irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060721

00:00.12ThraeHidden frames or frames that are not drawn can still receive events, correct?
00:00.25MikkHidden frames will not receive onupdate
00:00.39MikkFrames that simply have no content work like any other frame
00:00.48ThraeYeah, I just mean OnEvent.
00:00.49Mikk(Hidden frames WILL receive OnEvent though)
00:00.58AnduinLotharthey dont recieve mouse events either obviously
00:02.00AnduinLotharha, there's a /. article on wow as the cause for the decline in the pc game market
00:03.30Thrae,1699.0.html <-- any idea why this StatusBar receives no events and doesn't show?
00:04.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:05.46ThraeMy StatusBar just dies after the first OnShow function call, and its OnEvent function is never called.
00:07.56Thrae <-- non-forum post
00:09.13MentalPowerAnduinLothar: PTR or Live?
00:09.39AnduinLotharlive. i haven't done any addon ptr testing yet
00:10.04MentalPowerdo you need a specific race/class or just anything on draka?
00:10.45AnduinLotharalliance, preferably gnome caster. grab the latest APB from cosmos alpha or curse/wowi
00:11.31MentalPowerwill patcher do ok?
00:11.55AnduinLotharshould be. i committed it 20 min ago before the hourly
00:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
00:18.18MikkYay. I got to slap {{speedydelete}} on 150 wiki pages!
00:19.19Shadowed|naxwhats the {speedydelete}} tag even do
00:19.32kaso|deletes things, speedyly!
00:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
00:19.49kaso|well proposes them for deletion speedily
00:25.00Mikkit means that I think that one of the lazy admins should just zap the page right away
00:25.54MikkBuggers haven't even deleted all those crap mod pages. Been like a month now =P
00:26.05*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (
00:26.31MikkI'm half tempted to get back to Rustak and accept his proposal of making me an admin >.<
00:27.31MikkExcept I don't really want to do that, because then I'm supposed to think before I do stuff =)
00:27.42Shadowed|naxdo it!
00:29.05Shadowed|naxNobody ever thinks because they do something on the internet anyway
00:32.05MikkI wouldn't be able to resist replacing the front page with kirkburn's new page and I think Fandyllic and Schmidt would hate me for it =P
00:32.52Mikk( )
00:39.23MikkThere. I did give him fair warning =)
00:40.50AnduinLotharanyone else wanna join in the casting party?
00:41.03AnduinLotharneed to tax APB too see if i can break it
00:45.58MentalPowernow weneed someone to invite us back into the raid :)
00:52.47JoshBorkewhat's this anduin?
00:54.02AnduinLotharArcanePartyBars, grab 3.1 on curse and join us on draka gnomes
00:56.54JoshBorkeafter this ony run i will
00:56.57JoshBorkeyou make it raid wide?
00:59.21clad|afkMikk: you are one of those crazy wiki gnomes, aye?
01:00.53AnduinLothargot a raid of 3 on draka, anyone else wanna be a pall and join?
01:01.09Mikkgimme a US account and I'll be there in a flash =P
01:01.36AnduinLothari dunno if i trust you with my 2nd
01:02.06MikkAny particular fears I can alleviate? =)
01:02.51Mikk(actually, mostly j/k, but being able to swing by draka to test stuff and help test stuff would be nifty)
01:03.30AnduinLotharmight think about it later, but i'm only hear for another 30 min or so
01:06.41clad|afkAnyone mind making a horde character on Kael'thas so I can finish my guild charter?
01:07.05MikkRustak: "Hey, nice front page! I like it!"
01:12.38JoshBorkeclad, you still need some one?
01:13.09JoshBorketo sign your guild charter
01:13.16cladhaireyeah =)
01:13.20cladhairekael'thas horde =)
01:13.31JoshBorkek, let me make sure i get DKP for ony, then i'll drop in
01:16.50cladhairejust make troll/orc preferably =0
01:17.10JoshBorkenow you tell me :-P
01:17.29JoshBorkelook for hamarian
01:17.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:25.03JoshBorkeblasted kirkburn, i swear ClearFont only works when it's not loaded...
01:30.18JoshBorkequite odd i tell you
01:33.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Valgrind (
01:35.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Valgrind (
01:35.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Valgrind (
01:41.48MentalPowercananyone suggest any perl tutorials?
01:53.29*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
01:55.50Mikk1. bust out your modem. 2. dial something with a steady stream of output. 3. change your terminal speed to whatever the modem ISN'T using at the moment. 4. save the resulting terminal session output as "" and execute it.
01:56.19ckknighthow long does it take to raid UBRS?
01:56.24ckknightgive or take
01:56.29MentalPowerMikk: nice
01:56.35MentalPowerckknight: 1.5hrs
01:56.41MentalPoweron a decent group
01:56.48Mikk2+ with a pug now when it's 10man
01:56.51MentalPower2hrs+ on a bad group
01:58.10cladhaireMikk: Thats submitted to bash btw =)
01:59.28JoshBorkebtw cladhaire! question for you about clique!
01:59.39cladhaireJoshBorke: zomg hi
02:00.07JoshBorke:-) how can i have left-click resurrect if the target is dead, but heal if they aren't?
02:00.29cladhairejust set them
02:00.36cladhaireone as click-to-res, and one as default friendly
02:01.31JoshBorkehm, what is this click-to-res you speak of?
02:01.53cladhaireits in the dropdown on the clique screen.. if you are a res class
02:02.28JoshBorkeah hah! new feature?
02:02.48cladhairenew like 3 weeks ago
02:02.49cladhairenoob =)
02:03.38AnduinLotharduh noob, get the latest vers before feature requesting >.<
02:04.09JoshBorkei guess not...
02:04.25AnduinLothar~slap purl
02:04.28purlACTION slaps purl, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
02:04.52purlACTION whimpers
02:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikord (
02:05.12purl:), MentalPower
02:15.55Mikmai like this one:
02:16.14Mikmapurl: burn AnduinLothar
02:16.16purlibot pours gasoline all over AnduinLothar, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
02:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
02:18.08MikkOh, Cairenne isn't here. No problem then =)
02:18.13JoshBorkepurl: bugger Mikk
02:18.14purlACTION grabs hold of the Eiffel tower, dips it in Tabasco and fresh metal shavings, and asks Mikk to please bend over.
02:19.17Mikmabecause Mikk has the ultimate 3 alphabets at the start of his nick
02:19.55MikkMmm.. There's certainly an over-represenation of those three letters here =)
02:20.02JoshBorkeerm, you have 3 alphabets at the start of your nick? that's  really long nick...
02:20.16Mikmawell, something like that
02:20.21MikkAye, I had to bribe the freenode admins
02:20.24Mikmatoo tired to think gay... i mean straight
02:21.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
02:33.12Valleriusis there an easy way to get the raid class colors from a localized class name?
02:33.58ThraeVallerius: No. Where are you getting the localized class name?
02:34.19ValleriusThrae: GetBattlefieldScore
02:34.21ThraeVallerius: UnitClass returns two values, the second return is always the class name in English.
02:34.30ThraeAhh, hmm.
02:34.53Valleriusi could always just make a lookup table, but... that sucks
02:34.57Shadowed|naxLookup table
02:35.00Shadowed|naxthats how i had to do it
02:35.16Shadowed|naxHad to make one that contains the localized class and then the non-localized one
02:35.32ThraeVallerius: Babble-Class lib has all localized class names, and it's embeddable.
02:35.49Shadowed|naxit's a trap!
02:36.15Shadowed|naxI wonder how long it'll take for people to complain about my load on demand addon loader
02:36.23JoshBorkeThrae: you here?
02:36.29ThraeJoshBorke: What's up?
02:36.32JoshBorkeoh, yea, there you are
02:36.36ThraeVallerius: Search for Babble on WoWI
02:36.51JoshBorkein tinytip, how do i get it to show above the options menu? i can't read it because it's behind the options attached to my mouse =D
02:37.22ThraeJoshBorke: Don't use STICKY Frame Anchoring
02:37.31gnorlishthrae can i update to newest svn without a full wow restart
02:37.42JoshBorkei'm using cursor
02:37.47Thraegnorlish: Yes, you should always be able to do that
02:37.52ThraeJoshBorke: For Frame Anchoring?
02:38.13Thraegnorlish: Only when I add new files will you be required to restart WoW
02:38.19JoshBorkeThrae: yes
02:38.20gnorlishi just don't want to have it toss errors right now, it's almost impossible to get back into my realm if you disco
02:38.45ValleriusThrae: thanks, found it
02:39.11ThraeJoshBorke: Yeah that's a problem with Dewdrop, I'll bug ckknight about it. Dewdrop's frame level shouldn't be higher then GameTooltip.
02:39.17Shadowed|naxWhats your char on PTR btw Vallerius?
02:39.55ValleriusVallerius, PvE horde
02:40.29JoshBorkethrae: ko
02:44.16Shadowed|naxOh I meant to ask you actually, does BFC use GetBattlefieldStatData?
02:45.36ValleriusShadowed|nax: Not yet, no. I've just started work on my BG-specific stuff
02:46.30Shadowed|naxMade something so that it removes the server name from players and formats it into a column + abbrev, most sane way was to "fake" a statdata row. so was just checking :p
02:47.27Shadowed|naxwhich brings me to another question, are server names localized?
02:48.57ValleriusI would assume the server name would be the same no matter your language pack
02:49.25Shadowed|naxYeah, it's going to return an abbrev of the server though so "Test Server (PVE)" is "TS [E]" so just want to make sure
02:49.32Valleriusbut assumptions have gotten me into trouble before, so...
02:49.47Shadowed|naxwill bug zespri once he gets on
02:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:51.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:59.08JoshBorkeerm, Anduin messed up...
03:00.06IrielIt happens sometimes, even the gods make mistakes 8-)
03:00.46zespri_workShadowed, ?
03:01.52Shadowed|naxzespri: do you know offhand if GetRealmName() returns a non-localized or a localized realm name?
03:02.09zespri_workno idea =)
03:02.48Shadowed|naxsomebody is going to hate localizing this then!
03:03.00zespri_workI'll check it toningt if you wish, Shadowed, althogh I think you can trust Iriel =)
03:03.12Shadowed|naxnaw it's fine :p
03:03.22Shadowed|naxI'll let the users find out
03:04.01Irielbut since i no of no way of mapping an unlocalized realm name to a localized one, I can't see any other way it could be
03:04.21Valleriuseasiest way would be to go to the wow-euro site and see if the realm names are localized on their status page, methinks
03:05.18zespri_workAIOI constructs the combined bag off small pieces, and the images of these pieces is part of AIOI. So I guess that wow itself has separate full texture for each bag it uses?
