irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060717

00:00.19esp|Synit has, because ive added a chat msg sayin "Onload"
00:00.21esp|Synwhich shows
00:01.04Mikkdo AddMessage("OnLoad "..tostring(Hyper_SetItemRef)) then
00:01.20Mikkshould say OnLoad table:0123645 or something
00:01.32Mikkor "OnLoad nil" if ordering is wrong
00:01.56Mikkerr "function:01234664" i meant, not table
00:02.03Mikknot nil, anyway =)
00:02.31esp|Synfunction 13AD"
00:02.39Mikkshould definitely work then
00:03.01esp|Synwell.. it dosnt
00:03.14Mikkmkay. i'll try some mydebug hacking
00:04.04esp|Syni wonder
00:04.07esp|Synno wait
00:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:05.30esp|Syndo i need to do SetItemRef(link,text,button) in the onload?
00:08.13MikkNo, you need to call the old version
00:08.25MikkIf you call SetItemRef, you're calling your own function again
00:08.34esp|Synin the onload?
00:08.36MikkAnd I was wrong btw. "link" isn't a proper link, so it's "text" that you want
00:08.46Mikki'll pastebin my function now, it works
00:09.31esp|Synok. thanks
00:11.22esp|Synguess i need to rename all the editbox's
00:12.09JoshBorkehi mikk
00:12.16Mikklo josh
00:14.38esp|Synstill wont hook
00:14.44esp|Synill paste again
00:15.54MikkThat code will hook. Period.
00:16.02MikkHow are you determining that it does not hook?
00:16.38JoshBorkewhat are you trying to do?
00:16.49esp|Syni have a chat msg
00:16.53esp|Synat the top of the function
00:16.58esp|Synthat says "hooked"
00:17.08Mikkjust trying to hook setitemref to output shiftclicked item links into a second editbox
00:17.28JoshBorkehm, i did that once...
00:17.33Mikki have a function that works just fine here at my end
00:17.39Mikkdoesn't work for esp|Syn
00:17.54esp|Synprolly summat really stupid
00:18.14JoshBorkei would not recommend naming the new SetItemRef as SetItemRef
00:18.18MikkI would
00:18.30Mikkyou can remove the SetItemRef = SetItemRef line though
00:18.32Mikkit's pointless
00:18.46Mikkbut it's not the reason why it isn't working
00:18.59esp|Synwhat is?
00:19.00JoshBorkethat snippet doesn't hook the code
00:19.05Mikkyes it does josh
00:19.15JoshBorkeduring th onload?
00:19.22Mikk"function SetItemRef() ..." is syntactically equivalent to "SetItemRef = function()..."
00:19.25MikkSo it hooks just fine
00:19.27JoshBorkeso when he defines SetItemRef it just overwrites it?
00:19.51Mikkesp|Syn: the only thing i can think of is that you have some mod loaded that's doing exactly what we told you to not do: replace SetItemRef() entirely and never call the original
00:20.04esp|Synill kill all my other mods
00:20.07esp|Synand try again
00:21.44esp|Synall other mods off and still nothing
00:22.00MikkAnd your OnLoad message is still showing?
00:22.18esp|Synoo ill check
00:22.33esp|Synid copy paste it.. but u can copy chat :(
00:22.48Mikkand the SetItemRef hook is in the same file as the OnLoad?
00:23.15esp|Synjust a sec
00:23.15Mikkdoesn't ahve to be
00:23.41Mikkif it is, it really just should work
00:23.47esp|Synhold on.. i was playing with the chat frame
00:23.54esp|Synand i just got the hooked msg :/
00:24.07JoshBorkehave you been holding down shift? ^_^
00:25.01esp|Synwhat.. the fuck
00:25.07esp|Synthe hooked msg triggers
00:25.13esp|Synwhen i click on a name in chat to PM them..
00:25.21JoshBorkeisn't that annoying?
00:25.50Mikkyes, SetItemRef is called when you click on player names
00:26.13esp|Synso why is it only triggering then?
00:26.24esp|Synbut not when i shift click an item to add it too chat
00:26.35Mikkwhat exactly are you shift clicking again?
00:26.39Mikkan item in your inventory?
00:26.42Mikkor item links from chat?
00:26.43esp|Syna green item in my inv
00:26.56JoshBorkeSetItemRef is only for chat links
00:27.01MikkI asked if you wanted to copy links from chat
00:27.01JoshBorkefor bags you have to hook other things =D
00:27.07MikkYou said yes
00:27.19JoshBorkespecifically, ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick i believe
00:27.29esp|Syn2 secs then
00:27.39JoshBorkeand it's much different than SetItemRef
00:28.19esp|Synwell even so
00:28.25esp|Synit triggers but dosnt work
00:28.46Mikkshift click an item link in chat
00:30.34esp|Syni cant unfortunalty
00:30.44esp|Syncant interact with chat while my notepad is open
00:30.52esp|Synbut if i click in chat on a link it triggers
00:32.20JoshBorkewon't do you mean by you can't interact? you can't click on anything?
00:32.58esp|Synnothing in chat no
00:33.06esp|Syncan click on items in my backpack
00:33.14esp|Synbut clicking on chat just dosnt work
00:33.32Mikkshift click
00:33.53esp|Syndosnt work
00:34.08esp|Syndoes when the frame is closed ( it hooks but obviously does nothing )
00:36.26JoshBorkeshift-click does nothing unless the chatframe edit box is open
00:36.49esp|Synthat the point of my hook
00:36.59esp|Synto make it do the same in my frame as it does in chat
00:37.19JoshBorkedoes it do anything when the editbox is open?
00:37.25esp|Synchat one?
00:37.30esp|Synyep works as normal
00:37.40JoshBorkeso the part that doesn't work is putting it in your frame?
00:37.53esp|SynWell i wouldnt know :P
00:38.01esp|Syni cant click on chat while my frame is open
00:38.14JoshBorkeso nothing happens while it is open or the frame is too big?
00:38.15MikkJoshBorke: shift+click an item link in chat will call SetItemRef regardless of whether the chat editbox is open
00:38.22Mikksaying it does "nothing" is a little rich =P
00:38.24esp|Synit does
00:38.34esp|Synbut like i said.. if no edit box it open.. nothign actually happens
00:38.44Mikkworks for me over here
00:38.55esp|Synwhat does?
00:39.04esp|Synwhat happens when u shift click with no edit box selected :/
00:39.09JoshBorkei'm just trying to figure out which part isn't working =D
00:39.15esp|Synfor me?
00:39.29esp|Synthe frame ive made stop the user from interacting with the chat frame
00:39.32esp|Synthats my problem
00:39.43esp|Syni say "i"
00:39.53Mikki have no edit box selected. i do not have the chat editbox open. i shift click a linked item in my chat window. my private editbox gets the item link put into it
00:39.57esp|Syni cant do xml it took me 5 hours to add a new edit box :/
00:40.13esp|Synprivate editbox?
00:40.20Mikk"my editbox" thenj
00:40.28Mikk"the second editbox"
00:40.31Mikk"the notepad"
00:40.37Mikkwhatever you want to call it
00:40.38esp|Synwait a second
00:40.39Mikkthe one you want to put links in
00:40.41esp|Syni know why mine isnt working
00:40.48esp|Synits because i CANT shift click the link
00:40.59esp|Synbecause the notepad frame STOPS you doing that
00:41.14esp|Syni dunno why
00:42.33esp|Synmy xml for the frame.. MUST stop you being able to click on cha
00:44.33esp|Synanyone know xml?
00:44.57JoshBorkeif you'd like to pastebin your code, we can look at it
00:45.19esp|Synxml or lua? or both?
00:45.30JoshBorkeboth is fine
00:46.09esp|Syn2 secs
00:46.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:46.39JoshBorkemorning Kirkburn
00:48.41esp|Synlua - xml -
00:50.45WobinIs anyone who's using FuXPFu having problems with the icon not showing up?
00:51.48KirkburnMorning, JoshBorke :)
00:52.08JoshBorkewobin: mine shows up fine
00:52.12JoshBorkehaven't updated in a while though
00:52.24WobinJB: nor have I =)
00:52.25JoshBorkeesp|Syn: do frames have Insert functions?  i don't think they do
00:53.01JoshBorkewobin: i'm using 21-06-2006, everything looks great
00:53.12JoshBorkedid you hide your icon? ^_^
00:53.46WobinJB: Hehe, I should ask that =P
00:54.15esp|Synin relation to what JoshBorke?
00:55.02JoshBorkeesp: the reason you aren't seeing anything happen is because Hyper_NotepadFrame:Insert(text) doesn't do anything, I don't think
00:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Hexarobee (
00:55.35esp|Synye ure right its wrong
00:55.39esp|Synshould be the edit box
00:55.41Hexarobeegreat, middle of a wsg match and my server crashes
00:55.45esp|Synbut it never gets that far
00:59.19JoshBorkenothing in the XML hooks the SetItemRef
01:01.02esp|Synnothing should.. should it :/
01:03.07esp|Syni fixed it, it pastes in
01:03.19esp|Synbut.. there is no tooltip ( i guess ill need to add a fucntion for that tho )
01:03.23esp|Synand it dosnt save
01:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:13.04esp|Synhow would i get it to show the tooltip :/
01:13.22JoshBorkethere's no reason it shouldn't show now
01:13.34JoshBorkeyou've only got your addon enabled, right?
01:14.38zesprilol it seems my fishing sound is back after the latest patch
01:15.25zespriI knew that wanted to return PlayFile but I never thought that will give us back the ability to substitute sound files
01:15.29esp|Synand it paste the link into the notepad, the right colour and everything
01:15.41esp|Synbut. it dosnt show the tooltip from the link in the notepad
01:18.29JoshBorkeyou can't
01:18.39esp|Synill find a way damnit
01:18.40esp|Syni will
01:18.46JoshBorkei don't know much
01:18.53JoshBorkebut to display a tooltip, you have to have an itemlink
01:19.04JoshBorkethe first param to SetItemRef
01:19.47JoshBorkeso, find a way to correlate the text to the item link and you'll be set
01:20.30esp|Synexplain to me what correlate means
01:20.41JoshBorkejust a way to go from text -> item link
01:20.49esp|Synlink then
01:20.58esp|Synso link the text to the item link
01:21.06esp|Synhrm must be possible
01:21.11esp|Synthey do it for chat do they not
01:22.22JoshBorkeit's very simple for chat, it's already provided as param 1 =D
01:22.41esp|SynIll find a way *mutters*
01:23.29JoshBorkewhat happens when you insert the itemLink into your editbox?
01:23.52esp|Synwhat do you mean?
01:24.19esp|Synit places the text in the editbox, with the [ ]'s and correct colour
01:26.27JoshBorkewell, do editbox's have OnClick functions?
