irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060720

00:03.03Temso, last night we cleared all of BWL in one night
00:03.07Temour first time...
00:03.28Tem(our first one night clear that is)
00:03.32KirovHow long do you take?
00:03.39Temlittle more than 4 hours
00:03.46Temwe formed up at 7:30
00:03.47AnduinLotharnot bad at all
00:03.50KirovOur record is 2 1/2 hours
00:03.59Temcleared out at 12
00:04.04AnduinLotharwe formed at 7:30 and did ony and razor and vael..
00:04.10AnduinLotharand cleared at 1:30
00:04.29Tembut now we don't know what the hell to do tonight...
00:04.40KirovThese days we keep wiping on Vael for half an hour until everyone wakes up.
00:04.41Temtonight is typically Chromag and Nef
00:04.44ValleriusShadowed: huzzah! "Yes, in 1.12 release you will be able to use "BATTLEGROUND" in addition to the other message types."
00:04.46RallionI wish WoW SciTE handled XML code folding correctly.
00:05.20RallionIt's sooo close, too.
00:05.26ShadowedVallerius: Yeah I saw, already working on some comm stuff for when i can get back on test
00:05.50cladhaireRallion: Whats the issue with it?
00:05.51Temyeah, we're gonna go into AQ, but it was really kinda funny to get online and be like... "Uhh so... hey guys."
00:06.02Temrather than "GET ON MAINS.  INVITES FOR BWL IN 5"
00:06.07RallionOh, found a solution.
00:06.59AnduinLotharheh, i dont think anyone on my guild ever sais 'get on mains'
00:07.06RallionIf you have a line like <Script file="foo"/> at the top, it doesn't fold up the next element below it properly...but if you replace it with <Script file="foo"></Script> it does.
00:07.19AnduinLotharit's more like "So what do we need tonight, should i get on my hunter, war or priest?"
00:07.39TemAnduinLothar, we have a lot of altaholics
00:08.14AnduinLotharimo anyone with more than 2 60's is an altaholic too..
00:08.24RallionMy guild has 8 accounts, 40 characters
00:08.37Rallionand three of those accounts only have one, I think
00:08.39AnduinLotharsounds about right
00:08.45cladhaireRallion: Hrm, I'll take a look at it.. this happens in the new version?
00:08.57Meryi can't level alts... my highest alt is 20... to summon for outdoorbosses
00:09.28cladhaireRallion: Seems fixed in this version
00:09.42AnduinLothari got sick of leveling real quick when i got my 3rd char to 30.. the first 2 were on test realms
00:09.55RallionThen I don't have the latest version.
00:10.16AnduinLotharhaven't got anything more than my main past 30 since retail
00:10.38cladhaireRallion: contains the latest
00:10.38RallionI have 2 60's, a 54, a 31, and a 25 on Arthas Alliance, then a 14 and a 12 on Crushridge Horde
00:10.45Rallioncladhaire: thanks
00:11.28cladhaireRallion: Let me know if it works
00:11.36cladhaireit may not play well with other versions of scite.
00:11.41cladhaireand its in beta for a bit more.
00:14.29RallionI actually still have the same problem
00:16.12cladhairecan you pastebin the xml?
00:28.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
00:33.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|temp (
00:33.29KirovCide - btw, about the CT_Raid lag.  Did you see the problems Mikk and I were having with SetPoint?
00:37.43MikkGah. Bitten in the arse by UTF-8
00:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
00:52.33Mikkbleh. i need to fire IGNORELIST_UPDATE somehow
00:53.04Mikki don't like the idea of calling the framexml event handler directly to feed it =/
00:55.24Rallionahhh that is such a good feeling! I finally grasped what I need to do to build this addon
00:56.14Rallionthere are things I need to figure out, but I don't care, I now have distinct goals
01:01.15MikkGood feeling (n): Emotional state felt by programmers when they believe they've solved the last problem. Lasts until they find the next last problem.
01:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge [Wobin] (
01:03.30RallionHehe, oh, there are weeks, or months, left of problem territory. I know this. But the problem that I solved was basically my lack of understanding of the WoW UI system
01:03.34RallionSo that's a biggie.
01:04.09MikkOk, you have my permission to feel good for a bit :-P
01:04.46RallionThank you :P
01:07.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobble (
01:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:13.56Kasoi've got this problem, i'm hookinh SetItemRef too add stuff to the ItemRefTooltip, the problem is im doing ClearLine() before i add the info. then when someone clicks on the item again that would normally hide the tooltip, because its been cleared, the SetHyperlink in the SetItemRef just reshows the tooltip rather than hiding like it should. I've tried to get around it by using this code: but there seems to be a bug where i
01:14.39Kasosorry for long text :>
01:14.52*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:20.11Mikkit got truncated at "a bug where i"
01:22.20Kasoi have to click links 3 times to get a tooltip occationally.
01:35.08AnduinLotharChemical bomb, chemical bomb... Eyes, mouth, skin exploding; Everybody dead.
01:36.53Valleriusbah, stupid test server down... i just wrote about 3 pages of code which i now get to watch break miserably when the servers come back up
01:39.49AnduinLotharsooo.. why doesn't GetNumTradeSkills() and GetTradeSkillInfo work for enchanting..
01:40.48AnduinLotharoh duh... it's a Craft..
01:41.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Valgrind (
01:41.45RallionI hate Enchanting. From a UI perspective.
01:42.04AnduinLotharwhy are tradeskills and crafting different..
01:46.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:47.02AnduinLothardoes enchanting have headers?
01:47.32AnduinLotharyup, craftType
01:48.43Shadowd|naxVallerius: what are you going to be using the BATTLEGROUND comm chan for? ( just wondering )
01:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:51.25cladhairewow.. how'd i leave this channel
01:51.26cladhairelol =)
01:52.01cladhaireany WoWI staff here and not afk?
01:54.40AnduinLotharwtf.. why is the Craft frame used for pets...
01:55.19Shadowd|naxtraining pets
01:55.51AnduinLotharright but why does that use the same window as enchanting..
01:55.56AnduinLotharand why doesn't enchanting use the tradeskill window..
01:57.12Shadowd|naxit's blizzard
02:02.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:03.59AnduinLotharoh good GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink... i knew that had to exist
02:06.28*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
02:07.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:08.14AnduinLotharlook, it's a cair
02:09.33AnduinLothar~pat Cairenn
02:09.34purlACTION pats Cairenn and says "Nicely Done!"
02:10.02AnduinLothar~pet Cairenn
02:10.03purlACTION reaches over and pets Cairenn on the head, saying "There, there! It'll all be ok!"
02:18.31AnduinLotharwhy isn't the pet stable lod..
02:23.24Mikkisn't everyone a hunter?
02:27.28ckknightI'm not
02:27.45gnorlishi got a hunter to 56
02:27.48gnorlishit was so boring i quit
02:29.29AnduinLothardoes GetItemInfo work on enchant links?
02:34.47AnduinLotharthat'd eb a no
02:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge SilverShadow (
02:42.25esp|Synim no hunter
02:42.32esp|Synim an ickle gnome mage
03:02.38MentalPowerGetItemInfo doesn't work on enchant links, but enchant links fdon't cause disconnects either
03:03.22AnduinLothargood to know
03:03.35AnduinLotharbut you can only get the texture if you know the enchant
03:03.55AnduinLotharor it's prolly the same as the plans
03:04.11MentalPowerthe textures for most enchants is the same
03:04.22MentalPowerSpell-Holy-2 or somesuch
03:06.33*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
03:06.52AnduinLotharhad to swap wireless routers
03:07.06AnduinLothartoo much loot lag
03:08.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:12.41Mr_Rabies2oh wow
03:12.47Mr_Rabies21.12 has auto self cast
03:12.49Mr_Rabies2built in
03:13.34AnduinLotharno target?
03:13.47Mr_Rabies2or enemy
03:14.01AnduinLothardoesn't queue any more?
03:14.16Mr_Rabies2you can toggle it
03:14.34Mr_Rabies2from old functionality to new, with a keybind or part of interface opt
03:14.37AnduinLotharcan you hotkey it?
03:14.52AnduinLothari mean shift-click
03:15.05Mr_Rabies2doubt right click, but maybe shift
03:15.07Mr_Rabies2lemme look
03:15.40AnduinLotharthey really like absorbing our functionality
03:15.44Mr_Rabies2you can toggle auto self cast or use the self cast keybindings
03:15.53Mr_Rabies2eh, it's for the best in most situations
03:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Krishnak (
03:16.15Mr_Rabies2you can almost guarantee it won't break between versions if it's built in
03:16.26Mr_Rabies2and don't have to worry about people maintaining it
03:16.34AnduinLotharself cast hasn't broken in over a year
03:16.46Mr_Rabies2i was generalizing :P
03:17.11AnduinLotharjust means we haveto update,..
03:18.00Mr_Rabies2not if there's no one left to update it though :P
03:18.15*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (
03:18.18Mr_Rabies2some addons just die out cause no one wants to maintain them and the author's long gone
03:18.46AnduinLotharCastOptions has that func in Cosmos, along with a ton of other functionality
03:19.37Mr_Rabies2i know
03:19.41Mr_Rabies2i use it and love it
03:20.29MentalPowerhmm... youcan now showyour own name in the 3D world
03:24.31subsonicIs there a mod to replace the mob's health above their head (activated with the v key) with something smaller?
03:26.26Shadowd|naxCan't modify things in the 3D world
03:29.17Mr_Rabies2whether you can and whether you're supposed to are different things :P
03:30.26Shadowd|naxWell, considering that they are making efforts to prevent you from doing it, it's not really something i'd suggest ;)
03:30.58Mr_Rabies2there's a lot of things that i do that they're taking efforts to prevent me from doing :P
03:31.19*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|work (n=andrews@
03:34.15zespri_workwhat mods out there dislpay your health/mana/rage/energy as circular bars?
03:34.36AnduinLotharsux, my lvl 6 priest cant take a lvl 9... i remember my pally taking guys 5 lvls above him..
03:34.54Mr_Rabies2that's cause priests don't get to be easy mode until level 20
03:35.11Mr_Rabies2zespri, archud.
03:35.32MentalPowerstatrings by iriel
03:35.34zespri_workcool thanks. if anything else pops to mind please let me know
03:35.49AnduinLothar:( i just wanna get to lvl 10 for have an alt to dissenchant
03:36.09MentalPoweryou only need level 5
03:36.17subsonicI thgout nurfed was a compilation
03:36.22AnduinLothari thought it was 10
03:36.28MentalPowernop, just 5
03:36.35AnduinLotharwell screw lvling
03:37.27subsonicso nurfed and statrings will show the circular rings
03:38.40Mr_Rabies2also archud
03:38.41zespri_workMentalPower, how is itemizer going? =)
03:39.01MentalPowerso far so good
03:39.09MentalPowerI have thestorage component done
03:39.13MentalPowernowIjust need a GUI
03:39.18zespri_workglad to hear. does it do anything already, or not yet?