03:05.22Shadowed|naxThey are localized
03:05.30Shadowed|nax"Kult der Verdammten"
03:06.00IrielWow's bag code has several textures depending on the bag size and I think type
03:06.01Valleriuson a lighter note, your localization is already done for you  :p
03:06.17Shadowed|naxhaha yeah
03:07.11Shadowed|naxAlthough, I'm not sure how they'd want the abbrev's done. so they may have to do that themself :p
03:07.32zespri_workwhat is the maximum number of bags in the bank?
03:07.57zespri_workthat's what I'm inquiring about
03:08.39zespri_workthis matchs up
03:14.19JoshBorkenight clad
03:14.28JoshBorkei'mma see if i can fix your click-on-dead-people bug :-D
03:14.41MikkWhat's the point of delocalizing realm names? o.O
03:15.13MikkI mean.. if the server is called "Kult der Verdammten", that's its name.
03:15.14IrielRealm-specific addons?
03:15.29IrielI dont know how EU realms are named tho
03:15.33MikkRealm-specific _AddOns_?
03:15.42MikkYou mean realm specific SVs?
03:15.51IrielI mean, would a server called "Cheese" in enUS be "Fromage" in frFR ?
03:16.04MikkProbably yes
03:16.18IrielArcadiaLogos for example has realm-specific content
03:16.26MikkThe german and french servers are about 1/3rd localized
03:16.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
03:16.55MikkLore names are generally left untouched. Actual "words" tend to be translated.
03:17.16IndustrialMigj on the ace page on the wiki \o/
03:17.21MikkWhat you actually need is a list of servers for different areas.
03:17.33Mikkheh, thanks i suppose =)
03:18.16Shadowed|naxMikk: I only need it to abbrev servers so like "Icecrown" becomes "IC";
03:19.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:19.42JoshBorkeah ha!
03:19.56MikkShadowed|nax: - knock yourself out =)
03:20.11Shadowed|naxMikk: read up, used that! :p
03:20.45JoshBorkehrm, so, would it be ok if i committed a change to Clique that potentially fixed a bug? or should i submit the changes to clad's portal?
03:20.59clad|sleepJoshBorke: Commit, I can always revert =)
03:21.00clad|sleepwhast the issue tho
03:21.29JoshBorkeClick on Dead Unit isn't saving, though technically you're over-writing the saved value
03:21.36clad|sleepi'll commit quick
03:21.38clad|sleepi remember tha tone
03:21.42JoshBorkeRegisterClickSet over-writes the table =D
03:21.50clad|sleepyeah its all getting rewritten
03:21.55JoshBorkeah, ok
03:22.05JoshBorkeand i was gonna try to save you time =D
03:23.03clad|sleepi was still here =0
03:23.42IrielOdd.. why is the toc not 11200 on the PTR?
03:23.47Shadowed|naxthey forgot
03:24.01IrielHas anyone mentioned it?
03:24.12Shadowed|naxto slouken? don't think so
03:24.24IrielHas anyone else noticed it?
03:24.34IrielOr is my install just odd?
03:24.34Shadowed|naxIt was mentioned when the 1.12 PTR download was released like a week ago
03:24.43IrielI've been busy
03:24.45Shadowed|naxbut only in IRC
03:24.53Shadowed|naxWasn't saying you we're slow!
03:24.57IrielI'll email slouken
03:30.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
03:31.06Irielstrange, 1.12 has lottery API's
03:31.15clad1|sleepIriel: Thats what someone said
03:31.25IrielQuite a few functions, in fact
03:31.52clad|sleepnight all
03:32.00JoshBorkenight clad|sleep
03:32.17IrielEww.. OptionsFrame_EnableCheckbox has a non-backwards-compatible change
03:34.12Endyeah, they complete redid the Options stuff I hear
03:35.01JoshBorkenight all
03:35.02*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
03:35.52IrielOh my! ClearCursor!
03:36.48IrielEmptying a cursor used to be a horrible hack
03:36.58Iriel(i.e. removing whatever the cursor was dragging)
03:37.11MikkDid he give us EditBox:SetCaret too?
03:38.27IrielNot as far as I can tell
03:38.55MikkJust curious... how the heck are you scanning the widget API anyway?
03:39.04MikkI mean... isn't it all hidden behind that funky function?
03:40.09IrielMagic? 8-)
03:40.20MikkI won't ask again =P
03:40.28IrielI make a list of 'potential' names (it's rather long)
03:40.31Irieland i scan for all of them
03:40.38IrielThe list comes from symbols in the executable
03:40.53Shadowed|naxhow do you find lottery functions then?
03:40.57MikkThat's easy
03:41.05Irielthat, plus a getfenv(0) scan
03:41.08MikkJust scan the getfenv() return
03:41.15MikkNice table that you can loop
03:41.29MikkLegorol's scanner has some extra logic that tries to eliminate FrameXML functions and stuff
03:41.29IrielI actually do three scans and then correlate them (1 - exe usage and symbols, 2 - getfenv(0), 3 - references from blizzard UI code)
03:42.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:43.06MikkTo put on the wiki I mean
03:43.08IrielI already do that
03:43.15MikkFor all APIs
03:43.22MikkIncluding those that don't have pages
03:43.25IrielIt's not practical, you need human involvement
03:43.37Irielthey're too inconsistently called (at least in my experience)
03:44.08Mikkwell that was sort of the point.. examples plural =P
03:44.34MikkHm.. I should mention that I'm talking global APIs
03:44.35IrielGetting the 'usage' strings out of the wow.exe can help tho
03:44.47Mikkdamn good point there >.<
03:45.36IrielI end up with a file with stuff like: SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter (index [, on\off, exclusive]) - API
03:45.39Shadowed|naxso basically, we can't replace you with a report with google built in yet Iriel?
03:45.49Shadowed|naxerr robot
03:46.36IrielNot yet, though im sure my employers would also be interested if you succeed
03:46.56Shadowed|naxI'll get to work on it
03:55.18IrielThe 'friend' nameplates stuff is something that used ot be asked for constantly too
03:58.57Shadowed|naxIriel: It even shows enemy players in PVP now
04:01.02IrielFor anyone who cares
04:01.17MikkOf course we care =)
04:01.38Shadowed|naxNot suprised that they removed those battlefield ones
04:01.53Endyeah, those change reports are useful :)
04:02.00Shadowed|naxIt didn't fit with the new world PVP things, so they renamed it to something thats more broad
04:02.13IrielAnd slouken confirms that 1.12 release WILL have 11200 as the TOC
04:02.26IrielExcept there's no new function to replace it
04:03.00Shadowed|naxor something close to that
04:03.25IrielAh that was in 1.11 as well
04:04.05Shadowed|naxI'm still not sure what CloseBattlefield(); does though
04:04.41IrielIt may stop the client receiving certain events
04:04.58Shadowed|naxDoesn't seem like it.
04:05.49Shadowed|naxIt's only used in Battlefield.lua when it doesn't look like it received the battleground info.
04:07.23Irielits used in the .xml too I think
04:11.51Shadowed|naxdon't think it was when i checked last
04:13.44*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:15.40IrielShadowed|nax | It is in both 1.11 and 1.12
04:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Triadian (
04:17.02Shadowed|naxwhats it used in, for when a frame is closed?
04:17.23Shadowed|naxwhich frame?
04:18.10Shadowed|naxAh, so it's used in the same way that it's used in the Battlefield.lua file
04:18.19Shadowed|naxi'll have to figure out what it stops from calling on test later
04:19.21Shadowed|naxk, need to focus. back in a couple of hours :p
04:25.27zespri_workis there a good free bug tracking tool? I know trac, anything else?
04:26.25KemayoBugzilla seems powerful.  Apparently a bit of a pain to set up, though.
04:26.34MikkYes and yes on that one
04:27.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cogwheel (n=chatzill@
04:29.55zespri_workok thanks (auctioneer and gatherer) use trac, no problem with it so far
04:32.18MikkBugzilla works well for large projects with dozens of developers
04:32.26MikkIt breaks horribly for enterprise class stuff though
04:32.51Mikk(Where you keep multiple lines of a product alive, and want to be able to report bugs against multiple trees, assign multiple assignees to different parts of the bug, etc..)
04:33.04MikkI imagine bugzilla being overkill for the vast majority of addons
04:33.49*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
04:35.20zespri_workwhat backend trac uses? mysql?
04:35.32zespri_workor sqlite?
04:36.42MentalPowergood question, I would assume MySQL, but lemme check on that
04:41.39KemayoIt's sqlite, at least by default.
04:42.23KemayoIt's entirely possible that it may support other approaches, mind.  But I set it by typing "apt-get trac" and not meddling.
04:43.51MentalPoweryep, just checked,it is indeed sqllite
04:45.49Triadian(Leaving) Reason: auto away after 30 minutes of inactivity. «~{Polaris IRC 2001}~»
04:46.22Shadowed|naxAFK: Finding Tri-Away and breaking computer
04:47.38ckknightwoo! success!
04:47.53ckknightFuBar is mostest popularest
04:48.12ckknightTop Favorites at least
04:48.18ckknighttied with SCT , actually :-P
04:48.51ShadowedYou can stop hitting refresh now =p
05:04.09Endwhoops, I just crashed WoW
05:04.25End(I think I can reproduce it too)
05:04.39Cairennpulled a Tem, did you?
05:06.33Endnope, can't reproduce it
05:07.58Endwait, maybe I can
05:10.42Cairennlater Iriel
05:11.02EndI blame Tem, since Tem started the three letter name curse!
05:11.36Cairennshall I mention that the common shortened version of Slouken's rl name is a three letter name as well?
05:11.58Endwell yeah
05:12.20Endsomeday, I'll have to ask him how often he crashes WoW
05:12.44Endprobably a lot more than the rest of us, considering he's actually messing around with the internals :P
05:21.57*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
05:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
05:31.32zespriwhat is lottery API?
05:31.41Shadowednobody knows
05:31.58zespriIriel does I'm sure
05:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
05:32.27Shadowedhe just found out about them today :p
05:32.44Shadowedand he said he didn't here !
05:34.44zespriok, ok =)
05:34.55MikkLegorol stumbled over them a few days ago also
05:35.00MikkNothing official on them
05:35.06MikkJust found em by scanning the env
05:38.13MikkHummm.. why is there a "GetAddOnEnableState(["character"], index or "addonName")" that we don't have access to in Lua?