01:27.23esp|Synno idea
01:27.30esp|Synlets find out
01:28.43JoshBorkei don't believe they do
01:29.03esp|Syndosnt look like it
01:29.25*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:31.18JoshBorkewhich means you'll probably have to look for OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp and look for where the mouse is in relation to the 'link' so you know if they click on said 'likn'
01:32.08esp|Synwonder if i could add a button next to the link text? like a tiny little icon
01:32.43JoshBorkedon't think you can put that inside an editbox
01:33.26esp|Synontop of it tho?
01:33.40esp|Syni woudlnt know.. i dont know xml
01:34.02JoshBorkeyou'd have to have a button for each link and then move it around based on where the link was
01:38.08WobinCan Shield Slam dispel enrage?
01:39.55esp|Syn"If that particular item has not been seen since last server restart, the server will disconnect the client"
01:40.02esp|Synbit harsh...
01:41.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
01:41.39KemayoLesson #1:  Don't trust refurbished hard disks.
01:42.14KemayoThus ends my wisdom.
01:45.43zespri>>With the change to our production schedule for patch 1.12, I don't believe that any Shaman changes are going to make it in for the next patch.
01:45.56zesprianyone knows what is the change of "production schedule"?
01:46.33JoshBorkeer, have the PTR servers been up?
01:46.44JoshBorkei managed to get the first priest and druid on the realms...
01:47.30esp|Syni know that has added a test realm bug reporting thing to my profiles
01:55.39JoshBorkenight all
01:55.53esp|SynCairenn you good at lua?
01:56.02esp|Syn:( ok
01:57.48KemayoEw.  Default WoW graphical settings.  Or worse than default, actually.  I copied my spouse's install over, and that computer is... inadequate.
02:00.53esp|SynOk. this just aint guna work
02:01.40esp|Synanyone else got any ideas how i can include item link info with the text i add into my editbox?
02:03.48Hexarobeedid you look at the way lootlink does it?
02:05.44esp|Syni was thinking of that.. but then i realise it uses a listbox
02:09.10esp|Synit uses buttons to display the items
02:14.05cladhairek sleep time
02:14.06cladhairenight all
02:15.44AnduinLothar7pm omg
02:16.38esp|Syn3am :/
02:25.48Hexarobeeya but the button still sticks the link in an editbox to send it as chat right?
02:27.16esp|Synchat handles the links automatically
02:28.49Hexarobeeit has a function that gets a link from the item name?
02:29.38esp|Synthis is lootlink?
02:30.03Hexarobeelocal link = "|c"..itemLink.c.."|H"..LootLink_GetHyperlink(name).."|h[""]|h|r";
02:31.09esp|Synstill dosnt help me much tho
02:31.27esp|Synunless i can somehow work out the name, from clicking on the editbox?
02:31.30Hexarobeewhat are u trying to do again?
02:31.48esp|Syni have a notepad ingame, a multiline editbox
02:32.22esp|Synshift clicking an item in chat paste's it into the notepad
02:32.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower___ (
02:32.54esp|Synbut.. i cant work out how to get the tooltip for the item from the notepad
02:33.21Hexarobeecan you make lootlink a dependancy and just use its functions
02:33.58esp|Syni still wont work :/
02:34.10esp|Synhow would i get the name from the editbox?
02:34.46Hexarobeeso it just pastes the name as text?
02:34.54esp|Synyes thats all there is
02:37.42Hexarobeeyou could prolly do something fancy that watches the entire text box for changes, then can grep out the new text as the item name, but that still doesnt handle making an onclick event over the text
02:38.21esp|Synthe notepad is designed to save the text
02:38.25esp|Synso you can read it later
02:38.37esp|Syni wonder... can u link it in e-mail?
02:39.26esp|Synno. you cant :/
02:44.52esp|Synis it possible to work out what line of a multiline editbox a cursor is on?
02:46.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
02:51.18esp|Synthis HAS to ***ING be possible
02:51.46TainRazorgore falls into the category of a stupidly artifically difficult fight.
02:55.05AnduinLothari'd have to agree
02:57.55esp|Synwhere is that helpful guy
02:57.57esp|Synwhats his name
03:01.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:09.04Cairenn|walkMikk: wake up!
03:10.59esp|Synmeh he's help me enough today tbh lol
03:11.06esp|Synhe diserves a rest
03:11.40zespriso what are you doing esp? a notepad addon?
03:12.27esp|Synsomeone asked for a notepad that can save/load and supports hyperlinks
03:12.38esp|Syni got the save/load easy
03:12.44esp|Synits the linkage thats just.. argh
03:13.04AnduinLotharyeah, I told you we already had one..
03:13.12AnduinLotharwhat's special bout yours?
03:13.46esp|Synwe do?
03:14.32AnduinLotharPretty sure the Cosmos Notepad already does that.
03:14.46AnduinLothartho i could be wrong
03:14.52AnduinLotharlet me double check
03:15.02esp|Synisnt cosmos a package addon?
03:15.23AnduinLotharCosmos is a compilation
03:16.26esp|SynThere's the "special" about mine
03:17.13AnduinLotharhow's that make it special. you can use the addons in Cosmos w/o cosmos.. you just need the deps for each addon just like any other addon
03:17.42kergothnot having those deps is sufficient a benefit, for those who arent running other addons with those same deps
03:17.53kergothso i say by all means continue
03:17.56AnduinLotharNotepad had zero dependancies
03:18.05AnduinLotharjust optionas
03:18.52kergothah, cool
03:19.55AnduinLotharmost Cosmos addons, if they aren't already, have standalone versions with embeddable deps
03:19.55esp|SynWell. dosnt have it listed
03:20.11AnduinLotharthat's because ui.worldofwar is crap imo
03:20.50AnduinLotharbut before you waste your time it's not on wowi or curse either
03:21.19AnduinLotharhmmm, maybe i was wrong.. i swear gryphon added it
03:21.24AnduinLotharwonder if he dissabled it
03:21.34AnduinLotharknow it was problematic somehow
03:21.42esp|SynIm on there website . can find a link to download just the notepad
03:22.15AnduinLotharyeah, working on that. Individual downloads are coming as soon as the next website revision gets finished
03:23.04esp|Synthen im done with that
03:23.10esp|Synno point making two versions of the same thing
03:23.27AnduinLotharhold on, I'm thinking it might have been scrapped
03:24.47AnduinLotharok, don't listen to me. I'm looking at the logs. looks like it got put in briefly and then dissabled cause it had oodles of issues.
03:25.11zespriKarl, what is the rev number where it was put in?
03:26.20kergothnotepad is loaded, and there's no minimap icon, and no /notepad.. not exactly useful outside of cosmos, now is it?
03:29.34kergothand, it doesnt seem to support itemlinks. cant shift click a link to put it in a note, cant copy/paste it..
03:29.43AnduinLotharright, that's what I said
03:29.52AnduinLotharafter I loaded it myself, heh
03:30.11kergothesp|Syn: okay, back to work ;)
03:30.14AnduinLotharoh well, guess like my memory needs an upgrade
03:30.19kergothheh, mine too
03:30.52AnduinLothari think gryphon worked on it, but then it coulda been mira..
03:31.14AnduinLotharoh ic, no slash command, but it has a binding
03:32.18esp|Syni would get back to work
03:32.24esp|Synbyt its 4.30 am
03:32.25zesprithe best I could do in terms of hyperlinks and notepad is using linkerator.
03:32.30esp|Synand im brain has shutdown
03:32.42esp|Synas u can tell by that sentance :/
03:33.53esp|Synyeah ive seen it
03:34.00esp|Synthe only real problem that exsists
03:34.50esp|Synis the fact i cant get the name back
03:35.07AnduinLotharwhy not?
03:35.16esp|SynHow would i?
03:35.20AnduinLotharfrom what?
03:35.27esp|Synan multiline editbox
03:36.00zespriactually it's an interesting problem. the chatbox that you normaly type in it the same widget that is used by notepad the only difference is multiline
03:36.46zesprican you click on a link in the normal chabox to get the tooltip, or it always should be clicked in the chat history?
03:39.11esp|Synonly works in history
03:39.29esp|Syndosnt work while still in the chat editbox
03:39.59zespriis it even possible to make it work in the chatbox?
03:40.05AnduinLotharsoo there's no problem puttingit into the editbox, you just cant get it out?
03:40.20esp|Synoh yeah its in there fine
03:40.35esp|Synits gett... ok that just sounds wrong when i have sex talk on tv
03:40.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku__ (
03:40.47zespriAnduinLothar when you put it in the edit box all you have in edit box is the text along with colour codes
03:40.58zespriso it's no longer bound to the underlying object
03:41.08AnduinLotharwhy not add the itemid too
03:41.17esp|Syni could. but how would that help?
03:41.27zesprisame question =)
03:41.37esp|Synyes i can add it
03:41.42AnduinLotharso the problem is you can't click it to get it out, then?
03:41.50*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
03:42.19AnduinLotharis there a function to determine the position of the cursor?
03:42.23zespriyes. there is nothing that can be done, I beleive so you could click on something in an edit box and get meaningful results
03:42.59esp|Synif there is
03:43.01esp|Syni cant find it
03:43.36zesprisame here
03:44.02AnduinLotharok, so make one
03:44.25esp|Synye sure ill wipe that up right now :/
03:44.27AnduinLotharhave it type a letter and then compare the text to the previous text
03:44.30esp|Synits 4.44am!!
03:44.49zespriok, even if, how will it help?
03:45.16AnduinLotharthen grab scan the surrounding text, if it's a link call the function
03:45.19zespriand it wont work when you just click in the random position in the text
03:45.29zespriand this is what it most frequiently will be
03:46.03esp|Synim thinking if i can get the location of the mousecurser in the chat
03:46.07zespriyou mean type and remove a letter
03:46.11zesprii see
03:46.14esp|Syni can scan that area for [ and ]
03:46.20esp|Synand get the text between
03:48.23esp|Synanyway.. i think i need to sleep
03:48.33zesprilol. it's posssible to put several frames corresponding to lines in the editbox to the background, this way you'll know what line you are in. but this is messy to impelemnt and it doesn't really solve the problem because you can have more then one link on the same line
03:49.51esp|Syni did think about adding a button next to the line
03:49.54Temholy piss AQ40 is fun
03:49.57esp|Synbut.. i dunno how id do that
03:52.48zespriesp, how do you add a hidden next into editbox?
03:53.37AnduinLothartext you mean?
03:54.09zespritext, yes
03:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Krishnak (
04:03.03AnduinLotharcan't you simulate keyboard entry on the editbox?
04:05.10AnduinLotharOnChar or OnKeyDown/Up
04:10.26AnduinLothardoes OnEditFocusGained have an arg1?
