chat panel up
14:13.49esp|Synso i have chat on one side
14:13.53Cairennturn off simple chat
14:13.53esp|Synand the combat log on other
14:14.10esp|Synah oki
14:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
14:18.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (i=cody@
14:19.02Cairennfor action bars, try CT or bongos if you don't like DAB.  for unit frames, take a look at watchdog, perl or minigroup if you don't like DUF.
14:19.49Hexarobiwerehamster, i was just reading about detecting instant cast spells the other day
15:02.05wereHamsterdoes this make sense: if ( not this:IsVisible() ) thenthis:Hide();end ?
15:03.16esp|Synso.. if not visible hide?
15:10.37esp|Synall i wanted was to have a few buttons in a circle around the center of the screen
15:10.45esp|Synand now ive fucked up my entire layout lol
15:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:12.39Cairennmorning tem
15:12.47Temmorning Cair
15:24.56Cairennhey cladhaire
15:26.37cladhaireHexarobi: Did you have questions about that, I wrote that tutorial
15:28.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
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15:34.15Hexarobino, werehamster was asking
15:34.41esp|Synif i lose power now
15:34.44esp|Synill be pissed off
15:34.50esp|Synjurrasic park is on :(
15:35.03esp|Syndamn thunderstorms
15:35.20Hexarobijurassic park has backups upon backups
15:35.23Hexarobinothing could ever go wrong
15:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:38.40wereHamsteresp|Syn, which channel is JP on?
15:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
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17:27.17Cidehmm, what's PTR's .toc? FrameXML.toc still reads 11100
17:27.46Cairennshould be 11200
17:28.10Cideah, I must be stupid. thanks cair :)
17:35.37*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
17:35.45esp|Syndamn thunderstorms
17:36.23Merylol it cut your jp off?
17:38.15esp|Synno actually :D
17:38.17esp|Synonly my net
17:40.25Merywell partly lucky :)
17:42.24esp|Synthat prehistoric park is on after
17:42.38esp|Syntwister is on tonite :D
17:42.48esp|Synooo the glory of disaster movies :D
17:43.32Meryif i remember correct no movie "worth watching" is on german television today
17:44.08esp|Synthis is the first film ive wanted to watch thats been on tv in about 4 years :/
17:46.42RallionThere's a special on tornados on the history channel right now
17:49.06Rallionapparently there are people who think that opening windows during a tornado is a good idea
17:49.19Rallionto keep the low pressure from making your house explode.
17:50.29TainI don't know, I think seeing a house explode would be neat.
17:50.42RallionIt would be neat
17:50.55Rallionbut even if your average house is filled with water, it's not going to explode
17:51.05RallionI don't think a tornado is gonna do it
17:51.15Rallionit'll blow it over, maybe, but not blow it up
17:59.42esp|SynYeah seeing a house explode would be cool
17:59.48esp|Synunless.. your inside it of course
18:01.01TainI want explody-house.
18:03.01esp|Synwhy when i click on chat frame 1 in Dfm does my wow error and crash :(
18:24.14esp|Syngod hates me :(
18:25.45zenzelezzstuff like CSI tends to have several re-runs
18:39.37ShadowedI announce i'm doing a rewrite of a mod and the first thing someone asks is am i using ace2. o.O
18:42.25esp|Syni try my best to avoid making my mods dependant
18:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:59.51Mikkesp|Syn: Ace2 is embeddable though
19:00.18esp|Synhow do you mean embeddable?
19:00.28Mikkput its files into your addon
19:00.36Mikkload them like any other file from your toc
19:01.08Mikkit doesn't bloat RAM because if multiple copies are loaded, only the most recent one will remain when all is loaded
19:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
19:01.32Mikkdoes increase the zip file size a little but ... bah =P
19:02.16ShadowedI try to get every byte of my zip files :p
19:02.21Shadowedthats why i zip them at least 10 times before releasing
19:02.36Mikkyeah and zip+rar+zoo+arj+zip again ftw!
19:02.57ShadowedIf the user isn't willing to spend 10 minutes unzipping it, screw them
19:04.02esp|Syni just use winrar
19:04.07esp|Synmore compression
19:04.22Mikkand files that 3 out of 4 users don't know how to uncompress
19:04.53esp|Synthats there problem tbh
19:04.54ShadowedI don't really see anything in Ace2 that I need to make it worth using anyway. :p
19:05.01esp|Syntakes 2 seconds of google to figure it out
19:05.13Mikkesp|Syn: And money
19:05.24Mikkwinrar is not free
19:05.25esp|Synwhy do people keep saying that
19:05.28ShadowedI'll find some sort of Linux only compressor that requires them to install a bunch of libaries and such just to use it.