03:39.18AnduinLotharwhats it do?
03:39.23MentalPower(and anew keyboard)
03:39.53MentalPowerits a LL replacement that gives better search options for about the same storage space
03:40.00zespri_workAnduin, it's auctioneer's team response to LootLink, KC_Items ItemMatrix and such
03:40.27AnduinLotharuse the same storage as Auc?
03:41.10MentalPowererm... notreally,separate storagesystem
03:41.21MentalPowergrr I hate this keyboard
03:41.31AnduinLotharso the items get stored twice?
03:41.47AnduinLotharor is auc just $ data
03:41.57MentalPowerauc is all $$ data
03:42.06MentalPowerItemizer stores theitem's properties
03:43.46Mr_Rabies2i'm wrecking these noobs on the ptr
03:43.52MentalPowerBTW, Itemizer is the reasonIneededhelp with that de-serialization function
03:44.06Mr_Rabies2just killed two tier 2 rogues on my blue'd druid with a few purples
03:44.07MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: which PTR?
03:44.20Mr_Rabies2so, all of them :]
03:44.20AnduinLothareu i assume
03:44.30AnduinLotharus is down atm
03:44.38MentalPowerno it isin't
03:44.42MentalPowerI'mon it ATM
03:44.43AnduinLotharoi, was a sec ago
03:45.02Mr_Rabies2oh, us
03:45.04Mr_Rabies2i'm on us
03:45.13Mr_Rabies2the pve server on my druid
03:45.39Mr_Rabies2cause he started on a pve server :x
03:46.15Mr_Rabies2oh wait i didn't have any purples equipped i was in my cat gear
03:46.25Mr_Rabies2those rogues were terrible
03:47.02AnduinLotharwell ptr's a good chance to test a new class at 60
03:47.16Mr_Rabies2yep :]
03:47.34Mr_Rabies2i got to the point where i could drop mages and rogues easily on a premade warrior a couple ptrs ago
03:47.40Mr_Rabies2played him for about 8 hours straight
03:49.36AnduinLotharso.. How does gatherer track nodes..
03:50.07AnduinLotharWorldFrame OnMouseUp tooltip scan before loot?
03:50.23MentalPowerits a really crappy/old system of parsing the chat text for the results of a loot
03:50.45AnduinLotharwhat would eb a better way?
03:50.58MentalPowerI'm planning on changing it to work based on LOOT_OPENED events
03:51.08MentalPowerand SPELLCAST_START
03:51.32AnduinLotharand grab what, the spell name?
03:51.56AnduinLotharhow would do you get the object name
03:52.57AnduinLotharI'm actually learning a lot writing this GameAmp addon... like how to get any kind of info from the game :)
03:52.58MentalPowerprolly a tooltip scan, haven't researched myoptions there yet
03:53.28AnduinLothargetting paid to write their data mining addon
03:54.10AnduinLotharthere's working on a thottbot/alla competition site
03:55.27MentalPoweryet another
03:55.56MentalPowerthemorethemerrier I guess :)
03:57.18IndustrialI wana a tshirt with FOR THE HORDE
04:02.18MikkMentalPower / AnduinLothar: You do get a "You perform herbalism on <foo>" chat msg
04:02.37AnduinLotharhave to have it localized then
04:02.39MentalPoweryes, thats whatgatherer uses
04:02.53Mikkhow is this bad? o.O
04:03.00AnduinLotharlocalization sux
04:03.06MentalPoweryou have to maintain the localization
04:03.12MentalPowersomethingyou can't do yourself
04:03.31Mikkahh ok i see.. you want item IDs for the flowers or something
04:03.59Mikkcouldn't you do that by hooking into the loot box?
04:04.12Mikktrigger on "you perform herbalism on" <-- easy with globalstrings, no?
04:04.12MentalPowerexactly what I'vebeen saying
04:04.16Mikkand then the next loot
04:04.30MentalPowerwithout the you perform... trigger
04:04.38MentalPowerwith a SPELLCAST_STARTtrigger
04:04.52AnduinLotharstill ahve to localize that tho
05:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:04.55*** topic/#wowi-lounge is World of Warcraft Mod Dev Discussions
05:04.59Mikkthis is fine for v1.0
05:07.08AnduinLotharso... what happens if i click a mob while mining? wont it think I looted it's corpse?
05:08.10Mikki remember testing something like that
05:08.38Mikkthough my mod works off of "You perform..." so there's no delay
05:08.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (
05:09.04AnduinLotharis that after you finish casting?
05:09.07Mikk(no, i don't give a shit about localization, it's in-gulid =))
05:09.23Shadowedwell that was fun
05:09.32AnduinLotharspose i can tiemstamp
05:09.45AnduinLotharand use begcasttime+spellcasttime
05:09.57Mikkyou need to allow for lag though
05:10.01Mikkseveral seconds worth >.<
05:10.26AnduinLotharso you think i can finish casting, and click a unit before loot pops?
05:10.39Mikkprobably yes
05:10.58Mikkgiven enough server lag
05:11.01AnduinLotharis there lag between you perform and loot pop?
05:11.20Mikki don't remember any more =(
05:11.33AnduinLotharwell thankfully: OPEN_LOCK_SELF = "You perform %s on %s.";
05:11.51MikkThere's half a dozen other strings like tat
05:12.14Mikkwith the same format in english, i mean
05:14.01AnduinLotharand which event is that?
05:14.18Mikkjust ctrl-f for "you perform"
05:14.45Mikkwhat i'm saying is that i don't know which one of those strings is the right one to use
05:14.48AnduinLothari have the string.. need the event
05:14.55Mikkeither will obviously work in english, since they're identical
05:15.29Mikkworst case, it's OPEN_LOCK_SELF for chests, but something else for gathering skills
05:15.34AnduinLotharSPELLPERFORMGOSELFTARGETTED = "You perform %s on %s.";
05:15.53AnduinLotharSIMPLEPERFORMSELFOTHER = "You perform %s on %s.";
05:16.34MikkChances are the translator slave will translate them all exactly the same, of course.
05:16.59MikkThen again what am I complaining about.. just test for all of them
05:17.04Mikkproblem solved
05:17.59AnduinLotharso.... what event is it?
05:19.06Mikkbuh. sorry. i'll check
05:21.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
05:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Krishnak (
05:33.32MikkWhoop de doo. IgnoreMore-v1.0-beta1 up on wowi beta interface listings.
05:33.35MikkWell.. it will be.
05:35.59Mikkpardon, i was being quick =)
05:36.51Mikkthanks ;)
05:37.48kergothMikk: ignoremore?
05:38.30kergothoh sweet
05:38.42kergothi can finally drop friend/ignoreshare and that other extended ignore addon from my damn set
05:38.45kergoththank god
05:38.47kergoth~praise Mikk
05:38.49purlAll hail Mikk!
05:39.11Mikk(note, doesn't handle >49 friends. just ignores)
05:39.42kergothi have hardly any friends, tons of ignores
05:39.48kergothwhat does this say about me? :P
05:39.58Mikksimilar situation here tbh =)
05:40.32kergothantisocial, somewaht, in that people annoy me, but more that i'm just a bitter, cynical, impatient bastard
05:40.38purlyou are probably Chris Larson, an open source developer, often in the embedded Linux arena.  Currently working for Computer Sciences Corporation in Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact at  Core dev / architect on the BitBake, OpenZaurus, and OpenEmbedded projects.  Maintainer of hte tslib project.  Often the resident BOFH, an often an ass.  Newbies and ...
05:40.47kergothdangit, still cuts off
05:40.55kergoththat was supposed to be "Newbies and the clueless beware."
05:42.33kergothpurl: no, kergoth is Chris Larson, an open source developer currently working for Openedhand Ltd (, remotely, from AZ.  Core developer on OpenZaurus, OpenEmbedded/BitBake, and TSlib.  Often the resident BOFH, and often an ass. Newbies and the clueless beware.
05:42.34purlokay, kergoth
05:43.12gnorlishthat dude sounds like an asshole
05:43.41Cairennhe certainly can be by times :p
05:44.05kergothhonestly, i'm a really nice guy unless you do something like ask me something without reading the manual first
05:44.09kergothif you do, god help you
05:45.24MentalPowerRTFM FTW!
05:52.53MentalPowerhey,I'd like to know how far is Auctioneer from the most downloaded and top favorites list
05:52.58MentalPowerany way I can find out?
05:53.12MikkI don't get why it's wrong to ask for features for an addon in the WoWI addon comments section...
05:53.31CairennMikk: who says it is?
05:53.51MikkThe big red nasty text when you click "Comments" beneath an addon
05:54.14Cairenndoesn't stop you though
05:55.27AnduinLothari specificly say on my portal that i only check the comments
05:57.20CairennMentalPower: look at the file stats, compare to the front page info :p
05:57.49MentalPoweryeah, but it doesn't tell me position :P
05:58.54MikkAnduinLothar: There. I even added a recommendation of ChatIgnore to my mod page ;)
05:59.38MentalPoweroh, I'd also like to point out a bug (or at least an inconsistency) on the BBCode formatting in the AddOn descriptions
06:00.42AnduinLothar~redirect Mentalpower
06:00.42purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
06:00.55Cairennsure, you could say it in here, but then it's too easy for us to forget
06:01.00MentalPowercompletelymissed tat forum
06:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
06:03.01Cairennwell, they say that you should learn something new every day, so there's your lesson for today
06:03.15Shadowed89 WSG games going on test!
06:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:20.42kergothMikk: will we see a friendmore next? :)  at least having it common across the realm would be handy, regardless of length limit
06:21.58Mikkmuttermumble special cases mumble bloody 49 slots in unknown states mutter
06:22.13kergothhehe. blech
06:23.59Mikkactually, if you don't need immediate notification, it'd be possible to scan the people in the friend list with /who to detect online status
06:24.17Mikkwould take bloody forever though =/
06:24.50AnduinLothardirty horde druid crpt up on me while i was testing
06:24.58Mikkprobably easier to just add and remove people from the system friend list in batch
06:25.00AnduinLotharfight lasted 7 min
06:25.05AnduinLotharat the end i won with 300hp
06:25.12AnduinLotharboth completely out of mana
06:25.22AnduinLotharhe even busted out his grimore int hemiddle and summoned a skelly
06:25.42AnduinLotharwhich i proply ignored since it was only hitting me for 100
06:26.23AnduinLotharhad enough time to use repentance like 4 times... every time he came out of cat or bear form, heh
06:27.17Kirov~seen krka
06:27.22purlkrka is currently on #wowi-lounge (13h 44m 14s). Has said a total of 59 messages. Is idling for 8h 35m 54s, last said: 'useful mods are boring to write :)'.