04:24.10purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 10~ sec! ***
04:27.15zespridoesn't look like you can
04:49.34AnduinLotharhow bout this. overlay the editbox with a message frame and if you click the msg frame have it hide and show the editbox
04:52.37AnduinLotharand hitting esc in the editbox loses focus and hides the ditbox and shows the messageframe with updated text
04:52.46AnduinLotharthen you can click on the links all you want
05:20.01zespriI think it's almost impossible to keep the same layput on a message frame and in the chatbox
05:20.05zesprinot that i tried
05:20.26ShadowedMikk you there by any chance?
05:21.37Mr_Rabies2what exactly does this do?
05:21.46Mr_Rabies2it makes no sense to me :[
05:22.42AnduinLotharit's not, i've done it
05:23.10ShadowedIt used to be ( I believe? ) that stuff like UnitName( "player" ) would return nil when the person is first logging in, they fixed it somepoint so the info you have on the char select screen is always available (IE: Name, level, class, ect )
05:27.01ShadowedSo apparently this checks if the data is nil and loads it in using saved variables.
05:27.04Shadowedevery 0.2 seconds...
05:56.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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06:08.41Cairennhi s|loup
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09:23.15Shadowedam i missing something or is test server still down
09:23.31MikkShadowed: I'm here
09:23.32Shadowedand if it's still down, why does ui.worldofwar have 10 mods with people saying it's broken in 1.12...
09:24.06MikkAh ok
09:24.18ShadowedI think they removed it from game or something
09:25.24MikkMystery solved it seems =)
09:25.34Mikki'll just zap that nonsensical comment then
09:25.40Shadowedcan zap mine too if you want
09:25.55Shadowedjust put it there because i wouldn't remember what i tested by the time i told you :p
09:26.54Mikkdid you look for TRADE_REQUESTS_CANCELLED also?
09:27.20ShadowedIt appears that all it does is hide the "Do you want to trade with X" window, couldn't find anything else besides that.
09:28.08ShadowedIt's probably called if the person who sent the trade cancels it, or you hit "No".
09:28.18ShadowedSo that may mean it's called when you do CancelTrade() will have to find out
09:29.11MikkI suspect you just get a TRADE_CLOSED tbh
09:30.20ShadowedProbably, if they removed TRADE_REQUEST they probably did the same for TRADE_REQUESTS_CANCELLED, but the static popup calls CancelTrade(); when you hit No
09:30.35Shadowedwill have to harrass iriel when he gets on
09:33.37Shadowedanyway, sleep for me night.
09:34.16MikkWas there ever a RunMacro?
09:34.31ShadowedMikk: think so
09:35.19ShadowedWhere do you see RunMacro?
09:35.26Mikknowhere now
09:35.33MikkA user deleted the entry
09:35.39Mikkfrom the "Removed Functions" page
09:35.53Mikk <- very interesting edit history
09:36.22Shadowedattempt to call global `RunMacro' (a nil value)
09:36.40Shadowednice name of the editer
09:37.23zinor`dont suppose anyone here is a css pro? :)
09:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
09:38.58ShadowedMikk: Maybe add some sort of note about how to run a macro since RunMacro was removed?
09:39.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (
09:39.28MikkOhwait... no wonder he removed it from the list
09:39.35MikkIt's navigable via category since the page exists now
09:40.08Shadowedit's not really that complicated to do it yourself
09:40.30Shadowed/script local _, _, script, _ = GetMacroInfo( macroID ); RunScript( script );
09:40.57Mikkassert(loadstring("lua code here"))();
09:41.05Shadowedthat wouldn't get the macro data though
09:41.38Mikki'll go wake up somewhere. you go sleep =)
09:42.07Shadowedi'm listening to a crazy ytmnd because a friend is going to yell at me if i don't
09:42.19Shadowedit's sad...
09:45.24ag`Hi people, I need some help with AceOptions, my table looks ok but when I run one of the options I get an error "option handler "nil" not found"
09:47.12MikkHave you tried this in #wowace or whatever the channel name is?
09:47.23MikkOf course, most of them are here, too, but it's kinda the wrong time =)
09:47.38Shadowedokay NOW i'm going to slleep
09:49.18ag`Mikk, woops. my bad :-)
09:50.42AnduinLotharok, so i need suggestions for nifty looking casting bars. I'm thinking of redoing APB graphics. They need to have a place for Spell Name, Target Name, Caster Name, Cast Time and Spell Texture inside or outside of the frame...  anyone good with graphics that can toss some ideas around?
09:57.25ckknightCandybars ftw, AL
09:59.58ckknightCandybar is supposed to be pretty shiny
10:00.01AnduinLotharI've already told you drugs are bad...
10:00.18ckknightI don't put unhealthy things into my body
10:00.25ckknightCandybar is an Ace2 project
10:01.56ckknightsomeone told me to mention it
10:02.02ckknightI haven't actually used it
10:03.49chuckgThanks for supplying me with a forced response to bad servers, blizz.
10:06.07ckknightah, apparently it's a mixin
10:06.44MoonWolfI am looking for and failing to find the screenshots ammo showed me.
10:07.04ckknightI wanna see screenies, too
10:38.26MikkToo much Adams? :-)
10:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:49.22KasoHas anyone tried seeing if replacing models/textures works since 1.11.2 because my fishing bobber sound mod has mysteryiously started working again.
10:51.04KirovReplacing sounds probably works
10:51.09KirovNothing else does
10:52.25Kasoi wonder why the re-enabled it
10:56.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
10:58.29Mikkblizzard employees complained enough about not being able to use fishping? =)
10:59.34AnduinLotharso, i'm finally making that player current spell/IsCasting lib.. what kinda info do you want to have readily availible?
11:00.15ckknightwhat should I learn? French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Greek, Korean, or German?
11:00.18*** join/#wowi-lounge sedatedC1ipmunk (
11:01.04MikkFor exciting opportunities, something asian
11:02.06MikkThough I hear plenty of people disliking Japan for their blatant racism, and China for other reasons
11:02.09MikkKorean perhaps? =)
11:02.22ckknightnah, Korea's got nothing going for it
11:02.35ckknightexcept a few nukes in the backwater north
11:03.02ckknightI'm thinking Mandarin, it could be useful. Plus there's a lot of Chinese around here
11:04.04ckknightI got the Arabic thing, but I'm not sure it'd be useful outside of a military context
11:04.11MikkMm at least the chinese will actively listen when palefaces speak.
11:04.33ckknightcurrently they iron and wash my clothes
11:04.35MikkJapanese tend to nod politely and thank you and then go on and ignore everything you said. At least that's the impression I get from friends that have worked there.
11:05.14ckknightI know some Japanese people, a rather xenophobic culture
11:06.46AnduinLotharso... you think events fire in the order they're registered?
11:06.56ckknightI wouldn't count on it
11:07.09AnduinLotharbut you haven't experimented
11:07.15ckknightI assume the worst possible situation
11:07.22MikkCurrently, the answer is yes
11:07.29AnduinLotharI have been under the impression they were, but haven't experimented much
11:07.54ckknightwell, I mostly use Ace's event handling, which isn't coded to maintain that
11:07.55MikkBut I wouldn't count on it either
11:08.08AnduinLotharwhich means if you have something marked as dep it's event function fires before yours
11:08.30AnduinLotharwhich is good for me, i think
11:09.08AnduinLotharmeans I can establish global variables that will be accessable in the same event to other addons
11:09.49AnduinLotharwell, the alternative is a register/callback system
11:09.57AnduinLotharwhich I dont want to write
11:10.11AnduinLotharand would not allow for macroing
11:15.20MikkHook RegisterEvent()? =)
11:15.52MikkErhm... how do you do that >.<
11:17.37ckknightwho mentioned hooking?
11:18.19Mikk<- this nub
11:20.22ckknightnub is right
11:20.29ckknightnot even good enough to be a noob
11:20.38ckknightjk, you're okay
11:21.42AnduinLotharso, no Candybar ss?
11:22.26MoonWolfpounce [Ammo] the moment you see him talk.
11:23.35ckknight[Ammo], wake up
11:23.37ckknightI command you!
11:24.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Krishnak (
11:29.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
11:30.02Tupladlocal start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(spellID, "bookType"); - how do I get cooldown of Cold Blood with this ? dont understand the explanation at Wowwiki
11:30.45AnduinLotharnned the spellID and book
11:31.16TupladbookType: BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET depending on whether you wish to query the player or pet spellbook.
11:31.36Tupladso it's: local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(number, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); ?
11:31.38AnduinLotharyou want BOOKTYPE_SPELL
11:31.50Tupladand how do I figure the number out ?
11:31.57AnduinLotharneed the index of the spell in your spellbook
11:32.04Tupladk sec gonna login 8)
11:32.40AnduinLotharcan either iterate them yourself every time it changes or use something like SeaSpellbook which keeps track of them and you can index id by spell name
11:33.20AnduinLotharor if it's just for a macro and you're already 60 you can just figure it out once and it's not likely to change unless you respec
11:38.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad- (
11:38.53Tuplad-AnduinLothar: my comp crashed after u said something about seaspellbook
11:39.33MikkAnduinLotharcan either iterate them yourself every time it changes or use something like SeaSpellbook which keeps track of them and you can index id by spell name
11:39.33MikkAnduinLotharor if it's just for a macro and you're already 60 you can just figure it out once and it's not likely to change unless you respec
11:39.57Tuplad-thanks =)
11:40.07Tuplad-well, Im 60, and not going to respec till the next patch
11:43.42esp|Synim back
11:53.22AnduinLotharso, anyone know how to make dynamic tooltips work?
11:56.23MoonWolfdynamic tooltips ?
11:56.46AnduinLotharthis doesn't seem to work
11:56.46AnduinLotharCreateFrame("GameTooltip", "IsCastingTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate");
11:57.27KasoThat worked for me on my mod.
11:58.28AnduinLotharis yours a hidden tooltip for farming or one for visible display?
11:58.38Kasohidden for farmin
11:58.55AnduinLotharyeah.. it's not working for me...
11:59.14Kasohow odd
12:00.22MoonWolflocal tt = CreateFrame("GameTooltip")
12:00.23MoonWolfself.vars.tooltip = tt
12:00.23MoonWolftt:SetOwner(tt, "ANCHOR_NONE")
12:00.31MoonWolfis what tekkub uses in
12:06.24AnduinLotharyeah, just needed a setowner
12:07.07esp|Synis it possible to create a frame exactly like the chatframe? and use that as my notepad, adding one line at once?
12:07.32esp|Synperhaps thats the way to go then.. hrm
12:07.40AnduinLotharthat's what i suggested
12:08.10esp|Synonly problem i really dont have a clue when it comes to xml
12:08.24AnduinLotharoverlay the editbox with a MessageFrame or ScrollingMessageFrame and swap them when you lose or gain focus
12:09.17esp|Synok now im confused
12:09.21esp|Synwhy would i need both?