19:05.29esp|Synwinrar is 100% free
19:05.40esp|Synyou only pay if you want to remove the nag screen
19:06.10Shadowedthat doesn't count as 100% free :p
19:06.41esp|Synstill free
19:06.48esp|Synwinzip follows the same system
19:06.50Mikkno. winrar is not free
19:06.53esp|Synor did last time i checked
19:07.04Mikkyou're expected to buy it after the eval period has expired
19:07.46esp|Synyes but if they actually wanted to restrict users from continuing use, they would disable it.
19:08.03esp|Synthats simply to get companys who use it to pay, not the average user
19:08.05ShadowedBut thats not 100% free
19:08.18Mikkdoesn't change the fact that you're breaking the law
19:08.26esp|Synoh please
19:08.29Mikksomething which not everyone is willing to do
19:08.37esp|SynLook at 90% of these interface mods
19:08.43esp|Synuse copyrighted images
19:09.33zinorhey ckknight
19:09.57Mikkall i'm saying is that some people actually care about this stuff. if they don't want to use pirated software, and don't want to buy another archiver program.....
19:10.17esp|Synits not pirated because you havnt done anything other than break the tos
19:10.25esp|Synwhich people do all the time
19:10.35esp|Synand if they dont want too. then they wont use my mod. simple
19:10.59MikkI just use winrar myself and tell it to produce zips =)
19:11.06esp|Synpeople seem to think i owe them something by making these mods :/
19:11.08Mikkthe winzip UI has always and will always suck >.<
19:11.08zinorwhat are you people talking about?
19:11.19Mikkzinor: zip vs rar for addon archies
19:11.20zinorwinzips ui is fine but i find winrar quicker
19:11.28zinoras i right click -> zip most things
19:11.34zinorand winzip is an extra submenu
19:11.46Mikkwinzip handles folders badly =/
19:11.50ShadowedI'd actually use the rar feature in WinRAR if I knew everyone would have it
19:12.02zinorno but
19:12.06zinor(21:10:40) (esp|Syn) and if they dont want too. then they wont use my mod. simple
19:12.08zinorwhats that directed at?
19:12.14zinori heard copyrighted images etc.
19:12.28esp|Synfew people bitched about one of my addons
19:12.33esp|Syncos it was .rar not .zup
19:12.41zinorya you should always use .zip
19:12.45Mikkthat was directed at me saying that there's people out there that don't want to use pirated winrar copies, and don't want to pay for another archiver.
19:12.48zinorits a more widely used standard
19:12.52zinorand incorporated into windows xp
19:12.58zinoryou dont have to pay for winrar
19:12.59esp|Synwell i like .rar
19:13.01zinorits shareware
19:13.05Mikkthere we go again
19:13.10Mikkwinrar has a 30 day eval period
19:13.15Mikkafter that you're expected to pay
19:13.16Mikkok 40
19:13.18zinoryou can use it as long as you want, they just want you to buy at the end of eval period
19:13.27zinorno you're not expected, thats why it has a nag screen :)
19:13.34ShadowedI prefer rar too, but I'm not going to tell people to install software just to use a mod :p
19:13.34zinorotherwise it would just shut you out at 30 days
19:13.37zinorlike "trials" normally do
19:13.46Mikktry that argument in a trial =P
19:14.04esp|Synagain.. i produced these mods for myself and people who have requested them
19:14.26esp|Syni release them because people might want them. not because i want them to use them :/
19:14.48Mikkaye, same. but i also try to actually make them easy to use for said people :P
19:15.01ShadowedAnyway, it's not like you're zipping a 50MB file that you want to be able to reduce as much as you can. The size reduction for a mod isn't a huge deal since you're only talking a 180-300 KB download.
19:15.13Mikktry 30
19:15.22Mikkvs loading its web page which is 100+ =)
19:15.24ShadowedI just took the size of SSPVP which is fairly big :p
19:15.36esp|Synaye but making a .rar is much faster for me
19:15.38esp|Synas its one click
19:15.48esp|Synforce of habit
19:15.48Shadowedcan set it to one click in winrar too!
