irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060716

00:13.17ckknightyou don't deserve it!
00:13.27MikkMy AddOn is hardlocking WoW on load =(
00:14.13MikkAnd it doesn't happen in WoWBench >.<
00:14.17Kirovthat's probably bad
00:14.27MikmaMikk: i had an interesting issue with /tiny <tab> lockup some time ago
00:14.56stryder_30Okay, I am using "local hour, minute = GetGameTime();" to get the game time for minutes and hours, can someone tell me or show me an example of how I would go about getting seconds as well?
00:15.13Mikkstryder_30: you can't during the first minute of play
00:15.23Mikkyou need to detect the first minute change and start your own timer from there
00:16.03KirovGetGameTime() is server time?
00:16.25Mikkit's also a bloody nuisance to figure out which day it is >.<
00:16.29stryder_30hmm... okay, so basiclly wait for a time change then start counting?
00:16.39KirovI just use time()
00:17.10Mikkaye. i recommend doing a GetTime() each time you see the minute change
00:17.31esp|Syn"I paid for the .zip trash and I am not paying again. .zip is the global universal archiever used by over 90% of those who use such utilities. No .zip file, no download, keep your ui."
00:17.31MikkKirov: And if the server is EST and the player is in Oz?
00:17.40KirovMikk - fuck em?
00:17.56Kirov(depends on the intent of the timer)
00:17.58esp|Synis it me.. or is that some assumtion that i care if he downloads it :/
00:18.31KirovYou using .rar?
00:18.37Kirovyeah, don't
00:18.41esp|Synwhy not?
00:18.42Kirovpeople get unhapp with rar
00:18.43esp|Synits better
00:18.47KirovYes, it is.
00:18.54esp|Syni dont really care
00:18.57Mikkthere's sooooo many people out there that just don't bloody know what to do with a rar file
00:19.00esp|Syn210 people are fine with .rar
00:19.00KirovAnd like that poster noted, most people have no idea what it is.
00:19.05Mikkjust generate your zips from winrar =)
00:19.05esp|Synso that 1 person can do without my mod
00:19.10Kirovmight as well release it in .tz
00:19.22esp|Synif they had winrar
00:19.25esp|Synthey could open .tz
00:19.31Mikkwinzip can too
00:19.35Mikkgogo .tz =)
00:20.40MikkAll interop problems miraculously go away
00:20.53MikkOr perhaps .arj
00:21.01Kirovback to the matter at hand, stryder - what are you using the time for?
00:24.26AnduinLotharmmm, good way to elimitate uneducated users mikk
00:25.30AnduinLothar"If you don't know what a .tz is this mod is too complicated for you"
00:25.55*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
00:26.37Kirov"if you do know what .tz is, then it still might be too much for you handle, but you're welcome to try"
00:27.57AnduinLotharwell i figure if they dont know what tz is and they look it up, then at least they've learned how to look things up
00:28.11Kiroval - since you've attempted crazy things with the SavedVariables: entry, can you define a table in a table?
00:28.23AnduinLotharsure, why not
00:28.36MikkKirov: of course
00:28.45Kirov## SavedVariables: MyMod.SavedStuff
00:28.49Mikklike that
00:28.53Krishnakis there a way to reload a addon from inside wow, when you update the scrips?
00:29.03KirovKrishnak - /console reloadui
00:29.07esp|Syn/console reloadui
00:29.24Krishnakthis loads even new content of the script?
00:29.32Krishnakif I changed the files?
00:29.38esp|SynKrishnak will load anything aslong as you havnt changed the .toc
00:29.40MikkKrishnak: yes
00:29.44AnduinLotharas long as you dotn add a new file, yes
00:29.45KirovKrishnak - If you change an already existing file, other than the .toc file, yes.
00:30.00Krishnakgood, thx
00:30.19esp|Syncan anyone tell me how i can hax my char and make it lvl 60 ?
00:30.42Kirovopen up a dos prompt, type format c:
00:30.51AnduinLotharso... Anyone here use Wardrobe-AL that wants to try some new changes to auto-swapping or are you all outfitter/itemrack/acewardrobe peeps
00:31.34esp|Syni was thinking something like if ( not life and Hours_online == 24 ) then Grindftw = 1
00:31.39AnduinLotharI'm attempting to make swapping for mounting and plaguelands smarter than the traditional even swapping
00:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
00:32.20AnduinLotharso like, it doesn't swap plaguelands while mounted, but queues it for after you dismount
00:32.22Kirovand what's the plaguelands swapping for?
00:32.40Kirovdawn trinket?
00:32.44esp|Syni thought plaguelands was a place :/
00:32.50AnduinLotharya and some people have +undead gear
00:33.40kergothanyone know of an in game notepad that can hold item links?
00:33.46kergothi want to jot down what gear i want from where :P
00:34.00esp|Synno but thats a nice idea
00:34.03AnduinLotharNotepad in Cosmos i believe added that feature
00:34.19AnduinLotharor someone tried, not sure if it was successful
00:34.25AnduinLotharsince i dont use it myself
00:34.39KirovTinypad doesn't  :(
00:35.28KirovI don't understand hyperlinks well enough to try myself
00:35.30AnduinLotharso I've got it so that you can enter a plaguezone mounted or unmounted and it will swap correctly and then swap back to the items you were using that you swapped out when entering. and if you were mounted it inherits the items you had on before you mounted, unless you're mounted when you exit
00:36.24AnduinLotharIt's fairly intuitive i think
00:36.49AnduinLotharmight have problems if you switch gear manually while in plaguelands, i'll have to test..
00:36.50esp|Synkergoth keep looking. and ill look into adapting one
00:37.00Kirovbut can it handle if you cross from plagueland to plagueland then back out?
00:37.37MikkInteresting... So, I'm trying to pop open a dropdown menu, where each command's position is dependent on the next ( SetPoint("TOPLEFT", myprevrow, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5) )
00:37.38Corrodiasso you basically have stored "non-plaguelands non-mounted", "plaguelands non-mounted", and "mounted" outfits?
00:37.47MikkIf I display 20 buttons.... it takes ~5 seconds to load
00:37.47AnduinLotharand if you dismount in combat it'll swap when you're out of combat
00:37.55MikkIf I display 30 buttons.... it takes .... too long to wait
00:38.47AnduinLotharactaully, no, it only stores 2 outfits, but they inherit from each other when they queue
00:39.29KirovMikk - each button in the dropdown menu you mena?
00:39.48MikkActually.. not "Open"
00:39.53MikkI'm CreateFrame()ing them
00:40.17MikkCreating 20 buttons x 3 (max 3 submenues) = 5 seconds
00:40.29MikkScary o.O
00:40.30*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
00:40.32Kirovnext seems bad
00:41.03Mikkdependent on the previous
00:41.18MikkThe SetPoint() example is correct =)
00:41.59KirovI just created my first mod to use CreateFrame ... so, not sure
00:42.07KirovAnd I'd have to see more of your code to make sense of it
00:42.18MikkHAH you're not gonna make sense of this one =)
00:42.23MikkI'm writing an in-game UI editor =P
00:42.41MikkRight now it's designing its own dropdown menus =P
00:43.30MikkLooks like it really really hates having this many frames with positions dependent on eachother though
00:44.15KirovI've tested my mod with up to 60 subframes all chained to eachother
00:44.53MikkTadaa. Executing time: Faster than I could see.
00:45.09MikkPut SetPoint() calls back in and ...
00:45.22Mikk5 second
00:45.28Mikkactually more like 10
00:46.04MikkCould be related to the fact that I'm binding TOPLEFT to BOTTOMLEFT and then TOPRIGHT to BOTTOMRIGHT
00:46.10MikkWhich is a bit redundant
00:46.56MikkHm no... changing the latter to RIGHT to RIGHT didn't help
00:47.34AnduinLotharuh ho.. i made it too smart
00:47.46MikkRemoving the SetPoint("RIGHT"...) completely worked though
00:47.52MikkOf course, now the button has the wrong width
00:47.56KirovMikk - before this last patch I tried with 60 frames ... no problems.
00:48.05KirovI just tried 60 again and my computer is locked up
00:48.07AnduinLotharit wont let me swap out of plangueland gear while in the plaguelands.. it just puts it right back on :)
00:48.29MikkInteresting. They broke something then.
00:49.23MikkSounds very exponential also, because I'm doing this with sets of 9 already with no discernible lag.
00:49.40KirovI guess I should cap my frames to 10 again
00:50.37AnduinLotharO.o if you swap the Seal of the dawl with your other trinket it removes the buff
00:51.22*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
00:51.23KirovIf you FD with seal of the dawn it sometimes removes the buff >.<
00:54.04esp|Synwhere is the frame information for book strored?
00:54.10kergothanyone know if the blizzard xp gain display in the middle of the screen can be disabled/hidden?
00:54.48KirovWho was looking in to that last night?
00:55.35esp|Synwhere is the frame information for book strored?
00:55.47esp|Synoops sorry for repeat :/
00:56.02esp|SynYou know ingame books
00:56.31AnduinLotharhmm, perhaps when swapping outfit manually i should merge it onto the unplague outfit..
00:56.35Kirovnot sure, but this mod would know
00:57.34AnduinLotharthis is more and more ludicrisly complicated everytime I think about it
00:57.53Mikkkergoth: probably
00:58.20Mikkjust search in framexml for the xp gained event
00:58.23Mikkwhatever its name is
00:58.46kergothhmm good idea
00:59.04kergothKirov: mikord was looking for it, since he added xp gain as an option in mikscrollingbattletext's notifications
01:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tonsofun|Serenit (
01:04.08MikkYep, I just checked up on it. The time it takes to do CreateFrame() + 2 x SetPoint() with relative positioning is severely exponential
01:04.20Mikk19: 0.34s, 20:0.65s, 21:1.34s, 22:2.65s
01:09.16MikkBut if I do just 1 SetPoint and then SetWidth and SetHeight, it's instant
01:09.26MikkBut I don't want to do SetWidth.... grmbl.
01:11.15Thrae|AwayMikk: Is the time taken because of the actual C SetPoint function, or the time it takes to FIND the SetPoint function to call?
01:11.15KirovDid yo make a nicely formatted example mod?
01:11.30Mikko yes
01:11.33Tonsofun|SerenitHi everyone, is there anywhere I might look to see if someone is already developing a particular mod, so that I can join that dev team rather than starting from scratch on my own?
01:11.40KirovI wonder if it's an issue with CreateFrame only
01:11.42Thrae|AwayMikk: Meaning, will your test case speed up by referencing something like local SetPoint = UIParent.SetPoint at top?
01:11.56MikkThrae|Away: Hmm.. I can't see the lookup causing more than a linear increase
01:12.12MikkEspecially since I just replaced it with a SetWidth and a loop of 20 became too quick for GetTime() to increase
01:12.18MikkWhich is the same lookup time
01:12.35Kirovexponential seems like SetPoint() is causing some sort of recursive look up each time.