12:09.40AnduinLotharso you could edit it
12:09.57AnduinLotharand so you could click links
12:10.27esp|Syni dont get ya. but thats prolly cos i dont have a clue about MessageFrames
12:10.34LegorolCould anyone do a stealth-bump for me on this post:
12:10.42Legorolit got scrolled off in the weekend shuffle
12:13.09MoonWolfwrong forums for me.
12:13.19Mikkoi! how the hell did you get a US account?
12:15.01Legorolthanks AnduinLothar
12:15.26Legorolthat is truly a stealth-bump.. i don't even see who bumped it :D
12:15.32Legoroldid you just delete your own post
12:15.50AnduinLotharI have no idea what you are talkign about
12:17.19AnduinLotharSo lego, I'm finally writing that player current spell/IsCasting lib.. any suggestions as to what kind of info should be readily availible?
12:19.40Legoroli think you got them all last time we discussed..
12:19.59Legorolmaybe one more thing, if the duration/remaining time is readily available with a simple API
12:20.23AnduinLotharalready got that
12:20.42Legorolhm, type of spell being cast?
12:20.54Legorolinstant/non-instant, buff, debuff, friendly or enemy target..
12:21.13Legorolmaybe functions to check these easily could be good
12:21.29AnduinLotharmeh. You can get the name, then use SeaSpellbook to get the ID, then get all the info you want..
12:21.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
12:21.58Legorolthen one more thing, i don't know how hard it is, but: if it's possible to convert the target's name to a unitID, do that as well
12:22.16AnduinLotharnot really possible in most cases
12:22.34Legorolyeah i know, but for when it's possible, it might be handy.. e.g. party/raid/pet/target
12:22.58Legorolactually it's probably the job of a different lib
12:23.00Legorolsomething like ConvertNameToUnitID("name")
12:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
12:23.17Legorolreturns nil if name not known, false if not possible to convert, unitID otherwise
12:23.24AnduinLotharthe only way to do that would be to crossreference the targetted unit with all the possible unitIDs
12:23.37AnduinLotharusing UnitIsUnit
12:23.38Legorolmaybe too resource intensive
12:24.04AnduinLotharand then it's only garenteed to be that unit for a split second..
12:25.28Legorolmm, one more idea:
12:25.53Legorolit might be good if the lib also remembers the last, completed spell
12:25.58Legorolnot just the current one
12:26.07Legorolthat should be easy enough to implement
12:26.20Legorolit could be useful in case someone casts an instant follwed by a non-instant, or something like that
12:26.33Legorolbut either way, the last completed + current in-progress spell are good to have
12:26.59Legorolif you want it very funky, make it remember the last N spells
12:27.12AnduinLotharwould that ever be useful?
12:27.17Legorolnot sure
12:27.31Legorolprobably not actually
12:27.42Legorolah yeah that's one thing:
12:27.49Legorolif you do remember the last spell, time-stamp it
12:28.05Legorolso that for example an AddOn can use an OnUpdate to repeatedly check for the last spell,
12:28.08Legoroland notice when it has changed
12:28.38AnduinLotharalready stored for the current spell, not hard to duplicate
12:28.41Legoroldoesn't have to be a time-stamp, but some unique id
12:28.51Legorolok cool
12:29.03Legorolthis way, if an addon wants to store a history of spell casts for example,
12:29.17Legorolall it needs to do is loop an OnUpdate, and ask for the last spell every time
12:29.20Legorolwhen it changes, store it
12:29.33AnduinLotharor just register the events
12:29.53Legorolyou mean WoW events?
12:29.58Corrodiasand if you case an identical spell, the onupdate method won't help
12:30.09LegorolCorrodias: it would if there is unique ID
12:30.14AnduinLotharwell, he said timestampt
12:30.16LegorolAnduinLothar: true
12:30.29Legorolwell anyway, having last spell is good
12:30.34Legoroli'm sure people can think of ways to use it
12:30.35krka|workdon't we get events for spell casting?
12:30.43AnduinLotharnot good ones
12:31.08Legorolok, so if i do register for the spell cast events,
12:31.18AnduinLotharjust get name and cast time. don't even get name for instants or channeled
12:31.18Legorolwhen the cast complete event arrives, is the target available from your addon
12:32.34AnduinLotharwell, i haven't decided how to impliment it finally.  Currently if you ask on SPELLCAST_STOP you have to ask for the last spell cast
12:33.06AnduinLotharon SPELLCAST_START you can ask for the current spell
12:33.57AnduinLotharand SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START
12:34.13AnduinLotharSPELLCAST_FAILED or SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED you have to ask for the previous
12:34.34AnduinLotharjust because that's when my variables are nil'd
12:34.52AnduinLotharbut i could set it to remember the current spell until the next spell is cast..
12:35.39AnduinLotharwhich might be more intuitive
12:52.49zespri|homehow do you set a window transparency?
12:53.57AnduinLotharvery carefully
12:59.37Corrodiaswith love
13:00.02zenzelezzgently nudge its alpha
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13:02.29esp|Synim guna give up on this mod
13:06.59zespri|homeesp, Anduin got it all figured for you and now you are going to give up? =)
13:07.38zespri|homeI'm just kidding, there seem to be no way to get cursor location or even simulating typing a key in the editbox
13:08.16AnduinLothareditbox+messaeframe ftw
13:08.29esp|Synwhich i dont know how to do
13:08.37esp|Synor understand the reasoning behind it
13:08.44zespri|hometoo messy
13:09.01AnduinLotharit's only messy if if it doesn't work :P
13:09.04esp|Synits to advanced for me lol
13:09.16esp|Syni dont know xml atall. and lua is still new to me :P
13:09.32zespri|homewhen are you going to return focus to the message frame, anduin?
13:09.56zespri|homebecause once editbox got focus you don;t really have a way to give it back
13:11.10zespri|homegood night
13:12.33AnduinLotharor WorldFrame OnMouseDown hook is fun too
13:13.31zespri|sleeps|loup he meant something different. we are discussing if it's possible to implement notepad that supports clickable hyperlinks. Anduins suggestion is to have messageframe on top of a chatbox that will get focus first when clicked. If you happen to click on a hyperlink it will display it, otherwise it will pass focus to the underlying chatbox
13:14.01AnduinLotharum, that's still how i would impliment it tho
13:14.40esp|Synescape closes the frame on mine
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13:14.42AnduinLotharjust add a messageframe:Show() in there
13:15.12AnduinLotharwell if the editbox is hidden it wond capture esc and esc will still close the frame
13:15.42AnduinLotharso if you're editing, one esc goes to msgframe, another closes
13:15.46zespri|sleepI just don;t see how this can work =) neither does esp, I think =)
13:15.50esp|Synhow would it know in the msgframe where to place the link?
13:15.56AnduinLotharI did it in ChatEdit
13:16.23AnduinLotharmsgframe is just the same content as the editbox
13:16.48AnduinLotharand since it wraps, you don't even have to make new lines..
13:17.19zespri|sleephow do you sync them and hwo do you make sure that cursosr will land in the right position when you click somewhere on the message frame?
13:17.47AnduinLotharsync is easy, as for cursor you don't worry about it, just mak them click twice
13:17.48esp|Synyou can sync the two. using the editbox's change event
13:18.14AnduinLothardont even need to sync on change, just syn it when you hide the editbox
13:21.43esp|Synright so i need to make a borerless invisible msgframe exactly the same size as my editbox
13:23.25AnduinLotharyup, same font, same fontsize
13:24.07esp|Synill try
13:24.17esp|Synlike i say i dont know xml :P so its copy past edit
13:25.28AnduinLotharso.... why doesn't the "mouseover" unitID work in a WorldFrame OnMouseUp hook..
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13:37.35esp|Syni have no idea how to define a messageframe
13:42.37Corrodiasrelevant to WoW:
13:48.28AnduinLotharzomg, cairenn's an early bird?
13:48.49CairennCairenn's an everythiing bird, it all depends on the day
13:52.15zenzelezzCairenn's a pretty bird (I'm sure)
13:52.45krka|workall internet females are per definition hawt!
13:52.48esp|Synwhere the hell are u guys from ?:/
13:52.59Corrodiaseverything bird? like... a "giving money to Corrodias bird" one of these days?
13:53.05KTwombleyI find PVP to be unfunny about 95% of the time
13:53.07krka|work(even the ones who only pretend to be female)
13:53.09Cairennesp|Syn: depends who you ask
13:53.21esp|Synit just seems to me, that my timezone is WAY out
13:53.22krka|workno! we must answer as a unit
13:53.29Cairennkrka|work: lol
13:53.30krka|workwe are from sweden
13:53.31esp|SynWhat time is it for you lot ?
13:53.32Corrodiashe said unit
13:53.44KTwombleyI'm from the USA
13:53.54krka|workno! sweden
13:53.56Cairenn<== Canadian
13:54.04krka|workyou're not conforming
13:54.08Cairennfrom sweden ;)
13:54.10esp|Syn<< British
13:54.52Cairenn10 am where I'm sitting
13:54.55AnduinLotharCalifornia... and it's 7am and i'm still up
13:55.14esp|Syn3pm here
13:55.27krka|work16.00 here... and still up
13:55.32esp|Syni was up till 5am this morning working on this damnable mod, and woke up at 11 again :(
13:56.34Cairennyou may find that of interest
13:56.48Cairenneven if it is desperately outdated at this point
13:57.01KTwombleybam! addified!
13:57.15EndI too am from Sweden!
13:57.18End(but not)
13:57.25KTwombleyI would like to visit Sweden!
13:58.04krka|workwhy? all we have here now is nice weather and hot naked women :/
13:58.10esp|Synim happy here in merry ole england :D
13:58.39KTwombleyI live in a college town, so there's plenty of hot women. However, I don't throw enough parties, so there's a shortage of naked ones.
13:59.25esp|Syni have a gf
13:59.32esp|Synand .. she has a gf
13:59.41esp|Synso i guess technically i have two gf's
13:59.51krka|workcool, now i am on frappr wowuicommunity
13:59.52krka|workyay me
13:59.52KTwombleyshut yo mouf
14:04.04esp|Synproblem with this messageframe thing
14:04.09esp|Synthe text fades..