19:15.59esp|Synand im not guna re package it as .zip
19:16.07Cairennwe ask that authors use zip as that's the "standard" that most people have
19:16.12esp|Synand re-upload just because 2 of the 1000 people complained
19:16.55ShadowedYou can have 1000 happy people, and 5 people who hate you because you decide to do something. Those 5 people will speak out more then those 1000 will
19:16.56Cairenn*personally*, I don't really care
19:16.58Mikkesp|Syn: you DO know that you can set rar to produce zips by default, right?
19:17.06esp|Synwhy would i want too?
19:17.20esp|Synim hardly guna change how i do things
19:17.24Mikkfor the same reason you put your mods up for download? =)
19:17.27esp|Synfor two people who i couldnt care less about
19:17.41esp|Syni put them up because i thought someone might wana use them
19:17.46esp|Synif they dont. then they wont
19:17.59esp|Syni couldnt give a crap if 2 or 2000 people "hated" me
19:18.37esp|Synits a mod.. on a game.. online. its not guna effect my life or anything :/
19:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:22.38*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:22.52Cairennhi JoshBorke
19:24.03MikkAh. There we go. RAR license agreement: "If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove RAR/WinRAR files friom your storage devices and cease to use the product."
19:25.19MikkOne of the terms being "Anyone may use this software during a atest period of 40 days. Following this test period of 40 days or less, if you wish to continue to use RAR, you must register."  (goes on to explain how register = buy...)
19:26.01EndI'm playing hl2ep1, and alyx starts making zombie noises when I had my back turned
19:26.05Endfreaked me out a bit :X
19:27.26esp|Synthere you go
19:27.30esp|Syna freeware .rar extractor
19:27.34esp|Syn2 seconds it took me
19:28.06esp|Syngoogle is your friend
19:28.27Shadowedhe's not argueing that one exists or not, he's argueing that using WinRAR is not allowed after the trail period.
19:29.08esp|Synim not disagreeing with that fact
19:29.20esp|Synim just saying they no one has to "pay" to use my mods
19:29.31esp|Synif there not to lazy to put a little work in
19:30.01ShadowedSo if I make you install Photoshop to use a mod that you really want to, you'll download and install photoshop to use it? :p
19:30.10esp|SynNo i wont use the mod
19:30.35esp|SynBut if i REALLY want to use it
19:30.46esp|Synill install photoshop, well actually i already have it installed
19:30.48esp|Synso problem solved
19:31.11esp|Synone thing i wont do is post comments tell you to remove the need for photoshop right now
19:31.16Cairennand we are still sniping at each other about this ... why?
19:31.31esp|SynWere not. were having an heated discussion
19:31.57ShadowedBecause it's early and nothing better to do Cairenn!
19:32.13esp|Synits not like these guys are the people who bitched on my comments page
19:32.47Cairennjust so long as we're enjoying ourselves ... it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye - then it's a sport
19:33.12esp|Syni dunno abotu an eye but im about to lose the will to live..
19:33.13Shadowedi'll save you some time Cairenn
19:33.15Shadowed~sigh Men
19:33.16purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Men!"
19:33.35Cairennesp|Syn: =/
19:33.37esp|Synive just managed to lost my interface config AGAIN
19:33.43esp|Synive been trying to setup a nice layout
19:33.47esp|Synand keep losing it :(
19:33.58Cairennso make frequent backups :p
19:34.16esp|Synis discord still in production>
19:34.35Cairennyes, the author is still active
19:35.02esp|Synright i need to contact him then
19:35.14Mikk  <- heh, interesting
19:35.16esp|Synhis dfm crashes wow all the time :(
19:36.27esp|Synyea his forum is dead :(
19:37.01Cairennwhy do you say that?
19:37.35Cairennthey show up fine for me
19:37.58esp|Syn"Table 'disco15_UI.list' doesn't exist at line 142"
19:39.03zenzelezzthe forums load for me too
19:40.10esp|Syneven the userinterfaces one?
19:40.37Cairennah, no
19:41.06esp|Synsee thats the one i want :(
19:42.28esp|Synahh righto lol
19:42.47esp|Synas usual i miss it by a day lol
19:44.02esp|Syn:( whats with peoples hatred of gnomes
19:44.42MikkCairenn: Actually, how about pointing at that freeware extractor that esp|Syn dug up in the wowi mod installing faq?
19:48.44esp|SynSociety Against Cruelty To Gnomes!
19:49.16esp|Synits about time the gnomes were allowed to stand tall!
