irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060715

00:00.25Mikordhello folks.
00:00.31Cairennhi Mikord
00:00.46Wobinshouldn't be too hard
00:01.16Cairennmerely a suggestion
00:01.22Wobinhm, I wonder what GetPetExperience shows if there's no pet out
00:02.31Mikordanyone know how to turn off the game's xp display?  It seems to operate outside of the interface like the damage, but I don't see an option for it
00:03.11Wobinoutside of code, I don't think there's an interface option
00:03.38kergothMikord: heh, i take it you're trying to add xp to msbt
00:03.44Mikordalready done :P
00:03.57Mikordjust wanted to turn off the game one too since I don't like redundant info
00:04.03kergoththatd be nice
00:04.34Mikorddid you recheck that reputation stuff?  It's already in there.  If it isn't displaying then I need to check on it
00:05.01Wobinoh kergoth
00:05.09WobinWhat herb bag are you using?
00:05.23Wobin(and what quiver bag?)
00:05.29kergothcurrently its the cheap 12 sloter that the herb guy in org sells
00:05.33kergothquiver is a light leather one
00:05.55kergothMikord: havent had time to check it again, i'll let ya know
00:07.04MikordI'm playing on a lowbie right now.  They XP thing is kinda nice.  I notice it more
00:18.08kergothMikord: yea i'm not seeing any rep messages
00:23.59CairennIriel: you're a sneaky one, you were hiding on us, right in plain site!
00:26.38Mikordok kergoth.  I'll check on it
00:28.21Kasoman, i feel like a total noob right now, but i wonder if someone could help me identify a mod.
00:29.04Cairennnot without details we can't
00:29.22Kasohold on screenshot is taking longer than i thought it would ;>
00:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
00:32.16Kasobah stupid VLC!
00:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:36.14MentalPowerman I love my ISP
00:39.26Kasook, whats this :
00:41.00Shadowedthe curse people always have such clean UIs
00:42.52ShadowedCheck the topic where the video was posted though, they probably answered
00:45.15KasoWell it says in the videos its Photek UI but i googled that and couldnt find a thing
00:46.01MikmaKaso: i think that's gypsy buff's or the mod for it
00:46.33IrielHeh, sorry, work and all
00:46.39Cairennwhich says that it's CT_Mod's Buff
00:47.08Cairenn"9. Satrina buff has been removed and replaced with a much cooler looking CT_Mod Buff Style [color]. To set it up the CT_Mod Control Panel button is near your minimap, and the buff frames can be configured from there. I personally use the "Simple" layout, but you may choose as you please."
00:47.52IrielIn case cladhaire doesn't have clad|dinner registered - if he wants my gallery site, it's
00:47.53Kasoi have CT_Buff mod and mine doesnt look like that
00:48.15ThraeIriel: That reminds me. What do you think the overhead would be for hooking all 60 of GameTooltip's FontString's SetText and GetText ?
00:48.18IrielAnd there are more at
00:48.31Cairennah, the second is the one he was looking for
00:48.37IrielThrae: Overhead - probably not much - use - almost none
00:48.48Irielthe standard GameTooltip:Set* functions dont call them
00:49.08ThraeIriel: No, I need a safer way of putting info from other addons into a separate tooltip
00:49.27Cairennand, non-registered can receive, they just can't send
00:49.42ThraeLots of addons do stuff like getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft" .. GameTooltip:NumLines() ) after a call to AddLine or AddDoubleLnie
00:49.44IrielThrae : Then it wont be too bad, your hook will be dwarfed by the overhead of the frame method lookup
00:50.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:50.34ThraeIriel: Wouldn't the memory usage be ginormous?
00:50.38ThraeOh sorry, have a good time :)
00:50.46IrielNot really
00:50.50Cairennooooh, have fun!
00:50.59Iriel(to the memory usage)
00:51.16IrielAnd thanks (to the fun)
00:51.22ThraeThanks :)
00:51.39MikmaMikord: that's some horrible ui you pasted :D
00:51.49Mikmaargh! Iriel's using BitchX
00:52.34Mikmathat's one nasty irc-client, likes to kick the user out of irc-server often
00:54.33Cairenniriel doesn't seem to have many problems with it
00:55.05ThraeIf you disable Auto-Rejoin, it's fien
00:55.32MikordIriel question for ya.  Do you know if there is a CVar to turn off the game's XP display (the purple xp that displays even if the interface is off)
00:55.35ThraeBitchX is a fine client, it just has annoying (literally) defaults
00:55.51Mikmamy friend on ircnet always keeps getting disconnected from server when he uses bx :D
00:55.55ThraeMikord: Why don't you just hide the frame?
00:56.01Mikmaeveryone else using something doesn't
00:56.07Mikordthere is no frame
00:56.10MikmaMikord: oh yeah hey, i got 1 request for you :)
00:56.16ThraeMikord: Yes, there's a frame
00:56.21Mikordit's totally ouside of the interface.  You can turn the interface off and it still shows
00:56.35ThraeI'm hiding it in my interface just fine with Visor.
00:56.43WobinWhat's the framename?
00:56.44MikmaMikord: can you make couple of layouts for users to select, the normal (present) version and wider version if the frames? :)
00:56.44ThraeLemme see...
00:56.49MikordCool.  Well I'll have to figure out the frame name then :)
00:56.53Wobin(is probably a more relevant question =))
00:56.59MikordIt didn't appear to have one because it shows with the interface off
00:57.37MikordYou know you can make another profile?
00:57.43ThraeMainMenuExpBar, it's a StatusBar
00:57.54Mikordah ok thanks let me try it out
00:57.54ThraeAnd it's weird it doesn't hide for you if you hide UIParent, it hides for me
00:58.04MikordI can alt-z and it still shows
00:58.06MikmaMikord: yeap, but since i can't see the frames all at once i don't know are they aligned correctly
00:58.07Mikordjust like game damage
00:58.21ThraeIt is parented to MainMenuBar, which is parented to UIParent
00:58.40MikordThat's not the XP bar is it?
00:58.44MikordI'm talking about the purple text
00:58.51Mikordnot the bar
00:58.55ThraeThe text is part of the bar
00:59.22MikordOk thanks thrae
00:59.32ThraeThat's the frame you're looking for
00:59.48ThraeMainMenuBarExpText is the actual FontString
01:00.33Wobindon't you mean the text -on- the xpbar?
01:00.35Mikordcool that was it.  Where you looking to find that?
01:01.23Mikord@Mikma: Yeah I can probably get some layout presets put in there in a future rev
01:01.49MikmaMikord: that's nice, thanks dude :)
01:02.19MikordI take it you want it to wrap around nurfed?
01:04.09MikmaMikord: nope, i just wan't them to be littlebit further from each other
01:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:04.38MikmaMikord: i did remove the names from all damages and used SnapToGrid to move them couple of grids further etc
01:04.52Mikmaseems to be pretty nice and littlebit clearer.. atleast for me :)
01:05.07KirkburnToo many Mik's!
01:05.13Mikordhaha yeah
01:05.23MikmaMik's rule the world!
01:05.37ThraeMikord: You should have named it "Mikord's Scrolling Battle Text" out of respect for Mikk ;)
01:05.45MikordAye mikma that's why I made the output customizable.  Personally I like the extra info because I can follow it easily, but I know some people like less.
01:06.07MikordI didn't even know of the other Mikk
01:06.21MikmaMikord: at first i didn't notice they are changeable, but then someone told me and... now it's nice heh ;)
01:06.28MikordI will probably end up merging it with another mod I have privately at some point and changing the name
01:06.29KirkburnI introduced him to here from the wowwiki
01:06.50MikmaMikord: yeah use some neat name, the present is just too long :)
01:07.01KirkburnTeam Fortress 2 pic!
01:07.15KirkburnLooks *damn* cool
01:07.26MikmaKirkburn: huh!
01:08.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:08.10Mikmaholy crap, tf2 is coming! :D
01:08.24KirkburnRead this!
01:08.46KirkburnIt's coming with HL2:Ep2, along with another game ... all in one package
01:09.03MikordYeah I wasn't really trying to come up with anything special as I didn't write the mod to be released it just sort of grew
01:09.22ThraeI know the feeling all too well, Mikord.
01:09.26MikordThen my friends were always like hey change this change that
01:09.41KirkburnI'm so so happy :D
01:09.44Mikordso I was like heh ok I tell you what YOU can change it and made everything customizable
01:09.48MikmaKirkburn: there was these pictures of some TF2 earlier on net, and they still might be there but they haven't been updated in 4 years or so
01:09.59KirkburnI think I know the ones
01:10.05KirkburnIt's come, er, quite a way since then
01:10.15KirkburnVideos coming next week :)
01:11.09KirkburnOh and the pic ( is actually an in-game shot
01:11.27KirkburnDon't ask me why I changed the link ...
01:11.57ThraeDammit, need to burn off some data...just added 120GB worth of Anime to my download list
01:13.36*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
01:15.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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01:16.22KirkburnImagine playing with a view like this?
01:16.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Valgrind (
01:17.36Mikmaoh bloody hell that picture is huge
01:19.11Kirkburnyeah :)
01:19.54KirkburnHaha, I love these Rayman vids:
01:21.02Kirkburn(especially the dev team attacked one)
01:22.01MikordHmm actually thrae that's not the right bar.  That's still the overlay frame on the xp bar itself :\
01:22.20ThraeMikord: Try hiding the FontString I gave before
01:22.29MikordYeah that's the actual text on the XP bar
01:22.35Mikordand the overlay is also the same area
01:22.46ThraeI thought you just wanted to hide the text?
01:23.19ThraeMainMenuExpBar is the actual bar, MainMenuExpText is the text on the bar
01:23.20Mikordyeah, but not there.  The purple text that appears when you kill something (it appears right above your head and stays on with the interface off)
01:23.35esp|Syni HATE titan panel!
01:23.37ThraeHmmm, I'm not sure where that is
01:23.45ThraeBut I bet it's SOMEWHERE in FrameXML
01:23.53Mikmaesp|Syn: that's why people use FuBar ;)
01:24.04esp|SynOh i dont mind it as a usere
01:24.08Mikordprobably I'll have to look around, but I'm betting that it's controlled through a CVar just like game damage
01:24.16esp|Synbut.. trying to develope a mod on it is HELL
01:24.24esp|Syndid i spell develope right?
01:24.25ThraeMikord: Try this mod called Visor, it has a FrameName-Grabber function you can keybind
01:24.37Cairennesp|Syn: that's why people use FuBar ;0
01:24.44Mikmaesp|Syn: develope... penelope... penetrate
01:25.14esp|SynDeveloper.. develope..develeper...