01:12.45Thrae|AwayMikk: It's worth a shot. Maybe the SetPoint lookup is different.
01:12.58MikkI _seriously_ doubt it
01:12.59MikkBut ok
01:13.38CairennTonsofun|Serenit: if you tell us what it is you have in mind, I'm sure there will be someone in channel that will know if something similar already exists or not
01:14.11MikkThrae|Away: Ok, I tried it. The speedup was ... 0
01:14.30Thrae|AwayOK, OK.
01:15.54Thrae|AwayAre you calling Frame:Show() before Frame:SetPoint in your test?
01:16.05MikkCreateFrame()ed frames are shown by default
01:16.06MikkBut no
01:16.27Thrae|AwayAh right, they are.
01:16.48*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
01:17.08KirovThis channel is really balooning
01:17.40Thrae|AwayWhat happens if you hide it? It might be doing something expensive related to drawing and/or buffering.
01:17.45KirovAnd yet, it seems to have gotten quieter, heh
01:19.33MikkThrae|Away: Doesn't help
01:19.47MikkI'm thinking it has to do with the fact that no OnUpdate has happened yet
01:20.00MikkSo the frames don't really have any height/width yet
01:20.13MikkWouldn't surprise me the least if it was quick if I anchored topleft to topleft
01:20.15Thrae|AwayEven if you manually set the height and width?
01:20.44MikkThrae|Away: I tried doing that also but it didn't help
01:20.59Thrae|AwayWait, I thought bottomleft was 0,0. That's true for the screen.
01:21.05MikkIt is
01:21.29Mikk0,0 relative to the bottomleft corner of the widget
01:21.36MikkWhere are you getting?
01:22.25Thrae|AwayAh, you just confused me when you said Topleft,Topleft would be faster. I would think Bottomleft, Bottomleft would be the fast one.
01:22.53Mikki think the only important thing would be setting and reading the same one
01:23.01Thrae|AwayAhhhh, gotcha.
01:24.40MikkNah. That didn't help
01:25.03MikkIt just hates having >1 point set via relative positioning, regardless of how I'm setting it
01:28.21MikkHmmm.. maybe if I SetPoint("RIGHT") according to the first item
01:29.40MikkThat works
01:29.42MikkZero delay
01:31.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|AFK (
01:32.05Legoroldoes anyone else have the Crown of the Fire Festival, the quest reward from the midsummer seasonal event?
01:32.16Legorolmine shows up as a red ? in the inventory, and when i equip it, nothing shows on my head
01:32.22Legorolin the 3D world
01:32.30Legorolseems to me like the item got nuked
01:32.34Legorol(and yes, i did delete WDB)
01:33.01gnorlishthe item got nuked
01:34.37kaso|I vendored mine
01:34.39kaso|1c ftw!
01:38.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
01:39.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:40.26Krishnakpuh, this interface api is really intersting, still I start to get a headache *g*
01:40.47MikkWrite an API emulator. It helps you understand how it works =)
01:41.53Krishnakthis would gave me even more pain I guess ;)
01:42.46Krishnakis there somehow a good site to the chatsystem?
01:42.54Krishnaksomewhere I mean
01:43.12Kirovwhat kind of stuff?
01:43.17Mikk and
01:43.27KirovThe chatsystem is an exceptionally painful one to deal with btw
01:43.36Krishnakbasic stuff explains how the whole system works
01:43.41KirovMost other things are relatively pain free
01:43.52Krishnakoh, great for me ;)
01:44.27Krishnakand all I want to write is a little chat addon, must be my lucky day I guess ;)
01:44.43Kirovwhat kind of chat addon?
01:46.16Krishnaksurpress the client to send emotes that target a player, have a check with that player, and only actually do that emote if the player accepts
01:46.41Krishnakkinda an anti poweremotething
01:46.52Mikksounds RPish
01:47.08Krishnakthough I am in no hurry, and yes its all about rp
01:47.20Kirovsounds like replacing an emote with a confirm box and an emote
01:47.56KirovWhat's the poitn?
01:48.11Kirov(serious question, not dogging on rp)
01:49.35MikkSounds fairly straightforward though. Hook the function that handles emotes and send a query via whisper that gets processed by the other end and a response is passed back
01:49.36Krishnaknothing big, it would be just a easy system to check actions, poweremotes are annoying
01:50.07MikkSounds like the problem would be getting annoying people to use your addon though =)
01:50.26Krishnakbut writing each time "me tries to bla bla" and waiting for your rp partner to write his own emote reaction that accept or decline your action makes rp slow and non fluid
01:50.52kergothanyone have the bliz interface bits (framexml) from 1.11 online somewhere? the blizzard extractor doesnt seem to like running in wine in linux
01:51.10Krishnakwell, there is flagrps, used alot, adding stuff like this, if its working should be not to hard
01:51.44Krishnakyeah I read that site, still not enough understanding of the scripting to really understand whats explained there
01:51.48Kirovwhat mikk said
01:52.08MikkKrishnak: then you're deep in manure, to be quite frank =)
01:52.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:52.35Krishnakbut well, as I just started a few hours ago *g* so no big deal
01:53.10kergothMikk: thanks
01:53.10Krishnakas I said, I have time to learn and I am in no hurry at all *g*
01:53.41KirovI'm not sure I understand rp enough to know why you'd want this
01:53.55Krishnakmore speed
01:54.05KirovIsn't the point of rp to be slow?
01:54.28KirovCertainly all the rpers I've played with have made doing anything excruciatingly slow
01:54.40Krishnaknah, you want to interact with the other players, and you want it to do fluid and not to wait and wait each time your charakter does something
01:55.06KirovWhy are you waiting?
01:55.08Krishnakthink of a movie when the main char waits after each action a few moments if noone else does something that would not fit
01:55.16Krishnakeasy example
01:55.57Krishnakso I have to wait for your "dies" emote
01:56.16Krishnakbefore I can start to get loot from your dead body ;)
01:56.21MikkCan I speak to my grandmother?
01:57.02Krishnakand it would be even a bad emote to just use /me kills
01:57.32Krishnakcause it would leave no other options and no chance to react, like dodge, parry, run away, whatever
01:57.56Krishnakso better use of emote would be ... /me tries to kill Kirov
01:58.05Krishnakto leave space to actually play
01:58.09Mikkpurl, lart Krishnak
01:58.40MikkPfff, serious role players never use game mechanics =P
01:58.48Krishnakmost of them at least
01:59.28KirovOk, I guess the other question is, the other person still needs to send back a response, no?
01:59.33KrishnakI like actually game meachnics, but key point about us rplers is, everyone likes to play different, and once to try to force someone on your playstlye things get fast ugly ^-^
02:00.49Krishnakyeah, basicly I have to hook to msg, send it on a channcel for the addon, catch the msg, pop up a accept / decline window on the other users interface, and than either delete the emote at all, or send it than really to the server
02:01.12Mikknah you don't need a specific channel
02:01.15Mikkjust whisper it
02:01.33Kirovthough, if the other person doesn't have the mod, they might get confused
02:01.42Krishnakwell, but I have anyway a channel for it, everybody is using anyway flagrps
02:01.53Kirovfair enough
02:01.59MikkActually, it might work better with a whisper.
02:02.13Krishnakhmm, I think you are right
02:02.19KirovIt might work better with an emote
02:02.20KrishnakI can surpress the whisper aswell
02:02.43MikkThen it works without a mod
02:02.51Krishnakso the user if he got the addon sees no whisper .... yeah absolutly
02:03.18Krishnakbut what should I than script ;)
02:03.40KirovFirst thing you want to do is come up with some kind of syntax
02:03.46Kirovfor the whisper
02:03.49Kirovboth to and from
02:03.49MikkMy syntax works damnit =)
02:03.51Thrae|AwayCan we instantiate our own LCDText widget objects?
02:04.25MikkIt's for the gaming keyboards
02:04.40KirovThrae - that's close
02:04.56Thrae|AwayI just extracted the Blizzard FrameXML on my laptop (been a while on my desktop), and it came with a new LCDText.xml.
02:06.48KirovDoesn't look like something they'll let you play with
02:06.54Kirovsimilar to the blizzard addons
02:07.18MikkThat'd be a bit wussy though
02:07.19KirovAnd I don't think LCDText is a valid object
02:07.28MikkAddOns outputting stuff via LCD seems like a very nice use
02:07.52KirovMikk - yes, it'd be nice ... also leaves a nice big gaping hole for botting
02:08.01MikkHow so?
02:08.21KirovBlizzard limits exactly what information is sent
02:09.02KirovIf you could send out rotation / location data you could make another AutoTravel mod that uses a programable keyboard or software keyboard
02:09.36Thrae|AwayIf LCDText is not a valid object, then why even have the XML in the first place, using LCDText XML objects?
02:09.46MikkThrae|Away: Look at the schema name
02:09.48MikkIt's not UI XML
02:09.52MikkIt's LCD XML
02:10.09Thrae|AwayAhhh, so it is.
02:11.14MikkKirov: Absolutely possible. So is scanning pixels on the screen and telling your programmable keyboard to input stuff.
02:11.22MikkOr, heck, hooking DirectX
02:12.06KirovBut neither are particularly efficient
02:12.22Kirovusing the lcd output would be "more" efficient
02:12.35MikkHow is the LCD output tied into keypresses though?
02:12.39Kirovthough, obviouslly just reading the WoW memory space is the most efficient and what they all do anyways.
02:12.58KirovIt's not
02:13.08Cairennreceived and forwarded
02:13.15Mikkthanks cair
02:21.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tonsofun|Serenit (n=daoist@
02:21.42Mr_Rabies2grrragh, open the ptrs blizzard :[
02:21.45Mikk~nickometer Tonsofun|Serenit
02:22.10Mikk~nickometer Mr_Rabies2
02:22.22Mikksorry bud =)
02:22.36totallycooldude~nickometer totallycooldude
02:22.39Kirov~nickometer Kirov
02:22.43totallycooldudehot damn
02:23.09superduperlame~nickometer superduperlame
02:23.25Mikkyou don't need to change nicks to test something btw
02:23.30Ktwombleywe'll just use this one
02:23.32Mikk~nickometer whatevernickhere
02:23.40Ktwombleyregardless of its lameosity.
02:23.48Ktwombleyof course
02:23.49Kirov~nickometer purl
02:24.07Kirov~lart purl
02:24.18Mikkpurl, no, nickometer purl is <reply>'purl' is 100.000% lame
02:24.20purlMikk: okay
02:24.22Thrae|AwayHmmm, why does GameTooltip's HealthBar only need OnValueChanged? Is that a handler that's pushed whenever a StatusBar applicable value is changed?
02:24.25Mikk~nickometer purl
02:24.36purlOUCH! That hurt, mikk!
02:24.53Cairennstop abusing the bot Mik
02:25.07Mikkapologies =)
02:25.18Ktwombleyhey, is that developer guild still extant?