19:51.13MikkCairenn: ok that was a bad idea
19:51.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
19:51.20MikkThat program is NOT easy to use
19:51.26esp|SynConstant abuse of gnomes
19:51.37zenzelezzI was in a team with two dwarves, two gnomes in Scholomance earlier
19:51.48zenzelezzwas nice, except I kept checking the minimap to see where they were
19:52.23esp|Synive used that in the past
19:53.10wereHamsterdid anyone here already kill Patchwerk?
19:55.10wereHamsterI just did a short video of the last 3-4% - just in case you'd like to see..
19:56.20JoshBorkewas it fun?
19:56.20CideI've killed him
19:56.36Cideand no, he's a bitch
19:57.40Cidefor horde, anyway
19:57.48JoshBorkeyou'll get BoK in BC :-D
19:58.14zenzelezzso in BC the main difference between horde and alliance will be Fear Ward?
19:58.31JoshBorkei believe it will be racials
19:58.40Mikkfear ward is a racial
19:58.41zenzelezzFear Ward is racial
19:58.50Mikkand a damn powerful one
19:59.09JoshBorkeyes, i agree :-)
19:59.10zenzelezz10-minute duration buff that "absorbs" one fear
19:59.14Thrae|AwayFear a racial!
19:59.34Mikkzenzelezz: hum? it's kinda recastable
20:00.02zenzelezzyes, but you have to recast it to absorb more than one, don't you? Or can multiple priests stack it on you?
20:00.12Mikkno, recast after fear
20:00.29zenzelezzthought so
20:00.39JoshBorkeyou can recast it every 30s
20:00.46Mikkwhich is enough for most raid bosses
20:00.58Mikkhave two dorf priests and you can forget about the tank ever getting feared
20:01.06JoshBorkepretty much, yep
20:01.17zenzelezzthat's what we do
20:01.17Mikkor in BC... tremor totem + 1 dorf priest >.<
20:01.45zenzelezzI'm not main tanking much yet, so I don't get Fear Ward that often :-|
20:03.24Mikkof course, the problem with dwarf priests is the first rule of dwarf priests: The dwarf priest dies.
20:04.05zenzelezzother than when things go very bad, that doesn't happen much to us... mostly just the odd rogue or DPS warrior who can't control his own aggro NE priest is goot, too...he gets...uh...starshards...(*cry*)
20:04.47zenzelezzI'm Human, my racials come in darn handy as a tank
20:04.56zenzelezz"Hey Ragnaros, we can talk it over!" (Diplomacy)
20:05.21RallionI actually really like Perception
20:05.29zenzelezzthat one can actually be useful
20:05.43zenzelezzI'd still trade it for the stun thingie orcs have though
20:05.47Rallionbut that's because my only human is a rogue, and it can be fun as hell to use it in 1v1 Rogue-on-rogue PvP battles.
20:06.10RallionThey vanish, but I can still see them!
20:06.17*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor` (
20:06.30Rallionand then I vanish and ambush for 1000-ish damage and they die.
20:07.33Rallionthat's the only racial I ever use, though
20:07.44esp|SynDont suppose anyone knows of a mod that allows me to "bend" action bars?
20:07.59RallionWell, there's DAB with floaters
20:08.12Rallionbut I don't know of any that'll do it with an actual BAR
20:12.34Rallionyeah, single buttons that aren't a part of any bar
20:12.44Rallionthey don't anchor to each other or anything though
20:12.52esp|Synwell i really want them on one bar
20:13.06esp|Synbut i suppose if i find nothing i can do it that way
20:13.24RallionFlexbar can do that, actually, but I don't even know if that's still in development
20:14.59esp|Synill take a look :)
20:15.05esp|Synoh and twister is on itv 1
20:15.31JoshBorkei use flexbar
20:15.33JoshBorkeerm, visor
20:15.36JoshBorkeused to use flexbar
20:15.58Rallionthey changed it to Visor? I thought Visor was the name of something else, did they combine, or what?
20:16.19JoshBorkeno, i just slipped and said flexbar when i really meant visor :D
20:16.20ThraeVisor is an Ace addon, made by a different person, and works differently.
20:16.55JoshBorkeflexbar is more of a complete package than visor.  i could never get used to the way visor handled events ,so i just made my own mod that showed/hid buttons whenever i wanted =D
20:17.13ThraeIt's essentially Flexbar, but without bugs and a sensible GUI. The separate addon, VisorGUI, is decent but can't compare to Flexbar's GUI ;)
20:17.27JoshBorkei have more a problem with the events :-D
20:17.49ThraeYeah, its scripting system is the reason I just hardcoded events into EasyVisor.