05:38.30MikkWouldn't that be kinda ... good?
05:38.37Shadowedyou can find that out already
05:39.15Shadowedit would be simpler though
05:41.08MikkAh, I see... GlueXML has access to it
05:41.23Shadowedwe're not trusted with it :(
05:41.26MikkIt also has Enable/DisableAddOn functions that take character names
05:41.40KirovThere's also the GetScriptMemory functions
05:41.41ShadowedTechnically GetAddOnInfo does that i think :p
05:41.51MikkShadowed: what?
05:42.00KirovShadowed - only for the player you're playing
05:42.23Shadowedwhat do you need to know it for other players anyway?
05:42.38MikkBecause I like to twiddle with stuff in-game when I'm waiting for the next pull =P
05:45.48MikkI also want to be able to tweak the .toc metadata for other addons from my mod >:]
05:46.23ShadowedDisabling the competition is bad!
05:46.48MikkNah, was mostly thinking about optdepping for debugging purposes and stuff
05:47.07Cairennpeople SUCK!
05:47.12MikkIf I want to disable an addon (for all intents of purposes), I can already do that today
05:47.13Shadowedthis is new?
05:47.49ShadowedWhat'd they do now?
05:48.50MikkWait lemme guess... The "OMG YOU GOT MONEY" amoeba merged with the "ClearFont is a crime!" one and created a creature too vile to even begin to describe?
05:48.50Cairennkilling a named mob, I get one support mob dead, feign death, get my pet rezzed, kill the second, feign death, get my pet rezzed, kill the third ... watch some lkao7qu2587qiuhyfk;jasyfpias7er take the named
05:49.37ShadowedTake aggro from the person, cheetah the mob away so it resets. run back quickly and retap it
05:49.44Cairennbloody level 42 elite quest, the 239451halz;kdjfapos7rqw that did it was 59
05:50.38Mikkhard to steal aggro from someone 15 levels higher
05:50.43Mikkhe has to suck pretty hard
05:50.44ShadowedThat is also true
05:50.53Cairennso I logged off my 40 troll hunter, logged in one of my alliance, told them they were a real class act, logged back off
05:50.53Shadowedjust swear at him a lot
05:51.13Shadowedswear at him a lot it'll make you feel better. worst case you get reported, you still have like 5 more times before you're perma banned!
05:51.17Cairennand now I have to find the damn mob and start all over again
05:52.38Cairennanyway, sorry, back to your regularly scheduled programming
05:52.46Shadowedwe wern't doing anything
05:53.22Cairenngd bitch
05:53.33Cairennnot you :p
05:54.20kergoth~emulate chris
05:54.23purlI didn't know there was a 5 A.M. mass. I didn't even know there was a 5 A.M. What else haven't you told me!?
05:54.30Shadowed~emulte Cairenn
05:54.36Shadowed~emulate Cairenn
05:54.37purlACTION purrs
05:54.44Cairennnot right now I don't :p
05:55.36kergoth~emulate chris
05:55.37purlIt'll be a good chance to get away from the evil monkey that lives in my closet."
05:55.53Shadowed~emulate stewie
05:55.54purlNo Sprinkles. For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you.
05:56.02Shadowedbad bot
05:56.05purlHey what was that for, shadowed?
05:56.15Shadowedtelling me what i can't do!
05:56.24Mikkpurl, fire Shadowed
05:56.25purlI'm sorry, Shadowed, but it just isn't working out.  Pack up your stuff.
05:56.33Shadowed~sigh Mikk
05:56.35purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Mikk!"
05:56.35kergoth~emulate bender
05:56.36purlWell I don't have anything else planned for today, let's get drunk!
05:56.51Shadowed~purl stab Mikk
05:56.53purlACTION runs at Mikk with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
05:57.03Mikkpurl, burn Shadowed!
05:57.05purlibot pours gasoline all over Shadowed!, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
05:57.10Shadowedpurl, kick Mikk
05:57.11purlbugger off, shadowed!
05:57.22ShadowedDAMN YOU BOT!
06:01.34Mikkpurl, boot Shadowed
06:01.36purlACTION inconspicously shuffles over to get a straight line across Shadowed to the window above the dumpster, takes aim, and punts Shadowed out to where he belongs!
06:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
06:02.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
06:02.52Shadowedpurl, kill Mikk
06:02.54purlACTION shoots a hyper-charged  meson gun at Mikk
06:03.54ShadowedCairenn is pissed
06:04.03Beladonanew updates on wdn, for anyone that cares
06:04.09Cairennnaw, I'm fine now
06:04.10Beladonanow with pretty urls
06:04.58Beladonaclick a link
06:05.03Beladonaand then look at the address
06:05.06ShadowedAh, the link at the top?
06:05.11Shadowedah i see
06:05.42Mikkmod_rewrite owns
06:05.42BeladonaI implemented smart code viewing too
06:06.22ckknightall its urls are pretty
06:06.39Beladonacheck this out
06:06.49Beladonanotice the 'live' in the link
06:06.51Shadowedmy eyesssss!
06:07.04Beladonathat link will ALWAYS show the current live version of that file
06:07.11Beladonaor any file actually
06:07.19Beladonaas long as it still exists in teh current version of course
06:07.24ShadowedThe colors are a bit brite in IE by the way
06:07.37MikkBeladona: YAY! Thanks!
06:07.38ShadowedNothing *that* bad, but kind of hard to read in IE7
06:07.42Beladonathose are standard code colors
06:07.56Shadoweddamn IE :(
06:08.11MikkBeladona: You may want to change your diff settings by the way... Blizzard strip out stuff we're not supposed to see by replacing it with blank lines.
06:08.19MikkSo we're getting lots of blank line changes
06:08.22MikkBit pointless
06:08.35Mikksec i'll find examples
06:09.15Beladonawhats wrong with that
06:09.24MikkNothing's _wrong_ per se
06:09.28MikkIt's just very uninteresting
06:09.39MikkSince 0 functionality has changed
06:10.01MikkAnd ends up tagging lots of files as "changed" when nothing really has changed
06:10.02Beladonadiff can't see stuff that doesn't really do anything
06:10.11Beladonaif it changes in the files, it sees it
06:10.19Mikkstandard unix diff?
06:10.27Mikkgnu i should say
06:10.36Beladonawindows frontend, but basically yeah
06:10.57Beladonathat file you linked had lines inserted
06:11.12Mikkdiff --ignore-blank-lines
06:11.14Beladonaas to whether those lines do anything in-game currently, thats beside the point
06:11.27MikkOk, I'll rephrase
06:11.38Beladonaoh wait, you think because the left side is blank?
06:11.53Beladonathat represents the fact that those lines didn't exist in that file
06:11.58Beladonalook at the line numbers
06:12.00MikkI know
06:12.04MikkI know how diff works =)
06:12.33BeladonaI don't understand what you are trying to point out then
06:12.39Beladonamy diff ignores changes in whitespace
06:12.45MikkI'm just saying that when I'm interested in seeing what's actually changed, getting 5 files with blankline changes for each file with ACTUAL changes is ....  annoying =P
06:13.14MikkThose files are getting flagged as "woohoo! changes!" in the file listings
06:13.30Beladonaas I intended
06:13.50Beladonayou mean like line 1200?
06:13.54Beladonawhere nothing is there
06:13.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:14.00Beladonabut it sees it as inserted anyway?
06:14.14Beladonaits still a blank line that wasn't there
06:14.21Mikkbut it's totally uninteresting
06:14.21Beladonaso I see that as pertinent
06:14.34Mikkthe whole file has no changes except inserted blanklines
06:14.53ShadowedI infact have a mod that relies on those whitespaces being there
06:14.57Shadowedi'd be sad if i couldn't see them in wdn :(
06:15.01Beladonathat file has changes other than blank lines
06:15.15Beladonagive me a file that has ONLY blank line insertions as changes
06:15.15Mikkit does?
06:15.25Mikkoh fek
06:15.52Beladonasomething must be wrong with your css
06:15.56Beladonaplenty of code in the green
06:17.11MikkYeah... it just wasn't showing >.<
06:17.25Beladonawhat browser?
06:17.33MikkOpera 9
06:17.46MikkNo biggie I suppose
06:17.48BeladonaI haven't done too much testing in opera
06:18.02MikkOpera mostly does the same that FF does
06:18.06Beladonaguess I should, although it has the smallest usage percent on my site
06:18.15MikkExcept in this particular case it obviously disagreed =)
06:18.40Beladonavery weird
06:18.52Beladonaand the css for that isn't really special
06:18.53MikkOk, forget my whole argument. I was seeing LOTS of files with only lots of blank lines inserted. I've seen that happen with sources from other companies where they want to keep line numberes matching for patching purposes but hide internal documentation and stuff
06:19.18MikkSo I just went ahead and assumed blizzard had started doing that too
06:19.38Beladonanow you see why I was totally confused?
06:19.41Mikkyes =)
06:20.02MikkAnd I see why you were being a stubborn ass ;)
06:20.47Shadowedprobably? :p
06:20.56Beladonaas far as I could tell there was only one line on that page that was blank but being counted as inserted
06:20.56Mikknah. i know i was =)
06:21.10Beladonabut it really was an inserted blank line, so I was like "huh?"
06:22.21Beladonathat is the css for that page
06:22.27Beladonanot counting what is global
06:22.56Beladonaof particular note would be the td.U, etc... lines
06:23.33Beladonahere is a thought
06:23.42Beladonaload it in opera again, and see if you can highlight the text
06:23.45MikkWow.. that HTML is not nice
06:23.58MikkIt has like a dozen tags for each half of a word
06:24.27Beladonaits a limitation in teh xml
06:24.39Beladonatakes too long to rewrite it, so I just leave it
06:25.47Beladonaanother thing is, consolidating the xml causes the code to not wrap
06:26.00Beladonawhich was a problem I had before, and another reason I left it as is
06:26.34MikkInteresting. If I turn outline debugging on, I see the indent boxes
06:26.42MikkBut there's really no text there whatsoever
06:27.05Beladonanot even when highlighted?
06:27.34Beladonayou know what?