02:25.21Cairennno worries
02:25.28KirovThrae - the GameTooltip is an odd beast.  For the most part controlled from the client outside of lua.  The client updates the statusbar on it's own, and the OnValueChanged is how Lua knows it's been updated.
02:25.29Cairennaye, it's still there
02:25.50Ktwombleydo you know of any officers I can /tell to get an ginvite?
02:26.18Cairennwhich side?
02:26.39Ktwombleyeither works
02:26.46Thrae|AwayKirov: Hmmm, so I'd have to register UNIT_HEALTH like everyone else, right?
02:27.00KirovThrae - yes
02:27.11CairennI need to know which side to log in on, and character name :p
02:27.41Ktwombleyalliance, ktwombley
02:29.05Cairennlet me know when you are in
02:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:29.18Ktwombleynow, sir.
02:29.36Cairennnot finding you
02:29.36Legorolsir, yes, sir!
02:30.05Legorolcorrect realm, correct region?
02:30.06CairennUS server, Draka
02:30.15Cairennheh, same thought Legorol ;)
02:30.34KirkburnHalfway through Act III now :)
02:30.38Legorolyou know what they say... about how great thinkers mind alike
02:30.52Cairennand fools seldom differ :p
02:30.57Ktwombleydraka, yes.
02:31.05Thrae|AwayHmmm, then I'll need to use my hooked SetUnit function to store the unit that GameTooltip is currently mousing over.
02:31.08CairennUS or EU?
02:31.08Ktwombleyktwombley, alliance side.
02:31.28Cairennsend a /tell to Cairenn
02:31.39Cairennbecause I am getting "player not found" repeatedly
02:34.23Ktwombleyi exist. i'm sitting right here in this chair, honest.
02:34.44Mikkso.. can you spot cairenn online?
02:34.59Ktwombleywe're talking, but he still can't ginvite me :-(
02:35.11Ktwombleyshe, fine
02:35.38Mikkwrong continent fubarness?
02:35.48Cairennno worries
02:36.10Cairennnow I can invite, now that I'm on the same continent?
02:36.15Cairennthat's just stupid weird
02:37.06KtwombleyI was beginning to think the guild was never used.
02:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:38.09KirkburnMikk, that's an odd bug
02:38.17KirkburnAnd I notice you've got your name now :)
02:38.44MikkYay =)
02:39.30LegorolKirkburn, you are still awake?
02:40.31Kirkburn(this is a wonderful article:
02:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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02:41.08KirkburnLegorol, ?
02:45.33KirovThat article hits a little close to home.  I had a guildie kill himself because he had that same cancer while my girlfriend and I were on vent with him.
02:46.30Corrodiasso.. he killed himself while you were on vent with him, or he just had the cancer while he was on vent?
02:46.42KirovHe shot himself
02:46.52Corrodias"I underwent surgery to remove a mass the size of a softball from my neck" (would it not have been a bit... noticable before it got this big?)
02:47.22KirovThey grow fast.
02:52.13MikkIn other news, undeads look very wrong on kodos.
02:53.07Corrodiasin a related story, kodos look even more wrong on undeads
02:53.45MikkAlso, the orc Warsong Emissary sitting around in Orgrimmar is a Paladin
02:53.51MikkWhaddayaknow =)
02:54.32Corrodiasa preview of 1.15? ;)
02:56.11KirkburnDoubt we'll get a 1.15
02:56.24KirkburnThe expansion will take WoW to 2.0
02:56.57Thrae|AwayDoes the upvalue limit concern how many times you're using a reference, or how many locals you have declared?
02:57.08KirkburnTseric said the first expansion patch will be 2.1, so ...
02:57.51KirkburnI assume those without the expansion will also have 2.x patches, otherwise the whole thing will be totally confusing
02:58.21Corrodiasdon't you mean 2.01? lolol. just kidding.
02:58.45Kirovhow are they going to do test realms post expansion?
02:59.31Mikkif they're smart, everyone can play expansion on test realms
02:59.32Kirovcurrently they're 0.12
02:59.35Mikkgive them a taste of the good stuff
02:59.50KirkburnPretty much everyone will buy the expansion anyway
02:59.56Kirovafter 2.0 are they going to have 1.12 be the test?
03:00.22Mikkhaha. they didn't think of that one =)
03:00.39KirkburnGood point
03:00.51Legorolnah, they'll prolly start from 1.1
03:00.59Legorolfor the first patch post 2.0
03:01.05KirkburnBut that would mess up the previous patches
03:01.18Legorolpatches are identified by build number anyway..
03:01.25Legorolnot by the public version number
03:01.29Legorolthat's just their for users' amusement
03:01.34KirkburnTrue, but most won't know that
03:01.43Legorolwell ok, so..
03:01.49Kirkburni.e. they'll see 1.4 and think ... haven't we already had this? ;)
03:01.50Legoroldon't tell me that anyone finds 0.12 confusing, right?
03:02.02Legorolthere will have been about 2 years gap between the two
03:02.11Kirkburnbah humbug :)
03:02.47KirkburnWouldn't it be nice if they made the expansion free
03:02.58KirkburnBecause then no-one would have to worry about take-up
03:03.06KirovPeople were confused by 1.10 vs. 1.1
03:03.09Legoroltake up?
03:03.22KirkburnYou could force everyone to have it
03:03.23Corrodiasi don't understand! 10 is not the same as 1?!
03:03.25LegorolKirov: they weren't confused, they were just nitpicking
03:03.36Legorolas far as i remember, Blizzard always did 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 etc.
03:03.40Legorolback in SC and WC too
03:03.43KirkburnTrue, they didn't know how Blizz worked
03:03.54Endit was 1.09
03:03.56Corrodiasi'm pretty sure diablo 2 was 1.03, 1.06, etc
03:04.00Krishnakyes, but 1.1 is the same as 1.10 ;)
03:04.08KirkburnI kill you
03:04.25EndBlizzard changed it slightly, but it is still mostly the same
03:04.32KirkburnWhy did you say 'no' to it being nice to have the expansion free?
03:04.40Endplus. they used letters for the minor rev
03:04.52Endinstead of 1.9.1
03:05.00KirkburnAh yeah, I'm playing Diablo II 1.11b
03:05.04KrishnakI want less, not more wow users ;)
03:05.23Mikkzztime tbh
03:05.24KirkburnNo, I meant free for people playing already!
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03:05.56KirkburnIt's not as if they need the money
03:06.08KirkburnI realise it's a bad arguement, okay :)
03:06.16Krishnakwell, some more money is always nice ;)
03:06.51Corrodiasyou play diablo 2, actively?
03:06.54Corrodiasdo you play on bnet?
03:07.05KirkburnNah, just playing through the game again
03:07.14Krishnakespecial when your publisher is a greedy frensh mega corp ;)
03:07.19KirkburnGot to Act III now after to days
03:07.29Corrodiaswell, maybe you can connect to bnet and ask a question for me? >_> i don't want to install it and find my discs just for that
03:07.41Kirkburn(I'm a completist, so that's better progress than you think)
03:07.49KirkburnWhat's the question??
03:08.30Corrodiasask 'em what the current state of the hacks is. that is, i'm wondering if it's worth even playing, because a hacking program i've seen would pretty much make the game little fun if other people were using it, but i can't tell if it's usable on bnet.
03:08.48Corrodiasthe author hedges around on that point
03:09.10KirkburnNot a clue
03:09.25KrishnakI would guess, its the same as always, bots and hacks everywhere ;)
03:09.25KirkburnPlus I doubt I could get onto Bnet anyway
03:09.54KirkburnAfaik, I think the situation has got a bit better now, but I'm not certain
03:09.54Corrodiasi want to play d2 a little, but i want to play it back how it was in 1.09, at the most. actually, i want to play it back how it was in 1.06.
03:10.03KirkburnWhat's changed?
03:10.05Corrodiasbut i can't go into the past!
03:10.14Krishnakhehe, I liked 1.10
03:10.41Krishnakthough pre lod is was defintaly more fun
03:10.45Corrodiasafter 1.06, you could no longer leech health from undead, and mana, if leechable, was reduced.
03:11.22Corrodiasin 1.09, i felt there was a comfortable level of hacks, with mousepad's maphack free and providing a bunch of useful but not game-breaking features
03:11.24KirkburnBut what big changes were there? I remember following them for a while, but I don't recall them
03:11.35Corrodiasbeats me what the -big- ones were
03:12.21Corrodiasi just remember that after 1.06 it became extremely difficult for some classes to kill skeletons due to the inability to regain your health and mana from them
03:12.27Krishnakimo maphack was already "game breaking"
03:12.57KirkburnI'm playing as an uber barbarian atm
03:13.15KirkburnKills quite a lot of things in one hit :)
03:13.19Corrodiasto the extent that many of us would avoid the act 2 sewers for a while because we couldn't kill anything
03:13.36Krishnakit looked like just a minor help, but if you think about, the runs got speed up alot cause of that little hack
03:13.38KirkburnWow, harsh
03:14.07Corrodiaswhen i say "game-breaking" i suppose i mostly mean in the sense of pvp
03:14.09KirkburnWell, so far I've had little trouble
03:14.46Krishnakwell, 30% faster items, means 30% better equip ;)
03:14.59Krishnakwith the same time spend
03:15.05KirkburnI don't recall seeing so many magic drops when I played before - especially charms, but inventory is full of them
03:15.10Corrodiasactually, from what i've seen of the current "best" hack, there's little need for a human to be involved at all, as it mostly appears to play the game on its own >_>
03:15.34Krishnakyeah, lots of bots
03:15.38Kirkburnbet that's fun :/
03:15.52Krishnakthats something for work ;)
03:16.00Corrodiasi guess the only "unpleasant" part of that would be if somebody else comes into my game and starts botting the bosses
03:16.04Krishnakleave your char get some items, while your at work
03:16.26Corrodiasbut then you can move to another game and use the waypoints to get close, anyway.
03:16.26KirkburnI used to cheat on games when I was younger, but I've come to realise that it's completely pointless
03:16.44Endfor most games it ruins the fun
03:16.47KirkburnI think I cheated my way through HL1, like a fool.
03:16.48Krishnakit screws the eco, but sure you can still play just fine, but it takes away imo alot of fun
03:17.07EndI like using cheats in GTA though, because some of the cheats are goofy :P
03:17.09Corrodiasif the point of a game is a challenge, then removing the challenge really leaves you with nothing but a short excercise.
03:17.16KirkburnHell yeah, GTA cheats are great
03:17.25EndI flew a tank once in vice city
03:17.33Corrodiasif there's something -else- that's entertaining about the game, though, it can be fun to cheat anyway.
03:18.24EndGTA is fun because it's not really constrained on what you can do
03:18.51Corrodiasif only they bothered to make it a PC game and not a half-hearted port
03:19.17EndI -have- played it on PC, but it's more fun on a console
03:19.29Endcontrols seem more decided for a console for one thing
03:19.59Corrodiasthey still have not demonstrated an ability to make smooth animation transitions. *eyeroll*
03:20.16Corrodiasi'm just standing here. OH NOW I'M RUNNING! oh, wait, i stopped!