01:25.15ThraeFubar is VERY easy to develop for, and you can even allow people to use your mod without Fubar being installed
01:25.18esp|Synnope just dosnt look right
01:25.39ThraeDeveloper is correct
01:25.46MikordOk I'll grab it
01:26.07ThraeIt comes from the Spanish, "Devel", which we all know means "Devil". A Developer is one doing the Devil's work.
01:26.13esp|Syni might look into Fubar for myself then, but im developing this for my friend who uses TB
01:26.13Mikma~steveballmer esp|Syn
01:26.14purlACTION throws a chair at esp|Syn
01:26.20Cairenn~smack Thrae
01:26.22purlACTION smacks Thrae upside the head.
01:26.35esp|Syn~slap Mikma
01:26.36purlACTION slaps Mikma, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
01:26.36Thraeesp|Syn: Tell him to switch to Fubar, almost all Titan mods have been...well, Fubar'd ;)
01:26.44Mikma~steveballmer esp|Syn
01:26.45purlACTION bounces on esp|Syn screaming, "DEVELOPERSDEVELOPERSDEVELOPERS!!"
01:26.49Mikmathere it is ;)
01:27.03*** join/#wowi-lounge RelSleep (
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01:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-wowi (
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01:38.54MikordI like Thrae's version of Spanish haha
01:40.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:46.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (
01:49.49Legorolanyone here played GW? i've got a newbie question
01:50.05Legorolhow can i target a mob without automatically starting to attack them?
01:50.27Legoroli'd like to select the mob, then start casting a long casting time spell, and pull with that spell
01:50.41Legorolbut if i click a mob, i immediately attack
01:55.02KirkburnTraitorous scum =)
01:56.00KirkburnThat sounds odd nonetheless
01:56.17KirkburnI saw they've only just implemented stack splitting :P
01:56.22Legoroli'm simply curious about it..
01:56.34Legorolnothing wrong with knowing thy enemies ;-)
01:56.47Legoroli'd never betray WoW, i'll stay loyal
01:57.27Legoroli do like the enormous range of character customization available in GW, i'm very impressed in fact
01:57.38Legorolespecially about the fact that you can recustomize your character completely any time you like
01:57.54Legorolthat goes beyond anything i've seen, even mmo with skill-based advancement
01:58.42ThraeWouldn't that eventually end up with everyone as one "perfect type" from all the min-maxing?
01:59.02ThraeI remember the "Monk/Priest" or "Monk/Warrior" being the "perfect type"
01:59.33ThraeLike 70% of the longer term players ended up in that type in GW
02:04.46KirovBeladona - your still around?
02:04.47ShadowedSo i kind of wish they would always let you rename your character on test
02:04.51Shadowedbecause i now own "ADruid" :(
02:06.51Beladonayeah I am here
02:06.57Beladonasorry I was finishing up some compares
02:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn1 (
02:08.01Kirkburn1I thought I'd almost lost my computer then :/ I hate the internet
02:08.35Beladonain GW there is a keyboard shortcut to target nearest enemy
02:08.44Beladonait doesn't attack
02:08.50KirovBeladona - that logo better?
02:08.55BeladonaI map mine to my thumb button on my mouse
02:08.58Beladonayeah I like it
02:17.51LegorolBeladona: yeah i know about that one, but that's nearest enemy
02:18.00Legorolhow do i target an arbitrary enemy, without auto-attacking
02:18.10Legoroli'd like to click on one in the distance say
02:18.22ThraeWithout looking through party and raid targets, you can't.
02:18.45LegorolThrae, in GW
02:18.55ThraeNot to my knowledge. TargetNearestEnemy() or TargetByName() are the on--
02:19.00ThraeOh. Sorry :D
02:19.09Legorolok i know it's a bit off-topic
02:21.03Beladonaok thats really weird
02:21.14Beladonathey didn't increment the TOC number on the test client
02:21.21Beladonaits still 11100
02:21.35ShadowedIt's to throw us off
02:21.49KirovI think they did that once before with one of the first test realms
02:22.07Beladonawonder if it was an oversight
02:22.37Beladonaor because no pre-existing global functions were altered
02:29.02Temanyone got the patch notes?
02:29.15Temit appears their site is far too hammered to get them
02:29.24ThraeTem: has them
02:29.43Temthe *real* patch noes
02:29.44Beladonasoon Kirov: messing with some compare stuff
02:29.52Temnot the bullshit they had posted this morning
02:30.13ShadowedTem: It's real
02:30.17ThraeThose were from the PTR this morning
02:30.25ThraeThey may or may not have changed, it IS the PTR
02:30.27BeladonaI gave Kirkburn the notes, and he was gonna post them on wowwiki
02:30.32Beladonathey aren't there yet?
02:31.02Shadowedi kind of wish people would stop posting videos of the later nax fights :/
02:31.09Legorolwhat? PTR?
02:31.24ShadowedLegorol: yes but they aren't up yet
02:31.31Thrae0.12! 0.12!
02:31.35ThraeNot 1.12 >.<
02:31.42Legorolnothing in 1.12 for me to look forward to :(
02:31.43ShadowedThrae: Yeah, just posting the entire fight when only 3 guilds have done it
02:31.59Beladonathats not teh patch notes I gave him though
02:32.05Beladonathats just the stuff that was posted before the PTR
02:32.10ThraeLegorol: Didn't slouken get finished with AddonComm?
02:32.18Legorolah good point!
02:32.21Shadowedthe music conquest chose for this video is scary
02:33.13Shadowedto be fair, i didn't read the whole thing just searched for 1.12
02:33.18KirovIf blizzard implemented their own version of SCT, how many bets do you want to make that they're not scanning the combat logs for the info
02:33.33ShadowedKirov: I'd imagine they are, why?
02:33.40ShadowedAh wait Beladona
02:34.15ShadowedKirov guessing mostly
02:34.23Beladonaso... is there another ptr up since the one this morning?
02:34.37Shadowedthey havn't come up yet, and no i don't think so
02:34.41Legorolwhere do you guys see 0.12 PTR?
02:35.10Shadowedisn't there suppose to be an interface.mpq file in the Data folder?
02:35.30Kirovshadowed - AURA_START!
02:35.37ShadowedKirov: AURA_START?
02:35.56LegorolShadowed: yes
02:35.58Legoroloh yay!
02:36.02Legorolchar copy page for EU is up!
02:36.09Legoroland people didn't seem to notice yet, so it's not hammered..
02:36.29BeladonaShadowed, the only file that matters is the patch.mpq
02:36.33Kirovnew event - COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE, includes stuff like when a player gains and looses auras (both good and bad)
02:36.37Beladonathe others are used from the main game directory
02:36.52Shadowedwhere do you see this?
02:36.52LegorolShadowed: 0.12 PTR
02:36.53Kirovcombo points
02:36.56Legorolit seems like they are getting ready for it
02:37.00Legoroli'm downloading the patch as we speak
02:37.07Legorolonly 11 Mb?
02:37.10Legorolthat's got to be wrong..
02:37.36Beladonayou sure it isn't the patch downloader you just downlaoded
02:37.40ShadowedLegorol: Is the EU test server up?
02:37.46Legoroli don't know
02:37.50Legorolbut the char copy page is..
02:37.59KirovShadowed -
02:38.01Legorolif you copy early, you often get 4 copies :)
02:38.09Shadowedthat explains it
02:39.25ShadowedDoes wdn kill "_" or am I seeing things?
02:39.52Beladonayou can't see them very well because of the dotted underline on links
02:39.57Beladonabut they are there
02:40.16Shadowed I mean I can't see any underscores on that page
02:40.24Tem"New floating combat text has been added to the game with a number
02:40.24Temof options. You can see when you take damage, when you are healed
02:40.24Temand how much, when you acquire and lose auras and much more. You can
02:40.24Temturn on the new options in the newly revised options screen. "
02:40.29BeladonaI see them
02:40.38ShadowedIE7 bug I think, i see them fine on firefox
02:41.01Beladonawow that is stupid
02:41.15Beladonamust be line height hiding them
02:41.25Beladonago IE! go!
02:42.24Shadowedinteresting, so they don't do any combat log scanning
02:43.00KirovHonestly, wouldn't make sense for them to.
02:43.04Beladonafixed it
02:43.06KirovAll the information is in the client
02:43.20BeladonaShadowed: they added a new event just for that purpose
02:43.23KirovIt gets translated to strings when lua sees it, but before that it's just the raw data
02:43.48ShadowedYeah i see that now
02:44.07ShadowedCOMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE looks like it'll make life easier for doing scanning though
02:44.53Beladonawell for that data yeah
02:44.53KirovIf only they'd let us get that information for the rest of the raid
02:45.02Beladonadoes it work for reputation?
02:45.07ShadowedBeladona: looks like it
02:45.19Shadowedoh and i can see underscores again
02:46.25ShadowedSo I think the first thing i'll have to do on the test server, is find a way around battleground forced groups
02:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tarog (
02:47.56Temoh, they did forced groups?
02:47.59TemI missed that
02:48.21KirovThat's on the fake 1.12 notes, I don't see it on the real ones
02:48.21TemI don't see it anywhere in the list Shadowed
02:48.34ShadowedI'm just guessing mostly
02:48.41ShadowedWhy is there a ChatTypeInfo for "BATTLEGROUND_LEADER" though
02:48.53Kirovgood point
02:48.59Shadowed"CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND" and "CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND_LEADER" two new events added
02:49.05TemI'd like forced groups when I pug it
02:49.11Tembut I don't pug anymore
02:49.19Beladonapug you!
02:49.27Shadowedyeah, really the last thing I want is having to deal with some alliance pug who knows crap but we're forced to listen to him
02:49.41Beladonaespecially now that you will be seeing people from other servers
02:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:49.43Shadowedor having 7 group, 7 pug in AB and not being able to communicate with only the group :/
02:49.48Beladonaand have no way of knowing how good they are
02:49.52Tem(unless you count AV, but since I got my SotSF and I'm not grinding for honor, I don't do AV anymore)
02:50.08ShadowedBeladona: Well, from a tatics standpoint it'll hurt a lot
02:50.32ShadowedPugs are usually known for zerging a node if you tell them to help it out, and when you're in a group you can only tell the group and not have to worry about everyone leaving everything else and helping that one node.
02:51.39Temthat's what Vent is for, Shadowed
02:51.39Shadowedour group doesn't use vent
02:51.39Beladonayou know...
02:51.40Shadowedinfact, my raiding guild doesn't either :p
02:51.40Beladonaif they can link battlegrounds, that brings up ideas for other things they could link
02:51.46Beladonalike linked auction houses
02:51.47Shadowedlike instances?
02:51.50TemBAD Beladona
02:52.08Shadowedhe's been bribed by gold farmers
02:52.22TemGold farmers don't have to level to 60 on new servers anymore!