20:20.36Rallionlol last time I used these addons, they had no GUI
20:20.48Rallionand now I'm just too happy with Discord
20:21.01Rallionbecause I have 1.5gb of RAM and I can take it.
20:21.06JoshBorkepower infusion is fun
20:21.39RallionI am seeing in-game weather for the first time, right now.
20:22.34Cairennah ha!  took me a couple, but found it ... you might like this one esp|Syn
20:23.11JoshBorkeah, that was a cool mod
20:24.39esp|Syni love you
20:25.01CairennI didn't make it
20:25.16Cairennsave your love for the author
20:25.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:25.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
20:25.52esp|Synbut you found it :D
20:26.01esp|Synwithout you. i would have nothing <3
20:26.06Cairennwas just a case of remembering where it was
20:26.29Cairennanyway, you're welcome
20:26.38Cairennhopefully it'll kinda do what you are looking for
20:26.47IrielOut of context that seems like an awfully romantic statement: <esp|Syn> without you. i would have nothing <3
20:27.05Cairennhi Iriel :)
20:27.06IrielI picture it being spoken in the rain on someone's doorstep
20:27.26esp|Synwell. iam a die hard romantic :D that anything like paintball?
20:29.27IrielIt does usually involve multiple people, so in a way it is.
20:31.47esp|Synusually id argue with that
20:31.50esp|Synbut i erm..
20:31.53esp|Synye anyway
20:31.58esp|Synthe sky its erm
20:32.46ThraeWhat's the texture path for the new raid icons?
20:33.01Merylook into unitpopup.lua
20:33.11ThraeAh, excellent.'s time for me to choose the reward for the Rogue ST quest
20:39.02Rallionthe mask is the best overall, but the other items have unique effects!
20:39.50Rallionexcept that I have no idea what the effects actually mean..."Increases your effective stealth level by 1"
20:40.18Mikkit's as if you're level 61
20:40.31Mikkor you're 60 or your opponent is 59
20:40.53purlACTION cowers away from mikk
20:41.09ThraeI think I'll camp out for Tidal Charm.
20:41.32gnorlishi think everyone reading that sentence understands without you typing a correction statement 50% as long as the original sentence
20:41.39ThraeWasn't that nerfed recently?
20:42.01Mikkwhat, reading comprehension?
20:42.03Mikkyeah i believe it was
20:42.10Rallionoh, well that sucks.
20:42.14Rallionmask it is.
20:42.16esp|Syn"can i drive" "NO" "then would you!"
20:42.31ThraeWhich was nerfed? Reading comprehension, or the Tidal Charm trinket? :D
20:42.49Mikkthe former =P
20:43.27Thrae3sec stun on 15 minute cooldown. Awesome. Druid Stunlock!
20:43.29Mikkas evidenced ;)
20:44.51MikkIRC is so much better than talking. You actually get those extra few seconds to think up the witty line you never had time to actually _say_ =)
20:45.34ThraeHmmm, UnitPopup.lua uses "SetRaidTargetIcon", I wonder where that's declared...sounds like API?
20:45.46Mikkit is
20:45.49Rallionwait, no, I AM taking the boots! MATH FTW
20:46.13ThraeIt's not on wowwiki
20:46.25Mikkerm oops
20:46.30MikkSetRaidTarget() is the API one
20:46.30Merywell i meant the lines 57 to 64
20:46.44Meryits texture path + texcoors
20:46.48Meryin a table
20:46.51MikkSetRaidTargetIcon() is a 5 line framexml function iirc
20:46.52ThraeAhhh now I see it
20:47.02MikkIt just toggles the icon off if the mob already has that exact same icon
20:47.13Mikkotherwise it does what setraidtarget does
20:49.41RallionYeah, there's lots of reasons to complain when you have a dual monitor setup.
20:49.56ThraeI was just wondering if I could do string.format("RaidTargetIconPath%d", GetRaidTargetIndex(unitId) ), I'll try it out and see.
20:50.16Rallionthat was a stupid thing to say since I have a video card with two outputs and a second monitor sitting in the closet.
20:50.30Merywell the raidtarget icons are all in one texture
20:52.26ThraeAre there already proper textures defined for each index?
20:54.42Meryshould be able to texture:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons"); local temp = UnitPopupButtons["RAID_TARGET_"..GetRaidTargetIndex(unitId)]; texture:SetTexCoord(temp.tCoordLeft, temp.tCoordRight, temp.tCoordTop, temp.tCoordBottom);
20:55.22ThraeHmm right, I could do it that way.