03:22.00KirkburnGTA4 is supposed to be arriving at the same time as the console versions, so there may be hope
03:22.27Corrodiasthey decided to go back to the "number" scheme after producing two unnumbered games?
03:22.46KirkburnI think so
03:23.28Mr_Rabies2vc and sa were both on the gta3 engine iirc, so they were more like expansions
03:23.57Corrodiassignificantly modified versions of it, yes
03:24.18KirkburnGTA4 isn't coming until oct 2007 though
03:24.39Corrodias"GTA4 is dropping in 2007" -- what does "dropping" mean?
03:25.07KirovBeing thrown out
03:25.11Mr_Rabies2see, you have to kill an avatar of bill gates, and he drops it
03:25.17Corrodiasfrom the context i'd assume it to be synonymous with "shipping", but it seems silly to create a whole new word when we have an existing one that is the same thing.
03:25.37Corrodiaswell, to use a word in an entirely new way
03:25.57Mr_Rabies2it's probably an attempt to be more "street savvy"
03:26.27Corrodiaswhoa, those guys are hard core
03:27.13KirovI've actually heard the term "dropping" used for "shipping" before
03:28.03Corrodiasi've heard it in the context of a new item starting to drop from killed enemies. :P
03:28.13Corrodiasi have to admit that they probably are better on a console. you get your pressure-sensitive buttons and analog stick, while we get ... basically nothing, because they put no effort into accomodating the PC.
03:28.56Corrodiasin a few days, i should have a ps2->usb converter that claims to support the pressure-sensitive buttons (in what way, i have no idea). i will see if it actually does so in a useful way.
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03:46.57Mr_Rabies2anyone know of an addon that lets me type an item name like [Hearthstone] and have it spit out a link, if it's in my lootlink database or whatever? preferably with autocomplete, like lootlinkenhanced? I'd use that, but the original lootlink has a ton of improvements and whatnot since enhanced has last been updated
03:47.41WobinKCI does that
03:48.16KirovI need to work on LLe again soon
03:48.26KirovWorking on other stuff though
03:48.40Mr_Rabies2isn't KCI essentially mutially exclusive from lootlink? they perform most of the same functions, eh?
03:48.56KirovKCI is more efficient
03:49.16KirovLL (and LLe) have a lot more information they hang on to
03:49.36Mr_Rabies2i really like LLe's interface
03:49.43Mr_Rabies2and quick search, and whatnot
03:49.59Mr_Rabies2lootlink enhanced
03:50.10Kirovmy bastardised version of Lootlink
03:50.50Mr_Rabies2they really need to figure out something else to do with invalid links other than dc you
03:51.16Mr_Rabies2cause i see farmers linking "[]" all day and when i click on it, it's an item
03:51.28KirovBecause those aren't invalid links
03:51.33KirovThey're links in chinese
03:51.38Kirovwhich we can't display
03:51.43Mr_Rabies2but blizzard kicks those that are like, "gee i wonder if [the end of dreams] is on the serverKICK"
03:51.58KirovWoW Servers aren't language specific
03:52.28Corrodiasso the items have a list of valid names that you can use
03:53.03Corrodiasif you link an item that hasn't been seen, you're disconnected, and if you use a name that isn't on the list... what happens? i quit playing while that was still possible.
03:53.03Kirovthe way it works is it looks at the itemID and checks if it matches any of the valid localizations
03:53.58KirovIf the itemID hasn't been seen, you get disconnected.  If the name doesn't match, you get disconnected
03:54.41Mr_Rabies2is there a way to "force" item links for stuff you haven't seen, but the server has?
03:54.58Kirovin LLe?
03:55.09Kirovhold down shift
03:55.16Kirovand ctrl
03:55.20Kirovor alt
03:55.21KirovI forget
03:55.29KirovIn my own version it just prompts you
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03:57.04KirovI'll probably release the version of STranq I have right now as a beta.
03:57.21KirovThen try and fix SimpleFeignHealth and then LLe
03:58.03Mr_Rabies2i mean like, with script commands, something that you haven't seen in your lootlink database or whatever?
03:59.02Mr_Rabies2like, if i wanted to see if end of dreams has been seen on my server since the last restart, can i do like /script GenerateItemlink The End of Dreams,8675309,purplecolorcode,etcetc;?
03:59.08KirovThere's a mod called ItemMagic
03:59.14KirovItemSync does it too
03:59.42KirovNot sure if I'll add it to LLe
04:01.04Mr_Rabies2sometimes seperate addons are better than all-in-ones
04:01.10Corrodiasi wonder if i should get into fencing.
04:01.58Mr_Rabies2indeed it was
04:05.24AnduinLothar:) my prairie dog says it's a minion
04:06.57Mr_Rabies2there's russian mail order bride ads on Curse that worse than gold selling?
04:07.33Corrodiasmaybe not.
04:07.36Mr_Rabies2the addoninsider is "autoservitude" also
04:07.38Corrodias"Unfortunately, the force generated by elite athletes seems to be increasing even beyond the accelerating standards for the structural integrity of fencing equipment (4, 7). // In the most recent death, the athlete was using the highest standard equipment available (14)."
04:08.30Corrodiasfantastic! "Most often noted are a right-handed fencer fencing a left-handed fencer, the use of orthopaedic grips, and the propensity to make counterattacks (4, 13)." and i'm left-handed.
04:09.00Corrodiasokay, i have no particular wish for an early death or serious injury, so i think i'll forget about that.
04:10.54Kaeltenwhats the purpose of the usage command?
04:11.00Kaeltenwhops wrong channel
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05:53.19Krishnakfencing is fun, though not mordern
05:53.43Krishnakmorning everybody btw :)
05:55.17Kirovpicking up a conversation from 3 hours ago ... and not a word to be had between
05:56.09Krishnakand just 2 hours :p
05:56.29Corrodiasdo any of you have mechwarrior 2 mercenaries?
05:56.37KirovI do
05:56.41Kirover, did
05:56.51KrishnakI did I guess
05:57.11Krishnakor maybe it was another mech2, there were several iirc
05:57.16Corrodiasdid... isn't as useful to me.
05:57.24Kirovwhat's up?
05:57.32Krishnakand see, he is even still arround ;)
05:57.53Corrodiasi need an image of the disc that includes the audio tracks, which is proving quite difficult to obtain
05:57.55KirovAgain with the details, enough of that!
05:58.15Kirovwhat for?
05:58.38Corrodiasfor playing, mostly. or tinkering with, anyway. i don't know if i'd actually -play- it much.
05:59.28KirovI had two copies
05:59.40KirovOne came with my Sidewinder 3d joystick
05:59.54KirovThe other with my GeForce card
06:00.23KirovSo, I could play with 3d acceleration, or with my joystick, but not both
06:01.06Corrodiasactivision really gave mechwarrior 2 and mercenaries the shaft for marketting's sake
06:01.41Krishnakmy sidewinder does not even work under windows anymore *g*
06:02.48Krishnakand well, no mech2 here, got lost when moving I guess
06:03.56KirovActually, it was with my Voodoo 1 card, not my GeForce card
06:05.25KirovAfter the Mech2 games, FASA pulled the license from Activision and they released the first Heavy Gear game, which was basically Mech3 quickly rebadged.
06:11.03KirovDandelion quit
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06:22.34Mr_Rabies2gotta love those posts
06:23.31Shadowedthats way to long
06:23.42Shadowedcan i safely summerize that he's complaining about spellalert and decursive?
06:24.13Corrodias" I know I will get flamed to all heck for this post, but I don't care. " <- thus, flamebait or, even, troll, and a violation of the forum rules, subject for deletion.
06:24.20Corrodiasnot that the mods would ever, you know, moderate.
06:25.08Cairennactually, decursive and CTRaid
06:25.20Mr_Rabies2the thing is, he's a WARRIOR
06:25.36Corrodiason a pvp realm, from what i know of the names
06:25.38Mr_Rabies2the only thing he has to do is bitch that he's not getting healed because everyone's trying to find the freaking dispel buttons
06:26.54Krishnakhehe, hey he got one or two not that bad points
06:27.12Krishnakstopcasting was imo not a good function for uimods
06:27.13Shadowedthat decursive/CTRaid dont require you to think as much?
06:27.27Corrodiasoops, he hit tl;dr
06:29.45Mr_Rabies2well, the thing is, if you had to think as much as was necessary without using these mods, people would still be in MC
06:29.56Mr_Rabies2they've compensated for the fact that most people HAVE these mods
06:30.04Mr_Rabies2that's why all the bosses chuck out ten million debuffs
06:30.23ShadowedWell, I don't think Chromaggus was really meant to be done with Decursive
06:30.26Mr_Rabies2to throw a wrench in the machinery and take our focus away from healing to cure them
06:30.27Shadowedsince it removes a lot of the hard part of it
06:30.49Kirov_Mr_Rabies2 - Blizzard has stated that they test all their encounters with out any mods allowed
06:31.06Mr_Rabies2they also stated C'thun was possible before they patched him :/
06:31.16Endjust downed chromag :)
06:31.24Mr_Rabies2testing and completing are two different things
06:31.31Kirov_Granted, you have 40 people who already know exactly how to beat the boss at hand, and are likely all in the same room.
06:32.02Shadowedthe issue is more the fact that every person knows the whole strat before hand
06:32.07Krishnakactually my gf still decurse without decursive from strat to bwl
06:32.10Kirov_The difference between yelling across the room vs. 2 second lag in vent should not be underestimated
06:32.24Mr_Rabies2<Krishnak> actually my gf still decurse without decursive from strat to bwl
06:32.32Mr_Rabies2if a whole guild did that, they'd be completely screwed
06:32.39Krishnakwith ctraid alone is already not that hard
06:32.56Krishnaknah, she decurse better than alot mages with decursive that I know :)
06:33.23Kirov_Blizzard already has attempted to make encounters which, if the player is using decursive, will fuck over the raid.
06:33.27Kirov_Huhuran for example.
06:33.29Krishnakyou have anyway global cooldown on the spell, so abit time to target a new target manual
06:33.35Kirov_You'll kill all your rogues if you use decursive
06:34.34Mr_Rabies2yeah, some fight's it's not necessary, and in fact, bad to use
06:34.37Krishnakhehe I remember a quote of a friend, "would the stupid priests please stop dispelling our potions" hehe sleep of the dreamless potions is dispellable *g*
06:34.37ShadowedI've had that happen to me a couple of times
06:34.42Shadowednearly dying due to them removing the sting
06:34.48Mr_Rabies2but they wouldn't implement that in fights if not everyone used the mods
06:35.18Kirov_Trying to do the Lucifron fight with out decursive is insane.
06:35.24Kirov_or with out a raid UI
06:35.28Mr_Rabies2if you decurse during the hakkar fight, be prepared to get gkicked from my guild
06:35.30Shadowedbut they did it
06:35.33Shadowedand did it in blues
06:35.47Mr_Rabies2who's "they?"