06:27.39BeladonaI don't think it is the css
06:27.52Beladonait has to be how Opera handles xsl transformations
06:28.45Beladonamaybe I need to put a detection script using mod_rewrite warning people to not use Opera with my site, or face possible reductions in quality
06:28.48Elkano/hug Beladona
06:29.13Mikkhint: search for Opera in the whole agent string
06:29.21Mikkit likes to masquerade as other browsers
06:29.22Beladonayeah I know how to do it
06:29.32BeladonaOpera is annoying
06:29.38Beladonawhich is part of the reason i don't code for it
06:30.03MikkWell... When people check for "IE" and "Netscape" and refuse to let you into their bloody sites.... the natural response is to lie
06:30.12Elkano(you just deserved it for the wdn changes :) )
06:30.28Beladonathey wouldn't have to check if Opera followed the norm
06:30.37Beladonaas you can see with this xsl problem
06:30.58MikkI'm talking about people with regular HTML sites that refuse to let you in if you don't use Netscape or IE
06:31.22MikkUsually with a statement along the lines of "Your browser is too old. Go download the newest IE to look at my site"!
06:31.28Beladonasee now, I don't blieve in blocking all BUT certain browsers
06:31.41Beladonadetecting problem browsers and warning them about possible issues is one thing
06:31.49Beladonabut not complete blocking
06:32.01Mikkit's all too common
06:32.06Beladonaand the sad thing is
06:32.19Beladonamany of the problems they block for, are things that they are too lazy too fix
06:32.30Elkano"This page follows XHTML1.0 and CSS2.0 standards. If your browser cares shit about these, well, your problem..." ;)
06:32.31Beladona(the web developer)
06:33.02MikkElkano: It could actually be a bug in the XSL markup
06:33.19Beladonaoh I know what it is
06:33.24Beladonabut its stupid
06:33.35Shadowedrain in AB
06:33.50Shadowed+ fog
06:34.40Beladonathe last few templates are the issue
06:34.52Beladonathe ones that detect mg:s and so one, and replace with spaces or tabs
06:36.23ElkanoMikk, my statment was ment independant from the current problem... but eg seeing Microsoft stating that IE wont be 100% compatible to the standards once again... well...
06:37.08Cairennokay, sleep time for this chickie, night guys
06:37.58MikkBeladona: Puuh. I'm so glad I'm not the one maintaining your site. XSL hurts my head =)
06:38.05BeladonaOpera makes up 2.55% of my users on wdn
06:38.25BeladonaIE is 32.55%
06:38.32MikkOf course, it doesn't help that it's half past eight in the morning here.
06:38.35BeladonaFirefox is 63.05%
06:38.47Elkanopwnd ^^
06:39.01MikkWell, I'm not surprised that Opera is low since before v9 it'd display wdn as a white page =)
06:39.03Beladonainteresting numbers, considering that most people visiting my site are coders
06:39.14Beladonait shows what most coders in the wow community prefer
06:39.20MikkIt doesn't get to be a lot of clicking that way =P
06:39.29Elkanobut this once again proves: those who 'know' (devs and so on) are using browsers instead of IE ;)
06:39.52MikkDevs also tend to be idealistic and thus automatically dislike MS =)
06:39.56Beladona7 might help them, but I still won't be using IE, except for developmental testing
06:40.09BeladonaI dont dislike them
06:40.12BeladonaI distrust them
06:40.15Beladonathere is a difference
06:40.29BeladonaI use MS software heavily at work
06:40.37MikkAye, same
06:40.42MikkIt just doesn't get to talk to the Internet =)
06:41.08Beladonamuch is die to requirements in proprietary software
06:41.26Elkanobtw: Blizzard failed :/ they disabled posting on the EU forums in order to have the users test the new ones... but the new ones don't have an UI forum (yet) :/
06:41.28Beladonabut I have been pushing for open source alternatives where possible
06:41.48Beladonawe just switched to an open source anti-spam system in fact
06:42.16MikkGood for you.All the commercial ones suck royal ass.
06:42.28Mr_Rabies2i used popfile for the longest time
06:42.30Beladonawe had Symantec
06:42.37MikkHahaha symantec
06:42.39Beladonabut I am getting rid of them, antivirus and all
06:42.40Mr_Rabies2now i just use the one built into thunderbird :x
06:42.44BeladonaI hate Symantec
06:42.52Thrae|AwayIs MailWasher server or client?
06:42.58Mr_Rabies2Symantec Antivirus is pretty damn nice
06:43.08Beladonanot the nterprise version
06:43.18Mr_Rabies2that's what i use
06:43.22MikkMr_Rabies2: thunderbird clientside + spamassassin serverside = win
06:43.22Mr_Rabies2i like it
06:43.33Thrae|AwayI didn't know even Symantec Enterprise had a server anti-spam solution.
06:43.33BeladonaI see a major difference in load and performance between Symantec AV Corporate and other AV
06:43.35Mr_Rabies2bellsouth uses spamassassin i think
06:43.49Beladonaits not too good
06:43.55MikkThrae|Away: Integrated in their mail gw
06:43.57MikkIt bloooooows
06:44.03Beladonawell, not as good as the OpenSource MailWasher
06:44.08Beladonawhich is kinda sad methinks
06:44.10MikkCatches like a 5th of what spamassassin catches
06:44.13Mr_Rabies2SAV works really well for me
06:44.13Beladonafor Symantec
06:44.50Mr_Rabies2same on my home account
06:44.53MikkOr, that is, that's what I got a year ago
06:44.57Mikk18 months ago even
06:45.00Mr_Rabies2bellsouth filters about 99% of them before i get them
06:45.02MikkWhen I started dropping spam at the gw
06:45.03Elkanobut funny thing: I've gotten the last post in the deDE UI forums before they had been locked ^^
06:45.04Beladonawe don't get any now
06:45.05Mr_Rabies2and never seem to filter out stuff i want
06:45.06MikkI have no idea what I get total today
06:45.20Beladonaand each user can check their own quarantine for possible false positives
06:45.34Beladonawhich I integrated into Outlook as a default folder
06:45.50MikkOf course, I had to tweak the SA settings somewhat when we started doing business with China
06:46.02Mikk"Dear Sirs"  = 4 pts SA score of 5 possible
06:46.08Beladonaand MailWasher has per-user whitelists, which is nice
06:46.15MikkGuess what the chinese always begin their letters with? =P
06:46.20Beladonaand self-learns based on what you rescue from quarantine
06:46.44Mr_Rabies2yeah, Beysian filters rock.
06:47.04Beladonathe RBLs you use makes a big difference too
06:47.04Mr_Rabies2popfile did a great job for me
06:47.32MikkSender RBLs don't help a whole lot these days though
06:47.40MikkMost of the spam is coming from infected computers
06:47.52Beladonathe funny thing is, with Symantec spam got blocked, and poof nothing. Now with the quaratine, users are finally opening their eyes to just how important spam blocking is
06:47.56MikkWhat DOES help is scanning URLs and stuff in the mail and looking up against blacklisted spans
06:48.26Beladonawhen you log in the first time to 50 per page, and 10 pages, you appreciate antispam
06:49.35MikkBeladona: Arf.. what was the live url again?
06:49.38Mr_Rabies2beysian filters learn based on what you setup, and get a lot more accurate over time
06:49.54Mr_Rabies2popfile had like a 98.99% accuracy after i used it for a long time
06:50.16MikkAh. replace number by "live"
06:51.09Beladonaor just go to and copy/paste what you need
06:51.38Beladonaall those links use the live or test instead of the number
06:51.53Beladonamakes a good cheat sheet
06:52.01MikkBeladona: example: at the bottom
06:53.30Beladonamakes things nice to have the source code right there for people to see
06:53.55BeladonaI still have to figure out how I want to do the Functions section
06:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:55.28Beladonaand someone suggested the idea of offering alternate localization files for other languages, but I have no idea how I would obtain something like that ever single patch
06:56.42Mikkmmm hard one
06:56.50Mikkbut yours would be the logical place to collect that info
06:57.01Beladonawould take people sending it to me I guess
06:57.10Mikkwe do have some germans here
06:57.17Mikkand that french guy that keeps popping in and out =P
06:57.30Mikkasians... not so many =(
06:57.53Beladonawhat I really need to do is have some way for people to upload interface files for localizations I don't have
06:58.14ElkanoBeladona, you would most likely only need the GlobalStrings.lua, won't you?
06:58.40Mikkprobably want some other file to uniquely identify the version too
06:58.43Mikkcan't trust users with that =)
06:58.46Beladonaalthough there are other files with global strings in them that could be localized
06:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:59.32Beladonaand they haven't been using the Localization.lua files in teh Blizzard_AddOns yet, but they might in a future version
06:59.34Mr_Rabies2well then
06:59.36Mr_Rabies2speaking of spam
06:59.44Mr_Rabies2here's an interesting tidbit from my spam folder:
06:59.48Mr_Rabies2"Fuck off, Dragon Lady! "Put that in your wallet,Roger Sheldon said, "and if you ever get excited while youre making out at the drive-in, take a second between excited enough to want to and too excited to care and slip that on
07:00.09Mr_Rabies2i get the funniest spam
07:00.29BeladonaI have noticed a trend lately where spammers send a full story split between multiple emails, and spam random addresses with it
07:00.37Beladonakinda weird
07:00.51Mikkit's to fool bayesian filters
07:00.54Mikkvery easy
07:01.05Beladonadidn't fool ours
07:01.30Mr_Rabies2after enough filtering bayesian learn how to fight it well
07:01.41Mr_Rabies2Thunderbird's about 50/50 because of how little i use it
07:01.49Mr_Rabies2i run it like once a month
07:01.52Mikkwtf? opera9 has bittorrent integrated?
07:02.12Mr_Rabies2yay! all in one browsers ftw?
07:02.19Mr_Rabies2not my cup of tea -_-
07:02.49MikkI'm also IRCing in it :-P
07:02.52Shadowedkrka|work thats awesome
07:03.07krka|workit has ninjas, of course it's awesome
07:03.08MikkAnd ya know what?  It uses less RAM than FF =P
07:03.22krka|workyes, but does it run linux?
07:03.29Mikkrun ON linux?
07:03.51MikkCome to think of it "run linux" isn't too far from the truth for FF
07:04.01MikkIt implements half a bloody OS inside itself :-P
07:04.10Beladona2.0 isn't bad
07:04.19Beladonathey are cleaning it up slowly
07:04.35MikkDon't get me wrong. I'm using FF.
07:04.46Mr_Rabies2i love firefox
07:04.52Beladonaits all I will use
07:04.55MikkIt's just a little on the big side, code wise
07:05.01Mr_Rabies2it doesn't use too much memory unless i leave it open on a flash page
07:05.02Beladonabut I do agree
07:05.07MikkWhich matters not on any modern computer but ...
07:05.17Mr_Rabies2most of the size of firefox comes from extensions and plugins
07:05.18Beladonaleave it open, on a flash page, with 10+ tabs open....