14:04.17Corrodiasi am in wisconsin, which shall REMAIN UNMAPPED
14:04.36KTwombleyI ENJOY YOUR CHEESE
14:05.10Corrodiasi wish i had some colby right now
14:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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14:07.44KTwombleywhen I'm in wisconsin (not frequently) I always get fresh cheese curds
14:08.14Corrodiasthis mild swiss will do
14:08.29AnduinLotharmmm i have colby in the fridge
14:08.41AnduinLotharbut it's california cheese
14:08.48Corrodiasdamn you, you've bested me, again
14:09.07esp|Synmy messageframe isnt working
14:10.18esp|Synanyone who knows xml.. i need that Hyper_Messageframe to go over the top of the Hyper_editbox
14:12.12AnduinLotharyou know your editbox and message frame have sizes off by a factor of 10
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14:13.26esp|Syni changed the original editbox size, so that i could see if the messageframe is there
14:13.37esp|Synthe message frame isnt there
14:14.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
14:14.56AnduinLotharjust SetAllPoints
14:15.04AnduinLotharthen they'll be the same size
14:15.19esp|Syni have no idea what "SetAllPoints" means
14:15.23esp|Synbut ill look at the wiki
14:16.00AnduinLotharin the onload of Hyper_MessageFrame: this:SetAllPoints(Hyper_NotepadEditBox)
14:16.20AnduinLotharthen you can remove the MessageFrame's size and anchors tags
14:16.46Corrodiasi have your solution right here: NEEDS MORE 80'S MUSIC
14:17.14AnduinLotharalso, OnClick should do a Hyper_NotepadEditBox:SetFocus();
14:17.33Corrodiaspop a copy of Wap Bam Boogie in there and all will be peaches and cream.
14:18.48Enduh oh
14:18.51Endwdn borked
14:19.10Endall pages are now the index page
14:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
14:30.03esp|Synon escape. you set focus, then hide it
14:30.55AnduinLotharyeah, think i might have confused SetFocus() with ClearFocus()
14:31.09AnduinLotharnot that it matters. if you hide it
14:31.25esp|SynSetFocus returns an error
14:31.40esp|Syn"attempt to call method SetFocus a nil value"
14:31.55AnduinLotharoh, on the MessageFrame?
14:32.13esp|Synthe onescapepressed
14:32.17esp|Synof notepadeditbox
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14:33.56AnduinLotharshould be fine if you just delete that line
14:37.25esp|Synthis is odd
14:38.46esp|Syn[string "Hyper_NotepadEditBox: OnEscapePressed"]:2: attempt to call method 'SetFocus' (a nil value)
14:39.41esp|Synlol hold on
14:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (i=the_real@
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14:47.24Cairennsweet dreams And
14:51.15Maldiviahmm, why isn't PTR up yet... *sob*
14:52.34MoonWolfdo we even have patch notes ?
14:53.36Cairennwe've had patch notes since last week
14:54.06Industrialpatch notes for what? 1.12?
14:54.15Maldiviawell, the patch notes are very spare, concerning UI changes
14:54.23Industrial[Wobin]: SQUEEEEEEEZE
14:54.26Maldiviayes, 1.12
14:54.55Cairenn[Wobin]: awwwwwww
14:55.15[Wobin]has more photos =)
14:55.50esp|Synok AnduinLothar
14:56.01esp|Synthe editbox nor messageframe work :/
14:57.02*** part/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:57.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:57.59Maldiviaseems they've implemented more or less every aspect of SCT into 1.12
14:58.46MoonWolfwhere , what ?
14:59.08Maldiviathe Blizzard_CombatText addon, implemented in 1.12
14:59.40[Wobin]New floating combat text has been added to the game with a number of options. You can see when you take damage, when you are healed and how much, when you acquire and lose auras and much more. You can turn on the new options in the newly revised options screen.
15:00.03MoonWolfnow do the damn auction interface damnit.
15:00.13wereHamsterwhere can I download the PTR client ?
15:01.07MaldiviaI'm a bit intrigued by this global string:
15:01.08MaldiviaCHAT_FILTERED = "Unable to send chat to %s because your message contained reserved words.";
15:02.12wereHamsterMaldivia, is that also for the enGB cliwent?
15:02.24Maldiviathat would be then
15:03.05MaldiviaI'm looking forward to the PTR actually comming up, so I can see this in action
15:03.32Maldivianew chat msg events for BATTLEGROUND and BATTLEGROUND_LEADER - looks like we'll auto join a "raid" when entering BGs now ?
15:04.03wereHamsterWTF? the character copy page didn't ask me for a name..
15:04.14wereHamsterI hope I don't have 'Awarrior'
15:04.28Maldiviatry again
15:04.33wereHamsterbut it seems so..
15:04.43*** join/#wowi-lounge digix_ (
15:05.01wereHamster1 copy remaining.. :-/
15:05.04Maldiviahmm, new delete item confirmation for blue+ items - you have to write "delete" to delete them...
15:05.29MoonWolfthats not a bad idea
15:06.08Maldiviahmm... AURASTOLENOTHERSELF = "%s steals your %s."; <-- can you steal buffs ?
15:06.13MoonWolfwhere the hell are you reading all that ?
15:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|Work (i=WoWGuruJ@
15:06.29MaldiviaI'm looking in GlobalStrings.lua right now :)
15:06.37Meryprolly for the sand gathting pvp stuff in silithus
15:06.50MoonWolfwe demand patchnotes.
15:07.32krka|workspammer cair :P
15:07.36MaldiviaWorld PvP will be hard on hunters and Warlocks...
15:07.47MoonWolfthank you very much Cairenn
15:07.50Cairennhe obviously didn't see hte link first time, but whatever, sure, I'm a spammer
15:07.56esp|Synwhats the arg on :SetFocus?
15:07.57Maldiviathey just got used to having their pets auto-ressurrected in BGs
15:08.07Maldiviaesp|Syn: there are none
15:08.07MoonWolfwait, first time /
15:08.22esp|Synso why has it got :SetFocus(1) :/
15:08.45krka|workdog bites man -> man bites dog -> man rapes dog -> dog rapes man
15:09.01Maldiviaesp|Syn: well, someone apparently though it took a bool - it doesn't
15:09.01krka|workhmm, wrong channel
15:09.23Maldiviaesp|Syn: :SetFocus()  and  :ClearFocus()
15:09.30MoonWolfi love that deserter change
15:09.40Maldiviaticks off when offline ?
15:09.45MoonWolfpeople who genuinely go afk are no longer affected by it.
15:09.47MoonWolfMaldivia, yeah.
15:10.19esp|SynOk yea
15:10.23Maldiviawhat I really like is the V-changes
15:10.25esp|Synthis mod it too difficult for me
15:10.32esp|Syni dont know enough about xml to do it
15:12.07Maldiviaohh, raid boss emotes are now shown as "warnings" in the center of the screen
15:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
15:18.24Maldiviahmm, warlock hard tracker for the G15 display
15:26.28esp|Syndoes anyone know the name of the space game, where u have to destroy the asteroids to collect resources, so u can research weapons and stuff
15:29.28Mr_Rabies2are there any inventory searching or sorting addons? sometimes i have the hardest time rooting through my inventory to find my FR pants and stuff :x
15:31.15Wobinesp|Syn: Eve Online?
15:31.33esp|Synnot an mmo
15:31.41Wobinoh, no idea then
15:31.42esp|Synits an old game
15:31.48Wobinnight all
15:31.50MoonWolfor if we are talking really old
15:31.52Cairennnight Wobin
15:31.53MoonWolfREALLY OLD
15:32.01esp|Synnaa its a topdown
15:32.26MoonWolfsidescroller ?
15:32.29esp|Synu have this round homebase spaceship thing, and u contol another one u have to fly out and get resources
15:32.45MoonWolfXcom ?
15:32.59esp|Synits a shareware game
15:33.23MoonWolfnot a  clue
15:33.42RelSleepsomething like that
15:33.55RelSleepwhere you got a map of systems and such
15:34.09esp|Synit is something like that
15:34.51esp|Synmoonpod :D
15:35.04RelSleepmoonpod's the company I thing
15:35.10esp|Synis the game :P
15:35.22esp|Synlove you RelSleep
15:35.22RelSleepit's fun ^^
15:35.27RelSleepbut a bit repetative...
15:35.35RelSleepnp esp
15:35.41esp|Synits addictive
15:36.05RelSleepwell, i'm off now :) cya
15:37.10Mr_Rabies2is this addonmsg thing gonna hopefully be the end of random d/cs from addons that communicate via channels?
15:38.01Cairennnight RelSleep
16:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge End (n=end@
16:34.41zenzelezzsomehow WoW has decided that I don't want to play anymore
16:39.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
16:39.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:39.56zenzelezzlove when guild chat goes something like "Anyone else having bad lag?" "Yes, deep red latency" "no just lag" "no 93ms" "140 ms here" "[Disconnected from server]"
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17:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
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17:36.02Beladonaneed opinions on the functionality of this:
17:38.30KirovBeladona - no diff?
17:38.58Beladonathat page is meant for only displaying the latest files
17:39.08Beladonayou can get the diffs through the main page
17:39.37Kirovlatest live and test?
17:41.08Beladonathe file links are static as well
17:41.27Beladonain other words, the same link will work even if the page is updated
17:41.42Kirovunless a file is removed
17:42.09Beladonahence the disclaimer that I still recommend people link to that page, and not to the files
17:42.49KirovWell, it serves it's purpose, though one visual comment I'd make is change the color of your "file system" lines
17:43.10Kirovthey're white on a white background ... so, kinda a waste to have them there at all. =)
17:43.24Beladonayeah, I know
17:43.29Beladonathat was a bit of a low priority thing
17:43.50KirovThe other is I'd still show at least a file diff of what files were added, removed
17:44.30Kirovcould just give a gray background to those files that don't exist in the other version
17:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
17:49.26Kirovalso, there's no link to the main page on this one
17:50.13Beladonaits coming
17:50.31Beladonaand I don't plan to have a file diff for the latest files
17:50.50Beladonait is way too difficult to maintain a file diff for two sets of files that may have no relation to each other
17:51.04wereHamsterBeladona, nice, but since I've fallen in love with tabbed browsing I kinda hate java scripts that open a new window :(
17:51.11Beladonathe live server may get updated 3 or 4 times before a new test version goes up
17:52.11BeladonaI didn't want to open a large new window for code view
17:54.23Kirovif firefox or ie7.0+, don't open as a new window?
17:55.39Kirovor, make it an option
17:55.53Kirovjust like a check box someplace
17:56.14Beladonawhich requires that I keep cookies
17:56.36KirovAnd then you can track our porn habits and sell them
17:56.36Beladonanot really interested in it to be honest
17:56.57BeladonaI can make it show in a full window, I just thought it looked crappy
17:57.25Beladonanavigation links are up on those pages
18:00.32KirovThey just barely fit in that corner
18:02.56Beladonaremoved the popup
18:03.02Beladonanow it shows in a full window
18:25.19zenzelezzgame is just unplayable today... something's up with the European servers; or at least some of them
18:25.54Kirovthe servers rooms are running low on hamster food
18:26.25zenzelezzalthough my latency had been higher than before the "fix" recently, it wasn't generally bad... but a few hours ago it skyrocketed
18:26.44zenzelezzand not just for me, according to the forums; people from everywhere/different servers and ISPs
18:27.26zenzelezzit's pretty much the same as they had some weeks ago
18:34.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
18:44.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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18:50.32Kirovshould I release a beta version of STranq with working timer bars, but not much else?