06:35.54Kirov_Early MC guilds
06:36.15ShadowedConquest, ect
06:36.17Mr_Rabies2luci's drakk with more hp
06:36.31Kirov_And an AOE curse that does 2000 damage
06:36.38Mr_Rabies2honestly, you can get through that fight without decursive in blues. It's a pain, but you can
06:36.45Shadowedand also doubles the cost of energy/mana/rage spells
06:36.47Krishnakwhich most of the raid does not need to stand even in range
06:36.57Mr_Rabies2but there's fights in which you HAVE to be on the dot with it or your raid's screwed
06:37.25Mr_Rabies2luci doesn't hit particularly hard, and there's a lot of time to cure the debuffs before they become a pain
06:37.55Krishnakwhat actually really helps, is to color the names of curse ppl in ctraid
06:38.22Krishnakor alternativ good groups, so you have not to look for the whole raid
06:38.35Mr_Rabies2if i didn't have decursive, i'd be too busy healing to worry about cleansing anyone in most fights
06:39.25Mr_Rabies2not to mention that if ctra didn't exist, you probably wouldn't be healing outside of your own group very much
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06:39.53Krishnakexcept for mt healers
06:39.55ShadowedTo be fair, I think that even if CTRA hadn't been released somebody would have done it
06:40.09Corrodiaswould have made a CTRA-like addon?
06:40.16Krishnakthough these days the blizzard raid interface has to options aswell mostly
06:40.30Mr_Rabies2the only reason the blizzard one has those options is because of ctra
06:40.36Corrodiasi hardly think that CT has a monopoly on the -ability- to make an addon like RA.
06:40.42Krishnakshowing whole raid, buffs, dunno if debuffs aswell
06:41.00Krishnakthere is xraid for example, nice raid interface
06:41.07Mr_Rabies2it's a pretty straightforward idea
06:41.15Shadowedyeah, it's not really anything special
06:41.20Mr_Rabies2but it's essentially necessary to get along in the later fights
06:41.23Shadowedsomebody would have done it if CT hadn't
06:41.28Krishnakyeah, its just that ctra is well done
06:41.42Krishnakso everyone refers to it
06:42.03Krishnakalot of addons are so well done, that blizzard later intergrates those functions to their own interface
06:42.14Mr_Rabies2but if those addons didn't exist, they wouldn
06:42.25Mr_Rabies2i think they need to implement a decursive of sorts
06:42.42Kirov_I doubt that'll ever happen
06:42.57ShadowedDidn't they said  a long time back they are trying to disable it?
06:42.59Krishnakdecursive makes idiots *g*
06:43.01Kirov_Blizzard desperately wants to be able to disable decursive, but it's just not possible.
06:43.08ShadowedWell, it is possible
06:43.10Krishnakreally, people are getting dumb from it ^-^
06:43.20Mr_Rabies2aka set up a priority list for your debuff curing based on class, and have it follow that debuff priority system
06:43.20Shadowedbut the restrictions from using it would make other mods suffer
06:43.26Corrodiasit automatically removes curses from people, right?
06:43.34Corrodiasthey could just remove the spell that removes curses!
06:43.46Mr_Rabies2it's semi-automatic at best
06:43.50Krishnakyou have still to "click" or hit a key
06:43.54Mr_Rabies2you have to know when to use it and when not to use it
06:43.59ShadowedMr_Rabies2: not even
06:44.10Shadowedthe new decursive has a live window that shows the debuff and who has it
06:44.14Krishnakand its imo best use with clicking, cause you can adujust priority on the fly that way
06:44.43Mr_Rabies2i have mine set to mouse 5 and i just hammer that most of the time
06:44.48Krishnakexactly, though I think its already some versions old
06:45.31Shadowedthey would have to remove what to disable it
06:45.36KrishnakI have set most of the times myself, mygroup and priorty targets on ignore, and do them manualy, the rest by hammering on the list
06:45.37ShadowedUnitDebuff basically?
06:45.48ShadowedAnd setting a debuff in tooltips
06:46.00Krishnaksounds so
06:46.19Krishnakand this would really hurt
06:46.30Mr_Rabies2i'm too busy keeping people's health bar's up to worry about deciding if 1) it's a good time to cleanse them, 2) who needs cleansed first, and 3) how my mana pool is doing from decursing and healing combined
06:46.30Kirov_They already hate tooltip scanning
06:46.31Krishnakas ctra would not be able to show debuffs aswell
06:46.51Shadowedbasically, it's impossible to disable without saying it's a banned addon and telling people to remove it
06:46.56Corrodiasso maybe the idea is that you're "supposed" to have one or two people dedicated to removing curses while the others heal and whatever else
06:47.13Mr_Rabies2but that's an incredibly boring existance
06:47.17Mr_Rabies2even more boring than healbotting
06:47.24Corrodiasi like healbotting. ._.
06:47.25Mr_Rabies2i wouldn't wish that role on my enemies
06:47.51Mr_Rabies2what class are you?
06:47.56KrishnakI was doing the healer channel, we had alot of specific healers for specific people, so not much random healing, and enough time to check those stuff while healing
06:48.07Corrodiasnone, now. i've played druid in WoW and monk in Guild Wars
06:48.40Mr_Rabies2eh playing a druid for healing is like using a putter to tee off with in golf
06:48.47Krishnakif you just have to keep an eye on a maximum of 5 people, you have alot of free time
06:48.57Corrodiasactually, guild wars healing was very exciting
06:49.07Mr_Rabies2sure, you can do it, but it's a lot more work, and it makes more sense to use something designed for it
06:49.17Mr_Rabies2gw had better pvp and better combat in general
06:49.21Mr_Rabies2just terrible terrible pve
06:49.37Krishnakand to much instancing for my taste
06:49.41Corrodiasindeed. there was no point to the pve, beyond unlocking skills.
06:49.55Mr_Rabies2and you had to unlock skills to do well in pvp
06:49.56ShadowedI enjoy it
06:50.05Corrodiasif you worked really hard, you could eventually... earn a slightly different appearance for your character. :/ lame.
06:50.07ShadowedNax is a lot more fun
06:50.17Mr_Rabies2we're still working on emps
06:50.17Krishnakeverything depends on personal taste
06:50.26Corrodiasnax? emps?
06:50.31Krishnaknot every mmorpg is for everyone, a wise man said once to me *g*
06:50.33Mr_Rabies2once we drop emps we'll prob start on nax
06:50.50Krishnakyou could already do abit trashmobs I guess
06:50.59Mr_Rabies2but no real point in it
06:51.08Mr_Rabies2we don't roll that way
06:51.12Corrodiasabit trashmobs?
06:51.14Mr_Rabies2we clear the place in a month and move on
06:51.19ShadowedMr_Rabies2: i'd usuggest trying out c'thun at least
06:51.25Mr_Rabies2of course
06:51.25Corrodiasare we still talking about WoW?
06:51.27Mr_Rabies2two at once
06:52.07Mr_Rabies2twin emps = 2nd to last boss in aq40, naxx is the newest raid instance
06:52.29Mr_Rabies2hell we cleared trash with a pug, except for the freaking gargs
06:52.41Mr_Rabies2couldnt push enough dps on the ptr to drop em
06:53.50ShadowedPublic test realm
06:54.27Kirov_emps are third to last
06:54.33Mr_Rabies2er yeah
06:54.38Kirov_ouro is 2nd
06:54.56Krishnakbut noone is doing him, right? ;)
06:54.59Mr_Rabies22nd technically, since ouro is skippable, or am i just totally wrong?
06:55.06Kirov_he is
06:55.09Krishnakat least not before ctun *g*
06:55.21Mr_Rabies2i don't read strats that far ahead of time usually
06:55.26Mr_Rabies2usually the night we drop him
06:55.33Kirov_Most people don't do Ouro since for a while people didn't think he was possible.
06:55.46Mr_Rabies2huhu took us two weeks, we're hoping for emps in 1, but i think it's gonna take 2
06:55.46Kirov_Though, he aparently drops the best non-Naxx gun in the game
06:56.18Kirov_aq bosses are evil in that they really don't leave room for ANYONE in the raid to fuck one
06:56.20Kirov_er, up
06:56.25Mr_Rabies2we aaaalmost have the transition down now, and that's the hardest part
06:56.33Kirov_One person does the wrong thing, and it's game over.
06:56.34ShadowedKirov_: they're not suppose to though
06:56.45Kirov_c'thun certainly is
06:56.45Shadowedas they get harder they are suppose to get less forgiving and change how you think of raiding
06:57.07Kirov_one dumb person on c'thun can kill everyone
06:57.15Krishnakyeah, in mc its like "20 people do the work" the rest is half afk
06:57.22Mr_Rabies2hell 1 dumb person on vael can kill everyone
06:57.24ShadowedIt's worst in nax
06:57.29Mr_Rabies2and i've seen it happen more than once
06:57.40Mr_Rabies2i can't imagine how hard sapphiron and kelthuzad are gonna be
06:57.42Kirov_Mr_Rabies2 - aye, but that requires that one person be at least decently geared to do so
06:57.47Krishnakwell that can even happen on geddon
06:57.48Mr_Rabies2christ it's gonna be a freaking nightmare
06:58.19Mr_Rabies2i pull aggro in ubrs blues all the time on vael on accident
06:58.45Mr_Rabies2i blame cat form not having a threat reduction aura on that though :[
06:59.09Mr_Rabies2i spam cower every time it comes off cooldown and i still pull aggro
06:59.34Krishnakyeah, catform is a agro magnet
06:59.49Mr_Rabies2esp on vael
06:59.57Mr_Rabies2cause we do as much or more dps than most rogues in that fight
06:59.59Kirov_If you pull aggro in vael, or you don't move away when you get adrenaline, you're an idiot.  Same goes for baron geddon.
07:00.10Krishnakwith unlimed ... uhm how that skill is called in english? cats backstab?