02:52.22Beladonait would balance the economy on all servers though
02:52.36BeladonaI just don't know if it would balance up or down
02:52.42Kirovor destroy it on all servers
02:52.51Beladonamy thinking is it would average to a common median
02:53.04Legorolapparently PTRs only come up on monday :(
02:53.15ShadowedAny idea what "TALENT_FRAME_WAS_SHOWN" is for?
02:53.18Legorolthis has got to be the smallest content patch ever..
02:53.21Legorol11.3 Mb
02:53.27Legoroldid they actually add anything?
02:53.37Shadowedoh hey
02:53.46Shadowedthey added a confirmation saying if you delete a good item
02:54.19Beladona1.11.1 to 1.11.2 was only 5mb
02:54.26Beladonaits incremental
02:54.33Beladonaa full patch would be huge
02:56.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
02:58.04Legorolhas anyone looked at the patch notes?
02:58.09Temyes, I have
02:58.10Legorolthey havea  long, long explanation on haste/slow effects
02:58.14Legorolcomplete with math formula
02:58.19Kirovyeah, I noticed that too
02:58.30Legorolit's the first time in the history of Blizzard that they give out actual formulae in connection with a game mechanics
02:58.35Legorol<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
02:58.41Kirovthought that was an odd amount of information
02:59.07Shadowedit's so nobody complains and says it was a nerf
02:59.11Legorolit looks like haste does work the way we figured
02:59.24Legoroli'm surprised that it worked differently before..
02:59.28Legoroli wonder what the old formulae were
03:01.16ShadowedActually, I guess on the plus side of forced groups. I can use AddOn comm to communicate BG info through raid
03:02.05Legorolforced groups?
03:02.12Legorolbtw, i don't like the Uldaman/ZF changes
03:02.20BeladonaKirov, new logo image is up
03:02.28LegorolUldaman and ZF were fun dungeons, the things they changed made them challenging
03:02.34Legorolthey are making it too easy :(
03:02.37ShadowedLegorol: From the looks of it they maybe forcing battleground groups, ChatFrame.lua had "CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND" and "CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND_LEADER" added to it
03:02.44ShadowedUldaman was too hard for the level really
03:02.49Legorolnot true at all!
03:02.54Legorolthat just means you were doing it wrong
03:03.00Legorolwe cleared it with a party of around 45s
03:03.03Legorolincluding the end boss
03:03.11KirovAnd the quests for it are level 40
03:03.23LegorolKirov: nope, they range from 37 up to something like 47
03:03.26Beladonait may be voluntary group matching
03:03.35Beladonayou can't surmise forced groups from that
03:03.43Legorolthe quest range for Uldaman is, just like any other instance, quite wide
03:03.50ThraeLegorol: God, that's a stupid change
03:03.52Shadowedthink the IGN info said it
03:03.58ThraeAnd when I mean a Stupid Change, I mean for stupid people
03:03.58net\afkwhat s up
03:04.05Beladonayou know what we should do?
03:04.08Beladonatest it...
03:04.12Beladonathat way we know for sure lol
03:04.12LegorolThrae: yeah :(
03:04.17ThraeYou don't loot the damn chest until AFTER you clear the room, that should just be common dungeon experience right there
03:04.19Legorolthe shadowforge ambushers in Ulda were really fun!
03:04.32Legorolfirst time, yeah, you wipe
03:04.34Legorolbut then you learn
03:04.39ThraeLots of people wipe there that don't realize that
03:04.41Legorolnext time, it's still tough, but doable
03:04.47Legorolso what if they wipe?
03:04.53Legoroltough luck... be more prepared
03:04.53ThraeI wonder what WoW people would do in DAoC or EQ
03:05.09ThraeIt's not like WoW dungeons are HARDER then those games, they're EASIER
03:05.19Legorollook at the ZF changes
03:05.35Thrae"OMG we wiped, we need to walk for 10 minutes"
03:05.36Legorolok that one's almost understandable
03:05.43Legorolthat encounter is pretty tough
03:05.44ShadowedI liked the fact that it was hard, it's just pugs usually were kind of stupid
03:05.46Legorolbut it is doable
03:05.51ThraeZF does have a few bugs for it
03:05.59ThraeSometimes the Witch Doctor summons them faster then other times
03:06.20Legorolbut tbh, if you clear the graves first,
03:06.22Legorolhe doesn't summon them
03:06.24ThraeSometimes one of the Jailed NPCs in the Jail NPC quest run ALL the way down the stairs, die, then draw the aggro up to the top
03:06.30Legorolso again... use caution, clear the graves, then kill him
03:06.33netcurseLegorol what i can do for you
03:06.35ThraeThat's one I want fixed
03:06.37Cairennoo ee oo aa aa, ding dang, walla walla, bing bang
03:06.39netcurseexept i m a bit drunk .P
03:06.46ThraeThat's a 100% wipe right there, unless you're all Level 50s
03:06.57Legorolnetcurse: pull wowtoc from CG :)
03:07.03Legorolyou could do that for me..
03:07.06Temoo ee, oo aa aa, ding dang walla walla, bing ban!
03:07.23Cairennban? *pouts*
03:07.37netcursei think i can do this lego .p
03:07.41LegorolWoW, the changes to V are great!
03:08.08Beladonaso... is there a new ptr?
03:08.16Temoo ee, oo aa aa ding dang walla walla bing ban!
03:08.22Legorollol, they integrated sct..
03:08.23BeladonaI just got the one up from this morning
03:08.35TemLegorol, exactly my reaction
03:08.52BeladonaI am glad they did
03:08.59Legorolactually, lots of UI changes
03:08.59Cairennkinda makes the whole SCT vs MBST stuff rather moot
03:09.01Legoroli'm impressed
03:09.09BeladonaI do ahve some question as to how they implemented it though
03:09.17BeladonaI am not a fan of the animation that SCT used
03:09.19ShadowedHmm, I think they posted that they're forcing people to group during a battleground a while ago but i can't remember :(
03:09.24Legorol-  Fixed a bug that caused some non-combat pets to be referred to as
03:09.35BeladonaI would much more prefer that to be internal, just like mob dmg is
03:09.58Temwhen I was reading it, I was hoping what they had added were damage numbers for healers
03:10.01LegorolShadowed: no sign of it in patch notes
03:10.07Thrae(Mini-) DIABLO IS PET TO NO ONE
03:10.19Legorolexcept me :)
03:10.19TemLegorol, but there is some indication of it in ChatFrame.lua
03:11.00ShadowedBATTLEGROUND_LEADER Wwould make no sense for general usage, i can understand just BATTLEGROUND but not BATTLEGROUND_LEADER
03:12.19esp|SynHrm. i cant work out why my scrollbar wont run the on click event of the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th buttons
03:12.27esp|Synbut will the 1st.. when they all use the same function..
03:13.52Beladonagoing to bed, see everyone tomorrow
03:14.01Temnight Bela
03:14.04esp|Synand nm i fixed it :D
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03:20.22Legorolinteresting new entry in Bindings.xml
03:20.30Legorolnow i have to find what that refers to :)
03:20.46ShadowedCheck UIParent? looked like a bunch of configuration stuff was moved/changed
03:21.46LegorolRaidBossEmoteFrame <- what's this?
03:22.12Shadowedcould be it displays emotes done by raid bosses near the raid warning frame
03:22.25Shadowedstuff like "Gluth becomes frenzied"
03:23.15Legorolaha, /bg
03:23.17Legorolthat's new
03:23.28Shadowedwheres that?
03:23.37Legorolwhere it should be. GlobalStrings.lua
03:25.04Shadowednever knew where slash commands were stored :p
03:25.24ShadowedWhy is it there twice though? I see two /bg and two /battleground
03:28.08Legorollots of slash commands appear multiple times
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03:28.19Legorollooks like they are adding buffs/debuffs to targetoftarget
03:28.53Shadoweddoesn't look like they use SLASH_BATTLEGROUND yet
03:31.02esp|Synanyone here got experience with titan panel?
03:34.17LegorolShadowed: they don't need to
03:34.30Legoroljust like with SLASH_SAY
03:34.43Legorola lot of the slash commands are not added to SlashCmdList
03:35.16Legorolinstead, they are handled in ChatEdit_ParseText
03:36.57Legorolit loops through ChatTypeInfo
03:37.03Legorolas well as SlashCmdList
03:38.03Shadowedit looks like they are adding ITunes support?
03:38.20Legorolwhat makes you think that
03:38.58MikordMSBT 2.10 is up.  Fixed the rep issues, did a little more optimization, and added a couple things for those who use it
03:39.29Legorolaha, Bindings.xml
03:39.29ShadowedI wonder what CHAT_MSG_FILTERED is for?
03:39.39Legorolwhole set of bindings for itunes
03:39.49MikordFor those who use it, MSBT 2.10 is on wowinterface.  I fixed the rep issues, did a little more optimization, and added a couple things
03:39.51Legorolonly for Mac though
03:39.58Mikordoops didn't mean to type that twice
03:40.05Mikordwrong window
03:41.08Legorolyah definiitely Mac only
03:41.09ShadowedLegorol: It's mac only it looks like
03:41.18Legorolthose itunes bindings call API functions which are internal
03:41.30Legoroland they don't exist in WoW.exe
03:41.32Shadowedthey also have "platform="mac"" next to them
03:41.37ThraeI'm sure Apple asked them for the keybindigs
03:41.45Legorolhehe, i like to doublecheck things via other means ;_)
03:42.29Thrae"We're making a DB Program for Medical Professionals for Macs." Apple: "Can you add an iTunes interface to it?"
03:42.30Legorolthat's quite significant thoguh..
03:42.35Legorolyou can control an external up with keybindings?
03:46.26Shadowedwhats the reason for the MainMenuBagBarButton.lua change?
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04:29.20KemayoMikord:  I don't suppose you'd consider putting MSBT onto
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05:54.17ShadowedSo anyone able to recommend something for recording videos besides Fraps?
05:54.26Depherios.... fraps?
05:54.45ShadowedPretty sure you can get something better then fraps
05:56.24Shadowedthanks will look at it
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06:07.44ShadowedSo GameCam doesn't play nicely with Winamp apparently
06:07.54Shadowed...and has no uninstaller
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06:33.02AtreoAnyone around to answer a couple questions?
06:33.13KirovWhat's up?
06:33.26ThraeWe are here to confuse and amaze.
06:33.37AtreoI'm working on adding an aggro warning to a target/target script
06:33.52Atreoand I have everything done except the check/message exists inside a loop
06:34.01Atreoand i'm not sure how to make it skip it if its already displayed it
06:34.20Atreothat and the /script message("text"); command no longer seems to work for me
06:34.56Shadowedworks fine for me
06:34.59Kirovfirst thing, get this
06:35.25Kirovit's a mod that lets you type /dump then pretty much anything to see what it is.
06:35.30Kirovvery useful
06:35.43Kirovsecondly, how are you displaying the message?