06:31.05AnduinLotharso, are we sure all the gathering profesions are the strings used in the "You perform %s on %s." messages?
06:31.22AnduinLotharI tested Mining and it works marvelously
06:31.52*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|work (n=andrews@
06:32.00AnduinLothareven tested clickign something else while casting and it works correctly with the timestamps
06:32.20KirovAnyone tried syncing events between clients by watching netstats and GetGameTime()?
06:33.15AnduinLotharmmm, i tried
06:33.17MentalPowerHERB_GATHER_STRING="You perform Herb Gathering on"
06:33.19MentalPowerORE_GATHER_STRING="You perform Mining on"
06:33.20MentalPowerTREASURE_GATHER_STRING="You perform Opening on"
06:33.27MentalPowerso the answer is yes :)
06:33.32AnduinLotharoh, it's Herb Gathering?
06:33.40MentalPowerthats from the Gatherer\Localization.lua
06:33.42AnduinLotharis Herb Gathering in the prof list?
06:33.57MikkHerb Gathering?
06:34.13MentalPoweroh, and theres a bug with power crystals in Un'Goro
06:34.44Mikknope. "You perform Herbalism on"
06:35.01MentalPowerthe chatline for those currently is "You perform Opening - No Text on X"
06:35.10MentalPowerblizz bug
06:35.51MikkWhere does "Herb Gathering" come from?
06:36.34KirovAnduinLothar - you tried that method?  how well does it work?
06:37.03MikkThe problem is that we need verification in other localizations
06:37.16MentalPowerthats the entire file
06:38.04AnduinLotharMining works
06:38.09MentalPowerenglish starts at line 581
06:38.16AnduinLothari dotn have herbalism to test
06:38.29MentalPowerget it :P
06:39.01AnduinLotharmmm, prolly can on my alt, where's the herb guy in sw?
06:39.09AnduinLotharor goldshire
06:39.16MentalPowerdruid districtin SW
06:39.23MentalPowerhaunted house in Goldshire
06:39.40MikkAnduinLothar / MentalPower: Ok, I tested now. "Herb Gathering".
06:39.51Mikk"You perform Herb Gathering on Peacebloom."
06:39.52AnduinLotharsad day
06:40.11AnduinLotharwhy are you happy
06:40.24AnduinLotharyes we know you were right
06:40.31AnduinLotharbut it'd be easier if you were wrong
06:40.41MikkWeird though... I'm 99% certain I tested it for herbalism also
06:40.46MentalPowerbut I'll worry about it when I get there
06:42.04MikkUmmm wait
06:42.24MikkWork backwards from known flowers?
06:42.44MikkTrigger on "You perform x on y" where y is a known flower (from scanning known item IDs)
06:42.57MikkThat way you can learn what X should be
06:43.01MikkAnd understand unknown flowers also
06:44.06MikkAre you just being bastards now or do I suck at explaining as usual? =)
06:44.48MentalPoweractually I get it
06:45.11MentalPowerits just that theres a corner case where the first hebs that you gahter could be unknown to the program
06:45.32Mikkjust don't stat those?
06:45.40MentalPowerstore for later parsing?
06:45.44Mikkworks also
06:46.02Mikkkeep in mind that it'll be the first herbs you gather after installing gatherer
06:46.06Mikkyou can cache it in SVs after that
06:46.08AnduinLotharthis gets worse and worse
06:46.15Mikkscrap the storage
06:46.39Shadowedso apparently HOT's no longer stop appearing in the combat log if you're at 100% health
06:47.00AnduinLotharthis a good thing?
06:47.08Shadowed...and now they do
06:47.22Shadowedtest server is acting funny again :(
06:48.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
06:49.32MikkMneh.. scanning tooltips is sounding better and better
06:49.42MikkSilverLeaf. Requires Herbalism.
06:49.45Mikk^ lookie, tradeskill name
06:49.50AnduinLothari'm already scannign tooltips
06:50.50MikkThen you can basically just look for CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF with the flower's name in it
06:50.58Mikkbit crude perhaps but
06:51.11AnduinLotharERR_USE_LOCKED_WITH_ITEM_S = "Requires %s"; -- %s is the item required
06:51.27AnduinLotharITEM_REQ_SKILL = "Requires %s"; -- Required skill to use the item
06:51.41AnduinLotharLOCKED_WITH_ITEM = "Requires %s"; -- A game object is locked with an item
06:51.48AnduinLotharLOCKED_WITH_SPELL = "Requires %s"; -- A game object is locked with a spell
06:52.24ShadowedQuick question. How would you add a Texture and a Fontstring to a frame thats set in the layer? Trying to add another column to WorldStateScoreTemplate but don't want to copy and paste the whole frame definition :/
06:52.44Mikkthat's set in the layer?
06:53.19ShadowedYeah, they set the columns in the layer as artwork
06:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
06:53.31ShadowedCleaning up the score frame so it has a seperate column for server
06:54.07MikkI wonder if you can use runtime created objects as templates....
06:54.41AnduinLotharso.. LOCKED_WITH_SPELL prolly?
06:54.57MikkAnduinLothar: My money would go on "ITEM_REQ_SKILL"
06:55.02AnduinLotharsince Herbalism is the spell you cast to open it..
06:55.27AnduinLotharLOCKED_WITH_SPELL_KNOWN = "Requires %s"; -- A game object is locked with a spell the player knows
06:55.43AnduinLotharSPELL_EQUIPPED_ITEM = "Requires %s";
06:55.50AnduinLotharSPELL_EQUIPPED_ITEM_NOSPACE = "Requires %s";
06:56.01AnduinLotharSPELL_FAILED_REQUIRES_SPELL_FOCUS = "Requires %s";
06:56.25Mikkhave you ever tried modifying globalstrings?
06:56.26Mikki just did
06:57.10MikkWhich I set to "Bah %s"
06:57.16MikkMy tooltip now shows "Bah Herbalism"
06:57.20AnduinLotharand it changes the tooltip!?
06:57.33MentalPowerthiswas discussed months ago
06:57.40AnduinLothari didn't know the c code read those..
06:57.46Mikkmakes sense though
06:57.53MentalPoweryou can also change the +Blah Intellect to whateveryou want
06:58.00AnduinLotharthat makes finding which on so much easier
07:02.48Elkanobut there are some things that don't work for some reason, eg LEVEL isn't used to set the unit level string in tooltips :/ blame Blizzard :/
07:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
07:09.45AnduinLotharand yes it's OPEN_LOCK_SELF
07:12.19MikkAnduinLothar: that's opening boxes?
07:15.05AnduinLotharalso used for harvesting
07:15.12AnduinLotharat least herbalism
07:15.30AnduinLotharand mining
07:15.41Mikkahh the actual looting
07:18.19Mikki haven't played this warlock since the warlock talent review
07:19.47AnduinLotharso you're a no tallent warlock?
07:21.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
07:22.25AnduinLotharthere we go, i win
07:22.34AnduinLotharwow, that was painful
07:23.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Wulf4 (
07:32.32AnduinLothar:) but it's done, yay
07:33.49AnduinLotharand my herbalism is at 7 yay
07:34.10Mikkherbalism is probably the easiest skill to level
07:34.18Mikki've re-taken it at 60
07:34.23AnduinLothari know, they're everywhere..
07:34.49AnduinLotharso much easier than ming
07:35.27Mikknot to mention blacksmithing
07:35.27AnduinLotharand skining requires killing things..
07:35.54AnduinLotharsmithing is almost as expensive as enchanting
07:36.13AnduinLotharand the quests are worse wisth less payoff
07:37.04krka|workherb + skinning FTW
07:37.08Elkanobut skinnning is a lot easier than mining, at least if you level it from the beginning... you kill these things anyways
07:37.11AnduinLothari have to go drive an hour and then back b4 i can sleep
07:37.46AnduinLotharleft my cell charger at my parents house >.<
07:38.38krka|workdriving when tired is dangerous
07:38.47krka|workalmost worse than driving drunk
07:38.52AnduinLothari slept till 1, i'm fine
07:39.03AnduinLotharbeen staying up till 4 or 5 anyway
07:39.22AnduinLotharheck, i haven't even been up 12 hours yet
07:39.59AnduinLotharleast my auctions are selling..
07:40.26AnduinLotharnote to self: never try to buy and sell cards
07:43.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:57.09ckknightcould it be possible that comments on my addons' pages get emailed to me?
07:57.26Kiroverm does that
07:57.43Kirovas does wowi
07:58.09ckknightit does?
07:58.12ckknighthow do I enable it?
07:58.18zinori think every site does
07:58.19KirovNot sure
07:58.20zinornot sure if curse does
07:58.23Kirovcurse doesn't
07:58.28zinork every site but curse :)
07:58.38ckknightzinor, get your act together.
07:58.42zinormy bad :s
07:58.47zinoritll be int he new one
08:00.53ckknightmy heart's been broken before, zinor
08:59.48Shadowedblizzard has broken  CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL on test
09:00.21zenzelezzhow so? And what is that actually, like a player yell but used by NPCs?
09:00.58ShadowedCHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL is an NPC yell, like Onyxia when you engage her or in Alterac Valley when somebody captures a resource.
09:01.27ShadowedAnd it just doesn't seem to trigger. It used to be that it's called when you capture something thats owned by the enemy faction, but even after disabling all mods and trying to catch the event it only triggers the sound but no text/event.
09:01.50zenzelezzI always thought that was just a normal yell; but it would make sense to have separate ones for PCs and NPCs
09:02.05Shadowedit looks like a normal yell, but a seperate event
09:02.30Shadowedi'm not even sure how blizzard managed to break that
09:02.38zenzelezzI once enabled "Yells" in a new chat window to see NPC shouts, but didn't get anything - I suppose that could explain why
09:02.55ShadowedIt's under Other Messages -> Creature
09:03.14zenzelezzah, thanks :)
09:03.42Shadowedno problem!
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09:10.30Shadowedanyone remember the name of the mod that shows how many times you've killed somebody on the BG scoreboard?
09:11.00ElkanoHonorFu does iirc
09:11.11Elkanoat least for WSG and AB
09:11.52s|loupdoes anyone knows a good site for discordart tutorial?
09:13.51Shadowedbah, they just copy and paste half of the stuff :/
09:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
10:05.10AnduinLotharwow.. the items they give you on the test server are hawt..
10:05.56AnduinLotharand they prespec you..