18:58.59Iriel|workingSure, anyone who is interested will fiddle, and you may get feedback.
18:59.05Iriel|workingWorst case is nobody downloads it.
18:59.11ckknight_hey all, back
19:01.31Tain"And Iriel fiddled as Molten Core burned."
19:02.07Iriel|workingI think the fiddle would be a cool instrument to be able to play
19:02.18Iriel|workingthough the learning process would be painful for myself and anyone in the vicinity
19:02.31TainAs someone with no musical talent, I think any instrument would be a cool one to be able to play.
19:03.47TainHell I've seen Bela Fleck a few times, that man can rock a banjo.
19:04.58Iriel|workingThe banjo is pretty cool sounding also. I heard him on the radio a while back talking about it.
19:06.46Iriel|working(acoustic guitar)
19:09.31TainHe actually has the most amazing bass player I've ever seen in his band also, Victor Wooten.
19:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
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19:39.51Mikkyou need to be nailed to the channel =)
19:39.58ckknightmy connection is shoddy
19:40.08Mikkayed i know
19:48.41Kirovhmm.. is curse upload dead?
19:48.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
19:48.54SilverShadowAre you having problems too?
19:49.18SilverShadowGiving you an error or just not showing up?
19:49.37KirovError, Upload fail, please retry
19:49.43SilverShadowHrm. Gimme a min.
19:55.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
19:55.07Enduh oh
19:55.10Endlost power
19:55.10zinor`upload fail
19:55.12*** join/#wowi-lounge TeBeCo (
19:55.20TeBeCohie all
19:55.21EndI'll be getting disconnected here shortly
19:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
19:55.53TeBeCoare there anyone who have an entire list of all special caracter we can print one Chat Frame ?
19:56.02TeBeColike the => " <= for exemple
19:56.12*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (
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19:57.10TeBeConobody awake ?
19:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
19:57.45SilverShadowI'm not sure what you are asking for honestly.
19:58.09esp|Synquick question, what program can view the wow .blp files?
19:58.36KirovBy themselves?
19:58.40Kirovnot many
19:59.07KirovI know there is one, but it's old, and was made for Warcraft 3 so it's not terribly accurate
19:59.10esp|Synjust wana preview em before using them
19:59.15KirovMyWarcraftStudio is good though
19:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:59.31KirovLets you browse the packages and look at the contents
19:59.41Kirovincluding the .blp files
19:59.55Kirovyou can export them to .tga (though the exporter is bugged and flips them vertically)
20:00.07esp|Syni only need to see them
20:00.09esp|Synso i can pick a frame
20:00.22Mikkmake an in-game browser
20:00.32Mikkthen give the code to me so i can integrate it in my ui editor =)
20:00.54Mikkhang on, i'll give you a full list of all blps in the ui
20:01.42KirovMikk - you ever get a response from slouken about the SetPoint issue?
20:01.44esp|Synits ok i used the wow extract in the firs place, but
20:01.49esp|Synthis program works fine :)
20:02.03MikkKirov: good question. checking mail now.
20:02.45Mikklaggy webmail ftl
20:03.24Mikknope, nothing
20:03.38Mikki suspect the answer might be "don't do that"
20:03.39Kiroviriel - did you hear about this btw?
20:03.44Mikksince there's plenty of workarounds
20:03.53Mikkfor 99% of cases anyway
20:04.05KirovMikk - true, and blizzard doesn't usually chain 20 frames together
20:04.19Kirovit's usually one frame with 20 frames chained to it
20:04.35Mikkand chaining 20 frames to eachother still works fine if you just attach ONE point
20:04.44Mikkit's when you attach 2 points to the previous one that things go south
20:05.06Mikki solved the problem for me by only attaching topleft to previous bottomleft, and then attaching right to a top level object's right
20:05.16Mikk0.000 secs for 30 objects
20:05.41KirovI might try that
20:06.02Kirovwon't make my code any more complex
20:06.25Mikkwonder if it's doing something along the lines of "shortest path first"
20:06.28Mikkor something
20:06.33Mikkcould test it by attaching three points
20:06.49Mikkif i'm right it'll be O(N^3) then =P
20:07.37krkashortest path first for frame stuff?
20:07.39krkaseems odd
20:07.45Mikkwell not exactly
20:08.00Mikkbut if you only chain one point in a long chain of frames, it's O(n)
20:08.10Mikkbut if you attach two, it suddenly becomes O(n^2)
20:08.24Mikki.e. 20 seconds to create a chain of 24 frames
20:08.32krkawhat is a chain?
20:08.58Kirovwhat's the free image upload site with the frog icon?
20:09.14esp|Synwhat foolish mistake have a made here?
20:09.16MikkFor each frame, you do e.g. SetPoint("TOPLEFT", prevframe, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2); + SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", prevframe, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -2);
20:09.22TeBeCoI'm looking for "special caracter" list in order to print them with => DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage
20:09.24MikkIf you do those two, we have O(n^2);
20:09.37MikkTeBeCo: define special character
20:09.41TeBeCospecial caracter are for me caracter like => " ' @ è é ....
20:10.16TeBeCoMikk> you understood what i mean or not ?
20:10.38TeBeCoexemple for print  a "é" I have to write "\195\168"
20:10.38MikkEhhmmmm no, ... you mean you want a list of all Unicode characters other than a-z and 0-9
20:10.54MikkThat's tens of thousands
20:10.55Kirovesp|Syn -
20:10.57TeBeCoi'm looking for the wall table
20:11.30Mikkactually, you don't have to write that at all. all you have to do is use a text editor that can save as UTF-8
20:11.43TeBeCoMikk> If you want to print this message => Addon : "toto" succefully loaded
20:11.50TeBeCoWITH ths quote
20:11.55TeBeCoand with DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage
20:11.56krkahmm.. cant you use string.byte or something to extract those numbers?
20:12.04TeBeCohow to insert the quote into ?
20:12.10MikkDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('Addon : "toto" successfully loaded');
20:12.12Kirov"Addon: \"toto\" succesfully loaded"
20:12.19esp|Synwhats this ?
20:12.27Kirovesp|Syn - xml validator
20:12.29KTwombleylua should let you nest quotes as long as you use a different type.
20:12.36esp|Syni crashed it apparently :/
20:12.43Kirovesp|Syn - lol
20:12.45esp|Synthats how bad my code is :(
20:12.48MikkOr ([[Addon : "toto" successfully loaded]])
20:12.53krkaor [[Addon : "toto" successfully loaded]]
20:13.33MikkOr "Addon : \034toto\034 successfully loaded"
20:13.37Mikkor or or
20:13.55Mikkformat("Addon : %ctoto%c successfully loaded", 34, 34);
20:13.56Mikkor or or
20:14.36TeBeCoMikk> i'll test it soon thaks :)
20:14.49Mikk"Addon : " .. strchar(34) .. "toto" .. strchar(34) .. " successfully loaded"
20:15.11MikkTeBeCo: What you probably want most of all is
20:15.35TeBeCosorry for my english, i'm french so it's diffuclt to explain what i mean :)
20:15.43MikkNote that only the 0-127 ones will work correctly in WoW. 128 and upwards are used for Unicode encoding
20:16.07TeBeCoMikk> i arlready know ascii table, but i really don't know LUA programmation for now
20:16.26MikkAight =)
20:16.26KTwombleyI think the easiest way would be to just escape the quotes.
20:16.54MikkNoooooo! You have to write a base64 decoder in Lua and then store the strings as base64 chunks in the addon!
20:17.01Beladonadon't mind us, we have too much time to screw around with coding tricks
20:17.12krkahmm... what happens if you do string.byte("ö") in wow?
20:17.35KTwombleyIf you write something and think to yourself "wow, that was clever", you probably did something wrong. :_
20:17.39Mikkit'll return the ascii character for it krka
20:17.43MikkLua doesn't know what Unicode is
20:17.47krkaah i see
20:17.59esp|Synhe removed the brain of a LIVING MONKEY!
20:18.02krkaonly the variable reader / saver does it?
20:18.14Mikkit doesn't know unicode either
20:18.16Mikkthe APIs do
20:18.25krkawhat APIs?
20:18.33Mikkthings that output text on screen
20:19.03Mikkthat's the beauty of utf-8. if you have a thing that supports standard ascii, it doesn't need to know much about UTF-8
20:19.11Mikkthe only problem is when you start splitting strings
20:19.18Mikkbecause you need to split on utf-8 character boundaries
20:19.36Mikkand if your string library doesn't know that 4 bytes in a string is actually a single letter... well ...
20:19.46Mikkor 3
20:19.47Mikkor 2
20:20.03krkaso... lua stores "ö" as \195\whatever or as an 8 bit char?
20:20.14Mikk8bit char
20:20.24Mikkor you mean in savedvaraibles?
20:20.25krkahow is that possible though?
20:20.28krkano, in game
20:20.30Mikki haven't checked what Slouken's code does
20:20.41krkamust be more than 256 possible chars in game
20:20.57krkaso how is it stored?
20:21.00KTwombleydoes it just truncate it to 8 bits?
20:21.07Mikkwhere do you type your ö?
20:21.16krkaeditboxes et.c.
20:21.17Mikkin Lua source, or in an editbox in the game?
20:21.19Mikkah ok
20:21.22Mikki was thinking Lua source
20:21.36Mikkif you type it in an editbox in the game, it's going to arrive as an UTF-8 encoded character in your Lua variables
20:21.44Mikki.e. ~2ish bytes
20:21.47krkai see
20:22.19krkathen you can use string.byte to convert stuff
20:22.36krkafor TeBeCo
20:22.47Mikkyeah, for values 0-127
20:22.52KTwombleystring.byte doesn't look like it supports unicode, but it could just be hilariously misnamed. I don't know the API that well yet.
20:22.57Mikknot for letters with accents and stuff
20:23.02krkawhy not?
20:23.13TeBeCokrka> so do you have an URL of the wall table of the \195\xxx caratcer ?
20:23.37krkathe lua string "å" should be [195 224] or something like that
20:23.38Mikkthat table is tens of thousands of letters
20:23.46KTwombleyunicode characters are 1 or 2 bytes long. the "normal" characters you would normally type are 1 byte long, the "extended" (stuff with accents and stuff) are 2 bytes long.
20:23.49krkaso just output \195\224
20:23.57krkaor have i misunderstood
20:24.00Mikkkrka: no, the lua string "å" is a single byte
20:24.12krkaif å is entered in game?
20:24.12Mikkhowever, if you want to output "å" in the game, it's those two bytes you put down
20:24.38krkaif i type å in an editbox, it should store it as a 2 bytes, right?
20:24.48krkayou're confusing me
20:24.51KTwombleyif you just so happen to try byte-wise operations on a unicode string, it'll work if all of the unicode characters are coincidentally part of the 1-byte variety.