20:55.46Merywell or create 8 single textures as i don't think blizzard has them single :)
20:59.58esp|Synhow do make "floaters" in dab
21:00.12esp|Syntheres a title "floaters" but nothing below it
21:06.38wereHamsterCide, ping
21:06.46wereHamsterhm.. not here
21:06.54wereHamsterI didn't see you -.-
21:06.57Rallionlemme check so I know exactly what to tell you to do...
21:07.27RallionGo to Button Layout, on the bottom there's a line that says "Floaters", press the + button to create one
21:07.50Rallionooh, you CAN anchor them to each other
21:07.54RallionI was wrong on that
21:08.02wereHamsterCide, did you already kill Heaigan the Unclean?
21:08.12Cidehave you?
21:08.21wereHamsterand do you have any hints for the trashmobs there?
21:08.26Cidevery, very fun encounter though
21:08.29wereHamsterwe can't get through :(
21:08.33Cideuh, just ae and tank the plague beasts away from the raid
21:08.47wereHamsterno safe spot where we could regen?
21:09.08wereHamsterand what with the worms?
21:09.12Cideyour safe spots are basically a spot where you ae all the bats and regen while they're on respawn timers
21:09.37Cideoh, maggots
21:09.42Cidewe just ae them with the rest
21:09.45wereHamsterMutated Grub
21:10.28Cidethat clear should be easy if you can kill noth ;)
21:10.55Cidenote that you engage heigan the second you go around the last corner, no way to regen before
21:18.41wereHamsterCide, what's the best way through the trashmobs? along the walls?
21:19.07Cidewe go along the right wall
21:19.48wereHamsterand then around the corner and then you stop before the corner to the heigan room, right?
21:22.23ckknight~threat level
21:22.25purlWe're currently at threat level:  periwinkle
21:26.58ckknightanyone know a cheap place to register a domain name?
21:29.07Cairenncosts me like $8/Canadian/year for the 2 I have
21:29.40Ralliondo you just want the domain or do you need actual hosting, too?
21:29.45ckknightI too am a Canadian.
21:29.51ckknightI do my own hosting
21:29.56Rallionlisten to her then
21:30.07RallionI don
21:30.21Cairennckknight: I know you are Canadian, I can just never remember if you're currently living state-side
21:30.21RallionI don't have a domain of my own, but I have a lot of friends that do and they all use godaddy
21:30.41Cairennthat's what I thought, just wasn't positive
21:30.53RallionI'm Canadian by ancestry.
21:31.39ckknightI am by citizenship and ancestry
21:31.48ckknightI think up to 4 generations
21:31.57esp|Syni cant make the buttons only show when i have a target selected :(
21:33.36esp|Syntell a lie
21:33.38esp|Synfixed it :D
21:37.28wereHamsterCide, what's in the second room?
21:37.51Cidesecond room?
21:38.14wereHamsterwith the small works and the tentacles
21:39.15Cideyou get ported in there
21:39.24Cidevery easy to figure out if you actually engage him :P
21:43.05wereHamsterfirst tru, 70%
21:43.15Cidehe doesn't have very much hitpoints, no
21:43.50MikkDoes anyone know if SendAddonMessage chokes on pipe codes?
21:44.13IrielIt's subject to the same rules as any other channel
21:50.20esp|Syni swear ive got an old version of discord
21:50.27esp|Synit wont let me add more than one texture :/
21:52.15MikkWho was it that wanted to disable pet nameplates?
21:52.37MikkThere's a "PetNamePlates" setting in
21:53.18Mikkactually, it's in Interface Options -> Advanced Options -> Display also >.<
21:54.20Merydidn't he wanna disable the hp bars (v key) for pets?
21:54.44ckknightgodaddy confuses me
21:54.54ckknighthow do I make the address just point to an IP?
21:55.37Mikkthe NS record?
21:55.58Mikkthere's lots of registrars that don't want to add glue records these days >.<
21:56.20Cairennckknight: talk to Dolby, he's dealt with GoDaddy & hosting stuff
21:56.36ckknightthis is for my brother's charity website thing
21:58.45cladhairei've only dealt with godaddy updating the A record, cause i have dns
21:59.01ckknightpretty sure I'm only gonna need an A record
21:59.09cladhairedo you have a dns server?