06:36.16Atreousing the error frame
06:36.34KirovI would suggest not using that
06:37.51Atreoshould I focus on creating my own frame?
06:38.06KirovHold on, pulling in BWL right now so I'll be slow
06:39.10Kirovtry UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(text)
06:39.26Atreothats what i'm using to display it
06:40.24Atreothe problem is it is always updating the target/target so it spams the message
06:40.36Kirovwhat you probably want to do then is keep track of if you have aggro or not in a variable.
06:41.02ShadowedWhen the mob targets you, set a variable. when you change target or the target/target changes target reset it
06:42.57Atreoyeah i'm using a target/target loop that already existed
06:43.11Kirovif ( UnitIsUnit("targettarget", "player" ) then
06:43.39Atreoah i didn't think about unit is unit
06:43.52Shadowed~slap Kirov
06:43.59purlACTION slaps Kirov, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
06:44.03Atreosaves me a step
06:44.16ThraeAtreo: is your friend. It's main use is up-to-date API information.
06:47.52Atreoi know
06:47.56Atreobut i went in a round about way
06:48.10Atreodid UnitName("targettarget") == UnitName("player")
06:54.50Mikordthat would work too
06:55.35ThraeAtreo: NPCs can have the same name as players, it's not as safe as UnitIsUNit
06:55.54ThraeAnd I think enemy players can have the same names as the other faction? Not sure on that one.
06:56.39MikordI do agree UnitIsUnit is better
06:57.38KirovThrae - no, player names are unique, as are guild names.
06:57.54KirovThough that'll change in the upcoming cross-server battlegrounds
06:59.15Mikordthose are going to be bad for the short bus servers hehe
06:59.29ThraeAh, I guess that makes sense with the way I've seen Blizzard's DB act.
07:00.26ThraeMikord: Especially since Blizzard can't possibly balance it according to "which servers have the best PvP guilds"
07:01.00MikordSo I went through everything in FrameXML.  There is no mention of the xp text that floats above your head.  I'm pretty sure it's not an interface frame because it acts just like the game damage where it still shows even if the interface is off.  I bet it's an undocumented CVar in the file that controls it.
07:01.08MikordThrae: Aye it'll be funny in a way
07:01.17Mikordnew server on MC fighting Naxx geared PvP guilds
07:01.21ThraeSince all guilds are transient, and the relations made cross-server will take too much time to risk destroying them on a reshuffle
07:01.36ThraeI'd rather lose quickly then never fight at all :D
07:02.22ThraeMikord: Hmmm, I would have thought it was a ScrollingMessageFrame
07:02.25MentalPowerCairenn: Auctioneer 3.6.1 in the approval queue :)
07:02.46Cairennnot any longer
07:03.14MikordCairenn is so quick :)
07:04.03ShadowedCairenn probably hits refresh on the queue every couple of seconds
07:04.15Cairennnot quite
07:04.31Shadowedemail sent?
07:04.50Mikordthere used to be a cvarlist command in beta.  Any way to still access that?
07:06.09Kirovnot that I know of
07:06.17ThraeMikord: Yeah you're right, not there
07:06.45ThraeBy the way, if you didn't use find or grep, I'm sorry for misleading you
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07:08.10ThraeMikord: Googled -
07:08.20MikordYeah no worries.  I grep'd for some variants and then went through likely candidates manually
07:08.34ThraeMikord: cvarlist looks promising, if it still works
07:08.39Mikordyeah you can't do that anymore though that I know of
07:08.49Mikordyou can't just /console cvarlist at least
07:09.23Mikordor is there a flag I need to put when I open WoW?  A lot of them need --debug or something
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07:10.33Mikordhmm looks like -console
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07:17.00ThraeMikord: <-- here's a place
07:18.55ThraeHey, it seems you can set "screenshotFormat" to something other then TGA!
07:19.35Atreonother quick question
07:19.49Atreois there anyway to add a person's guild name to the default blizzard tooltip?
07:19.56Atreowhen i hover over them?
07:20.03ShadowedThrae: Mac only
07:20.29ThraeShadowed: software eh?
07:20.36ThraeWhy can't they use the *&%^% available ports
07:20.51Shadowedthats about the same thing i though
07:21.10ThraeAtreo: TinyTip can do it for you, and it doesn't take up too much of your resources.
07:22.09Kirov - what I use
07:22.17Atreoi know its more of a learning experience for me tho
07:22.26Mikordhehe Thrae we are coming up with the same places :)
07:23.16KirovThrae - mac only
07:23.21MikordI've got the in-game cvarlist working, but it's in their console and you can't scroll up...hurray
07:23.21Kirovfor the screenshot thing
07:23.45ThraeMikord: What was the command to get the console?
07:23.55ThraeMikord: I opened WoW with -console and it didn't give me the console
07:24.01Mikordyou have to put -console on the end of the shortcut to the game then hit the ~ to bring it up
07:24.11ThraeAhhhhh, yes now I remember.
07:24.21ThraeKirov: Yes, Shadowed already corrected me ;)
07:24.50MikordYou can expand it to full screen, but after that you can't see any more :\
07:26.47KirovIs the console part of the client?
07:27.06KirovI've never seen any reference to it in lua
07:28.24ThraeThe console is where CVars show and can be set, so I would :D
07:28.26MikordI downed the fontsize for it.  Hard to read
07:28.37Mikordbut I can see more
07:28.57ThraeOr it might use embedded Lua
07:29.55Mikordawww no gm commands hah
07:30.01MikordIt comes up with a big NONE
07:30.32ThraeYeah, that would take the millions of users a full 2 seconds to activate them :D
07:32.29Mikordaye to write a mod launcher that automagically sets readTOS and readEULA in the
07:32.44Thrae"UberTooltips" ...?
07:32.47Mikordno more clicking ok 200,000 times on every upgrade
07:33.10ShadowedSo I just realised, but the floating combat text Blizzard is adding doesn't include any way to add custom ones does it?
07:33.20Shadowedlike SCT and sct_event_whatever.lua
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07:33.33ThraeShadowed: You'd probably have to hook their functions
07:33.42ThraeBut it's all Lua driven, so it's open.
07:33.45Shadowedtime to write an addon to convert SCT ones into blizzards
07:34.05ThraeMikord: What's the command to set a variable on the console?
07:34.07MikordI think I saw that those 1.12 patch notes were all fake a CM postd
07:34.20Mikordset var, val
07:34.24ThraeMikord: No, the SCT Blizzie thing is real
07:34.40ThraeThere are real 0.12 PTR patch notes floating around now
07:34.51ThraeAs people can actually get into the PTR, and read the release notes from the patch
07:35.43ShadowedThrae: you can't get on the server, but you can install/download the patch
07:35.55ThraeShadowed: Right, and hence read the notes
07:36.54Shadoweddamnit die rogues
07:38.21Thrae"Detailed Tooltips" == "UberTooltips"
07:38.26ThraeGotta love programmers.
07:38.45ThraeSorry, "Enhanced Tooltips"
07:38.46Mikordonly certain ppl can get on the PTR right now or?
07:39.19Shadowednobody can
07:39.37ShadowedThey were going to bring them up today hence why the downloader was released, but they still had more to do so the current ETA is monday
07:40.02Mikordwell that will be interesting
07:43.06Shadowedso it's offical
07:43.19Shadowedwhen you have 4 rogues on the enemy team during a warsong gulch match, it sucks when they all decide to kill you
07:43.42ThraeYou must be a caster, or just unlucky ;)
07:44.06ShadowedI'm a warrior who could kill 2-3 of them at once, but can't when i'm chain stunlocked :p
07:44.06ThraeYou can't be the flag runner / bearer, because we all know Rogues don't play in teams :D
07:44.54MikordSo from the patch notes I just read, it looks like a scaled down version of SCT and MSBT then.
07:45.21ThraeBut of course. Logically, you'd want to give a smaller version and up it from there, rather then add in tons of bloat right from the start.
07:46.00Shadowedit looks pretty configurable
07:46.08Shadowedfrom looking at the code
07:46.16ThraeNot nearly as SCT or MSBT, of course.
07:46.38ThraeBut it'll probably be enough for most people. We have yet to see if it'll be coded as well ;)
07:46.40Shadowedno, but it's not like it has no features
07:46.41Mikordaye well I'm off for the night.  See ya later.
07:46.46ShadowedThrae: Check wdn
07:46.52Shadoweddiffs are already up
07:46.59ThraeThose can change
07:47.14ThraeI've seen good code on PTR go worse on release
07:47.26ShadowedAssuming they don't change it to be worst, they are pretty configurable currently
07:48.55Shadowedalso, anyone have any idea why doesn't seem to want to add stuff to the dropdown?
07:49.14ThraeUse Dewdrop for your dropdowns!
07:49.20ShadowedI'm not including a libary
07:49.23ThraeIt's soooo much better then Blizzard's stock.
07:49.27Shadowedfor one dropdown :p
07:49.46ThraeBut it's sexy! Like a fox. Like a sexy fox.
07:50.19ShadowedI would love to use something thats not crazy like blizzards, but I'm not going to tell my users to download Dewdrop or keep track of it for only two dropdowns
07:50.23AnduinLotharOssi down, woot
07:50.48ThraeShadowed: It's an embedded library.
07:51.00AnduinLothardps gear += Bracers of Brutality
07:51.21ThraeDewdrop-1.2 is very stable, ckknight is now up to Dewdrop-2.0
07:51.42ThraeAnduinLothar: What's an Ossi? (Level 49 Druid)
07:51.42Shadowedstill, I rather not include something extra thats not needed. I'm guessing the issue is really just some small thing i'm missing
07:51.49ShadowedOssirian the unscarred, AQ20 final boss
07:51.59ThraeAh, gotcha.
07:52.17ThraeI've been too damn busy coding in my usual WoW time.!
07:52.32AnduinLotharBracers of Brutality: Plate, 21str, 12agi, 9sta
07:52.45Shadowedyeah those are nice, i use them
07:52.48ThraeWe need a Thottbot Bot here ;)
07:53.49ShadowedAllahkzam has better info usually
07:54.28ThraeWell I mentioned Thottbot because we have a few supporters in here ;)
07:55.38Cairenntake your pick, they are both part of
07:55.46ThraeThen I could show off my excellent Druid Gear -- [ Harness of Lameness ] +50% Run Speed -90% Melee Damage -90% Spell Damage +20 Stamina Chance On Hit: Kill the wearer instantly.
07:56.24Shadowedwell, thottbot is usually faster. but for stuff that recently came out alla is better fwds strait to alla
07:57.01ThraeCairenn: Really? I thought Thottbot was the only one with roots to IGE.
07:58.30Shadowedhmmm weird
07:58.53ThraeIt's odd that the same company can own two competing sites. I guess they don't want to risk one sites' bad stigma affecting the other if they merged.