10:06.58AnduinLotharwow... and the interface options are full screen..
10:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
10:11.59AnduinLothar... the floating combat text has entering and leaving text msgs.. wond what event they use..
10:13.43AnduinLotharth itunes remote only shows track title
10:16.12AnduinLotharand look, a platform="mac" tag for bindings
10:17.59AnduinLotharwait a sec... divine favor works on holy shock? since when..
10:22.53AnduinLotharand the itunes popup doesn't pop up when the track changes normally, only if you change it with a command
10:23.15AnduinLotharand it's a screen overlay so you cant interact or modify it
10:44.26zenzelezzhas there been demand for an iTunes thingie, or was that just something they made up on their own?
10:44.55AnduinLotharthere have been 3 or 4 music players
10:45.01AnduinLothareach one is a hack
10:45.08AnduinLotharand they break them regularly
10:45.39AnduinLotharI even made a wTunesSkin iTunes skin for one
10:45.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
10:46.22AnduinLotharand i actually have a semi working version here at home
10:46.53AnduinLotharthat uses unix file links to put your library in the addon folder and read all your track files
10:47.09AnduinLotharbut it's still a hack
10:47.15AnduinLotharand only works on mac
10:47.58AnduinLotharand it's on the cosmos and wiki faq... so yes... high demand
10:49.59zenzelezzI just somehow pictured them integrating something on their own, instead of letting it interact with an outside application :) Either way I suppose it's pretty nice if you like to listen to "your own" music rather than the WoW music
10:51.04AnduinLothari almost always do, unless i need to sqweeze a few more fps out
11:16.07AnduinLotharwow... UnitParty("player") is completely broken
11:16.26zenzelezzhow so?
11:16.34AnduinLotharit always returns nil
11:18.00AnduinLotharthat's messed up..
11:18.05wereHamster'GetNumPartyMembers() > 0'
11:18.12AnduinLotharUnitInParty("party1") works
11:18.44AnduinLotharbut UnitInParty("player") and UnitInParty("target") when targetting yourself both return nil
11:20.54krka|workmaybe it just compares with party1-4
11:21.57AnduinLotharworks if you target a party member
11:22.51krka|workthat's what i am saying
11:23.32krka|workmaybe it's not broken, just misunderstood
11:23.48AnduinLotharUnitInRaid works on player..
11:23.53krka|workUnitInParty maybe means unit is one of party1-4
11:24.00krka|workwell, is one of the raidX you?
11:24.08krka|work(i have never been in a raid, so i dont know)
11:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
11:30.41s|loupyes player is also one of raidX
11:31.55krka|workfunction UnitReallyInParty(unit) return UnitInParty(unit) or UnitIsUnit("player") end
11:32.25s|loupUnitReallyInParty()? oO
11:32.58zenzelezzcustom function... was rather obvious I thought
11:33.44AnduinLotharcept you aren't always in a party..
11:34.02s|louppls check if GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 before UnitIsUnit("player") returns true
11:34.22s|loupoh and UnitIsUnit needs 2 params
11:34.31krka|workah, sorry
11:34.49krka|workfunction UnitReallyInParty(unit) return GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 and (UnitInParty(unit) or UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) end
11:35.12krka|workcan't you say that you're always in party with yourself though?
11:35.24AnduinLotharit's not really a problem to just use GetNumPartyMembers() > 0
11:35.27s|loupi have a 1-man party
11:35.38AnduinLotharit' sjust dumb that UnitInParty doesn't work
11:35.45krka|workimo, it works
11:36.44s|loupfor party i understand it because unitids for partymembers are seperated from player
11:37.16s|loupbut if UnitInRaid doesnt work for player that is more stupid i think
11:38.35krka|workUnitInRaid works, afaik
11:38.42AnduinLotharimo it's ambiguous
11:38.53krka|worknah, not really
11:39.22AnduinLotharwhat it really means is UnitIsInYourParty
11:39.31krka|workfunction UnitInParty(unit) for i = 1,4 do if UnitIsUnit(unit, "party" .. i) then return true end end return false end
11:39.46krka|worksame thing for raid
11:39.55krka|workfunction UnitInRaid(unit) for i = 1,40 do if UnitIsUnit(unit, "raid" .. i) then return true end end return false end
11:46.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
11:46.46MaldiviaAnduinLothar ?
11:51.47Maldiviathe UnitInParty("player") was reported ealier
11:51.52Maldiviano response to it though
11:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:59.24AnduinLotharguess slouken needs prodding
12:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
12:11.11AnduinLotharhmmm learn all sorts of interesting things when you turn on sky debug..
12:13.07AnduinLotharlike addons spamming
12:13.25AnduinLothargeneral stupidness you never knew was happenign cause it's hidden, heh
12:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
13:02.34Endkrka|work: about the UnitInParty(), it used to work with "player" afaik.  it got changed for some reason recently o_O
13:02.57krka|workyeah that's a weird change
13:03.31Endalso, the link I posted in AL's thread:
13:04.42Endand IIRC, the C interface for UnitInParty() still uselessly exists
13:08.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
13:08.38krka|workin any case, it's pretty easy to do a workaround, no big issue imo
13:08.51Endmy only issue is the sudden change
13:09.00End(that makes little sense to me)
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13:48.32KasoAnyone know off the top of their heads where the Raid Target Icons are, to save me a job looking ?
13:48.52Mikmayes they are propably in .mpq
13:49.08Kasowell that narrows it down, thanks
13:49.20Mikmanp, my pleasure <3
13:51.29Kasowhy thank you
13:52.06Meryare the texcoord's also
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13:53.02Kasoah lovely theres a nice table i can use
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14:21.34Mikmacan anyone think of a good wow-slogan for sticker? :)
14:21.42Mikmai thought "Rogues do it from behind"
14:23.16Beladona"How's my healing?"
14:23.54Mikma"Call 1-800-I-CARE"
14:24.13Beladona"Beware, I melt faces"
14:24.47Beladonaso, windows live is off to a good start with that yahoo integration....
14:25.16Beladonalogged into yahoo, checked my contacts, logged out. Added them in msn, checked again, none are showing online, even though they are
14:25.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
14:26.15krka|work"my other car is a mecha-strider"?
14:27.16RallionI think you can already get "Rogues do it from behind"...but maybe that's just a t-shirt
14:28.22TainAlthough it isn't relevant to this I did see a bumper sticker yesterday that I loved.  "Cheer up, emo kid."
14:29.54Mikmalol, brilliant
14:30.03Rallionthat's awesome
14:30.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
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14:32.19RallionI'd like the Penny Arcade one that says "Guns don't kill people, kids who play video games kill people"
14:32.46Beladona"My Tauren is bigger than your Tauren"
14:33.41BeladonaI would buy a sticker that says "I only use purple or better"
14:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
14:45.14Priamsomebody can help me
14:45.33Priamok thanks
14:46.35Priamsearch how to loop nearby enemies
14:48.05EndTargetNearestEnemy() will cycle through near enemies on each call (important to note that it is limited to tab target distance because...well..that's exactly what Tab -does- is call that)
14:48.26PriamOk (wowwiki ;)
14:49.17Priamwith this function i can loop endlessly
14:49.48Endand you want to know when you have looped through all of them?
14:54.46RallionYou really can't
14:55.19Rallionyou can guess, but it wouldn't be very reliable
14:55.26EndWell, at least, you shouldn't be able to :P
14:56.29Rallioncan the UI get the target icon applied to a unit?
14:56.40Rallionif so then you could do it if you're a leader
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15:06.19Priamis it possible to save any parameter (not the name because enemies can have the same) and then retrieve the first target with this parameter ?
15:07.29kaso|Do you mean like, theres two mobs, call Fred you want to target a partiular one of them
15:09.25Priamno, I want loop nearest enemies and I want to know when I have looped through all of them. But it's impossible with TargetNearestEnemy() function
15:27.24kaso|without putting a raidtarget on one of them i cant really think of a way to do that.
15:27.47kaso|assuming we cant count of them all being differnt named/leved
15:30.31Priamthank you
15:30.42Priambye all
15:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Priam (
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15:53.45Merywell you could let your pet (if you have one) let attack one of the mobs.
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16:39.54Cairennhullo Iriel
16:46.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
16:47.53IrielHow is wowiland today?
16:49.22Cairenndoing okay at this location
16:53.31zinoromg wowisland
16:53.33zinori like it!
16:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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17:08.32KaeltenI get to spend 4 hours at a time making phone calls this week :s
17:15.57Hexarobiflying mounts! awesome
17:16.25krkaseems like they basically just hover over the ground :/
17:17.00Hexarobino, you can control them like swimming
17:17.04Hexarobifull freedom
17:17.28krkaah, just bad video then
17:17.32Hexarobithey run on the ground, then you hit the jump key to take flight, where they hover over the ground and give you freedom to fly
17:17.33krkadidn't really show off that
17:17.38Hexarobior you can run off a cliff
17:17.49Hexarobithat would normally be a fall
17:21.51Beladonathat sounds cool
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17:22.05Beladonashould make you actually run for a certain distance before you can take off
17:22.41Mikmanext funny moment provided by Elkano:
17:22.42Mikma<2015> <Elkano> *pain*
17:27.05KirovI love when people answer their own question with out realizing it for a couple hours.
17:27.46krkaBeladona: like in SMB3!
17:28.14krkathe flying mount texture should be a leaf
17:31.29Hexarobii think you have to do a flying jump to take off
17:31.35Hexarobibut once in the air i think u can stop and hover
17:36.08Rallionmost of the dragons in the game hover anyway
17:36.28Rallionit's gonna be funny to watch flying mounts flying into things though
17:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:43.29kaso|CreateFrame is pretty cool now i've gotten down to writing an addon using it
17:44.20Mikkcreateframe kicks utter ass
17:44.23Mikkwait i'll show you =P
17:44.37Beladonais there a ceiling?
17:44.40Beladonaflight ceiling
17:44.47Beladonathere has to be, but I wonder how high
17:45.24zenzelezzI'd imagine something like flight path height max
17:45.32zenzelezz(at their highest, not average)
17:46.13Mikkpre-inhouse-alpha but i think you can see where it's going =)
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17:46.25kaso|lemme take a lookie
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18:18.04MikkMy in-game UI designer
18:18.08Mikk(to be)
18:18.23KirovHow's IgnoreMore?
18:18.40Mikkit's up on wowi's beta section
18:18.42Cidesounds more fun, I think :P
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18:30.44ShadowedHmm, how would you replace a blizzard frame with your own? since it looks like just replacing it and using the same name wont work.
18:31.02Mikkwhat are you trying to do?