22:01.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
22:01.20cladhaireckknight: If you aren't hosting WITH godaddy, you need a host with nameservers
22:01.23cladhairethen you just set those
22:01.37Mikkthere's a bunch of free dns hosters out thee
22:01.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
22:01.44cladhairebut you'll have to find one.
22:01.52Mikkthey tend to have query rate limits, but for a charity site that shouldn't be a problem
22:01.57Mikkunless it happens to be red cross or something
22:07.23Cairennbtw guys, if anyone can help out here, I'm sure the folks would appreciate it:
22:08.16IrielCairenn : I've been working with them on that
22:08.29CairennIriel: why does that not surprise me :)
22:08.41IrielCairenn : And provided a probable explanation (which slouken hasn't yet replied to)
22:08.56Cairennlovely, thanks Iriel
22:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:09.11Cairennthey'd just asked me to pop the thread up on WoWI hoping for assistance
22:09.49KirovMikk - still here?
22:10.24IrielCairenn : though that blog post already mentions my theory, though he only gives it 1 line of glory - so unfair. 8-0
22:10.25KirovDo any testing with that SetTexCoords thing?
22:10.59Cairenndifferent note entirely - anyone else getting "login failure" on the Blizz forums? I've been getting it all day
22:11.22IrielWrong function 8-)
22:11.23Rallionargh, one of my addons occasionally does something that only allows one standard pane to be open instead of two, but I can't repeat it at will and I'm not willing to pore through the code of 130-ish addons
22:11.38ShadowedTime to start disabling one addon at a time :p
22:11.55Irielor is that NOT the wrong function,a nd you're trying to document it?
22:12.08KirovMikk - found it
22:12.11ThraeKirov scared me there for a second, I just released a huge update that used SetTexCoord, and he said "SetTexCoords" ;)
22:12.14Kirovwow, lots of write up
22:12.14ShadowedCairenn: I was able to login, just logged in, wait 30 seconds and refreshed.
22:12.15Rallionagain, shadowed, useless because it only happens once in a while
22:12.34Rallionsame with some addon preventing the esc menu from opening.
22:12.39ShadowedAs in any panel can cause it to happen, or a specific one?
22:12.55MikkIriel: was the  one I wrote up. I just had a slight brainfart =)
22:12.57RallionI have NO IDEA what causes it to happen
22:13.04ThraeLexan used to have a bug where it stopped ESC from opening your menu.
22:13.27KirovMikk - did you try the 8 param SetTexCoord?
22:13.47MikkIt works... erhm.. sort of the same
22:14.12MikkExcept if you give non-rectangular corners, it will of course still stretch
22:14.18IrielHm, if 'sort of the same' means what I think it means, it will be interesting.
22:15.13RallionNothing on this earth causes me more emotional ups and downs than working on crafting skills by making yellow or green items.
22:16.51zenzelezzI hate mobs that disarm... my disarm skill finally hit 297 though
22:16.57zenzelezzer, Unarmed
22:17.20Mikkgogo weapon chain?
22:17.28zenzelezzI prefer my Crusader
22:17.46Mikkthose blue gloves from strath?
22:18.14zenzelezzI'd rather craft the Stronghold Gauntlets :) But it doesn't happen often enough to bother with that
22:18.16Shadowedstronghold gauntlets > all
22:18.18zenzelezzjust annoying
22:18.27ShadowedNothing like disarming HWL warriors or ashkandi warriors!
22:18.32RallionThat's exactly why I'm holding on to Claw of Celebras on my Rogue, it's a little worse than Lifeforce Dirk but it'll let me keep my unarmed high as I inch towards 60
22:18.32zenzelezz"Disarm me, huh? *Shield Slam*"
22:18.45Shadowed"Your shield slam crits, some rogue for 20 damage!"
22:18.52Rallionbut lol
22:18.56Rallionthat's fun.