07:05.22Beladonaall day
07:05.24Mr_Rabies2without those, it uses like nothing
07:05.29Beladonaand then wonder where your memory went
07:05.39Mikkthat's the flash plugin sucking arse tho
07:05.43Mr_Rabies2i just close it and reopen it with tabmixplus
07:05.45Mikkit'll suck equally hard anywhere else
07:05.47BeladonaI have no plugins in mine
07:05.55Beladonasave java and flash
07:05.59Mr_Rabies2and get all my memory back
07:06.02Mr_Rabies2i have the vlc plugin
07:06.09Mr_Rabies2i wish you could control video with the vlc plugin :x
07:06.26Mr_Rabies2it just shows up and you have no control as far as i can tell
07:06.35Mr_Rabies2other than pause with spacebar
07:06.39BeladonaI wish you could make coffee remotely before you get to work with firefox
07:06.39Mikkyou can probably surf to the plugin =)
07:06.55Mikkvlc has like two dozen methods to control it
07:06.56Mr_Rabies2what, mikk?
07:07.07Mikkincluding telnet and http
07:07.19Beladonaone thing I do like in Opera and now IE7, that Firefox has yet to implement:
07:07.24Beladonapage scaling
07:07.32Beladonaas a whole
07:07.38Mikkit's also a no-brainer really
07:07.41Mr_Rabies2i turned that off asap
07:07.45Mr_Rabies2it bothered me
07:07.59Mikkwhich? =)
07:08.09Mr_Rabies2maybe it was just IE's was set to grow to fit my resolution or something or i don't know
07:08.14Mr_Rabies2but everything was freaking huge in IE7's
07:08.24Beladonamine doesn't do that
07:08.27MikkHeh doh
07:08.30Beladonait only scales when you tell it to
07:08.32MikkOpera just defaults to 100% nicely
07:08.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Aeana (
07:08.41Mr_Rabies2then again that was a few betas back
07:08.47MikkBut if you really do want to make stuff big, scaling the viewport is the way to go imo
07:08.58MikkJust changing font sizes helps not one bit with small images
07:09.22Mr_Rabies2does the scaling kill image quality?
07:09.30Mr_Rabies2i'd imagine it did, but haven't tried it
07:09.34MikkJust as much as it does in any image editor
07:09.40MikkCan't zoom and view stuff that doesn't exist
07:09.45MikkContrary to what all TV shows suggest
07:10.17MikkFREEZE THERE! ENCHANCE 2000%!
07:10.33MikkAnd move in behind the guy that's hiding the thingy!
07:10.38Beladonaits not horrible though
07:10.38Mr_Rabies2i love that part of super troopers
07:10.41krka|workit's blurry, can you sharpen it? - sure but it will take a few hours of processing
07:10.43Beladonayou would be surprised
07:10.45Mr_Rabies2Enhance! Enhance!
07:11.15Mr_Rabies2how do pictures get scaled up so well, like photos, without losing noticable quality?
07:11.16MikkBeladona: yeah, sharpening blurry pictures is doable to some degree
07:11.29MikkBut blowing up a single pixel to a readable newpaper page? Riiiight =P
07:11.45Mr_Rabies2FutureNetwork's magazines would blow up tiny screenshots to half a page
07:11.49Mikk"Wow, that was one damn dense pixel!"
07:11.54Mr_Rabies2made every damn game look jaggy as hell
07:12.21Mr_Rabies2and my xbox hating friends would be like I THOUGHT XBOX COULDNT HAVE JAGGIES HUH
07:12.27Beladonadecent programs use advanced algorithms to scale images up
07:12.44Beladonadepending on the algorithm, and the complexity of the image, it can be a decent scale
07:12.50MikkYeah, now we get wobblies instead of jaggies =)
07:13.27Thrae|AwayWhat was the name of that programming language that read in pixels? Pete?
07:13.31Beladonaanyway, bed time. Work in 3 hours
07:13.43Mr_Rabies2i'd not go to sleep
07:13.56MikkStay up and sleep at work instead
07:13.57Beladonahave a meeting tomorrow at lunch though
07:14.01Mr_Rabies2takes me an hour to go to sleep and if i wake up without much sleep i feel more tired than not sleeping
07:14.29Mr_Rabies2i can go for two days on no sleep and be fine, but sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 10 kills me
07:14.58Mr_Rabies2more than 10 makes me more tired as time goes on, something about building melatonin in sleep or something
07:19.42MikkMeh. My natural rhythm is going to bed around 4am. It sucks =(
07:20.57MikkBut if I do that, I only need 6.5-7 hours of sleep. Compared to 9+ if I'm trying to keep hours suitable for a 9-5
07:27.00krka|work13h sleep FTW
07:27.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:28.37MikkSo... who is going to write a REAL paintball addon? =)
07:29.37MikkI'm talking about the kind that zooms into an FPS-style view, displays a bobbing paintball gun off to the right, and uses positioning APIs to determine if you've hit someone
07:29.47MikkOh, and paints a ball trajectory on the screen =)
07:29.50Thrae|AwayEA to Aqquire Mythic Entertainment, hmmmm
07:29.53ShadowedYou have fun doing that
07:30.05MikkBut it'd be fun!
07:30.10MikkPaintball shootouts ftw =)
07:31.37MikkIt'd be something to do when waiting for pulls in BWL =)
07:31.39krka|workhmm... interesting
07:31.44krka|workcould do it for raid / party atleast
07:32.04MikkAnd use the 1.12 apis for raid comms =)
07:32.05krka|workbut you'd have to trust all the clients
07:33.04MikkBah. It WONT work in bwl >.<
07:33.09MikkGifv positioning info in instances
07:33.18Shadowedor MC, or AQ40, or Nax :p
07:33.25Shadowedor ZG, or strat, scholo, ect, ect!
07:33.33MikkBWL is where I sit on my arse the most =P
07:33.46MikkOr used to be anyway
07:33.58MikkI suppose it's AQ40 and Nax now
07:37.08ShadowedTest server queue times are too short :(
07:54.33zesprihow to find chance to crit? is ti possible?
07:55.35Industrialwell there has to be some base chance to crit like 1%
07:55.45Industrialnot sure on anything
07:55.47ShadowedBlizzard is able to do it through SpellBookFrame.lua
07:55.52krka|worktwo ways: 1) count your stats-thingies 2) keep track of number of hits and number of crits over time
07:56.12krka|workcan even do both to compare :)
07:56.57ShadowedPVE server goes up, then down, then up, then down, then up, then down, then up, then down!
07:57.13zespriwell, all shows you chance to crit/dodge/parry, how do they know? I'm sure it's not statistical based
07:57.41krka|workthey know the formulas?
07:57.45zespriif you know how to count stat thingie do tell
07:57.54krka|worki personally dont
07:58.17ShadowedCan't you access the way blizzard does it to find melee crit?
07:58.35Industrialisnt that server sdidd?
07:59.35Shadowedi'll tell you as soon as the test server stops going friggin down every 10 seconds!
08:00.39ShadowedYou're trying to get *melee* crit right, now *spell*?
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08:06.17zesprilet's stat with something simple
08:06.20zesprilet it be melee
08:06.35Shadowed would be a quick way to do it with tooltip scanning
08:07.05Shadowed"4.15% chance to crit" would be an example of what you'd get as output
08:12.47zesprisorry, I wasn't precise. I wonder is there a tooltip somewhere in the game that displays this info
08:13.06zespriI'm asking from user perspective point of view this time
08:13.32ShadowedMelee crit can be viewed by going to Spellbook & Abilities -> Attack and hovering over that.
08:13.46ShadowedSpell crit and spell power aren't shown on the default UI, you need a mod to do it.
08:15.01zespriwhat are 1,1 stand for in SetSpell( 1, 1 );
08:15.18zenzelezztab 1, item 1? Just guessing
08:15.26zenzelezzAttack is the first ability on my spellbook's first page
08:15.30ShadowedFirst one is the index in the current book, and the second one is the book
08:15.36zesprioh that would be melee
08:15.48Shadowedso SetSpell( 1, 2 ); would show the first spell in the second book
08:17.04ShadowedI have managed to confuse myself!
08:17.53zesprinever mind =)
08:18.12zespriso now when we are done with melee what about spell crits
08:18.28ShadowedCan't be done without a mod that calculates it I believe
08:18.38zespriis it possible to find it out without counting in combat?
08:18.50zesprioh ok. thanks
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08:59.20Shadowedheh, blizzard fixed the PVP ETA bug after like 4 patches
08:59.46zenzelezzwhat bug was that, incorrect estimation?
09:00.23ShadowedIt basically didn't work 99% of the time
09:00.50zenzelezzmaybe now people won't leave for battlegrounds halfway through instances then
09:00.56Shadowedno, they still will :p
09:01.05Shadowederr not ETA, I mean run time
09:01.29ShadowedTime elapsed! thats the word
09:02.09zenzelezzah, I thought you meant the queue timer
09:02.56Shadowedso did i!
09:05.55Gngskhow confusing
09:10.50Renyunlol....there's nothing wrong with the queue timer per's "inaccurate" 'cause it's an average of the last 10 ppl's wait time...says little about your chances to make it into the queue at a certain time =D
09:16.11zenzelezzyeah, I know
09:16.25zenzelezzjust wish they'd change it somehow to show how close you really were
09:16.49zenzelezzgetting tired of having to dig up new people in the middle of instances because "zomg AV"
09:17.14zenzelezzbut like Shadowed, people probably wouldn't change even if they did :-p
09:17.19zenzelezz+ said
09:17.24Renyunhehe, so true
09:17.27MikkThose people need to be shot
09:17.43Renyunthat's why, I always tell ppl that i'm in a BG queue if they insist i join 'em in an instance
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09:18.02MikkYeah, if the group absolutely insists that you come anyway that's one thing
09:18.04zenzelezzas long as they say so before we start, I'm okay we with
09:18.15ShadowedI just follow two simple rules :p
09:18.20zenzelezzwhat the hell is up with my grammar
09:18.27zenzelezzI think I need food
09:18.53ShadowedIf the match is group VS pug, group vs easy group or group vs 100% a lose i'll either keep or i'll take another BG.
09:19.01ShadowedIt's typically better honor overall anyway.
09:22.56wereHamsterwhen I create my own UI compilation, should I name it 'Shag UI' or 'wereHamster UI' ?
09:23.09Renyunyou know yer a coding geek....when you fix other ppl's code for the hell of it ;)
09:23.49Renyunhmm....Shage UI by wereHamster?