18:31.15Mikk"replace" can mean many things =P
18:31.43EndI wonder if replacing the userdata would have the intended effect o_O
18:32.02ShadowedGave up with trying to add a new column to WorldStateScoreTemplate without replacing it, so just want to replace the entire thing and add a custom column :p
18:32.11Shadowedreplace = reimplement the whole frame with my own
18:33.07Endoh, well, it probably responds to events to do its stuff
18:33.08MikkYou tried replacing the global variable?
18:33.17MikkEnd: arf.. good point
18:33.24Enddon't forget to turn the event handling off on the old one
18:34.09MikkI think replacing the list view part of it might work
18:34.16MikkThe event handling is probably in the outer "border" frame
18:34.40ShadowedDon't believe it responds to any events, it's a virtual frame
18:34.40MikkThough you'd have to check framexml to verify
18:34.48MikkYou can't really replace the virtual
18:35.05Endoh, virtual, right
18:35.06MikkIt'll be instantiated as something else long before your addon is loaded
18:35.07ShadowedCan you modify what something inherits through the API?
18:35.16Mikkwhen created, it's done
18:35.30Endthink of it like a template that you make a copy off of
18:35.40Mikkbecause that's exactly what happens
18:35.40Mikma,1724.0.html :P
18:36.41ShadowedSo basically, the only choice is to copy the entire scoreboard stuff and the entire LUA stuff with the new name
18:36.50Shadowedwell there goes that idea
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18:38.34ShadowedThink i'll just go with my idea that makes people who use GetBattlefieldStat hate me
18:52.31Shadowedblast you XML
19:07.54Mikk too shiny?
19:08.17MikkI'm trying to save us from >.<
19:08.42ShadowedI'd probably cry if we went to that
19:09.15ShadowedIt looks good besides the wow-apiicon.gif on the top though
19:09.27Shadoweddoesn't look like something that'd really fit
19:10.11MikkJust trying to accomplish some kind of color splotch to liven things up
19:10.37Shadowedwent to the boilerplate one :p
19:10.47ShadowedJust seems very blocky
19:11.02MikkYou're free to diss it however much you like. It's not mine =P
19:11.16MikkSeems very visually messy and hard to read to me
19:11.42Shadowedyeah thats what i was thinking. whats wrong with the current one we have?
19:11.54MikkNothing really
19:12.03Shadowedwell thats true
19:12.17MikkI made mine as a counter example to a post on the wiki village pump that pointed at that monstrosity
19:12.44MeryFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", myfunction) - how do i get the "event" as an arg in myfunction(event)?
19:12.46Shadowedwho is Fsdfs by the way?
19:13.09ShadowedShould just be able to do
19:13.12MikkHe's been contributing on and off to API pages if you look at his history
19:13.17Shadowedfunction myfunction( event ) end
19:13.38Mikkfunction() myfunction(event) end
19:13.52ShadowedThat'd require me to know where to look to find his history, which i don't know :p
19:14.55ShadowedPersonally, i like whats currently there. but if it's a choice between yours and the boilerplate one. i'll take yours in a second :p
19:15.07Merythanks! (i tired function(event) myfunction(event) end - well close but wrong :) )
19:16.17Endno no
19:16.23Endfunction() myfunction(event) end
19:16.30EndFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function() myfunction(event) end)
19:16.59End(the first one I gave is the argument you send, you want the second line I gave you)
19:17.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@
19:18.43Meryya i got it :)
19:19.02MikkShadowed: reload
19:19.43ShadowedLooks the same to me
19:19.51Mikkcogwheel didn't move left?
19:20.34Mikkwhat browser?
19:20.47ShadowedIE7 and Firefox 1.5
19:21.05MikkErhmm.. _I_ have ff1.5
19:21.08Mikkahd IE6
19:21.37Endit moved left for me
19:21.43Shadowedlets suppose I looked at the wrong history!
19:22.03ShadowedFigured it was IE7 complaining about how it was done again :p
19:22.28ShadowedAny way to move the texbox closer to the icon though?
19:22.55Mikki'm doing it the ugly way now
19:23.08Mikkcan probably do it in a nicer way =)
19:23.21Shadowedlooks fine besides that!
19:25.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
19:33.57Shadowed~seen Vallerius
19:34.11purlvallerius is currently on #wowi-lounge. Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 17h 57m 18s, last said: 'bah, stupid test server down... i just wrote about 3 pages of code which i now get to watch break miserably when the servers come back up'.
19:34.11Mikki hate IE
19:34.19Shadowedwhat'd it do now Mikk?
19:34.30Mikkwell the page does the right thing in Opera and FF
19:34.35Mikknot so much in  IE
19:34.37ThraeI hate websites that require IE.
19:34.45MikkAt least not IE6
19:34.53MikkWhat happens to the cogwheel in IE7?
19:35.42Mikk&%#&#%&#%?#?%  CRAP BROWSER
19:35.45Shadowedsame as in Firefox
19:37.48Mikkhmmmmmmm wait i remember this
19:38.04Mikki've had  IE ignore my div heights before
19:41.42Shadowedhalf the wiki doesn't look that good in IE anyway :p
19:42.17KirovWho uses IE anymore anyways?  It's not like it comes with any operating system ... oh wait
19:42.32GryphenI hate FF
19:42.34MikkFF > all
19:42.43MikkJust needs a couple of plugins =P
19:42.49ShadowedI prefer using IE just of how they do a few things
19:42.53KirovGryphen - what do you use?
19:43.00krkalinks >> all
19:43.03Shadowedbut i'll use both if i'm doing HTML work or i know the site is insecure :p
19:43.26KirovI use firefox w/ mouse gestures
19:43.31Mikksame =)
19:43.37Mikki got used to gestures in opera
19:43.41Mikknow i can't live without them
19:44.03Mikkopera kicks ass
19:44.07KirovI keep trying to use mouse gestures in the windows file explorer
19:44.46RallionI actually tried some global windows mouse gesture program once
19:44.51MikkMy only gripe with Opera is that the "Web Developer" FF plugin doesn't exist for opera ^^
19:45.06Rallionnot as useful as I had hoped, I messed up way too often
19:47.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [ven] (
19:47.56dao_at_work<3 web developer
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20:06.02KebinusanSo I have this old out of date mod that was last updated marchish...  It seems that every time I logon or reloadui the main frame for the mod pops up...  Ive kinda just ignored it for a while as it started happening after a patch or possibly two a go, but if anyone has a hint on what I need to do to fix it.. it'd be appreciated
20:06.36Cairenndelete it?
20:06.44Endput hidden="true" in the frame declaration
20:12.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@
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20:14.47Shadowedsince when could hunter pets daze?
20:15.12Mikksince when you let them hit you in the back?
20:15.29Shadoweddon't ever remember them dazing in PVP
20:15.36KirovShadowed - pig?
20:15.55KirovI forget what the owl specific one is
20:16.03KirovI know the pig has a daze
20:16.18Shadowedpig has charge
20:17.02Kirovwhich a short stun afaik
20:17.06Kirover, with
20:17.12Shadowedsame mechanic of warrior charge :p
20:17.22KirovI use a cat and only a cat, so I don't really know
20:17.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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20:25.15KirovWhat's the word to describe how lua hash tables don't retain their order?
20:25.53krkathere's a word for that?
20:26.20Kirovwell, a word to describe that something doesn't retain it's ordered state
20:27.10ShadowedHmm, would a bug with the message an event returns go to interface forums or test forums?
20:27.14Shadowed( on test )
20:27.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
20:29.04MikkKirov: unordered?
20:29.16Endthat's what I was thinking of
20:29.25Mikkhm no
20:29.29EndI wouldn't say volatile
20:30.07krkait's not that lua hash tables don't retain order
20:30.12krkait's that they never had an order to begin with
20:30.23krkawhat about callign it non-deterministic?
20:33.37RallionEntropic is actually an excellent word for it, but it's not often used in that context
20:34.25MikkI think 99% of the non-english-as-first-language population won't understand that, and probably something like 75% of the ones that actually do speak english as a first langauge =P
20:35.31krkanon-deterministic is the best word, imo :)
20:39.37dao_at_workThey are deterministic.
20:40.09dao_at_workThey are simply non-reliably sorted :)
20:40.46dao_at_workthe word escapes my tongue
20:41.57Endgiven the hash table size, the hashing algorithm, and the data, you should be able to reproduce the order :P
20:42.17Endunfortunately, I doubt working backwards would work too well
20:42.17Iriel|workingThough you dont know what the size IS
20:42.35Enddoesn't it double each time or something like that?
20:42.39Iriel|workingYes but.
20:42.55Iriel|workingIf you know every operation that happened to a table then you CAN reproduce the order
20:42.59Iriel|workingand derive the size
20:43.01Endahh yeah
20:43.05Iriel|workingIf you're just given a table, then you dont know.
20:43.08Endthey don't shrink, do they?
20:43.09KirovBut why
20:43.26Iriel|workingThey can shrink
20:43.35TainYou always have to factor in shrinkage.
20:43.46KirovIriel - so, do you know the correct wordage to describe the non-consistant nature of a hash table's order?
20:43.48EndI wonder what determines when it shrinks
20:43.56Endit probably shrinks slowly
20:44.11Iriel|workingKirov: volatile, perhaps?
20:44.19Kirovthat's what I said!
20:44.24Kirovno one else liked that one
20:44.26Iriel|workingthough it's not quite the right one
20:44.30Iriel|workingit's the best I can come up with
20:44.40Iriel|workingEnd: Tables try and stay at least half full
20:45.15krkai still say non-deterministic is the best
20:45.22Iriel|workingBut it is deterministic
20:45.41krkayeah, but no one is actually going to keep track of it :P
20:45.43Iriel|workingso that's no better than volatile, and i'd say it's worse, since non-deterministic doesn't capture the variability over time
20:46.17krkaalso, you have to know the inner workings of the hash table / hash functions et.c. for it to be deterministic
20:46.31krkano wait... that's wrong
20:46.35dao_at_workpseudorandomly perturbed.
20:46.36Iriel|workingI like java's HashTable description:
20:46.37Iriel|workingThis class makes no guarantees as to the order of the map; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time.
20:46.58krkahow about "randomly ordered"?
20:46.59dao_at_workNo, determinism is an aspect of the system itself, regardless of your knowledge of it's working.
20:47.02Iriel|workingIt's not random though
20:47.10Kirovpsuedorandom is fairly accurate
20:47.10krkayeah, i realized that dao_at_work
20:47.26Iriel|workingThe only problem I have with volatile is that it implies the ordering can change at any moment
20:47.27krkarandom doesn't have to mean random as in statistical
20:47.36dao_at_workIriel|working: can it?
20:47.55Kirovvolatile over time?