20:25.05TeBeCook thanks to AnduinLothar  he give what i need
20:25.13TeBeCosee you later :)
20:25.23Mikkok .. umm.... the Lua parser doesn't know wtf unicode is
20:25.27Mikkit only understands ascii
20:25.30AnduinLotharyou want the UTF-dec collumn
20:25.47Mikkwhen we feed it UTF-8 bytes, it just thinks it's strings of extended ascii (128-255) characters
20:25.52KirovAnduinLothar - he left already
20:26.02krkasure, but that's irrelevant.... if a char is entered from an editbox it is stored as unicode
20:26.03KirovAnduinLothar - I was typing the same thing when he signed off
20:26.05Mikkso.. if you put "å" in lua source, the string will contain a single byte
20:26.13Mikkbut it won't work properly anywhere meaningful
20:26.18krkanot talking about lua source, at all
20:26.30Mikkif you try to output it in-game, you'll find that "å" is an invalid unicode character encoding
20:26.32KTwombleywhy wouldn't it think it's 2 bytes?
20:27.13Mikkso... ignoring my ramblings about hardcoding stuff in Lua sources...
20:27.30Mikkyes, everything that isn't base ascii (0-127), will appear as utf-8 encoded letters (2--4 bytes)
20:28.27KTwombleywell i guess the confusion is what chunk of the table "å" falls into.
20:28.44Mikkextended ascii = not valid to use in WoW APIs
20:28.55Mikk\195\224 is
20:29.14krka\195 is clearly higher than 127 :P
20:29.30EndI have power again!
20:29.51KirovEnd - you were keeping yourself on irc this whole time by peddling?
20:30.00Endno, ups
20:30.27Endbut I only had a few minutes left though
20:30.31Endand had to switch to a laptop
20:30.51End(the machine irssi runs on is on a good ups)
20:30.59End(and it's under a screen session
20:31.26krkahmm... i just realized that FAIAP is mean to unicode
20:31.37krkamight have to fix that at some point
20:31.40Mikkpeddling is for the weak minded. hamsters and little sticks smeared with tabasco is the way to do it.
20:32.10EndCairenn is Chuck Norris?
20:33.00krkameh, i probably need to do some sort of nextCharacter-function
20:33.06krkathat handles unicode correctly
20:35.52EndI'm back on the laptop again
20:35.55Endpower went out again
20:36.52Endand power is back!
20:36.59esp|Syni know its only a monkey.. but.. christ
20:37.09Endmaybe I'll just stick to using the laptop for the time being
20:38.52Mikkgnah. i'm very tempted to make a packet sniffer that goes "ding" when someone whispers me
20:39.13Mikkexcept it's probably against TOS
20:39.22wereHamsterwhat do you think of lavasoft's Ad-Aware? is that a adware itself or is it a serious application?
20:39.29Mikkit's a serious app
20:39.40KirovAd-Aware = good
20:40.09Mikkit also complains a LOT about banner company cookies in your cookie files to make you think it's doing a helluva job =)
20:40.12KTwombleyalso use spybot search & destroy and ewido.
20:40.36KTwombleynone of them get everything.
20:40.39krkaor just get another OS
20:40.42esp|SynQuestion for you.. if you body was going to die, and ure body couldnt support you anymore, would you accept a donor "body"?
20:40.53KTwombleysure, especially if it was hot.
20:40.54Mikkwhy not? o.O
20:41.16esp|Synthe thought just makes me feel.. ugh
20:41.28Mikki dunno. i guess i identify more with my mind than my body.
20:41.46wereHamsternot that I'd need it, but I've seend lots of adware on friends' computers lately
20:42.03krkanew body, hell yeah!
20:42.07Mikkhell, i'd swap for fresh well-trained ones once a year so I could be a trim couchpotato =)
20:42.10krkaimmorality, here i come!
20:42.23esp|Synure brain still ages
20:42.29esp|Synand there talking about whole heads
20:42.31esp|Synnot just brain
20:42.33esp|Synure face goes with ya
20:42.37Mikkeven better
20:42.51esp|Synthey did it to a monkey
20:42.55Mikkthen i'd have no problem with it whatsoever =)
20:43.21Mikk(assuming it's safe etc)
20:43.29KTwombleyif you didn't have any age-related brain diseases, you'd be just fine.
20:43.39Kirovmy 90 year old head on top of some recently dead 20 something's
20:43.44KTwombleyone of the strengths / weaknesses of the brain is that past a certain age it really doesn't change.
20:44.16Mikkexcept arteries go paper thin and shit
20:45.05Mikkto be quite frank, it wouldn't surprise me much if this was a reality 50 years from now
20:45.28Mikkjust a quick scrape in your mouth, wait 19 years, and get a new fresh body =)
20:45.47Mikk(your own!)
20:46.02esp|Synlol cloning
20:46.06esp|Synnever guna happen
20:46.15Kirovwhy not?
20:46.19esp|Synto many pussies in the world would scream and cry and hold there breath
20:46.35esp|Synscience is controlled by the public and the media
20:46.37Mikkassume the clone could be created without higher brain functions
20:46.43Mikkwould it suffer?
20:46.43Kiroveffectively "cloning" organs is a huge thing right now
20:46.45esp|Synand its the loudest whiners that win the arguments
20:46.59KTwombleyscience is controlled by the scientists.
20:47.05Beladonaon that note Mikk, assume clones could be created with greater access to higher brain functions
20:47.10esp|Synthere trying to stop testing on un-fertalized eggs!
20:47.15esp|Synthat would be binned anyway
20:47.18KTwombleyname an invention that we've declined to invent because of public sentiment?
20:47.30MikkBeladona: that wouldn't do ME any good! =P
20:47.33gnorlishpublic abortion-o-matic
20:47.39KTwombleyHell, cloning is well under way despite legal problems in the US.
20:47.47krkathe time machine KTwombley!
20:47.49Beladonathat thought brings to mind the eugenics war in the Star Trek universe
20:47.55Beladonawhich is exactly what they did
20:48.04krkaand the perpetual machine
20:48.21KTwombleyat least in the USA abortion is relatively available outside of the bible belt, but that's not the point: we do have abortion despite the protests of lots and lots of people.
20:48.27KTwombleycloning will be the same way.
20:49.18esp|SynYou make a good point
20:49.33esp|Synthere isnt anything i can think of that public oppinion has stopped
20:49.39esp|Synin any way.. other than no paying for it
20:49.42Beladonathere are other issues one has to consider. Are cognitive abilities, and intellect such as all of the things you have learned trasferrable to a new body? no one knows if the essence or impulses that powers your body is capable of transferring the data contained in your brain
20:49.47esp|Synwhich is basically just money based
20:49.56Beladonaor if you would have to be re-taught
20:50.00KTwombleythat's just a load of crap.
20:50.03KTwombleyyour brain is your mind.
20:50.12MikkBeladona: but we're already swapping out lots of parts
20:50.13BeladonaI disagree
20:50.28MikkGranted, noone's e.g. swapped out their entire spinal column
20:50.28KTwombleywell, feel free to disagree with 100% of established neuroscience if you'd like.
20:50.32esp|SynYour brain contains everything you are
20:50.52esp|Synpeople can lose all function of there spine
20:50.56KirovTaking your brain and sticking on a new body, it would effectively have to relearn how to function again.
20:50.59esp|Synand still be themselves.. just you know.. paralized
20:51.02BeladonaI don't disagree with your brain being your mind
20:51.12MikkKirov: true
20:51.12BeladonaI disagree with the thought that it can be trasferred
20:51.18esp|Syni dont
20:51.24KTwombleywhat is the nature of your disagreement?
20:51.30KirovBeladona - the idea is to remove someone's entire head and reattach it to the new body.
20:51.37Beladonaare you talking full brain transplant?
20:51.41KTwombleythat it is impossible as a de facto situation of nature, or that we simply are unable to do so?
20:51.42esp|Synfull HEAd
20:51.46esp|Synits possible
20:51.47Beladonaor some form of data trasfer from one brain to another?
20:51.48esp|Synits been done
20:51.50krkathe connections to the muscles and nerves might not be exactly as before
20:52.01krkayou'd have to retrain your mind to fit the new body
20:52.05esp|Synthe only function were currently lacking
20:52.13esp|Synis the ability to re-attach the spine
20:52.14Beladonawhich brings to mind the necessity for therapy and re-training
20:52.22esp|Syni agree with that
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20:52.28esp|Synnew body. you will have problems
20:52.31Beladonaand who knows how MUCH re-training?
20:52.34KTwombleyI don't think we were making the claim that it'd be an out-patient procedure :)
20:52.41esp|SynAND there is the MUCH bigger risk
20:52.45esp|Synof rejection
20:52.46KirovI'd imagine it'd be similar to having a stroke
20:52.51Mikkesp|Syn: not if it's a clone
20:52.55esp|Synclone no
20:52.57krkawe geeks always face that risk
20:53.00esp|Synbut im not talking just clone
20:53.06Mikkkrka: laf
20:53.08KirovYour brain would have to relearn what signals mean and do what in your body.
20:53.12KTwombleythe body's nervous system is all basic I/O
20:53.19Beladonapersonally I don't think we will see the ability to transfer to a new body before we will see the ability to digitize and store the mind
20:53.25esp|Synahh but the brain can re-learn things at an amazing rate
20:53.26KTwombleythey can add extra digits, extra arms and legs to lab animals
20:53.33Beladonaand therefore transfer it
20:53.37KTwombleyand they know how to use them pretty quickly
20:53.43esp|Synif you were to flip you vision
20:53.45krkafour arms would pwn
20:53.52esp|Synwithin 30 mins, you would be seeing normally
20:53.53krkaand eyes in the back of the head
20:54.02Beladonabut then, how do we know a digitized mind is really you?
20:54.06esp|Synno.. as in seeing upside down lol
20:54.16krkaand eyes in my hands, would rock
20:54.21KTwombleytransferring to a new body is much easier than digitally storing the mind.
20:54.31esp|Synwhat worries me
20:54.36KirovThey've done experiments where they've taking people who are blind and reattached their cervical cord to the part of the brain that hears, and the brain adapts to the new stimuli and they're eventually able to see again.
20:54.37esp|Synis... if you have a clone
20:54.37KTwombleythere are more possible brain configurations than particles in the universe
20:54.40esp|Synwith a copy of your mind
20:54.43Mikkno kidding. brains are severely nondigital.
20:54.53esp|Synaka that film with Swartzanegga(sp)
20:54.56krkaKTwombley that doesn't really say much
20:55.01esp|SynIs it really you?
20:55.14krkaalmost all non-trivial configurations exceed number of particles in the universe
20:55.17esp|Synsurly .. its another version of you.. so u dont prelong your life.. you still die
20:55.18krkaincluding IPv6
20:55.21KTwombleythe point being, that if yu want to store this in a computer, it's going to have to be bigger than the universe.