09:25.14Shadowedyou know you're a coding geek when you redo other peoples code for the hell of it :p
09:25.36kergothpfft, thats weak geekery, it gets worse than that, trust me
09:25.36Shadowed"Oh I can change this to be better", 3 hours later it's a different addon
09:25.52Shadowedit's 2:30 AM, if you want worst you'll have to wait till 12 PM :p
09:26.39Renyunyah, i'm too lazy to change this series of if statements to if..elseif :P
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09:34.54MikkwereHamster: Gaffa Tape
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09:42.03wereHamsterwhy Gaffa?
09:42.31Mikk"Are female hamsters friendlier than male hamsters?"
09:42.37Mikk"Depends on if you have gaffa tape or not"
09:43.14wereHamsterstill don't know what's gaffa :(
09:43.39Renyun"The industry standard that all others are compared to. Preferred by most professionals and sticks to most clean surfaces including carpet. Leaves no residue behind. Has a proven reputation for reliability under the most difficult conditions."
09:44.18Mikkwait.. i need to google this. i just don't want to say it myself in channel >:<
09:47.46MikkThe one that isn't about rednecks
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09:49.22Mikkyou will also find many interesting references googling for "hamster" and "gaffa". most of them quite veiled though =)
09:50.10Mikkand i'll remind you that you brought this on yourself by mentioning shag and hamster in the same sentence :P
09:51.05wereHamsterwhat's wrong with my player's name 'Shag' ?
09:51.31Mikkyou really do not know what Shag means to britons?
09:51.45KirovIt's a type of carpet!
09:51.45wereHamsterI know..
09:51.59MikkKirov: aye, precisely =)
09:52.17wereHamsterbut what's wrong with it? Johnny Depp's name isn't any better to germans
09:52.17Mikkor at least there might be a rug involved
09:52.28Mikk~slap Mikk
09:52.30purlACTION slaps Mikk, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
09:52.43MikkGod. I've been awake too long.
09:53.18MikkwereHamster: Nono. It's fine. It just becomes irresistable when mentioned along with hamsters =)
09:53.25MikkAt least to tired Mikks
09:54.38wereHamsterwhat abount mentioning 'Shag' along with 'Sheep' ?
09:55.00MikkDepends on if there's any welsh around
09:55.32MikkGawd. I'll just go look for my pillow before I start pasting goatse and tubgirl links... this is deteriorating rapidly >.<
09:55.34wereHamster'wereHamster's shag (UI)"
09:58.07Kirovwhat would it do though
09:58.16Kirovbe the anti-move everything?
09:58.28KirovIt just stucks everything together in the middle of the screen?
09:58.52Mikknah.. just the glue that holds everything together
09:59.01Mikkperhaps something to turn bits and pieces of the compilation off
09:59.45KirovAce2 should be called AceDuce anyways
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10:04.32MikkOOOOO i'm getting ideas
10:04.36kergothuh oh
10:04.48MikkI mentioned implementing in-game paintball earlier
10:04.54MikkI solved a couple of problems
10:05.20MikkMainly having to do handling terrain (you shouldn't be able to shoot people you can't see)
10:05.45MikkJust have the addon disable TargetUnit() and TargetByName() while playing
10:05.55MikkYou shoot by selecting a player from the world
10:06.15MikkObviously have to face the same direction and take movement into account etc
10:06.26MikkI also realized you could put stuff like powerups on the ground =)
10:06.34Renyunyah, but you could still have someone targeted, have them hide behind terrain and then shoot 'em through it :P
10:06.45MikkThe mod would de-target as soon as it shoots
10:07.05Renyunsure, but who said i'd have to shoot right away? :P
10:07.12MikkYou shoot by selecting
10:07.15MikkNot optional
10:08.03MikkHeck, you could even set up tournaments in areas with hostile mobs =)
10:08.18MikkCan't fire while you're in combat or something like that ;)
10:08.40MikkI need to work out the 3d mappings =)
10:10.58Renyunso yer seriously trying to create this mod?
10:11.06Mikkdunno yet =)
10:11.51Renyunit would be interesting if it's possible, that's for sure
10:12.10Kirovwell, you can use my compass func to know the player's actual rotation
10:12.24Kirovand movement isn't hard
10:12.38Kirovstill not sure how you're going to go about terrain
10:12.48Mikkwhich part of terrain?
10:12.57Kirovshooting through it
10:13.03Mikkyou won't be able to
10:13.08Mikkcan't select the player if you can't see hijm
10:13.18Kirovthrough terrain you can
10:13.49Renyunyah, that's a good point...i think you can select 'em....i'm pretty sure i've done it through walls
10:14.02Kirovall terrain, most walls
10:14.15Kirovtooltip pops up and everything
10:14.20Mikk[4. LookingForGroup] [Klyde] looking for a peroson that could tell me where the corpse of makirk wifes is please
10:14.35MikkBlizzard needs to remove that quest
10:15.06MikkHmmm.. So, need to disable tooltips then.
10:15.35Renyunwell, you'd also need to disable the cursor change when hovering over a target
10:15.47Mikkno such change for friendlies
10:16.13Renyunhey, is there a chat shortcut simillar to %T for a target's class?
10:16.57Mikkthere's mods that install such shortcuts
10:16.58Kirovnot by default, no
10:17.45Renyunyah, that's what i thought....i remember seeing screenshots of early beta that had a more of those shortcuts, but they've been removed
10:18.01Renyunwhat about using UnitClass("target")?
10:18.54Kirovthe returns on mobs aren't terribly accurate though
10:19.04Kirova lot of things are flagged as paladins
10:19.43MikkBasically any mob with mana that isn't pronouncedly a specific class is a paladin
10:19.55Renyunnice =/
10:20.03MikkHeck, even some mobs that obviously should be something else are paladins
10:20.05zenzelezzevery NPC in Ironforge seems to be a warrior
10:20.16Mikkyeah that's the default for non mana users
10:20.20KirovMost npcs are warriors
10:20.47wereHamsteryay for all warriors :)
10:30.11Mikkwow. i had no idea map positions were so ridiculously accurate
10:30.55wereHamsterhow accurate?
10:31.36Mikkdown to "set character to walk, and lightly tap 'forward' and it'll change"
10:31.52Renyunyah, the return values go out to like 10 digits or something insane
10:32.19wereHamsterthe full lua number precision?
10:33.49Renyundoes the same thing for uiScale and every other setting....the ui shows it at 0.64, but the it's really 0.63999998569489 on my system
10:34.09Mikkthat's just a rounding error
10:34.28kergothits the nature of floating point.  0.64 probably isnt representable with a double
10:34.50Mikkhm. it is.
10:34.50Renyunwhy shouldn't it be?
10:35.11Renyuni think it's due to the slider
10:35.52kergoththere are many numbers which cannot be represented exactly, its just how it works.  but i'm sure you're right in this case ;)
10:36.17Renyunpi is an example, but this isn't pi  =D
10:36.48MikkFloating point numbers are a number of bits worth of value, and then a number of bits describing the shift up and down
10:37.27MikkSo if you're trying to describe something that doesn't translate very well to binary, you get rounding funkyness
10:37.28Renyunyah, i'm pretty sure that if i change it to 0.64 in and don't touch the slider, it'll remain 0.64
10:38.54Renyunhas anyone had problems with the new fangled bag scaling at the bank?
10:40.20Renyunon my system, it scales and resets them....sometimes it scales 'em when all bags are open...then i close a bag and it resets, then i close another bag and it scales again =/
10:40.22kergothMikk: i especially love it when you get a number where adding one to it doesnt result in a bigger number
10:40.39MikkUgh bleh yes
10:41.02Renyunso i just disabled the shit, i don't need it anyway as i'm playing on a 19" with uiScale set to 0.64
10:42.46KirovUIParent:SetScale(0.2) is the ultimate scale
10:43.06KirovMakese me feel like I'm playing on an IMAX theatre
10:44.35Renyuni'm disappointed that blizz didn't give us a way to disable bag scaling in the UI
10:50.27zenzelezzI assume that would be a bit of extra work; having to take into consideration what you're working with all the time before performing (or not performing) scaling
10:51.04Renyuntrue, but they could've wrapped the code in a flag and expose the flag in the interface options frame
10:52.02Renyunmy fix was to change the global that determines the amount of scaling, so that it always results in a scaling of 1 =D
10:52.40zenzelezzdon't think I've ever used UI scale myself
10:53.08wereHamsterwhats the character '\32' ?
10:53.15Renyuni run the game at 1280x1024 on a 19" monitor, i find ui scaling necessary, cause the crap is just too large that way
10:53.22Renyunnah, space should be \20
10:53.25Renyuni think
10:53.40zenzelezzalt+032 in WoW/Windows = space anyway
10:53.40kergothi scale mine to 0.84 or something, running at 1680x1050 on a 20" widescreen
10:53.44zenzelezzdecimal 32 that is
10:53.53kergoththen scale individual frames down further here and there
10:54.25wereHamsterCHAT_WHISPER_GET = "%s whispers:\32"; -- Whisper from player %s
10:54.29Renyunyah, decimal 32 should be a space...i'm thinking of the HTML encoding, which uses hex
10:54.48wereHamsterwhy not simply use the space?
10:55.16Renyun'cause, having a space in some places may cause other problems with interpreting what's around it?
10:55.39MikkI'll assume that they write those strings in an editor that trims strings
10:55.50MikkThat editor creates the lua
10:56.43MikkEspecially given the comment at the top of the file
10:57.25Mikk(The reason for a separate editor would be for translation; giving outsider translators access to a little web app is harmless and user friendly)
10:57.55MikkAlso becomes easy to track what's missing etc
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11:17.37Renyundoes anyone have a list of all the possible cvars?
11:17.52Renyunoooh, do share :P
11:18.48chuckgwtb "screenshot compression" option ala Mac.
11:18.58MikkRenyun: Not necessarily complete
11:19.11MikkJust a compilation of everything that I + some others have seen
11:19.14Renyunnope it's not, though a good resource all the same
11:19.56Mikkfeel free to add in stuff you know
11:20.08Mikkleave out values if you don't know the default and cba to call GetCVarDefault() for it =)
11:20.30Renyuni need blizz to differentiate between friendly NPCs and hostile NPCs in the UnitName stuff...or better yet, add one specficially for friendly pets =/
11:21.12Renyunok, will do...I know there are a few more UniteName... cvars in there, cause I use 'em in one of my addons
11:24.11Renyunblizz needs to add UnitNamePlayerPetName
11:26.06Mikkwhich one is that? =)
11:26.14MikkUnitName("playerpet") or the other way around?