07:58.54ShadowedRequestBattlefieldScoreData has something that wont let you call it as soon as the score data is recieved
08:01.18AnduinLotharby a few days they mean a few months
08:03.04ThraeEww. Well, at least I have something to tell people that say "I don't use Thottbot because of IGE, I use Alla!"
08:05.32ThraeAlthough I love WoWInterface, and have no qualms about OGaming, I'd be lying if I said I liked a company that owns IGE, or IGE itself.
08:05.57ThraeThen again, I don't like big business much at all. They get away with way too much in America.
08:08.08ThraeIt disappointed me when I learned of the OGaming affiliations, not because they or Cairenn "sold out", but because such a situation occured in the first place. It's the fault of that company up top that things turned out this way.
08:08.50Cairennwhat is, is
08:09.10Cairennand on that note and the fact it's 4am here, I'm for bed
08:09.14Cairennnight guys
08:09.39ThraeG'night...sorry for dregging up a dead horse topic like that.
08:09.55Cairenn|sleepno worries, at least you aren't a complete ass about it
08:12.46AnduinLotharnight cair
08:17.08AnduinLotharBTW, the new Muse album is Epic
08:17.33ThraeEpic! *sells on Ebay*
08:17.34AnduinLotharesp "Supermassive Black Holes" and "Knights Of Cydonia"
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09:09.32ckknightShadowed, Dewdrop is embedded.
09:12.00ckknightit's a dropdown replacement I wrote
09:12.15ckknightlike Blizzard's, only it doesn't suck nearly as much
09:14.03Shadowedckknight: Yeah I know
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09:14.24ShadowedI just rather not include something that i'm only going to use for two dropdowns, since i'm sure the issue is just I missed one little silly line
09:14.25ckknightso users don't have to download it separately
09:14.46ckknightdo what you want
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11:37.09esp|Syntwo mods sumbitted now :D
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12:24.41esp|Synif ( event == "UPDATE_FACTION" ) then
12:24.45esp|Synthat work?
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12:52.32esp|Synwhats a "stack overflow"
12:53.02Corrodiaswhen you put too much onto the stack and it overflows into other memory
12:53.16Corrodiasor, more likely, your memory manager catches an attempt to do so and prevents it.
12:53.38esp|Synok.. whats a stack
12:54.00Corrodiasor possibly there's just some sort of predefined limit to the number of items or amount of data you can put onto a stack and you attempt to exceed that
12:54.37esp|Synstil..whats a stack
12:54.45Corrodiasa stack is intended to be a first-in-last-out data structure
12:54.52Corrodiasin the context of your problem, i have absolutely no idea
12:55.10esp|Syni get it when calling a function
12:55.24Corrodiasthat is, you push A, B, C onto the stack, and then when you "pop" off the top, you get "C" back
12:55.47Corrodiasan overflow is typically caused by infinite recursion or too-deep recursion
12:56.19Corrodias"the stack" usually refers to the execution stack of the environment your code is running in
12:56.37esp|SynBasically. i moved a function call within the called function. lower down
12:56.40esp|Synand now it works
12:57.11Corrodiasi just sneezed
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13:22.53esp|Synwhats the opposite of math.floor
13:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge trouble (
13:47.41esp|Synyeah i got it thnx :)
13:47.58esp|Syni posted my mod at 4am this morning
13:48.08esp|Synits already got 120+ downloads
13:51.18AnduinLotharwhat's it do?
13:56.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:57.14esp|SynJust tracks how much rep you need before you increase standing
13:57.30LegorolSomnifer's reply cracked me up
13:57.35LegorolImo, the OP deserves it
14:02.43zenzelezzquite agree
14:03.36MikmaLegorol: that url you pasted...
14:04.45AnduinLotharHow much rep you need?
14:05.03AnduinLotharcurrLevelMax - CurrRep?
14:34.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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15:12.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
15:12.47Beladonais test down?
15:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:15.03TainDunno, I'm downloading the new test patch right now though.
15:20.34BeladonaI can't seem to
15:20.41Beladonawow web page isn't coming up now
15:20.51Beladonaand it doesn't download when I log in
15:21.31ShadowedBeladona: The test was suppose to come up yesterday but they still had stuff to do, so the ETA is about monday
15:23.01Beladonaso is still the latest ptr right?
15:28.06Shadowedlooks like it
15:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (i=andrew@
16:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Cogwheel (n=chatzill@
16:10.12AnduinLotharyay for virtual outfit inheritance..
16:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:20.21AnduinLotharmorning cair
16:24.15AnduinLotharthis is a nightmare
16:24.49AnduinLothartrying to remember what you were wearing before you entered a plaguezone
16:25.10AnduinLotharand have it work on or off of a mount
16:25.16AnduinLotharbut not swap until you dismount
16:25.39AnduinLotharmy brains are on fire
16:28.28wereHamsteryou have more than one? O.o
16:28.45AnduinLothardon't you?
16:33.19esp|Syn217 downloads of my mod in a little over 12 hours
16:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Atreo (
16:33.44Atreoyo anyone around for brain picking?
16:34.30Cairennfolks are around
16:34.56Atreotrying to create a message frame similar to UiError, but i've no clue how
16:35.02Atreois it something created in the xml or the lua?
16:38.43AnduinLotharmost all blizz frames are xml
16:40.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
16:51.17wereHamsterAoE can be so nice..
16:55.15*** join/#wowi-lounge qw` (
16:56.20ShadowedWhy must drop downs suck so much to work with :/
16:58.10AnduinLotharthey aren't that bad once you get friendly with them
16:58.22AnduinLotharer... nm.. they're horrible
16:58.35ShadowedI've put debug code everywhere and everything says that they are working fine, except the whole thing
17:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge esp|Syn (
17:01.04esp|Syndamnabale thing
17:02.07*** join/#wowi-lounge RelSleep (
17:18.34wereHamsterhyperChipmunk, morning
17:27.31hyperChipmunkwereHamster: aloo!
17:28.07wereHamsterdid you try sending an item CoD while BulkMail is enabled?
17:28.30hyperChipmunki've never used cod O_o
17:30.21wereHamsterI have no idea what it could cause, but this little script also doesn't work:
17:30.28wereHamsterit sends the item, but not CoD
17:31.06hyperChipmunkSendMailMoney sends the money
17:31.35hyperChipmunkthat script would send your money to someone else
17:32.21wereHamsternow if you click the CoD radio button
17:32.46wereHamsteryou can choose whether to send the money or send the item CoD
17:35.36Corrodiaswoo hoo, i made my first wikipedia edit
17:36.10KasoWhat the fuck
17:36.16Corrodiasi switched a link in a medical article from saline (disambiguation page) to saline_(medicine) (the relevant page)
17:36.24Corrodiasi'm so cool
17:36.25KasoPEW had an arg1 ^_-
17:37.11Corrodiasand now i'm in bed. [away]
17:37.26Cideprobably still set from the last event
17:37.33Cideor set by some mod
17:37.52Kasohow odd.
17:38.10Kasoyeh that makes sense though
17:39.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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17:42.13Cairennmorning Iriel
17:44.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
17:45.22IrielI'm likely going to have spotty connectivity for a bit so dont be too surprised if I drop off randomly
17:45.51Cairenngiven the thunderstorm going on here at present, I wouldn't be surprised if I drop as well
17:46.31kaidenHey guys, anyone know of a lua editor with syntax highlighting / auto completion
17:46.35kaidenfor mac osx
17:47.52cladhaireyou could compile scite
17:47.56cladhaireor likely download it.
17:48.23kaidenah ok thanks and i'm assuming it either has it built in or theres an external syntax file i can load
17:48.41cladhaireits a pretty easy format.. and i have a distro for win32.. so i can help you if you need.
17:48.55cladhairei'm sure there are others, but thats' off the top of my head
17:50.23kaidenthanks clad btw, love clique ;)
17:50.31cladhaireglad to hear it
17:50.31kaidenbeen abusing it for writing scripts on my priest
17:50.41cladhaireanything i can provide to make the scripts easier
17:50.46cladhairelike CastSpell, IsBuffActive, etc?
17:51.22kaidenhrmph, that might help others i just use DiscordMacroFunctions by default because it has so many functions i find useful, useitembyname checkforbuff checkfordebuff checkforstatus
17:51.41cladhairei'll take a loolk at em.
17:53.12ag`kaiden, BBEdit
17:53.28kaideni'm trying to stay away from buying more software for the mac
17:53.39kaidenonly had it 2 months and i've already spent like 600 bucks on software
17:57.49cladhairewhat did you buy?
17:58.04cladhairei'm waiting for the tower
17:59.46kaidenfor imac? 20" WideScreen iMac Intel Dual Core 2.1ghz w/2gb of ram
18:00.12cladhairevery cool
18:00.17cladhairei'm waiting for WWDC
18:00.40cladhaireand then i'll probably snag the tower
18:02.37kaideni am happy i got the imac, i take it back and forth to work even though it's a bit heavy (not as heavy as a tower would have been though :)
18:02.49cladhaireto work? lol
18:04.03kaidenyeah it's my home toy but i bring it into the office to expand my abilities, thanks to microsoft having nifty software out for osx like remote desktop connection manager
18:11.27Kasowtf, since 1.11.2 we can replace Sound files in teh data folder ^_-
18:15.31KasoI wonder if model replacing works again
18:22.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kebinusan (
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18:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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19:26.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
19:34.50ElkanoDolby-wowi, are you there?
19:45.09KirkburnIsn't it an odd realisation when you notice that nearly all fairy tales are sick, twisted, immoral and usually contain maniacs? Take Peter Pan for example (film on atm) - he's not a nice person :/
19:45.58Elkanodoesn't that make them even better?
19:46.34esp|Synany warlock here?
19:46.39KirkburnCinderella and Rumplestiltskin are actually very rude, but no-one notices
19:46.54KirkburnI'm a warlock
19:47.04ElkanoRumplestiltskin? ZOMG ^^
19:47.14esp|Synwana explain to me how the whole "Soul shard" thing works
19:47.52KirkburnNow, I hate to destroy iddylic images ... but just think of the name and what it could be referring to :) The girl sits on a stick, remember.
19:48.02Elkanoyou drain them from dieing creatures and use them as reagents for some spells
19:48.04KirkburnSome lock spells require soul shards to cast them
19:48.16KirkburnPet summons and some especially powerful spells
19:48.45KirkburnYou cast a channeled DoT on creatures - if they die whilst it's active, you get the shard
19:48.56esp|Synthat makes much more sence
19:49.05esp|Synsomeone wants a mod to log "soul shard killed mobs"
19:49.24esp|Synand i got confused thinking soul shard was an attack
19:49.51Kirkburn(also, for cinderella, it wasn't originally a glass slipper, it was a fur slipper. The prince checked out fur slippers. What does that suggest to you? :O )
19:50.20esp|Synand lazy sundays
19:50.35esp|Synwhy.. whats it suggest to YOU?