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20:55.30Beladonathis is all assuming that one can transfer the physical brain from one body to another and expect it to remain inteact
20:55.30KTwombleyand that's a probem.
20:55.31krkanot true
20:55.38KTwombleysince the universe is the biggest thing we've got.
20:55.40Beladonaif not brain dead
20:55.46krkaonly takes log (#configs) to store ut
20:56.04esp|Synthey have done it
20:56.06Mikkyou only need 16 bytes to count past the number of particles in the universe
20:56.07krkasame way as the number 10000 only requires 16 bits
20:56.08esp|Synwith a monkey
20:56.12KirovConsidering that even synthetic digital neural nets aren't even fully understood yet, it's going to be a long long while before we can download stuff from the brain.
20:56.12BeladonaI agree they have done it
20:56.18Beladonabut was the person able to respond?
20:56.19KTwombleywe're not just counting particles.
20:56.20KirovAlmost everything we know about the brain is conjecture
20:56.24KTwombleywe're talking about interconnections.
20:56.26Beladonawas the brain cognitive?
20:56.27TainHoly crap this is awesome.  And that is not exaggeration.
20:56.27KTwombleythat's a power set.
20:56.30esp|Synyes Beladona
20:56.33Beladonashow me
20:56.39esp|Synits on tv now
20:56.44esp|Synchannel 5
20:56.52KirovTain - this the re-enactment?
20:57.01krkaobviously we can store the brain config without using the entire universe - it is already stored inside just one brain
20:57.06KTwombleyn^n * n^(n-1) * .. * 1
20:57.08krkayour logic fails KTwombley!
20:57.17esp|SynWhy not.. clone a blank brain
20:57.18esp|Synand use that?
20:57.27esp|Synlink it a computer that can read the signals
20:57.43esp|Synbiggest HDD ull ever need
20:57.51esp|Synimagine the PORN!
20:57.52KTwombleysure, of course we can, but not with our current technology, or anything we're likely to have within 50 years. That's my point; that we'll transfer brains to new bodies before we digitally store them.
20:58.04MikkKTwombley: agree
20:58.06esp|Synoh i dont know
20:58.06gnorlishi've met some people whose brains would most likely fit on a 3.5" floppy disk
20:58.14esp|Syn50 years is a HUGE ammount of time nowerdays
20:58.16krkaagreed gnorlish
20:58.37Mikkthe problem is that brains aren't about "storing information", it's about interconnecting information
20:58.43KTwombleystorage space does not follow moore's law.
20:58.49Mikka digital computer doesn't really work
20:58.51krkaspeak for yourself! mine is just storage
20:58.52KTwombleyyep, that's why it's a power series.
20:58.53Mikksome other type of computer... perhaps
20:59.00Beladonabio technology =D
20:59.04esp|Synu watching on tv Beladona?
20:59.10BeladonaI am at work
20:59.26krkasleep time
20:59.29KTwombleyso if you're talking about storing a brain's configuration via another brain, well that's meatworks. you're talking about cloning.
20:59.44KTwombleyor the functional equivilant.
21:00.02esp|Synthats the only way to go for computers now
21:00.06Beladonanot if we could successfully replicate the workings of a brain, but in a closed unit meant for data storage
21:00.18esp|Synthere isnt much more we can squeeze out of a silicon chip
21:00.33esp|Synthere already looking at using bio material instead
21:00.34KTwombleythat's my point though, dude. With current technology, or anything on the way, we simply can't.
21:00.45esp|Syncurrently yes i agree
21:00.50esp|Synor should i say
21:00.52esp|Synas far as we know
21:00.56KTwombleysure, several hundred thousand years from now i'm sure they'll have that ironed out.
21:00.59Beladonananotubes are pretty interesting
21:01.01Mikkbeh. i'd hate to program an N-dimensional computer >.<
21:01.05esp|SynYou have no idea whats being done. that we dont know about
21:01.06Beladonaas a replacement to silicon
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21:01.54Beladonacarbon nanotubes actually have huge uses in more than just technology
21:01.59Beladonamedical for one
21:02.38esp|Synporn for another
21:02.38KTwombley1 neuron = 1 state. 2 neurons = 2 states. 3 neurons = 8 states. 4 neurons = a fuckload.
21:02.38Beladonathey have used carbon nanotubes laced within certain vitamins to target and kill cancer cells without any damage to surrounding good tissue
21:03.01Mikko, cool
21:03.22esp|Synbaby raised by dogs!
21:03.25esp|SynCHANNEL 4!
21:03.39esp|Syn/change topic to ferral children
21:04.05Beladonagood read
21:04.11KirovI was raised by the rare black siberian poodle
21:04.18Beladonaanyway, now I am off to go home =D seeya laters
21:04.25Mikkseeya =)
21:04.29Beladonalol Kirov
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21:43.23KirovWas there ever a concensious on the global comm channel?
21:43.39KirovSloukenIsGod, or EatAtJoes?
21:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower___ (
21:48.55Iriel|workingI didn't hear any compelling argument (other than channel counts) for an approach other than "One channel per addon that needs it"
21:49.03Iriel|workingSince there aren't a whole lot of addons that DO need it
21:49.29AnduinLotharone channel per addon is horrendous imo
21:49.50AnduinLotharI think the most liked was GlobalComm
21:50.31AnduinLotharbut it's really up to the addon implimenters
21:50.37Mr_Rabies2they need to just have dedicated comm stuff that only addons can use and move the max # of comms way way up so that the d/c problems arent so bad
21:50.50AnduinLotharsince none of the active members have addons that use it it doesn't reall ymatter what they decide
21:50.57Iriel|workingAre there THAT many addons that need global interaction?
21:51.28Mr_Rabies2i'm getting random disconnects from sky, CTRA, and KTM occasionally
21:51.29AnduinLothardoesn't matter, it limits the amount of channels you can be in
21:51.34Mr_Rabies2maybe more, hard to tell
21:52.01Mr_Rabies2since i can't read lua like english like you guys :P
21:52.22AnduinLotharI know Meteorologist, MiniGames and CTA use a global atm
21:52.42Mr_Rabies2i disabled both of those because it was pretty bad d/c wise
21:52.50Mr_Rabies2damagemeter or whatever uses its own channel
21:53.00AnduinLothardm can use the new API
21:53.28Mr_Rabies2is the new "dedicated channel" thing for addons any less limited than the built in stuff?
21:53.51Mr_Rabies2like, can more comms go through this channel than the standard ones designed for chatting?
21:54.09AnduinLotharit's not a channel, it's completely sepperate, and yes, no drunkenness
21:54.29AnduinLotharbut the outgoign limits are the same
21:55.27Mr_Rabies2boo :[
21:58.06AnduinLotharthe proposal ck was workign on effectively got thrown out the window when slouken added the API. And I don't think a consensus on global channel will eb reached unless someone jsut decides or a lib becomes popular
21:59.27Mr_Rabies2i managed to get through an entire BWL run yesterday without disconnecting, woot
21:59.42TainI haven't had DamageMeters working at all for synching with people.
21:59.59Mr_Rabies2are the ptrs up yet?
22:00.59Mr_Rabies2 oh wow that makes me laugh a lot more than i expected it to
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22:14.06MentalPowerare all of the INVTYPE_FOOglobals defined?
22:14.29Kirovthis is the thing about vs. curse-gaming ... after 2 hours of a beta file being uploaded, it has 6 downloads.  on curse, in 1 hour it has 19
22:14.42KirovMentalPower - aye
22:14.46MentalPowercause I've seen two already INVTYPE_THROWN and INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT that are not
22:15.06Kirovdefined where?
22:15.25MentalPowergetglobal() returns nil
22:15.46Kirovmost curious, you're right
22:16.21MentalPowerand they are returned as valid equip locations by GetItemInfo()
22:16.59KirovThey're not defined on the test server either
22:20.53TemMentalPower, all the others have reasonable return values
22:21.28MentalPowerI know, I checked the GlobalStrings.lua file
22:21.39MentalPowerbut at least those two are no where to be found
22:23.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
22:25.58AnduinLotharawsome cide
22:33.30Mikma40% and i realized what song that is
22:34.06AbenadiI prefer
22:34.55Abenadibah that link seems to have a corrupted file... originally was on wow forums now i can't find it
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22:39.49MentalPowerLegorol: You around?
22:43.17Kirovthat answered that question
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22:47.41Shadowedso superman returns = good movie
22:48.21KirovAnd they're not going to make a second one
22:48.29Shadowedthey aren't?
22:48.59KirovIt had to break 200k by now or the studio was going to cancel the second one.
22:49.12KirovAparently the special effects of the first one cost a lot.
22:49.37ShadowedI see that the PTR is up by the way, has anything interesting been found yet?
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22:50.17KirovThe budget for Pirates 2 was maybe half that of Superman, even with all the actors they had, and did amazingly well first day.
22:50.45AnduinLotharcheeper sets
22:51.02AnduinLotharreusable special effects
22:51.27Kirovand Johny Depp, which will sell any movie
22:52.05zinor`Kirov, bug should be fixed now btw
22:52.41Kirovzinor - curse?
22:52.55KirovYeah, already uploaded, thanks. :)
22:54.13Shadowedi see they changed the options page
22:56.54Shadowedannnnd i already hate the formatting of the floating combat text
22:58.41zinor`which options page?
22:59.06ShadowedInterface Options is now full screen
22:59.43TainIf I knew Pirates was going to be a cliffhanger I might have waited.
23:00.11KirovDId you watch all of the credits?
23:00.44TainAfter the first one I figured had to sit through to the end
23:01.44KirovI think it's intended as a "look, see, he's still ok" moment, except from what we've seen before he's just going to be dead soon anyways.
23:02.11TainYeah exactly, for a split second I was like, "Oh that's cool!"  Then I rememebered the rest of what happened.
23:05.19Shadowedthey've changed how you do renaming for the "ADruid" ect guys
23:07.02AnduinLotharand they dissabled dirrect copy
23:07.39ShadowedThere floating combat text will need a lot of work before people use it it looks like though
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23:25.28KasoI wish there was a zone check or something on the Emeriss bossmod, its frustrating when grinding Hive'Regal
23:26.51KasoCide consider that a suggestion :>
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23:33.35clad|afkcan anyone connect to PTR?
23:33.48Shadowedclad|afk: it's going up and down about 10 times a minute
23:34.21ShadowedI was able to get in for about 5 minutes and test the FCT but nothing much besides that
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23:38.22cladhairei got in with 0.11.0
23:38.26cladhairehow'd that happen =)
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23:58.44kaidenhey guys, was SetBlendMode changed in 1.11.2?
23:59.14kaidenlike secretly changed? :]

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.