20:47.58dao_at_workI'd imagine it probably uses something simple like a right/left leaning pass across all the buckets
20:48.03TainWhy not just say not-necessarily-static.
20:48.14Iriel|workingif you dont CHANGE a table, the elements remain in the same order
20:48.17dao_at_workso that depending on what's added and removed later the ordering can be completely different.
20:48.30Iriel|workingand removing an existing key doesn't change the order of the remainig ones
20:48.31dao_at_workThey should fix that.
20:48.37KirovOrdered by hash, not by contents?
20:48.47krkaIriel|working, unless it shrinks the table too?
20:48.48dao_at_workI like random.
20:48.52Iriel|workingif that wasn't the case, pairs wouldn't work.
20:49.10TainUsually hash just gets you ordering brownies.
20:49.34krkahmm... are you saying that if a > b for one config of the table, then a > b for all configs of the table?
20:49.35dao_at_worksure there's a generating function so it's not statistically random, but it's random in the same sense as every language's random() function is.
20:49.49Iriel|workingkrka Ordering in the sense of 'iteration'
20:50.05Iriel|workingthe keys in lua tables are NOT ordered in any pre-determined way
20:50.14krkathat's the only ordering we have for lua tables, right?
20:50.28Iriel|workingWell, the array part IS strictly ordered
20:50.33Iriel|workingthe hash part isnt
20:50.51dao_at_workbut they are, in fact, ordered according to the hashing algorithm, which is predetermined :)
20:51.13Iriel|workingbut the table will be re-hashed if it changes size
20:51.38Iriel|workingAnd lua tables only shrink when you add something new to them (I knew that memory would return eventually)
20:51.45Iriel|workingContradictory as that sounds
20:51.50dao_at_workAnyhow, I think "random" is the most apt and easily-understood description for the sortal of the keys.
20:52.05Iriel|workingI prefer 'unpredictable' to random, but yeah
20:52.24dao_at_workOk, I like that too.
20:52.27Iriel|workingand the rule that as long as you dont add a new key to a table, the ordering remains constant
20:52.30dao_at_workdid you suggest that before and I just didn't notice?
20:52.37KirovI prefer jelly donuts
20:52.44dao_at_workyeah, they should fix that security hole.
20:53.00Iriel|workingSecurity hole?
20:53.00Kirovsecurity hole?
20:53.14dao_at_workstable hash key sorting allows DOS attacks.
20:53.39Iriel|workingThat sounds like something you read in a book once
20:53.40KirovBecause DOS is a problem is wow?
20:53.43dao_at_workyou can overload the hashing algorithm by providing data in an order designed to take the maximum amount of time to rehash.
20:53.43Iriel|workingand you're mis-applying it here
20:53.56Iriel|workingwhile true; do x=x+1; end
20:53.57Iriel|workingis much better
20:54.12dao_at_workSure, it may not apply to WOW
20:54.15Iriel|workingI fail to see how stable hash key sorting within an enclosed programming environment is a problem.
20:54.15krkawhile 1 do end is best
20:54.26dao_at_workbut it does apply to Lua, which is a general purpose language.
20:54.36Iriel|workingIt applies to ways you may choose to use lua
20:54.46dao_at_workif you allow users to input stuff
20:54.55dao_at_workand that stuff will go into a hash at some point in time
20:54.59Iriel|workingIf you allow remote users to input stuff on your dime
20:55.14dao_at_workand that hash is calculated in a predictable manner
20:55.18dao_at_workyou've got a hole.
20:55.30krkawouldn't you run out of space before it starts becoming too slow to rehash?
20:55.51dao_at_workeither way it's a denial of service.
20:56.08Iriel|workingYou could prepend a fixed string on the front of every key, that would take care of it if the string was random
20:56.12Iriel|workingeither way it's not a weakness of lua
20:56.13krkaoh, i thought we were talking about disk operating system :/
20:56.19Iriel|workingit'd be poor protocol or implementation design
20:56.39dao_at_worksure it is a weakness of lua
20:56.49dao_at_workit's a problem with the hashing algorithm
20:56.53Iriel|workingAnd to be honest, the overhead involved would make it a very inefficient DOS
20:57.13Iriel|workingThat goes back to my comment of 'bad implementation design'
20:57.25Kirovkrka - that would put a new twist on the idea of a "DOS attack"
20:57.40Iriel|workingThe fact that you know HOW lua's tables work means you're better off than it being vendor dependent
20:57.53dao_at_worksure, but if glibc's malloc() caused a guaranteed memory leak, you wouldn't call it the fault of the people using malloc(), would you?
20:58.18dao_at_workit'd be a fault of the language
20:58.32Endlibrary, not language
20:58.43dao_at_workyeah yeah, it was the best example I could think of
20:59.01krkain luas case, it's actually the language :P
20:59.08dao_at_workI grant that hash sorting attacks are not the biggest fish to fry here
20:59.23Iriel|workingThe argument you're trying to make is idiotic
20:59.25krkaor language implementation, more likely
20:59.31Iriel|workingYou can't fault a language for doing what it says it's going to do
20:59.41Iriel|workingYou can only fault people who use it wrong
20:59.47dao_at_workPlease don't resort to personal attacks.
20:59.57Iriel|workingif glibc's malloc's specification said it leaked memory, then it wouldn't be broken.
21:00.04Iriel|workingI attacked your argument, not you.
21:00.14dao_at_workThat's pretty specious, man.
21:00.26krkathat's why i document everything i code with "This may or may not work as intended"
21:00.30dao_at_workOf course it'd be broken.
21:00.47Iriel|workingIt wouldn't be useful, but it wouldn't be broken,.
21:00.51Iriel|workingBroken means doesn't work as documented.
21:01.00Iriel|workingNot works exactly as described.
21:01.08Kirovkrka - it's also why computer programs have eulas
21:01.12dao_at_workNow, if they documented the hashes to say something specific like "this will introduce a potential security hole into your program", then you'd have a point.
21:01.34krkathe documentation can't draw all the conclusions for you
21:01.35Kirovkrka - "We might fuck over your computer, it might not ... but we're warning you now so you have a harder time sueing us."
21:01.38dao_at_workThere's a difference in providing a potentially dangerous tool and labelling it as such
21:01.41krkayou're being silly dao_at_work
21:01.59dao_at_workand providing a faulty tool with no mention of its problems.
21:02.38dao_at_workBut like I said, it's not a huge problem.
21:02.55Iriel|workingIt's only a problem if you use it for the wrong thing.
21:03.01Endactually, I don't think it is a security hole at all.  I think it's an issue with the tool (in this case the language) user not testing possible edge cases
21:03.19Iriel|workingIt's like saying that eggs are somehow faulty because they dont provide sufficient power to illuminate a lightbulb, and that isn't documented as an explicit deficiency.
21:03.23dao_at_workI've demonstrated already that if user input is ever stored in a hash structure, it is a problem.
21:03.25QzotIs this the right channel to ask about issues related to WoW addon development.
21:03.32Endif security is such a concern, you aren't going to do minimal testing oh go lalala
21:04.06dao_at_workThere's no way to "test" the problem, though.
21:04.35QzotOuch. I'm allergic to those things right now.
21:04.46krkaalso, if a remote attacker tried to DOS another persons lua invironment, he'd have to know the memory location of the keys created
21:04.52krkawhich seems unlikely to come by
21:04.56dao_at_workhow so?
21:05.03dao_at_workit's an algorithmic complexity attack.
21:05.14dao_at_workyou're not stack-smashing or anything like that.
21:05.27KirovQzot - we're talking about throwing DOS floppy disks at eachother while standing on small tables made out of cannabis.
21:05.29krkadon't you have to insert special keys, to do collisions?
21:05.30Iriel|workingCan you explain to me how the overhead of getting the input INTO the system isn't going to outweigh the hashing ovehead?
21:06.09dao_at_workinput overhead would be O(1), whereas hash sorting is O(whatever hash algorithm used)
21:06.19krkayou thought you had to insert specially choosen keys for it to work
21:06.25Iriel|workingWell, lua hashes strings as they are created
21:06.34QzotI have experienced a WoW weirdness. I would *really* appreciate it if someone was able to characterize the problem for me, even if it doesn't get fixed.
21:06.46krkano way to know where the other client is gonna place his strings
21:07.03dao_at_workyou just attack the sorting algorithm, you don't care where it gets stored.
21:07.11krkaand a string is hashed by it's memory address
21:07.24KirovQzot - we can multitask, fire away
21:07.25dao_at_workfor any sorting algorithm, there will always be a worst-case scenario for input.
21:07.26QzotFrom a horde toon: "/who z-or 60-60" returns 24 results.
21:07.26krkaargh, its
21:07.45krkathere is sorting involved? hm
21:07.51Iriel|workingkrka: Actually not, the hashes are I believe value based.
21:07.52krkai know too little about lua hash tables, i think
21:07.54dao_at_workhashing is a funny way of saying sorting.
21:07.55QzotSeconds later, "/who z-org 60-60" returns 50 results (but the interface says 49).
21:08.06Endit depends on what it is hashing I think
21:08.06Beladonahomeward I go, seeya later
21:08.14QzotSeconds later, "/who z-or 60-60" returns 24 results again.
21:08.14Iriel|workingQzot: Out of interest, what zones ARE the 24 results of z-or from?
21:08.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
21:08.30QzotThey don't include Orgrimmar, for one.
21:08.36Endif it is a table, I think it just uses the pointer
21:08.54Iriel|workingYes, it does, it uses the pointer for tables, and lightuserdata
21:08.57krkaIriel|working? really? that seems like a silly way to implement it, why not simply go by address? that's unique and everything
21:08.57Endstring, uses the already calculated hash
21:09.20Iriel|workingkrka: because you need the string's hash to give it an address (remember the string table)
21:09.21dao_at_worklua seriously hashes on pointer data?
21:09.30Iriel|workingfor pointer values, it uses pointer data
21:09.36Iriel|workingalmost no lua values ARE pointer values
21:09.37dao_at_workthat's silly. No point in hashing then.
21:09.54Iriel|workingdao_at_work - You are very strange and i'm going to stop listening to you, sorry.
21:09.56krkayes there is, you have to reduce to the correct domain
21:10.11Enddao_at_work, I'm not sure I understand you.
21:10.14Iriel|workingQzot: So, anyway, is there any consistency in the zones returned by z-or ?
21:10.15dao_at_workthe whole idea of hashing is to provide a very fast way to access individual members of a data set.
21:10.32krkaIriel|working, you mean you hash a newly created string in order to check if you already have it in your string-table?
21:10.37dao_at_workso that's what the hashing algorithm does; it stores them in a way to retrieve a given member with the fewest comparisons possible.