19:50.47KirkburnMuch the same thing
19:51.21KirkburnStrange that he wants to log mobs that return soul shards - it shows that anyway in the general log
19:51.39Kirkburn(it comes up as loot)
19:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
19:52.04esp|SynYou know the "book of the dead" mod
19:52.25KirkburnCome across a few times, never really looked at it though
19:52.28esp|Synhe wants something like that, but only for those kills that give a soulshard
19:52.47KirkburnSounds pointless
19:53.13KirkburnI mean, who cares where you get soul shards from :/
19:53.35KirkburnIt's entirely the choice of the warlock when he gets them
19:55.26esp|Synno sure why
19:55.40esp|Synbasically just loggin when where and what the shards came from
20:00.15esp|Synwhat the hell is UICentral?
20:22.59KirkburnA way of updating addons quickly
20:28.00esp|Synahh lazy persons thing then
20:28.14esp|Synsomeone bitching my mod is .rar because UICentral dosnt support .rar
20:36.21esp|Synanyone watching csi on 5?
20:42.44Kirkburn*Amazing* underwater creature pics:
20:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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21:06.36esp|Syngah . if i knew how to write xml for wow
21:06.42esp|Syni could make much better addons :/
21:07.57Kasodont worry, the really leet coders dont use Xml :>
21:08.40LegorolKaso: but the really really leet coders know that XML is powerful and has its purpose, and use it when necessary
21:09.07Kasoha :>
21:09.08Legorolyou only reach the supremacy of leetness when you know how to use every feature available, and more importantly know when to use it
21:09.17esp|Synbut im neither a "really leet coder" nor even a "fair decent coder"
21:09.29Legorolesp|Syn: maybe i can help you with the XML?
21:09.31esp|Synim a "Almost able" coder without a clue about xml :P
21:09.37Legoroli'm not really really leet, but i know about the XML ;_)
21:09.55Legoroland, unlike other leet coders here, prefer that to doing stuff in Lua :)
21:10.31esp|SynWell. im trying to make a frame to display a scrollable list of names, with several columns of information about each name
21:10.42esp|Synand possibly a sort and search feature
21:10.51esp|Synupto now.. i have a frame
21:10.53esp|Synits square
21:11.09esp|Synwell.. more rectangle
21:12.39Legorolthat's a start ;-)
21:12.54esp|Synit even has a scrollbar
21:13.08Legorolalthough it probably shouldn't be the frame that you attach the scrollbar to
21:13.22Legoroli'd take a look at the code for frames such as the guild tab
21:13.25Legorolin the default UI
21:13.36Legorolthat has the kind of structure you want: columns, headers, sorting, scrolling
21:21.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
21:23.33esp|Synargh its not in the friends frame aint it?
21:23.39Legorolit is
21:23.51Legorolin summary, the structure is this:
21:23.58LegorolThere's a GuildFrame
21:24.16LegorolThen there are two sub-frames, GuildPlayerStatusFrame and GuildStatusFrame
21:24.20Legorolthese two are almost identical,
21:24.36Legorolone's used when you want to display name/rank/label etc.
21:24.45Legorolthe other is used when you switch over to displaying name/zone/ etc.
21:24.50Legorolbut their structure is similar
21:25.01Legorollet's take, for example, GuildStatusFrame
21:25.27Legorolthis frame is anchored to the GuildFrame and has, as its children, the column headers
21:25.42Legorole.g. GuildFrameGuildStatusColumnHeader1
21:26.02Legorolit also has, as its children, the set of buttons that are used as entries in the scrollable list
21:26.07LegorolGuildFrameGuildStatusButton1 etc.
21:26.28Legorolthe scrollable list is done with a different widget though, namely GuildListScrollFrame
21:26.43LegorolGuildListScrollFrame is a widget of type ScrollFrame, anchored relative to GuildFrame
21:26.48Legorolit inherits FauxScrollFrameTemplate
21:27.13LegorolFauxScrollFrames are used when you want to create a scrollable list of items
21:27.21esp|Synyep done that
21:27.22esp|Synused the tutorial
21:27.54Legorolin the case of the guild frame, the GuildListScrollFrame is used to implement the scrollbar, the current ofset etc.
21:28.02Legorolthe main trick is as follows:
21:28.23Legorolyou have the set of Buttons, GuildFrameGuildStatusButton1, GuildFrameGuildStatusButton2 etc. which are permanently and statically anchored to the GuildFrame
21:28.27Legorolone below the other
21:28.33Legorolhowever, their *contents* changes
21:28.54Legorolas you scroll the scrollbar of the GuildListScrollFrame, the GuildStatus_Update() function gets called
21:29.21LegorolGuildStatus_Update queries the GuildListScrollFrame for the current scroll offset, and fills in the GuildFrameGuildStatusButtonX elements appropriately
21:30.20LegorolSorting is implemented via the column headers, which have OnClick methods
21:30.28esp|Synhrm see
21:30.48*** part/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
21:30.55Legorolbasically most of the gruntwork is done in GuildStatus_Update
21:31.15esp|Synthe ways the tutorial does it, uses an array of values, and the buttons on the scrollbar move the offset, and the offset becomes the elements of the array displayed
21:31.25Legorolits that function's responsibility to fill in the contents of the GuildFrameGuildStatusButtonX objects depending on what the current sorting is, and what the current scroll offset is
21:31.54Legorolesp|Syn: which tutorial?
21:32.19esp|Synfrom wow wiki
21:34.52Legorolright, i see it
21:35.00Legorolyeah that tutorial is saying the same thing
21:37.32Legorolesp|Syn: so what are you stuck on in particular
21:40.49esp|Synnot so much stuck on anything
21:41.10esp|Syni just didnt know what to do, to make the frame
21:41.15KirkburnWow, 1.12 is tiny - only 11.5Mb
21:46.51Elkanowell, almost no new data, neither zones nor items
21:48.01KirkburnIt's somewhat evident now that they're working on the expansion :P
21:48.32KirkburnMy guess is we'll be seeing a beta test in maybe 2 months
21:52.05KirkburnI'm intrigued by this: "New floating combat text has been added to the game with a number of options. You can see when you take damage, when you are healed and how much, when you acquire and lose auras and much more. You can turn on the new options in the newly revised options screen."
21:52.15KirkburnIt's effectively sct, no?
21:53.13KirkburnVery nice change, imo :)
21:56.19Elkanobut I still hope for a CTA style Blizzard addon
22:00.36KirkburnBack to D2 ... see if I can finish Act 2 today
22:04.15esp|SynYou know
22:04.24esp|Synbasically blizzard are making the popular mods
22:04.27esp|Synand interigrating them
22:04.34esp|Synthere doing it to CT_Raid
22:04.50esp|Synthat.. was a god awful spelling even for me
22:04.58Gryphenmakes sense, there is a reason they are popular
22:05.12esp|SynAnd its better all round
22:05.20esp|Synintigrated run faster and smoother... sometimes
22:07.30esp|Synyou coding Guru's need to write more tutorials and how to's
22:07.31esp|Synyou know
22:10.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano^wtf (
22:14.23MikkActually, nearly nothing that blizzard makes is automagically faster or smoother. They're coding it in Lua, same as us.
22:15.04MikkGranted, they can do _some_ stuff that we'll never be able to, like decide to put icons over the heads of mobs =)
22:15.31esp|Synand use function restricted from us
22:15.44Gryphenthat is what he said :D
22:15.57esp|Synwrite new functions within the code too
22:16.02ShadowedMikk: or add a new event that makes it faster/easier to do combat log parsing
22:16.46esp|Synbut then. im not sure hell good blizzard are at actually Implamenting things well
22:16.49Mikkactually, the new SCT-alike is probably faster. they probably did that bit in C, since they already have it for the stuff that goes over mobs' heads
22:17.15ShadowedWell, they also don't have to do a lot of string searching since they basically built it in with COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE
22:17.20esp|Synnot that it will make that much diffrence to the average user
22:17.40esp|Synthat reminds me FACTION_UPDATE
22:17.49esp|Syndoes that event not work anymore or something?
22:17.55MikkHow so?
22:18.20esp|Synwell its supposed to trigger whenever reputation with a faction changes
22:18.22esp|Synbut.. it dosnt
22:18.43esp|Synor actually
22:18.53esp|Synthat could be titan panel fucxoring it over
22:19.10esp|Synive grown a new hatred for TP
22:19.27esp|SynThinking of getting one of those cool interface things with the central hud
22:19.41Mikkit is prudent to watch what you're saying about addons in this channel =P
22:19.53Mikkyou never know whose author might be listening
22:20.06esp|Synif the TP author is here
22:20.11esp|Synthen id love to have a word with him :/
22:20.37esp|Synbut from what i hear
22:20.43esp|Synthe original author is dead or summat
22:20.45Elkano^wtfdoes TP's author still play WoW at all?
22:20.52esp|Syni dont think so
22:21.10esp|Synhence why its so hard for new developers to write addons for it... no docs :(
22:21.23ShadowedIt can't be *that* bad
22:21.42esp|Synit can
22:21.58esp|SynALOT of custom "Required" functions
22:22.06Elkano^wtfif we all stop supporting TP, maybe they'll all turn over to FuBar... ;)
22:22.07esp|Synwith little or no documentation
22:22.25ShadowedI'd write some stuff for FuBar if i had a reason to :p
22:22.32Shadowedi pretty much deleted titan panel after about an hour of using it though
22:22.37esp|Synive never used it
22:22.50esp|Synits the best ive used so far
22:23.04esp|Synand i have this annoying thing were i hate too much change at once
22:26.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
22:27.19Tupladhow do I add GetComboPoints() >= 1 to ?
22:27.29Tuplad"if ( UnitMana("player") >= 35 ) then" in that :D
22:27.46Shadowedif( UnitMana("player") >= 35 and GetComboPoints() >= 1 ) then
22:28.43Shadowedthats what i'm guessing he was wondering
22:29.31esp|Synso glad i took the time to read that
22:29.57esp|Synat first glace. i thought it said "feels a bit of siemen coming out but suppresses it"
22:30.22Mikkaye, one of these days i'm going to start spouting consumer electronics
22:30.51Mikkpurl, emulate Saien
22:30.53purlSlash commands are ameturish.
22:31.21Mikkgrrr.. purl's gotten a spam filter =(
22:32.29esp|Synwho wrote purl?
22:33.54purlmethinks help is /msg purl help
22:34.07purlpaper, I win.
22:34.22Endyou chated!
22:34.29Endsame difference
22:35.49Mikkpurl, nickometer #wowi-lounge
22:36.13MikkWonder what that means =)
22:36.39esp|Syn~crypt 694 coded
22:37.22Wobin~help nickometer
22:37.36WobinDesc: Measures the lame-ness of a nick or channel
22:37.51MikkWhoa. Nickometer for Mikk1 is 22%.