07:00.18Kirov_On C'thun, just just have to be standing in the wrong place for a tenth of a second
07:00.31Mr_Rabies2cause we can fb for 2500+ consistently and rock the aggro
07:00.42Mr_Rabies2cat's backstab is Shred in english
07:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
07:01.48Mr_Rabies2it's cower, shred for 1500, shred for 1500, shred for 1500, ferocious bite for 2500, cower, shred for 1500, pull aggro and get owned
07:02.05Krishnaksimply stop finishing :p
07:02.14Mr_Rabies2but then my dps sucks
07:02.25Mr_Rabies2gotta have a balance of the two
07:02.39Krishnakyeah, and once your dead your dps sucks even more :p
07:02.57Mr_Rabies2and the balance is hard for us to get because of not having a threat reduction passive like rogues and wars in battle/berserker
07:03.01Krishnakan agrometer helps to controll agro with vael
07:03.16Mr_Rabies2we can only do 80% of a rogue's aggro before pulling aggro
07:03.30Mr_Rabies2and that's really easy to do in vael
07:03.47Krishnakright aswell
07:04.10Mr_Rabies2if we had that threat passive it wouldn't be a problem at all
07:04.23Krishnakwhile casters gets interrupped all the time and their spells get slowed down, so they have not such a hard time to controll their agro
07:04.47Mr_Rabies2so druids get massive aggro there unless they don't even hit the dps meter at all
07:05.15Mr_Rabies2still a fun fight even if i die
07:05.29Mr_Rabies2usually i can survive pulling aggro for about two seconds
07:05.34KrishnakI guess at least at the beginning of their bwl time, they will do more dmg than casters on vael
07:05.49Mr_Rabies2i'd rather die than heal that fight
07:06.00Mr_Rabies2i've healed it a few times, not NEARLY as intense
07:06.02Krishnakhorrible for druids
07:06.08Krishnakpure fun as priest ^-^
07:06.22Mr_Rabies2only thing we can do is spam regrowth
07:06.30Mr_Rabies2which isn't sufficient to keep tanks up
07:06.48Mr_Rabies2and HT takes too long to cast, so it's crap either way
07:06.48Krishnakwhen you can go forward an spam holy nova it is totally fun, mindless, but still fun ^-.^
07:07.16Mr_Rabies2our only aoe heal is channeled and crappy :[
07:07.44Mr_Rabies2i love getting hit with BA though
07:07.47Krishnakand got a crappy timer, even with t1 complett
07:08.10Mr_Rabies2i spam that crap like it's moonfire
07:08.22Mr_Rabies2only it hits harder than 300 on a crit :P
07:08.30Mr_Rabies2it hits for like 600-700 on a crit
07:08.37Krishnakthough as druide you can atleast keep one group alive easy and do some caster dmg aswell
07:08.58Krishnakso its not that bad, but alot of work
07:09.10Mr_Rabies2most people have good enough fire resist on that fight
07:09.16KrishnakI wouldn?t like to have that job *g*
07:09.21Mr_Rabies2so healing's really not that big of a deal for anything but the tanks
07:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge sedatedChipmunk (
07:09.35Mr_Rabies2i want to tank the first rotation eventually
07:09.42Krishnakdepends on the raid
07:10.00Mr_Rabies2i need to get the molten set -_-
07:10.08Mr_Rabies2no one in our guild can make it though
07:10.46Krishnakour server is for this nice, no real raid guilds at all, just raidgroups, with alot of help each other
07:11.06Krishnakso you can always get the stuff from someone when you get the mats from your raid
07:13.52Mr_Rabies2there's two "honorable" raiding guilds on our server
07:14.00Mr_Rabies2the rest all backstab each other, exploit content, etc
07:14.25Mr_Rabies22 that are past molten core
07:16.03Krishnaksounds like fun *g*
07:16.35Mr_Rabies2yeah, our server's like going to high school all over again
07:17.08Krishnakor better sounds abit like our ally raids, who stand with 3 10 player raids before azu and watch hord killing him
07:17.38Mr_Rabies2we've yet to even try azuregos
07:17.51Mr_Rabies2we mopped kazzak up in about 40 seconds
07:18.22Krishnakazu is rarely done with a regular raid, mostly random groups, just like kazzak
07:19.30Corrodiasdidn't i read about a combined horde & alliance raid on one of the outdoor bosses quite a while back?
07:19.52Krishnakwe have a 10% rule for azu
07:20.07Krishnakif he is below 10% everyone thats arround finish him
07:20.20Krishnakthough not everyone sticks to the rule
07:20.24Mr_Rabies2i would be the one that rooted the mt and ran off and stealthed
07:21.03Mr_Rabies2cause rooted mobs dont follow aggro
07:21.21Mr_Rabies2got that backwards, i'm half asleep
07:39.26*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
07:39.43Kirov_wb al
07:40.55Kirov_got tired of killing kittens (with your evil "Sky") and decided to join us in again?
07:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:55.52Kirov_if you override UnitIsDead, UnitIsDeadOrGhost stops working
07:56.11Kirov_oh, wait, no
07:57.12ShadowedShouldn't it?
08:21.58*** join/#wowi-lounge flyhigh` (n=flyhigh_@
08:24.26*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
08:24.54flyhigh`hi, i would like to add a comand in an already exsting addon, so if here is someone that can help me about it - pls pm me :)
08:29.29Kirov_what kind of command?
08:29.31Kirov_and what addon?
08:29.45Kirov_and this isn't a trade channel, no pms
08:31.41flyhigh`hehe oke sorry just wanted to skip the flood here ... well the command is just /chatlog
08:32.25Kirov_what would /chalog do?
08:32.59flyhigh`well /chatlog is loggin` all the chat in wow, it's the basic command from the game
08:33.22flyhigh`i just want to implime it in some already existing addon so i don;t have to type it every time i enter the game
08:33.49Corrodiasi brlirbr
08:33.53Corrodiasi mean, i believe there are addons for that...
08:34.29Corrodiaslet's see if i can find a name
08:34.30Kirov_stick this line in any of your mods at the top
08:34.32flyhigh`not as good as the command is, they don't log all or have some other limitations
08:35.17flyhigh`thx a lot :)))
08:36.28Corrodiasnever mind, i don't even know what half of these addons did, any more
08:38.19Kirov_Every time I open my mailbox now I lag out for like 20 seconds
08:45.29flyhigh`Thanks again to both of u! Have a nice day guyz :)
08:53.28*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:39.12ckknighthey all
09:43.17AnduinLotharso, i made ArcanePartyBars work in raids... someone said they'd write the database and parsing to make it fetch events from the chat log...  only I forgot who..
09:44.58AnduinLotharcladhaire, maybe?
09:45.09AnduinLotharnah, doesn't sounds liek him...
09:45.30purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
09:46.57AnduinLotharhmm, needs a way to search them..
10:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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10:43.55wereHamstercan someone else confirm that UnitInParty("player") returns nil when you're in a raid?
11:20.03*** join/#wowi-lounge zinor (
11:20.28zinori dont suppose someone here comes from a line of well educated doctors? google isnt answering a question :)
11:20.39Corrodiasi've been to a doctor before
11:21.00Corrodiasthey don't know as much as they'd like you to think
11:25.49Wobinwhat do you need to know, zinor?
11:26.05zinorknow anything about kidney stones?
11:26.14Corrodiasi think they're supposed to hurt.
11:26.30zinorim trying to figure out if thats what I have or if I need to go to the Dr :s
11:26.30Wobinnot too much apart from general concepts
11:26.42Wobin"or if"?
11:26.54WobinI would go have a checkup anyway
11:27.03WobinEasier to find out that way, than the hard way
11:27.06zenzelezzsounds safer to see a doctor
11:27.08zinorwell the problem is
11:27.21zinorim not a citizen here, so i wouldnt know.,.. where to go.. what to do.. etc. :)
11:27.31zinorand im not really a dr person
11:27.43zinorusually if im sick i wear it off, i go to the dr like once every 6 years :s
11:28.13Wobina GP should be able to refer you for ultrasound or something to see if you have kidneystones
11:28.32zinorya i checked webmd, didnt think about wiki
11:28.37WobinOtherwise you could drink lots of cranberry juice and hope for the best =P
11:29.11zinorok thats probably what it is
11:29.17zinoris it common for younger people to get them?
11:29.21zinori know my parents have had them at times
11:29.29Wobinnot that I know of
11:29.36Corrodias"In 271 or 270 BCE, the Greek Philosopher Epicurus died from a kidney stone blockage lasting a fortnight according to his successor Hermarchus and reported by his biographer Diogenes Laertius."
11:29.41Corrodiasyou're going to die.
11:29.46Corrodiasgive me your stuff.
11:29.48Wobin(in that I've never experienced anyone under 50 getting them...)
11:31.55Corrodiasboy, that would suck
11:32.12zinorok well
11:32.16zinorwiki explains better
11:32.20Corrodiasdying from a urinary tract blockage and possibly infection, probably resulting in bursting
11:35.12esp|Synexploding would have been a more impacting word
11:41.13Corrodiaswell. the movie i was hoping to watch is, as i apparently forgot to check on after downloading it, in spanish.
11:42.34esp|Syntime to brush up on some spanish lessons then eh
11:42.54esp|Syni downloaded a film once
11:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
11:42.58esp|Synand it was upside down :/
11:43.31esp|Synended up turning the screen upside down
11:43.38Corrodiasit's going to take a while to download replacements, which means i'm stuck with nothing to do for an hour and a half.
11:43.51esp|SynYou could make a ui mod
11:45.15esp|Synin the last 24 hours my two mods have racked up a download total of 775
11:46.22Corrodiasi don't have an active WoW account, and haven't for 6 months
11:49.00esp|Synwhy u in here then :O
11:49.25Kirov_esp|Syn - I keep forgetting to ask, what are your two mods?
11:50.11esp|SynOne is Horde Tracking system - Basically just allows you to report location of targets enemys into one of many channels, and logs all PvP deaths/duel loss's
11:50.48Corrodiasi like the conversations in here
11:50.48esp|Synthe other simply displays how much reputation you need to "level" your standing or how many runecloth quests are needed
11:51.26Kirov_The first one is a mod called WatchTower that used to be super popular
11:51.57esp|Synreally isnt its called hts
11:56.25esp|Syncurrently trying to convert this ingame notepad to allow hyperlinks ( you know.. items and stuffz)
12:17.48Kirov_night all
12:23.25esp|Synnight... its 1pm..
12:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mery (
12:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia_ (
12:32.59esp|Synanyone else watch house?
12:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
12:41.00kaso|esp|Syn its always night when people leave the channel, and its alway morning when they arrive :>
12:42.03kaso|hmm, im sure purl has a entry for it somewhere, cant remeber the keyword
12:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
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12:51.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
12:51.32esp|Synwho ownes
12:51.56esp|Syndid he code it?
12:52.09KirkburnMost, afaik
12:52.23esp|SynOk, i need to contact him about stuff then
12:58.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
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13:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge TeBeCo (
13:06.09TeBeCoya qqun ?
13:06.42TeBeCoare there anyone who doesn't sleep ?
13:07.00TeBeCoi'm looking for guides on addon's creation
13:07.04KirkburnOnly the insane and undead :)
13:07.41KirkburnHave you looked at the wowwiki?
13:07.53TeBeCothat mean's ? (soory i'm french, have some troubles of trads ^^)
13:08.15TeBeCoKirkburn> found lots of description of API, Hook, call but not guides for now
13:08.44wereHamstercan I access 'this' in anonymous frames?
13:09.03wereHamster.. in the script handlers of anonyous frames
13:09.36KirkburnTeBeCo, I would suggest looking at the 'tutorials' on that page, and look at a few addons that people have made
13:10.55TeBeCoKirkburn> that's what i'm doing, but i came here if anyone of you know a URL, that's the best you ever seen
13:11.13TeBeCoKirkburn> some tuto are better than other that's why I ask before :)
13:11.32Kirkburn:) I can't think of any others at the moment - anyone else know any guides?