22:18.57zenzelezzthat's shield bash
22:19.05ShadowedI know, making fun of shield slam :p
22:19.08zenzelezzmy shield slam still crits for about 6-700 on many mobs
22:19.49Kirov6 to 700, that's quite the range.  heh
22:20.21Rallionwow, they REALLY made the morrowgrain quest easier
22:20.25zenzelezzI'm just too lazy to type two extra zeroes; and "6-700" matches how I say it in spoken Norwegian
22:20.42Rallionthat's how most people would say it in english too
22:20.42zenzelezzsix-seven hundred
22:21.02Kirov"six seven hundred" or "six to seven hundred"
22:21.02Rallionor six- to seven-hundred
22:21.16Kirovjust givin' you shit
22:21.26zenzelezzI know, and I'm parrying =D
22:22.02zenzelezzor maybe blocking is more appropriate
22:22.08zenzelezzparrying is all or nothing
22:23.48zenzelezznot really, that's also all or nothing
22:24.51esp|Synwow. eating muffins with sweet sensative teeth isnt much fun :(
22:25.38Cairennthen don't eat them? duh
22:25.54Cairennstupidity sympathy level = 0
22:26.12cladhairei"m 700 rep from exalted in AV
22:26.15ShadowedCairenn is in a bad mood :p
22:26.26gnorlishcairenn is a strong winrar supporter apparently
22:26.41gnorlishand holds a mean grudge!
22:27.08gnorlishbeen a while since i glanced at this chan, last time i looked Syn was getting it from people for raring his addon
22:27.17esp|Syni dont love you anymore Cairenn :(
22:27.32cladhairewinrar requires a download
22:27.35cladhaireunzip doesn't =)
22:27.37cladhairequite simple :P
22:27.38Cairenn*sobs brokenheartedly* no, really
22:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
22:28.18Endneed to remember where my hearth is
22:28.21EndI keep changing it
22:28.25Mikkmouse over it?
22:28.30Mikk"Returns you to <foo>"
22:28.47cladhaireum... foo doesnt' have an inn Mikk
22:29.02Shadoweddoesn't have < or > around it either
22:29.04Cidegod, Mikk fails
22:29.17EndI'm in kargath
22:29.20Shadowedagreed with Cide
22:29.25Endforgot I changed my hearth to kargath from org
22:29.33Endso I hearthed
22:29.41Endand instead of going to org, I moved five feet
22:29.50Mikkmeh. i'm not winning tonight it seems. might just actually get some coding done :-P
22:30.06zenzelezzKargath... might as well be Kargank
22:30.08cladhaireif i get revered with Frostwolf, i'll code
22:37.12*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
22:38.42zenzelezzmakes it "languages that use a prefix character for variables" and I agree
22:39.11KirovI've got a prefix character they could use for variables
22:39.21Kirovand end it with a )
22:39.31zenzelezzbool (arf) = true;
22:39.40KirovI was thinking more foo( bar )
22:39.59zenzelezzwould look too much like a function
22:40.23Kirovthat's the point.  >.<
22:41.15IrielI think a language where all variables are stored in chests buried on an island wouldbe excellent, variable names are any valid set of instructions to find the chest
22:41.35IrielSo you could have (start at the dead tree, take three paces north, turn right, and 2 more paces, then dig) = 7
22:42.08zenzelezzI thought that was what pointer arithmetic was
22:44.16RallionIt makes me sad that I laughed at that, zenzelezz.
22:46.19IrielI guess that's true, just with pointers in 2d space, and landmarks and a compass.
22:46.34JoshBorkeno hills?
22:46.51Irielthere are hills, but I was figuring that you'd only be able to busy one chest under a given spot
22:47.03Irielso it's really the 2d surface mapped onto an elevation model
22:47.09Irielit's still essentially 2d
22:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:51.27Kirovwouldn't a singe spot with multiple chests be called an array?
22:51.47KirovThe chests would all just be maps to another chest
22:52.00JoshBorkeno, the chest holds the maps
22:52.01KirovBut still chests
22:52.08Kirovwell, right
22:52.19JoshBorkeso there'd only be one chest
22:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
22:54.31JoshBorkeno, your other left
22:59.09Rallionthis is the best conversation I've seen all week.
23:12.42IrielI've updated
23:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
23:19.20esp|Synlots of login servers down
23:34.14*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:39.05KirovCide - how do you deal with CTRA version broadcasts in 1.12?  Just send the request when you join a raid imediately?
23:39.24Cideum, not sure!
23:39.39Cidedidn't think about that actually, but that's probably what I'll do
23:40.02KirovRight now you've got the wait 10 seconds, then wait every 5 if you're still not in the ctra channel
23:40.25KirovI'm assuming for 1.12 the data channels are joined as soon as you join the raid, just like the normal /raid channels
23:41.01Cideyeah, hopefully
23:41.21Cideonly problem I'm seeing is the distinction between RAID and BATTLEGROUND
23:42.16KirovIsn't there an "ENTER_BATTLEGROUNDS" type event?
23:42.30Cidenot sure
23:45.28JoshBorkei hate lvl'ing =(

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