22:37.55Wobin~nickometer Wobin
22:38.14End~nickometer End
22:38.21esp|Syn~nickometer esp|Syn
22:38.35Mikk~nickometer Mikk
22:38.37EndI think it just checks for non-alpha characters
22:38.37esp|Synodd its changed since last report
22:38.49Endfor example:
22:38.51esp|Synodd its changed since last report
22:38.51Wobin~nickometer Wobin_
22:38.53esp|Syn~nickometer esp|Syn
22:38.59End~nickometer )(*#
22:39.01MikkThat doesn't explain why Mikk1 and Mikk2 gets different scores.
22:39.16Wobin~nickometer )
22:39.19MikkPerhaps 1 is lamer than 2?
22:39.23Wobin~nickometer 1
22:39.29Wobin~nickometer 2
22:39.37esp|Syn~nickometer purl
22:39.46EndI think it's based on chance to appear in leet-speak
22:39.51MikkYeah probably
22:39.53Mikk~nickometer 7
22:40.00Mikk~nickometer 5
22:40.00Endso the more "leet", the more lame
22:40.04Shadowed|nax!nickometor 3
22:40.05esp|Syn~nickometer 1337
22:40.09Shadowed|nax~nickometor 3
22:40.25ckknightwhat's the nickometer measure?
22:40.27Wobin~nickometer 1337
22:40.34WobinDesc: Measures the lame-ness of a nick or channel
22:40.47Mikk~nickometer ...
22:40.53Wobin~nickometer ckknight
22:41.01ckknight~nickometer Wobin
22:41.15ckknighthow does one become unlame?
22:41.17Mikkokay.. why is ckknight lame?
22:41.22WobinI have no idea =)
22:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
22:41.25Mikk~nickometer ckk
22:41.30Mikk~nickometer knight
22:41.32Shadowed|nax~nickometer Shadowed
22:41.36Mikk"knight" is lame =)
22:41.43ckknightit's my name, though
22:41.45snurre~nickometer snurre
22:41.50Mikkckknight: pwnd =)
22:42.18Mikk~nickometer #wowi-lounge
22:42.40Mikmachanserv :D
22:42.59MikkAh ok.. so "blade" and "rabies" and "afk" score high
22:43.05Mikk"away" too
22:43.22Mikkshowering has no penalty though I see =)
22:43.24Wobin~nickometer away
22:43.28Mikmaand using nicks LikeThis
22:43.29Shadowed|nax~nickometer Shadowd
22:43.33Wobin~nickometer |away
22:43.39Shadowed|nax~nickometer away
22:43.41Wobin~nickometer thrae
22:43.43Mikkthat's just the | penalty
22:43.47ckknight~nickometer |
22:43.52Shadowed|nax~nickometer ^
22:43.55snurre~nickometer a
22:43.56Mikk~nickometer ThraeAway
22:43.58Wobin~nickometer thrae|Away
22:44.00ckknight~nickometer _
22:44.04ScytheBlade1~lameometer ckknight
22:44.06Shadowed|naxthey add a 14% penality for !@#$%^&*()_+=-?
22:44.11Wobin~nickometer Thrae|Away
22:44.19Shadowed|nax~nickometer tt
22:44.25Shadowed|nax~nickometer ckk
22:44.26WobinPurl calculates differently
22:44.36ckknightugh, stop
22:44.43ScytheBlade1purl and who?
22:45.02Mikkmaybe in-channel lameness is something else entirely?
22:45.24Mikkhas to be
22:45.39Shadowed|naxisn't the source code for purl up somewhere?
22:45.44kergothits just a blootbot.
22:45.49purlibot is, like, a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
22:45.52purli guess blootbot is an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or,.  I am a blootbot
22:47.47purlpurl is probably not one of the smart ones
22:48.06esp|Synyou heard it here first
22:52.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Tuplad (
22:54.33Thrae|AwayCan anyone recommend a non-mass multiplayer game that's similiar to World of Warcraft?
22:54.50Shadowed|naxscreenshots of world of warcraft
22:55.23MikkWoW on a hacked server?
22:55.27Thrae|AwayIt's for my little brother, he needs a faster system of progression then WoW can provide.
22:55.38AnduinLotharO.o faster
22:55.54Shadowed|naxhacked WoW server
22:56.02AnduinLotharWoW's the fastest addicting game ont he market...
22:56.22AnduinLotharhow fast does he need it? 5min thrill then it's done?
22:57.18MikkSounds like some form of FPS
22:57.24LegorolThrae, how about an RPG
22:57.30Legorole.g. NVN
22:57.31Legoroli mean NWN
22:57.43esp|Synoh i dunno it takes more than 6 hours to complete ( lvl 60 ) the game so its better than most crap they produce now
22:57.50esp|Syntry Warcraft 3
22:58.18esp|Synwouldnt bother with nwn
22:58.19LegorolThrae|Away, did you mean: (non-mass) multiplayer game
22:58.20esp|Synwait for nwn2
22:58.25Legorolnon-(mass multiplayer) game
22:58.40Thrae|AwayI meant multiplayer, not not mass-multiplayer.
22:58.41Legorolnwn2 isn't done by bioware
22:58.43Legorolso i don't trust it
22:58.56Thrae|AwaySomeone suggested Dungeon Seige 2 and I think it's a good idea.
22:59.00esp|Synbioware fucked up on the first massivly
22:59.09AnduinLothar... Titan Quest..
22:59.11esp|Synits being done by the guys who took over and did KATOR 2
22:59.20Thrae|AwayDungeon Seige is like a 3D Diablo, but without the satantic rituals and overflow of blood and gore.
22:59.21esp|Synneed say no more
22:59.27esp|SynDS is shit
22:59.30esp|Synsame as DS 2
22:59.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
22:59.43MikkCan you give us an age for your little brother? =)
22:59.45Legorolesp|Syn: you need to say more, because i have no idea what Kator 2 is
22:59.55esp|SynKnights of the old republic
23:00.02esp|Synone of the best RPG's around
23:00.04Thrae|AwayMy little brother is 8, right now he's playing WoW and making a NEW character each time he plays, because he likes to level up quickly.
23:00.05KirovThat'd be KotoR
23:00.26esp|Synyep my bad
23:00.26Legorolso you want something with fast level progression
23:00.29Thrae|AwayHe wants me to play with him, and after a while it drives me a little insane having to start over from Level 1 on a different server each time
23:00.29esp|Synalways do that :(
23:00.30Legorolbut you want it RPG?
23:01.01Thrae|AwayYeah, he likes RPGs.
23:01.07Legorolhm, where's Kirkburn
23:01.07esp|Synwow really isnt for the 8 year old anyway
23:01.12gnorlishgive him a damn book
23:01.14esp|Synthe internet isnt for 8 year olds tbh
23:01.15gnorlishor read it to him
23:01.23Legorolwhat's wrong with the internet
23:01.26Legorolyou can use it at any age
23:01.31esp|Synits the people on thats wrong
23:01.31Legorol*some content* isn't for 8 year olds
23:01.32KirovGo get Kingdom Hearts
23:01.33Legorolor some people
23:01.36Thrae|AwayMy little brother likes WoW because I don't live with him, so we can play together over the Internet.
23:01.45kergothmy brother was splattering the hell out of imps at age 4, and he seems to have turned out fine :P
23:01.53esp|SynWell you could try NWN
23:01.53kergoth(doom 1)
23:01.55KirovThere's also a Disney MMO
23:01.56esp|Synits faster to level
23:02.06esp|Synbut id suggest a custom campeign
23:02.16esp|Synthat or Baulders Gate(sp?)
23:02.18MikkSo the catch is that you want to be able to stand playing it also? =)
23:02.26Thrae|AwayNWN might be a little too involved
23:02.28Legorolesp|Syn: did you sort out your scroll frame?
23:02.34Thrae|AwayMikk: Yes ;)
23:02.38esp|SynNo Legorol ive given up for a while
23:02.45Legorolwell the problem with any RPG is that the progression slows
23:02.47Legorolno matter what you do
23:02.48esp|Syni have near 300 downloads today only
23:02.52esp|Synand 4 comments :/
23:02.55Legorolthe rate of leveling per unit time always decays, in any game
23:03.00Kirovesp|Syn - Didn't you have the scroll frame working already?
23:03.02esp|Synso ill wait to see what people say
23:03.15esp|SynKirov yes. a basic one, i was planning to improve it
23:03.17esp|Synbut it can wait
23:03.20Thrae|AwayThat's true Legorol, but the difference with a non-mass multiplayer game is that the story really does revolve around you
23:03.38MikkDuke Nukem!
23:03.38esp|Synthats why i prefer online RPG's
23:03.44esp|Synfar more fun being the underdog
23:03.50kergothyay duke nukem
23:03.54esp|Synhence why im a Gnome
23:04.01LegorolThrae|Away: any classic RPG, like icewind dale, baldur's gate, etc.
23:04.04Legorolhow about thosse?
23:04.04kergothnothing like freezing a player who was flying around, and watching him fall and shatter
23:04.07Thrae|AwayI like both, myself. Sometimes it's good to play out a story.
23:04.19Legorolesp|Syn: how are the Gnomes underdogs?
23:04.25Legorolthey are no different than any other race
23:04.25Thrae|AwayLegorol: What's wrong with Dungeon Seige 2? I was hoping to keep it 3D.
23:04.29esp|SynHave u seen a Gnome :/
23:04.32Legoroltbh, there isn't much racial difference in WoW
23:04.35KirovTrolls seem like more of the underdogs of wow to me
23:04.36Mikktry saying that when you've gone instancing with a gnome
23:04.37Legoroli play a Gnome all the time
23:04.45Legorolmy highest level char is a Gnome
23:04.49esp|Synso is mine
23:04.51Mikki get soooooo sick of seeing people's asses all the time
23:04.53esp|Synlvl 38 :/
23:05.04Legorolwell i have the camera zoomed out anyway
23:05.07esp|SynGnomes are "hated" by the "pro gamers"
23:05.07Legorolno matter what char i'm playing
23:05.11Legoroli need to have a wide FOV
23:05.13Mikkdoesn't work very well in close quarters lego =)
23:05.24Mikkyou still get the camera bumped up close and get to watch asses
23:05.33Thrae|AwayGnomes...*looks at the levels of creatures in Gnomergan* *looks at the high-level Gnome players and NPCs* ...are stupid.
23:05.37Legoroli never found it a problem
23:05.37esp|Synwhat the **** is with the gnome mount :O
23:05.42KirovTrolls are the least played class in WoW
23:05.49Mikki wouldn't know. my gnome is a warlock =)
23:05.51esp|Synblizz serious took the p***
23:05.58Legorolesp|Syn: i love my mount
23:06.06Kirovorcs, dwarves, and gnomes come in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
23:06.18esp|Syna mechanical ostridge...