13:11.56TainIsn't there a Blizzard tutorial?
13:12.55Kirkburn(^ the blizzard tutorial comes with that)
13:13.22KirkburnThis page is also useful - lots of URLs for you:
13:15.04MikkwereHamster: Yes you can
13:15.39Corrodiasto learn how to make addons... a simple tutorial and then exmaining examples with the wiki and lua documentation on hand
13:16.31Mikk has some links also
13:32.07TeBeCowitch editor of lua files you used ti use ?
13:32.54Mikkscythe is good
13:32.57Mikki use ultraedit
13:33.09TeBeCoultraedit is time limited no ?
13:33.41Mikkhmm no not scythe. SciTE
13:33.49Mikkit's up on
13:34.05TeBeCoMikk> yes i'm looking for it onto the same page
13:34.13TeBeCoyou said =>
13:34.13TeBeCo<Mikk> i use ultraedit
13:35.22TainThere's a preconfigured SciTE package specifically for WoW here.
13:36.19TeBeCowhat's the doifference between those 2 =>
13:37.04TainDunno, I don't go to wowguru.
13:37.13TainI know the person who put together the wowinterface package, and trust him.
13:37.49MikkI added a link to clad's SciTe too now
13:38.05MikkMight make it the main link later but not as long as he's calling it a beta release =)
13:38.30TainI'm not saying that wowguru would intentionally distribute malicious software.  But I know wowinterface wouldn't!
13:40.11TeBeCoit's quite difficult to understand the proper sense for french people :) (and i think you have some troubles too to understand what i'm saying)
13:42.30KasoDid Soluken say anything about the possibility of added whisper to SendAddonMessage on US forums?
13:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
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14:24.33Meryyes kaso, "No, whisper addon communication isn't encouraged."
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14:44.15Elkanoand that had been bad news since there also is no global channel possible to propagate item links :/
14:49.00wereHamsterwhen is 'MAIL_FAILED' fired?
14:50.02wereHamsterit's fired every time I send a mail, even if its successful..
14:57.36esp|Syni HATE x y co-ords :(
14:57.45esp|SynX vertical Y horizontal?
14:58.17esp|Synhrm oki
14:58.36Elkanoupwards is y, to the right is x
14:58.48esp|Syny vertical x horizontal
14:58.53Elkanoorigin (for WoW) is bottomleft
15:00.47esp|Syni think im trying to place it in the wrong place in the xml :/
15:13.18*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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15:16.07esp|Synif i wana add a editbox into a frame
15:18.30esp|Synwhere would i place it?
15:18.33esp|Synin what section?
15:24.58wereHamsterunder <Frames>
15:36.11esp|Synnm i got it
15:36.21esp|Syni missed a section from the editbox thats all
15:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:43.46Thrae|AwayIf anyone could comment on this thread if they know what's going on ...,1699.0.html
15:45.31wereHamsterThrae|Away, what exactly doesn't work?
15:49.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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15:59.59KirkburnI'm a bit confused ... seems D2 doesn't need the CD to play - despite the fact that there are 'no-cd' patches on the net
16:00.33Mikkneeds it for online play perhaps? o.O
16:00.45Mikkunless perhaps you got hold of a nicely prepatched version =)
16:10.52KirkburnTrue, I do have the LoD image on Alcohol atm, perhaps that's what's doing it
16:12.15KirkburnBetween Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120 - is there much difference?
16:23.13MikkNever used alcohol so I wouldn't know
16:23.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
16:23.48Mikkimportant difference in capitalization there :P
16:29.24esp|Synfucking spambots in wow now
16:30.52Mikki predict that before long there will be a distributed spam recognition addon
16:31.22Mikkthe precedent is already there in e-mail
16:31.44Mikkfook, i've even written a distributed spam recognition system. i'm half tempted to do the same for wow :-P
16:31.59Mikkexcept I have too many unfinished projects already >.<
16:34.18esp|SynIts a bot
16:34.26esp|Synto spam these "gold selling websites"
16:34.32esp|SynPm's all on the /who
16:34.40esp|Synor just repeats an advert over and over
16:34.59Mikkaye. a spam recognizer would trigger after the first handful of people were spammed and suppress it for everyone else
16:35.21esp|Syni think. they should just remove the characters ability to write
16:35.42esp|Synbut make them think they can. if its a bot they wont notice. and they will still be paying the monthly fee :D
16:35.57Mikkisn't that what I just said? =)
16:36.08Mikkoh, if blizzard found out
16:36.13Mikkyeah they should =)
16:36.40Mikkall characters present on the account and any characters created in the future
16:37.07Mikkseriously though.. report it if you haven't already
16:37.15esp|Synits a trial account
16:37.26esp|Syni have reported it
16:37.47esp|Synthey should start forcing poeple to provide Creditcard details for trial accounts
16:38.06Mikkdo we even need trial accounts these days?
16:38.17esp|SynPeople still wana try before they buy
16:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:38.35esp|Synbut tbh no.. they hardly need a huge ammount of new members
16:38.49esp|Synso they can do without the people who wouldnt pay for a month to try it
16:42.52esp|Syn"i assure you we will look into it" is the reply
16:43.08Mikkso? they probably will =P
16:43.46esp|Synthey have
16:43.50esp|Synguys gone now :)
16:45.39esp|Synhehe there so professional :D
16:45.54MikkYou know.... when you're writing constant tables nested 8+ levels deep, you really really wouldn't mind if you were actually coding in Python >.<
17:14.31esp|Synwhats the script function that does /console reloadui?
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18:39.01ckknighthey all
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18:55.18Mr_Rabies2<esp|Syn> whats the script function that does /console reloadui?
18:55.27Mr_Rabies2quick! what's the number for 911?!
19:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
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19:14.56RelSleephow do I unload ALL the UI? including blizzards
19:18.17MikkWell.. I can tell you how to unload all the Lua code
19:18.22MikkThe frames won't go away though
19:18.59RelSleepI know there are mods that change EVERYTHING in the UI, almost as if the build it from scratch
19:19.07Mikklocal G=getfenv(); for k,_ in pairs(G) do G[k]=nil; end
19:19.21MikkBut I strongly recommend against this =)
19:19.36MikkEven mods that appear to replace everything, don't.
19:19.49MikkIf you did, bloody no mods at all would work in your new framework.
19:19.58RelSleepso what do they do? just hide the original?
19:20.02MikkMostly yeah
19:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:21.01MikkAnd probably hooking some of Blizzard's standard code to have their own UI stuff respond to things that'd otherwise result in Blizzard UI stuff popping up
19:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
19:22.58KirkburnWoo, just got Diablo to kill now :D
19:29.05KirkburnHaha ... poor guy :)
19:30.26Kirkburn(related screenshot:
19:31.58Elkanohe uses titan -> it's a fake ;)
19:32.24ShadowedWhats that "Class Armor" thing below it?
19:33.18Elkanohmm... informant?
19:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:45.02KirkburnAh wow, I've found the coolest program ever!
19:45.31KirkburnPlay on your desktop :)
19:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:50.26esp|Synif that is fake
19:50.31esp|Synits a damn good fake
19:50.53Shadowedit wouldn't take much to fake
19:51.17esp|SynI meant the image
19:51.23esp|Synif its photoshoped
19:51.25Shadowedyeah the idol of brut one
19:51.26esp|Synthe guys good
19:51.42Shadowedi'm not sure why he would photoshop it when he could spend like 5 hours less doing it through the API though
19:51.47ElkanoI just wonder if box loot didn't have the box as icon
19:51.57MikkIt doesn't
19:52.03Elkanoit should :/
19:52.04MikkAll lootframes have the skull
19:52.13Elkanoblame blizzard :/
19:52.13MikkAye, my raid loot handler changes the icons =)
19:52.26MikkFlower, Rock, Box...
19:52.32MikkMagic Powder =)
19:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:54.00MikkSpeaking of which... is there any sane way of cutting out a nonrectangular section of a texture to display?
19:54.27MikkAnd I don't mean the 8-arg variant of SetTexCoord
19:54.44krkathat's the only way
19:54.47MikkLike... umm i dunno.. applying an alpha channel?
19:54.56Elkanohmm... alpha textures only work with minimap, don't they?
19:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Krishnak (
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19:55.33MikkI could of course just go cut out the images in this particular case.
19:55.37MikkMake them round
19:55.46MikkIt's just so ... umm... nonprogrammery =)
20:00.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:00.52esp|Synok sorted that
20:01.06esp|Synnow have a notepad you can save and load
20:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktwombley (
20:02.54esp|Synjust need to work out how to add hyperlinks :D
20:04.33Mikkjust paste an item link
20:04.35Mikkshould be auto
20:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
20:08.27MikkGetsomethingLink()... insert that text
20:08.54Mikkthat's what I meant by pasting
20:11.58Mikkif you want to steal clicks on stuff in chat, you want to check out SetItemRef() in FrameXML/ItemRef.lua
20:12.52MikkYou basically want to just hook it, and do what it already does for the chatframe editbox, except probably looking at if your notepad window is visible, and has edit focus
20:14.39Ktwombleyis there a reference I can look into to see what events I have to hook into in order to detect when something happens? Like say I want to know when a trade is completed.
20:16.10Ktwombleyi'm sure I'll have more questions later.
20:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:18.17Ktwombleywas the TRADE_REQUEST event removed or not?
20:18.52MikkDno? Find out and  fix the wiki =)
20:19.25Ktwombleywhile I appreciate the attitude, I run a wiki myself, I don't think I'm currently in a position to find out.
20:21.23KirkburnWhy might it have been removed?
20:22.05Mikki've even commented on it
20:22.09Mikk"wtf is this comment?"
20:23.01KirkburnSo I see...
20:23.10Shadowedsec i'll go find out
20:23.17KirkburnI think it can be removed
20:23.27KirkburnIt's obvious it's in the wrong place
20:24.15Shadoweddoesn't look like it works
20:24.25Ktwombleyso in order to watch for events, I'd have to watch for fired events and also possibly override some dispatch functions, eh?
20:25.39ShadowedMikk: It didn't trigger when I opened a trade or someone else did for me
20:26.11Kirkburn(ah, wait, I misread it)
20:27.09MikkShadowed: Are you certain? There HAS to be an event that fires when trade starts
20:27.20MikkMaybe just TRADE_UPDATE...
20:28.01ShadowedMikk: Registered TRADE_REQUEST and it didn't fire for me at least, probably want to do some more testing but that one didn't seem to work
20:28.58MikkI remember now, I think
20:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:29.07MikkDidn't there use to be a confirmation step before the trade window opened?
20:29.13MikkLike way back?
20:29.40Shadoweddont think so
20:30.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
20:30.33MikkBecause in FrameXML, TRADE_REQUEST pops up a simple static dialog
20:30.46MikkTRADE_SHOW pops up the trade frame
20:31.04ShadowedMikk: Maybe check if it's fired when you have trades disabled?