21:10.46Endyou access tables by pointer
21:10.48Iriel|workingkrka: Yes. The hash is used for searching in the string hash table
21:10.50QzotIriel: That's what I'm asking. I see no pattern.
21:11.01Endall you are ever given is a "pointer"
21:11.02dao_at_workif you're hashing on a memory address, then you're hashing basically randomly, so you're not hashing at all.
21:11.06Iriel|workingQzot: That doesn't mean I wont see a pattern.
21:11.15KirovQzot - what happens if you do z-o
21:11.17QzotWhich is why I ask.
21:11.20krkaIriel|working, but then it wouldn't need to be hashed once you're already working with strings that already are Lua strings?
21:11.36Iriel|workingkrka: They're not RE-hashed, part of the string data-structure is its pre-computed hash
21:11.50krkaah i see
21:11.55dao_at_workI'm sure the hash value is calculated from the name of the key.
21:12.09krkaso if the key is a string, it uses that hash, and for functions / tables, it uses the address?
21:12.10Iriel|workingit's "the key"
21:12.20Iriel|working(Sorry, forgot I wasn't listening to you)
21:12.54QzotI'm creating a horde toon on Draka right now. Anyone interested in the /who problem can do likewise and login.
21:12.57dao_at_workOk, when you're generating a hash, you have a method which translates the key name (whatever you're using as the key name) into the hash value, and that value determines where the datum is stored.
21:13.01QzotI'll try to show the problem live.
21:13.51Iriel|workingSadly I can't log in from work, but if you can send me the data i'd love to throw in my informed but unverified guesses
21:13.53dao_at_workThe reason you do that is because subsequent data access will be done by key name. If you hash on something else, then you can't quickly return data by key name.
21:14.16QzotRight now, on Draka OR (i.e. "/who z-or 60-60" gives 6 results, while ORG gives 30.
21:14.28krkawhat does z-or mean?
21:14.52Iriel|workingdao_at_work : *Sigh* You're applying general knowledge which isn't necessarily valid for lua. Lua allows use of any value as a key to a table. And it has a hash generation algorithm for each data type.
21:14.55Qzot"Select only characters in a zone whose name contains the substring 'or'."
21:15.01Enddao_at_work: so....uh, what would you say the "key name" for a table would be?
21:15.02Iriel|workingWithin the table the hash management is pre-determined
21:15.07dao_at_workyes, iriel, I understand that.
21:15.18dao_at_workand my point is, that is based on the key.
21:15.25Iriel|workingAnd you can easily diffiuse your problem by adding an unspecified number of random keys to the table before adding user data
21:15.28QzotOR returns 6 toons, from Searing Gorge, STV, and Swamp of Sorrows.
21:15.28Endlet me rephrase that :X
21:15.38Iriel|workingdefuse, even.
21:15.48Endif you are using a table as key, what would your "key name" be?
21:15.59Iriel|workingTry z-Or
21:16.08EndI can think of nothing else that would make sense other than the address
21:16.27QzotORG returns 30 results, 27 from Orgrimmar, and 3 from Searing Gorge. (same 3 as from OR).
21:16.43QzotIriel: Tried that. Have never seen a case-based difference.
21:16.54krkai still don't get why strings don't use address, that should be the fastest way to do it :)
21:17.06Iriel|workingkrka: Because the string table is a hash tbale
21:17.16Iriel|workingHow is it supposed to look up a new stirng in there to see if it's already in existance?
21:17.22dao_at_workI don't understand End's point.
21:17.28Qzot"or" and "Or" return the same results, now down to 4.
21:17.29krkayes, for that case, i get it
21:17.34krkabut not for strings that already exist
21:17.36dao_at_workwell, I understand it, but not why he's making it.
21:18.08QzotThis is new information for me. The *total* number of toons matching "z-or 60-60" is less than 50, but it *still* clips the results.
21:18.10Endbecause you seem convinced that using pointers to use tables as keys doesn't make sense
21:18.32Iriel|workingdao_at_work : Because you said: lua seriously hashes on pointer data? / that's silly. No point in hashing then.
21:18.52dao_at_workI was talking about pointers to the data.
21:18.56Iriel|workingIf i'm using a memory object as a key in a table, using its address as the hash for that key makes a whole bunch of sense
21:19.00Iriel|workingWell, nobody else was
21:19.02Iriel|workingand you responded to them
21:19.04krkaif you do: foo = bar["whatever"], the lookup in bar could use the address of the "whatever" string
21:19.20dao_at_workI must have misunderstood.
21:19.26Endyou must have
21:19.52dao_at_workok, so how does that impact the argument that the hashing is still abusable?
21:19.55Iriel|workingQzot: I wonder if it's clipping between filtering steps?
21:20.10Iriel|workingQzot: Can you do 60-60 z-Or
21:20.14Iriel|workingOr is that invalid?
21:20.20QzotOooo. Good idea.
21:20.31dao_at_workfor strings does it use pointer data or does it calculate it based on the string?
21:20.38Iriel|workingI wonder if it's filtering all of the 'Or's, then clipping that, then removing the non-60's and you get a hobbled return set
21:20.51Iriel|workingIt uses the strings contents, for the reasons detailed already twice.
21:21.00dao_at_workok, then it's vulnerable.
21:21.01Iriel|workinglua uses interned strings
21:21.12Iriel|workingYou're a broken record.
21:21.29Iriel|workingIt's only vulnerable if the implementer is an idiot.
21:21.35krkamost are!
21:21.43dao_at_workNo, it's vulnerable if the implementer is storing user data eventually into a hash.
21:21.48QzotDoesn't appear to make a diff between "z-or 60-60" and "60-60 z-or", but that actually doesn't rule out that it's clipping between steps.
21:21.50krkayou haven't read much of thedailywtf, have you Iriel|working? :)
21:21.51dao_at_workhave you ever stored user data in a hash, ever?
21:21.51Iriel|workingThat's like saying it's vulnerable because I can write a non-terminating loop.
21:22.09Iriel|workingUsually the user whose machine the code is running on.
21:22.22Iriel|workingIf they want to waste their precious CPU cycles, they can.
21:22.50dao_at_workyou can run into problems with the communication mods, if they store anything.
21:23.05Iriel|workingIt's not a DOS, it's an "inefficient use of resources", but I'd still wonder what the ACTUAL overhead between least-optimal and most-optimal insertion order is
21:23.06Endthe server would boot you first
21:23.11Endfor spamming too much :P
21:23.26Iriel|workingI suspect you'll find the ratio suprisingly low
21:23.56dao_at_workit's a malicious "inefficient use of resources", making it an attack. it functions to limit functionality of the targetted system. it is a DOS.
21:25.21dao_at_worknah man, as n increases the difference increases at the same rate as the algorithmic complexity (big-oh) of the hashing algorithm, since the little-oh is at least an order faster.
21:27.05Iriel|workingAh, but
21:27.16Iriel|workingYou're assuming that requires complex re-hashing of the keys
21:27.18Iriel|workingwhich lua does NOT do
21:27.20krkarehashing is amortized O(1)?
21:27.25krka(just guessing here)
21:27.47dao_at_worklol if lua has an O(1) rehashing algorithm, they should share it with the rest of computer science :)
21:27.54Iriel|workingit just has to re-compute a simple modulus on the pre-hashed value
21:28.10krkawell, it doesn't _always_ rehash, does it?
21:28.13Iriel|workingso re-hashing is O(n) but it's very low constant factors
21:28.19Iriel|workingand it only re-hashes every time the size doubles
21:28.26Iriel|workingso you only re-hash log(N) times
21:28.28krkaamortized, O(1)
21:28.34krkaor something
21:28.39krkameh, i am getting tired
21:28.42dao_at_workno, it's greater than O(1)
21:29.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:29.31krkayeah, so if you add O(N) elements, it rehashes in time O(N log N)
21:29.41dao_at_worksounds to me like it'd be O(nlogn)
21:30.10Iriel|workingBut, for rational values of N, the real question is how long does a single element take
21:30.17krka<comic book guy>that's a real useful attack</comic book guy>
21:30.19Iriel|workingand in lua it's extremely cheap to re-hash the table
21:30.34krkaIriel|working, i think we can even assume integer values of N
21:30.55dao_at_workmost hashing algorithms are O(n log n), so it's not any more efficient than others.
21:31.07Iriel|workingBut again, the point being it doesn't really matter
21:31.07dao_at_workyeah, you can't count on that.
21:31.14dao_at_workyes, correct.
21:32.07Iriel|workingBecause (a) if you're doing something specialized with zillions of keys AND you care, it's the implementers responsibility to not use the wrong tools and (b) by adding arbitrary key-value pairs to the table beforehand you remove the ability to predict the hashing distribution.
21:33.07dao_at_workIt's still a weakness in the hashing algorithm; you can't implement your way out of a fact of computation that for any algorithm A, there exists a worst input for that algorithm.
21:33.40Iriel|workingYes, but if you'd bother to stpo and think about (b) for a moment
21:33.52dao_at_workno, that wouldn't really help.
21:34.13dao_at_workYou'd have to fill your table up with tons of bogus key/value pairs for it to help.
21:34.26krkaso i'll just get to sleep instead
21:34.56Iriel|workingyou'd realize you can only exploit the weakness if you know the algorithm ahead of time
21:34.59dao_at_workotherwise as N increased you'd still have the same effective worst-case scenario, it'd just be "better" by a smaller and smaller constant factor.
21:35.13dao_at_workLua's open-source, eh?
21:35.32dao_at_workThen the algorithm is known ahead of time :)
21:35.46Iriel|workingYes, but the "algorithm" is dependent on the size of the table
21:35.50Iriel|workingwhich is NOT known ahead of time
21:36.10dao_at_workdoes it switch algorithms out entirely as the table grows?
21:36.17Iriel|workingit's also dependent on knowing how the keys will be hashed, so the OTHER suggestion from earlier of transforming the keys in some unknown way, also resolves the issue
21:36.39Iriel|workingWhich approach you take of course depends on what N is
21:36.46Iriel|workingor more to the point, what N is bounded to allow
21:37.11dao_at_workYes, exactly, the hashing algorithm should perturb the distribution.
21:37.20dao_at_workThe problem is not intractable.
21:37.54Iriel|workingit's easily solvable within a lua environment by applying standard design and forethought to the problem when creating an implementation.
21:38.06Iriel|workingThis being the point we all started with, except I guess you, who claims that lua is somehow inherently flawed.
21:38.19Iriel|workingIt's only flawed if you expect to be able to solve all problems without having to think about them.
21:38.19dao_at_workyou shouldn't ahve to write a wrapper for each table you ever use in Lua.