23:06.19Legorolwhat's the first? NE?
23:06.29esp|SynTauren Shamens
23:06.37esp|SynTHE played class
23:06.39esp|Syncos its a walkover
23:06.42LegorolTauren Shamen is not a race
23:06.47*** join/#wowi-lounge netcurse (
23:06.54esp|Synmight as ***ing well be
23:07.00KirovHumans, Elves, Undead, Taurens
23:07.16esp|Synseems 60% of horde are Tauren shammys, 40% are undead rouges
23:07.26esp|Synrare to see anything else
23:07.30Legorolthe key word here is *seems*
23:07.36Legorolbecause your perceptive is biased
23:07.39Legorolwithout hard numbers :)
23:07.45esp|Synwell of course its not the real stats!
23:07.46Thrae|Awayesp|Syn: No wonder the Horde says they have "raiding problems vs Alliance"!
23:07.47AnduinLotharand the silliest story line... undead priests
23:07.50KirovFemale Tauren Rogues are very very rare
23:07.54KirovYou never see them coming
23:07.56Legorol80% of stats are made up on the spot
23:07.57Legorolincluding this one
23:08.06Mikk99.9% of all statistics are lies
23:08.14Legorolbeat ya, Mikk ;-)
23:08.22Thrae|AwayTAUREN Rogues? To quote a CM - "clomp clomp clomp BACKSTAB clomp clomp clomp..."
23:08.23LegorolKirov: i don't trust census sites, tbh
23:08.45WobinI'd love a tauren rogue =)
23:08.52esp|Synnope im sorry
23:08.54Legorolgive me Gnome Priest!
23:08.55Wobin"One that moos in the night"
23:08.57esp|Syn5% shaman? no way
23:09.50Mikkyou've got to remember that only one side has shamans
23:09.54esp|Synwould u look at that
23:10.05esp|Syn100% of Taurens are taurens
23:10.06KirovWarlocks are the least played class
23:10.14esp|Synnever expected that
23:10.18Thrae|AwayAccording to census, Kirov?
23:10.19KirovIf you count shamans and paladins as "one"
23:10.26esp|SynWarlocks kick the crap outa me
23:10.31Thrae|AwayI would have thought Druids were the least played class.
23:10.35esp|Synbut apprently end game there crap
23:10.40Kirovah, druids are lower
23:10.49KirovThey weren't last time I looked
23:10.51Thrae|AwayDruids only got buffs recently, so not a lot of people have high-level Druids.
23:11.12esp|Synim a gnome mage
23:11.16KirovI'm a hunter, the #1 played class
23:11.17Thrae|AwayThe old end-game Druid was basically a healbot.
23:11.19KirovI feel durty
23:11.20esp|Synand im not really enjoying it that much
23:11.26esp|Synbut i REALLY cant be assed to re-level
23:11.39KirovTo level 37?
23:11.42Mikk50 lock, 60 lock, 60 paladin, 51 rogue
23:11.46esp|Syn38 please
23:11.57KirovGetting to level 40 takes like 5 days
23:12.03LegorolKirov: where di you see locks being the lowest played?
23:12.04esp|Synive played 8
23:12.07Thrae|AwayKirov: Not for me!
23:12.09esp|Synthats time actually ingame
23:12.12Legorolon my screen it's on 10%
23:12.15esp|Syni HATE grinding
23:12.20esp|Synits bores the shit out of me
23:12.21KirovLegorol - on census, but a while ago
23:12.26MikkLegorol: what's lower?
23:12.27Legorolthen check now
23:12.32Thrae|AwayI've been playing for about 1.5 years now and my highest is Level 49.
23:12.46Legorolthat's not that funny
23:12.51Legorola few weeks ago, that'd have been beating me
23:13.00KirovMy girlfriend has 5 60s
23:13.03Thrae|AwayHigh-level Paladins come from when they used to be super-awesome
23:13.04Legoroli'd been playing since US stress test, and my highest is 55
23:13.24Thrae|AwayAnd the Paladin description SOUNDS super-awesome
23:13.31AnduinLotharI haven't leveld in a year and a half
23:13.39Thrae|AwayThen they stayed in a state of nerfdom for a while
23:13.43esp|SynI need someone to level me :(
23:13.50Thrae|Awayesp|Syn: Ni hao?
23:13.56Legorolwell right now, the lowest is druids, if you add shamen and palas together
23:14.19KirovTo quote the blizzard designer in charge of paladins, "I hate paladins"
23:14.19Thrae|AwayPaladins are lower then Druids?
23:14.28Wobinwei ni hao
23:14.32Legorolbut not if you take pala+shaman
23:14.42LegorolKirov: please do quote..
23:14.45Legorolbut link as well ;_)
23:14.50MikkPaladins are problematic, certainly
23:15.03Legorolwhat's the problem with them? too strong? too weak?
23:15.05MikkPlate + healing .... can't ever have dps
23:15.08MikkAlways boring
23:15.16Legorolhm.. i only played a pala up to 19
23:15.17Kirovbah, I forget the link
23:15.18Legorolbut it was fun
23:15.23Legoroland it leveled a lot faster than warrior
23:15.25MikkYeah but it stops being fun right around there =)
23:15.31KirovPaladins suck starting around level 25
23:15.36Kirovbut are still good
23:15.38Legorolcan't be as bad as warrior
23:15.45Kirovat level 60 you crap out
23:15.45zesprimy paladin stopped being fun at lvl 10
23:15.46MikkI'd have stopped sooo many times if I wasn't dead set lon showing certain priests in my guild that a paladin could outheal them by at least a factor of 2
23:15.53AnduinLotharpallies are awsome if you have a year+ of gear
23:15.54zespriactually it never started being fun
23:16.04Thrae|AwayThe Paladin, by design, is problematic. Paladins wear plate all the time and have powerful bubbles and can wear shields, so they can't DPS nearly as well as the Warriors they're suppose to be emulating.
23:16.07Legoroli think with palas you really ahve to know what you are doing
23:16.16Legoroli have a friend, lvl 60 pala, doing MC/BWL etc.
23:16.24Legorolso he knows at least a bit what he's talking about
23:16.32AnduinLothari'm doign mc/bwl
23:16.33Legorolhe has shown me what a pala can do in terms of DPS
23:16.41Thrae|AwayDruids have it a lot better because they can't heal in their melee DPS forms, and their most powerful DPS form leaves them with less protection then a Rogue
23:16.52MikkYeah they can go upwards of 200dps
23:17.02MikkWhich is what a magister-wearing mage does
23:17.02KirovLegorol - At the beginning of a run, the paladin class leader tells each of them what they should be buffing.
23:17.05KirovIf you miss that, you're fucked.
23:17.08MikkBut at the same equipment level, DPS classes do 400+
23:17.11AnduinLotharMy and my other pally friend in dps gear can top the charts if we try
23:17.19KirovSo, yeah, I agree, a paladin has to know what he's doing.
23:17.30MikkAnduinLothar: You need to get better DPSers then =P
23:17.54Legorolok watch this:
23:17.56Thrae|AwayThat's one of the things I like about World of Warcraft -- if you have the skill and gear, basically any class can get pretty high on the damage charts. It's not just about the gear, it's also about skill and how you manage your talents.
23:18.02Legorolfrom 18 minutes into the video
23:18.04Legorolit starts getting fun
23:18.10MikkThen again, if we're talking about total dps over e.g. a?n MC run.... yeah, just actually always hitting something makes all the difference
23:18.11Thrae|AwayIt's like every class is a hybrid, compared to games like EQ or DAoC.
23:18.14KirovWhere's the paladin vs. Kassak video?
23:18.33Legorolwell based on what i saw my friend do with a pala, how good you are depends on how well you know the class
23:18.43Legoroli think compared to rogues, palas are probably lot more complicated to play well
23:18.48Thrae|AwayOld-school RPGs, you're a Priest, you heal and maybe buff and that's ALL you do.
23:18.49AnduinLothardamn strait
23:18.57AnduinLotharknife in, knife out
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23:19.08Legorolmy impression of WoW is that all classes are good
23:19.18Legorolbut different classes are different in terms of how difficult it is to play good
23:19.25MikkLegorol: A guildie paladin with Sulfuras did semidecent damage, aye.... but, like I said.. it was in the 200dps neighborhood
23:19.27Thrae|AwayI think that can be said about a lot of classes, Legorol. Rogues, Shamans, and Mages, in my opinion, have it pretty good in PvE and PvP.
23:19.27Legorolsome are easier to get most out of
23:19.40Thrae|AwayMake that Rogues, Shamans, Mages, and Warriors.
23:19.41MikkAnd it's a bloody legendary weapon =P
23:20.02Legorolok, the link i linked.. have a look at that video from 20 minutes onwards
23:20.58Kirovstealth paladin?
23:22.14Legorolin rogue set
23:26.35KirovThe huge strenths of a paladin are that a) his spell attacks can't be resisted (apart from level), and b) he can stun fairly efficently
23:27.31Kirovneither of which are particularly useful in a raiding situation where nothing can be stunned (until AQ40) and their dps is still a lot lower than other classes so their healing is prefered.
23:27.32Endpaladins have good survability too
23:27.56KirovYes, that is a strength that is useful for both pvp and pve
23:28.08KirovPaladin vs. Paladin duels are the funniest things to watch
23:28.16AnduinLothar:) even better 1hing
23:28.56AnduinLotharesp in healing gear
23:29.33AnduinLotharI once dueled a fellow pally in healign gear... lasted 15 min before we had to go to a raid
23:30.01Kirov - favorite paladin dps video
23:30.21AnduinLotharesp if your mp5 is higher than their dps. you can just heal indefinitely
23:30.31AnduinLotharconc aura
23:31.02KirovI watched a paladin vs. paladin and a druid vs. druid fight at the same time
23:31.09Kirovthe druids finished up after 15 minutes
23:31.15Kirovthe paladins gave up after half an hour
23:31.49Endas a druid, I dueled another druid and it last a half an hour
23:32.09Endusually druid on druid is closer to 15 minutesish though
23:35.41Kirovis SendAddonMessage in 0.12, and is it SendAddon or SendAddOn?
23:36.45Legorolwow, i can reproducibly crash IE 6 using the beta wow forums
23:39.05Gryphenyes in 1.12 and lowercase
23:39.42KirovGryphen - he was in here shortly after that post and said he might change it.
23:39.56Grypheni read he wasnt
23:40.04esp|Synjust rolled a nelf priest
23:41.40esp|Syngoing to play cs
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23:42.31MikkHaha, that dude looks like a pally in my guild
23:42.39MikkHe's really a PvE player but argh when he goes PvP
23:43.10Mikk"Uhh, dude, that was a warrior and a druid at full health... and you're still standing?"   "They couldn't play."
23:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Krishnak (
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