11:26.49Renyunit doesn't exist, AFAIK....
11:27.14RenyunI'd like to be able to turn off player's pet names, w/o turning off NPC names
11:28.08Renyun'cuase when I raid, I like to turn off player names, but keep NPC names on
11:28.13Mikkahh. cvar.
11:28.24Renyuncurrently, i have to deal w/ pet names remaining
11:28.47Mikkyeah. pets are NPCs in most aspects.
11:29.18Renyunyup, which makes sense...i just need seperate control for pet names
11:29.49Renyunit's not a big deal when raiding for the most part, there aren't usually that many pets out on raids
11:32.22Mikkours tend to have everything out
11:32.27Mikkincluding gnomish battle chickens
11:32.34Mikkeverything to fight the boredom =)
11:33.01KasoMikk wasnt it you that did that addon to target by RaidIcon or am i mixed up ?
11:33.08Mikknot me
11:33.13Mikkyou're thinking of PaintBall?
11:33.53Kasoi dont remeber its name
11:34.15Kasoim trying to something similar in my addon but its being crazy
11:34.48KasoOh it was Wobin
11:35.55Renyunphew, finally figured out my password on wowwiki lol
11:38.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
11:40.48Kasook, take a lookie at this : I'm using that on each RAID_TARGET_UPDATE to get a unitid for the raid targetted mob. i'm in a raid, with 1 other person, im raid2, so when i *just* set the star, it reports that the other person has the circle targgeted even though he's offline and i havent set circle.
11:42.48KasoHey Wobin! perfect maybe you can help
11:43.06Kasoyou wrote painball didnt you
11:43.32Kasoim doing raidtarget targetting as part of my addon but im getting some false reports
11:44.23WobinThere's a lag between the actual setting and reporting of the set icon, btw
11:45.07Kasohmm, i'll bear that in mind, but it doesnt change that i GetRaidTargetIndex is telling me an offline person is targgeting a un-set raid target ^_-
11:46.38WobinNot sure
11:47.43Mikkgrmbl. i used to know the matrix multiplications by heart...
11:47.45Wobinodd that it'd return 2 randomly
11:48.00Wobinwhat if you set the circle, does it report the diamond?
11:49.08Kasoit does the same thing in reverse
11:49.40Kasoso its reporting the circle as my target correctly, but then saying circle is raid1target
11:49.49Kasolemme play with skull and stuff
11:50.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
11:51.01MikkKaso: ummm... exactly what are you passing to GetRaidTargetIndex?
11:51.04Renyunlol mikk, i think i almost failed my linear algebra class
11:51.28Mikkoh i never took the math classes to learn 3d math
11:51.33Kasopretty much
11:51.47Renyuni didn't either, i hadda 'cause i was an engineering major
11:52.51Wobinoh wait
11:53.02MikkKaso: i think you might want to check that raidNtarget is something sane first
11:53.02Wobinoh no, that's fine
11:53.12MikkThat offline player isn't targetting anything
11:53.44Mikke.g. text UnitExists("raid"..i.."target) and ....
11:54.16Kasoyes i see
11:54.36MikkIn a bug free world, GetRaidTargetIndex() would test that itself and do the right thing but .... =)
11:55.43Kasoah ha!
11:55.48MikkHmm same thing for "raid"..i.."pet" i suppose
11:55.54Renyunyah, in a perfect world, blizz would have given us a toggle for bag scaling from the start ;)
11:56.00Kasoyeh i added unit exists checks and its working fine
11:56.16Kasothats a rather odd bug.
11:56.20Mikkrather yes =)
11:57.19Kasogah this addon would be like a zillion times easier if we could TargetUnit("raidicon1") :<
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12:11.17*** topic/#wowi-lounge is World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions
12:12.09MikkWobin: Hooking every damn function that the addon has would let you tell mem usage of individual addons
12:12.47Renyunthat would be soooo painful
12:13.11Renyunit'd be better if blizz added something
12:13.17MikkThey can't do anything
12:13.29Renyunwhy not?
12:13.29MikkNothing we can't already do anyway
12:13.34MikkAddons live in shared memory space
12:13.36MikkIt's just more lua code
12:14.58Renyunyah, but wouldn't be easier for them to hook into every function, seeing as they have control over the lua implementation?
12:15.10Renyunand make it good old C, so it's more efficient
12:15.56MikkIt'd be easier for them to find script handlers and functions declared inside tables
12:16.23Renyunis there a generic way to do it in lua? i.e. w/o knowing the all the fuctions?
12:17.16MikkThough actually, there's only so many ways that addons start executing code
12:17.20MikkScript handlers
12:17.25MikkAnd hooking global functions
12:17.37kergothyou can estimate, surprisingly accurately, knowing how lua does its table resizing and such, at least of data.  only functions and userdata cannot have their ram usage estimated
12:18.02Renyunonly functions and userdata, huh?
12:18.03Mikkkergoth: yeah but then you need to know what tables to look at
12:18.24Mikkwhich is even hairer
12:18.48kergothobviously anything directly or indirectly in the global environment is easily done.  without the debug.* functions, you cant determine what upvalues are referenced by all the functions, so things can still be hidden
12:19.44Mikkhrms... i remember seeing an addon that does this or something much like it
12:19.52Mikkhooks functions and stats stuff
12:20.11kergothklh performance monitor looks like it does that
12:20.19kergothseems useful
12:20.24kergoththere have been others
12:23.24Renyunlol "If you use a download manager, it may ask you for a login and password for the download. Your login for this download is  and the password is ."
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12:35.58Renyunwow....13970 frames =/
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13:00.19Renyunhey, does anyone know if the quest tracker is anchored to the minimap, by default?
13:21.15Elkanoyes, it is ->
13:21.22Elkano<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="MinimapCluster" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"> i guess CTMod must be changing the anchor...apparently, they've broken something in the latest version, 'cause some ppl can't move their quest tracker using ctmod anymore =/
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14:28.31Kasofrigging noobs killing the mob in testing my addon with -_-
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14:30.38Triadianhi all - mind i ask a Q ?
14:30.54Triadianis it possible to get the pixel length of a word ?
14:32.34KasoWoah wtf, if you MC a mob then ReloadUI when you re-enter you're still controlling the mob but your viewpoint is centered on yourself
14:32.48Elkanoiirc yes it is
14:33.07Triadianhiya - Elkano - any pointers ?
14:34.42Elkanonvm :)
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15:46.51KasoDoes anyone happen to know what event would be called by a MCed mob performing taunt on another mob, its for razuous obveously.
15:47.26KasoI think it might be CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE because that's the message when you fire taunt, and other events from MCed mobs seem to use the SELF events.
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15:56.54Rallionis there a way to get rid of frames created with CreateFrame?
15:57.43Endthey don't go away
15:58.57MikmaRallion: /rl will make them go away ;D
15:59.08Rallionlol thanks
15:59.52RallionI don't really have a very compelling reason to want them to anyway
16:00.35Mikmawell /rl really is propably the only way to get rid of frames created with ie. tinypad, but if it's a script which does the frames then it's a different thing
16:01.01Mikmaif you're making some addon and are testing on creating frames and got a whole screen full of crappy frames, /rl ..
16:01.25Rallionit's just a memory efficiency thing, getting rid of frames that are no longer needed
16:02.02Rallionbut it's a TINY savings, and in a case that'll rarely happen anyway, people don't replace bigger bags with smaller ones
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16:22.41CairennCide: got an error on PartyBuffs when I logged in to test
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16:44.57*** topic/#wowi-lounge is World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions
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16:48.46cogwheelWell, turns out messing around with Lua has paid off for my work... I never had a chance to learn Perl, PHP, etc. so I just got CGILua and am using that for our signup script :)
16:50.55Rallionheh if you know Lua you can learn PHP pretty quick...fairly similar
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17:27.51OsagasuCan I kill Blizzard yet?
17:28.08KasoI think thats a justfiably desctition
17:28.25KirovGot a couple billion in venture capiltal you can use to buy blizzard with?
17:37.20Industriallemme check
17:39.40Beladonaanyone else notice that the Blizzard_CombatText shows in the addon list?
17:41.51End_I'm connected twice
17:42.34*** join/#wowi-lounge End (n=end@
17:42.52Endwhoops, closed both though :P
17:44.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
17:49.13OsagasuKirov: Draenei Shamand and Blood Elf Paladins.
17:49.44Mikmaanyone remembers the command for purl mikk said yesterday?
17:49.56Mikma.. something to do with eiffel tower ;)
17:50.05KirovEven after all the pictures of Draenei paladins?
17:50.48MikmaKirov: yeah but the new races will have them both
17:51.58Kirovwhere was this posted?
17:52.45Mikma<1948> <vhaarr>
17:52.48Mikma<1948> <Slayman>
17:53.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
18:15.17Endwhat the hell
18:15.50Mikmathe hell
18:15.53EndI thought blizzard -very- specifically said that shaman and paladins would never be able to be played on the same faction
18:16.10Mikmathey lied. what's new then?
18:17.06Endthis is a pretty significant blurring of the two facts :O
18:17.47KirovOne issue is ... who will ever want to take shamans now?
18:17.56Endfor raiding?
18:18.18Endyeah, nobody
18:18.27KirovNot to mention all the shaman loot will now be dropping in the raid instances
18:18.50KirovLikely with equal drop % as other class gear
18:19.12Kirovmeaning it's another thing to get de'd
18:19.47EndI think there will be less concern about the current raid instances
18:20.00EndI'm more curious on how the level 70 instances will handle it
18:21.25Cairennhey! it's a Rislyn post!
18:21.29OsagasuThe thing is that now Blizzard will be able to balance instances to include Shamans and Paladins.
18:22.13KirovEnd - likely the same way Naxx does
18:22.41KirovClass specific loot be damned, class range specific items as part of a quest
18:22.49MikmaCairenn: who is he? :)
18:22.50Kiroveq style
18:23.04Cairennand she's the newest member of the UI team
18:23.10Mikmaoh cool!
18:23.30Cairennshe's been around for a little while now, but almost never posts
18:23.42Mikmablizz needs a women's touch in wow
18:24.24Cairennher avatar was a very obvious choice, we just convinced them of it
18:24.40Kirovpirate / ninja
18:24.45Cairennyou got it
18:25.18ThraeI don't see the point of Class-specific loot. A Feral Druid can benefit from a lot of Class:Rogue gear, a Paladin can benefit from Warrior gear, a Hunter can benefit from Shaman gear, etc.