21:38.21dao_at_workthat's just bad.
21:39.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
21:44.05Shadowedyay for blizzard inconsistancies!
21:48.46*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
21:50.35QzotShadowed: What blizz inconsistancies did you have in mind?
21:50.49ShadowedWell, right now it's BG related
21:51.19ShadowedWSG events don't return the players name, so if we have two people with the same one we're screwed. Chat messages return "Shadowd-TestServer(PVE)" while battleground ones return "Shadowd-Test Server (PVE)"
21:51.28Shadowed*player name + player server
22:15.59chuckgAre they going to allow same faction different servers?
22:16.09chuckgLike, two horde from diff servers in av?
22:16.31chuckgSo all the ppl in your particular av/wsg/ab have to be from your server?
22:16.43chuckgThat would severely limit some servers capacity to find AV's, espeicially.
22:16.53chuckgFurther, if they did allow it, how would they stop cross-server goods transfers!
22:17.01KirovI haven't seen anything difinitive about it, but the way they describe it one could infer that
22:18.32ThraeI'm confused. Isn't the entire point of cross-realm BGs to allow people from different servers to be in the same BG?
22:18.43ShadowedChanServ: yes
22:18.47Shadowederr chuckg
22:19.13chuckgSo they're going to have to disallow trade, in some way.
22:19.16KirovThrae - Alliance from one server, Horde from another.
22:19.18chuckgBut that ruins getting water/food from mages.
22:19.20Endclad|work: I located your problem I think with bitlib
22:19.34ThraeKirov: Ahhhh, that makes sense
22:19.35ShadowedI've got people from the Test PVE, PVP and RPVP in my battleground for me faction
22:19.35End(and slouken seems to agree)
22:19.39KirovAt least that's my take
22:19.55Shadowedfor my*
22:19.55KirovShadowed - hmm
22:20.03KirovShadowed - can you trade with any of them?
22:20.25ShadowedKirov: havn't tried yet, sec
22:21.52ShadowedYou may only trade conjured items to players from on to another
22:22.04ShadowedYou can open the trade window, but thats the error you get if you put like a runecloth bandage in
22:22.15Shadowedsame with money
22:23.50KirovSo, they are blocking transfer of items
22:23.50Ralliongood solution, imo
22:24.08Rallionsimple solution
22:25.29ShadowedIf you join the battleground and you're in a raid, you can talk in /p and /r without it being seen by the battleground group. once you leave the battleground group you go back to your original raid.
22:27.33kergothAnduinLothar: nice job with reURL, nice and simple
22:27.40kergothno silly seperate frame and all
22:28.00wereHamsterchuckg, there was a blue post that cross-realm trading will be disabled in the BGS
22:28.55Rallionheh so the UI allows for 36-slot bags...nice
22:30.33ShadowedwereHamster: Nobody knew if that was all trading or only conjured items.
22:32.23AnduinLotharalways thought those other ones were silly
22:33.10wereHamsterdisallow trading conjured items would be stupid.. but who knows if they can implement the trade system to allow only selected items..
22:35.36Iriel|workingBased on Shadowed's experiments, that's exactly what they've done (specific item types)
22:36.43ShadowedI just tested it wereHamster
22:38.09zespri_workwhat is ashbringer?
22:38.13zespri_workis it a real item?
22:38.35KirovYes and no
22:38.45Endsort of
22:38.55KirovCorrupted Ashbringer is a real item you can get in the game now.
22:39.02ShadowedCorrupted Ashbringer is  adrop from the Four Horsemen inside Naxxramas in the deathknight wing.
22:39.05KirovAshbringer appears to exist, but no one knows how to get it.
22:39.08zespri_workfrom naxx?
22:39.34KirovThere are a ton of rumors about someone from blizzard mentioning it has to do with getting certain rep, etc.
22:39.35Shadowedashbringer is an expansion weapon, will explain in a sec
22:40.15KirovThe only known example of someone actually getting an ashbringer has been shown as being a hoax, and they got the item on a private server.
22:40.32Shadowedhold on a sec i'll explain, in WSG :p
22:41.19AnduinLotharashbringer has been in game for ages, but there's no way to get it
22:41.34AnduinLotharyou have to spawn it using console commands
22:42.51Shadowedit exists sort of
22:43.36ShadowedIf you looked at the wowwalkthrough site during 1.11 PTR somebody got the corrupted ashbringer and went to SM with it. You become friendly with them, yada yada yada, event starts, yada yada yada. Basically at the end you're told the ashbringer is beyond redemption but you can create a new one.
22:43.42Shadowedthe person who can create a new one is in outlands
22:44.33ShadowedIt could certainly be a fake, but if it is a fake it was a *very* well done fake
22:45.28AnduinLotharno, corrupted ashbringer is real
22:45.35AnduinLotharashbringer is fake
22:45.44AnduinLotharnot obtainable
22:45.47Shadowedthats why i said it sort of exists
22:46.03Kirovthe corrupted ashbringer might be real, the fake part would be the story about the new one being in outlands
22:46.10AnduinLotharbut if you have a gm or dev account or your own server you can spawn it
22:46.20ShadowedKirov: I doubt it was a fake
22:46.39Shadowedaha here it is
22:47.20AnduinLotharit looks kinda like a doomsaw in swd form with a giant gold goin floating in the middle
22:47.33zespri_workwhat's the deal with the pirated servers? how people do you get them? You need to spend zillion hourse decyphering client server protocol and then writing a server from scratch just from protocol semi-knowledge
22:47.46Shadowedi've always wondered about that
22:47.47AnduinLotharor steal it
22:48.00zespri_workIt took years an organized team in blizz to write the server, how the heck unfunded ppl do this?
22:48.33AnduinLothar shows the corrupted, which looks very similar to the normal one
22:48.36zespri_worksteal means source code leak from blizz
22:48.48AnduinLotharcept it's not green
22:48.54zespri_workwhich while is possible is not probable
22:49.01AnduinLotharit happens
22:49.27ShadowedBut yeah, as I said. It could be a fake, but given the amount of data and such it take a lot to do and isn't as likely
22:49.47ThraeAnduinLothar stole source code from Blizzard? How unethical! ...Can I get a copy?
22:49.58Shadowedmake that two
22:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:50.55KirovSomone getting the source code for WoW is about as likely as something getting the source code for half-life 2!
22:50.56zespri_worklol, I imagine these poor devs in blizz are searched when they live their offices so they can't get any media out and that their workplaces are firewalled to death so they can't leak it =)
22:50.59Kirovwait ...
22:51.06AnduinLotharwell any old qa could leak the expansion client, the server is a diff matter
22:51.23AnduinLotharbut if you had the client you could get the textures if it had access the server
22:52.00Thraezespri_work: Everyone works on a LAN with no physical connection to the Internet, and Programmers are forced to live in their cubicles ;)
22:52.25zespri_workdoes server has anything to do with textures? I though they all were on client
22:52.29AnduinLotharnah, they have internet
22:52.40MikkLookie! Intarweb!
22:53.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
22:53.12ThraeMikk: The walls are shielded, of course. And they have metal detectors at every entrance.
22:53.21MikkIf someone inside the company wants to leak something, it's out there. Period. You would have to live in a faraday's cage and have body cavity searches to avoid it.
22:53.45MikkThrae: Mmm... USB flash dongles are mosty plastic and silicon =P
22:53.53zespri_workactually what surprised me Blizz very successfully shut down lots of pirated server sites like a year ago, why can;t they be same effective about gold sellers?
22:54.03kaso|someoen must really want to leak code if it has to resort to body cavity searches ^_-
22:54.13ThraeBody Cavity searches are done on a random day of the week, by a big woman named Helga.
22:54.36Thraezespri_work: Because pirated servers are illegal, whereas gold selling is not.
22:54.47zespri_workhuh? how so?
22:55.14ThraeThere are legal precedents (in the US) for and against the sale of virtual property.
22:56.06AnduinLothargold isn't usually sold from the us
22:56.26zespri_workadn pirates all resides in US by some coincedence?
22:56.32ThraeI think at least one has made it up to the Supreme Court, ruled in favour of the seller of virtual property, for a different scenario then gold selling
22:57.02ThraeWell, they can't necessarily fight it in China!
22:57.18ThraeIGE does have a US base.
22:57.19AnduinLotharno, but gold sellign isn't illegal in other contries where as code theft is
22:57.45ThraeGold selling isn't illegal in the US either, I'm saying.
22:58.03Mr_Rabies2what is that site that you guys paste code onto again? or .ca
22:58.39Mikkmulti-minute lag
22:58.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:59.06EndI tried expecting it lag
22:59.11Endit returned a result fairly quickly
22:59.14EndWarning: unlink(/home/pastebin/public_html/../cache/recent): No such file or directory in /home/pastebin/lib/pastebin/db.mysql.class.php on line 243
22:59.17EndWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/pastebin/lib/pastebin/db.mysql.class.php:243) in /home/pastebin/lib/pastebin/pastebin.class.php on line 198
22:59.39End(and now it is being slow again)
22:59.45Kirovclad|work - ever thought about making MiniBlizzRaid CreateFrame: their raid interface?
22:59.52ThraeThere's also a Useless Use Of Cat site is used by Linux channels.
23:06.25clad|workKirov: I've thought about it.
23:09.54*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
23:11.06Endoh, I am well aware of the alternatives
23:11.28EndI was just curious if was still having issues
23:15.03Endwhat? Iriel without a quit message that advertises bitchx??
23:15.24Endincidently, that's probably still a bitchx quit message though
23:15.51ThraeOr maybe she just pissed off an IRC cop ;)
23:15.53kergothit is. panasync was the author of bitchx
23:16.06kergothiirc anyway, its been ages since i used it
23:16.08kergothirssi ftw
23:16.27Thraeirssi > ircii > bitchx
23:17.08ThraeBitchX was made specifically for the old IRC Script Kiddie days. I don't know why people use it anymore.
23:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:17.39EndI wouldn't know anything about bitchx except Iriel uses it, and it has...special quit messages :P
23:17.53kergothiirc, both bitchx and epic started out from the ircii codebase
23:18.16ThraeRight, but Ircii is still better then BitchX in my opinion.
23:22.09clad|workbitchx was just a solid client
23:30.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Aeana_ (
23:34.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
23:34.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
23:37.41TainBitchX was developed further than ircii (and was originally based on it, yeah.)  It's kind of hard to say ircii is "better" today.
23:38.57AnduinLotharanyone avail to help me do some testing on draka? preferably more than 1
23:39.31Corrodiason dalnet, it indicates that the user quit by prefixing the message with "Quit: ", but i see that doesn't happen on this network
23:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
23:40.21EndI think they are put in quotes here

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