20:31.14Mikkwas thinking that
20:31.17Mikki'm on the wrong server atm though
20:31.29Mikklvl 1 nub
20:31.35Mikkand i'm not going to run around chasing other nubs =)
20:32.07Mikkbesides, my gf wants to watch Lost. i'm going to have to oblige ;)
20:32.15Shadowedwhere do you see TRADE_REQUEST?
20:33.01ShadowedI don't see it used in any LUA or XML file except GlobalStrings
20:33.32Shadowedoh wait, UIParent.lua duh
20:34.56ShadowedAccording to  TRADE_REQUEST it's basically as you said. It pops up a dialog box asking if you want to trade with the person, so I guess TRADE_REQUEST_CANCEL is used when the player thats trading youu cancels it or you do.
20:38.48esp|Synim guessing the hook to replace the skull on targets with there actual level, dosnt work anymore?
20:41.09esp|Synis that nope it dosnt work
20:41.11esp|Synor nope it still works
20:41.40ShadowedAs in UnitLevel no longer returns the level if you can't see it
20:41.52Shadowedso no, it doesn't work
20:42.01esp|Synjust reading the wiki thats all
20:42.34Shadowedhmm, it still says it does?
20:44.58esp|Synjust a How to
20:45.01esp|Synon hooking functions
20:45.35Shadowedcan you link it?
20:58.06esp|Synlucky sonofabitch
20:58.32esp|Synsome guy speeding down the road, looks out the windows and misses the lights go red
20:58.51esp|Synso he runs the red light, into a truck crossing infront of him
20:59.11esp|Synhis car goes UNDER the damn lorry
20:59.12esp|Synnot a touch on the lorry
20:59.24esp|Synlike i said
21:00.10esp|Synbut then he got hit by the bus in the next lane
21:00.15esp|Synbut ya know.. shit happens
21:00.31esp|Synstill. all survived and such
21:00.32krkadamn it, my nvidia stuff is fubar :/
21:02.19KirkburnHow so?
21:02.41krkanot exactly sure, some version mismatch between the x module and the kernel module
21:02.50krkacan't figure out how to get the x module up to date
21:02.57KirkburnReinstall the drivers?
21:03.26KirkburnGod's answer to all problems
21:03.33KirkburnI'm on 91.33 :)
21:03.56krkai've tried all sorts of reinstallings :/
21:04.43Kirkburnooh err
21:05.11KirkburnUsing driver cleaner?
21:06.14KirkburnHaha, I accidently switched my Scrubs DVD to french :P
21:07.32krkadriver cleaner? O_o
21:14.45esp|Synyou know i wish i knew what i was doing here :/
21:27.52esp|SynOk so when i hook a function with args
21:28.03esp|Syndo i need to define the args when doing the OnLoad
21:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
21:34.02Kirkburnesp|Syn, it's a sunday - don't expect answers :P
21:36.05MentalPowerwhat was thequestion?
21:36.32esp|Syndnt matter ill try it both ways :P
21:36.59esp|SynOk new question
21:37.12esp|Synwhen hooking a function
21:37.48esp|Syni want to add a second check into an exsisting if loop
21:37.52esp|Synhow can i do that?
21:40.24MentalPowerother than re-writing the original function in your hook to include that extra conditional, you can't
21:40.56esp|Synthats easy
21:41.00esp|Syncopy paste addin
21:42.23esp|Synive written a addon that allows a notepad ingame, and i wana be able to shift click a item hyperlink to add it to the notepad
21:43.38esp|Synand the original function has a check for shift-click when chatframeeditbox is visible. i just wanted to add a elseif mymod:visible blah
21:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge kaso| (
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22:03.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
22:04.54esp|Synwhy isnt ui worldofwar working?
22:06.06gnorlishit is
22:06.20esp|Synis now
22:06.26esp|Synwasnt for a sec
22:06.32Shadowed/roll 100
22:06.34Shadowed<50 = down
22:06.37Shadowed>=50 = up
22:06.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
22:07.52WobinShadowed: Why not just /roll 2? =P
22:09.06*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
22:09.29ShadowedWobin: Thats less complex
22:09.59esp|SynOk lootlink does it
22:10.02esp|Synlets take a look at that
22:11.08Merybecause the way shadowed defined it its 51% up and 49% down so /roll 2 is not the same
22:11.33Shadowedif it's 50/50 people will complain
22:11.36Shadowedso it's not technically 50/50!
22:14.01esp|Synok.. give me some idea's here guys
22:14.16esp|Synhow can i get add itemlinks into my editbox/
22:21.21esp|Synye, me neither
22:23.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
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23:04.26zespriare you there?
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23:13.13zespriis there any difference where to call StartMoving in OnDragStart or in OnMouseDown?
23:13.52AnduinLotharOnDragStart starts after draging your mouse about 1/3 of an inch
23:14.11MentalPower__well, ondragstart guarantees that the frame... what AnduinLothar said :)
23:14.28AnduinLotharbut OnMouseDown conflicts with OnClick sometimes
23:14.33Mikkesp|Syn: MyEditBox:SetText(GetInventoryItemLink("player",1))
23:14.43MikkAnduinLothar: conflicts?
23:15.21AnduinLotharif you need to use OnClick for spell casting ont he same frame it's easier to use OnDragStart
23:16.00AnduinLothartho i have a hax combo in ChatBar that uses all 3
23:16.06esp|SynMikk wouldnt that only return a link in inventory?
23:16.27Mikkthat "link" that is returned is the same one that's in SetItemRef's arguments
23:16.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:16.58Mikkjust hook setitemref, test if the link is an item, test if shift is down, test if your editbox is open (and has focus?), if so, add the link to it
23:17.01Mikkthe link is just a string
23:17.26AnduinLotharit uses OnMouseDown to get the cursor position relative to the frame, triggers dragging on OnDragStart and uses OnUpdate to update the position so that the cursor isn't half an inch off the frame
23:17.58AnduinLotharit's leet
23:18.22KirovAnduinLothar - for what?
23:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower__ (
23:18.29KirovSounds like something I'm about to do
23:18.43esp|Synok Mikk that made no sence to me sorry
23:19.22AnduinLotharlets you cast on OnClick and not have the cursor a million miles from the frame, which is common when using StartDrag on OnDragStart
23:20.14AnduinLotharmakes it a pain to position things close to the edge of the screen if your cursor isn't directly above the frame
23:20.29Mikkesp|Syn: You want shift clicking on item links to put them in your editbox just like they get put in the chatframe editbox, correct?
23:21.01MikkThis is what you can't get to work?
23:21.25esp|Synand its not so much .. work.. as understand how
23:21.49esp|Syni mean.. if i COULD insert my check into the one already there.. but i cant apparently
23:22.20AnduinLotharsure you can, jsut do a before hook
23:22.29Mikklocal oldSetItemRef = SetItemRef; function SetItemRef(link,text,button)  ... test your stuff here and insert link in your editbox ..  ; oldSetItemRef(link,text,button); end
23:22.47esp|Synwell thats what i was guna do..
23:22.47MikkThat's a function hook there.
23:22.52esp|Synbut i was told i couldnt .. ill try it
23:23.03MikkYou were asking about inserting an extra line in the middle of an existing function
23:23.05MikkThat's impossible
23:23.14AnduinLotharreplace hook
23:23.15MikkYou need to duplicate the checks from SetItemRef in your own function
23:23.32Mikki.e. 2 or 3 if() statements
23:23.43AnduinLotharbut before hooks are more compatible with other hooks
23:24.06esp|Syncant i just copy paste the entire code ?
23:24.12esp|Synits not a large ammount
23:24.14Mikki wouldn't recommend it
23:24.14AnduinLotharnot a good idea
23:24.19AnduinLotharthat's a replace hook
23:24.25esp|Syn39 lines
23:24.34Mikkyou're also screwing over everyone else hooking setitemref
23:24.35AnduinLotharif you do that then anything that hooks that function before you will break
23:24.38esp|Synhrm well i just tried my idea and it failed
23:24.56MikkWhat you're hooking might be something else entirely
23:25.04MikkPerhaps some nice little tooltip mod that you'd like to keep working
23:25.20MikkSo you really do want to keep calling the original function
23:25.27Mikk(Which gets stored in oldSetItemRef in my example)
23:27.22MikkTwo things
23:27.27esp|Synya i noticed one
23:27.28Mikk1. make that "lOriginal" a local
23:27.37Mikk2. Move your SetItemRef below your function definition
23:27.49MikkHyper_SetItemRef is nil at the time you're doing that assignment
23:27.57Mikkor just forget about having a separate name and write it like i showed you
23:28.41esp|Synuve lost me here
23:28.49esp|Synthe first two line are from my "OnLoad"
23:28.56Mikkyou need to say that =P
23:29.04esp|Synsorry.. i assumed thats where they went
23:29.10esp|Syni followed the tutorial again :$
23:29.34Mikkdon't insert the text, insert the link
23:29.40Mikkthat should do it
23:31.28esp|Synthat local goes in my OnLoad?
23:31.32esp|Synor just above my function?
23:34.23esp|Syndidnt work
23:35.01Kirovwhat does it do?
23:35.30esp|Synim guessing its not calling right
23:36.47KirovTry sticking a ChatFrame1:AddMessage() in there or two to see if A) the hook is happening at all and B) if it's going in to your part of the function
23:36.53esp|Synignore me a secon
23:36.57esp|Synim being a moron agan
23:38.00esp|Synok no that didnt work either
23:38.18Kirovstick those lines in, see what it's doing
23:41.17esp|Synit dosnt hook
23:41.55Mikkyour OnLoad can't be happening then
23:42.02esp|Synok checking now
23:43.40esp|Synit dosnt :/
23:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower__ (
23:54.02esp|SynSetItemRef = Hyper_SetItemRef; -- Hook in ours
23:54.08esp|Synwhats wrong with that?
23:55.28AnduinLotharthere definitely needs to be a way to ignore damage meters syncing while in combat
23:55.39AnduinLotharit drops be to like 0 fps
23:56.24chuckgRaid with less tards. Who would sync in combat? :|
23:56.44chuckgOnly thing that you might want to do is clear for aggro reset fights, ala: Ouro.
23:57.25Mikkesp|Syn: nothing wrong with that, if the function has been loaded before you do it
23:58.36Mikkwhich means that the Lua file where the functoin is has to be loaded before the xml file where you're doing the OnLoad call
23:58.55Mikkif you can't manage that, you could move the hook to e.g. VARIABLES_LOADED
23:59.07Mikkor just use direct hooking like i pasted
23:59.18Mikklocal oldSetItemRef = SetItemRef; function SetItemRef(link,text,button)  ... test your stuff here and insert link in your editbox ..  ; oldSetItemRef(link,text,button); end
23:59.34MikkOrdering can't ever be a problem with that approach.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.