18:25.38ThraeIt's up to your raid to determine who can roll on what anyway.
18:26.33Endwell, even a warrior isn't going to want just tanking gear
18:26.49Endnot all your warriors can main tank -all- the time for every fight
18:28.31wereHamsterwho's Rislyn? I've never heard of him
18:29.09Endshe does UI stuff
18:29.44Endalthough, I don't know much about her either, unlike slouken (who is already involved in sdl)
18:29.58Cairenn"already involved in"?
18:30.09wereHamsteroh.. the new developer who joined blizzard not too long ago?
18:30.16CairennwereHamster: indeed
18:30.20wereHamsterand did she write the sample addon?
18:30.26EndI think so yeah
18:30.32wereHamsterI remember..
18:30.37CairennEnd: he isn't "involved in" SDL, he frigging invented it
18:30.43EndCairenn: yeah, I know :P
18:31.01CairennwereHamster: yes
18:31.10KirovCairenn - minor detaul
18:31.14wereHamstertoo bad slouken can't? port WoW to linux using his own library :(
18:31.49Endalthough, while I don't think I even knew his name before I started playing WoW, I used sdl before (written stuff for it even) and had even played his maelstrom game
18:33.12Endrumor has it there was a linux client planned during beta, but they scrapped it
18:33.15Endbut that's just rumor
18:36.30wereHamsterthere was one
18:37.03wereHamsterone of the beta versions has a 'Linux' folder wih some linux executables and libs
18:38.05KirovThere's also an API function to return the current OS, one of the returns is linux
18:38.16wereHamsterIsLinuxClient :)
18:38.24Endtoo slow :(
18:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
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18:42.54TainI was a little confused by the, IsAppleIIeClient() function though.
18:45.32Beladonaimagine my surprise at IsAbacusClient
18:45.51TainMakes combat very hectic.
18:46.02TainLoud and clicky.
18:46.18ThraeOK, how do I properly remove a line from GameTooltip after SetX is called? I tried GameTooltipTextLeftX:SetText(nil) GameTooltipTextLeftX:Hide()
18:47.26ThraeBut this a) Doesn't fix NumLines() even after GameTooltip:Show() is called, and b) GameTooltip will sometimes reposition FontStrings in a weird way such that it messes up AddLine if I re-reposition it.
18:55.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
19:07.59Enduh oh, there is a threadjacker loose!
19:14.22wereHamsterwho's Sedge?
19:14.34CairennI'm betting it's End
19:20.18Endthat'd be a good bet
19:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
19:20.58wereHamsterdoes anyone here already have Windows Vista?
19:25.11IndustrialwereHamster, memememe
19:25.26Industrialbut its network connectivity is CRAP
19:25.26Industrialfrom what I tried
19:25.40Industrialput it on my laptop, didnt play with it much
19:25.46Industriallooked nice thats all - its windows after all
19:29.46IndustrialIs there anyone that knows a free shell service with support for screen and irssi (ipv4) ?
19:33.39Industrialdidnt try :(
19:33.42Industrialprolly wont
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19:46.47ag`why shouldn't it
19:46.51ag`if you have drivers for it
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19:54.32wereHamsterbecause of
19:58.07dao_at_worklol, that's the same idea behind random hash return order perturbation.
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20:07.50wereHamsteris it possible to disable the whispers in CTRA BossWarnings?
20:12.47EndI think so
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20:22.07Cairennhi Qzot
20:22.26CairennI'm at home if you want to call
20:30.44CidewereAnubisath: yes
20:30.56Cideall mods that send whispers have a dropdown option to send/not send
20:37.23wereAnubisathI just got 6 whispers at the Anubisath Defenders just before the twins -.-
20:45.30Beladonaopinions: on the function listing on wdn. Do you guys prefer the layout that wowwiki has, with the table of contents in a bar on the right, and the full list, so you can use search?
20:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
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21:45.10QzotCairenn: Sorry, was afk for a bit there.
21:48.53Cairennnot allowed
22:00.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
22:11.25clad|afkAnyone around and wow-login-able?
22:11.34clad|afkDo you want to be a part of history!
22:12.08clad|afki need someone to login to Kael'thas, horde, orc or troll =)
22:12.12clad|afkand sign my charter
22:12.26dao_at_worksorry, at work!
22:12.40Kirovoy, not that again
22:13.51clad|afkKirov: O.o
22:14.00clad|afkKirov: I lost two signatures overnight, or i'd be done =(
22:14.59Kirovclad - not the guild charter thing
22:15.48Qzotclad, i can help.
22:15.52Qzotjust a sec.
22:16.15clad|afkKirov: oh lol
22:16.17clad|afkQzot: :P
22:16.24clad|afkQzot: Just got the last sig
22:16.31Cairennclad|afk: po ... grrrrrr
22:16.38Qzotoh, great.
22:16.47Cairennwas going to say, point your charter at "temp", but nm, I'll just delete her
22:16.54clad|afkoh =(
22:16.56clad|afkwanna join
22:16.57Qzotyou obviously don't want *my* signature, and you're just saying that to make me feel bad.
22:16.58clad|afkstay a second :P
22:17.07Kirov~seen Renyun
22:17.13purlrenyun is currently on #wowi-lounge, last said: 'lol'.
22:17.45Cairennclad|afk: lol, look at the name
22:17.51clad|afkwhat name?
22:17.54Cairennshe wasn't going to be staying
22:17.56clad|afki'm in org atm =(
22:17.58clad|afkoh cmon
22:18.00clad|afkit woulda been fun :P
22:18.03clad|afkanyone else wanna join
22:18.06clad|afkthe BEST GUILD EVER!
22:18.17Kirovwhat's it called?
22:18.22Qzot"Yes, we're about having fun!"
22:18.35Qzot"We're going to be running ZG and MC real zoon now.!"
22:18.47Qzot"We're about helping each other and being friends."
22:19.05QzotAm I cynical?
22:19.18Cairennperhaps just a tad
22:19.48clad|afkits called <Desperate Housewives>
22:19.56clad|afkand exists so i'm not unguilded on this server :P
22:20.36KirovI should make an alliance guild on that server called Desperate Househusbands
22:20.45Hexarobimy guild was <Glittering Prizes>
22:20.46clad|afkyou should
22:21.26Endhow about <Sally Shears>?
22:22.59Qzot"Qzot" was a gnome lock on an RP server, who considered himself a ladies' man, but was actually quite inept. Told guildies about his harem for months, and asked new female guildies if they wanted to join. And then one day, the guild <Qzots Harem> appeared on the server, with loads of women.
22:23.44Cairennhey Q? can I have some of whatever it is you are smoking? must be some pretty good stuff ...
22:23.49QzotSorry, guys, but us old codgers are entitled to re-tell our fish tales. It's in the bylaws.
22:24.44Cairennhey clad|afk?
22:24.52clad|afkCairenn: Hey Cairenn?
22:24.53Cairennwould you please tell Qzot I don't have an accent
22:24.59Cairennhe says I do
22:25.04clad|afknot in the least
22:25.15Cairennsee? see?! told you I don't :p
22:25.43QzotOkay. If clad says it's true, it must by true. I admit defeat. -.-
22:25.47Hexarobiall eskimos have accents
22:25.52clad|afkso true.
22:26.13clad|afki'm missing Mendeleev
22:26.15clad|afkthat's what i'm missing.
22:26.23Endcan't crack up too much, or co-workers will think me strange
22:26.39CairennI am not an Inuit, and calling them Eskimos is very insulting, in case you weren't aware
22:27.09Cairennso stick that in your peace pipe and smoke it :p
22:27.16Hexarobisince when is Eskimo an insult??
22:27.19QzotAnd I'm not a chinese farmer, but I've now been accused of such on two different servers. Grr.
22:27.24Hexarobianimaniacs didnt teach me that
22:27.24Cairennsince forever
22:27.24clad|afkI have 1200 [Horde Commendation Signet]
22:28.07Qzotclad: Can you link that again? I can't seem to click on it.
22:28.17clad|afk[Horde Commendation Signet]
22:28.22clad|afkQzot: Are you using any UI's
22:28.36QzotSeveral, atm.
22:28.43clad|afkdelete your INterface and WTF folders.
22:28.58Mikkor rather, rename them
22:29.02MikkInterface.bak, WTF.bak
22:29.28MikkYes "WTF"
22:29.30MikkYou have one =)
22:29.41MikkSeriously though
22:29.52MikkIf you've just got an item cache problem
22:29.56MikkYou can leave those two alone
22:30.02MikkJust zap your WDB folder
22:30.08MikkIt's not worth keeping a backup of
22:30.29*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
22:32.04QzotMikk: *ahem* I was trying for the pathethetic play on words involving "WTF", and prior to that, about confusing IRC and WoW. I believe (hope?) clad was playing along. You, I'm don't know if our comedy confused you, or you are world-class deadpan humor man.
22:32.36Qzots/I'm don't/I don't/
22:32.59CairennI believe Mikk was being a smartass :p
22:33.14QzotAs I said, I couldn't tell which. :P
22:33.28CairennI'm not 100% positive myself
22:33.42QzotCairenn? 100% positive?
22:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
22:34.13Cairennit does happen, albeit rarely
22:34.31MikkI just woke up. I was NOT reading the masses of IRC humor =P
22:34.38MikkWas just trying to be helpful, actually =)
22:35.04QzotI've been dealing with lawyers this week.
22:35.42Cairennah hell Qzot, that looks like me on a *normal* day dealing with you lot :p
22:35.52EndI need to sit in my chair better
22:35.56EndI'm slipping out
22:36.02Endheellp meee
22:36.13Cairennyou've fallen and you can't get up?
22:36.23Endno, I got up
22:36.53MikkI love that position. YOu've slipped out and are half lying on your back. You can't move, because then the chair rolls back and you hit your ass, hard.
22:37.03Endit was a bit annoying me
22:37.04Cairennheh, been there, done that
22:37.17EndI'm all better now though :)
22:37.26Mikkgoodie =)
22:40.44Cairennlater End-afk
22:40.52*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio_ (
22:47.24Industrialanyone here known with apache or lighttpd with python and CGI on windows? trying to install
22:49.48Mikmago mikk!
22:50.53Mikkwhichwha? I haven't run apache with python on windows
22:50.54Mikkonly php
22:51.38Mikkbut if apache+pyhon is anything like apache+php on windows, you really don't want the latest apache
22:52.47Industrialno :(
22:57.52dreamssarc has a svn?
23:01.00WobinFor the comic geek:
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